Duties of the Board.

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§ 1160.209 Duties of the Board.

The Board shall have the following duties:

(a) To meet not less than annually, and to organize and select from among its members a chairperson, who may serve for a term of a fiscal period pursuant to § 1160.113, and not more than two consecutive terms, and to select such other officers as may be necessary;

(b) To prepare and submit to the Secretary for approval a budget for each fiscal period of the anticipated expenses and disbursements in the administration of this subpart, including a description of and the probable costs of consumer education, promotion and research projects;

(c) To develop and submit to the Secretary for approval promotion and consumer education, and research plans or projects;

(d) To the extent practicable, carry out consumer education and promotion programs under § 1160.301 in such a manner as to ensure that advertising coverage in each of the regions defined in § 1160.200 is proportionate to funds collected from each such region;

(e) To disseminate information to fluid milk processors or eligible organizations;

(f) To maintain minutes, books and records that accurately reflect all of the acts and transactions of the Board, which shall be available to the Secretary for inspection and audit, and prepare and promptly report minutes of each Board meeting to the Secretary and submit such reports from time to time to the Secretary as the Secretary may prescribe, and to account with respect to the receipt and disbursement of all funds entrusted to it;

(g) To enter into contracts or agreements, with the approval of the Secretary, with such persons and organizations as the Board may approve for the development and conduct of activities authorized under this subpart and for the payment of the cost thereof with funds collected through assessments pursuant to § 1160.211 and income from such assessments. Any such contract or agreement shall provide that:

(1) The contractors shall develop and submit to the Board a plan or project together with a budget(s) showing the estimated cost of such plan or project;

(2) Any such plan or project shall be adopted upon approval of the Secretary; and

(3) The contracting party shall keep accurate records of all of its transactions and make periodic reports to the Board of all activities conducted pursuant to the contract or agreement, and provide accounts of all funds received and expended, and such other reports as the Secretary or the Board may require. The Secretary or employees of the Board periodically may audit the records of the contracting parties;

(h) For the initial fiscal period, the Board shall contract, to the extent practicable and subject to the approval of the Secretary, with an eligible organization to carry out the provisions of this subpart;

(i) To prepare and make public, at least annually, a report of its activities and an accounting for funds received and expended;

(j) To have an audit of its financial statements conducted by a certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, at the end of the first 15 months of the initial fiscal period, at the end of the initial fiscal period, and at least once each fiscal period thereafter as well as at such other times as the Secretary may request, and to submit a copy of each such audit report to the Secretary;

(k) To give the Secretary the same notice of meetings of the Board and committees of the Board, including actions conducted under § 1160.206(b), as is given to such Board or committee members in order that the Secretary, or a representative of the Secretary, may attend such meetings;

(l) To submit to the Secretary such information pursuant to this subpart as may be requested;

(m) The Board shall take reasonable steps to coordinate the collection of assessments, and promotion, education, and research activities of the Board, with the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board established under section 113(b) of the Dairy Production Stabilization Act of 1983 (7 U.S.C. 4504(b)); and

(n) The Board shall conduct advertising using third parties only through contracts which shall prohibit the third party from selling, offering for sale, or otherwise making available advertising time or space to private industry members conducting brand-name advertising which immediately precedes, follows, appears in juxtaposition, or appears in the midst of Board-sponsored advertising.

[58 FR 62503, Nov. 29, 1993, as amended at 61 FR 27003, May 30, 1996; 62 FR 3983, Jan. 28, 1997]

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