(a) To apply for LFP, the participant that suffered eligible grazing losses for the 2019 and subsequent program years must submit a completed application and required supporting documentation, including some supporting documentation such as an acreage report that may have been required at an earlier date, to the administrative FSA county office no later than 30 calendar days after the end of the calendar year in which the grazing loss occurred.
(b) A participant must also provide a copy of the grower contract, if a contract grower, and other supporting documents required for determining eligibility as an applicant at the time the participant submits the completed application for payment. Supporting documents must include:
(1) Evidence of loss;
(2) Evidence that grazing land or pastureland is owned or leased;
(3) A report of acreage according to part 718 of this title for the grazing lands incurring losses for which assistance is being requested under this subpart;
(4) Adequate proof, as determined by FSA that the grazing loss:
(i) Was for the covered livestock;
(ii) If the loss of grazing occurred as the result of a fire, that the:
(A) Loss was due to a fire, and
(B) Participant was prohibited by the Federal agency from grazing the normal permitted livestock on the managed rangeland due to a fire; and
(iii) Occurred in the program year for which payments are being requested;
(5) A farm operating plan, if a current farm operating plan is not already on file in the FSA county office; and
(6) Any other supporting documentation as determined by FSA to be necessary to make a determination of eligibility of the participant. Supporting documents include, but are not limited to: Verifiable purchase and sales records; grower contracts; veterinarian records; bank or other loan papers; written contracts; production records; private insurance documents; sales records; and similar documents determined acceptable to FSA.
{c) [Reserved]
(d) Data furnished by the participant will be used to determine eligibility for program benefits. Furnishing the data is voluntary; however, without all required data, program benefits will not be approved or provided.
[79 FR 21097, Apr. 14, 2014. Redesignated and amended at 83 FR 49467, Oct. 2, 2018; 85 FR 10966, Feb. 26, 2020]