The Agency will allocate funds to the States each Federal fiscal year for the programs identified in this section using the procedures specified in paragraph (a) of this section. If the Agency determines that it will not allocate funds to the States for a program identified in this section in a particular Federal fiscal year, the Agency will announce this decision in a notice published in the Federal Register. The conditions under which the Agency will not allocate a program's funds to the States are identified in paragraph (b) of this section.
(a) Procedures for allocating funds to the States. Each Federal fiscal year, the Agency will use the amount available to the program and the procedures identified in paragraphs (a)(2) through (10) of this section to determine the amount of program funds to allocate to each of the States. The Agency will make the allocation calculation each Federal fiscal year.
(1) Amount available for allocations. See § 1940.552(a) of this subpart.
(2) Basic formula criteria, data source and weight. See § 1940.552(b) of this subpart.
(i) The criteria used in the basic formula are:
(A) State's percentage of national rural population.
(B) State's percentage of national rural population with incomes below the poverty level.
(C) State's percentage of national nonmetropolitan unemployment.
(ii) The data sources for each of the criteria identified in paragraph (a) of this section are:
(A) For the criterion specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(A), the most recent decennial Census data.
(B) For the criterion specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(B), 5-year income data from the American Community Survey (ACS) or, if needed, other Census Bureau data.
(C) For the criterion specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(C), the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
(iii) Each criterion is assigned a specific weight factor according to its relevance in determining need. The percentage representing each criterion is multiplied by the weight factor and summed to arrive at State Factor (SF). The SF cannot exceed 0.05. The Agency may elect to use different weight factors than those identified in this paragraph by publishing a timely notice in the Federal Register.
SF = (criterion (a)(2)(i)(A) × 25 percent) + (criterion (a)(2)(i)(B) × 50 percent) + (criterion (a)(2)(i)(C) × 25 percent)
(iv) The Agency will recalculate, as necessary, each criterion specified in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section each year. In making these recalculations, the Agency will use the most recent data available to the Agency as of October 1 of the fiscal year for which the Agency is making State allocations. Each criterion's value determined at the beginning of a fiscal year for a program will be used for that entire fiscal year, regardless of when that fiscal year's funding becomes available for the program.
(3) Basic formula allocation. See § 1940.552(c) of this subpart.
(4) Transition formula. The transition provisions specified in § 1940.552(d) of this subpart apply to the programs identified in this section except as follows:
(i) The transition formula will be used only when the weight factors identified in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section are modified; and
(ii) When the transition formula is used, there will be no upper limitation on the amount that a State's allocation can increase over its previous year's allocation and the maximum percentage that funding will be allowed to decrease for a State will be 10 percent from its previous year's allocation.
(5) Base allocations. See § 1940.552(e) of this subpart.
(6) Administrative allocations. See § 1940.552(f) of this subpart. Jurisdictions receiving formula allocations do not receive administrative allocations.
(7) Reserve. See § 1940.552(g) of this subpart.
(8) Pooling of funds. See § 1940.552(h) of this subpart.
(9) Availability of allocation. See § 1940.552(i) of this subpart.
(10) Suballocation by the State Director. Suballocation by the State Director is authorized for each program covered by this section.
(b) Conditions for not allocating program funds to the States. The Agency may elect to not allocate program funds to the States whenever one of the conditions identified in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section occurs.
(1) Funds allocated in a fiscal year to a program identified in this section are insufficient, as provided for in § 1940.552(a) of this subpart.
(2) The Agency determines that it is in the best financial interest of the Federal Government not to make a State allocation for any program identified in this section and that the exercise of this determination is not in conflict with applicable law.
[79 FR 56218, Sept. 19, 2014]