Requirements for monitoring and reporting.

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§ 217.65 Requirements for monitoring and reporting.

(a) To conduct monitoring of rocket launch activities, the USAF must either use video recording, or must designate a qualified on-site individual approved in advance by NMFS, with demonstrated proficiency in the identification of all age and sex classes of both common and uncommon pinniped species found at VAFB and knowledge of approved count methodology and experience in observing pinniped behavior, as specified in the Letter of Authorization, to monitor and document pinniped activity as described below:

(1) For any launches of space launch vehicles or recoveries of the Falcon 9 First Stage occurring from January 1 through July 31, pinniped activity at VAFB must be monitored in the vicinity of the haulout nearest the launch platform, or, in the absence of pinnipeds at that location, at another nearby haulout, for at least 72 hours prior to any planned launch, and continue for a period of time not less than 48 hours subsequent to the launch;

(2) For any launches of new space launch vehicles that have not been monitored during at least 3 previous launches occurring from August 1 through December 31, pinniped activity at VAFB must be monitored in the vicinity of the haulout nearest the launch or landing platform, or, in the absence of pinnipeds at that location, at another nearby haulout, for at least 72 hours prior to any planned launch, and continue for a period of time not less than 48 hours subsequent to launching;

(3) For any launches of existing space launch vehicles that are expected to result in a louder launch noise or sonic boom than previous launches of the same vehicle type occurring from August 1 through December 31, pinniped activity at VAFB must be monitored in the vicinity of the haulout nearest the launch or landing platform, or, in the absence of pinnipeds at that location, at another nearby haulout, for at least 72 hours prior to any planned launch, and continue for a period of time not less than 48 hours subsequent to launching;

(4) For any launches of new types of missiles occurring from August 1 through December 31, pinniped activity at VAFB must be monitored in the vicinity of the haulout nearest the launch or landing platform, or, in the absence of pinnipeds at that location, at another nearby haulout, for at least 72 hours prior to any planned launch, and continue for a period of time not less than 48 hours subsequent to launching;

(5) For any recoveries of the Falcon 9 First Stage occurring from August 1 through December 31 that are predicted to result in a sonic boom of 1.0 pounds per square foot (psf) or above at VAFB, pinniped activity at VAFB must be monitored in the vicinity of the haulout nearest the launch or landing platform, or, in the absence of pinnipeds at that location, at another nearby haulout, for at least 72 hours prior to any planned launch, and continue for a period of time not less than 48 hours subsequent to launching;

(6) For any launches or Falcon 9 First Stage recoveries occurring from January 1 through July 31, follow-up surveys must be conducted within 2 weeks of the launch;

(7) For any launches or Falcon 9 First Stage recoveries, pinniped activity at the Northern Channel Islands must be monitored, if it is determined by modeling that a sonic boom of greater than 2.0 psf is predicted to impact one of the islands between March 1 and July 31, greater than 3.0 psf between August 1 and September 30, and greater than 4.0 psf between October 1 and February 28. Monitoring will be conducted at the haulout site closest to the predicted sonic boom impact area, or, in the absence of pinnipeds at that location, at another nearby haulout;

(8) For any launches or Falcon 9 First Stage recoveries for which marine mammal monitoring is required, acoustic measurements must be made; and

(9) Marine mammal monitoring must include multiple surveys each day that record the species, number of animals, general behavior, presence of pups, age class, gender and reaction to launch noise, sonic booms or other natural or human caused disturbances, in addition to recording environmental conditions such as tide, wind speed, air temperature, and swell. Number of marine mammals hauled out must be recorded immediately prior to the launch, unless weather conditions prevent accurate recording or it is technologically infeasible. When flushing behavior is observed, the amount of time for animals to return to the haulout must be recorded.

(10) Marine mammal monitoring of activities that occur during darkness at VAFB must include night video monitoring, when feasible.

(b) The USAF must submit a report to the Administrator, West Coast Region, NMFS, and Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, within 90 days after each launch. This report must contain the following information:

(1) Date(s) and time(s) of the launch;

(2) Design of the monitoring program; and

(3) Results of the monitoring program, including, but not necessarily limited to:

(i) Numbers of pinnipeds present on the haulout prior to commencement of the launch;

(ii) Numbers of pinnipeds that may have been harassed as noted by the number of pinnipeds estimated to have moved in response to the source of disturbance, ranging from short withdrawals at least twice the animal's body length to longer retreats over the beach, or if already moving a change of direction of greater than 90 degree, or, entered the water as a result of launch noise;

(iii) For any marine mammals that entered the water, the length of time they remained off the haulout;

(iv) Description of behavioral modifications by pinnipeds that were likely the result of launch noise or sonic boom; and

(v) Results of acoustic monitoring, including the intensity of any sonic boom (psf) and sound levels in SELs, SPLpeak and SPLrms.

(c) If the authorized activity identified in § 217.60(a) is thought to have resulted in the mortality or injury of any marine mammals or in any take of marine mammals not authorized in LOAs, then the USAF must notify the Director, Office of Protected Resources, NMFS, and the stranding coordinator, West Coast Region, NMFS, within 48 hours of the discovery of the injured or dead marine mammal or of the take of marine mammals not authorized in an LOA.

(d) An annual report must be submitted on March 1 of each year to the Office of Protected Resources, NMFS.

(e) A final report must be submitted at least 180 days prior to expiration of these regulations to the Office of Protected Resources, NMFS. This report will:

(1) Summarize the activities undertaken and the results reported in all previous reports;

(2) Assess the impacts at each of the major rookeries;

(3) Assess the cumulative impacts on pinnipeds and other marine mammals from the activities specified in § 217.60(a); and

(4) State the date(s), location(s), and findings of any research activities related to monitoring the effects on launch noise, sonic booms, and harbor activities on marine mammal populations.

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