Direct testimony.

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§ 228.17 Direct testimony.

(a) Only direct testimony submitted by affidavit as provided in these regulations and introduced at the hearing by a witness shall be considered part of the record. Such direct testimony shall not be read into evidence but shall become a part of the record subject to exclusion of irrelevant and immaterial parts thereof;

(b) The witness introducing direct testimony shall:

(1) State his or her name, address and occupation;

(2) State qualifications for introducing the direct testimony. If an expert, the witness shall briefly state the scientific or technical training which qualifies the witness as an expert;

(3) Identify the direct testimony previously submitted in accordance with these regulations; and

(4) Submit to appropriate cross and direct examination. Cross-examination shall be by a party whose interests are adverse on the issue presented, to the witness', if the witness is a party, or to the interests of the party who presented the witness.

(c) A party shall be deemed to have waived the right to introduce direct testimony if such party fails to present a witness to introduce the direct testimony.

(d) Official notice may be taken of such matters as are judicially noticed by the courts of the United States: Provided, that parties shall be given adequate notice, by the presiding officer, at the hearing, of matters so noticed and shall be given adequate opportunity to show that such facts are inaccurate or are erroneously noticed.

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