Modification, amendment, suspension, and revocation of certificates.

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§ 222.203 Modification, amendment, suspension, and revocation of certificates.

(a) When circumstances have changed so that an applicant or certificate holder desires to have any material, term, or condition of the application or certificate modified, the applicant or certificate holder must submit in writing full justification and supporting information in conformance with the provisions of this part.

(b) All certificates are issued subject to the condition that the Assistant Administrator reserves the right to amend the provisions of a Certificate of Exemption for just cause at any time. Such amendments take effect on the date of notification, unless otherwise specified.

(c) Any violation of the applicable provisions of parts 222, 223, or 224 of this chapter, or of the Act, or of a condition of the certificate may subject the certificate holder to penalties provided in the Act and to suspension, revocation, or modification of the Certificate of Exemption, as provided in subpart D of 15 CFR part 904.

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