Permissible methods of taking.

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§ 218.92 Permissible methods of taking.

(a) Under an LOA issued pursuant to §§ 216.106 of this section and 218.96, the Holder of the LOA (hereinafter “Navy”) may incidentally, but not intentionally, take marine mammals within the area described in § 218.90(b) by Level A harassment and Level B harassment associated with the use of active sonar and other acoustic sources and explosives, provided the activity is in compliance with all terms, conditions, and requirements of the regulations in this subpart and the applicable LOA.

(b) The incidental take of marine mammals by the activities listed in § 218.90(c) is limited to the species listed in Table 1 of this section.

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Table 1 to § 218.92(b)

Species Scientific name
Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus.
Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni.
Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus.
Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae.
Minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata.
Omura's whale Balaenoptera omurai.
Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis.
Blainville's beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris.
Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus.
Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris.
Dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima.
False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens.
Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei.
Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale Mesoplodon ginkgodens.
Killer whale Orcinus orca.
Longman's beaked whale Indopacetus pacificus.
Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra.
Pantropical spotted dolphin Stenella attenuata.
Pygmy killer whale Feresa attenuata.
Pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps.
Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus.
Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis.
Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus.
Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus.
Spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris.
Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba.

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