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§ 1214.52 Assessments.

(a) The funds to cover the Board's expenses shall be paid from assessments on producers, importers, and donations from any person including those not subject to assessments under this Order, and other funds available to the Board including those collected pursuant to § 1214.62 and subject to the limitations contained therein.

(b) The payment of assessments on domestic Christmas trees that are cut and sold will be the responsibility of the producer who produces the Christmas trees or causes the trees to be cut.

(c) Each importer of Christmas trees shall pay the assessment to the Board on Christmas trees imported for marketing in the United States, through Customs. If Customs does not collect an assessment from an importer, the importer will be responsible for paying the assessment directly to the Board 30 calendar days after importation.

(1) The assessment rate for imported Christmas trees shall be the same or equivalent to the rate for Christmas trees domestically produced in the United States.

(2) The import assessment shall be uniformly applied to imported Christmas trees that are identified by the numbers 0604.91.00.20, 0604.91.00.40, and 0604.91.00.60 in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States or any other numbers used to identify Christmas trees in that schedule.

(3) The assessments due on imported Christmas trees shall be paid when they enter into the United States.

(d) Such assessments shall be levied at an initial rate of 15 cents per Christmas tree domestically produced or imported into the United States. The assessment rate will be reviewed by the Board, after the initial referendum is conducted pursuant to this subpart. The assessment rate may be increased or decreased no more than 2 cents per Christmas tree during the fiscal period. Any change in the assessment rate shall be subject to rulemaking by the Department. The assessment rate shall not exceed 20 cents per Christmas tree, nor shall it be less than 10 cents per Christmas tree, unless a majority of producers and importers approve such other levels of assessment through a referendum conducted pursuant to this subpart.

(e) All assessment payments and reports will be submitted to the office of the Board. All assessment payments are to be received no later than February 15 of the crop year in which they are produced or imported. A late payment charge, may be imposed on any producer or importer who fails to remit to the Board, the total amount for which any such producer or importer is liable on or before the due date established by the Board. In addition to the late payment charge, an interest charge may be imposed on the outstanding amount for which the producer or importer is liable. The rate for late payment and interest charges shall be specified by the Secretary through rulemaking.

(f) Persons failing to remit total assessments due in a timely manner may also be subject to actions under federal debt collection procedures.

(g) The Board may authorize other organizations to collect assessments on its behalf with the approval of the Secretary.

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