Payments to the producer-settlement fund.

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§ 1007.71 Payments to the producer-settlement fund.

Each handler shall make a payment to the producer-settlement fund in a manner that provides receipt of the funds by the market administrator no later than the 12th day after the end of the month (except as provided in § 1000.90). Payment shall be the amount, if any, by which the amount specified in paragraph (a) of this section exceeds the amount specified in paragraph (b) of this section:

(a) The total value of milk of the handler for the month as determined pursuant to § 1007.60; and

(b) The sum of the value at the uniform prices for skim milk and butterfat, adjusted for plant location, of the handler's receipts of producer milk; and the value at the uniform price, as adjusted pursuant to § 1007.75, applicable at the location of the plant from which received of other source milk for which a value is computed pursuant to § 1007.60(e).

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