Atlantic bluefin tuna means the species Thunnus thynnus found in the Atlantic Ocean.
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) has the same meaning as that term is defined in § 300.321 of this part.
Automated Export System (AES) has the same meaning as that term is defined in § 300.321 of this part.
BCD tag means a numbered tag affixed to a bluefin tuna issued by any country in conjunction with a catch statistics information program and recorded on a BCD or eBCD.
Bigeye tuna means the species Thunnus obesus found in any ocean area.
Bluefin Tuna Catch Document (BCD) means a bluefin tuna catch document issued by a nation implementing the ICCAT bluefin tuna catch documentation program.
BSD tag means a numbered tag affixed to a bluefin tuna issued by any country in conjunction with a catch statistics information program and recorded on a bluefin tuna statistical document (BSD).
CBP means U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security.
CCSBT means the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna established pursuant to the Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna.
Consignment document means either an ICCAT eBCD or paper BCD issued by a nation to comply with the ICCAT bluefin tuna catch documentation program consistent with ICCAT recommendations; or an ICCAT, IATTC, IOTC, or CCSBT statistical document or a statistical document issued by a nation to comply with such statistical document programs.
Consignment documentation programs means the ICCAT, IOTC, IATTC or CCSBT catch document or statistical document programs.
Customs territory of the United States has the same meaning as in 19 CFR 101.1 and includes only the States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Dealer tag means the numbered, flexible, self-locking ribbon issued by NMFS for the identification of Atlantic bluefin tuna sold to a dealer permitted under § 635.4 of this title as required under § 635.5(b) of this title.
Document Imaging System (DIS) means the system established by CBP to receive image files of paper documents in ACE or AES and associate the image files with specific trade transactions.
eBCD means an electronic bluefin tuna catch document (eBCD) generated by the ICCAT eBCD system to track bluefin tuna catch and trade as specified in ICCAT recommendations.
eBCD system is the ICCAT electronic system for creating, editing, and transmitting ICCAT catch and trade documentation for bluefin tuna as specified in ICCAT recommendations and required in these regulations.
Entered for consumption has the same meaning as in 19 CFR 141.0a(f) and generally refers to the filing of an entry summary for consumption with customs authorities, in proper form, with estimated duties attached.
Entry for consumption , for purposes of this subpart, has the same meaning as entry for consumption, withdrawal from warehouse for consumption, or entry for consumption of merchandise from a foreign trade zone, as provided under 19 CFR parts 101.1, 141, 144, and 146. For purposes of this subpart, “entry for consumption” generally means an import into the Customs territory of the United States or the separate customs territory of a U.S. insular possession, for domestic use, that is classified for customs purposes in the “consumption” category (entry type codes 00-08) or withdrawal from warehouse or foreign trade zone for consumption category (entry type codes 30-34 and 38). For purposes of this subpart, HMS destined from one foreign country to another, which transits the Customs territory of the United States or the separate customs territory of a U.S. insular possession, and is not classified as an entry for consumption upon release from CBP or other customs custody, is not an entry for consumption under this definition.
Entry number , for purposes of this subpart, means the unique number/identifier assigned by customs authorities for each entry into a customs territory. For CBP, the entry number is assigned at the time of filing an entry summary (CBP Form 7501 or equivalent electronic filing) for entries into the Customs territory of the United States.
Export , for purposes of this subpart, means to effect exportation.
Exportation has the same general meaning as 19 CFR 101.1 and generally refers to a severance of goods from the mass of things belonging to one country with the intention of uniting them to the mass of things belonging to some foreign country. For purposes of this subpart, a shipment between the United States and its insular possessions is not an export.
Exporter , for purposes of this subpart, is the principal party in interest, meaning the party that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, of the export transaction. For exports from the United States, the exporter is the U.S. principal party in interest, as identified in part 30 of title 15 of the CFR. An exporter is subject to the requirements of this subpart, even if exports are exempt from statistical reporting requirements under part 30 of title 15 of the CFR.
Finlet means one of the small individual fins on a tuna located behind the second dorsal and anal fins and forward of the tail fin.
Fish or fish products regulated under this subpart means bluefin tuna, frozen bigeye tuna, southern bluefin tuna and swordfish and all such products of these species, except parts other than meat (e.g., heads, eyes, roe, guts, and tails), and shark fins.
IATTC means the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, established pursuant to the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
ICCAT means the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas established pursuant to the International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.
Import means to land on, bring into, or introduce into, or attempt to land on, bring into, or introduce into, any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, whether or not such landing, bringing or introduction constitutes an importation within the meaning of the customs laws of the United States. Import, for purposes of this subpart, does not include any activity described in the previous sentence with respect to fish caught in the exclusive economic zone or by a vessel of the United States. For purposes of this subpart, goods brought into the United States from a U.S. insular possession, or vice-versa, are not considered imports.
Importer , for purposes of this subpart, means the principal party responsible for the import of product into a country. For imports into the United States, and for purposes of this subpart, “importer” means the consignee as identified on entry documentation or any authorized, equivalent electronic medium required for release of shipments from the customs authority of the United States or the separate customs territory of a U.S. insular possession. If a consignee is not declared, then the importer of record is considered to be the consignee.
Insular possession of the United States or U.S. insular possession , for purposes of this subpart, means the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and other possessions listed under 19 CFR 7.2, that are outside the customs territory of the United States.
Intermediate country means a country that exports to another country HMS previously imported as an entry for consumption by that nation. A shipment of HMS through a country on a through bill of lading, or in another manner that does not enter the shipment into that country as an entry for consumption, does not make that country an intermediate country under this definition.
International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP) or trade permit means the permit issued by NMFS under § 300.322.
IOTC means the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission established pursuant to the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Council of the United Nations.
Pacific bluefin tuna means the species Thunnus orientalis found in the Pacific Ocean.
Permit holder, for purposes of this subpart, means, unless otherwise specified, a person who is required to obtain an International Fisheries Trade Permit (IFTP) under § 300.322.
Re-export , for purposes of this subpart, means the export of goods that were previously entered for consumption into the customs territory of a country.
Required data set has the same meaning as § 300.321 (see definition of “Documentation and data sets required”).
RFMO , as defined under this subpart, means regional fishery management organization, including CCSBT, IATTC, ICCAT, or IOTC.
Separate customs territory of a U.S. insular possession means the customs territory of a U.S. insular possession when that possession's customs territory is not a part of the Customs territory of the United States.
Shark fin , for purposes of this subpart, means any fin removed from a shark, which is an animal of the Linnaean taxonomic superorder Selachimorpha, subclass Elasmobranchii, class Chondrichthyes.
Southern bluefin tuna means the species Thunnus maccoyii found in any ocean area.
Statistical document means an ICCAT, IATTC, IOTC, or CCSBT statistical document, or a statistical document issued by a nation to comply with such statistical document programs.
Statistical document program means either the ICCAT, IOTC, IATTC or CCSBT statistical document program.
Swordfish means the species Xiphias gladius that is found in any ocean area.
Tag means either a dealer tag or a BCD tag.
[61 FR 35550, July 5, 1996, as amended at 73 FR 31385, June 2, 2008; 81 FR 18799, Apr. 1, 2016; 81 FR 51134, Aug. 3, 2016]