Permit conditions.

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§ 216.36 Permit conditions.

(a) Specific conditions.

(1) Permits issued under this subpart shall contain specific terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Office Director, including, but not limited to:

(i) The number and species of marine mammals that are authorized to be taken, imported, exported, or otherwise affected;

(ii) The manner in which marine mammals may be taken according to type of take;

(iii) The location(s) in which the marine mammals may be taken, from which they may be imported, or to which they may be exported, as applicable, and, for endangered or threatened marine mammal species to be imported or exported, the port of entry or export;

(iv) The period during which the permit is valid.

(2) [Reserved]

(b) Other conditions. In addition to the specific conditions imposed pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the Office Director shall specify any other permit conditions deemed appropriate.

[61 FR 21937, May 10, 1996]

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