Accountability measures (season closures).

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§ 660.509 Accountability measures (season closures).

(a) General rule for this subpart. When the directed fishery allocation, incidental allocation, annual catch limit is reached for any CPS species, the fishery for that CPS species will be closed until the beginning of the next fishing period or season. The Regional Administrator shall announce in the Federal Register the date of such closure, as well as any incidental harvest level(s) recommended by the Council and approved by NMFS.

(b) Pacific Sardine. When the allocation and reallocation levels for Pacific sardine in § 660.511(f) through (h) are reached, the Pacific sardine fishery shall be closed until either it re-opens per the allocation scheme in § 660.511(g) and (h) or the beginning of the next fishing season as stated in § 660.510(a). The Regional Administrator shall announce in the Federal Register the date of the closure of the directed fishery for Pacific sardine.

[76 FR 70364, Nov. 14, 2011, as amended at 84 FR 25202, May 31, 2019]

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