State Rural Development Advisory Council.

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§ 23.4 State Rural Development Advisory Council.

(a) The chief administrative officer of the administratively responsible State Land Grant University will appoint a State Rural Development Advisory Council with membership as set forth in section 504(e) of title V. The function of the Council shall be to review and approve annual program plans conducted under title V. The Council will also advise the chief administrative officer on all matters pertaining to the authorized programs.

(b) The Chairman of the State Rural Development Advisory Council will insure that programs proposed under title V including regional programs applicable within the State are not inconsistent with and are, to a maximum extent practicable, in consonance with other rural development programs and activities approved in that State.

(c) Those elements of the research and extension plan which would impact directly on rural development activities being developed or pursued by States will be considered jointly by the State Rural Development Advisory Council and appropriate State agencies to assure a constructive reinforcement of those State activities.

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