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§ 2018.255 Appeals.

If all or any part of an initial request is denied, it may be appealed in accordance with 7 CFR 1.7 to that particular Agency possessing the documents. Please select the appropriate Agency to forward your FOIA appeal from the following addresses: Administrator, Rural Housing Service, Room 5014, AG Box 0701, 14th & Independence Avenue, SW. - South Building, Washington, DC 20250-0701; Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Room 5045, AG Box 3201, 14th & Independence Avenue, SW. - South Building, Washington, DC 20250-3201 and Administrator, Rural Utilities Service, Room 4501, AG Box 1510, 14th & Independence Avenue, SW. - South Building, Washington, DC 20250-1510. The phrase “FOIA APPEAL” should appear on the front of the envelope in capital letters.

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