(a) Dairy operations must pay an initial administrative fee to CCC in the amount of $100 at the time of initial registration to participate in MPP-Dairy. Each approved participating dairy operation must also pay a $100 administrative fee each year through 2018. Annual administrative fees are due and payable to CCC through the administrative county FSA office no later than the close of business on the last day of the annual election period established by the Deputy Administrator for each applicable calendar year of margin protection coverage under MPP-Dairy. The administrative fee paid is non-refundable.
(b) The required annual administrative fee is per dairy operation. Therefore, multiple dairy producers in a single participating dairy operation are required to pay only one annual administrative fee for the participating dairy operation. Conversely, in the case of a dairy producer that operates more than one dairy operation, each participating dairy operation is required to pay a separate administrative fee annually.
(c) Failure to pay the administrative fee timely will result in loss of margin protection coverage for the applicable calendar year. The payment will still be due, as provided in § 1430.109. However, coverage for the applicable calendar year, at the catastrophic level only, may be reinstated if the administrative fee is paid late, effective the consecutive 2-month period following payment of the late-filed administrative fee plus applicable charges, if any, and submission to FSA of the appropriate CCC form.
[79 FR 51462, Aug. 29, 2014, as amended at 81 FR 21705, Apr. 13, 2016]