Critical habitat for the North Pacific Right Whale (<em>Eubalaena japonica</em>).

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§ 226.215 Critical habitat for the North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica).

(a) Primary Constituent Elements. The primary constituent elements of the North Pacific right whale are the copepods Calanus marshallae, Neocalanus cristatus, and N. plumchris, and the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii, in areas of the North Pacific Ocean in which North Pacific right whales are known or believed to feed, as described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) Bering Sea. An area described by a series of straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order listed:

58°00′ N/168°00′ W

58°00′ N/163°00′ W

56°30′ N/161°45′ W

55°00′ N/166°00′ W

56°00′ N/168°00′ W

58 °00′ N/168°00′ W.

(c) Gulf of Alaska. An area described by a series of straight lines connecting the following coordinates in the order listed:

57°03′ N/153°00′ W

57°18′ N/151°30′ W

57°00′ N/ 151°30′ W

56°45′ N/153°00′ W

57°03′ N/153°00′ W.

(d) Maps of critical habitat for the North Pacific right whale follow:

[73 FR 19011, Apr. 8, 2008]

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