The following definitions apply to MFP. The definitions in part 718 of this title and parts 1400, and 1421 of this section apply, except where they conflict with the definitions in this section.
Application means the MFP application form.
Commodity means an agricultural commodity produced in the United States intended to be marketed for commercial production that has been designated as eligible for payments under MFP.
Crop means the harvested production of a commodity.
Crop year means:
(1) For insurable crops, the crop year as defined according to the applicable crop insurance policy; and
(2) For NAP covered crops, the crop year as provided in part 1437 of this chapter.
NOFA means a notice of funds availability published by CCC in the Federal Register that specifies terms and conditions of MFP that are applicable to a specific commodity.
Producer means a livestock producer, dairy producer, or a producer of a crop as defined in § 718.2 of this title.