Official mark for “Dolphin-safe” tuna products.

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§ 216.95 Official mark for “Dolphin-safe” tuna products.

(a) This is the “official mark” (see figure 1) designated by the United States Department of Commerce that may be used to label tuna products that meet the “dolphin-safe” standards set forth in the Dolphin Protection Consumer Information Act, 16 U.S.C. 1385, and implementing regulations at §§ 216.91 through 216.94:

(b) Location and size of the official mark. The official mark on labels must allow the consumer to identify the official mark and be similar in design and scale to figure 1. A full color version of the official mark is available at

[65 FR 34410, May 30, 2000. Redesignated at 69 FR 55307, Sept. 13, 2004, as amended at 83 FR 3626, Jan. 26, 2018]

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