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§ 1214.44 Procedure.

(a) At a Board meeting, it will be considered a quorum when a majority of the Board members is present.

(b) All Board members will receive a minimum of 14 days advance notice of all Board and committee meetings, except when emergency circumstances exist and meetings need to be held prior to the advance notice.

(c) Each member of the Board will be entitled to one vote on any matter put to the Board. For any action of the Board to pass, at least a majority of the Board members present must vote in support of such action.

(d) The Board may appoint committees as necessary. It will be considered a quorum at a committee meeting when at least a majority of those appointed to the committee are present. Committees may consist of persons other than Board members, and such persons may vote in committee meetings as the Board shall determine. These committee members shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses, as approved by the Board.

(e) In lieu of voting at a properly convened meeting, and when, in the opinion of the Board's chairperson, such action is considered necessary, the Board may take action by mail, telephone, electronic mail, facsimile, or any other means of communication. Any action taken under this procedure is valid only if:

(1) All members and the Secretary are notified and the members are provided the opportunity to vote;

(2) A majority of the members vote in favor of the action; and

(3) All votes are promptly confirmed in writing and recorded in the Board minutes.

(f) There shall be no voting by proxy.

(g) The chairperson shall be a voting member.

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