A person seeking certification of a production or handling operation under this subpart must submit an application for certification to a certifying agent. The application must include the following information:
(a) An organic production or handling system plan, as required in § 205.200;
(b) The name of the person completing the application; the applicant's business name, address, and telephone number; and, when the applicant is a corporation, the name, address, and telephone number of the person authorized to act on the applicant's behalf;
(c) The name(s) of any organic certifying agent(s) to which application has previously been made; the year(s) of application; the outcome of the application(s) submission, including, when available, a copy of any notification of noncompliance or denial of certification issued to the applicant for certification; and a description of the actions taken by the applicant to correct the noncompliances noted in the notification of noncompliance, including evidence of such correction; and
(d) Other information necessary to determine compliance with the Act and the regulations in this part.