In addition to the terms defined in § 1466.3, the definitions in this section apply to this subpart:
Eligible entity means, as determined by NRCS:
(1) A third-party private entity the primary business of which is related to agriculture;
(2) A nongovernmental organization with experience working with agricultural producers; or
(3) A governmental organization.
Grant agreement means a document describing a relationship between NRCS and a State or local government, or other recipient whenever the principal purpose of the relationship is the transfer of a thing of value to a recipient in order to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal law and substantial Federal involvement is not anticipated.
Grant Review Board consists of representatives of NRCS staff as determined by the Chief.
On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trial (OFCIT) agreement means an agreement that governs the relationship between NRCS and the participant for the purposes of OFCIT implementation. An OFCIT agreement may be between either NRCS and a producer or NRCS and an eligible entity.
On-farm conservation research means an investigation conducted to answer a specified conservation-related question using a statistically valid design, while employing farm-scale equipment on farm fields.
Project means the activities as defined within the scope of the grant agreement or cooperative agreement.
Project director means the individual responsible for the technical direction and management of the project as designated in the application.
Technical Peer Review Panel means a panel consisting of Federal and non-Federal technical advisors who possess expertise in a discipline or disciplines deemed important to provide a technical evaluation of project proposals submitted under the funding opportunity announcement.