Charges and penalties.

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§ 1160.214 Charges and penalties.

(a) Late-payment charge. Any unpaid assessments shall be increased 1.5 percent each month beginning with the day following the date such assessments were due. Any remaining amount due, which shall include any unpaid charges previously made pursuant to this section, shall be increased at the same rate on the corresponding day of each month thereafter until paid. For the purpose of this section, any assessment determined at a date later than prescribed by this subpart because of the failure of a processor to submit a report to the Board when due shall be considered to have been payable by the date it would have been due if the report had been filed when due. The receipt of a payment by the Board will be based on the earlier of the postmark date or the actual date of receipt.

(b) Penalties. The Secretary may assess any person who violates any provision of this subpart a civil penalty of not less than nor more than the minimum and maximum amounts specified in § 3.91(b)(1)(xxxv) of this title for each such violation. In the case of a willful failure to pay an assessment as required by this subpart, in addition to the amount due, the Secretary may assess an additional penalty of not less than nor more than the minimum and maximum amounts specified in § 3.91(b)(1)(xxxv) of this title for each such violation. The amount of any such penalty shall accrue to the United States, which may recover such amount in a civil suit. The remedies provided in this section are in addition to, and not exclusive of, other remedies that may be available by law or in equity.

[58 FR 62503, Nov. 29, 1993, as amended at 70 FR 29579, May 24, 2005]

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