Critical habitat - fish and wildlife.

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§ 17.95 Critical habitat - fish and wildlife.

(a) Mammals.

Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis)

Illinois. The Blackball Mine, La Salle County.

Indiana. Big Wyandotte Cave, Crawford County; Ray's Cave, Greene County.

Kentucky. Bat Cave, Carter County; Coach Cave, Edmonson County.

Missouri. Cave 021, Crawford County; Cave 009, Franklin County; Cave 017, Franklin County; Pilot Knob Mine, Iron County; Bat Cave, Shannon County; Cave 029, Washington County (numbers assigned by Division of Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6).

Tennessee. White Oak Blowhole Cave, Blount county.

West Virginia. Hellhole Cave, Pendleton County.


No map.

Mariana Fruit Bat (Pteropus mariannus mariannus)

(1) The critical habitat unit for the Mariana fruit bat is depicted for the Territory of Guam on the maps below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements required by the Mariana fruit bat for the biological needs of foraging, sheltering, roosting, and rearing of young are found in areas supporting limestone, secondary, ravine, swamp, agricultural, and coastal forests composed of native or introduced plant species. These forest types provide the primary constituent elements of:

(i) Plant species used for foraging, such as Artocarpus sp. (breadfruit), Carica papaya (papaya), Cycas circinalis (fadang), Ficus spp. (fig), Pandanus tectorius (kafu), Cocos nucifera (coconut palm), and Terminalia catappa (talisai); and

(ii) Remote locations, often within 328 ft (100 m) of clifflines that are 260 to 590 ft (80 to 100 m) tall, with limited exposure to human disturbance; land that contains mature fig, Mammea odorata (chopak), Casuarina equisetifolia (gago), Macaranga thompsonii (pengua), Guettarda speciosa (panao), Neisosperma oppositifolia (fagot), and other tree species that are used for roosting and breeding.

(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures within the boundaries of the mapped units, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, antennas, water tanks, agricultural fields, paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) The critical habitat unit is described below. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 55 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)/World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).

(i) Note: Map 1 - General Location of the Mariana Fruit Bat Unit follows:

(ii) Guam, Mariana fruit bat (376 ac; 152 ha).

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map 2 showing Mariana Fruit Bat Unit follows:

Virginia Big-eared Bat (Plecotus townsendii virginianus)

West Virginia. Cave Mountain Cave, Hellhole Cave, Hoffman School Cave, and Sinnit Cave, each in Pendleton County; Cave Hollow Cave, Tucker County.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) in the United States

(1) Critical habitat areas are in the State of Alaska, and adjacent territorial and U.S. waters, as described below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the polar bear in the United States are:

(i) Sea-ice habitat used for feeding, breeding, denning, and movements, which is sea ice over waters 300 m (984.2 ft) or less in depth that occurs over the continental shelf with adequate prey resources (primarily ringed and bearded seals) to support polar bears.

(ii) Terrestrial denning habitat, which includes topographic features, such as coastal bluffs and river banks, with the following suitable macrohabitat characteristics:

(A) Steep, stable slopes (range 15.5-50.0°), with heights ranging from 1.3 to 34 m (4.3 to 111.6 ft), and with water or relatively level ground below the slope and relatively flat terrain above the slope;

(B) Unobstructed, undisturbed access between den sites and the coast;

(C) Sea ice in proximity to terrestrial denning habitat prior to the onset of denning during the fall to provide access to terrestrial den sites; and

(D) The absence of disturbance from humans and human activities that might attract other polar bears.

(iii) Barrier island habitat used for denning, refuge from human disturbance, and movements along the coast to access maternal den and optimal feeding habitat, which includes all barrier islands along the Alaska coast and their associated spits, within the range of the polar bear in the United States, and the water, ice, and terrestrial habitat within 1.6 km (1 mi) of these islands (no-disturbance zone).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (e.g., houses, gravel roads, generator plants, sewage treatment plants, hotels, docks, seawalls, pipelines) and the land on which they are located existing within the boundaries of designated critical habitat on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Boundaries were derived from GIS data layers of the 1:63,360 scale digital coastline of the State of Alaska, created by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources from U.S. Geological Survey inch-to-the-mile topographic quadrangles. The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean, version 2.3, was used for the bathymetric data. The maritime boundaries to generate the 3-mile nautical line, U.S. territorial boundary, and Exclusive Economic Zone were from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Office of Coast Survey Web site. The land status and ownership information at the section level scale was from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and was obtained from the Alaska State Office of the Bureau of Land Management. The detailed parcel-level land status was created by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of the Realty, by digitizing U.S. Bureau of Land Management Master Title Plots. The detailed denning habitat maps and the internal boundaries for the terrestrial denning habitat were provided by the U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center. The data were projected into Alaska Standard Albers Conical Equal Area using the North American Datum of 1983 to estimate the area of each critical habitat unit and determine overlap with land and water ownership.

(5) Unit 1: Sea-ice habitat.

(i) The critical sea-ice habitat area includes all the contiguous waters from the mean high tide line of the mainland coast of Alaska to the 300-m (984.2-ft) bathymetry contour. The critical sea-ice habitat is bounded on the east by the United States-Canada border (69.64892° N, 141.00533° W) and extends along the coastline to a point southwest of Hooper Bay (61.52859° N, 166.15476° W) on the western coast of Alaska. The eastern boundary extends offshore approximately 85 km (136 mi) from the coast (70.41526° N, 141.0076° W) at the United States-Canada border and then follows the 300-m (984.2-ft) bathymetry contour northwest until it intersects with the U.S. 200-nautical-mile EEZ (74.01403° N, 163.52341° W). The boundary then follows the EEZ boundary southwest to the intersection with the United States-Russian boundary (72.78333° N, 168.97694° W). From this point, the boundary follows the United States-Russia boundary south and southwest to the intersection with the southern boundary of the Chukchi-Bering Seas population southwest of Gambell, St Lawrence Island (62.55482° N, 173.68023° W). From this point, the boundary extends southeast to the coast of Alaska (61.52859° N, 166.15476° W).

(ii) The map of Unit 1, sea-ice habitat, follows:

(6) Unit 2: Terrestrial denning habitat.

(i) The critical terrestrial denning habitat area extends from the mainland coast of Alaska 32 kilometers (20 mi) landward (primarily south) from the United States-Canada border to the Kavik River to the west. From the Kavik River to Barrow, the critical terrestrial denning habitat extends landward 8 kilometers (5 mi) south from the mainland coast of Alaska.

(ii) The village district of Barrow is excluded from the critical terrestrial denning habitat area. The excluded area is delineated as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the northeast 14 of Section 29, Unsurveyed T22N, R18W, Umiat Meridian, Alaska; thence North to the southeast corner of the northeast 14 of Section 17, Unsurveyed T22N, R18W; thence East to the southeast corner of the northeast 14 of Section 16, Unsurveyed T22N, R18W, Umiat Meridian, Alaska; thence North to the northeast corner of Section 16, Unsurveyed T22N, R18W; thence East to the southeast corner of southwest 14 of Section 10, Unsurveyed T22N, R18W; thence North to the northwest corner of the southwest 14 of northeast 14 of Section 34, Unsurveyed T23N, R18W; thence East to the southeast corner of the northeast 14 of the northeast 14 of Section 34, Unsurveyed T23N, R18W; thence North to the point where the section line common to Sections 14 and 15, Unsurveyed T23N, R18W; intersects the mean low water line of the Chukchi Sea; thence in a southwesterly direction along the mean low water line of the Chukchi Sea to the point where the mean low water line of the Chukchi Sea intersects the east-west center line of Section 27, Unsurveyed T22N, R19W; thence East to the point of beginning, containing 21 square miles, more or less. You can view legal descriptions and detailed, colored maps of the exclusions in this final rule at

(iii) The village district of Kaktovik is excluded from the critical terrestrial denning habitat area. The excluded area is delineated as follows: From the P.O.B. (which is also the point of beginning for the U.S. Survey No. 4234) at approximately 2,828 feet distant on a bearing of N 01° 40′ E from Tri. Sta. U. S. C. and G. S. “Barter Astro”; the boundary thence shall run West for approximately 325′; thence South approximately 600′; thence West approximately 500′; thence South approximately 100′; thence West approximately 4,000′; thence South approximately 3,550′; thence East approximately 4,000′; thence in a northeasterly direction approximately 3,225′ to a point on the mean high water line of the Kaktovik Lagoon which is approximately 2,478′ distant on a bearing S 78 53′ E from Tri. Sta. U. S. C. and G. S. “Barter Astro”; thence northerly along the meandering mean high water line of the Kaktovik Lagoon, around Pipsuk Point, and westerly continuing on the meandering mean high water line to a point on the mean high water line of the Kaktovik Lagoon which is approximately 477′ distant on a bearing of N 88 58′ E from another point which is approximately 1,503′ distant on a bearing of N 01 24′ W from the point of beginning; thence approximately 477′ in a westerly direction, a bearing of S 88; 58′ W; thence approximately 1,503′ in a southerly direction on a bearing of S 01 24′ E to the point of beginning, containing one square mile, more or less. You can view legal descriptions and detailed, colored maps of the exclusions in this final rule at

(iv) The maps of Unit 2 (east and west), terrestrial denning habitat, follow:

(7) Unit 3: Barrier island habitat.

(i) The critical barrier island habitat includes off-shore islands offset from the mainland coast of Alaska starting at the United States-Canada border westward to Barrow, southwest to Cape Lisburne, south to Point Hope, southwest to Wales, southeast to Nome, and ending at Hooper Bay, AK, and water, sea ice, and land habitat within 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) of the barrier islands (no-disturbance zone).

(ii) The map of Unit 3, barrier island habitat, follows:

Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Southern Mountain Distinct Population Segment (DPS)

(1) A critical habitat unit is depicted for Boundary County, Idaho, and Pend Oreille County, Washington, on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the southern mountain caribou DPS consist of five components:

(i) Mature to old-growth western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)/western red cedar (Thuja plicata) climax forest, and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa)/Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanni) climax forest at least 5,000 ft (1,520 m) in elevation; these habitats typically have 26-50 percent or greater canopy closure.

(ii) Ridge tops and high elevation basins that are generally 6,000 ft (1,830 m) in elevation or higher, associated with mature to old stands of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa)/Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmanni) climax forest, with relatively open canopy.

(iii) Presence of arboreal hair lichens.

(iv) High-elevation benches and shallow slopes, secondary stream bottoms, riparian areas, seeps, and subalpine meadows with succulent forbs and grasses, flowering plants, horsetails, willow, huckleberry, dwarf birch, sedges, and lichens. The southern mountain caribou DPS, including pregnant females, uses these areas for feeding during the spring and summer seasons.

(v) Corridors/Transition zones that connect the habitats described above. If human activities occur, they are such that they do not impair the ability of caribou to use these areas.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on December 28, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created using a 5,000-ft (1,520-m) elevation layer derived from 30m USGS DEM plus migration-corridor polygons, and units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 11N coordinates. The map in this entry establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2011-0096, and at the Service's Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Unit 1: Boundary County, Idaho, and Pend Oreille County, Washington. The map of the critical habitat unit follows:

Santa Catalina Island Fox (Urocyon littoralis catalinae)

We have determined that no areas meet the definition of critical habitat under section 3(5)(A) of the Act for Santa Catalina Island fox. Therefore, no specific areas are designated as critical habitat for this subspecies.

Jaguar (Panthera onca)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise Counties, Arizona, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological feature essential to the conservation of jaguar consists of expansive open spaces in the southwestern United States of at least 100 km2 (32 to 38.6 mi2) in size which:

(i) Provide connectivity to Mexico;

(ii) Contain adequate levels of native prey species, including deer and javelina, as well as medium-sized prey such as coatis, skunks, raccoons, or jackrabbits;

(iii) Include surface water sources available within 20 km (12.4 mi) of each other;

(iv) Contain greater than 1 to 50 percent canopy cover within Madrean evergreen woodland, generally recognized by a mixture of oak (Quercus spp.), juniper (Juniperus spp.), and pine (Pinus spp.) trees on the landscape, or semidesert grassland vegetation communities, usually characterized by Pleuraphis mutica (tobosagrass) or Bouteloua eriopoda (black grama) along with other grasses;

(v) Are characterized by intermediately, moderately, or highly rugged terrain;

(vi) Are below 2,000 m (6,562 feet) in elevation; and

(vii) Are characterized by minimal to no human population density, no major roads, or no stable nighttime lighting over any 1-km2 (0.4-mi2) area.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on April 4, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using hydrography data, vegetation biomes, tree cover, terrain ruggedness, elevation, Human Influence Index, and undisputed Class I jaguar records from 1962 to September 11, 2013, and were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Units 1, 2, 3, and 4: Baboquivari, Atascosa, Patagonia, and Whetstone Units, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Cochise Counties, Arizona. Map of Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 follows:

(7) Unit 5: Peloncillo Unit, Cochise County, Arizona. Map of Unit 5 follows:

Fresno Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys nitratoides exilis)

California. An area of land, water, and airspace in Fresno County, with the following components (Mt. Diablo Base Meridian): T14S R15E, E 12 NW 14 and NE 14 Sec. 11, that part of W 12 Sec. 12 north of the Southern Pacific Railroad, E 12 Sec. 12; T14S R16E, that part of Sec. 7 south of the Southern Pacific Railroad.

Within this area, the major constituent elements that are known to require special management considerations or protection are the hummocks and substrate that provide sites for burrow construction, and the natural alkali sink-open grassland vegetation that provides food and escape cover.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Morro Bay Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys heermanni morroensis)

California. An area of land, water, and airspace in San Luis Obispo County, with the following components (Mt. Diablo Meridian): T30S R10E S 12 Sec. 14, those portions of Sec. 23-24 west of Pecho Valley Road.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami parvus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The PCEs of critical habitat for the San Bernardino kangaroo rat are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Alluvial fans, washes, and associated floodplain areas containing soils consisting predominately of sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, and loam, which provide burrowing habitat necessary for sheltering and rearing offspring, storing food in surface caches, and movement between occupied patches;

(ii) Upland areas adjacent to alluvial fans, washes, and associated floodplain areas containing alluvial sage scrub habitat and associated vegetation, such as coastal sage scrub and chamise chaparral, with up to approximately 50 percent canopy cover providing protection from predators, while leaving bare ground and open areas necessary for foraging and movement of this subspecies; and

(iii) Upland areas adjacent to alluvial fans, washes, and associated floodplain areas, which may include marginal habitat such as alluvial sage scrub with greater than 50 percent canopy cover with patches of suitable soils that support individuals for re-population of wash areas following flood events. These areas may include agricultural lands, areas of inactive aggregate mining activities, and urban/wildland interfaces.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, other paved areas, and the land on which such structures are located) existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of NAIP (USDA) 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the San Bernardino kangaroo rat follows:

(6) Unit 1: Santa Ana River Wash, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles San Bernardino North and Devore.

(i) Unit 1 is shown on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry, excluding lands bounded by the following Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates (E, N):

(A) 487253, 3772752; 487254, 3772752; 487290, 3772752; 487290, 3772752; 487290, 3772752; 487589, 3772747; 487589, 3772747; 487778, 3772648; 487787, 3772643; 487790, 3772642; 487808, 3772632; 487808, 3772632; 487808, 3772632; 487808, 3772632; 487838, 3772617; 487842, 3772614; 487978, 3772543; 487996, 3772533; 488008, 3772533; 488010, 3772533; 488122, 3772533; 488122, 3772533; 488230, 3772532; 488230, 3772532; 488351, 3772531; 488390, 3772530; 488404, 3772530; 488405, 3772530; 488471, 3772529; 488608, 3772528; 488608, 3772528; 488812, 3772526; 488812, 3772526; 488812, 3772447; 488811, 3772326; 488811, 3772326; 488803, 3772326; 488614, 3772329; 488614, 3772329; 488614, 3772329; 488614, 3772329; 488607, 3772329; 488409, 3772332; 488403, 3772332; 488403, 3772332; 488144, 3772336; 488139, 3772336; 488140, 3772340; 488139, 3772336; 488139, 3772336; 487995, 3772338; 487995, 3772338; 487849, 3772340; 487849, 3772340; 487828, 3772341; 487806, 3772341; 487790, 3772341; 487775, 3772341; 487768, 3772342; 487763, 3772342; 487758, 3772342; 487726, 3772342; 487674, 3772343; 487586, 3772344; 487310, 3772348; 487309, 3772348; 487303, 3772349; 487303, 3772349; 487302, 3772349; 487233, 3772350; 487232, 3772350; 487229, 3772350; 487229, 3772350; 487227, 3772350; 487226, 3772350; 487223, 3772350; 487214, 3772350; 487213, 3772350; 487178, 3772350; 487178, 3772350; 487177, 3772350; 487173, 3772350; 487167, 3772350; 487117, 3772350; 487117, 3772350; 487118, 3772293; 487118, 3772179; 487119, 3772154; 487032, 3772153; 486981, 3772152; 486935, 3772151; 486896, 3772151; 486587, 3772146; 486580, 3772146; 486556, 3772146; 486534, 3772145; 486434, 3772144; 486380, 3772143; 486380, 3772143; 485983, 3772032; 485982, 3772032; 485983, 3771987; 485983, 3771961; 485983, 3771945; 485983, 3771941; 485983, 3771941; 485653, 3771939; 485651, 3771939; 485650, 3771939; 485594, 3771939; 485585, 3771939; 485586, 3771875; 485595, 3771841; 485595, 3771840; 485595, 3771822; 485595, 3771821; 485595, 3771821; 485577, 3771821; 485334, 3771821; 485184, 3771821; 485184, 3771821; 484918, 3771821; 484852, 3771821; 484782, 3771821; 484782, 3771821; 484693, 3771820; 484693, 3771820; 484482, 3771819; 484482, 3771819; 484383, 3771819; 484381, 3771819; 484381, 3771824; 484381, 3771875; 484381, 3771879; 484381, 3771881; 484381, 3771882; 484381, 3771943; 484381, 3771943; 484381, 3771996; 484445, 3771996; 484782, 3771994; 484782, 3771992; 484782, 3771945; 484782, 3771941; 484909, 3771941; 485184, 3771940; 485184, 3771944; 485184, 3771948; 485183, 3771998; 485182, 3772335; 485573, 3772333; 485582, 3772333; 485582, 3772333; 485981, 3772338; 485981, 3772338; 485980, 3772361; 485976, 3772665; 485975, 3772732; 485975, 3772734; 486377, 3772741; 486380, 3772362; 486380, 3772342; 486463, 3772343; 486779, 3772346; 486778, 3772618; 486778, 3772747; 486778, 3772747; 486887, 3772749; 486908, 3772749; 486925, 3772750; 487178, 3772754; 487178, 3772754; 487184, 3772754; 487184, 3772754; 487202, 3772753; 487205, 3772753; 487209, 3772753; 487213, 3772753 ; thence returning to 487253, 3772752;

(B) 482603, 3772347; 482603, 3772347; 482602, 3772348; 483160, 3772346; 483160, 3772089; 483160, 3772072; 483160, 3771972; 483160, 3771893; 483159, 3771893; 483159, 3771893; 483071, 3771893; 483032, 3771892; 483032, 3771892; 483032, 3771892; 482989, 3771930; 482972, 3771945; 482972, 3771945; 482644, 3772097; 482622, 3772108; 482537, 3772147; 482377, 3772221; 482368, 3772227; 482368, 3772227; 482368, 3772227; 482368, 3772263; 482367, 3772336; 482367, 3772348; 482367, 3772348; 482376, 3772348; 482385, 3772348; 482394, 3772348; thence returning to 482603, 3772347; and

(C) 483188, 3772080; 483211, 3772076; 483211, 3772346; 483211, 3772346; 483374, 3772346; 483600, 3772345; 483969, 3772344; 483970, 3772008; 483970, 3771985; 483971, 3771945; 483971, 3771945; 483914, 3771945; 483913, 3771945; 483902, 3771945; 483848, 3771945; 483409, 3771944; 483272, 3771944; 483215, 3771944; 483210, 3771944; 483210, 3771944; 483210, 3771944; 483210, 3771944; 483200, 3771933; 483200, 3771933; 483200, 3771933; 483187, 3771946; 483185, 3771948; thence returning to 483188, 3772080.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 - Santa Ana River Wash follows:

(7) Unit 2: Lytle/Cajon Creek Wash, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles San Bernardino South, Redlands, Yucaipa, and Harrison Mountain.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2 - Lytle/Cajon Creek Wash follows:

(8) Unit 3: San Jacinto River Wash, Riverside County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles San Jacinto, Lake Fulmor, and Blackburn Canyon.

(i) Unit 3 is shown on the map in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry, excluding lands bounded by the following Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates (E, N):

(A) 506793, 3736955; 506803, 3736965; 506858, 3736912; 506834, 3736888; 506826, 3736879; 506771, 3736932; thence returning to 506793, 3736955;

(B) 506995, 3736726; 507035, 3736768; 507090, 3736715; 507050, 3736673; thence returning to 506995, 3736726;

(C) 507212, 3736516; 507248, 3736554; 507295, 3736509; 507260, 3736471; thence returning to 507212, 3736516; and

(D) 512090, 3734474; 512104, 3734481; 512118, 3734488; 512130, 3734464; 512130, 3734464; 512113, 3734456; 512104, 3734464; 512093, 3734472; thence returning to 512090, 3734474.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 - San Jacinto River Wash follows:

(9) Unit 4: Cable Creek Wash, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles San Bernardino South, Redlands, Yucaipa, and Harrison Mountain.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 4 - Cable Creek Wash follows:

(10) Unit 5: Bautista Creek, Riverside County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Blackburn Canyon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 5 - Bautista Creek follows:

Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted on the maps below for the following States and counties:

(i) Idaho: Boundary County;

(ii) Maine: Aroostook, Franklin, Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Somerset Counties;

(iii) Minnesota: Cook, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis Counties;

(iv) Montana: Carbon, Flathead, Gallatin, Glacier, Granite, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Missoula, Park, Pondera, Powell, Stillwater, Sweetgrass, and Teton Counties;

(v) Washington: Chelan and Okanogan Counties; and

(vi) Wyoming: Fremont, Lincoln, Park, Sublette, and Teton Counties.

(2) Within these areas the primary constituent element for the Canada lynx is boreal forest landscapes supporting a mosaic of differing successional forest stages and containing:

(i) Presence of snowshoe hares and their preferred habitat conditions, which include dense understories of young trees, shrubs or overhanging boughs that protrude above the snow, and mature multistoried stands with conifer boughs touching the snow surface;

(ii) Winter conditions that provide and maintain deep fluffy snow for extended periods of time;

(iii) Sites for denning that have abundant coarse woody debris, such as downed trees and root wads; and

(iv) Matrix habitat (e.g., hardwood forest, dry forest, non-forest, or other habitat types that do not support snowshoe hares) that occurs between patches of boreal forest in close juxtaposition (at the scale of a lynx home range) such that lynx are likely to travel through such habitat while accessing patches of boreal forest within a home range.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 14, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic projection. The maps in this entry establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,, at at Docket No. FWS-R6-ES-2013-0101, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Maine - Aroostook, Franklin, Penobscot, Piscataquis, and Somerset Counties, ME. Map of Unit 1, Maine, follows:

(7) Unit 2: Minnesota - Cook, Koochiching, Lake, and St. Louis Counties, MN.

Map of Unit 2, Minnesota, follows:

(8) Unit 3: Northern Rockies - Boundary County, ID, and Flathead, Glacier, Granite, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Missoula, Pondera, Powell and Teton Counties, MT. Map of Unit 3, Northern Rockies, follows:

(9) Unit 4: North Cascades - Chelan and Okanogan Counties, WA. Map of Unit 4, North Cascades, follows:

(10) Unit 5: Greater Yellowstone Area - Carbon, Gallatin, Park, Stillwater, and Sweetgrass Counties, MT, and Fremont, Lincoln, Park, Sublette, and Teton Counties, WY. Map of Unit 5, Greater Yellowstone Area, follows:

Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus)

Florida. Crystal River and its headwaters known as King's Bay, Citrus County; the Little Manatee River downstream from the U.S. Highway 301 bridge, Hillsborough County; the Manatee River downstream from the Lake Manatee Dam, Manatee County; the Myakka River downstream from Myakka River State Park, Sarasota and Charlotte Counties; the Peace River downstream from the Florida State Highway 760 bridge, De Soto and Charlotte Counties; Charlotte Harbor north of the Charlotte-Lee County line, Charlotte County; Caloosahatchee River downstream from the Florida State Highway 31 bridge, Lee County; all U.S. territorial waters adjoining the coast and islands of Lee County; all U.S. territorial waters adjoining the coast and islands and all connected bays, estuaries, and rivers from Gordon's Pass, near Naples, Collier County, southward to and including Whitewater Bay, Monroe County; all waters of Card, Barnes, Blackwater, Little Blackwater, Manatee, and Buttonwood Sounds between Key Largo, Monroe County, and the mainland of Dade County; Biscayne Bay, and all adjoining and connected lakes, rivers, canals, and waterways from the southern tip of Key Biscayne northward to and including Maule Lake, Dade County; all of Lake Worth, from its northernmost point immediately south of the intersection of U.S. Highway 1 and Florida State Highway A1A southward to its southernmost point immediately north of the town of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County; the Loxahatchee River and its headwaters, Martin and West Palm Beach Counties; that section of the intracoastal waterway from the town of Seawalls Point, Martin County to Jupiter Inlet, Palm Beach County; the entire inland section of water known as the Indian River, from its northernmost point immediately south of the intersection of U.S. Highway 1 and Florida State Highway 3, Volusia County, southward to its southernmost point near the town of Seawalls Point, Martin County, and the entire inland section of water known as the Banana River and all waterways between Indian and Banana Rivers, Brevard County; the St. Johns River including Lake George, and including Blue Springs and Silver Glen Springs from their points of origin to their confluences with the St. Johns River; that section of the Intracoastal Waterway from its confluences with the St. Marys River on the Georgia-Florida border to the Florida State Highway A1A bridge south of Coastal City, Nassau and Duval Counties.


No map.

Alabama Beach Mouse (Peromyscus polionotus ammobates)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Baldwin County, Alabama, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Alabama Beach Mouse are the habitat components that provide:

(i) A contiguous mosaic of primary, secondary, and scrub vegetation and dune structure, with a balanced level of competition and predation and few or no competitive or predaceous nonnative species present, that collectively provide foraging opportunities, cover, and burrow sites.

(ii) Primary and secondary dunes, generally dominated by sea oats (Uniola paniculata), that despite occasional temporary impacts and reconfiguration from tropical storms and hurricanes, provide abundant food resources, burrow sites, and protection from predators.

(iii) Scrub dunes, generally dominated by scrub oaks (Quercus spp.), that provide food resources and burrow sites, and provide elevated refugia during and after intense flooding due to rainfall and/or hurricane-induced storm surge.

(iv) Unobstructed habitat connections that facilitate genetic exchange, dispersal, natural exploratory movements, and recolonization of locally extirpated areas.

(v) A natural light regime within the coastal dune ecosystem, compatible with the nocturnal activity of beach mice, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airport runways, roads, other paved areas, and piers) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contained one or more of the PCEs defined in paragraph (2) of this entry, over 2005 Baldwin County, Alabama color photography (UTM 16, NAD 83).

(5) Note: Index Map (Map 1) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Fort Morgan, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit 1 consists of 446 ac (180 ha) at the extreme western tip of the Fort Morgan Peninsula in Baldwin County, Alabama. This unit encompasses essential features of Alabama beach mouse habitat within the boundary of the Fort Morgan State Historic Site and adjacent properties west of the Bay to Breakers development. The southern and western extents are the mean high water level (MHWL). The unit extends northward to either the seaward extent of maritime forest, developed features associated with the Fort Morgan State Historic Site, or Ft. Morgan Parkway.

(ii) Coordinates: From the Fort Morgan and Saint Andrews Bay USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps, Alabama, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 401473.62, 3344763.21; 401547.57, 3344692.62; 401513.96, 3344669.09; 01503.87, 3344514.47; 401369.42, 3344440.53; 401577.82, 3344356.49; 402008.06, 3344443.89; 402169.41, 3344622.04; 402525.70, 3344682.54; 403820.62, 3344782.93; 404628.95, 3344823.00; 404623.54, 3344330.64; 404288.09, 3344287.36; 403970.48, 3344745.87; 403970.48, 3344230.37; 403292.55, 3344087.17; 402583.77, 3343995.19; 401269.00, 3343995.19; 400971.42, 3344125.04; 400976.83, 3344206.20; 401301.47, 3344628.22; 404286.32, 3344756.22; 402854.33, 3344659.30; 402903.74, 3344669.55; 402929.27, 3344691.88; 403288.24, 3344682.82; 403627.98, 3344721.72; 403654.87, 3344714.12; 403590.33, 3344665.04; 403546.85, 3344641.30; 403501.91, 3344628.03; 403337.34, 3344622.77; 403056.19, 3344638.97

(iii) Note: Map of Unit 1, Fort Morgan (Map 2), follows:

(7) Unit 2: Little Point Clear, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit 2 consists of 268 ac (108 ha) on the Fort Morgan Peninsula in Baldwin County, Alabama. This unit encompasses essential features of Alabama beach mouse habitat north of the mean high water line (MHWL) and south of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management Coastal Construction Control Line (as defined in Alabama Administrative Code of Regulations 335-8-2-0.8) from the eastern property boundary of Bay to Breakers eastward to the western boundary of the Surfside Shores subdivision. This unit also includes essential features of Alabama beach mouse habitat 160 ft south (except where otherwise noted) of the centerline of Fort Morgan Parkway, from the eastern boundary of Bay to Breakers east to the western boundary of the Surfside Shores subdivision, and associated areas as depicted on Map 3 in paragraph (7)(iii) of this entry and in the coordinates provided in paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(ii) Coordinates: From the Saint Andrews Bay USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map, Alabama, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N), except those areas covered by incidental take permits shown in the maps: 408673.97, 3345088.73; 408690.96, 3345050.98; 408964.63, 3345069.85; 408992.95, 3345115.15; 409098.64, 3345124.59; 409260.96, 3345071.74; 409306.26, 3345047.20; 409421.39, 3345039.65; 409421.39, 3345018.89; 409839.57, 3345038.68; 410450.38, 3345133.36; 410638.20, 3345180.70; 411632.04, 3345331.96; 411819.06, 3345348.96; 411819.06, 3345276.71; 411455.65, 3345227.83; 411423.77, 3345234.20; 411115.62, 3345195.95; 410735.21, 3345138.57; 410735.21, 3345117.32; 410129.52, 3345030.18; 405929.15, 3344870.87; 406790.26, 3344915.69; 406790.26, 3344944.50; 406889.49, 3344986.11; 406915.10, 3344986.11; 406947.11, 3344973.31; 406972.72, 3344998.92; 406998.33, 3344960.50; 407039.95, 3344973.31; 407065.56, 3344950.90; 407148.55, 3344960.50; 407232.02, 3345008.52; 407238.42, 3345034.13; 407289.64, 3344954.10; 407918.85, 3345054.48; 408411.28, 3345026.14; 408414.83, 3345068.65; 408687.61, 3345125.34; 408723.04, 3345107.62; 406397.69, 3344654.51; 408502.15, 3344816.39; 408502.15, 3344974.12; 408369.32, 3344978.29; 408074.61, 3345003.18; 407842.17, 3344994.88; 407194.65, 3344878.65; 406327.13, 3344837.15; 406318.83, 3344720.92; 406181.85, 3344716.77; 406165.25, 3344837.15; 404625.30, 3344770.73; 408639.12, 3344982.42; 408850.81, 3345011.48; 408626.67, 3344828.84; 408904.77, 3345015.63; 409021.00, 3345003.18; 409033.45, 3344837.15; 410127.40, 3344881.42; 409942.50, 3345003.19; 409321.94, 3344964.94; 409122.17, 3344994.69; 409122.17, 3344839.55; 411303.93, 3344704.32; 410054.54, 3344754.13; 410029.64, 3344741.68; 409992.28, 3344745.83; 409963.23, 3344758.28; 408879.87, 3344720.92; 407157.29, 3344642.06; 406011.67, 3344509.23; 405044.53, 3344417.91; 404700.02, 3344343.20; 404624.32, 3344815.46; 404709.17, 3344488.16; 405203.36, 3344433.41; 405813.57, 3344509.70; 406027.79, 3344616.83; 406662.44, 3344675.99; 406677.12, 3344600.23; 407261.66, 3344729.73; 407664.18, 3344758.57; 407637.12, 3344658.32; 408856.44, 3344833.42; 408903.73, 3344832.33; 409944.78, 3344975.70; 409961.53, 3344931.31; 409960.68, 3344885.70; 409940.98, 3344852.55; 410474.83, 3344831.25; 411896.05, 3344778.56; 411897.06, 3344677.82; 411898.98, 3345357.59; 411899.47, 3345349.16; 411899.92, 3345333.36; 411898.69, 3345292.29

(iii) Note: Map of Unit 2, Little Point Clear (Map 3), follows:

(8) Unit 3: Gulf Highlands, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit 3 consists of 275 ac (111 ha) on the Fort Morgan Peninsula in Baldwin County, Alabama. This unit encompasses essential features of Alabama beach mouse habitat north of the mean high water line (MHWL) to the seaward extent of interdunal wetlands as depicted on Map 4 in paragraph (8)(iii) of this entry and in the coordinates in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry. This unit also includes essential features of Alabama beach mouse habitat 160 ft south of the centerline of Fort Morgan Parkway (except some areas to the north as noted in paragraphs (8)(ii) and (8)(iii) of this entry). Unit 3 is bounded to the west by the eastern property line of the Morgantown subdivision and to the east by the western property line of Martinique on the Gulf.

(ii) Coordinates: From the Pine Beach and Saint Andrews Bay USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps, Alabama, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N), except those areas covered by incidental take permits shown in the maps:

(A) Surfside Shores - 412122.39, 3344896.76; 412230.61, 3344952.19; 412407.44, 3344970.66; 412407.44, 3344997.06; 413286.34, 3345139.58; 413283.70, 3344598.52; 411897.20, 3344677.62; 411896.72, 3344778.70; 411901.40, 3344895.52; 412585.68, 3344637.82; 413286.36, 3345090.20; 413224.06, 3345080.28; 413224.52, 3344927.47; 413284.56, 3344937.39

(B) Gulf Highlands - 414393.00, 3344536.62; 414393.00, 3344732.11; 414676.12, 3344736.60; 415529.98, 3344440.00; 414671.87, 3344524.00; 414736.29, 3344520.49; 414736.41, 3344546.27; 415324.89, 3344541.53; 415326.46, 3344653.21; 415533.04, 3344653.83; 415290.55, 3345011.54; 415327.74, 3345011.79; 415327.61, 3344980.39; 415290.42, 3344981.38; 415308.84, 3344940.80; 415327.02, 3344940.72; 415327.30, 3344910.13; 415308.70, 3344910.21; 415358.01, 3344940.99; 415376.61, 3344940.91; 415376.48, 3344910.33; 415357.88, 3344910.41; 415291.27, 3345081.38; 415309.04, 3345081.30; 415309.47, 3345085.02; 415291.28, 3345084.28; 415326.74, 3345051.69; 415326.74, 3345039.99; 415181.66, 3345041.16; 415184.00, 3345052.86; 415174.64, 3345051.69; 415174.64, 3345041.16; 414954.68, 3345042.33; 414954.68, 3344655.06; 414920.74, 3344656.23; 414920.74, 3344761.53; 414735.88, 3344762.70; 414735.88, 3344773.23; 414921.91, 3344772.06; 414921.91, 3344831.73; 414737.05, 3344832.90; 414737.05, 3344843.43; 414921.91, 3344842.26; 414923.08, 3344903.10; 414735.88, 3344903.10; 414735.88, 3344915.97; 414924.25, 3344913.63; 414921.91, 3344972.13; 414738.22, 3344974.47; 414738.22, 3344983.83; 414921.91, 3344982.66; 414923.08, 3345043.50; 414738.22, 3345043.50; 414738.22, 3345054.03; 414921.91, 3345054.03; 414921.91, 3345071.59; 414953.51, 3345073.93; 414953.51, 3345052.86; 414953.51, 3344876.19;

(C) Gulf Shores Plantation - 414204.25, 3344552.35; 414204.25, 3344725.37; 414343.57, 3344754.58; 414341.32, 3344543.36

(D) Cabana Beach - 415938.37, 3344420.63; 416333.53, 3344954.65; 416756.08, 3344395.60; 416750.70, 3344919.13; 415945.72, 3344968.29

(E) ROW - 413472.87, 3345602.80; 413767.66, 3345609.58; 413781.21, 3345585.86; 414496.15, 3345582.47; 414760.44, 3345545.20; 414973.90, 3345460.49; 415278.85, 3345487.60; 416224.19, 3345470.66; 415654.96, 3345426.61; 414973.90, 3345402.89; 414533.42, 3345521.48; 413621.96, 3345538.42; 411899.45, 3345292.57; 411899.63, 3345333.23; 411898.97, 3345349.21; 411898.28, 3345357.92; 416599.61, 3345528.80; 416603.89, 3345480.95

(iii) Note: Map of Unit 3, Gulf Highlands (Map 4), follows:

(9) Unit 4: Pine Beach, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit 4 consists of 30 ac (12 ha) on 27 inholdings within the Perdue Unit of the Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge as depicted on Map 5 in paragraph (9)(iii) of this entry and in the coordinates in paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.

(ii) Coordinates: From the Pine Beach USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map, Alabama, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N), except those areas covered by incidental take permits shown on the map in paragraph (9)(iii) of this entry: 419890.08, 3344529.29; 419946.90, 3344389.62; 420406.15, 3344394.35; 420401.42, 3344342.27; 419587.07, 3344320.96; 419589.44, 3344384.88; 419658.09, 3344384.88; 419655.72, 3344503.25; 419636.78, 3344503.25; 419639.15, 3344534.02; 419783.19, 3344531.65; 419783.55, 3344384.88; 419803.49, 3344384.88; 421930.69, 3344448.80; 421895.18, 3344446.43; 422030.12, 3344465.37; 419842.74, 3344635.81; 419797.76, 3344640.55; 419688.86, 3344841.77; 419740.94, 3344841.77; 419688.86, 3344645.28; 419743.31, 3344642.92; 419740.94, 3344593.20; 419688.86, 3344595.57; 420294.50, 3345060.66; 420306.84, 3345060.44; 420306.62, 3345022.12; 420294.28, 3345022.34; 420148.12, 3344725.77; 420190.73, 3344725.77; 420188.36, 3344633.45; 420150.49, 3344633.45; 420046.32, 3344728.14; 420098.40, 3344728.14; 420098.40, 3344635.81; 420046.32, 3344635.81; 420046.32, 3344567.16; 420058.16, 3344567.16; 420058.16, 3344545.86; 420003.71, 3344545.86; 420003.71, 3344638.18; 419906.65, 3344638.18; 419927.96, 3344638.18; 419927.96, 3344545.86; 419906.65, 3344548.22; 419690.90, 3344778.02; 419740.44, 3344772.85; 419801.19, 3344677.57; 419842.01, 3344675.40; 421902.16, 3344854.73; 421932.71, 3344858.24; 421999.30, 3344843.90; 422029.66, 3344830.25; 421996.44, 3344462.00

(iii) Note: Map of Unit 4, Pine Beach (Map 5), follows:

(10) Unit 5: Gulf State Park, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit 5 consists of 192 ac (78 ha) in Gulf State Park east of the City of Gulf Shores in Baldwin County, Alabama. This unit encompasses essential features of Alabama beach mouse habitat north of the mean high water line (MHWL) to the seaward extent of either coastal wetlands, maritime forest, or Alabama beach mouse habitat managed under the 2004 Gulf State Park habitat conservation plan. Exact boundaries are depicted on Map 6 in paragraph (10)(iii) of this entry and in the coordinates in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(ii) Coordinates: From the Gulf Shores USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map, Alabama, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N), except those areas identified as developable in the current incidental take permit for the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: 438247.09, 3347462.61; 438384.26, 3347485.47; 438504.29, 3347456.89; 438738.63, 3347479.75; 438738.63, 3347411.17; 438681.48, 3347405.45; 438675.76, 3347193.97; 437681.24, 3346988.21; 436938.21, 3346702.43; 436349.50, 3346599.55; 435377.85, 3346548.11; 435160.66, 3346490.95; 435166.37, 3346736.72; 435606.47, 3346856.75; 436572.41, 3346828.17; 36572.41, 3346913.91; 436881.06, 3347033.94; 436909.64, 3347068.23; 437612.66, 3347325.43; 437818.42, 3347319.72; 437829.85, 3347251.13; 438035.61, 3347308.29; 438041.33, 3347394.02; 435699.17, 3346883.42; 435754.39, 3346634.94; 435940.75, 3346652.19; 436154.72, 3346638.39; 436368.69, 3346683.25; 436368.69, 3346790.24

(iii) Note: Map of Unit 5, Gulf State Park (Map 6), follows:

Choctawhatcee Beach Mouse (Peromyscus polionotus allophrys)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Okaloosa, Walton, and Bay Counties, Florida, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Choctawhatchee beach mouse are the habitat components that provide:

(i) A contiguous mosaic of primary, secondary, and scrub vegetation and dune structure, with a balanced level of competition and predation and few or no competitive or predaceous nonnative species present, that collectively provide foraging opportunities, cover, and burrow sites;

(ii) Primary and secondary dunes, generally dominated by sea oats (Uniola paniculata), that despite occasional temporary impacts and reconfiguration from tropical storms and hurricanes, provide abundant food resources, burrow sites, and protection from predators;

(iii) Scrub dunes, generally dominated by scrub oaks (Quercus spp.), that provide food resources and burrow sites, and provide elevated refugia during and after intense flooding due to rainfall and/or hurricane-induced storm surge;

(iv) Functional, unobstructed habitat connections that facilitate genetic exchange, dispersal, natural exploratory movements, and re-colonization of locally extirpated areas; and

(v) A natural light regime within the coastal dune ecosystem, compatible with the nocturnal activity of beach mice, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, driveways, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contained one or more of the primary constituent elements defined in paragraph (2) of this entry over 1999 and 2004 digital ortho photography at a scale of at least 1:4000.

(5) Note: Map 1, Index Map of Critical Habitat Units for the Choctawhatchee beach mouse, follows:

(6) CBM - Unit 1: Henderson Beach Unit, Okaloosa County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Henderson Beach State Park from 0.5 mi (0.8 km) east of the intersection of Highway 98 and Scenic Highway 98 to 0.25 mi (0.4 km) west of Matthew Boulevard and the area from the mean high water level (MHWL) north to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Map of Unit CBM - Unit 1 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(7) CBM - Unit 2: Topsail Hill Unit, Walton County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Topsail Hill Preserve State Park, as well as adjacent private lands from 0.1 mi (0.2 km) east of Gulf Pines 0.6 mi (1 km) west of the inlet of Oyster Lake and the area from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of human development or maritime forest.

(ii) Map 2, Units 1 and 2 of Choctowhatchee beach mouse, follows:

(8) CBM - Unit 3: Grayton Beach Unit, Walton County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Grayton Beach State Park, as well as adjacent private lands and inholdings, from 0.3 mi west of the inlet of Alligator Lake east to 0.8 mi west of Seagrove Beach and the area from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of human development or maritime forest.

(ii) Map of Unit CBM - Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.

(9) CBM - Unit 4: Deer Lake Unit, Walton County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Deer Lake State Park as well as adjacent private lands from approximately 1 mi east of the Camp Creek Lake inlet west to approximately 0.5 mi west of the inlet of Deer Lake and the area from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of maritime forest or human development. The area excluded within this unit is 0.5 mi west of the Camp Creek Lake inlet, to 0.5 mi east of the Camp Creek Lake inlet.

(ii) Map 3, Units 3 and 4 of Choctowhatchee beach mouse, follows:

(10) CBM - Unit 5: West Crooked Island/Shell Island Unit, Bay County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundaries of St. Andrew State Park mainland from 0.1 mi (0.2 km) east of trailer park road east to the entrance channel of St. Andrew Sound, Shell Island east of the entrance of St. Andrew Sound east to East Pass, and West Crooked Island southwest of East Bay and east of the entrance channel of St. Andrew Sound, and areas from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of the maritime forest. Shell Island consists of State lands, Tyndall Air Force Base lands, as well as small private inholdings.

(ii) Map 4, Unit 5 of Choctowhatchee beach mouse, follows:

New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius luteus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Colfax, Mora, Otero, Sandoval, and Socorro Counties in New Mexico; Las Animas, Archuleta, and La Plata Counties in Colorado; and Greenlee and Apache Counties in Arizona on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse consist of the following:

(i) Riparian communities along rivers and streams, springs and wetlands, or canals and ditches that contain:

(A) Persistent emergent herbaceous wetlands especially characterized by presence of primarily forbs and sedges (Carex spp. or Schoenoplectus pungens); or

(B) Scrub-shrub riparian areas that are dominated by willows (Salix spp.) or alders (Alnus spp.) with an understory of primarily forbs and sedges; and

(ii) Flowing water that provides saturated soils throughout the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse's active season that supports tall (average stubble height of herbaceous vegetation of at least 61 centimeters (24 inches)) and dense herbaceous riparian vegetation composed primarily of sedges (Carex spp. or Schoenoplectus pungens) and forbs, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following associated species: Spikerush (Eleocharis macrostachya), beaked sedge (Carex rostrata), rushes (Juncus spp. and Scirpus spp.), and numerous species of grasses such as bluegrass (Poa spp.), slender wheatgrass (Elymus trachycaulus), brome (Bromus spp.), foxtail barley (Hordeum jubatum), or Japanese brome (Bromus japonicas), and forbs such as water hemlock (Circuta douglasii), field mint (Mentha arvense), asters (Aster spp.), or cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata); and

(iii) Sufficient areas of 9 to 24 kilometers (5.6 to 15 miles) along a stream, ditch, or canal that contain suitable or restorable habitat to support movements of individual New Mexico meadow jumping mice; and

(iv) Adjacent floodplain and upland areas extending approximately 100 meters (330 feet) outward from the boundary between the active water channel and the floodplain (as defined by the bankfull stage of streams) or from the top edge of the ditch or canal.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, fire lookout stations, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on April 15, 2016.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS version projection. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0014, and at the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: General Locations of Critical Habitat for the New Mexico Meadow Jumping Mouse - Overview, follows:

(6) Unit 1 - Sugarite Canyon. Map follows:

(7) Unit 2 - Coyote Creek. Map follows:

(8) Unit 3 - Jemez Mountains. Map follows:

(9) Unit 4 - Sacramento Mountains. Map follows:

(10) Unit 5 - White Mountains. Map follows:

(11) Unit 6 - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge (NWR). Map follows:

(12) Unit 7 - Florida River. Map follows:

(13) Unit 8 - Sambrito Creek. Map follows:

Perdido Key Beach Mouse (Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Escambia County, Florida, and Baldwin County, Alabama, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Perdido Key beach mouse are the habitat components that provide:

(i) A contiguous mosaic of primary, secondary, and scrub vegetation and dune structure, with a balanced level of competition and predation and few or no competitive or predaceous nonnative species present, that collectively provide foraging opportunities, cover, and burrow sites;

(ii) Primary and secondary dunes, generally dominated by sea oats (Uniola paniculata), that despite occasional temporary impacts and reconfiguration from tropical storms and hurricanes, provide abundant food resources, burrow sites, and protection from predators;

(iii) Scrub dunes, generally dominated by scrub oaks (Quercus spp.), that provide food resources and burrow sites, and provide elevated refugia during and after intense flooding due to rainfall and/or hurricane-induced storm surge;

(iv) Functional, unobstructed habitat connections that facilitate genetic exchange, dispersal, natural exploratory movements, and re-colonization of locally extirpated areas; and

(v) A natural light regime within the coastal dune ecosystem, compatible with the nocturnal activity of beach mice, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, driveways, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contained one or more of the primary constituent elements defined in paragraph (2) of this entry over 1999 and 2004 digital ortho photography at a scale of at least 1:4000.

(5) Note: Map 1 Index of Critical Habitat Units for the Perdido Key beach mouse, follows:

(6) PKBM - Unit 1: Gulf State Park Unit, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Gulf State Park from the west tip of Perdido Key at Perdido Pass east to approximately 1 mile (mi) (1.6 kilometers (km)) west of where the Alabama-Florida State line bisects Perdido Key and the area from the mean high water line (MHWL) north to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Coordinates: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Orange Beach, Alabama, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 447646.90, 3349472.01; 447492.27, 3349555.80; 447493.46, 3349550.54; 447492.60, 3349542.06; 447487.33, 3349540.88; 447466.10, 3349542.49; 447426.82, 3349545.78; 447375.87, 3349549.84; 447340.75, 3349556.40; 447277.86, 3349571.81; 447233.09, 3349583.43; 447195.90, 3349587.83; 447123.74, 3349592.44; 447082.29, 3349597.80; 447078.83, 3349609.34; 447082.64, 3349627.40; 447085.56, 3349638.04; 447109.06, 3349630.15; 447163.55, 3349611.36; 447228.62, 3349592.84; 447286.11, 3349581.52; 447357.41, 3349568.43; 447388.22, 3349564.94; 447403.20, 3349558.95; 447426.52, 3349558.45; 447454.05, 3349559.11; 447492.27, 3349555.80; 447753.29, 3349711.25; 447760.77, 3349736.04; 447763.66, 3349748.00; 447753.63, 3349752.12; 447755.48, 3349774.36; 447753.59, 3349787.00; 447754.47, 3349799.71; 447754.38, 3349820.32; 447753.74, 3349830.21; 447759.54, 3349836.69; 447811.82, 3349827.24; 447838.09, 3349825.09; 447856.72, 3349827.12; 447881.09, 3349821.36; 447907.36, 3349819.61; 447927.64, 3349818.91; 447956.65, 3349818.81; 447976.22, 3349830.77; 447992.63, 3349834.16; 448018.40, 3349831.12; 448037.09, 3349811.22; 448055.79, 3349802.71; 448074.40, 3349792.17; 448096.41, 3349792.70; 448114.76, 3349793.13; 448137.03, 3349782.68; 448148.04, 3349782.94; 448177.22, 3349790.96; 448191.45, 3349809.62; 448209.62, 3349817.37; 448223.94, 3349832.37; 448249.45, 3349840.30; 448279.80, 3349846.35; 448291.40, 3349859.70; 448311.29, 3349863.75; 448329.64, 3349864.19; 448368.33, 3349865.90; 448395.77, 3349862.11; 448408.04, 3349866.45; 448418.04, 3349851.65; 448427.89, 3349850.68; 448440.83, 3349857.72; 448448.65, 3349863.06; 448458.22, 3349861.71; 448474.31, 3349870.02; 448470.39, 3349848.77; 448469.37, 3349841.61; 448469.94, 3349834.09; 448470.06, 3349746.49; 448388.10, 3349722.76; 448274.81, 3349701.74; 448066.73, 3349652.82; 447964.62, 3349624.75; 447754.92, 3349599.15; 447753.29, 3349711.25; 446828.18, 3349177.08; 446788.74, 3349181.69; 446769.28, 3349208.86; 446767.28, 3349247.92; 446775.25, 3349280.06; 446782.18, 3349322.24; 446795.01, 3349350.69; 446801.51, 3349377.80; 446802.73, 3349409.54; 446811.99, 3349454.15; 446837.56, 3349514.61; 446896.76, 3349564.39; 446887.98, 3349582.41; 446896.11, 3349607.97; 446929.73, 3349630.57; 446953.02, 3349637.08; 446969.73, 3349626.62; 446984.14, 3349637.95; 446975.34, 3349650.69; 447000.06, 3349663.57; 447022.45, 3349657.76; 446993.88, 3349639.64; 446978.89, 3349585.37; 447068.47, 3349561.35; 447073.43, 3349586.44; 447084.44, 3349589.07; 447091.86, 3349585.59; 447128.34, 3349583.00; 447157.81, 3349580.13; 447188.50, 3349576.11; 447214.39, 3349573.56; 447263.87, 3349564.83; 447299.49, 3349553.79; 447327.56, 3349543.36; 447355.96, 3349535.32; 447401.54, 3349530.72; 447419.98, 3349527.50; 447464.09, 3349524.89; 447482.44, 3349525.33; 447508.12, 3349525.95; 447511.26, 3349547.99; 447515.63, 3349553.80; 447584.64, 3349549.75; 447669.02, 3349551.76; 447727.64, 3349556.83; 447771.68, 3349563.09; 447773.34, 3349543.71; 447819.71, 3349544.38; 447859.81, 3349556.32; 447908.03, 3349560.00; 447904.75, 3349580.93; 448004.65, 3349606.71; 448136.88, 3349636.19; 448391.19, 3349691.65; 448518.76, 3349723.23; 448524.37, 3349644.98; 448526.52, 3349626.07; 448221.97, 3349557.49; 447946.22, 3349481.14; 447525.39, 3349356.93; 447160.19, 3349255.19; 446914.86, 3349191.20; 446828.18, 3349177.08.

(7) PKBM - Unit 2: West Perdido Key Unit, Escambia County, Florida and Baldwin County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat from approximately 1 mi (1.6 km) west of where the Alabama-Florida State line bisects Perdido Key east to 2 mi (3.2 km) east of the State line and areas from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of human development or maritime forest.

(ii) Coordinates: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Orange Beach, Alabama, and Perdido Bay, Florida, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 449337.40, 3349820.75; 450150.23, 3349948.99; 450150.07, 3349948.96; 450110.12, 3349941.87; 450036.74, 3349928.41; 449865.78, 3349900.01; 449835.15, 3349896.11; 449690.43, 3349877.85; 449581.98, 3349849.89; 449474.18, 3349830.25; 449291.67, 3349805.96; 449065.07, 3349756.15; 448929.16, 3349724.36; 448875.44, 3349711.41; 448743.75, 3349669.31; 448625.71, 3349643.24; 448526.52, 3349626.07; 448524.37, 3349644.98; 448582.14, 3349648.54; 448616.00, 3349650.40; 448613.50, 3349666.20; 448653.71, 3349668.22; 448707.46, 3349680.07; 448743.29, 3349688.33; 448749.74, 3349684.25; 448769.63, 3349694.24; 448784.54, 3349701.88; 448869.86, 3349722.95; 448909.84, 3349734.47; 448934.12, 3349738.22; 449040.54, 3349762.96; 449044.67, 3349767.29; 449126.91, 3349784.05; 449134.20, 3349789.51; 449165.89, 3349793.44; 449202.65, 3349802.14; 449234.33, 3349810.93; 449243.92, 3349809.05; 449309.24, 3349824.35; 449309.24, 3349824.35; 449309.03, 3349832.80; 449303.36, 3349848.52; 449299.95, 3349857.95; 449300.81, 3349866.43; 449296.47, 3349870.55; 449289.06, 3349870.38; 449288.58, 3349890.45; 449323.34, 3349898.68; 449326.60, 3349895.58; 449326.77, 3349888.19; 449328.04, 3349879.76; 449327.05, 3349876.57; 449322.97, 3349870.13; 449323.12, 3349863.79; 449324.31, 3349858.53; 449326.55, 3349853.30; 449327.79, 3349845.93; 449327.99, 3349837.48; 449328.02, 3349827.71; 449349.32, 3349831.65; 449351.57, 3349826.42; 449405.37, 3349835.22; 449424.38, 3349838.73; 449471.57, 3349851.46; 449471.73, 3349857.40; 449598.16, 3349884.71; 449597.83, 3349942.84; 449467.18, 3349912.24; 449415.42, 3349902.99; 449412.39, 3349896.58; 449407.02, 3349899.62; 449400.21, 3349918.48; 449467.76, 3349932.33; 449630.01, 3349967.31; 449632.67, 3349947.90; 449633.28, 3349922.55; 449635.69, 3349907.20; 449651.69, 3349906.08; 449655.72, 3349914.63; 449657.84, 3349914.68; 449659.22, 3349900.97; 449671.93, 3349901.28; 449704.63, 3349909.34; 449701.77, 3349935.20; 449697.15, 3349950.95; 449693.77, 3349959.32; 449695.36, 3349981.56; 449749.08, 3349994.47; 449749.23, 3349988.13; 449750.02, 3349955.38; 449752.10, 3349914.61; 449752.10, 3349914.61; 449784.74, 3349920.41; 449810.13, 3349923.00; 449829.12, 3349929.34; 449908.19, 3349946.03; 449906.59, 3349965.47; 449916.14, 3349964.64; 449939.36, 3349968.36; 449973.07, 3349976.57; 449987.92, 3349975.87; 449997.55, 3349971.87; 450020.80, 3349974.54; 450046.16, 3349979.98; 450059.87, 3349979.70; 450073.54, 3349984.26; 450083.98, 3349993.57; 450150.23, 3350009.73; 450150.42, 3350009.76; 450150.23, 3349948.99; 449645.50, 3350072.32; 449649.58, 3350078.76; 449664.33, 3350082.29; 449686.52, 3350084.93; 449692.67, 3350093.53; 449689.18, 3350106.13; 449699.78, 3350109.11; 449698.49, 3350118.59; 449711.15, 3350121.01; 449718.69, 3350115.91; 449720.88, 3350112.79; 449727.18, 3350115.05; 449729.43, 3350109.82; 449734.72, 3350109.95; 449734.85, 3350104.67; 449741.20, 3350104.82; 449747.35, 3350110.70; 449746.11, 3350118.07; 449753.17, 3350133.03; 449766.51, 3350154.04; 449770.74, 3350154.14; 449780.27, 3350154.37; 449784.41, 3350158.70; 449796.06, 3350158.98; 449800.19, 3350163.30; 449820.20, 3350165.29; 449836.95, 3350176.87; 449846.83, 3350162.31; 449864.86, 3350161.68; 449863.00, 3350151.07; 449862.95, 3350106.06; 449864.06, 3350059.58; 449858.12, 3350045.25; 449809.57, 3350037.75; 449792.67, 3350035.23; 449777.98, 3350029.59; 449740.99, 3350025.54; 449731.61, 3350018.97; 449682.10, 3350007.22; 449656.73, 3350001.77; 449645.50, 3350072.32; 449183.65, 3349894.89; 449180.35, 3349900.10; 449183.30, 3349909.68; 449185.19, 3349919.24; 449179.33, 3349942.35; 449179.68, 3349971.96; 449179.67, 3350016.35; 449190.00, 3350024.44; 449202.63, 3350027.92; 449213.17, 3350030.28; 449223.76, 3350030.53; 449233.19, 3350034.99; 449238.23, 3350045.68; 449241.18, 3350057.99; 449257.92, 3350066.84; 449259.39, 3350049.96; 449254.17, 3350046.67; 449254.54, 3350028.10; 449267.25, 3350028.40; 449268.11, 3350039.60; 449263.72, 3350045.84; 449259.99, 3350069.00; 449277.86, 3350074.72; 449287.31, 3350075.39; 449288.07, 3350043.70; 449290.42, 3350034.24; 449299.15, 3350026.60; 449319.22, 3350029.20; 449321.96, 3350044.51; 449322.67, 3350062.05; 449322.39, 3350073.67; 449345.66, 3350075.28; 449348.49, 3350001.36; 449370.76, 3350000.83; 449371.24, 3349980.76; 449347.99, 3349978.09; 449347.49, 3349954.83; 449369.78, 3349953.25; 449376.54, 3349936.50; 449337.51, 3349929.22; 449285.77, 3349918.92; 449284.24, 3350026.69; 449282.88, 3350039.35; 449277.26, 3350052.95; 449273.32, 3350040.17; 449280.01, 3350026.59; 449280.53, 3349916.68; 449270.02, 3349913.26; 449264.66, 3350004.03; 449267.50, 3350017.84; 449259.94, 3350024.00; 449254.80, 3350017.54; 449259.36, 3350003.90; 449263.66, 3349913.10; 449247.89, 3349911.22; 449183.65, 3349894.89; 448986.63, 3349848.96; 448984.08, 3349866.87; 449010.37, 3349874.89; 449009.13, 3349882.33; 449009.48, 3349911.87; 449010.16, 3349938.64; 449016.10, 3349942.07; 449029.89, 3349941.34; 449042.45, 3349947.98; 449046.24, 3349955.61; 449053.79, 3349960.94; 449059.04, 3349963.18; 449067.58, 3349960.21; 449076.03, 3349961.47; 449077.94, 3349969.97; 449069.29, 3349977.16; 449064.14, 3349984.23; 449069.97, 3349993.03; 449086.10, 3350002.68; 449090.98, 3350014.29; 449118.25, 3350020.49; 449121.70, 3349992.83; 449110.55, 3349982.99; 449119.27, 3349972.63; 449113.69, 3349962.12; 449144.10, 3349936.68; 449142.83, 3349923.57; 449123.43, 3349920.73; 449110.13, 3349912.16; 449097.12, 3349924.53; 449083.32, 3349919.77; 449081.13, 3349911.79; 449094.43, 3349903.79; 449091.08, 3349894.59; 449091.44, 3349879.54; 449082.50, 3349871.33; 448986.63, 3349848.96; 449534.56, 3349974.10; 449526.69, 3349990.21; 449526.10, 3350014.51; 449526.92, 3350027.82; 449526.03, 3350064.79; 449532.28, 3350069.17; 449536.21, 3350081.95; 449540.37, 3350085.22; 449542.44, 3350087.38; 449541.22, 3350093.70; 449560.26, 3350095.21; 449570.72, 3350100.74; 449573.97, 3350097.65; 449581.27, 3350058.71; 449605.57, 3350061.41; 449606.37, 3350069.27; 449620.16, 3350068.55; 449629.69, 3350068.78; 449639.30, 3350065.83; 449648.06, 3350010.02; 449650.38, 3350001.62; 449644.16, 3349998.91; 449534.56, 3349974.10; 449635.33, 3349966.38; 449660.57, 3349974.38; 449661.78, 3349968.07; 449662.01, 3349958.56; 449658.02, 3349947.90; 449656.26, 3349933.06; 449654.53, 3349917.16; 449647.99, 3349924.40; 449646.35, 3349948.68; 449638.84, 3349952.72; 449635.33, 3349966.38; 449152.59, 3349861.83; 449172.61, 3349866.53; 449175.94, 3349860.27; 449177.25, 3349849.73; 449179.67, 3349837.11; 449177.68, 3349831.78; 449172.41, 3349830.59; 449166.16, 3349826.22; 449167.32, 3349822.01; 449163.16, 3349818.74; 449158.75, 3349826.04; 449156.37, 3349836.55; 449152.87, 3349850.21; 449151.63, 3349857.58; 449152.59, 3349861.83; 449086.18, 3349847.56; 449106.25, 3349850.15; 449110.69, 3349841.80; 449110.92, 3349832.29; 449108.17, 3349814.26; 449107.32, 3349805.78; 449103.21, 3349800.40; 449098.97, 3349800.30; 449097.74, 3349807.67; 449093.37, 3349812.85; 449089.01, 3349818.03; 449086.18, 3349847.56; 448967.14, 3349819.34; 448986.09, 3349824.03; 448991.44, 3349822.04; 448991.67, 3349812.53; 448992.93, 3349804.11; 448994.24, 3349793.57; 448994.50, 3349783.00; 448988.25, 3349778.63; 448983.71, 3349791.20; 448981.41, 3349798.55; 448972.66, 3349809.96; 448967.14, 3349819.34; 449331.74, 3349902.05; 449345.48, 3349903.43; 449351.21, 3349885.60; 449348.28, 3349874.96; 449350.63, 3349865.50; 449353.86, 3349863.47; 449355.04, 3349858.21; 449346.57, 3349858.01; 449343.11, 3349869.55; 449341.95, 3349873.75; 449334.54, 3349873.58; 449331.74, 3349902.05; 448994.54, 3349825.28; 449008.23, 3349828.78; 449012.67, 3349820.43; 449016.15, 3349807.83; 449018.52, 3349797.32; 449015.60, 3349786.68; 449008.21, 3349785.45; 449003.80, 3349792.74; 448998.33, 3349800.01; 448995.85, 3349814.75; 448994.54, 3349825.28; 449019.80, 3349832.23; 449034.60, 3349833.64; 449036.95, 3349824.18; 449039.24, 3349816.84; 449035.13, 3349811.46; 449032.11, 3349805.04; 449032.24, 3349799.76; 449037.81, 3349788.27; 449031.48, 3349787.06; 449023.79, 3349798.50; 449018.22, 3349810.00; 449017.96, 3349820.56; 449019.80, 3349832.23; 449133.68, 3349855.03; 449137.84, 3349858.31; 449145.35, 3349854.26; 449148.66, 3349849.05; 449152.06, 3349839.62; 449154.38, 3349831.22; 449153.50, 3349823.80; 449150.50, 3349816.33; 449146.40, 3349810.94; 449139.99, 3349812.91; 449141.83, 3349824.58; 449141.68, 3349830.91; 449139.48, 3349834.03; 449137.21, 3349840.32; 449134.89, 3349848.72; 449133.68, 3349855.03; 449369.71, 3349909.30; 449383.37, 3349913.85; 449387.96, 3349899.16; 449388.27, 3349886.49; 449389.53, 3349878.06; 449383.33, 3349871.57; 449383.51, 3349864.18; 449379.27, 3349864.08; 449378.01, 3349872.50; 449382.09, 3349878.94; 449377.73, 3349884.12; 449372.26, 3349891.39; 449369.71, 3349909.30; 449115.70, 3349853.55; 449123.12, 3349853.73; 449128.59, 3349846.46; 449135.12, 3349839.21; 449135.27, 3349832.88; 449135.40, 3349827.59; 449129.12, 3349824.27; 449124.89, 3349824.17; 449120.73, 3349820.90; 449124.06, 3349814.64; 449124.18, 3349809.36; 449117.83, 3349809.21; 449115.51, 3349817.61; 449115.41, 3349821.83; 449118.48, 3349826.13; 449117.27, 3349832.45; 449117.07, 3349840.90; 449115.70, 3349853.55; 449350.70, 3349906.73; 449360.15, 3349910.13; 449360.38, 3349900.62; 449362.65, 3349894.33; 449368.02, 3349891.29; 449367.14, 3349883.87; 449366.13, 3349881.73; 449370.80, 3349863.87; 449365.50, 3349863.75; 449363.01, 3349879.54; 449356.60, 3349881.50; 449354.36, 3349886.73; 449350.70, 3349906.73; 449065.16, 3349840.71; 449077.79, 3349844.19; 449082.30, 3349832.67; 449084.73, 3349820.04; 449082.81, 3349811.54; 449081.93, 3349804.12; 449082.08, 3349797.78; 449076.79, 3349797.65; 449074.49, 3349805.00; 449069.02, 3349812.27; 449067.86, 3349816.47; 449065.39, 3349831.21; 449065.16, 3349840.71; 449043.05, 3349834.90; 449054.59, 3349839.40; 449060.12, 3349830.02; 449061.38, 3349821.60; 449061.66, 3349809.98; 449057.55, 3349804.59; 449057.83, 3349792.97; 449055.71, 3349792.92; 449053.26, 3349806.61; 449049.96, 3349811.81; 449045.67, 3349813.82; 449043.28, 3349825.39; 449043.05, 3349834.90; 449264.32, 3349885.64; 449272.72, 3349889.01; 449282.27, 3349888.18; 449282.35, 3349885.01; 449284.67, 3349876.61; 449284.77, 3349872.39; 449281.67, 3349869.14; 449278.60, 3349864.84; 449279.78, 3349859.58; 449281.00, 3349853.27; 449281.10, 3349849.04; 449276.78, 3349852.11; 449272.45, 3349856.24; 449267.98, 3349865.64; 449264.50, 3349878.24; 449264.32, 3349885.64; 448931.31, 3349811.09; 448937.61, 3349813.35; 448944.04, 3349810.34; 448946.26, 3349806.16; 448950.70, 3349797.81; 448950.93, 3349788.30; 448951.16, 3349778.80; 448942.76, 3349775.43; 448935.25, 3349779.47; 448931.82, 3349789.96; 448929.40, 3349802.59; 448931.31, 3349811.09; 449671.10, 3349976.75; 449686.94, 3349979.24; 449687.39, 3349960.23; 449680.41, 3349942.09; 449675.35, 3349932.46; 449672.70, 3349954.59; 449671.10, 3349976.75; 448952.46, 3349812.65; 448956.65, 3349814.87; 448959.83, 3349814.94; 448969.56, 3349806.72; 448975.03, 3349799.45; 448976.19, 3349795.25; 448975.34, 3349786.77; 448966.92, 3349784.46; 448959.35, 3349790.62; 448952.77, 3349799.98; 448952.46, 3349812.65; 449216.88, 3349876.05; 449226.36, 3349878.39; 449229.96, 3349860.51; 449231.33, 3349847.86; 449234.76, 3349837.37; 449229.46, 3349837.24; 449230.47, 3349839.38; 449227.04, 3349849.87; 449222.76, 3349851.88; 449220.36, 3349863.45; 449216.88, 3349876.05; 449197.94, 3349870.31; 449206.34, 3349873.68; 449208.53, 3349870.56; 449213.83, 3349870.69; 449215.27, 3349854.87; 449215.52, 3349844.31; 449214.69, 3349834.77; 449209.40, 3349834.65; 449208.26, 3349837.79; 449206.87, 3349851.50; 449198.35, 3349853.41; 449197.94, 3349870.31; 448919.34, 3349780.15; 448913.94, 3349784.25; 448910.54, 3349793.68; 448910.31, 3349803.19; 448913.36, 3349808.55; 448922.89, 3349808.77; 448925.21, 3349800.37; 448927.74, 3349783.52; 448927.84, 3349779.30; 448919.34, 3349780.15; 449181.03, 3349868.85; 449188.39, 3349871.14; 449192.10, 3349849.03; 449187.86, 3349848.93; 449188.37, 3349827.80; 449185.19, 3349827.73; 449181.03, 3349868.85; 449249.53, 3349884.23; 449259.06, 3349884.46; 449260.29, 3349877.09; 449262.56, 3349870.80; 449262.71, 3349864.46; 449261.83, 3349857.04; 449259.89, 3349849.60; 449256.62, 3349853.74; 449251.07, 3349864.18; 449250.84, 3349873.69; 449249.53, 3349884.23; 448901.31, 3349780.78; 448893.77, 3349785.88; 448891.45, 3349794.28; 448891.28, 3349801.68; 448896.47, 3349806.03; 448903.93, 3349804.09; 448906.25, 3349795.69; 448906.53, 3349784.07; 448901.31, 3349780.78; 449233.74, 3349879.62; 449242.16, 3349881.94; 449244.41, 3349876.71; 449246.73, 3349868.31; 449240.53, 3349861.82; 449234.12, 3349863.78; 449231.80, 3349872.18; 449233.74, 3349879.62; 451993.83, 3350371.03; 452703.05, 3350634.99; 452704.03, 3350638.18; 452710.36, 3350639.39; 452712.53, 3350637.33; 452713.66, 3350634.18; 452713.79, 3350628.90; 452714.04, 3350618.34; 452713.24, 3350607.75; 452706.89, 3350607.60; 452702.62, 3350608.55; 452703.05, 3350634.99; 453782.71, 3350897.59; 453793.28, 3350898.90; 453796.56, 3350894.75; 453795.98, 3350874.65; 453797.45, 3350857.78; 453794.37, 3350853.47; 453785.62, 3350864.89; 453784.28, 3350876.49; 453782.71, 3350897.59; 450607.54, 3350204.19; 450615.96, 3350206.51; 450619.29, 3350200.25; 450619.64, 3350185.46; 450620.07, 3350167.50; 450618.16, 3350159.00; 450611.83, 3350157.79; 450608.58, 3350160.88; 450606.26, 3350169.28; 450608.12, 3350179.90; 450608.93, 3350190.49; 450608.77, 3350196.82; 450607.54, 3350204.19; 451881.55, 3350474.76; 451896.33, 3350477.22; 451896.60, 3350465.60; 451895.88, 3350451.84; 451894.09, 3350438.06; 451890.91, 3350437.98; 451891.01, 3350433.76; 451890.13, 3350426.34; 451883.80, 3350425.13; 451884.13, 3350455.79; 451882.76, 3350468.44; 451881.55, 3350474.76; 450624.43, 3350206.71; 450631.79, 3350209.00; 450631.94, 3350202.66; 450633.10, 3350198.46; 450633.38, 3350186.84; 450633.56, 3350179.45; 450632.65, 3350173.08; 450635.96, 3350167.88; 450645.46, 3350169.16; 450645.64, 3350161.77; 450640.50, 3350155.30; 450635.23, 3350154.12; 450629.86, 3350157.16; 450624.41, 3350163.37; 450622.51, 3350198.21; 450624.43, 3350206.71; 451488.80, 3350547.04; 451486.14, 3350528.67; 451481.23, 3350526.18; 451480.66, 3350531.56; 451479.21, 3350574.06; 451443.72, 3350573.86; 451444.14, 3350574.42; 451446.66, 3350577.81; 451450.92, 3350580.50; 451452.58, 3350585.93; 451485.88, 3350587.38; 451486.86, 3350582.65; 451496.61, 3350582.02; 451499.58, 3350575.62; 451488.80, 3350547.04; 450383.09, 3350287.25; 450382.53, 3350310.49; 450397.20, 3350317.18; 450408.85, 3350317.46; 450423.63, 3350319.93; 450436.31, 3350321.29; 450455.24, 3350327.02; 450458.47, 3350324.99; 450459.75, 3350315.50; 450444.98, 3350313.04; 450440.75, 3350312.94; 450440.97, 3350303.43; 450399.93, 3350291.88; 450383.09, 3350287.25; 453015.92, 3350797.85; 453023.26, 3350800.16; 453023.39, 3350794.88; 453031.86, 3350795.08; 453034.25, 3350783.51; 453044.87, 3350783.75; 453046.03, 3350735.15; 453019.66, 3350730.29; 453015.92, 3350797.85; 450422.77, 3350179.33; 450422.23, 3350201.51; 450422.66, 3350227.94; 450422.12, 3350250.13; 450427.19, 3350259.76; 450432.21, 3350271.51; 450430.89, 3350282.05; 450439.29, 3350285.42; 450443.57, 3350283.41; 450440.36, 3350196.66; 450435.07, 3350196.53; 450435.42, 3350181.74; 450422.77, 3350179.33; 451937.55, 3350481.38; 451958.60, 3350487.17; 451971.25, 3350489.58; 451970.75, 3350466.32; 451969.27, 3350439.86; 451966.58, 3350419.71; 451956.01, 3350418.40; 451947.52, 3350419.26; 451944.19, 3350425.52; 451942.98, 3350431.83; 451943.55, 3350451.93; 451942.21, 3350463.52; 451937.55, 3350481.38; 451666.83, 3350567.39; 451674.24, 3350567.57; 451679.69, 3350561.36; 451689.19, 3350562.64; 451695.14, 3350580.68; 451703.51, 3350585.10; 451713.63, 3350561.04; 451713.17, 3350534.68; 451713.83, 3350507.21; 451703.07, 3350515.33; 451696.06, 3350522.11; 451685.44, 3350522.91; 451684.18, 3350531.34; 451680.27, 3350538.04; 451669.53, 3350543.15; 451666.83, 3350567.39; 451405.16, 3350583.71; 451417.86, 3350584.41; 451419.36, 3350571.37; 451417.02, 3350536.43; 451418.01, 3350478.98; 451411.54, 3350466.94; 451392.65, 3350470.91; 451392.01, 3350497.32; 451394.32, 3350532.34; 451403.43, 3350540.07; 451403.22, 3350548.79; 451400.78, 3350551.11; 451403.84, 3350555.94; 451403.19, 3350561.01; 451395.73, 3350562.95; 451394.72, 3350571.57; 451403.42, 3350573.37; 451405.16, 3350583.71; 451930.48, 3350526.11; 451932.49, 3350530.13; 451942.72, 3350534.34; 451947.14, 3350537.71; 451946.11, 3350546.44; 451943.92, 3350552.70; 451936.14, 3350553.73; 451932.25, 3350554.05; 451930.93, 3350558.29; 451936.10, 3350561.93; 451943.31, 3350559.33; 451940.80, 3350564.42; 451940.69, 3350569.17; 451944.88, 3350576.41; 451940.48, 3350576.85; 451941.12, 3350584.24; 451944.29, 3350584.72; 451943.23, 3350589.74; 451940.89, 3350593.75; 451944.82, 3350595.43; 451948.30, 3350599.48; 451947.29, 3350607.76; 451951.96, 3350612.65; 451952.18, 3350620.18; 451954.10, 3350622.61; 451959.36, 3350618.77; 451956.28, 3350614.73; 451957.21, 3350609.20; 451960.13, 3350608.47; 451963.53, 3350610.54; 451964.55, 3350617.70; 451969.34, 3350617.03; 451970.22, 3350613.48; 451967.17, 3350607.86; 451973.20, 3350605.23; 451977.53, 3350606.92; 451977.63, 3350602.56; 451977.04, 3350594.22; 451976.76, 3350589.06; 451972.82, 3350581.69; 451966.97, 3350578.91; 451971.96, 3350573.88; 451971.11, 3350567.81; 451966.44, 3350566.68; 451962.15, 3350567.19; 451955.89, 3350564.78; 451956.52, 3350555.28; 451959.38, 3350551.78; 451966.62, 3350548.39; 451969.80, 3350554.34; 451973.17, 3350556.87; 451979.53, 3350556.62; 451980.50, 3350549.12; 451976.29, 3350542.67; 451970.01, 3350539.35; 451965.40, 3350532.90; 451963.55, 3350527.31; 451959.28, 3350525.17; 451952.32, 3350526.02; 451952.14, 3350533.35; 451948.67, 3350533.47; 451948.85, 3350527.35; 451944.13, 3350525.26; 451941.54, 3350524.34; 451937.84, 3350522.33; 451928.95, 3350521.59; 451930.48, 3350526.11; 453147.41, 3350803.69; 453142.42, 3350788.61; 453137.09, 3350787.42; 453139.57, 3350854.72; 453138.43, 3350865.43; 453144.36, 3350874.24; 453150.85, 3350885.10; 453157.00, 3350893.57; 453164.77, 3350900.89; 453169.90, 3350902.60; 453170.14, 3350892.69; 453168.94, 3350876.41; 453167.40, 3350857.75; 453168.67, 3350805.06; 453167.49, 3350795.14; 453158.12, 3350801.82; 453147.41, 3350803.69; 452001.33, 3350604.46; 452004.74, 3350595.03; 452006.03, 3350585.55; 452002.95, 3350581.24; 451999.85, 3350578.00; 452003.10, 3350574.91; 452007.24, 3350579.23; 452013.64, 3350577.27; 452021.08, 3350576.39; 452025.34, 3350575.44; 452029.68, 3350571.31; 452028.77, 3350564.95; 452031.97, 3350563.97; 452032.08, 3350559.74; 452033.39, 3350549.21; 452033.57, 3350541.81; 452035.68, 3350541.86; 452038.78, 3350545.11; 452035.33, 3350556.65; 452036.18, 3350565.13; 452033.84, 3350574.58; 452036.86, 3350581.00; 452042.13, 3350582.18; 452049.59, 3350580.25; 452053.85, 3350579.29; 452054.03, 3350571.90; 452054.21, 3350564.50; 452050.08, 3350560.17; 452050.20, 3350554.89; 452052.47, 3350548.61; 452052.75, 3350536.99; 452049.73, 3350530.57; 452041.26, 3350530.37; 452030.82, 3350523.78; 452027.42, 3350533.21; 452022.93, 3350543.67; 452011.30, 3350542.34; 452011.46, 3350536.00; 452020.00, 3350533.03; 452024.29, 3350531.02; 452023.38, 3350524.66; 452016.07, 3350520.25; 452009.77, 3350517.99; 452002.36, 3350517.81; 451994.97, 3350516.58; 451985.44, 3350516.35; 451983.98, 3350533.23; 451982.76, 3350583.93; 451982.38, 3350599.78; 451992.91, 3350602.14; 452001.33, 3350604.46; 450499.59, 3350334.35; 450512.17, 3350339.93; 450518.65, 3350334.80; 450527.20, 3350331.83; 450534.43, 3350339.41; 450544.01, 3350336.54; 450543.28, 3350322.79; 450545.04, 3350205.50; 450514.49, 3350199.41; 450515.08, 3350262.84; 450515.68, 3350326.27; 450502.94, 3350327.03; 450499.59, 3350334.35; 451834.39, 3350514.14; 451832.67, 3350519.45; 451838.51, 3350522.33; 451843.31, 3350521.26; 451842.63, 3350526.22; 451845.91, 3350528.85; 451852.11, 3350528.03; 451855.80, 3350530.28; 451855.17, 3350524.74; 451859.95, 3350523.86; 451862.44, 3350519.17; 451869.59, 3350518.95; 451868.38, 3350528.22; 451862.42, 3350528.47; 451860.99, 3350530.02; 451864.40, 3350536.64; 451868.09, 3350540.29; 451870.15, 3350545.29; 451873.10, 3350546.15; 451871.53, 3350537.20; 451875.72, 3350536.51; 451879.49, 3350536.21; 451881.87, 3350536.46; 451885.51, 3350541.70; 451892.21, 3350543.64; 451892.29, 3350548.59; 451891.79, 3350553.73; 451884.93, 3350558.33; 451877.73, 3350560.13; 451873.56, 3350560.02; 451872.89, 3350569.53; 451866.85, 3350566.33; 451862.15, 3350566.63; 451862.53, 3350576.21; 451863.56, 3350584.17; 451860.26, 3350594.07; 451865.05, 3350598.66; 451867.19, 3350602.99; 451869.47, 3350606.31; 451869.79, 3350609.49; 451865.78, 3350610.90; 451864.82, 3350618.09; 451863.90, 3350623.22; 451866.58, 3350627.25; 451870.94, 3350627.75; 451876.22, 3350623.12; 451882.58, 3350622.88; 451885.86, 3350618.60; 451888.63, 3350619.06; 451893.39, 3350619.57; 451895.77, 3350619.76; 451898.84, 3350619.22; 451902.86, 3350622.17; 451906.52, 3350618.69; 451912.14, 3350616.45; 451919.16, 3350621.77; 451921.66, 3350617.07; 451918.37, 3350613.58; 451919.30, 3350600.37; 451915.40, 3350601.29; 451914.63, 3350595.50; 451917.50, 3350591.61; 451925.21, 3350592.37; 451925.74, 3350587.29; 451924.27, 3350580.33; 451921.16, 3350573.94; 451919.29, 3350566.97; 451913.66, 3350569.71; 451908.32, 3350560.47; 451912.40, 3350555.81; 451912.92, 3350550.67; 451913.87, 3350544.35; 451911.04, 3350536.37; 451906.11, 3350536.63; 451903.04, 3350538.75; 451899.67, 3350538.87; 451898.42, 3350541.41; 451888.52, 3350540.38; 451889.01, 3350536.43; 451884.88, 3350535.15; 451885.38, 3350522.29; 451880.28, 3350520.16; 451876.73, 3350519.28; 451877.23, 3350514.94; 451871.13, 3350512.65; 451865.71, 3350515.29; 451866.05, 3350509.36; 451857.34, 3350508.36; 451857.81, 3350513.72; 451855.05, 3350513.06; 451854.13, 3350518.38; 451849.84, 3350515.31; 451845.06, 3350514.56; 451839.94, 3350514.08; 451834.39, 3350514.14; 452962.77, 3350805.04; 452964.66, 3350813.56; 452970.74, 3350825.33; 452974.90, 3350828.60; 452982.44, 3350823.50; 452984.73, 3350816.15; 452995.45, 3350811.12; 453004.98, 3350811.35; 453013.47, 3350811.53; 453014.37, 3350730.17; 452985.98, 3350721.03; 452963.85, 3350716.27; 452962.77, 3350805.04; 450352.08, 3350300.17; 450360.45, 3350303.62; 450368.97, 3350302.68; 450368.35, 3350284.70; 450380.02, 3350283.92; 450383.57, 3350267.18; 450398.82, 3350269.80; 450396.94, 3350240.01; 450396.42, 3350173.41; 450390.95, 3350180.68; 450384.57, 3350181.58; 450358.25, 3350174.61; 450355.43, 3350205.12; 450381.72, 3350213.14; 450376.82, 3350240.51; 450355.80, 3350233.66; 450354.46, 3350245.26; 450359.58, 3350252.78; 450358.29, 3350262.26; 450345.53, 3350264.07; 450341.58, 3350252.35; 450350.25, 3350244.10; 450351.70, 3350183.89; 450345.34, 3350183.74; 450344.01, 3350195.33; 450345.31, 3350229.19; 450323.18, 3350224.43; 450323.73, 3350245.58; 450325.41, 3350263.59; 450351.68, 3350272.67; 450352.08, 3350300.17; 452961.76, 3350715.17; 452944.84, 3350712.67; 452926.94, 3350708.01; 452896.41, 3350700.92; 452897.21, 3350711.51; 452900.22, 3350717.94; 452898.39, 3350749.61; 452897.86, 3350771.79; 452904.06, 3350778.28; 452916.67, 3350782.81; 452916.57, 3350787.04; 452927.13, 3350788.35; 452927.96, 3350797.88; 452936.43, 3350798.08; 452947.02, 3350798.34; 452952.14, 3350805.86; 452959.70, 3350800.73; 452960.37, 3350728.87; 452961.76, 3350715.17; 452779.43, 3350674.87; 452757.35, 3350668.00; 452750.92, 3350671.01; 452746.48, 3350679.36; 452744.77, 3350706.28; 452754.34, 3350710.66; 452782.86, 3350717.62; 452805.09, 3350724.81; 452810.67, 3350737.88; 452807.62, 3350780.18; 452803.63, 3350813.91; 452808.72, 3350822.49; 452806.34, 3350847.86; 452821.98, 3350851.37; 452825.42, 3350838.90; 452840.06, 3350840.30; 452840.17, 3350792.59; 452811.60, 3350790.85; 452811.91, 3350778.17; 452840.55, 3350776.53; 452839.30, 3350740.78; 452816.00, 3350740.22; 452816.84, 3350726.27; 452830.71, 3350721.50; 452839.75, 3350721.76; 452842.48, 3350696.46; 452838.42, 3350688.96; 452779.43, 3350674.87; 450547.49, 3350324.92; 450561.28, 3350324.19; 450566.35, 3350333.83; 450559.77, 3350343.18; 450586.16, 3350346.99; 450591.84, 3350331.27; 450603.49, 3350331.54; 450615.34, 3350323.37; 450615.63, 3350222.97; 450549.48, 3350207.56; 450548.25, 3350292.25; 450547.49, 3350324.92; 452716.99, 3350739.66; 452724.84, 3350716.41; 452763.08, 3350728.01; 452752.89, 3350753.28; 452761.35, 3350755.60; 452758.35, 3350791.67; 452779.52, 3350797.50; 452790.15, 3350798.81; 452799.96, 3350789.48; 452801.09, 3350742.74; 452798.15, 3350732.04; 452719.99, 3350707.38; 452701.88, 3350703.16; 452660.61, 3350691.54; 452642.40, 3350689.56; 452628.63, 3350691.84; 452622.04, 3350700.19; 452618.44, 3350717.11; 452617.14, 3350726.64; 452634.16, 3350728.11; 452635.45, 3350718.58; 452640.83, 3350716.58; 452646.20, 3350714.58; 452648.23, 3350718.88; 452654.44, 3350726.47; 452656.34, 3350736.08; 452659.46, 3350739.35; 452663.64, 3350742.64; 452659.25, 3350747.85; 452653.93, 3350747.72; 452650.61, 3350752.95; 452642.21, 3350747.44; 452639.02, 3350747.36; 452639.88, 3350755.89; 452669.47, 3350766.16; 452680.06, 3350768.54; 452683.59, 3350754.81; 452689.43, 3350733.69; 452707.40, 3350739.43; 452697.00, 3350773.20; 452712.87, 3350777.83; 452713.10, 3350768.27; 452709.93, 3350767.13; 452710.19, 3350756.51; 452710.37, 3350749.07; 452716.76, 3350749.22; 452721.12, 3350745.07; 452716.99, 3350739.66; 450916.02, 3350287.31; 450857.03, 3350273.21; 450851.53, 3350281.54; 450849.99, 3350301.58; 450848.47, 3350320.57; 450849.20, 3350334.33; 450849.95, 3350347.03; 450856.83, 3350369.39; 450857.69, 3350377.87; 450866.13, 3350379.13; 450865.98, 3350385.47; 450872.18, 3350391.96; 450873.04, 3350400.43; 450872.61, 3350418.39; 450876.38, 3350437.51; 450883.57, 3350447.19; 450882.98, 3350471.49; 450892.51, 3350471.72; 450897.66, 3350478.18; 450912.48, 3350478.54; 450918.94, 3350474.46; 450918.41, 3350452.25; 450918.62, 3350399.41; 450915.85, 3350382.43; 450916.88, 3350295.78; 450916.02, 3350287.31; 451489.88, 3350479.66; 451489.12, 3350511.35; 451491.85, 3350531.09; 451498.62, 3350557.03; 451504.59, 3350573.03; 451504.26, 3350586.76; 451500.73, 3350601.47; 451503.67, 3350611.06; 451513.82, 3350608.51; 451509.96, 3350554.51; 451505.70, 3350533.40; 451506.09, 3350517.16; 451511.66, 3350500.25; 451521.25, 3350498.10; 451535.17, 3350497.24; 451552.25, 3350497.65; 451568.31, 3350507.15; 451567.25, 3350523.71; 451565.79, 3350540.59; 451565.33, 3350559.60; 451552.29, 3350573.03; 451553.02, 3350586.79; 451555.49, 3350610.69; 451564.55, 3350613.69; 451562.37, 3350605.31; 451569.15, 3350599.87; 451569.42, 3350593.19; 451575.11, 3350593.66; 451579.21, 3350599.04; 451585.03, 3350604.66; 451593.34, 3350606.45; 451603.14, 3350595.19; 451612.97, 3350599.39; 451622.58, 3350602.19; 451631.30, 3350591.83; 451630.60, 3350577.02; 451632.22, 3350553.80; 451647.07, 3350552.64; 451662.92, 3350553.56; 451660.12, 3350449.91; 451629.43, 3350443.61; 451623.63, 3350486.67; 451613.70, 3350486.77; 451596.78, 3350484.33; 451594.84, 3350477.66; 451585.77, 3350475.07; 451583.88, 3350471.06; 451588.07, 3350462.04; 451596.77, 3350463.83; 451604.77, 3350461.25; 451620.99, 3350464.41; 451623.87, 3350443.48; 451598.21, 3350436.92; 451579.63, 3350432.90; 451566.31, 3350429.70; 451553.50, 3350433.62; 451553.32, 3350441.01; 451551.00, 3350449.41; 451545.01, 3350451.50; 451546.65, 3350466.20; 451545.85, 3350482.83; 451539.55, 3350485.08; 451531.06, 3350486.44; 451526.70, 3350485.94; 451518.35, 3350485.63; 451502.99, 3350480.62; 451489.88, 3350479.66; 452229.34, 3350643.46; 452234.37, 3350649.13; 452230.66, 3350671.24; 452227.35, 3350692.96; 452235.69, 3350693.16; 452242.42, 3350694.11; 452241.52, 3350698.45; 452248.23, 3350700.59; 452249.21, 3350692.69; 452255.99, 3350691.66; 452259.76, 3350700.08; 452264.13, 3350700.18; 452271.74, 3350697.59; 452276.79, 3350702.47; 452282.03, 3350699.42; 452291.58, 3350698.46; 452297.38, 3350705.34; 452300.04, 3350710.16; 452305.96, 3350711.88; 452319.45, 3350712.60; 452324.50, 3350717.48; 452332.33, 3350722.42; 452338.68, 3350722.58; 452344.12, 3350727.86; 452352.47, 3350727.27; 452362.30, 3350731.86; 452364.38, 3350727.95; 452359.27, 3350725.45; 452358.68, 3350717.11; 452365.13, 3350696.65; 452365.14, 3350679.61; 452369.46, 3350665.44; 452376.54, 3350651.74; 452382.49, 3350652.28; 452384.51, 3350584.54; 452340.63, 3350575.57; 452342.86, 3350581.96; 452347.58, 3350584.06; 452357.92, 3350583.51; 452364.95, 3350588.44; 452364.02, 3350594.36; 452367.99, 3350600.57; 452362.22, 3350603.04; 452357.33, 3350603.48; 452350.95, 3350604.39; 452343.51, 3350605.27; 452337.22, 3350601.65; 452332.63, 3350594.40; 452329.59, 3350588.38; 452334.89, 3350582.96; 452331.48, 3350576.14; 452319.56, 3350575.86; 452319.86, 3350580.22; 452316.52, 3350586.88; 452310.50, 3350589.12; 452304.52, 3350590.16; 452304.80, 3350594.93; 452295.15, 3350599.85; 452289.63, 3350598.13; 452292.17, 3350591.45; 452295.42, 3350588.76; 452299.46, 3350585.68; 452297.98, 3350581.29; 452304.47, 3350575.50; 452302.20, 3350571.08; 452291.83, 3350572.81; 452288.98, 3350575.52; 452290.43, 3350581.11; 452292.30, 3350586.30; 452282.99, 3350593.21; 452282.31, 3350588.44; 452278.69, 3350590.34; 452274.27, 3350592.21; 452276.44, 3350584.73; 452280.54, 3350579.68; 452283.48, 3350573.01; 452279.52, 3350572.52; 452275.79, 3350578.77; 452271.61, 3350587.39; 452267.97, 3350590.08; 452263.72, 3350585.22; 452257.50, 3350579.52; 452252.02, 3350575.83; 452251.77, 3350569.87; 452247.42, 3350568.98; 452245.16, 3350580.42; 452238.88, 3350593.74; 452229.73, 3350593.92; 452229.99, 3350616.13; 452229.14, 3350635.13; 452229.34, 3350643.46; 452586.29, 3350643.82; 452589.65, 3350636.50; 452594.03, 3350630.27; 452575.48, 3350623.60; 452472.77, 3350598.94; 452465.48, 3350600.76; 452465.76, 3350609.48; 452459.58, 3350625.99; 452456.15, 3350636.48; 452453.40, 3350660.71; 452448.52, 3350689.15; 452449.15, 3350707.13; 452452.10, 3350716.71; 452460.15, 3350710.42; 452462.86, 3350713.65; 452459.90, 3350721.11; 452456.92, 3350729.37; 452459.55, 3350735.38; 452467.52, 3350734.38; 452477.42, 3350735.80; 452484.12, 3350738.34; 452486.13, 3350754.54; 452485.52, 3350762.55; 452492.62, 3350764.71; 452500.13, 3350782.72; 452517.41, 3350791.06; 452522.81, 3350771.28; 452537.48, 3350779.01; 452545.98, 3350778.15; 452548.31, 3350767.56; 452548.13, 3350752.95; 452574.51, 3350746.45; 452575.13, 3350755.60; 452599.62, 3350759.73; 452612.16, 3350757.54; 452610.95, 3350750.89; 452611.29, 3350705.72; 452617.09, 3350684.72; 452624.66, 3350678.56; 452657.41, 3350682.52; 452719.50, 3350699.86; 452729.03, 3350700.09; 452733.47, 3350691.74; 452738.03, 3350678.10; 452739.35, 3350667.57; 452734.15, 3350663.21; 452644.50, 3350646.27; 452636.89, 3350654.54; 452632.17, 3350674.51; 452618.56, 3350667.85; 452618.76, 3350659.40; 452606.10, 3350656.98; 452594.43, 3350657.76; 452585.70, 3350652.75; 452586.29, 3350643.82; 451758.79, 3350379.88; 451764.08, 3350380.01; 451766.61, 3350363.16; 451795.10, 3350368.07; 451792.78, 3350376.47; 451824.52, 3350378.28; 451822.41, 3350465.96; 451871.90, 3350475.19; 451877.52, 3350466.20; 451879.70, 3350419.75; 451869.39, 3350407.87; 451854.66, 3350403.29; 451858.30, 3350384.35; 451875.21, 3350385.82; 451877.08, 3350396.43; 451912.02, 3350397.27; 451911.49, 3350419.45; 451903.95, 3350424.56; 451898.40, 3350434.99; 451901.04, 3350457.25; 451902.65, 3350478.43; 451930.13, 3350481.20; 451934.70, 3350467.57; 451936.09, 3350453.86; 451936.55, 3350434.85; 451923.99, 3350428.21; 451919.98, 3350418.60; 451921.45, 3350401.72; 451941.62, 3350400.09; 451968.07, 3350401.78; 451988.21, 3350401.20; 452030.44, 3350407.50; 452034.35, 3350421.33; 452034.13, 3350474.18; 452045.53, 3350485.02; 452060.02, 3350499.11; 452061.44, 3350484.34; 452056.34, 3350475.77; 452050.14, 3350469.28; 452039.07, 3350467.98; 452039.83, 3350457.40; 452049.39, 3350456.57; 452049.72, 3350442.84; 452046.67, 3350437.48; 452041.63, 3350426.79; 452049.30, 3350416.41; 452062.96, 3350420.96; 452063.59, 3350438.94; 452059.25, 3350443.07; 452057.68, 3350464.17; 452064.82, 3350475.97; 452068.70, 3350490.86; 452070.25, 3350426.42; 452073.58, 3350420.16; 452123.19, 3350427.69; 452122.89, 3350440.36; 452129.37, 3350435.23; 452127.40, 3350428.84; 452149.54, 3350432.56; 452173.79, 3350437.37; 452189.57, 3350441.98; 452218.09, 3350445.83; 452224.29, 3350453.36; 452243.37, 3350451.72; 452270.83, 3350455.55; 452279.25, 3350458.90; 452288.80, 3350457.04; 452293.17, 3350451.86; 452305.72, 3350458.50; 452305.59, 3350463.78; 452327.68, 3350470.65; 452348.90, 3350470.08; 452358.61, 3350462.91; 452401.75, 3350474.54; 452427.06, 3350480.41; 452449.20, 3350484.13; 452469.34, 3350484.59; 452485.20, 3350486.02; 452494.60, 3350490.50; 452513.66, 3350490.95; 452510.99, 3350514.14; 452498.28, 3350513.84; 452490.63, 3350524.21; 452492.26, 3350588.72; 452567.58, 3350605.87; 452565.91, 3350566.17; 452547.96, 3350563.63; 452546.24, 3350523.97; 452558.92, 3350525.33; 452555.02, 3350511.50; 452563.51, 3350510.64; 452565.25, 3350526.54; 452574.73, 3350528.88; 452574.97, 3350607.10; 452607.72, 3350611.06; 452607.38, 3350537.06; 452598.96, 3350534.75; 452601.14, 3350510.99; 452637.56, 3350515.59; 452632.35, 3350535.00; 452613.94, 3350551.47; 452610.58, 3350603.18; 452612.94, 3350614.35; 452637.14, 3350621.28; 452642.65, 3350591.26; 452635.96, 3350582.14; 452636.85, 3350567.87; 452634.79, 3350565.71; 452636.75, 3350549.39; 452643.25, 3350543.20; 452661.13, 3350548.92; 452658.26, 3350558.87; 452654.83, 3350569.36; 452651.87, 3350581.46; 452649.40, 3350596.20; 452643.44, 3350623.54; 452667.64, 3350630.46; 452668.07, 3350612.50; 452682.20, 3350598.04; 452671.42, 3350584.55; 452664.70, 3350576.48; 452666.27, 3350555.38; 452687.37, 3350559.06; 452686.89, 3350579.13; 452689.29, 3350590.26; 452688.50, 3350600.31; 452675.49, 3350612.68; 452672.94, 3350630.59; 452696.08, 3350637.48; 452696.40, 3350603.12; 452692.37, 3350594.57; 452693.00, 3350568.16; 452722.70, 3350566.75; 452724.13, 3350595.33; 452719.62, 3350606.84; 452720.90, 3350641.76; 452763.54, 3350651.78; 452766.63, 3350634.39; 452768.10, 3350617.52; 452766.80, 3350604.30; 452756.34, 3350598.76; 452754.92, 3350592.89; 452748.20, 3350584.82; 452749.59, 3350571.12; 452763.46, 3350567.22; 452769.01, 3350579.49; 452768.63, 3350595.33; 452775.05, 3350614.01; 452773.53, 3350633.00; 452768.81, 3350652.97; 452858.34, 3350675.19; 452861.94, 3350657.31; 452862.83, 3350620.33; 452843.48, 3350610.87; 452842.27, 3350594.47; 452845.72, 3350582.93; 452867.88, 3350586.63; 452866.09, 3350617.24; 452865.45, 3350643.65; 452862.60, 3350674.23; 452872.52, 3350680.29; 452875.35, 3350650.76; 452883.89, 3350647.79; 452887.27, 3350639.42; 452889.11, 3350651.09; 452893.30, 3350653.30; 452888.68, 3350669.05; 452881.27, 3350668.87; 452876.78, 3350679.33; 452983.11, 3350707.24; 452985.16, 3350667.10; 452982.59, 3350641.68; 452970.19, 3350628.70; 452971.71, 3350608.67; 452984.44, 3350607.92; 452989.59, 3350614.38; 452985.97, 3350633.30; 452986.86, 3350640.72; 452988.41, 3350664.01; 452986.29, 3350707.32; 453028.42, 3350717.84; 453029.65, 3350711.51; 453017.07, 3350705.92; 453018.54, 3350689.04; 453017.89, 3350671.08; 453019.41, 3350652.09; 453022.84, 3350641.60; 453026.29, 3350631.09; 453046.26, 3350637.91; 453075.85, 3350640.74; 453078.12, 3350634.45; 453086.59, 3350634.65; 453105.50, 3350641.45; 453133.94, 3350648.47; 453148.74, 3350649.88; 453170.85, 3350655.69; 453184.49, 3350661.30; 453193.86, 3350667.87; 453218.14, 3350671.62; 453257.02, 3350685.24; 453273.86, 3350689.87; 453287.65, 3350689.14; 453293.90, 3350693.52; 453323.40, 3350700.57; 453326.65, 3350697.47; 453344.60, 3350700.02; 453353.98, 3350706.58; 453364.98, 3350710.57; 453370.49, 3350724.95; 453369.72, 3350733.93; 453362.64, 3350742.73; 453365.98, 3350757.10; 453359.38, 3350767.51; 453351.14, 3350780.50; 453343.50, 3350789.83; 453350.24, 3350794.77; 453463.37, 3350827.58; 453465.69, 3350796.48; 453445.20, 3350790.15; 453455.89, 3350763.48; 453479.06, 3350769.32; 453468.42, 3350793.88; 453469.16, 3350828.27; 453512.42, 3350835.65; 453516.18, 3350811.43; 453526.07, 3350796.87; 453521.86, 3350795.71; 453522.93, 3350774.05; 453538.28, 3350773.91; 453535.57, 3350798.15; 453529.22, 3350798.00; 453517.17, 3350814.62; 453515.57, 3350836.78; 453528.23, 3350839.20; 453532.90, 3350821.34; 453537.39, 3350810.88; 453543.87, 3350805.75; 453547.65, 3350780.47; 453558.34, 3350776.50; 453568.36, 3350779.36; 453568.37, 3350799.99; 453562.38, 3350807.76; 453555.49, 3350807.08; 453541.57, 3350813.09; 453531.41, 3350839.27; 453565.80, 3350848.41; 453584.46, 3350853.19; 453586.35, 3350834.15; 453590.14, 3350819.13; 453585.65, 3350809.37; 453583.15, 3350800.73; 453573.20, 3350798.78; 453572.24, 3350794.25; 453575.98, 3350771.09; 453588.66, 3350772.45; 453585.93, 3350797.75; 453591.00, 3350807.38; 453593.88, 3350818.08; 453590.49, 3350828.51; 453588.47, 3350853.01; 453590.71, 3350854.77; 453594.50, 3350838.12; 453602.99, 3350814.56; 453610.55, 3350808.40; 453610.78, 3350798.89; 453605.46, 3350799.82; 453607.05, 3350777.67; 453617.62, 3350778.97; 453620.87, 3350775.88; 453625.08, 3350777.04; 453624.95, 3350782.32; 453632.80, 3350787.24; 453627.23, 3350798.74; 453623.31, 3350806.59; 453610.40, 3350814.74; 453603.77, 3350826.21; 453594.06, 3350856.08; 453664.14, 3350870.99; 453667.03, 3350861.02; 453671.52, 3350850.55; 453672.96, 3350834.73; 453673.19, 3350825.23; 453664.82, 3350820.80; 453666.03, 3350814.49; 453660.84, 3350810.13; 453666.54, 3350793.36; 453671.93, 3350789.26; 453683.56, 3350790.59; 453689.65, 3350802.35; 453681.86, 3350816.98; 453678.46, 3350826.41; 453674.64, 3350852.74; 453668.89, 3350871.63; 453735.29, 3350886.94; 453747.12, 3350878.79; 453747.28, 3350872.45; 453748.74, 3350855.57; 453768.76, 3350860.28; 453763.99, 3350882.36; 453759.70, 3350884.38; 453760.58, 3350891.80; 453776.39, 3350896.38; 453781.44, 3350862.68; 453775.26, 3350854.09; 453775.82, 3350831.89; 453795.89, 3350834.48; 453804.44, 3350830.48; 453822.44, 3350830.91; 453826.52, 3350837.35; 453826.34, 3350845.78; 453830.32, 3350856.45; 453829.97, 3350871.24; 453826.44, 3350884.92; 453824.97, 3350901.79; 453835.77, 3350905.26; 453837.42, 3350781.57; 453760.40, 3350768.10; 453697.23, 3350751.79; 453582.57, 3350717.34; 453497.31, 3350694.16; 453375.32, 3350656.36; 453257.43, 3350623.94; 453175.30, 3350602.95; 453083.60, 3350582.79; 452998.22, 3350564.89; 452884.39, 3350539.97; 452754.93, 3350504.10; 452628.45, 3350476.77; 452524.18, 3350451.02; 452447.21, 3350435.44; 452351.28, 3350415.17; 452237.43, 3350391.31; 452155.65, 3350375.09; 452081.85, 3350359.58; 451991.22, 3350339.44; 451924.69, 3350330.45; 451859.24, 3350320.43; 451769.41, 3350310.89; 451769.41, 3350310.89; 451649.99, 3350298.52; 451523.50, 3350271.18; 451402.47, 3350237.63; 451202.24, 3350192.68; 451034.69, 3350153.10; 450914.58, 3350124.86; 450834.59, 3350102.87; 450737.55, 3350084.69; 450597.48, 3350049.63; 450480.68, 3350016.19; 450366.83, 3349992.32; 450291.95, 3349977.85; 450240.94, 3349965.09; 450150.23, 3349948.99; 450150.42, 3350009.76; 450160.82, 3350011.71; 450213.79, 3350011.92; 450212.02, 3350044.20; 450231.06, 3350045.71; 450230.37, 3350074.23; 450244.09, 3350076.67; 450240.20, 3350106.18; 450247.36, 3350116.92; 450266.24, 3350124.77; 450282.07, 3350127.26; 450349.44, 3350145.78; 450349.94, 3350124.65; 450321.38, 3350122.91; 450318.74, 3350100.65; 450352.57, 3350103.58; 450353.33, 3350071.89; 450317.30, 3350072.08; 450319.85, 3350054.17; 450344.08, 3350060.04; 450345.52, 3350044.22; 450376.28, 3350042.84; 450380.23, 3350051.84; 450380.96, 3350065.59; 450381.85, 3350075.74; 450378.61, 3350122.17; 450370.04, 3350126.19; 450367.33, 3350147.71; 450381.02, 3350151.21; 450380.31, 3350136.40; 450386.58, 3350099.11; 450391.90, 3350098.18; 450393.09, 3350092.92; 450420.41, 3350102.03; 450426.92, 3350095.84; 450415.35, 3350092.39; 450417.70, 3350082.94; 450442.02, 3350081.85; 450486.37, 3350090.92; 450492.42, 3350103.75; 450495.37, 3350113.33; 450519.54, 3350118.59; 450514.22, 3350166.63; 450525.68, 3350171.58; 450527.36, 3350148.98; 450525.82, 3350121.91; 450529.25, 3350111.42; 450571.24, 3350108.28; 450587.05, 3350111.83; 450590.47, 3350145.73; 450587.98, 3350180.47; 450584.60, 3350188.85; 450584.92, 3350200.56; 450601.29, 3350199.82; 450604.72, 3350189.33; 450601.97, 3350171.29; 450603.62, 3350147.02; 450605.28, 3350121.69; 450617.61, 3350118.90; 450625.82, 3350129.66; 450640.65, 3350130.02; 450641.91, 3350121.59; 450671.24, 3350129.95; 450688.61, 3350137.43; 450710.18, 3350146.48; 450735.11, 3350149.57; 450770.80, 3350158.05; 450801.85, 3350167.70; 450804.14, 3350160.35; 450813.67, 3350160.58; 450812.44, 3350167.95; 450850.68, 3350163.58; 450878.14, 3350167.41; 450877.83, 3350180.08; 450901.10, 3350181.70; 450898.37, 3350251.39; 450886.67, 3350253.23; 450878.10, 3350257.25; 450878.95, 3350265.73; 450948.43, 3350284.30; 450951.01, 3350265.34; 450941.45, 3350266.16; 450941.03, 3350239.73; 450947.41, 3350238.83; 450947.62, 3350206.67; 450940.31, 3350202.27; 450942.64, 3350193.87; 450952.29, 3350188.82; 450961.67, 3350195.38; 450959.40, 3350201.67; 450968.31, 3350206.56; 450968.92, 3350225.60; 450996.08, 3350219.38; 451013.00, 3350219.86; 451010.90, 3350264.13; 451005.95, 3350292.64; 451032.32, 3350297.49; 451038.64, 3350211.94; 451066.12, 3350214.71; 451089.29, 3350220.55; 451122.95, 3350230.87; 451138.73, 3350235.47; 451152.52, 3350233.77; 451169.43, 3350238.11; 451176.54, 3350248.08; 451231.43, 3350256.80; 451237.34, 3350254.21; 451250.54, 3350255.14; 451253.56, 3350261.55; 451279.91, 3350267.47; 451314.65, 3350276.75; 451333.31, 3350276.86; 451359.54, 3350283.56; 451376.77, 3350293.04; 451403.31, 3350290.50; 451431.19, 3350300.07; 451482.79, 3350312.93; 451488.83, 3350303.12; 451500.40, 3350306.57; 451505.39, 3350319.37; 451563.40, 3350330.27; 451586.37, 3350345.54; 451591.77, 3350341.44; 451617.05, 3350346.35; 451616.42, 3350373.74; 451604.75, 3350374.51; 451600.33, 3350381.81; 451597.00, 3350388.07; 451601.24, 3350388.17; 451598.87, 3350398.68; 451597.66, 3350405.00; 451595.38, 3350411.29; 451595.16, 3350420.79; 451717.43, 3350446.97; 451723.73, 3350449.24; 451724.67, 3350410.15; 451701.63, 3350399.03; 451699.79, 3350387.36; 451699.16, 3350369.37; 451704.59, 3350364.22; 451736.02, 3350378.71; 451758.79, 3350379.88; 450912.08, 3350186.80; 450914.09, 3350170.38; 450944.72, 3350174.28; 450941.70, 3350188.56; 450912.08, 3350186.80

(8) PKBM - Unit 3: Perdido Key State Park Unit, Escambia County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Perdido Key State Park from approximately 2 mi (3.2 km) east of the Alabama-Florida State line to 4 mi (6.4 km) east of the State line and the area from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Coordinates: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Perdido Bay, Florida, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 455621.62, 3351458.88; 453257.58, 3350904.44; 453254.26, 3350917.23; 453243.75, 3350913.81; 453240.29, 3350925.36; 453247.80, 3350930.76; 453266.31, 3350945.01; 453287.10, 3350948.75; 453293.56, 3350957.28; 453304.30, 3350951.20; 453307.22, 3350961.84; 453312.72, 3350973.93; 453318.59, 3350973.74; 453318.26, 3350987.47; 453306.46, 3350993.53; 453320.42, 3351005.30; 453354.81, 3351009.49; 453352.19, 3351030.56; 453343.44, 3351041.98; 453350.93, 3351069.98; 453334.30, 3351069.24; 453335.11, 3351079.83; 453352.32, 3351078.33; 453351.11, 3351095.75; 453383.68, 3351130.67; 453392.08, 3351134.05; 453401.76, 3351127.94; 453398.49, 3351117.04; 453399.11, 3351091.42; 453407.07, 3351065.97; 453425.39, 3351063.44; 453442.62, 3351059.15; 453457.24, 3351067.96; 453455.20, 3351048.81; 453459.35, 3351038.88; 453458.55, 3351022.61; 453468.79, 3351028.07; 453479.38, 3351028.32; 453481.65, 3351022.03; 453488.13, 3351016.90; 453496.35, 3351016.84; 453509.90, 3351018.69; 453515.14, 3350998.97; 453518.96, 3350988.78; 453513.14, 3350983.09; 453523.52, 3350964.71; 453521.52, 3350950.06; 453530.87, 3350939.91; 453531.03, 3350916.53; 453541.83, 3350896.97; 453550.25, 3350901.06; 453554.18, 3350913.84; 453550.50, 3350934.89; 453541.67, 3350949.48; 453545.40, 3350970.71; 453555.76, 3350988.96; 453555.40, 3351003.60; 453550.66, 3351016.29; 453543.61, 3351036.28; 453531.06, 3351038.01; 453520.97, 3351061.03; 453519.56, 3351075.79; 453527.61, 3351090.83; 453541.93, 3351105.82; 453530.48, 3351123.86; 453526.55, 3351134.75; 453515.81, 3351123.51; 453508.38, 3351126.99; 453502.88, 3351152.55; 453502.62, 3351163.12; 453509.93, 3351167.52; 453529.60, 3351160.46; 453537.21, 3351149.66; 453541.05, 3351142.42; 453555.99, 3351131.79; 453560.54, 3351133.85; 453567.88, 3351137.20; 453589.10, 3351128.92; 453600.02, 3351132.85; 453599.58, 3351151.15; 453581.16, 3351157.60; 453569.70, 3351172.41; 453595.20, 3351180.34; 453606.30, 3351176.95; 453610.23, 3351166.05; 453610.41, 3351158.73; 453614.52, 3351140.52; 453613.04, 3351109.74; 453630.16, 3351100.61; 453637.50, 3351100.78; 453652.55, 3351096.94; 453659.33, 3351079.14; 453667.99, 3351053.90; 453666.63, 3351040.20; 453680.62, 3351031.02; 453689.01, 3351038.43; 453705.94, 3351037.47; 453716.32, 3351044.56; 453726.05, 3351036.34; 453744.28, 3351036.58; 453737.36, 3351059.80; 453729.59, 3351085.78; 453723.99, 3351103.88; 453714.19, 3351117.27; 453702.83, 3351131.65; 453698.82, 3351155.13; 453697.00, 3351186.79; 453705.00, 3351193.96; 453720.92, 3351198.14; 453727.28, 3351183.50; 453732.16, 3351177.00; 453729.16, 3351169.40; 453732.67, 3351156.01; 453739.08, 3351150.82; 453757.95, 3351129.30; 453780.31, 3351124.25; 453779.80, 3351112.35; 453789.19, 3351101.87; 453798.84, 3351108.31; 453806.26, 3351104.82; 453810.87, 3351092.48; 453826.85, 3351088.90; 453838.67, 3351076.50; 453847.06, 3351087.49; 453860.52, 3351083.95; 453858.95, 3351105.05; 453870.87, 3351108.98; 453912.75, 3351114.80; 453908.35, 3351122.11; 453893.36, 3351128.07; 453878.61, 3351134.13; 453875.18, 3351139.43; 453873.64, 3351155.08; 453865.09, 3351158.05; 453859.60, 3351166.37; 453867.71, 3351181.37; 453877.22, 3351182.65; 453877.26, 3351205.40; 453866.08, 3351212.46; 453862.15, 3351223.35; 453843.89, 3351219.25; 453840.40, 3351211.85; 453851.93, 3351190.15; 453852.20, 3351179.17; 453843.66, 3351168.11; 453830.93, 3351168.86; 453821.56, 3351176.77; 453816.10, 3351168.50; 453829.12, 3351156.13; 453821.78, 3351152.79; 453813.14, 3351163.48; 453812.54, 3351148.92; 453820.93, 3351144.31; 453816.89, 3351135.76; 453804.14, 3351137.56; 453789.16, 3351143.55; 453783.69, 3351150.82; 453777.03, 3351163.34; 453786.25, 3351173.93; 453786.07, 3351183.64; 453797.70, 3351184.98; 453796.18, 3351203.97; 453810.99, 3351203.47; 453815.94, 3351219.24; 453818.03, 3351225.96; 453838.68, 3351224.74; 453858.30, 3351230.59; 453880.40, 3351227.45; 453906.17, 3351224.41; 453918.44, 3351229.03; 453924.78, 3351213.87; 453926.60, 3351203.46; 453937.24, 3351197.83; 453941.20, 3351209.55; 453950.55, 3351210.82; 453969.07, 3351203.94; 453976.58, 3351196.79; 453980.43, 3351189.56; 453991.70, 3351178.84; 454005.42, 3351182.55; 454020.68, 3351179.16; 454018.85, 3351196.61; 454026.94, 3351212.66; 454038.78, 3351205.61; 454035.25, 3351190.08; 454039.40, 3351179.99; 454047.26, 3351158.20; 454055.13, 3351136.41; 454077.14, 3351136.94; 454088.15, 3351137.21; 454093.16, 3351146.60; 454102.56, 3351152.11; 454117.23, 3351148.89; 454122.61, 3351155.76; 454122.33, 3351167.38; 454135.89, 3351176.16; 454147.64, 3351172.21; 454163.34, 3351179.99; 454152.50, 3351190.30; 454150.08, 3351202.92; 454153.96, 3351217.81; 454149.39, 3351231.44; 454155.90, 3351252.61; 454151.83, 3351262.16; 454158.44, 3351267.07; 454166.31, 3351245.28; 454177.05, 3351226.82; 454185.36, 3351216.44; 454205.74, 3351223.28; 454218.29, 3351220.89; 454229.12, 3351228.47; 454257.45, 3351231.92; 454269.47, 3351229.44; 454276.90, 3351225.96; 454279.11, 3351212.35; 454273.94, 3351196.59; 454268.17, 3351182.50; 454256.12, 3351174.19; 454248.56, 3351160.89; 454260.23, 3351155.97; 454269.01, 3351147.63; 454275.54, 3351140.39; 454289.93, 3351142.03; 454308.10, 3351149.79; 454346.78, 3351173.81; 454344.52, 3351161.65; 454337.54, 3351146.84; 454356.24, 3351132.64; 454370.91, 3351132.99; 454383.06, 3351133.93; 454393.16, 3351050.13; 454259.82, 3351020.46; 454175.97, 3350996.48; 454062.76, 3350971.79; 453927.63, 3350942.92; 453734.15, 3350898.01; 453573.51, 3350861.20; 453456.55, 3350840.09; 453351.02, 3350814.91; 453319.38, 3350808.87; 453284.61, 3350800.63; 453255.17, 3350791.47; 453239.41, 3350785.81; 453240.65, 3350795.13; 453252.80, 3350801.99; 453252.19, 3350827.34; 453240.34, 3350835.51; 453238.90, 3350851.33; 453247.19, 3350858.93; 453257.58, 3350904.44; 453835.77, 3350905.26; 453973.20, 3350936.55; 453981.82, 3350930.42; 453994.73, 3350922.27; 454014.14, 3350907.94; 454040.57, 3350910.68; 454051.65, 3350905.08; 454070.27, 3350909.28; 454079.54, 3350920.07; 454108.94, 3350931.35; 454122.42, 3350943.30; 454130.49, 3350960.40; 454001.89, 3350933.01; 453991.09, 3350941.21; 454110.19, 3350967.31; 454139.71, 3350968.58; 454304.13, 3351008.95; 454388.27, 3351027.14; 454389.15, 3351007.34; 454409.63, 3350998.21; 454434.55, 3351002.88; 454465.72, 3351007.08; 454486.75, 3351012.85; 454489.63, 3351020.21; 454486.81, 3351034.46; 454498.15, 3351051.17; 454742.76, 3351106.18; 454998.00, 3351165.40; 455197.31, 3351203.86; 455211.78, 3351197.08; 455217.88, 3351175.24; 455229.15, 3351164.52; 455243.92, 3351161.21; 455269.42, 3351169.15; 455309.60, 3351177.43; 455316.76, 3351184.93; 455316.78, 3351209.13; 455308.03, 3351220.55; 455302.53, 3351228.87; 455310.51, 3351234.93; 455322.87, 3351236.35; 455704.01, 3351319.87; 456148.85, 3351387.97; 456419.46, 3351431.07; 456428.30, 3351369.03; 456430.63, 3351362.78; 456430.02, 3351338.59; 456424.48, 3351321.01; 456352.66, 3351308.62; 456246.79, 3351284.11; 456176.58, 3351274.11; 456062.92, 3351258.68; 455970.76, 3351241.70; 455830.67, 3351207.69; 455644.19, 3351164.12; 455466.91, 3351134.51; 455231.29, 3351063.33; 455133.43, 3351035.62; 455048.06, 3351016.67; 454963.71, 3350999.85; 454885.53, 3350990.58; 454798.88, 3350981.10; 454731.47, 3350964.69; 454634.86, 3350928.56; 454546.66, 3350917.56; 454464.36, 3350903.31; 454383.22, 3350890.27; 454306.59, 3350877.36; 454225.36, 3350862.73; 454123.01, 3350845.48; 454027.13, 3350823.11; 453939.68, 3350803.05; 453837.42, 3350781.57; 453835.77, 3350905.26; 455298.31, 3351139.98; 455302.68, 3351134.80; 455308.98, 3351137.07; 455304.59, 3351143.30; 455298.31, 3351139.98; 454143.72, 3350909.40; 454135.25, 3350909.20; 454136.48, 3350901.83; 454142.84, 3350901.98; 454143.72, 3350909.40; 454089.94, 3350898.60; 454082.53, 3350898.42; 454083.79, 3350890.00; 454091.18, 3350891.23; 454089.94, 3350898.60; 454036.17, 3350887.80; 454037.38, 3350881.49; 454045.80, 3350883.80; 454044.59, 3350890.12; 454036.12, 3350889.91; 454036.17, 3350887.80; 455261.41, 3351132.76; 455266.83, 3351127.60; 455275.22, 3351130.97; 455267.66, 3351137.14; 455261.41, 3351132.76; 455206.47, 3351126.16; 455206.62, 3351119.82; 455215.17, 3351116.85; 455217.16, 3351122.19; 455211.77, 3351126.28; 455206.47, 3351126.16; 455354.16, 3351152.95; 455359.63, 3351145.68; 455367.97, 3351151.16; 455360.41, 3351157.33; 455354.16, 3351152.95; 453996.99, 3350886.86; 453998.28, 3350877.38; 454008.84, 3350878.69; 454005.41, 3350889.18; 453996.99, 3350886.86; 454871.49, 3351419.62; 454871.23, 3351430.31; 454866.49, 3351437.83; 454884.66, 3351445.59; 454891.91, 3351449.43; 454906.50, 3351453.44; 454924.84, 3351453.88; 454939.60, 3351450.57; 454959.51, 3351443.92; 454978.23, 3351441.60; 454985.01, 3351424.32; 454974.36, 3351420.89; 454980.23, 3351399.31; 454980.01, 3351384.16; 454998.49, 3351389.18; 455013.87, 3351380.62; 455030.67, 3351375.86; 455041.91, 3351371.38; 455040.94, 3351385.97; 455028.71, 3351409.99; 455015.52, 3351429.75; 455003.62, 3351440.04; 455009.77, 3351448.64; 455031.95, 3351451.29; 455026.99, 3351437.43; 455036.80, 3351418.42; 455052.70, 3351418.01; 455050.39, 3351433.76; 455084.74, 3351458.89; 455103.91, 3351455.12; 455114.32, 3351462.77; 455158.84, 3351465.34; 455173.59, 3351465.25; 455199.83, 3351467.79; 455236.04, 3351467.80; 455243.51, 3351463.97; 455258.60, 3351463.77; 455273.98, 3351476.11; 455293.04, 3351485.60; 455297.90, 3351465.10; 455306.20, 3351457.85; 455313.44, 3351465.43; 455310.96, 3351480.16; 455321.35, 3351488.87; 455333.40, 3351472.25; 455347.56, 3351481.75; 455363.81, 3351485.66; 455371.95, 3351499.59; 455374.84, 3351511.29; 455387.35, 3351520.05; 455381.77, 3351531.54; 455383.56, 3351545.32; 455404.70, 3351550.90; 455428.85, 3351561.17; 455466.42, 3351561.49; 455495.81, 3351562.20; 455522.36, 3351564.82; 455557.30, 3351560.53; 455569.73, 3351572.45; 455582.60, 3351587.66; 455658.10, 3351603.74; 455665.53, 3351608.67; 455688.10, 3351618.65; 455720.85, 3351630.42; 455742.69, 3351638.26; 455771.95, 3351642.63; 455793.33, 3351647.01; 455819.65, 3351643.77; 455863.85, 3351637.50; 455887.99, 3351626.69; 455912.77, 3351620.54; 455970.60, 3351611.22; 456003.79, 3351618.88; 456021.77, 3351616.63; 456037.84, 3351623.93; 456051.55, 3351612.05; 456081.88, 3351628.64; 456112.16, 3351639.19; 456131.26, 3351645.67; 456148.88, 3351661.95; 456164.07, 3351670.33; 456178.33, 3351671.11; 456188.89, 3351672.42; 456185.02, 3351649.65; 456188.42, 3351648.10; 456198.90, 3351652.58; 456209.29, 3351648.25; 456220.35, 3351650.90; 456229.21, 3351663.48; 456248.37, 3351658.70; 456258.91, 3351649.84; 456290.20, 3351653.76; 456294.75, 3351676.01; 456313.24, 3351670.56; 456317.05, 3351660.74; 456316.66, 3351644.09; 456317.97, 3351622.71; 456316.08, 3351608.05; 456303.01, 3351596.94; 456301.10, 3351580.69; 456291.11, 3351578.15; 456287.70, 3351567.08; 456295.39, 3351552.62; 456308.39, 3351549.50; 456313.71, 3351548.57; 456329.65, 3351546.84; 456343.53, 3351535.46; 456358.64, 3351517.51; 456374.60, 3351527.83; 456380.04, 3351543.66; 456370.71, 3351557.34; 456357.63, 3351572.88; 456343.61, 3351583.11; 456345.16, 3351606.40; 456341.53, 3351625.34; 456345.28, 3351645.51; 456358.87, 3351660.35; 456358.70, 3351667.67; 456384.38, 3351668.28; 456424.33, 3351669.24; 456426.04, 3351448.96; 456375.17, 3351441.00; 456269.04, 3351427.47; 456027.69, 3351388.73; 455710.94, 3351340.12; 455524.33, 3351301.83; 455128.77, 3351217.05; 454948.99, 3351174.89; 454904.66, 3351164.38; 454896.40, 3351199.07; 454891.99, 3351206.36; 454884.50, 3351209.35; 454868.67, 3351206.86; 454862.99, 3351222.58; 454819.83, 3351210.97; 454820.30, 3351367.66; 454817.20, 3351408.57; 454826.14, 3351416.45; 454856.73, 3351425.89; 454871.49, 3351419.62

(iii) Note: Map 2, Units 1, 2, and 3 of Perdido Key beach mouse, follows:

(9) PKBM - Unit 4: Gulf Beach Unit, Escambia County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit includes essential features of beach mouse habitat between Gulf Islands National Seashore and Perdido Key State Park from approximately 4 mi (3.2 km) east of the Alabama-Florida State line to 6 mi (9.6 km) east of the State line and areas from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of human development or maritime forest.

(ii) Coordinates: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Perdido Bay, Florida, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 457418.45, 3351766.05; 456424.33, 3351669.24; 456454.09, 3351669.95; 456460.85, 3351674.93; 456491.64, 3351678.43; 456523.29, 3351684.34; 456532.43, 3351694.62; 456550.37, 3351698.07; 456566.16, 3351685.76; 456578.84, 3351687.26; 456601.78, 3351691.77; 456612.31, 3351687.85; 456622.42, 3351676.01; 456635.18, 3351673.94; 456644.26, 3351676.53; 456637.88, 3351682.12; 456636.62, 3351690.54; 456647.33, 3351685.52; 456648.56, 3351695.66; 456653.70, 3351696.98; 456671.96, 3351681.16; 456634.44, 3351637.87; 456593.26, 3351588.26; 456571.55, 3351609.94; 456551.71, 3351597.83; 456536.99, 3351593.25; 456516.87, 3351592.77; 456495.54, 3351598.60; 456490.42, 3351591.08; 456473.22, 3351601.24; 456469.17, 3351593.74; 456464.83, 3351597.87; 456459.69, 3351591.40; 456455.40, 3351593.41; 456439.82, 3351580.36; 456444.21, 3351574.12; 456438.99, 3351570.82; 456444.42, 3351565.67; 456432.95, 3351557.99; 456440.54, 3351550.78; 456451.40, 3351547.34; 456442.96, 3351538.15; 456459.10, 3351527.97; 456472.74, 3351533.58; 456496.11, 3351530.97; 456563.03, 3351479.72; 456565.81, 3351469.33; 456524.65, 3351462.80; 456454.15, 3351450.94; 456426.04, 3351448.96; 456424.33, 3351669.24; 456424.48, 3351321.01; 456430.02, 3351338.59; 456430.63, 3351362.78; 456564.50, 3351385.46; 456586.64, 3351390.22; 456587.35, 3351393.63; 456614.78, 3351398.52; 456620.28, 3351390.19; 456648.03, 3351392.74; 456700.47, 3351403.74; 456698.05, 3351416.37; 456719.20, 3351417.93; 456731.86, 3351420.35; 456735.26, 3351410.91; 456769.12, 3351412.78; 456764.43, 3351431.70; 456792.99, 3351433.44; 456800.36, 3351435.73; 456803.68, 3351429.47; 456817.40, 3351431.91; 456821.51, 3351437.29; 456819.91, 3351459.45; 456816.56, 3351466.77; 456807.81, 3351478.19; 456802.34, 3351485.45; 456822.35, 3351490.16; 456824.95, 3351470.14; 456825.56, 3351444.79; 456829.07, 3351431.13; 456847.12, 3351429.45; 456871.67, 3351432.98; 456926.58, 3351440.64; 456935.89, 3351438.97; 456993.19, 3351446.46; 457036.45, 3351453.84; 457029.58, 3351519.21; 457058.09, 3351523.07; 457062.16, 3351486.17; 457070.75, 3351481.09; 457071.02, 3351459.12; 457090.30, 3351461.47; 457117.56, 3351462.35; 457118.42, 3351470.83; 457156.38, 3351478.08; 457159.02, 3351467.35; 457184.62, 3351466.08; 457211.91, 3351471.07; 457248.66, 3351473.95; 457246.95, 3351489.05; 457264.52, 3351491.54; 457266.87, 3351480.21; 457284.42, 3351483.74; 457291.68, 3351483.91; 457294.59, 3351492.26; 457302.89, 3351492.46; 457305.08, 3351487.34; 457316.46, 3351488.64; 457313.72, 3351499.82; 457314.58, 3351508.30; 457335.68, 3351511.97; 457334.42, 3351520.40; 457340.82, 3351518.44; 457358.23, 3351520.69; 457357.79, 3351495.84; 457374.33, 3351498.31; 457365.85, 3351534.89; 457357.33, 3351536.80; 457356.06, 3351556.63; 457352.57, 3351569.23; 457366.02, 3351571.89; 457374.68, 3351520.31; 457378.89, 3351521.46; 457371.32, 3351572.02; 457390.27, 3351576.70; 457392.90, 3351555.62; 457384.51, 3351552.25; 457386.00, 3351534.32; 457427.14, 3351541.65; 457419.82, 3351581.64; 457503.24, 3351593.15; 457502.54, 3351578.33; 457493.19, 3351570.71; 457489.28, 3351556.88; 457496.90, 3351548.60; 457490.70, 3351542.11; 457494.15, 3351530.57; 457516.29, 3351535.33; 457522.54, 3351539.70; 457550.02, 3351542.48; 457561.82, 3351536.42; 457569.00, 3351546.10; 457585.95, 3351546.51; 457608.18, 3351547.04; 457616.73, 3351544.07; 457628.28, 3351548.58; 457709.53, 3351562.15; 457727.48, 3351564.70; 457727.15, 3351578.43; 457725.96, 3351583.69; 457755.51, 3351588.62; 457753.46, 3351629.80; 457764.00, 3351632.16; 457766.35, 3351578.31; 457755.81, 3351575.95; 457758.24, 3351563.32; 457770.94, 3351563.62; 457769.22, 3351591.06; 457783.04, 3351589.28; 457786.39, 3351581.96; 457793.86, 3351580.03; 457799.23, 3351576.99; 457802.28, 3351582.34; 457810.33, 3351577.46; 457814.88, 3351586.87; 457823.48, 3351581.79; 457830.71, 3351589.37; 457845.54, 3351589.72; 457848.64, 3351592.97; 457860.21, 3351596.42; 457863.51, 3351591.21; 457872.99, 3351593.55; 457870.52, 3351608.29; 457869.13, 3351622.00; 457865.32, 3351648.33; 457872.70, 3351649.57; 457874.60, 3351614.73; 457878.39, 3351589.45; 457895.26, 3351593.03; 457911.06, 3351596.58; 457907.40, 3351616.57; 457903.44, 3351649.24; 457909.69, 3351653.62; 457963.51, 3351662.31; 457967.26, 3351616.41; 457969.22, 3351601.14; 458060.19, 3351607.55; 458063.47, 3351597.71; 458097.45, 3351599.99; 458086.80, 3351646.24; 458133.51, 3351653.48; 458139.17, 3351627.41; 458146.71, 3351622.31; 458155.10, 3351625.68; 458187.98, 3351624.35; 458210.11, 3351629.11; 458212.93, 3351643.98; 458210.46, 3351658.72; 458241.12, 3351661.56; 458247.49, 3351660.66; 458260.18, 3351662.02; 458273.89, 3351664.46; 458303.41, 3351670.46; 458301.06, 3351646.92; 458325.37, 3351649.62; 458340.85, 3351655.50; 458353.41, 3351662.14; 458367.17, 3351662.47; 458376.80, 3351658.47; 458389.46, 3351660.89; 458391.78, 3351652.49; 458403.35, 3351655.94; 458406.35, 3351663.41; 458434.76, 3351671.49; 458437.74, 3351680.02; 458479.08, 3351678.89; 458516.02, 3351685.06; 458529.55, 3351694.90; 458538.02, 3351695.11; 458546.60, 3351691.08; 458576.44, 3351694.74; 458581.31, 3351701.43; 458589.58, 3351710.08; 458637.43, 3351709.74; 458676.63, 3351711.18; 458739.60, 3351712.15; 458741.86, 3351730.19; 458756.78, 3351731.19; 458774.55, 3351725.40; 458787.91, 3351730.90; 458801.31, 3351734.33; 458804.24, 3351741.64; 458811.62, 3351745.25; 458821.07, 3351748.65; 458835.16, 3351749.33; 458843.17, 3351754.73; 458850.74, 3351762.39; 458853.87, 3351772.42; 458862.55, 3351776.16; 458874.82, 3351776.89; 458884.32, 3351778.31; 458896.58, 3351780.58; 458902.29, 3351774.38; 458911.71, 3351779.36; 458911.75, 3351794.03; 458909.02, 3351808.63; 458907.68, 3351817.66; 458910.73, 3351823.02; 458921.35, 3351824.38; 458928.70, 3351824.51; 458931.50, 3351815.51; 458934.42, 3351763.34; 458954.48, 3351765.94; 458958.85, 3351760.76; 458989.40, 3351767.83; 459010.48, 3351772.56; 459015.02, 3351759.99; 459080.48, 3351773.10; 459120.76, 3351780.28; 459145.81, 3351784.26; 459188.94, 3351792.26; 459218.91, 3351797.12; 459236.51, 3351798.58; 459235.30, 3351805.79; 459244.63, 3351806.02; 459245.24, 3351823.63; 459268.75, 3351826.32; 459293.03, 3351832.50; 459313.02, 3351835.84; 459337.20, 3351839.28; 459331.34, 3351866.93; 459352.08, 3351871.97; 459360.89, 3351846.06; 459379.43, 3351851.68; 459373.67, 3351875.35; 459398.83, 3351880.17; 459402.12, 3351857.40; 459421.77, 3351859.94; 459427.96, 3351861.13; 459445.51, 3351864.65; 459441.85, 3351887.33; 459466.59, 3351894.14; 459470.25, 3351871.45; 459491.87, 3351878.18; 459494.07, 3351873.06; 459514.71, 3351877.69; 459511.99, 3351861.07; 459522.41, 3351859.25; 459537.96, 3351859.62; 459545.22, 3351859.80; 459572.33, 3351854.24; 459589.44, 3351851.93; 459605.58, 3351851.93; 459622.15, 3351853.36; 459635.52, 3351857.82; 459645.87, 3351859.10; 459651.96, 3351864.43; 459657.25, 3351880.07; 459658.58, 3351848.02; 459574.09, 3351824.26; 459385.17, 3351785.58; 459270.46, 3351767.31; 459167.89, 3351749.83; 459032.84, 3351726.42; 458956.05, 3351714.64; 458903.74, 3351702.63; 458835.68, 3351685.47; 458781.01, 3351679.79; 458679.09, 3351666.62; 458544.51, 3351645.58; 458415.74, 3351625.58; 458289.18, 3351601.41; 458088.68, 3351568.07; 457983.13, 3351551.80; 457839.55, 3351530.39; 457720.33, 3351509.56; 457584.17, 3351488.33; 457400.43, 3351462.79; 457164.03, 3351424.36; 457037.43, 3351402.30; 456936.11, 3351386.13; 456862.21, 3351374.85; 456750.30, 3351358.43; 456606.63, 3351341.24; 456424.48, 3351321.01; 456567.34, 3351537.94; 456569.21, 3351542.74; 456569.90, 3351547.12; 456572.61, 3351549.96; 456620.68, 3351604.45; 456671.15, 3351662.58; 456680.02, 3351659.95; 456681.47, 3351665.53; 456689.38, 3351666.91; 456696.94, 3351666.70; 456704.21, 3351661.72; 456709.69, 3351665.02; 456715.11, 3351671.10; 456737.47, 3351683.13; 456736.02, 3351693.79; 456726.44, 3351700.09; 456724.07, 3351711.35; 456735.32, 3351706.07; 456740.43, 3351714.96; 456739.22, 3351722.17; 456744.31, 3351726.44; 456743.15, 3351731.58; 456732.78, 3351731.33; 456737.79, 3351738.70; 456750.30, 3351735.89; 456754.15, 3351748.41; 456772.82, 3351754.06; 456784.31, 3351760.67; 456799.27, 3351770.19; 456792.35, 3351785.63; 456775.66, 3351788.32; 456801.19, 3351816.68; 456835.61, 3351855.95; 456879.65, 3351907.74; 456882.22, 3351901.55; 456899.30, 3351900.29; 456910.25, 3351891.04; 456923.48, 3351895.22; 456920.88, 3351915.24; 456926.37, 3351920.20; 456939.85, 3351920.52; 456950.24, 3351925.63; 456969.26, 3351932.09; 456991.95, 3351911.66; 457010.15, 3351903.64; 457031.15, 3351911.54; 457040.91, 3351902.26; 457047.30, 3351908.03; 457056.45, 3351903.65; 457068.67, 3351913.26; 457078.01, 3351907.32; 457136.99, 3351916.19; 457160.11, 3351924.15; 457208.74, 3351928.48; 457223.55, 3351929.13; 457254.30, 3351928.52; 457286.00, 3351930.26; 457302.42, 3351929.17; 457368.29, 3351934.61; 457422.58, 3351935.78; 457432.26, 3351929.61; 457449.05, 3351936.35; 457492.39, 3351940.56; 457522.11, 3351938.10; 457548.46, 3351944.02; 457576.65, 3351949.09; 457602.53, 3351945.84; 457609.72, 3351951.83; 457622.55, 3351946.85; 457643.68, 3351949.47; 457653.32, 3351960.86; 457675.77, 3351952.68; 457691.95, 3351957.03; 457704.42, 3351950.99; 457729.54, 3351947.23; 457742.88, 3351937.64; 457756.86, 3351934.41; 457770.55, 3351942.85; 457784.73, 3351931.90; 457793.32, 3351938.45; 457798.29, 3351946.50; 457816.18, 3351939.72; 457831.16, 3351933.73; 457836.20, 3351944.42; 457847.96, 3351946.10; 457860.03, 3351940.05; 457875.85, 3351942.81; 457883.56, 3351936.25; 457898.14, 3351938.36; 457910.91, 3351932.37; 457927.28, 3351934.02; 457937.42, 3351932.38; 457951.32, 3351931.45; 457965.86, 3351930.54; 457978.43, 3351932.73; 457985.49, 3351927.86; 457997.42, 3351930.67; 458014.36, 3351934.85; 458029.83, 3351944.00; 458239.05, 3351933.99; 458242.51, 3351790.33; 458263.59, 3351795.06; 458267.45, 3351766.61; 458254.77, 3351765.25; 458259.54, 3351743.17; 458264.91, 3351740.13; 458269.56, 3351723.33; 458128.10, 3351701.97; 458129.91, 3351714.69; 458129.71, 3351723.15; 458126.33, 3351731.52; 458121.03, 3351731.39; 458116.59, 3351739.74; 458115.41, 3351745.00; 458117.37, 3351751.39; 458117.22, 3351757.73; 458107.65, 3351762.21; 458095.18, 3351762.94; 458075.53, 3351762.24; 458064.97, 3351760.93; 458063.00, 3351754.54; 458055.64, 3351752.25; 458038.85, 3351745.51; 458037.56, 3351754.99; 458040.57, 3351772.80; 458051.11, 3351775.17; 458050.96, 3351781.51; 458040.34, 3351782.31; 458040.06, 3351793.93; 458034.43, 3351823.08; 458026.43, 3351821.31; 458000.03, 3351822.42; 458000.51, 3351828.73; 458021.51, 3351847.49; 458018.93, 3351849.95; 457997.25, 3351833.06; 457983.94, 3351835.26; 457980.63, 3351841.48; 457968.03, 3351840.55; 457967.64, 3351830.46; 457953.15, 3351829.48; 457953.00, 3351809.33; 457944.96, 3351802.84; 457929.08, 3351806.87; 457914.74, 3351806.78; 457849.67, 3351813.90; 457836.04, 3351808.29; 457838.81, 3351780.88; 457838.29, 3351758.67; 457836.60, 3351725.78; 457844.56, 3351659.38; 457813.95, 3351654.42; 457807.99, 3351681.76; 457805.60, 3351693.33; 457796.04, 3351694.16; 457798.99, 3351703.74; 457796.64, 3351713.20; 457780.78, 3351711.76; 457779.15, 3351691.64; 457782.71, 3351675.87; 457787.58, 3351649.56; 457696.16, 3351638.68; 457687.30, 3351704.09; 457655.01, 3351699.24; 457661.93, 3351631.75; 457602.81, 3351622.94; 457592.79, 3351687.17; 457513.60, 3351675.76; 457512.90, 3351660.95; 457476.02, 3351652.67; 457475.68, 3351633.03; 457481.49, 3351627.28; 457484.69, 3351605.11; 457384.89, 3351592.01; 457387.79, 3351603.58; 457382.07, 3351610.18; 457373.34, 3351609.57; 457367.91, 3351604.29; 457370.05, 3351597.60; 457375.76, 3351591.79; 457349.25, 3351587.20; 457286.76, 3351575.39; 457234.66, 3351568.45; 457231.91, 3351596.33; 457228.01, 3351629.35; 457226.08, 3351636.57; 457216.42, 3351635.73; 457203.02, 3351632.89; 457193.63, 3351614.04; 457180.74, 3351610.62; 457183.31, 3351589.99; 457198.81, 3351592.43; 457203.61, 3351565.63; 457160.31, 3351554.25; 457159.05, 3351563.53; 457119.80, 3351556.38; 457114.27, 3351570.74; 457111.72, 3351590.34; 457092.07, 3351587.80; 457082.71, 3351588.61; 457052.79, 3351581.68; 457053.19, 3351565.13; 457063.54, 3351566.42; 457067.22, 3351542.70; 456989.71, 3351530.49; 456978.83, 3351594.40; 456927.16, 3351585.92; 456933.74, 3351528.12; 456879.98, 3351520.62; 456872.46, 3351574.26; 456849.58, 3351576.82; 456828.87, 3351575.29; 456812.35, 3351571.78; 456779.25, 3351567.89; 456751.30, 3351565.15; 456715.12, 3351560.14; 456726.09, 3351492.10; 456701.28, 3351488.40; 456689.39, 3351551.24; 456669.60, 3351554.91; 456657.20, 3351552.54; 456642.81, 3351547.02; 456622.15, 3351543.42; 456631.53, 3351479.23; 456578.06, 3351472.40; 456569.40, 3351518.17; 456567.50, 3351531.21; 456567.34, 3351537.94; 456750.73, 3351718.31; 456750.35, 3351709.20; 456757.50, 3351692.72; 456761.31, 3351682.91; 456770.19, 3351685.66; 456775.57, 3351677.51; 456790.51, 3351674.88; 456802.70, 3351663.29; 456818.67, 3351660.10; 456827.69, 3351667.37; 456832.70, 3351674.73; 456829.46, 3351679.83; 456813.93, 3351678.42; 456810.60, 3351687.66; 456812.50, 3351694.95; 456815.43, 3351702.27; 456804.97, 3351706.15; 456798.50, 3351716.35; 456807.60, 3351725.88; 456814.89, 3351725.02; 456830.51, 3351722.29; 456842.09, 3351715.32; 456854.66, 3351710.45; 456849.60, 3351705.15; 456858.08, 3351689.98; 456863.42, 3351699.22; 456871.60, 3351689.51; 456887.38, 3351694.25; 456887.23, 3351700.59; 456897.06, 3351704.79; 456909.63, 3351710.64; 456917.29, 3351706.06; 456922.98, 3351700.65; 456929.11, 3351693.66; 456942.06, 3351700.32; 456958.19, 3351707.04; 456998.17, 3351713.15; 457019.55, 3351716.44; 457011.86, 3351730.78; 457009.53, 3351741.07; 457015.20, 3351755.81; 457015.23, 3351762.94; 457005.70, 3351770.99; 457003.35, 3351782.32; 456998.81, 3351793.67; 456982.29, 3351795.27; 456976.37, 3351782.71; 456957.72, 3351775.40; 456957.51, 3351783.85; 456949.04, 3351783.64; 456946.07, 3351775.12; 456940.49, 3351774.04; 456926.23, 3351772.11; 456912.86, 3351766.24; 456903.25, 3351760.26; 456891.75, 3351764.12; 456884.20, 3351768.72; 456873.96, 3351764.91; 456858.79, 3351767.72; 456846.32, 3351757.51; 456821.16, 3351763.25; 456815.80, 3351754.80; 456804.99, 3351758.11; 456792.61, 3351745.19; 456781.13, 3351748.02; 456770.10, 3351746.80; 456765.68, 3351743.51; 456764.74, 3351739.35; 456757.64, 3351732.97; 456750.73, 3351718.31; 457025.35, 3351773.53; 457022.49, 3351763.11; 457022.71, 3351753.80; 457028.48, 3351741.23; 457036.59, 3351729.87; 457053.45, 3351733.45; 457058.67, 3351736.74; 457058.39, 3351748.36; 457064.69, 3351750.63; 457065.91, 3351744.31; 457075.49, 3351742.43; 457077.43, 3351749.87; 457084.99, 3351743.71; 457090.29, 3351743.84; 457091.17, 3351751.26; 457100.77, 3351748.32; 457109.29, 3351746.41; 457110.20, 3351752.77; 457117.71, 3351748.73; 457116.71, 3351746.59; 457128.40, 3351744.75; 457132.46, 3351752.25; 457139.02, 3351743.95; 457137.03, 3351738.62; 457146.63, 3351735.68; 457157.27, 3351733.82; 457163.48, 3351740.31; 457177.11, 3351745.92; 457200.20, 3351737.81; 457216.70, 3351729.96; 457227.49, 3351721.76; 457238.28, 3351713.56; 457244.61, 3351714.77; 457247.43, 3351729.64; 457259.35, 3351744.57; 457272.94, 3351752.30; 457282.32, 3351758.86; 457286.27, 3351770.58; 457280.17, 3351777.99; 457283.82, 3351784.27; 457291.03, 3351792.89; 457292.13, 3351799.60; 457278.53, 3351802.26; 457273.99, 3351814.83; 457264.53, 3351811.43; 457256.06, 3351811.23; 457256.24, 3351803.84; 457269.37, 3351796.09; 457247.19, 3351783.54; 457239.65, 3351788.64; 457223.74, 3351789.32; 457216.43, 3351784.91; 457211.34, 3351776.34; 457204.76, 3351785.69; 457196.26, 3351786.55; 457189.13, 3351774.75; 457204.08, 3351769.82; 457217.95, 3351765.92; 457222.36, 3351758.63; 457224.66, 3351751.29; 457199.98, 3351764.44; 457192.67, 3351760.03; 457179.83, 3351765.01; 457170.25, 3351766.90; 457180.56, 3351778.77; 457177.08, 3351791.37; 457171.91, 3351785.96; 457160.11, 3351792.02; 457142.19, 3351788.42; 457123.08, 3351790.08; 457108.35, 3351785.50; 457091.39, 3351786.15; 457072.30, 3351786.75; 457067.49, 3351796.11; 457053.59, 3351795.77; 457041.84, 3351788.75; 457029.00, 3351777.74; 457025.35, 3351773.53; 457066.77, 3351698.78; 457062.96, 3351690.78; 457066.12, 3351683.93; 457073.17, 3351682.12; 457081.08, 3351686.15; 457084.84, 3351696.25; 457088.74, 3351700.30; 457093.70, 3351702.39; 457098.55, 3351708.44; 457093.12, 3351714.31; 457083.56, 3351715.14; 457072.51, 3351709.80; 457066.58, 3351706.69; 457066.77, 3351698.78; 457186.40, 3351712.32; 457184.48, 3351703.82; 457185.80, 3351693.28; 457192.25, 3351689.21; 457204.83, 3351694.79; 457215.24, 3351702.44; 457219.38, 3351706.77; 457218.16, 3351713.08; 457210.63, 3351718.18; 457202.08, 3351721.15; 457193.63, 3351719.89; 457193.76, 3351714.61; 457186.40, 3351712.32; 457724.53, 3351847.82; 457722.64, 3351838.27; 457728.19, 3351827.83; 457743.49, 3351834.39; 457761.49, 3351834.82; 457770.53, 3351844.78; 457781.14, 3351843.97; 457792.33, 3351848.39; 457813.45, 3351851.01; 457817.84, 3351844.77; 457803.19, 3351837.03; 457789.18, 3351837.21; 457784.18, 3351834.46; 457793.57, 3351830.51; 457806.60, 3351827.59; 457823.59, 3351825.89; 457834.99, 3351836.73; 457843.30, 3351843.27; 457836.90, 3351845.23; 457832.66, 3351845.13; 457836.75, 3351851.57; 457849.48, 3351850.82; 457855.58, 3351861.53; 457853.03, 3351879.44; 457850.38, 3351895.03; 457846.85, 3351898.17; 457833.05, 3351898.90; 457828.90, 3351895.63; 457821.44, 3351892.75; 457816.62, 3351894.62; 457812.23, 3351901.72; 457807.94, 3351903.73; 457800.43, 3351890.66; 457793.20, 3351893.66; 457786.09, 3351887.35; 457778.12, 3351892.30; 457770.56, 3351893.51; 457761.61, 3351892.05; 457760.70, 3351885.69; 457754.53, 3351878.14; 457743.21, 3351864.13; 457734.81, 3351860.75; 457724.53, 3351847.82; 457941.53, 3351871.07; 457936.47, 3351861.44; 457939.85, 3351853.06; 457948.32, 3351853.26; 457954.54, 3351858.70; 457965.26, 3351853.67; 457969.65, 3351847.43; 457981.29, 3351847.71; 457987.67, 3351846.81; 457987.47, 3351855.26; 457987.29, 3351862.65; 457984.94, 3351872.11; 457983.71, 3351879.48; 457979.27, 3351887.83; 457972.81, 3351891.90; 457967.60, 3351888.61; 457970.87, 3351884.46; 457967.88, 3351876.99; 457963.59, 3351879.00; 457963.36, 3351888.50; 457959.12, 3351888.40; 457957.13, 3351883.07; 457958.40, 3351874.64; 457961.73, 3351868.38; 457959.68, 3351865.16; 457950.13, 3351865.99; 457941.53, 3351871.07; 458438.95, 3351948.30; 458477.07, 3351949.21; 458477.25, 3351941.82; 458466.13, 3351919.35; 458537.67, 3351929.75; 458533.96, 3351819.73; 458490.00, 3351797.54; 458444.87, 3351779.55; 458442.47, 3351890.25; 458438.95, 3351948.30; 458928.83, 3352050.66; 458933.02, 3352052.88; 458937.36, 3352048.76; 458941.57, 3352049.91; 458947.01, 3352043.70; 458953.37, 3352043.85; 458959.85, 3352038.72; 458965.09, 3352040.96; 458965.04, 3352043.08; 458964.94, 3352047.30; 458969.07, 3352051.63; 458977.59, 3352049.72; 458983.92, 3352050.93; 458988.16, 3352051.03; 458993.45, 3352051.16; 458996.53, 3352055.46; 458999.78, 3352052.37; 459006.13, 3352052.52; 459013.52, 3352053.75; 459020.96, 3352052.87; 459021.06, 3352048.65; 459025.40, 3352044.52; 459031.70, 3352046.79; 459030.43, 3352055.21; 459034.67, 3352055.32; 459040.97, 3352057.58; 459040.82, 3352063.92; 459032.22, 3352069.00; 459023.65, 3352073.02; 459017.32, 3352071.81; 459010.94, 3352072.72; 459006.60, 3352076.84; 459003.35, 3352079.93; 458996.97, 3352080.84; 458989.54, 3352081.72; 458983.26, 3352078.39; 458975.74, 3352082.44; 458971.56, 3352080.23; 458965.31, 3352075.85; 458968.51, 3352074.87; 458970.73, 3352070.70; 458962.26, 3352070.49; 458959.06, 3352071.47; 458954.80, 3352072.43; 458947.38, 3352072.25; 458944.28, 3352069.00; 458936.80, 3352072.00; 458932.53, 3352072.95; 458931.17, 3352085.60; 458938.48, 3352090.01; 458944.88, 3352088.04; 458952.35, 3352086.11; 458959.73, 3352087.34; 458961.73, 3352092.68; 458963.74, 3352096.95; 458966.92, 3352097.03; 458973.40, 3352091.90; 458978.72, 3352090.97; 458983.99, 3352092.15; 458991.50, 3352088.10; 458994.65, 3352089.24; 459000.90, 3352093.62; 459010.46, 3352092.79; 459019.96, 3352094.07; 459021.12, 3352089.87; 459021.20, 3352086.70; 459027.45, 3352091.08; 459034.91, 3352089.15; 459040.31, 3352085.05; 459049.97, 3352079.99; 459056.30, 3352081.20; 459062.52, 3352086.64; 459068.77, 3352091.01; 459075.36, 3352081.66; 459083.83, 3352081.86; 459094.47, 3352080.00; 459107.12, 3352082.42; 459112.44, 3352081.49; 459126.16, 3352083.93; 459129.28, 3352086.12; 459130.19, 3352092.49; 459137.52, 3352095.83; 459143.77, 3352100.21; 459145.71, 3352107.66; 459157.39, 3352106.88; 459168.00, 3352106.08; 459173.22, 3352109.37; 459179.65, 3352106.36; 459192.36, 3352106.66; 459208.29, 3352104.93; 459225.15, 3352108.50; 459239.90, 3352112.03; 459241.87, 3352118.42; 459244.97, 3352121.66; 459255.28, 3352133.54; 459250.89, 3352139.77; 459247.53, 3352147.09; 459233.74, 3352147.82; 459210.40, 3352149.37; 459148.88, 3352152.13; 459134.06, 3352151.77; 459123.42, 3352153.63; 459111.74, 3352154.41; 459103.20, 3352157.37; 459095.76, 3352158.25; 459087.26, 3352159.11; 459073.42, 3352161.94; 459063.84, 3352163.83; 459062.60, 3352171.20; 459069.73, 3352183.00; 459067.49, 3352188.23; 459058.94, 3352191.19; 459057.45, 3352209.13; 459062.52, 3352218.76; 459062.29, 3352228.27; 459055.81, 3352233.40; 459053.13, 3352256.59; 459074.25, 3352259.21; 459084.82, 3352260.52; 459084.03, 3352293.27; 459082.79, 3352300.64; 459089.14, 3352300.79; 459096.58, 3352299.91; 459105.10, 3352298.00; 459110.42, 3352297.07; 459121.99, 3352300.52; 459129.43, 3352299.64; 459132.74, 3352294.43; 459144.46, 3352291.54; 459155.05, 3352291.80; 459163.49, 3352293.06; 459166.82, 3352199.06; 459167.15, 3352185.33; 459179.91, 3352183.52; 459194.73, 3352183.88; 459209.66, 3352180.01; 459223.42, 3352180.34; 459237.09, 3352184.89; 459255.01, 3352188.49; 459266.74, 3352185.60; 459280.55, 3352183.82; 459291.89, 3352196.78; 459548.55, 3352186.02; 459549.82, 3352220.93; 459630.30, 3352222.86; 459651.00, 3352185.21; 459649.57, 3352006.10; 459637.64, 3352006.35; 459626.47, 3352019.28; 459619.86, 3352029.70; 459617.49, 3352040.21; 459630.95, 3352053.22; 459630.59, 3352068.00; 459630.18, 3352084.91; 459621.51, 3352093.15; 459612.84, 3352101.40; 459611.50, 3352113.00; 459619.71, 3352123.76; 459622.38, 3352144.97; 459613.65, 3352155.33; 459622.80, 3352171.40; 459623.48, 3352187.27; 459625.56, 3352199.49; 459615.83, 3352207.91; 459558.63, 3352207.40; 459557.30, 3352174.60; 459486.30, 3352175.01; 459487.23, 3352180.32; 459374.79, 3352186.08; 459295.35, 3352185.23; 459290.23, 3352177.71; 459287.34, 3352166.02; 459295.83, 3352165.16; 459295.08, 3352152.46; 459279.22, 3352151.02; 459279.50, 3352139.40; 459259.36, 3352139.98; 459259.46, 3352135.75; 459258.13, 3352102.95; 459238.04, 3352101.41; 459224.38, 3352096.86; 459186.21, 3352098.06; 459153.30, 3352100.44; 459150.28, 3352094.03; 459149.65, 3352076.04; 459144.49, 3352070.63; 459133.82, 3352073.55; 459124.27, 3352074.38; 459115.97, 3352066.78; 459105.28, 3352070.75; 459099.03, 3352066.37; 459100.27, 3352059.00; 459103.47, 3352058.02; 459103.55, 3352054.85; 459107.89, 3352050.73; 459100.50, 3352049.49; 459103.80, 3352044.29; 459091.07, 3352045.04; 459092.77, 3352018.66; 459091.83, 3352013.35; 459071.72, 3352012.87; 459052.66, 3352012.41; 459053.64, 3352015.60; 459036.67, 3352016.25; 459027.12, 3352017.08; 459006.90, 3352020.83; 459003.77, 3352018.64; 458997.37, 3352020.60; 458989.95, 3352020.42; 458985.77, 3352018.21; 458983.73, 3352014.99; 458981.61, 3352014.94; 458979.36, 3352020.17; 458964.54, 3352019.81; 458963.33, 3352026.12; 458960.20, 3352023.93; 458959.25, 3352019.68; 458952.84, 3352021.64; 458945.25, 3352028.86; 458933.32, 3352040.20; 458928.83, 3352050.66

(10) PKBM - Unit 5: Gulf Islands National Seashore, Escambia County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of Gulf Islands National Seashore-Perdido Key Area (also referred to as Johnson Beach) from approximately 6 mi (9.6 km) east of the Alabama-Florida State line to the eastern tip of Perdido Key at Pensacola Bay and the area from the MHWL north to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Coordinates: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Perdido Bay, and Fort Barrancas, Florida, land bounded by the following UTM 16 NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 464806.54, 3353248.09; 460167.32, 3352161.40; 460112.98, 3352141.46; 460076.54, 3352115.69; 460062.15, 3352097.38; 460032.76, 3352041.24; 460015.51, 3352024.29; 459999.54, 3352012.96; 459981.75, 3352007.62; 459961.62, 3352003.59; 459912.92, 3352002.90; 459885.33, 3352003.88; 459852.28, 3352012.60; 459823.72, 3352011.33; 459799.52, 3352004.41; 459708.84, 3352005.84; 459649.57, 3352006.10; 459651.00, 3352185.21; 459662.18, 3352177.93; 459676.32, 3352192.77; 459689.75, 3352206.83; 459690.56, 3352217.42; 459692.37, 3352230.15; 459701.27, 3352237.54; 459706.13, 3352230.01; 459707.87, 3352201.51; 459715.92, 3352173.67; 459726.90, 3352160.16; 459735.50, 3352155.08; 459753.65, 3352157.93; 459766.21, 3352155.82; 459768.17, 3352162.20; 459764.82, 3352169.52; 459771.02, 3352176.01; 459828.76, 3352173.60; 459847.49, 3352187.53; 459859.01, 3352171.16; 459890.74, 3352190.15; 459920.71, 3352199.20; 459961.02, 3352208.09; 459971.68, 3352244.02; 459986.72, 3352263.01; 459997.45, 3352279.12; 460011.09, 3352290.15; 460029.75, 3352290.60; 460041.81, 3352284.94; 460057.73, 3352267.49; 460066.23, 3352260.95; 460062.89, 3352234.71; 460077.34, 3352228.32; 460081.35, 3352243.48; 460099.25, 3352242.72; 460115.14, 3352209.80; 460127.02, 3352244.18; 460142.28, 3352237.41; 460142.29, 3352204.11; 460168.97, 3352186.72; 460167.32, 3352161.40; 464469.51, 3353268.58; 464465.93, 3353285.40; 464478.53, 3353289.94; 464496.58, 3353288.25; 464510.32, 3353289.64; 464517.47, 3353298.91; 464527.19, 3353293.22; 464538.68, 3353299.84; 464546.16, 3353303.93; 464551.08, 3353312.82; 464565.02, 3353310.56; 464583.88, 3353314.66; 464589.59, 3353306.59; 464608.58, 3353309.82; 464615.42, 3353324.93; 464620.04, 3353309.19; 464628.67, 3353300.39; 464636.93, 3353311.71; 464636.67, 3353322.27; 464655.48, 3353333.29; 464659.38, 3353347.13; 464669.74, 3353356.89; 464682.24, 3353365.65; 464695.60, 3353375.33; 464707.71, 3353364.14; 464724.85, 3353364.93; 464739.01, 3353370.82; 464756.44, 3353364.26; 464776.94, 3353348.89; 464801.65, 3353334.69; 464829.75, 3353355.45; 464822.89, 3353376.42; 464829.74, 3353397.97; 464852.31, 3353417.54; 464891.50, 3353430.92; 464926.62, 3353424.36; 464974.63, 3353410.72; 464999.13, 3353408.38; 465012.11, 3353413.85; 465010.83, 3353420.05; 465000.19, 3353421.91; 464993.74, 3353425.98; 464995.65, 3353434.49; 465008.36, 3353434.79; 465021.06, 3353435.10; 465024.37, 3353429.89; 465041.54, 3353420.79; 465063.75, 3353422.38; 465082.96, 3353416.50; 465106.39, 3353425.23; 465141.26, 3353442.20; 465160.15, 3353448.04; 465168.69, 3353447.09; 465177.29, 3353442.01; 465185.03, 3353428.46; 465205.15, 3353428.94; 465204.97, 3353436.33; 465190.44, 3353465.70; 465196.28, 3353470.59; 465200.62, 3353488.14; 465210.45, 3353476.09; 465228.25, 3353481.29; 465248.17, 3353476.99; 465264.92, 3353474.62; 465275.80, 3353483.04; 465282.37, 3353492.08; 465273.30, 3353505.74; 465268.06, 3353517.13; 465275.24, 3353526.82; 465280.25, 3353538.57; 465288.65, 3353541.94; 465301.66, 3353529.57; 465291.53, 3353510.30; 465320.61, 3353504.50; 465337.73, 3353507.58; 465349.22, 3353520.64; 465369.60, 3353515.98; 465371.35, 3353493.03; 465389.63, 3353492.68; 465403.76, 3353478.50; 465410.11, 3353483.66; 465424.43, 3353499.46; 465432.40, 3353517.01; 465421.97, 3353554.02; 465446.44, 3353560.55; 465460.12, 3353553.75; 465473.41, 3353546.14; 465472.56, 3353531.85; 465491.26, 3353530.71; 465488.14, 3353544.91; 465502.26, 3353552.38; 465526.05, 3353554.54; 465528.75, 3353541.35; 465539.57, 3353532.10; 465549.66, 3353530.93; 465562.07, 3353543.51; 465577.77, 3353553.20; 465591.54, 3353573.52; 465614.86, 3353573.02; 465627.17, 3353545.83; 465643.21, 3353539.88; 465664.99, 3353559.42; 465683.61, 3353577.84; 465708.18, 3353596.97; 465732.10, 3353610.22; 465732.23, 3353626.57; 465741.66, 3353631.03; 465751.75, 3353619.02; 465770.44, 3353618.28; 465776.68, 3353628.70; 465775.84, 3353641.40; 465782.27, 3353654.63; 465791.78, 3353639.40; 465791.73, 3353619.55; 465797.08, 3353617.56; 465812.32, 3353628.01; 465834.71, 3353638.55; 465850.03, 3353645.96; 465870.63, 3353642.58; 465891.18, 3353652.89; 465915.82, 3353652.29; 465926.83, 3353640.76; 465938.27, 3353649.49; 465952.32, 3353638.20; 465959.91, 3353630.99; 465971.40, 3353637.60; 465981.19, 3353627.27; 465991.98, 3353619.07; 466001.48, 3353620.36; 466013.65, 3353632.05; 466014.52, 3353645.55; 466008.11, 3353647.77; 466012.96, 3353660.57; 466023.78, 3353662.12; 466032.18, 3353654.30; 466049.93, 3353659.88; 466081.23, 3353663.75; 466073.30, 3353673.88; 466063.96, 3353670.91; 466058.29, 3353680.91; 466061.86, 3353692.27; 466079.49, 3353702.60; 466101.59, 3353708.68; 466113.75, 3353698.67; 466108.16, 3353677.88; 466115.68, 3353673.84; 466130.29, 3353682.64; 466142.19, 3353672.79; 466154.68, 3353681.81; 466168.50, 3353685.32; 466175.14, 3353690.23; 466187.37, 3353693.70; 466193.66, 3353696.62; 466206.88, 3353694.52; 466214.87, 3353690.00; 466229.18, 3353706.20; 466236.97, 3353696.47; 466248.32, 3353703.49; 466260.66, 3353685.95; 466272.51, 3353689.00; 466272.56, 3353703.28; 466262.24, 3353703.03; 466265.84, 3353718.18; 466285.27, 3353703.58; 466310.61, 3353706.96; 466322.11, 3353708.03; 466344.53, 3353717.39; 466365.55, 3353724.23; 466379.16, 3353730.90; 466388.19, 3353735.39; 466401.99, 3353739.68; 466415.82, 3353742.79; 466441.50, 3353748.95; 466459.61, 3353755.73; 466476.89, 3353747.82; 466486.47, 3353762.32; 466506.51, 3353771.52; 466523.62, 3353770.35; 466537.41, 3353775.04; 466553.99, 3353774.21; 466566.44, 3353785.08; 466570.39, 3353796.80; 466573.45, 3353812.77; 466555.69, 3353824.23; 466556.65, 3353833.77; 466584.79, 3353836.82; 466621.82, 3353817.07; 466637.08, 3353799.46; 466652.64, 3353807.54; 466666.74, 3353799.55; 466687.81, 3353798.87; 466702.66, 3353792.88; 466718.72, 3353802.39; 466731.07, 3353800.70; 466746.08, 3353804.63; 466752.40, 3353822.62; 466746.46, 3353832.74; 466752.45, 3353847.69; 466761.52, 3353866.93; 466775.13, 3353873.60; 466794.22, 3353873.00; 466814.64, 3353860.81; 466830.53, 3353861.19; 466836.34, 3353883.70; 466843.21, 3353878.71; 466860.23, 3353898.14; 466867.04, 3353928.66; 466921.24, 3353921.50; 466966.67, 3353926.82; 467017.94, 3353915.01; 467055.12, 3353905.70; 467090.79, 3353909.23; 467133.09, 3353917.78; 467175.98, 3353918.81; 467205.17, 3353921.99; 467242.29, 3353936.66; 467308.25, 3353952.91; 467315.54, 3353947.14; 467320.22, 3353950.82; 467328.57, 3353950.22; 467341.04, 3353954.85; 467352.74, 3353953.18; 467357.99, 3353955.25; 467369.04, 3353952.78; 467372.51, 3353957.23; 467379.38, 3353957.35; 467380.74, 3353961.78; 467402.21, 3353961.11; 467409.47, 3353956.53; 467419.58, 3353949.34; 467432.16, 3353954.92; 467426.07, 3353960.10; 467428.75, 3353964.13; 467437.54, 3353963.70; 467441.28, 3353972.05; 467448.27, 3353978.47; 467471.81, 3353974.67; 467488.90, 3353974.26; 467497.75, 3353958.61; 467509.87, 3353957.77; 467514.46, 3353968.53; 467515.35, 3353975.95; 467533.32, 3353977.44; 467554.45, 3353980.06; 467575.50, 3353985.85; 467605.55, 3353994.38; 467635.64, 3353998.67; 467647.94, 3353999.37; 467651.35, 3353989.54; 467656.15, 3353980.39; 467666.84, 3353976.42; 467682.94, 3353981.18; 467689.99, 3353985.31; 467694.01, 3353991.87; 467693.88, 3354005.23; 467700.36, 3354016.88; 467710.43, 3354027.43; 467725.79, 3354032.95; 467735.60, 3354037.94; 467744.23, 3354042.51; 467756.80, 3354048.76; 467770.28, 3354049.87; 467787.64, 3354054.65; 467800.89, 3354049.02; 467814.96, 3354058.87; 467830.07, 3354058.05; 467842.99, 3354065.89; 467859.98, 3354050.82; 467875.68, 3354044.87; 467893.20, 3354043.31; 467912.55, 3354048.14; 467927.72, 3354053.51; 467939.14, 3354063.29; 467950.58, 3354072.03; 467965.25, 3354078.72; 467972.74, 3354075.73; 467984.77, 3354068.50; 467990.07, 3354062.69; 467996.75, 3354046.71; 467996.95, 3354038.26; 468004.42, 3354036.32; 468020.25, 3354038.82; 468035.00, 3354042.34; 468047.73, 3354041.59; 468051.86, 3354045.92; 468049.51, 3354055.38; 468034.46, 3354064.53; 468024.60, 3354078.03; 468037.18, 3354083.62; 468051.98, 3354085.03; 468062.44, 3354090.57; 468078.14, 3354098.35; 468085.58, 3354097.47; 468099.47, 3354092.52; 468094.41, 3354082.88; 468100.91, 3354076.70; 468117.62, 3354086.61; 468118.45, 3354096.14; 468113.73, 3354116.11; 468126.34, 3354120.64; 468131.43, 3354129.22; 468137.55, 3354138.88; 468153.23, 3354147.72; 468159.35, 3354160.30; 468172.08, 3354156.63; 468173.97, 3354166.18; 468168.47, 3354174.51; 468183.85, 3354196.02; 468188.63, 3354217.27; 468194.55, 3354235.38; 468200.62, 3354247.16; 468218.65, 3354246.53; 468226.91, 3354257.85; 468238.85, 3354256.95; 468252.50, 3354248.40; 468274.48, 3354259.50; 468281.66, 3354277.40; 468268.60, 3354283.67; 468277.90, 3354293.41; 468287.30, 3354298.92; 468294.45, 3354266.32; 468288.45, 3354251.38; 468262.21, 3354241.24; 468263.40, 3354227.81; 468263.99, 3354211.69; 468248.19, 3354166.40; 468240.30, 3354163.51; 468244.56, 3354152.44; 468239.20, 3354141.33; 468226.19, 3354153.70; 468213.61, 3354148.11; 468207.46, 3354139.51; 468202.39, 3354129.87; 468198.46, 3354120.02; 468204.61, 3354112.24; 468213.51, 3354105.32; 468222.88, 3354112.28; 468225.47, 3354103.62; 468236.36, 3354097.15; 468239.74, 3354105.15; 468248.38, 3354111.95; 468256.13, 3354117.44; 468259.25, 3354100.59; 468269.02, 3354094.61; 468278.44, 3354095.76; 468301.92, 3354063.84; 468321.70, 3354067.49; 468347.45, 3354070.48; 468361.44, 3354066.86; 468374.81, 3354053.68; 468386.26, 3354059.13; 468404.33, 3354051.24; 468421.34, 3354054.42; 468437.05, 3354045.68; 468449.06, 3354058.26; 468471.13, 3354065.53; 468498.47, 3354068.29; 468495.38, 3354081.57; 468512.31, 3354071.28; 468524.93, 3354058.90; 468537.49, 3354065.14; 468542.53, 3354086.67; 468531.56, 3354099.73; 468524.54, 3354127.05; 468531.54, 3354144.13; 468549.35, 3354149.86; 468572.46, 3354146.84; 468588.95, 3354135.99; 468600.60, 3354136.27; 468613.51, 3354128.13; 468612.91, 3354109.09; 468613.24, 3354095.35; 468630.16, 3354096.82; 468645.89, 3354103.54; 468662.85, 3354102.89; 468674.58, 3354100.00; 468668.98, 3354112.55; 468664.41, 3354126.18; 468669.00, 3354147.18; 468677.00, 3354161.25; 468696.91, 3354143.10; 468724.84, 3354124.46; 468752.54, 3354126.20; 468769.17, 3354128.58; 468760.28, 3354148.57; 468763.49, 3354166.50; 468788.18, 3354177.78; 468806.69, 3354157.08; 468804.05, 3354134.82; 468806.94, 3354120.40; 468858.31, 3354139.05; 468886.53, 3354138.54; 468908.54, 3354151.08; 468950.68, 3354204.94; 469007.06, 3354239.06; 469083.64, 3354270.50; 469094.91, 3354294.57; 469127.14, 3354309.22; 469182.44, 3354339.09; 469230.84, 3354358.09; 469236.13, 3354336.42; 469230.78, 3354319.49; 469221.75, 3354307.13; 469218.74, 3354291.72; 469220.19, 3354273.01; 469263.53, 3354271.28; 469288.14, 3354288.91; 469322.59, 3354294.10; 469323.99, 3354301.27; 469295.51, 3354312.47; 469293.37, 3354335.41; 469274.36, 3354357.53; 469262.31, 3354374.16; 469252.55, 3354383.43; 469267.32, 3354385.90; 469269.61, 3354397.87; 469276.22, 3354420.22; 469277.46, 3354434.92; 469288.73, 3354464.64; 469289.30, 3354484.73; 469300.64, 3354494.93; 469319.24, 3354514.41; 469342.46, 3354507.04; 469367.89, 3354539.29; 469372.40, 3354553.32; 469363.99, 3354569.79; 469379.12, 3354582.02; 469388.80, 3354594.96; 469392.50, 3354606.54; 469404.13, 3354602.06; 469412.16, 3354617.70; 469406.56, 3354630.25; 469408.38, 3354639.82; 469425.75, 3354625.43; 469436.13, 3354634.13; 469449.79, 3354638.69; 469455.79, 3354653.63; 469473.81, 3354653.01; 469475.58, 3354637.47; 469489.98, 3354633.46; 469499.33, 3354608.32; 469518.74, 3354594.12; 469524.10, 3354602.57; 469540.31, 3354638.63; 469552.16, 3354641.30; 469569.41, 3354634.58; 469576.15, 3354651.78; 469574.95, 3354668.40; 469582.96, 3354682.07; 469577.81, 3354698.20; 469574.56, 3354717.55; 469578.40, 3354722.79; 469570.96, 3354731.94; 469576.44, 3354746.38; 469593.23, 3354753.12; 469585.37, 3354727.78; 469586.72, 3354723.78; 469602.61, 3354707.52; 469616.52, 3354707.46; 469631.22, 3354756.56; 469659.32, 3354761.20; 469681.48, 3354748.26; 469727.71, 3354742.24; 469732.26, 3354751.46; 469735.29, 3354757.48; 469738.78, 3354777.38; 469719.71, 3354767.20; 469702.04, 3354766.31; 469694.77, 3354773.55; 469708.24, 3354808.36; 469726.98, 3354821.89; 469734.90, 3354839.52; 469754.09, 3354850.69; 469775.73, 3354876.18; 469799.89, 3354881.76; 469803.86, 3354895.88; 469812.25, 3354926.60; 469803.70, 3354951.77; 469790.50, 3354971.66; 469762.33, 3354970.19; 469741.15, 3354975.23; 469733.88, 3354996.46; 469725.95, 3355012.52; 469710.58, 3355023.65; 469705.12, 3355035.81; 469686.34, 3355040.11; 469669.18, 3355027.01; 469658.96, 3355022.41; 469637.52, 3355024.78; 469638.67, 3355007.25; 469650.65, 3354988.12; 469664.12, 3354990.03; 469691.40, 3354962.54; 469670.80, 3354960.07; 469660.41, 3354945.94; 469656.15, 3354925.23; 469637.58, 3354920.82; 469632.08, 3354901.66; 469639.97, 3354887.58; 469619.02, 3354866.86; 469605.25, 3354877.63; 469586.08, 3354865.28; 469586.47, 3354849.43; 469573.47, 3354844.76; 469562.36, 3354827.84; 469551.80, 3354820.85; 469540.97, 3354808.70; 469529.48, 3354804.44; 469512.83, 3354801.34; 469494.50, 3354807.98; 469475.07, 3354820.04; 469461.16, 3354826.05; 469448.63, 3354818.35; 469450.07, 3354802.53; 469463.13, 3354790.97; 469447.30, 3354785.55; 469424.68, 3354800.86; 469417.03, 3354824.35; 469408.76, 3354843.72; 469396.91, 3354851.21; 469386.06, 3354856.50; 469370.44, 3354845.03; 469359.71, 3354845.17; 469355.50, 3354838.72; 469336.96, 3354833.12; 469311.96, 3354832.13; 469305.78, 3354841.09; 469291.25, 3354834.01; 469274.13, 3354818.93; 469259.29, 3354808.27; 469234.18, 3354811.63; 469211.29, 3354821.78; 469186.50, 3354828.32; 469156.59, 3354833.15; 469138.40, 3354845.79; 469124.34, 3354852.19; 469099.52, 3354843.67; 469085.32, 3354839.36; 469076.92, 3354825.29; 469067.68, 3354799.68; 469056.51, 3354779.33; 469049.56, 3354760.13; 469047.78, 3354746.35; 469046.14, 3354726.23; 469034.13, 3354697.40; 469029.55, 3354667.69; 469018.33, 3354649.45; 469000.84, 3354627.89; 468989.70, 3354620.64; 468971.40, 3354618.73; 468952.71, 3354605.88; 468937.30, 3354602.33; 468922.08, 3354607.12; 468906.29, 3354603.17; 468898.58, 3354609.73; 468891.12, 3354605.98; 468877.19, 3354615.41; 468873.84, 3354622.72; 468863.14, 3354626.70; 468848.35, 3354625.28; 468840.85, 3354631.33; 468836.68, 3354639.55; 468830.30, 3354640.19; 468821.96, 3354640.39; 468812.80, 3354641.36; 468806.96, 3354652.71; 468794.41, 3354662.32; 468793.07, 3354668.63; 468787.37, 3354674.04; 468777.68, 3354680.55; 468765.74, 3354681.45; 468758.67, 3354678.11; 468757.53, 3354676.10; 468749.31, 3354670.75; 468747.53, 3354662.38; 468748.51, 3354654.48; 468751.45, 3354648.21; 468754.04, 3354639.55; 468753.03, 3354631.99; 468750.03, 3354624.79; 468742.07, 3354624.99; 468734.46, 3354627.58; 468731.10, 3354635.43; 468725.86, 3354638.47; 468715.01, 3354643.37; 468707.32, 3354649.13; 468702.77, 3354656.95; 468693.23, 3354657.11; 468687.94, 3354662.14; 468681.46, 3354667.14; 468673.28, 3354676.85; 468668.41, 3354681.09; 468658.77, 3354685.62; 468649.48, 3354691.73; 468642.16, 3354698.69; 468632.26, 3354713.91; 468622.51, 3354722.80; 468617.59, 3354729.02; 468616.66, 3354734.55; 468608.91, 3354743.08; 468602.64, 3354756.01; 468600.49, 3354764.78; 468595.52, 3354770.90; 468585.96, 3354785.98; 468580.33, 3354799.59; 468576.92, 3354809.02; 468588.09, 3354815.51; 468597.69, 3354829.22; 468611.00, 3354837.47; 468621.10, 3354846.83; 468637.14, 3354860.15; 468649.56, 3354872.07; 468659.67, 3354879.82; 468678.80, 3354889.69; 468701.42, 3354904.61; 468715.25, 3354915.93; 468741.88, 3354929.01; 468758.78, 3354933.89; 468783.27, 3354942.29; 468802.70, 3354945.31; 468828.46, 3354946.55; 468847.12, 3354947.39; 468867.41, 3354945.90; 468886.73, 3354952.31; 468913.66, 3354955.73; 468953.96, 3354965.03; 468994.70, 3354972.35; 469018.38, 3354978.86; 469042.85, 3354985.79; 469073.96, 3354997.24; 469111.42, 3355008.85; 469132.66, 3355017.68; 469143.73, 3355019.93; 469153.98, 3355023.35; 469181.61, 3355014.50; 469210.14, 3355017.56; 469244.21, 3355021.55; 469263.69, 3355020.83; 469280.00, 3355020.03; 469303.90, 3355017.44; 469322.77, 3355009.17; 469340.76, 3355004.85; 469356.72, 3355002.06; 469399.53, 3354989.61; 469416.96, 3354988.83; 469456.69, 3354975.13; 469477.70, 3354974.43; 469497.54, 3354986.54; 469502.42, 3355003.57; 469497.60, 3355027.76; 469496.96, 3355054.17; 469515.23, 3355087.38; 469575.70, 3355127.94; 469624.95, 3355150.27; 469686.69, 3355190.35; 469709.06, 3355220.99; 469717.07, 3355240.21; 469733.10, 3355275.50; 469745.05, 3355309.59; 469745.37, 3355340.25; 469747.26, 3355349.81; 469758.98, 3355346.92; 469768.90, 3355331.31; 469771.55, 3355309.17; 469777.79, 3355270.21; 469796.74, 3355231.56; 469816.48, 3355203.49; 469825.30, 3355175.84; 469828.22, 3355137.07; 469829.31, 3355108.56; 469835.40, 3355086.51; 469840.15, 3355057.14; 469846.26, 3355023.46; 469862.73, 3354999.55; 469888.76, 3354974.80; 469906.83, 3354972.07; 469937.15, 3354969.64; 469964.79, 3354927.50; 469967.32, 3354904.97; 469963.31, 3354873.55; 469957.47, 3354852.41; 469919.14, 3354712.36; 469904.41, 3354590.43; 469887.91, 3354527.67; 469882.16, 3354458.82; 469879.36, 3354399.56; 469875.67, 3354332.88; 469852.24, 3354294.27; 469829.53, 3354269.41; 469798.15, 3354252.80; 469758.27, 3354237.04; 469620.05, 3354213.64; 469413.30, 3354175.90; 469150.72, 3354125.19; 468897.75, 3354071.54; 468705.93, 3354029.93; 468472.95, 3353982.05; 468354.85, 3353959.13; 468089.73, 3353898.86; 467876.76, 3353855.69; 467795.37, 3353833.66; 467704.10, 3353810.31; 467589.00, 3353794.86; 467465.82, 3353762.31; 467307.82, 3353723.79; 467132.79, 3353689.83; 466939.05, 3353639.72; 466650.36, 3353573.59; 466448.08, 3353526.45; 466253.99, 3353491.14; 466104.53, 3353450.55; 465894.68, 3353409.20; 465744.99, 3353378.49; 465607.97, 3353348.78; 465461.41, 3353319.89; 465387.62, 3353304.37; 465298.13, 3353281.09; 465146.47, 3353243.62; 464951.75, 3353190.32; 464766.29, 3353148.87; 464622.88, 3353112.37; 464474.67, 3353072.11; 464304.10, 3353027.85; 464172.41, 3352997.20; 463970.02, 3352954.29; 463779.90, 3352910.99; 463553.34, 3352865.91; 463397.79, 3352827.46; 463298.84, 3352800.77; 463136.67, 3352759.88; 462972.38, 3352718.94; 462823.02, 3352674.14; 462717.79, 3352644.13; 462580.14, 3352610.68; 462480.38, 3352579.35; 462257.48, 3352514.15; 462033.58, 3352440.60; 461803.27, 3352369.67; 461642.05, 3352322.13; 461476.44, 3352278.22; 461256.30, 3352224.32; 460978.37, 3352151.06; 460797.21, 3352106.55; 460554.30, 3352055.44; 460349.93, 3352012.49; 460270.17, 3351994.55; 460194.24, 3351980.05; 460146.84, 3351968.34; 460060.54, 3351952.83; 459965.56, 3351929.11; 459844.14, 3351898.10; 459658.58, 3351848.02; 459657.25, 3351880.07; 459656.77, 3351891.62; 459649.88, 3351907.84; 459646.27, 3351928.46; 459645.76, 3351992.61; 459728.73, 3351993.57; 459793.00, 3351992.40; 459817.11, 3351985.34; 459838.96, 3351982.76; 459858.63, 3351984.26; 459885.56, 3351992.63; 459928.03, 3351991.63; 459975.63, 3351993.75; 459990.40, 3351997.36; 460025.26, 3352015.41; 460048.20, 3352036.57; 460059.52, 3352061.02; 460075.51, 3352089.94; 460099.95, 3352114.71; 460122.78, 3352131.60; 460144.84, 3352139.53; 460162.73, 3352144.18; 460170.30, 3352138.02; 460169.55, 3352125.32; 460148.36, 3352124.34; 460145.56, 3352108.42; 460131.90, 3352103.86; 460136.52, 3352088.12; 460151.32, 3352089.53; 460155.56, 3352082.35; 460079.80, 3352067.73; 460091.79, 3352009.89; 460131.28, 3352017.95; 460155.04, 3352023.03; 460158.61, 3352007.73; 460163.10, 3351997.27; 460181.15, 3351995.59; 460197.14, 3352005.26; 460198.41, 3352026.66; 460251.63, 3352035.90; 460296.49, 3352044.39; 460288.14, 3352083.30; 460305.65, 3352085.95; 460311.02, 3352094.00; 460297.05, 3352153.28; 460182.10, 3352131.96; 460182.80, 3352146.78; 460221.78, 3352156.17; 460298.91, 3352167.83; 460344.83, 3352174.88; 460383.64, 3352179.78; 460428.92, 3352180.46; 460479.10, 3352175.33; 460548.64, 3352158.36; 460630.44, 3352144.07; 460697.24, 3352141.71; 460781.60, 3352152.85; 460965.17, 3352201.65; 461189.40, 3352261.33; 461407.76, 3352317.30; 461553.98, 3352356.77; 461664.40, 3352391.13; 461861.00, 3352453.98; 462029.11, 3352510.65; 462254.21, 3352583.83; 462475.35, 3352656.12; 462677.24, 3352719.63; 462783.53, 3352756.69; 462837.25, 3352773.02; 462926.04, 3352798.14; 463123.85, 3352849.66; 463248.68, 3352883.47; 463325.01, 3352901.81; 463336.94, 3352890.47; 463354.48, 3352893.00; 463364.47, 3352904.98; 463363.75, 3352920.71; 463356.68, 3352931.35; 463341.11, 3352934.55; 463328.97, 3352927.12; 463321.53, 3352914.41; 463244.68, 3352894.16; 463042.95, 3352843.36; 462928.44, 3352814.05; 462787.39, 3352772.63; 462592.90, 3352707.70; 462371.16, 3352634.75; 462206.12, 3352581.11; 461994.86, 3352510.51; 461849.15, 3352462.15; 461673.57, 3352406.15; 461567.39, 3352371.89; 461476.12, 3352349.07; 461234.72, 3352283.58; 461016.73, 3352228.67; 460873.60, 3352189.30; 460789.34, 3352168.25; 460738.18, 3352157.36; 460687.97, 3352154.19; 460638.87, 3352156.96; 460555.48, 3352171.61; 460497.07, 3352188.04; 460429.47, 3352197.67; 460363.46, 3352193.16; 460287.88, 3352180.25; 460179.52, 3352162.14; 460176.23, 3352185.99; 460256.99, 3352192.59; 460290.69, 3352197.99; 460295.71, 3352209.74; 460302.09, 3352208.83; 460313.58, 3352215.45; 460322.36, 3352202.98; 460343.44, 3352199.42; 460368.30, 3352206.36; 460399.68, 3352223.36; 460420.70, 3352241.31; 460464.71, 3352245.14; 460499.09, 3352252.70; 460530.31, 3352233.92; 460568.66, 3352225.32; 460599.66, 3352234.11; 460631.81, 3352235.27; 460698.45, 3352223.40; 460832.72, 3352240.49; 460886.11, 3352267.14; 460935.43, 3352298.05; 460953.45, 3352292.14; 460971.62, 3352296.54; 460991.32, 3352303.35; 460998.97, 3352315.82; 461013.75, 3352352.27; 461027.32, 3352361.05; 461059.45, 3352390.36; 461104.38, 3352425.77; 461124.79, 3352419.92; 461160.99, 3352385.11; 461228.42, 3352356.60; 461266.85, 3352344.45; 461344.18, 3352350.66; 461395.97, 3352377.67; 461429.40, 3352408.20; 461463.94, 3352442.32; 461495.04, 3352487.07; 461538.56, 3352560.65; 461564.62, 3352567.61; 461587.53, 3352556.67; 461598.67, 3352522.85; 461602.69, 3352488.06; 461618.62, 3352488.80; 461666.99, 3352501.39; 461677.48, 3352507.71; 461693.44, 3352504.92; 461700.76, 3352509.80; 461698.46, 3352517.14; 461681.16, 3352529.19; 461659.67, 3352543.22; 461646.82, 3352549.73; 461639.28, 3352554.83; 461628.23, 3352556.97; 461607.31, 3352562.52; 461601.84, 3352569.79; 461593.14, 3352579.09; 461577.18, 3352581.88; 461567.75, 3352577.43; 461566.49, 3352585.85; 461567.34, 3352594.33; 461573.42, 3352606.10; 461583.90, 3352610.58; 461594.64, 3352604.50; 461610.81, 3352593.26; 461632.44, 3352574.75; 461647.50, 3352565.60; 461665.74, 3352555.00; 461750.00, 3352531.65; 461815.91, 3352522.66; 461852.67, 3352519.78; 461875.97, 3352520.34; 461903.37, 3352526.28; 461933.92, 3352533.35; 461950.64, 3352543.27; 461969.21, 3352563.80; 461990.63, 3352574.34; 462032.13, 3352616.16; 462038.52, 3352633.11; 462051.05, 3352640.81; 462080.11, 3352652.98; 462130.66, 3352665.69; 462173.37, 3352673.85; 462253.74, 3352671.04; 462268.49, 3352674.56; 462304.81, 3352676.61; 462331.23, 3352687.89; 462351.40, 3352707.21; 462371.66, 3352705.16; 462429.54, 3352743.42; 462496.70, 3352759.30; 462548.97, 3352782.75; 462583.14, 3352799.42; 462614.41, 3352804.14; 462649.32, 3352822.81; 462684.81, 3352852.62; 462694.32, 3352862.31; 462705.52, 3352872.14; 462748.01, 3352867.87; 462794.95, 3352854.20; 462845.98, 3352846.97; 462869.17, 3352851.76; 462890.20, 3352858.60; 462901.72, 3352864.16; 462925.87, 3352869.45; 462947.98, 3352879.02; 462973.42, 3352878.57; 463031.07, 3352891.03; 463095.07, 3352922.69; 463217.57, 3352966.46; 463242.04, 3352986.49; 463261.52, 3353013.38; 463286.70, 3353023.50; 463311.13, 3353020.91; 463330.19, 3353021.37; 463358.81, 3353021.00; 463386.51, 3353014.27; 463404.46, 3353016.81; 463430.71, 3353026.95; 463457.66, 3353027.32; 463483.85, 3353019.77; 463510.32, 3353018.67; 463547.36, 3353022.36; 463594.78, 3353033.01; 463638.89, 3353048.86; 463673.30, 3353064.21; 463710.70, 3353078.58; 463743.11, 3353085.70; 463792.29, 3353102.23; 463820.79, 3353109.76; 463853.28, 3353113.71; 463911.48, 3353124.11; 463951.50, 3353126.38; 463988.78, 3353144.01; 464040.73, 3353168.44; 464097.09, 3353203.62; 464114.81, 3353215.67; 464144.60, 3353241.21; 464170.01, 3353241.82; 464189.81, 3353224.87; 464210.38, 3353215.44; 464222.11, 3353190.35; 464232.25, 3353178.32; 464239.58, 3353190.77; 464248.10, 3353184.96; 464247.80, 3353192.44; 464260.56, 3353190.63; 464272.28, 3353193.83; 464278.18, 3353206.91; 464289.53, 3353211.79; 464299.84, 3353212.83; 464308.88, 3353207.64; 464333.68, 3353226.32; 464347.53, 3353230.77; 464339.66, 3353249.61; 464323.77, 3353249.22; 464324.60, 3353258.76; 464334.08, 3353261.10; 464348.96, 3353259.34; 464353.52, 3353242.87; 464357.06, 3353231.00; 464366.51, 3353234.40; 464370.36, 3353250.34; 464375.68, 3353249.41; 464377.07, 3353235.71; 464390.68, 3353234.83; 464401.20, 3353245.80; 464418.06, 3353249.37; 464418.37, 3353236.70; 464427.80, 3353241.15; 464433.62, 3353250.13; 464449.50, 3353250.51; 464463.82, 3353240.96; 464476.00, 3353239.25; 464484.85, 3353247.81; 464473.12, 3353250.70; 464462.46, 3353253.61; 464469.51, 3353268.58; 469439.91, 3354872.05; 469431.24, 3354880.30; 469419.59, 3354880.02; 469413.17, 3354869.04; 469407.35, 3354860.70; 469412.90, 3354850.26; 469425.73, 3354845.28; 469436.72, 3354850.83; 469445.09, 3354863.47; 469439.91, 3354872.05; 469523.43, 3354844.93; 469510.70, 3354845.68; 469498.89, 3354842.81; 469495.01, 3354827.92; 469508.89, 3354810.76; 469526.05, 3354814.93; 469534.24, 3354826.75; 469531.87, 3354837.27; 469523.43, 3354844.93; 466190.53, 3354051.39; 465789.50, 3353888.05; 465774.93, 3353906.49; 465797.81, 3353933.65; 465835.46, 3353937.23; 465867.28, 3353944.38; 465901.69, 3353950.31; 465937.29, 3353960.10; 465969.02, 3353971.08; 466018.28, 3353997.80; 466056.00, 3354025.52; 466094.75, 3354063.47; 466127.55, 3354083.41; 466164.05, 3354108.55; 466186.52, 3354132.07; 466348.00, 3354151.94; 466376.57, 3354104.72; 466418.82, 3354050.83; 466470.73, 3354007.74; 466545.90, 3353928.76; 466605.94, 3353880.41; 466606.12, 3353859.14; 466597.09, 3353843.27; 466568.86, 3353842.59; 466560.42, 3353867.44; 466541.00, 3353892.02; 466504.78, 3353897.41; 466485.35, 3353921.99; 466479.78, 3353957.86; 466444.79, 3353977.37; 466412.75, 3353984.29; 466373.20, 3353979.51; 466323.72, 3353961.73; 466278.86, 3353964.48; 466259.34, 3353978.06; 466199.44, 3353967.68; 466178.83, 3353973.57; 466147.44, 3353948.56; 466125.00, 3353923.76; 466116.54, 3353903.13; 466078.02, 3353908.59; 466024.61, 3353894.54; 465973.36, 3353897.13; 465967.66, 3353909.76; 465939.48, 3353915.14; 465907.95, 3353903.22; 465904.48, 3353887.82; 465878.81, 3353891.03; 465841.94, 3353881.21; 465816.50, 3353874.61; 465789.50, 3353888.05; 465163.51, 3353601.02; 465084.34, 3353682.31; 465112.50, 3353722.06; 465126.95, 3353747.45; 465147.68, 3353804.05; 465160.91, 3353838.44; 465181.85, 3353886.03; 465199.16, 3353900.09; 465228.18, 3353922.21; 465307.99, 3353944.16; 465348.23, 3353941.12; 465378.48, 3353935.84; 465419.06, 3353918.78; 465387.24, 3353905.99; 465346.47, 3353888.98; 465311.40, 3353886.13; 465305.83, 3353866.96; 465294.78, 3353825.62; 465269.69, 3353741.86; 465283.78, 3353699.12; 465281.10, 3353685.03; 465269.01, 3353686.74; 465247.37, 3353668.19; 465241.83, 3353648.02; 465229.74, 3353649.73; 465210.17, 3353628.22; 465217.51, 3353615.37; 465188.51, 3353568.59; 465146.26, 3353571.58; 465158.47, 3353606.94; 465165.65, 3353642.18; 465177.04, 3353669.50; 465168.94, 3353672.31; 465145.38, 3353649.71; 465118.92, 3353664.10; 465085.74, 3353624.23; 465102.02, 3353615.60; 465111.37, 3353602.80; 465106.57, 3353593.67; 465081.96, 3353573.04; 465056.13, 3353561.40; 464968.37, 3353536.25; 464942.78, 3353514.60; 464907.95, 3353542.82; 464910.63, 3353556.91; 464923.31, 3353572.24; 464940.99, 3353588.69; 464978.60, 3353611.64; 465020.27, 3353632.68; 465063.72, 3353662.78; 465084.34, 3353682.31

(iii) Note: Map 3, Units 4 and 5 of Perdido Key beach mouse, follows:

Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius preblei)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Boulder, Broomfield, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, and Teller Counties in Colorado on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Preble's meadow jumping mouse are:

(i) Riparian corridors:

(A) Formed and maintained by normal, dynamic, geomorphological, and hydrological processes that create and maintain river and stream channels, floodplains, and floodplain benches and that promote patterns of vegetation favorable to the Preble's meadow jumping mouse;

(B) Containing dense, riparian vegetation consisting of grasses, forbs, or shrubs, or any combination thereof, in areas along rivers and streams that normally provide open water through the Preble's meadow jumping mouse's active season; and

(C) Including specific movement corridors that provide connectivity between and within populations. This may include river and stream reaches with minimal vegetative cover or that are armored for erosion control; travel ways beneath bridges, through culverts, along canals and ditches; and other areas that have experienced substantial human alteration or disturbance.

(ii) Additional adjacent floodplain and upland habitat with limited human disturbance (including hayed fields, grazed pasture, other agricultural lands that are not plowed or disked regularly, areas that have been restored after past aggregate extraction, areas supporting recreational trails, and urban-wildland interfaces).

(3) Critical habitat does not include buildings, roads, parking lots, other paved areas, lawns, other urban and suburban landscaped areas, regularly plowed or disked agricultural areas, and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15N coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat for the Preble's meadow jumping mouse follows:

(6) Unit 1: North Fork Cache la Poudre River, Larimer County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 87.2 mi (140.4 km) of streams and rivers. North Fork Cache la Poudre River from Seaman Reservoir (40 43 7N 105 14 32W, T.9N., R.70W., Sec. 28) upstream to Halligan Reservoir spillway (40 52 44N 105 20 15W, T.11N., R.71W., Sec. 34) excluding 1.06 mi (1.71 km) of the North Fork Cache la Poudre River within the Eagles Nest Open Space (from 40 45 44N 105 13 50W, T. 9N, R.70W., Sec. 9 to 40 46 17N 105 13 59W, T. 9N, R.70W., Sec. 4). Includes Lone Pine Creek from its confluence North Fork Cache la Poudre River (40 47 54N 105 15 30W, T.10N., R.70W., Sec. 32) upstream and continuing upstream into North Lone Pine Creek to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 49 58N 105 34 09W, T.10N., R.73W., Sec. 15). Includes Columbine Canyon from its confluence with North Lone Pine Creek (40 49 47N 105 33 31W, T.10N., R.73W., Sec. 15) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 49 32N 105 33 58W, T.10N., R.73W., Sec. 15). Also includes Stonewall Creek from its confluence with North Fork Cache la Poudre River (40 48 19N 105 15 21W, T.10N., R.70W., Sec. 29) upstream to (40 53 26N 105 15 40W, T.11N., R.70W., Sec. 29). Includes Tenmile Creek from its confluence with Stonewall Creek (40 51 49N 105 15 32W, T.10N., R.70W., Sec. 5) upstream to Red Mountain Road (40 53 00N 105 16 09W, T.11N., R.70W., Sec. 31). Also includes Rabbit Creek from its confluence with North Fork Cache la Poudre River (40 48 30N 105 16 07W, T.10N., R.70W., Sec. 30) upstream to the confluence with North and Middle Forks of Rabbit Creek (40 49 34N 105 20 49W, T.10N., R 71W., Sec. 21). Also includes South Fork Rabbit Creek from its confluence with Rabbit Creek (40 48 39N 105 19 45W, T.10N., R.71W., Sec. 27) upstream to (40 49 39N 105 24 40W, T.10N., R.72W., north boundary Sec. 24). Includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with South Fork Rabbit Creek (40 47 28N 105 20 47W, T.10N., R.71W., Sec. 33) upstream to (40 47 28N 105 23 12W, T.10N., R.71W., Sec. 31). Which in turn has an unnamed tributary from their confluence at (40 47 17N 105 21 48W, T.10N., R.71W., east boundary Sec. 32) upstream to (40 46 55N 105 22 16W, T.9N., R.71W., Sec. 5). Also includes Middle Fork Rabbit Creek from its confluence with Rabbit Creek (40 49 34N 105 20 49W, T.10N., R 71W., Sec. 21) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 49 46N 105 26 59W, T.10N., R.72W., Sec. 15). This includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Middle Fork Rabbit Creek (40 49 56N 105 25 51W, T.10N., R.72W., Sec. 14) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 48 48N 105 26 29W, T.10N., R.72W., Sec. 23). This unit includes North Fork Rabbit Creek from its confluence with Rabbit Creek (40 49 34N 105 20 49W, T.10N., R.71W., Sec. 21) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 49 38N 105 29 19W, T.10N., R.72W., Sec. 17). Includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with North Fork Rabbit Creek (40 50 45N 105 27 44W, T.10N., R.72W., Sec. 9) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 50 57N 105 28 46W, T.10N., R.72W., Sec. 9).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Cache la Poudre River, Larimer County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 50.8 mi (81.7 km) of streams and rivers. Cache la Poudre River from Poudre Park (40 41 16N 10 18 2W, T.8N., R.71W., Sec. 2) upstream to (40 42 02N 105 34 04W, T.9N., R.73W., west boundary Sec. 34). Includes Hewlett Gulch from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River (40 41 16N 105 18 24W, T.8N., R.71W., Sec. 2) upstream to the boundary of Arapahoe-Roosevelt National Forest (40 43 29N 105 18 51W, T.9N., R.71W., Sec. 23). Also includes Young Gulch from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River (40 41 25N 105 20 57W, T.8N., R.71W., Sec. 4) upstream to (40 39 14N 105 20 13W, T.8N., R.71W., south boundary Sec. 15). Also includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River at Stove Prairie Landing (40 40 58N 105 23 23W, T.8N., R.71W., Sec. 6) upstream to (40 39 31N 105 22 34W, T.8N., R.71W., Sec. 17). Includes Skin Gulch from its confluence with the aforementioned unnamed tributary at (40 40 33N 105 23 16W, T.8N., R.71W., Sec. 7) upstream to (40 39 40N 105 24 16W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 13). Unit 2 also includes Poverty Gulch from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River (40 40 28N 105 25 44W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 11) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 39 01N 105 26 40W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 22). Also includes Elkhorn Creek from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River (40 41 50N 105 26 24W, T.9N., R.72W., Sec. 34) upstream to (40 44 03N 105 27 34W, T.9N., R.72W., Sec. 21). Also includes South Fork Cache la Poudre River from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River (40 41 11N 105 26 50W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 3) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 38 48N 105 29 22W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 20). Includes Pendergrass Creek from its confluence with South Fork Cache la Poudre River (40 39 56N 105 27 30W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 15) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 38 34N 105 27 28W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 22). Also included in the unit is Bennett Creek from its confluence with Cache la Poudre River (40 40 26N 105 28 41W, T.8N., R.72W., Sec. 9) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 39 19N 105 31 29W, T.8N., R.73W., Sec. 13).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Buckhorn Creek, Larimer County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 45.5 mi (73.2 km) of streams. Buckhorn Creek from (40 30 20N 105 13 39W, T.6N., R.70W., east boundary Sec. 9) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 34 17N 105 25 31W, T.7N., R.72W., Sec. 14). Includes Little Bear Gulch from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 31 17N 105 15 33W, T.6N., R.70W., Sec. 5) upstream to (40 30 43N 105 16 35W, T.6N., R.70W., Sec. 6). Also includes Bear Gulch from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 31 16N 105 15 52W, T.6N., R.70W., Sec. 5) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 29 45N 105 20 4W, T.6N., R.71W., Sec. 10). Also includes Stringtown Gulch from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 32 21N 105 16 42W, T.7N., R.70W., Sec. 30) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 30 30N 105 20 50W, T.6N., R.71W., Sec. 4). Also includes Fish Creek from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 32 48N 105 18 20W, T.7N., R.70W., Sec. 30) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 30 56N 105 21 20W, T.6N., R.71W., Sec. 4). Includes North Fork Fish Creek from its confluence with Fish Creek (40 32 48N 105 18 20W, T.7N., R.71W., west boundary Sec. 25) upstream and following the first unnamed tributary northwest to (40 33 34N 105 19 45W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 22). Also includes Stove Prairie Creek from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 34 16N 105 19 48W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 15) upstream to the dirt road crossing at (40 35 22N 105 20 17W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 10). Also includes Sheep Creek from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 34 15N 105 20 53W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 16) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 33 08N 105 21 47W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 20). Also includes Twin Cabin Gulch from its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (40 34 38N 105 23 13W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 18) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (40 35 45N 105 23 36W, T.7N., R.71W., Sec. 6).

(ii) Note: Map of Units 3 and 4 follows:

(9) Unit 4: Cedar Creek, Larimer County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 7.5 mi (12.1 km) of streams. Cedar Creek from the boundary of Federal land (40 26 46N 105 16 17W, T.6N., R.70W., Sec. 31) upstream to the boundary of Federal land (40 28 15N 105 18 11W, T.6N., R.71W., Sec. 24). Includes Dry Creek from its confluence with Cedar Creek (40 27 07N 105 16 16W, T.6N., R.70W., Sec. 30) upstream to the boundary of Federal land (40 28 52N 105 16 21W, T.6N., R.70W., Sec. 18). Also includes Jug Gulch from its confluence with Cedar Creek (40 28 15N 105 17 41W, T.6N., R.71W., Sec. 24) upstream to the boundary of Federal land (40 29 07N 105 18 28W, T.6N., R.71W., Sec. 14).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 4 appears at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.

(10) Unit 5: South Boulder Creek, Boulder County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 7.6 mi (12.2 km) of streams. Including South Boulder Creek from Baseline Road (40 0 0N 105 12 55W, T.1S., R.70W., Sec. 3) upstream to near Eldorado Springs, Colorado (39 56 7N 105 16 16W, T.1S., R.70W., Sec. 30). Unit 5 also includes Spring Brook from the Community Ditch near Eldorado Springs (39 55 59N 105 16 10W, T.1S., R.70W., Sec. 30) upstream to the Denver Water boundary at the South Boulder Diversion Canal (39 55 13N 105 16 12W, T.1S., R.70W., Sec. 31).

(ii) Note: Map of Units 5, 6, and 7 follows:

(11) Unit 6: Rocky Flats Site, Jefferson County and Broomfield Counties, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of three subunits including 12.5 mi (20.1 km) of streams as follows:

(A) The Woman Creek Subunit from Indiana Street (39 52 40N 105 9 55W, T.2S., R.70W., east boundary Sec. 13) upstream to (39 53 3N 105 13 20W, T.2S., R.70W., west boundary Sec. 15). Includes unnamed tributary from confluence with Woman Creek (39 52 43N 105 10 11W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 13) upstream to (39 52 39N 105 12 11W, T.2S., R.70W., west boundary Sec. 14).

(B) The Walnut Creek Subunit from Indiana Street (39 54 5N 105 9 55W, T.2S., R.70W., east boundary Sec. 1) upstream to (39 53 49N 105 11 59W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 11). Includes unnamed tributary from its confluence with Walnut Creek (39 54 6N 105 10 42W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 1) upstream to (39 53 35N 105 11 29W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 11).

(C) The Rock Creek Subunit from State Highway 128 (39 54 53N 105 11 40W, T.1S., R.70W., Sec. 35) upstream to (39 54 17N 105 13 20W, T.2S., R.70W., west boundary Sec. 3). Includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Rock Creek (39 54 40N 105 12 11W, T.2S., R.70W., east boundary Sec. 3) upstream to (39 54 42 N 105 13 00W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 3). Also includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Rock Creek at (39 54 26N 105 12 34W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 3) upstream to (39 54 7N 105 12 52W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 3). Includes another unnamed tributary from its confluence with Rock Creek at (39 54 23N 105 12 56W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 3) upstream to (39 54 8N 105 13 20W, T.2S., R.70W., west boundary Sec. 3. Includes another unnamed tributary from its confluence with Rock Creek at (39 54 15N 105 13 5W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 3) upstream to (39 54 08N 105 13 09W, T.2S., R.70W., Sec. 3).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 6 appears at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 7: Ralston Creek, Jefferson County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 8.5 mi (13.7 km) of streams. Ralston Creek from 6,065 ft (1,849 m) elevation at the northern edge of Denver Water property just upstream of Ralston Reservoir (39 49 12N 105 15 35W, T.3S., R.70W., Sec. 6) upstream into Golden Gate Canyon State Park to 7,600 ft (2,300 m) elevation (39 50 53 105 21 16W, T.2S., R.71W., Sec. 29).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 7 appears at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(13) Unit 8: Cherry Creek, Douglas County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of two subunits including 29.8 mi (47.9 km) of streams as follows:

(A) The Lake Gulch Subunit including Cherry Creek from the northern boundary of Castlewood Canyon State Recreation Area (39 21 44N 104 45 39W, T.8S., R.66W., south boundary Sec. 10) upstream to the confluence with Lake Gulch (39 20 24N 104 45 36W, T.8S., R.66W., Sec. 23). Lake Gulch from the aforementioned confluence upstream to (39 15 37N 104 46 05W, T.9S., R.66W., south boundary Sec. 15). Includes Upper Lake Gulch from its confluence with Lake Gulch (39 17 24N 104 46 11W, T.9S., R.66W., Sec. 3) upstream to (39 13 24N 104 50 21W, T.9S., R.67W., mid-point Sec. 36).

(B) The Antelope Creek Subunit from its confluence with West Cherry Creek (39 16 11N 104 42 49W, T.9S R.65W., S18) upstream to the Franktown Parker Reservoir (39 10 20N 104 46 16W, T.10S R.66W., S22). It also includes Haskel Creek from its confluence with Antelope Creek (39 13 43N, 104 45 5W, T.9S R.66W., S35) upstream to the Haskel Creek Spring Pond at 7,000 ft (2,134 m) elevation (39 11 60N 104 47 40N, T.10S R.66W., S8).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 8 follows:

(14) Unit 9: West Plum Creek, Douglas County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 90.3 mi (145.3 km) of streams. Plum Creek from Chatfield Lake (39 32 35N 105 03 07W, T.6S., R.68W., Sec. 7) upstream to its confluence with West Plum Creek and East Plum Creek (39 25 49N 104 58 8W, T.7S., R.68W., Sec. 23), excluding 0.14 mi (0.23 km) of Plum Creek owned by Denver Water at the Highline Canal crossing (excluding from 39 30 44N 105 01 41W, T.6S., R.68W., Sec. 20 downstream to 39 30 41N 105 01 32W, T.6S., R.68W., Sec. 20). West Plum Creek from the aforementioned confluence (39 25 49N 104 58 8W, T.7S., R.68W., Sec. 23) upstream to the boundary of Pike-San Isabel National Forest and 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 13 07N 104 59 20W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 34). Includes Indian Creek from its confluence with Plum Creek (39 28 22N 104 59 57W, T.7S., R.68W., Sec. 4) upstream to Silver State Youth Camp (39 22 24N 105 05 13W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 11). Indian Creek includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Indian Creek at Pine Nook (39 23 01N 105 04 24W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 2) upstream to (39 22 10N 105 04 08W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 12). Also includes Jarre Creek from its confluence with Plum Creek (39 25 50N 104 58 15W, T.7S., R.68W., Sec. 23) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 21 50N 105 03 20W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 12). Jarre Creek includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Jarre Creek (39 22 58N 105 01 52W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 5) upstream to (39 22 44N 105 02 14W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 8). Also includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with West Plum Creek (39 22 20N 104 57 39W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 11) upstream to (39 21 36N 104 55 40W, T.8S, R67W., Sec.18). Unit 9 also includes Garber Creek from its confluence with Plum Creek (39 22 10N 104 57 49W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 11) upstream to its confluence with South Garber Creek and Middle Garber Creek (39 21 02N 105 02 13W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 18). Including South Garber Creek from its confluence with Garber Creek (39 21 02N 105 02 13W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 18) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 19 14N 105 03 13W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 25). Including Middle Garber Creek from its confluence with Garber Creek (39 20 55N 105 02 35W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 18) upstream to (39 19 48N 105 04 09W, T.8S., R.69W., west boundary Sec. 25). Including North Garber Creek from its confluence with Middle Garber Creek (39 20 55N 105 02 35W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 18) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 20 47N 105 04 37W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 23). Includes Jackson Creek from its confluence with Plum Creek (39 21 02N 104 58 30W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 14) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 17 59N 105 03 57W, T.9S., R.69W., Sec. 1). Includes Spring Creek from its confluence with West Plum Creek at (39 19 04N 104 58 26W, T.8S., R.68W., Sec. 35) upstream to (39 15 21N 105 01 40W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 20). Including Dry Gulch from its confluence with Spring Creek (39 17 54N 104 59 58W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 4) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 16 07N 105 02 33W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 18). Including Bear Creek from its confluence with West Plum Creek (39 17 30N 104 58 25W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 2) upstream to the base of the Waconda Lake dam (39 15 43 N, 104 59 09 W, T.9S, R.68W, Sec.15). Including Gove Creek from its confluence with West Plum Creek (39 14 07N 104 57 42W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 26) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 11 50N 104 58 32W, T.10S., R.68W., Sec. 11). Includes Merz Canyon stream from its confluence with Gove Creek (39 13 05N 104 57 33W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 36) upstream to (39 12 39N 104 57 04 W, T.10S., R.68W., Sec.1). Includes Starr Canyon stream from its confluence with West Plum Creek (39 13 07N 104 58 41W, T.9S., R.68W., Sec. 35) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 12 32N 104 59 01W, T.10S., R.68W., Sec. 3).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 9 follows:

(15) Unit 10: Upper South Platte River, Douglas, Jefferson, and Teller Counties, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of four subunits including 33.6 mi (54.1 km) of rivers and streams as follows:

(A) The Chatfield Subunit, on the border of Jefferson County and Douglas County entirely within Chatfield State Park from Chatfield Lake (39 31 32N 105 04 45W, T.6S., R.69W., Sec. 14) upstream to the northern boundary of the Kassler Center land owned by Denver Water (39 29 35N 105 05 14W, T.6S., R.69W., Sec. 26).

(B) The Bear Creek Subunit, Douglas County from Pike-San Isabel National Forest boundary (39 25 27N 105 07 40W, T.7S., R.69W., west boundary Sec. 21) upstream to (39 22 32N 105 06 40W, T.8S., R.69W., south boundary Sec. 4). Includes West Bear Creek from its confluence with Bear Creek (39 25 15N 105 07 30W, T.7S., R.69W., Sec. 21) upstream to a confluence with an unnamed tributary (39 24 17N 105 07 38W, T.7S., R.69W., Sec. 33).

(C) The South Platte River Subunit, on the border of Jefferson County and Douglas County from the southern boundary of Denver Water land near Nighthawk (39 21 04N 105 10 28W, T.8S., R.70W., Sec. 13) upstream to the north eastern boundary of Denver Water land at (39 18 47N 105 11 33W, T.8S., R.70W., Sec. 35), excluding Denver Water lands along this stretch (39 19 10N 105 11 17W, T.8S., R.70W., Sec. 26), and utilizing the Douglas County Riparian Conservation Zones on non-Federal lands. Also included in this subunit from the southwestern boundary of Denver Water property at (39 18 04N 105 12 03W, T.9S., R.70W., Sec. 2) to the north eastern boundary of Denver Water property at (39 17 27N 105 12 24W, T.9S., R.70W., Sec. 3). Includes Sugar Creek, within Douglas County from the eastern boundary of Denver Water land near Oxyoke (39 18 24N 105 11 32W, T.8S., R.70W., Sec. 35) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 18 31N 105 08 09W, T.8S., R.69W., Sec. 32). Includes Gunbarrel Creek, within Jefferson County from the western boundary of Denver Water land near Oxyoke (39 18 27N 105 12 06W, T.8S., R.70W., Sec. 34) upstream to (39 18 41N 105 14 36W, T.8S., R.70W., Sec. 32).

(D) The Trout Creek Subunit, Douglas County upstream into Teller County from (39 13 02N 105 09 31W, T.9S., R.69W., Sec. 31) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation which is 0.8 mi (1.3 km) into Teller County (39 07 13N 105 05 49W, T.11S., R.69W., Sec. 3). Includes Eagle Creek from its confluence with Trout Creek (39 11 52N 105 08 27W, T.10S., R.69W., Sec. 8) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 12 06N 105 07 12W, T.10S., R.69W., Sec. 9). Also including an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Trout Creek (39 11 07N 105 08 05W, T.10S., R.69W., Sec. 17) upstream to (39 10 18N 105 08 23W, T.10S., R.69W., Sec. 20). Also including Long Hollow from its confluence with Trout Creek (39 10 56N 105 08 01W, T.10S., R.69W., Sec. 17) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 11 30N 105 06 19W, T.10S., R.69W., Sec. 10).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 10 follows:

(16) Unit 11: Monument Creek, El Paso County, Colorado.

(i) This unit consists of 38.0 mi (61.1 km) of streams. Monument Creek from its confluence with Cottonwood Creek (38 55 36N 104 48 55W, T.13S., R66W., Sec. 7) upstream to the southern property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (38 57 08N 104 49 49W, T.13S., R.66W., Sec. 6), excluding 0.82 ac (0.33 ha) on the Dahle property (38 56 56N 104 49 39W, T.13S., R66W., Sec. 6). Then Monument Creek from the northern property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (39 02 31N 104 51 05W, T.12S., R.67W., north boundary Sec. 2) upstream to Monument Lake (39 05 19N 104 52 43W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 15). Includes Kettle Creek from the property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (38 58 33N 104 47 55W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 29) upstream to its intersection with a road at (39 00 07N 104 45 24W, T.12S., R.66W., east boundary Sec. 15). Which includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Kettle Creek (38 59 06N 104 46 55W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 21) upstream to (38 59 14N 104 46 19W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 22). Also includes Black Squirrel Creek from the property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (39 00 06N 104 49 00W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 18) upstream to (39 02 30N 104 44 38W, T.12S., R.66W., north boundary Sec. 2). Including an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Black Squirrel Creek (39 01 19N 104 46 21W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 10) upstream to (39 02 30N 104 45 42W, T.12S., R.66W., north boundary Sec. 3). Which includes another unnamed tributary from (39 01 50N 104 46 20W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 3) upstream to (39 02 30N 104 46 03W, T.12S., R.66W., north boundary Sec. 3), excluding approximately 5 ac (2 ha) on the Lefever property (39 00 57N 104 46 33W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 9). Also includes an unnamed tributary from the property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (39 00 14N 104 49 3W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 18) upstream to 6,700 ft (2,043 m) elevation (39 0 29N 104 48 24W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 17). Including an unnamed tributary from (39 0 19N 104 48 55W, T. 12S., R.66W., Sec. 18) upstream to (39 0 30N 104 48 48N, T. 12S., R.66W., Sec. 18). Unit 11 also includes Monument Branch from the property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (39 00 50N 104 49 24W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 7) upstream to (39 01 10N 104 48 45W, T.12S., R.66W., east boundary Sec. 7). Also includes Smith Creek from the property boundary of the U.S. Air Force Academy (39 01 36N 104 49 46W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 7) upstream to (39 02 24N 104 48 00W, T.12S., R.66W., Sec. 5). Also includes Jackson Creek from its confluence with Monument Creek (39 02 33N 104 51 13W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 35) upstream to (39 04 30N 104 49 10W, T.11S., R.66W., Sec. 19). Includes an unnamed tributary from its confluence with Jackson Creek (39 04 12N 104 50 05W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 25) upstream to Higby Road (39 04 42N 104 49 40W, T.11S., R.66W., Sec. 19). Also includes Beaver Creek from its confluence with Monument Creek (39 02 52N 104 52 02W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 35) upstream to 7,600 ft (2,317 m) elevation (39 03 08N 104 55 32W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 31). Also includes Teachout Creek from its confluence with Monument Creek (39 03 44N 104 51 53W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 26) upstream to Interstate 25 (39 04 19N 104 51 29W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 23). Also includes Dirty Woman Creek from its confluence with Monument Creek (39 04 55N 104 52 34W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 22) upstream to Highway 105 (39 05 35N 104 51 28 W, T.11S., R.67W., Sec. 14).

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 11 follows:

St. Andrew Beach Mouse (Peromyscus polionotus peninsularis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bay and Gulf Counties, Florida, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the St. Andrew beach mouse are the habitat components that provide:

(i) A contiguous mosaic of primary, secondary, and scrub vegetation and dune structure, with a balanced level of competition and predation and few or no competitive or predaceous nonnative species present, that collectively provide foraging opportunities, cover, and burrow sites;

(ii) Primary and secondary dunes, generally dominated by sea oats (Uniola paniculata), that despite occasional temporary impacts and reconfiguration from tropical storms and hurricanes, provide abundant food resources, burrow sites, and protection from predators;

(iii) Scrub dunes, generally dominated by scrub oaks (Quercus spp.), that provide food resources and burrow sites, and provide elevated refugia during and after intense flooding due to rainfall and/or hurricane-induced storm surge;

(iv) Functional, unobstructed habitat connections that facilitate genetic exchange, dispersal, natural exploratory movements, and re-colonization of locally extirpated areas; and

(v) A natural light regime within the coastal dune ecosystem, compatible with the nocturnal activity of beach mice, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, driveways, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contained one or more of the primary constituent elements defined in paragraph (2) of this entry over 1999 and 2004 digital ortho photography at a scale of at least 1:4000.

(5) Note: Map 1, Index Map of Critical Habitat Units for the St. Andrew beach mouse, follows:

(6) SABM - Unit 1: East Crooked Island, Gulf County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat on East Crooked Island from the entrance of St. Andrew Sound to 1 mi west of Mexico Beach, not including Raffield Peninsula, and the area from the mean high water level (MHWL) to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Map 2, Unit 1 of St. Andrew beach mouse, follows:

(7) SABM - Unit 2: Palm Point Unit, Gulf County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses habitat from Palm Point 1.25 mi northwest of the inlet of the Gulf County Canal to St. Joe Beach and the area from the MHWL to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Map of SABM - Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.

(8) SABM - Unit 3: St. Joseph Peninsula, Gulf County, Florida.

(i) General Description: This unit encompasses essential features of beach mouse habitat within the boundary of St. Joseph Peninsula State Park (Park) as well as south of the Park to the peninsula's constriction north of Cape San Blas (also known as the “stumphole” region) and area from the MHWL to the seaward extent of the maritime forest.

(ii) Map 3, Units 2 and 3 of St. Andrew beach mouse, follows:

Northern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni), Southwest Alaska Distinct Population Segment:

(1) Critical habitat units are in Alaska, as described below. The index map provided is for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the southwest Alaska distinct population segment (DPS) of the northern sea otter are:

(i) Shallow, rocky areas where marine predators are less likely to forage, which are in waters less than 2 m (6.6 ft) in depth;

(ii) Nearshore waters within 100 m (328.1 ft) from the mean high tide line;

(iii) Kelp forests, which occur in waters less than 20 m (65.6 ft) in depth; and

(iv) Prey resources within the areas identified in paragraphs (2)(i), (2)(ii), and (2)(iii) of this entry that are present in sufficient quantity and quality to support the energetic requirements of the species.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (including, but not limited to, docks, seawalls, pipelines, or other structures) and the land on which they are located existing within the boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Boundaries of critical habitat were derived from GIS data layers of hydrographic survey data developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. To estimate the size of each critical habitat unit, the data were projected into Alaska Standard Albers Conical Equal Area on the North American Datum of 1983. Given the large geographic range of this DPS, some two-dimensional areas appear as one-dimensional features at these map scales.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat for the southwest Alaska DPS of the northern sea otter follows:

(6) Unit 1: Western Aleutian. All contiguous waters from the mean high tide line to the 20-m (65.6-ft) depth contour as well as waters within 100 m (328.1 ft) of the mean high tide line that occur adjacent to the following islands: Adak, Agattu, Alaid, Amatignak, Amchitka, Amlia, Amukta, Anagaksik, Asuksak, Atka, Attu, Aziak, Bobrof, Buldir, Carlisle, Chagula, Chuginadak, Chugul, Crone, Davidof, Elf, Gareloi, Great Sitkin, Herbert, Igitkin, Ilak, Kagalaska, Kagamil, Kanaga, Kanu, Kasatochi, Kavalga, Khvostof, Kiska, Koniuji, Little Kiska, Little Sitkin, Little Tanaga, Nizki, Ogliuga, Oglodak, Rat, Sadatanak, Sagchudak, Salt, Seguam, Segula, Semisopochnoi, Shemya, Skagul, Tagadak, Tagalak, Tanaga, Tanaklak, and Ulak.

(7) Unit 2: Eastern Aleutian. All contiguous waters from the mean high tide line to the 20-m (65.6-ft) depth contour as well as waters within 100 m (328.1 ft) of the mean high tide line that occur adjacent to the following islands: Aiktak, Akutan, Amaknak, Arangula, Atka, Avatanak, Baby Islands, Bogoslof, Egg, Hog, Kaligagan, Rootok, Samalga, Sedanka, Tigalda, Ugamak, Umnak, Unalaska, Unalga, and Vsevidof.

(8) Unit 3: South Alaska Peninsula. All contiguous waters from the mean high tide line to the 20-m (65.6-ft) depth contour as well as waters within 100 m (328.1 ft) of the mean high tide line that occur adjacent to the Alaska Peninsula from False Pass (54.242° N, 163.363° W) to Castle Cape (56.242° N, 158.117° W), and adjacent to the following islands: Andronica, Atkins, Big Koniuji, Bird, Brother, Caton, Chankliut, Chernabura, Cherni, Chiachi, Deer, Dolgoi, Egg, Goloi, Guillemot, Inner Iliask, Jacob, Karpof, Korovin, Little Koniuji, Mitrofania, Nagai, Near, Outer Iliask, Paul, Peninsula, Pinusuk, Poperechnoi, Popof, Road, Sanak, Shapka, Simeonof, Spectacle, Spitz, Turner, Ukolnoi, Ukolnoi, Unga, and Unimak Island from Scotch Cap (54.390° N, 164.745° W) to False Pass.

(9) Unit 4: Bristol Bay. This unit contains three subunits:

(i) Subunit 4a: Amak Island. All contiguous waters from the mean high tide line to the 20-m (65.6-ft) depth contour as well as waters within 100 m (328.1 ft) of the mean high tide line that occur adjacent to Amak Island.

(ii) Subunit 4b: Izembek Lagoon. All waters from mean high tide line that occur within the polygon bounded by Glen, Operl, and Neumann Islands to the north and the Alaska Peninsula to the south, and further defined by the following latitude/longitude coordinates: 55.249° N, 162.990° W; 55.255° N, 162.984° W from Cape Glazenap to Glen Island; 55.324° N, 162.901° W; 55.333° N, 162.888° W from Glen Island to Operl Island; 55.409° N, 162.683° W; 55.408° N, 162.621° W from Operl Island to Neumann Island; and 55.447° N, 162.582° W; 55.447° N, 162.577° W from Neumann Island to Moffet Point.

(iii) Subunit 4c: Port Moller/Herendeen Bay. All waters from mean high tide line that occur within the polygon bounded by Walrus Island to the north and the Alaska Peninsula to the south, and further defined by the following latitude/longitude coordinates: 56.000° N, 160.877° W; 56.020° N, 160.854° W from Point Edward to Walrus Island; and 56.020° N, 160.805° W; 55.979° N, 160.584° W from Wolf Point to Entrance Point.

(10) Unit 5: Kodiak, Kamishak, Alaska Peninsula. All contiguous waters from the mean high tide line to the 20-m (65.6-ft) depth contour as well as waters within 100 m (328.1 ft) of the mean high tide line that occur adjacent to the Alaska Peninsula from Castle Cape (56° 14.5' N, 158° 7.0' W) eastward to Cape Douglas (58.852° N, 153.250° W), and northward in Cook Inlet to Redoubt Point (60.285° N, 152.417° W), and adjacent to the following islands: Afognak, Aghik, Aghiyuk, Aiaktalik, Akhiok, Aliksemit, Amook, Anowik, Ashiak, Atkulik, Augustine, Ban, Bare, Bear, Central, Chirikof, Chisik, Chowiet, Dark, David, Derickson, Dry Spruce, Eagle, East Amatuli, East Channel, Garden, Geese, Hartman, Harvester, Hydra, Kak, Kateekuk, Kiliktagik, Kiukpalik, Kodiak, Kumlik, Long, Marmot, Miller, Nakchamik, Ninagiak, Nord, Nordyke, Poltava, Raspberry, Sally, Shaw, Shuyak, Sitkalidak, Sitkanak, Spruce, Sud, Sugarloaf, Suklik, Sundstrom, Sutwick, Takli, Terrace, Tugidak, Twoheaded, Ugak, Ugalushik, Uganik, Unavikshak, Ushagat, West Amatuli, West Augustine, West Channel, Whale, and Woody.

Olympia pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama pugetensis)

(1) Critical habitat for the Olympia pocket gopher in Thurston County, Washington, is depicted on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Olympia pocket gopher consist of two components:

(i) Friable, loamy, and deep soils, some with relatively greater content of sand, gravel, or silt, all generally on slopes less than 15 percent in the following soil series or soil series complex:

(A) Alderwood;

(B) Cagey;

(C) Everett;

(D) Godfrey;

(E) Indianola;

(F) Kapowsin;

(G) McKenna;

(H) Nisqually;

(I) Norma;

(J) Spana;

(K) Spanaway;

(L) Spanaway-Nisqually complex; and

(M) Yelm.

(ii) Areas equal to or larger than 50 ac (20 ha) in size that provide for breeding, foraging, and dispersal activities, found in the soil series listed in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry that have:

(A) Less than 10 percent woody vegetation cover;

(B) Vegetative cover suitable for foraging by gophers. Pocket gophers' diets include a wide variety of plant material, including leafy vegetation, succulent roots, shoots, tubers, and grasses. Forbs and grasses that Mazama pocket gophers eat are known to include, but are not limited to: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Agoseris spp. (agoseris), Cirsium spp. (thistle), Bromus spp. (brome), Camassia spp. (camas), Collomia linearis (tiny trumpet), Epilobium spp. (several willowherb spp.), Eriophyllum lanatum (woolly sunflower), Gayophytum diffusum (groundsmoke), Hypochaeris radicata (hairy cat's ear), Lathyrus spp. (peavine), Lupinus spp. (lupine), Microsteris gracilis (slender phlox), Penstemon spp. (penstemon), Perideridia gairdneri (Gairdner's yampah), Phacelia heterophylla (varileaf phacelia), Polygonum douglasii (knotweed), Potentilla spp. (cinquefoil), Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern), Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), Trifolium spp. (clover), and Viola spp. (violet); and

(C) Few, if any, barriers to dispersal. Barriers to dispersal may include, but are not limited to, forest edges, roads (paved and unpaved), abrupt elevation changes, Scot's broom thickets, highly cultivated lawns, inhospitable soil types or substrates, development and buildings, slopes greater than 35 percent, and open water.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, railroad tracks, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 9, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining map units were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at (Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0021), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Olympia Airport Unit, Thurston County, Washington. Map follows:

Tenino Pocket Gopher (Thomomys mazama tumuli)

(1) Critical habitat for the Tenino pocket gopher in Thurston County, Washington, is depicted on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Tenino pocket gopher consist of two components:

(i) Friable, loamy, and deep soils, some with relatively greater content of sand, gravel, or silt, all generally on slopes less than 15 percent in the following soil series or soil series complex:

(A) Alderwood;

(B) Cagey;

(C) Everett;

(D) Indianola;

(E) Kapowsin;

(F) Nisqually;

(G) Norma;

(H) Spanaway;

(I) Spanaway-Nisqually complex; and

(J) Yelm.

(ii) Areas equal to or larger than 50 ac (20 ha) in size that provide for breeding, foraging, and dispersal activities, found in the soil series listed in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry that have:

(A) Less than 10 percent woody vegetation cover;

(B) Vegetative cover suitable for foraging by gophers. Pocket gophers' diets include a wide variety of plant material, including leafy vegetation, succulent roots, shoots, tubers, and grasses. Forbs and grasses that Mazama pocket gophers are known to eat include, but are not limited to: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Agoseris spp. (agoseris), Cirsium spp. (thistle), Bromus spp. (brome), Camassia spp. (camas), Collomia linearis (tiny trumpet), Epilobium spp. (several willowherb spp.), Eriophyllum lanatum (woolly sunflower), Gayophytum diffusum (groundsmoke), Hypochaeris radicata (hairy cat's ear), Lathyrus spp. (peavine), Lupinus spp. (lupine), Microsteris gracilis (slender phlox), Penstemon spp. (penstemon), Perideridia gairdneri (Gairdner's yampah), Phacelia heterophylla (varileaf phacelia), Polygonum douglasii (knotweed), Potentilla spp. (cinquefoil), Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern), Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), Trifolium spp. (clover), and Viola spp. (violet); and

(C) Few, if any, barriers to dispersal. Barriers to dispersal may include, but are not limited to, forest edges, roads (paved and unpaved), abrupt elevation changes, Scot's broom thickets, highly cultivated lawns, inhospitable soil types or substrates, development and buildings, slopes greater than 35 percent, and open water.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 9, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The map in this entry establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at (Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0021), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Rocky Prairie Unit, Thurston County, Washington. Map follows:

Yelm Pocket Gopher (Thomomys mazama yelmensis)

(1) Critical habitat for the Yelm pocket gopher in Thurston County, Washington, is depicted on the map below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Yelm pocket gopher consist of two components:

(i) Friable, loamy, and deep soils, some with relatively greater content of sand, gravel, or silt, all generally on slopes less than 15 percent in the following soil series or soils series complex:

(A) Alderwood;

(B) Cagey;

(C) Everett;

(D) Godfrey;

(E) Indianola;

(F) Kapowsin;

(G) McKenna;

(H) Nisqually;

(I) Norma;

(J) Spanaway;

(K) Spanaway-Nisqually complex; and

(L) Yelm.

(ii) Areas equal to or larger than 50 ac (20 ha) in size that provide for breeding, foraging, and dispersal activities, found in the soil series listed in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry that have:

(A) Less than 10 percent woody vegetation cover;

(B) Vegetative cover suitable for foraging by gophers. Pocket gophers' diets include a wide variety of plant material, including leafy vegetation, succulent roots, shoots, tubers, and grasses. Forbs and grasses that Mazama pocket gophers are known to eat include, but are not limited to: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow), Agoseris spp. (agoseris), Cirsium spp. (thistle), Bromus spp. (brome), Camassia spp. (camas), Collomia linearis (tiny trumpet), Epilobium spp. (several willowherb spp.), Eriophyllum lanatum (woolly sunflower), Gayophytum diffusum (groundsmoke), Hypochaeris radicata (hairy cat's ear), Lathyrus spp. (peavine), Lupinus spp. (lupine), Microsteris gracilis (slender phlox), Penstemon spp. (penstemon), Perideridia gairdneri (Gairdner's yampah), Phacelia heterophylla (varileaf phacelia), Polygonum douglasii (knotweed), Potentilla spp. (cinquefoil), Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern), Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion), Trifolium spp. (clover), and Viola spp. (violet); and

(C) Few, if any, barriers to dispersal. Barriers to dispersal may include, but are not limited to, forest edges, roads (paved and unpaved), abrupt elevation changes, Scot's broom thickets, highly cultivated lawns, inhospitable soil types or substrates, development and buildings, slopes greater than 35 percent, and open water.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 9, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining the map units were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The map in this entry establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at (Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0021), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Tenalquot Prairie and Rock Prairie Subunits, Thurston County, Washington.

Map follows:

Silver Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris natator (=O. argentatus)).

Monroe County, Florida: Little Pine Key, Water Keys, Big Torch Key, Middle Torch Key, Summerland Key north of U.S. Highway 1, Cudjoe Key north of U.S. Highway 1, Johnston Key, Raccoon Key, and Lower Saddlebunch Keys, south of U.S. Highway 1 but not including lands in T. 67 S., R. 27 E., Section 8 and north 15 of Section 17. Included are all lands and waters above mean low tide.

Within these areas the major constituent elements that are known to require special management considerations or protection are mangrove swamps containing red (Rhizophora mangle), black (Avicennia germinans), and white (Laguncularia racemosa) mangroves, and buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus); salt marshes, swales, and adjacent transitional wetlands containing saltwort (Batis maritima), perennial glasswort (Salicornia virginica), saltgrass (Distichlis spicata), sea ox-eye (Borrichia frutescens), keygrass (Monanthochloe littoralis), and coastal dropseed (Sporobolus virginicus); and fresh water marshes containing cattails (Typha domingensis), saw-grass (Cladium jamaicense), and cordgrass (Spartina spp.).


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

(critical habitat map)

Peninsular Bighorn Sheep, a Distinct Population Segment of Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Peninsular bighorn sheep are:

(i) Moderate to steep, open slopes (20 to 60 percent) and canyons, with canopy cover of 30 percent or less (below 4,600 ft (1,402 m) elevation in Peninsular Ranges) that provide space for sheltering, predator detection, rearing of young, foraging and watering, mating, and movement within and between ewe groups;

(ii) Presence of a variety of forage plants, indicated by the presence of shrubs (e.g., Ambrosia spp., Caesalpinia spp., Hyptis spp., Sphaeralcea spp., Simmondsia spp.), that provide a primary food source year round, grasses (e.g., Aristida spp., Bromus spp.) and cacti (e.g., Opuntia spp.) that provide a source of forage in the fall, and forbs (e.g., Plantago spp., Ditaxis spp.) that provide a source of forage in the spring;

(iii) Steep, rugged slopes (60 percent slope or greater) (below 4,600 ft (1,402 m) elevation in Peninsular Ranges) that provide secluded space for lambing and terrain for predator evasion;

(iv) Alluvial fans, washes, and valley bottoms that provide important foraging areas where nutritious and digestible plants can be more readily found during times of drought and lactation, and that provide and maintain habitat connectivity by serving as travel routes between and within ewe groups, adjacent mountain ranges, and important resource areas (e.g., foraging areas and escape terrain); and

(v) Intermittent and permanent water sources that are available during extended dry periods and provide relatively nutritious plants and drinking water.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the Peninsular bighorn sheep follows:

(6) Unit 1: San Jacinto Mountains, Riverside County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 1, San Jacinto Mountains (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 2A: North Santa Rosa Mountains, Riverside County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2A, North Santa Rosa Mountains follows:

(8) Unit 2B: South Santa Rosa Mountains south to Vallecito Mountains, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2B, South Santa Rosa Mountains south to Vallecito Mountains follows:

(9) Unit 3: Carrizo Canyon, San Diego and Imperial Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 3, Carrizo Canyon follows:

Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis sierrae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Mono, Fresno, Inyo, Tulare, and Tuolumne Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Non-forested habitats or forest openings within the Sierra Nevada from 4,000 ft (1,219 m) to 14,500 ft (4,420 m) in elevation with steep (greater than or equal to 60 percent slope), rocky slopes that provide for foraging, mating, lambing, predator avoidance, and bedding and that allow for seasonal elevational movements between these areas.

(ii) Presence of a variety of forage plants as indicated by the presence of grasses (e.g., Achnanthera spp.; Elymus spp.) and browse (e.g., Ribes spp.; Artemisia spp., Purshia spp.) in winter, and grasses, browse, sedges (e.g., Carex spp.) and forbs (e.g., Eriogonum spp.) in summer.

(iii) Presence of granite outcroppings containing minerals such as sodium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus that could be used as mineral licks in order to meet nutritional needs.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas, and the land on which they are located, existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units - Boundaries of designated critical habitat were derived from Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep Herd Units developed by the California Department of Fish and Game for the final Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep recovery plan. The designated critical habitat unit boundaries differ from Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep Herd Unit polygons by the removal of developed areas and private parcels that are unlikely to contain the primary constituent elements. The data were projected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 11, on the North American Datum of 1983.

(5) Note: Index map of Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep critical habitat follows:

(6) Unit 1 (Mount Warren); Mono and Tuolumne Counties, California.

(i) Unit 1 is shown on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry, excluding land bounded by 304870, 4211718; 304755, 4211663; 304590, 4211666; 304426, 4211699; 304273, 4211615; 304237, 4211614; 304100, 4211575; 304119, 4211576; 304068, 4211562; 304036, 4211567; 303925, 4211593; 303824, 4211552; 303714, 4211495; 303668, 4211501; 303558, 4211486; 303473, 4211423; 303421, 4211366; 303381, 4211308; 303223, 4211322; 303176, 4211295; 303181, 4211202; 303103, 4211161; 303208, 4210962; 303418, 4211073; 303481, 4211022; 303500, 4211020; 303617, 4211098; 303675, 4211109; 303894, 4211096; 303983, 4211127; 304053, 4211125; 304053, 4211124; 304106, 4211121; 304460, 4211207; 304518, 4211250; 304590, 4211261; 304644, 4211303; 304747, 4211336; 304863, 4211395; 304882, 4211457; 305018, 4211524; 305128, 4211543; 305289, 4211677; 305397, 4211739; 305477, 4211807; 305515, 4211863; 305405, 4211903; 305374, 4211907; 305176, 4211813; 305029, 4211770; returning to 304870, 4211718.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 Mount Warren for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(7) Unit 2 (Mount Gibbs); Mono and Tuolumne Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Mount Gibbs) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(8) Unit 3 (Convict Creek); Fresno and Mono Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Convict Creek) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(9) Unit 4 (Wheeler Ridge); Fresno, Inyo and Mono Counties, California.

(i) Unit 4 is shown on the map in paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry, excluding

(A) Land bounded by 352666, 4139452; 352330, 4139197; 352261, 4139018; 352280, 4139004; 352300, 4138988; 352332, 4138964; 352634, 4139235; 352732, 4139417; 352718, 4139424; 352718, 4139425; 352694, 4139437; 352694, 4139437; 352690, 4139439; 352687, 4139441; 352687, 4139441; returning to 352666, 4139452;

(B) Land bounded by 350254, 4136280; 350216, 4136187; 350216, 4136187; 350178, 4136094; 350363, 4136018; 350402, 4136111; 350402, 4136111; 350440, 4136204; 350478, 4136296; 350305, 4136368; 350300, 4136361; 350295, 4136351; 350293, 4136348; 350287, 4136341; 350283, 4136338; 350280, 4136335; 350276, 4136333; 350276, 4136333; returning to 350254, 4136280; and

(C) Land bounded by 349527, 4136002; 349500, 4136201; 349450, 4136194; 349408, 4136200; 349404, 4136201; 349391, 4136206; 349321, 4136238; 349317, 4136223; 349126, 4136278; 349099, 4136181; 349045, 4135990; 349139, 4135963; 349138, 4135962; 349235, 4135934; 349212, 4135851; 349308, 4135823; 349406, 4135799; 349478, 4135988; 349478, 4135995; returning to 349527, 4136002.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 (Wheeler Ridge) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(10) Unit 5 (Taboose Creek); Fresno and Inyo Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Taboose Creek) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(11) Unit 6 (Sawmill Canyon); Fresno and Inyo Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 6 (Sawmill Canyon) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(12) Unit 7 (Mount Baxter); Fresno and Inyo Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 7 (Mount Baxter) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(13) Unit 8 (Mount Williamson); Inyo and Tulare Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 8 (Mount Williamson) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(14) Unit 9 (Big Arroyo); Tulare County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 9 (Big Arroyo) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(15) Unit 10 (Mount Langley); Inyo and Tulare Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 10 (Mount Langley) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(16) Unit 11 (Laurel Creek); Tulare County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 11 (Laurel Creek) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

(17) Unit 12 (Olancha Peak); Inyo and Tulare Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 12 (Olancha Peak) for Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep follows:

Buena Vista Lake Shrew (Sorex ornatus relictus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Kings and Kern Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Buena Vista Lake shrew consist of permanent and intermittent riparian or wetland communities that contain:

(i) A complex vegetative structure with a thick cover of leaf litter or dense mats of low-lying vegetation. Associated plant species can include, but are not limited to, Fremont cottonwoods, willows, glasswort, wild-rye grass, and rush grass. Although moist soil in areas with an overstory of willows or cottonwoods appears to be favored, such overstory may not be essential.

(ii) Suitable moisture supplied by a shallow water table, irrigation, or proximity to permanent or semipermanent water.

(iii) A consistent and diverse supply of prey. Although the specific prey species used by the Buena Vista Lake shrew have not been identified, ornate shrews are known to eat a variety of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates, including amphipods, slugs, and insects.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at, and at at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2009-0062, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of our regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of Buena Vista Lake shrew critical habitat units follows:

(6) Unit 1: Kern National Wildlife Refuge Unit, Kern County, California. Note: Map of Unit 1, Kern National Wildlife Refuge Unit, follows:

(7) Unit 2: Goose Lake Unit, Kern County, California. Note: Map of Unit 2, Goose Lake Unit, follows:

(8) Unit 4: Coles Levee Unit, Kern County, California. Note: Map of Unit 4, Coles Levee Unit, follows:

(9) Unit 5: Kern Lake Unit, Kern County, California. Note: Map of Unit 5, Kern Lake Unit, follows:

(10) Unit 6: Semitropic Ecological Reserve Unit, Kern County, California. Note: Map of Unit 6, Semitropic Ecological Reserve Unit, follows:

(11) Unit 7: Lemoore Wetland Reserve Unit, Kings County, California. Note: Map of Unit 7, Lemoore Wetland Reserve Unit, follows:

Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis)

Arizona. Areas of land, water, and airspace in the Coronado National Forest, T. 8 S., R. 24 E., and T. 9 S., R. 24 E. (Gila and Salt River Meridian), Graham County, with the following components:

1. Hawk Peak-Mount Graham Area. The area above the 10,000-foot (3,048-meter) contour surrounding Hawk Peak and Plain View Peak, plus the area above the 9,800-foot (2,987-meter) contour that is south of lines extending from the highest point of Plain View Peak eastward at 90° (from true north) and southwestward at 225° (from true north).

2. Heliograph Peak Area. The area on the north-facing slope of Heliograph Peak that is above the 9,200-foot (2,804-meter) contour surrounding Heliograph Peak and that is between a line extending at 15° (from true north) from a point 160 feet (49 meters) due south of the horizontal control station on Heliograph Peak and a line extending northwestward at 300° (from true north) from that same point.

3. Webb Peak Area. The area on the east-facing slope of Webb Peak that is above the 9,700-foot (2,957-meter) contour surrounding Webb Peak and that is east of a line extending due north and south through a point 160 feet (49 meters) due west of the horizontal control station on Webb Peak.

The major constituent element is dense stands of mature spruce-fir forest.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Amargosa Vole (Microtus californicus scirpensis)

California. Marshes and associated land and water in the following areas of Inyo County (San Bernardino Meridian): T20N R7E Sec. 4, 5, N 12 and SE 14 Sec. 9, NW 14 Sec. 10, SW 14SW 14 Sec. 15, E 12 Sec. 16, NW 14 Sec. 22; T21N R7E S 12 Sec. 28, S 12 and NW 14 Sec. 29, Sec. 32, 33.

Within these areas, the major constituent elements that are known to require special management considerations or protection are marsh vegetation (primarily bulrushes of the genus Scirpus), springs, and some open water along the Amargosa River, which provide escape cover and an adequate food supply.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

(b) Birds.

Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Kauai County, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Primary constituent elements.

(i) In units 1, 2, and 3, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) are:

(A) Elevation: 3,000 to 5,243 ft (914 to 1,598 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: 50 to 75 inches (127 to 190 centimeters).

(C) Substrate: Weathered aa lava flows, rocky mucks, thin silty loams, deep volcanic ash soils.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Metrosideros, Psychotria, Tetraplasandra, Zanthoxylum.

(E) Subcanopy: Cheirodendron, Coprosma, Kadua, Ilex, Myoporum, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Bidens, Dryopteris, Leptecophylla, Poa, Scaevola, Sophora.

(G) Arthropod prey.

(ii) In units 4, 5, and 6, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) are:

(A) Elevation: 3,000 to 5,243 ft (914 to 1,598 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 inches (190 centimeters).

(C) Substrate: Well-developed soils, montane bogs.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Charpentiera, Cheirodendron, Metrosideros.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cibotium, Eurya, Ilex, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Coprosma, Leptecophylla, Oreobolus, Rhynchospora, Vaccinium.

(G) Arthropod prey.

(3) Manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, existing on the effective date of this rule do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

(6) Unit 1-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 1-Montane Mesic consists of 2,422.6 ac (980.4 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 430107, 2447429; 430242, 2447664; 430073, 2447126; 430793, 2448310; 430124, 2446907; 430393, 2447748; 430690, 2447765; 430671, 2447997; 430764, 2448188; 430886, 2448507; 430903, 2448664; 430985, 2448705; 431560, 2448675; 431414, 2448890; 430291, 2446570; 431058, 2446300; 431200, 2449070; 431362, 2449169; 431171, 2448699; 430854, 2445930; 432530, 2450196; 431391, 2449273; 431323, 2447013; 431211, 2446394; 431101, 2446447; 431112, 2446394; 431069, 2446331; 431007, 2446203; 430944, 2446145; 430902, 2445976; 430191, 2446386; 430826, 2445805; 430857, 2445727; 430824, 2445631; 430442, 2445640; 430323, 2445779; 430204, 2445809; 430191, 2445898; 429898, 2446100; 429871, 2446234; 430939, 2446061; 432796, 2450365; 432504, 2449961; 432579, 2450036; 432552, 2450080; 432551, 2450083; 432001, 2447726; 432534, 2450174; 431629, 2448739; 432565, 2450262; 432531, 2450116; 432740, 2450249; 432441, 2449848; 432808, 2450383; 432882, 2450351; 432904, 2450341; 432827, 2447751; 432932, 2447668; 433014, 2447717; 433109, 2447775; 433094, 2447922; 432560, 2450267; 431875, 2449780; 431322, 2449418; 431403, 2449436; 431727, 2449372; 431769, 2449447; 431705, 2449569; 431720, 2449620; 431805, 2449591; 431919, 2449578; 432498, 2449952; 431904, 2449665; 432486, 2449909; 432046, 2449781; 432052, 2449783; 432113, 2449740; 432217, 2449712; 432251, 2449685; 432259, 2449679; 432344, 2449744; 432419, 2449806; 431322, 2449372; 431905, 2449660; 434486, 2447126; 434073, 2448685; 434228, 2448620; 434292, 2448479; 434318, 2448298; 434279, 2447951; 434163, 2447783; 434086, 2447693; 434073, 2447500; 434623, 2446526; 434357, 2447229; 433545, 2449136; 434627, 2447088; 434686, 2447020; 434682, 2447017; 434657, 2446977; 434652, 2446933; 434612, 2446807; 434641, 2446663; 434631, 2446528; 434202, 2447345; 433399, 2449709; 431205, 2448983; 432073, 2447674; 433046, 2450280; 433196, 2450196; 433287, 2450063; 433353, 2449880; 433467, 2449787; 433429, 2449741; 433880, 2448827; 433407, 2449708; 433725, 2448994; 433401, 2449697; 433339, 2449600; 433313, 2449484; 433339, 2449381; 433368, 2449293; 433368, 2449292; 433369, 2449255; 433389, 2449256; 434254, 2447886; 433408, 2449708; 433527, 2447856; 434086, 2446095; 433862, 2446165; 433606, 2446193; 433449, 2446235; 433397, 2446440; 433257, 2446958; 433577, 2447086; 433706, 2447138; 434090, 2446098; 433562, 2447841; 432639, 2447624; 432918, 2447407; 432672, 2447598; 434620, 2446512; 432609, 2447647; 434318, 2448182; 432195, 2447587; 432136, 2447629; 432133, 2447631; 432081, 2447668; 433746, 2447766; 434500, 2446448; 432320, 2447497; 434103, 2446297; 434618, 2446459; 434582, 2446443; 434558, 2446439; 434514, 2446449; 434471, 2446422; 434457, 2446416; 434447, 2446420; 434392, 2446421; 434423, 2446441; 434416, 2446441; 434625, 2446467; 434201, 2446573; 434403, 2446435; 434628, 2446479; 434400, 2446429; 434434, 2446428; 434386, 2446429; 434533, 2446441.

(ii) Map of Unit 1-Montane Mesic for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

(7) Unit 2-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Montane Mesic -Unit 2 consists of 375.6 ac (152.0 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 431975, 2446280; 432559, 2446255; 432659, 2446240; 432948, 2446150; 433067, 2445928; 432758, 2445304; 432001, 2445941; 431873, 2444849; 432912, 2445580; 432674, 2444970; 431626, 2445435; 431730, 2445114; 431950, 2444792; 432135, 2444807; 432377, 2444722; 432548, 2444752; 431645, 2445326; 431736, 2445617.

(ii) Map of Unit 2-Montane Mesic for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

(8) Unit 3-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 3-Montane Mesic consists of 138.5 ac (56.0 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 438012, 2440389; 438014, 2440437; 438023, 2440484; 438111, 2440652; 438112, 2440588; 437817, 2440071; 438028, 2440577; 437922, 2440355; 437336, 2440335; 437912, 2440201; 437827, 2440132; 437785, 2440013; 437687, 2439960; 437636, 2439819; 437870, 2440140; 437545, 2439761; 438149, 2440714; 437529, 2439721; 437987, 2441027; 437450, 2440047; 437335, 2440180; 437335, 2440329; 438159, 2440914; 438249, 2440857; 438253, 2440854; 438243, 2440830; 438287, 2440738; 437602, 2440771; 438227, 2440730; 437586, 2439743.

(ii) Map of Unit 3-Montane Mesic for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

(9) Unit 4-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Montane Wet-Unit 1 consists of 13,055.0 ac (5,283.2 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 448638, 2440764; 448601, 2440679; 448606, 2440704; 448612, 2440722; 448615, 2440731; 448619, 2440740; 448630, 2440759; 448650, 2440769; 448600, 2440668; 448622, 2440749; 448599, 2440647; 448601, 2440652; 448678, 2440741; 448777, 2440842; 448663, 2440773; 449006, 2441012; 448764, 2440857; 449068, 2441051; 449121, 2441114; 449121, 2441114; 448887, 2440934; 448811, 2440896; 448954, 2441097; 448943, 2441063; 448943, 2441053; 448943, 2441044; 448941, 2441024; 448940, 2441006; 448918, 2440982; 448877, 2440939; 448861, 2440927; 448735, 2440829; 448837, 2440912; 448678, 2440780; 448802, 2440889; 448788, 2440878; 449115, 2442038; 448745, 2440841; 449111, 2441196; 448727, 2440820; 448720, 2440813; 448711, 2440806; 448691, 2440790; 448841, 2440914; 447374, 2443275; 449244, 2441819; 447623, 2443445; 447616, 2443588; 447603, 2443646; 447556, 2443686; 447325, 2443651; 447295, 2443639; 447247, 2443586; 448634, 2443800; 447287, 2443339; 448657, 2443629; 447481, 2443262; 447636, 2443160; 447645, 2443143; 447645, 2443146; 447894, 2443371; 447865, 2443358; 447712, 2443351; 447631, 2443389; 448948, 2441084; 447249, 2443451; 448917, 2442504; 449106, 2441435; 449173, 2441529; 449201, 2441638; 449249, 2441697; 449275, 2441773; 449148, 2441893; 449090, 2442135; 449064, 2442221; 448614, 2443950; 448983, 2442384; 449078, 2441297; 448880, 2442563; 448861, 2442593; 448805, 2442677; 448765, 2442787; 448696, 2442955; 448653, 2443075; 448651, 2443187; 448674, 2443301; 448669, 2443477; 449024, 2442290; 444824, 2443350; 444161, 2444181; 445808, 2442898; 445681, 2442977; 445559, 2443010; 445437, 2443077; 446100, 2442628; 445045, 2443240; 446256, 2442602; 444659, 2443447; 444532, 2443516; 444456, 2443572; 444423, 2443638; 444334, 2443811; 446499, 2441271; 445254, 2443156; 446686, 2441764; 441856, 2446328; 446673, 2441408; 446651, 2441424; 446641, 2441436; 446587, 2441501; 445966, 2442725; 446640, 2441627; 444075, 2444349; 446694, 2442007; 446591, 2442195; 446650, 2442430; 446675, 2442432; 446482, 2442513; 446373, 2442574; 446587, 2441543; 443497, 2444548; 444237, 2444013; 443579, 2444514; 443571, 2444521; 443557, 2444532; 443553, 2444537; 443610, 2444483; 443516, 2444546; 443617, 2444477; 443483, 2444551; 443478, 2444555; 443464, 2444570; 443459, 2444579; 443452, 2444591; 443447, 2444608; 443534, 2444543; 443722, 2444464; 444016, 2444444; 443984, 2444419; 443985, 2444416; 443769, 2444440; 443760, 2444446; 443598, 2444493; 443732, 2444458; 446375, 2441172; 443703, 2444469; 443685, 2444463; 443677, 2444459; 443666, 2444456; 443647, 2444460; 443628, 2444469; 443740, 2444454; 441656, 2441573; 442568, 2441274; 440114, 2440528; 440464, 2440832; 440528, 2440844; 440586, 2440905; 440110, 2440524; 441650, 2441573; 440014, 2440441; 441659, 2441579; 441727, 2441586; 441774, 2441575; 441900, 2441576; 441968, 2441515; 446610, 2441349; 441637, 2441552; 439096, 2441847; 438866, 2442347; 438934, 2442351; 438960, 2442270; 438967, 2442246; 438976, 2442220; 440113, 2440527; 439088, 2441871; 442723, 2441295; 439491, 2440617; 439551, 2440431; 439556, 2440414; 439832, 2440430; 439931, 2440426; 440002, 2440430; 439037, 2442031; 445551, 2441162; 442287, 2441225; 445235, 2441328; 445344, 2441376; 445380, 2441414; 445392, 2441392; 444560, 2441032; 445510, 2441194; 444480, 2440997; 445886, 2441308; 446122, 2441415; 446214, 2441291; 448944, 2441075; 446300, 2441227; 446357, 2441185; 445395, 2441389; 443889, 2441172; 442843, 2441314; 442924, 2441340; 442982, 2441350; 442977, 2441356; 443016, 2441342; 445124, 2441205; 443707, 2441132; 443440, 2444655; 444062, 2441230; 444083, 2441215; 444109, 2441224; 444113, 2441221; 444124, 2441223; 444455, 2440990; 443023, 2441344; 442711, 2445664; 442430, 2445827; 442668, 2445560; 442666, 2445576; 442668, 2445590; 442674, 2445604; 442672, 2445510; 442713, 2445661; 442668, 2445494; 442501, 2445803; 442492, 2445803; 442467, 2445799; 442448, 2445805; 442444, 2445807; 443444, 2444627; 442710, 2445647; 442709, 2445399; 442804, 2445357; 442798, 2445359; 442785, 2445364; 442765, 2445370; 442747, 2445377; 442673, 2445515; 442727, 2445386; 442430, 2445830; 442694, 2445414; 442689, 2445419; 442682, 2445433; 442675, 2445453; 442671, 2445471; 442667, 2445490; 442743, 2445378; 441897, 2446273; 442435, 2445813; 442019, 2446165; 442005, 2446171; 441982, 2446194; 441963, 2446219; 442059, 2446159; 441929, 2446268; 442071, 2446146; 441879, 2446263; 441852, 2446219; 441838, 2446221; 441834, 2446230; 441848, 2446265; 441855, 2446295; 441943, 2446256; 442202, 2445986; 442428, 2445851; 442381, 2445882; 442372, 2445885; 442317, 2445917; 442301, 2445924; 442039, 2446165; 442261, 2445949; 442858, 2445342; 442175, 2445995; 442100, 2446007; 442082, 2446029; 442072, 2446052; 442067, 2446082; 442073, 2446121; 442273, 2445945; 443240, 2444927; 442821, 2445353; 443294, 2444870; 443290, 2444876; 443281, 2444890; 443271, 2444898; 443307, 2444833; 443252, 2444914; 443309, 2444829; 443234, 2444932; 443215, 2444938; 443196, 2444944; 443193, 2444946; 443177, 2444962; 443175, 2444965; 443260, 2444907; 443352, 2444721; 438757, 2442331; 443435, 2444664; 443423, 2444686; 443403, 2444695; 443385, 2444699; 443301, 2444851; 443366, 2444706; 443156, 2445003; 443346, 2444728; 443341, 2444740; 443333, 2444758; 443327, 2444778; 443320, 2444796; 443313, 2444815; 443373, 2444702; 442952, 2445303; 443029, 2445263; 443009, 2445266; 443006, 2445268; 442990, 2445276; 442981, 2445284; 443163, 2444984; 442956, 2445301; 443068, 2445227; 442934, 2445314; 442915, 2445323; 442898, 2445330; 442877, 2445336; 442862, 2445341; 443443, 2444647; 442972, 2445292; 443122, 2445132; 442842, 2445347; 443153, 2445020; 443153, 2445040; 443152, 2445059; 443150, 2445078; 443144, 2445096; 443047, 2445260; 443135, 2445115; 443065, 2445247; 443103, 2445152; 443083, 2445171; 443066, 2445190; 443066, 2445209; 443067, 2445215; 443158, 2444995; 443140, 2445105; 440025, 2445056; 439668, 2444981; 440214, 2445151; 440216, 2445150; 440347, 2445106; 440289, 2445097; 440078, 2445204; 440124, 2445056; 439994, 2445245; 439910, 2445087; 439796, 2445123; 439719, 2445133; 439696, 2445110; 439681, 2445072; 439364, 2444192; 440216, 2445076; 439480, 2445095; 438927, 2444790; 438982, 2444746; 439037, 2444786; 439157, 2444829; 439238, 2444846; 440165, 2445166; 439434, 2444999; 439643, 2444902; 439484, 2445120; 439501, 2445220; 439598, 2445317; 439699, 2445360; 439794, 2445352; 439883, 2445309; 439360, 2444907; 439945, 2444540; 439673, 2445011; 439890, 2444912; 439948, 2444922; 439994, 2444883; 440052, 2444784; 439859, 2444782; 439996, 2444642; 439859, 2444723; 439876, 2444423; 439825, 2444344; 439759, 2444342; 439685, 2444334; 439583, 2444266; 438838, 2442340; 440032, 2444731; 439254, 2444472; 439571, 2444823; 439485, 2444800; 439386, 2444762; 439258, 2444658; 439172, 2444564; 439864, 2444845; 439156, 2444527; 438580, 2444854; 439413, 2444371; 439522, 2444418; 439617, 2444459; 439747, 2444522; 439800, 2444594; 439843, 2444655; 439145, 2444538; 435698, 2452376; 438807, 2444845; 436003, 2452334; 435955, 2452326; 435902, 2452378; 435838, 2452443; 436579, 2452559; 435719, 2452378; 436804, 2452559; 435477, 2452358; 435478, 2452345; 435479, 2452304; 435517, 2452192; 435519, 2452190; 435540, 2452168; 435810, 2452427; 438006, 2453313; 438476, 2452702; 438465, 2452788; 438430, 2452817; 438386, 2452854; 438269, 2452930; 436189, 2452365; 438110, 2453148; 435895, 2451700; 437935, 2453510; 437933, 2453512; 437797, 2453318; 437592, 2453026; 437202, 2452948; 437201, 2452932; 438116, 2453088; 438263, 2444805; 436811, 2449026; 437237, 2447714; 437230, 2447713; 437248, 2447657; 437232, 2447645; 435631, 2452072; 438179, 2444732; 436566, 2449559; 438343, 2444896; 438406, 2444952; 438475, 2444955; 438523, 2444886; 438536, 2444858; 439298, 2444154; 438168, 2444734; 436235, 2450550; 438677, 2444833; 435961, 2451591; 436027, 2451466; 436103, 2451262; 436162, 2451016; 436212, 2450766; 436739, 2449180; 436234, 2450558; 436706, 2449252; 436250, 2450410; 436234, 2450237; 436386, 2449952; 436472, 2449769; 436566, 2449560; 435779, 2451881; 436230, 2450590; 438030, 2442243; 438130, 2442234; 437996, 2442188; 437998, 2442202; 437998, 2442205; 437999, 2442211; 437973, 2442147; 438012, 2442229; 437954, 2442136; 438049, 2442246; 438065, 2442246; 438088, 2442240; 438095, 2442238; 438098, 2442237; 439456, 2444205; 438000, 2442216; 437826, 2442106; 437754, 2441991; 437758, 2441998; 437766, 2442017; 437777, 2442052; 437791, 2442074; 437984, 2442167; 437806, 2442092; 438157, 2442234; 437839, 2442110; 437873, 2442121; 437887, 2442121; 437912, 2442123; 437926, 2442125; 437939, 2442128; 437799, 2442084; 438656, 2442321; 438114, 2442232; 438535, 2442314; 438536, 2442314; 438561, 2442316; 438577, 2442315; 438517, 2442310; 438626, 2442315; 438496, 2442310; 438668, 2442322; 438679, 2442324; 438694, 2442327; 438704, 2442326; 438721, 2442329; 446348, 2441177; 438609, 2442314; 438392, 2442294; 438219, 2442244; 438238, 2442248; 438254, 2442248; 438305, 2442256; 438355, 2442265; 438523, 2442310; 438376, 2442278; 437745, 2441950; 438418, 2442311; 438433, 2442319; 438436, 2442321; 438453, 2442321; 438453, 2442321; 438460, 2442320; 438373, 2442277; 437363, 2443282; 437751, 2441981; 437981, 2443476; 437808, 2443397; 437928, 2443310; 437950, 2443233; 438143, 2443587; 437364, 2443298; 438183, 2443628; 437277, 2443228; 437144, 2443208; 437065, 2443211; 437060, 2443212; 436974, 2443182; 436997, 2443061; 437657, 2443231; 438835, 2443883; 439282, 2444110; 439268, 2444068; 439181, 2444032; 439094, 2444009; 439048, 2443913; 438208, 2443477; 438964, 2443837; 437226, 2442709; 438723, 2443923; 438608, 2443916; 438453, 2443825; 438438, 2443814; 438318, 2443723; 438201, 2443629; 439043, 2443859; 437697, 2441878; 437601, 2441867; 437602, 2441867; 437617, 2441866; 437635, 2441866; 437647, 2441866; 437052, 2442940; 437689, 2441877; 437522, 2441879; 437705, 2441878; 437711, 2441887; 437717, 2441899; 437736, 2441928; 437740, 2441938; 438821, 2442339; 437674, 2441875; 437294, 2442356; 437747, 2441961; 437088, 2442647; 437103, 2442643; 437156, 2442615; 437159, 2442579; 437120, 2442503; 437566, 2441876; 437174, 2442422; 437532, 2441880; 437425, 2442191; 437307, 2442101; 437476, 2442051; 437493, 2441868; 437495, 2441869; 437182, 2442830; 437105, 2442445; 448431, 2442766; 448447, 2442675; 448469, 2442871; 448462, 2442858; 448442, 2442821; 448437, 2442805; 448481, 2442894; 448432, 2442775; 448486, 2442910; 448428, 2442750; 448428, 2442738; 448432, 2442727; 448437, 2442711; 448443, 2442699; 448671, 2442369; 448435, 2442791; 448579, 2443112; 448582, 2443190; 448582, 2443172; 448582, 2443162; 448583, 2443151; 448585, 2443140; 448477, 2442887; 448585, 2443122; 448447, 2442663; 448562, 2443086; 448545, 2443051; 448529, 2443019; 448507, 2442976; 448498, 2442952; 448490, 2442930; 448586, 2443129; 448642, 2442440; 448447, 2442688; 448602, 2442477; 448615, 2442472; 448623, 2442466; 448634, 2442459; 448566, 2442503; 448640, 2442451; 448550, 2442513; 448642, 2442430; 448642, 2442419; 448643, 2442410; 448648, 2442399; 448657, 2442387; 447996, 2444312; 448637, 2442455; 448464, 2442531; 448443, 2442636; 448443, 2442627; 448440, 2442604; 448438, 2442565; 448441, 2442549; 448587, 2442486; 448455, 2442534; 448589, 2443224; 448474, 2442530; 448488, 2442531; 448505, 2442534; 448515, 2442533; 448530, 2442527; 448536, 2442523; 448449, 2442536; 448502, 2443743; 448586, 2443203; 448512, 2443792; 448512, 2443783; 448513, 2443779; 448513, 2443769; 448473, 2443878; 448504, 2443752; 448470, 2443888; 448504, 2443735; 448507, 2443727; 448522, 2443706; 448538, 2443682; 448546, 2443665; 448552, 2443643; 448509, 2443760; 447932, 2443750; 447925, 2444320; 447843, 2444325; 447864, 2444277; 447942, 2444178; 448003, 2444015; 448500, 2443823; 447967, 2443867; 448549, 2443613; 447904, 2443646; 447921, 2443582; 447949, 2443460; 447939, 2443412; 448458, 2443882; 448470, 2443889; 448008, 2443903; 448590, 2443306; 448578, 2443441; 448572, 2443417; 448576, 2443405; 448584, 2443388; 448590, 2443369; 448552, 2443630; 448593, 2443325; 448591, 2443484; 448591, 2443291; 448592, 2443277; 448592, 2443261; 448592, 2443254; 448591, 2443241; 448673, 2442365; 448595, 2443352; 448553, 2443539; 448587, 2443214; 448544, 2443601; 448533, 2443587; 448527, 2443576; 448523, 2443570; 448518, 2443559; 448585, 2443461; 448528, 2443546; 448588, 2443466; 448560, 2443535; 448569, 2443527; 448577, 2443516; 448582, 2443508; 448589, 2443493; 448551, 2443621; 448518, 2443552; 449003, 2441449; 448936, 2441403; 449064, 2441492; 449060, 2441481; 449053, 2441472; 449049, 2441471; 449066, 2441511; 449032, 2441461; 449061, 2441528; 448971, 2441443; 448964, 2441441; 448952, 2441427; 448948, 2441420; 448945, 2441411; 448665, 2442379; 449040, 2441466; 449012, 2441616; 448972, 2441689; 446228, 2441279; 448995, 2441668; 449000, 2441660; 449004, 2441650; 449065, 2441502; 449009, 2441625; 448930, 2441400; 449017, 2441611; 449030, 2441595; 449037, 2441588; 449043, 2441578; 449046, 2441569; 449050, 2441561; 449006, 2441639; 448967, 2441159; 448940, 2441404; 448926, 2441212; 448930, 2441194; 448933, 2441184; 448941, 2441177; 448940, 2441238; 448961, 2441163; 448944, 2441250; 448972, 2441150; 448973, 2441143; 448972, 2441136; 448971, 2441119; 448969, 2441116; 448964, 2441109; 448949, 2441170; 448928, 2441313; 448922, 2441392; 448918, 2441381; 448916, 2441369; 448917, 2441357; 448919, 2441341; 448934, 2441230; 448925, 2441322; 448933, 2441715; 448935, 2441302; 448944, 2441291; 448948, 2441281; 448948, 2441273; 448948, 2441264; 448946, 2441259; 448920, 2441333; 448677, 2442140; 441868, 2446401; 448673, 2442209; 448671, 2442202; 448674, 2442187; 448680, 2442169; 448684, 2442226; 448682, 2442148; 448692, 2442233; 448675, 2442123; 448677, 2442115; 448683, 2442101; 448694, 2442089; 448710, 2442077; 448718, 2442069; 448684, 2442157; 448722, 2442303; 448677, 2442356; 448682, 2442350; 448697, 2442342; 448711, 2442341; 448721, 2442331; 448678, 2442221; 448723, 2442309; 448736, 2442055; 448718, 2442295; 448712, 2442283; 448707, 2442267; 448706, 2442257; 448705, 2442250; 448699, 2442238; 448724, 2442320; 448915, 2441796; 448850, 2441844; 448877, 2441825; 448884, 2441820; 448890, 2441818; 448892, 2441817; 448723, 2442061; 448910, 2441807; 448820, 2441871; 448913, 2441774; 448914, 2441760; 448913, 2441753; 448915, 2441738; 448925, 2441722; 448957, 2441700; 448900, 2441814; 448787, 2441967; 448939, 2441710; 448746, 2442051; 448755, 2442041; 448764, 2442029; 448768, 2442019; 448773, 2442013; 448840, 2441852; 448781, 2441990; 448831, 2441859; 448789, 2441938; 448803, 2441914; 448813, 2441900; 448814, 2441894; 448817, 2441884; 448728, 2442058; 448777, 2442002; 440375, 2448361; 440198, 2448467; 440421, 2448239; 440415, 2448290; 440416, 2448314; 440411, 2448336; 440401, 2448191; 440391, 2448353; 440384, 2448138; 440350, 2448395; 440331, 2448411; 440307, 2448418; 440254, 2448428; 440237, 2448434; 439526, 2448944; 440402, 2448352; 440409, 2447991; 440377, 2447819; 440378, 2447845; 440384, 2447871; 440395, 2447896; 440436, 2447941; 440413, 2448216; 440426, 2447974; 440190, 2448485; 440343, 2448005; 440329, 2448016; 440325, 2448033; 440331, 2448061; 440341, 2448084; 440374, 2448123; 440435, 2447959; 439678, 2448950; 440218, 2448446; 439853, 2448941; 439830, 2448945; 439788, 2448929; 439761, 2448926; 439900, 2448928; 439697, 2448941; 439922, 2448928; 439656, 2448949; 439633, 2448940; 439611, 2448928; 439578, 2448906; 439553, 2448909; 439539, 2448922; 439733, 2448930; 440089, 2448747; 440179, 2448496; 440157, 2448511; 440136, 2448537; 440120, 2448633; 440125, 2448690; 439875, 2448932; 440112, 2448732; 440451, 2447620; 440073, 2448762; 440036, 2448815; 440000, 2448878; 439982, 2448899; 439961, 2448915; 439941, 2448924; 440121, 2448718; 441363, 2447030; 440383, 2447794; 441405, 2446869; 441402, 2446899; 441403, 2446972; 441399, 2446995; 441455, 2446804; 441373, 2447026; 441476, 2446797; 441317, 2447043; 441283, 2447083; 441268, 2447104; 441240, 2447171; 441231, 2447186; 441219, 2447195; 441398, 2446997; 441674, 2446682; 448141, 2444294; 448986, 2441677; 441864, 2446424; 441847, 2446451; 441836, 2446475; 441434, 2446820; 441829, 2446505; 441148, 2447188; 441648, 2446705; 441620, 2446723; 441584, 2446741; 441549, 2446752; 441532, 2446763; 441521, 2446777; 441829, 2446501; 440674, 2447485; 440710, 2447368; 440699, 2447389; 440693, 2447407; 440695, 2447430; 440703, 2447452; 441201, 2447195; 440693, 2447475; 440800, 2447339; 440599, 2447501; 440579, 2447511; 440540, 2447539; 440487, 2447571; 440468, 2447593; 440124, 2448663; 440703, 2447461; 440941, 2447230; 440413, 2447711; 441133, 2447183; 441113, 2447170; 441095, 2447154; 441083, 2447147; 441058, 2447153; 440722, 2447354; 440969, 2447210; 440740, 2447346; 440888, 2447250; 440873, 2447265; 440865, 2447286; 440858, 2447311; 440842, 2447328; 441172, 2447190; 441039, 2447168; 438599, 2451708; 438434, 2451069; 438440, 2451600; 438425, 2451652; 438429, 2451670; 438442, 2451682; 438419, 2451509; 438529, 2451692; 438410, 2451464; 438657, 2451738; 439516, 2448971; 438675, 2451766; 440125, 2448578; 438680, 2451858; 438715, 2451908; 438484, 2451690; 438467, 2451228; 438455, 2451089; 438463, 2451098; 438475, 2451113; 438484, 2451141; 438486, 2451163; 438435, 2451571; 438472, 2451209; 438888, 2452163; 438472, 2451261; 438481, 2451287; 438485, 2451346; 438478, 2451359; 438454, 2451380; 438422, 2451414; 438481, 2451188; 448609, 2443974; 438669, 2452384; 438605, 2452379; 438540, 2452374; 438510, 2452340; 438449, 2452330; 438761, 2452013; 438490, 2452605; 438816, 2452396; 448591, 2444072; 448566, 2444172; 448548, 2444233; 448510, 2444279; 448464, 2444284; 448299, 2444289; 438431, 2452414; 439138, 2452428; 438670, 2451754; 438936, 2452213; 438977, 2452232; 438979, 2452233; 439031, 2452285; 439037, 2452297; 438716, 2452393; 439083, 2452342; 438779, 2452391; 439171, 2452514; 439201, 2452565; 439114, 2452513; 438954, 2452430; 438851, 2452395; 438833, 2452090; 439061, 2452327; 439044, 2449631; 438944, 2449813; 439167, 2449414; 439146, 2449435; 439114, 2449463; 439102, 2449480; 439220, 2449318; 439065, 2449586; 439230, 2449287; 439037, 2449642; 439025, 2449671; 439016, 2449687; 438999, 2449702; 438974, 2449738; 438965, 2449767; 439076, 2449548; 439382, 2449107; 439508, 2448984; 439451, 2449000; 439437, 2449023; 438680, 2451783; 439433, 2449078; 439200, 2449362; 439399, 2449097; 439421, 2449088; 439361, 2449126; 439330, 2449145; 439307, 2449169; 439277, 2449220; 439260, 2449242; 439244, 2449261; 438425, 2451047; 438554, 2450559; 438737, 2450311; 438736, 2450325; 438731, 2450342; 438715, 2450373; 438690, 2450392; 438621, 2450415; 438732, 2450286; 438578, 2450438; 438501, 2450796; 438488, 2450686; 438472, 2450910; 438435, 2450985; 438427, 2450964; 438919, 2449853; 439437, 2449066; 438581, 2450423; 438816, 2450028; 438717, 2450241; 438894, 2449879; 438884, 2449918; 438904, 2449863; 438831, 2450010; 438850, 2449982; 438791, 2450036; 438765, 2450051; 438744, 2450081; 438730, 2450109; 438717, 2450158; 438716, 2450162; 438713, 2450206.

(ii) Map of Unit 4-Montane Wet for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

(10) Unit 5-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 5-Montane Wet consists of 789.9 ac (319.7 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 433436, 2449707; 433445, 2449707; 433444, 2449707; 433443, 2449707; 433458, 2449707; 433436, 2449707; 433426, 2449707; 433408, 2449708; 433429, 2449741; 433493, 2449765; 433633, 2449724; 433742, 2449724; 433467, 2449787; 433460, 2449707; 433468, 2449706; 433484, 2449694; 433414, 2449628; 433461, 2449623; 433457, 2449622; 433339, 2449600; 433440, 2449604; 433437, 2449592; 433426, 2449556; 433419, 2449599; 433831, 2449767; 434991, 2449344; 433401, 2449697; 433480, 2449629; 434938, 2449321; 433313, 2449484; 433455, 2449620; 434842, 2449253; 434839, 2449258; 434834, 2449277; 434833, 2449278; 434833, 2449278; 434833, 2449280; 434833, 2449281; 434872, 2449294; 434881, 2449297; 434884, 2449298; 435010, 2449343; 434899, 2449305; 433903, 2449882; 435011, 2449352; 435010, 2449343; 435005, 2449310; 434948, 2449300; 434908, 2449290; 434908, 2449290; 434890, 2449251; 434872, 2449246; 434848, 2449239; 434844, 2449248; 434034, 2449950; 434026, 2449951; 433969, 2449958; 434898, 2449304; 435183, 2449401; 434713, 2447038; 434738, 2447045; 434738, 2447030; 434795, 2447069; 434994, 2447085; 435093, 2447245; 435290, 2447449; 435295, 2447440; 435360, 2447538; 435282, 2448685; 435266, 2448909; 435236, 2449351; 434686, 2447020; 435232, 2449399; 435272, 2448835; 435080, 2449407; 434920, 2449394; 434752, 2449405; 434498, 2449522; 434338, 2449660; 434208, 2449767; 434141, 2449863; 434137, 2449869; 434124, 2449948; 434074, 2449972; 433461, 2449623; 433339, 2449381; 435234, 2449384; 433589, 2449323; 433725, 2448994; 433545, 2449136; 433389, 2449256; 433567, 2449260; 433588, 2449244; 433880, 2448827; 433612, 2449262; 433525, 2449415; 433567, 2449398; 433546, 2449412; 434627, 2447088; 433448, 2449426; 435236, 2449347; 433368, 2449293; 433599, 2449252; 434202, 2447345; 433367, 2449352; 434073, 2448685; 434357, 2447229; 434073, 2447500; 434086, 2447693; 434163, 2447783; 434254, 2447886; 434318, 2448182; 434318, 2448298; 434292, 2448479; 434279, 2447951; 434486, 2447126; 434228, 2448620.

(ii) Map of Unit 5-Montane Wet for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

(11) Unit 6-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 6-Montane Wet consists of 413.5 ac (167.3 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 448516, 2447525; 447976, 2448470; 448042, 2448338; 448133, 2448200; 448235, 2448042; 448834, 2447273; 448288, 2447915; 448412, 2447653; 448669, 2447406; 447943, 2448562; 448763, 2447342; 448059, 2449434; 448321, 2447795; 447961, 2448628; 448037, 2448780; 448088, 2448897; 448122, 2449037; 448119, 2449134; 448056, 2449368; 448099, 2449454; 448242, 2449457; 448328, 2449449; 448440, 2449296; 448382, 2449406; 448887, 2447191; 448091, 2449266; 448610, 2449255; 448931, 2447092; 448511, 2449199; 448623, 2449141; 448641, 2449184; 448593, 2449298; 448613, 2449357; 448702, 2449395; 448812, 2449420; 448906, 2449440; 448959, 2449443; 448964, 2449425; 448952, 2449316; 448954, 2449143; 448881, 2447609; 448987, 2448959; 448980, 2446980; 448979, 2446983; 448577, 2449143; 448980, 2446982; 448981, 2446981; 449105, 2447827; 449087, 2447916; 449044, 2448132; 449032, 2448326; 449045, 2448506; 449040, 2448659; 449012, 2448822.

(ii) Map of Unit 6-Montane Wet for Akekee (Loxops caeruleirostris) follows:

Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Kauai County, Hawaii, on the map below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Primary constituent elements.

(i) In units 1, 2, and 3, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) are:

(A) Elevation: 3,000 to 5,243 ft (914 to 1,598 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: 50 to 75 inches (127 to 190 centimeters).

(C) Substrate: Weathered aa lava flows, rocky mucks, thin silty loams, deep volcanic ash soils.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Metrosideros, Psychotria, Tetraplasandra, Zanthoxylum.

(E) Subcanopy: Cheirodendron, Coprosma, Kadua, Ilex, Myoporum, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Bidens, Dryopteris, Leptecophylla, Poa, Scaevola, Sophora.

(G) Arthropod prey.

(ii) In units 4, 5, and 6, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) are:

(A) Elevation: 3,000 to 5,243 ft (914 to 1,598 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 inches (190 centimeters).

(C) Substrate: Well-developed soils, montane bogs.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Charpentiera, Cheirodendron, Metrosideros.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cibotium, Eurya, Ilex, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Coprosma, Leptecophylla, Oreobolus, Rhynchospora, Vaccinium.

(G) Arthropod prey.

(3) Manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, existing on the effective date of this rule do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

(6) Unit 1-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 1-Montane Mesic consists of 2,422.6 ac (980.4 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 430107, 2447429; 430242, 2447664; 430073, 2447126; 430793, 2448310; 430124, 2446907; 430393, 2447748; 430690, 2447765; 430671, 2447997; 430764, 2448188; 430886, 2448507; 430903, 2448664; 430985, 2448705; 431560, 2448675; 431414, 2448890; 430291, 2446570; 431058, 2446300; 431200, 2449070; 431362, 2449169; 431171, 2448699; 430854, 2445930; 432530, 2450196; 431391, 2449273; 431323, 2447013; 431211, 2446394; 431101, 2446447; 431112, 2446394; 431069, 2446331; 431007, 2446203; 430944, 2446145; 430902, 2445976; 430191, 2446386; 430826, 2445805; 430857, 2445727; 430824, 2445631; 430442, 2445640; 430323, 2445779; 430204, 2445809; 430191, 2445898; 429898, 2446100; 429871, 2446234; 430939, 2446061; 432796, 2450365; 432504, 2449961; 432579, 2450036; 432552, 2450080; 432551, 2450083; 432001, 2447726; 432534, 2450174; 431629, 2448739; 432565, 2450262; 432531, 2450116; 432740, 2450249; 432441, 2449848; 432808, 2450383; 432882, 2450351; 432904, 2450341; 432827, 2447751; 432932, 2447668; 433014, 2447717; 433109, 2447775; 433094, 2447922; 432560, 2450267; 431875, 2449780; 431322, 2449418; 431403, 2449436; 431727, 2449372; 431769, 2449447; 431705, 2449569; 431720, 2449620; 431805, 2449591; 431919, 2449578; 432498, 2449952; 431904, 2449665; 432486, 2449909; 432046, 2449781; 432052, 2449783; 432113, 2449740; 432217, 2449712; 432251, 2449685; 432259, 2449679; 432344, 2449744; 432419, 2449806; 431322, 2449372; 431905, 2449660; 434486, 2447126; 434073, 2448685; 434228, 2448620; 434292, 2448479; 434318, 2448298; 434279, 2447951; 434163, 2447783; 434086, 2447693; 434073, 2447500; 434623, 2446526; 434357, 2447229; 433545, 2449136; 434627, 2447088; 434686, 2447020; 434682, 2447017; 434657, 2446977; 434652, 2446933; 434612, 2446807; 434641, 2446663; 434631, 2446528; 434202, 2447345; 433399, 2449709; 431205, 2448983; 432073, 2447674; 433046, 2450280; 433196, 2450196; 433287, 2450063; 433353, 2449880; 433467, 2449787; 433429, 2449741; 433880, 2448827; 433407, 2449708; 433725, 2448994; 433401, 2449697; 433339, 2449600; 433313, 2449484; 433339, 2449381; 433368, 2449293; 433368, 2449292; 433369, 2449255; 433389, 2449256; 434254, 2447886; 433408, 2449708; 433527, 2447856; 434086, 2446095; 433862, 2446165; 433606, 2446193; 433449, 2446235; 433397, 2446440; 433257, 2446958; 433577, 2447086; 433706, 2447138; 434090, 2446098; 433562, 2447841; 432639, 2447624; 432918, 2447407; 432672, 2447598; 434620, 2446512; 432609, 2447647; 434318, 2448182; 432195, 2447587; 432136, 2447629; 432133, 2447631; 432081, 2447668; 433746, 2447766; 434500, 2446448; 432320, 2447497; 434103, 2446297; 434618, 2446459; 434582, 2446443; 434558, 2446439; 434514, 2446449; 434471, 2446422; 434457, 2446416; 434447, 2446420; 434392, 2446421; 434423, 2446441; 434416, 2446441; 434625, 2446467; 434201, 2446573; 434403, 2446435; 434628, 2446479; 434400, 2446429; 434434, 2446428; 434386, 2446429; 434533, 2446441.

(ii) Map of Unit 1-Montane Mesic for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

(7) Unit 2-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 2-Montane Mesic consists of 375.6 ac (152.0 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 431975, 2446280; 432559, 2446255; 432659, 2446240; 432948, 2446150; 433067, 2445928; 432758, 2445304; 432001, 2445941; 431873, 2444849; 432912, 2445580; 432674, 2444970; 431626, 2445435; 431730, 2445114; 431950, 2444792; 432135, 2444807; 432377, 2444722; 432548, 2444752; 431645, 2445326; 431736, 2445617.

(ii) Map of Unit 2-Montane Mesic for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

(8) Unit 3-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 3-Montane Mesic consists of 138.5 ac (56.0 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 438012, 2440389; 438014, 2440437; 438023, 2440484; 438111, 2440652; 438112, 2440588; 437817, 2440071; 438028, 2440577; 437922, 2440355; 437336, 2440335; 437912, 2440201; 437827, 2440132; 437785, 2440013; 437687, 2439960; 437636, 2439819; 437870, 2440140; 437545, 2439761; 438149, 2440714; 437529, 2439721; 437987, 2441027; 437450, 2440047; 437335, 2440180; 437335, 2440329; 438159, 2440914; 438249, 2440857; 438253, 2440854; 438243, 2440830; 438287, 2440738; 437602, 2440771; 438227, 2440730; 437586, 2439743.

(ii) Map of Unit 3-Montane Mesic for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

(9) Unit 4-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 4-Montane Wet consists of 13,055.0 ac (5,283.2 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 448638, 2440764; 448601, 2440679; 448606, 2440704; 448612, 2440722; 448615, 2440731; 448619, 2440740; 448630, 2440759; 448650, 2440769; 448600, 2440668; 448622, 2440749; 448599, 2440647; 448601, 2440652; 448678, 2440741; 448777, 2440842; 448663, 2440773; 449006, 2441012; 448764, 2440857; 449068, 2441051; 449121, 2441114; 449121, 2441114; 448887, 2440934; 448811, 2440896; 448954, 2441097; 448943, 2441063; 448943, 2441053; 448943, 2441044; 448941, 2441024; 448940, 2441006; 448918, 2440982; 448877, 2440939; 448861, 2440927; 448735, 2440829; 448837, 2440912; 448678, 2440780; 448802, 2440889; 448788, 2440878; 449115, 2442038; 448745, 2440841; 449111, 2441196; 448727, 2440820; 448720, 2440813; 448711, 2440806; 448691, 2440790; 448841, 2440914; 447374, 2443275; 449244, 2441819; 447623, 2443445; 447616, 2443588; 447603, 2443646; 447556, 2443686; 447325, 2443651; 447295, 2443639; 447247, 2443586; 448634, 2443800; 447287, 2443339; 448657, 2443629; 447481, 2443262; 447636, 2443160; 447645, 2443143; 447645, 2443146; 447894, 2443371; 447865, 2443358; 447712, 2443351; 447631, 2443389; 448948, 2441084; 447249, 2443451; 448917, 2442504; 449106, 2441435; 449173, 2441529; 449201, 2441638; 449249, 2441697; 449275, 2441773; 449148, 2441893; 449090, 2442135; 449064, 2442221; 448614, 2443950; 448983, 2442384; 449078, 2441297; 448880, 2442563; 448861, 2442593; 448805, 2442677; 448765, 2442787; 448696, 2442955; 448653, 2443075; 448651, 2443187; 448674, 2443301; 448669, 2443477; 449024, 2442290; 444824, 2443350; 444161, 2444181; 445808, 2442898; 445681, 2442977; 445559, 2443010; 445437, 2443077; 446100, 2442628; 445045, 2443240; 446256, 2442602; 444659, 2443447; 444532, 2443516; 444456, 2443572; 444423, 2443638; 444334, 2443811; 446499, 2441271; 445254, 2443156; 446686, 2441764; 441856, 2446328; 446673, 2441408; 446651, 2441424; 446641, 2441436; 446587, 2441501; 445966, 2442725; 446640, 2441627; 444075, 2444349; 446694, 2442007; 446591, 2442195; 446650, 2442430; 446675, 2442432; 446482, 2442513; 446373, 2442574; 446587, 2441543; 443497, 2444548; 444237, 2444013; 443579, 2444514; 443571, 2444521; 443557, 2444532; 443553, 2444537; 443610, 2444483; 443516, 2444546; 443617, 2444477; 443483, 2444551; 443478, 2444555; 443464, 2444570; 443459, 2444579; 443452, 2444591; 443447, 2444608; 443534, 2444543; 443722, 2444464; 444016, 2444444; 443984, 2444419; 443985, 2444416; 443769, 2444440; 443760, 2444446; 443598, 2444493; 443732, 2444458; 446375, 2441172; 443703, 2444469; 443685, 2444463; 443677, 2444459; 443666, 2444456; 443647, 2444460; 443628, 2444469; 443740, 2444454; 441656, 2441573; 442568, 2441274; 440114, 2440528; 440464, 2440832; 440528, 2440844; 440586, 2440905; 440110, 2440524; 441650, 2441573; 440014, 2440441; 441659, 2441579; 441727, 2441586; 441774, 2441575; 441900, 2441576; 441968, 2441515; 446610, 2441349; 441637, 2441552; 439096, 2441847; 438866, 2442347; 438934, 2442351; 438960, 2442270; 438967, 2442246; 438976, 2442220; 440113, 2440527; 439088, 2441871; 442723, 2441295; 439491, 2440617; 439551, 2440431; 439556, 2440414; 439832, 2440430; 439931, 2440426; 440002, 2440430; 439037, 2442031; 445551, 2441162; 442287, 2441225; 445235, 2441328; 445344, 2441376; 445380, 2441414; 445392, 2441392; 444560, 2441032; 445510, 2441194; 444480, 2440997; 445886, 2441308; 446122, 2441415; 446214, 2441291; 448944, 2441075; 446300, 2441227; 446357, 2441185; 445395, 2441389; 443889, 2441172; 442843, 2441314; 442924, 2441340; 442982, 2441350; 442977, 2441356; 443016, 2441342; 445124, 2441205; 443707, 2441132; 443440, 2444655; 444062, 2441230; 444083, 2441215; 444109, 2441224; 444113, 2441221; 444124, 2441223; 444455, 2440990; 443023, 2441344; 442711, 2445664; 442430, 2445827; 442668, 2445560; 442666, 2445576; 442668, 2445590; 442674, 2445604; 442672, 2445510; 442713, 2445661; 442668, 2445494; 442501, 2445803; 442492, 2445803; 442467, 2445799; 442448, 2445805; 442444, 2445807; 443444, 2444627; 442710, 2445647; 442709, 2445399; 442804, 2445357; 442798, 2445359; 442785, 2445364; 442765, 2445370; 442747, 2445377; 442673, 2445515; 442727, 2445386; 442430, 2445830; 442694, 2445414; 442689, 2445419; 442682, 2445433; 442675, 2445453; 442671, 2445471; 442667, 2445490; 442743, 2445378; 441897, 2446273; 442435, 2445813; 442019, 2446165; 442005, 2446171; 441982, 2446194; 441963, 2446219; 442059, 2446159; 441929, 2446268; 442071, 2446146; 441879, 2446263; 441852, 2446219; 441838, 2446221; 441834, 2446230; 441848, 2446265; 441855, 2446295; 441943, 2446256; 442202, 2445986; 442428, 2445851; 442381, 2445882; 442372, 2445885; 442317, 2445917; 442301, 2445924; 442039, 2446165; 442261, 2445949; 442858, 2445342; 442175, 2445995; 442100, 2446007; 442082, 2446029; 442072, 2446052; 442067, 2446082; 442073, 2446121; 442273, 2445945; 443240, 2444927; 442821, 2445353; 443294, 2444870; 443290, 2444876; 443281, 2444890; 443271, 2444898; 443307, 2444833; 443252, 2444914; 443309, 2444829; 443234, 2444932; 443215, 2444938; 443196, 2444944; 443193, 2444946; 443177, 2444962; 443175, 2444965; 443260, 2444907; 443352, 2444721; 438757, 2442331; 443435, 2444664; 443423, 2444686; 443403, 2444695; 443385, 2444699; 443301, 2444851; 443366, 2444706; 443156, 2445003; 443346, 2444728; 443341, 2444740; 443333, 2444758; 443327, 2444778; 443320, 2444796; 443313, 2444815; 443373, 2444702; 442952, 2445303; 443029, 2445263; 443009, 2445266; 443006, 2445268; 442990, 2445276; 442981, 2445284; 443163, 2444984; 442956, 2445301; 443068, 2445227; 442934, 2445314; 442915, 2445323; 442898, 2445330; 442877, 2445336; 442862, 2445341; 443443, 2444647; 442972, 2445292; 443122, 2445132; 442842, 2445347; 443153, 2445020; 443153, 2445040; 443152, 2445059; 443150, 2445078; 443144, 2445096; 443047, 2445260; 443135, 2445115; 443065, 2445247; 443103, 2445152; 443083, 2445171; 443066, 2445190; 443066, 2445209; 443067, 2445215; 443158, 2444995; 443140, 2445105; 440025, 2445056; 439668, 2444981; 440214, 2445151; 440216, 2445150; 440347, 2445106; 440289, 2445097; 440078, 2445204; 440124, 2445056; 439994, 2445245; 439910, 2445087; 439796, 2445123; 439719, 2445133; 439696, 2445110; 439681, 2445072; 439364, 2444192; 440216, 2445076; 439480, 2445095; 438927, 2444790; 438982, 2444746; 439037, 2444786; 439157, 2444829; 439238, 2444846; 440165, 2445166; 439434, 2444999; 439643, 2444902; 439484, 2445120; 439501, 2445220; 439598, 2445317; 439699, 2445360; 439794, 2445352; 439883, 2445309; 439360, 2444907; 439945, 2444540; 439673, 2445011; 439890, 2444912; 439948, 2444922; 439994, 2444883; 440052, 2444784; 439859, 2444782; 439996, 2444642; 439859, 2444723; 439876, 2444423; 439825, 2444344; 439759, 2444342; 439685, 2444334; 439583, 2444266; 438838, 2442340; 440032, 2444731; 439254, 2444472; 439571, 2444823; 439485, 2444800; 439386, 2444762; 439258, 2444658; 439172, 2444564; 439864, 2444845; 439156, 2444527; 438580, 2444854; 439413, 2444371; 439522, 2444418; 439617, 2444459; 439747, 2444522; 439800, 2444594; 439843, 2444655; 439145, 2444538; 435698, 2452376; 438807, 2444845; 436003, 2452334; 435955, 2452326; 435902, 2452378; 435838, 2452443; 436579, 2452559; 435719, 2452378; 436804, 2452559; 435477, 2452358; 435478, 2452345; 435479, 2452304; 435517, 2452192; 435519, 2452190; 435540, 2452168; 435810, 2452427; 438006, 2453313; 438476, 2452702; 438465, 2452788; 438430, 2452817; 438386, 2452854; 438269, 2452930; 436189, 2452365; 438110, 2453148; 435895, 2451700; 437935, 2453510; 437933, 2453512; 437797, 2453318; 437592, 2453026; 437202, 2452948; 437201, 2452932; 438116, 2453088; 438263, 2444805; 436811, 2449026; 437237, 2447714; 437230, 2447713; 437248, 2447657; 437232, 2447645; 435631, 2452072; 438179, 2444732; 436566, 2449559; 438343, 2444896; 438406, 2444952; 438475, 2444955; 438523, 2444886; 438536, 2444858; 439298, 2444154; 438168, 2444734; 436235, 2450550; 438677, 2444833; 435961, 2451591; 436027, 2451466; 436103, 2451262; 436162, 2451016; 436212, 2450766; 436739, 2449180; 436234, 2450558; 436706, 2449252; 436250, 2450410; 436234, 2450237; 436386, 2449952; 436472, 2449769; 436566, 2449560; 435779, 2451881; 436230, 2450590; 438030, 2442243; 438130, 2442234; 437996, 2442188; 437998, 2442202; 437998, 2442205; 437999, 2442211; 437973, 2442147; 438012, 2442229; 437954, 2442136; 438049, 2442246; 438065, 2442246; 438088, 2442240; 438095, 2442238; 438098, 2442237; 439456, 2444205; 438000, 2442216; 437826, 2442106; 437754, 2441991; 437758, 2441998; 437766, 2442017; 437777, 2442052; 437791, 2442074; 437984, 2442167; 437806, 2442092; 438157, 2442234; 437839, 2442110; 437873, 2442121; 437887, 2442121; 437912, 2442123; 437926, 2442125; 437939, 2442128; 437799, 2442084; 438656, 2442321; 438114, 2442232; 438535, 2442314; 438536, 2442314; 438561, 2442316; 438577, 2442315; 438517, 2442310; 438626, 2442315; 438496, 2442310; 438668, 2442322; 438679, 2442324; 438694, 2442327; 438704, 2442326; 438721, 2442329; 446348, 2441177; 438609, 2442314; 438392, 2442294; 438219, 2442244; 438238, 2442248; 438254, 2442248; 438305, 2442256; 438355, 2442265; 438523, 2442310; 438376, 2442278; 437745, 2441950; 438418, 2442311; 438433, 2442319; 438436, 2442321; 438453, 2442321; 438453, 2442321; 438460, 2442320; 438373, 2442277; 437363, 2443282; 437751, 2441981; 437981, 2443476; 437808, 2443397; 437928, 2443310; 437950, 2443233; 438143, 2443587; 437364, 2443298; 438183, 2443628; 437277, 2443228; 437144, 2443208; 437065, 2443211; 437060, 2443212; 436974, 2443182; 436997, 2443061; 437657, 2443231; 438835, 2443883; 439282, 2444110; 439268, 2444068; 439181, 2444032; 439094, 2444009; 439048, 2443913; 438208, 2443477; 438964, 2443837; 437226, 2442709; 438723, 2443923; 438608, 2443916; 438453, 2443825; 438438, 2443814; 438318, 2443723; 438201, 2443629; 439043, 2443859; 437697, 2441878; 437601, 2441867; 437602, 2441867; 437617, 2441866; 437635, 2441866; 437647, 2441866; 437052, 2442940; 437689, 2441877; 437522, 2441879; 437705, 2441878; 437711, 2441887; 437717, 2441899; 437736, 2441928; 437740, 2441938; 438821, 2442339; 437674, 2441875; 437294, 2442356; 437747, 2441961; 437088, 2442647; 437103, 2442643; 437156, 2442615; 437159, 2442579; 437120, 2442503; 437566, 2441876; 437174, 2442422; 437532, 2441880; 437425, 2442191; 437307, 2442101; 437476, 2442051; 437493, 2441868; 437495, 2441869; 437182, 2442830; 437105, 2442445; 448431, 2442766; 448447, 2442675; 448469, 2442871; 448462, 2442858; 448442, 2442821; 448437, 2442805; 448481, 2442894; 448432, 2442775; 448486, 2442910; 448428, 2442750; 448428, 2442738; 448432, 2442727; 448437, 2442711; 448443, 2442699; 448671, 2442369; 448435, 2442791; 448579, 2443112; 448582, 2443190; 448582, 2443172; 448582, 2443162; 448583, 2443151; 448585, 2443140; 448477, 2442887; 448585, 2443122; 448447, 2442663; 448562, 2443086; 448545, 2443051; 448529, 2443019; 448507, 2442976; 448498, 2442952; 448490, 2442930; 448586, 2443129; 448642, 2442440; 448447, 2442688; 448602, 2442477; 448615, 2442472; 448623, 2442466; 448634, 2442459; 448566, 2442503; 448640, 2442451; 448550, 2442513; 448642, 2442430; 448642, 2442419; 448643, 2442410; 448648, 2442399; 448657, 2442387; 447996, 2444312; 448637, 2442455; 448464, 2442531; 448443, 2442636; 448443, 2442627; 448440, 2442604; 448438, 2442565; 448441, 2442549; 448587, 2442486; 448455, 2442534; 448589, 2443224; 448474, 2442530; 448488, 2442531; 448505, 2442534; 448515, 2442533; 448530, 2442527; 448536, 2442523; 448449, 2442536; 448502, 2443743; 448586, 2443203; 448512, 2443792; 448512, 2443783; 448513, 2443779; 448513, 2443769; 448473, 2443878; 448504, 2443752; 448470, 2443888; 448504, 2443735; 448507, 2443727; 448522, 2443706; 448538, 2443682; 448546, 2443665; 448552, 2443643; 448509, 2443760; 447932, 2443750; 447925, 2444320; 447843, 2444325; 447864, 2444277; 447942, 2444178; 448003, 2444015; 448500, 2443823; 447967, 2443867; 448549, 2443613; 447904, 2443646; 447921, 2443582; 447949, 2443460; 447939, 2443412; 448458, 2443882; 448470, 2443889; 448008, 2443903; 448590, 2443306; 448578, 2443441; 448572, 2443417; 448576, 2443405; 448584, 2443388; 448590, 2443369; 448552, 2443630; 448593, 2443325; 448591, 2443484; 448591, 2443291; 448592, 2443277; 448592, 2443261; 448592, 2443254; 448591, 2443241; 448673, 2442365; 448595, 2443352; 448553, 2443539; 448587, 2443214; 448544, 2443601; 448533, 2443587; 448527, 2443576; 448523, 2443570; 448518, 2443559; 448585, 2443461; 448528, 2443546; 448588, 2443466; 448560, 2443535; 448569, 2443527; 448577, 2443516; 448582, 2443508; 448589, 2443493; 448551, 2443621; 448518, 2443552; 449003, 2441449; 448936, 2441403; 449064, 2441492; 449060, 2441481; 449053, 2441472; 449049, 2441471; 449066, 2441511; 449032, 2441461; 449061, 2441528; 448971, 2441443; 448964, 2441441; 448952, 2441427; 448948, 2441420; 448945, 2441411; 448665, 2442379; 449040, 2441466; 449012, 2441616; 448972, 2441689; 446228, 2441279; 448995, 2441668; 449000, 2441660; 449004, 2441650; 449065, 2441502; 449009, 2441625; 448930, 2441400; 449017, 2441611; 449030, 2441595; 449037, 2441588; 449043, 2441578; 449046, 2441569; 449050, 2441561; 449006, 2441639; 448967, 2441159; 448940, 2441404; 448926, 2441212; 448930, 2441194; 448933, 2441184; 448941, 2441177; 448940, 2441238; 448961, 2441163; 448944, 2441250; 448972, 2441150; 448973, 2441143; 448972, 2441136; 448971, 2441119; 448969, 2441116; 448964, 2441109; 448949, 2441170; 448928, 2441313; 448922, 2441392; 448918, 2441381; 448916, 2441369; 448917, 2441357; 448919, 2441341; 448934, 2441230; 448925, 2441322; 448933, 2441715; 448935, 2441302; 448944, 2441291; 448948, 2441281; 448948, 2441273; 448948, 2441264; 448946, 2441259; 448920, 2441333; 448677, 2442140; 441868, 2446401; 448673, 2442209; 448671, 2442202; 448674, 2442187; 448680, 2442169; 448684, 2442226; 448682, 2442148; 448692, 2442233; 448675, 2442123; 448677, 2442115; 448683, 2442101; 448694, 2442089; 448710, 2442077; 448718, 2442069; 448684, 2442157; 448722, 2442303; 448677, 2442356; 448682, 2442350; 448697, 2442342; 448711, 2442341; 448721, 2442331; 448678, 2442221; 448723, 2442309; 448736, 2442055; 448718, 2442295; 448712, 2442283; 448707, 2442267; 448706, 2442257; 448705, 2442250; 448699, 2442238; 448724, 2442320; 448915, 2441796; 448850, 2441844; 448877, 2441825; 448884, 2441820; 448890, 2441818; 448892, 2441817; 448723, 2442061; 448910, 2441807; 448820, 2441871; 448913, 2441774; 448914, 2441760; 448913, 2441753; 448915, 2441738; 448925, 2441722; 448957, 2441700; 448900, 2441814; 448787, 2441967; 448939, 2441710; 448746, 2442051; 448755, 2442041; 448764, 2442029; 448768, 2442019; 448773, 2442013; 448840, 2441852; 448781, 2441990; 448831, 2441859; 448789, 2441938; 448803, 2441914; 448813, 2441900; 448814, 2441894; 448817, 2441884; 448728, 2442058; 448777, 2442002; 440375, 2448361; 440198, 2448467; 440421, 2448239; 440415, 2448290; 440416, 2448314; 440411, 2448336; 440401, 2448191; 440391, 2448353; 440384, 2448138; 440350, 2448395; 440331, 2448411; 440307, 2448418; 440254, 2448428; 440237, 2448434; 439526, 2448944; 440402, 2448352; 440409, 2447991; 440377, 2447819; 440378, 2447845; 440384, 2447871; 440395, 2447896; 440436, 2447941; 440413, 2448216; 440426, 2447974; 440190, 2448485; 440343, 2448005; 440329, 2448016; 440325, 2448033; 440331, 2448061; 440341, 2448084; 440374, 2448123; 440435, 2447959; 439678, 2448950; 440218, 2448446; 439853, 2448941; 439830, 2448945; 439788, 2448929; 439761, 2448926; 439900, 2448928; 439697, 2448941; 439922, 2448928; 439656, 2448949; 439633, 2448940; 439611, 2448928; 439578, 2448906; 439553, 2448909; 439539, 2448922; 439733, 2448930; 440089, 2448747; 440179, 2448496; 440157, 2448511; 440136, 2448537; 440120, 2448633; 440125, 2448690; 439875, 2448932; 440112, 2448732; 440451, 2447620; 440073, 2448762; 440036, 2448815; 440000, 2448878; 439982, 2448899; 439961, 2448915; 439941, 2448924; 440121, 2448718; 441363, 2447030; 440383, 2447794; 441405, 2446869; 441402, 2446899; 441403, 2446972; 441399, 2446995; 441455, 2446804; 441373, 2447026; 441476, 2446797; 441317, 2447043; 441283, 2447083; 441268, 2447104; 441240, 2447171; 441231, 2447186; 441219, 2447195; 441398, 2446997; 441674, 2446682; 448141, 2444294; 448986, 2441677; 441864, 2446424; 441847, 2446451; 441836, 2446475; 441434, 2446820; 441829, 2446505; 441148, 2447188; 441648, 2446705; 441620, 2446723; 441584, 2446741; 441549, 2446752; 441532, 2446763; 441521, 2446777; 441829, 2446501; 440674, 2447485; 440710, 2447368; 440699, 2447389; 440693, 2447407; 440695, 2447430; 440703, 2447452; 441201, 2447195; 440693, 2447475; 440800, 2447339; 440599, 2447501; 440579, 2447511; 440540, 2447539; 440487, 2447571; 440468, 2447593; 440124, 2448663; 440703, 2447461; 440941, 2447230; 440413, 2447711; 441133, 2447183; 441113, 2447170; 441095, 2447154; 441083, 2447147; 441058, 2447153; 440722, 2447354; 440969, 2447210; 440740, 2447346; 440888, 2447250; 440873, 2447265; 440865, 2447286; 440858, 2447311; 440842, 2447328; 441172, 2447190; 441039, 2447168; 438599, 2451708; 438434, 2451069; 438440, 2451600; 438425, 2451652; 438429, 2451670; 438442, 2451682; 438419, 2451509; 438529, 2451692; 438410, 2451464; 438657, 2451738; 439516, 2448971; 438675, 2451766; 440125, 2448578; 438680, 2451858; 438715, 2451908; 438484, 2451690; 438467, 2451228; 438455, 2451089; 438463, 2451098; 438475, 2451113; 438484, 2451141; 438486, 2451163; 438435, 2451571; 438472, 2451209; 438888, 2452163; 438472, 2451261; 438481, 2451287; 438485, 2451346; 438478, 2451359; 438454, 2451380; 438422, 2451414; 438481, 2451188; 448609, 2443974; 438669, 2452384; 438605, 2452379; 438540, 2452374; 438510, 2452340; 438449, 2452330; 438761, 2452013; 438490, 2452605; 438816, 2452396; 448591, 2444072; 448566, 2444172; 448548, 2444233; 448510, 2444279; 448464, 2444284; 448299, 2444289; 438431, 2452414; 439138, 2452428; 438670, 2451754; 438936, 2452213; 438977, 2452232; 438979, 2452233; 439031, 2452285; 439037, 2452297; 438716, 2452393; 439083, 2452342; 438779, 2452391; 439171, 2452514; 439201, 2452565; 439114, 2452513; 438954, 2452430; 438851, 2452395; 438833, 2452090; 439061, 2452327; 439044, 2449631; 438944, 2449813; 439167, 2449414; 439146, 2449435; 439114, 2449463; 439102, 2449480; 439220, 2449318; 439065, 2449586; 439230, 2449287; 439037, 2449642; 439025, 2449671; 439016, 2449687; 438999, 2449702; 438974, 2449738; 438965, 2449767; 439076, 2449548; 439382, 2449107; 439508, 2448984; 439451, 2449000; 439437, 2449023; 438680, 2451783; 439433, 2449078; 439200, 2449362; 439399, 2449097; 439421, 2449088; 439361, 2449126; 439330, 2449145; 439307, 2449169; 439277, 2449220; 439260, 2449242; 439244, 2449261; 438425, 2451047; 438554, 2450559; 438737, 2450311; 438736, 2450325; 438731, 2450342; 438715, 2450373; 438690, 2450392; 438621, 2450415; 438732, 2450286; 438578, 2450438; 438501, 2450796; 438488, 2450686; 438472, 2450910; 438435, 2450985; 438427, 2450964; 438919, 2449853; 439437, 2449066; 438581, 2450423; 438816, 2450028; 438717, 2450241; 438894, 2449879; 438884, 2449918; 438904, 2449863; 438831, 2450010; 438850, 2449982; 438791, 2450036; 438765, 2450051; 438744, 2450081; 438730, 2450109; 438717, 2450158; 438716, 2450162; 438713, 2450206.

(ii) Map of Unit 4-Montane Wet for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

(10) Unit 5-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 5-Montane Wet consists of 789.9 ac (319.7 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 433436, 2449707; 433445, 2449707; 433444, 2449707; 433443, 2449707; 433458, 2449707; 433436, 2449707; 433426, 2449707; 433408, 2449708; 433429, 2449741; 433493, 2449765; 433633, 2449724; 433742, 2449724; 433467, 2449787; 433460, 2449707; 433468, 2449706; 433484, 2449694; 433414, 2449628; 433461, 2449623; 433457, 2449622; 433339, 2449600; 433440, 2449604; 433437, 2449592; 433426, 2449556; 433419, 2449599; 433831, 2449767; 434991, 2449344; 433401, 2449697; 433480, 2449629; 434938, 2449321; 433313, 2449484; 433455, 2449620; 434842, 2449253; 434839, 2449258; 434834, 2449277; 434833, 2449278; 434833, 2449278; 434833, 2449280; 434833, 2449281; 434872, 2449294; 434881, 2449297; 434884, 2449298; 435010, 2449343; 434899, 2449305; 433903, 2449882; 435011, 2449352; 435010, 2449343; 435005, 2449310; 434948, 2449300; 434908, 2449290; 434908, 2449290; 434890, 2449251; 434872, 2449246; 434848, 2449239; 434844, 2449248; 434034, 2449950; 434026, 2449951; 433969, 2449958; 434898, 2449304; 435183, 2449401; 434713, 2447038; 434738, 2447045; 434738, 2447030; 434795, 2447069; 434994, 2447085; 435093, 2447245; 435290, 2447449; 435295, 2447440; 435360, 2447538; 435282, 2448685; 435266, 2448909; 435236, 2449351; 434686, 2447020; 435232, 2449399; 435272, 2448835; 435080, 2449407; 434920, 2449394; 434752, 2449405; 434498, 2449522; 434338, 2449660; 434208, 2449767; 434141, 2449863; 434137, 2449869; 434124, 2449948; 434074, 2449972; 433461, 2449623; 433339, 2449381; 435234, 2449384; 433589, 2449323; 433725, 2448994; 433545, 2449136; 433389, 2449256; 433567, 2449260; 433588, 2449244; 433880, 2448827; 433612, 2449262; 433525, 2449415; 433567, 2449398; 433546, 2449412; 434627, 2447088; 433448, 2449426; 435236, 2449347; 433368, 2449293; 433599, 2449252; 434202, 2447345; 433367, 2449352; 434073, 2448685; 434357, 2447229; 434073, 2447500; 434086, 2447693; 434163, 2447783; 434254, 2447886; 434318, 2448182; 434318, 2448298; 434292, 2448479; 434279, 2447951; 434486, 2447126; 434228, 2448620.

(ii) Map of Unit 5-Montane Wet for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

(11) Unit 6-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 6-Montane Wet consists of 413.5 ac (167.3 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD 83 coordinates (E, N): 448516, 2447525; 447976, 2448470; 448042, 2448338; 448133, 2448200; 448235, 2448042; 448834, 2447273; 448288, 2447915; 448412, 2447653; 448669, 2447406; 447943, 2448562; 448763, 2447342; 448059, 2449434; 448321, 2447795; 447961, 2448628; 448037, 2448780; 448088, 2448897; 448122, 2449037; 448119, 2449134; 448056, 2449368; 448099, 2449454; 448242, 2449457; 448328, 2449449; 448440, 2449296; 448382, 2449406; 448887, 2447191; 448091, 2449266; 448610, 2449255; 448931, 2447092; 448511, 2449199; 448623, 2449141; 448641, 2449184; 448593, 2449298; 448613, 2449357; 448702, 2449395; 448812, 2449420; 448906, 2449440; 448959, 2449443; 448964, 2449425; 448952, 2449316; 448954, 2449143; 448881, 2447609; 448987, 2448959; 448980, 2446980; 448979, 2446983; 448577, 2449143; 448980, 2446982; 448981, 2446981; 449105, 2447827; 449087, 2447916; 449044, 2448132; 449032, 2448326; 449045, 2448506; 449040, 2448659; 449012, 2448822.

(ii) Map of Unit 6-Montane Wet for Akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) follows:

Yellow-Shouldered Blackbird (Agelaius xanthomus)

Puerto Rico. Areas of land, water, and airspace with the following components: (1) All of Mona Island; (2) that portion of the main island of Puerto Rico within the following boundary: Beginning at a point where the Quebrada Boqueron joins the Bahia de Boqueron, thence proceeding southwesterly along coast to Cabo Rojo, thence eastward along the coast, including offshore cays, to the point where Highway 332 meets the Bahia de Guanica, thence northward on Highway 332 to its junction with Highway 116, thence westward on Highway 116 to its junction with Highway 305, thence westward on Highway 305 to its junction with Highway 303, thence northward on Highway 303 to its junction with Highway 101, thence westward on Highway 101 to the point where it crosses Quebrada Boqueron, thence along the Quebrada Boqueron to the point where it joins the Bahia de Boqueron; (3) a circular portion of the main island of Puerto Rico with a one mile radius, the center being the junction of Highways 360 and 102 in the town of San German; (4) Roosevelt Roads Naval Station, southeast of Ceiba.


No map.

California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus)

California. Sespe-Piru Condor Area: an area of land, water, and airspace to an elevation of not less than 3,000 feet above the terrain, in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, with the following components (San Bernardino Meridian): Sespe Condor Sanctuary, as delineated by Public Land Order 695 (January 1951); T4N R20W Sec. 2, 5-10, N 12 Sec. 11; T4N R21W Sec. 1-3, 10-12, N 14 Sec 13, N 14 Sec. 14, N 14 Sec. 15; T5N R18W Sec. 4-9, 18, 19, 30, 31, N 12 Sec. 3, N 12 Sec. 17; T5N R21W Sec. 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, 33-36; T6N R18W Sec. 7-11, 14-23, 26-35; T6N R19W Sec. 7-36; T6N R20W Sec. 8-36; T6N R21W Sec. 13-36; T6N R22W Sec. 3-26, 35, 36; T6N R23W Sec. 1-3, 10-14, 24, N 12 Sec. 23; T7N R22W Sec. 31; T7N R23W Sec. 34-36.

Matilija Condor Area: An area of land, water, and airspace to an elevation of not less than 3,000 feet above the terrain, in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, with the following components (San Bernardino Meridian): T5N R24W W 12 Sec. 3, Sec. 4-11, 14, 15, N 12 Sec. 16, N 14 Sec. 17; T5N R25W E 12 Sec. 1, NE 14 Sec. 12; T512N R24W Sec. 31-34; T6N R24W S 12 Sec. 32, S 12 Sec. 33, S 12 Sec. 34.

Sisquoc-San Rafael Condor Area: An area of land, water, and airspace to an elevation of not less than 3,000 feet above the terrain, Santa Barbara County, with the following components (San Bernardino Meridian): T6N R26W Sec. 5, 6; T6N R27W Sec. 1, 2; T7N R26W Sec. 5-8, 17-20, 29-32; T7N R27W Sec. 1-14, 23-26, 35, 36; T7N R28W Sec. 1, 2, 11, 12; T8N R26W Sec. 19-22, 27-34; T8N R27W Sec. 19-36.

Hi Mountain-Beartrap Condor Areas: Areas of land, water, and airspace to an elevation of not less than 3,000 feet above the terrain in San Luis Obispo County, with the following components (Mt. Diablo Meridian): T30S R16E Sec. 13, 14, 23-26, SE 14 Sec. 11, S 12 Sec. 12; T30S R17E Sec. 17-20, 29, 30; T31S R14E Sec. 1, 2, 11, 12, E 12 Sec. 3, E 12 Sec. 10, N 12 Sec. 14, N 12 Sec. 13; T31S R15E W 12 Sec. 6, W 12 Sec. 7, NW 14 Sec. 18.

Mt. Pinos Condor Area: An area of land, water, and airspace in Ventura and Kern Counties, with the following components (San Bernardino Meridian): T8N R21W W 12 Sec. 5, Sec. 6 N 12 Sec. 7, NW 14 Sec. 8; T8N R22W Sec. 1, 2, E 12 Sec. 3, NE 14 Sec. 10, N 12 Sec. 11, N 12 Sec. 12; T9N R21W Sec. 31, 32, W 12 Sec. 33; T9N R22W E 12 Sec. 35, Sec. 36.

Blue Ridge Condor Area: An area of land, water, and airspace in Tulare County, with the following components (Mt. Diablo Meridian): T19S R29E Sec. 5-9, 15-22, 27-30.

Tejon Ranch: An area of land, water, and airspace in Kern County, with the following components (San Bernardino Meridian): R16W, T10N, R17W T10N, R17W T11N, R18W T9N, R18W T10N, R19W T10N.

Kern County rangelands: An area of land, water, and airspace in Kern County between California State Highway 65 and the western boundary of Sequoia National Forest, with the following components (Mt. Diablo Meridian): R29E T25S, R29E T26S, R30E T25S, R30E T26S.

Tulare County rangelands: An area of land, water, and airspace in Tulare County between California State Highway 65, State Highway 198, and the western boundary of Sequoia National Forest, with the following components (Mt. Diablo Meridian): R28E T18S (all sections); R28E T19S (all sections); R28E T20S (all sections); R28E T21S Sec. 1-18; R29E T20S (all sections); R29E T21S Sec. 1-18.


No map.

Mississippi Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis pulla).

Mississippi. Areas of land, water, and airspace in Jackson County, with the following components (St. Stephens Base Meridian): T6S R6W Sec. 31; T6S R7W E 12 of E 12 Sec. 34, Sec. 35-36, S 12 Sec. 38; T6S R8W Sec. 27, those portions of Sec. 28-31 south of Seaman Road, Sec. 32-34; T7S R6W N 12 of N 12 Sec. 3, Sec. 6; T7S R7W Sec. 2-11, Sec. 13-16, Sec. 20-22, W 12 Sec. 23, W 12 of E 12 Sec. 23, NE 14 of NE 14 Sec. 23, N 12 of N 12 Sec. 24, that portion of the SW 14 of SW 14 Sec. 30 south of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, W 12 of W 12 Sec. 31, W 12 Sec. 37, that portion of the E 12 Sec. 37 north of U.S. Interstate Highway 10; T7S R8W Sec. 1-3, that portion of Sec. 4 north of U.S. Interstate Highway 10, Sec. 5-6, those portions of Sec. 7-8 north of U.S. Interstate Highway 10, Sec. 10-12, W 12 of W 12 Sec. 14, Sec. 15, that portion of Sec. 25 south of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, that portion of the SE 14 of Sec. 26 south of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad and southeast of Davis Bayou, N 12 of NE 14 Sec. 35, Sec. 36.


No map.

Whooping Crane (Grus americana)

Kansas. Areas of land, water, and airspace with the following components: (1) Quivira National Wildlife Refuge in Stafford, Reno, and Rice Counties; and (2) Cheyenne Bottoms State Waterfowl Management Area in Barton County.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Nebraska. An area of land, water, and airspace in Dawson, Buffalo, Hall, Phelps, Kearny, and Adams Counties with the following boundaries: Platte River bottoms - a strip of river bottom with a north-south width 3 miles, a south boundary paralleling Interstate 80, beginning at the junction of U.S. Highway 283 and Interstate 80 near Lexington, and extending eastward along Interstate 80 to the interchange for Shelton and Dehman, Nebr. near the Buffalo-Hall County line.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Oklahoma. An area of land, water, and airspace in Alfalfa County with the following component: Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Texas. An area of land, water, and airspace in Aransas, Calhoun, and Refugio Counties with the following boundaries: Beginning at the point where the north boundary of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge intersects the shore of San Antonio Bay at Webb Point; thence, from this point along a straight line across San Antonio Bay through the westernmost tip of Mosquito Point and inland to a point of intersection with metal surfaced road; thence eastward along a straight line across Espiritu Santo Bay to the intersection of the bay shore and a road at the east end of Pringle Lake on Matagorda Island; thence south along this road to the intersection with the main Matagorda Island road; southwestward along this main road to Cedar Bayou at latitude 28°04′10″ N.; thence due west across Cedar Bayou, Vinson Slough, and Isla San Jose to Gulf Intracoastal Waterway platform channel marker No. 25; thence north to the southwest corner of the proclamation boundary, just south of Blackjack Point; thence north along the proclamation boundary into St. Charles Bay to a line drawn as an eastward extension of Twelfth Street on Lamar Peninsula; thence westward along this line to intersection with Palmetto Avenue; thence northward along a straight line to the southwest corner of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge at Texas State Highway 35 and the north shore of Cavasso Creek; thence northeast on a straight line to the corner of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge north boundary adjacent to triangulation station “Twin”; thence along the north boundary of said refuge to the starting point at Webb Point.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Mariana Crow (Corvus kubaryi)

(1) Critical habitat units for the Mariana crow are depicted for the Territory of Guam and the island of Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements required by the Mariana crow for the biological needs of foraging, sheltering, roosting, nesting, and rearing of young are found in areas that support limestone, secondary, ravine, swamp, agricultural, and coastal forests composed of native and introduced plant species. These forest types provide the primary constituent elements of:

(i) Emergent trees and subcanopy trees with dense cover for breeding, such as Neisosperma oppositifolia (fagot), Macaranga thompsonii (pengua), Intsia bijuga (ifit), Premna obtusifolia (ahgao), Eugenia reinwardtiana (aabang), Ficus spp. (fig), Elaeocarpus joga (yoga), and Tristiropsis obtusangula (faniok);

(ii) Sufficient area of predominantly native forest to allow nesting at least 950 ft (290 m) from the nearest road and 203 ft (62 m) from the nearest forest edge and to support Mariana crow breeding territories (approximately 30 to 91 ac (12 to 37 ha)) and foraging areas for nonbreeding juvenile crows; and

(iii) Standing dead trees and plant species for foraging such as Aglaia mariannensis (maypunayo), Artocarpus spp. (breadfruit), Cocos nucifera (coconut palm), fagot, Hibiscus tiliaceus (pago), ifit, Leucaena spp. (tangantangan), Ochrosia mariannensis (langiti), Pandanus tectorius (kafu), ahgao, fig, and joga.

(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures within the boundaries of the mapped units, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, antennas, water tanks, agricultural fields, paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat units are described below. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 55 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)/World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).

(i) Note: Map 1 - General Locations of Units for the Mariana Crow follows:

(ii) Guam, Mariana crow - Unit A (376 ac; 152 ha):

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map 2 showing Unit A for Mariana crow follows:

(iii) Rota, Mariana crow - Unit B (6,033 ac; 2,442 ha):

(A) Subunit B-1 excludes seven areas:

(1) Bounded by the following five points (7 ac; 3 ha): 309786, 1569596; 309800, 1569484; 310060, 1569596; 310059, 1569695; 310055, 1569695.

(2) Bounded by the following four points (13 ac; 5 ha): 310365, 1569567; 310716, 1569564; 310716, 1569718; 310366, 1569717.

(3) Bounded by the following 53 points (46 ac; 19 ha): 308686, 1564398; 308762, 1564422; 308791, 1564444; 308793, 1564466; 308784, 1564497; 308797, 1564525; 308821, 1564528; 308848, 1564503; 308874, 1564514; 308905, 1564532; 308955, 1564666; 308979, 1564736; 308994, 1564814; 309056, 1564845; 309090, 1564889; 309126, 1564869; 309248, 1564976; 309277, 1565027; 309288, 1565060; 309280, 1565083; 309271, 1565117; 309213, 1565113; 309170, 1565106; 309132, 1565058; 309100, 1565068; 309047, 1565112; 308992, 1565145; 308979, 1565217; 308948, 1565228; 308887, 1565176; 308883, 1565150; 308900, 1565075; 308876, 1564990; 308839, 1564994; 308821, 1564996; 308791, 1564924; 308813, 1564898; 308839, 1564906; 308870, 1564928; 308878, 1564915; 308808, 1564760; 308756, 1564683; 308703, 1564628; 308672, 1564595; 308668, 1564571; 308677, 1564563; 308716, 1564574; 308718, 1564560; 308673, 1564489; 308647, 1564459; 308607, 1564406; 308654, 1564386; 308671, 1564401.

(4) Bounded by the following 80 points (84 ac; 34 ha): 307624, 1562456; 307687, 1562504; 307700, 1562504; 307723, 1562493; 307768, 1562521; 307804, 1562511; 307827, 1562494; 307871, 1562552; 307897, 1562565; 307928, 1562565; 307943, 1562545; 307959, 1562519; 307976, 1562515; 308031, 1562572; 307996, 1562594; 307980, 1562618; 307978, 1562640; 307930, 1562655; 307908, 1562675; 307891, 1562697; 307891, 1562743; 307856, 1562771; 307851, 1562810; 307902, 1562852; 308068, 1562957; 308134, 1562964; 308164, 1562997; 308173, 1563049; 308204, 1563115; 308197, 1563150; 308171, 1563159; 308149, 1563172; 308158, 1563220; 308153, 1563290; 308153, 1563334; 308184, 1563347; 308234, 1563340; 308316, 1563418; 308398, 1563405; 308418, 1563437; 308367, 1563499; 308373, 1563676; 308215, 1563726; 308158, 1563576; 308126, 1563534; 308091, 1563547; 308052, 1563487; 308025, 1563486; 307965, 1563436; 307886, 1563373; 307872, 1563313; 307872, 1563199; 307896, 1563181; 307911, 1563141; 307871, 1563095; 307869, 1563073; 307904, 1563069; 307880, 1563003; 307862, 1563010; 307849, 1563025; 307803, 1563019; 307807, 1562964; 307792, 1562951; 307753, 1562946; 307713, 1562935; 307700, 1562911; 307704, 1562881; 307753, 1562828; 307768, 1562797; 307733, 1562745; 307731, 1562727; 307781, 1562683; 307729, 1562598; 307713, 1562633; 307689, 1562635; 307646, 1562613; 307495, 1562647; 307488, 1562556; 307488, 1562533; 307495, 1562490.

(5) Bounded by the following seven points (9 ac; 3 ha): 308109, 1562663; 308114, 1562663; 308280, 1562825; 308197, 1562937; 308066, 1562859; 308074, 1562799; 308043, 1562743.

(6) Bounded by the following 225 points (4,517 ac; 1,828 ha): 304411, 1562555; 304424, 1562519; 304395, 1562481; 304302, 1562446; 304273, 1562406; 304249, 1562358; 304254, 1562282; 304261, 1562234; 304267, 1562190; 304322, 1562154; 304363, 1562125; 304393, 1562154; 304450, 1562187; 304496, 1562219; 304553, 1562195; 304591, 1562252; 304677, 1562222; 304751, 1562222; 304756, 1562184; 304707, 1562097; 304732, 1562065; 304778, 1562078; 304848, 1562116; 304883, 1562133; 304897, 1562100; 304919, 1562054; 304965, 1562055; 305014, 1562130; 305027, 1562070; 305087, 1562070; 305138, 1562106; 305178, 1562184; 305273, 1562139; 305332, 1562082; 305502, 1562089; 305578, 1562186; 305634, 1562202; 305663, 1562153; 305654, 1562055; 305625, 1562051; 305559, 1561906; 305499, 1561766; 305502, 1561677; 305536, 1561661; 305583, 1561645; 305628, 1561651; 305657, 1561733; 305750, 1562039; 305797, 1562046; 305851, 1562027; 305884, 1561946; 305962, 1561919; 306000, 1561908; 306049, 1561932; 306083, 1561909; 306124, 1561894; 306125, 1561840; 306152, 1561740; 306149, 1561664; 306171, 1561612; 306196, 1561564; 306331, 1561523; 306475, 1561523; 306637, 1561536; 306678, 1561599; 306697, 1561618; 306795, 1561601; 306862, 1561696; 306865, 1561764; 306854, 1561781; 306837, 1561785; 306821, 1561831; 306726, 1561820; 306597, 1561737; 306383, 1561737; 306312, 1561775; 306280, 1561824; 306280, 1561867; 306328, 1561986; 306326, 1562043; 306369, 1562146; 306348, 1562193; 306359, 1562248; 306396, 1562413; 306211, 1562495; 306212, 1562642; 306491, 1562590; 306893, 1562575; 307497, 1563122; 307570, 1563395; 307632, 1563500; 307765, 1563576; 307881, 1563606; 307963, 1563657; 308014, 1563772; 308065, 1564029; 308062, 1564310; 308088, 1564565; 308044, 1564754; 307833, 1564944; 307768, 1565047; 307819, 1565112; 307805, 1565168; 307749, 1565378; 307765, 1565443; 307822, 1565486; 307811, 1565570; 307779, 1565654; 307817, 1565697; 307825, 1565828; 307842, 1565852; 307741, 1565909; 307639, 1565920; 307442, 1565987; 307386, 1566039; 307223, 1566107; 307152, 1566137; 307112, 1566137; 307082, 1566183; 307047, 1566199; 306955, 1566199; 306887, 1566191; 306824, 1566142; 306643, 1566020; 306544, 1565957; 306401, 1565931; 306247, 1565886; 306225, 1565841; 306113, 1565820; 306065, 1565846; 305956, 1565740; 305864, 1565621; 305851, 1565381; 305732, 1565386; 305724, 1565275; 305583, 1565276; 305305, 1565376; 305244, 1565424; 305104, 1565593; 304938, 1565657; 304768, 1565694; 304538, 1565717; 304173, 1565710; 304059, 1565694; 303985, 1565704; 303930, 1565725; 303903, 1565726; 303881, 1565697; 303879, 1565686; 303866, 1565617; 303819, 1565548; 303760, 1565524; 303670, 1565498; 303545, 1565484; 303504, 1565453; 303445, 1565416; 303355, 1565352; 303191, 1565289; 303022, 1565141; 302927, 1565120; 302874, 1565088; 302601, 1565117; 302527, 1565140; 302218, 1565153; 302086, 1565142; 301948, 1565092; 301810, 1565044; 301728, 1565024; 301675, 1565037; 301588, 1565018; 301416, 1565032; 301326, 1565030; 301284, 1565055; 301215, 1564939; 301207, 1564880; 301178, 1564669; 301199, 1564611; 301215, 1564529; 301236, 1564468; 301284, 1564460; 301363, 1564476; 301459, 1564476; 301604, 1564444; 301705, 1564365; 301734, 1564277; 301781, 1564145; 301827, 1564059; 301898, 1564026; 301972, 1563986; 302078, 1563923; 302144, 1563891; 302215, 1563817; 302318, 1563661; 302371, 1563526; 302605, 1563264; 302705, 1563179; 302736, 1563065; 302743, 1562848; 302859, 1562481; 302916, 1562366; 302961, 1562293; 302983, 1562274; 303027, 1562300; 303093, 1562406; 303115, 1562459; 303159, 1562565; 303190, 1562612; 303214, 1562638; 303250, 1562687; 303323, 1562713; 303478, 1562733; 303626, 1562749; 303778, 1562811; 303847, 1562837; 303900, 1562902; 303986, 1562937; 304081, 1562943; 304196, 1562928; 304284, 1562884; 304280, 1562804; 304302, 1562749; 304315, 1562704; 304363, 1562636; 304368, 1562613; 304379, 1562567.

(7) Bounded by the following nine points (9 ac; 3 ha): 303885, 1562540; 303916, 1562411; 303966, 1562370; 304088, 1562398; 304081, 1562449; 304077, 1562587; 304072, 1562590; 303992, 1562579; 303895, 1562564.

(B) Map 3 showing Unit B for Mariana crow follows:

Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus), Western DPS

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the specific physical or biological features essential to the conservation of western yellow-billed cuckoo consist of three components:

(i) Rangewide breeding habitat. Riparian woodlands across the Distinct Population Segment (DPS); Southwestern breeding habitat, primarily in Arizona and New Mexico: Drainages with varying combinations of riparian, xeroriparian, and/or nonriparian trees and large shrubs. This physical or biological feature includes breeding habitat found throughout the DPS range as well as additional breeding habitat characteristics unique to the Southwest.

(A) Rangewide breeding habitat (including areas in the Southwest). Rangewide breeding habitat is composed of riparian woodlands within floodplains or in upland areas or terraces often greater than 325 ft (100 m) in width and 200 ac (81 ha) or more in extent with an overstory and understory vegetation component in contiguous or nearly contiguous patches adjacent to intermittent or perennial watercourses. The slope of the watercourses is generally less than 3 percent but may be greater in some instances. Nesting sites within the habitat have an above-average canopy closure (greater than 70 percent), and have a cooler, more humid environment than the surrounding riparian and upland habitats. Rangewide breeding habitat is composed of varying combinations of riparian species including the following nest trees: Cottonwood, willow, ash, sycamore, boxelder, alder, and walnut.

(B) Southwestern breeding habitat. Southwestern breeding habitat, found primarily in Arizona and New Mexico, is more variable than rangewide breeding habitat. Southwestern breeding habitat occurs within or along perennial, intermittent, and ephemeral drainages in montane canyons, foothills, desert floodplains, and arroyos. It may include woody side drainages, terraces, and hillsides immediately adjacent to the main drainage bottom. Drainages intersect a variety of habitat types including, but not limited to, desert scrub, desert grassland, and Madrean evergreen woodlands (presence of oak). Southwestern breeding habitat is composed of varying combinations of riparian, xeroriparian, and/or nonriparian tree and large shrub species including, but not limited to, the following nest trees: Cottonwood, willow, mesquite, ash, hackberry, sycamore, walnut, desert willow, soapberry, tamarisk, Russian olive, juniper, acacia, and/or oak. In perennial and intermittent drainages, Southwestern riparian breeding habitat is often narrower, patchier, and/or sparser than rangewide riparian breeding habitat and may contain a greater proportion of xeroriparian trees and large shrub species. Although some cottonwood and willow may be present in Southwestern riparian habitat, xeroriparian species may be more prevalent. Mesquite woodland may be present within the riparian floodplain, flanking the outer edges of wetter riparian habitat, or scattered on the adjacent hillsides. The more arid the drainage, the greater the likelihood that it will be dominated by xeroriparian and nonriparian nest tree species. Arid ephemeral drainages in southeastern Arizona receive summer humidity and rainfall from the North American Monsoon, with a pronounced green-up of grasses and forbs. These arid ephemeral drainages often contain xeroriparian species like hackberry or nonriparian species associated with the adjacent habitat type like oak, mesquite, acacia, mimosa, greythorn, and juniper. In southeastern Arizona mountains, breeding habitat is typically below pine woodlands (∼6,000 ft (1,829 m)).

(ii) Adequate prey base. Presence of prey base consisting of large insect fauna (for example, cicadas, caterpillars, katydids, grasshoppers, large beetles, dragonflies, moth larvae, spiders), lizards, or frogs for adults and young in breeding areas during the nesting season and in post-breeding dispersal areas.

(iii) Hydrologic processes. The movement of water and sediment in natural or altered systems that maintains and regenerates breeding habitat. This physical or biological feature includes hydrologic processes found in rangewide breeding habitat as well as additional hydrologic processes unique to the Southwest in southwestern breeding habitat:

(A) Rangewide breeding habitat hydrologic processes (including the Southwest). Hydrologic processes (either natural or managed) in river and reservoir systems that encourage sediment movement and deposits and promote riparian tree seedling germination and plant growth, maintenance, health, and vigor (e.g., lower-gradient streams and broad floodplains, elevated subsurface groundwater table, and perennial rivers and streams). In some areas where habitat is being restored, such as on terraced slopes above the floodplain, this may include managed irrigated systems that may not naturally flood due to their elevation above the floodplain.

(B) Southwestern breeding habitat hydrologic processes. In southwestern breeding habitat, elevated summer humidity and runoff resulting from seasonal water management practices or weather patterns and precipitation (typically from North American Monsoon or other tropical weather events) provide suitable conditions for prey species production and vegetation regeneration and growth. Elevated humidity is especially important in southeastern Arizona, where cuckoos breed in intermittent and ephemeral drainages.

(3) Critical habitat does not include humanmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, bridges, and other paved or hardened areas as a result of development) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries of the critical habitat units designated for the species on May 21, 2021. Due to the scale on which the critical habitat boundaries are developed, some areas within these legal boundaries may not contain the physical or biological features and therefore are not considered critical habitat.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of the Natural Resources Conservation Service National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP 2011), and critical habitat was then mapped using North American Datum (NAD) 83, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 10N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office's internet site at, or on at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2013-0011. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Unit 1: CA/AZ-1, Colorado River 1; Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California, and Yuma and La Paz Counties, Arizona. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(6) Unit 2: CA/AZ-2, Colorado River 2; San Bernardino County, California, and Mohave County, Arizona. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(7) Unit 3: AZ-1, Bill Williams River; Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(8) Unit 4: AZ-2, Alamo Lake, Mohave and La Paz Counties, Arizona. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(9) Unit 5: AZ-3, Hassayampa River; Maricopa County, Arizona. Map of Unit 5 follows:

(10) Unit 6: AZ-4, Agua Fria River; Yavapai County, Arizona. Map of Unit 6 follows:

(11) Unit 7: AZ-5, Upper Verde River; Yavapai County, Arizona. Map of Unit 7 follows:

(12) Unit 8: AZ-6, Oak Creek; Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 8 follows:

(13) Unit 9: AZ-7, Beaver Creek; Yavapai County, Arizona. Map of Unit 9 follows:

(14) Unit 10: AZ-8, Lower Verde River and West Clear Creek; Yavapai County, Arizona. Map of Unit 10 follows:

(15) Unit 11: AZ-9A and AZ-9B, Horseshoe Dam; Gila, Maricopa, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. Maps of Unit 11 follow:

(i) Map of Unit 11: AZ-9A, Horseshoe Dam.

(ii) Map of Unit 11: AZ-9B, Horseshoe Dam.

(16) Unit 12: AZ-10, Tonto Creek; Gila County, Arizona. Map of Unit 12 follows:

(17) Unit 13: AZ-11, Pinal Creek; Gila County, Arizona. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(18) Unit 14: AZ-12, Bonita Creek; Graham County, Arizona. Map of Unit 14 follows:

(19) Unit 15: AZ-13, San Francisco River; Greenlee County, Arizona. Map of Unit 15 follows:

(20) Unit 16: AZ-14, Upper San Pedro River; Cochise County, Arizona. Map of Unit 16 follows:

(21) Unit 17: AZ-15, Lower San Pedro River and Gila River; Pima, Pinal, and Gila Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 17 follows:

(22) Unit 18: AZ-16, Sonoita Creek; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 18 follows:

(23) Unit 19: AZ-17, Upper Cienega Creek; Pima County, Arizona. Map of Unit 19 follows:

(24) Unit 20: AZ-18, Santa Cruz River; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 20 follows:

(25) Unit 21: AZ-19, Black Draw; Cochise County, Arizona. Map of Unit 21 follows:

(26) Unit 22: AZ-20, Gila River 1; Graham County, Arizona. Map of Unit 22 follows:

(27) Unit 23: AZ-21, Salt River; Gila County, Arizona. Map of Unit 23 follows:

(28) Unit 24: AZ-22, Lower Cienega Creek; Pima County, Arizona. Map of Unit 24 follows:

(29) Unit 25: AZ-23, Blue River; Greenlee County, Arizona. Map of Unit 25 follows:

(30) Unit 26: AZ-24, Pinto Creek South; Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 26 follows:

(31) Unit 27: AZ-25, Aravaipa Creek; Pinal and Graham Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 27 follows:

(32) Unit 28: AZ-26, Gila River 2; Graham and Greenlee Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 28 follows:

(33) Unit 29: AZ-27, Pinto Creek North; Gila County, Arizona. Map of Unit 29 follows:

(34) Unit 30: AZ-28, Mineral Creek; Pinal and Gila Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 30 follows:

(35) Unit 31: AZ-29, Big Sandy River; Mohave County, Arizona. Map of Unit 31 follows:

(36) Unit 32: NM-1, San Francisco River; Catron County, New Mexico. Map of Unit 32 follows:

(37) Unit 33: NM-2, Gila River; Grant County, New Mexico. Map of Unit 33 follows:

(38) Unit 34: NM-3A and NM-3B, Mimbres River; Grant County, New Mexico. Maps of Unit 34 follow:

(i) Map of Unit 34: NM-3A, Mimbres River.

(ii) Map of Unit 34: NM-3B, Mimbres River.

(39) Unit 35: NM-4, Upper Rio Grande 1; Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Map of Unit 35 follows:

(40) Unit 36: NM-5, Upper Rio Grande 2; Santa Fe and Rio Arriba Counties, New Mexico. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(41) Unit 37: NM-6A and NM-6B, Middle Rio Grande; Sierra, Socorro, Valencia and Bernalillo Counties, New Mexico. Unit 37: NM-6A was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act. Map of Unit 37: NM-6B, Middle Rio Grande, follows:

(42) Unit 38: NM-7, Upper Gila River; Grant and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico. Map of Unit 38 follows:

(43) Unit 39: NM-8A, Caballo Delta North and NM-8B, Caballo Delta South; Sierra County, New Mexico. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(44) Unit 40: NM-9, Animas; Sierra County, New Mexico. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(45) Unit 41: NM-10, Selden Canyon and Radium Springs; Doña Ana County, New Mexico. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(46) Unit 42: AZ-30, Arivaca Wash and San Luis Wash; Pima County, Arizona. Map of Unit 42 follows:

(47) Unit 43: AZ-31, Florida Wash; Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 43 follows:

(48) Unit 44: AZ-32, California Gulch; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 44 follows:

(49) Unit 45: AZ-33, Sycamore Canyon; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 45 follows:

(50) Unit 46: AZ-34, Madera Canyon; Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 46 follows:

(51) Unit 47: AZ-35, Montosa Canyon; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 47 follows:

(52) Unit 48: AZ-36, Patagonia Mountains; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 48 follows:

(53) Unit 49: AZ-37, Canelo Hills; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 49 follows:

(54) Unit 50: AZ-38, Arivaca Lake; Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 50 follows:

(55) Unit 51: AZ-39, Peppersauce Canyon; Pinal County, Arizona. Map of Unit 51 follows:

(56) Unit 52: AZ-40, Pena Blanca Canyon; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 52 follows:

(57) Unit 53: AZ-41, Box Canyon; Pima County, Arizona. Map of Unit 53 follows:

(58) Unit 54: AZ-42, Rock Corral Canyon; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 54 follows:

(59) Unit 55: AZ-43, Lyle Canyon; Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 55 follows:

(60) Unit 56: AZ-44, Parker Canyon Lake; Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 56 follows:

(61) Unit 57: AZ-45, Barrel Canyon; Pima County, Arizona. Map of Unit 57 follows:

(62) Unit 58: AZ-46, Gardner Canyon; Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona. Map of Unit 58 follows:

(63) Unit 59: AZ-47, Brown Canyon; Pima County, Arizona. Map of Unit 59 follows:

(64) Unit 60: AZ-48, Sycamore Canyon; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 60 follows:

(65) Unit 61: AZ-49, Washington Gulch; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 61 follows:

(66) Unit 62: AZ-50, Paymaster Spring and Mowry Wash; Santa Cruz County, Arizona. Map of Unit 62 follows:

(67) Unit 63: CA-1, Sacramento River, Colusa, Glenn, Butte, and Tehama Counties, California. Map of Unit 63 follows:

(68) Unit 64: CA-2, South Fork Kern River Valley; Kern County, California. Map of Unit 64 follows:

(69) Unit 65: ID-1, Snake River 1; Bannock and Bingham Counties, Idaho. Map of Unit 65 follows:

(70) Unit 66: ID-2, Snake River 2; Bonneville, Madison, and Jefferson Counties, Idaho. Map of Unit 66 follows:

(71) Unit 67: ID-3, Henry's Fork and Teton Rivers; Madison and Fremont Counties, Idaho. Map of Unit 67 follows:

(72) Unit 68: CO-1, Colorado River; Mesa County, Colorado. Map of Unit 68 follows:

(73) Unit 69: CO-2, North Fork Gunnison River; Delta County, Colorado. Map of Unit 69 follows:

(74) Unit 70: UT-1, Green River 1; Uintah and Duchesne Counties, Utah. Map of Unit 70 follows:

(75) Unit 71: UT-2, Green River 2; Emery and Grand Counties, Utah. Map of Unit 71 follows:

(76) Unit 72: TX-1, Terlingua Creek and Rio Grande; Brewster County, Texas. Map of Unit 72 follows:

Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri)

1. Critical habitat units are depicted for Unit 1 (Central Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta), Unit 2 (South Y-K Delta Unit), Unit 3 (Norton Sound), Unit 4 (Ledyard Bay), and Unit 5 (the Wintering Unit in the Bering Sea between St. Lawrence and St. Matthew Islands) for reference only. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

2. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of feeding, nesting, brood rearing, roosting, molting, migrating and wintering. The primary constituent elements for Units 1 and 2 (the Y-K Delta units) include the vegetated intertidal zone and all open water inclusions within this zone. Primary constituent elements for the Norton Sound Unit (Unit 3) and the Ledyard Bay Unit (Unit 4) include all marine waters greater than 5 m (16.4 ft) in depth and less than or equal to 25 m (82.0 ft) in depth, along with associated marine aquatic flora and fauna in the water column, and the underlying marine benthic community. Primary constituent elements for the Wintering Unit (Unit 5) include all marine waters less than or equal to 75 m (246.1 ft) in depth, along with associated marine aquatic flora and fauna in the water column, and the underlying marine benthic community. Critical habitat does not include those areas within the boundary of any unit that do not fit the description of primary constituent elements for that unit.

3. Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, pipelines, utility corridors, airports, other paved areas, and other developed areas.

4. This final rule designating critical habitat for the spectacled eider uses published coordinates of prominent landmarks, when appropriate, obtained from the Dictionary of Alaska Place Names.

Unit 1. Central Y-K Delta Unit

Seward Meridian: T19N, R91W, Sections 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36; T19N, R90W, Sections 13, 14, 17, 18, 19-36; T18N, R90W, Sections 1-24, 26-33; T18N, R91W, Sections 1-5, 7-28, 33-36; T18N, R92W, Sections 10-30; T18N, R93W, Sections 21-27; T16N, R91W, Sections 1-36; T16N, R92W, Sections 1-4, 10-15, 21-36; T16N, R93W, Section 36;T15N, R89W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R90W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R91W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R92W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R93W, Sections 1,2, 11-14, 23-26, 36; T14N, R89W, Sections 1-36; T14N, R90W, Sections 1-36; T14N, R91W, Sections 1-29, 32-36; T14N, R92W, Sections 1-18, 24; T14N, R93W, Sections 1, 12; T13N, R87W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R88W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R89W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R90W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R91W, Sections 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, 32-36; T12N, R87W, Sections 1-36; T12N, R88W, Sections 1-29, 31-36; T12N, R89W, Sections 1-35; T12N, R90W, Sections 1-4, 9-14, 23-25; T12N, R91W, Sections 1-36; T12N, R92W, Sections 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, 34-36; T11N, R87W, Sections 1-36; T11N, R88W, Sections 1-36, T11N, R89W, Sections 1-6, 9-12, 25-36; T11N, R91W, Sections 1-6; T10N, R88W, Sections 1-26, 29-33, 35, 36; T10N, R89W, Sections 1-35; T10N, R90W, Sections 1, 2, 11-14, 24, 25; T9N, R87W, Sections 1-35; T9N, R88W, Sections 1, 4-10, 13-36; T9N, R89W, Sections 13, 14, 23-26, 35, 36; T8N, R89W, Sections 1-5, 7-24, 26-34; T8N, R90W, Sections 1-2, 11, 13, 14, 23-26, 36;

Unit 2. South Y-K Delta Unit

Seward Meridian: T4N, R90W, Sections 30-32; T4N, R91W, Sections 1-3, 8-17, 20-28, 34-36; T3N, R89W, Section 19; T3N, R90W, Sections 4-11, 13-28, 34-36; T3N, R91W, Sections 1-3, 11-13; T2N, R88W, Sections 4-9, 16-22, 26-30, 32-36; T2N, R89W, Sections 1-6, 12, 13, 24; T1N, R88W, Sections 1-4, 11-14, 24-25.

Unit 3. Norton Sound Unit

The area bound by the following description: From Cape Darby (64°19′00″ N × 162°47′00″ W) south along the line of longitude 162°47′00″ W to the opposite shore of Norton Sound (63°12′51″ N × 162°47′00″ W), thence along the mean low tide line of the Alaska coast north and east to Point Dexter (64°32′00″ N × 161°23′00″ W), thence along the great circle route to the southern bank of the mouth of Quiktalik Creek (64°36′00″ N × 162°18′00″ W), and from that point along the mean low tide line of the Alaska coast south and west to Cape Darby (64°19′00″ N × 162°47′00″ W). The lands of Stuart Island are excluded from Unit 3.

Unit 4. Ledyard Bay Unit

The area bound by the following description: from the point 1 nm true north of Cape Lisburne (68°54′00″ N × 166°13′00″ W), remaining 1.0 nm offshore of the mean low tide line (maintaining a 1.0 nm buffer from the mean low tide line) of the Alaska coast north and east to 70°20′00″ N × 161°56′11″ W (1 nm offshore of Icy Cape); thence west along the line of latitude 70°20′00″ N to the point 70°20′00″ N × 164°00′00″ W; thence along a great circle route to 69°12′00″ N × 166°13′00″ W; thence due south to the point of origin1 nm true north of Cape Lisburne (68°54′00″ N × 166°13′00″ W).

Unit 5. Wintering Area Unit

The area bound by the following description: from 61°00′00″ N × 174°30′00″ W east along that latitude to 61°00′00″ N × 169°00′00″ W, north along 169°00′00″ W longitude to the south shore of St. Lawrence Island (at 63°10′18″ N × 169°00′00″ W; thence west and north along the mean low tide line of the south shore of St. Lawrence Island to 63°30′00″ N × 171°50′13″ W, west to the U.S.-Russia border at 63°30′00″ N × 173°22′45″ N, southwest along the U.S.-Russia Border to 62°58′10″ N × 174°30′00″ W, south along 174°30′00″ W to 61°00′00″ N × 174°30′00″ W.

Steller's Eider (Polysticta stelleri)

1. Critical habitat units are depicted for the Yukon - Kuskokwim Delta (Unit 1), Kuskokwim Shoals (Unit 2), Seal Islands (Unit 3), Nelson Lagoon (Unit 4), and Izembek Lagoon (Unit 5) on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only; the areas in critical habitat are legally described below.

2. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of feeding, roosting, molting, and wintering. The primary constituent elements for Unit 1 include the vegetated intertidal zone and all open water inclusions within this zone. The primary constituent elements for Units 2, 3, 4, and 5 are marine waters up to 9 m (30 feet) deep and the underlying substrate, the associated invertebrate fauna in the water column, the underlying marine benthic community, and where present, eelgrass beds and associated flora and fauna. Critical habitat does not include those areas within the boundary of any unit that do not fit the description of primary constituent elements for that unit.

3. Critical habitat does not include existing human structures, such as buildings, roads, pipelines, utility corridors, airports, other paved areas, docks, wharves, buoys, or other developed areas.

4. In the following maps and legal descriptions, all geographic coordinates are in North American Datum 1927.

Unit 1. Yukon - Kuskokwim Delta

Seward Meridian: T19N, R91W, Sections 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 35, 36; T19N, R90W, Sections 13, 14, 17, 18, 19-36; T18N, R90W, Sections 1-24, 26-33; T18N, R91W, Sections 1-5, 7-28, 33-36; T18N, R92W, Sections 10-30; T18N, R93W, Sections 21-27; T16N, R91W, Sections 1-36; T16N, R92W, Sections 1-4, 10-15, 21-36; T16N, R93W, Section 36; T15N, R89W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R90W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R91W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R92W, Sections 1-36; T15N, R93W, Sections 1,2, 11-14, 23-26, 36; T14N, R89W, Sections 1-36; T14N, R90W, Sections 1-36; T14N, R91W, Sections 1-29, 32-36; T14N, R92W, Sections 1-18, 24; T14N, R93W, Sections 1, 12; T13N, R87W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R88W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R89W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R90W, Sections 1-36; T13N, R91W, Sections 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, 32-36; T12N, R87W, Sections 1-36; T12N, R88W, Sections 1-29, 31-36; T12N, R89W, Sections 1-35; T12N, R90W, Sections 1-4, 9-14, 23-25; T12N, R91W, Sections 1-36; T12N, R92W, Sections 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, 34-36; T11N, R87W, Sections 1-36; T11N, R88W, Sections 1-36, T11N, R89W, Sections 1-6, 9-12, 25-36; T11N, R91W, Sections 1-6; T10N, R88W, Sections 1-26, 29-33, 35, 36; T10N, R89W, Sections 1-35; T10N, R90W, Sections 1, 2, 11-14, 24, 25; T9N, R87W, Sections 1-35; T9N, R88W, Sections 1, 4-10, 13-36; T9N, R89W, Sections 13, 14, 23-26, 35, 36; T8N, R89W, Sections 1-5, 7-24, 26-34; T8N, R90W, Sections 1-2, 11, 13, 14, 23-26, 36.

Unit 2. Kuskokwim Shoals Unit

Beginning at a point of land on the line of mean high tide of Etolin Strait of the Bering Sea at latitude 60°15′ North, approximately 2.5 kilometers (1.6 miles) south of the mouth of the Kolavinarak River, and the true point of beginning of the lands to be described.

Thence southeasterly and easterly with the line of mean high tide of the Bering Sea, common with the boundary of the Yukon Delta and Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuges as established by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (Public Law 96-487) on December 2, 1980, approximately 149 kilometers (93 miles), to a point on the line of mean high tide at longitude 163°00′ West, approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) east of the Kwigillingok River mouth;

Thence south along the line of longitude 163°00′ West, approximately 43 km (27 miles), to the point in the waters of Kuskokwim Bay, Bering Sea, at latitude 59°30′ North, longitude 163°00′ West;

Thence west along the line of latitude 59°30′ North, approximately 56 kilometers (35 miles), to a point in the waters of Kuskokwim Bay, Bering Sea, at latitude 59°30′ North, longitude 164°00′ West;

Thence northwesterly, approximately 86 kilometers (54 miles), to a point in the waters of Etolin Strait, Bering Sea, at latitude 60°05′ North, longitude 165°00′ West;

Thence northeasterly, approximately 27 kilometers (17 miles), to the line of mean high tide of Etolin Strait at latitude 60°15” North, and the true point of beginning.

Unit 3. Seal Islands Unit

Beginning at a point of land on the Alaska Peninsula on the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay of the Bering Sea at longitude 159°12′ West, and the True Point of Beginning of the lands to be described.

Thence southwesterly, northeasterly, and southwesterly, with the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, common with the boundary of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge as established by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (Public Law 96-487) on December 2, 1980, to encompass the Seal Islands lagoon and closing the mouth of the Ilnik River, approximately 52 kilometers (32 miles);

Thence northwest with the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, common with said refuge boundary approximately 14 kilometers (9 miles) to a point at the entrance to Seal Island lagoon at approximate longitude 159°23′ West;

Thence southwest, with the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, common with said refuge boundary, approximately 16 kilometers (10 miles) to a point at longitude 159°36′ West:

Thence north with the line of longitude 159°36′ West to a point in the waters of Bristol Bay at a distance of 400 meters (14 mile) perpendicular to the line of mean high tide;

Thence in a northeasterly direction, parallel to the coastline of Bristol Bay and the ocean side of the Seal islands, closing the entrances to Seal Island lagoon, for approximately 30 kilometers (19 miles) to a point in Bristol Bay at longitude 159°12′ West, and at a distance of 400 meters (14 mile) perpendicular to the line of mean high tide;

Thence south with the line of longitude 159°12′ West, to the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, and the True Point of Beginning.

Unit 4. Nelson Lagoon Unit

Beginning at a point of land on the Alaska Peninsula on the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay of the Bering Sea, approximately 5.5 kilometers (3.4 miles) north of Harbor Point, on Moller Spit, at longitude 160°32′ West, and the True Point of Beginning of the lands to be described.

Thence southwesterly and northeasterly, with the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, common with the boundary of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge as established by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (Public Law 96-487) on December 2, 1980, approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) to a point at longitude160°32′ West;

Thence south with the line of longitude 160°32′ West, crossing Port Moller, approximately 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) to a point at the mean high tide line on the south shore of Port Moller;

Thence westerly and southerly with the line of mean high tide of Port Moller and Herendeen Bay common with said refuge boundary approximately 24 kilometers (15 miles) to a point at latitude 55°51′ North;

Thence west with the line of latitude 55°51′ North, crossing Herendeen Bay approximately 11.7 kilometers (7.3 miles) to a point at the mean high tide line on the west shore of Herendeen Bay;

Thence northerly, westerly, and northeasterly with the line of mean high tide of Herendeen Bay and Nelson Lagoon, common with said refuge boundary; approximately 94 kilometers (58 miles) to Lagoon Point, within Section 22 of Township 48 South, Range 76 West;

Thence southwesterly with the line of mean high tide of the Bering Sea, common with said refuge boundary, approximately 20 kilometers (12 miles) to a point at longitude 161°24′ West;

Thence north along the line of longitude 161°24′ West to a point in the waters of Bristol Bay at a distance of 400 meters (14 mile) perpendicular to the line of mean high tide;

Thence in a northeasterly direction, parallel to the coastline of Bristol Bay and the ocean side of the Kudobin Islands, approximately 40 kilometers (25 miles) to a point at longitude160°48′ West, at a distance of 400 meters (14 mile) offshore Wolf Point on Walrus island;

Thence southeast, approximately 18 kilometers (11.1 miles), closing the entrance to the Hague Channel to a point at the mean high tide line of Port Moller at 160°32′ West, the True Point of Beginning.

Unit 5. Izembek Lagoon Unit

Beginning at a point of land on the Alaska Peninsula on the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay of the Bering Sea at longitude 162°30′ W and the True Point of Beginning of the lands to be described.

Thence southwesterly, with the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, common with the boundary of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge as established by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (Public Law 96-487) on December 2, 1980, approximately 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) to Moffet Point located at approximately 55°27′ N, 162°37′ W;

Thence continuing with the line of mean high tide, inside the boundary of the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, northeasterly, southwesterly, and northeasterly to encompass Moffett and Izembek Lagoons, Applegate Cove, and Norma Bay, approximately 55 miles to Cape Glazenap, at approximately 55°15′ N, 163°00′ W;

Thence southwest with the line of mean high tide of Bristol Bay, common to the Alaska Maritime refuge boundary, approximately 177 kilometers (110 miles) to a point at longitude 163°15′ W;

Thence north along the line of longitude 163°15′ W to a point in the waters of Bristol Bay at a distance of 400 meters (14 mile) perpendicular to the line of mean high tide;

Thence in a northeasterly direction, parallel to the coastline of Bristol Bay and the ocean side of the Kudiakof Islands, closing the entrances to Izembek Lagoon, for approximately 64 kilometers (40 miles) to a point in the waters of Bristol Bay at longitude 162°30′ W, and at a distance of 400 meters (14 mile) perpendicular to the line of mean high tide;

Thence south along the line of longitude 162°30′ W, to the line of mean high tide and the True Point of Beginning.

Oahu elepaio (Chasiempis ibidis)

(1) Critical Habitat Units are depicted for the City and County of Honolulu on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2)(i) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements required by the Oahu elepaio are those habitat components that are essential for the biological needs of foraging, sheltering, roosting, nesting, and rearing of young. These primary constituent elements are undeveloped wet, mesic, and dry forest habitats with a generally continuous canopy and a dense understory and that are composed of native and/or introduced plant species. Such forests are found in valleys and on mountain slopes and ridges. The primary constituent elements associated with the biological needs of dispersal and genetic exchange are undeveloped wet or dry shrub land and wet or dry cliff habitats composed of native and/or introduced plant species that separate elepaio populations. Elepaio may not establish territories in shrub or cliff habitats and may use them only transiently, but undeveloped areas containing these habitats are important for linking populations by providing dispersal corridors and promoting genetic exchange among populations.

(ii) Within the forests and shrub lands providing the primary constituent elements, plant species composition varies with rainfall, elevation, and degree of habitat disturbance, and plant species occur in a variety of assemblages. Common native and introduced species within these plant assemblages include, but are not limited to, ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha), koa (Acacia koa), papala kepau (Pisonia umbellifera), lama (Diospyros sandwicensis), mamaki (Pipturus albidus), kaulu (Sapindus oahuensis), hame (Antidesma platyphyllum), alaa (Pouteria sandwicensis), aalii (Dodonaea viscosa), naupaka kuahiwi (Scaevola spp.), pukiawe (Styphelia tameiameiae), uluhe (Dicranopteris linearis), guava (Psidium guajava), strawberry guava (P. cattleianum), mango (Mangifera indica), kukui (Aleurites moluccana), christmasberry (Schinus terebinthifolius), ti (Cordyline terminalis), rose apple (Syzygium jambos), mountain apple (S. malaccense), and Java plum (S. cumini).

(3) Existing developed features and structures, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, antennas, water tanks, agricultural fields, paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, that do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements, are not included as critical habitat.

(4) Map of critical habitat units for the Oahu elepaio follows.

(5) Unit 1 (4,454 ha; 11,005 ac)

(i) Unit 1 consists of 94 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 588465, 2375750; 587846, 2376228; 587213, 2376416; 586946, 2376176; 586675, 2376658; 586672, 2377028; 586468, 2377154; 586672, 2377219; 586430, 2377462; 586532, 2377741; 586464, 2377863; 586261, 2377727; 585895, 2377915; 585242, 2377801; 584907, 2377864; 584433, 2377671; 584139, 2377961; 583974, 2378388; 584099, 2378414; 584016, 2378599; 584207, 2378563; 583425, 2379849; 583801, 2379814; 583831, 2380171; 584075, 2380122; 584324, 2379841; 584526, 2380031; 584181, 2381150; 584078, 2381295; 583938, 2381385; 583738, 2381388; 583402, 2381505; 583315, 2381668; 582998, 2381518; 582785, 2381368; 582566, 2381369; 582561, 2381485; 582694, 2381702; 582685, 2381865; 582566, 2382005; 582651, 2382112; 583122, 2382432; 582768, 2382529; 582445, 2382889; 581998, 2383075; 581881, 2383019; 581546, 2383276; 581387, 2383071; 581221, 2383069; 581023, 2383019; 580811, 2382809; 580192, 2382557; 580070, 2382662; 579894, 2382772; 580060, 2383144; 580151, 2383425; 580526, 2383690; 580750, 2383802; 581314, 2383901; 581353, 2383719; 587168, 2382252; 586876, 2381574; 587645, 2381564; 587539, 2382159; 590187, 2381495; 590131, 2381324; 590955, 2381123; 591864, 2379621; 591408, 2379439; 591501, 2379125; 591510, 2378867; 591393, 2378631; 591229, 2378138; 591294, 2377905; 590979, 2377773; 590984, 2377387; 590770, 2377109; 590760, 2377063; 590999, 2376896; 590945, 2376772; 591176, 2376297; 591268, 2376320; 591426, 2376305; 591624, 2376158; 591620, 2375793; 591334, 2375340; 590950, 2375570; 590580, 2375400; 589956, 2375632; 589799, 2375555; 589539, 2375014; 589285, 2375190; 588919, 2375824; 588465, 2375750.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows.

(6) Unit 2 (2,422 ha; 5,985 ac)

(i) Unit 2 consists of 78 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 592645, 2367498; 591970, 2368628; 592530, 2369066; 592575, 2369415; 593190, 2369759; 593231, 2369971; 592864, 2370362; 593156, 2370385; 593368, 2370513; 593249, 2370991; 592348, 2370899; 592469, 2371381; 592374, 2371861; 592582, 2372284; 592295, 2372774; 592100, 2373836; 591816, 2374384; 592053, 2374764; 592045, 2375115; 592504, 2375529; 593245, 2375497; 594056, 2374659; 594299, 2374644; 594081, 2374253; 593970, 2373860; 594207, 2373793; 594437, 2374070; 594578, 2374412; 594867, 2374406; 594965, 2374331; 594978, 2374067; 595140, 2374463; 595431, 2374602; 595604, 2374352; 595772, 2374351; 595782, 2374020; 596005, 2373471; 595754, 2373256; 595960, 2372960; 595678, 2372709; 595531, 2372434; 595485, 2371908; 595272, 2371337; 595489, 2370340; 595296, 2369703; 595561, 2369694; 595565, 2369178; 595390, 2368213; 595117, 2368245; 594830, 2366778; 594015, 2366560; 593884, 2366525; 593756, 2366491; 593635, 2366570; 593574, 2366695; 593629, 2366713; 593594, 2366869; 593651, 2366917; 593639, 2367019; 593682, 2367104; 593591, 2367228; 593472, 2367265; 593388, 2367176; 593425, 2367112; 593379, 2367045; 593395, 2367010; 593413, 2366861; 593391, 2366809; 593307, 2366826; 593203, 2366792; 593207, 2366684; 593121, 2366632; 593137, 2366521; 593030, 2366348; 592668, 2366451; 592945, 2366998; 592852, 2367332; 592645, 2367498.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows.

(7) Unit 3 (14,801 ha; 36,573 ac)

(i) Unit 3 consists of 108 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 615481, 2366443; 614313, 2366190; 614232, 2366761; 613262, 2366836; 612845, 2367394; 612829, 2367639; 612488, 2368140; 611561, 2368027; 611448, 2368566; 611117, 2369088; 610523, 2369387; 610693, 2369643; 610226, 2370083; 611040, 2370565; 609681, 2371985; 609025, 2371951; 609034, 2373100; 608391, 2373401; 608469, 2373609; 608065, 2373567; 607941, 2373859; 608199, 2373978; 608109, 2374925; 607637, 2375635; 607869, 2375817; 607456, 2375780; 607136, 2375598; 607046, 2375977; 607565, 2376766; 606428, 2378568; 605381, 2378725; 606026, 2379972; 604900, 2380551; 605708, 2381032; 607698, 2381439; 609468, 2381214; 610319, 2381573; 611728, 2381425; 611797, 2380904; 612201, 2380506; 613364, 2381362; 615459, 2380980; 616152, 2380161; 616780, 2378903; 616513, 2378013; 616873, 2376632; 616699, 2375737; 617180, 2375933; 617356, 2375158; 617664, 2375259; 617994, 2375029; 617757, 2373739; 618311, 2372859; 618082, 2372506; 618563, 2371385; 617894, 2370668; 618022, 2370181; 618247, 2370148; 618043, 2370014; 619043, 2369685; 618878, 2369509; 619381, 2369376; 619182, 2369040; 619525, 2368805; 619611, 2368922; 619747, 2368829; 619588, 2368664; 619928, 2368585; 619650, 2368496; 619614, 2368284; 620097, 2368401; 619967, 2368174; 620164, 2368022; 620005, 2367870; 620257, 2367795; 619954, 2367590; 620341, 2367572; 620055, 2367214; 621150, 2366779; 621549, 2366388; 621302, 2366064; 621511, 2365913; 621381, 2365424; 621553, 2365265; 621489, 2364827; 620880, 2364530; 620469, 2364040; 619115, 2363338; 617176, 2363590; 616868, 2363761; 616638, 2364642; 615913, 2365439; 615777, 2365575; 615420, 2365753; 615767, 2365918; 615684, 2366361; 616156, 2366495; 616990, 2367187; 617469, 2367398; 618312, 2367466; 619282, 2367250; 619336, 2367460; 618293, 2367672; 617426, 2367594; 616876, 2367352; 616189, 2366748; 615713, 2366555; 615481, 2366443.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows.

(8) Unit 4 (804 ha; 1,987 ac)

(i) Unit 4 consists of 35 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 619449, 2361897; 619967, 2362184; 619999, 2362473; 620286, 2362404; 620537, 2362773; 621409, 2363520; 621660, 2363584; 622719, 2364191; 622901, 2364348; 623091, 2364242; 623209, 2363699; 623046, 2363507; 623201, 2363403; 623106, 2363264; 623391, 2363271; 623404, 2363073; 623634, 2363216; 623976, 2362864; 623238, 2362105; 621688, 2361633; 621467, 2361418; 621345, 2361518; 620954, 2360860; 620598, 2360514; 620700, 2360831; 620572, 2360908; 619869, 2360908; 619670, 2360852; 619064, 2360661; 618935, 2360886; 619170, 2361072; 619199, 2361402; 619163, 2361470; 618977, 2361595; 619449, 2361897.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows.

(9) Unit 5 (4,180 ha; 10,329 ac)

(i) Unit 5 consists of 78 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 626915, 2356759; 626560, 2357502; 626675, 2357669; 626333, 2357906; 626359, 2358234; 626110, 2358313; 626031, 2357725; 625623, 2357254; 625538, 2357354; 625351, 2357186; 625091, 2357420; 625118, 2357617; 625085, 2358039; 624568, 2358236; 624821, 2358624; 624612, 2358850; 625059, 2359019; 625083, 2359182; 624571, 2359489; 624430, 2359798; 624013, 2359828; 623768, 2359261; 623004, 2359366; 622941, 2359584; 622499, 2359435; 621968, 2359088; 621864, 2359256; 621335, 2359722; 622127, 2360488; 621920, 2360603; 623746, 2361359; 625281, 2363179; 625896, 2363475; 626109, 2363219; 626146, 2363135; 626234, 2362910; 626392, 2362857; 626871, 2362399; 626986, 2361859; 627500, 2361686; 626946, 2361095; 627268, 2360638; 627548, 2360727; 627690, 2360077; 628361, 2360895; 628839, 2360922; 629079, 2360676; 629519, 2360722; 629341, 2360070; 630776, 2359069; 631754, 2358982; 632440, 2358108; 632959, 2357815; 633019, 2357425; 632769, 2356517; 632191, 2356385; 630620, 2355286; 630491, 2355266; 630104, 2355644; 630041, 2355624; 629732, 2355117; 629510, 2355214; 629279, 2356032; 629033, 2356130; 628836, 2356015; 628378, 2356236; 628317, 2355841; 628209, 2355703; 627673, 2354542; 627125, 2354591; 627125, 2355143; 627381, 2355990; 627200, 2356033; 626832, 2355846; 626399, 2355498; 626215, 2355823; 626806, 2356493; 626915, 2356759.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows.

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura Counties in California; Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties in southern Nevada; Kane, San Juan, and Washington Counties in southern Utah; Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, and La Plata Counties in southern Colorado; Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Maricopa, Mohave, Pima, Pinal, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai Counties in Arizona; and Catron, Grant, Hidalgo, Mora, Rio Arriba, Socorro, Taos, and Valencia Counties in New Mexico on the maps and as described below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the southwestern willow flycatcher consist of two components:

(i) Riparian vegetation. Riparian habitat along a dynamic river or lakeside, in a natural or manmade successional environment (for nesting, foraging, migration, dispersal, and shelter) that is comprised of trees and shrubs (that can include Gooddings willow, coyote willow, Geyer's willow, arroyo willow, red willow, yewleaf willow, pacific willow, boxelder, tamarisk, Russian olive, buttonbush, cottonwood, stinging nettle, alder, velvet ash, poison hemlock, blackberry, seep willow, oak, rose, sycamore, false indigo, Pacific poison ivy, grape, Virginia creeper, Siberian elm, and walnut) and some combination of:

(A) Dense riparian vegetation with thickets of trees and shrubs that can range in height from about 2 meters (m) to 30 m (about 6 feet (ft) to 98 ft). Lower-stature thickets (2 to 4 m or 6 to 13 ft tall) are found at higher elevation riparian forests, and tall-stature thickets are found at middle- and lower-elevation riparian forests;

(B) Areas of dense riparian foliage at least from the ground level up to approximately 4 m (13 ft) above ground or dense foliage only at the shrub or tree level as a low, dense canopy;

(C) Sites for nesting that contain a dense (about 50 percent to 100 percent) tree or shrub (or both) canopy (the amount of cover provided by tree and shrub branches measured from the ground);

(D) Dense patches of riparian forests that are interspersed with small openings of open water or marsh or areas with shorter and sparser vegetation that creates a variety of habitat that is not uniformly dense. Patch size may be as small as 0.1 hectare (ha) (0.25 acre (ac)) or as large as 70 ha (175 ac).

(ii) Insect prey populations. A variety of insect prey populations found within or adjacent to riparian floodplains or moist environments, which can include: flying ants, wasps, and bees (Hymenoptera); dragonflies (Odonata); flies (Diptera); true bugs (Hemiptera); beetles (Coleoptera); butterflies, moths, and caterpillars (Lepidoptera); and spittlebugs (Homoptera).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on February 4, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created in two steps. First, the linear segments were mapped from the National Hydrologic Dataset using USA Contiguous Equidistant Conic (North American Datum 1983) coordinates. Next, the lateral extents were digitized over the most recent available aerial photography using Albers Equal Area Conic (North American Datum 1983) coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2011-0053, and at the Arizona Ecological Services Office. The textual description for each critical habitat unit below includes the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone and UTM easting (E) and northing (N) coordinate pairs for the starting and ending points.

(5) Index map of southwestern willow flycatcher critical habitat units follows:

(6) Santa Ynez Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Santa Ynez River (east) 11, 259890, 3821926 11, 255550, 3823716.
Santa Ynez River (middle) 11, 253343, 3823606 11, 249967, 3824847.
Santa Ynez River (west) 10, 759116, 3832075 10, 732972, 3839168.
Mono Creek 11, 258529, 3824766 11, 258310, 3822974.

(ii) Map of Santa Ynez Management Unit follows:

(7) Santa Clara Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Ventura River 11, 287996, 3818329 11, 287559, 3794961.
Santa Clara River 11, 354467, 3810419 11, 291354, 3790556.
Piru Creek 11, 339998, 3831805 11, 335776, 3807951.
Castaic Creek 11, 351629, 3813373 11, 350055, 3809756.
Big Tujunga Canyon Creek 11, 376326, 3792941 11, 372432, 3792049.
San Gabriel River 11, 418737, 3781999 11, 410558, 3775011.

(ii) Map of Santa Clara Management Unit follows:

(8) Santa Ana Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Santa Ana River (east) 11, 524293, 3778965 11, 491603, 3775416.
Santa Ana River (middle) 11, 476054, 3771257 11, 465807, 3764349.
Santa Ana River (west) 11, 446395, 3755315 11, 445684, 3754790.
Santa Ana River (west) 11, 445183, 3754633 11, 444806, 3753995.
Waterman Creek (left fork) 11, 473453, 3785826 11, 473755, 3785448.
Waterman Creek (right fork) 11, 474240, 3786803 11, 473755, 3785448.
Waterman Creek 11, 474905, 3782822 11, 473755, 3785448.
Bear Creek 11, 502121, 3788996 11, 498606, 3779948.
Mill Creek 11, 513502, 3770687 11, 496356, 3772092.
Oak Glen Creek 11, 505534, 3767595 11, 501351, 3768018.
San Timoteo Creek 11, 484708, 3762642 11, 481625, 3764986.
Bautista Creek (east) 11, 528791, 3720143 11, 527304, 3719071.
Bautista Creek (middle) 11, 526904, 3718922 11, 518771, 3721743.
Bautista Creek (west) 11, 517140, 3723124 11, 514531, 3727407.

(ii) Map of Santa Ana Management Unit follows:

(9) San Diego Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
DeLuz Creek 11, 469888, 3700258 11, 470085, 3697512.
Santa Margarita River 11, 481662, 3699235 11, 476206, 3695949.
Temecula Creek 11, 517749, 3695379 11, 514170, 3698604.
Pilgrim Creek 11, 471495, 3681452 11, 468703, 3677979.
San Luis Rey (a) 11, 521911, 3678001 11, 515935, 3681292.
San Luis Rey (b) 11, 511327, 3681486 11, 510983, 3681512.
San Luis Rey (c) 11, 509443, 3679678 11, 508633, 3679673.
San Luis Rey (d) 11, 503450, 3681703 11, 502102, 3684334.
San Luis Rey (e) 11, 500948, 3684975 11, 497954, 3689280.
San Luis Rey (f) 11, 497754, 3689394 11, 497376, 3690144.
San Luis Rey (g) 11, 497295, 3690329 11, 496153, 3690759.
San Luis Rey (h) 11, 496081, 3690813 11, 495783, 3690993.
San Luis Rey (i) 11, 489568, 3690435 11, 485862, 3687887.
San Luis Rey (j) 11, 485350, 3687335 11, 463676, 3673857.
Agua Hedionda Creek (right fork) 11, 478544, 3668255 11, 478368, 3668540.
Agua Hedionda Creek (left fork) 11, 479102, 3668675 11, 478368, 3668540.
Agua Hedionda Creek (east) 11, 478368, 3668540 11, 477313, 3668413.
Agua Hedionda Creek (west) 11, 477300, 3668395 11, 476338, 3667736.
Santa Ysabel River 11, 510002, 3661282 11, 513775, 3664649.
San Diego River (north) 11, 524742, 3650609 11, 524200, 3648866.
San Diego River (south) 11, 524334, 3648051 11, 521806, 3645774.
Sweetwater River (east) 11, 506745, 3622685 11, 505588, 3621746.
Sweetwater River (west) 11, 505445, 3621626 11, 503989, 3619356.

(ii) Map of San Diego Management Unit follows:

(10) Kern Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
South Fork Kern River (east) 11, 393579, 3955510 11, 380211, 3948598.
South Fork Kern River (west) 11, 379924, 3948465 11, 375779, 3947268.
Canebrake Creek 11, 395263, 3954472 11, 393671, 3954409.

(ii) Map of Kern Management Unit follows:

(11) Mojave Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Mojave River 11, 469646, 3844680 11, 476583, 3814381.
Holcomb Creek 11, 503127, 3796007 11, 488326, 3794046.
Deep Creek 11, 488326, 3794046 11, 478190, 3800025.
West Fork Mojave River 11, 478190, 3800025 11, 469339, 3796375.

(ii) Map of Mojave Management Unit follows:

(12) Salton Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
San Felipe Creek 11, 549258, 3662280 11, 535835, 3672883.
Mill Creek 11, 514349, 3770661 11, 513502, 3770687.

(ii) Map of Salton Management Unit follows:

(13) Amargosa Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Amargosa River 11, 569473, 3967513 11, 570730, 3958035.
Willow Creek 11, 574000, 3962736 11, 572077, 3960419.
Soda Springs - Ash Meadows NWR 11, 559404, 4038346 11, 559130, 4038028.
Lower Fairbanks - Ash Meadows NWR 11, 557831, 4036089 11, 557907, 4035290.
Crystal Reservoir-Ash Meadows NWR 11, 561026, 4028705 11, 561308, 4028268.
North Tubbs - Ash Meadows NWR 11, 562783, 4025401 11, 562971, 4025329.
South Tubbs - Ash Meadows NWR 11, 563507, 4025681 11, 563484, 4025649.

(ii) Map of Amargosa Management Unit follows:

(14) Little Colorado Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
West Fork Little Colorado River 12, 636971, 3758442 12, 642537, 3763668.
Little Colorado River 12, 642537, 3763668 12, 647842, 3773009.

(ii) Map of Little Colorado Management Unit follows:

(15) Virgin Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Virgin River 12, 288341, 4116050 12, 201782, 4048748.

(ii) Map of Virgin Management Unit follows:

(16) Pahranagat Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Pahranagat River 11, 666731, 4128006 11, 665370, 4131144.

(ii) Map of Pahranagat Management Unit follows:

(17) Bill Williams Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Big Sandy River 12, 261621, 3843406 12, 259631, 3818574.
Big Sandy River (Alamo Lake) 12, 266124, 3806764 12, 267166, 3799203.
Santa Maria River (Alamo Lake) 12, 274410, 3798130 12, 267166, 3799203.
Bill Williams River (Alamo Lake) 12, 263610, 3795533 12, 267166, 3799203.
Bill Williams River (middle) 12, 254565, 3788878 12, 240599, 3791815.
Bill Williams River (west) 12, 229050, 3794316 11, 219463, 3796378.

(ii) Map of Bill Williams Management Unit follows:

(18) San Juan Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Los Pinos River 13, 270002, 4121643 13, 269247, 4127372.
San Juan River (north bank) (a) 12, 645196, 4125489 12, 644259, 4125816.
San Juan River (north bank) (b) 12, 643496, 4126221 12, 643087, 4126308.
San Juan River (north bank) (c) 12, 642048, 4126642 12, 641584, 4126669.
San Juan River (north bank) (d) 12, 639237, 4127496 12, 638861, 4126738.
San Juan River (north bank) (e) 12, 638284, 4126485 12, 637792, 4126469.
San Juan River (north bank) (f) 12, 637202, 4126657 12, 637106, 4126797.
San Juan River (north bank) (g) 12, 636634, 4127216 12, 634726, 4127362.
San Juan River (north bank) (h) 12, 629380, 4126564 12, 629093, 4126125.
San Juan River (north bank) (i) 12, 625734, 4125285 12, 625705, 4125263.
San Juan River (north bank) (j) 12, 623718, 4124823 12, 622438, 4124358.
San Juan River (north bank) (k) 12, 622161, 4123347 12, 622295, 4122911.
San Juan River (north bank) (l) 12, 622386, 4122629 12, 622370, 4122575.
San Juan River (north bank) (m) 12, 617636, 4121043 12, 617515, 4120863.
San Juan River (north bank) (n) 12, 614411, 4119430 12, 614122, 4118982.
San Juan River (north bank) (o) 12, 614014, 4118335 12, 613916, 4117990.

(ii) Map of San Juan Management Unit follows:

(19) Powell Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Paria River 12, 417429, 4120619 12, 419459, 4107235.

(ii) Map of Powell Management Unit follows:

(20) Verde Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Verde River (north) (a) 12, 402583, 3854022 12, 417654, 3832237.
Verde River (north) (b) 12, 417505, 3832092 12, 417501, 3831831.
Verde River (north) (c) 12, 417492, 3831154 12, 417486, 3830684.
Verde River (north) (d) 12, 418260, 3830003 12, 420778, 3821249.
Verde River (north) (e) 12, 420842, 3821249 12, 420946, 3821249.
Verde River (north) (f) 12, 421564, 3821197 12, 428120, 3814335.
Verde River (middle) 12, 438102, 3793821 12, 432660, 3767298.
Verde River (south) 12, 434407, 3760594 12, 436961, 3756352.

(ii) Map of Verde Management Unit follows:

(21) Roosevelt Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Tonto Creek 12, 477856, 3734906 12, 474349, 3773074.
Salt River 12, 500594, 3724174 12, 518565, 3725825.

(ii) Map of Roosevelt Management Unit follows:

(22) Middle Gila and San Pedro Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Gila River 12, 527193, 3660545 12, 476979, 3662407.
San Pedro River (d) 12, 566945, 3554766 12, 525343, 3640631.
San Pedro River (c) 12, 525384, 3640762 12, 525584, 3641024.
San Pedro River (b) 12, 525629, 3641438 12, 525358, 3641744.
San Pedro River (a) 12, 525001, 3641712 12, 520287, 3649594.

(ii) Map of Middle Gila and San Pedro Management Unit follows:

(23) Upper Gila Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Gila River (east) (a) 12, 734274, 3662473 12, 728739, 3655290.
Gila River (east) (b) 12, 728580, 3655097 12, 728537, 3655057.
Gila River (east) (c) 12, 728427, 3654997 12, 728137, 3654656.
Gila River (east) (d) 12, 728113, 3654588 12, 727938, 3654314.
Gila River (east) (e) 12, 727498, 3653376 12, 727395, 3653367.
Gila River (east) (f) 12, 727387, 3653367 12, 727033, 3652562.
Gila River (east) (g) 12, 726825, 3652154 12, 726768, 3652095.
Gila River (east) (h) 12, 726395, 3651745 12, 726361, 3651686.
Gila River (east) (i) 12, 724538, 3649297 12, 724416, 3649186.
Gila River (east) (j) 12, 723879, 3648880 12, 723637, 3648711.
Gila River (east) (k) 12, 723626, 3648220 12, 723707, 3648074.
Gila River (east) (l) 12, 723726, 3647982 12, 723726, 3647894.
Gila River (east) (m) 12, 723769, 3647188 12, 725465, 3644450.
Gila River (east) (n) 12, 724871, 3643867 12, 724533, 3643574.
Gila River (east) (o) 12, 724794, 3642783 12, 724788, 3641978.
Gila River (east) (p) 12, 724913, 3640498 12, 724873, 3640376.
Gila River (east) (q) 12, 725055, 3639520 12, 724887, 3639586.
Gila River (east) (r) 12, 725319, 3639100 12, 725232, 3639274.
Gila River (east) (s) 12, 725376, 3638811 12, 724678, 3636350.
Gila River (east) (t) 12, 724616, 3636306 12, 723917, 3635619.
Gila River (east) (u) 12, 724979, 3631107 12, 723787, 3635503.
Gila River (middle) 12, 717951, 3623479 12, 675537, 3624185.
Gila River (west) 12, 639563, 3639230 12, 588063, 3662184.

(ii) Map of Upper Gila Management Unit follows:

(24) Santa Cruz Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Santa Cruz River 12, 502742, 3480432 12, 495504, 3501179.
Cienega Creek 12, 543034, 3528728 12, 538757, 3515860.
Empire Gulch (west) 12, 534569, 3516911 12, 534222, 3516970.
Empire Gulch (confluence with Cienega Creek) 12, 538826, 3519337 12, 538662, 3518116.

(ii) Map of Santa Cruz Management Unit follows:

(25) San Francisco Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
San Francisco River (north) (west segment) 12, 666982, 3748335 12, 675606, 3745177.
San Francisco River (north) (east segment) 12, 678191, 3744748 12, 699562, 3745269.
San Francisco River (middle) (New Mexico) 12, 693857, 3703486 12, 697331, 3680357.
San Francisco River (south) (Arizona) 12, 661571, 3670502 12, 681790, 3679428.

(ii) Map of San Francisco Management Unit follows:

(26) Hassayampa and Agua Fria Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Hassayampa River 12, 342308, 3757092 12, 345848, 3751261.

(ii) Map of Hassayampa and Agua Fria Management Unit follows:

(27) San Luis Valley Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Conejos River (a) 13, 429852, 4128272 13, 430156, 4128249.
Conejos River (b) 13, 428787, 4127864 13, 429759, 4128320.
Conejos River (c) 13, 426944, 4126743 13, 428019, 4127483.
Conejos River (d) 13, 426839, 4126661 13, 426944, 4126712.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (a) 13, 425015, 4146872 13, 424689, 4146861.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (b) 13, 425325, 4145894 13, 425218, 4146803.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (c) 13, 425993, 4145065 13, 425968, 4145195.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (d) 13, 426007, 4144674 13, 425947, 4144875.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (e) 13, 426375, 4144517 13, 426158, 4144551.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (f) 13, 426597, 4144617 13, 426539, 4144526.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (g) 13, 426772, 4144724 13, 427043, 4144549.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (h) 13, 427054, 4144318 13, 427082, 4144368.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (i) 13, 426927, 4144080 13, 426966, 4144240.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (j) 13, 427035, 4143868 13, 426910, 4143984.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (k) 13, 427220, 4143816 13, 427093, 4143789.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (l) 13, 427393, 4143996 13, 427293, 4143901.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (m) 13, 427666, 4143776 13, 427440, 4144028.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (n) 13, 427915, 4143464 13, 427792, 4143694.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (o) 13, 428181, 4143345 13, 427986, 4143362.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (p) 13, 428459, 4143470 13, 428228, 4143377.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (q) 13, 428708, 4143582 13, 428673, 4143555.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (r) 13, 429166, 4143276 13, 428800, 4143661.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (s) 13, 430052, 4142873 13, 429858, 4142950.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (t) 13, 430498, 4142399 13, 430209, 4142812.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (u) 13, 430614, 4138902 13, 430557, 4142367.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (v) 13, 431001, 4137666 13, 430612, 4138731.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (w) 13, 432176, 4135160 13, 431001, 4137611.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (x) 13, 432643, 4134711 13, 432171, 4134988.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (y) 13, 432779, 4134527 13, 432715, 4134634.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (z) 13, 432856, 4134398 13, 432802, 4134495.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (aa) 13, 432979, 4134165 13, 432938, 4134250.
Rio Grande Alamosa NWR (bb) 13, 433594, 4133899 13, 433579, 4134077.
Rio Grande (south) 13, 434064, 41120967 13, 432747, 4103848.

(ii) Map of San Luis Valley Management Unit follows:

(28) Upper Rio Grande Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Rio Grande (north) 13, 434154, 4021496 13, 404034, 3994489.
Rio Grande (south) 13, 403328, 3985181 13, 403319, 3986279.
Coyote Creek 13, 479246, 4005468 13, 480419, 3997620.
Rio Grande del Rancho 13, 447971, 4012369 13, 446044, 4021640.
Rio Fernando 13, 447152, 4028423 13, 446856, 4028320.

(ii) Map of Upper Rio Grande Management Unit follows:

(29) Middle Rio Grande Management Unit.


Expand Table
Stream segment Start: UTM Zone, E, N End: UTM Zone, E, N
Rio Grande 13, 343067, 3856213 13, 298922, 3683834.

(ii) Map of Middle Rio Grande Management Unit follows:

Coastal California Gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica californica)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for coastal California gnatcatcher are:

(i) Dynamic and successional sage scrub habitats: Venturan coastal sage scrub, Diegan coastal sage scrub, Riversidean sage scrub, maritime succulent scrub, Riversidean alluvial fan scrub, southern coastal bluff scrub, and coastal sage-chaparral scrub in Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties that provide space for individual and population growth, normal behavior, breeding, reproduction, nesting, dispersal and foraging; and

(ii) Non-sage scrub habitats such as chaparral, grassland, riparian areas, in proximity to sage scrub habitats as described for PCE 1 above that provide space for dispersal, foraging, and nesting.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the coastal California gnatcatcher (Map 1) follows:

(6) Unit 1: South San Diego County, San Diego County, California.

(i) Unit 1 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 502178, 3637276; 502177, 3637276; 501978, 3637278; 501980, 3637232; 501981, 3637232; 501994, 3637232; 502031, 3637232; 502061, 3637232; 502114, 3637232; 502146, 3637232; 502181, 3637232; 502184, 3637232; 502201, 3637232; 502221, 3637232; 502240, 3637232; 502260, 3637231; 502280, 3637231; 502300, 3637231; 502321, 3637230; 502338, 3637230; 502366, 3637229; 502365, 3637274; 502184, 3637276.

(B) 510284, 3634915; 510296, 3634942; 510326, 3634956; 510366, 3634970; 510406, 3634967; 510441, 3634947; 510476, 3634940; 510494, 3634910; 510509, 3634845; 510477, 3634753; 510510, 3634757; 510534, 3634749; 510554, 3634730; 510577, 3634712; 510604, 3634705; 510627, 3634714; 510623, 3634743; 510621, 3634777; 510627, 3634803; 510633, 3634847; 510656, 3634854; 510663, 3634868; 510681, 3634891; 510708, 3634903; 510727, 3634910; 510748, 3634933; 510791, 3634964; 510774, 3634965; 510746, 3634975; 510703, 3634974; 510677, 3634985; 510657, 3634996; 510644, 3635018; 510627, 3635037; 510617, 3635064; 510615, 3635089; 510621, 3635119; 510632, 3635145; 510650, 3635170; 510671, 3635183; 510692, 3635189; 510715, 3635194; 510791, 3635240; 510785, 3635318; 510808, 3635363; 510842, 3635380; 510879, 3635382; 510902, 3635382; 510933, 3635386; 510961, 3635384; 510982, 3635375; 510989, 3635365; 511006, 3635353; 511030, 3635355; 511055, 3635355; 511078, 3635373; 511112, 3635388; 511146, 3635410; 511189, 3635416; 511244, 3635406; 511265, 3635408; 511274, 3635433; 511290, 3635439; 511293, 3635465; 511315, 3635504; 511337, 3635539; 511354, 3635548; 511388, 3635619; 511350, 3635596; 511323, 3635588; 511308, 3635560; 511277, 3635527; 511231, 3635506; 511202, 3635490; 511169, 3635485; 511132, 3635496; 511064, 3635529; 511042, 3635544; 511015, 3635556; 510984, 3635553; 510963, 3635566; 510952, 3635592; 510949, 3635623; 510960, 3635651; 510962, 3635677; 510956, 3635703; 510962, 3635727; 510974, 3635756; 510959, 3635776; 510908, 3635689; 510875, 3635617; 510850, 3635584; 510829, 3635568; 510798, 3635566; 510782, 3635582; 510775, 3635597; 510766, 3635606; 510742, 3635580; 510723, 3635567; 510713, 3635567; 510713, 3635592; 510719, 3635624; 510719, 3635652; 510698, 3635701; 510689, 3635746; 510677, 3635848; 510685, 3635890; 510710, 3635923; 510736, 3635949; 510737, 3635965; 510756, 3635991; 510770, 3636004; 510793, 3635998; 510791, 3636004; 510793, 3636035; 510823, 3636097; 510791, 3636074; 510770, 3636048; 510741, 3636025; 510712, 3636012; 510687, 3635991; 510646, 3635988; 510622, 3636004; 510620, 3636032; 510597, 3636027; 510589, 3636056; 510556, 3636014; 510563, 3636005; 510573, 3635986; 510567, 3635955; 510570, 3635920; 510557, 3635885; 510552, 3635858; 510563, 3635825; 510573, 3635790; 510541, 3635700; 510505, 3635663; 510531, 3635631; 510548, 3635599; 510559, 3635560; 510559, 3635522; 510556, 3635465; 510539, 3635419; 510458, 3635380; 510429, 3635421; 510425, 3635473; 510399, 3635546; 510388, 3635583; 510358, 3635543; 510274, 3635591; 510238, 3635591; 510215, 3635557; 510188, 3635298; 510173, 3635207; 510161, 3635114; 510159, 3635019; 510159, 3634911; 510187, 3634878; 510273, 3634898.

(C) 506682, 3621550; 506686, 3621550; 506686, 3621550; 506687, 3621529; 506808, 3621536; 506800, 3621660; 506794, 3621660; 506792, 3621686; 506671, 3621673.

(D) 506187, 3621805; 506178, 3621773; 506176, 3621764; 506176, 3621764; 506185, 3621761; 506184, 3621757; 506234, 3621742; 506247, 3621782; 506236, 3621786; 506238, 3621791; 506220, 3621796.

(E) 505512, 3621342; 505467, 3621263; 505439, 3621174; 505417, 3621134; 505381, 3621102; 505331, 3621007; 505327, 3620957; 505289, 3620909; 505307, 3620898; 505324, 3620919; 505332, 3620915; 505345, 3620930; 505362, 3620948; 505394, 3621024; 505408, 3621058; 505429, 3621087; 505463, 3621131; 505485, 3621161; 505485, 3621161; 505477, 3621165; 505477, 3621165; 505561, 3621314; 505520, 3621338.

(F) 504820, 3615789; 504819, 3615718; 504819, 3615670; 505229, 3615660; 505228, 3615602; 505227, 3615537; 505225, 3615435; 505325, 3615434; 505324, 3615404; 505325, 3615404; 505326, 3615444; 505226, 3615445; 505230, 3615681; 505230, 3615681; 504832, 3615678; 504831, 3615789.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 - South San Diego County (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Upper San Diego River and El Capitan Linkage, San Diego County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2 - Upper San Diego River and El Capitan Linkage (Map 3) follows:

(8) Unit 3: North San Diego County Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP), San Diego County, California.

(i) Unit 3 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 466299, 3675700; 466168, 3675903; 466115, 3675831; 466043, 3675831; 466043, 3675721; 466024, 3675695; 465956, 3675698; 465960, 3675608; 466005, 3675596; 466047, 3675623; 466066, 3675540; 465998, 3675479; 465930, 3675479; 465899, 3675453; 465778, 3675347; 465778, 3675044; 465779, 3675036; 466150, 3675053; 466364, 3675147; 466394, 3675211; 466424, 3675305; 466510, 3675361; 466529, 3675389; 466538, 3675422; 466493, 3675460; 466489, 3675385; 466308, 3675358; 466225, 3675464; 466342, 3675634; 466300, 3675699; 466300, 3675700.

(B) 468627, 3675422; 468626, 3675421; 468624, 3675421; 468623, 3675420; 468622, 3675419; 468620, 3675418; 468619, 3675417; 468618, 3675417; 468617, 3675416; 468615, 3675415; 468614, 3675414; 468613, 3675413; 468612, 3675412; 468611, 3675411; 468576, 3675383; 468585, 3675358; 468592, 3675340; 468598, 3675322; 468605, 3675303; 468611, 3675286; 468618, 3675267; 468625, 3675249; 468632, 3675230; 468639, 3675211; 468646, 3675190; 468655, 3675166; 468659, 3675153; 468671, 3675120; 468672, 3675122; 468672, 3675123; 468672, 3675125; 468672, 3675126; 468672, 3675128; 468672, 3675129; 468673, 3675131; 468673, 3675132; 468673, 3675134; 468674, 3675135; 468674, 3675136; 468675, 3675138; 468675, 3675139; 468676, 3675141; 468676, 3675142; 468677, 3675144; 468677, 3675145; 468678, 3675146; 468679, 3675148; 468680, 3675149; 468680, 3675150; 468681, 3675152; 468682, 3675153; 468683, 3675154; 468684, 3675155; 468685, 3675157; 468686, 3675158; 468687, 3675159; 468688, 3675160; 468689, 3675161; 468690, 3675162; 468691, 3675163; 468692, 3675164; 468693, 3675165; 468695, 3675166; 468696, 3675167; 468697, 3675168; 468698, 3675169; 468700, 3675170; 468701, 3675170; 468702, 3675171; 468703, 3675172; 468705, 3675173; 468706, 3675174; 468707, 3675175; 468708, 3675176; 468709, 3675178; 468710, 3675179; 468711, 3675180; 468712, 3675181; 468713, 3675182; 468698, 3675223; 468690, 3675248; 468683, 3675267; 468676, 3675285; 468669, 3675305; 468662, 3675324; 468656, 3675343; 468649, 3675361; 468642, 3675381; 468635, 3675400.

(C) 468576, 3675565; 468544, 3675538; 468526, 3675523; 468559, 3675431; 468570, 3675402; 468599, 3675425; 468600, 3675426; 468601, 3675427; 468603, 3675428; 468604, 3675429; 468605, 3675430; 468606, 3675431; 468607, 3675431; 468609, 3675432; 468610, 3675433; 468611, 3675434; 468613, 3675435; 468614, 3675435; 468615, 3675436; 468617, 3675437; 468618, 3675438; 468619, 3675438; 468621, 3675439; 468621, 3675439; 468610, 3675472.

(D) 497956, 3669589; 498160, 3669567; 498162, 3669567; 498240, 3669558; 498258, 3669556; 498250, 3669607; 498283, 3669607; 498283, 3669643; 498250, 3669640; 498247, 3669670; 498202, 3669670; 498187, 3669703; 498164, 3669709; 498161, 3669732; 498134, 3669735; 498128, 3669768; 497999, 3669762; 498005, 3669694; 497961, 3669697; 497961, 3669697; 497956, 3669697.

(E) 496241, 3669292; 496264, 3669299; 496298, 3669307; 496321, 3669326; 496324, 3669349; 496319, 3669376; 496322, 3669391; 496339, 3669432; 496380, 3669467; 496399, 3669480; 496427, 3669501; 496445, 3669531; 496448, 3669556; 496413, 3669573; 496344, 3669572; 496289, 3669563; 496231, 3669553; 496216, 3669543; 496220, 3669289.

(F) 497814, 3670051; 497691, 3669856; 497574, 3669769; 497592, 3669667; 497628, 3669659; 497650, 3669648; 497659, 3669675; 497731, 3669769; 497793, 3669800; 497858, 3669818; 497858, 3669842; 497855, 3669873; 497957, 3669924; 497957, 3669847; 497999, 3669852; 497999, 3669825; 498071, 3669828; 498062, 3669947; 498035, 3669947; 498032, 3669980; 497979, 3669980; 497979, 3670034; 497955, 3670040; 497955, 3670058; 497817, 3670061; 497813, 3670051.

(G) 490504, 3670067; 490502, 3670067; 490501, 3670068; 490500, 3670069; 490499, 3670070; 490497, 3670070; 490496, 3670071; 490495, 3670072; 490493, 3670073; 490492, 3670073; 490491, 3670074; 490489, 3670075; 490488, 3670076; 490487, 3670077; 490485, 3670077; 490484, 3670078; 490484, 3670078; 490482, 3670079; 490481, 3670079; 490479, 3670079; 490478, 3670079; 490476, 3670078; 490475, 3670077; 490474, 3670076; 490474, 3670076; 490456, 3670049; 490460, 3670049; 490508, 3670048; 490504, 3670066.

(H) 490396, 3670451; 490431, 3670451; 490464, 3670452; 490512, 3670631; 490521, 3670668; 490533, 3670711; 490544, 3670754; 490563, 3670826; 490563, 3670826; 490563, 3670826; 490576, 3670875; 490589, 3670923; 490613, 3671012; 490624, 3671056; 490635, 3671098; 490577, 3671114; 490562, 3671118; 490547, 3671122; 490546, 3671117; 490518, 3671012; 490510, 3670983; 490485, 3670888; 490477, 3670856; 490474, 3670848; 490430, 3670681; 490401, 3670571; 490382, 3670576; 490380, 3670568; 490344, 3670450.

(I) 478427, 3664552; 478445, 3664555; 478472, 3664560; 478500, 3664570; 478514, 3664586; 478514, 3664605; 478503, 3664621; 478505, 3664643; 478520, 3664661; 478534, 3664676; 478539, 3664707; 478534, 3664727; 478508, 3664749; 478484, 3664765; 478475, 3664786; 478470, 3664815; 478478, 3664905; 478489, 3664950; 478499, 3664972; 478514, 3664990; 478534, 3665004; 478544, 3665029; 478549, 3665061; 478541, 3665100; 478521, 3665136; 478514, 3665144; 478503, 3665143; 478493, 3665132; 478477, 3665113; 478429, 3665019; 478397, 3664972; 478387, 3664934; 478385, 3664897; 478386, 3664848; 478370, 3664805; 478364, 3664762; 478364, 3664707; 478336, 3664649; 478332, 3664620; 478352, 3664588; 478388, 3664559; 478417, 3664551.

(J) 481458, 3661671; 481178, 3661673; 481159, 3661674; 481159, 3661673; 481137, 3661659; 481167, 3661658; 481477, 3661655; 481477, 3661671.

(K) 481109, 3661659; 481131, 3661674; 481109, 3661674; 481078, 3661674; 481077, 3661674; 481075, 3661674; 480911, 3661676; 480895, 3661676; 480711, 3661678; 480721, 3661667; 480727, 3661661; 480727, 3661661; 480728, 3661660; 480729, 3661659; 480730, 3661658; 480731, 3661656; 480732, 3661655; 480733, 3661654; 480734, 3661653; 480735, 3661652; 480736, 3661651; 480771, 3661606; 480772, 3661605; 480773, 3661604; 480774, 3661603; 480775, 3661602; 480776, 3661601; 480777, 3661600; 480778, 3661599; 480779, 3661598; 480781, 3661597; 480782, 3661596; 480783, 3661595; 480784, 3661594; 480786, 3661594; 480787, 3661593; 480788, 3661592; 480790, 3661591; 480791, 3661591; 480793, 3661590; 480793, 3661590; 480794, 3661590; 480843, 3661567; 480845, 3661571; 480899, 3661545; 480903, 3661543; 480907, 3661542; 480914, 3661541; 480920, 3661541; 480925, 3661541; 480933, 3661543; 480938, 3661545; 480942, 3661546; 480946, 3661548; 480964, 3661560; 480969, 3661564; 480973, 3661567; 481075, 3661642; 481075, 3661659.

(L) 482060, 3660866; 482119, 3661074; 482021, 3661208; 481862, 3661306; 481672, 3661355; 481427, 3661377; 481422, 3661445; 481251, 3661481; 481066, 3661377; 481068, 3661064; 481093, 3660981; 481093, 3660893; 481200, 3660849; 481261, 3660763; 481388, 3660671; 481532, 3660663; 481691, 3660710; 481811, 3660680; 481838, 3660624; 481921, 3660585; 482009, 3660673; 482065, 3660776.

(M) 482222, 3659770; 482283, 3659774; 482483, 3659767; 482510, 3659640; 482610, 3659643; 482613, 3659873; 482719, 3659883; 482707, 3659955; 482731, 3660034; 482779, 3659995; 482816, 3659910; 482831, 3659843; 482788, 3659761; 482752, 3659698; 482716, 3659634; 482649, 3659595; 482607, 3659510; 482604, 3659468; 482667, 3659371; 482601, 3659374; 482616, 3659198; 482722, 3659155; 482776, 3659116; 482843, 3659149; 482967, 3659162; 483164, 3659165; 483245, 3659150; 483247, 3659152; 483297, 3659146; 483397, 3659083; 483455, 3659071; 483437, 3659131; 483397, 3659262; 483428, 3659343; 483449, 3659443; 483516, 3659504; 483516, 3659561; 483519, 3659792; 483631, 3659795; 483628, 3659577; 483822, 3659568; 483809, 3659207; 483991, 3659201; 484037, 3659192; 484115, 3659131; 484185, 3659122; 484206, 3659575; 483922, 3659589; 483922, 3659604; 483837, 3659613; 483831, 3659986; 483900, 3660004; 483900, 3660058; 483931, 3660073; 483925, 3660146; 483806, 3660146; 483746, 3660152; 483722, 3660183; 483706, 3660267; 483609, 3660355; 483613, 3660410; 483491, 3660419; 483470, 3660067; 483461, 3660092; 483428, 3660128; 483364, 3660152; 483349, 3660179; 483304, 3660189; 483294, 3660237; 483279, 3660255; 483270, 3660295; 483182, 3660298; 483176, 3660337; 483143, 3660361; 483155, 3660482; 483097, 3660495; 483013, 3660434; 482976, 3660325; 482876, 3660414; 482871, 3660414; 482685, 3660734; 482698, 3660828; 482940, 3660852; 482907, 3660910; 482910, 3661043; 482885, 3661043; 482788, 3660888; 482792, 3661046; 482907, 3661146; 482904, 3661191; 482737, 3661200; 482731, 3661116; 482707, 3661116; 482704, 3661013; 482579, 3661022; 482579, 3661043; 482610, 3661055; 482607, 3661073; 482579, 3661079; 482579, 3661134; 482604, 3661143; 482637, 3661170; 482640, 3661225; 482292, 3661222; 482291, 3661178; 482291, 3661140; 482296, 3660467; 482280, 3660467; 482280, 3660461; 482283, 3660213; 482398, 3660222; 482452, 3660170; 482507, 3660113; 482640, 3660010; 482271, 3660030; 482204, 3660034; 482205, 3660014.

(N) 484270, 3659831; 484228, 3659834; 484234, 3659574; 484223, 3659574; 484331, 3659349; 484312, 3659334; 484270, 3659301; 484273, 3659255; 484315, 3659228; 484394, 3659219; 484473, 3659043; 484512, 3659028; 484576, 3659013; 484622, 3658986; 484611, 3659016; 484685, 3659025; 484740, 3659083; 484749, 3659165; 484779, 3659259; 484883, 3659366; 484964, 3659449; 484982, 3659513; 485045, 3659598; 485121, 3659616; 485221, 3659655; 485224, 3659698; 485079, 3659922; 485073, 3659989; 484685, 3659976; 484727, 3659828; 484636, 3659798; 484603, 3659783; 484582, 3659813; 484537, 3659780; 484506, 3659722; 484437, 3659677; 484385, 3659616; 484337, 3659652; 484312, 3659677; 484337, 3659731; 484473, 3659822; 484467, 3659998; 484355, 3660001; 484331, 3659961; 484309, 3659937; 484270, 3659937.

(O) 480469, 3662072; 480641, 3661757; 480663, 3661718; 480664, 3661716; 480663, 3661812; 480521, 3662072.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 - North San Diego County Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP) (Map 4) follows:

(9) Unit 5: North County Subarea of the Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) for Unincorporated San Diego County, San Diego County, California.

(i) Unit 5 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 483452, 3697555; 483350, 3697542; 483196, 3697434; 483371, 3697277; 483411, 3697277; 483568, 3697188; 483677, 3697243; 483765, 3697290; 483935, 3697195; 483969, 3697243; 484064, 3697460; 484254, 3697487; 484342, 3697535; 484512, 3697705; 484500, 3698094; 484500, 3698100; 484500, 3698100; 484499, 3698133; 484669, 3698303; 484669, 3698833; 484560, 3698860; 484553, 3699026; 484553, 3699030; 484539, 3699026; 484376, 3698982; 484376, 3698799; 484342, 3698785; 484139, 3698656; 484003, 3698595; 483955, 3698432; 483880, 3698445; 483826, 3698391; 483826, 3698323; 483704, 3698316; 483697, 3698146; 483609, 3697949; 483547, 3697630.

(B) 481384, 3696569; 481521, 3696524; 481560, 3696502; 481592, 3696518; 481614, 3696896; 481653, 3696995; 481685, 3697030; 481755, 3696905; 481807, 3696921; 481819, 3697203; 481723, 3697184; 481765, 3697293; 481781, 3697418; 481903, 3697425; 481903, 3697389; 482040, 3697405; 482121, 3697380; 482242, 3697405; 482387, 3697466; 482364, 3697527; 482252, 3697527; 482249, 3697630; 482105, 3697524; 482063, 3697598; 482098, 3697684; 482137, 3697690; 482137, 3697755; 481989, 3697729; 481989, 3697620; 481829, 3697604; 481688, 3697652; 481563, 3697697; 481500, 3697699; 481500, 3697700; 481483, 3697700; 481403, 3697703; 481246, 3697723; 481102, 3697716; 481092, 3697607; 481191, 3697575; 481230, 3697575; 481230, 3697562; 481066, 3697540; 481118, 3697466; 481073, 3697431; 480980, 3697396; 480980, 3697306; 480980, 3697072; 481124, 3697104; 481179, 3697072; 481236, 3696998; 481294, 3696970; 481387, 3696979; 481483, 3697037; 481457, 3696966; 481409, 3696915; 481118, 3696912; 481118, 3696825; 481130, 3696726; 481060, 3696704; 481073, 3696806; 480999, 3696912; 480964, 3696941; 480970, 3697072; 480845, 3697046; 480839, 3696899; 480954, 3696902; 480964, 3696639; 481006, 3696588; 480970, 3696531; 481002, 3696460; 481114, 3696476; 481175, 3696434; 481206, 3696404; 481225, 3696399; 481371, 3696409.

(C) 484902, 3696525; 484974, 3696633; 485107, 3696822; 485079, 3696845; 484977, 3696836; 484965, 3696892; 485085, 3697047; 485032, 3697150; 484921, 3697142; 484907, 3697064; 484860, 3697028; 484777, 3697031; 484663, 3696958; 484518, 3696747; 484393, 3696658; 484388, 3696564; 484274, 3696575; 484213, 3696395; 484124, 3696386; 484121, 3696309; 484193, 3696275; 484324, 3696331; 484510, 3696386; 484610, 3696459.

(D) 484190, 3695014; 484183, 3695013; 484145, 3694889; 484187, 3694904.

(E) 481586, 3699023; 481398, 3699023; 481024, 3699021; 480874, 3699020; 480839, 3699020; 480777, 3699021; 480771, 3699020; 480765, 3699020; 480606, 3699020; 480605, 3699020; 480443, 3699019; 480341, 3699018; 480334, 3699018; 480329, 3699018; 480316, 3699018; 480293, 3699017; 480190, 3699016; 480181, 3699016; 480173, 3699016; 480044, 3699017; 480017, 3699017; 480013, 3699017; 479816, 3699016; 479742, 3699016; 479725, 3699015; 479703, 3699015; 479652, 3699015; 479359, 3699013; 479359, 3698985; 479358, 3698949; 479671, 3698952; 479683, 3698887; 479690, 3698889; 479691, 3698884; 479733, 3698896; 479768, 3698890; 479811, 3698903; 479812, 3698904; 479813, 3698905; 479815, 3698906; 479816, 3698907; 479817, 3698907; 479818, 3698908; 479820, 3698909; 479839, 3698953; 479888, 3698952; 479921, 3698953; 480180, 3698954; 480211, 3698955; 480224, 3698955; 480250, 3698955; 480264, 3698955; 480309, 3698955; 480324, 3698955; 480429, 3698956; 480434, 3698956; 480442, 3698956; 480444, 3698956; 480603, 3698957; 481022, 3698957; 481398, 3698958; 481416, 3698958; 481581, 3698957; 481656, 3698957; 481868, 3698957; 481871, 3699025; 481660, 3699024.

(F) 487429, 3690440; 487459, 3690484; 487495, 3690333; 487491, 3690321; 487463, 3690185; 487469, 3689913; 487474, 3689613; 487395, 3689573; 487384, 3689499; 487446, 3689398; 487486, 3689392; 487520, 3689364; 487622, 3689205; 487695, 3689120; 487707, 3689035; 487701, 3688900; 487700, 3688900; 487700, 3688884; 487678, 3688389; 487823, 3688217; 488066, 3688110; 488154, 3688208; 488313, 3688225; 488364, 3688372; 488415, 3688355; 488550, 3688276; 488584, 3688146; 488675, 3688135; 488675, 3688401; 488760, 3688440; 488811, 3688474; 488811, 3688548; 488794, 3688588; 488743, 3688559; 488675, 3688571; 488664, 3688644; 488709, 3688760; 488680, 3688792; 488377, 3689129; 488252, 3689267; 488250, 3689267; 488143, 3689488; 488131, 3689601; 488109, 3689896; 488086, 3689970; 488046, 3690066; 488041, 3690207; 488080, 3690275; 488154, 3690264; 488177, 3690156; 488205, 3690117; 488250, 3690111; 488262, 3690315; 488284, 3690360; 488284, 3690508; 488046, 3690508; 488029, 3690530; 487944, 3690549; 487932, 3690630; 487967, 3690666; 487882, 3690745; 487848, 3690853; 487854, 3690932; 487888, 3690995; 487882, 3691080; 487656, 3691068; 487610, 3691029; 487571, 3690802; 487469, 3690802; 487406, 3690519.

(G) 486340, 3685163; 486663, 3685169; 486674, 3684932; 486542, 3684892; 486357, 3684731; 486311, 3684511; 486294, 3684264; 486346, 3683820; 486340, 3683381; 486366, 3683305; 486422, 3683338; 486787, 3683310; 486984, 3683254; 487013, 3683224; 487121, 3683287; 487123, 3683308; 487128, 3683311; 487130, 3683358; 487376, 3683604; 487475, 3683660; 487531, 3683857; 487755, 3683857; 487853, 3684067; 487841, 3684086; 487713, 3684278; 487475, 3684292; 487432, 3684081; 487432, 3683885; 487194, 3683787; 487096, 3684334; 487026, 3684628; 487306, 3684628; 487475, 3684572; 487797, 3684600; 487895, 3684755; 487811, 3684839; 487531, 3684853; 487208, 3684783; 486998, 3684881; 486871, 3685119; 486871, 3685386; 487012, 3685596; 487137, 3686264; 487217, 3686264; 487228, 3686236; 487335, 3686222; 487347, 3686199; 487372, 3686194; 487372, 3686169; 487349, 3686169; 487354, 3686132; 487368, 3686122; 487395, 3686104; 487402, 3686053; 487430, 3686039; 487440, 3685988; 487502, 3685979; 487507, 3686027; 487625, 3686153; 487648, 3686157; 487676, 3686171; 487704, 3686166; 487804, 3686162; 487804, 3686306; 487834, 3686338; 487862, 3686361; 487857, 3686739; 487806, 3686749; 487797, 3686784; 487586, 3686784; 487586, 3686726; 487551, 3686719; 487400, 3686723; 487393, 3686774; 487375, 3686781; 487372, 3686814; 487273, 3686816; 487279, 3686862; 487163, 3686867; 487163, 3686837; 487076, 3686825; 486998, 3687139; 486731, 3687139; 486661, 3687420; 486633, 3687855; 486815, 3688079; 487096, 3688500; 487180, 3688640; 487180, 3688837; 486927, 3688837; 486647, 3688584; 486380, 3688556; 486226, 3688795; 486228, 3689035; 486254, 3689286; 486438, 3689516; 487038, 3689239; 487027, 3689652; 486874, 3689692; 486773, 3689875; 486759, 3690085; 486619, 3690212; 486493, 3690352; 486493, 3690534; 486450, 3690618; 486268, 3690450; 486212, 3690310; 486142, 3690155; 485917, 3690001; 485861, 3689566; 486072, 3689244; 486156, 3688444; 485356, 3687953; 485244, 3687616; 485245, 3687612; 485250, 3687593; 485300, 3687402; 485300, 3687400; 485300, 3687400; 485403, 3687007; 485412, 3687002; 485483, 3687027; 485570, 3686920; 485889, 3686331; 486038, 3686253; 486200, 3686201; 486200, 3686200; 486203, 3686200; 486279, 3686175; 486357, 3685977; 486357, 3685867; 486318, 3685750; 486227, 3685643; 486239, 3685532; 486248, 3685521; 486237, 3685509; 486254, 3685221; 486268, 3685221; 486277, 3685221; 486326, 3685176.

(H) 485279, 3680882; 485306, 3680969; 485337, 3681064; 485371, 3681151; 485371, 3681152; 485255, 3681155; 485246, 3681121; 485192, 3681123; 485192, 3681095; 485163, 3681095; 485160, 3681066; 485195, 3681064; 485194, 3680817; 485061, 3680816; 485064, 3680788; 485131, 3680789; 485131, 3680763; 485213, 3680759; 485223, 3680725; 485246, 3680729.

(I) 480199, 3680423; 480069, 3680417; 479977, 3680531; 479815, 3680347; 480196, 3680357; 480345, 3680576; 480409, 3680569; 480419, 3680668; 480203, 3680658.

(J) 480496, 3680485; 480449, 3680438; 480443, 3680331; 480442, 3680318; 480626, 3680088; 480573, 3680054; 480376, 3680044; 480386, 3679944; 480747, 3679947; 480797, 3680124; 480934, 3679977; 480964, 3679950; 480934, 3679954; 480937, 3679931; 480985, 3679932; 480997, 3679921; 480994, 3679533; 481388, 3679547; 481391, 3679941; 481017, 3679932; 481010, 3679944; 481010, 3680234; 480990, 3680236; 481012, 3680492; 480927, 3680555; 480848, 3680567; 480768, 3680633; 480646, 3680698; 480587, 3680717; 480557, 3680738; 480498, 3680659.

(K) 481186, 3678938; 481307, 3678984; 481438, 3678919; 481494, 3678667; 481624, 3678555; 481811, 3678481; 481913, 3678499; 482091, 3678285; 482259, 3678052; 482417, 3677865; 482455, 3677650; 482585, 3677445; 482734, 3677343; 482987, 3677334; 482948, 3677417; 482940, 3677520; 482800, 3677622; 482744, 3677772; 482594, 3677940; 482473, 3678098; 482501, 3678201; 482408, 3678322; 482221, 3678378; 482119, 3678518; 482025, 3678565; 481969, 3678611; 481960, 3678677; 481792, 3678723; 481755, 3678891; 481764, 3679087; 481186, 3679162.

(L) 486761, 3676144; 486926, 3675728; 486943, 3675686; 486957, 3675650; 486955, 3675649; 487099, 3675368; 487138, 3675426; 487319, 3675757; 487348, 3676085; 487320, 3676632; 487208, 3677502; 487110, 3677432; 486885, 3677390; 486661, 3677530; 486605, 3677713; 486352, 3677713; 486548, 3676944; 486550, 3676942.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 - North County Subarea of the MSCP for Unincorporated San Diego County (Map 5) follows:

(10) Unit 6: Southern Natural Communities Conservation Program (NCCP) Subregion of Orange County, Orange County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 6 - Southern NCCP Subregion of Orange County (Map 6) follows:

(11) Unit 7: Central-Coastal NCCP Subregions of Orange County (Central-Coastal NCCP), Orange County, California.

(i) Unit 7 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 427280, 3738801; 427329, 3738859; 427365, 3738879; 427333, 3738938; 427232, 3738884; 427235, 3738870; 427240, 3738856; 427231, 3738844; 427235, 3738831; 427255, 3738801.

(B) 426475, 3738412; 426469, 3738431; 426463, 3738449; 426464, 3738471; 426464, 3738488; 426456, 3738499; 426454, 3738515; 426462, 3738526; 426479, 3738537; 426480, 3738529; 426488, 3738522; 426502, 3738525; 426518, 3738537; 426538, 3738545; 426542, 3738538; 426542, 3738525; 426540, 3738505; 426533, 3738484; 426526, 3738459; 426519, 3738432; 426511, 3738411; 426491, 3738405.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 - Central - Coastal NCCP Subregions of Orange County (Central - Coastal NCCP) (Map 7) follows:

(12) Unit 8: Palos Verdes Peninsula Subregion, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County, California.

(i) Unit 8 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 374717, 3735861; 374771, 3735963; 374736, 3736039; 374714, 3736090; 374758, 3736109; 374768, 3736141; 374717, 3736236; 374739, 3736287; 374714, 3736379; 374663, 3736436; 374717, 3736496; 374800, 3736433; 374860, 3736452; 374822, 3736591; 374715, 3736627; 374685, 3736563; 374688, 3736531; 374558, 3736537; 374533, 3736468; 374606, 3736391; 374593, 3736372; 374571, 3736350; 374593, 3736293; 374622, 3736293; 374650, 3736268; 374622, 3736236; 374622, 3736195; 374644, 3736175; 374631, 3736106; 374666, 3736042; 374622, 3735975; 374641, 3735883; 374707, 3735848.

(B) 375495, 3735728; 375546, 3735807; 375603, 3735864; 375616, 3735921; 375555, 3735909; 375479, 3735848; 375463, 3735893; 375530, 3735960; 375584, 3736001; 375625, 3736061; 375708, 3736093; 375777, 3736137; 375787, 3736175; 375692, 3736172; 375603, 3736185; 375596, 3736214; 375606, 3736283; 375593, 3736315; 375536, 3736315; 375523, 3736351; 375476, 3736331; 375473, 3736268; 375479, 3736210; 375485, 3736141; 375454, 3736172; 375390, 3736191; 375352, 3736128; 375352, 3736058; 375339, 3735982; 375317, 3735858; 375362, 3735823; 375365, 3735725; 375438, 3735677.

(C) 375847, 3735410; 375898, 3735445; 375924, 3735477; 375936, 3735534; 375965, 3735534; 375987, 3735566; 375955, 3735607; 375885, 3735626; 375854, 3735661; 375889, 3735702; 376022, 3735652; 376076, 3735744; 376111, 3735756; 376171, 3735807; 376165, 3735861; 376149, 3735915; 376162, 3735966; 376203, 3735972; 376219, 3736010; 376225, 3736087; 376238, 3736137; 376251, 3736214; 376308, 3736207; 376326, 3736273; 376279, 3736283; 376162, 3736341; 376108, 3736318; 376070, 3736315; 376047, 3736341; 376073, 3736385; 376019, 3736423; 375958, 3736458; 375857, 3736388; 375847, 3736334; 375860, 3736283; 375898, 3736245; 375936, 3736248; 375949, 3736207; 376006, 3736153; 376038, 3736106; 376022, 3736023; 376016, 3735969; 375971, 3735982; 375936, 3736017; 375904, 3736064; 375822, 3736058; 375771, 3736039; 375774, 3735925; 375749, 3735934; 375717, 3735909; 375692, 3735848; 375670, 3735788; 375692, 3735763; 375698, 3735740; 375673, 3735702; 375660, 3735648; 375663, 3735623; 375644, 3735591; 375660, 3735556; 375685, 3735521; 375701, 3735493; 375749, 3735452; 375739, 3735410; 375739, 3735363; 375835, 3735353.

(D) 374869, 3735734; 374809, 3735760; 374720, 3735782; 374628, 3735785; 374584, 3735772; 374542, 3735702; 374568, 3735642; 374603, 3735607; 374705, 3735626; 374718, 3735518; 374610, 3735467; 374582, 3735456; 374565, 3735426; 374561, 3735391; 374568, 3735337; 374590, 3735309; 374682, 3735325; 374746, 3735318; 374765, 3735302; 374838, 3735312; 374876, 3735366; 374930, 3735423; 374946, 3735493; 374949, 3735556; 374933, 3735620; 374908, 3735655; 374935, 3735694.

(E) 375263, 3736252; 375269, 3736309; 375285, 3736366; 375308, 3736407; 375339, 3736445; 375377, 3736487; 375428, 3736522; 375514, 3736576; 375577, 3736550; 375625, 3736560; 375692, 3736677; 375638, 3736703; 375508, 3736604; 375431, 3736636; 375352, 3736604; 375346, 3736509; 375260, 3736496; 375228, 3736534; 375158, 3736544; 375092, 3736455; 375098, 3736356; 375114, 3736287; 375120, 3736220; 375122, 3736219.

(F) 375590, 3735321; 375501, 3735340; 375438, 3735366; 375377, 3735398; 375269, 3735525; 375187, 3735585; 375203, 3735677; 375279, 3735680; 375273, 3735756; 375228, 3735810; 375209, 3735893; 375146, 3735928; 375088, 3735852; 375063, 3735779; 375054, 3735737; 375114, 3735687; 375085, 3735626; 375082, 3735579; 375098, 3735521; 375006, 3735442; 374993, 3735340; 374965, 3735283; 374908, 3735232; 374819, 3735172; 374761, 3735163; 374714, 3735128; 374695, 3735086; 374650, 3735017; 374698, 3734966; 374673, 3734858; 374704, 3734829; 374730, 3734788; 374755, 3734731; 374723, 3734686; 374755, 3734645; 374812, 3734686; 374854, 3734683; 374923, 3734642; 374974, 3734683; 374949, 3734721; 374961, 3734766; 374987, 3734817; 374974, 3734845; 374923, 3734845; 374869, 3734877; 374812, 3734893; 374777, 3734918; 374736, 3734940; 374755, 3734978; 374777, 3735004; 374828, 3735061; 374869, 3735118; 374984, 3735163; 375019, 3735232; 375066, 3735290; 375146, 3735337; 375209, 3735252; 375273, 3735315; 375416, 3735242; 375412, 3735220; 375422, 3735156; 375498, 3735061; 375536, 3735112; 375577, 3735175; 375609, 3735258; 375623, 3735294.

(G) 375644, 3734531; 375644, 3734578; 375638, 3734613; 375609, 3734648; 375552, 3734683; 375504, 3734683; 375539, 3734712; 375568, 3734747; 375571, 3734798; 375568, 3734832; 375558, 3734883; 375543, 3734915; 375489, 3734893; 375419, 3734848; 375377, 3734810; 375339, 3734782; 375349, 3734699; 375381, 3734636; 375403, 3734597; 375485, 3734566; 375549, 3734499; 375620, 3734474.

(H) 375374, 3734293; 375381, 3734340; 375365, 3734378; 375336, 3734407; 375298, 3734455; 375292, 3734531; 375241, 3734585; 375177, 3734607; 375127, 3734607; 375108, 3734628; 375082, 3734601; 375025, 3734547; 375028, 3734521; 375050, 3734490; 375123, 3734448; 375193, 3734477; 375215, 3734394; 375273, 3734369; 375292, 3734328; 375317, 3734274.

(I) 372554, 3735106; 372468, 3735135; 372392, 3735150; 372332, 3735096; 372310, 3735030; 372316, 3734960; 372354, 3734912; 372430, 3734855; 372564, 3734734; 372665, 3734674; 372621, 3734601; 372541, 3734525; 372475, 3734519; 372465, 3734468; 372437, 3734430; 372399, 3734395; 372386, 3734353; 372370, 3734343; 372386, 3734334; 372433, 3734312; 372551, 3734299; 372621, 3734271; 372672, 3734242; 372726, 3734198; 372770, 3734157; 372853, 3734096; 372888, 3734125; 372921, 3734182; 372918, 3734230; 372918, 3734255; 372932, 3734265; 372957, 3734242; 372970, 3734230; 372989, 3734236; 373008, 3734258; 373015, 3734287; 373011, 3734331; 373049, 3734598; 373043, 3734785; 373053, 3734830; 373116, 3734792; 373124, 3734781; 373142, 3734754; 373142, 3734749; 373161, 3734668; 373170, 3734560; 373142, 3734461; 373113, 3734366; 373084, 3734319; 373075, 3734284; 373119, 3734246; 373170, 3734246; 373256, 3734252; 373264, 3734251; 373280, 3734234; 373300, 3734168; 373339, 3734141; 373342, 3734138; 373343, 3734138; 373363, 3734125; 373409, 3734151; 373419, 3734201; 373427, 3734201; 373434, 3734185; 373443, 3734172; 373462, 3734163; 373484, 3734166; 373494, 3734182; 373507, 3734182; 373510, 3734181; 373526, 3734176; 373545, 3734157; 373554, 3734157; 373570, 3734157; 373596, 3734166; 373602, 3734192; 373646, 3734195; 373665, 3734157; 373678, 3734144; 373686, 3734142; 373710, 3734138; 373723, 3734134; 373738, 3734138; 373780, 3734303; 373783, 3734372; 373757, 3734468; 373748, 3734531; 373773, 3734582; 373789, 3734607; 373792, 3734658; 373767, 3734706; 373742, 3734719; 373704, 3734719; 373653, 3734677; 373630, 3734658; 373608, 3734639; 373538, 3734709; 373599, 3734769; 373605, 3734807; 373332, 3734903; 373345, 3735014; 373338, 3735049; 373272, 3735071; 373262, 3735115; 373275, 3735176; 373249, 3735217; 373116, 3735296; 373024, 3735315; 373024, 3735582; 372964, 3735576; 372922, 3735554; 372884, 3735449; 372878, 3735357; 372872, 3735309; 372859, 3735281; 372884, 3735242; 372919, 3735227; 372961, 3735198; 372989, 3735150; 373015, 3735112; 373015, 3735100; 372983, 3735090; 372932, 3735112; 372853, 3735087; 372776, 3735074; 372729, 3735049; 372735, 3735011; 372741, 3734985; 372751, 3734969; 372618, 3734954; 372551, 3734944; 372551, 3734998; 372583, 3735033; 372586, 3735065; 372578, 3735075; 372578, 3735078; 372576, 3735078.

(J) 374061, 3737786; 374013, 3737868; 373975, 3737938; 373972, 3737989; 374000, 3738087; 373975, 3738125; 373956, 3738170; 373937, 3738214; 373959, 3738240; 374004, 3738268; 374064, 3738278; 374124, 3738259; 374178, 3738221; 374219, 3738195; 374254, 3738154; 374267, 3738132; 374258, 3738100; 374216, 3738055; 374181, 3738011; 374159, 3737957; 374153, 3737903; 374145, 3737858; 374137, 3737846; 374115, 3737808; 374099, 3737786.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 - Palos Verdes Peninsula Subregion, Los Angeles County (Map 8) follows:

(13) Unit 9: East Los Angeles County - Matrix NCCP Subregion of Orange County, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties, California.

(i) Unit 9 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 418541, 3755066; 418231, 3755073; 418244, 3755423; 418551, 3755416.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 - East Los Angeles County - Matrix NCCP Subregion of Orange County (Map 9) follows:

(14) Unit 10: Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California.

(i) Unit 10 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 497619, 3716257; 497604, 3716268; 497581, 3716300; 497571, 3716311; 497557, 3716324; 497542, 3716337; 497528, 3716347; 497513, 3716355; 497500, 3716364; 497491, 3716373; 497484, 3716384; 497484, 3716395; 497492, 3716404; 497507, 3716411; 497522, 3716414; 497549, 3716413; 497559, 3716418; 497572, 3716422; 497588, 3716426; 497608, 3716426; 497622, 3716419; 497635, 3716410; 497649, 3716399; 497668, 3716410; 497682, 3716417; 497694, 3716419; 497712, 3716414; 497728, 3716405; 497744, 3716395; 497754, 3716385; 497761, 3716375; 497766, 3716364; 497769, 3716349; 497767, 3716339; 497761, 3716329; 497749, 3716320; 497728, 3716313; 497718, 3716312; 497704, 3716308; 497691, 3716301; 497681, 3716294; 497672, 3716286; 497658, 3716270; 497648, 3716258; 497633, 3716254.

(B) 496452, 3715265; 496460, 3715297; 496475, 3715302; 496490, 3715304; 496500, 3715306; 496517, 3715306; 496538, 3715300; 496557, 3715294; 496580, 3715281; 496592, 3715277; 496611, 3715258; 496666, 3715222; 496692, 3715219; 496719, 3715219; 496745, 3715228; 496769, 3715253; 496779, 3715290; 496805, 3715302; 496828, 3715311; 496854, 3715317; 496872, 3715322; 496889, 3715320; 496897, 3715320; 496915, 3715314; 496937, 3715303; 496956, 3715297; 496977, 3715291; 496988, 3715285; 496989, 3715272; 497001, 3715130; 497015, 3714996; 497022, 3714929; 497015, 3714716; 497010, 3714699; 496997, 3714671; 496977, 3714642; 496959, 3714621; 496944, 3714618; 496918, 3714616; 496678, 3714617; 496660, 3714616; 496641, 3714625; 496620, 3714633; 496603, 3714639; 496586, 3714655; 496569, 3714669; 496550, 3714691; 496527, 3714712; 496499, 3714746; 496474, 3714778; 496468, 3714793; 496461, 3714801; 496455, 3714810; 496454, 3714991.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 - Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (Map 10) follows:

(15) Unit 12: East Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County, California.

(i) Unit 12 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 427036, 3771756; 427083, 3771721; 427106, 3771719; 427131, 3771702; 427144, 3771670; 427169, 3771658; 427210, 3771664; 427271, 3771661; 427318, 3771654; 427363, 3771670; 427379, 3771708; 427382, 3771740; 427350, 3771727; 427344, 3771715; 427274, 3771727; 427252, 3771756; 427236, 3771794; 427137, 3771769; 427099, 3771797; 427074, 3771807; 427042, 3771819; 427017, 3771794; 427026, 3771775.

(ii) Map of Unit 12 - East Los Angeles County (Map 11) follows:

(16) Unit 13: Western Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California.

(i) Unit 13 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 349305, 3798421; 349605, 3798121; 349805, 3798021; 349905, 3797921; 350005, 3797921; 350005, 3798221; 349905, 3798321; 349705, 3798421; 349605, 3798521; 349305, 3798521.

(B) 349005, 3797921; 349005, 3798221; 348805, 3798421; 348505, 3798521; 348293, 3798521; 348005, 3798521; 347705, 3798421; 347705, 3798221; 347305, 3798121; 347305, 3798021; 347805, 3798021; 348005, 3798121; 348405, 3797921; 348526, 3797921.

(C) 348405, 3796321; 348205, 3796221; 348205, 3796121; 348405, 3795921; 348605, 3795621; 348705, 3795521; 348905, 3795421; 349005, 3795321; 349405, 3795321; 349466, 3795382; 349505, 3795421; 349505, 3795621; 349407, 3795646; 349105, 3795721; 349105, 3796121; 349005, 3796221; 348905, 3796421; 349050, 3796567; 349105, 3796621; 349105, 3796721; 348978, 3796753; 348705, 3796821; 348505, 3796921; 348405, 3796921.

(D) 342505, 3798721; 342705, 3798821; 342805, 3798921; 343105, 3799021; 343105, 3799421; 343805, 3799421; 343905, 3799621; 343905, 3799721; 343605, 3799721; 343505, 3799821; 343605, 3799921; 343705, 3800121; 343705, 3800721; 343605, 3801021; 342705, 3801021; 342505, 3800921; 342405, 3800821; 342105, 3800821; 341905, 3800921; 341505, 3800921; 341305, 3800821; 341205, 3800721; 340705, 3800621; 340405, 3800521; 340005, 3800421; 339805, 3800321; 339605, 3800221; 339505, 3800121; 339505, 3799621; 339605, 3799521; 340005, 3799521; 340105, 3799721; 340305, 3799921; 341605, 3800021; 341605, 3799821; 341705, 3799621; 341805, 3799321; 342005, 3799321; 342605, 3799921; 342805, 3799821; 342805, 3799521; 342605, 3799221; 342305, 3799121; 342105, 3799021; 342005, 3798921; 341905, 3798721; 341905, 3798521; 342005, 3798421; 342205, 3798421.

(ii) Map of Unit 13 - Western Los Angeles and Ventura Counties (Map 12) follows:

Crested Honeycreeper (Akohekohe) (Palmeria dolei),

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Maui County, Hawaii, on the maps below.

(2) Primary constituent elements. (i) In units 1 and 37, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: 50 to 75 in (130 to 190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Shallow soils, little to no herbaceous layer.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Diospyros, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pouteria, Santalum.

(E) Subcanopy: Dodonaea, Freycinetia, Leptecophylla, Melanthera, Osteomeles, Pleomele, Psydrax.

(F) Understory: Carex, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Elaphoglossum, Peperomia.

(ii) In units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 38, and 39, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Clays; ashbeds; deep, well-drained soils; lowland bogs.

(D) Canopy: Antidesma, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pisonia, Psychotria.

(E) Subcanopy: Cibotium, Claoxylon, Kadua, Melicope.

(F) Understory: Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Machaerina, Microlepia.

(iii) In units 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 40, and 41, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Between 3,300 and 6,500 ft (1,000 and 2,000 m)

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Well-developed soils, montane bogs.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Charpentiera, Cheirodendron, Metrosideros.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cibotium, Eurya, Ilex, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Coprosma, Leptecophylla, Oreobolus, Rhynchospora, Vaccinium.

(iv) In units 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 42, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Between 3,300 and 6,500 ft (1,000 and 2,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Between 50 and 75 in (130 and 190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Deep ash deposits, thin silty loams.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Ilex, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Nestegis, Nothocestrum, Pisonia, Pittosporum, Psychotria, Sophora, Zanthoxylum.

(E) Subcanopy: Alyxia, Charpentiera, Coprosma, Dodonaea, Kadua, Labordia, Leptecophylla, Phyllostegia, Vaccinium.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Peperomia.

(v) In units 24 and 25, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Between 6,500 and 9,800 ft (2,000 and 3,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Between 15 and 40 in (38 and 100 cm).

(C) Substrate: Dry ash; sandy loam; rocky, undeveloped soils; weathered lava.

(D) Canopy: Chamaesyce, Chenopodium, Metrosideros, Myoporum, Santalum, Sophora.

(E) Subcanopy: Coprosma, Dodonaea, Dubautia, Geranium, Leptecophylla, Vaccinium, Wikstroemia.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Bidens, Carex, Deschampsia, Eragrostis, Gahnia, Luzula, Panicum, Pseudognaphalium, Sicyos, Tetramolopium.

(vi) In units 26, 27, 28, and 29, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Unrestricted.

(B) Annual precipitation: Less than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Greater than 65 degree slope, rocky talus.

(D) Canopy: None.

(E) Subcanopy: Antidesma, Chamaesyce, Diospyros, Dodonaea.

(F) Understory: Bidens, Eragrostis, Melanthera, Schiedea.

(vii) In units 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 43, and 44, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Akohekohe are:

(A) Elevation: Unrestricted.

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Greater than 65 degree slope, shallow soils, weathered lava.

(D) Canopy: None.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cheirodendron, Leptecophylla, Metrosideros.

(F) Understory: Bryophytes, ferns, Coprosma, Dubautia, Kadua, Peperomia.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the physical or biological features. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species or physical or biological features in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(5) Index maps of critical habitat units for the Akohekohe follow:

(6) Palmeria dolei - Unit 1 - Lowland Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (477 ac; 193 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 1 - Lowland Mesic-Maui follows:

(7) Palmeria dolei--Unit 2--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (16,079 ac, 6,507 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 2--Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(8) Palmeria dolei--Unit 3--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (65 ac, 26 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 4--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,247 ac, 505 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 5--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (864 ac, 350 ha); and Palmeria dolei--Unit 7--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (136 ac, 55 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 3 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 4--Lowland Wet 4-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 5--Lowland Wet-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 7--Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(9) Palmeria dolei--Unit 6--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (30 ac, 12 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 8--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (898 ac, 364 ha); and Palmeria dolei--Unit 9--Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (230 ac, 93 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 6--Lowland Wet-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 8--Lowland Wet-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 9--Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(10) Palmeria dolei--Unit 10--Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (2,110 ac, 854 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 11--Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (14,583 ac, 5,901 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 12--Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (2,228 ac, 902 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 13--Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,833 ac, 742 ha); and Palmeria dolei--Unit 14--Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (387 ac, 156 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 10--Montane Wet-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 11--Montane Wet-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 12--Montane Wet-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 13--Montane Wet-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 14--Montane Wet-Maui follows:

(11) Palmeria dolei - Unit 15 - Montaine Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,399 ac, 566 ha), and Palmeria dolei - Unit 16 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (80 ac, 32 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 15 - Montane Wet-Maui, and Palmeria dolei - Unit 16 - Montane Wet-Maui follows:

(12) [Reserved]

(13) Palmeria dolei - Unit 18--Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (10,972 ac, 4,440 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 18--Montane Mesic-Maui follows:

(14) Palmeria dolei--Unit 19--Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (124 ac, 50 ha); Palmeria dolei - Unit 20--Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (174 ac, 70 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 21--Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (72 ac, 29 ha); and Palmeria dolei--Unit 22--Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (170 ac, 69 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 19--Montane Mesic-Maui, Palmeria dolei - Unit 20--Montane Mesic-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 21--Montane Mesic-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 22--Montane Mesic-Maui follows:

(15) [Reserved]

(16) Palmeria dolei--Unit 24--Subalpine-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (15,975 ac, 6,465 ha), and Palmeria dolei--Unit 25--Subalpine-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (9,886 ac, 4,001 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 24--Subalpine-Maui and Palmeria dolei--Unit 25--Subalpine-Maui follows:

(17) Palmeria dolei--Unit 26--Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (755 ac, 305 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 27--Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (200 ac, 81 ha); and Palmeria dolei--Unit 28--Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (315 ac, 127 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 26--Dry Cliff-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 27--Dry Cliff-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 28--Dry Cliff-Maui follows:

(18) Palmeria dolei--Unit 29--Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,298 ac, 525 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 29--Dry Cliff-Maui follows:

(19) Palmeria dolei--Unit 30--Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (290 ac, 117 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei--Unit 30--Wet Cliff-Maui follows:

(20) Palmeria dolei--Unit 31--Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,407 ac, 569 ha); Palmeria dolei--Unit 32--Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (438 ac, 177 ha); and Palmeria dolei--Unit 33--Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (184 ac, 75 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 31 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Palmeria dolei--Unit 32--Wet Cliff-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 33--Wet Cliff-Maui follows:

(21) [Reserved]

(22) Palmeria dolei--Unit 35--Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (2,110 ac, 854 ha), and Palmeria dolei--Unit 36--Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (556 ac, 225 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 35 - Wet Cliff-Maui, and Palmeria dolei--Unit 36--Wet Cliff-Maui follows:

(23) Palmeria dolei--Unit 37--Lowland Mesic-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (8,770 ac, 3,549 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 37--Lowland Mesic-Molokai follows:

(24) Palmeria dolei - Unit 38--Lowland Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (2,949 ac, 1,193 ha), and Palmeria dolei--Unit 39--Lowland Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (1,950 ac, 789 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 38--Lowland Wet-Molokai and Palmeria dolei--Unit 39--Lowland Wet-Molokai follows:

(25) Palmeria dolei - Unit 40 - Montane Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (3,397 ac, 1,375 ha), and Palmeria dolei - Unit 41 - Montane Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (910 ac, 368 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 40 - Montane Wet-Molokai and Palmeria dolei - Unit 41 - Montane Wet-Molokai follows:

(26) Palmeria dolei - Unit 42 - Montane Mesic-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (816 ac, 330 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 42 - Montane Mesic-Molokai follows:

(27) Palmeria dolei - Unit 43 - Wet Cliff-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (1,607 ac, 651 ha), and Palmeria dolei - Unit 44 - Wet Cliff-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (1,268 ac, 513 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Akohekohe, Palmeria dolei. Map of Palmeria dolei - Unit 43 - Wet Cliff-Molokai and Palmeria dolei - Unit 44 - Wet Cliff-Molokai follows:

Guam Micronesian Kingfisher (Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina)

(1) The critical habitat unit for the Guam Micronesian kingfisher is depicted for the Territory of Guam on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements required by the Guam Micronesian kingfisher for the biological needs of foraging, sheltering, roosting, nesting, and rearing of young are found in areas that support limestone, secondary, ravine, swamp, agricultural, and coastal forests composed of native and introduced plant species. These forest types include the primary constituent elements of:

(i) Closed canopy and well-developed understory vegetation; large (approximately 43 cm (17 in) diameter at breast height), standing dead trees (especially Tristiropsis obtusangula (faniok), Pisonia grandis (umumu), Artocarpus spp. (breadfruit), Ficus spp. (fig), and Cocos nucifera (coconut palm)); mud nests of Nasutitermes spp. termites; and root masses of epiphytic ferns for breeding;

(ii) Sufficiently diverse structure to provide exposed perches and ground surfaces, leaf litter, and other substrates that support a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate prey species for foraging kingfishers; and

(iii) Sufficient overall breeding and foraging area to support kingfisher territories of approximately 25 ac (10 ha) each.

(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures within the boundaries of the mapped units, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, antennas, water tanks, agricultural fields, paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) The critical habitat unit is described below. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 55 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) / World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).

(i) Note: Map 1 - General Location of the Guam Micronesian Kingfisher Unit - follows:

(ii) Guam, Guam Micronesian kingfisher (376 ac; 152 ha):

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map 2 showing Guam Micronesian Kingfisher Unit follows:

Everglade Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus)

Florida. Areas of land (predominantly marsh), water, and airspace, with the following components (Tallahassee Meridian): (1) St. Johns Reservoir, Indian River County: T33S R37E SW 14 Sec. 6, W 12 Sec. 7, Sec. 18, Sec. 19; (2) Cloud Lake Reservoir, St. Lucie County; T34S R38E S 12 Sec. 16, N 12 Sec. 21; (3) Strazzulla Reservoir, St. Lucie County: T34S R38E SW 14 Sec. 21; (4) western parts of Lake Okeechobee, Glades and Hendry Counties, extending along the western shore to the east of the levee system and the undiked high ground at Fisheating Creek, and from the Hurricane Gate at Clewiston northward to the mouth of the Kissimmee River, including all the Eleocharis flats of Moonshine Bay, Monkey Box, and Observation Shoal, but excluding the open water north and west of the northern tip of Observation Shoal, north of Monkey Box, and east of Fisheating Bay; (5) Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge (Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Water Conservation Area 1), Palm Beach County, including Refuge Management Compartments A, B, C, and D, and all of the main portion of the Refuge as bounded by Levees L-7, L-39, and L-40; (6) Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Water Conservation Area 2A, Palm Beach and Broward Counties, as bounded by Levees L-6, L-35B, L-36, L-38, and L-39; (7) Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Water Conservation Area 2B, Broward County, as bounded by Levees L-35, L-35B, L-36, and L-38; (8) Central and Southern Florida Flood Control District Water Conservation Area 3A, Broward and Dade Counties, as bounded by Florida Highway 84. Levees L-68A, L-67A (north of Miami Canal), L-67C (south of Miami Canal). L-29, and L-28, and a line along the undiked northerwestern portion of the Area; (9) that portion of Everglades National Park, Dade County, within the following boundary: Beginning at the point where the Park boundary meets Florida Highway 94 in T54S R35E Sec. 20, thence eastward and southwest along the Park boundary to the southwest corner of Sec. 31 in T7S R37E, thence southwestward along a straight line to the southwest corner of Sec. 2 in T58S R35E, thence westward along the south sides of Sec. 3, 4, 5, and 6 in T58S R35E to the Dade-Monroe county line, thence northward along the Dade-Monroe county line to the Park boundary, thence eastward and northward along the Park boundary to the point of beginning.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Streaked horned lark (Eremophila alpestris strigata)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Grays Harbor, Pacific, and Wahkiakum Counties in Washington, and Clatsop, Columbia, Marion, Polk, and Benton Counties in Oregon, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the streaked horned lark consist of areas having a minimum of 16 percent bare ground that have sparse, low-stature vegetation composed primarily of grasses and forbs less than 13 inches (33 centimeters) in height found in:

(i) Large (300-acre (120-hectare)), flat (0-5 percent slope) areas within a landscape context that provides visual access to open areas such as open water or fields; or

(ii) Areas smaller than described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry, but that provide visual access to open areas such as open water or fields.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 4, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0009, and by appointment at the Service's Washington Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the streaked horned lark follows:

(6) Unit 3 - Washington Coast and Columbia River Islands, Washington and Oregon.

(i) Subunit 3-A: Damon Point/Oyhut, Washington. Map of Subunit 3-A follows:

(ii) Subunit 3-B: Midway Beach, Washington. Map of Subunit 3-B follows:

(iii) Subunit 3-C: Shoalwater, Washington. Map of Subunit 3-C follows:

(iv) Subunit 3-D: Leadbetter Point, Washington. Map of Subunit 3-D follows:

(v) Subunit 3-E: Rice Island, Oregon/Washington. Map of Subunit 3-E follows:

(vi) Subunit 3-F: Miller Sands, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-F follows:

(vii) Subunit 3-G: Pillar Rock/Jim Crow Sands, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-G follows:

(viii) Subunit 3-H: Welch Island, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-H follows:

(ix) Subunit 3-I: Tenasillahe Island, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-I follows:

(x) Subunit 3-J: Whites/Brown Island, Washington. Map of Subunit 3-J follows:

(xi) Subunit 3-K: Wallace Island, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-K follows:

(xii) Subunit 3-L: Crims Island, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-L follows:

(xiii) Subunit 3-M: Sandy Island, Oregon. Map of Subunit 3-M follows:

(7) Unit 4 - Willamette Valley, Oregon.

(i) Subunit 4-A: Baskett Slough NWR, Oregon. Map of Subunit 4-A follows:

(ii) Subunit 4-B: Ankeny NWR, Oregon. Map of Subunit 4-B follows:

(iii) Subunit 4-C: William L. Finley NWR, Oregon. Map of Subunit 4-C follows:

Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus)

1. Critical habitat units are depicted for the States of Washington, Oregon, and California on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

2. The primary constituent elements: individual trees with potential nest platforms and forest lands of at least one half site-potential tree height regardless of contiguity within 0.8 kilometers (0.5 miles) of individual trees with potential nesting platforms and that are used or potentially used by the marbled murrelet for nesting or roosting.

3. A description of the critical habitat units follows. Where a critical habitat unit includes Federal lands within the boundaries of a Late Successional Reserve (LSR) established by the Northwest Forest Plan, the areas included within the LSR boundaries as they existed on May 24, 1996, remain designated as critical habitat. Critical habitat units do not include non-Federal lands covered by a legally operative incidental take permit for marbled murrelets issued under section 10(a) of the Act.

Map and description of WA-01-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Flattery, Forks, and Port Angeles, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.28N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 1; Sections 2-8; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 9; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 10; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14 Section 12.

T.28N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-5; S 12 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 6; Sections 7-12; N 12 NW 14 Section 13; N 12 Section 14; N 12 N 12 Section 15; N 12 Section 16; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 17; N 12 N 12 Section 18.

T.28N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 1; SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 2; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 3; N 12 N 12 Section 10; N 12 Section 11; Section 12 except SW 14 SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 13.

T.29N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except N 12 NE 14; Section 3 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 4-5; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 6; Sections 7-24; Section 25 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 26-35; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 36.

T.29N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 12; Section 13; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 22; S 12, NE 14 Section 23; Sections 24-27; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 28; SE 14 Section 29; SE 14 SE 14 Section 31; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 32; Sections 33-36.

T.30N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14 Section 19.

T.30N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 1; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 2; Section 3 except NE 14; Section 4; E 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 5; S 12 Section 6; Sections 7-12; Section 13 except SW 14 SW 14; NW 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 14; Section 15; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 16; N 12 Section 17; Section 18 except S 12 SE 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 19; SW 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.30N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 4 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 10; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14, S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-14; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 15; S 12 Section 17; SE 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 20; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 21; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 22; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 23; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 24.

T.30N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 2; W 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 3; Section 4-5; Section 6 except W 12 NW 14, NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 7; Section 8 except SW 14 SW 14; N 12 N 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 9; S 12 Section 10; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 11; W 12 NW 14 Section 13; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 14; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 15; Section 17 except NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14.

T.31N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 30 except NE 14; Section 31; Section 32 except NE 14; S 12 SW 14 Section 33.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.30N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 16.

Map and description of WA-01-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Port Angeles, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.29N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14 Section 1; NE 14 Section 2.

T.30N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 26; S 12 SW 14 Section 29; Section 30 except SE 14 NE 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 31 except SW 14 SW 14; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 32; W 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 33; NW 14, N 12 SE 14, W 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Sections 35-36.

T.30N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 25; Section 26 except NW 14 NE 14; Sections 27-29; N 12 N 12 Section 32; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 33; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 34; N 12, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 35; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.30N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 18; NW 14 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 19; SW 14 SW 14 Section 20; SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 21; SE 14 SE 14 Section 23; NW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 25; E 12 Section 26; SE 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 27; Section 28 except SE 14 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 29; Section 30 except S 12 SW 14; Sections 31-34; W 12 W 12, E 12 E 12 Section 35; Section 36.

T.30N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 9; S 12 SW 14 Section 10; S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 13; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 14; SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 15; SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 16; S 12, S 12 N 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 17; NW 14 NW 14, S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 18; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 19; SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 20; NW 14, SW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 21; SE 14 SW 14, E 12 E 12 Section 22; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 23; N 12, NW 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 24; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 25; N 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 27.

T.30N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except E 12 NE 14; Section 6 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 7 except S 12 SW 14; Section 8; Section 9 except NW 14 NE 14; SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 10; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11; SW 14 NW 14, N 12 S 12, SE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 12; NW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 13; Section 14; Section 15 except N 12 SE 14, S 12 NE 14; Section 16 except SW 14 SE 14; E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 17; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 20; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SW 14, NE 14 Section 22; W 12, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 23; SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, N 12 S 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 24.

T.31N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SE 14 Section 31; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 32.

Map and description of WA-02-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Flattery and Forks, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.28N., R.12W Willamette Meridian: S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 4; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 5; S 12, NW 14, S 12 NE 14, Section 6; Sections 7-9; Sections 16-21; Sections 28-33.

T.29N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 7; SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 8; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 9; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 16; Section 17 except SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 18; Section 19 except W 12 SE 14; W 12 W 12 Section 20; W 12 Section 30.

T.29N., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 13; Section 23 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 24-25; N 12, N 12 S 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 26, N 12 N 12 Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.27N., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 2; Sections 3-11; Sections 14-18; N 12, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-23; Sections 26-28; N 12, W 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 29.

T.28N., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 22-25; W 12 NW 14, S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 26; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 27; SW 14 SW 14 Section 28; Sections 31-32; W 12 W 12 Section 33; E 12 E 12, W 12 SE1/4 Section 35; Section 36.

T.28N., R.14W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 Section 36.

Map and description of WA-02-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Forks and Mt Olympus, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.25N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 29-30; Section 31 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 32.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.24N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 N 12 Section 1; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 2; Sections 3-8; Section 9 except SE 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 10; NW 14 Section 16; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 17; Section 18 except SE 14 SE 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 19.

T.24N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 1; SE 14, NW 14 NE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 2; W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 10; Section 11; Section 12 except NE 14 SE 14; W 12, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 13; N 12, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 14; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 23; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 24.

T.25N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, W 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 6.

T.25N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-11; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 12; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 14; Section 15 except SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14; Sections 16-20; N 12 Section 21.

T.25N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1-19; Section 20 except NE 14 NW 14; Sections 21-36.

T.25N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 N 12; Section 2 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 3 except NE 14 NW 14; E 12 Section 4; SE 14 Section 5; SE 14 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7; N 12 Section 8; Section 9; Section 10 except NE 14 NE 14; SE 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 11; Section 12; Section 13 except S 12 SW 14; W 12 W 12, E 12 Section 14; Sections 15-16; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 17; Section 18; E 12 NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 19; N 12 N 12 Section 20; N 12 N 12 Section 21; N 12 N 12 Section 22; NW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 23; NE 14 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, NE 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 35-36.

T.25N., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NE 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 2 except NW 14; NE 14 NW 14, S 12 S 12, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12; Section 13 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 23; NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 24.

T.26N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 19; W 12 Section 29; Sections 30-31; W 12 W 12 Section 32.

T.26N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 2-11; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 13; Sections 14-36.

T.26N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-36.

T.26N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 36.

T. 27N., R. 10W. Willamette Meridian:

S 12 Section 31; S 12 Section 32; S 12 Section 33; S 12 Section 34; S 12 Section 35.

T. 27N., R. 11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 35; S 12 Section 36.

Map and description of WA-02-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Forks and Mt Olympus, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T. 23N., R. 9W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 6.

T. 23N., R. 10W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 1; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 2; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 3; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 4; N 12, SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 15; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14, NW 14 NE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 16; NE 14 NE 14 Section 22.

T. 23N., R. 11W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 1.

T. 24N., R. 09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 N 12, S 12 Section 3; Sections 4-10; Section 15 except SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14; Sections 16-21; Sections 28-33.

T. 24N., R. 10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; S 12, NE 14 Section 4; S 12 Section 5; S 12 Section 6; Sections 7-30; N 12, N 12 S 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 31; Sections 32-36.

T. 24N., R. 1012W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 1; Section 12 except W 12 W 12; Section 13; Section 14 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 23-26; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 35; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 36.

T. 25N., R. 09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12, SE 14 NW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 31; NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 32.

T. 25N., R. 10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T. 24N., R. 11W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 15; S 12 S 12 Section 20; S 12 Section 21; E 12 NE 14, S 12 Section 22; Sections 23-29; Sections 32-36.

Map and description of WA-02-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Forks, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.27N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 27; S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 28; NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 29; SW 14 NE 14 Section 34.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.27N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19.

T.27N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 14; S 12 Section 15; S 12 Section 16; S 12 Section 17; Sections 18-24; S 12 SW 14 Section 27; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 28; N 12 N 12 Section 29; NE 14 NE 14 Section 30.

T.27N., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 10; SW 14 Section 11; Sections 13-15; Section 22; Section 23 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 24; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 25; N 12 NW 14 Section 26; Section 27 except E 12 SE 14.

Map and description of WA-03-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Mt Olympus and Shelton, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.21N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 3.

T.21N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 4-9; N 12, SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 16; Sections 17-18; NW 14 NW 14 Section 21.

T.21N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 3 except SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 4; E 12 Section 5; N 12 Section 6.

T.22N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; NE 14 NW 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 2; W 12 Section 3; Sections 4-5; SE 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 6; NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 7; SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NW 14 NE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 8; Section 9; W 12, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 12; N 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 13; SW 14 NW 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 14; Section 15 except SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14; Section 16; Section 17 except W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14; SW 14, E 12 SE 14, NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 19; Section 20 except SE1/4; Section 21 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 Section 22; N 12, E 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 23; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 24; NW 14 Section 26; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 27; N 12 NW 14 Section 28; NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 29; SW 14 SW 14 Section 30; W 12, N 12 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 31; W 12 Section 34.

T.22N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SE 14 Section 1; N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 2; Sections 3-9; W 12, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 10; SE 14 NW 14, S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 11; W 12 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 12; NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 13; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 14; Section 15 except E 12 SE 14, NE 14; Sections 16-21; Section 22 except E 12 SE 14, NE 14; E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 24; SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 25; Section 27 except E 12 E 12; Sections 28-33; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35 except NW 14 NW 14; SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 36.

T.22N., R.09N. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-5; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 6; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 7; Sections 8-25; Section 26 except SW 14; Sections 27-33; Section 34 except S 12 SE 14; Section 35 except N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14.

T.22N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 13; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SW 14, SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 24; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, E 12 Section 25; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 27; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 31; SW 14 NW 14, E 12 NW 14, S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 32; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 33; W 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 36.

T.23N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; S 12, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; SW 14 SW 14 Section 7; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 8; Sections 9-17; Section 18 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 19-30; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 31; Section 32-33; Section 34 except S 12 SE 14; Sections 35-36.

T.23N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12 except N 12 N 12; Sections 13-14; S 12, NE 14 Section 15; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 16; SE 14 SE 14 Section 20; S 12, NE 14 Section 21; Sections 22-29; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 30; Sections 31-34; Section 35 except E 12 SE 14; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 36.

T.23N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 15; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 16; SE 14 SE 14 Section 19; S 12, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 20; Sections 21-22; W 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 23; SW 14 SW 14 Section 24; Sections 25-29; SW 14, SW 14, E 12 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14 NE 14 NE 14 Section 30; E 12 W 12, E 12 Section 31; Sections 32-36.

Map and description of WA-03-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Mt Olympus and Shelton, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.21N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: W 12, NW1/4 NE 14 Section 3; Sections 4-8; E 12, NE 14 Section 9; N 12 NW 14 Section 10.

T.22N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; S 12, SW 14 NW 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 5; Sections 6-10; Section 11 except SE 14 SE 14; W 12 Section 14; N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 15; Sections 16-18; N 12, W 12 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-22; Section 26; Section 28 except SW 14 SW 14; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 29; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 30; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 31; W 12, SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 32; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 33; NE 14 Section 34; W 12 W 12, NE 14 SW 14 Section 36.

T.22N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, E 12 SE 14 Section 1; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 2; N 12 NE 14 Section 3; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 5; Section 6 except S 12 SE 14; N 12 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 8; S 12 Section 9; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12, W 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 10; SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 11; NE 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 12; Section 13; NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 14; Sections 15-16; E 12 Section 17; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-21; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 22; S 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 23; NE 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 24; S 12 N 12, NW 14 NW 14, N 12 S 12, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 25; N 12, SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 26; Section 27 except NW 14 NE 14; Sections 28-29; E 12 Section 30; Section 31 except W 12 NW 14; Sections 32-34; NW 14 Section 35.

T.23N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 4; S 12 N 12, S 12 Section 5; S 12 N 12, S 12 Section 6; Sections 7-9; W 12 SW 14 Section 10; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 14; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 15; Sections 16-22; Section 23 except SE 14 NE 14, N 12 NE 14; NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 24; W 12 Section 25; Sections 26-35; Section 36 except NE 14.

T.23N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NW 14, S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 1; E 12 SE 14 Section 2; SW 14 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 4; Sections 5-9; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 N 12, S 12 Section 10; Sections 11-32; Section 33 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 34 except SW 14; Sections 35-36.

Map and description of WA-04-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Shelton and Chehalis River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.16N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, W 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 4; Sections 5-7; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 8; NW 14 NW 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 16; W 12, NE 14 Section 17; Section 18; Section 19 except S 12 SE 14.

T.16N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-17; Section 18 except SW 14; NE 14 Section 19; Section 20 except W 12 SW 14; Sections 21-23; N 12 NW 14 Section 26; Section 27 except E 12 SE 14; N 12 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 28; N 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 33.

T.16N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 1; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 2; N 12, SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 11; N 12 Section 12; Section 13 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14.

T.17N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19; Sections 30-32; Section 33 except SE 14 SE 14.

T.17N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 14-36.

T.17N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: Section 13; E 12 Section 14; S 12, NE 14 Section 23; Sections 24-25; NW 14 SW 14, S 12 S 12 Section 26; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 27; Sections 35-36.

Map and description of WA-05-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Chehalis River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.12N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 3-5; Section 9; Section 10 except NW 14 NW 14; W 12, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 11; W 12, W 12 NE 14 Section 14; Sections 15-16.

T.12N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 1.

T.13N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; SE 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 6; Section 7 except SE 14 NW 14; NW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 8; SW 14 Section 14; NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 15; Sections 16-20; N 12 Section 21; SW 14 NW 14, S 12, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 22; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 23; Section 28-29; Section 30 except N 12 N 12; Sections 32-33.

T.13N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 16; S 12 N 12, S 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 24; E 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 25; Section 36 except N 12 NW 14.

T.14N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 36 except NE 14 NE 14.

T.14N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 25; S 12 Section 26; SE 14 Section 27; Section 34 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 35 except NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 36.

Map and description of WA-05-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Astoria, Oregon-Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.10N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 3; N 12 NE 14 Section 4.

T.11N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 4-10; W 12 Section 14; Sections 15-18; Section 19 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 20-22; Sections 27-29; NW 14, E 12 Section 33; Section 34 except SW 14.

T.11N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; E 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 2; E 12 E 12 Section 11; Section 12; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 13; Section 36 except E 12 NE 14.

T.12N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 34; Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.11N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, that portion of the SE 14 SW 14 west of Ellsworth Creek, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 35.

T.10N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 2; NE 14 NE 14 Section 3.

Map and description of WA-05-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Astoria, Oregon-Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.10N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.09N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: NW1/4, W1/2 NE1/4 Section 5.

T.10N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: That portion of the S1/2 SW1/4 Section 32 south of Bean Creek.

Map and description of WA-05-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Flattery, Washington; Astoria, Oregon-Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T. 10N., R. 06W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 2-5; N 12 Section 6; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 7; Sections 8-10; Sections 14-17; E 12 Section 18; Section 19; SW 14 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21-27; S 12 NW 14, S 12 Section 28; NE 14 Section 29; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 30; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 33; N 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 34; N 12, SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 35; N 12, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 36.

T. 10N., R. 08W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 1; Section 2; NW 14 Section 10; E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 11; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 12.

T. 11N., R. 07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 8; Section 16 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 17-20; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 21; N 12 Section 29; N 12, SW 14 Section 30; N 12 NW 14 Section 31; Section 36.

T. 11N., R. 08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 21; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SE 14 Section 22; Sections 24-28; E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 33; N 12, SE 14 Section 34; Sections 35-36.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T. 10N., R. 07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 2; NE 14 Section 3.

T. 11N., R. 07W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 35.

Map and description of WA-05-e taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Astoria, Oregon-Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T. 08N., R. 04W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 6; N 12 Section 7.

T. 08N., R. 05W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; NE 14 Section 2; E 12, W 12 NE 14 Section 3; Section 4; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 5; NW 14, SE 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 9; SW 14 Section 10; NE 14 Section 12; Section 16; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 21.

T. 09N., R. 04W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3; SE 14 Section 7; Sections 18-19; Sections 30-31.

T. 09N., R. 05W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 2; SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 12-14; Section 15 except N 12 NW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 16; SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 21; Sections 22-28; SE 14 SE 14 Section 29; W 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 SE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 33; Section 34 except NW 14; Sections 35-36.

T.10N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: Section 28 except NE 14 NE 14; W 12, NE 14 Section 32; Section 34.

Map and description of WA-05-f taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Astoria, Oregon-Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.11N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, that portion of the NE 14 west of the East Fork Chehalis River Section 15.

Map and description of WA-05-g taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Astoria, Oregon-Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.11N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 5; SE 14 NE 14 Section 6.

T.12N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14 Section 28.

Map and description of WA-05-h taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Chehalis River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.12N, R.05W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 Section 6.

T.12N, R.06W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 1; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 3; N 12 N 12 Section 6.

T.12N, R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 1; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 2, NE 14 Section 3.

T.12N, R.08W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 1.

T.13N, R.05W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 7; NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 8; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 9; S 12 Section 10; Sections 15-21; Section 22 except SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 E 12; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 27; NE 14 Section 28; Section 29-31; Section 32 except W 12 SW 14.

T.13N, R.06W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 5; Sections 6-7; W 12 NW 14 Section 8; S 12 SE 14 Section 10; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 11; S 12 Section 12; Sections 13-15; SE 14 Section 16; Sections 18-33; Section 34 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 35; N 12, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 36.

T.13N, R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except N 12 NW 14; N 12, W 12 SW 14 Section 6; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 7; SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except NE 14; Sections 11-16; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 17; NW 14, E 12 Section 18; S 12 NW 14, S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 19; N 12, SE 14 Section 20; Sections 21-24; Section 27; Section 29 except W 12 NW 14; S 12 Section 30; W 12 Section 31; NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, Section 32; Section 36.

T.13N, R.08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 1; S 12 SE 14 Section 2; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 12.

T.14N, R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 31.

T.14N, R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 34; SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 35; Section 36.

Map and description of WA-06-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Port Angeles, Mt Olympus and Seattle, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.26N., R.02W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 2; Section 3 except E 12 NE 14; NW 14, E 12 Section 4; W 12, W 12 SE 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 5; Sections 6-7; W 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 8; S 12 S 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except SW 14 NW 14; Section 14 except E 12 SE 14; N 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 15; Section 16-21; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; Section 27 except NE 14 NE 14.

T.26N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 10; Sections 11-13; Section 14 except the SW 14 SW 14; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 15; S 12 Section 16; SE 14 SE 14 Section 17; S 12 N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 19; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, NE 14 Section 20; NE 14 Section 21; N 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 24 except N 12 SW 14.

T.26N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NE 14 Section 24.

T.27N., R.02W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 5; Section 6 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 7; W 12 W 12 Section 8; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 17; Sections 18-19; Section 20 except the NE 14 NE 14; S 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 28; Sections 29-33; W 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 34; N 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 35.

T.27N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 3; Section 11-13; Section 14 except SW 14 NW 14; SE 14 Section 15; E 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 22; Sections 23-26; Section 27 except NW 14 NW 14; S 12 Section 28; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 33; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 34; Sections 35-36.

T.28N., R.02W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 N 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 5; SW 14 SW 14 Section 7; S 12 SW 14 Section 8; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 17; NW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 18; NW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 20; SW 14 Section 28; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 29; SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 30; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 31.

T.28N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: N 12, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 1; W 12, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 2; Sections 3-10; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 11; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-23; N 12, NW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 24; N 12 SW 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 25; Sections 26-29; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 30; NE 14 NW 14, E 12 Section 32; Section 33 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 34; Section 35 except NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; SE 14 Section 36.

T.28N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 NE 14 Section 1; SE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 12; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 13; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 23; Sections 24-25; SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 26; E 12 W 12, E 12 Section 35; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 36.

T.29N., R.02W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 30; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 31; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 32.

T.29N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19; NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 20; SE 14 SE 14 Section 22; SE 14 NW 14, S 12, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 23; Section 24 except NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 25; N 12, N 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 26; S 12, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 27; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 28; Section 29 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 30-34; S 12, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 35; Section 36.

T.29N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: S 12, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 19; S 12 Section 20; S 12 Section 21; E 12 W 12, SW 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 22; E 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, E 12, NW 14 NW 14 Section 23; Section 24; Section 25 except NW 14 NW 14; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 26; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 27; Sections 28-30; N 12 Section 32; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 33; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 34; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 35; Section 36 except SW 14 SW 14.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.29N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 4; S 12 SW 14, SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 5; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 6; Section 7 except E 12 NW 14; Sections 8-9; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 10; NW 14, E 12 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11; NW 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 13; Section 14 except W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 15; W 12, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 16; Section 17; NW 14 NW 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 18; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 21; NE 14 NE 14 Section 28.

T.29N, R.04W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 1; E 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 12; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 18.

Map and description of WA-06-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Mt Olympus and Shelton, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.23N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 3; Section 4 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 5-6; N 12 Section 7; N 12 Section 8; NW 14 Section 9.

T.23N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 3; NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 10; S 12 N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 11; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 12.

T.24N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 5-6; NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 7.

T.24N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-5; E 12 E 12 Section 6; Section 7 except NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14; Sections 8-16; SE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 17; N 12 NW 14 Section 18; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-24; Section 25 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 26-29; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 30; Section 31 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 32-35; N 12 NW 14 Section 36.

T.24N., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 12; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 13.

T.25N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except E 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14; Sections 2-3; E 12 E 12 Section 4; E 12 E 12 Section 9; Sections 10-12; N 12, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 13; Sections 14-15; Section 16 except NW 14 NW 14; SE 14 NW 14, S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 17; SE 14 SE 14 Section 18; E 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 19; Sections 20-21; Section 22 except S 12 SE 14; SE 14 Section 23; S 12 NW 14, S 12 Section 24; Section 25; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, E 12 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 26; NW 14, N 12 S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 27; Sections 28-32; Section 33 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14; SE 14 NW 14, E 12 SW 14; NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 36.

T.25N., R.04W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 25; SW 14 Section 26; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 27; S 12, NE 14 Section 33; Sections 34-36.

T.26N., R.02W. Willamette Meridian: Section 31.

T.26N., R.03W. Willamette Meridian: Section 25; E 12 Section 26; S 12 Section 34; Section 35 except W 12 NW 14; Section 36.

Map and description of WA-07-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Bellingham and Mt. Baker, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.37N., R.06E. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 1.

T.37N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 3; Sections 4-5; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 6; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 8; NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 10.

T.38N., R.06E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Sections 12-13; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 36.

T.38N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 3; Sections 4-8; Section 9 except S 12 SE 14; W 12 NW 14 Section 10; NW 14 Section 16; Section 17 except E 12 SE 14; Sections 18-19; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 20; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 27; E 12 SE 14 Section 28; SW 14 SW 14 Section 29; Section 30 except NE 14 SE 14; Sections 31-33; W 12 Section 34.

T.39N., R.06E. Willamette Meridian: Section 25; Section 36.

T.39N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; Section 5 except SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14; E 12 Section 8; Sections 9-12; Sections 14-15; N 12, SE 14 Section 16; NE 14 Section 17; Section 21 except NW 14; W 12 Section 22; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 23; W 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 27; Section 28; W 12 SW 14 Section 30; Sections 31-33; W 12 Section 34.

T.39N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-12; W 12 Section 15; Sections 16-17; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-21; W 12 Section 22.

T.39N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 3; Sections 4-8; Section 9 except SW 14 SE 14; Section 10 except E 12 E 12; SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 14; NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 15; W 12 Section 16; Section 17; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 18; NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 20; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 21.

T.40N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 5; E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 10-15; E 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 16; SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 20; SW 14, E 12 Section 21; Sections 22-28; E 12 W 12, E 12 Section 29; Sections 32-36.

T.40N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Section 2 except NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14; Sections 3-10; Section 11 except S 12 SE 14; NW 14 Section 12; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 15; Sections 16-20; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 29; Sections 30-31; S 12, W 12 NW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 32; Section 33 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 34-36.

T.40N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 19; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 E 12 Section 20; Section 29 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 30; Sections 31-32; S 12 S 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 33; Section 34 except N 12 N 12; S 12 N 12, SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 35.

T.41N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 32-36.

T.41N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 31-34, W 12 SW 14 Section 35.

Map and description of WA-07-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Bellingham, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.37N., R.06E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 20; NE 14 NE 14 Section 28.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.37N., R.06E. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 20; SW 14 Section 21; Section 28 except NE 14; N 12 NE 14 Section 29; N 12 NW 14 Section 33.

Map and description of WA-07-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Mt Baker and Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.35N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; E 12 W 12, E 12 Section 11; Section 12; NE 14 NE 14 Section 13; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 14.

T.35N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except N 12 NE 14; W 12 SW 14 Section 9; N 12 NW 14 Section 17; N 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 18.

T.36N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 2; Section 3; E 12 E 12 Section 4.

T.36N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Section 5; W 12 W 12 Section 6.

T.36N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; E 12 Section 5; Section 8 except S 12 SE1/4; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 9; N 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 12-15; Sections 21-24; S 12 NW 14 Section 26; Section 27 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 28 except SE 14 SE 14; S 12, S 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 33.

T.36N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 5; S 12 S 12 Section 6; Section 7; W 12 W 12 Section 8; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 17; Sections 18-20; SW 14 Section 21; W 12 Section 28; Sections 29-30; N 12, SW 14 Section 31; N 12 N 12 Section 32; N 12 NW 14 Section 33.

T.37N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 9; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 10; S 12, NE 14 Section 11; SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 12; W 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 13; Sections 14-15; Section 16 except NW 14 NW 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 17; NE 14 NE 14 Section 20; Sections 21-27; Section 28 except E 12 E 12, SE 14 SW 14; E 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 33; Sections 34-36.

T.37N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14 SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 4; NE 14 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 7; S 12 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 10-16; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 17; SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 18; Section 19; Section 20 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 21 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 22-36.

T.37N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-10; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 11; NE 14 NE 14 Section 12; N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 14; Sections 15-22; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 23; SW 14 SW 14 Section 25; W 12, SE 14 Section 26; Sections 27-29; Section 30 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 31 except NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Sections 32-35; W 12 Section 36.

T.37N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 6; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 7.

T.38N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SE 14 Section 23; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 24; Section 25; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 26; S 12 SW 14 Section 33; S 12 S 12 Section 34; Section 35 except W 12 NW 14; Section 36.

T.38N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 13-15; Section 16 except W 12 NW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 17; Section 19 except N 12 N 12; Section 20 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 21-31; Section 32 except NW 14; Sections 33-36.

T.38N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 18 except N 12 NE 14; Section 19; Sections 30-31.

Map and description of WA-07-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Flattery, Mt Baker and Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.34N, R.12E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 10; N 12 N 12 Section 11; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 12.

T.34N, R.13E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 Section 4; Sections 5-6; N 12 NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 8; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 9.

T.35N, R.11E. Willamette Meridian: N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 1; N 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 2; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4.

T.35N, R.12E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 5; W 12, SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 6; Sections 7-8; Section 9 except NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NW 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 10; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 13; Section 14 except S 12 SE 14; Sections 15-18; Section 19 except SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14; Sections 20-22; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 23; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 25; S 12, S 12 N 12, NW 14 NW 14 Section 26; Sections 27-29; NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 30; NE 14 NW 14 Section 31; Sections 32-36.

T.35N, R.13E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 30; Section 31 except NE 14 NE 14; SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 32; S 12 SW 14 Section 33.

T.36N, R.11E. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 23; SW 14 SW 14 Section 24; W 12 Section 25; Section 26; Section 27 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 28; Sections 33-35; Section 36 except E 12 NE 14.

Map and description of WA-08-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Bellingham, Mt. Baker and Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.32N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 1; N 12 Section 3; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 4; N 12 Section 5; N 12 Section 6.

T.33N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-30; Section 31 except S 12 SE 14; Section 32; Section 33 except S 12 SE 14; Section 34 except SE 14 SW 14; Section 35; Section 36 except N 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14.

T.33N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 2; Section 3 except S 12 SW 14; Sections 4-8; Section 9 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 10; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14 Section 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 15; W 12 Section 16; Sections 17-20; Section 21 except NE 14; S 12 SW 14 Section 22; N 12 NW 14 Section 29; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 30.

T.34N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-6; Section 7 except N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 8 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 9-15; Section 16 except W 12 E 12; Sections 17-21; Section 22 except SW 14; Sections 23-26; S 12 Section 27; Sections 28-29; N 12 NW 14, S 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 32; Section 33; Section 34 except SW 14 NE 14.

T.34N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 2-11; Section 12 except N 12 NW1/4; Sections 13-28; Section 29 except S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14; Section 30 except SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14; Sections 31-36.

T.34N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 19-22; Sections 27-34.

T.35N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 27; S 12 Section 28; Section 29 except NW 14 NW 14, NE 14; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 30; Sections 31-34; S 12 Section 35.

Map and description of WA-08-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.33N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1.

T.33N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: Section 5 except E 12 SE 14; Section 6.

T.34N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 10; Sections 11-14; NW 14 NE 14, E 12 E 12 Section 15; E 12 SE 14 Section 21; Section 22 except NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 23-27; NW 14 NE 14, E 12 E 12 Section 28; NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 33; Sections 34-36.

T.34N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: Section 5 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 6-8; W 12 SW 14 Section 9; S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 10; SW 14 SW 14 Section 11; W 12 W 12 Section 14; Section 15 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 16 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 17-22; W 12 W 12 Section 23; W 12 W 12 Sections 26-27 except W 12 SW 14; N 12 Section 28; W 12, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 29; Sections 30-31; Section 32 except NE 14 NE 14; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 34; NW 14 NW 14 Section 35.

Map and description of WA-09-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands described within the following areas:

T.31N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: W 12, W 12 NE 14 Section 5; E 12 E 12 Section 6; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 7; W 12 Section 8; W 12 Section 17; E 12 E 12 Section 18.

T.32N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 32.

Map and description of WA-09-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.29N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; N 12 Section 2; Sections 3-6; N 12 Section 7; N 12 Section 8; N 12 Section 9; NW 14 Section 10.

T.29N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; W 12 Section 6; Sections 11-13.

T.29N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NW 14 Section 2; NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 3; NW 14 NW 14 Section 5; Sections 6-7; W 12 NW 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 17; Section 18; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 19; N 12, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 20.

T.30N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; N 12 Section 4; N 12 Section 5; N 12, SE 14 Section 11; Sections 12-13; E 12 Section 14; SW 14 Section 15; Sections 16-17; Section 18 except S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14; Sections 19-26; N 12 Section 27; N 12 Section 28; N 12, SE 14 Section 35.

T.30N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 1; E 12 NE 14 Section 2; W 12, SW 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 6; Section 7; S 12 NW 14, S 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 8; S 12 SE 14 Section 9; S 12 SW 14 Section 10; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 12; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 14; Section 15; Section 16 except NW 14 NW 14; SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 17; W 12 Section 18; Section 19 except W 12 NE 14; Section 20 except NE 14 NW 14, SW 14; Sections 21-22; Section 23 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12 NW 14, S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 24; Sections 25-36.

T.30N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-6; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 7; Sections 8-17; E 12 Section 18; Sections 19-28; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 29; Section 30 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 31 except N 12 NE 14; SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 32; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 33; Sections 34-36.

T.30N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SE 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 5; Sections 6-8; SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 15 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 16-22; NW 14 NW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Sections 29-31; Section 32 except SE 14; Section 33 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 34 except NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14.

T.31N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 1; Sections 12-13.

T.31N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14 Section 3; S 12 Section 4; S 12 Section 5; SE 14 SE 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except S 12 SE 14; N 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 9; W 12 NW 14 Section 10; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 17; Sections 18-21; Section 22 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 23; Section 25 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Sections 26-36.

T.31N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 2; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 3; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 10; NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 12; Section 13 except W 12 NW 14; Section 23 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 24-26; S 12 Section 27; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 28; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 31; N 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 35; Section 36.

T.31N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 6 except E 12 E 12; Sections 7-8; W 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 9; SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 10; Section 15 except E 12 E 12; NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 16; Sections 17-21; Section 22 except E 12 NE 12; SW 14 SW 14 Section 23; SW 14, S 12 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 25; Section 26 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 27-36.

T.31N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 31.

T.32N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 14; S 12 Section 15; E 12 NE 14 Section 21; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except NE 14 NE 14; W 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 24; W 12 NW 14 Section 25; N 12 N 12 Section 26.

T.32N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 26; N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 27; N 12 SE 14 Section 28; E 12 Section 34; E 12, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 35; Section 36 except NE 14, NE 14 SE 14.

T.32N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 31 except E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14.

Map and description of WA-09-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Sauk River and Skykomish River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.27N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 1.

T.27N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: N 12 N 12 Section 6.

T.28N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 23; S 12 SW 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except N 12, SW 14 SW 14; SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 36.

T.28N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 19; Section 20 except NW 14 NW 14; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 21; SE 14 SE 14 Section 23; S 12 SW 14 Section 24; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 25; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 26; S 12 Section 27; NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 29; N 12, SW 14 Section 30; Section 31 except SW 14 NW 14; Section 32 except E 12 E 12.

T.29N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; NE 14 SE 14 Section 25; NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 27; E 12 NE 14 Section 28.

T.29N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Section 30 except N 12 N 12.

Critical Habitat includes only State or County lands described within the following areas:

T.27N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 2; N 12, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 3; NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 10; NW 14, S 12 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12; Section 13 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 14.

T.27N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 7; S 12 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 10; N 12 NW 14 Section 16; N 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14.

T.28N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 4-5; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7; E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 8; SE 14 SW 14, E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 9; Sections 10-12; N 12 N 12, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 13; N 12 Section 14; Section 15; S 12 S 12, E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 16; Section 17 except NW 14 SW 14, NW 14; Section 18 except SW 14; W 12 Section 20; N 12 NW 14 Section 21; NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 36.

T.28N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; S 12 Section 5; N 12, SW 14 Section 6; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 7; NE 14 Section 8; Sections 9-11; Section 12 except S 12 SE 14; S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 13; Sections 14-16; N1/2 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, E 12 Section 17; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 20; Section 21; Section 27; Section 28 except E 12 SW 14; Section 29 except NW 14; N 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 31; N 12 N 12, S 12 NW 14 Section 32; N 12 NW 14, S 12 Section 33; Section 34 except NE 14 SE 14; SW 14 Section 35.

T.28N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 Section 2; Section 3; Section 4 except N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14; Sections 5-6; NW 14 Section 7.

T.29N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-21; Section 22 except SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 23 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 24; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14, S 12 S 12 Section 25; SW 14 NW 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 26; Section 27 except NW 14, N 12 NE 14; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 Section 28; Sections 29-30; Sections 32-34; Section 35 except S 12 SW 14; Section 36.

T.29N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 2; S 12 Section 7; S 12 Section 8; S 12 Section 9; S 12, NE 14 Section 10; Sections 11-12; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 13; Sections 14-19; Section 20 except S 12 SW 14; Section 21; Section 22 except S 12 S 12; Section 23 except S 12 S 12; NE 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except NW 14, N 12 NE 14; SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 27; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 29; N 12 N 12 Section 30; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 31; Section 32 except W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 33 except NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 34 except SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Sections 35-36.

T.29N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 4 except W 12 SW 14; SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 6; Sections 7-8; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except SE 14 SW 14; Section 14; Section 15 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 16-24; Section 25 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 26 except NW 14 SW 14; Sections 28-33; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 34; Section 36.

T.30N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 27; S 12 Section 28; Sections 29-34; SW 14 Section 35; Section 36.

Map and description of WA-09-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.29N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except N 12 NE 14; Section 5; Sections 8-10; SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 11; Section 13 except E 12, SE 14 SW 14; Sections 14-17; NE 14 SE 14 Section 18; NE 14 Section 20; N 12, N 12 N 12 Section 21; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 22; N 12 Section 23; NW 14 NW 14 Section 24.

T.30N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 1; S 12 S 12 Section 2; Sections 11-12; N 12 Section 13; N 12 Section 14.

T.30N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 6; Section 7; SW 14 NW 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 8; SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 16; Sections 17-18; N 12 NW 14, E 12, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 19; Section 20; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 21; Section 29 except E 12 NE 14; N 12 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, E 12 Section 32; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 33.

Map and description of WA-09-e taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Sauk River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.31N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 1; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 2; Section 3; Section 4 except SE 14 SE 14; E 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 5; N 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 9; E 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 10; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 11; W 12, W 12 NE 14, SE 14 Section 14; E 12 SW 14, E 12 Section 15; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 22; N 12 N 12 Section 23.

T.31N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NE 14 Section 4; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 5; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 6.

T.32N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; Sections 10-14; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 15; Sections 23-25; N 12, SE 14 Section 26; N 12 NE 14 Section 36.

T.32N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 1; Section 2; E 12 W 12, E 12 Section 3; Sections 5-8; W 12 NW 14, S 12 Section 9; Section 10 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 11; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-30; N 12, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 31; Section 32-36.

T.32N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 7; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 N 12; SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 10; S 12 SW 14 Section 13; W 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 14; Sections 15-16; Section 17 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 18-19; Section 20 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 21-23; Section 24 except NE 14 NE 14; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 25; Sections 26-33; N 12, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 34; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 35.

T.33N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 15; E 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 16; Sections 21-22; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 23; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 25; Section 26 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 27; E 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 28; Section 34 except W 12 SW 14; Section 35; NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 36.

Map and description of WA-10-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Skykomish River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.26N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 4; NW 14 NW 14, E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 5; Section 7 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 N 12; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 10; S 12 SW 14 Section 11; S 12 Section 13; Section 14 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 15-19; N 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 20; Sections 21-23; Section 24 except E 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14; N 12 N 12 Section 25; N 12 N 12 Section 26; N 12 Section 27; N 12 Section 28; N 12 NE 14 Section 29; W 12, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 30.

T.26N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: Section 2; Sections 4-7; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 8; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 18; E 12 Section 19; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 20; NW 14 NW 14 Section 29; N 12 N 12 Section 30.

T.27N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 19; Section 30 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 31; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 32.

T.27N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NW 14 NW 14; E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 2; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 11; Sections 12-13; Section 14 except SW 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 15; NE 14 NE 14 Section 22; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 23; Section 24; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 25; SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SW 14, E 12 Section 26; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 31; Section 32; Sections 35-36.

T.27N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-20; W 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 21; Sections 22-36.

T.27N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 2; Section 3 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 4-10; W 12 W 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 11; N 12 N 12 Section 15; N 12, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 16; Sections 17-19; W 12 Section 20; W 12 Section 29; Sections 30-31; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 32.

T.28N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 36.

T.28N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 10; E 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 12; Section 13 except W 12 W 12; Section 15 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 16; S 12, SE 14 NW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 17; E 12 SE 14 Section 18; E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-29; E 12 Section 30; Section 31 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 32-36.

T.28N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 3; SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 4; Section 7 except N 12 N 12; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 10; SW 14 SW 14 Section 11; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 14; Sections 15-23; SW 14 NW 14 Section 25; N 12 Section 26; N 12 Section 27; W 12, NE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 28; Sections 29-32; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 33.

Map and description of WA-10-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Skykomish River, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.25N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 3-5; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 6; Sections 7-8; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 9; NE 14 Section 10; W 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 16; Section 17; N 12, SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 18; NE 14 Section 20; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 21; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 22; SW 14 SW 14 Section 23; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 25; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 26; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 27.

T.25N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; Sections 9-12; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 13; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 14; Section 15; N 12, SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 16; SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 17; SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 19; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 20; Section 22 except SW 14 SW 14; W 12 W 12 Section 23; NE 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 27.

T.25N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-5; W 12 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except NE 14 NW 14; Sections 9-13; N 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 14; Sections 16-20; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 21; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 28; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 29; NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 30.

T.25N., R.13E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 6; W 12 Section 7; W 12, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 18; W 12 Section 19.

T.26N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 27; SE 14 SE 14 Section 28; S 12 SW 14, E 12 Section 32; N 12 SW 14, NE 14 Section 33; Sections 34-35; S 12 Section 36.

T.26N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; NW 14, E 12 Section 2; N 12 NE 14 Section 3; E 12 E 12 Section 11; Sections 12-13; E 12 E 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 24; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 25; S 12 NE 14 Section 34; Sections 35-36

T.26N., R.13E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 6; Section 8; S 12 Section 10; Sections 18-19; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 20; S 12, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 21; W 12 SW 14 Section 22; W 12 Section 27; Section 28 except SW 14 SE 14; N 12, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 S 12 Section 29; N 12, SW 14 Section 30; E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 31; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 32.

T.27N., R.12E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 13; NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 24-27; Section 34 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 35-36.

T.27N., R.13E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 18; W 12 Section 19; NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 30.

Map and description of WA-10-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Flattery, Skykomish River and Snoqualmie Pass, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.20N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 N 12, S 12 Section 2.

T.21N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 36.

T.22N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 2; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 11; W 12 NW 14, S 12, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 12.

T.22N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: S 12, NE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 13; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 14; W 12, SE 14 Section 18; Section 20; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 22; Sections 23-26; SE 14 Section 28; NE 14 NE 14 Section 34; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 35; N 12 N 12 Section 36.

T.22N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 18; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 20.

T.23N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 2; W 12, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 3; Sections 4-9; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 10; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 15; Sections 16-21; Section 22 except NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14; Section 27; NW 14 NW 14, E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 28; N 12 N 12 Section 29.

T.23N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: Section 6 except E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 7; SW 14 Section 8; W 12 NW 14 Section 17; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 18.

T.24N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 9; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 10; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 11; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 15; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 16; E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 17; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 21; Section 22 except NE 14 NE 14; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 23; SW 14 SW 14 Section 24; Section 25 except E 12 SE 14, NE 14; NE 14 NW 14, S 12, NE 14 Section 26; Section 27; Section 28 except NW 14; Section 29 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 31-36.

T.24N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 31.

Map and description of WA-11-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Snoqualmie Pass and Mt Rainier, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.17N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; E 12 E 12 Section 4.

T.17N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 6; NE 14 NW 14 Section 7.

T.18N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; NW 14, E 12 Section 3; N 12 Section 4; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except S 12 SW 14; Sections 12-13; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 14; E 12 E 12 Section 22; Sections 23-25; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 26; E 12 NE 14 Section 27; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 36.

T.18N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-30; Section 31 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 32-36.

T.18N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-12; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 13; Sections 14-23; SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 S 12 Section 24; Sections 25-35; Section 36 except SE 14 NE 14.

T.18N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 2; N 12 N 12 Section 3; N 12 NW 14 Section 4; N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 5; Section 6; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 7; W 12 Section 30; N 12 NW 14 Section 31.

T.19N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: Section 4; Section 6; Section 8; W 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 10; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 12; Section 14; Section 16; Section 18; Section 20; Section 22; Sections 24-26; Section 28; W 12, SE 14 Section 30; Section 32; W 12, SE 14 Section 34; Section 36.

T.19N., R.11E. Willamette Meridian: W 12, SE 14 Section 18; Section 20; Section 28; Sections 30-32, Section 34 except NW 14 NE 14.

T.20N., R.10E. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 28; Section 30; Section 32 except NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 34 except SE 14 SE 14.

Map and description of WA-11-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Snoqualmie Pass and Mt Rainier, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.17N, R.07E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 N 12, S 12, NE 14 NE/14 Section 4; E 12 SE 14 Section 5; Section 8 except W 12 NW 14; Section 9; Sections 16-21; Section 28; N 12 N 12 Section 29; Section 30.

T.18N, R.07E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 12; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 13; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 14; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 22; NW 14 NW 14 Section 23; Section 36 except W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14.

T.18N, R.08E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 20; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 28; Section 29 except NE 14; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 30; Sections 31-34; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 35.

Map and description of WA-11-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Tacoma and Centralia, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.13N., R.03E. Willamette Meridian: Section 2; Section 4; Section 8; Section 10; Section 12; Section 14; Section 16; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 Section 22; Section 24.

T.13N., R.04E. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 2; Sections 4-8; Section 16; Section 18; N 12, SE 14 Section 20; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 28.

T.14N., R.03E. Willamette Meridian: Section 22; Section 24; Section 26; Section 28; Section 30; Section 32; Section 34; Section 36.

T.14N., R.04E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 2-5; SE 14 Section 6; Sections 8-10; W 12 Section 11; W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-23; Section 24 except NW 14; Section 25 except SW 14; N 12 N 12 Section 26; Sections 27-32; E 12 SW 14, E 12 Section 36.

T.15N., R.04E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 21; S 12 Section 22; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 26; Sections 27-28; E 12 E 12 Section 29; E1/2 Section 32; Sections 33-34; W 12 Section 35.

Map and description of WA-11-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Mt. Rainier, Washington; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.13N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Section 10; Section 12; Section 14; Section 22.

T.13N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-8; Section 9 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 N 12 Section 10; N 12 NW 14 NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 11; N 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 12; W 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 16; Section 17; Section 18 except S 12 S 12; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 20; NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 21.

T.13N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except S 12 SE 14; Sections 5-6; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 7; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 8; N 12 NW 14 Section 9.

T.14N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 1; Section 2 except N 12 NE 14; Section 3; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 4; E 12 SE 14 Section 7; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 8; Sections 9-17; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 18; Section 20 except SW 14, S 12 SE 14; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 21; Sections 22-24; Section 25 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 26 except S 12 S 12; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 27; NE 14 NE 14 Section 28; NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 36.

T.14N., R.08E. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 2; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 3; Section 4; Section 5 except NW 14 NW 14; SW 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 6; Sections 7-36.

T.14N., R.09E. Willamette Meridian: Section 7; W 12 W 12 Section 8; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 17; Sections 18-19; Section 20 except NE 14 NE 14; W 12 SW 14 Section 21; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 28; Section 29-32; Section 33 except NE 14 NE 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

T.15N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 5; E 12 E 12 Section 6; E 12 E 12 Section 7; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 8; SW 14 SW 14 Section 16; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 17; S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 20; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 21; S 12 S 12 Section 34.

T.16N., R.07E. Willamette Meridian: Section 32.

Map and description of OR-01-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Astoria, Nehalem River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.05N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 3; N 12 NE 14 Section 10.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.08N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 17; Section 18 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 19; W 12 W 12 Section 20; W 12 Section 28; E 12 Section 29; NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 30; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 31; E 12 Section 32; W 12 Section 33.

T.08N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 13; E 12 Section 14; Section 23 except NW 14; Section 24-26; Section 36.

T.07N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 2; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4; Sections 9-11; Sections 13-14; Section 16; Sections 25-36.

T.07N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 30-31; NW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 32.

T.07N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 22 except N 12 N 12; Section 23 except N 12 NW 14; Section 24 except NE 14; Section 25; Section 26 except S 12 SW 14; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 27; NE 14 Section 28; S 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 35; Section 36.

T.06N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 2-6; NE 14 NE 14 Section 7; Sections 8-10; S 12, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 11; W 12 SW 14 Section 12; Section 13 except SW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 14 except S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 15; Section 16 except SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 17 except N 12 NW 14; SE 14 NE 14 Section 18; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 19; E 12 NE 14 Section 21; N 12 N 12 Section 22; N 12 NW 14 Section 23; NE 14 NW 14, E 12 Section 24; W 12 Section 28; SW 14, W 12 NW 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 29; Sections 30-32; S 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 33.

T.06N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 4; NW 14 NW 14 Section 5; N 12 NE 14 Section 6; E 12 SE 14 Section 9; Sections 10-15; NE 14 NE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 16; S 12 S 12 Section 17; W 12 Section 18; S 12, W 12 NW 14 Section 19; Sections 20-23; W 12 SW 14 Section 24; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 25; Sections 26-28; S 12, W 12 NW 14 Section 29; Section 30; NE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 31; E 12 SE 14, N 12 Section 32; Section 33; NE 14, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 34; N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 35; E 12, SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 36.

T.06N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 13; SE 14, E 12 SW 14, S 12 NE1/4 Section 24; E 12 Section 25; SW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except NE 14; Section 29 except NW 14; E 12 Section 32; Sections 33-34.

T.05N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 6.

T.05N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 1; N 12 NW 14 Section 3; NE 14 NE 14 Section 4.

Map and description of OR-01-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Nehalem River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.03N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 6-7; Sections 16-17; Section 18 south of Foss River; Sections 19-21; Sections 27-28.

T.03N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except W 12 NW 14; SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 2; NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 3; E 12, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except W 12 NW 14; Section 8 except SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Sections 9-16; Section 21 except W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14; Section 23 lying N of Foss River; E 12, NW 14 Section 24 lying N of Foss River; Section 28.

T.03N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: W1/2 Section 1; Section 2 except NW 14; SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 5; Section 6 except NW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 7; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 8; W 12 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12 except E 12 E 12, W 12 SW 14; NW 14 NE 14 Section 13; S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 17; Section 18 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14.

T.03N., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: S1/2 Section 1; Section 12.

T.04N., R. 08W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 8; SE 14 Section 10; S 12 S 12, W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 14; Section 15 except NW 14; Section 17 except NW 14 SW 14; Sections 19-20; Section 21 except N 12 NW 14; Section 22 except S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14; E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 23; Section 27-29; SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 31; Sections 32-34.

T.04N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian Section 10 except NW1/4; SW 14 Section 11; Sections 13-14; NE 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 15; NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14; N 12, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 24; SW 14 SW 14 Section 28; Section 32 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14; W 12 W 12, S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 33; Section 34 except N 12, NE 14 SW 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.04N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 30; E 12 W 12, NW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 31.

Map and description of OR-01-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Nehalem River and Yamhill River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.01N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 25; SE 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 26; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35 except SW 14.

T.01S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 7 except E 12 NE 14, SE 14; S 12 Section 17; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 18; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 19; N 12 N 12, NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 20; Section 21 except N 12 NE 14, S 12 SW 14; W 12 Section 22; S 12 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 27; S 12 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 28; S 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 29; NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 30; N 12 NE 14 Section 31.

T.01S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except E 12 E 12; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 2; N 12 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except SE 14 SE 14; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 5; S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 9; S 12, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except N 12 NE 14; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, E 12 NE 14, Section 12; E 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 13; W 12 NE 14, NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 14; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 15.

T.01S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 13.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.02N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3; E 12, NW 14 Section 7; S 12 Section 16; Section 18 except SW 14 NW 14, N 12 NW 14; Sections 19-22; Sections 29-32.

T.02N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 E 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 24; S 12 SE 14 Section 25; Section 36 except NW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14.

T.01N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 9; Section 16 except SW 14; SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 19; Section 20 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 21; Section 26 except SE 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 27; W 12 Section 28; Section 29 except NW 14; Section 30; NE 14, N 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 31; N 12, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 32; S 12 SW 14, SE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 33; Section 34 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14, S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 35; Section 36.

T.01N., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NE 14 Section 1; SW 14 SW 14 Section 2; SE 14 SE 14 Section 3; E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 10; W 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 11; Section 13 except N 12 NE 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 14; SE 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 22; Section 23 except W 12 NW 14; Sections 24-26; E 12, NW 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 27; N 12 NE 14 Section 34; NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 35; NE 14 Section 36.

T.01S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 6; SE 14 Section 7; SW 14 Section 16; N 12 S 12, SE 14 NW 14 Section 17; NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 18; Section 19 except SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 20 except S 12 S 12, N 12 N 12, NE 14 SW 14; S 12 SW 14, Section 21; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 28.

T.01S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 E 12 Section 1; Section 3 except N 12 SW 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 4; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 7; E 12 SE 14 Section 8; W 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 9; Section 13 except N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14; S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 14; N 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 16; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 17; NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 18; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 23; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 24; Section 25; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only State owned and State managed lands described within the following areas:

NE 14, N 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 13.

Critical Habitat includes only County lands described within the following areas:

T.01N., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 16; N 12, SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 21; E 12 Section 28; NE 14 Section 33.

Map and description of OR-01-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Nehalem River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.04N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 4; Section 5 except SW 14; Section 30 except NE 14; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 31.

T.04N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except NE 14, SW 14 NW 14; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 3; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 9; N 12 N 12, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 13 except NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 14 except NW 14 NE 14; Section 15; Section 16 except E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Sections 21-22; Section 23 except S 12 SE 14; Section 24 except E 12 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 25.

T.05N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NE 14; Sections 2-3; SE 14, S 12 SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 7; Sections 8-18; Section 19 except E 12 NE 14; Section 20 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 21-22; Section 23 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 24; E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 25; Sections 27-30; Section 31 except W 12 W 12; Sections 32-33; Section 34 except SE 14.

T.05N., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 13; Section 22 except S 12 S 12; N 12 SW 14 Section 23; Section 24 except NE 14, NW 14 NW 14; Sections 25-26; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 27; SE 14 Section 33; E 12 Section 34; Section 35 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; N 12 Section 36.

T.05N., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14 Section 25; SE 14 NE 14 Section 26.

T.06N., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 23; Section 26 except NE 14; Section 35 except SW 14 NE 14; Section 36 except N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14.

Map and description of OR-02-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Yamhill River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.02S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 22 except SW 14, S 12 NW 14, S 12 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14; Sections 23-25; N 12 Section 26; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 27.

T.02S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 19; N 12 SW 14, NW 14 Section 29; Section 30.

Map and description of OR-02-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Yamhill River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.03S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 3; S 12, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14, W 12 NE 14; Section 4; E 12 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9; Section 10 except N 12 SE 14; NW 14 Section 15; N 12 Section 16; S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 19; S 12 SW 14 Section 32.

T.03S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, E 12 SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except N 12 NW 14; S 12, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 24; W 12 NW 14 Section 25; Section 26; Section 27 except SW 14 NE 14; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 28; Section 32 except N 12 N 12, W 12 SW 14; Section 33; N 12 NE 14, W 12 SW 14, NW 14 Section 34; Section 35 except S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14.

T.04S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 4; W 12, W 12 E 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 5; Section 6 except W 12 W 12; Section 7 except W 12 NW 14; Sections 8-9; SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 10; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 15; N 12, SE 14 Section 16; N 12 Section 17; N 12 Section 18.

T.04S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, W 12 E 12 Section 3; E 12, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SE 14 Section 4; N 12, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 5; E 12 SW 14, E 12 Section 6; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 7; NE 14 Section 9.

T.05S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 5; SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7; W 12, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 8; NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 17; Section 18; N 12 Section 19; NW 14 NW 14 Section 20.

T.05S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except S 12 S 12, NE 14 NE 14; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 3; S 12 NE 14 Section 4; N 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 10; NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 11; E 12, E 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 12; NE 14 NW 14, E 12 Section 13; SW 14 Section 14; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 17; Section 20 except W 12 W 12, SE 14 NE 14; NW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 22; SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, N 12 N 12 Section 23; NW 14 NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 24; N 12 N 12 Section 26; S 12 Section 32; S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 33; W 12 SE 14 Section 34.

T.06S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4; N 12 S 12, N 12 Section 5; W 12 W 12, E 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except N 12 NE 14; Section 9 except NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 10; Section 11 except NE 14, SE 14 SE 14; SW 14 Section 12; S 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 14; W 12, SE 14 Section 15; Section 16 except N 12 NE 14; Section 17-18; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, W 12 E 12 Section 19; W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 20; Sections 21-22; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 23; S 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 26; W 12 W 12, NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 27; Section 28 except SW 14 NW 14; NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 30.

T.06S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1-2; Section 11; Section 12; Section 13 except SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14; NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 14; Section 24 except SE 14 SE 14, N 12 NW 14.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.05S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 10; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11.

Map and description of OR-02-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Yamhill River and Corvallis, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.06S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 32.

T.07S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 3; SE 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 4; W 12 NW 14 Section 5; Section 8 except S 12 SW 14 SW 14 SE 14; Section 9 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 16 except E 12 E 12, NE 14 NW 14; S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 17; Section 18 except NE 14 NE 14; SW 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 19; NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 20; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 21; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 28; SE 14 NE 14 Section 29; N 12 NW 14 Section 30.

T.07S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 3; Section 4 except E 12 NE 14; Section 5; Sections 7-9; Section 10 except E 12 NW 14, NE 14; N 12 S 12, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12 except S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, E 12 NE 14; Section 13; Section 14 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 15 except S 12 S 12; Section 16 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 17; N 12 Section 18; S 12 S 12 Section 20; NE 14, SW 14 Section 21; Sections 22-23; Section 24 except NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14; Section 25 except NW 14; Section 26 except NW 14; Sections 27-29; Section 31 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 32-35.

T.08S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-5; Section 6 except NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 7 except NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 S 12 NE 14; Section 8 except S 12 S 12; Sections 9-14; Section 15 except SE 14 SE 14; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 16; SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; Sections 23 except SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 24 except SE 14 SE 14; NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 25; Section 26 except SE 14, E 12 NE 14; W 12 NE 14 Section 28.

Map and description of OR-02-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Corvallis, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.07S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except N 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14; Section 6 except NE 14, N 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 7; S 12 S 12, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 9; Section 17 except NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14.

T.07S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 2-3; Section 4 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 5; Section 7; N 12 Section 8; Section 9; Section 11 except SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 13 except NE 14 SE 14; Section 15; Section 17; N 12 Section 18; Section 19; Section 21; Section 23; N 12 Section 25; N 12 Section 26; Section 27; Section 29; Section 31; Section 33; NW 14 Section 34.

T.07S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; SE 14 Section 12; Section 13; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 14; Section 15 except W 12 W 12; Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 W 12; Section 19 except W 12 W 12; W 12 Section 20; Section 23; Section 25; Section 27; Section 28 except E 12 SW 14, S 12 NW 14; Section 29 except SE 14; Section 30 except W 12 W 12; Section 31 except W 12 W 12, E 12 SE 14; Section 32 except NE 14; N 12, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 33; Section 35.

T.08S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 3; SW 14 SE 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5; NE 14 NE 14 Section 17.

T.08S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14; Section 3 except W 12 W 12.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.07S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 4; E 12 NW 14 Section 9.

Map and description of OR-02-e taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Yamhill River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.01S., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19 except NW 14.

T.02S., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 N 12 Section 3; SW 14 NE 14 Section 5; SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 7.

T.02S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14 Section 25; S 12 NW 14, NE 14, S 12 S 12 Section 26; Section 35.

T.02S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 31 except W 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14; NW 14, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 32; Section 33 except NW 14 NW 14; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

T.03S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14 Section 1; Section 7; SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 13; S 12 SW 14 Section 16; Sections 17-20; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 21; SE 14 SE 14 Section 27; SW 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 28; Section 29; Section 30 except NE 14; Section 31; W 12 Section 32; Section 33 except SW 14; SE 14 Section 36.

T.03S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 5; Section 7; S 12 NE 14, W 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9; Section 10 except N 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14; Section 11; Section 12 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 NE 14; Sections 13-15; S 12 Section 16; Section 17; SW 14, N 12 NE 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 18; Section 19; Section 20 except W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14; Sections 21-25; E 12 Section 26; Sections 27-29; E 12 Section 30; Section 31; Section 32 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 33 except NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14; N 12, SE 14 Section 34; Section 35; W 12 Section 36.

T.03S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 1; SW 14 SE 14 Section 2; Section 3; NW 14, S 12 SE 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except NW 14, SW 14 NE 14; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 Section 6; Section 7 except N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 NW 14; Section 8 except S 12 SE 14; Section 9; Section 10 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 11; Section 13; NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 14; Section 15 except SW 14; W 12 SW 14 Section 16; SW 14 SE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 17; Section 18 except S 12 SE 14; Section 19 except N 12 NE 14; NE 14 Section 20; Section 21 except NW 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 22 except SW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14; Section 23; Section 24 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 25 except NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14; N 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 26; Section 27 except NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14; S 12 S 12, NW 14 NW 14 Section 29; S 12, W 12 NW 14 Section 31; Section 32 except SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SE 14; Sections 33-34; S 12 Section 35; W 12 NE 14 Section 36.

T.03S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 2; SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except NW 14; Section 12 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 13 except W 12 NW 14, E 12 NE 14; Section 14 except SW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 15; NE 14 Section 23; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 24.

T.04S., R05W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 SE 14 Section 19.

T.04S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14; Sections 6-7; S 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 18.

T.04S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NE 14; W 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 2; Section 3 except NW 14; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 4; N 12, E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 5; Section 6 except NE 14, W 12 SE 14; Section 7; SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9; N 12 Section 10; Section 11; Section 12 except SE 14 SW 14; Section 13; Section 14 except N 12 NW 14, S 12 NE 14, E 12 SE 14; Section 15 except SW 14 SW 14; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 16; Section 17 except N 12 S 12; Section 18 except NW 14.

T.04S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NE 14, SE 14, Section 1; NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 2; N 12 N 12, S 12 S 12 Section 3; Section 4 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Sections 5-8; Section 9 except NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW1/4; Section 10; Section 11 except SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 12 except NE 14 SE 14, E 12 NE 14; Sections 13-14; Section 15 except N 12 NE 14; Section 16; Sections 17-25; Section 26 except W 12 SW 14; Section 27 except E 12 SE 14; Section 28-35; N 12 Section 36.

T.04S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 1; SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 11; Section 12 except NW 14; Section 13; E 12, E 12 NW 14 Section 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Sections 24-26; SE 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 27; NE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 34; N 12 N 12, S 12 S 12, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 35; Section 36.

T.05S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; NE 14 NE 14, SW 14, SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14; W 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 9; Section 10-15; Section 16 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14; Section 21 except W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 1414; Section 22; Section 23 except SE 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 24 except SW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 25; Section 26 except E 12 E 12; Section 27 except E 12 NE 14, SW 14, NW 14 NW 14; Section 31 except N 12 NW 14; Section 32; Section 33 except E 12 E 12; Section 34 except W 12; Section 35.

T.06S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 Section 2; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except SE 14 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14; N 12 Section 5; N 12 N 12 Section 6; NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 9.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.03S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 16.

Map and description of OR-02-f taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Yamhill River, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.06S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SE 14 Section 11; N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 12; NW 14 NW 14 Section 13; N 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 14; S 12 NE 14, S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 15; S 12 SW 14, SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 16; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 20; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 21; W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 29.

Map and description of OR-03-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Corvallis, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.09S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 33; SW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

T.10S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 SE 14 Section 2.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.09S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 34.

T.10S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 16; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 17.

Critical Habitat includes only County lands described within the following areas:

T.10S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian:SW 14 SE 14 Section 2.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.09S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 23; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 25; NE 14 Section 26; W 12 SW 14 Section 34.

T.10S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 15.

T.10S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 14.

Map and description of OR-03-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Corvallis, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.10S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14 Section 30.

T.10S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 25; N 12 Section 36.

T.11S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 N 12, SE 14 Section 16; N 12 Section 21; S 12, NW 14 Section 29; Section 31; Section 32 except E 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14.

T.11S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14 Section 14; Section 15 except N 12 NE 14; Section 16 except S 12 SW 14; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 17; S 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 18; Sections 19-21; W 12, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 22; SW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 23; SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 N 12 Section 26; Section 27 except SW 14, NE 14 NE 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 28; Sections 29-31; Section 32 except SE 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 35.

T.11S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 7; NW 14 NW 14 Section 17; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 18; Section 23 except NW 14; S 12, NW 14 NW 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14; NE 14 Section 27; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35.

T.12S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5 except S 12, SW 14 NW 14.

T.12S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 Section 5; E 12 E 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 6.

T.12S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian S 12 SW 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 1; E 12, E 12 NW 14 Section 2.

Map and description of OR-03-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Corvallis, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.08S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, SW 14 Section 31; W 12 NW 14 Section 33.

T.08S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 31 except S 12 SE 14.

T.09S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 5; NE 14, NW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 7.

T.09S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 3 except NE 14; Section 9 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 11; Section 13; W 12, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 15; SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 17; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 21; E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 23; Section 29 except SE 14; Section 31; S 12, SE 14 NW 14 Section 33; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 35.

T.09S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 11; Section 27 except N 12 NE 14; Section 35.

T.10S., R.05W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 NE 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 29.

T.10S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 1; W 12 NW 14 Section 4; N 12 Section 5.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.08S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 11; SE 1414 Section 12; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 13; E 12, SW 14 Section 14.

T.09S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 28 except N 12 N 12; S 12, NW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 29; SE 14 Section 32; NE 14 Section 33; Section 34 except NW 14; Section 36 except N 12 N 12.

T.10S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 6; N 12 N 12 Section 7; NW 14, SW 14, SE 14 SE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 18; Section 19 except W 12 SW 14.

T.10S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14; Section 2; NE 14, NW 14, NW 14 SW114, SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 3; Section 4 except SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 5; E 12 Section 6; NE 14 Section 7; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 8; NW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 9; NW 14, NE 14 Section 10; N 12 N 12 Section 11; Section 12; Section 13 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 19; E 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 24.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.09S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 29.

Map and description of OR-04-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Corvallis, Waldport and Eugene, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.11S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 35.

T.12S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 N 12 Section 6; Section 7 except NW 14 NE 14; Section 8 except NE 14 NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 14; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 15; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 16; Sections 17-18; Section 19 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 20 except SE 14 NW 14, S 12 NE 14; Section 21; Section 22 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 23 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 26 except NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14; Sections 27-28; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 29; W 12 Section 33.

T.12S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except E 12 NW 14, S 12 NE 14; Section 4; S 12, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 5; SE 14 SE 14 Section 6; Sections 7-8; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 9; N112 Section 10; Section 11 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 12; W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 13; Sections 16-17; Section 18; Sections 19-21; Section 25 except S 12 S 12, N 12 NW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 26; Section 28; Section 29 except SW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 30 except S 12 S 12; E 12 SE 14 Section 31; Section 32 except W 12 NW 14; Section 33 except SW 14 SE 14; N 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 35.

T.12S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 9; SE 14, S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 11; S 12 Section 12; Section 13 except S 12 S 12; Section 14 except N 12 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14; NE 14 Section 22; Sections 23-24; Section 25 except W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 26 except SE 14 NE 14; E 12 Section 27; Section 35; Section 36 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14.

T.13S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2 except SE 14; NE 14 Section 4; SW 14 Section 5; Section 6-7; W 12 Section 8; Sections 18-19; N 12 SW 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 20; SW 14 SW 14 Section 21; Section 28 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Section 29 except NW 14 SW 14; Section 30; Section 31 except N 12 SW 14, S 12 NW 14; Section 32-33; W 12 W 12, E 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 34; SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.13S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2; E 12 E 12 Section 3; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 7; E 12 SE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except SW 14 NW 14; Sections 11-15; Section 16 except N 12 NW 14; Section 17 except N 12, NW 14 SW 14; Section 18; Sections 19-25; Section 26 except SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, Section 27; SE 14 SW 14, NW 14 Section 28; Section 29; N 12, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 30; S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 31; E 12 SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 32; W 12 Section 33; E 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35 except SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14.

T.13S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 2; Section 11 except W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 12; Section 13 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 14; Section 15 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 22; NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 23; S 12 NE 14, S 12, NW 14 NW 14 Section 24; Section 25 except S 12 N 12, N 12 SE 14; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 26; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 34; Section 35; Section 36 except SE 14, E 12 NE 14.

T.14S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2 except NE 14 NE 14, S 12 S 12; Section 3 except S 12 S 12, N 12 SW 14; Section 4 except S 12 S 12, N 12 SE 14; Section 5 except S 12 SE 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14; E 12, S 12 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14; N 12 NW 14, SE 14, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 10 except N 12 NE 14; Section 11 except N 12 NW 14, NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14; S 12 S 12 Section 12; SW 14, S 12 SE 14, N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 13; Sections 14 except NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14; Sections 15-16; S 12 NE 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14, NE 14, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 19; S 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 20; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 21; NW 14 NW 14 Section 22; E 12, E 12 NW 14 Section 23; W 12 W 12 Section 24; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 25; E 12 Section 26; S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 36.

T.14S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 SE 14, E 12 NE 14; Section 2; Section 3 except SW 14; Section 4; Section 5 except W 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14; Section 6; N 12 Section 7; Section 8 except SW 14; Section 9 except S 12 SW 14; Sections 10-13; Section 14; Section 15; N 12, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 16; Section 17 except N 12 NW 14; N 12 Section 20; E 12, E 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 23; Section 24 except E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; NW 14 Section 25.

T.14S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 3; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 4; S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 5; NE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 9; Section 10 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 11; W 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 12; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 13; Section 14; Section 15 except NE 14 SE 14; Section 16 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 17 except SE 14 NE 14; Sections 18-21; Section 22 except S 12 N 12, N 12 SW 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 23; Section 24 except NE 14; Section 25 except W 12 NW 14; Section 26 except NE 14 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14; Sections 27-30; N 12, NE 14 SW 14 Section 31; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 32; N 12 Section 33; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14 Section 34; N 12 NW 14 Section 35.

T.14S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 1; Section 12 except W 12 W 12; Section 13 except NW 14 NW 14; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 14; SE 14, E 12 NE 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 23; Sections 24-25.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.14S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 8.

Map and description of OR-04-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Waldport, Eugene, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.14S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 28; Section 29 except N 12 NE 14; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 30; Section 31; Section 32; Section 33 except SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14; Section 34 except W 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14; S 12 S 12, SW 14 NW 14, E 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 35.

T.14S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 25; Section 29 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 30-32.

T.14S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 35; Section 36 except NW 14, N 12 NE 14.

T.15S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 1; Sections 2-5; Section 6 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 7; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 8; Section 9 except S 12 SW 14; Section 10 except SE 14; Section 11; N 12 SW 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 12; E 12, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 13; Section 14 except NE 14 SE 14; Section 15; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 16; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 17; Section 18 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 19; SE 14, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21; Section 22 except E 12 SW 14; Sections 23-26; E 12, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 27; Section 28; E 12, E 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 29; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 30; Section 32 except W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Sections 33-36.

T.15S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, SE 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 2; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 4; Sections 5-8; W 12, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 9; NE 14 NE 14 Section 11; NW 14, E 12 Section 12; E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 13; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 14; SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SW 14, E 12 NW 14, E 12 Section 15; S 12 S 12 Section 16; Sections 17-22; E 12, SE 14 SW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 23; Section 24 except NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14; SW 14 Section 25; Section 26 except NE 14; Sections 27-34; E 12, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 35; NE 14 NW 14 Section 36.

T.15S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 2; E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except N 12 NW 14; NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 5; SW 14, W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, S 12 NE 14, SE 14 Section 6; W 12 Section 7; NE 14, S 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 8; Section 9 except SW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Section 10-11; Section 12 except SE 14 SW 14; Section 13 except N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14; Section 14; Section 15 except SW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 16; E 12 SE 14 Section 21; E 12 E 12, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 Section 22; Sections 23-27; Section 28 except N 12 N 12; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 29; S 12, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 30; Section 31 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 32 except S 12 N 12, NE 14 SE 14; Section 33 except S 12 SE 14; Section 34 except S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 35 except SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14; Section 36.

T.15S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NW 14; Section 2; E 12, E 12 NW 14 Section 3; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 10; Section 11 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 12 except S 12 S 12; SE 14 Section 22; Section 25 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12, NE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 26; E 12 E 12 Section 27; E 12 Section 34; Section 35; Section 36 except N 12 N 12.

T.16S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 S 12, SE 14 SE 14; Section 2 except E 12 SE 14; Sections 3-5; Section 6 except N 12 N 12, SW 14 NE 14; Section 7 except E 12 NE 14; Sections 8-15; Section 16 except SE 14; Section 17; Section 18 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 19; NW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 22-24; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 25; Section 26 except S 12 SE 14; Sections 27-28; Section 29 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 30; W 12 Section 31; Sections 32-34; Section 35 except NE 14, S 12 SW 14, E 12 NW 14.

T.16S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 1; SW 14 SE 14, SW 14 Section 2; Section 3 except E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14; SW 14, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; Section 5 except SE 14 NE 14; Sections 6-9; Section 10 except SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14; N 12, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 11; Section 12 except SW 14 NE 14, NW 14; Section 13 except S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 14; Section 15 except W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14; Section 16 except N 12 NE 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 17-21; Section 22 except W 12 E 12, NE 14 NE 14; Section 23; Section 24 except NW 14 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 25; Section 26 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 27 except S 12 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 28; Section 29 except SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 30 except NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14; Section 31; Section 32 except N 12 N 12; Section 33 except W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14; NW 14 NE 14, NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 34; NE1/4 Section 35.

T.16S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: E 12, E 12 NW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except SW 14 NW 14; W 12 Section 3; Section 4-6; N 12 N 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 8; N 12 Section 9; Section 10 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 11 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 12 except NE 14 NW 14; Section 13; Section 14 except N 12 NW 14; S 12 NE 14, SE 14 Section 15; Section 19 except N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 20; S 12 SE 14, SW 14 Section 21; Section 22 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 23-27; Section 28 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 29 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 30-36.

T.16S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1 except S 12 S 12; Section 2; E 12 Section 3; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 10; N 12 Section 11; S 12 S 12 Section 14; W 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 15; N 12 NE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 24-26; Sections 35-36.

T.17S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SE 14 Section 18.

T.17S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 2 except E 12 W 12, S 12 NE 14; Section 3 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 4 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 5; Section 6 except NW 14; Section 7; Section 8; W 12 Section 9; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 10; W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 11; SE 14 SE 14 Section 14; W 12 W 12 Section 16; Section 17 except W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Sections 18-19; Section 20 except E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 21; S 12 SW 14 Section 25; S 12 SE 14 Section 26; W 12 NW 14 Section 28; N 12 Section 29; N 12 N 12, W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 30; Section 31 except S 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 32; S 12 SE 14 Section 33; S 12 S 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 34; S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.17S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 1; Section 3 except E 12, NE 14 NW 14; Section 4; Section 5 except SW 14 NW 14; Section 6 except S 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 7-9; N 12, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 10; SW 14 NW 14 Section 11; E 12 E 12, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 12; Section 13; S 12, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 14; SE 14, NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 15; Section 16 except W 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Sections 17-18; Section 19 except SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, S 12 SW 14; Section 20-21; Section 22 except N 12 NW 14; Section 23 except N 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 24; Section 25 except N 12 NE 14; Section 26; Section 27 except SW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14; Section 28 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 29 except S 12 SW 14; Sections 30-31; Section 32 except N 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14 ; Section 33 except NE 14 NE 14; NE 14, SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 34; Section 35 except SW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14.

T.17S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 2; S 12, E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 3; Sections 4-5; Section 6 except S 12 SE 14; S 12 NE 14, S 12, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 7; Sections 8-9; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 10; Section 11 except SE 14 NW 14, W 12 NW 14, SW 14; Section 12; SE 14 NE 14, N 12 N 12 Section 13; NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 14; Section 16 except E 12 E 12; W 12, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 17; Section 18; Section 19 except NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Section 20; W 12, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 21; E 12 NE 14 Section 22; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, N 12 S 12 Section 23; SE 14 SE 14 Section 24; Section 25 except N 12 NW 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 26; W 12 Section 28; Section 29; S 12 NW 14, NE 14, N 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 30; Section 31 except NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 32; W 12 Section 33; SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35 except N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 36.

T.17S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except W 12 NW 14; SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 3; NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 10; N 12 Section 11; Section 12 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14; E 12 Section 13; E 12 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 24.

T.18S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 3; Section 4 except W 12 SW 14; N 12 NE 14 Section 5; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 7; Section 8 except S 12 S 12, N 12 NW 14; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NE 14 Section 9; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 10; NE 14 NW 14 Section 11.

T.18S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 4; N 12 NE 14, NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 5; Section 6; N 12 NE 14 Section 7; NW 14 NW 14 Section 8.

T.18S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14; N 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 2; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 3; NW 14 NW 14 Section 4; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 5; Section 6 except SW 14 SW 14.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.17., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 18; NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 19.

T.17., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 25; SE 14 NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 26; Section 32 except N 12 S 12, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14; S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 33.

T.18S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14 Section 4; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 5; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 9.

Map and description of OR-04-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Reedsport, Eugene and Cottage Grove, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.18S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 23; Section 25; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 26; Section 27 except N 12, NW 14 SW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 28; S 12 Section 32; Section 33 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 34-36.

T.18S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except NE 14 SE 14, N 12; NW 14 NW 14 Section 10; Section 15 except N1/2 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 16; Section 17 except NE1/4 NE 14; Section 18; Sections 19-20; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 21; Section 22 except E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 23 except NE 14, N 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 25; Section 26; Section 27 except SE 14 SW 14, N 12 SW 14; W 12 W 12, E 12 E 12 Section 28; Section 29-32; Section 33 except E 12 W 12, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 34 except SW 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 35 except NE 14 NW 14.

T.18S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 11; S 12 S 12 Section 12; Section 13; Section 14 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 22 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Sections 23-26; E 12, E 12 NW 14 Section 27; S 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 28; SE 14, NE 14 NE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 29; NE 14 NE 14 Section 32; Section 33-36.

T.19S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 4; Section 5 except NE 14 SW 14; Section 6 except N 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14, S 12 SW 14; Section 7 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, W 12 SW 14; Sections 8-9; E 12 Section 11; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 Section 12; Section 13; Section 15; Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 SW 14; Sections 19-23; Section 24 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 25; N1/2 N1/2, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 26; Sections 27-33; N 12 NE 14, W 12 W 12 Section 34; Section 35; Section 36 except E 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14.

T.19S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except W 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 3; Section 4 except S 12 SE 14; Sections 5-8; Section 9 except E 12 NE 14; Section 10 except N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 11 except N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14; Section 12 except E 12 SE 14; Section 13 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Sections 14-23; Section 24 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 25-26; Section 27 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 28; Section 29 except W 12 SW 14; N 12 Section 30; E 12 SE 14 Section 31; Section 32 except S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 33-36.

T.19S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; N 12 N 12, W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 2; Section 3 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 4; Section 9 except E 12 NE 14, S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 10 except S 12, W 12 NW 14; Section 12 except N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Section 13; E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 14; SW 14 SE 14, SW 14 Section 15; SE 14 SE 14 Section 16; Section 21 except N 12 NW 14; Section 22 except E 12 NE 14; Section 23 except S1/2 SW 14; Section 24; NE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 25; NE 14 NE 14 Section 26; N 12, W 12 SW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except NE 14 SW 14; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 33.

T.20S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14 SW 14; Section 2 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 3 except S 12 SE 14; Sections 4-6; Section 7 except W 12 W 12; Section 8; Section 9 except SE 14 SE 14; SE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 10; Section 11 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 12 except NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 13; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 14.

T.20S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 1; N 12 NW 14 Section 5; Section 6 except NW 14 NW 14; W 12, N 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 7; Section 18 except SE 14 SW 14, E 12 SE 14; SW 14, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 19; W 12 Section 30.

T.20S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 10 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Sections 11-14; E 12 Section 15; NE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except SW 14; Section 24-25; NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 26; N 12 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 35; NW 14, N 12 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 36.

Map and description of OR-04-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Reedsport and Cottage Grove, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.20S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 11; W 12 SW 14 Section 12; NW 14 SW 14 Section 13; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 22; W 12, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 23; SW 14 NW 14 Section 25; Section 26; Section 27 except W 12 W 12, E 12 SW 14; NE 14 Section 34; Section 35.

T.21S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 2; Section 3 except NW 14 NE 14; E 12 E 12, NE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 5; SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 6; Sections 7-8; Section 9 except S 12 NE 14; SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 10; Section 11; Section 14 except E 12 E 12; Section 15; Sections 17-19; NW 14 Section 20; Section 21; W 12 NE 14 Section 22; Section 23; Section 29; Sections 31-33.

T.21S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2-3; NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; SW 14, S 12 SE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except NE 14; W 12 SW 14 Section 9; N 12 E 12 Section 10; Sections 11-14; Section 15 except W 12 NW 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 16; Sections 17-21; Section 22 except NW 14; Sections 23-35.

T.21S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 1; E 12 NE 14 Section 12; S 12 NE 14, S 12 SW 14, NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 23; Sections 24-25; Section 26 except N 12 NW 14; Section 27 except N 12 N 12; Section 28 except N 12 N 12, N 12 SW 14; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 33; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 34; Section 35 except S 12 NW 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 36 except SW 14 SW 14.

T.22S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except SW 14, S 12 NW 14; Section 6 except SE 14, S 12 NE 14; Section 7 except E 12 SE 14; Section 9 W 12 SW 14; NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 17.

T.22S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-5; E 12 Section 6; Section 8 except W 12 W 12; Sections 9-12; N 12 Section 13; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 14; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 15; NE 14 Section 17.

T.22S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 1.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.22S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NE 14 Section 1.

Map and description of OR-04-e taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cottage Grove and Roseburg, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.23S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 5; S 12, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 9; NW 14, S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 11; Section 13 except N 12 NE 14; Section 14 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 15; Section 17-19; Section 20 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 21; Section 23 except S 12 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 27; Section 28 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 29-33; Section 35 except E 12 NE 14.

T.23S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3 except NE 14; Sections 7-8; Section 13 except NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Sections 14-17; Section 20 except S 12 N 12; Sections 21-22; N 12 Section 23; Sections 24-25; Section 26 except NW 14; Section 27; Section 28 except E 12 SE 14; Section 29.

T.23S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1.

T.24S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NW 14 Section 6; Section 7; E 12 Section 18; Section 19 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14.

T.24S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 3; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 9; Sections 10-11; Section 13; Section 15; SW 14 NE 14, SE 14 Section 17; Section 20 except NW 14; Section 21; SE 14 Section 22; Section 23; Section 25; Sections 27-29; Section 33; Section 35.

T.25S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 6; S 12 S 12 Section 7; S 12 SW 14 Section 9; NW 14 NW 14 Section 15; Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 W 12; Section 19; NE 14 NW 14 Section 20; S 12 S 12, NW 14 SE 14 NE 14 SW 14 Section 21; Section 27 except NE 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14; SW 14 Section 28; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 29; NW 14 NW 14 Section 30; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 31; W 12 Section 32; W 12, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 33; NW 14 NW 14 Section 34.

T.25S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Sections 3-4; E 12 E 12 Section 5; Section 8 except W 12; Section 9; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 10; Section 11; NE 14 NE 14 Section 12; Section 13; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 14; N 12 N 12, SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 15; Section 20; Section 23; Section 24 except SE 14, W 12 NW 14; Section 25; Section 30 except SW 14, W 12 NW 14; Section 32 except SE 14.

T.26S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5; Section 6 except NW 14; Section 7 except NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14.

T.26S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: W 12, E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 1; NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 12.

Map and description of OR-04-f taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cottage Grove and Roseburg, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.22S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 17; Section 19; Section 21; Section 29; Section 30 except W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 31; NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 32.

T.23S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 4; Section 5; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 8; NW 14 NW 14 Section 9; Section 19; Section 31; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 32.

T.23S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, S 12 NE 14, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 3; NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; SE 14 SE 14 Section 14; E 12 NW 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 15; Section 23 except N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, W 12 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14; Section 25; S 12 S 12 Section 27; S 12 S 12 Section 33.

T.24S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14 Section 2; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 3; Section 11 except NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; N 12 N 12, W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 15; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 21; Section 23; Section 25; Section 27 except SW 14, S 12 NW 14; SE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 28; Section 35.

T.25S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; NE 14 Section 2; Section 3; Section 11 except N 12 NW 14; NW 14 SW 14 Section 12.

Map and description of OR-04-g taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cottage Grove, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.21S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 31.

T.21S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 Section 7; Section 16 except NW 14; Section 17; N 12 Section 18; Section 19; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 20; Section 21; Section 25; NE 14 Section 28; Section 29; N 12, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 30; Section 31; Section 33; Section 35.

T.21S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except W 12 SW 14; Section 10 except N 12 NE 14; Section 11; Section 12 except S 12 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 13; Section 23; E 12 Section 24; Section 25; N 12 N 12 Section 26; Section 35 except SW 14 NW 14, E 12 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14.

T.22S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 7.

T.22S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; W 12 Section 6; Section 7 except W 12 NW 14; Section 11 except NW 14; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 15.

T.22S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; NE 14, S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 5; NE 14 SE 14 Section 12.

Map and description of OR-04-i taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Eugene and Cottage Grove, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.17S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 35; SW 14 SW 14 Section 36.

T.17S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 11; S 12, SW 14 NW 14 Section 13; Section 15; NW 14, S 12 S 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 19; SE 14 Section 25; Section 29 except E 12 W 12, W 12 NE 14.

T.17S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 13 except N 12 NW 14; Section 17 except SW 14, NE1/ 4 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14; Section 21; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 22; Section 23; Section 25; Section 27; NE 14 SW 14 Section 28; E 12 E 12 Section 33; Section 35.

T.18S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5 except SW 14 SW 14; SE 14 Section 11; Section 19; Section 21 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; SW 14 Section 23; Section 27 except S 12 NE 14; Section 31; NE 14, W 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 35.

T.18S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; N 12 Section 7; Section 17 except SE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 19; Section 21; Section 25; Section 27; Section 29; Section 31; Section 33 except NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 35.

T.18S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 1; E 12 NE 14 Section 2; Section 3; Section 4 except NE 14, NW 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 9; Section 11 except E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 13 except N 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14; N 12 N 12, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 15; Section 19; Section 21 except E 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14; S 12, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 23; Section 25; Section 27; SE 14 Section 28; Section 29 except E 12 NE 14; Section 31; NW 14 NE 14 Section 32; Section 33 except NE 14; Section 35 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14.

T.19S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 3; Section 5; Section 7 except N 12 NE 14; NW 14 SW 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 8; E 12, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 15; Section 17 except NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 19 except SE 14 SE 14; E 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21; Section 23; Section 25; Section 27; Section 29; Section 31; Section 33; SE 14 NE 14 Section 34; Section 35.

T.19S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 3 except SW 14 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14; S 12, E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 5; Section 7; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 11 except N 12 N 12, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14; Section 13; Section 15; Section 17; Section 19 except N 12 SW 14; Section 21; Section 23; N 12 NE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 25; Section 27; Section 29; S 12, W 12 NW 14 Section 30; Section 31; W 12 NW 14 Section 32; Section 33; Section 35 except NW 14 NE 14.

T.19S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 5; N 12 NW 14 Section 6; Section 7; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 8; W 12 Section 9; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 13; Section 17; N 12 S 12, SE 14 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 18; Section 19; Section 21; SE 14 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23; SE 14 SE 14 Section 24; Section 25; NW 14 Section 26; Section 27; SE 14 SE 14 Section 28; Section 29; SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 30; Section 31; W 12 W 12 Section 32; Section 33; Section 35.

T.20S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except S 12 SW 14; Section 3 except E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14; SE 14 NE 14 Section 4; Section 5; S 12 S 12 Section 6; Section 7; Section 9; Section 11 except W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 13; Section 15; Section 17; W 12 W 12, E 12 SE 14 Section 18; Section 19; Section 21; Section 23; N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 26; Section 27; Section 29; Section 31; E 12 NE 14 Section 32; SE 14, NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, S 12 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 33; Section 35 except S 12 SW 14.

T.20S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; E 12 E 12 Section 2; Section 3 except NE 14 NW 14; Section 5; Section 6 except N 12 N 12; N 12 N 12 Section 7; Section 11; Section 12 except E 12 E 12, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14; Section 13-15; Section 21; Section 22 except SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 23 except W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 33 except E 12 NE 14; SW 14 Section 34.

T.20S. R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; SW 14 Section 2; Section 3; SE 14 SE 14 Section 4; N 12 NE 14 Section 6; E 12 E 12 Section 8; Section 9; Section 11; W 12 W 12 Section 12.

T.21S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3; Section 5; W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 8 except SE 14; Section 9; Section 11; Section 14 except NE 14; Sections 15-17; Section 18 except NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Section 19; NW 14 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21; S 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23; Section 27.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.17S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 NW 14 Section 28.

Map and description of OR-04-j objective taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Eugene, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.13S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 31.

T.14S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7; W 12 W 12 Section 18; W 12 W 12 Section 19; W 12 W 12 Section 30; Section 31.

T.14S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 9; Section 11 except E 12 SE 14; Section 12 except S 12 SW 14; Section 13 except SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; SE 14 SW 14 Section 14; Section 17; Section 19; Section 20 except NW 14 NW 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14, E 12 SE 14; Section 21 except W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14; Section 23 except SW 14 SE 14; S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except N 12 N 12, SE 14 SW 14; Section 27; S 12 Section 28; Sections 29-34.

T.14S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19 except N 12 N 12, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 20; S 12 SE 14, SW 14 Section 21; S 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 22; S 12 SW 14 Section 23; E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 25; NW 14 Section 26; Section 27; E 12 SW 14 Section 28; Section 29 except N 12 N 12; Section 30 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, SE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Section 31 except N 12 S 12; Section 32; Section 33 except S 12 S 12; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

T.15S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: Section 29; Section 31; Section 33 except NE 14, E 12 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 34; SW 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.15S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 4 except E 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14; Sections 5-6; Section 7 except S 12 SW 14, N 12 SE 14; NW 14 NE 14 Section 8; Sections 18-21; Section 25 except SE 14 NE 14; Section 27; Section 29; Section 31; Section 33 except NE 14; SE 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 35.

T.15S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; S 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 2; S 12 SE 14 Section 3; SW 14 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except S 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 SE 14; Section 6 except SE 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14; Section 7 except N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14; Section 9 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14; Section 11; Sections 13-14; Section 15 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 16-20; Section 21 except SW 14 NW 14; Sections 22-27; N 12 Section 28; Sections 29-31; N 12, W 12 SW 14 Section 32; Section 33; Section 35; W 12 Section 36.

T.16S., R.06W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, E 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 3; Section 5 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 7 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 9; SW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 12; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 17; S 12 S 12 Section 33.

T.16S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 3 except S 12 SW 14; Section 5 except W 12 SW 14; S 12 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7 except NE 14, S 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 11; Section 13; E 12, SW 14 Section 15; W 12 NW 14 Section 18; S 12 Section 19; Section 21.

T.16S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Sections 3-4; Section 5 except S 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 6; Section 7 except W 12, S 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14; Sections 8-9; W 12 W 12 Section 10; Section 11; Section 13 except S 12 SE 14; Section 15; Section 17 except SW 14 NW 14; Section 18 except NW 14, W 12 E 12, NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 19 except E 12 SW 14, S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14; Section 20 except W 12 SE 14, S 12 SW 14; Sections 21-23; SW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 24; Section 25; N 12 Section 26; Section 27; Section 28 except S 12 SE 14; Section 29 except NW 14 NW 14; S 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 30; Section 31 except N 12 NW 14; Section 32 except SE 14, Section 33; S 12 Section 34; N 12, NW 14 SE 14 Section 35.

T.17S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5; N 12 NE 14 Section 6.

Map and description of OR-04-k taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Corvallis, Eugene, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.12S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, S 12 SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except N 12 N 12; W 12 W 12 Section 13; Sections 14-15; Section 16 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 19 except N 12 N 12; Section 20 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 21-23; W 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except SW 14; Section 27; Section 28 except NE 14 NW 14; Sections 29-31; Section 32 except NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 33-35; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 36.

T.12S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 3; NE 14, N 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 5; N 12 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except NE 14 NE 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14; SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14; S 12 Section 12; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 13; N 12 NW 14, NE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 15; N 12 NE 14 Section 16; Section 17 except NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 18; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 19; S 12 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21; Section 22 except NW 14 NW 14; SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 23; W 12 W 12 Section 24; Section 25; N 12 Section 26; Section 27; Section 29 except NE 14; W 12 SW 14, N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 30; Section 31; Section 33 except SE 14, W 12 NE 14; Section 35 except SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14.

T.12S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 13; E 12 E 12 Section 24.

T.13S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 3; Section 5; W 12 Section 6; Section 7; Section 9; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 15; Section 17; SW 14 SW 14 Section 18; Section 19 except NE 14 SE 14; E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 21; S 12 SE 14 Section 23; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 27; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 35.

T.13S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; NE 14 Section 2; Section 3 except N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14; Section 5; S 12 Section 6; Section 7; E 12 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except NW 14 NE 14; Section 11; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 12; Section 13; E 12, NE 14 SW 14 Section 14; Section 15; Section 17; Sections 19-21; Section 23; W 12 W 12, SE 14 NW 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 24; Section 25; W 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 26; Section 27; Section 29; NW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 30; Section 31; SE 14 SE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 32; Section 33; SW 14 NW 14 Section 34; Section 35 except E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14.

T.13S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 E 12 Section 25.

T.14S., R.07W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 5; NE 14 NE 14 Section 7.

T.14S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 3; Section 5 except S 12 SE 14; Section 7 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 11 except NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, N 12 SW 14; N 12 SW 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 15.

Map and description of OR-06-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Coos Bay, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.25S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 35.

Map and description of OR-06-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Roseburg, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.25S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 31; Section 33.

T.26S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 9; Section 10 except NE 14; Section 17; S 12 S 12 Section 18; Section 19; SW 14 Section 20; Section 21; N 12 N 12, S 12 S 12 Section 28; Section 29; Section 31 except N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 32; Section 33.

T.26S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 3-5; E 12, SE 14 NW 14 Section 6; Section 7; SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 8; Section 9; Section 11; Section 13; N 12 Section 14; Sections 15-17; Section 19; SE 14 Section 20; N 12 Section 21; W 12 Section 22; Section 23; N 12 N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 24; Section 25; Section 27; NE 14 Section 28; Sections 29-31; E 12 Section 32; Section 33; Section 35 except SE 14.

T.27S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 4-5; SE 14, NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7 except NW 14 SW 14; N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 8; Section 9; Section 17; Section 18 except SW 14, SE 14 SE 14; Sections 19-21; Sections 29-31; E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 33.

T.27S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 E 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 1; Section 3; W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 4; Section 5; S 12 SE 14 Section 6; Sections 7-9; NE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; Section 11; S 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-15; N 12 Section 16; Sections 17-20; Sections 21-23; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 24; Sections 25-29; NE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 30; Section 31; W 12 W 12, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 32; Section 33; SW 14 NW 14 Section 34; Section 35.

T.28S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5; Section 7; Section 9.

T.28S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 3 except E 12 SE 14; N 12 SE 14 Section 4; Section 5; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 6; Section 7 except W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; S 12 N 12, NE 14 NW 14 Section 8; Section 9 except NE 14; N 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14 Section 12.

Map and description of OR-06-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Roseburg and Canyonville, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.29S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 11; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 12; Section 13; E 12 W 12, E 12 Section 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21; E 12, W 12 SW 14 Section 23; Section 31.

T.30S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: E 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 1; E 12 Section 12; E 12, NW 14 Section 13; N 12 SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 35.

T.31S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14 Section 2.

Map and description of OR-06-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Roseburg, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.28S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 3; Section 5; NE 14 Section 8; Section 9; N 12 NW 14 Section 10; NW 14 NW 14 Section 11; N 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 15; Section 17; Section 27; Section 33.

T.28S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19; Section 21; SW 14 Section 22; Section 23; Section 25; Section 27; Section 29; Section 31; Section 33; Section 35.

T.28S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: NE 14 Section 24.

T.29S., R.08W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5.

T.29S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14; Section 3; Section 5; Section 11 except N 12 NE 14; Section 15; Section 23 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 27 except S 12 SE 14.

Map and description of OR-07-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Port Orford, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.31S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 5; SE 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 15; Section 21; Section 22 except SE 14; Section 23 except E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14; W 12 NW 14 Section 25; Section 27.

T.32S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 2 except E 12 E 12; Section 3 except E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 4; S 12 Section 7; SW 14 SW 14, E 12 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except SE 14, S 12 NE 14; Section 10; Section 11 except E 12 E 12, W 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14; N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 15; Sections 16-17; Section 18 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 19 except S 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 20-21; W 12 NW 14 Section 22.

T.32S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14 Section 1; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14 Section 4; Section 5; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 6; NE 14 SE 14 Section 7; Section 8 except SW 14 NW 14; W 12 Section 9; Section 12 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 13; SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 14; W 12 Section 16; Section 17; Section 18 except N 12 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14; Section 19; Section 20 except S 12 SE 14; SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except SE 14 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14; Section 24 except S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14; Section 25 except E 12 E 12; Section 26; NE 14 Section 27; E 12, NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 28; S 12 S 12, NW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 29; Sections 30-34; Section 35 except NE 14 NE 14; W 12 W 12 Section 36.

T.32S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 1; W 12 NW 14 Section 2; Section 3; Section 10; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 13; W 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 15; Sections 19-20; W 12, W 12 NE 14 Section 21; SE 14 SE 14 Section 23; E 12 E 12, S 12 SW 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except N 12 NW 14; S 12 S 12, NE 14 SW 14 Section 27; SE 14 SE 14 Section 28; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 29; Section 30 except SE 14 SE 14; W 12, W 12 E 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 31; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 33; Sections 34-36.

T.32S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Section 4 except N 12 N 12; S 12 Section 5; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 6; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 7; Section 8; Sections 22-23; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 24; Sections 25-27; E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 31; Sections 32-36.

T.32S., R.14W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 Section 17; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 19; NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14; Section 24 except W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 25; S 12 Section 29; SE 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 30; Section 31 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 NW 14; Section 32 except SE 14 SE 14.

T.33S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 7-8; Section 9 except E 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14; Sections 10-11; W 12 Section 12; N 12 NE 14 Section 13; Section 14 except SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Sections 15-20; Section 21 except SE 14; Section 22 except SE 14 SE 14; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 23; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 27; S 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 28; W 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 29; Sections 30-31; Section 32 except N 12 NE 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 33.

T.33S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 7 except W 12 SW 14; Section 8; W 12 SW 14, SE 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 9; Section 10 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 11-32; Section 33 except E 12 SE 14; Section 34 except N 12 SW 14; Sections 35-36.

T.33S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 Section 8; Sections 9-11; Section 12 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 13 except N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 14 except S 12 S 12, NE 14 SW 14; SW 14, E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 15; S 12, S 12 NW 14 Section 16; SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 17; Sections 19-20; Section 21 except SE 14; E 12 NE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except SW 14 SW 14, N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 24-25; S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 26; NW 14 Section 28; Section 29 except S 12 SW 14, SE 14; Section 30 except S 12 SE 14; NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 31; E 12 NE 14, SE 14 Section 34; Sections 35-36.

T.33S., R.14W. Willamette Meridian: Section 7 except N 12 N 12, S 12 NE 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 13; SW 14 SW 14 Section 15; S 12 SE 14, NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 17; SE 14 Section 18; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21 except NW 14 NW 14, SW 14; Section 22 except SW 14, E 12 NE 14; Section 23 except N 12 N 12, SW 12 NE 14; Sections 24-28; Section 29 except NW 14; Sections 32-35; Section 36 except NW 14, E 12 SE 14.

T.34S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 4; Sections 5-6; Section 7 except NE 14 SE 14; NW 14 NW 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 8; W 12 NW 14 Section 9; NE 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 19; NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 30; W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 31.

T.34S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-3; Section 4 except W 12 SW 14; Section 5 except S 12 S 12; Section 6 except N 12 NE 14; Section 7 except E 12 NE 14, SE 14; SE 14 Section 8; Sections 9-36.

T.34S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 3; Sections 11-14; E 12 Section 15; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 17; Section 20 except NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14; Section 21 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 22 except NW 14 NE 14; Section 23 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 24-26; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 27.

T.35S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 6; NW 14 Section 7; S 12 SW 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 19; Section 31; W 12 Section 32.

T.35S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; Section 5 except SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14; Section 6 except SE 14 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14; SE 14 SW 14, E 12 Section 7; Sections 8-9; N 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 10; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 11; NE 14 NE 14 Section 12; Section 13 except SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, N 12 N 12; Section 14; Section 15 except NW 14; SE 14 SE 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 16; Sections 17-19; Section 20 except E 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14; Section 21 except NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14; Sections 22-28; Section 29 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 NE 14; Section 30 except SE 14 NE 14, SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 32 except SW 14 SW 14; Sections 33-36.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.32S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 18-21; Sections 28-29; N 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 30.

Map and description of OR-07-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Port Orford and Gold Beach, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.35S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Section 31 except E 12 E 12, N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14.

T.35S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, N 12 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 31; N 12 N 12 Section 32; N 12 Section 33; N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 34; Section 35; W 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 36.

T.36S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; NE 14, E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 5; E 12 E 12, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 8; Sections 9-17; S 12 SE 14 Section 18; NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 19; Sections 20-23; Section 24 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 25; Section 26 except N1/2 SE1/4; Sections 27-29; NE 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 30; SE 14, E 12 SW 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 31; Sections 32-35; SW 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 36.

T.36S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12, E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 1; SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 2; Section 3; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 4; Section 5; NW 14, SE 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 6; N 12, SW 14 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 7; Section 8 except SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 9 except NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Sections 10-11; Section 12 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 13 except SE 14, E 12 SW 14; Section 14 except SW 14; Section 15 except W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; N 12 NE 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 17; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 18; E 12 SE 14, NE 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 19; NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 20; E 12, NE 14 SW 14 Section 22; Section 23; Section 24 except NE 14; Sections 25-26; Section 27 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; SE 14 SE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 28; Sections 29-32; W 12 W 12, E 12 E 12 Section 33; Section 34; N 12, W 12 SW 14 Section 35; N 12 N 12 Section 36.

T.36S., R.1212W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SE 14 NE 14, SE 14; S 12, NW 14 Section 12; NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 13; W 12 Section 24; W 12 Section 25; W 12 NW 14 Section 36.

T.37S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 3 except NW 14 SW 14; Section 4 except NE 14 SE 14; N 12 N 12, S 12 NW 14 Section 5; Section 6 except S 12, SE 14 NW 14; NE 14, E 12 SE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 9; W 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 10.

T.37S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: W 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 5; Sections 6-8; W 12 W 12, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 9; W 12, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 17; Section 18; N 12 NE 14, NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 19; NW 14 NW 14 Section 20; NW 14 NW 14 Section 30.

T.37S., R.14W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except SW 14 SW 14; E 12 SE 14, NE 14 Section 2; E 12 Section 11; Section 12 except W 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14; SE 14, N 12 N 12 Section 13; Section 24 except NW 14 NE 14.

T.37S., R.1212W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 NW 14, S 12 SW 14.

Map and description of OR-07-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Gold Beach, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.37S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 17; SE 14 SE 14 Section 18; Section 19 except N 12 NW 14; Section 20; W 12 W 12 Section 21; S 12 SE 14, SW 14, NW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 28; Sections 29-33; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 34; S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.37S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, E 12 SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 24; Section 25; Section 26 except NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; E 12 E 12 Section 27; SE 14, E 12 NE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 34; Sections 35-36.

T.37S., R.1212W. Willamette Meridian: Section 24 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 24-25; Section 36.

T.3712S. R.11W. Willamette Meridian: W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 31.

T.3712S. R.12.W. Willamette Meridian: Section 25 except E 12; Section 26 except E 12 NW 14; Sections 27-32; Section 33 except S 12 SW 14; Sections 34-35; Section 36 except N 12 NE 14.

T.38S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 6 except N 12 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14; W 12, W 12 SE 14, Section 7; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 18.

T.38S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 5; Section 6; N 12 NW 14 Section 7; S 12 S 12, NE 14, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 9; Sections 10-12; N 12 N 12, S 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 13; N 12, N 12 S 12 Section 14; Sections 15-16; E 12 SE 14 Section 17; E 12 E 12 Section 20; Section 21; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 22; W 12 Section 27; Section 28; Section 29 except NW 14 NW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 30; N 12 NE 14 Section 31; Section 32; Section 33 except S 12 SE 14; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

T.38S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-2; SE 14 SE 14 Section 3; E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 10; Sections 11-13; Section 14 except S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; NE 14 Section 15; N 12 N 12 Section 24.

T.39S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 5.

Unit OR-07-d: Curry and Josephine Counties, Oregon. From United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Gold Beach and Grants Pass, Oregon; 1995.

Critical habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.38S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 31.

T.39S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 4; S 12, 12 NW 14 Section 5; E 12, E 12 W 12 Section 6; Section 7 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 8 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 9; W 12 W 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 10; NW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 15; Section 16 except NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 17; Section 18 except N 12 NE 14; Sections 19-20; Section 21 except SE 14 SE 14; W 12 NW 14 Section 22; NW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 29; Sections 30-32; SW 14, S 12 NW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 33.

T.39S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 1; S 12 S 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 2; S 12 Section 3; Section 10 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 11 except S 12 SW 14; Section 12; Section 13 except SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 14; W 12, W 12 E 12, E 12 SE 14 Section 19; S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21; S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14, W 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 22; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 23; Sections 24-36.

T.39S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Section 33.

T.40S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: SE 14, S 12 SW 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 2; S 12 SW 14 Section 3; SE 14 SE 14 Section 4; SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14; Section 10; Section 11 except E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 14; Section 15 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 16; Section 17 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 19 except NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 20; Section 21 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 22; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 28; Section 29; Sections 30-31; Section 32 except SE 14 SE 14.

T.40S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 4; Sections 5-8; W 12 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, SW 14 Section 9; Section 16 except E 12 E 12; Sections 17-21; E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 25; Section 27 except E 12, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 28-33; W 12 Section 34; SE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 35; Section 36.

T.40S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-30; Section 31 except W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Sections 32-36.

T.40S., R.13W. Willamette Meridian: Section 4 except SE 14 SE 14; W 12, NW 14 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 9; W 12, NE 14 Section 10; SE 14 SW 14 Section 12; N 12 NW 14 Section 13.

T.41S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 5 except E 12 E 12; Sections 6-7; Section 8 except E 12 E 12; Section 17 except E 12 E 12; Section 18.

T.41S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 3-15; Sections 17-18.

T.41S., R.12W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; Section 5 except W 12, SW 14 SE 14; Section 7 except NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14; W 12, S 12 SE 14 Section 8; Section 9 except S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14; Section 10; Section 11 except SE 14 SW 14, W 12 SW 14; Sections 12-13; Section 14 except NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Section 15; Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 W 12.

Unit OR-07-f: Curry and Josephine Counties, Oregon. From United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Port Orford, Canyonville, Gold Beach and Grants Pass, Oregon; 1995.

Critical habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.32S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 34.

T.32S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 25; E 12, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 26; Section 35 except W 12 NW 14; Section 36 except SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14.

T.33S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14 SW 14 Section 2; Sections 3-4; Section 5 except SE 14 NW 14, E 12 SW 14; Section 6 except SE 14; Section 7 except E 12 NW 14, W 12 NE 14; Section 8 except NE 14 NW 14; Section 9 except S 12 SE 14; NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 10; NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 17; Section 18; NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 19.

T.33S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: Section 1 except NE 14, N 12 SW 14, S 12 NW 14; Section 2 except NE 14 SE 14; Section 3 except NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 SW 14, N 12 SW 14; Section 9 except W 12, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 10; Section 11 except NE 14 NW 14; Section 12 except NW 14, SE 14 NE 14; Sections 13-14; Section 15 except W 12 SW 14; Section 21 except W 12; Sections 22-23; Section 24 except S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 26 except SE 14, E 12 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 27; Section 28 except N 12 NW 14; Section 29 except NW 14 SW 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 30; Section 31 except W 12, W 12 SE 14; Sections 32-33; Section 34 except SE 14, SE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14.

T.34S., R.10W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 4; Section 5; Section 6 except NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 7; NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 8; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 18.

T.34S., R.1012 W. Willamette Meridian: S 12 Section 7; Section 18 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 19; N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 30; W 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 31.

T.34S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12 except E 14; Section 13 except NE 14; E 12 E 12, SW 14 SW 14 Section 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 15; Section 21 except N 12, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 22 except NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Section 23 except NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; Sections 24-28; S 12 NE 14, SE 14 Section 31; Section 32 except N 12 NW 14; Sections 33-36.

T.35S., R.1012 W. Willamette Meridian: Section 6 except E 12 E 12; Section 7 except E 12 E 12, W 12 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14; Section 18 except E 12, E 12 SW 14; NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 19; W 12 SW 14 Section 30.

T.35S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: Sections 1-4; Section 5 except SW 14 SW 14; E 12 NE 14 Section 6; E 12 E 12 Section 7; Sections 8-15; Section 17; E 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 18; Section 20 except SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14; Section 21 except SW 14 NE 14; Sections 22-28; NE 14 NW 14, E 12 E 12 Section 29; Section 33 except W 12 SW 14; Section 34-36.

T.36S., R.11W. Willamette Meridian: NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 2; Section 3; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 4; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 5; E 12 E 12 Section 9; Section 10 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14; NW 14 NW 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14 Section 15; E 12 NE 14 Section 16.

Map and description of OR-07-g taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Canyonville, Oregon; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.31S., R.09W. Willamette Meridian: Section 19 except NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Section 29; Section 31; Section 33 except NE 14 NE 14.

Map and description of CA-01-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Grants Pass, Oregon; Crescent City and Happy Camp, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.18N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 1; W 12, NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 2; Section 3; E 12 Section 4; NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 9; Section 10; W 12 NE 14, NW 14, SW 14, Section 11; W 12 Section 14; Section 15; NE 14 NE 14 Section 16; Section 22; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 23; N 12, N 12 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 27.

T.19N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 33 except W 12 SW 14; Sections 34-35; Section 36 except SE 14 SE 14.

Map and description of CA-01-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Crescent City and Happy Camp, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.17N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 29; Section 31 except N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14; W 12, W 12 NE 14 Section 32.

T.17N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 35; SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 36.

T.16N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 17; SE 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, S 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 18; Sections 19-20; SW 14, S 12 NW 14, Section 21; W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 29-33; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 34.

T.16N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 5; Sections 6-8; W 12 Section 9; W 12 NW 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 16; Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14; Sections 19-21; Section 22 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 23; S 12, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14 Section 25; Section 26 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 27-29; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 30; Section 32 except SW 14; Sections 33-36.

T.16N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-2; SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 3; NE 14, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 10; N 12, SE 12 SE 14, N 12 S 12 Section 11; Section 12; S 12 SE 14 Section 13; NE 14 Section 24.

T.15N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 2-6; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 7; SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 8; Sections 9-10; W 12, W 12 NE 14 Section 11; SW 14 SW 14 Section 13; Section 14 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Sections 15-17; Section 18 except NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 19; Section 20 except SW 14; Sections 21-23; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 24; Section 27 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 SW 14; Section 28 except S 12, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14; NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 29.

T.15N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-3; N 12 NW 14, NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 4; NE 14 NE 14 Section 5; Section 10 except W 12 SW 14; Sections 11-12; Section 13 except E 12 NE 14, SE 14; Section 14; NE 14, E 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 15; E 12 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14; SW 14 Section 24; Section 25 except E 12 NE 14; Section 26 except NE 14 NE 14; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 27; SE 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 28; Section 33-34; Section 35 except E 12 E 12.

T.14N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: N 12 NW 14, W 12 W 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 2; Section 3; N 12 N 12, E 12 E 12 Section 4; E 12 E 12 Section 9; Section 10; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14 Section 14; N 12 N 12 Section 15.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.14N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 21; SW 14 SW 14 Section 22; W 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except NW 14; SE 14 SE 14 Section 29; E 12 Section 33 except W 12 W 12, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; W 12 W 12 Section 34.

T.13N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14 NW 14 Section 3.

Map and description of CA-01-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Happy Camp and Hoopa, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T. 11N., R.06E. Humboldt Meridian: N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 30.

T. 11N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 NE 14, NW 14, E 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 36.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T. 14N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 Section 7; Section 18 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; W 12, NW 14 NE 14 Section 19; W 12 SW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 30; Section 31 except NE 14, NE 14 NW 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 32.

T. 14N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 12; Section 13 except W 12 W 12, Sections 24-25; E 12 NE 14 Section 26; SE 14, E 12 NE 14 Section 35; Section 36.

T. 13N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14, W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 5; Sections 6-7; Section 8 except NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; S 12 S 12 Section 9; E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 10; NW 14, N 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 15; Section 16 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 17-21; Section 22 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 27; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 28; Section 29 except E 12 SE 14; Sections 30-31, Section 32 except E 12 NE 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 35; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 36.

T. 13N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except NW 14; S 12 SE 14 Section 3; SE 14 SE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 11-15; E 12 E 12 Section 16; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 21; Sections 22-28; Section 29 except N 12 N 12; Section 30 except N 12 N 12; Sections 31-36.

T. 13N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 Section 25; S 12 SE 14 Section 26; Section 35 except W 12 NW 14; Section 36.

T. 12N., R.06E. Humboldt Meridian: W1/2 SW 14 Section 6; SW 14 Section 7; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 19.

T. 12N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Sections 5-11; Section 12 except S 12 NE 14; Sections 13-23; Section 24 except E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; Section 25 except E 12 NE 14; Sections 26-36.

T. 12N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-36.

T. 12N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except NW 14, W 12 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14; Section 10 except W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14; Sections 11-14, Section 15 except W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; Section 23 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 24; Section 25 except SW 14 SE 14; N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 26.

T. 11N., R.06E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14, W 12 NW 14, Section 6; W 12 Section 7; NW 14 NW 14 Section 18; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 19.

T. 11N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-25; Section 26 except SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; NE 14 NE 14, Section 27; Section 28 except SE 14 SE 14; Sections 29-32; Section 33 except NE 14, E 12 NW 14; W 12 SW 14 Section 34.

T. 11N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-30, Section 31 except SW 14, S 12 NW 14; Sections 32-36.

T. 10N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 SW 14 Section 2; Section 3 except NE 14, Sections 4-9, Section 10 except S 12, SW 14 NW 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 11; Section 16 except SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 17-18; Section 19 except SE 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 NE 14; N 12 NW 14 Section 20; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 30.

T. 10N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-3; Sections 10-15; Sections 22-27.

Unit CA-01-d: Siskiyou County, California. From United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Happy Camp California; 1995.

Critical habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.18N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 33; E 12 SE 14 Section 35; SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 36.

T.18N., R. 05E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SW 14 Section 31.

T.17N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 24; E 12 NE 14, SE 14, Section 25; N 12, E 12 SE 14 Section 36.

T.17N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1 except SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 2 except NE 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14; Section 3 except N 12 N 12; Section 4; SE 14 NE 14, SE 14 Section 5; Section 8 except NW 14; Sections 9-10; NE 14, NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 11; NE 14 Section 12; Sections 16-17; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 20; SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 21; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 22; S 12, S 12 N 12 Section 23; W 12 SW 14 Section 24; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 25; Section 26; Section 27 except SW 14; NE 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 28; Section 29 except E 12 NE 14; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 32; Section 33; N 12 NE 14, SW 14, SE 14 Section 34; N 12, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.17N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 except NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; Section 5; Section 6 except NE 14 NE 14; Sections 7-8; W 12 NW 14 Section 9.

T.16N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SW 14, SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 1; E 12 E 12 Section 11; Section 12; Section 13 except W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 24; SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 25; Section 36 except SW 14, NW 14 NW 14, W 12 SE 14.

T.16N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 1; Section 2 except NE 14; Sections 3-4; Section 5 except N 12 NW 14; Section 8; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except W 12 SW 14; Section 11 except SE 14, S 12 SW 14; S 12 Section 12; E 12 E 12 Section 17; E 12 E 12 Section 20; Section 29 except SE 14, E 12 NE 14; W 12 Section 32.

T.15N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: E 12 E 12 Section 1; E 12, SE 14 Section 12.

T.15N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 Section 6; W 12 NW 14 Section 7.

Unit CA-01-e: Del Norte County, California. From United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Grants Pass, Oregon; Happy Camp, California; 1995.

Critical habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.18N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: W 14 Section 1; SE 14, E 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 2; SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; Section 11 except NW 14 NW 14; W 12 NW 14; NW 14 SW 14 Section 12; W 12 NW 14 Section 14; E 12, E 12 SW 14 Section 15; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 22; W 12 Section 27; SE 14, S 12 NE 14, NE 14 NE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 28; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 32; Section 33; W 12 Section 34.

T.17N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 3; Section 4 except S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 5.

Map and description of CA-02-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Crescent City, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.14N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 NE 14, S 12, SE 14 NW 14 Section 21; W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 22; NW 14, NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14.

T.17N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 21; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 28; E 12 NE 14 Section 29.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.14N., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1 above Mean High Water (MHW).

T.14N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 Section 6; W 12 Section 7; Sections 18-19 above MHW.

T.15N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 Section 7; W 12 Section 8; NW 14, W 12 NE 14 Section 17; Sections 18-19; W 12, N 12 NE 14 Section 30; W 12 Section 31.

T.15N., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 1; Section 12 except W 12 NE 14; S 12, NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 13; Section 23 above MHW, Section 24, Sections 25-26 above MHW; Section 36 above MHW.

T.16N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14 Section 4; Sections 5-7; Section 8 except NE 14 SE 14; SW 14 NW 14 NW 14 SW 14 Section 9; NW 14 Section 15; W 12, NE 14 Section 16; Sections 17-20; W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 21.

T.16N., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1; SE 14 SE 14 Section 2; E 12 NE 14 Section 11; Sections 12-13; E 12 E 12 Section 14; SE 14, E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 23; Section 24.

T.17N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 30, Section 31 except E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14.

T.17N., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 25; S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 36.

Map and description of CA-02-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Orick and Hoopa, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.11N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-2 N 12 N 12 Section 3; Section 4 except E 12 SE 14; Section 9 except E 12 E 12, SW 14 SW 14; N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 11; NW 14 NW 14 Section 12.

T.12N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 3; Section 4 above MHW; Section 9 above MHW; Section 10 except SE 14 NW 14; S 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 11; W 12, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 14; Section 15; Section 16 above MHW; Section 21 above MHW; Sections 22-23; SW 14 Section 24; Sections 25-27; Section 28 above MHW; Section 33 above MHW; Section 34-36.

T.13N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 33; SW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

Map and description of CA-02-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Orick, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.09N., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: Section 23 above Mean High Water (MHW); Section 26 except SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 27 above MHW; NE 14 Section 34; NW 14 NW 14 Section 35.

T.09N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: E 12 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 6; W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 7; E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 18.

T.10N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 8; W 12 Section 17; Section 19 above MHW; E 12 W 12 W 12 Section 20; Section 29 except SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14; Section 30 above MHW; W 12, N 12 NE 14, E 12 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 31.

Map and description of CA-03-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Eureka and Hayfork, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.02N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1-3; N 12 Section 10; Section 11-12.

T.02N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 3; W 12 Section 4; Section 5-6; N 12 Section 7; N 12 Section 8; Section 9-11; Section 14; Section 15 except SW 14; N 12 Section 16; N 12 Section 22; N 12 Section 23.

T.03N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 Section 3; Section 4-10; W 12 Section 11; Section 13-18; W 12 Section 19; Section 20-26; E 12 Section 27; W 12 Section 28; Section 29-35; Section 36 except NE 14.

T.03N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 3 except NE 14; Section 4; SE 14 Section 5; S 12 Section 6; Section 7; Section 9; Section 10; W 12 Section 16; Section 18-20; Section 21 except NE 14; SW 14 Section 22; W 12 Section 27; Section 28 except SW 14; Section 29-30; Section 31 except SW 14; Section 32; Section 33 except NW 14.

T.04N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 33; SW 14 Section 34.

Map and description of CA-04-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Mendocino and Garberville, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.01N., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 Section 23; S 12 Section 24; SW 14 NW 14, N 12 N 12 Section 25; NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 26.

T.01N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: E 12 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 11; NW 14 Section 12; S 12 Section 19; W 12 W 12 Section 29; N 12, N 12 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 30; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 32.

T.01S., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 13; S 12 NW 14, S 12 Section 14; E 12 SE 14 Section 15; E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; Sections 23-27; Section 28 except W 12 NW 14; Section 33 except SW 14 NW 14, SW 14; Sections 34-36.

T.01S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 3; Section 4 except SW 14 NW 14; NE 14 NE 14 Section 9; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 10; SW 14 SW 14 Section 11; W 12 Section 14; SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 15; S 12 NW 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 16; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 17; S 12 S 12 Section 18; Sections 19-22; W 12 Section 23; W 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 26; Sections 27-34; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 35.

T.02S., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-3; E 12 E 12 Section 4; E 12 E 12 Section 9; Sections 10-14; Section 15 except W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 22 except SW 14, W 12 NW 14; Sections 23-25; Section 26 except, SW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14.

T.02S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14; Sections 3-24; Section 25 except SW 14 SW 14; N 12 Section 26; Section 27 except S 12 S 12; Section 28 except S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14; Section 29 except NE 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14; Section 30 except S 12 SW 14; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 36.

T.02S., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 7 except N 12; SW 14 SW 14 Section 8; Section 17 except NE 14, E 12 SE 14; Sections 18-20; Section 21 except NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14; S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 29 except W 12 NW 14; Section 30 except SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 31 except S 12 S 12, NW 14 SE 14; Section 32 except SE 14 NE 14, S 12; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 33; E 12, NW 14 Section 34; SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 35.

T.03S., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14 Section 3; E 12 NE 14 Section 11; N 12, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 12; SE 14 SE 14, Section 13.

T.03S., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 18; NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 30.

Map and description of CA-04-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Garberville, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.04S., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 2; S 12 SE 14 Section 9; SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 10; E 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14, N 12 NE 14 Section 11.

Map and description of CA-05-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Cape Mendocino, Garberville and Covelo, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.02S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 31; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 32.

T.03S., R.02W. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 NW 14, E 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 12; Sections 13-14; Section 15-16 East of Mean High Water (MHW); Section 22-23 East of MHW; Section 24 except SE 14; N 12 NE 14 Section 26 East of MHW.

T.03S., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 9; NE 14 SE 14 Section 10; S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 11; SW 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 12; Sections 13-18; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 19; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14, N 12 SE 14, Section 20; Sections 21-26; N 12, E 12 SE 14 Section 27; N 12 NE 14 Section 28; NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 35; N 12 NW 14, NE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 36.

T.03S., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 12; N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 13; SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 18; W 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 19; SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 24; W 12 SW 14 Section 29; Section 30 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 31; W 12 W 12, NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 32.

T.03S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 SW 14, NW 14, SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 5; E 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 6; Section 7 except SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14; W 12 W 12, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 NE 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 8; S 12 SW 14 Section 9; E 12 SW 14 Section 18; NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 19; SE 14 NE 14 Section 20; NW 14 NE 14 Section 22; NW 14 NW 14 Section 28; NW 14 NE 14 Section 30.

T.04S., R.01W. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 S 12, Section 1; SE 14 SE 14 Section 2; SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; S 12, NE 14 Section 11; N 12, W 12 SW 14 Section 12; Section 14 east of MHW.

T.04S., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 4; Section 5; Section 6 except S 12 SW 14; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 7; N 12 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14, NE 14 NE 14; S 12, E 12 NE 14 Section 10; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 11; Section 15; Section 16 except SW 14 SW 14; S 12 SW 14 Section 20; E 12, S 12 SW 14 Section 21; Sections 22-23; S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 24; W 12 Section 25; Section 26-27; Section 28 except NW 14 NW 14; N 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 29; N 12 N 12 Section 33; E 12 Section 34; Section 35; W 12 Section 36.

T.04S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 31.

T.05S., R.01E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 1; Section 2 except N 12 SW 14; E 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 3; NE 14, S 12 SE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 11; Section 12 except N 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14; Section 13 except W 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; E 12 Section 14; Section 23 East of MHW; Section 24; Section 25 East of MHW.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.05S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: Western 12 of the Western 12 of the Township T.05S., R.02E.

Map and description of CA-05-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Covelo, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.24N., R.19W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: W 12 W 12 Section 2; Section 3 except E 12 NW 14; Section 4 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 5; Section 9 above MHW; Section 10; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 11; W 12 Section 14; Section 15 above MHW; Section 22 above MHW; Section 23 except NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; Section 24 except NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 25 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 26 above MHW; Section 36 above MHW.

T.24N., R.18W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 31.

T.23N., R.19W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 1 above MHW.

T.23N., R.18W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 5; Section 6 except E 12 NE 14 ; Section 7 above MHW; Section 8 except N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14; W 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 15; Section 16 except NE 14 NW 14, NE 14, Section 21 above MHW; N 12 Section 22.

T.05S., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 22; NE 14 Section 27.

Map and description of CA-06-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Garberville and Covelo, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.05S., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 10; SW 14 SW 14 Section 11; Section 13 except NE 14; Section 14 except NW 14 NE 14; Section 15 except SW 14; NW 14 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 24.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.24N., R.15W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SE 14, SW 14 Section 4; Section 5 except W 12 SW 14; S 12 NE 14 Section 6.

T.24N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 3; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, Section 5; SE 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, Section 6; W 12 SE 14 Section 7; SE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 9; S 12 SW 14 Section 10.

T.24N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 1 except S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 2 except SE 14 SW 14; S 12 S 12, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 N 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 3; SE 14 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 4; W 12 NW 14 Section 10; NW 14 NE 14, W 12 NW 14 Section 11.

T.05S., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: N 12 NW 14 Section 2; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14 Section 3; E 12 NE 14 Section 4; SE 14 SE 14 Section 7; SW 14 SW 14 Section 8; SW 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, Section 15; NW 14 SW 14 Section 17; E 12 E 12 Section 18; NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 19; NW 14 SW 14 Section 20; W 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; NW 14 SW 14 Section 23; S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 25; NE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 26; W 12 W 12, NE 14 SW 14 Section 28; S 12 N 12, E 12 SW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 29; NE 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 32; NW 14 NE 14, S 12 NE 14, NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 33; SW 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 34; NE 14 NE 14 Section 36.

T.05S., R.06E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 30; Section 31 except NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14.

T.04S., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 SW 14 Section 15; NW 14, W 12 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 22; SE 14 Section 33; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 34.

Map and description of CA-06-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Covelo, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.21N., R.15W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: W 12 NW 14 Section 5; Sections 6-7; NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, N 12 S 12, SW 14 SW 14 Section 8; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 17; Section 18.

T.21N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 1; N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 2; E 12 NE 14 Section 11; Section 12 except NW 14 SW 14 and S 12 SW 14; NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 13.

T.22N., R.14W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: NW 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7; Section 18 except E 12 SE 14; ; SE 14 SE 14 Section 20; SW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 21; E 12 NE 14, W 12 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 28; NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 29; S 12 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 32.

T.22N., R.15W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 NE 14, S 12 Section 1; N 12 Section 12; E 12 Section 13; NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 19; NW 14 NE 14 Section 24; SW 14 NE 14, W 12 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 30; SW 14 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, S 12 Section 31.

T.22N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 W 12 Section 3; Section 4; Section 5 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; E 12, E 12 W 12, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 NW 14 Section 6; E 12 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 7; N 12 NE 14, E 12 W 12, S 12 SE 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 8; Section 9 except N 12 NW 14 and SE 14 NW 14; SW 14 NE 14, W 12, NW 14 SE 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 10; W 12 Section 17; Section 18 except N 12 NW 14, W 12 SW 14; S 12 NE 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 19; NW 14 SW 14 Section 20; SE 14 SE 14 Section 21; S 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 22; SE 14 SE 14 Section 23; Section 26; Section 27 except NE 14 NE 14, W 12 SW 14, S 12 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; SE 14 Section 34; Section 35.

T.22N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 12; S 12 SE 14 Section 13; N 12 NE 14 Section 24.

T.23N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: W 12 NW 14 Section 3; NE 14 NE 14 Section 4; SE 14 SW 14, E 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 5; W 12 W 12 Section 6; Section 7 except NW 14; NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 8; W 12 Section 17; Section 18 except, N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14; S 12 SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 19; S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 20; NW 14 NW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 28; Section 29; Section 30 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 31 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 32 except SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14, E 12 SE 14; Section 33 except NE 14 NE 14, S 12 NW 14; S 12 NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 34.

T.23N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 1 except S 12 SW 14; NE 14 SE 14 Section 2.

T.24N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SE 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 17; W 12 SE 14, E 12 SW 14 Section 18; Section 19 except SW 14 SE 14; W 12 NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 20; S 12 NW 14, SW 14 Section 27; Section 28 except N 12 N 12 and SE 14 SW 14; Section 29 except N 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14; Section 30 except N 12 NE 14; Section 31; Section 32 except SE 14 NE 14 and E 12 SE 14; N 12 NE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 33; NW 14 Section 34.

T.24N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: NE 14 NE 14 Section 23; Section 24 except NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; E 12, E 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 25, N 12 SE 14 Section 26, Section 36.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.21N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 NE 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 26.

T.23N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: N 12 SW 14, S 12 NW 14 Section 2; Section 3 except NE 14, S 12 SE 14; E 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 Section 4.

T.24N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 28 except SW 14 SW 14; NW 14 Section 27; W 12 Section 33; SE 14 SW 14 Section 34.

Map and description of CA-07-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Ukiah, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.17N., R.14W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 6; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 7.

T.17N., R.15W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: W 12, SE 14 Section 2; Sections 3-8; Section 9 except SE 14 SE 14 ; Section 10 except S 12 S 12; Section 11; Section 12 except SW 14 SE 14; N 12 NE 14 Section 14; Section 18 except SE 14, W 12 SW 14.

T.17N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: N 12 N 12 Section 1; Section 3 except W 12 W 12; Sections 4-6; NE 14, SW 14 Section 7; N 12, N 12 SW 14 Section 8; N 12, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except NE 14 NE 14; Section 18 except SE 14 SE 14; NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 19; W 12 NW 14 Section 30.

T.17N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Sections 1-3; NE 14, SW 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 4; NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 S 12 Section 5; N 12 NE 14 Section 6; Section 8 except W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14; Sections 9-15; SE 14 NE 14, N 12 NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 16; S 12 Section 17; S 12, S 12 NE 14 Section 18; NW 14 Section 19; N 12 NE 14 Section 20; Section 21 except SE 14 SW 14; Section 22 except E 12 SW 14 ; Section 23 except NW 14 SW 14; Section 24; NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 26; Section 27 except SW 14 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14, N 12 NE 14; Section 28 except NE 14 NE 14, SW 14, S 12 SE 14, W 12 NW 14.

T.17N., R.18W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SE 14 SE 14 Section 13.

T.18N., R.15W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 Section 18; Section 19; SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SW 14, S 12 SW 14, SE 14 Section 20; Section 21; Section 22 except NE 14; Section 23 except N 12 NW 14; W 12 W 12, SE 14 SW 14 Section 24; W 12 Section 25; Section 26 except E 12 E 12; Sections 27-34; Section 35 except NE 14 SE 14.

T.18N., R.16W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: S 12 Section 13; SE 14 Section 14; SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 15; S 12 N 12, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 Section 16; Section 17 except NW 14 NW 14; S 12 Section 18; Sections 19-33; Section 34 except E 12 SE 14; Section 35 except W 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 36.

T.18N., R.17W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 20 except N 12 N 12, SW 14 SW 14; Section 21 except NW 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14; NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 23; Section 24; Section 25 except S 12 S 12, N 12 SE 14 ; Section 26 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 27; NE 14 NE 14 Section 28; N 12 NW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 29; NW 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14, S 12 S 12 Section 31; S 12 NE 14, S 12 Section 32; S 12 N 12, N 12 S 12, SE 14 SE 14 Section 33; Sections 34-36.

T.18N., R.18W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 Section 25; W 12, SE 14 Section 36.

Map and description of CA-07-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Ukiah, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.14N., R.15W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: E 12 SW 14, SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 NW 14 Section 11; Section 13 except E 12 E 12, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14; E 12 E 12, NE 14, NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 14; NE 14, NE 14 NW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 24.

Map and description of CA-07-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Point Arena, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.12N., R.13W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: S 12 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 SE 14, SW 14 SE 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 8.

Map and description of CA-07-d taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Ukiah, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.16N., R.14W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: S 12 S 12 Section 14; E 12 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 15; E 12 Section 22; Section 23 except E 12 NE 14; W 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 25; E 12 NE 14 Section 26.

Map and description of CA-08-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Point Arena, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within areas bounded by the following descriptions:

(a) Starting at Station H-34 on the easterly line of the German Rancho, South 33°50′ West for 3,200 feet, South 86°20′ West for 1,927 feet, North 53° West for 1,372 feet, North 37° West for 1,550.5 feet, North 48° East for 1,720 feet, South 86°45′ East for 2,203.5 feet, North 55° East for 1,110.1 feet, South 8°50′ East for 653 feet; and (b) starting at the westernmost point of Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve proceeding North 48° East along the Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve boundary to the intersection with Kruse Ranch Road, west on Kruse Ranch Road to the intersection with State Highway 1, north on State Highway 1 to Cannon Gulch, northeast along Cannon Gulch to the Rancho de German Spanish Land Grant boundary, northwest along the Rancho de German Spanish Land Grant boundary to the western edge of Range 13 West, South 29°30″ from this point to Mean High Water (MHW), southwest along the shoreline at MHW to the south boundary of the Rancho de German Spanish Land Grant, east along the Spanish Land Grant boundary to the southeast corner of the land grant, north on the eastern boundary of the land grant to the eastern corner of the Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve, south along the Kruse Rhododendron State Reserve boundary to the westernmost point of the reserve.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.09N., R.13W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 18; NW 14 Section 19.

Map and description of CA-08-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Point Arena and Healdsburg, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.08N., R.10W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: NW 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 5; Section 6 except N 12 SE 14; Section 7 except W 12 W 12; W 12 W 12 Section 8; W 12 W 12 Section 17; Section 18 except W 12 SW 14.

T.08N., R.11W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: Section 1 except N 12 NE 14; Section 2 except SW 14 SE 14; Section 3 except S 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14; NE 14, N 12 SE 14, E 12 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 10; NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 11; N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 13; NW 14 NW 14 Section 15.

T.09N., R.11W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14 SW 14 Section 27; SE 14 SE 14 Section 28; E 12 E 12 Section 33; Section 34; SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 35.

T.09N., R.10W. Mt. Diablo Meridian: SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 31; SW 14 Section 32.

Map and description of CA-09-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Napa, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands bounded by the following descriptions:

(a) On the west by Point Reyes National Seashore, on the east by the shoreline of Tomales Bay at Mean High Water (MHW), on the south by a line beginning at the intersection of Pierce Point Road with Sir Francis Drake Highway proceeding North 75°07′03″ East for 4,734.31 feet to the shoreline of Tomales Bay at MHW; (b) on the east and north by Sir Francis Highway, on the west by Point Reyes National Seashore, on the south by the southern boundary of the Punta De Los Reyes (Randall) Spanish Land Grant; (c) State lands within the Nicasio (Halleck) Spanish Land Grant west of State Highway 1 and east of the shoreline of Tomales Bay at MHW; and (d) State lands within the Nicasio (Frink and Reynolds) Spanish Land Grant.

Map and description of CA-09-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Napa and San Francisco, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands bounded by the following descriptions: (a) portions of Ranchos Nicasio, San Geronimo, and Tomales Y Baulines Spanish Land Grants bounded on the north, west, and south by Golden Gate National Recreation Area and on the east by a line 122°41′33″ West; and (b) portions of Ranchos Tomales Y Bolinas, Las Baulines, and Sausalito Spanish Land Grants bounded by a line starting at the intersection of the Rancho Las Baulines Spanish Land Grant boundary line with McKinnan Gulch, west along McKinnan Gulch to the Pacific Ocean, south east along the Pacific Ocean at Mean High Water (MHW) to the intersection with Cold Stream, east along Cold Stream to the intersection with State Highway 1, south on State Highway 1 to the intersection with the south end of the Panoramic Highway, following the Panoramic Highway to the intersection with Rattlesnake Creek, north along Rattlesnake Creek to the intersection with the Rancho Sausalito Spanish Land Grant line, southwest along the Spanish Land Grant boundary to the intersection with the Rancho Las Baulines Spanish Land Grant line, north along the Rancho Las Baulines Spanish Land Grant boundary to the intersection with McKinnan Gulch.

Map and description of CA-11-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Hoopa and Hayfork, California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.07N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: E 12 SE 14, W 12 SW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 1; E 12 NE 14, N 12 NW 14, SE 14 Section 2; N 12 NE 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 3; SW 14 SE 14 Section 4; SE 14 NE 14 Section 5; NE 14 NE 14 Section 8; W 12 NW 14, NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 9; SE 14 NW 14 Section 10; E 12 E 12, NW 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 11; W 12 W 12, E 12 E 12, SW 14 SE 14 Section 12; W 12 SW 14 Section 13; E 12 W 12, W 12 E 12, NE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 14; W 12 NW 14 Section 24.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.08N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14, S 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14 Section 22; SW 14, SW 14 NW 14, E 12 SE 14 Section 23; W 12, E 12 SE 14 Section 26; NE 14 NW 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 27; NW 14 SW 14 Section 33; SE 14 NE 14, SE 14 SE 14, Section 34; Section 35.

Unit CA-11-b: Humboldt County, California. From United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; Hayfork, California; 1995.

Critical habitat includes only Federal lands designated as Late Successional Reserves described within the following areas:

T.03N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: SE 14 NE 14, SW 14 NW 14, N 12 N 12 Section 1; NE 14, E 12 NW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 2.

T.03N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SW 14, W 12 SE 14, Section 6.

T.03N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 1; Section 2 except SE 14 SE 14; E 12 NE 14, SE 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 3; W 12 NE 14, NW 14 Section 5; E 12 NE 14 Section 6.

T.03N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 6; SW 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14, SW 14 SW 14 Section 7; NW 14 NW 14 Section 18.

T.04N., R.02E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 SE 14 Section 25.

T.04N., R.03E. Humboldt Meridian: S 12 NW 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 31.

T.04N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: NE 14 Section 1; E 12 E 12 Section 12; S 12 Section 25; SE 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, SE 14 Section 26; S 12 NE 14, NW 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 27; N 12, S 12 S 12, NE 14 SW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 28; SW 14 NW 14 Section 29; S 12 NE 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 30; W 12 NE 14, NW 14, N 12 SE 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 31; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 32; N 12 N 12, SE 14 NE 14, SE 14 NW 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 33; Section 34 except N 12 NE 14, S 12 SW 14; Section 35 except N 12 N 12.

T.04N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: NW 14, W 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, Section 3; Sections 4-7; S 12 S 12 Section 8; Section 9; W 12 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14, Section 10; NE 14 NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 16; NW 14 SW 14 Section 17; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 18; Section 19 except W 12 W 12; Section 20; NE 14 NW 14, SW 14 Section 21; NW 14 NW 14 Section 28; Section 29 except S 12 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14; Section 30; Section 31 except SW 14 SW 14; NW 14, W 12 SW 14 Section 32.

T.05N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 1-3; E 12 NE 14 Section 4; NE 14, N 12 NW 14, E 12 E 12 Section 10; Sections 11-13; Section 14 except SW 14, SW 14 NW 14; Section 23 except W 12 SW 14, W 12 SE 14; Section 24; N 12 NW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 25; E 12 NW 14 Section 26.

T.05N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: Section 4 except E 12; Sections 5-8; Section 9 except E 12; Section 16 except E 12 E 12; Sections 17-20; Section 21 except E 12 NE 14; W 12 SW 14 Section 22; Section 27, except NE 14 NE 14, E 12 SE 14; Sections 28-33; Section 34 except E 14.

T.06N., R.04E. Humboldt Meridian: Sections 13-15; Sections 21-27; Section 28 except SW 14 NW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 33 except W 12 NW 14, SW 14; Sections 34-35.

T.06N., R.05E. Humboldt Meridian: W 12, W 12 SE 14 Section 18; Section 19 except E 12 NE 14; SW 14 SW 14 Section 29; Sections 30-31; Section 32 except NE 14, NE 14 SE 14, NE 14 NW 14

Map and description of CA-12 taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only City lands described within the following areas:

T.04S., R.05W. Mount Diablo Meridian: N 12 SE 14 Section 32; S 12 NW 14, SE 14, SW 14 NE 14, N 12 SW 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 33; SW 14 SW 14 Section 34.

T.05S., R.05W. Mount Diablo Meridian: NW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 3; SE 14 NE 14, N 12 N 12, NE 14 SE 14 Section 4.

Map and description of CA-13 taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only County lands bounded by the following description within Spanish Land Grant Canada de Raymundo:

Starting at the intersection of West Union Creek with the San Francisco State Fish and Game Refuge boundary, west along the San Francisco State Fish and Game Refuge boundary to the intersection with State Highway 35, southeast on State Highway 35 to the intersection with the San Francisco State Fish and Game Refuge boundary, southeast along the San Francisco State Fish and Game Refuge boundary to Woodside City boundary, northeast along Woodside City boundary to the intersection with Greer Road, northwest on Greer Road to the intersection with West Union Creek, north along West Union Creek to the intersection with the San Francisco State Fish and Game Refuge boundary.

Map and description of CA-14-a taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only County lands described within the following areas:

T.07S., R.03W. Mount Diablo Meridian: S 12, SE 14 NE 14 Section 31; W 12 SW 14, SW 14 NW 14 Section 32.

T.07S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: S 12 NE 14, SE 14 Section 22; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14 Section 23; SW 14, W 12 SE 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 25; Section 26 except SW 14, NE 14 NE 14, S 12 SE 14, W 12 NW 14; E 12, SE 14 NW 14 Section 33; S 12, SW 14 NW 14 Section 34; Section 35 except N 12 N 12; Section 36 except E 12 NE 14.

T.08S., R.03W. Mount Diablo Meridian: Sections 6-7; S 12 S 12 Section 8; SW 14 SW 14 Section 9; NW 14 Section 16; N 12 N 12, SW 14 NW 14 Section 17; N 12, N 12 SE 14 Section 18.

T.08S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: Sections 1-2; SE 14 Section 3; NE 14 NE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 10; NE 14, N 12 NW 14 Section 11; Section 12 except SW 14 SW 14.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.07S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: N 12 NE 14 Section 35.

T.08S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: S 12 Section 4; SE 14 Section 5; Sections 7-8; N 12 Section 9; Section 16-18; Section 20 except NW 14, SE 14 SE 14; NW 14 Section 21.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.07S., R03W. Mount Diablo Meridian: W 12 SE 14, SW 14, SE 14 NW 14, SW 14 NE 14 Section 33.

T.08S., R03W. Mount Diablo Meridian: N 12 SW 14 Section 2; S 12 Section 3; E 12 Section 4; S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, SW 14, W 12 SE 14 Section 5; Section 8 except SW 14 SW 14; Section 9 except S 12 SE 14, NE 14 SE 14, SE 14 NE 14; NW 14 Section 10.

T.08S., R04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: Section 19; S 12 SE 14 Section 20; Section 21 except NW 14; Section 22 except SE 14, E 12 SW 14; Section 23 except S 12 S 12; W 12 SW 14 Section 24; NW 14, NW 14 NE 14 Section 28; Sections 29-30; N 12 Section 32.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands within Rancho Punta del Ano Nuevo Spanish Land Grant bounded by the following description:

Starting at the intersection of Butano Park Road with Cloverdale Road, south along Cloverdale Road to the intersection with Gazos Creek Road, east along Gazos Creek Road to the intersection with Punta del Ano Nuevo Spanish Land Grant boundary, north along the Punta del Ano Nuevo Spanish Land Grant boundary to the intersection with Butano Park Road, west along Butano Park Road to the intersection of Butano Park Road with Cloverdale Road.

Map and description of CA-14-b taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; California; 1995.

Description of Lands Using Protracted Public Land Survey Lines

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.08S., R.03W. Mount Diablo Meridian: SE 14 SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 19; S 12 SW 14 Section 20; NE 14 NE 14, SW 14 SE 14 Section 26, Section 29 ; Section 30 except NW 14 NW 14; Sections 31-33.

T.08S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: SE 14, S 12 SW 14 Section 25; S 12 Section 35; Section 36.

T.09S., R.03W. Mount Diablo Meridian: NW 14 Section 3; Sections 4-8; SE 14 NW 14, SW 14, N 12 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14, N 12 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 9; S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14, Section 10; NW 14 Section 15; NE 14, N 12 SE 14 Section 16; W 12 NW 14 Section 17; Section 18; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 NW 14, N 12 SW 14 Section 19; S 12 NE 14, NW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SE 14 Section 30; S 12 N 12, NE 14 NE 14 Section 31.

T.09S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: Sections 1-2; Section 3 except N 12 NW 14, E 12 SW 14; NW 14 NE 14, SE 14 NE 14 Section 4; SE 14, S 12 SW 14, NE 14 SW 14, S 12 NE 14 Section 9; Section 10 except NW 14; Sections 11-12; Section 13 except SW 14 SE 14; Section 14; Section 15 except SE 14 SE 14; Section 16; NE 14 NE 14 Section 21; Section 22 except SW 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14; Section 23; Section 24; N 12 NW 14, SE 14 SE 14, SE 14 SW 14 Section 25; W 12, W 12 E 12 Section 26; Section 27 except NW 14 NW 14; Section 34; NE 14 NW 14, W 12 W 12 SE 14 SW 14 Section 35.

T.10S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: Sections 2-3.

Critical Habitat includes only Private lands described within the following areas:

T.09S., R.04W. Mount Diablo Meridian: Section 16; Section 21 except S 12, E 12 NE 14.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands bounded by the following description within Spanish Land Grant Punta de Ano Nuevo:

Starting at the intersection of the Spanish Land Grant boundary with Green Oaks Creek, north along the Spanish Land Grant boundary to the intersection with Gazos Creek, west along Gazos Creek to the intersection with State Highway 1, south on State Highway 1 to the intersection with Green Oaks Creek, and east along Green Oaks Creek to the Spanish Land Grant boundary.

Map and description of CA-14-c taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.08S., R.02W. Mount Diablo Meridian: SW 14, S 12 SE 14 Section 17; S 12 Section 18; Section 19 except S 12 SW 14, NW 14 SW 14; Section 20 except SE 14 SE 14; N 12 Section 29.

Map and description of CA-15 taken from United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1:100,000 map; California; 1995.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands described within the following areas:

T.10S., R.02W. Mount Diablo Meridian: S 12 S 12, NW 14 SW 14 Section 6; Section 7 except S 12 SW 14, ; SW 14, S 12 NW 14, SW 14 SE 14, NW 14 NW 14 Section 8; SW 14, S 12 NW 14, NW 14 NW 14, S 12 SE 14, NW 14 SE 14 Section 16; Section 17 except SW 14 SW 14; SE 14 NE 14, NE 14 SE 14 Section 18; N 12 NW 14 Section 20; NE 14, E 12 NW 14 Section 21.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands within the following area:

Spanish Land Grant Canada del Rincon en el Rio de San Lorenzo de Santa Cruz west of Graham Hill Road.

Critical Habitat includes only State lands bounded by the following description within Spanish Land Grant Rancho Refugio:

Starting at the intersection of State Highway 1 with the western boundary of the Rancho Refugio Spanish Land Grant, proceeding east on State Highway 1 to its intersection with Moore Creek, north along Moore Creek to the intersection with Empire Grade Road, northwest on Empire Grade Road to the intersection with the eastern boundary of the Rancho Refugio Spanish Land Grant, west and then southwest along the Rancho Refugio Spanish Land Grant boundary to the intersection with State Highway 1.

Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida)

(1) Critical habitat units for the States of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah are depicted on the maps below. Larger maps and digital files for all four States and maps of critical habitat units in the State of New Mexico are available at the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office, 2105 Osuna N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113, telephone (505) 346-2525. For the States of Arizona, Colorado, and Utah, maps of the critical habitat units specific to each State are available at the following Service offices - Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, 2321 West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, Arizona 85021, telephone (602) 640-2720; Colorado State Sub-Office, 764 Horizon Drive South, Annex A, Grand Junction, Colorado 81506, telephone (970) 243-2778; and Utah Ecological Services Field Office, Lincoln Plaza, 145 East 1300 South, Suite 404, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115, telephone (801) 524-5001.

(2) Critical habitat units are designated in portions of McKinley, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, and Socorro Counties in New Mexico; Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Graham, and Pima Counties in Arizona; Carbon, Emery, Garfield, Grand, Iron, Kane, Washington, and Wayne Counties in Utah; and Custer, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Huerfano, Jefferson, Pueblo, and Teller Counties in Colorado.

(3)(i) The primary constituent elements essential to the conservation of the owl include those physical and biological features that support nesting, roosting, and foraging. These elements were determined from studies of owl behavior and habitat use throughout the range of the owl. Although the vegetative communities and structural attributes used by the owl vary across the range of the subspecies, they consist primarily of mixed conifer forests or canyons. The mixed-conifer, pine-oak communities and canyon habitat appear to be the most frequently used community throughout most portions of the subspecies' range (Skaggs and Raitt 1988; Ganey and Balda 1989, 1994; Gutierrez and Rinkevich 1991, Service 1995). Although the structural characteristics of owl habitat vary depending on uses of the habitat (e.g., nesting, roosting, foraging) and variations in the plant communities over the range of the subspecies, some general attributes are common to the subspecies' life-history requirements throughout its range.

(ii) Protected and restricted habitat are two of the three types of owl habitat discussed in the Recovery Plan and are used as the basis for defining critical habitat. Protected areas include known owl sites (PACs), areas in mixed-conifer and pine-oak types with greater than 40 percent slopes where timber harvest has not occurred in the past 20 years and administratively reserved lands, such as Wilderness Areas or Research Natural Areas. Restricted habitat includes mixed-conifer forest, pine-oak forest, and riparian areas outside of protected areas. This final rule does not include all areas that meet the definition of protected and restricted habitat.

(iii) Canyon habitats used for nesting and roosting are typically characterized by cooler conditions found in steep, narrow canyons, often containing crevices, ledges, and/or caves. These canyons frequently contain small clumps or stringers of ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, white fir, and/or pinyon-juniper. Deciduous riparian and upland tree species may also be present. Adjacent uplands are usually vegetated by a variety of plant associations including pinyon-juniper woodland, desert scrub vegetation, ponderosa pine-Gamble oak, ponderosa pine, or mixed-conifer. Owl habitat may also exhibit a combination of attributes between the forested and canyon types.

(iv) The primary constituent elements for the Mexican spotted owl are:

(A) Primary constituent elements related to forest structure:

(1) A range of tree species, including mixed conifer, pine-oak, and riparian forest types, composed of different tree sizes reflecting different ages of trees, 30 percent to 45 percent of which are large trees with a trunk diameter of 12 inches (0.3 meters) or more when measured at 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) from the ground;

(2) A shade canopy created by the tree branches covering 40 percent or more of the ground; and

(3) Large dead trees (snags) with a trunk diameter of at least 12 inches (0.3 meters) when measured at 4.5 feet (1.4 meters) from the ground.

(B) Primary constituent elements related to maintenance of adequate prey species:

(1) High volumes of fallen trees and other woody debris;

(2) A wide range of tree and plant species, including hardwoods; and

(3) Adequate levels of residual plant cover to maintain fruits, seeds, and allow plant regeneration.

(C) Primary constituent elements related to canyon habitat include one or more of the following:

(1) Presence of water (often providing cooler and often higher humidity than the surrounding areas);

(2) Clumps or stringers of mixed-conifer, pine-oak, pinyon-juniper, and/or riparian vegetation;

(3) Canyon wall containing crevices, ledges, or caves; and

(4) High percent of ground litter and woody debris.

(4) Lands located within the mapped boundaries of the critical habitat designation that are not included in this designation, and are therefore excluded by definition, include: State and private lands, 157 wildland urban interface projects and the Penasco WUI project area that contain owls or habitat on Forest Service lands that are identified in the Wildland Urban Interface database located at and addressed in the April 10, 2001, final biological opinion on the Forest Service's proposed wildland urban interface fuel treatments in New Mexico and Arizona and the September 27, 2002, final biological opinion on the Rio Penasco II Non-Programmatic Vegetation Management Project and Forest Plan Amendment. The final biological opinions are available from the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office, 2105 Osuna Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113.

(5) Critical habitat is defined as those areas within the mapped boundaries. Federal actions within the mapped boundaries would not trigger a section 7 consultation unless they may affect the owl or affect protected or restricted habitat, which includes canyon habitat, and one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(6) The minimum mapping unit for this designation does not exclude all developed areas, such as buildings, roads, bridges, parking lots, railroad tracks, other paved areas, the lands that support these features, and other lands unlikely to contain the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to these areas would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they affect protected or restricted habitat and one or more of the primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

(7) Overview map of general locations of critical habitat for the Mexican spotted owl follows:

(8) Unit CP-11: Iron, Kane, and Washington Counties, Utah. The map of Unit CP-11 is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.

(9) Unit CP-12: Garfield and Kane Counties, Utah. The map of Unit CP-12 is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.

(10) Unit CP-13: Garfield, Kane, San Juan, and Wayne Counties, Utah. The map of Unit CP-13 is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.

(11) Map 1 of Units CP 11, 12, and 13 follows:

(12) Unit CP-14: Garfield, Grand, San Juan, and Wayne Counties, Utah. The map of Unit CP-14 is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.

(13) Unit CP-15: Carbon and Emery Counties, Utah. The map of Unit CP-15 is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.

(14) Map 2 of Units CP14 and 15 follows:

(15) Unit SRM-C-1a: El Paso, Fremont, and Teller Counties, Colorado. The map of Unit SRM-C-1a is provided at paragraph (18) of this entry.

(16) Unit SRM-C-1b: Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, and Pueblo Counties, Colorado. The map of Unit SRM-C-1b is provided at paragraph (18) of this entry.

(17) Unit SRM-C-2: Douglas and Jefferson Counties, Colorado. The map of Unit SRM-C-2 is provided at paragraph (18) of this entry.

(18) Map 3 of Units SRM-C-1a, SRM-C-1b, SRM-C-2 follows:

(19) Unit CP-10: Coconino and Mohave Counties, Arizona. The map of Unit CP-10 is provided at paragraph (20) of this entry.

(20) Map 4 of Unit CP-10 follows:

(21) Unit UGM-11: Coconino County, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-11 is provided at paragraph (27) of this entry.

(22) Unit UGM-12: Coconino County, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-12 is provided at paragraph (27) of this entry.

(23) Unit UGM-13: Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-13 is provided at paragraph (27) of this entry.

(24) Unit UGM-14: Coconino County, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-14 is provided at paragraph (27) of this entry.

(25) Unit UGM-15: Coconino County, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-15 is provided at paragraph (27) of this entry.

(26) Unit UGM-17: Coconino County, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-17 is provided at paragraph (27) of this entry.

(27) Map 5 of Units UGM-11, UGM-12, UGM-13, UGM-14, UGM-15, UGM-17 follows:

(28) Unit BR-W-2: Yavapai County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-2 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(29) Unit BR-W-3: Yavapai County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-3 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(30) Unit BR-W-4: Gila, Maricopa, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-4 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(31) Unit BR-W-5: Gila County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-5 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(32) Unit UGM-10: Coconino, Gila, and Navajo Counties, Arizona. The map of Unit UGM-10 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(33) Map 6 of Units UGM-10, UGM-11, BR-W-2, BR-W-3, BR-W-4, BR-W-5 follows:

(34) Unit BR-W-6: Gila County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-6 is provided at paragraph (40) of this entry.

(35) Unit BR-W-7: Graham County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-7 is provided at paragraph (40) of this entry.

(36) Unit BR-W-8: Graham County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-8 is provided at paragraph (40) of this entry.

(37) Unit BR-W-9: Graham County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-9 is provided at paragraph (40) of this entry.

(38) Unit BR-W-10: Cochise County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-10 is provided at paragraph (40) of this entry.

(39) Unit BR-W-11: Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-11 is provided at paragraph (40) of this entry.

(40) Map 7 of Units BR-W-6, BR-W-7, BR-W-8, BR-W-9, BR-W-10, BR-W-11 follows:

(41) Unit BR-W-12: Pima and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-12 is provided at paragraph (46) of this entry.

(42) Unit BR-W-13: Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-13 is provided at paragraph (46) of this entry.

(43) Unit BR-W-14: Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-14 is provided at paragraph (46) of this entry.

(44) Unit BR-W-15: Cochise County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-15 is provided at paragraph (46) of this entry.

(45) Unit BR-W-16: Cochise County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-16 is provided at paragraph (46) of this entry.

(46) Map 8 of Units BR-W-12, BR-W-13, BR-W-14, BR-W-15, BR-W-16 follows:

(47) Unit BR-W-18: Cochise County, Arizona. The map of Unit BR-W-18 is provided at paragraph (48) of this entry.

(48) Map 9 of Unit BR-W-18 follows:

(49) Unit UGM-2: Socorro County, New Mexico. The map of Unit UGM-2 is provided at paragraph (55) of this entry.

(50) Unit UGM-3: Socorro County, New Mexico. The map of Unit UGM-3 is provided at paragraph (55) of this entry.

(51) Unit UGM-5a: Catron and Grant Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit UGM-5a is provided at paragraph (55) of this entry.

(52) Unit UGM-5b: Catron, Grant, and Sierra Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit UGM-5b is provided at paragraph (55) of this entry.

(53) Unit UGM-6: Catron County, New Mexico. The map of Unit UGM-6 is provided at paragraph (55) of this entry.

(54) Unit UGM-7: Apache and Greenlee Counties, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico. The map of Unit UGM-7 is provided at paragraph (55) of this entry.

(55) Map 10 of Units UGM-2, UGM-3, UGM-5a, UGM-5b, UGM-6, UGM-7 follows:

(56) Unit SRM-NM-1: Los Alamos County, New Mexico. The map of Unit SRM-NM-1 is provided at paragraph (62) of this entry.

(57) Unit SRM-NM-4: Los Alamos County, New Mexico. The map of Unit SRM-NM-4 is provided at paragraph (62) of this entry.

(58) Unit SRM-NM-5a: San Miguel and Santa Fe Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit SRM-NM-5a is provided at paragraph (62) of this entry.

(59) Unit SRM-NM-5b: Mora and San Miguel Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit SRM-NM-5b is provided at paragraph (62) of this entry.

(60) Unit SRM-NM-11: Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. The map of Unit SRM-NM-11 is provided at paragraph (62) of this entry.

(61) Unit SRM-M-12: Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. The map of Unit SRM-NM-12 is provided at paragraph (62) of this entry.

(62) Map 11 of Units SRM-NM-1, SRM-NM-4, SRM-NM-5a, SRM-NM-5b, SRM-NM-11; SRM-NM-12 follows:

(63) Unit BR-E-5: Torrance and Valencia Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit BR-E-5 is provided at paragraph (67) of this entry.

(64) Unit BR-E-7: Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit BR-E-7 is provided at paragraph (67) of this entry.

(65) Unit CP-1: Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit CP-1 is provided at paragraph (67) of this entry.

(66) Unit CP-2: Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico. The map of Unit CP-2 is provided at paragraph (67) of this entry.

(67) Map 12 of Units CP-1, CP-2, BR-E-5, BR-E-7 follows:

(68) Unit BR-E-1a: Lincoln County, New Mexico. The map of Unit BR-E-1a is provided at paragraph (72) of this entry.

(69) Unit BR-E-1b: Otero County, New Mexico. The map of Unit BR-E-1b is provided at paragraph (72) of this entry.

(70) Unit BR-E-3: Lincoln County, New Mexico. The map of Unit BR-E-3 is provided at paragraph (72) of this entry.

(71) Unit BR-E-4: Lincoln County, New Mexico. The map of Unit BR-E-4 is provided at paragraph (72) of this entry.

(72) Map 13 of Units BR-E-1a, BR-E-1b, BR-E-3, BR-E-4 follows:

Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the States of Washington, Oregon, and California on the maps below.

(2) Critical habitat for the northern spotted owl includes the following four primary constituent elements set forth in paragraph (2)(i) (primary constituent element 1) through paragraph (2)(iv) (primary constituent element 4) of this entry. Each critical habitat unit must include primary constituent element 1 and primary constituent element 2, 3, or 4:

(i) Primary constituent element 1: Forest types that may be in early-, mid-, or late-seral stages and that support the northern spotted owl across its geographical range. These forest types are primarily:

(A) Sitka spruce;

(B) Western hemlock;

(C) Mixed conifer and mixed evergreen;

(D) Grand fir;

(E) Pacific silver fir;

(F) Douglas-fir;

(G) White fir;

(H) Shasta red fir;

(I) Redwood/Douglas-fir (in coastal California and southwestern Oregon); and

(J) The moist end of the ponderosa pine coniferous forest zones at elevations up to approximately 3,000 ft (900 m) near the northern edge of the range and up to approximately 6,000 ft (1,800 m) at the southern edge.

(ii) Primary constituent element 2: Habitat that provides for nesting and roosting. In many cases the same habitat also provides for foraging (primary constituent element (3)). Nesting and roosting habitat provides structural features for nesting, protection from adverse weather conditions, and cover to reduce predation risks for adults and young. This primary constituent element is found throughout the geographical range of the northern spotted owl, because stand structures at nest sites tend to vary little across the northern spotted owl's range. These habitats must provide:

(A) Sufficient foraging habitat to meet the home range needs of territorial pairs of northern spotted owls throughout the year; and

(B) Stands for nesting and roosting that are generally characterized by:

(1) Moderate to high canopy cover (60 to over 80 percent).

(2) Multilayered, multispecies canopies with large (20-30 inches (in) (51-76 centimeters (cm)) or greater diameter at breast height (dbh)) overstory trees.

(3) High basal area (greater than 240 ft2/acre; 55 m2/ha).

(4) High diversity of different diameters of trees.

(5) High incidence of large live trees with various deformities (e.g., large cavities, broken tops, mistletoe infections, and other evidence of decadence).

(6) Large snags and large accumulations of fallen trees and other woody debris on the ground.

(7) Sufficient open space below the canopy for northern spotted owls to fly.

(iii) Primary constituent element 3: Habitat that provides for foraging, which varies widely across the northern spotted owl's range, in accordance with ecological conditions and disturbance regimes that influence vegetation structure and prey species distributions. Across most of the owl's range, nesting and roosting habitat is also foraging habitat, but in some regions northern spotted owls may additionally use other habitat types for foraging as well. The foraging habitat PCEs for the four ecological zones within the geographical range of the northern spotted owl are generally the following:

(A) West Cascades/Coast Ranges of Oregon and Washington.

(1) Stands of nesting and roosting habitat; additionally, owls may use younger forests with some structural characteristics (legacy features) of old forests, hardwood forest patches, and edges between old forest and hardwoods.

(2) Moderate to high canopy cover (60 to over 80 percent).

(3) A diversity of tree diameters and heights.

(4) Increasing density of trees greater than or equal to 31 in (80 cm) dbh increases foraging habitat quality (especially above 12 trees per ac (30 trees per ha)).

(5) Increasing density of trees 20 to 31 in (51 to 80 cm) dbh increases foraging habitat quality (especially above 24 trees per ac (60 trees per ha)).

(6) Increasing snag basal area, snag volume (the product of snag diameter, height, estimated top diameter, and including a taper function), and density of snags greater than 20 in (50 cm) dbh all contribute to increasing foraging habitat quality, especially above 10 snags/ha.

(7) Large accumulations of fallen trees and other woody debris on the ground.

(8) Sufficient open space below the canopy for northern spotted owls to fly.

(B) East Cascades.

(1) Stands of nesting and roosting habitat.

(2) Stands composed of Douglas-fir and white fir/Douglas-fir mix.

(3) Mean tree size (quadratic mean diameter greater than 16.5 in (42 cm)).

(4) Increasing density of large trees (greater than 26 in (66 cm)) and increasing basal area (the cross-sectional area of tree boles measured at breast height), which increases foraging habitat quality.

(5) Large accumulations of fallen trees and other woody debris on the ground.

(6) Sufficient open space below the canopy for northern spotted owls to fly.

(C) Klamath and Northern California Interior Coast Ranges.

(1) Stands of nesting and roosting habitat; in addition, other forest types with mature and old-forest characteristics.

(2) Presence of conifer species such as incense-cedar, sugar pine, and Douglas-fir and hardwood species such as bigleaf maple, black oak, live oaks, and madrone, as well as shrubs.

(3) Forest patches within riparian zones of low-order streams and edges between conifer and hardwood forest stands.

(4) Brushy openings and dense young stands or low-density forest patches within a mosaic of mature and older forest habitat.

(5) High canopy cover (87 percent at frequently used sites).

(6) Multiple canopy layers.

(7) Mean stand diameter greater than 21 in (52.5 cm).

(8) Increasing mean stand diameter and densities of trees greater than 26 in (66 cm) increases foraging habitat quality.

(9) Large accumulations of fallen trees and other woody debris on the ground.

(10) Sufficient open space below the canopy for northern spotted owls to fly.

(D) Redwood Coast.

(1) Nesting and roosting habitat; in addition, stands composed of hardwood tree species, particularly tanoak.

(2) Early-seral habitats 6 to 20 years old with dense shrub and hardwood cover and abundant woody debris; these habitats produce prey, and must occur in conjunction with nesting, roosting, or foraging habitat.

(3) Increasing density of small-to-medium sized trees (10 to 22 in; 25 to 56 cm), which increases foraging habitat quality.

(4) Trees greater than 26 in (66 cm) in diameter or greater than 41 years of age.

(5) Sufficient open space below the canopy for northern spotted owls to fly.

(iv) Primary constituent element 4: Habitat to support the transience and colonization phases of dispersal, which in all cases would optimally be composed of nesting, roosting, or foraging habitat (PCEs 2 or 3), but which may also be composed of other forest types that occur between larger blocks of nesting, roosting, and foraging habitat. In cases where nesting, roosting, or foraging habitats are insufficient to provide for dispersing or nonbreeding owls, the specific dispersal habitat PCEs for the northern spotted owl may be provided by the following:

(A) Habitat supporting the transience phase of dispersal, which includes:

(1) Stands with adequate tree size and canopy cover to provide protection from avian predators and minimal foraging opportunities; in general this may include, but is not limited to, trees with at least 11 in (28 cm) dbh and a minimum 40 percent canopy cover; and

(2) Younger and less diverse forest stands than foraging habitat, such as even-aged, pole-sized stands, if such stands contain some roosting structures and foraging habitat to allow for temporary resting and feeding during the transience phase.

(B) Habitat supporting the colonization phase of dispersal, which is generally equivalent to nesting, roosting and foraging habitat as described in PCEs 2 and 3, but may be smaller in area than that needed to support nesting pairs.

(3) Critical habitat does not include:

(i) manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, other paved areas, or surface mine sites) and the land on which they are located; and

(ii) meadows, grasslands, oak woodlands, or aspen woodlands as described below existing on January 3, 2013 and not containing primary constituent elements 1 and 2, 3, or 4 as described in paragraph (2) of this entry.

(A) Meadows and grasslands include: dry, upland prairies and savannas in valleys and foothills of western Washington, Oregon, and northwest California; subalpine meadows; and grass and forb dominated cliffs, bluffs and grass balds found throughout these same areas. These areas are dominated by native grasses and diverse forbs, and may include a minor savanna component of Oregon white oak, Douglas-fir, or Ponderosa pine.

(B) Oak woodlands are characterized by an open canopy dominated by Oregon white oak. These areas may also include ponderosa pine, California black oak, Douglas-fir, or canyon live oak. The understory is relatively open with shrubs, grasses and wildflowers. Oak woodlands are typically found in drier landscapes and on south-facing slopes. This exception for oak woodlands does not include tanoak (Notholithocarpus densiflorus) stands, closed-canopy live oak (Quercus agrifolia) woodlands and open-canopied valley oak (Quercus lobata) and mixed-oak woodlands in subunits ICC-6 and RDC-5 in Napa, Sonoma, and Marin Counties, California.

(C) Aspen (Populus spp.) woodlands are dominated by aspen trees with a forb, grass or shrub understory and are typically found on mountain slopes, rock outcrops and talus slopes, canyon walls, and some seeps and stream corridors. This forest type also can occur in riparian areas or in moist microsites within drier landscapes.

(4) We have determined that the physical and biological features in habitat occupied by the species at the time it was listed, as represented by the primary constituent elements, may require special management considerations or protection as required by 16 U.S.C. 1532(5)(A). However, nothing in this rule requires land managers to implement, or precludes land managers from implementing, special management or protection measures.

(5) Critical habitat map units. The designated critical habitat units for the northern spotted owl are depicted on the maps below. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2011-0112, and at the Service's Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(6) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the northern spotted owl in the State of Washington follows:

(7) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the northern spotted owl in the State of Oregon follows: Figure 2 to Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) paragraph (7)

(8) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the northern spotted owl in the State of California follows:

(9) Unit 1: North Coast Ranges and Olympic Peninsula, Oregon and Washington. Maps of Unit 1: North Coast Ranges and Olympic Peninsula, Oregon and Washington, follow:

(10) Unit 2: Oregon Coast Ranges, Oregon. Map of Unit 2, Oregon Coast Ranges, Oregon, follows:

(11) Unit 3: Redwood Coast, Oregon and California. Map of Unit 3, Redwood Coast, Oregon and California, follows:

(12) Unit 4: West Cascades North, Washington. Map of Unit 4, West Cascades North, Washington, follows:

(13) Unit 5: West Cascades Central, Washington. Map of Unit 5, West Cascades Central, Washington, follows:

(14) Unit 6: West Cascades South, Oregon. Map of Unit 6, West Cascades South, Oregon, follows:

(15) Unit 7: East Cascades North, Washington and Oregon. Maps of Unit 7, East Cascades North, Washington and Oregon, follow:

(16) Unit 8: East Cascades South, California and Oregon. Map of Unit 8, East Cascades South, California and Oregon, follows:

(17) Unit 9: Klamath West, Oregon and California. Map of Unit 9: Klamath West, Oregon and California, follows:

(18) Unit 10: Klamath East, California and Oregon. Map of Unit 10: Klamath East, California and Oregon, follows:

(19) Unit 11: Interior California Coast, California. Map of Unit 11: Interior California Coast, California, follows:

Palila (Psittirostra bailleui)

Hawaii. An area of land, water, and airspace on the island of Hawaii, Hawaii County, with the following components: (1) The State of Hawaii Mauna Kea Forest Reserve, except (a) that portion above the 10,000 foot contour line, (b) that portion south of the Saddle Road (State Highway 20), (c) lands owned by the United States in the Pohakuloa Training Area north of the Saddle Road (State Highway 20) established by Executive Order 1719 (Parcel 6, State of Hawaii Tax Map Key 4-4-16, Third Division). (d) that portion (Parcel 10, Kaohe IV, State of Hawaii Tax Map Key 4-4-16, Third Division) lying north of the Saddle Road (State Highway 20) and south of the Power Line Road; (2) that portion of the State of Hawaii Kaohe Game Management Area (Parcel 4, State of Hawaii Tax Map Key 4-4-15, Third Division) to the north and east of the Saddle Road (State Highway 20); (3) that portion of the Upper Waikii Paddock (Parcel 2, State of Hawaii Tax Map Key 4-4-15, Third Division) northeast of the Saddle Road (State Highway 20); (4) that portion of the lands of Humuula between Puu Kahinahina and Kole lying southeast of the Mauna Kea Forest Reserve fence (portions of Parcels 2, 3, and 7, State of Hawaii Tax Map Key 3-8-1, Third Division) which are included in the State conservation district.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Maui Parrotbill (Kiwikiu) (Pseudonestor xanthophrys)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Maui County, Hawaii, on the maps below.

(2) Primary constituent elements. (i) In units 1 and 37, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: 50 to 75 in (130 to 190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Shallow soils, little to no herbaceous layer.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Diospyros, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pouteria, Santalum.

(E) Subcanopy: Dodonaea, Freycinetia, Leptecophylla, Melanthera, Osteomeles, Pleomele, Psydrax.

(F) Understory: Carex, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Elaphoglossum, Peperomia.

(ii) In units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 38, and 39, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Clays; ashbeds; deep, well-drained soils; lowland bogs.

(D) Canopy: Antidesma, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pisonia, Psychotria.

(E) Subcanopy: Cibotium, Claoxylon, Kadua, Melicope.

(F) Understory: Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Machaerina, Microlepia.

(iii) In units 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 40, and 41, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Between 3,300 and 6,500 ft (1,000 and 2,000 m)

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Well-developed soils, montane bogs.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Charpentiera, Cheirodendron, Metrosideros.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cibotium, Eurya, Ilex, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Coprosma, Leptecophylla, Oreobolus, Rhynchospora, Vaccinium.

(iv) In units 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 42, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Between 3,300 and 6,500 ft (1,000 and 2,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Between 50 and 75 in (130 and 190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Deep ash deposits, thin silty loams.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Ilex, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Nestegis, Nothocestrum, Pisonia, Pittosporum, Psychotria, Sophora, Zanthoxylum.

(E) Subcanopy: Alyxia, Charpentiera, Coprosma, Dodonaea, Kadua, Labordia, Leptecophylla, Phyllostegia, Vaccinium.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Peperomia.

(v) In units 24 and 25, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Between 6,500 and 9,800 ft (2,000 and 3,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Between 15 and 40 in (38 and 100 cm).

(C) Substrate: Dry ash; sandy loam; rocky, undeveloped soils; weathered lava.

(D) Canopy: Chamaesyce, Chenopodium, Metrosideros, Myoporum, Santalum, Sophora.

(E) Subcanopy: Coprosma, Dodonaea, Dubautia, Geranium, Leptecophylla, Vaccinium, Wikstroemia.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Bidens, Carex, Deschampsia, Eragrostis, Gahnia, Luzula, Panicum, Pseudognaphalium, Sicyos, Tetramolopium.

(vi) In units 26, 27, 28, and 29, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Unrestricted.

(B) Annual precipitation: Less than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Greater than 65 degree slope, rocky talus.

(D) Canopy: None.

(E) Subcanopy: Antidesma, Chamaesyce, Diospyros, Dodonaea.

(F) Understory: Bidens, Eragrostis, Melanthera, Schiedea.

(vii) In units 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 43, and 44, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kiwikiu are:

(A) Elevation: Unrestricted.

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Greater than 65 degree slope, shallow soils, weathered lava.

(D) Canopy: None.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cheirodendron, Leptecophylla, Metrosideros.

(F) Understory: Bryophytes, ferns, Coprosma, Dubautia, Kadua, Peperomia.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the physical or biological features. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species or physical or biological features in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(5) Index maps of critical habitat units for the Kiwikiu follow:

(6) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 1 - Lowland Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (477 ac; 193 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 1 - Lowland Mesic-Maui follows:

(7) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (16,079 ac, 6,507 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(8) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (65 ac, 26 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,247 ac, 505 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (864 ac, 350 ha); and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (136 ac, 55 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet 4-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(9) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (30 ac, 12 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (898 ac, 364 ha); and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (230 ac, 93 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(10) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 10 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (2,110 ac, 854 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 11 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (14,583 ac, 5,901 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 12 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (2,228 ac, 902 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 13 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,833 ac, 742 ha); and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 14 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (387 ac, 156 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 10 - Montane Wet-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 11 - Montane Wet-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 12 - Montane Wet-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 13 - Montane Wet-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 14 - Montane Wet-Maui follows:

(11) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 15 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,399 ac, 566 ha), and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 16 - Montane Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (80 ac, 32 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 15 - Montane Wet-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 16 - Montane Wet-Maui follows:

(12) [Reserved]

(13) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 18 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (10,972 ac, 4,440 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 18 - Montane Mesic-Maui follows:

(14) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 19 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (124 ac, 50 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 20 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (174 ac, 70 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 21 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (72 ac, 29 ha); and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 22 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (170 ac, 69 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 19 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 20 - Montane Mesic-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 21 - Montane Mesic, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 22 - Montane Mesic-Maui follows:

(15) [Reserved]

(16) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 24 - Subalpine-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (15,975 ac, 6,465 ha), and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 25 - Subalpine-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (9,886 ac, 4,001 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 24 - Subalpine-Maui and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 25 - Subalpine-Maui follows:

(17) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 26 - Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (755 ac, 305 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 27 - Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (200 ac, 81 ha); and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 28 - Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (315 ac, 127 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 26 - Dry Cliff-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 27 - Dry Cliff-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 28 - Dry Cliff-Maui follows:

(18) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 29 - Dry Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,298 ac, 525 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 29 - Dry Cliff-Maui follows:

(19) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 30 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (290 ac, 117 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 30 - Wet Cliff-Maui follows:

(20) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 31 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (1,407 ac, 569 ha); Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 32 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (438 ac, 177 ha); and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 33 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (184 ac, 75 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 31 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 32 - Wet Cliff-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 33 - Wet Cliff-Maui follows:

(21) [Reserved]

(22) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 35 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (2,110 ac, 854 ha), and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 36 - Wet Cliff-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (556 ac, 225 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 35 - Wet Cliff-Maui, and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 36 - Wet Cliff-Maui follows:

(23) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 37 - Lowland Mesic-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (8,770 ac, 3,549 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 37 - Lowland Mesic-Molokai follows:

(24) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 38 - Lowland Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (2,949 ac, 1,193 ha), and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 39 - Lowland Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (1,950 ac, 790 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 38 - Lowland Wet-Molokai and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 39 - Lowland Wet-Molokai follows:

(25) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 40 - Montane Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (3,397 ac, 1,375 ha), and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 41 - Montane Wet-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (910 ac, 368 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 40 - Montane Wet-Molokai and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 41 - Montane Wet-Molokai follows:

(26) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 42 - Montane Mesic-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (816 ac, 330 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 42 - Montane Mesic-Molokai follows:

(27) Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 43 - Wet Cliff-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (1,607 ac, 651 ha), and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 44 - Wet Cliff-Molokai, Maui County, Hawaii (1,268 ac, 513 ha). These units are critical habitat for the Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys. Map of Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 43 - Wet Cliff-Molokai and Pseudonestor xanthophrys - Unit 44 - Wet Cliff-Molokai follows:

Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) - Great Lakes Breeding Population

1. Critical habitat units are depicted for St. Louis County, Minnesota; Douglas, Ashland, Marinette, and Manitowoc Counties, Wisconsin; Lake County, Illinois; Porter County, Indiana; Erie and Lake Counties, Ohio; Erie County, Pennsylvania; Oswego and Jefferson Counties, New York; and Alger, Schoolcraft, Luce, Mackinac, Chippewa, Iosco, Presque Isle, Cheboygan, Emmet, Charlevoix, Leelanau, Benzie, Mason, and Muskegon Counties, Michigan, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

2. i. The primary constituent elements required to sustain the Great Lakes breeding population of the piping plover are found on Great Lakes islands and mainland shorelines that support open, sparsely vegetated sandy habitats, such as sand spits or sand beaches, that are associated with wide, unforested systems of dunes and inter-dune wetlands. In order for habitat to be physically and biologically suitable for piping plovers, it must have a total shoreline length of at least 0.2 km (0.12 mi) of gently sloping, sparsely vegetated (less than 50 percent herbaceous and low woody cover) sand beach with a total beach area of at least 2 hectares (ha) (5 acres (ac)) and a low level of disturbance from human activities and from domestic animals. As the nesting season progresses, the level of disturbance tolerated by piping plovers increases. A lower level of disturbance is required at the beginning of the nesting period during nest site selection, egg laying, and incubation. Beach activities that may be associated with a high level of disturbance include, but are not limited to, walking pets off leash, loud noise, driving ATVs, or significantly increased human presence. The level of disturbance is relative to the proximity to the nest, intensity, and frequency of these and other similar activities.

ii. Appropriately sized sites must also have areas of at least 50 meters (m) (164 feet (ft)) in length where the beach width is more than 7 m (23 ft), there is protective cover for nests and chicks, and the distance to the treeline (from the normal high water line to where the forest begins) is more than 50 m (164 ft). Beach width is defined as the distance from the normal high water line to the foredune (a low barrier dune ridge immediately inland from the beach) edge, or to the sand/vegetation boundary in areas where the foredune is absent. The beach width may be narrower than 7 m (23 ft) if appropriate sand and cobble areas of at least 7 m (23 ft) exist between the dune and the treeline. Protective cover for nests and chicks consists of small patches of herbaceous vegetation, cobble (stones larger than 1 cm (0.4 inches (in)) diameter), gravel (stones smaller than 1 cm (0.4 in) diameter), or debris such as driftwood, wrack, root masses, or dead shrubs.

iii. The dynamic ecological processes that create and maintain piping plover habitat are also important primary constituent elements. These geologically dynamic lakeside regions are controlled by processes of erosion, accretion, plant succession, and lake-level fluctuations. The integrity of the habitat components depends upon regular sediment transport processes, as well as episodic, high-magnitude storm events. By their nature, Great Lakes shorelines are in a constant state of change; habitat features may disappear, or be created nearby. The critical habitat boundaries reflect these natural processes and the dynamic character of Great Lakes shorelines.

3. Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, marinas, paved areas, boat ramps, piers, bridges, lighthouses, and similar structures not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.


Maps follows:

Map of Units MN/WI-1, WI-1, WI-2, and WI-3

MN/WI-1: St Louis County, Minnesota. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map West Duluth, Minnesota (1953, photorevised 1969). Lands 500 m (1640 feet) inland from normal high water line on Interstate Island in T49N R14W S10

WI-1: Douglas County, Wisconsin. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Parkland, Wisconsin (1954, photorevised 1975) and Superior, Wisconsin (1954, photorevised 1983). Lands 500 meters (1640 feet) inland from normal high water line from the mouth of Dutchman Creek west-northwestward along the Lake Superior shoreline to the breakwall forming the Superior Front Channel opening to Lake Superior at the Douglas and St. Louis County line.

WI-2: Ashland County, Wisconsin. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Cedar, Wisconsin (1964, photorevised 1975); Chequamegon Point, Wisconsin (1964, photorevised 1975); and Long Island, Wisconsin (1964). Lands 500 meters (1640 feet) inland from normal high water line from the southern boundary of T48N R3W, section 1 northwestward along the Lake Superior shoreline to Chequamegon Point Light.

WI-3: Ashland County, Wisconsin. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Michigan Island, Wisconsin (1963). Lands 500 meters (1640 feet) inland from normal high water line on Michigan Island within T51N R1W sections 28, 20, and 21.


Map follows:

Map of Units WI-4 and WI-5

WI-4: Marinette County, Wisconsin. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Marinette East, Wisconsin (1963, photorevised 1969). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the end of Leonard Street at Red Arrow Park in T30N R24E section 9 south-southeastward to the south end of Seagull Bar including nearshore sand bars.

WI-5: Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Two Rivers, Wisconsin (1978). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the southwest property boundary of Point Beach State Forest near Neshotah Park in the city of Twin Rivers (T20N R25E section 31) northwestward along the Lake Michigan shoreline to the south boundary of section 9, T20N R25E, at Rawley Point.


Map follows:

Map of Units IL-1 and IN-1

IL-1: Lake County, Illinois. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Zion, Illinois (1993) and Waukegan, Illinois (1993). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from 17th Street and the Lake Michigan shoreline in Illinois Beach State Park T46N R12E section 14 (Zion, Ill. quad) southward along the Lake Michigan shoreline (excluding the portion of Lake Michigan shoreline from dividing line of T46N R12E sections 23 and 26 to 500 m (1,640 ft) south of the Illinois Beach State Park Lodge and Conference Center) to the Waukegan Beach breakwall at North Beach Park T45N R12E section 22 (Waukegan quad).

IN-1: Porter County, Indiana. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Ogden Dunes, Indiana (1991) and Dune Acres, Indiana (1991). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the western boundary of the Cowels Bog/Dune Acres Unit, (located east of the Port of Indiana and the NIPSCO Baily Generating Station) east-northeastward along the Indiana Dunes State Park to Kemil Road at Beverly Shores.


Map follows:

Map of Units MI-1 through MI-23

MI-1: Chippewa, Luce, and Alger Counties, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Whitefish Point, Michigan (1951); Vermilion, Michigan (1951); Betsy Lake North, Michigan (1968); Muskallonge Lake East, Michigan (1968); Muskallonge Lake West, Michigan (1968); and Grand Marais, Michigan (1968). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line within the junction of the southern boundary of T50N R5W section 6 (Whitefish Point quad) and including the shore of Lake Superior following the shoreline northeast to Whitefish Point, then following the Lake Superior shoreline westward around the point(Vermilion SE, Vermilion quads), crossing the Luce County line and continuing westward (Betsy Lake North, Betsy Lake Northwest) across the Alger County line (Grand Marais East) to Lonesome Point and the East Bay of the Sucker River (Grand Marais quad) and following the shoreline along the inner bay of Grand Marais Harbor past Carpenter Creek and ending at the shoreline north of the east end of the private road originating at the junction of Highway 58, Morris Road, and Veteran Road. The unit then continues from the breakwall north of the harbor, along the Lake Superior shoreline of Grand Marais near the former Coast Guard station (Grand Marais quad) westward along the Lake Superior shoreline to the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore property boundary in T49N R14W section 1.

MI-2: Mackinac County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Pointe Aux Chenes, Michigan (1964, photorevised 1975). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the mouth of the Pointe Aux Chenes river following the Lake Michigan shoreline northwestward to the Hiawatha National Forest property boundary at the junction of T41N R5W sections 23 and 26.

MI-3: Schoolcraft and Mackinac Counties, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Hughes Point, Michigan (1972). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the westernmost breakwall at the Port Inland Gaging Station following the Lake Michigan shoreline eastward along Hughes Point to the mouth of Swan Creek.

MI-4: Emmet County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Big Stone Bay, Michigan (1964, photoinspected 1975); Waugoshance Island, Michigan (provisonal 1982); Bliss, Michigan (1982); Cross Village, Michigan (1982). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the junction of the northeast corner of T39N R5W section 28 (Big Stone Bay quad) and Lake Michigan shoreline westward along the shoreline around and including Temperance and Waugoshance islands and any nearshore sandbars (Waugoshance Island quad), along the southern side of Waugoshance Point following the shoreline southeastward to Big Sucker Creek, continuing southward and southwestward along Sturgeon Bay Point (Bliss quad) and continuing southward along the Lake Michigan shoreline to the southwest boundary of T37N R6W section 5.

MI-5: Emmet County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Forest Beach, Michigan. Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the junction of Lake Michigan shoreline and the northwest boundary of T36N R6W section 30 south-southeastward along Lake Michigan shoreline to the junction of the shoreline and the southeast corner of T35N R6W section 9.

MI-6: Emmet County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Harbor Springs, Michigan. Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the mouth of Tannery Creek north along Lake Michigan shoreline of Little Traverse Bay crossing the northern property boundary of Petoskey State Park to include the shoreline of Mononaqua Beach within T35N R5W sections 22 and 21.

MI-7: Charlevoix County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Ironton, Michigan (1983) and Charlevoix, Michigan (1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line within T34N R8W section 14.

MI-8: Charlevoix County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Charlevoix, Michigan (1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the junction of the line separating T34N R8W section 31 and T33N R8W section 6 with the Lake Michigan shore then extends southwestward along the shoreline and including Fisherman's Island to the Fisherman's Island State Park property boundary at the end of Lakeshore Drive where it meets the line between T33N R9W sections 12 and 1.

MI-9: Charlevoix County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Garden Island West, Michigan (1980) and Beaver Island North (1986). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from Indian Point (Garden Island West quad) T39N R10W section 20 southward along the west Lake Michigan shoreline of Beaver Island including Donegal Bay and McCauley Point and ending at the junction of the dividing line of T39 N R10W and T38N R10W and the Lake Michigan shoreline (Beaver Island North quad).

MI-10: Charlevoix County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Beaver Island North (1986). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the junction of Lake Michigan and the northwest corner of T38N R11W section 25 southward along the Lake Michigan shoreline to the junction of the Lake Michigan shoreline and the dividing line between T39N and T38N R11W.

MI-11: Charlevoix County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map High Island(1986). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line within T39N R11W sections 27 and 32 and T38N R11W section 5.

MI-12: Leelanau County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Northport, Michigan (provisional 1983)and Northport NW, Michigan (provisional 1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the intersection of the Lake Michigan shoreline and the line between T32N R11W section 12 and T32N R10W section 7 - excluding lands covered by the Magic Carpet Woods Association HCP, approximately 2,600 feet of frontage on Cathead Bay within the east half of the southwest quarter and the west half of the southeast quarter of Section 14, T32N, R11W in Leelanau Township - then following the shoreline southwestward and past Cathead Point in T32N R11W section 15 (Northport quad) southwestward along the Lake Michigan shoreline to the intersection of the shoreline with the southern boundary of T32N R11W section 16 north of Christmas Cove (Northport NW quad).

MI-13: Leelanau County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map South Fox Island (provisional 1986). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line within T34N R13W sections 15, 16, and 21 and T35R13W section 30.

MI-14: Leelanau County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map North Manitou Island (provisional 1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line within T31N R14W sections 22, 23, 27 and 28 on North Manitou Island.

MI-15: Leelanau County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Glen Arbor, Michigan (1983); Glen Haven, Michigan (1983); and Empire, Michigan (1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from Crystal Run in T29N R14W section 14 (Glen Arbor quad) south-southwestward and westward along the Lake Michigan shoreline, then west-northwestward to Sleeping Bear Point (Glen Haven quad) and southwestward and south to the southern Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore property boundary in T28N R15W section 13 (Empire quad).

MI-16: Benzie County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Empire, Michigan (1983); Beulah, Michigan (provisional 1983); and Frankfort, Michigan (1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from Esch Road in T27N R15W section 1 (Empire quad) south-southwestward along the shoreline of Lake Michigan at Platte Bay (Beulah quad), then westward along the shoreline of Lake Michigan to Platte River Point (Frankfort quad) continuing west-southwestward to the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore property boundary at Sutter Road in T27N R16Wsection 26. Continuing from the junction of Lake Michigan shoreline and Point Betsie Natural Area property boundary in T27N R16W section 33 southward along the Lake Michigan shoreline to include all shoreline within T26N16W section 4.

MI-17: Mason County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Manistee NW, Michigan (provisional 1923) and Hamlin Lake, Michigan (1982). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the mouth of Cooper Creek T20N R18W section 13 (Manistee NW quad) south-southwestward following the Lake Michigan shoreline along Big Sable Point (Hamlin Lake quad) to the mouth of the Big Sable River T19N R18W section 19.

MI-18: Muskegon County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Muskegon West (1972, photoinspected 1980) and Dalton (1983). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the north breakwall of the canal joining Muskegon Lake and Lake Michigan (Muskegon West quad) north along the Lake Michigan shoreline to the northern Muskegon State Park property boundary at the shoreline (Dalton quad).

MI-19: Chippewa County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Albany Island, Michigan (1964, photoinspected 1976) and DeTour Village, Michigan (1964). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the State Forest boundary in T41N R3E section 11 (Albany Island quad) and follows the Lake Huron shoreline east south eastward around and including St. Vital Point and then north to the mouth of Joe Straw Creek in T41N R3E section 12(De Tour Village quad).

MI-20: Cheboygan County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Cheboygan, Michigan (1982) and Cordwood Point, Michigan (1982). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the junction of the Lake Huron shoreline and the western boundary of T38N R1W section 22 (Cheboygan quad) eastward along the Lake Huron shoreline of Grass Bay, continuing to the western boundary of T38N R1E section 20 (Cordwood Point quad).

MI-21: Presque Isle County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Roger's City, Michigan (1971) and Moltke, Michigan (1971). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line within T35N R5E section 6 and T36N R5E section 31 (Roger's City quad) continuing northwestward to the junction of Nagel Rd and Forty Mile Road at the junction of T36N R4E section 25 and T36N R5E section 30 (Moltke quad).

MI-22: Presque Isle County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Thompson's Harbor, Michigan (1971). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from Black Point to Grand Lake Outlet including shoreline within T34N R7E sections 10, 11, 14, and 15.

MI-23: Iosco County, Michigan. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map East Tawas, Michigan (1989). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the Tawas Sate Park boundary at the U.S. Coast Guard Station on the east side of Tawas Point southward along the Lake Huron shoreline including offshore sand spits and along the tip of the point and northeastward including all shoreline in T22N R8E section 34.


Map follows:

Map of Units OH-1 and OH-2

OH-1: Erie County, Ohio. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Huron, Ohio (1969) and Sandusky, Ohio (1969, photorevised 1975). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the mouth of Sawmill Creek (Huron quad) northwestward along the Lake Erie shoreline to the western property boundary of Sheldon Marsh State Natural Area in T6N R23W (Sandusky quad) at the point where the Cedar Point causeway turns west and south toward Sandusky.

OH-2: Lake County, Ohio. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Mentor, Ohio (1963, revised 1992). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the eastern boundary line Headland Dunes Nature Preserve westward along the Lake Erie shoreline to the western boundary of the Nature Preserve and Headland Dunes State Park.


Map follows:

Map of Unit PA-1

PA-1: Erie County, Pennsylvania. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Erie North, Pennsylvania (1957, revised 1969 and 1975, photoinspected 1977). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the lighthouse north of Peninsula Drive on the north side of Presque Isle (located at approximately 042 degrees 09′57.41″ N and 080 degrees 06′57.57″ W) eastward along the Lake Erie shoreline around the tip of Presque Isle peninsula to the southern terminus of the hiking trail on the southeast side of Gull Point (located at approximately 042 degrees 10′3.13″ N and 080 degrees 04′29.56″ W). It includes any new beach habitat that may accrete along the present shoreline portion of the unit.


Map follows:

Map of Unit NY-1

NY-1: Oswego County, New York. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Pulaski, New York (1956), Ellisburg, New York (1958), and Henderson, New York (1959). Lands 500 m (1640 ft) inland from normal high water line from the mouth of the Salmon River (Pulaski quad) northward along the Lake Ontario shoreline to the Oswego County-Jefferson County line (Ellisburg quad) and northward to the Eldorado Road (Henderson quad).


Map follows:

Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) Wintering Habitat

1. The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the wintering population of the piping plover are the habitat components that support foraging, roosting, and sheltering and the physical features necessary for maintaining the natural processes that support these habitat components. The primary constituent elements are:

(1) Intertidal sand beaches (including sand flats) or mud flats (between the mean lower low water line and annual high tide) with no or very sparse emergent vegetation for feeding. In some cases, these flats may be covered or partially covered by a mat of blue-green algae.

(2) Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated sand, mud, or algal flats above annual high tide for roosting. Such sites may have debris or detritus and may have micro-topographic relief (less than 20 in (50 cm) above substrate surface) offering refuge from high winds and cold weather.

(3) Surf-cast algae for feeding.

(4) Sparsely vegetated backbeach, which is the beach area above mean high tide seaward of the dune line, or in cases where no dunes exist, seaward of a delineating feature such as a vegetation line, structure, or road. Backbeach is used by plovers for roosting and refuge during storms.

(5) Spits, especially sand, running into water for foraging and roosting.

(6) Salterns, or bare sand flats in the center of mangrove ecosystems that are found above mean high water and are only irregularly flushed with sea water.

(7) Unvegetated washover areas with little or no topographic relief for feeding and roosting. Washover areas are formed and maintained by the action of hurricanes, storm surges, or other extreme wave actions.

(8) Natural conditions of sparse vegetation and little or no topographic relief mimicked in artificial habitat types (e.g., dredge spoil sites).

2. Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

3. Below, we describe each unit in terms of its location, size, and ownership. These textual unit descriptions are the definitive source for determining the critical habitat boundaries. The maps provided are for informational purposes only. All distances and areas provided here are approximated.

North Carolina (Data layers defining map units 1, 2, 4, and 5 were created from GPS data collected in the field in May and June of 2005, and modified to fit the 1:100,000 scale North Carolina county boundary with shoreline (cb100sl) data layer from the BasinPro 8 data set published by the North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, which was compiled in 1990. Other map units were digitized using 1993 DOQQs, except NC-3 which utilized 1993 DRG.)

Unit NC-1: Oregon Inlet, 485.4 ac (196.4 ha) in Dare County, North Carolina

This unit extends from the southern portion of Bodie Island through Oregon Inlet to the northern portion of Pea Island. It begins at Ramp 4 near the Oregon Inlet Fishing Center on Bodie Island and extends approximately 4.7 mi (7.6 km) south to the intersection of NC Highway 12 and Salt Flats Wildlife Trail (near Mile Marker 30, NC Highway 12), approximately 2.9 mi (4.8 km) from the groin, on Pea Island. The unit is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east and Pamlico Sound on the west and includes lands from the MLLW (mean lower low water) on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to the line of stable, densely vegetated dune habitat (which is not used by piping plovers and where PCEs do not occur) and from the MLLW on the Pamlico Sound side to the line of stable, densely vegetated habitat, or (where a line of stable, densely vegetated dune habitat does not exist) lands from MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to the MLLW on the Pamlico Sound side. Any emergent sandbars south and west of Oregon Inlet, including Green Island and lands owned by the State of North Carolina, such as island DR-005-05 and DR-005-06, are included (not shown on map). This unit does not include the Oregon Inlet Fishing Center, NC Highway 12 and the Bonner Bridge or its associated structures, the terminal groin, or the historic Pea Island Life-Saving Station, or any of their ancillary facilities (e.g., parking lots, out buildings).

Unit NC-2: Cape Hatteras Point, 645.8 ac (261.4 ha) in Dare County, North Carolina

This unit is entirely within Cape Hatteras National Seashore and encompasses the point of Cape Hatteras (Cape Point). The unit extends south approximately 4.5 km (2.8 miles) from the ocean groin near the old location of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse to the point of Cape Hatteras, and then extends west 7.6 km (4.7 miles) (straight-line distances) along Hatteras Cove shoreline (South Beach) to the edge of Ramp 49 near the Frisco Campground. The unit includes lands from the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean to the line of stable, densely vegetated dune habitat (which is not used by the piping plover and where PCEs do not occur). This unit does not include the ocean groin.

Unit NC-3: Clam Shoals. 28 ha (70 ac) in Dare County

The entire unit is owned by the State. This unit includes several islands in Pamlico Sound known as Bird Islands. This unit includes lands on all islands to the MLLW.

Unit NC-4: Hatteras Inlet, 410.0 ac (165.9 ha) in Dare and Hyde Counties, North Carolina

This unit extends from the western end of Hatteras Island to the eastern end of Ocracoke Island. The unit extends approximately 7.6 km (4.7 mi) southwest from the first beach access point at the edge of Ramp 55 at the end of NC Highway 12 near the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum on the western end of Hatteras Island to the edge of the beach access at the ocean-side parking lot (approximately 0.1 mi south of Ramp 59) on NC Highway 12, approximately 1.25 km (0.78 mi) southwest (straightline distance) of the ferry terminal on the northeastern end of Ocracoke Island. The unit includes lands from the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to the line of stable, densely vegetated dune habitat (which is not used by the piping plover and where PCEs do not occur) and from the MLLW on the Pamlico Sound side to the line of stable, densely vegetated habitat, or (where a line of stable, densely vegetated dune habitat does not exist) lands from MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to the MLLW on the Pamlico Sound side. All emergent sandbars within Hatteras Inlet between Hatteras Island and Ocracoke Island, including lands owned by the State of North Carolina such as Island DR-009-03/04 (not shown on map), are included. The unit is adjacent to but does not include the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum, the ferry terminal, the groin on Ocracoke Island, NC Highway 12, or their ancillary facilities (e.g., parking lots, out buildings).

Unit NC-5: Ocracoke Island, 501.8 ac (203.0 ha) in Hyde County, North Carolina

This unit is entirely within Cape Hatteras National Seashore and includes the western portion of Ocracoke Island beginning at the beach access point at the edge of Ramp 72 (South Point Road), extending west approximately 3.4 km (2.1 mi) to Ocracoke Inlet, and then back east on the Pamlico Sound side to a point where stable, densely-vegetated dune habitat meets the water. This unit includes lands from the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to the line of stable, densely-vegetated dune habitat (which is not used by the piping plover and where PCEs do not occur) and from the MLLW on the Pamlico Sound side to the line of stable, densely vegetated habitat, or (where a line of stable, densely vegetated dune habitat does not exist) lands from MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to the MLLW on the Pamlico Sound side. All emergent sandbars within Ocracoke Inlet are also included. This unit does not include any portion of the maintained South Point Road, NC Highway 12, or any of their ancillary facilities.

Unit NC-6: Portsmouth Island-Cape Lookout. 3187 ha (7873 ac) in Carteret County

The entire unit is within Cape Lookout National Seashore. This unit includes all land to MLLW on Atlantic Ocean to MLLW on Pamlico Sound, from Ocracoke Inlet extending west to the western end of Pilontary Islands. This unit includes the islands of Casey, Sheep, Evergreen, Portsmouth, Whalebone, Kathryne Jane, and Merkle Hammock. This unit also extends west from the eastern side of Old Drum Inlet to 1.6 km (1.0 mi) west of New Drum Inlet and includes all lands from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean to MLLW on Core Sound.

Unit NC-7: South Core Banks. 552 ha (1364 ac) in Carteret County

The entire unit is within Cape Lookout National Seashore. This unit extends south from Cape Lookout Lighthouse, along Cape Lookout, to Cape Point and northwest to the northwestern peninsula. All lands from MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean, Onslow Bay, and Lookout Bight up to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and the constituent elements no longer occur are included.

Unit NC-8: Shackleford Banks. 716 ha (1769 ac) in Carteret County

The entire unit is within Cape Lookout National Seashore. This unit is in two parts: (1) The eastern end of Shackleford Banks from MLLW of Barden Inlet extending west 2.4 km (1.5 mi), including Diamond City Hills, Great Marsh Island, and Blinds Hammock; and, (2) The western end of Shackleford Banks from MLLW extending east 3.2 km (2.0 mi) from Beaufort Inlet. The unit includes all land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur and any emergent sandbars within Beaufort Inlet. This unit is bordered by Onslow Bay, Shackleford Slue, and Back Sound.

Unit NC-9: Rachel Carson. 445 ha (1100 ac) in Carteret County

The entire unit is within the Rachel Carson National Estuarine Research Reserve. This unit includes islands south of Beaufort including Horse Island, Carrot Island, and Lennox Point. This unit includes entire islands to MLLW.

Unit NC-10: Bogue Inlet. 143 ha (354 ac) in Carteret and Onslow Counties

The majority of the unit is privately owned, with the remainder falling within Hammocks Beach State Park. This unit includes contiguous land south, west, and north of Bogue Court to MLLW line of Bogue Inlet on the western end of Bogue Banks. It includes the sandy shoals north and adjacent to Bogue Banks and the land on Atlantic Ocean side to MLLW. This unit also extends 1.3 km (0.8 mi) west from MLLW of Bogue Inlet on the eastern portion of Bear Island.

Unit NC-11: Topsail. 451 ha (1114 ac) in Pender County and Hanover County

The entire area is privately owned. This unit extends southwest from 1.0 km (0.65 mi) northeast of MLLW of New Topsail Inlet on Topsail Island to 0.53 km (0.33 mi) southwest of MLLW of Rich Inlet on Figure Eight Island. It includes both Rich Inlet and New Topsail Inlet and the former Old Topsail Inlet. All land, including emergent sandbars, from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean and sound side to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. In Topsail Sound, the unit stops as the entrance to tidal creeks become narrow and channelized.

Unit NC-12: Figure Eight Island. 134 ha (331 ac) in New Hanover County

The majority of the unit is privately owned. This unit extends south from the western end of Beach Road on Figure Eight Island to the northern end of Highway 74 on Wrightsville Beach. The unit includes Mason Inlet and the sand and mudflats northwest of the inlet from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit NC-13: Masonboro. 61 ha (150 ac) in New Hanover County

The entire unit is within the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve. This unit extends 1.1 km (0.70 mi) south from the MLLW of Masonboro Inlet on Masonboro Island. This unit includes all lands along the Atlantic Ocean, Masonboro Inlet, and Masonboro Sound from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit NC-14: Carolina Beach Inlet. 374 ha (924 ac) in New Hanover County

The majority of the unit is within Myrtle Grove Sound on Masonboro Island and is owned by the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve. It extends 1.80 km (1.12 mi) west along the south shoreline of Wolf Island from the mouth of the Altamaja sound. This unit extends south from 3.2 km (2.0 mi) north of MLLW at Carolina Beach Inlet on Masonboro Island to 1.1 km (0.70 mi) south of MLLW at Carolina Beach Inlet on Carolina Beach. It includes land from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean across and including lands to MLLW on the western side of Masonboro Island, excluding existing dredge spoil piles. Emergent sand bars within Carolina Beach Inlet are also included.

Unit NC-15: Ft. Fisher. 790 ha (1951 ac) in New Hanover and Brunswick Counties

This unit is within Ft. Fisher State Recreation Area and Zeke's Island Estuarine Reserve. This unit extends south from Ft. Fisher Islands (from the rocks), south of the ferry terminal, to approximately 0.8 km (0.5 mi) south of MLLW at Corn Cake Inlet on Smith Island. It includes all land (including Zeke's Island) from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean across to MLLW on the eastern side of the Cape Fear River.

Unit NC-16: Lockwood Folly Inlet. 36 ha (90 ac) in Brunswick County

The entire unit is on Oak Island (formerly known as the Town of Long Beach) and is privately owned. This unit extends from the end of West Beach Drive, west to MLLW at Lockwood Folly Inlet, including emergent sandbars south and adjacent to the island. This unit is includes land from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean across to MLLW adjacent to the Eastern Channel and the Intracoastal Waterway.

Unit NC-17: Shallotte Inlet. 120 ha (296 ac) in Brunswick County

The entire unit is privately owned. This unit begins just west of Skimmer Court on the western end of Holden Beach. It includes land south of SR 1116, to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur to the MLLW along the Atlantic Ocean. It includes the contiguous shoreline from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur along the Atlantic Ocean, Shallotte Inlet, and Intracoastal Waterway stopping north of Skimmer Court Road. The unnamed island and emergent sandbars to MLLW within Shallotte Inlet are also included.

Unit NC-18: Mad Inlet. 112 ha (278 ac) in Brunswick County

The entire unit is privately owned. This unit extends west 1.2 km (0.75 mi) from the end of Main Street (SR 1177) on western Sunset Beach to the eastern portion of Bird Island and includes the marsh areas north of western Sunset Beach shoreline. The shoreline area begins at MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean and continues landward to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

South Carolina (Maps were digitized using 1994 DOQQs)

Unit SC-1: Waites Island-North. 75 ha (186 ac) in Horry County

This unit includes the northern tip of Waites Island from the MLLW at Little River Inlet and runs west along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline 2.0 km (1.25 mi) and includes land from the MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The unit continues north and west of Little River Inlet stopping at Sheephead Creek, including land from MLLW to dense vegetation line. The majority of the unit is privately owned.

Unit SC-2: Waites Island-South. 58 ha (142 ac) in Horry County

This unit includes the southern tip of Waites Island from the MLLW at Hog Inlet and runs east along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline 0.80 km (0.50 mi) and includes MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. It continues north and west of the Hog Inlet, stopping at the first major tributary. Critical habitat includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. Emerging sandbars within Hog Inlet and adjacent to the tip if eastern Cherry Grove Beach are also included from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The majority of this unit is privately owned.

Unit SC-3: Murrells Inlet/Huntington Beach. 135 ha (334 ac) in Georgetown County

The majority of the unit is within Huntington Beach State Park. This unit extends from the southern tip of Garden City Beach, just south of the groins (a rigid structure or structures built out from a shore to protect the shore from erosion or to trap sand) north of Murrells Inlet from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur stopping perpendicular with the southern end of Inlet Point Drive. It includes from MLLW south of Murrells Inlet to the northern edge of North Litchfield Beach approximately 4.5 km (3.0 mi). The unit includes the MLLW from the Atlantic Ocean up to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The lagoon at the north end of Huntington Beach State Park is also included.

Unit SC-4: Litchfield. 11 ha (28 ac) in Georgetown County

This unit includes the southern tip of Litchfield Beach beginning 0.50 km (0.30 mi) north of Midway Inlet and stopping at the MLLW at Midway Inlet. It includes from the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline across and including land to the MLLW on the back bayside. This unit is mostly privately owned.

Unit SC-5: North Inlet. 99 ha (245 ac) in Georgetown County

The majority of the unit is within Tom Yawley Wildlife Center Heritage Preserve. This unit extends from MLLW to 1.0 km (.62 mi) north of North Inlet on Debidue Beach. It includes shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean from MLLW to the MLLW on the western side of the peninsula. This unit also includes from the MLLW south of North Inlet 1.6 km (1.0 mi). It includes the shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. It includes shoreline running south and west of the inlet from the MLLW stopping at the MLLW at the first large tributary (no name).

Unit SC-6: North Santee Bay Inlet. 305 ha (753 ac) in Georgetown County

The majority of the unit is within the Tom Yawley Wildlife Center Heritage Preserve and the Santee-Delta Wildlife Management Area. This unit is at the North Santee Bay inlet and includes lands of South Island, Santee Point, Cedar Island, and all of North Santee Sandbar. This unit includes from MLLW at North Santee Bay Inlet running north along the Atlantic Ocean side of South Island 7.2 km (4.5 mi), stopping 0.60 km (0.4 mi) north of an unnamed inlet. It includes areas from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. This unit includes the eastern side of Cedar Island adjacent to the North Santee Bay Inlet from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. All of North Santee Sandbar to MLLW is included.

Unit SC-7: Cape Romain. 315 ha (777 ac) in Charleston County

The majority of the unit is within Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes the MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur on the southern and southeastern most 1.9 km (1.2 mi) portion of Cape Island, the southernmost portion of Lighthouse Island from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur, all of Lighthouse Island South to MLLW, and the southern side of the far eastern tip of Raccoon Key from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit SC-8: Bull Island. 134 ha (332 ac) in Charleston County

The majority of the unit is within Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge and land owned by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. This unit includes from Schooner Creek on north and south of the river to north of Price's Inlet on the southern portion of Bull Island along the Atlantic Ocean 1.6 km (1.0 mi) and south of Price's Inlet on the northeast tip of Capers Island Heritage Preserve 1.4 km (.86 mi) along the Atlantic Ocean. All areas begin at MLLW and extend to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit SC-9: Stono Inlet. 495 ha (1223 ac) in Charleston County

Most of this unit is privately owned. It includes the eastern end of Kiawah Island (approximately 4.0 km (2.5 mi)) from MLLW on Atlantic Ocean running north to MLLW on first large tributary connecting east of Bass Creek running northeast into Stono River. It includes MLLW up to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur along Stono Inlet and River. All of Bird Key-Stono Heritage Preserve and all of Skimmer Flats to MLLW are included. The Golf course and densely vegetated areas are not included.

Unit SC-10: Seabrook Island. 117 ha (290 ac) in Charleston County

This unit runs from just 0.16 km (0.10 mi) north of Captain Sams Inlet to the southwest approximately 3.4 km (2.1 mi) along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline. It includes land areas from the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. Most of this unit is privately owned.

Unit SC-11: Deveaux Bank. 130 ha (322 ac) in Charleston County

The entire unit is within Deveaux Bank Heritage Preserve. This unit includes all of Deveaux Island to the MLLW and is State-owned.

Unit SC-12: Otter Island. 68 ha (169 ac) in Colleton County

The majority of the unit is within St. Helena Sound Heritage Preserve. This unit includes the southern portion of Otter Island to the eastern mouth of Otter Creek. It includes the MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The entire unit is State-owned.

Unit SC-13: Harbor Island. 50 ha (122 ac) in Beaufort County

The majority of the unit is State-owned. This unit extends from the northeastern tip of Harbor Island and includes all of Harbor Spit. It begins at the shoreline east of Cedar Reef Drive running south, stopping at the mouth of Johnson Creek. It includes the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean and St. Helena Sound to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. All of Harber Spit to MLLW is included.

Unit SC-14: Caper's Island. 238 ha (589 ac) in Beaufort County

Most of this unit is privately owned. This unit includes the southern-most 4.5 km (2.8 mi) along the Atlantic Coast shoreline of Little Caper's Island beginning at MLLW on south side of the inlet (un-named). It includes the MLLW on the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit SC-15: Hilton Head. 43 ha (106 ac) in Beaufort County

The majority of this unit is State-owned. This unit includes the northeastern tip (Atlantic Ocean side) of Hilton Head Island and all of Joiner Bank. It begins at the shoreline east of northern Planters Row and ends at the shoreline east of Donax Road. It includes the MLLW of Port Royal Sound and the Atlantic Ocean to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. All of Joiner Bank to MLLW is included.

Georgia (Maps were digitized using 1993-94 DOQQs)

Unit GA-1: Tybee Island. 37 ha (91 ac) in Chatham County

The majority of the unit is privately owned. This unit extends along the northern tip of Tybee Island starting from 0.8 km (0.5 mi) northeast from the intersection of Crab Creek and Highway 80 to 0.7 km (0.41 mi) northeast from the intersection of Highway 80 and Horse Pen Creek. The unit includes MLLW on Savannah River and Atlantic Ocean to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-2: Little Tybee Island. 719 ha (1776 ac) in Chatham County

The majority of the unit is within Little Tybee Island State Heritage Preserve. This unit extends just south of the first inlet to Wassaw Sound along the Atlantic Ocean coastline, extending north along the sound 1.7 km (1.1 mi). It includes habitat from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-3: North Wassaw Island. 108 ha (267 ac) in Chatham County

The entire unit is within Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes the north-east tip of Wassaw Sound, 1.6 km (1.0 mi) along the inlet side and extending south along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline for 1.6 km (1.0 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-4: South Wassaw Island. 61 ha (151 ac) in Chatham County

The entire unit is within Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge. This unit extends from the last southern 1.6 km (1.0 mi.) on Atlantic Ocean side, around the southern tip of Wassaw Island, up to mouth of Odingsell River. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-5: Ossabaw Island. 434 ha (1072 ac) in Chatham County

The entire unit is within Ossabaw Island State Heritage Preserve. This unit includes the northeastern tip from the mouth of the Bradley River east and 12 km (7.5 mi) south along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to a point 0.4 km (0.25 mi) past the south-center inlet. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-6: St. Catherine's Island Bar. 54 ha (135 ac) in Liberty County

The entire unit is State owned and located east-northeast of St. Catherine's Island. This unit includes the entire St. Catherine's Island Bar to MLLW.

Unit GA-7: McQueen's Inlet. 215 ha (532 ac) in Liberty County

The majority of the unit is private land along the eastern-central coastline on St. Catherine's Island. This unit extends from McQueen's Inlet north approximately 3.5 km (2.2 mi) and south approximately 1.8 km (1.1 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-8: St. Catherine's Island. 60 ha (147 ac) in Liberty County

The majority of the unit is private land on the southern tip of St. Catherine's Island. This unit starts 1.2 km (0.75 mi) north of Sapelo Sound (along Atlantic Ocean shoreline) and stops inland at Brunsen Creek. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-9: Blackbeard Island. 129 ha (319 ac) in McIntosh County

The entire unit is within the Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes the northeastern portion of the island beginning just east of the mouth of the confluence of McCloy Creek and Blackbeard Creek and continuing east and running south along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline for 1.4 km (.90 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-10: Sapelo Island. 85 ha (210 ac) in McIntosh County

The entire unit is State-owned and within Sapelo Island. The unit extends south of Cabretta Tip approximately 0.2 km (0.13 mi) and north of Cabretta Tip 1.6 km (1.0 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-11: Wolf Island. 238 ha (590 ac) in McIntosh County

The majority of the unit is within Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge and private lands just north of the Refuge. This unit includes the southeastern tip of Queen's island adjacent to the Doboy Sound and includes the eastern shoreline of Wolf Island. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-12: Egg Island Bar. 61 ha (151 ac) in McIntosh County

This unit is State owned and includes all of Egg Island Bar to the MLLW.

Unit GA-13: Little St. Simon's Island. 609 ha (1505 ac) in Glynn County

The majority of the unit is private land on Little St. Simon's Island. This unit includes the entire eastern coastline along Little St. Simon's Island. It begins 1.1 km (.70 mi) west of the northeast tip of Little St. Simon's Island and runs east and then south along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline stopping at the minor tributary (no name) on the southeast tip of Little St. Simon's Island north of Hampton Creek. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. All of Pelican Spit to MLLW is included when this sand bar is emergent.

Unit GA-14: Sea/St. Simon's Island. 191 ha (471 ac) in Glynn County

The majority of the unit is private land on the south tip of Sea Island and on the east beach of St. Simons Island. This unit extends north of Gould's Inlet (Sea Island) 2.5 km (1.54 mi) starting just south of the groin and extends south of Gould's Inlet (St. Simons Island) 1.6 km (1.0 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-15: Jekyll Island. 49 ha (121 ac) in Glynn County

The majority of the unit is within State lands on Jekyll Island. This unit includes the southern region of Jekyll Island beginning at the mouth of Beach Creek, running towards the tip of Jekyll Island and includes the shoreline running north along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline 1.9 km (1.20 mi) from the southern tip of Jekyll Island. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit GA-16: Cumberland Island. 1454 ha (3591 ac) in Camden County

The majority of the unit is along Cumberland Island Wilderness Area and Cumberland Island National Seashore. This unit includes the majority of the eastern Atlantic Ocean shoreline of Cumberland Island. It begins .50 km (.31 mi) north of the inlet at Long Point, continues south along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline stopping 1.8 km (1.1 mi) west of the southern tip of Cumberland Island National Seashore. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Florida (Maps were digitized using 1994-95 DOQQs)

Unit FL-1: Big Lagoon. 8 ha (19 ac) in Escambia County

The majority of the unit is within Big Lagoon State Recreation Area. This unit includes the peninsula and emerging sand and mudflats between 0.33 km (0.21 mi) west of the lookout tower along the shoreline and 0.24 km (0.15 mi) east of the lookout tower along the shoreline. Land along the shoreline from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. All emerging sandbars to MLLW are included.

Unit FL-2: Big Sabine. 182 ha (450 ac) in Escambia County

The majority of the unit is owned by the University of West Florida. This unit includes areas adjacent to Santa Rosa Sound of Big Sabine Point and adjacent embayment between 8.0 km (5.0 mi) and 11.6 (7.2 mi) east of the Bob Sike's Bridge. It begins 0.10 km (.06 mi) north of SR 399 to MLLW on the Santa Rosa Sound.

Unit FL-3: Navarre Beach. 48 ha (118 ac) in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties

The majority of the unit is owned by Eglin Air Force Base and Santa Rosa Island Authority. This unit includes lands on Santa Rosa Island Sound side, between 0.09 and 0.76 mi east of the eastern end of SR 399 to MLLW on Santa Rosa Sound side.

Unit FL-5: Shell/Crooked Islands. 1789 ha (4419 ac) in Bay County

The majority of the unit is within Tyndall Air Force Base and St. Andrews State Recreation Area. This unit includes all of Shell Island, Crooked Island West, and Crooked Island East from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-6: Upper St. Joe Peninsula. 182 ha (449 ac) in Gulf County

The majority of the unit is within St. Joseph State Park. This unit includes the northern portion of the peninsula from the tip to 8.0 km (5.0 mi) south along the Gulf of Mexico from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-7: Cape San Blas. 158 ha (390 ac) in Gulf County

The entire unit is within Eglin Air Force Base. This unit includes the area known as the Cape between the eastern boundary of Eglin and mile marker 2.1, including the peninsula and all emerging sandbars. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-8: St. Vincent Island. 146 ha (361 ac) in Franklin County

The majority of the unit is within St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes the western tip of St. Vincent Island that is adjacent to Indian Pass (0.80 km (0.50 mi) east of tip along Indian Pass, and 1.9 km (1.2 mi) from tip southeast along Gulf of Mexico). The unit also includes St. Vincent Point from the inlet at Sheepshead Bayou east 1.6 km (1.0 mi) to include emerging oysters shoals and sand bars and extends south 0.21 km (0.13 mi) of St. Vincent Point. The unit includes the southeastern tip of St. Vincent Island extending north 1.4 km (0.90 mi) and south and west 2.1 km (1.3 mi). The western tip of Little St. George Island 0.80 km (0.50 mi) from West Pass is included (state owned lands). All sections of this unit include land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-9: East St. George Island. 1433 ha (3540 ac) in Franklin County

The majority of the unit is within St. George State Park. This unit begins 5.3 km (3.3 mi) east of the bridge and extends to East Pass. Shell Point, Rattlesnake Cove, Goose Island, East Cove, Gap Point, and Marsh Island are included. This unit includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur on the Gulf of Mexico, East Pass and St. George Sound.

Unit FL-10: Yent Bayou. 153 ha (378 ac) in Franklin County

The majority of the unit is State owned. This unit is adjacent to the area known as Royal Bluff. It includes the St. George Sound shoreline between 5.9 km (3.7 mi) and 9.5 km (5.9mi) east of SR 65. It includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures such as SR 65, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-11: Carabelle Beach. 56 ha (139 ac) in Franklin County

The area within this unit is privately owned. This unit is the peninsula created by Boggy Jordan Bayou. It includes St. George Sound shoreline (south of US 98) 1.6 km (1.0 mi) southwest along US 98 from the Carrabelle River Bridge and extends 1.9 km (1.2 mi) east along the St. George Sound shoreline. It includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures such as US 98, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-12: Lanark Reef. 260 ha (643 ac) in Franklin County

The entire unit is State owned. This unit includes the entire island and emerging sandbars to MLLW.

Unit FL-13: Phipps Preserve. 42 ha (104 ac) in Franklin County

This unit includes all of Phipps Preserve (owned by The Nature Conservancy) and any emerging sandbars from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-14: Hagens Cove. 486 ha (1200 ac) in Taylor County

The majority of the unit is within Big Bend Wildlife Management Area. This unit includes all of Hagens Cove and extends from MLLW on north side of Sponge Point to MLLW on south side of Piney Point. The eastern boundary of this unit ends (0.20 mi) west of SR 361. It includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-15: Anclote Key and North Anclote Bar. 146 ha (360 ac) in Pasco and Pinellas Counties

The majority of the unit is within Anclote Key State Preserve. This unit includes all of North Anclote Bar to the MLLW and the north, south and western sides of Anclote Key from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-16: Three Rooker Bar Island. 76 ha (188 ac) in Pinellas County

The majority of the unit is within Pinellas County Aquatic Preserve. This unit includes all the islands and emerging sandbars of this complex to MLLW.

Unit FL-17: North Honeymoon Island. 45 ha (112 ac) in Pinellas County

The majority of the unit is within Honeymoon Island State Recreation Area. This unit includes from Pelican Cove north to the far northern tip of Honeymoon Island. It includes the western shoreline from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur or the MLLW on the eastern shoreline.

Unit FL-18: South Honeymoon Island. 28 ha (70 ac) in Pinellas County

The majority of the unit is private land. This unit includes the southern end (southern-most 0.32 km (0.20 mi) on western side) of Honeymoon Island and encompasses the far southeastern tip and includes any emerging islands or sandbars to Hurricane Pass. It includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-19: Caladesi Island. 120 ha (296 ac) in Pinellas County

The majority of the unit is within Caladesi Island State Park. This unit extends from Hurricane Pass to Dunedin Pass on the Gulf of Mexico side. It includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-20: Shell Key and Mullet Key. 190 ha (470 ac) in Pinellas County

The majority of the unit is within Fort Desoto Park. This unit includes the Shell Key island complex. It also includes the northwest portion of Mullet Key including the western shorelines from Bunces Pass extending south, stopping 1.4 km (.86 mi) north of Ft. Desoto County Park pier. It includes from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-21: Egmont Key. 153 ha (377 ac) Hillsborough County

The majority of the unit is within Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes the entire island to MLLW.

Unit FL-22: Cayo Costa. 175 ha (432 ac) in Lee County

The majority of the unit, including its northern and southern boundaries, is within Cayo Costa State Park, and nearly all of the remaining area is in the Cayo Costa Florida Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) acquisition project. This unit begins at the northern limit of sandy beaches at the northern end of the island, extends through Murdock Point, which at present has a sandbar and lagoon system, and ends at the former entrance to Murdock Bayou. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-23: North Captiva Island. 36 ha (88 ac) in Lee County

The unit is within the Cayo Costa CARL land purchase project. This unit includes the western shoreline extending from 0.80 km (0.50 mi) south of Captiva Pass to approximately Foster Bay. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-25: Bunche Beach. 187 ha (461 ac) in Lee County

This unit is mostly within a CARL Estero Bay acquisition project. Bunche Beach (also spelled Bunch) lies along San Carlos Bay, on the mainland between Sanibel Island and Estero Island (Fort Myers Beach), extending east from the Sanibel Causeway past the end of John Morris Road to a canal serving a residential subdivision. The unit also includes the western tip of Estero Island (Bodwitch Point, also spelled Bowditch Point), including Bowditch Regional Park, operated by Lee County and, on the southwest side of the island facing the Gulf, the beach south nearly to the northwesterly intersection of Estero Boulevard and Carlos Circle. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur or, along the developed portion of Estero Island.

Unit FL-26: Estero Island. 86 ha (211 ac) in Lee County

The majority of the unit is privately owned. The unit consists of approximately the southern third of the island's Gulf-facing shoreline starting near Avenida Pescadora to near Redfish Road. The unit excludes south-facing shoreline at the south end of the island that faces Big Carlos Pass rather than the Gulf. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-27: Marco Island. 245 ha (606 ac) in Collier County

Most of the unit is at the Tigertail Beach County Park. The unit's northern border is on the north side of Big Marco Pass, including Coconut Island and all emerging sand bars. On the south side of Big Marco Pass, the boundary starts at the north boundary of Tigertail Beach County Park and extends to just south of the fourth condominium tower south of the County Park. The placement of the southern boundary assures that the unit includes all of Sand Dollar Island, the changeable sandbar off Tigertail Beach. The western boundary includes all the sand bars in Big Marco Pass but excludes Hideaway Beach. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-28: Marquesas Keys. 2937 ha (7256 ac) in Monroe County

The unit comprises the roughly circular atoll that encloses Mooney Harbor, including Gull Keys and Mooney Harbor Key. The entire unit is within Key West National Wildlife Refuge. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-29: Boca Grande/Woman/Ballast Keys. 56 ha (138 ac) in Monroe County

These Keys are east of the Marquesas Keys and west of Key West. Boca Grande and Woman Keys are within Key West National Wildlife Refuge. Ballast Key is privately owned. This unit consists only of sandy beaches and flats between the MLLW and to where densely vegetated habitat or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-30: Bahia Honda/Ohio Keys. 372 ha (918 ac) in Monroe County

This unit comprises Bahia Honda Key (including a small island off its southwest shore), which is almost entirely owned by Bahia Honda State Park, plus Ohio Key, which is privately owned. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-31: Lower Matecumbe Key. 19 ha (48 ac) in Monroe County

Part of the unit is at Anne's Beach park, an Islamorada village park. The remaining parts are at Sunset Drive (Lower Matecumbe Beach) and at Costa Bravo Drive (Port Antiqua Homeowners Beach) on the Florida Bay side of the island. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-32: Sandy Key/Carl Ross Key. 67 ha (165 ac) in Monroe County

This unit consists of two adjoining islands in Florida Bay, roughly south of Flamingo in Everglades National Park. The entire area is owned and managed by the National Park Service. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-33: St. Lucie Inlet. 114 ha (282 ac) in Martin County

The unit includes a small area south of the jetty on the north shore of St. Lucie Inlet, from the jetty west 0.42 km (0.26 mi). While the two sides of the inlet are privately owned, the great majority of the unit is on public land in the Saint Lucie Inlet State Preserve, administered by Jonathan Dickinson State Park. It begins on the sandy shoreline south of Saint Lucie Inlet and extends along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline 2.6 km (1.6 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The unit does not include sandbars within the inlet.

Unit FL-34: Ponce de Leon Inlet. 68 ha (168 ac) in Volusia County

The majority of the unit is within Smyrna Dunes Park and Lighthouse Point Park. This unit includes shoreline extending from the jetty north of Ponce de Leon Inlet west to the Halifax River and Inlet junction. It includes shoreline south of Ponce de Leon Inlet from the inlet and Halifax River junction, extending east and south along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline 1.2 km (.70 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-35: Nassau Sound-Huguenot. 950 ha (2347 ac) in Duval County

The majority of the unit is within Big Talbot Island State Park, Little Talbot Island State Park, and the Timucuan Ecological and Historical Preserve. This unit includes all emergent shoals and shoreline east of Nassau River bridge and extends to the inlet of the St. John's River. Amelia Island and the northern 2.7 km (1.7 mi) shoreline along Talbot Island are not included. It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur.

Unit FL-36: Tiger Islands. 53 ha (130 ac) in Nassau County

This unit is privately owned. This unit extends from the mouth of Tiger Creek and runs north along Tiger Island 0.8 km (0.5 mi) and south along Little Tiger Island 1.4 km (0.9 mi). It includes land from MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat (including grass or lawns) or developed structures, not used by the piping plover, begin and where the constituent elements no longer occur. Emerging sandbars to MLLW are also included.

Alabama (Maps were digitized using 1992 DOQQs)

Unit AL-1: Isle Aux Herbes. 227 ha (561 ac) in Mobile County

This unit includes the entire Isle Aux Herbes island where primary constituent elements occur to MLLW and is State-owned.

Unit AL-2: Dauphin, Little Dauphin, and Pelican Islands. 880 ha (2,174 ac) in Mobile County

This unit includes all of Dauphin Island where primary constituent elements occur from St. Stephens Street approximately 17.6 km (10.9 mi) west to the western tip of the island to MLLW and all of Little Dauphin and Pelican Islands to MLLW. The area is mostly privately owned but includes State and Federal lands.

Unit AL-3: Fort Morgan. 67 ha (166 ac) in Baldwin County

This area includes Mobile Bay and Gulf of Mexico shorelines within Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge, Fort Morgan Unit. This unit extends from the west side of the pier on the northwest point of the peninsula, following the shoreline approximately 2.8 km (1.74 mi) southwest around the tip of the peninsula, then east to the terminus of the beach access road and is bounded on the seaward side by MLLW and on the landward side to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The area is State-owned but is leased by the Federal Government.

Mississippi (Maps were digitized using 1992 and 1997 DOQQs)

Unit MS-1: Lakeshore through Bay St. Louis. 41 ha (101 ac) in Hancock County

This unit extends from the north side of Bryan Bayou outlet and includes the shore of the Mississippi Sound following the shoreline northeast approximately 15.0 km (9.3 mi) and ending at the southeast side of the Bay Waveland Yacht Club. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Gulf side of South and North Beach Boulevard and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-2: Henderson Point. 34 ha (84 ac) in Harrison County

This unit extends from 0.2 km (0.12 mi) west of the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Front Street and includes the shore of the Mississippi Sound following the shoreline northeast approximately 4.4 km (2.7 mi) to the west side of Pass Christian Harbor. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Gulf side of U.S. Highway 90 and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-3: Pass Christian. 77 ha (190 ac) in Harrison County

This unit extends from the east side of Pass Christian Harbor and includes the shore of the Mississippi Sound following the shoreline northeast approximately 10.5 km (6.5 mi) to the west side of Long Beach Pier and Harbor. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Gulf side of U.S. Highway 90 and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-4: Long Beach. 38 ha (94 ac) in Harrison County

This unit extends from the east side of Long Beach Pier and Harbor and includes the shore of the Mississippi Sound following the shoreline northeast approximately 4.4 km (2.7 mi) to the west side of Gulfport Harbor. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Gulf side of U.S. Highway 90 and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-5: Gulfport. 39 ha (96 ac) in Harrison County

This unit extends from the east side of Gulfport Harbor and includes the shore of the Mississippi Sound following the shoreline northeast approximately 4.8 km (3.0 mi) to the west side of the groin at the southern terminus of Courthouse Road, Mississippi City, MS. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Gulf side of U.S. Highway 90 and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-6: Mississippi City. 62 ha (153 ac) in Harrison County

This unit extends from the east side of the groin at the southern terminus of Courthouse Road, Mississippi City, MS, and includes the shore of the Mississippi Sound following the shoreline northeast approximately 7.9 km (4.9 mi) to the west side of President Casino. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Gulf side of U.S. Highway 90 and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-10: Ocean Springs West. 11 ha (27 ac) in Jackson County

This unit extends from U.S. 90 and includes the shore of Biloxi Bay following the shoreline southeast approximately 1.9 km (1.2 mi) to the Ocean Springs Harbor inlet. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Bay side of Front Beach Drive and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-11: Ocean Springs East. 7 ha (17 ac) in Jackson County

This unit extends from the east side of Weeks Bayou and includes the shore of Biloxi Bay following the shoreline southeast approximately 1.8 km (1.1 mi) to Halstead Bayou. The landward boundary of this unit follows the Bay side of East Beach Drive and the seaward boundary is MLLW. The shoreline of this unit is privately owned.

Unit MS-12: Deer Island. 194 ha (479 ac) in Harrison County

This unit includes all of Deer Island, where primary constituent elements occur to the MLWW. Deer Island is privately owned.

Unit MS-13: Round Island. 27 ha (67 ac) in Jackson County

This unit includes all of Round Island to the MLWW and is privately owned

Unit MS-14: Mississippi Barrier Islands. 3,168 ha (7,828 ac) in Harrison and Jackson Counties.

This unit includes all of Cat, East and West Ship, Horn, Spoil, and Petit Bois Islands where primary constituent elements occur to MLLW. Cat Island is privately owned, and the remaining islands are part of the Gulf Islands National Seashore.

Unit MS-15: North and South Rigolets. 159 ha (393 ac) in Jackson County, MS, and 12 ha (30 ac) in Mobile County, AL

This unit extends from the southwestern tip of South Rigolets Island and includes the shore of Point Aux Chenes Bay, the Mississippi Sound, and Grand Bay following the shoreline east around the western tip, then north to the south side of South Rigolets Bayou; then from the north side of South Rigolets Bayou (the southeastern corner of North Rigolets Island) north to the northeastern most point of North Rigolets Island. This shoreline is bounded on the seaward side by MLLW and on the landward side to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. Approximately 4.4 km (2.7 mi) are in Mississippi and 2.9 km (1.8 mi) are in Alabama. Almost half the Mississippi shoreline length is in the Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Louisiana (Maps were digitized using 1998 DOQQs)

Unit LA-1: Texas/Louisiana border to Cheniere au Tigre. 2,650 ha (6,548 ac) in Cameron and Vermilion Parishes

This unit extends from the east side of Sabine Pass (Texas/Louisiana border) and includes the shore of the Gulf of Mexico from the MLLW following the shoreline east 25.7 km (16.0 mi) to the west end of Constance Beach [approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) east of the intersection of Parish Road 528 and the beach]; it extends from the east end of the town of Holly Beach [0.25 km (0.16 mi) east of the intersection of Baritarick Boulevard and the beach] following the shoreline approximately 97 km (60.3 mi) east to the eastern boundary line of Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge [3.4 km (2.1 mi) east of Rollover Bayou]; and it extends from the east side of Freshwater Bayou Canal following the shoreline east for approximately 15 km (9.3 mi) to 1.3 km (0.81 mi) east of where the boundary of Paul J. Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary (National Audubon Society) meets the shoreline. All three sections of this unit include the land from the seaward boundary of MLLW to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The shoreline in this unit is both state and privately owned.

Unit LA-2: Atchafalaya River Delta. 921 ha (2,276 ac) in St. Mary Parish, LA

This unit is located in the eastern portion of the State-owned Atchafalaya Delta Wildlife Management Area (WMA) and includes all exposed land and islands where primary constituent elements occur east and southeast of the main navigation channel of the Atchafalaya River to the MLLW. The islands located south and southeast of the deltaic splay, Donna, T-Pat, and Skimmer Islands and the un-named bird island, are also included in this unit. This unit includes the entire islands where primary constituent elements occur to the MLLW.

Unit LA-3: Point Au Fer Island. 195 ha (482 ac) in Terrebonne Parish.

This unit includes the entire small island at the northwest tip of Point Au Fer Island to MLLW, then extends from the northwest tip of Point Au Fer Island following the shoreline southeast approximately 7.7 km (4.8 mi) to the point where the un-named oil and gas canal extending southeast from Locust Bayou meets the shoreline [0.8 km (0.5 mi) southeast from Locust Bayou]. This shoreline is bounded on the seaward side by MLLW and on the landward side to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. This entire unit is privately owned.

Unit LA-4: Isles Dernieres. 795 ha (1,964 ac) in Terrebonne Parish

This unit includes the State-owned Isles Dernieres chain, including Raccoon, Whiskey, Trinity and East Islands. This unit includes the entire islands where primary constituent elements occur to the MLLW.

Unit LA-5: Timbalier Island to East Grand Terre Island. 2,321 ha (5,735 ac) in Terrebonne, Lafourche, Jefferson, and Plaquemines Parishes

This unit includes: all of Timbalier Island where primary constituent elements occur to the MLLW, all of Belle Pass West [the “peninsula” extending north/northwest approximately 4.8 km (3.0 mi) from the west side of Belle Pass] where primary constituent elements occur to MLLW; the Gulf shoreline extending approximately 11 km (6.8 mi) east from the east side of Belle Pass bounded on the seaward side by MLLW and on the landward side to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur; all of Elmers Island peninsula where primary constituent elements occur to MLLW and the Gulf shoreline from Elmers Island to approximately 0.9 km (0.56 mi) west of Bayou Thunder Von Tranc bounded on the seaward side by MLLW and on the landward side to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur; the Gulf shoreline of Grand Isle from the Gulf side of the hurricane protection levee to MLLW; and all of East Grand Terre Island where primary constituent elements occur to the MLLW.

Unit LA-6: Mississippi River Delta. 105 ha (259 ac) in Plaquemines Parish, LA

This unit is part of the State-owned Pass a Loutre Wildlife Management Area and includes un-named sand (spoil) islands off South Pass of the Mississippi River near Port Eads. The entire islands to MLLW are included in this unit.

Unit LA-7: Breton Islands and Chandeleur Island Chain. 3,116 ha (7,700 ac) in Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes, LA

This unit includes Breton, Grand Gosier, and Curlew Islands and the Chandeleur Island chain. Those islands are part of the Breton National Wildlife Refuge or are state owned. The entire islands where primary constituent elements occur to MLLW are included in this unit.

Texas (Data layers defining map units 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, and 37 were digitized using 1995 and 1996 DOQQs and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Medium Resolution Digital Vector Shoreline. Data layers defining map units 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33 were created using 1992 National Wetlands Inventory data (except for Unit TX-22, which had 2001 data available) and/or digitized using 2005 National Agriculture Imagery Program data and NOAA mean lower low water vector data).

Unit TX-1: South Bay and Boca Chica. 2,920 ha (7,217 ac) in Cameron County

The boundaries of the unit are: starting at the Loma Ochoa, following the Brownsville Ship Channel to the northeast out into the Gulf of Mexico to MLLW, then south along a line describing MLLW to the mouth of the Rio Grande, proceeding up the Rio Grande to Loma de Las Vacas, then from that point along a straight line north to Loma Ochoa. The unit does not include densely vegetated habitat within those boundaries. It includes wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds, and includes the tidal flats area known as South Bay. Beaches within the unit reach from the mouth of the Rio Grande northward to Brazos Santiago Pass, south of South Padre Island. The southern and western boundaries follow the change in habitat from wind tidal flat, preferred by the piping plover, to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The upland areas extend to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur and include areas used for roosting by the piping plover. Portions of this unit are owned and managed by the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, the South Bay Coastal Preserve, Boca Chica State Park, and private citizens.

Unit TX-2: Queen Isabella Causeway. 2 ha (6 ac) in Cameron County

The area extends along the Laguna Madre west of the city of South Padre Island. The southern boundary is the Queen Isabella State Fishing Pier, and the northern boundary is at the shoreline due west of the end of Sunny Isles Street. The Queen Isabella causeway bisects this shore but is not included within critical habitat. The eastern boundary is where developed areas and/or dense vegetation begins, and the western boundary is MLLW. This unit contains lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-3: Padre Island. This unit consists of five subunits:

(1) Subunit TX-3A: South Padre Island - Gulf of Mexico Shoreline: 1,170 hectares (2,891 acres) in Cameron and Willacy Counties, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-3, Subunit A, in Cameron County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

677316, 2921614; 677420, 2921300; 677477, 2921036; 677576, 2920752; 677587, 2920643; 677639, 2920497; 677730, 2920091; 677915, 2919428; 678126, 2918581; 678368, 2917507; 678413, 2917409; 678588, 2916617; 678758, 2916031; 679074, 2914695; 679149, 2914477; 679434, 2913339; 679449, 2913232; 679565, 2912851; 679651, 2912493; 679808, 2911764; 679987, 2911020; 680041, 2910701; 680141, 2910358; 680324, 2909490; 680408, 2909179; 680458, 2908905; 680484, 2908841; 680527, 2908625; 680552, 2908572; 680703, 2907730; 680721, 2907693; 680803, 2907240; 680895, 2906845; 680906, 2906733; 680996, 2906347; 681070, 2905861; 681196, 2905325; 681322, 2904670; 681350, 2904592; 681380, 2904382; 681413, 2904290; 681435, 2904108; 681552, 2903585; 681563, 2903476; 681729, 2902633; 681973, 2901088; 682003, 2900981; 682087, 2900472; 682464, 2897457; 682604, 2896539; 682634, 2896212; 682700, 2895830; 682880, 2894451; 682909, 2894346; 682968, 2893886; 683014, 2893686; 683098, 2892852; 683180, 2892260; 683097, 2892260; 683047, 2892488; 682998, 2892495; 682995, 2892510; 683027, 2892531; 683041, 2892592; 683027, 2892699; 683007, 2892723; 682971, 2892712; 682968, 2892722; 682999, 2892739; 683016, 2892786; 682985, 2893058; 682935, 2893060; 682934, 2893107; 682861, 2893152; 682769, 2893152; 682768, 2893221; 682883, 2893220; 682868, 2893341; 682876, 2893381; 682853, 2893557; 682804, 2893691; 682806, 2893754; 682701, 2893949; 682710, 2894040; 682740, 2894055; 682689, 2894104; 682681, 2894156; 682713, 2894193; 682726, 2894288; 682687, 2894331; 682627, 2894337; 682623, 2894365; 682728, 2894369; 682721, 2894449; 682708, 2894473; 682691, 2894464; 682690, 2894488; 682755, 2894666; 682721, 2894686; 682706, 2894773; 682643, 2894808; 682688, 2894824; 682707, 2894860; 682704, 2894904; 682637, 2894954; 682603, 2895002; 682559, 2895114; 682550, 2895203; 682672, 2895199; 682668, 2895297; 682578, 2895296; 682617, 2895448; 682574, 2895521; 682575, 2895612; 682551, 2895712; 682520, 2895722; 682522, 2895767; 682493, 2895885; 682483, 2896037; 682497, 2896084; 682454, 2896117; 682465, 2896163; 682380, 2896601; 682346, 2896608; 682227, 2897577; 682182, 2898085; 682201, 2898109; 682180, 2898259; 682201, 2898280; 682178, 2898328; 682186, 2898401; 682174, 2898430; 682231, 2898459; 682244, 2898483; 682235, 2898579; 682213, 2898593; 682185, 2898577; 682197, 2898640; 682217, 2898666; 682213, 2898767; 682176, 2898760; 682166, 2898847; 682126, 2898937; 682073, 2898932; 682066, 2898960; 682092, 2898953; 682111, 2898973; 682100, 2899003; 682118, 2899078; 682082, 2899308; 682032, 2899467; 682011, 2899621; 682025, 2899646; 682013, 2899740; 681989, 2899755; 681987, 2899797; 682021, 2899806; 682009, 2899832; 681985, 2899842; 681981, 2899913; 681935, 2899934; 681807, 2900673; 681858, 2900716; 681839, 2900788; 681864, 2900849; 681852, 2900916; 681836, 2900967; 681756, 2901060; 681717, 2901187; 681460, 2902658; 681505, 2902676; 681511, 2902716; 681434, 2902756; 681214, 2903993; 681155, 2904075; 681119, 2904071; 681012, 2904606; 681029, 2904710; 680978, 2904773; 680977, 2904828; 680896, 2905004; 680880, 2905243; 680932, 2905337; 680901, 2905436; 680924, 2905565; 680947, 2905707; 680915, 2905794; 680816, 2905965; 680846, 2906102; 680842, 2906220; 680767, 2906374; 680767, 2906423; 680804, 2906481; 680779, 2906658; 680788, 2906703; 680737, 2906768; 680667, 2906952; 680666, 2906992; 680637, 2907074; 680652, 2907167; 680696, 2907184; 680694, 2907237; 680652, 2907317; 680578, 2907558; 680544, 2907670; 680559, 2907720; 680528, 2907739; 680491, 2907864; 680442, 2907915; 680377, 2908122; 680303, 2908195; 680245, 2908202; 680225, 2908246; 680239, 2908288; 680224, 2908356; 680262, 2908544; 680236, 2908558; 680241, 2908624; 680205, 2908642; 680204, 2908680; 680263, 2908669; 680284, 2908705; 680284, 2908759; 680262, 2908811; 680173, 2908905; 680152, 2909076; 680166, 2909101; 680118, 2909145; 680068, 2909267; 680089, 2909331; 680063, 2909415; 680076, 2909447; 680059, 2909475; 680051, 2909591; 680027, 2909638; 680022, 2909735; 680005, 2909791; 680010, 2909840; 680087, 2909853; 680077, 2909974; 680049, 2910008; 680028, 2910124; 680081, 2910106; 680063, 2910178; 679976, 2910342; 679926, 2910373; 679850, 2910377; 679637, 2911203; 679584, 2911291; 679575, 2911306; 679594, 2911313; 679580, 2911343; 679587, 2911379; 679554, 2911406; 679546, 2911472; 679523, 2911497; 679500, 2911656; 679447, 2911720; 679428, 2911781; 679430, 2911820; 679449, 2911838; 679419, 2911972; 679418, 2912005; 679448, 2912044; 679430, 2912069; 679444, 2912114; 679429, 2912120; 679416, 2912125; 679404, 2912129; 679378, 2912134; 679333, 2912282; 679389, 2912300; 679436, 2912370; 679409, 2912405; 679385, 2912404; 679334, 2912489; 679323, 2912553; 679348, 2912594; 679349, 2912650; 679329, 2912674; 679303, 2912701; 679266, 2912689; 679240, 2912735; 679298, 2912774; 679366, 2912980; 679337, 2913029; 679274, 2913079; 679279, 2913096; 679310, 2913097; 679322, 2913129; 679299, 2913214; 679308, 2913226; 679300, 2913296; 679281, 2913301; 679262, 2913455; 679229, 2913506; 679230, 2913560; 679171, 2913739; 679148, 2913866; 679035, 2913910; 679014, 2913950; 678918, 2914258; 678930, 2914427; 678912, 2914449; 678818, 2914489; 678799, 2914476; 678779, 2914534; 678648, 2914626; 678647, 2914726; 678683, 2914728; 678749, 2914616; 678776, 2914596; 678862, 2914530; 678907, 2914471; 678951, 2914472; 678975, 2914538; 678919, 2914568; 678923, 2914627; 678943, 2914643; 678900, 2914740; 678860, 2914786; 678789, 2914810; 678726, 2914797; 678647, 2914746; 678642, 2915013; 678709, 2915037; 678709, 2915064; 678747, 2915105; 678767, 2915178; 678767, 2915235; 678732, 2915305; 678742, 2915344; 678710, 2915351; 678711, 2915414; 678663, 2915442; 678608, 2915441; 678586, 2915441; 678565, 2915417; 678517, 2915416; 678516, 2915531; 678585, 2915523; 678615, 2915565; 678623, 2915654; 678578, 2915669; 678574, 2915772; 678545, 2915799; 678540, 2915839; 678501, 2915893; 678498, 2915947; 678462, 2915996; 678472, 2916058; 678458, 2916100; 678485, 2916113; 678489, 2916149; 678473, 2916236; 678406, 2916274; 678401, 2916290; 678334, 2916527; 678321, 2916600; 678333, 2916633; 678321, 2916674; 678299, 2916690; 678304, 2916732; 678279, 2916818; 678259, 2916834; 678227, 2916859; 678036, 2917661; 678105, 2917700; 678133, 2917697; 678210, 2917802; 678197, 2917910; 678143, 2918074; 678048, 2918578; 677986, 2918793; 677992, 2918821; 677898, 2919216; 677865, 2919279; 677853, 2919380; 677727, 2919847; 677698, 2919914; 677606, 2920288; 677565, 2920303; 677571, 2920317; 677597, 2920317; 677475, 2920746; 677458, 2920783; 677396, 2920843; 677398, 2920906; 677353, 2920884; 677338, 2920954; 677371, 2921010; 677375, 2921085; 677284, 2921309; 677253, 2921300; 677235, 2921331; 677248, 2921413; 677236, 2921421; 677222, 2921521; 677254, 2921543; 677218, 2921575; 677193, 2921569; 677181, 2921621; 677205, 2921622; 677204, 2921639; 677144, 2921773; 677065, 2921866; 677005, 2921912; 676980, 2921957; 676947, 2921969; 676868, 2922311; 676880, 2922371; 676872, 2922412; 676896, 2922472; 676897, 2922475; 677102, 2922481; Thence returning to 677316, 2921614.


Unit TX-3 Subunit A, Cameron County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

675897, 2922460; 676718, 2922470; 676897, 2922475; 676896, 2922472; 676837, 2922377; 676776, 2922314; 676569, 2922172; 676466, 2922133; 676432, 2922145; 676422, 2922172; 676495, 2922208; 676488, 2922231; 676393, 2922213; 676277, 2922154; 676106, 2922206; 676075, 2922227; 675990, 2922374; Thence returning to 675897, 2922460.

675842, 2922460; 675938, 2922385; 675980, 2922268; 676037, 2922167; 676062, 2922153; 676234, 2922141; 676273, 2922087; 676323, 2922055; 676330, 2922028; 676320, 2921969; 676257, 2921890; 676221, 2921857; 676136, 2921833; 676093, 2921734; 676041, 2921668; 675958, 2921626; 675863, 2921676; 675826, 2921733; 675802, 2921806; 675798, 2921937; 675846, 2921972; 676059, 2921967; 676049, 2922021; 676024, 2922007; 675910, 2922008; 675799, 2922038; 675783, 2921989; 675732, 2921941; 675726, 2921854; 675703, 2921803; 675651, 2921772; 675572, 2921776; 675544, 2921783; 675492, 2921838; 675334, 2922069; 675325, 2922126; 675337, 2922256; 675370, 2922340; 675484, 2922385; 675626, 2922347; 675639, 2922323; 675687, 2922316; 675683, 2922387; 675625, 2922369; 675530, 2922399; 675525, 2922427; 675579, 2922437; 675583, 2922457; Thence returning to 675842, 2922460.

677065, 2921866; 677144, 2921773; 677204, 2921639; 677205, 2921622; 677181, 2921621; 677193, 2921569; 677218, 2921575; 677254, 2921543; 677222, 2921521; 677236, 2921421; 677248, 2921413; 677235, 2921331; 677253, 2921300; 677284, 2921309; 677375, 2921085; 677371, 2921010; 677338, 2920954; 677353, 2920884; 677398, 2920906; 677396, 2920843; 677458, 2920783; 677475, 2920746; 677597, 2920317; 677571, 2920317; 677565, 2920303; 677606, 2920288; 677698, 2919914; 677727, 2919847; 677853, 2919380; 677865, 2919279; 677898, 2919216; 677992, 2918821; 677986, 2918793; 678048, 2918578; 678143, 2918074; 678197, 2917910; 678210, 2917802; 678133, 2917697; 678105, 2917700; 678030, 2917774; 677989, 2917790; 677957, 2917842; 677970, 2917929; 677943, 2917993; 677962, 2918037; 677913, 2918039; 677893, 2918072; 677887, 2918111; 677921, 2918133; 677921, 2918154; 677859, 2918163; 677844, 2918182; 677847, 2918198; 677877, 2918201; 677869, 2918249; 677891, 2918292; 677824, 2918326; 677861, 2918375; 677848, 2918382; 677755, 2918349; 677637, 2918282; 677620, 2918300; 677628, 2918328; 677661, 2918337; 677630, 2918442; 677645, 2918466; 677720, 2918490; 677715, 2918533; 677742, 2918561; 677742, 2918603; 677774, 2918642; 677770, 2918676; 677719, 2918650; 677702, 2918699; 677676, 2918577; 677587, 2918524; 677535, 2918462; 677508, 2918471; 677510, 2918521; 677571, 2918614; 677593, 2918697; 677569, 2918683; 677480, 2918519; 677447, 2918535; 677415, 2918591; 677423, 2918674; 677396, 2918755; 677408, 2918799; 677440, 2918826; 677483, 2918827; 677523, 2918854; 677621, 2918830; 677598, 2918887; 677525, 2918876; 677511, 2918903; 677537, 2918955; 677586, 2918925; 677614, 2919047; 677608, 2919056; 677573, 2919034; 677571, 2919078; 677598, 2919174; 677586, 2919181; 677562, 2919137; 677548, 2919140; 677543, 2919259; 677523, 2919250; 677525, 2919100; 677504, 2919023; 677385, 2918950; 677359, 2918976; 677351, 2919023; 677335, 2919018; 677330, 2919059; 677312, 2918949; 677288, 2918940; 677214, 2919030; 677195, 2919135; 677208, 2919167; 677273, 2919206; 677293, 2919185; 677307, 2919115; 677345, 2919149; 677347, 2919213; 677379, 2919231; 677396, 2919281; 677381, 2919297; 677356, 2919267; 677340, 2919286; 677345, 2919308; 677378, 2919333; 677356, 2919407; 677342, 2919411; 677334, 2919328; 677285, 2919229; 677216, 2919207; 677192, 2919173; 677175, 2919172; 677154, 2919205; 677151, 2919242; 677168, 2919334; 677195, 2919378; 677177, 2919385; 677154, 2919370; 677133, 2919303; 677133, 2919249; 677109, 2919229; 677085, 2919300; 677000, 2919391; 676980, 2919437; 676977, 2919509; 676996, 2919597; 677062, 2919613; 677097, 2919598; 677126, 2919637; 677197, 2919663; 677189, 2919737; 677158, 2919684; 677100, 2919655; 677084, 2919661; 677064, 2919712; 677024, 2919678; 676997, 2919707; 676967, 2919698; 676952, 2919712; 676949, 2919740; 677020, 2919786; 677040, 2919867; 677070, 2919896; 677072, 2919952; 677103, 2919978; 677149, 2919978; 677204, 2920014; 677207, 2920025; 677182, 2920036; 677238, 2920056; 677275, 2920102; 677300, 2920098; 677336, 2920051; 677432, 2919992; 677471, 2920027; 677455, 2920044; 677400, 2920043; 677363, 2920070; 677356, 2920100; 677398, 2920098; 677370, 2920134; 677250, 2920123; 677217, 2920075; 677189, 2920080; 677163, 2920110; 677147, 2920170; 677177, 2920169; 677182, 2920200; 677207, 2920206; 677170, 2920235; 677134, 2920308; 677095, 2920335; 677101, 2920397; 677051, 2920401; 677037, 2920547; 677006, 2920568; 677055, 2920712; 677001, 2920662; 676952, 2920514; 676892, 2920485; 676827, 2920511; 676769, 2920393; 676687, 2920335; 676639, 2920342; 676631, 2920393; 676653, 2920447; 676675, 2920456; 676709, 2920410; 676710, 2920472; 676755, 2920515; 676742, 2920532; 676688, 2920521; 676683, 2920544; 676711, 2920552; 676734, 2920598; 676736, 2920651; 676825, 2920726; 676795, 2920737; 676736, 2920690; 676673, 2920687; 676674, 2920708; 676737, 2920744; 676716, 2920812; 676683, 2920816; 676754, 2920823; 676820, 2920773; 676868, 2920788; 676917, 2920776; 676926, 2920789; 676891, 2920819; 676817, 2920812; 676796, 2920861; 676764, 2920880; 676680, 2920850; 676607, 2920760; 676558, 2920727; 676517, 2920730; 676484, 2920762; 676371, 2920814; 676353, 2920838; 676358, 2920892; 676373, 2920933; 676400, 2920951; 676432, 2920934; 676472, 2920882; 676456, 2920802; 676485, 2920807; 676505, 2920836; 676518, 2920929; 676489, 2920944; 676496, 2921004; 676478, 2921031; 676513, 2921113; 676515, 2921173; 676495, 2921163; 676476, 2921066; 676441, 2921043; 676395, 2921043; 676306, 2921100; 676300, 2921005; 676365, 2921006; 676378, 2920987; 676337, 2920907; 676283, 2920891; 676223, 2920901; 676166, 2920941; 676135, 2920978; 676134, 2921021; 676072, 2921101; 676086, 2921164; 676235, 2921286; 676382, 2921381; 676448, 2921390; 676516, 2921625; 676600, 2921746; 676705, 2921832; 676774, 2921819; 676854, 2921900; 676980, 2921957; 677005, 2921912; 677065, 2921866; 677320, 2919502; 677342, 2919499; 677347, 2919529; 677326, 2919534; Thence returning to 677320, 2919502.

676628, 2920575; 676622, 2920538; 676592, 2920545; 676574, 2920570; 676588, 2920595; 676610, 2920596; Thence returning to 676628, 2920575.

676998, 2920436; 677019, 2920398; 676973, 2920378; 676946, 2920418; 676910, 2920423; 676894, 2920389; 676865, 2920433; 676873, 2920449; 676947, 2920457; 676990, 2920505; Thence returning to 676998, 2920436.

676962, 2920360; 676961, 2920312; 676983, 2920315; 676988, 2920273; 677036, 2920260; 677068, 2920280; 677105, 2920275; 677121, 2920220; 677125, 2920089; 677116, 2920053; 677074, 2920030; 677029, 2919953; 676907, 2919811; 676862, 2919799; 676836, 2919851; 676842, 2919898; 676899, 2919943; 676927, 2919940; 676904, 2920009; 676943, 2920057; 676976, 2920070; 676996, 2920107; 676985, 2920178; 676961, 2920198; 676950, 2920093; 676889, 2920034; 676828, 2920141; 676827, 2920172; 676846, 2920195; 676922, 2920201; 676905, 2920276; 676925, 2920287; 676906, 2920366; 676944, 2920375; Thence returning to 676962, 2920360.

676884, 2920255; 676828, 2920214; 676798, 2920238; 676774, 2920310; 676829, 2920341; Thence returning to 676884, 2920255.

676806, 2920167; 676820, 2920060; 676802, 2920050; 676779, 2920078; 676771, 2920052; 676843, 2920024; 676852, 2919980; 676843, 2919931; 676817, 2919890; 676722, 2920040; 676716, 2920088; 676736, 2920127; 676717, 2920166; 676747, 2920193; 676716, 2920225; 676725, 2920267; 676766, 2920254; Thence returning to 676806, 2920167.

674796, 2919758; 674769, 2919739; 674754, 2919768; 674763, 2919805; 674794, 2919785; Thence returning to 674796, 2919758.

674502, 2919598; 674466, 2919597; 674408, 2919704; 674424, 2919719; 674500, 2919730; 674523, 2919693; 674526, 2919651; Thence returning to 674502, 2919598.

674843, 2919519; 674816, 2919498; 674788, 2919525; 674757, 2919597; 674760, 2919647; 674787, 2919678; 674824, 2919644; 674846, 2919595; Thence returning to 674843, 2919519.

674103, 2919412; 674060, 2919387; 674026, 2919451; 674025, 2919516; 674049, 2919537; 674069, 2919531; 674103, 2919486; Thence returning to 674103, 2919412.

674392, 2919304; 674370, 2919280; 674348, 2919291; 674320, 2919336; 674330, 2919373; 674364, 2919378; 674399, 2919358; Thence returning to 674392, 2919304.

673649, 2919176; 673619, 2919168; 673588, 2919240; 673660, 2919258; 673665, 2919208; Thence returning to 673649, 2919176.

673977, 2919125; 673949, 2919090; 673917, 2919102; 673917, 2919139; 673935, 2919157; 673967, 2919157; Thence returning to 673977, 2919125.

673162, 2919009; 673159, 2918948; 673137, 2918949; 673123, 2919016; 673152, 2919023; Thence returning to 673162, 2919009.

673541, 2918884; 673514, 2918871; 673484, 2918895; 673472, 2918924; 673479, 2918953; 673559, 2918939; Thence returning to 673541, 2918884.

672938, 2918854; 672929, 2918828; 672893, 2918852; 672896, 2918914; 672926, 2918897; Thence returning to 672938, 2918854.

677390, 2918871; 677361, 2918862; 677343, 2918881; 677333, 2918915; 677342, 2918937; 677387, 2918893; Thence returning to 677390, 2918871.

672511, 2918627; 672499, 2918608; 672465, 2918613; 672452, 2918630; 672463, 2918696; 672506, 2918661; Thence returning to 672511, 2918627.

672835, 2918538; 672812, 2918538; 672798, 2918562; 672796, 2918603; 672812, 2918621; 672849, 2918576; Thence returning to 672835, 2918538.

674094, 2918377; 674057, 2918370; 673997, 2918415; 673985, 2918505; 673993, 2918537; 674012, 2918550; 674061, 2918545; 674117, 2918509; 674114, 2918403; Thence returning to 674094, 2918377.

672391, 2918347; 672371, 2918338; 672345, 2918392; 672374, 2918398; Thence returning to 672391, 2918347.

674619, 2918263; 674652, 2918152; 674671, 2917896; 674657, 2917815; 674635, 2917780; 674593, 2917751; 674483, 2917748; 674449, 2917799; 674445, 2917873; 674467, 2917919; 674467, 2917965; 674517, 2918041; 674443, 2918002; 674398, 2917884; 674357, 2917910; 674318, 2918011; 674330, 2918043; 674323, 2918082; 674298, 2918076; 674289, 2918091; 674310, 2918166; 674293, 2918181; 674270, 2918167; 674259, 2918182; 674235, 2918257; 674238, 2918325; 674265, 2918365; 674313, 2918392; 674473, 2918383; 674587, 2918313; Thence returning to 674619, 2918263.

677821, 2918281; 677827, 2918244; 677761, 2918124; 677742, 2918124; 677711, 2918178; 677670, 2918202; 677661, 2918237; 677708, 2918270; 677775, 2918256; 677782, 2918281; 677783, 2918312; 677795, 2918313; Thence returning to 677821, 2918281.

675106, 2917763; 675054, 2917735; 674977, 2917743; 674927, 2917810; 674891, 2917968; 674853, 2918050; 674857, 2918097; 674919, 2918165; 674956, 2918173; 674987, 2918161; 675128, 2918060; 675145, 2917940; 675140, 2917829; Thence returning to 675106, 2917763.

677711, 2918024; 677689, 2917970; 677650, 2918011; 677638, 2918175; 677690, 2918158; 677701, 2918118; 677729, 2918107; Thence returning to 677711, 2918024.

677846, 2918106; 677919, 2917928; 677915, 2917887; 677882, 2917862; 677805, 2917881; 677721, 2917948; 677745, 2918027; 677779, 2918001; 677812, 2918007; 677780, 2918054; 677813, 2918132; 677825, 2918137; Thence returning to 677846, 2918106.

677449, 2917826; 677435, 2917722; 677403, 2917728; 677228, 2917851; 677193, 2917908; 677216, 2918001; 677351, 2917989; 677425, 2917936; Thence returning to 677449, 2917826.

677940, 2917676; 677934, 2917647; 677915, 2917629; 677823, 2917619; 677742, 2917619; 677692, 2917675; 677695, 2917708; 677714, 2917733; 677742, 2917738; 677806, 2917665; 677819, 2917759; 677845, 2917788; 677896, 2917787; 677932, 2917744; 677924, 2917706; Thence returning to 677940, 2917676.

677379, 2917524; 677525, 2917473; 677559, 2917478; 677614, 2917448; 677636, 2917417; 677628, 2917378; 677603, 2917359; 677472, 2917350; 677399, 2917298; 677327, 2917285; 677286, 2917371; 677280, 2917413; 677314, 2917471; Thence returning to 677379, 2917524.

677213, 2917015; 677176, 2917007; 677130, 2917018; 677106, 2917047; 677108, 2917123; 677151, 2917157; 677210, 2917159; 677258, 2917138; 677272, 2917092; 677264, 2917054; Thence returning to 677213, 2917015.

677020, 2916880; 677006, 2916865; 676952, 2916871; 676942, 2916768; 676880, 2916735; 676840, 2916761; 676837, 2916815; 676909, 2916913; 676909, 2916978; 676991, 2916972; 676996, 2916942; 677030, 2916918; Thence returning to 677020, 2916880.

678321, 2916600; 678334, 2916527; 678191, 2916490; 677943, 2916356; 677711, 2916046; 677641, 2916007; 677608, 2916007; 677586, 2916031; 677584, 2916073; 677644, 2916101; 677638, 2916118; 677592, 2916133; 677620, 2916223; 677701, 2916222; 677697, 2916241; 677649, 2916268; 677651, 2916319; 677690, 2916354; 677767, 2916347; 677774, 2916430; 677823, 2916465; 677800, 2916531; 677843, 2916605; 677931, 2916663; 678026, 2916664; 678067, 2916638; 678107, 2916571; 678213, 2916564; 678220, 2916605; 678131, 2916622; 678110, 2916640; 678099, 2916709; 678132, 2916785; 678191, 2916829; 678259, 2916834; 678279, 2916818; 678304, 2916732; 678299, 2916690; 678321, 2916674; 678333, 2916633; Thence returning to 678321, 2916600.

678623, 2915654; 678615, 2915565; 678531, 2915575; 678460, 2915619; 678398, 2915698; 678372, 2915767; 678379, 2915807; 678353, 2915849; 678345, 2915900; 678415, 2916015; 678336, 2916035; 678303, 2916129; 678304, 2916161; 678341, 2916239; 678401, 2916290; 678406, 2916274; 678473, 2916236; 678489, 2916149; 678485, 2916113; 678458, 2916100; 678472, 2916058; 678462, 2915996; 678498, 2915947; 678501, 2915893; 678540, 2915839; 678545, 2915799; 678574, 2915772; 678578, 2915669; Thence returning to 678623, 2915654.

677592, 2915929; 677567, 2915885; 677534, 2915894; 677517, 2915944; 677528, 2915995; 677555, 2915997; 677585, 2915966; Thence returning to 677592, 2915929.

678066, 2915758; 677950, 2915688; 677945, 2915740; 678045, 2915950; 678109, 2915997; 678181, 2916006; 678282, 2915988; 678283, 2915933; 678240, 2915845; 678163, 2915793; Thence returning to 678066, 2915758.

678390, 2915482; 678012, 2915454; 677984, 2915461; 677992, 2915485; 678118, 2915566; 678316, 2915582; 678398, 2915567; 678428, 2915538; 678425, 2915507; Thence returning to 678390, 2915482.

678732, 2915305; 678767, 2915235; 678767, 2915178; 678696, 2915102; 678658, 2915096; 678615, 2915134; 678573, 2915247; 678545, 2915245; 678509, 2915214; 678492, 2915224; 678520, 2915312; 678575, 2915316; 678583, 2915329; 678608, 2915441; 678663, 2915442; 678711, 2915414; 678710, 2915351; 678742, 2915344; Thence returning to 678732, 2915305.

678118, 2915227; 678068, 2915211; 678053, 2915244; 678068, 2915312; 678093, 2915322; 678115, 2915300; Thence returning to 678118, 2915227.

678260, 2915087; 678065, 2915039; 678036, 2915051; 678048, 2915078; 678308, 2915255; 678426, 2915310; 678467, 2915296; 678447, 2915237; 678391, 2915168; Thence returning to 678260, 2915087.

678975, 2914538; 678951, 2914472; 678870, 2914524; 678854, 2914564; 678776, 2914596; 678741, 2914635; 678726, 2914729; 678789, 2914810; 678860, 2914786; 678900, 2914740; 678943, 2914643; 678923, 2914627; 678919, 2914568; Thence returning to 678975, 2914538.

674234, 2914449; 674140, 2914411; 674088, 2914418; 674041, 2914450; 674035, 2914487; 674008, 2914515; 674003, 2914558; 674027, 2914586; 674037, 2914676; 674081, 2914679; 674125, 2914662; 674252, 2914552; 674265, 2914504; Thence returning to 674234, 2914449.

678039, 2914582; 678020, 2914552; 677995, 2914583; 678017, 2914613; Thence returning to 678039, 2914582.

678779, 2914534; 678799, 2914476; 678818, 2914489; 678912, 2914449; 678930, 2914427; 678918, 2914258; 679014, 2913950; 679035, 2913910; 679148, 2913866; 679171, 2913739; 679230, 2913560; 679229, 2913506; 679262, 2913455; 679281, 2913301; 679300, 2913296; 679308, 2913226; 679299, 2913214; 679322, 2913129; 679310, 2913097; 679279, 2913096; 679274, 2913079; 679337, 2913029; 679366, 2912980; 679298, 2912774; 679225, 2912762; 679071, 2912690; 678929, 2912659; 678838, 2912667; 678767, 2912733; 678750, 2912775; 678748, 2912875; 678772, 2912944; 678854, 2913010; 678739, 2912977; 678730, 2912994; 678761, 2913023; 678665, 2913036; 678627, 2913112; 678627, 2913184; 678701, 2913245; 678757, 2913203; 678773, 2913205; 678724, 2913278; 678725, 2913303; 678748, 2913333; 678735, 2913345; 678750, 2913386; 678842, 2913506; 678962, 2913595; 678973, 2913690; 678961, 2913704; 678927, 2913690; 678867, 2913598; 678805, 2913568; 678756, 2913519; 678737, 2913517; 678697, 2913576; 678693, 2913498; 678718, 2913485; 678725, 2913443; 678660, 2913335; 678616, 2913329; 678596, 2913346; 678585, 2913428; 678531, 2913525; 678563, 2913585; 678652, 2913604; 678614, 2913656; 678539, 2913666; 678504, 2913764; 678518, 2913774; 678611, 2913758; 678631, 2913786; 678651, 2913880; 678623, 2913870; 678599, 2913814; 678574, 2913799; 678544, 2913801; 678557, 2913864; 678498, 2913822; 678454, 2913818; 678408, 2913875; 678374, 2913962; 678348, 2914070; 678344, 2914171; 678363, 2914252; 678398, 2914311; 678459, 2914373; 678517, 2914405; 678613, 2914397; 678597, 2914469; 678666, 2914549; 678721, 2914552; Thence returning to 678779, 2914534.

677755, 2913348; 677703, 2913326; 677661, 2913364; 677644, 2913425; 677620, 2913451; 677624, 2913504; 677643, 2913528; 677680, 2913520; 677716, 2913486; 677766, 2913392; Thence returning to 677755, 2913348.

678025, 2912460; 678000, 2912455; 677978, 2912470; 677914, 2912585; 677913, 2912634; 677937, 2912665; 678004, 2912660; 678065, 2912596; 678070, 2912542; 678057, 2912498; Thence returning to 678025, 2912460.

679334, 2912489; 679385, 2912404; 679409, 2912405; 679436, 2912370; 679389, 2912300; 679269, 2912341; 679228, 2912390; 679235, 2912500; 679299, 2912575; 679273, 2912633; 679329, 2912674; 679349, 2912650; 679348, 2912594; 679323, 2912553; Thence returning to 679334, 2912489.

679404, 2912129; 679416, 2912125; 679378, 2912134; Thence returning to 679404, 2912129.

679419, 2911972; 679449, 2911838; 679430, 2911820; 679428, 2911781; 679447, 2911720; 679500, 2911656; 679523, 2911497; 679546, 2911472; 679554, 2911406; 679587, 2911379; 679580, 2911343; 679594, 2911313; 679574, 2911306; 679542, 2911357; 679438, 2911733; 679415, 2911725; 679389, 2911665; 679340, 2911657; 679260, 2911812; 679258, 2911882; 679299, 2911941; 679350, 2911955; 679372, 2911906; 679395, 2911913; 679404, 2912052; 679429, 2912120; 679444, 2912114; 679430, 2912069; 679448, 2912044; 679418, 2912005; Thence returning to 679419, 2911972.

678585, 2910694; 678497, 2910655; 678443, 2910668; 678410, 2910702; 678396, 2910772; 678401, 2910844; 678396, 2910881; 678336, 2910899; 678318, 2910940; 678273, 2910985; 678264, 2911037; 678273, 2911087; 678318, 2911138; 678391, 2911178; 678527, 2911160; 678595, 2911093; 678651, 2910996; 678690, 2910902; 678682, 2910824; Thence returning to 678585, 2910694.

678197, 2910749; 678170, 2910707; 678161, 2910738; 678172, 2910816; 678202, 2910837; Thence returning to 678197, 2910749.

680063, 2910178; 680081, 2910106; 680028, 2910124; 680049, 2910008; 680077, 2909974; 680087, 2909853; 680010, 2909840; 680005, 2909791; 680022, 2909735; 680027, 2909638; 680051, 2909591; 680059, 2909475; 680076, 2909447; 680063, 2909415; 680089, 2909331; 680068, 2909267; 680118, 2909145; 680166, 2909101; 680152, 2909076; 680173, 2908905; 680262, 2908811; 680284, 2908759; 680284, 2908705; 680263, 2908669; 680204, 2908680; 680205, 2908642; 680241, 2908624; 680236, 2908558; 680262, 2908544; 680224, 2908356; 680239, 2908288; 680225, 2908246; 680245, 2908202; 680303, 2908195; 680377, 2908122; 680442, 2907915; 680491, 2907864; 680528, 2907739; 680559, 2907720; 680544, 2907670; 680578, 2907558; 680527, 2907539; 680445, 2907624; 680368, 2907680; 680358, 2907727; 680316, 2907683; 680256, 2907698; 680229, 2907756; 680258, 2907859; 680253, 2907892; 680192, 2907808; 680137, 2907840; 680095, 2907775; 680061, 2907750; 679986, 2907745; 679938, 2907771; 679832, 2907987; 679790, 2908286; 679803, 2908348; 679885, 2908381; 679893, 2908397; 679780, 2908459; 679756, 2908517; 679772, 2908584; 679761, 2908622; 679712, 2908589; 679658, 2908627; 679590, 2908715; 679547, 2908808; 679537, 2908947; 679551, 2909021; 679576, 2909063; 679633, 2909096; 679750, 2909076; 679756, 2909102; 679802, 2909085; 679790, 2909111; 679718, 2909161; 679712, 2909186; 679729, 2909196; 679779, 2909180; 679738, 2909220; 679744, 2909251; 679840, 2909338; 679820, 2909368; 679837, 2909389; 679870, 2909397; 679929, 2909443; 679908, 2909477; 679855, 2909466; 679810, 2909429; 679796, 2909439; 679865, 2909558; 679942, 2909615; 679955, 2909644; 679934, 2909660; 679972, 2909711; 679939, 2909720; 679871, 2909685; 679858, 2909694; 679983, 2909783; 679924, 2909777; 679841, 2909729; 679803, 2909663; 679805, 2909560; 679771, 2909525; 679739, 2909523; 679680, 2909548; 679649, 2909596; 679657, 2909684; 679714, 2909827; 679690, 2909863; 679610, 2909791; 679504, 2909655; 679462, 2909658; 679427, 2909682; 679391, 2909727; 679377, 2909781; 679534, 2910097; 679695, 2910266; 679850, 2910377; 679926, 2910373; 679976, 2910342; Thence returning to 680063, 2910178.

680779, 2906658; 680804, 2906481; 680767, 2906423; 680767, 2906374; 680842, 2906220; 680846, 2906102; 680816, 2905965; 680915, 2905794; 680947, 2905707; 680924, 2905565; 680891, 2905543; 680831, 2905546; 680773, 2905595; 680616, 2905623; 680430, 2905692; 680387, 2905725; 680363, 2905787; 680309, 2905822; 680274, 2905879; 680174, 2905972; 680104, 2906090; 680082, 2906167; 680081, 2906266; 680156, 2906410; 680221, 2906458; 680325, 2906478; 680395, 2906468; 680491, 2906425; 680669, 2906224; 680815, 2906189; 680703, 2906261; 680553, 2906462; 680495, 2906518; 680474, 2906559; 680466, 2906627; 680418, 2906598; 680391, 2906601; 680375, 2906656; 680432, 2906678; 680363, 2906724; 680336, 2906873; 680305, 2906942; 680319, 2907075; 680355, 2907121; 680422, 2907176; 680515, 2907211; 680598, 2907304; 680652, 2907317; 680694, 2907237; 680696, 2907184; 680652, 2907167; 680637, 2907074; 680666, 2906992; 680667, 2906952; 680737, 2906768; 680788, 2906703; Thence returning to 680779, 2906658.

680121, 2905844; 680193, 2905744; 680191, 2905628; 680128, 2905541; 680037, 2905473; 680040, 2905445; 680076, 2905412; 680076, 2905383; 680027, 2905312; 679978, 2905284; 679887, 2905296; 679855, 2905340; 679860, 2905424; 679949, 2905432; 679985, 2905470; 679872, 2905471; 679834, 2905503; 679867, 2905523; 679874, 2905559; 679929, 2905596; 679986, 2905667; 679901, 2905635; 679832, 2905755; 679784, 2905748; 679799, 2905769; 679862, 2905797; 679976, 2905779; 680037, 2905809; 680086, 2905847; Thence returning to 680121, 2905844.

679857, 2905645; 679835, 2905634; 679793, 2905669; 679793, 2905708; 679847, 2905696; 679861, 2905676; Thence returning to 679857, 2905645.

679759, 2905583; 679744, 2905578; 679741, 2905615; 679758, 2905600; Thence returning to 679759, 2905583.

679820, 2905609; 679815, 2905590; 679795, 2905597; 679792, 2905613; Thence returning to 679820, 2905609.

679875, 2905606; 679864, 2905587; 679843, 2905596; Thence returning to 679875, 2905606.

679709, 2905550; 679685, 2905550; 679689, 2905590; Thence returning to 679709, 2905550.

679822, 2905544; 679776, 2905507; 679757, 2905525; 679771, 2905547; Thence returning to 679822, 2905544.

680595, 2905401; 680702, 2905386; 680760, 2905366; 680769, 2905344; 680662, 2905214; 680571, 2905158; 680534, 2905175; 680510, 2905241; 680509, 2905297; 680481, 2905317; 680471, 2905298; 680485, 2905163; 680455, 2905071; 680418, 2905022; 680403, 2905034; 680385, 2905127; 680341, 2905176; 680316, 2905235; 680327, 2905356; 680360, 2905393; 680505, 2905387; Thence returning to 680595, 2905401.

680168, 2905118; 680156, 2905093; 680104, 2905113; 680117, 2905143; 680148, 2905145; Thence returning to 680168, 2905118.

680498, 2903991; 680481, 2903954; 680448, 2903978; 680437, 2904057; 680459, 2904068; 680493, 2904051; Thence returning to 680498, 2903991.

680848, 2903565; 680779, 2903520; 680758, 2903571; 680785, 2903678; 680759, 2903726; 680761, 2903755; 680802, 2903790; 680838, 2903791; 680909, 2903741; 680937, 2903700; 680938, 2903671; Thence returning to 680848, 2903565.

681496, 2899317; 681471, 2899278; 681432, 2899286; 681387, 2899341; 681395, 2899368; 681413, 2899375; 681452, 2899362; Thence returning to 681496, 2899317.

681581, 2898687; 681519, 2898591; 681434, 2898621; 681399, 2898675; 681440, 2898762; 681498, 2898805; 681543, 2898783; 681586, 2898730; Thence returning to 681581, 2898687.

681715, 2898240; 681725, 2898120; 681710, 2898011; 681688, 2897981; 681608, 2897964; 681557, 2897985; 681489, 2898060; 681458, 2898201; 681474, 2898228; 681548, 2898229; 681583, 2898260; 681594, 2898205; 681629, 2898217; 681646, 2898193; 681655, 2898201; 681641, 2898236; 681649, 2898260; 681625, 2898276; 681627, 2898304; 681604, 2898333; 681641, 2898355; 681606, 2898385; 681592, 2898426; 681553, 2898447; 681541, 2898478; 681579, 2898521; 681581, 2898616; 681596, 2898651; 681647, 2898678; 681704, 2898665; 681766, 2898597; 681773, 2898497; 681718, 2898356; 681742, 2898338; 681743, 2898313; 681738, 2898266; Thence returning to 681715, 2898240.

681540, 2898317; 681550, 2898292; 681542, 2898265; 681490, 2898302; 681466, 2898287; 681447, 2898294; 681437, 2898407; 681392, 2898474; 681396, 2898524; 681412, 2898545; 681499, 2898519; 681469, 2898414; 681520, 2898363; 681560, 2898353; 681574, 2898324; Thence returning to 681540, 2898317.

681847, 2898080; 681817, 2897992; 681792, 2897999; 681772, 2898099; 681793, 2898135; 681820, 2898142; 681851, 2898116; Thence returning to 681847, 2898080.

681414, 2897609; 681390, 2897603; 681344, 2897652; 681304, 2897723; 681287, 2897815; 681305, 2897857; 681345, 2897878; 681391, 2897861; 681433, 2897803; 681455, 2897758; 681463, 2897694; 681450, 2897642; Thence returning to 681414, 2897609.

681818, 2896556; 681777, 2896553; 681727, 2896612; 681705, 2896784; 681716, 2896907; 681816, 2897021; 681906, 2897018; 681998, 2896959; 682018, 2896929; 682013, 2896888; 681872, 2896747; 681844, 2896663; 681857, 2896585; Thence returning to 681818, 2896556.

681983, 2896617; 681918, 2896556; 681873, 2896586; 681870, 2896666; 681882, 2896714; 681941, 2896774; 682022, 2896820; 682036, 2896786; 682017, 2896693; Thence returning to 681983, 2896617.

682121, 2896235; 682088, 2896234; 682042, 2896270; 682039, 2896325; 682053, 2896345; 682097, 2896346; 682118, 2896331; Thence returning to 682121, 2896235.

682093, 2895544; 682058, 2895483; 682035, 2895491; 682023, 2895521; 681965, 2895560; 681964, 2895602; 681986, 2895644; 682052, 2895667; 682119, 2895664; 682209, 2895597; 682198, 2895577; Thence returning to 682093, 2895544.

682189, 2894963; 682111, 2894916; 682097, 2894933; 682106, 2894990; 682149, 2895000; 682188, 2895043; 682220, 2895040; 682223, 2895018; Thence returning to 682189, 2894963.

681991, 2894763; 681996, 2894687; 681940, 2894696; 681947, 2894758; Thence returning to 681991, 2894763.

682449, 2894721; 682376, 2894660; 682251, 2894619; 682237, 2894638; 682249, 2894674; 682259, 2894690; 682302, 2894684; 682306, 2894703; 682289, 2894719; 682296, 2894729; Thence returning to 682449, 2894721.

(ii) Unit TX-3, Subunit A, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

672377, 2939107; 672358, 2939033; 672349, 2938817; 672371, 2938573; 672462, 2938034; 672615, 2937365; 672731, 2937001; 672904, 2936341; 672951, 2936233; 673054, 2935821; 673261, 2935201; 673393, 2934726; 673470, 2934511; 673512, 2934325; 673552, 2934246; 673790, 2933481; 673817, 2933347; 673964, 2932913; 674031, 2932607; 674274, 2931854; 674329, 2931635; 674350, 2931604; 674458, 2931184; 674555, 2930940; 674696, 2930494; 674730, 2930344; 674939, 2929739; 675106, 2929161; 675278, 2928649; 675309, 2928493; 675498, 2927859; 675626, 2927479; 675713, 2927142; 675832, 2926800; 675893, 2926536; 676043, 2926099; 676084, 2925915; 676158, 2925718; 676196, 2925519; 676285, 2925283; 676304, 2925175; 676370, 2925004; 676491, 2924560; 676608, 2924248; 676668, 2924035; 676716, 2923791; 677102, 2922481; 676897, 2922475; 676918, 2922541; 676897, 2922580; 676920, 2922628; 676885, 2922640; 676886, 2922693; 676924, 2922732; 676911, 2922766; 676888, 2922781; 676873, 2922968; 676761, 2923318; 676641, 2923450; 676658, 2923598; 676624, 2923639; 676546, 2923681; 676546, 2923714; 676572, 2923712; 676564, 2923747; 676471, 2923834; 676447, 2923920; 676409, 2923949; 676380, 2924026; 676338, 2924038; 676317, 2924071; 676300, 2924148; 676275, 2924155; 676273, 2924235; 676197, 2924264; 676189, 2924309; 676165, 2924363; 676155, 2924493; 676171, 2924561; 676152, 2924580; 676152, 2924601; 676163, 2924620; 676150, 2924652; 676102, 2924727; 676080, 2924860; 676088, 2924884; 676059, 2924966; 676031, 2924996; 676029, 2925044; 675995, 2925128; 676000, 2925172; 675970, 2925303; 675993, 2925360; 675981, 2925445; 676014, 2925477; 676061, 2925459; 676070, 2925494; 676029, 2925521; 676013, 2925565; 676002, 2925571; 676006, 2925600; 675986, 2925619; 675915, 2925612; 675855, 2925625; 675740, 2925707; 675745, 2925796; 675690, 2925916; 675681, 2926024; 675629, 2926091; 675601, 2926092; 675514, 2926299; 675509, 2926386; 675487, 2926431; 675495, 2926506; 675520, 2926542; 675535, 2926541; 675653, 2926506; 675700, 2926534; 675665, 2926668; 675602, 2926666; 675548, 2926693; 675527, 2926772; 675537, 2926824; 675569, 2926855; 675550, 2926901; 675532, 2926909; 675575, 2927027; 675531, 2927078; 675451, 2927115; 675453, 2927169; 675438, 2927208; 675425, 2927210; 675388, 2927214; 675355, 2927252; 675401, 2927267; 675421, 2927292; 675429, 2927302; 675401, 2927333; 675408, 2927367; 675451, 2927413; 675467, 2927452; 675441, 2927466; 675469, 2927484; 675444, 2927510; 675435, 2927589; 675407, 2927594; 675418, 2927645; 675377, 2927674; 675349, 2927741; 675346, 2927817; 675370, 2927850; 675274, 2927945; 675300, 2927960; 675292, 2928000; 675306, 2928025; 675297, 2928060; 675268, 2928084; 675276, 2928125; 675227, 2928195; 675239, 2928228; 675270, 2928251; 675267, 2928281; 675236, 2928298; 675208, 2928395; 675171, 2928454; 675120, 2928488; 675108, 2928526; 675080, 2928553; 675020, 2928538; 674974, 2928549; 674898, 2928593; 674841, 2928600; 674713, 2928698; 674703, 2928705; 674729, 2928796; 674711, 2928876; 674730, 2928906; 674729, 2928930; 674724, 2929000; 674694, 2929075; 674689, 2929155; 674701, 2929181; 674719, 2929190; 674713, 2929207; 674612, 2929219; 674621, 2929255; 674635, 2929272; 674696, 2929253; 674632, 2929352; 674644, 2929395; 674633, 2929418; 674628, 2929450; 674654, 2929445; 674664, 2929458; 674627, 2929521; 674634, 2929572; 674665, 2929580; 674695, 2929641; 674728, 2929632; 674757, 2929595; 674773, 2929600; 674763, 2929643; 674797, 2929671; 674815, 2929719; 674791, 2929737; 674788, 2929784; 674753, 2929818; 674679, 2929853; 674598, 2929932; 674542, 2929931; 674499, 2929958; 674475, 2929972; 674440, 2930048; 674521, 2930081; 674526, 2930100; 674553, 2930252; 674537, 2930315; 674544, 2930369; 674498, 2930404; 674418, 2930500; 674432, 2930531; 674402, 2930563; 674375, 2930639; 674352, 2930779; 674334, 2930801; 674300, 2930772; 674263, 2930766; 674238, 2930763; 674182, 2930854; 674180, 2930859; 674146, 2930955; 674146, 2930966; 674097, 2931110; 674089, 2931134; 674087, 2931139; 674078, 2931154; 674067, 2931175; 674027, 2931260; 674020, 2931312; 673996, 2931328; 673940, 2931426; 673939, 2931442; 673966, 2931463; 673937, 2931530; 673915, 2931530; 673905, 2931605; 673871, 2931631; 673866, 2931659; 673841, 2931663; 673773, 2931772; 673761, 2931972; 673712, 2932081; 673696, 2932107; 673715, 2932121; 673747, 2932206; 673762, 2932245; 673790, 2932261; 673831, 2932283; 673908, 2932343; 673951, 2932386; 673967, 2932429; 673978, 2932468; 673964, 2932514; 673941, 2932549; 673902, 2932566; 673870, 2932560; 673864, 2932647; 673836, 2932674; 673859, 2932714; 673861, 2932761; 673832, 2932836; 673728, 2932906; 673688, 2933008; 673659, 2933024; 673635, 2933017; 673631, 2933030; 673625, 2933052; 673605, 2933059; 673558, 2933097; 673591, 2933130; 673628, 2933129; 673649, 2933146; 673648, 2933199; 673645, 2933294; 673594, 2933248; 673484, 2933201; 673446, 2933214; 673408, 2933316; 673342, 2933336; 673310, 2933376; 673303, 2933411; 673318, 2933411; 673318, 2933494; 673290, 2933536; 673293, 2933570; 673260, 2933556; 673211, 2933608; 673208, 2933641; 673176, 2933671; 673176, 2933725; 673131, 2933778; 673123, 2933801; 673143, 2933812; 673128, 2933846; 673100, 2933883; 673055, 2933993; 673069, 2934010; 673054, 2934074; 673034, 2934079; 673016, 2934142; 673046, 2934210; 673117, 2934302; 673090, 2934319; 673075, 2934361; 673102, 2934385; 673136, 2934483; 673208, 2934542; 673184, 2934598; 673146, 2934625; 673150, 2934658; 673123, 2934670; 673114, 2934778; 673082, 2934916; 673028, 2934915; 673006, 2934906; 672962, 2934880; 672907, 2934846; 672854, 2934870; 672821, 2934908; 672772, 2935019; 672719, 2935154; 672694, 2935347; 672653, 2935425; 672639, 2935445; 672593, 2935510; 672575, 2935581; 672484, 2935804; 672469, 2935819; 672428, 2935863; 672417, 2935874; 672421, 2935918; 672450, 2935983; 672521, 2936035; 672591, 2936049; 672611, 2936077; 672595, 2936168; 672679, 2936198; 672719, 2936294; 672675, 2936344; 672666, 2936379; 672626, 2936602; 672626, 2936671; 672583, 2936669; 672561, 2936686; 672555, 2936725; 672571, 2936766; 672545, 2936782; 672504, 2936852; 672474, 2936988; 672495, 2937082; 672458, 2937104; 672461, 2937142; 672409, 2937264; 672362, 2937299; 672310, 2937307; 672369, 2937354; 672356, 2937399; 672332, 2937418; 672349, 2937463; 672225, 2937605; 672221, 2937610; 672270, 2937626; 672285, 2937663; 672240, 2937712; 672237, 2937756; 672269, 2937834; 672221, 2937894; 672238, 2937948; 672204, 2938255; 672135, 2938543; 672133, 2938638; 672150, 2938697; 672133, 2938731; 672099, 2938943; 672066, 2939019; 672029, 2939067; 671919, 2939080; 671920, 2939105; 672382, 2939136; Thence returning to 672377, 2939107.


Unit TX-3 Subunit A, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

670308, 2938922; 670266, 2938896; 670266, 2938944; 670298, 2938959; Thence returning to 670308, 2938922.

664147, 2938654; 664188, 2938639; 664246, 2938654; 664286, 2938615; 664321, 2938634; 664395, 2938421; 664290, 2938374; 664242, 2938297; 664223, 2938295; 664134, 2938303; 664011, 2938460; 663991, 2938458; 664023, 2938388; 664012, 2938371; 663964, 2938435; 663969, 2938476; 664001, 2938530; 664099, 2938633; Thence returning to 664147, 2938654.

665325, 2938543; 665337, 2938487; 665316, 2938500; 665313, 2938539; Thence returning to 665325, 2938543.

670176, 2938554; 670275, 2938515; 670181, 2938502; 670178, 2938485; 670227, 2938451; 670177, 2938421; 670105, 2938453; 670101, 2938478; 670129, 2938496; 670118, 2938512; 670061, 2938522; 669996, 2938506; 669978, 2938525; 669987, 2938560; 670018, 2938572; Thence returning to 670176, 2938554.

666246, 2938378; 666222, 2938375; 666170, 2938419; 666152, 2938521; 666239, 2938399; Thence returning to 666246, 2938378.

669961, 2938415; 669951, 2938390; 669841, 2938432; 669815, 2938500; 669826, 2938516; 669910, 2938522; 669923, 2938488; Thence returning to 669961, 2938415.

666005, 2938398; 666043, 2938123; 666019, 2938124; 666000, 2938190; 665988, 2938334; Thence returning to 666005, 2938398.

665928, 2938293; 665892, 2938262; 665884, 2938295; 665902, 2938357; Thence returning to 665928, 2938293.

669107, 2938109; 669076, 2938097; 669038, 2938141; 669083, 2938163; 669106, 2938141; Thence returning to 669107, 2938109.

668922, 2938132; 669028, 2938067; 669078, 2938079; 669125, 2938043; 669157, 2938040; 669183, 2938012; 669254, 2938007; 669263, 2937981; 669212, 2937968; 669210, 2937939; 669318, 2937867; 669331, 2937856; 669325, 2937835; 669176, 2937902; 669121, 2937894; 669078, 2937915; 669077, 2937932; 669149, 2937935; 669159, 2937962; 669130, 2937985; 669059, 2938003; 668933, 2938018; 668880, 2938061; 668860, 2938106; Thence returning to 668922, 2938132.

671738, 2938092; 671717, 2938054; 671656, 2938087; 671655, 2938113; Thence returning to 671738, 2938092.

669920, 2937911; 669889, 2937892; 669852, 2937917; 669847, 2937938; 669884, 2937945; Thence returning to 669920, 2937911.

670110, 2937852; 670192, 2937808; 670107, 2937749; 670067, 2937797; 670024, 2937800; 669992, 2937830; 670012, 2937846; 670060, 2937839; Thence returning to 670110, 2937852.

670246, 2937808; 670310, 2937781; 670342, 2937790; 670363, 2937772; 670412, 2937766; 670348, 2937721; 670294, 2937707; 670256, 2937675; 670232, 2937676; 670176, 2937713; 670268, 2937731; 670269, 2937762; 670241, 2937796; Thence returning to 670246, 2937808.

671097, 2937743; 671164, 2937692; 671160, 2937671; 671096, 2937695; 671068, 2937675; 671004, 2937687; 671036, 2937734; Thence returning to 671097, 2937743.

672409, 2937264; 672461, 2937142; 672458, 2937104; 672495, 2937082; 672474, 2936988; 672504, 2936852; 672545, 2936782; 672571, 2936766; 672555, 2936725; 672561, 2936686; 672583, 2936669; 672626, 2936671; 672626, 2936602; 672666, 2936379; 672675, 2936344; 672719, 2936294; 672679, 2936198; 672595, 2936168; 672611, 2936077; 672591, 2936049; 672521, 2936035; 672466, 2936060; 672436, 2936094; 672406, 2936073; 672347, 2936077; 672251, 2936047; 672201, 2936068; 672098, 2936058; 672071, 2936088; 672066, 2936112; 672092, 2936183; 672166, 2936275; 672149, 2936304; 672174, 2936334; 672171, 2936399; 672193, 2936457; 672297, 2936570; 672495, 2936639; 672533, 2936667; 672505, 2936678; 672365, 2936640; 672236, 2936690; 672191, 2936717; 672174, 2936750; 672138, 2936755; 672147, 2936790; 672192, 2936814; 672186, 2936846; 672202, 2936872; 672130, 2936877; 672072, 2936902; 672100, 2936943; 672094, 2936965; 672074, 2936973; 672024, 2936944; 672007, 2936998; 671989, 2937004; 671972, 2936990; 671965, 2936946; 671931, 2936945; 671920, 2937006; 671952, 2937078; 672088, 2937114; 672079, 2937130; 672003, 2937138; 672084, 2937216; 672067, 2937256; 672011, 2937257; 671926, 2937202; 671885, 2937157; 671867, 2937077; 671706, 2936970; 671640, 2936978; 671608, 2937051; 671607, 2937119; 671639, 2937182; 671688, 2937219; 671739, 2937232; 671957, 2937443; 672135, 2937489; 672225, 2937605; 672349, 2937463; 672332, 2937418; 672356, 2937399; 672369, 2937354; 672310, 2937307; 672362, 2937299; Thence returning to 672409, 2937264.

671787, 2937518; 671852, 2937488; 671759, 2937493; 671761, 2937511; Thence returning to 671787, 2937518.

671766, 2937310; 671605, 2937204; 671585, 2937207; 671582, 2937266; 671609, 2937327; 671766, 2937430; 671826, 2937445; 671871, 2937428; 671877, 2937409; Thence returning to 671766, 2937310.

669370, 2937355; 669412, 2937306; 669425, 2937338; 669453, 2937336; 669470, 2937317; 669487, 2937327; 669515, 2937286; 669532, 2937311; 669516, 2937353; 669536, 2937356; 669598, 2937275; 669590, 2937242; 669528, 2937219; 669459, 2937253; 669460, 2937207; 669436, 2937193; 669378, 2937263; Thence returning to 669370, 2937355.

669874, 2937134; 669909, 2937069; 669883, 2937056; 669858, 2937094; 669847, 2937045; 669830, 2937041; 669825, 2937077; 669843, 2937117; Thence returning to 669874, 2937134.

669687, 2937121; 669727, 2937078; 669748, 2937101; 669770, 2937087; 669779, 2937034; 669762, 2936967; 669737, 2937017; 669705, 2937043; 669681, 2937098; Thence returning to 669687, 2937121.

669674, 2937030; 669723, 2936973; 669743, 2936913; 669687, 2936968; 669641, 2936932; 669646, 2936904; 669615, 2936915; 669611, 2936985; 669639, 2937005; 669659, 2936997; Thence returning to 669674, 2937030.

671433, 2936638; 671451, 2936561; 671562, 2936508; 671591, 2936457; 671592, 2936419; 671575, 2936388; 671487, 2936378; 671475, 2936390; 671489, 2936422; 671471, 2936427; 671439, 2936413; 671429, 2936386; 671366, 2936374; 671172, 2936490; 671147, 2936522; 671203, 2936603; 671222, 2936547; 671275, 2936529; 671298, 2936538; 671273, 2936573; 671282, 2936590; 671371, 2936573; 671391, 2936592; 671378, 2936630; 671309, 2936671; 671297, 2936745; 671265, 2936776; 671257, 2936824; 671300, 2936854; 671350, 2936817; 671337, 2936752; 671444, 2936704; 671449, 2936680; Thence returning to 671433, 2936638.

671863, 2936665; 671816, 2936624; 671798, 2936625; 671778, 2936721; 671795, 2936772; 671830, 2936788; 671848, 2936767; Thence returning to 671863, 2936665.

670928, 2936625; 670913, 2936623; 670907, 2936639; 671007, 2936735; 671149, 2936749; 671217, 2936735; Thence returning to 670928, 2936625.

671681, 2936715; 671713, 2936648; 671803, 2936577; 671915, 2936676; 671907, 2936590; 671935, 2936578; 671983, 2936652; 672029, 2936662; 672051, 2936696; 672085, 2936713; 672271, 2936642; 672274, 2936603; 672171, 2936496; 672139, 2936476; 672071, 2936475; 671996, 2936369; 671941, 2936361; 671877, 2936400; 671855, 2936389; 671899, 2936335; 671998, 2936335; 672045, 2936322; 672066, 2936298; 672064, 2936216; 672019, 2936092; 671933, 2936073; 671874, 2936158; 671838, 2936180; 671830, 2936235; 671807, 2936276; 671714, 2936362; 671730, 2936491; 671721, 2936552; 671696, 2936565; 671669, 2936557; 671612, 2936513; 671477, 2936571; 671462, 2936594; 671464, 2936636; 671517, 2936697; 671545, 2936712; 671584, 2936700; Thence returning to 671681, 2936715.

671263, 2936335; 671142, 2936330; 671133, 2936348; 671167, 2936364; 671123, 2936409; 671122, 2936443; 671138, 2936459; 671229, 2936429; 671236, 2936389; 671264, 2936369; 671269, 2936348; Thence returning to 671263, 2936335.

671262, 2936305; 671354, 2936274; 671365, 2936291; 671328, 2936331; 671355, 2936335; 671491, 2936273; 671594, 2936199; 671588, 2936182; 671529, 2936192; 671507, 2936178; 671495, 2936158; 671503, 2936098; 671489, 2936083; 671457, 2936100; 671420, 2936185; 671367, 2936182; 671318, 2936230; 671302, 2936210; 671352, 2936136; 671347, 2936115; 671311, 2936147; 671271, 2936115; 671218, 2936126; 671171, 2936189; 671086, 2936216; 671050, 2936252; 671041, 2936289; 671055, 2936360; 671082, 2936372; 671083, 2936319; 671096, 2936304; Thence returning to 671262, 2936305.

671704, 2935988; 671678, 2935982; 671600, 2936002; 671569, 2936042; 671532, 2936049; 671543, 2936066; 671605, 2936083; 671662, 2936059; 671711, 2936025; Thence returning to 671704, 2935988.

671909, 2936007; 671893, 2935990; 671822, 2936050; 671867, 2936058; Thence returning to 671909, 2936007.

671461, 2935998; 671491, 2935949; 671525, 2935955; 671546, 2935931; 671560, 2935896; 671548, 2935854; 671456, 2935864; 671416, 2935841; 671358, 2935841; 671332, 2935907; 671345, 2935924; 671413, 2935906; 671437, 2935920; 671445, 2936001; Thence returning to 671461, 2935998.

672068, 2935683; 671863, 2935580; 671807, 2935591; 671723, 2935573; 671682, 2935571; 671659, 2935597; 671654, 2935689; 671688, 2935780; 671761, 2935858; 671839, 2935899; 671935, 2935922; 672017, 2935914; 672073, 2935870; 672080, 2935819; 672047, 2935748; 672075, 2935704; Thence returning to 672068, 2935683.

672428, 2935863; 672387, 2935857; 672379, 2935869; 672421, 2935918; 672417, 2935874; Thence returning to 672428, 2935863.

672349, 2935807; 672318, 2935788; 672308, 2935823; 672343, 2935838; Thence returning to 672349, 2935807.

672421, 2935710; 672392, 2935701; 672342, 2935713; 672358, 2935752; 672411, 2935757; 672469, 2935819; 672484, 2935804; 672486, 2935768; Thence returning to 672421, 2935710.

672194, 2935704; 672144, 2935672; 672133, 2935694; 672194, 2935729; Thence returning to 672194, 2935704.

672391, 2935609; 672525, 2935560; 672575, 2935581; 672593, 2935510; 672580, 2935471; 672653, 2935425; 672694, 2935347; 672719, 2935154; 672681, 2935108; 672652, 2935133; 672646, 2935079; 672694, 2935004; 672723, 2935055; 672772, 2935019; 672821, 2934908; 672752, 2934785; 672629, 2934793; 672565, 2934815; 672414, 2934793; 672378, 2934775; 672303, 2934792; 672286, 2934783; 672283, 2934730; 672341, 2934752; 672371, 2934699; 672369, 2934672; 672335, 2934645; 672348, 2934606; 672337, 2934564; 672345, 2934528; 672383, 2934513; 672405, 2934531; 672388, 2934599; 672391, 2934633; 672408, 2934646; 672452, 2934620; 672429, 2934584; 672441, 2934549; 672464, 2934551; 672490, 2934581; 672530, 2934554; 672537, 2934486; 672519, 2934444; 672442, 2934417; 672376, 2934436; 672294, 2934499; 672282, 2934545; 672307, 2934551; 672310, 2934568; 672281, 2934589; 672275, 2934632; 672243, 2934646; 672233, 2934690; 672186, 2934727; 672161, 2934783; 671900, 2934890; 671632, 2934946; 671563, 2934983; 671536, 2935014; 671540, 2935049; 671572, 2935063; 671926, 2935040; 671992, 2935076; 672075, 2935062; 672062, 2935089; 671989, 2935108; 671911, 2935184; 671910, 2935219; 671933, 2935225; 671978, 2935187; 672027, 2935179; 672026, 2935196; 671991, 2935214; 671968, 2935253; 671905, 2935274; 671752, 2935245; 671736, 2935260; 671740, 2935306; 671787, 2935291; 671819, 2935323; 671851, 2935310; 671855, 2935388; 671920, 2935372; 671921, 2935399; 671877, 2935445; 671926, 2935463; 671974, 2935405; 671999, 2935406; 672034, 2935437; 672066, 2935427; 672103, 2935364; 672132, 2935346; 672102, 2935314; 672108, 2935299; 672138, 2935300; 672171, 2935339; 672208, 2935310; 672229, 2935314; 672214, 2935352; 672161, 2935392; 672164, 2935409; 672240, 2935371; 672263, 2935322; 672312, 2935274; 672282, 2935242; 672351, 2935236; 672412, 2935114; 672369, 2935058; 672332, 2935050; 672336, 2935033; 672472, 2934907; 672553, 2934881; 672565, 2934892; 672554, 2934916; 672490, 2934930; 672446, 2934967; 672449, 2935092; 672509, 2935102; 672528, 2935132; 672467, 2935169; 672376, 2935261; 672298, 2935391; 672317, 2935402; 672417, 2935302; 672408, 2935364; 672419, 2935387; 672392, 2935416; 672215, 2935435; 672191, 2935470; 672121, 2935480; 672110, 2935494; 672257, 2935556; 672316, 2935539; 672324, 2935575; Thence returning to 672391, 2935609.

672434, 2935167; 672427, 2935152; 672410, 2935168; 672414, 2935183; Thence returning to 672434, 2935167.

673150, 2934658; 673146, 2934625; 673184, 2934598; 673208, 2934542; 673136, 2934483; 673102, 2934385; 673075, 2934361; 673090, 2934319; 673117, 2934302; 673046, 2934210; 673016, 2934142; 673034, 2934079; 673054, 2934074; 673069, 2934010; 673055, 2933993; 673100, 2933883; 673016, 2933901; 672953, 2933950; 672939, 2933993; 672977, 2933993; 672996, 2934061; 672949, 2934089; 672925, 2934155; 672931, 2934235; 673053, 2934490; 673087, 2934524; 673116, 2934608; 673116, 2934640; 673095, 2934649; 673016, 2934597; 672972, 2934592; 672943, 2934612; 672921, 2934662; 672921, 2934762; 672969, 2934819; 673029, 2934837; 673009, 2934874; 673028, 2934915; 673082, 2934916; 673114, 2934778; 673123, 2934670; Thence returning to 673150, 2934658.

672986, 2934889; 672962, 2934880; 673006, 2934906; Thence returning to 672986, 2934889.

672141, 2934717; 672098, 2934715; 672001, 2934732; 671998, 2934798; 672034, 2934796; 672062, 2934748; 672141, 2934736; Thence returning to 672141, 2934717.

672634, 2934737; 672680, 2934643; 672740, 2934698; 672788, 2934691; 672801, 2934670; 672796, 2934620; 672770, 2934603; 672722, 2934605; 672710, 2934576; 672693, 2934552; 672646, 2934546; 672564, 2934566; 672548, 2934582; 672561, 2934617; 672521, 2934627; 672505, 2934667; 672450, 2934675; 672440, 2934713; 672483, 2934748; 672580, 2934771; Thence returning to 672634, 2934737.

671827, 2934739; 671879, 2934700; 671896, 2934654; 671824, 2934557; 671743, 2934567; 671693, 2934609; 671690, 2934629; 671705, 2934638; 671754, 2934605; 671773, 2934607; 671797, 2934663; 671826, 2934671; 671819, 2934708; 671769, 2934707; 671771, 2934757; Thence returning to 671827, 2934739.

672963, 2934409; 672836, 2934147; 672785, 2934153; 672683, 2934209; 672674, 2934238; 672688, 2934247; 672759, 2934251; 672691, 2934304; 672669, 2934262; 672557, 2934280; 672552, 2934319; 672609, 2934314; 672626, 2934330; 672627, 2934350; 672590, 2934390; 672641, 2934454; 672658, 2934504; 672749, 2934525; 672922, 2934495; 672961, 2934466; Thence returning to 672963, 2934409.

672709, 2933975; 672650, 2933956; 672625, 2933971; 672643, 2934001; 672689, 2934020; 672724, 2934013; Thence returning to 672709, 2933975.

672608, 2933880; 672637, 2933871; 672694, 2933938; 672735, 2933950; 672738, 2933899; 672795, 2933817; 672754, 2933718; 672651, 2933745; 672590, 2933716; 672501, 2933711; 672467, 2933708; 672443, 2933724; 672469, 2933793; 672392, 2933835; 672382, 2933889; 672476, 2933936; 672542, 2933948; 672619, 2933917; Thence returning to 672608, 2933880.

672971, 2933881; 672992, 2933789; 673025, 2933868; 673076, 2933866; 673076, 2933830; 673028, 2933792; 673053, 2933747; 673049, 2933730; 673010, 2933724; 672987, 2933743; 672905, 2933759; 672890, 2933776; 672891, 2933838; 672936, 2933848; 672924, 2933910; Thence returning to 672971, 2933881.

673176, 2933671; 673208, 2933641; 673211, 2933608; 673260, 2933556; 673293, 2933570; 673290, 2933536; 673318, 2933494; 673318, 2933411; 673303, 2933411; 673310, 2933376; 673342, 2933336; 673408, 2933316; 673446, 2933214; 673373, 2933211; 673366, 2933194; 673276, 2933210; 673251, 2933230; 673257, 2933258; 673177, 2933265; 673137, 2933299; 673132, 2933353; 673217, 2933429; 673249, 2933416; 673251, 2933484; 673200, 2933539; 673169, 2933543; 673167, 2933629; 673131, 2933576; 673111, 2933576; 673036, 2933591; 672972, 2933648; 672986, 2933674; 673054, 2933669; 673128, 2933846; 673143, 2933812; 673123, 2933801; 673131, 2933778; 673176, 2933725; Thence returning to 673176, 2933671.

672387, 2933810; 672393, 2933758; 672360, 2933725; 672255, 2933724; 672208, 2933760; 672211, 2933785; 672234, 2933807; 672303, 2933767; 672341, 2933784; 672351, 2933820; Thence returning to 672387, 2933810.

672947, 2933661; 672911, 2933602; 672890, 2933605; 672873, 2933660; 672843, 2933684; 672820, 2933732; 672862, 2933755; 672896, 2933737; Thence returning to 672947, 2933661.

672804, 2933543; 672777, 2933531; 672747, 2933533; 672729, 2933554; 672729, 2933584; 672761, 2933655; 672775, 2933678; 672801, 2933687; 672841, 2933648; 672841, 2933595; Thence returning to 672804, 2933543.

672620, 2933653; 672598, 2933635; 672544, 2933641; 672547, 2933665; 672611, 2933682; Thence returning to 672620, 2933653.

672255, 2933659; 672277, 2933644; 672314, 2933658; 672368, 2933620; 672460, 2933517; 672438, 2933502; 672355, 2933502; 672354, 2933544; 672277, 2933545; 672230, 2933612; 672229, 2933643; Thence returning to 672255, 2933659.

672324, 2933508; 672324, 2933493; 672179, 2933505; 672155, 2933531; 672151, 2933593; 672170, 2933615; 672183, 2933610; 672215, 2933588; 672245, 2933535; Thence returning to 672324, 2933508.

672633, 2933549; 672619, 2933509; 672499, 2933527; 672439, 2933614; 672472, 2933618; 672589, 2933572; Thence returning to 672633, 2933549.

673025, 2933520; 673013, 2933456; 673054, 2933423; 673055, 2933399; 673035, 2933325; 673012, 2933316; 672981, 2933329; 672924, 2933270; 672875, 2933282; 672783, 2933354; 672753, 2933395; 672752, 2933442; 672777, 2933485; 672893, 2933475; 672934, 2933568; 672993, 2933580; Thence returning to 673025, 2933520.

672519, 2933368; 672397, 2933333; 672374, 2933335; 672367, 2933350; 672380, 2933425; 672522, 2933404; 672539, 2933395; Thence returning to 672519, 2933368.

673645, 2933294; 673648, 2933199; 673607, 2933207; 673530, 2933181; 673484, 2933201; 673594, 2933248; Thence returning to 673645, 2933294.

672357, 2933108; 672306, 2933101; 672284, 2933126; 672309, 2933242; 672333, 2933249; 672442, 2933222; 672447, 2933204; 672418, 2933177; 672416, 2933147; Thence returning to 672357, 2933108.

672765, 2933197; 672699, 2933132; 672637, 2933145; 672622, 2933199; 672651, 2933240; 672694, 2933249; 672737, 2933236; Thence returning to 672765, 2933197.

673167, 2933192; 673336, 2933161; 673410, 2933186; 673460, 2933179; 673439, 2933152; 673123, 2933067; 672938, 2933048; 672707, 2932993; 672648, 2933000; 672777, 2933138; 672851, 2933178; 672887, 2933185; 672988, 2933162; 673061, 2933186; Thence returning to 673167, 2933192.

673605, 2933059; 673621, 2933022; 673631, 2933030; 673635, 2933017; 673659, 2933024; 673688, 2933008; 673728, 2932906; 673832, 2932836; 673861, 2932761; 673859, 2932714; 673836, 2932674; 673864, 2932647; 673870, 2932560; 673902, 2932566; 673941, 2932549; 673964, 2932514; 673978, 2932468; 673967, 2932429; 673951, 2932386; 673908, 2932343; 673868, 2932348; 673761, 2932297; 673665, 2932279; 673616, 2932313; 673417, 2932326; 673359, 2932386; 673309, 2932493; 673345, 2932537; 673396, 2932540; 673417, 2932588; 673364, 2932603; 673299, 2932551; 673270, 2932570; 673273, 2932602; 673306, 2932625; 673307, 2932659; 673280, 2932657; 673270, 2932678; 673304, 2932785; 673504, 2932999; 673585, 2933022; Thence returning to 673605, 2933059.

672635, 2932916; 672541, 2932858; 672513, 2932866; 672519, 2932887; 672576, 2932939; 672626, 2932964; 672644, 2932957; Thence returning to 672635, 2932916.

672885, 2932427; 672815, 2932413; 672798, 2932461; 672816, 2932491; 672928, 2932555; 673050, 2932677; 673167, 2932722; 673167, 2932674; 673123, 2932585; Thence returning to 672885, 2932427.

673330, 2932364; 673320, 2932258; 673244, 2932222; 673182, 2932241; 673120, 2932305; 673050, 2932302; 673035, 2932339; 673085, 2932391; 673111, 2932394; 673139, 2932399; 673167, 2932328; 673207, 2932401; 673289, 2932390; Thence returning to 673330, 2932364.

673831, 2932283; 673790, 2932261; 673813, 2932282; Thence returning to 673831, 2932283.

673747, 2932206; 673715, 2932121; 673698, 2932164; Thence returning to 673747, 2932206.

673905, 2931605; 673915, 2931530; 673937, 2931530; 673966, 2931463; 673939, 2931442; 673940, 2931426; 673996, 2931328; 674020, 2931312; 674027, 2931260; 674067, 2931175; 673988, 2931314; 673966, 2931298; 673962, 2931246; 673945, 2931243; 673879, 2931317; 673812, 2931445; 673833, 2931509; 673825, 2931544; 673771, 2931500; 673718, 2931361; 673638, 2931328; 673573, 2931353; 673421, 2931542; 673417, 2931588; 673443, 2931621; 673477, 2931620; 673528, 2931592; 673642, 2931618; 673720, 2931569; 673758, 2931573; 673733, 2931616; 673608, 2931746; 673604, 2931864; 673617, 2931882; 673677, 2931901; 673682, 2931925; 673579, 2931955; 673560, 2932032; 673618, 2932085; 673712, 2932081; 673761, 2931972; 673773, 2931772; 673841, 2931663; 673866, 2931659; 673871, 2931631; Thence returning to 673905, 2931605.

673615, 2931173; 673609, 2931120; 673575, 2931125; 673524, 2931194; 673528, 2931313; 673572, 2931295; Thence returning to 673615, 2931173.

674034, 2931170; 674057, 2931106; 674097, 2931110; 674146, 2930966; 674141, 2930965; 674146, 2930955; 674180, 2930859; 674187, 2930793; 674162, 2930705; 674175, 2930662; 674191, 2930660; 674234, 2930696; 674263, 2930766; 674300, 2930772; 674334, 2930801; 674352, 2930779; 674375, 2930639; 674402, 2930563; 674432, 2930531; 674418, 2930500; 674498, 2930404; 674544, 2930369; 674537, 2930315; 674553, 2930252; 674526, 2930100; 674350, 2930093; 674285, 2930056; 674249, 2930072; 674048, 2930257; 674038, 2930346; 674007, 2930417; 673933, 2930450; 673921, 2930522; 673965, 2930562; 673950, 2930627; 673915, 2930635; 673881, 2930673; 673842, 2930644; 673782, 2930705; 673793, 2930751; 673773, 2930818; 673825, 2930789; 673837, 2930814; 673801, 2930870; 673749, 2930904; 673747, 2930983; 673692, 2931030; 673695, 2931081; 673717, 2931090; 673763, 2931061; 673767, 2931086; 673801, 2931108; 673801, 2931176; 673846, 2931175; 673868, 2931134; 673866, 2931068; 673796, 2930998; 673817, 2930974; 673898, 2930953; 673957, 2930904; 673969, 2930929; 673955, 2930962; 673886, 2931030; 673910, 2931126; 673927, 2931134; 673952, 2931094; 673978, 2931086; 674007, 2931024; 674016, 2931056; 673975, 2931151; 673982, 2931189; 674000, 2931197; Thence returning to 674034, 2931170.

674087, 2931139; 674089, 2931134; 674086, 2931136; 674078, 2931154; Thence returning to 674087, 2931139.

674136, 2929978; 674091, 2929953; 674049, 2929955; 673956, 2929997; 673916, 2930035; 673906, 2930106; 673967, 2930158; 673967, 2930178; 673956, 2930208; 673999, 2930218; 674108, 2930192; 674172, 2930104; 674150, 2930071; Thence returning to 674136, 2929978.

673611, 2929430; 673566, 2929413; 673495, 2929477; 673469, 2929547; 673383, 2929609; 673305, 2929701; 673258, 2929838; 673251, 2929956; 673294, 2930011; 673356, 2930058; 673556, 2930150; 673654, 2930170; 673758, 2930158; 673839, 2930137; 673868, 2930102; 673874, 2930062; 673838, 2930027; 673750, 2930002; 673692, 2929951; 673634, 2929866; 673586, 2929711; 673638, 2929478; Thence returning to 673611, 2929430.

674634, 2929572; 674652, 2929596; 674645, 2929609; 674578, 2929580; 674492, 2929465; 674406, 2929456; 674290, 2929410; 674279, 2929431; 674282, 2929481; 674330, 2929539; 674310, 2929577; 674317, 2929631; 674294, 2929718; 674394, 2929802; 674526, 2929855; 674533, 2929885; 674486, 2929929; 674499, 2929958; 674542, 2929931; 674598, 2929932; 674679, 2929853; 674753, 2929818; 674788, 2929784; 674791, 2929737; 674815, 2929719; 674797, 2929671; 674763, 2929643; 674773, 2929600; 674757, 2929595; 674728, 2929632; 674695, 2929641; 674665, 2929580; Thence returning to 674634, 2929572.

674634, 2929572; 674627, 2929521; 674664, 2929458; 674626, 2929466; 674610, 2929494; 674613, 2929539; Thence returning to 674634, 2929572.

674632, 2929352; 674696, 2929253; 674635, 2929272; 674621, 2929255; 674544, 2929284; 674504, 2929269; 674470, 2929236; 674432, 2929122; 674395, 2929137; 674384, 2929257; 674397, 2929279; 674452, 2929300; 674499, 2929362; 674565, 2929390; 674550, 2929466; 674587, 2929461; 674633, 2929418; 674644, 2929395; Thence returning to 674632, 2929352.

674729, 2928930; 674651, 2928913; 674578, 2928952; 674524, 2929045; 674533, 2929085; 674570, 2929127; 674520, 2929199; 674523, 2929222; 674546, 2929225; 674588, 2929187; 674701, 2929181; 674689, 2929155; 674694, 2929075; 674724, 2929000; Thence returning to 674729, 2928930.

674349, 2929068; 674434, 2929033; 674445, 2929000; 674524, 2928974; 674575, 2928912; 674684, 2928880; 674718, 2928841; 674729, 2928796; 674703, 2928705; 674713, 2928698; 674706, 2928653; 674730, 2928585; 674707, 2928497; 674767, 2928449; 674813, 2928432; 674854, 2928442; 674923, 2928491; 674968, 2928499; 674982, 2928523; 674974, 2928549; 675020, 2928538; 675080, 2928553; 675108, 2928526; 675120, 2928488; 675171, 2928454; 675208, 2928395; 675236, 2928298; 675267, 2928281; 675270, 2928251; 675239, 2928228; 675227, 2928195; 675276, 2928125; 675268, 2928084; 675297, 2928060; 675306, 2928025; 675292, 2928000; 675300, 2927960; 675274, 2927945; 675370, 2927850; 675346, 2927817; 675349, 2927741; 675377, 2927674; 675418, 2927645; 675407, 2927594; 675435, 2927589; 675444, 2927510; 675469, 2927484; 675441, 2927466; 675467, 2927452; 675451, 2927413; 675408, 2927367; 675401, 2927333; 675429, 2927302; 675421, 2927292; 675292, 2927248; 675243, 2927263; 675099, 2927186; 675019, 2927174; 674914, 2927185; 674812, 2927256; 674809, 2927309; 674746, 2927373; 674744, 2927398; 674803, 2927424; 674934, 2927435; 675002, 2927420; 675106, 2927351; 675202, 2927357; 675173, 2927377; 675082, 2927391; 675063, 2927431; 675107, 2927457; 675030, 2927475; 675053, 2927514; 675026, 2927552; 675033, 2927599; 675107, 2927626; 675111, 2927641; 675014, 2927626; 674896, 2927577; 674835, 2927575; 674800, 2927551; 674757, 2927572; 674728, 2927547; 674705, 2927548; 674632, 2927585; 674641, 2927604; 674747, 2927655; 674808, 2927653; 674888, 2927694; 674927, 2927767; 674997, 2927796; 674992, 2927848; 675003, 2927865; 675098, 2927938; 675049, 2927971; 675057, 2928014; 675183, 2928126; 675030, 2928069; 674944, 2928001; 674847, 2927998; 674838, 2928021; 674859, 2928075; 674917, 2928123; 674950, 2928131; 674974, 2928168; 675019, 2928168; 675028, 2928226; 674922, 2928246; 674880, 2928195; 674821, 2928046; 674788, 2928007; 674705, 2927981; 674580, 2928015; 674583, 2927994; 674644, 2927934; 674636, 2927912; 674600, 2927917; 674571, 2927946; 674481, 2927948; 674394, 2927975; 674335, 2927977; 674308, 2927958; 674216, 2928031; 674181, 2928009; 674178, 2927934; 674138, 2927928; 674079, 2927938; 674039, 2927968; 674037, 2928050; 674074, 2928050; 674078, 2928072; 673974, 2928139; 673884, 2928286; 673879, 2928309; 673897, 2928323; 674016, 2928222; 674042, 2928214; 674045, 2928254; 673956, 2928380; 673982, 2928421; 674029, 2928450; 674198, 2928458; 674380, 2928390; 674468, 2928388; 674536, 2928407; 674605, 2928385; 674539, 2928467; 674494, 2928487; 674464, 2928521; 674404, 2928534; 674370, 2928511; 674324, 2928513; 674290, 2928485; 674203, 2928519; 674094, 2928500; 673952, 2928536; 673864, 2928587; 673842, 2928637; 673878, 2928732; 673861, 2928801; 673893, 2928848; 674012, 2928927; 674074, 2929042; 674136, 2929060; 674276, 2929045; Thence returning to 674349, 2929068.

674898, 2928593; 674863, 2928580; 674841, 2928600; Thence returning to 674898, 2928593.

674453, 2927519; 674409, 2927515; 674386, 2927544; 674399, 2927580; 674503, 2927620; 674546, 2927622; 674562, 2927608; 674567, 2927583; 674537, 2927558; Thence returning to 674453, 2927519.

674754, 2927297; 674807, 2927146; 674782, 2927109; 674727, 2927082; 674719, 2926984; 674616, 2926979; 674594, 2927000; 674571, 2926937; 674507, 2926930; 674637, 2926873; 674617, 2926853; 674463, 2926864; 674444, 2926804; 674482, 2926764; 674525, 2926758; 675035, 2926886; 675204, 2926986; 675246, 2927034; 675299, 2927042; 675345, 2927070; 675382, 2927124; 675367, 2927175; 675425, 2927210; 675438, 2927208; 675453, 2927169; 675451, 2927115; 675531, 2927078; 675575, 2927027; 675532, 2926909; 675518, 2926903; 675503, 2926936; 675461, 2926946; 675477, 2927015; 675456, 2927023; 675217, 2926891; 674894, 2926764; 674646, 2926635; 674610, 2926627; 674597, 2926646; 674270, 2926581; 674149, 2926596; 674109, 2926638; 674099, 2926701; 674116, 2926755; 674211, 2926871; 674438, 2927090; 674581, 2927190; 674609, 2927170; 674700, 2927199; 674714, 2927247; 674662, 2927261; 674635, 2927291; 674692, 2927340; 674720, 2927335; Thence returning to 674754, 2927297.

675415, 2926892; 675321, 2926860; 675300, 2926878; 675310, 2926897; 675394, 2926931; 675426, 2926919; Thence returning to 675415, 2926892.

675548, 2926693; 675602, 2926666; 675665, 2926668; 675700, 2926534; 675653, 2926506; 675535, 2926541; 675535, 2926605; 675503, 2926648; 675463, 2926645; 675414, 2926669; 675368, 2926717; 675363, 2926770; 675376, 2926801; 675420, 2926836; 675545, 2926842; 675550, 2926901; 675569, 2926855; 675537, 2926824; 675527, 2926772; Thence returning to 675548, 2926693.

675263, 2926837; 675245, 2926822; 675241, 2926853; 675252, 2926859; Thence returning to 675263, 2926837.

675339, 2926678; 675328, 2926668; 675277, 2926678; 675268, 2926609; 675352, 2926538; 675372, 2926459; 675386, 2926460; 675395, 2926494; 675408, 2926483; 675415, 2926428; 675404, 2926396; 675442, 2926334; 675491, 2926295; 675514, 2926299; 675601, 2926092; 675629, 2926091; 675681, 2926024; 675690, 2925916; 675745, 2925796; 675740, 2925707; 675855, 2925625; 675915, 2925612; 675986, 2925619; 676006, 2925600; 676002, 2925571; 675897, 2925539; 675805, 2925555; 675761, 2925547; 675711, 2925485; 675652, 2925365; 675557, 2925258; 675415, 2925167; 675338, 2925143; 675308, 2925105; 675281, 2925103; 675218, 2925128; 675042, 2925290; 674996, 2925394; 674900, 2925484; 674876, 2925576; 674809, 2925560; 674754, 2925569; 674684, 2925537; 674619, 2925557; 674612, 2925607; 674630, 2925633; 674739, 2925626; 674758, 2925639; 674733, 2925665; 674666, 2925670; 674679, 2925719; 674722, 2925717; 674867, 2925661; 674921, 2925574; 674968, 2925569; 674979, 2925506; 675006, 2925460; 675037, 2925470; 675043, 2925504; 675007, 2925588; 675052, 2925560; 675070, 2925622; 675119, 2925602; 675152, 2925611; 675139, 2925677; 675057, 2925660; 675048, 2925688; 675011, 2925704; 674866, 2925706; 674725, 2925803; 674627, 2925819; 674523, 2925923; 674541, 2925971; 674582, 2925991; 674562, 2926021; 674584, 2926062; 674637, 2926049; 674683, 2926102; 674785, 2926146; 674792, 2926170; 674827, 2926198; 674854, 2926200; 674900, 2926176; 674906, 2926200; 674872, 2926231; 674901, 2926249; 674949, 2926242; 674999, 2926177; 675047, 2926182; 675047, 2926213; 674952, 2926283; 674944, 2926326; 674980, 2926350; 675011, 2926347; 675067, 2926309; 675081, 2926274; 675114, 2926259; 675143, 2926183; 675167, 2926177; 675173, 2926203; 675152, 2926293; 675097, 2926402; 675105, 2926464; 675044, 2926523; 675069, 2926609; 675123, 2926659; 675137, 2926699; 675334, 2926768; Thence returning to 675339, 2926678.

676152, 2924580; 676145, 2924599; 676118, 2924615; 676069, 2924555; 676032, 2924557; 675992, 2924517; 675938, 2924521; 675899, 2924500; 675845, 2924508; 675857, 2924544; 675916, 2924593; 675879, 2924691; 675842, 2924695; 675825, 2924713; 675818, 2924776; 675851, 2924760; 675865, 2924777; 675815, 2924848; 675721, 2924869; 675713, 2924892; 675727, 2924943; 675698, 2924980; 675705, 2925009; 675735, 2925033; 675888, 2925042; 675870, 2925080; 675882, 2925117; 675848, 2925133; 675864, 2925190; 675841, 2925228; 675847, 2925331; 675977, 2925456; 676011, 2925515; 676013, 2925565; 676029, 2925521; 676070, 2925494; 676061, 2925459; 676014, 2925477; 675981, 2925445; 675993, 2925360; 675970, 2925303; 676000, 2925172; 675995, 2925128; 676029, 2925044; 676031, 2924996; 676059, 2924966; 676088, 2924884; 676080, 2924860; 676102, 2924727; 676150, 2924652; 676163, 2924620; 676152, 2924601; Thence returning to 676152, 2924580.

674856, 2925501; 674806, 2925404; 674679, 2925395; 674636, 2925422; 674669, 2925489; 674789, 2925481; 674815, 2925502; 674831, 2925515; Thence returning to 674856, 2925501.

674477, 2925330; 674376, 2925307; 674334, 2925352; 674361, 2925387; 674503, 2925415; 674523, 2925397; 674525, 2925360; Thence returning to 674477, 2925330.

675045, 2924812; 675008, 2924798; 674950, 2924832; 674781, 2924844; 674686, 2924868; 674652, 2924941; 674688, 2925024; 674770, 2925149; 674866, 2925246; 674899, 2925267; 674935, 2925266; 674946, 2925186; 674963, 2925167; 675081, 2925156; 675121, 2925136; 675124, 2925112; 675056, 2925019; 675036, 2924968; 675036, 2924933; 675086, 2924876; Thence returning to 675045, 2924812.

675747, 2925099; 675566, 2924938; 675589, 2924890; 675572, 2924834; 675489, 2924828; 675444, 2924878; 675453, 2924910; 675524, 2924929; 675532, 2924948; 675337, 2924927; 675315, 2924939; 675330, 2924987; 675407, 2925021; 675689, 2925168; 675743, 2925214; 675783, 2925223; 675791, 2925211; Thence returning to 675747, 2925099.

675399, 2924872; 675415, 2924818; 675340, 2924813; 675271, 2924776; 675211, 2924788; 675202, 2924802; 675207, 2924829; 675283, 2924824; 675312, 2924871; 675346, 2924875; Thence returning to 675399, 2924872.

675665, 2924708; 675684, 2924625; 675734, 2924532; 675751, 2924510; 675858, 2924474; 675884, 2924452; 675898, 2924414; 675885, 2924391; 675777, 2924323; 675723, 2924325; 675616, 2924369; 675580, 2924316; 675545, 2924319; 675525, 2924282; 675481, 2924268; 675430, 2924341; 675375, 2924378; 675380, 2924427; 675348, 2924483; 675402, 2924481; 675454, 2924430; 675497, 2924459; 675583, 2924407; 675624, 2924443; 675617, 2924500; 675549, 2924549; 675516, 2924547; 675473, 2924569; 675445, 2924557; 675443, 2924508; 675430, 2924501; 675251, 2924549; 675104, 2924613; 675071, 2924663; 675132, 2924693; 675307, 2924667; 675440, 2924688; 675585, 2924663; 675591, 2924703; 675582, 2924740; 675603, 2924751; Thence returning to 675665, 2924708.

675824, 2924547; 675804, 2924545; 675772, 2924557; 675719, 2924622; 675720, 2924653; 675741, 2924689; 675815, 2924682; 675887, 2924621; 675888, 2924600; Thence returning to 675824, 2924547.

676152, 2924580; 676171, 2924561; 676154, 2924572; Thence returning to 676152, 2924580.

675204, 2924489; 675204, 2924463; 675184, 2924465; 675107, 2924497; 675090, 2924524; 675116, 2924545; 675147, 2924537; Thence returning to 675204, 2924489.

675113, 2924332; 675091, 2924329; 675049, 2924378; 675039, 2924444; 675050, 2924467; 675091, 2924424; 675115, 2924365; Thence returning to 675113, 2924332.

676897, 2922475; 676718, 2922470; 675897, 2922460; 675833, 2922494; 675772, 2922576; 675772, 2922620; 675845, 2922634; 675843, 2922702; 675804, 2922770; 675764, 2922778; 675723, 2922826; 675692, 2922828; 675685, 2922809; 675723, 2922780; 675740, 2922729; 675616, 2922763; 675644, 2922811; 675625, 2922848; 675541, 2922780; 675473, 2922818; 675349, 2922835; 675306, 2922855; 675225, 2922844; 675055, 2922878; 674981, 2922927; 674966, 2922964; 675009, 2922979; 675127, 2922950; 675242, 2922963; 675397, 2922871; 675565, 2922872; 675550, 2922900; 675481, 2922928; 675435, 2922933; 675426, 2922914; 675387, 2922916; 675377, 2922946; 675424, 2922977; 675511, 2922933; 675587, 2922934; 675749, 2922850; 675827, 2922849; 675857, 2922828; 675885, 2922776; 675938, 2922760; 675975, 2922722; 675999, 2922727; 675970, 2922808; 675918, 2922808; 675914, 2922828; 675893, 2922834; 675903, 2922860; 675993, 2922861; 675993, 2922887; 675965, 2922902; 675940, 2922978; 675947, 2922997; 676001, 2923014; 675951, 2923054; 675936, 2923087; 675936, 2923104; 675962, 2923102; 675968, 2923114; 675943, 2923190; 675922, 2923190; 675884, 2923236; 675892, 2923262; 675934, 2923285; 675954, 2923325; 676001, 2923361; 675965, 2923392; 675939, 2923441; 675965, 2923473; 675883, 2923498; 675852, 2923538; 675777, 2923537; 675751, 2923584; 675724, 2923573; 675696, 2923525; 675667, 2923537; 675697, 2923614; 675771, 2923623; 675824, 2923582; 675857, 2923620; 675839, 2923649; 675773, 2923679; 675770, 2923727; 675691, 2923771; 675676, 2923816; 675705, 2923847; 675783, 2923856; 675854, 2923888; 675878, 2923882; 675928, 2923811; 675964, 2923815; 675964, 2923835; 675888, 2923919; 675843, 2924007; 675787, 2924033; 675726, 2924037; 675715, 2924055; 675745, 2924087; 675845, 2924107; 675777, 2924215; 675768, 2924261; 675785, 2924288; 675848, 2924306; 675924, 2924264; 675949, 2924336; 676008, 2924328; 676001, 2924353; 675942, 2924412; 675948, 2924459; 675992, 2924474; 676033, 2924458; 676067, 2924378; 676054, 2924290; 676078, 2924258; 676115, 2924259; 676189, 2924309; 676197, 2924264; 676273, 2924235; 676275, 2924155; 676300, 2924148; 676317, 2924071; 676338, 2924038; 676380, 2924026; 676409, 2923949; 676447, 2923920; 676471, 2923834; 676564, 2923747; 676572, 2923712; 676546, 2923714; 676546, 2923681; 676624, 2923639; 676658, 2923598; 676641, 2923450; 676761, 2923318; 676873, 2922968; 676888, 2922781; 676911, 2922766; 676924, 2922732; 676886, 2922693; 676885, 2922640; 676920, 2922628; 676897, 2922580; 676918, 2922541; Thence returning to 676897, 2922475.

675324, 2924320; 675344, 2924291; 675338, 2924263; 675301, 2924314; 675280, 2924306; 675268, 2924328; 675275, 2924372; 675254, 2924413; 675271, 2924438; 675285, 2924431; 675320, 2924404; 675336, 2924349; Thence returning to 675324, 2924320.

675238, 2924309; 675224, 2924281; 675156, 2924291; 675152, 2924358; 675113, 2924416; 675124, 2924431; 675194, 2924408; 675182, 2924383; 675217, 2924353; Thence returning to 675238, 2924309.

674429, 2923904; 674508, 2923674; 674548, 2923451; 674561, 2923173; 674511, 2922951; 674421, 2922805; 674364, 2922763; 674333, 2922759; 674205, 2922774; 674118, 2922809; 674083, 2922834; 674043, 2922899; 674001, 2923012; 674031, 2923149; 674001, 2923184; 674013, 2923114; 673991, 2923102; 673912, 2923232; 673875, 2923405; 673872, 2923543; 673910, 2923637; 673958, 2923624; 674008, 2923582; 673949, 2923502; 673969, 2923381; 673990, 2923356; 673997, 2923283; 674011, 2923268; 674018, 2923334; 674046, 2923308; 674064, 2923310; 674091, 2923395; 674151, 2923459; 674136, 2923595; 674105, 2923643; 673967, 2923705; 673940, 2923744; 673920, 2923710; 673900, 2923705; 673850, 2923817; 673766, 2923880; 673717, 2923983; 673700, 2924055; 673762, 2924219; 673813, 2924279; 673883, 2924326; 674117, 2924327; 674182, 2924306; 674256, 2924257; 674380, 2924077; 674417, 2923983; Thence returning to 674429, 2923904.

675760, 2924167; 675757, 2924134; 675738, 2924127; 675692, 2924165; 675616, 2924146; 675570, 2924156; 675487, 2924143; 675484, 2924126; 675527, 2924094; 675532, 2924074; 675505, 2924060; 675437, 2924097; 675413, 2924088; 675439, 2924046; 675410, 2924014; 675421, 2923958; 675398, 2923935; 675385, 2923883; 675343, 2923901; 675353, 2923975; 675315, 2924008; 675299, 2924009; 675294, 2923992; 675326, 2923935; 675272, 2923906; 675161, 2923913; 675087, 2923968; 675091, 2923986; 675187, 2923999; 675142, 2924033; 675155, 2924065; 675258, 2924029; 675248, 2924065; 675174, 2924117; 675181, 2924151; 675271, 2924156; 675333, 2924181; 675370, 2924160; 675383, 2924193; 675424, 2924217; 675563, 2924234; 675744, 2924182; Thence returning to 675760, 2924167.

675747, 2923959; 675784, 2923926; 675795, 2923895; 675749, 2923891; 675662, 2923943; 675640, 2923897; 675603, 2923976; 675653, 2923987; Thence returning to 675747, 2923959.

675337, 2923864; 675333, 2923842; 675231, 2923845; 675214, 2923861; 675318, 2923877; Thence returning to 675337, 2923864.

675246, 2923800; 675301, 2923746; 675448, 2923747; 675504, 2923731; 675609, 2923751; 675674, 2923647; 675640, 2923642; 675573, 2923684; 675308, 2923679; 675224, 2923724; 675256, 2923690; 675248, 2923676; 675187, 2923707; 675073, 2923690; 675059, 2923647; 675081, 2923631; 675101, 2923630; 675139, 2923674; 675172, 2923651; 675171, 2923637; 675127, 2923617; 675126, 2923564; 675152, 2923570; 675227, 2923515; 675225, 2923487; 675201, 2923477; 675134, 2923495; 675097, 2923483; 675067, 2923500; 675042, 2923528; 675054, 2923563; 674992, 2923640; 674948, 2923639; 674920, 2923617; 674934, 2923591; 674983, 2923588; 674973, 2923555; 674985, 2923533; 674966, 2923518; 674886, 2923540; 674826, 2923612; 674842, 2923671; 674905, 2923704; 674971, 2923779; 675051, 2923794; 675086, 2923831; 675100, 2923808; 675095, 2923771; 675112, 2923749; 675135, 2923747; 675172, 2923781; 675119, 2923827; 675128, 2923857; 675151, 2923861; 675201, 2923817; Thence returning to 675246, 2923800.

675525, 2923793; 675373, 2923780; 675340, 2923805; 675356, 2923828; 675418, 2923844; 675509, 2923841; Thence returning to 675525, 2923793.

675650, 2923583; 675632, 2923553; 675572, 2923527; 675429, 2923575; 675212, 2923547; 675194, 2923572; 675203, 2923615; 675260, 2923638; 675487, 2923643; 675621, 2923629; 675646, 2923608; Thence returning to 675650, 2923583.

674115, 2923584; 674125, 2923472; 674085, 2923434; 674054, 2923434; 674015, 2923406; 674010, 2923427; 674043, 2923515; 674081, 2923488; 674093, 2923497; 674082, 2923534; 674072, 2923569; 674079, 2923602; 674095, 2923612; Thence returning to 674115, 2923584.

674000, 2923514; 673975, 2923464; 673972, 2923499; 673990, 2923522; Thence returning to 674000, 2923514.

675817, 2923474; 675823, 2923433; 675707, 2923454; 675670, 2923436; 675783, 2923409; 675877, 2923423; 675915, 2923412; 675919, 2923391; 675894, 2923356; 675815, 2923333; 675581, 2923354; 675535, 2923373; 675429, 2923372; 675331, 2923404; 675202, 2923396; 675240, 2923338; 675212, 2923332; 674952, 2923417; 674894, 2923470; 674979, 2923476; 675177, 2923447; 675322, 2923490; 675430, 2923447; 675597, 2923495; 675634, 2923513; 675770, 2923505; Thence returning to 675817, 2923474.

675037, 2923329; 675229, 2923303; 675318, 2923326; 675439, 2923310; 675516, 2923291; 675617, 2923213; 675544, 2923173; 675487, 2923178; 675422, 2923212; 675400, 2923207; 675379, 2923172; 675356, 2923198; 675336, 2923169; 675347, 2923131; 675338, 2923108; 675309, 2923132; 675316, 2923151; 675275, 2923214; 675217, 2923255; 675122, 2923249; 674935, 2923302; 674903, 2923328; 674784, 2923373; 674766, 2923396; 674765, 2923428; 674824, 2923441; 674896, 2923426; 674937, 2923396; 674970, 2923340; Thence returning to 675037, 2923329.

675261, 2923142; 675258, 2923126; 675096, 2923125; 674963, 2923145; 674831, 2923210; 674791, 2923263; 674809, 2923281; 674859, 2923287; 675028, 2923240; 675194, 2923201; Thence returning to 675261, 2923142.

675671, 2923115; 675593, 2923098; 675573, 2923125; 675610, 2923147; 675659, 2923139; Thence returning to 675671, 2923115.

675275, 2923073; 675316, 2923041; 675293, 2923034; 675249, 2923050; 675241, 2923031; 675260, 2923012; 675311, 2922989; 675334, 2923022; 675356, 2923008; 675352, 2922961; 675300, 2922961; 675200, 2923016; 675149, 2923064; 675155, 2923081; 675224, 2923086; Thence returning to 675275, 2923073.

675755, 2923015; 675645, 2922991; 675608, 2923002; 675597, 2923023; Thence returning to 675755, 2923015.

675480, 2922706; 675503, 2922644; 675448, 2922712; 675330, 2922760; 675369, 2922781; 675434, 2922785; 675472, 2922778; 675489, 2922759; Thence returning to 675480, 2922706.

675185, 2922737; 675212, 2922667; 675235, 2922690; 675264, 2922693; 675315, 2922646; 675313, 2922623; 675195, 2922655; 675171, 2922683; 675166, 2922738; Thence returning to 675185, 2922737.

675290, 2922594; 675330, 2922561; 675367, 2922585; 675408, 2922579; 675452, 2922555; 675479, 2922520; 675398, 2922544; 675365, 2922521; 675313, 2922529; 675264, 2922584; Thence returning to 675290, 2922594.

675842, 2922460; 675583, 2922457; 675580, 2922490; 675633, 2922473; 675617, 2922548; 675646, 2922533; 675698, 2922459; 675751, 2922476; 675722, 2922520; 675721, 2922537; 675735, 2922544; 675799, 2922511; Thence returning to 675842, 2922460.

(2) Subunit TX-3B: South Padre Island - Laguna Madre side: 17,862 hectares (44,137 acres) in Cameron and Willacy Counties, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-3, Subunit B, Cameron County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

680954, 2904601; 680932, 2904612; 680932, 2904755; 680956, 2904703; Thence returning to 680954, 2904601.

678776, 2914596; 678854, 2914564; 678870, 2914524; 678951, 2914472; 678907, 2914471; 678862, 2914530; Thence returning to 678776, 2914596.

677342, 2919499; 677320, 2919502; 677326, 2919534; 677347, 2919529; Thence returning to 677342, 2919499.

678776, 2914596; 678749, 2914616; 678683, 2914728; 678647, 2914726; 678648, 2914626; 678779, 2914534; 678721, 2914552; 678666, 2914549; 678597, 2914469; 678613, 2914397; 678517, 2914405; 678459, 2914373; 678398, 2914311; 678363, 2914252; 678344, 2914171; 678348, 2914070; 678374, 2913962; 678408, 2913875; 678454, 2913818; 678498, 2913822; 678557, 2913864; 678544, 2913801; 678574, 2913799; 678599, 2913814; 678623, 2913870; 678651, 2913880; 678631, 2913786; 678611, 2913758; 678518, 2913774; 678504, 2913764; 678539, 2913666; 678614, 2913656; 678652, 2913604; 678563, 2913585; 678531, 2913525; 678585, 2913428; 678596, 2913346; 678616, 2913329; 678660, 2913335; 678725, 2913443; 678718, 2913485; 678693, 2913498; 678697, 2913576; 678737, 2913517; 678756, 2913519; 678805, 2913568; 678867, 2913598; 678927, 2913690; 678961, 2913704; 678973, 2913690; 678962, 2913595; 678842, 2913506; 678750, 2913386; 678735, 2913345; 678748, 2913333; 678725, 2913303; 678724, 2913278; 678773, 2913205; 678757, 2913203; 678701, 2913245; 678627, 2913184; 678627, 2913112; 678665, 2913036; 678761, 2913023; 678730, 2912994; 678739, 2912977; 678854, 2913010; 678772, 2912944; 678748, 2912875; 678750, 2912775; 678767, 2912733; 678838, 2912667; 678929, 2912659; 679071, 2912690; 679225, 2912762; 679298, 2912774; 679240, 2912735; 679266, 2912689; 679303, 2912701; 679329, 2912674; 679273, 2912633; 679299, 2912575; 679235, 2912500; 679228, 2912390; 679269, 2912341; 679389, 2912300; 679333, 2912282; 679378, 2912134; 679416, 2912125; 679429, 2912120; 679404, 2912052; 679395, 2911913; 679372, 2911906; 679350, 2911955; 679299, 2911941; 679258, 2911882; 679260, 2911812; 679340, 2911657; 679389, 2911665; 679415, 2911725; 679438, 2911733; 679542, 2911357; 679584, 2911291; 679637, 2911203; 679850, 2910377; 679695, 2910266; 679534, 2910097; 679377, 2909781; 679391, 2909727; 679427, 2909682; 679462, 2909658; 679504, 2909655; 679610, 2909791; 679690, 2909863; 679714, 2909827; 679657, 2909684; 679649, 2909596; 679680, 2909548; 679739, 2909523; 679771, 2909525; 679805, 2909560; 679803, 2909663; 679841, 2909729; 679924, 2909777; 679983, 2909783; 679858, 2909694; 679871, 2909685; 679939, 2909720; 679972, 2909711; 679934, 2909660; 679955, 2909644; 679942, 2909615; 679865, 2909558; 679796, 2909439; 679810, 2909429; 679855, 2909466; 679908, 2909477; 679929, 2909443; 679870, 2909397; 679837, 2909389; 679820, 2909368; 679840, 2909338; 679744, 2909251; 679738, 2909220; 679779, 2909180; 679729, 2909196; 679712, 2909186; 679718, 2909161; 679790, 2909111; 679802, 2909085; 679756, 2909102; 679750, 2909076; 679633, 2909096; 679576, 2909063; 679551, 2909021; 679537, 2908947; 679547, 2908808; 679590, 2908715; 679658, 2908627; 679712, 2908589; 679761, 2908622; 679772, 2908584; 679756, 2908517; 679780, 2908459; 679893, 2908397; 679885, 2908381; 679803, 2908348; 679790, 2908286; 679832, 2907987; 679938, 2907771; 679986, 2907745; 680061, 2907750; 680095, 2907775; 680137, 2907840; 680192, 2907808; 680253, 2907892; 680258, 2907859; 680229, 2907756; 680256, 2907698; 680316, 2907683; 680358, 2907727; 680368, 2907680; 680445, 2907624; 680527, 2907539; 680578, 2907558; 680652, 2907317; 680598, 2907304; 680515, 2907211; 680422, 2907176; 680355, 2907121; 680319, 2907075; 680305, 2906942; 680336, 2906873; 680363, 2906724; 680432, 2906678; 680375, 2906656; 680391, 2906601; 680418, 2906598; 680466, 2906627; 680474, 2906559; 680495, 2906518; 680553, 2906462; 680703, 2906261; 680815, 2906189; 680669, 2906224; 680491, 2906425; 680395, 2906468; 680325, 2906478; 680221, 2906458; 680156, 2906410; 680081, 2906266; 680082, 2906167; 680104, 2906090; 680174, 2905972; 680274, 2905879; 680309, 2905822; 680363, 2905787; 680387, 2905725; 680430, 2905692; 680616, 2905623; 680773, 2905595; 680831, 2905546; 680891, 2905543; 680924, 2905565; 680901, 2905436; 680932, 2905337; 680863, 2905328; 680802, 2905273; 680766, 2905178; 680722, 2905159; 680692, 2905074; 680628, 2904997; 680618, 2904904; 680587, 2904893; 680552, 2904849; 680504, 2904737; 680796, 2904478; 680680, 2904507; 680570, 2904590; 680538, 2904568; 680463, 2904579; 680389, 2904569; 680360, 2904561; 680324, 2904517; 680326, 2904411; 680346, 2904313; 680389, 2904271; 680380, 2904252; 680358, 2904249; 680361, 2904218; 680455, 2904096; 680487, 2904102; 680496, 2904130; 680512, 2904128; 680528, 2903991; 680568, 2904014; 680560, 2904079; 680577, 2904103; 680570, 2904140; 680632, 2904133; 680595, 2903982; 680564, 2903964; 680516, 2903963; 680534, 2903931; 680517, 2903914; 680525, 2903902; 680602, 2903869; 680644, 2903874; 680705, 2903956; 680670, 2904166; 680629, 2904287; 680651, 2904306; 680711, 2904200; 680814, 2904152; 680819, 2904132; 680761, 2904090; 680759, 2903957; 680768, 2903915; 680793, 2903893; 680859, 2903888; 680930, 2903926; 680961, 2903962; 680978, 2904129; 681032, 2904217; 681023, 2904313; 681005, 2904323; 680987, 2904297; 680960, 2904309; 680966, 2904369; 680975, 2904378; 681035, 2904346; 681054, 2904222; 681000, 2904061; 680997, 2903945; 681019, 2903891; 681076, 2903860; 681083, 2903801; 681117, 2903753; 681088, 2903701; 681116, 2903671; 681092, 2903639; 680994, 2903656; 680923, 2903609; 680855, 2903522; 680844, 2903457; 680819, 2903408; 680863, 2903351; 680839, 2903309; 680853, 2903290; 680890, 2903283; 680917, 2903240; 681000, 2903209; 681032, 2903238; 681046, 2903233; 681035, 2903150; 680855, 2903207; 680811, 2903183; 680810, 2903119; 680838, 2903055; 680890, 2903045; 680875, 2902998; 680890, 2902971; 680965, 2902952; 680944, 2902914; 680894, 2902903; 680884, 2902882; 680903, 2902816; 680971, 2902720; 681099, 2902690; 681357, 2902703; 681376, 2902619; 681398, 2902628; 681417, 2902611; 681417, 2902581; 681352, 2902540; 681370, 2902480; 681360, 2902453; 681249, 2902442; 681165, 2902451; 681096, 2902428; 681022, 2902375; 680965, 2902269; 680963, 2902143; 680992, 2902079; 681065, 2902060; 681075, 2902042; 681078, 2902005; 681021, 2902014; 680997, 2902002; 680995, 2901976; 681022, 2901914; 681117, 2901766; 681201, 2901696; 681259, 2901684; 681312, 2901704; 681400, 2901779; 681441, 2901835; 681457, 2901833; 681382, 2901624; 681329, 2901552; 681325, 2901488; 681356, 2901422; 681390, 2901391; 681511, 2901394; 681513, 2901304; 681576, 2901235; 681547, 2901196; 681526, 2901191; 681467, 2901249; 681447, 2901335; 681372, 2901338; 681265, 2901376; 681168, 2901366; 681106, 2901309; 681127, 2901180; 681178, 2901116; 681144, 2901082; 681150, 2901056; 681171, 2901028; 681233, 2901002; 681257, 2900965; 681270, 2900967; 681283, 2901001; 681307, 2900995; 681327, 2900954; 681269, 2900936; 681205, 2900854; 681203, 2900816; 681224, 2900742; 681285, 2900676; 681359, 2900628; 681429, 2900619; 681467, 2900631; 681500, 2900662; 681519, 2900710; 681521, 2900820; 681547, 2900907; 681585, 2900953; 681663, 2900980; 681644, 2900895; 681602, 2900891; 681565, 2900840; 681548, 2900751; 681560, 2900666; 681581, 2900618; 681644, 2900632; 681654, 2900562; 681697, 2900546; 681773, 2900560; 681787, 2900543; 681761, 2900501; 681691, 2900488; 681636, 2900444; 681598, 2900334; 681617, 2900226; 681687, 2900193; 681686, 2900168; 681641, 2900186; 681615, 2900171; 681647, 2900029; 681676, 2899987; 681776, 2899905; 681747, 2899898; 681656, 2899932; 681498, 2899956; 681465, 2899919; 681460, 2899847; 681516, 2899723; 681592, 2899644; 681617, 2899593; 681687, 2899570; 681741, 2899495; 681822, 2899438; 681817, 2899424; 681782, 2899418; 681694, 2899450; 681565, 2899450; 681573, 2899258; 681627, 2899198; 681687, 2899073; 681726, 2899028; 681769, 2899008; 681836, 2899005; 681876, 2899033; 681899, 2899077; 681924, 2899078; 681952, 2899053; 681941, 2898984; 681996, 2898931; 681987, 2898896; 681827, 2898869; 681747, 2898962; 681736, 2898957; 681734, 2898906; 681623, 2898859; 681632, 2898794; 681656, 2898755; 681714, 2898745; 681770, 2898666; 681832, 2898613; 681831, 2898563; 681803, 2898534; 681808, 2898424; 681766, 2898271; 681824, 2898211; 681877, 2898268; 681874, 2898196; 681950, 2898201; 681940, 2898151; 681869, 2898146; 681932, 2898072; 681860, 2898028; 681849, 2897959; 681933, 2897910; 682056, 2897949; 682079, 2897944; 682048, 2897907; 681929, 2897830; 681884, 2897772; 681848, 2897627; 681875, 2897512; 681918, 2897453; 681922, 2897401; 681957, 2897369; 682044, 2897377; 682129, 2897424; 682144, 2897407; 682175, 2897408; 682202, 2897359; 682180, 2897309; 682210, 2897271; 682211, 2897242; 682172, 2897207; 682163, 2897137; 682213, 2897086; 682211, 2897053; 682077, 2897081; 682038, 2897039; 682028, 2896987; 682042, 2896942; 682108, 2896886; 682176, 2896790; 682230, 2896752; 682272, 2896743; 682280, 2896709; 682249, 2896708; 682124, 2896789; 682097, 2896786; 682059, 2896717; 682048, 2896537; 682064, 2896426; 682095, 2896365; 682141, 2896345; 682253, 2896376; 682278, 2896370; 682293, 2896314; 682246, 2896250; 682254, 2896214; 682187, 2896241; 682159, 2896236; 682142, 2896213; 682170, 2896189; 682284, 2896165; 682301, 2896141; 682162, 2896132; 682098, 2896164; 682012, 2896257; 681964, 2896265; 681941, 2896241; 681930, 2896200; 681946, 2896047; 681987, 2896048; 682031, 2896105; 682046, 2896106; 682075, 2896081; 682060, 2896032; 682098, 2896005; 682088, 2895976; 682141, 2895954; 682128, 2895937; 682083, 2895944; 682060, 2895922; 681991, 2895958; 681981, 2896007; 681943, 2896024; 681935, 2895958; 681946, 2895936; 681981, 2895932; 681984, 2895913; 682022, 2895911; 682031, 2895896; 682039, 2895832; 681988, 2895863; 681964, 2895858; 681959, 2895833; 681982, 2895804; 681980, 2895776; 682026, 2895737; 682085, 2895739; 682140, 2895716; 682206, 2895640; 682213, 2895665; 682180, 2895708; 682212, 2895720; 682307, 2895852; 682288, 2895772; 682313, 2895770; 682333, 2895698; 682288, 2895670; 682300, 2895596; 682337, 2895549; 682473, 2895464; 682460, 2895449; 682400, 2895487; 682375, 2895483; 682300, 2895550; 682270, 2895557; 682137, 2895461; 682134, 2895443; 682170, 2895420; 682121, 2895379; 682174, 2895346; 682172, 2895329; 682141, 2895324; 682139, 2895307; 682188, 2895284; 682232, 2895281; 682287, 2895308; 682344, 2895278; 682455, 2895322; 682486, 2895307; 682477, 2895287; 682398, 2895263; 682379, 2895226; 682390, 2895216; 682488, 2895227; 682510, 2895097; 682463, 2895096; 682388, 2895067; 682325, 2895073; 682294, 2895055; 682242, 2894950; 682230, 2894853; 682250, 2894831; 682286, 2894835; 682290, 2894814; 682257, 2894810; 682254, 2894794; 682297, 2894777; 682343, 2894790; 682404, 2894768; 682469, 2894773; 682514, 2894824; 682559, 2894691; 682470, 2894682; 682411, 2894624; 682349, 2894600; 682339, 2894560; 682288, 2894585; 682213, 2894577; 682125, 2894524; 682103, 2894468; 682145, 2894412; 682253, 2894358; 682371, 2894378; 682489, 2894473; 682562, 2894455; 682595, 2894329; 682576, 2894297; 682489, 2894269; 682470, 2894240; 682461, 2894177; 681328, 2894161; 681333, 2894208; 681374, 2894258; 681473, 2894316; 681624, 2894355; 681691, 2894394; 681700, 2894436; 681642, 2894494; 681649, 2894542; 681710, 2894574; 681740, 2894647; 681831, 2894707; 681822, 2894756; 681664, 2894872; 681654, 2894990; 681562, 2895123; 681512, 2895309; 681550, 2895424; 681550, 2895478; 681538, 2895512; 681476, 2895577; 681467, 2895641; 681471, 2895712; 681490, 2895757; 681634, 2895854; 681697, 2895915; 681724, 2895984; 681739, 2896089; 681655, 2896278; 681631, 2896461; 681597, 2896523; 681580, 2896603; 681556, 2896647; 681454, 2896754; 681197, 2896978; 681151, 2897250; 681014, 2897452; 681000, 2897495; 680986, 2897652; 680996, 2897663; 681045, 2897634; 681065, 2897641; 681067, 2897844; 680994, 2898096; 680952, 2898435; 680904, 2898623; 680904, 2898739; 680868, 2898954; 680896, 2899046; 680954, 2899120; 681023, 2899147; 681029, 2899199; 680980, 2899270; 680898, 2899269; 680912, 2899404; 680844, 2899610; 680878, 2899717; 680866, 2899796; 680731, 2900078; 680635, 2900334; 680565, 2900722; 680437, 2900933; 680353, 2901121; 680282, 2901383; 680217, 2901761; 680022, 2902538; 679991, 2902760; 679987, 2902988; 680068, 2903310; 680091, 2903460; 680060, 2904027; 680014, 2904325; 679906, 2904654; 679871, 2904715; 679778, 2904816; 679599, 2904914; 679560, 2905114; 679570, 2905287; 679498, 2905448; 679390, 2905612; 679239, 2905770; 679169, 2905877; 679024, 2906510; 678975, 2906632; 678795, 2906944; 678731, 2907106; 678568, 2907765; 678400, 2908369; 678248, 2908787; 677974, 2909373; 677707, 2909802; 677579, 2910076; 677531, 2910232; 677433, 2910391; 677376, 2910555; 677183, 2911256; 677139, 2911355; 676990, 2911571; 676986, 2911619; 677015, 2911639; 676954, 2911726; 676851, 2911821; 676727, 2911983; 676617, 2912025; 676571, 2912082; 676439, 2912158; 676385, 2912262; 676311, 2912325; 676262, 2912348; 676244, 2912286; 676174, 2912293; 676088, 2912353; 676073, 2912443; 676000, 2912467; 675948, 2912529; 675809, 2912645; 675672, 2912697; 675659, 2912727; 675660, 2912881; 675636, 2912886; 675624, 2912822; 675587, 2912810; 675526, 2912905; 675397, 2912950; 675380, 2912985; 675347, 2912971; 675306, 2912984; 675260, 2913064; 675216, 2913048; 675157, 2913084; 675128, 2913192; 675087, 2913181; 675039, 2913204; 674992, 2913277; 674914, 2913283; 674870, 2913339; 674720, 2913470; 674625, 2913537; 674533, 2913574; 674467, 2913632; 674412, 2913697; 674148, 2914161; 674103, 2914186; 674059, 2914300; 673973, 2914370; 673909, 2914448; 673744, 2914689; 673660, 2914843; 673507, 2915017; 673460, 2915126; 673400, 2915204; 673355, 2915313; 673331, 2915436; 673249, 2915621; 673207, 2915685; 673089, 2915799; 673067, 2916014; 673040, 2916090; 673004, 2916137; 672931, 2916170; 672897, 2916260; 672851, 2916549; 672709, 2916798; 672649, 2916937; 672610, 2917093; 672600, 2917250; 672558, 2917365; 672421, 2917586; 672344, 2917747; 672240, 2918076; 672151, 2918280; 672117, 2918345; 672046, 2918422; 672045, 2918438; 672080, 2918449; 672074, 2918490; 672050, 2918522; 672026, 2918519; 672019, 2918585; 671983, 2918656; 671872, 2918983; 671697, 2919584; 671672, 2919637; 671617, 2919686; 671583, 2919743; 671559, 2919881; 671494, 2920028; 671496, 2920121; 671438, 2920221; 671402, 2920374; 671301, 2920641; 671225, 2920907; 671166, 2921020; 671139, 2921143; 670999, 2921469; 670674, 2922383; 675583, 2922457; 675579, 2922437; 675525, 2922427; 675530, 2922399; 675625, 2922369; 675683, 2922387; 675687, 2922316; 675639, 2922323; 675626, 2922347; 675484, 2922385; 675370, 2922340; 675337, 2922256; 675325, 2922126; 675334, 2922069; 675492, 2921838; 675544, 2921783; 675572, 2921776; 675651, 2921772; 675703, 2921803; 675726, 2921854; 675732, 2921941; 675783, 2921989; 675799, 2922038; 675910, 2922008; 676024, 2922007; 676049, 2922021; 676059, 2921967; 675846, 2921972; 675798, 2921937; 675802, 2921806; 675826, 2921733; 675863, 2921676; 675958, 2921626; 676041, 2921668; 676093, 2921734; 676136, 2921833; 676221, 2921857; 676257, 2921890; 676320, 2921969; 676330, 2922028; 676323, 2922055; 676273, 2922087; 676234, 2922141; 676062, 2922153; 676037, 2922167; 675980, 2922268; 675938, 2922385; 675842, 2922459; 675897, 2922460; 675990, 2922374; 676075, 2922227; 676106, 2922206; 676277, 2922154; 676393, 2922213; 676488, 2922231; 676495, 2922208; 676422, 2922172; 676432, 2922145; 676466, 2922133; 676569, 2922172; 676776, 2922314; 676837, 2922377; 676896, 2922472; 676872, 2922412; 676880, 2922371; 676868, 2922311; 676947, 2921969; 676980, 2921957; 676854, 2921900; 676774, 2921819; 676705, 2921832; 676600, 2921746; 676516, 2921625; 676448, 2921390; 676382, 2921381; 676235, 2921286; 676086, 2921164; 676072, 2921101; 676134, 2921021; 676135, 2920978; 676166, 2920941; 676223, 2920901; 676283, 2920891; 676337, 2920907; 676378, 2920987; 676365, 2921006; 676300, 2921005; 676306, 2921100; 676395, 2921043; 676441, 2921043; 676476, 2921066; 676495, 2921163; 676515, 2921173; 676513, 2921113; 676478, 2921031; 676496, 2921004; 676489, 2920944; 676518, 2920929; 676505, 2920836; 676485, 2920807; 676456, 2920802; 676472, 2920882; 676432, 2920934; 676400, 2920951; 676373, 2920933; 676358, 2920892; 676353, 2920838; 676371, 2920814; 676484, 2920762; 676517, 2920730; 676558, 2920727; 676607, 2920760; 676680, 2920850; 676764, 2920880; 676796, 2920861; 676817, 2920812; 676891, 2920819; 676926, 2920789; 676917, 2920776; 676868, 2920788; 676820, 2920773; 676754, 2920823; 676683, 2920816; 676716, 2920812; 676737, 2920744; 676674, 2920708; 676673, 2920687; 676736, 2920690; 676795, 2920737; 676825, 2920726; 676736, 2920651; 676734, 2920598; 676711, 2920552; 676683, 2920544; 676688, 2920521; 676742, 2920532; 676755, 2920515; 676710, 2920472; 676709, 2920410; 676675, 2920456; 676653, 2920447; 676631, 2920393; 676639, 2920342; 676687, 2920335; 676769, 2920393; 676827, 2920511; 676892, 2920485; 676952, 2920514; 677001, 2920662; 677055, 2920712; 677006, 2920568; 677037, 2920547; 677051, 2920401; 677101, 2920397; 677095, 2920335; 677134, 2920308; 677170, 2920235; 677207, 2920206; 677182, 2920200; 677177, 2920169; 677147, 2920170; 677163, 2920110; 677189, 2920080; 677217, 2920075; 677250, 2920123; 677370, 2920134; 677398, 2920098; 677356, 2920100; 677363, 2920070; 677400, 2920043; 677455, 2920044; 677471, 2920027; 677432, 2919992; 677336, 2920051; 677300, 2920098; 677275, 2920102; 677238, 2920056; 677182, 2920036; 677207, 2920025; 677204, 2920014; 677149, 2919978; 677103, 2919978; 677072, 2919952; 677070, 2919896; 677040, 2919867; 677020, 2919786; 676949, 2919740; 676952, 2919712; 676967, 2919698; 676997, 2919707; 677024, 2919678; 677064, 2919712; 677084, 2919661; 677100, 2919655; 677158, 2919684; 677189, 2919737; 677197, 2919663; 677126, 2919637; 677097, 2919598; 677062, 2919613; 676996, 2919597; 676977, 2919509; 676980, 2919437; 677000, 2919391; 677085, 2919300; 677109, 2919229; 677133, 2919249; 677133, 2919303; 677154, 2919370; 677177, 2919385; 677195, 2919378; 677168, 2919334; 677151, 2919242; 677154, 2919205; 677175, 2919172; 677192, 2919173; 677216, 2919207; 677285, 2919229; 677334, 2919328; 677342, 2919411; 677356, 2919407; 677378, 2919333; 677345, 2919308; 677340, 2919286; 677356, 2919267; 677381, 2919297; 677396, 2919281; 677379, 2919231; 677347, 2919213; 677345, 2919149; 677307, 2919115; 677293, 2919185; 677273, 2919206; 677208, 2919167; 677195, 2919135; 677214, 2919030; 677288, 2918940; 677312, 2918949; 677330, 2919059; 677335, 2919018; 677351, 2919023; 677359, 2918976; 677385, 2918950; 677504, 2919023; 677525, 2919100; 677523, 2919250; 677543, 2919259; 677548, 2919140; 677562, 2919137; 677586, 2919181; 677598, 2919174; 677571, 2919078; 677573, 2919034; 677608, 2919056; 677614, 2919047; 677586, 2918925; 677537, 2918955; 677511, 2918903; 677525, 2918876; 677598, 2918887; 677621, 2918830; 677523, 2918854; 677483, 2918827; 677440, 2918826; 677408, 2918799; 677396, 2918755; 677423, 2918674; 677415, 2918591; 677447, 2918535; 677480, 2918519; 677569, 2918683; 677593, 2918697; 677571, 2918614; 677510, 2918521; 677508, 2918471; 677535, 2918462; 677587, 2918524; 677676, 2918577; 677702, 2918699; 677719, 2918650; 677770, 2918676; 677774, 2918642; 677742, 2918603; 677742, 2918561; 677715, 2918533; 677720, 2918490; 677645, 2918466; 677630, 2918442; 677661, 2918337; 677628, 2918328; 677620, 2918300; 677637, 2918282; 677755, 2918349; 677848, 2918382; 677861, 2918375; 677824, 2918326; 677891, 2918292; 677869, 2918249; 677877, 2918201; 677847, 2918198; 677844, 2918182; 677859, 2918163; 677921, 2918154; 677921, 2918133; 677887, 2918111; 677893, 2918072; 677913, 2918039; 677962, 2918037; 677943, 2917993; 677970, 2917929; 677957, 2917842; 677989, 2917790; 678030, 2917774; 678105, 2917700; 678036, 2917661; 678227, 2916859; 678259, 2916834; 678191, 2916829; 678132, 2916785; 678099, 2916709; 678110, 2916640; 678131, 2916622; 678220, 2916605; 678213, 2916564; 678107, 2916571; 678067, 2916638; 678026, 2916664; 677931, 2916663; 677843, 2916605; 677800, 2916531; 677823, 2916465; 677774, 2916430; 677767, 2916347; 677690, 2916354; 677651, 2916319; 677649, 2916268; 677697, 2916241; 677701, 2916222; 677620, 2916223; 677592, 2916133; 677638, 2916118; 677644, 2916101; 677584, 2916073; 677586, 2916031; 677608, 2916007; 677641, 2916007; 677711, 2916046; 677943, 2916356; 678191, 2916490; 678334, 2916527; 678401, 2916290; 678341, 2916239; 678304, 2916161; 678303, 2916129; 678336, 2916035; 678415, 2916015; 678345, 2915900; 678353, 2915849; 678379, 2915807; 678372, 2915767; 678398, 2915698; 678460, 2915619; 678531, 2915575; 678615, 2915565; 678585, 2915523; 678516, 2915531; 678517, 2915416; 678565, 2915417; 678586, 2915441; 678608, 2915441; 678583, 2915329; 678575, 2915316; 678520, 2915312; 678492, 2915224; 678509, 2915214; 678545, 2915245; 678573, 2915247; 678615, 2915134; 678658, 2915096; 678696, 2915102; 678767, 2915178; 678747, 2915105; 678709, 2915064; 678709, 2915037; 678642, 2915013; 678647, 2914746; 678726, 2914797; 678789, 2914810; 678726, 2914729; 678741, 2914635; 678776, 2914596; 674081, 2914679; 674037, 2914676; 674027, 2914586; 674003, 2914558; 674008, 2914515; 674035, 2914487; 674041, 2914450; 674088, 2914418; 674140, 2914411; 674234, 2914449; 674265, 2914504; 674252, 2914552; 674125, 2914662; 674081, 2914679; 678020, 2914552; 678039, 2914582; 678017, 2914613; 677995, 2914583; 678020, 2914552; 678260, 2915087; 678391, 2915168; 678447, 2915237; 678467, 2915296; 678426, 2915310; 678308, 2915255; 678048, 2915078; 678036, 2915051; 678065, 2915039; 678260, 2915087; 678115, 2915300; 678093, 2915322; 678068, 2915312; 678053, 2915244; 678068, 2915211; 678118, 2915227; 678115, 2915300; 678012, 2915454; 678390, 2915482; 678425, 2915507; 678428, 2915538; 678398, 2915567; 678316, 2915582; 678118, 2915566; 677992, 2915485; 677984, 2915461; 678012, 2915454; 678181, 2916006; 678109, 2915997; 678045, 2915950; 677945, 2915740; 677950, 2915688; 678066, 2915758; 678163, 2915793; 678240, 2915845; 678283, 2915933; 678282, 2915988; 678181, 2916006; 677555, 2915997; 677528, 2915995; 677517, 2915944; 677534, 2915894; 677567, 2915885; 677592, 2915929; 677585, 2915966; 677555, 2915997; 676880, 2916735; 676942, 2916768; 676952, 2916871; 677006, 2916865; 677020, 2916880; 677030, 2916918; 676996, 2916942; 676991, 2916972; 676909, 2916978; 676909, 2916913; 676837, 2916815; 676840, 2916761; 676880, 2916735; 677176, 2917007; 677213, 2917015; 677264, 2917054; 677272, 2917092; 677258, 2917138; 677210, 2917159; 677151, 2917157; 677108, 2917123; 677106, 2917047; 677130, 2917018; 677176, 2917007; 677327, 2917285; 677399, 2917298; 677472, 2917350; 677603, 2917359; 677628, 2917378; 677636, 2917417; 677614, 2917448; 677559, 2917478; 677525, 2917473; 677379, 2917524; 677314, 2917471; 677280, 2917413; 677286, 2917371; 677327, 2917285; 677823, 2917619; 677915, 2917629; 677934, 2917647; 677940, 2917676; 677924, 2917706; 677932, 2917744; 677896, 2917787; 677845, 2917788; 677819, 2917759; 677806, 2917665; 677742, 2917738; 677714, 2917733; 677695, 2917708; 677692, 2917675; 677742, 2917619; 677823, 2917619; 677435, 2917722; 677449, 2917826; 677425, 2917936; 677351, 2917989; 677216, 2918001; 677193, 2917908; 677228, 2917851; 677403, 2917728; 677435, 2917722; 675145, 2917940; 675128, 2918060; 674987, 2918161; 674956, 2918173; 674919, 2918165; 674857, 2918097; 674853, 2918050; 674891, 2917968; 674927, 2917810; 674977, 2917743; 675054, 2917735; 675106, 2917763; 675140, 2917829; 675145, 2917940; 674652, 2918152; 674619, 2918263; 674587, 2918313; 674473, 2918383; 674313, 2918392; 674265, 2918365; 674238, 2918325; 674235, 2918257; 674259, 2918182; 674270, 2918167; 674293, 2918181; 674310, 2918166; 674289, 2918091; 674298, 2918076; 674323, 2918082; 674330, 2918043; 674318, 2918011; 674357, 2917910; 674398, 2917884; 674443, 2918002; 674517, 2918041; 674467, 2917965; 674467, 2917919; 674445, 2917873; 674449, 2917799; 674483, 2917748; 674593, 2917751; 674635, 2917780; 674657, 2917815; 674671, 2917896; 674652, 2918152; 672391, 2918347; 672374, 2918398; 672345, 2918392; 672371, 2918338; 672391, 2918347; 674057, 2918370; 674094, 2918377; 674114, 2918403; 674117, 2918509; 674061, 2918545; 674012, 2918550; 673993, 2918537; 673985, 2918505; 673997, 2918415; 674057, 2918370; 677782, 2918281; 677775, 2918256; 677708, 2918270; 677661, 2918237; 677670, 2918202; 677711, 2918178; 677742, 2918124; 677761, 2918124; 677827, 2918244; 677821, 2918281; 677795, 2918313; 677783, 2918312; 677782, 2918281; 677813, 2918132; 677780, 2918054; 677812, 2918007; 677779, 2918001; 677745, 2918027; 677721, 2917948; 677805, 2917881; 677882, 2917862; 677915, 2917887; 677919, 2917928; 677846, 2918106; 677825, 2918137; 677813, 2918132; 677711, 2918024; 677729, 2918107; 677701, 2918118; 677690, 2918158; 677638, 2918175; 677650, 2918011; 677689, 2917970; 677711, 2918024; 672812, 2918621; 672796, 2918603; 672798, 2918562; 672812, 2918538; 672835, 2918538; 672849, 2918576; 672812, 2918621; 672499, 2918608; 672511, 2918627; 672506, 2918661; 672463, 2918696; 672452, 2918630; 672465, 2918613; 672499, 2918608; 677390, 2918871; 677387, 2918893; 677342, 2918937; 677333, 2918915; 677343, 2918881; 677361, 2918862; 677390, 2918871; 672938, 2918854; 672926, 2918897; 672896, 2918914; 672893, 2918852; 672929, 2918828; 672938, 2918854; 673514, 2918871; 673541, 2918884; 673559, 2918939; 673479, 2918953; 673472, 2918924; 673484, 2918895; 673514, 2918871; 673159, 2918948; 673162, 2919009; 673152, 2919023; 673123, 2919016; 673137, 2918949; 673159, 2918948; 673977, 2919125; 673967, 2919157; 673935, 2919157; 673917, 2919139; 673917, 2919102; 673949, 2919090; 673977, 2919125; 673649, 2919176; 673665, 2919208; 673660, 2919258; 673588, 2919240; 673619, 2919168; 673649, 2919176; 674364, 2919378; 674330, 2919373; 674320, 2919336; 674348, 2919291; 674370, 2919280; 674392, 2919304; 674399, 2919358; 674364, 2919378; 674103, 2919486; 674069, 2919531; 674049, 2919537; 674025, 2919516; 674026, 2919451; 674060, 2919387; 674103, 2919412; 674103, 2919486; 674816, 2919498; 674843, 2919519; 674846, 2919595; 674824, 2919644; 674787, 2919678; 674760, 2919647; 674757, 2919597; 674788, 2919525; 674816, 2919498; 674526, 2919651; 674523, 2919693; 674500, 2919730; 674424, 2919719; 674408, 2919704; 674466, 2919597; 674502, 2919598; 674526, 2919651; 674796, 2919758; 674794, 2919785; 674763, 2919805; 674754, 2919768; 674769, 2919739; 674796, 2919758; 676862, 2919799; 676907, 2919811; 677029, 2919953; 677074, 2920030; 677116, 2920053; 677125, 2920089; 677121, 2920220; 677105, 2920275; 677068, 2920280; 677036, 2920260; 676988, 2920273; 676983, 2920315; 676961, 2920312; 676962, 2920360; 676944, 2920375; 676906, 2920366; 676925, 2920287; 676905, 2920276; 676922, 2920201; 676846, 2920195; 676827, 2920172; 676828, 2920141; 676889, 2920034; 676950, 2920093; 676961, 2920198; 676985, 2920178; 676996, 2920107; 676976, 2920070; 676943, 2920057; 676904, 2920009; 676927, 2919940; 676899, 2919943; 676842, 2919898; 676836, 2919851; 676862, 2919799; 676843, 2919931; 676852, 2919980; 676843, 2920024; 676771, 2920052; 676779, 2920078; 676802, 2920050; 676820, 2920060; 676806, 2920167; 676766, 2920254; 676725, 2920267; 676716, 2920225; 676747, 2920193; 676717, 2920166; 676736, 2920127; 676716, 2920088; 676722, 2920040; 676817, 2919890; 676843, 2919931; 676828, 2920214; 676884, 2920255; 676829, 2920341; 676774, 2920310; 676798, 2920238; 676828, 2920214; 677019, 2920398; 676998, 2920436; 676990, 2920505; 676947, 2920457; 676873, 2920449; 676865, 2920433; 676894, 2920389; 676910, 2920423; 676946, 2920418; 676973, 2920378; 677019, 2920398; 676610, 2920596; 676588, 2920595; 676574, 2920570; 676592, 2920545; 676622, 2920538; 676628, 2920575; 676610, 2920596; 677703, 2913326; 677755, 2913348; 677766, 2913392; 677716, 2913486; 677680, 2913520; 677643, 2913528; 677624, 2913504; 677620, 2913451; 677644, 2913425; 677661, 2913364; 677703, 2913326; 678000, 2912455; 678025, 2912460; 678057, 2912498; 678070, 2912542; 678065, 2912596; 678004, 2912660; 677937, 2912665; 677913, 2912634; 677914, 2912585; 677978, 2912470; 678000, 2912455; 678401, 2910844; 678396, 2910772; 678410, 2910702; 678443, 2910668; 678497, 2910655; 678585, 2910694; 678682, 2910824; 678690, 2910902; 678651, 2910996; 678595, 2911093; 678527, 2911160; 678391, 2911178; 678318, 2911138; 678273, 2911087; 678264, 2911037; 678273, 2910985; 678318, 2910940; 678336, 2910899; 678396, 2910881; 678401, 2910844; 678202, 2910837; 678172, 2910816; 678161, 2910738; 678170, 2910707; 678197, 2910749; 678202, 2910837; 680037, 2905809; 679976, 2905779; 679862, 2905797; 679799, 2905769; 679784, 2905748; 679832, 2905755; 679901, 2905635; 679986, 2905667; 679929, 2905596; 679874, 2905559; 679867, 2905523; 679834, 2905503; 679872, 2905471; 679985, 2905470; 679949, 2905432; 679860, 2905424; 679855, 2905340; 679887, 2905296; 679978, 2905284; 680027, 2905312; 680076, 2905383; 680076, 2905412; 680040, 2905445; 680037, 2905473; 680128, 2905541; 680191, 2905628; 680193, 2905744; 680121, 2905844; 680086, 2905847; 680037, 2905809; 680595, 2905401; 680505, 2905387; 680360, 2905393; 680327, 2905356; 680316, 2905235; 680341, 2905176; 680385, 2905127; 680403, 2905034; 680418, 2905022; 680455, 2905071; 680485, 2905163; 680471, 2905298; 680481, 2905317; 680509, 2905297; 680510, 2905241; 680534, 2905175; 680571, 2905158; 680662, 2905214; 680769, 2905344; 680760, 2905366; 680702, 2905386; 680595, 2905401; 680148, 2905145; 680117, 2905143; 680104, 2905113; 680156, 2905093; 680168, 2905118; 680148, 2905145; 679822, 2905544; 679771, 2905547; 679757, 2905525; 679776, 2905507; 679822, 2905544; 679709, 2905550; 679689, 2905590; 679685, 2905550; 679709, 2905550; 679744, 2905578; 679759, 2905583; 679758, 2905600; 679741, 2905615; 679744, 2905578; 679815, 2905590; 679820, 2905609; 679792, 2905613; 679795, 2905597; 679815, 2905590; 679843, 2905596; 679864, 2905587; 679875, 2905606; 679843, 2905596; 679835, 2905634; 679857, 2905645; 679861, 2905676; 679847, 2905696; 679793, 2905708; 679793, 2905669; 679835, 2905634; 680459, 2904068; 680437, 2904057; 680448, 2903978; 680481, 2903954; 680498, 2903991; 680493, 2904051; 680459, 2904068; 680838, 2903791; 680802, 2903790; 680761, 2903755; 680759, 2903726; 680785, 2903678; 680758, 2903571; 680779, 2903520; 680848, 2903565; 680938, 2903671; 680937, 2903700; 680909, 2903741; 680838, 2903791; 681432, 2899286; 681471, 2899278; 681496, 2899317; 681452, 2899362; 681413, 2899375; 681395, 2899368; 681387, 2899341; 681432, 2899286; 681519, 2898591; 681581, 2898687; 681586, 2898730; 681543, 2898783; 681498, 2898805; 681440, 2898762; 681399, 2898675; 681434, 2898621; 681519, 2898591; 681647, 2898678; 681596, 2898651; 681581, 2898616; 681579, 2898521; 681541, 2898478; 681553, 2898447; 681592, 2898426; 681606, 2898385; 681641, 2898355; 681604, 2898333; 681627, 2898304; 681625, 2898276; 681649, 2898260; 681641, 2898236; 681655, 2898201; 681646, 2898193; 681629, 2898217; 681594, 2898205; 681583, 2898260; 681548, 2898229; 681474, 2898228; 681458, 2898201; 681489, 2898060; 681557, 2897985; 681608, 2897964; 681688, 2897981; 681710, 2898011; 681725, 2898120; 681715, 2898240; 681738, 2898266; 681743, 2898313; 681742, 2898338; 681718, 2898356; 681773, 2898497; 681766, 2898597; 681704, 2898665; 681647, 2898678; 681792, 2897999; 681817, 2897992; 681847, 2898080; 681851, 2898116; 681820, 2898142; 681793, 2898135; 681772, 2898099; 681792, 2897999; 681540, 2898317; 681574, 2898324; 681560, 2898353; 681520, 2898363; 681469, 2898414; 681499, 2898519; 681412, 2898545; 681396, 2898524; 681392, 2898474; 681437, 2898407; 681447, 2898294; 681466, 2898287; 681490, 2898302; 681542, 2898265; 681550, 2898292; 681540, 2898317; 681344, 2897652; 681390, 2897603; 681414, 2897609; 681450, 2897642; 681463, 2897694; 681455, 2897758; 681433, 2897803; 681391, 2897861; 681345, 2897878; 681305, 2897857; 681287, 2897815; 681304, 2897723; 681344, 2897652; 681777, 2896553; 681818, 2896556; 681857, 2896585; 681844, 2896663; 681872, 2896747; 682013, 2896888; 682018, 2896929; 681998, 2896959; 681906, 2897018; 681816, 2897021; 681716, 2896907; 681705, 2896784; 681727, 2896612; 681777, 2896553; 681918, 2896556; 681983, 2896617; 682017, 2896693; 682036, 2896786; 682022, 2896820; 681941, 2896774; 681882, 2896714; 681870, 2896666; 681873, 2896586; 681918, 2896556; 682042, 2896270; 682088, 2896234; 682121, 2896235; 682118, 2896331; 682097, 2896346; 682053, 2896345; 682039, 2896325; 682042, 2896270; 682035, 2895491; 682058, 2895483; 682093, 2895544; 682198, 2895577; 682209, 2895597; 682119, 2895664; 682052, 2895667; 681986, 2895644; 681964, 2895602; 681965, 2895560; 682023, 2895521; 682035, 2895491; 682111, 2894916; 682189, 2894963; 682223, 2895018; 682220, 2895040; 682188, 2895043; 682149, 2895000; 682106, 2894990; 682097, 2894933; 682111, 2894916; 681940, 2894696; 681996, 2894687; 681991, 2894763; 681947, 2894758; 681940, 2894696; 682306, 2894703; 682302, 2894684; 682259, 2894690; 682249, 2894674; 682237, 2894638; 682251, 2894619; 682376, 2894660; 682449, 2894721; 682296, 2894729; 682289, 2894719; Thence returning to 682306, 2894703.

(ii) Unit TX-3, Subunit B, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

674863, 2928580; 674898, 2928593; 674974, 2928549; 674982, 2928523; 674968, 2928499; 674923, 2928491; 674854, 2928442; 674813, 2928432; 674767, 2928449; 674707, 2928497; 674730, 2928585; 674706, 2928653; 674713, 2928698; 674841, 2928600; Thence returning to 674863, 2928580.

674182, 2930854; 674238, 2930763; 674263, 2930766; 674234, 2930696; 674191, 2930660; 674175, 2930662; 674162, 2930705; 674187, 2930793; 674180, 2930859; Thence returning to 674182, 2930854.

674146, 2930966; 674146, 2930955; 674141, 2930965; Thence returning to 674146, 2930966.

673605, 2933059; 673625, 2933052; 673631, 2933030; 673621, 2933022; Thence returning to 673605, 2933059.

672719, 2935154; 672772, 2935019; 672723, 2935055; 672694, 2935004; 672646, 2935079; 672652, 2935133; 672681, 2935108; Thence returning to 672719, 2935154.

672639, 2935445; 672653, 2935425; 672580, 2935471; 672593, 2935510; Thence returning to 672639, 2935445.

671473, 2938015; 671498, 2938008; 671524, 2938035; 671560, 2938032; 671635, 2938013; 671657, 2937975; 671623, 2937966; 671617, 2937928; 671596, 2937991; 671540, 2937980; 671552, 2937938; 671525, 2937925; 671593, 2937890; 671575, 2937859; 671553, 2937855; 671520, 2937865; 671505, 2937918; 671476, 2937898; 671448, 2937904; 671403, 2937991; 671418, 2938062; 671438, 2938060; Thence returning to 671473, 2938015.

671754, 2938202; 671772, 2938118; 671766, 2938079; 671791, 2938053; 671802, 2938004; 671768, 2937987; 671763, 2937950; 671794, 2937911; 671787, 2937819; 671705, 2937894; 671719, 2937955; 671655, 2938036; 671618, 2938063; 671586, 2938044; 671549, 2938081; 671521, 2938084; 671514, 2938128; 671459, 2938116; 671543, 2938162; 671547, 2938194; 671583, 2938203; 671677, 2938272; 671731, 2938336; 671752, 2938318; 671754, 2938202; 671656, 2938087; 671717, 2938054; 671738, 2938092; 671655, 2938113; Thence returning to 671656, 2938087.

663458, 2938608; 663397, 2938598; 663367, 2938569; 663357, 2938599; 663423, 2938637; Thence returning to 663458, 2938608.

669112, 2938701; 669101, 2938699; 669087, 2938727; 669020, 2938958; 668990, 2939018; 669017, 2939020; 669074, 2938881; Thence returning to 669112, 2938701.

671897, 2938877; 671827, 2938745; 671750, 2938687; 671701, 2938564; 671683, 2938558; 671658, 2938519; 671683, 2938514; 671731, 2938533; 671724, 2938482; 671708, 2938494; 671669, 2938456; 671639, 2938472; 671611, 2938458; 671613, 2938507; 671648, 2938592; 671617, 2938625; 671845, 2938838; 671848, 2938862; 671828, 2938868; 671842, 2938927; 671831, 2939009; 671789, 2939053; 671853, 2939060; 671871, 2939046; 671901, 2938921; Thence returning to 671897, 2938877.

673605, 2933059; 673585, 2933022; 673504, 2932999; 673304, 2932785; 673270, 2932678; 673280, 2932657; 673307, 2932659; 673306, 2932625; 673273, 2932602; 673270, 2932570; 673299, 2932551; 673364, 2932603; 673417, 2932588; 673396, 2932540; 673345, 2932537; 673309, 2932493; 673359, 2932386; 673417, 2932326; 673616, 2932313; 673665, 2932279; 673761, 2932297; 673868, 2932348; 673908, 2932343; 673831, 2932283; 673813, 2932282; 673790, 2932261; 673762, 2932245; 673747, 2932206; 673698, 2932164; 673715, 2932121; 673696, 2932107; 673712, 2932081; 673618, 2932085; 673560, 2932032; 673579, 2931955; 673682, 2931925; 673677, 2931901; 673617, 2931882; 673604, 2931864; 673608, 2931746; 673733, 2931616; 673758, 2931573; 673720, 2931569; 673642, 2931618; 673528, 2931592; 673477, 2931620; 673443, 2931621; 673417, 2931588; 673421, 2931542; 673573, 2931353; 673638, 2931328; 673718, 2931361; 673771, 2931500; 673825, 2931544; 673833, 2931509; 673812, 2931445; 673879, 2931317; 673945, 2931243; 673962, 2931246; 673966, 2931298; 673988, 2931314; 674067, 2931175; 674078, 2931154; 674086, 2931136; 674089, 2931134; 674097, 2931110; 674057, 2931106; 674034, 2931170; 674000, 2931197; 673982, 2931189; 673975, 2931151; 674016, 2931056; 674007, 2931024; 673978, 2931086; 673952, 2931094; 673927, 2931134; 673910, 2931126; 673886, 2931030; 673955, 2930962; 673969, 2930929; 673957, 2930904; 673898, 2930953; 673817, 2930974; 673796, 2930998; 673866, 2931068; 673868, 2931134; 673846, 2931175; 673801, 2931176; 673801, 2931108; 673767, 2931086; 673763, 2931061; 673717, 2931090; 673695, 2931081; 673692, 2931030; 673747, 2930983; 673749, 2930904; 673801, 2930870; 673837, 2930814; 673825, 2930789; 673773, 2930818; 673793, 2930751; 673782, 2930705; 673842, 2930644; 673881, 2930673; 673915, 2930635; 673950, 2930627; 673965, 2930562; 673921, 2930522; 673933, 2930450; 674007, 2930417; 674038, 2930346; 674048, 2930257; 674249, 2930072; 674285, 2930056; 674350, 2930093; 674526, 2930100; 674521, 2930081; 674440, 2930048; 674475, 2929972; 674499, 2929958; 674486, 2929929; 674533, 2929885; 674526, 2929855; 674394, 2929802; 674294, 2929718; 674317, 2929631; 674310, 2929577; 674330, 2929539; 674282, 2929481; 674279, 2929431; 674290, 2929410; 674406, 2929456; 674492, 2929465; 674578, 2929580; 674645, 2929609; 674652, 2929596; 674634, 2929572; 674613, 2929539; 674610, 2929494; 674626, 2929466; 674664, 2929458; 674654, 2929445; 674628, 2929450; 674633, 2929418; 674587, 2929461; 674550, 2929466; 674565, 2929390; 674499, 2929362; 674452, 2929300; 674397, 2929279; 674384, 2929257; 674395, 2929137; 674432, 2929122; 674470, 2929236; 674504, 2929269; 674544, 2929284; 674621, 2929255; 674612, 2929219; 674713, 2929207; 674719, 2929190; 674701, 2929181; 674588, 2929187; 674546, 2929225; 674523, 2929222; 674520, 2929199; 674570, 2929127; 674533, 2929085; 674524, 2929045; 674578, 2928952; 674651, 2928913; 674729, 2928930; 674730, 2928906; 674711, 2928876; 674729, 2928796; 674718, 2928841; 674684, 2928880; 674575, 2928912; 674524, 2928974; 674445, 2929000; 674434, 2929033; 674349, 2929068; 674276, 2929045; 674136, 2929060; 674074, 2929042; 674012, 2928927; 673893, 2928848; 673861, 2928801; 673878, 2928732; 673842, 2928637; 673864, 2928587; 673952, 2928536; 674094, 2928500; 674203, 2928519; 674290, 2928485; 674324, 2928513; 674370, 2928511; 674404, 2928534; 674464, 2928521; 674494, 2928487; 674539, 2928467; 674605, 2928385; 674536, 2928407; 674468, 2928388; 674380, 2928390; 674198, 2928458; 674029, 2928450; 673982, 2928421; 673956, 2928380; 674045, 2928254; 674042, 2928214; 674016, 2928222; 673897, 2928323; 673879, 2928309; 673884, 2928286; 673974, 2928139; 674078, 2928072; 674074, 2928050; 674037, 2928050; 674039, 2927968; 674079, 2927938; 674138, 2927928; 674178, 2927934; 674181, 2928009; 674216, 2928031; 674308, 2927958; 674335, 2927977; 674394, 2927975; 674481, 2927948; 674571, 2927946; 674600, 2927917; 674636, 2927912; 674644, 2927934; 674583, 2927994; 674580, 2928015; 674705, 2927981; 674788, 2928007; 674821, 2928046; 674880, 2928195; 674922, 2928246; 675028, 2928226; 675019, 2928168; 674974, 2928168; 674950, 2928131; 674917, 2928123; 674859, 2928075; 674838, 2928021; 674847, 2927998; 674944, 2928001; 675030, 2928069; 675183, 2928126; 675057, 2928014; 675049, 2927971; 675098, 2927938; 675003, 2927865; 674992, 2927848; 674997, 2927796; 674927, 2927767; 674888, 2927694; 674808, 2927653; 674747, 2927655; 674641, 2927604; 674632, 2927585; 674705, 2927548; 674728, 2927547; 674757, 2927572; 674800, 2927551; 674835, 2927575; 674896, 2927577; 675014, 2927626; 675111, 2927641; 675107, 2927626; 675033, 2927599; 675026, 2927552; 675053, 2927514; 675030, 2927475; 675107, 2927457; 675063, 2927431; 675082, 2927391; 675173, 2927377; 675202, 2927357; 675106, 2927351; 675002, 2927420; 674934, 2927435; 674803, 2927424; 674744, 2927398; 674746, 2927373; 674809, 2927309; 674812, 2927256; 674914, 2927185; 675019, 2927174; 675099, 2927186; 675243, 2927263; 675292, 2927248; 675421, 2927292; 675401, 2927267; 675355, 2927252; 675388, 2927214; 675425, 2927210; 675367, 2927175; 675382, 2927124; 675345, 2927070; 675299, 2927042; 675246, 2927034; 675204, 2926986; 675035, 2926886; 674525, 2926758; 674482, 2926764; 674444, 2926804; 674463, 2926864; 674617, 2926853; 674637, 2926873; 674507, 2926930; 674571, 2926937; 674594, 2927000; 674616, 2926979; 674719, 2926984; 674727, 2927082; 674782, 2927109; 674807, 2927146; 674754, 2927297; 674720, 2927335; 674692, 2927340; 674635, 2927291; 674662, 2927261; 674714, 2927247; 674700, 2927199; 674609, 2927170; 674581, 2927190; 674438, 2927090; 674211, 2926871; 674116, 2926755; 674099, 2926701; 674109, 2926638; 674149, 2926596; 674270, 2926581; 674597, 2926646; 674610, 2926627; 674646, 2926635; 674894, 2926764; 675217, 2926891; 675456, 2927023; 675477, 2927015; 675461, 2926946; 675503, 2926936; 675518, 2926903; 675532, 2926909; 675550, 2926901; 675545, 2926842; 675420, 2926836; 675376, 2926801; 675363, 2926770; 675368, 2926717; 675414, 2926669; 675463, 2926645; 675503, 2926648; 675535, 2926605; 675535, 2926541; 675520, 2926542; 675495, 2926506; 675487, 2926431; 675509, 2926386; 675514, 2926299; 675491, 2926295; 675442, 2926334; 675404, 2926396; 675415, 2926428; 675408, 2926483; 675395, 2926494; 675386, 2926460; 675372, 2926459; 675352, 2926538; 675268, 2926609; 675277, 2926678; 675328, 2926668; 675339, 2926678; 675334, 2926768; 675137, 2926699; 675123, 2926659; 675069, 2926609; 675044, 2926523; 675105, 2926464; 675097, 2926402; 675152, 2926293; 675173, 2926203; 675167, 2926177; 675143, 2926183; 675114, 2926259; 675081, 2926274; 675067, 2926309; 675011, 2926347; 674980, 2926350; 674944, 2926326; 674952, 2926283; 675047, 2926213; 675047, 2926182; 674999, 2926177; 674949, 2926242; 674901, 2926249; 674872, 2926231; 674906, 2926200; 674900, 2926176; 674854, 2926200; 674827, 2926198; 674792, 2926170; 674785, 2926146; 674683, 2926102; 674637, 2926049; 674584, 2926062; 674562, 2926021; 674582, 2925991; 674541, 2925971; 674523, 2925923; 674627, 2925819; 674725, 2925803; 674866, 2925706; 675011, 2925704; 675048, 2925688; 675057, 2925660; 675139, 2925677; 675152, 2925611; 675119, 2925602; 675070, 2925622; 675052, 2925560; 675007, 2925588; 675043, 2925504; 675037, 2925470; 675006, 2925460; 674979, 2925506; 674968, 2925569; 674921, 2925574; 674867, 2925661; 674722, 2925717; 674679, 2925719; 674666, 2925670; 674733, 2925665; 674758, 2925639; 674739, 2925626; 674630, 2925633; 674612, 2925607; 674619, 2925557; 674684, 2925537; 674754, 2925569; 674809, 2925560; 674876, 2925576; 674900, 2925484; 674996, 2925394; 675042, 2925290; 675218, 2925128; 675281, 2925103; 675308, 2925105; 675338, 2925143; 675415, 2925167; 675557, 2925258; 675652, 2925365; 675711, 2925485; 675761, 2925547; 675805, 2925555; 675897, 2925539; 676002, 2925571; 676013, 2925565; 676011, 2925515; 675977, 2925456; 675847, 2925331; 675841, 2925228; 675864, 2925190; 675848, 2925133; 675882, 2925117; 675870, 2925080; 675888, 2925042; 675735, 2925033; 675705, 2925009; 675698, 2924980; 675727, 2924943; 675713, 2924892; 675721, 2924869; 675815, 2924848; 675865, 2924777; 675851, 2924760; 675818, 2924776; 675825, 2924713; 675842, 2924695; 675879, 2924691; 675916, 2924593; 675857, 2924544; 675845, 2924508; 675899, 2924500; 675938, 2924521; 675992, 2924517; 676032, 2924557; 676069, 2924555; 676118, 2924615; 676145, 2924599; 676154, 2924572; 676171, 2924561; 676155, 2924493; 676165, 2924363; 676189, 2924309; 676115, 2924259; 676078, 2924258; 676054, 2924290; 676067, 2924378; 676033, 2924458; 675992, 2924474; 675948, 2924459; 675942, 2924412; 676001, 2924353; 676008, 2924328; 675949, 2924336; 675924, 2924264; 675848, 2924306; 675785, 2924288; 675768, 2924261; 675777, 2924215; 675845, 2924107; 675745, 2924087; 675715, 2924055; 675726, 2924037; 675787, 2924033; 675843, 2924007; 675888, 2923919; 675964, 2923835; 675964, 2923815; 675928, 2923811; 675878, 2923882; 675854, 2923888; 675783, 2923856; 675705, 2923847; 675676, 2923816; 675691, 2923771; 675770, 2923727; 675773, 2923679; 675839, 2923649; 675857, 2923620; 675824, 2923582; 675771, 2923623; 675697, 2923614; 675667, 2923537; 675696, 2923525; 675724, 2923573; 675751, 2923584; 675777, 2923537; 675852, 2923538; 675883, 2923498; 675965, 2923473; 675939, 2923441; 675965, 2923392; 676001, 2923361; 675954, 2923325; 675934, 2923285; 675892, 2923262; 675884, 2923236; 675922, 2923190; 675943, 2923190; 675968, 2923114; 675962, 2923102; 675936, 2923104; 675936, 2923087; 675951, 2923054; 676001, 2923014; 675947, 2922997; 675940, 2922978; 675965, 2922902; 675993, 2922887; 675993, 2922861; 675903, 2922860; 675893, 2922834; 675914, 2922828; 675918, 2922808; 675970, 2922808; 675999, 2922727; 675975, 2922722; 675938, 2922760; 675885, 2922776; 675857, 2922828; 675827, 2922849; 675749, 2922850; 675587, 2922934; 675511, 2922933; 675424, 2922977; 675377, 2922946; 675387, 2922916; 675426, 2922914; 675435, 2922933; 675481, 2922928; 675550, 2922900; 675565, 2922872; 675397, 2922871; 675242, 2922963; 675127, 2922950; 675009, 2922979; 674966, 2922964; 674981, 2922927; 675055, 2922878; 675225, 2922844; 675306, 2922855; 675349, 2922835; 675473, 2922818; 675541, 2922780; 675625, 2922848; 675644, 2922811; 675616, 2922763; 675740, 2922729; 675723, 2922780; 675685, 2922809; 675692, 2922828; 675723, 2922826; 675764, 2922778; 675804, 2922770; 675843, 2922702; 675845, 2922634; 675772, 2922620; 675772, 2922576; 675833, 2922494; 675897, 2922460; 675842, 2922459; 675799, 2922511; 675735, 2922544; 675721, 2922537; 675722, 2922520; 675751, 2922476; 675698, 2922459; 675646, 2922533; 675617, 2922548; 675633, 2922473; 675580, 2922490; 675583, 2922457; 670674, 2922383; 670499, 2922927; 670441, 2923229; 670342, 2923589; 670250, 2923851; 670118, 2924365; 669980, 2924797; 669886, 2925022; 669734, 2925199; 669450, 2925611; 669154, 2925969; 668970, 2926128; 668810, 2926192; 668578, 2926384; 668366, 2926713; 667971, 2927255; 667821, 2927489; 667671, 2927676; 667594, 2927801; 667340, 2928315; 667108, 2928935; 666973, 2929408; 666887, 2929673; 666746, 2930025; 666482, 2930893; 666237, 2931520; 666185, 2931706; 666155, 2931887; 666094, 2932032; 666030, 2932248; 665748, 2932685; 665584, 2933032; 665462, 2933165; 665367, 2933308; 665084, 2933904; 664781, 2934778; 664589, 2935830; 664551, 2936146; 664560, 2936739; 664641, 2937161; 664656, 2937318; 664753, 2937646; 664754, 2937757; 664726, 2937854; 664691, 2937905; 664619, 2937933; 664531, 2937862; 664497, 2937855; 664387, 2937928; 664328, 2938007; 664304, 2938018; 664191, 2937966; 664134, 2938028; 664097, 2937946; 664051, 2937953; 664026, 2937991; 664025, 2938103; 664010, 2938134; 663985, 2938166; 663923, 2938190; 663883, 2938229; 663823, 2938344; 663809, 2938425; 663887, 2938608; 663865, 2938653; 663817, 2938660; 663776, 2938637; 663730, 2938486; 663739, 2938256; 663703, 2938002; 663754, 2937830; 663738, 2937792; 663700, 2937797; 663648, 2937856; 663621, 2937952; 663572, 2938002; 663562, 2938102; 663518, 2938148; 663496, 2938210; 663549, 2938233; 663527, 2938256; 663483, 2938249; 663460, 2938311; 663558, 2938290; 663583, 2938301; 663658, 2938263; 663644, 2938109; 663630, 2938131; 663622, 2938227; 663606, 2938223; 663602, 2938084; 663618, 2938060; 663646, 2938065; 663695, 2938237; 663700, 2938372; 663667, 2938566; 663603, 2938658; 663576, 2938635; 663630, 2938583; 663621, 2938550; 663506, 2938587; 663466, 2938658; 663416, 2938663; 663343, 2938634; 663322, 2938691; 663735, 2938721; 663808, 2938707; 664358, 2938763; 665030, 2938809; 665086, 2938788; 665098, 2938768; 665106, 2938623; 665027, 2938755; 664819, 2938765; 664789, 2938750; 664744, 2938690; 664627, 2938690; 664574, 2938665; 664501, 2938665; 664447, 2938587; 664432, 2938499; 664522, 2938342; 664534, 2938343; 664534, 2938360; 664499, 2938434; 664573, 2938434; 664598, 2938399; 664660, 2938381; 664664, 2938325; 664688, 2938305; 664718, 2938307; 664950, 2938409; 664976, 2938461; 665001, 2938436; 665063, 2938438; 665106, 2938609; 665116, 2938495; 665102, 2938389; 665154, 2938307; 665162, 2938327; 665137, 2938396; 665138, 2938436; 665211, 2938513; 665215, 2938613; 665237, 2938691; 665307, 2938759; 665346, 2938768; 665283, 2938684; 665318, 2938668; 665325, 2938625; 665365, 2938545; 665461, 2938422; 665581, 2938387; 665655, 2938397; 665703, 2938590; 665701, 2938670; 665646, 2938759; 665532, 2938819; 665618, 2938803; 665732, 2938808; 665703, 2938745; 665735, 2938661; 665737, 2938593; 665810, 2938534; 665810, 2938497; 665830, 2938469; 665877, 2938457; 665907, 2938419; 665968, 2938418; 666006, 2938434; 666028, 2938633; 666047, 2938551; 666053, 2938386; 666068, 2938368; 666132, 2938468; 666089, 2938626; 666081, 2938728; 666106, 2938790; 666136, 2938808; 666148, 2938809; 666129, 2938742; 666134, 2938638; 666157, 2938620; 666214, 2938613; 666271, 2938548; 666360, 2938504; 666562, 2938451; 666678, 2938446; 666751, 2938501; 666793, 2938615; 666948, 2938478; 667080, 2938432; 667167, 2938443; 667227, 2938480; 667286, 2938485; 667325, 2938509; 667402, 2938484; 667550, 2938477; 667619, 2938452; 667673, 2938498; 667731, 2938520; 667960, 2938492; 668026, 2938498; 668077, 2938519; 668127, 2938572; 668198, 2938712; 668318, 2938572; 668454, 2938575; 668489, 2938640; 668520, 2938659; 668528, 2938734; 668564, 2938785; 668593, 2938796; 668603, 2938827; 668632, 2938738; 668674, 2938704; 668711, 2938634; 668786, 2938570; 668912, 2938497; 669030, 2938472; 669095, 2938505; 669126, 2938560; 669181, 2938518; 669246, 2938499; 669344, 2938521; 669408, 2938565; 669478, 2938643; 669498, 2938707; 669477, 2938762; 669465, 2938969; 669485, 2938999; 669461, 2939024; 669517, 2939033; 669535, 2938937; 669577, 2938885; 669577, 2938805; 669539, 2938859; 669521, 2938857; 669560, 2938618; 669505, 2938572; 669509, 2938523; 669451, 2938504; 669435, 2938469; 669499, 2938487; 669538, 2938476; 669559, 2938513; 669607, 2938484; 669635, 2938507; 669694, 2938502; 669724, 2938472; 669640, 2938463; 669588, 2938377; 669569, 2938376; 669534, 2938410; 669519, 2938353; 669564, 2938355; 669567, 2938343; 669529, 2938317; 669453, 2938335; 669436, 2938380; 669395, 2938369; 669399, 2938428; 669351, 2938428; 669327, 2938480; 669306, 2938455; 669278, 2938452; 669139, 2938471; 669114, 2938407; 669076, 2938430; 668953, 2938447; 668921, 2938446; 668900, 2938426; 668979, 2938327; 669025, 2938226; 669136, 2938175; 669320, 2938016; 669434, 2938032; 669470, 2937979; 669503, 2937965; 669543, 2938000; 669538, 2938030; 669441, 2938105; 669355, 2938249; 669333, 2938261; 669291, 2938240; 669262, 2938249; 669273, 2938282; 669301, 2938298; 669355, 2938286; 669475, 2938149; 669564, 2938073; 669612, 2938061; 669654, 2938103; 669676, 2938102; 669765, 2938011; 669844, 2937990; 669910, 2938011; 669926, 2938110; 670075, 2938050; 670191, 2938047; 670244, 2938090; 670223, 2938114; 670160, 2938116; 670162, 2938138; 670188, 2938150; 670244, 2938138; 670334, 2938058; 670403, 2938067; 670393, 2938008; 670472, 2937943; 670509, 2937975; 670490, 2938036; 670579, 2938066; 670587, 2938120; 670620, 2938141; 670676, 2938149; 670767, 2938112; 670830, 2938067; 670866, 2938065; 670875, 2938080; 670858, 2938104; 670932, 2938126; 670990, 2938106; 670985, 2938088; 670930, 2938073; 670951, 2938024; 670940, 2937997; 670917, 2938018; 670788, 2938007; 670813, 2937978; 670885, 2937966; 670869, 2937919; 670832, 2937929; 670825, 2937951; 670776, 2937940; 670758, 2937990; 670707, 2937954; 670685, 2937967; 670681, 2937991; 670758, 2938021; 670783, 2938040; 670778, 2938050; 670673, 2938087; 670621, 2938072; 670601, 2938042; 670604, 2937998; 670554, 2937981; 670477, 2937868; 670492, 2937823; 670466, 2937775; 670464, 2937720; 670491, 2937664; 670470, 2937621; 670531, 2937606; 670591, 2937655; 670688, 2937685; 670757, 2937728; 670813, 2937724; 670920, 2937800; 670971, 2937878; 671028, 2937886; 671028, 2937903; 670969, 2937919; 670970, 2937961; 671013, 2937988; 671038, 2937975; 671081, 2937993; 671121, 2938047; 671103, 2938089; 671149, 2938114; 671146, 2938137; 671216, 2938180; 671247, 2938143; 671267, 2938140; 671281, 2938098; 671321, 2938055; 671360, 2938036; 671356, 2937989; 671295, 2938025; 671202, 2938005; 671199, 2938024; 671217, 2938048; 671269, 2938061; 671215, 2938107; 671193, 2938059; 671167, 2938044; 671150, 2937994; 671182, 2937986; 671183, 2937957; 671146, 2937960; 671142, 2937933; 671073, 2937923; 671063, 2937910; 671070, 2937888; 671136, 2937898; 671156, 2937885; 671098, 2937858; 671041, 2937854; 671037, 2937837; 671089, 2937810; 671139, 2937840; 671221, 2937826; 671238, 2937841; 671231, 2937887; 671269, 2937900; 671287, 2937851; 671280, 2937827; 671297, 2937780; 671318, 2937762; 671271, 2937719; 671281, 2937671; 671220, 2937637; 671141, 2937550; 671119, 2937550; 671070, 2937593; 670890, 2937619; 670844, 2937589; 670767, 2937602; 670762, 2937572; 670805, 2937552; 670817, 2937531; 670759, 2937472; 670742, 2937427; 670749, 2937392; 670772, 2937370; 670918, 2937342; 671001, 2937351; 671097, 2937443; 671089, 2937474; 671065, 2937448; 671025, 2937444; 671060, 2937501; 671169, 2937506; 671206, 2937551; 671359, 2937653; 671472, 2937667; 671485, 2937684; 671483, 2937726; 671510, 2937698; 671539, 2937700; 671533, 2937757; 671549, 2937776; 671505, 2937788; 671499, 2937829; 671574, 2937806; 671654, 2937855; 671686, 2937835; 671688, 2937814; 671638, 2937791; 671646, 2937730; 671586, 2937727; 671568, 2937697; 671582, 2937677; 671651, 2937676; 671621, 2937626; 671628, 2937594; 671546, 2937584; 671475, 2937539; 671417, 2937537; 671326, 2937489; 671270, 2937493; 671258, 2937476; 671262, 2937433; 671210, 2937399; 671158, 2937336; 671152, 2937243; 671177, 2937215; 671217, 2937209; 671264, 2937174; 671277, 2937137; 671159, 2937158; 671096, 2937201; 670994, 2937205; 670977, 2937136; 671009, 2937088; 670977, 2937098; 670951, 2937085; 670957, 2937023; 670899, 2936943; 670958, 2936878; 671018, 2936877; 671112, 2936976; 671246, 2937015; 671324, 2937083; 671342, 2937135; 671513, 2937254; 671579, 2937380; 671684, 2937474; 671712, 2937521; 671716, 2937603; 671734, 2937661; 671731, 2937681; 671705, 2937702; 671721, 2937723; 671751, 2937732; 671788, 2937718; 671820, 2937563; 671858, 2937527; 671979, 2937531; 672037, 2937566; 672221, 2937610; 672225, 2937605; 672135, 2937489; 671957, 2937443; 671739, 2937232; 671688, 2937219; 671639, 2937182; 671607, 2937119; 671608, 2937051; 671640, 2936978; 671706, 2936970; 671867, 2937077; 671885, 2937157; 671926, 2937202; 672011, 2937257; 672067, 2937256; 672084, 2937216; 672003, 2937138; 672079, 2937130; 672088, 2937114; 671952, 2937078; 671920, 2937006; 671931, 2936945; 671965, 2936946; 671972, 2936990; 671989, 2937004; 672007, 2936998; 672024, 2936944; 672074, 2936973; 672094, 2936965; 672100, 2936943; 672072, 2936902; 672130, 2936877; 672202, 2936872; 672186, 2936846; 672192, 2936814; 672147, 2936790; 672138, 2936755; 672174, 2936750; 672191, 2936717; 672236, 2936690; 672365, 2936640; 672505, 2936678; 672533, 2936667; 672495, 2936639; 672297, 2936570; 672193, 2936457; 672171, 2936399; 672174, 2936334; 672149, 2936304; 672166, 2936275; 672092, 2936183; 672066, 2936112; 672071, 2936088; 672098, 2936058; 672201, 2936068; 672251, 2936047; 672347, 2936077; 672406, 2936073; 672436, 2936094; 672466, 2936060; 672521, 2936035; 672450, 2935983; 672421, 2935918; 672379, 2935869; 672387, 2935857; 672428, 2935863; 672469, 2935819; 672411, 2935757; 672358, 2935752; 672342, 2935713; 672392, 2935701; 672421, 2935710; 672486, 2935768; 672484, 2935804; 672575, 2935581; 672525, 2935560; 672391, 2935609; 672324, 2935575; 672316, 2935539; 672257, 2935556; 672110, 2935494; 672121, 2935480; 672191, 2935470; 672215, 2935435; 672392, 2935416; 672419, 2935387; 672408, 2935364; 672417, 2935302; 672317, 2935402; 672298, 2935391; 672376, 2935261; 672467, 2935169; 672528, 2935132; 672509, 2935102; 672449, 2935092; 672446, 2934967; 672490, 2934930; 672554, 2934916; 672565, 2934892; 672553, 2934881; 672472, 2934907; 672336, 2935033; 672332, 2935050; 672369, 2935058; 672412, 2935114; 672351, 2935236; 672282, 2935242; 672312, 2935274; 672263, 2935322; 672240, 2935371; 672164, 2935409; 672161, 2935392; 672214, 2935352; 672229, 2935314; 672208, 2935310; 672171, 2935339; 672138, 2935300; 672108, 2935299; 672102, 2935314; 672132, 2935346; 672103, 2935364; 672066, 2935427; 672034, 2935437; 671999, 2935406; 671974, 2935405; 671926, 2935463; 671877, 2935445; 671921, 2935399; 671920, 2935372; 671855, 2935388; 671851, 2935310; 671819, 2935323; 671787, 2935291; 671740, 2935306; 671736, 2935260; 671752, 2935245; 671905, 2935274; 671968, 2935253; 671991, 2935214; 672026, 2935196; 672027, 2935179; 671978, 2935187; 671933, 2935225; 671910, 2935219; 671911, 2935184; 671989, 2935108; 672062, 2935089; 672075, 2935062; 671992, 2935076; 671926, 2935040; 671572, 2935063; 671540, 2935049; 671536, 2935014; 671563, 2934983; 671632, 2934946; 671900, 2934890; 672161, 2934783; 672186, 2934727; 672233, 2934690; 672243, 2934646; 672275, 2934632; 672281, 2934589; 672310, 2934568; 672307, 2934551; 672282, 2934545; 672294, 2934499; 672376, 2934436; 672442, 2934417; 672519, 2934444; 672537, 2934486; 672530, 2934554; 672490, 2934581; 672464, 2934551; 672441, 2934549; 672429, 2934584; 672452, 2934620; 672408, 2934646; 672391, 2934633; 672388, 2934599; 672405, 2934531; 672383, 2934513; 672345, 2934528; 672337, 2934564; 672348, 2934606; 672335, 2934645; 672369, 2934672; 672371, 2934699; 672341, 2934752; 672283, 2934730; 672286, 2934783; 672303, 2934792; 672378, 2934775; 672414, 2934793; 672565, 2934815; 672629, 2934793; 672752, 2934785; 672821, 2934908; 672854, 2934870; 672907, 2934846; 672962, 2934880; 672986, 2934889; 673006, 2934906; 673028, 2934915; 673009, 2934874; 673029, 2934837; 672969, 2934819; 672921, 2934762; 672921, 2934662; 672943, 2934612; 672972, 2934592; 673016, 2934597; 673095, 2934649; 673116, 2934640; 673116, 2934608; 673087, 2934524; 673053, 2934490; 672931, 2934235; 672925, 2934155; 672949, 2934089; 672996, 2934061; 672977, 2933993; 672939, 2933993; 672953, 2933950; 673016, 2933901; 673100, 2933883; 673128, 2933846; 673054, 2933669; 672986, 2933674; 672972, 2933648; 673036, 2933591; 673111, 2933576; 673131, 2933576; 673167, 2933629; 673169, 2933543; 673200, 2933539; 673251, 2933484; 673249, 2933416; 673217, 2933429; 673132, 2933353; 673137, 2933299; 673177, 2933265; 673257, 2933258; 673251, 2933230; 673276, 2933210; 673366, 2933194; 673373, 2933211; 673446, 2933214; 673484, 2933201; 673530, 2933181; 673607, 2933207; 673648, 2933199; 673649, 2933146; 673628, 2933129; 673591, 2933130; 673558, 2933097; 673605, 2933059; 673460, 2933179; 673410, 2933186; 673336, 2933161; 673167, 2933192; 673061, 2933186; 672988, 2933162; 672887, 2933185; 672851, 2933178; 672777, 2933138; 672648, 2933000; 672707, 2932993; 672938, 2933048; 673123, 2933067; 673439, 2933152; 673460, 2933179; 672357, 2933108; 672416, 2933147; 672418, 2933177; 672447, 2933204; 672442, 2933222; 672333, 2933249; 672309, 2933242; 672284, 2933126; 672306, 2933101; 672357, 2933108; 672651, 2933240; 672622, 2933199; 672637, 2933145; 672699, 2933132; 672765, 2933197; 672737, 2933236; 672694, 2933249; 672651, 2933240; 672924, 2933270; 672981, 2933329; 673012, 2933316; 673035, 2933325; 673055, 2933399; 673054, 2933423; 673013, 2933456; 673025, 2933520; 672993, 2933580; 672934, 2933568; 672893, 2933475; 672777, 2933485; 672752, 2933442; 672753, 2933395; 672783, 2933354; 672875, 2933282; 672924, 2933270; 672522, 2933404; 672380, 2933425; 672367, 2933350; 672374, 2933335; 672397, 2933333; 672519, 2933368; 672539, 2933395; 672522, 2933404; 672324, 2933493; 672324, 2933508; 672245, 2933535; 672215, 2933588; 672183, 2933610; 672170, 2933615; 672151, 2933593; 672155, 2933531; 672179, 2933505; 672324, 2933493; 672277, 2933545; 672354, 2933544; 672355, 2933502; 672438, 2933502; 672460, 2933517; 672368, 2933620; 672314, 2933658; 672277, 2933644; 672255, 2933659; 672229, 2933643; 672230, 2933612; 672277, 2933545; 672547, 2933665; 672544, 2933641; 672598, 2933635; 672620, 2933653; 672611, 2933682; 672547, 2933665; 672761, 2933655; 672729, 2933584; 672729, 2933554; 672747, 2933533; 672777, 2933531; 672804, 2933543; 672841, 2933595; 672841, 2933648; 672801, 2933687; 672775, 2933678; 672761, 2933655; 672843, 2933684; 672873, 2933660; 672890, 2933605; 672911, 2933602; 672947, 2933661; 672896, 2933737; 672862, 2933755; 672820, 2933732; 672843, 2933684; 672501, 2933711; 672590, 2933716; 672651, 2933745; 672754, 2933718; 672795, 2933817; 672738, 2933899; 672735, 2933950; 672694, 2933938; 672637, 2933871; 672608, 2933880; 672619, 2933917; 672542, 2933948; 672476, 2933936; 672382, 2933889; 672392, 2933835; 672469, 2933793; 672443, 2933724; 672467, 2933708; 672501, 2933711; 672387, 2933810; 672351, 2933820; 672341, 2933784; 672303, 2933767; 672234, 2933807; 672211, 2933785; 672208, 2933760; 672255, 2933724; 672360, 2933725; 672393, 2933758; 672387, 2933810; 672936, 2933848; 672891, 2933838; 672890, 2933776; 672905, 2933759; 672987, 2933743; 673010, 2933724; 673049, 2933730; 673053, 2933747; 673028, 2933792; 673076, 2933830; 673076, 2933866; 673025, 2933868; 672992, 2933789; 672971, 2933881; 672924, 2933910; 672936, 2933848; 672589, 2933572; 672472, 2933618; 672439, 2933614; 672499, 2933527; 672619, 2933509; 672633, 2933549; 672589, 2933572; 672650, 2933956; 672709, 2933975; 672724, 2934013; 672689, 2934020; 672643, 2934001; 672625, 2933971; 672650, 2933956; 672922, 2934495; 672749, 2934525; 672658, 2934504; 672641, 2934454; 672590, 2934390; 672627, 2934350; 672626, 2934330; 672609, 2934314; 672552, 2934319; 672557, 2934280; 672669, 2934262; 672691, 2934304; 672759, 2934251; 672688, 2934247; 672674, 2934238; 672683, 2934209; 672785, 2934153; 672836, 2934147; 672963, 2934409; 672961, 2934466; 672922, 2934495; 672710, 2934576; 672722, 2934605; 672770, 2934603; 672796, 2934620; 672801, 2934670; 672788, 2934691; 672740, 2934698; 672680, 2934643; 672634, 2934737; 672580, 2934771; 672483, 2934748; 672440, 2934713; 672450, 2934675; 672505, 2934667; 672521, 2934627; 672561, 2934617; 672548, 2934582; 672564, 2934566; 672646, 2934546; 672693, 2934552; 672710, 2934576; 671879, 2934700; 671827, 2934739; 671771, 2934757; 671769, 2934707; 671819, 2934708; 671826, 2934671; 671797, 2934663; 671773, 2934607; 671754, 2934605; 671705, 2934638; 671690, 2934629; 671693, 2934609; 671743, 2934567; 671824, 2934557; 671896, 2934654; 671879, 2934700; 672098, 2934715; 672141, 2934717; 672141, 2934736; 672062, 2934748; 672034, 2934796; 671998, 2934798; 672001, 2934732; 672098, 2934715; 672427, 2935152; 672434, 2935167; 672414, 2935183; 672410, 2935168; 672427, 2935152; 671723, 2935573; 671807, 2935591; 671863, 2935580; 672068, 2935683; 672075, 2935704; 672047, 2935748; 672080, 2935819; 672073, 2935870; 672017, 2935914; 671935, 2935922; 671839, 2935899; 671761, 2935858; 671688, 2935780; 671654, 2935689; 671659, 2935597; 671682, 2935571; 671723, 2935573; 671416, 2935841; 671456, 2935864; 671548, 2935854; 671560, 2935896; 671546, 2935931; 671525, 2935955; 671491, 2935949; 671461, 2935998; 671445, 2936001; 671437, 2935920; 671413, 2935906; 671345, 2935924; 671332, 2935907; 671358, 2935841; 671416, 2935841; 671678, 2935982; 671704, 2935988; 671711, 2936025; 671662, 2936059; 671605, 2936083; 671543, 2936066; 671532, 2936049; 671569, 2936042; 671600, 2936002; 671678, 2935982; 671933, 2936073; 672019, 2936092; 672064, 2936216; 672066, 2936298; 672045, 2936322; 671998, 2936335; 671899, 2936335; 671855, 2936389; 671877, 2936400; 671941, 2936361; 671996, 2936369; 672071, 2936475; 672139, 2936476; 672171, 2936496; 672274, 2936603; 672271, 2936642; 672085, 2936713; 672051, 2936696; 672029, 2936662; 671983, 2936652; 671935, 2936578; 671907, 2936590; 671915, 2936676; 671803, 2936577; 671713, 2936648; 671681, 2936715; 671584, 2936700; 671545, 2936712; 671517, 2936697; 671464, 2936636; 671462, 2936594; 671477, 2936571; 671612, 2936513; 671669, 2936557; 671696, 2936565; 671721, 2936552; 671730, 2936491; 671714, 2936362; 671807, 2936276; 671830, 2936235; 671838, 2936180; 671874, 2936158; 671933, 2936073; 671507, 2936178; 671529, 2936192; 671588, 2936182; 671594, 2936199; 671491, 2936273; 671355, 2936335; 671328, 2936331; 671365, 2936291; 671354, 2936274; 671262, 2936305; 671096, 2936304; 671083, 2936319; 671082, 2936372; 671055, 2936360; 671041, 2936289; 671050, 2936252; 671086, 2936216; 671171, 2936189; 671218, 2936126; 671271, 2936115; 671311, 2936147; 671347, 2936115; 671352, 2936136; 671302, 2936210; 671318, 2936230; 671367, 2936182; 671420, 2936185; 671457, 2936100; 671489, 2936083; 671503, 2936098; 671495, 2936158; 671507, 2936178; 671142, 2936330; 671263, 2936335; 671269, 2936348; 671264, 2936369; 671236, 2936389; 671229, 2936429; 671138, 2936459; 671122, 2936443; 671123, 2936409; 671167, 2936364; 671133, 2936348; 671142, 2936330; 671366, 2936374; 671429, 2936386; 671439, 2936413; 671471, 2936427; 671489, 2936422; 671475, 2936390; 671487, 2936378; 671575, 2936388; 671592, 2936419; 671591, 2936457; 671562, 2936508; 671451, 2936561; 671433, 2936638; 671449, 2936680; 671444, 2936704; 671337, 2936752; 671350, 2936817; 671300, 2936854; 671257, 2936824; 671265, 2936776; 671297, 2936745; 671309, 2936671; 671378, 2936630; 671391, 2936592; 671371, 2936573; 671282, 2936590; 671273, 2936573; 671298, 2936538; 671275, 2936529; 671222, 2936547; 671203, 2936603; 671147, 2936522; 671172, 2936490; 671366, 2936374; 670928, 2936625; 671217, 2936735; 671149, 2936749; 671007, 2936735; 670907, 2936639; 670913, 2936623; 670928, 2936625; 671778, 2936721; 671798, 2936625; 671816, 2936624; 671863, 2936665; 671848, 2936767; 671830, 2936788; 671795, 2936772; 671778, 2936721; 671893, 2935990; 671909, 2936007; 671867, 2936058; 671822, 2936050; 671893, 2935990; 672318, 2935788; 672349, 2935807; 672343, 2935838; 672308, 2935823; 672318, 2935788; 672144, 2935672; 672194, 2935704; 672194, 2935729; 672133, 2935694; 672144, 2935672; 671826, 2937445; 671766, 2937430; 671609, 2937327; 671582, 2937266; 671585, 2937207; 671605, 2937204; 671766, 2937310; 671877, 2937409; 671871, 2937428; 671826, 2937445; 671787, 2937518; 671761, 2937511; 671759, 2937493; 671852, 2937488; 671787, 2937518; 669646, 2936904; 669641, 2936932; 669687, 2936968; 669743, 2936913; 669723, 2936973; 669674, 2937030; 669659, 2936997; 669639, 2937005; 669611, 2936985; 669615, 2936915; 669646, 2936904; 669762, 2936967; 669779, 2937034; 669770, 2937087; 669748, 2937101; 669727, 2937078; 669687, 2937121; 669681, 2937098; 669705, 2937043; 669737, 2937017; 669762, 2936967; 669843, 2937117; 669825, 2937077; 669830, 2937041; 669847, 2937045; 669858, 2937094; 669883, 2937056; 669909, 2937069; 669874, 2937134; 669843, 2937117; 669460, 2937207; 669459, 2937253; 669528, 2937219; 669590, 2937242; 669598, 2937275; 669536, 2937356; 669516, 2937353; 669532, 2937311; 669515, 2937286; 669487, 2937327; 669470, 2937317; 669453, 2937336; 669425, 2937338; 669412, 2937306; 669370, 2937355; 669378, 2937263; 669436, 2937193; 669460, 2937207; 671097, 2937743; 671036, 2937734; 671004, 2937687; 671068, 2937675; 671096, 2937695; 671160, 2937671; 671164, 2937692; 671097, 2937743; 670294, 2937707; 670348, 2937721; 670412, 2937766; 670363, 2937772; 670342, 2937790; 670310, 2937781; 670246, 2937808; 670241, 2937796; 670269, 2937762; 670268, 2937731; 670176, 2937713; 670232, 2937676; 670256, 2937675; 670294, 2937707; 670192, 2937808; 670110, 2937852; 670060, 2937839; 670012, 2937846; 669992, 2937830; 670024, 2937800; 670067, 2937797; 670107, 2937749; 670192, 2937808; 669325, 2937835; 669331, 2937856; 669318, 2937867; 669210, 2937939; 669212, 2937968; 669263, 2937981; 669254, 2938007; 669183, 2938012; 669157, 2938040; 669125, 2938043; 669078, 2938079; 669028, 2938067; 668922, 2938132; 668860, 2938106; 668880, 2938061; 668933, 2938018; 669059, 2938003; 669130, 2937985; 669159, 2937962; 669149, 2937935; 669077, 2937932; 669078, 2937915; 669121, 2937894; 669176, 2937902; 669325, 2937835; 669076, 2938097; 669107, 2938109; 669106, 2938141; 669083, 2938163; 669038, 2938141; 669076, 2938097; 666043, 2938123; 666005, 2938398; 665988, 2938334; 666000, 2938190; 666019, 2938124; 666043, 2938123; 665902, 2938357; 665884, 2938295; 665892, 2938262; 665928, 2938293; 665902, 2938357; 664223, 2938295; 664242, 2938297; 664290, 2938374; 664395, 2938421; 664321, 2938634; 664286, 2938615; 664246, 2938654; 664188, 2938639; 664147, 2938654; 664099, 2938633; 664001, 2938530; 663969, 2938476; 663964, 2938435; 664012, 2938371; 664023, 2938388; 663991, 2938458; 664011, 2938460; 664134, 2938303; 664223, 2938295; 669889, 2937892; 669920, 2937911; 669884, 2937945; 669847, 2937938; 669852, 2937917; 669889, 2937892; 666239, 2938399; 666152, 2938521; 666170, 2938419; 666222, 2938375; 666246, 2938378; 666239, 2938399; 665325, 2938543; 665313, 2938539; 665316, 2938500; 665337, 2938487; 665325, 2938543; 672626, 2932964; 672576, 2932939; 672519, 2932887; 672513, 2932866; 672541, 2932858; 672635, 2932916; 672644, 2932957; 672626, 2932964; 672815, 2932413; 672885, 2932427; 673123, 2932585; 673167, 2932674; 673167, 2932722; 673050, 2932677; 672928, 2932555; 672816, 2932491; 672798, 2932461; 672815, 2932413; 673111, 2932394; 673085, 2932391; 673035, 2932339; 673050, 2932302; 673120, 2932305; 673182, 2932241; 673244, 2932222; 673320, 2932258; 673330, 2932364; 673289, 2932390; 673207, 2932401; 673167, 2932328; 673139, 2932399; 673111, 2932394; 673575, 2931125; 673609, 2931120; 673615, 2931173; 673572, 2931295; 673528, 2931313; 673524, 2931194; 673575, 2931125; 673967, 2930178; 673967, 2930158; 673906, 2930106; 673916, 2930035; 673956, 2929997; 674049, 2929955; 674091, 2929953; 674136, 2929978; 674150, 2930071; 674172, 2930104; 674108, 2930192; 673999, 2930218; 673956, 2930208; 673967, 2930178; 673758, 2930158; 673654, 2930170; 673556, 2930150; 673356, 2930058; 673294, 2930011; 673251, 2929956; 673258, 2929838; 673305, 2929701; 673383, 2929609; 673469, 2929547; 673495, 2929477; 673566, 2929413; 673611, 2929430; 673638, 2929478; 673586, 2929711; 673634, 2929866; 673692, 2929951; 673750, 2930002; 673838, 2930027; 673874, 2930062; 673868, 2930102; 673839, 2930137; 673758, 2930158; 674409, 2927515; 674453, 2927519; 674537, 2927558; 674567, 2927583; 674562, 2927608; 674546, 2927622; 674503, 2927620; 674399, 2927580; 674386, 2927544; 674409, 2927515; 674815, 2925502; 674789, 2925481; 674669, 2925489; 674636, 2925422; 674679, 2925395; 674806, 2925404; 674856, 2925501; 674831, 2925515; 674815, 2925502; 674503, 2925415; 674361, 2925387; 674334, 2925352; 674376, 2925307; 674477, 2925330; 674525, 2925360; 674523, 2925397; 674503, 2925415; 674781, 2924844; 674950, 2924832; 675008, 2924798; 675045, 2924812; 675086, 2924876; 675036, 2924933; 675036, 2924968; 675056, 2925019; 675124, 2925112; 675121, 2925136; 675081, 2925156; 674963, 2925167; 674946, 2925186; 674935, 2925266; 674899, 2925267; 674866, 2925246; 674770, 2925149; 674688, 2925024; 674652, 2924941; 674686, 2924868; 674781, 2924844; 675407, 2925021; 675330, 2924987; 675315, 2924939; 675337, 2924927; 675532, 2924948; 675524, 2924929; 675453, 2924910; 675444, 2924878; 675489, 2924828; 675572, 2924834; 675589, 2924890; 675566, 2924938; 675747, 2925099; 675791, 2925211; 675783, 2925223; 675743, 2925214; 675689, 2925168; 675407, 2925021; 675346, 2924875; 675312, 2924871; 675283, 2924824; 675207, 2924829; 675202, 2924802; 675211, 2924788; 675271, 2924776; 675340, 2924813; 675415, 2924818; 675399, 2924872; 675346, 2924875; 675591, 2924703; 675585, 2924663; 675440, 2924688; 675307, 2924667; 675132, 2924693; 675071, 2924663; 675104, 2924613; 675251, 2924549; 675430, 2924501; 675443, 2924508; 675445, 2924557; 675473, 2924569; 675516, 2924547; 675549, 2924549; 675617, 2924500; 675624, 2924443; 675583, 2924407; 675497, 2924459; 675454, 2924430; 675402, 2924481; 675348, 2924483; 675380, 2924427; 675375, 2924378; 675430, 2924341; 675481, 2924268; 675525, 2924282; 675545, 2924319; 675580, 2924316; 675616, 2924369; 675723, 2924325; 675777, 2924323; 675885, 2924391; 675898, 2924414; 675884, 2924452; 675858, 2924474; 675751, 2924510; 675734, 2924532; 675684, 2924625; 675665, 2924708; 675603, 2924751; 675582, 2924740; 675591, 2924703; 675804, 2924545; 675824, 2924547; 675888, 2924600; 675887, 2924621; 675815, 2924682; 675741, 2924689; 675720, 2924653; 675719, 2924622; 675772, 2924557; 675804, 2924545; 675285, 2924431; 675271, 2924438; 675254, 2924413; 675275, 2924372; 675268, 2924328; 675280, 2924306; 675301, 2924314; 675338, 2924263; 675344, 2924291; 675324, 2924320; 675336, 2924349; 675320, 2924404; 675285, 2924431; 674256, 2924257; 674182, 2924306; 674117, 2924327; 673883, 2924326; 673813, 2924279; 673762, 2924219; 673700, 2924055; 673717, 2923983; 673766, 2923880; 673850, 2923817; 673900, 2923705; 673920, 2923710; 673940, 2923744; 673967, 2923705; 674105, 2923643; 674136, 2923595; 674151, 2923459; 674091, 2923395; 674064, 2923310; 674046, 2923308; 674018, 2923334; 674011, 2923268; 673997, 2923283; 673990, 2923356; 673969, 2923381; 673949, 2923502; 674008, 2923582; 673958, 2923624; 673910, 2923637; 673872, 2923543; 673875, 2923405; 673912, 2923232; 673991, 2923102; 674013, 2923114; 674001, 2923184; 674031, 2923149; 674001, 2923012; 674043, 2922899; 674083, 2922834; 674118, 2922809; 674205, 2922774; 674333, 2922759; 674364, 2922763; 674421, 2922805; 674511, 2922951; 674561, 2923173; 674548, 2923451; 674508, 2923674; 674429, 2923904; 674417, 2923983; 674380, 2924077; 674256, 2924257; 675563, 2924234; 675424, 2924217; 675383, 2924193; 675370, 2924160; 675333, 2924181; 675271, 2924156; 675181, 2924151; 675174, 2924117; 675248, 2924065; 675258, 2924029; 675155, 2924065; 675142, 2924033; 675187, 2923999; 675091, 2923986; 675087, 2923968; 675161, 2923913; 675272, 2923906; 675326, 2923935; 675294, 2923992; 675299, 2924009; 675315, 2924008; 675353, 2923975; 675343, 2923901; 675385, 2923883; 675398, 2923935; 675421, 2923958; 675410, 2924014; 675439, 2924046; 675413, 2924088; 675437, 2924097; 675505, 2924060; 675532, 2924074; 675527, 2924094; 675484, 2924126; 675487, 2924143; 675570, 2924156; 675616, 2924146; 675692, 2924165; 675738, 2924127; 675757, 2924134; 675760, 2924167; 675744, 2924182; 675563, 2924234; 675653, 2923987; 675603, 2923976; 675640, 2923897; 675662, 2923943; 675749, 2923891; 675795, 2923895; 675784, 2923926; 675747, 2923959; 675653, 2923987; 675318, 2923877; 675214, 2923861; 675231, 2923845; 675333, 2923842; 675337, 2923864; 675318, 2923877; 675418, 2923844; 675356, 2923828; 675340, 2923805; 675373, 2923780; 675525, 2923793; 675509, 2923841; 675418, 2923844; 675201, 2923817; 675151, 2923861; 675128, 2923857; 675119, 2923827; 675172, 2923781; 675135, 2923747; 675112, 2923749; 675095, 2923771; 675100, 2923808; 675086, 2923831; 675051, 2923794; 674971, 2923779; 674905, 2923704; 674842, 2923671; 674826, 2923612; 674886, 2923540; 674966, 2923518; 674985, 2923533; 674973, 2923555; 674983, 2923588; 674934, 2923591; 674920, 2923617; 674948, 2923639; 674992, 2923640; 675054, 2923563; 675042, 2923528; 675067, 2923500; 675097, 2923483; 675134, 2923495; 675201, 2923477; 675225, 2923487; 675227, 2923515; 675152, 2923570; 675126, 2923564; 675127, 2923617; 675171, 2923637; 675172, 2923651; 675139, 2923674; 675101, 2923630; 675081, 2923631; 675059, 2923647; 675073, 2923690; 675187, 2923707; 675248, 2923676; 675256, 2923690; 675224, 2923724; 675308, 2923679; 675573, 2923684; 675640, 2923642; 675674, 2923647; 675609, 2923751; 675504, 2923731; 675448, 2923747; 675301, 2923746; 675246, 2923800; 675201, 2923817; 675487, 2923643; 675260, 2923638; 675203, 2923615; 675194, 2923572; 675212, 2923547; 675429, 2923575; 675572, 2923527; 675632, 2923553; 675650, 2923583; 675646, 2923608; 675621, 2923629; 675487, 2923643; 675597, 2923495; 675430, 2923447; 675322, 2923490; 675177, 2923447; 674979, 2923476; 674894, 2923470; 674952, 2923417; 675212, 2923332; 675240, 2923338; 675202, 2923396; 675331, 2923404; 675429, 2923372; 675535, 2923373; 675581, 2923354; 675815, 2923333; 675894, 2923356; 675919, 2923391; 675915, 2923412; 675877, 2923423; 675783, 2923409; 675670, 2923436; 675707, 2923454; 675823, 2923433; 675817, 2923474; 675770, 2923505; 675634, 2923513; 675597, 2923495; 675037, 2923329; 674970, 2923340; 674937, 2923396; 674896, 2923426; 674824, 2923441; 674765, 2923428; 674766, 2923396; 674784, 2923373; 674903, 2923328; 674935, 2923302; 675122, 2923249; 675217, 2923255; 675275, 2923214; 675316, 2923151; 675309, 2923132; 675338, 2923108; 675347, 2923131; 675336, 2923169; 675356, 2923198; 675379, 2923172; 675400, 2923207; 675422, 2923212; 675487, 2923178; 675544, 2923173; 675617, 2923213; 675516, 2923291; 675439, 2923310; 675318, 2923326; 675229, 2923303; 675037, 2923329; 675573, 2923125; 675593, 2923098; 675671, 2923115; 675659, 2923139; 675610, 2923147; 675573, 2923125; 675028, 2923240; 674859, 2923287; 674809, 2923281; 674791, 2923263; 674831, 2923210; 674963, 2923145; 675096, 2923125; 675258, 2923126; 675261, 2923142; 675194, 2923201; 675028, 2923240; 675224, 2923086; 675155, 2923081; 675149, 2923064; 675200, 2923016; 675300, 2922961; 675352, 2922961; 675356, 2923008; 675334, 2923022; 675311, 2922989; 675260, 2923012; 675241, 2923031; 675249, 2923050; 675293, 2923034; 675316, 2923041; 675275, 2923073; 675224, 2923086; 675645, 2922991; 675755, 2923015; 675597, 2923023; 675608, 2923002; 675645, 2922991; 675434, 2922785; 675369, 2922781; 675330, 2922760; 675448, 2922712; 675503, 2922644; 675480, 2922706; 675489, 2922759; 675472, 2922778; 675434, 2922785; 675264, 2922693; 675235, 2922690; 675212, 2922667; 675185, 2922737; 675166, 2922738; 675171, 2922683; 675195, 2922655; 675313, 2922623; 675315, 2922646; 675264, 2922693; 674082, 2923534; 674093, 2923497; 674081, 2923488; 674043, 2923515; 674010, 2923427; 674015, 2923406; 674054, 2923434; 674085, 2923434; 674125, 2923472; 674115, 2923584; 674095, 2923612; 674079, 2923602; 674072, 2923569; 674082, 2923534; 674000, 2923514; 673990, 2923522; 673972, 2923499; 673975, 2923464; 674000, 2923514; 675091, 2924329; 675113, 2924332; 675115, 2924365; 675091, 2924424; 675050, 2924467; 675039, 2924444; 675049, 2924378; 675091, 2924329; 675184, 2924465; 675204, 2924463; 675204, 2924489; 675147, 2924537; 675116, 2924545; 675090, 2924524; 675107, 2924497; 675184, 2924465; 675152, 2924358; 675156, 2924291; 675224, 2924281; 675238, 2924309; 675217, 2924353; 675182, 2924383; 675194, 2924408; 675124, 2924431; 675113, 2924416; 675152, 2924358; 675313, 2922529; 675365, 2922521; 675398, 2922544; 675479, 2922520; 675452, 2922555; 675408, 2922579; 675367, 2922585; 675330, 2922561; 675290, 2922594; 675264, 2922584; 675313, 2922529; 675263, 2926837; 675252, 2926859; 675241, 2926853; 675245, 2926822; 675263, 2926837; 675321, 2926860; 675415, 2926892; 675426, 2926919; 675394, 2926931; 675310, 2926897; 675300, 2926878; Thence returning to 675321, 2926860.

670292, 2939096; 670453, 2939096; 670388, 2939036; 670368, 2938988; 670383, 2938890; 670446, 2938757; 670451, 2938689; 670490, 2938666; 670458, 2938644; 670462, 2938623; 670473, 2938608; 670545, 2938634; 670571, 2938624; 670494, 2938581; 670503, 2938558; 670536, 2938551; 670574, 2938499; 670596, 2938499; 670638, 2938536; 670673, 2938522; 670718, 2938532; 670782, 2938502; 670751, 2938475; 670757, 2938466; 670838, 2938477; 670868, 2938497; 670951, 2938475; 670961, 2938447; 670913, 2938449; 670877, 2938428; 670723, 2938424; 670684, 2938411; 670658, 2938372; 670587, 2938382; 670579, 2938455; 670562, 2938473; 670517, 2938483; 670491, 2938459; 670437, 2938450; 670419, 2938461; 670423, 2938479; 670453, 2938503; 670457, 2938526; 670421, 2938549; 670399, 2938527; 670341, 2938579; 670354, 2938596; 670431, 2938611; 670377, 2938811; 670320, 2938767; 670318, 2938793; 670294, 2938789; 670276, 2938826; 670260, 2938831; 670249, 2938749; 670208, 2938704; 670191, 2938715; 670177, 2938703; 670175, 2938672; 670201, 2938648; 670171, 2938641; 670171, 2938623; 670264, 2938618; 670265, 2938602; 670231, 2938580; 670238, 2938553; 670340, 2938535; 670306, 2938511; 670305, 2938471; 670250, 2938451; 670329, 2938410; 670342, 2938377; 670310, 2938343; 670321, 2938326; 670347, 2938335; 670362, 2938276; 670289, 2938281; 670287, 2938322; 670231, 2938363; 670174, 2938354; 670157, 2938322; 670124, 2938341; 670078, 2938319; 670085, 2938344; 670138, 2938390; 670043, 2938437; 670031, 2938391; 669984, 2938351; 670032, 2938302; 670028, 2938280; 669975, 2938290; 669946, 2938328; 669909, 2938323; 669890, 2938301; 669856, 2938317; 669830, 2938271; 669801, 2938273; 669732, 2938207; 669712, 2938245; 669744, 2938277; 669767, 2938278; 669773, 2938309; 669812, 2938316; 669815, 2938334; 669757, 2938352; 669752, 2938402; 669785, 2938421; 669787, 2938437; 669770, 2938469; 669768, 2938530; 669721, 2938565; 669717, 2938596; 669742, 2938669; 669752, 2938679; 669789, 2938656; 669866, 2938667; 669953, 2938610; 670118, 2938641; 670267, 2938981; 670258, 2939060; 670232, 2939093; 670292, 2939096; 670298, 2938959; 670266, 2938944; 670266, 2938896; 670308, 2938922; 670298, 2938959; 669978, 2938525; 669996, 2938506; 670061, 2938522; 670118, 2938512; 670129, 2938496; 670101, 2938478; 670105, 2938453; 670177, 2938421; 670227, 2938451; 670178, 2938485; 670181, 2938502; 670275, 2938515; 670176, 2938554; 670018, 2938572; 669987, 2938560; 669978, 2938525; 669923, 2938488; 669910, 2938522; 669826, 2938516; 669815, 2938500; 669841, 2938432; 669951, 2938390; 669961, 2938415; Thence returning to 669923, 2938488.

671655, 2939193; 671708, 2939112; 671753, 2939073; 671727, 2939041; 671707, 2939065; 671674, 2939069; 671600, 2939146; 671544, 2939134; 671398, 2939183; 671522, 2939177; 671643, 2939211; Thence returning to 671655, 2939193.

(3) Subunit TX-3C: North Padre Island - Laguna Madre side: 20,597 hectares (50,897 acres) in Kenedy and Willacy Counties, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-3, Subunit C, Kenedy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

660914, 2947345; 660934, 2947241; 660920, 2947191; 660895, 2947165; 660772, 2947115; 660622, 2947094; 660587, 2947103; 660593, 2947133; 660741, 2947150; 660798, 2947189; 660819, 2947229; 660807, 2947283; 660773, 2947304; 660789, 2947339; Thence returning to 660914, 2947345.

660051, 2949154; 660103, 2949103; 660106, 2949060; 660078, 2949027; 659924, 2948973; 659877, 2948976; 659862, 2948996; 659865, 2949061; 659943, 2949148; 660002, 2949170; 660051, 2949154; 659957, 2949071; 659982, 2949083; 659967, 2949125; 659937, 2949107; Thence returning to 659957, 2949071.

659652, 2949142; 659607, 2949254; 659659, 2949276; 659742, 2949271; 659769, 2949218; 659768, 2949190; Thence returning to 659652, 2949142.

660301, 2949538; 660304, 2949471; 660019, 2949291; 659955, 2949340; 659933, 2949382; 659935, 2949490; 659970, 2949553; 659990, 2949479; 660009, 2949455; 660038, 2949449; 660080, 2949493; 660078, 2949521; 660043, 2949555; 660061, 2949560; 660083, 2949599; 660120, 2949593; 660142, 2949503; 660177, 2949480; 660210, 2949479; 660231, 2949529; 660232, 2949568; 660198, 2949614; 660246, 2949628; 660272, 2949618; Thence returning to 660301, 2949538.

656609, 2958744; 656633, 2958611; 656677, 2958721; 656706, 2958761; 656710, 2958746; 656652, 2958558; 656617, 2958506; 656550, 2958469; 656507, 2958490; 656450, 2958437; 656242, 2958394; 656160, 2958619; 656247, 2958542; 656278, 2958553; 656295, 2958622; 656290, 2958683; 656272, 2958728; 656236, 2958734; 656255, 2958820; 656307, 2958889; 656483, 2958989; 656506, 2959047; 656475, 2959277; 656334, 2959842; 656322, 2959969; 656379, 2959910; 656417, 2959755; 656504, 2959529; 656668, 2958951; 656592, 2958788; Thence returning to 656609, 2958744.

659878, 2964500; 659901, 2964501; 659936, 2964352; 659858, 2964408; 659790, 2964426; 659781, 2964445; 659788, 2964474; 659826, 2964514; 659861, 2964517; Thence returning to 659878, 2964500.

659647, 2965594; 659583, 2965611; 659559, 2965654; 659623, 2965655; Thence returning to 659647, 2965594.

652509, 2965602; 652511, 2965589; 652465, 2965601; 652500, 2965613; Thence returning to 652509, 2965602.

652343, 2965960; 652461, 2965920; 652553, 2965834; 652601, 2965742; 652614, 2965560; 652556, 2965575; 652569, 2965695; 652520, 2965734; 652509, 2965792; 652458, 2965844; 652440, 2965847; 652430, 2965827; 652481, 2965764; 652478, 2965747; 652452, 2965753; 652350, 2965857; 652306, 2965863; 652255, 2965842; 652207, 2965794; 652197, 2965763; 652207, 2965717; 652192, 2965677; 652100, 2965703; 652131, 2965787; 652106, 2965932; 652133, 2965949; Thence returning to 652343, 2965960.

656908, 2967435; 656905, 2967423; 656889, 2967433; 656891, 2967455; 656930, 2967563; 656943, 2967563; 656953, 2967536; Thence returning to 656908, 2967435.

655691, 2967939; 655653, 2967993; 655663, 2968033; 655711, 2967969; Thence returning to 655691, 2967939.

655662, 2968288; 655652, 2968212; 655615, 2968189; 655592, 2968091; 655551, 2968094; 655577, 2968220; 655571, 2968278; 655616, 2968281; 655639, 2968299; Thence returning to 655662, 2968288.

652426, 2968918; 652397, 2968620; 652376, 2968527; 652374, 2968421; 652350, 2968320; 652385, 2968199; 652353, 2968143; 652289, 2968178; 652267, 2968298; 652313, 2968791; 652335, 2968893; 652363, 2968886; Thence returning to 652426, 2968918.

652691, 2970473; 652580, 2970463; 652553, 2970435; 652547, 2970287; 652653, 2970224; 652621, 2970186; 652514, 2970123; 652502, 2970042; 652551, 2969930; 652502, 2969845; 652616, 2969737; 652623, 2969713; 652533, 2969703; 652494, 2969591; 652492, 2969431; 652464, 2969374; 652452, 2969295; 652419, 2969232; 652444, 2969173; 652430, 2968980; 652392, 2969038; 652396, 2969251; 652425, 2969507; 652415, 2969537; 652388, 2969547; 652395, 2969675; 652410, 2969698; 652418, 2969786; 652414, 2969824; 652391, 2969852; 652391, 2969891; 652424, 2969919; 652447, 2970200; 652425, 2970283; 652456, 2970519; 652489, 2970566; 652521, 2970750; 652522, 2970771; 652496, 2970787; 652505, 2970820; 652616, 2970735; 652596, 2970719; 652580, 2970667; 652576, 2970573; 652615, 2970519; 652702, 2970501; Thence returning to 652691, 2970473.

652808, 2973503; 652775, 2973493; 652796, 2973411; 652787, 2973299; 652771, 2973276; 652727, 2973274; 652746, 2973235; 652747, 2973191; 652790, 2973173; 652775, 2973127; 652802, 2973093; 652775, 2973064; 652732, 2973062; 652719, 2973045; 652737, 2972959; 652740, 2972774; 652712, 2972690; 652709, 2972615; 652732, 2972527; 652694, 2972416; 652717, 2972315; 652687, 2972301; 652673, 2972254; 652639, 2972280; 652629, 2972222; 652643, 2972186; 652703, 2972160; 652743, 2972103; 652743, 2972084; 652710, 2972034; 652626, 2972017; 652628, 2971964; 652665, 2971931; 652668, 2971896; 652650, 2971833; 652619, 2971860; 652609, 2971842; 652636, 2971746; 652699, 2971698; 652676, 2971668; 652697, 2971651; 652666, 2971629; 652647, 2971580; 652643, 2971489; 652662, 2971435; 652625, 2971320; 652624, 2971248; 652633, 2971234; 652758, 2971208; 652670, 2971193; 652596, 2971199; 652590, 2971182; 652620, 2971144; 652585, 2971050; 652568, 2971040; 652555, 2971064; 652553, 2971159; 652532, 2971145; 652522, 2971070; 652535, 2971004; 652610, 2970949; 652599, 2970897; 652633, 2970798; 652617, 2970796; 652582, 2970807; 652546, 2970858; 652506, 2970962; 652493, 2971056; 652709, 2973646; 652745, 2973552; Thence returning to 652808, 2973503.

652819, 2973816; 652805, 2973798; 652758, 2973798; 652745, 2973677; 652709, 2973667; 652741, 2973944; 652815, 2973951; 652829, 2973939; Thence returning to 652819, 2973816.

652879, 2974857; 652822, 2974867; 652850, 2975178; 652896, 2975144; 652930, 2975066; 652926, 2974967; Thence returning to 652879, 2974857.

652917, 2975240; 652860, 2975260; 652905, 2975605; 652939, 2975563; 652946, 2975528; 652941, 2975458; 652905, 2975386; 652928, 2975257; Thence returning to 652917, 2975240.

652980, 2975864; 652950, 2975874; 652917, 2975931; 652935, 2975979; 652921, 2976041; 652949, 2976067; 653031, 2976042; 652994, 2975989; Thence returning to 652980, 2975864.

653022, 2976085; 652970, 2976096; 652934, 2976134; 652980, 2976633; 653025, 2976562; 653039, 2976480; 653043, 2976287; 653009, 2976163; Thence returning to 653022, 2976085.

653101, 2977340; 653118, 2977339; 653116, 2977301; 653085, 2977167; 653072, 2977006; 653153, 2976920; 653156, 2976895; 653112, 2976898; 653059, 2976782; 652992, 2976745; 653070, 2977462; 653095, 2977448; Thence returning to 653101, 2977340.

653331, 2979122; 653388, 2979092; 653405, 2979060; 653291, 2979066; 653255, 2979016; 653220, 2978697; 653224, 2978516; 653193, 2978472; 653195, 2978251; 653216, 2978221; 653172, 2978156; 653193, 2978126; 653194, 2978098; 653173, 2978041; 653141, 2978002; 653138, 2977958; 653171, 2977790; 653162, 2977524; 653115, 2977518; 653075, 2977530; 653065, 2977557; 653093, 2977951; 653115, 2978231; 653144, 2978230; 653153, 2978245; 653148, 2978267; 653121, 2978276; 653228, 2979410; 653234, 2979447; 653258, 2979465; 653326, 2979464; 653287, 2979177; 653295, 2979146; Thence returning to 653331, 2979122.

653717, 2984000; 653721, 2983967; 653696, 2983967; 653637, 2984002; 653627, 2984037; 653658, 2984423; 653718, 2984289; Thence returning to 653717, 2984000.

653921, 2985522; 653942, 2985475; 653856, 2985426; 653832, 2985340; 653773, 2985283; 653768, 2985239; 653800, 2985075; 653751, 2985006; 653753, 2984627; 653733, 2984521; 653708, 2984490; 653663, 2984482; 653753, 2985509; Thence returning to 653921, 2985522.

653820, 2985843; 653852, 2985833; 653851, 2985618; 653780, 2985606; 653750, 2985637; 653782, 2985934; Thence returning to 653820, 2985843.

654156, 2987655; 654078, 2987652; 654057, 2987637; 654026, 2987423; 654003, 2987373; 654010, 2987344; 653991, 2987325; 653991, 2987260; 653948, 2987216; 653938, 2987185; 653947, 2987143; 653975, 2987105; 653964, 2986950; 653923, 2986956; 653888, 2986988; 653902, 2987200; 653952, 2987486; 654008, 2988708; 654065, 2988699; 654067, 2988606; 654098, 2988573; 654140, 2988481; 654107, 2988461; 654105, 2988428; 654074, 2988387; 654078, 2988327; 654110, 2988278; 654059, 2988238; 654052, 2988167; 654060, 2988133; 654094, 2988110; 654049, 2988050; 654031, 2987947; 654036, 2987894; 654066, 2987855; 654050, 2987802; 654068, 2987711; 654092, 2987679; Thence returning to 654156, 2987655.

654117, 2989518; 654087, 2989514; 654066, 2989491; 654080, 2989465; 654069, 2989193; 654098, 2989188; 654110, 2989126; 654172, 2989054; 654176, 2989029; 654137, 2988984; 654105, 2988892; 654103, 2988802; 654132, 2988763; 654010, 2988754; 654014, 2989477; 654050, 2989982; 654114, 2989925; 654131, 2989881; 654074, 2989760; 654126, 2989542; Thence returning to 654117, 2989518.

654117, 2990187; 654092, 2990177; 654115, 2990101; 654057, 2990070; 654088, 2990429; 654216, 2990421; 654224, 2990414; 654177, 2990369; 654156, 2990257; 654132, 2990238; Thence returning to 654117, 2990187.

654992, 2995294; 654963, 2995187; 654879, 2995101; 654810, 2995080; 654748, 2995137; 654727, 2995135; 654764, 2995035; 654770, 2994686; 654749, 2994576; 654686, 2994526; 654712, 2994658; 654663, 2994833; 654726, 2994981; 654697, 2995109; 654710, 2995243; 654822, 2995257; 654873, 2995291; Thence returning to 654992, 2995294.

654681, 2995683; 654969, 2995678; 655002, 2995603; 655045, 2995584; 655082, 2995585; 655117, 2995639; 655147, 2995658; 655391, 2995643; 655426, 2995595; 655476, 2995588; 655480, 2995326; 655444, 2995313; 654699, 2995346; 654703, 2995359; 654884, 2995377; 654897, 2995432; 654845, 2995610; 654643, 2995654; 654646, 2995682; 654681, 2995683; 655148, 2995350; 655218, 2995368; 655223, 2995457; 655158, 2995520; 655088, 2995523; 655040, 2995478; 655022, 2995390; 655038, 2995371; Thence returning to 655148, 2995350.

655715, 2995699; 656069, 2995689; 656090, 2995611; 656118, 2995576; 656172, 2995563; 656268, 2995597; 656353, 2995550; 656369, 2995518; 656429, 2995499; 656447, 2995464; 656386, 2995486; 656344, 2995470; 656327, 2995451; 656313, 2995387; 656324, 2995280; 656211, 2995261; 656181, 2995198; 656181, 2994979; 656122, 2994520; 656125, 2993886; 656050, 2993369; 656054, 2992806; 656035, 2992513; 655881, 2991789; 655840, 2991351; 655758, 2990749; 655715, 2990538; 655714, 2989926; 655752, 2989578; 655648, 2989345; 655619, 2989231; 655621, 2989142; 655665, 2988979; 655878, 2988710; 655911, 2988599; 655901, 2988444; 655816, 2988269; 655786, 2988145; 655848, 2987418; 655787, 2987029; 655800, 2986727; 655777, 2986323; 655774, 2985731; 655824, 2985524; 655907, 2985356; 655972, 2985281; 656065, 2985244; 656118, 2985263; 656212, 2985384; 656282, 2985376; 656347, 2985324; 656412, 2985319; 656504, 2985336; 656688, 2985408; 656808, 2985504; 656893, 2985696; 657072, 2982990; 657158, 2982025; 657146, 2981981; 657165, 2981946; 657350, 2979856; 657584, 2977814; 657963, 2974916; 658327, 2972579; 658578, 2971325; 658518, 2970975; 658636, 2970315; 659620, 2965718; 659575, 2965754; 659546, 2965748; 659519, 2965714; 659522, 2965663; 659496, 2965639; 659472, 2965566; 659382, 2965551; 659252, 2965417; 659260, 2965387; 659233, 2965357; 659236, 2965335; 659266, 2965328; 659312, 2965350; 659336, 2965339; 659303, 2965274; 659310, 2965229; 659273, 2965229; 659168, 2965318; 659146, 2965320; 659136, 2965294; 659174, 2965240; 659129, 2965211; 659163, 2965170; 659262, 2965133; 659200, 2965062; 659240, 2964978; 659320, 2964911; 659434, 2964857; 659412, 2964837; 659330, 2964841; 659270, 2964774; 659245, 2964705; 659276, 2964654; 659264, 2964612; 659275, 2964590; 659496, 2964420; 659506, 2964378; 659455, 2964381; 659390, 2964449; 659342, 2964422; 659346, 2964393; 659470, 2964235; 659524, 2964234; 659575, 2964198; 659628, 2964201; 659673, 2964266; 659723, 2964293; 659835, 2964268; 659964, 2964194; 659999, 2964078; 659987, 2964045; 660017, 2963998; 660048, 2963860; 659994, 2963870; 659912, 2963925; 659855, 2963943; 659672, 2963963; 659565, 2964051; 659444, 2964122; 659351, 2964218; 659271, 2964217; 659266, 2964202; 659300, 2964168; 659354, 2964157; 659381, 2964124; 659389, 2964060; 659403, 2964045; 659446, 2964035; 659528, 2963977; 659809, 2963864; 659829, 2963827; 659783, 2963808; 659896, 2963694; 659930, 2963697; 659926, 2963748; 659951, 2963769; 660008, 2963764; 660036, 2963746; 660065, 2963613; 660001, 2963655; 659898, 2963622; 659795, 2963727; 659619, 2963808; 659593, 2963801; 659692, 2963688; 659845, 2963573; 659780, 2963551; 659843, 2963472; 659873, 2963470; 659875, 2963517; 659909, 2963530; 660064, 2963481; 660131, 2963496; 660995, 2959816; 660945, 2959849; 660921, 2959842; 660913, 2959819; 660954, 2959731; 661044, 2959642; 661081, 2959519; 661009, 2959529; 660895, 2959620; 660876, 2959607; 660874, 2959561; 660895, 2959522; 660996, 2959458; 661022, 2959424; 661020, 2959396; 660974, 2959334; 661069, 2959215; 661078, 2959182; 661048, 2959124; 661056, 2959104; 661251, 2958918; 661279, 2958825; 661265, 2958801; 661233, 2958798; 661237, 2958760; 661275, 2958734; 661300, 2958753; 661700, 2957337; 661660, 2957341; 661653, 2957320; 661726, 2957246; 661877, 2956717; 661864, 2956686; 661893, 2956662; 661936, 2956510; 662262, 2955095; 662670, 2953561; 662990, 2952482; 663607, 2950522; 664017, 2949309; 664025, 2949204; 664064, 2949169; 664131, 2948964; 664117, 2948918; 664156, 2948886; 665019, 2946195; 666036, 2943243; 663031, 2943195; 662824, 2943523; 662721, 2943714; 662605, 2943993; 662473, 2944464; 662347, 2944996; 662146, 2945640; 662106, 2945810; 662091, 2945972; 661970, 2946234; 661813, 2946490; 661734, 2946674; 661668, 2946744; 661523, 2947009; 660839, 2948516; 660605, 2948909; 660496, 2949172; 660421, 2949308; 660408, 2949415; 660421, 2949424; 660473, 2949362; 660509, 2949357; 660535, 2949377; 660547, 2949408; 660535, 2949475; 660466, 2949555; 660388, 2949585; 660114, 2949935; 659963, 2950018; 659887, 2950081; 659741, 2950248; 659514, 2950556; 659168, 2951187; 659034, 2951656; 658929, 2952149; 658913, 2952492; 658939, 2953346; 658842, 2954016; 658686, 2954325; 658342, 2954785; 658048, 2955253; 657842, 2955714; 657734, 2955915; 657568, 2956355; 657339, 2956702; 657168, 2956998; 657080, 2957206; 656948, 2957442; 656876, 2957613; 656734, 2958020; 656699, 2958075; 656688, 2958072; 656682, 2958016; 656654, 2958038; 656611, 2958223; 656590, 2958424; 656677, 2958493; 656724, 2958637; 656775, 2958721; 656786, 2958683; 656836, 2958641; 657001, 2958643; 657170, 2958583; 657174, 2958637; 657190, 2958650; 657427, 2958645; 657503, 2958665; 657517, 2958700; 657517, 2958852; 657506, 2958867; 657121, 2958864; 657067, 2958884; 657028, 2958915; 657019, 2958940; 657088, 2958995; 657111, 2959052; 656890, 2958912; 656838, 2959002; 656736, 2958984; 656717, 2959010; 656549, 2959538; 656463, 2959760; 656412, 2960106; 656330, 2960484; 656337, 2960809; 656294, 2961073; 656276, 2961315; 656238, 2961513; 656137, 2961870; 656064, 2962209; 655930, 2962555; 655841, 2962851; 655714, 2963158; 655485, 2963498; 655317, 2963684; 655049, 2963887; 654527, 2964162; 654261, 2964387; 654114, 2964485; 653936, 2964698; 653732, 2964835; 653580, 2964996; 653222, 2965327; 652911, 2965660; 652628, 2966003; 652441, 2966065; 652268, 2966158; 652194, 2966222; 652084, 2966370; 652127, 2966830; 652176, 2966947; 652193, 2966959; 652269, 2966928; 652424, 2966909; 652454, 2966917; 652468, 2966939; 652485, 2967031; 652504, 2967023; 652509, 2967002; 652465, 2966714; 652461, 2966507; 652452, 2966501; 652405, 2966564; 652336, 2966588; 652342, 2966607; 652426, 2966663; 652441, 2966726; 652433, 2966765; 652380, 2966815; 652230, 2966836; 652205, 2966783; 652162, 2966760; 652158, 2966731; 652200, 2966695; 652207, 2966656; 652258, 2966632; 652267, 2966601; 652248, 2966583; 652161, 2966567; 652130, 2966496; 652131, 2966467; 652195, 2966398; 652171, 2966318; 652237, 2966272; 652290, 2966257; 652344, 2966256; 652386, 2966284; 652436, 2966438; 652482, 2966466; 652497, 2966762; 652530, 2966928; 652532, 2967034; 652417, 2967131; 652228, 2967168; 652158, 2967200; 652165, 2967274; 652213, 2967275; 652268, 2967232; 652358, 2967201; 652425, 2967214; 652455, 2967237; 652449, 2967315; 652412, 2967372; 652359, 2967404; 652182, 2967459; 652190, 2967544; 652294, 2967496; 652438, 2967462; 652496, 2967464; 652526, 2967486; 652537, 2967511; 652529, 2967595; 652483, 2967680; 652407, 2967712; 652258, 2967688; 652256, 2967733; 652278, 2967759; 652270, 2967811; 652282, 2967823; 652320, 2967822; 652306, 2967773; 652316, 2967765; 652463, 2967734; 652526, 2967757; 652552, 2967855; 652519, 2967933; 652567, 2967922; 652606, 2967941; 652613, 2967972; 652597, 2968041; 652630, 2968041; 652651, 2967971; 652685, 2967922; 652724, 2967929; 652743, 2967985; 652764, 2967996; 652842, 2967916; 652898, 2967935; 652963, 2967923; 652974, 2967966; 652966, 2968043; 653006, 2968043; 653024, 2967974; 653063, 2967924; 653153, 2967943; 653177, 2967916; 653240, 2967912; 653376, 2967831; 653432, 2967819; 653608, 2967938; 653633, 2968028; 653674, 2968035; 653673, 2967949; 653644, 2967916; 653672, 2967850; 653692, 2967843; 653733, 2967870; 653764, 2968073; 653776, 2968077; 653776, 2967971; 653804, 2967943; 653835, 2967939; 653867, 2967973; 653879, 2968066; 653928, 2968058; 653921, 2967986; 653952, 2967952; 653976, 2967951; 653990, 2967969; 653996, 2968047; 654034, 2968043; 654050, 2967952; 654074, 2967918; 654173, 2967878; 654307, 2967866; 654323, 2967842; 654303, 2967777; 654313, 2967715; 654350, 2967745; 654380, 2967795; 654393, 2967860; 654435, 2967889; 654445, 2967919; 654419, 2968080; 654427, 2968090; 654405, 2968102; 654403, 2968206; 654305, 2968374; 654199, 2968483; 654173, 2968473; 654174, 2968437; 654141, 2968428; 654129, 2968383; 654276, 2968286; 654291, 2968158; 654280, 2968097; 654254, 2968104; 654247, 2968223; 654219, 2968299; 654198, 2968274; 654217, 2968164; 654209, 2968115; 654178, 2968104; 654162, 2968117; 654160, 2968236; 654137, 2968281; 654098, 2968271; 654021, 2968294; 653992, 2968286; 653972, 2968253; 653991, 2968177; 654056, 2968122; 654123, 2968165; 654097, 2968108; 654042, 2968079; 653981, 2968098; 653899, 2968100; 653829, 2968131; 653766, 2968125; 653753, 2968187; 653727, 2968191; 653730, 2968381; 653765, 2968380; 653785, 2968421; 653758, 2968506; 653730, 2968529; 653705, 2968503; 653729, 2968461; 653708, 2968398; 653672, 2968395; 653627, 2968367; 653623, 2968255; 653603, 2968270; 653600, 2968333; 653576, 2968341; 653558, 2968385; 653552, 2968319; 653515, 2968316; 653464, 2968397; 653449, 2968370; 653465, 2968280; 653451, 2968231; 653357, 2968276; 653293, 2968269; 653244, 2968287; 653141, 2968264; 653120, 2968289; 653077, 2968440; 653062, 2968411; 653064, 2968313; 653026, 2968357; 652970, 2968299; 652933, 2968415; 652893, 2968407; 652865, 2968448; 652818, 2968473; 652812, 2968537; 652785, 2968565; 652780, 2968659; 652721, 2968764; 652732, 2968816; 652800, 2968906; 652786, 2968946; 652709, 2969047; 652716, 2969160; 652696, 2969224; 652760, 2969307; 652757, 2969396; 652783, 2969456; 652790, 2969525; 652742, 2969684; 652776, 2969705; 652778, 2969733; 652710, 2969750; 652789, 2969803; 652860, 2969922; 652886, 2970016; 652883, 2970166; 652870, 2970212; 652826, 2970258; 652867, 2970322; 652870, 2970406; 652823, 2970485; 652924, 2970550; 652945, 2970608; 652924, 2970667; 652879, 2970732; 652752, 2970740; 652766, 2970779; 652925, 2970857; 652997, 2970938; 653004, 2970976; 652979, 2971051; 652975, 2971132; 652905, 2971200; 653013, 2971238; 653064, 2971324; 653053, 2971437; 653014, 2971496; 652986, 2971577; 652959, 2971613; 652859, 2971653; 652863, 2971686; 652928, 2971691; 653003, 2971649; 653038, 2971647; 653077, 2971681; 653091, 2971724; 653095, 2971824; 653068, 2971964; 653098, 2972022; 653040, 2972124; 653027, 2972256; 653047, 2972301; 653143, 2972397; 653162, 2972443; 653164, 2972548; 653116, 2972643; 653166, 2972830; 653201, 2973078; 653160, 2973311; 653164, 2973440; 653187, 2973529; 653276, 2973636; 653290, 2973676; 653301, 2973840; 653287, 2973878; 653247, 2973915; 653377, 2973910; 653379, 2973927; 653379, 2973944; 653204, 2973959; 653125, 2973987; 653161, 2974003; 653242, 2973994; 653394, 2973950; 653434, 2973977; 653451, 2974039; 653445, 2974075; 653404, 2974122; 653316, 2974157; 653292, 2974227; 653253, 2974277; 653281, 2974462; 653229, 2974609; 653184, 2974699; 653150, 2974729; 652934, 2974724; 652882, 2974713; 652861, 2974689; 652858, 2974511; 652820, 2974453; 652842, 2974408; 652829, 2974186; 652844, 2974042; 652775, 2974044; 652761, 2974063; 652758, 2974280; 652797, 2974668; 652831, 2974757; 652818, 2974804; 652885, 2974769; 652969, 2974788; 653069, 2974767; 653178, 2974766; 653252, 2974742; 653360, 2974865; 653375, 2975004; 653306, 2975130; 653301, 2975163; 653311, 2975198; 653362, 2975217; 653361, 2975266; 653406, 2975365; 653402, 2975448; 653345, 2975553; 653350, 2975590; 653326, 2975622; 653362, 2975706; 653376, 2975793; 653353, 2975989; 653377, 2976052; 653473, 2976115; 653487, 2976149; 653467, 2976276; 653389, 2976369; 653365, 2976498; 653463, 2976683; 653496, 2976890; 653541, 2976970; 653556, 2977035; 653539, 2977153; 653468, 2977270; 653464, 2977316; 653480, 2977354; 653472, 2977395; 653574, 2977466; 653562, 2977516; 653586, 2977575; 653799, 2977624; 653820, 2977645; 653820, 2977696; 653844, 2977677; 653867, 2977626; 653919, 2977655; 653930, 2977706; 653979, 2977701; 653987, 2977629; 654030, 2977616; 654063, 2977656; 654082, 2977728; 654111, 2977720; 654141, 2977743; 654193, 2977739; 654138, 2978017; 654116, 2978061; 654043, 2978088; 654081, 2977834; 654077, 2977790; 654028, 2977818; 653990, 2977793; 653947, 2978100; 653925, 2978125; 653904, 2978118; 653924, 2977819; 653919, 2977807; 653890, 2977817; 653860, 2977752; 653849, 2977947; 653810, 2978071; 653779, 2978093; 653805, 2977809; 653766, 2977843; 653679, 2977868; 653640, 2977896; 653604, 2977961; 653588, 2978062; 653536, 2978126; 653586, 2978359; 653587, 2978564; 653626, 2978721; 653601, 2978856; 653603, 2978978; 653622, 2979012; 653693, 2979061; 653727, 2979179; 653719, 2979298; 653673, 2979356; 653668, 2979391; 653632, 2979402; 653620, 2979439; 653715, 2979451; 653797, 2979394; 653763, 2979460; 653696, 2979521; 653755, 2979561; 653791, 2979787; 653773, 2979842; 653710, 2979829; 653701, 2979845; 653750, 2980094; 653723, 2980262; 653683, 2980348; 653655, 2980375; 653556, 2980371; 653423, 2980341; 653402, 2980322; 653397, 2980285; 653421, 2980222; 653363, 2980185; 653375, 2980104; 653348, 2980087; 653338, 2980060; 653345, 2980001; 653395, 2979944; 653362, 2979921; 653360, 2979860; 653322, 2979734; 653324, 2979635; 653349, 2979563; 653252, 2979580; 653242, 2979602; 653302, 2980451; 653476, 2982413; 653645, 2982410; 653628, 2982370; 653599, 2982383; 653586, 2982369; 653586, 2982318; 653604, 2982272; 653593, 2982228; 653545, 2982168; 653536, 2982099; 653541, 2982068; 653581, 2982043; 653560, 2981994; 653567, 2981963; 653633, 2981905; 653785, 2981926; 653824, 2981989; 653972, 2982010; 654035, 2982068; 654054, 2982127; 654052, 2982287; 654004, 2982507; 654011, 2982524; 654046, 2982527; 654050, 2982547; 654035, 2982574; 653992, 2982591; 653984, 2982634; 653991, 2982697; 654067, 2982930; 654060, 2983047; 654043, 2983107; 654015, 2983145; 653974, 2983155; 653781, 2983125; 653654, 2983090; 653635, 2983071; 653618, 2983019; 653626, 2982969; 653580, 2982938; 653581, 2982836; 653607, 2982787; 653606, 2982657; 653574, 2982613; 653575, 2982566; 653536, 2982555; 653554, 2982503; 653596, 2982510; 653651, 2982443; 653521, 2982449; 653484, 2982475; 653609, 2983886; 653678, 2983880; 653698, 2983860; 653707, 2983673; 653656, 2983483; 653657, 2983336; 653635, 2983341; 653611, 2983373; 653597, 2983365; 653598, 2983300; 653631, 2983233; 653621, 2983215; 653593, 2983211; 653592, 2983196; 653613, 2983178; 653647, 2983180; 653663, 2983135; 653698, 2983161; 653738, 2983150; 653819, 2983175; 653884, 2983174; 653921, 2983219; 653978, 2983231; 654007, 2983233; 653994, 2983193; 654005, 2983189; 654110, 2983316; 654109, 2983331; 654066, 2983349; 654068, 2983454; 654115, 2983550; 654105, 2983631; 654125, 2983787; 654056, 2983859; 654096, 2983866; 654107, 2983891; 654169, 2983911; 654197, 2983942; 654193, 2984213; 654174, 2984253; 654229, 2984386; 654238, 2984536; 654228, 2984672; 654203, 2984755; 654270, 2984972; 654236, 2985173; 654189, 2985343; 654069, 2985523; 654293, 2985535; 654319, 2985163; 654336, 2985131; 654346, 2985320; 654389, 2985297; 654458, 2985224; 654527, 2985214; 654628, 2985288; 654656, 2985400; 654650, 2985465; 654623, 2985493; 654458, 2985513; 654423, 2985487; 654411, 2985370; 654391, 2985351; 654373, 2985366; 654376, 2985480; 654355, 2985514; 654365, 2985528; 654559, 2985550; 654684, 2985539; 654716, 2985518; 654744, 2985537; 654730, 2985558; 654580, 2985637; 654639, 2985711; 654634, 2985770; 654613, 2985801; 654398, 2985892; 654343, 2985938; 654336, 2985963; 654354, 2986091; 654296, 2986206; 654301, 2986317; 654365, 2986382; 654382, 2986439; 654368, 2986642; 654331, 2986772; 654380, 2986752; 654384, 2986844; 654369, 2986859; 654324, 2986852; 654313, 2986876; 654373, 2987024; 654381, 2987213; 654403, 2987223; 654385, 2987269; 654416, 2987373; 654495, 2987413; 654510, 2987466; 654506, 2987524; 654449, 2987634; 654473, 2987806; 654462, 2988082; 654491, 2988273; 654524, 2988383; 654516, 2988470; 654563, 2988471; 654574, 2988526; 654548, 2988607; 654502, 2988629; 654481, 2988656; 654533, 2988680; 654521, 2988782; 654544, 2988856; 654531, 2988908; 654459, 2988960; 654326, 2988996; 654232, 2989000; 654210, 2989023; 654209, 2989053; 654399, 2989078; 654493, 2989140; 654518, 2989205; 654524, 2989299; 654517, 2989376; 654486, 2989435; 654559, 2989496; 654584, 2989563; 654573, 2989632; 654506, 2989727; 654523, 2989839; 654494, 2989953; 654387, 2989982; 654356, 2990015; 654424, 2990029; 654475, 2990063; 654506, 2990109; 654517, 2990172; 654515, 2990237; 654490, 2990310; 654459, 2990347; 654386, 2990389; 654376, 2990432; 654430, 2990456; 654586, 2990471; 654596, 2990506; 654555, 2990492; 654546, 2990509; 654600, 2990580; 654635, 2990670; 654634, 2990820; 654576, 2990930; 654623, 2991064; 654634, 2991192; 654628, 2991238; 654563, 2991304; 654599, 2991658; 654573, 2991728; 654519, 2991765; 654528, 2991795; 654517, 2991814; 654612, 2991851; 654633, 2991873; 654656, 2991941; 654671, 2992096; 654651, 2992157; 654577, 2992255; 654609, 2992446; 654615, 2992628; 654604, 2992707; 654566, 2992763; 654601, 2992857; 654613, 2992975; 654572, 2993045; 654460, 2993068; 654396, 2993116; 654387, 2993063; 654319, 2993042; 654283, 2992986; 654296, 2992845; 654343, 2992710; 654336, 2992615; 654289, 2992577; 654263, 2992514; 654272, 2992329; 654291, 2992274; 654266, 2992246; 654240, 2992035; 654254, 2991939; 654300, 2991845; 654366, 2991824; 654437, 2991847; 654487, 2991822; 654486, 2991776; 654462, 2991750; 654323, 2991714; 654306, 2991725; 654295, 2991767; 654269, 2991777; 654273, 2991703; 654231, 2991644; 654209, 2991582; 654203, 2991498; 654238, 2991393; 654206, 2991303; 654198, 2991225; 654156, 2991196; 654151, 2991130; 654157, 2991058; 654209, 2990976; 654213, 2990804; 654173, 2990823; 654160, 2990799; 654142, 2990809; 654134, 2990797; 654137, 2990756; 654154, 2990739; 654150, 2990691; 654187, 2990654; 654203, 2990463; 654151, 2990468; 654118, 2990506; 654101, 2990553; 654101, 2990674; 654144, 2991885; 654221, 2993252; 654247, 2994103; 654279, 2994101; 654325, 2994037; 654380, 2994014; 654574, 2994024; 654664, 2994059; 654691, 2994085; 654726, 2994197; 654803, 2994210; 654836, 2994336; 654856, 2994483; 654853, 2994513; 654808, 2994555; 654818, 2994639; 654856, 2994665; 654926, 2994654; 654969, 2994699; 654964, 2994848; 655000, 2995022; 655007, 2995209; 655059, 2995207; 655112, 2995118; 655150, 2995096; 655177, 2995108; 655224, 2995206; 655270, 2995257; 655385, 2995260; 655401, 2995230; 655395, 2995163; 655434, 2995137; 655481, 2995138; 655546, 2995180; 655585, 2995231; 655577, 2995279; 655593, 2995453; 655568, 2995549; 655515, 2995591; 655516, 2995706; 655715, 2995699; 655895, 2995154; 655959, 2995124; 656033, 2995138; 656116, 2995243; 656123, 2995312; 656093, 2995423; 656034, 2995535; 655925, 2995587; 655847, 2995656; 655840, 2995631; 655900, 2995551; 655804, 2995407; 655857, 2995200; 655895, 2995154; 654397, 2993609; 654475, 2993632; 654580, 2993629; 654613, 2993648; 654628, 2993678; 654648, 2993733; 654645, 2993780; 654591, 2993855; 654523, 2993913; 654379, 2993923; 654346, 2993894; 654315, 2993767; 654319, 2993684; 654350, 2993634; 654397, 2993609; 654422, 2993124; 654501, 2993099; 654595, 2993104; 654699, 2993185; 654715, 2993247; 654698, 2993375; 654665, 2993430; 654586, 2993473; 654455, 2993470; 654440, 2993487; 654432, 2993557; 654419, 2993568; 654406, 2993551; 654408, 2993467; 654341, 2993442; 654309, 2993403; 654297, 2993361; 654323, 2993211; 654363, 2993164; 654422, 2993124; 654719, 2988627; 654731, 2988544; 654754, 2988521; 654774, 2988559; 654773, 2988594; 654739, 2988642; 654719, 2988627; 655131, 2988623; 655110, 2988569; 655110, 2988538; 655123, 2988529; 655139, 2988537; 655155, 2988600; 655154, 2988615; 655131, 2988623; 655367, 2988563; 655376, 2988509; 655399, 2988513; 655412, 2988537; 655407, 2988605; 655384, 2988608; 655367, 2988563; 654912, 2988510; 654907, 2988602; 654880, 2988614; 654861, 2988566; 654859, 2988493; 654884, 2988480; 654903, 2988486; 654912, 2988510; 654658, 2988517; 654659, 2988601; 654633, 2988613; 654611, 2988603; 654616, 2988496; 654644, 2988495; 654658, 2988517; 655027, 2988542; 655041, 2988554; 655044, 2988604; 655022, 2988622; 655010, 2988583; 655027, 2988542; 654678, 2986173; 654650, 2986140; 654621, 2986165; 654573, 2986157; 654527, 2986096; 654526, 2986075; 654541, 2986065; 654594, 2986132; 654643, 2986099; 654675, 2986102; 654708, 2986159; 654692, 2986292; 654663, 2986281; 654673, 2986228; 654662, 2986188; 654678, 2986173; 654589, 2986069; 654594, 2986042; 654619, 2986058; 654613, 2986079; 654589, 2986069; 654511, 2985922; 654536, 2985933; 654535, 2985980; 654516, 2985990; 654511, 2985922; 654818, 2985934; 654797, 2985854; 654830, 2985884; 654835, 2985930; 654818, 2985934; 654555, 2985890; 654540, 2985885; 654550, 2985864; 654587, 2985860; 654555, 2985890; 654210, 2983742; 654227, 2983749; 654226, 2983782; 654213, 2983829; 654197, 2983839; 654186, 2983770; 654210, 2983742; 655089, 2983850; 655072, 2983748; 655078, 2983692; 655094, 2983682; 655151, 2983819; 655126, 2983844; 655089, 2983850; 654733, 2983711; 654759, 2983821; 654733, 2983841; 654689, 2983840; 654676, 2983822; 654668, 2983751; 654681, 2983666; 654695, 2983659; 654733, 2983711; 654463, 2983813; 654448, 2983804; 654461, 2983757; 654473, 2983766; 654463, 2983813; 654306, 2983769; 654307, 2983803; 654287, 2983801; 654288, 2983759; 654306, 2983769; 654868, 2983726; 654891, 2983749; 654902, 2983798; 654866, 2983801; 654859, 2983787; 654868, 2983726; 653719, 2981878; 653579, 2981866; 653519, 2981816; 653520, 2981755; 653483, 2981608; 653495, 2981453; 653454, 2981420; 653453, 2981400; 653483, 2981265; 653554, 2981232; 653567, 2981201; 653466, 2981123; 653431, 2980918; 653447, 2980781; 653381, 2980729; 653428, 2980697; 653433, 2980670; 653417, 2980533; 653386, 2980434; 653404, 2980395; 653494, 2980405; 653720, 2980395; 653801, 2980424; 653827, 2980488; 653823, 2980571; 653774, 2980604; 653768, 2980631; 653798, 2980667; 653817, 2980787; 653874, 2980973; 653853, 2981116; 653883, 2981174; 653878, 2981273; 653900, 2981430; 653828, 2981824; 653791, 2981873; 653719, 2981878; 654384, 2977921; 654381, 2977793; 654345, 2977815; 654312, 2977875; 654305, 2977807; 654271, 2977783; 654269, 2977902; 654260, 2977917; 654247, 2977911; 654222, 2977712; 654270, 2977677; 654283, 2977612; 654323, 2977607; 654360, 2977628; 654399, 2977720; 654464, 2977697; 654472, 2977643; 654492, 2977631; 654531, 2977689; 654535, 2977742; 654618, 2977695; 654618, 2977633; 654656, 2977605; 654701, 2977631; 654730, 2977716; 654790, 2977684; 654796, 2977624; 654846, 2977649; 654873, 2977725; 654918, 2977694; 654998, 2977670; 655009, 2977591; 655024, 2977575; 655069, 2977594; 655111, 2977659; 655124, 2977738; 655106, 2977822; 655092, 2977834; 655049, 2977831; 654994, 2977804; 654930, 2977905; 654900, 2977908; 654878, 2977890; 654864, 2977762; 654811, 2977805; 654793, 2977734; 654768, 2977957; 654748, 2977992; 654720, 2977988; 654705, 2977942; 654722, 2977763; 654653, 2977820; 654627, 2977755; 654591, 2977973; 654554, 2978011; 654529, 2978002; 654526, 2977756; 654471, 2977765; 654461, 2978008; 654437, 2978050; 654389, 2978025; 654384, 2977921; 653916, 2974225; 653888, 2974181; 653932, 2974035; 653955, 2974000; 654012, 2973999; 654087, 2974152; 654091, 2974205; 654018, 2974262; 653992, 2974313; 653968, 2974299; 653959, 2974257; 653916, 2974225; 654737, 2974234; 654692, 2974216; 654645, 2974224; 654606, 2974172; 654641, 2974142; 654628, 2974078; 654725, 2973972; 654748, 2973979; 654775, 2974019; 654819, 2974159; 654814, 2974196; 654781, 2974229; 654737, 2974234; 655287, 2974083; 655241, 2974076; 655237, 2974050; 655243, 2974022; 655287, 2973971; 655374, 2973938; 655413, 2973937; 655444, 2973959; 655473, 2974064; 655446, 2974120; 655408, 2974153; 655378, 2974156; 655345, 2974139; 655326, 2974163; 655287, 2974157; 655276, 2974141; 655287, 2974083; 656174, 2974108; 656097, 2974094; 656079, 2974019; 656044, 2973971; 656057, 2973923; 656116, 2973868; 656081, 2973812; 656108, 2973791; 656146, 2973797; 656183, 2973862; 656245, 2973880; 656290, 2973951; 656288, 2973995; 656266, 2974031; 656174, 2974108; 656665, 2973908; 656725, 2973842; 656745, 2973837; 656803, 2973832; 656865, 2973847; 656892, 2973819; 656941, 2973863; 656939, 2973893; 656909, 2973915; 656889, 2974024; 656867, 2974051; 656796, 2974084; 656749, 2974080; 656710, 2974055; 656701, 2973987; 656661, 2973952; 656665, 2973908; 657154, 2974021; 657190, 2974023; 657194, 2974010; 657137, 2973956; 657083, 2973930; 657121, 2973916; 657099, 2973878; 657103, 2973840; 657126, 2973816; 657176, 2973804; 657205, 2973769; 657240, 2973770; 657320, 2973845; 657308, 2973947; 657284, 2973989; 657232, 2974034; 657170, 2974049; 657143, 2974031; 657154, 2974021; 657413, 2973821; 657430, 2973831; 657439, 2973872; 657414, 2973891; 657396, 2973867; 657413, 2973821; 657565, 2973839; 657580, 2973860; 657562, 2973869; 657565, 2973839; 657679, 2973849; 657689, 2973804; 657708, 2973796; 657717, 2973819; 657705, 2973854; 657682, 2973862; 657679, 2973849; 657637, 2973827; 657612, 2973823; 657607, 2973738; 657651, 2973741; 657681, 2973706; 657664, 2973631; 657630, 2973622; 657614, 2973633; 657601, 2973687; 657564, 2973669; 657543, 2973676; 657499, 2973650; 657474, 2973710; 657501, 2973806; 657479, 2973807; 657456, 2973783; 657434, 2973620; 657418, 2973617; 657334, 2973663; 657284, 2973647; 657103, 2973670; 657068, 2973687; 657068, 2973720; 657093, 2973725; 657184, 2973690; 657297, 2973685; 657326, 2973725; 657125, 2973766; 657052, 2973746; 657028, 2973717; 656999, 2973722; 656997, 2973783; 656973, 2973807; 656969, 2973715; 656936, 2973714; 656912, 2973685; 656725, 2973708; 656719, 2973720; 656755, 2973731; 656858, 2973735; 656865, 2973783; 656846, 2973798; 656672, 2973804; 656638, 2973791; 656624, 2973763; 656591, 2973762; 656582, 2973823; 656555, 2973817; 656548, 2973794; 656575, 2973752; 656578, 2973701; 656610, 2973672; 656634, 2973564; 656730, 2973496; 656883, 2973437; 657016, 2973430; 657144, 2973393; 657363, 2973372; 657455, 2973383; 657510, 2973428; 657527, 2973463; 657526, 2973576; 657556, 2973575; 657584, 2973535; 657630, 2973521; 657651, 2973536; 657708, 2973534; 657745, 2973558; 657799, 2973559; 657758, 2973604; 657788, 2973688; 657756, 2973720; 657731, 2973663; 657707, 2973658; 657710, 2973743; 657666, 2973773; 657637, 2973827; 657843, 2973567; 657840, 2973549; 657796, 2973530; 657795, 2973476; 657799, 2973459; 657852, 2973438; 657890, 2973467; 657912, 2973563; 657901, 2973605; 657872, 2973626; 657834, 2973604; 657843, 2973567; 657757, 2973474; 657734, 2973463; 657744, 2973406; 657677, 2973423; 657676, 2973359; 657634, 2973324; 657635, 2973301; 657656, 2973276; 657704, 2973248; 657794, 2973255; 657823, 2973323; 657819, 2973389; 657757, 2973474; 656601, 2973360; 656599, 2973491; 656547, 2973560; 656520, 2973664; 656475, 2973685; 656511, 2973764; 656508, 2973796; 656475, 2973827; 656460, 2973878; 656442, 2973826; 656418, 2973826; 656388, 2973849; 656378, 2973896; 656338, 2973810; 656326, 2973820; 656247, 2973758; 656065, 2973770; 656039, 2973783; 655993, 2973848; 655988, 2973821; 656042, 2973726; 656059, 2973590; 656097, 2973563; 656211, 2973570; 656253, 2973686; 656304, 2973673; 656324, 2973698; 656463, 2973676; 656445, 2973654; 656447, 2973608; 656487, 2973551; 656419, 2973545; 656396, 2973529; 656378, 2973480; 656393, 2973416; 656337, 2973445; 656304, 2973442; 656347, 2973355; 656404, 2973303; 656500, 2973279; 656570, 2973315; 656601, 2973360; 655854, 2973427; 655855, 2973587; 655887, 2973660; 655945, 2973718; 655880, 2973771; 655856, 2973868; 655763, 2973872; 655739, 2973913; 655685, 2973816; 655620, 2973814; 655608, 2973839; 655656, 2973862; 655688, 2973920; 655644, 2973914; 655605, 2973881; 655600, 2974022; 655581, 2974056; 655551, 2974025; 655530, 2973848; 655468, 2973837; 655470, 2973795; 655431, 2973784; 655418, 2973794; 655437, 2973877; 655365, 2973911; 655346, 2973891; 655391, 2973859; 655388, 2973816; 655374, 2973800; 655317, 2973804; 655316, 2973822; 655357, 2973841; 655347, 2973858; 655263, 2973833; 655247, 2973871; 655225, 2973837; 655150, 2973848; 655133, 2973836; 655142, 2973738; 655163, 2973721; 655200, 2973728; 655187, 2973815; 655222, 2973805; 655247, 2973739; 655294, 2973696; 655465, 2973723; 655506, 2973787; 655567, 2973768; 655600, 2973699; 655618, 2973711; 655646, 2973699; 655670, 2973738; 655680, 2973709; 655715, 2973711; 655791, 2973675; 655796, 2973654; 655772, 2973633; 655781, 2973603; 655736, 2973576; 655665, 2973564; 655668, 2973513; 655618, 2973500; 655608, 2973475; 655724, 2973346; 655824, 2973375; 655854, 2973427; 655112, 2973498; 655127, 2973533; 655118, 2973577; 655080, 2973657; 655041, 2973700; 654987, 2973702; 654891, 2973659; 654864, 2973547; 654895, 2973504; 654996, 2973472; 655080, 2973479; 655112, 2973498; 654347, 2973690; 654291, 2973731; 654206, 2973708; 654124, 2973726; 654103, 2973712; 654142, 2973646; 654158, 2973578; 654226, 2973543; 654284, 2973546; 654325, 2973579; 654353, 2973639; 654347, 2973690; 653630, 2973716; 653660, 2973814; 653578, 2973934; 653450, 2973893; 653406, 2973898; 653412, 2973830; 653471, 2973771; 653468, 2973757; 653441, 2973753; 653432, 2973728; 653470, 2973614; 653516, 2973561; 653587, 2973561; 653621, 2973617; 653630, 2973716; 654260, 2973940; 654268, 2973913; 654414, 2973888; 654459, 2973906; 654545, 2973901; 654529, 2973928; 654497, 2973944; 654406, 2973952; 654383, 2973991; 654351, 2973983; 654342, 2973956; 654260, 2973940; 653559, 2973965; 653541, 2974020; 653515, 2974025; 653498, 2973974; 653559, 2973965; 653610, 2973987; 653624, 2973988; 653624, 2974003; 653605, 2974024; 653596, 2974007; 653610, 2973987; 654223, 2973996; 654231, 2973977; 654260, 2973984; 654223, 2973996; 654991, 2973943; 654953, 2973921; 654939, 2973863; 654897, 2973874; 654887, 2973935; 654867, 2973933; 654816, 2973880; 654778, 2973899; 654769, 2973867; 654807, 2973832; 654805, 2973764; 654866, 2973791; 654907, 2973765; 655059, 2973733; 655072, 2973789; 655057, 2973820; 654970, 2973815; 654960, 2973851; 655009, 2973920; 654991, 2973943; 655073, 2973872; 655091, 2973891; 655073, 2973926; 655057, 2973889; 655073, 2973872; 655121, 2973876; 655144, 2973883; 655132, 2973907; 655119, 2973905; 655121, 2973876; 655167, 2973879; 655186, 2973875; 655192, 2973896; 655172, 2973906; 655167, 2973879; 654626, 2973745; 654642, 2973797; 654646, 2973894; 654603, 2973935; 654577, 2973846; 654473, 2973864; 654440, 2973852; 654435, 2973829; 654457, 2973806; 654538, 2973799; 654599, 2973738; 654626, 2973745; 654310, 2973816; 654278, 2973873; 654178, 2973852; 654184, 2973816; 654288, 2973798; 654310, 2973816; 654359, 2973831; 654378, 2973841; 654347, 2973871; 654359, 2973831; 653781, 2973876; 653800, 2973899; 653790, 2973924; 653768, 2973928; 653747, 2973896; 653781, 2973876; 654693, 2973779; 654709, 2973789; 654730, 2973869; 654696, 2973890; 654681, 2973880; 654675, 2973834; 654677, 2973793; 654693, 2973779; 656026, 2973885; 656020, 2973856; 656038, 2973842; 656064, 2973881; 656026, 2973885; 655918, 2973848; 655904, 2973847; 655903, 2973799; 655923, 2973818; 655918, 2973848; 655957, 2973802; 655961, 2973781; 655981, 2973787; 655975, 2973817; 655960, 2973823; 655957, 2973802; 656213, 2973779; 656234, 2973779; 656281, 2973813; 656308, 2973853; 656287, 2973863; 656182, 2973811; 656213, 2973779; 656903, 2973756; 656936, 2973763; 656938, 2973776; 656912, 2973789; 656903, 2973756; 657385, 2973747; 657355, 2973698; 657367, 2973672; 657418, 2973695; 657414, 2973762; 657401, 2973767; 657385, 2973747; 657551, 2973777; 657567, 2973771; 657562, 2973810; 657551, 2973808; 657551, 2973777; 653821, 2974117; 653806, 2974096; 653833, 2974077; 653838, 2974093; 653821, 2974117; 653727, 2974211; 653711, 2974205; 653706, 2974184; 653737, 2974154; 653740, 2974189; 653727, 2974211; 653238, 2969995; 653263, 2969994; 653251, 2970052; 653221, 2970069; 653207, 2970049; 653238, 2969995; 653421, 2969995; 653403, 2969963; 653418, 2969903; 653453, 2969939; 653482, 2969919; 653510, 2969932; 653459, 2969991; 653421, 2969995; 653395, 2969796; 653421, 2969797; 653456, 2969845; 653404, 2969868; 653383, 2969815; 653395, 2969796; 653445, 2969653; 653345, 2969645; 653368, 2969556; 653357, 2969499; 653439, 2969414; 653567, 2969386; 653545, 2969439; 653569, 2969461; 653479, 2969519; 653469, 2969559; 653523, 2969550; 653609, 2969487; 653678, 2969500; 653722, 2969467; 653762, 2969466; 653728, 2969557; 653779, 2969575; 653779, 2969592; 653717, 2969663; 653699, 2969662; 653680, 2969634; 653631, 2969658; 653575, 2969654; 653513, 2969715; 653462, 2969729; 653452, 2969715; 653460, 2969674; 653445, 2969653; 653419, 2968605; 653456, 2968616; 653469, 2968696; 653537, 2968682; 653542, 2968731; 653495, 2968872; 653415, 2968971; 653342, 2969126; 653314, 2969143; 653302, 2969123; 653309, 2969088; 653371, 2968940; 653332, 2968922; 653341, 2968671; 653366, 2968630; 653419, 2968605; 653973, 2968979; 654057, 2968997; 654072, 2969031; 654035, 2969057; 653950, 2969049; 653936, 2969023; 653973, 2968979; 654247, 2968998; 654229, 2968956; 654294, 2968937; 654315, 2968869; 654339, 2968860; 654360, 2968902; 654344, 2968996; 654296, 2969017; 654247, 2968998; 654482, 2968785; 654503, 2968712; 654537, 2968694; 654554, 2968591; 654513, 2968504; 654533, 2968491; 654552, 2968525; 654574, 2968523; 654603, 2968555; 654648, 2968544; 654662, 2968505; 654618, 2968500; 654609, 2968468; 654636, 2968390; 654684, 2968349; 654751, 2968493; 654737, 2968593; 654708, 2968632; 654607, 2968681; 654540, 2968777; 654482, 2968785; 655021, 2968577; 655048, 2968461; 655025, 2968413; 655015, 2968434; 654973, 2968419; 654936, 2968453; 654920, 2968386; 654879, 2968404; 654846, 2968392; 654847, 2968355; 654892, 2968303; 654898, 2968194; 654931, 2968156; 654956, 2968156; 654994, 2968222; 655038, 2968180; 655063, 2968178; 655123, 2968035; 655153, 2968031; 655197, 2968061; 655332, 2968011; 655368, 2968077; 655381, 2968079; 655413, 2968042; 655457, 2968067; 655466, 2968013; 655513, 2968036; 655512, 2967912; 655445, 2967893; 655430, 2967832; 655480, 2967739; 655560, 2967685; 655648, 2967679; 655685, 2967709; 655731, 2967957; 655776, 2967931; 655830, 2967816; 655895, 2967757; 656358, 2967515; 656475, 2967438; 656941, 2967211; 657304, 2966934; 657347, 2966921; 657419, 2966937; 657470, 2966984; 657522, 2967005; 657561, 2966958; 657589, 2966953; 657634, 2966995; 657649, 2967064; 657634, 2967210; 657607, 2967286; 657553, 2967360; 657357, 2967451; 657247, 2967523; 657189, 2967509; 657127, 2967630; 657057, 2967677; 657038, 2967668; 657023, 2967633; 657007, 2967632; 656962, 2967670; 656792, 2967733; 656654, 2967762; 656640, 2967779; 656648, 2967808; 656631, 2967860; 656653, 2967873; 656679, 2967827; 656711, 2967831; 656723, 2967918; 656710, 2967941; 656582, 2967970; 656562, 2967933; 656598, 2967897; 656557, 2967877; 656545, 2967845; 656587, 2967841; 656597, 2967799; 656484, 2967789; 656486, 2967854; 656515, 2967871; 656511, 2967936; 656498, 2967951; 656442, 2967935; 656397, 2967877; 656356, 2967764; 656344, 2967765; 656369, 2967939; 656354, 2967997; 656307, 2968027; 656268, 2968104; 656254, 2968107; 656214, 2968060; 656192, 2968055; 656137, 2968093; 656090, 2968150; 656026, 2968170; 655962, 2968279; 655923, 2968305; 655907, 2968270; 655911, 2968198; 655879, 2968188; 655882, 2968143; 655854, 2968138; 655818, 2968096; 655800, 2967963; 655787, 2967964; 655770, 2967979; 655763, 2968016; 655779, 2968033; 655799, 2968141; 655784, 2968211; 655820, 2968218; 655823, 2968244; 655816, 2968264; 655778, 2968281; 655728, 2968161; 655698, 2968214; 655711, 2968286; 655700, 2968379; 655721, 2968454; 655699, 2968519; 655674, 2968515; 655653, 2968424; 655620, 2968408; 655592, 2968356; 655554, 2968361; 655524, 2968299; 655475, 2968298; 655460, 2968352; 655468, 2968403; 655432, 2968455; 655411, 2968445; 655409, 2968372; 655361, 2968373; 655338, 2968329; 655312, 2968340; 655285, 2968324; 655228, 2968402; 655221, 2968444; 655257, 2968476; 655265, 2968529; 655311, 2968591; 655282, 2968640; 655247, 2968648; 655238, 2968636; 655223, 2968562; 655204, 2968568; 655198, 2968603; 655173, 2968613; 655128, 2968538; 655128, 2968465; 655167, 2968420; 655184, 2968339; 655156, 2968341; 655141, 2968409; 655122, 2968364; 655079, 2968444; 655090, 2968591; 655043, 2968654; 655010, 2968639; 655021, 2968577; 655478, 2968461; 655488, 2968399; 655503, 2968394; 655522, 2968471; 655487, 2968487; 655478, 2968461; 656137, 2968166; 656173, 2968142; 656186, 2968179; 656144, 2968204; 656132, 2968194; 656137, 2968166; 655333, 2967908; 655272, 2967882; 655256, 2967857; 655284, 2967822; 655350, 2967807; 655361, 2967847; 655333, 2967908; 654600, 2967898; 654649, 2967979; 654704, 2967980; 654710, 2968049; 654694, 2968091; 654680, 2968089; 654660, 2968038; 654622, 2968099; 654466, 2968025; 654487, 2967955; 654521, 2967908; 654554, 2967884; 654600, 2967898; 654884, 2968098; 654860, 2968060; 654865, 2968029; 654910, 2968006; 654936, 2968009; 654945, 2968054; 654934, 2968083; 654914, 2968102; 654884, 2968098; 654791, 2968393; 654764, 2968423; 654744, 2968422; 654746, 2968338; 654802, 2968194; 654859, 2968170; 654863, 2968203; 654824, 2968365; 654813, 2968390; 654791, 2968393; 654568, 2968346; 654475, 2968463; 654445, 2968608; 654410, 2968660; 654416, 2968680; 654459, 2968690; 654446, 2968745; 654426, 2968759; 654417, 2968720; 654362, 2968679; 654359, 2968642; 654415, 2968508; 654398, 2968401; 654436, 2968320; 654496, 2968280; 654511, 2968239; 654570, 2968262; 654579, 2968240; 654568, 2968211; 654604, 2968201; 654627, 2968219; 654623, 2968254; 654568, 2968346; 654298, 2968754; 654255, 2968776; 654241, 2968743; 654290, 2968714; 654298, 2968754; 654847, 2968425; 654863, 2968434; 654862, 2968505; 654848, 2968547; 654829, 2968559; 654823, 2968486; 654847, 2968425; 653797, 2968199; 653801, 2968175; 653820, 2968169; 653903, 2968164; 653914, 2968175; 653923, 2968208; 653898, 2968227; 653902, 2968315; 653853, 2968318; 653822, 2968347; 653803, 2968340; 653797, 2968199; 652169, 2966665; 652140, 2966660; 652145, 2966621; 652176, 2966624; 652169, 2966665; 657636, 2959603; 657682, 2959612; 657736, 2959651; 657768, 2959717; 657784, 2959834; 657756, 2959900; 657715, 2959903; 657668, 2959877; 657610, 2959792; 657607, 2959632; 657636, 2959603; 661745, 2954982; 661741, 2954950; 661657, 2954966; 661640, 2954923; 661678, 2954843; 661748, 2954792; 661782, 2954778; 661833, 2954786; 661869, 2954812; 661879, 2954857; 661921, 2954875; 661899, 2954916; 661817, 2954973; 661777, 2954990; 661745, 2954982; 661944, 2954563; 661982, 2954574; 662013, 2954609; 662019, 2954643; 662001, 2954686; 661954, 2954713; 661820, 2954714; 661808, 2954694; 661829, 2954659; 661944, 2954563; 660448, 2949592; 660500, 2949583; 660556, 2949639; 660576, 2949675; 660579, 2949727; 660546, 2949808; 660493, 2949865; 660413, 2949899; 660358, 2949856; 660355, 2949835; 660393, 2949679; 660415, 2949627; 660448, 2949592; 660918, 2949766; 660952, 2949643; 660984, 2949597; 661066, 2949585; 661092, 2949601; 661102, 2949729; 661083, 2949813; 661018, 2949828; 660986, 2949884; 660955, 2949881; 660929, 2949852; 660918, 2949766; 660792, 2949760; 660765, 2949756; 660770, 2949618; 660796, 2949596; 660823, 2949596; 660832, 2949631; 660792, 2949760; 660724, 2949738; 660708, 2949743; 660693, 2949727; 660694, 2949686; 660706, 2949674; 660741, 2949679; 660724, 2949738; 663237, 2946471; 663288, 2946483; 663314, 2946513; 663300, 2946588; 663182, 2946769; 663061, 2947011; 663001, 2947060; 662917, 2947043; 662900, 2946969; 662912, 2946910; 663026, 2946760; 663181, 2946502; Thence returning to 663237, 2946471.


Unit TX-3 Subunit C, Kenedy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

656033, 2995138; 655959, 2995124; 655895, 2995154; 655857, 2995200; 655804, 2995407; 655900, 2995551; 655840, 2995631; 655847, 2995656; 655925, 2995587; 656034, 2995535; 656093, 2995423; 656123, 2995312; 656116, 2995243; Thence returning to 656033, 2995138.

655218, 2995368; 655148, 2995350; 655038, 2995371; 655022, 2995390; 655040, 2995478; 655088, 2995523; 655158, 2995520; 655223, 2995457; Thence returning to 655218, 2995368.

654613, 2993648; 654580, 2993629; 654475, 2993632; 654397, 2993609; 654350, 2993634; 654319, 2993684; 654315, 2993767; 654346, 2993894; 654379, 2993923; 654523, 2993913; 654591, 2993855; 654645, 2993780; 654648, 2993733; 654628, 2993678; Thence returning to 654613, 2993648.

654440, 2993487; 654455, 2993470; 654586, 2993473; 654665, 2993430; 654698, 2993375; 654715, 2993247; 654699, 2993185; 654595, 2993104; 654501, 2993099; 654422, 2993124; 654363, 2993164; 654323, 2993211; 654297, 2993361; 654309, 2993403; 654341, 2993442; 654408, 2993467; 654406, 2993551; 654419, 2993568; 654432, 2993557; Thence returning to 654440, 2993487.

654774, 2988559; 654754, 2988521; 654731, 2988544; 654719, 2988627; 654739, 2988642; 654773, 2988594; Thence returning to 654774, 2988559.

655139, 2988537; 655123, 2988529; 655110, 2988538; 655110, 2988569; 655131, 2988623; 655154, 2988615; 655155, 2988600; Thence returning to 655139, 2988537.

655041, 2988554; 655027, 2988542; 655010, 2988583; 655022, 2988622; 655044, 2988604; Thence returning to 655041, 2988554.

654658, 2988517; 654644, 2988495; 654616, 2988496; 654611, 2988603; 654633, 2988613; 654659, 2988601; Thence returning to 654658, 2988517.

654903, 2988486; 654884, 2988480; 654859, 2988493; 654861, 2988566; 654880, 2988614; 654907, 2988602; 654912, 2988510; Thence returning to 654903, 2988486.

655399, 2988513; 655376, 2988509; 655367, 2988563; 655384, 2988608; 655407, 2988605; 655412, 2988537; Thence returning to 655399, 2988513.

654708, 2986159; 654675, 2986102; 654643, 2986099; 654594, 2986132; 654541, 2986065; 654526, 2986075; 654527, 2986096; 654573, 2986157; 654621, 2986165; 654650, 2986140; 654678, 2986173; 654662, 2986188; 654673, 2986228; 654663, 2986281; 654692, 2986292; Thence returning to 654708, 2986159.

654619, 2986058; 654594, 2986042; 654589, 2986069; 654613, 2986079; Thence returning to 654619, 2986058.

654536, 2985933; 654511, 2985922; 654516, 2985990; 654535, 2985980; Thence returning to 654536, 2985933.

654830, 2985884; 654797, 2985854; 654818, 2985934; 654835, 2985930; Thence returning to 654830, 2985884.

654555, 2985890; 654587, 2985860; 654550, 2985864; 654540, 2985885; Thence returning to 654555, 2985890.

655151, 2983819; 655094, 2983682; 655078, 2983692; 655072, 2983748; 655089, 2983850; 655126, 2983844; Thence returning to 655151, 2983819.

654227, 2983749; 654210, 2983742; 654186, 2983770; 654197, 2983839; 654213, 2983829; 654226, 2983782; Thence returning to 654227, 2983749.

654733, 2983711; 654695, 2983659; 654681, 2983666; 654668, 2983751; 654676, 2983822; 654689, 2983840; 654733, 2983841; 654759, 2983821; Thence returning to 654733, 2983711.

654473, 2983766; 654461, 2983757; 654448, 2983804; 654463, 2983813; Thence returning to 654473, 2983766.

654306, 2983769; 654288, 2983759; 654287, 2983801; 654307, 2983803; Thence returning to 654306, 2983769.

654891, 2983749; 654868, 2983726; 654859, 2983787; 654866, 2983801; 654902, 2983798; Thence returning to 654891, 2983749.

653801, 2980424; 653720, 2980395; 653494, 2980405; 653404, 2980395; 653386, 2980434; 653417, 2980533; 653433, 2980670; 653428, 2980697; 653381, 2980729; 653447, 2980781; 653431, 2980918; 653466, 2981123; 653567, 2981201; 653554, 2981232; 653483, 2981265; 653453, 2981400; 653454, 2981420; 653495, 2981453; 653483, 2981608; 653520, 2981755; 653519, 2981816; 653579, 2981866; 653719, 2981878; 653791, 2981873; 653828, 2981824; 653900, 2981430; 653878, 2981273; 653883, 2981174; 653853, 2981116; 653874, 2980973; 653817, 2980787; 653798, 2980667; 653768, 2980631; 653774, 2980604; 653823, 2980571; 653827, 2980488; Thence returning to 653801, 2980424.

654461, 2978008; 654471, 2977765; 654526, 2977756; 654529, 2978002; 654554, 2978011; 654591, 2977973; 654627, 2977755; 654653, 2977820; 654722, 2977763; 654705, 2977942; 654720, 2977988; 654748, 2977992; 654768, 2977957; 654793, 2977734; 654811, 2977805; 654864, 2977762; 654878, 2977890; 654900, 2977908; 654930, 2977905; 654994, 2977804; 655049, 2977831; 655092, 2977834; 655106, 2977822; 655124, 2977738; 655111, 2977659; 655069, 2977594; 655024, 2977575; 655009, 2977591; 654998, 2977670; 654918, 2977694; 654873, 2977725; 654846, 2977649; 654796, 2977624; 654790, 2977684; 654730, 2977716; 654701, 2977631; 654656, 2977605; 654618, 2977633; 654618, 2977695; 654535, 2977742; 654531, 2977689; 654492, 2977631; 654472, 2977643; 654464, 2977697; 654399, 2977720; 654360, 2977628; 654323, 2977607; 654283, 2977612; 654270, 2977677; 654222, 2977712; 654247, 2977911; 654260, 2977917; 654269, 2977902; 654271, 2977783; 654305, 2977807; 654312, 2977875; 654345, 2977815; 654381, 2977793; 654384, 2977921; 654389, 2978025; 654437, 2978050; Thence returning to 654461, 2978008.

654087, 2974152; 654012, 2973999; 653955, 2974000; 653932, 2974035; 653888, 2974181; 653916, 2974225; 653959, 2974257; 653968, 2974299; 653992, 2974313; 654018, 2974262; 654091, 2974205; Thence returning to 654087, 2974152.

654781, 2974229; 654814, 2974196; 654819, 2974159; 654775, 2974019; 654748, 2973979; 654725, 2973972; 654628, 2974078; 654641, 2974142; 654606, 2974172; 654645, 2974224; 654692, 2974216; 654737, 2974234; Thence returning to 654781, 2974229.

653740, 2974189; 653737, 2974154; 653706, 2974184; 653711, 2974205; 653727, 2974211; Thence returning to 653740, 2974189.

655326, 2974163; 655345, 2974139; 655378, 2974156; 655408, 2974153; 655446, 2974120; 655473, 2974064; 655444, 2973959; 655413, 2973937; 655374, 2973938; 655287, 2973971; 655243, 2974022; 655237, 2974050; 655241, 2974076; 655287, 2974083; 655276, 2974141; 655287, 2974157; Thence returning to 655326, 2974163.

653838, 2974093; 653833, 2974077; 653806, 2974096; 653821, 2974117; Thence returning to 653838, 2974093.

656146, 2973797; 656108, 2973791; 656081, 2973812; 656116, 2973868; 656057, 2973923; 656044, 2973971; 656079, 2974019; 656097, 2974094; 656174, 2974108; 656266, 2974031; 656288, 2973995; 656290, 2973951; 656245, 2973880; 656183, 2973862; Thence returning to 656146, 2973797.

656941, 2973863; 656892, 2973819; 656865, 2973847; 656803, 2973832; 656745, 2973837; 656725, 2973842; 656665, 2973908; 656661, 2973952; 656701, 2973987; 656710, 2974055; 656749, 2974080; 656796, 2974084; 656867, 2974051; 656889, 2974024; 656909, 2973915; 656939, 2973893; Thence returning to 656941, 2973863.

655600, 2974022; 655605, 2973881; 655644, 2973914; 655688, 2973920; 655656, 2973862; 655608, 2973839; 655620, 2973814; 655685, 2973816; 655739, 2973913; 655763, 2973872; 655856, 2973868; 655880, 2973771; 655945, 2973718; 655887, 2973660; 655855, 2973587; 655854, 2973427; 655824, 2973375; 655724, 2973346; 655608, 2973475; 655618, 2973500; 655668, 2973513; 655665, 2973564; 655736, 2973576; 655781, 2973603; 655772, 2973633; 655796, 2973654; 655791, 2973675; 655715, 2973711; 655680, 2973709; 655670, 2973738; 655646, 2973699; 655618, 2973711; 655600, 2973699; 655567, 2973768; 655506, 2973787; 655465, 2973723; 655294, 2973696; 655247, 2973739; 655222, 2973805; 655187, 2973815; 655200, 2973728; 655163, 2973721; 655142, 2973738; 655133, 2973836; 655150, 2973848; 655225, 2973837; 655247, 2973871; 655263, 2973833; 655347, 2973858; 655357, 2973841; 655316, 2973822; 655317, 2973804; 655374, 2973800; 655388, 2973816; 655391, 2973859; 655346, 2973891; 655365, 2973911; 655437, 2973877; 655418, 2973794; 655431, 2973784; 655470, 2973795; 655468, 2973837; 655530, 2973848; 655551, 2974025; 655581, 2974056; Thence returning to 655600, 2974022.

653541, 2974020; 653559, 2973965; 653498, 2973974; 653515, 2974025; Thence returning to 653541, 2974020.

653624, 2973988; 653610, 2973987; 653596, 2974007; 653605, 2974024; 653624, 2974003; Thence returning to 653624, 2973988.

657232, 2974034; 657284, 2973989; 657308, 2973947; 657320, 2973845; 657240, 2973770; 657205, 2973769; 657176, 2973804; 657126, 2973816; 657103, 2973840; 657099, 2973878; 657121, 2973916; 657083, 2973930; 657137, 2973956; 657194, 2974010; 657190, 2974023; 657154, 2974021; 657143, 2974031; 657170, 2974049; Thence returning to 657232, 2974034.

654260, 2973984; 654231, 2973977; 654223, 2973996; Thence returning to 654260, 2973984.

654529, 2973928; 654545, 2973901; 654459, 2973906; 654414, 2973888; 654268, 2973913; 654260, 2973940; 654342, 2973956; 654351, 2973983; 654383, 2973991; 654406, 2973952; 654497, 2973944; Thence returning to 654529, 2973928.

653578, 2973934; 653660, 2973814; 653630, 2973716; 653621, 2973617; 653587, 2973561; 653516, 2973561; 653470, 2973614; 653432, 2973728; 653441, 2973753; 653468, 2973757; 653471, 2973771; 653412, 2973830; 653406, 2973898; 653450, 2973893; Thence returning to 653578, 2973934.

655009, 2973920; 654960, 2973851; 654970, 2973815; 655057, 2973820; 655072, 2973789; 655059, 2973733; 654907, 2973765; 654866, 2973791; 654805, 2973764; 654807, 2973832; 654769, 2973867; 654778, 2973899; 654816, 2973880; 654867, 2973933; 654887, 2973935; 654897, 2973874; 654939, 2973863; 654953, 2973921; 654991, 2973943; Thence returning to 655009, 2973920.

653800, 2973899; 653781, 2973876; 653747, 2973896; 653768, 2973928; 653790, 2973924; Thence returning to 653800, 2973899.

654646, 2973894; 654642, 2973797; 654626, 2973745; 654599, 2973738; 654538, 2973799; 654457, 2973806; 654435, 2973829; 654440, 2973852; 654473, 2973864; 654577, 2973846; 654603, 2973935; Thence returning to 654646, 2973894.

655091, 2973891; 655073, 2973872; 655057, 2973889; 655073, 2973926; Thence returning to 655091, 2973891.

655144, 2973883; 655121, 2973876; 655119, 2973905; 655132, 2973907; Thence returning to 655144, 2973883.

655192, 2973896; 655186, 2973875; 655167, 2973879; 655172, 2973906; Thence returning to 655192, 2973896.

654709, 2973789; 654693, 2973779; 654677, 2973793; 654675, 2973834; 654681, 2973880; 654696, 2973890; 654730, 2973869; Thence returning to 654709, 2973789.

654310, 2973816; 654288, 2973798; 654184, 2973816; 654178, 2973852; 654278, 2973873; Thence returning to 654310, 2973816.

654378, 2973841; 654359, 2973831; 654347, 2973871; Thence returning to 654378, 2973841.

656418, 2973826; 656442, 2973826; 656460, 2973878; 656475, 2973827; 656508, 2973796; 656511, 2973764; 656475, 2973685; 656520, 2973664; 656547, 2973560; 656599, 2973491; 656601, 2973360; 656570, 2973315; 656500, 2973279; 656404, 2973303; 656347, 2973355; 656304, 2973442; 656337, 2973445; 656393, 2973416; 656378, 2973480; 656396, 2973529; 656419, 2973545; 656487, 2973551; 656447, 2973608; 656445, 2973654; 656463, 2973676; 656324, 2973698; 656304, 2973673; 656253, 2973686; 656211, 2973570; 656097, 2973563; 656059, 2973590; 656042, 2973726; 655988, 2973821; 655993, 2973848; 656039, 2973783; 656065, 2973770; 656247, 2973758; 656326, 2973820; 656338, 2973810; 656378, 2973896; 656388, 2973849; Thence returning to 656418, 2973826.

656064, 2973881; 656038, 2973842; 656020, 2973856; 656026, 2973885; Thence returning to 656064, 2973881.

657430, 2973831; 657413, 2973821; 657396, 2973867; 657414, 2973891; 657439, 2973872; Thence returning to 657430, 2973831.

656281, 2973813; 656234, 2973779; 656213, 2973779; 656182, 2973811; 656287, 2973863; 656308, 2973853; Thence returning to 656281, 2973813.

657580, 2973860; 657565, 2973839; 657562, 2973869; Thence returning to 657580, 2973860.

655923, 2973818; 655903, 2973799; 655904, 2973847; 655918, 2973848; Thence returning to 655923, 2973818.

657717, 2973819; 657708, 2973796; 657689, 2973804; 657679, 2973849; 657682, 2973862; 657705, 2973854; Thence returning to 657717, 2973819.

655981, 2973787; 655961, 2973781; 655957, 2973802; 655960, 2973823; 655975, 2973817; Thence returning to 655981, 2973787.

656582, 2973823; 656591, 2973762; 656624, 2973763; 656638, 2973791; 656672, 2973804; 656846, 2973798; 656865, 2973783; 656858, 2973735; 656755, 2973731; 656719, 2973720; 656725, 2973708; 656912, 2973685; 656936, 2973714; 656969, 2973715; 656973, 2973807; 656997, 2973783; 656999, 2973722; 657028, 2973717; 657052, 2973746; 657125, 2973766; 657326, 2973725; 657297, 2973685; 657184, 2973690; 657093, 2973725; 657068, 2973720; 657068, 2973687; 657103, 2973670; 657284, 2973647; 657334, 2973663; 657418, 2973617; 657434, 2973620; 657456, 2973783; 657479, 2973807; 657501, 2973806; 657474, 2973710; 657499, 2973650; 657543, 2973676; 657564, 2973669; 657601, 2973687; 657614, 2973633; 657630, 2973622; 657664, 2973631; 657681, 2973706; 657651, 2973741; 657607, 2973738; 657612, 2973823; 657637, 2973827; 657666, 2973773; 657710, 2973743; 657707, 2973658; 657731, 2973663; 657756, 2973720; 657788, 2973688; 657758, 2973604; 657799, 2973559; 657745, 2973558; 657708, 2973534; 657651, 2973536; 657630, 2973521; 657584, 2973535; 657556, 2973575; 657526, 2973576; 657527, 2973463; 657510, 2973428; 657455, 2973383; 657363, 2973372; 657144, 2973393; 657016, 2973430; 656883, 2973437; 656730, 2973496; 656634, 2973564; 656610, 2973672; 656578, 2973701; 656575, 2973752; 656548, 2973794; 656555, 2973817; Thence returning to 656582, 2973823.

657562, 2973810; 657567, 2973771; 657551, 2973777; 657551, 2973808; Thence returning to 657562, 2973810.

656936, 2973763; 656903, 2973756; 656912, 2973789; 656938, 2973776; Thence returning to 656936, 2973763.

654291, 2973731; 654347, 2973690; 654353, 2973639; 654325, 2973579; 654284, 2973546; 654226, 2973543; 654158, 2973578; 654142, 2973646; 654103, 2973712; 654124, 2973726; 654206, 2973708; Thence returning to 654291, 2973731.

657418, 2973695; 657367, 2973672; 657355, 2973698; 657385, 2973747; 657401, 2973767; 657414, 2973762; Thence returning to 657418, 2973695.

655080, 2973479; 654996, 2973472; 654895, 2973504; 654864, 2973547; 654891, 2973659; 654987, 2973702; 655041, 2973700; 655080, 2973657; 655118, 2973577; 655127, 2973533; 655112, 2973498; Thence returning to 655080, 2973479.

657890, 2973467; 657852, 2973438; 657799, 2973459; 657795, 2973476; 657796, 2973530; 657840, 2973549; 657843, 2973567; 657834, 2973604; 657872, 2973626; 657901, 2973605; 657912, 2973563; Thence returning to 657890, 2973467.

657757, 2973474; 657819, 2973389; 657823, 2973323; 657794, 2973255; 657704, 2973248; 657656, 2973276; 657635, 2973301; 657634, 2973324; 657676, 2973359; 657677, 2973423; 657744, 2973406; 657734, 2973463; Thence returning to 657757, 2973474.

653251, 2970052; 653263, 2969994; 653238, 2969995; 653207, 2970049; 653221, 2970069; Thence returning to 653251, 2970052.

653459, 2969991; 653510, 2969932; 653482, 2969919; 653453, 2969939; 653418, 2969903; 653403, 2969963; 653421, 2969995; Thence returning to 653459, 2969991.

653421, 2969797; 653395, 2969796; 653383, 2969815; 653404, 2969868; 653456, 2969845; Thence returning to 653421, 2969797.

653513, 2969715; 653575, 2969654; 653631, 2969658; 653680, 2969634; 653699, 2969662; 653717, 2969663; 653779, 2969592; 653779, 2969575; 653728, 2969557; 653762, 2969466; 653722, 2969467; 653678, 2969500; 653609, 2969487; 653523, 2969550; 653469, 2969559; 653479, 2969519; 653569, 2969461; 653545, 2969439; 653567, 2969386; 653439, 2969414; 653357, 2969499; 653368, 2969556; 653345, 2969645; 653445, 2969653; 653460, 2969674; 653452, 2969715; 653462, 2969729; Thence returning to 653513, 2969715.

653542, 2968731; 653537, 2968682; 653469, 2968696; 653456, 2968616; 653419, 2968605; 653366, 2968630; 653341, 2968671; 653332, 2968922; 653371, 2968940; 653309, 2969088; 653302, 2969123; 653314, 2969143; 653342, 2969126; 653415, 2968971; 653495, 2968872; Thence returning to 653542, 2968731.

654057, 2968997; 653973, 2968979; 653936, 2969023; 653950, 2969049; 654035, 2969057; 654072, 2969031; Thence returning to 654057, 2968997.

654360, 2968902; 654339, 2968860; 654315, 2968869; 654294, 2968937; 654229, 2968956; 654247, 2968998; 654296, 2969017; 654344, 2968996; Thence returning to 654360, 2968902.

654737, 2968593; 654751, 2968493; 654684, 2968349; 654636, 2968390; 654609, 2968468; 654618, 2968500; 654662, 2968505; 654648, 2968544; 654603, 2968555; 654574, 2968523; 654552, 2968525; 654533, 2968491; 654513, 2968504; 654554, 2968591; 654537, 2968694; 654503, 2968712; 654482, 2968785; 654540, 2968777; 654607, 2968681; 654708, 2968632; Thence returning to 654737, 2968593.

654298, 2968754; 654290, 2968714; 654241, 2968743; 654255, 2968776; Thence returning to 654298, 2968754.

654568, 2968346; 654623, 2968254; 654627, 2968219; 654604, 2968201; 654568, 2968211; 654579, 2968240; 654570, 2968262; 654511, 2968239; 654496, 2968280; 654436, 2968320; 654398, 2968401; 654415, 2968508; 654359, 2968642; 654362, 2968679; 654417, 2968720; 654426, 2968759; 654446, 2968745; 654459, 2968690; 654416, 2968680; 654410, 2968660; 654445, 2968608; 654475, 2968463; Thence returning to 654568, 2968346.

655079, 2968444; 655122, 2968364; 655141, 2968409; 655156, 2968341; 655184, 2968339; 655167, 2968420; 655128, 2968465; 655128, 2968538; 655173, 2968613; 655198, 2968603; 655204, 2968568; 655223, 2968562; 655238, 2968636; 655247, 2968648; 655282, 2968640; 655311, 2968591; 655265, 2968529; 655257, 2968476; 655221, 2968444; 655228, 2968402; 655285, 2968324; 655312, 2968340; 655338, 2968329; 655361, 2968373; 655409, 2968372; 655411, 2968445; 655432, 2968455; 655468, 2968403; 655460, 2968352; 655475, 2968298; 655524, 2968299; 655554, 2968361; 655592, 2968356; 655620, 2968408; 655653, 2968424; 655674, 2968515; 655699, 2968519; 655721, 2968454; 655700, 2968379; 655711, 2968286; 655698, 2968214; 655728, 2968161; 655778, 2968281; 655816, 2968264; 655823, 2968244; 655820, 2968218; 655784, 2968211; 655799, 2968141; 655779, 2968033; 655763, 2968016; 655770, 2967979; 655787, 2967964; 655800, 2967963; 655818, 2968096; 655854, 2968138; 655882, 2968143; 655879, 2968188; 655911, 2968198; 655907, 2968270; 655923, 2968305; 655962, 2968279; 656026, 2968170; 656090, 2968150; 656137, 2968093; 656192, 2968055; 656214, 2968060; 656254, 2968107; 656268, 2968104; 656307, 2968027; 656354, 2967997; 656369, 2967939; 656344, 2967765; 656356, 2967764; 656397, 2967877; 656442, 2967935; 656498, 2967951; 656511, 2967936; 656515, 2967871; 656486, 2967854; 656484, 2967789; 656597, 2967799; 656587, 2967841; 656545, 2967845; 656557, 2967877; 656598, 2967897; 656562, 2967933; 656582, 2967970; 656710, 2967941; 656723, 2967918; 656711, 2967831; 656679, 2967827; 656653, 2967873; 656631, 2967860; 656648, 2967808; 656640, 2967779; 656654, 2967762; 656792, 2967733; 656962, 2967670; 657007, 2967632; 657023, 2967633; 657038, 2967668; 657057, 2967677; 657127, 2967630; 657189, 2967509; 657247, 2967523; 657357, 2967451; 657553, 2967360; 657607, 2967286; 657634, 2967210; 657649, 2967064; 657634, 2966995; 657589, 2966953; 657561, 2966958; 657522, 2967005; 657470, 2966984; 657419, 2966937; 657347, 2966921; 657304, 2966934; 656941, 2967211; 656475, 2967438; 656358, 2967515; 655895, 2967757; 655830, 2967816; 655776, 2967931; 655731, 2967957; 655685, 2967709; 655648, 2967679; 655560, 2967685; 655480, 2967739; 655430, 2967832; 655445, 2967893; 655512, 2967912; 655513, 2968036; 655466, 2968013; 655457, 2968067; 655413, 2968042; 655381, 2968079; 655368, 2968077; 655332, 2968011; 655197, 2968061; 655153, 2968031; 655123, 2968035; 655063, 2968178; 655038, 2968180; 654994, 2968222; 654956, 2968156; 654931, 2968156; 654898, 2968194; 654892, 2968303; 654847, 2968355; 654846, 2968392; 654879, 2968404; 654920, 2968386; 654936, 2968453; 654973, 2968419; 655015, 2968434; 655025, 2968413; 655048, 2968461; 655021, 2968577; 655010, 2968639; 655043, 2968654; 655090, 2968591; 655079, 2968444; 655571, 2968278; 655577, 2968220; 655551, 2968094; 655592, 2968091; 655615, 2968189; 655652, 2968212; 655662, 2968288; 655639, 2968299; 655616, 2968281; 655571, 2968278; 655653, 2967993; 655691, 2967939; 655711, 2967969; 655663, 2968033; 655653, 2967993; 656889, 2967433; 656905, 2967423; 656908, 2967435; 656953, 2967536; 656943, 2967563; 656930, 2967563; 656891, 2967455; Thence returning to 656889, 2967433.

654863, 2968434; 654847, 2968425; 654823, 2968486; 654829, 2968559; 654848, 2968547; 654862, 2968505; Thence returning to 654863, 2968434.

655522, 2968471; 655503, 2968394; 655488, 2968399; 655478, 2968461; 655487, 2968487; Thence returning to 655522, 2968471.

654863, 2968203; 654859, 2968170; 654802, 2968194; 654746, 2968338; 654744, 2968422; 654764, 2968423; 654791, 2968393; 654813, 2968390; 654824, 2968365; Thence returning to 654863, 2968203.

653914, 2968175; 653903, 2968164; 653820, 2968169; 653801, 2968175; 653797, 2968199; 653803, 2968340; 653822, 2968347; 653853, 2968318; 653902, 2968315; 653898, 2968227; 653923, 2968208; Thence returning to 653914, 2968175.

656186, 2968179; 656173, 2968142; 656137, 2968166; 656132, 2968194; 656144, 2968204; Thence returning to 656186, 2968179.

654622, 2968099; 654660, 2968038; 654680, 2968089; 654694, 2968091; 654710, 2968049; 654704, 2967980; 654649, 2967979; 654600, 2967898; 654554, 2967884; 654521, 2967908; 654487, 2967955; 654466, 2968025; Thence returning to 654622, 2968099.

654936, 2968009; 654910, 2968006; 654865, 2968029; 654860, 2968060; 654884, 2968098; 654914, 2968102; 654934, 2968083; 654945, 2968054; Thence returning to 654936, 2968009.

655361, 2967847; 655350, 2967807; 655284, 2967822; 655256, 2967857; 655272, 2967882; 655333, 2967908; Thence returning to 655361, 2967847.

652176, 2966624; 652145, 2966621; 652140, 2966660; 652169, 2966665; Thence returning to 652176, 2966624.

657682, 2959612; 657636, 2959603; 657607, 2959632; 657610, 2959792; 657668, 2959877; 657715, 2959903; 657756, 2959900; 657784, 2959834; 657768, 2959717; 657736, 2959651; Thence returning to 657682, 2959612.

661817, 2954973; 661899, 2954916; 661921, 2954875; 661879, 2954857; 661869, 2954812; 661833, 2954786; 661782, 2954778; 661748, 2954792; 661678, 2954843; 661640, 2954923; 661657, 2954966; 661741, 2954950; 661745, 2954982; 661777, 2954990; Thence returning to 661817, 2954973.

661982, 2954574; 661944, 2954563; 661829, 2954659; 661808, 2954694; 661820, 2954714; 661954, 2954713; 662001, 2954686; 662019, 2954643; 662013, 2954609; Thence returning to 661982, 2954574.

660556, 2949639; 660500, 2949583; 660448, 2949592; 660415, 2949627; 660393, 2949679; 660355, 2949835; 660358, 2949856; 660413, 2949899; 660493, 2949865; 660546, 2949808; 660579, 2949727; 660576, 2949675; Thence returning to 660556, 2949639.

661092, 2949601; 661066, 2949585; 660984, 2949597; 660952, 2949643; 660918, 2949766; 660929, 2949852; 660955, 2949881; 660986, 2949884; 661018, 2949828; 661083, 2949813; 661102, 2949729; Thence returning to 661092, 2949601.

660832, 2949631; 660823, 2949596; 660796, 2949596; 660770, 2949618; 660765, 2949756; 660792, 2949760; Thence returning to 660832, 2949631.

660741, 2949679; 660706, 2949674; 660694, 2949686; 660693, 2949727; 660708, 2949743; 660724, 2949738; Thence returning to 660741, 2949679.

659982, 2949083; 659957, 2949071; 659937, 2949107; 659967, 2949125; Thence returning to 659982, 2949083.

663288, 2946483; 663237, 2946471; 663181, 2946502; 663026, 2946760; 662912, 2946910; 662900, 2946969; 662917, 2947043; 663001, 2947060; 663061, 2947011; 663182, 2946769; 663300, 2946588; 663314, 2946513; Thence returning to 663288, 2946483.

(ii) Unit TX-3, Subunit C, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

667115, 2940198; 667414, 2939295; 667380, 2939298; 667306, 2939259; 667098, 2939258; 666957, 2939228; 666889, 2939171; 666865, 2939110; 666824, 2939105; 666835, 2939178; 666807, 2939224; 666790, 2939224; 666750, 2939165; 666709, 2939207; 666670, 2939223; 666538, 2939217; 666415, 2939236; 666405, 2939215; 666426, 2939165; 666384, 2939127; 666383, 2939079; 666355, 2939076; 666339, 2939076; 666355, 2939098; 666338, 2939223; 666294, 2939272; 666286, 2939231; 666311, 2939183; 666287, 2939074; 666254, 2939074; 666256, 2939121; 666177, 2939154; 666136, 2939198; 666113, 2939253; 666081, 2939276; 665931, 2939330; 665871, 2939300; 665844, 2939343; 665810, 2939364; 665789, 2939436; 665704, 2939541; 665767, 2939197; 665816, 2939088; 665827, 2939078; 665868, 2939095; 665920, 2939141; 665925, 2939170; 665896, 2939203; 665910, 2939216; 666070, 2939160; 666124, 2939118; 666134, 2939092; 665981, 2939137; 665915, 2939058; 665712, 2939052; 665623, 2939094; 665585, 2939060; 665492, 2939042; 665447, 2939113; 665533, 2939090; 665593, 2939127; 665637, 2939184; 665669, 2939153; 665690, 2939094; 665728, 2939077; 665744, 2939093; 665692, 2939270; 665618, 2939447; 665585, 2939501; 665566, 2939507; 665527, 2939411; 665446, 2939327; 665449, 2939139; 665439, 2939130; 665412, 2939152; 665455, 2939044; 665429, 2939028; 665321, 2939039; 665270, 2939024; 665207, 2939067; 665117, 2939071; 665062, 2939016; 664889, 2938974; 664382, 2938994; 664122, 2938932; 663761, 2938924; 663293, 2938881; 663284, 2938908; 663323, 2938909; 663353, 2938931; 663518, 2938929; 663751, 2938982; 664155, 2938975; 664252, 2939008; 664300, 2939053; 664340, 2939122; 664446, 2939115; 664600, 2939021; 664814, 2939019; 664843, 2939047; 664906, 2939257; 664980, 2939393; 665008, 2939542; 664994, 2939626; 664773, 2940159; 664477, 2940663; 664241, 2941138; 664002, 2941544; 663831, 2941796; 663561, 2942341; 663289, 2942843; 663170, 2943023; 663031, 2943195; 666036, 2943243; 667115, 2940198; 665283, 2939163; 665290, 2939105; 665263, 2939147; 665246, 2939131; 665270, 2939070; 665292, 2939052; 665319, 2939060; 665329, 2939080; 665266, 2939244; 665283, 2939163; 664422, 2939083; 664407, 2939077; 664410, 2939055; 664449, 2939014; 664473, 2939016; 664480, 2939046; Thence returning to 664422, 2939083.


Unit TX-3 Subunit C, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

665266, 2939244; 665329, 2939080; 665319, 2939060; 665292, 2939052; 665270, 2939070; 665246, 2939131; 665263, 2939147; 665290, 2939105; 665283, 2939163; Thence returning to 665266, 2939244.

664473, 2939016; 664449, 2939014; 664410, 2939055; 664407, 2939077; 664422, 2939083; 664480, 2939046; Thence returning to 664473, 2939016.

(4) Subunit TX-3D: North Padre Island - Gulf of Mexico: 109 hectares (270 acres) in Kleberg County, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-3, Subunit TX-3, Subunit D, Kleberg County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

673980, 3048165; 672224, 3044203; 671961, 3043590; 671894, 3043382; 671360, 3042145; 671223, 3042143; 671722, 3043337; 671910, 3043749; 671949, 3043864; 672116, 3044204; 672647, 3045437; 673307, 3046888; 673312, 3046935; 673493, 3047302; 673797, 3048007; 673831, 3048053; 673837, 3048092; 673814, 3048097; 673763, 3048071; 673739, 3048085; 673760, 3048085; 673778, 3048107; 673700, 3048191; 673694, 3048228; 673705, 3048240; 673770, 3048233; 673845, 3048110; 674208, 3048945; 674402, 3049344; 675090, 3050888; 675202, 3051105; 675253, 3051246; 675356, 3051449; 675444, 3051401; 674870, 3050176; Thence returning to 673980, 3048165.

(5) Subunit TX-3E: North Padre Island - Mesquite Rincon: 3,894 hectares (9,623 acres) in Kenedy County, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-3, Subunit E, Kenedy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

650814, 2961209; 650823, 2961183; 650791, 2961109; 650638, 2961142; 650589, 2961194; 650675, 2961175; Thence returning to 650814, 2961209.

651785, 2961238; 651751, 2961241; 651762, 2961261; 651740, 2961323; 651773, 2961292; Thence returning to 651785, 2961238.

650761, 2961323; 650734, 2961295; 650667, 2961282; 650585, 2961234; 650614, 2961300; 650665, 2961316; 650688, 2961355; 650765, 2961393; 650772, 2961351; Thence returning to 650761, 2961323.

651683, 2961584; 651713, 2961529; 651693, 2961499; 651636, 2961522; 651571, 2961521; 651500, 2961593; 651613, 2961576; 651663, 2961599; Thence returning to 651683, 2961584.

651837, 2961624; 651826, 2961501; 651807, 2961455; 651762, 2961429; 651688, 2961455; 651684, 2961465; 651734, 2961457; 651811, 2961514; 651810, 2961542; 651743, 2961601; 651757, 2961615; 651796, 2961589; 651770, 2961689; 651817, 2961671; Thence returning to 651837, 2961624.

650466, 2961772; 650487, 2961782; 650506, 2961823; 650557, 2961795; 650596, 2961829; 650625, 2961813; 650678, 2961843; 650694, 2961836; 650691, 2961749; 650681, 2961742; 650648, 2961782; 650627, 2961782; 650555, 2961719; 650570, 2961663; 650518, 2961649; 650490, 2961613; 650500, 2961564; 650524, 2961541; 650612, 2961519; 650605, 2961469; 650556, 2961470; 650515, 2961506; 650479, 2961497; 650417, 2961630; 650419, 2961703; 650399, 2961734; 650369, 2961721; 650358, 2961652; 650306, 2961691; 650357, 2961761; 650345, 2961829; 650363, 2961851; 650419, 2961852; Thence returning to 650466, 2961772.

651280, 2962209; 651300, 2962168; 651254, 2962201; 651247, 2962177; 651214, 2962177; 651199, 2962158; 651160, 2962208; 651153, 2962260; 651166, 2962276; 651197, 2962271; Thence returning to 651280, 2962209.

650062, 2962315; 650040, 2962320; 650019, 2962365; 650051, 2962417; 650076, 2962352; Thence returning to 650062, 2962315.

648564, 2964157; 648625, 2964160; 648625, 2964137; 648540, 2964071; 648524, 2964074; 648524, 2964090; 648549, 2964120; 648544, 2964133; 648467, 2964120; 648451, 2964139; 648459, 2964164; 648491, 2964173; Thence returning to 648564, 2964157.

648452, 2964382; 648500, 2964334; 648552, 2964380; 648595, 2964342; 648554, 2964312; 648496, 2964306; 648418, 2964360; Thence returning to 648452, 2964382.

651440, 2963757; 651430, 2963690; 651405, 2963688; 651448, 2963473; 651401, 2963529; 651361, 2963535; 651337, 2963610; 651338, 2963715; 651355, 2963796; 651409, 2963932; 651367, 2964078; 651356, 2964342; 651239, 2964820; 651261, 2965050; 651284, 2965028; 651294, 2964988; 651273, 2964804; 651310, 2964728; 651312, 2964631; 651397, 2964348; 651434, 2964023; 651457, 2963925; Thence returning to 651440, 2963757.

651156, 2965918; 651274, 2965651; 651283, 2965548; 651243, 2965412; 651215, 2965422; 651186, 2965466; 651196, 2965660; 651178, 2965668; 651152, 2965596; 651144, 2965679; 651103, 2965724; 651090, 2965822; 651042, 2965864; 651040, 2965889; 651060, 2965900; 650997, 2966041; 650995, 2966117; Thence returning to 651156, 2965918.

650968, 2966016; 650980, 2965986; 650956, 2965941; 651002, 2965841; 650983, 2965839; 650848, 2965956; 650776, 2965969; 650795, 2965991; 650733, 2966003; 650710, 2965971; 650852, 2965929; 650927, 2965868; 650976, 2965795; 650983, 2965700; 651061, 2965587; 651072, 2965434; 651104, 2965346; 651104, 2965227; 651147, 2965165; 651180, 2965037; 651220, 2964986; 651216, 2964965; 651186, 2964951; 651184, 2964841; 651298, 2964465; 651286, 2964459; 651261, 2964489; 651253, 2964482; 651248, 2964395; 651285, 2964289; 651286, 2964241; 651245, 2964203; 651224, 2964087; 651203, 2964145; 651186, 2964139; 651175, 2963537; 651190, 2963416; 651255, 2963358; 651257, 2963282; 651348, 2962961; 651413, 2962600; 651390, 2962573; 651380, 2962698; 651364, 2962713; 651355, 2962591; 651375, 2962527; 651410, 2962502; 651432, 2962462; 651450, 2962321; 651425, 2962306; 651330, 2962397; 651311, 2962404; 651308, 2962379; 651393, 2962292; 651441, 2962280; 651468, 2962139; 651533, 2962068; 651529, 2961982; 651558, 2961931; 651544, 2961863; 651470, 2961700; 651470, 2961760; 651505, 2961852; 651508, 2961904; 651490, 2962043; 651426, 2962145; 651403, 2962251; 651359, 2962280; 651263, 2962308; 651190, 2962427; 651137, 2962484; 651128, 2962588; 651143, 2962654; 651249, 2962695; 651324, 2962807; 651334, 2962886; 651263, 2963199; 651180, 2963372; 651144, 2963490; 651147, 2964059; 651099, 2964120; 650941, 2964170; 650899, 2964175; 650842, 2964143; 650799, 2964143; 650754, 2964210; 650712, 2964339; 650711, 2964381; 650733, 2964447; 650952, 2964747; 651025, 2964883; 651051, 2964966; 651035, 2965040; 650944, 2965164; 650896, 2965272; 650767, 2965437; 650757, 2965549; 650738, 2965593; 650609, 2965696; 650549, 2965788; 650463, 2965877; 650476, 2965899; 650586, 2965924; 650836, 2965692; 650883, 2965691; 650866, 2965727; 650641, 2965951; 650535, 2966089; 650514, 2966222; 650558, 2966357; 650571, 2966500; 650612, 2966512; 650696, 2966468; 650696, 2966436; 650818, 2966325; 650872, 2966239; 650922, 2966196; 650914, 2966134; 650895, 2966102; 650968, 2966016; 650685, 2965800; 650612, 2965826; 650604, 2965802; 650623, 2965781; 650695, 2965756; 650778, 2965675; 650785, 2965654; 650765, 2965649; 650684, 2965709; 650642, 2965717; 650791, 2965575; 650797, 2965442; 650815, 2965408; 650829, 2965412; 650828, 2965489; 650885, 2965370; 650931, 2965340; 650857, 2965532; 650842, 2965628; 650770, 2965728; 650685, 2965800; 651078, 2965041; 651097, 2965049; 651083, 2965097; 651011, 2965208; 650946, 2965263; 650951, 2965231; 651044, 2965062; 651078, 2965041; 651130, 2964669; 651132, 2964562; 651153, 2964521; 651158, 2964599; 651182, 2964642; 651168, 2964715; 651146, 2964707; 651130, 2964669; 651058, 2964567; 650987, 2964508; 650994, 2964492; 651072, 2964516; 651058, 2964567; 651173, 2964496; 651166, 2964448; 651192, 2964393; 651220, 2964376; 651188, 2964484; 651173, 2964496; 651027, 2964464; 650900, 2964424; 650934, 2964384; 650970, 2964384; 651023, 2964427; 651027, 2964464; 650984, 2964565; 650993, 2964592; 650952, 2964631; 650949, 2964585; 650958, 2964568; 650984, 2964565; 651104, 2964308; 651024, 2964299; 650984, 2964271; 650999, 2964254; 651137, 2964243; 651149, 2964261; 651137, 2964326; 651117, 2964341; 651104, 2964308; 651238, 2964269; 651266, 2964279; 651250, 2964325; 651234, 2964331; 651221, 2964315; Thence returning to 651238, 2964269.

643228, 2969265; 643183, 2969264; 643204, 2969297; 643250, 2969279; Thence returning to 643228, 2969265.

643320, 2969309; 643242, 2969330; 643329, 2969360; Thence returning to 643320, 2969309.

643548, 2969627; 643538, 2969653; 643552, 2969641; Thence returning to 643548, 2969627.

651837, 2971038; 651862, 2971038; 651910, 2970985; 651922, 2970930; 651907, 2970924; 651797, 2970998; 651803, 2971104; Thence returning to 651837, 2971038.

648563, 2971240; 648641, 2971259; 648653, 2971303; 648645, 2971323; 648816, 2971323; 648895, 2971266; 648961, 2971241; 648992, 2971251; 648986, 2971323; 649001, 2971322; 649044, 2971306; 649049, 2971276; 649036, 2971265; 649045, 2971242; 649122, 2971215; 649213, 2971230; 649214, 2971265; 649323, 2971262; 649367, 2971280; 649358, 2971295; 649282, 2971294; 649189, 2971321; 649781, 2971320; 649762, 2971266; 649775, 2971249; 649805, 2971279; 649806, 2971320; 650076, 2971320; 650124, 2971294; 650139, 2971295; 650145, 2971319; 650572, 2971317; 650606, 2971302; 650645, 2971258; 650675, 2971250; 650695, 2971260; 650702, 2971311; 650729, 2971287; 650732, 2971251; 650814, 2971297; 650814, 2971318; 651048, 2971316; 651063, 2971298; 651137, 2971316; 651551, 2971315; 651546, 2971277; 651484, 2971309; 651463, 2971302; 651474, 2971250; 651529, 2971223; 651626, 2971237; 651641, 2971289; 651666, 2971316; 651852, 2971315; 651850, 2971300; 651814, 2971299; 651806, 2971285; 651816, 2971240; 651846, 2971257; 651866, 2971245; 651870, 2971129; 651854, 2971125; 651814, 2971158; 651710, 2971126; 651729, 2971066; 651669, 2970918; 651653, 2970984; 651683, 2971083; 651631, 2971179; 651503, 2971196; 651490, 2971176; 651491, 2971140; 651462, 2971113; 651475, 2971075; 651553, 2971047; 651547, 2971022; 651487, 2970985; 651479, 2970948; 651492, 2970877; 651523, 2970820; 651575, 2970789; 651528, 2970767; 651507, 2970712; 651549, 2970608; 651527, 2970605; 651475, 2970642; 651451, 2970624; 651451, 2970552; 651484, 2970402; 651555, 2970332; 651674, 2970298; 651814, 2970327; 651916, 2970369; 652036, 2970456; 652177, 2970597; 652217, 2970695; 652245, 2970850; 652255, 2971087; 652230, 2971314; 652346, 2971314; 652364, 2971274; 652396, 2971302; 652400, 2971147; 652362, 2970872; 652356, 2970582; 652352, 2970568; 652303, 2970786; 652294, 2970693; 652309, 2970450; 652252, 2970047; 652236, 2969825; 652203, 2969669; 652127, 2969669; 652120, 2969680; 652119, 2969708; 652168, 2969757; 652186, 2969801; 652201, 2969887; 652188, 2969906; 652152, 2969791; 652062, 2969723; 652076, 2969669; 649970, 2969655; 649097, 2970549; 648696, 2970993; 648376, 2971322; 648507, 2971324; 648507, 2971277; 648563, 2971240; 649568, 2971221; 649583, 2971226; 649585, 2971251; 649566, 2971247; 649568, 2971221; 650286, 2971242; 650297, 2971210; 650338, 2971193; 650363, 2971115; 650259, 2971207; 650237, 2971210; 650219, 2971180; 650334, 2971027; 650369, 2970934; 650402, 2970903; 650459, 2970894; 650533, 2970852; 650655, 2970867; 650743, 2970839; 650766, 2970851; 650772, 2970915; 650811, 2970980; 650882, 2971000; 650882, 2971088; 650861, 2971127; 650876, 2971179; 650781, 2971171; 650756, 2971134; 650766, 2971099; 650741, 2971083; 650679, 2971124; 650605, 2971114; 650588, 2971048; 650594, 2970981; 650613, 2970946; 650584, 2970938; 650477, 2971119; 650453, 2971232; 650420, 2971300; 650321, 2971292; 650289, 2971263; 650286, 2971242; 651045, 2971205; 650994, 2971133; 650992, 2971088; 650923, 2971080; 650903, 2970962; 650831, 2970940; 650812, 2970916; 650813, 2970847; 650854, 2970809; 650849, 2970751; 650876, 2970727; 651012, 2970717; 651068, 2970738; 651093, 2970766; 651112, 2971205; 651092, 2971229; 651045, 2971205; 651664, 2971202; 651688, 2971166; 651746, 2971164; 651771, 2971214; 651765, 2971276; 651746, 2971286; 651687, 2971262; 651688, 2971220; 651664, 2971202; 651378, 2970814; 651454, 2970826; 651468, 2970851; 651448, 2970932; 651379, 2971046; 651366, 2971044; 651348, 2970985; 651312, 2970947; 651308, 2970901; 651330, 2970833; 651378, 2970814; 650249, 2970738; 650175, 2970748; 650215, 2970697; 650280, 2970687; 650261, 2970652; 650292, 2970645; 650242, 2970589; 650162, 2970564; 650022, 2970612; 649959, 2970593; 649948, 2970523; 649899, 2970626; 649805, 2970616; 649714, 2970655; 649678, 2970725; 649636, 2970743; 649598, 2970745; 649578, 2970727; 649599, 2970677; 649644, 2970636; 649535, 2970666; 649500, 2970652; 649570, 2970571; 649699, 2970537; 649771, 2970498; 649960, 2970476; 650224, 2970398; 650314, 2970394; 650368, 2970420; 650393, 2970455; 650408, 2970508; 650402, 2970586; 650359, 2970687; 650249, 2970738; 650570, 2970402; 650602, 2970336; 650696, 2970273; 650829, 2970272; 650869, 2970286; 650955, 2970356; 650971, 2970504; 650932, 2970578; 650850, 2970622; 650791, 2970615; 650734, 2970569; 650639, 2970615; 650566, 2970621; 650553, 2970577; 650570, 2970402; 649731, 2970330; 649695, 2970332; 649654, 2970284; 649604, 2970290; 649582, 2970246; 649374, 2970371; 649410, 2970294; 649478, 2970212; 649532, 2970176; 649646, 2970138; 649756, 2970146; 649806, 2970187; 649805, 2970248; 649781, 2970289; 649731, 2970330; 649460, 2970359; 649473, 2970359; 649479, 2970379; 649455, 2970392; 649460, 2970359; 649569, 2970322; 649584, 2970340; 649564, 2970351; 649558, 2970337; 649569, 2970322; 649525, 2970737; 649542, 2970793; 649488, 2970805; 649481, 2970755; 649459, 2970732; 649494, 2970718; 649525, 2970737; 649012, 2970794; 649056, 2970826; 649058, 2970882; 648996, 2970946; 648962, 2970920; 648947, 2970867; 648968, 2970824; 649012, 2970794; 649361, 2970898; 649409, 2970903; 649414, 2970883; 649386, 2970863; 649418, 2970852; 649503, 2970875; 649531, 2970896; 649531, 2970913; 649433, 2970944; 649343, 2970994; 649254, 2970996; 649293, 2970929; 649361, 2970898; 649427, 2970985; 649444, 2970987; 649439, 2971018; 649422, 2971016; 649427, 2970985; 649889, 2971009; 649985, 2971023; 650021, 2971008; 650044, 2971024; 650026, 2971044; 649886, 2971069; 649865, 2971053; 649889, 2971009; 649588, 2970868; 649645, 2970842; 649656, 2970864; 649641, 2970898; 649591, 2970925; 649588, 2970868; 649739, 2970864; 649764, 2970811; 649901, 2970759; 649995, 2970695; 650026, 2970705; 649933, 2970818; 649823, 2970865; 649748, 2970878; 649739, 2970864; 650081, 2970792; 650123, 2970802; 650142, 2970823; 650094, 2970874; 650072, 2970853; 650068, 2970817; 650081, 2970792; 650200, 2970664; 650212, 2970649; 650224, 2970668; 650205, 2970681; 650200, 2970664; 650084, 2970658; 650067, 2970659; 650062, 2970639; 650155, 2970591; 650178, 2970599; 650166, 2970629; 650084, 2970658; 650974, 2971173; 650960, 2971163; 650967, 2971137; 650982, 2971143; 650974, 2971173; 650594, 2971192; 650504, 2971178; 650523, 2971116; 650540, 2971108; 650563, 2971141; 650606, 2971159; 650594, 2971192; 649409, 2971192; 649403, 2971216; 649316, 2971215; 649285, 2971111; 649314, 2971082; 649345, 2971094; 649395, 2971141; 649409, 2971192; 649726, 2969962; 649814, 2969966; 649836, 2969990; 649835, 2970011; 649804, 2970049; 649689, 2970069; 649672, 2970040; 649680, 2969986; 649726, 2969962; 650185, 2969704; 650210, 2969714; 650204, 2969732; 650139, 2969735; 650140, 2969711; 650185, 2969704; 651781, 2969746; 651602, 2969729; 650650, 2969704; 651763, 2969697; 651802, 2969718; 651781, 2969746; 650427, 2969700; 650485, 2969701; 650493, 2969719; 650409, 2969727; 650405, 2969700; 650427, 2969700; 650579, 2969730; 650557, 2969716; 650608, 2969708; Thence returning to 650579, 2969730.

643804, 2971301; 643840, 2971284; 643847, 2971312; 643836, 2971336; 643860, 2971338; 644510, 2971334; 644636, 2971282; 644671, 2971333; 644729, 2971334; 644687, 2971300; 644684, 2971282; 644709, 2971274; 644773, 2971333; 644879, 2971333; 644818, 2971303; 644802, 2971275; 644833, 2971267; 644936, 2971301; 645010, 2971301; 645033, 2971296; 645036, 2971268; 645128, 2971279; 645153, 2971260; 645154, 2971237; 645136, 2971215; 644958, 2971151; 644912, 2971150; 644898, 2971213; 644791, 2971188; 644733, 2971139; 644763, 2971120; 644853, 2971117; 644961, 2971089; 645051, 2971108; 645224, 2971216; 645349, 2971257; 645384, 2971292; 645398, 2971332; 648329, 2971324; 648612, 2971033; 649168, 2970415; 649921, 2969645; 649864, 2969620; 649893, 2969537; 649918, 2969523; 649938, 2969532; 649945, 2969635; 649969, 2969637; 649982, 2969577; 649974, 2969490; 650004, 2969439; 650085, 2969428; 650112, 2969445; 650109, 2969505; 650065, 2969576; 650053, 2969639; 650081, 2969639; 650117, 2969554; 650157, 2969532; 650169, 2969548; 650169, 2969639; 650210, 2969638; 650219, 2969458; 650266, 2969415; 650322, 2969415; 650348, 2969450; 650308, 2969606; 650304, 2969638; 650325, 2969639; 650387, 2969489; 650415, 2969460; 650503, 2969417; 650741, 2969389; 650779, 2969362; 650942, 2969399; 650977, 2969335; 651080, 2969330; 651111, 2969407; 651204, 2969435; 651247, 2969407; 651265, 2969334; 651320, 2969324; 651420, 2969360; 651436, 2969405; 651488, 2969418; 651537, 2969418; 651578, 2969397; 651617, 2969409; 651644, 2969395; 651684, 2969432; 651767, 2969439; 651987, 2969393; 652084, 2969401; 652131, 2969432; 652149, 2969476; 652149, 2969556; 652128, 2969620; 652248, 2969608; 652262, 2969578; 652261, 2969522; 652228, 2969523; 652200, 2969109; 652096, 2968267; 652107, 2968233; 652124, 2968227; 652129, 2968182; 652110, 2968152; 652013, 2967221; 651935, 2967167; 651903, 2967112; 651916, 2967099; 651957, 2967139; 652038, 2967174; 652002, 2966815; 651873, 2966851; 651748, 2966944; 651571, 2967033; 651349, 2967113; 651257, 2967126; 651200, 2967161; 651077, 2967177; 651000, 2967217; 650736, 2967240; 650456, 2967303; 649908, 2967283; 649673, 2967259; 649593, 2967222; 649199, 2967132; 649146, 2967112; 649114, 2967061; 649053, 2967033; 648970, 2967044; 648906, 2967015; 648738, 2967014; 648647, 2966991; 648533, 2967021; 648522, 2967005; 648547, 2966927; 648531, 2966890; 648357, 2966792; 648272, 2966716; 648157, 2966665; 648088, 2966605; 648017, 2966575; 647899, 2966583; 647878, 2966563; 647921, 2966485; 647993, 2966428; 648002, 2966362; 648249, 2966122; 648393, 2966035; 648747, 2965936; 648896, 2965933; 649067, 2965966; 649326, 2965978; 649649, 2965936; 649808, 2965866; 649941, 2965767; 649956, 2965751; 649943, 2965739; 649997, 2965677; 649984, 2965628; 649955, 2965593; 649885, 2965540; 649819, 2965519; 649855, 2965508; 649923, 2965536; 650011, 2965620; 650023, 2965611; 649992, 2965544; 650039, 2965526; 650075, 2965487; 650084, 2965446; 650059, 2965454; 650055, 2965439; 650092, 2965354; 650160, 2965266; 650186, 2965283; 650154, 2965377; 650250, 2965358; 650301, 2965363; 650200, 2965495; 650183, 2965639; 650217, 2965763; 650309, 2965844; 650317, 2965880; 650388, 2965887; 650419, 2965844; 650470, 2965818; 650648, 2965609; 650712, 2965579; 650727, 2965395; 650708, 2965346; 650660, 2965315; 650655, 2965279; 650827, 2965099; 650906, 2964911; 650908, 2964808; 650862, 2964683; 650696, 2964483; 650661, 2964320; 650621, 2964296; 650533, 2964333; 650498, 2964323; 650509, 2964288; 650619, 2964159; 650657, 2964077; 650754, 2963661; 650751, 2963590; 650668, 2963407; 650658, 2963339; 650681, 2963308; 650814, 2963246; 650892, 2963186; 650969, 2963069; 650956, 2962962; 650908, 2962852; 650865, 2962797; 650836, 2962808; 650784, 2962735; 650726, 2962691; 650713, 2962668; 650718, 2962627; 650733, 2962598; 650764, 2962604; 650845, 2962483; 650923, 2962443; 651063, 2962283; 651116, 2962206; 651126, 2962164; 651276, 2962031; 651293, 2961967; 651316, 2961618; 651390, 2961373; 651545, 2961099; 651561, 2961101; 651558, 2961136; 651506, 2961271; 651464, 2961323; 651464, 2961365; 651497, 2961378; 651569, 2961330; 651563, 2961307; 651520, 2961315; 651550, 2961286; 651667, 2961236; 651675, 2961173; 651664, 2961163; 651586, 2961239; 651545, 2961253; 651624, 2961147; 651679, 2961111; 651702, 2961074; 651796, 2961024; 651807, 2960988; 651794, 2960912; 651778, 2960876; 651756, 2960882; 651757, 2960826; 651770, 2960808; 651824, 2960823; 651802, 2960766; 651855, 2960759; 651884, 2960716; 651945, 2960834; 651922, 2961087; 651892, 2961172; 651909, 2961174; 651934, 2961138; 651981, 2960873; 651984, 2960832; 651966, 2960809; 651979, 2960688; 651937, 2960717; 651917, 2960679; 651882, 2960659; 651884, 2960630; 651803, 2960625; 651795, 2960606; 651870, 2960563; 651903, 2960522; 651934, 2960420; 651904, 2960404; 651935, 2960340; 651904, 2960290; 651872, 2960290; 651820, 2960348; 651810, 2960319; 651823, 2960287; 651870, 2960255; 651995, 2960261; 652009, 2960241; 651994, 2960131; 652013, 2960032; 651976, 2960041; 651972, 2960018; 652036, 2959947; 651984, 2959954; 651974, 2959940; 652020, 2959874; 652011, 2959813; 652045, 2959759; 652008, 2959662; 651977, 2959644; 651949, 2959604; 651949, 2959475; 651906, 2959421; 651800, 2959493; 651666, 2959497; 651560, 2959543; 651482, 2959655; 651417, 2959714; 651438, 2959806; 651428, 2959899; 651506, 2959806; 651510, 2959768; 651562, 2959771; 651575, 2959707; 651603, 2959699; 651670, 2959754; 651684, 2959837; 651740, 2959936; 651764, 2959952; 651848, 2959939; 651868, 2959974; 651855, 2959990; 651803, 2960000; 651806, 2960040; 651791, 2960052; 651720, 2959997; 651646, 2960021; 651646, 2959957; 651613, 2959953; 651590, 2960011; 651568, 2960007; 651534, 2960047; 651669, 2960078; 651699, 2960102; 651699, 2960120; 651663, 2960157; 651575, 2960110; 651542, 2960114; 651546, 2960138; 651600, 2960198; 651523, 2960272; 651436, 2960242; 651368, 2960247; 651356, 2960230; 651332, 2960233; 651313, 2960194; 651295, 2960202; 651184, 2960471; 651301, 2960642; 651263, 2960667; 651156, 2960617; 651097, 2960640; 651037, 2960615; 651015, 2960631; 650979, 2960563; 650924, 2960639; 650846, 2960814; 650874, 2960826; 650952, 2960792; 650977, 2960746; 650927, 2960746; 650915, 2960726; 650936, 2960698; 650985, 2960683; 651031, 2960706; 651063, 2960690; 651132, 2960731; 651120, 2960756; 651045, 2960755; 651038, 2960772; 651049, 2960782; 651189, 2960799; 651236, 2960825; 651364, 2960755; 651382, 2960719; 651395, 2960719; 651418, 2960781; 651392, 2960796; 651389, 2960859; 651460, 2960864; 651503, 2960927; 651488, 2960963; 651425, 2960920; 651368, 2960939; 651368, 2960960; 651434, 2960957; 651463, 2960980; 651453, 2961061; 651428, 2961084; 651444, 2961149; 651411, 2961170; 651386, 2961125; 651338, 2961088; 651355, 2961059; 651302, 2961059; 651276, 2961044; 651285, 2961028; 651339, 2961014; 651275, 2960996; 651289, 2960888; 651287, 2960875; 651268, 2960877; 651238, 2960968; 651254, 2961037; 651221, 2961061; 651223, 2961081; 651256, 2961097; 651255, 2961132; 651274, 2961162; 651156, 2961189; 651132, 2961161; 651027, 2961240; 651024, 2961282; 651040, 2961315; 651001, 2961342; 651021, 2961379; 651013, 2961403; 650957, 2961411; 650963, 2961453; 650988, 2961445; 651014, 2961465; 651012, 2961495; 650952, 2961541; 650897, 2961560; 650895, 2961595; 650854, 2961613; 650871, 2961651; 650848, 2961678; 650863, 2961716; 650952, 2961704; 651044, 2961737; 651012, 2961834; 650952, 2961840; 650889, 2961872; 650917, 2961944; 650935, 2961892; 650977, 2961904; 650971, 2961957; 650939, 2962004; 650807, 2962010; 650730, 2961966; 650715, 2961998; 650726, 2962035; 650785, 2962072; 650798, 2962102; 650838, 2962101; 650830, 2962068; 650840, 2962054; 650909, 2962050; 650937, 2962067; 650950, 2962149; 650815, 2962167; 650842, 2962195; 650913, 2962201; 650911, 2962315; 650880, 2962336; 650836, 2962290; 650850, 2962262; 650835, 2962236; 650752, 2962250; 650693, 2962197; 650679, 2962147; 650598, 2962115; 650580, 2962057; 650642, 2962056; 650594, 2962012; 650593, 2961973; 650604, 2961961; 650632, 2961972; 650653, 2961934; 650606, 2961877; 650571, 2961898; 650561, 2961921; 650521, 2961900; 650515, 2961926; 650534, 2961978; 650515, 2962009; 650483, 2962020; 650437, 2961984; 650411, 2962027; 650310, 2962013; 650289, 2962034; 650389, 2962075; 650448, 2962046; 650460, 2962133; 650423, 2962149; 650423, 2962161; 650580, 2962320; 650557, 2962350; 650483, 2962351; 650396, 2962284; 650354, 2962298; 650345, 2962329; 650382, 2962358; 650406, 2962330; 650420, 2962332; 650537, 2962415; 650563, 2962385; 650615, 2962429; 650569, 2962435; 650573, 2962472; 650559, 2962485; 650484, 2962430; 650462, 2962444; 650467, 2962480; 650514, 2962513; 650550, 2962514; 650577, 2962563; 650606, 2962568; 650598, 2962592; 650575, 2962601; 650536, 2962566; 650524, 2962572; 650537, 2962651; 650513, 2962677; 650519, 2962736; 650498, 2962771; 650438, 2962743; 650463, 2962707; 650424, 2962669; 650387, 2962769; 650364, 2962758; 650361, 2962738; 650342, 2962735; 650328, 2962754; 650318, 2962822; 650294, 2962811; 650290, 2962772; 650272, 2962768; 650261, 2962801; 650176, 2962798; 650159, 2962828; 650139, 2962832; 650116, 2962817; 650106, 2962788; 650025, 2962768; 649993, 2962791; 649924, 2962768; 649914, 2962751; 649945, 2962726; 649930, 2962714; 649924, 2962667; 649831, 2962604; 649747, 2962580; 649720, 2962602; 649727, 2962621; 649764, 2962636; 649850, 2962626; 649881, 2962649; 649872, 2962688; 649768, 2962750; 649715, 2962690; 649708, 2962658; 649676, 2962650; 649666, 2962713; 649680, 2962739; 649605, 2962773; 649528, 2962882; 649471, 2962891; 649400, 2962963; 649345, 2962960; 649324, 2962987; 649291, 2962982; 649282, 2963047; 649260, 2963072; 649266, 2963103; 649329, 2963094; 649376, 2963118; 649486, 2963104; 649644, 2962985; 649721, 2962891; 649736, 2962851; 649900, 2962858; 649898, 2962928; 649939, 2962956; 649966, 2962937; 649958, 2962855; 649975, 2962853; 650003, 2962906; 650020, 2963022; 650001, 2963022; 649973, 2962978; 649918, 2962989; 649863, 2962954; 649857, 2962972; 649899, 2963036; 649888, 2963073; 649843, 2963034; 649808, 2963029; 649726, 2963107; 649659, 2963138; 649598, 2963226; 649532, 2963226; 649463, 2963269; 649462, 2963287; 649492, 2963321; 649492, 2963381; 649476, 2963406; 649491, 2963453; 649393, 2963453; 649380, 2963466; 649523, 2963511; 649549, 2963548; 649573, 2963648; 649551, 2963653; 649526, 2963613; 649476, 2963597; 649501, 2963573; 649438, 2963546; 649435, 2963506; 649361, 2963520; 649354, 2963534; 649384, 2963568; 649338, 2963580; 649374, 2963600; 649354, 2963630; 649400, 2963636; 649444, 2963683; 649446, 2963723; 649472, 2963764; 649425, 2963757; 649377, 2963713; 649279, 2963674; 649255, 2963687; 649263, 2963728; 649235, 2963739; 649259, 2963773; 649169, 2963798; 649257, 2963832; 649278, 2963804; 649296, 2963804; 649360, 2963887; 649351, 2963906; 649284, 2963880; 649248, 2963892; 649204, 2963869; 649151, 2963880; 649138, 2963843; 649097, 2963861; 649028, 2963841; 649035, 2963736; 649059, 2963670; 649115, 2963627; 649127, 2963534; 649192, 2963426; 649195, 2963370; 649227, 2963298; 649209, 2963183; 649176, 2963155; 649097, 2963209; 649084, 2963245; 649084, 2963311; 649126, 2963385; 649106, 2963444; 649072, 2963465; 649082, 2963499; 649066, 2963524; 649029, 2963519; 649015, 2963547; 648960, 2963538; 648893, 2963560; 648828, 2963615; 648779, 2963706; 648652, 2963799; 648653, 2963896; 648679, 2963911; 648669, 2963953; 648716, 2963966; 648723, 2963989; 648644, 2963994; 648657, 2964033; 648599, 2964051; 648832, 2964128; 648828, 2964220; 648808, 2964208; 648775, 2964223; 648762, 2964173; 648743, 2964162; 648705, 2964179; 648750, 2964238; 648762, 2964287; 648850, 2964304; 648879, 2964361; 648877, 2964417; 648866, 2964425; 648841, 2964344; 648743, 2964326; 648739, 2964361; 648686, 2964408; 648718, 2964417; 648770, 2964404; 648857, 2964493; 648947, 2964521; 648938, 2964547; 648865, 2964534; 648851, 2964546; 648905, 2964580; 648901, 2964606; 648839, 2964588; 648720, 2964590; 648685, 2964608; 648730, 2964620; 648721, 2964649; 648615, 2964659; 648619, 2964674; 648681, 2964697; 648700, 2964734; 648693, 2964750; 648655, 2964733; 648614, 2964755; 648626, 2964813; 648730, 2964834; 648764, 2964857; 648766, 2964874; 648749, 2964901; 648685, 2964874; 648659, 2964842; 648629, 2964893; 648626, 2965027; 648651, 2965056; 648637, 2965075; 648598, 2965083; 648601, 2965110; 648609, 2965127; 648691, 2965092; 648755, 2965103; 648787, 2965140; 648789, 2965207; 648765, 2965221; 648691, 2965159; 648684, 2965198; 648654, 2965206;

648615, 2965253; 648616, 2965286; 648578, 2965297; 648537, 2965392; 648487, 2965413; 648340, 2965382; 648380, 2965416; 648381, 2965447; 648340, 2965448; 648211, 2965505; 648104, 2965484; 648086, 2965458; 647964, 2965433; 647890, 2965439; 647759, 2965526; 647709, 2965611; 647662, 2965643; 647637, 2965699; 647651, 2965758; 647596, 2965720; 647564, 2965715; 647518, 2965764; 647500, 2965801; 647505, 2965828; 647560, 2965864; 647643, 2965879; 647672, 2965908; 647660, 2965940; 647598, 2965967; 647686, 2965961; 647774, 2965885; 647839, 2965885; 647743, 2965817; 647751, 2965786; 647795, 2965765; 647862, 2965781; 647979, 2965872; 648142, 2965946; 648162, 2965998; 648144, 2966020; 648047, 2965938; 647966, 2965950; 647994, 2965983; 647988, 2966049; 648081, 2966055; 648089, 2966087; 648068, 2966102; 647974, 2966068; 647941, 2966107; 647972, 2966132; 647919, 2966135; 647875, 2966185; 648000, 2966156; 648009, 2966186; 647993, 2966206; 647968, 2966222; 647742, 2966268; 647725, 2966259; 647746, 2966237; 647681, 2966249; 647690, 2966266; 647682, 2966304; 647579, 2966321; 647390, 2966404; 647351, 2966354; 647361, 2966326; 647435, 2966325; 647581, 2966263; 647501, 2966260; 647474, 2966239; 647450, 2966265; 647416, 2966244; 647422, 2966217; 647407, 2966208; 647265, 2966251; 647215, 2966233; 647186, 2966243; 647172, 2966259; 647178, 2966293; 647226, 2966331; 647252, 2966329; 647278, 2966280; 647272, 2966352; 647253, 2966377; 647255, 2966496; 647235, 2966506; 647236, 2966452; 647215, 2966437; 647105, 2966465; 647082, 2966479; 647082, 2966509; 647024, 2966506; 647039, 2966539; 647078, 2966534; 647094, 2966573; 647068, 2966589; 647058, 2966632; 647028, 2966604; 646987, 2966604; 647011, 2966667; 646985, 2966661; 646971, 2966709; 646918, 2966706; 646940, 2966745; 646938, 2966783; 646891, 2966777; 646878, 2966790; 646897, 2966835; 646887, 2966872; 646867, 2966861; 646814, 2966769; 646687, 2966797; 646683, 2966816; 646713, 2966841; 646710, 2966891; 646745, 2966929; 646739, 2966992; 646756, 2967023; 646739, 2967047; 646696, 2967038; 646691, 2967050; 646777, 2967076; 646787, 2967096; 646777, 2967119; 646700, 2967127; 646644, 2967179; 646567, 2967184; 646557, 2967171; 646573, 2967135; 646572, 2967084; 646615, 2967083; 646617, 2967065; 646520, 2966999; 646507, 2967019; 646532, 2967057; 646494, 2967063; 646483, 2967082; 646489, 2967096; 646525, 2967096; 646509, 2967199; 646473, 2967180; 646444, 2967185; 646430, 2967200; 646444, 2967227; 646422, 2967243; 646411, 2967212; 646373, 2967236; 646320, 2967235; 646310, 2967215; 646352, 2967209; 646350, 2967181; 646386, 2967175; 646392, 2967148; 646316, 2967150; 646258, 2967201; 646246, 2967241; 646236, 2967212; 646139, 2967255; 646201, 2967289; 646192, 2967310; 646161, 2967322; 646112, 2967271; 645891, 2967428; 645889, 2967459; 645865, 2967471; 645856, 2967513; 645824, 2967552; 645840, 2967616; 645826, 2967615; 645805, 2967574; 645770, 2967618; 645764, 2967651; 645797, 2967689; 645831, 2967670; 645865, 2967680; 645882, 2967742; 645865, 2967745; 645836, 2967713; 645777, 2967729; 645764, 2967715; 645764, 2967775; 645742, 2967848; 645771, 2967890; 645775, 2967949; 645747, 2967998; 645693, 2968030; 645654, 2968036; 645642, 2968020; 645752, 2967942; 645749, 2967905; 645729, 2967875; 645708, 2967927; 645669, 2967966; 645529, 2967955; 645489, 2967969; 645575, 2967987; 645579, 2968004; 645556, 2968025; 645496, 2968041; 645473, 2968009; 645477, 2967981; 645440, 2968014; 645384, 2968031; 645277, 2968031; 645190, 2967931; 645137, 2967919; 645120, 2967897; 645135, 2967880; 645190, 2967873; 645198, 2967862; 645176, 2967810; 645228, 2967786; 645203, 2967758; 645208, 2967743; 645262, 2967724; 645224, 2967664; 645131, 2967633; 645033, 2967696; 644977, 2967792; 644913, 2967831; 644875, 2967813; 644854, 2967762; 644808, 2967736; 644801, 2967760; 644760, 2967726; 644727, 2967742; 644760, 2967786; 644781, 2967852; 644777, 2967936; 644752, 2967971; 644665, 2967930; 644680, 2967917; 644736, 2967925; 644726, 2967894; 644741, 2967825; 644697, 2967787; 644678, 2967819; 644684, 2967858; 644623, 2967952; 644592, 2967975; 644539, 2967978; 644591, 2967933; 644564, 2967930; 644477, 2967962; 644389, 2967929; 644373, 2967934; 644381, 2967971; 644342, 2967949; 644328, 2967958; 644296, 2968036; 644333, 2968033; 644357, 2968063; 644294, 2968053; 644244, 2968174; 644260, 2968220; 644302, 2968263; 644388, 2968300; 644388, 2968355; 644357, 2968375; 644293, 2968368; 644313, 2968319; 644242, 2968282; 644221, 2968192; 644190, 2968199; 644139, 2968177; 644126, 2968200; 644097, 2968193; 644130, 2968166; 644118, 2968126; 644136, 2968017; 644129, 2967984; 644103, 2967993; 644085, 2967967; 644150, 2967886; 644169, 2967845; 644173, 2967780; 644155, 2967734; 644122, 2967717; 644111, 2967802; 644026, 2967734; 643992, 2967801; 644015, 2967831; 644068, 2967856; 644072, 2967878; 643980, 2967850; 643955, 2967877; 643961, 2967893; 644047, 2967925; 644054, 2968054; 644070, 2968094; 644059, 2968127; 644011, 2968144; 644009, 2968205; 643991, 2968236; 643978, 2968237; 643967, 2968214; 643951, 2968137; 643889, 2968086; 643867, 2968029; 643822, 2968014; 643778, 2967975; 643717, 2968031; 643628, 2968044; 643618, 2968089; 643742, 2968068; 643785, 2968077; 643824, 2968110; 643824, 2968172; 643772, 2968236; 643684, 2968252; 643588, 2968330; 643538, 2968305; 643487, 2968307; 643422, 2968285; 643383, 2968302; 643339, 2968298; 643314, 2968240; 643263, 2968219; 643227, 2968243; 643261, 2968244; 643263, 2968270; 643216, 2968281; 643162, 2968258; 643129, 2968223; 643116, 2968229; 643123, 2968262; 643101, 2968276; 643116, 2968294; 643185, 2968317; 643271, 2968300; 643289, 2968325; 643296, 2968375; 643317, 2968398; 643337, 2968395; 643352, 2968368; 643441, 2968365; 643612, 2968399; 643796, 2968382; 643774, 2968433; 643737, 2968422; 643697, 2968437; 643727, 2968453; 643732, 2968477; 643765, 2968500; 643764, 2968518; 643702, 2968498; 643693, 2968525; 643704, 2968558; 643770, 2968598; 643830, 2968661; 643843, 2968694; 643812, 2968695; 643745, 2968661; 643691, 2968584; 643690, 2968626; 643725, 2968717; 643699, 2968788; 643662, 2968809; 643548, 2968824; 643544, 2968837; 643387, 2968836; 643368, 2968873; 643356, 2968861; 643336, 2968890; 643335, 2968936; 643401, 2969010; 643401, 2969064; 643439, 2969115; 643384, 2969089; 643310, 2969110; 643318, 2969123; 643302, 2969131; 643260, 2969117; 643230, 2969142; 643243, 2969164; 643237, 2969192; 643182, 2969169; 643165, 2969201; 643173, 2969237; 643313, 2969238; 643345, 2969260; 643359, 2969292; 643343, 2969362; 643426, 2969353; 643394, 2969333; 643392, 2969320; 643418, 2969308; 643459, 2969346; 643533, 2969352; 643570, 2969377; 643591, 2969423; 643633, 2969455; 643582, 2969466; 643568, 2969499; 643580, 2969526; 643557, 2969529; 643552, 2969548; 643547, 2969596; 643597, 2969583; 643608, 2969593; 643604, 2969664; 643595, 2969678; 643517, 2969682; 643367, 2969730; 643028, 2969725; 642973, 2969748; 642969, 2969728; 642870, 2969767; 642867, 2969788; 642846, 2969785; 642826, 2969805; 642855, 2969824; 642851, 2969846; 642759, 2969997; 642680, 2970039; 642581, 2970118; 642454, 2970257; 642414, 2970263; 642368, 2970298; 642353, 2970276; 641988, 2970445; 641963, 2970481; 641963, 2970527; 641994, 2970557; 642011, 2970546; 642024, 2970563; 642070, 2970565; 642054, 2970527; 642064, 2970513; 642169, 2970516; 642183, 2970491; 642165, 2970477; 642172, 2970457; 642283, 2970467; 642292, 2970454; 642270, 2970433; 642274, 2970410; 642355, 2970410; 642443, 2970358; 642454, 2970378; 642435, 2970472; 642469, 2970450; 642474, 2970422; 642518, 2970406; 642519, 2970389; 642487, 2970362; 642500, 2970332; 642527, 2970327; 642572, 2970347; 642587, 2970325; 642578, 2970288; 642590, 2970275; 642630, 2970298; 642648, 2970260; 642754, 2970213; 642658, 2970214; 642714, 2970168; 642745, 2970120; 642795, 2970094; 642817, 2970117; 642785, 2970156; 642804, 2970183; 642852, 2970137; 642830, 2970110; 642836, 2970096; 642875, 2970114; 642901, 2970090; 642884, 2970066; 642892, 2970042; 642934, 2970057; 642955, 2970036; 642925, 2970014; 642925, 2969992; 642980, 2970012; 643055, 2969984; 643027, 2969962; 643036, 2969951; 643069, 2969964; 643068, 2969983; 643157, 2969989; 643275, 2970070; 643310, 2970072; 643326, 2970101; 643228, 2970257; 643239, 2970324; 643455, 2970386; 643614, 2970537; 643631, 2970568; 643697, 2970592; 643712, 2970653; 643700, 2970671; 643663, 2970662; 643628, 2970617; 643612, 2970653; 643670, 2970696; 643761, 2970725; 643758, 2970755; 643713, 2970744; 643731, 2970774; 643721, 2970812; 643670, 2970806; 643763, 2970869; 643783, 2970926; 643826, 2970913; 643806, 2970891; 643846, 2970828; 643835, 2970798; 643845, 2970774; 643951, 2970702; 643980, 2970716; 643990, 2970741; 643986, 2970798; 643939, 2970868; 643851, 2970937; 643809, 2970958; 643772, 2970958; 643737, 2970990; 643741, 2971022; 643717, 2971043; 643650, 2971047; 643594, 2971083; 643623, 2971142; 643620, 2971212; 643591, 2971296; 643576, 2971296; 643570, 2971274; 643600, 2971192; 643585, 2971176; 643546, 2971174; 643503, 2971228; 643390, 2971269; 643387, 2971289; 643336, 2971337; 643788, 2971337; 643804, 2971301; 644388, 2971235; 644415, 2971239; 644401, 2971277; 644307, 2971299; 644327, 2971267; 644388, 2971235; 645326, 2971076; 645367, 2971014; 645218, 2970969; 645209, 2970954; 645232, 2970924; 645318, 2970922; 645372, 2970942; 645416, 2970981; 645428, 2971052; 645395, 2971107; 645375, 2971123; 645350, 2971121; 645326, 2971076; 646107, 2970947; 646171, 2970961; 646219, 2971007; 646239, 2971044; 646234, 2971106; 646091, 2971179; 646023, 2971184; 645934, 2971226; 645925, 2971204; 645941, 2971148; 646022, 2971105; 646020, 2971092; 645990, 2971089; 645998, 2971065; 646073, 2971053; 646077, 2970999; 646091, 2970989; 646084, 2970960; 646107, 2970947; 646349, 2970968; 646403, 2970956; 646396, 2970934; 646417, 2970915; 646475, 2970908; 646490, 2970976; 646482, 2971067; 646406, 2971118; 646331, 2971133; 646318, 2971023; 646349, 2970968; 647153, 2970921; 647247, 2970903; 647344, 2970930; 647386, 2970932; 647404, 2970918; 647397, 2970886; 647354, 2970851; 647285, 2970854; 647316, 2970802; 647308, 2970787; 647195, 2970835; 647140, 2970805; 647103, 2970811; 647113, 2970764; 647181, 2970657; 647230, 2970635; 647284, 2970650; 647352, 2970768; 647420, 2970835; 647444, 2970905; 647433, 2970972; 647413, 2970987; 647241, 2971041; 647053, 2971061; 647043, 2971047; 647056, 2971005; 647153, 2970921; 647626, 2970841; 647593, 2970835; 647589, 2970816; 647643, 2970775; 647678, 2970776; 647663, 2970903; 647647, 2970926; 647529, 2970971; 647517, 2970947; 647528, 2970902; 647558, 2970877; 647618, 2970868; 647626, 2970841; 648562, 2970934; 648549, 2970886; 648487, 2970884; 648477, 2970862; 648560, 2970766; 648602, 2970752; 648622, 2970799; 648616, 2970842; 648588, 2970916; 648562, 2970934; 648144, 2970878; 648050, 2970902; 647808, 2970924; 647785, 2970885; 647791, 2970857; 647825, 2970828; 647901, 2970817; 647910, 2970787; 647859, 2970796; 647675, 2970730; 647588, 2970732; 647550, 2970712; 647518, 2970669; 647474, 2970687; 647461, 2970672; 647509, 2970643; 647547, 2970642; 647723, 2970667; 647838, 2970724; 647932, 2970740; 647957, 2970732; 647956, 2970720; 647813, 2970670; 647799, 2970639; 647819, 2970618; 647852, 2970614; 647932, 2970650; 648008, 2970586; 648072, 2970575; 648168, 2970589; 648225, 2970557; 648212, 2970532; 648240, 2970519; 648305, 2970512; 648375, 2970544; 648398, 2970575; 648410, 2970630; 648402, 2970685; 648370, 2970747; 648262, 2970838; 648144, 2970878; 647790, 2970562; 647747, 2970568; 647717, 2970544; 647608, 2970538; 647631, 2970510; 647797, 2970449; 647913, 2970483; 647936, 2970508; 647926, 2970531; 647790, 2970562; 648924, 2970465; 648907, 2970435; 648940, 2970376; 649027, 2970350; 649036, 2970419; 649006, 2970495; 648942, 2970499; 648924, 2970465; 647452, 2970436; 647341, 2970509; 647350, 2970279; 647368, 2970199; 647348, 2969821; 647337, 2969773; 647314, 2969748; 647304, 2969798; 647332, 2969940; 647338, 2970095; 647291, 2970124; 647268, 2970401; 647295, 2970514; 647266, 2970551; 647241, 2970553; 647205, 2970525; 647201, 2970461; 647173, 2970387; 647183, 2970339; 647227, 2970305; 647219, 2969673; 647187, 2969637; 647005, 2969637; 646995, 2969653; 646996, 2969766; 646943, 2969771; 646933, 2969725; 646955, 2969593; 646948, 2969546; 646969, 2969488; 646994, 2969463; 647068, 2969428; 647201, 2969397; 647402, 2969380; 647998, 2969390; 648224, 2969424; 648285, 2969405; 648339, 2969433; 648448, 2969423; 648483, 2969446; 648497, 2969535; 648485, 2969575; 648445, 2969649; 648409, 2969682; 648370, 2969685; 648294, 2969642; 648256, 2969644; 648228, 2969609; 647721, 2969601; 647715, 2969628; 647554, 2969636; 647564, 2969694; 647529, 2969724; 647515, 2969797; 647458, 2969863; 647461, 2969876; 647503, 2969881; 647516, 2969907; 647515, 2969962; 647470, 2970013; 647476, 2970097; 647445, 2970175; 647477, 2970233; 647478, 2970269; 647453, 2970324; 647485, 2970373; 647452, 2970436; 649383, 2969956; 649441, 2969975; 649446, 2970043; 649422, 2970078; 649358, 2970076; 649314, 2970023; 649340, 2969968; 649383, 2969956; 649577, 2969745; 649588, 2969709; 649545, 2969705; 649505, 2969678; 649434, 2969721; 649177, 2969725; 649047, 2969707; 648998, 2969639; 648981, 2969636; 648910, 2969686; 648807, 2969696; 648680, 2969673; 648530, 2969689; 648518, 2969682; 648520, 2969651; 648541, 2969551; 648600, 2969425; 648619, 2969403; 648668, 2969397; 649026, 2969417; 649058, 2969476; 649065, 2969438; 649117, 2969436; 649349, 2969462; 649418, 2969493; 649491, 2969491; 649514, 2969519; 649515, 2969619; 649557, 2969528; 649586, 2969504; 649618, 2969521; 649627, 2969599; 649696, 2969517; 649720, 2969531; 649724, 2969592; 649743, 2969604; 649778, 2969548; 649814, 2969523; 649824, 2969592; 649768, 2969742; 649620, 2969795; 649552, 2969890; 649538, 2969843; 649549, 2969803; 649580, 2969767; 649577, 2969745; 643946, 2969337; 643968, 2969410; 643941, 2969427; 643897, 2969405; 643875, 2969344; 643901, 2969312; 643946, 2969337; 643707, 2969395; 643674, 2969412; 643701, 2969326; 643737, 2969331; 643752, 2969314; 643718, 2969283; 643734, 2969271; 643788, 2969288; 643789, 2969329; 643707, 2969395; 643632, 2969317; 643623, 2969334; 643562, 2969328; 643540, 2969349; 643490, 2969326; 643490, 2969302; 643531, 2969297; 643502, 2969259; 643501, 2969220; 643550, 2969236; 643632, 2969317; 643655, 2969499; 643678, 2969585; 643660, 2969605; 643620, 2969532; 643627, 2969493; 643655, 2969499; 646890, 2969546; 646913, 2969549; 646902, 2969658; 646915, 2969804; 646904, 2969820; 646835, 2969762; 646815, 2969711; 646808, 2969600; 646825, 2969566; 646890, 2969546; 643192, 2969879; 643295, 2969916; 643347, 2969952; 643371, 2969983; 643371, 2970012; 643282, 2969962; 643270, 2969972; 643293, 2970007; 643284, 2970026; 643180, 2969929; 643089, 2969901; 643010, 2969908; 642987, 2969888; 643048, 2969860; 643192, 2969879; 643608, 2970112; 643568, 2970114; 643559, 2970089; 643613, 2970041; 643644, 2970048; 643658, 2970087; 643608, 2970112; 643488, 2970103; 643481, 2970149; 643463, 2970166; 643373, 2970115; 643364, 2970087; 643447, 2970054; 643470, 2970059; 643488, 2970103; 646452, 2970364; 646428, 2970408; 646328, 2970426; 646307, 2970487; 646286, 2970462; 646257, 2970465; 646291, 2970403; 646408, 2970354; 646481, 2970300; 646579, 2970262; 646614, 2970269; 646624, 2970287; 646611, 2970321; 646452, 2970364; 643306, 2970243; 643360, 2970321; 643360, 2970346; 643297, 2970322; 643273, 2970252; 643287, 2970238; 643306, 2970243; 643364, 2970249; 643397, 2970249; 643481, 2970322; 643501, 2970319; 643503, 2970284; 643523, 2970269; 643586, 2970295; 643687, 2970434; 643701, 2970509; 643688, 2970546; 643664, 2970547; 643551, 2970409; 643431, 2970357; 643361, 2970266; 643364, 2970249; 643911, 2970344; 643986, 2970370; 644032, 2970449; 644019, 2970509; 643969, 2970561; 643945, 2970557; 643972, 2970513; 643962, 2970490; 643901, 2970504; 643843, 2970555; 643845, 2970489; 643754, 2970444; 643760, 2970419; 643796, 2970388; 643911, 2970344; 646293, 2970571; 646392, 2970590; 646434, 2970650; 646411, 2970659; 646336, 2970624; 646170, 2970662; 646176, 2970625; 646207, 2970591; 646293, 2970571; 643784, 2970628; 643762, 2970624; 643742, 2970579; 643788, 2970608; 643784, 2970628; 646613, 2970666; 646555, 2970599; 646496, 2970556; 646528, 2970526; 646616, 2970549; 646629, 2970519; 646619, 2970485; 646530, 2970447; 646521, 2970428; 646545, 2970411; 646608, 2970406; 646628, 2970376; 646646, 2970372; 646669, 2970398; 646677, 2970437; 646668, 2970618; 646652, 2970665; 646638, 2970677; 646613, 2970666; 645603, 2970515; 645529, 2970559; 645552, 2970519; 645634, 2970462; 645673, 2970468; 645663, 2970493; 645603, 2970515; 645779, 2970697; 645681, 2970780; 645666, 2970776; 645691, 2970720; 645772, 2970681; 645779, 2970697; 644101, 2970758; 644087, 2970781; 644060, 2970775; 644083, 2970730; 644097, 2970731; 644101, 2970758; 646154, 2970788; 646190, 2970734; 646219, 2970721; 646245, 2970775; 646202, 2970822; 646274, 2970829; 646290, 2970888; 646280, 2970906; 646125, 2970888; 646126, 2970840; 646154, 2970788; 644757, 2970819; 644785, 2970852; 644792, 2970898; 644766, 2970963; 644737, 2970992; 644612, 2970956; 644581, 2970927; 644589, 2970877; 644672, 2970799; 644716, 2970798; 644757, 2970819; 645327, 2970827; 645356, 2970829; 645365, 2970855; 645314, 2970857; 645327, 2970827; 646389, 2970828; 646475, 2970839; 646481, 2970817; 646451, 2970808; 646404, 2970735; 646428, 2970709; 646468, 2970711; 646511, 2970794; 646511, 2970865; 646380, 2970880; 646368, 2970843; 646389, 2970828; 647163, 2970885; 647162, 2970856; 647187, 2970858; 647183, 2970877; 647163, 2970885; 646337, 2970748; 646323, 2970749; 646314, 2970726; 646353, 2970715; 646358, 2970733; 646337, 2970748; 646351, 2970801; 646330, 2970797; 646343, 2970775; 646361, 2970776; 646351, 2970801; 644671, 2971051; 644642, 2971030; 644656, 2971007; 644686, 2971024; 644671, 2971051; 643631, 2969201; 643629, 2969182; 643659, 2969165; 643660, 2969189; 643631, 2969201; 643840, 2969192; 643743, 2969125; 643776, 2969087; 643766, 2969064; 643776, 2969043; 643761, 2969025; 643699, 2969024; 643721, 2968992; 643785, 2968976; 643809, 2968991; 643824, 2969104; 643860, 2969171; 643858, 2969189; 643840, 2969192; 643858, 2969062; 643922, 2969117; 643942, 2969160; 643932, 2969180; 643902, 2969172; 643863, 2969123; 643858, 2969062; 645498, 2969088; 645627, 2968969; 645645, 2968977; 645645, 2969006; 645601, 2969086; 645515, 2969130; 645496, 2969110; 645498, 2969088; 644106, 2969049; 644083, 2969053; 644066, 2969036; 644091, 2968944; 644015, 2968943; 643999, 2968921; 644069, 2968883;

644114, 2968891; 644137, 2968965; 644106, 2969049; 644498, 2968888; 644443, 2968857; 644381, 2968847; 644382, 2968804; 644411, 2968779; 644459, 2968774; 644560, 2968804; 644576, 2968827; 644567, 2968875; 644498, 2968888; 644655, 2968844; 644615, 2968772; 644619, 2968758; 644696, 2968788; 644731, 2968854; 644720, 2968872; 644693, 2968873; 644655, 2968844; 644105, 2968761; 644124, 2968817; 644110, 2968861; 644075, 2968846; 644020, 2968782; 643957, 2968770; 643989, 2968724; 644029, 2968715; 644077, 2968731; 644105, 2968761; 644210, 2968721; 644224, 2968553; 644265, 2968522; 644308, 2968523; 644323, 2968573; 644280, 2968704; 644248, 2968746; 644224, 2968746; 644210, 2968721; 644656, 2968532; 644603, 2968513; 644593, 2968493; 644671, 2968479; 644684, 2968447; 644625, 2968437; 644530, 2968454; 644519, 2968443; 644525, 2968417; 644570, 2968391; 644674, 2968413; 644762, 2968392; 644730, 2968438; 644753, 2968538; 644743, 2968608; 644714, 2968604; 644656, 2968532; 645196, 2968406; 645234, 2968378; 645272, 2968375; 645219, 2968427; 645196, 2968425; 645196, 2968406; 644914, 2968363; 644891, 2968371; 644872, 2968349; 644817, 2968343; 644809, 2968327; 644828, 2968316; 644878, 2968325; 644885, 2968283; 644936, 2968260; 644936, 2968171; 644827, 2968226; 644767, 2968291; 644732, 2968295; 644654, 2968348; 644556, 2968342; 644534, 2968306; 644637, 2968231; 644585, 2968225; 644575, 2968212; 644587, 2968200; 644731, 2968127; 644880, 2968085; 644935, 2968038; 645031, 2968043; 645093, 2968085; 645097, 2968146; 645128, 2968220; 645126, 2968275; 645087, 2968312; 644967, 2968318; 644914, 2968363; 645377, 2968324; 645426, 2968303; 645443, 2968325; 645427, 2968342; 645373, 2968348; 645377, 2968324; 645775, 2968321; 645859, 2968250; 645905, 2968233; 645921, 2968249; 645921, 2968271; 645897, 2968296; 645797, 2968333; 645775, 2968321; 645502, 2968304; 645477, 2968300; 645474, 2968275; 645569, 2968196; 645600, 2968190; 645605, 2968235; 645502, 2968304; 651749, 2968273; 651730, 2968241; 651754, 2968193; 651715, 2968200; 651711, 2968183; 651728, 2968139; 651727, 2968093; 651752, 2968079; 651817, 2968174; 651888, 2968237; 651895, 2968262; 651869, 2968284; 651802, 2968296; 651749, 2968273; 646044, 2968074; 646032, 2968074; 646032, 2968052; 646083, 2967996; 646119, 2967973; 646148, 2967987; 646136, 2968026; 646044, 2968074; 645151, 2968040; 645138, 2968053; 645077, 2968000; 645013, 2967987; 644996, 2967963; 645045, 2967939; 645136, 2967976; 645157, 2968008; 645151, 2968040; 644689, 2968012; 644659, 2968037; 644650, 2968013; 644662, 2967990; 644688, 2967983; 644701, 2967988; 644689, 2968012; 644507, 2968004; 644496, 2967993; 644508, 2967965; 644519, 2967973; 644507, 2968004; 644475, 2967993; 644471, 2968012; 644450, 2968010; 644461, 2967981; 644475, 2967993; 644406, 2968009; 644383, 2968026; 644388, 2967994; 644407, 2967990; 644406, 2968009; 644527, 2968030; 644562, 2968021; 644577, 2968099; 644563, 2968125; 644528, 2968139; 644477, 2968104; 644466, 2968077; 644507, 2968064; 644527, 2968030; 644326, 2968132; 644371, 2968177; 644428, 2968195; 644437, 2968222; 644419, 2968233; 644338, 2968195; 644307, 2968152; 644301, 2968087; 644316, 2968092; 644326, 2968132; 645345, 2968054; 645371, 2968063; 645352, 2968093; 645311, 2968069; 645345, 2968054; 645236, 2968082; 645305, 2968128; 645297, 2968158; 645213, 2968108; 645205, 2968077; 645236, 2968082; 645231, 2968183; 645232, 2968209; 645186, 2968218; 645200, 2968193; 645231, 2968183; 644746, 2968327; 644774, 2968339; 644761, 2968366; 644739, 2968355; 644746, 2968327; 644210, 2968378; 644216, 2968416; 644171, 2968472; 644074, 2968406; 644049, 2968336; 644079, 2968326; 644106, 2968371; 644129, 2968353; 644160, 2968375; 644210, 2968378; 643967, 2968377; 644040, 2968578; 644030, 2968615; 643992, 2968639; 643964, 2968626; 644002, 2968576; 644001, 2968546; 643971, 2968519; 643959, 2968480; 643941, 2968517; 643914, 2968474; 643875, 2968492; 643860, 2968478; 643901, 2968449; 643878, 2968437; 643885, 2968423; 643949, 2968444; 643946, 2968404; 643904, 2968367; 643835, 2968367; 643824, 2968353; 643832, 2968303; 643872, 2968272; 643908, 2968281; 643938, 2968312; 643967, 2968377; 644072, 2968276; 644056, 2968255; 644063, 2968221; 644097, 2968232; 644111, 2968264; 644072, 2968276; 643833, 2968421; 643807, 2968463; 643813, 2968427; 643833, 2968421; 643931, 2968597; 643889, 2968598; 643878, 2968581; 643934, 2968554; 643945, 2968582; 643931, 2968597; 643757, 2968703; 643744, 2968723; 643738, 2968702; 643757, 2968703; 643825, 2968775; 643782, 2968735; 643822, 2968749; 643825, 2968775; 643770, 2968772; 643808, 2968798; 643799, 2968815; 643727, 2968779; 643733, 2968763; 643770, 2968772; 643952, 2968853; 643945, 2968883; 643898, 2968873; 643905, 2968841; 643952, 2968853; 643926, 2968939; 643914, 2968974; 643848, 2968956; 643884, 2968916; 643926, 2968939; 643570, 2968935; 643562, 2969117; 643542, 2969136; 643479, 2969135; 643468, 2969109; 643526, 2969087; 643522, 2969063; 643482, 2969042; 643514, 2968973; 643451, 2968964; 643434, 2968945; 643462, 2968926; 643561, 2968915; 643570, 2968935; 643692, 2969086; 643714, 2969096; 643711, 2969126; 643687, 2969147; 643676, 2969124; 643692, 2969086; 643721, 2969186; 643702, 2969182; 643712, 2969159; 643727, 2969165; 643721, 2969186; 644867, 2967876; 644882, 2967879; 644879, 2967897; 644859, 2967915; 644851, 2967896; 644867, 2967876; 644905, 2967883; 644912, 2967862; 644931, 2967867; 644925, 2967896; 644905, 2967883; 644963, 2967873; 644976, 2967819; 645033, 2967784; 645066, 2967719; 645089, 2967731; 645110, 2967772; 645104, 2967808; 644994, 2967888; 644963, 2967873; 646146, 2967912; 646157, 2967882; 646178, 2967890; 646170, 2967919; 646146, 2967912; 645825, 2967896; 645808, 2967897; 645803, 2967871; 645825, 2967839; 645808, 2967751; 645826, 2967742; 645855, 2967849; 645825, 2967896; 646212, 2967752; 646277, 2967714; 646312, 2967729; 646289, 2967789; 646263, 2967797; 646190, 2967796; 646212, 2967752; 645929, 2967671; 645900, 2967643; 645912, 2967616; 645961, 2967634; 645953, 2967675; 645929, 2967671; 646423, 2967624; 646437, 2967632; 646426, 2967647; 646400, 2967650; 646423, 2967624; 645984, 2967554; 645967, 2967537; 645976, 2967494; 645930, 2967457; 645933, 2967430; 646002, 2967442; 646056, 2967541; 646052, 2967565; 645984, 2967554; 646141, 2967429; 646148, 2967387; 646164, 2967376; 646207, 2967453; 646138, 2967485; 646127, 2967460; 646141, 2967429;

645908, 2967545; 645881, 2967546; 645872, 2967522; 645910, 2967514; 645919, 2967529; 645908, 2967545; 646269, 2967353; 646257, 2967333; 646298, 2967269; 646373, 2967294; 646385, 2967311; 646371, 2967338; 646269, 2967353; 646112, 2967343; 646079, 2967328; 646074, 2967309; 646112, 2967313; 646112, 2967343; 648173, 2967050; 648121, 2967029; 648087, 2966989; 648060, 2966995; 648012, 2966975; 648039, 2966916; 648031, 2966905; 647990, 2966911; 647999, 2966851; 647977, 2966828; 647939, 2966872; 647903, 2966869; 647862, 2966902; 647795, 2966868; 647801, 2966840; 647776, 2966825; 647788, 2966803; 647781, 2966772; 647761, 2966763; 647709, 2966757; 647661, 2966820; 647619, 2966816; 647569, 2966836; 647542, 2966818; 647575, 2966786; 647661, 2966765; 647724, 2966725; 647775, 2966719; 647879, 2966790; 647871, 2966807; 647836, 2966805; 647826, 2966819; 647836, 2966863; 647954, 2966806; 648015, 2966794; 648002, 2966769; 647936, 2966756; 647905, 2966726; 647873, 2966719; 647847, 2966680; 647780, 2966671; 647799, 2966646; 647880, 2966641; 647909, 2966678; 647943, 2966687; 647945, 2966721; 648000, 2966718; 648046, 2966746; 648064, 2966837; 648059, 2966879; 648084, 2966953; 648115, 2966957; 648139, 2966993; 648185, 2966997; 648212, 2967018; 648210, 2967057; 648173, 2967050; 647486, 2966632; 647313, 2966721; 647281, 2966705; 647315, 2966598; 647333, 2966579; 647390, 2966594; 647486, 2966588; 647497, 2966618; 647486, 2966632; 647196, 2966577; 647162, 2966563; 647157, 2966537; 647186, 2966484; 647205, 2966482; 647214, 2966522; 647196, 2966577; 647165, 2966683; 647158, 2966724; 647116, 2966779; 647053, 2966743; 647055, 2966687; 647097, 2966664; 647106, 2966615; 647139, 2966586; 647161, 2966612; 647165, 2966683; 646983, 2966771; 647005, 2966812; 647071, 2966844; 647026, 2966928; 646990, 2966954; 646976, 2966937; 647023, 2966886; 646978, 2966879; 646938, 2966900; 646922, 2966899; 646916, 2966877; 646919, 2966837; 646963, 2966821; 646967, 2966776; 646983, 2966771; 646827, 2966897; 646804, 2966883; 646809, 2966864; 646832, 2966869; 646827, 2966897; 646872, 2966899; 646899, 2966907; 646895, 2966942; 646857, 2966917; 646872, 2966899; 646843, 2966949; 646867, 2966964; 646867, 2966982; 646825, 2966963; 646827, 2966949; 646843, 2966949; 646809, 2966983; 646824, 2967030; 646762, 2966960; 646790, 2966959; 646809, 2966983; 646919, 2966953; 646946, 2966967; 646939, 2966982; 646915, 2966977; 646919, 2966953; 647301, 2966344; 647329, 2966359; 647335, 2966403; 647293, 2966464; 647287, 2966445; 647307, 2966406; 647290, 2966370; 647301, 2966344; 648264, 2965886; 648313, 2965863; 648296, 2965834; 648314, 2965813; 648340, 2965807; 648364, 2965823; 648388, 2965790; 648388, 2965780; 648341, 2965776; 648355, 2965754; 648420, 2965729; 648453, 2965745; 648475, 2965708; 648507, 2965713; 648523, 2965735; 648537, 2965787; 648511, 2965829; 648457, 2965823; 648433, 2965854; 648283, 2965916; 648264, 2965903; 648264, 2965886; 649220, 2965842; 649170, 2965810; 649167, 2965777; 649204, 2965760; 649279, 2965762; 649324, 2965782; 649338, 2965808; 649310, 2965842; 649270, 2965852; 649220, 2965842; 649432, 2965763; 649516, 2965686; 649534, 2965700; 649525, 2965753; 649472, 2965823; 649439, 2965834; 649384, 2965821; 649378, 2965799; 649432, 2965763; 649633, 2965722; 649592, 2965721; 649575, 2965672; 649641, 2965671; 649694, 2965697; 649680, 2965728; 649633, 2965722; 649880, 2965673; 649834, 2965651; 649631, 2965637; 649714, 2965596; 649838, 2965572; 649901, 2965597; 649967, 2965659; 649967, 2965678; 649938, 2965703; 649880, 2965673; 649178, 2965633; 649049, 2965624; 649046, 2965551; 649071, 2965516; 649095, 2965520; 649114, 2965497; 649166, 2965498; 649213, 2965570; 649211, 2965600; 649178, 2965633; 649215, 2965494; 649254, 2965504; 649255, 2965546; 649210, 2965513; 649215, 2965494; 649297, 2965497; 649331, 2965475; 649263, 2965445; 649258, 2965418; 649286, 2965408; 649342, 2965440; 649404, 2965384; 649312, 2965342; 649301, 2965307; 649371, 2965288; 649444, 2965335; 649504, 2965303; 649555, 2965333; 649530, 2965371; 649408, 2965430; 649347, 2965519; 649295, 2965522; 649297, 2965497; 648759, 2965336; 648736, 2965328; 648745, 2965301; 648763, 2965310; 648759, 2965336; 648670, 2965335; 648696, 2965388; 648654, 2965399; 648638, 2965484; 648686, 2965503; 648660, 2965551; 648734, 2965602; 648733, 2965642; 648703, 2965665; 648697, 2965621; 648655, 2965586; 648602, 2965657; 648547, 2965660; 648521, 2965638; 648531, 2965620; 648514, 2965590; 648458, 2965545; 648463, 2965520; 648498, 2965477; 648528, 2965470; 648543, 2965398; 648602, 2965371; 648624, 2965308; 648670, 2965335; 648438, 2965656; 648411, 2965623; 648336, 2965614; 648302, 2965642; 648344, 2965651; 648352, 2965670; 648310, 2965678; 648307, 2965716; 648180, 2965657; 648168, 2965632; 648199, 2965597; 648264, 2965581; 648347, 2965584; 648356, 2965552; 648393, 2965538; 648448, 2965585; 648438, 2965656; 647792, 2965614; 647782, 2965677; 647725, 2965637; 647743, 2965610; 647792, 2965614; 647914, 2965620; 647973, 2965624; 647991, 2965645; 647966, 2965671; 647902, 2965696; 647858, 2965655; 647914, 2965620; 648685, 2965436; 648720, 2965451; 648727, 2965483; 648692, 2965477; 648676, 2965454; 648685, 2965436; 649196, 2965372; 649235, 2965385; 649219, 2965416; 649166, 2965407; 649196, 2965372; 649460, 2965234; 649450, 2965207; 649501, 2965211; 649551, 2965267; 649551, 2965288; 649460, 2965234; 649765, 2965212; 649784, 2965177; 649760, 2965153; 649704, 2965175; 649535, 2965143; 649534, 2965072; 649587, 2965064; 649609, 2965036; 649650, 2965028; 649655, 2965003; 649506, 2964998; 649484, 2964979; 649474, 2964934; 649569, 2964906; 649648, 2964917; 649718, 2964947; 649796, 2965015; 649823, 2965016; 649865, 2964969; 649787, 2964908; 649783, 2964894; 649800, 2964889; 649903, 2964923; 649962, 2964963; 649992, 2965005; 650035, 2964961; 650029, 2964925; 649808, 2964793; 649768, 2964795; 649730, 2964833; 649710, 2964832; 649703, 2964768

649761, 2964727; 649812, 2964727; 649865, 2964747; 649887, 2964778; 649903, 2964663; 649927, 2964629; 649974, 2964601; 650019, 2964600; 650109, 2964697; 650111, 2964783; 650091, 2964798; 649977, 2964761; 649980, 2964802; 649951, 2964805; 649943, 2964826; 650086, 2964854; 650099, 2964893; 650069, 2964992; 650029, 2965065; 649906, 2965181; 649800, 2965248; 649769, 2965240; 649765, 2965212; 650499, 2965136; 650546, 2965151; 650608, 2965146; 650623, 2965178; 650577, 2965203; 650503, 2965168; 650489, 2965151; 650499, 2965136; 650650, 2965149; 650658, 2965104; 650712, 2965069; 650758, 2965002; 650789, 2965014; 650715, 2965124; 650666, 2965168; 650650, 2965149; 650636, 2965054; 650591, 2965057; 650504, 2965013; 650535, 2964975; 650538, 2964938; 650566, 2964932; 650600, 2964966; 650639, 2964940; 650627, 2964916; 650636, 2964905; 650709, 2964923; 650726, 2964959; 650687, 2964972; 650636, 2965054; 650364, 2964927; 650330, 2964968; 650344, 2964983; 650334, 2964997; 650271, 2965007; 650281, 2964934; 650310, 2964924; 650283, 2964870; 650313, 2964845; 650327, 2964779; 650389, 2964789; 650424, 2964699; 650554, 2964708; 650577, 2964682; 650566, 2964637; 650651, 2964637; 650668, 2964625; 650664, 2964608; 650607, 2964540; 650513, 2964497; 650456, 2964490; 650418, 2964506; 650391, 2964543; 650393, 2964572; 650453, 2964631; 650450, 2964656; 650327, 2964612; 650218, 2964655; 650213, 2964626; 650256, 2964554; 650373, 2964491; 650480, 2964467; 650653, 2964533; 650711, 2964628; 650780, 2964789; 650765, 2964837; 650711, 2964844; 650614, 2964766; 650649, 2964750; 650678, 2964775; 650695, 2964767; 650685, 2964731; 650698, 2964701; 650651, 2964689; 650589, 2964725; 650499, 2964741; 650475, 2964759; 650416, 2964899; 650364, 2964927; 650018, 2964556; 649958, 2964529; 649891, 2964542; 649805, 2964514; 649997, 2964434; 650041, 2964437; 650062, 2964457; 650055, 2964476; 649994, 2964505; 649997, 2964522; 650032, 2964527; 650018, 2964556; 649257, 2964488; 649180, 2964432; 649210, 2964378; 649244, 2964385; 649284, 2964420; 649257, 2964488; 649024, 2964421; 648980, 2964414; 648971, 2964393; 648995, 2964375; 649018, 2964380; 649033, 2964401; 649024, 2964421; 649215, 2964526; 649216, 2964563; 649176, 2964541; 649174, 2964522; 649186, 2964510; 649215, 2964526; 649694, 2964543; 649742, 2964556; 649785, 2964590; 649814, 2964647; 649810, 2964681; 649666, 2964677; 649670, 2964626; 649722, 2964601; 649675, 2964568; 649694, 2964543; 649564, 2964680; 649617, 2964773; 649613, 2964806; 649507, 2964787; 649424, 2964805; 649380, 2964765; 649335, 2964751; 649371, 2964699; 649449, 2964647; 649493, 2964645; 649564, 2964680; 648854, 2964708; 648811, 2964709; 648783, 2964675; 648855, 2964674; 648854, 2964708; 648737, 2964725; 648766, 2964787; 648761, 2964803; 648738, 2964798; 648725, 2964774; 648721, 2964725; 648737, 2964725; 649056, 2964803; 649088, 2964813; 649116, 2964786; 649128, 2964810; 649107, 2964833; 649124, 2964855; 649201, 2964861; 649236, 2964880; 649243, 2964946; 649228, 2965005; 649206, 2965019; 649192, 2965006; 649209, 2964938; 649190, 2964905; 649072, 2964883; 649064, 2964845; 649047, 2964832; 649056, 2964803; 649309, 2964984; 649333, 2964988; 649321, 2965050; 649293, 2965036; 649309, 2964984; 649198, 2964794; 649193, 2964766; 649232, 2964743; 649244, 2964766; 649236, 2964802; 649198, 2964794; 650449, 2964538; 650537, 2964552; 650541, 2964569; 650512, 2964590; 650452, 2964566; 650449, 2964538; 650342, 2964697; 650297, 2964713; 650296, 2964667; 650342, 2964667; 650342, 2964697; 650450, 2965004; 650546, 2965077; 650421, 2965072; 650432, 2965019; 650450, 2965004; 649052, 2964363; 649018, 2964348; 648984, 2964354; 648983, 2964284; 649006, 2964281; 649059, 2964313; 649067, 2964346; 649052, 2964363; 650263, 2964333; 650308, 2964307; 650315, 2964281; 650243, 2964285; 650224, 2964265; 650227, 2964234; 650310, 2964233; 650346, 2964202; 650324, 2964183; 650247, 2964186; 650243, 2964161; 650299, 2964142; 650353, 2964152; 650398, 2964134; 650454, 2964158; 650467, 2964113; 650366, 2964045; 650291, 2964029; 650245, 2964042; 650220, 2964073; 650176, 2964064; 650162, 2964135; 650125, 2964146; 650111, 2964124; 650144, 2964059; 650209, 2964000; 650312, 2963977; 650369, 2963987; 650414, 2964012; 650506, 2964105; 650496, 2964151; 650419, 2964194; 650388, 2964256; 650476, 2964230; 650516, 2964200; 650588, 2964098; 650618, 2964006; 650637, 2963801; 650680, 2963621; 650696, 2963607; 650702, 2963644; 650626, 2964057; 650563, 2964179; 650487, 2964251; 650269, 2964364; 650263, 2964333; 650450, 2963604; 650403, 2963584; 650411, 2963561; 650443, 2963564; 650450, 2963604; 650608, 2963584; 650564, 2963569; 650506, 2963582; 650488, 2963567; 650478, 2963503; 650523, 2963472; 650526, 2963432; 650490, 2963395; 650438, 2963390; 650433, 2963357; 650472, 2963343; 650518, 2963359; 650600, 2963441; 650658, 2963539; 650648, 2963602; 650608, 2963584; 649818, 2963341; 649827, 2963355; 649799, 2963367; 649729, 2963350; 649694, 2963365; 649679, 2963410; 649715, 2963463; 649704, 2963480; 649604, 2963487; 649581, 2963511; 649539, 2963476; 649554, 2963456; 649591, 2963466; 649609, 2963416; 649659, 2963440; 649662, 2963415; 649621, 2963358; 649624, 2963323; 649670, 2963278; 649725, 2963275; 649760, 2963185; 649772, 2963253; 649856, 2963238; 649892, 2963267; 649873, 2963306; 649783, 2963302; 649781, 2963325; 649818, 2963341; 650071, 2963311; 650045, 2963288; 650056, 2963262; 650138, 2963252; 650148, 2963263; 650146, 2963285; 650071, 2963311; 650213, 2963262; 650164, 2963205; 650182, 2963172; 650267, 2963167; 650358, 2963228; 650346, 2963258; 650267, 2963238; 650239, 2963263; 650213, 2963262; 650434, 2963212; 650498, 2963164; 650543, 2963182; 650529, 2963222; 650449, 2963253; 650422, 2963246; 650434, 2963212; 650394, 2963191; 650356, 2963184; 650345, 2963162; 650403, 2963163; 650394, 2963191; 649948, 2963154; 649981, 2963172; 650071, 2963183; 650075, 2963198; 650063, 2963214; 649969, 2963205; 649934, 2963219; 649889, 2963147; 649871, 2963190; 649852, 2963198; 649805, 2963189; 649792, 2963147; 649824, 2963152; 649837, 2963136; 649830, 2963096; 649851, 2963092; 649948, 2963154; 650041, 2963100; 649943, 2963063; 649929, 2963044; 649945, 2963032; 650075, 2963070; 650102, 2963092; 650108, 2963137; 650093, 2963149; 650041, 2963100; 650805, 2963057; 650750, 2963029; 650707, 2963029; 650688, 2962996; 650700, 2962980; 650845, 2962980; 650841, 2963037; 650822, 2963060; 650805, 2963057; 650574, 2962957; 650596, 2962998; 650641, 2963029; 650631, 2963051; 650601, 2963051; 650566, 2963025; 650541, 2962957; 650486, 2962925; 650454, 2962874; 650403, 2962845; 650417, 2962825; 650474, 2962827; 650512, 2962802; 650566, 2962698; 650587, 2962685; 650603, 2962719; 650597, 2962760; 650526, 2962867; 650565, 2962913; 650574, 2962957; 650647, 2962704; 650675, 2962630; 650842, 2962899; 650828, 2962931; 650716, 2962942; 650613, 2962871; 650604, 2962843; 650647, 2962704; 650415, 2962980; 650389, 2962970; 650397, 2962947; 650458, 2962941; 650460, 2962953; 650415, 2962980; 650230, 2962965; 650159, 2962973; 650113, 2963032; 650082, 2963019; 650159, 2962942; 650211, 2962940; 650230, 2962965; 650217, 2963005; 650327, 2963010; 650310, 2963039; 650280, 2963049; 650195, 2963033; 650217, 2963005; 649704, 2963181; 649717, 2963190; 649712, 2963207; 649573, 2963325; 649567, 2963391; 649550, 2963397; 649529, 2963378; 649544, 2963305; 649519, 2963292; 649514, 2963266; 649579, 2963272; 649678, 2963186; 649704, 2963181; 649907, 2963468; 649835, 2963448; 649830, 2963434; 649879, 2963417; 649947, 2963422; 649923, 2963382; 649944, 2963344; 649970, 2963350; 650016, 2963402; 650020, 2963430; 649986, 2963468; 649907, 2963468; 650285, 2963351; 650329, 2963372; 650338, 2963436; 650245, 2963380; 650285, 2963351; 649743, 2963397; 649771, 2963427; 649772, 2963457; 649759, 2963464; 649718, 2963407; 649719, 2963393; 649743, 2963397; 650196, 2963541; 650205, 2963575; 650139, 2963623; 650146, 2963540; 650172, 2963529; 650196, 2963541; 649632, 2963595; 649697, 2963618; 649672, 2963668; 649642, 2963667; 649620, 2963637; 649608, 2963603; 649632, 2963595; 649939, 2963623; 650026, 2963606; 650089, 2963633; 650092, 2963659; 650075, 2963673; 650021, 2963670; 649967, 2963711; 649928, 2963721; 649897, 2963702; 649898, 2963675; 649939, 2963623; 649567, 2963716; 649604, 2963729; 649658, 2963721; 649657, 2963787; 649636, 2963794; 649601, 2963778; 649575, 2963796; 649516, 2963750; 649526, 2963712; 649567, 2963716; 650125, 2963815; 650157, 2963778; 650204, 2963774; 650228, 2963811; 650231, 2963891; 650154, 2963945; 650130, 2963891; 650125, 2963815; 649536, 2963813; 649586, 2963840; 649581, 2963885; 649521, 2963846; 649517, 2963819; 649536, 2963813; 649370, 2963841; 649354, 2963857; 649336, 2963824; 649363, 2963813; 649370, 2963841; 649391, 2963856; 649457, 2963854; 649557, 2963921; 649678, 2963951; 649721, 2963998; 649735, 2964066; 649726, 2964103; 649676, 2964104; 649561, 2964039; 649554, 2964016; 649566, 2964009; 649659, 2964048; 649680, 2964040; 649645, 2964001; 649554, 2963977; 649467, 2963915; 649402, 2963896; 649391, 2963856; 649022, 2963898; 649021, 2963916; 648984, 2963899; 648943, 2963915; 648891, 2963867; 648832, 2963852; 648825, 2963826; 648969, 2963810; 649022, 2963898; 648769, 2963901; 648749, 2963912; 648708, 2963847; 648665, 2963815; 648699, 2963795; 648765, 2963801; 648778, 2963811; 648769, 2963901; 649076, 2963949; 649105, 2963966; 649206, 2963982; 649216, 2964012; 649192, 2964029; 649212, 2964065; 649129, 2964034; 649033, 2963973; 649045, 2963953; 649076, 2963949; 649115, 2964061; 649124, 2964081; 649103, 2964104; 649108, 2964123; 649158, 2964115; 649155, 2964090; 649167, 2964084; 649185, 2964108; 649195, 2964162; 649144, 2964249; 649076, 2964279; 649049, 2964244; 649018, 2964231; 648879, 2964239; 648872, 2964206; 648898, 2964161; 648896, 2964123; 648911, 2964114; 648944, 2964131; 648968, 2964106; 648965, 2964082; 648928, 2964086; 648919, 2964072; 648983, 2963992; 649090, 2964030; 649115, 2964061; 649321, 2964238; 649339, 2964236; 649377, 2964278; 649345, 2964276; 649321, 2964238; 649533, 2964273; 649563, 2964220; 649584, 2964235; 649635, 2964234; 649655, 2964270; 649561, 2964321; 649536, 2964310; 649533, 2964273; 649427, 2964240; 649396, 2964214; 649450, 2964206; 649451, 2964221; 649427, 2964240; 649721, 2964212; 649672, 2964162; 649678, 2964135; 649740, 2964162; 649739, 2964203; 649721, 2964212; 649426, 2964178; 649379, 2964189; 649319, 2964159; 649288, 2964118; 649316, 2964099; 649366, 2964135; 649385, 2964090; 649446, 2964104; 649436, 2964131; 649472, 2964149; 649454, 2964176; 649426, 2964178; 649349, 2964080; 649318, 2964045; 649274, 2964051; 649257, 2964033; 649257, 2963996; 649276, 2963967; 649339, 2963981; 649376, 2964030; 649483, 2964036; 649468, 2964060; 649349, 2964080; 649849, 2964031; 649865, 2964032; 649866, 2964063; 649838, 2964097; 649822, 2964069; 649849, 2964031; 650511, 2963961; 650552, 2963969; 650554, 2963934; 650522, 2963886; 650561, 2963885; 650558, 2963868; 650448, 2963810; 650413, 2963735; 650337, 2963692; 650348, 2963669; 650390, 2963648; 650444, 2963656; 650581, 2963755; 650608, 2963853; 650573, 2964072; 650523, 2964029; 650505, 2963988; 650511, 2963961; 649891, 2963902; 649851, 2963871; 649877, 2963845; 649966, 2963821; 650060, 2963835; 650083, 2963855; 650082, 2963891; 650048, 2963928; 649959, 2963937; 649891, 2963902; 649850, 2962784; 649885, 2962795; 649883, 2962822; 649803, 2962820; 649815, 2962794; 649850, 2962784; 650628, 2962358; 650595, 2962237; 650640, 2962280; 650650, 2962251; 650633, 2962211; 650582, 2962169; 650581, 2962145; 650650, 2962179; 650695, 2962252; 650761, 2962307; 650727, 2962355; 650628, 2962358; 651007, 2962196; 651009, 2962109; 651042, 2962137; 651037, 2962191; 650994, 2962276; 650954, 2962295; 650942, 2962262; 650989, 2962228; 651007, 2962196; 651058, 2962119; 651053, 2962060; 651041, 2962047; 651023, 2962073; 651004, 2962072; 650959, 2962016; 650969, 2961999; 651016, 2962006; 651033, 2961989; 651089, 2962033; 651097, 2961981; 651068, 2961970; 651073, 2961944; 651145, 2961894; 651186, 2961643; 651202, 2961599; 651249, 2961585; 651258, 2961614; 651241, 2961784; 651251, 2961901; 651220, 2962041; 651191, 2962066; 651189, 2962000; 651172, 2961984; 651147, 2962040; 651072, 2962137; 651058, 2962119; 651086, 2961324; 651126, 2961328; 651133, 2961359; 651075, 2961391; 651070, 2961354; 651086, 2961324; 651199, 2961326; 651222, 2961300; 651283, 2961302; 651305, 2961283; 651325, 2961202; 651316, 2961123; 651333, 2961119; 651382, 2961174; 651388, 2961204; 651383, 2961226; 651349, 2961245; 651327, 2961315; 651313, 2961332; 651250, 2961336; 651215, 2961367; 651192, 2961355; 651199, 2961326; 651278, 2961271; 651236, 2961232; 651236, 2961199; 651271, 2961191; 651290, 2961211; 651291, 2961250; 651278, 2961271; 651083, 2961267; 651066, 2961290; 651051, 2961261; 651070, 2961247; 651083, 2961267; 651531, 2960725; 651596, 2960685; 651620, 2960698; 651605, 2960745; 651569, 2960777; 651530, 2960773; 651531, 2960725; 651252, 2960700; 651244, 2960743; 651223, 2960757; 651190, 2960737; 651174, 2960700; 651252, 2960700; 651441, 2960533; 651474, 2960533; 651471, 2960560; 651448, 2960588; 651421, 2960588; 651441, 2960533; 651678, 2960574; 651653, 2960553; 651656, 2960505; 651503, 2960497; 651397, 2960515; 651329, 2960493; 651310, 2960471; 651319, 2960408; 651308, 2960374; 651418, 2960385; 651462, 2960358; 651678, 2960384; 651738, 2960411; 651786, 2960465; 651803, 2960525; 651796, 2960557; 651678, 2960574; 651558, 2960567; 651520, 2960562; 651518, 2960548; 651545, 2960522; 651598, 2960529; 651589, 2960555; 651558, 2960567; 651881, 2959896; 651785, 2959890; 651757, 2959862; 651843, 2959804; 651903, 2959857; 651901, 2959887; 651881, 2959896; 651497, 2959735; 651466, 2959738; 651476, 2959689; 651530, 2959678; 651524, 2959720; 651497, 2959735; 651758, 2959653; 651712, 2959628; 651668, 2959633; 651656, 2959599; 651695, 2959583; 651729, 2959535; 651741, 2959536; 651741, 2959570; 651761, 2959571; 651843, 2959529; 651869, 2959540; 651866, 2959576; 651804, 2959584; 651779, 2959604; 651784, 2959620; 651835, 2959627; 651833, 2959641; 651804, 2959662; 651758, 2959653; 651898, 2959626; 651905, 2959594; 651924, 2959599; 651923, 2959648; 651898, 2959626; 650436, 2965438; 650529, 2965494; 650553, 2965585; 650539, 2965591; 650498, 2965563; 650481, 2965519; 650458, 2965504; 650329, 2965504; 650336, 2965467; 650369, 2965431; 650409, 2965423; 650436, 2965438; 650488, 2965579; 650500, 2965619; 650485, 2965637; 650385, 2965688; 650350, 2965686; 650364, 2965656; 650409, 2965629; 650382, 2965587; 650404, 2965582; 650455, 2965607; 650459, 2965573; 650488, 2965579; 650662, 2965462; 650686, 2965477; 650696, 2965510; 650681, 2965560; 650665, 2965559; 650647, 2965516; Thence returning to 650662, 2965462.


Unit TX-3 Subunit E, Kenedy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

644415, 2971239; 644388, 2971235; 644327, 2971267; 644307, 2971299; 644401, 2971277; Thence returning to 644415, 2971239.

650477, 2971119; 650584, 2970938; 650613, 2970946; 650594, 2970981; 650588, 2971048; 650605, 2971114; 650679, 2971124; 650741, 2971083; 650766, 2971099; 650756, 2971134; 650781, 2971171; 650876, 2971179; 650861, 2971127; 650882, 2971088; 650882, 2971000; 650811, 2970980; 650772, 2970915; 650766, 2970851; 650743, 2970839; 650655, 2970867; 650533, 2970852; 650459, 2970894; 650402, 2970903; 650369, 2970934; 650334, 2971027; 650219, 2971180; 650237, 2971210; 650259, 2971207; 650363, 2971115; 650338, 2971193; 650297, 2971210; 650286, 2971242; 650289, 2971263; 650321, 2971292; 650420, 2971300; 650453, 2971232; Thence returning to 650477, 2971119.

646171, 2970961; 646107, 2970947; 646084, 2970960; 646091, 2970989; 646077, 2970999; 646073, 2971053; 645998, 2971065; 645990, 2971089; 646020, 2971092; 646022, 2971105; 645941, 2971148; 645925, 2971204; 645934, 2971226; 646023, 2971184; 646091, 2971179; 646234, 2971106; 646239, 2971044; 646219, 2971007; Thence returning to 646171, 2970961.

651771, 2971214; 651746, 2971164; 651688, 2971166; 651664, 2971202; 651688, 2971220; 651687, 2971262; 651746, 2971286; 651765, 2971276; Thence returning to 651771, 2971214.

649583, 2971226; 649568, 2971221; 649566, 2971247; 649585, 2971251; Thence returning to 649583, 2971226.

649345, 2971094; 649314, 2971082; 649285, 2971111; 649316, 2971215; 649403, 2971216; 649409, 2971192; 649395, 2971141; Thence returning to 649345, 2971094.

651068, 2970738; 651012, 2970717; 650876, 2970727; 650849, 2970751; 650854, 2970809; 650813, 2970847; 650812, 2970916; 650831, 2970940; 650903, 2970962; 650923, 2971080; 650992, 2971088; 650994, 2971133; 651045, 2971205; 651092, 2971229; 651112, 2971205; 651093, 2970766; Thence returning to 651068, 2970738.

650563, 2971141; 650540, 2971108; 650523, 2971116; 650504, 2971178; 650594, 2971192; 650606, 2971159; Thence returning to 650563, 2971141.

645372, 2970942; 645318, 2970922; 645232, 2970924; 645209, 2970954; 645218, 2970969; 645367, 2971014; 645326, 2971076; 645350, 2971121; 645375, 2971123; 645395, 2971107; 645428, 2971052; 645416, 2970981; Thence returning to 645372, 2970942.

646490, 2970976; 646475, 2970908; 646417, 2970915; 646396, 2970934; 646403, 2970956; 646349, 2970968; 646318, 2971023; 646331, 2971133; 646406, 2971118; 646482, 2971067; Thence returning to 646490, 2970976.

650982, 2971143; 650967, 2971137; 650960, 2971163; 650974, 2971173; Thence returning to 650982, 2971143.

644686, 2971024; 644656, 2971007; 644642, 2971030; 644671, 2971051; Thence returning to 644686, 2971024.

647433, 2970972; 647444, 2970905; 647420, 2970835; 647352, 2970768; 647284, 2970650; 647230, 2970635; 647181, 2970657; 647113, 2970764; 647103, 2970811; 647140, 2970805; 647195, 2970835; 647308, 2970787; 647316, 2970802; 647285, 2970854; 647354, 2970851; 647397, 2970886; 647404, 2970918; 647386, 2970932; 647344, 2970930; 647247, 2970903; 647153, 2970921; 647056, 2971005; 647043, 2971047; 647053, 2971061; 647241, 2971041; 647413, 2970987; Thence returning to 647433, 2970972.

650044, 2971024; 650021, 2971008; 649985, 2971023; 649889, 2971009; 649865, 2971053; 649886, 2971069; 650026, 2971044; Thence returning to 650044, 2971024.

644757, 2970819; 644716, 2970798; 644672, 2970799; 644589, 2970877; 644581, 2970927; 644612, 2970956; 644737, 2970992; 644766, 2970963; 644792, 2970898; 644785, 2970852; Thence returning to 644757, 2970819.

651454, 2970826; 651378, 2970814; 651330, 2970833; 651308, 2970901; 651312, 2970947; 651348, 2970985; 651366, 2971044; 651379, 2971046; 651448, 2970932; 651468, 2970851; Thence returning to 651454, 2970826.

649444, 2970987; 649427, 2970985; 649422, 2971016; 649439, 2971018; Thence returning to 649444, 2970987.

649531, 2970913; 649531, 2970896; 649503, 2970875; 649418, 2970852; 649386, 2970863; 649414, 2970883; 649409, 2970903; 649361, 2970898; 649293, 2970929; 649254, 2970996; 649343, 2970994; 649433, 2970944; Thence returning to 649531, 2970913.

647678, 2970776; 647643, 2970775; 647589, 2970816; 647593, 2970835; 647626, 2970841; 647618, 2970868; 647558, 2970877; 647528, 2970902; 647517, 2970947; 647529, 2970971; 647647, 2970926; 647663, 2970903; Thence returning to 647678, 2970776.

649056, 2970826; 649012, 2970794; 648968, 2970824; 648947, 2970867; 648962, 2970920; 648996, 2970946; 649058, 2970882; Thence returning to 649056, 2970826.

648622, 2970799; 648602, 2970752; 648560, 2970766; 648477, 2970862; 648487, 2970884; 648549, 2970886; 648562, 2970934; 648588, 2970916; 648616, 2970842; Thence returning to 648622, 2970799.

646245, 2970775; 646219, 2970721; 646190, 2970734; 646154, 2970788; 646126, 2970840; 646125, 2970888; 646280, 2970906; 646290, 2970888; 646274, 2970829; 646202, 2970822; Thence returning to 646245, 2970775.

648262, 2970838; 648370, 2970747; 648402, 2970685; 648410, 2970630; 648398, 2970575; 648375, 2970544; 648305, 2970512; 648240, 2970519; 648212, 2970532; 648225, 2970557; 648168, 2970589; 648072, 2970575; 648008, 2970586; 647932, 2970650; 647852, 2970614; 647819, 2970618; 647799, 2970639; 647813, 2970670; 647956, 2970720; 647957, 2970732; 647932, 2970740; 647838, 2970724; 647723, 2970667; 647547, 2970642; 647509, 2970643; 647461, 2970672; 647474, 2970687; 647518, 2970669; 647550, 2970712; 647588, 2970732; 647675, 2970730; 647859, 2970796; 647910, 2970787; 647901, 2970817; 647825, 2970828; 647791, 2970857; 647785, 2970885; 647808, 2970924; 648050, 2970902; 648144, 2970878; Thence returning to 648262, 2970838.

649656, 2970864; 649645, 2970842; 649588, 2970868; 649591, 2970925; 649641, 2970898; Thence returning to 649656, 2970864.

646511, 2970865; 646511, 2970794; 646468, 2970711; 646428, 2970709; 646404, 2970735; 646451, 2970808; 646481, 2970817; 646475, 2970839; 646389, 2970828; 646368, 2970843; 646380, 2970880; Thence returning to 646511, 2970865.

647187, 2970858; 647162, 2970856; 647163, 2970885; 647183, 2970877; Thence returning to 647187, 2970858.

645356, 2970829; 645327, 2970827; 645314, 2970857; 645365, 2970855; Thence returning to 645356, 2970829.

650026, 2970705; 649995, 2970695; 649901, 2970759; 649764, 2970811; 649739, 2970864; 649748, 2970878; 649823, 2970865; 649933, 2970818; Thence returning to 650026, 2970705.

650123, 2970802; 650081, 2970792; 650068, 2970817; 650072, 2970853; 650094, 2970874; 650142, 2970823; Thence returning to 650123, 2970802.

644097, 2970731; 644083, 2970730; 644060, 2970775; 644087, 2970781; 644101, 2970758; Thence returning to 644097, 2970731.

646361, 2970776; 646343, 2970775; 646330, 2970797; 646351, 2970801; Thence returning to 646361, 2970776.

645779, 2970697; 645772, 2970681; 645691, 2970720; 645666, 2970776; 645681, 2970780; Thence returning to 645779, 2970697.

649525, 2970737; 649494, 2970718; 649459, 2970732; 649481, 2970755; 649488, 2970805; 649542, 2970793; Thence returning to 649525, 2970737.

646358, 2970733; 646353, 2970715; 646314, 2970726; 646323, 2970749; 646337, 2970748; Thence returning to 646358, 2970733.

649714, 2970655; 649805, 2970616; 649899, 2970626; 649948, 2970523; 649959, 2970593; 650022, 2970612; 650162, 2970564; 650242, 2970589; 650292, 2970645; 650261, 2970652; 650280, 2970687; 650215, 2970697; 650175, 2970748; 650249, 2970738; 650359, 2970687; 650402, 2970586; 650408, 2970508; 650393, 2970455; 650368, 2970420; 650314, 2970394; 650224, 2970398; 649960, 2970476; 649771, 2970498; 649699, 2970537; 649570, 2970571; 649500, 2970652; 649535, 2970666; 649644, 2970636; 649599, 2970677; 649578, 2970727; 649598, 2970745; 649636, 2970743; 649678, 2970725; Thence returning to 649714, 2970655.

646668, 2970618; 646677, 2970437; 646669, 2970398; 646646, 2970372; 646628, 2970376; 646608, 2970406; 646545, 2970411; 646521, 2970428; 646530, 2970447; 646619, 2970485; 646629, 2970519; 646616, 2970549; 646528, 2970526; 646496, 2970556; 646555, 2970599; 646613, 2970666; 646638, 2970677; 646652, 2970665; Thence returning to 646668, 2970618.

646170, 2970662; 646336, 2970624; 646411, 2970659; 646434, 2970650; 646392, 2970590; 646293, 2970571; 646207, 2970591; 646176, 2970625; Thence returning to 646170, 2970662.

643788, 2970608; 643742, 2970579; 643762, 2970624; 643784, 2970628; Thence returning to 643788, 2970608.

650224, 2970668; 650212, 2970649; 650200, 2970664; 650205, 2970681; Thence returning to 650224, 2970668.

650178, 2970599; 650155, 2970591; 650062, 2970639; 650067, 2970659; 650084, 2970658; 650166, 2970629; Thence returning to 650178, 2970599.

644019, 2970509; 644032, 2970449; 643986, 2970370; 643911, 2970344; 643796, 2970388; 643760, 2970419; 643754, 2970444; 643845, 2970489; 643843, 2970555; 643901, 2970504; 643962, 2970490; 643972, 2970513; 643945, 2970557; 643969, 2970561; Thence returning to 644019, 2970509.

643687, 2970434; 643586, 2970295; 643523, 2970269; 643503, 2970284; 643501, 2970319; 643481, 2970322; 643397, 2970249; 643364, 2970249; 643361, 2970266; 643431, 2970357; 643551, 2970409; 643664, 2970547; 643688, 2970546; 643701, 2970509; Thence returning to 643687, 2970434.

650639, 2970615; 650734, 2970569; 650791, 2970615; 650850, 2970622; 650932, 2970578; 650971, 2970504; 650955, 2970356; 650869, 2970286; 650829, 2970272; 650696, 2970273; 650602, 2970336; 650570, 2970402; 650553, 2970577; 650566, 2970621; Thence returning to 650639, 2970615.

645673, 2970468; 645634, 2970462; 645552, 2970519; 645529, 2970559; 645603, 2970515; 645663, 2970493; Thence returning to 645673, 2970468.

647913, 2970483; 647797, 2970449; 647631, 2970510; 647608, 2970538; 647717, 2970544; 647747, 2970568; 647790, 2970562; 647926, 2970531; 647936, 2970508; Thence returning to 647913, 2970483.

647304, 2969798; 647314, 2969748; 647337, 2969773; 647348, 2969821; 647368, 2970199; 647350, 2970279; 647341, 2970509; 647452, 2970436; 647485, 2970373; 647453, 2970324; 647478, 2970269; 647477, 2970233; 647445, 2970175; 647476, 2970097; 647470, 2970013; 647515, 2969962; 647516, 2969907; 647503, 2969881; 647461, 2969876; 647458, 2969863; 647515, 2969797; 647529, 2969724; 647564, 2969694; 647554, 2969636; 647715, 2969628; 647721, 2969601; 648228, 2969609; 648256, 2969644; 648294, 2969642; 648370, 2969685; 648409, 2969682; 648445, 2969649; 648485, 2969575; 648497, 2969535; 648483, 2969446; 648448, 2969423; 648339, 2969433; 648285, 2969405; 648224, 2969424; 647998, 2969390; 647402, 2969380; 647201, 2969397; 647068, 2969428; 646994, 2969463; 646969, 2969488; 646948, 2969546; 646955, 2969593; 646933, 2969725; 646943, 2969771; 646996, 2969766; 646995, 2969653; 647005, 2969637; 647187, 2969637; 647219, 2969673; 647227, 2970305; 647183, 2970339; 647173, 2970387; 647201, 2970461; 647205, 2970525; 647241, 2970553; 647266, 2970551; 647295, 2970514; 647268, 2970401; 647291, 2970124; 647338, 2970095; 647332, 2969940; Thence returning to 647304, 2969798.

646307, 2970487; 646328, 2970426; 646428, 2970408; 646452, 2970364; 646611, 2970321; 646624, 2970287; 646614, 2970269; 646579, 2970262; 646481, 2970300; 646408, 2970354; 646291, 2970403; 646257, 2970465; 646286, 2970462; Thence returning to 646307, 2970487.

649036, 2970419; 649027, 2970350; 648940, 2970376; 648907, 2970435; 648924, 2970465; 648942, 2970499; 649006, 2970495; Thence returning to 649036, 2970419.

643306, 2970243; 643287, 2970238; 643273, 2970252; 643297, 2970322; 643360, 2970346; 643360, 2970321; Thence returning to 643306, 2970243.

649479, 2970379; 649473, 2970359; 649460, 2970359; 649455, 2970392; Thence returning to 649479, 2970379

649374, 2970371; 649582, 2970246; 649604, 2970290; 649654, 2970284; 649695, 2970332; 649731, 2970330; 649781, 2970289; 649805, 2970248; 649806, 2970187; 649756, 2970146; 649646, 2970138; 649532, 2970176; 649478, 2970212; 649410, 2970294; Thence returning to 649374, 2970371.

649584, 2970340; 649569, 2970322; 649558, 2970337; 649564, 2970351; Thence returning to 649584, 2970340.

643470, 2970059; 643447, 2970054; 643364, 2970087; 643373, 2970115; 643463, 2970166; 643481, 2970149; 643488, 2970103; Thence returning to 643470, 2970059.

643644, 2970048; 643613, 2970041; 643559, 2970089; 643568, 2970114; 643608, 2970112; 643658, 2970087; Thence returning to 643644, 2970048

643270, 2969972; 643282, 2969962; 643371, 2970012; 643371, 2969983; 643347, 2969952; 643295, 2969916; 643192, 2969879; 643048, 2969860; 642987, 2969888; 643010, 2969908; 643089, 2969901; 643180, 2969929; 643284, 2970026; 643293, 2970007; Thence returning to 643270, 2969972.

649441, 2969975; 649383, 2969956; 649340, 2969968; 649314, 2970023; 649358, 2970076; 649422, 2970078; 649446, 2970043; Thence returning to 649441, 2969975.

649814, 2969966; 649726, 2969962; 649680, 2969986; 649672, 2970040; 649689, 2970069; 649804, 2970049; 649835, 2970011; 649836, 2969990; Thence returning to 649814, 2969966.

649768, 2969742; 649824, 2969592; 649814, 2969523; 649778, 2969548; 649743, 2969604; 649724, 2969592; 649720, 2969531; 649696, 2969517; 649627, 2969599; 649618, 2969521; 649586, 2969504; 649557, 2969528; 649515, 2969619; 649514, 2969519; 649491, 2969491; 649418, 2969493; 649349, 2969462; 649117, 2969436; 649065, 2969438; 649058, 2969476; 649026, 2969417; 648668, 2969397; 648619, 2969403; 648600, 2969425; 648541, 2969551; 648520, 2969651; 648518, 2969682; 648530, 2969689; 648680, 2969673; 648807, 2969696; 648910, 2969686; 648981, 2969636; 648998, 2969639; 649047, 2969707; 649177, 2969725; 649434, 2969721; 649505, 2969678; 649545, 2969705; 649588, 2969709; 649577, 2969745; 649580, 2969767; 649549, 2969803; 649538, 2969843; 649552, 2969890; 649620, 2969795; Thence returning to 649768, 2969742.

646913, 2969549; 646890, 2969546; 646825, 2969566; 646808, 2969600; 646815, 2969711; 646835, 2969762; 646904, 2969820; 646915, 2969804; 646902, 2969658; Thence returning to 646913, 2969549.

650210, 2969714; 650185, 2969704; 650140, 2969711; 650139, 2969735; 650204, 2969732; Thence returning to 650210, 2969714.

651802, 2969718; 651763, 2969697; 650650, 2969704; 651602, 2969729; 651781, 2969746; Thence returning to 651802, 2969718.

650579, 2969730; 650608, 2969708; 650557, 2969716; Thence returning to 650579, 2969730.

650485, 2969701; 650427, 2969700; 650405, 2969700; 650409, 2969727; 650493, 2969719; Thence returning to 650485, 2969701.

643655, 2969499; 643627, 2969493; 643620, 2969532; 643660, 2969605; 643678, 2969585; Thence returning to 643655, 2969499.

643946, 2969337; 643901, 2969312; 643875, 2969344; 643897, 2969405; 643941, 2969427; 643968, 2969410; Thence returning to 643946, 2969337.

643707, 2969395; 643789, 2969329; 643788, 2969288; 643734, 2969271; 643718, 2969283; 643752, 2969314; 643737, 2969331; 643701, 2969326; 643674, 2969412; Thence returning to 643707, 2969395.

643540, 2969349; 643562, 2969328; 643623, 2969334; 643632, 2969317; 643550, 2969236; 643501, 2969220; 643502, 2969259; 643531, 2969297; 643490, 2969302; 643490, 2969326; Thence returning to 643540, 2969349.

643660, 2969189; 643659, 2969165; 643629, 2969182; 643631, 2969201; Thence returning to 643660, 2969189.

643809, 2968991; 643785, 2968976; 643721, 2968992; 643699, 2969024; 643761, 2969025; 643776, 2969043; 643766, 2969064; 643776, 2969087; 643743, 2969125; 643840, 2969192; 643858, 2969189; 643860, 2969171; 643824, 2969104; Thence returning to 643809, 2968991.

643727, 2969165; 643712, 2969159; 643702, 2969182; 643721, 2969186; Thence returning to 643727, 2969165.

643922, 2969117; 643858, 2969062; 643863, 2969123; 643902, 2969172; 643932, 2969180; 643942, 2969160; Thence returning to 643922, 2969117.

643714, 2969096; 643692, 2969086; 643676, 2969124; 643687, 2969147; 643711, 2969126; Thence returning to 643714, 2969096.

643570, 2968935; 643561, 2968915; 643462, 2968926; 643434, 2968945; 643451, 2968964; 643514, 2968973; 643482, 2969042; 643522, 2969063; 643526, 2969087; 643468, 2969109; 643479, 2969135; 643542, 2969136; 643562, 2969117; Thence returning to 643570, 2968935.

645645, 2968977; 645627, 2968969; 645498, 2969088; 645496, 2969110; 645515, 2969130; 645601, 2969086; 645645, 2969006; Thence returning to 645645, 2968977.

644114, 2968891; 644069, 2968883; 643999, 2968921; 644015, 2968943; 644091, 2968944; 644066, 2969036; 644083, 2969053; 644106, 2969049; 644137, 2968965; Thence returning to 644114, 2968891.

643926, 2968939; 643884, 2968916; 643848, 2968956; 643914, 2968974; Thence returning to 643926, 2968939.

643952, 2968853; 643905, 2968841; 643898, 2968873; 643945, 2968883; Thence returning to 643952, 2968853.

644560, 2968804; 644459, 2968774; 644411, 2968779; 644382, 2968804; 644381, 2968847; 644443, 2968857; 644498, 2968888; 644567, 2968875; 644576, 2968827; Thence returning to 644560, 2968804.

644696, 2968788; 644619, 2968758; 644615, 2968772; 644655, 2968844; 644693, 2968873; 644720, 2968872; 644731, 2968854; Thence returning to 644696, 2968788.

644077, 2968731; 644029, 2968715; 643989, 2968724; 643957, 2968770; 644020, 2968782; 644075, 2968846; 644110, 2968861; 644124, 2968817; 644105, 2968761; Thence returning to 644077, 2968731.

643770, 2968772; 643733, 2968763; 643727, 2968779; 643799, 2968815; 643808, 2968798; Thence returning to 643770, 2968772.

643822, 2968749; 643782, 2968735; 643825, 2968775; Thence returning to 643822, 2968749.

644308, 2968523; 644265, 2968522; 644224, 2968553; 644210, 2968721; 644224, 2968746; 644248, 2968746; 644280, 2968704; 644323, 2968573; Thence returning to 644308, 2968523.

643757, 2968703; 643738, 2968702; 643744, 2968723; Thence returning to 643757, 2968703.

644040, 2968578; 643967, 2968377; 643938, 2968312; 643908, 2968281; 643872, 2968272; 643832, 2968303; 643824, 2968353; 643835, 2968367; 643904, 2968367; 643946, 2968404; 643949, 2968444; 643885, 2968423; 643878, 2968437; 643901, 2968449; 643860, 2968478; 643875, 2968492; 643914, 2968474; 643941, 2968517; 643959, 2968480; 643971, 2968519; 644001, 2968546; 644002, 2968576; 643964, 2968626; 643992, 2968639; 644030, 2968615; Thence returning to 644040, 2968578.

644753, 2968538; 644730, 2968438; 644762, 2968392; 644674, 2968413; 644570, 2968391; 644525, 2968417; 644519, 2968443; 644530, 2968454; 644625, 2968437; 644684, 2968447; 644671, 2968479; 644593, 2968493; 644603, 2968513; 644656, 2968532; 644714, 2968604; 644743, 2968608; Thence returning to 644753, 2968538.

643945, 2968582; 643934, 2968554; 643878, 2968581; 643889, 2968598; 643931, 2968597; Thence returning to 643945, 2968582.

644160, 2968375; 644129, 2968353; 644106, 2968371; 644079, 2968326; 644049, 2968336; 644074, 2968406; 644171, 2968472; 644216, 2968416; 644210, 2968378; Thence returning to 644160, 2968375.

643807, 2968463; 643833, 2968421; 643813, 2968427; Thence returning to 643807, 2968463.

645219, 2968427; 645272, 2968375; 645234, 2968378; 645196, 2968406; 645196, 2968425; Thence returning to 645219, 2968427.

644914, 2968363; 644967, 2968318; 645087, 2968312; 645126, 2968275; 645128, 2968220; 645097, 2968146; 645093, 2968085; 645031, 2968043; 644935, 2968038; 644880, 2968085; 644731, 2968127; 644587, 2968200; 644575, 2968212; 644585, 2968225; 644637, 2968231; 644534, 2968306; 644556, 2968342; 644654, 2968348; 644732, 2968295; 644767, 2968291; 644827, 2968226; 644936, 2968171; 644936, 2968260; 644885, 2968283; 644878, 2968325; 644828, 2968316; 644809, 2968327; 644817, 2968343; 644872, 2968349; 644891, 2968371; Thence returning to 644914, 2968363.

644774, 2968339; 644746, 2968327; 644739, 2968355; 644761, 2968366; Thence returning to 644774, 2968339.

645443, 2968325; 645426, 2968303; 645377, 2968324; 645373, 2968348; 645427, 2968342; Thence returning to 645443, 2968325.

645921, 2968249; 645905, 2968233; 645859, 2968250; 645775, 2968321; 645797, 2968333; 645897, 2968296; 645921, 2968271; Thence returning to 645921, 2968249

645605, 2968235; 645600, 2968190; 645569, 2968196; 645474, 2968275; 645477, 2968300; 645502, 2968304; Thence returning to 645605, 2968235.

644097, 2968232; 644063, 2968221; 644056, 2968255; 644072, 2968276; 644111, 2968264; Thence returning to 644097, 2968232.

644316, 2968092; 644301, 2968087; 644307, 2968152; 644338, 2968195; 644419, 2968233; 644437, 2968222; 644428, 2968195; 644371, 2968177; 644326, 2968132; Thence returning to 644316, 2968092.

651888, 2968237; 651817, 2968174; 651752, 2968079; 651727, 2968093; 651728, 2968139; 651711, 2968183; 651715, 2968200; 651754, 2968193; 651730, 2968241; 651749, 2968273; 651802, 2968296; 651869, 2968284; 651895, 2968262; Thence returning to 651888, 2968237.

645232, 2968209; 645231, 2968183; 645200, 2968193; 645186, 2968218; Thence returning to 645232, 2968209.

645236, 2968082; 645205, 2968077; 645213, 2968108; 645297, 2968158; 645305, 2968128; Thence returning to 645236, 2968082.

644577, 2968099; 644562, 2968021; 644527, 2968030; 644507, 2968064; 644466, 2968077; 644477, 2968104; 644528, 2968139; 644563, 2968125; Thence returning to 644577, 2968099.

645371, 2968063; 645345, 2968054; 645311, 2968069; 645352, 2968093; Thence returning to 645371, 2968063.

646148, 2967987; 646119, 2967973; 646083, 2967996; 646032, 2968052; 646032, 2968074; 646044, 2968074; 646136, 2968026; Thence returning to 646148, 2967987.

645136, 2967976; 645045, 2967939; 644996, 2967963; 645013, 2967987; 645077, 2968000; 645138, 2968053; 645151, 2968040; 645157, 2968008; Thence returning to 645136, 2967976..

644701, 2967988; 644688, 2967983; 644662, 2967990; 644650, 2968013; 644659, 2968037; 644689, 2968012; Thence returning to 644701, 2967988.

644406, 2968009; 644407, 2967990; 644388, 2967994; 644383, 2968026; Thence returning to 644406, 2968009.

644475, 2967993; 644461, 2967981; 644450, 2968010; 644471, 2968012; Thence returning to 644475, 2967993.

644519, 2967973; 644508, 2967965; 644496, 2967993; 644507, 2968004; Thence returning to 644519, 2967973.

644882, 2967879; 644867, 2967876; 644851, 2967896; 644859, 2967915; 644879, 2967897; Thence returning to 644882, 2967879.

646178, 2967890; 646157, 2967882; 646146, 2967912; 646170, 2967919; Thence returning to 646178, 2967890.

644931, 2967867; 644912, 2967862; 644905, 2967883; 644925, 2967896; Thence returning to 644931, 2967867.

645089, 2967731; 645066, 2967719; 645033, 2967784; 644976, 2967819; 644963, 2967873; 644994, 2967888; 645104, 2967808; 645110, 2967772; Thence returning to 645089, 2967731.

645855, 2967849; 645826, 2967742; 645808, 2967751; 645825, 2967839; 645803, 2967871; 645808, 2967897; 645825, 2967896; Thence returning to 645855, 2967849.

646312, 2967729; 646277, 2967714; 646212, 2967752; 646190, 2967796; 646263, 2967797; 646289, 2967789; Thence returning to 646312, 2967729.

645961, 2967634; 645912, 2967616; 645900, 2967643; 645929, 2967671; 645953, 2967675; Thence returning to 645961, 2967634.

646437, 2967632; 646423, 2967624; 646400, 2967650; 646426, 2967647; Thence returning to 646437, 2967632.

646002, 2967442; 645933, 2967430; 645930, 2967457; 645976, 2967494; 645967, 2967537; 645984, 2967554; 646052, 2967565; 646056, 2967541; Thence returning to 646002, 2967442.

645919, 2967529; 645910, 2967514; 645872, 2967522; 645881, 2967546; 645908, 2967545; Thence returning to 645919, 2967529.

646207, 2967453; 646164, 2967376; 646148, 2967387; 646141, 2967429; 646127, 2967460; 646138, 2967485; Thence returning to 646207, 2967453.

646373, 2967294; 646298, 2967269; 646257, 2967333; 646269, 2967353; 646371, 2967338; 646385, 2967311; Thence returning to 646373, 2967294.

646112, 2967313; 646074, 2967309; 646079, 2967328; 646112, 2967343; Thence returning to 646112, 2967313.

648139, 2966993; 648115, 2966957; 648084, 2966953; 648059, 2966879; 648064, 2966837; 648046, 2966746; 648000, 2966718; 647945, 2966721; 647943, 2966687; 647909, 2966678; 647880, 2966641; 647799, 2966646; 647780, 2966671; 647847, 2966680; 647873, 2966719; 647905, 2966726; 647936, 2966756; 648002, 2966769; 648015, 2966794; 647954, 2966806; 647836, 2966863; 647826, 2966819; 647836, 2966805; 647871, 2966807; 647879, 2966790; 647775, 2966719; 647724, 2966725; 647661, 2966765; 647575, 2966786; 647542, 2966818; 647569, 2966836; 647619, 2966816; 647661, 2966820; 647709, 2966757; 647761, 2966763; 647781, 2966772; 647788, 2966803; 647776, 2966825; 647801, 2966840; 647795, 2966868; 647862, 2966902; 647903, 2966869; 647939, 2966872; 647977, 2966828; 647999, 2966851; 647990, 2966911; 648031, 2966905; 648039, 2966916; 648012, 2966975; 648060, 2966995; 648087, 2966989; 648121, 2967029; 648173, 2967050; 648210, 2967057; 648212, 2967018; 648185, 2966997; Thence returning to 648139, 2966993.

646809, 2966983; 646790, 2966959; 646762, 2966960; 646824, 2967030; Thence returning to 646809, 2966983.

646867, 2966964; 646843, 2966949; 646827, 2966949; 646825, 2966963; 646867, 2966982; Thence returning to 646867, 2966964.

646946, 2966967; 646919, 2966953; 646915, 2966977; 646939, 2966982; Thence returning to 646946, 2966967.

647026, 2966928; 647071, 2966844; 647005, 2966812; 646983, 2966771; 646967, 2966776; 646963, 2966821; 646919, 2966837; 646916, 2966877; 646922, 2966899; 646938, 2966900; 646978, 2966879; 647023, 2966886; 646976, 2966937; 646990, 2966954; Thence returning to 647026, 2966928.

646899, 2966907; 646872, 2966899; 646857, 2966917; 646895, 2966942; Thence returning to 646899, 2966907.

646832, 2966869; 646809, 2966864; 646804, 2966883; 646827, 2966897; Thence returning to 646832, 2966869.

647161, 2966612; 647139, 2966586; 647106, 2966615; 647097, 2966664; 647055, 2966687; 647053, 2966743; 647116, 2966779; 647158, 2966724; 647165, 2966683; Thence returning to 647161, 2966612.

647497, 2966618; 647486, 2966588; 647390, 2966594; 647333, 2966579; 647315, 2966598; 647281, 2966705; 647313, 2966721; 647486, 2966632; Thence returning to 647497, 2966618.

647214, 2966522; 647205, 2966482; 647186, 2966484; 647157, 2966537; 647162, 2966563; 647196, 2966577; Thence returning to 647214, 2966522.

647329, 2966359; 647301, 2966344; 647290, 2966370; 647307, 2966406; 647287, 2966445; 647293, 2966464; 647335, 2966403; Thence returning to 647329, 2966359.

648433, 2965854; 648457, 2965823; 648511, 2965829; 648537, 2965787; 648523, 2965735; 648507, 2965713; 648475, 2965708; 648453, 2965745; 648420, 2965729; 648355, 2965754; 648341, 2965776; 648388, 2965780; 648388, 2965790; 648364, 2965823; 648340, 2965807; 648314, 2965813; 648296, 2965834; 648313, 2965863; 648264, 2965886; 648264, 2965903; 648283, 2965916; Thence returning to 648433, 2965854.

649279, 2965762; 649204, 2965760; 649167, 2965777; 649170, 2965810; 649220, 2965842; 649270, 2965852; 649310, 2965842; 649338, 2965808; 649324, 2965782; Thence returning to 649279, 2965762.

649534, 2965700; 649516, 2965686; 649432, 2965763; 649378, 2965799; 649384, 2965821; 649439, 2965834; 649472, 2965823; 649525, 2965753; Thence returning to 649534, 2965700.

650770, 2965728; 650842, 2965628; 650857, 2965532; 650931, 2965340; 650885, 2965370; 650828, 2965489; 650829, 2965412; 650815, 2965408; 650797, 2965442; 650791, 2965575; 650642, 2965717; 650684, 2965709; 650765, 2965649; 650785, 2965654; 650778, 2965675; 650695, 2965756; 650623, 2965781; 650604, 2965802; 650612, 2965826; 650685, 2965800; Thence returning to 650770, 2965728.

648302, 2965642; 648336, 2965614; 648411, 2965623; 648438, 2965656; 648448, 2965585; 648393, 2965538; 648356, 2965552; 648347, 2965584; 648264, 2965581; 648199, 2965597; 648168, 2965632; 648180, 2965657; 648307, 2965716; 648310, 2965678; 648352, 2965670; 648344, 2965651; Thence returning to 648302, 2965642.

649694, 2965697; 649641, 2965671; 649575, 2965672; 649592, 2965721; 649633, 2965722; 649680, 2965728; Thence returning to 649694, 2965697.

647973, 2965624; 647914, 2965620; 647858, 2965655; 647902, 2965696; 647966, 2965671; 647991, 2965645; Thence returning to 647973, 2965624.

649901, 2965597; 649838, 2965572; 649714, 2965596; 649631, 2965637; 649834, 2965651; 649880, 2965673; 649938, 2965703; 649967, 2965678; 649967, 2965659; Thence returning to 649901, 2965597.

647792, 2965614; 647743, 2965610; 647725, 2965637; 647782, 2965677; Thence returning to 647792, 2965614.

650500, 2965619; 650488, 2965579; 650459, 2965573; 650455, 2965607; 650404, 2965582; 650382, 2965587; 650409, 2965629; 650364, 2965656; 650350, 2965686; 650385, 2965688; 650485, 2965637; Thence returning to 650500, 2965619.

648734, 2965602; 648660, 2965551; 648686, 2965503; 648638, 2965484; 648654, 2965399; 648696, 2965388; 648670, 2965335; 648624, 2965308; 648602, 2965371; 648543, 2965398; 648528, 2965470; 648498, 2965477; 648463, 2965520; 648458, 2965545; 648514, 2965590; 648531, 2965620; 648521, 2965638; 648547, 2965660; 648602, 2965657; 648655, 2965586; 648697, 2965621; 648703, 2965665; 648733, 2965642; Thence returning to 648734, 2965602.

649213, 2965570; 649166, 2965498; 649114, 2965497; 649095, 2965520; 649071, 2965516; 649046, 2965551; 649049, 2965624; 649178, 2965633; 649211, 2965600; Thence returning to 649213, 2965570.

650553, 2965585; 650529, 2965494; 650436, 2965438; 650409, 2965423; 650369, 2965431; 650336, 2965467; 650329, 2965504; 650458, 2965504; 650481, 2965519; 650498, 2965563; 650539, 2965591; Thence returning to 650553, 2965585.

649254, 2965504; 649215, 2965494; 649210, 2965513; 649255, 2965546; Thence returning to 649254, 2965504.

650686, 2965477; 650662, 2965462; 650647, 2965516; 650665, 2965559; 650681, 2965560; 650696, 2965510; Thence returning to 650686, 2965477.

649347, 2965519; 649408, 2965430; 649530, 2965371; 649555, 2965333; 649504, 2965303; 649444, 2965335; 649371, 2965288; 649301, 2965307; 649312, 2965342; 649404, 2965384; 649342, 2965440; 649286, 2965408; 649258, 2965418; 649263, 2965445; 649331, 2965475; 649297, 2965497; 649295, 2965522; Thence returning to 649347, 2965519.

648720, 2965451; 648685, 2965436; 648676, 2965454; 648692, 2965477; 648727, 2965483; Thence returning to 648720, 2965451.

649235, 2965385; 649196, 2965372; 649166, 2965407; 649219, 2965416; Thence returning to 649235, 2965385.

648763, 2965310; 648745, 2965301; 648736, 2965328; 648759, 2965336; Thence returning to 648763, 2965310.

649501, 2965211; 649450, 2965207; 649460, 2965234; 649551, 2965288; 649551, 2965267; Thence returning to 649501, 2965211.

651097, 2965049; 651078, 2965041; 651044, 2965062; 650951, 2965231; 650946, 2965263; 651011, 2965208; 651083, 2965097; Thence returning to 651097, 2965049.

649906, 2965181; 650029, 2965065; 650069, 2964992; 650099, 2964893; 650086, 2964854; 649943, 2964826; 649951, 2964805; 649980, 2964802; 649977, 2964761; 650091, 2964798; 650111, 2964783; 650109, 2964697; 650019, 2964600; 649974, 2964601; 649927, 2964629; 649903, 2964663; 649887, 2964778; 649865, 2964747; 649812, 2964727; 649761, 2964727; 649703, 2964768; 649710, 2964832; 649730, 2964833; 649768, 2964795; 649808, 2964793; 650029, 2964925; 650035, 2964961; 649992, 2965005; 649962, 2964963; 649903, 2964923; 649800, 2964889; 649783, 2964894; 649787, 2964908; 649865, 2964969; 649823, 2965016; 649796, 2965015; 649718, 2964947; 649648, 2964917; 649569, 2964906; 649474, 2964934; 649484, 2964979; 649506, 2964998; 649655, 2965003; 649650, 2965028; 649609, 2965036; 649587, 2965064; 649534, 2965072; 649535, 2965143; 649704, 2965175; 649760, 2965153; 649784, 2965177; 649765, 2965212; 649769, 2965240; 649800, 2965248; Thence returning to 649906, 2965181.

650623, 2965178; 650608, 2965146; 650546, 2965151; 650499, 2965136; 650489, 2965151; 650503, 2965168; 650577, 2965203; Thence returning to 650623, 2965178.

650789, 2965014; 650758, 2965002; 650712, 2965069; 650658, 2965104; 650650, 2965149; 650666, 2965168; 650715, 2965124; Thence returning to 650789, 2965014.

650546, 2965077; 650450, 2965004; 650432, 2965019; 650421, 2965072; Thence returning to 650546, 2965077.

649333, 2964988; 649309, 2964984; 649293, 2965036; 649321, 2965050; Thence returning to 649333, 2964988.

650687, 2964972; 650726, 2964959; 650709, 2964923; 650636, 2964905; 650627, 2964916; 650639, 2964940; 650600, 2964966; 650566, 2964932; 650538, 2964938; 650535, 2964975; 650504, 2965013; 650591, 2965057; 650636, 2965054; Thence returning to 650687, 2964972.

649107, 2964833; 649128, 2964810; 649116, 2964786; 649088, 2964813; 649056, 2964803; 649047, 2964832; 649064, 2964845; 649072, 2964883; 649190, 2964905; 649209, 2964938; 649192, 2965006; 649206, 2965019; 649228, 2965005; 649243, 2964946; 649236, 2964880; 649201, 2964861; 649124, 2964855; Thence returning to 649107, 2964833.

650416, 2964899; 650475, 2964759; 650499, 2964741; 650589, 2964725; 650651, 2964689; 650698, 2964701; 650685, 2964731; 650695, 2964767; 650678, 2964775; 650649, 2964750; 650614, 2964766; 650711, 2964844; 650765, 2964837; 650780, 2964789; 650711, 2964628; 650653, 2964533; 650480, 2964467; 650373, 2964491; 650256, 2964554; 650213, 2964626; 650218, 2964655; 650327, 2964612; 650450, 2964656; 650453, 2964631; 650393, 2964572; 650391, 2964543; 650418, 2964506; 650456, 2964490; 650513, 2964497; 650607, 2964540; 650664, 2964608; 650668, 2964625; 650651, 2964637; 650566, 2964637; 650577, 2964682; 650554, 2964708; 650424, 2964699; 650389, 2964789; 650327, 2964779; 650313, 2964845; 650283, 2964870; 650310, 2964924; 650281, 2964934; 650271, 2965007; 650334, 2964997; 650344, 2964983; 650330, 2964968; 650364, 2964927; Thence returning to 650416, 2964899.

648737, 2964725; 648721, 2964725; 648725, 2964774; 648738, 2964798; 648761, 2964803; 648766, 2964787; Thence returning to 648737, 2964725.

649424, 2964805; 649507, 2964787; 649613, 2964806; 649617, 2964773; 649564, 2964680; 649493, 2964645; 649449, 2964647; 649371, 2964699; 649335, 2964751; 649380, 2964765; Thence returning to 649424, 2964805.

649244, 2964766; 649232, 2964743; 649193, 2964766; 649198, 2964794; 649236, 2964802; Thence returning to 649244, 2964766.

648854, 2964708; 648855, 2964674; 648783, 2964675; 648811, 2964709; Thence returning to 648854, 2964708.

650342, 2964697; 650342, 2964667; 650296, 2964667; 650297, 2964713; Thence returning to 650342, 2964697.

651158, 2964599; 651153, 2964521; 651132, 2964562; 651130, 2964669; 651146, 2964707; 651168, 2964715; 651182, 2964642; Thence returning to 651158, 2964599.

649742, 2964556; 649694, 2964543; 649675, 2964568; 649722, 2964601; 649670, 2964626; 649666, 2964677; 649810, 2964681; 649814, 2964647; 649785, 2964590; Thence returning to 649742, 2964556.

650993, 2964592; 650984, 2964565; 650958, 2964568; 650949, 2964585; 650952, 2964631; Thence returning to 650993, 2964592.

650537, 2964552; 650449, 2964538; 650452, 2964566; 650512, 2964590; 650541, 2964569; Thence returning to 650537, 2964552.

649215, 2964526; 649186, 2964510; 649174, 2964522; 649176, 2964541; 649216, 2964563; Thence returning to 649215, 2964526.

650018, 2964556; 650032, 2964527; 649997, 2964522; 649994, 2964505; 650055, 2964476; 650062, 2964457; 650041, 2964437; 649997, 2964434; 649805, 2964514; 649891, 2964542; 649958, 2964529; Thence returning to 650018, 2964556.

651072, 2964516; 650994, 2964492; 650987, 2964508; 651058, 2964567; Thence returning to 651072, 2964516.

649244, 2964385; 649210, 2964378; 649180, 2964432; 649257, 2964488; 649284, 2964420; Thence returning to 649244, 2964385.

651188, 2964484; 651220, 2964376; 651192, 2964393; 651166, 2964448; 651173, 2964496; Thence returning to 651188, 2964484.

651023, 2964427; 650970, 2964384; 650934, 2964384; 650900, 2964424; 651027, 2964464; Thence returning to 651023, 2964427.

649018, 2964380; 648995, 2964375; 648971, 2964393; 648980, 2964414; 649024, 2964421; 649033, 2964401; Thence returning to 649018, 2964380.

649052, 2964363; 649067, 2964346; 649059, 2964313; 649006, 2964281; 648983, 2964284; 648984, 2964354; 649018, 2964348; Thence returning to 649052, 2964363.

650269, 2964364; 650487, 2964251; 650563, 2964179; 650626, 2964057; 650702, 2963644; 650696, 2963607; 650680, 2963621; 650637, 2963801; 650618, 2964006; 650588, 2964098; 650516, 2964200; 650476, 2964230; 650388, 2964256; 650419, 2964194; 650496, 2964151; 650506, 2964105; 650414, 2964012; 650369, 2963987; 650312, 2963977; 650209, 2964000; 650144, 2964059; 650111, 2964124; 650125, 2964146; 650162, 2964135; 650176, 2964064; 650220, 2964073; 650245, 2964042; 650291, 2964029; 650366, 2964045; 650467, 2964113; 650454, 2964158; 650398, 2964134; 650353, 2964152; 650299, 2964142; 650243, 2964161; 650247, 2964186; 650324, 2964183; 650346, 2964202; 650310, 2964233; 650227, 2964234; 650224, 2964265; 650243, 2964285; 650315, 2964281; 650308, 2964307; 650263, 2964333; Thence returning to 650269, 2964364.

651149, 2964261; 651137, 2964243; 650999, 2964254; 650984, 2964271; 651024, 2964299; 651104, 2964308; 651117, 2964341; 651137, 2964326; Thence returning to 651149, 2964261.

649655, 2964270; 649635, 2964234; 649584, 2964235; 649563, 2964220; 649533, 2964273; 649536, 2964310; 649561, 2964321; Thence returning to 649655, 2964270.

651266, 2964279; 651238, 2964269; 651221, 2964315; 651234, 2964331; 651250, 2964325; Thence returning to 651266, 2964279.

649144, 2964249; 649195, 2964162; 649185, 2964108; 649167, 2964084; 649155, 2964090; 649158, 2964115; 649108, 2964123; 649103, 2964104; 649124, 2964081; 649115, 2964061; 649090, 2964030; 648983, 2963992; 648919, 2964072; 648928, 2964086; 648965, 2964082; 648968, 2964106; 648944, 2964131; 648911, 2964114; 648896, 2964123; 648898, 2964161; 648872, 2964206; 648879, 2964239; 649018, 2964231; 649049, 2964244; 649076, 2964279; Thence returning to 649144, 2964249.

649377, 2964278; 649339, 2964236; 649321, 2964238; 649345, 2964276; Thence returning to 649377, 2964278.

649451, 2964221; 649450, 2964206; 649396, 2964214; 649427, 2964240; Thence returning to 649451, 2964221.

649740, 2964162; 649678, 2964135; 649672, 2964162; 649721, 2964212; 649739, 2964203; Thence returning to 649740, 2964162.

649472, 2964149; 649436, 2964131; 649446, 2964104; 649385, 2964090; 649366, 2964135; 649316, 2964099; 649288, 2964118; 649319, 2964159; 649379, 2964189; 649426, 2964178; 649454, 2964176; Thence returning to 649472, 2964149.

649735, 2964066; 649721, 2963998; 649678, 2963951; 649557, 2963921; 649457, 2963854; 649391, 2963856; 649402, 2963896; 649467, 2963915; 649554, 2963977; 649645, 2964001; 649680, 2964040; 649659, 2964048; 649566, 2964009; 649554, 2964016; 649561, 2964039; 649676, 2964104; 649726, 2964103; Thence returning to 649735, 2964066.

649865, 2964032; 649849, 2964031; 649822, 2964069; 649838, 2964097; 649866, 2964063; Thence returning to 649865, 2964032.

649468, 2964060; 649483, 2964036; 649376, 2964030; 649339, 2963981; 649276, 2963967; 649257, 2963996; 649257, 2964033; 649274, 2964051; 649318, 2964045; 649349, 2964080; Thence returning to 649468, 2964060.

649105, 2963966; 649076, 2963949; 649045, 2963953; 649033, 2963973; 649129, 2964034; 649212, 2964065; 649192, 2964029; 649216, 2964012; 649206, 2963982; Thence returning to 649105, 2963966.

650573, 2964072; 650608, 2963853; 650581, 2963755; 650444, 2963656; 650390, 2963648; 650348, 2963669; 650337, 2963692; 650413, 2963735; 650448, 2963810; 650558, 2963868; 650561, 2963885; 650522, 2963886; 650554, 2963934; 650552, 2963969; 650511, 2963961; 650505, 2963988; 650523, 2964029; Thence returning to 650573, 2964072.

650228, 2963811; 650204, 2963774; 650157, 2963778; 650125, 2963815; 650130, 2963891; 650154, 2963945; 650231, 2963891; Thence returning to 650228, 2963811.

650060, 2963835; 649966, 2963821; 649877, 2963845; 649851, 2963871; 649891, 2963902; 649959, 2963937; 650048, 2963928; 650082, 2963891; 650083, 2963855; Thence returning to 650060, 2963835

648943, 2963915; 648984, 2963899; 649021, 2963916; 649022, 2963898; 648969, 2963810; 648825, 2963826; 648832, 2963852; 648891, 2963867; Thence returning to 648943, 2963915.

648765, 2963801; 648699, 2963795; 648665, 2963815; 648708, 2963847; 648749, 2963912; 648769, 2963901; 648778, 2963811; Thence returning to 648765, 2963801.

649586, 2963840; 649536, 2963813; 649517, 2963819; 649521, 2963846; 649581, 2963885; Thence returning to 649586, 2963840.

649370, 2963841; 649363, 2963813; 649336, 2963824; 649354, 2963857; Thence returning to 649370, 2963841.

649575, 2963796; 649601, 2963778; 649636, 2963794; 649657, 2963787; 649658, 2963721; 649604, 2963729; 649567, 2963716; 649526, 2963712; 649516, 2963750; Thence returning to 649575, 2963796.

649967, 2963711; 650021, 2963670; 650075, 2963673; 650092, 2963659; 650089, 2963633; 650026, 2963606; 649939, 2963623; 649898, 2963675; 649897, 2963702; 649928, 2963721; Thence returning to 649967, 2963711.

649697, 2963618; 649632, 2963595; 649608, 2963603; 649620, 2963637; 649642, 2963667; 649672, 2963668; Thence returning to 649697, 2963618.

650196, 2963541; 650172, 2963529; 650146, 2963540; 650139, 2963623; 650205, 2963575; Thence returning to 650196, 2963541.

650443, 2963564; 650411, 2963561; 650403, 2963584; 650450, 2963604; Thence returning to 650443, 2963564.

650648, 2963602; 650658, 2963539; 650600, 2963441; 650518, 2963359; 650472, 2963343; 650433, 2963357; 650438, 2963390; 650490, 2963395; 650526, 2963432; 650523, 2963472; 650478, 2963503; 650488, 2963567; 650506, 2963582; 650564, 2963569; 650608, 2963584; Thence returning to 650648, 2963602.

649704, 2963480; 649715, 2963463; 649679, 2963410; 649694, 2963365; 649729, 2963350; 649799, 2963367; 649827, 2963355; 649818, 2963341; 649781, 2963325; 649783, 2963302; 649873, 2963306; 649892, 2963267; 649856, 2963238; 649772, 2963253; 649760, 2963185; 649725, 2963275; 649670, 2963278; 649624, 2963323; 649621, 2963358; 649662, 2963415; 649659, 2963440; 649609, 2963416; 649591, 2963466; 649554, 2963456; 649539, 2963476; 649581, 2963511; 649604, 2963487; Thence returning to 649704, 2963480.

650020, 2963430; 650016, 2963402; 649970, 2963350; 649944, 2963344; 649923, 2963382; 649947, 2963422; 649879, 2963417; 649830, 2963434; 649835, 2963448; 649907, 2963468; 649986, 2963468; Thence returning to 650020, 2963430.

649743, 2963397; 649719, 2963393; 649718, 2963407; 649759, 2963464; 649772, 2963457; 649771, 2963427; Thence returning to 649743, 2963397.

650329, 2963372; 650285, 2963351; 650245, 2963380; 650338, 2963436; Thence returning to 650329, 2963372.

649573, 2963325; 649712, 2963207; 649717, 2963190; 649704, 2963181; 649678, 2963186; 649579, 2963272; 649514, 2963266; 649519, 2963292; 649544, 2963305; 649529, 2963378; 649550, 2963397; 649567, 2963391; Thence returning to 649573, 2963325.

650148, 2963263; 650138, 2963252; 650056, 2963262; 650045, 2963288; 650071, 2963311; 650146, 2963285; Thence returning to 650148, 2963263.

650239, 2963263; 650267, 2963238; 650346, 2963258; 650358, 2963228; 650267, 2963167; 650182, 2963172; 650164, 2963205; 650213, 2963262; Thence returning to 650239, 2963263.

650543, 2963182; 650498, 2963164; 650434, 2963212; 650422, 2963246; 650449, 2963253; 650529, 2963222; Thence returning to 650543, 2963182.

649934, 2963219; 649969, 2963205; 650063, 2963214; 650075, 2963198; 650071, 2963183; 649981, 2963172; 649948, 2963154; 649851, 2963092; 649830, 2963096; 649837, 2963136; 649824, 2963152; 649792, 2963147; 649805, 2963189; 649852, 2963198; 649871, 2963190; 649889, 2963147; Thence returning to 649934, 2963219.

650394, 2963191; 650403, 2963163; 650345, 2963162; 650356, 2963184; Thence returning to 650394, 2963191.

650075, 2963070; 649945, 2963032; 649929, 2963044; 649943, 2963063; 650041, 2963100; 650093, 2963149; 650108, 2963137; 650102, 2963092; Thence returning to 650075, 2963070.

650841, 2963037; 650845, 2962980; 650700, 2962980; 650688, 2962996; 650707, 2963029; 650750, 2963029; 650805, 2963057; 650822, 2963060; Thence returning to 650841, 2963037.

650327, 2963010; 650217, 2963005; 650195, 2963033; 650280, 2963049; 650310, 2963039; Thence returning to 650327, 2963010.

650526, 2962867; 650597, 2962760; 650603, 2962719; 650587, 2962685; 650566, 2962698; 650512, 2962802; 650474, 2962827; 650417, 2962825; 650403, 2962845; 650454, 2962874; 650486, 2962925; 650541, 2962957; 650566, 2963025; 650601, 2963051; 650631, 2963051; 650641, 2963029; 650596, 2962998; 650574, 2962957; 650565, 2962913; Thence returning to 650526, 2962867.

650230, 2962965; 650211, 2962940; 650159, 2962942; 650082, 2963019; 650113, 2963032; 650159, 2962973; Thence returning to 650230, 2962965.

650460, 2962953; 650458, 2962941; 650397, 2962947; 650389, 2962970; 650415, 2962980; Thence returning to 650460, 2962953.

650842, 2962899; 650675, 2962630; 650647, 2962704; 650604, 2962843; 650613, 2962871; 650716, 2962942; 650828, 2962931; Thence returning to 650842, 2962899.

649885, 2962795; 649850, 2962784; 649815, 2962794; 649803, 2962820; 649883, 2962822; Thence returning to 649885, 2962795.

650761, 2962307; 650695, 2962252; 650650, 2962179; 650581, 2962145; 650582, 2962169; 650633, 2962211; 650650, 2962251; 650640, 2962280; 650595, 2962237; 650628, 2962358; 650727, 2962355; Thence returning to 650761, 2962307.

651042, 2962137; 651009, 2962109; 651007, 2962196; 650989, 2962228; 650942, 2962262; 650954, 2962295; 650994, 2962276; 651037, 2962191; Thence returning to 651042, 2962137.

651072, 2962137; 651147, 2962040; 651172, 2961984; 651189, 2962000; 651191, 2962066; 651220, 2962041; 651251, 2961901; 651241, 2961784; 651258, 2961614; 651249, 2961585; 651202, 2961599; 651186, 2961643; 651145, 2961894; 651073, 2961944; 651068, 2961970; 651097, 2961981; 651089, 2962033; 651033, 2961989; 651016, 2962006; 650969, 2961999; 650959, 2962016; 651004, 2962072; 651023, 2962073; 651041, 2962047; 651053, 2962060; 651058, 2962119; Thence returning to 651072, 2962137.

651126, 2961328; 651086, 2961324; 651070, 2961354; 651075, 2961391; 651133, 2961359; Thence returning to 651126, 2961328.

651327, 2961315; 651349, 2961245; 651383, 2961226; 651388, 2961204; 651382, 2961174; 651333, 2961119; 651316, 2961123; 651325, 2961202; 651305, 2961283; 651283, 2961302; 651222, 2961300; 651199, 2961326; 651192, 2961355; 651215, 2961367; 651250, 2961336; 651313, 2961332; Thence returning to 651327, 2961315.

651083, 2961267; 651070, 2961247; 651051, 2961261; 651066, 2961290; Thence returning to 651083, 2961267.

651290, 2961211; 651271, 2961191; 651236, 2961199; 651236, 2961232; 651278, 2961271; 651291, 2961250; Thence returning to 651290, 2961211.

651620, 2960698; 651596, 2960685; 651531, 2960725; 651530, 2960773; 651569, 2960777; 651605, 2960745; Thence returning to 651620, 2960698.

651244, 2960743; 651252, 2960700; 651174, 2960700; 651190, 2960737; 651223, 2960757; Thence returning to 651244, 2960743.

651471, 2960560; 651474, 2960533; 651441, 2960533; 651421, 2960588; 651448, 2960588; Thence returning to 651471, 2960560.

651803, 2960525; 651786, 2960465; 651738, 2960411; 651678, 2960384; 651462, 2960358; 651418, 2960385; 651308, 2960374; 651319, 2960408; 651310, 2960471; 651329, 2960493; 651397, 2960515; 651503, 2960497; 651656, 2960505; 651653, 2960553; 651678, 2960574; 651796, 2960557; Thence returning to 651803, 2960525.

651598, 2960529; 651545, 2960522; 651518, 2960548; 651520, 2960562; 651558, 2960567; 651589, 2960555; Thence returning to 651598, 2960529.

651903, 2959857; 651843, 2959804; 651757, 2959862; 651785, 2959890; 651881, 2959896; 651901, 2959887; Thence returning to 651903, 2959857.

651524, 2959720; 651530, 2959678; 651476, 2959689; 651466, 2959738; 651497, 2959735; Thence returning to 651524, 2959720.

651833, 2959641; 651835, 2959627; 651784, 2959620; 651779, 2959604; 651804, 2959584; 651866, 2959576; 651869, 2959540; 651843, 2959529; 651761, 2959571; 651741, 2959570; 651741, 2959536; 651729, 2959535; 651695, 2959583; 651656, 2959599; 651668, 2959633; 651712, 2959628; 651758, 2959653; 651804, 2959662; Thence returning to 651833, 2959641.

651924, 2959599; 651905, 2959594; 651898, 2959626; 651923, 2959648; Thence returning to 651924, 2959599.

Unit TX-4: Lower Laguna Madre Mainland: 6,970 hectares (17,223 acres) in Cameron and Willacy Counties, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-4, Cameron County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

669971, 2904321; 669974, 2904185; 669933, 2904077; 669841, 2903994; 669765, 2903995; 669735, 2904053; 669734, 2904090; 669753, 2904111; 669839, 2904140; 669866, 2904170; 669910, 2904262; 669921, 2904388; 669951, 2904381; 669971, 2904321; 669864, 2904093; 669831, 2904091; 669798, 2904059; 669761, 2904065; 669757, 2904052; 669785, 2904014; 669799, 2904014; 669906, 2904097; 669939, 2904163; 669957, 2904250; 669946, 2904318; 669912, 2904166; Thence returning to 669864, 2904093.

671690, 2904370; 671743, 2904369; 671803, 2904404; 671808, 2904393; 671803, 2904269; 671838, 2904226; 671847, 2904184; 671831, 2904163; 671776, 2904158; 671767, 2904115; 671790, 2904040; 671723, 2904039; 671694, 2904121; 671695, 2904212; 671752, 2904248; 671759, 2904269; 671703, 2904274; 671670, 2904307; 671627, 2904320; 671610, 2904341; 671593, 2904434; 671632, 2904547; 671690, 2904601; 671747, 2904582; 671761, 2904561; 671760, 2904536; 671736, 2904511; 671657, 2904493; 671630, 2904463; 671635, 2904410; 671656, 2904381; Thence returning to 671690, 2904370.

671681, 2904742; 671670, 2904712; 671639, 2904690; 671596, 2904705; 671599, 2904736; 671651, 2904764; 671681, 2904742; 671650, 2904715; 671663, 2904718; 671659, 2904740; 671646, 2904734; Thence returning to 671650, 2904715.

669205, 2904387; 668894, 2904153; 668918, 2904152; 669008, 2904200; 669068, 2904161; 669190, 2904186; 669321, 2904133; 669395, 2904147; 669491, 2904209; 669517, 2904277; 669517, 2904307; 669493, 2904342; 669514, 2904379; 669555, 2904381; 669594, 2904335; 669608, 2904219; 669522, 2903987; 667612, 2903941; 667652, 2904001; 667724, 2904056; 667895, 2904137; 667956, 2904150; 668086, 2904166; 668164, 2904159; 668217, 2904136; 668210, 2904084; 668238, 2904057; 668300, 2904060; 668399, 2904141; 668447, 2904224; 668509, 2904378; 668576, 2904474; 668639, 2904531; 668689, 2904553; 668762, 2904564; 668866, 2904548; 668877, 2904446; 668919, 2904398; 668984, 2904375; 669053, 2904399; 669222, 2904499; 669369, 2904615; 669635, 2904768; 669823, 2904899; 669987, 2905025; 670263, 2905290; 670218, 2905194; 670168, 2905140; 669884, 2904905; 669554, 2904689; 669440, 2904636; 669329, 2904551; 669275, 2904501; 669299, 2904491; Thence returning to 669205, 2904387.

671481, 2905309; 671507, 2905280; 671485, 2905258; 671443, 2905270; 671430, 2905246; 671439, 2905184; 671466, 2905128; 671527, 2905082; 671604, 2905126; 671607, 2905007; 671560, 2905024; 671534, 2905016; 671516, 2904986; 671531, 2904933; 671484, 2904905; 671486, 2904882; 671548, 2904798; 671508, 2904737; 671480, 2904740; 671464, 2904761; 671459, 2904880; 671471, 2904955; 671491, 2904981; 671489, 2905015; 671510, 2905047; 671396, 2905174; 671377, 2905266; 671387, 2905302; Thence returning to 671481, 2905309.

670387, 2905615; 670371, 2905624; 670381, 2905656; Thence returning to 670387, 2905615.

670606, 2905679; 670589, 2905687; 670597, 2905707; 670614, 2905698; Thence returning to 670606, 2905679.

670758, 2905763; 670743, 2905761; 670737, 2905788; 670763, 2905781; Thence returning to 670758, 2905763.

671311, 2905651; 671442, 2905679; 671421, 2905646; 671380, 2905631; 671211, 2905649; 671152, 2905683; 671141, 2905798; 671199, 2905828; 671198, 2905757; 671260, 2905675; Thence returning to 671311, 2905651.

670901, 2905833; 670887, 2905833; 670884, 2905849; 670906, 2905863; 670914, 2905843; Thence returning to 670901, 2905833.

671087, 2906124; 671163, 2906134; 671212, 2906180; 671227, 2906159; 671221, 2906126; 671236, 2906070; 671203, 2906033; 671197, 2905999; 671219, 2905982; 671253, 2905992; 671258, 2905954; 671250, 2905921; 671227, 2905909; 671226, 2905873; 671175, 2905850; 671117, 2905907; 671109, 2905954; 671141, 2905965; 671126, 2906014; 671020, 2906016; 671010, 2906069; 670965, 2906076; 670981, 2906279; 671046, 2906441; 671112, 2906480; 671123, 2906471; 671115, 2906425; 671130, 2906343; 671036, 2906287; 671067, 2906143; Thence returning to 671087, 2906124.

671081, 2906870; 671111, 2906837; 671113, 2906814; 671079, 2906699; 671048, 2906701; 671004, 2906664; 670950, 2906679; 670920, 2906644; 670877, 2906658; 670850, 2906643; 670862, 2906613; 670931, 2906607; 670965, 2906554; 671048, 2906551; 671064, 2906532; 671058, 2906500; 671019, 2906479; 670889, 2906515; 670834, 2906601; 670774, 2906643; 670746, 2906692; 670724, 2906799; 670741, 2906868; 670778, 2906893; 670974, 2906918; 671017, 2906955; 671081, 2906870; 670944, 2906857; 670862, 2906855; 670778, 2906806; 670784, 2906746; 670809, 2906697; 670867, 2906678; 670904, 2906728; 670980, 2906780; 671081, 2906789; 671067, 2906834; 671035, 2906826; Thence returning to 671034, 2906775.

670909, 2907018; 670833, 2907024; 670831, 2907068; 670867, 2907085; 670938, 2907075; 670946, 2907062; Thence returning to 670909, 2907018.

669390, 2906709; 669280, 2906532; 669233, 2906645; 669206, 2906650; 669167, 2906616; 669101, 2906778; 669068, 2906919; 669050, 2907032; 669065, 2907110; 669090, 2907119; 669163, 2907105; 669304, 2907060; 669525, 2906870; 669539, 2906840; 669436, 2906769; Thence returning to 669390, 2906709.

670613, 2907683; 670604, 2907563; 670660, 2907541; 670738, 2907564; 670752, 2907509; 670688, 2907516; 670637, 2907501; 670607, 2907466; 670623, 2907364; 670672, 2907331; 670723, 2907328; 670783, 2907349; 670806, 2907382; 670837, 2907298; 670839, 2907287; 670735, 2907277; 670705, 2907249; 670737, 2907185; 670696, 2907194; 670523, 2907479; 670498, 2907464; 670457, 2907290; 670398, 2907220; 670336, 2907248; 670197, 2907412; 670219, 2907445; 670244, 2907582; 670278, 2907620; 670339, 2907635; 670488, 2907616; 70522, 2907573; 670543, 2907572; 670578, 2907653; Thence returning to 670613, 2907683.

670613, 2907683; 670640, 2907770; 670669, 2907818; 670711, 2907717; Thence returning to 670613, 2907683.

670627, 2907882; 670607, 2907880; 670586, 2907931; 670601, 2907954; Thence returning to 670627, 2907882.

670563, 2908020; 670525, 2908053; 670529, 2908108; 670560, 2908080; 670572, 2908043; Thence returning to 670563, 2908020.

670502, 2908149; 670462, 2908183; 670441, 2908256; 670402, 2908316; 670391, 2908364; 670403, 2908393; 670443, 2908369; 670473, 2908275; 670502, 2908249; 670513, 2908201; Thence returning to 670502, 2908149.

669241, 2908300; 669268, 2908300; 669286, 2908346; 669322, 2908378; 669334, 2908420; 669697, 2908252; 669799, 2908233; 669867, 2908271; 669897, 2908268; 670465, 2907992; 670501, 2907938; 670453, 2907916; 670289, 2907898; 670244, 2907869; 670148, 2907655; 670123, 2907475; 670102, 2907444; 670078, 2907482; 670078, 2907612; 670048, 2907631; 669989, 2907622; 669945, 2907651; 669842, 2907754; 669813, 2907834; 669786, 2907827; 669739, 2907774; 669648, 2907788; 669610, 2907836; 669541, 2907839; 669526, 2907829; 669537, 2907790; 669512, 2907784; 669295, 2907929; 669239, 2907929; 669165, 2908027; 669175, 2908049; 669159, 2908107; 669174, 2908143; 669135, 2908128; 669128, 2908139; 669089, 2908278; 669094, 2908331; 669127, 2908362; 669144, 2908330; 669147, 2908256; 669183, 2908238; 669205, 2908183; 669244, 2908188; 669273, 2908218; 669273, 2908257; 669181, 2908278; 669181, 2908360; 669161, 2908397; 669247, 2908431; 669250, 2908385; 669231, 2908319; Thence returning to 669241, 2908300.

670383, 2908443; 670362, 2908443; 670325, 2908492; 670312, 2908547; 670270, 2908608; 670218, 2908770; 670222, 2908844; 670303, 2908729; 670382, 2908508; Thence returning to 670383, 2908443.

669501, 2908473; 669407, 2908486; 669319, 2908557; 669649, 2908903; 669709, 2908948; 669664, 2908771; 669658, 2908680; 669633, 2908639; 669642, 2908600; 669580, 2908515; Thence returning to 669501, 2908473.

669390, 2908912; 669333, 2908789; 669287, 2908626; 669238, 2908666; 669201, 2908661; 669142, 2908685; 669128, 2908717; 669063, 2908654; 669046, 2908653; 669039, 2908674; 669057, 2908719; 669012, 2908711; 668998, 2908722; 668988, 2908779; 669002, 2908814; 668980, 2908822; 668973, 2908853; 668920, 2908880; 668917, 2908904; 668926, 2908924; 668943, 2908925; 668994, 2908875; 669026, 2908880; 669049, 2908856; 669108, 2908901; 669148, 2908828; 669169, 2908815; 669251, 2908846; 669318, 2908935; 669348, 2908908; 669392, 2908944; Thence returning to 669390, 2908912.

670181, 2908829; 670151, 2908841; 670116, 2908904; 670077, 2909045; 670092, 2909104; 670144, 2909063; 670192, 2908951; 670198, 2908859; Thence returning to 670181, 2908829.

670069, 2909125; 670049, 2909126; 670037, 2909157; 670042, 2909234; 670057, 2909241; 670086, 2909182; Thence returning to 670069, 2909125.

669767, 2909072; 669742, 2909047; 669735, 2909236; 669752, 2909294; 669793, 2909343; 669816, 2909285; 669815, 2909230; Thence returning to 669767, 2909072.

669525, 2910375; 669483, 2910370; 669471, 2910322; 669434, 2910332; 669317, 2910549; 669316, 2910588; 669332, 2910617; 669390, 2910660; 669420, 2910657; 669477, 2910589; 669540, 2910545; 669549, 2910416; Thence returning to 669525, 2910375.

669206, 2911038; 669265, 2911046; 669309, 2911000; 669303, 2910984; 669229, 2910946; 669216, 2910920; 669222, 2910886; 669257, 2910853; 669351, 2910838; 669355, 2910817; 669329, 2910783; 669262, 2910744; 669220, 2910771; 669176, 2910851; 669161, 2911025; 669179, 2911055; Thence returning to 669206, 2911038.

668071, 2911125; 668044, 2911139; 668036, 2911163; 668029, 2911340; 668040, 2911359; 668058, 2911356; 668088, 2911310; 668074, 2911272; 668093, 2911146; Thence returning to 668071, 2911125.

668954, 2911508; 668978, 2911513; 669033, 2911588; 669082, 2911533; 669102, 2911531; 669113, 2911504; 669070, 2911465; 669028, 2911468; 669004, 2911427; 669040, 2911344; 669106, 2911330; 669095, 2911288; 669030, 2911283; 668955, 2911352; 668908, 2911467; 668837, 2911569; 668795, 2911685; 668798, 2911768; 668843, 2911780; 668867, 2911751; 668893, 2911614; Thence returning to 668954, 2911508.

668697, 2911974; 668693, 2911941; 668637, 2911968; 668606, 2911995; 668591, 2912038; 668583, 2912176; 668625, 2912224; 668710, 2912190; 668668, 2912146; 668657, 2912112; 668659, 2912072; Thence returning to 668697, 2911974.

667962, 2912036; 667914, 2912043; 667900, 2912191; 667819, 2912340; 667797, 2912520; 667808, 2912569; 667841, 2912548; 667882, 2912400; 667918, 2912368; 667963, 2912255; 667964, 2912188; 667997, 2912127; 667998, 2912087; Thence returning to 667962, 2912036.

668559, 2912549; 668593, 2912555; 668604, 2912533; 668523, 2912496; 668496, 2912460; 668498, 2912423; 668527, 2912367; 668605, 2912329; 668573, 2912314; 668512, 2912323; 668437, 2912445; 668473, 2912571; 668532, 2912585; Thence returning to 668559, 2912549.

666941, 2912893; 666985, 2912906; 666820, 2912695; 666673, 2912400; 666671, 2912361; 666592, 2912254; 666506, 2912180; 666462, 2912167; 666334, 2912212; 666187, 2912316; 666109, 2912416; 666098, 2912453; 666106, 2912503; 666167, 2912522; 666185, 2912574; 666203, 2912472; 666219, 2912480; 666252, 2912581; 666302, 2912566; 666317, 2912504; 666353, 2912496; 666482, 2912569; 666742, 2912812; 666899, 2912924; 666927, 2912927; Thence returning to 666941, 2912893.

668503, 2912971; 668525, 2912941; 668535, 2912848; 668492, 2912873; 668452, 2912931; 668411, 2912908; 668344, 2912907; 668328, 2912882; 668348, 2912835; 668334, 2912775; 668361, 2912736; 668421, 2912696; 668422, 2912653; 668276, 2912763; 668277, 2912867; 668320, 2912929; 668366, 2912956; Thence returning to 668503, 2912971.

665601, 2912943; 665595, 2912899; 665527, 2912802; 665562, 2912784; 665573, 2912664; 665671, 2912575; 665689, 2912538; 665863, 2912435; 665947, 2912334; 665973, 2912340; 666015, 2912278; 665997, 2912223; 666013, 2912204; 666057, 2912232; 666225, 2912088; 666282, 2912009; 666173, 2911990; 666126, 2911890; 666091, 2911860; 666090, 2911819; 666117, 2911804; 666222, 2911821; 666280, 2911873; 666292, 2911927; 666316, 2911956; 666460, 2911865; 666535, 2911766; 666499, 2911685; 666465, 2911673; 666433, 2911601; 666454, 2911485; 666387, 2911512; 666285, 2911474; 665841, 2910975; 665832, 2910937; 665895, 2910910; 665949, 2910863; 666026, 2910855; 666114, 2910895; 666185, 2910971; 666250, 2911017; 666244, 2910965; 666257, 2910948; 666312, 2911067; 666335, 2911074; 666417, 2910800; 666429, 2910696; 666474, 2910601; 666445, 2910508; 666486, 2910518; 666531, 2910677; 666567, 2910713; 666619, 2910699; 666721, 2910631; 666830, 2910593; 666885, 2910518; 666895, 2910524; 666897, 2910548; 666862, 2910609; 666742, 2910662; 666667, 2910732; 666641, 2910798; 666658, 2910823; 666689, 2910819; 666870, 2910715; 667013, 2910610; 667179, 2910460; 667267, 2910348; 667283, 2910276; 667246, 2910229; 667210, 2910210; 667179, 2910150; 667163, 2910109; 667171, 2910059; 667205, 2910051; 667270, 2910084; 667310, 2910122; 667368, 2910226; 667427, 2910230; 667565, 2910120; 667648, 2910031; 667727, 2909774; 667913, 2909801; 667966, 2909874; 668020, 2909881; 668059, 2909855; 668080, 2909803; 668138, 2909738; 668147, 2909684; 668119, 2909623; 667374, 2909318; 667337, 2909250; 667343, 2909177; 667363, 2909169; 667386, 2909182; 667459, 2909277; 667659, 2909347; 667779, 2909447; 668330, 2909678; 668356, 2909684; 668591, 2909591; 668737, 2909482; 668680, 2909583; 668673, 2909626; 668727, 2909657; 668725, 2909748; 668782, 2909784; 668807, 2909738; 668845, 2909740; 668884, 2909686; 668911, 2909674; 668969, 2909679; 669100, 2909740; 669219, 2909734; 669277, 2909712; 669327, 2909771; 669449, 2909761; 669516, 2909729; 669516, 2909701; 669559, 2909653; 669589, 2909646; 669613, 2909661; 669702, 2909628; 669752, 2909585; 669797, 2909493; 669783, 2909465; 669758, 2909534; 669709, 2909585; 669654, 2909610; 669560, 2909620; 669548, 2909584; 669576, 2909534; 669571, 2909417; 669424, 2909299; 669412, 2909257; 669431, 2909219; 669412, 2909168; 669418, 2909118; 669403, 2909056; 669313, 2908947; 669285, 2908947; 669251, 2908895; 669174, 2908870; 669158, 2908880; 669123, 2908919; 669096, 2908990; 669077, 2908979; 669052, 2908921; 669022, 2908946; 668996, 2908933; 668984, 2908958; 668943, 2908979; 668847, 2908893; 668834, 2908913; 668859, 2908955; 668831, 2908962; 668824, 2908982; 668863, 2909026; 668836, 2909030; 668793, 2908995; 668783, 2908964; 668792, 2908922; 668769, 2908900; 668770, 2908785; 668661, 2908768; 668613, 2908718; 668546, 2908679; 668544, 2908616; 668514, 2908586; 668505, 2908521; 668461, 2908484; 668465, 2908446; 668394, 2908367; 668338, 2908334; 668324, 2908293; 668288, 2908265; 668241, 2908189; 668235, 2908147; 668192, 2908116; 668159, 2908044; 668130, 2908032; 668114, 2907969; 668081, 2907946; 668057, 2907970; 668028, 2907968; 668006, 2907942; 668001, 2907891; 667977, 2907869; 667926, 2907873; 667853, 2907855; 667843, 2907792; 667792, 2907745; 667763, 2907745; 667745, 2907681; 667707, 2907755; 667709, 2907824; 667688, 2907820; 667648, 2907770; 667675, 2907725; 667690, 2907655; 667618, 2907614; 667584, 2907687; 667588, 2907898; 667577, 2907901; 667548, 2907788; 667497, 2907743; 667547, 2907675; 667559, 2907608; 667492, 2907584; 667480, 2907599; 667483, 2907649; 667444, 2907652; 667392, 2907561; 667338, 2907558; 667351, 2907493; 667318, 2907450; 667181, 2907355; 667163, 2907363; 667169, 2907421; 667139, 2907421; 667056, 2907299; 666933, 2907200; 666853, 2907248; 666803, 2907313; 666730, 2907506; 666716, 2907495; 666699, 2907387; 666657, 2907463; 666632, 2907474; 666646, 2907350; 666668, 2907296; 666698, 2907266; 666701, 2907237; 666849, 2907212; 666864, 2907160; 666788, 2907136; 666594, 2906943; 666557, 2906941; 666449, 2906818; 666322, 2906721; 666319, 2906682; 666371, 2906660; 666422, 2906666; 666584, 2906733; 666736, 2906820; 666761, 2906860; 666769, 2906967; 666814, 2906994; 666978, 2907003; 667467, 2907097; 667730, 2907053; 667888, 2907085; 667954, 2907137; 668021, 2907243; 668045, 2907305; 668021, 2907380; 668067, 2907485; 668342, 2907378; 668461, 2907279; 668531, 2907171; 668584, 2907121; 668609, 2907073; 668635, 2906952; 668644, 2906826; 668612, 2906603; 668615, 2906304; 668539, 2905835; 668543, 2905793; 668668, 2905509; 668693, 2905523; 668703, 2905598; 668685, 2905661; 668689, 2905791; 668734, 2905994; 668803, 2906191; 668876, 2906218; 668989, 2906207; 669065, 2906237; 669182, 2906405; 669220, 2906420; 669271, 2906411; 669274, 2906443; 669295, 2906463; 669279, 2906491; 669289, 2906501; 669317, 2906504; 669508, 2906647; 669632, 2906719; 669752, 2906521; 669940, 2906016; 669934, 2905984; 669910, 2905985; 669804, 2906086; 669792, 2906077; 669823, 2905986; 669926, 2905948; 669955, 2905892; 669967, 2905682; 669921, 2905629; 669410, 2905507; 669368, 2905518; 669339, 2905583; 669288, 2905572; 669344, 2905496; 669347, 2905472; 669034, 2905286; 668956, 2905255; 668854, 2905241; 668611, 2905252; 668468, 2905150; 668244, 2905100; 668057, 2905025; 667805, 2904855; 667620, 2904648; 667601, 2904606; 667586, 2904480; 667625, 2904460; 667819, 2904468; 668049, 2904580; 668127, 2904688; 668124, 2904761; 668098, 2904784; 668122, 2904815; 668365, 2904885; 668602, 2904877; 668731, 2904837; 668834, 2904824; 669023, 2904861; 669190, 2904931; 669340, 2905018; 669463, 2905144; 669522, 2905179; 669494, 2905107; 669441, 2905050; 669091, 2904844; 668964, 2904787; 668799, 2904772; 668579, 2904836; 668462, 2904829; 668376, 2904779; 668343, 2904727; 668339, 2904688; 668346, 2904654; 668398, 2904598; 668403, 2904546; 668376, 2904472; 668267, 2904319; 668168, 2904272; 667993, 2904272; 667741, 2904213; 667672, 2904159; 667534, 2903988; 667462, 2903938; 667263, 2903939; 666747, 2905071; 666879, 2905356; 667080, 2905623; 667224, 2905892; 667356, 2906044; 667565, 2906152; 667616, 2906170; 667652, 2906162; 667695, 2906084; 667723, 2905991; 667711, 2905945; 667669, 2905889; 667573, 2905815; 667567, 2905781; 667582, 2905756; 667640, 2905754; 667786, 2905810; 667886, 2905878; 667986, 2906076; 668299, 2906461; 668393, 2906492; 668435, 2906487; 668487, 2906448; 668526, 2906454; 668540, 2906486; 668544, 2906597; 668475, 2906731; 668461, 2906795; 668530, 2907020; 668540, 2907106; 668502, 2907106; 668363, 2907011; 668338, 2906891; 668225, 2906759; 668066, 2906706; 667961, 2906710; 667857, 2906679; 667813, 2906703; 667782, 2906745; 667691, 2906790; 667560, 2906819; 667526, 2906842; 667511, 2906886; 667484, 2906886; 667365, 2906828; 667272, 2906705; 667221, 2906663; 667131, 2906622; 666895, 2906470; 666787, 2906361; 666751, 2906285; 666691, 2906213; 666619, 2906185; 666589, 2906155; 666249, 2906162; 665449, 2907919; 665387, 2908108; 665325, 2908239; 665289, 2908270; 665208, 2908448; 664976, 2910122; 665001, 2910749; 664962, 2911103; 664924, 2911248; 664898, 2911282; 664846, 2911318; 664822, 2911308; 664815, 2911283; 664713, 2912022; 664764, 2912101; 664988, 2912357; 665249, 2912783; 665327, 2912842; 665601, 2912943; 666188, 2911711; 666246, 2911721; 666266, 2911767; 666207, 2911756; 666187, 2911735; 666188, 2911711; 667998, 2909697; 668039, 2909687; 668068, 2909714; 668073, 2909758; 668045, 2909798; 667980, 2909801; 667978, 2909743; 667998, 2909697; 667598, 2909500; 667646, 2909514; 667681, 2909551; 667688, 2909590; 667671, 2909623; 667621, 2909632; 667548, 2909589; 667544, 2909543; 667598, 2909500; 667966, 2909350; 667988, 2909404; 667970, 2909426; 667876, 2909367; 667860, 2909349; 667858, 2909312; 667893, 2909280; 667935, 2909278; 667954, 2909292; 667966, 2909350; 668275, 2909375; 668402, 2909449; 668441, 2909538; 668491, 2909578; 668487, 2909601; 668435, 2909614; 668393, 2909574; 668336, 2909552; 668306, 2909507; 668295, 2909427; 668264, 2909394; Thence returning to 668275, 2909375.

668328, 2913283; 668316, 2913233; 668265, 2913271; 668199, 2913266; 668152, 2913215; 668155, 2913149; 668186, 2913109; 668262, 2913091; 668315, 2913109; 668338, 2913160; 668389, 2913123; 668381, 2913082; 668318, 2913062; 668134, 2913094; 668105, 2913159; 668115, 2913229; 668133, 2913259; 668249, 2913318; Thence returning to 668328, 2913283.

666189, 2913507; 666064, 2913385; 665797, 2913180; 665910, 2913346; 666007, 2913448; 666081, 2913493; Thence returning to 666189, 2913507.

668066, 2913502; 668144, 2913511; 668086, 2913429; 668029, 2913464; 667993, 2913508; 667959, 2913607; 667966, 2913709; 667982, 2913735; 668008, 2913744; 668029, 2913791; 668050, 2913782; 668056, 2913753; 668092, 2913741; 668087, 2913710; 668025, 2913672; 668009, 2913643; 668017, 2913553; Thence returning to 668066, 2913502.

666922, 2913706; 666909, 2913685; 666935, 2913549; 667041, 2913402; 667018, 2913311; 666609, 2912992; 666468, 2912795; 666323, 2912644; 666281, 2912635; 666333, 2912711; 666313, 2912713; 666271, 2912671; 666252, 2912674; 666273, 2912736; 666250, 2912744; 666251, 2912783; 666228, 2912789; 666217, 2912720; 666179, 2912673; 666171, 2912706; 666158, 2912706; 666040, 2912644; 665969, 2912662; 665941, 2912710; 665940, 2912778; 665976, 2912879; 666047, 2912940; 666204, 2912980; 666442, 2913137; 666578, 2913247; 666679, 2913407; 666708, 2913513; 666723, 2913656; 666719, 2913916; 666705, 2913946; 666661, 2913970; 666678, 2914037; 666713, 2914038; 666751, 2914011; 666856, 2913879; 666911, 2913765; Thence returning to 666922, 2913706.

667892, 2914238; 667909, 2914242; 667944, 2914185; 667925, 2914169; 667941, 2914137; 667938, 2914081; 667986, 2914089; 668014, 2914009; 667917, 2913999; 667895, 2913977; 667872, 2913875; 667854, 2913865; 667845, 2913893; 667857, 2914075; 667843, 2914088; 667821, 2914076; 667831, 2914007; 667815, 2913928; 667782, 2914081; 667750, 2914126; 667797, 2914192; 667827, 2914190; 667862, 2914210; 667869, 2914252; Thence returning to 667892, 2914238.

667715, 2914175; 667707, 2914151; 667668, 2914211; 667666, 2914379; 667730, 2914410; 667688, 2914337; Thence returning to 667715, 2914175.

667664, 2914535; 667705, 2914535; 667747, 2914567; 667748, 2914469; 667672, 2914436; 667641, 2914399; 667554, 2914545; 667503, 2914724; 667533, 2914791; 667649, 2914789; 667573, 2914758; 667548, 2914704; 667576, 2914619; 667608, 2914575; Thence returning to 667664, 2914535.

667451, 2914902; 667429, 2914903; 667395, 2914937; 667397, 2915065; 667412, 2915059; Thence returning to 667451, 2914902.

666299, 2914080; 666301, 2914025; 666256, 2914108; 666263, 2914215; 666285, 2914266; 666271, 2914480; 666304, 2914681; 666301, 2914726; 666276, 2914760; 666453, 2915497; 666472, 2915525; 666504, 2915534; 666450, 2915208; 666374, 2914919; 666362, 2914731; 666305, 2914524; 666319, 2914259; Thence returning to 666299, 2914080.

667306, 2915558; 667320, 2915545; 667275, 2915488; 667244, 2915411; 667217, 2915475; 667217, 2915556; 667184, 2915512; 667182, 2915621; 667252, 2915559; Thence returning to 667306, 2915558.

662839, 2915636; 662821, 2915579; 662747, 2915497; 662660, 2915574; 662797, 2915683; 662824, 2915675; 662822, 2915652; Thence returning to 662839, 2915636.

663019, 2915748; 662972, 2915739; 663034, 2915807; 663156, 2915889; 663141, 2915847; Thence returning to 663019, 2915748.

662253, 2915950; 662237, 2915947; 662207, 2915973; 662251, 2915976; Thence returning to 662253, 2915950.

665957, 2916063; 665880, 2916042; 665837, 2916077; 665914, 2916148; 665960, 2916114; Thence returning to 665957, 2916063.

666056, 2916265; 666050, 2916239; 665997, 2916262; 665948, 2916254; 665898, 2916349; 665933, 2916359; 666002, 2916423; 666020, 2916315; Thence returning to 666056, 2916265.

665622, 2916398; 665769, 2916283; 665856, 2916267; 665902, 2916186; 665854, 2916131; 665789, 2916119; 665742, 2916073; 665760, 2916016; 665733, 2915833; 665745, 2915813; 665764, 2915835; 665785, 2915992; 665850, 2915996; 665922, 2915922; 665980, 2915922; 666015, 2915864; 666045, 2915881; 666045, 2915945; 666057, 2915960; 666083, 2915955; 666124, 2915911; 666159, 2915910; 666148, 2915941; 666000, 2916072; 665973, 2916166; 665979, 2916213; 666006, 2916219; 666024, 2916194; 666005, 2916185; 666004, 2916166; 666081, 2916091; 666173, 2916065; 666206, 2916077; 666186, 2916110; 666046, 2916187; 666103, 2916222; 666056, 2916341; 666074, 2916380; 666112, 2916393; 666156, 2916360; 666216, 2916401; 666252, 2916363; 666293, 2916350; 666349, 2916234; 666365, 2916153; 666400, 2916141; 666420, 2916113; 666491, 2916104; 666502, 2916009; 666538, 2916020; 666576, 2915980; 666648, 2915951; 666722, 2915981; 666754, 2916010; 666784, 2916003; 666811, 2916018; 666832, 2916010; 666866, 2915955; 666637, 2915864; 666561, 2915796; 666512, 2915702; 666430, 2915887; 666380, 2915935; 666373, 2915906; 666408, 2915835; 666191, 2915683; 666125, 2915666; 665940, 2915689; 665794, 2915646; 665656, 2915666; 665621, 2915634; 665580, 2915548; 665456, 2915515; 665377, 2915412; 665320, 2915365; 665299, 2915282; 665361, 2915138; 665359, 2915059; 665395, 2915006; 665397, 2914921; 665410, 2914892; 665344, 2914745; 665319, 2914575; 665311, 2914413; 665341, 2914145; 665370, 2914071; 665469, 2913984; 665530, 2913901; 665546, 2913902; 665572, 2913939; 665666, 2913981; 665720, 2914081; 665746, 2914056; 665758, 2913966; 665699, 2913850; 665645, 2913633; 665606, 2913565; 665602, 2913485; 665582, 2913429; 665539, 2913401; 665497, 2913346; 665406, 2913326; 665327, 2913286; 665162, 2913256; 665015, 2913179; 664887, 2913036; 664771, 2912855; 664682, 2912639; 664666, 2912362; 664438, 2914008; 663352, 2914965; 663449, 2915009; 663800, 2915282; 663921, 2915346; 664091, 2915368; 664192, 2915262; 664231, 2915255; 664299, 2915276; 664332, 2915357; 664353, 2915518; 664332, 2915539; 664176, 2915565; 664112, 2915627; 664117, 2915667; 664182, 2915728; 664224, 2915747; 664308, 2915755; 664442, 2915732; 664527, 2915764; 664563, 2915794; 664650, 2915897; 664682, 2915967; 664744, 2916148; 664758, 2916277; 664724, 2916285; 664443, 2916201; 664384, 2916166; 664282, 2916165; 664056, 2916086; 664033, 2916112; 663980, 2916083; 663961, 2916117; 663863, 2916105; 663817, 2916077; 663782, 2916031; 663681, 2915843; 663440, 2915614; 663354, 2915494; 663283, 2915426; 663066, 2915444; 662894, 2915368; 662822, 2915431; 662970, 2915570; 663028, 2915670; 663210, 2915793; 663237, 2915800; 663206, 2915754; 663214, 2915734; 663277, 2915763; 663297, 2915748; 663268, 2915669; 663275, 2915645; 663362, 2915665; 663444, 2915760; 663509, 2915878; 663546, 2915869; 663599, 2915901; 663670, 2915971; 663778, 2916115; 664752, 2916316; 664836, 2916345; 664820, 2916192; 664853, 2916197; 664889, 2916263; 664889, 2916296; 664914, 2916304; 664934, 2916279; 664956, 2916175; 664977, 2916169; 665007, 2916202; 665042, 2916138; 665055, 2916153; 665059, 2916216; 665022, 2916297; 665026, 2916326; 665044, 2916322; 665072, 2916245; 665119, 2916194; 665133, 2916213; 665129, 2916289; 665092, 2916294; 665090, 2916345; 665159, 2916363; 665230, 2916265; 665242, 2916283; 665213, 2916351; 665217, 2916375; 665314, 2916369; 665373, 2916384; 665367, 2916420; 665411, 2916442; 665526, 2916447; 665605, 2916423; Thence returning to 665622, 2916398.

662304, 2916389; 662338, 2916370; 662346, 2916345; 662225, 2916383; 662192, 2916374; 662182, 2916348; 662216, 2916295; 662257, 2916120; 662256, 2916062; 662235, 2916036; 662222, 2916035; 662218, 2916053; 662237, 2916098; 662232, 2916142; 662211, 2916190; 662155, 2916244; 662065, 2916250; 662040, 2916229; 661999, 2916223; 661964, 2916187; 661781, 2916348; 662187, 2916423; Thence returning to 662304, 2916389.

665584, 2916633; 665140, 2916523; 665063, 2916531; 665053, 2916575; 665032, 2916591; 664893, 2916540; 664860, 2916542; 664818, 2916491; 664765, 2916469; 664745, 2916475; 664780, 2916544; 664846, 2916571; 665052, 2916624; 665077, 2916586; 665109, 2916610; 665147, 2916605; 665189, 2916633; 665215, 2916679; 666317, 2916994; 666490, 2917106; 666547, 2917232; 666558, 2917307; 666508, 2917476; 666381, 2917806; 666307, 2918068; 666332, 2918058; 666413, 2917830; 666585, 2917606; 666640, 2917454; 666637, 2917333; 666537, 2917082; 666451, 2916978; 666262, 2916815; 666202, 2916783; Thence returning to 665584, 2916633.

666130, 2918002; 666192, 2918003; 666247, 2917929; 666324, 2917895; 666425, 2917594; 666228, 2917581; 666041, 2917597; 665985, 2918099; 665987, 2918198; 666047, 2918261; 666126, 2918294; 666150, 2918280; 666244, 2918092; 666124, 2918029; 666114, 2918015; Thence returning to 666130, 2918002.

665418, 2919121; 665431, 2919108; 665481, 2919126; 665542, 2919087; 665564, 2919035; 665523, 2918994; 665515, 2918919; 665455, 2918866; 665414, 2918897; 665415, 2919028; 665381, 2919126; 665381, 2919163; Thence returning to 665418, 2919121.

660725, 2919370; 660724, 2919359; 660706, 2919411; Thence returning to 660725, 2919370.

660771, 2919405; 660795, 2919408; 660820, 2919438; 660877, 2919427; 660905, 2919364; 660948, 2919328; 660998, 2919318; 661049, 2919337; 661058, 2919326; 661053, 2919255; 660970, 2919234; 660912, 2919183; 660905, 2919068; 660886, 2919037; 660840, 2919005; 660833, 2919026; 660872, 2919065; 660878, 2919093; 660871, 2919172; 660927, 2919252; 660928, 2919298; 660886, 2919318; 660844, 2919375; 660773, 2919382; 660725, 2919414; 660689, 2919465; 660652, 2919578; 660728, 2919528; 660761, 2919462; 660755, 2919424; Thence returning to 660771, 2919405.

660815, 2919564; 660818, 2919535; 660634, 2919631; 660620, 2919674; Thence returning to 660815, 2919564.

660740, 2919894; 660709, 2919890; 660698, 2919871; 660707, 2919799; 660641, 2919779; 660583, 2919785; 660566, 2919838; 660593, 2919843; 660626, 2919912; 660685, 2919965; 660743, 2919979; 660730, 2919947; Thence returning to 660740, 2919894.

661995, 2920003; 661981, 2919988; 661948, 2919990; 661890, 2919940; 661888, 2919918; 661923, 2919909; 661894, 2919851; 661837, 2919841; 661764, 2919882; 661788, 2919902; 661844, 2919881; 661845, 2919960; 661951, 2920019; 662000, 2920026; Thence returning to 661995, 2920003.

660737, 2920078; 660792, 2920058; 660797, 2920041; 660773, 2920015; 660725, 2920016; 660661, 2919984; 660545, 2919901; 660516, 2919992; 660577, 2920060; 660546, 2920069; 660501, 2920035; 660491, 2920068; 660529, 2920102; 660726, 2920169; 660785, 2920208; 660938, 2920184; 660692, 2920110; 660697, 2920094; Thence returning to 660737, 2920078.

665462, 2920589; 665521, 2920437; 665495, 2920427; 665472, 2920432; 665467, 2920456; 665448, 2920455; 665327, 2920748; 665292, 2920877; 665144, 2921178; 665182, 2921157; 665220, 2921085; 665254, 2921068; 665286, 2921012; Thence returning to 665462, 2920589.

660395, 2921910; 660357, 2921850; 660336, 2921851; 660321, 2921882; 660307, 2921882; 660223, 2921833; 660326, 2921984; 660446, 2922125; 660507, 2922240; 660578, 2922241; Thence returning to 660395, 2921910.

664737, 2922160; 664906, 2921908; 664950, 2921811; 664908, 2921847; 664759, 2922073; 664742, 2922048; 664807, 2921916; 664807, 2921888; 664615, 2921977; 664542, 2921950; 664527, 2921922; 664530, 2921864; 664633, 2921594; 664717, 2921541; 664685, 2921438; 664732, 2921381; 664736, 2921281; 664788, 2921267; 664797, 2921194; 664924, 2921201; 664875, 2921162; 664880, 2921147; 664913, 2921155; 664915, 2921110; 664865, 2921071; 664900, 2920956; 664956, 2920905; 665115, 2920902; 665010, 2920848; 665025, 2920830; 665064, 2920831; 665079, 2920797; 665048, 2920727; 665058, 2920683; 665083, 2920671; 665109, 2920611; 665177, 2920601; 665206, 2920621; 665223, 2920569; 665202, 2920554; 665151, 2920558; 665142, 2920530; 665205, 2920513; 665263, 2920521; 665290, 2920497; 665279, 2920479; 665235, 2920483; 665190, 2920432; 665158, 2920424; 665164, 2920364; 665206, 2920313; 665190, 2920277; 665270, 2920272; 665315, 2920221; 665429, 2920244; 665445, 2920219; 665436, 2920117; 665361, 2920105; 665305, 2920076; 665271, 2919973; 665276, 2919934; 665317, 2919912; 665365, 2919930; 665380, 2919875; 665423, 2919886; 665439, 2919848; 665495, 2919843; 665566, 2919801; 665487, 2919770; 665488, 2919742; 665685, 2919807; 665722, 2919703; 665658, 2919730; 665599, 2919735; 665535, 2919702; 665485, 2919696; 665415, 2919745; 665404, 2919734; 665404, 2919672; 665448, 2919632; 665435, 2919606; 665497, 2919517; 665532, 2919528; 665550, 2919497; 665639, 2919457; 665630, 2919439; 665575, 2919432; 665572, 2919414; 665607, 2919331; 665640, 2919308; 665678, 2919207; 665697, 2919212; 665695, 2919256; 665800, 2919216; 665797, 2919192; 665716, 2919183; 665758, 2919144; 665805, 2919136; 665819, 2919093; 665863, 2919100; 665906, 2919154; 665935, 2919145; 665960, 2919162; 665997, 2919048; 666035, 2918988; 666009, 2918956; 665925, 2918973; 665881, 2918966; 665872, 2918951; 665884, 2918910; 665844, 2918870; 665885, 2918769; 665937, 2918728; 666037, 2918746; 666052, 2918809; 666084, 2918830; 666025, 2918874; 666028, 2918916; 666069, 2918869; 666101, 2918861; 666139, 2918808; 666153, 2918723; 666088, 2918623; 666051, 2918604; 665821, 2918676; 665803, 2918694; 665856, 2918707; 665787, 2918744; 665714, 2918745; 665744, 2918826; 665668, 2918829; 665645, 2918844; 665648, 2918864; 665691, 2918895; 665639, 2918940; 665640, 2918967; 665751, 2918973; 665797, 2918999; 665860, 2919002; 665873, 2919017; 665830, 2919029; 665820, 2919049; 665733, 2919066; 665647, 2919061; 665540, 2919214; 665464, 2919273; 665450, 2919259; 665474, 2919190; 665458, 2919180; 665363, 2919348; 665300, 2919397; 665278, 2919339; 665252, 2919326; 665249, 2919307; 665313, 2919276; 665325, 2919237; 665315, 2919197; 665347, 2919200; 665353, 2919147; 665342, 2919134; 665263, 2919142; 665223, 2919119; 665237, 2918973; 665225, 2918963; 665196, 2918982; 665159, 2918954; 665142, 2918867; 665153, 2918766; 665173, 2918754; 665191, 2918818; 665231, 2918764; 665162, 2918728; 665096, 2918771; 665047, 2918860; 665058, 2918915; 665024, 2918982; 665001, 2918966; 665032, 2918894; 664979, 2918894; 664945, 2918846; 664876, 2918842; 664842, 2918816; 664776, 2918857; 664812, 2918792; 664925, 2918700; 664953, 2918596; 664934, 2918551; 664893, 2918526; 664860, 2918606; 664846, 2918624; 664834, 2918616; 664844, 2918527; 664823, 2918454; 664835, 2918372; 664801, 2918332; 664789, 2918261; 664823, 2918189; 664794, 2918146; 664802, 2918120; 664719, 2918058; 664611, 2917935; 664581, 2917872; 664506, 2917815; 664468, 2917824; 664398, 2917911; 664362, 2917919; 664370, 2917834; 664347, 2917782; 664343, 2917713; 664369, 2917565; 664330, 2917383; 664349, 2917205; 664315, 2917070; 664316, 2916997; 664351, 2916989; 664343, 2917025; 664359, 2917040; 664364, 2917107; 664397, 2917204; 664389, 2917308; 664400, 2917339; 664429, 2917267; 664466, 2917352; 664621, 2917303; 664831, 2917299; 664856, 2917322; 664875, 2917378; 664923, 2917429; 665070, 2917511; 665173, 2917540; 665264, 2917529; 665335, 2917540; 665407, 2917624; 665534, 2917936; 665664, 2918097; 665765, 2918263; 665792, 2918321; 665801, 2918388; 665870, 2918419; 665930, 2918386; 666039, 2918477; 665958, 2918483; 665846, 2918464; 665783, 2918420; 665637, 2918127; 665509, 2917970; 665474, 2917853; 665397, 2917727; 665379, 2917645; 665350, 2917607; 665220, 2917556; 665197, 2917576; 665044, 2917543; 664861, 2917419; 664803, 2917325; 664585, 2917347; 664388, 2917399; 664390, 2917431; 664512, 2917458; 664644, 2917418; 664676, 2917421; 665037, 2917594; 665239, 2917638; 665366, 2917874; 665432, 2918045; 665585, 2918169; 665704, 2918388; 665745, 2918432; 665831, 2918482; 665940, 2918504; 666060, 2918499; 666107, 2918449; 666061, 2918445; 666012, 2918391; 666002, 2918339; 666030, 2918288; 665961, 2918236; 665951, 2918205; 665954, 2918041; 666006, 2917592; 665862, 2917359; 665574, 2917189; 664943, 2917062; 664911, 2917043; 664877, 2917135; 664791, 2917072; 664773, 2917031; 664719, 2917012; 663466, 2916734; 663459, 2916715; 663486, 2916707; 664683, 2916965; 664635, 2916874; 664559, 2916817; 664527, 2916830; 664514, 2916889; 664494, 2916894; 664481, 2916870; 664456, 2916864; 664443, 2916829; 664382, 2916856; 664331, 2916797; 664198, 2916778; 664151, 2916788; 664122, 2916761; 664102, 2916703; 664108, 2916635; 664148, 2916560; 664143, 2916522; 664087, 2916583; 664051, 2916594; 663954, 2916687; 663911, 2916681; 663927, 2916631; 663920, 2916610; 663880, 2916641; 663860, 2916638; 663843, 2916562; 663802, 2916576; 663809, 2916641; 663771, 2916706; 663729, 2916709; 663658, 2916673; 663615, 2916688; 663518, 2916628; 663498, 2916595; 663477, 2916532; 663484, 2916394; 663466, 2916389; 663393, 2916438; 663367, 2916439; 663307, 2916362; 663286, 2916389; 663276, 2916384; 663249, 2916310; 663227, 2916282; 663199, 2916274; 663188, 2916279; 663182, 2916327; 663205, 2916406; 663076, 2916446; 662972, 2916557; 662930, 2916550; 662881, 2916501; 662870, 2916481; 662876, 2916412; 662816, 2916363; 662841, 2916461; 662830, 2916549; 662864, 2916577; 663265, 2916671; 663248, 2916679; 663068, 2916656; 662843, 2916596; 662729, 2916603; 662592, 2916545; 662323, 2916486; 662193, 2916478; 662135, 2916445; 661750, 2916376; 661685, 2916435; 661220, 2917848; 661556, 2918267; 661617, 2918433; 661609, 2918588; 661618, 2918645; 661674, 2918624; 661700, 2918541; 661753, 2918501; 661839, 2918485; 661896, 2918524; 661928, 2918492; 661959, 2918363; 661984, 2918344; 661991, 2918368; 661974, 2918453; 661993, 2918479; 661997, 2918439; 662012, 2918424; 662092, 2918399; 662208, 2918430; 662211, 2918400; 662329, 2918374; 662355, 2918401; 662363, 2918475; 662407, 2918449; 662457, 2918513; 662486, 2918564; 662487, 2918593; 662468, 2918624; 662429, 2918557; 662380, 2918588; 662339, 2918534; 662338, 2918571; 662369, 2918616; 662356, 2918652; 662379, 2918672; 662369, 2918706; 662406, 2918787; 662507, 2918739; 662568, 2918741; 662572, 2918809; 662520, 2918785; 662467, 2918806; 662480, 2918828; 662547, 2918832; 662564, 2918855; 662558, 2918928; 662512, 2918913; 662516, 2918978; 662553, 2918998; 662551, 2919025; 662520, 2919044; 662508, 2919032; 662430, 2918896; 662413, 2918921; 662385, 2918889; 662341, 2918878; 662352, 2918951; 662399, 2919009; 662393, 2919065; 662367, 2919109; 662279, 2919160; 662238, 2919165; 662221, 2919151; 662230, 2919135; 662323, 2919107; 662329, 2919053; 662243, 2919007; 662245, 2918955; 662206, 2918971; 662191, 2918963; 662206, 2918930; 662259, 2918934; 662251, 2918917; 662189, 2918893; 662160, 2918914; 662141, 2918878; 662117, 2918890; 662123, 2918929; 662163, 2918982; 662198, 2918988; 662202, 2919008; 662167, 2919040; 662172, 2919069; 662143, 2919105; 662137, 2919149; 662101, 2919108; 662099, 2919185; 662046, 2919182; 662058, 2919250; 662011, 2919286; 662035, 2919339; 662058, 2919301; 662095, 2919311; 662096, 2919368; 662060, 2919436; 662106, 2919463; 662134, 2919457; 662262, 2919622; 662183, 2919819; 662138, 2919881; 662086, 2920037; 662115, 2920023; 662172, 2919881; 662184, 2919899; 662147, 2920059; 662176, 2920109; 662186, 2920113; 662202, 2920080; 662184, 2920060; 662185, 2920012; 662241, 2920028; 662275, 2919974; 662337, 2919976; 662333, 2919938; 662287, 2919934; 662225, 2919999; 662220, 2919938; 662204, 2919928; 662269, 2919776; 662333, 2919732; 662392, 2919773; 662445, 2919849; 662459, 2919950; 662437, 2919988; 662293, 2920112; 662284, 2920135; 662171, 2920146; 662163, 2920179; 662227, 2920181; 662202, 2920213; 662165, 2920219; 662125, 2920180; 661974, 2920145; 661955, 2920129; 661964, 2920098; 661951, 2920080; 661822, 2919983; 661642, 2919889; 661534, 2919777; 661577, 2919747; 661643, 2919846; 661663, 2919847; 661692, 2919813; 661733, 2919863; 661746, 2919860; 661735, 2919829; 661746, 2919792; 661814, 2919777; 661828, 2919761; 661797, 2919707; 661799, 2919686; 661830, 2919684; 661838, 2919661; 661814, 2919553; 661725, 2919551; 661702, 2919528; 661713, 2919508; 661804, 2919502; 661816, 2919470; 661720, 2919386; 661714, 2919346; 661761, 2919331; 661843, 2919371; 661892, 2919346; 661928, 2919018; 661890, 2919007; 661793, 2919030; 661755, 2919075; 661729, 2919158; 661666, 2919153; 661585, 2919111; 661540, 2919133; 661550, 2919171; 661637, 2919181; 661657, 2919241; 661654, 2919278; 661608, 2919326; 661586, 2919402; 661577, 2919541; 661537, 2919566; 661494, 2919551; 661473, 2919413; 661454, 2919392; 661399, 2919510; 661331, 2919514; 661385, 2919586; 661383, 2919631; 661363, 2919649; 661326, 2919626; 661240, 2919766; 661204, 2919790; 661208, 2919807; 661227, 2919825; 661298, 2919809; 661330, 2919772; 661357, 2919695; 661387, 2919682; 661429, 2919794; 661520, 2919818; 661538, 2919853; 661520, 2919875; 661402, 2919896; 661365, 2919887; 661334, 2919920; 661296, 2919929; 661310, 2919973; 661354, 2919983; 661375, 2920023; 661421, 2920022; 661442, 2920006; 661444, 2919977; 661377, 2919959; 661378, 2919932; 661543, 2919905; 661560, 2919927; 661607, 2919929; 661618, 2919949; 661611, 2919984; 661663, 2920013; 661714, 2920008; 661739, 2919971; 661788, 2919988; 661861, 2920048; 661835, 2920061; 661810, 2920188; 661909, 2920210; 661954, 2920245; 662082, 2920258; 662150, 2920285; 662194, 2920339; 662213, 2920429; 662242, 2920423; 662244, 2920507; 662223, 2920538; 662196, 2920537; 662218, 2920500; 662212, 2920476; 662118, 2920532; 662013, 2920525; 662002, 2920497; 662098, 2920471; 662120, 2920440; 662116, 2920408; 662092, 2920402; 662048, 2920431; 662025, 2920353; 661939, 2920526; 661921, 2920551; 661897, 2920557; 661877, 2920534; 661869, 2920468; 661840, 2920447; 661820, 2920403; 661811, 2920445; 661833, 2920484; 661837, 2920533; 661877, 2920597; 661871, 2920660; 661823, 2920673; 661807, 2920651; 661804, 2920596; 661700, 2920479; 661616, 2920547; 661599, 2920487; 661564, 2920447; 661582, 2920427; 661568, 2920395; 661594, 2920374; 661513, 2920320; 661474, 2920334; 661477, 2920292; 661464, 2920265; 661418, 2920308; 661420, 2920385; 661404, 2920431; 661364, 2920496; 661316, 2920533; 661242, 2920539; 661171, 2920522; 661073, 2920535; 660950, 2920514; 660873, 2920532; 660806, 2920507; 660777, 2920550; 660746, 2920565; 660569, 2920620; 660429, 2920626; 660319, 2920589; 660259, 2920774; 660381, 2920838; 660458, 2921058; 660489, 2921082; 660559, 2921097; 660570, 2921086; 660562, 2921020; 660582, 2920979; 660626, 2920974; 660679, 2920996; 660774, 2921087; 660840, 2921120; 660838, 2921149; 660773, 2921184; 660775, 2921246; 660813, 2921310; 660882, 2921337; 661064, 2921339; 661105, 2921302; 661118, 2921232; 661101, 2921187; 661037, 2921139; 660891, 2921130; 660882, 2921118; 660999, 2921077; 661020, 2920938; 661046, 2920869; 661120, 2920760; 661207, 2920706; 661380, 2920652; 661434, 2920653; 661515, 2920689; 661507, 2920723; 661441, 2920719; 661419, 2920736; 661418, 2920782; 661442, 2920851; 661488, 2920919; 661491, 2920879; 661456, 2920838; 661468, 2920818; 661457, 2920797; 661483, 2920779; 661458, 2920764; 661461, 2920748; 661506, 2920752; 661558, 2920727; 661678, 2920779; 661724, 2920782; 661839, 2920737; 661898, 2920742; 661932, 2920767; 661970, 2920837; 661978, 2920929; 661999, 2920873; 661988, 2920811; 661919, 2920696; 661980, 2920681; 662070, 2920683; 662107, 2920711; 662135, 2920764; 662004, 2921434; 661886, 2921777; 661794, 2921943; 661741, 2922008; 661665, 2922088; 661570, 2922155; 661489, 2922137; 661402, 2922058; 661415, 2922011; 661456, 2921995; 661443, 2921932; 661412, 2921909; 661380, 2921950; 661350, 2921883; 661387, 2921815; 661444, 2921799; 661463, 2921704; 661412, 2921555; 661343, 2921493; 661205, 2921445; 660998, 2921508; 660852, 2921450; 660916, 2921517; 660976, 2921549; 661110, 2921737; 661146, 2921745; 661173, 2921770; 661085, 2921762; 660988, 2921650; 660961, 2921694; 660977, 2921723; 661111, 2921868; 661265, 2921943; 661324, 2922017; 661339, 2922057; 661332, 2922088; 661232, 2922066; 661216, 2922098; 661230, 2922124; 661303, 2922150; 661313, 2922167; 661245, 2922182; 661240, 2922213; 661212, 2922227; 661181, 2922221; 661079, 2922136; 661082, 2922102; 661157, 2922114; 661039, 2921996; 661024, 2921997; 661035, 2922064; 660926, 2922019; 660796, 2922005; 660781, 2921908; 660752, 2921871; 660764, 2921842; 660795, 2921850; 660909, 2921954; 660952, 2921960; 660886, 2921875; 660765, 2921799; 660711, 2921745; 660685, 2921674; 660718, 2921629; 660706, 2921598; 660665, 2921605; 660631, 2921581; 660605, 2921597; 660614, 2921643; 660675, 2921719; 660680, 2921756; 660724, 2921808; 660725, 2921828; 660704, 2921853; 660686, 2921819; 660655, 2921806; 660581, 2921825; 660579, 2921850; 660685, 2921985; 660754, 2922010; 660862, 2922091; 660830, 2922168; 660869, 2922244; 660902, 2922245; 660923, 2922245; 662927, 2922279; 663044, 2922087; 663076, 2922069; 663067, 2922149; 663012, 2922281; 664408, 2922301; 664408, 2922268; 664372, 2922244; 664370, 2922225; 664412, 2922194; 664453, 2922131; 664506, 2922112; 664633, 2922115; 664648, 2922123; 664677, 2922202; 664597, 2922304; 664641, 2922305; 664737, 2922160; 661247, 2921635; 661307, 2921705; 661305, 2921740; 661262, 2921731; 661243, 2921703; 661235, 2921654; 661247, 2921635; 661304, 2921652; 661254, 2921620; 661206, 2921631; 661153, 2921621; 661123, 2921589; 661119, 2921540; 661140, 2921527; 661169, 2921573; 661260, 2921598; 661326, 2921658; 661304, 2921652; 663251, 2920854; 663317, 2920654; 663333, 2920555; 663353, 2920524; 663359, 2920369; 663379, 2920307; 663359, 2920251; 663373, 2920210; 663418, 2920158; 663438, 2920172; 663464, 2920235; 663490, 2920245; 663542, 2920179; 663657, 2920172; 663653, 2920205; 663587, 2920201; 663486, 2920280; 663451, 2920270; 663429, 2920213; 663412, 2920210; 663381, 2920588; 663357, 2920684; 663325, 2920737; 663323, 2920878; 663226, 2921119; 663213, 2921078; 663189, 2921063; 663201, 2920982; 663153, 2920949; 663151, 2920919; 663210, 2920900; 663251, 2920854; 662602, 2920485; 662554, 2920475; 662556, 2920460; 662600, 2920440; 662564, 2920416; 662553, 2920387; 662606, 2920395; 662571, 2920351; 662494, 2920361; 662470, 2920347; 662470, 2920316; 662525, 2920298; 662523, 2920264; 662500, 2920262; 662459, 2920292; 662425, 2920274; 662427, 2920240; 662452, 2920263; 662466, 2920251; 662463, 2920186; 662372, 2920223; 662359, 2920215; 662369, 2920177; 662575, 2919999; 662628, 2920076; 662625, 2920264; 662649, 2920360; 662639, 2920451; 662602, 2920485; 662321, 2920211; 662317, 2920235; 662299, 2920240; 662292, 2920187; 662308, 2920179; 662321, 2920211; 662393, 2920290; 662408, 2920338; 662400, 2920354; 662372, 2920311; 662375, 2920281; 662393, 2920290; 662334, 2920454; 662404, 2920538; 662398, 2920548; 662355, 2920536; 662346, 2920589; 662301, 2920625; 662291, 2920597; 662315, 2920498; 662303, 2920447; 662334, 2920454; 662160, 2920596; 662139, 2920580; 662148, 2920559; 662177, 2920574; 662160, 2920596; 662370, 2920579; 662404, 2920583; 662402, 2920625; 662370, 2920684; 662347, 2920693; 662331, 2920667; 662370, 2920579; 662496, 2920591; 662497, 2920574; 662511, 2920571; 662539, 2920618; 662598, 2920663; 662492, 2920829; 662477, 2920793; 662446, 2920770; 662461, 2920717; 662474, 2920718; 662499, 2920763; 662523, 2920736; 662526, 2920702; 662496, 2920591; 662644, 2920558; 662618, 2920540; 662647, 2920493; 662644, 2920558; 661034, 2921319; 660969, 2921322; 660834, 2921283; 660795, 2921243; 660792, 2921213; 660838, 2921177; 660954, 2921153; 660994, 2921161; 661074, 2921207; 661091, 2921241; 661086, 2921280; 661034, 2921319; 664001, 2919484; 664015, 2919412; 663957, 2919324; 663951, 2919269; 663998, 2919317; 664038, 2919319; 664088, 2919357; 664219, 2919542; 664179, 2919538; 664107, 2919419; 664057, 2919380; 664039, 2919463; 664055, 2919496; 664044, 2919580; 664009, 2919614; 663945, 2919626; 663946, 2919611; 664000, 2919582; 664001, 2919540; 664020, 2919520; 664001, 2919484; 662160, 2919416; 662143, 2919426; 662119, 2919415; 662122, 2919372; 662146, 2919344; 662172, 2919365; 662160, 2919416; 664533, 2919232; 664519, 2919215; 664445, 2919207; 664420, 2919171; 664489, 2919192; 664526, 2919188; 664564, 2919211; 664680, 2919090; 664688, 2919128; 664726, 2919125; 664696, 2919159; 664644, 2919167; 664583, 2919257; 664533, 2919232; 662505, 2919131; 662485, 2919167; 662450, 2919169; 662474, 2919085; 662502, 2919106; 662505, 2919131; 664549, 2918116; 664525, 2918096; 664473, 2918097; 664525, 2918049; 664567, 2918083; 664599, 2918079; 664581, 2918107; 664549, 2918116; 665397, 2917398; 665340, 2917380; 665321, 2917299; 665281, 2917394; 665254, 2917392; 665249, 2917354; 665347, 2917210; 665419, 2917181; 665439, 2917192; 665446, 2917242; 665397, 2917398; 665265, 2917489; 665231, 2917487; 665230, 2917449; 665255, 2917463; 665298, 2917448; 665326, 2917457; 665265, 2917489; 665915, 2918683; 665983, 2918661; 665934, 2918711; Thence returning to 665915, 2918683.


Unit TX-4, Cameron County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

664408, 2922301; 664597, 2922304; 664677, 2922202; 664648, 2922123; 664633, 2922115; 664506, 2922112; 664453, 2922131; 664412, 2922194; 664370, 2922225; 664372, 2922244; 664408, 2922268; Thence returning to 664408, 2922301.

662927, 2922279; 663007, 2922281; 663012, 2922281; 663067, 2922149; 663076, 2922069; 663044, 2922087; Thence returning to 662927, 2922279.

661307, 2921705; 661247, 2921635; 661235, 2921654; 661243, 2921703; 661262, 2921731; 661305, 2921740; Thence returning to 661307, 2921705.

661326, 2921658; 661260, 2921598; 661169, 2921573; 661140, 2921527; 661119, 2921540; 661123, 2921589; 661153, 2921621; 661206, 2921631; 661254, 2921620; 661304, 2921652; Thence returning to 661326, 2921658.

660994, 2921161; 660954, 2921153; 660838, 2921177; 660792, 2921213; 660795, 2921243; 660834, 2921283; 660969, 2921322; 661034, 2921319; 661086, 2921280; 661091, 2921241; 661074, 2921207; Thence returning to 660994, 2921161.

663381, 2920588; 663412, 2920210; 663429, 2920213; 663451, 2920270; 663486, 2920280; 663587, 2920201; 663653, 2920205; 663657, 2920172; 663542, 2920179; 663490, 2920245; 663464, 2920235; 663438, 2920172; 663418, 2920158; 663373, 2920210; 663359, 2920251; 663379, 2920307; 663359, 2920369; 663353, 2920524; 663333, 2920555; 663317, 2920654; 663251, 2920854; 663210, 2920900; 663151, 2920919; 663153, 2920949; 663201, 2920982; 663189, 2921063; 663213, 2921078; 663226, 2921119; 663323, 2920878; 663325, 2920737; 663357, 2920684; Thence returning to 663381, 2920588.

662492, 2920829; 662598, 2920663; 662539, 2920618; 662511, 2920571; 662497, 2920574; 662496, 2920591; 662526, 2920702; 662523, 2920736; 662499, 2920763; 662474, 2920718; 662461, 2920717; 662446, 2920770; 662477, 2920793; Thence returning to 662492, 2920829.

662404, 2920583; 662370, 2920579; 662331, 2920667; 662347, 2920693; 662370, 2920684; 662402, 2920625; Thence returning to 662404, 2920583.

662346, 2920589; 662355, 2920536; 662398, 2920548; 662404, 2920538; 662334, 2920454; 662303, 2920447; 662315, 2920498; 662291, 2920597; 662301, 2920625; Thence returning to 662346, 2920589.

662177, 2920574; 662148, 2920559; 662139, 2920580; 662160, 2920596; Thence returning to 662177, 2920574.

662644, 2920558; 662647, 2920493; 662618, 2920540; Thence returning to 662644, 2920558.

662639, 2920451; 662649, 2920360; 662625, 2920264; 662628, 2920076; 662575, 2919999; 662369, 2920177; 662359, 2920215; 662372, 2920223; 662463, 2920186; 662466, 2920251; 662452, 2920263; 662427, 2920240; 662425, 2920274; 662459, 2920292; 662500, 2920262; 662523, 2920264; 662525, 2920298; 662470, 2920316; 662470, 2920347; 662494, 2920361; 662571, 2920351; 662606, 2920395; 662553, 2920387; 662564, 2920416; 662600, 2920440; 662556, 2920460; 662554, 2920475; 662602, 2920485; Thence returning to 662639, 2920451.

662393, 2920290; 662375, 2920281; 662372, 2920311; 662400, 2920354; 662408, 2920338; Thence returning to 662393, 2920290.

662321, 2920211; 662308, 2920179; 662292, 2920187; 662299, 2920240; 662317, 2920235; Thence returning to 662321, 2920211.

664039, 2919463; 664057, 2919380; 664107, 2919419; 664179, 2919538; 664219, 2919542; 664088, 2919357; 664038, 2919319; 663998, 2919317; 663951, 2919269; 663957, 2919324; 664015, 2919412; 664001, 2919484; 664020, 2919520; 664001, 2919540; 664000, 2919582; 663946, 2919611; 663945, 2919626; 664009, 2919614; 664044, 2919580; 664055, 2919496; Thence returning to 664039, 2919463.

662172, 2919365; 662146, 2919344; 662122, 2919372; 662119, 2919415; 662143, 2919426; 662160, 2919416; Thence returning to 662172, 2919365.

664583, 2919257; 664644, 2919167; 664696, 2919159; 664726, 2919125; 664688, 2919128; 664680, 2919090; 664564, 2919211; 664526, 2919188; 664489, 2919192; 664420, 2919171; 664445, 2919207; 664519, 2919215; 664533, 2919232; Thence returning to 664583, 2919257.

662502, 2919106; 662474, 2919085; 662450, 2919169; 662485, 2919167; 662505, 2919131; Thence returning to 662502, 2919106.

665934, 2918711; 665983, 2918661; 665915, 2918683; Thence returning to 665934, 2918711.

664581, 2918107; 664599, 2918079; 664567, 2918083; 664525, 2918049; 664473, 2918097; 664525, 2918096; 664549, 2918116; Thence returning to 664581, 2918107.

665265, 2917489; 665326, 2917457; 665298, 2917448; 665255, 2917463; 665230, 2917449; 665231, 2917487; Thence returning to 665265, 2917489.

665397, 2917398; 665446, 2917242; 665439, 2917192; 665419, 2917181; 665347, 2917210; 665249, 2917354; 665254, 2917392; 665281, 2917394; 665321, 2917299; 665340, 2917380; Thence returning to 665397, 2917398.

666246, 2911721; 666188, 2911711; 666187, 2911735; 666207, 2911756; 666266, 2911767; Thence returning to 666246, 2911721.

668068, 2909714; 668039, 2909687; 667998, 2909697; 667978, 2909743; 667980, 2909801; 668045, 2909798; 668073, 2909758; Thence returning to 668068, 2909714

667646, 2909514; 667598, 2909500; 667544, 2909543; 667548, 2909589; 667621, 2909632; 667671, 2909623; 667688, 2909590; 667681, 2909551; Thence returning to 667646, 2909514.

668402, 2909449; 668275, 2909375; 668264, 2909394; 668295, 2909427; 668306, 2909507; 668336, 2909552; 668393, 2909574; 668435, 2909614; 668487, 2909601; 668491, 2909578; 668441, 2909538; Thence returning to 668402, 2909449.

667954, 2909292; 667935, 2909278; 667893, 2909280; 667858, 2909312; 667860, 2909349; 667876, 2909367; 667970, 2909426; 667988, 2909404; 667966, 2909350; Thence returning to 667954, 2909292.

670904, 2906728; 670867, 2906678; 670809, 2906697; 670784, 2906746; 670778, 2906806; 670862, 2906855; 670944, 2906857; 670979, 2906851; 670991, 2906834; 670980, 2906780; Thence returning to 670904, 2906728.

671081, 2906789; 671067, 2906772; 671034, 2906775; 671035, 2906826; 671067, 2906834; Thence returning to 671081, 2906789.

671663, 2904718; 671650, 2904715; 671646, 2904734; 671659, 2904740; Thence returning to 671663, 2904718.

669906, 2904097; 669799, 2904014; 669785, 2904014; 669757, 2904052; 669761, 2904065; 669798, 2904059; 669831, 2904091; 669864, 2904093; 669912, 2904166; 669946, 2904318; 669957, 2904250; 669939, 2904163; Thence returning to 669906, 2904097.

(2) Unit TX-4, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

660109, 2921783; 660047, 2921788; 660184, 2921853; 660326, 2921984; 660223, 2921833; Thence returning to 660109, 2921783.

660902, 2922245; 660869, 2922244; 660868, 2922295; 660809, 2922337; 660827, 2922379; 660878, 2922367; 660898, 2922339; 660934, 2922336; Thence returning to 660902, 2922245.

659618, 2922055; 659607, 2922052; 659587, 2922080; 659700, 2922142; 659793, 2922226; 659874, 2922318; 659943, 2922470; 659988, 2922525; 660047, 2922531; 660107, 2922495; 659980, 2922436; 659917, 2922292; 659813, 2922162; 659723, 2922096; Thence returning to 659618, 2922055.

659545, 2922549; 659639, 2922440; 659634, 2922376; 659610, 2922382; 659606, 2922428; 659545, 2922503; 659509, 2922515; 659441, 2922507; 659436, 2922531; Thence returning to 659545, 2922549.

660053, 2922601; 660027, 2922658; 659982, 2922707; 660000, 2922756; 660041, 2922798; 660070, 2922777; Thence returning to 660053, 2922601.

660105, 2922895; 660222, 2922862; 660155, 2922848; 660093, 2922876; 660073, 2922868; 660148, 2922737; 660181, 2922618; 660176, 2922565; 660035, 2922906; Thence returning to 660105, 2922895.

660632, 2922855; 660667, 2922859; 660693, 2922835; 660716, 2922750; 660717, 2922630; 660689, 2922501; 660578, 2922241; 660507, 2922240; 660613, 2922468; 660631, 2922552; 660630, 2922632; 660580, 2922813; 660478, 2922958; 660478, 2922976; 660510, 2922969; 660603, 2922868; Thence returning to 660632, 2922855.

658276, 2923967; 658249, 2923995; 658259, 2924006; Thence returning to 658276, 2923967.

658106, 2924202; 658107, 2924197; 658082, 2924234; Thence returning to 658106, 2924202.

663540, 2924336; 663561, 2924188; 663552, 2924180; 663534, 2924196; 663475, 2924288; 663460, 2924252; 663488, 2924184; 663711, 2924063; 663632, 2924074; 663479, 2924148; 663439, 2924189; 663412, 2924448; 663426, 2924562; 663454, 2924599; 663452, 2924493; 663466, 2924434; Thence returning to 663540, 2924336.

663787, 2924111; 663775, 2924112; 663771, 2924145; 663785, 2924202; 663768, 2924308; 663623, 2924609; 663657, 2924602; 663688, 2924571; 663775, 2924404; 663809, 2924220; 663801, 2924133; Thence returning to 663787, 2924111.

658048, 2925223; 658139, 2925212; 658148, 2925182; 658187, 2925142; 658193, 2925075; 658177, 2925012; 658089, 2924978; 658032, 2924911; 657989, 2924775; 657992, 2924689; 657974, 2924611; 657934, 2924531; 657934, 2924486; 657962, 2924459; 657948, 2924456; 657922, 2924461; 657870, 2924533; 657932, 2924595; 657964, 2924694; 657971, 2924801; 657995, 2924902; 657991, 2924967; 657959, 2924996; 657904, 2924997; 657875, 2924971; 657837, 2924895; 657814, 2924892; 657738, 2924927; 657584, 2924944; 657549, 2924995; 657707, 2924992; 657758, 2925012; 657875, 2925129; 658006, 2925214; Thence returning to 658048, 2925223.

657926, 2925326; 657589, 2925212; 657448, 2925259; 657433, 2925322; 657586, 2925304; 657685, 2925308; 657807, 2925343; 657956, 2925429; 657971, 2925452; 657959, 2925496; 657968, 2925530; 658014, 2925472; 658016, 2925397; Thence returning to 657926, 2925326.

657834, 2926388; 657931, 2926401; 658151, 2926335; 658364, 2926211; 658413, 2926151; 658437, 2926084; 658434, 2925980; 658410, 2925926; 658295, 2925824; 658249, 2925763; 658286, 2925843; 658381, 2925928; 658420, 2926021; 658413, 2926070; 658367, 2926165; 658294, 2926234; 658204, 2926277; 658083, 2926311; 657941, 2926376; Thence returning to 657834, 2926388.

658399, 2926267; 658408, 2926247; 658313, 2926329; 658245, 2926412; 658318, 2926369; Thence returning to 658399, 2926267.

657834, 2926388; 657781, 2926369; 657761, 2926336; 657830, 2926265; 657833, 2926103; 657852, 2926070; 657851, 2926025; 657877, 2926006; 657863, 2925963; 657683, 2925930; 657502, 2925986; 657479, 2925982; 657472, 2925953; 657488, 2925839; 657523, 2925802; 657571, 2925639; 657630, 2925767; 657670, 2925785; 657754, 2925790; 657791, 2925831; 657797, 2925775; 657879, 2925679; 657895, 2925626; 657790, 2925717; 657710, 2925720; 657645, 2925685; 657621, 2925655; 657600, 2925572; 657524, 2925644; 657504, 2925713; 657469, 2925743; 657450, 2925798; 657430, 2925812; 657413, 2925879; 657443, 2925990; 657451, 2926103; 657535, 2926196; 657575, 2926286; 657608, 2926308; 657623, 2926418; 657683, 2926377; 657720, 2926373; 657811, 2926432; Thence returning to 657834, 2926388.

658782, 2926466; 658828, 2926460; 658825, 2926415; 658856, 2926386; 658782, 2926366; 658760, 2926374; 658725, 2926499; 658696, 2926544; 658735, 2926539; Thence returning to 658782, 2926466.

658004, 2926512; 657929, 2926568; 657931, 2926598; 658007, 2926552; Thence returning to 658004, 2926512.

658608, 2924397; 658608, 2924382; 658520, 2924558; 658518, 2924670; 658551, 2924795; 658636, 2924999; 658656, 2925111; 658751, 2925264; 658842, 2925476; 658859, 2925559; 658844, 2925728; 658750, 2925963; 658748, 2926058; 658809, 2926182; 658918, 2926289; 659065, 2926400; 659142, 2926520; 659178, 2926620; 659184, 2926521; 659141, 2926407; 658904, 2926210; 658836, 2926091; 658828, 2925992; 658854, 2925894; 658889, 2925828; 658948, 2925796; 659003, 2925728; 659016, 2925675; 658983, 2925609; 658997, 2925565; 658964, 2925537; 658933, 2925467; 658902, 2925294; 658861, 2925195; 658730, 2924973; 658579, 2924651; Thence returning to 658608, 2924397.

657154, 2926534; 657151, 2926523; 657130, 2926613; 657188, 2926635; 657196, 2926601; 657159, 2926562; Thence returning to 657154, 2926534.

657120, 2926675; 657118, 2926666; 657115, 2926679; Thence returning to 657120, 2926675.

657718, 2926657; 657767, 2926664; 657738, 2926611; 657686, 2926584; 657657, 2926585; 657588, 2926634; 657515, 2926621; 657454, 2926566; 657394, 2926481; 657361, 2926389; 657353, 2926312; 657360, 2926258; 657395, 2926187; 657401, 2926121; 657373, 2926057; 657287, 2925943; 657252, 2926094; 657309, 2926080; 657329, 2926096; 657219, 2926234; 657202, 2926305; 657223, 2926361; 657262, 2926375; 657313, 2926346; 657329, 2926354; 657333, 2926468; 657376, 2926596; 657396, 2926640; 657451, 2926688; 657524, 2926714; 657582, 2926715; Thence returning to 657718, 2926657.

662842, 2925854; 662868, 2925850; 662842, 2925936; 662855, 2925983; 662874, 2925985; 662912, 2925899; 662938, 2925881; 663046, 2925920; 663013, 2926073; 662946, 2926160; 662910, 2926230; 662868, 2926469; 662812, 2926579; 662733, 2926660; 662713, 2926793; 662674, 2926870; 662664, 2926934; 662682, 2926923; 662719, 2926833; 662760, 2926784; 662791, 2926646; 662866, 2926522; 662957, 2926211; 663031, 2926092; 663145, 2925728; 663277, 2925489; 663392, 2925191; 663408, 2925098; 663384, 2925122; 663364, 2925198; 663336, 2925240; 663250, 2925235; 663208, 2925208; 663193, 2925147; 663216, 2925047; 663371, 2924785; 663435, 2924741; 663488, 2924757; 663498, 2924818; 663510, 2924825; 663522, 2924788; 663510, 2924746; 663431, 2924712; 663387, 2924727; 663352, 2924759; 663212, 2924998; 662979, 2925577; 662769, 2925918; 662587, 2926537; 662459, 2926659; 662413, 2926787; 662411, 2926825; 662489, 2927024; 662501, 2927024; 662501, 2927004; 662476, 2926824; 662489, 2926723; 662548, 2926643; 662604, 2926634; 662638, 2926588; 662652, 2926440; 662796, 2926087; 662820, 2925916; 662842, 2925854; 663069, 2925626; 663111, 2925627; 663145, 2925587; 663106, 2925509; 663128, 2925443; 663091, 2925436; 663089, 2925417; 663164, 2925256; 663184, 2925243; 663200, 2925280; 663278, 2925269; 663290, 2925295; 663255, 2925352; 663224, 2925345; 663147, 2925402; 663152, 2925421; 663232, 2925410; 663255, 2925423; 663256, 2925457; 663232, 2925529; 663137, 2925678; 663099, 2925840; 663072, 2925877; 663023, 2925883; 662990, 2925853; 662922, 2925841; 662918, 2925771; 663006, 2925668; Thence returning to 663069, 2925626.

657878, 2927034; 657963, 2927030; 658157, 2926968; 658261, 2926975; 658286, 2926956; 658381, 2926942; 658409, 2926888; 658394, 2926768; 658315, 2926850; 658249, 2926881; 657918, 2926937; 657817, 2926924; 657829, 2926827; 657819, 2926813; 657750, 2927004; 657802, 2927062; 657825, 2927066; Thence returning to 657878, 2927034.

656974, 2927357; 656966, 2927309; 656937, 2927431; 657016, 2927548; 657024, 2927412; 656992, 2927393; Thence returning to 656974, 2927357.

660297, 2928098; 660471, 2927899; 660561, 2927762; 660629, 2927622; 660665, 2927512; 660658, 2927490; 660552, 2927556; 660426, 2927662; 660252, 2927856; 660194, 2927970; 660199, 2928031; 660152, 2928170; 660167, 2928177; 660297, 2928098; 660293, 2928014; 660390, 2927923; 660422, 2927852; 660490, 2927789; 660583, 2927614; 660565, 2927685; 660504, 2927809; 660359, 2927989; 660257, 2928079; 660293, 2928014; 660248, 2928007; 660229, 2927997; 660252, 2927932; 660452, 2927674; 660389, 2927803; 660290, 2927913; Thence returning to 660248, 2928007.

659862, 2927960; 660008, 2927798; 660155, 2927579; 660573, 2927202; 660735, 2926977; 660819, 2926804; 660965, 2926562; 661025, 2926399; 661060, 2926171; 661062, 2925957; 661090, 2925687; 661119, 2925559; 661176, 2925433; 661878, 2924415; 662209, 2923901; 662345, 2923582; 662459, 2923361; 662673, 2923015; 662744, 2922848; 662861, 2922721; 663048, 2922467; 663138, 2922320; 663159, 2922308; 663166, 2922344; 663122, 2922599; 663121, 2922642; 663142, 2922705; 663214, 2922685; 663263, 2922712; 663317, 2922701; 663351, 2922726; 663544, 2922701; 663780, 2922701; 663819, 2922734; 663866, 2922837; 663961, 2922955; 664035, 2922988; 664134, 2923003; 664226, 2922993; 664314, 2922927; 664367, 2922837; 664432, 2922600; 664508, 2922519; 664557, 2922408; 664641, 2922305; 664597, 2922304; 664516, 2922423; 664491, 2922502; 664376, 2922613; 664355, 2922786; 664263, 2922932; 664194, 2922968; 664123, 2922977; 664058, 2922969; 663949, 2922921; 663907, 2922799; 663918, 2922746; 663955, 2922675; 663950, 2922620; 663913, 2922583; 663817, 2922579; 663764, 2922559; 663760, 2922540; 663811, 2922500; 663882, 2922491; 663916, 2922455; 663966, 2922447; 664004, 2922417; 664028, 2922419; 664056, 2922453; 664091, 2922446; 664113, 2922423; 664103, 2922359; 664131, 2922344; 664195, 2922492; 664286, 2922507; 664270, 2922542; 664194, 2922582; 664194, 2922608; 664291, 2922614; 664403, 2922549; 664361, 2922485; 664311, 2922473; 664309, 2922454; 664327, 2922439; 664417, 2922452; 664440, 2922407; 664508, 2922386; 664517, 2922329; 664417, 2922314; 664408, 2922301; 663012, 2922281; 662906, 2922452; 662927, 2922279; 660923, 2922245; 660952, 2922255; 660962, 2922315; 661003, 2922317; 661124, 2922365; 661167, 2922402; 661162, 2922428; 661130, 2922412; 661113, 2922422; 661142, 2922448; 661122, 2922488; 661137, 2922529; 661117, 2922553; 661144, 2922628; 661114, 2922816; 661072, 2922854; 661028, 2922840; 660996, 2922857; 660959, 2922961; 661006, 2923033; 661096, 2923046; 661163, 2923105; 661162, 2923173; 661189, 2923249; 661147, 2923254; 661143, 2923317; 661223, 2923405; 661260, 2923524; 661242, 2923612; 661196, 2923672; 661183, 2923715; 661164, 2923709; 661160, 2923620; 661119, 2923565; 661081, 2923546; 661072, 2923572; 661038, 2923594; 661045, 2923634; 661090, 2923663; 661084, 2923699; 661036, 2923727; 661015, 2923811; 661037, 2923921; 661085, 2923957; 661076, 2924100; 661091, 2924143; 661060, 2924174; 661030, 2924162; 660933, 2924004; 660922, 2923893; 660851, 2923776; 660847, 2923712; 660780, 2923664; 660701, 2923637; 660596, 2923702; 660540, 2923664; 660485, 2923665; 660461, 2923688; 660426, 2923665; 660399, 2923687; 660369, 2923677; 660351, 2923719; 660268, 2923732; 660241, 2923666; 660108, 2923681; 660001, 2923639; 659975, 2923611; 659968, 2923566; 659950, 2923555; 659908, 2923416; 659933, 2923368; 659933, 2923323; 660047, 2923290; 660073, 2923263; 660052, 2923256; 659981, 2923282; 659928, 2923236; 659938, 2923149; 659917, 2923089; 659939, 2923069; 659939, 2923048; 659872, 2922982; 659835, 2922915; 659803, 2922842; 659785, 2922708; 659736, 2922723; 659623, 2922699; 659572, 2922706; 659555, 2922694; 659565, 2922650; 659552, 2922637; 659502, 2922651; 659496, 2922679; 659427, 2922752; 659334, 2922973; 659245, 2923088; 659166, 2923119; 659156, 2923015; 659141, 2923010; 659116, 2923058; 659059, 2923098; 659046, 2923098; 659040, 2923051; 658941, 2923138; 658909, 2923123; 658842, 2923145; 658611, 2923476; 658658, 2923542; 658645, 2923640; 658708, 2923657; 658725, 2923724; 658745, 2923748; 658754, 2923928; 658787, 2923927; 658861, 2923781; 658886, 2923826; 658879, 2923914; 658896, 2923959; 658866, 2924021; 658922, 2924120; 658905, 2924230; 658890, 2924616; 658945, 2924935; 658991, 2925027; 659014, 2925137; 659050, 2925192; 659068, 2925150; 659091, 2925166; 659110, 2925308; 659127, 2925337; 659149, 2925319; 659173, 2925253; 659207, 2925277; 659246, 2925268; 659262, 2925309; 659259, 2925383; 659288, 2925427; 659339, 2925446; 659368, 2925485; 659360, 2925505; 659326, 2925473; 659290, 2925486; 659251, 2925472; 659219, 2925568; 659256, 2925614; 659258, 2925646; 659206, 2925752; 659250, 2925862; 659245, 2926057; 659463, 2926242; 659436, 2926320; 659446, 2926364; 659418, 2926405; 659429, 2926474; 659391, 2926517; 659392, 2926687; 659373, 2926690; 659355, 2926663; 659311, 2926678; 659263, 2926603; 659240, 2926605; 659226, 2926637; 659229, 2926831; 659320, 2927081; 659345, 2927208; 659347, 2927356; 659362, 2927426; 659340, 2927440; 659329, 2927424; 659282, 2927071; 659213, 2926896; 659239, 2927235; 659229, 2927499; 659238, 2927589; 659433, 2928024; 659477, 2928142; 659497, 2928258; 659638, 2928170; 659862, 2927960; 659385, 2927764; 659374, 2927635; 659391, 2927650; 659415, 2927760; 659458, 2927841; 659466, 2927907; 659385, 2927764; 660006, 2927690; 660108, 2927474; 660269, 2927251; 660413, 2927140; 660456, 2927143; 660518, 2927180; 660303, 2927286; 660242, 2927333; 660204, 2927376; 660079, 2927615; 660004, 2927701; 660006, 2927690; 659363, 2927572; 659334, 2927560; 659323, 2927527; 659320, 2927477; 659347, 2927462; 659363, 2927572; 659780, 2926726; 659788, 2926675; 659882, 2926650; 659907, 2926591; 659931, 2926613; 659942, 2926709; 659918, 2926785; 659879, 2926844; 659836, 2926860; 659811, 2926843; 659780, 2926726; 659467, 2925265; 659440, 2925235; 659426, 2925189; 659427, 2925100; 659470, 2925115; 659485, 2925086; 659499, 2925086; 659534, 2925108; 659608, 2925068; 659644, 2925157; 659624, 2925273; 659567, 2925307; 659517, 2925297; 659467, 2925265; 660319, 2924720; 660356, 2924699; 660331, 2924799; 660265, 2924903; 660203, 2924911; 660146, 2924871; 660144, 2924843; 660185, 2924772; 660319, 2924720; 660043, 2924522; 659912, 2924480; 659845, 2924405; 659822, 2924353; 659812, 2924274; 659830, 2924196; 659852, 2924170; 659865, 2924176; 659904, 2924258; 659971, 2924269; 659978, 2924242; 659927, 2924205; 659925, 2924093; 659942, 2924028; 659980, 2923980; 660300, 2923914; 660388, 2923918; 660437, 2923994; 660451, 2924086; 660445, 2924157; 660409, 2924322; 660322, 2924600; 660282, 2924661; 660235, 2924680; 660181, 2924582; 660043, 2924522; 659503, 2922862; 659693, 2922901; 659705, 2922935; 659624, 2922996; 659502, 2923028; 659476, 2922992; 659471, 2922953; 659478, 2922891; Thence returning to 659503, 2922862.

657354, 2928277; 657294, 2928183; 657030, 2927935; 657009, 2927928; 656998, 2927948; 656979, 2927949; 656928, 2927906; 656853, 2927789; 656834, 2927872; 656939, 2928209; 656956, 2928230; 656981, 2928243; 657076, 2928231; 657166, 2928250; 657388, 2928352; 657385, 2928310; Thence returning to 657354, 2928277.

658832, 2928601; 658805, 2928503; 658793, 2928346; 658803, 2928269; 658843, 2928218; 658853, 2928170; 658884, 2928189; 658994, 2928144; 659149, 2928150; 659081, 2928084; 658973, 2928092; 658958, 2928081; 658973, 2928053; 658996, 2928047; 659063, 2928050; 659175, 2928124; 659177, 2928092; 659156, 2928015; 659111, 2927941; 659056, 2927920; 659033, 2927886; 658971, 2927889; 658954, 2927871; 658966, 2927821; 659013, 2927753; 659044, 2927655; 659045, 2927566; 658969, 2927743; 658912, 2927798; 658841, 2927813; 658782, 2927756; 658783, 2927708; 658758, 2927632; 658854, 2927570; 658895, 2927484; 658924, 2927363; 658903, 2927108; 658884, 2927044; 658839, 2926976; 658764, 2926908; 658753, 2926977; 658636, 2927033; 658622, 2927101; 658598, 2927136; 658576, 2927136; 658559, 2927101; 658542, 2927097; 658458, 2927194; 658342, 2927229; 658300, 2927307; 658227, 2927344; 658185, 2927426; 658149, 2927433; 658145, 2927401; 658166, 2927361; 658164, 2927338; 658117, 2927308; 658094, 2927317; 658069, 2927353; 658015, 2927361; 658017, 2927435; 657992, 2927448; 657958, 2927405; 657897, 2927444; 657839, 2927450; 657824, 2927420; 657848, 2927371; 657843, 2927338; 657691, 2927229; 657615, 2927217; 657603, 2927161; 657550, 2927118; 657537, 2927063; 657497, 2927024; 657440, 2927017; 657200, 2927037; 657194, 2927133; 657212, 2927196; 657287, 2927233; 657341, 2927289; 657588, 2927461; 657617, 2927612; 657669, 2927612; 657718, 2927636; 657853, 2927619; 657886, 2927638; 657870, 2927663; 657726, 2927687; 657639, 2927670; 657525, 2927691; 657511, 2927722; 657529, 2927756; 657580, 2927784; 657688, 2927790; 657697, 2927806; 657687, 2927826; 657766, 2927840; 657788, 2927885; 657815, 2927889; 657877, 2927844; 657891, 2927798; 657875, 2927747; 657887, 2927718; 657943, 2927653; 657968, 2927660; 658013, 2927759; 658071, 2927824; 658096, 2927820; 658116, 2927779; 658150, 2927793; 658176, 2927906; 658160, 2928000; 658174, 2928062; 658317, 2928184; 658326, 2928159; 658313, 2928078; 658333, 2928040; 658296, 2927960; 658318, 2927953; 658362, 2927990; 658422, 2928000; 658450, 2928021; 658473, 2928056; 658479, 2928113; 658468, 2928190; 658445, 2928229; 658470, 2928327; 658510, 2928372; 658580, 2928382; 658586, 2928486; 658601, 2928513; 658625, 2928519; 658634, 2928487; 658654, 2928478; 658698, 2928585; 658770, 2928602; 658823, 2928681; 658841, 2928688; 658849, 2928663; Thence returning to 658832, 2928601.

657482, 2928943; 657522, 2928874; 657513, 2928803; 657483, 2928832; 657496, 2928870; 657476, 2928898; 657414, 2928924; 657376, 2928837; 657342, 2928805; 657074, 2928648; 657047, 2928605; 657045, 2928557; 657061, 2928534; 657018, 2928490; 657023, 2928631; 657339, 2928850; 657388, 2928946; 657431, 2928962; Thence returning to 657482, 2928943.

656779, 2928893; 656738, 2928884; 656747, 2928912; 656792, 2928955; 656849, 2928984; 656837, 2928946; Thence returning to 656779, 2928893.

659187, 2928869; 659127, 2928863; 659053, 2928797; 659047, 2928705; 659061, 2928697; 659072, 2928749; 659093, 2928756; 659127, 2928704; 659137, 2928658; 659105, 2928605; 659017, 2928516; 659026, 2928929; 659014, 2929122; 658987, 2929215; 658998, 2929236; 659023, 2929218; 659197, 2928871; Thence returning to 659187, 2928869.

657807, 2928909; 657792, 2928926; 657819, 2929006; 657820, 2929050; 657849, 2929088; 657847, 2929121; 657824, 2929165; 657738, 2929238; 657815, 2929222; 657868, 2929152; 657874, 2929037; Thence returning to 657807, 2928909.

657434, 2929236; 657513, 2929211; 657528, 2929182; 657510, 2929169; 657451, 2929173; 657407, 2929217; 657414, 2929238; Thence returning to 657434, 2929236.

657154, 2929244; 657129, 2929207; 657128, 2929167; 657102, 2929182; 657115, 2929231; 657096, 2929239; 657041, 2929155; 656987, 2929160; 656972, 2929148; 656969, 2929110; 656846, 2929078; 656838, 2929053; 656801, 2929031; 656767, 2929056; 656726, 2929027; 656684, 2929065; 656652, 2929056; 656629, 2928985; 656578, 2928960; 656569, 2929003; 656600, 2929015; 656605, 2929039; 656548, 2929092; 656515, 2929227; 656639, 2929180; 656874, 2929168; 657201, 2929384; 657292, 2929400; 657418, 2929392; 657286, 2929359; 657241, 2929301; 657157, 2929273; Thence returning to 657154, 2929244.

656440, 2929503; 656362, 2929681; 656390, 2929701; 656423, 2929695; 656464, 2929609; 656468, 2929564; Thence returning to 656440, 2929503.

661513, 2929803; 661557, 2929831; 661573, 2929753; 661616, 2929728; 661588, 2929636; 661593, 2929601; 661874, 2928838; 661963, 2928626; 661996, 2928583; 662171, 2928103; 662317, 2927811; 662350, 2927678; 662451, 2927547; 662471, 2927459; 662463, 2927446; 662417, 2927549; 662321, 2927658; 662189, 2928022; 662068, 2928201; 662027, 2928321; 662016, 2928429; 661982, 2928553; 661851, 2928816; 661700, 2929227; 661667, 2929287; 661611, 2929485; 661411, 2929898; 661451, 2929879; Thence returning to 661513, 2929803.

658937, 2929771; 659070, 2929515; 659173, 2929257; 659276, 2928837; 659200, 2928982; 659024, 2929472; 658889, 2929659; 658836, 2929683; 658789, 2929675; 658743, 2929634; 658713, 2929569; 658554, 2928933; 658498, 2928787; 658433, 2928681; 657995, 2928306; 657778, 2928159; 657519, 2928094; 657350, 2927965; 657403, 2928125; 657448, 2928193; 657955, 2928700; 657968, 2928700; 657968, 2928666; 657895, 2928498; 657891, 2928438; 657902, 2928426; 657948, 2928439; 658045, 2928522; 658210, 2928720; 658260, 2928821; 658304, 2929086; 658407, 2929428; 658479, 2929614; 658596, 2929813; 658729, 2929933; 658801, 2929966; 658861, 2929922; Thence returning to 658937, 2929771.

661191, 2930135; 661240, 2930090; 661347, 2929941; 661256, 2930013; 661190, 2930116; 661142, 2930116; 661127, 2929959; 661214, 2929819; 661231, 2929638; 661287, 2929537; 661337, 2929518; 661395, 2929464; 661459, 2929444; 661495, 2929333; 661552, 2929271; 661545, 2929197; 661582, 2929072; 661542, 2928946; 661557, 2928867; 661647, 2928730; 661684, 2928704; 661701, 2928726; 661694, 2928754; 661672, 2928794; 661626, 2928812; 661620, 2928839; 661649, 2928843; 661699, 2928804; 661724, 2928749; 661735, 2928618; 661754, 2928600; 661804, 2928611; 661855, 2928461; 661875, 2928345; 661948, 2928202; 661970, 2928053; 662022, 2927995; 662037, 2927895; 662117, 2927767; 662173, 2927623; 662230, 2927549; 662250, 2927367; 662317, 2927129; 662277, 2927209; 662231, 2927381; 662018, 2927881; 661891, 2928114; 661799, 2928319; 661660, 2928552; 661505, 2928859; 661202, 2929210; 661089, 2929415; 660996, 2929858; 661097, 2930107; 661131, 2930141; Thence returning to 661191, 2930135.

657217, 2930043; 657205, 2930060; 657215, 2930086; 657271, 2930158; 657287, 2930161; 657297, 2930132; 657286, 2930100; Thence returning to 657217, 2930043.

656040, 2930500; 656073, 2930487; 656124, 2930500; 656158, 2930471; 656197, 2930465; 656264, 2930406; 656265, 2930378; 656298, 2930343; 656364, 2930337; 656361, 2930298; 656381, 2930238; 656365, 2930136; 656404, 2930098; 656415, 2929981; 656442, 2929951; 656471, 2929948; 656476, 2929875; 656414, 2929847; 656434, 2929919; 656371, 2929926; 656386, 2929967; 656361, 2930002; 656367, 2930085; 656298, 2930161; 656247, 2930248; 656251, 2930333; 656237, 2930361; 656065, 2930438; Thence returning to 656040, 2930500.

656081, 2930523; 656029, 2930530; 655992, 2930620; 656030, 2930614; 656070, 2930572; Thence returning to 656081, 2930523.

656485, 2930603; 656515, 2930595; 656577, 2930618; 656583, 2930591; 656570, 2930555; 656518, 2930510; 656481, 2930538; 656469, 2930581; 656447, 2930600; 656366, 2930563; 656366, 2930542; 656402, 2930519; 656396, 2930498; 656277, 2930518; 656331, 2930565; 656334, 2930637; 656374, 2930657; Thence returning to 656485, 2930603.

657051, 2930602; 657017, 2930615; 656930, 2930699; 656932, 2930715; 657015, 2930750; 657022, 2930682; 657054, 2930635; Thence returning to 657051, 2930602.

657278, 2930943; 657278, 2930822; 657299, 2930840; 657311, 2930927; 657355, 2930948; 657376, 2930734; 657402, 2930729; 657424, 2930830; 657453, 2930813; 657475, 2930765; 657437, 2930734; 657434, 2930684; 657399, 2930678; 657380, 2930699; 657367, 2930693; 657337, 2930630; 657296, 2930589; 657322, 2930580; 657373, 2930621; 657406, 2930618; 657437, 2930590; 657387, 2930593; 657309, 2930552; 657268, 2930561; 657067, 2930248; 657078, 2930304; 657239, 2930571; 657235, 2930589; 657222, 2930582; 657025, 2930242; 656971, 2930111; 656965, 2930091; 656977, 2930083; 657007, 2930116; 657017, 2930109; 657009, 2929944; 657080, 2929891; 657067, 2929836; 657172, 2929778; 657189, 2929781; 657199, 2929818; 657215, 2929810; 657279, 2929684; 657340, 2929684; 657364, 2929703; 657398, 2929684; 657419, 2929645; 657368, 2929678; 657374, 2929640; 657312, 2929653; 657304, 2929624; 657328, 2929593; 657429, 2929554; 657620, 2929567; 657699, 2929609; 657761, 2929580; 657814, 2929580; 657894, 2929631; 657940, 2929642; 658011, 2929695; 658043, 2929639; 658046, 2929592; 657968, 2929508; 657953, 2929389; 657914, 2929347; 657864, 2929339; 657772, 2929363; 657539, 2929498; 657325, 2929536; 657024, 2929619; 656927, 2929681; 656879, 2929766; 656856, 2929873; 656861, 2929940; 657000, 2930264; 657086, 2930541; 657101, 2930748; 657069, 2930797; 657090, 2930834; 657135, 2930808; 657186, 2930919; 657231, 2930918; 657265, 2930958; Thence returning to 657278, 2930943.

657530, 2930963; 657504, 2930971; 657496, 2931006; 657532, 2930987; Thence returning to 657530, 2930963.

657463, 2931014; 657424, 2931021; 657433, 2931063; 657460, 2931038; Thence returning to 657463, 2931014.

657256, 2931191; 657247, 2931067; 657228, 2931037; 657203, 2931055; 657217, 2931153; 657207, 2931166; 657186, 2931148; 657169, 2931157; 657198, 2931345; 657220, 2931340; 657258, 2931289; Thence returning to 657256, 2931191.

660235, 2932196; 660219, 2932206; 660192, 2932307; 660050, 2932564; 659966, 2932847; 660044, 2932759; 660078, 2932599; 660148, 2932493; 660222, 2932340; 660239, 2932254; Thence returning to 660235, 2932196.

656178, 2933678; 656151, 2933663; 656107, 2933732; 656126, 2933733; Thence returning to 656178, 2933678.

659877, 2933001; 659852, 2933016; 659798, 2933139; 659695, 2933439; 659604, 2933609; 659546, 2933768; 659469, 2933880; 659548, 2933868; 659595, 2933815; 659860, 2933205; Thence returning to 659877, 2933001.

655595, 2933661; 655608, 2933640; 655588, 2933633; 655463, 2933654; 655341, 2933572; 655314, 2933539; 655280, 2933537; 655213, 2933566; 655235, 2933750; 655284, 2933777; 655372, 2933793; 655433, 2933839; 655448, 2933835; 655443, 2933777; 655466, 2933748; 655472, 2933695; Thence returning to 655595, 2933661.

655356, 2934001; 655402, 2933989; 655425, 2933927; 655366, 2933874; 655248, 2933855; 655264, 2933976; 655284, 2933995; Thence returning to 655356, 2934001.

659401, 2934105; 659332, 2934106; 659378, 2934180; 659356, 2934256; 659244, 2934495; 659251, 2934535; 659272, 2934523; 659380, 2934296; 659418, 2934160; Thence returning to 659401, 2934105.

655513, 2934738; 655388, 2934658; 655343, 2934610; 655351, 2934673; 655428, 2934735; Thence returning to 655513, 2934738.

655381, 2934743; 655359, 2934737; 655362, 2934767; 655415, 2934773; Thence returning to 655381, 2934743.

655384, 2934822; 655368, 2934815; 655373, 2934851; 655391, 2934836; Thence returning to 655384, 2934822.

658924, 2935577; 658955, 2935581; 658979, 2935529; 658967, 2935498; 658974, 2935443; 659064, 2935216; 659108, 2935023; 659103, 2934967; 659072, 2935016; 659033, 2935139; 658928, 2935276; 658879, 2935499; 658773, 2935603; 658723, 2935682; 658695, 2935861; 658664, 2935902; 658738, 2935903; 658784, 2935796; Thence returning to 658924, 2935577.

656553, 2935814; 656537, 2935802; 656487, 2935807; 656399, 2935709; 656360, 2935632; 656407, 2935575; 656476, 2935556; 656642, 2935599; 656737, 2935605; 657027, 2935528; 657069, 2935538; 657078, 2935525; 657046, 2935491; 657054, 2935458; 657178, 2935474; 657172, 2935454; 657117, 2935445; 657117, 2935425; 657140, 2935423; 657143, 2935409; 657090, 2935335; 657121, 2935338; 657164, 2935287; 657142, 2935274; 657050, 2935277; 657022, 2935213; 657034, 2935173; 657021, 2935148; 657046, 2935120; 657095, 2935138; 657124, 2935112; 657212, 2935195; 657177, 2935112; 657197, 2935111; 657218, 2935144; 657267, 2935141; 657281, 2935095; 657255, 2935080; 657258, 2935047; 657204, 2935019; 657287, 2935011; 657212, 2934984; 657207, 2934961; 657248, 2934951; 657314, 2934986; 657319, 2934955; 657357, 2934974; 657384, 2934927; 657212, 2934925; 657175, 2934940; 657134, 2934982; 657062, 2934980; 657041, 2935000; 656980, 2935001; 656960, 2934983; 656968, 2934969; 657031, 2934965; 656996, 2934942; 657001, 2934930; 657065, 2934942; 657080, 2934924; 657013, 2934901; 657046, 2934870; 657059, 2934832; 657119, 2934817; 657263, 2934836; 657318, 2934828; 657338, 2934795; 657378, 2934780; 657395, 2934706; 657445, 2934671; 657466, 2934669; 657518, 2934721; 657550, 2934720; 657521, 2934672; 657470, 2934634; 657483, 2934614; 657514, 2934622; 657567, 2934697; 657580, 2934689; 657573, 2934604; 657557, 2934579; 657575, 2934538; 657558, 2934527; 657530, 2934527; 657443, 2934569; 657379, 2934560; 657258, 2934582; 657125, 2934559; 657060, 2934625; 657034, 2934633; 657013, 2934587; 657058, 2934581; 657095, 2934518; 657140, 2934506; 657132, 2934472; 657165, 2934413; 657155, 2934383; 657125, 2934378; 657073, 2934415; 657047, 2934394; 657073, 2934360; 657071, 2934341; 657013, 2934389; 656990, 2934392; 656827, 2934342; 656760, 2934289; 656757, 2934241; 656784, 2934225; 656881, 2934234; 657049, 2934280; 657135, 2934261; 657218, 2934300; 657299, 2934362; 657543, 2934413; 657506, 2934309; 657537, 2934301; 657546, 2934246; 657564, 2934268; 657562, 2934331; 657615, 2934371; 657642, 2934364; 657614, 2934309; 657646, 2934293; 657650, 2934274; 657615, 2934202; 657672, 2934228; 657698, 2934200; 657687, 2934131; 657640, 2934083; 657656, 2934053; 657648, 2934038; 657593, 2934058; 657537, 2934034; 657503, 2933996; 657474, 2933924; 657494, 2933921; 657588, 2934008; 657601, 2934000; 657593, 2933971; 657551, 2933957; 657513, 2933910; 657528, 2933878; 657556, 2933878; 657642, 2933927; 657662, 2933960; 657697, 2933954; 657723, 2933868; 657681, 2933812; 657687, 2933758; 657584, 2933761; 657582, 2933717; 657623, 2933674; 657681, 2933657; 657742, 2933662; 657814, 2933698; 657833, 2933681; 657876, 2933577; 657819, 2933594; 657815, 2933580; 657904, 2933453; 657862, 2933387; 657795, 2933339; 657781, 2933311; 657821, 2933299; 657876, 2933323; 657852, 2933243; 657858, 2933211; 657874, 2933214; 657890, 2933246; 657972, 2933516; 657976, 2933622; 658025, 2933581; 658034, 2933467; 657978, 2933333; 657966, 2933238; 657968, 2933217; 657991, 2933202; 657972, 2933122; 657985, 2933059; 658024, 2932991; 658113, 2932896; 658200, 2933000; 658234, 2933004; 658243, 2932974; 658221, 2932827; 658250, 2932823; 658288, 2932910; 658343, 2932788; 658340, 2932710; 658319, 2932645; 658298, 2932730; 658284, 2932727; 658307, 2932567; 658331, 2932551; 658441, 2932579; 658458, 2932562; 658493, 2932508; 658501, 2932369; 658525, 2932340; 658522, 2932320; 658494, 2932311; 658505, 2932250; 658518, 2932240; 658542, 2932272; 658553, 2932267; 658551, 2932151; 658465, 2932190; 658396, 2932179; 658282, 2932094; 658254, 2931997; 658133, 2931931; 658123, 2931910; 658232, 2931829; 658529, 2931687; 658634, 2931613; 658603, 2931585; 658524, 2931594; 658474, 2931540; 658459, 2931482; 658495, 2931440; 658657, 2931399; 658668, 2931304; 658527, 2931025; 658504, 2930950; 658359, 2930791; 658120, 2930639; 658036, 2930639; 657969, 2930591; 657919, 2930593; 657883, 2930569; 657887, 2930537; 657976, 2930470; 658031, 2930443; 658097, 2930442; 658173, 2930459; 658280, 2930510; 658455, 2930660; 658384, 2930544; 658337, 2930436; 658344, 2930323; 658251, 2930088; 658105, 2929849; 658074, 2929841; 658038, 2929785; 657959, 2929712; 657865, 2929669; 657825, 2929683; 657822, 2929725; 657937, 2929765; 657963, 2929805; 657850, 2929784; 657801, 2929793; 657784, 2929828; 657834, 2929855; 657844, 2929884; 657878, 2929908; 657889, 2929970; 657867, 2929981; 657838, 2929953; 657809, 2929949; 657755, 2929984; 657714, 2929922; 657786, 2929744; 657788, 2929715; 657761, 2929715; 657723, 2929839; 657693, 2929887; 657709, 2929992; 657695, 2930102; 657736, 2930059; 657745, 2930093; 657773, 2930094; 657788, 2930034; 657816, 2930048; 657846, 2930031; 657874, 2930037; 657871, 2930121; 657911, 2930206; 657911, 2930236; 657879, 2930247; 657858, 2930232; 657826, 2930126; 657766, 2930128; 657748, 2930144; 657711, 2930239; 657722, 2930252; 657775, 2930186; 657765, 2930270; 657653, 2930315; 657606, 2930456; 657614, 2930486; 657647, 2930500; 657655, 2930519; 657639, 2930545; 657601, 2930541; 657590, 2930555; 657599, 2930656; 657628, 2930710; 657614, 2930757; 657714, 2930839; 657738, 2930872; 657739, 2930902; 657714, 2930909; 657671, 2930850; 657628, 2930845; 657614, 2930879; 657634, 2930951; 657630, 2930988; 657528, 2931022; 657488, 2931052; 657438, 2931140; 657435, 2931235; 657420, 2931256; 657381, 2931263; 657356, 2931241; 657330, 2931248; 657282, 2931310; 657258, 2931377; 657208, 2931395; 657173, 2931355; 657138, 2931231; 657110, 2931226; 657126, 2931347; 657119, 2931414; 657091, 2931471; 657059, 2931487; 657063, 2931408; 657048, 2931369; 656849, 2931256; 656958, 2931149; 656981, 2931145; 656988, 2931103; 656965, 2931021; 656918, 2930937; 656840, 2930899; 656843, 2930884; 656888, 2930872; 656843, 2930803; 656862, 2930776; 656851, 2930745; 656791, 2930781; 656783, 2930818; 656662, 2930860; 656622, 2930858; 656604, 2930825; 656439, 2930836; 656361, 2930880; 656311, 2930939; 656190, 2930957; 656198, 2930982; 656251, 2931007; 656247, 2931025; 656210, 2931028; 656334, 2931157; 656426, 2931315; 656605, 2931761; 656626, 2931869; 656608, 2931895; 656558, 2931876; 656552, 2931850; 656570, 2931813; 656529, 2931783; 656440, 2931771; 656440, 2931744; 656476, 2931745; 656479, 2931731; 656422, 2931699; 656405, 2931756; 656357, 2931767; 656340, 2931794; 656292, 2931810; 656246, 2931803; 656254, 2931830; 656295, 2931847; 656297, 2931868; 656218, 2931912; 656138, 2931913; 656116, 2931930; 656108, 2931964; 656152, 2932015; 656200, 2932041; 656240, 2932030; 656261, 2931966; 656280, 2932022; 656306, 2932042; 656375, 2932034; 656376, 2932015; 656303, 2931997; 656306, 2931937; 656334, 2931906; 656340, 2931861; 656423, 2931808; 656452, 2931816; 656539, 2931901; 656602, 2931940; 656646, 2932035; 656659, 2932121; 656723, 2932258; 656703, 2932306; 656528, 2932252; 656485, 2932252; 656371, 2932208; 656299, 2932190; 656277, 2932200; 656283, 2932214; 656407, 2932259; 656423, 2932281; 656407, 2932284; 656348, 2932255; 656275, 2932245; 656231, 2932199; 656182, 2932203; 656214, 2932221; 656208, 2932245; 656242, 2932269; 656392, 2932311; 656448, 2932309; 656487, 2932415; 656509, 2932435; 656586, 2932453; 656582, 2932475; 656474, 2932539; 656270, 2932607; 656241, 2932591; 656218, 2932522; 656336, 2932534; 656334, 2932515; 656261, 2932487; 656317, 2932461; 656303, 2932437; 656279, 2932433; 656312, 2932397; 656211, 2932402; 656230, 2932452; 656078, 2932417; 656115, 2932466; 656091, 2932485; 655942, 2932439; 655928, 2932421; 655938, 2932382; 655863, 2932380; 655807, 2932345; 655801, 2932321; 655819, 2932302; 655869, 2932336; 655890, 2932332; 655863, 2932283; 655876, 2932260; 655907, 2932257; 655930, 2932290; 655966, 2932307; 655974, 2932297; 655951, 2932271; 655961, 2932255; 656068, 2932271; 655988, 2932210; 656000, 2932185; 656019, 2932182; 655983, 2932142; 656033, 2932136; 656025, 2932091; 655910, 2932066; 655857, 2932075; 655840, 2932106; 655885, 2932166; 655880, 2932187; 655838, 2932182; 655792, 2932139; 655780, 2932091; 655793, 2932044; 655867, 2932023; 655986, 2932032; 656032, 2931968; 656065, 2931959; 656080, 2931920; 656032, 2931922; 655960, 2932006; 655895, 2931989; 655898, 2931974; 655935, 2931975; 655946, 2931957; 655881, 2931954; 655873, 2931938; 655946, 2931912; 655884, 2931893; 655924, 2931842; 655893, 2931843; 655886, 2931827; 655924, 2931804; 655887, 2931786; 655882, 2931757; 655855, 2931809; 655824, 2931775; 655810, 2931789; 655827, 2931807; 655820, 2931821; 655762, 2931820; 655865, 2931855; 655860, 2931869; 655800, 2931874; 655846, 2931968; 655838, 2931993; 655811, 2931992; 655750, 2931950; 655739, 2931968; 655763, 2932006; 655754, 2932024; 655645, 2931985; 655609, 2931999; 655657, 2932052; 655616, 2932054; 655608, 2932068; 655619, 2932085; 655662, 2932107; 655684, 2932092; 655757, 2932091; 655751, 2932101; 655658, 2932150; 655564, 2932115; 655560, 2932127; 655589, 2932140; 655597, 2932161; 655534, 2932174; 655608, 2932236; 655650, 2932347; 655640, 2932371; 655589, 2932381; 655540, 2932434; 655474, 2932417; 655454, 2932373; 655504, 2932359; 655466, 2932326; 655501, 2932311; 655505, 2932296; 655485, 2932278; 655446, 2932288; 655426, 2932322; 655410, 2932279; 655427, 2932255; 655525, 2932262; 655533, 2932241; 655510, 2932220; 655475, 2932233; 655439, 2932219; 655369, 2932225; 655332, 2932304; 655351, 2932318; 655335, 2932360; 655405, 2932367; 655405, 2932401; 655438, 2932462; 655387, 2932451; 655356, 2932467; 655287, 2932420; 655276, 2932448; 655293, 2932484; 655260, 2932487; 655193, 2932657; 655243, 2932676; 655251, 2932663; 655229, 2932642; 655238, 2932624; 655323, 2932633; 655336, 2932583; 655278, 2932553; 655268, 2932533; 655333, 2932519; 655370, 2932600; 655349, 2932749; 655315, 2932798; 655255, 2932806; 655264, 2932830; 655314, 2932854; 655360, 2932864; 655356, 2932848; 655434, 2932833; 655433, 2932812; 655383, 2932767; 655396, 2932758; 655391, 2932702; 655414, 2932658; 655536, 2932683; 655737, 2932682; 655829, 2932721; 655895, 2932811; 655946, 2932847; 656100, 2932887; 656231, 2932949; 656522, 2933008; 656618, 2933050; 656645, 2933085; 656654, 2933115; 656638, 2933220; 656522, 2933170; 656516, 2933137; 656569, 2933120; 656559, 2933105; 656504, 2933088; 656475, 2933129; 656458, 2933083; 656426, 2933115; 656449, 2933160; 656439, 2933183; 656368, 2933168; 656374, 2933234; 656301, 2933218; 656302, 2933242; 656356, 2933259; 656385, 2933319; 656420, 2933262; 656440, 2933324; 656499, 2933386; 656665, 2933418; 656803, 2933509; 656821, 2933573; 656822, 2933717; 656909, 2933861; 656931, 2933945; 656848, 2933936; 656781, 2933985; 656757, 2933935; 656729, 2933950; 656743, 2933979; 656737, 2934011; 656692, 2933983; 656667, 2934035; 656616, 2934062; 656546, 2934064; 656488, 2934012; 656463, 2934008; 656459, 2934041; 656506, 2934092; 656440, 2934082; 656437, 2934093; 656503, 2934127; 656511, 2934159; 656411, 2934112; 656415, 2934006; 656397, 2934000; 656376, 2934133; 656398, 2934168; 656544, 2934173; 656544, 2934123; 656581, 2934102; 656643, 2934155; 656600, 2934347; 656539, 2934366; 656468, 2934466; 656420, 2934472; 656371, 2934427; 656374, 2934408; 656439, 2934418; 656415, 2934382; 656430, 2934349; 656417, 2934338; 656398, 2934348; 656366, 2934309; 656325, 2934352; 656106, 2934359; 655962, 2934325; 655961, 2934286; 656012, 2934290; 656021, 2934279; 655979, 2934235; 655987, 2934188; 656002, 2934179; 656029, 2934230; 656048, 2934225; 656037, 2934192; 656060, 2934169; 656070, 2934124; 656056, 2934116; 656022, 2934152; 656005, 2934064; 656035, 2934006; 656059, 2934047; 656100, 2934028; 656074, 2933962; 656035, 2933959; 656014, 2933978; 655968, 2933938; 655933, 2933958; 655878, 2933958; 655897, 2933987; 655929, 2933994; 655975, 2933964; 655995, 2933995; 655930, 2934021; 655966, 2934048; 655965, 2934073; 655915, 2934057; 655874, 2934094; 655825, 2934097; 655833, 2934120; 655916, 2934130; 655924, 2934155; 655886, 2934171; 655870, 2934199; 655841, 2934198; 655826, 2934258; 655839, 2934296; 655758, 2934322; 655742, 2934311; 655747, 2934286; 655719, 2934273; 655724, 2934226; 655684, 2934251; 655688, 2934285; 655657, 2934305; 655537, 2934236; 655538, 2934191; 655517, 2934165; 655536, 2934115; 655503, 2934101; 655478, 2934162; 655495, 2934193; 655494, 2934229; 655512, 2934251; 655492, 2934276; 655510, 2934307; 655499, 2934321; 655450, 2934315; 655465, 2934357; 655441, 2934358; 655346, 2934238; 655337, 2934163; 655283, 2934132; 655297, 2934241; 655392, 2934381; 655370, 2934430; 655319, 2934415; 655333, 2934527; 655449, 2934516; 655474, 2934493; 655576, 2934552; 655580, 2934572; 655561, 2934601; 655459, 2934588; 655462, 2934617; 655504, 2934659; 655596, 2934684; 655648, 2934646; 655654, 2934634; 655628, 2934610; 655654, 2934591; 655628, 2934579; 655617, 2934553; 655658, 2934536; 655683, 2934473; 655727, 2934435; 655796, 2934518; 655853, 2934552; 655990, 2934575; 656016, 2934529; 656073, 2934562; 656121, 2934560; 656098, 2934622; 656105, 2934696; 656055, 2934688; 656055, 2934713; 656023, 2934719; 656030, 2934744; 656007, 2934756; 656046, 2934859; 656061, 2934858; 656089, 2934819; 656112, 2934824; 656128, 2935053; 656156, 2935197; 656112, 2935224; 656119, 2935340; 656207, 2935731; 656174, 2935801; 656123, 2935748; 656029, 2935786; 656101, 2935799; 656048, 2935880; 656634, 2935885; 656588, 2935871; 656577, 2935824; 656553, 2935814; 656268, 2935226; 656311, 2935199; 656310, 2935146; 656354, 2935157; 656379, 2935134; 656425, 2935136; 656426, 2935121; 656333, 2935038; 656207, 2935028; 656225, 2934985; 656186, 2934841; 656213, 2934770; 656267, 2934730; 656364, 2934724; 656410, 2934746; 656446, 2934790; 656513, 2934820; 656501, 2934733; 656464, 2934682; 656378, 2934695; 656375, 2934668; 656398, 2934635; 656635, 2934513; 656796, 2934454; 656791, 2934488; 656752, 2934549; 656649, 2934598; 656700, 2934621; 656785, 2934580; 656793, 2934597; 656772, 2934623; 656785, 2934640; 656872, 2934704; 656893, 2934705; 656914, 2934677; 656951, 2934709; 656927, 2934726; 656930, 2934826; 656903, 2934904; 656887, 2934917; 656844, 2934907; 656801, 2934918; 656796, 2934934; 656837, 2934951; 656836, 2934975; 656767, 2934981; 656750, 2935000; 656770, 2935030; 656815, 2935005; 656838, 2935026; 656861, 2934982; 656889, 2934983; 656790, 2935194; 656774, 2935200; 656741, 2935159; 656706, 2935199; 656649, 2935199; 656640, 2935215; 656652, 2935245; 656631, 2935271; 656473, 2935378; 656253, 2935410; 656232, 2935401; 656274, 2935343; 656254, 2935267; 656268, 2935226; 656724, 2935218; 656721, 2935243; 656686, 2935260; 656724, 2935218; 657064, 2935042; 657098, 2935042; 657097, 2935086; 657077, 2935080; 657064, 2935042; 657139, 2935038; 657153, 2935037; 657160, 2935066; 657146, 2935068; 657139, 2935038; 656939, 2934560; 656908, 2934533; 656859, 2934557; 656851, 2934524; 656818, 2934535; 656834, 2934483; 656931, 2934455; 656928, 2934438; 656890, 2934423; 656899, 2934403; 656965, 2934426; 656960, 2934494; 656977, 2934526; 656939, 2934560; 656257, 2934642; 656230, 2934649; 656238, 2934569; 656221, 2934547; 656048, 2934511; 656003, 2934485; 655993, 2934453; 656194, 2934470; 656252, 2934493; 656302, 2934573; 656299, 2934601; 656257, 2934642; 655638, 2934473; 655531, 2934461; 655504, 2934429; 655566, 2934404; 655670, 2934409; 655677, 2934435; 655638, 2934473; 655510, 2934394; 655465, 2934420; 655478, 2934451; 655467, 2934461; 655441, 2934404; 655462, 2934384; 655500, 2934380; 655510, 2934394; 655547, 2934328; 655555, 2934298; 655579, 2934300; 655620, 2934343; 655547, 2934328; 655897, 2934215; 655914, 2934213; 655916, 2934234; 655884, 2934251; 655882, 2934227; 655897, 2934215; 657260, 2934120; 657075, 2933966; 657089, 2933903; 657120, 2933910; 657164, 2933959; 657189, 2933922; 657170, 2933866; 657070, 2933845; 657051, 2933828; 657053, 2933788; 657078, 2933763; 657138, 2933756; 657165, 2933778; 657228, 2933910; 657308, 2934015; 657445, 2934071; 657422, 2934104; 657260, 2934120; 657257, 2933774; 657227, 2933728; 657265, 2933722; 657269, 2933707; 657236, 2933669; 657215, 2933669; 657200, 2933703; 657092, 2933701; 656923, 2933728; 656917, 2933671; 656938, 2933639; 656972, 2933622; 657105, 2933602; 657126, 2933630; 657169, 2933607; 657230, 2933639; 657259, 2933613; 657196, 2933585; 657183, 2933561; 657235, 2933549; 657303, 2933587; 657413, 2933728; 657582, 2933831; 657572, 2933847; 657368, 2933865; 657304, 2933831; 657257, 2933774; 657296, 2933549; 657161, 2933469; 657071, 2933463; 657029, 2933438; 657035, 2933420; 657070, 2933416; 657065, 2933390; 657083, 2933369; 657055, 2933336; 657017, 2933356; 656996, 2933327; 656996, 2933300; 657046, 2933283; 657128, 2933284; 657130, 2933272; 657097, 2933267; 657091, 2933249; 657138, 2933213; 657144, 2933188; 657007, 2933220; 656980, 2933241; 656954, 2933231; 656926, 2933265; 656819, 2933248; 656801, 2933219; 656815, 2933180; 656865, 2933135; 656922, 2933168; 656959, 2933130; 657054, 2933147; 657087, 2933137; 656968, 2933059; 656856, 2933060; 656802, 2933085; 656800, 2933058; 656850, 2933006; 656915, 2932990; 657066, 2933034; 657393, 2933042; 657434, 2933019; 657495, 2933032; 657497, 2933016; 657470, 2932995; 657230, 2932956; 657279, 2932897; 657368, 2932868; 657514, 2932890; 657668, 2932991; 657722, 2933099; 657723, 2933157; 657689, 2933196; 657655, 2933121; 657624, 2933167; 657586, 2933160; 657579, 2933192; 657593, 2933226; 657580, 2933261; 657636, 2933271; 657713, 2933369; 657737, 2933418; 657730, 2933467; 657697, 2933481; 657516, 2933361; 657505, 2933294; 657492, 2933285; 657472, 2933354; 657401, 2933395; 657361, 2933390; 657290, 2933339; 657291, 2933364; 657270, 2933371; 657280, 2933393; 657302, 2933399; 657317, 2933382; 657361, 2933429; 657338, 2933481; 657314, 2933438; 657290, 2933452; 657284, 2933484; 657317, 2933519; 657296, 2933549; 657731, 2932872; 657685, 2932836; 657724, 2932808; 657688, 2932749; 657632, 2932721; 657503, 2932707; 657481, 2932678; 657485, 2932645; 657537, 2932617; 657691, 2932678; 657757, 2932772; 657784, 2932913; 657731, 2932872; 657026, 2932642; 656968, 2932631; 656962, 2932610; 656984, 2932586; 656970, 2932566; 656931, 2932587; 656909, 2932580; 656895, 2932628; 656827, 2932625; 656822, 2932607; 656919, 2932503; 657023, 2932339; 657146, 2932318; 657134, 2932298; 657055, 2932281; 657064, 2932265; 657153, 2932227; 657277, 2932297; 657307, 2932335; 657307, 2932441; 657281, 2932504; 657247, 2932540; 657105, 2932591; 657113, 2932563; 657146, 2932535; 657100, 2932499; 657080, 2932565; 657026, 2932642; 655927, 2932740; 655911, 2932749; 655890, 2932728; 655886, 2932707; 655901, 2932690; 655919, 2932700; 655927, 2932740; 656855, 2932827; 656843, 2932881; 656779, 2932861; 656667, 2932901; 656535, 2932892; 656596, 2932829; 656668, 2932793; 656789, 2932794; 656855, 2932827; 657088, 2932886; 657059, 2932858; 657067, 2932838; 657102, 2932846; 657141, 2932907; 657136, 2932964; 657106, 2932995; 657083, 2932984; 657052, 2932921; 657088, 2932886; 656848, 2933344; 656819, 2933363; 656780, 2933357; 656791, 2933322; 656832, 2933320; 656848, 2933344; 656723, 2934057; 656713, 2934060; 656705, 2934037; 656723, 2934057; 656073, 2932531; 656123, 2932530; 656124, 2932573; 656072, 2932550; 656073, 2932531; 655306, 2932610; 655278, 2932593; 655301, 2932586; 655306, 2932610; 656816, 2932002; 656830, 2932001; 656866, 2932049; 656872, 2932123; 656840, 2932105; 656815, 2932057; 656816, 2932002; 657461, 2931504; 657558, 2931510; 657634, 2931589; 657662, 2931701; 657633, 2931762; 657501, 2931633; 657400, 2931580; 657416, 2931533; Thence returning to 657461, 2931504.


Unit TX-4, Willacy County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

656706, 2935199; 656741, 2935159; 656774, 2935200; 656790, 2935194; 656889, 2934983; 656861, 2934982; 656838, 2935026; 656815, 2935005; 656770, 2935030; 656750, 2935000; 656767, 2934981; 656836, 2934975; 656837, 2934951; 656796, 2934934; 656801, 2934918; 656844, 2934907; 656887, 2934917; 656903, 2934904; 656930, 2934826; 656927, 2934726; 656951, 2934709; 656914, 2934677; 656893, 2934705; 656872, 2934704; 656785, 2934640; 656772, 2934623; 656793, 2934597; 656785, 2934580; 656700, 2934621; 656649, 2934598; 656752, 2934549; 656791, 2934488; 656796, 2934454; 656635, 2934513; 656398, 2934635; 656375, 2934668; 656378, 2934695; 656464, 2934682; 656501, 2934733; 656513, 2934820; 656446, 2934790; 656410, 2934746; 656364, 2934724; 656267, 2934730; 656213, 2934770; 656186, 2934841; 656225, 2934985; 656207, 2935028; 656333, 2935038; 656426, 2935121; 656425, 2935136; 656379, 2935134; 656354, 2935157; 656310, 2935146; 656311, 2935199; 656268, 2935226; 656254, 2935267; 656274, 2935343; 656232, 2935401; 656253, 2935410; 656473, 2935378; 656631, 2935271; 656652, 2935245; 656640, 2935215; 656649, 2935199; Thence returning to 656706, 2935199.

656721, 2935243; 656724, 2935218; 656686, 2935260; Thence returning to 656721, 2935243.

657097, 2935086; 657098, 2935042; 657064, 2935042; 657077, 2935080; Thence returning to 657097, 2935086.

657160, 2935066; 657153, 2935037; 657139, 2935038; 657146, 2935068; Thence returning to 657160, 2935066.

656194, 2934470; 655993, 2934453; 656003, 2934485; 656048, 2934511; 656221, 2934547; 656238, 2934569; 656230, 2934649; 656257, 2934642; 656299, 2934601; 656302, 2934573; 656252, 2934493; Thence returning to 656194, 2934470.

656939, 2934560; 656977, 2934526; 656960, 2934494; 656965, 2934426; 656899, 2934403; 656890, 2934423; 656928, 2934438; 656931, 2934455; 656834, 2934483; 656818, 2934535; 656851, 2934524; 656859, 2934557; 656908, 2934533; Thence returning to 656939, 2934560.

655670, 2934409; 655566, 2934404; 655504, 2934429; 655531, 2934461; 655638, 2934473; 655677, 2934435; Thence returning to 655670, 2934409.

655510, 2934394; 655500, 2934380; 655462, 2934384; 655441, 2934404; 655467, 2934461; 655478, 2934451; 655465, 2934420; Thence returning to 655510, 2934394.

655579, 2934300; 655555, 2934298; 655547, 2934328; 655620, 2934343; Thence returning to 655579, 2934300.

655916, 2934234; 655914, 2934213; 655897, 2934215; 655882, 2934227; 655884, 2934251; Thence returning to 655916, 2934234.

657308, 2934015; 657228, 2933910; 657165, 2933778; 657138, 2933756; 657078, 2933763; 657053, 2933788; 657051, 2933828; 657070, 2933845; 657170, 2933866; 657189, 2933922; 657164, 2933959; 657120, 2933910; 657089, 2933903; 657075, 2933966; 657260, 2934120; 657422, 2934104; 657445, 2934071; Thence returning to 657308, 2934015.

656723, 2934057; 656705, 2934037; 656713, 2934060; Thence returning to 656723, 2934057.

657413, 2933728; 657303, 2933587; 657235, 2933549; 657183, 2933561; 657196, 2933585; 657259, 2933613; 657230, 2933639; 657169, 2933607; 657126, 2933630; 657105, 2933602; 656972, 2933622; 656938, 2933639; 656917, 2933671; 656923, 2933728; 657092, 2933701; 657200, 2933703; 657215, 2933669; 657236, 2933669; 657269, 2933707; 657265, 2933722; 657227, 2933728; 657257, 2933774; 657304, 2933831; 657368, 2933865; 657572, 2933847; 657582, 2933831; Thence returning to 657413, 2933728.

657290, 2933452; 657314, 2933438; 657338, 2933481; 657361, 2933429; 657317, 2933382; 657302, 2933399; 657280, 2933393; 657270, 2933371; 657291, 2933364; 657290, 2933339; 657361, 2933390; 657401, 2933395; 657472, 2933354; 657492, 2933285; 657505, 2933294; 657516, 2933361; 657697, 2933481; 657730, 2933467; 657737, 2933418; 657713, 2933369; 657636, 2933271; 657580, 2933261; 657593, 2933226; 657579, 2933192; 657586, 2933160; 657624, 2933167; 657655, 2933121; 657689, 2933196; 657723, 2933157; 657722, 2933099; 657668, 2932991; 657514, 2932890; 657368, 2932868; 657279, 2932897; 657230, 2932956; 657470, 2932995; 657497, 2933016; 657495, 2933032; 657434, 2933019; 657393, 2933042; 657066, 2933034; 656915, 2932990; 656850, 2933006; 656800, 2933058; 656802, 2933085; 656856, 2933060; 656968, 2933059; 657087, 2933137; 657054, 2933147; 656959, 2933130; 656922, 2933168; 656865, 2933135; 656815, 2933180; 656801, 2933219; 656819, 2933248; 656926, 2933265; 656954, 2933231; 656980, 2933241; 657007, 2933220; 657144, 2933188; 657138, 2933213; 657091, 2933249; 657097, 2933267; 657130, 2933272; 657128, 2933284; 657046, 2933283; 656996, 2933300; 656996, 2933327; 657017, 2933356; 657055, 2933336; 657083, 2933369; 657065, 2933390; 657070, 2933416; 657035, 2933420; 657029, 2933438; 657071, 2933463; 657161, 2933469; 657296, 2933549; 657317, 2933519; 657284, 2933484; Thence returning to 657290, 2933452.

656848, 2933344; 656832, 2933320; 656791, 2933322; 656780, 2933357; 656819, 2933363; Thence returning to 656848, 2933344.

657102, 2932846; 657067, 2932838; 657059, 2932858; 657088, 2932886; 657052, 2932921; 657083, 2932984; 657106, 2932995; 657136, 2932964; 657141, 2932907; Thence returning to 657102, 2932846.

656667, 2932901; 656779, 2932861; 656843, 2932881; 656855, 2932827; 656789, 2932794; 656668, 2932793; 656596, 2932829; 656535, 2932892; Thence returning to 656667, 2932901.

657691, 2932678; 657537, 2932617; 657485, 2932645; 657481, 2932678; 657503, 2932707; 657632, 2932721; 657688, 2932749; 657724, 2932808; 657685, 2932836; 657731, 2932872; 657784, 2932913; 657757, 2932772; Thence returning to 657691, 2932678.

655919, 2932700; 655901, 2932690; 655886, 2932707; 655890, 2932728; 655911, 2932749; 655927, 2932740; Thence returning to 655919, 2932700.

657026, 2932642; 657080, 2932565; 657100, 2932499; 657146, 2932535; 657113, 2932563; 657105, 2932591; 657247, 2932540; 657281, 2932504; 657307, 2932441; 657307, 2932335; 657277, 2932297; 657153, 2932227; 657064, 2932265; 657055, 2932281; 657134, 2932298; 657146, 2932318; 657023, 2932339; 656919, 2932503; 656822, 2932607; 656827, 2932625; 656895, 2932628; 656909, 2932580; 656931, 2932587; 656970, 2932566; 656984, 2932586; 656962, 2932610; 656968, 2932631; Thence returning to 657026, 2932642.

655306, 2932610; 655301, 2932586; 655278, 2932593; Thence returning to 655306, 2932610.

656124, 2932573; 656123, 2932530; 656073, 2932531; 656072, 2932550; Thence returning to 656124, 2932573.

656866, 2932049; 656830, 2932001; 656816, 2932002; 656815, 2932057; 656840, 2932105; 656872, 2932123; Thence returning to 656866, 2932049.

657558, 2931510; 657461, 2931504; 657416, 2931533; 657400, 2931580; 657501, 2931633; 657633, 2931762; 657662, 2931701; 657634, 2931589; Thence returning to 657558, 2931510.

660565, 2927685; 660583, 2927614; 660490, 2927789; 660422, 2927852; 660390, 2927923; 660293, 2928014; 660257, 2928079; 660359, 2927989; 660504, 2927809; Thence returning to 660565, 2927685.

660389, 2927803; 660452, 2927674; 660252, 2927932; 660229, 2927997; 660248, 2928007; 660290, 2927913; Thence returning to 660389, 2927803.

659391, 2927650; 659374, 2927635; 659385, 2927764; 659466, 2927907; 659458, 2927841; 659415, 2927760; Thence returning to 659391, 2927650.

660456, 2927143; 660413, 2927140; 660269, 2927251; 660108, 2927474; 660006, 2927690; 660004, 2927701; 660079, 2927615; 660204, 2927376; 660242, 2927333; 660303, 2927286; 660518, 2927180; Thence returning to 660456, 2927143.

659363, 2927572; 659347, 2927462; 659320, 2927477; 659323, 2927527; 659334, 2927560; Thence returning to 659363, 2927572.

659931, 2926613; 659907, 2926591; 659882, 2926650; 659788, 2926675; 659780, 2926726; 659811, 2926843; 659836, 2926860; 659879, 2926844; 659918, 2926785; 659942, 2926709; Thence returning to 659931, 2926613.

663137, 2925678; 663232, 2925529; 663256, 2925457; 663255, 2925423; 663232, 2925410; 663152, 2925421; 663147, 2925402; 663224, 2925345; 663255, 2925352; 663290, 2925295; 663278, 2925269; 663200, 2925280; 663184, 2925243; 663164, 2925256; 663089, 2925417; 663091, 2925436; 663128, 2925443; 663106, 2925509; 663145, 2925587; 663111, 2925627; 663069, 2925626; 663006, 2925668; 662918, 2925771; 662922, 2925841; 662990, 2925853; 663023, 2925883; 663072, 2925877; 663099, 2925840; Thence returning to 663137, 2925678.

659644, 2925157; 659608, 2925068; 659534, 2925108; 659499, 2925086; 659485, 2925086; 659470, 2925115; 659427, 2925100; 659426, 2925189; 659440, 2925235; 659467, 2925265; 659517, 2925297; 659567, 2925307; 659624, 2925273; Thence returning to 659644, 2925157.

660331, 2924799; 660356, 2924699; 660319, 2924720; 660185, 2924772; 660144, 2924843; 660146, 2924871; 660203, 2924911; 660265, 2924903; Thence returning to 660331, 2924799.

660409, 2924322; 660445, 2924157; 660451, 2924086; 660437, 2923994; 660388, 2923918; 660300, 2923914; 659980, 2923980; 659942, 2924028; 659925, 2924093; 659927, 2924205; 659978, 2924242; 659971, 2924269; 659904, 2924258; 659865, 2924176; 659852, 2924170; 659830, 2924196; 659812, 2924274; 659822, 2924353; 659845, 2924405; 659912, 2924480; 660043, 2924522; 660181, 2924582; 660235, 2924680; 660282, 2924661; 660322, 2924600; Thence returning to 660409, 2924322.

659693, 2922901; 659503, 2922862; 659478, 2922891; 659471, 2922953; 659476, 2922992; 659502, 2923028; 659624, 2922996; 659705, 2922935; Thence returning to 659693, 2922901.

664597, 2922304; 664408, 2922301; 664417, 2922314; 664517, 2922329; 664508, 2922386; 664440, 2922407; 664417, 2922452; 664327, 2922439; 664309, 2922454; 664311, 2922473; 664361, 2922485; 664403, 2922549; 664291, 2922614; 664194, 2922608; 664194, 2922582; 664270, 2922542; 664286, 2922507; 664195, 2922492; 664131, 2922344; 664103, 2922359; 664113, 2922423; 664091, 2922446; 664056, 2922453; 664028, 2922419; 664004, 2922417; 663966, 2922447; 663916, 2922455; 663882, 2922491; 663811, 2922500; 663760, 2922540; 663764, 2922559; 663817, 2922579; 663913, 2922583; 663950, 2922620; 663955, 2922675; 663918, 2922746; 663907, 2922799; 663949, 2922921; 664058, 2922969; 664123, 2922977; 664194, 2922968; 664263, 2922932; 664355, 2922786; 664376, 2922613; 664491, 2922502; 664516, 2922423; Thence returning to 664597, 2922304.

663012, 2922281; 663007, 2922281; 662927, 2922279; 662906, 2922452; Thence returning to 663012, 2922281.

Unit TX-5: Upper Laguna Madre. 436 ha (1,076 ac) in Kleberg County

The southern boundary is the northern boundary of PAIS, and the northern boundary is the Kleberg/Nueces County line. The eastern boundary is the line where dense vegetation begins, and the western boundary is MLLW. This unit includes a series of small flats along the bayside of Padre Island in the Upper Laguna Madre. It includes wind tidal flats and sparsely-vegtated upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover. These boundaries receive heavy use by large numbers of shorebirds, including piping plovers. The upland areas extend to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur, and include upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover.

Unit TX-6: Mollie Beattie Coastal Habitat. 241 ha (596 ac) in Nueces County

This unit will be described as two subunits:

(1) Subunit is bounded on the north by Beach Access Road 3, on the east by the inland boundary of critical habitat Unit TX-7, on the south by Zahn road, and on the west by Zahn Road.

(2) The subunit is bounded on the north by Corpus Christi Pass, on the east by US 361, on the south by the north side of Packery Channel, and on the west by the Gulf Intercoastal Watersay.

Some of the uplands are privately owned and the remaining are owned and managed by the TGLO. This unit includes two hurricane washover passes known as Newport and Corpus Christi Passes, and wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds. The upland areas extend to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur and include upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover.

Unit TX-7: Newport Pass/Corpus Christi Pass Beach: 119 hectares (294 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-7, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

677207, 3055254; 677182, 3055210; 677018, 3055302; 677067, 3055333; 677061, 3055349; 677102, 3055503; 677133, 3055544; 677120, 3055593; 677144, 3055615; 677154, 3055683; 677210, 3055804; 677430, 3055747; 677374, 3055587; 677254, 3055369; Thence returning to 677207, 3055254.

680602, 3062200; 680491, 3062023; 679716, 3060547; 679702, 3060489; 679520, 3060176; 679472, 3060057; 679090, 3059313; 678531, 3058144; 678116, 3057316; 677547, 3056074; 677536, 3055942; 677545, 3055834; 677290, 3055886; 677335, 3055966; 677336, 3056010; 677367, 3056067; 677392, 3056069; 677493, 3056247; 677578, 3056461; 677615, 3056484; 677876, 3057083; 678012, 3057433; 678143, 3057683; 678089, 3057719; 678166, 3057767; 678199, 3057771; 678333, 3058072; 678668, 3058718; 678753, 3058928; 678773, 3058942; 678763, 3059001; 678802, 3059070; 678826, 3059082; 678819, 3059114; 678843, 3059158; 678858, 3059261; 678790, 3059405; 678855, 3059352; 678943, 3059361; 679081, 3059555; 679715, 3060823; 679718, 3060850; 679736, 3060860; 679864, 3061098; 679854, 3061115; 679888, 3061139; 680141, 3061634; 680186, 3061751; 680247, 3061869; 680271, 3061891; 680279, 3061920; 680221, 3062031; 680220, 3062080; 680307, 3062228; 680347, 3062218; 680356, 3062172; 680396, 3062187; 680420, 3062239; 680488, 3062286; 680603, 3062471; 680658, 3062520; 680766, 3062670; 680762, 3062706; 680811, 3062719; 680940, 3062645; 680801, 3062508; Thence returning to 680602, 3062200.

Unit TX-8: Mustang Island Beach: 252 hectares (623 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-8, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

690804, 3078378; 690197, 3077592; 689999, 3077310; 689859, 3077143; 688025, 3074662; 687168, 3073420; 686311, 3072104; 685582, 3070938; 684419, 3068995; 684336, 3068880; 684221, 3068660; 683219, 3066995; 682293, 3065385; 681460, 3063869; 681139, 3063237; 681011, 3062886; 681006, 3062781; 680847, 3062869; 680869, 3062881; 681097, 3063427; 681339, 3063896; 682082, 3065234; 682048, 3065228; 682093, 3065253; 682342, 3065680; 682353, 3065730; 682344, 3065764; 682353, 3065776; 682382, 3065767; 682524, 3065997; 682833, 3066556; 682984, 3066785; 683444, 3067582; 683481, 3067623; 683483, 3067650; 683570, 3067801; 683848, 3068267; 683859, 3068263; 684018, 3068550; 684713, 3069710; 685305, 3070659; 685324, 3070720; 685360, 3070747; 685365, 3070780; 685418, 3070831; 685425, 3070877; 685987, 3071784; 686727, 3072954; 687036, 3073411; 687030, 3073431; 687044, 3073431; 687079, 3073509; 687151, 3073582; 687664, 3074342; 687650, 3074370; 687674, 3074361; 687930, 3074757; 687982, 3074798; 688147, 3075013; 688140, 3075036; 688166, 3075075; 688443, 3075432; 688606, 3075681; 688601, 3075798; 688709, 3075797; 688725, 3075848; 688767, 3075889; 688793, 3075948; 688932, 3076136; 689047, 3076256; 689222, 3076502; 689288, 3076614; 689287, 3076641; 689332, 3076697; 689315, 3076737; 689337, 3076731; 689390, 3076783; 689375, 3076835; 689408, 3076810; 689416, 3076855; 689396, 3076875; 689406, 3076890; 689447, 3076881; 689471, 3076907; 689475, 3076925; 689454, 3076911; 689451, 3076923; 689470, 3076943; 689486, 3076937; 689560, 3077045; 689551, 3077080; 689572, 3077068; 689615, 3077117; 689774, 3077346; 690263, 3077958; 690279, 3077980; 690264, 3078021; 690314, 3078023; 690523, 3078286; 690526, 3078312; 690491, 3078353; 690563, 3078342; 690766, 3078604; 691144, 3079046; 691147, 3079069; 691182, 3079093; 691564, 3079539; 691680, 3079712; 691825, 3079589; 691740, 3079482; 691643, 3079410; 691639, 3079379; 691504, 3079230; 691470, 3079168; 691067, 3078711; Thence returning to 690804, 3078378.

Unit TX-9: Fish Pass Lagoons: 68 hectares (168 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-9, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

679030, 3064125; 678991, 3064130; 678976, 3064151; 679031, 3064149; Thence returning to 679030, 3064125.

678991, 3064218; 678971, 3064219; 678963, 3064236; 679000, 3064257; 679003, 3064227; Thence returning to 678991, 3064218.

679724, 3064620; 679747, 3064591; 679740, 3064540; 679763, 3064524; 679766, 3064497; 679791, 3064521; 679800, 3064572; 679818, 3064572; 679836, 3064524; 679853, 3064535; 679859, 3064596; 679889, 3064587; 679911, 3064556; 680010, 3064539; 680017, 3064525; 679997, 3064507; 679892, 3064535; 679871, 3064501; 679785, 3064482; 679765, 3064422; 679717, 3064437; 679702, 3064392; 679740, 3064303; 679745, 3064233; 679729, 3064220; 679700, 3064226; 679679, 3064251; 679621, 3064264; 679596, 3064309; 679553, 3064342; 679549, 3064375; 679585, 3064369; 679705, 3064285; 679663, 3064379; 679660, 3064482; 679694, 3064544; 679674, 3064617; Thence returning to 679724, 3064620.

679404, 3064220; 679392, 3064216; 679333, 3064322; 679219, 3064439; 679128, 3064602; 679090, 3064621; 679089, 3064662; 679137, 3064637; 679332, 3064391; 679383, 3064279; 679431, 3064232; Thence returning to 679404, 3064220.

679021, 3064641; 679026, 3064600; 679200, 3064365; 679306, 3064180; 679258, 3064160; 679262, 3064187; 679236, 3064232; 679202, 3064251; 679187, 3064308; 679144, 3064315; 679153, 3064346; 679110, 3064327; 679005, 3064350; 678969, 3064343; 678901, 3064288; 678892, 3064263; 678906, 3064221; 678875, 3064193; 678861, 3064126; 678838, 3064123; 678803, 3064153; 678698, 3064146; 678679, 3064056; 678656, 3064059; 678635, 3064105; 678586, 3064132; 678591, 3064162; 678650, 3064162; 678609, 3064205; 678577, 3064193; 678552, 3064206; 678564, 3064249; 678501, 3064297; 678425, 3064186; 678359, 3064133; 678377, 3064186; 678431, 3064238; 678454, 3064312; 678488, 3064323; 678504, 3064378; 678693, 3064626; 678786, 3064688; 679021, 3064641; 678551, 3064300; 678624, 3064250; 678636, 3064215; 678677, 3064194; 678701, 3064216; 678728, 3064200; 678748, 3064266; 678784, 3064243; 678807, 3064247; 678788, 3064289; 678794, 3064348; 678861, 3064399; 678895, 3064395; 678914, 3064411; 678885, 3064458; 678904, 3064476; 678902, 3064521; 678912, 3064537; 678947, 3064541; 678993, 3064619; 678896, 3064638; 678722, 3064549; 678531, 3064333; 678525, 3064321; Thence returning to 678551, 3064300.

679203, 3065044; 679360, 3065017; 679421, 3064961; 679476, 3064953; 679474, 3064869; 679611, 3064661; 679600, 3064627; 679570, 3064630; 679548, 3064610; 679467, 3064612; 679467, 3064568; 679538, 3064587; 679553, 3064568; 679547, 3064555; 679463, 3064523; 679438, 3064539; 679395, 3064610; 679307, 3064635; 679204, 3064694; 679180, 3064724; 679142, 3064799; 679122, 3064810; 679121, 3064838; 679155, 3064907; 679172, 3065007; 679162, 3065044; 679203, 3065044; 679400, 3064695; 679470, 3064705; 679498, 3064742; 679472, 3064789; 679421, 3064827; 679336, 3064743; 679346, 3064722; Thence returning to 679400, 3064695.

679957, 3065348; 679953, 3065316; 679938, 3065305; 679903, 3065335; 679828, 3065333; 679838, 3065282; 679897, 3065260; 679907, 3065205; 679928, 3065183; 679996, 3065191; 680187, 3065291; 680245, 3065306; 680261, 3065281; 680303, 3065290; 680320, 3065274; 680393, 3065298; 680415, 3065257; 680381, 3065193; 680457, 3065144; 680444, 3065118; 680373, 3065126; 680293, 3065093; 680150, 3065089; 680100, 3065059; 680018, 3065075; 679993, 3065020; 680000, 3064913; 679978, 3064899; 679954, 3064823; 679931, 3064622; 679914, 3064610; 679839, 3064679; 679842, 3064740; 679803, 3064745; 679814, 3064802; 679804, 3064858; 679830, 3064914; 679824, 3064940; 679726, 3065061; 679680, 3065085; 679750, 3065104; 679742, 3065148; 679590, 3065107; 679475, 3064996; 679426, 3065030; 679417, 3065054; 679442, 3065069; 679519, 3065059; 679514, 3065098; 679533, 3065134; 679552, 3065139; 679549, 3065185; 679600, 3065194; 679608, 3065227; 679670, 3065302; 679739, 3065464; 679753, 3065535; 679789, 3065583; 679879, 3065561; 679909, 3065518; 679974, 3065497; 679963, 3065453; 679979, 3065422; Thence returning to 679957, 3065348.

679279, 3065246; 679262, 3065177; 679297, 3065087; 679201, 3065090; 679154, 3065176; 679027, 3065064; 679170, 3065253; 679212, 3065238; 679248, 3065252; 679243, 3065326; 679286, 3065405; 679542, 3065741; 679556, 3065742; 679454, 3065602; 679450, 3065545; 679321, 3065373; Thence returning to 679279, 3065246.


Unit TX-9, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

679470, 3064705; 679400, 3064695; 679346, 3064722; 679336, 3064743; 679421, 3064827; 679472, 3064789; 679498, 3064742; Thence returning to 679470, 3064705.

678914, 3064411; 678895, 3064395; 678861, 3064399; 678794, 3064348; 678788, 3064289; 678807, 3064247; 678784, 3064243; 678748, 3064266; 678728, 3064200; 678701, 3064216; 678677, 3064194; 678636, 3064215; 678624, 3064250; 678551, 3064300; 678525, 3064321; 678531, 3064333; 678722, 3064549; 678896, 3064638; 678993, 3064619; 678947, 3064541; 678912, 3064537; 678902, 3064521; 678904, 3064476; 678885, 3064458; Thence returning to 678914, 3064411.

Unit TX-10: Shamrock Island and Adjacent Mustang Island Flats. This unit consists of three subunits:

(1) Subunit TX-10A: Shamrock Island: 5 hectares (12 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-10, Subunit A, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

680551, 3071356; 680539, 3071357; 680529, 3071447; 680507, 3071466; 680495, 3071520; 680517, 3071516; 680559, 3071458; 680564, 3071372; Thence returning to 680551, 3071356.

680287, 3071911; 680270, 3071903; 680264, 3071860; 680204, 3071901; 680234, 3071939; 680228, 3071961; 680241, 3071975; 680266, 3071968; Thence returning to 680287, 3071911.

679983, 3071174; 679961, 3071171; 679911, 3071208; 679893, 3071240; 679889, 3071297; 679896, 3071440; 679947, 3071564; 679952, 3071747; 679972, 3071892; 680020, 3071975; 680185, 3072099; 680221, 3072107; 680030, 3071955; 680000, 3071908; 679979, 3071837; 679982, 3071621; 679944, 3071508; 679943, 3071417; 679910, 3071343; 679922, 3071263; 679981, 3071216; Thence returning to 679983, 3071174.

680741, 3072445; 680771, 3072420; 680766, 3072399; 680681, 3072440; 680598, 3072432; 680661, 3072465; Thence returning to 680741, 3072445.

680868, 3072484; 680904, 3072444; 680879, 3072415; 680830, 3072450; 680786, 3072436; 680752, 3072474; 680770, 3072496; 680813, 3072481; 680846, 3072499; Thence returning to 680868, 3072484.

(2) Subunit TX-10B: Mustang Island: Unnamed sand flat: 1 hectare (2 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-10, Subunit B, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

681497, 3070434; 681460, 3070459; 681467, 3070612; 681524, 3070776; 681568, 3070799; 681492, 3070603; 681483, 3070489; Thence returning to 681497, 3070434.

(3) Subunit TX-10C: Mustang Island: Lagoon Complex: 134 hectares (331 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(i) Unit TX-10, Subunit C, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

680304, 3067245; 680367, 3067238; 680443, 3067190; 680444, 3067140; 680317, 3067166; 680277, 3067209; 680190, 3067174; 680145, 3067138; 680154, 3067187; 680170, 3067176; 680157, 3067190; 680208, 3067226; 680264, 3067302; 680304, 3067323; 680289, 3067264; Thence returning to 680304, 3067245.

681001, 3067433; 681008, 3067396; 680977, 3067417; 680893, 3067396; 680909, 3067354; 680869, 3067344; 680869, 3067298; 680845, 3067226; 680483, 3067147; 680481, 3067213; 680564, 3067206; 680511, 3067269; 680526, 3067301; 680547, 3067251; 680607, 3067224; 680651, 3067228; 680680, 3067251; 680690, 3067296; 680713, 3067310; 680715, 3067380; 680763, 3067453; 680746, 3067514; 680703, 3067532; 680679, 3067526; 680667, 3067471; 680575, 3067409; 680549, 3067357; 680537, 3067365; 680526, 3067423; 680609, 3067540; 680699, 3067556; 680789, 3067540; 680797, 3067468; 680737, 3067302; 680761, 3067312; 680821, 3067389; 680848, 3067363; 680871, 3067457; 680915, 3067522; 680924, 3067632; 680966, 3067590; Thence returning to 681001, 3067433.

681234, 3067399; 681378, 3067304; 681410, 3067245; 681269, 3067338; 681230, 3067323; 681263, 3067294; 681264, 3067264; 681210, 3067269; 681160, 3067309; 681158, 3067334; 681124, 3067330; 681081, 3067379; 681018, 3067394; 680985, 3067576; 680924, 3067649; 680949, 3067773; 681004, 3067783; 681060, 3067607; 681088, 3067576; 681144, 3067564; 681231, 3067444; Thence returning to 681234, 3067399.

680636, 3067764; 680654, 3067783; 680651, 3067894; 680717, 3067831; 680729, 3067765; 680784, 3067724; 680797, 3067640; 680755, 3067631; 680709, 3067729; 680674, 3067674; 680687, 3067606; 680660, 3067597; 680599, 3067648; 680587, 3067728; 680570, 3067740; 680557, 3067686; 680505, 3067606; 680523, 3067593; 680555, 3067641; 680575, 3067645; 680583, 3067598; 680546, 3067557; 680559, 3067516; 680496, 3067482; 680473, 3067423; 680421, 3067412; 680352, 3067355; 680366, 3067446; 680464, 3067574; 680477, 3067672; 680526, 3067774; 680544, 3067871; 680530, 3067887; 680547, 3067918; 680585, 3067878; 680617, 3067784; Thence returning to 680636, 3067764.

680746, 3067919; 680719, 3067844; 680654, 3067907; 680711, 3067924; 680684, 3067991; 680712, 3068055; 680731, 3068064; 680757, 3068054; 680762, 3068028; Thence returning to 680746, 3067919.

681564, 3068600; 681726, 3068541; 681872, 3068403; 681853, 3068518; 681864, 3068524; 681890, 3068478; 681921, 3068456; 681894, 3068530; 681908, 3068547; 681953, 3068497; 681968, 3068417; 682083, 3068335; 682164, 3068314; 682117, 3068272; 682103, 3068230; 682130, 3068092; 682094, 3068068; 682119, 3068008; 682105, 3067971; 682120, 3067891; 682097, 3067898; 682025, 3067844; 681993, 3067871; 681964, 3067956; 681894, 3068009; 681924, 3068047; 681919, 3068105; 681871, 3068274; 681830, 3068331; 681814, 3068407; 681721, 3068497; 681671, 3068517; 681648, 3068491; 681610, 3068495; 681606, 3068480; 681651, 3068366; 681685, 3068342; 681686, 3068287; 681732, 3068201; 681738, 3068128; 681672, 3068088; 681695, 3068047; 681719, 3068047; 681723, 3068023; 681666, 3068006; 681587, 3068042; 681565, 3068041; 681552, 3068021; 681575, 3067981; 681632, 3067938; 681650, 3067936; 681673, 3067961; 681701, 3067944; 681687, 3067913; 681649, 3067901; 681658, 3067886; 681713, 3067874; 681724, 3067848; 681714, 3067820; 681697, 3067812; 681631, 3067829; 681619, 3067809; 681631, 3067787; 681669, 3067770; 681672, 3067744; 681614, 3067762; 681582, 3067809; 681497, 3067809; 681473, 3067799; 681473, 3067779; 681527, 3067747; 681510, 3067725; 681475, 3067744; 681384, 3067741; 681379, 3067707; 681348, 3067671; 681302, 3067698; 681335, 3067757; 681300, 3067755; 681269, 3067740; 681267, 3067706; 681247, 3067710; 681229, 3067676; 681170, 3067699; 681147, 3067681; 681125, 3067616; 681103, 3067636; 681075, 3067625; 681045, 3067788; 681109, 3067967; 681138, 3068006; 681096, 3068023; 681070, 3068085; 681148, 3068247; 681154, 3068311; 681189, 3068403; 681274, 3068505; 681404, 3068584; 681564, 3068600; 681513, 3068562; 681435, 3068548; 681468, 3068524; 681538, 3068515; 681531, 3068564; 681513, 3068562; 681476, 3068261; 681498, 3068264; 681508, 3068292; 681486, 3068292; 681476, 3068261; 681523, 3068258; 681534, 3068216; 681601, 3068182; 681602, 3068211; 681565, 3068263; 681542, 3068277; 681523, 3068258; 681644, 3068189; 681649, 3068154; 681680, 3068138; 681703, 3068146; 681690, 3068190; 681653, 3068202; 681644, 3068189; 681374, 3067977; 681388, 3067936; 681453, 3067936; 681466, 3067871; 681523, 3067838; 681528, 3067858; 681446, 3067999; 681374, 3067977; 681350, 3067865; 681305, 3067881; 681279, 3067838; 681329, 3067821; 681350, 3067865; 681175, 3067855; 681131, 3067858; 681110, 3067812; 681110, 3067775; 681160, 3067811; 681175, 3067855; 681325, 3067970; 681306, 3067967; 681346, 3067939; 681347, 3067953; Thence returning to 681325, 3067970.

681154, 3068712; 681222, 3068703; 681237, 3068666; 681206, 3068660; 681118, 3068710; 681053, 3068639; 680914, 3068580; 680917, 3068628; 680875, 3068675; 680821, 3068502; 680809, 3068505; 680873, 3068714; 680901, 3068735; 680913, 3068704; 680974, 3068656; 680990, 3068667; 680989, 3068719; 681055, 3068743; Thence returning to 681154, 3068712.

682358, 3068803; 682457, 3068702; 682465, 3068712; 682444, 3068739; 682444, 3068769; 682494, 3068765; 682514, 3068790; 682613, 3068809; 682696, 3068767; 682698, 3068738; 682629, 3068775; 682552, 3068772; 682526, 3068740; 682521, 3068643; 682468, 3068636; 682436, 3068663; 682416, 3068711; 682360, 3068742; 682333, 3068747; 682289, 3068725; 682260, 3068677; 682277, 3068639; 682236, 3068580; 682242, 3068541; 682269, 3068529; 682265, 3068428; 682213, 3068392; 682268, 3068342; 682269, 3068288; 682229, 3068314; 682211, 3068346; 682099, 3068362; 682032, 3068411; 681995, 3068412; 681993, 3068512; 681961, 3068546; 681960, 3068572; 682006, 3068644; 682053, 3068609; 682076, 3068622; 682106, 3068579; 682135, 3068581; 682191, 3068694; 682210, 3068688; 682254, 3068727; 682238, 3068772; 682254, 3068796; 682285, 3068805; 682259, 3068845; 682327, 3068841; 682358, 3068803; 682114, 3068444; 682155, 3068469; 682162, 3068511; 682143, 3068519; 682110, 3068505; 682114, 3068444; 682166, 3068444; 682135, 3068384; 682181, 3068388; 682190, 3068442; Thence returning to 682166, 3068444.

681062, 3068954; 681097, 3068917; 681109, 3068836; 681152, 3068754; 681134, 3068748; 681136, 3068731; 681066, 3068749; 681094, 3068756; 681086, 3068799; 681033, 3068827; 681073, 3068852; 681069, 3068882; 680997, 3068871; 680978, 3068855; 680973, 3068895; 680945, 3068884; 680821, 3068735; 680812, 3068704; 680869, 3068716; 680802, 3068510; 680767, 3068525; 680681, 3068309; 680672, 3068365; 680731, 3068526; 680738, 3068628; 680787, 3068745; 680791, 3068812; 680837, 3068798; 680838, 3068870; 680925, 3068973; 680971, 3068973; 680996, 3068947; 681031, 3068985; Thence returning to 681062, 3068954.

682407, 3069004; 682433, 3068941; 682490, 3068955; 682488, 3068851; 682463, 3068808; 682403, 3068868; 682401, 3068930; 682380, 3068923; 682355, 3068957; 682335, 3068915; 682298, 3068892; 682269, 3068959; 682274, 3068984; 682297, 3068984; 682355, 3069063; 682382, 3069058; Thence returning to 682407, 3069004.

681296, 3069042; 681335, 3068911; 681295, 3068886; 681286, 3068895; 681302, 3068925; 681278, 3069011; 681218, 3069031; 681246, 3069074; Thence returning to 681296, 3069042.

681426, 3069038; 681451, 3069034; 681452, 3068948; 681375, 3068898; 681329, 3069009; 681341, 3069018; 681332, 3069085; 681381, 3069086; Thence returning to 681426, 3069038.

681117, 3069166; 681158, 3069115; 681158, 3069071; 681145, 3069055; 681056, 3069028; 681044, 3069101; 681007, 3069113; 681000, 3069159; 681050, 3069161; 681063, 3069198; Thence returning to 681117, 3069166.

682032, 3070113; 682262, 3069996; 682404, 3069955; 683002, 3069708; 682899, 3069670; 682924, 3069615; 682998, 3069607; 682988, 3069575; 682883, 3069581; 682822, 3069500; 682817, 3069409; 682852, 3069354; 682794, 3069310; 682799, 3069223; 682829, 3069222; 682823, 3069187; 682836, 3069170; 682780, 3069018; 682765, 3069078; 682746, 3069087; 682726, 3069091; 682699, 3069058; 682579, 3069106; 682630, 3069164; 682679, 3069176; 682691, 3069226; 682746, 3069306; 682745, 3069344; 682784, 3069408; 682820, 3069562; 682808, 3069668; 682765, 3069748; 682712, 3069783; 682600, 3069800; 682429, 3069873; 682368, 3069868; 682331, 3069949; 682292, 3069932; 682279, 3069959; 682235, 3069979; 682170, 3069962; 682134, 3069925; 682107, 3069927; 682059, 3070047; 682029, 3070003; 681999, 3069997; 681957, 3070077; 681783, 3070085; 681771, 3070100; 681782, 3070129; 681876, 3070110; 681913, 3070163; Thence returning to 682032, 3070113.

681378, 3070218; 681407, 3070221; 681426, 3070155; 681264, 3069907; 681274, 3069681; 681244, 3069604; 681202, 3069570; 681235, 3069475; 681225, 3069444; 681174, 3069435; 681168, 3069401; 681180, 3069373; 681229, 3069419; 681340, 3069409; 681375, 3069374; 681385, 3069326; 681359, 3069266; 681285, 3069252; 681277, 3069175; 681226, 3069132; 681138, 3069176; 681105, 3069293; 681131, 3069323; 681140, 3069370; 681091, 3069433; 681087, 3069471; 681135, 3069582; 681139, 3069687; 681186, 3069751; 681213, 3069938; 681316, 3070121; 681332, 3070216; 681378, 3070218; 681235, 3069244; 681267, 3069266; 681279, 3069296; 681283, 3069378; 681261, 3069400; 681213, 3069378; 681196, 3069340; 681208, 3069267; Thence returning to 681235, 3069244.

681629, 3070187; 681627, 3070165; 681544, 3070106; 681509, 3070110; 681489, 3070168; 681530, 3070197; 681565, 3070188; 681573, 3070238; 681598, 3070249; 681632, 3070235; Thence returning to 681629, 3070187.


Unit TX-10 Subunit C, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

681267, 3069266; 681235, 3069244; 681208, 3069267; 681196, 3069340; 681213, 3069378; 681261, 3069400; 681283, 3069378; 681279, 3069296; Thence returning to 681267, 3069266.

681531, 3068564; 681538, 3068515; 681468, 3068524; 681435, 3068548; 681513, 3068562; Thence returning to 681531, 3068564.

682155, 3068469; 682114, 3068444; 682110, 3068505; 682143, 3068519; 682162, 3068511; Thence returning to 682155, 3068469.

682181, 3068388; 682135, 3068384; 682166, 3068444; 682190, 3068442; Thence returning to 682181, 3068388.

681498, 3068264; 681476, 3068261; 681486, 3068292; 681508, 3068292; Thence returning to 681498, 3068264.

681602, 3068211; 681601, 3068182; 681534, 3068216; 681523, 3068258; 681542, 3068277; 681565, 3068263; Thence returning to 681602, 3068211.

681703, 3068146; 681680, 3068138; 681649, 3068154; 681644, 3068189; 681653, 3068202; 681690, 3068190; Thence returning to 681703, 3068146.

681528, 3067858; 681523, 3067838; 681466, 3067871; 681453, 3067936; 681388, 3067936; 681374, 3067977; 681446, 3067999; Thence returning to 681528, 3067858.

681347, 3067953; 681346, 3067939; 681306, 3067967; 681325, 3067970; Thence returning to 681347, 3067953.

681350, 3067865; 681329, 3067821; 681279, 3067838; 681305, 3067881; Thence returning to 681350, 3067865.

681160, 3067811; 681110, 3067775; 681110, 3067812; 681131, 3067858; 681175, 3067855; Thence returning to 681160, 3067811.

Unit TX-11: Blind Oso. 2 ha (5 ac) in Nueces County

This unit is the flats of the Blind Oso, part of Oso Bay, from Hans and Pat Suter Wildlife Refuge (owned and managed by the City of Corpus Christi) northeast to Corpus Christi Bay and then southeast along the edge of Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. The landward boundaries extend to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins, and extends out from the landward boundaries to MLLW. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-12: Adjacent to Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi. 2 ha (6 ac) in Nueces County

This unit is along the shore of Oso Bay on flats bordered by Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi and Texas Spur 3 to a point 2.5 km (1.5 mi) south of the bridge between Ward Island and the Naval Air Station. The landward boundary is the line where dense vegetation begins, and the boundary in the Bay is MLLW. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-13: Sunset Lake. 176 ha (435 ac) in San Patricio County

This unit is triangle shaped, with State Highway 181 as the northwest boundary, and the limits of the City of Portland as the northeast boundary. The shore on Corpus Christi Bay is the third side of the triangle, with the actual boundary being MLLW off this shore. This unit is a large basin with a series of tidal ponds, sand spits and wind tidal flats. This unit is owned and managed by the City of Portland within a system of city parks. Some of the described area falls within the jurisdiction of the TGLO. It includes two city park units referred to as Indian Point and Sunset Lake. Much of the unit is a recent acquisition by the city, and management considerations for the park include the area's importance as a site for wintering and resident shorebirds. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-14: East Flats: 239 hectares (591 acres) in Nueces County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-14, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

686175, 3079064; 686157, 3079068; 686243, 3079125; 686225, 3079089; Thence returning to 686175, 3079064.

686589, 3079231; 686569, 3079233; 686592, 3079252; Thence returning to 686589, 3079231.

686675, 3079267; 686725, 3079074; 686685, 3079078; 686684, 3079039; 686590, 3079021; 686582, 3079000; 686597, 3078973; 686740, 3079012; 686757, 3078944; 686729, 3078927; 686722, 3078889; 686796, 3078541; 686766, 3078556; 686735, 3078609; 686708, 3078624; 686717, 3078703; 686663, 3078719; 686657, 3078767; 686702, 3078802; 686696, 3078821; 686656, 3078833; 686602, 3078816; 686589, 3078948; 686562, 3078975; 686506, 3078981; 686475, 3078941; 686385, 3078886; 686340, 3078889; 686327, 3078924; 686273, 3078951; 686315, 3079024; 686299, 3079130; 686360, 3079108; 686438, 3079143; 686429, 3079118; 686380, 3079102; 686387, 3079077; 686483, 3079127; 686516, 3079116; 686538, 3079155; 686593, 3079169; 686626, 3079230; 686650, 3079224; 686675, 3079267; 686610, 3079086; 686616, 3079054; 686633, 3079057; 686661, 3079084; 686660, 3079110; Thence returning to 686610, 3079086.

687864, 3080065; 687957, 3080071; 687971, 3080040; 688029, 3080048; 688062, 3080070; 688049, 3080019; 687955, 3079954; 688036, 3079955; 688071, 3079986; 688100, 3079936; 688160, 3080009; 688164, 3080036; 688217, 3080049; 688258, 3080025; 688269, 3079998; 688221, 3079925; 688219, 3079897; 688233, 3079893; 688341, 3080023; 688419, 3080013; 688457, 3079986; 688539, 3079796; 688523, 3079756; 688468, 3079792; 688444, 3079789; 688437, 3079771; 688484, 3079632; 688434, 3079548; 688437, 3079420; 688426, 3079388; 688350, 3079376; 688321, 3079428; 688302, 3079427; 688121, 3079281; 688085, 3079304; 688034, 3079246; 687954, 3079229; 687956, 3079211; 687989, 3079188; 688031, 3079124; 688080, 3079126; 688083, 3079080; 688103, 3079050; 688157, 3079039; 688126, 3078959; 688130, 3078892; 688149, 3078880; 688192, 3078921; 688219, 3078907; 688310, 3079019; 688350, 3078897; 688346, 3078847; 688329, 3078823; 688285, 3078829; 688292, 3078782; 688280, 3078761; 688201, 3078729; 688151, 3078732; 688144, 3078680; 688129, 3078667; 688104, 3078666; 688090, 3078700; 688077, 3078696; 688046, 3078519; 688044, 3078410; 688024, 3078347; 688000, 3078333; 687964, 3078339; 687946, 3078399; 687875, 3078422; 687838, 3078407; 687825, 3078419; 687827, 3078448; 687809, 3078461; 687763, 3078464; 687723, 3078434; 687737, 3078487; 687774, 3078520; 687795, 3078609; 687753, 3078573; 687749, 3078593; 687708, 3078584; 687697, 3078626; 687657, 3078606; 687636, 3078558; 687628, 3078671; 687574, 3078674; 687607, 3078598; 687613, 3078543; 687559, 3078556; 687527, 3078518; 687501, 3078427; 687481, 3078404; 687504, 3078347; 687489, 3078316; 687488, 3078253; 687401, 3078207; 687409, 3078190; 687482, 3078197; 687480, 3078179; 687421, 3078136; 687386, 3078133; 687279, 3078186; 687224, 3078242; 687333, 3078235; 687370, 3078262; 687409, 3078266; 687415, 3078290; 687443, 3078294; 687436, 3078344; 687459, 3078385; 687368, 3078403; 687302, 3078393; 687293, 3078409; 687302, 3078449; 687240, 3078446; 687234, 3078437; 687263, 3078412; 687262, 3078360; 687117, 3078308; 687127, 3078280; 687185, 3078248; 687193, 3078226; 687088, 3078305; 687064, 3078355; 687074, 3078410; 687238, 3078518; 687236, 3078542; 687220, 3078547; 687221, 3078591; 687171, 3078613; 687103, 3078528; 687051, 3078505; 686958, 3078509; 686902, 3078551; 686802, 3078995; 686823, 3078999; 686817, 3079070; 686799, 3079084; 686785, 3079063; 686736, 3079288; 686773, 3079287; 686783, 3079326; 686726, 3079495; 686708, 3079617; 686738, 3079689; 686774, 3079974; 686785, 3080002; 686905, 3080026; 686933, 3079982; 686986, 3079990; 687019, 3080049; 687102, 3080066; 687149, 3079993; 687264, 3079953; 687305, 3079920; 687382, 3079942; 687411, 3079965; 687527, 3079986; 687574, 3079927; 687634, 3079913; 687703, 3079869; 687720, 3079890; 687695, 3079936; 687722, 3079944; 687746, 3079924; 687758, 3079936; 687721, 3079983; 687719, 3080023; 687679, 3080050; 687679, 3080066; 687806, 3080092; 687864, 3080065; 687208, 3079502; 687237, 3079509; 687261, 3079541; 687270, 3079593; 687260, 3079646; 687232, 3079568; 687189, 3079538; 687208, 3079502; 686905, 3078605; 686931, 3078604; 686853, 3078923; 686833, 3078907; Thence returning to 686905, 3078605.


Unit TX-14, Nueces County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

687237, 3079509; 687208, 3079502; 687189, 3079538; 687232, 3079568; 687260, 3079646; 687270, 3079593; 687261, 3079541; Thence returning to 687237, 3079509.

686633, 3079057; 686616, 3079054; 686610, 3079086; 686660, 3079110; 686661, 3079084; Thence returning to 686633, 3079057.

686853, 3078923; 686931, 3078604; 686905, 3078605; 686833, 3078907; Thence returning to 686853, 3078923.

Unit TX-15: North Pass: 326 hectares (805 acres) in Aransas County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-15, Aransas County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

694159, 3086654; 694117, 3086676; 694105, 3086736; 694156, 3086725; Thence returning to 694159, 3086654.

694094, 3086822; 694103, 3086805; 694071, 3086813; 694058, 3086779; 694012, 3086846; 694046, 3086870; Thence returning to 694094, 3086822.

693527, 3087373; 693541, 3087343; 693580, 3087316; 693776, 3087289; 693828, 3087231; 693836, 3087139; 693957, 3087101; 694016, 3087049; 694130, 3087035; 694141, 3087055; 694123, 3087103; 694149, 3087123; 694156, 3087091; 694200, 3087061; 694170, 3087040; 694267, 3086979; 694314, 3086869; 694271, 3086858; 694239, 3086872; 694219, 3086968; 694117, 3087015; 694097, 3087012; 694095, 3086994; 694147, 3086970; 694152, 3086924; 694199, 3086899; 694198, 3086883; 694125, 3086868; 694081, 3086886; 693920, 3086900; 693892, 3086935; 693871, 3086937; 693862, 3086964; 693812, 3086987; 693756, 3086955; 693734, 3086982; 693728, 3087058; 693668, 3087111; 693578, 3087104; 693569, 3087052; 693540, 3087045; 693497, 3087142; 693445, 3087194; 693428, 3087335; 693434, 3087369; 693512, 3087383; Thence returning to 693527, 3087373.

693737, 3087760; 693876, 3087776; 693917, 3087761; 693867, 3087736; 693861, 3087716; 693792, 3087736; 693769, 3087728; 693769, 3087707; 693830, 3087606; 693823, 3087580; 693779, 3087609; 693751, 3087654; 693708, 3087635; 693708, 3087721; 693630, 3087762; 693638, 3087836; 693607, 3087858; 693600, 3087890; 693615, 3087893; Thence returning to 693737, 3087760.

694729, 3088064; 694795, 3088051; 694837, 3088064; 694891, 3088051; 694906, 3088029; 694897, 3088016; 694770, 3088001; 694727, 3088019; 694715, 3088065; Thence returning to 694729, 3088064.

695080, 3087975; 695060, 3087976; 695052, 3087996; 695050, 3088053; 695119, 3088085; 695131, 3088107; 695118, 3088169; 695070, 3088189; 695157, 3088235; 695176, 3088168; 695168, 3088080; 695121, 3088001; Thence returning to 695080, 3087975.

695554, 3088319; 695834, 3087982; 694642, 3086181; 694100, 3086243; 694100, 3086259; 694076, 3086263; 694058, 3086247; 693907, 3086264; 693905, 3086289; 693873, 3086311; 693854, 3086298; 693860, 3086269; 693650, 3086292; 693619, 3086317; 693664, 3086316; 693722, 3086289; 693740, 3086309; 693796, 3086315; 693826, 3086346; 693826, 3086365; 693763, 3086400; 693746, 3086354; 693690, 3086361; 693619, 3086434; 693573, 3086392; 693466, 3086447; 693447, 3086434; 693459, 3086376; 693510, 3086351; 693545, 3086356; 693538, 3086304; 693364, 3086323; 693324, 3086346; 693298, 3086348; 693286, 3086332; 693046, 3086357; 693036, 3086390; 693013, 3086406; 692967, 3086394; 692925, 3086447; 692924, 3086474; 692883, 3086506; 692878, 3086558; 692836, 3086614; 692857, 3086621; 692908, 3086570; 692953, 3086593; 692971, 3086627; 692946, 3086672; 692982, 3086692; 692990, 3086747; 693050, 3086778; 693036, 3086932; 693012, 3086957; 692983, 3086957; 692938, 3087034; 693066, 3087156; 693088, 3087142; 693088, 3087100; 693117, 3087082; 693073, 3087049; 693090, 3087029; 693083, 3087007; 693023, 3087015; 693010, 3086995; 693014, 3086975; 693034, 3086983; 693060, 3086961; 693074, 3086835; 693068, 3086698; 693115, 3086698; 693114, 3086639; 693150, 3086649; 693170, 3086608; 693170, 3086566; 693205, 3086568; 693212, 3086552; 693178, 3086508; 693180, 3086460; 693139, 3086491; 693124, 3086480; 693127, 3086426; 693173, 3086372; 693199, 3086382; 693238, 3086491; 693261, 3086517; 693313, 3086543; 693342, 3086535; 693325, 3086561; 693330, 3086630; 693298, 3086745; 693297, 3086785; 693318, 3086815; 693273, 3086859; 693276, 3086895; 693335, 3086873; 693366, 3086789; 693459, 3086843; 693593, 3086828; 693673, 3086864; 693741, 3086806; 693692, 3086761; 693695, 3086725; 693717, 3086703; 693736, 3086708; 693771, 3086685; 693798, 3086693; 693838, 3086743; 693887, 3086720; 693934, 3086733; 693893, 3086820; 693913, 3086840; 693982, 3086781; 694027, 3086784; 694035, 3086739; 694067, 3086711; 694057, 3086637; 694111, 3086588; 694091, 3086575; 694096, 3086554; 694144, 3086531; 694156, 3086548; 694148, 3086577; 694212, 3086601; 694305, 3086616; 694332, 3086634; 694417, 3086619; 694477, 3086711; 694476, 3086736; 694369, 3086833; 694364, 3086854; 694405, 3086866; 694433, 3086853; 694477, 3086792; 694493, 3086807; 694492, 3086853; 694463, 3086900; 694372, 3086900; 694358, 3086912; 694425, 3086928; 694445, 3086956; 694489, 3086914; 694505, 3086917; 694515, 3086938; 694502, 3086973; 694519, 3086985; 694394, 3087023; 694401, 3087049; 694458, 3087066; 694475, 3087090; 694448, 3087146; 694400, 3087136; 694357, 3087188; 694394, 3087198; 694604, 3087168; 694588, 3087206; 694544, 3087239; 694484, 3087253; 694459, 3087278; 694464, 3087292; 694594, 3087277; 694582, 3087247; 694628, 3087231; 694639, 3087259; 694628, 3087286; 694592, 3087314; 694553, 3087315; 694555, 3087331; 694598, 3087348; 694706, 3087280; 694718, 3087304; 694708, 3087326; 694635, 3087382; 694713, 3087370; 694756, 3087433; 694799, 3087447; 694800, 3087473; 694835, 3087471; 694838, 3087509; 694743, 3087582; 694721, 3087616; 694645, 3087662; 694648, 3087683; 694675, 3087699; 694674, 3087737; 694648, 3087758; 694677, 3087769; 694679, 3087792; 694619, 3087847; 694565, 3087861; 694489, 3087939; 694453, 3087950; 694416, 3087937; 694328, 3087874; 694259, 3087884; 694166, 3088019; 694047, 3088135; 694036, 3088163; 694058, 3088185; 694059, 3088259; 694145, 3088289; 694280, 3088211; 694289, 3088151; 694273, 3088136; 694194, 3088156; 694138, 3088223; 694111, 3088221; 694102, 3088198; 694129, 3088165; 694281, 3088073; 694299, 3088019; 694233, 3088069; 694215, 3088070; 694208, 3088053; 694238, 3088027; 694248, 3087987; 694274, 3087969; 694244, 3087958; 694250, 3087935; 694293, 3087901; 694321, 3087905; 694325, 3087939; 694357, 3087956; 694350, 3088081; 694370, 3088110; 694433, 3088018; 694566, 3087928; 694629, 3087916; 694638, 3087962; 694671, 3087980; 694684, 3087972; 694759, 3087872; 694827, 3087812; 694891, 3087786; 694875, 3087771; 694803, 3087785; 694744, 3087774; 694728, 3087742; 694745, 3087697; 694732, 3087653; 694771, 3087652; 694782, 3087669; 694772, 3087716; 694818, 3087756; 694827, 3087706; 694910, 3087677; 694941, 3087707; 694939, 3087765; 694959, 3087788; 694998, 3087788; 695022, 3087865; 694991, 3087893; 694929, 3087911; 694869, 3087891; 694814, 3087978; 694870, 3087954; 694929, 3087970; 694990, 3087950; 695025, 3087982; 695046, 3087937; 695031, 3087905; 695037, 3087887; 695088, 3087862; 695075, 3087900; 695088, 3087918; 695081, 3087936; 695104, 3087945; 695122, 3087926; 695132, 3087971; 695157, 3087987; 695189, 3088047; 695209, 3088095; 695198, 3088150; 695226, 3088210; 695322, 3088186; 695347, 3088201; 695321, 3088272; 695361, 3088269; 695381, 3088295; 695440, 3088308; 695554, 3088319; 694545, 3086654; 694579, 3086660; 694590, 3086684; 694529, 3086722; 694514, 3086698; 694545, 3086654; 694624, 3086654; 694591, 3086643; 694512, 3086572; 694481, 3086530; 694485, 3086505; 694547, 3086482; 694625, 3086480; 694631, 3086533; 694596, 3086559; 694641, 3086592; 694641, 3086643; 694624, 3086654; 694472, 3086461; 694475, 3086492; 694458, 3086497; 694420, 3086472; 694416, 3086444; 694441, 3086436; 694472, 3086461; 694254, 3086440; 694195, 3086425; 694083, 3086432; 694058, 3086523; 693983, 3086569; 693922, 3086644; 693888, 3086631; 693867, 3086657; 693796, 3086661; 693738, 3086642; 693706, 3086613; 693715, 3086593; 693755, 3086573; 693755, 3086557; 693719, 3086528; 693739, 3086474; 693826, 3086411; 693898, 3086457; 693898, 3086518; 693955, 3086500; 693981, 3086448; 693959, 3086426; 693962, 3086407; 693984, 3086401; 693985, 3086369; 693964, 3086348; 694044, 3086275; 694073, 3086308; 694081, 3086348; 694050, 3086411; 694186, 3086379; 694171, 3086360; 694101, 3086338; 694115, 3086320; 694194, 3086311; 694230, 3086345; 694254, 3086440; 694512, 3086391; 694539, 3086428; 694543, 3086458; 694525, 3086471; 694501, 3086448; Thence returning to 694512, 3086391.

694914, 3088227; 694861, 3088220; 694804, 3088279; 694672, 3088321; 694610, 3088397; 694623, 3088407; 694671, 3088394; 694882, 3088309; 694908, 3088284; Thence returning to 694914, 3088227.

693900, 3088871; 693921, 3088847; 693865, 3088848; 693939, 3088788; 694037, 3088652; 694101, 3088592; 694159, 3088581; 694158, 3088616; 694167, 3088614; 694268, 3088547; 694449, 3088479; 694526, 3088423; 694537, 3088409; 694532, 3088378; 694432, 3088404; 694413, 3088383; 694584, 3088135; 694535, 3088157; 694485, 3088230; 694388, 3088283; 694257, 3088403; 694251, 3088312; 694203, 3088331; 694174, 3088362; 694207, 3088385; 694097, 3088514; 694027, 3088537; 693825, 3088532; 693750, 3088615; 693695, 3088608; 693668, 3088578; 693621, 3088437; 693634, 3088326; 693620, 3088261; 693406, 3088225; 693344, 3088178; 693318, 3088177; 693295, 3088148; 693268, 3088149; 693254, 3088101; 693300, 3088039; 693312, 3087983; 693284, 3087931; 693241, 3087922; 693226, 3087897; 693235, 3087821; 693281, 3087740; 693346, 3087723; 693374, 3087689; 693442, 3087684; 693492, 3087633; 693550, 3087621; 693620, 3087565; 693630, 3087511; 693583, 3087516; 693504, 3087592; 693440, 3087570; 693447, 3087518; 693323, 3087551; 693268, 3087539; 693252, 3087410; 693313, 3087287; 693290, 3087214; 693258, 3087219; 693220, 3087273; 693194, 3087262; 693199, 3087213; 693144, 3087215; 693104, 3087258; 693068, 3087358; 693036, 3087391; 693013, 3087387; 692952, 3087311; 692920, 3087296; 692908, 3087406; 692961, 3087639; 692982, 3087676; 693034, 3087662; 693071, 3087813; 693170, 3087966; 693182, 3088104; 693170, 3088117; 693143, 3088110; 693143, 3088136; 693179, 3088180; 693263, 3088226; 693295, 3088272; 693474, 3088321; 693454, 3088495; 693397, 3088539; 693434, 3088679; 693426, 3088713; 693469, 3088764; 693455, 3088794; 693410, 3088817; 693417, 3088846; 693550, 3088967; 693639, 3089078; 693725, 3089121; 693794, 3089093; 693864, 3088916; 693900, 3088871; 693179, 3087696; 693211, 3087696; 693224, 3087723; 693159, 3087803; 693136, 3087810; 693123, 3087779; 693129, 3087751; 693144, 3087715; Thence returning to 693179, 3087696.

694993, 3088931; 694961, 3088919; 694972, 3088834; 694961, 3088825; 694856, 3089014; 694853, 3089052; 694818, 3089098; 694805, 3089156; 694838, 3089173; 694981, 3089003; Thence returning to 694993, 3088931.

694650, 3089180; 694659, 3089149; 694680, 3089141; 694692, 3089184; 694681, 3089228; 694706, 3089233; 694761, 3089187; 694778, 3089086; 694805, 3089051; 694765, 3088983; 694771, 3088954; 694805, 3088919; 694798, 3088899; 694730, 3088888; 694726, 3088912; 694698, 3088914; 694671, 3088945; 694646, 3088929; 694651, 3088889; 694677, 3088880; 694683, 3088840; 694728, 3088763; 694733, 3088720; 694815, 3088641; 694884, 3088610; 694933, 3088624; 694983, 3088678; 694990, 3088653; 694975, 3088622; 694994, 3088553; 695007, 3088545; 695024, 3088576; 695075, 3088519; 695116, 3088338; 695207, 3088323; 695214, 3088297; 695094, 3088327; 694720, 3088469; 694578, 3088578; 694511, 3088598; 694335, 3088745; 694204, 3088759; 693967, 3088953; 693903, 3089040; 693907, 3089074; 693926, 3089096; 694096, 3089159; 694106, 3089142; 694082, 3089124; 694077, 3089081; 694092, 3089013; 694112, 3088990; 694118, 3089135; 694149, 3089124; 694196, 3089136; 694215, 3089046; 694214, 3088946; 694231, 3088919; 694247, 3088960; 694230, 3089128; 694284, 3089155; 694321, 3089146; 694327, 3089178; 694315, 3089219; 694242, 3089255; 694249, 3089266; 694410, 3089284; 694498, 3089144; 694534, 3089143; 694564, 3089101; 694590, 3089145; 694583, 3089167; 694559, 3089165; 694568, 3089196; 694553, 3089256; 694590, 3089294; 694642, 3089258; 694635, 3089227; 694650, 3089180; 694009, 3089086; 693990, 3089083; 693988, 3089043; 693999, 3089005; 694018, 3088996; 694023, 3089039; Thence returning to 694009, 3089086.


Unit TX-15, Aransas County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

694023, 3089039; 694018, 3088996; 693999, 3089005; 693988, 3089043; 693990, 3089083; 694009, 3089086; Thence returning to 694023, 3089039.

693224, 3087723; 693211, 3087696; 693179, 3087696; 693144, 3087715; 693129, 3087751; 693123, 3087779; 693136, 3087810; 693159, 3087803; Thence returning to 693224, 3087723.

694579, 3086660; 694545, 3086654; 694514, 3086698; 694529, 3086722; 694590, 3086684; Thence returning to 694579, 3086660.

693867, 3086657; 693888, 3086631; 693922, 3086644; 693983, 3086569; 694058, 3086523; 694083, 3086432; 694195, 3086425; 694254, 3086440; 694230, 3086345; 694194, 3086311; 694115, 3086320; 694101, 3086338; 694171, 3086360; 694186, 3086379; 694050, 3086411; 694081, 3086348; 694073, 3086308; 694044, 3086275; 693964, 3086348; 693985, 3086369; 693984, 3086401; 693962, 3086407; 693959, 3086426; 693981, 3086448; 693955, 3086500; 693898, 3086518; 693898, 3086457; 693826, 3086411; 693739, 3086474; 693719, 3086528; 693755, 3086557; 693755, 3086573; 693715, 3086593; 693706, 3086613; 693738, 3086642; 693796, 3086661; Thence returning to 693867, 3086657.

694631, 3086533; 694625, 3086480; 694547, 3086482; 694485, 3086505; 694481, 3086530; 694512, 3086572; 694591, 3086643; 694624, 3086654; 694641, 3086643; 694641, 3086592; 694596, 3086559; Thence returning to 694631, 3086533.

694472, 3086461; 694441, 3086436; 694416, 3086444; 694420, 3086472; 694458, 3086497; 694475, 3086492; Thence returning to 694472, 3086461.

694539, 3086428; 694512, 3086391; 694501, 3086448; 694525, 3086471; 694543, 3086458; Thence returning to 694539, 3086428.

Unit TX-16: San Jose Beach: 558 hectares (1,378 acres) in Aransas and Calhoun Counties, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-16, Aransas County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

705653, 3099957; 704409, 3098570; 703190, 3097168; 700934, 3094423; 700844, 3094304; 700813, 3094222; 700747, 3094134; 700050, 3093252; 699238, 3092180; 699088, 3092014; 698235, 3090890; 697335, 3089664; 696512, 3088500; 695772, 3087410; 695295, 3086677; 694761, 3085797; 694692, 3085644; 694159, 3084774; 694057, 3084548; 693647, 3083839; 693411, 3083347; 693251, 3083050; 692808, 3081995; 692783, 3081831; 692665, 3081506; 692626, 3081356; 692571, 3080884; 692478, 3080931; 692402, 3080995; 692443, 3080988; 692462, 3081012; 692516, 3081429; 692599, 3081766; 692597, 3081790; 692521, 3081781; 692540, 3081893; 692631, 3081918; 692700, 3082062; 692835, 3082419; 692857, 3082577; 692924, 3082729; 692929, 3082779; 692953, 3082786; 692973, 3082873; 693021, 3082954; 693060, 3083083; 693085, 3083104; 693121, 3083275; 693232, 3083518; 693242, 3083550; 693214, 3083559; 693204, 3083580; 693247, 3083603; 693262, 3083631; 693288, 3083751; 693319, 3083753; 693400, 3083985; 693386, 3084022; 693431, 3084049; 693450, 3084107; 693471, 3084122; 693475, 3084174; 693453, 3084254; 693499, 3084221; 693534, 3084217; 693538, 3084272; 693566, 3084323; 693560, 3084356; 693573, 3084385; 693593, 3084389; 693607, 3084426; 693753, 3084604; 693761, 3084687; 693793, 3084702; 693862, 3084804; 693906, 3084800; 693915, 3084824; 693876, 3084862; 693891, 3084899; 693961, 3084982; 693993, 3084998; 694011, 3085076; 694033, 3085115; 694050, 3085118; 694155, 3085307; 694196, 3085346; 694230, 3085440; 694296, 3085546; 694326, 3085640; 694359, 3085608; 694373, 3085608; 694392, 3085640; 694479, 3085857; 694594, 3086048; 694617, 3086138; 694642, 3086181; 695834, 3087982; 695841, 3088035; 695912, 3088140; 695987, 3088162; 696028, 3088218; 696037, 3088245; 696025, 3088286; 696051, 3088316; 696048, 3088341; 696361, 3088664; 696389, 3088715; 696459, 3088781; 696495, 3088851; 696566, 3088897; 696727, 3089136; 696872, 3089288; 696939, 3089406; 696971, 3089421; 696970, 3089454; 697053, 3089539; 697054, 3089578; 697089, 3089590; 697273, 3089833; 697529, 3090208; 698016, 3090861; 698045, 3090878; 698085, 3090953; 698218, 3091118; 698264, 3091152; 698258, 3091175; 698365, 3091290; 698482, 3091468; 698710, 3091760; 698723, 3091795; 698817, 3091876; 698923, 3092020; 698944, 3092021; 698974, 3092084; 699096, 3092257; 700080, 3093545; 700201, 3093735; 700557, 3094156; 700788, 3094465; 701388, 3095191; 702101, 3096086; 703101, 3097281; 704989, 3099451; 705010, 3099450; 705015, 3099470; 705051, 3099494; 705062, 3099523; 705398, 3099897; 705408, 3099893; 705475, 3099988; 705498, 3099990; 705516, 3100036; 705556, 3100059; 705571, 3100091; 705928, 3100481; 705962, 3100501; 705993, 3100561; 706027, 3100576; 706051, 3100623; 706076, 3100636; 706197, 3100795; 706272, 3100860; 706427, 3101042; 706453, 3101052; 706474, 3101092; 706634, 3101253; 706673, 3101310; 706755, 3101371; 706762, 3101405; 706803, 3101457; 706821, 3101458; 706981, 3101648; 707231, 3101903; 707267, 3101964; 707405, 3102089; 707869, 3102613; 708606, 3103397; 708609, 3103418; 708767, 3103571; 708766, 3103588; 708840, 3103649; 709300, 3104142; 709310, 3104172; 709355, 3104200; 709465, 3104319; 709465, 3104335; 709578, 3104440; 709830, 3104740; 709848, 3104744; 709959, 3104863; 710005, 3104891; 710004, 3104929; 710026, 3104953; 710126, 3105018; 710123, 3105047; 710250, 3105152; 710955, 3105868; 711033, 3105767; 710426, 3105119; 709763, 3104453; 709034, 3103648; 707637, 3102155; 707258, 3101720; Thence returning to 705653, 3099957.

(2) Unit TX-16, Calhoun County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

711166, 3105913; 711033, 3105767; 710955, 3105868; 711336, 3106255; 711423, 3106031; 711291, 3105930; Thence returning to 711166, 3105913.

Unit TX-18: Cedar Bayou/Vinson Slough: 998 hectares (2,465 acres) in Aransas and Calhoun Counties, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-18, Aransas County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

701739, 3102551; 701702, 3102550; 701707, 3102620; 701765, 3102668; 701815, 3102675; 701823, 3102663; Thence returning to 701739, 3102551.

701870, 3103304; 701917, 3103310; 701931, 3103295; 701939, 3103179; 701989, 3103198; 702063, 3103172; 702076, 3103151; 702101, 3103151; 702103, 3103167; 702068, 3103205; 702074, 3103231; 702209, 3103238; 702224, 3103162; 702242, 3103160; 702247, 3103108; 702345, 3103196; 702321, 3103237; 702341, 3103275; 702438, 3103234; 702453, 3103185; 702420, 3103091; 702158, 3102925; 702220, 3103014; 702222, 3103037; 702184, 3103071; 702119, 3103096; 702084, 3103092; 702041, 3103018; 702083, 3103003; 702088, 3102984; 702045, 3102970; 702039, 3102899; 702052, 3102858; 701918, 3102773; 701918, 3102809; 701878, 3102809; 701847, 3102857; 701806, 3102884; 701749, 3102980; 701739, 3103060; 701680, 3103138; 701657, 3103123; 701653, 3103067; 701620, 3103039; 701620, 3102939; 701594, 3102958; 701575, 3103034; 701554, 3103045; 701506, 3102951; 701493, 3102882; 701510, 3102856; 701509, 3102803; 701529, 3102747; 701519, 3102668; 701492, 3102634; 701413, 3102613; 701434, 3102577; 701481, 3102557; 701512, 3102606; 701548, 3102606; 701570, 3102584; 701595, 3102614; 701653, 3102605; 701657, 3102534; 701529, 3102530; 701488, 3102504; 701484, 3102480; 701522, 3102416; 701508, 3102370; 701529, 3102321; 701519, 3102262; 700890, 3101437; 700865, 3101429; 700871, 3101413; 700852, 3101387; 700828, 3101410; 700809, 3101399; 700778, 3101428; 700678, 3101351; 700588, 3101313; 700471, 3101323; 700430, 3101364; 700393, 3101353; 700271, 3101378; 700270, 3101463; 700340, 3101538; 700442, 3101597; 700517, 3101748; 700585, 3101814; 700590, 3101843; 700718, 3101979; 700745, 3101939; 700767, 3101990; 700823, 3102032; 700821, 3102083; 700886, 3102162; 700945, 3102144; 700994, 3102222; 701070, 3102273; 701085, 3102301; 701071, 3102319; 701084, 3102380; 701073, 3102420; 701102, 3102570; 701125, 3102584; 701180, 3102560; 701199, 3102533; 701219, 3102580; 701259, 3102598; 701239, 3102622; 701242, 3102640; 701196, 3102657; 701187, 3102677; 701238, 3102719; 701317, 3102712; 701311, 3102755; 701245, 3102772; 701211, 3102806; 701208, 3102834; 701236, 3102917; 701262, 3102944; 701286, 3102934; 701305, 3102795; 701331, 3102872; 701358, 3102839; 701423, 3102873; 701460, 3102943; 701430, 3103044; 701471, 3103092; 701488, 3103175; 701614, 3103322; 701651, 3103290; 701710, 3103291; 701739, 3103230; 701794, 3103214; 701825, 3103220; 701853, 3103260; 701799, 3103303; 701800, 3103320; 701838, 3103337; Thence returning to 701870, 3103304.

704554, 3104448; 704559, 3104409; 704628, 3104409; 704418, 3104303; 704451, 3104334; 704489, 3104446; Thence returning to 704554, 3104448.

703595, 3105526; 703610, 3105511; 703659, 3105560; 703689, 3105567; 703705, 3105493; 703750, 3105493; 703763, 3105434; 703734, 3105404; 703708, 3105420; 703694, 3105394; 703663, 3105381; 703667, 3105355; 703722, 3105352; 703729, 3105333; 703682, 3105262; 703655, 3105260; 703633, 3105223; 703610, 3105225; 703609, 3105250; 703582, 3105268; 703584, 3105305; 703608, 3105342; 703549, 3105430; 703560, 3105468; 703511, 3105479; 703390, 3105449; 703365, 3105455; 703373, 3105473; 703477, 3105536; 703502, 3105520; 703587, 3105592; 703600, 3105585; Thence returning to 703595, 3105526.

707757, 3106675; 707675, 3106626; 707644, 3106625; 707663, 3106649; 707660, 3106677; 707682, 3106665; 707757, 3106689; Thence returning to 707757, 3106675.

709811, 3106833; 709844, 3106819; 709828, 3106748; 709783, 3106845; Thence returning to 709811, 3106833.

706421, 3106676; 706473, 3106672; 706606, 3106705; 706619, 3106634; 706595, 3106616; 706481, 3106604; 706308, 3106537; 706264, 3106470; 706142, 3106413; 706133, 3106389; 706088, 3106363; 706024, 3106351; 706013, 3106364; 705953, 3106346; 705929, 3106386; 706114, 3106474; 706290, 3106598; 706335, 3106657; 706258, 3106699; 706297, 3106744; 706572, 3106808; 706537, 3106772; 706500, 3106766; 706449, 3106727; 706448, 3106698; Thence returning to 706421, 3106676.

705638, 3106865; 705654, 3106850; 705702, 3106860; 705684, 3106803; 705714, 3106756; 705680, 3106731; 705654, 3106755; 705619, 3106844; 705615, 3106858; Thence returning to 705638, 3106865.

710582, 3106973; 710512, 3106936; 710441, 3106955; 710377, 3106947; 710341, 3106925; 710293, 3106993; 710325, 3106991; 710339, 3106967; 710378, 3106992; 710437, 3106991; 710476, 3106966; 710536, 3107001; 710586, 3106985; Thence returning to 710582, 3106973.

705445, 3106811; 705442, 3106775; 705460, 3106754; 705507, 3106734; 705581, 3106735; 705589, 3106716; 705496, 3106698; 705450, 3106735; 705397, 3106732; 705393, 3106760; 705364, 3106790; 705266, 3106738; 705211, 3106686; 705157, 3106720; 705099, 3106705; 705067, 3106715; 705077, 3106740; 705139, 3106743; 705153, 3106757; 705153, 3106780; 705100, 3106802; 705160, 3106884; 705207, 3106908; 705378, 3106947; 705443, 3106935; 705475, 3106897; 705479, 3106845; 705440, 3106826; Thence returning to 705445, 3106811.

707099, 3106989; 707133, 3106991; 707151, 3106967; 707116, 3106905; 706985, 3106968; 706882, 3106945; 706837, 3106963; 706814, 3106951; 706851, 3106873; 706934, 3106886; 706954, 3106853; 706950, 3106841; 706913, 3106843; 706898, 3106799; 706983, 3106811; 707011, 3106896; 707041, 3106899; 707050, 3106882; 707090, 3106870; 707070, 3106843; 707020, 3106841; 707021, 3106780; 706991, 3106761; 707021, 3106740; 706973, 3106718; 706943, 3106668; 706895, 3106667; 706923, 3106642; 707005, 3106660; 707030, 3106689; 707091, 3106719; 707077, 3106749; 707094, 3106772; 707192, 3106807; 707183, 3106719; 706990, 3106616; 706944, 3106533; 706894, 3106483; 706867, 3106474; 706893, 3106554; 706915, 3106563; 706913, 3106612; 706764, 3106690; 706799, 3106762; 706792, 3106810; 706753, 3106854; 706756, 3106917; 706703, 3106943; 706689, 3106977; 706747, 3107000; 706779, 3106980; 706866, 3106981; 707068, 3107010; Thence returning to 707099, 3106989.

707392, 3107096; 707469, 3107060; 707490, 3107033; 707312, 3107015; 707181, 3107046; 707223, 3107077; Thence returning to 707392, 3107096.

705805, 3107169; 705745, 3107144; 705993, 3107146; 705873, 3107091; 705843, 3107059; 705857, 3107038; 705908, 3107048; 705964, 3107004; 706026, 3106991; 706096, 3106990; 706263, 3107030; 706433, 3107026; 706457, 3107006; 706431, 3106967; 706437, 3106914; 706367, 3106927; 706002, 3106927; 705959, 3106940; 705903, 3107003; 705665, 3107042; 705563, 3107023; 705547, 3107052; 705507, 3107070; 705513, 3107091; 705540, 3107105; 705534, 3107148; 705547, 3107162; 705817, 3107187; Thence returning to 705805, 3107169

707515, 3107207; 707397, 3107139; 707276, 3107148; 707193, 3107132; 707189, 3107096; 707173, 3107084; 707109, 3107079; 707101, 3107095; 707270, 3107199; 707344, 3107194; 707436, 3107215; Thence returning to 707515, 3107207.

704999, 3106922; 704865, 3106837; 704841, 3106914; 704740, 3106915; 704942, 3107058; 704965, 3107105; 704973, 3107173; 704988, 3107180; 705080, 3107107; 705118, 3107025; 705066, 3106993; Thence returning to 704999, 3106922.

705977, 3107379; 706015, 3107376; 706031, 3107353; 706018, 3107306; 705961, 3107291; 705998, 3107257; 705972, 3107244; 705927, 3107266; 705915, 3107330; 705946, 3107357; 705918, 3107370; 705914, 3107411; 705952, 3107418; Thence returning to 705977, 3107379.

711325, 3107600; 711406, 3107541; 711510, 3107510; 711492, 3107455; 711309, 3107494; 711231, 3107473; 711123, 3107368; 711042, 3107220; 711002, 3107189; 710998, 3107142; 710955, 3107155; 710935, 3107100; 710879, 3107060; 710873, 3107122; 710822, 3107206; 710878, 3107264; 710951, 3107407; 711095, 3107514; 711235, 3107585; 711325, 3107600; 711032, 3107382; 711028, 3107360; 710990, 3107367; 710924, 3107288; 710896, 3107245; 710906, 3107207; 710987, 3107222; 711014, 3107307; 711053, 3107324; 711096, 3107435; 711055, 3107437; 711032, 3107382; 710924, 3107176; 710895, 3107173; 710901, 3107123; 710928, 3107149; Thence returning to 710924, 3107176.

706620, 3107519; 706657, 3107496; 706696, 3107509; 706680, 3107452; 706700, 3107425; 706727, 3107476; 706752, 3107486; 706748, 3107517; 706789, 3107511; 706802, 3107464; 706729, 3107306; 706676, 3107381; 706625, 3107388; 706657, 3107313; 706614, 3107331; 706594, 3107364; 706560, 3107484; Thence returning to 706620, 3107519.

705286, 3107815; 705282, 3107706; 705314, 3107736; 705378, 3107857; 705436, 3107916; 705470, 3107909; 705514, 3107929; 705549, 3107896; 705468, 3107869; 705355, 3107678; 705251, 3107652; 705291, 3107625; 705294, 3107595; 705275, 3107581; 705224, 3107591; 705219, 3107506; 705160, 3107450; 705204, 3107443; 705289, 3107382; 705339, 3107402; 705379, 3107383; 705479, 3107410; 705519, 3107505; 705522, 3107557; 705549, 3107583; 705554, 3107618; 705619, 3107631; 705642, 3107669; 705772, 3107766; 705908, 3107802; 705917, 3107784; 705883, 3107739; 705885, 3107713; 705818, 3107667; 705822, 3107575; 705873, 3107556; 705887, 3107523; 705968, 3107545; 706151, 3107532; 706162, 3107520; 706160, 3107476; 705996, 3107460; 705604, 3107337; 705562, 3107307; 705470, 3107182; 705443, 3107178; 705428, 3107213; 705393, 3107188; 705372, 3107210; 705340, 3107198; 705318, 3107237; 705280, 3107236; 705288, 3107307; 705247, 3107311; 705202, 3107404; 705152, 3107405; 705120, 3107441; 705129, 3107488; 705110, 3107542; 705135, 3107552; 705138, 3107581; 705160, 3107603; 705135, 3107631; 705157, 3107667; 705142, 3107693; 705126, 3107693; 705086, 3107649; 705063, 3107652; 705041, 3107682; 705010, 3107657; 704956, 3107668; 704914, 3107642; 704840, 3107653; 704810, 3107682; 704773, 3107682; 704718, 3107713; 704728, 3107745; 704750, 3107747; 704814, 3107732; 704886, 3107760; 704954, 3107719; 705135, 3107754; 705172, 3107785; 705171, 3107910; 705214, 3107954; 705241, 3108031; 705281, 3108009; 705275, 3107957; 705297, 3107866; Thence returning to 705286, 3107815.

708915, 3108154; 708921, 3108088; 708890, 3108067; 708823, 3108083; 708843, 3108149; 708867, 3108127; Thence returning to 708915, 3108154.

709028, 3108189; 709014, 3108152; 709070, 3108139; 709093, 3108174; 709071, 3108219; 709129, 3108241; 709183, 3108174; 709209, 3108171; 709237, 3108188; 709261, 3108119; 709245, 3108086; 709177, 3108114; 709113, 3108073; 709054, 3108078; 709045, 3108094; 708992, 3108105; 708944, 3108137; 708942, 3108182; 708975, 3108198; 708983, 3108247; 709020, 3108239; Thence returning to 709028, 3108189.

708168, 3108287; 708126, 3108272; 708092, 3108282; 708073, 3108255; 708063, 3108182; 708028, 3108203; 708091, 3108322; 708161, 3108303; Thence returning to 708168, 3108287.

708507, 3108341; 708545, 3108315; 708579, 3108328; 708724, 3108327; 708748, 3108308; 708761, 3108285; 708625, 3108258; 708594, 3108225; 708680, 3108089; 708687, 3108052; 708517, 3108191; 708582, 3108249; 708585, 3108270; 708516, 3108264; 708467, 3108336; Thence returning to 708507, 3108341.

706885, 3108307; 706848, 3108286; 706844, 3108264; 706911, 3108168; 707013, 3108103; 707112, 3108067; 707129, 3108022; 707165, 3108032; 707167, 3108001; 707237, 3108028; 707240, 3108003; 707205, 3107985; 707269, 3107947; 707252, 3107919; 707204, 3107900; 707009, 3107917; 706998, 3107926; 707027, 3107943; 707120, 3107947; 707123, 3107968; 707083, 3107982; 706994, 3107962; 706918, 3107985; 707086, 3108042; 707027, 3108075; 706864, 3108109; 706865, 3108141; 706891, 3108149; 706846, 3108206; 706811, 3108239; 706748, 3108249; 706776, 3108309; 706826, 3108301; 706866, 3108336; Thence returning to 706885, 3108307.

707849, 3108511; 708128, 3108485; 708036, 3108378; 708004, 3108364; 708006, 3108394; 708067, 3108450; 708070, 3108470; 708043, 3108460; 707997, 3108471; 707986, 3108433; 707959, 3108432; 707960, 3108400; 707931, 3108416; 707861, 3108393; 707836, 3108493; Thence returning to 707849, 3108511.

706114, 3108764; 706137, 3108735; 706219, 3108746; 706261, 3108730; 706220, 3108684; 706159, 3108692; 706156, 3108663; 706133, 3108633; 706224, 3108553; 706086, 3108550; 706025, 3108582; 706096, 3108588; 706102, 3108652; 706085, 3108686; 706099, 3108708; 706083, 3108739; Thence returning to 706114, 3108764.

705971, 3108734; 706030, 3108735; 706027, 3108700; 705984, 3108682; 705982, 3108647; 705921, 3108671; 705932, 3108771; 705963, 3108774; Thence returning to 705971, 3108734.

704083, 3108500; 704041, 3108464; 703991, 3108319; 704035, 3108291; 704045, 3108177; 704122, 3108175; 704152, 3108144; 704143, 3108104; 704193, 3108092; 704196, 3108076; 704165, 3108026; 704125, 3108036; 704101, 3107993; 704064, 3107963; 704035, 3107985; 704047, 3108042; 704022, 3108092; 703993, 3108111; 703932, 3108115; 703891, 3108031; 703902, 3107944; 703844, 3107929; 703840, 3107903; 703906, 3107887; 703915, 3107916; 703951, 3107941; 703951, 3107999; 703971, 3108018; 703998, 3107980; 703973, 3107934; 703977, 3107914; 704104, 3107924; 704141, 3107855; 704089, 3107774; 704080, 3107709; 704200, 3107685; 704262, 3107708; 704273, 3107761; 704325, 3107754; 704268, 3107681; 704325, 3107683; 704300, 3107620; 704373, 3107578; 704540, 3107660; 704589, 3107747; 704636, 3107767; 704654, 3107808; 704680, 3107757; 704612, 3107708; 704586, 3107609; 704599, 3107535; 704571, 3107481; 704574, 3107435; 704547, 3107396; 704576, 3107342; 704571, 3107316; 704490, 3107267; 704487, 3107184; 704472, 3107164; 704404, 3107151; 704375, 3107163; 704301, 3107105; 704292, 3107072; 704254, 3107030; 704222, 3106937; 704211, 3106845; 704246, 3106829; 704310, 3106851; 704340, 3106838; 704363, 3106801; 704362, 3106741; 704300, 3106609; 704306, 3106553; 704366, 3106543; 704453, 3106566; 704479, 3106525; 704513, 3106526; 704526, 3106449; 704631, 3106408; 704966, 3106459; 705117, 3106448; 705261, 3106525; 705342, 3106547; 705379, 3106548; 705436, 3106520; 705497, 3106524; 705525, 3106533; 705526, 3106547; 705438, 3106603; 705459, 3106629; 705503, 3106629; 705574, 3106596; 705645, 3106583; 705575, 3106533; 705575, 3106480; 705670, 3106378; 705704, 3106290; 705759, 3106274; 705767, 3106231; 705710, 3106176; 705554, 3105952; 705501, 3105848; 705498, 3105815; 705545, 3105763; 705621, 3105753; 705601, 3105707; 705502, 3105716; 705452, 3105767; 705365, 3105780; 705161, 3105707; 705155, 3105730; 705248, 3105811; 705269, 3105858; 705317, 3105885; 705303, 3105909; 705327, 3105950; 705374, 3105969; 705467, 3106117; 705619, 3106247; 705644, 3106327; 705628, 3106375; 705597, 3106389; 705435, 3106391; 705291, 3106368; 705305, 3106351; 705381, 3106362; 705439, 3106310; 705523, 3106274; 705487, 3106259; 705395, 3106285; 705401, 3106265; 705443, 3106237; 705441, 3106147; 705387, 3106174; 705339, 3106238; 705281, 3106241; 705255, 3106343; 705237, 3106363; 704938, 3106308; 704768, 3106242; 704436, 3105960; 704415, 3105886; 704420, 3105852; 704526, 3105789; 704741, 3105722; 704781, 3105677; 704807, 3105668; 704924, 3105700; 705013, 3105771; 705047, 3105772; 705106, 3105805; 705134, 3105737; 705077, 3105704; 705075, 3105683; 705202, 3105663; 705217, 3105631; 705119, 3105521; 705098, 3105534; 705078, 3105584; 705059, 3105580; 705026, 3105513; 704964, 3105468; 704940, 3105374; 704862, 3105311; 704818, 3105302; 704808, 3105315; 704773, 3105402; 704775, 3105446; 704798, 3105469; 704779, 3105497; 704742, 3105495; 704716, 3105437; 704627, 3105432; 704567, 3105395; 704644, 3105368; 704781, 3105084; 704868, 3105038; 704887, 3105043; 704945, 3105122; 704981, 3105114; 705017, 3105154; 705061, 3105151; 705112, 3105221; 705134, 3105207; 705172, 3105228; 705163, 3105169; 705223, 3105159; 705300, 3105238; 705319, 3105249; 705339, 3105238; 705476, 3105343; 705520, 3105409; 705555, 3105368; 705589, 3105355; 705580, 3105254; 705596, 3105215; 705643, 3105188; 705770, 3105177; 705874, 3105122; 705948, 3105108; 705911, 3105075; 705687, 3105019; 705497, 3104903; 705461, 3104871; 705442, 3104823; 705293, 3104746; 705274, 3104750; 705261, 3104730; 705108, 3104652; 705005, 3104634; 704950, 3104601; 704898, 3104546; 704815, 3104504; 704791, 3104560; 704732, 3104540; 704669, 3104570; 704656, 3104607; 704605, 3104635; 704485, 3104599; 704454, 3104573; 704414, 3104435; 704352, 3104344; 704366, 3104300; 704389, 3104288; 704221, 3104202; 704221, 3104240; 704207, 3104243; 704181, 3104189; 704076, 3104184; 704034, 3104255; 703942, 3104250; 703898, 3104192; 703810, 3104166; 703782, 3104135; 703753, 3104144; 703747, 3104180; 703728, 3104182; 703710, 3104142; 703684, 3104133; 703661, 3104096; 703576, 3104079; 703479, 3103993; 703463, 3104006; 703435, 3103986; 703366, 3103978; 703340, 3104012; 703366, 3104097; 703365, 3104152; 703339, 3104157; 703285, 3104118; 703315, 3104195; 703430, 3104333; 703425, 3104380; 703390, 3104409; 703389, 3104473; 703402, 3104482; 703518, 3104438; 703493, 3104488; 703427, 3104540; 703410, 3104623; 703427, 3104663; 703466, 3104665; 703498, 3104600; 703522, 3104609; 703557, 3104575; 703769, 3104596; 703889, 3104691; 703964, 3104802; 703997, 3104815; 704021, 3104862; 704071, 3104897; 704081, 3104935; 704053, 3105007; 704139, 3105007; 704172, 3104866; 704251, 3104874; 704319, 3104908; 704347, 3104903; 704442, 3104975; 704444, 3105109; 704478, 3105161; 704467, 3105194; 704438, 3105204; 704378, 3105135; 704347, 3105131; 704341, 3105160; 704372, 3105238; 704348, 3105330; 704290, 3105380; 704203, 3105416; 704169, 3105457; 704125, 3105464; 704115, 3105486; 704130, 3105513; 704123, 3105559; 704100, 3105534; 704054, 3105585; 703997, 3105599; 703905, 3105566; 703820, 3105648; 703760, 3105649; 703719, 3105678; 703713, 3105721; 703663, 3105769; 703630, 3105778; 703627, 3105857; 703643, 3105894; 703685, 3105919; 703699, 3105947; 703722, 3105944; 703761, 3105828; 703882, 3105802; 703941, 3105657; 703969, 3105630; 704085, 3105632; 704151, 3105583; 704215, 3105664; 704229, 3105664; 704243, 3105642; 704238, 3105557; 704251, 3105531; 704417, 3105438; 704555, 3105433; 704632, 3105465; 704691, 3105467; 704710, 3105491; 704707, 3105539; 704679, 3105575; 704600, 3105597; 704503, 3105658; 704443, 3105611; 704405, 3105686; 704299, 3105713; 704296, 3105737; 704320, 3105770; 704306, 3105794; 704157, 3105815; 704109, 3105800; 704014, 3105828; 704008, 3105868; 704038, 3105909; 704027, 3105920; 704026, 3105972; 703989, 3105999; 703875, 3105952; 703829, 3105954; 703886, 3106011; 704133, 3106058; 704156, 3106109; 704112, 3106186; 704108, 3106229; 704129, 3106244; 704196, 3106234; 704278, 3106259; 704287, 3106414; 704265, 3106449; 704221, 3106465; 704220, 3106670; 704248, 3106708; 704245, 3106735; 704163, 3106724; 704092, 3106633; 704048, 3106656; 703989, 3106632; 703981, 3106653; 703947, 3106644; 703930, 3106664; 703868, 3106664; 703861, 3106681; 703871, 3106740; 703923, 3106723; 703969, 3106738; 704105, 3106722; 704152, 3106751; 704165, 3106839; 704129, 3106880; 704160, 3106945; 704151, 3107041; 704186, 3107156; 704084, 3107153; 704068, 3107133; 704059, 3107071; 704028, 3107093; 703973, 3107000; 703847, 3106913; 703832, 3106924; 703862, 3107036; 703834, 3107074; 703794, 3107052; 703797, 3106985; 703746, 3106935; 703683, 3106913; 703666, 3106937; 703619, 3106946; 703556, 3106882; 703525, 3106893; 703504, 3107013; 703476, 3106997; 703466, 3106962; 703432, 3106973; 703427, 3107011; 703389, 3107038; 703386, 3107074; 703408, 3107129; 703486, 3107236; 703512, 3107253; 703567, 3107245; 703587, 3107271; 703587, 3107297; 703548, 3107309; 703535, 3107368; 703554, 3107381; 703555, 3107451; 703640, 3107532; 703676, 3107601; 703668, 3107650; 703638, 3107668; 703663, 3107820; 703768, 3107962; 703754, 3108081; 703789, 3108186; 703847, 3108194; 703861, 3108235; 703901, 3108251; 703918, 3108355; 703879, 3108349; 703882, 3108431; 703893, 3108468; 703939, 3108462; 703943, 3108505; 703921, 3108565; 703895, 3108573; 703892, 3108607; 703949, 3108604; 703974, 3108490; 703992, 3108482; 704025, 3108523; 704013, 3108559; 703976, 3108601; 704007, 3108644; 704001, 3108692; 704139, 3108744; 704249, 3108715; 704249, 3108687; 704211, 3108676; 704155, 3108590; 704164, 3108546; 704107, 3108536; 704083, 3108500; 704479, 3105263; 704556, 3105290; 704576, 3105318; 704480, 3105318; 704464, 3105300; 704479, 3105263; 705118, 3104738; 705081, 3104699; 705156, 3104715; 705187, 3104761; 705118, 3104738; 705033, 3104736; 704982, 3104716; 704970, 3104687; 704990, 3104682; 705037, 3104714; Thence returning to 705033, 3104736.

704422, 3109145; 704477, 3109149; 704462, 3109085; 704479, 3109089; 704495, 3109127; 704520, 3109100; 704589, 3109148; 704636, 3109142; 704675, 3109116; 704682, 3109144; 704706, 3109162; 704745, 3109150; 704769, 3109088; 704745, 3109066; 704752, 3109025; 704731, 3109004; 704731, 3108984; 704783, 3109018; 704903, 3109017; 704880, 3108910; 704851, 3108883; 704859, 3108860; 704916, 3108895; 704970, 3108869; 705012, 3108878; 705009, 3108894; 704951, 3108907; 704951, 3108965; 705020, 3109071; 705087, 3108960; 705100, 3108967; 705106, 3109019; 705122, 3109014; 705128, 3108966; 705085, 3108920; 705105, 3108901; 705152, 3108955; 705178, 3108942; 705230, 3108949; 705255, 3108932; 705323, 3108966; 705346, 3108933; 705320, 3108889; 705340, 3108883; 705342, 3108863; 705486, 3108890; 705511, 3108857; 705484, 3108832; 705385, 3108829; 705347, 3108804; 705357, 3108763; 705335, 3108692; 705374, 3108643; 705345, 3108623; 705299, 3108629; 705280, 3108651; 705283, 3108697; 705239, 3108711; 705178, 3108785; 705161, 3108784; 705141, 3108755; 705125, 3108779; 705094, 3108765; 705098, 3108806; 705147, 3108843; 705099, 3108857; 705080, 3108852; 705059, 3108754; 705033, 3108751; 704986, 3108694; 704958, 3108730; 704971, 3108778; 704955, 3108811; 704899, 3108794; 704855, 3108755; 704847, 3108717; 704873, 3108669; 704948, 3108697; 704963, 3108668; 704993, 3108664; 705045, 3108611; 705094, 3108585; 705055, 3108547; 705009, 3108583; 705002, 3108556; 704965, 3108530; 704966, 3108469; 704990, 3108437; 704944, 3108402; 704937, 3108369; 705007, 3108350; 704991, 3108245; 704994, 3108139; 704966, 3108105; 704890, 3108093; 704850, 3108137; 704831, 3108138; 704767, 3108109; 704737, 3108069; 704711, 3108079; 704693, 3108139; 704652, 3108139; 704627, 3108182; 704517, 3108149; 704409, 3108179; 704445, 3108221; 704527, 3108242; 704565, 3108292; 704568, 3108340; 704558, 3108343; 704478, 3108268; 704428, 3108242; 704413, 3108249; 704415, 3108288; 704405, 3108292; 704357, 3108230; 704340, 3108182; 704311, 3108182; 704279, 3108119; 704241, 3108102; 704227, 3108221; 704189, 3108170; 704178, 3108174; 704210, 3108294; 704198, 3108343; 704247, 3108369; 704236, 3108406; 704184, 3108390; 704239, 3108463; 704282, 3108470; 704325, 3108444; 704397, 3108433; 704445, 3108399; 704553, 3108448; 704586, 3108403; 704624, 3108403; 704655, 3108377; 704755, 3108386; 704802, 3108367; 704812, 3108379; 704795, 3108401; 704788, 3108479; 704753, 3108537; 704682, 3108562; 704674, 3108547; 704728, 3108515; 704718, 3108500; 704674, 3108492; 704608, 3108505; 704632, 3108534; 704646, 3108658; 704582, 3108614; 704596, 3108568; 704546, 3108570; 704528, 3108600; 704501, 3108560; 704471, 3108585; 704485, 3108644; 704468, 3108683; 704504, 3108731; 704486, 3108756; 704478, 3108819; 704526, 3108856; 704521, 3108869; 704455, 3108862; 704442, 3108882; 704447, 3108912; 704484, 3108953; 704470, 3108969; 704476, 3109013; 704396, 3108983; 704375, 3108938; 704345, 3108929; 704349, 3108905; 704334, 3108885; 704257, 3108876; 704244, 3108834; 704219, 3108842; 704232, 3108884; 704191, 3108965; 704378, 3109154; 704410, 3109163; Thence returning to 704422, 3109145.

706249, 3109228; 706294, 3109233; 706332, 3109209; 706354, 3109157; 706496, 3109152; 706544, 3109133; 706558, 3109117; 706542, 3109076; 706553, 3109049; 706646, 3108980; 706616, 3108966; 706555, 3108987; 706516, 3108967; 706521, 3108953; 706700, 3108880; 706809, 3108817; 706955, 3108830; 706987, 3108770; 707054, 3108740; 707106, 3108689; 707133, 3108685; 707163, 3108631; 707161, 3108604; 707149, 3108605; 707127, 3108639; 707095, 3108641; 707052, 3108681; 706970, 3108696; 706934, 3108687; 706949, 3108642; 706985, 3108636; 706985, 3108599; 707000, 3108586; 707038, 3108581; 707066, 3108599; 707162, 3108540; 707238, 3108553; 707357, 3108505; 707416, 3108501; 707597, 3108321; 707671, 3108224; 707735, 3108248; 707786, 3108225; 707808, 3108183; 707825, 3108182; 707919, 3108203; 707960, 3108245; 708110, 3108091; 708348, 3107941; 708634, 3107811; 708784, 3107774; 708818, 3107750; 708854, 3107752; 708871, 3107723; 708960, 3107701; 709011, 3107663; 709169, 3107594; 709366, 3107470; 709417, 3107461; 709430, 3107409; 709473, 3107387; 709466, 3107367; 709495, 3107342; 709489, 3107326; 709460, 3107322; 709422, 3107349; 709401, 3107346; 709380, 3107387; 709348, 3107387; 709324, 3107361; 709248, 3107389; 709215, 3107370; 709189, 3107377; 709196, 3107298; 709128, 3107213; 709133, 3107163; 709170, 3107202; 709239, 3107210; 709279, 3107156; 709315, 3107146; 709348, 3107163; 709371, 3107236; 709384, 3107236; 709404, 3107198; 709444, 3107173; 709464, 3107107; 709509, 3107081; 709534, 3107041; 709514, 3106899; 709487, 3106886; 709496, 3106830; 709557, 3106746; 709675, 3106657; 709679, 3106636; 709650, 3106633; 709646, 3106601; 709659, 3106574; 709691, 3106558; 709694, 3106519; 709715, 3106489; 709756, 3106457; 709791, 3106472; 709795, 3106533; 709751, 3106636; 709742, 3106693; 709808, 3106633; 709846, 3106546; 709906, 3106472; 709950, 3106436; 709975, 3106499; 710007, 3106480; 710028, 3106429; 710058, 3106421; 710076, 3106349; 710097, 3106341; 710136, 3106354; 710137, 3106327; 710190, 3106240; 710233, 3106222; 710288, 3106139; 710362, 3106088; 710426, 3106080; 710540, 3106118; 710597, 3106168; 710702, 3106219; 710726, 3106259; 710790, 3106298; 710925, 3106486; 710942, 3106535; 710984, 3106546; 711020, 3106601; 711216, 3106721; 711330, 3106843; 711385, 3107009; 711394, 3107089; 711420, 3107086; 711471, 3107000; 711498, 3106997; 711464, 3107150; 711469, 3107295; 711549, 3107370; 711610, 3107390; 711568, 3107281; 711567, 3107161; 711602, 3106898; 711581, 3106849; 711456, 3106666; 711288, 3106456; 711140, 3106300; 710912, 3106118; 710913, 3105957; 710955, 3105868; 710250, 3105152; 710242, 3105185; 710279, 3105292; 710271, 3105354; 710288, 3105446; 710272, 3105465; 710265, 3105519; 710318, 3105643; 710303, 3105696; 710271, 3105722; 710253, 3105787; 710202, 3105799; 710123, 3105865; 710044, 3105864; 709816, 3106007; 709791, 3106044; 709662, 3106146; 709547, 3106207; 709298, 3106515; 709259, 3106530; 709217, 3106593; 709094, 3106704; 708897, 3106785; 708840, 3106793; 708743, 3106775; 708602, 3106719; 708492, 3106605; 708400, 3106430; 708341, 3106416; 708497, 3106763; 708338, 3106811; 708075, 3106792; 708103, 3106828; 708267, 3106858; 708227, 3106900; 708090, 3106883; 708088, 3106851; 708022, 3106836; 707953, 3106840; 707766, 3106805; 707714, 3106729; 707324, 3106512; 707112, 3106351; 706899, 3106116; 706878, 3106169; 706847, 3106174; 706604, 3106073; 706622, 3106112; 706744, 3106237; 706737, 3106257; 706720, 3106257; 706563, 3106182; 706559, 3106209; 706609, 3106274; 706670, 3106309; 706813, 3106443; 706837, 3106442; 706841, 3106401; 706855, 3106386; 706917, 3106409; 707037, 3106535; 707104, 3106643; 707222, 3106713; 707243, 3106711; 707231, 3106664; 707332, 3106701; 707378, 3106762; 707358, 3106788; 707368, 3106821; 707453, 3106928; 707492, 3106917; 707572, 3106983; 707619, 3106997; 707653, 3107068; 707766, 3107120; 707833, 3107126; 707895, 3107168; 707868, 3107211; 707819, 3107202; 707777, 3107172; 707771, 3107145; 707656, 3107116; 707597, 3107063; 707521, 3107062; 707504, 3107093; 707471, 3107110; 707478, 3107129; 707579, 3107150; 707620, 3107192; 707705, 3107210; 707775, 3107202; 707931, 3107266; 707936, 3107192; 707910, 3107173; 707918, 3107167; 708068, 3107170; 708065, 3107157; 707982, 3107122; 708008, 3107092; 708145, 3107121; 708386, 3107111; 708428, 3107131; 708428, 3107152; 708406, 3107164; 708274, 3107145; 708213, 3107151; 708219, 3107187; 708113, 3107218; 708125, 3107250; 708079, 3107257; 708075, 3107270; 708097, 3107289; 708167, 3107301; 708173, 3107332; 708158, 3107356; 708068, 3107391; 708042, 3107309; 708013, 3107310; 708005, 3107420; 708084, 3107466; 708074, 3107569; 708109, 3107573; 708138, 3107542; 708169, 3107550; 708183, 3107582; 708230, 3107586; 708328, 3107522; 708376, 3107525; 708408, 3107551; 708486, 3107533; 708525, 3107502; 708543, 3107456; 708536, 3107442; 708479, 3107485; 708441, 3107472; 708462, 3107456; 708493, 3107370; 708442, 3107398; 708411, 3107395; 708399, 3107416; 708317, 3107407; 708231, 3107486; 708185, 3107479; 708173, 3107465; 708183, 3107441; 708267, 3107409; 708252, 3107363; 708207, 3107366; 708200, 3107354; 708207, 3107328; 708236, 3107324; 708244, 3107300; 708279, 3107300; 708291, 3107334; 708333, 3107329; 708357, 3107367; 708419, 3107364; 708475, 3107323; 708564, 3107288; 708574, 3107256; 708639, 3107292; 708748, 3107299; 708773, 3107285; 708820, 3107315; 708861, 3107297; 708890, 3107339; 708823, 3107379; 708843, 3107406; 708841, 3107481; 708781, 3107489; 708760, 3107525; 708733, 3107504; 708746, 3107442; 708728, 3107428; 708688, 3107508; 708651, 3107515; 708626, 3107492; 708610, 3107541; 708582, 3107558; 708382, 3107575; 708131, 3107637; 708043, 3107627; 707991, 3107597; 707984, 3107558; 708024, 3107563; 708053, 3107512; 707971, 3107460; 707842, 3107490; 707744, 3107492; 707643, 3107471; 707554, 3107492; 707526, 3107547; 707475, 3107522; 707401, 3107528; 707387, 3107583; 707369, 3107589; 707340, 3107589; 707316, 3107512; 707011, 3107566; 706773, 3107574; 706618, 3107556; 706543, 3107607; 706552, 3107660; 706599, 3107691; 706598, 3107707; 706566, 3107725; 706302, 3107643; 706150, 3107684; 706163, 3107709; 706234, 3107747; 706372, 3107753; 706430, 3107796; 706496, 3107800; 706534, 3107858; 706625, 3107867; 706659, 3107844; 706665, 3107801; 706648, 3107766; 706675, 3107741; 706823, 3107730; 706984, 3107695; 707006, 3107701; 707005, 3107715; 706964, 3107755; 707023, 3107765; 707037, 3107798; 706943, 3107854; 706952, 3107870; 707005, 3107872; 707112, 3107819; 707156, 3107821; 707195, 3107851; 707311, 3107815; 707335, 3107796; 707307, 3107765; 707324, 3107742; 707431, 3107766; 707819, 3107744; 707877, 3107753; 707888, 3107774; 707846, 3107837; 707559, 3108039; 707537, 3108063; 707523, 3108125; 707454, 3108142; 707205, 3108298; 707205, 3108346; 707188, 3108371; 707163, 3108369; 707158, 3108400; 707012, 3108389; 707008, 3108309; 706961, 3108345; 706884, 3108350; 706906, 3108378; 706896, 3108389; 706864, 3108388; 706837, 3108358; 706810, 3108353; 706737, 3108359; 706725, 3108381; 706744, 3108409; 706738, 3108430; 706606, 3108413; 706304, 3108427; 706311, 3108446; 706424, 3108453; 706486, 3108441; 706649, 3108459; 706687, 3108478; 706776, 3108470; 706804, 3108486; 706813, 3108522; 706750, 3108659; 706635, 3108661; 706380, 3108775; 706144, 3108797; 706125, 3108832; 705952, 3108861; 705982, 3108908; 706026, 3108912; 706023, 3108954; 706067, 3108992; 706054, 3109023; 705997, 3109037; 706009, 3109071; 706030, 3109088; 706077, 3109075; 706091, 3109120; 706120, 3109130; 706142, 3109170; 706178, 3109197; 706197, 3109261; 706249, 3109228; 708779, 3107128; 708797, 3107035; 708894, 3106989; 708924, 3106928; 709012, 3106880; 709067, 3106819; 709139, 3106769; 709204, 3106666; 709268, 3106622; 709302, 3106556; 709364, 3106502; 709413, 3106420; 709481, 3106356; 709538, 3106274; 709594, 3106217; 709629, 3106204; 709518, 3106365; 709470, 3106466; 709440, 3106575; 709406, 3106607; 709332, 3106731; 709263, 3106796; 709247, 3106834; 709271, 3106866; 709315, 3106880; 709334, 3106857; 709344, 3106869; 709345, 3106906; 709324, 3106945; 709335, 3106975; 709353, 3106954; 709400, 3106958; 709432, 3106972; 709449, 3107001; 709389, 3107055; 709334, 3107056; 709324, 3107113; 709301, 3107105; 709294, 3107073; 709233, 3107108; 709234, 3107077; 709271, 3107012; 709271, 3106980; 709299, 3106938; 709259, 3106943; 709090, 3107031; 708995, 3107119; 708922, 3107101; 708814, 3107134; 708779, 3107128; 708491, 3106821; 708535, 3106846; 708558, 3106827; 708799, 3106885; 708831, 3106902; 708824, 3106938; 708772, 3106982; 708718, 3106980; 708579, 3107058; 708390, 3107037; 708374, 3107071; 708251, 3107090; 708277, 3107039; 708231, 3107065; 708185, 3107068; 707996, 3107016; 707961, 3106998; 707935, 3106962; 707937, 3106942; 707962, 3106925; 708154, 3106925; 708299, 3106969; 708302, 3106949; 708346, 3106925; 708410, 3106845; 708466, 3106817; Thence returning to 708491, 3106821.

706309, 3109431; 706309, 3109401; 706341, 3109381; 706353, 3109337; 706326, 3109313; 706279, 3109368; 706212, 3109376; 706200, 3109402; 706174, 3109365; 706141, 3109395; 706199, 3109484; 706212, 3109459; 706268, 3109454; Thence returning to 706309, 3109431.


Unit TX-18, Aransas County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

711096, 3107435; 711053, 3107324; 711014, 3107307; 710987, 3107222; 710906, 3107207; 710896, 3107245; 710924, 3107288; 710990, 3107367; 711028, 3107360; 711032, 3107382; 711055, 3107437; Thence returning to 711096, 3107435.

710928, 3107149; 710901, 3107123; 710895, 3107173; 710924, 3107176; Thence returning to 710928, 3107149.

708814, 3107134; 708922, 3107101; 708995, 3107119; 709090, 3107031; 709259, 3106943; 709299, 3106938; 709271, 3106980; 709271, 3107012; 709234, 3107077; 709233, 3107108; 709294, 3107073; 709301, 3107105; 709324, 3107113; 709334, 3107056; 709389, 3107055; 709449, 3107001; 709432, 3106972; 709400, 3106958; 709353, 3106954; 709335, 3106975; 709324, 3106945; 709345, 3106906; 709344, 3106869; 709334, 3106857; 709315, 3106880; 709271, 3106866; 709247, 3106834; 709263, 3106796; 709332, 3106731; 709406, 3106607; 709440, 3106575; 709470, 3106466; 709518, 3106365; 709629, 3106204; 709594, 3106217; 709538, 3106274; 709481, 3106356; 709413, 3106420; 709364, 3106502; 709302, 3106556; 709268, 3106622; 709204, 3106666; 709139, 3106769; 709067, 3106819; 709012, 3106880; 708924, 3106928; 708894, 3106989; 708797, 3107035; 708779, 3107128; Thence returning to 708814, 3107134.

708374, 3107071; 708390, 3107037; 708579, 3107058; 708718, 3106980; 708772, 3106982; 708824, 3106938; 708831, 3106902; 708799, 3106885; 708558, 3106827; 708535, 3106846; 708491, 3106821; 708466, 3106817; 708410, 3106845; 708346, 3106925; 708302, 3106949; 708299, 3106969; 708154, 3106925; 707962, 3106925; 707937, 3106942; 707935, 3106962; 707961, 3106998; 707996, 3107016; 708185, 3107068; 708231, 3107065; 708277, 3107039; 708251, 3107090; Thence returning to 708374, 3107071.

704556, 3105290; 704479, 3105263; 704464, 3105300; 704480, 3105318; 704576, 3105318; Thence returning to 704556, 3105290.

705156, 3104715; 705081, 3104699; 705118, 3104738; 705187, 3104761; Thence returning to 705156, 3104715.

705037, 3104714; 704990, 3104682; 704970, 3104687; 704982, 3104716; 705033, 3104736; Thence returning to 705037, 3104714.

(2) Unit TX-18, Calhoun County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

711794, 3106966; 711892, 3106965; 711902, 3106952; 711944, 3106959; 712011, 3106940; 711378, 3106297; 711336, 3106255; 710955, 3105868; 710913, 3105957; 710912, 3106118; 711140, 3106300; 711288, 3106456; 711456, 3106666; 711581, 3106849; 711602, 3106898; 711567, 3107161; 711568, 3107281; 711610, 3107390; 711706, 3107423; 711738, 3107416; 711720, 3107238; 711670, 3107160; 711663, 3107106; 711692, 3107004; Thence returning to 711794, 3106966.

Unit TX-19: Matagorda Island Beach: 976 hectares (2,413 acres) in Calhoun County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-19, Calhoun County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

755093, 3142812; 755325, 3142614; 755502, 3142533; 755638, 3142434; 755676, 3142436; 755764, 3142378; 755845, 3142271; 755999, 3141953; 756049, 3141664; 756045, 3141334; 755953, 3141071; 755751, 3140640; 755560, 3140341; 755467, 3140158; 755353, 3140022; 755137, 3139664; 755049, 3139558; 755028, 3139471; 754906, 3139282; 754816, 3139176; 754619, 3138884; 753678, 3137676; 753030, 3136954; 752639, 3136560; 751488, 3135520; 751175, 3135304; 751084, 3135215; 750920, 3135100; 750770, 3134971; 749539, 3134175; 749148, 3133942; 748301, 3133502; 747980, 3133363; 746620, 3132692; 746410, 3132612; 745915, 3132382; 745777, 3132300; 744933, 3131893; 743633, 3131207; 743246, 3130971; 743154, 3130938; 742297, 3130449; 741969, 3130298; 741289, 3129879; 740799, 3129615; 739385, 3128778; 738374, 3128157; 737144, 3127356; 735974, 3126562; 735194, 3126017; 734575, 3125563; 734172, 3125318; 732351, 3124020; 730202, 3122414; 727120, 3120041; 725296, 3118595; 723296, 3116945; 721308, 3115232; 721106, 3115073; 720632, 3114646; 720355, 3114422; 718131, 3112439; 716176, 3110628; 715659, 3110169; 714557, 3109123; 713509, 3108160; 712655, 3107344; 712547, 3107257; 712369, 3107063; 711666, 3106384; 711454, 3106128; 711378, 3106297; 712011, 3106940; 712159, 3107065; 712744, 3107644; 713724, 3108561; 713855, 3108664; 713850, 3108681; 714768, 3109533; 714960, 3109720; 714971, 3109766; 715004, 3109772; 715035, 3109818; 715068, 3109828; 715081, 3109859; 715192, 3109951; 715200, 3109979; 715264, 3109999; 715311, 3110084; 715611, 3110320; 715969, 3110635; 717033, 3111616; 717204, 3111792; 717241, 3111807; 717330, 3111900; 717395, 3111946; 717601, 3112137; 717614, 3112166; 717749, 3112265; 717784, 3112315; 717851, 3112363; 718679, 3113122; 719785, 3114092; 719807, 3114127; 719916, 3114205; 720463, 3114702; 721429, 3115535; 721839, 3115870; 722058, 3116070; 723459, 3117257; 724673, 3118251; 724712, 3118298; 724810, 3118362; 725330, 3118796; 725361, 3118803; 725410, 3118861; 725570, 3118973; 726001, 3119335; 726074, 3119377; 726102, 3119417; 726188, 3119473; 726290, 3119575; 726326, 3119587; 726455, 3119685; 726530, 3119755; 726520, 3119770; 726583, 3119793; 726829, 3119998; 726917, 3120053; 726921, 3120078; 726859, 3120097; 726856, 3120145; 726895, 3120113; 726964, 3120096; 727176, 3120250; 727868, 3120793; 727899, 3120824; 727943, 3120935; 727928, 3120943; 727929, 3120969; 727969, 3120953; 727958, 3120908; 728008, 3120917; 728059, 3120962; 728057, 3120986; 728232, 3121082; 728671, 3121427; 728699, 3121476; 728764, 3121494; 728759, 3121527; 728797, 3121574; 728887, 3121656; 728912, 3121642; 729013, 3121780; 729156, 3121837; 729188, 3121798; 729203, 3121809; 729214, 3121862; 729266, 3121930; 729333, 3121958; 729341, 3121983; 729392, 3122025; 729445, 3122027; 729472, 3122065; 729575, 3122114; 729619, 3122180; 729624, 3122198; 729607, 3122216; 729693, 3122236; 729725, 3122267; 729725, 3122315; 729701, 3122345; 729755, 3122351; 729748, 3122297; 729763, 3122296; 729800, 3122301; 729852, 3122336; 729878, 3122355; 729858, 3122374; 729867, 3122398; 729885, 3122421; 729917, 3122427; 729917, 3122461; 729939, 3122480; 729961, 3122449; 730178, 3122639; 730239, 3122618; 730236, 3122657; 730290, 3122710; 730372, 3122750; 730381, 3122767; 730370, 3122790; 730427, 3122799; 730439, 3122842; 730512, 3122834; 730527, 3122845; 730504, 3122858; 730557, 3122870; 730612, 3122924; 730700, 3122956; 730716, 3122990; 730807, 3123042; 730849, 3123100; 730874, 3123102; 730924, 3123190; 730940, 3123155; 730972, 3123165; 730993, 3123184; 730971, 3123219; 731073, 3123254; 731105, 3123291; 731153, 3123307; 731198, 3123353; 731250, 3123376; 731604, 3123639; 731654, 3123691; 731709, 3123715; 731743, 3123759; 731808, 3123793; 731834, 3123828; 731991, 3123927; 732234, 3124113; 732324, 3124196; 732321, 3124242; 732280, 3124298; 732310, 3124287; 732336, 3124252; 732350, 3124265; 732345, 3124242; 732362, 3124219; 732477, 3124282; 732543, 3124350; 732643, 3124412; 732732, 3124492; 732811, 3124532; 732811, 3124550; 732857, 3124562; 732896, 3124601; 732964, 3124635; 732993, 3124674; 733077, 3124720; 733265, 3124866; 733440, 3124975; 733448, 3124998; 733507, 3125024; 733729, 3125187; 733840, 3125273; 733838, 3125345; 733856, 3125312; 733886, 3125302; 733966, 3125343; 733978, 3125371; 734212, 3125498; 734328, 3125585; 734422, 3125621; 735062, 3126081; 735077, 3126126; 735045, 3126156; 735045, 3126174; 735058, 3126177; 735110, 3126126; 735162, 3126144; 736041, 3126775; 737868, 3128010; 738281, 3128251; 738291, 3128273; 738673, 3128501; 738676, 3128520; 738761, 3128552; 739426, 3128955; 739413, 3128992; 739441, 3129005; 739482, 3128999; 739595, 3129062; 740189, 3129426; 740803, 3129775; 740826, 3129801; 740930, 3129838; 741003, 3129882; 741029, 3129917; 741287, 3130044; 741308, 3130073; 741476, 3130167; 741486, 3130197; 741466, 3130214; 741473, 3130220; 741507, 3130199; 741544, 3130200; 741814, 3130340; 742270, 3130610; 742343, 3130640; 742352, 3130667; 742366, 3130674; 742373, 3130661; 742835, 3130932; 743331, 3131195; 743395, 3131245; 744051, 3131584; 744066, 3131627; 744116, 3131630; 744278, 3131709; 744301, 3131738; 744461, 3131809; 744552, 3131876; 744661, 3131918; 745049, 3132121; 745010, 3132134; 745042, 3132154; 745186, 3132173; 745180, 3132187; 745297, 3132259; 745354, 3132267; 745471, 3132335; 745641, 3132406; 745658, 3132424; 745653, 3132436; 745751, 3132459; 745784, 3132478; 745788, 3132499; 745826, 3132502; 746017, 3132585; 746077, 3132622; 746085, 3132640; 746073, 3132661; 746097, 3132660; 746100, 3132646; 746141, 3132648; 746239, 3132693; 746243, 3132718; 746273, 3132706; 746311, 3132721; 746780, 3132933; 746803, 3132949; 746821, 3132992; 746870, 3132986; 746888, 3133027; 746932, 3133021; 747016, 3133051; 747110, 3133110; 747167, 3133118; 747191, 3133143; 747278, 3133175; 747254, 3133212; 747277, 3133236; 747278, 3133209; 747312, 3133203; 747373, 3133225; 747451, 3133259; 747437, 3133297; 747447, 3133305; 747462, 3133305; 747463, 3133275; 747615, 3133344; 747599, 3133368; 747639, 3133397; 747632, 3133365; 747688, 3133374; 747806, 3133442; 748002, 3133524; 748254, 3133653; 748248, 3133688; 748218, 3133697; 748215, 3133720; 748227, 3133731; 748265, 3133721; 748272, 3133680; 748308, 3133681; 748706, 3133872; 748763, 3133915; 748851, 3133946; 748947, 3134015; 749044, 3134038; 749151, 3134119; 749219, 3134136; 749464, 3134278; 749464, 3134292; 749445, 3134297; 749443, 3134332; 749504, 3134339; 749518, 3134316; 749542, 3134324; 749525, 3134341; 749539, 3134357; 749577, 3134346; 749608, 3134357; 749664, 3134394; 749677, 3134427; 749723, 3134441; 749744, 3134466; 749743, 3134500; 749778, 3134504; 749777, 3134529; 749852, 3134566; 749858, 3134584; 749874, 3134572; 749889, 3134597; 749939, 3134608; 749944, 3134633; 749986, 3134652; 749995, 3134677; 750072, 3134680; 750128, 3134721; 750184, 3134729; 750194, 3134752; 750298, 3134807; 750443, 3134935; 750496, 3134941; 750539, 3134990; 750578, 3134991; 750649, 3135056; 750812, 3135159; 750844, 3135165; 750917, 3135239; 750910, 3135274; 751003, 3135313; 751036, 3135371; 751071, 3135357; 751088, 3135368; 751076, 3135404; 751206, 3135495; 751202, 3135539; 751243, 3135549; 751287, 3135522; 751270, 3135571; 751308, 3135565; 751312, 3135593; 751335, 3135602; 751325, 3135647; 751420, 3135650; 751472, 3135678; 751463, 3135691; 751495, 3135691; 751512, 3135758; 751564, 3135740; 751546, 3135785; 751606, 3135774; 751608, 3135791; 751593, 3135795; 751601, 3135803; 751625, 3135788; 751637, 3135813; 751664, 3135814; 751653, 3135870; 751719, 3135866; 751771, 3135914; 751755, 3135916; 751746, 3135951; 751776, 3135971; 751778, 3136046; 751806, 3136081; 751800, 3136092; 751862, 3136099; 751876, 3136128; 751898, 3136105; 751935, 3136153; 751953, 3136139; 751962, 3136153; 751931, 3136191; 751947, 3136226; 752026, 3136191; 752017, 3136229; 752050, 3136243; 752038, 3136265; 752068, 3136275; 752094, 3136262; 752097, 3136295; 752077, 3136307; 752104, 3136359; 752123, 3136359; 752130, 3136398; 752236, 3136447; 752260, 3136493; 752328, 3136544; 752338, 3136587; 752418, 3136627; 752446, 3136609; 752448, 3136626; 752432, 3136634; 752526, 3136687; 752522, 3136711; 752497, 3136709; 752498, 3136725; 752548, 3136734; 752567, 3136801; 752640, 3136788; 752648, 3136810; 752628, 3136841; 752660, 3136839; 752673, 3136821; 752710, 3136839; 752692, 3136849; 752706, 3136862; 752688, 3136879; 752721, 3136888; 752778, 3136855; 752798, 3136860; 752818, 3136879; 752794, 3136899; 752803, 3136909; 752827, 3136898; 752883, 3136937; 752920, 3136994; 752919, 3137058; 752949, 3137081; 752961, 3137124; 753038, 3137177; 753049, 3137149; 753047, 3137231; 753077, 3137260; 753075, 3137282; 753105, 3137301; 753102, 3137318; 753173, 3137359; 753170, 3137380; 753246, 3137431; 753278, 3137492; 753372, 3137555; 753374, 3137577; 753429, 3137626; 753469, 3137689; 753505, 3137700; 753499, 3137746; 753596, 3137826; 753678, 3137871; 753664, 3137930; 753752, 3137961; 753769, 3138029; 753799, 3138030; 753808, 3138112; 753876, 3138172; 753919, 3138176; 753909, 3138204; 753936, 3138216; 753915, 3138237; 753910, 3138267; 753941, 3138316; 753974, 3138330; 753983, 3138385; 754065, 3138469; 754107, 3138478; 754139, 3138447; 754168, 3138485; 754109, 3138494; 754094, 3138526; 754130, 3138574; 754204, 3138599; 754217, 3138618; 754200, 3138679; 754216, 3138729; 754249, 3138774; 754350, 3138787; 754365, 3138862; 754421, 3138931; 754438, 3138996; 754494, 3139028; 754507, 3139107; 754551, 3139179; 754591, 3139167; 754627, 3139197; 754661, 3139193; 754649, 3139217; 754660, 3139218; 754672, 3139297; 754720, 3139435; 754699, 3139444; 754735, 3139458; 754725, 3139546; 754756, 3139541; 754791, 3139601; 754814, 3139595; 754831, 3139636; 754832, 3139687; 754791, 3139715; 754801, 3139747; 754836, 3139746; 754893, 3139958; 754929, 3139964; 754958, 3139944; 754986, 3139946; 754979, 3139968; 755028, 3140006; 755042, 3140054; 755066, 3140070; 755116, 3140060; 755133, 3140081; 755140, 3140118; 755116, 3140133; 755111, 3140161; 755144, 3140185; 755157, 3140220; 755169, 3140207; 755179, 3140218; 755167, 3140251; 755182, 3140267; 755178, 3140292; 755257, 3140346; 755285, 3140477; 755376, 3140560; 755388, 3140542; 755404, 3140553; 755390, 3140579; 755401, 3140628; 755441, 3140623; 755435, 3140652; 755455, 3140654; 755436, 3140681; 755455, 3140699; 755451, 3140763; 755500, 3140762; 755497, 3140789; 755553, 3140845; 755548, 3140892; 755564, 3140894; 755572, 3140947; 755595, 3140962; 755720, 3141221; 755731, 3141301; 755721, 3141355; 755702, 3141368; 755681, 3141375; 755690, 3141332; 755655, 3141332; 755679, 3141312; 755649, 3141281; 755636, 3141230; 755608, 3141210; 755599, 3141153; 755574, 3141146; 755588, 3141088; 755571, 3141058; 755506, 3141108; 755477, 3141099; 755437, 3141030; 755485, 3140982; 755440, 3140948; 755366, 3140934; 755339, 3140975; 755354, 3141017; 755388, 3141014; 755428, 3141132; 755459, 3141165; 755516, 3141183; 755564, 3141290; 755617, 3141351; 755692, 3141550; 755721, 3141583; 755727, 3141627; 755669, 3141833; 755690, 3141849; 755680, 3142053; 755644, 3142039; 755630, 3142048; 755613, 3142154; 755618, 3142205; 755604, 3142242; 755537, 3142290; 755528, 3142348; 755507, 3142350; 755476, 3142414; 755316, 3142474; 755251, 3142512; 755213, 3142562; 755191, 3142557; 755153, 3142582; 755045, 3142715; 755035, 3142748; 755005, 3142770; 755006, 3142792; 754973, 3142802; 755077, 3142486; 755075, 3142452; 755045, 3142432; 755069, 3142424; 755102, 3142297; 755176, 3142156; 755177, 3142024; 755209, 3141946; 755208, 3141868; 755243, 3141784; 755267, 3141617; 755224, 3141505; 755176, 3141476; 755102, 3141376; 755099, 3141423; 755085, 3141447; 755065, 3141446; 755055, 3141358; 755029, 3141294; 755029, 3141207; 754932, 3140925; 754850, 3140937; 754886, 3141234; 754858, 3141337; 754843, 3141531; 754820, 3141638; 754845, 3141840; 754805, 3142123; 754810, 3142204; 754789, 3142236; 754786, 3142292; 754808, 3142363; 754928, 3142528; 754948, 3142575; 754945, 3142702; 754903, 3142779; 754836, 3142810; 754807, 3142860; 754756, 3142887; 754729, 3142938; 754721, 3143047; 754744, 3143071; 754791, 3143083; 754867, 3143060; Thence returning to 755093, 3142812.

Unit TX-20: Ayers Point. 397 ha (982 ac) in Calhoun County

This unit is an unnamed lake on Matagorda Island between Shell Reef Bayou and Big Brundrett Lake, with San Antonio Bay to the north. The unit boundary extends landward from the lake to the line where dense vegetation begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur and includes upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover. This unit includes marsh and flats at Ayers Point on Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-21: Panther Point to Pringle Lake. 863 ha (2,133 ac) in Calhoun County

This unit represents a narrow band of bayside habitats on Matagorda Island from Panther Point to the northeast end of Pringle Lake. The landward boundary is the line indicating where dense vegetation begins, and the bayward boundary is MLLW. The unit is entirely within Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-22: Decros Point: 220 hectares (544 acres) in Calhoun and Matagorda Counties, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-22, Calhoun County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

756144, 3143397; 756096, 3143341; 756061, 3143349; 756063, 3143379; 756090, 3143392; 756063, 3143400; 756063, 3143415; 756112, 3143433; 756144, 3143416; Thence returning to 756144, 3143397.

756218, 3143719; 756223, 3143746; 756220, 3143744; 756218, 3143719; 756218, 3143719; 756098, 3143555; 755963, 3143488; 755903, 3143434; 755893, 3143398; 755857, 3143395; 755749, 3143289; 755734, 3143250; 755759, 3143177; 755799, 3143132; 755824, 3143113; 755867, 3143160; 756051, 3143105; 756106, 3143107; 756233, 3143175; 756271, 3143163; 756231, 3143139; 756368, 3143109; 756544, 3143103; 756677, 3143164; 756680, 3143200; 756644, 3143243; 756654, 3143262; 756890, 3143331; 756798, 3142798; 756525, 3142689; 756404, 3142687; 756212, 3142713; 755731, 3143030; 755666, 3143119; 755641, 3143206; 755922, 3143520; 756078, 3143609; 756111, 3143651; 756149, 3143763; 756225, 3143844; 756255, 3143899; 756274, 3143918; 756295, 3143916; 756361, 3143977; 756420, 3144079; 756600, 3144172; 756687, 3144174; 756777, 3144202; 756716, 3144161; 756603, 3144151; 756574, 3144128; 756593, 3144089; 756578, 3144068; 756597, 3144062; 756599, 3144045; 756464, 3143994; 756354, 3143899; 756356, 3143884; 756239, 3143766; 756235, 3143753; 756291, 3143702; 756376, 3143685; 756386, 3143670; 756401, 3143696; 756393, 3143736; 756374, 3143721; 756304, 3143770; 756346, 3143774; 756386, 3143753; 756403, 3143770; 756431, 3143706; 756475, 3143700; 756467, 3143683; 756439, 3143685; 756431, 3143666; 756460, 3143653; 756515, 3143681; 756537, 3143653; 756562, 3143683; 756579, 3143679; 756604, 3143628; 756607, 3143573; 756549, 3143560; 756522, 3143530; 756535, 3143492; 756509, 3143459; 756518, 3143444; 756565, 3143434; 756471, 3143393; 756460, 3143342; 756405, 3143278; 756281, 3143274; 756190, 3143298; 756160, 3143318; 756135, 3143366; 756148, 3143387; 756243, 3143391; 756250, 3143402; 756224, 3143431; 756303, 3143550; 756281, 3143579; 756222, 3143584; 756203, 3143630; 756218, 3143626; Thence returning to 756218, 3143719.

757069, 3144373; 757064, 3144336; 757029, 3144350; 756939, 3144286; 756881, 3144280; 756883, 3144225; 756824, 3144201; 756761, 3144210; 756674, 3144197; 756729, 3144231; 756807, 3144231; 756807, 3144244; 756771, 3144254; 756784, 3144274; 756947, 3144326; 757036, 3144377; Thence returning to 757069, 3144373.

757080, 3144446; 757073, 3144395; 756956, 3144409; 757025, 3144441; 757036, 3144424; 757061, 3144428; 757034, 3144445; 757051, 3144453; Thence returning to 757080, 3144446.


Unit TX-22, Calhoun County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

756223, 3143746; 756218, 3143719; 756220, 3143744; Thence returning to 756223, 3143746.

(2) Unit TX-22, Matagorda County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

757114, 3144349; 757132, 3144326; 757064, 3144336; 757069, 3144373; Thence returning to 757114, 3144349.

757106, 3144443; 757178, 3144436; 757188, 3144392; 757170, 3144352; 757152, 3144388; 757129, 3144401; 757073, 3144395; 757080, 3144446; Thence returning to 757106, 3144443.

757712, 3145133; 757725, 3145118; 757725, 3145080; 757710, 3145093; 757685, 3145085; 757569, 3145004; 757376, 3144796; 757336, 3144712; 757285, 3144661; 757296, 3144644; 757283, 3144617; 757274, 3144625; 757253, 3144587; 757270, 3144530; 757236, 3144549; 757209, 3144513; 757182, 3144513; 757169, 3144532; 757188, 3144595; 757158, 3144574; 757241, 3144731; 757281, 3144777; 757412, 3144866; 757482, 3144947; 757467, 3144953; 757484, 3144972; 757600, 3145074; Thence returning to 757712, 3145133.

757899, 3145276; 757919, 3145287; 757914, 3145264; 757871, 3145243; Thence returning to 757899, 3145276.

757899, 3145276; 757795, 3145160; 757867, 3145238; 757873, 3145222; 757916, 3145226; 757891, 3145208; 757891, 3145179; 757836, 3145115; 757810, 3145146; 757778, 3145133; 757806, 3145110; 757772, 3145101; 757771, 3145082; 757734, 3145066; 757732, 3145114; 757716, 3145140; 757753, 3145134; 757814, 3145209; 757820, 3145264; 757759, 3145192; 757742, 3145194; 757797, 3145321; 757846, 3145389; 758053, 3145601; 758155, 3145675; 758322, 3145834; 758379, 3145867; 758466, 3145978; 758684, 3146161; 758963, 3146301; 759004, 3146289; 759009, 3146271; 758928, 3146282; 758798, 3146176; 758702, 3146129; 758613, 3146051; 758597, 3146018; 758580, 3146020; 758506, 3145950; 758474, 3145893; 758347, 3145764; 758331, 3145770; 758338, 3145760; 758263, 3145696; 758231, 3145645; 758022, 3145469; 757918, 3145330; 757899, 3145276; 757880, 3145381; 757952, 3145406; 758010, 3145502; 757954, 3145465; 757918, 3145412; 757844, 3145366; 757880, 3145381; 758136, 3145622; 758187, 3145637; 758235, 3145721; 758096, 3145616; 758117, 3145607; Thence returning to 758136, 3145622.

759358, 3146497; 759372, 3146483; 759328, 3146494; Thence returning to 759358, 3146497.

759209, 3146541; 759188, 3146483; 759099, 3146432; 759105, 3146403; 759095, 3146405; 759093, 3146384; 759076, 3146430; 759084, 3146445; 759135, 3146466; 759183, 3146522; 759156, 3146532; Thence returning to 759209, 3146541.

759272, 3146526; 759294, 3146508; 759213, 3146541; Thence returning to 759272, 3146526

759065, 3146657; 758980, 3146572; 758972, 3146538; 758970, 3146574; 759042, 3146649; 759057, 3146693; 759177, 3146778; 759141, 3146737; 759122, 3146682; Thence returning to 759065, 3146657.

761407, 3147140; 761515, 3147154; 761599, 3147079; 761374, 3146911; 760678, 3146503; 760464, 3146360; 760075, 3146044; 759657, 3145736; 759445, 3145549; 758541, 3144679; 758386, 3144510; 758278, 3144339; 758092, 3144126; 757659, 3143435; 757468, 3143250; 757272, 3143019; 757086, 3142914; 756798, 3142798; 756890, 3143331; 756936, 3143357; 756961, 3143408; 757105, 3143467; 757171, 3143520; 757238, 3143590; 757306, 3143730; 757340, 3143770; 757437, 3143789; 757526, 3143867; 757660, 3144022; 757744, 3144151; 758077, 3144443; 758214, 3144612; 758297, 3144686; 758415, 3144760; 758648, 3144968; 759230, 3145525; 759967, 3146162; 759994, 3146208; 760115, 3146280; 760142, 3146323; 760219, 3146361; 760259, 3146409; 760301, 3146422; 760339, 3146477; 760413, 3146500; 761307, 3147038; 761328, 3147057; 761345, 3147110; 761336, 3147180; 761346, 3147218; 761384, 3147224; 761386, 3147154; Thence returning to 761407, 3147140.

759820, 3147183; 759811, 3147187; 759840, 3147218; Thence returning to 759820, 3147183.

759882, 3147275; 759875, 3147268; 759893, 3147309; Thence returning to 759882, 3147275.

759718, 3147493; 759724, 3147476; 759699, 3147449; 759686, 3147480; Thence returning to 759718, 3147493.

760083, 3147612; 760079, 3147593; 760062, 3147595; 760068, 3147567; 760037, 3147607; 759978, 3147581; 760007, 3147607; 760103, 3147644; Thence returning to 760083, 3147612.

760153, 3147620; 760159, 3147601; 760115, 3147624; 760148, 3147658; 760140, 3147641; Thence returning to 760153, 3147620.

760707, 3147904; 760679, 3147885; 760500, 3147853; 760219, 3147764; 760098, 3147690; 760026, 3147618; 759971, 3147605; 759859, 3147538; 759802, 3147485; 759791, 3147453; 759795, 3147431; 759800, 3147449; 759823, 3147444; 759831, 3147408; 759791, 3147328; 759622, 3147182; 759469, 3147002; 759416, 3146911; 759425, 3146905; 759450, 3146932; 759461, 3146911; 759452, 3146862; 759427, 3146839; 759417, 3146856; 759378, 3146852; 759372, 3146831; 759406, 3146799; 759366, 3146801; 759355, 3146822; 759368, 3146883; 759412, 3146919; 759427, 3146970; 759550, 3147123; 759770, 3147330; 759778, 3147366; 759764, 3147417; 759751, 3147432; 759753, 3147413; 759734, 3147408; 759717, 3147449; 759759, 3147499; 760206, 3147777; 760498, 3147861; Thence returning to 760707, 3147904.

760707, 3147904; 760815, 3147946; 760842, 3147982; 760851, 3148007; 760836, 3148045; 760800, 3148054; 760829, 3148059; 760861, 3148041; 760853, 3148012; 760863, 3147990; 760825, 3147942; 760772, 3147910; Thence returning to 760707, 3147904.


Unit TX-22, Matagorda County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

758136, 3145622; 758117, 3145607; 758096, 3145616; 758235, 3145721; 758187, 3145637; Thence returning to 758136, 3145622.

757880, 3145381; 757844, 3145366; 757918, 3145412; 757954, 3145465; 758010, 3145502; 757952, 3145406; Thence returning to 757880, 3145381.

Unit TX-23: West Matagorda Peninsula Beach: 732 hectares (1,808 acres) in Matagorda County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-23, Matagorda County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

794998, 3166954; 795058, 3166920; 795090, 3166937; 795134, 3166804; 795016, 3166417; 794989, 3166385; 794944, 3166385; 794915, 3166413; 794926, 3166514; 794843, 3166543; 794768, 3166544; 794548, 3166469; 794150, 3166265; 793944, 3166178; 793663, 3166021; 793518, 3165958; 793395, 3165925; 793172, 3165799; 792681, 3165580; 792613, 3165566; 792476, 3165501; 792386, 3165491; 792237, 3165445; 792084, 3165355; 791974, 3165315; 791729, 3165186; 791684, 3165181; 791602, 3165145; 791384, 3165026; 791034, 3164868; 790882, 3164791; 790777, 3164715; 790379, 3164514; 790143, 3164405; 790049, 3164393; 789926, 3164312; 789730, 3164213; 789515, 3164138; 789342, 3164036; 789061, 3163915; 789006, 3163870; 788591, 3163656; 787268, 3163020; 786928, 3162831; 785690, 3162217; 783809, 3161232; 783766, 3161194; 783561, 3161093; 783080, 3160816; 783021, 3160797; 782112, 3160298; 781945, 3160187; 779312, 3158763; 779021, 3158591; 778735, 3158450; 778435, 3158283; 778356, 3158222; 778041, 3158059; 777655, 3157835; 777552, 3157791; 777151, 3157543; 776616, 3157251; 774162, 3155789; 773866, 3155590; 771809, 3154316; 770189, 3153238; 769386, 3152669; 768586, 3152130; 768014, 3151702; 767939, 3151663; 767463, 3151320; 765711, 3150005; 765107, 3149512; 764382, 3148892; 763644, 3148208; 763289, 3147857; 762933, 3147441; 762617, 3146969; 762265, 3147300; 762270, 3147310; 762363, 3147244; 762438, 3147245; 762454, 3147203; 762535, 3147242; 762557, 3147226; 762612, 3147276; 762726, 3147506; 762744, 3147492; 762772, 3147536; 762760, 3147551; 762788, 3147556; 762803, 3147613; 762841, 3147619; 762873, 3147677; 762861, 3147687; 762892, 3147711; 762920, 3147711; 762961, 3147783; 762982, 3147789; 763038, 3147857; 763046, 3147902; 763070, 3147893; 763111, 3147916; 763157, 3147982; 763310, 3148128; 763329, 3148152; 763319, 3148179; 763350, 3148178; 763519, 3148342; 763548, 3148426; 763556, 3148410; 763588, 3148424; 763697, 3148513; 763735, 3148566; 764060, 3148862; 764128, 3148935; 764129, 3148952; 764144, 3148947; 764200, 3148989; 764344, 3149135; 764714, 3149450; 764734, 3149496; 764743, 3149472; 764772, 3149490; 764837, 3149563; 764919, 3149622; 764931, 3149656; 764966, 3149657; 764967, 3149672; 765022, 3149704; 765026, 3149729; 765054, 3149753; 765184, 3149833; 765248, 3149888; 765251, 3149908; 765318, 3149943; 765402, 3150017; 765391, 3150029; 765560, 3150128; 765654, 3150205; 765665, 3150233; 765694, 3150239; 766019, 3150509; 766060, 3150507; 766056, 3150528; 766242, 3150643; 766231, 3150659; 766264, 3150670; 766290, 3150706; 766349, 3150720; 766403, 3150762; 766410, 3150776; 766400, 3150784; 766432, 3150810; 766478, 3150816; 766553, 3150894; 766580, 3150895; 766591, 3150919; 766638, 3150935; 766681, 3150980; 766851, 3151092; 766826, 3151100; 766834, 3151111; 766869, 3151109; 766917, 3151167; 766987, 3151195; 766985, 3151213; 767051, 3151232; 767051, 3151251; 767155, 3151320; 767227, 3151389; 767261, 3151391; 767276, 3151420; 767416, 3151492; 767409, 3151512; 767478, 3151551; 767485, 3151571; 767518, 3151576; 768233, 3152078; 768238, 3152099; 768976, 3152590; 769058, 3152662; 769368, 3152855; 769420, 3152910; 769658, 3153054; 769821, 3153184; 770092, 3153356; 770434, 3153606; 771182, 3154087; 771201, 3154119; 771224, 3154119; 771302, 3154178; 771296, 3154199; 771375, 3154238; 771372, 3154277; 771386, 3154285; 771403, 3154267; 771449, 3154295; 771449, 3154276; 771475, 3154279; 771489, 3154314; 771468, 3154329; 771484, 3154342; 771514, 3154323; 771521, 3154336; 771506, 3154349; 771629, 3154407; 771640, 3154394; 771662, 3154432; 771773, 3154490; 771764, 3154504; 771847, 3154539; 771846, 3154581; 771890, 3154564; 771952, 3154615; 772048, 3154661; 772056, 3154686; 772135, 3154716; 772126, 3154764; 772141, 3154765; 772152, 3154735; 772309, 3154838; 772364, 3154849; 772356, 3154867; 772473, 3154950; 772514, 3154966; 772534, 3154957; 772537, 3154985; 772561, 3155011; 772618, 3155032; 772631, 3155101; 772691, 3155103; 772702, 3155079; 772798, 3155130; 772770, 3155157; 772782, 3155164; 772824, 3155147; 772957, 3155220; 772957, 3155241; 772941, 3155244; 772943, 3155274; 772965, 3155272; 772971, 3155237; 773333, 3155448; 773335, 3155460; 773317, 3155462; 773328, 3155489; 773349, 3155500; 773345, 3155475; 773366, 3155474; 773571, 3155590; 773800, 3155743; 773798, 3155799; 773785, 3155807; 773772, 3155780; 773766, 3155793; 773770, 3155843; 773875, 3155895; 773905, 3155835; 773937, 3155833; 773909, 3155859; 773943, 3155903; 773950, 3155887; 773965, 3155890; 773951, 3155928; 773977, 3155940; 773997, 3155908; 774009, 3155943; 774039, 3155946; 774038, 3155962; 774049, 3155966; 774062, 3155943; 774074, 3155946; 774065, 3155964; 774106, 3155956; 774092, 3156000; 774145, 3156002; 774136, 3156022; 774352, 3156126; 774319, 3156197; 774403, 3156217; 774411, 3156239; 774440, 3156235; 774449, 3156266; 774501, 3156271; 774622, 3156336; 774657, 3156309; 774646, 3156346; 774668, 3156365; 774683, 3156360; 774701, 3156393; 774726, 3156383; 774735, 3156399; 774810, 3156418; 774825, 3156441; 774879, 3156462; 774857, 3156480; 774871, 3156494; 774924, 3156492; 774903, 3156518; 774935, 3156516; 774955, 3156497; 774980, 3156504; 774967, 3156527; 775026, 3156559; 775051, 3156557; 775050, 3156580; 775099, 3156573; 775109, 3156590; 775173, 3156614; 775236, 3156655; 775259, 3156678; 775254, 3156698; 775274, 3156712; 775292, 3156688; 775440, 3156715; 775460, 3156759; 775442, 3156804; 775476, 3156805; 775551, 3156843; 775560, 3156867; 775596, 3156873; 775616, 3156913; 775662, 3156897; 775728, 3156958; 775729, 3156991; 775785, 3156991; 775801, 3157010; 775830, 3157003; 775853, 3157031; 775904, 3157050; 775946, 3157047; 775953, 3157084; 776040, 3157083; 776045, 3157116; 776022, 3157180; 776078, 3157118; 776118, 3157125; 776090, 3157149; 776131, 3157159; 776136, 3157198; 776183, 3157191; 776189, 3157207; 776176, 3157230; 776217, 3157225; 776286, 3157272; 776292, 3157308; 776319, 3157331; 776295, 3157373; 776348, 3157387; 776354, 3157358; 776341, 3157334; 776352, 3157315; 776376, 3157310; 776490, 3157347; 776545, 3157416; 776572, 3157419; 776554, 3157519; 776594, 3157504; 776584, 3157563; 776710, 3157558; 776751, 3157593; 776795, 3157573; 776809, 3157590; 776870, 3157592; 776920, 3157641; 776896, 3157733; 776916, 3157749; 776981, 3157710; 777005, 3157755; 777000, 3157825; 777052, 3157795; 777047, 3157810; 777061, 3157816; 777085, 3157807; 777100, 3157825; 777128, 3157824; 777136, 3157854; 777380, 3157859; 777414, 3157888; 777421, 3157918; 777371, 3158011; 777367, 3158052; 777413, 3157996; 777423, 3158007; 777376, 3158074; 777374, 3158106; 777554, 3158063; 777622, 3158097; 777590, 3158159; 777524, 3158371; 777557, 3158387; 777667, 3158228; 777720, 3158210; 777822, 3158226; 777867, 3158162; 777921, 3158224; 778288, 3158394; 778319, 3158391; 778393, 3158441; 778436, 3158473; 778462, 3158554; 778533, 3158601; 778551, 3158642; 778674, 3158666; 778759, 3158639; 778789, 3158648; 778780, 3158674; 778752, 3158693; 778858, 3158724; 778839, 3158750; 779002, 3158792; 779198, 3158891; 779307, 3158924; 779722, 3159149; 779805, 3159202; 779824, 3159222; 779823, 3159246; 779894, 3159251; 780100, 3159357; 780156, 3159407; 780184, 3159404; 780268, 3159447; 780367, 3159526; 780372, 3159584; 780392, 3159580; 780413, 3159547; 780436, 3159550; 780519, 3159602; 780485, 3159643; 780545, 3159622; 780556, 3159642; 780500, 3159673; 780489, 3159696; 780552, 3159678; 780592, 3159692; 780655, 3159688; 780690, 3159671; 781001, 3159852; 780997, 3159876; 781037, 3159873; 781086, 3159894; 781316, 3160022; 781407, 3160094; 781431, 3160082; 781448, 3160115; 781539, 3160152; 781544, 3160173; 781474, 3160223; 781478, 3160261; 781612, 3160218; 781669, 3160217; 781825, 3160304; 781835, 3160329; 781909, 3160348; 782128, 3160476; 782333, 3160568; 782462, 3160654; 782488, 3160655; 782597, 3160742; 782581, 3160818; 782539, 3160870; 782564, 3160919; 782609, 3160857; 782618, 3160812; 782636, 3160864; 782630, 3160898; 782649, 3160917; 782674, 3160890; 782760, 3160920; 782768, 3160964; 782808, 3160981; 782830, 3160948; 782972, 3160950; 782962, 3160969; 782995, 3161004; 782928, 3160991; 782910, 3161004; 782919, 3161024; 783089, 3161043; 783213, 3161096; 783220, 3161111; 783173, 3161144; 783179, 3161156; 783226, 3161146; 783263, 3161120; 783299, 3161127; 783882, 3161445; 783893, 3161500; 783879, 3161520; 783896, 3161532; 783944, 3161514; 784013, 3161513; 784436, 3161745; 784671, 3161860; 784710, 3161861; 784685, 3161880; 784653, 3161979; 784655, 3162020; 784702, 3161998; 784748, 3161932; 784773, 3161928; 784795, 3161949; 784788, 3162008; 784815, 3161973; 784885, 3161985; 784870, 3162027; 784910, 3162050; 784903, 3162100; 785103, 3162113; 785169, 3162136; 785192, 3162188; 785161, 3162277; 785178, 3162285; 785245, 3162208; 785280, 3162230; 785287, 3162205; 785319, 3162202; 785343, 3162225; 785384, 3162220; 785375, 3162249; 785353, 3162254; 785339, 3162280; 785371, 3162299; 785387, 3162285; 785388, 3162251; 785419, 3162240; 785449, 3162251; 785460, 3162259; 785453, 3162295; 785427, 3162294; 785418, 3162308; 785431, 3162323; 785417, 3162350; 785464, 3162332; 785491, 3162365; 785555, 3162388; 785540, 3162419; 785577, 3162435; 785706, 3162417; 785808, 3162443; 786235, 3162661; 786222, 3162726; 786241, 3162747; 786282, 3162748; 786296, 3162708; 786313, 3162705; 786408, 3162739; 787397, 3163242; 787445, 3163272; 787445, 3163303; 787386, 3163391; 787407, 3163392; 787470, 3163328; 787515, 3163318; 787548, 3163337; 787538, 3163387; 787553, 3163433; 787510, 3163517; 787580, 3163471; 787607, 3163488; 787593, 3163461; 787593, 3163378; 787644, 3163442; 787641, 3163516; 787715, 3163519; 787728, 3163533; 787752, 3163523; 787807, 3163552; 787811, 3163582; 787852, 3163578; 787866, 3163547; 787961, 3163579; 788012, 3163561; 788102, 3163592; 788746, 3163898; 789174, 3164131; 789237, 3164170; 789261, 3164207; 789293, 3164219; 789325, 3164210; 789390, 3164239; 789407, 3164304; 789427, 3164320; 789441, 3164301; 789492, 3164297; 789618, 3164343; 789689, 3164395; 789693, 3164432; 789735, 3164457; 789760, 3164450; 789823, 3164487; 789834, 3164539; 789815, 3164710; 789823, 3164734; 789859, 3164690; 789897, 3164676; 789880, 3164738; 789850, 3164773; 789759, 3164821; 789751, 3164856; 789831, 3164916; 789845, 3164980; 790001, 3164775; 790015, 3164790; 790071, 3164774; 790091, 3164789; 790083, 3164812; 789994, 3164857; 790153, 3164852; 790182, 3164863; 790158, 3164902; 790268, 3164862; 790409, 3164873; 790455, 3164860; 790439, 3164879; 790466, 3164886; 790515, 3164845; 790561, 3164860; 790573, 3164896; 790652, 3164913; 790700, 3164943; 790686, 3164985; 790627, 3165047; 790687, 3165093; 790658, 3165156; 790798, 3165128; 790843, 3165087; 790858, 3165095; 790855, 3165112; 790894, 3165091; 790909, 3165128; 790887, 3165131; 790885, 3165108; 790879, 3165143; 790889, 3165160; 790946, 3165161; 790956, 3165219; 791017, 3165172; 791022, 3165203; 791034, 3165204; 791042, 3165140; 791090, 3165139; 791130, 3165185; 791127, 3165218; 791175, 3165313; 791185, 3165392; 791210, 3165391; 791274, 3165352; 791308, 3165295; 791302, 3165249; 791376, 3165227; 791832, 3165407; 792079, 3165546; 792372, 3165683; 792643, 3165768; 793089, 3165964; 793193, 3166034; 793218, 3166074; 793323, 3166133; 793400, 3166136; 793497, 3166116; 793612, 3166196; 793662, 3166206; 793673, 3166192; 793692, 3166234; 793729, 3166224; 793740, 3166257; 793799, 3166289; 793953, 3166317; 793958, 3166343; 793999, 3166327; 794001, 3166339; 794049, 3166332; 794057, 3166358; 794044, 3166380; 794102, 3166394; 794098, 3166427; 794177, 3166450; 794190, 3166472; 794237, 3166468; 794260, 3166496; 794290, 3166485; 794313, 3166501; 794303, 3166522; 794353, 3166523; 794450, 3166564; 794498, 3166564; 794504, 3166587; 794550, 3166580; 794606, 3166655; 794624, 3166633; 794587, 3166595; 794820, 3166662; 794825, 3166646; 794850, 3166647; 794935, 3166683; 794992, 3166683; 795017, 3166700; 795006, 3166702; 795022, 3166736; 795014, 3166766; 795031, 3166779; 795044, 3166835; 795042, 3166868; 794997, 3166892; 794963, 3166951; 794941, 3166950; 794976, 3167088; 795067, 3167204; 795177, 3167238; 795284, 3167342; 795318, 3167327; 795313, 3167286; 795265, 3167234; 795106, 3167163; 795040, 3167114; 795005, 3167056; Thence returning to 794998, 3166954.

Unit TX-24: West Matagorda Bay/Western Peninsula Flats. 756 ha (1,868 ac) in Matagorda County

This unit extends along the bayside of Matagorda Peninsula from 7.5 southwest of Greens Bayou to 2.5 km (1.6 mi) northwest of Greens Bayou. The landward boundary is the line indicating the beginning of dense vegetation, and the bayside boundary is MLLW. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-25: West Matagorda Bay/Eastern Peninsula Flats. 232 ha (575 ac) in Matagorda County

This unit follows the bayside of Matagorda Peninsula from Maverick Slough southwest for 5 km (3 mi). The unit begins at Maverick Slough to the northeast and extends 5 km (3 mi) to the southwest, enclosing a series of flats along Matagorda Bay. The upland areas extend to where densely vegetated habitat, not used by the piping plover, begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur and include upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-26: Colorado River Diversion Delta. 5 ha (13 ac) in Matagorda County

This unit follows the shore of the extreme eastern northeast corner of West Matagorda Bay from Culver Cut to Dog Island Reef. The southeastern tidally emergent portion of Dog Island Reef is included within the unit. The landward boundary is the line indicating the beginning of dense vegetation, and the bayside boundary is MLLW. The upland areas includes upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-27: East Matagorda Bay/Matagorda Peninsula Beach West: 366 hectares (905 acres) in Matagorda County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-27, Matagorda County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

815151, 3177276; 815182, 3177233; 813690, 3176252; 813397, 3176083; 813325, 3176088; 813301, 3176051; 813243, 3176007; 813000, 3175875; 811516, 3174967; 809757, 3173949; 808939, 3173496; 806536, 3172223; 805649, 3171790; 805549, 3171722; 804997, 3171465; 804930, 3171413; 804257, 3171102; 804079, 3170992; 803100, 3170524; 802419, 3170178; 802076, 3170019; 801924, 3169969; 800796, 3169381; 800372, 3169187; 800298, 3169170; 800014, 3169018; 799867, 3168961; 799772, 3168893; 799509, 3168766; 799393, 3168739; 799193, 3168614; 798902, 3168493; 798794, 3168415; 798598, 3168344; 798514, 3168291; 797999, 3168062; 797826, 3167949; 797631, 3167894; 797477, 3167805; 797168, 3167677; 796768, 3167470; 796648, 3167436; 796348, 3167278; 796199, 3167230; 795692, 3166923; 795497, 3166822; 795415, 3166788; 795250, 3166772; 795169, 3166770; 795134, 3166804; 795090, 3166937; 795207, 3167035; 795336, 3167107; 795392, 3167189; 795420, 3167269; 795426, 3167183; 795446, 3167150; 795589, 3167209; 795703, 3167186; 795722, 3167161; 795776, 3167162; 795794, 3167197; 795881, 3167214; 796325, 3167451; 796435, 3167491; 796437, 3167504; 796557, 3167564; 796574, 3167555; 796578, 3167572; 796632, 3167583; 796710, 3167640; 797631, 3168070; 797669, 3168107; 797735, 3168118; 797904, 3168210; 798045, 3168263; 798047, 3168277; 798354, 3168404; 798511, 3168485; 798507, 3168499; 798596, 3168532; 798605, 3168549; 798673, 3168567; 798677, 3168594; 798692, 3168583; 798775, 3168613; 798845, 3168642; 798837, 3168655; 798992, 3168720; 799025, 3168748; 799024, 3168766; 799000, 3168758; 799023, 3168804; 799041, 3168807; 799046, 3168785; 799060, 3168785; 799092, 3168820; 799158, 3168967; 799237, 3168998; 799271, 3168945; 799301, 3168927; 799358, 3168923; 799328, 3168957; 799377, 3168934; 799455, 3168944; 799681, 3169037; 799860, 3169124; 799881, 3169190; 799866, 3169191; 799887, 3169218; 799942, 3169196; 799939, 3169221; 799991, 3169201; 800056, 3169220; 800066, 3169229; 800069, 3169315; 800115, 3169258; 800237, 3169309; 800233, 3169352; 800219, 3169368; 800227, 3169380; 800269, 3169380; 800268, 3169436; 800295, 3169417; 800289, 3169373; 800302, 3169357; 800367, 3169382; 800382, 3169460; 800413, 3169433; 800516, 3169441; 800511, 3169483; 800493, 3169499; 800504, 3169510; 800529, 3169509; 800549, 3169536; 800587, 3169485; 800642, 3169500; 800690, 3169526; 800702, 3169587; 800731, 3169583; 800744, 3169562; 800770, 3169572; 800763, 3169627; 800775, 3169651; 800790, 3169617; 800819, 3169597; 800845, 3169610; 800837, 3169658; 800882, 3169629; 800903, 3169630; 800899, 3169656; 800954, 3169648; 800995, 3169677; 800980, 3169701; 801024, 3169695; 801021, 3169734; 801038, 3169748; 801063, 3169718; 801111, 3169719; 801139, 3169739; 801117, 3169772; 801182, 3169778; 801170, 3169842; 801185, 3169848; 801201, 3169800; 801220, 3169800; 801212, 3169775; 801232, 3169778; 801382, 3169846; 801369, 3169859; 801420, 3169867; 801456, 3169908; 801513, 3169912; 801556, 3169947; 801598, 3169951; 801700, 3170013; 801744, 3170017; 801814, 3170067; 802079, 3170173; 802228, 3170258; 802294, 3170275; 802700, 3170473; 802713, 3170495; 802704, 3170571; 802743, 3170564; 802739, 3170618; 802825, 3170599; 802836, 3170618; 802898, 3170634; 802954, 3170600; 803004, 3170624; 803058, 3170695; 803106, 3170695; 803112, 3170678; 803177, 3170703; 803492, 3170870; 803513, 3170868; 803696, 3170956; 803709, 3170972; 803697, 3170984; 803734, 3171021; 803791, 3171024; 803858, 3171068; 803881, 3171064; 803887, 3171086; 803938, 3171130; 803978, 3171133; 804003, 3171117; 804006, 3171142; 804053, 3171151; 804055, 3171166; 804024, 3171168; 804033, 3171207; 804107, 3171225; 804128, 3171211; 804164, 3171227; 804175, 3171212; 804203, 3171263; 804251, 3171232; 804278, 3171264; 804346, 3171284; 804358, 3171296; 804355, 3171328; 804370, 3171328; 804372, 3171309; 804410, 3171312; 804464, 3171340; 804469, 3171365; 804455, 3171374; 804467, 3171380; 804486, 3171357; 804496, 3171382; 804514, 3171370; 804524, 3171381; 804512, 3171393; 804530, 3171413; 804547, 3171386; 804597, 3171425; 804655, 3171439; 804696, 3171464; 804706, 3171503; 804753, 3171488; 804744, 3171515; 804816, 3171513; 804854, 3171536; 804859, 3171568; 804896, 3171563; 804966, 3171612; 804987, 3171605; 805080, 3171639; 805128, 3171660; 805127, 3171687; 805220, 3171710; 805426, 3171810; 805441, 3171850; 805486, 3171849; 805760, 3171992; 805777, 3172145; 805892, 3172114; 805943, 3172152; 806021, 3172162; 806027, 3172144; 806051, 3172139; 806069, 3172154; 806045, 3172175; 806209, 3172242; 806287, 3172251; 806408, 3172329; 806487, 3172357; 806511, 3172385; 806517, 3172421; 806549, 3172412; 806547, 3172389; 806577, 3172392; 806631, 3172428; 806646, 3172472; 806664, 3172467; 806732, 3172514; 806746, 3172493; 806869, 3172554; 806877, 3172566; 806866, 3172587; 806882, 3172594; 806902, 3172580; 806998, 3172618; 807011, 3172642; 807178, 3172748; 807224, 3172849; 807239, 3172838; 807402, 3172863; 807565, 3172914; 807718, 3173033; 807712, 3173128; 807812, 3173111; 807834, 3173141; 807878, 3173118; 807957, 3173150; 808005, 3173153; 808089, 3173193; 808168, 3173255; 808274, 3173287; 808300, 3173338; 808340, 3173332; 808351, 3173355; 808482, 3173408; 808523, 3173439; 808521, 3173454; 808540, 3173473; 808523, 3173513; 808658, 3173521; 808747, 3173571; 808762, 3173531; 808798, 3173549; 808796, 3173586; 808811, 3173581; 808804, 3173607; 808816, 3173631; 808887, 3173645; 808912, 3173673; 808953, 3173670; 809003, 3173738; 809005, 3173779; 809022, 3173810; 809063, 3173816; 809123, 3173783; 809144, 3173786; 809267, 3173836; 809240, 3173879; 809290, 3173869; 809374, 3173910; 809373, 3173930; 809466, 3173972; 809515, 3173959; 809527, 3173981; 809569, 3173988; 809568, 3173998; 809542, 3173991; 809533, 3174007; 809587, 3174008; 809669, 3174075; 809844, 3174156; 809831, 3174198; 809791, 3174247; 809801, 3174268; 809782, 3174281; 809780, 3174304; 809975, 3174255; 810104, 3174315; 810121, 3174302; 810256, 3174405; 810363, 3174452; 810540, 3174570; 810772, 3174673; 810799, 3174695; 810758, 3174710; 810783, 3174730; 810834, 3174743; 810837, 3174714; 811361, 3175015; 811517, 3175132; 812200, 3175515; 812254, 3175565; 812248, 3175588; 812282, 3175603; 812304, 3175592; 812413, 3175651; 812994, 3176005; 813205, 3176153; 813618, 3176380; 813617, 3176422; 813583, 3176449; 813650, 3176441; 813631, 3176431; 813639, 3176418; 813678, 3176423; 813753, 3176466; 813831, 3176532; 813794, 3176609; 813974, 3176652; 814024, 3176680; 814050, 3176732; 814081, 3176734; 814339, 3176881; 814577, 3177065; 814602, 3177104; 814643, 3177108; 814643, 3177136; 814714, 3177150; 814767, 3177181; 814761, 3177197; 814867, 3177257; 814887, 3177248; 814954, 3177283; 814970, 3177319; 814996, 3177320; 815058, 3177361; 815085, 3177368; Thence returning to 815151, 3177276.

Unit TX-28: East Matagorda Bay/Matagorda Peninsula Beach East: 194 hectares (481 acres) in Matagorda County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-28, Matagorda County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

826255, 3184413; 826144, 3184255; 826082, 3184209; 825729, 3184026; 825639, 3183994; 824822, 3183472; 824219, 3183064; 823959, 3182871; 823794, 3182779; 823448, 3182551; 823260, 3182448; 822578, 3181993; 821871, 3181551; 821687, 3181407; 821599, 3181564; 821804, 3181677; 821805, 3181730; 821845, 3181733; 821868, 3181713; 821881, 3181737; 821874, 3181761; 821887, 3181769; 821923, 3181749; 821931, 3181789; 821995, 3181805; 821994, 3181835; 821952, 3181919; 822021, 3181956; 822017, 3181906; 821993, 3181883; 822034, 3181865; 822073, 3181905; 822110, 3181893; 822144, 3181948; 822145, 3181985; 822181, 3181986; 822189, 3182046; 822296, 3182105; 822362, 3182082; 822398, 3182112; 822398, 3182145; 822422, 3182151; 822406, 3182179; 822693, 3182372; 822814, 3182421; 822845, 3182474; 822893, 3182506; 822951, 3182513; 822967, 3182545; 822989, 3182545; 823000, 3182511; 823030, 3182494; 823060, 3182504; 823077, 3182533; 823045, 3182559; 823077, 3182605; 823164, 3182633; 823163, 3182666; 823386, 3182716; 823413, 3182751; 823377, 3182799; 823426, 3182812; 823438, 3182780; 823509, 3182846; 823591, 3182896; 823645, 3182873; 823793, 3183006; 824179, 3183243; 824191, 3183260; 824169, 3183278; 824074, 3183300; 824095, 3183334; 824155, 3183341; 824209, 3183378; 824368, 3183417; 824371, 3183454; 824415, 3183476; 824443, 3183482; 824479, 3183461; 824539, 3183482; 824635, 3183568; 824790, 3183647; 824792, 3183670; 824813, 3183684; 824777, 3183731; 824756, 3183799; 824759, 3183881; 824891, 3183871; 824909, 3183819; 824958, 3183806; 825029, 3183822; 825125, 3183886; 825180, 3183904; 825196, 3183917; 825179, 3183973; 825251, 3184071; 825179, 3184141; 825163, 3184192; 825309, 3184221; 825350, 3184198; 825363, 3184205; 825375, 3184184; 825364, 3184135; 825381, 3184105; 825537, 3184169; 825445, 3184230; 825465, 3184261; 825526, 3184253; 825539, 3184330; 825530, 3184355; 825567, 3184383; 825649, 3184398; 825705, 3184380; 825848, 3184381; 825929, 3184354; 826013, 3184373; 826009, 3184399; 826190, 3184525; 826276, 3184554; 826411, 3184646; 826400, 3184577; 826353, 3184503; Thence returning to 826255, 3184413.

830205, 3186883; 830049, 3186765; 830013, 3186765; 829946, 3186699; 829382, 3186350; 828066, 3185574; 827164, 3185085; 826836, 3184954; 826943, 3185048; 826987, 3185216; 827003, 3185207; 827072, 3185230; 827085, 3185260; 827084, 3185327; 827110, 3185354; 827210, 3185365; 827252, 3185392; 827287, 3185385; 827377, 3185461; 827440, 3185465; 827512, 3185500; 827551, 3185497; 827572, 3185471; 827594, 3185480; 827621, 3185551; 827733, 3185595; 827745, 3185647; 827847, 3185743; 827904, 3185777; 827968, 3185772; 828020, 3185747; 828075, 3185764; 828145, 3185803; 828158, 3185843; 828244, 3185846; 828245, 3185880; 828414, 3185951; 828418, 3186022; 828501, 3186031; 828502, 3186064; 828550, 3186076; 828558, 3186101; 828612, 3186117; 828679, 3186113; 828774, 3186175; 828762, 3186197; 828790, 3186228; 828855, 3186206; 828863, 3186226; 828966, 3186248; 829054, 3186316; 829078, 3186310; 829148, 3186353; 829189, 3186400; 829268, 3186437; 829288, 3186490; 829362, 3186541; 830412, 3187170; 830529, 3187068; Thence returning to 830205, 3186883.

Unit TX-29: Brown Cedar Cut. 119 ha (294 ac) in Matagorda County

This unit extends 2 km (1.2 mi.) both southwest and northeast of the main channel of Brown Cedar Cut along the bayside of Matagorda Peninsula in East Matagorda Bay, and abuts unit TX-28 to the southeast. The landward boundary is the line indicating the beginning of dense vegetation, and the bayside boundary is MLLW. The eastern boundary of TX-29 follows the change in habitat from mud flats preferred by the piping plover, to slightly vegetated dune system adjacent to TX-28. This unit includes upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-30: Northeast Corner East Matagorda Bay. 120 ha (297 ac) in Matagorda County

This unit is bounded on the north by the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway, on the east by the northeast limit of Matagorda bay up the line where dense vegetation begins, on the south by the boundary of Unit TX-28, and on the west by MLLW. It is a system of flats associated with tidal channels. This unit includes upland areas used for roosting by the piping plover and lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-31: San Bernard NWR Beach: 162 hectares (401 acres) in Brazoria and Matagorda Counties, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-31, Brazoria County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

845107, 3196259; 845109, 3196228; 845094, 3196220; 845074, 3196229; 845012, 3196214; 844789, 3196124; 844698, 3196051; 844637, 3195948; 844638, 3195822; 844631, 3195763; 844611, 3195738; 844645, 3195687; 844580, 3195695; 844354, 3195499; 843993, 3195392; 843666, 3195222; 843102, 3194895; 843008, 3194826; 842964, 3194814; 842745, 3194673; 842540, 3194566; 841475, 3193902; 840906, 3193575; 840873, 3193674; 840883, 3193749; 840904, 3193744; 840926, 3193790; 840903, 3193797; 840916, 3193814; 840902, 3193812; 840968, 3193922; 840984, 3193875; 841026, 3193872; 841030, 3193889; 841039, 3193879; 841065, 3193891; 841064, 3193916; 841078, 3193900; 841117, 3193903; 841178, 3193918; 841239, 3193971; 841278, 3193963; 841318, 3193988; 841306, 3194010; 841342, 3194027; 841361, 3194013; 841396, 3194050; 841440, 3194059; 841450, 3194079; 841484, 3194086; 841494, 3194118; 841552, 3194133; 841695, 3194218; 841704, 3194241; 842261, 3194573; 842322, 3194596; 842529, 3194742; 842704, 3194832; 842808, 3194909; 843042, 3195025; 843088, 3195056; 843084, 3195074; 843115, 3195072; 843158, 3195097; 843158, 3195112; 843238, 3195149; 843242, 3195171; 843341, 3195194; 843402, 3195234; 843423, 3195266; 843433, 3195256; 843468, 3195289; 843554, 3195319; 843555, 3195334; 843673, 3195389; 843741, 3195447; 843830, 3195469; 843849, 3195480; 843851, 3195502; 843897, 3195527; 843934, 3195528; 843937, 3195547; 843967, 3195554; 843955, 3195571; 844007, 3195571; 844013, 3195590; 844041, 3195594; 844096, 3195648; 844198, 3195670; 844280, 3195735; 844334, 3195759; 844369, 3195753; 844459, 3195808; 844503, 3195860; 844554, 3195872; 844560, 3195908; 844591, 3195936; 844582, 3195969; 844593, 3196000; 844661, 3196087; 844707, 3196123; 844992, 3196283; 845121, 3196321; Thence returning to 845107, 3196259.

(2) Unit TX-31, Matagorda County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

839649, 3192913; 839630, 3192824; 839613, 3192799; 839508, 3192750; 839098, 3192452; 839023, 3192428; 838813, 3192271; 838270, 3191930; 838203, 3191872; 837748, 3191599; 836314, 3190660; 836078, 3190523; 836034, 3190623; 836053, 3190665; 836283, 3190768; 836312, 3190807; 836350, 3190813; 836386, 3190875; 836466, 3190881; 836542, 3190928; 836529, 3190954; 836538, 3190961; 836646, 3190987; 836715, 3191029; 836768, 3191083; 836849, 3191129; 836878, 3191168; 836956, 3191189; 837036, 3191257; 837089, 3191281; 837100, 3191313; 837181, 3191370; 837272, 3191391; 837302, 3191427; 837333, 3191427; 837373, 3191456; 837374, 3191474; 838050, 3191909; 838100, 3191939; 838145, 3191939; 838147, 3191973; 838190, 3191977; 838224, 3192019; 838276, 3192051; 838274, 3192081; 838329, 3192083; 838392, 3192135; 838413, 3192124; 838409, 3192153; 838423, 3192173; 838447, 3192174; 838457, 3192200; 838474, 3192200; 838505, 3192239; 838553, 3192245; 838545, 3192261; 838618, 3192303; 838667, 3192291; 838662, 3192320; 838746, 3192330; 838736, 3192356; 838769, 3192356; 838779, 3192413; 838813, 3192455; 838897, 3192493; 838931, 3192481; 838955, 3192618; 839013, 3192626; 839073, 3192608; 839076, 3192633; 839122, 3192615; 839123, 3192653; 839153, 3192647; 839154, 3192684; 839214, 3192718; 839221, 3192767; 839298, 3192758; 839334, 3192814; 839379, 3192806; 839419, 3192820; 839441, 3192858; 839464, 3192865; 839445, 3192936; 839489, 3192935; 839515, 3192910; 839525, 3192920; 839427, 3192977; 839402, 3193017; 839435, 3193128; 839423, 3193182; 839474, 3193188; 839505, 3193171; 839618, 3193009; Thence returning to 839649, 3192913.

840883, 3193749; 840873, 3193674; 840906, 3193575; 840754, 3193476; 840604, 3193400; 840474, 3193299; 840195, 3193155; 839950, 3193003; 839807, 3192959; 839722, 3192960; 839670, 3193003; 839509, 3193215; 839394, 3193303; 839377, 3193380; 839399, 3193507; 839447, 3193568; 839491, 3193580; 839564, 3193495; 839547, 3193432; 839610, 3193325; 839726, 3193312; 839720, 3193333; 839775, 3193352; 839861, 3193324; 839880, 3193234; 839874, 3193181; 839888, 3193152; 839908, 3193151; 839985, 3193200; 840032, 3193201; 840081, 3193224; 840092, 3193256; 840110, 3193246; 840266, 3193337; 840375, 3193419; 840369, 3193438; 840345, 3193447; 840383, 3193489; 840424, 3193501; 840470, 3193478; 840528, 3193489; 840535, 3193508; 840569, 3193518; 840639, 3193586; 840774, 3193676; 840794, 3193688; 840811, 3193673; 840826, 3193692; 840821, 3193714; 840846, 3193694; 840854, 3193734; Thence returning to 840883, 3193749.

840943, 3193941; 840968, 3193922; 840902, 3193812; 840887, 3193825; 840911, 3193871; 840879, 3193929; Thence returning to 840943, 3193941.

Unit TX-32: Gulf Beach Between Brazos and San Bernard Rivers: 225 hectares (556 acres) in Brazoria County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-32, Brazoria County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

853029, 3199397; 852994, 3199291; 852973, 3199145; 852864, 3198840; 852815, 3198760; 852748, 3198714; 852344, 3198593; 852136, 3198490; 851941, 3198432; 851707, 3198337; 851659, 3198350; 851373, 3198256; 850903, 3198055; 850790, 3198014; 850728, 3198011; 850320, 3197848; 850211, 3197825; 849540, 3197571; 849448, 3197524; 849268, 3197475; 849135, 3197410; 848611, 3197221; 848398, 3197161; 847953, 3196990; 847336, 3196798; 846786, 3196588; 846675, 3196569; 846342, 3196448; 845229, 3195980; 844645, 3195687; 844611, 3195738; 844631, 3195763; 844638, 3195822; 844637, 3195948; 844698, 3196051; 844789, 3196124; 845012, 3196214; 845074, 3196229; 845094, 3196220; 845109, 3196228; 845107, 3196259; 845142, 3196272; 845167, 3196301; 845215, 3196303; 845237, 3196334; 845262, 3196325; 845273, 3196348; 845424, 3196419; 845606, 3196444; 845641, 3196469; 845640, 3196503; 845653, 3196509; 845677, 3196510; 845683, 3196466; 845734, 3196476; 845744, 3196505; 845791, 3196516; 845823, 3196548; 845890, 3196579; 845911, 3196608; 845964, 3196626; 846022, 3196620; 846056, 3196663; 846085, 3196675; 846100, 3196665; 846118, 3196693; 846191, 3196698; 846209, 3196721; 846192, 3196726; 846198, 3196746; 846218, 3196761; 846299, 3196762; 846313, 3196881; 846346, 3196895; 846501, 3196810; 846707, 3196822; 846761, 3196860; 846683, 3196872; 846669, 3196898; 846639, 3196912; 846520, 3196897; 846501, 3196914; 846514, 3196943; 846552, 3196954; 846723, 3196942; 846820, 3196915; 846839, 3196942; 847062, 3196966; 847068, 3196983; 846988, 3196998; 847098, 3197024; 847198, 3197027; 847331, 3197007; 847493, 3197060; 847517, 3197084; 847696, 3197131; 847713, 3197148; 847697, 3197178; 847713, 3197200; 847749, 3197196; 847808, 3197153; 847843, 3197165; 847873, 3197197; 847957, 3197177; 847986, 3197185; 848073, 3197221; 848087, 3197255; 848387, 3197337; 848393, 3197356; 848487, 3197381; 848503, 3197369; 848528, 3197402; 848657, 3197427; 848722, 3197461; 848892, 3197489; 849089, 3197555; 849166, 3197605; 849247, 3197610; 849256, 3197636; 849362, 3197667; 849380, 3197691; 849437, 3197693; 849591, 3197765; 849597, 3197790; 849637, 3197808; 849660, 3197793; 849697, 3197797; 849821, 3197852; 849997, 3197912; 850082, 3197925; 850128, 3197958; 850218, 3197980; 850219, 3198012; 850249, 3198030; 850278, 3198021; 850271, 3198051; 850291, 3198055; 850271, 3198094; 850256, 3198085; 850257, 3198134; 850288, 3198156; 850290, 3198104; 850321, 3198039; 850338, 3198042; 850369, 3198059; 850363, 3198076; 850378, 3198104; 850452, 3198083; 850490, 3198125; 850502, 3198111; 850538, 3198134; 850556, 3198107; 850571, 3198114; 850582, 3198157; 850603, 3198128; 850616, 3198191; 850631, 3198191; 850645, 3198166; 850740, 3198192; 850750, 3198207; 850736, 3198227; 850685, 3198222; 850683, 3198234; 850730, 3198261; 850744, 3198238; 850788, 3198224; 850802, 3198242; 850773, 3198280; 850914, 3198295; 850960, 3198323; 850988, 3198285; 851014, 3198294; 851019, 3198318; 851066, 3198354; 851108, 3198352; 851102, 3198378; 851126, 3198379; 851154, 3198356; 851186, 3198372; 851203, 3198388; 851192, 3198413; 851202, 3198416; 851219, 3198383; 851252, 3198380; 851299, 3198415; 851331, 3198393; 851384, 3198445; 851401, 3198409; 851420, 3198408; 851434, 3198420; 851429, 3198448; 851458, 3198515; 851451, 3198566; 851500, 3198614; 851478, 3198671; 851550, 3198702; 851565, 3198647; 851587, 3198620; 851593, 3198650; 851668, 3198675; 851735, 3198660; 851766, 3198689; 851776, 3198721; 851747, 3198755; 851768, 3198827; 851792, 3198792; 851811, 3198792; 851865, 3198654; 851976, 3198664; 851978, 3198682; 852021, 3198709; 852189, 3198684; 852204, 3198687; 852198, 3198698; 852248, 3198691; 852267, 3198723; 852311, 3198690; 852321, 3198740; 852361, 3198734; 852378, 3198758; 852485, 3198822; 852521, 3198814; 852539, 3198837; 852570, 3198827; 852655, 3198869; 852699, 3198938; 852743, 3198978; 852782, 3199052; 852791, 3199099; 852773, 3199162; 852683, 3199153; 852686, 3199175; 852713, 3199192; 852781, 3199202; 852766, 3199249; 852724, 3199269; 852766, 3199277; 852767, 3199335; 852704, 3199332; 852707, 3199358; 852735, 3199382; 852767, 3199362; 852788, 3199366; 852806, 3199449; 852842, 3199509; 852835, 3199542; 852857, 3199556; 852859, 3199576; 852840, 3199588; 852888, 3199657; 852919, 3199669; 852917, 3199704; 852960, 3199781; 852964, 3199894; 852947, 3200031; 852893, 3200124; 852935, 3200170; 852985, 3200126; 853017, 3200074; 853035, 3199951; 853090, 3199908; 853152, 3199814; 853155, 3199724; 853121, 3199554; 853100, 3199497; 853062, 3199466; Thence returning to 853029, 3199397.

Unit TX-33: Bryan Beach and Adjacent Beach: 85 hectares (211 acres) in Brazoria County, Texas.

(1) Unit TX-33, Brazoria County, Texas. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 14N, North American Datum 1983 (meters E, meters N):

857107, 3203393; 856954, 3203237; 856504, 3202856; 856027, 3202390; 855972, 3202358; 855205, 3201603; 855064, 3201442; 854944, 3201352; 854860, 3201254; 854447, 3200890; 854419, 3200839; 854299, 3200702; 854203, 3200634; 854165, 3200577; 854048, 3200475; 853671, 3200028; 853567, 3199956; 853447, 3199827; 853333, 3199776; 853258, 3199781; 853188, 3199823; 853130, 3200052; 853080, 3200129; 853038, 3200249; 853029, 3200293; 853061, 3200335; 853084, 3200356; 853100, 3200337; 853140, 3200182; 853233, 3199992; 853257, 3199984; 853282, 3200035; 853313, 3200036; 853344, 3199998; 853323, 3199957; 853337, 3199936; 853427, 3199983; 853558, 3200131; 853578, 3200181; 853691, 3200317; 853737, 3200293; 854041, 3200602; 853992, 3200705; 854094, 3200786; 854146, 3200781; 854169, 3200741; 854271, 3200850; 854276, 3200948; 854319, 3200983; 854308, 3201001; 854324, 3201014; 854354, 3201000; 854348, 3200979; 854369, 3200949; 854386, 3200956; 854378, 3200997; 854404, 3200991; 854416, 3201006; 854417, 3201046; 854436, 3201057; 854438, 3201017; 854484, 3201058; 854496, 3201134; 854529, 3201152; 854558, 3201133; 854784, 3201345; 854782, 3201396; 854815, 3201379; 855116, 3201662; 855121, 3201712; 855157, 3201708; 855182, 3201724; 855233, 3201795; 855264, 3201810; 855327, 3201893; 855330, 3201926; 855305, 3201957; 855301, 3202034; 855324, 3202063; 855347, 3202021; 855375, 3202009; 855387, 3201970; 855425, 3202034; 855378, 3202031; 855352, 3202050; 855339, 3202086; 855412, 3202105; 855422, 3202075; 855447, 3202073; 855465, 3202050; 855477, 3202094; 855557, 3202145; 855545, 3202169; 855496, 3202194; 855504, 3202210; 855560, 3202196; 855675, 3202272; 855669, 3202286; 855612, 3202280; 855607, 3202301; 855697, 3202387; 855677, 3202438; 855696, 3202463; 855707, 3202466; 855718, 3202395; 855734, 3202394; 855776, 3202407; 855857, 3202485; 855995, 3202547; 856665, 3203144; 856699, 3203184; 856700, 3203229; 856656, 3203223; 856604, 3203251; 856577, 3203298; 856574, 3203343; 856612, 3203392; 856746, 3203420; 856823, 3203388; 856834, 3203335; 856871, 3203348; 857231, 3203647; 857292, 3203715; 857345, 3203741; 857351, 3203789; 857405, 3203645; 857323, 3203563; 857237, 3203514; 857107, 3203393.

Unit TX-34: San Luis Pass. 110 ha (272 ac) near the Brazoria/Galveston County line

This unit extends along the Gulf side of Galveston Island from San Luis Pass to the site of the former town of Red Fish Cove (USGS 1:24,000 map, San Luis Pass, Texas; 1963, photorevision 1974). The landward boundary is the line indicating the beginning of dense vegetation, and the gulfside boundary is MLLW. Approximately 57 percent of the unit includes flats in the floodtide delta that are State-owned and managed by the TGLO. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-35: Big Reef. 47 ha (117 ac) in Galveston County

This unit consists of beach and sand flats on the north, west, and east shore of Big Reef, down to MLLW. South Jetty is not included. The area is currently managed by the City of Galveston. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-36: Bolivar Flats. 160 ha (395 ac) in Galveston County

This unit extends from the jetties on the southwest end of the Bolivar Peninsula to a point on the Gulf beach 1 km (0.6 mi) north of Beacon Bayou. It includes 5.0 km (3 mi) of Gulf shoreline. The landward boundary is the line indicating the beginning of dense vegetation, and the gulfside boundary is MLLW. The area is leased from TGLO by Houston Audubon Society and managed for its important avian resources. The upland areas are used for roosting by the piping plover. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Unit TX-37: Rollover Pass. 6 ha (16 ac) in Galveston County

This unit consists of Rollover Bay on the bayside of Bolivar Peninsula. The landward boundary is the line indicating the beginning of dense vegetation, and the bayside boundary is MLLW. It includes flats on State-owned land managed by the TGLO. This unit captures the intertidal complex of the bay, and is bounded by the towns of Gilchrist to the east and the Gulf beach of the Bolivar Peninsula to the south. This unit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds.

Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) - Northern Great Plains Breeding Population

1. Critical habitat units are depicted for Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, on the maps and as described below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

2. The one overriding primary constituent element (biological) required to sustain the northern Great Plains breeding population of piping plovers that must be present at all sites is the dynamic ecological processes that create and maintain piping plover habitat. Without this biological process the physical component of the primary constituent elements would not be able to develop. These processes develop a mosaic of habitats on the landscape that provide the essential combination of prey, forage, nesting, brooding and chick-rearing areas. The annual, seasonal, daily, and even hourly availability of the habitat patches is dependent on local weather, hydrological conditions and cycles, and geological processes. The biological primary constituent element, i.e., dynamic ecological processes, creates different physical primary constituent elements on the landscape. These physical primary constituent elements exist on different habitat types found in the northern Great Plains, including mixosaline to hypersaline wetlands (Cowardin et al. 1979), rivers, reservoirs, and inland lakes. These habitat types or physical primary constituent elements that sustain the northern Great Plains breeding population of piping plovers are described as follows:

i. On prairie alkali lakes and wetlands, the physical primary constituent elements include - (1) shallow, seasonally to permanently flooded, mixosaline to hypersaline wetlands with sandy to gravelly, sparsely vegetated beaches, salt-encrusted mud flats, and/or gravelly salt flats; (2) springs and fens along edges of alkali lakes and wetlands; and (3) adjacent uplands 200 ft (61 m) above the high water mark of the alkali lake or wetland.

ii. On rivers the physical primary constituent elements include - sparsely vegetated channel sandbars, sand and gravel beaches on islands, temporary pools on sandbars and islands, and the interface with the river.

iii. On reservoirs the physical primary constituent elements include - sparsely vegetated shoreline beaches, peninsulas, islands composed of sand, gravel, or shale, and their interface with the water bodies.

iv. On inland lakes (Lake of the Woods) the physical primary constituent elements include - sparsely vegetated and windswept sandy to gravelly islands, beaches, and peninsulas, and their interface with the water body.

3. Critical habitat does not include existing developed areas such as mainstem dam structures, buildings, marinas, boat ramps, bank stabilization and breakwater structures, row cropped or plowed agricultural areas, roads and other lands (e.g., high bank bluffs along Missouri River) unlikely to contain primary constituent elements essential for northern Great Plains piping plover conservation.


Projection: UTM Zone 15, NAD83, GRS 1980, Meters.

Unit MN-1: Rocky Point, Morris Point, and Pine and Curry Island.

This unit consists of sparsely vegetated and windswept sandy to gravelly islands, beaches, and peninsulas, and their interface with the water body (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Lake of the Woods County in the following Township, Range, and Section(s):

Pine and Curry Islands: T. 162 N., R. 31 W., Sec. 1; T. 162 N., R. 32 W., Sec. 6, 10-12; Morris Point: T. 162 N., R. 32 W., Sec. 15-16; Rocky Point: T. 163 N., R. 34 W.; Sec. 4-5, 9.


Projection: UTM Zone 13, NAD27, Clarke 1866, Meters.

Unit MT-1: Sheridan 1-20.

This unit consists of 20 alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2. i-iv. above) located in Sheridan County in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parentheses; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Sheridan 1 (Salt Lake); T. 37 N., R. 56 E., Sec. 1, 2, 12; T. 37 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 7; 551735.070, 5426228.954; Sheridan 2 (Galloway Lake); T. 37 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 7, 8, 17; 18; 555270.876, 5423341.594; Sheridan 3 (Lake North Of Espen); T. 37 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 7, 8, 17; 560733.568, 5420004.719; Sheridan 4 (Throntveit Lake); T. 37 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 28-33; 565501.589, 5419571.004; Sheridan 5 (Dog Leg WPA); T. 37 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 20; 566167.080, 5421711.910; Sheridan 6 (Anderson Lake); T. 37 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28; 567829.681, 5421938.009; Sheridan 7 (Gjesda; East WPA); T. 37 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 27, 28, 33; 568018.405, 5419742.779; Sheridan 8 (Flat Lake); T. 37 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 28, 32, 33; T. 36 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 2, 3; 566825.455, 5418175.594; Sheridan 9 (Lake North Of Stateline); T. 37 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 33, 34, T. 36 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 1; 568493.188, 5417985.314; Sheridan 10 (Round/Westby Lake); T. 36 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 1, 12, 13; 568830.499, 5415144.074; Sheridan 11 (Upper Goose Lake); T. 36 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 24, 25; 568964.588, 5411105.524; Sheridan 12 (West Goose Lake); T. 36 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 22, 23, 25-27; 567098.230, 5410658.484; Sheridan 13 (Goose Lake); T. 36 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 25, 36; T. 35 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 1, 2, 11-14; 568569.535, 5406908.114; Sheridan 14 (Big Slough WPA); T. 35 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 35; T. 34 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 1, 3, 11; 566846.207, 5397179.894; Sheridan 15 (Clear Lake); T. 34 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 32, 33; T. 33 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 4, 5; 563265.689, 5389005.274; Sheridan 16 (Erickson WPA); T. 33 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 24, 25; 569395.858, 5382318.164; Sheridan 17 (Parry Lake); T. 33 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 22, 26, 27, 34, 35; 566648.805, 5381422.559; Sheridan 18 (Katy's Lake); T. 32 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 8, 16-18; 558661.047, 5375001.119; Sheridan 19 (Deep Lake); T. 32 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 32; 548829.097, 5370424.894; Sheridan 20 (Medicine Lake); T. 31 N., R. 56 E., Sec. 1-6, 8-12, 13-15, 23, 24; T. 31 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 4-8, 18; T. 32 N., R. 55 E., Sec. 36, T. 32 N., R. 56 E., Sec. 25, 31-36; T. 32 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 28-34; 544469.013, 5368031.399.

Unit MT-2: Missouri River - approximately 125.4 mi (201.8 km) from just west of Wolf Point, McCone County, Montana, at RM 1712.0 downstream to the Montana/North Dakota border, Richland County, Montana, and McKenzie County, North Dakota, at RM 1586.6 including TRS listed below. The Missouri River in this unit flows through reservation lands of the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of Fort Peck (81.7 mi (131.5 km), State, and privately owned land.

T. 26 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 1-6, T. 26 N., R. 59 E., Sec. 3-6, 9, 10, 13-16, 22-24; T. 27 N., R. 47 E., Sec. 21-24, 27-28, 33-34; T. 27 N., R. 48 E., Sec. 13-16, 19-22, 28-29, T. 27 N., R. 49 E., Sec. 13-18, 24; T. 27 N., R. 50 E., Sec. 14-21, 23-26; T. 27 N., R. 51 E., Sec. 7-8, 17-27, 30; T. 27 N., R. 52 E., Sec. 10-16, 19, 21-23, 27-32; T. 27 N., R. 53 E., Sec. 1-3, Sec. 6-7, 18; T. 27 N., R. 54 E., Sec. 1-6, 9-12; T. 27 N., R. 55 E., Sec. 1-5, 7-11; T. 27 N., R. 56 E., Sec. 2-6, 8-9, 11, 13-14, 24; T. 27 N., R. 57 E., Sec. 18-21, 27-28, 33-36; T. 27 N., R. 58 E., Sec. 23, 25-27, 31-32, 34-36; T. 27 N., R. 59 E., Sec. 29-32; T. 28 N., R. 53 E., Sec. 27-31, 33-34; T. 28 N., R. 54 E., Sec. 31-33; T. 28 N., R. 55 E., Sec. 33-35.

Unit MT-3, Fort Peck Reservoir - This unit encompasses approximately 77,370 acres (31,311 ha) of Fort Peck Reservoir, located entirely within the Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge in Garfield, McCone, and Valley Counties. This unit consists of the following TRS:

T. 22 N., R.42E., Sec. 1-3, 10-15, 24; T. 22 N., R. 43 E., Sec. 6-8, 18-20; T. 23 N., R. 42 E., Sec. 10-15; T. 23 N., R. 42 E., Sec. 22-27, 34-36; T. 23 N., R. 43 E., Sec. 18-19, 30-31; T. 24 N., R. 41 E., Sec. 1-3, 10-13, 24; T. 24 N., R. 42 E., Sec. 5-8, 16-21, 25-36; T. 25 N., R. 39 E., Sec. 1-2, 11-12; T. 25 N., R. 40 E., Sec. 1-17, 20-24; T. 25 N., R. 41 E., Sec. 1-36; T. 25 N., R. 42 E., Sec. 5-6; T. 26 N., R. 39 E., Sec. 35-36; T. 26 N., R. 40 E., Sec. 31-36; T. 26 N., R. 41 E., Sec. 13-17, 19-36; T. 26 N., R. 42 E., Sec. 17-19, 29-32.

Unit MT-4: Bowdoin NWR.

This unit is located on Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge in Phillips County and includes sparsely vegetated shoreline beaches, peninsulas, and islands composed of sand, gravel, or shale that interface with these water bodies in the following TRS:

Bowdoin NWR: T. 30 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 1-2, 4, 9-11; T. 31 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 21-22, 25-28, 33-36.


Projection: UTM Zone 14, NAD83.

Unit NE-1: Platte, Loup, and Niobrara Rivers.

a. Platte River[1] Begins at the Lexington bridge over the main channel in Dawson County and extends downstream to its confluence with the Missouri River in Sarpy County and includes area within the river banks in the following Townships, Ranges, and Sections:

T. 08 N., R. 13 W., Sec. 4-7; T. 08 N., R. 14 W., Sec. 9-12, 15-18; T. 08 N., R. 15 W., Sec. 13-21; T. 08 N., R. 16 W., Sec. 7,8, 13-18, 23, 24; T. 08 N., R. 17 W., Sec. 7,8,10-18; T. 08 N., R. 18 W., Sec. 2-12; T. 08 N., R. 19 W., Sec. 1-12; T. 08 N., R. 20 W., Sec. 1-12; T. 08 N., R. 21 W., Sec. 1,2, 12; T. 09 N., R. 10 W., Sec. 3-7; T. 09 N., R. 11 W., Sec. 1, 11, 12, 14-19; T. 09 N., R. 12 W., Sec. 13, 22-24; 26-31; T. 09 N., R. 13 W., Sec. 25-27, 31, 33-36; T. 09 N., R. 21 W., Sec. 20, 21, 27-29, 34-36; T. 10 N., R. 08 W., Sec. 6; T. 10 N., R. 09 W., Sec. 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29; T. 10 N., R. 10 W., Sec. 25, 33, 34, 35, 36; T. 11 N., R. 07 W., Sec. 6; T. 11 N., R. 08 W., Sec. 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 29 30, 31; T. 11 N., R. 09 W., Sec.36; T. 12 N., R. 06 W., Sec. 6; T. 12 N., R. 07 W., Sec. 1, 2, 10-12, 14-16, 20-22, 29-31; T. 12 N., R. 08 W., Sec. 36; T. 13 N., R. 05 W., Sec. 5-7; T. 13 N., R. 06 W., Sec. 12-15, 21-23, 28, 29, 31, 32; T. 14 N., R. 04 W., Sec. 4, 5, 7-9, 18; T. 14 N., R. 05 W., Sec. 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 32, 33; T. 14 N., R. 39 W., Sec. 2-5, 11; T. 15 N., R. 03 W., Sec. 3-5, 7-9, 17-19; T. 15 N., R. 04 W., Sec. 12-14, 23, 24, 26, 27, 33, 34; T. 15 N., R. 38 W., Sec. 19, 20, 21, 28-30, 33; T. 15 N., R. 39 W., Sec. 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34; T. 15 N., R. 40 W., Sec. 10, 23, 24, 25, 26, 36; T. 16 N., R. 01 W., Sec. 1-4, 7-10, 17, 18; T. 16 N., R. 02 W., Sec. 10-16, 19-21 29, 30; T. 16 N., R. 03 W., Sec. 25, 26, 33-36; T. 17 N., R. 01 W., Sec. 36; T. 12 N., R. 10 E., Sec. 3-5, 9-13, 24; T. 12 N., R. 11 E., Sec. 1, 11, 12, 14-16, 18-21; T. 12 N., R. 12 E., Sec. 06; T. 13 N., R. 10 E., Sec. 4, 5, 7-9, 17-19, 29, 30, 32, 33; T. 13 N., R. 12 E., Sec. 25-28, 31-34, 36; T. 13 N., R. 13 E., Sec. 25, 26, 30-36; T. 14 N., R. 09 E., Sec. 1,12; T. 14 N., R. 10 E., Sec. 6-8, 17, 18, 20, 29, 32; T. 15 N., R. 09 E., Sec. 1-3, 11-13, 24, 25, 36; T. 15 N., R. 10 E., Sec. 19; T. 16 N., R. 01 E., Sec. 1, 2,4-6, 12; T. 16 N., R. 02 E., Sec. 1-12; T. 16 N., R. 03 E., Sec. 4-6; T. 16 N., R. 08 E., Sec. 1, 2, 12; T. 16 N., R. 09 E., Sec. 6-9, 16, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34; T. 17 N., R. 01 E., Sec. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, T. 17 N., R. 03 E., Sec. 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34; T. 17 N., R. 04 E., Sec. 9-12, 14-17, 20, 21, 29, 30; T. 17 N., R. 05 E., Sec. 7-10, 13-15; T. 17 N., R. 06 E., Sec. 7-9, 14-18, 22-24; T. 17 N., R. 07 E., Sec. 13-24; T. 17 N., R. 08 E., Sec. 20, 21, 27-29, 34-36.

b. Loup River[2] Entire river beginning at the confluence of the North and Middle Loup Rivers to form the Loup River in Howard County, to its confluence with the Platte River in Platte County and includes area within the river banks in the following Townships, Ranges, and Sections:

T. 15 N., R. 06 W., Sec. 06; T. 15 N., R. 07 W., Sec. 1-5, 7-10; T. 15 N., R. 08 W., Sec. 07, 8, 12-18; T. 15 N., R. 09 W., Sec. 7-18; T. 16 N., R. 04 W., Sec. 5, 6; T. 16 N., R. 05 W., Sec. 1-5, 7-10, 18; T. 16 N., R. 06 W., Sec. 13; 14, 22-24, 27-29, 31, 32; T. 16 N., R. 07 W., Sec. 36; T. 17 N., R. 01 W., Sec. 16, 17,.18, 21-23, 25, 26; T. 17 N., R. 02 W., Sec. 3, 4, 7-10, 13-15, 22-24; T. 17 N., R. 03 W., Sec. 10-21, 30; T. 17 N., R. 04 W., Sec. 24-28, 32-35; T. 17 N., R. 05 W., Sec. 35, 36; T. 17 N., R. 01 E., Sec. 29, 30, 32, 33.

c. Niobrara River: Begins at the bridge south of Norden in Keya Paha County and extends downstream to its confluence with the Missouri River in Knox County and includes area within the river banks in the following Townships, Ranges, and Sections:

T. 31 N., R. 06 W., Sec. 6; T. 31 N., R. 07 W., Sec. 01-4; T. 32 N., R. 06 W., Sec. 17-20, 29-31; T. 32 N., R. 07 W., Sec. 29-34, 36; T. 32 N., R. 08 W., Sec. 7, 8, 15-17, 22-25; T. 32 N., R. 09 W., Sec. 2-6, 8-12; T. 32 N., R. 10 W., Sec. 1-6, 9-12; T. 32 N., R. 11 W., Sec. 1-3; T. 32 N., R. 17 W., Sec. 5, 6; T. 32 N., R. 18 W., Sec. 1-4, 8-10, 16-19; T. 32 N., R. 19 W., Sec. 19, 20, 22-24, 26-30; T. 32 N., R. 20 W., Sec. 19-26; T. 32 N., R. 21 W., Sec. 7, 16, 17, 18, 20-24; T. 32 N., R. 22 W., Sec. 2-6, 8-14; T. 32 N., R. 23 W., Sec. 1, 2; T. 33 N., R. 11 W., Sec. 29, 30, 32-34; T. 33 N., R. 12 W., Sec. 17-21, 25-28, 36; T. 33 N., R. 13 W., Sec. 7-10, 14-18, 23, 24; T. 33 N., R. 14 W., Sec. 1, 12; T. 33 N., R. 15 W., Sec. 2-5, 7-9, 18; T. 33 N., R. 16 W., Sec. 11-16, 19-22, 29, 30; T. 33 N., R. 17 W., Sec. 25-27, 31, 33, 34; T. 33 N., R. 17 W., Sec. 35, 36; T. 33 N., R. 18 W., Sec. 36; T. 33 N., R. 23 W., Sec. 33, 34, 35; T. 34 N., R. 14 W., Sec. 26-31, 34, 35; T. 34 N., R. 15 W., Sec. 25, 35, 36.

North Dakota

Projection: UTM Zone 14, NAD27, Clarke 1866, Meters.

Unit ND-1: Divide 1-10, Williams 1-3.

This unit consists of 13 alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Divide and Williams Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X,Y) of the center point:

Divide 1 (McCone Lake); T. 163 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 11, 13, 14, 23, 24; 132483.986, 5432552.457; Divide 2 (Radar WPA); T. 163 N., R. 101 W., Sec. 19, T. 163 N., R. 102 W., Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24; 143450.351, 5431765.782; Divide 3 (Westby Lake); T. 162 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 2, 3, 10, T. 163 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 34, 35; 130664.334, 5426964.175; Divide 4 (North Lake); T. 162 N., R. 102 W., Sec. 5, 7, 8, 17; 136194.956, 5424819.822; Divide 5 (No-Name 01); T. 162 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 11, 13-15, 22-24; 131550.101, 5423562.595; Divide 6 (Miller Lake) T. 162 N., R. 102 W., Sec. 19-21, 28-30; 136221.252, 5420997.659; Divide 7 (Daneville Lake); T. 161 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 13, 14, 23-26; 131145.927, 5412367.023; Divide 8 (Johnson WPA); T. 161 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 22, 27; 129454.347, 5411841.319; Divide 9 (Camp Lake); T. 160 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 10, 15-17, 20, 21, 28; 132345.880, 5403610.519; Divide 10 (Africa Lake); T. 160 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 28, 29, 32-34; 131067.961, 5399853.506; Williams 1 (Africa Lake); T. 159 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 4; 131252.336, 5398158.780; Williams 2 (Twin Lake); T. 159 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 8, 9, 16, 17; 130274.523, 5395507.964; Williams 3 (Appam Lake); T. 159 N., R. 100 W., Sec. 14, 15, 21-23, 27; 161534.618, 5390959.346.

Unit ND-2: Burke 1-3, Mountrail 1-10, Renville 1.

Unit ND-2: Burke 1-2, Mountrail 1-10, Renville 1.

This unit consists of 14 alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Burke, Renville, and Mountrail Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X,Y) of the center point:

Burke 1 (Thompson Lake); T. 160 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 23, 25-27, 34, 35; 249736.234, 5394198.422; Burke 2 (Knudson Slough); T. 159 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 16, 21, 27, 28, 33, 34; 245951.025, 5385634.794; Burke 3 (Salt Wetland); T. 159 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 33,34, T. 158 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 4; 246764.949, 5382725.766; Mountrail 1 (Lower Lostwood Lake); T. 158 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 4, 5, 8, 17, T. 159 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 33; 244500.547, 5380906.195; Mountrail 2 (Cottonwood Lake); T. 157 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 5-9, 16, 17; 234663.178, 5370756.188; Mountrail 3 (White Lake); T. 156 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 5, 6, T. 157 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 19, 20, 27-35, T. 157 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 25; 244128.820, 5364745.652; Mountrail 4 (BLM 01); T. 156 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 13; 254103.216, 5358673.926; Mountrail 5 (Halvorson WPA); T. 156 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 4, 8-10, 16, 17; 2588354.936, 5359918.409; Mountrail 6 (Redmond Lake); T. 157 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 8, 9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28, 29, 32, 33; 263839.454, 5366646.371; Mountrail 7 (Redmond Lake Southeast); T. 157 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28; 265502.148, 5366251.040; Mountrail 8 (Palermo SW); T. 156 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 19-21, 29; 257212.039, 5356658.356; Mountrail 9 (Piping Plover WPA); T. 156 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 6, 7, 18, T. 156 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 1, 12, 13; 264548.981, 5359978.921; Mountrail 10 (USA 01); T. 156 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 4, 5, 8, 9; 267688.206, 5360; Renville 1 T. 157 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 6, T. 157 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 1, T. 158 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 5-9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28-32, T. 158 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 1, 36, T. 159 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 30, 31, T. 159 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 2-4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 24-26, 36, T. 160 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 18-20, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, T. 160 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 1, 2, 11-13, 24, T. 161 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 31, 32; 307279.646, 5385022.925;

Unit ND-3: Mountrail 11, Ward 1-10.

This unit consists of 11 alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Mountrail and Ward Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Mountrail 11 (USA 03); T. 155 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 19, 30, T. 155 N., R. 88 W., Sec. 24-26, 35, 36; 282515.422, 5344702.765; Ward 1 (Wheeler Lake); T. 153 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 6, 7; 292853.430, 5330725.995; Ward 2 (Schaefer Lake); T. 153 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 4, 5, T. 154 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 33; 295503.020, 5331528.170; Ward 3 (Simonson Lake); T. 153 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 3; 297540.190, 5330903.772; Ward 4 (Weltikot WPA); T. 153 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 22; 287595.875, 5326568.445; Ward 5 (Galusha WPA); T. 153 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 26, 27, 35; 288918.535, 5324257.230; Ward 6 (LGFR); T. 152 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 5, 6, T. 152 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 1, T. 153 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 34; 296191.685, 5321732.495; Ward 7 (Roberts Lake); T. 152 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 5, 8; 298162.740, 5320754.445; Ward 8 (Orlein WPA); T. 152 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 4, 5, 8, 9; 289443.885, 5320877.280; Ward 9 (Foss Lake); T. 151 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 17-20; 315877.075, 5307516.530; Ward 10 (Danielson WPA); T. 151 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 15, 21, 22; 319713.809, 5306604.459.

Unit ND-4: McLean 1-8.

This unit consists of eight alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in McLean County in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

McLean 1 (Crystal Lake); T. 150 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 26, 27, 34; 319688.770, 5294525.701; McLean 2 (Engel Lake); T. 149 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 12, 13; 322716.750, 5288701.540; McLean 3 (Lake Nettie); T. 148 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 20, 21, 28, 29; 348624.522, 5275584.490; McLean 4 (Cherry Lake); T. 147 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 23-26, 36; 353837.658, 5265184.800; McLean 5 (Lake Williams); T. 147 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 19-21, 28-30, 32, 33, T. 147 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 22-27, 34, 36; 364083.475, 5265192.285; McLean 6 (Blue Lake); T. 147 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 16, 17, 20, 21; 367727.830, 5266869.230; McLean 7 (Tractor Lake); T. 146 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1, 2, 35, 36; 362857.085, 5262620.315; McLean 8 (Koeing WDA); T. 145 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1, 12; 363258.729, 5250887.545.

Unit ND-5: McHenry 1-4, Sheridan 1-6.

This unit consists of 10 alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in McHenry and Sheridan Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

McHenry 1 (Lake Lemer); T. 153 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 7, 8, 17, 18, 20; 400056.197, 5325316.812; McHenry 2 (Bromley Lake); T. 153 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 20, 21, 28; 402047.786, 5323231.640; McHenry 3 (Crooked Lake); T. 153 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 31, T. 153 N., R. 76 W., Sec. 36; 398136.708, 5320218.780; McHenry 4 (Spiche WPA); T. 151 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24; 380388.750, 5304863.342; Sheridan 1 (Kandt Lake); T. 150 N., R. 76 W., Sec. 7, 18, T. 150 N., R. 77 W., Sec. 12-14; 390437.732, 5296427.775; Sheridan 2 (Moesner Lake); T. 150 N., R. 77 W., Sec. 17-21, 28; 384577.857, 5294515.153; Sheridan 3 (Krueger Lake); T. 149 N., R. 77 W., Sec. 2, 3, 11, T. 150 N., R. 77 W., Sec. 26, 27, 34, 35; 387560.771, 5291126.275; Sheridan 4 (New Lake); T. 149 N., R. 76 W., Sec. 1; 399759.605, 5289417.669; Sheridan 5 (Plover Pond); T. 149 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 7; 401849.925, 5287906.865; Sheridan 6 (Gadwall Lake); T. 149 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 7; 401439.445, 5287735.436.

Unit ND-6: Benson 1-7, Pierce 1-4.

This unit consists of 11 alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Benson and Pierce Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Benson 1 (Horseshoe Lake); T. 156 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 16, 17, 20, 21; 440518.660, 5353030.147; Benson 2 (Shively WPA); T. 156 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 20, 29; 439353.229, 5350282.062; Benson 3 (Pfeifer Lake); T. 155 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 5, T. 156 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 32; 439370.542, 5348281.846; Benson 4 (Long Lake WPA) T. 155 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 4, 9, 10, 15, 16; 441621.551, 5345274.731; Benson 5 (Volk WPA West); T. 155 N., R. 70 W., Sec. 17, 18; 448265.688, 5344009.988; Benson 6 (Simon WPA); T. 154 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 9, 10, 15, 16; 442022.195, 5335513.405; Benson 7 (Cranberry Lake); T. 154 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 14, 15, 21-23, 26-28, 34; 442842.177, 5331453.343; Pierce 1 (Sandhill Crane WPA); T. 153 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 3, 4, T. 154 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 33, 34; 431750.466, 5328861.394; Pierce 2 (Petrified Lake); T. 153 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 7, 8; 428853.027, 5326213.903; Pierce 3 (Orrin Lake); T. 152 N., R. 74 W., Sec. 5-9; 413060.595, 5317206.795; Pierce 4 (Little Antelope Lake); T. 151 N., R. 73 W., Sec. 5, 6, T. 152 N., R. 73 W., Sec. 31-33; 421895.100, 5309374.573.

Unit ND-7: Burleigh 1-4, Kidder 1-5.

This unit consists of nine alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Burleigh and Kidder Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Burleigh 1 (Rath WPA); T. 143 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 16, 21, 22, 27-29, 33; 410335.925, 522591.163; Burleigh 2 (Rachel Hoff); T. 142 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 3, 4, T. 143 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 33, 34; 411135.195, 5222640.220; Burleigh 3 (Lake Arena); T. 142 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 11-15, 22-24, 26, 27; 413457.835, 5218315.984; Burleigh 4 (Long Lake NWR); T. 137 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 1-12, 17-20, 30, 31, T. 138 N., R. 75 W., Sec. 25-27, 33-36, T. 137 N., R. 76 W., Sec. 9, 10, 13, 15-17, 21-27, 35, 36; 409304.489, 5171717.886; Kidder 1 (Horsehead Lake); T. 141 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 2-4, 9-11, 14-16, 21-24, 26-28, T. 142 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 33, 34; 440436.505, 5209889.760; Kidder 2 (Spring Lake); T. 140 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 5-7, T. 141 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 33; 448424.870, 5202157.335; Kidder 3 (Sibley Lake); T. 140 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 1, 2, 10-12, 14, 15; 444092.995, 5200289.957; Kidder 4 (Big Muddy Lake); T. 140 N., R. 72 W., Sec. 22-24, 26, 27; 443892.205, 5196747.645; Kidder 5 (Long Lake NWR); T. 137 N., R. 74 W., Sec. 4-6, T. 138 N., R. 73 W., Sec. 16-20, T. 138 N., R. 74 W., Sec. 13-15,21-35; 423970.257, 5176976.647.

Unit ND-8: Stutsman 1-3.

This unit consists of three alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Stutsman County in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Stutsman 1 (Jim Lake); T. 143 N., R. 64 W., Sec. 18-20, 28-30, 33, 34, T. 143 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 24; 513814.853, 5224895.395; Stutsman 2 (Chase Lake); T. 141 N., R. 69 W., Sec. 16, 17, 19-21, 28-30, 32, 33; 466386.425, 5205713.905; Stutsman 3 (Stink Lake 01); T. 139 N., R. 69 W., Sec. 5-8; 467714.455, 5191874.900.

Unit ND-9: Logan 1-4, McIntosh 1-2.

This unit consists of six alkali lakes and wetlands (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Logan and McIntosh Counties in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Logan 1 (Eberie Lake); T. 135 N., R. 69 W., Sec. 28, 29, 32, 33; 471236.510, 5146008.575; Logan 2 (Schweigert WPA); T. 134 N., R. 69 W., Sec. 2, 3, 10, 11, 14, 15; 474875.710, 5141918.770; Logan 3 (Baltzer WPA); T. 134 N., R. 70 W., Sec. 23, 26, 27; 465722.478, 5137658.555; Logan 4 (Logan County WMA); T. 134 N., R. 70 W., Sec. 34, 35; 465577.090, 5135812.195; McIntosh 1 (Turkey Island WPA); T. 130 N., R. 69 W., Sec. 2, 3, T. 131 N., R. 69 W., Sec. 34, 35; 476990.724, 5106836.450; McIntosh 2 (McIntosh 02); T. 130 N., R. 68 W., Sec. 13, 14, 23, 24; 488392.570, 5101297.805.

Unit ND-10: Eddy 1.

This unit consists of one alkali lake and wetland (as defined in item 2 i-iv above) located in Eddy County in the following Township, Range, and Section(s). The description that follows includes site map number; common name in parenthesis; Township, Range, and Section(s); and UTM coordinate (X, Y) of the center point:

Eddy 1 (Lake Coe); T. 149 N., R. 63 W., Sec. 21, 22, 26-28; 522343.035, 5282341.250.

Unit ND-11: Missouri River.

Approximately 354.6 mi (570.6 km) from the Montana/North Dakota border just west of Williston, McKenzie County, North Dakota, at RM 1586.6 downstream to the North Dakota/South Dakota border in Sioux and Emmons Counties, North Dakota, and Corson and Campbell Counties, South Dakota, at RM 1232.0. Lake Sakakawea, Lake Audubon, and Lake Oahe are included in this unit, along with a free-flowing stretch of the Missouri River from RM 1389 to 1302 (Garrison Reach). This unit consists of the following TRS:

T. 129 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 19, 29-32 ; T. 129 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 3-6, 8-11, 13-16, 21-27, 35-36, T. 129 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1, T. 130 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 3-9, 17-21, 27-34, T. 130 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1-3, 10-14, 23-26, 36; T. 131 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 4-9,17-20, 29-32, T. 131 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1, 11-15, 22-26, 35-36; T. 132 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 15-22; T. 132 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 3-5, 8-10, 13-16, 21-24, 26-29, 32-36. T. 133 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 5-8, 18-19, 30; T. 133 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1-2, 11-13, 23-28, 34-36; T. 134 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 31; T. 134 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 2-3, 10-16, 22-26, 35-36, T. 135 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 6-7, T. 135 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1-2, 11-15, 22-24, Sec. 26-27, 34-35; T. 136 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 18-19, 30-31; T. 136 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1-3, 5-6, 8-16, 22-27, 35-36, T. 137 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 8, 14-23, 26-36, T. 137 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 3-5, T. 8-11, 13-17, 22-26, 36, T. 138 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 5-7, 18-19, 28-34, T. 138 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 13, 24-25; T. 139 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 30-31, T. 139 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 3-4, Sec. 10-11, 14, 23-26; T. 140 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 5, 8-9, 16, 21, 27-28, 33, T. 141 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 7, 18; T. 141 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 1-3, 11-13, 24-27, 33-35, T. 142 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 4-5, 9-10, 15-16, 21-22, 27-28, 34-35, T. 143 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 5-8, 18-19, 29-33, T. 144 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 30-32, T. 144 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 14-18, 23-25, T. 144 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 13-14, 21-24, 27-34, T. 144 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 5-9, 14-17, 22-25, T. 145 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 5, 8-9, 15-16, 21, 22, 27,. 34-35; T. 146 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 4-7, 18-20, 29-30, Sec. 32; T. 146 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 12-13, 24; T. 146 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 3, T. 146 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 6-7, T. 146 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 1-10, 18, T. 146 N., R. 88 W., Sec. 1-14, 16-18, 20-21, 24; T. 146 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 1-2, 10-12, T. 147 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 2-6, 8-11, 15-18, T. 147 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 1-9, Sec. 16-20, T. 147, N., R. 84 W., Sec. 1-24, T. 147 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 1-27, 28-35, 29-31, 34-36, T. 147 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 1-3, 7, 9-36; T. 147 N., R. 87 W., Sec. 7-36, T. 147 N., R. 88 W., Sec. 6-11, 13-36; T. 147 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 1-29, 34-36; T. 147 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 1-18, 20, 23-27; T. 147 N., R. 91W., Sec. 1-7, 11-12; T. 147 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 1-9, 12-13, 16-20, 29-30, 32; T. 147 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 1-2, 12-13, T. 148 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 7-8, 17-20, 28-34; T. 148 N., R. 83 W., Sec. 11-15, 19-36, T. 148 N., R. 84 W., Sec. 18-19, 22-27, 29-36; T. 148 N., R. 85 W., Sec. 19-20, 24-25, 27, T 29-36; T. 148 N., R. 86 W., Sec. 23-28, 33-36; T. 148 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 30-32, T. 148 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 6, 19-21, 25-36; T. 148 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 1-12, 14-17, 19-36, T. 148 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 13, 20-22, 24-36; T. 148 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 24-25, 35-36, T. 149 N., R. 89 W., Sec. 7, 18; T. 149 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 3-24, 27-33; T. 149 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 1-4, 6, 9-15, 23-26, 34-36; T. 149 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 1-6, 10-12, 14-16; T. 149 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 1-2, T. 150 N., R. 90 W., Sec. 18-19, 29-31; T. 150 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 1-36, T. 150 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 13-14, 19-20, 23-36; T. 150 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 6-9, 13-36, T. 150 N., R. 94 W., Sec. 1-2, 12-15, 22, 24; T. 151 N., R. 91 W., Sec. 1-11, 14-23, 26-35, T. 151 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 1-3, 10-14, 23-26, 36; T. 151 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 5-8, 16-21, 30-31, T. 151 N., R. 94 W., Sec. 1-3, 10-15, 24-26, 35-36; T. 152 N., R. 91W., Sec. 19, 22-28, 30-35, T. 152 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 18-19, 21-28, 34-36; T. 152 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 1-16, 20-23, 27-34, T. 152 N., R. 94 W., Sec. 1, 36, T. 152 N., R. 99 W., Sec. 2-6, T. 152 N., R. 100 W., Sec. 1-12, T. 152 N., R. 100 W., Sec. 14-18, T. 152 N., R. 100 W., Sec. 20, 22; T. 152 N., R. 101 W., Sec. 1-2, 12-13; T. 152 N., R. 102 W., Sec. 6-7, T. 152 N., R. 103 W., Sec. 3-4, 9-16, 20-23, 28-30, T. 152 N., R. 104 W., Sec. 7-8, 13-15, 17-18, 20-25, 28-29; Sec. 32-33, T. 153 N., R. 92 W., Sec. 31-33, T. 153 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 5-9, 15-23, 26-30, 32-36; T. 153 N., R. 94 W., Sec. 1-14, 16, 24; T. 153 N., R. 95 W., Sec. 5-6, T. 153 N., R. 96 W., Sec. 1, 4-5; T. 153 N., R. 97 W., Sec. 1-2, 4-7, 11; T. 153 N., R. 98 W., Sec. 1-3, 11-15, 19-35, T. 153 N., R. 99 W., Sec. 22-29, 31-36, T. 153 N., R. 100 W., Sec. 4-9, 16-21, 27-30, 32-35; T. 153 N., R. 101 W., Sec. 1-11, 15-20, 30; T. 153 N., R. 102 W., Sec. 1, 12-13, 21-28, 33-36; T. 154 N., R. 93 W., Sec. 31, T. 154 N., R. 94 W., Sec. 15, 19-23, 25-36; T. 154 N., R. 95 W., Sec. 11, 13-14, 17-36, T. 154 N., R. 96 W., Sec. 2-3, 10-11, 13-16, 18-36; T. 154 N., R. 97 W., Sec. 13-16, 19-36; T. 154 N., R. 98 W., Sec. 25, 35-36; T. 154 N., R. 100 W., Sec. 19, 29-33, T. 154 N., R. 101 W., Sec. 22-29, 31-36.

South Dakota

Projection: UTM Zone 14, NAD 27, Clarke 1866, Meters.

Unit SD-1: Missouri River.

Approximately 159.7 mi (257 km) from the North Dakota/South Dakota border northeast of McLaughlin, Corson County, South Dakota, at RM 1232.0 downstream to RM 1072.3, just north of Oahe Dam (Oahe Reservoir) including the following TRS:

T. 6 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1-6, 8-11, 14-16, 21-23, 25-27, 35-36; T. 6 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 22-34; T. 6 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 19; T. 7 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 1,T. 7 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 12-13, 36; T. 7 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 5-9, 15-17, 20-28, 31-32, 34-36,[3] ; T. 7 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 19-20, 29-32; T. 8 N., R. 23 E., Sec. 1; T. 8 N., R. 24 E., Sec. 4-6; T. 8 N., R. 26 E., Sec. 4; T. 8 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 1, 11-14, 23-25; T. 8 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 4-9, 16-20, 29-31; T. 9 N., R. 23 E., Sec. 36; T. 9 N., R. 24 E., Sec. 12-15, 22-28, 31-34, T. 9 N., R. 25 E., Sec. 1-2, 7-18, 20-25, 27; T. 9 N., R. 26 E., Sec. 1-9, 10-23, 26, 28-30, 32-33; T. 9 N., R. 27 E., Sec. 1-12; T. 9 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 3-9, 13-20, 22-26, 35-36; T. 9 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1-4, 18-20, 29-32; T. 9 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 6; T. 10 N., R. 26 E., Sec. 10, 13, 15-16, 19-20, 22-29, 32-36; T. 10 N., R. 27 E., Sec. 9, 15-16, 21-36; T. 10 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 1-6, 8-17, 19-21, 24, 29-33; T. 10 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1, 4-9, T. 10 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 12-13, 16-22, 24-25, 27-30, 32-36; T. 10 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1-12, 14-19, 20, 29, 30-31, T. 10 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 6; T. 11 N., R. 27 E., Sec. 36; T. 11 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 25, 27-36; T. 11 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 24-26, 31, 36; T. 11 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1-2, 11-14, 23-26, 31-33, 35-36; T. 11 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 30-31; T. 12 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1-4, 10-14, 22-28, 34-36; T. 12 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 1-7, 10-12, T. 13 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1, 31-34; T. 13 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 36; T. 13 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 3-10, 16-17, 20-21, 27-28, 30-35; T. 14 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 36; T. 14 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 1-5, 9-11, 14-15, 22-23, 26-28, 31-35; T. 15 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1; T. 15 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 4-6, 10-11,13-15, 23-27, 32-33, 35-36; T. 16 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 13-14, 21-24, 26-28; T. 16 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1-3, 7-22, 24, 29-30; T. 16 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1-13, 16-18, 36; T. 16 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 1-2, 6-8, 10-11, 14-19, 20-22, 27-34; T. 17 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 36; T. 17 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 1, 28, 31, 33-34; T. 17 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 6-8, 16-18, 20-21, 27-28, 33-34; T. 18 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1-2, 12-13; T. 18 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 18-27, 35-36; T. 18 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 31; T. 19 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 2-6; T. 19 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1-18, 20-26, 34-36, T. 19 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 4, 7-9, 16-21, 28-32; T. 20 N., R. 27 E., Sec. 25, 36; T. 20 N., R. 28 E., Sec. 24-27, 30-36; T. 20 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 19, 29-32, 34; T. 20 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 22, 24-27,. 32-34, 36; T. 20 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 4-6, 8-9, 16, T. 20 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 19-21, 28-32; T. 21 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 2-4,10-11, 14, 23-26, 36; T. 21 N., R. 31 E., Sec. 31; T. 22 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 1-2, 11-12; T. 22 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 5-8, 14-17, 21-23, 27-28, 33-34,[4] ; T. 23 N., R. 29 E., Sec. 20-22, 27-28, 33-36;[5] ; T. 23 N., R. 30 E., Sec. 29-32; T. 107 N., R. 71 W., Sec. 30-32; T. 111 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1-3, 6; T. 111 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 1-4; T. 112 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 31; T. 112 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 4-9, 17-18, 23, 25-36; T. 112 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 1, 12-15, 22-28, 33-36; T. 113 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 3-4, 9-10, T. 113 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 4, 9, 16-21, 28-34; T. 113 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 5-8, 13, 15-17, 20-29, 34-36; T. 114 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 33-34; T. 114 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 4-5, 9-10,16-17, 20-21, 27-29, 31-33; T. 115 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 2-5, 7-10, 16-20; T. 115 N., R. 81 W., Sec. 6-7, 16-21, 25-30, 32-33, 35-36; T. 115 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 1-4, 9-16, 22-25; T. 116 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 4-9, 17-20, T. 116 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 24-27, 33-35; T. 116 N., R. 82 W., Sec. 33-36; T. 117 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 5-8, 17-18, 20, 29, 32-33,[6] ; T. 118 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 3-10, 16-18, 20-21, 29-30; T. 118 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1, 12, 20-32; T. 119 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 3-5; T. 119 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 7-9, 17-20, 30-31; T. 119 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 24-25, 36; T. 120 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 2-4, 9-11, 15-17, 20-22, 27-29, 32-34,[7] ; T. 121 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 3-11, 15-18, 20-22, 26-28, 34-35; T. 122 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 3-5, 9, 15-16, 21-22, 27-28, 32-34; T. 123 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 6-8, 18-20, 29-33; T. 123 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1-3, 11-13, 24-25; T. 124 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 31; T. 124 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 5-7, 18, 29-34; T. 124 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 12-14, 23-26, 35-36; T. 125 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 4-5, 7-8; T. 125 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 9-17, 20-22, 27-29, 32-33,7; T. 126 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 5-8, 17-18, 20-21, 27-29, 32-33; T. 126 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1, 12; T. 127 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 31; T. 127 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 1-2, 11, 14, 23-26, 36; T. 128 N., R. 78 W., Sec. 16-19, 29-31; T. 128 N., R. 79 W., Sec. 5-9, 13, 16-17, 20-22, 24-29, 35-36; T. 128 N., R. 80 W., Sec. 1-3, 10-12.

Unit SD-2: Missouri River.

Approximately 127.8 mi (204.4 km) from RM 880.0, at Fort Randall Dam in Bon Homme (right bank) and Charles Mix Counties (left bank), South Dakota, downstream to RM 752.2 near Ponca in Dixon County, Nebraska (right bank), and Union County, South Dakota (left bank). One mainstem Missouri River reservoir, Lewis and Clark Lake, and two riverine reaches (Fort Randall and Gavins Point) are included in this unit. This unit consists of the following TRS:

T. 90 N., R. 49 W., Sec. 6, T. 90 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 1, T. 90 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 11-14, T. 90 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 23-25, T. 91 N., R. 49 W., Sec. 31, T. 91 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 7, T. 91 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 18-19, T. 91 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 25-26, T. 91 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 28-30, T. 91 N., R. 50 W., Sec. 35-36, T. 91 N., R. 50 W., Sec.[8] , T. 91 N., R. 51 W., Sec. 3-6, T. 91 N., R. 51 W., Sec. 10-13, T. 91 N., R. 52 W., Sec. 1-3, T. 91 N., R. 52 W., Sec. 10-12, T. 92 N., R. 51 W., Sec. 31-32, T. 92 N., R. 52 W., Sec. 19-21, T. 92 N., R. 52 W., Sec. 26-30, T. 92 N., R. 52 W., Sec. 34-36, T. 92 N., R. 53 W., Sec. 7-8, T. 92 N., R. 53 W., Sec. 17-18, T. 92 N., R. 53 W., Sec. 20-24, T. 92 N., R. 54 W., Sec. 3, T. 92 N., R. 54 W., Sec. 10-12, T. 92 N., R. 60 W., Sec. 1-2, T. 92 N., R. 60 W., Sec. 10-11, T. 92 N., R. 60 W., Sec. 15-17, T. 92 N., R. 60 W., Sec. 19-21, T. 92 N., R. 61 W., Sec. 6-8, T. 92 N., R. 61 W., Sec. 15-17, T. 92 N., R. 61 W., Sec. 21-24, T. 92 N., R. 62 W., Sec. 1-2, T. 93 N., R. 54 W., Sec. 18-21, T. 93 N., R. 54 W., Sec. 27-28, T. 93 N., R. 54 W.,

Sec. 34, T. 93 N., R. 55 W., Sec. 13-14, T. 93 N., R. 55 W., Sec. 17-19, T. 93 N., R. 55 W., Sec. 23-24, T. 93 N., R. 56 W., Sec. 13-14, T. 93 N., R. 56 W., Sec. 17-21, T. 93 N., R. 56 W., Sec. 23-24, T. 93 N., R. 56 W., Sec. 26-28, T. 93 N., R. 57 W., Sec. 16-24, T. 93 N., R. 57 W., Sec. 28-29, T. 93 N., R. 58 W., Sec. 17-28, T. 93 N., R. 58 W., Sec. 30, T. 93 N., R. 58 W., Sec. 34-35, T. 93 N., R. 59 W., Sec. 10-11, T. 93 N., R. 59 W., Sec. 13-19, T. 93 N., R. 59 W., Sec. 21-27, T. 93 N., R. 60 W., Sec. 24-26, T. 93 N., R. 60 W., Sec. 35-36, T. 93 N., R. 62 W., Sec. 19-20, T. 93 N., R. 62 W., Sec. 26-30, T. 93 N., R. 62 W., Sec. 35-36, T. 93 N., R. 63 W., Sec. 6-10, T. 93 N., R. 63 W., Sec. 15, T. 93 N., R. 64 W., Sec. 1, T. 94 N., R. 64 W., Sec. 19-20, T. 94 N., R. 64 W., Sec. 27-30, T. 94 N., R. 64 W., Sec. 34-36, T. 94 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 2, T. 94 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 11-13, T. 94 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 24, T. 95 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 15-17, T. 95 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 8-9, T. 95 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 21-23, T. 95 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 26-27, T. 95 N., R. 65 W., Sec. 34-35.


Map follows:

Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) - Pacific Coast Population

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for: Washington - Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties; Oregon - Clatsop, Tillamook, Lane, Douglas, Coos, and Curry Counties; and California - Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Marin, Napa, Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Pacific Coast population of the western snowy plover are sandy beaches, dune systems immediately inland of an active beach face, salt flats, mud flats, seasonally exposed gravel bars, artificial salt ponds and adjoining levees, and dredge spoil sites, with:

(i) Areas that are below heavily vegetated areas or developed areas and above the daily high tides;

(ii) Shoreline habitat areas for feeding, with no or very sparse vegetation, that are between the annual low tide or low-water flow and annual high tide or high-water flow, subject to inundation but not constantly under water, that support small invertebrates, such as crabs, worms, flies, beetles, spiders, sand hoppers, clams, and ostracods, that are essential food sources;

(iii) Surf- or water-deposited organic debris, such as seaweed (including kelp and eelgrass) or driftwood located on open substrates that supports and attracts small invertebrates described in paragraph (ii) of this entry for food, and provides cover or shelter from predators and weather, and assists in avoidance of detection (crypsis) for nests, chicks, and incubating adults; and

(iv) Minimal disturbance from the presence of humans, pets, vehicles, or human-attracted predators which provide relatively undisturbed areas for individual and population growth and for normal behavior.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, roads, paved areas, boat ramps, and other developed areas) and the land on which such structures are directly located and existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 10N and 11N coordinates.

(5) The coordinates for these maps are available on the Internet at at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2010-0070, at, or at the Arcata Fish and Wildlife Office, 1655 Heindon Road, Arcata, CA 95521.

(6) Index map of critical habitat units for the Pacific Coast western snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) in Washington follows:

(7) Unit WA 1: Copalis Spit, Grays Harbor County, Washington. Map follows:

(8) Unit WA 2: Damon Point, Grays Harbor County, Washington. Map follows:

(9) Subunit WA 3A: Midway Beach, Pacific County, Washington. Map of Subunits WA 3A and WA 3B follows.

(10) Subunit WA 3B: Shoalwater/Graveyard Spit, Pacific County, Washington. Map of Subunits WA 3A and WA 3B is provided at paragraph (8) of this entry.

(11) Subunit WA 4A: Leadbetter Spit, Pacific County, Washington. Map of Subunits WA 4A and WA 4B follows.

(12) Subunit WA 4B: Gunpowder Sands Island, Pacific County, Washington. Map of Subunits WA 4A and WA 4B is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.

(13) Index map of critical habitat units for the Pacific Coast western snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) in Oregon follows:

(14) Unit OR 2: Necanicum River Spit, Clatsop County, Oregon. Map follows:

(15) Unit OR 4: Bayocean Spit, Tillamook County, Oregon. Map follows:

(16) Unit OR 6: Sand Lake South, Tillamook County, Oregon. Map follows:

(17) Unit OR 7: Sutton/Baker Beaches, Lane County, Oregon. Map follows:

(18) Subunit OR 8A: Siltcoos Breach, Lane County, Oregon. Map of Subunits OR 8A, OR 8B, and OR 8C follows:

(19) Subunit OR 8B: Siltcoos River Spit, Douglas and Lane Counties, Oregon. Map of Subunits OR 8A, OR 8B, and OR 8C is provided at paragraph (18) of this entry.

(20) Subunit OR 8C: Dunes Overlook Tahkenitch Creek Spit, Douglas County, Oregon. Map of Subunits OR 8A, OR 8B, and OR 8C is provided at paragraph (18) of this entry.

(21) Subunit OR 8D: North Umpqua River Spit, Douglas County, Oregon. Map follows:

(22) Unit OR 9: Tenmile Creek Spit, Coos County, Oregon. Map follows:

(23) Unit OR 10: Coos Bay North Spit, Coos County, Oregon. Map follows:

(24) Unit OR 11: Bandon to New River, Coos and Curry Counties, Oregon. Map follows:

(25) Unit OR 13: Euchre Creek Spit, Curry County, Oregon. Map follows:

(26) Index map of critical habitat units for the Pacific Coast western snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) in Northern California follows:

(27) Unit CA 1: Lake Earl, Del Norte County, California. Map follows:

(28) Unit CA 2: Gold Bluffs Beach, Humboldt County, California. Map follows:

(29) Subunit CA 3A: Stone Lagoon, Humboldt County, California. Map of Subunits CA 3A and CA 3B follows:

(30) Subunit CA 3B: Big Lagoon, Humboldt County, California. Map of Subunits CA 3A and CA 3B is provided at paragraph 29 of this entry.

(31) Subunit CA 4A: Clam Beach/Little River, Humboldt County, California. Map of Subunits CA 4A and CA 4B follows:

(32) Subunit CA 4B: Mad River Beach, Humboldt County, California. Map of Subunits CA 4A and CA 4B is provided at paragraph 31 of this entry.

(33) Subunit CA 5A: Humboldt Bay South Spit, Humboldt County, California. Map of Subunit CA 5A and CA 5B follows:

(34) Subunit CA 5B: Eel River North Spit and Beach, Humboldt County, California. Map of Subunits CA 5A and CA 5B is provided at paragraph 33 of this entry.

(35) Subunit CA 5C: Eel River South Spit and Beach, Humboldt County, California. Map follows:

(36) Unit CA 6: Eel River Gravel Bars, Humboldt County, California. Map follows:

(37) Unit CA 7: MacKerricher Beach, Mendocino County, California. Map follows:

(38) Unit CA 8: Manchester Beach, Mendocino County, California. Map follows:

(39) Unit CA 9: Dillon Beach, Marin County, California. Map follows:

(40) Subunit CA 10A: Point Reyes, Marin County, California. Map of Subunits CA 10A and CA 10B follows:

(41) Subunit CA 10B: Limantour, Marin County, California. Map of Subunits CA 10A and CA 10B is provided at paragraph 40 of this entry.

(42) Unit CA 11: Napa-Sonoma, Napa County, California. Map follows:

(43) Unit CA 12: Hayward, Alameda County, California. Map follows:

(44) Subunit CA 13A: Eden Landing, Alameda County, California. Map of Subunits CA 13A, CA 13B, and CA 13C follows:

(45) Subunit CA 13B: Eden Landing, Alameda County, California. Map of Subunits CA 13A, CA 13B, and CA 13C is provided at paragraph 44 of this entry.

(46) Subunit CA 13C: Eden Landing, Alameda County, California. Map of Subunits CA 13A, CA 13B, and CA 13C is provided at paragraph 44 of this entry.

(47) Unit CA 14: Ravenswood, San Mateo County, California. Map follows:

(48) Unit CA 15: Warm Springs, Alameda County, California. Map follows:

(49) Unit CA 16: Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, California. Map follows:

(50) Unit CA 17: Waddell Creek Beach, Santa Cruz County, California. Map follows:

(51) Unit CA 18: Scott Creek Beach, Santa Cruz County, California. Map follows:

(52) Unit CA 19: Wilder Creek Beach, Santa Cruz County, California. Map follows:

(53) Index map of critical habitat units for the Pacific Coast western snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus) in Southern California follows:

(54) Unit CA 20: Jetty Road to Aptos, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California. Map of Units CA 20 and CA 21 follows:

(55) Unit CA 21: Elkhorn Slough Mudflats, Monterey County, California. Map of Units CA 20 and CA 21 is provided at paragraph 54.

(56) Unit CA 22: Monterey to Moss Landing, Monterey County, California. Map follows:

(57) Unit CA 23: Point Sur Beach, Monterey County, California. Map follows:

(58) Unit CA 24: San Carpoforo Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map follows:

(59) Unit CA 25: Arroyo Laguna Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map follows:

(60) Unit CA 26: San Simeon State Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map follows:

(61) Unit CA 27: Villa Creek Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map follows:

(62) Unit CA 28: Toro Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units CA 28 and CA 29 follows:

(63) Unit CA 29: Atascadero Beach/Morro Strand State Beach: San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units CA 28 and CA 29 is provided at paragraph 62 of this entry.

(64) Unit CA 30: Morro Bay Beach, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map follows:

(65) Unit CA 31: Pismo Beach/Nipomo Dunes, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, California. Map follows:

(66) Unit CA 34: Devereaux Beach, Santa Barbara County, California. Map follows:

(67) Unit CA 35: Santa Barbara Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map follows:

(68) Subunit CA 36A: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K follows:

(69) Subunit CA 36B: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(70) Unit CA 36C: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(71) Unit CA 36D: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(72) Unit CA 36E: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(73) Unit CA 36F: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(74) Unit CA 36G: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(75) Unit CA 36H: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(76) Unit CA 36I: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(77) Unit CA 36J: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(78) Unit CA 36K: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit CA 36: Santa Rosa Island Beaches, including Subunits CA 36A through CA 36K is provided at paragraph 68 of this entry.

(79) Unit CA 37: San Buenaventura Beach, Ventura County, California. Map follows:

(80) Unit CA 38: Mandalay Beach to Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California. Map follows:

(81) Unit CA 39: Ormond Beach, Ventura County, California. Map follows:

(82) Unit CA 43: Zuma Beach, Los Angeles County, California. Map follows:

(83) Unit CA 44: Malibu Beach, Los Angeles County, California. Map follows:

(84) Subunit CA 45A: Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles County, California. Map follows:

(85) Subunit CA 45B: Dockweiler North, Los Angeles County, California. Map of Subunits CA 45B and CA 45C follows:

(86) Subunit CA 45C: Dockweiler South, Los Angeles County, California. Map of Subunits CA 45B and CA 45C is provided at paragraph 85 of this entry.

(87) Subunit CA 45D: Hermosa State Beach, Los Angeles County, California. Map follows:

(88) Subunit CA 46A: Bolsa Chica State Beach, Orange County, California. Map of Subunits CA 46A through CA 46F follows:

(89) Subunit CA 46B: Bolsa Chica Reserve, Orange County, California. Map of Subunits CA 46A through CA 46F is provided at paragraph 88 of this entry.

(90) Subunit CA 46C: Bolsa Chica Reserve, Orange County, California. Map of Subunits CA 46A through CA 46F is provided at paragraph 88 of this entry.

(91) Subunit CA 46D: Bolsa Chica Reserve, Orange County, California. Map of Subunits CA 46A through CA 46F is provided at paragraph 88 of this entry.

(92) Subunit CA 46E: Bolsa Chica Reserve, Orange County, California. Map of Subunits CA 46A through CA 46F is provided at paragraph 88 of this entry.

(93) Subunit CA 46F: Bolsa Chica Reserve, Orange County, California. Map of Subunits CA 46A through CA 46F is provided at paragraph 88 of this entry.

(94) Unit CA 47: Santa Ana River Mouth, Orange County, California. Map follows:

(95) Unit CA 48: Balboa Beach, Orange County, California. Map follows:

(96) Subunit CA 51A: San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, San Diego County, California. Map of Subunits CA 51A, CA 51B, and CA 51C follows:

(97) Subunit CA 51B: San Elijo Ecological Reserve, San Diego County, California. Map of Subunits CA 51A, CA 51B, and CA 51C is provided at paragraph 96 of this entry.

(98) Subunit CA 51C: San Elijo Ecological Reserve, San Diego County, California. Map of Subunits CA 51A, CA 51B, and CA 51C is provided at paragraph 96 of this entry.

(99) Subunit CA 52A: San Dieguito Lagoon, San Diego County, California. Map follows:

(100) Subunit CA 55B: Coronado Beach, San Diego County, California. Map follows:

(101) Subunit CA 55E: Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, San Diego County, California. Map of Subunits CA 55E, CA 55F, and CA 55I follows:

(102) Subunit CA 55F: Silver Strand State Beach, San Diego County, California. Map of Subunits CA 55E, CA 55F, and CA 55I is provided at paragraph 101 of this entry.

(103) Subunit CA 55I: San Diego National Wildlife Refuge - South Bay Unit, San Diego County, California. Map of Subunits CA 55E, CA 55F, and CA 55I is provided at paragraph 101 of this entry.

(104) Subunit CA 55J: Tijuana Estuary and Border Field State Park, San Diego County, California. Map follows:

Gunnison Sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, and Delta, Dolores, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray, Saguache, and San Miguel Counties, Colorado, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements (PCEs) of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Gunnison sage-grouse consist of five components:

(i) Landscape Specific Primary Constituent Element. Primary Constituent Element 1 - Extensive sagebrush landscapes capable of supporting a population of Gunnison sage-grouse. In general, this includes areas with vegetation composed primarily of sagebrush plant communities (at least 25 percent of the land is dominated by sagebrush cover within a 0.9-mi (1.5-km) radius of any given location), of sufficient size and configuration to encompass all seasonal habitats for a given population of Gunnison sage-grouse, and facilitate movements within and among populations. These areas also occur wholly within the potential historical range of Gunnison sage-grouse.

(ii) Seasonally Specific Primary Constituent Elements. (A) Primary Constituent Element 2 - Breeding habitat composed of sagebrush plant communities that, in general, have the structural characteristics within the ranges described in the following table. Habitat structure values are average values over a project area. Breeding habitat includes lek, nesting, and early brood-rearing habitats used typically March 15 through July 15. Early brood-rearing habitat may include agricultural fields.

Expand Table
Vegetation variable Amount in
Sagebrush Canopy 10-25 percent.
Non-sagebrush Canopy * 5-15 percent.
Total Shrub Canopy 15-40 percent.
Sagebrush Height 9.8-19.7 in (25-50 cm).
Grass Cover 10-40 percent.
Forb Cover 5-40 percent.
Grass Height 3.9-5.9 in (10-15 cm).
Forb Height 2.0-5.9 in (5-15 cm).

(B) Primary Constituent Element 3 - Summer-late fall habitat composed of sagebrush plant communities that, in general, have the structural characteristics within the ranges described in the following table. Habitat structure values are average values over a project area. Summer-fall habitat includes sagebrush communities having the referenced habitat structure values, as well as agricultural fields and wet meadow or riparian habitat types. Wet meadows and riparian habitats are also included qualitatively under PCE 5 at paragraph (2)(ii)(D) of this entry.

Expand Table
Vegetation variable Amount in
Sagebrush Canopy 5-20 percent.
Non-sagebrush Canopy * 5-15 percent.
Total Shrub Canopy 10-35 percent.
Sagebrush Height 9.8-19.7 in (25-50 cm).
Grass Cover 10-35 percent.
Forb Cover 5-35 percent.
Grass Height 3.9-5.9 in (10-15 cm).
Forb Height 1.2-3.9 in (3-10 cm).

(C) Primary Constituent Element 4 - Winter habitat composed of sagebrush plant communities that, in general, have sagebrush canopy cover between 30 to 40 percent and sagebrush height of 15.8 to 21.7 in (40 to 55 cm). These habitat structure values are average values over a project area. Winter habitat includes sagebrush areas within currently occupied habitat that are available (i.e., not covered by snow) to Gunnison sage-grouse during average winters.

(D) Primary Constituent Element 5 - Alternative, mesic habitats used primarily in the summer-late fall season, such as riparian communities, springs, seeps, and mesic meadows.

(3) Critical habitat for the Gunnison sage-grouse does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, airport runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the boundaries of designated critical habitat on December 22, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created from a number of geospatial data, including: Polygons generated as part of the Gunnison sage-grouse Rangewide Conservation Plan, Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) land cover data, National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) aerial images, and USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped as shapefiles using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 13N coordinates.

(i) The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. Private land boundaries may not be exact due to mapping inconsistencies between land survey data, Geographic Information System (GIS) coordinates, and differing mapping layers provided.

(ii) Private lands enrolled in the Gunnison Sage-Grouse Conservation Agreement with Assurances as of December 22, 2014, and those subject to a permanent conservation easement as of August 28, 2013, or subject to the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe's Species Management Plan for Pinecrest Ranch on December 22, 2014, are excluded from designation pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act, but adjacent lands are not.

(iii) The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site, (, at Docket No. FWS-R6-ES-2011-0111, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Monticello-Dove Creek: San Juan County, Utah, and Montrose, San Miguel, and Dolores Counties, Colorado.

(i) General Description: 343,000 ac (138,807 ha); 24.0 percent of all critical habitat.

(ii) Map of Unit 1, Monticello-Dove Creek: San Juan County, Utah, and Montrose, San Miguel, and Dolores Counties, Colorado, follows:

(7) Unit 2: Piñon Mesa: Grand County, Utah, and Mesa County, Colorado.

(i) General Description: 207,792 ac (84,087 ha); 14.5 percent of all critical habitat.

(ii) Map of Unit 2, Piñon Mesa: Grand County, Utah, and Mesa County, Colorado, follows:

(8) Unit 3: San Miguel Basin: Montrose, San Miguel, and Ouray Counties, Colorado.

(i) General Description: 121,929 ac (49,343 ha); 8.5 percent of all critical habitat.

(ii) Map of Unit 3, San Miguel Basin: Montrose, San Miguel, and Ouray Counties, Colorado, follows:

(9) Unit 4: Cerro Summit-Cimarron-Sims Mesa: Montrose, Ouray, and Gunnison Counties, Colorado.

(i) General Description: 52,544 ac (21,264 ha); 3.7 percent of all critical habitat.

(ii) Map of Unit 4, Cerro Summit-Cimarron-Sims Mesa: Montrose, Ouray, and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, follows:

(10) Unit 5: Crawford: Delta, Montrose, and Gunnison Counties, Colorado.

(i) General Description: 83,671 ac (33,860 ha); 5.9 percent of all critical habitat.

(ii) Map of Unit 5, Crawford: Delta, Montrose, and Gunnison Counties, Colorado, follows:

(11) Unit 6: Gunnison Basin: Gunnison, Saguache, Montrose, and Hinsdale Counties, Colorado.

(i) General Description: 620,616 ac (251,154 ha); 43.4 percent of all critical habitat.

(ii) Map of Unit 6, Gunnison Basin: Gunnison, Saguache, Montrose, and Hinsdale Counties, Colorado, follows:

Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the map at paragraph (10) of this entry.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Cape Sable seaside sparrow are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Calcitic marl soils characteristic of the short-hydroperiod freshwater marl prairies of the southern Everglades;

(ii) Herbaceous vegetation that includes greater than 15 percent combined cover of live and standing dead vegetation of one or more of the following species (when measured across an area of greater than 100 ft2 (9.3 m2)): Muhly grass (Muhlenbergia filipes), Florida little bluestem (Schizachyrium rhizomatum), black-topped sedge (Schoenus nigricans), and cordgrass (Spartina bakeri);

(iii) Contiguous open habitat (Sparrow subpopulations require large, expansive, contiguous habitat patches with few or sparse woody shrubs or trees.); and

(iv) Hydrologic regime such that the water depth, as measured from the water surface down to the soil surface, does not exceed 7.9 inches (20 cm) for more than 30 days during the period from March 15 to June 30 at a frequency of more than 2 out of every 10 years.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created using a GIS and adding activity areas around all Cape Sable seaside sparrow point count survey coordinates provided by the National Park Service at which sparrows have been recorded since 1981. These activity areas were merged to form one large polygon, and the boundaries were further refined by delineating suitable sparrow habitat and excluding unsuitable habitat along the borders based on interpretation of 2004 Florida Digital Orthographic Quarter Quads and Landsat false-color satellite imagery (a mosaic of color-balanced Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper scenes from December 2003 to April 2004 using bands 5, 4, and 3). The projection represented in all mapping of units is Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 17 North, NAD 83 Datum.

(5) Unit 1 - Subpopulation B.

(i) General description: Unit 1 - subpopulation B consists of 39,053 ac (15,804 ha) of marl prairie habitat that lies within Everglades National Park in southwestern Miami-Dade County.

(ii) [Reserved]

(6) Unit 2 - Subpopulation C.

(i) General description: Unit 2 - subpopulation C consists of 7,951 ac (3,218 ha) of marl prairie habitat that lies within Everglades National Park in western Miami-Dade County.

(ii) [Reserved]

(7) Unit 3 - Subpopulation D.

(i) General description: Unit 3 - subpopulation D consists of 10,700 ac (4,330 ha) of marl prairie habitat that lies within the Southern Glades Wildlife and Environmental Area and Everglades National Park, in southern Miami-Dade County, as depicted on Map 1.

(ii) [Reserved]

(8) Unit 4 - Subpopulation E.

(i) General description: Unit 4 - subpopulation E consists of 22,278 ac (9,016 ha) of marl prairie habitat that lies within Everglades National Park in central Miami-Dade County.

(ii) [Reserved]

(9) Unit 5 - Subpopulation F.

(i) General description: Unit 5 - subpopulation F consists of 4,883 ac (1,976 ha) of marl prairie habitat that lies along the eastern boundary of Everglades National Park in central Miami-Dade County.

(ii) [Reserved]

(10) Map of Designated Units follows:

Inyo Brown Towhee (Pipilo fuscus eremophilus)

California, Inyo County: lands within and adjacent to the China Lake Naval Weapons Center identified as follows:

(1) Approximately 2.0 miles of streambed and 18 mile on either side of the wash from Margaret Ann Spring and proceeding downstream to the eastern boundary of Section 3 near Snooky Spring. The above includes portions of Sections 3, 4, 9, and 10, T23S R42E. (Map location A)

(2) A circle 18 mile in radius with the spring in T23S R42E W 12 NE 14 Section 8 as the center. (Map location B)

(3) Approximately 2 miles of streambed and 18 mile on either side of the wash from Ruby Spring (T23S R42E, Section 22) and proceeding downstream to the boundary between Sections 25 and 26. The above includes portions of Sections 22, 23, 25, and 26, T23S R42E. (Map location C)

(4) A circle 18 mile in radius with Quail Spring as the center in T23S R42E, NE 14 Section 28. (Map location D)

(5) A circle 18 mile in radius with Benko Spring as the center in T23S R42E, Sections 34 and 35. (Map location E)

(6) A circle 18 mile in radius with Bench Mark 5485 (some USGS maps report this as 5484) near the common boundary of Sections 31 and 32, T23S R42E, as the center and lying within Sections 31 and 32. (Map location F)

(7) T24S R42E, NW 14 NW 14 Section 2 and NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 3. (Map location G)

(8) T24S R42E, E 12 SE 14 Section 6. (Map located H)

(9) Approximately 1.8 miles of streambed and 18 mile on either side of Great Falls Basin Wash commencing from the western boundary of E 12 Section 11, T24S R42E, and proceeding downstream along the streambed to the eastern boundary of Section 13. The above includes portions of Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14, T24S R42E. (Map location I)

(10) Circles with 18 mile radii around Mumford and Austin Springs in T24S R43E, Section 7 and Bainter Spring in Section 18 and around Indian Joe Spring in T24S R42E Section 24. (Map locations J)


The map provided is for informational purposes only.

(11) Approximately 5 miles of streambed and 18 mile on either side of Mountain Springs Canyon commencing from the southern border of Section 8 and continuing along the streambed to the point at which Mountain Springs Canyon Wash intersects the eastern boundary of SW 14 Section 12. The above includes portions of Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 17, T23S R41E. (Map location K)


The map provided is for informational purposes only.

Major constituent element: desert riparian scrub vegetation.

Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus)

California. The maps provided in this entry are for informational purposes only. Areas of land and water as follows:

1. Santa Ynez River, Santa Barbara County (Index map location A).

T. 5 N., R. 27 W.: secs. 1, W 12, and 12, all except NE 14. In addition, all adjacent lands within the following circumscribed area: beginning at a point 0.25 mi south of the northeast corner of sec. 12, T. 5 N., R. 27 W.; thence east about 0.5 mi; thence north about 1.25 mi; thence east approximately 1.3 mi to the intersection of Mono Creek and the Los Prietos Y Najalayegua land grant boundary; thence south about 2.5 mi; thence east approximately 2.6 mi to Agua Caliente Creek (at a point about 0.4 mi north and 0.1 mi east of the Pendola Guard Station); thence south about 0.5 mi; thence east about 1.0 mi; thence south about 0.25 mi; thence east about 0.5 mi; thence south about 0.75 mi to the southwest corner of T. 5 N., R. 25 W., sec. 19; thence east to the southeast corner of T. 5 N., R. 25 W., sec 20; thence south about 0.63 mi; thence west to western boundary of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., sec. 25; thence south about 0.16 mi; thence west to eastern boundary of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., sec. 27; thence north about 0.25 mi; thence west to western boundary of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., sec. 27; thence north to the northeastern corner of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., sec. 27; thence north to the northeastern corner of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., sec. 28; thence west to the northwest corner of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., sec. 28; thence north to the northeast corner of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., partially unsurveyed sec. 20; thence west to the northeast corner of T. 5 N., R. 26 W., unsurveyed sec. 19; thence north about 0.5 mi; thence west to the southeast corner of T. 5 N., R. 27 W., sec. 13, NE 14; and thence north to the southeast corner of T. 5 N., R. 27 W., sec. 12.

2. Santa Clara River, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties (Index map location B).

T. 4 N., Rs. 17 and 18 W.: all land within 3,500 feet perpendicularly and generally southward or westward of a line commencing at a point 100 yards west of BM 740 (a point about 2.3 mi east of the intersection of Main Street and State Highway 126 in Piru); thence east along State Highway 126 to its intersection with The Old Road at Castaic Junction; and thence eastward and southward along The Old Road to its intersection with Rye Canyon Road.

3. Santa Ana River, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties (Index map location C).

All lands below the 543-foot contour in partially surveyed T. 3 S., R. 7 W., within the Prado Flood Control Basin (upstream from Prado Dam). In addition, the following adjacent lands above the 543-foot contour in the Santa Ana River bottom and within the following boundaries: commencing at a point 0.1 mi east and 0.2 mi north of the southwest corner of sec. 2, T. 3 S., R. 7 W.; thence north about 0.4 mi; thence to a point 0.25 mi east and 0.4 mi north of southwest corner of sec. 31, T. 2 S., R. 6 W.; thence to the northeast corner of sec. 31, T. 2 S., R. 6 W.; thence east 0.35 mi; thence to midpoint of southern section line of sec. 21, T. 2 S., R. 6 W.; thence to a point 0.6 mi south of the northwest corner of sec. 25, T. 2 S., R. 6 W.; thence east about 0.6 mi; thence to a point 0.2 mi north of the center of sec. 30, T. 2 S., R. 5 W.; thence east about 0.7 mi; thence to a point 0.6 mi east of the southwest corner of sec. 20, T. 2 S., R. 5 W.; thence east about 0.8 mi; thence 0.6 mi south; thence to a point 0.3 mi north of the southwest corner of sec. 28, T. 2 S., R. 5 W.; thence to a point 0.45 mi north of the southwest corner of sec. 29, T. 2 S., R. 5 W.; thence generally westward and southward along the Riverside Corporation Boundary (as shown on USGS Riverside Quadrangle 1980) to its intersection with Van Buren Blvd.; thence to a point 0.2 mi east and 0.75 mi south of the northwest corner of sec. 27, T. 2 S., R. 6 W.; thence 0.25 mi north; thence 0.7 mi west; thence to a point 0.85 mi north of the southwest corner of sec. 32, T. 2 S., R. 6 W.; thence to a point 0.75 mi west and 0.1 mi south of the northeast corner of sec. 6, T. 3 S., R. 6 W.; thence 0.5 mi west; and thence to the 543-foot contour at a point 0.3 mi west of the southeast corner of sec. 2, T. 3 S., R. 7 W.

4. Coyote Creek, San Diego County (Index map location D).

T. 9 S., R. 5 E.: secs. 22, N 12, SE 14; and 23, SW 14.

5. Santa Margarita River, San Diego County (Index map location E).

T. 9 S., R. 3 W.: secs. 4, all lands below the 600-foot contour; 5 SE 14; 7; and 8.

In T. 9 S., R. 4 W., Sec. 12 E 12; 13 NE 14.

6. San Luis Rey River, San Diego County (Index map location F).

T. 11 S., R. 5 W.: secs. 13, S 12NE 14, SE 14NW 14, SW 14; 14, SE 14SW 14, S12SE 14; and 23, NW 14.

T. 11 S., R. 4 W.: secs. 3, all land north of Murray Road; 4, E 12NE 14, E 12SE 14SW 14, W 12NE 14SE 14, E 12NW 14SE 14, SW 14SE 14; 7, N 12NE 14NE 14, NW 14NE 14, E 12W 12, SW 14SW 14; 8, N 12NE 14, N 12N 12NW 14; 9, N 12NW 14; and 18, NW 14.

T. 10 S., R. 4 W.: sec. 34, S1/2SW 14.

Surveyed and unsurveyed portions according to the following metes and bounds: bordered on the north by a line commencing at the intersection of North River Road and the surveyed eastern section line of sec. 3, T. 11 S., R. 4 W.; thence east along said road to its junction with Via Puerta Del Sol; thence east approximately 0.5 mi to State Highway 76 nearest the midpoint of sec. 31, T. 10 S., R. 3 W.; thence northward and eastward along said highway to its intersection with the eastern section line of sec. 27, T. 9 S., R. 2 W.; and bordered on the south by a line commencing at the intersection of Murray Road and the surveyed eastern section line of sec. 3, T. 11 S., R. 4 W.; thence southward and eastward along said road to its junction with State Highway 76; thence eastward and northward along said highway to its junction with Santa Fe Avenue; thence southeastward 3,000 feet along said avenue; thence northward along a straight line to Guajome Lake Road at a point 800 feet from the junction of said road and State Highway 76; thence northwestward along Guajome Lake Road to its junction with said highway; thence eastward along said highway to its junction with River Road in sec. 31, T. 10 S., R. 3 W.; thence northward along said road to its intersection with the surveyed eastern section line of sec. 20, T. 10 S., R. 3 W.; thence north to and northeasterly along the 250-foot contour in sec. 21 through partially surveyed sec. 15, T. 10 S., R. 3 W.; thence north to a point about 0.2 mi south of the northwest corner of sec. 14 and continuing along the 300-foot contour from the western section line of sec. 14 eastward through unsurveyed sec. 11, surveyed secs. 13 and 12, T. 10 S., R. 3 W.; and surveyed sec. 18, T. 10 S., R. 2 W.; thence east to and along the 325-foot contour through sec. 1, T. 10 S., R. 3 W.; thence south to and along the 350-foot contour in secs. 6 and 5, T. 10 S., R. 2 W., and secs. 32 and 33, T. 9 S., R. 2 W., to the northern section line of sec. 33; thence east approximately 1.5 mi to the southeastern corner of sec. 27, T. 9 S., R. 2 W.; and thence north about 0.4 mi to State Highway 76 in Pala.

7. San Diego River, San Diego County (Index map location G).

T. 15 S., Rs. 1 and 2 W.: commencing at the intersection of the Second San Diego Aqueduct and Mission Gorge Road; thence eastward along said road to the western-most intersection with Father Junipero Serra Trail; thence northward and eastward along said trail to the eastern-most intersection of said trail and said road; thence eastward along Mission Gorge Road to its intersection with Carlton Hills Blvd.; thence northward to its intersection with Carlton Oaks Drive; thence westward along said drive to its eastern-most intersection with Inverness Road; thence westward along said road to its intersection with Carlton Oaks Drive; thence westward along said drive to its intersection with Mast Street; thence westward and southward along the 320-foot contour to its intersection with the Second San Diego Aqueduct on the north side of the San Diego River; thence southeastward along said aqueduct to its intersection with Mission Gorge Road.

8. Sweetwater River, San Diego County (Index map location H).

T. 16 and 17 S., R. 1 W.: commencing at the intersection of the 320-foot contour and 116o58°14′″ W longitude immediately north of the confluence of Sweetwater River and Sweetwater Reservoir; thence eastward along the contour to the intersection of said contour with State Highway 94; thence northward along said highway to its intersection with State Highway 54; thence northeastward along said highway to the San Bernardino Meridian; thence south approximately 1,500 feet to the intersection with the 340-foot contour; thence westward and southward along said contour to the south end of the Steele Canyon Bridge on State Highway 94; thence south approximately 900 feet to the 340-foot contour; thence southwesterly along said contour to its intersection with 116°58′14″ W longitude; thence north to starting point.

9. Jamul-Dulzura Creeks, San Diego County (Index map location I).

T. 17 and 18 S., R. 1 E.: commencing from a point approximately 2,200 feet west of BM 515 along Otay Lakes Road, in sec. 5, T. 18 S., R. 1 E.; thence east approximately one mile to the crossing of said road at a bridge over Jamul Creek, including all land within 1,500 feet southward of Otay Lakes Road as measured perpendicularly from the road; thence eastward for about 2.4 mi along said road and including all lands within 1,500 feet northward of said road as measured perpendicularly from the road, and including all lands within 500 feet of said bridge not otherwise included above.

10. Tijuana River, San Diego County (Index map location J).

T. 18 S., R. 2 W.: secs. 34, S 12SE 14SE 14; and 35, S 12SW 14, SW 14SW 14SE 14.

T. 19 S., R. 2 W.: secs. 1, W 12SW 14NW 14; 2, S 12NE 14NE 14, NW 14NE 14, N 12SE 14NE 14, N 12NE 14NW 14, W 12NW 14; 3, N 12; and 4, NE 14, N 12NW 14.

Primary constituent elements: riverine and floodplain habitats (particularly willow-dominated riparian woodland with dense understory vegetation maintained, in part, in a non-climax stage by periodic floods or other agents) and adjacent coastal sage scrub,

Elfin-woods Warbler (Setophaga angelae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Puerto Rico, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the elfin-woods warbler consist of the following components:

(i) Wet and rain montane forest types:

(A) Podocarpus forest at elevations between 600 and 900 meters (m) (1,968 and 2,952 feet (ft)) with continuous closed canopy of 20 m (66 ft) in height, dominated by Podocarpus coriaceus trees with well-developed understory.

(B) Dwarf forest at elevations above 900 m (2,952 ft) with a single story of trees between 1 and 6 m (3 and 19 ft) in height, with an understory of mosses, epiphytes, and liverworts.

(C) Palo Colorado forest at elevations between 600 and 900 m (1,968 and 2,952 ft) with a closed canopy of approximately 20 m (66 ft) and an understory dominated by grasses, ferns, bromeliads, and sedges.

(ii) Forested habitat areas that contain:

(A) Active shade-grown coffee plantations or forested agricultural lands that are above 300 m in elevation and dominated primarily by native vegetation; or

(B) Abandoned coffee plantations or agricultural lands (i.e., agricultural practices were discontinued) with native forest cover and a closed canopy found above 300 m in elevation.

(iii) Forested habitat (at elevations between 300 and 850 m (984 and 2,788 ft)) not contained within the habitats described in paragraphs (2)(i) and (ii) of this entry:

(A) Exposed ridge woodland forest found in valleys, slopes, and shallow soils with a more or less continuous canopy at elevations ranging from 550 to 750 m (1,804 to 2,460 ft);

(B) Timber plantation forest at elevations ranging from 630 to 850 m (2,066 to 2,788 ft); or

(C) Secondary forests dominated by native tree species with a closed canopy of approximately 20-30 m (66-100 ft) in height at elevations ranging from 300 to 750 m (984 to 2,460 ft).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 30, 2020.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contain at least one or more of the physical or biological features defined in paragraph (2) of this entry, over a U.S. Department of Agriculture 2007 digital orthophoto mosaic, over a base of U.S. Geological Survey digital topographic map quadrangle, and with the use of a digital landcover layer. The resulting critical habitat unit was then mapped using State Plane North American Datum 83 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site, under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2020-0030, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Maricao; Maricao, San Germán, Sabana Grande, and Yauco Municipalities, Puerto Rico.

(i) General description: Unit 1 consists of 12,978 ac (5,252 ha). Approximately 8,861 ac (3,586 ha) are owned by the Commonwealth and managed by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, and 4,117 ac (1,666 ha) are in private ownership. The unit is located north of State Road PR-2, south of State Road PR-105, and approximately 105 kilometers 65 mi (105 km) west of the International Airport Luis Muñoz Marin.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 habitat follows:

(7) Unit 2: El Yunque; Río Grande, Canovanas, Las Piedras, Naguabo, and Ceiba Municipalities, Puerto Rico.

(i) General description: Unit 2 consists of 11,430 ac (4,626 ha) of federally owned land managed by the U.S. Forest Service (El Yunque National Forest). The unit is located within El Yunque National Forest, east of State Road PR-186, north of State Road PR-31, and approximately 24 km (15 mi) east of the International Airport Luis Muñoz Marin.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Carite; Cayey, San Lorenzo, Guayama, and Patillas Municipalities, Puerto Rico.

(i) General description: Unit 3 consists of 3,080 ac (1,247 ha) of lands owned by the Commonwealth and managed by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources. The unit is located within the Carite Commonwealth Forest west of State Road PR-7740 and State Road PR-184 that run within the Carite Commonwealth Forest, and approximately 23 mi (37 km) south of the International Airport Luis Muñoz Marin.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Rota Bridled White-Eye (Zosterops rotensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, on the map below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Rota bridled white-eye are the habitat components that provide forest above 490 feet (ft) (150 meters (m)) in elevation containing a midstory and canopy layer, high epiphytic plant volume (typically 11 percent or greater), Elatostema and Procris spp. on the ground, and Elaeocarpus joga (yoga), Hernandia labyrinthica (oschal), Merrilliodendron megacarpum (faniok), Pandanus tectorius (kafu), and/or Premna obtusifolia (ahgao) trees as dominant forest components for foraging, sheltering, roosting, and nesting and rearing of young. In addition, the habitat should contain the specific forest components for foraging, nesting, or both, as follows:

(i) Yoga, oschal, faniok, Macaranga thompsonii (pengua), ahgao, Pipturus argenteus (amahadyan), Persea americana (avocado), Ficus tinctoria (hodda), Aglaia mariannensis (mapunyao), Eugenia thompsonii (atoto), Acacia confusa (sosugi), and/or Tarenna sambucina (sumac-lada) trees, and/or Bambusa vulgaris (piao, bamboo) in the canopy or subcanopy for foraging; or

(ii) Yoga, oschal, faniok, and/or sosugi trees 10 to 49 ft (3 to 15 m) tall and 1 to 24 inches (2 to 60 centimeters) diameter at breast height for nesting.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

Critical Habitat Map Unit

(4) Data layers defining the mapped unit were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and the critical habitat unit was then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Rota bridled white-eye critical habitat, Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (3,958 ac; 1,602 ha).

(i) Unit excludes 13 areas:

(A) Bounded by the following 13 points (2 ac; 1 ha): 301307, 1564935; 301288, 1564908; 301291, 1564898; 301301, 1564889; 301354, 1564890; 301410, 1564877; 301424, 1564879; 301460, 1564899; 301472, 1564922; 301468, 1564941; 301452, 1564950; 301382, 1564933; 301335, 1564939.

(B) Bounded by the following 48 points (39 ac; 16 ha): 301471, 1564593; 301458, 1564567; 301463, 1564557; 301550, 1564532; 301578, 1564506; 301598, 1564501; 301639, 1564501; 301668, 1564487; 301760, 1564465; 301797, 1564449; 301803, 1564442; 301802, 1564433; 301789, 1564410; 301787, 1564397; 301798, 1564388; 301812, 1564387; 301824, 1564395; 301844, 1564426; 301857, 1564432; 301920, 1564441; 301980, 1564460; 302041, 1564447; 302081, 1564449; 302122, 1564459; 302169, 1564479; 302242, 1564523; 302338, 1564565; 302377, 1564592; 302400, 1564618; 302417, 1564647; 302427, 1564679; 302426, 1564699; 302418, 1564724; 302403, 1564740; 302363, 1564757; 302332, 1564757; 302269, 1564741; 302146, 1564681; 302059, 1564655; 302017, 1564655; 301908, 1564682; 301866, 1564674; 301831, 1564660; 301713, 1564582; 301660, 1564566; 301613, 1564561; 301554, 1564564; 301516, 1564572.

(C) Bounded by the following 47 points (58 ac; 23 ha): 301566, 1564945: 301569, 1564920; 301578, 1564904; 301624, 1564888; 301649, 1564857; 301660, 1564850; 301679, 1564850; 301706, 1564888; 301726, 1564892; 301744, 1564883; 301754, 1564864; 301759, 1564836; 301777, 1564825; 301824, 1564810; 301963, 1564798; 301986, 1564807; 302011, 1564845; 302030, 1564859; 302105, 1564881; 302150, 1564885; 302309, 1564864; 302407, 1564883; 302422, 1564895; 302444, 1564926; 302462, 1564938; 302486, 1564939; 302550, 1564927; 302646, 1564928; 302700, 1564940; 302712, 1564951; 302716, 1564964; 302713, 1564975; 302696, 1564984; 302614, 1564988; 302602, 1564995; 302592, 1565021; 302584, 1565102; 302572, 1565118; 302490, 1565138; 302195, 1565151; 302135, 1565146; 302088, 1565135; 301955, 1565082; 301722, 1565014; 301662, 1564986; 301608, 1564971.

(D) Bounded by the following 61 points (91 ac; 37 ha): 302150, 1564098; 302172, 1564039; 302208, 1564002; 302245, 1563984; 302303, 1563975; 302364, 1563928; 302390, 1563916; 302429, 1563913; 302494, 1563933; 302545, 1563926; 302576, 1563927; 302602, 1563941; 302629, 1563977; 302641, 1563982; 302686, 1563948; 302701, 1563945; 302715, 1563951; 302735, 1563975; 302766, 1564034; 302757, 1564078; 302769, 1564119; 302759, 1564172; 302762, 1564208; 302776, 1564221; 302822, 1564235; 302842, 1564246; 302867, 1564270; 302899, 1564315; 302905, 1564345; 302891, 1564382; 302917, 1564467; 302950, 1564548; 303012, 1564647; 303033, 1564728; 303060, 1564765; 303059, 1564787; 303044, 1564799; 303024, 1564795; 302973, 1564763; 302909, 1564709; 302872, 1564700; 302839, 1564684; 302751, 1564683; 302736, 1564669; 302709, 1564620; 302682, 1564601; 302570, 1564563; 302481, 1564539; 302458, 1564528; 302444, 1564509; 302424, 1564435; 302401, 1564389; 302386, 1564348; 302375, 1564301; 302378, 1564265; 302374, 1564251; 302287, 1564174; 302272, 1564172; 302224, 1564179; 302187, 1564171; 302176, 1564161.

(E) Bounded by the following 319 points (677 ac; 274 ha): 302943, 1564065; 302923, 1564061; 302919, 1564054; 302936, 1564038; 302987, 1564019; 303009, 1563991; 303047, 1563971; 303060, 1563954; 303062, 1563939; 303054, 1563879; 303060, 1563827; 303074, 1563808; 303107, 1563796; 303113, 1563780; 303110, 1563765; 303090, 1563727; 303109, 1563690; 303085, 1563639; 303085, 1563600; 303092, 1563584; 303116, 1563562; 303132, 1563539; 303131, 1563504; 303193, 1563466; 303207, 1563465; 303249, 1563476; 303272, 1563471; 303303, 1563452; 303334, 1563412; 303350, 1563400; 303360, 1563399; 303390, 1563413; 303410, 1563410; 303416, 1563402; 303410, 1563386; 303415, 1563373; 303455, 1563344; 303466, 1563282; 303479, 1563248; 303497, 1563232; 303553, 1563212; 303560, 1563195; 303565, 1563150; 303572, 1563128; 303595, 1563106; 303623, 1563095; 303655, 1563097; 303684, 1563125; 303721, 1563132; 303734, 1563152; 303740, 1563192; 303780, 1563201; 303789, 1563208; 303775, 1563236; 303772, 1563257; 303803, 1563373; 303799, 1563391; 303773, 1563433; 303765, 1563441; 303742, 1563447; 303671, 1563435; 303653, 1563441; 303652, 1563453; 303675, 1563474; 303807, 1563534; 303869, 1563577; 303897, 1563608; 303953, 1563714; 303979, 1563736; 304071, 1563770; 304155, 1563793; 304249, 1563795; 304335, 1563782; 304405, 1563794; 304429, 1563789; 304479, 1563751; 304493, 1563746; 304582, 1563737; 304624, 1563741; 304690, 1563727; 304750, 1563734; 304786, 1563719; 304794, 1563708; 304794, 1563686; 304765, 1563636; 304758, 1563605; 304723, 1563588; 304708, 1563573; 304683, 1563490; 304667, 1563465; 304657, 1563459; 304641, 1563459; 304611, 1563483; 304586, 1563482; 304570, 1563497; 304531, 1563517; 304489, 1563530; 304474, 1563529; 304461, 1563512; 304434, 1563423; 304413, 1563389; 304385, 1563357; 304367, 1563345; 304338, 1563334; 304314, 1563311; 304244, 1563308; 304171, 1563273; 304107, 1563257; 304013, 1563250; 303998, 1563253; 303964, 1563283; 303940, 1563294; 303926, 1563349; 303874, 1563345; 303858, 1563339; 303850, 1563329; 303844, 1563275; 303852, 1563237; 303892, 1563228; 303950, 1563198; 303968, 1563194; 303990, 1563158; 304018, 1563160; 304049, 1563155; 304099, 1563163; 304201, 1563127; 304213, 1563109; 304216, 1563048; 304223, 1563035; 304234, 1563028; 304252, 1563031; 304314, 1563067; 304321, 1563065; 304324, 1563051; 304332, 1563043; 304394, 1563024; 304397, 1563008; 304383, 1562960; 304388, 1562898; 304391, 1562885; 304406, 1562879; 304436, 1562896; 304481, 1562945; 304494, 1562947; 304563, 1562939; 304607, 1562972; 304674, 1563009; 304740, 1563024; 304799, 1563053; 304847, 1563054; 304864, 1563059; 304873, 1563073; 304875, 1563091; 304856, 1563155; 304857, 1563163; 304877, 1563174; 304911, 1563180; 304931, 1563177; 304955, 1563165; 304966, 1563164; 305029, 1563211; 305036, 1563224; 305037, 1563241; 305026, 1563279; 305044, 1563311; 305043, 1563342; 305006, 1563380; 304967, 1563439; 304948, 1563446; 304902, 1563445; 304892, 1563451; 304895, 1563457; 304926, 1563472; 304937, 1563482; 304942, 1563501; 304936, 1563514; 304918, 1563519; 304883, 1563494; 304868, 1563502; 304862, 1563511; 304865, 1563525; 304899, 1563563; 304894, 1563570; 304855, 1563591; 304847, 1563606; 304876, 1563674; 304887, 1563732; 304894, 1563743; 304911, 1563750; 304920, 1563748; 304943, 1563727; 304977, 1563752; 305046, 1563746; 305062, 1563751; 305081, 1563784; 305100, 1563805; 305149, 1563831; 305164, 1563844; 305205, 1563919; 305255, 1563967; 305269, 1563987; 305269, 1564034; 305279, 1564060; 305293, 1564075; 305325, 1564089; 305336, 1564100; 305325, 1564120; 305311, 1564131; 305291, 1564139; 305280, 1564149; 305266, 1564195; 305254, 1564212; 305201, 1564236; 305185, 1564253; 305176, 1564277; 305180, 1564335; 305176, 1564354; 305166, 1564368; 305130, 1564386; 305107, 1564406; 305061, 1564482; 304984, 1564553; 304979, 1564566; 304988, 1564594; 304985, 1564605; 304954, 1564615; 304930, 1564637; 304852, 1564669; 304771, 1564722; 304744, 1564766; 304716, 1564763; 304681, 1564794; 304673, 1564810; 304669, 1564832; 304689, 1564912; 304677, 1564981; 304665, 1564999; 304629, 1565015; 304614, 1565043; 304600, 1565052; 304583, 1565047; 304575, 1565037; 304569, 1565014; 304570, 1564995; 304579, 1564967; 304607, 1564940; 304613, 1564924; 304604, 1564909; 304581, 1564899; 304558, 1564896; 304503, 1564900; 304444, 1564919; 304385, 1564919; 304348, 1564928; 304331, 1564937; 304326, 1564948; 304338, 1565014; 304332, 1565017; 304322, 1565011; 304288, 1564957; 304280, 1564975; 304262, 1564978; 304255, 1564985; 304253, 1565027; 304242, 1565034; 304228, 1565035; 304220, 1565029; 304215, 1565012; 304207, 1565004; 304173, 1565015; 304109, 1565006; 304103, 1564998; 304090, 1564952; 304080, 1564937; 304053, 1564920; 303995, 1564904; 303967, 1564847; 303956, 1564836; 303943, 1564836; 303926, 1564850; 303913, 1564855; 303887, 1564852; 303868, 1564842; 303857, 1564820; 303859, 1564799; 303876, 1564791; 303945, 1564781; 303949, 1564777; 303946, 1564767; 303933, 1564756; 303912, 1564752; 303868, 1564759; 303849, 1564756; 303771, 1564713; 303710, 1564691; 303655, 1564659; 303564, 1564631; 303553, 1564633; 303546, 1564643; 303521, 1564743; 303499, 1564757; 303480, 1564756; 303454, 1564736; 303441, 1564711; 303404, 1564670; 303398, 1564657; 303436, 1564543; 303438, 1564509; 303429, 1564479; 303393, 1564423; 303296, 1564316; 303282, 1564278; 303250, 1564261; 303236, 1564193; 303175, 1564150; 303082, 1564137; 303062, 1564125; 303052, 1564107; 303036, 1564092.

(F) Bounded by the following 26 points (20 ac; 8 ha): 304256, 1565414; 304308, 1565357; 304346, 1565330; 304472, 1565298; 304590, 1565251; 304620, 1565250; 304645, 1565261; 304690, 1565255; 304727, 1565280; 304777, 1565289; 304783, 1565297; 304763, 1565363; 304744, 1565464; 304735, 1565486; 304715, 1565507; 304686, 1565508; 304660, 1565521; 304578, 1565501; 304541, 1565485; 304509, 1565451; 304503, 1565402; 304498, 1565394; 304485, 1565388; 304457, 1565388; 304410, 1565414; 304382, 1565421.

(G) Bounded by the following 35 points (11 ac; 4 ha): 305091, 1563607; 305046, 1563577; 305022, 1563553; 305015, 1563522; 305001, 1563499; 305002, 1563487; 305012, 1563476; 305061, 1563454; 305086, 1563459; 305114, 1563484; 305141, 1563495; 305168, 1563525; 305195, 1563534; 305247, 1563543; 305243, 1563575; 305278, 1563639; 305274, 1563687; 305262, 1563722; 305263, 1563729; 305291, 1563736; 305355, 1563721; 305372, 1563721; 305382, 1563732; 305381, 1563761; 305368, 1563775; 305332, 1563784; 305308, 1563782; 305274, 1563768; 305234, 1563743; 305202, 1563707; 305158, 1563671; 305150, 1563657; 305149, 1563633; 305132, 1563611; 305115, 1563602.

(H) Bounded by the following 18 points (9 ac; 4 ha): 305348, 1565123; 305320, 1565080; 305322, 1565051; 305361, 1565002; 305416, 1564959; 305431, 1564953; 305452, 1564953; 305503, 1564970; 305537, 1564975; 305554, 1564987; 305570, 1565010; 305577, 1565037; 305570, 1565071; 305550, 1565102; 305523, 1565121; 305499, 1565129; 305412, 1565142; 305390, 1565140.

(I) Bounded by the following 96 points (52 ac, 21 ha): 305681, 1564571; 305654, 1564580; 305620, 1564578; 305565, 1564595; 305547, 1564592; 305537, 1564571; 305532, 1564484; 305527, 1564469; 305511, 1564467; 305502, 1564474; 305486, 1564499; 305467, 1564500; 305456, 1564489; 305453, 1564478; 305455, 1564431; 305458, 1564418; 305469, 1564405; 305527, 1564420; 305567, 1564424; 305612, 1564419; 305641, 1564401; 305646, 1564382; 305644, 1564358; 305620, 1564264; 305626, 1564238; 305640, 1564232; 305731, 1564234; 305750, 1564230; 305757, 1564225; 305745, 1564207; 305722, 1564193; 305699, 1564192; 305645, 1564203; 305623, 1564195; 305619, 1564181; 305622, 1564158; 305646, 1564097; 305677, 1564083; 305781, 1564061; 305789, 1564055; 305793, 1564024; 305819, 1563988; 305881, 1563974; 305897, 1563964; 305938, 1563897; 305946, 1563858; 305951, 1563774; 305948, 1563696; 305939, 1563637; 305922, 1563609; 305861, 1563583; 305831, 1563543; 305806, 1563520; 305798, 1563498; 305837, 1563315; 305862, 1563291; 305893, 1563286; 305902, 1563291; 305907, 1563301; 305906, 1563358; 305950, 1563453; 305953, 1563477; 305949, 1563508; 305954, 1563523; 305960, 1563526; 305994, 1563522; 306046, 1563531; 306057, 1563540; 306063, 1563555; 306110, 1563573; 306118, 1563592; 306118, 1563606; 306105, 1563642; 306071, 1563662; 306059, 1563682; 306062, 1563709; 306080, 1563772; 306077, 1563819; 306064, 1563889; 306006, 1564047; 306002, 1564117; 305990, 1564133; 305961, 1564145; 305848, 1564153; 305822, 1564158; 305803, 1564170; 305793, 1564191; 305793, 1564205; 305832, 1564256; 305838, 1564283; 305835, 1564313; 305821, 1564340; 305807, 1564356; 305712, 1564414; 305673, 1564451; 305665, 1564483.

(J) Bounded by the following 134 points (92 ac; 37 ha): 306267, 1565331; 306353, 1565325; 306341, 1565326; 306400, 1565325; 306433, 1565329; 306453, 1565341; 306484, 1565382; 306514, 1565388; 306559, 1565384; 306598, 1565356; 306621, 1565346; 306716, 1565329; 306720, 1565333; 306720, 1565374; 306729, 1565422; 306716, 1565443; 306684, 1565448; 306681, 1565467; 306688, 1565481; 306699, 1565487; 306755, 1565496; 306816, 1565485; 306955, 1565429; 307014, 1565397; 307111, 1565330; 307119, 1565340; 307118, 1565350; 307055, 1565408; 307034, 1565438; 307017, 1565445; 307005, 1565460; 306968, 1565468; 306955, 1565488; 306957, 1565495; 306969, 1565498; 307025, 1565488; 307029, 1565496; 307026, 1565526; 307050, 1565540; 307066, 1565542; 307204, 1565460; 307258, 1565412; 307269, 1565394; 307276, 1565368; 307288, 1565356; 307369, 1565327; 307451, 1565259; 307509, 1565229; 307537, 1565210; 307570, 1565178; 307610, 1565126; 307746, 1565004; 307839, 1564896; 307872, 1564877; 307878, 1564878; 307882, 1564884; 307884, 1564905; 307873, 1564932; 307783, 1565058; 307734, 1565112; 307580, 1565259; 307319, 1565473; 307080, 1565610; 307035, 1565624; 307014, 1565621; 306976, 1565592; 306934, 1565568; 306887, 1565525; 306868, 1565520; 306815, 1565528; 306718, 1565559; 306626, 1565562; 306510, 1565585; 306399, 1565586; 306337, 1565579; 306331, 1565589; 306345, 1565658; 306354, 1565736; 306349, 1565806; 306352, 1565829; 306383, 1565896; 306399, 1565902; 306440, 1565898; 306438, 1565928; 306417, 1565948; 306391, 1565949; 306277, 1565911; 306256, 1565896; 306205, 1565844; 306173, 1565823; 306154, 1565817; 306115, 1565820; 306094, 1565817; 306042, 1565781; 305989, 1565708; 305972, 1565692; 305953, 1565683; 305910, 1565671; 305870, 1565667; 305844, 1565673; 305795, 1565705; 305766, 1565717; 305719, 1565718; 305693, 1565710; 305684, 1565703; 305674, 1565679; 305677, 1565641; 305689, 1565625; 305724, 1565609; 305766, 1565605; 305890, 1565626; 305937, 1565602; 305969, 1565601; 305988, 1565595; 306002, 1565572; 305991, 1565555; 305968, 1565549; 305920, 1565551; 305909, 1565543; 305911, 1565530; 305918, 1565520; 305951, 1565499; 305972, 1565493; 306026, 1565498; 306076, 1565493; 306107, 1565505; 306133, 1565507; 306178, 1565494; 306219, 1565475; 306231, 1565463; 306221, 1565427; 306232, 1565386; 306235, 1565356; 306242, 1565346.

(K) Bounded by the following 207 points (355 ac, 144 ha): 305824, 1565279; 305789, 1565258; 305784, 1565251; 305785, 1565239; 305801, 1565217; 305929, 1565095; 305932, 1565086; 305918, 1565072; 305912, 1565059; 305919, 1565045; 306024, 1564981; 306114, 1564950; 306143, 1564935; 306189, 1564892; 306228, 1564832; 306234, 1564811; 306232, 1564774; 306229, 1564764; 306218, 1564755; 306172, 1564745; 306107, 1564754; 306095, 1564751; 306119, 1564647; 306140, 1564643; 306179, 1564618; 306271, 1564573; 306302, 1564551; 306326, 1564524; 306369, 1564511; 306391, 1564451; 306411, 1564417; 306416, 1564385; 306451, 1564361; 306476, 1564320; 306512, 1564285; 306520, 1564269; 306525, 1564238; 306571, 1564226; 306588, 1564168; 306658, 1564143; 306684, 1564127; 306701, 1564108; 306706, 1564092; 306702, 1564075; 306686, 1564051; 306674, 1564042; 306639, 1564039; 306558, 1564052; 306546, 1564039; 306554, 1564023; 306591, 1564006; 306708, 1563983; 306772, 1563964; 306791, 1563953; 306807, 1563932; 306831, 1563941; 306861, 1563968; 306910, 1563986; 306925, 1563998; 306936, 1564022; 306933, 1564035; 306884, 1564066; 306859, 1564062; 306794, 1564101; 306774, 1564120; 306763, 1564146; 306750, 1564158; 306777, 1564193; 306784, 1564210; 306782, 1564217; 306757, 1564222; 306745, 1564235; 306741, 1564248; 306773, 1564278; 306794, 1564357; 306816, 1564376; 306835, 1564377; 306852, 1564364; 306910, 1564341; 306916, 1564308; 306925, 1564297; 307000, 1564277; 307031, 1564262; 307039, 1564252; 307050, 1564208; 307116, 1564160; 307174, 1564088; 307185, 1564080; 307219, 1564074; 307238, 1564065; 307248, 1564043; 307255, 1564008; 307253, 1563934; 307259, 1563908; 307274, 1563879; 307331, 1563809; 307374, 1563769; 307448, 1563710; 307474, 1563696; 307493, 1563692; 307505, 1563698; 307521, 1563719; 307540, 1563768; 307549, 1563778; 307559, 1563772; 307590, 1563724; 307608, 1563710; 307626, 1563711; 307655, 1563727; 307685, 1563724; 307698, 1563711; 307703, 1563696; 307696, 1563628; 307702, 1563589; 307723, 1563542; 307734, 1563528; 307744, 1563523; 307756, 1563524; 307765, 1563534; 307774, 1563582; 307787, 1563600; 307825, 1563608; 307844, 1563604; 307852, 1563596; 307861, 1563558; 307867, 1563553; 307889, 1563564; 307923, 1563593; 307927, 1563604; 307921, 1563627; 307936, 1563675; 307930, 1563733; 307920, 1563742; 307883, 1563736; 307879, 1563783; 307884, 1563800; 307893, 1563814; 307944, 1563854; 307971, 1563870; 307982, 1563901; 307992, 1563990; 307991, 1564149; 307988, 1564195; 307974, 1564273; 307965, 1564280; 307951, 1564281; 307936, 1564279; 307930, 1564273; 307920, 1564120; 307913, 1564102; 307888, 1564066; 307881, 1564043; 307884, 1564018; 307901, 1563976; 307896, 1563936; 307882, 1563914; 307855, 1563892; 307833, 1563882; 307738, 1563862; 307724, 1563851; 307698, 1563804; 307679, 1563790; 307668, 1563794; 307660, 1563807; 307651, 1563877; 307626, 1563911; 307620, 1563912; 307613, 1563901; 307620, 1563870; 307614, 1563851; 307589, 1563831; 307560, 1563832; 307551, 1563859; 307524, 1564171; 307536, 1564245; 307536, 1564274; 307529, 1564301; 307479, 1564419; 307468, 1564503; 307434, 1564587; 307418, 1564611; 307388, 1564640; 307359, 1564686; 307320, 1564721; 307306, 1564740; 307271, 1564752; 307259, 1564762; 307248, 1564802; 307235, 1564826; 307155, 1564929; 307101, 1565031; 306941, 1565211; 306880, 1565237; 306617, 1565317; 306574, 1565313; 306447, 1565277; 306389, 1565255; 306296, 1565255; 306259, 1565250; 306194, 1565223; 306169, 1565231; 306155, 1565256; 306145, 1565262; 306028, 1565253; 305991, 1565246; 305927, 1565246; 305867, 1565253.

(L) Bounded by the following 107 points (81 ac, 33 ha): 306372, 1562797; 306403, 1562764; 306427, 1562755; 306453, 1562754; 306508, 1562763; 306586, 1562785; 306716, 1562834; 306746, 1562833; 306800, 1562809; 306806, 1562794; 306805, 1562779; 306797, 1562766; 306785, 1562758; 306715, 1562738; 306706, 1562725; 306708, 1562711; 306724, 1562696; 306753, 1562687; 306769, 1562689; 306785, 1562702; 306796, 1562704; 306807, 1562695; 306827, 1562660; 306836, 1562654; 306883, 1562662; 306923, 1562677; 306933, 1562691; 306933, 1562707; 306939, 1562720; 306971, 1562743; 306951, 1562767; 306947, 1562793; 306958, 1562864; 306987, 1562890; 306977, 1562913; 306976, 1562986; 306970, 1563033; 306978, 1563053; 307007, 1563079; 307014, 1563093; 306993, 1563114; 306991, 1563142; 307005, 1563172; 307041, 1563196; 307061, 1563224; 307109, 1563376; 307115, 1563433; 307101, 1563555; 307090, 1563605; 307081, 1563625; 307041, 1563678; 306975, 1563692; 306968, 1563704; 306961, 1563741; 306940, 1563760; 306895, 1563780; 306846, 1563792; 306781, 1563803; 306764, 1563798; 306762, 1563787; 306773, 1563735; 306750, 1563589; 306754, 1563583; 306775, 1563588; 306787, 1563583; 306803, 1563565; 306805, 1563550; 306795, 1563527; 306784, 1563519; 306758, 1563521; 306724, 1563550; 306718, 1563548; 306714, 1563525; 306726, 1563496; 306757, 1563475; 306774, 1563453; 306785, 1563420; 306786, 1563371; 306775, 1563350; 306757, 1563337; 306692, 1563316; 306669, 1563300; 306622, 1563226; 306605, 1563190; 306604, 1563169; 306612, 1563144; 306622, 1563134; 306639, 1563129; 306654, 1563136; 306676, 1563170; 306707, 1563193; 306752, 1563216; 306766, 1563218; 306780, 1563215; 306800, 1563165; 306808, 1563115; 306774, 1562987; 306764, 1562973; 306739, 1562961; 306723, 1562946; 306693, 1562893; 306677, 1562877; 306629, 1562869; 306539, 1562836; 306441, 1562823; 306394, 1562826; 306382, 1562817.

(M) Bounded by the following 69 points (47 ac, 30 ha): 306858, 1566129; 306891, 1566009; 306917, 1565936; 306929, 1565916; 306982, 1565882; 307028, 1565864; 307063, 1565860; 307180, 1565888; 307248, 1565881; 307286, 1565897; 307298, 1565886; 307308, 1565851; 307318, 1565838; 307332, 1565837; 307358, 1565846; 307377, 1565842; 307505, 1565779; 307601, 1565717; 307612, 1565701; 307601, 1565695; 307534, 1565713; 307503, 1565714; 307484, 1565702; 307479, 1565684; 307498, 1565657; 307547, 1565628; 307571, 1565607; 307606, 1565538; 307618, 1565489; 307628, 1565475; 307745, 1565409; 307789, 1565409; 307829, 1565429; 307844, 1565447; 307857, 1565486; 307858, 1565512; 307852, 1565527; 307805, 1565571; 307794, 1565595; 307797, 1565619; 307825, 1565662; 307834, 1565689; 307808, 1565748; 307802, 1565778; 307813, 1565781; 307892, 1565745; 307958, 1565725; 307992, 1565724; 308008, 1565734; 308007, 1565752; 307998, 1565762; 307875, 1565825; 307834, 1565866; 307814, 1565879; 307743, 1565910; 307628, 1565928; 307491, 1565976; 307455, 1565998; 307428, 1566032; 307412, 1566044; 307254, 1566105; 307143, 1566130; 307118, 1566145; 307054, 1566200; 307032, 1566199; 306993, 1566178; 306951, 1566179; 306896, 1566171; 306871, 1566153.

(ii) Map 1 of the critical habitat for Rota bridled white-eye follows:

[1] Sections T. 17 N., R. 01 E., sec. 32 and T. 17 N., R. 01 E., sec. 33 are designated CH for both Platte and Loup Rivers.

[2] See footnote 1.

[3] Undefined - These are “lands” which were not surveyed during the original Government Land Office survey of South Dakota. They are now inundated and appear to fall in what was the described river channel at that time.

[4] See footnote 3.

[5] See footnote 3.

[6] See footnotes 1 and 3.

[7] See footnote 3.

[8] Undefined - These are “lands” which were not surveyed during the original Government Land Office survey of South Dakota. They are now inundated and appear to fall in what was the described river channel at that time.

(c) Reptiles.

Culebra Island Giant Anole (Anolis roosevetti)


No text. Map follows:

Mona Boa (Epicrates monensis monensis)

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Mona Island - entire island.


Map follows:

American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)

Florida. All land and water within the following boundary: Beginning at the easternmost tip of Turkey Point, Dade County, on the coast of Biscayne Bay; thence southeastward along a straight line to Christmas Point at the southernmost tip of Elliott Key; thence southwestward along a line following the shores of the Atlantic Ocean side of Old Rhodes Key, Palo Alto Key, Anglefish Key, Key Largo, Plantation Key, Windley Key, Upper Matecumbe Key, Lower Matecumbe Key, and Long Key, to the westernmost tip of Long Key; thence Northwestward along a straight line to the westernmost tip of Middle Cape; thence northward along the shore of the Gulf of Mexico to the north side of the mouth of Little Sable Creek; thence eastward along a straight line to the northernmost point of Nine-Mile Pond; thence northeastward along a straight line to the point of beginning.


No map.

Narrow-headed Gartersnake (Thamnophis rufipunctatus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Greenlee, Apache, Yavapai, Gila, and Coconino Counties in Arizona, as well as in Grant, Hidalgo, and Catron Counties in New Mexico, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of narrow-headed gartersnake consist of the following components:

(i) Perennial streams or spatially intermittent streams that provide both aquatic and terrestrial habitat that allows for immigration, emigration, and maintenance of population connectivity of narrow-headed gartersnakes and contain:

(A) Pools, riffles, and cobble and boulder substrate, with a low amount of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness;

(B) Organic and natural inorganic structural features (e.g., cobble bars, rock piles, large boulders, logs or stumps, aquatic vegetation, vegetated islands, logs, and debris jams) in the stream channel for basking, thermoregulation, shelter, prey base maintenance, and protection from predators;

(C) Water quality that meets or exceeds applicable State surface water quality standards; and

(D) Terrestrial habitat up to 328 feet (100 meters) from the active stream channel (water's edge) that includes flood debris, rock piles, and rock walls containing cracks and crevices, small mammal burrows, downed woody debris, and streamside vegetation (e.g., alder, willow, sedges, and shrubs) for thermoregulation, shelter, brumation and protection from predators throughout the year.

(ii) Hydrologic processes that maintain aquatic and riparian habitat through:

(A) A natural flow regime that allows for periodic flooding, or if flows are modified or regulated, a flow regime that allows for the movement of water, sediment, nutrients, and debris through the stream network, as well as maintenance of native fish populations; and

(B) Physical hydrologic and geomorphic connection between the active stream channel and its adjacent terrestrial areas.

(iii) A combination of native fishes, and soft-rayed, nonnative fish species such that prey availability occurs across seasons and years.

(iv) An absence of nonnative aquatic predators, such as fish species of the families Centrarchidae and Ictaluridae, American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), and/or crayfish (Orconectes virilis, Procambarus clarki, etc.), or occurrence of these nonnative species at low enough levels such that recruitment of narrow-headed gartersnakes is not inhibited and maintenance of viable prey populations is still occurring.

(v) Elevations of 2,300 to 8,200 feet (700 to 2,500 meters).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 22, 2021.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using the U.S. Geological Survey's 7.5' quadrangles, National Hydrography Dataset and National Elevation Dataset; the Service's National Wetlands Inventory dataset; and aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Line locations for lotic streams (flowing water) and drainages are depicted as the “Flowline” feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. The active channel along a stream is depicted as the “Wetlands” feature class from the Service's National Wetlands Inventory dataset. Any discrepancies between the “Flowline” and “Wetlands” feature classes were resolved using aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Elevation range is masked using the “Elev_Contour” feature class of the National Elevation Dataset. The administrative boundaries for Arizona and New Mexico were obtained from the Arizona Land Resource Information Service and New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System, respectively. This includes the most current (as of November 22, 2021) geospatial data available for land ownership, counties, States, and streets. Locations depicting critical habitat are expressed as decimal degree latitude and longitude in the World Geographic Coordinate System projection using the 1984 datum (WGS84). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0011, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (5)

(6) Unit 1: Upper Gila River Subbasin Unit, Grant and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico.

(i) Unit 1 consists of 7,005 acres (ac) (2,835 hectares (ha)) in Grant and Hidalgo Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (4,084 ac (1,653 ha)), State (553 ac (224 ha)), and private (2,368 ac (958 ha)) ownership in eight subunits west of the town of Glenwood, north of Silver City, and South of Gila and Cliff.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

Figure 2 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (6)(ii)

(7) Unit 2: San Francisco River Subbasin Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Unit 2 consists of 5,895 ac (2,386 ha) in Catron County, and is composed of lands in Federal (3,924 ac (1,588 ha)), State (3 ac (1 ha)), and private (1,967 ac (796 ha)) ownership in six subunits near the towns of Glenwood and Reserve.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

Figure 3 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (7)(ii)

(8) Unit 3: Blue River Subbasin Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Unit 3 consists 3,368 ac (1,363 ha) in Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,918 ac (1,181 ha)) and private (450 ac (182 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Blue, Arizona, and Luna, New Mexico.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 4 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (8)(ii)

(9) Unit 4: Eagle Creek Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona.

(i) Unit 4 consists of 84 ac (34 ha) in Greenlee County, and is composed of lands in Federal (84 ac (34 ha)) and private (1 ac (<1 ha)) ownership near the town of Woolaroc.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Figure 5 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (9)(ii)

(10) Unit 5: Black River Subbasin Unit, Apache and Greenlee Counties, Arizona.

(i) Unit 5 consists of 1,780 ac (720 ha) in Apache and Greenlee Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (1,780 ac (720 ha)) ownership in six subunits near the towns of Maverick and Hannigan Meadow.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

Figure 6 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (10)(ii)

(11) Unit 6: Canyon Creek Unit, Gila County, Arizona.

(i) Unit 6 consists of 204 ac (82 ha) in Gila County, and is composed of lands in Federal (204 ac (82 ha)) ownership southwest of the town of Heber.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Figure 7 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (11)(ii)

(12) Unit 7: Tonto Creek Subbasin Unit, Gila County, Arizona.

(i) Unit 7 consists of 2,293 ac (928 ha) in Gila County, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,176 ac (881 ha)) and private (117 ac (47 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Jakes Corner and Gisela.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Figure 8 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (12)(ii)

(13) Unit 8: Verde River Subbasin Unit, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona.

(i) Unit 8 consists of 3,156 ac (1,277 ha) in Coconino and Yavapai Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,446 ac (990 ha)), State (109 ac (44 ha)), and private (602 ac (244 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Sedona and Perkinsville.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

Figure 9 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (13)(ii)

Northern Mexican Gartersnake (Thamnophis eques megalops)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for La Paz, Mohave, Yavapai, Gila, Cochise, Santa Cruz, and Pima Counties in Arizona, and in Grant County in New Mexico, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of northern Mexican gartersnake consist of the following components:

(i) Perennial or spatially intermittent streams that provide both aquatic and terrestrial habitat that allows for immigration, emigration, and maintenance of population connectivity of northern Mexican gartersnakes and contain:

(A) Slow-moving water (walking speed) with in-stream pools, off-channel pools, and backwater habitat;

(B) Organic and natural inorganic structural features (e.g., boulders, dense aquatic and wetland vegetation, leaf litter, logs, and debris jams) within the stream channel for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, and protection from predators;

(C) Terrestrial habitat adjacent to the stream channel that includes riparian vegetation, small mammal burrows, boulder fields, rock crevices, and downed woody debris for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, brumation, and protection from predators; and

(D) Water quality that meets or exceeds applicable State surface water quality standards.

(ii) Hydrologic processes that maintain aquatic and terrestrial habitat through:

(A) A natural flow regime that allows for periodic flooding, or if flows are modified or regulated, a flow regime that allows for the movement of water, sediment, nutrients, and debris through the stream network; and

(B) Physical hydrologic and geomorphic connection between a stream channel and its adjacent riparian areas.

(iii) A combination of amphibians, fishes, small mammals, lizards, and invertebrate species such that prey availability occurs across seasons and years.

(iv) An absence of nonnative fish species of the families Centrarchidae and Ictaluridae, American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), and/or crayfish (Orconectes virilis, Procambarus clarki, etc.), or occurrence of these nonnative species at low enough levels such that recruitment of northern Mexican gartersnakes is not inhibited and maintenance of viable prey populations is still occurring.

(v) Elevations from 130 to 8,497 feet (40 to 2,590 meters).

(vi) Lentic wetlands including off-channel springs, cienegas, and natural and constructed ponds (small earthen impoundment) with:

(A) Organic and natural inorganic structural features (e.g., boulders, dense aquatic and wetland vegetation, leaf litter, logs, and debris jams) within the ordinary high water mark for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, brumation, and protection from predators;

(B) Riparian habitat adjacent to ordinary high water mark that includes riparian vegetation, small mammal burrows, boulder fields, rock crevices, and downed woody debris for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, and protection from predators; and

(C) Water quality that meets or exceeds applicable State surface water quality standards.

(vii) Ephemeral channels that connect perennial or spatially intermittent perennial streams to lentic wetlands in southern Arizona where water resources are limited.

(3) Critical habitat does not include humanmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 28, 2021.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created included using the U.S. Geological Survey's 7.5′ quadrangles, National Hydrography Dataset, and National Elevation Dataset; the Service's National Wetlands Inventory dataset; and aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Line locations for lotic streams (flowing water) and drainages are depicted as the “Flowline” feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. Point locations for lentic sites (ponds) are depicted as “NHDPoint” feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. Extent of riparian habitat surrounding lotic streams and lentic sites is depicted by the greater of the “Wetlands” and “Riparian” features classes of the Service's national Wetlands Inventory dataset and further refined using aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Elevation range is masked using the “Elev_Contour” feature class of the National Elevation Dataset. Administrative boundaries for Arizona and New Mexico were obtained from the Arizona Land Resource Information Service and New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System, respectively. This includes the most current (as of May 28, 2021) geospatial data available for land ownership, counties, States, and streets. Locations depicting critical habitat are expressed as decimal degree latitude and longitude in the World Geographic Coordinate System projection using the 1984 datum (WGS84). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0011, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Upper Gila River Subbasin Unit, Grant County, New Mexico.

(i) General description: Unit 1 consists of 1,133 acres (ac) (458 hectares (ha)) in Grant County, and is composed of lands in State (22 ac (9 ha)) and private (1,110 ac (449 ha)) ownership in two subunits near the towns of Cliff and Gila.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Tonto Creek Unit, Gila County, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 2 consists of 3,176 ac (1,285 ha) in Gila County, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,230 ac (902 ha)) and private (947 ac (383 ha)) ownership near the towns of Gisela and Punkin Center.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Verde River Subbasin Unit, Yavapai County, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 3 consists of 5,265 ac (2,131 ha) in Yavapai County, and is composed of lands in Federal (978 ac (396 ha)), State (571 ac (231 ha)), and private (3,715 ac (1,433 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Cottonwood, Cornville, Page Springs, and Camp Verde.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: Bill Williams River Subbasin Unit, La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 4 consists of 2,245 ac (908 ha) in La Paz and Mohave Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (1,119 ac (453 ha)) and private (1,126 ac (456 ha)) ownership in two subunits near the towns of Wikiup and Signal.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 4 follows:

(10) Unit 5: Arivaca Cienega Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 5 consists of 211 ac (86 ha) in Pima County and is composed of lands in Federal (149 ac (60 ha)), State (1 ac (<1 ha)), and private (62 ac (25 ha)) ownership near the town of Arivaca.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 5 follows:

(11) Unit 6: Cienega Creek Subbasin Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 6 consists of 2,083 ac (843 ha) in Pima County and is composed of lands in Federal (1,113 ac (450 ha)), State (366 ac (148 ha)), and private (605 ac (245 ha)) ownership in four subunits near the towns of Tucson, Vail, and Sonoita.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 6 follows:

(12) Unit 7: Upper Santa Cruz River Subbasin Unit, Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 7 consists of 380 ac (154 ha) in Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (45 ac (18 ha)), State (111 ac (45 ha)), and private (224 ac (91 ha)) ownership in seven subunits near the towns of Sonoita and Patagonia.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 7 follows:

(13) Unit 8: Upper San Pedro River Subbasin Unit, Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona.

(i) General description: Unit 8 consists of 5,834 ac (2,355 ha) in Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (5,197 ac (2,103 ha)), State (8 ac (3 ha)), and private (630 ac (255 ha)) ownership in five subunits near the towns of Sierra Vista and Elgin.

(ii) Map: Map of Unit 8 follows:

Mona Ground Iguana (Cyclura stejnegeri)

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Mona Island - entire island.


Map follows:

Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard (Uma inornata)

California. Riverside County. S 12 Section 5, SE 14 Section 6, E 12 Section 7, all of sections 8 through 11, W 12 Section 12, W 12 Section 13, all of sections 14 through 16, E 12 Section 17, E 12NW 14 Section 17, E 12SW 14 Section 17, all of sections 21 through 26, E 12NW 14, NW 14SE 14, E 12SE 14, NE 14 Section 27, all of sections 35 and 36, T4S R6E.


Map follows:

St. Croix Ground Lizard (Ameiva polops)

U.S. Virgin Islands. Protestant Cay, roughly defined by the coordinates 64°42′15″ N. and 17°45′7.5″ W.; and Green Cay, roughly defined by the coordinates 67°37′30″ N. and 17°46′″ W.


Map follows:

Black Pinesnake (Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Forrest, George, Greene, Harrison, Jones, Marion, Perry, Stone, and Wayne Counties, Mississippi, and Clarke County, Alabama, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of black pinesnake consist of the following components:

(i) Tract size and habitat structure. A pine forest, historically dominated by longleaf pine and maintained by frequent fire, primarily having the following characteristics:

(A) An open canopy that sustains a reduced woody mid-story (<10 percent cover) and abundant, diverse, native herbaceous groundcover (at least 40 percent cover); and

(B) Minimum of 5,000 ac (2,023 ha) of mostly unfragmented habitat.

(ii) Refugia sites. Naturally burned-out or rotted-out pine stumps and their associated root system tunnels, in pine forests historically dominated by longleaf pine.

(iii) Soils. Deep, sandy, well-drained soils characteristic of longleaf pine forests:

(A) No flooding or ponding;

(B) <15 percent medium and coarse gravel fragments;

(C) >60 in (152 cm) depth to seasonal high water table;

(D) >60 in (152 cm) depth to the hardpan;

(E) Textural components equaling >30 percent sand and <35 percent clay; and

(F) A slope <15 percent.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on March 27, 2020. In addition, State and Department of Defense lands covered under the Camp Shelby Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) are not considered critical habitat in Unit 3; nor are U.S. Forest Service lands within the Camp Shelby Impact Area Buffer Zone.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were developed from USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then developed using Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 15N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2014-0065, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Ovett - Jones and Wayne Counties, Mississippi.

(i) Unit 1 encompasses approximately 47,179 ac (19,093 ha) on Federal and private land in Jones and Wayne Counties, Mississippi. The majority of this unit (40,639 ac (16,446 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the unit (6,540 ac (2,647 ha)) on private land. This unit is located between the Bogue Homo River and Thompson Creek, is approximately 2.0 mi (3.2 km) northeast of Ovett, and is mostly within the boundary of the Chickasawhay Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. It is located just east of State Highway 15, west of Salem Road, north of the intersection of State Highway 15 and County Road 205, and approximately 1.3 mi (2.1 km) south of the intersection of Freedom Road and Forest Road.

(ii) Map of Units 1 (Ovett) and 2 (Piney Woods Creek) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Piney Woods Creek - Perry and Wayne Counties, Mississippi.

(i) Unit 2 encompasses approximately 22,389 ac (9,061 ha) on Federal and private land located primarily in Wayne County, Mississippi, with a small portion extending into Perry County, Mississippi. The majority of this unit (17,744 ac (7,181 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the Unit (4,645 ac (1,880 ha)) on private land. This unit is located between Thompson Creek and Piney Woods Creek, is approximately 4.0 mi (6.4 km) west of Clara, and is mostly within the boundary of the Chickasawhay Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. It is located 2.3 mi (3.7 km) north of the intersection of Camp Eight Road and Will Best Road, and 0.4 mi (0.6 km) southeast of the intersection of Clara-Strengthford Road and Clara-Strengthford Reservoir Road.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Piney Woods Creek) is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.

(8) Unit 3: Cypress Creek - Greene, George, Forrest, and Perry Counties, Mississippi.

(i) This unit is located north of Black Creek (Cypress Creek runs into part of the unit, but is not a barrier to gene flow), and is approximately 3.0 mi (4.8 km) east of McLaurin, 1.8 mi (2.9 km) south of New Augusta, and 4.6 mi (7.4 km) northwest of Benndale. Unit 3 is mostly within the installation boundary of Camp Shelby on the De Soto Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest, and is bordered by State Highways 26 and 57 and U.S. Highways 49 and 98. The majority of this unit (115,315 ac (46,666 ha)) is on Federal lands, with another 1,768 ac (716 ha) on State lands, and the remainder (14,357 ac (5,810 ha)) on private land. This unit contains 4,054 ac (1,641 ha) of State- and Department of Defense (DoD)-owned lands (covered under the Camp Shelby INRMP) that are exempted from critical habitat designation; and 14,862 ac (6,014 ha) of U.S. Forest Service-owned lands excluded from critical habitat designation.

(ii) Map of Units 3 (Cypress Creek) and 4 (Maxie) follows:

(9) Unit 4: Maxie - Forrest, Perry, and Stone Counties, Mississippi.

(i) Subunit 4A - Forrest and Stone Counties, Mississippi. Subunit 4A is located between Double Branch and U.S. Highway 49 in Forrest and Stone Counties, Mississippi. It is 0.3 mi (4.8 km) northwest of Bond and 0.5 mi (0.8 km) southwest of Maxie, and is located mostly within the boundary of the De Soto Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. Most of this subunit (8,914 ac (3,607 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the subunit (6,303 ac (2,551 ha)) on private land.

(ii) Subunit 4B - Forrest, Perry, and Stone Counties, Mississippi. Subunit 4B is located between Black Creek and U.S. Highway 49 in Forrest, Perry, and Stone Counties, Mississippi. It is directly adjacent to Maxie on the western border, and is located mostly within the boundary of the De Soto Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. Most of this subunit (28,232 ac (11,425 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the subunit (16,079 ac (6,507 ha)) on private land.

(iii) Map of Unit 4 (Maxie) is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.

(10) Unit 5: Howison - Harrison and Stone Counties, Mississippi.

(i) Unit 5 encompasses approximately 12,949 ac (5,240 ha) on Federal and private land in Harrison and Stone Counties, Mississippi. The majority of this unit (9,430 ac (3,816 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the unit on private lands (3,519 ac (1,424 ha)). This unit is located between Tuxachanie Creek and U.S. Highway 49, approximately 0.4 mi (0.6 km) east of Howison and 1.3 mi (2 km) southeast of McHenry. The unit is bordered on the northern edge by E. McHenry Road and on the western edge by U.S. Highway 49 (buffered from the highway by at least 328 ft (100 m)).

(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Howison) follows:

(11) Unit 6: Marion County Wildlife Management Area (WMA) - Marion County, Mississippi.

(i) Unit 6 encompasses approximately 11,856 ac (4,798 ha) on State and private land in Marion County, Mississippi. The unit is divided between State lands (5,587 ac (2,261 ha)) and private lands (6,270 ac (2,537 ha)). This unit is located between the Upper Little Creek and Lower Little Creek, 7.0 mi (11 km) southeast of Columbia. It is located 0.8 mi (1.3 km) north of State Highway 13, and 2.6 mi (4.2 km) south of U.S. Highway 98. Approximately half of Unit 6 is within the Marion County Wildlife Management Area.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 (Marion County WMA) follows:

(12) Unit 7: Jones Branch - Clarke County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 7 encompasses approximately 33,395 ac (13,515 ha) of private land in Clarke County, Alabama. This unit is bordered by Salitpa Creek to the south, Tallahatta Creek to the north, and Harris Creek to the west. It is located approximately 2.7 mi (4.3 km) southeast of Campbell and 1.1 mi (1.8 km) north of the intersection of Old Mill Pond Road and Reedy Branch Road.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 (Jones Branch) follows:

(13) Unit 8: Fred T. Stimpson Special Opportunity Area (SOA) - Clarke County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 8 encompasses approximately 5,943 ac (2,405 ha) on State and private land in Clarke County, Alabama. Over 60 percent of the unit (3,843 ac (1,555 ha)) is on State lands, with the remainder of the unit (2,100 ac (850 ha)) on private land. This unit is located between Sand Hill Creek and the Tombigbee River, is approximately 1 mi (1.6 km) north of Carlton, and is 1.0 mi (1.6 km) south of the intersection of County Road 15 and Christian Vall Road. The southern two-thirds of this unit is on the Fred T. Stimpson SOA.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 (Fred T. Stimpson SOA) follows:

New Mexican Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi obscurus)

New Mexico. Hidalgo County. Elevations between 6,200 feet and 8,532 feet in Bear, Indian, and Spring Canyons, Animas Mountains.


Map follows:

Desert Tortoise - Mojave Population (Gopherus agassizii)

Index map of approximate locations of critical habitat units follows:

California. Areas of land as follows:

1. Fremont-Kramer Unit. Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties. From BLM Maps: Victorville 1978 and Cuddeback Lake 1978. (Index map location A).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 29 S., R. 39 E., secs. 13, 14, 22-26, 35, and 36; T. 29 S., R. 40 E., secs. 12-33; T. 29 S., R. 41 E., secs. 7, 8, 17-20, 27-30, and 32-36; T. 30 S., R. 38 E., secs. 24-26, 35, and 36; T. 30 S., R. 39 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 3-5; T. 30 S., R. 40 E., secs. 4-9 and 13-36 except those portions of secs. 13, 14, and 23 lying northwesterly of the Randsburg-Mojave Road; T. 30 S., R. 41 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 5-8 and 20 and those portions of secs. 17 and 18 lying easterly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 30 S., R. 42 E., secs. 7-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 31 S., R. 40 E., secs. 1 and 6 except that portion of sec. 6 lying southeasterly of the Randsburg-Mojave Road; T. 31 S., R. 41 E., secs. 1-17, 20-29, and 32-36 except those portions of secs. 20, 29 and 32 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 31 S., R. 42 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 32 S., R. 41 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, and 34-36 except those portions of secs. 4, 9, 16, 21, 27, 28, and 34 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 32 S., R. 42 E.; T. 32 S., R. 43 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 28-33.

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 7 N., R. 5 W., secs. 2-11 and 14-18 except that portion of sec. 18 lying west of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 7 N., R. 6 W., secs. 1-6, 12, and 13 except those portions of secs. 1, 12, and 13 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 7 N., R. 7 W., secs. 1-6; T. 7 N., R. 8 W., secs. 1-4; T. 8 N., R. 4 W., secs. 6, 7, and 18; T. 8 N., R. 5 W., secs. 1-35 except secs. 24 and 25; T. 8 N., R. 6 W.; T. 8 N., R. 7 W.; T. 8 N., R. 8 W., secs. 1-28, and 33-36; T. 8 N., R. 9 W., secs. 1 and 7-24; T. 9 N., R. 4 W., secs. 2-11, 14-23, 30, and 31; T. 9 N., R. 5 W.; T. 9 N., R. 6 W.; T. 9 N., R. 7 W., secs. 1-4, 9-16, and 19-36; T. 9 N., R. 8 W., secs. 24, 25, and 31-36; T. 9 N., R. 9 W., sec. 36; T. 10 N., R. 4 W., secs. 6, 7, 18-20, and 29-34; T. 10 N., R. 5 W.; T. 10 N., R. 6 W., secs. 1-36 except sec. 6; T. 10 N., R. 7 W., secs. 9-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 11 N., R. 5 W., secs. 2-11, 14-23, and 26-35; T. 11 N., R. 6 W., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 11 N., R. 7 W., that portion of sec. 1 lying easterly U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 12 N., R. 5 W., secs. 31-35; T. 12 N., R. 6 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 7 W., that portion of sec. 36 lying easterly of U.S. Hwy. 395.

2. Superior-Cronese Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Cuddeback Lake 1978, Soda Mts. 1978, Victorville 1978, and Newberry Springs 1978. (Index map location B).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 29 S., R. 42 E., secs. 35 and 36; T. 29 S., R. 43 E., secs. 25, 26, and 31-36; T. 29 S., R. 44 E., secs. 20-36; T. 29 S., R. 45 E., secs. 14-16, 19-23, and 25-36; T. 29 S., R. 46 E., secs. 30-32; T. 30 S., R. 42 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 30 S., R. 43 E.; T. 30 S., R. 44 E.; T. 30 S., R. 45 E.; T. 30 S., R. 46 E., secs. 3-36; T. 30 S., R. 47 E., secs. 7-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 31 S., R. 42 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 31 S., R. 43 E.; T. 31 S., R. 44 E.; T. 31 S., R. 45 E.; T. 31 S., R. 46 E.; T. 31 S., R. 47 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 32 S., R. 43 E., secs. 1-3, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 32 S., R. 44 E.; T. 32 S., R. 45 E.; T. 32 S., R. 46 E.; T. 32 S., R. 47 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34.

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 9 N., R. 1 W., those portions of secs. 1 and 2 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 9 N., R. 1 E., that portion of sec. 6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 2 W., secs. 1-29; T. 10 N., R. 1 W., secs. 1-28, 30, and 33-36 except those portions of secs. 33-35 lying southwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 1 E., secs. 18, 19, 30, and 31; T. 10 N., R. 2 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, and 22-34 except those portions of secs. 25, 26, and 34 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 3 E., secs. 1-12, 14-21, and 30 except those portions of secs. 11, 12, 14-16, 19-21, and 30 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 4 E., those portions of secs. 5-7 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 11 N., R. 5 W., secs. 1 and 12; T. 11 N., R. 4 W., secs. 1-7, 9, 11, and 12; T. 11 N., R. 3 W., secs. 1-18; T. 11 N., R. 2 W.; T. 11 N., R. 1 W.; T. 11 N., R. 1 E., secs. 1-31; T. 11 N., R. 2 E., secs. 1-36 except sec. 31; T. 11 N., R. 3 E.; T. 11 N., R. 4 E., secs. 1-34 except those portions of secs. 25, 26, 33, and 34 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 11 N., R. 5 E., secs. 1-11 and 15-20 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, 10, 11, 15-17, 19, and 20 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 12 N., R. 5 W., sec. 36; T. 12 N., R. 4 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 3 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 2 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 1 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 1 E.; T. 12 N., R. 2 E., secs. 3-36; T. 12 N., R. 3 E., secs. 7-36; T. 12 N., R. 4 E., secs. 7-36; T. 12 N., R. 5 E., secs. 1-5 and 7-36; T. 12 N., R. 6 E., secs. 5-9, 15-22, and 27-34 except those portions of secs. 31-34 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 13 N., R. 1 E.; T. 13 N., R. 2 E., secs. 19 and 29-34; T. 13 N., R. 5 E., secs. 26-28 and 32-36; T. 14 N., R. 1 E., secs. 5-10, 15-23, and 24-36.

3. Ord-Rodman Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Newberry Springs 1978 and Victorville 1978. (Index map location C).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 6 N., R. 1 E., secs. 1-6, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 6 N., R. 2 E., secs. 1-11, 14-22, and 28-33; T. 7 N., R. 1 W., secs. 1-4, 9-15, 22-26, 35, and 36 except those portions of secs. 4, 9, 10, 15, 22, 23, 26, and 35 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 247; T. 7 N., R. 1 E.; T. 7 N., R. 2 E.; T. 7 N., R. 3 E.; T. 7 N., R. 4 E.; T. 7 N., R. 5 E., secs. 4-9 and 17-19 except those portions of secs. 4, 8, 9, and 17-19 lying southerly of the northern boundary of Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base; T. 8 N., R. 1 W., secs. 1-18, 20-29, and 32-36 except those portions of secs. 6, 7, 17, 18, 20, 29, 32, and 33 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 247; T. 8 N., R. 1 E.; T. 8 N., R. 2 E., secs. 2-36; T. 8 N., R. 3 E., secs. 7 and 18-36; T. 8 N., R. 4 E., secs. 13-16 and 18-36; T. 8 N., R. 5 E., secs. 16-18, 19-21, 28-30, and 31-33 except those portions of secs. 16 and 17 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 6 E., secs. 18-21 and 27-36 except those portions of secs. 18-21, 27, 28, 34, and 35 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 1 W., secs. 19, 20, and 25-36 except those portions of secs. 19, 20, and 29-31 lying westerly of State Hwy. 247; T. 9 N., R. 1 E., secs. 25-36 except those portions of secs. 25-27 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 2 E., secs. 27-35 except those portions of secs. 27-30 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40.

4. Chuckwalla Unit. Imperial and Riverside Counties. From BLM Maps: Chuckwalla #18 1978, Parker-Blythe #16 1978, Salton Sea #20 1978, and Midway Well #21 1979. (Index map location D).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 3 S., R. 13 E., secs. 19-21 and 27-35; T. 4 S., R. 8 E., secs. 1-6, 8-16, 22-26, and 36; T. 4 S., R. 9 E., secs. 6-10, and 15-36; T. 4 S., R. 10 E., secs. 19-21, and 27-34; T. 4 S., R. 13 E., secs. 2-36 except secs. 12 and 13; T. 4 S., R. 14 E., secs. 27-36; T. 4 S., R. 15 E., secs. 31 and 32; T. 5 S., R. 9 E., secs. 1-4, 12, 13, and 24; T. 5 S., R. 10 E., secs. 2-36 except sec. 31; T. 5 S., R. 11 E., secs. 19-21 and 28-33; T. 5 S., R. 12 E., sec. 36; T. 5 S., R. 13 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 6 and 7; T. 5 S., R. 14 E.; T. 5 S., R. 15 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, 25, S 12 sec. 26, S 12 sec. 27, and secs. 28-36; T. 5 S., R. 16 E., secs. 28-35; T. 6 S., R. 10 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 21-26, 35 and 36; T. 6 S., R. 11 E., secs. 4-36; T. 6 S., R. 12 E.; T. 6 S., R. 13 E.; T. 6 S., R. 14 E.; T. 6 S., R. 15 E.; T. 6 S., R. 16 E.; T. 6 S., R. 17 E., secs. 5-9, and 14-36; T. 6 S., R. 18 E., secs. 29-36; T. 6 S., R. 19 E., secs. 31-36; T. 6 S., R. 20 E., secs. 31-34; T. 7 S., R. 11 E., sec. 1; T. 7 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1-6, 9-15, and 23-25; T. 7 S., R. 13 E., secs. 1-30 and 31-36; T. 7 S., R. 14 E.; T. 7 S., R. 15 E.; T. 7 S., R. 16 E.; T. 7 S., R. 17 E.; T. 7 S., R. 18 E.; T. 7 S., R. 19 E.; T. 7 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 14-23, and 26-35; T. 8 S., R. 13 E., secs. 1, 2, and 11-14; T. 8 S., R. 14 E., secs. 1-18, and secs. 21-26; T. 8 S., R. 15 E., secs. 1-30 and 34-36; T. 8 S., R. 16 E.; T. 8 S., R. 17 E.; T. 8 S., R. 18 E.; T. 8 S., R. 19 E.; T. 8 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 28-33; T. 9 S., R. 15 E., sec. 1; T. 9 S., R. 16 E., secs. 1-17, 20-29, and 32-36; T. 9 S., R. 17 E.; T. 9 S., R. 18 E.; T. 9 S., R. 19 E.; T. 9 S., R. 20 E., secs. 5-8, 17-20, and 29-33; T. 10 S., R. 16 E., secs. 1-5, 9-16, and 22-26; T. 10 S., R. 17 E.; T. 10 S., R. 18 E.; T. 10 S., R. 19 E.; T. 10 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-36; T. 10 S., R. 21 E., secs. 18-21 and 28-34; T. 1012 S., R. 21 E., secs. 31-33; T. 11 S., R. 17 E., secs. 1-5 and 8-15; T. 11 S., R. 18 E., secs. 1-24; T. 11 S., R. 19 E., secs. 1-26, 35, and 36; T. 11 S., R. 20 E., secs. 1-23 and 26-34; T. 11 S., R. 21 E., secs. 4-8; T. 12 S., R. 19 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 12 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 13 S., R. 19 E., secs. 1, 2, 11, 12, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 13 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 14-23, and 26-34.

5. Pinto Mountain Unit. Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. From BLM Maps: Yucca Valley 1982, Sheep Hole Mountains 1978, Chuckwalla 1978, and Palm Springs #17 1978. (Index map location E).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 1 S., R. 9 E., secs. 10-15, 24, 25, and 36; T. 1 S., R. 10 E., secs. 7-36; T. 1 S., R. 11 E., secs. 7-36; T. 1 S., R. 12 E., secs. 7-36 except sec. 12; T. 1 S., R. 13 E., secs. 13-36; T. 1 S., R. 14 E., secs. 13-32; T. 1 S., R. 15 E., secs. 13-30 and 36; T. 1 S., R. 16 E., secs. 18, 19, and 30-32; T. 2 S., R. 9 E., secs. 1, 12, and 13; T. 2 S., R. 10 E., secs. 1-24; T. 2 S., R. 11 E., secs. 1-24; T. 2 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1-22 except sec. 13; T. 2 S., R. 13 E., secs. 3-6; T. 2 S., R. 15 E., sec. 1; T. 2 S., R. 16 E., secs. 4-9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28, 29, 32, and 33; T. 3 S., R. 16 E., secs. 4, 5, 8, and 9.

6. Chemehuevi Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Sheep Hole Mts. 1978, Parker 1979, Needles 1978, and Amboy 1991. (Index map location F).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 1 S., R. 22 E., those portions of secs. 3-5 lying northwesterly of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; T. 1 S., R. 23 E., those portions of secs. 1-3 lying northerly of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad except that portion of sec. 1 lying easterly of U.S. Hwy. 95; T. 1 N., R. 22 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 20-29, and 32-36 except those portions of secs. 34-36 lying southerly of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; T. 1 N., R. 23 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 31-34 lying southerly of Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; T. 1 N., R. 24 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 29-31; T. 2 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-5, and 9-14; T. 2 N., R. 19 E., secs. 2-10, and 16-18; T. 2 N., R. 22 E., secs. 1-5, 8-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 2 N., R. 23 E., secs. 5-8, 17-21, and 26-36; T. 2 N., R. 24 E., secs. 31 and 32; T. 3 N., R. 17 E., secs. 12, 13, 24, and 25; T. 3 N., R. 18 E.; T. 3 N., R. 19 E., secs. 1-35; T. 3 N., R. 20 E., secs. 5-8, 18, and 19; T. 3 N., R. 21 E., secs. 1-5, 9-16, 23, and 24; T. 3 N., R. 22 E., secs. 1-36 except sec. 31; T. 3 N., R. 23 E., secs. 2-11, 14-22, and 28-32; T. 4 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1, 2, 10-15, 21-28, and 32-36; T. 4 N., R. 19 E.; T. 4 N., R. 20 E., secs. 1-12, 16-20, and 29-32; T. 4 N., R. 21 E., secs. 1-17, 20-29, and 32-36; T. 4 N., R. 22 E.; T. 4 N., R. 23 E., secs. 1-35; T. 4 N., R. 24 E., Secs 6, 7, 18, and 19; T. 5 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-6; T. 5 N., R. 16 E., secs. 4-6; T. 5 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-6, 8-17, 22-26, 35, and 36; T. 5 N., R. 19 E.; T. 5 N., R. 20 E.; T. 5 N., R. 21 E.; T. 5 N., R. 22 E., secs. 2-36; (Unsurveyed) T. 5 N., R. 23 E., protracted secs. 19, and 29-33; T. 6 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-3, 10-15, and 23-25; T. 6 N., R. 15 E.; T. 6 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1-23, and 27-34; T. 6 N., R. 17 E., secs. 1-18, 22-26, and 36; T. 6 N., R. 18 E.; T. 6 N., R. 19 E.; T. 6 N., R. 20 E.; T. 6 N., R. 21 E.; T. 6 N., R. 22 E., secs. 3-10, 15-23, and 26-35; T. 7 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 7 N., R. 15 E.; T. 7 N., R. 16 E.; T. 7 N., R. 17 E.; T. 7 N., R. 18 E.; T. 7 N., R. 19 E.; T. 7 N., R. 20 E.; T. 7 N., R. 21 E.; T. 7 N., R. 22 E., secs. 18-20, and 28-34; T. 8 N., R. 14 E., secs. 13, 23-28, and 31-36 except those portions of secs. 13, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 15 E., secs. 9-36 except those portions of secs. 9-12, 17, and 18 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1, 2, and 7-36 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, and 7-10 and 11 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 17 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 1-6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-36 except that portion of sec. 6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 19 E.; T. 8 N., R. 20 E.; T. 8 N., R. 21 E., secs. 7, 17-21, and 27-35; T. 9 N., R. 18 E., those portions of secs. 31-36 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 19 E., secs. 23-29 and 31-36 except those portions of secs. 23, 24, 26-29, 31, and 32 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 20 E., secs. 19, 20, and 29-33 except those portions of secs. 19 and 20 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40 and S 12 S 12 sec. 27, SW 14 SW 14 sec. 26, and W 12 W 12 sec. 35.

7. Ivanpah Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Amboy 1991, Ivanpah 1979, and Mesquite Lake 1990. (Index map location G).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 9 N., R. 12 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, and 24; T. 9 N., R. 13 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 28-30; T. 10 N., R. 12 E., secs. 25, 35, and 36; T. 10 N., R. 13 E., secs. 3-10, 16-21, and 28-33; T. 11 N., R. 12 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36; T. 11 N., R. 13 E., secs. 1-12, 15-21, and 28-33; T. 11 N., R. 14 E., sec. 6; T. 12 N., R. 11 E., secs. 1-5 and 9-15; T. 12 N., R. 12 E., secs. 1-18, 21-27, 35, and 36; T. 12 N., R. 13 E.; T. 12 N., R. 14 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 29-32; T. 13 N., R. 10 E., secs. 1-5, 10-14, 24, and 25; T. 13 N., R. 11 E.; T. 13 N., R. 12 E.; T. 13 N., R. 13 E.; T. 13 N., R. 14 E., secs. 3-9, 16-21, and 28-33; T. 14 N., R. 9 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, and 24; T. 14 N., R. 10 E.; (Unsurveyed) T. 14 N., R. 11 E., Protracted secs. 1-35; T. 14 N., R. 11 E., sec. 36; T. 14 N., R. 12 E.; T. 14 N., R. 13 E.; T. 14 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, and 19-35; T. 14 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-12, and 14-22; T. 14 N., R. 16 E., sec. 6; T. 15 N., R. 9 E., secs. 24, 25, and 36; T. 15 N., R. 10 E., secs. 1-36 except sec. 6; T. 15 N., R. 11 E.; T. 15 N., R. 12 E.; T. 15 N., R. 13 E., secs. 3-11 and 14-36; T. 15 N., R. 14 E., secs. 12, 13, 23-28, and 33-36; T. 15 N., R. 15 E.; T. 15 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1-11, 14-22, and 28-33; T. 1512 N., R. 14 E., secs. 24 and 25; T. 1512 N., R. 15 E., secs. 19-36; T. 1512 N., R. 16 E., secs. 19-35; T. 16 N., R. 10 E., secs. 25, 35, and 36; T. 16 N., R. 11 E.; T. 16 N., R. 12 E.; T. 16 N., R. 1212 E., secs. 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36; T. 16 N., R. 13 E., secs. 7, 17-20, and 29-33; T. 16 N., R. 14 E., secs. 24, 25, 35, and 36 except those portions of secs. 24 and 35 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 16 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-3, 10-14, and 23-36; T. 16 N., R. 16 E., secs. 6-8, 16-22, and 26-36; T. 17 N., R. 11 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, and 31-36; T. 17 N., R. 12 E., secs. 3-10, 14-23, and 26-36; T. 18 N., R. 11 E., secs. 13, 14, 22-28, and 33-36; T. 18 N., R. 12 E., secs. 18-20, and 28-33.

8. Piute-Eldorado Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Amboy 1991, Needles 1978, and Ivanpah 1979. (Index map location H).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 8 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-4, 8-17, 19-24, 26-30, 32, and 33 except those portions of secs. 13, 23, 24, 26-28, 32, and 33 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-12, 17, and 18 except those portions of secs. 1, 8-12, 17, and 18 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1-10 except those portions of sections 1-3 and 6-10 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 17 E., those portions of secs. 1-6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-3, 10-15, 22-28, and 33-36; T. 9 N., R. 15 E.; T. 9 N., R. 16 E.; T. 9 N., R. 17 E., secs. 1-36 except that portion of sec. 36 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 31-36 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 19 E., secs. 1-24 and 26-32 except those portions of secs. 26-29, 31, and 32 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 20 E., secs. 3-8 and 17-20 except those portions of secs. 19 and 20 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 10 N., R. 14 E., secs. 11-14, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 10 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, and 18-36; T. 10 N., R. 16 E.; T. 10 N., R. 17 E.; T. 10 N., R. 18 E.; T. 10 N., R. 19 E.; T. 10 N., R. 20 E.; T. 10 N., R. 21 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 28-31; T. 11 N., R. 15 E., secs. 9, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25-29, and 33-36; T. 11 N., R. 16 E., secs. 9, 15, 16, 21-23, 25-28, 31, and 33-36; T. 11 N., R. 17 E., secs. 8, 12-17, and 19-36; T. 11 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-4 and 7-36; T. 11 N., R. 19 E., secs. 1-13, 18, 19, 23-27, and 29-36; T. 11 N., R. 20 E., secs. 1-11, 14-23, and 26-35; T. 12 N., R. 19 E.; T. 12 N., R. 20 E., secs. 3-11 and 13-36; T. 12 N., R. 21 E., secs. 19, 30, and 31; T. 13 N., R. 19 E., secs. 3-11 and 13-36; T. 13 N., R. 20 E., secs. 19 and 29-33; T. 14 N., R. 19 E., secs. 19 and 29-33.

Nevada. Areas of land as follows:

9. Piute-Eldorado Unit. Clark County. From BLM Maps: Mesquite Lake 1990, Boulder City 1978, Ivanpah 1979, and Davis Dam 1979. (Index map location H).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 23 S., R. 64 E., secs. 31-36 except that portion of sec. 31 lying northwesterly of the powerline and also except those portions of secs. 34-36 lying northeasterly of the powerline; T. 2312 S., R. 64 E., secs. 31-36 except that portion of sec. 31 lying northwesterly of the powerline; T. 2312 S., R. 65 E., that portion of sec. 31 lying southwesterly of the powerline; T. 24 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-15, 22-28, and 33-36 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, 11, 14, and 15 lying northwesterly of the powerline and those portions of secs. 22, 27, 28, and 33 lying northwesterly of U.S. Hwy. 95; T. 24 S., R. 64 E.; T. 24 S., R. 65 E., secs. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31; T. 25 S., R. 61 E., secs. 13-15, E 12 sec. 16, E 12 sec. 21, secs. 22-27, E 12 sec. 28, secs. 35 and 36; T. 25 S., R. 62 E., secs. 4-9, and secs. 16-36; T. 25 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, and 19-36 except those portions of secs. 4, 9, and 16 lying northwesterly of U.S. Hwy. 95; T. 25 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-35 except secs. 13, 24, and 25,; T. 25 S. R. 65 E., sec. 6; T. 26 S., R. 61 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 24, 25, and 36; T. 26 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 28 and 33; T. 26 S., R. 63 E., secs. 2-36 except sec. 12; T. 26 S., R. 64 E., secs. 18-20, and 29-33; T. 27 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-3, 5-8, 10-15, 22-26, 35, and 36; T. 27 S., R. 6212 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36; T. 27 S., R. 63 E.; T. 27 S., R. 64 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 26-36; T. 27 S., R. 65 E., secs. 31-35; T. 28 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 28 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-20, and 29-32; T. 28 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-18, 21-26, 35, and 36; T. 28 S., R. 65 E., secs. 2-11, 14-21, and 28-35; T. 29 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, 34, 35 and 36; T. 29 S., R. 63 E., secs. 5-10, 15-23, and 26-36; T. 29 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, 21-28, and 31-36; T. 29 S., R. 65 E., secs. 2-36 except secs. 12 and 13; T. 29 S., R. 66 E., secs. 30-32; T. 30 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1, 2, and 11-14; T. 30 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 30 and 31; T. 30 S., R. 64 E.; T. 30 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1-26, 30, 31, 35, and 36; T. 30 S., R. 66 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 28-33; T. 31 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-5, 8-16, 22-26, and 36; T. 31 S., R. 64 E.; T. 31 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1, 2, 6, 11-14, and 23-36 except that portion of sec. 36 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 163; T. 31 S., R. 66 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34 except that portion of sec. 31 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 163; T. 32 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-6, 8-16, 22-26, and 36; T. 32 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1-12, 17-20, and 29-32 except those portions of secs. 1 and 9-12 lying southeasterly or easterly of State Hwy. 163; T. 32 S., R. 66 E., those portions of secs. 3-6 lying northerly of State Hwy. 163; T. 33 S., R. 65 E., sec. 5.

10. Mormon Mesa Unit. Clark and Lincoln Counties. From BLM Maps: Pahranagat 1978, Clover Mts. 1978, Overton 1978, Indian Springs 1979, Lake Mead 1979, and Las Vegas 1986. (Index map location I).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 9 S., R. 62 E., secs. 13-15, 22-27, and 34-36 except those portions of secs. 15, 22, 27, and 34 lying westerly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 9 S., R. 63 E., secs. 18, 19, 30, and 31; T. 10 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-25, and 36 except those portions of secs. 14, 23, 35, and 36 lying westerly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 10 S., R. 63 E., secs. 6, 7, 13-15, 18-20, and 22-36; T. 10 S., R. 64 E., secs. 13-24 and 26-34; T. 10 S., R. 65 E., secs. 18, and 19; T. 11 S., R. 62 E., that portion of sec. 1 lying easterly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 11 S., R. 63 E.; T. 11 S., R. 64 E., secs. 4-9, 17-20, 30, and 31; T. 11 S., R. 66 E., secs. 31-36; T. 12 S., R. 63 E.; T. 12 S., R. 64 E., secs. 6, 7, and 25-36; T. 12 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, and 24-36 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, 13, and 24 lying westerly of Union Pacific Railroad; T. 12 S., R. 66 E.; T. 12 S., R. 67 E., secs. 6-8, 16-22, and 27-33; T. 12 S., R. 68 E., secs. 23-29 and 31-36; T. 12 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, and 19-36; T. 1212 S., R. 62 E., that portion of sec. 36 lying easterly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 13 S., R. 62 E., those portions of secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, and 25 lying easterly of the easterly line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 13 S., R. 63 E.; T. 13 S., R. 64 E.; T. 13 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1-24, N 12 26, N 12 27, N 12 and SW 14 sec. 28, 29-32, and W 12 33; T. 13 S., R. 66 E., secs. 1-26, W 12 sec. 27, 35, and 36; T. 13 S., R. 67 E.; T. 13 S., R. 68 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 25 and 33-36 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 13 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-30 except those portions of secs. 25-30 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 13 S., R. 70 E., secs. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31 except those portions of secs. 30 and 31 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 1312 S., R. 63 E., secs. 31-36; T. 1312 S., R. 64 E., secs. 31-36 except that portion of sec. 36 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 168; T. 14 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-23, and 26-35; T. 14 S., R. 64 E., secs. 2-6, 8-11, 15, and 16; T. 14 S., R. 66 E., secs. 1, E 12 sec. 2, 12, E 12 sec. 13, and E 12 sec. 24; T. 14 S., R. 67 E., secs. 1-12 and 14-22 except those portions of secs. 12, 14, 15, 21, and 22 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 14 S., R. 68 E., those portions of secs. 4-7 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 15 S., R. 63 E., secs. 2-11, 14-22, and 27-34; T. 16 S., R. 63 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 28-33; T. 17 S., R. 63 E., secs. 7-9, 16-21, and 28-32 except those portions of secs. 29 and 32 lying easterly of the westerly boundary line of the Apex Disposal Road; T. 18 S., R. 63 E., secs. 5-8, 17-19, and 29-31 except those portions of secs. 5, 8, 17-19, and 29-31 lying easterly of the westerly boundary line of the Apex Disposal Road and that portion of sec. 31 lying westerly of the easterly boundary line of Desert National Wildlife Range.

11. Gold Butte-Pakoon Unit. Clark County. From BLM Maps: Overton 1978 and Lake Mead 1979. (Index map location J).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 13 S., R. 71 E., secs. 32-34; T. 14 S., R. 69 E., secs. 24-26, and 34-36; T. 14 S., R. 70 E., secs. 1, and 10-36; T. 14 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 15 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 15 S., R. 70 E., secs. 2-11, 15-22, and 28-33; T. 16 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 6, 7, and 29-32; T. 16 S., R. 70 E., secs. 4-36 except sec. 12; T. 16 S., R. 71 E., secs. 19, and 29-32; T. 17 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-3, 11-14, 24, 25, and 36; T. 17 S., R. 70 E.; T. 17 S., R. 71 E., secs. 4-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 18 S., R. 69 E., sec. 1; T. 18 S., R. 70 E., secs. 1-6, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 18 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 19 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33 and 34; T. 20 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3 and 4.

12. Beaver Dam Slope Unit. Lincoln County. From BLM Maps: Clover Mountains 1978 and Overton 1978. (Index map location K).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 8 1/2 S., R. 71 E., that portion of sec. 34 lying south of a westerly extension of the north line of sec. 26, T. 41 S., R. 20 W. (Salt Lake Meridian), Washington County, Utah; T. 9 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3, 10, 15-17, 20-22, 27-29, and 32-34; T. 10 S., R. 70 E., secs. 19-36; T. 10 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-5, 7-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 11 S., R. 70 E.; T. 11 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 12 S., R. 70 E., secs. 1-12, 14-23, and 28-33; T. 12 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10.

Utah. Areas of land as follows:

13. Beaver Dam Slope Unit. Washington County. From BLM Maps: St. George 1980 and Clover Mts. 1978. (Index map location K).

Salt Lake Meridian: T. 40 S., R. 19 W., S 1/2 sec. 28, S 1/2 sec. 29, S 1/2 sec. 31, secs. 32 and 33; T. 41 S., R. 19 W., S 1/2 sec. 2, S 1/2 sec. 3, secs. 4, 5, 6, E 1/2 sec. 7, secs. 8-11, 15-17, E 1/2 sec. 18, and secs. 19-22, and 28-33; T. 41 S., R. 20 W., E 1/2 sec. 1, secs. 24-26, 35, and 36; T. 42 S., R. 19 W., secs. 4-9, 16-22, and 27-34; T. 42 S., R. 20 W., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 43 S., R. 18 W., secs. 7, 8, S 1/2 sec. 16, secs. 17-21, and 27-34; T. 43 S., R. 19 W., secs. 1-36 except N 1/2 sec. 1; T. 43 S., R. 20 W., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36.

14. Upper Virgin River Unit. Washington County. From BLM Map: St. George 1980. (Index map location L).

Salt Lake Meridian: T. 41 S., R. 13 W., secs. 17-21 except NW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec. 18, also W 1/2 and W 1/2 E 1/2 sec. 27, sec. 28 except that portion lying westerly of Gould Wash, N 1/2 sec. 29, N 1/2 sec. 30, N 1/2 N 1/2 sec. 33 except that portion lying westerly of Gould Wash, and N 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 34; T. 41 S., R. 14 W., S 1/2 S 1/2 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 13, that portion of sec. 14 lying westerly of Red Cliff Road, secs. 15-17 except N 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec. 17, secs. 19-22, that portion of sec. 23 lying westerly of Red Cliff Road and westerly of Interstate Hwy. 15, sec. 24, E 1/2 and N 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec. 25, and those portions of secs. 26, 27, and 32-34 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 41 S., R. 15 W., secs. 14, 19, 20, and 22-36; T. 41 S., R. 16 W., secs. 4, 9, 10, S 1/2 sec. 14, 15-16, 19, 21, W 1/2 sec. 22, secs. 24-25 except W 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 24 and W 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 25, and W 1/2 W 1/2 sec. 25, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 and S 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 sec. 27, E 1/2 and E 1/2 W 1/2 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 28, N 1/2 and SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 30, NE 1/4 sec. 31, N 1/2 sec. 32, N 1/2 and SE 1/4 and N 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 33, sec. 34, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and that portion of sec. 35 lying westerly of State Hwy. 18, and sec. 36; T. 41 S., R. 17 W., secs. 9, 14-16, NE 1/4 sec. 21, N 1/2 sec. 22, NW 1/4 and E 1/2 sec. 23, sec. 24, and NE 1/4 sec. 25; T. 42 S., R. 14 W., those portions of secs. 5 and 6 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 42 S., R. 15 W., sec. 1, N 1/2 and N 1/2 S 1/2 sec. 2, NE 1/4 and W 1/2 sec. 3, secs. 4-9, W 1/2 W 1/2 sec. 10, N 1/2 N 1/2 sec. 12, secs. 16-18, N 1/2 and N 1/2 SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 19, and W 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 20, except those portions of secs. 1 and 12 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 42 S., R. 16 W., secs. 1-2, NW 1/4 and E 1/2 sec. 3, NE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 4, NE 1/4 sec. 10, NW 1/4 and E 1/2 sec. 11-12, E 1/2 and NW 1/4 and N 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 13 except that portion lying westerly of State Hwy. 18, and N 1/2 NE 1/4 sec. 24.

Arizona. Areas of land as follows:

15. Beaver Dam Slope Unit. Mohave County. From BLM Maps: Overton 1978 and Littlefield 1987. (Index map location K).

Gila and Salt River Meridian: T. 41 N., R. 14 W., secs. 6, 7, 18, and 19; T. 41 N., R. 15 W., secs. 1-24, 26-28, 30, and 31; T. 41 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, and 32-36; T. 42 N., R. 14 W., sec. 31; T. 42 N., R. 15 W., secs. 31-36; T. 42 N., R. 16 W., secs. 32-36.

16. Gold Butte-Pakoon Unit. Mohave County. From BLM Maps: Overton 1978, Littlefield 1987, Mount Trumbull 1986, and Lake Mead 1979. (Index map location J).

Gila and Salt River Meridian: T. 32 N., R. 15 W., secs. 1-18 except those portions of secs. 13-18 lying south of the Lake Mead National Recreation area boundary line; T. 32 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1, 2, 12, and 13; T. 32 1/2 N., R. 15 W., secs. 31-36; T. 32 1/2 N., R. 16 W., secs. 35 and 36; T. 33 N., R. 14 W., secs. 4-8, 18, 19, and 28-31; T. 33 N., R. 15 W.; T. 33 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-14, 17-20, 23-26, 29-32, 35, and 36; T. 34 N., R. 14 W., secs. 4-9, 17-19, 30, 31, 33, and 34; T. 34 N., R. 15 W.; T. 34 N., R. 16 W.; T. 35 N., R. 14 W., secs. 3-9, 16-22, and 28-35 ; T. 35 N., R. 15 W.; T. 35 N., R. 16 W.; T. 36 N., R. 14 W., secs. 2-11, 14-22, and 27-34; T. 36 N., R. 15 W.; T. 36 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-36 except secs. 4-9; T. 37 N., R. 14 W., secs. 15, 22, 27, 31, and 33-35; T. 37 N., R. 15 W., secs. 5, 8, 17-22, and 27-36; T. 37 N., R. 16 W., sec. 35; T. 38 N., R. 15 W., sec. 6; T. 38 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-12 and 14-22; T. 39 N., R. 15 W., secs. 2-10, 16-21, and 29-32; T. 39 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1, 12, 13, 20, 23-29, and 32-36; T. 40 N., R. 14 W., sec. 6; T. 40 N., R. 15 W., secs. 1, 10-15, and 21-36.

Primary constituent elements: Desert lands that are used or potentially used by the desert tortoise for nesting, sheltering, foraging, dispersal, or gene flow.

Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

Puerto Rico: (1) Isla Mona. All areas of beachfront on the west, south, and east sides of the island from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore. This includes all 7.2 kilometers of beaches on Isla Mona. (2) Culebra Island. The following areas of beachfront on the north shore of the island from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore: Playa Resaca, Playa Brava, and Playa Larga. (3) Cayo Norte. South beach, from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore. (4) Isla Culebrita. All beachfront areas on the southwest facing shore, east facing shore, and northwest facing shore of the island from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore.


Maps follow.

Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

U.S. Virgin Islands - A strip of land 0.2 mile wide (from mean high tide inland) at Sandy Point Beach on the western end of the island of St. Croix beginning at the southwest cape to the south and running 1.2 miles northwest and then northeast along the western and northern shoreline, and from the southwest cape 0.7 mile east along the southern shoreline.


Map follows:

Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS (Caretta caretta)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the following areas on the maps below:

(i) North Carolina - Brunswick, Carteret, New Hanover, Onslow, and Pender Counties;

(ii) South Carolina - Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, and Georgetown Counties;

(iii) Georgia - Camden, Chatham, Liberty, and McIntosh Counties;

(iv) Florida - Bay, Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gulf, Indian River, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Monroe, Palm Beach, Sarasota, St. Johns, St. Lucie, and Volusia Counties;

(v) Alabama - Baldwin County; and

(vi) Mississippi - Jackson County.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean distinct population segment of the loggerhead sea turtle are the extra-tidal or dry sandy beaches from the mean high-water line to the toe of the secondary dune, which are capable of supporting a high density of nests or serving as an expansion area for beaches with a high density of nests and that are well distributed within each State, or region within a State, and representative of total nesting, consisting of four components:

(i) Suitable nesting beach habitat that:

(A) Has relatively unimpeded nearshore access from the ocean to the beach for nesting females and from the beach to the ocean for both post-nesting females and hatchlings; and

(B) Is located above mean high water to avoid being inundated frequently by high tides.

(ii) Sand that:

(A) Allows for suitable nest construction;

(B) Is suitable for facilitating gas diffusion conducive to embryo development; and

(C) Is able to develop and maintain temperatures and a moisture content conducive to embryo development.

(iii) Suitable nesting beach habitat with sufficient darkness to ensure that nesting turtles are not deterred from emerging onto the beach and hatchlings and post-nesting females orient to the sea.

(iv) Natural coastal processes or artificially created or maintained habitat mimicking natural conditions. This includes artificial habitat types that mimic the natural conditions described in paragraphs (2)(i), (2)(ii), and (2)(iii) of this entry for beach access, nest site selection, nest construction, egg deposition and incubation, and hatchling emergence and movement to the sea. Habitat modification and loss occurs with beach stabilization activities that prevent the natural transfer and erosion and accretion of sediments along the ocean shoreline. Beach stabilization efforts that may impact loggerhead nesting include beach nourishment, beach maintenance, sediment dredging and disposal, inlet channelization, and construction of jetties and other hard structures. However, when sand placement activities result in beach habitat that mimics the natural beach habitat conditions, impacts to sea turtle nesting habitat are minimized.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on August 11, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using Google Earth imagery, then refined using Bing imagery. Unit descriptions were then mapped using North America Lambert Conformal Conic coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2012-0103, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the USFWS regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Northern Recovery Unit:

(7)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-NC-01 - Boque Banks, Carteret County, North Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-NC-02 - Bear Island, Onslow County, North Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-NC-03 - Topsail Island, Onslow and Pender Counties, North Carolina.

(D) LOGG-T-NC-04 - Lea-Hutaff Island, Pender County, North Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-NC-01 - Boque Banks: This unit consists of 38.9 km (24.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Beaufort Inlet to Bogue Inlet.

(B) LOGG-T-NC-02 - Bear Island: This unit consists of 6.6 km (4.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Bogue Inlet to Bear Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-NC-03 - Topsail Island: This unit consists of 35.0 km (21.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from New River Inlet to New Topsail Inlet.

(D) LOGG-T-NC-04 - Lea-Hutaff Island: This unit consists of 6.1 km (3.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from New Topsail Inlet to Rich Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-NC-01, LOGG-T-NC-02, LOGG-T-NC-03, and LOGG-T-NC-04 follows:

(8)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-NC-05 - Pleasure Island, New Hanover County, North Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-NC-06 - Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, North Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-NC-07 - Oak Island, Brunswick County, North Carolina.

(D) LOGG-T-NC-08 - Holden Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-NC-05 - Pleasure Island: This unit consists of 18.6 km (11.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Carolina Beach Inlet to 33.91433 N, 77.94408 W (historic location of Corncake Inlet).

(B) LOGG-T-NC-06 - Bald Head Island: This unit consists of 15.1 km (9.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 33.91433 N, 77.94408 W (historic location of Corncake Inlet) to the mouth of the Cape Fear River.

(C) LOGG-T-NC-07 - Oak Island: This unit consists of 20.9 km (13.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the mouth of the Cape Fear River to Lockwoods Folly Inlet.

(D) LOGG-T-NC-08 - Holden Beach: This unit consists of 13.4 km (8.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Lockwoods Folly Inlet to Shallotte Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-NC-05, LOGG-T-NC-06, LOGG-T-NC-07, and LOGG-T-NC-08 follows:

(9)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-01 - North Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-02 - Sand Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-03 - South Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.

(D) LOGG-T-SC-04 - Cedar Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.

(E) LOGG-T-SC-05 - Murphy Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-01 - North Island: This unit consists of 13.2 km (8.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from North Inlet to Winyah Bay.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-02 - Sand Island: This unit consists of 4.7 km (2.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Winyah Bay and extends from Winyah Bay to 33.17534 N, 79.19206 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Sand Island and South Island).

(C) LOGG-T-SC-03 - South Island: This unit consists of 6.7 km (4.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 33.17242 N, 79.19366 W (southern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Sand Island and South Island) to North Santee Inlet.

(D) LOGG-T-SC-04 - Cedar Island: This unit consists of 4.1 km (2.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and North Santee Inlet and extends from North Santee Inlet to South Santee Inlet.

(E) LOGG-T-SC-05 - Murphy Island: This unit consists of 8.0 km (5.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and South Santee Inlet and extends from South Santee Inlet to 33.08335 N, 79.34285 W.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-01, LOGG-T-SC-02, LOGG-T-SC-03, LOGG-T-SC-04, and LOGG-T-SC-05 follows:

(10)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-06 - Cape Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-07 - Lighthouse Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-08 - Raccoon Key, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-06 - Cape Island: This unit consists of 8.3 km (5.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Cape Romain Inlet to 33.00988 N, 79.36529 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet between Cape Island and Lighthouse Island).

(B) LOGG-T-SC-07 - Lighthouse Island: This unit consists of 5.3 km (3.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 33.01306 N, 79.36659 W (southern boundary of an unnamed inlet between Cape Island and Lighthouse Island) to Key Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-08 - Raccoon Key: This unit consists of 4.8 km (3.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Raccoon Creek Inlet to Five Fathom Creek Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-06, LOGG-T-SC-07, and LOGG-T-SC-08 follows:

(11)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-09 - Folly Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-10 - Kiawah Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-11 - Seabrook Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-09 - Folly Island: This unit consists of 11.2 km (7.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Lighthouse Inlet to Folly River Inlet.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-10 - Kiawah Island: This unit consists of 17.0 km (10.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Stono Inlet and extends from Stono Inlet to Captain Sam's Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-11 - Seabrook Island: This unit consists of 5.8 km (3.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and North Edisto Inlet and extends from Captain Sam's Inlet to North Edisto Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-09, LOGG-T-SC-10, and LOGG-T-SC-11 follows:

(12)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-12 - Botany Bay Island and Botany Bay Plantation, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-13 - Interlude Beach, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-14 - Edingsville Beach, Charleston County, South Carolina.

(D) LOGG-T-SC-15 - Edisto Beach State Park, Colleton County, South Carolina.

(E) LOGG-T-SC-16 - Edisto Beach, Colleton County, South Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-12 - Botany Bay Island and Botany Bay Plantation: This unit consists of 6.6 km (4.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and North Edisto Inlet and extends from North Edisto Inlet to 32.53710 N, 80.24614 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Botany Bay Plantation and Interlude Beach).

(B) LOGG-T-SC-13 - Interlude Beach: This unit consists of 0.9 km (0.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 32.53636 N, 80.24647 W (southern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Interlude Beach and Botany Bay Plantation) to Frampton Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-14 - Edingsville Beach: This unit consists of 2.7 km (1.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Frampton Inlet to Jeremy Inlet.

(D) LOGG-T-SC-15 - Edisto Beach State Park: This unit consists of 2.2 km (1.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Jeremy Inlet to 32.50307 N, 80.29625 W (State Park boundary separating Edisto Beach State Park and the Town of Edisto Beach).

(E) LOGG-T-SC-16 - Edisto Beach: This unit consists of 6.8 km (4.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and South Edisto River and extends from 32.50307 N, 80.29625 W (State Park boundary separating Edisto Beach State Park and the Town of Edisto Beach) to South Edisto Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-12, LOGG-T-SC-13, LOGG-T-SC-14, LOGG-T-SC-15, and LOGG-T-SC-16 follows:

(13)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-17 - Pine Island, Colleton County, South Carolina.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-18 - Otter Island, Colleton County, South Carolina.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-19 - Harbor Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-17 - Pine Island: This unit consists of 1.2 km (0.7 mi) of island shoreline along the South Edisto Inlet and extends from South Edisto River to 32.49266 N, 80.36846 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet to Fish Creek).

(B) LOGG-T-SC-18 - Otter Island: This unit consists of 4.1 km (2.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Saint Helena Sound and extends from Fish Creek Inlet to Saint Helena Sound.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-19 - Harbor Island: This unit consists of 2.9 km (1.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Saint Helena Sound and extends from Harbor Inlet to Johnson Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-17, LOGG-T-SC-18, and LOGG-T-SC-19 follows:

(14)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-20 - Little Capers Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina

(B) LOGG-T-SC-21 - St. Phillips Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina

(C) LOGG-T-SC-22 - Bay Point Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-SC-20 - Little Capers Island: This unit consists of 4.6 km (2.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from “Pritchards Inlet” (there is some uncertainty about the true name of this water feature) located at 32.29009 N, 80.54459 W to Trenchards Inlet.

(B) LOGG-T-SC-21 - St. Phillips Island: This unit consists of 2.3 km (1.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Trenchards Inlet and extends from Trenchards Inlet to Morse Island Creek Inlet East.

(C) LOGG-T-SC-22 - Bay Point Island: This unit consists of 4.3 km (2.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Port Royal Sound and extends from Morse Island Creek Inlet East along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to Morse Island Creek Inlet West along the Port Royal Sound shoreline.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-20, LOGG-T-SC-21, and LOGG-T-SC-22 follows:

(15)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-GA-01 - Little Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia.

(B) LOGG-T-GA-02 - Wassaw Island, Chatham County, Georgia.

(C) LOGG-T-GA-03 - Ossabaw Island, Chatham County, Georgia.

(D) LOGG-T-GA-04 - St. Catherines Island, Liberty County, Georgia.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-GA-01 - Little Tybee Island: This unit consists of 8.6 km (5.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Tybee Creek Inlet to Wassaw Sound.

(B) LOGG-T-GA-02 - Wassaw Island: This unit consists of 10.1 km (6.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Wassaw Sound to Ossabaw Sound.

(C) LOGG-T-GA-03 - Ossabaw Island: This unit consists of 17.1 km (10.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Ogeechee River to St. Catherines Sound.

(D) LOGG-T-GA-04 - St. Catherines Island: This unit consists of 18.4 km (11.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from St. Catherines Sound to Sapelo Sound.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-GA-01, LOGG-T-GA-02, LOGG-T-GA-03, and LOGG-T-GA-04 follows:

(16)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-GA-05 - Blackbeard Island, McIntosh County, Georgia.

(B) LOGG-T-GA-06 - Sapelo Island, McIntosh County, Georgia.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-GA-05 - Blackbeard Island: This unit consists of 13.5 km (8.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Sapelo Sound to Cabretta Inlet.

(B) LOGG-T-GA-06 - Sapelo Island: This unit consists of 9.3 km (5.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Cabretta Inlet to Doboy Sound.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-GA-05 and LOGG-T-GA-06 follows:

(17)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-GA-07 - Little Cumberland Island, Camden County, Georgia.

(B) LOGG-T-GA-08 - Cumberland Island, Camden County, Georgia.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-GA-07 - Little Cumberland Island: This unit consists of 4.9 km (3.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from St. Andrew Sound to Christmas Creek.

(B) LOGG-T-GA-08 - Cumberland Island: This unit consists of 29.7 km (18.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Christmas Creek to St. Marys River.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-GA-07 and LOGG-T-GA-08 follows:

(18) Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Peninsular Florida Recovery Unit:

(19)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-01 - South Duval County Beaches-Duval and St. Johns County line, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-02 - Fort Matanzas National Monument, St. Johns County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-03 - River to Sea Preserve at Marineland-North Peninsula State Park, Flagler and Volusia Counties, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-01 - South Duval County Beaches-Duval and St. Johns County line: This unit consists of 11.5 km (7.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the south boundary of Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park in Duval County to the boundary of the St. Johns County line.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-02 - Fort Matanzas National Monument: This unit consists of 1.4 km (0.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and includes the shoreline along Fort Matanzas National Monument in St. Johns County.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-03 - River to Sea Preserve at Marineland-North Peninsula State Park: This unit consists of 31.8 km (19.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the north boundary of the River to Sea Preserve at Marineland to the south boundary of North Peninsula State Park.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-01, LOGG-T-FL-02, and LOGG-T-FL-03 follows:

(20)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-04 - Canaveral National Seashore North, Volusia County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-05 - Canaveral National Seashore South-Merritt Island NWR-Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-04 - Canaveral National Seashore North: This unit consists of 18.2 km (11.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the north boundary of Canaveral National Seashore to the Volusia-Brevard County line.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-05 - Canaveral National Seashore South-Merritt Island NWR-Kennedy Space Center: This unit consists of 28.4 km (17.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the Volusia-Brevard County line to the south boundary of Merritt Island NWR-Kennedy Space Center (Merritt Island NWR was established in 1963 as an overlay of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center).

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-04 and LOGG-T-FL-05 follows:

(21)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-06 - Central Brevard Beaches, Brevard County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-07 - South Brevard Beaches, Brevard County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-08 - Sebastian Inlet State Park-Archie Carr NWR South, Indian River County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-06 - Central Brevard Beaches: This unit consists of 19.5 km (12.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the south boundary of Patrick Air Force Base to the north boundary of Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge (NWR).

(B) LOGG-T-FL-07 - South Brevard Beaches: This unit consists of 20.8 km (12.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the north boundary of Archie Carr NWR to Sebastian Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-08 - Sebastian Inlet State Park-Archie Carr NWR South: This unit consists of 4.1 km (2.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Sebastian Inlet State Park and parcels within the Archie Carr NWR.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-06, LOGG-T-FL-07, and LOGG-T-FL-08 follows:

(22)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-09 - Fort Pierce Inlet-St. Lucie Inlet, St. Lucie and Martin Counties, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-10 - St. Lucie Inlet-Jupiter Inlet, Martin and Palm Beach Counties, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-11 - Jupiter Inlet-Lake Worth Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-12 - Lake Worth Inlet-Boynton Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida.

(E) LOGG-T-FL-13 - Boynton Inlet-Boca Raton Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida.

(F) LOGG-T-FL-14 - Boca Raton Inlet-Hillsboro Inlet, Palm Beach and Broward Counties, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-09 - Fort Pierce Inlet-St. Lucie Inlet: This unit consists of 35.2 km (21.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Fort Pierce Inlet to St. Lucie Inlet.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-10 - St. Lucie Inlet-Jupiter Inlet: This unit consists of 24.9 km (15.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from St. Lucie Inlet to Jupiter Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-11 - Jupiter Inlet-Lake Worth Inlet: This unit consists of 18.8 km (11.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Jupiter Inlet to Lake Worth Inlet.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-12 - Lake Worth Inlet-Boynton Inlet: This unit consists of 24.3 km (15.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Lake Worth Inlet to Boynton Inlet.

(E) LOGG-T-FL-13 - Boynton Inlet-Boca Raton Inlet: This unit consists of 22.6 km (14.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Boynton Inlet to Boca Raton Inlet.

(F) LOGG-T-FL-14 - Boca Raton Inlet-Hillsboro Inlet: This unit consists of 8.3 km (5.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Boca Raton Inlet to Hillsboro Inlet.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-09, LOGG-T-FL-10, LOGG-T-FL-11, LOGG-T-FL-12, LOGG-T-FL-13, and LOGG-T-FL-14 follows:

(23) Unit LOGG-T-FL-15 - Long Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(i) General description: This unit consists of 4.2 km (2.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the natural channel between Fiesta Key and Long Key to the natural channel between Long Key and Conch Key.

(ii) Map of Unit LOGG-T-FL-15 follows:

(24) Unit LOGG-T-FL-16 - Bahia Honda Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(i) General description: This unit consists of 3.7 km (2.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the natural channel between Ohio Key and Bahia Honda Key to the natural channel between Bahia Honda Key and Spanish Harbor Key.

(ii) Map of Unit LOGG-T-FL-16 follows:

(25)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-17 - Longboat Key, Manatee and Sarasota Counties, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-18 - Siesta and Casey Keys, Sarasota County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-19 - Venice Beaches and Manasota Key, Sarasota and Charlotte Counties, Florida.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-20 - Knight, Don Pedro, and Little Gasparilla Islands, Charlotte County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-17 - Longboat Key: This unit consists of 16.0 km (9.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Longboat Pass to New Pass.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-18 - Siesta and Casey Keys: This unit consists of 20.8 km (13.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Big Sarasota Pass to Venice Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-19 - Venice Beaches and Manasota Key: This unit consists of 26.0 km (16.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Venice Inlet to Stump Pass.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-20 - Knight, Don Pedro, and Little Gasparilla Islands: This unit consists of 10.8 km (6.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Stump Pass to Gasparilla Pass.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-17, LOGG-T-FL-18, LOGG-T-FL-19, and LOGG-T-FL-20 follows:

(26)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-21 - Gasparilla Island, Charlotte and Lee Counties, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-22 - Cayo Costa, Lee County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-23 - Captiva Island, Lee County, Florida.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-24 - Sanibel Island West, Lee County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-21 - Gasparilla Island: This unit consists of 11.2 km (6.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Gasparilla Pass to Boca Grande Pass.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-22 - Cayo Costa: This unit consists of 13.5 km (8.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Boca Grande Pass to Captiva Pass.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-23 - Captiva Island: This unit consists of 7.6 km (4.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Redfish Pass to Blind Pass.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-24 - Sanibel Island West: This unit consists of 12.2 km (7.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Blind Pass to Tarpon Bay Road.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-21, LOGG-T-FL-22, LOGG-T-FL-23, and LOGG-T-FL-24 follows:

(27)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-25 - Little Hickory Island, Lee and Collier Counties, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-26 - Wiggins Pass-Clam Pass, Collier County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-27 - Clam Pass-Doctors Pass, Collier County, Florida.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-28 - Keewaydin Island and Sea Oat Island, Collier County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-25 - Little Hickory Island: This unit consists of 8.7 km (5.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Big Hickory Pass to Wiggins Pass.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-26 - Wiggins Pass-Clam Pass: This unit consists of 7.7 km (4.8 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Wiggins Pass to Clam Pass.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-27 - Clam Pass-Doctors Pass: This unit consists of 4.9 km (3.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Clam Pass to Doctors Pass.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-28 - Keewaydin Island and Sea Oat Island: This unit consists of 13.1 km (8.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Gordon Pass to Big Marco Pass.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-25, LOGG-T-FL-26, LOGG-T-FL-27, and LOGG-T-FL-28 follows:

(28)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-29 - Cape Romano, Collier County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-30 - Ten Thousand Islands North, Collier County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-29 - Cape Romano: This unit consists of 9.2 km (5.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and Gullivan Bay and extends from Caxambas Pass to Gullivan Bay.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-30 - Ten Thousand Islands North: This unit consists of 7.8 km (4.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and within Gullivan Bay.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-29 and LOGG-T-FL-30 follows:

(29)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-31 - Highland Beach, Monroe County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-32 - Graveyard Creek-Shark Point, Monroe County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-33 - Cape Sable, Monroe County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-31 - Highland Beach: This unit consists of 7.2 km (4.5 mi) of island (Key McLaughlin) shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from First Bay to Rogers River Inlet.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-32 - Graveyard Creek-Shark Point: This unit consists of 0.9 km (0.6 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Shark Point (25.38796 N, 81.14933 W) to Graveyard Creek Inlet.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-33 - Cape Sable: This unit consists of 21.3 km (13.2 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the north boundary of Cape Sable at 25.25924 N, 81.16687 W to the south boundary of Cape Sable at 25.12470 N, 81.06681 W.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-31, LOGG-T-FL-32, and LOGG-T-FL-33 follows:

(30) Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Dry Tortugas Recovery Unit:

(31)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-34 - Dry Tortugas, Monroe County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-35 - Marquesas Keys, Monroe County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-34 - Dry Tortugas: This unit consists of 5.7 km (3.6 mi) of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and consists of Loggerhead Key, Garden Key, Bush Key, Long Key, Hospital Key, and East Key located in the Dry Tortugas about 108 km (67 mi) west of Key West.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-35 - Marquesas Keys: This unit consists of 5.6 km (3.5 mi) of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and consists of Marquesas Key, Unnamed Key 1, Unnamed Key 2, and Unnamed Key 3 located about 29.3 km (18.2 mi) west of Key West.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-34 and LOGG-T-FL-35 follows:

(32)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-36 - Boca Grande Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-37 - Woman Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-36 - Boca Grande Key: This unit consists of 1.3 km (0.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from 24.53767 N, 82.00763 W (at the northern end of the key) to 24.52757 N, 82.00581 W (at the southern end of the key).

(B) LOGG-T-FL-37 - Woman Key: This unit consists of 1.3 km (0.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from 24.52452 N, 81.97893 N (at the western end of the key) to 24.52385 N, 81.96680 W (at the eastern end of the key).

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-36 and LOGG-T-FL-37 follows:

(33) Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Recovery Unit:

(34)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-MS-01 - Horn Island, Jackson County, Mississippi.

(B) LOGG-T-MS-02 - Petit Bois Island, Jackson County, Mississippi.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-MS-01 - Horn Island: This unit consists of 18.6 km (11.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Dog Keys Pass to the easternmost point of the ocean facing island shore.

(B) LOGG-T-MS-02 - Petit Bois Island: This unit consists of 9.8 km (6.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Horn Island Pass to Petit Bois Pass.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-MS-01 and LOGG-T-MS-02 follows:

(35)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-AL-01 - Mobile Bay-Little Lagoon Pass, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(B) LOGG-T-AL-02 - Gulf State Park-Perdido Pass, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(C) LOGG-T-AL-03 - Perdido Pass-Florida-Alabama line, Baldwin County, Alabama.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-AL-01 - Mobile Bay-Little Lagoon Pass: This unit consists of 28.0 km (17.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Mobile Bay Inlet to Little Lagoon Pass.

(B) LOGG-T-AL-02 - Gulf State Park-Perdido Pass: This unit consists of 10.7 km (6.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the west boundary of Gulf State Park to Perdido Pass.

(C) LOGG-T-AL-03 - Perdido Pass-Florida-Alabama line: This unit consists of 3.3 km (2.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Perdido Pass to the Alabama-Florida border.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-AL-01, LOGG-T-AL-02, and LOGG-T-AL-03 follows:

(36) Unit LOGG-T-FL-38 - Perdido Key, Escambia County, Florida.

(i) General description: This unit consists of 20.2 km (12.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the Alabama-Florida border to Pensacola Pass.

(ii) Map of Unit LOGG-T-FL-38 follows:

(37)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-39 - Mexico Beach and St. Joe Beach, Bay and Gulf Counties, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-40 - St. Joseph Peninsula, Gulf County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-41 - Cape San Blas, Gulf County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-39 - Mexico Beach and St. Joe Beach: This unit consists of 18.7 km (11.7 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the eastern boundary of Tyndall Air Force Base to Gulf County Canal in St. Joseph Bay.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-40 - St. Joseph Peninsula: This unit consists of 23.5 km (14.6 mi) of a spit shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from St. Joseph Bay to the west boundary of Eglin Air Force Base.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-41 - Cape San Blas: This unit consists of 11.0 km (6.8 mi) of mainland and spit shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the east boundary of Eglin Air Force Base to Indian Pass.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-39, LOGG-T-FL-40, and LOGG-T-FL-41 follows:

(38)(i) Units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-42 - St. Vincent Island, Franklin County, Florida.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-43 - Little St. George Island, Franklin County, Florida.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-44 - St. George Island, Franklin County, Florida.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-45 - Dog Island, Franklin County, Florida.

(ii) General descriptions of units:

(A) LOGG-T-FL-42 - St. Vincent Island: This unit consists of 15.1 km (9.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Indian Pass to West Pass.

(B) LOGG-T-FL-43 - Little St. George Island: This unit consists of 15.4 km (9.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from West Pass to Bob Sikes Cut.

(C) LOGG-T-FL-44 - St. George Island: This unit consists of 30.7 km (19.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Bob Sikes Cut to East Pass.

(D) LOGG-T-FL-45 - Dog Island: This unit consists of 13.1 km (8.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from East Pass to St. George Sound.

(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-42, LOGG-T-FL-43, LOGG-T-FL-44, and LOGG-T-FL-45 follows:

Plymouth Red-Bellied Turtle (Chrysemys rubriventris bangsi)

Massachusetts (Plymouth County).

An area including Briggs Reservoir, Cooks Pond, Little South Pond, South Triangle Pond, Great South Pond, Powderhorn Pond, Boat Pond, Hoyte Pond, Gunners Exchange Pond, Crooked Pond and Island Pond as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the right-of-way of the Boston Edison and New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company transmission lines and the westerly right-of-way line of Long Pond Road, thence southeasterly, along the westerly right-of-way line of Long Pond Road, 10,370 feet to the intersection of the said right-of-way line and the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest; thence southerly and westerly, along the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest, crossing and re-crossing Snake Hill Road, 11,200 feet, more or less; thence westerly, leaving the boundary line of the State Forest, 1,550 feet, more or less, to the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest; thence westerly, along the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest, 9,180 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the boundary of the said State Forest and the easterly right-of-way line of the Algonquin Gas Transmission Company pipeline; thence northerly, along the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline, 6,223 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline and the northerly right-of-way line of Kings Pond Plain Road; thence northeasterly, along the northerly right-of-way line of said road 3,100 feet to a point; thence northerly, 800 feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of the Boston Edison and new Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company transmission lines; thence northwesterly, along the southerly right-of-way base of the said transmission lines, 4,150 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of the said transmission lines and the easterly right-of-way line of the Algonquin Gas Transmission Company pipeline; thence northerly, along the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline, 2,500 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline and the southerly right-of-way line of Black Cat Road; thence southeasterly, along the southerly right-of-way line of said road, crossing South Pond Road and continuing southeasterly, along the southerly right-of-way line of an unnamed road, 10,370 feet, more or less, to a point; thence southerly 2,300 feet, more or less, to the northerly right-of-way line of the Boston Edison and New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company transmission lines, thence easterly, along the northerly right-of-way line of the said transmission lines, 1,300 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of the said transmission lines and the westerly right-of-way line of Long Pond Road; thence southerly, along the westerly right-of-way line of said road, 100 feet, more or less, the place of beginning.


Map follows:

Sonoyta Mud Turtle (Kinosternon sonoriense longifemorale)

(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Pima County, Arizona, on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Sonoyta mud turtle consist of the following components:

(i) Aquatic habitat, such as streams and natural or manmade ponds, with perennial or near-perennial sources of water, containing or including:

(A) Surface water to 2 meters (7 feet) deep, with a rocky, muddy, or sandy substrate, and emergent or submergent vegetation, or both;

(B) Surface water free of nonnative predators and competitors, including crayfish, American bullfrogs, and large sunfish;

(C) Shallow water areas with dense emergent vegetation (e.g., cattail, spikerush, and travelling spikerush);

(D) Access to deeper open water in ponds, and submerged vegetation (e.g., holly-leaved water nymph, slender pondweed, ditch-grass, and horned pondweed); and

(E) Areas with complex structure, including protective shelter sites such as root masses, rock features, and undercut banks.

(ii) Aquatic invertebrate prey base (e.g., Anisoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, aquatic snail species) and their corresponding habitat, including submergent or emergent vegetation and a variety of forage, and prey such as algae, diatoms, and other microorganisms.

(iii) Terrestrial, riparian habitat, adjacent to suitable aquatic habitat, containing or including:

(A) Accessible shoreline for Sonoyta mud turtles without insurmountable rock or artificial vertical barriers to allow movement between wetted sites, between aquatic habitat and terrestrial nest sites, and between aquatic habitat and estivation sites;

(B) Riparian areas that maintain soil moisture to prevent desiccation of eggs and provide estivation sites, located along the banks of ponds and streams with riparian vegetation (e.g., cottonwood, willow, seepwillow, mesquite, greythorn, wolfberry, salt grass, and arrowweed); and

(C) Estivation and nesting sites, including depressions under vegetation, soil, or organic matter; rock crevices; and soil burrows under overhanging banks of streams or ponds, that are available year-round.

(3) Critical habitat does not include most manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 23, 2020. However, the spring enclosure, the manmade pond, the manmade channel that connects the springs to the pond, and the piped water that connects the two springs within the designated critical habitat are part of the designation.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map unit were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial layers. We used ground-truthed data provided by Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument staff that depicts all aquatic habitat used by the Sonoyta mud turtle, including Quitobaquito Pond and moat, the two Quitobaquito springs, the manmade channel that connects the springs to the pond, and the piped water that connects the two springs. For terrestrial, we used satellite imagery available in ArcGIS to delineate the riparian areas surrounding the surface water habitat. World Imagery used from ArcGIS provides 1 meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor 0.3m resolution imagery at this map scale of 1:6,000. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by the GIS User Community. ArcGIS was also used to calculate area hectares and acres, and was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees. The coordinate system used in mapping and calculating area and locations within the unit was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) conformal projection with 1983 North American Datum in Zone 12. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2017-0014, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Quitobaquito Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) General description: This unit consists of 12.28 acres (4.97 hectares) in the Rio Sonoyta watershed in Pima County, and is composed entirely of Federal land owned by the National Park Service on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. The unit includes Quitobaquito Pond, the two Quitobaquito springs, the manmade channel that connects the springs to the pond, and the piped water that connects the two springs and surrounding riparian habitat.

(ii) Unit map follows:

Alameda Whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, and Santa Clara counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the Alameda whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus) are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Scrub/shrub communities with a mosaic of open and closed canopy: Scrub/shrub vegetation dominated by low- to medium-stature woody shrubs with a mosaic of open and closed canopy, as characterized by the chamise, chamise-eastwood manzanita, chaparral whitethorn, and interior live oak shrub vegetation series occurring at elevations from sea level to approximately 3,850 feet (1,170 meters). Such scrub/shrub vegetation within these series form a pattern of open and closed canopy used by the Alameda whipsnake for shelter from predators; temperature regulation, because it provides sunny and shady locations; prey-viewing opportunities; and nesting habitat and substrate. These features contribute to support a prey base consisting of western fence lizards and other prey species such as skinks, frogs, snakes, and birds.

(ii) Woodland or annual grassland plant communities contiguous to lands containing PCE 1: Woodland or annual grassland vegetation series comprised of one or more of the following: Blue oak, coast live oak, California bay, California buckeye, and California annual grassland vegetation series. This mosaic of vegetation supports a prey base consisting of western fence lizards and other prey species such as skinks, frogs, snakes, and birds, and provides opportunities for: Foraging, by allowing snakes to come in contact with and visualize, track, and capture prey (especially western fence lizards, along with other prey such as skinks, frogs, birds); short and long distance dispersal within, between, or adjacent to areas containing essential features (i.e., PCE 1 or PCE 3); and contact with other Alameda whipsnakes for mating and reproduction.

(iii) Lands containing rock outcrops, talus, and small mammal burrows. These areas are used for retreats (shelter), hibernacula, foraging, and dispersal, and provide additional prey population support functions.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

Critical Habitat Unit Maps

(4) GIS data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map (Map 1) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Tilden-Briones Unit, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Benecia, Richmond, Briones Valley, Walnut Creek. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 559589, 4200848; 559600, 4200866; 559610, 4200873; 559622, 4200883; 559668, 4200910; 559710, 4200940; 559715, 4200943; 559727, 4200952; 559753, 4200969; 559781, 4200994; 559806, 4201021; 559817, 4201037; 559840, 4201073; 559850, 4201093; 559874, 4201113; 559878, 4201115; 559895, 4201123; 559909, 4201130; 559929, 4201135; 559955, 4201148; 560009, 4201170; 560047, 4201192; 560059, 4201212; 560058, 4201230; 560055, 4201250; 560049, 4201289; 560047, 4201306; 560041, 4201332; 560035, 4201363; 560029, 4201381; 560024, 4201403; 560018, 4201432; 560016, 4201456; 560009, 4201486; 560008, 4201508; 560027, 4201518; 560061, 4201509; 560277, 4201575; 560304, 4201584; 560308, 4201587; 560316, 4201583; 560411, 4201602; 560673, 4201602; 560694, 4201602; 560784, 4201604; 560794, 4201635; 560795, 4201674; 560794, 4201701; 560795, 4201737; 560793, 4201770; 560784, 4201808; 560789, 4201847; 560781, 4201888; 560778, 4201912; 560787, 4201944; 560802, 4201953; 560814, 4201960; 560827, 4201961; 560841, 4201962; 560859, 4201967; 560885, 4201957; 560924, 4201964; 560963, 4201972; 561010, 4201974; 561046, 4201975; 561085, 4201974; 561112, 4201969; 561131, 4201962; 561143, 4201941; 561158, 4201908; 561162, 4201880; 561176, 4201857; 561200, 4201847; 561244, 4201832; 561286, 4201830; 561337, 4201830; 561384, 4201835; 561422, 4201840; 561464, 4201835; 561497, 4201814; 561518, 4201778; 561523, 4201757; 561522, 4201714; 561523, 4201670; 561535, 4201628; 561567, 4201583; 561633, 4201578; 561664, 4201585; 561676, 4201599; 561698, 4201630; 561743, 4201673; 561773, 4201694; 561793, 4201727; 561809, 4201771; 561825, 4201815; 561840, 4201826; 561863, 4201820; 561892, 4201798; 561922, 4201775; 561950, 4201759; 561983, 4201753; 562031, 4201743; 562087, 4201741; 562142, 4201740; 562201, 4201735; 562251, 4201731; 562327, 4201726; 562402, 4201715; 562451, 4201695; 562483, 4201684; 562515, 4201676; 562520, 4201673; 562524, 4201668; 562648, 4201533; 562609, 4201434; 562618, 4201405; 562618, 4201401; 562629, 4201363; 562660, 4201340; 562698, 4201311; 562741, 4201294; 562778, 4201281; 562820, 4201273; 562852, 4201262; 562877, 4201265; 562892, 4201277; 562923, 4201298; 562949, 4201336; 562974, 4201369; 563001, 4201384; 563007, 4201373; 563208, 4201106; 563205, 4201067; 563205, 4201065; 563161, 4201021; 563142, 4200970; 563186, 4200952; 563142, 4200832; 563139, 4200818; 563123, 4200790; 563125, 4200770; 563146, 4200742; 563162, 4200718; 563186, 4200699; 563215, 4200696; 563243, 4200706; 563272, 4200721; 563288, 4200746; 563308, 4200752; 563332, 4200763; 563376, 4200779; 563421, 4200784; 563442, 4200782; 563501, 4200700; 563552, 4200705; 563575, 4200685; 563598, 4200656; 563709, 4200752; 563829, 4200743; 564014, 4200365; 564039, 4200383; 564043, 4200372; 564054, 4200336; 564087, 4200298; 564131, 4200262; 564176, 4200238; 564206, 4200230; 564240, 4200230; 564288, 4200239; 564318, 4200251; 564348, 4200269; 564383, 4200299; 564422, 4200330; 564466, 4200350; 564498, 4200363; 564540, 4200391; 564575, 4200417; 564612, 4200445; 564623, 4200459; 564628, 4200460; 564628, 4200465; 564626, 4200508; 564625, 4200550; 564601, 4200580; 564489, 4200581; 564471, 4200581; 564471, 4200584; 564477, 4200616; 564487, 4200636; 564471, 4200649; 564475, 4200653; 564528, 4200688; 564593, 4200648; 564634, 4200740; 564648, 4200799; 564514, 4200855; 564437, 4200917; 564365, 4200985; 564332, 4201032; 564294, 4201014; 564285, 4201011; 564265, 4201031; 564236, 4201060; 564207, 4201086; 564224, 4201161; 564184, 4201193; 564147, 4201209; 564148, 4201210; 564178, 4201233; 564210, 4201259; 564246, 4201295; 564274, 4201321; 564316, 4201359; 564319, 4201361; 564442, 4201318; 564455, 4201349; 564461, 4201348; 564501, 4201340; 564549, 4201331; 564564, 4201357; 564567, 4201388; 564566, 4201432; 564555, 4201478; 564531, 4201503; 564495, 4201540; 564480, 4201553; 564654, 4201564; 564602, 4201626; 564638, 4201649; 564692, 4201649; 564764, 4201721; 564810, 4201767; 564900, 4201803; 564973, 4201957; 565036, 4202002; 565145, 4201993; 565263, 4202011; 565354, 4202038; 565390, 4201984; 565444, 4201984; 565535, 4201921; 565616, 4201757; 565689, 4201739; 565707, 4201776; 565761, 4201748; 565807, 4201767; 565825, 4201803; 565916, 4201839; 565943, 4201739; 565861, 4201667; 565816, 4201585; 565816, 4201522; 565897, 4201576; 566015, 4201603; 566079, 4201522; 566197, 4201495; 566287, 4201513; 566323, 4201540; 566396, 4201549; 566441, 4201612; 566423, 4201694; 566378, 4201803; 566342, 4201893; 566278, 4201975; 566233, 4202066; 566224, 4202093; 566242, 4202183; 566251, 4202256; 566414, 4202156; 566421, 4202175; 566459, 4202274; 566532, 4202637; 566577, 4203099; 566668, 4203507; 567592, 4204522; 568182, 4205111; 568472, 4205447; 568476, 4205455; 568831, 4206130; 568847, 4206125; 568875, 4206127; 568906, 4206134; 568926, 4206141; 568939, 4206151; 568947, 4206174; 568941, 4206195; 568937, 4206225; 568932, 4206254; 568928, 4206288; 568927, 4206308; 568925, 4206339; 568921, 4206370; 568913, 4206408; 568910, 4206442; 568899, 4206491; 568895, 4206528; 568900, 4206560; 568915, 4206578; 568948, 4206582; 568959, 4206575; 568975, 4206565; 568998, 4206552; 569027, 4206533; 569052, 4206513; 569089, 4206488; 569127, 4206468; 569163, 4206457; 569207, 4206436; 569241, 4206414; 569271, 4206411; 569306, 4206389; 569333, 4206380; 569376, 4206378; 569391, 4206415; 569400, 4206433; 569400, 4206513; 569403, 4206596; 569397, 4206647; 569375, 4206689; 569320, 4206753; 569275, 4206791; 569231, 4206839; 569195, 4206859; 569173, 4206878; 569173, 4206904; 569224, 4206929; 569269, 4206942; 569317, 4206952; 569368, 4206958; 569439, 4206971; 569512, 4206993; 569560, 4207000; 569653, 4207009; 569717, 4207019; 569781, 4207019; 569826, 4207028; 569839, 4207044; 569861, 4207055; 569880, 4207074; 569899, 4207089; 569928, 4207115; 569965, 4207146; 570045, 4207198; 570111, 4207248; 570172, 4207285; 570215, 4207316; 570262, 4207355; 570304, 4207381; 570355, 4207412; 570424, 4207449; 570451, 4207464; 570507, 4207492; 570534, 4207505; 570605, 4207531; 570687, 4207563; 570733, 4207594; 570760, 4207613; 570788, 4207630; 570820, 4207650; 570850, 4207667; 570868, 4207677; 570918, 4207695; 570966, 4207705; 571001, 4207706; 571057, 4207695; 571070, 4207694; 571112, 4207711; 571145, 4207731; 571159, 4207740; 571170, 4207748; 571214, 4207783; 571248, 4207829; 571264, 4207848; 571286, 4207865; 571309, 4207875; 571370, 4207888; 571421, 4207892; 571456, 4207896; 571497, 4207895; 571550, 4207894; 571617, 4207896; 571671, 4207893; 571706, 4207895; 571744, 4207892; 571777, 4207886; 571811, 4207880; 571860, 4207871; 571900, 4207859; 571961, 4207836; 571997, 4207824; 572010, 4207821; 572096, 4207796; 572124, 4207776; 572155, 4207742; 572185, 4207709; 572219, 4207674; 572245, 4207647; 572261, 4207633; 572291, 4207609; 572309, 4207594; 572318, 4207585; 572336, 4207561; 572350, 4207536; 572369, 4207506; 572385, 4207476; 572402, 4207449; 572424, 4207421; 572450, 4207395; 572491, 4207352; 572526, 4207323; 572564, 4207295; 572589, 4207272; 572622, 4207237; 572641, 4207215; 572666, 4207187; 572699, 4207151; 572733, 4207112; 572768, 4207070; 572791, 4207041; 572815, 4207014; 572831, 4206995; 572845, 4206979; 572858, 4206959; 572864, 4206944; 572878, 4206912; 572881, 4206900; 572897, 4206859; 572909, 4206820; 572924, 4206769; 572934, 4206708; 572945, 4206655; 572950, 4206603; 572952, 4206576; 572955, 4206545; 572957, 4206510; 572963, 4206472; 572969, 4206440; 572976, 4206417; 572987, 4206395; 573004, 4206355; 573022, 4206317; 573043, 4206272; 573057, 4206243; 573073, 4206211; 573094, 4206178; 573116, 4206145; 573133, 4206121; 573147, 4206103; 573180, 4206076; 573205, 4206061; 573239, 4206048; 573264, 4206043; 573281, 4206042; 573300, 4206040; 573350, 4206038; 573368, 4206037; 573405, 4206034; 573453, 4206014; 573478, 4205993; 573511, 4205970; 573542, 4205949; 573613, 4205923; 573679, 4205909; 573702, 4205901; 573714, 4205898; 573740, 4205895; 573800, 4205892; 573879, 4205889; 573957, 4205890; 574007, 4205890; 574050, 4205891; 574081, 4205892; 574182, 4205885; 574218, 4205871; 574272, 4205858; 574344, 4205841; 574407, 4205826; 574430, 4205822; 574472, 4205813; 574520, 4205802; 574554, 4205797; 574589, 4205795; 574638, 4205745; 574687, 4205708; 574737, 4205663; 574789, 4205614; 574835, 4205564; 574873, 4205508; 574890, 4205463; 574898, 4205445; 574925, 4205416; 574947, 4205386; 574948, 4205327; 574950, 4205216; 574953, 4205090; 574988, 4205087; 575042, 4204930; 575062, 4204924; 575111, 4204861; 575111, 4204836; 575172, 4204793; 575241, 4204764; 575416, 4204759; 575468, 4204711; 575555, 4204713; 575553, 4204762; 575663, 4204768; 575768, 4204779; 575854, 4204792; 575859, 4204779; 576227, 4204939; 576222, 4204952; 576383, 4205009; 576392, 4205002; 576402, 4204994; 576413, 4204977; 576471, 4204831; 576517, 4204744; 576518, 4204744; 576520, 4204737; 576537, 4204692; 576563, 4204635; 576588, 4204586; 576613, 4204538; 576635, 4204495; 576656, 4204446; 576675, 4204407; 576700, 4204359; 576724, 4204321; 576743, 4204271; 576754, 4204241; 576770, 4204197; 576783, 4204152; 576795, 4204097; 576800, 4204053; 576795, 4204005; 576791, 4203960; 576765, 4203912; 576750, 4203894; 576765, 4203871; 576573, 4203766; 576477, 4203728; 576427, 4203685; 576426, 4203684; 576431, 4203680; 576441, 4203672; 576448, 4203667; 576465, 4203672; 576511, 4203685; 576513, 4203685; 576546, 4203664; 576700, 4203708; 576700, 4203694; 576699, 4203675; 576712, 4203673; 576729, 4203671; 576712, 4203531; 576654, 4203432; 576645, 4203426; 576637, 4203399; 576627, 4203344; 576616, 4203317; 576612, 4203308; 576609, 4203299; 576608, 4203299; 576585, 4203295; 576559, 4203305; 576542, 4203296; 576528, 4203277; 576518, 4203265; 576494, 4203262; 576457, 4203257; 576412, 4203264; 576358, 4203250; 576332, 4203263; 576215, 4203352; 576217, 4203332; 576218, 4203332; 576218, 4203330; 576219, 4203319; 576156, 4203317; 576140, 4203316; 576129, 4203292; 576136, 4203265; 575971, 4203325; 575985, 4203337; 575981, 4203430; 575812, 4203328; 575812, 4203328; 575813, 4203332; 575793, 4203351; 575733, 4203379; 575600, 4203414; 575550, 4203365; 575550, 4203365; 575544, 4203371; 575528, 4203379; 575484, 4203433; 575442, 4203433; 575406, 4203351; 575400, 4203338; 575394, 4203338; 574863, 4203334; 574863, 4203334; 574816, 4203333; 574814, 4203317; 574805, 4203293; 574789, 4203257; 574773, 4203228; 574746, 4203193; 574722, 4203163; 574695, 4203133; 574665, 4203106; 574677, 4203080; 574665, 4203035; 574719, 4202955; 574744, 4202888; 574773, 4202784; 574779, 4202765; 574777, 4202755; 574769, 4202706; 574785, 4202699; 574788, 4202678; 574793, 4202627; 574798, 4202578; 574803, 4202544; 574446, 4202541; 574352, 4202580; 574354, 4202445; 574446, 4202434; 574534, 4202424; 574559, 4202422; 574596, 4202398; 574639, 4202361; 574686, 4202347; 574749, 4202325; 574734, 4202316; 574700, 4202310; 574679, 4202319; 574650, 4202325; 574622, 4202340; 574597, 4202348; 574566, 4202347; 574557, 4202331; 574564, 4202309; 574574, 4202293; 574593, 4202276; 574623, 4202258; 574654, 4202248; 574684, 4202238; 574706, 4202226; 574737, 4202205; 574758, 4202188; 574781, 4202170; 574781, 4202172; 574783, 4202184; 574846, 4202186; 574855, 4202199; 574862, 4202235; 574877, 4202256; 574927, 4202280; 574933, 4202300; 574974, 4202269; 574973, 4202239; 574964, 4201505; 575052, 4201535; 575241, 4201597; 575195, 4201668; 575198, 4201759; 575232, 4201791; 575271, 4201928; 575242, 4201927; 575276, 4202021; 575534, 4202030; 575603, 4201994; 575630, 4201998; 575934, 4202051; 576037, 4201903; 575925, 4201664; 575940, 4201645; 575959, 4201630; 575979, 4201619; 576000, 4201612; 576024, 4201610; 576038, 4201606; 576045, 4201614; 576066, 4201544; 576150, 4201518; 576170, 4201561; 576165, 4201595; 576222, 4201746; 576282, 4201829; 576248, 4201881; 576272, 4201920; 576235, 4201988; 576323, 4202106; 576390, 4202154; 576421, 4202154; 576452, 4202128; 576506, 4202156; 576554, 4202156; 576553, 4202325; 576572, 4202357; 576752, 4202358; 576822, 4202289; 576913, 4202375; 576922, 4202382; 576934, 4202365; 576961, 4202338; 576988, 4202306; 577016, 4202282; 577035, 4202279; 577057, 4202280; 577079, 4202300; 577096, 4202321; 577104, 4202338; 577110, 4202362; 577127, 4202369; 577142, 4202361; 577143, 4202360; 577165, 4202394; 577276, 4202319; 577286, 4202312; 577299, 4202332; 577351, 4202409; 577375, 4202446; 577370, 4202469; 577358, 4202508; 577328, 4202547; 577295, 4202574; 577291, 4202575; 577261, 4202610; 577272, 4202622; 577191, 4202613; 577186, 4202604; 577102, 4202647; 577004, 4202699; 576997, 4202698; 576967, 4202695; 576954, 4202695; 576903, 4202757; 576898, 4202764; 576879, 4202771; 576865, 4202787; 576861, 4202806; 576863, 4202821; 576864, 4202822; 576857, 4202826; 576834, 4202850; 576825, 4202860; 576810, 4202852; 576807, 4202859; 576803, 4202885; 576806, 4202886; 576806, 4202886; 576795, 4202904; 576806, 4202918; 576804, 4202960; 576824, 4202960; 576829, 4203023; 576828, 4203083; 576809, 4203080; 576809, 4203083; 576811, 4203113; 576822, 4203124; 576826, 4203141; 576871, 4203175; 576875, 4203164; 576875, 4203164; 576876, 4203165; 576897, 4203150; 576931, 4203258; 576973, 4203390; 576955, 4203427; 576963, 4203455; 576949, 4203459; 576995, 4203594; 577025, 4203581; 577050, 4203637; 577032, 4203654; 577085, 4203711; 577062, 4203730; 577063, 4203731; 577045, 4203748; 577064, 4203768; 577070, 4203780; 577090, 4203780; 577122, 4203780; 577152, 4203809; 577123, 4203838; 577122, 4203839; 577126, 4203855; 577126, 4203856; 577128, 4203858; 577130, 4203871; 577129, 4203872; 577128, 4203872; 577123, 4203886; 577128, 4203890; 577248, 4203967; 577503, 4204117; 577524, 4204130; 577581, 4204065; 577547, 4204027; 577516, 4203997; 577478, 4203946; 577496, 4203906; 577427, 4203867; 577404, 4203859; 577381, 4203855; 577356, 4203855; 577348, 4203849; 577347, 4203843; 577350, 4203832; 577354, 4203829; 577370, 4203789; 577398, 4203786; 577468, 4203821; 577544, 4203867; 577613, 4203946; 577628, 4203963; 577637, 4203955; 577728, 4203834; 577827, 4203697; 577839, 4203724; 577842, 4203721; 577878, 4203682; 577922, 4203646; 577968, 4203601; 578004, 4203568; 578032, 4203538; 578036, 4203533; 577989, 4203469; 578035, 4203421; 578041, 4203420; 578026, 4203410; 577997, 4203384; 577972, 4203354; 577964, 4203342; 577926, 4203313; 577834, 4203315; 577836, 4203269; 577888, 4203272; 577940, 4203186; 577956, 4203244; 577966, 4203246; 578004, 4203264; 578032, 4203296; 578067, 4203326; 578090, 4203349; 578146, 4203330; 578173, 4203288; 578187, 4203263; 578199, 4203229; 578202, 4203204; 578222, 4203168; 578242, 4203139; 578238, 4203134; 578287, 4203060; 578331, 4202980; 578377, 4203024; 578400, 4203000; 578413, 4203008; 578439, 4202982; 578457, 4202958; 578472, 4202938; 578479, 4202910; 578463, 4202880; 578446, 4202864; 578404, 4202846; 578354, 4202821; 578317, 4202804; 578296, 4202788; 578283, 4202763; 578294, 4202728; 578311, 4202694; 578326, 4202674; 578342, 4202655; 578380, 4202644; 578420, 4202642; 578455, 4202648; 578497, 4202651; 578536, 4202658; 578585, 4202686; 578609, 4202712; 578640, 4202741; 578659, 4202763; 578673, 4202772; 578690, 4202774; 578708, 4202769; 578735, 4202752; 578755, 4202730; 578782, 4202696; 578808, 4202675; 578840, 4202679; 578866, 4202692; 578904, 4202707; 578945, 4202699; 578955, 4202695; 578979, 4202684; 579013, 4202665; 579036, 4202647; 579053, 4202628; 579077, 4202605; 579074, 4202582; 579068, 4202577; 579053, 4202561; 579022, 4202548; 578985, 4202534; 578959, 4202523; 578952, 4202505; 578944, 4202480; 578933, 4202447; 578907, 4202425; 578880, 4202417; 578843, 4202414; 578797, 4202416; 578774, 4202415; 578748, 4202413; 578745, 4202394; 578760, 4202376; 578802, 4202363; 578839, 4202358; 578866, 4202350; 578689, 4202259; 578647, 4202240; 578514, 4202180; 578556, 4202165; 578418, 4202044; 578395, 4202016; 578347, 4201956; 578167, 4202075; 578180, 4202322; 578129, 4202378; 578067, 4202323; 578065, 4202314; 578053, 4202305; 578040, 4202279; 578030, 4202240; 578016, 4202196; 578006, 4202168; 577990, 4202146; 577967, 4202130; 577933, 4202116; 577896, 4202112; 577877, 4202109; 577851, 4202131; 577816, 4202100; 577782, 4202069; 577749, 4202101; 577564, 4202280; 577529, 4202245; 577485, 4202199; 577485, 4202199; 577485, 4202198; 577460, 4202173; 577370, 4202080; 577376, 4202072; 577433, 4202019; 577363, 4201778; 577331, 4201778; 577332, 4201711; 577396, 4201713; 577394, 4201779; 577428, 4201779; 577430, 4201779; 577512, 4201779; 577530, 4201779; 577537, 4201779; 577537, 4201770; 577538, 4201706; 577545, 4201705; 577544, 4201700; 577540, 4201671; 577542, 4201638; 577541, 4201632; 577538, 4201611; 577536, 4201564; 577534, 4201530; 577538, 4201529; 577538, 4201402; 577538, 4201293; 577537, 4201253; 577536, 4201192; 577535, 4201120; 577534, 4201081; 577536, 4201079; 577534, 4201077; 577533, 4201030; 577538, 4200585; 577552, 4200594; 577608, 4200632; 577613, 4200617; 577621, 4200607; 577640, 4200605; 577659, 4200614; 577681, 4200630; 577705, 4200650; 577728, 4200669; 577767, 4200692; 577786, 4200702; 577810, 4200710; 577827, 4200701; 577834, 4200697; 577849, 4200689; 578289, 4200465; 578511, 4200312; 578408, 4200202; 578408, 4200201; 578384, 4200180; 578284, 4200090; 578248, 4200058; 578332, 4199980; 578336, 4199979; 578335, 4199978; 578400, 4199934; 578410, 4199922; 578467, 4199857; 578476, 4199822; 578457, 4199735; 578361, 4199646; 578289, 4199669; 578237, 4199677; 578204, 4199683; 578151, 4199678; 578145, 4199661; 578199, 4199638; 578317, 4199588; 578296, 4199524; 578257, 4199464; 578209, 4199408; 578213, 4199362; 578134, 4199277; 578107, 4199251; 578080, 4199250; 578043, 4199213; 577984, 4199186; 578027, 4199158; 578065, 4199194; 578090, 4199182; 578063, 4199113; 578034, 4199097; 577976, 4199082; 577965, 4199072; 577947, 4199026; 577934, 4198990; 577989, 4199022; 578085, 4199082; 578120, 4199131; 578127, 4199141; 578202, 4199253; 578307, 4199384; 578293, 4199408; 578332, 4199460; 578353, 4199450; 578376, 4199468; 578490, 4199606; 578558, 4199671; 578548, 4199703; 578627, 4199727; 578664, 4199697; 578679, 4199663; 578696, 4199653; 578746, 4199655; 578798, 4199609; 578909, 4199444; 578515, 4199325; 578494, 4199343; 578464, 4199342; 578443, 4199319; 578444, 4199289; 578465, 4199270; 578318, 4199132; 578347, 4199129; 578393, 4199102; 578412, 4199086; 578431, 4199059; 578437, 4199032; 578442, 4199010; 578428, 4198978; 578417, 4198958; 578414, 4198942; 578402, 4198941; 578203, 4199021; 578194, 4199011; 578213, 4198971; 578220, 4198933; 578265, 4198888; 578279, 4198865; 578289, 4198800; 578291, 4198793; 578298, 4198747; 578130, 4198670; 578107, 4198717; 578107, 4198717; 578063, 4198646; 577915, 4198592; 577914, 4198585; 577904, 4198580; 577903, 4198581; 577892, 4198559; 577878, 4198531; 577861, 4198504; 577848, 4198471; 577827, 4198453; 577815, 4198437; 577799, 4198413; 577796, 4198408; 577864, 4198261; 577830, 4198271; 577780, 4198264; 577731, 4198288; 577714, 4198260; 577674, 4198299; 577671, 4198289; 577672, 4198262; 577673, 4198232; 577679, 4198218; 577680, 4198196; 577686, 4198176; 577686, 4198160; 577688, 4198146; 577688, 4198118; 577689, 4198097; 577690, 4198088; 577690, 4198078; 577682, 4198058; 577672, 4198043; 577649, 4198017; 577622, 4197994; 577589, 4197982; 577556, 4197977; 577556, 4197951; 577562, 4197928; 577572, 4197905; 577584, 4197874; 577593, 4197853; 577591, 4197828; 577567, 4197811; 577536, 4197821; 577516, 4197831; 577515, 4197831; 577516, 4197830; 577508, 4197762; 577429, 4197762; 577430, 4197756; 577441, 4197730; 577451, 4197711; 577474, 4197673; 577482, 4197666; 577488, 4197672; 577535, 4197621; 577555, 4197599; 577613, 4197520; 577653, 4197458; 577684, 4197403; 577722, 4197348; 577734, 4197239; 577737, 4197211; 577741, 4197160; 577742, 4197127; 577730, 4197021; 577724, 4196998; 577737, 4196969; 577766, 4196954; 577768, 4196921; 577735, 4196882; 577708, 4196898; 577708, 4196898; 577688, 4196910; 577627, 4196905; 577596, 4196918; 577546, 4196938; 577521, 4196951; 577509, 4196935; 577483, 4196947; 577435, 4196939; 577460, 4196893; 577412, 4196906; 577402, 4196908; 577399, 4196911; 577333, 4196950; 577294, 4196957; 577242, 4196987; 577243, 4196904; 577245, 4196840; 577377, 4196780; 577413, 4196717; 577438, 4196720; 577539, 4196735; 577571, 4196739; 577621, 4196706; 577720, 4196591; 577741, 4196567; 577710, 4196462; 577815, 4196397; 577817, 4196396; 577881, 4196284; 577926, 4196101; 577928, 4196094; 577946, 4196033; 577878, 4195883; 577945, 4195861; 578135, 4195648; 578135, 4195648; 578137, 4195644; 578141, 4195630; 578143, 4195624; 578143, 4195624; 578090, 4195543; 578080, 4195527; 578055, 4195549; 577980, 4195616; 577981, 4195723; 577981, 4195727; 577961, 4195734; 577958, 4195735; 577905, 4195718; 577877, 4195669; 577822, 4195567; 577760, 4195614; 577761, 4195616; 577772, 4195630; 577777, 4195636; 577691, 4195699; 577663, 4195678; 577612, 4195640; 577578, 4195615; 577329, 4195684; 577312, 4195688; 577246, 4195707; 577160, 4195731; 577157, 4195732; 577125, 4195731; 577072, 4195730; 577077, 4195742; 577099, 4195794; 577015, 4195791; 577022, 4195747; 577019, 4195743; 577017, 4195742; 577026, 4195729; 577008, 4195728; 576942, 4195727; 576926, 4195727; 576931, 4195700; 576950, 4195592; 576895, 4195531; 576936, 4195472; 576945, 4195478; 576952, 4195482; 576961, 4195457; 576950, 4195432; 576946, 4195423; 576949, 4195401; 576946, 4195383; 576932, 4195362; 576929, 4195344; 576935, 4195311; 576935, 4195310; 576940, 4195281; 576920, 4195284; 576914, 4195285; 576861, 4195294; 576813, 4195302; 576803, 4195304; 576757, 4195323; 576670, 4195356; 576668, 4195357; 576669, 4195358; 576705, 4195420; 576704, 4195475; 576626, 4195509; 576615, 4195496; 576613, 4195494; 576580, 4195522; 576594, 4195548; 576538, 4195578; 576499, 4195511; 576477, 4195438; 576469, 4195413; 576454, 4195412; 576389, 4195415; 576358, 4195435; 576296, 4195474; 576238, 4195511; 576169, 4195539; 576170, 4195542; 576170, 4195542; 576090, 4195574; 576020, 4195551; 575992, 4195558; 575787, 4195668; 575829, 4195785; 575829, 4195785; 575837, 4195804; 575844, 4195867; 575776, 4195887; 575766, 4195866; 575745, 4195856; 575707, 4195858; 575653, 4195884; 575639, 4195878; 575622, 4195870; 575591, 4195870; 575590, 4196115; 575260, 4196113; 575179, 4196112; 575019, 4196111; 574968, 4196111; 574917, 4196111; 574872, 4196072; 574860, 4196005; 574704, 4196004; 574702, 4196110; 574633, 4196109; 574290, 4196108; 574366, 4196205; 574365, 4196436; 574365, 4196444; 574326, 4196475; 574294, 4196481; 574227, 4196520; 574173, 4196532; 574112, 4196537; 574000, 4196554; 573946, 4196599; 573918, 4196596; 573891, 4196576; 573830, 4196635; 573840, 4196652; 573757, 4196656; 573758, 4196566; 573750, 4196552; 573588, 4196643; 573365, 4196769; 573237, 4196937; 572967, 4196827; 572909, 4196822; 572715, 4196763; 572675, 4196764; 572599, 4196749; 572520, 4196762; 572458, 4196795; 572422, 4196970; 572342, 4197052; 572025, 4197097; 571893, 4197104; 571721, 4197127; 571489, 4197179; 571327, 4197231; 571031, 4197288; 571036, 4197334; 570991, 4197340; 570955, 4197362; 570939, 4197372; 570919, 4197410; 570873, 4197450; 570800, 4197494; 570797, 4197491; 570794, 4197497; 570737, 4197520; 570687, 4197495; 570620, 4197478; 570582, 4197421; 570564, 4197372; 570546, 4197296; 570513, 4197291; 570439, 4197280; 570481, 4197264; 570505, 4197245; 570540, 4197220; 570529, 4197198; 570492, 4197209; 570433, 4197226; 570473, 4197138; 570360, 4197057; 570301, 4197053; 570303, 4197014; 570266, 4196934; 570274, 4196922; 570249, 4196902; 570265, 4196829; 570235, 4196805; 570245, 4196764; 570265, 4196669; 570265, 4196627; 570265, 4196568; 570293, 4196500; 570298, 4196498; 570294, 4196490; 570343, 4196413; 570371, 4196368; 570323, 4196259; 570185, 4196258; 570186, 4196221; 570182, 4196076; 570191, 4196075; 570447, 4196078; 570428, 4195831; 570413, 4195618; 570626, 4195533; 570848, 4195445; 570778, 4195390; 570184, 4194917; 570160, 4194904; 570115, 4194878; 570071, 4194857; 570058, 4194848; 570056, 4194834; 569756, 4194603; 569733, 4194586; 569640, 4194514; 569633, 4194514; 569631, 4194510; 569554, 4194466; 569507, 4194430; 569495, 4194402; 569413, 4194308; 569257, 4194294; 569224, 4194317; 568839, 4194095; 568798, 4193986; 568832, 4193941; 568867, 4193955; 568902, 4193912; 568958, 4193839; 568372, 4193367; 568401, 4193278; 568467, 4193201; 568479, 4193179; 568497, 4193087; 568500, 4193074; 568535, 4192993; 568652, 4192885; 568829, 4192725; 568816, 4192719; 568794, 4192710; 568668, 4192690; 568516, 4192684; 568350, 4192684; 568198, 4192684; 568154, 4192688; 568059, 4192697; 567874, 4192737; 567735, 4192796; 567596, 4192862; 567470, 4192915; 567365, 4192955; 567193, 4193015; 567014, 4193041; 566895, 4193034; 566776, 4192988; 566650, 4192915; 566650, 4192915; 566627, 4192907; 566624, 4192906; 566624, 4192905; 566624, 4192905; 566597, 4192895; 566552, 4192888; 566521, 4192917; 566488, 4192936; 566462, 4192947; 566440, 4192960; 566427, 4192961; 566400, 4192966; 566374, 4192986; 566356, 4193003; 566343, 4193028; 566329, 4193054; 566313, 4193082; 566303, 4193114; 566300, 4193137; 566308, 4193173; 566304, 4193194; 566299, 4193206; 566295, 4193224; 566289, 4193242; 566272, 4193263; 566264, 4193283; 566257, 4193304; 566244, 4193328; 566218, 4193353; 566191, 4193372; 566172, 4193392; 566153, 4193417; 566142, 4193427; 566130, 4193452; 566116, 4193473; 566110, 4193492; 566107, 4193514; 566107, 4193528; 566135, 4193541; 566161, 4193552; 566206, 4193554; 566224, 4193561; 566242, 4193562; 566256, 4193561; 566279, 4193564; 566318, 4193554; 566350, 4193555; 566369, 4193539; 566383, 4193537; 566412, 4193510; 566443, 4193494; 566492, 4193479; 566516, 4193476; 566576, 4193472; 566614, 4193469; 566635, 4193452; 566659, 4193446; 566685, 4193446; 566726, 4193452; 566775, 4193453; 566815, 4193462; 566865, 4193470; 566882, 4193472; 566928, 4193481; 566957, 4193473; 566973, 4193477; 566999, 4193498; 567067, 4193498; 567140, 4193530; 567231, 4193610; 567262, 4193679; 567196, 4193738; 567112, 4193745; 567064, 4193797; 566998, 4193888; 566914, 4193947; 566907, 4193947; 566744, 4194028; 566704, 4194054; 566645, 4194123; 566629, 4194171; 566590, 4194250; 566542, 4194313; 566475, 4194340; 566430, 4194341; 566357, 4194341; 566306, 4194332; 566236, 4194326; 566187, 4194311; 566166, 4194288; 566181, 4194263; 566226, 4194236; 566297, 4194219; 566346, 4194200; 566359, 4194141; 566321, 4194109; 566219, 4194071; 566123, 4194045; 566121, 4194043; 566085, 4194028; 566045, 4194009; 566000, 4193982; 565973, 4193974; 565949, 4193974; 565929, 4193985; 565924, 4194001; 565935, 4194013; 565972, 4194030; 565986, 4194039; 565987, 4194043; 565994, 4194065; 565999, 4194093; 565974, 4194197; 565965, 4194189; 565956, 4194186; 565953, 4194186; 565949, 4194187; 565945, 4194192; 565943, 4194195; 565945, 4194202; 565948, 4194209; 565948, 4194210; 565950, 4194215; 565949, 4194231; 565939, 4194249; 565923, 4194263; 565904, 4194273; 565885, 4194283; 565866, 4194296; 565852, 4194308; 565845, 4194312; 565841, 4194314; 565831, 4194315; 565821, 4194311; 565811, 4194302; 565798, 4194289; 565779, 4194291; 565761, 4194300; 565755, 4194322; 565755, 4194340; 565752, 4194362; 565770, 4194383; 565785, 4194398; 565819, 4194420; 565866, 4194442; 565891, 4194460; 565919, 4194465; 565958, 4194462; 565969, 4194455; 565986, 4194446; 566001, 4194440; 566020, 4194434; 566040, 4194431; 566058, 4194437; 566074, 4194447; 566088, 4194458; 566099, 4194472; 566109, 4194480; 566121, 4194495; 566126, 4194508; 566112, 4194521; 566103, 4194532; 566069, 4194560; 566057, 4194586; 566045, 4194618; 566026, 4194655; 566019, 4194681; 566006, 4194705; 565985, 4194738; 565976, 4194749; 565920, 4194749; 565872, 4194728; 565854, 4194719; 565832, 4194719; 565820, 4194726; 565795, 4194734; 565773, 4194719; 565761, 4194712; 565747, 4194694; 565734, 4194685; 565721, 4194674; 565702, 4194663; 565686, 4194654; 565668, 4194651; 565650, 4194655; 565637, 4194648; 565622, 4194645; 565601, 4194642; 565588, 4194640; 565575, 4194637; 565559, 4194637; 565538, 4194643; 565522, 4194648; 565509, 4194650; 565472, 4194660; 565458, 4194661; 565442, 4194671; 565435, 4194687; 565439, 4194719; 565454, 4194754; 565456, 4194779; 565460, 4194815; 565455, 4194847; 565447, 4194877; 565445, 4194905; 565447, 4194921; 565447, 4194956; 565448, 4194986; 565456, 4195011; 565466, 4195024; 565463, 4195042; 565454, 4195052; 565441, 4195063; 565419, 4195084; 565408, 4195090; 565396, 4195102; 565382, 4195127; 565370, 4195137; 565359, 4195146; 565343, 4195143; 565325, 4195121; 565306, 4195101; 565295, 4195090; 565281, 4195074; 565258, 4195057; 565219, 4195034; 565190, 4195018; 565160, 4195014; 565127, 4195009; 565113, 4195012; 565081, 4195008; 565051, 4194998; 565029, 4194989; 565013, 4194970; 564996, 4194953; 564979, 4194948; 564964, 4194951; 564949, 4194967; 564948, 4194986; 564949, 4195005; 564953, 4195018; 564955, 4195044; 564957, 4195058; 564951, 4195077; 564942, 4195097; 564931, 4195114; 564920, 4195131; 564911, 4195141; 564876, 4195174; 564861, 4195179; 564840, 4195187; 564817, 4195200; 564795, 4195226; 564762, 4195259; 564738, 4195281; 564712, 4195315; 564683, 4195340; 564665, 4195356; 564642, 4195375; 564626, 4195391; 564612, 4195406; 564592, 4195421; 564575, 4195441; 564565, 4195453; 564553, 4195473; 564540, 4195468; 564532, 4195474; 564512, 4195476; 564481, 4195468; 564449, 4195463; 564420, 4195458; 564390, 4195452; 564373, 4195446; 564348, 4195701; 564487, 4195799; 564397, 4195881; 564368, 4195873; 564342, 4195867; 564314, 4195886; 564283, 4195904; 564263, 4195925; 564253, 4195948; 564232, 4195968; 564224, 4195980; 564213, 4196012; 564194, 4196038; 564172, 4196029; 564139, 4196011; 564101, 4195997; 564069, 4195996; 564028, 4196023; 564005, 4196063; 563978, 4196099; 563970, 4196131; 563963, 4196161; 563954, 4196194; 563912, 4196245; 563886, 4196211; 563874, 4196195; 563848, 4196223; 563837, 4196235; 563814, 4196215; 563672, 4196374; 563668, 4196379; 563374, 4196709; 563398, 4196736; 563390, 4196745; 563353, 4196786; 563361, 4196794; 563374, 4196806; 563372, 4196815; 563368, 4196838; 563324, 4196856; 563294, 4196891; 563274, 4196912; 563271, 4196960; 563277, 4196964; 563271, 4196972; 563265, 4196984; 563255, 4196996; 563235, 4197007; 563205, 4197055; 563186, 4197043; 563168, 4197079; 563163, 4197088; 563149, 4197105; 563120, 4197133; 563107, 4197145; 563084, 4197172; 563077, 4197184; 563070, 4197195; 563052, 4197180; 563045, 4197174; 563026, 4197197; 563000, 4197243; 562983, 4197271; 562945, 4197316; 562925, 4197338; 562792, 4197491; 562755, 4197535; 562721, 4197596; 562710, 4197616; 562691, 4197651; 562660, 4197663; 562660, 4197668; 562654, 4197671; 562641, 4197682; 562629, 4197697; 562622, 4197704; 562612, 4197722; 562597, 4197755; 562582, 4197785; 562563, 4197812; 562545, 4197821; 562522, 4197832; 562498, 4197840; 562481, 4197843; 562454, 4197845; 562433, 4197852; 562412, 4197866; 562392, 4197882; 562380, 4197892; 562385, 4197969; 562334, 4197999; 562316, 4198008; 562286, 4198022; 562253, 4198072; 562234, 4198106; 562323, 4198187; 562340, 4198202; 562293, 4198255; 562289, 4198258; 562274, 4198273; 562204, 4198341; 562172, 4198372; 562161, 4198373; 562136, 4198392; 562126, 4198391; 562028, 4198432; 561966, 4198470; 561938, 4198488; 561911, 4198517; 561858, 4198567; 561833, 4198643; 561789, 4198671; 561716, 4198706; 561475, 4198986; 561222, 4199269; 561229, 4199290; 561241, 4199326; 561155, 4199391; 561058, 4199464; 561057, 4199464; 561046, 4199476; 560935, 4199588; 560845, 4199680; 560590, 4199939; 560545, 4199874; 560535, 4199859; 560524, 4199843; 560513, 4199853; 560435, 4199926; 560447, 4199939; 560454, 4199946; 560510, 4200002; 560509, 4200103; 560508, 4200141; 560507, 4200172; 560445, 4200222; 560418, 4200390; 560502, 4200435; 560502, 4200435; 560499, 4200577; 560482, 4200603; 560460, 4200629; 560443, 4200647; 560423, 4200667; 560410, 4200681; 560384, 4200707; 560347, 4200709; 560305, 4200700; 560224, 4200695; 560218, 4200724; 560170, 4200698; 560075, 4200679; 560070, 4200609; 560069, 4200592; 560069, 4200590; 560066, 4200591; 560040, 4200605; 559975, 4200626; 559910, 4200633; 559865, 4200650; 559821, 4200653; 559787, 4200684; 559678, 4200689; 559675, 4200682; 559668, 4200687; 559655, 4200696; 559633, 4200718; 559617, 4200742; 559611, 4200753; 559601, 4200788; 559591, 4200818; returning to 559589, 4200848; excluding 565010, 4199872; 564877, 4199656; 564878, 4199620; 564977, 4199555; 565008, 4199524; 565015, 4199497; 565039, 4199385; 565060, 4199332; 565083, 4199317; 565156, 4199348; 565189, 4199315; 565220, 4199264; 565216, 4199173; 565239, 4199148; 565346, 4199105; 565346, 4199075; 565313, 4199018; 565314, 4198968; 565334, 4198947; 565433, 4198908; 565464, 4198882; 565468, 4198722; 565491, 4198715; 565518, 4198776; 565553, 4198817; 565586, 4198822; 565617, 4198789; 565617, 4198751; 565600, 4198698; 565595, 4198644; 565618, 4198609; 565621, 4198543; 565650, 4198470; 565653, 4198406; 565638, 4198355; 565646, 4198330; 565644, 4198198; 565657, 4198193; 565710, 4198201; 565733, 4198142; 565756, 4198137; 565818, 4198182; 565856, 4198167; 565913, 4198111; 565931, 4198068; 565969, 4198018; 566006, 4197947; 566008, 4197922; 566026, 4197914; 566089, 4197714; 566165, 4197710; 566209, 4197682; 566232, 4197619; 566286, 4197594; 566314, 4197574; 566353, 4197480; 566381, 4197450; 566534, 4197360; 566570, 4197355; 566628, 4197381; 566712, 4197390; 566959, 4197351; 566959, 4197318; 566806, 4197119; 566799, 4197083; 566809, 4197063; 566829, 4197071; 566905, 4197150; 566968, 4197186; 567067, 4197208; 567087, 4197198; 567115, 4197155; 567178, 4197018; 567188, 4196978; 567222, 4196940; 567240, 4196889; 567378, 4196786; 567403, 4196784; 567434, 4196820; 567456, 4196830; 567487, 4196831; 567494, 4196818; 567495, 4196780; 567462, 4196731; 567463, 4196698; 567550, 4196610; 567547, 4196600; 567555, 4196595; 567558, 4196572; 567546, 4196524; 567587, 4196481; 567606, 4196354; 567621, 4196344; 567669, 4196355; 567697, 4196330; 567718, 4196276; 567711, 4196256; 567645, 4196238; 567612, 4196214; 567607, 4196194; 567617, 4196187; 567711, 4196195; 567782, 4196181; 567806, 4196150; 567827, 4196079; 567809, 4196046; 567809, 4196026; 567891, 4195978; 567907, 4195940; 567968, 4195918; 568064, 4195911; 568092, 4195901; 568116, 4195871; 568134, 4195821; 568149, 4195805; 568228, 4195829; 568253, 4195806; 568289, 4195797; 568333, 4195754; 568376, 4195739; 568444, 4195740; 568480, 4195722; 568546, 4195746; 568584, 4195716; 568645, 4195731; 568722, 4195691; 568762, 4195692; 568815, 4195733; 568815, 4195743; 568830, 4195756; 568914, 4195744; 568968, 4195668; 569004, 4195628; 569028, 4195567; 569034, 4195453; 569062, 4195441; 569084, 4195481; 569081, 4195573; 569034, 4195664; 568937, 4195798; 568847, 4195830; 568749, 4195819; 568713, 4195803; 568677, 4195808; 568639, 4195841; 568570, 4195855; 568532, 4195880; 568504, 4195885; 568438, 4195877; 568415, 4195884; 568369, 4195942; 568308, 4195962; 568267, 4196007; 568241, 4196050; 568185, 4196078; 568164, 4196105; 568163, 4196194; 568143, 4196225; 568147, 4196311; 568139, 4196326; 568116, 4196331; 568098, 4196351; 568070, 4196442; 568006, 4196475; 567946, 4196576; 567895, 4196591; 567877, 4196608; 567877, 4196672; 567904, 4196718; 567903, 4196845; 567841, 4196981; 567843, 4197027; 567863, 4197091; 567878, 4197111; 567931, 4197134; 568010, 4197128; 568025, 4197135; 568026, 4197148; 568027, 4197161; 567994, 4197181; 567862, 4197169; 567735, 4197153; 567705, 4197163; 567671, 4197196; 567560, 4197151; 567534, 4197164; 567501, 4197202; 567505, 4197334; 567492, 4197351; 567418, 4197399; 567400, 4197427; 567405, 4197450; 567468, 4197473; 567468, 4197516; 567371, 4197520; 567351, 4197533; 567340, 4197576; 567365, 4197642; 567412, 4197711; 567415, 4197734; 567361, 4197736; 567241, 4197606; 567205, 4197600; 567182, 4197608; 567182, 4197638; 567197, 4197676; 567176, 4197765; 567153, 4197788; 567117, 4197805; 567056, 4197817; 567030, 4197845; 567030, 4197893; 567012, 4197906; 566989, 4197905; 566951, 4197880; 566936, 4197826; 566909, 4197790; 566883, 4197790; 566826, 4197907; 566857, 4197950; 566884, 4198016; 566950, 4198052; 566949, 4198088; 566926, 4198154; 566905, 4198171; 566860, 4198174; 566811, 4198148; 566749, 4198084; 566642, 4198088; 566616, 4198115; 566616, 4198146; 566646, 4198179; 566646, 4198192; 566628, 4198220; 566609, 4198301; 566530, 4198391; 566524, 4198432; 566562, 4198488; 566578, 4198659; 566555, 4198658; 566505, 4198635; 566434, 4198556; 566406, 4198560; 566383, 4198581; 566350, 4198631; 566323, 4198776; 566254, 4198846; 566233, 4198894; 566174, 4198957; 566168, 4199021; 566137, 4199058; 566109, 4199147; 566110, 4199254; 566127, 4199312; 566215, 4199501; 566275, 4199593; 566287, 4199601; 566341, 4199604; 566396, 4199653; 566565, 4199746; 566737, 4199831; 566760, 4199874; 566841, 4199875; 566828, 4199913; 566833, 4199961; 566930, 4200163; 566919, 4200201; 566897, 4200196; 566869, 4200137; 566776, 4200022; 566736, 4200001; 566657, 4200001; 566637, 4199990; 566592, 4199916; 566562, 4199885; 566519, 4199862; 566372, 4199812; 566296, 4199802; 566248, 4199753; 566078, 4199749; 565996, 4199796; 565960, 4199796; 565958, 4199748; 565997, 4199636; 566001, 4199570; 565971, 4199478; 565891, 4199325; 565871, 4199325; 565807, 4199370; 565686, 4199435; 565566, 4199576; 565444, 4199631; 565418, 4199725; 565367, 4199771; 565361, 4199832; 565343, 4199842; 565242, 4199861; 565165, 4199912; 565125, 4199878; 565094, 4199868; returning to 565010, 4199872; and excluding 569193, 4197159; 569166, 4197029; 569175, 4196978; 569248, 4196700; 569266, 4196677; 569414, 4196617; 569568, 4196517; 569801, 4196306; 569869, 4196304; 569892, 4196317; 569924, 4196373; 569928, 4196541; 569950, 4196597; 569983, 4196618; 570110, 4196619; 570145, 4196647; 570153, 4196683; 570142, 4196705; 570096, 4196756; 570053, 4196771; 569989, 4196765; 569890, 4196784; 569852, 4196799; 569808, 4196875; 569810, 4196906; 569825, 4196929; 569984, 4197027; 570007, 4197067; 570026, 4197162; 570054, 4197167; 570092, 4197152; 570156, 4197145; 570166, 4197155; 570186, 4197222; 570289, 4197296; 570297, 4197314; 570296, 4197370; 570253, 4197372; 570185, 4197349; 570106, 4197338; 570086, 4197348; 570060, 4197378; 570060, 4197406; 570095, 4197459; 570109, 4197515; 570162, 4197574; 570166, 4197717; 570203, 4197783; 570291, 4197903; 570291, 4197964; 570305, 4198020; 570341, 4198061; 570399, 4198090; 570467, 4198101; 570533, 4198101; 570683, 4198069; 570714, 4198039; 570730, 4197999; 570778, 4197951; 570802, 4197893; 570858, 4197850; 570915, 4197741; 570979, 4197686; 571068, 4197649; 571112, 4197621; 571143, 4197571; 571296, 4197514; 571360, 4197476; 571446, 4197447; 571479, 4197444; 571530, 4197458; 571626, 4197456; 571824, 4197514; 571910, 4197512; 572007, 4197475; 572137, 4197446; 572188, 4197446; 572370, 4197486; 572418, 4197512; 572555, 4197536; 572601, 4197508; 572690, 4197542; 572736, 4197550; 572794, 4197523; 572845, 4197485; 572899, 4197460; 572950, 4197455; 573062, 4197444; 573115, 4197462; 573125, 4197475; 573112, 4197493; 573056, 4197494; 572937, 4197496; 572873, 4197518; 572796, 4197594; 572788, 4197617; 572803, 4197696; 572777, 4197700; 572765, 4197690; 572730, 4197616; 572661, 4197603; 572626, 4197585; 572593, 4197579; 572552, 4197599; 572494, 4197599; 572478, 4197609; 572476, 4197634; 572486, 4197662; 572526, 4197721; 572525, 4197784; 572505, 4197792; 572492, 4197782; 572427, 4197641; 572418, 4197603; 572397, 4197580; 572276, 4197574; 572174, 4197532; 572139, 4197550; 572078, 4197552; 572067, 4197572; 572003, 4197642; 571914, 4197657; 571850, 4197682; 571810, 4197684; 571777, 4197673; 571675, 4197672; 571660, 4197690; 571583, 4197702; 571583, 4197776; 571557, 4197775; 571517, 4197752; 571431, 4197744; 571428, 4197794; 571372, 4197804; 571313, 4197837; 571186, 4197835; 571130, 4197870; 571084, 4197916; 571076, 4197933; 571090, 4198033; 571072, 4198050; 570963, 4198098; 570957, 4198123; 570970, 4198166; 571000, 4198194; 571071, 4198218; 571098, 4198246; 571121, 4198284; 571120, 4198330; 571108, 4198348; 571041, 4198380; 571036, 4198398; 571043, 4198444; 571068, 4198513; 571103, 4198551; 571159, 4198582; 571179, 4198605; 571211, 4198720; 571208, 4198773; 571187, 4198796; 571154, 4198795; 570986, 4198618; 570917, 4198620; 570902, 4198595; 570885, 4198534; 570867, 4198513; 570816, 4198518; 570788, 4198540; 570742, 4198619; 570706, 4198656; 570675, 4198656; 570676, 4198626; 570702, 4198575; 570702, 4198537; 570692, 4198527; 570651, 4198516; 570628, 4198526; 570580, 4198574; 570534, 4198581; 570513, 4198606; 570457, 4198601; 570447, 4198629; 570454, 4198705; 570430, 4198865; 570340, 4198940; 570315, 4198940; 570307, 4198894; 570321, 4198808; 570303, 4198589; 570275, 4198541; 570235, 4198533; 570165, 4198588; 570167, 4198669; 570177, 4198705; 570176, 4198763; 570158, 4198809; 570138, 4198806; 570118, 4198783; 570071, 4198658; 570040, 4198648; 569994, 4198688; 569948, 4198705; 569908, 4198710; 569908, 4198687; 569916, 4198674; 569936, 4198632; 569939, 4198591; 569932, 4198563; 569872, 4198471; 569872, 4198451; 569943, 4198431; 569967, 4198396; 569969, 4198357; 569912, 4198301; 569858, 4198278; 569851, 4198257; 569821, 4198227; 569819, 4198173; 569829, 4198120; 569718, 4198099; 569692, 4198109; 569597, 4198209; 569398, 4198385; 569349, 4198461; 569313, 4198461; 569319, 4198412; 569458, 4198188; 569553, 4198084; 569630, 4197978; 569651, 4197935; 569667, 4197847; 569713, 4197799; 569698, 4197745; 569676, 4197732; 569622, 4197727; 569553, 4197759; 569528, 4197759; 569528, 4197731; 569569, 4197665; 569567, 4197615; 569540, 4197579; 569535, 4197551; 569589, 4197508; 569600, 4197432; 569607, 4197427; 569600, 4197396; 569516, 4197385; 569437, 4197395; 569343, 4197447; 569323, 4197450; 569267, 4197416; 569209, 4197418; 569181, 4197393; 569171, 4197372; 569169, 4197319; 569182, 4197258; returning to 569193, 4197159.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 1 is provided in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section.

(7) Unit 2: Oakland-Las Trampas, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Oakland East, Las Trampas Ridge, Diablo, and Hayward. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 571706, 4187420; 571707, 4187421; 571716, 4187451; 571727, 4187468; 571744, 4187490; 571756, 4187508; 571757, 4187509; 571759, 4187532; 571763, 4187571; 571791, 4187646; 571825, 4187732; 571832, 4187744; 571768, 4187924; 571751, 4187967; 571760, 4187990; 571768, 4188011; 571781, 4188026; 571784, 4188027; 571801, 4188031; 571833, 4188037; 571847, 4188046; 571858, 4188064; 571875, 4188082; 571889, 4188088; 571893, 4188091; 571896, 4188095; 571896, 4188099; 571894, 4188105; 571889, 4188115; 571883, 4188127; 571882, 4188131; 571881, 4188133; 571874, 4188139; 571867, 4188142; 571869, 4188144; 571870, 4188147; 571873, 4188153; 571877, 4188157; 571881, 4188161; 571886, 4188165; 571886, 4188165; 571887, 4188165; 571887, 4188166; 571888, 4188166; 571970, 4188166; 572045, 4188160; 572146, 4188147; 572259, 4188110; 572340, 4188072; 572447, 4188022; 572560, 4187984; 572686, 4187965; 572824, 4187978; 572943, 4188003; 573050, 4188034; 573163, 4188053; 573251, 4188072; 573371, 4188084; 573484, 4188097; 573597, 4188103; 573710, 4188122; 573804, 4188122; 573898, 4188116; 573986, 4188110; 574055, 4188110; 574149, 4188116; 574237, 4188122; 574257, 4188128; 574325, 4188147; 574377, 4188181; 574417, 4188200; 574462, 4188219; 574506, 4188251; 574532, 4188257; 574559, 4188255; 574595, 4188243; 574671, 4188202; 574720, 4188178; 574784, 4188151; 574851, 4188129; 574880, 4188128; 574915, 4188133; 574952, 4188142; 574985, 4188145; 575011, 4188148; 575032, 4188129; 575085, 4188086; 575123, 4188062; 575145, 4188029; 575188, 4187979; 575247, 4187914; 575286, 4187884; 575323, 4187866; 575346, 4187881; 575374, 4187887; 575422, 4187858; 575450, 4187851; 575471, 4187835; 575514, 4187792; 575542, 4187762; 575570, 4187738; 575637, 4187712; 575669, 4187690; 575696, 4187677; 575706, 4187662; 575710, 4187644; 575705, 4187631; 575693, 4187617; 575685, 4187605; 575714, 4187557; 575731, 4187532; 575756, 4187493; 575778, 4187453; 575796, 4187419; 575810, 4187401; 575830, 4187378; 575844, 4187365; 575883, 4187331; 575900, 4187309; 575938, 4187268; 575975, 4187234; 575999, 4187206; 576010, 4187191; 576021, 4187178; 576025, 4187160; 576017, 4187139; 576025, 4187109; 576034, 4187085; 576054, 4187060; 576071, 4187037; 576103, 4186998; 576130, 4186976; 576151, 4186962; 576165, 4186950; 576214, 4186909; 576246, 4186887; 576271, 4186860; 576285, 4186851; 576285, 4186887; 576280, 4186901; 576305, 4186895; 576323, 4186892; 576351, 4186868; 576365, 4186840; 576382, 4186826; 576403, 4186793; 576410, 4186758; 576418, 4186721; 576422, 4186672; 576431, 4186640; 576455, 4186595; 576483, 4186563; 576522, 4186540; 576540, 4186531; 576573, 4186516; 576617, 4186500; 576647, 4186471; 576698, 4186434; 576741, 4186412; 576784, 4186389; 576828, 4186362; 576865, 4186341; 576890, 4186319; 576908, 4186301; 576918, 4186292; 576919, 4186268; 576939, 4186211; 576961, 4186191; 576989, 4186123; 577003, 4186087; 577018, 4186047; 577028, 4186006; 577037, 4185975; 577048, 4185937; 577052, 4185907; 577044, 4185888; 577014, 4185884; 576994, 4185863; 576992, 4185806; 577000, 4185748; 577000, 4185691; 576995, 4185650; 576987, 4185615; 576986, 4185589; 576973, 4185569; 576956, 4185538; 576951, 4185517; 576955, 4185497; 576969, 4185458; 576987, 4185413; 577009, 4185384; 577020, 4185357; 577034, 4185341; 577052, 4185346; 577078, 4185351; 577086, 4185361; 577101, 4185376; 577129, 4185377; 577159, 4185364; 577219, 4185358; 577250, 4185388; 577260, 4185400; 577301, 4185373; 577309, 4185354; 577320, 4185332; 577333, 4185301; 577351, 4185280; 577383, 4185260; 577414, 4185254; 577441, 4185255; 577491, 4185234; 577514, 4185223; 577544, 4185233; 577561, 4185255; 577570, 4185278; 577567, 4185291; 577558, 4185302; 577542, 4185311; 577529, 4185314; 577510, 4185312; 577520, 4185336; 577542, 4185344; 577559, 4185346; 577583, 4185348; 577601, 4185349; 577630, 4185345; 577650, 4185329; 577665, 4185322; 577679, 4185316; 577693, 4185306; 577707, 4185296; 577729, 4185273; 577737, 4185264; 577734, 4185255; 577742, 4185226; 577748, 4185173; 577764, 4185130; 577775, 4185083; 577782, 4185053; 577802, 4185000; 577810, 4184990; 577859, 4184961; 577874, 4184960; 577871, 4184928; 577885, 4184903; 577920, 4184864; 577939, 4184840; 577985, 4184805; 578040, 4184768; 578085, 4184750; 578135, 4184742; 578163, 4184741; 578187, 4184743; 578212, 4184749; 578243, 4184761; 578249, 4184800; 578243, 4184825; 578238, 4184875; 578240, 4184897; 578235, 4184935; 578230, 4184956; 578226, 4184993; 578220, 4185031; 578216, 4185050; 578213, 4185073; 578227, 4185072; 578262, 4185046; 578275, 4185042; 578287, 4185051; 578298, 4185075; 578294, 4185105; 578281, 4185129; 578292, 4185145; 578303, 4185170; 578320, 4185191; 578333, 4185222; 578332, 4185287; 578326, 4185329; 578311, 4185376; 578300, 4185413; 578294, 4185471; 578284, 4185489; 578266, 4185508; 578241, 4185518; 578222, 4185513; 578211, 4185495; 578209, 4185446; 578215, 4185404; 578216, 4185342; 578209, 4185297; 578202, 4185265; 578145, 4185242; 578137, 4185239; 578084, 4185239; 578033, 4185229; 577980, 4185239; 577945, 4185275; 577934, 4185307; 577920, 4185350; 577911, 4185403; 577904, 4185467; 577904, 4185506; 577904, 4185540; 577907, 4185634; 577926, 4185691; 577956, 4185791; 577977, 4185843; 577980, 4185850; 578013, 4185903; 578038, 4185917; 578073, 4185943; 578101, 4185961; 578150, 4185972; 578206, 4185967; 578217, 4185958; 578239, 4185947; 578287, 4185938; 578330, 4185930; 578387, 4185914; 578427, 4185911; 578457, 4185918; 578486, 4185957; 578504, 4185965; 578525, 4185975; 578554, 4185980; 578587, 4185973; 578628, 4185976; 578678, 4185983; 578731, 4185995; 578768, 4186014; 578803, 4186041; 578804, 4186044; 578881, 4186031; 579094, 4186094; 579221, 4186099; 579275, 4186121; 579352, 4186171; 579424, 4186243; 579528, 4186334; 579610, 4186361; 579700, 4186375; 579777, 4186343; 579800, 4186343; 579913, 4186384; 580017, 4186438; 580053, 4186470; 580107, 4186587; 580148, 4186623; 580148, 4186625; 580116, 4186705; 580107, 4186773; 580053, 4186881; 579854, 4187288; 579795, 4187311; 579736, 4187393; 579573, 4187424; 579456, 4187411; 579420, 4187442; 579415, 4187469; 579397, 4187533; 579388, 4187573; 579352, 4187646; 579298, 4187791; 579212, 4187953; 579144, 4188026; 579130, 4188071; 579003, 4188302; 578832, 4188302; 578773, 4188324; 578732, 4188347; 578672, 4188405; 578748, 4188508; 578783, 4188556; 578895, 4188582; 578900, 4188576; 578900, 4188576; 578917, 4188593; 578922, 4188626; 578914, 4188660; 578936, 4188693; 578958, 4188703; 578984, 4188719; 579018, 4188732; 579048, 4188745; 579062, 4188775; 579063, 4188778; 579180, 4188868; 579109, 4188917; 579116, 4188925; 579117, 4188956; 579104, 4188979; 579084, 4189001; 579054, 4189040; 579046, 4189051; 579228, 4189052; 579246, 4189157; 579199, 4189178; 579168, 4189192; 579243, 4189244; 579295, 4189281; 579295, 4189354; 579217, 4189314; 579201, 4189306; 579150, 4189399; 579150, 4189419; 579149, 4189477; 578994, 4189492; 578994, 4189414; 578649, 4189419; 578612, 4189480; 578435, 4189486; 578438, 4189519; 578456, 4189605; 578474, 4189645; 578501, 4189704; 578519, 4189713; 578551, 4189736; 578619, 4189790; 578696, 4189835; 578723, 4189903; 578755, 4189939; 578777, 4189976; 578786, 4190071; 578804, 4190138; 578845, 4190206; 578881, 4190270; 578913, 4190272; 578896, 4190263; 578938, 4190252; 578973, 4190242; 578980, 4190229; 579006, 4190209; 579036, 4190186; 579037, 4190186; 579067, 4190163; 579085, 4190150; 579100, 4190140; 579138, 4190138; 579147, 4190171; 579159, 4190185; 579175, 4190206; 579190, 4190256; 579201, 4190290; 579241, 4190339; 579249, 4190414; 579301, 4190411; 579350, 4190408; 579374, 4190373; 579419, 4190349; 579483, 4190345; 579606, 4190266; 579629, 4190235; 579657, 4190210; 579702, 4190197; 579793, 4190185; 579793, 4190185; 579906, 4190178; 579954, 4190194; 580009, 4190148; 580042, 4190149; 580041, 4190145; 580046, 4190149; 580041, 4190115; 580035, 4190084; 580020, 4190025; 580019, 4190018; 580003, 4190002; 579976, 4189965; 579969, 4189926; 579965, 4189870; 580170, 4189874; 580164, 4189928; 580241, 4190157; 580242, 4190158; 580246, 4190154; 580346, 4190092; 580385, 4190071; 580436, 4190051; 580513, 4190034; 580514, 4190033; 580610, 4190033; 580609, 4190164; 580605, 4190346; 580606, 4190349; 580611, 4190348; 580612, 4190348; 580654, 4190253; 580684, 4190258; 580696, 4190261; 580714, 4190266; 580734, 4190284; 580653, 4190471; 580655, 4190477; 580675, 4190477; 580712, 4190469; 580744, 4190468; 580766, 4190473; 580737, 4190564; 580735, 4190566; 580742, 4190598; 580743, 4190630; 580710, 4190650; 580654, 4190809; 580735, 4190839; 580737, 4190842; 580737, 4190842; 580695, 4190930; 580686, 4190949; 580687, 4190949; 580724, 4190994; 580781, 4191063; 580791, 4191055; 580848, 4191065; 580843, 4191050; 580851, 4191011; 580866, 4190962; 580879, 4190918; 580896, 4190914; 580914, 4190924; 580941, 4190951; 580964, 4190983; 580965, 4190973; 580958, 4190948; 580962, 4190927; 580979, 4190903; 580991, 4190885; 581002, 4190855; 581003, 4190844; 581003, 4190819; 581010, 4190791; 581024, 4190776; 581032, 4190772; 581057, 4190768; 581095, 4190770; 581125, 4190756; 581145, 4190739; 581166, 4190732; 581172, 4190738; 581231, 4190723; 581287, 4190700; 581309, 4190678; 581307, 4190657; 581304, 4190630; 581305, 4190612; 581316, 4190579; 581314, 4190549; 581312, 4190549; 581193, 4190527; 581154, 4190396; 581235, 4190263; 581268, 4190283; 581308, 4190236; 581390, 4190258; 581420, 4190260; 581423, 4190218; 581421, 4190198; 581424, 4190175; 581433, 4190158; 581444, 4190149; 581475, 4190122; 581508, 4190096; 581533, 4190079; 581564, 4190066; 581594, 4190057; 581623, 4190058; 581648, 4190061; 581697, 4190063; 581733, 4190071; 581789, 4190070; 581825, 4190066; 581848, 4190054; 581868, 4190025; 581881, 4190004; 581906, 4189988; 581942, 4189970; 581956, 4189958; 581977, 4189921; 581997, 4189898; 582044, 4189871; 582080, 4189861; 582130, 4189842; 582155, 4189819; 582170, 4189806; 582194, 4189778; 582219, 4189760; 582245, 4189744; 582271, 4189729; 582295, 4189723; 582337, 4189715; 582382, 4189698; 582415, 4189680; 582442, 4189639; 582450, 4189615; 582462, 4189575; 582470, 4189554; 582476, 4189536; 582500, 4189503; 582525, 4189470; 582542, 4189447; 582575, 4189400; 582602, 4189346; 582625, 4189298; 582636, 4189283; 582645, 4189280; 582790, 4189203; 582960, 4189113; 582985, 4189099; 583060, 4189078; 583061, 4189078; 583273, 4189019; 583334, 4189094; 583230, 4189179; 583294, 4189284; 583253, 4189439; 583286, 4189458; 583324, 4189584; 583108, 4189725; 583075, 4189801; 583072, 4189804; 583072, 4189817; 583067, 4189850; 583065, 4189867; 583083, 4189901; 583113, 4189936; 583126, 4189941; 583165, 4189958; 583209, 4189971; 583220, 4189975; 583335, 4189977; 583317, 4190355; 583314, 4190356; 583317, 4190357; 583312, 4190446; 583307, 4190539; 583306, 4190565; 583336, 4190623; 583337, 4190625; 583375, 4190663; 583397, 4190663; 583427, 4190663; 583499, 4190656; 583573, 4190755; 583607, 4190801; 583610, 4190801; 583609, 4190804; 583903, 4190822; 583907, 4190813; 583907, 4190812; 583907, 4190812; 583968, 4190690; 583984, 4190656; 583994, 4190636; 584086, 4190447; 584114, 4190392; 584026, 4190377; 583964, 4190357; 583968, 4190277; 583887, 4190259; 583867, 4190323; 583808, 4190242; 583754, 4190267; 583694, 4190209; 583774, 4190138; 583724, 4190064; 583745, 4190051; 583765, 4190030; 583809, 4189998; 583874, 4189971; 583935, 4189920; 583964, 4189871; 584061, 4189766; 584100, 4189670; 584145, 4189630; 584135, 4189626; 584151, 4189608; 584174, 4189579; 584200, 4189531; 584200, 4189531; 584140, 4189507; 584223, 4189404; 584197, 4189361; 584148, 4189280; 584247, 4189222; 584458, 4189260; 584458, 4189260; 584481, 4189245; 584499, 4189212; 584434, 4189155; 584443, 4189073; 584546, 4189138; 584548, 4189129; 584535, 4189100; 584526, 4189072; 584502, 4189015; 584497, 4189002; 584439, 4188974; 584349, 4188983; 584349, 4188984; 584316, 4189004; 584279, 4189027; 584246, 4189036; 584226, 4189016; 584283, 4188956; 584336, 4188914; 584451, 4188841; 584511, 4188795; 584512, 4188795; 584450, 4188719; 584436, 4188718; 584277, 4188712; 584279, 4188665; 584356, 4188523; 584380, 4188523; 584376, 4188447; 584566, 4188447; 584581, 4188448; 584619, 4188391; 584619, 4188391; 584619, 4188391; 584628, 4188377; 584646, 4188316; 584649, 4188306; 584723, 4188326; 584741, 4188330; 584749, 4188338; 584784, 4188367; 584780, 4188373; 584780, 4188373; 584805, 4188338; 584972, 4188451; 584973, 4188448; 584975, 4188456; 584996, 4188470; 585065, 4188374; 585116, 4188289; 585131, 4188251; 585134, 4188226; 585137, 4188204; 585123, 4188175; 585157, 4188144; 585118, 4188116; 585122, 4188112; 585224, 4187998; 585290, 4188057; 585291, 4188058; 585293, 4188060; 585322, 4188086; 585387, 4188013; 585336, 4187981; 585336, 4187981; 585365, 4187930; 585370, 4187915; 585386, 4187889; 585406, 4187867; 585428, 4187842; 585456, 4187817; 585485, 4187791; 585513, 4187772; 585531, 4187752; 585551, 4187731; 585570, 4187704; 585585, 4187673; 585609, 4187636; 585628, 4187606; 585641, 4187618; 585647, 4187621; 585695, 4187639; 585709, 4187663; 585711, 4187637; 585724, 4187602; 585751, 4187575; 585772, 4187535; 585780, 4187519; 585714, 4187446; 585718, 4187289; 585719, 4187221; 585720, 4187185; 585720, 4187184; 585721, 4187158; 585722, 4187101; 585729, 4187080; 585729, 4187079; 585753, 4186996; 585808, 4186921; 585802, 4186926; 585805, 4186922; 585819, 4186897; 585490, 4187081; 585466, 4187094; 585461, 4186866; 585494, 4186824; 585533, 4186846; 585528, 4186859; 585832, 4186868; 585831, 4186866; 585836, 4186869; 585891, 4186735; 585890, 4186735; 585902, 4186689; 585720, 4186691; 585722, 4186639; 585750, 4186637; 585748, 4186628; 585741, 4186562; 585765, 4186486; 585761, 4186475; 585750, 4186437; 585719, 4186437; 585745, 4186365; 585812, 4186380; 585837, 4186402; 585900, 4186394; 585934, 4186390; 585988, 4186401; 585995, 4186425; 586025, 4186439; 586052, 4186421; 586070, 4186435; 586124, 4186384; 586022, 4186289; 585996, 4186269; 585948, 4186246; 585936, 4186157; 585782, 4186212; 585739, 4186228; 585739, 4186098; 585739, 4185967; 585739, 4185809; 585955, 4185947; 585968, 4185930; 585971, 4185926; 586013, 4185871; 585997, 4185833; 585968, 4185760; 585991, 4185775; 586033, 4185726; 586039, 4185719; 586083, 4185668; 586146, 4185594; 586168, 4185571; 586190, 4185558; 586248, 4185471; 586238, 4185448; 586342, 4185521; 586356, 4185501; 586400, 4185531; 586416, 4185526; 586433, 4185512; 586447, 4185514; 586465, 4185507; 586474, 4185506; 586480, 4185503; 586484, 4185499; 586500, 4185475; 586511, 4185461; 586533, 4185440; 586556, 4185418; 586571, 4185396; 586577, 4185379; 586582, 4185359; 586591, 4185354; 586610, 4185345; 586621, 4185333; 586631, 4185307; 586630, 4185282; 586632, 4185254; 586645, 4185199; 586739, 4185019; 587160, 4185020; 587162, 4185018; 587372, 4185015; 587384, 4185092; 587392, 4185136; 587415, 4185157; 587435, 4185174; 587435, 4185174; 587435, 4185174; 587485, 4185199; 587522, 4185217; 587567, 4185221; 587605, 4185238; 587608, 4185239; 587627, 4185246; 587652, 4185256; 587659, 4185258; 587690, 4185270; 587705, 4185252; 587705, 4185252; 587705, 4185252; 587694, 4185239; 587695, 4185200; 587704, 4185161; 587721, 4185124; 587743, 4185101; 587778, 4185076; 587811, 4185066; 587815, 4185065; 587817, 4185064; 587833, 4185059; 587902, 4185111; 587946, 4185154; 587948, 4185159; 587949, 4185158; 587966, 4185147; 587940, 4185119; 587932, 4185097; 587882, 4185037; 587882, 4185037; 587773, 4184945; 587740, 4184748; 587965, 4184460; 588249, 4184573; 588254, 4184566; 588267, 4184561; 588288, 4184557; 588307, 4184559; 588337, 4184571; 588367, 4184588; 588382, 4184598; 588415, 4184590; 588445, 4184575; 588479, 4184530; 588503, 4184503; 588518, 4184470; 588536, 4184433; 588551, 4184408; 588562, 4184384; 588573, 4184358; 588586, 4184338; 588605, 4184310; 588617, 4184282; 588625, 4184258; 588629, 4184245; 588642, 4184217; 588645, 4184210; 588655, 4184192; 588932, 4184209; 588954, 4184164; 588958, 4184164; 588971, 4184151; 588990, 4184113; 588997, 4184090; 589011, 4184066; 589027, 4184031; 589058, 4183979; 589062, 4183958; 589063, 4183953; 589068, 4183934; 589058, 4183925; 589050, 4183923; 589009, 4183924; 588941, 4183911; 588933, 4183889; 588977, 4183792; 589121, 4183474; 589036, 4183450; 588877, 4183409; 588629, 4183397; 588617, 4183343; 588585, 4183204; 588591, 4183060; 588624, 4182930; 588678, 4182812; 588706, 4182764; 588643, 4182720; 588685, 4182661; 588748, 4182704; 588822, 4182599; 589256, 4182617; 589529, 4182206; 589528, 4182109; 589513, 4182107; 589491, 4182097; 589486, 4182077; 589492, 4182044; 589492, 4182044; 589158, 4182039; 589160, 4181853; 589160, 4181853; 589161, 4181806; 589162, 4181692; 589042, 4181714; 588881, 4181517; 588560, 4181409; 588361, 4181441; 588361, 4181490; 588355, 4181901; 588056, 4181855; 587726, 4181803; 587756, 4181737; 587802, 4181752; 587849, 4181748; 587888, 4181742; 587932, 4181736; 587948, 4181734; 587990, 4181758; 588068, 4181705; 588152, 4181587; 588181, 4181541; 588177, 4181515; 588198, 4181453; 588212, 4181343; 588241, 4181315; 588185, 4181121; 588188, 4181098; 588168, 4181097; 588061, 4181063; 588040, 4181050; 588041, 4181049; 588012, 4181034; 587891, 4180950; 587787, 4180869; 587690, 4180958; 587565, 4180998; 587502, 4180998; 587384, 4180990; 587298, 4181021; 587274, 4181092; 587274, 4181225; 587235, 4181398; 587188, 4181515; 587055, 4181672; 586874, 4181861; 586670, 4181994; 586592, 4181994; 586521, 4182017; 586474, 4182064; 586419, 4182096; 586372, 4182112; 586333, 4182166; 586074, 4182355; 585792, 4182527; 585556, 4182637; 585446, 4182692; 585266, 4182810; 585264, 4182807; 585015, 4182457; 585015, 4182425; 585038, 4182355; 585046, 4182300; 585015, 4182276; 584968, 4182198; 584944, 4182127; 584936, 4182049; 584968, 4181915; 584999, 4181766; 584973, 4181615; 584952, 4181477; 584910, 4181233; 584814, 4181063; 584825, 4180978; 584782, 4180936; 584750, 4180819; 584251, 4180861; 583806, 4181031; 583392, 4181382; 582606, 4182199; 581871, 4182797; 581863, 4182804; 581831, 4182687; 581842, 4182581; 581820, 4182443; 581672, 4182273; 581672, 4182264; 581682, 4182125; 581704, 4181997; 581672, 4181796; 581566, 4181605; 581544, 4181477; 581619, 4181201; 581651, 4181010; 581629, 4180777; 581629, 4180681; 581714, 4180639; 581873, 4180575; 581980, 4180479; 582001, 4180278; 582033, 4180140; 582043, 4179917; 582107, 4179768; 582118, 4179566; 582118, 4179120; 582224, 4179046; 582394, 4178961; 582457, 4178823; 582574, 4178600; 582606, 4178399; 582691, 4178303; 582691, 4178176; 582744, 4178059; 582680, 4177857; 582691, 4177730; 582797, 4177443; 582882, 4177284; 582893, 4177231; 582935, 4177125; 583031, 4177040; 583041, 4176944; 583036, 4176877; 582970, 4176854; 582939, 4176805; 582913, 4176773; 582882, 4176745; 582837, 4176717; 582798, 4176689; 582776, 4176658; 582779, 4176647; 582808, 4176613; 582856, 4176588; 582882, 4176570; 582903, 4176548; 582904, 4176536; 582880, 4176494; 582848, 4176440; 582838, 4176423; 582847, 4176412; 582869, 4176398; 582894, 4176384; 582926, 4176371; 582955, 4176337; 582948, 4176317; 582925, 4176285; 582894, 4176252; 582866, 4176226; 582862, 4176182; 582866, 4176144; 582852, 4176123; 582826, 4176101; 582809, 4176099; 582796, 4176101; 582771, 4176098; 582734, 4176089; 582719, 4176075; 582669, 4176052; 582649, 4176039; 582635, 4176024; 582637, 4175999; 582636, 4175967; 582649, 4175926; 582665, 4175887; 582686, 4175855; 582712, 4175810; 582711, 4175783; 582708, 4175736; 582703, 4175699; 582708, 4175669; 582720, 4175638; 582737, 4175608; 582724, 4175597; 582712, 4175574; 582697, 4175554; 582699, 4175539; 582708, 4175508; 582709, 4175506; 582687, 4175494; 582639, 4175468; 582618, 4175434; 582641, 4175408; 582628, 4175357; 582630, 4175355; 582630, 4175355; 582637, 4175343; 582647, 4175322; 582654, 4175300; 582653, 4175291; 582607, 4175288; 582530, 4175262; 582496, 4175180; 582492, 4175178; 582446, 4175182; 582316, 4175238; 582237, 4175262; 582171, 4175315; 582104, 4175328; 582038, 4175304; 581925, 4175267; 581821, 4175262; 581715, 4175278; 581663, 4175293; 581607, 4175291; 581569, 4175253; 581567, 4175251; 581567, 4175251; 581540, 4175233; 581440, 4175350; 581239, 4175537; 581168, 4175640; 581136, 4175763; 581117, 4176047; 581084, 4176190; 581052, 4176357; 581013, 4176538; 581026, 4176687; 581175, 4176848; 581317, 4176900; 581427, 4176978; 581478, 4177120; 581478, 4177236; 581311, 4177204; 581110, 4177062; 580942, 4176919; 580833, 4176616; 580787, 4176396; 580820, 4176261; 580871, 4176144; 580942, 4175989; 580858, 4175938; 580816, 4175992; 580805, 4176080; 580690, 4176299; 580633, 4176448; 580621, 4176690; 580667, 4176828; 579816, 4177334; 579793, 4177426; 579781, 4177564; 579793, 4177737; 579793, 4177818; 579666, 4177956; 579597, 4178082; 579597, 4178151; 579816, 4178174; 580000, 4178232; 580149, 4178335; 580264, 4178485; 580172, 4178565; 580057, 4178807; 580011, 4178957; 579908, 4179198; 579827, 4179463; 579770, 4179647; 579747, 4179808; 579741, 4179808; 579597, 4179808; 579597, 4179818; 579589, 4179826; 579578, 4179955; 579475, 4180043; 579404, 4180073; 579381, 4180108; 579322, 4180131; 579301, 4180184; 579243, 4180206; 579225, 4180234; 579222, 4180264; 579168, 4180310; 579168, 4180365; 579122, 4180398; 579124, 4180423; 579184, 4180480; 579184, 4180531; 579103, 4180540; 579092, 4180558; 579097, 4180586; 579117, 4180637; 579106, 4180677; 579119, 4180718; 579134, 4180736; 579133, 4180772; 579092, 4180804; 579085, 4180824; 579102, 4180853; 579120, 4180863; 579124, 4180921; 579155, 4180952; 579228, 4181001; 579288, 4181123; 579287, 4181169; 579246, 4181217; 579217, 4181298; 579220, 4181321; 579252, 4181357; 579326, 4181398; 579440, 4181425; 579516, 4181458; 579558, 4181502; 579558, 4181520; 579551, 4181527; 579482, 4181516; 579426, 4181488; 579343, 4181482; 579282, 4181461; 579249, 4181464; 579208, 4181483; 579188, 4181481; 579130, 4181437; 579089, 4181444; 579016, 4181426; 578993, 4181433; 578980, 4181453; 578964, 4181519; 578933, 4181511; 578886, 4181468; 578871, 4181419; 578846, 4181389; 578810, 4181383; 578767, 4181426; 578756, 4181454; 578753, 4181492; 578727, 4181545; 578700, 4181535; 578685, 4181440; 578696, 4181387; 578691, 4181347; 578663, 4181351; 578653, 4181361; 578616, 4181458; 578593, 4181468; 578583, 4181462; 578579, 4181384; 578567, 4181348; 578554, 4181340; 578498, 4181342; 578473, 4181317; 578435, 4181334; 578379, 4181300; 578278, 4181282; 578234, 4181297; 578216, 4181319; 578216, 4181360; 578258, 4181462; 578203, 4181614; 578195, 4181665; 578172, 4181690; 578162, 4181743; 578133, 4181778; 578120, 4181816; 578110, 4181824; 578102, 4181877; 578028, 4181884; 578018, 4181894; 578007, 4181942; 578060, 4182047; 578087, 4182080; 578105, 4182134; 578186, 4182134; 578183, 4182165; 578173, 4182177; 578178, 4182208; 578195, 4182223; 578205, 4182287; 578184, 4182315; 578189, 4182335; 578259, 4182442; 578355, 4182504; 578413, 4182515; 578451, 4182561; 578517, 4182590; 578588, 4182595; 578634, 4182575; 578700, 4182573; 578741, 4182554; 578777, 4182508; 578810, 4182450; 578834, 4182374; 578868, 4182313; 578924, 4182281; 578978, 4182228; 579031, 4182198; 579123, 4182199; 579201, 4182182; 579322, 4182112; 579375, 4182123; 579473, 4182169; 579575, 4182173; 579583, 4182183; 579580, 4182203; 579539, 4182238; 579539, 4182264; 579627, 4182308; 579635, 4182321; 579644, 4182422; 579725, 4182456; 579724, 4182487; 579714, 4182499; 579713, 4182593; 579713, 4182613; 579680, 4182606; 579660, 4182580; 579650, 4182519; 579585, 4182460; 579583, 4182366; 579561, 4182350; 579515, 4182350; 579444, 4182293; 579399, 4182273; 579335, 4182270; 579302, 4182279; 579246, 4182320; 579165, 4182329; 579109, 4182318; 579086, 4182331; 578999, 4182426; 578962, 4182523; 578954, 4182571; 578928, 4182586; 578855, 4182608; 578819, 4182648; 578778, 4182676; 578726, 4182734; 578693, 4182723; 578648, 4182695; 578597, 4182700; 578567, 4182720; 578503, 4182691; 578447, 4182696; 578414, 4182708; 578381, 4182741; 578361, 4182728; 578349, 4182659; 578280, 4182623; 578227, 4182625; 578217, 4182587; 578161, 4182571; 578149, 4182530; 578134, 4182505; 578058, 4182461; 578062, 4182331; 578034, 4182301; 578030, 4182275; 577999, 4182242; 577997, 4182221; 577987, 4182196; 577944, 4182157; 577907, 4182114; 577886, 4182116; 577866, 4182136; 577840, 4182197; 577799, 4182242; 577786, 4182275; 577775, 4182349; 577757, 4182377; 577759, 4182433; 577728, 4182458; 577727, 4182539; 577702, 4182592; 577701, 4182645; 577668, 4182681; 577664, 4182772; 577626, 4182802; 577661, 4182902; 577628, 4182901; 577579, 4182886; 577531, 4182895; 577480, 4182948; 577456, 4183001; 577408, 4183047; 577392, 4183074; 577401, 4183204; 577421, 4183235; 577500, 4183258; 577535, 4183320; 577567, 4183348; 577576, 4183472; 577644, 4183615; 577691, 4183682; 577711, 4183750; 577734, 4183789; 577746, 4183842; 577766, 4183881; 577902, 4184014; 577961, 4184136; 577989, 4184167; 578021, 4184251; 578021, 4184274; 578021, 4184284; 578001, 4184282; 577971, 4184230; 577885, 4184138; 577815, 4184011; 577770, 4183964; 577677, 4183905; 577667, 4183872; 577538, 4183744; 577516, 4183655; 577436, 4183522; 577391, 4183483; 577361, 4183475; 577305, 4183477; 577236, 4183535; 577167, 4183550; 577090, 4183595; 577082, 4183613; 577084, 4183661; 577069, 4183714; 577041, 4183721; 577008, 4183668; 576973, 4183660; 576939, 4183680; 576891, 4183720; 576895, 4183796; 576869, 4183834; 576862, 4183862; 576844, 4183862; 576834, 4183846; 576824, 4183790; 576773, 4183790; 576694, 4183840; 576561, 4183973; 576550, 4183996; 576553, 4184027; 576583, 4184085; 576572, 4184093; 576501, 4184100; 576455, 4184145; 576403, 4184236; 576374, 4184358; 576351, 4184398; 576338, 4184441; 576315, 4184479; 576289, 4184560; 576255, 4184603; 576224, 4184671; 576139, 4184770; 576113, 4184876; 576092, 4184914; 576081, 4185051; 576150, 4185217; 576233, 4185383; 576273, 4185436; 576371, 4185526; 576381, 4185557; 576378, 4185590; 576360, 4185625; 576354, 4185673; 576305, 4185813; 576266, 4185868; 576225, 4185906; 576194, 4185966; 576192, 4185972; 576202, 4185995; 576204, 4186045; 576191, 4186053; 576168, 4186032; 576151, 4186002; 576132, 4185831; 576150, 4185786; 576205, 4185677; 576205, 4185662; 576215, 4185652; 576233, 4185599; 576236, 4185517; 576227, 4185479; 576179, 4185428; 576064, 4185201; 576034, 4185180; 575948, 4185090; 575908, 4185077; 575882, 4185100; 575806, 4185145; 575772, 4185239; 575741, 4185271; 575667, 4185294; 575657, 4185291; 575657, 4185258; 575696, 4185218; 575701, 4185177; 575719, 4185154; 575722, 4185099; 575835, 4184985; 575864, 4184912; 575897, 4184889; 575938, 4184841; 575990, 4184710; 576108, 4184574; 576119, 4184551; 576121, 4184508; 576135, 4184470; 576258, 4184319; 576266, 4184273; 576299, 4184215; 576308, 4184167; 576349, 4184088; 576365, 4184017; 576399, 4183921; 576502, 4183787; 576600, 4183618; 576689, 4183599; 576745, 4183551; 576865, 4183506; 576942, 4183449; 576985, 4183441; 577125, 4183372; 577179, 4183324; 577177, 4183286; 577164, 4183260; 577160, 4183232; 577183, 4183197; 577186, 4183154; 577178, 4183131; 577179, 4183072; 577187, 4183060; 577187, 4182999; 577197, 4182986; 577213, 4182908; 577262, 4182875; 577280, 4182850; 577298, 4182779; 577431, 4182704; 577465, 4182661; 577475, 4182626; 577496, 4182588; 577540, 4182451; 577563, 4182416; 577569, 4182317; 577611, 4182218; 577645, 4182162; 577691, 4182125; 577704, 4182061; 577807, 4181869; 577869, 4181814; 577892, 4181746; 577962, 4181675; 577969, 4181657; 577967, 4181612; 577920, 4181550; 577927, 4181522; 577945, 4181500; 577984, 4181419; 577977, 4181388; 577959, 4181378; 577868, 4181377; 577781, 4181419; 577727, 4181485; 577681, 4181490; 577668, 4181530; 577617, 4181601; 577556, 4181628; 577507, 4181610; 577482, 4181627; 577454, 4181670; 577422, 4181749; 577389, 4181759; 577371, 4181774; 577358, 4181814; 577333, 4181847; 577309, 4181920; 577253, 4181930; 577225, 4181955; 577222, 4181993; 577183, 4182049; 577178, 4182079; 577155, 4182107; 577144, 4182150; 577134, 4182163; 577083, 4182162; 577058, 4182172; 577047, 4182190; 576994, 4182220; 576991, 4182271; 576952, 4182308; 576917, 4182333; 576883, 4182376; 576847, 4182470; 576818, 4182498; 576800, 4182543; 576794, 4182660; 576766, 4182710; 576679, 4182776; 576640, 4182816; 576568, 4182930; 576545, 4182983; 576522, 4183010; 576506, 4183015; 576506, 4183014; 576307, 4183277; 576275, 4183301; 576236, 4183342; 576193, 4183382; 576165, 4183423; 576148, 4183458; 576107, 4183496; 576077, 4183541; 576049, 4183586; 576019, 4183601; 575968, 4183612; 575931, 4183608; 575914, 4183606; 575878, 4183623; 575850, 4183633; 575828, 4183633; 575809, 4183636; 575785, 4183655; 575777, 4183670; 575766, 4183706; 575743, 4183739; 575687, 4183747; 575670, 4183756; 575659, 4183771; 575650, 4183794; 575610, 4183811; 575509, 4183871; 575486, 4183893; 575476, 4183970; 575413, 4184009; 575325, 4184048; 575286, 4184092; 575257, 4184150; 575208, 4184267; 575173, 4184358; 574651, 4184981; 574584, 4185041; 574438, 4185139; 574346, 4185217; 574229, 4185324; 574151, 4185382; 574063, 4185460; 573966, 4185529; 573834, 4185650; 573795, 4185709; 573727, 4185821; 573639, 4185933; 573532, 4186016; 573420, 4186079; 573298, 4186201; 573255, 4186220; 573201, 4186245; 573147, 4186293; 573079, 4186381; 573031, 4186444; 572875, 4186517; 572753, 4186581; 572690, 4186586; 572646, 4186595; 572568, 4186644; 572529, 4186737; 572485, 4186771; 572280, 4186912; 572134, 4187019; 572003, 4187141; 571939, 4187185; 571900, 4187234; returning to 571706, 4187420.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 2 (Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 6 (Map 2) follows:

(8) Unit 3: Hayward-Pleasanton Ridge, Alameda County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Hayward, Newark, Dublin, and Niles. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 585269, 4165999; 585371, 4166270; 585519, 4166567; 585450, 4166770; 585431, 4166955; 585623, 4167122; 585713, 4167237; 585733, 4167344; 585763, 4167406; 585800, 4167440; 585819, 4167443; 585875, 4167470; 585920, 4167470; 585930, 4167470; 585952, 4167464; 585987, 4167462; 586262, 4167359; 586524, 4167014; 586710, 4167050; 586725, 4167112; 586738, 4167184; 586741, 4167200; 586738, 4167237; 586744, 4167250; 586759, 4167275; 586746, 4167307; 586733, 4167314; 586730, 4167349; 586719, 4167443; 586755, 4167465; 586782, 4167533; 586796, 4167652; 586895, 4167475; 586894, 4167475; 586924, 4167422; 586941, 4167422; 586973, 4167053; 587028, 4167054; 587029, 4167040; 587030, 4167024; 587030, 4167024; 587030, 4167024; 587032, 4166970; 587059, 4166943; 587086, 4166942; 587106, 4166933; 587159, 4166923; 587177, 4166933; 587191, 4166944; 587201, 4166952; 587214, 4166964; 587245, 4166945; 587312, 4166906; 587326, 4166909; 587355, 4166915; 587370, 4166898; 587378, 4166889; 587442, 4166875; 587453, 4166885; 587525, 4166937; 587579, 4166871; 587655, 4166806; 587755, 4166771; 587765, 4166767; 587766, 4166404; 587767, 4166201; 587891, 4166132; 588035, 4166079; 588064, 4166075; 588160, 4165989; 588151, 4165958; 588199, 4165920; 588288, 4165905; 588435, 4165906; 588444, 4165874; 588460, 4165492; 588106, 4165477; 588124, 4165066; 587770, 4165051; 587771, 4164884; 588557, 4164310; 589385, 4164346; 589368, 4165876; 589365, 4166259; 589175, 4166273; 589139, 4166304; 589139, 4166304; 589140, 4166304; 589141, 4166304; 589143, 4166304; 589144, 4166304; 589145, 4166304; 589146, 4166304; 589147, 4166304; 589148, 4166304; 589149, 4166304; 589151, 4166304; 589152, 4166304; 589153, 4166304; 589154, 4166304; 589155, 4166304; 589156, 4166304; 589157, 4166304; 589159, 4166304; 589160, 4166304; 589161, 4166304; 589162, 4166304; 589163, 4166305; 589164, 4166305; 589192, 4166310; 589200, 4166317; 589200, 4166318; 589201, 4166318; 589201, 4166319; 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586273, 4172393; 586265, 4172416; 586253, 4172437; 586248, 4172453; 586244, 4172468; 586244, 4172482; 586244, 4172493; 586246, 4172512; 586250, 4172531; 586259, 4172550; 586270, 4172585; 586282, 4172626; 586298, 4172653; 586313, 4172673; 586325, 4172693; 586338, 4172714; 586349, 4172731; 586362, 4172752; 586373, 4172770; 586384, 4172789; 586390, 4172810; 586393, 4172819; 586399, 4172845; 586403, 4172869; 586404, 4172883; 586406, 4172912; 586408, 4172921; 586412, 4172933; 586417, 4172946; 586436, 4172958; 586460, 4172965; 586482, 4172977; 586497, 4172989; 586509, 4173001; 586519, 4173012; 586535, 4173024; 586551, 4173037; 586562, 4173049; 586582, 4173069; 586592, 4173077; 586608, 4173092; 586625, 4173107; 586645, 4173124; 586664, 4173140; 586676, 4173149; 586689, 4173161; 586706, 4173175; 586715, 4173184; 586724, 4173195; 586753, 4173212; 586764, 4173214; 586788, 4173216; 586805, 4173223; 586825, 4173227; 586856, 4173232; 586887, 4173239; 586908, 4173243; 586932, 4173245; 586958, 4173245; 586982, 4173250; 587010, 4173255; 587033, 4173258; 587055, 4173264; 587084, 4173269; 587108, 4173270; 587132, 4173273; 587171, 4173274; 587188, 4173277; 587242, 4173279; 587272, 4173281; 587285, 4173281; 587309, 4173280; 587326, 4173280; 587357, 4173279; 587389, 4173275; 587406, 4173275; 587429, 4173275; 587463, 4173275; 587475, 4173276; 587493, 4173279; 587508, 4173280; 587535, 4173281; 587544, 4173282; 587559, 4173282; 587583, 4173283; 587609, 4173283; 587628, 4173284; 587653, 4173284; 587673, 4173285; 587696, 4173286; 587708, 4173286; 587735, 4173286; 587751, 4173285; 587762, 4173286; 587781, 4173286; 587811, 4173283; 587821, 4173283; 587842, 4173286; 587872, 4173287; 587888, 4173291; 587901, 4173293; 587915, 4173296; 587934, 4173298; 587955, 4173301; 587974, 4173305; 588016, 4173304; 588037, 4173304; 588050, 4173302; 588092, 4173292; 588108, 4173288; 588135, 4173280; 588151, 4173269; 588170, 4173262; 588185, 4173256; 588193, 4173250; 588220, 4173238; 588252, 4173225; 588272, 4173218; 588275, 4173213; 588529, 4173138; 588702, 4173099; 588854, 4173025; 588988, 4172966; 589160, 4172888; 589260, 4172878; 589278, 4172870; 589288, 4172866; 589303, 4172859; 589320, 4172852; 589334, 4172847; 589349, 4172841; 589372, 4172834; 589405, 4172822; 589419, 4172820; 589429, 4172817; 589450, 4172811; 589470, 4172806; 589483, 4172803; 589516, 4172796; 589557, 4172780; 589566, 4172777; 589578, 4172773; 589617, 4172759; 589631, 4172757; 589647, 4172753; 589657, 4172751; 589675, 4172749; 589701, 4172744; 589711, 4172741; 589726, 4172737; 589746, 4172728; 589756, 4172718; 589769, 4172707; 589780, 4172691; 589785, 4172669; 589794, 4172663; 589804, 4172654; 589820, 4172647; 589834, 4172643; 589850, 4172644; 589858, 4172649; 589859, 4172653; 589866, 4172649; 590046, 4172523; 590097, 4172410; 590195, 4172296; 590238, 4172275; 590281, 4172276; 590362, 4172317; 590344, 4172351; 590351, 4172402; 590391, 4172433; 590434, 4172457; 590508, 4172445; 590579, 4172428; 590606, 4172421; 590681, 4172527; 590734, 4172567; 590740, 4172568; 590754, 4172571; 590773, 4172574; 590779, 4172574; 590806, 4172547; 590818, 4172492; 590830, 4172479; 591370, 4172472; 592495, 4172468; 592495, 4172469; 592548, 4172468; 592577, 4172462; 592597, 4172459; 592634, 4172451; 592649, 4172452; 592664, 4172451; 592673, 4172450; 592640, 4172397; 592706, 4172349; 592766, 4172440; 592771, 4172439; 592861, 4172439; 592862, 4172439; 592864, 4172331; 592864, 4172326; 592865, 4172264; 592830, 4172268; 592821, 4172262; 592821, 4172246; 592824, 4172235; 592833, 4172217; 592837, 4172207; 592848, 4172192; 592856, 4172180; 592737, 4172211; 592697, 4172225; 592685, 4172236; 592665, 4172235; 592663, 4172209; 592685, 4172164; 592723, 4172119; 592772, 4172075; 592810, 4172048; 592804, 4172039; 592794, 4172026; 592792, 4172006; 592802, 4171984; 592833, 4171939; 592851, 4171927; 592785, 4171852; 592786, 4171803; 592891, 4171806; 592891, 4171773; 592888, 4171769; 592891, 4171690; 592895, 4171678; 592891, 4171647; 592893, 4171628; 592898, 4171586; 592901, 4171567; 592915, 4171539; 592936, 4171510; 592951, 4171498; 592960, 4171492; 592977, 4171490; 592996, 4171486; 593012, 4171482; 593024, 4171479; 593034, 4171475; 593054, 4171474; 593080, 4171484; 593120, 4171492; 593139, 4171493; 593173, 4171488; 593197, 4171482; 593206, 4171484; 593206, 4171506; 593200, 4171531; 593191, 4171562; 593174, 4171601; 593174, 4171602; 593177, 4171602; 593208, 4171640; 593231, 4171711; 593231, 4171748; 593214, 4171764; 593199, 4171788; 593197, 4171793; 593225, 4171790; 593275, 4171783; 593317, 4171778; 593352, 4171771; 593391, 4171762; 593406, 4171759; 593443, 4171753; 593473, 4171758; 593530, 4171760; 593571, 4171766; 593604, 4171765; 593640, 4171766; 593695, 4171758; 593753, 4171746; 593797, 4171730; 593834, 4171710; 593880, 4171688; 593919, 4171664; 593943, 4171648; 593976, 4171622; 594006, 4171600; 594023, 4171581; 594026, 4171548; 593988, 4171476; 593945, 4171435; 593856, 4171366; 593770, 4171299; 593712, 4171213; 593704, 4171136; 593710, 4171038; 593747, 4170958; 593796, 4170879; 593869, 4170821; 593951, 4170779; 594017, 4170765; 594079, 4170782; 594081, 4170783; 594082, 4170783; 594083, 4170786; 594115, 4170830; 594117, 4170833; 594140, 4170830; 594148, 4170813; 594157, 4170768; 594181, 4170752; 594213, 4170763; 594231, 4170797; 594239, 4170832; 594253, 4170843; 594280, 4170811; 594301, 4170784; 594315, 4170747; 594336, 4170717; 594355, 4170714; 594390, 4170713; 594412, 4170728; 594542, 4170730; 594644, 4170753; 594708, 4170777; 594756, 4170803; 594769, 4170807; 594790, 4170820; 594807, 4170831; 594833, 4170845; 594836, 4170848; 594870, 4170864; 594881, 4170870; 594969, 4170703; 595378, 4169293; 595550, 4169164; 595777, 4168678; 596053, 4168453; 595932, 4168389; 595956, 4168312; 595958, 4168285; 595947, 4168270; 595940, 4168263; 595917, 4168244; 595908, 4168229; 595906, 4168217; 595903, 4168183; 595908, 4168151; 595926, 4168100; 595939, 4168079; 595949, 4168069; 595964, 4168048; 595992, 4168019; 596003, 4168015; 596031, 4168000; 596051, 4167990; 596073, 4167977; 596091, 4167970; 596115, 4167950; 596133, 4167933; 596097, 4167900; 596072, 4167808; 596097, 4167764; 596081, 4167684; 596062, 4167618; 596084, 4167557; 596123, 4167529; 596159, 4167521; 596172, 4167485; 596189, 4167440; 596206, 4167390; 596222, 4167369; 596230, 4167341; 596233, 4167299; 596236, 4167275; 596241, 4167240; 596250, 4167212; 596265, 4167160; 596273, 4167144; 596279, 4167135; 596288, 4167130; 596303, 4167130; 596315, 4167130; 596344, 4167131; 596379, 4167138; 596402, 4167142; 596430, 4167152; 596449, 4167157; 596471, 4167164; 596487, 4167169; 596497, 4167171; 596508, 4167174; 596529, 4167177; 596547, 4167178; 596572, 4167177; 596586, 4167166; 596602, 4167148; 596616, 4167120; 596612, 4167094; 596595, 4167085; 596585, 4167071; 596552, 4167061; 596542, 4167058; 596511, 4167052; 596482, 4167047; 596472, 4167045; 596426, 4167035; 596393, 4167024; 596379, 4167007; 596367, 4166977; 596361, 4166963; 596354, 4166945; 596359, 4166928; 596363, 4166907; 596371, 4166892; 596385, 4166869; 596393, 4166857; 596403, 4166835; 596404, 4166820; 596410, 4166793; 596421, 4166782; 596433, 4166755; 596446, 4166722; 596455, 4166700; 596470, 4166674; 596482, 4166654; 596488, 4166641; 596496, 4166622; 596510, 4166602; 596522, 4166582; 596529, 4166569; 596543, 4166546; 596549, 4166527; 596552, 4166516; 596561, 4166488; 596571, 4166455; 596582, 4166427; 596594, 4166395; 596611, 4166366; 596618, 4166354; 596627, 4166340; 596649, 4166312; 596672, 4166279; 596683, 4166265; 596692, 4166256; 596721, 4166237; 596740, 4166223; 596748, 4166215; 596760, 4166201; 596779, 4166183; 596786, 4166172; 596791, 4166159; 596788, 4166127; 596779, 4166095; 596764, 4166067; 596750, 4166044; 596743, 4166014; 596741, 4166001; 596737, 4165952; 596743, 4165927; 596754, 4165905; 596767, 4165888; 596785, 4165869; 596800, 4165854; 596816, 4165839; 596845, 4165815; 596862, 4165797; 596880, 4165769; 596888, 4165756; 596895, 4165731; 596904, 4165706; 596911, 4165691; 596930, 4165657; 596942, 4165643; 596955, 4165629; 596978, 4165597; 597001, 4165568; 597026, 4165541; 597037, 4165534; 597050, 4165529; 597093, 4165508; 597105, 4165502; 597138, 4165479; 597160, 4165463; 597178, 4165446; 597209, 4165422; 597220, 4165409; 597243, 4165385; 597263, 4165362; 597275, 4165348; 597289, 4165326; 597307, 4165295; 597322, 4165272; 597337, 4165251; 597353, 4165235; 597377, 4165210; 597423, 4165180; 597442, 4165170; 597466, 4165157; 597503, 4165136; 597541, 4165121; 597557, 4165115; 597593, 4165106; 597612, 4165120; 597621, 4165126; 597632, 4165141; 597653, 4165161; 597682, 4165182; 597698, 4165198; 597710, 4165209; 597728, 4165225; 597753, 4165242; 597777, 4165254; 597797, 4165263; 597832, 4165279; 597860, 4165292; 597886, 4165300; 597907, 4165281; 597928, 4165249; 597939, 4165230; 597948, 4165208; 597957, 4165184; 597965, 4165174; 597972, 4165166; 597994, 4165152; 598026, 4165151; 598052, 4165157; 598104, 4165164; 598149, 4165154; 598170, 4165146; 598188, 4165136; 598205, 4165121; 598226, 4165079; 598241, 4165068; 598255, 4165059; 598275, 4165038; 598299, 4165013; 598316, 4164986; 598329, 4164959; 598344, 4164932; 598357, 4164898; 598364, 4164869; 598369, 4164856; 598377, 4164835; 598389, 4164808; 598401, 4164777; 598429, 4164725; 598438, 4164716; 598448, 4164710; 598468, 4164691; 598478, 4164685; 598497, 4164678; 598519, 4164672; 598546, 4164664; 598565, 4164657; 598588, 4164644; 598637, 4164618; 598649, 4164613; 598665, 4164601; 598698, 4164578; 598718, 4164562; 598727, 4164538; 598744, 4164497; 598751, 4164455; 598758, 4164425; 598772, 4164378; 598780, 4164350; 598790, 4164316; 598804, 4164272; 598820, 4164215; 598832, 4164180; 598846, 4164141; 598858, 4164110; 598865, 4164093; 598873, 4164072; 598882, 4164049; 598896, 4164020; 598912, 4163980; 598928, 4163941; 598944, 4163907; 598964, 4163866; 598980, 4163838; 598999, 4163798; 599030, 4163743; 599049, 4163697; 599076, 4163650; 599093, 4163620; 598650, 4163199; 598162, 4163032; 597935, 4162556; 597447, 4162401; 596649, 4162377; 596727, 4161559; 596679, 4161553; 596493, 4161501; 596337, 4161460; 596182, 4161377; 595985, 4161325; 595978, 4161334; 595835, 4161377; 595690, 4161418; 595607, 4161480; 595524, 4161563; 595452, 4161646; 595369, 4161750; 595234, 4161812; 595130, 4161853; 595006, 4161884; 594871, 4161874; 594799, 4161853; 594685, 4161791; 594623, 4161729; 594550, 4161667; 594426, 4161553; 594374, 4161480; 594312, 4161377; 594271, 4161253; 594229, 4161128; 594146, 4161066; 594053, 4161035; 593991, 4161045; 593939, 4161087; 593898, 4161128; 593836, 4161190; 593815, 4161253; 593815, 4161335; 593804, 4161418; 593794, 4161543; 593784, 4161667; 593753, 4161781; 593670, 4161843; 593597, 4161864; 593483, 4161833; 593359, 4161781; 593235, 4161729; 593110, 4161698; 593028, 4161719; 592945, 4161750; 592841, 4161760; 592655, 4161791; 592530, 4161750; 592489, 4161688; 592406, 4161605; 592334, 4161501; 592261, 4161429; 592199, 4161335; 592095, 4161149; 592033, 4161025; 591992, 4160880; 591950, 4160755; 591909, 4160704; 591795, 4160610; 591775, 4160603; 591660, 4160559; 591567, 4160486; 591464, 4160424; 591407, 4160360; 590912, 4160704; 589936, 4161024; 589484, 4161385; 588893, 4161607; 588409, 4162058; 588155, 4162354; 587761, 4162321; 587490, 4162378; 587244, 4162641; 586956, 4162846; 586784, 4162879; 586784, 4162887; 586790, 4163066; 586792, 4163117; 586769, 4163141; 586644, 4163273; 586431, 4163527; 586291, 4163766; 586168, 4163954; 586029, 4164176; 585897, 4164233; 585807, 4164324; 585717, 4164644; 585716, 4164653; 585712, 4164739; 585701, 4164972; 585701, 4164986; 585712, 4165171; 585832, 4165497; 585658, 4165554; 585646, 4165742; 585381, 4165840; returning to 585269, 4165999.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

(9) Unit 4: Mount Diablo-Black Hills, Contra Costa County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Diablo, Tassajara, Walnut Creek, Clayton. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 587469, 4194136; 587939, 4194568; 588429, 4194484; 588517, 4194568; 588718, 4194677; 588869, 4194828; 588894, 4194853; 588913, 4194953; 588927, 4195024; 588899, 4195658; 588832, 4195885; 588601, 4196521; 588591, 4196523; 588592, 4196524; 588541, 4196661; 588513, 4196736; 588530, 4196754; 588603, 4196809; 588653, 4196812; 588711, 4196735; 588752, 4196709; 588774, 4196773; 588822, 4196829; 588817, 4196858; 588874, 4196856; 588923, 4196851; 588978, 4196874; 589014, 4196931; 589062, 4196960; 589090, 4196976; 589125, 4197042; 589163, 4197117; 589092, 4197248; 589049, 4197337; 588951, 4197415; 588878, 4197515; 588807, 4197513; 588719, 4197544; 588683, 4197488; 588634, 4197493; 588606, 4197473; 588481, 4197436; 588514, 4197345; 588387, 4197362; 588264, 4197341; 588239, 4197371; 588153, 4197461; 588048, 4197462; 587967, 4197688; 587998, 4197701; 588197, 4197775; 588208, 4197815; 588219, 4197874; 588215, 4197923; 588179, 4197993; 588116, 4198041; 588057, 4198145; 588027, 4198240; 588069, 4198275; 588049, 4198330; 587987, 4198461; 587703, 4198447; 587617, 4198658; 587635, 4198690; 587734, 4198896; 587828, 4199024; 587977, 4199159; 588113, 4199284; 588173, 4199495; 588149, 4199683; 588155, 4199884; 588155, 4199906; 588211, 4200053; 588236, 4200118; 588304, 4200203; 588318, 4200196; 588335, 4200186; 588440, 4200119; 588492, 4199940; 588634, 4199995; 588719, 4199995; 588818, 4199983; 588976, 4199963; 589017, 4199991; 589071, 4200049; 589154, 4200075; 589213, 4200087; 589189, 4200499; 589188, 4200511; 589337, 4200529; 589399, 4200536; 589557, 4200549; 589631, 4200554; 589707, 4200525; 589737, 4200514; 589698, 4200337; 589687, 4199962; 589926, 4199910; 590103, 4199986; 590148, 4200033; 590148, 4200067; 590152, 4200123; 590162, 4200201; 590195, 4200260; 590211, 4200273; 590238, 4200140; 590238, 4199868; 590238, 4199631; 590146, 4199425; 590144, 4199402; 590129, 4199228; 590122, 4199141; 589488, 4199124; 589423, 4199065; 589384, 4199049; 589399, 4198938; 589438, 4198871; 589480, 4198804; 589452, 4198667; 589395, 4198502; 589397, 4198419; 589504, 4198350; 589776, 4198339; 589897, 4198345; 589993, 4198339; 590092, 4198309; 590129, 4198284; 590129, 4198131; 590238, 4197805; 590509, 4197805; 590528, 4197805; 590889, 4197805; 591201, 4197805; 591211, 4197738; 591216, 4197601; 591211, 4197496; 591268, 4197411; 591415, 4197312; 591576, 4197402; 591596, 4197423; 591704, 4197099; 591866, 4196983; 592467, 4197245; 593008, 4197752; 593012, 4198200; 593037, 4198195; 593799, 4198194; 593804, 4198194; 593802, 4197973; 593800, 4197665; 594249, 4197677; 594262, 4197408; 594618, 4197387; 594647, 4196609; 595450, 4196605; 595458, 4195926; 595671, 4195936; 595674, 4196109; 596111, 4196119; 596027, 4195950; 596184, 4195952; 596281, 4196126; 597137, 4196128; 597151, 4194892; 598757, 4194910; 598752, 4195293; 598936, 4195287; 598872, 4195917; 598742, 4196057; 597972, 4196028; 597966, 4196498; 598436, 4196509; 598524, 4196362; 598740, 4196238; 598741, 4196154; 598976, 4195997; 598984, 4195971; 599024, 4195342; 599136, 4194911; 599038, 4194400; 599071, 4194357; 599349, 4194091; 597975, 4194029; 597956, 4193671; 597159, 4193680; 597159, 4193266; 596748, 4193261; 596778, 4192517; 597149, 4192513; 597156, 4189977; 597242, 4189986; 597514, 4189551; 597894, 4189334; 598165, 4189117; 598491, 4188791; 598709, 4188511; 598753, 4188511; 598753, 4188455; 598871, 4188302; 599577, 4188411; 600012, 4188411; 600446, 4187977; 600880, 4187651; 601695, 4186728; 602129, 4186456; 602944, 4185370; 603324, 4185153; 603650, 4184936; 603779, 4184807; 603542, 4184796; 601470, 4184564; 600272, 4184571; 600238, 4184570; 600195, 4184570; 600147, 4184570; 599989, 4184567; 599977, 4184239; 599550, 4184239; 599550, 4183913; 599340, 4184011; 598785, 4184138; 598786, 4184147; 598772, 4184597; 598771, 4184647; 598763, 4185302; 598761, 4185412; 598758, 4185541; 598755, 4185742; 598755, 4185749; 598754, 4185765; 598750, 4186082; 598639, 4186080; 598470, 4186163; 598367, 4186076; 598252, 4186058; 598249, 4186065; 598207, 4186074; 598159, 4186018; 598117, 4186002; 598011, 4185918; 597984, 4185821; 597924, 4185799; 597753, 4185622; 597719, 4185636; 597626, 4185685; 597525, 4185702; 597426, 4185779; 597369, 4185868; 597416, 4185961; 597493, 4186033; 597548, 4185942; 597641, 4185957; 597599, 4186043; 597618, 4186093; 597687, 4186112; 597752, 4186146; 597745, 4186227; 597804, 4186333; 597826, 4186358; 597805, 4186397; 597766, 4186378; 597734, 4186380; 597646, 4186425; 597605, 4186411; 597553, 4186316; 597463, 4186346; 597449, 4186405; 597478, 4186430; 597464, 4186469; 597413, 4186463; 597382, 4186509; 597327, 4186508; 597309, 4186656; 597316, 4186737; 597342, 4186783; 597337, 4186788; 597354, 4186834; 597403, 4186877; 597481, 4186910; 597469, 4186984; 597351, 4186920; 597272, 4186833; 597170, 4186823; 597163, 4186771; 597203, 4186697; 597206, 4186686; 597204, 4186675; 597127, 4186611; 597023, 4186628; 596933, 4186658; 596921, 4186625; 596959, 4186587; 596961, 4186540; 597091, 4186479; 597095, 4186403; 597103, 4186386; 597151, 4186191; 597107, 4186163; 596981, 4186073; 596847, 4186065; 596749, 4186139; 596747, 4186198; 596669, 4186270; 596665, 4186338; 596691, 4186540; 596643, 4186586; 596616, 4186654; 596575, 4186713; 596484, 4186784; 596407, 4186701; 596360, 4186729; 596334, 4186756; 596317, 4186745; 596281, 4186732; 596201, 4186675; 596157, 4186654; 596097, 4186656; 596025, 4186654; 595957, 4186653; 595747, 4186647; 595746, 4186683; 596008, 4186985; 596001, 4187244; 595730, 4187237; 595719, 4187540; 595808, 4187704; 595759, 4187758; 595729, 4187774; 595703, 4187743; 595667, 4187710; 595585, 4187614; 595558, 4187648; 595528, 4187667; 595499, 4187679; 595487, 4187698; 595468, 4187800; 595447, 4187855; 595413, 4187888; 595429, 4187967; 595434, 4188064; 595407, 4188098; 595386, 4188085; 595340, 4188061; 595350, 4188041; 595347, 4187986; 595324, 4187940; 595291, 4187920; 595266, 4187812; 595294, 4187742; 595299, 4187714; 595293, 4187693; 595257, 4187654; 595225, 4187582; 595197, 4187526; 595193, 4187381; 595173, 4187306; 595140, 4187260; 595071, 4187230; 595069, 4187225; 595055, 4187217; 595022, 4187220; 594918, 4187213; 594836, 4187242; 594742, 4187278; 594650, 4187314; 594641, 4187318; 594544, 4187327; 594544, 4187327; 594443, 4187362; 594349, 4187395; 594305, 4187448; 594282, 4187528; 594262, 4187601; 594259, 4187610; 594243, 4187669; 594230, 4187682; 594226, 4187687; 594226, 4187719; 594228, 4187774; 594222, 4187774; 593800, 4187766; 593776, 4187904; 593715, 4187966; 593667, 4187969; 593636, 4187970; 593366, 4187931; 593343, 4187957; 593320, 4187982; 593151, 4187981; 593144, 4187981; 593142, 4187978; 593010, 4188098; 592921, 4188293; 592931, 4188292; 592842, 4188494; 592804, 4188582; 592739, 4188729; 592734, 4188740; 592670, 4188720; 592613, 4188713; 592610, 4188712; 592607, 4188712; 592607, 4188718; 592608, 4188849; 592585, 4188842; 592585, 4188842; 592563, 4188852; 592554, 4188879; 592548, 4188897; 592581, 4188931; 592583, 4188954; 592400, 4189066; 592401, 4189071; 592408, 4189112; 592415, 4189115; 592460, 4189134; 592442, 4189198; 592436, 4189221; 592206, 4189212; 592206, 4189328; 592216, 4189495; 592268, 4189579; 592267, 4189601; 592258, 4189791; 592258, 4189799; 592373, 4189936; 592436, 4190030; 592541, 4190082; 592625, 4190103; 592625, 4190449; 592531, 4190449; 592436, 4190460; 592363, 4190481; 592300, 4190460; 592216, 4190491; 592101, 4190533; 591996, 4190596; 591881, 4190690; 591839, 4190764; 591797, 4190837; 591775, 4190852; 591734, 4190879; 591639, 4190932; 591493, 4191047; 591445, 4191063; 591429, 4191068; 591304, 4191110; 591241, 4191162; 591105, 4191267; 591010, 4191267; 590916, 4191298; 590843, 4191246; 590843, 4191120; 590798, 4191044; 590769, 4190994; 590692, 4191040; 590643, 4191068; 590570, 4191120; 590507, 4191141; 590423, 4191246; 590339, 4191372; 590266, 4191382; 590245, 4191414; 590235, 4191634; 590140, 4191917; 589899, 4191739; 589857, 4191686; 589763, 4191487; 589648, 4191519; 589480, 4191529; 589333, 4191508; 589092, 4191676; 589040, 4191644; 588977, 4191644; 588851, 4191686; 588851, 4191704; 588851, 4191728; 588966, 4191969; 588977, 4192085; 588966, 4192116; 588872, 4192158; 588809, 4192252; 588809, 4192305; 588725, 4192483; 588788, 4192619; 588746, 4192630; 588694, 4192630; 588536, 4192777; 588410, 4192861; 588295, 4192944; 588295, 4193007; 588264, 4193154; 588159, 4193238; 588096, 4193353; 587700, 4193738; returning to 587469, 4194136.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 4 (Map 4) follows:

(10) Unit 5A: Cedar Mountain, Alameda and San Joaquin Counties, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Altamont, Midway, Mendenhall Springs, and Cedar Mtn. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 624962, 4170579; 625090, 4170515; 625154, 4170515; 625282, 4170515; 625474, 4170515; 625645, 4170558; 625731, 4170366; 625837, 4170216; 626179, 4170216; 626478, 4170066; 626585, 4170066; 626607, 4170195; 626586, 4170399; 626612, 4170390; 626615, 4170402; 626626, 4170412; 626629, 4170422; 626647, 4170434; 626684, 4170436; 626707, 4170437; 626747, 4170425; 626770, 4170407; 626790, 4170391; 626813, 4170378; 626916, 4170347; 626952, 4170323; 626958, 4170301; 626972, 4170253; 626979, 4170229; 626989, 4170208; 627014, 4170156; 627029, 4170132; 627056, 4170089; 627067, 4170049; 627082, 4170002; 627104, 4169947; 627139, 4169865; 627167, 4169809; 627195, 4169785; 627228, 4169767; 627251, 4169785; 627304, 4169793; 627382, 4169802; 627397, 4169763; 627414, 4169719; 627433, 4169669; 627458, 4169619; 627478, 4169587; 627515, 4169552; 627558, 4169537; 627589, 4169507; 627605, 4169498; 627635, 4169480; 627660, 4169479; 627680, 4169489; 627710, 4169497; 627746, 4169507; 627774, 4169519; 627799, 4169530; 627821, 4169526; 627879, 4169517; 627925, 4169510; 627973, 4169509; 628048, 4169503; 628109, 4169500; 628174, 4169480; 628209, 4169464; 628262, 4169442; 628292, 4169436; 628335, 4169426; 628368, 4169417; 628404, 4169394; 628430, 4169357; 628450, 4169311; 628467, 4169264; 628487, 4169239; 628505, 4169216; 628508, 4169199; 628522, 4169179; 628555, 4169134; 628575, 4169119; 628598, 4169094; 628639, 4169047; 628666, 4169011; 628750, 4168928; 628805, 4168875; 628842, 4168896; 628863, 4168894; 628886, 4168893; 628938, 4168875; 628971, 4168851; 629006, 4168810; 629023, 4168784; 629021, 4168755; 629020, 4168729; 629029, 4168691; 629039, 4168653; 629035, 4168625; 629041, 4168604; 629049, 4168574; 629076, 4168531; 629098, 4168485; 629141, 4168434; 629182, 4168396; 629196, 4168394; 629218, 4168381; 629270, 4168352; 629286, 4168227; 629286, 4168009; 629326, 4167870; 629564, 4167612; 629544, 4167413; 629524, 4167116; 629504, 4166838; 629643, 4166600; 629683, 4166342; 629584, 4166104; 629385, 4165985; 629167, 4166005; 628671, 4165925; 628532, 4165786; 628314, 4165628; 628155, 4165370; 627897, 4165012; 627738, 4164655; 627599, 4164358; 627183, 4164020; 626925, 4163643; 626925, 4163246; 627024, 4162929; 627202, 4162770; 627163, 4162631; 626845, 4162393; 626627, 4162175; 626250, 4161996; 625774, 4161798; 625416, 4161758; 625297, 4161540; 625357, 4161341; 625615, 4161063; 625952, 4160647; 626270, 4160389; 626309, 4160091; 626250, 4159575; 626270, 4159377; 626409, 4159139; 626349, 4158781; 626369, 4158385; 626239, 4157942; 626171, 4157710; 625893, 4157511; 625674, 4157492; 625436, 4157630; 625278, 4157531; 624901, 4157571; 624762, 4157412; 624524, 4157313; 624206, 4157293; 623809, 4157293; 623373, 4157273; 623369, 4157265; 623273, 4157015; 622122, 4157293; 621011, 4157928; 620436, 4158722; 619801, 4159258; 619761, 4159774; 619543, 4159754; 619166, 4159694; 618888, 4159734; 618531, 4159774; 618293, 4159833; 617896, 4159774; 617538, 4159694; 617360, 4159436; 616983, 4159337; 616586, 4159218; 615732, 4159484; 615878, 4159699; 615819, 4160001; 615780, 4160265; 615771, 4160548; 615878, 4160899; 615917, 4161191; 615790, 4161328; 615771, 4161679; 615653, 4162020; 615897, 4162459; 616170, 4162645; 616375, 4163064; 616328, 4163465; 616368, 4163901; 616308, 4164397; 616658, 4164712; 616715, 4164704; 616865, 4164811; 617057, 4164918; 617164, 4165025; 617207, 4165153; 617249, 4165196; 617484, 4165260; 617698, 4165260; 617912, 4165260; 618061, 4165174; 618296, 4165025; 618339, 4164896; 618446, 4164896; 618531, 4164854; 618659, 4164768; 618745, 4164597; 618830, 4164533; 618873, 4164405; 618980, 4164362; 619108, 4164362; 619236, 4164234; 619514, 4163999; 619599, 4163978; 619792, 4163935; 619941, 4163871; 620048, 4163871; 620133, 4163743; 620411, 4163743; 620603, 4163572; 620689, 4163572; 620796, 4163529; 621137, 4163422; 621244, 4163444; 621437, 4163358; 621543, 4163316; 621672, 4163294; 621800, 4163187; 621821, 4162995; 621832, 4163004; 622206, 4163294; 622206, 4163465; 622206, 4163572; 622248, 4163679; 622013, 4163935; 621928, 4163956; 621800, 4163999; 621736, 4164085; 621714, 4164277; 621565, 4164341; 621415, 4164384; 621372, 4164576; 621330, 4164640; 621266, 4164726; 621266, 4164832; 621415, 4164961; 621522, 4165046; 621650, 4165131; 621714, 4165238; 621693, 4165345; 621672, 4165473; 621714, 4165580; 621693, 4165815; 621607, 4165965; 621586, 4166071; 621565, 4166232; 621565, 4166285; 621650, 4166520; 621821, 4166712; 622013, 4166926; 622099, 4166947; 622334, 4167140; 622547, 4167204; 622633, 4167289; 622590, 4167396; 622526, 4167588; 622526, 4167866; 622526, 4167994; 622483, 4168144; 622462, 4168315; 622676, 4168528; 622782, 4168742; 622782, 4168891; 622654, 4169020; 622505, 4169126; 622355, 4169126; 622377, 4169233; 622419, 4169426; 622419, 4169596; 622419, 4169767; 622312, 4169810; 624150, 4169789; 624342, 4169874; 624492, 4170024; 624492, 4170152; 624492, 4170323; 624534, 4170494; 624705, 4170601; 624833, 4170643; returning to 624962, 4170579.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 5A is provided in paragraph (11)(ii) of this section.

(11) Unit 5B; Alameda County and Santa Clara County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Niles, La Costa Valley, Mendenhall Springs, Calaveras Reservoir, Mt. Day. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 602197, 4155953; 602394, 4155892; 602698, 4155953; 602747, 4156027; 603122, 4156019; 603577, 4155710; 603854, 4155726; 603919, 4155564; 604114, 4155499; 604130, 4155353; 604634, 4155174; 604797, 4154979; 605138, 4155483; 605561, 4155580; 605805, 4155743; 606943, 4154914; 607089, 4154702; 607349, 4154670; 607658, 4154410; 607772, 4154166; 608146, 4153922; 608309, 4153499; 608585, 4153402; 608666, 4153255; 608926, 4153255; 609203, 4153125; 609284, 4152979; 609609, 4152995; 610195, 4152816; 610634, 4152394; 610699, 4152198; 611398, 4152198; 611983, 4152475; 612373, 4152475; 612650, 4152361; 613056, 4152540; 613446, 4152524; 613593, 4152361; 614487, 4151955; 614617, 4151961; 614780, 4151820; 614962, 4151397; 614905, 4151070; 615116, 4150964; 615241, 4150715; 615366, 4150801; 615750, 4150782; 616019, 4150206; 616192, 4150109; 616413, 4149812; 616499, 4149254; 616134, 4148909; 615641, 4148634; 615372, 4147941; 614624, 4147768; 614579, 4147670; 614189, 4147648; 613874, 4147530; 613683, 4147420; 613492, 4147170; 613184, 4147002; 613007, 4146920; 612824, 4147011; 612733, 4146904; 612627, 4146904; 612475, 4146920; 612323, 4147102; 611959, 4147102; 611701, 4147481; 611337, 4147588; 611185, 4147542; 610866, 4148043; 610638, 4148134; 610699, 4148241; 610623, 4148301; 610365, 4148286; 610365, 4148362; 610092, 4148575; 609849, 4148575; 609257, 4148800; 609257, 4149227; 609090, 4149379; 608771, 4149288; 608391, 4149531; 608057, 4149516; 607693, 4149789; 607161, 4149470; 606645, 4149546; 606478, 4149956; 606463, 4150457; 606387, 4150518; 605901, 4150472; 605795, 4150563; 605750, 4150913; 605628, 4151034; 605036, 4151186; 604763, 4151398; 604186, 4151429; 604292, 4151095; 604277, 4150821; 604034, 4150791; 603973, 4150472; 603867, 4150609; 603533, 4150746; 603396, 4151262; 603199, 4151565; 603108, 4151550; 603047, 4151656; 602759, 4151778; 602425, 4151793; 602377, 4151646; 602030, 4151353; 601817, 4151292; 601301, 4150943; 601438, 4150852; 601377, 4150670; 600982, 4150624; 600724, 4150320; 600239, 4150290; 600087, 4150487; 599829, 4150548; 599737, 4150700; 599707, 4151292; 599586, 4151626; 598902, 4152355; 599039, 4152385; 599191, 4152552; 599510, 4153372; 599540, 4153645; 599358, 4153827; 599555, 4153949; 599662, 4154161; 599677, 4154526; 599798, 4154541; 600056, 4154860; 600421, 4154936; 600922, 4154799; 601392, 4154966; 601514, 4155042; 601575, 4155179; 601544, 4155437; 601711, 4155558; 601833, 4155877; 602106, 4156074; returning to 602197, 4155953.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 5A and Unit 5B (Map 5) follows:

(12) Unit 6: Caldecott Tunnel, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Briones Valley, and Oakland East. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 566273, 4191731; 566273, 4191775; 566276, 4191777; 566275, 4191780; 566294, 4191824; 566332, 4191876; 566329, 4191875; 566330, 4191877; 566390, 4191931; 566415, 4191935; 566458, 4191942; 566525, 4191942; 566600, 4191940; 566669, 4191935; 566750, 4191950; 566752, 4191952; 566839, 4191957; 566944, 4191974; 567064, 4191950; 567124, 4191941; 567186, 4191988; 567240, 4192047; 567227, 4192102; 567203, 4192172; 567156, 4192217; 567079, 4192271; 567066, 4192295; 567040, 4192363; 567037, 4192422; 567001, 4192463; 566959, 4192511; 566950, 4192542; 566937, 4192585; 566909, 4192628; 566891, 4192658; 566845, 4192729; 566798, 4192772; 566741, 4192832; 566727, 4192843; 566723, 4192842; 566687, 4192855; 566647, 4192882; 566625, 4192904; 566624, 4192905; 566624, 4192906; 566627, 4192907; 566650, 4192915; 566650, 4192915; 566776, 4192988; 566895, 4193034; 567014, 4193041; 567193, 4193015; 567365, 4192955; 567470, 4192915; 567596, 4192862; 567735, 4192796; 567874, 4192737; 568059, 4192697; 568154, 4192688; 568198, 4192684; 568350, 4192684; 568516, 4192684; 568668, 4192690; 568794, 4192710; 568816, 4192719; 568885, 4192674; 569349, 4192659; 570105, 4192947; 570104, 4192949; 570201, 4192984; 570206, 4192985; 570967, 4193256; 571027, 4193166; 571060, 4193146; 571089, 4193100; 571085, 4193094; 571113, 4193087; 571153, 4193067; 571189, 4193034; 571239, 4192998; 571292, 4192955; 571345, 4192912; 571391, 4192879; 571440, 4192856; 571474, 4192826; 571493, 4192770; 571507, 4192720; 571507, 4192677; 571509, 4192637; 571500, 4192615; 571485, 4192563; 571471, 4192513; 571463, 4192468; 571449, 4192419; 571443, 4192379; 571428, 4192347; 571426, 4192341; 571396, 4192291; 571336, 4192158; 571335, 4192155; 571309, 4192084; 571230, 4191987; 571131, 4191901; 571110, 4191870; 571063, 4191824; 571036, 4191808; 571021, 4191784; 571000, 4191768; 570982, 4191756; 570968, 4191741; 570953, 4191723; 570942, 4191705; 570924, 4191679; 570902, 4191656; 570890, 4191641; 570876, 4191624; 570855, 4191599; 570818, 4191574; 570789, 4191551; 570766, 4191532; 570748, 4191520; 570730, 4191505; 570713, 4191489; 570696, 4191477; 570666, 4191470; 570652, 4191472; 570642, 4191487; 570624, 4191517; 570623, 4191557; 570610, 4191565; 570597, 4191564; 570569, 4191545; 570544, 4191533; 570522, 4191522; 570481, 4191513; 570431, 4191507; 570377, 4191500; 570335, 4191500; 570296, 4191493; 570271, 4191488; 570228, 4191474; 570182, 4191457; 570131, 4191433; 570106, 4191422; 570052, 4191402; 570011, 4191390; 569972, 4191372; 569929, 4191357; 569883, 4191341; 569840, 4191327; 569800, 4191313; 569709, 4191263; 569680, 4191243; 569662, 4191230; 569631, 4191209; 569607, 4191194; 569587, 4191178; 569562, 4191158; 569542, 4191128; 569529, 4191089; 569518, 4191057; 569512, 4191026; 569507, 4191000; 569503, 4190973; 569497, 4190945; 569491, 4190916; 569480, 4190893; 569464, 4190866; 569458, 4190850; 569450, 4190828; 569442, 4190801; 569422, 4190770; 569400, 4190748; 569378, 4190719; 569367, 4190704; 569361, 4190680; 569366, 4190659; 569394, 4190657; 569425, 4190659; 569453, 4190661; 569483, 4190662; 569506, 4190650; 569526, 4190643; 569539, 4190637; 569548, 4190661; 569558, 4190707; 569565, 4190747; 569575, 4190779; 569593, 4190830; 569602, 4190856; 569612, 4190892; 569622, 4190907; 569630, 4190935; 569639, 4190973; 569642, 4190993; 569647, 4191031; 569650, 4191055; 569660, 4191091; 569666, 4191105; 569679, 4191137; 569688, 4191146; 569718, 4191166; 569782, 4191200; 569814, 4191218; 569865, 4191241; 569965, 4191276; 570008, 4191299; 570032, 4191310; 570064, 4191321; 570101, 4191336; 570140, 4191343; 570186, 4191350; 570223, 4191351; 570235, 4191352; 570263, 4191311; 570652, 4191238; 570706, 4191244; 570724, 4191310; 570758, 4191385; 570802, 4191401; 570818, 4191407; 570862, 4191409; 570947, 4191357; 571019, 4191288; 571101, 4191224; 571197, 4191141; 571215, 4191127; 571062, 4190723; 571068, 4190712; 571078, 4190695; 571080, 4190684; 571082, 4190675; 571089, 4190659; 571103, 4190639; 571130, 4190610; 571154, 4190584; 571169, 4190573; 571187, 4190563; 571187, 4190553; 571189, 4190539; 571201, 4190525; 571209, 4190518; 571220, 4190521; 571233, 4190526; 571251, 4190537; 571261, 4190535; 571280, 4190532; 571307, 4190531; 571329, 4190534; 571338, 4190526; 571353, 4190516; 571363, 4190508; 571365, 4190503; 571375, 4190488; 571395, 4190466; 571413, 4190452; 571434, 4190442; 571446, 4190439; 571462, 4190438; 571501, 4190409; 571518, 4190382; 571532, 4190368; 571530, 4190356; 571530, 4190350; 571532, 4190326; 571543, 4190299; 571554, 4190284; 571569, 4190268; 571587, 4190253; 571621, 4190240; 571650, 4190240; 571676, 4190245; 571711, 4190256; 571727, 4190260; 571727, 4190257; 571728, 4190233; 571737, 4190205; 571757, 4190178; 571799, 4190134; 571837, 4190109; 571864, 4190088; 571906, 4190051; 571936, 4190024; 571957, 4190013; 572007, 4189996; 572029, 4189908; 572044, 4189882; 572057, 4189869; 572066, 4189862; 572094, 4189850; 572124, 4189847; 572160, 4189839; 572205, 4189832; 572226, 4189836; 572263, 4189846; 572304, 4189859; 572342, 4189843; 572359, 4189837; 572382, 4189835; 572400, 4189837; 572427, 4189846; 572448, 4189859; 572461, 4189872; 572473, 4189859; 572490, 4189852; 572538, 4189848; 572694, 4189850; 572729, 4189845; 572755, 4189840; 572861, 4189793; 572876, 4189783; 572913, 4189747; 572989, 4189665; 573044, 4189602; 573076, 4189564; 573078, 4189557; 573124, 4189412; 573209, 4189380; 573237, 4189455; 573402, 4189420; 573445, 4189336; 573625, 4188983; 573587, 4188867; 573568, 4188810; 573554, 4188767; 574038, 4188607; 574070, 4188596; 574233, 4188195; 574259, 4188130; 574257, 4188128; 574237, 4188122; 574149, 4188116; 574055, 4188110; 573986, 4188110; 573898, 4188116; 573804, 4188122; 573710, 4188122; 573597, 4188103; 573484, 4188097; 573371, 4188084; 573251, 4188072; 573163, 4188053; 573050, 4188034; 572943, 4188003; 572824, 4187978; 572686, 4187965; 572560, 4187984; 572447, 4188022; 572340, 4188072; 572259, 4188110; 572146, 4188147; 572045, 4188160; 571970, 4188166; 571888, 4188166; 571887, 4188166; 571887, 4188166; 571887, 4188165; 571886, 4188165; 571886, 4188165; 571881, 4188161; 571877, 4188157; 571873, 4188153; 571871, 4188149; 571870, 4188147; 571869, 4188144; 571867, 4188142; 571864, 4188142; 571861, 4188142; 571853, 4188140; 571840, 4188132; 571830, 4188124; 571820, 4188118; 571808, 4188115; 571795, 4188114; 571786, 4188115; 571778, 4188116; 571765, 4188119; 571749, 4188124; 571727, 4188134; 571718, 4188138; 571708, 4188144; 571698, 4188159; 571692, 4188165; 571679, 4188165; 571670, 4188161; 571655, 4188156; 571634, 4188158; 571592, 4188163; 571567, 4188176; 571565, 4188179; 571512, 4188141; 571496, 4188145; 571484, 4188148; 571473, 4188148; 571459, 4188148; 571450, 4188148; 571425, 4188145; 571395, 4188147; 571362, 4188155; 571338, 4188158; 571339, 4188199; 571336, 4188202; 571332, 4188206; 571316, 4188221; 571290, 4188247; 571267, 4188268; 571159, 4188361; 571159, 4188361; 571152, 4188367; 571152, 4188367; 571152, 4188369; 571147, 4188412; 571139, 4188431; 571124, 4188447; 571110, 4188455; 571092, 4188459; 571077, 4188458; 571059, 4188452; 571045, 4188442; 571037, 4188430; 571036, 4188431; 570979, 4188447; 570979, 4188503; 570910, 4188502; 570903, 4188514; 570896, 4188523; 570877, 4188533; 570872, 4188536; 570858, 4188540; 570843, 4188543; 570813, 4188552; 570797, 4188566; 570784, 4188581; 570763, 4188592; 570733, 4188594; 570735, 4188667; 570745, 4188667; 570754, 4188667; 570787, 4188661; 570788, 4188661; 570806, 4188660; 570819, 4188664; 570830, 4188660; 570833, 4188677; 570824, 4188685; 570803, 4188734; 570801, 4188738; 570730, 4188783; 570704, 4188807; 570690, 4188830; 570693, 4188851; 570693, 4188866; 570696, 4188864; 570697, 4188875; 570701, 4188926; 570692, 4188981; 570673, 4189023; 570620, 4189064; 570596, 4189097; 570554, 4189137; 570547, 4189144; 570529, 4189180; 570491, 4189204; 570482, 4189203; 570441, 4189197; 570400, 4189209; 570348, 4189212; 570323, 4189220; 570316, 4189215; 570313, 4189213; 570304, 4189214; 570277, 4189222; 570237, 4189275; 570227, 4189303; 570206, 4189322; 570160, 4189358; 570140, 4189388; 570127, 4189406; 570119, 4189422; 570108, 4189444; 570081, 4189442; 570074, 4189388; 570068, 4189365; 570062, 4189348; 570055, 4189335; 570039, 4189356; 570011, 4189362; 569994, 4189361; 569984, 4189360; 569972, 4189368; 569961, 4189370; 569955, 4189354; 569962, 4189345; 569981, 4189335; 569988, 4189319; 569980, 4189290; 569976, 4189256; 569979, 4189255; 569976, 4189241; 569962, 4189230; 569954, 4189216; 569954, 4189193; 569947, 4189169; 569934, 4189135; 569917, 4189099; 569908, 4189068; 569904, 4189038; 569901, 4189010; 569887, 4188982; 569881, 4188962; 569876, 4188940; 569869, 4188915; 569858, 4188902; 569837, 4188888; 569819, 4188877; 569814, 4188860; 569809, 4188835; 569817, 4188807; 569833, 4188798; 569830, 4188740; 569812, 4188737; 569797, 4188801; 569800, 4188803; 569795, 4188810; 569711, 4189182; 569653, 4189441; 569641, 4189496; 569636, 4189583; 569616, 4189631; 569598, 4189682; 569594, 4189688; 569411, 4189917; 569406, 4189923; 569374, 4189924; 569274, 4189980; 569225, 4190030; 569177, 4190078; 569155, 4190106; 569155, 4190106; 569136, 4190157; 569081, 4190173; 569032, 4190167; 569002, 4190189; 568998, 4190224; 568980, 4190269; 568946, 4190290; 568922, 4190323; 568917, 4190364; 568874, 4190407; 568830, 4190433; 568805, 4190445; 568769, 4190447; 568737, 4190460; 568752, 4190479; 568751, 4190531; 568734, 4190563; 568709, 4190593; 568678, 4190593; 568668, 4190561; 568653, 4190529; 568616, 4190528; 568591, 4190563; 568571, 4190602; 568571, 4190642; 568572, 4190676; 568572, 4190713; 568544, 4190750; 568497, 4190740; 568399, 4190730; 568348, 4190753; 568311, 4190797; 568321, 4190846; 568286, 4190879; 568234, 4190900; 568189, 4190901; 568159, 4190874; 568128, 4190840; 568090, 4190857; 568083, 4190876; 568077, 4190892; 568039, 4190907; 568033, 4190907; 567986, 4190905; 567958, 4190903; 567880, 4191055; 567753, 4191088; 567774, 4191141; 567786, 4191184; 567793, 4191211; 567628, 4191208; 567585, 4191141; 567544, 4191110; 567515, 4191105; 567484, 4191124; 567463, 4191153; 567439, 4191163; 567405, 4191148; 567395, 4191124; 567395, 4191098; 567398, 4191072; 567273, 4191000; 567225, 4190952; 567182, 4190935; 566962, 4190894; 566820, 4190877; 566797, 4190871; 566794, 4190872; 566746, 4190862; 566691, 4190848; 566634, 4190839; 566578, 4190827; 566565, 4190839; 566538, 4190851; 566505, 4190864; 566476, 4190886; 566455, 4190918; 566441, 4190942; 566440, 4190975; 566440, 4191017; 566445, 4191065; 566448, 4191102; 566445, 4191121; 566437, 4191147; 566426, 4191175; 566420, 4191219; 566417, 4191239; 566550, 4191256; 566714, 4191328; 566840, 4191413; 566850, 4191422; 566864, 4191428; 566894, 4191453; 566899, 4191506; 566850, 4191574; 566801, 4191623; 566722, 4191661; 566642, 4191669; 566549, 4191647; 566476, 4191647; 566431, 4191648; 566387, 4191648; 566317, 4191674; 566287, 4191694; returning to 566273, 4191731.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 6 provided in paragraph (7)(ii) of this section.

(d) Amphibians.

Golden Coqui (Eleutherodactylus jasperi)

Puerto Rico. Areas of land, water and airspace with the following components: (1) Cerro Avispa-elevation above 700 meters on the south and southeastern slope of the mountain: from the northern junction of Highway 715 and an unnumbered dirt road southeast and southwest along Highway 715 to the southern junction with the same unnumbered dirt road and Highway 715, north and northeast along the unnumbered dirt road just below the southeast facing crest of Cerro Avispa to its junction with Highway 715.

(2) Monte el Gato-entire summit above 700 meters: from the junction of Highway 715 to the junction of Highway 715 and the 700 meter contour interval west along Highway 715 to the junction of Highway 715 and an unnumbered road, north and northeast along this road to where it crosses the 700 meter contour interval, and east along the 700 meter contour interval to where it crosses Highway 715.

(3) Sierra de Cayey-elevations above 700 meters: southeast from the junction of Highways 738 and 15 along Highway 15 to point .5 kilometer south of Benchmark 684.5, northeast from this point in a line to a point on Highway 7741 two kilometers south of the junction of Highway 738 and 7741, north and northwest along Highway 7741 to its junction with Highway 738, and northwest from the junction of Highways 7741 and 738 along Highway 738 to its junction with Highway 15.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Refer to 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. Topographical Map, Cayey, Puerto Rico, 1972.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Coquí Llanero (Eleutherodactylus juanariveroi)

(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Toa Baja, Puerto Rico, on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of coquí llanero consist of three components:

(i) Palustrine herbaceous wetland. Palustrine emergent persistent wetlands that are seasonally to permanently flooded. Ocean-derived salts need to be less than 0.5 parts per thousand (ppt) salinity.

(ii) Vegetation and vegetation composition of the palustrine herbaceous wetland. Emergent vegetation characterized by erect, rooted herbaceous hydrophytes usually dominated by perennial plants like ferns, Sagittaria lancifolia, flatsedges, spike rushes, vines, and grasses. In addition to the combination of vegetation, at least 25 percent of the vegetation should be ferns and S. lancifolia.

(iii) Hydrology. A hydrologic flow regime (i.e., the pathways of precipitation, surface run-off, groundwater, tides, and flooding of rivers and canals [manmade ditches]) that maintains the palustrine herbaceous wetland.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 5, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contain at least one or more of the primary constituent elements defined in paragraph (2) of this entry, over a base of USGS digital topographic map quadrangle (Bayamón) and a USDA 2007 digital ortho-photo mosaic, in addition to the National Wetland Inventory maps. The resulting critical habitat unit was then mapped using State Plane North American Datum (NAD) 83 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site, (, ( at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2009-0022 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Sabana Seca Unit, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: The Sabana Seca Unit consists of approximately 615 ac (249 ha) located south of State Road PR-867, west-southwest of Ramón Ríos Román Avenue, east of José Julián Acosta Road, and north of the limestone hills located north of Highway PR-22 in the municipality of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico.

(ii) Map of Sabana Seca Unit follows:

California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alameda, Butte, Calaveras, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Merced, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Riverside, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Ventura, and Yuba Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements for the California red-legged frog consist of four components:

(i) Aquatic Breeding Habitat. Standing bodies of fresh water (with salinities less than 4.5 ppt), including natural and manmade (e.g., stock) ponds, slow-moving streams or pools within streams, and other ephemeral or permanent water bodies that typically become inundated during winter rains and hold water for a minimum of 20 weeks in all but the driest of years.

(ii) Aquatic Non-Breeding Habitat. Freshwater pond and stream habitats, as described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry, that may not hold water long enough for the species to complete its aquatic life cycle but which provide for shelter, foraging, predator avoidance, and aquatic dispersal of juvenile and adult California red-legged frogs. Other wetland habitats considered to meet these criteria include, but are not limited to: plunge pools within intermittent creeks, seeps, quiet water refugia within streams during high water flows, and springs of sufficient flow to withstand short-term dry periods.

(iii) Upland Habitat. Upland areas adjacent to or surrounding breeding and non-breeding aquatic and riparian habitat up to a distance of 1 mi (1.6 km) in most cases (i.e., depending on surrounding landscape and dispersal barriers) including various vegetational series such as grassland, woodland, forest, wetland, or riparian areas that provide shelter, forage, and predator avoidance for the California red-legged frog. Upland habitat should include structural features such as boulders, rocks and organic debris (e.g., downed trees, logs), small mammal burrows, or moist leaf litter. Upland features are also essential in that they are needed to maintain the hydrologic, geographic, topographic, ecological, and edaphic features that support and surround the aquatic, wetland, or riparian habitat. These upland features contribute to:

(A) Filling of aquatic, wetland, or riparian habitats;

(B) Maintaining suitable periods of pool inundation for larval frogs and their food sources; and

(C) Providing non-breeding, feeding, and sheltering habitat for juvenile and adult frogs (e.g., shelter, shade, moisture, cooler temperatures, a prey base, foraging opportunities, and areas for predator avoidance).

(iv) Dispersal Habitat. Accessible upland or riparian habitat within and between occupied locations within a minimum of 1 mi (1.6 km) of each other and that support movement between such sites. Dispersal habitat includes various natural habitats, and altered habitats such as agricultural fields, that do not contain barriers (e.g., heavily traveled roads without bridges or culverts) to dispersal. Dispersal habitat does not include moderate- to high-density urban or industrial developments with large expanses of asphalt or concrete, nor does it include large lakes or reservoirs over 50 ac (20 ha) in size, or other areas that do not contain those features identified in paragraphs (2)(i), (2)(ii), and (2)(iii) of this entry as essential to the conservation of the species.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles using USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) county-wide MrSID compressed mosaics of 1 meter resolution and natural color aerial photography from summer 2005. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10 and zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map for California red-legged frog critical habitat units in northern California follows:

(6) Note: Index map for California red-legged frog critical habitat units in southern California follows:

(7) Unit BUT-1: Butte County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Pulga, Berry Creek and Brush Creek.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit BUT-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(8) Unit YUB-1: Yuba County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Challenge.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit YUB-1 and NEV-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(9) Unit NEV-1: Nevada County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Nevada City and North Bloomfield.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit NEV-1 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.

(10) Unit PLA-1: Placer County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Forest Hill and Michigan Bluff.

(i) Unit PLA-1 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 695636, 4324153; 695563, 4324116; 695471, 4324147; 695380, 4324137; 695482, 4323950; 695575, 4323941; 695636, 4323824; 695782, 4323867; 695815, 4323840; 695885, 4323710; 695875, 4323548; 695757, 4323455; 695789, 4323364; 695821, 4323355; 695847, 4323389; 695974, 4323437; 695975, 4323571; 696121, 4323615; 696178, 4323884; 696037, 4323867; 695941, 4323923; 695775, 4324220; returning to 695636, 4324153.

(ii) Map of Unit PLA-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(11) Unit ELD-1: El Dorado County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Camino, Pollock Pines and Sly Park.

(i) Unit ELD-1 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 708426, 4291544; 708412, 4291176; 709003, 4291194; 709025, 4291561; returning to 708426, 4291544.

(ii) Map of Unit ELD-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(12) Unit CAL-1: Calaveras County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Jackson, Valley Springs and Mokelumne Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit CAL-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(13) Unit MEN-1: Mendocino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cold Spring, Eureka Hill, Mallo Pass Creek, and Point Arena.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit MEN-1 for the California red-legged

(14) Unit SON-1: Sonoma County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Santa Rosa and Kenwood.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units SON-1, SON-2 and SON-3 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(15) Unit SON-2: Sonoma County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cotati and Glen Ellen.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SON-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.

(16) Unit SON-3: Sonoma and Marin Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Petaluma.

(i) Reserved]

(ii) Unit SON-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.

(17) Unit NAP-1: Napa County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Capell Valley.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit NAP-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(18) Unit MRN-1: Marin County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Valley Ford and Tomales.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units MRN-1, MRN-2 and MRN-3 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(19) Unit MRN-2: Marin County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Point Reyes NE, Inverness, and Petaluma.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit MRN-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (18)(ii) of this entry.

(20) Unit MRN-3: Marin County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Drakes Bay and Inverness.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit MRN-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (18)(ii) of this entry.

(21) Unit SOL-1: Solano and Napa Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cordelia, Benecia, Fairfield South and Vine Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units SOL-1, SOL-2 and SOL-3 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(22) Unit SOL-2: Solano and Napa Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Cordelia.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SOL-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (21)(ii) of this entry.

(23) Unit SOL-3: Solano and Napa Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Cordelia.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SOL-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (21)(ii) of this entry.

(24) Unit CCS-1: Contra Costa County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Richmond, Benecia, Briones Valley and Walnut Creek.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit CCS-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(25) Unit CCS-2: Contra Costa and Alameda Counties, California.

(i) Subunit CCS-2B excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 622742, 4184043; 622742, 4183973; 623170, 4183986; 623154, 4184309; 622828, 4184300; 622828, 4184064; returning to 622742, 4184043.

(ii) Map of Unit CCS-2, subunits CCS-2A and CCS-2B, for the California red-legged frog follows:

(26) Unit ALA-1: Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit ALA-1, subunits ALA-1A and ALA-1B, for the California red-legged frog follows:

(27) Unit ALA-2: Alameda, Santa Clara and San Joaquin Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Niles, La Costa Valley, Calaveras Reservoir, Altamont, Mendenhall Springs, Mt. Day, Midway, Cedar Mtn., Tracy, Lone Tree Creek and Eylar Mountain.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit ALA-2 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(28) Unit SNM-1: San Mateo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Montara Mountain, Half Moon Bay, San Mateo and Woodside.

(i) Unit SNM-1 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 549620, 4162507; 549728, 4162401; 549733, 4162310; 549683, 4162274; 549645, 4162279; 549425, 4162399; 549337, 4162318; 549333, 4162206; 549471, 4161976; 549525, 4161940; 549606, 4161951; 549662, 4161921; 549738, 4161921; 549790, 4161808; 549961, 4161760; 549981, 4161667; 549936, 4161577; 550072, 4161454; 550273, 4161361; 550401, 4161273; 550411, 4161245; 550383, 4161187; 550284, 4161178; 550229, 4161142; 550232, 4161107; 550278, 4161061; 550265, 4160978; 550296, 4160957; 550492, 4160966; 550678, 4160838; 550717, 4160754; 550720, 4160671; 550687, 4160604; 550718, 4160544; 550642, 4160424; 550503, 4160326; 550549, 4160316; 550788, 4160361; 550839, 4160318; 550799, 4160219; 550867, 4160247; 551032, 4160256; 551116, 4160229; 551150, 4160166; 551254, 4160120; 551344, 4159994; 551357, 4159933; 551294, 4159806; 551508, 4159782; 551595, 4159711; 551646, 4159623; 551441, 4159474; 551439, 4159451; 551668, 4159445; 551731, 4159463; 551897, 4159386; 552018, 4159435; 552054, 4159463; 552045, 4159580; 552096, 4159641; 552077, 4159681; 551989, 4159676; 551861, 4159820; 551881, 4159858; 551964, 4159881; 551967, 4159927; 551829, 4159929; 551816, 4160002; 551722, 4159971; 551646, 4160052; 551643, 4160146; 551561, 4160173; 551525, 4160211; 551412, 4160393; 551447, 4160589; 551385, 4160624; 551415, 4160711; 551397, 4160774; 551341, 4160817; 551329, 4160715; 551311, 4160685; 551266, 4160674; 551055, 4160965; 551009, 4161066; 551003, 4161183; 550912, 4161188; 550873, 4161215; 550765, 4161415; 550679, 4161473; 550553, 4161622; 550578, 4161686; 550432, 4161883; 550432, 4161911; 550307, 4162062; 550094, 4162246; 549866, 4162573; 549757, 4162635; 549715, 4162724; 549544, 4162890; 549421, 4163070; 549362, 4163128; 549301, 4163145; 549351, 4162963; 549402, 4162869; 549563, 4162687; returning to 549620, 4162507.

(B) 549220, 4157011; 549541, 4156838; 549722, 4156775; 549735, 4156697; 549801, 4156710; 549883, 4156632; 549886, 4156573; 549977, 4156553; 550000, 4156528; 550158, 4156504; 550288, 4156436; 550357, 4156345; 550347, 4156266; 550457, 4156277; 550492, 4156234; 550495, 4156194; 550420, 4156053; 550582, 4156065; 550631, 4156017; 550684, 4156004; 550738, 4155941; 550809, 4155916; 550841, 4155787; 550925, 4155803; 551002, 4155930; 551019, 4156093; 551077, 4156152; 551073, 4156327; 551032, 4156400; 551040, 4156464; 550998, 4156603; 550857, 4156826; 550788, 4156876; 550768, 4156856; 550806, 4156762; 550914, 4156646; 550936, 4156369; 550988, 4156222; 550986, 4156177; 550940, 4156123; 550708, 4156302; 550626, 4156334; 550616, 4156367; 550384, 4156493; 550300, 4156553; 550297, 4156578; 550218, 4156578; 550172, 4156621; 550063, 4156618; 549941, 4156723; 549933, 4156777; 549876, 4156814; 549576, 4156911; 549550, 4156944; 549555, 4157013; 549474, 4156969; 549416, 4156974; 549204, 4157059; returning to 549220, 4157011.

(C) 554142, 4155908; 554257, 4155782; 554311, 4155675; 554264, 4155586; 554381, 4155549; 554414, 4155493; 554518, 4155471; 554527, 4155397; 554641, 4155337; 554746, 4155191; 554701, 4155114; 554798, 4155071; 554842, 4154935; 554782, 4154761; 554914, 4154795; 554950, 4154775; 554920, 4154722; 555022, 4154651; 555084, 4154509; 555230, 4154328; 555279, 4154214; 555309, 4154193; 555413, 4154197; 555439, 4154108; 555369, 4154054; 555329, 4153947; 555293, 4153942; 555250, 4153982; 555184, 4153984; 555094, 4154029; 555056, 4154088; 554883, 4154165; 554832, 4154145; 554702, 4154172; 554646, 4154240; 554336, 4154291; 554257, 4154362; 554255, 4154245; 554318, 4154248; 554555, 4154173; 554586, 4154107; 554652, 4154090; 554841, 4153964; 555218, 4153835; 555223, 4153761; 555356, 4153696; 555397, 4153653; 555420, 4153577; 555501, 4153590; 555526, 4153695; 555693, 4153711; 555904, 4153415; 556072, 4153271; 556063, 4153182; 555943, 4153217; 556034, 4152959; 556026, 4152910; 555996, 4152895; 555856, 4152935; 555854, 4152909; 555992, 4152788; 556078, 4152756; 556331, 4152585; 556318, 4152547; 556184, 4152574; 556174, 4152538; 556235, 4152493; 556286, 4152488; 556279, 4152435; 556373, 4152428; 556444, 4152362; 556450, 4152283; 556488, 4152197; 556382, 4152194; 556425, 4152138; 556499, 4152098; 556517, 4152025; 556574, 4151989; 556576, 4151956; 556513, 4151890; 556555, 4151751; 556608, 4151715; 556681, 4151881; 556790, 4151955; 556861, 4151946; 557012, 4151776; 557051, 4151695; 557125, 4151632; 557070, 4151495; 557095, 4151457; 557133, 4151460; 557224, 4151552; 557295, 4151667; 557302, 4151720; 557154, 4151833; 557154, 4151861; 557253, 4151844; 557347, 4151878; 557346, 4151923; 557269, 4152007; 557112, 4152067; 557104, 4152095; 556976, 4152193; 556775, 4152285; 556790, 4152321; 556871, 4152332; 556871, 4152367; 556827, 4152405; 556850, 4152446; 556842, 4152489; 556777, 4152679; 556721, 4152755; 556657, 4152793; 556697, 4152889; 556634, 4152881; 556593, 4152919; 556600, 4152998; 556529, 4153023; 556475, 4153091; 556480, 4153132; 556543, 4153186; 556459, 4153213; 556382, 4153312; 556394, 4153456; 556363, 4153502; 556380, 4153596; 556313, 4153684; 556277, 4153796; 555971, 4153969; 555935, 4154093; 555871, 4154136; 555878, 4154256; 555852, 4154271; 555753, 4154255; 555674, 4154320; 555540, 4154299; 555476, 4154324; 555445, 4154453; 555381, 4154478; 555383, 4154504; 555457, 4154527; 555454, 4154563; 555322, 4154552; 555322, 4154582; 555393, 4154608; 555479, 4154713; 555435, 4154756; 555392, 4154715; 555273, 4154671; 555237, 4154721; 555260, 4154780; 555249, 4154889; 555195, 4154889; 555160, 4154924; 555144, 4154972; 555073, 4155038; 555031, 4155149; 554868, 4155306; 554798, 4155473; 554757, 4155485; 554678, 4155589; 554581, 4155647; 554540, 4155725; 554443, 4155780; 554312, 4156018; 554212, 4156101; 554216, 4156203; 554150, 4156246; 554073, 4156436; 553940, 4156567; 553911, 4156648; 553816, 4156762; 553750, 4156804; 553769, 4156678; 553739, 4156596; 553800, 4156508; 553829, 4156414; 553870, 4156363; 553957, 4156321; 553927, 4156252; 553988, 4156194; returning to 554142, 4155908.

(D) 557286, 4151491; 557284, 4151443; 557322, 4151364; 557308, 4151220; 557354, 4151200; 557448, 4151241; 557468, 4151231; 557519, 4151124; 557482, 4151012; 557579, 4150995; 557549, 4150901; 557402, 4150804; 557674, 4150729; 557846, 4150565; 558016, 4150559; 558080, 4150479; 558080, 4150410; 558119, 4150362; 558354, 4150158; 558464, 4150021; 558452, 4150001; 558511, 4149920; 558501, 4149798; 558327, 4149700; 558320, 4149637; 558498, 4149539; 558528, 4149270; 558566, 4149227; 558752, 4149193; 558763, 4149353; 558908, 4149377; 559299, 4148970; 559307, 4148937; 559274, 4148929; 559116, 4148982; 559081, 4148918; 559133, 4148840; 559171, 4148845; 559170, 4148903; 559198, 4148914; 559270, 4148863; 559369, 4148854; 559494, 4148740; 559616, 4148761; 559674, 4148739; 559731, 4148633; 559955, 4148581; 559947, 4148665; 560032, 4148830; 560049, 4148917; 560013, 4148990; 560025, 4149077; 559906, 4149091; 559778, 4149222; 559737, 4149169; 559702, 4149166; 559664, 4149201; 559510, 4149358; 559532, 4149444; 559656, 4149488; 559592, 4149635; 559506, 4149650; 559480, 4149680; 559397, 4149898; 559341, 4149908; 559250, 4149879; 559191, 4149907; 559193, 4150034; 559128, 4150206; 559186, 4150267; 559296, 4150283; 559287, 4150377; 559074, 4150340; 558886, 4150433; 558753, 4150470; 558712, 4150521; 558673, 4150642; 558549, 4150664; 558505, 4150712; 558492, 4150857; 558580, 4150870; 558595, 4150946; 558493, 4150945; 558405, 4150912; 558170, 4151042; 558170, 4151088; 558119, 4151123; 557994, 4151156; 557767, 4151360; 557737, 4151586; 557620, 4151648; 557584, 4151709; 557594, 4151780; 557444, 4151759; 557409, 4151647; returning to 557286, 4151491.

(E) 553227, 4150371; 553132, 4150480; 553085, 4150414; 553085, 4150180; 552935, 4150096; 553085, 4150049; 553319, 4149834; 553553, 4149834; 553646, 4150049; 553581, 4150264; returning to 553227, 4150371.

(F) 552570, 4150315; 552477, 4150517; 552589, 4150966; 552563, 4151254; 552664, 4151452; 552664, 4151733; 552524, 4151686; 552222, 4151263; 551991, 4151097; 551766, 4150854; 551617, 4150480; 551617, 4150115; 551813, 4149956; 552165, 4149863; 552374, 4149890; returning to 552570, 4150315.

(ii) Map of Units SNM-1 and SNM-2 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(29) Unit SNM-2: San Mateo and Santa Cruz Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Half Moon Bay, San Gregorio, Pigeon Point, Woodside, La Honda, Franklin Point, Mindego Hill and Big Basin.

(i) Unit SNM-2 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 555483, 4121713; 555388, 4121749; 555388, 4121320; 555235, 4121428; 555083, 4121390; 554981, 4121263; 554873, 4121256; 554937, 4121205; 555387, 4121177; 556034, 4121027; 556340, 4120843; 556518, 4120862; 556658, 4120996; 556400, 4121122; 556169, 4121332; 556086, 4121497; 555687, 4121566; 555584, 4121675; returning to 555483, 4121713.

(B) 556092, 4122063; 556218, 4122107; 556645, 4122069; 556727, 4122152; 556746, 4122317; 556816, 4122418; 557032, 4122456; 557089, 4122533; 556873, 4122695; 556861, 4122837; 556467, 4122821; 556281, 4123125; 556289, 4123256; 556226, 4123422; 555497, 4123687; 555358, 4123614; 555261, 4123663; 555032, 4123593; 554691, 4123369; 554690, 4123310; 554656, 4123262; 554596, 4123352; 554359, 4123364; 554270, 4123180; 553600, 4123504; 553555, 4123410; 553375, 4123390; 553635, 4122920; 553644, 4122708; 553715, 4122548; 553839, 4122460; 554062, 4122505; 554165, 4122407; 554289, 4122418; 554447, 4122645; 555312, 4122656; 555578, 4122761; 555705, 4122761; 555756, 4122507; 556003, 4122317; returning to 556092, 4122063.

(ii) Unit SNM-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (28)(ii) of this entry.

(30) Unit STC-1: Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Calaveras Reservoir, San Jose East, Mt. Day, Lick Observatory, Morgan Hill, Isabel Valley and Mt. Sizer.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units STC-1 and STC-2 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(31) Unit STC-2: Santa Clara, Merced, Stanislaus and San Benito Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Mt. Sizer, Gilroy, Mt. Stakes, Mississippi Creek, Gilroy Hot Springs, San Felipe, Mustang Peak, Pacheco Peak, Three Sisters, Crevision Peak, Pacheco Pass and Mariposa Peak.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit STC-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (30)(ii) of this entry.

(32) Unit SCZ-1: Santa Cruz and San Mateo Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Franklin Point, Ano Nuevo, Big Basin, Davenport, Felton and Santa Cruz.

(i) Unit SCZ-1 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 573194, 4098886; 573212, 4098861; 573233, 4098878; 573215, 4098903; returning to 573194, 4098886.

(B) 573580, 4098341; 573624, 4098338; 573660, 4098454; 573623, 4098464; returning to 573580, 4098341.

(C) 574941, 4098271; 574925, 4098209; 575067, 4098224; returning to 574941, 4098271.

(D) 573381, 4098107; 573397, 4098073; 573480, 4098118; 573464, 4098150; returning to 573381, 4098107.

(E) 575347, 4097747; 575349, 4097646; 575448, 4097670; 575379, 4097752; returning to 575347, 4097747.

(F) 575388, 4097590; 575394, 4097549; 575456, 4097559; 575440, 4097610; returning to 575388, 4097590.

(G) 574744, 4097505; 574777, 4097483; 574803, 4097522; 574771, 4097541; returning to 574744, 4097505.

(ii) Map of Units SCZ-1 and SCZ-2 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(33) Unit SCZ-2: Santa Cruz County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Watsonville West.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SCZ-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (32)(iii) of this entry.

(34) Unit MNT-1: Monterey County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Prunedale.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units MNT-1, MNT-2, and MNT-3 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(35) Unit MNT-2: Monterey County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Monterey, Soberanes Point, Seaside, Mt. Carmel, Big Sur, Spreckles, Carmel Valley, Ventana Cones, Rana Creek, Chews Ridge, Palo Escrito Peak and Sycamore Flat.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit MNT-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (34)(ii) of this entry.

(36) Unit MNT-3: Monterey County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Point Sur, Big Sur, Pfeiffer Point, Ventana Cones and Partington Ridge.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit MNT-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (34)(ii) of this entry.

(37) Unit SNB-1: San Benito County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Juan Bautista, Hollister, Mt. Harlan, Tres Pinos and Pacines.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units SNB-1, SNB-2, and SNB-3 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(38) Unit SNB-2: San Benito County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cherry Peak, Panoche Pass, San Benito and Cerro Colorado.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SNB-2 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (37)(ii) of this entry.

(39) Unit SNB-3: San Benito and Monterey Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Mount Johnson, Bickmore Canyon, North Chalone Peak, San Benito and Topo Valley.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SNB-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (37)(ii) of this entry.

(40) Unit SLO-1: San Luis Obispo, Kings and Kern Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cholame Valley, Tent Hills, Cholame and Orchard Peak.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit SLO-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(41) Unit SLO-2: San Luis Obispo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Simeon, Pico Creek, Pebblestone Shut-In, Cambria, Cypress Mountain and Cayucos.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units SLO-2, SLO-3, and SLO-4 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(42) Unit SLO-3: San Luis Obispo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cayucos, York Mountain, Morro Bay North, Morro Bay South, Atascadero, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, Lopez Mtn., Arroyo Grande NE, Santa Margarita Lake and Tar Spring Ridge.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SLO-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (41)(ii) of this entry.

(43) Unit SLO-4: San Luis Obispo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Santa Margarita Lake, Pozo Summit, Caldwell Mesa, La Panza and Los Machos Hills.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit SLO-4 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (41)(ii) of this entry.

(44) Unit STB-1: Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Tepusquet Canyon, Foxen Canyon, Manzanita Mountain and Zaca Lake.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units STB-1, STB-3, STB-6, and STB-7 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(45) Unit STB-2: Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Guadalupe, Casmalia, Santa Maria and Orcutt.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units STB-2, STB-4, and STB-5 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(46) Unit STB-3: Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Zaca Lake.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit STB-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (44)(ii) of this entry.

(47) Unit STB-4: Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Tranquillon Mountain. and Lompoc Hills.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit STB-4 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (45)(ii) of this entry.

(48) Unit STB-5: Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Santa Rosa Hills, Solvang and Gaviota.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit STB-5 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (45)(ii) of this entry.

(49) Unit STB-6: Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Solvang, Gaviota, Santa Ynez and Tajiguas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit STB-6 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (44)(ii) of this entry.

(50) Unit STB-7: Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Lake Cachuma, San Marcos Pass, Big Pine Mtn., Little Pine Mtn., Santa Barbara, Madulce Peak, Hildreth Peak, Carpinteria, Old Man Mountain, White Ledge Peak, Wheeler Springs and Matilija.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit STB-7 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (44)(ii) of this entry.

(51) Unit VEN-1: Ventura County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Matilija, Ventura and Ojai.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit VEN-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(52) Unit VEN-2: Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Cobblestone Mountain and Whitaker Peak.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units VEN-2 and VEN-3 for the California red-legged frog follows:

(53) Unit VEN-3: Ventura County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Calabasas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit VEN-3 for California red-legged frog is depicted on the map in paragraph (52)(ii) of this entry.

(54) Unit LOS-1: Los Angeles County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Warm Springs Mountain and Green Valley.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit LOS-1 for the California red-legged frog follows:

Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona; and Catron, Grant, Hidalgo, Sierra, and Socorro Counties, New Mexico, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Chiricahua leopard frog are:

(i) Aquatic breeding habitat and immediately adjacent uplands exhibiting the following characteristics:

(A) Standing bodies of fresh water (with salinities less than 5 parts per thousand, pH greater than or equal to 5.6, and pollutants absent or minimally present), including natural and manmade (e.g., stock) ponds, slow-moving streams or pools within streams, off-channel pools, and other ephemeral or permanent water bodies that typically hold water or rarely dry for more than a month. During periods of drought, or less than average rainfall, these breeding sites may not hold water long enough for individuals to complete metamorphosis, but they would still be considered essential breeding habitat in non-drought years.

(B) Emergent and or submerged vegetation, root masses, undercut banks, fractured rock substrates, or some combination thereof, but emergent vegetation does not completely cover the surface of water bodies.

(C) Nonnative predators (e.g., crayfish (Orconectes virilis), bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), nonnative predatory fish) absent or occurring at levels that do not preclude presence of the Chiricahua leopard frog.

(D) Absence of chytridiomycosis, or if present, then environmental, physiological, and genetic conditions are such that allow persistence of Chiricahua leopard frogs.

(E) Upland habitats that provide opportunities for foraging and basking that are immediately adjacent to or surrounding breeding aquatic and riparian habitat.

(ii) Dispersal and nonbreeding habitat, consisting of areas with ephemeral (present for only a short time), intermittent, or perennial water that are generally not suitable for breeding, and associated upland or riparian habitat that provides corridors (overland movement or along wetted drainages) for frogs among breeding sites in a metapopulation with the following characteristics:

(A) Are not more than 1.0 mile (1.6 kilometers) overland, 3.0 miles (4.8 kilometers) along ephemeral or intermittent drainages, 5.0 miles (8.0 kilometers) along perennial drainages, or some combination thereof not to exceed 5.0 miles (8.0 kilometers).

(B) In overland and nonwetted corridors, provide some vegetation cover or structural features (e.g., boulders, rocks, organic debris such as downed trees or logs, small mammal burrows, or leaf litter) for shelter, forage, and protection from predators; in wetted corridors, provide some ephemeral, intermittent, or perennial aquatic habitat.

(C) Are free of barriers that block movement by Chiricahua leopard frogs, including, but not limited to, urban, industrial, or agricultural development; reservoirs that are 50 acres (20 hectares) or more in size and contain predatory nonnative fish, bullfrogs, or crayfish; highways that do not include frog fencing and culverts; and walls, major dams, or other structures that physically block movement.

(3) With the exception of impoundments, livestock tanks and other constructed waters, critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles, the Service's online Lands Mapper, the U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset, and imagery from Google Earth. Lentic water bodies were digitized from Google Earth imagery. Point locations for lentic water bodies (still or non-flowing water bodies) were calculated as the geographic centroids of the digitized polygons defining the critical habitat boundaries. Line locations for lotic streams (flowing water) and drainages are depicted as the “Flowline” feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. Overland connections were digitized from Google Earth imagery. Administrative boundaries for Arizona and New Mexico were obtained from the Arizona Land Resource Information Service and New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System, respectively. This includes the most current (as of the effective date of this rule) geospatial data available for land ownership, counties, States, and streets. Locations depicting critical habitat are expressed as decimal degree latitude and longitude in the World Geographic Coordinate System projection using the 1984 datum (WGS84). Information on Chiricahua leopard frog localities was derived from survey forms, reports, publications, field notes, and other sources, all of which reside in our files at the Arizona Ecological Services Field Office, 2321 West Royal Palm Road, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85021. Coordinates given for tanks are the approximate center points of those tanks.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the Chiricahua leopard frog follows:

(6) Twin Tanks and Ox Frame Tank Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Twin Tanks, including the north tank (31.838230 N, 111.149875 W) and south tank (31.836031 N 111.149102 W), and the drainage running between them, a drainage distance of 979 feet (299 meters).

(ii) Ox Frame Tank (31.881882 N, 111.200318 W).

(iii) Map of Twin Tanks and Ox Frame Tank Unit follows:

(7) Garcia Tank Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Garcia Tank (31.477060 N, 111.454114 W).

(ii) Map of Garcia Tank Unit follows:

(8) Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge Central Tanks Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Carpenter Tank (31.528748 N, 111.454642 W).

(ii) Rock Tank (31.583905 N, 111.462366 W).

(iii) State Tank (31.569254 N, 111.477114 W).

(iv) Triangle Tank (31.576105 N, 111.510909 W).

(v) New Round Hill Tank (31.613784 N, 111.489390 W).

(vi) Banado Tank (31.532759 N, 111.474729 W).

(vii) Choffo Tank (31.544627 N, 111.463126 W).

(viii) Barrel Cactus Tank (31.545284 N, 111.490310 W).

(ix) Sufrido Tank (31.566364 N, 111.445892 W).

(x) Hito Tank (31.579462 N, 111.446984 W).

(xi) Morley Tank (31.599057 N, 111.489088 W).

(xii) McKay Tank (31.605788 N, 111.474188 W).

(xiii) Chongo Tank (31.64002 N, 111.50435 W).

(xiv) Arroyo del Compartidero from Triangle Tank (31.576105 N, 111.510909 W) downstream through and including Aguire Lake to an unnamed drainage (31.594035 N, 111.504265 W); then downstream in that unnamed drainage to its confluence with Bailey Wash (31.596674 N, 111.501912 W); then downstream in Bailey Wash to its confluence with Puertocito Wash (31.604618 N, 111.494127 W); then downstream in Puertocito Wash to its confluence with Las Moras Wash (31.636031 N, 111.471749 W), including New Round Hill Tank (31.613784 N, 111.489390 W); and upstream in Las Moras Wash to Chongo Tank (31.64002 N, 111.50435 W), a distance of approximately 8.52 drainage miles (13.70 kilometers).

(xv) An unnamed drainage from its confluence with Puertocito Wash (31.619650 N, 111.483551 W) upstream to McKay Tank (31.605788 N, 111.474188 W, which is a cluster of three tanks), a distance of approximately 1.55 drainage miles (2.50 kilometers).

(xvi) Puertocito Wash from its confluence with Bailey Wash (31.604618 N, 111.494127 W) upstream to Sufrido Tank (31.566364 N, 111.445892 W), including Morley Tank (31.599057 N, 111.489088 W), a distance of approximately 4.60 drainage miles (7.40 kilometers).

(xvii) An innamed drainage from its confluence with Puertocito Wash upstream to Rock Tank (31.583905 N, 111.462366 W), then upstream in an unnamed drainage to the top of that drainage (31.582637 N, 111.456882 W) and directly overland to an unnamed drainage (31.583818 N, 111.455223 W), and then upstream to Hito Tank (31.579462 N, 111.446984 W) and downstream to McKay Tank (31.605788 N, 111.474188 W), a distance of approximately 3.80 drainage miles (6.11 kilometers) and 580 feet (177 meters) overland.

(xviii) Lopez Wash from Carpenter Tank (31.528748 N, 111.454642 W) downstream to its confluence with Aguire Lake (31.590582 N, 111.499589 W), a distance of approximately 6.75 drainage miles (10.87 kilometers).

(xix) An unnamed drainage from its confluence with Lopez Wash (31.542605 N, 111.466699 W) upstream to Choffo Tank (31.544627 N, 111.463126 W), a distance of approximately 1,549 drainage feet (472 meters).

(xx) An unnamed drainage from its confluence with Lopez Wash (31.569735 N, 111.482058 W) upstream to State Tank (31.569254 N, 111.477114 W), a distance of approximately 1,613 drainage feet (492 meters).

(xxi) An unnamed drainage from Banado Tank (31.532759 N, 111.474729 W) downstream to the confluence with an unnamed drainage (31.545399 N, 111.496152 W), and then upstream in that drainage to Barrel Cactus Tank (31.545284 N, 111.490310 W), a distance of approximately 2.21 drainage miles (3.56 kilometers).

(xxii) An unnamed drainage from Banado Tank (31.532759 N, 111.474729 W) upstream to a saddle (31.530907 N, 111.463162 W), then directly downslope to Lopez Wash (31.532093 N, 111.462159 W), a distance of approximately 3,831 drainage feet (1,168 meters) and 808 feet (246 meters) overland.

(xxiii) Map of Buenos Aires NWR Central Tanks Unit follows:

(9) Bonita, Upper Turner, and Mojonera Tanks Unit, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

(i) Bonita Tank (31.43525 N, 111.305505 W).

(ii) Upper Turner Tank (31.429690 N, 111.318332 W).

(iii) Mojonera Tank (31.464250 N, 111.320203 W).

(iv) From Upper Turner Tank (31.429690 N, 111.318332 W) upstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with a minor drainage coming in from the east (31.431029 N, 111.315846 W), then directly upslope in that drainage and east to a saddle (31.431015 N, 111.314770), and directly downslope through an unnamed drainage to Bonita Canyon (31.429806 N, 111.310325 W), and upstream in Bonita Canyon to Bonita Tank, a distance of approximately 1.29 drainage miles (2.08 kilometers) and 150 feet (46 meters) overland.

(v) From Mojonera Tank (31.464250 N, 111.320203 W) downstream in Mojonera Canyon to a sharp bend where the drainage turns west-northwest (31.445989 N, 111.343181 W); then southeast and upstream in an unnamed drainage to a saddle (31.443358 N, 111.340675 W) and downslope through an unnamed drainage to its confluence with another unnamed drainage (31.438637 N, 111.341044 W); then upstream in that unnamed drainage to a saddle (31.438497 N, 111.337639 W); then downstream in an unnamed drainage to Sierra Well (31.433012 N, 111.334709 W), to include Sierra Tank East (31.435488 N, 111.334736 W) and Sierra Tank West (31.435361 N, 111.336103 W); then directly overland to Upper Turner Tank (31.429690 N, 111.318332 W), a distance of approximately 3.45 drainage miles (5.56 kilometers) and 5,270 feet (1,606 meters) overland.

(vi) Map of Bonita, Upper Turner, and Mojonera Tanks Unit follows:

(10) Sycamore Canyon Unit, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

(i) Sycamore Canyon from the Ruby Road bridge (31.434030 N, 111.186537 W) south to the International Boundary (31.379952 N, 111.222937 W), a distance of 6.35 stream miles (10.23 kilometers).

(ii) Yank Tank (31.425426 N, 111.183289 W).

(iii) North Mesa Tank (31.415697 N, 111.167584 W).

(iv) Horse Pasture Spring (31.406812 N, 111.184717 W).

(v) Bear Valley Ranch Tank (31.413617 N, 111.176818 W).

(vi) South Mesa Tank (31.406832 N, 111.164505 W).

(vii) Rattlesnake Tank (31.400654 N, 111.163470 W).

(viii) Yanks Canyon from Yank Tank (31.425426N, 111.183289W) downstream to its confluence with Sycamore Canyon (31.428987 N, 111.190679 W), a distance of approximately 2,822 drainage feet (860 meters).

(ix) From North Mesa Tank (31.415697 N, 111.167584 W) downstream in Atascosa Canyon to its confluence with Peñasco Canyon (31.402594 N, 111.186647 W), then from that confluence downstream in Peñasco Canyon to its confluence with Sycamore Canyon (31.407395 N, 111.195820 W), a distance of approximately 2.91 drainage miles (4.69 kilometers).

(x) From Horse Pasture Spring (31.406812 N, 111.184717 W) downstream to Peñasco Canyon, a drainage distance of approximately 1,759 feet (536 meters).

(xi) From Bear Valley Ranch Tank (31.413617 N, 111.176818 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Atascosa Canyon (31.402583 N, 111.186593 W), a drainage distance of approximately 611 stream feet (186 meters).

(xii) From South Mesa Tank (31.406832 N, 111.164505 W) downstream in unnamed drainage to its confluence with another unnamed drainage (31.403615 N, 111.169213 W), then downstream in that unnamed drainage to its confluence with Peñasco Canyon (31.399519 N, 111.177701 W), then downstream in Peñasco Canyon to its confluence with Atascosa Canyon (31.402594 N, 111.186647 W), a drainage distance of approximately 2.05 miles (3.30 kilometers).

(xiii) From Rattlesnake Tank (31.400654 N, 111.163470 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with another unnamed drainage (31.403615 N, 111.169213 W), a drainage distance of approximately 2,274 feet (693 meters).

(xiv) Map of Sycamore Canyon Unit follows:

(11) Peña Blanca Lake and Spring and Associated Tanks Unit, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

(i) Peña Blanca Lake (31.409091 N, 111.084971 W at the dam).

(ii) Peña Blanca Spring (31.388895 N, 111.092297 W).

(iii) Summit Reservoir (31.396565 N, 111.141347 W).

(iv) Tinker Tank (31.380107 N, 111.136359 W).

(v) Coyote Tank (31.369894 N, 111.150751 W).

(vi) Thumb Butte Tank (31.388426 N, 111.118105 W).

(vii) From Summit Reservoir directly southeast to a saddle on Summit Motorway (31.395580 N, 111.140552 W), then directly downslope to an unnamed drainage at (31.394133 N, 111.139450 W) and downstream in that drainage to its confluence with Alamo Canyon (31.384521 N, 111.121496 W), then downstream in Alamo Canyon to its confluence with Peña Blanca Canyon (31.388301 N, 111.093728 W), then downstream in Peña Blanca Canyon to Peña Blanca Lake (31.409091 N, 111.084971 W at the dam) to include Peña Blanca Spring (31.388895 N, 111.092297 W), a distance of approximately 4.44 drainage miles (7.10 kilometers) and 1,040 feet (317 meters) overland.

(viii) From Thumb Butte Tank (31.388426 N, 111.118105 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Alamo Canyon (31.385228 N, 111.112132 W), a distance of approximately 2,494 drainage feet (760 meters).

(ix) From Tinker Tank (31.380107 N, 111.136359 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Alamo Canyon (31.379693 N, 111.126053 W), then downstream in Alamo Canyon to the confluence with the drainage from Summit Reservoir (31.384521 N, 111.121496 W), a distance of approximately 1.55 drainage miles (2.50 kilometers).

(x) From Coyote Tank (31.369894 N, 111.150751 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Alamo Canyon (31.365839 N, 111.138388 W); then downstream in Alamo Canyon to the confluence with the drainage from Tinker Tank (31.379693 N, 111.126053 W), to include Alamo Spring (31.365993 N, 111.137171 W), a distance of approximately 3.09 drainage miles (4.97 kilometers).

(xi) Map of Peña Blanca Lake and Spring and Associated Tanks Unit follows:

(12) Florida Canyon Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Florida Canyon from a silted-in dam (31.759444 N, 110.844095 W) downstream to just east of the Florida Workstation entrance gate (31.763186 N, 110.845511 W), a distance of approximately 1,521 stream feet (463 meters).

(ii) Map of Florida Canyon Unit follows:

(13) Eastern Slope of the Santa Rita Mountains Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Two galvanized metal tanks in Louisiana Gulch (31.74865 N, 110.72839 W).

(ii) Greaterville Tank (31.767186 N, 110.759818 W).

(iii) Los Posos Gulch Tank (31.768587 N, 110.731583 W).

(iv) Upper Granite Mountain Tank (31.760914 N, 110.760186 W).

(v) From Los Posos Gulch Tank (31.768587 N, 110.731583 W) upstream to a saddle (31.771463 N, 110.748676 W); then downslope in an unnamed drainage to the confluence with another unnamed drainage (31.772830 N, 110.752727 W); then upstream and south in that drainage to a saddle (31.768245 N, 110.752891 W); then downslope in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Ophir Gulch (31.763978 N, 110.751312 W); then upstream in Ophir Gulch to Upper Granite Mountain Tank (31.760914 N, 110.760186 W), to include an ephemeral tank (31.761388 N, 110.759184 W) and a well (31.761584 N, 110.758169 W), a distance of approximately 2.59 drainage miles (4.17 kilometers) and 984 feet (300 meters) overland.

(vi) From Greaterville Tank (31.767186 N, 110.759818 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Ophir Gulch (31.763978 N, 110.751312 W), a distance of approximately 3,446 drainage feet (1,050 meters).

(vii) Louisiana Gulch from the metal tanks (31.74865 N, 110.72839 W) upstream to the confluence with an unnamed drainage (31.756493 N, 110.744175 W), then upstream in that drainage to its headwaters and across a saddle (31.759879 N, 110.748733 W) and downslope through an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Ophir Gulch (31.762953 N, 110.749329 W), then upstream in Ophir Gulch to the confluence with an unnamed drainage (31.763978 N, 110.751312 W), a distance of approximately 1.98 drainage miles (3.19 kilometers) and 327 feet (100 meters) overland.

(viii) Map of Eastern Slope of the Santa Rita Mountains Unit follows:

(14) Las Cienegas National Conservation Area Unit, Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Empire Gulch near Empire Ranch, beginning at a pipeline access road crossing (31.787054 N, 110.648665 W) and continuing downstream to its confluence with Cienega Creek (31.808988 N, 110.589795 W), a distance of approximately 5.08 stream miles (8.18 kilometers).

(ii) Cienega Creek from the Empire Gulch confluence (31.808988 N, 110.589795 W) upstream to the approximate end of the wetted reach and where the creek bends hard to the east (31.776478 N, 110.590382 W), to include Cinco Ponds (31.793066 N, 110.584422 W upstream to 31.788559 N, 110.584114 W), a distance of approximately 1.91 stream miles (3.08 kilometers).

(iii) Map of Las Cienegas National Conservation Area Unit follows:

(15) Scotia Canyon Unit, Cochise County, Arizona.

(i) Peterson Ranch Pond (31.457016 N, 110.397724 W).

(ii) Travertine Seep (31.453466 N, 110.399386 W).

(iii) Creek in Scotia Canyon from just east of Peterson Ranch Pond (31.455723 N, 110.396124 W) downstream to the confluence of an unnamed drainage and a sharp bend in the canyon to the south (31.447598 N, 110.409884 W), a distance of approximately 1.36 stream miles (2.19 kilometers).

(iv) Overland from Peterson Ranch Pond (31.457016 N, 110.397724 W) to the upper end of the Scotia Creek segment (31.455723 N, 110.396124 W), to include an ephemeral pond (31.456929 N, 110.397120 W), an overland distance of approximately 671 feet (205 meters).

(v) Overland from the Travertine Seep (31.453466 N, 110.399386 W) directly southeast to Scotia Creek (31.452720 N, 110.398117 W), an overland distance of approximately 348 feet (106 meters).

(vi) Map of Scotia Canyon Unit follows:

(16) Carr Barn Pond Unit, Cochise County, Arizona.

(i) Carr Barn Pond (31.452461 N, 110.250355 W).

(ii) Map of Carr Barn Pond Unit follows:

(17) Ramsey and Brown Canyons Unit, Cochise County, Arizona.

(i) Ramsey Canyon from the eastern boundary of The Nature Conservancy's Bledsoe Parcel in the Ramsey Canyon Preserve (31.448160 N, 110.306993 W) downstream to a dirt road crossing at the mouth of Ramsey Canyon (31.462315 N, 110.291248 W), excluding The Nature Conservancy's University of Toronto Parcel in the Ramsey Canyon Preserve, an approximate stream distance of 1.29 miles (2.08 kilometers).

(ii) Brown Canyon from The Box (31.456016 N, 110.323853 W) downstream to the Wild Duck Pond (31.475355 N, 110.297592 W) and House Pond (31.474068 N, 110.297565 W) on the former Barchas Ranch, an approximate drainage distance of 2.26 miles (3.64 kilometers).

(iii) From the dirt road crossing at the mouth of Ramsey Canyon (31.462315 N, 110.291248 W) directly overland to House Pond (31.474068 N, 110.297565 W) on the former Barchas Ranch, a distance of approximately 4,594 feet (1,400 meters).

(iv) Map of Ramsey and Brown Canyons Unit follows:

(18) Peloncillo Mountains Tanks Unit, Hidalgo County, New Mexico.

(i) Geronimo Tank (31.520685 N, 109.016775 W).

(ii) State Line Tank (31.498451 N, 109.044940 W).

(iii) Javelina Tank (31.484995 N, 109.024970 W).

(iv) Canoncito Ranch Tank (31.449553 N, 109.986836 W).

(v) Maverick Spring (31.469376 N, 109.011142 W).

(vi) Cloverdale Creek from the Canoncito Ranch Tank (31.449553 N, 109.986836 W) downstream, including the cienega, to rock pools (31.432972 N, 108.966535 W) about 630 feet downstream of the Cloverdale road crossing of Cloverdale Creek, excluding portions of Cloverdale Creek and the cienega within private lands of Canoncito Ranch, an approximate stream distance of 3,711 feet (1,131 meters).

(vii) From Geronimo Tank (31.520685 N, 109.016775 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Clanton Draw (31.520590 N, 109.012263 W), then upstream to the confluence with an unnamed drainage (31.515818 N, 109.018117 W), and upstream in that drainage to its headwaters (31.501854 N, 109.031898 W), across a mesa to the headwaters of an unnamed drainage (31.502220 N, 109.033839 W), then downslope through that drainage to State Line Tank (31.498451 N, 109.044940 W), an approximate drainage distance of 3.07 miles (4.94 kilometers) and 775 feet (236 meters) overland.

(viii) From State Line Tank upstream in an unnamed drainage to a mesa (31.488563 N, 109.036527 W), then directly overland to the headwaters of Cloverdale Creek (31.487477 N, 109.028002 W), and then downstream in Cloverdale Creek to Javelina Tank (31.484995 N, 109.024970 W), an approximate drainage distance of 1.40 miles (2.26 kilometers) and 2,245 feet (684 meters) overland.

(ix) From Javelina Tank (31.484995 N, 109.024970 W) downstream in Cloverdale Creek to the Canoncito Ranch Tank (31.449553 N, 109.986836 W), to include Maverick Spring (31.469376 N, 109.011142 W), and excluding portions of Cloverdale Creek within private lands of Canoncito Ranch, an approximate stream distance of 3.12 miles (5.02 kilometers).

(x) Map of Peloncillo Mountains Unit follows:

(19) Cave Creek Unit, Cochise County, Arizona.

(i) Herb Martyr Pond (31.87243 N, 109.23418 W).

(ii) John Hands Pond below the dam (31.87868 N, 109.20470 W).

(iii) Cave Creek from Herb Martyr Pond (31.87243 N, 109.23418 W) downstream to the U.S. Forest Service boundary (31.899659 N, 109.159987 W), to include John Hands Pond (31.87868 N, 109.20470 W), an approximate stream distance of 4.76 miles (7.67 kilometers).

(iv) Map of Cave Creek Unit follows:

(20) Leslie Creek Unit, Cochise County, Arizona.

(i) Leslie Creek from the upstream National Wildlife Refuge boundary (31.591072 N, 109.505311 W) downstream to the Leslie Canyon Road crossing (31.588510 N, 109.511598 W), an approximate stream distance of 4,094 feet (1,248 meters).

(ii) Map of Leslie Creek Unit follows:

(21) Deer Creek Unit, Graham County, Arizona.

(i) Home Ranch Tank (32.656879 N, 110.274556 W).

(ii) Penney Mine Tanks, which includes a series of 10 small impoundments in a drainage from approximately 32.668795 N, 110.257763 W downstream to 32.670055 N, 110.257310 W.

(iii) Clifford Tank (32.67130 N, 110.264877 W).

(iv) Vermont Tank (32.676883 N, 110.262404 W).

(v) Middle Tank (32.679691 N, 110.252180 W).

(vi) Deer Creek from a point where it exits a canyon and turns abruptly to the east (32.683937 N, 110.255290 W) upstream to its confluence with an unnamed drainage (32.673318 N, 110.262748 W); then upstream in that drainage to a confluence with four other drainages (32.671318 N, 110.262600 W); then upstream from that confluence in the western drainage to Clifford Tank (32.67130 N, 110.264877 W); then upstream from that confluence in the west-central drainage to an unnamed tank (32.666108 N, 110.269204 W); then directly overland southeast to another unnamed tank (32.665124 N, 110.265580 W); then downstream from that tank in an unnamed drainage to the aforementioned confluence (32.671318 N, 110.262600 W), and upstream in that unnamed drainage to a saddle (32.662529 N, 110.265717 W); then downstream from that saddle in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with an unnamed tributary to Gardner Creek (32.660409 N, 110.265303 W); and upstream in that unnamed tributary to Home Ranch Tank (32.656879 N, 110.274556 W), a distance of approximately 3.28 drainage miles (5.27 kilometers) and 1,216 feet (371 meters) overland.

(vii) From the largest of the Penney Mine Tanks (32.669696 N, 110.257652 W) directly overland to an unnamed tank (32.688150 N, 110.260309 W), and downstream in an unnamed drainage to the aforementioned confluence (32.671318 N, 110.262600 W), including another unnamed tank (32.669324 N, 110.261672 W) situated in that drainage, a distance of approximately 948 drainage feet (289 meters) and 1,051 feet (320 meters) overland.

(viii) From Vermont Tank (32.676883 N, 110.262404 W) directly overland for approximately 468 feet (143 meters) to Deer Creek (32.677037 N, 110.260815 W).

(ix) From Middle Tank (32.679691 N, 110.252180 W) upstream in an unnamed drainage to a saddle (32.677989 N, 110.256915 W), then directly downslope to Deer Creek (32.678307 N, 110.258257 W), an approximate drainage distance of 1,530 feet (466 meters) and 436 feet (133 meters) overland.

(x) Map of Deer Creek Unit follows:

(22) Oak Spring and Oak Creek Unit, Graham County, Arizona.

(i) Oak Creek from Oak Spring (32.673538 N, 110.293214 W) downstream to where a hiking trail intersects the creek (32.682618 N, 110.283915 W), an approximate stream distance of 1.06 miles (1.71 kilometers).

(ii) Map of Oak Spring and Oak Creek Unit follows:

(23) Dragoon Mountains Unit, Cochise County, Arizona.

(i) Shaw Tank (31.906230 N, 109.958350 W).

(ii) Tunnel Spring (31.881018 N, 109.948182 W).

(iii) Halfmoon Tank (31.912453 N, 109.977963 W).

(iv) Stronghold Canyon from Halfmoon Tank (31.912453 N, 109.977963 W) downstream to Cochise Spring (31.912026 N, 109.963266 W), then upstream in an unnamed canyon to Shaw Tank (31.906230 N, 109.958350 W), and continuing upstream to the headwaters of that unnamed canyon (31.898491 N, 109.956589 W), then across a saddle and directly downslope to Middlemarch Canyon (31.894591 N, 109.956429 W), downstream in Middlemarch Canyon to its confluence with an unnamed drainage (31.883322 N, 109.949925 W), then upstream in that drainage to Tunnel Spring (31.881018 N, 109.948182 W), an approximate distance of 3.71 drainage miles (5.97 kilometers) and 1,300 feet (396 meters) overland.

(v) Map of Dragoon Mountains Unit follows:

(24) Buckskin Hills Unit, Yavapai County, Arizona.

(i) Sycamore Basin Tank (34.481619 N, 111.641676 W).

(ii) Middle Tank (34.473076 N, 111.624488 W).

(iii) Walt's Tank (34.455959 N, 111.638497 W).

(iv) Partnership Tank (34.452241 N, 111.646271 W).

(v) Black Tank (34.462968 N, 111.623554 W).

(vi) Buckskin Tank (34.472660 N, 111.652468 W).

(vii) Doren's Defeat Tank (34.446271 N, 111.641269 W).

(viii) Needed Tank (34.461023 N, 111.631271 W).

(ix) From Middle Tank (34.473076 N, 111.624488 W) downstream in Boulder Canyon to its confluence with an unnamed drainage that comes in from the northwest (34.455688 N, 111.625895 W), to include Black Tank (34.462968 N, 111.623554 W); then upstream in that unnamed drainage to a saddle (34.464120 N, 111.633633 W), to include Needed Tank (34.461023 N, 111.631271 W); then downstream from the saddle in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with another unnamed drainage (34.466209 N, 111.636096); then downstream in that drainage to the confluence with an unnamed drainage (34.450688 N, 111.638111 W), to include Walt's Tank (34.455959 N, 111.638497 W), and upstream in that unnamed drainage to Partnership Tank (34.452241 N, 111.646271 W); then upstream from the aforementioned confluence (34.466209 N, 111.636096) in the unnamed drainage that includes Walt's Tank to a point where the drainage turns east towards Boulder Canyon (34.469911 N, 111.630080 W), an approximate distance of 3.65 drainage miles (5.87 kilometers) and 425 feet (130 meters) overland.

(x) From Doren's Defeat Tank (34.446271 N, 111.641269 W) upstream in an unnamed drainage to Partnership Tank (34.452241 N, 111.646271 W), an approximate drainage distance of 3,310 feet (1,009 meters).

(xi) From the confluence of an unnamed drainage with Boulder Canyon (34.469515 N, 111.624979 W) west to a point where the drainage turns southwest (34.469911 N, 111.630080 W), then directly overland to the top of Sycamore Basin (34.473970 N, 111.633584 W), and then downstream in Sycamore Basin to Sycamore Basin Tank (34.481619 N, 111.641676 W), an approximate distance of 4,658 drainage feet (1,420 meters) and 1,827 feet (557 meters) overland.

(xii) From Buckskin Tank upstream in an unnamed drainage to the top of that drainage (34.465121 N, 111.641428 W), then directly overland to an unnamed drainage (34.462851 N, 111.637797 W) that contains Walt's Tank, an approximate distance of 1,109 drainage feet (338 meters) and 1,429 feet (435 meters) overland.

(xiii) Map of Buckskin Hills Unit follows:

(25) Crouch, Gentry, and Cherry Creeks, and Parallel Canyon Unit, Gila County, Arizona.

(i) Trail Tank (34.176747 N, 110.812383 W).

(ii) HY Tank (34.148580 N, 110.831331 W).

(iii) Carroll Spring (34.133090 N, 110.838673 W).

(iv) West Prong of Gentry Creek from the confluence with an unnamed drainage (34.133243 N, 110.827755 W) downstream to a point (34.123475 N, 110.827872 W) where the creek turns southwest and is directly east of a saddle, then west overland across that saddle to Cunningham Spring (34.121883 N, 110.841424 W), an approximate distance of 3,837 drainage feet (1,169 meters) and 1,883 feet (574 meters) overland.

(v) Pine Spring (34.148580 N, 110.831331 W).

(vi) Bottle Spring (34.145180 N, 110.837515 W).

(vii) Cherry Creek from Rock Spring (34.155505 N, 110.852478 W) upstream to its confluence with an unnamed drainage (34.166956 N, 110.815587 W), then upstream in that drainage and across a saddle (34.176129 N, 110.808920 W), then downstream in an unnamed drainage to Trail Tank (34.176747 N, 110.812383 W), an approximate distance of 3.77 drainage miles (6.07 kilometers) and 975 feet (297 meters) overland.

(viii) Crouch Creek from its headwaters just south of Highway 288 (34.143151 N, 110.836876 W) downstream to an unnamed drainage leading to Pine Spring (34.102235 N, 110.864341 W), to include Cunningham Spring and Carroll Spring; then upstream in that unnamed drainage from Crouch Creek to Pine Spring (34.148580 N, 110.831331 W), an approximate drainage distance of 5.48 miles (8.82 kilometers).

(ix) From HY Tank (34.176747 N, 110.812383 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Cherry Creek (34.154309 N, 110.85077 W), to include Bottle Spring (34.145180 N, 110.837515 W), an approximate stream distance of 1.66 miles (2.67 kilometers).

(x) From Bottle Spring (34.145180 N, 110.837515 W) south over a low saddle to the headwaters of Crouch Creek (34.143151 N, 110.836876 W), an approximate distance of 762 feet (232 meters) overland.

(xi) Map of Crouch, Gentry, and Cherry Creeks, and Parallel Canyon Unit follows:

(26) Ellison and Lewis Creeks Unit, Gila County, Arizona.

(i) Moore Saddle Tank #2 (34.374063 N, 111.205040 W).

(ii) Low Tank (34.36768 N, 111.19347 W).

(iii) Unnamed tributary to Ellison Creek from its confluence with an unnamed drainage (34.371458 N, 111.169111 W) downstream to Ellison Creek below Pyle Ranch (34.364667 N, 111.179966 W), then directly west across the Ellison Creek floodplain and over a low saddle to Lewis Creek below Pyle Ranch (34.364391 N, 111.186742 W), then downstream in Lewis Creek to its confluence with an unnamed drainage (34.354912 N, 111.192547 W), and then upstream in that unnamed drainage to Low Tank (34.36768 N, 111.19347 W), an approximate distance of 2.52 drainage miles (4.05 kilometers) and 1,070 feet (326 meters) overland.

(iv) Map of Ellison and Lewis Creeks Unit follows:

(27) Concho Bill and Deer Creek Unit, Apache County, Arizona.

(i) From Concho Bill Spring (33.830088 N, 109.366540 W) downstream in Deer Creek to its confluence with an unnamed drainage (33.827115 N, 109.359495 W), an approximate drainage distance of 2,667 feet (813 meters).

(ii) Map of Concho Bill and Deer Creek Unit follows:

(28) Campbell Blue and Coleman Creeks Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona.

(i) Campbell Blue Creek from the upstream boundary of Luce Ranch (33.735956 N, 109.127746 W) upstream to its confluence with Coalman Creek (33.738560 N, 109158679 W), an approximate stream distance of 2.04 miles (3.28 kilometers).

(ii) Coleman Creek from its confluence with Campbell Blue Creek (33.738560 N, 109158679 W) upstream to its confluence with Canyon Creek (33.750139 N, 109.168850 W), an approximate stream distance of 1.04 miles (1.68 kilometers).

(iii) Map of Campbell Blue and Coleman Creeks Unit follows:

(29) Kerr Canyon Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) From Kerr Spring (33.900561 N, 108.664732 W) downstream in unnamed drainage in Kerr Canyon to Kerr Canyon Pond (33.649088 N, 108.517011 W), a distance of approximately 0.98 drainage miles (1.58 km).

(ii) Map of Kerr Canyon Unit follows:

(30) Tularosa River Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Tularosa River from the upper end of Tularosa Spring (33.903798 N, 108.501926 W) downstream to the entrance to the canyon downstream of Hell Hole (33.762737 N, 108.681551 W), an approximate river distance of 19.31 miles (31.08 kilometers).

(ii) Map of Tularosa River Unit follows:

(31) Deep Creek Divide Area Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Long Mesa Tank (33.551664 N, 108.686841 W).

(ii) Cullum Tank (33.554864 N, 108.676961 W).

(iii) Burro Tank (33.571146 N, 108.638682 W).

(iv) North Fork of Negrito Creek from its confluence with South Fork of Negrito Creek (33.607082 N, 108.631340 W) upstream to its confluence with an unnamed drainage (33.612529 N, 108.614731 W), an approximate stream distance of 1.37 miles (2.20 kilometers).

(v) South Fork of Negrito Creek from its confluence with North Fork of Negrito Creek (33.607082 N, 108.631340 E) upstream to an impoundment (33.599047 N, 108.621300 W), including three other impoundments along the channel (33.601890 N, 108.622227 W; 33.602845 N, 108.622764 W; and 33.603810 N, 108.623971 W), an approximate stream distance of 4,821 feet (1,469 meters).

(vi) From Burro Tank (33.571146 N, 108.638682 W) downstream in Burro Canyon to Negrito Creek (22.609589 N, 108.638448 W), then upstream in Negrito Creek to the confluence of North and South Forks of Negrito Creeks (33.607082 N, 108.631340 W), an approximate stream distance of 3.80 miles (6.12 kilometers).

(vii) From Long Mesa Tank (33.551664 N, 108.686841 W) directly overland and east to Shotgun Canyon (33.550816 N, 108.681110 W), then downstream in that canyon to Cullum Tank (33.554864 N, 108.676961 W), an approximate distance of 2,003 drainage feet (610 meters) and 1,801 feet (549 meters) overland.

(viii) From Cullum Tank (33.554864 N, 108.676961 W) downstream in Shotgun and Bull Basin Canyons to a confluence with an unnamed drainage (33.581626 N, 108.663624 W), then upstream in that drainage to the confluence with a minor drainage leading off Rainy Mesa from the east-northeast (33.567121 N, 108.646776 W), then upstream in that drainage and directly east-northeast across Rainy Mesa to Burro Tank (33.571146 N, 108.638682 W), an approximate distance of 3.88 drainage miles (6.24 kilometers) and 1,863 feet (568 meters) overland.

(ix) Map of Deep Creek Divide Area Unit follows:

(32) West Fork Gila River Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) From Turkeyfeather Spring (33.337486 N, 108.528607 W) downstream in Turkeyfeather Creek to its confluence with West Fork Gila River (33.32593 N, 108.517011 W), then downstream and southeast in West Fork Gila River to its confluence with White Creek (33.3274675 N, 108.4925 W), a distance of approximately 6.97 drainage miles (11.22 km).

(ii) Map of West Fork Gila River Unit follows:

(33) Main Diamond Creek Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Main Diamond Creek, from the downstream boundary of Links Ranch (33.269512 N, 108.105542 W) downstream to the confluence with an unnamed drainage that comes in from the south, which is also where Main Diamond Creek enters a canyon (33.264514 N, 108.116019 W), an approximate stream distance of 3,980 feet (1,213 meters).

(ii) Map of Main Diamond Creek Unit follows:

(34) Beaver Creek Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Beaver Creek from an unnamed warm spring (33.380952 N, 108.111761 W) downstream to its confluence with Taylor Creek (33.334694 N, 108.101543 W), an approximate stream distance of 5.59 miles (8.89 kilometers).

(ii) Map of Beaver Creek Unit follows:

(35) Left Prong of Dix Creek Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona.

(i) Left prong of Dix Creek from an unnamed warm spring (33.179413 N, 109.149176 W) above “The Hole” downstream to its confluence with the right prong of Dix Creek (33.186657 N, 109.157754 W), an approximate stream distance of 4,248 feet (1,295 meters).

(ii) Map of Left Prong of Dix Creek Unit follows:

(36) Rattlesnake Pasture Tank and Associated Tanks Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona.

(i) Rattlesnake Pasture Tank (33.093987 N, 109.151714 W).

(ii) Rattlesnake Gap Tank (33.098497 N, 109.162152 W).

(iii) Buckhorn Tank (33.105613 N, 109.155506 W).

(iv) From Rattlesnake Pasture Tank (33.093987 N, 109.151714 W) downstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with Red Tank Canyon (33.109603 N, 109.155549 W), to include Buckhorn Tank (33.105613 N, 109.155506 W); then upstream in Red Tank Canyon to Rattlesnake Gap Tank (33.098497 N, 109.162152 W), an approximate drainage distance of 2.27 miles (3.65 kilometers).

(v) From Rattlesnake Gap Tank (33.098497 N, 109.162152 W) upstream in an unnamed drainage to its confluence with a minor drainage (33.090898 N, 109.155386 W), then directly upslope to a saddle (33.091771 N, 109.152380), and across that saddle and directly downslope to Rattlesnake Pasture Tank (33.093987 N, 109.151714 W), an approximate distance of 3,722 drainage feet (1,134 meters) and 1,645 feet (501 meters) overland.

(vi) Map of Rattlesnake Pasture Tank and Associated Tanks Unit follows:

(37) Coal Creek Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona.

(i) Coal Creek from the Highway 78 crossing (33.103667 N, 109.062458 W) downstream to the confluence with an unnamed drainage (33.110025 N, 109.065847 W), an approximate stream distance of 3,447 feet (1,051 meters).

(ii) Map of Coal Creek Unit follows:

(38) Blue Creek Unit, Grant County, New Mexico.

(i) Blue Creek from just east of a corral on private lands (32.848702 N, 108.835761 W) downstream to its confluence with an unnamed drainage that comes in from the east (32.825785 N, 108.824742 W), an approximate stream distance of 2.37 miles (3.81 kilometers).

(ii) Map of Blue Creek Unit follows:

(39) South Fork Palomas Creek Unit, Sierra County, New Mexico.

(i) From the confluence of an unnamed tributary in Wagonbed Canyon and South Fork Palomas Creek (33.164592 N, 107.723155 W), downstream in South Fork Palomas Creek to its confluence with an unnamed tributary in Dark Canyon (33.167074 N, 107.68853 W), excluding the portions of South Fork Palomas Creek on privately owned lands of the Ladder Ranch, a distance of approximately 2.32 drainage miles (3.73 km).

(ii) Map of South Fork Palomas Creek Unit follows:

(40) Seco Creek Unit, Sierra County, New Mexico.

(i) North Seco Creek from Sawmill Well (33.112052 N, 107.760165 W) downstream to the private land boundary of the Ladder Ranch (33.112689 N, 107.709554 W), to include Sawmill Well (33.112052 N, 107.760165 W), Sucker Ledge (33.113545 N, 107.747370 W), and Davis Well (33.112421 N 107.728650 W), an approximate drainage distance of 3.32 miles (5.35 kilometers).

(ii) Map of Seco Creek Unit follows:

(41) Alamosa Warm Springs Unit, Socorro County, New Mexico.

(i) From the confluence of Wildhorse Canyon and Alamosa Creek (33.570315 N, 107.608474 W) downstream in Alamosa Creek to the confluence with an unnamed drainage that comes in from the north (33.569199 N, 107.577137 W), to include Alamosa Warm Springs (33.572365 N, 107.600153 W), an approximate stream distance of 4,974 feet (1,516 meters).

(ii) Map of Alamosa Warm Springs Unit follows:

(42) Cuchillo Negro Warm Springs and Creek Unit, Sierra County, New Mexico.

(i) From the upper of the two Cuchillo Negro Warm Springs (33.268403 N, 107.563619 W) downstream in Cuchillo Negro Creek to its confluence with an unnamed drainage that comes in from the north (33.271386 N, 107.557843 W), excluding the portions of Cuchillo Negro Creek on privately owned lands, an approximate stream distance of 2,518 feet (768 meters).

(ii) Map of Cuchillo Negro Warm Springs and Creek Unit follows:

(43) Ash and Bolton Springs Unit, Grant County, New Mexico.

(i) Ash Spring (32.715625 N, 108.071980 W).

(ii) Unnamed spring in Bolton Canyon locally known as Bolton Springs (32.713419 N, 108.099679 W).

(iii) From the spring box at Ash Spring (32.715625 N, 108.071980 W) downstream to a dirt road crossing of the drainage (32.708769 N, 108.073579 W), an approximate stream distance of 2,830 feet (863 meters).

(iv) From the ruins of a house in the Ash Spring drainage (32.714562 N, 108.072542 W) west to a low saddle (32.714373 N, 108.075263 W) and directly downslope into an unnamed drainage (32.713983 N, 108.076665 W), then downstream in that drainage to its confluence with another unnamed drainage (32.712829 N, 108.078131 W), then downstream in that unnamed drainage to its confluence with another unnamed drainage (32.708210 N, 108.086360 W), then upstream in that unnamed drainage to the top of that drainage (32.715476 N, 108.087719 W) and directly downslope and west to another unnamed drainage (32.715207 N, 108.092094 W), then downstream in that unnamed drainage to its confluence with Bolton Canyon (32.707844 N, 108.099267 W), and then upstream in Bolton Canyon to the locally known Bolton Springs (32.713419 N, 108.099679 W), an approximate distance of 2.41 drainage miles (3.87 kilometers) and 2,650 feet (808 meters) overland.

(v) Map of Ash and Bolton Springs Unit follows:

(44) Mimbres River Unit, Grant County, New Mexico.

(i) The Mimbres River from the northern boundary of The Nature Conservancy's Mimbres River Preserve property (32.912474 N, 108.004529 W) downstream to its confluence with Bear Canyon (32.883926 N, 107.988252 W), to include Moreno Spring (32.887107 N, 107.989492 W) and ponds at Milagros Ranch, an approximate river distance of 2.42 miles (3.89 kilometers).

(ii) The Mimbres River from the bridge just west of the town of San Lorenzo (32.808190 N, 107.924589 W) downstream to its intersection with the southern boundary of The Nature Conservancy's Disert property near Faywood (32.743884 N, 107.880297 W), an approximate river distance of 5.82 miles (9.36 kilometers).

(iii) Map of Mimbres River Unit follows:

Dusky Gopher Frog (Rana sevosa)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, and Forrest, Harrison, Jackson, and Perry Counties in Mississippi, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the dusky gopher frog are:

(i) Ephemeral wetland habitat. Breeding ponds, geographically isolated from other waterbodies and embedded in forests historically dominated by longleaf pine communities, that are small (generally <0.4 to 4.0 hectares (<1 to 10 acres)), ephemeral, and acidic. Specific conditions necessary in breeding ponds to allow for successful reproduction of dusky gopher frogs are:

(A) An open canopy with emergent herbaceous vegetation for egg attachment;

(B) An absence of large, predatory fish that prey on frog larvae;

(C) Water quality such that frogs, their eggs, or larvae are not exposed to pesticides or chemicals and sediment associated with road runoff; and

(D) Surface water that lasts for a minimum of 195 days during the breeding season to allow a sufficient period for larvae to hatch, mature, and metamorphose.

(ii) Upland forested nonbreeding habitat. Forests historically dominated by longleaf pine, adjacent to and accessible to and from breeding ponds, that are maintained by fires frequent enough to support an open canopy and abundant herbaceous ground cover and gopher tortoise burrows, small mammal burrows, stump holes, or other underground habitat that the dusky gopher frog depends upon for food, shelter, and protection from the elements and predation.

(iii) Upland connectivity habitat. Accessible upland habitat between breeding and nonbreeding habitats to allow for dusky gopher frog movements between and among such sites. This habitat is characterized by an open canopy, abundant native herbaceous species, and a subsurface structure that provides shelter for dusky gopher frogs during seasonal movements, such as that created by deep litter cover, clumps of grass, or burrows.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Data layers defining map units were developed from USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of the critical habitat units for the dusky gopher frog follows:

(6) Unit 1: St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Harrison County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units 2 and 3 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Harrison County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7)(iii) of this entry.

(9) Unit 4: Jackson County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units 4, 5, and 6 follows:

(10) Unit 5: Jackson County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (9)(iii) of this entry.

(11) Unit 6: Jackson County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (9)(iii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 7: Jackson County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

(13) Unit 8: Forrest County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units 8 and 9 follows:

(14) Unit 9: Forrest County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 9 is provided at paragraph (13)(ii) of this entry.

(15) Unit 10: Perry County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Units 10, 11, and 12 follows:

(16) Unit 11: Perry County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 11 is provided at paragraph (15)(ii) of this entry.

(17) Unit 12: Perry County, Mississippi.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 12 is provided at paragraph (15)(ii) of this entry.

Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana muscosa), Northern California DPS

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Fresno, Inyo and Tulare Counties, California, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the northern DPS of the mountain yellow-legged frog consist of:

(i) Aquatic habitat for breeding and rearing. Habitat that consists of permanent water bodies, or those that are either hydrologically connected with, or close to, permanent water bodies, including, but not limited to, lakes, streams, rivers, tarns, perennial creeks (or permanent plunge pools within intermittent creeks), pools (such as a body of impounded water contained above a natural dam), and other forms of aquatic habitat. This habitat must:

(A) For lakes, be of sufficient depth not to freeze solid (to the bottom) during the winter (no less than 1.7 meters (m) (5.6 feet (ft)), but generally greater than 2.5 m (8.2 ft), and optimally 5 m (16.4 ft) or deeper (unless some other refuge from freezing is available)).

(B) Maintain a natural flow pattern, including periodic flooding, and have functional community dynamics in order to provide sufficient productivity and a prey base to support the growth and development of rearing tadpoles and metamorphs.

(C) Be free of introduced predators.

(D) Maintain water during the entire tadpole growth phase (a minimum of 2 years). During periods of drought, these breeding sites may not hold water long enough for individuals to complete metamorphosis, but they may still be considered essential breeding habitat if they provide sufficient habitat in most years to foster recruitment within the reproductive lifespan of individual adult frogs.

(E) Contain:

(1) Bank and pool substrates consisting of varying percentages of soil or silt, sand, gravel, cobble, rock, and boulders (for basking and cover);

(2) Shallower microhabitat with solar exposure to warm lake areas and to foster primary productivity of the food web;

(3) Open gravel banks and rocks or other structures projecting above or just beneath the surface of the water for adult sunning posts;

(4) Aquatic refugia, including pools with bank overhangs, downfall logs or branches, or rocks and vegetation to provide cover from predators; and

(5) Sufficient food resources to provide for tadpole growth and development.

(ii) Aquatic nonbreeding habitat (including overwintering habitat). This habitat may contain the same characteristics as aquatic breeding and rearing habitat (often at the same locale), and may include lakes, ponds, tarns, streams, rivers, creeks, plunge pools within intermittent creeks, seeps, and springs that may not hold water long enough for the species to complete its aquatic life cycle. This habitat provides for shelter, foraging, predator avoidance, and aquatic dispersal of juvenile and adult mountain yellow-legged frogs. Aquatic nonbreeding habitat contains:

(A) Bank and pool substrates consisting of varying percentages of soil or silt, sand, gravel, cobble, rock, and boulders (for basking and cover);

(B) Open gravel banks and rocks projecting above or just beneath the surface of the water for adult sunning posts;

(C) Aquatic refugia, including pools with bank overhangs, downfall logs or branches, or rocks and vegetation to provide cover from predators;

(D) Sufficient food resources to support juvenile and adult foraging;

(E) Overwintering refugia, where thermal properties of the microhabitat protect hibernating life stages from winter freezing, such as crevices or holes within bedrock, in and near shore; and/or

(F) Streams, stream reaches, or wet meadow habitats that can function as corridors for movement between aquatic habitats used as breeding or foraging sites.

(iii) Upland areas.

(A) Upland areas adjacent to or surrounding breeding and nonbreeding aquatic habitat that provide area for feeding and movement by mountain yellow-legged frogs.

(1) For stream habitats, this area extends 25 m (82 ft) from the bank or shoreline.

(2) In areas that contain riparian habitat and upland vegetation (for example, mixed conifer, ponderosa pine, montane conifer, and montane riparian woodlands), the canopy overstory should be sufficiently thin (generally not to exceed 85 percent) to allow sunlight to reach the aquatic habitat and thereby provide basking areas for the species.

(3) For areas between proximate (within 300 m (984 ft)) water bodies (typical of some high mountain lake habitats), the upland area extends from the bank or shoreline between such water bodies.

(4) Within mesic habitats such as lake and meadow systems, the entire area of physically contiguous or proximate habitat is suitable for dispersal and foraging.

(B) Upland areas (catchments) adjacent to and surrounding both breeding and nonbreeding aquatic habitat that provide for the natural hydrologic regime (water quantity) of aquatic habitats. These upland areas should also allow for the maintenance of sufficient water quality to provide for the various life stages of the frog and its prey base.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries of designated critical habitat on September 26, 2016.

(4) Critical habitat map units. The critical habitat subunit maps were originally created using ESRI's ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.1 software and then exported as .emf files. All maps are in the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 10N. The California County Boundaries dataset (Teale Data Center), and the USA Minor Highways, USA Major Roads, and USA Rivers and Streams layers (ESRI's 2010 StreetMap Data) were incorporated as base layers to assist in the geographic location of the critical habitat subunits. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2012-0074, on our Internet site (, and at the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way Room W-2605, Sacramento, CA 95825.

(5) Index map for northern DPS of the mountain yellow-legged frog critical habitat follows:

(6) Unit 4 (Subunits 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D), Fresno, Inyo, and Tulare Counties, California. Map follows:

(7) Unit 5 (Subunits 5A, 5B, 5C), Tulare and Inyo Counties, California. Map follows:

Mountain Yellow-legged Frog (Rana muscosa), Southern California DPS

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the mountain yellow-legged frog are:

(i) Water source(s) found between 1,214 to 7,546 ft (370 to 2,300 m) in elevation that are permanent. Water sources include, but are not limited to, streams, rivers, perennial creeks (or permanent plunge pools within intermittent creeks), pools (i.e., a body of impounded water that is contained above a natural dam), and other forms of aquatic habitat. The water source should maintain a natural flow pattern including periodic natural flooding. Aquatic habitats that are used by mountain yellow-legged frog for breeding purposes must maintain water during the entire tadpole growth phase, which can be up to 2 years duration. During periods of drought, or less than average rainfall, these breeding sites may not hold water long enough for individuals to complete metamorphosis, but they would still be considered essential breeding habitat in wetter years. Further, the aquatic habitat includes:

(A) Bank and pool substrates consisting of varying percentages of soil or silt, sand, gravel cobble, rock, and boulders;

(B) Open gravel banks and rocks projecting above or just beneath the surface of the water for sunning posts;

(C) Aquatic refugia, including pools with bank overhangs, downfall logs or branches, and/or rocks to provide cover from predators; and

(D) Streams or stream reaches between known occupied sites that can function as corridors for adults and frogs for movement between aquatic habitats used as breeding and/or foraging sites.

(ii) Riparian habitat and upland vegetation (e.g., ponderosa pine, montane hardwood-conifer, montane riparian woodlands, and chaparral) extending 262 feet (80 m) from each side of the centerline of each identified stream and its tributaries, that provides areas for feeding and movement of mountain yellow-legged frog, with a canopy overstory not exceeding 85 percent that allows sunlight to reach the stream and thereby provides basking areas for the species.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the southern California DPS of the mountain yellow-legged frog (Map 1) follows:

(5) Unit 1: San Gabriel Mountains Unit, Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Crystal Lake, Cucamonga Peak, Mount San Antonio Valyermo, and Waterman Mountain, California.

(i) Subunit 1A: San Gabriel River, East Fork Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 1A is located at paragraph (5)(vi)(B) of this section.

(ii) Subunit 1B: Big Rock Creek, South Fork, Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 1B is located at paragraph (5)(vi)(B) of this entry.

(iii) Subunit 1C: Little Rock Creek, Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 1C is located at paragraph (5)(vi)(B) of this entry.

(iv) Subunit 1D: Devil's Canyon, Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 1D is located at paragraph (5)(vi)(B) of this entry.

(v) Subunit 1F: San Gabriel River, East Fork, Iron Fork, Los Angeles County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 1F is located at paragraph (5)(vi)(B) of this entry.

(vi) Subunit 1G: Bear Creek, Angeles National Forest, Los Angeles County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Unit 1, with subunits 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1F, and 1G (Map 2), follows:

(vii) Subunit 1E: Day Canyon, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of subunit 1E (Map 3) follows:

(6) Unit 2: San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Big Bear Lake, Catclaw Flat and Harrison Mountain, California.

(i) Subunit 2A: City Creek, East and West Forks, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California.

(A) Subunit 2A excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N):

(1) 483700, 3785100; 483800, 3785100; 483800, 3785000; 483700, 3785000; 483700, 3785100.

(2) 483100, 3782700; 483600, 3782700; 483600, 3782600; 483500, 3782600; 483500, 3782500; 483400, 3782500; 483400, 3782400; 483300, 3782400; 483300, 3782300; 483200, 3782300; 483200, 3782100; 483100, 3782100; 483100, 3782700.

(3) 483000, 3781800; 483100, 3781800; 483100, 3781500; 483000, 3781500; 483000, 3781800.

(B) Map of subunit 2A (Map 4) follows:

(ii) Subunit 2B: Barton Creek, East Fork, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 2B is located at paragraph (6)(iii)(B) of this entry.

(iii) Subunit 2C: Whitewater River, North Fork, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of subunits 2B and 2C (Map 5) follows:

(7) Unit 3: San Jacinto Mountains, San Bernardino National Forest, Riverside County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Lake Fulmor, Palm Springs and San Jacinto Peak, California

(i) Subunit 3A: San Jacinto River, North Fork, San Bernardino National Forest, Riverside County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 3A is located at paragraph (7)(iv)(B) of this entry.

(ii) Subunit 3B: Indian Creek at Hall Canyon, San Bernardino National Forest, Riverside County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 3B is located at paragraph (7)(iv)(B) of this entry.

(iii) Subunit 3C: Tahquitz Creek, San Bernardino National Forest, Riverside County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting subunit 3C is located at paragraph (7)(iv)(B) of this entry.

(iv) Subunit 3D: Andreas Creek, San Bernardino National Forest, Riverside County, California.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Unit 3, with Subunits 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D (Map 6), follows:

Oregon Spotted Frog (Rana pretiosa)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Klickitat, Skagit, Skamania, Thurston, and Whatcom Counties in Washington and Deschutes, Jackson, Klamath, Lane, and Wasco Counties in Oregon, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the PCEs of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Oregon spotted frog consist of three components:

(i) Primary constituent element 1. - Nonbreeding (N), Breeding (B), Rearing (R), and Overwintering (O) Habitat. Ephemeral or permanent bodies of fresh water, including, but not limited to, natural or manmade ponds, springs, lakes, slow-moving streams, or pools within or oxbows adjacent to streams, canals, and ditches, that have one or more of the following characteristics:

(A) Inundated for a minimum of 4 months per year (B, R) (timing varies by elevation but may begin as early as February and last as long as September);

(B) Inundated from October through March (O);

(C) If ephemeral, areas are hydrologically connected by surface water flow to a permanent water body (e.g., pools, springs, ponds, lakes, streams, canals, or ditches) (B, R);

(D) Shallow-water areas (less than or equal to 12 inches (30 centimeters), or water of this depth over vegetation in deeper water (B, R);

(E) Total surface area with less than 50 percent vegetative cover (N);

(F) Gradual topographic gradient (less than 3 percent slope) from shallow water toward deeper, permanent water (B, R);

(G) Herbaceous wetland vegetation (i.e., emergent, submergent, and floating-leaved aquatic plants), or vegetation that can structurally mimic emergent wetland vegetation through manipulation (B, R);

(H) Shallow-water areas with high solar exposure or low (short) canopy cover (B, R); and

(I) An absence or low density of nonnative predators (B, R, N).

(ii) Primary constituent element 2. - Aquatic movement corridors. Ephemeral or permanent bodies of fresh water that have one or more of the following characteristics:

(A) Less than or equal to 3.1 miles (5 kilometers) linear distance from breeding areas; and

(B) Impediment free (including, but not limited to, hard barriers such as dams, impassable culverts, lack of water, or biological barriers such as abundant predators, or lack of refugia from predators).

(iii) Primary constituent element 3. - Refugia habitat. Nonbreeding, breeding, rearing, or overwintering habitat or aquatic movement corridors with habitat characteristics (e.g., dense vegetation and/or an abundance of woody debris) that provide refugia from predators (e.g., nonnative fish or bullfrogs).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on June 10, 2016.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created from 2010-2013 aerial photography from USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site, (, at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0088, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Lower Chilliwack River, Whatcom County, Washington. Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: South Fork Nooksack River, Whatcom County, Washington. Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Samish River, Whatcom and Skagit Counties, Washington. Map of Unit 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: Black River, Thurston County, Washington. Map of Unit 4 follows:

(10) Unit 5: White Salmon River, Skamania and Klickitat Counties, Washington. Map of Unit 5 follows:

(11) Unit 6: Middle Klickitat River, Klickitat County, Washington. Map of Unit 6 follows:

(12) Unit 7: Lower Deschutes River, Wasco County, Oregon. Map of Unit 7 follows:

(13) Unit 8A: Upper Deschutes River, Subunit: Below Wickiup Dam, Oregon.

(i) Map 1 of 2, Upper Deschutes River, Below Wickiup Dam, Deschutes County, Oregon. Map 1 of 2 of Unit 8A follows:

(ii) Map 2 of 2, Upper Deschutes River, Below Wickiup Dam, Deschutes County, Oregon. Map 2 of 2 of Unit 8A follows:

(14) Unit 8B: Upper Deschutes River, Subunit: Above Wickiup Dam, Oregon.

(i) Map 1 of 2, Upper Deschutes River, Above Wickiup Dam, Deschutes and Klamath Counties, Oregon. Map 1 of 2 of Unit 8B follows:

(ii) Map 2 of 2, Upper Deschutes River, Above Wickiup Dam, Deschutes and Klamath Counties, Oregon. Map 2 of 2 of Unit 8B follows:

(15) Unit 9: Little Deschutes River, Deschutes and Klamath Counties, Oregon.

(i) Map 1 of 3, Little Deschutes River, Deschutes and Klamath Counties, Oregon. Map 1 of 3 of Unit 9 follows:

(ii) Map 2 of 3, Little Deschutes River, Deschutes and Klamath Counties, Oregon. Map 2 of 3 of Unit 9 follows:

(iii) Map 3 of 3, Little Deschutes River, Deschutes and Klamath Counties, Oregon. Map 3 of 3 of Unit 9 follows:

(16) Unit 10: McKenzie River, Lane County, Oregon. Map of Unit 10 follows:

(17) Unit 11: Middle Fork Willamette River, Lane County, Oregon. Map of Unit 11 follows:

(18) Unit 12: Williamson River, Klamath County, Oregon. Map of Unit 12 follows:

(19) Unit 13: Upper Klamath Lake, Klamath County, Oregon. Map of Unit 13 follows:

(20) Unit 14: Upper Klamath, Jackson and Klamath Counties, Oregon. Map of Unit 14 follows:

Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana sierrae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Lassen, Plumas, Sierra, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, Amador, Alpine, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Mono, Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, and Inyo Counties, California, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog consist of:

(i) Aquatic habitat for breeding and rearing. Habitat that consists of permanent water bodies, or those that are either hydrologically connected with, or close to, permanent water bodies, including, but not limited to, lakes, streams, rivers, tarns, perennial creeks (or permanent plunge pools within intermittent creeks), pools (such as a body of impounded water contained above a natural dam), and other forms of aquatic habitat. This habitat must:

(A) For lakes, be of sufficient depth not to freeze solid (to the bottom) during the winter (no less than 1.7 meters (m) (5.6 feet (ft)), but generally greater than 2.5 m (8.2 ft), and optimally 5 m (16.4 ft) or deeper (unless some other refuge from freezing is available)).

(B) Maintain a natural flow pattern, including periodic flooding, and have functional community dynamics in order to provide sufficient productivity and a prey base to support the growth and development of rearing tadpoles and metamorphs.

(C) Be free of introduced predators.

(D) Maintain water during the entire tadpole growth phase (a minimum of 2 years). During periods of drought, these breeding sites may not hold water long enough for individuals to complete metamorphosis, but they may still be considered essential breeding habitat if they provide sufficient habitat in most years to foster recruitment within the reproductive lifespan of individual adult frogs.

(E) Contain:

(1) Bank and pool substrates consisting of varying percentages of soil or silt, sand, gravel, cobble, rock, and boulders (for basking and cover);

(2) Shallower microhabitat with solar exposure to warm lake areas and to foster primary productivity of the food web;

(3) Open gravel banks and rocks or other structures projecting above or just beneath the surface of the water for adult sunning posts;

(4) Aquatic refugia, including pools with bank overhangs, downfall logs or branches, or rocks and vegetation to provide cover from predators; and

(5) Sufficient food resources to provide for tadpole growth and development.

(ii) Aquatic nonbreeding habitat (including overwintering habitat). This habitat may contain the same characteristics as aquatic breeding and rearing habitat (often at the same locale), and may include lakes, ponds, tarns, streams, rivers, creeks, plunge pools within intermittent creeks, seeps, and springs that may not hold water long enough for the species to complete its aquatic life cycle. This habitat provides for shelter, foraging, predator avoidance, and aquatic dispersal of juvenile and adult mountain yellow-legged frogs. Aquatic nonbreeding habitat contains:

(A) Bank and pool substrates consisting of varying percentages of soil or silt, sand, gravel, cobble, rock, and boulders (for basking and cover);

(B) Open gravel banks and rocks projecting above or just beneath the surface of the water for adult sunning posts;

(C) Aquatic refugia, including pools with bank overhangs, downfall logs or branches, or rocks and vegetation to provide cover from predators;

(D) Sufficient food resources to support juvenile and adult foraging;

(E) Overwintering refugia, where thermal properties of the microhabitat protect hibernating life stages from winter freezing, such as crevices or holes within bedrock, in and near shore; and/or

(F) Streams, stream reaches, or wet meadow habitats that can function as corridors for movement between aquatic habitats used as breeding or foraging sites.

(iii) Upland areas.

(A) Upland areas adjacent to or surrounding breeding and nonbreeding aquatic habitat that provide area for feeding and movement by mountain yellow-legged frogs.

(1) For stream habitats, this area extends 25 m (82 ft) from the bank or shoreline.

(2) In areas that contain riparian habitat and upland vegetation (for example, mixed conifer, ponderosa pine, montane conifer, and montane riparian woodlands), the canopy overstory should be sufficiently thin (generally not to exceed 85 percent) to allow sunlight to reach the aquatic habitat and thereby provide basking areas for the species.

(3) For areas between proximate (within 300 m (984 ft)) water bodies (typical of some high mountain lake habitats), the upland area extends from the bank or shoreline between such water bodies.

(4) Within mesic habitats such as lake and meadow systems, the entire area of physically contiguous or proximate habitat is suitable for dispersal and foraging.

(B) Upland areas (catchments) adjacent to and surrounding both breeding and nonbreeding aquatic habitat that provide for the natural hydrologic regime (water quantity) of aquatic habitats. These upland areas should also allow for the maintenance of sufficient water quality to provide for the various life stages of the frog and its prey base.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries of designated critical habitat on September 26, 2016.

(4) Critical habitat map units. The critical habitat subunit maps were originally created using ESRI's ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.1 software and then exported as .emf files. All maps are in the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 10N. The California County Boundaries dataset (Teale Data Center), and the USA Minor Highways, USA Major Roads, and USA Rivers and Streams layers (ESRI's 2010 StreetMap Data) were incorporated as base layers to assist in the geographic location of the critical habitat subunits. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2012-0074, on our Internet site (, and at the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way Room W-2605, Sacramento, CA 95825.

(5) Index map for Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog critical habitat follows:

(6) Unit 1 (Subunits 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D), Plumas, and Sierra Counties, California. Map follows:

(7) Unit 2 (Subunits 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D), Lassen, Plumas, Sierra, Nevada, and Placer Counties, California. Map follows:

(8) Unit 2 (Subunits 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H), Placer, El Dorado, Amador, Alpine, Calaveras, Tuolumne, and Mono Counties, California. Map follows:

(9) Unit 2 (Subunits 2I, 2J, 2K, 2L, 2M, 2N), Tuolumne and Mono Counties, California. Map follows:

(10) Unit 3 (Subunits 3A, 3B, 3C), Tuolumne, Mariposa, Mono, and Madera Counties, California. Map follows:

(11) Unit 3 (Subunits 3D, 3E, 3F), Mono, Fresno, and Inyo Counties, California. Map follows:

Guajón (Eleutherodactylus cooki)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Humacao, Las Piedras, Maunabo, Patillas, and Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the guajón are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Subtropical forest (which may include trees such as Cecropia schreberiana, Dendropanax arboreus, Guarea guidonia, Piper aduncum, Spathodea campanulata, Syzygium jambos, and Thespesia populnea) at elevations from 118 to 1,183 ft (36 to 361 m) above sea level;

(ii) Plutonic, granitic, or sedimentary rocks/boulders that form caves, crevices, and grottoes (interstitial spaces) in a streambed, and that are in proximity, or connected, to a permanent, ephemeral, or subterranean clear-water stream or water source. The interstitial spaces between or underneath rocks provide microenvironments characterized by generally higher humidity and cooler temperatures than outside the rock formations; and

(iii) Vegetation-covered rocks (the vegetation typically includes moss, ferns, and hepatics such as Thuidium urceolatum, Taxilejeunea sulphurea, and Huokeria acutifolia) extending laterally to a maximum of 99 feet (30 meters) on each bank of the stream. These rocks provide cover and foraging sites and help conserve humidity.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, driveways, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Data layers defining map units were created by delineating habitats that contain at least one or more of the PCEs defined in paragraph (2) of this entry, over United States Geological Survey topographic maps (UTM 19, NAD 83). USGS 1:20,000 quadrangles used in the base map were: Humacao, Punta Guayanés, Juncos, Yabucoa, Punta Tuna, and Patillas.

(5) Note: Index map (Map 1) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Mariana, Humacao, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 1 consists of approximately 23.6 acres (ac) (9.6 hectares (ha)) located south of Road PR-909, west of Road PR-3, and north of Quebrada Cataño within Mariana Ward, Humacao.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Montones, Las Piedras, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 2 consists of approximately 31.1 ac (12.6 ha) along the headwaters of the Valenciano River at PR 917 Km 9.7, Montones Ward, Las Piedras.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Map 3) follows:

(8) Unit 3: Tejas, Las Piedras, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 3 consists of approximately 5.2 ac (2.1 ha) between Road PR-905 to the east, Road PR-908 to the west, Road PR-9921 to the north, and Road PR-9904 to the south within Tejas Ward, Las Piedras.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Map 4) follows:

(9) Unit 4: Emajagua, Maunabo, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 4 consists of approximately 33.0 ac (13.4 ha) between Quebrada Arenas and Quebrada Emajagua, north of Road PR-901 within Emajagua Ward, Maunabo.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 (Map 5) follows:

(10) Unit 5: Jacaboa, Patillas, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 5 consists of approximately 10.3 ac (4.2 ha) northwest of road PR-758 within Ríos Ward, Patillas.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Map 6) follows:

(11) Unit 6: Calabazas, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 6 consists of approximately 13.8 ac (5.6 ha), including lands northeast of road PR-900, between Quebrada Guayabo to the south and Río Guayanés to the north, and south of Guayanés Unit, within Calabazas Ward, Yabucoa.

(ii) The map depicting Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (12)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 7: Guayanés, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 7 consists of approximately 7.9 ac (3.2 ha) northeast of Road PR-900 between Quebrada Guayabo to the south and Río Guayanés to the north, and north of Unit 6, within Calabazas Ward, Yabucoa.

(ii) Map of Units 6 and 7 (Map 7) follows:

(13) Unit 8: Panduras, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 8 consists of approximately 28.6 ac (11.6 ha) to the northwest and southeast of Road PR-3 within Calabazas Ward, Yabucoa, and 18.2 ac (7.4 ha) of lands owned by the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust near the top of Cerro La Pandura.

(ii) The map depicting Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.

(14) Unit 9: Talante, Yabucoa-Maunabo, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 9 consists of approximately 23.5 ac (9.5 ha) east of Road PR-3, including the headwaters of the Talante Creek and five unnamed drainages. About 2.8 ac (1.1 ha) of Unit 9 are located within Calabazas Ward, Yabucoa, and the remaining 21.6 ac (8.7 ha) are located within Talante Ward, Maunabo.

(ii) Map of Units 8 and 9 (Map 8) follows:

(15) Unit 10: Guayabota, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 10 consists of approximately 13.1 ac (5.3 ha) to the northeast of intersection of roads PR-181 to the east, and PR-182 and Rio Guayanés to the south, and south of the municipal boundary with San Lorenzo, within Guayabota Ward, Yabucoa.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 (Map 9) follows:

(16) Unit 11: Guayabito, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 11 consists of approximately 17.3 ac (7.0 ha) south of Road PR-900 and north of the Maunabo boundary, within Guayabota Ward, Yabucoa.

(ii) The map depicting Unit 11 is provided at paragraph (17)(ii) of this entry.

(17) Unit 12: Guayabo, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 12 consists of approximately 9.8 ac (3.9 ha) within Guayabota Ward, Yabucoa, crossing Road PR-900, north of the Maunabo boundary, and about 3,025 ft (922 m) west of Unit 11.

(ii) Map of Units 11 and 12 (Map 10) follows:

(18) Unit 13: El Cielito, Maunabo, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 13 consists of approximately 7.84 ac (3.17 ha), between the municipal boundary of Yabucoa to the north, PR-759 to the south and west, and PR-3 to the east, within Talante Ward, Maunabo.

(ii) Map of Unit 13 (Map 11) follows:

(19) Unit 14: Verraco, San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 14 consists of approximately 8.9 ac (3.6 ha), between PR-181 to the north and west, Río Grande de Loíza to the east and south, and the municipal boundary of Yabucoa to the south, within Espino Ward, San Lorenzo.

(ii) The map depicting Unit 14 is provided at paragraph (20)(ii) of this entry.

(20) Unit 15: Cueva Marcela Unit, San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 15 consists of approximately 7.47 ac (3.02 ha), between PR-181 and Quebrada Verraco to the north, PR-181 to the west, and Río Grande de Loíza and the municipal boundary of Yabucoa to the south, within Espino Ward, San Lorenzo.

(ii) Map of Units 14 and 15 (Map 12) follows:

(21) Unit 16: Ceiba Sur Unit, Juncos, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 16 consists of approximately 13.92 ac (5.63 ha) between Road PR-9934 to the east, and Road PR-919 to the west within Ceiba Sur Ward, Juncos.

(ii) Map of Unit 16 (Map 13) follows:

(22) Unit 17: Playita Unit, Yabucoa, Puerto Rico.

(i) General Description: Unit 17 consists of approximately 5.27 ac (2.13 ha), between PR-900 to the north and east and the municipal boundary of Maunabo to the south, within Calabazas Ward, Yabucoa.

(ii) Map of Unit 17 (Map 14) follows:

Austin Blind Salamander (Eurycea waterlooensis)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Travis County, Texas, on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements (PCEs) of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Austin blind salamander consist of six components:

(i) Surface habitat PCEs.

(A) Water from the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer. The groundwater is similar to natural aquifer conditions as it discharges from natural spring outlets. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants are below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Austin blind salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with constant surface flow. The water chemistry is similar to natural aquifer conditions, with temperatures from 67.8 to 72.3 °F (19.9 and 22.4 °C), dissolved oxygen concentrations from 5 to 7 mg L−1, and specific water conductance from 605 to 740 µS cm−1.

(B) Rocky substrate with interstitial spaces. Rocks in the substrate of the salamander's surface aquatic habitat are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat (larger than 2.5 in (64 mm)). The substrate and interstitial spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The spring environment supports a diverse aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, and flatworms.

(D) Subterranean aquifer. Access to the subsurface water table exists to provide shelter, protection, and space for reproduction. This access can occur in the form of large conduits that carry water to the spring outlet or fissures in the bedrock.

(ii) Subsurface habitat PCEs.

(A) Water from the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer. The groundwater is similar to natural aquifer conditions. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants are below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Austin blind salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with continuous flow in the subterranean habitat. The water chemistry is similar to natural aquifer conditions, including temperature, dissolved oxygen, and specific water conductance.

(B) Subsurface spaces. Conduits underground are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The habitat supports an aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, or flatworms.

(3) Surface critical habitat includes the spring outlets and outflow up to the high water line and 262 ft (80 m) of upstream and downstream habitat, including the dry stream channel during periods of no surface flow. The surface critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule; however, the subsurface critical habitat may extend below such structures. The subsurface critical habitat includes underground features in a circle with a radius of 984 ft (300 m) around the springs.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS. We delineated critical habitat unit boundaries by starting with the cave or spring point locations that are occupied by the salamanders. From these cave or springs points, we delineated a circle with a 984-ft (300-m) radius to create the polygons that capture the extent to which we believe the salamander populations exist through underground conduits. The polygons were then simplified to reduce the number of vertices, but still retain the overall shape and extent. Subsequently, polygons that were within 98 ft (30 m) of each other were merged together. Each new merged polygon was then revised to remove extraneous divots or protrusions that resulted from the merge process. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0001 and at the Service's Austin Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Unit 1: Barton Springs Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Unit 1 follows:

California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense)

California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense) in Santa Barbara County

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Barbara County, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the California tiger salamander in Santa Barbara County are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Standing bodies of fresh water, including natural and man-made (e.g., stock) ponds, vernal pools, and dune ponds, and other ephemeral or permanent water bodies that typically become inundated during winter rains and hold water for a sufficient length of time (i.e., 12 weeks) necessary for the species to complete the aquatic portion of its life cycle (PCE 1).

(ii) Barrier-free uplands adjacent to breeding ponds that contain small mammal burrows, including but not limited to burrows created by the California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beecheyi) and Botta's pocket gopher (Thommomys bottae). Small mammals are essential in creating the underground habitat that adult California tiger salamanders depend upon for food, shelter, and protection from the elements and predation (PCE 2).

(iii) Upland areas between breeding locations (PCE 1) and areas with small mammal burrows (PCE 2) that allow for dispersal among such sites (PCE 3).

(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads and their rights of way, and other developed areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Final critical habitat units are described below. Coordinate in UTM Zone 10 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27).

(5) Note: Map 1 (Index map) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Western Santa Maria/Orcutt Unit, Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1 (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Eastern Santa Maria Unit, Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 2 (Map 3) follows:

(8) Unit 3: Western Los Alamos/Careaga Unit, Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 3 (Map 4) follows:

(9) Unit 4: Eastern Los Alamos Unit, Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 4 (Map 5) follows:

(10) Unit 5 (Purisima Hills) and Unit 6 (Santa Rita Valley), Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 5 and 6 (Map 6) follow:

Central Population of the California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense)

(11) Critical habitat units are depicted for the Central population of the California tiger salamander in California on the maps below.

(12) The PCEs of critical habitat for the Central population of the California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense) are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Standing bodies of fresh water (including natural and manmade (e.g., stock)) ponds, vernal pools, and other ephemeral or permanent water bodies which typically support inundation during winter rains and hold water for a minimum of 12 weeks in a year of average rainfall;

(ii) Upland habitats adjacent and accessible to and from breeding ponds that contain small mammal burrows or other underground habitat that CTS depend upon for food, shelter, and protection from the elements and predation; and

(iii) Accessible upland dispersal habitat between occupied locations that allow for movement between such sites.

(13) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(14) Critical habitat units are described below. Data layers defining map units were created by screen digitizing habitat boundaries using ArcMap GIS.

(15) Note: Map 7 (Index map) follows:

(16) Central Valley Region: Unit 1, Yolo County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 8 (Central Valley Region, Unit 1) follows:

(17) Central Valley Region: Unit 2, Solano County, California.

(i) Central Valley Region: Unit 2 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 603666, 4238548; 604112, 4238500; 604463, 4238516; 604510, 4237050; 604494, 4233370; 601674, 4233354; 600161, 4233354; 599699, 4233386; 599667, 4238197; 602105, 4238197; 602375, 4238548; 602822, 4238548; 603666, 4238548.

(ii) Map 9 (Central Valley Region, Unit 2) follows:

(18) Central Valley Region: Unit 3, Sacramento County, California.

(i) Central Valley Region: Unit 3 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N):

(A) 663699, 4245563; 663773, 4245470; 663872, 4245529; 663908, 4245484; 664132, 4245487; 664193, 4245525; 664343, 4245508; 664446, 4245534; 664455, 4245223; 664686, 4245225; 664681, 4245603; 664669, 4245660; 664669, 4245731; 664793, 4245767; 664776, 4245798; 664712, 4245836; 664686, 4245962; 664629, 4246000; 664643, 4246107; 664517, 4246081; 664512, 4246171; 664315, 4246178; 664236, 4246190; 663987, 4246188; 663813, 4245903; 663732, 4245860; returning to 663699, 4245563.

(B) 663893, 4245225; 663790, 4245261; 663740, 4245213; 663759, 4244776; 663937, 4244476; 664146, 4244482; 664133, 4245143; returning to 663893, 4245225.

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 3 is depicted on Map 10 - Units 3 and 4 - see paragraph (19)(ii).

(19) Central Valley Region: Unit 4, Amador County, California, and San Joaquin County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 4 is depicted on Map 10 - Units 3 and 4 - which follows:

(20) Central Valley Region: Unit 5, Calaveras County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 5 is depicted on Map 11 - Units 5, 6, and 7 - see paragraph (22)(ii).

(21) Central Valley Region: Unit 6, Calaveras County, California, Stanislaus County, California, and San Joaquin County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 6 is depicted on Map 11 - Units 5, 6, and 7 - see paragraph (22)(ii).

(22) Central Valley Region: Unit 7, Stanislaus County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 7 is depicted on Map 11 - Units 5, 6, and 7 - which follows:

(23) Central Valley Region: Unit 8, Stanislaus County, California, and Merced County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 8 is depicted on Map 12 - Units 8, 9, and 10 - see paragraph (25)(ii).

(24) Central Valley Region: Unit 9, Merced County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 9 is depicted on Map 12 - Units 8, 9, and 10 - see paragraph (25)(ii):

(25) Central Valley Region: Unit 10, Merced County, California, and Mariposa County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Central Valley Region, Unit 10 is depicted on Map 12 - Units 8, 9, and 10 - which follows:

(26) Central Valley Region: Unit 11, Madera County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 13 (Central Valley Region, Unit 11) follows:

(27) Central Valley Region: Unit 18, Alameda County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 14 (Central Valley Region, Unit 18) follows:

(28) Southern San Joaquin Region: Unit 1a, Madera County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Southern San Joaquin Region, Unit 1a is depicted on - Units 1a, 1b, and 2 - see paragraph (30)(ii).

(29) Southern San Joaquin Region: Unit 1b, Madera County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Southern San Joaquin Region, Unit 1b is depicted on Map 15 - Units 1A, 1B, and 2 - see paragraph (30)(ii).

(30) Southern San Joaquin Region: Unit 2, Fresno County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Southern San Joaquin Valley Region, Unit 2 is depicted on Map 15 - Units 1a, 1b, and 2 - which follows:

(31) Southern San Joaquin Region: Unit 3a, Fresno County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Southern San Joaquin Region, Unit 3a is depicted on Map 16 - Units 3A and 3B - see paragraph (32)(ii).

(32) Southern San Joaquin Region: Unit 3b, Fresno County, California, and Tulare County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Southern San Joaquin Valley Region, Unit 3b is depicted on Map 16 - Units 3a and 3b - which follows:

(33) Southern San Joaquin Region: Unit 5, Kings County, California, and Tulare County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 17 (Southern San Joaquin Valley Region, Unit 5) follows:

(34) East Bay Region: Unit 3, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 18 (East Bay Region, Unit 3) follows:

(35) East Bay Region: Unit 5, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 5 is depicted on Map 19 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - see paragraph (38)(ii).

(36) East Bay Region: Unit 6, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 6 is depicted on Map 19 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - see paragraph (38)(ii).

(37) East Bay Region: Unit 7, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 7 is depicted on Map 19 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - see paragraph (38)(ii).

(38) East Bay Region: Unit 8, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 6 is depicted on Map 19 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - which follows:

(39) East Bay Region: Unit 9, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 9 is depicted on Map 20 - Units 9, 10a, 10b, 11, and 12 - see paragraph (43)(ii).

(40) East Bay Region: Unit 10a, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 10a is depicted on Map 20 - Units 9, 10a, 10b, 11, and 12 - see paragraph (43)(ii).

(41) East Bay Region: Unit 10b, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 10b is depicted on Map 20 - Units 9, 10a, 10b, 11, and 12 - see paragraph (43)(ii).

(42) East Bay Region: Unit 11, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 11 is depicted on Map 20 - Units 9, 10a, 10b, 11, and 12 - see paragraph (43)(ii).

(43) East Bay Region: Unit 12, Santa Clara County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 12 is depicted on Map 20 - Units 9, 10a, 10b, 11, and 12 - which follows:

(44) East Bay Region: Unit 13, Merced County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 21 (East Bay Region, Unit 13) follows:

(45) East Bay Region: Unit 14, Merced County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 22 (East Bay Region, Unit 14) follows:

(46) East Bay Region: Unit 15a, San Benito County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 15a is depicted on Map 23 - Units 15a and 15b - see paragraph (47)(ii).

(47) East Bay Region: Unit 15b, San Benito County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) East Bay Region, Unit 15b is depicted on Map 23 - Units 15a and 15b - which follows:

(48) East Bay Region: Unit 16, San Benito County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 24 (East Bay Region, Unit 16) follows:

(49) East Bay Region: Unit 17, San Benito County, California, and Monterey County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 25 (East Bay Region, Unit 17) follows:

(50) Central Coast Region: Unit 3, Monterey County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 26 (Central Coast Region, Unit 3) follows:

(51) Central Coast Region: Unit 6, Kern County, California, and San Luis Obispo County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 27 (Central Coast Region, Unit 6) follows:

California Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma californiense) in Sonoma County

(52) The critical habitat unit for Sonoma County, CA, is depicted on the map at paragraph (56)(ii) of this entry.

(53) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the California tiger salamander in Sonoma County consist of three components:

(i) Standing bodies of fresh water (including natural and manmade (e.g., stock)) ponds, vernal pools, and other ephemeral or permanent water bodies) that typically support inundation during winter and early spring, and hold water for a minimum of 12 consecutive weeks in a year of average rainfall.

(ii) Upland habitats adjacent to and accessible from breeding ponds that contain small mammal burrows or other underground refugia that the species depends upon for food, shelter, and protection from the elements and predation.

(iii) Accessible upland dispersal habitat between locations occupied by the species that allow for movement between such sites.

(54) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(55) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and the critical habitat unit was then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 10N coordinates.

(56) Santa Rosa Plain Unit, Sonoma County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Note: Map of Santa Rosa Plain Unit, follows:

Frosted Flatwoods Salamander (Ambystoma cingulatum)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Baker, Franklin, Jefferson, Liberty, and Wakulla Counties in Florida; and Berkeley, Charleston, and Jasper Counties in South Carolina on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the frosted flatwoods salamander are:

(i) Breeding habitat. Small (generally less than 1 to 10 ac (less than 0.4 to 4.0 ha)), acidic, depressional standing bodies of freshwater (wetlands) that:

(A) Are seasonally flooded by rainfall in late fall or early winter and dry in late spring or early summer;

(B) Are geographically isolated from other water bodies;

(C) Occur within pine flatwoods-savanna communities;

(D) Are dominated by grasses and grass-like species in the ground layer and overstories of pond-cypress, blackgum, and slash pine;

(E) Have a relatively open canopy, necessary to maintain the herbaceous component that serves as cover for flatwoods salamander larvae and their aquatic invertebrate prey; and

(F) Typically have a burrowing crayfish fauna, but, due to periodic drying, the breeding ponds typically lack large, predatory fish (for example, Lepomis (sunfish), Micropterus (bass), Amia calva (bowfin)).

(ii) Non-breeding habitat. Upland pine flatwoods-savanna habitat that is open, mesic woodland maintained by frequent fires and that:

(A) Is within 1,500 ft (457 m) of adjacent and accessible breeding ponds;

(B) Contains crayfish burrows or other underground habitat that the flatwoods salamander depends upon for food, shelter, and protection from the elements and predation;

(C) Has an organic hardpan in the soil profile, which inhibits subsurface water penetration and typically results in moist soils with water often at or near the surface under normal conditions; and

(D) Often has wiregrasses as the dominant grasses in the abundant herbaceous ground cover, which supports the rich herbivorous invertebrates that serve as a food source for the frosted flatwoods salamander.

(iii) Dispersal habitat. Upland habitat areas between nonbreeding and breeding habitat that allows for salamander movement between such sites and that is characterized by:

(A) A mix of vegetation types representing a transition between wetland and upland vegetation (ecotone);

(B) An open canopy and abundant native herbaceous species;

(C) Moist soils as described in paragraph (2)(ii); and

(D) Subsurface structure, such as that provided by deep litter cover or burrows, that provides shelter for salamanders during seasonal movements.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat for the frosted flatwoods salamander follows:

(6) Frosted flatwood salamander - Baker, Franklin, Jefferson, Liberty, and Wakulla Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit FFS-1, Subunit A - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Estiffanulga and Woods, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(ii) Unit FFS-1, Subunit B - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Orange, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit B is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(iii) Unit FFS-1, Subunit C - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Wilma, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit C is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(iv) Unit FFS-1, Subunit D - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Wilma, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit D is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(v) Unit FFS-1, Subunit E - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Orange and Kennedy Creek, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit E is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(vi) Unit FFS-1, Subunit F - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Kennedy Creek, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit F is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(vii) Unit FFS-1, Subunit G - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Kennedy Creek and Sumatra, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit G is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(viii) Unit FFS-1, Subunit H - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Sumatra and Owens Bridge, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit H is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(ix) Unit FFS-1, Subunit I - Liberty County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Owens Bridge, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-1, Subunit I is provided at paragraph (6)(x)(B) of this entry.

(x) Unit FFS-1, Subunit J - Franklin County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Fort Gadsen, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Unit FFS-1 follows:

(xi) Unit FFS-3, Subunit A - Wakulla County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps St. Marks and St. Marks NE, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-3, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(xiii)(B) of this entry.

(xii) Unit FFS-3, Subunit B - Wakulla and Jefferson Counties, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map St. Marks NE, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-3, Subunit B is located at paragraph (6)(xiii)(B) of this entry.

(xiii) Unit FFS-3, Subunit C - Jefferson County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Cody, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Unit FFS-3 follows:

(xiv) Unit FFS-4, Subunit A - Baker County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Big Gum Swamp and Sanderson North, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-3, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(xv)(B) of this entry.

(xv) Unit FFS-4, Subunit B: Baker County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Sanderson North, Florida.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Unit FFS-4 follows:

(7) Frosted flatwood salamander - Berkeley, Charleston, and Jasper Counties, South Carolina.

(i) Unit FFS-5, Subunit A - Jasper County, South Carolina. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Limehouse, South Carolina.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-5, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (7)(ii)(B) of this entry.

(ii) Unit FFS-5, Subunit B - Jasper County, South Carolina. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Hardeeville, South Carolina.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Unit FFS-5 follows:

(iii) Unit FFS-6 - Berkeley County, South Carolina. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Cainhoy, South Carolina.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map depicting Unit FFS-6 is provided at paragraph (7)(iv)(B) of this entry.

(iv) Unit FFS-7 - Charleston County, South Carolina. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map, Santee, South Carolina.

(A) [Reserved]

(B) Map of Units FFS-6 and FFS-7 follows:

Georgetown Salamander (Eurycea naufragia)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Williamson County, Texas, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Georgetown salamander consist of the following components:

(i) For surface habitat:

(A) Water from the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer. Groundwater issuing to the surface from the underlying aquifer is similar to natural aquifer conditions as it discharges from natural spring outlets. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants should be below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Georgetown salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with at least some surface flow during the year. The water chemistry of aquatic surface habitats is similar to natural aquifer conditions, with temperatures from 61 to 84 °F (16 to 29 °C), dissolved oxygen concentrations from 5 to 13 milligrams per liter (mg/L), and specific water conductance from 317 to 814 micro-Siemens per centimeter (µS/cm).

(B) Rocky substrate with interstitial spaces. Rocks in the substrate of the salamander's surface aquatic habitat are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat. The substrate and interstitial spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The spring environment supports a diverse aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, and aquatic snails.

(D) Subterranean aquifer. Access to the subsurface water table exists to provide shelter, protection, and space for reproduction. This access can occur in the form of large conduits that carry water to the spring outlet or porous voids between rocks in the streambed that extend down into the water table.

(ii) For subsurface habitat:

(A) Water from the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer. Groundwater quality is similar to natural aquifer conditions. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants should be below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Georgetown salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with continuous flow. The water chemistry is similar to natural aquifer conditions, with temperatures from 61 to 84 °F (16 to 29 °C), dissolved oxygen concentrations from 5 to 13 mg/L, and specific water conductance from 317 to 814 µS/cm.

(B) Subsurface spaces. Voids between rocks underground are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat. These spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The habitat supports an aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, and aquatic snails.

(3) Surface critical habitat includes the spring outlets and outflow up to the high-water line and 262 feet (ft) (80 meters (m)) of upstream and downstream habitat, including the dry stream channel during periods of no surface flow. The surface critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) existing within the legal boundaries on September 17, 2021; however, the subsurface critical habitat may extend below such structures. The subsurface critical habitat includes underground features in a circle with a radius of 984 ft (300 m) around the springs.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and U.S. Geological Survey 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS. We delineated critical habitat unit boundaries by starting with the cave or spring point locations that are occupied by the salamander. From these cave or springs points, we delineated a 984-ft (300-m) buffer to create the polygons that capture the extent to which we estimate the salamander populations exist through underground conduits. The polygons were then simplified to reduce the number of vertices, but still retain the overall shape and extent. Subsequently, polygons that were within 98 ft (30 m) of each other were merged together. Each new merged polygon was then revised to remove extraneous divots or protrusions that resulted from the merge process. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0048, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Water Tank Cave Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 1 consists of 68 ac (28 ha) of private land in west-central Williamson County. A golf course crosses the unit from northwest to southeast, and there are several roads in the eastern part of the unit. A secondary road crosses the extreme southern portion of the unit, and there are residences in the northwestern, southwestern, and west-central portions of the unit.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Hogg Hollow Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 2 consists of approximately 122 ac (49 ha) of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers land and private land in Williamson County, Texas. The unit is located south of Lake Georgetown and is mostly undeveloped. The northwestern part of the unit includes Sawyer Park, part of the Lake Georgetown recreation area.

(ii) Map of Units 2 and 3 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Cedar Hollow Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 3 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land in west-central Williamson County, Texas. A secondary road crosses the extreme southern portion of the unit, and there are residences in the northwestern, southwestern, and west-central portions of the unit.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(9) Unit 4: Lake Georgetown Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 4 consists of approximately 134 ac (54 ha) of Federal and private land in west-central Williamson County, Texas. Part of the unit is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Lake Georgetown property. There are currently no plans to develop the property. There is some control of public access. Unpaved roads are found in the western portion of the unit, and a trail begins in the central part of the unit and leaves the northeast corner. A secondary road crosses the extreme southern portion of the unit, and there are residences in the northwestern, southwestern, and west-central portions of the unit. A large quarry is located a short distance southeast of the unit.

(ii) Map of Units 4, 5, 6, and 7 follows:

(10) Unit 5: Buford Hollow Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 5 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of Federal and private land in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The unit is located just below the spillway for Lake Georgetown. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns most of this unit as part of Lake Georgetown. The D.B. Wood Road, a major thoroughfare, crosses the eastern part of the unit.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.

(11) Unit 6: Swinbank Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 6 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of City and private land in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The unit is located near River Road south of Melanie Lane. The northern part of the unit is primarily in residential development, while the southern part of this unit is primarily undeveloped.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 7: Avant Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 7 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The northern part of a large quarry is along the southwestern edge of the unit. The rest of the unit is undeveloped.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 is provided at paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.

(13) Unit 8: Shadow Canyon Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 8 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of City and private land in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The unit is located just south of State Highway 29. This unit contains Shadow Canyon Spring, which is occupied by the Georgetown salamander.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

(14) Unit 9: Garey Ranch Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas.

(i) Unit 9 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land in Williamson County, Texas. The unit is located north of RM 2243. The unit is mostly undeveloped. A small amount of residential development enters the southern and eastern parts of the unit.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

Jemez Mountains Salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Jemez Mountains salamander consist of four components:

(i) Moderate to high tree canopy cover, typically 50 to 100 percent canopy closure, that provides shade and maintains moisture and high relative humidity at the ground surface, and:

(A) Consists of the following tree species alone or in any combination: Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii); blue spruce (Picea pungens); Engelman spruce (Picea engelmannii); white fir (Abies concolor); limber pine (Pinus flexilis); Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa); and aspen (Populus tremuloides); and

(B) Has an understory that predominantly comprises: Rocky Mountain maple (Acer glabrum); New Mexico locust (Robinia neomexicana); oceanspray (Holodiscus spp.); or shrubby oaks (Quercus spp.).

(ii) Elevations from 6,988 to 11,254 feet (2,130 to 3,430 meters).

(iii) Ground surface in forest areas with:

(A) Moderate to high volumes of large fallen trees and other woody debris, especially coniferous logs at least 10 inches (25 centimeters) in diameter, particularly Douglas fir, which are in contact with the soil in varying stages of decay from freshly fallen to nearly fully decomposed; or

(B) Structural features, such as rocks, bark, and moss mats, that provide the species with food and cover.

(iv) Underground habitat in forest or meadow areas containing interstitial spaces provided by:

(A) Igneous rock with fractures or loose rocky soils;

(B) Rotted tree root channels; or

(C) Burrows of rodents or large invertebrates.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on December 20, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using digital elevation models, GAP landcover data, salamander observation data, salamander habitat suitability models, and were then mapped using the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS version projection. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0005, and at the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Unit 1: Western Jemez Mountains, Rio Arriba and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico. Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

(6) Unit 2: Southeastern Jemez Mountains, Los Alamos and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico. Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (5) of this entry.

Jollyville Plateau Salamander (Eurycea tonkawae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Travis and Williamson Counties, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Jollyville Plateau salamander consist of six components:

(i) Surface habitat PCEs.

(A) Water from the Trinity Aquifer, Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, and local alluvial aquifers. The groundwater is similar to natural aquifer conditions as it discharges from natural spring outlets. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants should be below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Jollyville Plateau salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with at least some surface flow during the year. The water chemistry is similar to natural aquifer conditions, with temperatures from 64.1 to 73.4 °F (17.9 to 23 °C), dissolved oxygen concentrations from 5.6 to 8 mg L−1, and specific water conductance from 550 to 721 µS cm−1.

(B) Rocky substrate with interstitial spaces. Rocks in the substrate of the salamander's surface aquatic habitat are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat (larger than 2.5 in (64 mm)). The substrate and interstitial spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The spring environment supports a diverse aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, and flatworms.

(D) Subterranean aquifer. Access to the subsurface water table should exist to provide shelter, protection, and space for reproduction. This access can occur in the form of large conduits that carry water to the spring outlet or porous voids between rocks in the streambed that extend down into the water table.

(ii) Subsurface habitat PCEs.

(A) Water from the Trinity Aquifer, Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, and local alluvial aquifers. The groundwater is similar to natural aquifer conditions. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants are below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Jollyville Plateau salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with continuous flow. The water chemistry is similar to natural aquifer conditions, including temperature, dissolved oxygen, and specific water conductance.

(B) Subsurface spaces. Voids between rocks underground are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat. These spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The habitat supports an aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, or flatworms.

(3) Surface critical habitat includes the spring outlets and outflow up to the high water line and 262 ft (80 m) of upstream and downstream habitat, including the dry stream channel during periods of no surface flow. The surface critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule; however, the subsurface critical habitat may extend below such structures. The subsurface critical habitat includes underground features in a circle with a radius of 984 ft (300 m) around the springs.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS. We delineated critical habitat unit boundaries by starting with the cave or spring point locations that are occupied by the salamanders. From these cave or springs points, we delineated a 984-ft (300-m) buffer to create the polygons that capture the extent to which we believe the salamander populations exist through underground conduits. The polygons were then simplified to reduce the number of vertices, but still retain the overall shape and extent. Subsequently, polygons that were within 98 ft (30 m) of each other were merged together. Each new merged polygon was then revised to remove extraneous divots or protrusions that resulted from the merge process. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0001 and at the Service's Austin Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Krienke Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas. Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Brushy Creek Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas. Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Units 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 3E: Buttercup Creek Units, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas. Map of Units 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 3E follows:

(9) Unit 6: Avery Springs Unit, Williamson County, Texas. Map of Unit 6 follows:

(10) Unit 7: PC Spring Unit, Williamson County, Texas. Map of Unit 7 follows:

(11) Unit 8: Baker and Audubon Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas, Map of Unit 8 follows:

(12) Unit 9: Wheless Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 9 and 10 follows:

(13) Unit 10: Blizzard R-Bar-B Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 9 and 10 is provided at paragraph (12) of this entry.

(14) Unit 11: House Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 11, 12,and 13 follows:

(15) Unit 12: Kelly Hollow Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 11, 12, and 13 is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.

(16) Unit 13: MacDonald Well Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 11, 12, and 13 is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.

(17) Unit 14: Kretschmarr Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 follows:

(18) Unit 15: Pope and Hiers Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(19) Unit 16: Fern Gully Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(20) Unit 17: Bull Creek 1 Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(21) Unit 18: Bull Creek 2 Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(22) Unit 19: Bull Creek 3 Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(23) Unit 20: Moss Gully Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(24) Unit 21: Ivanhoe Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(25) Unit 22: Sylvia Spring Area Unit, Williamson and Travis Counties, Texas. Map of Unit 22 follows:

(26) Unit 24: Long Hog Hollow Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 24, 25, 26, and 27 follows:

(27) Unit 25: Tributary 3 Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 24, 25, 26, and 27 is provided at paragraph (26) of this entry.

(28) Unit 26: Sierra Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 24, 25, 26, and 27 is provided at paragraph (26) of this entry.

(29) Unit 27: Troll Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 24, 25, 26, and 27 is provided at paragraph (26) of this entry.

(30) Unit 28: Stillhouse Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 28, 30, and 31 follows:

(31) Unit 30: Indian Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 28, 30, and 31 is provided at paragraph (30) of this entry.

(32) Unit 31: Spicewood Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Units 28, 30, and 31 is provided at paragraph (30) of this entry.

(33) Unit 32: Balcones District Park Spring Unit, Travis County, Texas. Map of Unit 32 follows:

Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander (Ambystoma bishopi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Santa Rosa, Walton, and Washington Counties in Florida; and Baker and Miller Counties in Georgia on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the reticulated flatwoods salamander are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Breeding habitat. Small (generally less than 1 to 10 ac (less than 0.4 to 4.0 ha)), acidic, depressional standing bodies of freshwater (wetlands) that:

(A) Are seasonally flooded by rainfall in late fall or early winter and dry in late spring or early summer;

(B) Are geographically isolated from other water bodies;

(C) Occur within pine flatwoods-savanna communities;

(D) Are dominated by grasses and grass-like species in the ground layer and overstories of pond-cypress, blackgum, and slash pine;

(E) Have a relatively open canopy, necessary to maintain the herbaceous component that serves as cover for flatwoods salamander larvae and their aquatic invertebrate prey; and

(F) Typically have a burrowing crayfish fauna, but, due to periodic drying, the breeding ponds typically lack large, predatory fish (for example, Lepomis (sunfish), Micropterus (bass), Amia calva (bowfin)).

(ii) Non-breeding habitat. Upland pine flatwoods-savanna habitat that is open, mesic woodland maintained by frequent fires and that:

(A) Is within 1,500 ft (457 m) of adjacent and accessible breeding ponds;

(B) Contains crayfish burrows or other underground habitat that the flatwoods salamander depends upon for food, shelter, and protection from the elements and predation;

(C) Has an organic hardpan in the soil profile, which inhibits subsurface water penetration and typically results in moist soils with water often at or near the surface under normal conditions; and

(D) Often has wiregrasses as the dominant grasses in the abundant herbaceous ground cover, which supports the rich herbivorous invertebrates that serve as a food source for the reticulated flatwoods salamander.

(iii) Dispersal habitat. Upland habitat areas between nonbreeding and breeding habitat that allows for salamander movement between such sites and that is characterized by:

(A) A mix of vegetation types representing a transition between wetland and upland vegetation (ecotone);

(B) An open canopy and abundant native herbaceous species;

(C) Moist soils as described in paragraph (2)(ii); and

(D) Subsurface structure, such as deep litter cover or burrows that provide shelter for salamanders during seasonal movements.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat for the reticulated flatwoods salamander follows:

(6) Reticulated flatwood salamander - Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Santa Rosa, Walton and Washington Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit RFS-1 - Santa Rosa County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Garcon Point, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates, (E, N): 492983.94, 3372029.94; 493099.21, 3373387.45; 493154.87, 3373453.03; 493198.40, 3373490.44; 493271.61, 3373535.60; 493351.98, 3373566.25; 493436.67, 3373581.30; 493522.69, 3373580.20; 493551.12, 3373576.25; 493606.97, 3373563.02; 493686.54, 3373530.34; 493735.56, 3373500.50; 493801.14, 3373444.83; 493838.55, 3373401.30; 493870.20, 3373353.43; 493905.84, 3373275.14; 493921.15, 3373219.82; 493930.85, 3373134.35; 493928.32, 3373077.01; 493918.62, 3373020.45; 493901.91, 3372965.54; 492974.90, 3370886.40; 492965.68, 3370859.21; 492954.77, 3370832.65; 492942.22, 3370806.83; 492928.07, 3370781.84; 492912.38, 3370757.80; 492895.22, 3370734.79; 492876.64, 3370712.90; 492856.72, 3370692.22; 492835.54, 3370672.83; 492813.19, 3370654.81; 492789.75, 3370638.23; 492765.32, 3370623.16; 492739.98, 3370609.64; 492713.85, 3370597.75; 492687.03, 3370587.52; 492659.61, 3370578.99; 492631.71, 3370572.21; 492603.45, 3370567.18; 492574.92, 3370563.95; 492546.24, 3370562.51; 492517.54, 3370562.87; 492488.91, 3370565.04; 492460.47, 3370568.99; 492432.34, 3370574.73; 492404.62, 3370582.22; 492377.43, 3370591.44; 492350.87, 3370602.35; 492320.06, 3370618.11; 492291.54, 3370614.88; 492262.86, 3370613.44; 492234.15, 3370613.80; 492205.52, 3370615.97; 492177.09, 3370619.93; 492148.96, 3370625.66; 492121.24, 3370633.16; 492094.05, 3370642.37; 492067.49, 3370653.28; 492041.67, 3370665.83; 492016.69, 3370679.98; 491992.64, 3370695.67; 491969.63, 3370712.84; 491947.74, 3370731.42; 491927.07, 3370751.34; 491907.68, 3370772.52; 491889.66, 3370794.87; 491873.08, 3370818.31; 491858.01, 3370842.75; 491850.37, 3370857.07; 491865.61, 3370901.72; 491918.43, 3370965.16; 491965.55, 3371021.75; 492011.53, 3371083.74; 492053.38, 3371140.16; 492103.93, 3371212.08; 492141.72, 3371264.53; 492176.37, 3371309.64; 492207.14, 3371351.35; 492243.74, 3371397.83; 492283.27, 3371453.23; 492331.51, 3371520.83; 493069.37, 3373338.43; 493099.21, 3373387.45.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-1 is provided at paragraph (6)(v)(B) of this entry.

(ii) Unit RFS-2, Subunit A - Santa Rosa County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Harold, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates, (E, N): 501542.20, 3392876.13; 501578.50, 3392420.55; 501549.82, 3392419.17; 501521.11, 3392419.59; 501492.49, 3392421.82; 501464.06, 3392425.84; 501435.94, 392431.63; 501408.24, 3392439.18; 501381.07, 3392448.45; 501354.53, 3392459.42; 501328.74, 3392472.02; 501303.78, 3392486.22; 501279.77, 3392501.96; 501256.80, 392519.18; 501234.95, 3392537.80; 501214.31, 3392557.76; 501194.97, 3392578.98; 501176.99, 3392601.37; 501160.46, 3392624.84; 501145.44, 3392649.31; 501131.98, 392674.67; 501120.14, 3392700.83; 501109.96, 3392727.67; 501101.49, 3392755.11; 501094.76, 3392783.02; 501089.80, 3392811.30; 501086.62, 3392839.83; 501085.24, 392868.51; 501085.25, 3392868.93; 501085.66, 3392897.21; 501086.27, 3392904.98; 501087.89, 3392925.84; 501091.91, 3392954.27; 501097.70, 3392982.39; 501105.25, 393010.09; 501114.52, 3393037.26; 501125.49, 3393063.80; 501138.09, 3393089.59; 501152.29, 3393114.54; 501168.03, 3393138.56; 501185.25, 3393161.53; 501203.87, 393183.38; 501223.83, 3393204.02; 501245.05, 3393223.36; 501267.44, 3393241.33; 501290.91, 3393257.87; 501315.38, 3393272.89; 501340.74, 3393286.35; 501366.90, 393298.19; 501393.74, 3393308.36; 501421.18, 3393316.83; 501449.09, 3393323.56; 501477.37, 3393328.53; 501505.90, 3393331.70; 501534.58, 3393333.08; 501563.29, 393332.66; 501584.95, 3393330.98; 501591.91, 3393330.44; 501613.98, 3393327.32; 501620.34, 3393326.42; 501648.46, 3393320.62; 501676.16, 3393313.07; 501703.33, 393303.80; 501729.87, 3393292.84; 501755.66, 3393280.23; 501780.61, 3393266.03; 501804.63, 3393250.29; 501827.60, 3393233.08; 501849.45, 3393214.45; 501870.09, 393194.49; 501889.43, 3393173.27; 501907.41, 3393150.89; 501923.94, 3393127.41; 501938.96, 3393102.95; 501952.42, 3393077.59; 501964.26, 3393051.43; 501974.44, 393024.58; 501982.91, 3392997.15; 501989.64, 3392969.24; 501994.60, 3392940.96; 501997.78, 3392912.43; 501999.16, 3392883.75; 501998.73, 3392855.04; 501996.51, 392826.42; 501992.49, 3392797.99; 501986.70, 3392769.87; 501979.15, 3392742.17; 501969.87, 3392715.00; 501958.91, 3392688.46; 501946.31, 3392662.66; 501932.11, 392637.71; 501916.37, 3392613.70; 501899.15, 3392590.72; 501880.52, 3392568.87; 501860.56, 3392548.24; 501839.35, 3392528.89; 501816.96, 3392510.92; 501793.48, 392494.39; 501769.02, 3392479.36; 501743.66, 3392465.90; 501717.50, 3392454.06; 501690.66, 3392443.89; 501663.22, 3392435.42; 501635.31, 3392428.69; 501607.03, 3392423.73; 501578.50, 3392420.55.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-2, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(v)(B) of this entry.

(iii) Unit RFS-2, Subunit B - Santa Rosa County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Floridale, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N NAD83 coordinates, (E, N): 518978.93, 3390847.46; 519015.23, 3390391.88; 518986.55, 3390390.50; 518957.84, 3390390.92; 518929.22, 3390393.14; 518900.79, 3390397.16; 518872.67, 390402.96; 518844.97, 3390410.51; 518817.80, 3390419.78; 518791.26, 3390430.74; 518765.46, 3390443.35; 518740.51, 3390457.55; 518716.50, 3390473.29; 518693.52, 3390490.50; 518671.67, 3390509.13; 518651.04, 3390529.09; 518631.69, 3390550.31; 518613.72, 3390572.70; 518597.19, 3390596.17; 518582.16, 3390620.64; 518568.70, 3390646.00; 518556.86, 3390672.15; 518546.69, 3390699.00; 518538.22, 3390726.43; 518531.49, 3390754.34; 518526.53, 3390782.62; 518523.35, 3390811.16; 518521.97, 3390839.83; 518522.39, 3390868.54; 518524.62, 3390897.17; 518528.63, 3390925.59; 518534.43, 3390953.71; 518541.98, 3390981.41; 518551.25, 3391008.59; 518562.21, 3391035.12; 518574.82, 3391060.92; 518589.02, 3391085.87; 518604.76, 3391109.88; 518621.98, 3391132.86; 518640.60, 3391154.71; 518660.56, 3391175.35; 518681.78, 3391194.69; 518704.17, 3391212.66; 518727.64, 3391229.19; 518752.11, 3391244.22; 518777.47, 3391257.68; 518803.62, 3391269.52; 518830.47, 3391279.69; 518857.91, 3391288.16; 518885.82, 3391294.89; 518914.10, 3391299.86; 518942.63, 3391303.03; 518971.31, 3391304.41; 519000.02, 3391303.99; 519028.64, 3391301.77; 519057.07, 3391297.75; 519085.19, 3391291.95; 519112.89, 3391284.40; 519140.06, 3391275.13; 519166.60, 3391264.17; 519192.39, 3391251.56; 519217.35, 3391237.36; 519241.36, 3391221.62; 519264.33, 3391204.41; 519286.18, 3391185.78; 519306.82, 3391165.82; 519326.16, 3391144.60; 519344.14, 3391122.21; 519360.67, 3391098.74; 519375.69, 3391074.28; 519389.16, 3391048.92; 519401.00, 3391022.77; 519410.33, 3390998.13; 519411.17, 3390995.92; 519419.64, 3390968.48; 519426.37, 3390940.57; 519431.34, 3390912.29; 519434.51, 3390883.76; 519435.89, 3390855.08; 519435.47, 3390826.37; 519433.25, 3390797.7493; 519429.2274, 3390769.3210; 519423.4325, 3390741.2012; 519415.8831, 3390713.50; 519406.61, 3390686.33; 519395.65, 3390659.79; 519383.04, 3390634.00; 519368.84, 3390609.04; 519353.10, 3390585.03; 519335.89, 3390562.06; 519317.26, 3390540.21; 519297.30, 3390519.57; 519276.08, 3390500.23; 519253.69, 3390482.25; 519230.22, 3390465.72; 519205.75, 3390450.70; 519180.39, 3390437.24; 519154.24, 3390425.40; 519127.39, 3390415.22; 519099.96, 3390406.75; 519072.05, 3390400.02; 519043.77, 3390395.06; 519025.17, 3390392.99; 519015.23, 3390391.88.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-2, Subunit B is provided at paragraph (6)(v)(B) of this entry.

(iv) Unit RFS-3, Subunit A - Santa Rosa County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Holley, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N NAD83 coordinates, (E, N): 503177.78, 3363967.21; 503665.03, 3364056.93; 503673.05, 3364029.36; 503679.32, 3364001.35; 503683.82, 3363972.99; 503686.53, 3363944.41; 503687.44, 3363915.71; 503694.98, 3363896.36; 503703.23, 3363884.01; 503713.36, 3363875.67; 503720.87, 3363866.60; 503726.39, 3363857.48; 503733.34, 3363843.78; 503741.25, 3363818.20; 503752.72, 3363782.15; 503757.95, 3363757.83; 503766.30, 3363741.51; 503653.07, 3363742.06; 503644.01, 3363721.11; 503630.98, 3363695.52; 503615.44, 3363669.75; 503614.55, 3363724.18; 503603.43, 3363777.35; 503601.27, 3363799.83; 503594.64, 3363834.69; 503563.00, 3363831.09; 503563.97, 3363824.67; 503558.81, 3363820.93; 503559.46, 3363811.37; 503555.68, 3363800.73; 503543.49, 3363787.96; 503527.75, 3363771.89; 503514.02, 3363772.76; 503464.40, 3363773.57; 503448.85, 3363749.85; 503448.44, 3363558.27; 503320.62, 3363559.79; 503273.43, 3363560.71; 503273.49, 3363572.75; 503279.14, 3363573.95; 503279.03, 3363592.72; 503284.42, 3363598.55; 503277.70, 3363622.86; 503272.12, 3363658.96; 503257.00, 3363659.53; 503220.26, 3363657.70; 503211.46, 3363656.94; 503211.34, 3363632.86; 503198.99, 3363600.69; 503189.65, 3363605.42; 503175.37, 3363661.31; 503174.55, 3363690.00; 503175.30, 3363735.30; 503170.12, 3363757.64; 503161.91, 3363768.67; 503127.37, 3363773.12; 503100.70, 3363791.93; 503033.44, 3363790.29; 502978.97, 3363827.84; 502954.55, 3363827.72; 502938.01, 3363827.31; 502928.95, 3363818.51; 502929.56, 3363685.06; 502929.74, 3363569.45; 502821.80, 3363570.13; 502821.27, 3363591.92; 502814.36, 3363603.64; 502789.75, 3363608.33; 502751.22, 3363613.34; 502704.61, 3363624.01; 502670.48, 3363639.13; 502640.35, 3363788.37; 502630.38, 3363844.28; 502624.76, 3363884.45; 502620.15, 3363937.85; 502612.79, 3363995.15; 502605.87, 3364010.90; 502632.10, 3364030.43; 502667.63, 3364049.11; 502682.24, 3364047.48; 502713.23, 3364052.86; 502771.52, 3364051.63; 502794.68, 3364052.20; 502805.45, 3364083.69; 502816.85, 3364110.04; 502829.87, 3364135.63; 502844.48, 3364160.34; 502860.61, 3364184.09; 502878.20, 3364206.79; 502897.18, 3364228.33; 502917.48, 3364248.63; 502939.01, 3364267.63; 502961.69, 3364285.23; 502985.43, 3364301.38; 503010.14, 3364316.00; 503035.71, 3364329.04; 503062.06, 3364340.45; 503089.07, 3364350.18; 503116.64, 3364358.20; 503144.65, 3364364.47; 503173.01, 3364368.97; 503201.59, 3364371.69; 503230.29, 3364372.60; 503258.99, 3364371.70; 503287.57, 3364369.01; 503315.93, 3364364.53; 503343.95, 3364358.27; 503371.52, 3364350.27; 503398.54, 3364340.55; 503424.89, 3364329.16; 503450.47, 3364316.13; 503475.19, 3364301.52; 503498.94, 3364285.39; 503521.63, 3364267.80; 503543.18, 3364248.82; 503563.48, 3364228.53; 503582.48, 3364207.00; 503600.08, 3364184.32; 503616.23, 3364160.57; 503630.85, 3364135.87; 503643.89, 3364110.29; 503655.30, 3364083.94; 503665.03, 3364056.93.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-3, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(v)(B) of this entry.

(v) Unit RFS-3, Subunit B - Santa Rosa County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Holley, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N NAD83 coordinates, (E, N): 507814.78, 3364090.74; 508038.93, 3364260.63; 508159.63, 3364258.28; 508158.08, 3364132.67; 508156.37, 3364018.27; 508155.42, 3363957.25; 508106.06, 3363958.06; 508068.35, 3363958.68; 508035.07, 3363959.24; 507887.21, 3363961.45; 507885.38, 3363855.42; 507685.15, 3363855.35; 507684.90, 3363837.37; 507612.21, 3363836.12; 507612.77, 3363907.73; 507612.90, 3363927.61; 507638.84, 3363928.05; 507638.99, 3363940.21; 507583.59, 3364018.73; 507491.86, 3364016.60; 507493.27, 3364096.55; 507471.91, 3364096.05; 507455.12, 3364095.65; 507457.47, 3364243.92; 507529.64, 3364243.19; 507566.34, 3364270.07; 507830.20, 3364271.25; 507890.35, 3364271.37; 507890.09, 3364262.80; 507967.94, 3364261.67; 508038.93, 3364260.63.

(B) Note: Map of Units RFS-1, RFS-2, and RFS-3 follows:

(vi) Unit RFS-6, Subunit A - Walton County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Bruce, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 601647.75, 3373576.77; 601493.33, 3374109.03; 601522.04, 3374108.60; 601550.67, 3374106.38; 601579.10, 3374102.36; 601607.23, 3374096.56; 601634.93, 3374089.01; 601662.11, 3374079.74; 601688.65, 3374068.77; 601714.44, 3374056.17; 601739.40, 3374041.96; 601763.41, 3374026.22; 601786.39, 3374009.00; 601808.25, 3373990.37; 601828.89, 3373970.41; 601848.23, 3373949.19; 601866.21, 3373926.80; 601882.74, 3373903.32; 601897.76, 3373878.85; 601911.23, 3373853.49; 601923.07, 3373827.33; 601933.24, 3373800.48; 601941.71, 3373773.04; 601948.44, 3373745.13; 601953.40, 3373716.84; 601956.58, 3373688.31; 601957.96, 3373659.62; 601957.54, 3373630.91; 601955.31, 3373602.29; 601951.29, 3373573.85; 601945.50, 3373545.73; 601937.95, 3373518.03; 601932.81, 3373498.30; 602077.97, 3373412.75; 602148.71, 3373370.38; 602189.04, 3373346.29; 602226.02, 3373324.08; 602242.81, 3373314.59; 602251.57, 3373308.87; 602249.73, 3373302.87; 602248.52, 3373298.22; 602244.07, 3373290.84; 602232.30, 3373285.25; 602226.49, 3373279.16; 602219.36, 3373273.03; 602212.40, 3373260.30; 602203.50, 3373245.54; 602189.89, 3373207.54; 602185.07, 3373188.25; 602182.00, 3373178.92; 602174.92, 3373170.82; 602167.16, 3373163.35; 602161.52, 3373150.66; 602159.44, 3373128.14; 602152.20, 3373073.77; 602147.72, 3373041.28; 602068.26, 3373014.83; 602046.87, 3372996.45; 602018.93, 3372975.27; 601977.95, 3372972.42; 601920.70, 3372984.20; 601893.12, 3373001.35; 601867.36, 3373025.15; 601844.26, 3373048.36; 601816.50, 3373072.78; 601799.99, 3373071.04; 601789.68, 3373059.55; 601764.95, 3373042.41; 601751.13, 3373012.99; 601725.10, 3372994.49; 601700.34, 3373005.10; 601680.55, 3373028.40; 601659.92, 3373058.94; 601630.17, 3373083.30; 601595.72, 3373083.76; 601568.63, 3373081.76; 601562.85, 3373153.48; 601546.32, 3373152.40; 601512.87, 3373139.67; 601482.57, 3373133.62; 601457.54, 3373128.37; 601443.06, 3373124.70; 601441.20, 3373198.67; 601422.79, 3373201.67; 601394.66, 3373207.46; 601366.96, 3373215.01; 601339.78, 3373224.29; 601313.25, 3373235.25; 601287.45, 3373247.86; 601262.49, 3373262.06; 601238.48, 3373277.81; 601215.50, 3373295.02; 601193.65, 3373313.65; 601173.01, 3373333.62; 601153.66, 3373354.84; 601135.69, 3373377.23; 601119.15, 3373400.70; 601104.13, 3373425.17; 601090.67, 3373450.54; 601078.83, 3373476.70; 601068.65, 3373503.55; 601060.18, 3373530.98; 601053.45, 3373558.90; 601048.49, 3373587.18; 601045.31, 3373615.72; 601043.93, 3373644.40; 601044.35, 3373673.11; 601046.58, 3373701.74; 601050.60, 3373730.17; 601056.39, 3373758.30; 601063.95, 3373786.00; 601073.22, 3373813.17; 601084.18, 3373839.71; 601096.79, 3373865.51; 601111.00, 3373890.47; 601126.74, 3373914.48; 601143.96, 3373937.46; 601162.58, 3373959.31; 601182.55, 3373979.95; 601203.77, 3373999.30; 601226.16, 3374017.27; 601249.64, 3374033.81; 601274.11, 3374048.83; 601299.47, 3374062.29; 601325.63, 3374074.13; 601352.48, 3374084.31; 601379.92, 3374092.78; 601407.83, 3374099.51; 601436.11, 3374104.47; 601464.65, 3374107.65; 601493.33, 3374109.03.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-6, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(ix)(B) of this entry.

(vii) Unit RFS-6, Subunit B - Washington County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Bruce, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 607444.16, 3365585.74; 607435.59, 3366042.75; 607464.30, 3366042.38; 607492.93, 3366040.22; 607521.37, 3366036.26; 607549.51, 3366030.52; 607577.23, 3366023.03; 607604.42, 3366013.81; 607630.98, 3366002.90; 607656.81, 3365990.35; 607681.79, 3365976.20; 607705.84, 3365960.50; 607728.86, 3365943.33; 607750.75, 3365924.75; 607771.43, 3365904.83; 607790.82, 3365883.65; 607808.84, 3365861.30; 607825.42, 3365837.85; 607840.50, 3365813.42; 607854.02, 3365788.08; 607865.91, 3365761.94; 607876.14, 3365735.11; 607884.67, 3365707.70; 607891.46, 3365679.79; 607896.48, 3365651.52; 607899.72, 3365622.99; 607901.16, 3365594.31; 607900.79, 3365565.60; 607898.63, 3365536.97; 607894.67, 3365508.53; 607888.93, 3365480.39; 607881.44, 3365452.67; 607872.22, 3365425.48; 607861.31, 3365398.91; 607848.76, 3365373.09; 607834.61, 3365348.10; 607818.91, 3365324.06; 607801.74, 3365301.04; 607783.16, 3365279.15; 607763.24, 3365258.47; 607742.06, 3365239.08; 607719.71, 3365221.06; 607696.26, 3365204.48; 607671.83, 3365189.40; 607646.49, 3365175.88; 607620.36, 3365163.99; 607593.53, 3365153.76; 607566.11, 3365145.23; 607538.21, 3365138.44; 607509.93, 3365133.42; 607481.40, 3365130.18; 607452.72, 3365128.74; 607424.01, 3365129.11; 607395.38, 3365131.27; 607366.94, 3365135.23; 607338.80, 3365140.97; 607311.08, 3365148.46; 607283.89, 3365157.68; 607257.33, 3365168.59; 607231.50, 3365181.14; 607206.52, 3365195.29; 607182.47, 3365210.99; 607159.45, 3365228.16; 607137.56, 3365246.74; 607116.88, 3365266.66; 607097.49, 3365287.84; 607079.47, 3365310.19; 607062.89, 3365333.64; 607047.81, 3365358.07; 607034.30, 3365383.41; 607022.40, 3365409.54; 607012.17, 3365436.37; 607003.64, 3365463.79; 606996.85, 3365491.69; 606991.83, 3365519.97; 606988.59, 3365548.50; 606987.15, 3365577.18; 606987.52, 3365605.89; 606989.68, 3365634.52; 606993.64, 3365662.96; 606999.38, 3365691.10; 607006.87, 3365718.82; 607016.09, 3365746.01; 607027.00, 3365772.57; 607039.55, 3365798.40; 607053.70, 3365823.38; 607069.40, 3365847.43; 607086.57, 3365870.45; 607105.15, 3365892.34; 607125.07, 3365913.02; 607146.25, 3365932.41; 607168.60, 3365950.43; 607192.05, 3365967.01; 607216.48, 3365982.09; 607241.82, 3365995.60; 607267.95, 3366007.50; 607294.78, 3366017.73; 607322.20, 3366026.26; 607350.10, 3366033.05; 607378.38, 3366038.07; 607406.91, 3366041.31; 607435.59, 3366042.75.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-6, Subunit B is provided at paragraph (6)(ix)(B) of this entry.

(viii) Unit RFS-7, Subunit A - Holmes County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Bonifay, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 630429.91, 3415116.39; 630422.24, 3415573.43; 630450.95, 3415573.01; 630479.58, 3415570.79; 630508.01, 3415566.77; 630536.14, 3415560.98; 630563.84, 3415553.43; 630591.02, 3415544.16; 630617.56, 3415533.20; 630643.36, 3415520.59; 630668.32, 3415506.39; 630692.34, 3415490.65; 630715.32, 3415473.44; 630737.18, 3415454.81; 630757.82, 3415434.85; 630777.17, 3415413.63; 630795.15, 3415391.24; 630811.68, 3415367.76; 630826.71, 3415343.29; 630840.18, 3415317.93; 630852.02, 3415291.77; 630862.20, 3415264.92; 630870.67, 3415237.48; 630877.41, 3415209.57; 630882.38, 3415181.28; 630885.56, 3415152.74; 630886.94, 3415124.06; 630886.52, 3415095.35; 630884.30, 3415066.72; 630880.28, 3415038.28; 630874.49, 3415010.16; 630866.94, 3414982.45; 630857.67, 3414955.27; 630846.71, 3414928.73; 630834.11, 3414902.93; 630819.91, 3414877.97; 630804.17, 3414853.95; 630786.95, 3414830.97; 630768.32, 3414809.11; 630748.36, 3414788.47; 630727.15, 3414769.12; 630704.75, 3414751.14; 630681.28, 3414734.60; 630656.81, 3414719.57; 630631.45, 3414706.11; 630605.29, 3414694.26; 630578.44, 3414684.08; 630551.00, 3414675.61; 630523.09, 3414668.88; 630494.81, 3414663.91; 630466.27, 3414660.73; 630437.59, 3414659.34; 630408.87, 3414659.76; 630380.24, 3414661.99; 630351.81, 3414666.00; 630323.69, 3414671.79; 630295.98, 3414679.34; 630268.80, 3414688.61; 630242.26, 3414699.58; 630216.46, 3414712.18; 630191.50, 3414726.38; 630167.49, 3414742.12; 630144.51, 3414759.34; 630122.65, 3414777.97; 630102.01, 3414797.93; 630082.66, 3414819.15; 630064.68, 3414841.54; 630048.14, 3414865.01; 630033.11, 3414889.48; 630019.65, 3414914.85; 630007.80, 3414941.01; 629997.63, 3414967.86; 629989.15, 3414995.29; 629982.42, 3415023.21; 629977.45, 3415051.49; 629974.27, 3415080.03; 629972.89, 3415108.72; 629973.31, 3415137.43; 629975.53, 3415166.06; 629979.54, 3415194.49; 629985.34, 3415222.62; 629992.88, 3415250.32; 630002.16, 3415277.50; 630013.12, 3415304.04; 630025.72, 3415329.85; 630039.92, 3415354.81; 630055.66, 3415378.82; 630072.88, 3415401.81; 630091.50, 3415423.66; 630111.46, 3415444.31; 630132.68, 3415463.65; 630155.07, 3415481.63; 630178.55, 3415498.17; 630203.02, 3415513.20; 630228.38, 3415526.67; 630254.54, 3415538.51; 630281.39, 3415548.69; 630308.82, 3415557.16; 630336.74, 3415563.90; 630365.02, 3415568.87; 630393.56, 3415572.05; 630422.24, 3415573.43.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-7, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(ix)(B) of this entry.

(ix) Unit RFS-7, Subunit B - Washington County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Millers Ferry, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 618603.41, 3387429.45; 618699.68, 3387966.18; 618708.26, 3387969.49; 618723.71, 3387970.50; 618726.33, 3387965.00; 618725.78, 3387937.80; 618728.76, 3387918.09; 618732.40, 3387896.55; 618738.22, 3387886.81; 618755.97, 3387870.57; 618776.73, 3387857.50; 618803.06, 3387844.57; 618839.32, 3387830.66; 618872.53, 3387815.43; 618904.43, 3387802.63; 618918.85, 3387795.58; 618926.43, 3387789.59; 618930.96, 3387781.67; 618931.79, 3387748.94; 618930.13, 3387716.76; 618932.43, 3387674.79; 618932.53, 3387646.37; 618934.03, 3387611.79; 618948.87, 3387588.07; 618962.97, 3387569.26; 618980.28, 3387545.60; 618995.92, 3387515.09; 619007.01, 3387492.50; 619018.24, 3387464.98; 619025.65, 3387441.06; 619035.64, 3387413.50; 619042.95, 3387393.91; 619052.14, 3387373.13; 619059.11, 3387348.17; 619055.09, 3387319.74; 619049.30, 3387291.61; 619041.75, 3387263.91; 619032.48, 3387236.73; 619021.51, 3387210.19; 619008.91, 3387184.39; 618994.70, 3387159.43; 618978.96, 3387135.42; 618961.74, 3387112.44; 618943.12, 3387090.58; 618923.15, 3387069.94; 618901.93, 3387050.59; 618879.54, 3387032.62; 618856.06, 3387016.08; 618831.60, 3387001.05; 618806.23, 3386987.59; 618780.07, 3386975.75; 618753.22, 3386965.57; 618725.78, 3386957.10; 618697.87, 3386950.37; 618669.59, 3386945.41; 618641.05, 3386942.23; 618612.37, 3386940.85; 618583.65, 3386941.27; 618555.02, 3386943.49; 618526.59, 3386947.51; 618498.47, 3386953.31; 618470.76, 3386960.86; 618443.59, 3386970.13; 618417.05, 3386981.10; 618391.25, 3386993.70; 618366.29, 3387007.91; 618342.28, 3387023.65; 618319.30, 3387040.87; 618297.44, 3387059.49; 618276.80, 3387079.46; 618257.46, 3387100.68; 618239.48, 3387123.07; 618222.95, 3387146.55; 618207.92, 3387171.02; 618194.46, 3387196.38; 618182.61, 3387222.54; 618172.44, 3387249.39; 618163.97, 3387276.83; 618157.24, 3387304.75; 618152.27, 3387333.03; 618149.09, 3387361.57; 618147.71, 3387390.25; 618148.13, 3387418.97; 618150.36, 3387447.59; 618154.38, 3387476.03; 618160.17, 3387504.15; 618167.72, 3387531.86; 618177.00, 3387559.03; 618187.96, 3387585.58; 618200.57, 3387611.37; 618214.77, 3387636.33; 618230.51, 3387660.35; 618247.73, 3387683.33; 618266.36, 3387705.18; 618286.32, 3387725.82; 618307.54, 3387745.17; 618329.93, 3387763.15; 618353.41, 3387779.68; 618377.88, 3387794.71; 618403.24, 3387808.17; 618429.40, 3387820.02; 618456.25, 3387830.19; 618483.69, 3387838.66; 618511.60, 3387845.39; 618552.33, 3387867.90; 618598.24, 3387912.94; 618635.11, 3387948.48; 618647.90, 3387956.84; 618666.90, 3387964.74; 618689.14, 3387966.53; 618699.68, 3387966.18.

(B) Note: Map of Units RFS-6 and RFS-7 follows:

(x) Unit RFS-8, Subunit A - Jackson County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Cottondale West, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 652825.49, 3407068.83; 652825.48, 3407068.83; 653303.68, 3406605.29; 653038.02, 3406583.61; 653039.18, 3406691.92; 653028.57, 3406721.18; 653006.55, 3406734.40; 652986.39, 3406751.60; 652981.54, 3406786.91; 652980.43, 3406830.19; 652979.67, 3406859.70; 652965.63, 3406869.19; 652941.78, 3406876.45; 652916.11, 3406877.76; 652884.59, 3406876.95; 652859.18, 3406868.42; 652831.89, 3406855.91; 652800.52, 3406849.20; 652767.02, 3406848.34; 652747.17, 3406853.74; 652732.87, 3406873.06; 652724.33, 3406898.44; 652743.83, 3406906.81; 652763.39, 3406913.22; 652758.74, 3406940.66; 652753.99, 3406972.04; 652760.86, 3407011.59; 652764.09, 3407039.23; 652761.57, 3407060.82; 652749.49, 3407070.36; 652725.65, 3407077.62; 652709.68, 3407085.09; 652701.20, 3407108.49; 652698.57, 3407134.02; 652696.09, 3407153.64; 652674.12, 3407164.89; 652656.23, 3407170.34; 652642.04, 3407185.72; 652620.14, 3407175.05; 652594.55, 3407165.80; 652583.46, 3407159.57; 652578.33, 3407152.82; 652573.28, 3407143.44; 652569.58, 3407132.77; 652565.24, 3407121.42; 652555.67, 3407107.29; 652545.45, 3407092.48; 652535.85, 3407079.68; 652526.16, 3407070.17; 652517.58, 3407069.29; 652507.43, 3407077.62; 652495.88, 3407089.23; 652486.90, 3407103.54; 652483.22, 3407117.99; 652480.80, 3407135.12; 652478.24, 3407157.53; 652480.37, 3407177.42; 652480.51, 3407197.92; 652475.78, 3407201.76; 652465.72, 3407206.79; 652458.25, 3407213.87; 652449.33, 3407226.21; 652438.05, 3407227.24; 652428.85, 3407224.36; 652417.75, 3407218.12; 652411.37, 3407208.70; 652407.64, 3407199.35; 652404.20, 3407178.77; 652402.01, 3407160.86; 652397.94, 3407138.94; 652395.00, 3407124.32; 652386.76, 3407110.23; 652373.71, 3407102.62; 652360.44, 3407103.60; 652343.53, 3407117.72; 652333.43, 3407124.07; 652322.15, 3407125.10; 652314.14, 3407127.54; 652305.95, 3407137.25; 652296.58, 3407140.97; 652287.20, 3407145.36; 652274.56, 3407147.68; 652268.06, 3407142.89; 652261.53, 3407139.41; 652255.03, 3407134.62; 652248.60, 3407127.18; 652243.50, 3407119.78; 652238.44, 3407110.39; 652237.44, 3407097.81; 652241.12, 3407083.36; 652242.82, 3407068.86; 652245.24, 3407051.73; 652244.24, 3407039.14; 652236.01, 3407024.39; 652221.05, 3407014.09; 652203.25, 3407010.99; 652190.56, 3407015.29; 652182.47, 3407021.03; 652175.50, 3407034.74; 652172.53, 3407047.22; 652173.53, 3407059.81; 652170.75, 3407065.03; 652164.64, 3407070.82; 652155.26, 3407075.21; 652145.32, 3407075.61; 652133.44, 3407073.99; 652119.02, 3407068.33; 652106.60, 3407062.06; 652100.97, 3407049.36; 652097.32, 3407036.70; 652077.38, 3407039.50; 652052.56, 3407052.08; 652042.52, 3407056.45; 652034.12, 3407074.09; 652048.98, 3407088.35; 652061.11, 3407105.85; 652085.32, 3407117.05; 652106.16, 3407130.80; 652105.19, 3407142.68; 652106.02, 3407161.87; 652112.91, 3407177.25; 652135.31, 3407181.79; 652182.83, 3407187.64; 652215.86, 3407190.47; 652257.41, 3407196.82; 652295.04, 3407201.09; 652314.35, 3407205.65; 652308.49, 3407218.63; 652292.89, 3407233.43; 652266.52, 3407254.57; 652238.70, 3407280.96; 652220.19, 3407305.61; 652212.44, 3407323.92; 652210.01, 3407341.05; 652209.77, 3407350.30; 652210.11, 3407362.87; 652213.26, 3407375.54; 652299.80, 3407383.66; 652374.80, 3407395.52; 652472.45, 3407408.60; 652594.12, 3407426.43; 652663.66, 3407439.95; 652719.80, 3407445.35; 652756.73, 3407450.93; 652822.76, 3407457.91; 652861.06, 3407462.20; 652917.52, 3407467.64; 652905.20, 3407362.30; 652901.54, 3407298.74; 652968.31, 3407276.65; 653003.40, 3407251.11; 653001.57, 3407219.33; 652994.98, 3407166.27; 653006.18, 3407142.76; 653022.74, 3407116.74; 653023.96, 3407069.17; 653009.23, 3407023.84; 653002.04, 3406994.56; 653028.78, 3406984.67; 653046.56, 3407014.22; 653069.77, 3407038.61; 653101.19, 3407052.64; 653145.98, 3407061.72; 653188.39, 3407060.16; 653209.09, 3407079.20; 653227.21, 3407095.54; 653233.05, 3407074.53; 653231.22, 3407042.75; 653237.12, 3407019.10; 653258.77, 3407001.15; 653290.87, 3406988.75; 653294.33, 3406957.10; 653292.43, 3406927.97; 653290.39, 3406904.11; 653290.87, 3406885.61; 653306.88, 3406880.74; 653330.43, 3406891.92; 653353.91, 3406905.74; 653377.80, 3406903.71; 653389.13, 3406874.91; 653395.38, 3406838.05; 653396.39, 3406798.41; 653397.07, 3406771.98; 653400.40, 3406745.62; 653413.97, 3406732.75; 653440.50, 3406730.79; 653454.01, 3406720.56; 653454.42, 3406704.70; 653438.67, 3406699.01; 653411.87, 3406711.54; 653393.20, 3406716.35; 653374.68, 3406715.88; 653358.93, 3406710.18; 653341.08, 3406683.28; 653331.11, 3406659.23; 653321.06, 3406637.81; 653308.37, 3406616.33; 653303.68, 3406605.29.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-8, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(xiv)(B) of this entry.

(xi) Unit RFS-8, Subunit B - Jackson County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Oakdale, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 674995.60, 3401690.28; 673875.85, 3402158.93; 674341.17, 3402164.28; 674675.84, 3402154.41; 674910.48, 3402162.13; 675034.90, 3402087.99; 675083.93, 3402061.49; 675233.86, 3401974.12; 675401.89, 3401877.97; 675485.18, 3401832.51; 675531.62, 3401803.30; 675583.62, 3401764.31; 675781.28, 3401546.61; 675851.43, 3401471.73; 675878.14, 3401437.38; 675932.68, 3401376.64; 675959.66, 3401349.36; 675970.87, 3401333.99; 675981.97, 3401314.44; 676115.36, 3401200.87; 676086.59, 3401161.12; 676052.69, 3401114.62; 676041.90, 3401096.49; 676016.12, 3401069.38; 675998.03, 3401051.73; 675964.86, 3401028.39; 675934.93, 3401007.79; 675918.10, 3400992.81; 675908.38, 3400984.62; 675897.49, 3400970.46; 675889.97, 3400953.73; 675879.31, 3400879.41; 675844.53, 3400893.06; 675327.40, 3401121.69; 674861.39, 3401328.81; 674684.03, 3401401.59; 674391.31, 3401530.89; 673876.29, 3401753.54; 673877.85, 3402081.41; 673875.85, 3402158.93.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-8, Subunit B is provided at paragraph (6)(xiv)(B) of this entry.

(xii) Unit RFS-8, Subunit C - Jackson County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Cypress, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 683829.73, 3393074.70; 684023.32, 3393574.80; 684052.04, 3393574.38; 684080.68, 3393572.16; 684109.12, 3393568.14; 684137.25, 3393562.34; 684164.96, 3393554.79; 684192.15, 3393545.52; 684218.69, 3393534.55; 684244.50, 3393521.94; 684269.46, 3393507.74; 684293.49, 3393491.99; 684316.47, 3393474.77; 684338.33, 3393456.14; 684358.98, 3393436.17; 684378.33, 3393414.95; 684396.32, 3393392.55; 684412.86, 3393369.07; 684427.89, 3393344.60; 684441.36, 3393319.23; 684453.20, 3393293.06; 684463.38, 3393266.20; 684471.86, 3393238.76; 684478.59, 3393210.84; 684483.56, 3393182.55; 684486.74, 3393154.00; 684488.12, 3393125.31; 684487.70, 3393096.59; 684485.48, 3393067.96; 684481.46, 3393039.52; 684475.66, 3393011.38; 684468.11, 3392983.67; 684458.84, 3392956.49; 684447.87, 3392929.94; 684435.27, 3392904.13; 684421.06, 3392879.17; 684405.32, 3392855.15; 684388.09, 3392832.16; 684369.46, 3392810.30; 684349.50, 3392789.65; 684328.27, 3392770.30; 684305.87, 3392752.32; 684282.39, 3392735.78; 684257.92, 3392720.75; 684232.55, 3392707.28; 684206.38, 3392695.43; 684179.52, 3392685.25; 684152.08, 3392676.78; 684124.16, 3392670.04; 684095.87, 3392665.08; 684067.32, 3392661.89; 684038.63, 3392660.51; 684009.91, 3392660.93; 683981.28, 3392663.16; 683966.02, 3392656.75; 683947.05, 3392647.66; 683923.43, 3392639.12; 683903.85, 3392628.04; 683886.86, 3392619.00; 683867.12, 3392613.87; 683843.82, 3392618.55; 683819.20, 3392623.21; 683789.11, 3392634.33; 683770.46, 3392638.47; 683744.30, 3392651.02; 683720.12, 3392664.28; 683706.10, 3392668.55; 683685.47, 3392672.64; 683658.43, 3392667.97; 683632.03, 3392664.65; 683606.95, 3392661.36; 683585.89, 3392656.18; 683542.11, 3392633.24; 683512.11, 3392615.27; 683479.46, 3392597.24; 683450.00, 3392583.92; 683423.91, 3392568.70; 683385.42, 3392545.89; 683371.14, 3392534.94; 683348.35, 3392519.81; 683332.69, 3392510.81; 683315.62, 3392505.08; 683294.59, 3392498.59; 683272.28, 3392490.74; 683253.15, 3392487.60; 683203.24, 3392496.89; 683207.64, 3392582.95; 683209.99, 3392696.72; 683212.45, 3392729.84; 683218.34, 3392783.54; 683218.66, 3392796.77; 683214.15, 3392817.81; 683194.50, 3392886.06; 683182.83, 3392927.40; 683174.68, 3392960.91; 683171.34, 3392987.93; 683171.38, 3393011.73; 683174.93, 3393028.35; 683181.19, 3393042.39; 683179.64, 3393050.95; 683179.13, 3393070.77; 683177.70, 3393100.48; 683176.50, 3393146.73; 683179.16, 3393171.92; 683183.14, 3393197.15; 683188.54, 3393219.10; 683190.03, 3393238.31; 683189.67, 3393252.19; 683214.05, 3393256.78; 683227.92, 3393258.46; 683266.03, 3393270.03; 683309.50, 3393279.08; 683347.79, 3393284.04; 683367.66, 3393283.89; 683389.34, 3393286.52; 683469.22, 3393300.40; 683524.08, 3393304.46; 683580.93, 3393308.57; 683593.71, 3393300.97; 683608.59, 3393292.07; 683614.08, 3393305.37; 683626.69, 3393331.18; 683640.90, 3393356.14; 683656.64, 3393380.17; 683673.86, 3393403.15; 683692.49, 3393425.01; 683712.46, 3393445.66; 683733.68, 3393465.01; 683756.08, 3393482.99; 683779.56, 3393499.53; 683804.04, 3393514.57; 683829.41, 3393528.03; 683855.57, 3393539.88; 683882.43, 3393550.06; 683909.88, 3393558.54; 683937.80, 3393565.27; 683966.09, 3393570.24; 683994.63, 3393573.42; 684023.32, 3393574.80.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-8, Subunit C is provided at paragraph (6)(xiv)(B) of this entry.

(xiii) Unit RFS-9, Subunit A - Calhoun County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Broad Branch, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 664818.75, 3351879.40; 664810.75, 3352336.50; 664839.47, 3352336.10; 664868.11, 3352333.90; 664896.55, 3352329.90; 664924.68, 3352324.13; 664952.40, 3352316.60; 664979.59, 3352307.34; 665006.14, 3352296.40; 665031.95, 3352283.81; 665056.93, 3352269.63; 665080.96, 3352253.90; 665103.96, 3352236.70; 665125.83, 3352218.08; 665146.49, 3352198.13; 665165.86, 3352176.93; 665183.85, 3352154.54; 665200.41, 3352131.08; 665215.46, 3352106.61; 665228.94, 3352081.26; 665240.81, 3352055.10; 665251.01, 3352028.25; 665259.50, 3352000.82; 665266.26, 3351972.90; 665271.25, 3351944.62; 665274.45, 3351916.08; 665275.85, 3351887.39; 665275.45, 3351858.67; 665273.25, 3351830.04; 665269.26, 3351801.60; 665263.48, 3351773.46; 665255.95, 3351745.75; 665246.70, 3351718.56; 665235.75, 3351692.00; 665223.16, 3351666.19; 665208.98, 3351641.22; 665193.25, 3351617.18; 665176.05, 3351594.19; 665157.44, 3351572.31; 665137.49, 3351551.65; 665116.28, 3351532.29; 665093.90, 3351514.29; 665070.43, 3351497.73; 665045.97, 3351482.68; 665020.61, 3351469.20; 664994.45, 3351457.33; 664967.61, 3351447.13; 664940.17, 3351438.64; 664912.26, 3351431.89; 664883.97, 3351426.90; 664855.43, 3351423.70; 664826.74, 3351422.29; 664798.03, 3351422.69; 664769.39, 3351424.89; 664740.95, 3351428.89; 664712.82, 3351434.66; 664685.10, 3351442.19; 664657.91, 3351451.45; 664631.36, 3351462.39; 664605.54, 3351474.98; 664580.57, 3351489.17; 664556.54, 3351504.89; 664533.54, 3351522.09; 664511.67, 3351540.71; 664491.01, 3351560.66; 664471.64, 3351581.87; 664453.64, 3351604.25; 664437.09, 3351627.72; 664422.04, 3351652.18; 664408.55, 3351677.53; 664396.69, 3351703.69; 664386.49, 3351730.54; 664377.99, 3351757.97; 664371.24, 3351785.89; 664366.25, 3351814.17; 664363.05, 3351842.71; 664361.65, 3351871.40; 664362.05, 3351900.12; 664364.25, 3351928.75; 664368.24, 3351957.19; 664374.02, 3351985.33; 664381.55, 3352013.04; 664390.80, 3352040.23; 664401.74, 3352066.79; 664414.33, 3352092.60; 664428.52, 3352117.57; 664444.24, 3352141.60; 664461.45, 3352164.60; 664480.06, 3352186.47; 664500.01, 3352207.14; 664521.22, 3352226.50; 664543.60, 3352244.50; 664567.07, 3352261.06; 664591.53, 3352276.11; 664616.89, 3352289.59; 664643.04, 3352301.46; 664669.89, 3352311.66; 664697.33, 3352320.15; 664725.24, 3352326.90; 664753.53, 3352331.89; 664782.07, 3352335.09; 664810.75, 3352336.50.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-9, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (6)(xiv)(B) of this entry.

(xiv) Unit RFS-9, Subunit B - Calhoun County, Florida. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Dead Lake, Florida.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 677786.48, 3346665.69; 676322.21, 3345710.86; 676293.52, 3345709.49; 676264.80, 3345709.91; 676236.17, 3345712.14; 676207.73, 3345716.17; 676179.60, 3345721.97; 676151.89, 3345729.52; 676124.71, 3345738.80; 676098.16, 3345749.77; 676072.36, 3345762.39; 676047.40, 3345776.60; 676023.38, 3345792.34; 676000.40, 3345809.57; 675978.54, 3345828.20; 675957.90, 3345848.17; 675938.55, 3345869.40; 675920.57, 3345891.80; 675904.04, 3345915.28; 675889.01, 3345939.76; 675875.55, 3345965.13; 675863.71, 3345991.30; 675853.53, 3346018.16; 675845.07, 3346045.60; 675838.34, 3346073.52; 675833.38, 3346101.81; 675830.20, 3346130.36; 675828.82, 3346159.05; 675829.25, 3346187.76; 675831.48, 3346216.40; 675835.50, 3346244.84; 675841.31, 3346272.97; 675848.86, 3346300.67; 675858.14, 3346327.85; 675869.11, 3346354.40; 675881.73, 3346380.20; 675895.94, 3346405.16; 675911.69, 3346429.18; 675928.91, 3346452.16; 675947.55, 3346474.02; 675967.52, 3346494.66; 675988.75, 3346514.01; 676011.15, 3346531.98; 676034.63, 3346548.52; 676059.11, 3346563.55; 676084.48, 3346577.01; 676110.65, 3346588.85; 676137.51, 3346599.02; 679138.53, 3347597.18; 679165.98, 3347605.65; 679193.90, 3347612.37; 679222.19, 3347617.34; 679250.74, 3347620.51; 679279.43, 3347621.89; 679308.15, 3347621.46; 679336.78, 3347619.23; 679365.22, 3347615.21; 679393.35, 3347609.41; 679421.06, 3347601.85; 679448.25, 3347592.57; 679474.79, 3347581.60; 679500.60, 3347568.99; 679525.56, 3347554.78; 679549.58, 3347539.03; 679572.56, 3347521.81; 679594.42, 3347503.17; 679615.06, 3347483.20; 679634.41, 3347461.97; 679652.39, 3347439.57; 679668.92, 3347416.09; 679683.95, 3347391.61; 679697.41, 3347366.24; 679709.25, 3347340.07; 679719.43, 3347313.22; 679727.89, 3347285.77; 679734.62, 3347257.85; 679739.58, 3347229.56; 679742.76, 3347201.01; 679744.14, 3347172.32; 679743.71, 3347143.61; 679741.48, 3347114.97; 679737.46, 3347086.53; 679731.66, 3347058.40; 679724.10, 3347030.69; 679714.82, 3347003.51; 679703.85, 3346976.97; 679691.23, 3346951.16; 679677.02, 3346926.20; 679661.27, 3346902.19; 679644.05, 3346879.20; 679625.41, 3346857.35; 679605.44, 3346836.70; 679584.21, 3346817.36; 679561.81, 3346799.38; 679538.33, 3346782.84; 679513.85, 3346767.82; 679488.47, 3346754.36; 679462.31, 3346742.52; 679435.45, 3346732.34; 676434.42, 3345734.20; 676406.97, 3345725.73; 676379.05, 3345719.00; 676350.76, 3345714.04; 676322.21, 3345710.86.

(B) Note: Map of Units RFS-8 and RFS-9 follows:

(7) Reticulated flatwood salamander - Baker and Miller Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit RFS-10, Subunit A - Miller County, Georgia. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Donalsonville NE, Georgia.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 709773.06, 3456290.97; 709801.78, 3456290.64; 709830.43, 3456288.51; 709858.89, 3456284.58; 709887.04, 3456278.87; 709914.78, 3456271.41; 709942.00, 3456262.22; 709968.58, 3456251.34; 709994.43, 3456238.81; 710019.45, 3456224.68; 710043.52, 3456209.01; 710066.57, 3456191.86; 710088.49, 3456173.30; 710109.20, 3456153.39; 710128.62, 3456132.23; 710146.68, 3456109.89; 710163.30, 3456086.45; 710178.41, 3456062.02; 710191.96, 3456036.69; 710203.89, 3456010.56; 710214.16, 3455983.73; 710222.72, 3455956.31; 710229.54, 3455928.41; 710234.60, 3455900.13; 710237.88, 3455871.59; 710239.35, 3455842.91; 710239.02, 3455814.18; 710236.89, 3455785.53; 710232.96, 3455757.08; 710227.25, 3455728.92; 710219.79, 3455701.18; 710210.60, 3455673.97; 710199.72, 3455647.38; 710187.19, 3455621.53; 710173.06, 3455596.52; 710157.39, 3455572.44; 710140.24, 3455549.40; 710121.68, 3455527.48; 710101.77, 3455506.76; 710080.61, 3455487.34; 710058.27, 3455469.29; 710034.83, 3455452.67; 710010.40, 3455437.56; 709985.07, 3455424.01; 709958.94, 3455412.08; 709932.11, 3455401.81; 709904.69, 3455393.25; 709876.79, 3455386.42; 709848.51, 3455381.36; 709819.97, 3455378.09; 709791.29, 3455376.62; 709762.56, 3455376.95; 709733.91, 3455379.08; 709705.46, 3455383.01; 709677.30, 3455388.71; 709649.56, 3455396.18; 709622.35, 3455405.37; 709595.76, 3455416.25; 709569.91, 3455428.78; 709544.90, 3455442.90; 709520.82, 3455458.57; 709497.78, 3455475.73; 709475.86, 3455494.29; 709455.15, 3455514.19; 709435.72, 3455535.36; 709417.67, 3455557.70; 709401.05, 3455581.13; 709385.94, 3455605.56; 709372.39, 3455630.89; 709360.46, 3455657.02; 709350.19, 3455683.85; 709341.63, 3455711.27; 709334.80, 3455739.18; 709329.75, 3455767.45; 709326.47, 3455795.99; 709325.00, 3455824.68; 709325.33, 3455853.40; 709327.46, 3455882.05; 709331.39, 3455910.51; 709337.10, 3455938.66; 709344.56, 3455966.40; 709353.75, 3455993.62; 709364.63, 3456020.20; 709377.16, 3456046.05; 709391.29, 3456071.07; 709406.96, 3456095.14; 709424.11, 3456118.19; 709442.67, 3456140.11; 709462.57, 3456160.82; 709483.74, 3456180.24; 709506.08, 3456198.30; 709529.51, 3456214.92; 709553.94, 3456230.03; 709579.27, 3456243.58; 709605.40, 3456255.51; 709632.23, 3456265.78; 709659.65, 3456274.34; 709687.56, 3456281.16; 709715.83, 3456286.22; 709744.37, 3456289.49; 709773.06, 3456290.97.

(B) Note: Map depicting Unit RFS-10, Subunit A is provided at paragraph (7)(ii)(B) of this entry.

(ii) Unit RFS-10, Subunit B - Baker County, Georgia. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Bethany, Georgia.

(A) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 16N, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 734799.11, 3462120.86; 735025.60, 3462958.51; 735075.16, 3462764.67; 735444.38, 3461469.20; 735412.19, 3461400.33; 735420.28, 3461310.28; 735420.28, 3461223.05; 735430.58, 3461136.30; 735479.60, 3461141.39; 735578.13, 3461132.68; 735613.43, 3461091.58; 735650.82, 3461010.58; 735669.51, 3460923.35; 735703.92, 3460811.06; 735756.74, 3460736.42; 735800.35, 3460649.19; 735744.28, 3460624.27; 735432.74, 3460624.27; 735021.51, 3460618.04; 735040.20, 3460767.58; 734952.97, 3460823.66; 734840.82, 3460861.04; 734812.02, 3460938.41; 734541.74, 3461658.58; 734504.36, 3461783.19; 734301.81, 3462565.34; 734165.92, 3462612.37; 734048.55, 3462652.99; 733925.73, 3462646.35; 733818.44, 3462640.54; 733818.98, 3462680.42; 733831.44, 3462724.03; 733831.91, 3462789.15; 733887.18, 3462970.92; 733929.82, 3463111.13; 733981.10, 3463244.98; 734029.39, 3463371.05; 734111.12, 3463466.09; 734161.67, 3463534.03; 734214.05, 3463602.19; 734302.98, 3463595.69; 734405.69, 3463535.78; 734460.75, 3463434.34; 734585.36, 3463428.11; 734697.51, 3463384.49; 734766.02, 3463372.96; 734844.43, 3463268.82; 734936.26, 3463146.86; 735025.60, 3462958.51.

(B) Note: Map of Unit RFS-10 follows:

Salado Salamander (Eurycea chisholmensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bell and Williamson Counties, Texas, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Salado salamander consist of the following components:

(i) For surface habitat:

(A) Water from the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer. Groundwater quality issuing to the surface from the underlying aquifer is similar to natural aquifer conditions as it discharges from natural spring outlets. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants are below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Salado salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with at least some surface flow during the year. The water chemistry of aquatic surface habitats is similar to natural aquifer conditions, with temperatures from 61 to 84 °F (16 to 29 °C), dissolved oxygen concentrations from 5 to 13 milligrams per liter (mg/L), and specific water conductance from 317 to 814 micro-Siemens per centimeter (µS/cm).

(B) Rocky substrate with interstitial spaces. Rocks in the substrate of the salamander's surface aquatic habitat are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat. The substrate and interstitial spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The spring environment is capable of supporting a diverse aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, and aquatic snails.

(D) Subterranean aquifer. Access to the subsurface water table exists to provide shelter, protection, and space for reproduction. This access can occur in the form of large conduits that carry water to the spring outlet or porous voids between rocks in the streambed that extend down into the water table.

(ii) For subsurface habitat:

(A) Water from the Northern Segment of the Edwards Aquifer. Groundwater quality is similar to natural aquifer conditions. Concentrations of water quality constituents and contaminants are below levels that could exert direct lethal or sublethal effects (such as effects to reproduction, growth, development, or metabolic processes), or indirect effects (such as effects to the Salado salamander's prey base). Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites are present, with continuous flow. The water chemistry is similar to natural aquifer conditions, with temperatures from 61 to 84 °F (16 to 29 °C), dissolved oxygen concentrations from 5 to 13 mg/L, and specific water conductance from 317 to 814 µS/cm.

(B) Subsurface spaces. Voids between rocks underground are large enough to provide salamanders with cover, shelter, and foraging habitat. These spaces have minimal sedimentation.

(C) Aquatic invertebrates for food. The habitat is capable of supporting an aquatic invertebrate community that includes crustaceans, insects, and aquatic snails.

(3) Surface critical habitat includes the spring outlets and outflow up to the high-water line and 262 ft (80 m) of upstream and downstream habitat, including the dry stream channel during periods of no surface flow. The surface critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) existing within the legal boundaries on September 17, 2021; however, the subsurface critical habitat may extend below such structures. The subsurface critical habitat includes underground features in a circle with a radius of 984 ft (300 m) around the springs.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and U.S. Geological Survey 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS. We delineated critical habitat unit boundaries by starting with the cave or spring point locations that are occupied by the salamanders. From these cave or springs points, we delineated a 984-ft (300-m) buffer to create the polygons that capture the extent to which we estimate the salamander populations exist through underground conduits. The polygons were then simplified to reduce the number of vertices, but still retain the overall shape and extent. Subsequently, polygons that were within 98 ft (30 m) of each other were merged together. Each new merged polygon was then revised to remove extraneous divots or protrusions that resulted from the merge process. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0048, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 4: IH-35 Unit.

(i) Unit 4 consists of approximately 175 ac (71 ha) of private, State, and City of Salado land located in southwestern Bell County, Texas, in the southern part of the Village of Salado. The unit extends along Salado Creek on both sides of Interstate Highway 35 (IH 35). The IH 35 right-of-way crosses Salado Creek and is owned by the Texas Department of Transportation. The unit is a mixture of residential and commercial properties on its eastern portion, with some undeveloped ranch land in the western part west of IH-35.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(7) Unit 5: King's Garden Main Spring Unit.

(i) Unit 5 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land in northern Williamson County, Texas. The unit is undeveloped land.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(8) Unit 6: Cobbs Spring Unit.

(i) Unit 6 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land located in northwestern Williamson County, Texas. The unit is undeveloped land.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(9) Unit 7: Cowan Creek Spring Unit.

(i) Unit 7 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land located in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The northern portion of the unit is residential development; the remainder is undeveloped.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

(10) Unit 8: Walnut Spring Unit.

(i) Unit 8 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private and Williamson County land located in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The western, eastern, and northeastern portions of the unit contain low-density residential development; the southern and north-central portions are undeveloped. The extreme southeastern corner of the unit is part of Williamson County Conservation Foundation's Twin Springs Preserve.

(ii) Map of Units 8 and 9 follows:

(11) Unit 9: Twin Springs Unit.

(i) Unit 9 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private and Williamson County land located in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The northern portion of the unit contains low-density residential development; the remainder of the unit is undeveloped. The majority of the unit is part of Williamson County Conservation Foundation's Twin Springs Preserve.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 10: Bat Well Cave Unit.

(i) Unit 10 consists of approximately 68 ac (28 ha) of private land located in west-central Williamson County, Texas. The western, northern, and southern portion of the unit contains residential development.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 follows:

San Marcos Salamander (Eurycea nana)

Texas. Hays County - Spring Lake and its outflow, the San Marcos River, downstream approximately 50 meters from the Spring Lake Dam.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus).

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements for the arroyo toad consist of four components:

(i) Rivers or streams with hydrologic regimes that supply water to provide space, food, and cover needed to sustain eggs, tadpoles, metamorphosing juveniles, and adult breeding toads. Breeding pools must persist a minimum of 2 months for the completion of larval development. However, due to the dynamic nature of southern California riparian systems and flood regimes, the location of suitable breeding pools may vary from year to year. Specifically, the conditions necessary to allow for successful reproduction of arroyo toads are:

(A) Breeding pools that are less than 6 inches (15 centimeters) deep;

(B) Areas of flowing water with current velocities less than 1.3 feet per second (40 centimeters per second); and

(C) Surface water that lasts for a minimum of 2 months during the breeding season (a sufficient wet period in the spring months to allow arroyo toad larvae to hatch, mature, and metamorphose).

(ii) Riparian and adjacent upland habitats, particularly low-gradient (typically less than 6 percent) stream segments and alluvial streamside terraces with sandy or fine gravel substrates that support the formation of shallow pools and sparsely vegetated sand and gravel bars for breeding and rearing of tadpoles and juveniles; and adjacent valley bottomlands that include areas of loose soil where toads can burrow underground, to provide foraging and living areas for juvenile and adult arroyo toads.

(iii) A natural flooding regime, or one sufficiently corresponding to natural, that:

(A) Is characterized by intermittent or near-perennial flow that contributes to the persistence of shallow pools into at least mid-summer;

(B) Maintains areas of open, sparsely vegetated, sandy stream channels and terraces by periodically scouring riparian vegetation; and

(C) Also modifies stream channels and terraces and redistributes sand and sediment, such that breeding pools and terrace habitats with scattered vegetation are maintained.

(iv) Stream channels and adjacent upland habitats that allow for movement to breeding pools, foraging areas, overwintering sites, upstream and downstream dispersal, and connectivity to areas that contain suitable habitat.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles using USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) county-wide MrSID compressed mosaics of 1 meter resolution and natural color aerial photography from summer 2009. Except where otherwise noted, critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map 1 of Units of Critical Habitat for Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus) follows:

(6) Note: Index map 2 of Units of Critical Habitat for Arroyo Toad (Anaxyrus californicus) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Sisquoc River, Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Foxen Canyon, Zaca Lake, Bald Mtn., and Hurricane Deck. Beginning at 120 degrees West Longitude at UTM zone 10, NAD83 y coordinate 3858106, land bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 774369, 3858136; 774379, 3857806; 774379, 3857806; 774151, 3857792; 774149, 3857822; 773999, 3857813; 773997, 3857843; 773937, 3857839; 773936, 3857869; 773876, 3857866; 773874, 3857896; 773844, 3857894; 773842, 3857924; 773812, 3857922; 773810, 3857952; 773780, 3857950; 773779, 3857980; 773749, 3857978; 773740, 3858128; 773710, 3858126; 773708, 3858156; 773678, 3858154; 773676, 3858184; 773646, 3858183; 773644, 3858213; 773615, 3858211; 773613, 3858241; 773583, 3858239; 773581, 3858269; 773521, 3858265; 773519, 3858295; 773459, 3858292; 773458, 3858322; 773248, 3858309; 773246, 3858339; 773156, 3858334; 773155, 3858364; 773095, 3858360; 773093, 3858390; 773033, 3858386; 773031, 3858416; 772941, 3858411; 772940, 3858441; 772850, 3858435; 772852, 3858405; 772792, 3858402; 772784, 3858522; 772755, 3858520; 772753, 3858550; 772723, 3858548; 772719, 3858608; 772659, 3858604; 772658, 3858634; 772628, 3858632; 772626, 3858662; 772566, 3858659; 772564, 3858689; 772444, 3858682; 772443, 3858712; 772263, 3858701; 772261, 3858731; 772111, 3858722; 772110, 3858752; 772050, 3858748; 772048, 3858778; 772018, 3858776; 772016, 3858806; 771926, 3858801; 771923, 3858861; 771893, 3858859; 771880, 3859069; 771850, 3859067; 771848, 3859097; 771818, 3859095; 771817, 3859125; 771787, 3859123; 771783, 3859183; 771753, 3859181; 771750, 3859241; 771720, 3859239; 771718, 3859269; 771688, 3859267; 771686, 3859297; 771656, 3859296; 771654, 3859325; 771624, 3859324; 771623, 3859354; 771563, 3859350; 771561, 3859380; 771531, 3859378; 771529, 3859408; 771499, 3859406; 771497, 3859436; 771438, 3859433; 771436, 3859463; 771406, 3859461; 771404, 3859491; 771374, 3859489; 771372, 3859519; 771312, 3859515; 771311, 3859545; 771221, 3859540; 771224, 3859480; 771194, 3859478; 771196, 3859448; 771136, 3859445; 771135, 3859475; 771045, 3859469; 771043, 3859499; 770923, 3859492; 770921, 3859522; 770832, 3859517; 770830, 3859547; 770650, 3859536; 770648, 3859566; 770618, 3859564; 770617, 3859594; 770557, 3859590; 770555, 3859620; 770495, 3859617; 770493, 3859647; 770463, 3859645; 770461, 3859675; 770431, 3859673; 770430, 3859703; 770370, 3859699; 770368, 3859729; 770338, 3859727; 770336, 3859757; 770007, 3859738; 770005, 3859768; 769945, 3859764; 769943, 3859794; 769913, 3859792; 769912, 3859822; 769882, 3859820; 769880, 3859850; 769820, 3859847; 769818, 3859877; 769788, 3859875; 769786, 3859905; 769757, 3859903; 769755, 3859933; 769665, 3859928; 769667, 3859898; 769637, 3859896; 769635, 3859926; 769455, 3859915; 769457, 3859885; 769427, 3859883; 769429, 3859853; 769399, 3859851; 769401, 3859822; 769371, 3859820; 769373, 3859790; 769343, 3859788; 769344, 3859758; 769315, 3859756; 769316, 3859726; 769256, 3859723; 769258, 3859693; 769168, 3859687; 769167, 3859717; 769137, 3859716; 769135, 3859745; 769105, 3859744; 769103, 3859774; 769073, 3859772; 769071, 3859802; 769041, 3859800; 769040, 3859830; 769010, 3859828; 769004, 3859918; 769034, 3859920; 769031, 3859980; 769001, 3859978; 768999, 3860008; 768969, 3860006; 768967, 3860036; 768877, 3860031; 768876, 3860061; 768846, 3860059; 768844, 3860089; 768754, 3860083; 768745, 3860233; 768715, 3860231; 768712, 3860291; 768682, 3860289; 768678, 3860349; 768588, 3860344; 768590, 3860314; 768560, 3860312; 768562, 3860282; 768412, 3860273; 768410, 3860303; 768201, 3860291; 768202, 3860261; 768173, 3860259; 768174, 3860229; 768144, 3860227; 768150, 3860137; 768180, 3860139; 768196, 3859869; 768166, 3859868; 768168, 3859838; 768138, 3859836; 768140, 3859806; 768080, 3859802; 768081, 3859772; 768022, 3859769; 768023, 3859739; 767963, 3859735; 767962, 3859765; 767722, 3859751; 767720, 3859781; 767451, 3859765; 767453, 3859735; 767423, 3859733; 767424, 3859703; 767215, 3859690; 767213, 3859720; 767093, 3859713; 767095, 3859683; 767005, 3859678; 767007, 3859648; 766887, 3859641; 766889, 3859611; 766829, 3859607; 766831, 3859577; 766771, 3859574; 766773, 3859544; 766713, 3859540; 766715, 3859510; 766655, 3859507; 766657, 3859477; 766627, 3859475; 766629, 3859445; 766359, 3859429; 766363, 3859369; 766333, 3859367; 766335, 3859337; 766305, 3859335; 766306, 3859305; 766247, 3859302; 766248, 3859272; 766188, 3859268; 766190, 3859238; 765951, 3859224; 765952, 3859194; 765893, 3859191; 765894, 3859161; 765864, 3859159; 765866, 3859129; 765836, 3859127; 765838, 3859097; 765808, 3859095; 765810, 3859065; 765780, 3859064; 765782, 3859034; 765752, 3859032; 765754, 3859002; 765724, 3859000; 765727, 3858940; 765697, 3858938; 765699, 3858908; 765669, 3858907; 765673, 3858847; 765703, 3858849; 765706, 3858789; 765676, 3858787; 765678, 3858757; 765648, 3858755; 765650, 3858725; 765620, 3858723; 765622, 3858693; 765592, 3858692; 765599, 3858572; 765629, 3858574; 765631, 3858544; 765661, 3858546; 765664, 3858486; 765575, 3858480; 765576, 3858450; 765546, 3858449; 765550, 3858389; 765490, 3858385; 765492, 3858355; 765432, 3858352; 765434, 3858322; 765344, 3858316; 765342, 3858346; 765282, 3858343; 765222, 3858339; 765224, 3858309; 765045, 3858298; 765043, 3858328; 764983, 3858325; 764981, 3858355; 764921, 3858351; 764919, 3858381; 764830, 3858376; 764831, 3858346; 764771, 3858342; 764773, 3858312; 764683, 3858307; 764685, 3858277; 763967, 3858234; 763965, 3858264; 763935, 3858262; 763937, 3858232; 763847, 3858227; 763849, 3858197; 763729, 3858189; 763731, 3858159; 763671, 3858156; 763669, 3858186; 763549, 3858179; 763547, 3858209; 763517, 3858207; 763514, 3858267; 763544, 3858268; 763542, 3858298; 763537, 3858388; 763507, 3858386; 763503, 3858446; 763473, 3858445; 763471, 3858474; 763441, 3858473; 763440, 3858503; 763380, 3858499; 763378, 3858529; 763348, 3858527; 763346, 3858557; 763316, 3858555; 763315, 3858585; 763285, 3858583; 763283, 3858613; 763253, 3858612; 763251, 3858642; 763131, 3858634; 763129, 3858664; 762980, 3858655; 762982, 3858625; 762892, 3858620; 762802, 3858615; 762800, 3858645; 762680, 3858637; 762682, 3858607; 762652, 3858606; 762654, 3858576; 762624, 3858574; 762631, 3858454; 762601, 3858452; 762603, 3858422; 762573, 3858421; 762575, 3858391; 762545, 3858389; 762547, 3858359; 762517, 3858357; 762519, 3858327; 762189, 3858307; 762187, 3858337; 762008, 3858327; 762013, 3858237; 761983, 3858235; 761987, 3858175; 761957, 3858173; 761959, 3858143; 761899, 3858140; 761901, 3858110; 761871, 3858108; 761872, 3858078; 761813, 3858075; 761811, 3858105; 761751, 3858101; 761749, 3858131; 761659, 3858125; 761661, 3858096; 761631, 3858094; 761635, 3858034; 761605, 3858032; 761608, 3857972; 761519, 3857967; 761520, 3857937; 761490, 3857935; 761492, 3857905; 761462, 3857903; 761464, 3857873; 761434, 3857872; 761432, 3857902; 761193, 3857887; 761195, 3857857; 761075, 3857850; 761077, 3857820; 760747, 3857800; 760746, 3857830; 760716, 3857829; 760714, 3857858; 760654, 3857855; 760652, 3857885; 760622, 3857883; 760620, 3857913; 760650, 3857915; 760640, 3858094; 760610, 3858093; 760608, 3858123; 760578, 3858121; 760576, 3858151; 760606, 3858153; 760602, 3858212; 760572, 3858211; 760574, 3858181; 760514, 3858177; 760516, 3858147; 760456, 3858144; 760455, 3858173; 760305, 3858165; 760303, 3858194; 760243, 3858191; 760241, 3858221; 760181, 3858217; 760180, 3858247; 760150, 3858245; 760148, 3858275; 760058, 3858270; 760056, 3858300; 760026, 3858298; 760025, 3858328; 759995, 3858326; 759993, 3858356; 759933, 3858353; 759931, 3858383; 759871, 3858379; 759869, 3858409; 759840, 3858407; 759838, 3858437; 759778, 3858433; 759776, 3858463; 759746, 3858462; 759744, 3858492; 759714, 3858490; 759713, 3858520; 759683, 3858518; 759681, 3858548; 759651, 3858546; 759649, 3858576; 759619, 3858574; 759612, 3858694; 759582, 3858692; 759578, 3858752; 759549, 3858750; 759547, 3858780; 759487, 3858777; 759485, 3858807; 759425, 3858803; 759423, 3858833; 759393, 3858831; 759392, 3858861; 759362, 3858859; 759360, 3858889; 759300, 3858886; 759298, 3858915; 759059, 3858901; 759061, 3858871; 759031, 3858869; 759032, 3858839; 758973, 3858836; 758974, 3858806; 758944, 3858804; 758946, 3858774; 758916, 3858772; 758918, 3858742; 758888, 3858741; 758890, 3858711; 758860, 3858709; 758862, 3858679; 758832, 3858677; 758835, 3858617; 758865, 3858619; 758872, 3858499; 758843, 3858498; 758844, 3858468; 758814, 3858466; 758818, 3858406; 758788, 3858404; 758792, 3858344; 758762, 3858342; 758763, 3858313; 758734, 3858311; 758737, 3858251; 758647, 3858245; 758649, 3858216; 758529, 3858208; 758531, 3858178; 758441, 3858173; 758440, 3858203; 758110, 3858183; 758108, 3858213; 758049, 3858210; 758047, 3858240; 757987, 3858236; 757985, 3858266; 757925, 3858262; 757923, 3858292; 757834, 3858287; 757832, 3858317; 757772, 3858313; 757770, 3858343; 757740, 3858341; 757737, 3858401; 757707, 3858399; 757705, 3858429; 757675, 3858428; 757673, 3858458; 757643, 3858456; 757641, 3858486; 757611, 3858484; 757610, 3858514; 757580, 3858512; 757578, 3858542; 757458, 3858535; 757456, 3858565; 757426, 3858563; 757423, 3858623; 757393, 3858621; 757391, 3858651; 757361, 3858649; 757359, 3858679; 757329, 3858677; 757328, 3858707; 757298, 3858705; 757296, 3858735; 757266, 3858734; 757262, 3858793; 757232, 3858792; 757231, 3858822; 757171, 3858818; 757165, 3858908; 757135, 3858906; 757132, 3858966; 757102, 3858964; 757100, 3858994; 757010, 3858989; 757012, 3858959; 756952, 3858955; 756954, 3858925; 756864, 3858920; 756866, 3858890; 756776, 3858885; 756778, 3858855; 756688, 3858849; 756686, 3858879; 756507, 3858868; 756505, 3858898; 756385, 3858891; 756383, 3858921; 756294, 3858916; 756292, 3858946; 756262, 3858944; 756260, 3858974; 756200, 3858970; 756198, 3859000; 756185, 3859042; 756163, 3859153; 756137, 3859208; 756100, 3859252; 756031, 3859305; 755958, 3859355; 755884, 3859380; 755832, 3859387; 755789, 3859366; 755738, 3859312; 755688, 3859269; 755668, 3859225; 755676, 3859155; 755652, 3859088; 755656, 3859028; 755626, 3859026; 755597, 3859047; 755592, 3859084; 755591, 3859114; 755600, 3859174; 755580, 3859248; 755631, 3859307; 755637, 3859355; 755625, 3859379; 755576, 3859399; 755502, 3859438; 755446, 3859448; 755302, 3859453; 755236, 3859475; 755121, 3859518; 754957, 3859487; 754745, 3859445; 754665, 3859413; 754520, 3859352; 754518, 3859645; 754595, 3859689; 754685, 3859785; 754743, 3859833; 754874, 3859896; 755036, 3859965; 755130, 3860004; 755197, 3860023; 755244, 3860037; 755280, 3860045; 755310, 3860056; 755346, 3860062; 755378, 3860072; 755417, 3860083; 755451, 3860087; 755503, 3860083; 755527, 3860084; 755542, 3860083; 755555, 3860076; 755569, 3860059; 755591, 3860047; 755630, 3860040; 755726, 3860058; 755839, 3860103; 755911, 3860141; 755958, 3860208; 756003, 3860252; 756083, 3860313; 756146, 3860379; 756144, 3860409; 756234, 3860414; 756232, 3860444; 756262, 3860446; 756260, 3860476; 756293, 3860511; 756328, 3860531; 756376, 3860553; 756431, 3860562; 756489, 3860553; 756556, 3860554; 756586, 3860556; 756584, 3860586; 756614, 3860587; 756612, 3860617; 756642, 3860619; 756651, 3860470; 756621, 3860468; 756627, 3860378; 756543, 3860373; 756527, 3860382; 756494, 3860393; 756447, 3860388; 756403, 3860370; 756372, 3860335; 756339, 3860257; 756325, 3860147; 756318, 3860037; 756301, 3859954; 756294, 3859907; 756236, 3859874; 756238, 3859844; 756278, 3859794; 756310, 3859765; 756367, 3859701; 756398, 3859673; 756432, 3859615; 756468, 3859589; 756494, 3859600; 756555, 3859649; 756633, 3859716; 756884, 3859777; 756962, 3859797; 757141, 3859808; 757140, 3859838; 757200, 3859841; 757198, 3859871; 757347, 3859880; 757349, 3859850; 757379, 3859852; 757381, 3859822; 757441, 3859826; 757443, 3859796; 757473, 3859798; 757474, 3859768; 757534, 3859771; 757536, 3859741; 757566, 3859743; 757571, 3859653; 757601, 3859655; 757603, 3859625; 757633, 3859627; 757635, 3859597; 757665, 3859599; 757668, 3859539; 757698, 3859541; 757700, 3859511; 757730, 3859513; 757732, 3859483; 757762, 3859484; 757764, 3859455; 757526, 3859156; 757976, 3858832; 758041, 3858795; 758125, 3858750; 758198, 3858670; 758305, 3858638; 758476, 3858662; 758509, 3858721; 758556, 3858740; 758637, 3858750; 758672, 3858797; 758700, 3858830; 758708, 3858864; 758716, 3858879; 758744, 3858900; 758784, 3858921; 758823, 3858952; 758825, 3858982; 758796, 3859059; 758794, 3859124; 758844, 3859135; 758900, 3859091; 758934, 3859097; 759054, 3859172; 759050, 3859201; 759039, 3859230; 759037, 3859260; 759067, 3859262; 759064, 3859322; 759094, 3859324; 759092, 3859354; 759122, 3859356; 759120, 3859386; 759240, 3859393; 759241, 3859363; 759391, 3859372; 759393, 3859342; 759423, 3859344; 759425, 3859314; 759485, 3859317; 759486, 3859287; 759516, 3859289; 759520, 3859229; 759550, 3859231; 759552, 3859201; 759582, 3859203; 759585, 3859143; 759705, 3859150; 759707, 3859120; 759677, 3859118; 759682, 3859029; 759772, 3859034; 759774, 3859004; 759804, 3859006; 759805, 3858976; 759835, 3858978; 759837, 3858948; 759807, 3858946; 759809, 3858916; 759749, 3858912; 759751, 3858883; 759781, 3858884; 759788, 3858765; 759818, 3858766; 759823, 3858677; 759913, 3858682; 759915, 3858652; 760035, 3858659; 760037, 3858629; 760067, 3858631; 760070, 3858571; 760100, 3858573; 760102, 3858543; 760132, 3858545; 760134, 3858515; 760164, 3858517; 760167, 3858457; 760197, 3858459; 760199, 3858429; 760229, 3858430; 760231, 3858400; 760290, 3858404; 760292, 3858374; 760352, 3858378; 760350, 3858408; 760380, 3858409; 760378, 3858439; 760498, 3858447; 760496, 3858476; 760526, 3858478; 760525, 3858508; 760555, 3858510; 760553, 3858540; 760643, 3858545; 760644, 3858515; 760704, 3858519; 760711, 3858399; 760741, 3858401; 760743, 3858371; 760773, 3858373; 760775, 3858343; 760805, 3858345; 760812, 3858225; 760842, 3858227; 760844, 3858197; 760874, 3858199; 760875, 3858169; 760905, 3858170; 760907, 3858141; 760937, 3858142; 760939, 3858112; 761029, 3858118; 761031, 3858088; 761240, 3858100; 761238, 3858130; 761358, 3858137; 761356, 3858167; 761386, 3858169; 761384, 3858199; 761414, 3858201; 761413, 3858231; 761443, 3858233; 761441, 3858263; 761531, 3858268; 761529, 3858298; 761589, 3858302; 761587, 3858331; 761647, 3858335; 761643, 3858395; 761673, 3858397; 761670, 3858457; 761699, 3858458; 761698, 3858488; 761728, 3858490; 761722, 3858580; 761752, 3858582; 761747, 3858672; 761777, 3858673; 761775, 3858703; 761835, 3858707; 761833, 3858737; 761893, 3858740; 761891, 3858770; 761921, 3858772; 761919, 3858802; 761949, 3858804; 761947, 3858834; 762217, 3858850; 762215, 3858880; 762245, 3858882; 762243, 3858912; 762273, 3858914; 762275, 3858884; 762754, 3858912; 762756, 3858882; 762786, 3858884; 762788, 3858854; 762967, 3858865; 762969, 3858835; 763029, 3858839; 763027, 3858869; 763147, 3858876; 763149, 3858846; 763179, 3858848; 763209, 3858849; 763207, 3858879; 763297, 3858885; 763327, 3858886; 763328, 3858857; 763448, 3858864; 763450, 3858834; 763480, 3858836; 763483, 3858776; 763573, 3858781; 763575, 3858751; 763605, 3858753; 763607, 3858723; 763637, 3858725; 763640, 3858665; 763610, 3858663; 763614, 3858603; 763644, 3858605; 763646, 3858575; 763706, 3858579; 763704, 3858609; 763764, 3858612; 763767, 3858552; 763737, 3858551; 763739, 3858521; 763709, 3858519; 763711, 3858489; 763681, 3858487; 763683, 3858457; 763713, 3858459; 763715, 3858429; 763744, 3858431; 763743, 3858461; 763803, 3858464; 763806, 3858404; 763776, 3858403; 763778, 3858373; 763868, 3858378; 763866, 3858408; 763896, 3858410; 763894, 3858440; 764014, 3858447; 764016, 3858417; 764195, 3858428; 764194, 3858458; 764463, 3858474; 764465, 3858444; 764615, 3858453; 764613, 3858483; 764643, 3858485; 764641, 3858515; 764731, 3858520; 764729, 3858550; 764909, 3858561; 764907, 3858591; 764937, 3858592; 764939, 3858562; 765028, 3858568; 765027, 3858598; 765057, 3858600; 765053, 3858659; 765083, 3858661; 765081, 3858691; 765111, 3858693; 765109, 3858723; 765139, 3858725; 765137, 3858755; 765167, 3858756; 765166, 3858786; 765255, 3858792; 765254, 3858822; 765343, 3858827; 765342, 3858857; 765372, 3858859; 765370, 3858889; 765400, 3858891; 765398, 3858920; 765458, 3858924; 765456, 3858954; 765486, 3858956; 765484, 3858986; 765514, 3858988; 765512, 3859017; 765572, 3859021; 765570, 3859051; 765600, 3859053; 765597, 3859113; 765627, 3859114; 765625, 3859144; 765655, 3859146; 765653, 3859176; 765683, 3859178; 765681, 3859208; 765711, 3859210; 765709, 3859240; 765769, 3859243; 765764, 3859333; 765854, 3859338; 765852, 3859368; 765972, 3859376; 765970, 3859406; 766060, 3859411; 766056, 3859471; 766086, 3859473; 766082, 3859532; 766142, 3859536; 766141, 3859566; 766170, 3859568; 766167, 3859628; 766347, 3859638; 766345, 3859668; 766554, 3859681; 766553, 3859711; 766612, 3859714; 766611, 3859744; 766641, 3859746; 766639, 3859776; 766669, 3859778; 766667, 3859808; 766757, 3859813; 766755, 3859843; 766815, 3859847; 766813, 3859877; 766963, 3859886; 766961, 3859916; 767230, 3859932; 767229, 3859962; 767289, 3859965; 767287, 3859995; 767347, 3859999; 767348, 3859969; 767408, 3859973; 767407, 3860002; 767496, 3860008; 767495, 3860038; 767525, 3860040; 767523, 3860070; 767613, 3860075; 767611, 3860105; 767760, 3860114; 767762, 3860084; 767822, 3860088; 767815, 3860207; 767845, 3860209; 767841, 3860269; 767840, 3860299; 767810, 3860297; 767801, 3860447; 767861, 3860450; 767859, 3860480; 767889, 3860482; 767887, 3860512; 767917, 3860514; 767910, 3860634; 767940, 3860635; 767947, 3860516; 767977, 3860517; 767978, 3860488; 768188, 3860500; 768186, 3860530; 768246, 3860534; 768244, 3860564; 768274, 3860565; 768273, 3860595; 768302, 3860597; 768301, 3860627; 768331, 3860629; 768327, 3860689; 768357, 3860691; 768355, 3860720; 768625, 3860737; 768626, 3860707; 768656, 3860708; 768658, 3860679; 768688, 3860680; 768690, 3860650; 768720, 3860652; 768722, 3860622; 768752, 3860624; 768755, 3860564; 768785, 3860566; 768789, 3860506; 768819, 3860508; 768822, 3860448; 768852, 3860450; 768856, 3860390; 768886, 3860392; 768888, 3860362; 768918, 3860364; 768919, 3860334; 768949, 3860335; 768951, 3860305; 769071, 3860313; 769069, 3860343; 769099, 3860344; 769097, 3860374; 769127, 3860376; 769125, 3860406; 769155, 3860408; 769153, 3860438; 769183, 3860440; 769187, 3860380; 769217, 3860381; 769226, 3860232; 769256, 3860234; 769259, 3860174; 769289, 3860175; 769297, 3860056; 769327, 3860057; 769325, 3860087; 769385, 3860091; 769381, 3860151; 769441, 3860154; 769439, 3860184; 769469, 3860186; 769467, 3860216; 769497, 3860218; 769495, 3860248; 769705, 3860260; 769703, 3860290; 769853, 3860299; 769855, 3860269; 769915, 3860273; 769916, 3860243; 769976, 3860247; 769978, 3860217; 770008, 3860219; 770010, 3860189; 770040, 3860190; 770042, 3860160; 770221, 3860171; 770219, 3860201; 770249, 3860203; 770309, 3860207; 770311, 3860177; 770461, 3860186; 770463, 3860156; 770493, 3860157; 770496, 3860098; 770526, 3860099; 770528, 3860069; 770558, 3860071; 770560, 3860041; 770620, 3860045; 770621, 3860015; 770711, 3860020; 770713, 3859990; 770773, 3859994; 770775, 3859964; 770805, 3859966; 770806, 3859936; 770896, 3859941; 770898, 3859911; 770958, 3859915; 770960, 3859885; 771289, 3859905; 771291, 3859875; 771351, 3859878; 771353, 3859848; 771412, 3859852; 771414, 3859822; 771444, 3859824; 771446, 3859794; 771506, 3859797; 771508, 3859767; 771538, 3859769; 771539, 3859739; 771599, 3859743; 771601, 3859713; 771691, 3859718; 771695, 3859658; 771724, 3859660; 771726, 3859630; 771756, 3859632; 771758, 3859602; 771788, 3859604; 771790, 3859574; 771850, 3859578; 771851, 3859548; 771911, 3859551; 771913, 3859521; 771943, 3859523; 771945, 3859493; 771975, 3859495; 771977, 3859465; 772007, 3859467; 772014, 3859347; 772044, 3859349; 772049, 3859259; 772079, 3859261; 772083, 3859201; 772053, 3859199; 772054, 3859169; 772084, 3859171; 772093, 3859021; 772123, 3859023; 772125, 3858993; 772155, 3858995; 772157, 3858965; 772217, 3858969; 772213, 3859028; 772243, 3859030; 772241, 3859060; 772331, 3859066; 772329, 3859095; 772359, 3859097; 772361, 3859067; 772421, 3859071; 772423, 3859041; 772483, 3859045; 772484, 3859015; 772514, 3859016; 772513, 3859046; 772662, 3859055; 772661, 3859085; 772720, 3859089; 772719, 3859119; 772749, 3859121; 772747, 3859151; 772777, 3859152; 772782, 3859062; 772752, 3859061; 772756, 3859001; 772759, 3858941; 772789, 3858943; 772793, 3858883; 772853, 3858886; 772855, 3858856; 772944, 3858862; 772946, 3858832; 773006, 3858835; 773008, 3858806; 773068, 3858809; 773070, 3858779; 773129, 3858783; 773131, 3858753; 773191, 3858756; 773193, 3858726; 773253, 3858730; 773255, 3858700; 773315, 3858704; 773316, 3858674; 773436, 3858681; 773438, 3858651; 773618, 3858662; 773619, 3858632; 773649, 3858634; 773651, 3858604; 773741, 3858609; 773743, 3858579; 773773, 3858581; 773774, 3858551; 773834, 3858555; 773836, 3858525; 773896, 3858528; 773898, 3858498; 773928, 3858500; 773935, 3858380; 773965, 3858382; 773970, 3858292; 774000, 3858294; 774007, 3858174; 774037, 3858176; 774039, 3858146; 774099, 3858150; 774097, 3858180; 774187, 3858185; 774189, 3858155; 774249, 3858159; 774251, 3858129; 774368, 3858136; 774368, 3858136; returning to 774369, 3858136; thence from 120 degrees West Longitude at UTM zone 11, NAD83 y coordinate 3857806; land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 225627, 3857806; 225636, 3858106; 225693, 3858106; 225693, 3858136; 225723, 3858136; 225723, 3858166; 225873, 3858166; 225873, 3858136; 225993, 3858136; 225993, 3858106; 226053, 3858106; 226053, 3858076; 226413, 3858076; 226413, 3858106; 226473, 3858106; 226473, 3858076; 226533, 3858076; 226533, 3858046; 226593, 3858046; 226593, 3858016; 226833, 3858016; 226833, 3858046; 226893, 3858046; 226893, 3858016; 226953, 3858016; 226953, 3857986; 226983, 3857986; 226983, 3857956; 227013, 3857956; 227013, 3857926; 227343, 3857926; 227343, 3857956; 227433, 3857956; 227433, 3857986; 227703, 3857986; 227703, 3858016; 227733, 3858016; 227733, 3857986; 227763, 3857986; 227763, 3858016; 227823, 3858016; 227823, 3858046; 227913, 3858046; 227913, 3858076; 227973, 3858076; 227973, 3858106; 228033, 3858106; 228033, 3858136; 228093, 3858136; 228093, 3858166; 228183, 3858166; 228183, 3858196; 228213, 3858196; 228213, 3858226; 228303, 3858226; 228303, 3858256; 228363, 3858256; 228363, 3858226; 228393, 3858226; 228393, 3858196; 228453, 3858196; 228453, 3858166; 228603, 3858166; 228603, 3858106; 228573, 3858106; 228573, 3858016; 228603, 3858016; 228603, 3857986; 228753, 3857986; 228753, 3858016; 228813, 3858016; 228813, 3857986; 228843, 3857986; 228843, 3858016; 229023, 3858016; 229023, 3858046; 229053, 3858046; 229053, 3858076; 229083, 3858076; 229083, 3858046; 229173, 3858046; 229173, 3858076; 229203, 3858076; 229203, 3858106; 229323, 3858106; 229323, 3858136; 229353, 3858136; 229353, 3858196; 229473, 3858196; 229473, 3858226; 229563, 3858226; 229563, 3858256; 229623, 3858256; 229623, 3858286; 229713, 3858286; 229713, 3858256; 229743, 3858256; 229743, 3858226; 229773, 3858226; 229773, 3858196; 229803, 3858196; 229803, 3858166; 229893, 3858166; 229893, 3858226; 229923, 3858226; 229923, 3858256; 229953, 3858256; 229953, 3858286; 229983, 3858286; 229983, 3858316; 230013, 3858316; 230013, 3858346; 230043, 3858346; 230043, 3858376; 230103, 3858376; 230103, 3858406; 230163, 3858406; 230163, 3858436; 230223, 3858436; 230223, 3858466; 230253, 3858466; 230253, 3858436; 230283, 3858436; 230283, 3858406; 230373, 3858406; 230373, 3858526; 230343, 3858526; 230343, 3858556; 230313, 3858556; 230313, 3858706; 230343, 3858706; 230343, 3858766; 230373, 3858766; 230373, 3858796; 230403, 3858796; 230403, 3858856; 230433, 3858856; 230433, 3858886; 230493, 3858886; 230493, 3858916; 230523, 3858916; 230523, 3858946; 230553, 3858946; 230553, 3858976; 230583, 3858976; 230583, 3859006; 230613, 3859006; 230613, 3859036; 230583, 3859036; 230583, 3859126; 230613, 3859126; 230613, 3859216; 230643, 3859216; 230643, 3859276; 230613, 3859276; 230613, 3859366; 230583, 3859366; 230583, 3859546; 230613, 3859546; 230613, 3859516; 230643, 3859516; 230643, 3859486; 230733, 3859486; 230733, 3859516; 230763, 3859516; 230763, 3859546; 230793, 3859546; 230793, 3859606; 230823, 3859606; 230823, 3859696; 230793, 3859696; 230793, 3859756; 230763, 3859756; 230763, 3859816; 230793, 3859816; 230793, 3859876; 230823, 3859876; 230823, 3859906; 230913, 3859906; 230913, 3859936; 230973, 3859936; 230973, 3859906; 231033, 3859906; 231033, 3859876; 231063, 3859876; 231063, 3859846; 231213, 3859846; 231213, 3859876; 231273, 3859876; 231273, 3859906; 231303, 3859906; 231303, 3859936; 231393, 3859936; 231393, 3859906; 231423, 3859906; 231423, 3859876; 231453, 3859876; 231453, 3859906; 231483, 3859906; 231483, 3859966; 231513, 3859966; 231513, 3859996; 231543, 3859996; 231543, 3860026; 231573, 3860026; 231573, 3860056; 231633, 3860056; 231633, 3860086; 231663, 3860086; 231663, 3860116; 231693, 3860116; 231693, 3860146; 231783, 3860146; 231783, 3860176; 231813, 3860176; 231813, 3860206; 231903, 3860206; 231903, 3860236; 231933, 3860236; 231933, 3860206; 231963, 3860206; 231963, 3860176; 231993, 3860176; 231993, 3860146; 232023, 3860146; 232023, 3860056; 232053, 3860056; 232053, 3860026; 232083, 3860026; 232083, 3859906; 232173, 3859906; 232173, 3859876; 232263, 3859876; 232263, 3859816; 232293, 3859816; 232293, 3859786; 232323, 3859786; 232323, 3859756; 232353, 3859756; 232353, 3859726; 232383, 3859726; 232383, 3859666; 232413, 3859666; 232413, 3859576; 232443, 3859576; 232443, 3859516; 232473, 3859516; 232473, 3859396; 232503, 3859396; 232503, 3859366; 232533, 3859366; 232533, 3859336; 232563, 3859336; 232563, 3859186; 232533, 3859186; 232533, 3859096; 232713, 3859096; 232713, 3859066; 232743, 3859066; 232743, 3859036; 232773, 3859036; 232773, 3858856; 232893, 3858856; 232893, 3858886; 232923, 3858886; 232923, 3858916; 232953, 3858916; 232953, 3858856; 232983, 3858856; 232983, 3858886; 233013, 3858886; 233013, 3858856; 233193, 3858856; 233193, 3858826; 233223, 3858826; 233223, 3858766; 233253, 3858766; 233253, 3858736; 233343, 3858736; 233343, 3858766; 233373, 3858766; 233373, 3858796; 233403, 3858796; 233403, 3858826; 233433, 3858826; 233433, 3858856; 233463, 3858856; 233463, 3858886; 233553, 3858886; 233553, 3858916; 233643, 3858916; 233643, 3858946; 233673, 3858946; 233673, 3858916; 233733, 3858916; 233733, 3858946; 233853, 3858946; 233853, 3858916; 233883, 3858916; 233883, 3858886; 233853, 3858886; 233853, 3858826; 233913, 3858826; 233913, 3858796; 233943, 3858796; 233943, 3858676; 234003, 3858676; 234003, 3858706; 234033, 3858706; 234033, 3858736; 234063, 3858736; 234063, 3858706; 234093, 3858706; 234093, 3858676; 234123, 3858676; 234123, 3858616; 234153, 3858616; 234153, 3858556; 234093, 3858556; 234093, 3858496; 234123, 3858496; 234123, 3858466; 234153, 3858466; 234153, 3858376; 234183, 3858376; 234183, 3858346; 234213, 3858346; 234213, 3858316; 234273, 3858316; 234273, 3858346; 234333, 3858346; 234333, 3858376; 234363, 3858376; 234363, 3858406; 234393, 3858406; 234393, 3858466; 234423, 3858466; 234423, 3858496; 234573, 3858496; 234573, 3858526; 234603, 3858526; 234603, 3858556; 234633, 3858556; 234633, 3858586; 234693, 3858586; 234693, 3858556; 234813, 3858556; 234813, 3858526; 234903, 3858526; 234903, 3858496; 234963, 3858496; 234963, 3858376; 234993, 3858376; 234993, 3858346; 235023, 3858346; 235023, 3858316; 235083, 3858316; 235083, 3858286; 235113, 3858286; 235113, 3858256; 235143, 3858256; 235143, 3858226; 235173, 3858226; 235173, 3858196; 235263, 3858196; 235263, 3858166; 235293, 3858166; 235293, 3858136; 235323, 3858136; 235323, 3858166; 235443, 3858166; 235443, 3858046; 235533, 3858046; 235533, 3858016; 235593, 3858016; 235593, 3857986; 235653, 3857986; 235653, 3858016; 235743, 3858016; 235743, 3858046; 235773, 3858046; 235773, 3858076; 235803, 3858076; 235803, 3858106; 235893, 3858106; 235893, 3858136; 235953, 3858136; 235953, 3858166; 235983, 3858166; 235983, 3858136; 236193, 3858136; 236193, 3858106; 236253, 3858106; 236253, 3858016; 236283, 3858016; 236283, 3857926; 236253, 3857926; 236253, 3857836; 236283, 3857836; 236283, 3857806; 236313, 3857806; 236313, 3857716; 236343, 3857716; 236343, 3857746; 236403, 3857746; 236403, 3857776; 236493, 3857776; 236493, 3857746; 236553, 3857746; 236553, 3857776; 236643, 3857776; 236643, 3857746; 236703, 3857746; 236703, 3857716; 236793, 3857716; 236793, 3857686; 236823, 3857686; 236823, 3857656; 236853, 3857656; 236853, 3857626; 236973, 3857626; 236973, 3857596; 237033, 3857596; 237033, 3857626; 237063, 3857626; 237063, 3857656; 237093, 3857656; 237093, 3857746; 237123, 3857746; 237123, 3857776; 237153, 3857776; 237153, 3857806; 237183, 3857806; 237183, 3857836; 237213, 3857836; 237213, 3857896; 237243, 3857896; 237243, 3857866; 237273, 3857866; 237273, 3857806; 237303, 3857806; 237303, 3857776; 237333, 3857776; 237333, 3857716; 237423, 3857716; 237423, 3857686; 237453, 3857686; 237453, 3857656; 237543, 3857656; 237543, 3857596; 237513, 3857596; 237513, 3857566; 237543, 3857566; 237543, 3857536; 237573, 3857536; 237573, 3857506; 237603, 3857506; 237603, 3857416; 237633, 3857416; 237633, 3857356; 237663, 3857356; 237663, 3857326; 237843, 3857326; 237843, 3857296; 237903, 3857296; 237903, 3857266; 237933, 3857266; 237933, 3857296; 237993, 3857296; 237993, 3857326; 238053, 3857326; 238053, 3857296; 238083, 3857296; 238083, 3857236; 238143, 3857236; 238143, 3857206; 238203, 3857206; 238203, 3857176; 238383, 3857176; 238383, 3857206; 238413, 3857206; 238413, 3857176; 238803, 3857176; 238803, 3857206; 238863, 3857206; 238863, 3857146; 238893, 3857146; 238893, 3857116; 239013, 3857116; 239013, 3857086; 239073, 3857086; 239073, 3857056; 239133, 3857056; 239133, 3857026; 239163, 3857026; 239163, 3856996; 239193, 3856996; 239193, 3856906; 239223, 3856906; 239223, 3856876; 239283, 3856876; 239283, 3856846; 239313, 3856846; 239313, 3856816; 239373, 3856816; 239373, 3856846; 239433, 3856846; 239433, 3856876; 239493, 3856876; 239493, 3856906; 239523, 3856906; 239523, 3856816; 239553, 3856816; 239553, 3856786; 239583, 3856786; 239583, 3856726; 239613, 3856726; 239613, 3856666; 239643, 3856666; 239643, 3856636; 239673, 3856636; 239673, 3856606; 239703, 3856606; 239703, 3856576; 239733, 3856576; 239733, 3856546; 239763, 3856546; 239763, 3856456; 239793, 3856456; 239793, 3856426; 239823, 3856426; 239823, 3856396; 239883, 3856396; 239883, 3856336; 239913, 3856336; 239913, 3856306; 239973, 3856306; 239973, 3856276; 240063, 3856276; 240063, 3856306; 240093, 3856306; 240093, 3856336; 240123, 3856336; 240123, 3856396; 240153, 3856396; 240153, 3856426; 240273, 3856426; 240273, 3856396; 240243, 3856396; 240243, 3856366; 240213, 3856366; 240213, 3856336; 240243, 3856336; 240243, 3856306; 240273, 3856306; 240273, 3856276; 240333, 3856276; 240333, 3856246; 240393, 3856246; 240393, 3856216; 240453, 3856216; 240453, 3856186; 240483, 3856186; 240483, 3856156; 240513, 3856156; 240513, 3856096; 240543, 3856096; 240543, 3856066; 240513, 3856066; 240513, 3856006; 240543, 3856006; 240543, 3855976; 240573, 3855976; 240573, 3856006; 240603, 3856006; 240603, 3856096; 240633, 3856096; 240633, 3856186; 240663, 3856186; 240663, 3856246; 240693, 3856246; 240693, 3856276; 240753, 3856276; 240753, 3856306; 240783, 3856306; 240783, 3856336; 240843, 3856336; 240843, 3856366; 240903, 3856366; 240903, 3856336; 240963, 3856336; 240963, 3856306; 241023, 3856306; 241023, 3856276; 241053, 3856276; 241053, 3856156; 241023, 3856156; 241023, 3856006; 241083, 3856006; 241083, 3855976; 241293, 3855976; 241293, 3855946; 241353, 3855946; 241353, 3855916; 241383, 3855916; 241383, 3855946; 241443, 3855946; 241443, 3855976; 241563, 3855976; 241563, 3855946; 241623, 3855946; 241623, 3855916; 241653, 3855916; 241653, 3855886; 241683, 3855886; 241683, 3855856; 241713, 3855856; 241713, 3855826; 241743, 3855826; 241743, 3855796; 241773, 3855796; 241773, 3855826; 241803, 3855826; 241803, 3855856; 241833, 3855856; 241833, 3855886; 241863, 3855886; 241863, 3855916; 241923, 3855916; 241923, 3855946; 242043, 3855946; 242043, 3855916; 242133, 3855916; 242133, 3855886; 242253, 3855886; 242253, 3855856; 242283, 3855856; 242283, 3855826; 242343, 3855826; 242343, 3855796; 242373, 3855796; 242373, 3855766; 242403, 3855766; 242403, 3855736; 242433, 3855736; 242433, 3855706; 242463, 3855706; 242463, 3855676; 242493, 3855676; 242493, 3855646; 242643, 3855646; 242643, 3855556; 242703, 3855556; 242703, 3855526; 242733, 3855526; 242733, 3855496; 242763, 3855496; 242763, 3855466; 242883, 3855466; 242883, 3855436; 242973, 3855436; 242973, 3855466; 243003, 3855466; 243003, 3855436; 243063, 3855436; 243063, 3855406; 243243, 3855406; 243243, 3855436; 243303, 3855436; 243303, 3855406; 243393, 3855406; 243393, 3855436; 243423, 3855436; 243423, 3855466; 243453, 3855466; 243453, 3855256; 243423, 3855256; 243423, 3855166; 243393, 3855166; 243393, 3855136; 243363, 3855136; 243363, 3855106; 243393, 3855106; 243393, 3855016; 243483, 3855016; 243483, 3854986; 243573, 3854986; 243573, 3854956; 243603, 3854956; 243603, 3854926; 243633, 3854926; 243633, 3854776; 243603, 3854776; 243603, 3854836; 243543, 3854836; 243543, 3854866; 243483, 3854866; 243483, 3854836; 243393, 3854836; 243393, 3854806; 243303, 3854806; 243303, 3854836; 243243, 3854836; 243243, 3854866; 243183, 3854866; 243183, 3854896; 243123, 3854896; 243123, 3855076; 243153, 3855076; 243153, 3855196; 243123, 3855196; 243123, 3855226; 242853, 3855226; 242853, 3855256; 242793, 3855256; 242793, 3855286; 242733, 3855286; 242733, 3855316; 242643, 3855316; 242643, 3855346; 242613, 3855346; 242613, 3855376; 242583, 3855376; 242583, 3855406; 242523, 3855406; 242523, 3855436; 242463, 3855436; 242463, 3855466; 242403, 3855466; 242403, 3855496; 242343, 3855496; 242343, 3855526; 242283, 3855526; 242283, 3855556; 242253, 3855556; 242253, 3855586; 242223, 3855586; 242223, 3855616; 242163, 3855616; 242163, 3855646; 242103, 3855646; 242103, 3855676; 241983, 3855676; 241983, 3855646; 241953, 3855646; 241953, 3855616; 241923, 3855616; 241923, 3855556; 241863, 3855556; 241863, 3855526; 241833, 3855526; 241833, 3855496; 241713, 3855496; 241713, 3855526; 241653, 3855526; 241653, 3855586; 241623, 3855586; 241623, 3855616; 241593, 3855616; 241593, 3855646; 241563, 3855646; 241563, 3855676; 241533, 3855676; 241533, 3855706; 241173, 3855706; 241173, 3855796; 241083, 3855796; 241083, 3855826; 240993, 3855826; 240993, 3855856; 240963, 3855856; 240963, 3855886; 240903, 3855886; 240903, 3855946; 240873, 3855946; 240873, 3856066; 240753, 3856066; 240753, 3856006; 240723, 3856006; 240723, 3855976; 240693, 3855976; 240693, 3855886; 240663, 3855886; 240663, 3855796; 240633, 3855796; 240633, 3855736; 240663, 3855736; 240663, 3855706; 240693, 3855706; 240693, 3855616; 240663, 3855616; 240663, 3855586; 240633, 3855586; 240633, 3855556; 240603, 3855556; 240603, 3855646; 240573, 3855646; 240573, 3855676; 240543, 3855676; 240543, 3855706; 240453, 3855706; 240453, 3855736; 240423, 3855736; 240423, 3855796; 240393, 3855796; 240393, 3855856; 240363, 3855856; 240363, 3855886; 240303, 3855886; 240303, 3856006; 240273, 3856006; 240273, 3856036; 240243, 3856036; 240243, 3856066; 240183, 3856066; 240183, 3856096; 239943, 3856096; 239943, 3856156; 239883, 3856156; 239883, 3856186; 239853, 3856186; 239853, 3856216; 239823, 3856216; 239823, 3856246; 239793, 3856246; 239793, 3856276; 239763, 3856276; 239763, 3856306; 239733, 3856306; 239733, 3856336; 239673, 3856336; 239673, 3856366; 239643, 3856366; 239643, 3856396; 239613, 3856396; 239613, 3856426; 239583, 3856426; 239583, 3856396; 239553, 3856396; 239553, 3856426; 239493, 3856426; 239493, 3856456; 239433, 3856456; 239433, 3856636; 239313, 3856636; 239313, 3856666; 239223, 3856666; 239223, 3856696; 239163, 3856696; 239163, 3856726; 239133, 3856726; 239133, 3856756; 239103, 3856756; 239103, 3856786; 239073, 3856786; 239073, 3856816; 239043, 3856816; 239043, 3856846; 239013, 3856846; 239013, 3856876; 238863, 3856876; 238863, 3856906; 238803, 3856906; 238803, 3856936; 238743, 3856936; 238743, 3856966; 238683, 3856966; 238683, 3856996; 238623, 3856996; 238623, 3857026; 238593, 3857026; 238593, 3856996; 238533, 3856996; 238533, 3856966; 238473, 3856966; 238473, 3856936; 238263, 3856936; 238263, 3856966; 238173, 3856966; 238173, 3856996; 238113, 3856996; 238113, 3857026; 238083, 3857026; 238083, 3857056; 238053, 3857056; 238053, 3857086; 237843, 3857086; 237843, 3857116; 237543, 3857116; 237543, 3857146; 237483, 3857146; 237483, 3857176; 237453, 3857176; 237453, 3857206; 237423, 3857206; 237423, 3857296; 237393, 3857296; 237393, 3857416; 237423, 3857416; 237423, 3857476; 237393, 3857476; 237393, 3857536; 237363, 3857536; 237363, 3857566; 237333, 3857566; 237333, 3857596; 237243, 3857596; 237243, 3857506; 237213, 3857506; 237213, 3857476; 237183, 3857476; 237183, 3857446; 237153, 3857446; 237153, 3857416; 237123, 3857416; 237123, 3857386; 236883, 3857386; 236883, 3857416; 236823, 3857416; 236823, 3857446; 236763, 3857446; 236763, 3857476; 236643, 3857476; 236643, 3857506; 236133, 3857506; 236133, 3857536; 236043, 3857536; 236043, 3857566; 235983, 3857566; 235983, 3857596; 235953, 3857596; 235953, 3857686; 235983, 3857686; 235983, 3857746; 236013, 3857746; 236013, 3857776; 235983, 3857776; 235983, 3857836; 235893, 3857836; 235893, 3857806; 235863, 3857806; 235863, 3857776; 235833, 3857776; 235833, 3857716; 235803, 3857716; 235803, 3857656; 235773, 3857656; 235773, 3857746; 235743, 3857746; 235743, 3857776; 235713, 3857776; 235713, 3857806; 235443, 3857806; 235443, 3857836; 235383, 3857836; 235383, 3857866; 235293, 3857866; 235293, 3857896; 235263, 3857896; 235263, 3857926; 235203, 3857926; 235203, 3857956; 235113, 3857956; 235113, 3857986; 235083, 3857986; 235083, 3858016; 235023, 3858016; 235023, 3858046; 234963, 3858046; 234963, 3858076; 234933, 3858076; 234933, 3858106; 234903, 3858106; 234903, 3858136; 234873, 3858136; 234873, 3858166; 234813, 3858166; 234813, 3858196; 234783, 3858196; 234783, 3858226; 234663, 3858226; 234663, 3858196; 234573, 3858196; 234573, 3858226; 234543, 3858226; 234543, 3858196; 234513, 3858196; 234513, 3858166; 234483, 3858166; 234483, 3858106; 234453, 3858106; 234453, 3858016; 234423, 3858016; 234423, 3857986; 234393, 3857986; 234393, 3857956; 234273, 3857956; 234273, 3857926; 234183, 3857926; 234183, 3857986; 234153, 3857986; 234153, 3858046; 234123, 3858046; 234123, 3858106; 234093, 3858106; 234093, 3858196; 234063, 3858196; 234063, 3858226; 234033, 3858226; 234033, 3858256; 234003, 3858256; 234003, 3858286; 233973, 3858286; 233973, 3858316; 233943, 3858316; 233943, 3858346; 233883, 3858346; 233883, 3858376; 233853, 3858376; 233853, 3858436; 233823, 3858436; 233823, 3858526; 233793, 3858526; 233793, 3858556; 233733, 3858556; 233733, 3858586; 233523, 3858586; 233523, 3858556; 233463, 3858556; 233463, 3858526; 233433, 3858526; 233433, 3858496; 233403, 3858496; 233403, 3858466; 233373, 3858466; 233373, 3858436; 233343, 3858436; 233343, 3858376; 233283, 3858376; 233283, 3858346; 233253, 3858346; 233253, 3858376; 233163, 3858376; 233163, 3858406; 233103, 3858406; 233103, 3858436; 233073, 3858436; 233073, 3858466; 233043, 3858466; 233043, 3858496; 233013, 3858496; 233013, 3858526; 232863, 3858526; 232863, 3858496; 232713, 3858496; 232713, 3858526; 232623, 3858526; 232623, 3858556; 232593, 3858556; 232593, 3858586; 232533, 3858586; 232533, 3858616; 232503, 3858616; 232503, 3858736; 232473, 3858736; 232473, 3858766; 232443, 3858766; 232443, 3858826; 232473, 3858826; 232473, 3858886; 232443, 3858886; 232443, 3858916; 232413, 3858916; 232413, 3858976; 232383, 3858976; 232383, 3859126; 232353, 3859126; 232353, 3859366; 232323, 3859366; 232323, 3859456; 232293, 3859456; 232293, 3859546; 232233, 3859546; 232233, 3859576; 232203, 3859576; 232203, 3859606; 232113, 3859606; 232113, 3859636; 232053, 3859636; 232053, 3859666; 231993, 3859666; 231993, 3859696; 231963, 3859696; 231963, 3859756; 231933, 3859756; 231933, 3859816; 231903, 3859816; 231903, 3859846; 231873, 3859846; 231873, 3859906; 231843, 3859906; 231843, 3859936; 231813, 3859936; 231813, 3859906; 231723, 3859906; 231723, 3859876; 231693, 3859876; 231693, 3859846; 231663, 3859846; 231663, 3859816; 231603, 3859816; 231603, 3859786; 231573, 3859786; 231573, 3859756; 231543, 3859756; 231543, 3859726; 231453, 3859726; 231453, 3859696; 231123, 3859696; 231123, 3859666; 231033, 3859666; 231033, 3859636; 231003, 3859636; 231003, 3859546; 230973, 3859546; 230973, 3859486; 230943, 3859486; 230943, 3859456; 230913, 3859456; 230913, 3859426; 230883, 3859426; 230883, 3859366; 230853, 3859366; 230853, 3859276; 230883, 3859276; 230883, 3859246; 230943, 3859246; 230943, 3859066; 230883, 3859066; 230883, 3859006; 230853, 3859006; 230853, 3858976; 230823, 3858976; 230823, 3858916; 230793, 3858916; 230793, 3858856; 230763, 3858856; 230763, 3858826; 230733, 3858826; 230733, 3858796; 230703, 3858796; 230703, 3858736; 230643, 3858736; 230643, 3858706; 230613, 3858706; 230613, 3858676; 230583, 3858676; 230583, 3858646; 230613, 3858646; 230613, 3858616; 230643, 3858616; 230643, 3858586; 230703, 3858586; 230703, 3858556; 230733, 3858556; 230733, 3858526; 230763, 3858526; 230763, 3858496; 230793, 3858496; 230793, 3858376; 230763, 3858376; 230763, 3858346; 230703, 3858346; 230703, 3858316; 230673, 3858316; 230673, 3858256; 230613, 3858256; 230613, 3858226; 230553, 3858226; 230553, 3858196; 230523, 3858196; 230523, 3858166; 230463, 3858166; 230463, 3858136; 230223, 3858136; 230223, 3858106; 230163, 3858106; 230163, 3858016; 230133, 3858016; 230133, 3857986; 230013, 3857986; 230013, 3857956; 229983, 3857956; 229983, 3857926; 229893, 3857926; 229893, 3857956; 229833, 3857956; 229833, 3857986; 229743, 3857986; 229743, 3858016; 229683, 3858016; 229683, 3858046; 229593, 3858046; 229593, 3858016; 229563, 3858016; 229563, 3857986; 229533, 3857986; 229533, 3857956; 229443, 3857956; 229443, 3857926; 229383, 3857926; 229383, 3857896; 229353, 3857896; 229353, 3857866; 229323, 3857866; 229323, 3857836; 229293, 3857836; 229293, 3857806; 229233, 3857806; 229233, 3857776; 229083, 3857776; 229083, 3857746; 228993, 3857746; 228993, 3857776; 228513, 3857776; 228513, 3857806; 228483, 3857806; 228483, 3857836; 228423, 3857836; 228423, 3857866; 228393, 3857866; 228393, 3857896; 228303, 3857896; 228303, 3857866; 228273, 3857866; 228273, 3857836; 228243, 3857836; 228243, 3857866; 228063, 3857866; 228063, 3857836; 228033, 3857836; 228033, 3857776; 228003, 3857776; 228003, 3857746; 227973, 3857746; 227973, 3857716; 227943, 3857716; 227943, 3857686; 227913, 3857686; 227913, 3857656; 227883, 3857656; 227883, 3857596; 227853, 3857596; 227853, 3857566; 227823, 3857566; 227823, 3857536; 227643, 3857536; 227643, 3857566; 227523, 3857566; 227523, 3857596; 227223, 3857596; 227223, 3857626; 226863, 3857626; 226863, 3857656; 226683, 3857656; 226683, 3857626; 226653, 3857626; 226653, 3857656; 226623, 3857656; 226623, 3857686; 226593, 3857686; 226593, 3857716; 226623, 3857716; 226623, 3857746; 226593, 3857746; 226593, 3857776; 226563, 3857776; 226563, 3857806; 226533, 3857806; 226533, 3857776; 226413, 3857776; 226413, 3857746; 226263, 3857746; 226263, 3857716; 226233, 3857716; 226233, 3857686; 226203, 3857686; 226203, 3857656; 226173, 3857656; 226173, 3857596; 226113, 3857596; 226113, 3857566; 226083, 3857566; 226083, 3857506; 226053, 3857506; 226053, 3857446; 225963, 3857446; 225963, 3857476; 225903, 3857476; 225903, 3857506; 225843, 3857506; 225843, 3857566; 225873, 3857566; 225873, 3857596; 225903, 3857596; 225903, 3857746; 225873, 3857746; 225873, 3857776; 225843, 3857776; 225843, 3857806; returning to 225627, 3857806.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.

(8) Unit 3: Upper Santa Ynez River Basin, Santa Barbara County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Little Pine Mtn., Hildreth Peak, and Carpinteria, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 262233, 3833176; 262233, 3833146; 262263, 3833146; 262263, 3833116; 262293, 3833116; 262293, 3833086; 262323, 3833086; 262323, 3833026; 262203, 3833026; 262203, 3832996; 262113, 3832996; 262113, 3832966; 262083, 3832966; 262083, 3832936; 261963, 3832936; 261963, 3832876; 261993, 3832876; 261993, 3832846; 261963, 3832846; 261963, 3832786; 261993, 3832786; 261993, 3832666; 261933, 3832666; 261933, 3832636; 261843, 3832636; 261843, 3832666; 261753, 3832666; 261753, 3832636; 261723, 3832636; 261723, 3832576; 261753, 3832576; 261753, 3832486; 261723, 3832486; 261723, 3832456; 261693, 3832456; 261693, 3832426; 261663, 3832426; 261663, 3832396; 261693, 3832396; 261693, 3832336; 261753, 3832336; 261753, 3832306; 261723, 3832306; 261723, 3832276; 261663, 3832276; 261663, 3832246; 261633, 3832246; 261633, 3832216; 261663, 3832216; 261663, 3832186; 261693, 3832186; 261693, 3832066; 261663, 3832066; 261663, 3832006; 261633, 3832006; 261633, 3831976; 261603, 3831976; 261603, 3831916; 261543, 3831916; 261543, 3831886; 261513, 3831886; 261513, 3831916; 261393, 3831916; 261393, 3831946; 261363, 3831946; 261363, 3831976; 261333, 3831976; 261333, 3831856; 261363, 3831856; 261363, 3831706; 261333, 3831706; 261333, 3831676; 261303, 3831676; 261303, 3831616; 261333, 3831616; 261333, 3831556; 261213, 3831556; 261213, 3831496; 261183, 3831496; 261183, 3831466; 261153, 3831466; 261153, 3831436; 261123, 3831436; 261123, 3831376; 261063, 3831376; 261063, 3831346; 260973, 3831346; 260973, 3831316; 260823, 3831316; 260823, 3831256; 260793, 3831256; 260793, 3831226; 260823, 3831226; 260823, 3831196; 260853, 3831196; 260853, 3831166; 260733, 3831166; 260733, 3831106; 260703, 3831106; 260703, 3831046; 260583, 3831046; 260583, 3831016; 260523, 3831016; 260523, 3830926; 260553, 3830926; 260553, 3830896; 260613, 3830896; 260613, 3830866; 260643, 3830866; 260643, 3830806; 260673, 3830806; 260673, 3830746; 260703, 3830746; 260703, 3830656; 260673, 3830656; 260673, 3830596; 260643, 3830596; 260643, 3830536; 260613, 3830536; 260613, 3830506; 260583, 3830506; 260583, 3830476; 260523, 3830476; 260523, 3830416; 260493, 3830416; 260493, 3830356; 260523, 3830356; 260523, 3830296; 260553, 3830296; 260553, 3830236; 260583, 3830236; 260583, 3830206; 260553, 3830206; 260553, 3830176; 260583, 3830176; 260583, 3830146; 260613, 3830146; 260613, 3830116; 260643, 3830116; 260643, 3830086; 260673, 3830086; 260673, 3829996; 260553, 3829996; 260553, 3829966; 260523, 3829966; 260523, 3829936; 260493, 3829936; 260493, 3829876; 260523, 3829876; 260523, 3829786; 260493, 3829786; 260493, 3829606; 260463, 3829606; 260463, 3829546; 260433, 3829546; 260433, 3829516; 260403, 3829516; 260403, 3829486; 260373, 3829486; 260373, 3829456; 260343, 3829456; 260343, 3829426; 260313, 3829426; 260313, 3829246; 260343, 3829246; 260343, 3829216; 260373, 3829216; 260373, 3829186; 260343, 3829186; 260343, 3829096; 260313, 3829096; 260313, 3829066; 260283, 3829066; 260283, 3829036; 260253, 3829036; 260253, 3829006; 260223, 3829006; 260223, 3828976; 260193, 3828976; 260193, 3828946; 260163, 3828946; 260163, 3828796; 260193, 3828796; 260193, 3828766; 260223, 3828766; 260223, 3828736; 260313, 3828736; 260313, 3828676; 260343, 3828676; 260343, 3828616; 260373, 3828616; 260373, 3828556; 260403, 3828556; 260403, 3828526; 260433, 3828526; 260433, 3828496; 260523, 3828496; 260523, 3828466; 260643, 3828466; 260643, 3828436; 260613, 3828436; 260613, 3828406; 260583, 3828406; 260583, 3828376; 260403, 3828376; 260403, 3828346; 260253, 3828346; 260253, 3828316; 260223, 3828316; 260223, 3828286; 260193, 3828286; 260193, 3828256; 260163, 3828256; 260163, 3828196; 260193, 3828196; 260193, 3828166; 260223, 3828166; 260223, 3828136; 260253, 3828136; 260253, 3828046; 260283, 3828046; 260283, 3827986; 260253, 3827986; 260253, 3827926; 260223, 3827926; 260223, 3827866; 260193, 3827866; 260193, 3827806; 260253, 3827806; 260253, 3827776; 260343, 3827776; 260343, 3827746; 260403, 3827746; 260403, 3827716; 260373, 3827716; 260373, 3827686; 260343, 3827686; 260343, 3827566; 260313, 3827566; 260313, 3827536; 260223, 3827536; 260223, 3827506; 260193, 3827506; 260193, 3827476; 260163, 3827476; 260163, 3827356; 260133, 3827356; 260133, 3827326; 260163, 3827326; 260163, 3827236; 260283, 3827236; 260283, 3827206; 260253, 3827206; 260253, 3827176; 260223, 3827176; 260223, 3827116; 260133, 3827116; 260133, 3827086; 260103, 3827086; 260103, 3827056; 260073, 3827056; 260073, 3826936; 259983, 3826936; 259983, 3826906; 259953, 3826906; 259953, 3826846; 259833, 3826846; 259833, 3826816; 259803, 3826816; 259803, 3826786; 259773, 3826786; 259773, 3826756; 259563, 3826756; 259563, 3826576; 259593, 3826576; 259593, 3826546; 259623, 3826546; 259623, 3826516; 259653, 3826516; 259653, 3826426; 259683, 3826426; 259683, 3826306; 259623, 3826306; 259623, 3826276; 259563, 3826276; 259563, 3826246; 259473, 3826246; 259473, 3826216; 259413, 3826216; 259413, 3825826; 259443, 3825826; 259443, 3825796; 259413, 3825796; 259413, 3825766; 259383, 3825766; 259383, 3825736; 259113, 3825736; 259113, 3825766; 259053, 3825766; 259053, 3825796; 259023, 3825796; 259023, 3825826; 258963, 3825826; 258963, 3825856; 258843, 3825856; 258843, 3825736; 258873, 3825736; 258873, 3825706; 258903, 3825706; 258903, 3825676; 259023, 3825676; 259023, 3825646; 259113, 3825646; 259113, 3825616; 259143, 3825616; 259143, 3825586; 259173, 3825586; 259173, 3825526; 259203, 3825526; 259203, 3825466; 259233, 3825466; 259233, 3825436; 259293, 3825436; 259293, 3825376; 259323, 3825376; 259323, 3825346; 259353, 3825346; 259353, 3825286; 259383, 3825286; 259383, 3825166; 259353, 3825166; 259353, 3825106; 259323, 3825106; 259323, 3825076; 259293, 3825076; 259293, 3825046; 259053, 3825046; 259053, 3825076; 259023, 3825076; 259023, 3825046; 258783, 3825046; 258783, 3825076; 258633, 3825076; 258633, 3825016; 258603, 3825016; 258603, 3824956; 258633, 3824956; 258633, 3824896; 258663, 3824896; 258663, 3824866; 258693, 3824866; 258693, 3824836; 258723, 3824836; 258723, 3824806; 258753, 3824806; 258753, 3824776; 258813, 3824776; 258813, 3824746; 258843, 3824746; 258843, 3824716; 258903, 3824716; 258903, 3824686; 258933, 3824686; 258933, 3824656; 258963, 3824656; 258963, 3824626; 258993, 3824626; 258993, 3824596; 258963, 3824596; 258963, 3824536; 258933, 3824536; 258933, 3824416; 258903, 3824416; 258903, 3824266; 258873, 3824266; 258873, 3824236; 258843, 3824236; 258843, 3824206; 258813, 3824206; 258813, 3824296; 258753, 3824296; 258753, 3824326; 258663, 3824326; 258663, 3824296; 258633, 3824296; 258633, 3824206; 258603, 3824206; 258603, 3824176; 258633, 3824176; 258633, 3824086; 258663, 3824086; 258663, 3824056; 258753, 3824056; 258753, 3823996; 258783, 3823996; 258783, 3823876; 258843, 3823876; 258843, 3823846; 258903, 3823846; 258903, 3823816; 258873, 3823816; 258873, 3823786; 258903, 3823786; 258903, 3823756; 258933, 3823756; 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258843, 3822166; 258843, 3822136; 258963, 3822136; 258963, 3822166; 258993, 3822166; 258993, 3822136; 259023, 3822136; 259023, 3822106; 259083, 3822106; 259083, 3822076; 259113, 3822076; 259113, 3822016; 259173, 3822016; 259173, 3821986; 259383, 3821986; 259383, 3821956; 259413, 3821956; 259413, 3821896; 259443, 3821896; 259443, 3821926; 259503, 3821926; 259503, 3821956; 259563, 3821956; 259563, 3821986; 259623, 3821986; 259623, 3822016; 259653, 3822016; 259653, 3822046; 259683, 3822046; 259683, 3822076; 259743, 3822076; 259743, 3822106; 259893, 3822106; 259893, 3822076; 259923, 3822076; 259923, 3822016; 259953, 3822016; 259953, 3821986; 259983, 3821986; 259983, 3821956; 260013, 3821956; 260013, 3821926; 260043, 3821926; 260043, 3821866; 260073, 3821866; 260073, 3821836; 260103, 3821836; 260103, 3821806; 260133, 3821806; 260133, 3821776; 260223, 3821776; 260223, 3821806; 260253, 3821806; 260253, 3821836; 260313, 3821836; 260313, 3821746; 260343, 3821746; 260343, 3821686; 260493, 3821686; 260493, 3821716; 260643, 3821716; 260643, 3821746; 260673, 3821746; 260673, 3821806; 260733, 3821806; 260733, 3821836; 260793, 3821836; 260793, 3821866; 260823, 3821866; 260823, 3821896; 260973, 3821896; 260973, 3821926; 261033, 3821926; 261033, 3821956; 261063, 3821956; 261063, 3821986; 261093, 3821986; 261093, 3822016; 261123, 3822016; 261123, 3822076; 261093, 3822076; 261093, 3822136; 261153, 3822136; 261153, 3822166; 261273, 3822166; 261273, 3822196; 261333, 3822196; 261333, 3822226; 261363, 3822226; 261363, 3822346; 261393, 3822346; 261393, 3822316; 261453, 3822316; 261453, 3822286; 261483, 3822286; 261483, 3822256; 261603, 3822256; 261603, 3822226; 261813, 3822226; 261813, 3822196; 261873, 3822196; 261873, 3822226; 261903, 3822226; 261903, 3822256; 261933, 3822256; 261933, 3822316; 261963, 3822316; 261963, 3822376; 261993, 3822376; 261993, 3822406; 262023, 3822406; 262023, 3822466; 262083, 3822466; 262083, 3822436; 262113, 3822436; 262113, 3822376; 262143, 3822376; 262143, 3822346; 262203, 3822346; 262203, 3822316; 262263, 3822316; 262263, 3822286; 262293, 3822286; 262293, 3822256; 262323, 3822256; 262323, 3822226; 262353, 3822226; 262353, 3822196; 262383, 3822196; 262383, 3822166; 262413, 3822166; 262413, 3822136; 262533, 3822136; 262533, 3822196; 262563, 3822196; 262563, 3822226; 262623, 3822226; 262623, 3822136; 262653, 3822136; 262653, 3822046; 262683, 3822046; 262683, 3822016; 262713, 3822016; 262713, 3822046; 262773, 3822046; 262773, 3822076; 262803, 3822076; 262803, 3822106; 262863, 3822106; 262863, 3822076; 263073, 3822076; 263073, 3822046; 263103, 3822046; 263103, 3822016; 263133, 3822016; 263133, 3821956; 263163, 3821956; 263163, 3821926; 263193, 3821926; 263193, 3821896; 263223, 3821896; 263223, 3821866; 263253, 3821866; 263253, 3821896; 263283, 3821896; 263283, 3821986; 263313, 3821986; 263313, 3822016; 263373, 3822016; 263373, 3822046; 263433, 3822046; 263433, 3822076; 263463, 3822076; 263463, 3822106; 263493, 3822106; 263493, 3822136; 263553, 3822136; 263553, 3822106; 263523, 3822106; 263523, 3822046; 263493, 3822046; 263493, 3821896; 263523, 3821896; 263523, 3821776; 263493, 3821776; 263493, 3821656; 263523, 3821656; 263523, 3821596; 263553, 3821596; 263553, 3821506; 263583, 3821506; 263583, 3821446; 263613, 3821446; 263613, 3821416; 263643, 3821416; 263643, 3821356; 263673, 3821356; 263673, 3821326; 263703, 3821326; 263703, 3821296; 263793, 3821296; 263793, 3821266; 263823, 3821266; 263823, 3821206; 263853, 3821206; 263853, 3821176; 263883, 3821176; 263883, 3821146; 263943, 3821146; 263943, 3821116; 263973, 3821116; 263973, 3821086; 264033, 3821086; 264033, 3821116; 264063, 3821116; 264063, 3821146; 264093, 3821146; 264093, 3821116; 264123, 3821116; 264123, 3821086; 264153, 3821086; 264153, 3821026; 264213, 3821026; 264213, 3820996; 264273, 3820996; 264273, 3821026; 264363, 3821026; 264363, 3820996; 264393, 3820996; 264393, 3820966; 264423, 3820966; 264423, 3820936; 264513, 3820936; 264513, 3820906; 264573, 3820906; 264573, 3820876; 264633, 3820876; 264633, 3820846; 264753, 3820846; 264753, 3820816; 264783, 3820816; 264783, 3820756; 264813, 3820756; 264813, 3820666; 264843, 3820666; 264843, 3820606; 264873, 3820606; 264873, 3820576; 264933, 3820576; 264933, 3820546; 264963, 3820546; 264963, 3820486; 264933, 3820486; 264933, 3820456; 264963, 3820456; 264963, 3820396; 264993, 3820396; 264993, 3820366; 264963, 3820366; 264963, 3820336; 264933, 3820336; 264933, 3820156; 264903, 3820156; 264903, 3820096; 264933, 3820096; 264933, 3820126; 264963, 3820126; 264963, 3820096; 265233, 3820096; 265233, 3820066; 265263, 3820066; 265263, 3820036; 265203, 3820036; 265203, 3819946; 265233, 3819946; 265233, 3819916; 265293, 3819916; 265293, 3819976; 265323, 3819976; 265323, 3820036; 265353, 3820036; 265353, 3820066; 265383, 3820066; 265383, 3820096; 265443, 3820096; 265443, 3820126; 265473, 3820126; 265473, 3820156; 265503, 3820156; 265503, 3820186; 265533, 3820186; 265533, 3820216; 265563, 3820216; 265563, 3820186; 265593, 3820186; 265593, 3820156; 265563, 3820156; 265563, 3820006; 265593, 3820006; 265593, 3819976; 265623, 3819976; 265623, 3819946; 265653, 3819946; 265653, 3819916; 265683, 3819916; 265683, 3819826; 265653, 3819826; 265653, 3819796; 265623, 3819796; 265623, 3819766; 265563, 3819766; 265563, 3819736; 265533, 3819736; 265533, 3819706; 265503, 3819706; 265503, 3819676; 265473, 3819676; 265473, 3819646; 265533, 3819646; 265533, 3819616; 265563, 3819616; 265563, 3819586; 265623, 3819586; 265623, 3819616; 265683, 3819616; 265683, 3819646; 265713, 3819646; 265713, 3819676; 265773, 3819676; 265773, 3819706; 265833, 3819706; 265833, 3819676; 265863, 3819676; 265863, 3819646; 266043, 3819646; 266043, 3819616; 266103, 3819616; 266103, 3819646; 266163, 3819646; 266163, 3819676; 266373, 3819676; 266373, 3819646; 266403, 3819646; 266403, 3819586; 266433, 3819586; 266433, 3819466; 266463, 3819466; 266463, 3819376; 266493, 3819376; 266493, 3819346; 266523, 3819346; 266523, 3819316; 266553, 3819316; 266553, 3819286; 266613, 3819286; 266613, 3819256; 266643, 3819256; 266643, 3819226; 266703, 3819226; 266703, 3819196; 266733, 3819196; 266733, 3819256; 266763, 3819256; 266763, 3819286; 266823, 3819286; 266823, 3819316; 266853, 3819316; 266853, 3819346; 266883, 3819346; 266883, 3819376; 266913, 3819376; 266913, 3819346; 266943, 3819346; 266943, 3819256; 267003, 3819256; 267003, 3819226; 267063, 3819226; 267063, 3819196; 267183, 3819196; 267183, 3819226; 267483, 3819226; 267483, 3819196; 267663, 3819196; 267663, 3819166; 267723, 3819166; 267723, 3819136; 267843, 3819136; 267843, 3819106; 267933, 3819106; 267933, 3819076; 268023, 3819076; 268023, 3819106; 268143, 3819106; 268143, 3819136; 268353, 3819136; 268353, 3819166; 268533, 3819166; 268533, 3819196; 268563, 3819196; 268563, 3819226; 268593, 3819226; 268593, 3819256; 268623, 3819256; 268623, 3819286; 268653, 3819286; 268653, 3819316; 268713, 3819316; 268713, 3819346; 268773, 3819346; 268773, 3819376; 268803, 3819376; 268803, 3819406; 268833, 3819406; 268833, 3819496; 268803, 3819496; 268803, 3819556; 268773, 3819556; 268773, 3819586; 268743, 3819586; 268743, 3819616; 268713, 3819616; 268713, 3819706; 268683, 3819706; 268683, 3819826; 268773, 3819826; 268773, 3819856; 268893, 3819856; 268893, 3819826; 268953, 3819826; 268953, 3819796; 268983, 3819796; 268983, 3819826; 269043, 3819826; 269043, 3819856; 269163, 3819856; 269163, 3819826; 269193, 3819826; 269193, 3819796; 269223, 3819796; 269223, 3819766; 269253, 3819766; 269253, 3819736; 269283, 3819736; 269283, 3819706; 269313, 3819706; 269313, 3819676; 269343, 3819676; 269343, 3819556; 269283, 3819556; 269283, 3819586; 269253, 3819586; 269253, 3819616; 269223, 3819616; 269223, 3819646; 269193, 3819646; 269193, 3819676; 269163, 3819676; 269163, 3819736; 269073, 3819736; 269073, 3819706; 269013, 3819706; 269013, 3819676; 268953, 3819676; 268953, 3819586; 268983, 3819586; 268983, 3819466; 268953, 3819466; 268953, 3819406; 268983, 3819406; 268983, 3819346; 269013, 3819346; 269013, 3819286; 269043, 3819286; 269043, 3819166; 269013, 3819166; 269013, 3819136; 268983, 3819136; 268983, 3819106; 268923, 3819106; 268923, 3819076; 268893, 3819076; 268893, 3819046; 268743, 3819046; 268743, 3819016; 268683, 3819016; 268683, 3818986; 268653, 3818986; 268653, 3818866; 268563, 3818866; 268563, 3818896; 268323, 3818896; 268323, 3818866; 268293, 3818866; 268293, 3818836; 268173, 3818836; 268173, 3818806; 268053, 3818806; 268053, 3818776; 267963, 3818776; 267963, 3818746; 267933, 3818746; 267933, 3818776; 267873, 3818776; 267873, 3818806; 267783, 3818806; 267783, 3818746; 267723, 3818746; 267723, 3818806; 267693, 3818806; 267693, 3818836; 267663, 3818836; 267663, 3818866; 267423, 3818866; 267423, 3818896; 267393, 3818896; 267393, 3818926; 267243, 3818926; 267243, 3818896; 267093, 3818896; 267093, 3818926; 267003, 3818926; 267003, 3818896; 266943, 3818896; 266943, 3818866; 266913, 3818866; 266913, 3818896; 266853, 3818896; 266853, 3818866; 266733, 3818866; 266733, 3818896; 266613, 3818896; 266613, 3818926; 266553, 3818926; 266553, 3818956; 266463, 3818956; 266463, 3818986; 266433, 3818986; 266433, 3819016; 266373, 3819016; 266373, 3819046; 266343, 3819046; 266343, 3819106; 266313, 3819106; 266313, 3819166; 266253, 3819166; 266253, 3819196; 266223, 3819196; 266223, 3819256; 266193, 3819256; 266193, 3819286; 266133, 3819286; 266133, 3819346; 266103, 3819346; 266103, 3819376; 266073, 3819376; 266073, 3819346; 265863, 3819346; 265863, 3819376; 265803, 3819376; 265803, 3819406; 265773, 3819406; 265773, 3819436; 265653, 3819436; 265653, 3819406; 265623, 3819406; 265623, 3819376; 265593, 3819376; 265593, 3819346; 265563, 3819346; 265563, 3819286; 265503, 3819286; 265503, 3819256; 265443, 3819256; 265443, 3819226; 265383, 3819226; 265383, 3819256; 265323, 3819256; 265323, 3819316; 265293, 3819316; 265293, 3819406; 265263, 3819406; 265263, 3819556; 265233, 3819556; 265233, 3819586; 265263, 3819586; 265263, 3819616; 265293, 3819616; 265293, 3819646; 265323, 3819646; 265323, 3819736; 265143, 3819736; 265143, 3819766; 265113, 3819766; 265113, 3819796; 265083, 3819796; 265083, 3819826; 265053, 3819826; 265053, 3819856; 265023, 3819856; 265023, 3819886; 264993, 3819886; 264993, 3819916; 264933, 3819916; 264933, 3819886; 264873, 3819886; 264873, 3819916; 264813, 3819916; 264813, 3819976; 264783, 3819976; 264783, 3820276; 264753, 3820276; 264753, 3820396; 264723, 3820396; 264723, 3820426; 264693, 3820426; 264693, 3820456; 264663, 3820456; 264663, 3820486; 264453, 3820486; 264453, 3820516; 264423, 3820516; 264423, 3820546; 264393, 3820546; 264393, 3820576; 264333, 3820576; 264333, 3820606; 264303, 3820606; 264303, 3820636; 264273, 3820636; 264273, 3820666; 264243, 3820666; 264243, 3820696; 264183, 3820696; 264183, 3820726; 264153, 3820726; 264153, 3820756; 264123, 3820756; 264123, 3820786; 264063, 3820786; 264063, 3820816; 264003, 3820816; 264003, 3820846; 263943, 3820846; 263943, 3820876; 263883, 3820876; 263883, 3820906; 263823, 3820906; 263823, 3820936; 263793, 3820936; 263793, 3820966; 263673, 3820966; 263673, 3820996; 263613, 3820996; 263613, 3821026; 263553, 3821026; 263553, 3821056; 263493, 3821056; 263493, 3821116; 263463, 3821116; 263463, 3821146; 263433, 3821146; 263433, 3821176; 263373, 3821176; 263373, 3821206; 263343, 3821206; 263343, 3821236; 263313, 3821236; 263313, 3821296; 263253, 3821296; 263253, 3821326; 263223, 3821326; 263223, 3821356; 263163, 3821356; 263163, 3821386; 263133, 3821386; 263133, 3821416; 263103, 3821416; 263103, 3821446; 263073, 3821446; 263073, 3821596; 263013, 3821596; 263013, 3821626; 262953, 3821626; 262953, 3821656; 262923, 3821656; 262923, 3821686; 262863, 3821686; 262863, 3821716; 262803, 3821716; 262803, 3821746; 262743, 3821746; 262743, 3821776; 262683, 3821776; 262683, 3821806; 262563, 3821806; 262563, 3821836; 262473, 3821836; 262473, 3821866; 262323, 3821866; 262323, 3821896; 262263, 3821896; 262263, 3821926; 262233, 3821926; 262233, 3821956; 262053, 3821956; 262053, 3821926; 261963, 3821926; 261963, 3821896; 261813, 3821896; 261813, 3821926; 261753, 3821926; 261753, 3821956; 261603, 3821956; 261603, 3821926; 261543, 3821926; 261543, 3821896; 261513, 3821896; 261513, 3821866; 261393, 3821866; 261393, 3821836; 261363, 3821836; 261363, 3821806; 261333, 3821806; 261333, 3821776; 261303, 3821776; 261303, 3821746; 261243, 3821746; 261243, 3821716; 261213, 3821716; 261213, 3821686; 261153, 3821686; 261153, 3821656; 261123, 3821656; 261123, 3821626; 261093, 3821626; 261093, 3821596; 261063, 3821596; 261063, 3821566; 261003, 3821566; 261003, 3821536; 260943, 3821536; 260943, 3821506; 260913, 3821506; 260913, 3821476; 260883, 3821476; 260883, 3821446; 260853, 3821446; 260853, 3821416; 260823, 3821416; 260823, 3821386; 260793, 3821386; 260793, 3821356; 260763, 3821356; 260763, 3821326; 260733, 3821326; 260733, 3821266; 260703, 3821266; 260703, 3821236; 260673, 3821236; 260673, 3821206; 260643, 3821206; 260643, 3821176; 260613, 3821176; 260613, 3821146; 260583, 3821146; 260583, 3821116; 260553, 3821116; 260553, 3821086; 260583, 3821086; 260583, 3821026; 260613, 3821026; 260613, 3820936; 260553, 3820936; 260553, 3820906; 260523, 3820906; 260523, 3820876; 260463, 3820876; 260463, 3820846; 260403, 3820846; 260403, 3820816; 260343, 3820816; 260343, 3820876; 260373, 3820876; 260373, 3820936; 260403, 3820936; 260403, 3821056; 260373, 3821056; 260373, 3821086; 260313, 3821086; 260313, 3821116; 260253, 3821116; 260253, 3821146; 260223, 3821146; 260223, 3821176; 260193, 3821176; 260193, 3821206; 260163, 3821206; 260163, 3821236; 260073, 3821236; 260073, 3821266; 259983, 3821266; 259983, 3821296; 259923, 3821296; 259923, 3821326; 259863, 3821326; 259863, 3821446; 259833, 3821446; 259833, 3821476; 259803, 3821476; 259803, 3821566; 259833, 3821566; 259833, 3821716; 259803, 3821716; 259803, 3821746; 259773, 3821746; 259773, 3821806; 259653, 3821806; 259653, 3821776; 259623, 3821776; 259623, 3821746; 259563, 3821746; 259563, 3821716; 259503, 3821716; 259503, 3821686; 259473, 3821686; 259473, 3821626; 259413, 3821626; 259413, 3821596; 259323, 3821596; 259323, 3821566; 259293, 3821566; 259293, 3821536; 259203, 3821536; 259203, 3821566; 259143, 3821566; 259143, 3821596; 259113, 3821596; 259113, 3821626; 259083, 3821626; 259083, 3821686; 259053, 3821686; 259053, 3821716; 258993, 3821716; 258993, 3821776; 258963, 3821776; 258963, 3821866; 258933, 3821866; 258933, 3821896; 258903, 3821896; 258903, 3821926; 258873, 3821926; 258873, 3821956; 258843, 3821956; 258843, 3821926; 258813, 3821926; 258813, 3821956; 258663, 3821956; 258663, 3821986; 258603, 3821986; 258603, 3821956; 258543, 3821956; 258543, 3821926; 258483, 3821926; 258483, 3821956; 258513, 3821956; 258513, 3822046; 258483, 3822046; 258483, 3822076; 258453, 3822076; 258453, 3822106; 258393, 3822106; 258393, 3822136; 258303, 3822136; 258303, 3822166; 258243, 3822166; 258243, 3822196; 258183, 3822196; 258183, 3822226; 258153, 3822226; 258153, 3822256; 258063, 3822256; 258063, 3822376; 258033, 3822376; 258033, 3822406; 257973, 3822406; 257973, 3822436; 257943, 3822436; 257943, 3822466; 257973, 3822466; 257973, 3822646; 257943, 3822646; 257943, 3822676; 257973, 3822676; 257973, 3822736; 258003, 3822736; 258003, 3822826; 257883, 3822826; 257883, 3822856; 257793, 3822856; 257793, 3822886; 257733, 3822886; 257733, 3822916; 257703, 3822916; 257703, 3822946; 257553, 3822946; 257553, 3822916; 257493, 3822916; 257493, 3823006; 257403, 3823006; 257403, 3822976; 257163, 3822976; 257163, 3823006; 257103, 3823006; 257103, 3823066; 257073, 3823066; 257073, 3823126; 257043, 3823126; 257043, 3823156; 257013, 3823156; 257013, 3823186; 256983, 3823186; 256983, 3823246; 256953, 3823246; 256953, 3823276; 256923, 3823276; 256923, 3823336; 256893, 3823336; 256893, 3823396; 256863, 3823396; 256863, 3823426; 256833, 3823426; 256833, 3823456; 256863, 3823456; 256863, 3823516; 256893, 3823516; 256893, 3823606; 256923, 3823606; 256923, 3823666; 256893, 3823666; 256893, 3823756; 256863, 3823756; 256863, 3823786; 256923, 3823786; 256923, 3823756; 256983, 3823756; 256983, 3823726; 257013, 3823726; 257013, 3823696; 257043, 3823696; 257043, 3823666; 257103, 3823666; 257103, 3823636; 257133, 3823636; 257133, 3823606; 257163, 3823606; 257163, 3823576; 257193, 3823576; 257193, 3823486; 257223, 3823486; 257223, 3823456; 257253, 3823456; 257253, 3823366; 257283, 3823366; 257283, 3823336; 257463, 3823336; 257463, 3823306; 257703, 3823306; 257703, 3823276; 257793, 3823276; 257793, 3823246; 257853, 3823246; 257853, 3823216; 257943, 3823216; 257943, 3823186; 257973, 3823186; 257973, 3823156; 258003, 3823156; 258003, 3823126; 258213, 3823126; 258213, 3823156; 258243, 3823156; 258243, 3823336; 258363, 3823336; 258363, 3823366; 258393, 3823366; 258393, 3823396; 258423, 3823396; 258423, 3823456; 258483, 3823456; 258483, 3823486; 258543, 3823486; 258543, 3823516; 258573, 3823516; 258573, 3823546; 258603, 3823546; 258603, 3823576; 258633, 3823576; 258633, 3823756; 258603, 3823756; 258603, 3823786; 258573, 3823786; 258573, 3823816; 258543, 3823816; 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258243, 3825256; 258243, 3825196; 258273, 3825196; 258273, 3825136; 258303, 3825136; 258303, 3825076; 258333, 3825076; 258333, 3825046; 258393, 3825046; 258393, 3825136; 258423, 3825136; 258423, 3825166; 258453, 3825166; 258453, 3825196; 258483, 3825196; 258483, 3825226; 258543, 3825226; 258543, 3825346; 258753, 3825346; 258753, 3825316; 258813, 3825316; 258813, 3825286; 258873, 3825286; 258873, 3825316; 258903, 3825316; 258903, 3825376; 258753, 3825376; 258753, 3825436; 258723, 3825436; 258723, 3825466; 258693, 3825466; 258693, 3825496; 258663, 3825496; 258663, 3825556; 258633, 3825556; 258633, 3825616; 258573, 3825616; 258573, 3825646; 258513, 3825646; 258513, 3825676; 258423, 3825676; 258423, 3825736; 258393, 3825736; 258393, 3825766; 258423, 3825766; 258423, 3825796; 258453, 3825796; 258453, 3825826; 258483, 3825826; 258483, 3825856; 258543, 3825856; 258543, 3825886; 258603, 3825886; 258603, 3825916; 258633, 3825916; 258633, 3825976; 258663, 3825976; 258663, 3826006; 258693, 3826006; 258693, 3826066; 258783, 3826066; 258783, 3826096; 258843, 3826096; 258843, 3826126; 258873, 3826126; 258873, 3826096; 258903, 3826096; 258903, 3826066; 258993, 3826066; 258993, 3826036; 259143, 3826036; 259143, 3826006; 259203, 3826006; 259203, 3826126; 259233, 3826126; 259233, 3826186; 259263, 3826186; 259263, 3826216; 259293, 3826216; 259293, 3826276; 259323, 3826276; 259323, 3826306; 259353, 3826306; 259353, 3826336; 259413, 3826336; 259413, 3826366; 259443, 3826366; 259443, 3826456; 259413, 3826456; 259413, 3826486; 259383, 3826486; 259383, 3826546; 259353, 3826546; 259353, 3826576; 259323, 3826576; 259323, 3826606; 259293, 3826606; 259293, 3826636; 259323, 3826636; 259323, 3826696; 259353, 3826696; 259353, 3826756; 259383, 3826756; 259383, 3826876; 259353, 3826876; 259353, 3827056; 259443, 3827056; 259443, 3827026; 259503, 3827026; 259503, 3827056; 259563, 3827056; 259563, 3827086; 259593, 3827086; 259593, 3827116; 259623, 3827116; 259623, 3827146; 259653, 3827146; 259653, 3827176; 259683, 3827176; 259683, 3827206; 259833, 3827206; 259833, 3827176; 259863, 3827176; 259863, 3827206; 259893, 3827206; 259893, 3827266; 259863, 3827266; 259863, 3827386; 259833, 3827386; 259833, 3827446; 259803, 3827446; 259803, 3827536; 259833, 3827536; 259833, 3827506; 259893, 3827506; 259893, 3827536; 259923, 3827536; 259923, 3827566; 259953, 3827566; 259953, 3827626; 259983, 3827626; 259983, 3827656; 259953, 3827656; 259953, 3827746; 259923, 3827746; 259923, 3827806; 259893, 3827806; 259893, 3828016; 259923, 3828016; 259923, 3828046; 259893, 3828046; 259893, 3828076; 259863, 3828076; 259863, 3828136; 259833, 3828136; 259833, 3828226; 259803, 3828226; 259803, 3828256; 259773, 3828256; 259773, 3828286; 259743, 3828286; 259743, 3828346; 259713, 3828346; 259713, 3828376; 259683, 3828376; 259683, 3828436; 259713, 3828436; 259713, 3828496; 259743, 3828496; 259743, 3828526; 259773, 3828526; 259773, 3828556; 259803, 3828556; 259803, 3828616; 259833, 3828616; 259833, 3828406; 259953, 3828406; 259953, 3828436; 259983, 3828436; 259983, 3828466; 260013, 3828466; 260013, 3828796; 259983, 3828796; 259983, 3828856; 259953, 3828856; 259953, 3828886; 259923, 3828886; 259923, 3829036; 259953, 3829036; 259953, 3829096; 259983, 3829096; 259983, 3829126; 260073, 3829126; 260073, 3829156; 260103, 3829156; 260103, 3829216; 260073, 3829216; 260073, 3829276; 260043, 3829276; 260043, 3829306; 259983, 3829306; 259983, 3829336; 259923, 3829336; 259923, 3829486; 259893, 3829486; 259893, 3829576; 259863, 3829576; 259863, 3829606; 259833, 3829606; 259833, 3829666; 259863, 3829666; 259863, 3829696; 259893, 3829696; 259893, 3829786; 259953, 3829786; 259953, 3829816; 260013, 3829816; 260013, 3829876; 260223, 3829876; 260223, 3829906; 260253, 3829906; 260253, 3829936; 260283, 3829936; 260283, 3830116; 260253, 3830116; 260253, 3830206; 260223, 3830206; 260223, 3830236; 260193, 3830236; 260193, 3830296; 260163, 3830296; 260163, 3830356; 260193, 3830356; 260193, 3830416; 260223, 3830416; 260223, 3830446; 260253, 3830446; 260253, 3830476; 260283, 3830476; 260283, 3830506; 260313, 3830506; 260313, 3830536; 260343, 3830536; 260343, 3830566; 260403, 3830566; 260403, 3830596; 260463, 3830596; 260463, 3830626; 260493, 3830626; 260493, 3830716; 260463, 3830716; 260463, 3830746; 260433, 3830746; 260433, 3830776; 260373, 3830776; 260373, 3830806; 260313, 3830806; 260313, 3830836; 260283, 3830836; 260283, 3830926; 260253, 3830926; 260253, 3831046; 260223, 3831046; 260223, 3831196; 260253, 3831196; 260253, 3831226; 260283, 3831226; 260283, 3831256; 260373, 3831256; 260373, 3831286; 260403, 3831286; 260403, 3831316; 260463, 3831316; 260463, 3831286; 260553, 3831286; 260553, 3831316; 260583, 3831316; 260583, 3831466; 260613, 3831466; 260613, 3831616; 260583, 3831616; 260583, 3831676; 260643, 3831676; 260643, 3831646; 260703, 3831646; 260703, 3831616; 260793, 3831616; 260793, 3831646; 260823, 3831646; 260823, 3831676; 260853, 3831676; 260853, 3831706; 260883, 3831706; 260883, 3831736; 260913, 3831736; 260913, 3831796; 260943, 3831796; 260943, 3831826; 260973, 3831826; 260973, 3831856; 261003, 3831856; 261003, 3831916; 260973, 3831916; 260973, 3832036; 261003, 3832036; 261003, 3832066; 261033, 3832066; 261033, 3832096; 261063, 3832096; 261063, 3832126; 261093, 3832126; 261093, 3832156; 261153, 3832156; 261153, 3832186; 261363, 3832186; 261363, 3832156; 261393, 3832156; 261393, 3832126; 261423, 3832126; 261423, 3832096; 261453, 3832096; 261453, 3832036; 261513, 3832036; 261513, 3832066; 261543, 3832066; 261543, 3832126; 261513, 3832126; 261513, 3832156; 261483, 3832156; 261483, 3832246; 261453, 3832246; 261453, 3832276; 261423, 3832276; 261423, 3832336; 261393, 3832336; 261393, 3832426; 261423, 3832426; 261423, 3832456; 261483, 3832456; 261483, 3832486; 261513, 3832486; 261513, 3832516; 261543, 3832516; 261543, 3832546; 261573, 3832546; 261573, 3832606; 261603, 3832606; 261603, 3832636; 261633, 3832636; 261633, 3832756; 261603, 3832756; 261603, 3832786; 261633, 3832786; 261633, 3832816; 261693, 3832816; 261693, 3832786; 261723, 3832786; 261723, 3832816; 261813, 3832816; 261813, 3832906; 261783, 3832906; 261783, 3832936; 261753, 3832936; 261753, 3832966; 261783, 3832966; 261783, 3832996; 261813, 3832996; 261813, 3833056; 261843, 3833056; 261843, 3833086; 261963, 3833086; 261963, 3833116; 261993, 3833116; 261993, 3833086; 262083, 3833086; 262083, 3833116; 262143, 3833116; 262143, 3833146; 262203, 3833146; 262203, 3833176; returning to 262233, 3833176.

(ii) Note: Map of Units 2 and 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: Sespe Creek, Ventura County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Wheeler Springs, Lion Canyon, Topatopa Mts., and Devil's Heart Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 292923, 3828526; 292923, 3828496; 292953, 3828496; 292953, 3828376; 292923, 3828376; 292923, 3828316; 292893, 3828316; 292893, 3828256; 292863, 3828256; 292863, 3828226; 292833, 3828226; 292833, 3828166; 292803, 3828166; 292803, 3828046; 292923, 3828046; 292923, 3828016; 292953, 3828016; 292953, 3827986; 292923, 3827986; 292923, 3827956; 292893, 3827956; 292893, 3827926; 292863, 3827926; 292863, 3827836; 292833, 3827836; 292833, 3827776; 292803, 3827776; 292803, 3827716; 292773, 3827716; 292773, 3827686; 292743, 3827686; 292743, 3827626; 292713, 3827626; 292713, 3827416; 292683, 3827416; 292683, 3827386; 292653, 3827386; 292653, 3827356; 292623, 3827356; 292623, 3827326; 292593, 3827326; 292593, 3827236; 292563, 3827236; 292563, 3827176; 292533, 3827176; 292533, 3827116; 292503, 3827116; 292503, 3827056; 292473, 3827056; 292473, 3826996; 292443, 3826996; 292443, 3826936; 292473, 3826936; 292473, 3826876; 292533, 3826876; 292533, 3826816; 292503, 3826816; 292503, 3826756; 292473, 3826756; 292473, 3826726; 292443, 3826726; 292443, 3826606; 292413, 3826606; 292413, 3826576; 292383, 3826576; 292383, 3826546; 292353, 3826546; 292353, 3826516; 292263, 3826516; 292263, 3826486; 292143, 3826486; 292143, 3826456; 292053, 3826456; 292053, 3826366; 292233, 3826366; 292233, 3826396; 292443, 3826396; 292443, 3826366; 292533, 3826366; 292533, 3826396; 292623, 3826396; 292623, 3826426; 292713, 3826426; 292713, 3826456; 292743, 3826456; 292743, 3826486; 292833, 3826486; 292833, 3826516; 292863, 3826516; 292863, 3826546; 292893, 3826546; 292893, 3826576; 292923, 3826576; 292923, 3826606; 292983, 3826606; 292983, 3826636; 293073, 3826636; 293073, 3826666; 293133, 3826666; 293133, 3826696; 293253, 3826696; 293253, 3826576; 293223, 3826576; 293223, 3826516; 293193, 3826516; 293193, 3826426; 293283, 3826426; 293283, 3826396; 293553, 3826396; 293553, 3826426; 293583, 3826426; 293583, 3826456; 293643, 3826456; 293643, 3826486; 293613, 3826486; 293613, 3826546; 293583, 3826546; 293583, 3826576; 293373, 3826576; 293373, 3826606; 293343, 3826606; 293343, 3826636; 293313, 3826636; 293313, 3826666; 293343, 3826666; 293343, 3826756; 293373, 3826756; 293373, 3826786; 293433, 3826786; 293433, 3826816; 293553, 3826816; 293553, 3826846; 293583, 3826846; 293583, 3826876; 293733, 3826876; 293733, 3826696; 293763, 3826696; 293763, 3826666; 293793, 3826666; 293793, 3826636; 293913, 3826636; 293913, 3826606; 293973, 3826606; 293973, 3826576; 294003, 3826576; 294003, 3826516; 294093, 3826516; 294093, 3826486; 294123, 3826486; 294123, 3826516; 294153, 3826516; 294153, 3826546; 294213, 3826546; 294213, 3826576; 294243, 3826576; 294243, 3826606; 294333, 3826606; 294333, 3826636; 294513, 3826636; 294513, 3826666; 294633, 3826666; 294633, 3826606; 294603, 3826606; 294603, 3826576; 294543, 3826576; 294543, 3826546; 294513, 3826546; 294513, 3826516; 294453, 3826516; 294453, 3826486; 294423, 3826486; 294423, 3826426; 294393, 3826426; 294393, 3826366; 294363, 3826366; 294363, 3826306; 294393, 3826306; 294393, 3826246; 294423, 3826246; 294423, 3826216; 294453, 3826216; 294453, 3826186; 294483, 3826186; 294483, 3826156; 294543, 3826156; 294543, 3826126; 294573, 3826126; 294573, 3826096; 294603, 3826096; 294603, 3826066; 294633, 3826066; 294633, 3826036; 294663, 3826036; 294663, 3825976; 294693, 3825976; 294693, 3825946; 294753, 3825946; 294753, 3825916; 294873, 3825916; 294873, 3825946; 294903, 3825946; 294903, 3825976; 294933, 3825976; 294933, 3826006; 294963, 3826006; 294963, 3826036; 295143, 3826036; 295143, 3826066; 295203, 3826066; 295203, 3826096; 295233, 3826096; 295233, 3826126; 295263, 3826126; 295263, 3826156; 295323, 3826156; 295323, 3826186; 295353, 3826186; 295353, 3826246; 295293, 3826246; 295293, 3826276; 295233, 3826276; 295233, 3826306; 295173, 3826306; 295173, 3826336; 295143, 3826336; 295143, 3826516; 295173, 3826516; 295173, 3826606; 295203, 3826606; 295203, 3826636; 295233, 3826636; 295233, 3826576; 295263, 3826576; 295263, 3826516; 295293, 3826516; 295293, 3826456; 295323, 3826456; 295323, 3826426; 295413, 3826426; 295413, 3826456; 295473, 3826456; 295473, 3826426; 295563, 3826426; 295563, 3826456; 295623, 3826456; 295623, 3826486; 295683, 3826486; 295683, 3826516; 295743, 3826516; 295743, 3826486; 295773, 3826486; 295773, 3826516; 295833, 3826516; 295833, 3826456; 295863, 3826456; 295863, 3826426; 295893, 3826426; 295893, 3826396; 295953, 3826396; 295953, 3826366; 296013, 3826366; 296013, 3826336; 296073, 3826336; 296073, 3826306; 296163, 3826306; 296163, 3826276; 296193, 3826276; 296193, 3826246; 296283, 3826246; 296283, 3826216; 296313, 3826216; 296313, 3826186; 296343, 3826186; 296343, 3826156; 296373, 3826156; 296373, 3826126; 296403, 3826126; 296403, 3826066; 296433, 3826066; 296433, 3826006; 296463, 3826006; 296463, 3825976; 296493, 3825976; 296493, 3825946; 296523, 3825946; 296523, 3825886; 296553, 3825886; 296553, 3825856; 296583, 3825856; 296583, 3825826; 296613, 3825826; 296613, 3825796; 296643, 3825796; 296643, 3825766; 296703, 3825766; 296703, 3825736; 296733, 3825736; 296733, 3825766; 296763, 3825766; 296763, 3825946; 296793, 3825946; 296793, 3826036; 296823, 3826036; 296823, 3826096; 296853, 3826096; 296853, 3826156; 296883, 3826156; 296883, 3826186; 296943, 3826186; 296943, 3826216; 297153, 3826216; 297153, 3826186; 297183, 3826186; 297183, 3826156; 297273, 3826156; 297273, 3826126; 297363, 3826126; 297363, 3826096; 297393, 3826096; 297393, 3826126; 297453, 3826126; 297453, 3826156; 297513, 3826156; 297513, 3826126; 297543, 3826126; 297543, 3826156; 297573, 3826156; 297573, 3826186; 297603, 3826186; 297603, 3826216; 297633, 3826216; 297633, 3826276; 297663, 3826276; 297663, 3826216; 297693, 3826216; 297693, 3826126; 297723, 3826126; 297723, 3826096; 297783, 3826096; 297783, 3826006; 297873, 3826006; 297873, 3826036; 297903, 3826036; 297903, 3826066; 297933, 3826066; 297933, 3826126; 297963, 3826126; 297963, 3826186; 297993, 3826186; 297993, 3826216; 298023, 3826216; 298023, 3826246; 298053, 3826246; 298053, 3826276; 298113, 3826276; 298113, 3826306; 298173, 3826306; 298173, 3826336; 298203, 3826336; 298203, 3826366; 298233, 3826366; 298233, 3826396; 298323, 3826396; 298323, 3826366; 298383, 3826366; 298383, 3826456; 298413, 3826456; 298413, 3826486; 298443, 3826486; 298443, 3826516; 298503, 3826516; 298503, 3826546; 298563, 3826546; 298563, 3826576; 298653, 3826576; 298653, 3826606; 298743, 3826606; 298743, 3826576; 298773, 3826576; 298773, 3826546; 298863, 3826546; 298863, 3826516; 298893, 3826516; 298893, 3826486; 298923, 3826486; 298923, 3826456; 298983, 3826456; 298983, 3826426; 299013, 3826426; 299013, 3826396; 299103, 3826396; 299103, 3826426; 299163, 3826426; 299163, 3826456; 299223, 3826456; 299223, 3826486; 299253, 3826486; 299253, 3826456; 299403, 3826456; 299403, 3826426; 299433, 3826426; 299433, 3826396; 299463, 3826396; 299463, 3826366; 299493, 3826366; 299493, 3826306; 299523, 3826306; 299523, 3826246; 299553, 3826246; 299553, 3826186; 299583, 3826186; 299583, 3826156; 299673, 3826156; 299673, 3826186; 299703, 3826186; 299703, 3826156; 299733, 3826156; 299733, 3826216; 299763, 3826216; 299763, 3826246; 299793, 3826246; 299793, 3826276; 299853, 3826276; 299853, 3826306; 299883, 3826306; 299883, 3826396; 299853, 3826396; 299853, 3826426; 299973, 3826426; 299973, 3826486; 300003, 3826486; 300003, 3826576; 300033, 3826576; 300033, 3826666; 300063, 3826666; 300063, 3826696; 300123, 3826696; 300123, 3826726; 300243, 3826726; 300243, 3826756; 300333, 3826756; 300333, 3826726; 300393, 3826726; 300393, 3826666; 300453, 3826666; 300453, 3826696; 300603, 3826696; 300603, 3826666; 300663, 3826666; 300663, 3826606; 300693, 3826606; 300693, 3826546; 300783, 3826546; 300783, 3826576; 300813, 3826576; 300813, 3826606; 300843, 3826606; 300843, 3826756; 300903, 3826756; 300903, 3826726; 300933, 3826726; 300933, 3826756; 300993, 3826756; 300993, 3826786; 301053, 3826786; 301053, 3826756; 301083, 3826756; 301083, 3826726; 301143, 3826726; 301143, 3826756; 301203, 3826756; 301203, 3826786; 301263, 3826786; 301263, 3826756; 301293, 3826756; 301293, 3826726; 301383, 3826726; 301383, 3826756; 301443, 3826756; 301443, 3826786; 301533, 3826786; 301533, 3826756; 301563, 3826756; 301563, 3826726; 301593, 3826726; 301593, 3826696; 301623, 3826696; 301623, 3826636; 301683, 3826636; 301683, 3826606; 301743, 3826606; 301743, 3826576; 301863, 3826576; 301863, 3826516; 301893, 3826516; 301893, 3826396; 301923, 3826396; 301923, 3826366; 302073, 3826366; 302073, 3826396; 302313, 3826396; 302313, 3826366; 302403, 3826366; 302403, 3826396; 302433, 3826396; 302433, 3826426; 302403, 3826426; 302403, 3826546; 302493, 3826546; 302493, 3826516; 302583, 3826516; 302583, 3826396; 302553, 3826396; 302553, 3826276; 302583, 3826276; 302583, 3826246; 302613, 3826246; 302613, 3826216; 302733, 3826216; 302733, 3826186; 302823, 3826186; 302823, 3826216; 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304263, 3826726; 304323, 3826726; 304323, 3826756; 304353, 3826756; 304353, 3826786; 304383, 3826786; 304383, 3826756; 304533, 3826756; 304533, 3826786; 304563, 3826786; 304563, 3826756; 304653, 3826756; 304653, 3826696; 304713, 3826696; 304713, 3826666; 304743, 3826666; 304743, 3826636; 304773, 3826636; 304773, 3826576; 304923, 3826576; 304923, 3826546; 304953, 3826546; 304953, 3826516; 304983, 3826516; 304983, 3826486; 305073, 3826486; 305073, 3826456; 305103, 3826456; 305103, 3826426; 305133, 3826426; 305133, 3826396; 305163, 3826396; 305163, 3826336; 305283, 3826336; 305283, 3826306; 305313, 3826306; 305313, 3826366; 305343, 3826366; 305343, 3826396; 305493, 3826396; 305493, 3826426; 305523, 3826426; 305523, 3826396; 305643, 3826396; 305643, 3826366; 305793, 3826366; 305793, 3826396; 305823, 3826396; 305823, 3826366; 305853, 3826366; 305853, 3826276; 305913, 3826276; 305913, 3826246; 305943, 3826246; 305943, 3826216; 305973, 3826216; 305973, 3826276; 306123, 3826276; 306123, 3826306; 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314043, 3827476; 314073, 3827476; 314073, 3827446; 314133, 3827446; 314133, 3827416; 314193, 3827416; 314193, 3827386; 314253, 3827386; 314253, 3827416; 314643, 3827416; 314643, 3827386; 314763, 3827386; 314763, 3827416; 314793, 3827416; 314793, 3827386; 314913, 3827386; 314913, 3827416; 315003, 3827416; 315003, 3827476; 315033, 3827476; 315033, 3827596; 315123, 3827596; 315123, 3827656; 315153, 3827656; 315153, 3827716; 315183, 3827716; 315183, 3827806; 315213, 3827806; 315213, 3827836; 315243, 3827836; 315243, 3827866; 315273, 3827866; 315273, 3827896; 315363, 3827896; 315363, 3827926; 315393, 3827926; 315393, 3827896; 315543, 3827896; 315543, 3827866; 315693, 3827866; 315693, 3827836; 315753, 3827836; 315753, 3827806; 315843, 3827806; 315843, 3827776; 315873, 3827776; 315873, 3827746; 315903, 3827746; 315903, 3827716; 315933, 3827716; 315933, 3827566; 315963, 3827566; 315963, 3827536; 316053, 3827536; 316053, 3827506; 316143, 3827506; 316143, 3827476; 316203, 3827476; 316203, 3827416; 316233, 3827416; 316233, 3827356; 316263, 3827356; 316263, 3827326; 316293, 3827326; 316293, 3827296; 316383, 3827296; 316383, 3827266; 316413, 3827266; 316413, 3827236; 316563, 3827236; 316563, 3827206; 316623, 3827206; 316623, 3827236; 316683, 3827236; 316683, 3827266; 316713, 3827266; 316713, 3827416; 316683, 3827416; 316683, 3827626; 316713, 3827626; 316713, 3827716; 316743, 3827716; 316743, 3827776; 316803, 3827776; 316803, 3827896; 316833, 3827896; 316833, 3827956; 316863, 3827956; 316863, 3827986; 316893, 3827986; 316893, 3828046; 316923, 3828046; 316923, 3828106; 317193, 3828106; 317193, 3828136; 317283, 3828136; 317283, 3828106; 317373, 3828106; 317373, 3828076; 317403, 3828076; 317403, 3828046; 317433, 3828046; 317433, 3828016; 317463, 3828016; 317463, 3827956; 317493, 3827956; 317493, 3827926; 317523, 3827926; 317523, 3827896; 317553, 3827896; 317553, 3827866; 317643, 3827866; 317643, 3827806; 317673, 3827806; 317673, 3827776; 317763, 3827776; 317763, 3827806; 317793, 3827806; 317793, 3827866; 317673, 3827866; 317673, 3827896; 317643, 3827896; 317643, 3827986; 317793, 3827986; 317793, 3828016; 317853, 3828016; 317853, 3828046; 317883, 3828046; 317883, 3828076; 317913, 3828076; 317913, 3828106; 317943, 3828106; 317943, 3828136; 317973, 3828136; 317973, 3828166; 318273, 3828166; 318273, 3828136; 318363, 3828136; 318363, 3828106; 318423, 3828106; 318423, 3828076; 318483, 3828076; 318483, 3828016; 318513, 3828016; 318513, 3827986; 318543, 3827986; 318543, 3827956; 318603, 3827956; 318603, 3827926; 318663, 3827926; 318663, 3827896; 318693, 3827896; 318693, 3827866; 318723, 3827866; 318723, 3827836; 318753, 3827836; 318753, 3827776; 318783, 3827776; 318783, 3827716; 318813, 3827716; 318813, 3827536; 318843, 3827536; 318843, 3827506; 318873, 3827506; 318873, 3827476; 318993, 3827476; 318993, 3827506; 319023, 3827506; 319023, 3827536; 319053, 3827536; 319053, 3827686; 319083, 3827686; 319083, 3827776; 319113, 3827776; 319113, 3827836; 319143, 3827836; 319143, 3827866; 319173, 3827866; 319173, 3827896; 319203, 3827896; 319203, 3827926; 319383, 3827926; 319383, 3827896; 319413, 3827896; 319413, 3827866; 319443, 3827866; 319443, 3827806; 319473, 3827806; 319473, 3827746; 319503, 3827746; 319503, 3827656; 319533, 3827656; 319533, 3827446; 319653, 3827446; 319653, 3827476; 319743, 3827476; 319743, 3827506; 319773, 3827506; 319773, 3827476; 319863, 3827476; 319863, 3827416; 319893, 3827416; 319893, 3827296; 319863, 3827296; 319863, 3827116; 319893, 3827116; 319893, 3827056; 319923, 3827056; 319923, 3827026; 319983, 3827026; 319983, 3826996; 320103, 3826996; 320103, 3826966; 320163, 3826966; 320163, 3826936; 320223, 3826936; 320223, 3826906; 320283, 3826906; 320283, 3826876; 320313, 3826876; 320313, 3826846; 320343, 3826846; 320343, 3826816; 320373, 3826816; 320373, 3826756; 320403, 3826756; 320403, 3826696; 320433, 3826696; 320433, 3826666; 320493, 3826666; 320493, 3826636; 320523, 3826636; 320523, 3826606; 320703, 3826606; 320703, 3826636; 320733, 3826636; 320733, 3826606; 320763, 3826606; 320763, 3826546; 320793, 3826546; 320793, 3826486; 320823, 3826486; 320823, 3826366; 320793, 3826366; 320793, 3826336; 320763, 3826336; 320763, 3826306; 320733, 3826306; 320733, 3826276; 320703, 3826276; 320703, 3826426; 320673, 3826426; 320673, 3826456; 320613, 3826456; 320613, 3826486; 320553, 3826486; 320553, 3826516; 320463, 3826516; 320463, 3826546; 320433, 3826546; 320433, 3826576; 320403, 3826576; 320403, 3826606; 320373, 3826606; 320373, 3826636; 320343, 3826636; 320343, 3826696; 320313, 3826696; 320313, 3826726; 320283, 3826726; 320283, 3826756; 320223, 3826756; 320223, 3826786; 320163, 3826786; 320163, 3826816; 319923, 3826816; 319923, 3826846; 319863, 3826846; 319863, 3826876; 319833, 3826876; 319833, 3826906; 319773, 3826906; 319773, 3826936; 319743, 3826936; 319743, 3827116; 319713, 3827116; 319713, 3827266; 319653, 3827266; 319653, 3827296; 319623, 3827296; 319623, 3827266; 319503, 3827266; 319503, 3827236; 319473, 3827236; 319473, 3827266; 319413, 3827266; 319413, 3827326; 319383, 3827326; 319383, 3827386; 319353, 3827386; 319353, 3827536; 319323, 3827536; 319323, 3827596; 319293, 3827596; 319293, 3827626; 319263, 3827626; 319263, 3827656; 319203, 3827656; 319203, 3827446; 319173, 3827446; 319173, 3827356; 319143, 3827356; 319143, 3827326; 319113, 3827326; 319113, 3827296; 319083, 3827296; 319083, 3827266; 318933, 3827266; 318933, 3827296; 318813, 3827296; 318813, 3827326; 318783, 3827326; 318783, 3827386; 318753, 3827386; 318753, 3827416; 318723, 3827416; 318723, 3827446; 318693, 3827446; 318693, 3827506; 318663, 3827506; 318663, 3827596; 318633, 3827596; 318633, 3827626; 318573, 3827626; 318573, 3827656; 318543, 3827656; 318543, 3827686; 318513, 3827686; 318513, 3827716; 318483, 3827716; 318483, 3827746; 318453, 3827746; 318453, 3827776; 318423, 3827776; 318423, 3827806; 318393, 3827806; 318393, 3827836; 318303, 3827836; 318303, 3827866; 318273, 3827866; 318273, 3827896; 318243, 3827896; 318243, 3827926; 318213, 3827926; 318213, 3827956; 318183, 3827956; 318183, 3827986; 318123, 3827986; 318123, 3827956; 318063, 3827956; 318063, 3827926; 318033, 3827926; 318033, 3827896; 318003, 3827896; 318003, 3827866; 317973, 3827866; 317973, 3827746; 318003, 3827746; 318003, 3827656; 317913, 3827656; 317913, 3827626; 317853, 3827626; 317853, 3827596; 317793, 3827596; 317793, 3827566; 317523, 3827566; 317523, 3827596; 317463, 3827596; 317463, 3827626; 317403, 3827626; 317403, 3827656; 317373, 3827656; 317373, 3827686; 317343, 3827686; 317343, 3827716; 317313, 3827716; 317313, 3827746; 317163, 3827746; 317163, 3827776; 317043, 3827776; 317043, 3827746; 316983, 3827746; 316983, 3827716; 316923, 3827716; 316923, 3827686; 316893, 3827686; 316893, 3827656; 316863, 3827656; 316863, 3827506; 316833, 3827506; 316833, 3827326; 316863, 3827326; 316863, 3827266; 316833, 3827266; 316833, 3827176; 316803, 3827176; 316803, 3827146; 316773, 3827146; 316773, 3827116; 316713, 3827116; 316713, 3827086; 316593, 3827086; 316593, 3827056; 316563, 3827056; 316563, 3827086; 316383, 3827086; 316383, 3827116; 316263, 3827116; 316263, 3827176; 316203, 3827176; 316203, 3827206; 316173, 3827206; 316173, 3827236; 316143, 3827236; 316143, 3827266; 316083, 3827266; 316083, 3827296; 315993, 3827296; 315993, 3827326; 315903, 3827326; 315903, 3827356; 315783, 3827356; 315783, 3827416; 315753, 3827416; 315753, 3827446; 315723, 3827446; 315723, 3827476; 315693, 3827476; 315693, 3827506; 315663, 3827506; 315663, 3827536; 315633, 3827536; 315633, 3827566; 315603, 3827566; 315603, 3827596; 315543, 3827596; 315543, 3827626; 315453, 3827626; 315453, 3827596; 315423, 3827596; 315423, 3827566; 315393, 3827566; 315393, 3827506; 315363, 3827506; 315363, 3827446; 315333, 3827446; 315333, 3827416; 315303, 3827416; 315303, 3827386; 315243, 3827386; 315243, 3827356; 315213, 3827356; 315213, 3827326; 315153, 3827326; 315153, 3827296; 315123, 3827296; 315123, 3827266; 315033, 3827266; 315033, 3827236; 314973, 3827236; 314973, 3827206; 314403, 3827206; 314403, 3827176; 314343, 3827176; 314343, 3827146; 314253, 3827146; 314253, 3827116; 314223, 3827116; 314223, 3827086; 314193, 3827086; 314193, 3827056; 314163, 3827056; 314163, 3827086; 314133, 3827086; 314133, 3827116; 314103, 3827116; 314103, 3827146; 314073, 3827146; 314073, 3827116; 314013, 3827116; 314013, 3827086; 313983, 3827086; 313983, 3827026; 313953, 3827026; 313953, 3827056; 313923, 3827056; 313923, 3827086; 313893, 3827086; 313893, 3827146; 313803, 3827146; 313803, 3827116; 313773, 3827116; 313773, 3827146; 313743, 3827146; 313743, 3827176; 313713, 3827176; 313713, 3827206; 313653, 3827206; 313653, 3827176; 313593, 3827176; 313593, 3827146; 313563, 3827146; 313563, 3827116; 313503, 3827116; 313503, 3827086; 313413, 3827086; 313413, 3827056; 313323, 3827056; 313323, 3827026; 313263, 3827026; 313263, 3827056; 313173, 3827056; 313173, 3827086; 313113, 3827086; 313113, 3827116; 313083, 3827116; 313083, 3827146; 313053, 3827146; 313053, 3827176; 313023, 3827176; 313023, 3827236; 312993, 3827236; 312993, 3827356; 312963, 3827356; 312963, 3827386; 312933, 3827386; 312933, 3827416; 312903, 3827416; 312903, 3827446; 312843, 3827446; 312843, 3827476; 312723, 3827476; 312723, 3827506; 312483, 3827506; 312483, 3827536; 312333, 3827536; 312333, 3827506; 312243, 3827506; 312243, 3827476; 312213, 3827476; 312213, 3827446; 312273, 3827446; 312273, 3827416; 312303, 3827416; 312303, 3827356; 312333, 3827356; 312333, 3827266; 312303, 3827266; 312303, 3827176; 312333, 3827176; 312333, 3827116; 312363, 3827116; 312363, 3827086; 312393, 3827086; 312393, 3827056; 312423, 3827056; 312423, 3827026; 312453, 3827026; 312453, 3826966; 312483, 3826966; 312483, 3826816; 312453, 3826816; 312453, 3826696; 312423, 3826696; 312423, 3826666; 312273, 3826666; 312273, 3826636; 312033, 3826636; 312033, 3826666; 312003, 3826666; 312003, 3826696; 311973, 3826696; 311973, 3826726; 311913, 3826726; 311913, 3826756; 311883, 3826756; 311883, 3826786; 311853, 3826786; 311853, 3826816; 311793, 3826816; 311793, 3826846; 311733, 3826846; 311733, 3826666; 311703, 3826666; 311703, 3826606; 311673, 3826606; 311673, 3826486; 311613, 3826486; 311613, 3826516; 311343, 3826516; 311343, 3826546; 311313, 3826546; 311313, 3826606; 311283, 3826606; 311283, 3826636; 311253, 3826636; 311253, 3826696; 311223, 3826696; 311223, 3826816; 311073, 3826816; 311073, 3826786; 311013, 3826786; 311013, 3826756; 310983, 3826756; 310983, 3826696; 310953, 3826696; 310953, 3826666; 310923, 3826666; 310923, 3826606; 310893, 3826606; 310893, 3826576; 310863, 3826576; 310863, 3826546; 310833, 3826546; 310833, 3826486; 310803, 3826486; 310803, 3826426; 310773, 3826426; 310773, 3826366; 310743, 3826366; 310743, 3826336; 310713, 3826336; 310713, 3826186; 310683, 3826186; 310683, 3826156; 310623, 3826156; 310623, 3826126; 310593, 3826126; 310593, 3826096; 310563, 3826096; 310563, 3826066; 310473, 3826066; 310473, 3826036; 310413, 3826036; 310413, 3826006; 310353, 3826006; 310353, 3825946; 310383, 3825946; 310383, 3825886; 310413, 3825886; 310413, 3825856; 310383, 3825856; 310383, 3825826; 310353, 3825826; 310353, 3825796; 310323, 3825796; 310323, 3825766; 310263, 3825766; 310263, 3825736; 309993, 3825736; 309993, 3825676; 309963, 3825676; 309963, 3825736; 309933, 3825736; 309933, 3825766; 309903, 3825766; 309903, 3825796; 309753, 3825796; 309753, 3825766; 309573, 3825766; 309573, 3825736; 309453, 3825736; 309453, 3825706; 309333, 3825706; 309333, 3825676; 309243, 3825676; 309243, 3825706; 309093, 3825706; 309093, 3825736; 309063, 3825736; 309063, 3825826; 309033, 3825826; 309033, 3826006; 309063, 3826006; 309063, 3826126; 309033, 3826126; 309033, 3826156; 309003, 3826156; 309003, 3826216; 308973, 3826216; 308973, 3826246; 308943, 3826246; 308943, 3826276; 308883, 3826276; 308883, 3826306; 308763, 3826306; 308763, 3826276; 308523, 3826276; 308523, 3826246; 308193, 3826246; 308193, 3826216; 308103, 3826216; 308103, 3826186; 308043, 3826186; 308043, 3826156; 307923, 3826156; 307923, 3826186; 307833, 3826186; 307833, 3826216; 307773, 3826216; 307773, 3826246; 307713, 3826246; 307713, 3826276; 307563, 3826276; 307563, 3826306; 307353, 3826306; 307353, 3826276; 307323, 3826276; 307323, 3826246; 307293, 3826246; 307293, 3826216; 307263, 3826216; 307263, 3826186; 307233, 3826186; 307233, 3826156; 307143, 3826156; 307143, 3826126; 307113, 3826126; 307113, 3826096; 307083, 3826096; 307083, 3826066; 307053, 3826066; 307053, 3826036; 307023, 3826036; 307023, 3826006; 306933, 3826006; 306933, 3825976; 306903, 3825976; 306903, 3825946; 306873, 3825946; 306873, 3825916; 306783, 3825916; 306783, 3825976; 306723, 3825976; 306723, 3826006; 306543, 3826006; 306543, 3826036; 306423, 3826036; 306423, 3826066; 306303, 3826066; 306303, 3826096; 306243, 3826096; 306243, 3826066; 306213, 3826066; 306213, 3826006; 306123, 3826006; 306123, 3825976; 306003, 3825976; 306003, 3825946; 305853, 3825946; 305853, 3825916; 305673, 3825916; 305673, 3825946; 305583, 3825946; 305583, 3825976; 305493, 3825976; 305493, 3826006; 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299103, 3826006; 299043, 3826006; 299043, 3826036; 298923, 3826036; 298923, 3826066; 298863, 3826066; 298863, 3826096; 298803, 3826096; 298803, 3826126; 298713, 3826126; 298713, 3826096; 298623, 3826096; 298623, 3826066; 298503, 3826066; 298503, 3826036; 298383, 3826036; 298383, 3826006; 298353, 3826006; 298353, 3825976; 298293, 3825976; 298293, 3825946; 298233, 3825946; 298233, 3825916; 298173, 3825916; 298173, 3825886; 297993, 3825886; 297993, 3825856; 297903, 3825856; 297903, 3825826; 297483, 3825826; 297483, 3825796; 297453, 3825796; 297453, 3825766; 297423, 3825766; 297423, 3825736; 297393, 3825736; 297393, 3825676; 297363, 3825676; 297363, 3825616; 297333, 3825616; 297333, 3825556; 297273, 3825556; 297273, 3825676; 297243, 3825676; 297243, 3825736; 297273, 3825736; 297273, 3825796; 297243, 3825796; 297243, 3825826; 297213, 3825826; 297213, 3825856; 297183, 3825856; 297183, 3825886; 297153, 3825886; 297153, 3825916; 297123, 3825916; 297123, 3825946; 297093, 3825946; 297093, 3825976; 297063, 3825976; 297063, 3826006; 296973, 3826006; 296973, 3825946; 296943, 3825946; 296943, 3825706; 296913, 3825706; 296913, 3825676; 296883, 3825676; 296883, 3825646; 296853, 3825646; 296853, 3825616; 296763, 3825616; 296763, 3825586; 296673, 3825586; 296673, 3825616; 296613, 3825616; 296613, 3825646; 296553, 3825646; 296553, 3825676; 296523, 3825676; 296523, 3825706; 296463, 3825706; 296463, 3825736; 296433, 3825736; 296433, 3825766; 296403, 3825766; 296403, 3825826; 296373, 3825826; 296373, 3825856; 296343, 3825856; 296343, 3825886; 296313, 3825886; 296313, 3825916; 296283, 3825916; 296283, 3825946; 296253, 3825946; 296253, 3825976; 296193, 3825976; 296193, 3826006; 296163, 3826006; 296163, 3826036; 296043, 3826036; 296043, 3826006; 295983, 3826006; 295983, 3826036; 295803, 3826036; 295803, 3826006; 295743, 3826006; 295743, 3825976; 295653, 3825976; 295653, 3825946; 295623, 3825946; 295623, 3825886; 295593, 3825886; 295593, 3825856; 295563, 3825856; 295563, 3825886; 295473, 3825886; 295473, 3825856; 295413, 3825856; 295413, 3825886; 295353, 3825886; 295353, 3825856; 295323, 3825856; 295323, 3825826; 295263, 3825826; 295263, 3825796; 295173, 3825796; 295173, 3825766; 295143, 3825766; 295143, 3825736; 295113, 3825736; 295113, 3825706; 295083, 3825706; 295083, 3825676; 295053, 3825676; 295053, 3825646; 295023, 3825646; 295023, 3825616; 294993, 3825616; 294993, 3825586; 294963, 3825586; 294963, 3825466; 294903, 3825466; 294903, 3825496; 294873, 3825496; 294873, 3825526; 294783, 3825526; 294783, 3825556; 294723, 3825556; 294723, 3825586; 294633, 3825586; 294633, 3825616; 294603, 3825616; 294603, 3825646; 294573, 3825646; 294573, 3825676; 294543, 3825676; 294543, 3825706; 294483, 3825706; 294483, 3825766; 294453, 3825766; 294453, 3825796; 294393, 3825796; 294393, 3825856; 294363, 3825856; 294363, 3825886; 294303, 3825886; 294303, 3825916; 294243, 3825916; 294243, 3825886; 294093, 3825886; 294093, 3825946; 294063, 3825946; 294063, 3826006; 294033, 3826006; 294033, 3826066; 294003, 3826066; 294003, 3826096; 293973, 3826096; 293973, 3826126; 293943, 3826126; 293943, 3826156; 293913, 3826156; 293913, 3826186; 293883, 3826186; 293883, 3826246; 293703, 3826246; 293703, 3826216; 293643, 3826216; 293643, 3826186; 293523, 3826186; 293523, 3826156; 293403, 3826156; 293403, 3826186; 293253, 3826186; 293253, 3826156; 293223, 3826156; 293223, 3826186; 293073, 3826186; 293073, 3826216; 292983, 3826216; 292983, 3826186; 292893, 3826186; 292893, 3826156; 292863, 3826156; 292863, 3826126; 292833, 3826126; 292833, 3826096; 292683, 3826096; 292683, 3826066; 292353, 3826066; 292353, 3826096; 292203, 3826096; 292203, 3826066; 292083, 3826066; 292083, 3826096; 291993, 3826096; 291993, 3826126; 291963, 3826126; 291963, 3826156; 291933, 3826156; 291933, 3826216; 291903, 3826216; 291903, 3826246; 291873, 3826246; 291873, 3826276; 291813, 3826276; 291813, 3826336; 291843, 3826336; 291843, 3826396; 291813, 3826396; 291813, 3826426; 291663, 3826426; 291663, 3826456; 291573, 3826456; 291573, 3826486; 291543, 3826486; 291543, 3826516; 291513, 3826516; 291513, 3826576; 291483, 3826576; 291483, 3826606; 291423, 3826606; 291423, 3826636; 291483, 3826636; 291483, 3826666; 291543, 3826666; 291543, 3826636; 291573, 3826636; 291573, 3826606; 291633, 3826606; 291633, 3826576; 291843, 3826576; 291843, 3826606; 291933, 3826606; 291933, 3826636; 291993, 3826636; 291993, 3826666; 292053, 3826666; 292053, 3826696; 292143, 3826696; 292143, 3826726; 292173, 3826726; 292173, 3826816; 292143, 3826816; 292143, 3826846; 292083, 3826846; 292083, 3826876; 292053, 3826876; 292053, 3826906; 292023, 3826906; 292023, 3826966; 291993, 3826966; 291993, 3827026; 291963, 3827026; 291963, 3827086; 291993, 3827086; 291993, 3827146; 292023, 3827146; 292023, 3827206; 292053, 3827206; 292053, 3827236; 292083, 3827236; 292083, 3827266; 292143, 3827266; 292143, 3827296; 292203, 3827296; 292203, 3827326; 292293, 3827326; 292293, 3827356; 292353, 3827356; 292353, 3827386; 292383, 3827386; 292383, 3827416; 292413, 3827416; 292413, 3827446; 292443, 3827446; 292443, 3827476; 292473, 3827476; 292473, 3827506; 292503, 3827506; 292503, 3827596; 292533, 3827596; 292533, 3827746; 292503, 3827746; 292503, 3827776; 292473, 3827776; 292473, 3827806; 292413, 3827806; 292413, 3827866; 292533, 3827866; 292533, 3827896; 292593, 3827896; 292593, 3827926; 292623, 3827926; 292623, 3827956; 292653, 3827956; 292653, 3827986; 292683, 3827986; 292683, 3828106; 292653, 3828106; 292653, 3828136; 292623, 3828136; 292623, 3828196; 292593, 3828196; 292593, 3828226; 292563, 3828226; 292563, 3828286; 292593, 3828286; 292593, 3828316; 292653, 3828316; 292653, 3828346; 292683, 3828346; 292683, 3828376; 292713, 3828376; 292713, 3828406; 292773, 3828406; 292773, 3828436; 292863, 3828436; 292863, 3828466; 292893, 3828466; 292893, 3828526; returning to 292923, 3828526.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (10)(iii) of this entry.

(10) Unit 5: Piru Creek, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California.

(i) Subunit 5a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Lockwood Valley, Alamo Mtn., and Black Mtn., land upstream from Pyramid Lake bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 319293, 3842776; 319293, 3842746; 319353, 3842746; 319353, 3842716; 319383, 3842716; 319383, 3842626; 319413, 3842626; 319413, 3842536; 319443, 3842536; 319443, 3842506; 319473, 3842506; 319473, 3842446; 319503, 3842446; 319503, 3842476; 319533, 3842476; 319533, 3842536; 319623, 3842536; 319623, 3842506; 319683, 3842506; 319683, 3842476; 319713, 3842476; 319713, 3842446; 319773, 3842446; 319773, 3842476; 319803, 3842476; 319803, 3842536; 319833, 3842536; 319833, 3842596; 319863, 3842596; 319863, 3842686; 319923, 3842686; 319923, 3842716; 319953, 3842716; 319953, 3842746; 320013, 3842746; 320013, 3842716; 320073, 3842716; 320073, 3842686; 320103, 3842686; 320103, 3842626; 320163, 3842626; 320163, 3842656; 320193, 3842656; 320193, 3842686; 320283, 3842686; 320283, 3842656; 320313, 3842656; 320313, 3842686; 320403, 3842686; 320403, 3842716; 320433, 3842716; 320433, 3842686; 320463, 3842686; 320463, 3842596; 320523, 3842596; 320523, 3842566; 320613, 3842566; 320613, 3842596; 320643, 3842596; 320643, 3842626; 320703, 3842626; 320703, 3842596; 320733, 3842596; 320733, 3842566; 320793, 3842566; 320793, 3842506; 320823, 3842506; 320823, 3842446; 320853, 3842446; 320853, 3842356; 320883, 3842356; 320883, 3842326; 320913, 3842326; 320913, 3842296; 320973, 3842296; 320973, 3842326; 321063, 3842326; 321063, 3842356; 321123, 3842356; 321123, 3842386; 321153, 3842386; 321153, 3842356; 321213, 3842356; 321213, 3842386; 321273, 3842386; 321273, 3842356; 321363, 3842356; 321363, 3842326; 321693, 3842326; 321693, 3842356; 321723, 3842356; 321723, 3842416; 321753, 3842416; 321753, 3842356; 321783, 3842356; 321783, 3842326; 321903, 3842326; 321903, 3842296; 321933, 3842296; 321933, 3842236; 321963, 3842236; 321963, 3842206; 321993, 3842206; 321993, 3842236; 322053, 3842236; 322053, 3842266; 322143, 3842266; 322143, 3842296; 322233, 3842296; 322233, 3842326; 322293, 3842326; 322293, 3842356; 322353, 3842356; 322353, 3842326; 322413, 3842326; 322413, 3842296; 322443, 3842296; 322443, 3842266; 322473, 3842266; 322473, 3842206; 322503, 3842206; 322503, 3842086; 322473, 3842086; 322473, 3842056; 322503, 3842056; 322503, 3841966; 322563, 3841966; 322563, 3841936; 322623, 3841936; 322623, 3841906; 322713, 3841906; 322713, 3841846; 322743, 3841846; 322743, 3841816; 322773, 3841816; 322773, 3841726; 322833, 3841726; 322833, 3841696; 322863, 3841696; 322863, 3841576; 322893, 3841576; 322893, 3841456; 322953, 3841456; 322953, 3841426; 322983, 3841426; 322983, 3841276; 323013, 3841276; 323013, 3841186; 323043, 3841186; 323043, 3841156; 323103, 3841156; 323103, 3841126; 323223, 3841126; 323223, 3841096; 323253, 3841096; 323253, 3841066; 323283, 3841066; 323283, 3841006; 323313, 3841006; 323313, 3840976; 323373, 3840976; 323373, 3840886; 323433, 3840886; 323433, 3840916; 323583, 3840916; 323583, 3840946; 323613, 3840946; 323613, 3840976; 323673, 3840976; 323673, 3841006; 323763, 3841006; 323763, 3841036; 323913, 3841036; 323913, 3841006; 323973, 3841006; 323973, 3840976; 324033, 3840976; 324033, 3840946; 324063, 3840946; 324063, 3840916; 324093, 3840916; 324093, 3840886; 324243, 3840886; 324243, 3840916; 324363, 3840916; 324363, 3840946; 324483, 3840946; 324483, 3840976; 324633, 3840976; 324633, 3840946; 324783, 3840946; 324783, 3840916; 324843, 3840916; 324843, 3840886; 324873, 3840886; 324873, 3840856; 324903, 3840856; 324903, 3840826; 324933, 3840826; 324933, 3840736; 324963, 3840736; 324963, 3840646; 324993, 3840646; 324993, 3840586; 325023, 3840586; 325023, 3840496; 324993, 3840496; 324993, 3840466; 324963, 3840466; 324963, 3840436; 324933, 3840436; 324933, 3840406; 324903, 3840406; 324903, 3840346; 324873, 3840346; 324873, 3840316; 324963, 3840316; 324963, 3840286; 324993, 3840286; 324993, 3840256; 325053, 3840256; 325053, 3840226; 325173, 3840226; 325173, 3840196; 325233, 3840196; 325233, 3840166; 325263, 3840166; 325263, 3840136; 325293, 3840136; 325293, 3840106; 325383, 3840106; 325383, 3840166; 325533, 3840166; 325533, 3840196; 325563, 3840196; 325563, 3840256; 325533, 3840256; 325533, 3840406; 325563, 3840406; 325563, 3840436; 325593, 3840436; 325593, 3840466; 325653, 3840466; 325653, 3840436; 325683, 3840436; 325683, 3840406; 325713, 3840406; 325713, 3840376; 325803, 3840376; 325803, 3840406; 325833, 3840406; 325833, 3840436; 325893, 3840436; 325893, 3840466; 326013, 3840466; 326013, 3840496; 326073, 3840496; 326073, 3840526; 326103, 3840526; 326103, 3840496; 326133, 3840496; 326133, 3840466; 326163, 3840466; 326163, 3840436; 326193, 3840436; 326193, 3840406; 326223, 3840406; 326223, 3840346; 326253, 3840346; 326253, 3840316; 326283, 3840316; 326283, 3840106; 326253, 3840106; 326253, 3840046; 326313, 3840046; 326313, 3840016; 326343, 3840016; 326343, 3840046; 326373, 3840046; 326373, 3840076; 326403, 3840076; 326403, 3840106; 326433, 3840106; 326433, 3840166; 326403, 3840166; 326403, 3840316; 326463, 3840316; 326463, 3840376; 326523, 3840376; 326523, 3840406; 326553, 3840406; 326553, 3840436; 326613, 3840436; 326613, 3840466; 326703, 3840466; 326703, 3840436; 326823, 3840436; 326823, 3840406; 326913, 3840406; 326913, 3840376; 326973, 3840376; 326973, 3840256; 327003, 3840256; 327003, 3840196; 327033, 3840196; 327033, 3840256; 327063, 3840256; 327063, 3840466; 327123, 3840466; 327123, 3840496; 327153, 3840496; 327153, 3840526; 327273, 3840526; 327273, 3840496; 327303, 3840496; 327303, 3840376; 327333, 3840376; 327333, 3840346; 327393, 3840346; 327393, 3840376; 327453, 3840376; 327453, 3840406; 327483, 3840406; 327483, 3840496; 327513, 3840496; 327513, 3840556; 327543, 3840556; 327543, 3840586; 327603, 3840586; 327603, 3840616; 327633, 3840616; 327633, 3840586; 327723, 3840586; 327723, 3840556; 327753, 3840556; 327753, 3840586; 327783, 3840586; 327783, 3840646; 327813, 3840646; 327813, 3840676; 327843, 3840676; 327843, 3840706; 327873, 3840706; 327873, 3840736; 327903, 3840736; 327903, 3840766; 327993, 3840766; 327993, 3840796; 328143, 3840796; 328143, 3840826; 328293, 3840826; 328293, 3840886; 328323, 3840886; 328323, 3840916; 328293, 3840916; 328293, 3840976; 328263, 3840976; 328263, 3841006; 328233, 3841006; 328233, 3841036; 328203, 3841036; 328203, 3841126; 328233, 3841126; 328233, 3841186; 328263, 3841186; 328263, 3841216; 328293, 3841216; 328293, 3841246; 328323, 3841246; 328323, 3841276; 328473, 3841276; 328473, 3841456; 328443, 3841456; 328443, 3841486; 328413, 3841486; 328413, 3841546; 328533, 3841546; 328533, 3841576; 328563, 3841576; 328563, 3841666; 328593, 3841666; 328593, 3841726; 328623, 3841726; 328623, 3841756; 328683, 3841756; 328683, 3841786; 328863, 3841786; 328863, 3841846; 328893, 3841846; 328893, 3841906; 328923, 3841906; 328923, 3841936; 328953, 3841936; 328953, 3841966; 328983, 3841966; 328983, 3841996; 329013, 3841996; 329013, 3841936; 329043, 3841936; 329043, 3841906; 329073, 3841906; 329073, 3841786; 329103, 3841786; 329103, 3841756; 329133, 3841756; 329133, 3841696; 329103, 3841696; 329103, 3841666; 329073, 3841666; 329073, 3841606; 329043, 3841606; 329043, 3841546; 329073, 3841546; 329073, 3841486; 329103, 3841486; 329103, 3841426; 329133, 3841426; 329133, 3841396; 329163, 3841396; 329163, 3841336; 329193, 3841336; 329193, 3841276; 329253, 3841276; 329253, 3841216; 329283, 3841216; 329283, 3841066; 329313, 3841066; 329313, 3841006; 329343, 3841006; 329343, 3840976; 329373, 3840976; 329373, 3840946; 329403, 3840946; 329403, 3840916; 329433, 3840916; 329433, 3840856; 329463, 3840856; 329463, 3840736; 329493, 3840736; 329493, 3840706; 329523, 3840706; 329523, 3840736; 329613, 3840736; 329613, 3840766; 329643, 3840766; 329643, 3840796; 329673, 3840796; 329673, 3840826; 329763, 3840826; 329763, 3840856; 329883, 3840856; 329883, 3840766; 329913, 3840766; 329913, 3840826; 329943, 3840826; 329943, 3840886; 329973, 3840886; 329973, 3840976; 330033, 3840976; 330033, 3841066; 330063, 3841066; 330063, 3841036; 330093, 3841036; 330093, 3841006; 330123, 3841006; 330123, 3840976; 330213, 3840976; 330213, 3840946; 330243, 3840946; 330243, 3840916; 330273, 3840916; 330273, 3840736; 330243, 3840736; 330243, 3840676; 330273, 3840676; 330273, 3840646; 330303, 3840646; 330303, 3840616; 330333, 3840616; 330333, 3840586; 330363, 3840586; 330363, 3840556; 330393, 3840556; 330393, 3840526; 330423, 3840526; 330423, 3840496; 330483, 3840496; 330483, 3840526; 330513, 3840526; 330513, 3840556; 330543, 3840556; 330543, 3840586; 330573, 3840586; 330573, 3840616; 330633, 3840616; 330633, 3840586; 330603, 3840586; 330603, 3840466; 330663, 3840466; 330663, 3840436; 330723, 3840436; 330723, 3840466; 330783, 3840466; 330783, 3840316; 330813, 3840316; 330813, 3840286; 330873, 3840286; 330873, 3840256; 330903, 3840256; 330903, 3840226; 330933, 3840226; 330933, 3840196; 330963, 3840196; 330963, 3840136; 330993, 3840136; 330993, 3840076; 330963, 3840076; 330963, 3840046; 330993, 3840046; 330993, 3839956; 331053, 3839956; 331053, 3839986; 331143, 3839986; 331143, 3839896; 331113, 3839896; 331113, 3839836; 331083, 3839836; 331083, 3839746; 331113, 3839746; 331113, 3839716; 331143, 3839716; 331143, 3839686; 331173, 3839686; 331173, 3839656; 331203, 3839656; 331203, 3839596; 331353, 3839596; 331353, 3839566; 331383, 3839566; 331383, 3839536; 331353, 3839536; 331353, 3839506; 331323, 3839506; 331323, 3839446; 331293, 3839446; 331293, 3839386; 331323, 3839386; 331323, 3839356; 331353, 3839356; 331353, 3839326; 331413, 3839326; 331413, 3839356; 331533, 3839356; 331533, 3839326; 331563, 3839326; 331563, 3839266; 331593, 3839266; 331593, 3839236; 331653, 3839236; 331653, 3839296; 331713, 3839296; 331713, 3839086; 331683, 3839086; 331683, 3838906; 331713, 3838906; 331713, 3838816; 331683, 3838816; 331683, 3838756; 331713, 3838756; 331713, 3838696; 331743, 3838696; 331743, 3838666; 331773, 3838666; 331773, 3838606; 331803, 3838606; 331803, 3838576; 331833, 3838576; 331833, 3838546; 331893, 3838546; 331893, 3838516; 331923, 3838516; 331923, 3838486; 331953, 3838486; 331953, 3838456; 331983, 3838456; 331983, 3838426; 332013, 3838426; 332013, 3838366; 332043, 3838366; 332043, 3838276; 332073, 3838276; 332073, 3838246; 332133, 3838246; 332133, 3838276; 332163, 3838276; 332163, 3838306; 332193, 3838306; 332193, 3838186; 332223, 3838186; 332223, 3838126; 332253, 3838126; 332253, 3838006; 332283, 3838006; 332283, 3837976; 332313, 3837976; 332313, 3837916; 332343, 3837916; 332343, 3837856; 332373, 3837856; 332373, 3837826; 332433, 3837826; 332433, 3837796; 332493, 3837796; 332493, 3837706; 332523, 3837706; 332523, 3837676; 332583, 3837676; 332583, 3837616; 332613, 3837616; 332613, 3837586; 332643, 3837586; 332643, 3837556; 332673, 3837556; 332673, 3837526; 332703, 3837526; 332703, 3837496; 332733, 3837496; 332733, 3837466; 332793, 3837466; 332793, 3837496; 332823, 3837496; 332823, 3837526; 332853, 3837526; 332853, 3837556; 332883, 3837556; 332883, 3837616; 332913, 3837616; 332913, 3837706; 332943, 3837706; 332943, 3837766; 332973, 3837766; 332973, 3837796; 333003, 3837796; 333003, 3837826; 333033, 3837826; 333033, 3837796; 333093, 3837796; 333093, 3837766; 333153, 3837766; 333153, 3837676; 333183, 3837676; 333183, 3837556; 333213, 3837556; 333213, 3837586; 333303, 3837586; 333303, 3837556; 333363, 3837556; 333363, 3837526; 333393, 3837526; 333393, 3837496; 333423, 3837496; 333423, 3837466; 333453, 3837466; 333453, 3837376; 333423, 3837376; 333423, 3837316; 333483, 3837316; 333483, 3837166; 333453, 3837166; 333453, 3837076; 333483, 3837076; 333483, 3837016; 333693, 3837016; 333693, 3836986; 333723, 3836986; 333723, 3836956; 333753, 3836956; 333753, 3836926; 333903, 3836926; 333903, 3836866; 333873, 3836866; 333873, 3836896; 333813, 3836896; 333813, 3836866; 333693, 3836866; 333693, 3836956; 333663, 3836956; 333663, 3836986; 333543, 3836986; 333543, 3836926; 333453, 3836926; 333453, 3836956; 333423, 3836956; 333423, 3836986; 333393, 3836986; 333393, 3837016; 333363, 3837016; 333363, 3837196; 333333, 3837196; 333333, 3837316; 333303, 3837316; 333303, 3837406; 333153, 3837406; 333153, 3837436; 333093, 3837436; 333093, 3837466; 333063, 3837466; 333063, 3837496; 333033, 3837496; 333033, 3837466; 332943, 3837466; 332943, 3837436; 332913, 3837436; 332913, 3837406; 332853, 3837406; 332853, 3837376; 332823, 3837376; 332823, 3837316; 332793, 3837316; 332793, 3837226; 332763, 3837226; 332763, 3837166; 332733, 3837166; 332733, 3837136; 332703, 3837136; 332703, 3837106; 332673, 3837106; 332673, 3837166; 332643, 3837166; 332643, 3837286; 332613, 3837286; 332613, 3837346; 332583, 3837346; 332583, 3837376; 332553, 3837376; 332553, 3837406; 332493, 3837406; 332493, 3837436; 332433, 3837436; 332433, 3837466; 332343, 3837466; 332343, 3837556; 332313, 3837556; 332313, 3837586; 332283, 3837586; 332283, 3837616; 332253, 3837616; 332253, 3837646; 332223, 3837646; 332223, 3837676; 332193, 3837676; 332193, 3837706; 332133, 3837706; 332133, 3837736; 332073, 3837736; 332073, 3837856; 332043, 3837856; 332043, 3837886; 332013, 3837886; 332013, 3837976; 331983, 3837976; 331983, 3838066; 331923, 3838066; 331923, 3838096; 331833, 3838096; 331833, 3838126; 331803, 3838126; 331803, 3838186; 331773, 3838186; 331773, 3838216; 331683, 3838216; 331683, 3838246; 331653, 3838246; 331653, 3838276; 331623, 3838276; 331623, 3838306; 331593, 3838306; 331593, 3838336; 331563, 3838336; 331563, 3838366; 331533, 3838366; 331533, 3838426; 331503, 3838426; 331503, 3838456; 331443, 3838456; 331443, 3838486; 331413, 3838486; 331413, 3838546; 331353, 3838546; 331353, 3838576; 331293, 3838576; 331293, 3838666; 331203, 3838666; 331203, 3838726; 331173, 3838726; 331173, 3838846; 331203, 3838846; 331203, 3838906; 331233, 3838906; 331233, 3838936; 331263, 3838936; 331263, 3838966; 331203, 3838966; 331203, 3838996; 331143, 3838996; 331143, 3839026; 331113, 3839026; 331113, 3839056; 331083, 3839056; 331083, 3839086; 331053, 3839086; 331053, 3839146; 331023, 3839146; 331023, 3839236; 330993, 3839236; 330993, 3839326; 330963, 3839326; 330963, 3839356; 330933, 3839356; 330933, 3839386; 330963, 3839386; 330963, 3839446; 330933, 3839446; 330933, 3839506; 330873, 3839506; 330873, 3839536; 330783, 3839536; 330783, 3839566; 330723, 3839566; 330723, 3839626; 330693, 3839626; 330693, 3839686; 330663, 3839686; 330663, 3839746; 330633, 3839746; 330633, 3839866; 330603, 3839866; 330603, 3839926; 330573, 3839926; 330573, 3839986; 330543, 3839986; 330543, 3840046; 330513, 3840046; 330513, 3840076; 330453, 3840076; 330453, 3840106; 330423, 3840106; 330423, 3840166; 330393, 3840166; 330393, 3840196; 330363, 3840196; 330363, 3840256; 330333, 3840256; 330333, 3840286; 330303, 3840286; 330303, 3840316; 330273, 3840316; 330273, 3840346; 330213, 3840346; 330213, 3840376; 330183, 3840376; 330183, 3840406; 330153, 3840406; 330153, 3840436; 330123, 3840436; 330123, 3840496; 330093, 3840496; 330093, 3840586; 330063, 3840586; 330063, 3840646; 329973, 3840646; 329973, 3840616; 329763, 3840616; 329763, 3840646; 329673, 3840646; 329673, 3840616; 329553, 3840616; 329553, 3840586; 329523, 3840586; 329523, 3840556; 329463, 3840556; 329463, 3840526; 329433, 3840526; 329433, 3840556; 329403, 3840556; 329403, 3840616; 329373, 3840616; 329373, 3840706; 329343, 3840706; 329343, 3840826; 329313, 3840826; 329313, 3840856; 329283, 3840856; 329283, 3840886; 329253, 3840886; 329253, 3840916; 329223, 3840916; 329223, 3840946; 329193, 3840946; 329193, 3841006; 329163, 3841006; 329163, 3841126; 329133, 3841126; 329133, 3841216; 329103, 3841216; 329103, 3841276; 329073, 3841276; 329073, 3841336; 329043, 3841336; 329043, 3841366; 329013, 3841366; 329013, 3841396; 328983, 3841396; 328983, 3841456; 328953, 3841456; 328953, 3841516; 328923, 3841516; 328923, 3841576; 328773, 3841576; 328773, 3841546; 328713, 3841546; 328713, 3841516; 328683, 3841516; 328683, 3841486; 328653, 3841486; 328653, 3841426; 328623, 3841426; 328623, 3841216; 328593, 3841216; 328593, 3841186; 328563, 3841186; 328563, 3841156; 328503, 3841156; 328503, 3841126; 328413, 3841126; 328413, 3841156; 328383, 3841156; 328383, 3841096; 328413, 3841096; 328413, 3840976; 328443, 3840976; 328443, 3840796; 328413, 3840796; 328413, 3840736; 328233, 3840736; 328233, 3840796; 328173, 3840796; 328173, 3840766; 328203, 3840766; 328203, 3840736; 328143, 3840736; 328143, 3840706; 328053, 3840706; 328053, 3840676; 327993, 3840676; 327993, 3840646; 327933, 3840646; 327933, 3840616; 327903, 3840616; 327903, 3840586; 327873, 3840586; 327873, 3840496; 327843, 3840496; 327843, 3840466; 327813, 3840466; 327813, 3840436; 327603, 3840436; 327603, 3840346; 327573, 3840346; 327573, 3840316; 327543, 3840316; 327543, 3840256; 327453, 3840256; 327453, 3840226; 327423, 3840226; 327423, 3840196; 327303, 3840196; 327303, 3840166; 327273, 3840166; 327273, 3840196; 327243, 3840196; 327243, 3840226; 327183, 3840226; 327183, 3840196; 327153, 3840196; 327153, 3840136; 327123, 3840136; 327123, 3840106; 327093, 3840106; 327093, 3840076; 327063, 3840076; 327063, 3840046; 327003, 3840046; 327003, 3840016; 326913, 3840016; 326913, 3840076; 326883, 3840076; 326883, 3840106; 326853, 3840106; 326853, 3840196; 326823, 3840196; 326823, 3840256; 326763, 3840256; 326763, 3840286; 326733, 3840286; 326733, 3840316; 326643, 3840316; 326643, 3840286; 326613, 3840286; 326613, 3840256; 326583, 3840256; 326583, 3840106; 326553, 3840106; 326553, 3840046; 326523, 3840046; 326523, 3839986; 326493, 3839986; 326493, 3839926; 326463, 3839926; 326463, 3839896; 326373, 3839896; 326373, 3839866; 326283, 3839866; 326283, 3839836; 326253, 3839836; 326253, 3839806; 326103, 3839806; 326103, 3839776; 325953, 3839776; 325953, 3839836; 325923, 3839836; 325923, 3839956; 325953, 3839956; 325953, 3840076; 325983, 3840076; 325983, 3840166; 326013, 3840166; 326013, 3840346; 325923, 3840346; 325923, 3840316; 325863, 3840316; 325863, 3840286; 325803, 3840286; 325803, 3840256; 325683, 3840256; 325683, 3840076; 325623, 3840076; 325623, 3840046; 325413, 3840046; 325413, 3840016; 325383, 3840016; 325383, 3840046; 325233, 3840046; 325233, 3840076; 325203, 3840076; 325203, 3840106; 325233, 3840106; 325233, 3840136; 325203, 3840136; 325203, 3840166; 325173, 3840166; 325173, 3840136; 325143, 3840136; 325143, 3840196; 325023, 3840196; 325023, 3840226; 324933, 3840226; 324933, 3840196; 324993, 3840196; 324993, 3840166; 324963, 3840166; 324963, 3840136; 324813, 3840136; 324813, 3840106; 324723, 3840106; 324723, 3840136; 324693, 3840136; 324693, 3840166; 324663, 3840166; 324663, 3840316; 324693, 3840316; 324693, 3840376; 324723, 3840376; 324723, 3840436; 324753, 3840436; 324753, 3840466; 324783, 3840466; 324783, 3840526; 324813, 3840526; 324813, 3840556; 324843, 3840556; 324843, 3840616; 324873, 3840616; 324873, 3840736; 324843, 3840736; 324843, 3840766; 324903, 3840766; 324903, 3840796; 324873, 3840796; 324873, 3840826; 324843, 3840826; 324843, 3840856; 324813, 3840856; 324813, 3840886; 324753, 3840886; 324753, 3840856; 324723, 3840856; 324723, 3840826; 324693, 3840826; 324693, 3840856; 324603, 3840856; 324603, 3840886; 324573, 3840886; 324573, 3840946; 324543, 3840946; 324543, 3840856; 324453, 3840856; 324453, 3840826; 324423, 3840826; 324423, 3840796; 324333, 3840796; 324333, 3840766; 324093, 3840766; 324093, 3840796; 324003, 3840796; 324003, 3840826; 323943, 3840826; 323943, 3840856; 323853, 3840856; 323853, 3840886; 323793, 3840886; 323793, 3840856; 323673, 3840856; 323673, 3840826; 323643, 3840826; 323643, 3840796; 323583, 3840796; 323583, 3840766; 323523, 3840766; 323523, 3840796; 323463, 3840796; 323463, 3840826; 323403, 3840826; 323403, 3840796; 323343, 3840796; 323343, 3840826; 323313, 3840826; 323313, 3840856; 323283, 3840856; 323283, 3840916; 323253, 3840916; 323253, 3840946; 323223, 3840946; 323223, 3840976; 323163, 3840976; 323163, 3841006; 323013, 3841006; 323013, 3841036; 322953, 3841036; 322953, 3841126; 322923, 3841126; 322923, 3841156; 322893, 3841156; 322893, 3841246; 322863, 3841246; 322863, 3841306; 322833, 3841306; 322833, 3841336; 322803, 3841336; 322803, 3841366; 322773, 3841366; 322773, 3841396; 322743, 3841396; 322743, 3841576; 322713, 3841576; 322713, 3841606; 322683, 3841606; 322683, 3841666; 322653, 3841666; 322653, 3841696; 322623, 3841696; 322623, 3841726; 322353, 3841726; 322353, 3841756; 322323, 3841756; 322323, 3841786; 322293, 3841786; 322293, 3841816; 322263, 3841816; 322263, 3841846; 322203, 3841846; 322203, 3841876; 322143, 3841876; 322143, 3841906; 322023, 3841906; 322023, 3841936; 321963, 3841936; 321963, 3841966; 321783, 3841966; 321783, 3841996; 321753, 3841996; 321753, 3842026; 321693, 3842026; 321693, 3842056; 321663, 3842056; 321663, 3842086; 321633, 3842086; 321633, 3842116; 321573, 3842116; 321573, 3842146; 321543, 3842146; 321543, 3842176; 321513, 3842176; 321513, 3842206; 321303, 3842206; 321303, 3842236; 321183, 3842236; 321183, 3842266; 321123, 3842266; 321123, 3842236; 321033, 3842236; 321033, 3842206; 320853, 3842206; 320853, 3842176; 320823, 3842176; 320823, 3842206; 320793, 3842206; 320793, 3842236; 320763, 3842236; 320763, 3842296; 320733, 3842296; 320733, 3842386; 320703, 3842386; 320703, 3842416; 320463, 3842416; 320463, 3842386; 320373, 3842386; 320373, 3842356; 320343, 3842356; 320343, 3842386; 320283, 3842386; 320283, 3842446; 320253, 3842446; 320253, 3842476; 320193, 3842476; 320193, 3842446; 319983, 3842446; 319983, 3842416; 319953, 3842416; 319953, 3842386; 319923, 3842386; 319923, 3842356; 319893, 3842356; 319893, 3842296; 319863, 3842296; 319863, 3842266; 319713, 3842266; 319713, 3842236; 319443, 3842236; 319443, 3842266; 319323, 3842266; 319323, 3842296; 319293, 3842296; 319293, 3842326; 319263, 3842326; 319263, 3842356; 319203, 3842356; 319203, 3842326; 319113, 3842326; 319113, 3842356; 318903, 3842356; 318903, 3842326; 318873, 3842326; 318873, 3842296; 318843, 3842296; 318843, 3842176; 318783, 3842176; 318783, 3842056; 318753, 3842056; 318753, 3841996; 318723, 3841996; 318723, 3841966; 318693, 3841966; 318693, 3841936; 318543, 3841936; 318543, 3841966; 318483, 3841966; 318483, 3841996; 318363, 3841996; 318363, 3841936; 318333, 3841936; 318333, 3841906; 318303, 3841906; 318303, 3841876; 318243, 3841876; 318243, 3841846; 318273, 3841846; 318273, 3841816; 318243, 3841816; 318243, 3841786; 318213, 3841786; 318213, 3841756; 318183, 3841756; 318183, 3841726; 318153, 3841726; 318153, 3841636; 318123, 3841636; 318123, 3841576; 318093, 3841576; 318093, 3841546; 318063, 3841546; 318063, 3841516; 318033, 3841516; 318033, 3841456; 317823, 3841456; 317823, 3841486; 317793, 3841486; 317793, 3841516; 317763, 3841516; 317763, 3841546; 317733, 3841546; 317733, 3841516; 317673, 3841516; 317673, 3841486; 317613, 3841486; 317613, 3841456; 317583, 3841456; 317583, 3841396; 317493, 3841396; 317493, 3841366; 317433, 3841366; 317433, 3841336; 317403, 3841336; 317403, 3841306; 317343, 3841306; 317343, 3841336; 317283, 3841336; 317283, 3841366; 317223, 3841366; 317223, 3841336; 317103, 3841336; 317103, 3841366; 316713, 3841366; 316713, 3841396; 316653, 3841396; 316653, 3841426; 316563, 3841426; 316563, 3841396; 316503, 3841396; 316503, 3841366; 316473, 3841366; 316473, 3841486; 316503, 3841486; 316503, 3841546; 316533, 3841546; 316533, 3841576; 316563, 3841576; 316563, 3841606; 316593, 3841606; 316593, 3841636; 316653, 3841636; 316653, 3841666; 316743, 3841666; 316743, 3841756; 316773, 3841756; 316773, 3841786; 316803, 3841786; 316803, 3841816; 316953, 3841816; 316953, 3841786; 317013, 3841786; 317013, 3841756; 317193, 3841756; 317193, 3841726; 317253, 3841726; 317253, 3841696; 317283, 3841696; 317283, 3841636; 317313, 3841636; 317313, 3841606; 317343, 3841606; 317343, 3841546; 317463, 3841546; 317463, 3841576; 317493, 3841576; 317493, 3841636; 317553, 3841636; 317553, 3841666; 317673, 3841666; 317673, 3841696; 317793, 3841696; 317793, 3841726; 317883, 3841726; 317883, 3841666; 317913, 3841666; 317913, 3841606; 317943, 3841606; 317943, 3841666; 317973, 3841666; 317973, 3841786; 317943, 3841786; 317943, 3841876; 317973, 3841876; 317973, 3841966; 318003, 3841966; 318003, 3841996; 318033, 3841996; 318033, 3842056; 318063, 3842056; 318063, 3842116; 318213, 3842116; 318213, 3842146; 318243, 3842146; 318243, 3842176; 318333, 3842176; 318333, 3842206; 318393, 3842206; 318393, 3842176; 318453, 3842176; 318453, 3842146; 318483, 3842146; 318483, 3842176; 318513, 3842176; 318513, 3842146; 318543, 3842146; 318543, 3842116; 318573, 3842116; 318573, 3842146; 318603, 3842146; 318603, 3842206; 318633, 3842206; 318633, 3842416; 318663, 3842416; 318663, 3842506; 318693, 3842506; 318693, 3842566; 318723, 3842566; 318723, 3842596; 318753, 3842596; 318753, 3842626; 318813, 3842626; 318813, 3842656; 318903, 3842656; 318903, 3842686; 319023, 3842686; 319023, 3842716; 319143, 3842716; 319143, 3842746; 319203, 3842746; 319203, 3842776; returning to 319293, 3842776.

(ii) Subunit 5b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Black Mountain, Liebre Mountain, Whitaker Peak, and Cobblestone Mountain, land between Pyramid Lake and Lake Piru bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 337443, 3829276; 337383, 3829276; 337383, 3829246; 337293, 3829246; 337293, 3829216; 337263, 3829216; 337263, 3829246; 337203, 3829246; 337203, 3829336; 337173, 3829336; 337173, 3829366; 337203, 3829366; 337203, 3829426; 337173, 3829426; 337173, 3829456; 337143, 3829456; 337143, 3829486; 337053, 3829486; 337053, 3829456; 336873, 3829456; 336873, 3829486; 336843, 3829486; 336843, 3829516; 336813, 3829516; 336813, 3829546; 336783, 3829546; 336783, 3829606; 336693, 3829606; 336693, 3829726; 336723, 3829726; 336723, 3829786; 336693, 3829786; 336693, 3829816; 336663, 3829816; 336663, 3829846; 336633, 3829846; 336633, 3829876; 336573, 3829876; 336573, 3829936; 336513, 3829936; 336513, 3829876; 336483, 3829876; 336483, 3829846; 336453, 3829846; 336453, 3829816; 336303, 3829816; 336303, 3829876; 336273, 3829876; 336273, 3829936; 336243, 3829936; 336243, 3830146; 336273, 3830146; 336273, 3830206; 336243, 3830206; 336243, 3830176; 336123, 3830176; 336123, 3830146; 336033, 3830146; 336033, 3830116; 335973, 3830116; 335973, 3830086; 335943, 3830086; 335943, 3830026; 335913, 3830026; 335913, 3829966; 335883, 3829966; 335883, 3829936; 335823, 3829936; 335823, 3829906; 335733, 3829906; 335733, 3829936; 335703, 3829936; 335703, 3829906; 335613, 3829906; 335613, 3829966; 335583, 3829966; 335583, 3830116; 335553, 3830116; 335553, 3830176; 335583, 3830176; 335583, 3830326; 335553, 3830326; 335553, 3830356; 335523, 3830356; 335523, 3830386; 335463, 3830386; 335463, 3830416; 335433, 3830416; 335433, 3830566; 335223, 3830566; 335223, 3830626; 335193, 3830626; 335193, 3830656; 335163, 3830656; 335163, 3830686; 335133, 3830686; 335133, 3830776; 335163, 3830776; 335163, 3830806; 335193, 3830806; 335193, 3830836; 335223, 3830836; 335223, 3830866; 335283, 3830866; 335283, 3830956; 335223, 3830956; 335223, 3830986; 335193, 3830986; 335193, 3831046; 335163, 3831046; 335163, 3831076; 335103, 3831076; 335103, 3831166; 335073, 3831166; 335073, 3831196; 335283, 3831196; 335283, 3831106; 335313, 3831106; 335313, 3831046; 335343, 3831046; 335343, 3831016; 335373, 3831016; 335373, 3830986; 335403, 3830986; 335403, 3830926; 335433, 3830926; 335433, 3830896; 335463, 3830896; 335463, 3830836; 335433, 3830836; 335433, 3830806; 335403, 3830806; 335403, 3830776; 335343, 3830776; 335343, 3830806; 335313, 3830806; 335313, 3830776; 335283, 3830776; 335283, 3830746; 335313, 3830746; 335313, 3830686; 335553, 3830686; 335553, 3830656; 335583, 3830656; 335583, 3830476; 335643, 3830476; 335643, 3830446; 335673, 3830446; 335673, 3830386; 335703, 3830386; 335703, 3830086; 335763, 3830086; 335763, 3830116; 335793, 3830116; 335793, 3830086; 335823, 3830086; 335823, 3830146; 335883, 3830146; 335883, 3830176; 335913, 3830176; 335913, 3830206; 336003, 3830206; 336003, 3830236; 336063, 3830236; 336063, 3830266; 336123, 3830266; 336123, 3830296; 336183, 3830296; 336183, 3830326; 336243, 3830326; 336243, 3830356; 336393, 3830356; 336393, 3830266; 336423, 3830266; 336423, 3830236; 336393, 3830236; 336393, 3830146; 336363, 3830146; 336363, 3829996; 336393, 3829996; 336393, 3829966; 336423, 3829966; 336423, 3830026; 336453, 3830026; 336453, 3830056; 336483, 3830056; 336483, 3830086; 336543, 3830086; 336543, 3830056; 336603, 3830056; 336603, 3830026; 336633, 3830026; 336633, 3829996; 336693, 3829996; 336693, 3829936; 336723, 3829936; 336723, 3829876; 336753, 3829876; 336753, 3829846; 336783, 3829846; 336783, 3829786; 336813, 3829786; 336813, 3829756; 336843, 3829756; 336843, 3829726; 337053, 3829726; 337053, 3829636; 337083, 3829636; 337083, 3829606; 337053, 3829606; 337053, 3829576; 337113, 3829576; 337113, 3829546; 337203, 3829546; 337203, 3829516; 337233, 3829516; 337233, 3829486; 337263, 3829486; 337263, 3829396; 337293, 3829396; 337293, 3829366; 337353, 3829366; 337353, 3829396; 337473, 3829396; 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338973, 3819526; 339003, 3819526; 339003, 3819496; 338973, 3819496; 338973, 3819436; 339003, 3819436; 339003, 3819316; 338973, 3819316; 338973, 3819196; 338943, 3819196; 338943, 3819166; 338913, 3819166; 338913, 3819136; 338793, 3819136; 338793, 3819166; 338733, 3819166; 338733, 3819196; 338703, 3819196; 338703, 3819226; 338673, 3819226; 338673, 3819286; 338643, 3819286; 338643, 3819436; 338493, 3819436; 338493, 3819406; 338403, 3819406; 338403, 3819436; 338433, 3819436; 338433, 3819466; 338463, 3819466; 338463, 3819496; 338493, 3819496; 338493, 3819646; 338463, 3819646; 338463, 3819676; 338433, 3819676; 338433, 3819706; 338403, 3819706; 338403, 3819766; 338373, 3819766; 338373, 3819796; 338343, 3819796; 338343, 3819856; 338313, 3819856; 338313, 3819886; 338283, 3819886; 338283, 3819916; 338223, 3819916; 338223, 3819976; 338253, 3819976; 338253, 3820036; 338283, 3820036; 338283, 3820096; 338313, 3820096; 338313, 3820156; 338343, 3820156; 338343, 3820186; 338373, 3820186; 338373, 3820276; 338313, 3820276; 338313, 3820306; 338223, 3820306; 338223, 3820276; 338193, 3820276; 338193, 3820306; 338133, 3820306; 338133, 3820336; 338103, 3820336; 338103, 3820366; 338133, 3820366; 338133, 3820426; 338163, 3820426; 338163, 3820486; 338193, 3820486; 338193, 3820456; 338313, 3820456; 338313, 3820486; 338373, 3820486; 338373, 3820456; 338433, 3820456; 338433, 3820426; 338643, 3820426; 338643, 3820516; 338613, 3820516; 338613, 3820576; 338583, 3820576; 338583, 3820696; 338553, 3820696; 338553, 3820966; 338583, 3820966; 338583, 3821056; 338553, 3821056; 338553, 3821446; 338523, 3821446; 338523, 3821476; 338493, 3821476; 338493, 3821506; 338433, 3821506; 338433, 3821536; 338493, 3821536; 338493, 3821566; 338553, 3821566; 338553, 3821536; 338583, 3821536; 338583, 3821566; 338613, 3821566; 338613, 3821656; 338583, 3821656; 338583, 3821686; 338613, 3821686; 338613, 3821746; 338643, 3821746; 338643, 3821896; 338673, 3821896; 338673, 3821956; 338703, 3821956; 338703, 3822196; 338673, 3822196; 338673, 3822376; 338643, 3822376; 338643, 3822406; 338613, 3822406; 338613, 3822436; 338583, 3822436; 338583, 3822496; 338553, 3822496; 338553, 3822616; 338523, 3822616; 338523, 3822676; 338553, 3822676; 338553, 3822706; 338523, 3822706; 338523, 3822736; 338493, 3822736; 338493, 3822766; 338463, 3822766; 338463, 3822826; 338433, 3822826; 338433, 3822976; 338493, 3822976; 338493, 3823066; 338463, 3823066; 338463, 3823126; 338343, 3823126; 338343, 3823156; 338283, 3823156; 338283, 3823186; 338253, 3823186; 338253, 3823216; 338223, 3823216; 338223, 3823276; 338193, 3823276; 338193, 3823336; 338163, 3823336; 338163, 3823456; 338193, 3823456; 338193, 3823516; 338253, 3823516; 338253, 3823606; 338223, 3823606; 338223, 3823636; 338133, 3823636; 338133, 3823576; 338103, 3823576; 338103, 3823516; 338073, 3823516; 338073, 3823486; 337893, 3823486; 337893, 3823426; 337863, 3823426; 337863, 3823396; 337803, 3823396; 337803, 3823366; 337743, 3823366; 337743, 3823396; 337593, 3823396; 337593, 3823486; 337563, 3823486; 337563, 3823576; 337383, 3823576; 337383, 3823546; 337293, 3823546; 337293, 3823516; 337263, 3823516; 337263, 3823486; 337233, 3823486; 337233, 3823456; 337203, 3823456; 337203, 3823426; 337173, 3823426; 337173, 3823366; 337113, 3823366; 337113, 3823336; 337053, 3823336; 337053, 3823366; 336873, 3823366; 336873, 3823396; 336843, 3823396; 336843, 3823426; 336813, 3823426; 336813, 3823456; 336783, 3823456; 336783, 3823486; 336693, 3823486; 336693, 3823456; 336633, 3823456; 336633, 3823426; 336603, 3823426; 336603, 3823456; 336543, 3823456; 336543, 3823486; 336513, 3823486; 336513, 3823516; 336483, 3823516; 336483, 3823576; 336363, 3823576; 336363, 3823636; 336333, 3823636; 336333, 3823666; 336273, 3823666; 336273, 3823696; 336243, 3823696; 336243, 3823726; 336213, 3823726; 336213, 3823786; 336183, 3823786; 336183, 3823816; 336063, 3823816; 336063, 3823846; 336003, 3823846; 336003, 3823876; 335973, 3823876; 335973, 3823906; 335913, 3823906; 335913, 3823936; 335883, 3823936; 335883, 3823966; 335823, 3823966; 335823, 3823996; 335763, 3823996; 335763, 3824026; 335733, 3824026; 335733, 3824056; 335703, 3824056; 335703, 3824206; 335673, 3824206; 335673, 3824386; 335643, 3824386; 335643, 3824416; 335583, 3824416; 335583, 3824446; 335553, 3824446; 335553, 3824506; 335523, 3824506; 335523, 3824536; 335373, 3824536; 335373, 3824566; 335313, 3824566; 335313, 3824596; 335223, 3824596; 335223, 3824626; 334953, 3824626; 334953, 3824656; 334923, 3824656; 334923, 3824626; 334743, 3824626; 334743, 3824656; 334653, 3824656; 334653, 3824626; 334623, 3824626; 334623, 3824596; 334563, 3824596; 334563, 3824656; 334593, 3824656; 334593, 3824716; 334623, 3824716; 334623, 3824836; 334653, 3824836; 334653, 3824866; 334683, 3824866; 334683, 3824806; 334803, 3824806; 334803, 3824776; 334863, 3824776; 334863, 3824746; 335103, 3824746; 335103, 3824776; 335163, 3824776; 335163, 3824746; 335343, 3824746; 335343, 3824716; 335373, 3824716; 335373, 3824686; 335403, 3824686; 335403, 3824656; 335613, 3824656; 335613, 3824626; 335643, 3824626; 335643, 3824536; 335673, 3824536; 335673, 3824506; 335703, 3824506; 335703, 3824536; 335733, 3824536; 335733, 3824506; 335763, 3824506; 335763, 3824476; 335793, 3824476; 335793, 3824176; 335823, 3824176; 335823, 3824116; 335853, 3824116; 335853, 3824086; 335943, 3824086; 335943, 3824056; 336003, 3824056; 336003, 3823996; 336033, 3823996; 336033, 3823966; 336093, 3823966; 336093, 3823936; 336183, 3823936; 336183, 3823966; 336213, 3823966; 336213, 3823936; 336243, 3823936; 336243, 3823966; 336273, 3823966; 336273, 3823936; 336303, 3823936; 336303, 3823906; 336273, 3823906; 336273, 3823876; 336303, 3823876; 336303, 3823786; 336333, 3823786; 336333, 3823756; 336393, 3823756; 336393, 3823726; 336453, 3823726; 336453, 3823696; 336513, 3823696; 336513, 3823666; 336543, 3823666; 336543, 3823636; 336603, 3823636; 336603, 3823576; 336633, 3823576; 336633, 3823606; 336693, 3823606; 336693, 3823636; 336813, 3823636; 336813, 3823606; 336843, 3823606; 336843, 3823576; 336873, 3823576; 336873, 3823516; 336933, 3823516; 336933, 3823486; 337113, 3823486; 337113, 3823516; 337143, 3823516; 337143, 3823546; 337113, 3823546; 337113, 3823696; 337203, 3823696; 337203, 3823726; 337323, 3823726; 337323, 3823696; 337413, 3823696; 337413, 3823726; 337533, 3823726; 337533, 3823756; 337563, 3823756; 337563, 3823726; 337623, 3823726; 337623, 3823696; 337713, 3823696; 337713, 3823636; 337743, 3823636; 337743, 3823606; 337833, 3823606; 337833, 3823636; 337863, 3823636; 337863, 3823666; 337893, 3823666; 337893, 3823696; 337923, 3823696; 337923, 3823786; 337953, 3823786; 337953, 3823966; 337803, 3823966; 337803, 3823996; 337743, 3823996; 337743, 3824026; 337683, 3824026; 337683, 3824086; 337653, 3824086; 337653, 3824146; 337623, 3824146; 337623, 3824176; 337443, 3824176; 337443, 3824146; 337323, 3824146; 337323, 3824116; 337203, 3824116; 337203, 3824146; 337143, 3824146; 337143, 3824176; 337113, 3824176; 337113, 3824206; 337083, 3824206; 337083, 3824236; 337053, 3824236; 337053, 3824326; 337023, 3824326; 337023, 3824476; 337053, 3824476; 337053, 3824596; 337083, 3824596; 337083, 3824716; 337113, 3824716; 337113, 3824776; 337143, 3824776; 337143, 3824866; 337173, 3824866; 337173, 3824896; 337143, 3824896; 337143, 3824956; 337113, 3824956; 337113, 3824986; 337083, 3824986; 337083, 3825046; 337053, 3825046; 337053, 3825376; 337023, 3825376; 337023, 3825436; 336993, 3825436; 336993, 3825466; 336963, 3825466; 336963, 3825526; 336933, 3825526; 336933, 3825616; 336963, 3825616; 336963, 3825676; 337023, 3825676; 337023, 3825706; 337053, 3825706; 337053, 3825736; 337083, 3825736; 337083, 3825766; 337113, 3825766; 337113, 3825856; 337083, 3825856; 337083, 3825976; 337053, 3825976; 337053, 3826036; 337023, 3826036; 337023, 3826066; 336993, 3826066; 336993, 3826096; 337023, 3826096; 337023, 3826126; 337053, 3826126; 337053, 3826186; 337023, 3826186; 337023, 3826246; 336993, 3826246; 336993, 3826276; 336933, 3826276; 336933, 3826306; 336723, 3826306; 336723, 3826336; 336693, 3826336; 336693, 3826366; 336663, 3826366; 336663, 3826396; 336603, 3826396; 336603, 3826456; 336573, 3826456; 336573, 3826516; 336543, 3826516; 336543, 3826576; 336513, 3826576; 336513, 3826636; 336633, 3826636; 336633, 3826846; 336663, 3826846; 336663, 3826906; 336693, 3826906; 336693, 3826936; 336723, 3826936; 336723, 3826966; 336753, 3826966; 336753, 3827026; 336783, 3827026; 336783, 3827056; 336843, 3827056; 336843, 3827086; 336873, 3827086; 336873, 3827206; 336903, 3827206; 336903, 3827296; 336933, 3827296; 336933, 3827326; 336963, 3827326; 336963, 3827416; 336993, 3827416; 336993, 3827476; 337023, 3827476; 337023, 3828016; 336993, 3828016; 336993, 3828046; 336963, 3828046; 336963, 3828076; 336933, 3828076; 336933, 3828106; 336903, 3828106; 336903, 3828256; 336873, 3828256; 336873, 3828286; 336903, 3828286; 336903, 3828556; 336963, 3828556; 336963, 3828586; 336993, 3828586; 336993, 3828646; 336963, 3828646; 336963, 3828706; 336933, 3828706; 336933, 3828736; 336903, 3828736; 336903, 3828766; 336933, 3828766; 336933, 3828826; 336963, 3828826; 336963, 3828856; 336993, 3828856; 336993, 3828886; 337083, 3828886; 337083, 3828856; 337173, 3828856; 337173, 3828826; 337263, 3828826; 337263, 3828796; 337353, 3828796; 337353, 3828766; 337533, 3828766; 337533, 3828916; 337503, 3828916; 337503, 3829006; 337473, 3829006; 337473, 3829126; 337443, 3829126; returning to 337443, 3829276. Excluding land bounded by 337443, 3829276; 337473, 3829276; 337473, 3829336; 337443, 3829336; returning to 337443, 3829276.

(iii) Note: Map of Units 4 and 5 follows:

(11) Unit 6: Upper Santa Clara River Basin, Los Angeles County, California.

(i) Subunit 6a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Liebre Mtn. and Whitaker Peak, land upstream of Castaic Lake, bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 347013, 3835726; 347013, 3835696; 347043, 3835696; 347043, 3835576; 347073, 3835576; 347073, 3835546; 347103, 3835546; 347103, 3835516; 347073, 3835516; 347073, 3835426; 347103, 3835426; 347103, 3835306; 347133, 3835306; 347133, 3835276; 347163, 3835276; 347163, 3835216; 347133, 3835216; 347133, 3835186; 347163, 3835186; 347163, 3835126; 347133, 3835126; 347133, 3835036; 347163, 3835036; 347163, 3834976; 347193, 3834976; 347193, 3834946; 347223, 3834946; 347223, 3834916; 347193, 3834916; 347193, 3834886; 347163, 3834886; 347163, 3834856; 347133, 3834856; 347133, 3834766; 347163, 3834766; 347163, 3834676; 347133, 3834676; 347133, 3834646; 347103, 3834646; 347103, 3834436; 347073, 3834436; 347073, 3834406; 347043, 3834406; 347043, 3834346; 347073, 3834346; 347073, 3834226; 347043, 3834226; 347043, 3834166; 347073, 3834166; 347073, 3834136; 347103, 3834136; 347103, 3834106; 347073, 3834106; 347073, 3834046; 347043, 3834046; 347043, 3834016; 346983, 3834016; 346983, 3833986; 347013, 3833986; 347013, 3833956; 347043, 3833956; 347043, 3833926; 347163, 3833926; 347163, 3833956; 347223, 3833956; 347223, 3833986; 347313, 3833986; 347313, 3833956; 347373, 3833956; 347373, 3833926; 347433, 3833926; 347433, 3833836; 347463, 3833836; 347463, 3833776; 347493, 3833776; 347493, 3833806; 347523, 3833806; 347523, 3833776; 347553, 3833776; 347553, 3833746; 347583, 3833746; 347583, 3833716; 347613, 3833716; 347613, 3833596; 347643, 3833596; 347643, 3833566; 347613, 3833566; 347613, 3833536; 347523, 3833536; 347523, 3833506; 347553, 3833506; 347553, 3833476; 347583, 3833476; 347583, 3833446; 347613, 3833446; 347613, 3833326; 347583, 3833326; 347583, 3833296; 347553, 3833296; 347553, 3833236; 347523, 3833236; 347523, 3833206; 347493, 3833206; 347493, 3833116; 347523, 3833116; 347523, 3833086; 347553, 3833086; 347553, 3833056; 347523, 3833056; 347523, 3833026; 347583, 3833026; 347583, 3832966; 347613, 3832966; 347613, 3832936; 347673, 3832936; 347673, 3832876; 347733, 3832876; 347733, 3832846; 347763, 3832846; 347763, 3832816; 347883, 3832816; 347883, 3832756; 347913, 3832756; 347913, 3832516; 347883, 3832516; 347883, 3832456; 347853, 3832456; 347853, 3832396; 347823, 3832396; 347823, 3832336; 347793, 3832336; 347793, 3832276; 347763, 3832276; 347763, 3832186; 347733, 3832186; 347733, 3832126; 347763, 3832126; 347763, 3832096; 347793, 3832096; 347793, 3832006; 347823, 3832006; 347823, 3831916; 347853, 3831916; 347853, 3831886; 348003, 3831886; 348003, 3831616; 348033, 3831616; 348033, 3831496; 348003, 3831496; 348003, 3831436; 347943, 3831436; 347943, 3831406; 347913, 3831406; 347913, 3831376; 347883, 3831376; 347883, 3831346; 347853, 3831346; 347853, 3831316; 347793, 3831316; 347793, 3831286; 347763, 3831286; 347763, 3831316; 347733, 3831316; 347733, 3831286; 347703, 3831286; 347703, 3831256; 347643, 3831256; 347643, 3831196; 347613, 3831196; 347613, 3831106; 347583, 3831106; 347583, 3831046; 347553, 3831046; 347553, 3830956; 347463, 3830956; 347463, 3830926; 347403, 3830926; 347403, 3830776; 347373, 3830776; 347373, 3830686; 347343, 3830686; 347343, 3830626; 347373, 3830626; 347373, 3830596; 347403, 3830596; 347403, 3830566; 347433, 3830566; 347433, 3830536; 347463, 3830536; 347463, 3830506; 347493, 3830506; 347493, 3830416; 347583, 3830416; 347583, 3830446; 347613, 3830446; 347613, 3830506; 347673, 3830506; 347673, 3830536; 347733, 3830536; 347733, 3830566; 347883, 3830566; 347883, 3830596; 347943, 3830596; 347943, 3830566; 347973, 3830566; 347973, 3830596; 348003, 3830596; 348003, 3830656; 348033, 3830656; 348033, 3830686; 348063, 3830686; 348063, 3830746; 348093, 3830746; 348093, 3830776; 348153, 3830776; 348153, 3830836; 348183, 3830836; 348183, 3830806; 348213, 3830806; 348213, 3830656; 348243, 3830656; 348243, 3830626; 348213, 3830626; 348213, 3830596; 348153, 3830596; 348153, 3830536; 348123, 3830536; 348123, 3830476; 348093, 3830476; 348093, 3830446; 348063, 3830446; 348063, 3830416; 348033, 3830416; 348033, 3830386; 347763, 3830386; 347763, 3830326; 347733, 3830326; 347733, 3830236; 347703, 3830236; 347703, 3830206; 347643, 3830206; 347643, 3830176; 347583, 3830176; 347583, 3830146; 347553, 3830146; 347553, 3830116; 347523, 3830116; 347523, 3830056; 347493, 3830056; 347493, 3830026; 347463, 3830026; 347463, 3829936; 347493, 3829936; 347493, 3829906; 347463, 3829906; 347463, 3829876; 347493, 3829876; 347493, 3829786; 347523, 3829786; 347523, 3829726; 347553, 3829726; 347553, 3829666; 347583, 3829666; 347583, 3829636; 347613, 3829636; 347613, 3829606; 347643, 3829606; 347643, 3829516; 347673, 3829516; 347673, 3829486; 347703, 3829486; 347703, 3829456; 347733, 3829456; 347733, 3829396; 347763, 3829396; 347763, 3829246; 347793, 3829246; 347793, 3829186; 347823, 3829186; 347823, 3829156; 347793, 3829156; 347793, 3829126; 347823, 3829126; 347823, 3829096; 347853, 3829096; 347853, 3829066; 348003, 3829066; 348003, 3829036; 348033, 3829036; 348033, 3828976; 348063, 3828976; 348063, 3828946; 348093, 3828946; 348093, 3828916; 348123, 3828916; 348123, 3828886; 348153, 3828886; 348153, 3828856; 348243, 3828856; 348243, 3828826; 348333, 3828826; 348333, 3828796; 348423, 3828796; 348423, 3828706; 348453, 3828706; 348453, 3828646; 348483, 3828646; 348483, 3828616; 348513, 3828616; 348513, 3828586; 348543, 3828586; 348543, 3828556; 348573, 3828556; 348573, 3828526; 348603, 3828526; 348603, 3828496; 348663, 3828496; 348663, 3828436; 348693, 3828436; 348693, 3828376; 348723, 3828376; 348723, 3828286; 348753, 3828286; 348753, 3828226; 348589, 3828161; 348284, 3828591; 348178, 3828688; 348078, 3828752; 348062, 3828760; 347717, 3828918; 347472, 3829091; 347435, 3829183; 347360, 3829275; 347250, 3829419; 347225, 3829488; 347198, 3829606; 347157, 3829757; 347133, 3829992; 347133, 3830026; 347103, 3830026; 347103, 3830056; 347073, 3830056; 347073, 3830116; 347133, 3830116; 347133, 3830176; 347163, 3830176; 347163, 3830206; 347193, 3830206; 347193, 3830266; 347223, 3830266; 347223, 3830356; 347193, 3830356; 347193, 3830416; 347163, 3830416; 347163, 3830476; 347133, 3830476; 347133, 3830506; 347103, 3830506; 347103, 3830536; 347043, 3830536; 347043, 3830566; 346953, 3830566; 346953, 3830596; 347043, 3830596; 347043, 3830626; 347103, 3830626; 347103, 3830656; 347133, 3830656; 347133, 3830716; 347193, 3830716; 347193, 3830746; 347223, 3830746; 347223, 3830896; 347253, 3830896; 347253, 3830986; 347283, 3830986; 347283, 3831046; 347343, 3831046; 347343, 3831076; 347433, 3831076; 347433, 3831106; 347463, 3831106; 347463, 3831286; 347523, 3831286; 347523, 3831346; 347553, 3831346; 347553, 3831376; 347613, 3831376; 347613, 3831406; 347673, 3831406; 347673, 3831436; 347763, 3831436; 347763, 3831466; 347823, 3831466; 347823, 3831496; 347883, 3831496; 347883, 3831526; 347853, 3831526; 347853, 3831766; 347793, 3831766; 347793, 3831826; 347763, 3831826; 347763, 3831856; 347733, 3831856; 347733, 3831946; 347703, 3831946; 347703, 3832006; 347643, 3832006; 347643, 3832036; 347613, 3832036; 347613, 3832216; 347643, 3832216; 347643, 3832276; 347673, 3832276; 347673, 3832306; 347643, 3832306; 347643, 3832396; 347673, 3832396; 347673, 3832456; 347703, 3832456; 347703, 3832546; 347733, 3832546; 347733, 3832576; 347763, 3832576; 347763, 3832636; 347793, 3832636; 347793, 3832696; 347733, 3832696; 347733, 3832726; 347703, 3832726; 347703, 3832756; 347673, 3832756; 347673, 3832786; 347643, 3832786; 347643, 3832816; 347583, 3832816; 347583, 3832846; 347553, 3832846; 347553, 3832876; 347523, 3832876; 347523, 3832906; 347493, 3832906; 347493, 3832936; 347403, 3832936; 347403, 3832966; 347343, 3832966; 347343, 3832996; 347283, 3832996; 347283, 3833026; 347313, 3833026; 347313, 3833056; 347283, 3833056; 347283, 3833146; 347253, 3833146; 347253, 3833206; 347283, 3833206; 347283, 3833266; 347313, 3833266; 347313, 3833296; 347343, 3833296; 347343, 3833356; 347373, 3833356; 347373, 3833386; 347343, 3833386; 347343, 3833566; 347313, 3833566; 347313, 3833596; 347283, 3833596; 347283, 3833746; 347253, 3833746; 347253, 3833716; 347223, 3833716; 347223, 3833686; 347193, 3833686; 347193, 3833716; 347133, 3833716; 347133, 3833746; 347073, 3833746; 347073, 3833776; 346983, 3833776; 346983, 3833806; 346953, 3833806; 346953, 3833866; 346923, 3833866; 346923, 3833896; 346893, 3833896; 346893, 3833926; 346833, 3833926; 346833, 3834046; 346803, 3834046; 346803, 3834076; 346833, 3834076; 346833, 3834196; 346803, 3834196; 346803, 3834316; 346833, 3834316; 346833, 3834286; 346893, 3834286; 346893, 3834316; 346923, 3834316; 346923, 3834466; 346953, 3834466; 346953, 3834766; 346983, 3834766; 346983, 3834796; 346953, 3834796; 346953, 3834916; 346983, 3834916; 346983, 3835006; 346953, 3835006; 346953, 3835126; 346923, 3835126; 346923, 3835186; 346953, 3835186; 346953, 3835276; 346923, 3835276; 346923, 3835576; 346953, 3835576; 346953, 3835666; 346983, 3835666; 346983, 3835726; returning to 347013, 3835726.

(ii) Subunit 6b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Val Verde and Newhall, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 351607, 3812015; 351519, 3811959; 351509, 3811885; 351441, 3811818; 351334, 3811775; 351265, 3811817; 351198, 3811784; 351050, 3811684; 350707, 3811270; 350549, 3811035; 350461, 3810962; 350392, 3810900; 350536, 3810555; 350611, 3810615; 350651, 3810701; 350911, 3810836; 350996, 3810902; 351071, 3811080; 351233, 3811324; 351219, 3811410; 351600, 3811716; 351723, 3811700; 351817, 3811720; 351869, 3811755; 351931, 3811780; 352028, 3811785; 352275, 3811789; 352444, 3811775; 352470, 3811769; 352572, 3811731; 352656, 3811722; 352693, 3811705; 352754, 3811671; 352780, 3811675; 352794, 3811672; 352866, 3811626; 352898, 3811602; 352914, 3811598; 352942, 3811612; 352987, 3811637; 353083, 3811663; 353147, 3811702; 353216, 3811740; 353234, 3811758; 353232, 3811809; 353269, 3811790; 353276, 3811785; 353335, 3811693; 353500, 3811489; 353620, 3811270; 353712, 3811027; 353790, 3810921; 353806, 3810879; 353836, 3810829; 353902, 3810814; 354034, 3810821; 354163, 3810711; 354188, 3810661; 354219, 3810611; 354385, 3810571; 354404, 3810585; 354407, 3810621; 354340, 3810791; 354401, 3810779; 354503, 3810743; 354626, 3810700; 354675, 3810672; 354728, 3810658; 354809, 3810606; 354872, 3810556; 354931, 3810602; 354944, 3810635; 354962, 3810664; 354999, 3810679; 355059, 3810710; 355104, 3810722; 355134, 3810752; 355211, 3810742; 355239, 3810746; 355261, 3810741; 355286, 3810734; 355312, 3810731; 355340, 3810738; 355367, 3810705; 355334, 3810669; 355308, 3810641; 355272, 3810602; 355329, 3810504; 355339, 3810502; 355434, 3810487; 355489, 3810439; 355510, 3810432; 355515, 3810392; 355464, 3810402; 355405, 3810353; 355244, 3810403; 355176, 3810435; 355113, 3810417; 355091, 3810325; 354761, 3810325; 354746, 3810358; 354539, 3810348; 354510, 3810406; 354477, 3810400; 354282, 3810496; 354213, 3810530; 354144, 3810533; 354039, 3810589; 353745, 3810703; 353618, 3810835; 353493, 3810884; 353457, 3810959; 353464, 3811077; 353461, 3811117; 353440, 3811155; 353401, 3811177; 353203, 3811177; 353129, 3811231; 353097, 3811234; 353059, 3811234; 353025, 3811241; 353000, 3811258; 352943, 3811285; 352799, 3811294; 352639, 3811323; 352632, 3811323; 352526, 3811295; 352391, 3811345; 352293, 3811456; 352263, 3811456; 352263, 3811486; 352203, 3811486; 352203, 3811516; 352143, 3811516; 352143, 3811486; 352083, 3811486; 352083, 3811516; 352053, 3811516; 352053, 3811546; 351933, 3811546; 351933, 3811516; 351903, 3811516; 351903, 3811486; 351873, 3811486; 351873, 3811456; 351843, 3811456; 351843, 3811396; 351813, 3811396; 351813, 3811366; 351783, 3811366; 351783, 3811306; 351753, 3811306; 351753, 3811246; 351723, 3811246; 351723, 3811216; 351693, 3811216; 351693, 3811126; 351723, 3811126; 351723, 3811096; 351753, 3811096; 351753, 3811036; 351783, 3811036; 351783, 3811006; 351843, 3811006; 351843, 3810946; 351873, 3810946; 351873, 3810916; 351903, 3810916; 351903, 3810886; 351873, 3810886; 351873, 3810856; 351783, 3810856; 351783, 3810886; 351693, 3810886; 351693, 3810916; 351633, 3810916; 351633, 3810886; 351573, 3810886; 351573, 3810856; 351543, 3810856; 351543, 3810826; 351513, 3810826; 351513, 3810796; 351483, 3810796; 351483, 3810766; 351453, 3810766; 351453, 3810736; 351423, 3810736; 351423, 3810706; 351393, 3810706; 351393, 3810586; 351423, 3810586; 351423, 3810556; 351483, 3810556; 351483, 3810526; 351573, 3810526; 351573, 3810496; 351513, 3810496; 351513, 3810406; 351423, 3810406; 351423, 3810436; 351333, 3810436; 351333, 3810406; 351273, 3810406; 351273, 3810376; 351213, 3810376; 351213, 3810346; 351123, 3810346; 351123, 3810316; 351063, 3810316; 351063, 3810286; 350973, 3810286; 350973, 3810256; 350913, 3810256; 350913, 3810196; 350853, 3810196; 350853, 3810166; 350823, 3810166; 350823, 3810106; 350793, 3810106; 350793, 3810016; 350763, 3810016; 350763, 3809986; 350733, 3809986; 350733, 3810016; 350703, 3810016; 350703, 3810046; 350673, 3810046; 350673, 3810016; 350613, 3810016; 350613, 3809986; 350583, 3809986; 350583, 3809956; 350553, 3809956; 350553, 3809926; 350523, 3809926; 350523, 3809896; 350463, 3809896; 350463, 3809866; 350433, 3809866; 350433, 3809806; 350463, 3809806; 350463, 3809776; 350493, 3809776; 350493, 3809716; 350523, 3809716; 350523, 3809686; 350493, 3809686; 350493, 3809656; 350403, 3809656; 350403, 3809686; 350343, 3809686; 350343, 3809716; 350283, 3809716; 350283, 3809746; 350163, 3809746; 350163, 3809716; 350073, 3809716; 350073, 3809746; 349803, 3809746; 349803, 3809716; 349773, 3809716; 349773, 3809656; 349743, 3809656; 349743, 3809626; 349713, 3809626; 349713, 3809656; 349683, 3809656; 349683, 3809716; 349653, 3809716; 349653, 3809746; 349593, 3809746; 349593, 3809776; 349443, 3809776; 349443, 3809746; 349413, 3809746; 349413, 3809716; 349383, 3809716; 349383, 3809686; 349353, 3809686; 349353, 3809716; 349293, 3809716; 349293, 3809746; 349203, 3809746; 349203, 3809716; 348963, 3809716; 348963, 3809686; 348843, 3809686; 348843, 3809656; 348783, 3809656; 348783, 3809626; 348723, 3809626; 348723, 3809716; 348693, 3809716; 348693, 3809956; 348723, 3809956; 348723, 3810010; 348814, 3810014; 348855, 3810063; 348912, 3810088; 348977, 3810098; 349069, 3810099; 349167, 3810089; 349274, 3810065; 349342, 3810026; 349783, 3810022; 349908, 3810053; 350020, 3810116; 350109, 3810204; 350111, 3810282; 350155, 3810412; 350231, 3810529; 350260, 3810644; 350290, 3810839; 350136, 3810837; 350133, 3810916; 350133, 3810946; 350163, 3810946; 350163, 3810976; 350193, 3810976; 350193, 3811006; 350223, 3811006; 350223, 3811036; 350253, 3811036; 350253, 3811066; 350284, 3811067; 350332, 3811179; 350353, 3811269; 350362, 3811367; 350497, 3811286; 350572, 3811314; 350783, 3811547; 350856, 3811582; 350916, 3811674; 350944, 3811744; 351015, 3811821; 351114, 3811958; 351013, 3811999; 350945, 3812079; 350793, 3812290; 350679, 3812483; 350662, 3812533; 350660, 3812557; 350664, 3812570; 350686, 3812591; 350711, 3812689; 350772, 3812746; 350853, 3812746; 350853, 3812716; 350883, 3812716; 350883, 3812656; 350943, 3812656; 350943, 3812506; 350973, 3812506; 350973, 3812446; 351003, 3812446; 351003, 3812416; 351033, 3812416; 351033, 3812356; 351123, 3812356; 351154, 3812153; 351230, 3811960; 351308, 3812011; 351365, 3812071; 351394, 3812134; 351402, 3812197; 351373, 3812260; 351429, 3812312; 351362, 3812433; 351344, 3812518; 351327, 3812670; 351317, 3812718; 351276, 3812777; 351276, 3812820; 351290, 3812866; 351284, 3812918; 351290, 3812961; 351301, 3813098; 351324, 3813156; 351391, 3813243; 351591, 3813448; 351660, 3813318; 351665, 3813305; 351582, 3813228; 351575, 3813219; 351541, 3813083; 351558, 3812923; 351732, 3812697; 351808, 3812549; 351808, 3812379; 351818, 3812330; 351792, 3812262; 351710, 3812130; returning to 351607, 3812015.

(iii) Subunit 6c: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Agua Dulce, and Acton, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 388803, 3811696; 388803, 3811636; 388833, 3811636; 388833, 3811606; 388863, 3811606; 388863, 3811576; 388833, 3811576; 388833, 3811486; 388773, 3811486; 388773, 3811426; 388683, 3811426; 388683, 3811306; 388653, 3811306; 388653, 3811276; 388623, 3811276; 388623, 3811246; 388593, 3811246; 388593, 3811216; 388353, 3811216; 388353, 3811186; 388293, 3811186; 388293, 3811126; 387965, 3811126; 387965, 3810996; 386223, 3810996; 386223, 3811006; 386163, 3811006; 386163, 3811036; 386013, 3811036; 386013, 3811066; 385953, 3811066; 385953, 3811096; 385893, 3811096; 385893, 3811186; 385773, 3811186; 385773, 3811156; 385743, 3811156; 385743, 3811036; 385773, 3811036; 385773, 3810706; 385803, 3810706; 385803, 3810646; 385833, 3810646; 385833, 3810586; 385863, 3810586; 385863, 3810526; 385773, 3810526; 385773, 3810556; 385713, 3810556; 385713, 3810586; 385623, 3810586; 385623, 3810646; 385563, 3810646; 385563, 3810706; 385533, 3810706; 385533, 3810766; 385503, 3810766; 385503, 3810796; 385443, 3810796; 385443, 3810766; 385383, 3810766; 385383, 3810736; 385353, 3810736; 385353, 3810826; 385383, 3810826; 385383, 3810886; 385413, 3810886; 385413, 3811006; 385383, 3811006; 385383, 3811066; 385353, 3811066; 385353, 3811216; 385323, 3811216; 385323, 3811276; 385293, 3811276; 385293, 3811246; 385263, 3811246; 385263, 3811276; 385233, 3811276; 385233, 3811396; 385203, 3811396; 385203, 3811426; 385173, 3811426; 385173, 3811456; 385113, 3811456; 385113, 3811486; 385083, 3811486; 385083, 3811516; 385023, 3811516; 385023, 3811546; 384963, 3811546; 384963, 3811576; 384783, 3811576; 384783, 3811546; 384753, 3811546; 384753, 3811516; 384783, 3811516; 384783, 3811426; 384723, 3811426; 384723, 3811456; 384693, 3811456; 384693, 3811426; 384633, 3811426; 384633, 3811306; 384573, 3811306; 384573, 3811336; 384543, 3811336; 384543, 3811366; 384453, 3811366; 384453, 3811396; 384333, 3811396; 384333, 3811426; 384033, 3811426; 384033, 3811366; 383883, 3811366; 383883, 3811336; 383823, 3811336; 383823, 3811306; 383793, 3811306; 383793, 3811276; 383703, 3811276; 383703, 3811246; 383673, 3811246; 383673, 3811306; 383643, 3811306; 383643, 3811276; 383553, 3811276; 383553, 3811306; 383433, 3811306; 383433, 3811246; 383343, 3811246; 383343, 3811276; 383253, 3811276; 383253, 3811306; 383193, 3811306; 383193, 3811276; 383163, 3811276; 383163, 3811306; 383103, 3811306; 383103, 3811336; 383073, 3811336; 383073, 3811306; 383043, 3811306; 383043, 3811336; 382893, 3811336; 382893, 3811366; 382623, 3811366; 382623, 3811396; 382503, 3811396; 382503, 3811366; 382443, 3811366; 382443, 3811336; 382383, 3811336; 382383, 3811306; 382353, 3811306; 382353, 3811246; 382323, 3811246; 382323, 3811336; 382293, 3811336; 382293, 3811366; 382263, 3811366; 382263, 3811426; 382233, 3811426; 382233, 3811456; 382203, 3811456; 382203, 3811516; 382173, 3811516; 382173, 3811546; 382143, 3811546; 382143, 3811576; 382083, 3811576; 382083, 3811546; 382023, 3811546; 382023, 3811516; 381903, 3811516; 381903, 3811546; 381813, 3811546; 381813, 3811456; 381783, 3811456; 381783, 3811396; 381723, 3811396; 381723, 3811336; 381693, 3811336; 381693, 3811366; 381663, 3811366; 381663, 3811486; 381543, 3811486; 381543, 3811456; 381453, 3811456; 381453, 3811486; 381423, 3811486; 381423, 3811516; 381333, 3811516; 381333, 3811486; 381303, 3811486; 381303, 3811426; 381273, 3811426; 381273, 3811486; 381213, 3811486; 381213, 3811456; 381183, 3811456; 381183, 3811426; 381153, 3811426; 381153, 3811396; 381123, 3811396; 381123, 3811366; 381063, 3811366; 381063, 3811396; 380973, 3811396; 380973, 3811426; 380883, 3811426; 380883, 3811456; 380853, 3811456; 380853, 3811606; 380823, 3811606; 380823, 3811636; 380793, 3811636; 380793, 3811576; 380763, 3811576; 380763, 3811546; 380733, 3811546; 380733, 3811516; 380703, 3811516; 380703, 3811486; 380673, 3811486; 380673, 3811456; 380643, 3811456; 380643, 3811426; 380583, 3811426; 380583, 3811396; 380553, 3811396; 380553, 3811426; 380403, 3811426; 380403, 3811396; 380313, 3811396; 380313, 3811366; 380253, 3811366; 380253, 3811456; 380223, 3811456; 380223, 3811486; 380193, 3811486; 380193, 3811516; 380133, 3811516; 380133, 3811576; 380103, 3811576; 380103, 3811606; 380043, 3811606; 380043, 3811576; 380013, 3811576; 380013, 3811606; 379983, 3811606; 379983, 3811666; 379953, 3811666; 379953, 3811696; 379923, 3811696; 379923, 3811726; 379893, 3811726; 379893, 3811756; 379803, 3811756; 379803, 3811726; 379773, 3811726; 379773, 3811696; 379803, 3811696; 379803, 3811636; 379743, 3811636; 379743, 3811666; 379713, 3811666; 379713, 3811696; 379653, 3811696; 379653, 3811726; 379623, 3811726; 379623, 3811696; 379563, 3811696; 379563, 3811666; 379503, 3811666; 379503, 3811636; 379443, 3811636; 379443, 3811606; 379413, 3811606; 379413, 3811576; 379353, 3811576; 379353, 3811546; 379263, 3811546; 379263, 3811516; 379173, 3811516; 379173, 3811486; 379053, 3811486; 379053, 3811456; 378963, 3811456; 378963, 3811426; 378903, 3811426; 378903, 3811396; 378873, 3811396; 378873, 3811366; 378843, 3811366; 378843, 3811336; 378753, 3811336; 378753, 3811306; 378603, 3811306; 378603, 3811336; 378513, 3811336; 378513, 3811306; 378453, 3811306; 378453, 3811456; 378423, 3811456; 378423, 3811516; 378393, 3811516; 378393, 3811576; 378273, 3811576; 378273, 3811546; 378243, 3811546; 378243, 3811516; 378153, 3811516; 378153, 3811486; 378093, 3811486; 378093, 3811456; 377973, 3811456; 377973, 3811426; 377883, 3811426; 377883, 3811396; 377823, 3811396; 377823, 3811366; 377793, 3811366; 377793, 3811396; 377763, 3811396; 377763, 3811426; 377643, 3811426; 377643, 3811396; 377583, 3811396; 377583, 3811366; 377553, 3811366; 377553, 3811336; 377463, 3811336; 377463, 3811306; 377403, 3811306; 377403, 3811276; 377343, 3811276; 377343, 3811246; 377283, 3811246; 377283, 3811216; 377193, 3811216; 377193, 3811186; 377133, 3811186; 377133, 3811216; 377103, 3811216; 377103, 3811276; 377043, 3811276; 377043, 3811216; 377013, 3811216; 377013, 3811186; 376983, 3811186; 376983, 3811126; 376953, 3811126; 376953, 3811036; 376803, 3811036; 376803, 3811006; 376773, 3811006; 376773, 3811036; 376743, 3811036; 376743, 3811006; 376623, 3811006; 376623, 3811039; 376545, 3811045; 376512, 3811023; 376510, 3810982; 376495, 3810969; 376469, 3810978; 376452, 3810976; 376291, 3810900; 376219, 3810812; 376203, 3810708; 376203, 3810526; 376173, 3810526; 376173, 3810466; 376143, 3810466; 376143, 3810406; 376173, 3810406; 376173, 3810376; 376203, 3810376; 376203, 3810346; 376233, 3810346; 376233, 3810256; 376173, 3810256; 376173, 3810286; 376143, 3810286; 376143, 3810256; 376083, 3810256; 376083, 3810226; 375933, 3810226; 375933, 3810256; 375903, 3810256; 375903, 3810286; 375873, 3810286; 375873, 3810316; 375843, 3810316; 375843, 3810346; 375813, 3810346; 375813, 3810376; 375783, 3810376; 375783, 3810406; 375753, 3810406; 375753, 3810466; 375723, 3810466; 375723, 3810496; 375693, 3810496; 375693, 3810526; 375663, 3810526; 375663, 3810556; 375513, 3810556; 375513, 3810526; 375483, 3810526; 375483, 3810466; 375453, 3810466; 375453, 3810436; 375423, 3810436; 375423, 3810406; 375363, 3810406; 375363, 3810436; 375273, 3810436; 375273, 3810466; 375213, 3810466; 375213, 3810496; 375183, 3810496; 375183, 3810526; 375153, 3810526; 375153, 3810586; 375183, 3810586; 375183, 3810796; 375123, 3810796; 375123, 3810826; 375063, 3810826; 375063, 3810856; 375003, 3810856; 375003, 3810886; 374853, 3810886; 374853, 3810856; 374733, 3810856; 374733, 3810886; 374673, 3810886; 374673, 3810916; 374643, 3810916; 374643, 3810946; 374619, 3810946; 374619, 3811009; 374606, 3811024; 374509, 3811098; 374493, 3811108; 374452, 3811126; 374405, 3811138; 374370, 3811142; 374330, 3811143; 374285, 3811149; 374167, 3811152; 374045, 3811143; 373991, 3811134; 373939, 3811129; 373833, 3811111; 373719, 3811097; 373719, 3811297; 373917, 3811395; 373954, 3811427; 374012, 3811466; 374043, 3811478; 374072, 3811494; 374151, 3811554; 374189, 3811575; 374233, 3811590; 374300, 3811595; 374307, 3811609; 374356, 3811624; 374413, 3811623; 374441, 3811626; 374477, 3811626; 374510, 3811616; 374526, 3811608; 374558, 3811585; 374590, 3811572; 374615, 3811550; 374646, 3811509; 374660, 3811484; 374667, 3811464; 374676, 3811448; 374684, 3811410; 374724, 3811105; 374737, 3811072; 374765, 3811041; 374796, 3811023; 374822, 3811017; 374844, 3811017; 374901, 3811027; 374967, 3811050; 374994, 3811054; 375014, 3811054; 375039, 3811050; 375053, 3811044; 375147, 3811016; 375153, 3811013; 375153, 3811006; 375173, 3811006; 375189, 3810997; 375206, 3810983; 375284, 3810900; 375320, 3810857; 375345, 3810834; 375363, 3810821; 375363, 3810676; 375393, 3810676; 375393, 3810706; 375423, 3810706; 375424, 3810710; 375432, 3810701; 375442, 3810695; 375486, 3810673; 375516, 3810668; 375557, 3810656; 375601, 3810648; 375641, 3810636; 375660, 3810626; 375699, 3810600; 375722, 3810581; 375798, 3810506; 375845, 3810475; 375886, 3810456; 375898, 3810454; 375961, 3810455; 375979, 3810466; 376023, 3810466; 376023, 3810490; 376046, 3810502; 376073, 3810523; 376106, 3810565; 376121, 3810597; 376126, 3810620; 376132, 3810672; 376141, 3810800; 376156, 3810864; 376176, 3810912; 376196, 3810945; 376215, 3810969; 376244, 3810998; 376265, 3811015; 376309, 3811045; 376340, 3811058; 376473, 3811108; 376547, 3811132; 376678, 3811179; 376735, 3811202; 376769, 3811219; 376800, 3811238; 376833, 3811262; 376919, 3811345; 376960, 3811381; 376985, 3811400; 377028, 3811423; 377083, 3811443; 377272, 3811484; 377232, 3811514; 377310, 3811526; 377398, 3811545; 377422, 3811559; 377455, 3811588; 377494, 3811630; 377507, 3811650; 377511, 3811662; 377512, 3811769; 377510, 3811785; 377501, 3811817; 377493, 3811835; 377493, 3811846; 377523, 3811846; 377523, 3811936; 377553, 3811936; 377553, 3811846; 377583, 3811846; 377583, 3811816; 377613, 3811816; 377613, 3811666; 377918, 3811666; 377918, 3811609; 377969, 3811624; 378003, 3811629; 378033, 3811642; 378048, 3811646; 378061, 3811653; 378073, 3811664; 378148, 3811708; 378195, 3811739; 378227, 3811754; 378287, 3811775; 378356, 3811793; 378386, 3811797; 378469, 3811797; 378486, 3811794; 378505, 3811787; 378542, 3811766; 378550, 3811758; 378631, 3811699; 378654, 3811688; 378687, 3811677; 378729, 3811671; 378779, 3811672; 378798, 3811675; 379128, 3811748; 379177, 3811756; 379231, 3811771; 379383, 3811834; 379533, 3811890; 379591, 3811916; 379684, 3811953; 379734, 3811970; 379788, 3811979; 379825, 3811977; 380026, 3811944; 380076, 3811933; 380107, 3811917; 380130, 3811899; 380217, 3811809; 380239, 3811793; 380319, 3811744; 380405, 3811710; 380453, 3811700; 380495, 3811696; 380524, 3811697; 380560, 3811706; 380583, 3811715; 380611, 3811732; 380629, 3811744; 380649, 3811764; 380688, 3811812; 380714, 3811850; 380757, 3811892; 380793, 3811916; 380833, 3811935; 380856, 3811942; 380888, 3811948; 380917, 3811948; 380941, 3811945; 380981, 3811931; 381014, 3811909; 381039, 3811886; 381059, 3811872; 381083, 3811859; 381110, 3811849; 381136, 3811845; 381165, 3811844; 381242, 3811857; 381272, 3811858; 381295, 3811855; 381331, 3811844; 381350, 3811832; 381401, 3811788; 381447, 3811741; 381493, 3811713; 381540, 3811699; 381589, 3811700; 381647, 3811714; 381697, 3811751; 381742, 3811797; 381774, 3811820; 381813, 3811836; 381875, 3811851; 381949, 3811861; 381964, 3811861; 382009, 3811854; 382024, 3811854; 382074, 3811861; 382165, 3811909; 382211, 3811924; 382268, 3811917; 382320, 3811895; 382361, 3811860; 382391, 3811806; 382417, 3811744; 382438, 3811720; 382471, 3811698; 382774, 3811598; 382839, 3811580; 382890, 3811582; 382931, 3811591; 382978, 3811615; 383030, 3811647; 383073, 3811667; 383137, 3811678; 383281, 3811676; 383335, 3811680; 383381, 3811679; 383442, 3811670; 383563, 3811642; 383618, 3811638; 383678, 3811653; 383810, 3811692; 383902, 3811715; 383975, 3811726; 384092, 3811729; 384401, 3811731; 384445, 3811735; 384502, 3811747; 384571, 3811775; 384652, 3811815; 384705, 3811837; 384755, 3811848; 384809, 3811851; 384858, 3811846; 384919, 3811829; 384987, 3811796; 385059, 3811745; 385212, 3811628; 385258, 3811586; 385318, 3811521; 385360, 3811483; 385393, 3811458; 385455, 3811429; 385503, 3811416; 385551, 3811409; 385604, 3811411; 385663, 3811424; 385741, 3811449; 385803, 3811460; 385914, 3811454; 385966, 3811458; 386054, 3811474; 386119, 3811474; 386163, 3811456; 386279, 3811357; 386367, 3811327; 386444, 3811315; 386679, 3811313; 386980, 3811335; 387030, 3811349; 387161, 3811396; 387311, 3811454; 387379, 3811466; 387432, 3811467; 387477, 3811462; 387554, 3811437; 387673, 3811385; 387800, 3811344; 387846, 3811336; 387864, 3811336; 387910, 3811338; 387952, 3811350; 388023, 3811383; 388126, 3811463; 388185, 3811505; 388246, 3811554; 388293, 3811597; 388382, 3811653; 388449, 3811688; 388507, 3811713; 388551, 3811776; 388599, 3811829; 388647, 3811900; 388675, 3811946; 388795, 3812106; 388839, 3812194; 388882, 3812243; 388918, 3812296; 389119, 3812296; 389120, 3812290; 389121, 3812252; 389019, 3812197; 389019, 3811816; 388953, 3811816; 388953, 3811786; 388893, 3811786; 388893, 3811756; 388863, 3811756; 388863, 3811726; 388833, 3811726; 388833, 3811696; returning to 388803, 3811696.

(iv) Note: Map of Unit 6 follows.

(12) Unit 7: Upper Los Angeles River Basin, Los Angeles County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Condor Peak and Chilao Flat, land in the Big Tujunga Creek basin bounded by the following UTM zone 11, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 398433, 3797296; 398403, 3797296; 398403, 3797326; 398433, 3797326; returning to 398433, 3797296.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 398433, 3797296; 398463, 3797296; 398463, 3797326; 398523, 3797326; 398523, 3797446; 398553, 3797446; 398553, 3797416; 398583, 3797416; 398583, 3797386; 398613, 3797386; 398613, 3797326; 398643, 3797326; 398643, 3797296; 398703, 3797296; 398703, 3797326; 398733, 3797326; 398733, 3797356; 398763, 3797356; 398763, 3797386; 398823, 3797386; 398823, 3797326; 398793, 3797326; 398793, 3797266; 398823, 3797266; 398823, 3797236; 398943, 3797236; 398943, 3797266; 399003, 3797266; 399003, 3797236; 399033, 3797236; 399033, 3797206; 399003, 3797206; 399003, 3797146; 399093, 3797146; 399093, 3797176; 399123, 3797176; 399123, 3797206; 399153, 3797206; 399153, 3797296; 399183, 3797296; 399183, 3797326; 399213, 3797326; 399213, 3797296; 399243, 3797296; 399243, 3797266; 399273, 3797266; 399273, 3797296; 399303, 3797296; 399303, 3797326; 399363, 3797326; 399363, 3797356; 399393, 3797356; 399393, 3797236; 399633, 3797236; 399633, 3797206; 399693, 3797206; 399693, 3797176; 399723, 3797176; 399723, 3797116; 399783, 3797116; 399783, 3797146; 399843, 3797146; 399843, 3797176; 399903, 3797176; 399903, 3797206; 399933, 3797206; 399933, 3797236; 399963, 3797236; 399963, 3797356; 399993, 3797356; 399993, 3797416; 400203, 3797416; 400203, 3797446; 400263, 3797446; 400263, 3797356; 400293, 3797356; 400293, 3797326; 400323, 3797326; 400323, 3797236; 400443, 3797236; 400443, 3797206; 400473, 3797206; 400473, 3797176; 400503, 3797176; 400503, 3797146; 400563, 3797146; 400563, 3797116; 400593, 3797116; 400593, 3797086; 400623, 3797086; 400623, 3797056; 400653, 3797056; 400653, 3797026; 400713, 3797026; 400713, 3796996; 400743, 3796996; 400743, 3796966; 400773, 3796966; 400773, 3796936; 400803, 3796936; 400803, 3796906; 400983, 3796906; 400983, 3796876; 401103, 3796876; 401103, 3796906; 401133, 3796906; 401133, 3796996; 401163, 3796996; 401163, 3797026; 401193, 3797026; 401193, 3797056; 401223, 3797056; 401223, 3797086; 401253, 3797086; 401253, 3797116; 401283, 3797116; 401283, 3797176; 401313, 3797176; 401313, 3797206; 401343, 3797206; 401343, 3797236; 401373, 3797236; 401373, 3797296; 401433, 3797296; 401433, 3797326; 401493, 3797326; 401493, 3797386; 401523, 3797386; 401523, 3797536; 401493, 3797536; 401493, 3797626; 401463, 3797626; 401463, 3797716; 401493, 3797716; 401493, 3797686; 401553, 3797686; 401553, 3797656; 401583, 3797656; 401583, 3797716; 401613, 3797716; 401613, 3797746; 401643, 3797746; 401643, 3797806; 401673, 3797806; 401673, 3797836; 401733, 3797836; 401733, 3797866; 401883, 3797866; 401883, 3797926; 401913, 3797926; 401913, 3797956; 401943, 3797956; 401943, 3797926; 401973, 3797926; 401973, 3797866; 402033, 3797866; 402033, 3797896; 402063, 3797896; 402063, 3797926; 402093, 3797926; 402093, 3797956; 402123, 3797956; 402123, 3797986; 402273, 3797986; 402273, 3797956; 402303, 3797956; 402303, 3797986; 402363, 3797986; 402363, 3797956; 402393, 3797956; 402393, 3797986; 402483, 3797986; 402483, 3798106; 402513, 3798106; 402513, 3798226; 402723, 3798226; 402723, 3798256; 402753, 3798256; 402753, 3798226; 403113, 3798226; 403113, 3798256; 403263, 3798256; 403263, 3798286; 403293, 3798286; 403293, 3798316; 403323, 3798316; 403323, 3798106; 403353, 3798106; 403353, 3798076; 403383, 3798076; 403383, 3798046; 403413, 3798046; 403413, 3798016; 403443, 3798016; 403443, 3797986; 403383, 3797986; 403383, 3797926; 403353, 3797926; 403353, 3797806; 403293, 3797806; 403293, 3797836; 403263, 3797836; 403263, 3797866; 403233, 3797866; 403233, 3797896; 403203, 3797896; 403203, 3797926; 403143, 3797926; 403143, 3797956; 402933, 3797956; 402933, 3797986; 402873, 3797986; 402873, 3798016; 402843, 3798016; 402843, 3798046; 402783, 3798046; 402783, 3798076; 402723, 3798076; 402723, 3798046; 402693, 3798046; 402693, 3798016; 402663, 3798016; 402663, 3797926; 402603, 3797926; 402603, 3797896; 402543, 3797896; 402543, 3797866; 402513, 3797866; 402513, 3797836; 402453, 3797836; 402453, 3797806; 402363, 3797806; 402363, 3797776; 402303, 3797776; 402303, 3797746; 402213, 3797746; 402213, 3797716; 402183, 3797716; 402183, 3797686; 402153, 3797686; 402153, 3797656; 402123, 3797656; 402123, 3797626; 402063, 3797626; 402063, 3797596; 401883, 3797596; 401883, 3797566; 401823, 3797566; 401823, 3797326; 401793, 3797326; 401793, 3797266; 401763, 3797266; 401763, 3797236; 401733, 3797236; 401733, 3797206; 401673, 3797206; 401673, 3797176; 401643, 3797176; 401643, 3797146; 401613, 3797146; 401613, 3797116; 401583, 3797116; 401583, 3797026; 401553, 3797026; 401553, 3796996; 401433, 3796996; 401433, 3796966; 401373, 3796966; 401373, 3796936; 401313, 3796936; 401313, 3796876; 401283, 3796876; 401283, 3796816; 401373, 3796816; 401373, 3796786; 401403, 3796786; 401403, 3796816; 401433, 3796816; 401433, 3796786; 401523, 3796786; 401523, 3796756; 401583, 3796756; 401583, 3796786; 401613, 3796786; 401643, 3796786; 401643, 3796756; 401673, 3796756; 401673, 3796786; 401703, 3796786; 401703, 3796756; 401733, 3796756; 401733, 3796726; 401763, 3796726; 401763, 3796666; 401823, 3796666; 401823, 3796636; 401853, 3796636; 401853, 3796546; 401913, 3796546; 401913, 3796516; 402033, 3796516; 402033, 3796456; 402183, 3796456; 402183, 3796426; 402213, 3796426; 402213, 3796366; 402243, 3796366; 402243, 3796336; 402273, 3796336; 402273, 3796276; 402303, 3796276; 402303, 3796216; 402363, 3796216; 402363, 3796186; 402393, 3796186; 402393, 3796096; 402423, 3796096; 402423, 3796066; 402483, 3796066; 402483, 3795976; 402513, 3795976; 402513, 3795946; 402573, 3795946; 402573, 3795916; 402633, 3795916; 402633, 3795886; 402663, 3795886; 402663, 3795856; 402633, 3795856; 402633, 3795796; 402663, 3795796; 402663, 3795676; 402693, 3795676; 402693, 3795586; 402663, 3795586; 402663, 3795466; 402693, 3795466; 402693, 3795406; 402723, 3795406; 402723, 3795376; 402783, 3795376; 402783, 3795346; 402813, 3795346; 402813, 3795316; 402843, 3795316; 402843, 3795286; 402693, 3795286; 402693, 3795256; 402603, 3795256; 402603, 3795286; 402573, 3795286; 402573, 3795316; 402543, 3795316; 402543, 3795346; 402483, 3795346; 402483, 3795406; 402453, 3795406; 402453, 3795496; 402483, 3795496; 402483, 3795586; 402453, 3795586; 402453, 3795646; 402423, 3795646; 402423, 3795706; 402393, 3795706; 402393, 3795736; 402303, 3795736; 402303, 3795766; 402273, 3795766; 402273, 3795856; 402243, 3795856; 402243, 3795886; 402213, 3795886; 402213, 3795946; 402153, 3795946; 402153, 3795976; 402123, 3795976; 402123, 3796066; 402153, 3796066; 402153, 3796186; 402123, 3796186; 402123, 3796216; 402033, 3796216; 402033, 3796186; 402003, 3796186; 402003, 3796156; 401973, 3796156; 401973, 3796126; 401943, 3796126; 401943, 3796156; 401913, 3796156; 401913, 3796186; 401853, 3796186; 401853, 3796216; 401823, 3796216; 401823, 3796186; 401733, 3796186; 401733, 3796306; 401703, 3796306; 401703, 3796336; 401673, 3796336; 401673, 3796396; 401643, 3796396; 401643, 3796486; 401613, 3796486; 401613, 3796516; 401463, 3796516; 401463, 3796546; 401403, 3796546; 401403, 3796576; 401373, 3796576; 401373, 3796606; 401343, 3796606; 401343, 3796636; 401283, 3796636; 401283, 3796666; 401193, 3796666; 401193, 3796696; 400893, 3796696; 400893, 3796666; 400863, 3796666; 400863, 3796636; 400803, 3796636; 400803, 3796606; 400683, 3796606; 400683, 3796576; 400593, 3796576; 400593, 3796546; 400563, 3796546; 400563, 3796486; 400533, 3796486; 400533, 3796546; 400503, 3796546; 400503, 3796606; 400443, 3796606; 400443, 3796636; 400413, 3796636; 400413, 3796666; 400383, 3796666; 400383, 3796726; 400353, 3796726; 400353, 3796756; 400323, 3796756; 400323, 3796786; 400293, 3796786; 400293, 3796816; 400233, 3796816; 400233, 3796846; 400173, 3796846; 400173, 3796876; 399873, 3796876; 399873, 3796846; 399813, 3796846; 399813, 3796816; 399753, 3796816; 399753, 3796846; 399723, 3796846; 399723, 3796876; 399573, 3796876; 399573, 3796906; 399513, 3796906; 399513, 3796876; 399453, 3796876; 399453, 3796906; 399423, 3796906; 399423, 3796936; 399363, 3796936; 399363, 3796906; 399333, 3796906; 399333, 3796876; 399303, 3796876; 399303, 3796846; 399243, 3796846; 399243, 3796816; 399213, 3796816; 399213, 3796846; 399153, 3796846; 399153, 3796816; 398973, 3796816; 398973, 3796846; 398943, 3796846; 398943, 3796876; 398913, 3796876; 398913, 3796906; 398853, 3796906; 398853, 3796936; 398823, 3796936; 398823, 3796966; 398793, 3796966; 398793, 3796996; 398733, 3796996; 398733, 3797026; 398673, 3797026; 398673, 3797056; 398493, 3797056; 398493, 3796996; 398523, 3796996; 398523, 3796966; 398553, 3796966; 398553, 3796936; 398583, 3796936; 398583, 3796906; 398463, 3796906; 398463, 3796936; 398313, 3796936; 398313, 3796906; 398283, 3796906; 398283, 3796876; 398253, 3796876; 398253, 3796846; 398073, 3796846; 398073, 3796816; 398043, 3796816; 398043, 3796756; 398073, 3796756; 398073, 3796606; 398043, 3796606; 398043, 3796576; 398013, 3796576; 398013, 3796546; 397953, 3796546; 397953, 3796516; 397863, 3796516; 397863, 3796546; 397803, 3796546; 397803, 3796576; 397743, 3796576; 397743, 3796636; 397683, 3796636; 397683, 3796666; 397653, 3796666; 397653, 3796756; 397623, 3796756; 397623, 3796786; 397593, 3796786; 397593, 3796816; 397503, 3796816; 397503, 3796936; 397473, 3796936; 397473, 3796996; 397443, 3796996; 397443, 3797026; 397383, 3797026; 397383, 3796996; 397353, 3796996; 397353, 3796936; 397293, 3796936; 397293, 3796906; 397263, 3796906; 397263, 3796936; 397203, 3796936; 397203, 3796966; 397173, 3796966; 397173, 3796996; 397053, 3796996; 397053, 3796966; 397023, 3796966; 397023, 3796996; 396993, 3796996; 396993, 3797026; 396933, 3797026; 396933, 3797176; 396783, 3797176; 396783, 3797206; 396663, 3797206; 396663, 3797146; 396633, 3797146; 396633, 3797086; 396603, 3797086; 396603, 3797026; 396543, 3797026; 396543, 3796996; 396423, 3796996; 396423, 3797026; 396393, 3797026; 396393, 3797056; 396333, 3797056; 396333, 3797116; 396303, 3797116; 396303, 3797086; 396273, 3797086; 396273, 3797116; 396243, 3797116; 396243, 3797086; 396183, 3797086; 396183, 3797056; 396003, 3797056; 396003, 3797026; 395943, 3797026; 395943, 3796996; 395883, 3796996; 395883, 3796966; 395733, 3796966; 395733, 3796936; 395703, 3796936; 395613, 3796936; 395613, 3796966; 395583, 3796966; 395583, 3796996; 395553, 3796996; 395553, 3797026; 395523, 3797026; 395523, 3797056; 395493, 3797056; 395493, 3797086; 395523, 3797086; 395523, 3797116; 395553, 3797116; 395553, 3797176; 395493, 3797176; 395493, 3797206; 395403, 3797206; 395403, 3797176; 395373, 3797176; 395373, 3797146; 395343, 3797146; 395343, 3797116; 395313, 3797116; 395313, 3797086; 395253, 3797086; 395253, 3797056; 395193, 3797056; 395193, 3797026; 395133, 3797026; 395133, 3797056; 395073, 3797056; 395073, 3797086; 394923, 3797086; 394923, 3797056; 394893, 3797056; 394893, 3797026; 394863, 3797026; 394863, 3796996; 394833, 3796996; 394833, 3796966; 394743, 3796966; 394743, 3796936; 394653, 3796936; 394653, 3796966; 394593, 3796966; 394593, 3796936; 394563, 3796936; 394563, 3796906; 394413, 3796906; 394413, 3796996; 394383, 3796996; 394383, 3797026; 394323, 3797026; 394323, 3797056; 394233, 3797056; 394233, 3797026; 394083, 3797026; 394083, 3797056; 394023, 3797056; 394023, 3797086; 393963, 3797086; 393963, 3797116; 393903, 3797116; 393903, 3797146; 393753, 3797146; 393753, 3797116; 393723, 3797116; 393723, 3797056; 393693, 3797056; 393693, 3797026; 393663, 3797026; 393663, 3796936; 393633, 3796936; 393633, 3796876; 393603, 3796876; 393603, 3796756; 393573, 3796756; 393573, 3796606; 393513, 3796606; 393513, 3796576; 393453, 3796576; 393453, 3796546; 393423, 3796546; 393423, 3796516; 393393, 3796516; 393393, 3796486; 393213, 3796486; 393213, 3796516; 393183, 3796516; 393183, 3796546; 393153, 3796546; 393153, 3796666; 393093, 3796666; 393093, 3796696; 393033, 3796696; 393033, 3796666; 393003, 3796666; 393003, 3796636; 392973, 3796636; 392973, 3796606; 392943, 3796606; 392943, 3796576; 392703, 3796576; 392703, 3796546; 392673, 3796546; 392673, 3796516; 392613, 3796516; 392613, 3796486; 392583, 3796486; 392583, 3796426; 392553, 3796426; 392553, 3796366; 392523, 3796366; 392523, 3796336; 392493, 3796336; 392493, 3796306; 392463, 3796306; 392463, 3796276; 392433, 3796276; 392433, 3796246; 392403, 3796246; 392403, 3796156; 392343, 3796156; 392343, 3796126; 392253, 3796126; 392253, 3796096; 392163, 3796096; 392163, 3796066; 392073, 3796066; 392073, 3796036; 392043, 3796036; 392043, 3796006; 392013, 3796006; 392013, 3796036; 391983, 3796036; 391983, 3796186; 392013, 3796186; 392013, 3796216; 391983, 3796216; 391983, 3796246; 391953, 3796246; 391953, 3796276; 391983, 3796276; 391983, 3796306; 392073, 3796306; 392073, 3796276; 392103, 3796276; 392103, 3796216; 392133, 3796216; 392133, 3796186; 392163, 3796186; 392163, 3796216; 392283, 3796216; 392283, 3796246; 392313, 3796246; 392313, 3796306; 392343, 3796306; 392343, 3796336; 392373, 3796336; 392373, 3796366; 392403, 3796366; 392403, 3796396; 392433, 3796396; 392433, 3796456; 392463, 3796456; 392463, 3796486; 392493, 3796486; 392493, 3796516; 392523, 3796516; 392523, 3796606; 392553, 3796606; 392553, 3796636; 392613, 3796636; 392613, 3796666; 392883, 3796666; 392883, 3796696; 392913, 3796696; 392913, 3796756; 392943, 3796756; 392943, 3796786; 393003, 3796786; 393003, 3796816; 393063, 3796816; 393063, 3796846; 393093, 3796846; 393093, 3796816; 393183, 3796816; 393183, 3796786; 393213, 3796786; 393213, 3796756; 393273, 3796756; 393273, 3796726; 393303, 3796726; 393303, 3796636; 393333, 3796636; 393333, 3796666; 393393, 3796666; 393393, 3796696; 393423, 3796696; 393423, 3796726; 393453, 3796726; 393453, 3796756; 393483, 3796756; 393483, 3796816; 393513, 3796816; 393513, 3796906; 393543, 3796906; 393543, 3796936; 393573, 3796936; 393573, 3796996; 393603, 3796996; 393603, 3797056; 393633, 3797056; 393633, 3797146; 393663, 3797146; 393663, 3797206; 393693, 3797206; 393693, 3797236; 393903, 3797236; 393903, 3797206; 393963, 3797206; 393963, 3797176; 394023, 3797176; 394023, 3797146; 394083, 3797146; 394083, 3797176; 394113, 3797176; 394113, 3797146; 394143, 3797146; 394143, 3797116; 394173, 3797116; 394173, 3797146; 394353, 3797146; 394353, 3797116; 394413, 3797116; 394413, 3797086; 394443, 3797086; 394443, 3797056; 394473, 3797056; 394473, 3797026; 394593, 3797026; 394593, 3797056; 394743, 3797056; 394743, 3797116; 394773, 3797116; 394773, 3797176; 394803, 3797176; 394803, 3797206; 394773, 3797206; 394773, 3797266; 394743, 3797266; 394743, 3797296; 394713, 3797296; 394713, 3797326; 394683, 3797326; 394683, 3797416; 394713, 3797416; 394713, 3797476; 394743, 3797476; 394743, 3797536; 394773, 3797536; 394773, 3797566; 394803, 3797566; 394803, 3797596; 394833, 3797596; 394833, 3797626; 394863, 3797626; 394863, 3797656; 394893, 3797656; 394893, 3797686; 394923, 3797686; 394923, 3797746; 394953, 3797746; 394953, 3797776; 395103, 3797776; 395103, 3797746; 395163, 3797746; 395163, 3797716; 395193, 3797716; 395193, 3797686; 395283, 3797686; 395283, 3797746; 395313, 3797746; 395313, 3797806; 395403, 3797806; 395403, 3797926; 395493, 3797926; 395493, 3797986; 395553, 3797986; 395553, 3798016; 395583, 3798016; 395583, 3798076; 395613, 3798076; 395613, 3798166; 395673, 3798166; 395673, 3798136; 395703, 3798136; 395703, 3797956; 395763, 3797956; 395763, 3797986; 395823, 3797986; 395823, 3798016; 395853, 3798016; 395853, 3798046; 395883, 3798046; 395883, 3798076; 395913, 3798076; 395913, 3798196; 395943, 3798196; 395943, 3798226; 395973, 3798226; 395973, 3798256; 396033, 3798256; 396033, 3798286; 396093, 3798286; 396093, 3798346; 396123, 3798346; 396123, 3798406; 396153, 3798406; 396153, 3798466; 396213, 3798466; 396213, 3798526; 396243, 3798526; 396243, 3798646; 396273, 3798646; 396273, 3798676; 396333, 3798676; 396333, 3798706; 396363, 3798706; 396363, 3798886; 396393, 3798886; 396393, 3798916; 396423, 3798916; 396423, 3798946; 396513, 3798946; 396513, 3798916; 396543, 3798916; 396543, 3798886; 396573, 3798886; 396573, 3798856; 396603, 3798856; 396603, 3799006; 396573, 3799006; 396573, 3799126; 396693, 3799126; 396693, 3799156; 396723, 3799156; 396723, 3799216; 396753, 3799216; 396753, 3799246; 396813, 3799246; 396813, 3799366; 396843, 3799366; 396843, 3799396; 396873, 3799396; 396873, 3799516; 396903, 3799516; 396903, 3799486; 396963, 3799486; 396963, 3799396; 396993, 3799396; 396993, 3799366; 396963, 3799366; 396963, 3799276; 397053, 3799276; 397053, 3799306; 397113, 3799306; 397113, 3799336; 397173, 3799336; 397173, 3799366; 397233, 3799366; 397233, 3799426; 397263, 3799426; 397263, 3799546; 397323, 3799546; 397323, 3799576; 397353, 3799576; 397353, 3799636; 397383, 3799636; 397383, 3799666; 397413, 3799666; 397413, 3799696; 397473, 3799696; 397473, 3799726; 397503, 3799726; 397503, 3799756; 397533, 3799756; 397533, 3799786; 397563, 3799786; 397563, 3799846; 397593, 3799846; 397593, 3799876; 397623, 3799876; 397623, 3799996; 397713, 3799996; 397713, 3799936; 397833, 3799936; 397833, 3799966; 397923, 3799966; 397923, 3799996; 397953, 3799996; 397953, 3800116; 397923, 3800116; 397923, 3800206; 397893, 3800206; 397893, 3800386; 397863, 3800386; 397863, 3800476; 397833, 3800476; 397833, 3800596; 397803, 3800596; 397803, 3800686; 397773, 3800686; 397773, 3800746; 397803, 3800746; 397803, 3800836; 397833, 3800836; 397833, 3800926; 397863, 3800926; 397863, 3800986; 397893, 3800986; 397893, 3801016; 397923, 3801016; 397923, 3801166; 397983, 3801166; 397983, 3801106; 398013, 3801106; 398013, 3801016; 398193, 3801016; 398193, 3800986; 398163, 3800986; 398163, 3800956; 398133, 3800956; 398133, 3800926; 398103, 3800926; 398103, 3800896; 398073, 3800896; 398073, 3800866; 398043, 3800866; 398043, 3800836; 398013, 3800836; 398013, 3800716; 398043, 3800716; 398043, 3800686; 398073, 3800686; 398073, 3800566; 398103, 3800566; 398103, 3800476; 398073, 3800476; 398073, 3800446; 398043, 3800446; 398043, 3800416; 398073, 3800416; 398073, 3800356; 398133, 3800356; 398133, 3800326; 398103, 3800326; 398103, 3800296; 398073, 3800296; 398073, 3800176; 398103, 3800176; 398103, 3800146; 398163, 3800146; 398163, 3800056; 398133, 3800056; 398133, 3799876; 398103, 3799876; 398103, 3799786; 398013, 3799786; 398013, 3799756; 397983, 3799756; 397983, 3799726; 397923, 3799726; 397923, 3799756; 397803, 3799756; 397803, 3799726; 397743, 3799726; 397743, 3799696; 397683, 3799696; 397683, 3799576; 397713, 3799576; 397713, 3799546; 397623, 3799546; 397623, 3799516; 397533, 3799516; 397533, 3799486; 397473, 3799486; 397473, 3799456; 397443, 3799456; 397443, 3799306; 397503, 3799306; 397503, 3799276; 397473, 3799276; 397473, 3799246; 397413, 3799246; 397413, 3799216; 397353, 3799216; 397353, 3799186; 397323, 3799186; 397323, 3799156; 397113, 3799156; 397113, 3799126; 397023, 3799126; 397023, 3799096; 396963, 3799096; 396963, 3799066; 396933, 3799066; 396933, 3799006; 396903, 3799006; 396903, 3798976; 396933, 3798976; 396933, 3798916; 396873, 3798916; 396873, 3798886; 396843, 3798886; 396843, 3798826; 396813, 3798826; 396813, 3798796; 396783, 3798796; 396783, 3798766; 396753, 3798766; 396753, 3798736; 396723, 3798736; 396723, 3798706; 396693, 3798706; 396693, 3798676; 396663, 3798676; 396663, 3798646; 396633, 3798646; 396633, 3798676; 396543, 3798676; 396543, 3798616; 396513, 3798616; 396513, 3798586; 396423, 3798586; 396423, 3798556; 396393, 3798556; 396393, 3798526; 396423, 3798526; 396423, 3798496; 396453, 3798496; 396453, 3798376; 396423, 3798376; 396423, 3798346; 396393, 3798346; 396393, 3798286; 396333, 3798286; 396333, 3798256; 396273, 3798256; 396273, 3798226; 396303, 3798226; 396303, 3798136; 396273, 3798136; 396273, 3798106; 396213, 3798106; 396213, 3798136; 396093, 3798136; 396093, 3798046; 396063, 3798046; 396063, 3798016; 396033, 3798016; 396033, 3797926; 396003, 3797926; 396003, 3797896; 395943, 3797896; 395943, 3797866; 395913, 3797866; 395913, 3797836; 395853, 3797836; 395853, 3797806; 395823, 3797806; 395823, 3797776; 395763, 3797776; 395763, 3797746; 395733, 3797746; 395733, 3797716; 395583, 3797716; 395583, 3797746; 395553, 3797746; 395553, 3797806; 395523, 3797806; 395523, 3797746; 395493, 3797746; 395493, 3797686; 395433, 3797686; 395433, 3797656; 395403, 3797656; 395403, 3797626; 395373, 3797626; 395373, 3797596; 395313, 3797596; 395313, 3797566; 395163, 3797566; 395163, 3797596; 395103, 3797596; 395103, 3797626; 395073, 3797626; 395073, 3797656; 395013, 3797656; 395013, 3797626; 394983, 3797626; 394983, 3797596; 394953, 3797596; 394953, 3797566; 394923, 3797566; 394923, 3797536; 394893, 3797536; 394893, 3797506; 394863, 3797506; 394863, 3797476; 394833, 3797476; 394833, 3797446; 394803, 3797446; 394803, 3797356; 394833, 3797356; 394833, 3797326; 394863, 3797326; 394863, 3797266; 394893, 3797266; 394893, 3797206; 394923, 3797206; 394923, 3797176; 395013, 3797176; 395013, 3797206; 395103, 3797206; 395103, 3797176; 395133, 3797176; 395133, 3797146; 395253, 3797146; 395253, 3797176; 395283, 3797176; 395283, 3797206; 395313, 3797206; 395313, 3797266; 395343, 3797266; 395343, 3797296; 395553, 3797296; 395553, 3797266; 395613, 3797266; 395613, 3797236; 395643, 3797236; 395643, 3797086; 395673, 3797086; 395673, 3797056; 395763, 3797056; 395763, 3797086; 395823, 3797086; 395823, 3797116; 395943, 3797116; 395943, 3797146; 396093, 3797146; 396093, 3797176; 396153, 3797176; 396153, 3797206; 396213, 3797206; 396213, 3797236; 396243, 3797236; 396243, 3797266; 396303, 3797266; 396303, 3797296; 396393, 3797296; 396393, 3797266; 396423, 3797266; 396423, 3797236; 396453, 3797236; 396453, 3797176; 396483, 3797176; 396483, 3797146; 396513, 3797146; 396513, 3797176; 396543, 3797176; 396543, 3797236; 396573, 3797236; 396573, 3797296; 396603, 3797296; 396603, 3797326; 396663, 3797326; 396663, 3797356; 396723, 3797356; 396723, 3797326; 396783, 3797326; 396783, 3797296; 397053, 3797296; 397053, 3797236; 397083, 3797236; 397083, 3797206; 397053, 3797206; 397053, 3797146; 397113, 3797146; 397113, 3797116; 397203, 3797116; 397203, 3797086; 397263, 3797086; 397263, 3797116; 397293, 3797116; 397293, 3797146; 397323, 3797146; 397323, 3797236; 397353, 3797236; 397353, 3797266; 397383, 3797266; 397383, 3797236; 397413, 3797236; 397413, 3797266; 397473, 3797266; 397473, 3797296; 397503, 3797296; 397503, 3797266; 397533, 3797266; 397533, 3797236; 397563, 3797236; 397563, 3797176; 397593, 3797176; 397593, 3797116; 397623, 3797116; 397623, 3797086; 397653, 3797086; 397653, 3797056; 397683, 3797056; 397683, 3797026; 397713, 3797026; 397713, 3796996; 397743, 3796996; 397743, 3796876; 397773, 3796876; 397773, 3796846; 397803, 3796846; 397803, 3796816; 397833, 3796816; 397833, 3796786; 397863, 3796786; 397863, 3796756; 397893, 3796756; 397893, 3796966; 397923, 3796966; 397923, 3797026; 397953, 3797026; 397953, 3797086; 397983, 3797086; 397983, 3797056; 398013, 3797056; 398013, 3797026; 398103, 3797026; 398103, 3796996; 398133, 3796996; 398133, 3797026; 398163, 3797026; 398163, 3797086; 398193, 3797086; 398193, 3797146; 398313, 3797146; 398313, 3797176; 398343, 3797176; 398343, 3797206; 398373, 3797206; 398373, 3797236; 398403, 3797236; 398403, 3797266; 398433, 3797266; returning to 398433, 3797296.

(iii) Note: Map of Units 7 and 21 follows.

(13) Unit 8: Lower Santa Ana River Basin, Orange County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Black Star Canyon, Corona South, El Toro, and Santiago Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 439642, 3732778; 439642, 3732749; 439671, 3732749; 439671, 3732721; 439699, 3732721; 439699, 3732692; 439727, 3732692; 439727, 3732636; 439756, 3732636; 439756, 3732607; 439841, 3732607; 439841, 3732522; 439897, 3732522; 439897, 3732466; 439926, 3732466; 439926, 3732409; 439983, 3732409; 439983, 3732380; 440153, 3732380; 440153, 3732409; 440181, 3732409; 440181, 3732380; 440210, 3732380; 440210, 3732324; 440153, 3732324; 440153, 3732295; 440124, 3732295; 440124, 3732267; 440068, 3732267; 440068, 3732239; 440011, 3732239; 440011, 3732210; 439983, 3732210; 439983, 3732097; 440011, 3732097; 440011, 3732040; 440039, 3732040; 440039, 3731813; 440068, 3731813; 440068, 3731785; 440011, 3731785; 440011, 3731756; 439983, 3731756; 439983, 3731671; 440011, 3731671; 440011, 3731586; 439983, 3731586; 439983, 3731501; 440068, 3731501; 440068, 3731302; 440096, 3731302; 440096, 3731274; 440124, 3731274; 440124, 3731217; 440096, 3731217; 440096, 3731161; 440124, 3731161; 440124, 3731132; 440153, 3731132; 440153, 3731075; 440181, 3731075; 440181, 3731047; 440210, 3731047; 440210, 3730962; 440238, 3730962; 440238, 3730934; 440295, 3730934; 440295, 3730905; 440323, 3730905; 440323, 3730877; 440351, 3730877; 440351, 3730820; 440380, 3730820; 440380, 3730707; 440408, 3730707; 440408, 3730678; 440465, 3730678; 440465, 3730650; 440493, 3730650; 440493, 3730622; 440522, 3730622; 440522, 3730593; 440550, 3730593; 440550, 3730565; 440578, 3730565; 440578, 3730508; 440607, 3730508; 440607, 3730451; 440692, 3730451; 440692, 3730395; 440663, 3730395; 440663, 3730366; 440692, 3730366; 440692, 3730309; 440720, 3730309; 440720, 3730253; 440749, 3730253; 440749, 3730224; 440777, 3730224; 440777, 3730196; 440805, 3730196; 440805, 3730168; 440862, 3730168; 440862, 3730139; 440919, 3730139; 440919, 3730111; 440947, 3730111; 440947, 3730083; 440976, 3730083; 440976, 3730054; 441032, 3730054; 441032, 3730026; 441089, 3730026; 441089, 3729997; 441061, 3729997; 441061, 3729969; 441004, 3729969; 441004, 3729941; 440976, 3729941; 440976, 3729912; 440890, 3729912; 440890, 3729941; 440834, 3729941; 440834, 3729969; 440805, 3729969; 440805, 3729997; 440777, 3729997; 440777, 3730026; 440749, 3730026; 440749, 3730054; 440607, 3730054; 440607, 3730083; 440578, 3730083; 440578, 3730111; 440550, 3730111; 440550, 3730139; 440522, 3730139; 440522, 3730196; 440493, 3730196; 440493, 3730224; 440465, 3730224; 440465, 3730253; 440436, 3730253; 440436, 3730281; 440408, 3730281; 440408, 3730338; 440380, 3730338; 440380, 3730366; 440323, 3730366; 440323, 3730395; 440266, 3730395; 440266, 3730366; 440238, 3730366; 440238, 3730338; 440238, 3730281; 440266, 3730281; 440266, 3730168; 440295, 3730168; 440295, 3730083; 440323, 3730083; 440323, 3730054; 440295, 3730054; 440295, 3730026; 440266, 3730026; 440266, 3730054; 440238, 3730054; 440238, 3730083; 440181, 3730083; 440181, 3730111; 440096, 3730111; 440096, 3730083; 440068, 3730083; 440068, 3730168; 440096, 3730168; 440096, 3730224; 440068, 3730224; 440068, 3730253; 440039, 3730253; 440039, 3730281; 440068, 3730281; 440068, 3730395; 440039, 3730395; 440039, 3730423; 440011, 3730423; 440011, 3730439; 440013, 3730446; 440018, 3730467; 440024, 3730487; 440031, 3730507; 440037, 3730527; 440044, 3730546; 440051, 3730566; 440059, 3730585; 440067, 3730605; 440075, 3730624; 440084, 3730643; 440093, 3730662; 440102, 3730681; 440108, 3730691; 440108, 3730692; 440128, 3730713; 440130, 3730716; 440130, 3730717; 440129, 3730719; 440128, 3730723; 440116, 3730760; 440108, 3730799; 440104, 3730838; 440104, 3730875; 440104, 3730878; 440104, 3730881; 440106, 3730918; 440111, 3730918; 440112, 3730939; 440107, 3730939; 440109, 3730968; 440109, 3730994; 440107, 3731031; 440100, 3731067; 440090, 3731103; 440076, 3731137; 439958, 3731389; 439957, 3731392; 439956, 3731395; 439949, 3731411; 439936, 3731449; 439927, 3731487; 439922, 3731526; 439911, 3731686; 439911, 3731689; 439911, 3731692; 439910, 3731703; 439904, 3731739; 439894, 3731775; 439753, 3732205; 439751, 3732211; 439742, 3732247; 439740, 3732253; 439720, 3732354; 439719, 3732360; 439710, 3732393; 439709, 3732396; 439708, 3732399; 439643, 3732597; 439641, 3732603; 439630, 3732631; 439613, 3732664; 439594, 3732695; 439581, 3732711; 439581, 3732712; 439603, 3732730; 439642, 3732784; returning to 439642, 3732778.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 446706, 3734905; 446706, 3734877; 446734, 3734877; 446734, 3734849; 446763, 3734849; 446763, 3734820; 446791, 3734820; 446791, 3734792; 446820, 3734792; 446820, 3734735; 446791, 3734735; 446791, 3734763; 446734, 3734763; 446734, 3734735; 446678, 3734735; 446678, 3734707; 446593, 3734707; 446593, 3734678; 446536, 3734678; 446536, 3734650; 446366, 3734650; 446366, 3734622; 446337, 3734622; 446337, 3734565; 446309, 3734565; 446309, 3734536; 446281, 3734536; 446281, 3734508; 446252, 3734508; 446252, 3734480; 446224, 3734480; 446224, 3734451; 446195, 3734451; 446195, 3734423; 446167, 3734423; 446167, 3734366; 446054, 3734366; 446054, 3734338; 446025, 3734338; 446025, 3734309; 445997, 3734309; 445997, 3734253; 445968, 3734253; 445968, 3734196; 445940, 3734196; 445940, 3734083; 445968, 3734083; 445968, 3734054; 445855, 3734054; 445855, 3733997; 445770, 3733997; 445770, 3734026; 445685, 3734026; 445685, 3734054; 445600, 3734054; 445600, 3734083; 445344, 3734083; 445344, 3734111; 445259, 3734111; 445259, 3734139; 444919, 3734139; 444919, 3734111; 444749, 3734111; 444749, 3734139; 444635, 3734139; 444635, 3734111; 444578, 3734111; 444578, 3734083; 444408, 3734083; 444408, 3734111; 444380, 3734111; 444380, 3734083; 444153, 3734083; 444153, 3734054; 444068, 3734054; 444068, 3734083; 443869, 3734083; 443869, 3734111; 443841, 3734111; 443841, 3734139; 443699, 3734139; 443699, 3734111; 443585, 3734111; 443585, 3734139; 443529, 3734139; 443529, 3734168; 443472, 3734168; 443472, 3734139; 443358, 3734139; 443358, 3734168; 443302, 3734168; 443302, 3734196; 443273, 3734196; 443273, 3734224; 443217, 3734224; 443217, 3734253; 443188, 3734253; 443188, 3734281; 443018, 3734281; 443018, 3734253; 442933, 3734253; 442933, 3734224; 442905, 3734224; 442905, 3734196; 442819, 3734196; 442819, 3734168; 442706, 3734168; 442706, 3734139; 442649, 3734139; 442649, 3734054; 442564, 3734054; 442564, 3734083; 442536, 3734083; 442536, 3734139; 442507, 3734139; 442507, 3734168; 442451, 3734168; 442451, 3734139; 442394, 3734139; 442394, 3734083; 442366, 3734083; 442366, 3734054; 442337, 3734054; 442337, 3734083; 442309, 3734083; 442309, 3734168; 442280, 3734168; 442280, 3734224; 442195, 3734224; 442195, 3734196; 442054, 3734196; 442054, 3734168; 441968, 3734168; 441968, 3734139; 441912, 3734139; 441912, 3734111; 441855, 3734111; 441855, 3734139; 441827, 3734139; 441827, 3734111; 441798, 3734111; 441798, 3734139; 441741, 3734139; 441741, 3734168; 441628, 3734168; 441628, 3734196; 441543, 3734196; 441543, 3734224; 441401, 3734224; 441401, 3734196; 441344, 3734196; 441344, 3734168; 441288, 3734168; 441288, 3734139; 441174, 3734139; 441174, 3734111; 441146, 3734111; 441146, 3733969; 441089, 3733969; 441089, 3733997; 441061, 3733997; 441061, 3734026; 441032, 3734026; 441032, 3734054; 440976, 3734054; 440976, 3734026; 440947, 3734026; 440947, 3734054; 440919, 3734054; 440919, 3734083; 440862, 3734083; 440862, 3734111; 440834, 3734111; 440834, 3734139; 440805, 3734139; 440805, 3734168; 440777, 3734168; 440777, 3734196; 440749, 3734196; 440749, 3734253; 440720, 3734253; 440720, 3734281; 440663, 3734281; 440663, 3734309; 440578, 3734309; 440578, 3734281; 440550, 3734281; 440550, 3734253; 440522, 3734253; 440522, 3734054; 440465, 3734054; 440465, 3734083; 440408, 3734083; 440408, 3734054; 440068, 3734054; 440068, 3734026; 439983, 3734026; 439983, 3734054; 439926, 3734054; 439926, 3734083; 439869, 3734083; 439869, 3734054; 439812, 3734054; 439812, 3734083; 439784, 3734083; 439784, 3734054; 439756, 3734054; 439756, 3733997; 439727, 3733997; 439727, 3733941; 439671, 3733941; 439671, 3733969; 439529, 3733969; 439529, 3733941; 439387, 3733941; 439387, 3733912; 439339, 3733912; 439324, 3733961; 439289, 3734068; 439239, 3734221; 439238, 3734226; 439146, 3734508; 439160, 3734508; 439160, 3734480; 439188, 3734480; 439188, 3734395; 439217, 3734395; 439217, 3734366; 439444, 3734366; 439444, 3734338; 439529, 3734338; 439529, 3734281; 439557, 3734281; 439557, 3734309; 439642, 3734309; 439642, 3734338; 439671, 3734338; 439671, 3734309; 439756, 3734309; 439756, 3734338; 439784, 3734338; 439784, 3734423; 439812, 3734423; 439812, 3734451; 439841, 3734451; 439841, 3734508; 439897, 3734508; 439897, 3734536; 439926, 3734536; 439926, 3734565; 439983, 3734565; 439983, 3734593; 440124, 3734593; 440124, 3734622; 440266, 3734622; 440266, 3734650; 440323, 3734650; 440323, 3734536; 440380, 3734536; 440380, 3734480; 440550, 3734480; 440550, 3734451; 440635, 3734451; 440635, 3734480; 440663, 3734480; 440663, 3734508; 440692, 3734508; 440692, 3734536; 440720, 3734536; 440720, 3734593; 440749, 3734593; 440749, 3734650; 440777, 3734650; 440777, 3734707; 440805, 3734707; 440805, 3734763; 440834, 3734763; 440834, 3734820; 440862, 3734820; 440862, 3734792; 440890, 3734792; 440890, 3734650; 440919, 3734650; 440919, 3734622; 440890, 3734622; 440890, 3734508; 440862, 3734508; 440862, 3734451; 440890, 3734451; 440890, 3734423; 440947, 3734423; 440947, 3734395; 441004, 3734395; 441004, 3734338; 441032, 3734338; 441032, 3734281; 441174, 3734281; 441174, 3734253; 441259, 3734253; 441259, 3734281; 441316, 3734281; 441316, 3734309; 441344, 3734309; 441344, 3734338; 441401, 3734338; 441401, 3734366; 441458, 3734366; 441458, 3734338; 441628, 3734338; 441628, 3734309; 441741, 3734309; 441741, 3734281; 441798, 3734281; 441798, 3734309; 441997, 3734309; 441997, 3734338; 442280, 3734338; 442280, 3734366; 442366, 3734366; 442366, 3734395; 442394, 3734395; 442394, 3734423; 442451, 3734423; 442451, 3734395; 442479, 3734395; 442479, 3734366; 442507, 3734366; 442507, 3734338; 442593, 3734338; 442593, 3734309; 442848, 3734309; 442848, 3734338; 442905, 3734338; 442905, 3734366; 442961, 3734366; 442961, 3734423; 443160, 3734423; 443160, 3734395; 443217, 3734395; 443217, 3734366; 443273, 3734366; 443273, 3734338; 443330, 3734338; 443330, 3734309; 443387, 3734309; 443387, 3734281; 443529, 3734281; 443529, 3734309; 443585, 3734309; 443585, 3734253; 443614, 3734253; 443614, 3734224; 443699, 3734224; 443699, 3734253; 443784, 3734253; 443784, 3734281; 443812, 3734281; 443812, 3734253; 444068, 3734253; 444068, 3734224; 444153, 3734224; 444153, 3734196; 444295, 3734196; 444295, 3734224; 444323, 3734224; 444323, 3734253; 444351, 3734253; 444351, 3734281; 444408, 3734281; 444408, 3734253; 444493, 3734253; 444493, 3734224; 444607, 3734224; 444607, 3734253; 444976, 3734253; 444976, 3734281; 445032, 3734281; 445032, 3734253; 445344, 3734253; 445344, 3734224; 445401, 3734224; 445401, 3734196; 445429, 3734196; 445429, 3734224; 445543, 3734224; 445543, 3734196; 445685, 3734196; 445685, 3734168; 445798, 3734168; 445798, 3734196; 445827, 3734196; 445827, 3734338; 445883, 3734338; 445883, 3734395; 445940, 3734395; 445940, 3734423; 445968, 3734423; 445968, 3734451; 445997, 3734451; 445997, 3734508; 446025, 3734508; 446025, 3734536; 446082, 3734536; 446082, 3734565; 446110, 3734565; 446110, 3734593; 446139, 3734593; 446139, 3734622; 446195, 3734622; 446195, 3734650; 446224, 3734650; 446224, 3734707; 446252, 3734707; 446252, 3734763; 446479, 3734763; 446479, 3734792; 446593, 3734792; 446593, 3734820; 446621, 3734820; 446621, 3734849; 446649, 3734849; 446649, 3734877; 446678, 3734877; 446678, 3734905; returning to 446706, 3734905.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 439075, 3737033; 439075, 3737005; 439132, 3737005; 439132, 3736976; 439188, 3736976; 439188, 3736948; 439217, 3736948; 439217, 3736919; 439188, 3736919; 439188, 3736692; 439160, 3736692; 439160, 3736664; 439188, 3736664; 439188, 3736607; 439160, 3736607; 439160, 3736522; 439132, 3736522; 439132, 3736437; 439103, 3736437; 439103, 3736409; 439046, 3736409; 439046, 3736352; 439018, 3736352; 439018, 3736324; 438990, 3736324; 438990, 3736295; 438961, 3736295; 438961, 3736267; 438933, 3736267; 438933, 3736239; 438848, 3736239; 438848, 3736182; 438819, 3736182; 438819, 3736125; 438791, 3736125; 438791, 3736040; 438819, 3736040; 438819, 3735955; 438791, 3735955; 438791, 3735927; 438819, 3735927; 438819, 3735841; 438848, 3735841; 438848, 3735756; 438905, 3735756; 438905, 3735728; 438848, 3735728; 438848, 3735700; 438819, 3735700; 438819, 3735643; 438791, 3735643; 438791, 3735614; 438770, 3735614; 438763, 3735636; 438678, 3735898; 438678, 3736125; 438706, 3736125; 438706, 3736182; 438734, 3736182; 438734, 3736267; 438763, 3736267; 438763, 3736295; 438791, 3736295; 438791, 3736352; 438848, 3736352; 438848, 3736380; 438876, 3736380; 438876, 3736466; 438905, 3736466; 438905, 3736494; 438933, 3736494; 438933, 3736522; 438961, 3736522; 438961, 3736551; 438990, 3736551; 438990, 3736721; 439018, 3736721; 439018, 3736749; 439046, 3736749; 439046, 3736834; 439018, 3736834; 439018, 3736863; 439046, 3736863; 439046, 3736891; 439018, 3736891; 439018, 3737061; 439018, 3737090; 439046, 3737090; 439046, 3737118; 439075, 3737118; returning to 439075, 3737033.

(iv) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 438819, 3738707; 438819, 3738650; 438791, 3738650; 438791, 3738622; 438763, 3738622; 438763, 3738593; 438678, 3738593; 438678, 3738565; 438593, 3738565; 438593, 3738593; 438536, 3738593; 438536, 3738622; 438394, 3738622; 438394, 3738593; 438337, 3738593; 438337, 3738565; 438309, 3738565; 438309, 3738423; 438337, 3738423; 438337, 3738338; 438309, 3738338; 438309, 3738224; 438280, 3738224; 438280, 3738054; 438224, 3738054; 438224, 3737997; 438216, 3737997; 438212, 3738060; 438195, 3738336; 438198, 3738398; 438195, 3738441; 438195, 3738735; 438252, 3738735; 438252, 3738763; 438309, 3738763; 438309, 3738820; 438337, 3738820; 438337, 3738849; 438366, 3738849; 438366, 3738820; 438394, 3738820; 438394, 3738792; 438422, 3738792; 438422, 3738763; 438536, 3738763; 438536, 3738735; 438621, 3738735; 438621, 3738707; 438678, 3738707; 438678, 3738763; 438734, 3738763; 438734, 3738792; 438763, 3738792; 438763, 3738849; 438791, 3738849; 438791, 3738877; 438819, 3738877; 438819, 3738905; 438848, 3738905; 438848, 3738934; 438905, 3738934; 438905, 3738905; 438876, 3738905; 438876, 3738820; 438848, 3738820; 438848, 3738707; returning to 438819, 3738707.

(v) Note: Map of Units 8, 10, and 11 follows.

(14) Unit 9: San Jacinto River Basin, Riverside County, California.

(i) Subunit 9a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps San Jacinto, Lake Fulmor, Hemet and Blackburn Canyon, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 511446, 3735434; 511416, 3735434; 511416, 3735453; 511469, 3735455; 511469, 3735434; returning to 511446, 3735434.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 510915, 3735426; 510915, 3735426; 511236, 3735443; 511236, 3735434; 511266, 3735434; 511266, 3735374; 511296, 3735374; 511296, 3735344; 511326, 3735344; 511326, 3735314; 511386, 3735314; 511386, 3735284; 511446, 3735284; 511446, 3735254; 511471, 3735254; 511473, 3734974; 511953, 3734586; 512009, 3734541; 512526, 3734545; 512526, 3734534; 512676, 3734534; 512676, 3734546; 512704, 3734546; 512796, 3734547; 512796, 3734474; 512826, 3734474; 512826, 3734444; 512886, 3734444; 512886, 3734414; 512916, 3734414; 512916, 3734384; 512946, 3734384; 512946, 3734354; 513156, 3734354; 513156, 3734324; 513216, 3734324; 513216, 3734294; 513246, 3734294; 513246, 3734264; 513276, 3734264; 513276, 3734234; 513306, 3734234; 513306, 3734204; 513336, 3734204; 513336, 3734174; 513606, 3734174; 513606, 3734144; 513636, 3734144; 513636, 3734114; 513696, 3734114; 513696, 3734084; 513726, 3734084; 513726, 3734054; 513756, 3734054; 513756, 3734024; 513966, 3734024; 513966, 3733994; 514056, 3733994; 514056, 3733964; 514116, 3733964; 514116, 3733934; 514176, 3733934; 514176, 3733904; 514206, 3733904; 514206, 3733874; 514296, 3733874; 514296, 3733724; 514326, 3733724; 514326, 3733694; 514356, 3733694; 514356, 3733664; 514446, 3733664; 514446, 3733634; 514476, 3733634; 514476, 3733604; 514506, 3733604; 514506, 3733574; 514566, 3733574; 514566, 3733604; 514596, 3733604; 514596, 3733634; 514626, 3733634; 514626, 3733664; 514656, 3733664; 514656, 3733724; 514686, 3733724; 514686, 3733694; 514776, 3733694; 514776, 3733604; 514836, 3733604; 514836, 3733574; 514896, 3733574; 514896, 3733544; 514956, 3733544; 514956, 3733574; 515016, 3733574; 515016, 3733544; 515046, 3733544; 515046, 3733484; 515076, 3733484; 515076, 3733454; 515196, 3733454; 515196, 3733424; 515256, 3733424; 515256, 3733394; 515346, 3733394; 515346, 3733364; 515436, 3733364; 515436, 3733394; 515556, 3733394; 515556, 3733424; 515586, 3733424; 515586, 3733394; 515706, 3733394; 515706, 3733364; 515766, 3733364; 515766, 3733334; 515856, 3733334; 515856, 3733304; 515976, 3733304; 515976, 3733274; 516006, 3733274; 516006, 3733244; 516036, 3733244; 516036, 3733214; 516066, 3733214; 516066, 3733184; 516126, 3733184; 516126, 3733154; 516186, 3733154; 516186, 3733124; 516246, 3733124; 516246, 3733154; 516306, 3733154; 516306, 3733094; 516426, 3733094; 516426, 3733064; 516456, 3733064; 516456, 3733034; 516636, 3733034; 516636, 3733064; 516666, 3733064; 516666, 3733034; 516696, 3733034; 516696, 3733004; 516726, 3733004; 516726, 3732974; 516846, 3732974; 516846, 3733004; 516906, 3733004; 516906, 3732914; 517086, 3732914; 517086, 3732884; 517206, 3732884; 517206, 3732764; 517236, 3732764; 517236, 3732704; 517266, 3732704; 517266, 3732674; 517326, 3732674; 517326, 3732614; 517356, 3732614; 517356, 3732554; 517386, 3732554; 517386, 3732524; 517416, 3732524; 517416, 3732494; 517476, 3732494; 517476, 3732464; 517536, 3732464; 517536, 3732434; 517566, 3732434; 517566, 3732404; 517596, 3732404; 517596, 3732374; 517626, 3732374; 517626, 3732344; 517716, 3732344; 517716, 3732314; 517746, 3732314; 517746, 3732284; 517836, 3732284; 517836, 3732314; 517926, 3732314; 517926, 3732284; 517956, 3732284; 517956, 3732254; 517926, 3732254; 517926, 3732224; 517866, 3732224; 517866, 3732194; 517836, 3732194; 517836, 3732164; 517806, 3732164; 517806, 3732134; 517776, 3732134; 517776, 3731984; 517806, 3731984; 517806, 3731924; 517836, 3731924; 517836, 3731894; 517896, 3731894; 517896, 3731834; 517926, 3731834; 517926, 3731804; 517956, 3731804; 517956, 3731744; 517986, 3731744; 517986, 3731714; 518016, 3731714; 518016, 3731684; 518046, 3731684; 518046, 3731654; 518076, 3731654; 518076, 3731624; 518106, 3731624; 518106, 3731594; 518136, 3731594; 518136, 3731564; 518196, 3731564; 518196, 3731534; 518256, 3731534; 518256, 3731474; 518286, 3731474; 518286, 3731444; 518316, 3731444; 518316, 3731414; 518346, 3731414; 518346, 3731354; 518406, 3731354; 518406, 3731324; 518436, 3731324; 518436, 3731294; 518466, 3731294; 518466, 3731234; 518496, 3731234; 518496, 3731204; 518526, 3731204; 518526, 3731174; 518646, 3731174; 518646, 3731144; 518766, 3731144; 518766, 3731114; 518796, 3731114; 518796, 3731084; 518826, 3731084; 518826, 3731054; 518856, 3731054; 518856, 3730964; 518886, 3730964; 518886, 3730934; 518916, 3730934; 518916, 3730874; 518946, 3730874; 518946, 3730814; 518976, 3730814; 518976, 3730724; 518916, 3730724; 518916, 3730754; 518886, 3730754; 518886, 3730784; 518856, 3730784; 518856, 3730814; 518826, 3730814; 518826, 3730844; 518796, 3730844; 518796, 3730874; 518736, 3730874; 518736, 3730904; 518706, 3730904; 518706, 3730934; 518646, 3730934; 518646, 3730964; 518496, 3730964; 518496, 3730994; 518406, 3730994; 518406, 3731024; 518316, 3731024; 518316, 3731054; 518256, 3731054; 518256, 3730994; 518226, 3730994; 518226, 3731024; 518196, 3731024; 518196, 3731054; 518166, 3731054; 518166, 3731114; 518136, 3731114; 518136, 3731144; 518106, 3731144; 518106, 3731204; 518076, 3731204; 518076, 3731234; 518046, 3731234; 518046, 3731264; 518016, 3731264; 518016, 3731294; 517986, 3731294; 517986, 3731324; 517956, 3731324; 517956, 3731354; 517926, 3731354; 517926, 3731384; 517896, 3731384; 517896, 3731474; 517866, 3731474; 517866, 3731534; 517806, 3731534; 517806, 3731564; 517776, 3731564; 517776, 3731624; 517746, 3731624; 517746, 3731654; 517686, 3731654; 517686, 3731684; 517656, 3731684; 517656, 3731744; 517626, 3731744; 517626, 3731804; 517596, 3731804; 517596, 3731864; 517536, 3731864; 517536, 3732044; 517506, 3732044; 517506, 3732074; 517476, 3732074; 517476, 3732104; 517446, 3732104; 517446, 3732134; 517416, 3732134; 517416, 3732164; 517386, 3732164; 517386, 3732224; 517326, 3732224; 517326, 3732254; 517266, 3732254; 517266, 3732284; 517236, 3732284; 517236, 3732314; 517206, 3732314; 517206, 3732344; 517176, 3732344; 517176, 3732404; 517116, 3732404; 517116, 3732434; 517086, 3732434; 517086, 3732464; 517056, 3732464; 517056, 3732524; 516996, 3732524; 516996, 3732554; 516906, 3732554; 516906, 3732524; 516786, 3732524; 516786, 3732554; 516696, 3732554; 516696, 3732584; 516666, 3732584; 516666, 3732614; 516636, 3732614; 516636, 3732644; 516576, 3732644; 516576, 3732674; 516486, 3732674; 516486, 3732644; 516456, 3732644; 516456, 3732674; 516336, 3732674; 516336, 3732704; 516246, 3732704; 516246, 3732734; 516186, 3732734; 516186, 3732764; 516156, 3732764; 516156, 3732794; 516126, 3732794; 516126, 3732824; 516066, 3732824; 516066, 3732854; 516006, 3732854; 516006, 3732884; 515886, 3732884; 515886, 3732914; 515796, 3732914; 515796, 3732944; 515736, 3732944; 515736, 3732914; 515676, 3732914; 515676, 3732884; 515436, 3732884; 515436, 3732914; 515316, 3732914; 515316, 3732944; 515256, 3732944; 515256, 3732974; 514986, 3732974; 514986, 3732944; 514896, 3732944; 514896, 3732974; 514656, 3732974; 514656, 3733004; 514596, 3733004; 514596, 3733034; 514566, 3733034; 514566, 3733064; 514476, 3733064; 514476, 3733094; 514236, 3733094; 514236, 3733064; 514206, 3733064; 514206, 3733034; 514176, 3733034; 514176, 3733004; 514146, 3733004; 514146, 3732974; 513696, 3732974; 513696, 3732944; 513606, 3732944; 513606, 3732914; 513396, 3732914; 513396, 3732944; 513336, 3732944; 513336, 3732974; 513246, 3732974; 513246, 3733004; 513186, 3733004; 513186, 3733034; 513156, 3733034; 513156, 3733094; 513126, 3733094; 513126, 3733154; 513096, 3733154; 513096, 3733184; 513126, 3733184; 513126, 3733214; 513122, 3733214; 513126, 3733216; 513123, 3733965; 512879, 3733975; 512777, 3733959; 512768, 3733972; 512574, 3733978; 512520, 3733934; 512234, 3734086; 512218, 3734105; 512098, 3734213; 511933, 3734330; 511809, 3734369; 511809, 3734327; 511612, 3734327; 511609, 3734464; 511507, 3734492; 511336, 3734603; 511240, 3734683; 511098, 3734746; 510993, 3734816; 510894, 3734962; 510767, 3735181; 510663, 3735432; 510628, 3735654; 510623, 3735662; returning to 510915, 3735426.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 510080, 3736102; 510444, 3735807; 510183, 3735807; 509230, 3735809; 509158, 3735887; 509092, 3735942; 509032, 3735968; 508988, 3736003; 508969, 3736079; 508994, 3736113; 509122, 3736113; 509266, 3736094; 509314, 3736096; 509464, 3736079; 509601, 3736077; 509649, 3736100; 509650, 3736103; 509652, 3736114; 509871, 3736115; 510063, 3736116; returning to 510080, 3736102.

(iv) Subunit 9b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Blackburn Canyon, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 512766, 3730034; 512766, 3730004; 512796, 3730004; 512796, 3729974; 512826, 3729974; 512826, 3729944; 512886, 3729944; 512886, 3729914; 512916, 3729914; 512916, 3729884; 512946, 3729884; 512946, 3729854; 512976, 3729854; 512976, 3729824; 513006, 3729824; 513006, 3729794; 513066, 3729794; 513066, 3729764; 513096, 3729764; 513096, 3729704; 513186, 3729704; 513186, 3729734; 513216, 3729734; 513216, 3729794; 513246, 3729794; 513246, 3729824; 513426, 3729824; 513426, 3729794; 513456, 3729794; 513456, 3729764; 513486, 3729764; 513486, 3729734; 513546, 3729734; 513546, 3729704; 513516, 3729704; 513516, 3729674; 513486, 3729674; 513486, 3729644; 513456, 3729644; 513456, 3729614; 513426, 3729614; 513426, 3729554; 513396, 3729554; 513396, 3729524; 513456, 3729524; 513456, 3729494; 513486, 3729494; 513486, 3729374; 513576, 3729374; 513576, 3729344; 513606, 3729344; 513606, 3729254; 513696, 3729254; 513696, 3729284; 513726, 3729284; 513726, 3729254; 513756, 3729254; 513756, 3729194; 513876, 3729194; 513876, 3729164; 513906, 3729164; 513906, 3729134; 513936, 3729134; 513936, 3728984; 513966, 3728984; 513966, 3728954; 513996, 3728954; 513996, 3728924; 514026, 3728924; 514026, 3728894; 513996, 3728894; 513996, 3728834; 514026, 3728834; 514026, 3728804; 514056, 3728804; 514056, 3728774; 514086, 3728774; 514086, 3728744; 514116, 3728744; 514116, 3728714; 514206, 3728714; 514206, 3728654; 514236, 3728654; 514236, 3728504; 514326, 3728504; 514326, 3728444; 514356, 3728444; 514356, 3728384; 514386, 3728384; 514386, 3728324; 514416, 3728324; 514416, 3728264; 514446, 3728264; 514446, 3728234; 514476, 3728234; 514476, 3728084; 514446, 3728084; 514446, 3728114; 514386, 3728114; 514386, 3728144; 514266, 3728144; 514266, 3728114; 514206, 3728114; 514206, 3728054; 514176, 3728054; 514176, 3727904; 514206, 3727904; 514206, 3727844; 514236, 3727844; 514236, 3727784; 514266, 3727784; 514266, 3727694; 514386, 3727694; 514386, 3727664; 514536, 3727664; 514536, 3727634; 514566, 3727634; 514566, 3727454; 514596, 3727454; 514596, 3727394; 514626, 3727394; 514626, 3727214; 514656, 3727214; 514656, 3727184; 514686, 3727184; 514686, 3727154; 514716, 3727154; 514716, 3727124; 514746, 3727124; 514746, 3727094; 514776, 3727094; 514776, 3727064; 514806, 3727064; 514806, 3727034; 514836, 3727034; 514836, 3726944; 514866, 3726944; 514866, 3726884; 514836, 3726884; 514836, 3726854; 514866, 3726854; 514866, 3726764; 514896, 3726764; 514896, 3726734; 514926, 3726734; 514926, 3726644; 514956, 3726644; 514956, 3726584; 515016, 3726584; 515016, 3726554; 515106, 3726554; 515106, 3726524; 515136, 3726524; 515136, 3726494; 515166, 3726494; 515166, 3726464; 515226, 3726464; 515226, 3726434; 515256, 3726434; 515256, 3726344; 515286, 3726344; 515286, 3726314; 515256, 3726314; 515256, 3726284; 515286, 3726284; 515286, 3726194; 515316, 3726194; 515316, 3726134; 515346, 3726134; 515346, 3725984; 515376, 3725984; 515376, 3725954; 515406, 3725954; 515406, 3725924; 515436, 3725924; 515436, 3725894; 515466, 3725894; 515466, 3725864; 515496, 3725864; 515496, 3725834; 515526, 3725834; 515526, 3725804; 515556, 3725804; 515556, 3725774; 515526, 3725774; 515526, 3725684; 515556, 3725684; 515556, 3725654; 515616, 3725654; 515616, 3725624; 515646, 3725624; 515646, 3725384; 515676, 3725384; 515676, 3725354; 515706, 3725354; 515706, 3725324; 515676, 3725324; 515676, 3725264; 515646, 3725264; 515646, 3725234; 515676, 3725234; 515676, 3725204; 515706, 3725204; 515706, 3725174; 515736, 3725174; 515736, 3725144; 515766, 3725144; 515766, 3725114; 515796, 3725114; 515796, 3725084; 515826, 3725084; 515826, 3725054; 515856, 3725054; 515856, 3725024; 515946, 3725024; 515946, 3725054; 515976, 3725054; 515976, 3725084; 516036, 3725084; 516036, 3724934; 516066, 3724934; 516066, 3724844; 516096, 3724844; 516096, 3724814; 516126, 3724814; 516126, 3724784; 516156, 3724784; 516156, 3724694; 516216, 3724694; 516216, 3724664; 516336, 3724664; 516336, 3724634; 516366, 3724634; 516366, 3724604; 516306, 3724604; 516306, 3724574; 516336, 3724574; 516336, 3724544; 516396, 3724544; 516396, 3724604; 516486, 3724604; 516486, 3724574; 516546, 3724574; 516546, 3724544; 516606, 3724544; 516606, 3724514; 516636, 3724514; 516636, 3724364; 516666, 3724364; 516666, 3724334; 516726, 3724334; 516726, 3724304; 516786, 3724304; 516786, 3724274; 516816, 3724274; 516816, 3724214; 516846, 3724214; 516846, 3724184; 516876, 3724184; 516876, 3724034; 516846, 3724034; 516846, 3723944; 516906, 3723944; 516906, 3723914; 517086, 3723914; 517086, 3723854; 517056, 3723854; 517056, 3723824; 517026, 3723824; 517026, 3723764; 516996, 3723764; 516996, 3723734; 517026, 3723734; 517026, 3723674; 517056, 3723674; 517056, 3723614; 517086, 3723614; 517086, 3723554; 517146, 3723554; 517146, 3723524; 517206, 3723524; 517206, 3723434; 517176, 3723434; 517176, 3723344; 517206, 3723344; 517206, 3723254; 517146, 3723254; 517146, 3723224; 517176, 3723224; 517176, 3723164; 517206, 3723164; 517206, 3723134; 517236, 3723134; 517236, 3723104; 517266, 3723104; 517266, 3723074; 517296, 3723074; 517296, 3723044; 517326, 3723044; 517326, 3723074; 517386, 3723074; 517386, 3723224; 517416, 3723224; 517416, 3723374; 517446, 3723374; 517446, 3723404; 517566, 3723404; 517566, 3723374; 517596, 3723374; 517596, 3723344; 517626, 3723344; 517626, 3723314; 517686, 3723314; 517686, 3723254; 517716, 3723254; 517716, 3723224; 517866, 3723224; 517866, 3723194; 517896, 3723194; 517896, 3723164; 517926, 3723164; 517926, 3723134; 517956, 3723134; 517956, 3723074; 517986, 3723074; 517986, 3723044; 518046, 3723044; 518046, 3723014; 518136, 3723014; 518136, 3722954; 518106, 3722954; 518106, 3722924; 518046, 3722924; 518046, 3722834; 518076, 3722834; 518076, 3722774; 518106, 3722774; 518106, 3722744; 518196, 3722744; 518196, 3722654; 518226, 3722654; 518226, 3722624; 518256, 3722624; 518256, 3722594; 518316, 3722594; 518316, 3722534; 518346, 3722534; 518346, 3722504; 518376, 3722504; 518376, 3722474; 518406, 3722474; 518406, 3722444; 518436, 3722444; 518436, 3722414; 518466, 3722414; 518466, 3722354; 518436, 3722354; 518436, 3722324; 518376, 3722324; 518376, 3722294; 518346, 3722294; 518346, 3722264; 518376, 3722264; 518376, 3722234; 518406, 3722234; 518406, 3722264; 518466, 3722264; 518526, 3722264; 518526, 3722234; 518586, 3722234; 518586, 3722174; 518616, 3722174; 518616, 3721994; 518676, 3721994; 518676, 3722024; 518706, 3722024; 518706, 3722054; 518736, 3722054; 518736, 3722084; 518766, 3722084; 518766, 3722114; 518796, 3722114; 518796, 3722144; 518826, 3722144; 518826, 3722204; 518856, 3722204; 518856, 3722114; 518886, 3722114; 518886, 3722084; 518916, 3722084; 518916, 3722054; 519006, 3722054; 519006, 3722114; 519066, 3722114; 519066, 3722024; 519036, 3722024; 519036, 3721964; 519066, 3721964; 519066, 3721934; 519126, 3721934; 519126, 3721844; 519186, 3721844; 519186, 3721874; 519216, 3721874; 519216, 3721904; 519276, 3721904; 519276, 3721874; 519336, 3721874; 519336, 3721754; 519306, 3721754; 519306, 3721694; 519276, 3721694; 519276, 3721634; 519306, 3721634; 519306, 3721544; 519336, 3721544; 519336, 3721484; 519306, 3721484; 519306, 3721514; 519246, 3721514; 519246, 3721544; 519156, 3721544; 519156, 3721574; 519006, 3721574; 519006, 3721544; 518826, 3721544; 518826, 3721574; 518796, 3721574; 518796, 3721604; 518706, 3721604; 518706, 3721634; 518616, 3721634; 518616, 3721664; 518556, 3721664; 518556, 3721694; 518436, 3721694; 518436, 3721664; 518376, 3721664; 518376, 3721694; 518226, 3721694; 518226, 3721724; 518196, 3721724; 518196, 3721754; 518166, 3721754; 518166, 3721814; 518136, 3721814; 518136, 3721874; 518076, 3721874; 518076, 3721904; 518016, 3721904; 518016, 3721934; 517956, 3721934; 517956, 3721994; 517896, 3721994; 517896, 3722054; 517866, 3722054; 517866, 3722084; 517836, 3722084; 517836, 3722114; 517656, 3722114; 517656, 3722144; 517626, 3722144; 517626, 3722204; 517596, 3722204; 517596, 3722264; 517566, 3722264; 517566, 3722354; 517536, 3722354; 517536, 3722384; 517506, 3722384; 517506, 3722534; 517476, 3722534; 517476, 3722594; 517386, 3722594; 517386, 3722624; 517326, 3722624; 517326, 3722594; 517296, 3722594; 517296, 3722564; 517266, 3722564; 517266, 3722504; 517236, 3722504; 517236, 3722564; 517206, 3722564; 517206, 3722624; 517176, 3722624; 517176, 3722654; 517146, 3722654; 517146, 3722684; 517086, 3722684; 517086, 3722714; 517056, 3722714; 517056, 3722834; 517026, 3722834; 517026, 3722864; 517056, 3722864; 517056, 3722984; 517026, 3722984; 517026, 3723014; 516996, 3723014; 516996, 3723134; 516966, 3723134; 516966, 3723164; 516936, 3723164; 516936, 3723194; 516906, 3723194; 516906, 3723224; 516876, 3723224; 516876, 3723254; 516846, 3723254; 516846, 3723284; 516816, 3723284; 516816, 3723314; 516846, 3723314; 516846, 3723494; 516816, 3723494; 516816, 3723524; 516786, 3723524; 516786, 3723554; 516756, 3723554; 516756, 3723614; 516726, 3723614; 516726, 3723704; 516756, 3723704; 516756, 3723734; 516666, 3723734; 516666, 3723764; 516546, 3723764; 516546, 3723794; 516516, 3723794; 516516, 3723824; 516546, 3723824; 516546, 3723854; 516576, 3723854; 516576, 3723974; 516606, 3723974; 516606, 3724004; 516636, 3724004; 516636, 3724034; 516666, 3724034; 516666, 3724094; 516696, 3724094; 516696, 3724124; 516666, 3724124; 516666, 3724154; 516546, 3724154; 516546, 3724184; 516456, 3724184; 516456, 3724214; 516426, 3724214; 516426, 3724244; 516456, 3724244; 516456, 3724334; 516426, 3724334; 516426, 3724364; 516276, 3724364; 516276, 3724394; 516246, 3724394; 516246, 3724424; 516186, 3724424; 516186, 3724454; 516126, 3724454; 516126, 3724484; 515946, 3724484; 515946, 3724454; 515886, 3724454; 515886, 3724574; 515856, 3724574; 515856, 3724754; 515796, 3724754; 515796, 3724784; 515736, 3724784; 515736, 3724814; 515706, 3724814; 515706, 3724844; 515646, 3724844; 515646, 3724874; 515616, 3724874; 515616, 3724904; 515586, 3724904; 515586, 3724934; 515556, 3724934; 515556, 3724964; 515526, 3724964; 515526, 3724994; 515496, 3724994; 515496, 3725024; 515466, 3725024; 515466, 3725084; 515436, 3725084; 515436, 3725114; 515466, 3725114; 515466, 3725414; 515496, 3725414; 515496, 3725504; 515466, 3725504; 515466, 3725564; 515436, 3725564; 515436, 3725624; 515406, 3725624; 515406, 3725684; 515376, 3725684; 515376, 3725714; 515316, 3725714; 515316, 3725744; 515286, 3725744; 515286, 3725834; 515256, 3725834; 515256, 3725864; 515226, 3725864; 515226, 3725954; 515196, 3725954; 515196, 3726044; 515166, 3726044; 515166, 3726074; 515136, 3726074; 515136, 3726134; 515106, 3726134; 515106, 3726284; 515076, 3726284; 515076, 3726344; 515016, 3726344; 515016, 3726374; 514986, 3726374; 514986, 3726404; 514956, 3726404; 514956, 3726434; 514896, 3726434; 514896, 3726464; 514866, 3726464; 514866, 3726494; 514836, 3726494; 514836, 3726554; 514806, 3726554; 514806, 3726584; 514776, 3726584; 514776, 3726614; 514746, 3726614; 514746, 3726674; 514716, 3726674; 514716, 3726884; 514686, 3726884; 514686, 3726914; 514626, 3726914; 514626, 3726944; 514596, 3726944; 514596, 3726914; 514536, 3726914; 514536, 3727094; 514506, 3727094; 514506, 3727154; 514476, 3727154; 514476, 3727304; 514446, 3727304; 514446, 3727394; 514416, 3727394; 514416, 3727454; 514386, 3727454; 514386, 3727484; 514176, 3727484; 514176, 3727514; 514146, 3727514; 514146, 3727544; 514116, 3727544; 514116, 3727604; 514086, 3727604; 514086, 3727664; 514056, 3727664; 514056, 3727694; 514026, 3727694; 514026, 3727664; 513996, 3727664; 513996, 3727634; 513966, 3727634; 513966, 3727604; 513936, 3727604; 513936, 3727664; 513913, 3727664; 513914, 3728200; 513756, 3728198; 513756, 3728234; 513726, 3728234; 513726, 3728294; 513696, 3728294; 513696, 3728384; 513666, 3728384; 513666, 3728414; 513636, 3728414; 513636, 3728444; 513606, 3728444; 513606, 3728414; 513516, 3728414; 513516, 3728534; 513486, 3728534; 513486, 3728594; 513456, 3728594; 513456, 3728654; 513426, 3728654; 513426, 3728744; 513396, 3728744; 513396, 3728774; 513366, 3728774; 513366, 3728804; 513336, 3728804; 513336, 3728834; 513306, 3728834; 513306, 3728864; 513246, 3728864; 513246, 3728894; 513156, 3728894; 513156, 3728924; 513126, 3728924; 513126, 3728954; 513096, 3728954; 513096, 3728984; 513036, 3728984; 513036, 3729014; 512886, 3729014; 512886, 3728984; 512856, 3728984; 512856, 3728924; 512736, 3728924; 512736, 3728894; 512646, 3728894; 512646, 3728954; 512706, 3728954; 512706, 3728984; 512736, 3728984; 512736, 3729044; 512766, 3729044; 512766, 3729224; 512736, 3729224; 512736, 3729254; 512676, 3729254; 512676, 3729284; 512616, 3729284; 512616, 3729314; 512556, 3729314; 512556, 3729344; 512526, 3729344; 512526, 3729374; 512496, 3729374; 512496, 3729404; 512406, 3729404; 512406, 3729374; 512376, 3729374; 512376, 3729404; 512346, 3729404; 512346, 3729494; 512316, 3729494; 512316, 3729554; 512286, 3729554; 512286, 3729584; 512276, 3729584; 512290, 3729613; 512330, 3729661; 512366, 3729715; 512447, 3729823; 512540, 3729942; 512602, 3730014; 512646, 3730069; 512675, 3730084; 512725, 3730071; 512766, 3730045; returning to 512766, 3730034. Excluding land bounded by 514086, 3728504; 514086, 3728474; 514176, 3728474; 514176, 3728504; returning to 514086, 3728504. Excluding land bounded by 518226, 3722324; 518226, 3722294; 518316, 3722294; 518316, 3722324; returning to 518226, 3722324. Excluding land bounded by 518166, 3722264; 518166, 3722234; 518196, 3722234; 518196, 3722264; returning to 518166, 3722264.

(v) Note: Map of Units 9 follows.

(15) Unit 10: San Juan Creek Basin, Orange and Riverside Counties, California.

(i) Subunit 10a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Dana Point, San Juan

Capistrano, Canada Gobernadora, Sitton Peak and Santiago Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 447472, 3708409; 447500, 3708409; 447500, 3708380; 447472, 3708380; returning to 447472, 3708409.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 441070, 3707874; 440879, 3707726; 440814, 3707675; 440754, 3707729; 440678, 3707697; 440528, 3707653; 440465, 3707615; 440377, 3707567; 440272, 3707509; 440174, 3707454; 440104, 3707399; 440020, 3707298; 439965, 3707219; 440000, 3707162; 439676, 3706892; 439661, 3706908; 438873, 3706187; 438824, 3706258; 438695, 3706127; 438635, 3706121; 438686, 3706234; 438758, 3706415; 438804, 3706545; 438837, 3706647; 438873, 3706816; 439038, 3706816; 439203, 3706857; 439263, 3706896; 439336, 3706864; 439776, 3707199; 439744, 3707291; 439846, 3707335; 439862, 3707411; 439881, 3707446; 440036, 3707561; 440055, 3707608; 440093, 3707650; 440122, 3707669; 440440, 3707748; 440530, 3707810; 440697, 3707840; 440905, 3707927; 441006, 3707988; 441112, 3708087; 441606, 3708588; 441697, 3708520; 441649, 3708481; 441617, 3708427; 441513, 3708319; 441579, 3708243; 441373, 3708129; 441210, 3707990; returning to 441070, 3707874.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 447500, 3708409; 447500, 3708437; 447472, 3708437; 447472, 3708409; 447330, 3708409; 447330, 3708380; 447075, 3708380; 447075, 3708409; 446905, 3708409; 446905, 3708380; 446876, 3708380; 446876, 3708409; 446820, 3708409; 446820, 3708437; 446678, 3708437; 446678, 3708409; 446621, 3708409; 446621, 3708380; 446593, 3708380; 446593, 3708352; 446564, 3708352; 446564, 3708295; 446593, 3708295; 446593, 3708267; 446536, 3708267; 446536, 3708295; 446479, 3708295; 446479, 3708324; 446394, 3708324; 446394, 3708352; 446366, 3708352; 446366, 3708267; 446394, 3708267; 446394, 3708238; 446422, 3708238; 446422, 3708182; 446366, 3708182; 446366, 3708210; 446252, 3708210; 446252, 3708238; 446167, 3708238; 446167, 3708153; 446139, 3708153; 446139, 3708068; 446110, 3708068; 446110, 3707983; 446082, 3707983; 446082, 3707926; 446054, 3707926; 446054, 3708011; 446025, 3708011; 446025, 3708097; 446018, 3708097; 446002, 3708150; 445977, 3708203; 445942, 3708250; 445901, 3708290; 445888, 3708299; 445855, 3708318; 445855, 3708324; 445841, 3708324; 445827, 3708328; 445827, 3708352; 445770, 3708352; 445770, 3708380; 445741, 3708380; 445741, 3708437; 445713, 3708437; 445713, 3708465; 445600, 3708465; 445600, 3708494; 445543, 3708494; 445543, 3708465; 445515, 3708465; 445515, 3708437; 445486, 3708437; 445486, 3708409; 445429, 3708409; 445429, 3708437; 445401, 3708437; 445401, 3708465; 445316, 3708465; 445316, 3708494; 445288, 3708494; 445288, 3708465; 445231, 3708465; 445231, 3708437; 445202, 3708437; 445202, 3708409; 445174, 3708409; 445174, 3708352; 445146, 3708352; 445146, 3708324; 445117, 3708324; 445117, 3708352; 445089, 3708352; 445089, 3708380; 445004, 3708380; 445004, 3708465; 445032, 3708465; 445032, 3708550; 444976, 3708550; 444976, 3708579; 444919, 3708579; 444919, 3708636; 444947, 3708636; 444947, 3708692; 444890, 3708692; 444890, 3708721; 444805, 3708721; 444805, 3708749; 444749, 3708749; 444749, 3708721; 444692, 3708721; 444692, 3708777; 444663, 3708777; 444663, 3708806; 444607, 3708806; 444607, 3708834; 444493, 3708834; 444493, 3708863; 444437, 3708863; 444437, 3708891; 444351, 3708891; 444351, 3708919; 444238, 3708919; 444238, 3708976; 444181, 3708976; 444181, 3709004; 444068, 3709004; 444068, 3709061; 444039, 3709061; 444039, 3709118; 444011, 3709118; 444011, 3709146; 443983, 3709146; 443983, 3709175; 443954, 3709175; 443954, 3709345; 443898, 3709345; 443898, 3709373; 443869, 3709373; 443869, 3709402; 443841, 3709402; 443841, 3709458; 443812, 3709458; 443812, 3709487; 443784, 3709487; 443784, 3709515; 443699, 3709515; 443699, 3709543; 443671, 3709543; 443671, 3709572; 443614, 3709572; 443614, 3709600; 443500, 3709600; 443500, 3709572; 443444, 3709572; 443444, 3709543; 443415, 3709543; 443415, 3709402; 443330, 3709402; 443330, 3709373; 443302, 3709373; 443302, 3709345; 443273, 3709345; 443273, 3709373; 443132, 3709373; 443132, 3709345; 442990, 3709345; 442990, 3709316; 442961, 3709316; 442961, 3709288; 442950, 3709288; 442920, 3709331; 442686, 3709397; 442563, 3709375; 442415, 3709399; 442367, 3709382; 442333, 3709353; 442323, 3709323; 442200, 3709228; 442120, 3709187; 442072, 3709143; 442076, 3709109; 442083, 3709055; 442083, 3709049; 442084, 3709043; 442081, 3709040; 442070, 3709038; 442005, 3709034; 441981, 3708979; 441974, 3708978; 441973, 3708978; 441954, 3708976; 441928, 3708972; 441928, 3708972; 441915, 3709069; 441957, 3709281; 441925, 3709345; 441928, 3709345; 441931, 3709346; 441932, 3709346; 441937, 3709347; 441938, 3709347; 441941, 3709348; 441943, 3709348; 441944, 3709349; 441946, 3709349; 441947, 3709349; 441952, 3709350; 441953, 3709351; 441955, 3709351; 441956, 3709352; 441958, 3709352; 441959, 3709352; 441962, 3709353; 441964, 3709354; 441967, 3709355; 441968, 3709355; 441969, 3709356; 441971, 3709356; 441972, 3709357; 441974, 3709357; 441975, 3709358; 441977, 3709358; 441978, 3709359; 441980, 3709359; 441981, 3709360; 441982, 3709360; 441984, 3709361; 441985, 3709361; 441987, 3709362; 441988, 3709363; 441990, 3709363; 441991, 3709364; 441992, 3709364; 441994, 3709365; 441995, 3709366; 442001, 3709368; 442002, 3709369; 442004, 3709369; 442005, 3709370; 442006, 3709371; 442009, 3709372; 442011, 3709373; 442013, 3709374; 442015, 3709375; 442017, 3709376; 442019, 3709377; 442020, 3709378; 442021, 3709378; 442023, 3709379; 442024, 3709380; 442028, 3709382; 442029, 3709383; 442031, 3709384; 442032, 3709385; 442033, 3709385; 442035, 3709386; 442036, 3709387; 442037, 3709388; 442039, 3709389; 442040, 3709389; 442041, 3709390; 442044, 3709392; 442045, 3709393; 442046, 3709394; 442048, 3709395; 442049, 3709395; 442050, 3709396; 442051, 3709397; 442053, 3709398; 442054, 3709399; 442055, 3709400; 442060, 3709404; 442061, 3709405; 442063, 3709406; 442065, 3709407; 442066, 3709408; 442068, 3709410; 442069, 3709411; 442073, 3709414; 442074, 3709415; 442075, 3709416; 442076, 3709417; 442078, 3709418; 442079, 3709419; 442080, 3709420; 442081, 3709422; 442082, 3709423; 442083, 3709424; 442084, 3709425; 442085, 3709426; 442086, 3709427; 442088, 3709428; 442089, 3709429; 442090, 3709430; 442093, 3709433; 442094, 3709434; 442095, 3709436; 442097, 3709438; 442098, 3709439; 442100, 3709441; 442101, 3709442; 442104, 3709446; 442105, 3709447; 442106, 3709448; 442107, 3709449; 442108, 3709450; 442109, 3709452; 442110, 3709453; 442111, 3709454; 442112, 3709455; 442113, 3709456; 442114, 3709458; 442115, 3709459; 442116, 3709460; 442117, 3709461; 442119, 3709464; 442120, 3709465; 442122, 3709469; 442123, 3709470; 442124, 3709471; 442125, 3709473; 442126, 3709474; 442127, 3709475; 442128, 3709476; 442128, 3709478; 442129, 3709479; 442130, 3709480; 442131, 3709481; 442132, 3709483; 442133, 3709484; 442133, 3709485; 442136, 3709489; 442137, 3709491; 442137, 3709492; 442138, 3709493; 442139, 3709495; 442140, 3709496; 442140, 3709498; 442141, 3709498; 442142, 3709500; 442143, 3709501; 442143, 3709502; 442144, 3709503; 442144, 3709503; 442145, 3709504; 442145, 3709505; 442146, 3709506; 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448092, 3709390; 448080, 3709375; 448077, 3709370; 448073, 3709365; 448069, 3709360; 448065, 3709355; 448061, 3709350; 448053, 3709340; 448049, 3709335; 448045, 3709330; 448041, 3709325; 448037, 3709319; 448032, 3709314; 448028, 3709309; 448023, 3709304; 448019, 3709298; 448017, 3709297; 448016, 3709295; 448015, 3709294; 448014, 3709292; 448013, 3709291; 448011, 3709289; 448010, 3709287; 448009, 3709286; 448006, 3709281; 448005, 3709279; 448004, 3709277; 448003, 3709276; 448000, 3709270; 447999, 3709268; 447998, 3709267; 447997, 3709265; 447997, 3709263; 447996, 3709261; 447995, 3709259; 447994, 3709257; 447994, 3709256; 447993, 3709253; 447991, 3709250; 447985, 3709235; 447984, 3709232; 447983, 3709229; 447982, 3709227; 447980, 3709224; 447979, 3709221; 447977, 3709218; 447976, 3709215; 447974, 3709213; 447974, 3709211; 447973, 3709210; 447972, 3709209; 447971, 3709205; 447970, 3709202; 447969, 3709200; 447969, 3709199; 447968, 3709197; 447968, 3709196; 447968, 3709195; 447967, 3709193; 447967, 3709190; 447966, 3709189; 447966, 3709187; 447966, 3709184; 447966, 3709183; 447965, 3709175; 447964, 3709171; 447964, 3709168; 447963, 3709164; 447962, 3709160; 447961, 3709152; 447960, 3709149; 447959, 3709141; 447958, 3709137; 447957, 3709133; 447956, 3709130; 447955, 3709126; 447955, 3709124; 447954, 3709123; 447954, 3709121; 447953, 3709119; 447951, 3709114; 447950, 3709113; 447950, 3709111; 447949, 3709109; 447948, 3709108; 447947, 3709104; 447946, 3709103; 447945, 3709101; 447942, 3709097; 447939, 3709091; 447935, 3709086; 447932, 3709081; 447922, 3709065; 447918, 3709060; 447911, 3709049; 447907, 3709044; 447904, 3709039; 447903, 3709037; 447898, 3709032; 447897, 3709030; 447894, 3709026; 447893, 3709025; 447891, 3709023; 447890, 3709021; 447888, 3709019; 447886, 3709018; 447885, 3709016; 447883, 3709015; 447882, 3709013; 447880, 3709011; 447878, 3709010; 447877, 3709008; 447876, 3709007; 447875, 3709006; 447873, 3709004; 447872, 3709003; 447871, 3709002; 447870, 3709001; 447870, 3709000; 447868, 3708996; 447868, 3708995; 447867, 3708994; 447867, 3708993; 447866, 3708992; 447866, 3708991; 447865, 3708990; 447865, 3708989; 447865, 3708987; 447864, 3708986; 447864, 3708985; 447864, 3708984; 447864, 3708983; 447863, 3708981; 447863, 3708980; 447863, 3708979; 447863, 3708978; 447863, 3708976; 447863, 3708975; 447863, 3708974; 447864, 3708972; 447864, 3708972; 447864, 3708971; 447864, 3708970; 447866, 3708967; 447866, 3708966; 447866, 3708966; 447867, 3708965; 447867, 3708964; 447868, 3708964; 447868, 3708963; 447869, 3708962; 447869, 3708961; 447870, 3708961; 447870, 3708960; 447870, 3708959; 447870, 3708959; 447870, 3708958; 447871, 3708957; 447871, 3708956; 447871, 3708952; 447871, 3708952; 447871, 3708951; 447871, 3708950; 447870, 3708949; 447870, 3708948; 447869, 3708947; 447869, 3708945; 447868, 3708944; 447868, 3708942; 447866, 3708939; 447865, 3708938; 447865, 3708936; 447864, 3708935; 447863, 3708933; 447861, 3708930; 447860, 3708929; 447859, 3708927; 447858, 3708926; 447857, 3708925; 447856, 3708923; 447853, 3708919; 447852, 3708918; 447851, 3708917; 447850, 3708916; 447848, 3708914; 447847, 3708913; 447845, 3708911; 447844, 3708910; 447842, 3708909; 447841, 3708908; 447840, 3708907; 447838, 3708906; 447837, 3708905; 447836, 3708904; 447834, 3708903; 447833, 3708902; 447831, 3708901; 447830, 3708900; 447829, 3708900; 447895, 3708806; 447812, 3708806; 447812, 3708777; 447784, 3708777; 447784, 3708749; 447756, 3708749; 447756, 3708721; 447727, 3708721; 447727, 3708692; 447699, 3708692; 447699, 3708579; 447727, 3708579; 447727, 3708550; 447756, 3708550; 447756, 3708522; 447784, 3708522; 447784, 3708465; 447756, 3708465; 447756, 3708324; 447727, 3708324; 447727, 3708380; 447699, 3708380; 447699, 3708409; 447671, 3708409; 447671, 3708437; 447642, 3708437; 447642, 3708465; 447557, 3708465; 447557, 3708437; 447529, 3708437; 447529, 3708409; returning to 447500, 3708409.

(iv) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 449399, 3714186; 449414, 3714181; 449414, 3714181; 449414, 3714181; 449415, 3714181; 449543, 3714135; 449543, 3714111; 449515, 3714111; 449515, 3714054; 449486, 3714054; 449486, 3713997; 449515, 3713997; 449515, 3713969; 449486, 3713969; 449486, 3713912; 449458, 3713912; 449458, 3713799; 449401, 3713799; 449401, 3713742; 449373, 3713742; 449373, 3713714; 449344, 3713714; 449344, 3713657; 449316, 3713657; 449316, 3713515; 449288, 3713515; 449288, 3713316; 449259, 3713316; 449259, 3713288; 449203, 3713288; 449203, 3713264; 449189, 3713262; 449095, 3713281; 449077, 3713285; 449383, 3714147; returning to 449399, 3714186.

(v) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 460039, 3719671; 460039, 3719643; 460011, 3719643; 460011, 3719558; 459983, 3719558; 459983, 3719529; 459954, 3719529; 459954, 3719501; 459926, 3719501; 459926, 3719473; 459869, 3719473; 459869, 3719387; 459841, 3719387; 459841, 3719302; 459813, 3719302; 459813, 3719189; 459784, 3719189; 459784, 3719132; 459727, 3719132; 459727, 3719160; 459699, 3719160; 459699, 3719217; 459671, 3719217; 459671, 3719274; 459586, 3719274; 459586, 3719246; 459557, 3719246; 459557, 3719132; 459529, 3719132; 459529, 3719104; 459500, 3719104; 459500, 3719047; 459472, 3719047; 459472, 3719019; 459444, 3719019; 459444, 3718962; 459415, 3718962; 459415, 3718934; 459387, 3718934; 459387, 3718905; 459359, 3718905; 459359, 3718877; 459330, 3718877; 459330, 3718848; 459302, 3718848; 459302, 3718820; 459274, 3718820; 459274, 3718763; 459103, 3718763; 459103, 3718735; 459075, 3718735; 459075, 3718707; 459047, 3718707; 459047, 3718678; 459018, 3718678; 459018, 3718650; 458990, 3718650; 458990, 3718593; 458933, 3718593; 458933, 3718565; 458905, 3718565; 458905, 3718593; 458848, 3718593; 458848, 3718621; 458820, 3718621; 458820, 3718593; 458734, 3718593; 458734, 3718565; 458678, 3718565; 458678, 3718536; 458649, 3718536; 458649, 3718508; 458593, 3718508; 458593, 3718480; 458564, 3718480; 458564, 3718451; 458536, 3718451; 458536, 3718423; 458508, 3718423; 458508, 3718451; 458479, 3718451; 458479, 3718366; 458451, 3718366; 458451, 3718281; 458422, 3718281; 458422, 3718253; 458366, 3718253; 458366, 3718224; 458337, 3718224; 458337, 3718196; 458309, 3718196; 458309, 3718168; 458195, 3718168; 458195, 3718196; 458139, 3718196; 458139, 3718224; 458054, 3718224; 458054, 3718196; 458025, 3718196; 458025, 3718168; 457883, 3718168; 457883, 3718196; 457855, 3718196; 457855, 3718224; 457713, 3718224; 457713, 3718196; 457656, 3718196; 457656, 3718168; 457628, 3718168; 457628, 3718139; 457515, 3718139; 457515, 3718111; 457486, 3718111; 457486, 3718082; 457430, 3718082; 457430, 3718054; 457373, 3718054; 457373, 3718026; 457344, 3718026; 457344, 3717855; 457316, 3717855; 457316, 3717770; 457288, 3717770; 457288, 3717714; 457259, 3717714; 457259, 3717685; 457231, 3717685; 457231, 3717629; 457203, 3717629; 457203, 3717572; 457174, 3717572; 457174, 3717487; 457146, 3717487; 457146, 3717458; 457117, 3717458; 457117, 3717487; 457089, 3717487; 457089, 3717515; 457061, 3717515; 457061, 3717543; 457032, 3717543; 456976, 3717543; 456976, 3717515; 456947, 3717515; 456947, 3717487; 456919, 3717487; 456919, 3717260; 456947, 3717260; 456947, 3717203; 456862, 3717203; 456862, 3717175; 456834, 3717175; 456834, 3717146; 456692, 3717146; 456692, 3717175; 456664, 3717175; 456664, 3717146; 456635, 3717146; 456635, 3717175; 456550, 3717175; 456550, 3717146; 456493, 3717146; 456493, 3717118; 456465, 3717118; 456465, 3716976; 456380, 3716976; 456380, 3716948; 456323, 3716948; 456323, 3716976; 456238, 3716976; 456238, 3717004; 456210, 3717004; 456210, 3717033; 456181, 3717033; 456181, 3717061; 456153, 3717061; 456153, 3717033; 456096, 3717033; 456096, 3717004; 455926, 3717004; 455926, 3717033; 455812, 3717033; 455812, 3716948; 455756, 3716948; 455756, 3716976; 455727, 3716976; 455727, 3717004; 455699, 3717004; 455699, 3717061; 455642, 3717061; 455642, 3717118; 455614, 3717118; 455614, 3717146; 455586, 3717146; 455586, 3717175; 455557, 3717175; 455557, 3717316; 455472, 3717316; 455472, 3717288; 455415, 3717288; 455415, 3717316; 455359, 3717316; 455359, 3717345; 455273, 3717345; 455273, 3717373; 455188, 3717373; 455188, 3717402; 455075, 3717402; 455075, 3717373; 455047, 3717373; 455047, 3717288; 454990, 3717288; 454990, 3717260; 454706, 3717260; 454706, 3717231; 454649, 3717231; 454649, 3717203; 454621, 3717203; 454621, 3717175; 454564, 3717175; 454564, 3717146; 454536, 3717146; 454536, 3717175; 454394, 3717175; 454394, 3717118; 454366, 3717118; 454366, 3717090; 454309, 3717090; 454309, 3717061; 454252, 3717061; 454252, 3717090; 454139, 3717090; 454139, 3717118; 454054, 3717118; 454054, 3717090; 454025, 3717090; 454025, 3717033; 453883, 3717033; 453883, 3716948; 453855, 3716948; 453855, 3716919; 453827, 3716919; 453827, 3716891; 453798, 3716891; 453798, 3716863; 453770, 3716863; 453770, 3716834; 453713, 3716834; 453713, 3716806; 453656, 3716806; 453656, 3716834; 453571, 3716834; 453571, 3716863; 453515, 3716863; 453515, 3716834; 453486, 3716834; 453486, 3716806; 453458, 3716806; 453458, 3716749; 453344, 3716749; 453344, 3716721; 453316, 3716721; 453316, 3716692; 453231, 3716692; 453231, 3716721; 453146, 3716721; 453146, 3716749; 453061, 3716749; 453061, 3716777; 453032, 3716777; 453032, 3716806; 453004, 3716806; 453004, 3716834; 452890, 3716834; 452890, 3716806; 452834, 3716806; 452834, 3716777; 452805, 3716777; 452805, 3716749; 452777, 3716749; 452777, 3716777; 452749, 3716777; 452749, 3716806; 452692, 3716806; 452692, 3716834; 452635, 3716834; 452635, 3716863; 452594, 3716863; 452592, 3717090; 452607, 3717090; 452607, 3717061; 452692, 3717061; 452692, 3717033; 452720, 3717033; 452720, 3717004; 452890, 3717004; 452890, 3716976; 453032, 3716976; 453032, 3716948; 453089, 3716948; 453089, 3716919; 453146, 3716919; 453146, 3716891; 453174, 3716891; 453174, 3716863; 453231, 3716863; 453231, 3716834; 453259, 3716834; 453259, 3716863; 453288, 3716863; 453288, 3716834; 453373, 3716834; 453373, 3716891; 453401, 3716891; 453401, 3716919; 453429, 3716919; 453429, 3716948; 453486, 3716948; 453486, 3716976; 453543, 3716976; 453543, 3716948; 453685, 3716948; 453685, 3716976; 453713, 3716976; 453713, 3717004; 453742, 3717004; 453742, 3717061; 453770, 3717061; 453770, 3717175; 453827, 3717175; 453827, 3717203; 453912, 3717203; 453912, 3717260; 453940, 3717260; 453940, 3717288; 454054, 3717288; 454054, 3717316; 454082, 3717316; 454082, 3717288; 454139, 3717288; 454139, 3717231; 454167, 3717231; 454167, 3717203; 454224, 3717203; 454224, 3717175; 454281, 3717175; 454281, 3717231; 454309, 3717231; 454309, 3717316; 454337, 3717316; 454337, 3717373; 454394, 3717373; 454394, 3717402; 454422, 3717402; 454422, 3717430; 454479, 3717430; 454479, 3717402; 454508, 3717402; 454508, 3717373; 454536, 3717373; 454536, 3717316; 454593, 3717316; 454593, 3717345; 454649, 3717345; 454649, 3717373; 454678, 3717373; 454678, 3717430; 454649, 3717430; 454649, 3717515; 454706, 3717515; 454706, 3717487; 454734, 3717487; 454734, 3717458; 454763, 3717458; 454763, 3717430; 454791, 3717430; 454791, 3717402; 454876, 3717402; 454876, 3717430; 454905, 3717430; 454905, 3717458; 454961, 3717458; 454961, 3717487; 454990, 3717487; 454990, 3717515; 455047, 3717515; 455047, 3717543; 455075, 3717543; 455075, 3717572; 455217, 3717572; 455217, 3717543; 455245, 3717543; 455245, 3717515; 455387, 3717515; 455387, 3717487; 455415, 3717487; 455415, 3717458; 455472, 3717458; 455472, 3717487; 455529, 3717487; 455529, 3717515; 455557, 3717515; 455557, 3717487; 455642, 3717487; 455642, 3717458; 455671, 3717458; 455671, 3717430; 455699, 3717430; 455699, 3717260; 455756, 3717260; 455756, 3717231; 455784, 3717231; 455784, 3717203; 455841, 3717203; 455841, 3717175; 455926, 3717175; 455926, 3717146; 456011, 3717146; 456011, 3717118; 456039, 3717118; 456039, 3717146; 456096, 3717146; 456096, 3717175; 456125, 3717175; 456125, 3717203; 456181, 3717203; 456181, 3717175; 456238, 3717175; 456238, 3717146; 456266, 3717146; 456266, 3717118; 456295, 3717118; 456295, 3717090; 456351, 3717090; 456351, 3717231; 456380, 3717231; 456380, 3717260; 456408, 3717260; 456408, 3717288; 456465, 3717288; 456465, 3717316; 456522, 3717316; 456578, 3717316; 456578, 3717288; 456749, 3717288; 456749, 3717316; 456777, 3717316; 456777, 3717345; 456805, 3717345; 456805, 3717458; 456777, 3717458; 456777, 3717572; 456805, 3717572; 456805, 3717629; 456834, 3717629; 456834, 3717657; 456891, 3717657; 456891, 3717685; 457089, 3717685; 457089, 3717855; 457117, 3717855; 457117, 3717884; 457146, 3717884; 457146, 3718026; 457174, 3718026; 457174, 3718082; 457203, 3718082; 457203, 3718168; 457231, 3718168; 457231, 3718196; 457259, 3718196; 457259, 3718281; 457316, 3718281; 457316, 3718309; 457373, 3718309; 457373, 3718253; 457344, 3718253; 457344, 3718224; 457486, 3718224; 457486, 3718253; 457543, 3718253; 457543, 3718281; 457571, 3718281; 457571, 3718309; 457656, 3718309; 457656, 3718338; 457713, 3718338; 457713, 3718366; 457997, 3718366; 457997, 3718394; 458082, 3718394; 458082, 3718423; 458167, 3718423; 458167, 3718394; 458195, 3718394; 458195, 3718366; 458224, 3718366; 458224, 3718338; 458252, 3718338; 458252, 3718394; 458309, 3718394; 458309, 3718423; 458337, 3718423; 458337, 3718565; 458366, 3718565; 458366, 3718593; 458394, 3718593; 458394, 3718621; 458479, 3718621; 458479, 3718650; 458508, 3718650; 458508, 3718678; 458536, 3718678; 458536, 3718735; 458649, 3718735; 458649, 3718763; 458706, 3718763; 458706, 3718792; 458734, 3718792; 458734, 3718820; 458763, 3718820; 458763, 3718848; 458791, 3718848; 458791, 3718877; 458848, 3718877; 458848, 3718905; 458933, 3718905; 458933, 3718934; 459018, 3718934; 459018, 3718905; 459047, 3718905; 459047, 3718934; 459103, 3718934; 459103, 3718962; 459188, 3718962; 459188, 3718990; 459245, 3718990; 459245, 3719047; 459274, 3719047; 459274, 3719104; 459302, 3719104; 459302, 3719132; 459330, 3719132; 459330, 3719160; 459359, 3719160; 459359, 3719274; 459387, 3719274; 459387, 3719331; 459415, 3719331; 459415, 3719359; 459444, 3719359; 459444, 3719416; 459472, 3719416; 459472, 3719444; 459500, 3719444; 459500, 3719473; 459529, 3719473; 459529, 3719501; 459557, 3719501; 459557, 3719529; 459586, 3719529; 459586, 3719671; 459614, 3719671; 459614, 3719785; 459671, 3719785; 459671, 3719756; 459699, 3719756; 459699, 3719728; 459727, 3719728; 459727, 3719699; 459756, 3719699; 459756, 3719671; 459784, 3719671; 459784, 3719699; 459813, 3719699; 459813, 3719728; 459869, 3719728; 459869, 3719756; 459926, 3719756; 459926, 3719785; 459954, 3719785; 459954, 3719813; 459983, 3719813; 459983, 3719841; 460011, 3719841; 460011, 3719898; 460039, 3719898; 460039, 3719926; 460068, 3719926; 460068, 3719955; 460096, 3719955; 460096, 3719983; 460125, 3719983; 460125, 3720012; 460153, 3720012; 460153, 3720040; 460210, 3720040; 460210, 3719898; 460181, 3719898; 460181, 3719841; 460153, 3719841; 460153, 3719756; 460125, 3719756; 460125, 3719728; 460096, 3719728; 460096, 3719671; returning to 460039, 3719671.

(vi) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 447671, 3720125; 447642, 3720125; 447642, 3720153; 447671, 3720153; returning to 447671, 3720125;

(vii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 447671, 3720125; 447727, 3720125; 447727, 3720182; 447756, 3720182; 447756, 3720238; 447727, 3720238; 447727, 3720375; 447784, 3720486; 447784, 3720465; 447812, 3720465; 447812, 3720437; 447841, 3720437; 447841, 3720409; 447926, 3720409; 447926, 3720437; 447954, 3720437; 447954, 3720465; 447983, 3720465; 447983, 3720494; 448011, 3720494; 448011, 3720522; 448039, 3720522; 448039, 3720579; 448068, 3720579; 448068, 3720607; 448096, 3720607; 448096, 3720664; 448124, 3720664; 448124, 3720692; 448153, 3720692; 448153, 3720721; 448181, 3720721; 448181, 3720749; 448210, 3720749; 448210, 3720777; 448238, 3720777; 448238, 3720806; 448266, 3720806; 448266, 3720834; 448295, 3720834; 448295, 3720891; 448323, 3720891; 448323, 3720948; 448351, 3720948; 448351, 3721118; 448380, 3721118; 448380, 3721203; 448408, 3721203; 448408, 3721231; 448465, 3721231; 448465, 3721402; 448437, 3721402; 448437, 3721458; 448408, 3721458; 448408, 3721543; 448380, 3721543; 448380, 3721685; 448408, 3721685; 448408, 3721742; 448437, 3721742; 448437, 3721770; 448380, 3721770; 448380, 3721884; 448351, 3721884; 448351, 3721912; 448380, 3721912; 448380, 3721969; 448408, 3721969; 448408, 3722196; 448437, 3722196; 448437, 3722281; 448465, 3722281; 448465, 3722338; 448437, 3722338; 448437, 3722366; 448408, 3722366; 448408, 3722383; 448437, 3722453; 448437, 3722451; 448550, 3722451; 448550, 3722480; 448607, 3722480; 448607, 3722508; 448635, 3722508; 448635, 3722565; 448664, 3722565; 448664, 3722621; 448607, 3722621; 448607, 3722848; 448635, 3722848; 448635, 3722990; 448607, 3722990; 448607, 3723047; 448635, 3723047; 448635, 3723189; 448692, 3723189; 448692, 3723246; 448720, 3723246; 448720, 3723302; 448749, 3723302; 448749, 3723359; 448777, 3723359; 448777, 3723416; 448805, 3723416; 448805, 3723444; 448777, 3723444; 448777, 3723529; 448805, 3723529; 448805, 3723636; 448808, 3723636; 448814, 3724012; 448890, 3724012; 448890, 3724040; 448919, 3724040; 448919, 3724068; 448947, 3724068; 448947, 3724097; 448976, 3724097; 448976, 3724125; 449061, 3724125; 449061, 3724153; 449117, 3724153; 449117, 3724182; 449146, 3724182; 449146, 3724210; 449231, 3724210; 449231, 3724182; 449259, 3724182; 449288, 3724182; 449288, 3724210; 449373, 3724210; 449373, 3724182; 449401, 3724182; 449401, 3724068; 449373, 3724068; 449373, 3724040; 449344, 3724040; 449344, 3724068; 449316, 3724068; 449316, 3724097; 449203, 3724097; 449203, 3724068; 449174, 3724068; 449174, 3724040; 449117, 3724040; 449117, 3724012; 449004, 3724012; 449004, 3723955; 448976, 3723955; 448976, 3723898; 448919, 3723898; 448919, 3723813; 448890, 3723813; 448890, 3723756; 448919, 3723756; 448919, 3723728; 448947, 3723728; 448947, 3723699; 448919, 3723699; 448919, 3723416; 448890, 3723416; 448890, 3723274; 448862, 3723274; 448862, 3723217; 448834, 3723217; 448834, 3723189; 448805, 3723189; 448805, 3723160; 448834, 3723160; 448834, 3723132; 448805, 3723132; 448805, 3723075; 448777, 3723075; 448777, 3723047; 448749, 3723047; 448749, 3722792; 448777, 3722792; 448777, 3722735; 448805, 3722735; 448805, 3722707; 448834, 3722707; 448834, 3722735; 448919, 3722735; 448919, 3722763; 448947, 3722763; 448947, 3722792; 448976, 3722792; 448976, 3722820; 449032, 3722820; 449032, 3722848; 449089, 3722848; 449089, 3722905; 449117, 3722905; 449117, 3722962; 449146, 3722962; 449146, 3722990; 449174, 3722990; 449174, 3723019; 449231, 3723019; 449231, 3723104; 449259, 3723104; 449259, 3723132; 449288, 3723132; 449288, 3723160; 449316, 3723160; 449316, 3723189; 449344, 3723189; 449344, 3723217; 449373, 3723217; 449373, 3723274; 449401, 3723274; 449401, 3723302; 449486, 3723302; 449486, 3723444; 449515, 3723444; 449515, 3723529; 449656, 3723529; 449656, 3723586; 449685, 3723586; 449685, 3723614; 449713, 3723614; 449713, 3723643; 449742, 3723643; 449742, 3723671; 449770, 3723671; 449770, 3723728; 449798, 3723728; 449798, 3723785; 449827, 3723785; 449827, 3723813; 449855, 3723813; 449855, 3723898; 449883, 3723898; 449883, 3724012; 449912, 3724012; 449912, 3724125; 449883, 3724125; 449883, 3724182; 449997, 3724182; 449997, 3724153; 450082, 3724153; 450082, 3724125; 450167, 3724125; 450167, 3724097; 450110, 3724097; 450110, 3724068; 450082, 3724068; 450082, 3724040; 450054, 3724040; 450054, 3724012; 450025, 3724012; 450025, 3723955; 449997, 3723955; 449997, 3723898; 449968, 3723898; 449968, 3723785; 449940, 3723785; 449940, 3723699; 449912, 3723699; 449912, 3723671; 449883, 3723671; 449883, 3723614; 449855, 3723614; 449855, 3723586; 449827, 3723586; 449827, 3723558; 449798, 3723558; 449798, 3723529; 449770, 3723529; 449770, 3723501; 449742, 3723501; 449742, 3723444; 449713, 3723444; 449713, 3723416; 449656, 3723416; 449656, 3723387; 449628, 3723387; 449628, 3723274; 449600, 3723274; 449600, 3723246; 449628, 3723246; 449628, 3723217; 449571, 3723217; 449571, 3723189; 449515, 3723189; 449515, 3723160; 449486, 3723160; 449486, 3723132; 449458, 3723132; 449458, 3723104; 449429, 3723104; 449429, 3723075; 449373, 3723075; 449373, 3722990; 449344, 3722990; 449344, 3722934; 449288, 3722934; 449288, 3722905; 449259, 3722905; 449259, 3722820; 449231, 3722820; 449231, 3722792; 449203, 3722792; 449203, 3722763; 449117, 3722763; 449117, 3722735; 449061, 3722735; 449061, 3722707; 449004, 3722707; 449004, 3722678; 448976, 3722678; 448976, 3722650; 448919, 3722650; 448919, 3722621; 448890, 3722621; 448890, 3722593; 448834, 3722593; 448834, 3722508; 448862, 3722508; 448862, 3722395; 448834, 3722395; 448834, 3722366; 448805, 3722366; 448805, 3722338; 448777, 3722338; 448777, 3722281; 448749, 3722281; 448749, 3722253; 448720, 3722253; 448720, 3722168; 448692, 3722168; 448692, 3722139; 448635, 3722139; 448635, 3722111; 448607, 3722111; 448607, 3722054; 448578, 3722054; 448578, 3722026; 448607, 3722026; 448607, 3721997; 448607, 3721884; 448578, 3721884; 448578, 3721487; 448635, 3721487; 448635, 3721402; 448664, 3721402; 448664, 3721231; 448692, 3721231; 448692, 3721175; 448720, 3721175; 448720, 3721146; 448692, 3721146; 448692, 3721090; 448664, 3721090; 448664, 3720976; 448635, 3720976; 448635, 3720948; 448607, 3720948; 448607, 3720863; 448578, 3720863; 448578, 3720777; 448522, 3720777; 448522, 3720749; 448465, 3720749; 448465, 3720721; 448437, 3720721; 448437, 3720664; 448408, 3720664; 448408, 3720636; 448437, 3720636; 448437, 3720607; 448493, 3720607; 448493, 3720579; 448465, 3720579; 448465, 3720551; 448437, 3720551; 448437, 3720522; 448323, 3720522; 448323, 3720551; 448295, 3720551; 448295, 3720522; 448266, 3720522; 448266, 3720465; 448238, 3720465; 448238, 3720437; 448210, 3720437; 448210, 3720409; 448181, 3720409; 448181, 3720324; 448153, 3720324; 448153, 3720295; 448124, 3720295; 448124, 3720238; 448096, 3720238; 448096, 3720210; 448011, 3720210; 448011, 3720182; 447983, 3720182; 447983, 3720068; 447954, 3720068; 447954, 3719983; 447983, 3719983; 447983, 3719870; 447954, 3719870; 447954, 3719813; 447926, 3719813; 447926, 3719728; 447898, 3719728; 447898, 3719643; 447869, 3719643; 447869, 3719473; 447898, 3719473; 447898, 3719416; 447869, 3719416; 447869, 3719331; 447841, 3719331; 447841, 3719132; 447812, 3719132; 447812, 3718905; 447784, 3718905; 447784, 3718678; 447841, 3718678; 447841, 3718621; 447812, 3718621; 447812, 3718593; 447784, 3718593; 447784, 3718508; 447756, 3718508; 447756, 3718480; 447727, 3718480; 447727, 3718253; 447699, 3718253; 447699, 3717855; 447756, 3717855; 447756, 3717799; 447727, 3717799; 447727, 3717770; 447671, 3717770; 447671, 3717600; 447642, 3717600; 447642, 3717316; 447614, 3717316; 447614, 3717288; 447585, 3717288; 447585, 3717260; 447614, 3717260; 447614, 3717203; 447585, 3717203; 447585, 3717146; 447557, 3717146; 447557, 3717061; 447529, 3717061; 447529, 3716834; 447500, 3716834; 447500, 3716551; 447472, 3716551; 447472, 3716352; 447444, 3716352; 447444, 3716267; 447500, 3716267; 447500, 3716295; 447529, 3716295; 447529, 3716324; 447557, 3716324; 447557, 3716352; 447614, 3716352; 447614, 3716380; 447671, 3716380; 447671, 3716409; 447756, 3716409; 447756, 3716380; 447727, 3716380; 447727, 3716324; 447699, 3716324; 447699, 3716267; 447671, 3716267; 447671, 3716238; 447642, 3716238; 447642, 3716210; 447614, 3716210; 447614, 3716153; 447585, 3716153; 447585, 3716125; 447557, 3716125; 447557, 3716097; 447529, 3716097; 447529, 3716068; 447500, 3716068; 447500, 3715983; 447472, 3715983; 447472, 3715926; 447444, 3715926; 447444, 3715898; 447472, 3715898; 447472, 3715813; 447500, 3715813; 447500, 3715785; 447529, 3715785; 447529, 3715728; 447557, 3715728; 447557, 3715710; 447160, 3715710; 447160, 3715728; 447132, 3715728; 447132, 3715756; 447103, 3715756; 447103, 3715785; 447075, 3715785; 447075, 3715813; 447103, 3715813; 447103, 3715898; 447046, 3715898; 447046, 3716012; 447075, 3716012; 447075, 3716068; 447046, 3716068; 447046, 3716097; 447075, 3716097; 447075, 3716182; 447103, 3716182; 447103, 3716267; 447075, 3716267; 447075, 3716295; 447046, 3716295; 447046, 3716324; 447103, 3716324; 447103, 3716352; 447132, 3716352; 447132, 3716437; 447160, 3716437; 447160, 3716664; 447188, 3716664; 447188, 3717061; 447217, 3717061; 447217, 3717146; 447188, 3717146; 447188, 3717175; 447160, 3717175; 447160, 3717203; 447132, 3717203; 447132, 3717260; 447160, 3717260; 447160, 3717288; 447132, 3717288; 447132, 3717430; 447103, 3717430; 447103, 3717487; 447132, 3717487; 447132, 3717515; 447160, 3717515; 447160, 3717487; 447188, 3717487; 447188, 3717458; 447273, 3717458; 447273, 3717487; 447302, 3717487; 447302, 3717629; 447273, 3717629; 447273, 3717714; 447302, 3717714; 447302, 3717799; 447273, 3717799; 447273, 3717884; 447302, 3717884; 447302, 3718168; 447273, 3718168; 447273, 3718196; 447245, 3718196; 447245, 3718224; 447217, 3718224; 447217, 3718281; 447302, 3718281; 447302, 3718253; 447359, 3718253; 447359, 3718281; 447415, 3718281; 447415, 3718338; 447444, 3718338; 447444, 3718366; 447472, 3718366; 447472, 3718394; 447500, 3718394; 447500, 3718480; 447529, 3718480; 447529, 3718650; 447557, 3718650; 447557, 3718877; 447585, 3718877; 447585, 3718934; 447557, 3718934; 447557, 3718962; 447529, 3718962; 447529, 3718990; 447585, 3718990; 447585, 3719047; 447614, 3719047; 447614, 3719104; 447585, 3719104; 447585, 3719132; 447614, 3719132; 447614, 3719302; 447642, 3719302; 447642, 3719416; 447671, 3719416; 447671, 3719643; 447699, 3719643; 447699, 3719728; 447727, 3719728; 447727, 3720012; 447699, 3720012; 447699, 3720068; 447671, 3720068; returning to 447671, 3720125.

(viii) Subunit 10b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Santiago Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 443236, 3722799; 443231, 3722788; 443185, 3722746; 443127, 3722747; 443085, 3722768; 443067, 3722796; 443053, 3722858; 443052, 3722896; 443090, 3722896; 443099, 3722835; 443114, 3722806; 443117, 3722806; 443117, 3722805; 443120, 3722805; 443120, 3722806; 443131, 3722805; 443128, 3722802; 443128, 3722799; 443143, 3722793; 443173, 3722792; 443198, 3722813; 443198, 3722825; 443218, 3722844; 443223, 3722867; 443232, 3722876; 443233, 3722907; 443223, 3722918; 443223, 3722926; 443253, 3722926; 443253, 3722946; 443262, 3722956; 443283, 3722956; 443283, 3722986; 443313, 3722986; 443313, 3723036; 443322, 3723044; 443322, 3723046; 443343, 3723046; 443343, 3723076; 443368, 3723076; 443371, 3723067; 443339, 3723002; 443314, 3722980; 443311, 3722950; 443308, 3722945; 443274, 3722909; 443272, 3722871; 443258, 3722842; 443240, 3722823; returning to 443236, 3722799.

(ix) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 449163, 3726106; 449163, 3726076; 449193, 3726076; 449193, 3725986; 449163, 3725986; 449163, 3725956; 449133, 3725956; 449133, 3725896; 449013, 3725896; 449013, 3725866; 448953, 3725866; 448953, 3725836; 448623, 3725836; 448623, 3725806; 448563, 3725806; 448563, 3725776; 448473, 3725776; 448473, 3725746; 448413, 3725746; 448413, 3725776; 448293, 3725776; 448293, 3725686; 448263, 3725686; 448263, 3725656; 448233, 3725656; 448233, 3725626; 448203, 3725626; 448203, 3725566; 448173, 3725566; 448173, 3725536; 448143, 3725536; 448143, 3725506; 448113, 3725506; 448113, 3725476; 448083, 3725476; 448083, 3725446; 448053, 3725446; 448053, 3725416; 447933, 3725416; 447933, 3725386; 447873, 3725386; 447873, 3725356; 447723, 3725356; 447723, 3725266; 447693, 3725266; 447693, 3725236; 447663, 3725236; 447663, 3725206; 447633, 3725206; 447633, 3725146; 447393, 3725146; 447393, 3725116; 447363, 3725116; 447363, 3725086; 447303, 3725086; 447303, 3725056; 447243, 3725056; 447243, 3725026; 447183, 3725026; 447183, 3724996; 447153, 3724996; 447153, 3724966; 447123, 3724966; 447123, 3724936; 447093, 3724936; 447093, 3724906; 447063, 3724906; 447063, 3724876; 447033, 3724876; 447033, 3724846; 446973, 3724846; 446973, 3724816; 446913, 3724816; 446913, 3724786; 446823, 3724786; 446823, 3724756; 446733, 3724756; 446733, 3724726; 446703, 3724726; 446703, 3724696; 446691, 3724696; 446673, 3724696; 446673, 3724666; 446613, 3724666; 446613, 3724636; 446553, 3724636; 446553, 3724606; 446493, 3724606; 446493, 3724576; 446433, 3724576; 446433, 3724546; 446343, 3724546; 446343, 3724516; 446283, 3724516; 446283, 3724486; 445953, 3724486; 445953, 3724456; 445900, 3724456; 445545, 3724573; 445541, 3724565; 445540, 3724565; 445539, 3724566; 445538, 3724566; 445537, 3724566; 445536, 3724567; 445535, 3724567; 445534, 3724567; 445533, 3724568; 445532, 3724568; 445531, 3724568; 445530, 3724568; 445529, 3724569; 445528, 3724569; 445526, 3724569; 445525, 3724569; 445524, 3724569; 445523, 3724569; 445522, 3724569; 445521, 3724570; 445520, 3724570; 445519, 3724570; 445518, 3724570; 445517, 3724570; 445516, 3724570; 445515, 3724570; 445513, 3724570; 445512, 3724569; 445511, 3724569; 445510, 3724569; 445509, 3724569; 445508, 3724569; 445507, 3724569; 445506, 3724569; 445505, 3724568; 445504, 3724568; 445503, 3724568; 445502, 3724568; 445501, 3724567; 445500, 3724567; 445499, 3724567; 445498, 3724566; 445496, 3724566; 445495, 3724566; 445494, 3724565; 445489, 3724563; 445487, 3724562; 445485, 3724562; 445483, 3724561; 445481, 3724560; 445479, 3724560; 445477, 3724559; 445474, 3724558; 445472, 3724558; 445470, 3724557; 445468, 3724557; 445466, 3724556; 445464, 3724556; 445461, 3724556; 445459, 3724555; 445457, 3724555; 445455, 3724555; 445452, 3724555; 445450, 3724555; 445448, 3724554; 445446, 3724554; 445443, 3724554; 445441, 3724554; 445439, 3724554; 445437, 3724554; 445435, 3724555; 445432, 3724555; 445430, 3724555; 445317, 3724437; 445268, 3724447; 445205, 3724469; 445288, 3724575; 445280, 3724575; 445272, 3724575; 445259, 3724573; 445243, 3724568; 445235, 3724565; 445226, 3724560; 445213, 3724551; 445133, 3724480; 445174, 3724434; 445157, 3724384; 445145, 3724398; 445137, 3724426; 445108, 3724458; 445027, 3724385; 445007, 3724367; 444983, 3724345; 444903, 3724267; 444895, 3724260; 444888, 3724252; 444881, 3724245; 444873, 3724237; 444866, 3724229; 444854, 3724214; 444830, 3724185; 444827, 3724180; 444823, 3724176; 444820, 3724172; 444817, 3724168; 444814, 3724163; 444811, 3724159; 444808, 3724154; 444805, 3724150; 444801, 3724142; 444789, 3724121; 444772, 3724095; 444770, 3724092; 444769, 3724091; 444768, 3724089; 444766, 3724087; 444765, 3724086; 444764, 3724084; 444762, 3724082; 444761, 3724081; 444759, 3724079; 444758, 3724078; 444757, 3724076; 444755, 3724074; 444754, 3724073; 444752, 3724072; 444750, 3724070; 444749, 3724069; 444728, 3724051; 444698, 3724028; 444689, 3724021; 444685, 3724017; 444681, 3724014; 444677, 3724010; 444673, 3724007; 444669, 3724003; 444664, 3723999; 444658, 3723992; 444651, 3723986; 444647, 3723982; 444643, 3723979; 444639, 3723975; 444635, 3723972; 444597, 3723940; 444593, 3723938; 444590, 3723935; 444587, 3723932; 444584, 3723929; 444581, 3723926; 444578, 3723923; 444575, 3723920; 444572, 3723917; 444570, 3723914; 444567, 3723911; 444562, 3723905; 444548, 3723887; 444542, 3723882; 444539, 3723879; 444538, 3723878; 444536, 3723876; 444534, 3723875; 444533, 3723874; 444531, 3723872; 444529, 3723871; 444528, 3723870; 444526, 3723868; 444524, 3723867; 444522, 3723866; 444520, 3723865; 444519, 3723864; 444517, 3723862; 444515, 3723861; 444513, 3723860; 444511, 3723859; 444508, 3723858; 444505, 3723856; 444502, 3723855; 444499, 3723853; 444496, 3723852; 444493, 3723851; 444490, 3723850; 444487, 3723849; 444484, 3723848; 444481, 3723847; 444478, 3723846; 444475, 3723845; 444434, 3723833; 444432, 3723832; 444431, 3723832; 444430, 3723832; 444429, 3723832; 444427, 3723832; 444426, 3723831; 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446343, 3725086; 446343, 3724966; 446493, 3724966; 446493, 3724996; 446553, 3724996; 446553, 3725026; 446583, 3725026; 446583, 3725056; 446613, 3725056; 446613, 3725086; 446643, 3725086; 446643, 3725146; 446673, 3725146; 446673, 3725176; 446733, 3725176; 446733, 3725206; 446763, 3725206; 446763, 3725236; 446823, 3725236; 446823, 3725266; 446883, 3725266; 446883, 3725326; 446973, 3725326; 446973, 3725356; 447003, 3725356; 447003, 3725386; 447063, 3725386; 447063, 3725416; 447123, 3725416; 447123, 3725446; 447153, 3725446; 447153, 3725476; 447213, 3725476; 447213, 3725506; 447303, 3725506; 447303, 3725536; 447333, 3725536; 447333, 3725596; 447483, 3725596; 447483, 3725626; 447543, 3725626; 447543, 3725656; 447603, 3725656; 447603, 3725686; 447633, 3725686; 447633, 3725716; 447693, 3725716; 447693, 3725746; 447783, 3725746; 447783, 3725776; 447933, 3725776; 447933, 3725806; 447963, 3725806; 447963, 3725836; 447993, 3725836; 447993, 3725866; 448023, 3725866; 448023, 3725896; 448053, 3725896; 448053, 3725926; 448113, 3725926; 448113, 3725956; 448143, 3725956; 448143, 3725986; 448203, 3725986; 448203, 3726016; 448233, 3726016; 448233, 3725986; 448263, 3725986; 448263, 3725956; 448413, 3725956; 448413, 3725926; 448503, 3725926; 448503, 3725956; 448563, 3725956; 448563, 3725986; 448653, 3725986; 448653, 3725956; 448893, 3725956; 448893, 3725986; 448953, 3725986; 448953, 3726016; 449013, 3726016; 449013, 3726046; 449073, 3726046; 449073, 3726076; 449103, 3726076; 449103, 3726106; 449133, 3726106; 449133, 3726196; 449163, 3726196; returning to 449163, 3726106.

(x) Note: Map of Unit 10 is provided at paragraph (13)(v) of this entry.

(16) Unit 11: San Mateo Basin, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego Counties, California.

(i) Subunit 11a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map San Clemente, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 449613, 3702046; 449583, 3702046; 449583, 3702076; 449613, 3702076; returning to 449613, 3702046.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 449613, 3702046; 449703, 3702046; 449703, 3702016; 449733, 3702016; 449733, 3702046; 449823, 3702046; 449823, 3702076; 449853, 3702076; 449853, 3702196; 449913, 3702196; 449913, 3702166; 450033, 3702166; 450033, 3702196; 450093, 3702196; 450093, 3702256; 450153, 3702256; 450153, 3702286; 450213, 3702286; 450213, 3702316; 450243, 3702316; 450243, 3702346; 450273, 3702346; 450273, 3702436; 450243, 3702436; 450243, 3702466; 450303, 3702466; 450303, 3702496; 450393, 3702496; 450393, 3702466; 450423, 3702466; 450423, 3702496; 450483, 3702496; 450483, 3702526; 450513, 3702526; 450513, 3702556; 450603, 3702556; 450603, 3702586; 450633, 3702586; 450633, 3702646; 450663, 3702646; 450663, 3702616; 450753, 3702616; 450753, 3702646; 450813, 3702646; 450813, 3702676; 450933, 3702676; 450933, 3702706; 450963, 3702706; 450963, 3702736; 451083, 3702736; 451083, 3702766; 451203, 3702766; 451203, 3702796; 451263, 3702796; 451263, 3702826; 451293, 3702826; 451293, 3702796; 451323, 3702796; 451323, 3702826; 451383, 3702826; 451383, 3702856; 451413, 3702856; 451413, 3702886; 451473, 3702886; 451473, 3702916; 451533, 3702916; 451533, 3702976; 451563, 3702976; 451563, 3703006; 451743, 3703006; 451743, 3703036; 451818, 3703036; 450584, 3702286; 450513, 3702286; 450513, 3702256; 450453, 3702256; 450453, 3702226; 450423, 3702226; 450423, 3702188; 449917, 3701885; 449865, 3701873; 448313, 3701517; 448318, 3701806; 448320, 3701805; 448504, 3701735; 448596, 3701741; 448628, 3701756; 448657, 3701771; 448701, 3701806; 448773, 3701806; 448773, 3701776; 448803, 3701776; 448803, 3701806; 448953, 3701806; 448953, 3701836; 448983, 3701836; 448983, 3701806; 449163, 3701806; 449163, 3701836; 449223, 3701836; 449223, 3701806; 449313, 3701806; 449313, 3701836; 449343, 3701836; 449343, 3701866; 449433, 3701866; 449433, 3701896; 449463, 3701896; 449463, 3701926; 449523, 3701926; 449523, 3701956; 449613, 3701956; returning to 449613, 3702046.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 452685, 3703768; 452686, 3703564; 451833, 3703045; 451833, 3703096; 451863, 3703096; 451863, 3703126; 451893, 3703126; 451893, 3703156; 451923, 3703156; 451923, 3703216; 451953, 3703216; 451953, 3703246; 451983, 3703246; 451983, 3703306; 452013, 3703306; 452013, 3703276; 452073, 3703276; 452073, 3703306; 452103, 3703306; 452103, 3703426; 452223, 3703426; 452223, 3703456; 452253, 3703456; 452253, 3703486; 452283, 3703486; 452283, 3703636; 452313, 3703636; 452313, 3703696; 452343, 3703696; 452343, 3703636; 452433, 3703636; 452433, 3703666; 452463, 3703666; 452463, 3703696; 452493, 3703696; 452493, 3703816; 452553, 3703816; 452553, 3703786; 452583, 3703786; 452583, 3703756; 452613, 3703756; 452613, 3703786; 452643, 3703786; 452643, 3703816; 452673, 3703816; 452673, 3703876; 452684, 3703876; returning to 452685, 3703768.

(iv) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 451503, 3705316; 451503, 3705346; 451533, 3705346; 451533, 3705316; returning to 451503, 3705316.

(v) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 451503, 3705316; 451503, 3705166; 451473, 3705166; 451473, 3705136; 451443, 3705136; 451443, 3705046; 451413, 3705046; 451413, 3705016; 451383, 3705016; 451383, 3704926; 451413, 3704926; 451413, 3704896; 451443, 3704896; 451443, 3704836; 451383, 3704836; 451383, 3704866; 451323, 3704866; 451323, 3704776; 451263, 3704776; 451263, 3704746; 451233, 3704746; 451233, 3704686; 451203, 3704686; 451203, 3704656; 451053, 3704656; 451053, 3704626; 450993, 3704626; 450993, 3704566; 450813, 3704566; 450813, 3704536; 450753, 3704536; 450753, 3704506; 450723, 3704506; 450723, 3704536; 450483, 3704536; 450483, 3704506; 450423, 3704506; 450423, 3704476; 450393, 3704476; 450393, 3704536; 450333, 3704536; 450333, 3704566; 450273, 3704566; 450273, 3704596; 450153, 3704596; 450153, 3704626; 450033, 3704626; 450033, 3704596; 450003, 3704596; 450003, 3704566; 449973, 3704566; 449973, 3704536; 449943, 3704536; 449943, 3704476; 449913, 3704476; 449913, 3704446; 449883, 3704446; 449883, 3704416; 449763, 3704416; 449763, 3704386; 449703, 3704386; 449703, 3704356; 449673, 3704356; 449673, 3704326; 449613, 3704326; 449613, 3704296; 449583, 3704296; 449583, 3704266; 449553, 3704266; 449553, 3704236; 449523, 3704236; 449523, 3704206; 449493, 3704206; 449493, 3704176; 449433, 3704176; 449433, 3704146; 449403, 3704146; 449403, 3704116; 449343, 3704116; 449343, 3704086; 449283, 3704086; 449283, 3704056; 449253, 3704056; 449253, 3704026; 449223, 3704026; 449223, 3703906; 449163, 3703906; 449163, 3703876; 449073, 3703876; 449073, 3703846; 449043, 3703846; 449043, 3703742; 449037, 3703740; 449021, 3703726; 448893, 3703726; 448893, 3703696; 448863, 3703696; 448863, 3703666; 448833, 3703666; 448833, 3703646; 448818, 3703644; 448808, 3703636; 448803, 3703636; 448803, 3703631; 448776, 3703606; 448743, 3703606; 448743, 3703580; 448738, 3703576; 448683, 3703576; 448683, 3703546; 448653, 3703546; 448653, 3703516; 448593, 3703516; 448593, 3703486; 448503, 3703486; 448503, 3703456; 448473, 3703456; 448473, 3703426; 448443, 3703426; 448443, 3703396; 448353, 3703396; 448353, 3703366; 448203, 3703366; 448203, 3703336; 448143, 3703336; 448143, 3703281; 448143, 3703281; 448025, 3703185; 448021, 3703182; 448017, 3703179; 448014, 3703176; 448006, 3703169; 447991, 3703157; 447987, 3703154; 447983, 3703152; 447979, 3703149; 447968, 3703140; 447956, 3703132; 447948, 3703126; 447944, 3703124; 447940, 3703121; 447935, 3703119; 447931, 3703116; 447927, 3703113; 447923, 3703111; 447919, 3703108; 447915, 3703106; 447911, 3703103; 447906, 3703101; 447902, 3703099; 447898, 3703096; 447885, 3703089; 447881, 3703087; 447876, 3703084; 447873, 3703083; 447873, 3703096; 447843, 3703096; 447843, 3703126; 447603, 3703126; 447603, 3703096; 447573, 3703096; 447573, 3703066; 447543, 3703066; 447543, 3703036; 447483, 3703036; 447483, 3703006; 447453, 3703006; 447453, 3702976; 447423, 3702976; 447423, 3702796; 447393, 3702796; 447393, 3702766; 447363, 3702766; 447363, 3702706; 447333, 3702706; 447333, 3702646; 447363, 3702646; 447363, 3702586; 447333, 3702586; 447333, 3702526; 447303, 3702526; 447303, 3702316; 447309, 3702316; 447309, 3702315; 447310, 3702312; 447310, 3702309; 447310, 3702307; 447311, 3702304; 447311, 3702302; 447311, 3702299; 447312, 3702297; 447312, 3702294; 447313, 3702292; 447313, 3702289; 447314, 3702287; 447314, 3702284; 447315, 3702282; 447316, 3702279; 447316, 3702277; 447321, 3702238; 447322, 3702179; 447310, 3702120; 447280, 3702060; 447269, 3702013; 447264, 3701961; 447266, 3701919; 447273, 3701877; 447273, 3701866; 447275, 3701866; 447283, 3701816; 446936, 3701818; 446935, 3701833; 446809, 3701877; 446763, 3701876; 446763, 3701896; 446733, 3701896; 446733, 3701956; 446673, 3701956; 446673, 3701986; 446763, 3701986; 446763, 3702016; 446793, 3702016; 446793, 3702046; 446823, 3702046; 446823, 3702136; 446853, 3702136; 446853, 3702196; 446883, 3702196; 446883, 3702286; 446853, 3702286; 446853, 3702316; 446823, 3702316; 446823, 3702331; 446825, 3702332; 446912, 3702538; 446823, 3702586; 446823, 3702593; 446919, 3702557; 446919, 3702610; 446919, 3702610; 446919, 3702610; 446920, 3702704; 447013, 3702695; 447015, 3702705; 447016, 3702705; 447018, 3702716; 447020, 3702726; 447023, 3702736; 447026, 3702747; 447029, 3702757; 447032, 3702767; 447036, 3702778; 447038, 3702785; 447058, 3702839; 446943, 3702850; 446943, 3702886; 446973, 3702886; 446973, 3702916; 447003, 3702916; 447003, 3702946; 447033, 3702946; 447033, 3702975; 447043, 3702975; 447083, 3703066; 447093, 3703066; 447093, 3703089; 447123, 3703156; 447123, 3703156; 447123, 3703157; 447129, 3703170; 447173, 3703176; 447181, 3703178; 447195, 3703180; 447207, 3703198; 447219, 3703216; 447230, 3703232; 447231, 3703233; 447231, 3703234; 447231, 3703234; 447244, 3703252; 447257, 3703268; 447258, 3703270; 447271, 3703287; 447284, 3703303; 447511, 3703579; 447709, 3704204; 447666, 3704343; 447663, 3704356; 447663, 3704446; 447693, 3704446; 447693, 3704416; 447723, 3704416; 447723, 3704386; 447753, 3704386; 447753, 3704356; 447783, 3704356; 447783, 3704236; 447813, 3704236; 447813, 3704206; 447843, 3704206; 447843, 3704176; 447933, 3704176; 447933, 3704116; 447903, 3704116; 447903, 3704086; 447873, 3704086; 447873, 3704026; 447843, 3704026; 447843, 3703996; 447873, 3703996; 447873, 3703786; 447993, 3703786; 447993, 3703756; 448053, 3703756; 448053, 3703786; 448143, 3703786; 448143, 3703816; 448263, 3703816; 448263, 3703846; 448323, 3703846; 448323, 3703876; 448383, 3703876; 448383, 3703906; 448413, 3703906; 448413, 3703936; 448443, 3703936; 448443, 3703966; 448473, 3703966; 448473, 3704056; 448623, 3704056; 448623, 3704086; 448653, 3704086; 448653, 3704056; 448683, 3704056; 448683, 3704116; 448713, 3704116; 448713, 3704146; 448743, 3704146; 448743, 3704206; 448773, 3704206; 448773, 3704266; 448803, 3704266; 448803, 3704326; 448773, 3704326; 448773, 3704390; 448780, 3704380; 448783, 3704372; 448793, 3704377; 448831, 3704407; 448818, 3704425; 448818, 3704425; 448818, 3704425; 448818, 3704426; 448818, 3704426; 448818, 3704427; 448813, 3704446; 448815, 3704446; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448820, 3704427; 448834, 3704409; 448858, 3704427; 448863, 3704433; 448863, 3704416; 448893, 3704416; 448893, 3704356; 448923, 3704356; 448923, 3704326; 448953, 3704326; 448953, 3704296; 449133, 3704296; 449133, 3704326; 449163, 3704326; 449163, 3704356; 449193, 3704356; 449193, 3704386; 449223, 3704386; 449223, 3704446; 449283, 3704446; 449283, 3704476; 449313, 3704476; 449313, 3704506; 449343, 3704506; 449343, 3704536; 449373, 3704536; 449373, 3704566; 449403, 3704566; 449403, 3704596; 449433, 3704596; 449433, 3704626; 449463, 3704626; 449463, 3704596; 449553, 3704596; 449553, 3704626; 449583, 3704626; 449583, 3704656; 449613, 3704656; 449613, 3704686; 449703, 3704686; 449703, 3704716; 449733, 3704716; 449733, 3704746; 449763, 3704746; 449763, 3704866; 449823, 3704866; 449823, 3704896; 449883, 3704896; 449883, 3704986; 449913, 3704986; 449913, 3705046; 449973, 3705046; 449973, 3705016; 450003, 3705016; 450003, 3704986; 450093, 3704986; 450093, 3705016; 450213, 3705016; 450213, 3705046; 450243, 3705046; 450243, 3705136; 450273, 3705136; 450273, 3705346; 450303, 3705346; 450303, 3705496; 450273, 3705496; 450273, 3705556; 450243, 3705556; 450243, 3705856; 450273, 3705856; 450273, 3705916; 450303, 3705916; 450303, 3706006; 450363, 3706006; 450363, 3706066; 450393, 3706066; 450393, 3706096; 450423, 3706096; 450423, 3706156; 450453, 3706156; 450453, 3706216; 450483, 3706216; 450483, 3706246; 450513, 3706246; 450513, 3706366; 450543, 3706366; 450543, 3706396; 450573, 3706396; 450573, 3706366; 450603, 3706366; 450603, 3706126; 450573, 3706126; 450573, 3705976; 450543, 3705976; 450543, 3705946; 450753, 3705946; 450753, 3705916; 450723, 3705916; 450723, 3705886; 450693, 3705886; 450693, 3705856; 450663, 3705856; 450663, 3705826; 450633, 3705826; 450633, 3705706; 450603, 3705706; 450603, 3705646; 450573, 3705646; 450573, 3705616; 450603, 3705616; 450603, 3705586; 450633, 3705586; 450633, 3705526; 450603, 3705526; 450603, 3705496; 450573, 3705496; 450573, 3705436; 450603, 3705436; 450603, 3705406; 450573, 3705406; 450573, 3705346; 450543, 3705346; 450543, 3705226; 450573, 3705226; 450573, 3705166; 450543, 3705166; 450543, 3705106; 450573, 3705106; 450573, 3705046; 450543, 3705046; 450543, 3704986; 450513, 3704986; 450513, 3704956; 450483, 3704956; 450483, 3704926; 450453, 3704926; 450453, 3704896; 450423, 3704896; 450423, 3704866; 450393, 3704866; 450393, 3704806; 450423, 3704806; 450423, 3704776; 450453, 3704776; 450453, 3704806; 450513, 3704806; 450513, 3704836; 450603, 3704836; 450603, 3704866; 450633, 3704866; 450633, 3704836; 450693, 3704836; 450693, 3704866; 450723, 3704866; 450723, 3704896; 450843, 3704896; 450843, 3704926; 450933, 3704926; 450933, 3704956; 450963, 3704956; 450963, 3704986; 451023, 3704986; 451023, 3705016; 451053, 3705016; 451053, 3705046; 451083, 3705046; 451083, 3705016; 451113, 3705016; 451113, 3705046; 451143, 3705046; 451143, 3705016; 451173, 3705016; 451173, 3705046; 451203, 3705046; 451203, 3705076; 451233, 3705076; 451233, 3705136; 451263, 3705136; 451263, 3705166; 451323, 3705166; 451323, 3705196; 451353, 3705196; 451353, 3705226; 451383, 3705226; 451383, 3705256; 451443, 3705256; 451443, 3705286; 451473, 3705286; 451473, 3705316; returning to 451503, 3705316.

(vi) Subunit 11b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Margarita Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 455883, 3703636; 455883, 3703606; 455943, 3703606; 455943, 3703592; 455790, 3703594; 455792, 3703606; 455853, 3703606; 455853, 3703636; returning to 455883, 3703636.

(vii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 467274, 3712323; 467274, 3712352; 467302, 3712352; 467302, 3712323; returning to 467274, 3712323;

(viii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 467274, 3712323; 467274, 3712267; 467245, 3712267; 467245, 3712238; 467217, 3712238; 467217, 3712210; 467188, 3712210; 467188, 3712182; 467160, 3712182; 467160, 3712153; 467132, 3712153; 467132, 3712096; 467160, 3712096; 467160, 3712068; 467188, 3712068; 467188, 3712040; 467217, 3712040; 467217, 3711983; 467245, 3711983; 467245, 3711926; 467274, 3711926; 467274, 3711898; 467188, 3711898; 467188, 3711926; 467160, 3711926; 467160, 3711955; 467047, 3711955; 467047, 3711926; 467018, 3711926; 467018, 3711898; 466990, 3711898; 466990, 3711870; 466961, 3711870; 466961, 3711841; 466848, 3711841; 466848, 3711870; 466706, 3711870; 466706, 3711813; 466678, 3711813; 466678, 3711756; 466564, 3711756; 466564, 3711784; 466536, 3711784; 466536, 3711813; 466508, 3711813; 466508, 3711841; 466479, 3711841; 466479, 3711870; 466196, 3711870; 466196, 3711898; 466082, 3711898; 466082, 3711870; 466025, 3711870; 466025, 3711841; 465969, 3711841; 465969, 3711870; 465770, 3711870; 465770, 3711841; 465742, 3711841; 465742, 3711784; 465713, 3711784; 465713, 3711841; 465628, 3711841; 465628, 3711870; 465600, 3711870; 465600, 3711955; 465571, 3711955; 465571, 3711983; 465373, 3711983; 465373, 3711955; 465344, 3711955; 465344, 3711926; 465288, 3711926; 465288, 3711955; 465259, 3711955; 465259, 3711983; 465231, 3711983; 465231, 3711955; 465203, 3711955; 465203, 3711983; 465174, 3711983; 465174, 3712011; 465117, 3712011; 465117, 3712096; 465089, 3712096; 465089, 3712068; 465061, 3712068; 465061, 3712040; 465004, 3712040; 465004, 3712011; 464919, 3712011; 464919, 3712040; 464834, 3712040; 464834, 3712068; 464777, 3712068; 464777, 3712096; 464607, 3712096; 464607, 3712068; 464578, 3712068; 464578, 3712096; 464522, 3712096; 464522, 3712125; 464465, 3712125; 464465, 3712153; 464437, 3712153; 464437, 3712210; 464408, 3712210; 464408, 3712238; 464380, 3712238; 464380, 3712267; 464352, 3712267; 464352, 3712323; 464323, 3712323; 464323, 3712352; 464295, 3712352; 464295, 3712380; 464181, 3712380; 464181, 3712409; 464125, 3712409; 464125, 3712380; 464039, 3712380; 464039, 3712409; 464011, 3712409; 464011, 3712437; 463954, 3712437; 463954, 3712465; 463898, 3712465; 463898, 3712437; 463756, 3712437; 463756, 3712409; 463671, 3712409; 463671, 3712380; 463586, 3712380; 463586, 3712352; 463557, 3712352; 463557, 3712323; 463529, 3712323; 463529, 3712267; 463500, 3712267; 463500, 3712210; 463472, 3712210; 463472, 3712182; 463387, 3712182; 463387, 3712153; 463330, 3712153; 463330, 3712125; 463302, 3712125; 463302, 3712068; 463274, 3712068; 463274, 3712011; 463245, 3712011; 463245, 3711955; 463274, 3711955; 463274, 3711756; 463245, 3711756; 463245, 3711699; 463217, 3711699; 463217, 3711529; 463188, 3711529; 463188, 3711444; 463160, 3711444; 463160, 3711330; 463132, 3711330; 463132, 3711302; 463103, 3711302; 463103, 3711189; 463075, 3711189; 463075, 3711104; 463047, 3711104; 463047, 3711047; 463018, 3711047; 463018, 3710990; 462990, 3710990; 462990, 3710962; 462848, 3710962; 462848, 3710933; 462820, 3710933; 462820, 3710791; 462791, 3710791; 462791, 3710706; 462763, 3710706; 462763, 3710791; 462678, 3710791; 462678, 3710763; 462564, 3710763; 462564, 3710706; 462536, 3710706; 462536, 3710593; 462564, 3710593; 462564, 3710565; 462564, 3710536; 462536, 3710536; 462536, 3710451; 462508, 3710451; 462508, 3710423; 462394, 3710423; 462394, 3710366; 462337, 3710366; 462337, 3710309; 462309, 3710309; 462309, 3710281; 462337, 3710281; 462337, 3710252; 462252, 3710252; 462252, 3710196; 462224, 3710196; 462224, 3710167; 462195, 3710167; 462195, 3710139; 462167, 3710139; 462167, 3710111; 462139, 3710111; 462139, 3710082; 462110, 3710082; 462110, 3710054; 462082, 3710054; 462082, 3709997; 462110, 3709997; 462110, 3709940; 462139, 3709940; 462139, 3709884; 462167, 3709884; 462167, 3709855; 462195, 3709855; 462195, 3709827; 462224, 3709827; 462224, 3709770; 462195, 3709770; 462195, 3709799; 462110, 3709799; 462110, 3709827; 462082, 3709827; 462082, 3709855; 462054, 3709855; 462054, 3709884; 462025, 3709884; 462025, 3709912; 461997, 3709912; 461997, 3709940; 461969, 3709940; 461969, 3709997; 461940, 3709997; 461940, 3710026; 461883, 3710026; 461883, 3710054; 461798, 3710054; 461798, 3710082; 461770, 3710082; 461770, 3710111; 461742, 3710111; 461742, 3710139; 461713, 3710139; 461713, 3710167; 461685, 3710167; 461685, 3710196; 461628, 3710196; 461628, 3710224; 461486, 3710224; 461486, 3710196; 461458, 3710196; 461458, 3710167; 461401, 3710167; 461401, 3710111; 461373, 3710111; 461373, 3710026; 461344, 3710026; 461344, 3709997; 461259, 3709997; 461259, 3709969; 461203, 3709969; 461203, 3709940; 461174, 3709940; 461174, 3709912; 461146, 3709912; 461146, 3709884; 461117, 3709884; 461117, 3709912; 461089, 3709912; 461089, 3709940; 461004, 3709940; 461004, 3709969; 460976, 3709969; 460976, 3709997; 460947, 3709997; 460947, 3710026; 460862, 3710026; 460862, 3709997; 460834, 3709997; 460834, 3709969; 460834, 3709940; 460862, 3709940; 460862, 3709855; 460834, 3709855; 460834, 3709827; 460805, 3709827; 460805, 3709799; 460777, 3709799; 460777, 3709742; 460749, 3709742; 460749, 3709713; 460720, 3709713; 460720, 3709685; 460635, 3709685; 460635, 3709657; 460607, 3709657; 460607, 3709628; 460578, 3709628; 460578, 3709572; 460550, 3709572; 460550, 3709515; 460493, 3709515; 460493, 3709430; 460522, 3709430; 460522, 3709345; 460550, 3709345; 460550, 3709316; 460578, 3709316; 460578, 3709260; 460720, 3709260; 460720, 3709231; 460692, 3709231; 460692, 3709203; 460664, 3709203; 460664, 3709174; 460635, 3709174; 460635, 3709146; 460578, 3709146; 460578, 3709118; 460522, 3709118; 460522, 3709089; 460465, 3709089; 460465, 3709061; 460408, 3709061; 460408, 3709033; 460380, 3709033; 460380, 3709004; 460352, 3709004; 460352, 3708976; 460323, 3708976; 460323, 3708947; 460266, 3708947; 460266, 3708919; 460238, 3708919; 460238, 3708891; 460210, 3708891; 460210, 3708862; 460181, 3708862; 460181, 3708834; 460125, 3708834; 460125, 3708806; 460011, 3708806; 460011, 3708777; 459841, 3708777; 459841, 3708806; 459756, 3708806; 459756, 3708834; 459699, 3708834; 459699, 3708806; 459671, 3708806; 459671, 3708777; 459642, 3708777; 459642, 3708635; 459614, 3708635; 459614, 3708607; 459586, 3708607; 459586, 3708408; 459472, 3708408; 459472, 3708380; 459302, 3708380; 459302, 3708408; 459273, 3708408; 459273, 3708437; 459245, 3708437; 459245, 3708465; 459217, 3708465; 459217, 3708522; 459188, 3708522; 459188, 3708607; 459160, 3708607; 459160, 3708579; 459132, 3708579; 459132, 3708494; 459103, 3708494; 459103, 3708323; 459075, 3708323; 459075, 3708238; 459047, 3708238; 459047, 3708182; 458990, 3708182; 458990, 3708153; 458961, 3708153; 458961, 3708125; 458933, 3708125; 458933, 3708096; 458876, 3708096; 458876, 3708068; 458848, 3708068; 458848, 3708040; 458734, 3708040; 458734, 3707983; 458706, 3707983; 458706, 3707926; 458678, 3707926; 458678, 3707869; 458649, 3707869; 458649, 3707813; 458621, 3707813; 458621, 3707756; 458593, 3707756; 458593, 3707728; 458564, 3707728; 458564, 3707699; 458536, 3707699; 458536, 3707671; 458508, 3707671; 458508, 3707643; 458451, 3707643; 458451, 3707614; 458422, 3707614; 458422, 3707472; 458451, 3707472; 458451, 3707302; 458479, 3707302; 458479, 3707245; 458422, 3707245; 458422, 3707217; 458394, 3707217; 458394, 3707189; 458366, 3707189; 458366, 3707160; 458337, 3707160; 458337, 3707104; 458309, 3707104; 458309, 3706990; 458281, 3706990; 458281, 3706962; 458252, 3706962; 458252, 3706820; 458281, 3706820; 458281, 3706763; 458252, 3706763; 458252, 3706706; 458224, 3706706; 458224, 3706678; 458195, 3706678; 458195, 3706650; 458167, 3706650; 458167, 3706593; 458139, 3706593; 458139, 3706565; 458110, 3706565; 458110, 3706536; 458082, 3706536; 458082, 3706338; 458110, 3706338; 458110, 3706281; 458139, 3706281; 458139, 3706139; 458167, 3706139; 458167, 3706082; 458110, 3706082; 458110, 3706054; 458082, 3706054; 458082, 3706025; 458054, 3706025; 458054, 3705997; 457997, 3705997; 457997, 3705969; 457969, 3705969; 457969, 3705940; 457883, 3705940; 457883, 3705912; 457827, 3705912; 457827, 3705855; 457798, 3705855; 457798, 3705827; 457770, 3705827; 457770, 3705799; 457742, 3705799; 457742, 3705770; 457656, 3705770; 457656, 3705742; 457628, 3705742; 457628, 3705685; 457600, 3705685; 457600, 3705486; 457571, 3705486; 457571, 3705430; 457543, 3705430; 457543, 3705373; 457515, 3705373; 457515, 3705345; 457486, 3705345; 457486, 3705316; 457401, 3705316; 457401, 3705288; 457373, 3705288; 457373, 3705033; 457430, 3705033; 457430, 3705004; 457486, 3705004; 457486, 3704976; 457515, 3704976; 457515, 3704834; 457543, 3704834; 457543, 3704607; 457486, 3704607; 457486, 3704465; 457458, 3704465; 457458, 3704437; 457430, 3704437; 457430, 3704408; 457401, 3704408; 457401, 3704380; 457344, 3704380; 457344, 3704352; 457288, 3704352; 457288, 3704380; 457231, 3704380; 457231, 3704408; 457117, 3704408; 457117, 3704386; 457143, 3704386; 457143, 3704236; 457173, 3704236; 457173, 3704206; 457143, 3704206; 457143, 3704176; 457115, 3704176; 456735, 3704311; 456699, 3704161; 456732, 3703919; 456561, 3703832; 456349, 3703587; 456003, 3703591; 456003, 3703606; 456243, 3703606; 456243, 3703636; 456303, 3703636; 456303, 3703666; 456333, 3703666; 456333, 3703696; 456363, 3703696; 456363, 3703726; 456393, 3703726; 456393, 3703756; 456423, 3703756; 456423, 3703816; 456453, 3703816; 456453, 3703846; 456483, 3703846; 456483, 3703876; 456513, 3703876; 456513, 3703906; 456543, 3703906; 456543, 3703936; 456633, 3703936; 456633, 3703996; 456603, 3703996; 456603, 3704056; 456633, 3704056; 456633, 3704266; 456663, 3704266; 456663, 3704296; 456723, 3704296; 456723, 3704326; 456813, 3704326; 456813, 3704296; 456873, 3704296; 456873, 3704266; 457023, 3704266; 457023, 3704296; 456993, 3704296; 456993, 3704326; 456963, 3704326; 456963, 3704446; 456993, 3704446; 456993, 3704506; 457004, 3704506; 457004, 3704522; 457231, 3704522; 457231, 3704494; 457316, 3704494; 457316, 3704465; 457344, 3704465; 457344, 3704494; 457373, 3704494; 457373, 3704664; 457401, 3704664; 457401, 3704721; 457344, 3704721; 457344, 3704834; 457373, 3704834; 457373, 3704891; 457344, 3704891; 457344, 3704919; 457316, 3704919; 457316, 3704947; 457259, 3704947; 457259, 3705004; 457231, 3705004; 457231, 3705146; 457259, 3705146; 457259, 3705174; 457231, 3705174; 457231, 3705288; 457259, 3705288; 457259, 3705373; 457316, 3705373; 457316, 3705401; 457344, 3705401; 457344, 3705430; 457430, 3705430; 457430, 3705458; 457458, 3705458; 457458, 3705543; 457486, 3705543; 457486, 3705572; 457458, 3705572; 457458, 3705628; 457458, 3705657; 457486, 3705657; 457486, 3705770; 457515, 3705770; 457515, 3705827; 457543, 3705827; 457543, 3705884; 457571, 3705884; 457571, 3705940; 457600, 3705940; 457600, 3705969; 457628, 3705969; 457628, 3705997; 457656, 3705997; 457656, 3706054; 457742, 3706054; 457742, 3706082; 457827, 3706082; 457827, 3706111; 457855, 3706111; 457855, 3706139; 457883, 3706139; 457883, 3706196; 457969, 3706196; 457969, 3706224; 457940, 3706224; 457940, 3706281; 457912, 3706281; 457912, 3706536; 457940, 3706536; 457940, 3706565; 457969, 3706565; 457969, 3706621; 457997, 3706621; 457997, 3706706; 458082, 3706706; 458082, 3706848; 458054, 3706848; 458054, 3706905; 458025, 3706905; 458025, 3706933; 458082, 3706933; 458082, 3707047; 458054, 3707047; 458054, 3707075; 458082, 3707075; 458082, 3707104; 458110, 3707104; 458110, 3707132; 458139, 3707132; 458139, 3707160; 458167, 3707160; 458167, 3707189; 458195, 3707189; 458195, 3707217; 458224, 3707217; 458224, 3707245; 458252, 3707245; 458252, 3707274; 458281, 3707274; 458281, 3707302; 458309, 3707302; 458309, 3707330; 458337, 3707330; 458337, 3707444; 458309, 3707444; 458309, 3707614; 458337, 3707614; 458337, 3707671; 458309, 3707671; 458309, 3707728; 458281, 3707728; 458281, 3707784; 458309, 3707784; 458309, 3707756; 458394, 3707756; 458422, 3707756; 458422, 3707784; 458479, 3707784; 458479, 3707813; 458508, 3707813; 458508, 3707841; 458536, 3707841; 458536, 3707869; 458564, 3707869; 458564, 3707955; 458593, 3707955; 458593, 3708011; 458621, 3708011; 458621, 3708068; 458649, 3708068; 458649, 3708096; 458678, 3708096; 458678, 3708125; 458706, 3708125; 458706, 3708153; 458734, 3708153; 458734, 3708182; 458848, 3708182; 458848, 3708210; 458876, 3708210; 458876, 3708238; 458905, 3708238; 458905, 3708267; 458933, 3708267; 458933, 3708352; 458961, 3708352; 458961, 3708465; 458933, 3708465; 458933, 3708494; 458961, 3708494; 458961, 3708550; 458990, 3708550; 458990, 3708664; 459018, 3708664; 459018, 3708692; 459047, 3708692; 459047, 3708721; 459075, 3708721; 459075, 3708749; 459103, 3708749; 459103, 3708777; 459245, 3708777; 459245, 3708749; 459302, 3708749; 459302, 3708692; 459330, 3708692; 459330, 3708635; 459359, 3708635; 459359, 3708522; 459387, 3708522; 459387, 3708494; 459415, 3708494; 459415, 3708522; 459472, 3708522; 459472, 3708579; 459444, 3708579; 459444, 3708635; 459472, 3708635; 459472, 3708749; 459500, 3708749; 459500, 3708834; 459529, 3708834; 459529, 3708862; 459500, 3708862; 459500, 3708919; 459557, 3708919; 459557, 3708947; 459614, 3708947; 459614, 3709004; 459642, 3709004; 459642, 3709033; 459699, 3709033; 459699, 3709004; 459727, 3709004; 459727, 3708976; 459784, 3708976; 459784, 3708947; 459869, 3708947; 459869, 3708919; 459926, 3708919; 459926, 3708891; 460011, 3708891; 460011, 3708919; 460068, 3708919; 460068, 3708947; 460096, 3708947; 460096, 3708976; 460125, 3708976; 460125, 3709004; 460153, 3709004; 460153, 3709089; 460181, 3709089; 460181, 3709487; 460210, 3709487; 460210, 3709543; 460238, 3709543; 460238, 3709770; 460266, 3709770; 460266, 3709884; 460295, 3709884; 460295, 3709997; 460352, 3709997; 460352, 3709969; 460380, 3709969; 460380, 3709940; 460465, 3709940; 460465, 3709969; 460493, 3709969; 460493, 3709997; 460550, 3709997; 460550, 3710026; 460607, 3710026; 460607, 3710054; 460635, 3710054; 460635, 3710082; 460664, 3710082; 460664, 3710111; 460692, 3710111; 460692, 3710139; 460720, 3710139; 460720, 3710167; 460749, 3710167; 460749, 3710196; 460777, 3710196; 460777, 3710224; 460834, 3710224; 460834, 3710252; 460862, 3710252; 460862, 3710281; 460891, 3710281; 460891, 3710252; 460976, 3710252; 460976, 3710167; 461032, 3710167; 461032, 3710139; 461061, 3710139; 461061, 3710111; 461203, 3710111; 461203, 3710139; 461231, 3710139; 461231, 3710167; 461259, 3710167; 461259, 3710196; 461288, 3710196; 461288, 3710224; 461316, 3710224; 461316, 3710252; 461344, 3710252; 461344, 3710281; 461373, 3710281; 461373, 3710309; 461401, 3710309; 461401, 3710338; 461486, 3710338; 461486, 3710366; 461515, 3710366; 461515, 3710394; 461571, 3710394; 461571, 3710366; 461628, 3710366; 461628, 3710338; 461713, 3710338; 461713, 3710309; 461798, 3710309; 461798, 3710281; 461855, 3710281; 461855, 3710252; 461912, 3710252; 461912, 3710224; 462054, 3710224; 462054, 3710252; 462082, 3710252; 462082, 3710281; 462110, 3710281; 462110, 3710309; 462082, 3710309; 462082, 3710423; 462054, 3710423; 462054, 3710451; 462110, 3710451; 462110, 3710423; 462224, 3710423; 462224, 3710479; 462281, 3710479; 462281, 3710508; 462337, 3710508; 462337, 3710536; 462366, 3710536; 462366, 3710593; 462394, 3710593; 462394, 3710650; 462422, 3710650; 462422, 3710763; 462451, 3710763; 462451, 3710820; 462479, 3710820; 462479, 3710848; 462536, 3710848; 462536, 3710962; 462564, 3710962; 462564, 3710933; 462621, 3710933; 462621, 3710962; 462649, 3710962; 462649, 3710990; 462678, 3710990; 462678, 3711018; 462706, 3711018; 462706, 3711075; 462735, 3711075; 462735, 3711132; 462763, 3711132; 462763, 3711189; 462791, 3711189; 462791, 3711217; 462820, 3711217; 462820, 3711330; 462848, 3711330; 462848, 3711359; 462876, 3711359; 462876, 3711416; 462905, 3711416; 462905, 3711444; 462933, 3711444; 462933, 3711472; 462990, 3711472; 462990, 3711557; 463018, 3711557; 463018, 3711614; 463047, 3711614; 463047, 3711756; 463075, 3711756; 463075, 3711926; 463047, 3711926; 463047, 3712040; 463075, 3712040; 463075, 3712125; 463103, 3712125; 463103, 3712153; 463132, 3712153; 463132, 3712182; 463160, 3712182; 463160, 3712380; 463188, 3712380; 463188, 3712437; 463217, 3712437; 463217, 3712579; 463245, 3712579; 463245, 3712692; 463274, 3712692; 463274, 3712721; 463302, 3712721; 463302, 3712664; 463330, 3712664; 463330, 3712522; 463415, 3712522; 463415, 3712550; 463444, 3712550; 463444, 3712579; 463472, 3712579; 463472, 3712607; 463529, 3712607; 463529, 3712635; 463557, 3712635; 463557, 3712664; 463756, 3712664; 463756, 3712635; 463841, 3712635; 463841, 3712607; 464068, 3712607; 464068, 3712579; 464125, 3712579; 464125, 3712607; 464323, 3712607; 464323, 3712635; 464380, 3712635; 464380, 3712607; 464408, 3712607; 464408, 3712550; 464437, 3712550; 464437, 3712522; 464465, 3712522; 464465, 3712437; 464493, 3712437; 464493, 3712380; 464522, 3712380; 464522, 3712352; 464578, 3712352; 464578, 3712323; 464635, 3712323; 464635, 3712295; 464720, 3712295; 464720, 3712267; 464749, 3712267; 464749, 3712238; 464834, 3712238; 464834, 3712267; 464976, 3712267; 464976, 3712238; 465004, 3712238; 465004, 3712267; 465089, 3712267; 465089, 3712238; 465174, 3712238; 465174, 3712267; 465203, 3712267; 465203, 3712238; 465288, 3712238; 465288, 3712210; 465316, 3712210; 465316, 3712182; 465344, 3712182; 465373, 3712182; 465373, 3712210; 465430, 3712210; 465430, 3712238; 465486, 3712238; 465486, 3712210; 465515, 3712210; 465600, 3712210; 465600, 3712238; 465713, 3712238; 465713, 3712210; 465742, 3712210; 465742, 3712182; 465770, 3712182; 465770, 3712153; 465827, 3712153; 465827, 3712125; 465855, 3712125; 465855, 3712096; 465827, 3712096; 465827, 3712068; 465855, 3712068; 465855, 3712040; 465940, 3712040; 465940, 3712011; 465997, 3712011; 465997, 3711983; 466139, 3711983; 466139, 3712011; 466196, 3712011; 466196, 3712040; 466224, 3712040; 466224, 3712011; 466422, 3712011; 466422, 3712040; 466451, 3712040; 466451, 3712068; 466536, 3712068; 466536, 3712040; 466649, 3712040; 466649, 3712011; 466735, 3712011; 466735, 3712040; 466791, 3712040; 466791, 3712068; 466820, 3712068; 466820, 3712040; 466876, 3712040; 466876, 3712096; 466905, 3712096; 466905, 3712153; 466933, 3712153; 466933, 3712238; 467018, 3712238; 467018, 3712267; 467047, 3712267; 467047, 3712295; 467188, 3712295; 467188, 3712323; returning to 467274, 3712323.

(ix) Note: Map of Unit 11 is provided at paragraph (13)(v) of this entry.

(17) Unit 12: Lower Santa Margarita Basin, San Diego County, California.

(i) Subunit 12a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fallbrook and Temecula, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 470019, 3696496; 470013, 3696496; 470013, 3696526; 470019, 3696526; returning to 470019, 3696496.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 470024, 3696976; 470020, 3696616; 470013, 3696616; 470013, 3696646; 469983, 3696646; 469983, 3696856; 470013, 3696856; 470013, 3696976; returning to 470024, 3696976.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 470553, 3700756; 470553, 3700726; 470583, 3700726; 470583, 3700606; 470553, 3700606; 470553, 3700576; 470523, 3700576; 470523, 3700546; 470463, 3700546; 470463, 3700456; 470493, 3700456; 470493, 3700426; 470553, 3700426; 470553, 3700396; 470583, 3700396; 470583, 3700336; 470523, 3700336; 470523, 3700306; 470313, 3700306; 470313, 3700276; 470223, 3700276; 470223, 3700246; 470163, 3700246; 470163, 3700096; 470043, 3700096; 470043, 3700126; 469923, 3700126; 469923, 3699976; 469893, 3699976; 469893, 3699886; 469923, 3699886; 469923, 3699766; 469953, 3699766; 469953, 3699706; 469983, 3699706; 469983, 3699676; 470013, 3699676; 470013, 3699646; 470043, 3699646; 470043, 3699616; 470103, 3699616; 470103, 3699586; 470073, 3699586; 470073, 3699436; 470043, 3699436; 470043, 3699406; 470013, 3699406; 470013, 3699376; 469983, 3699376; 469983, 3699286; 470073, 3699286; 470073, 3699256; 470043, 3699256; 470043, 3699196; 470013, 3699196; 470013, 3699136; 469983, 3699136; 469983, 3699076; 470013, 3699076; 470013, 3698896; 470043, 3698896; 470043, 3698866; 470073, 3698866; 470073, 3698836; 470133, 3698836; 470133, 3698806; 470223, 3698806; 470223, 3698836; 470253, 3698836; 470253, 3698866; 470313, 3698866; 470313, 3698806; 470343, 3698806; 470343, 3698746; 470313, 3698746; 470313, 3698686; 470343, 3698686; 470343, 3698596; 470313, 3698596; 470313, 3698566; 470253, 3698566; 470253, 3698446; 470223, 3698446; 470223, 3698416; 470193, 3698416; 470193, 3698446; 470163, 3698446; 470163, 3698416; 470133, 3698416; 470133, 3698356; 470103, 3698356; 470103, 3698326; 470133, 3698326; 470133, 3698266; 470163, 3698266; 470163, 3698206; 470193, 3698206; 470193, 3698176; 470283, 3698176; 470283, 3698146; 470313, 3698146; 470313, 3698116; 470283, 3698116; 470283, 3698086; 470253, 3698086; 470253, 3697936; 470283, 3697936; 470283, 3697906; 470373, 3697906; 470373, 3697876; 470433, 3697876; 470433, 3697816; 470403, 3697816; 470403, 3697786; 470313, 3697786; 470313, 3697756; 470283, 3697756; 470283, 3697696; 470253, 3697696; 470253, 3697576; 470283, 3697576; 470283, 3697546; 470343, 3697546; 470343, 3697516; 470373, 3697516; 470373, 3697511; 470031, 3697512; 470029, 3697396; 470013, 3697396; 470013, 3697486; 469983, 3697486; 469983, 3697666; 470013, 3697666; 470013, 3697786; 469953, 3697786; 469953, 3697846; 469923, 3697846; 469923, 3697876; 469893, 3697876; 469893, 3697936; 469923, 3697936; 469923, 3698116; 469893, 3698116; 469893, 3698176; 469863, 3698176; 469863, 3698236; 469833, 3698236; 469833, 3698296; 469803, 3698296; 469803, 3698356; 469773, 3698356; 469773, 3698416; 469743, 3698416; 469743, 3698476; 469713, 3698476; 469713, 3698506; 469683, 3698506; 469683, 3698536; 469653, 3698536; 469653, 3698596; 469623, 3698596; 469623, 3698716; 469563, 3698716; 469563, 3698806; 469533, 3698806; 469533, 3698866; 469503, 3698866; 469503, 3698986; 469593, 3698986; 469593, 3699046; 469623, 3699046; 469623, 3699106; 469593, 3699106; 469593, 3699136; 469563, 3699136; 469563, 3699196; 469533, 3699196; 469533, 3699226; 469469, 3699226; 469466, 3699436; 469503, 3699436; 469503, 3699616; 469473, 3699616; 469473, 3699646; 469413, 3699646; 469413, 3699676; 469383, 3699676; 469383, 3699736; 469413, 3699736; 469413, 3699766; 469383, 3699766; 469383, 3699886; 469473, 3699886; 469473, 3699856; 469503, 3699856; 469503, 3699946; 469533, 3699946; 469533, 3699976; 469563, 3699976; 469563, 3700006; 469593, 3700006; 469593, 3700036; 469623, 3700036; 469623, 3700306; 469653, 3700306; 469653, 3700336; 469683, 3700336; 469683, 3700396; 469713, 3700396; 469713, 3700486; 469743, 3700486; 469743, 3700516; 469773, 3700516; 469773, 3700456; 469803, 3700456; 469803, 3700426; 469893, 3700426; 469893, 3700456; 469953, 3700456; 469953, 3700486; 470013, 3700486; 470013, 3700696; 469983, 3700696; 469983, 3700726; 470013, 3700726; 470013, 3700756; 470043, 3700756; 470043, 3700786; 470073, 3700786; 470073, 3700756; 470103, 3700756; 470103, 3700666; 470163, 3700666; 470163, 3700636; 470223, 3700636; 470223, 3700606; 470313, 3700606; 470313, 3700636; 470343, 3700636; 470343, 3700666; 470403, 3700666; 470403, 3700726; 470433, 3700726; 470433, 3700756; 470493, 3700756; 470493, 3700816; 470523, 3700816; 470523, 3700846; 470553, 3700846; returning to 470553, 3700756. Excluding land bounded by 469743, 3699526; 469743, 3699496; 469773, 3699496; 469773, 3699466; 469803, 3699466; 469803, 3699526; returning to 469743, 3699526.

(iv) Subunit 12b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fallbrook and Temecula, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 481713, 3699166; 481713, 3699136; 481743, 3699136; 481743, 3699106; 481773, 3699106; 481773, 3699046; 481803, 3699046; 481803, 3698986; 481833, 3698986; 481833, 3698956; 481983, 3698956; 481983, 3698926; 482043, 3698926; 482043, 3698896; 481983, 3698896; 481983, 3698866; 481953, 3698866; 481953, 3698836; 481923, 3698836; 481923, 3698806; 481893, 3698806; 481893, 3698716; 481863, 3698716; 481863, 3698686; 481833, 3698686; 481833, 3698656; 481803, 3698656; 481803, 3698626; 481773, 3698626; 481773, 3698596; 481743, 3698596; 481743, 3698566; 481683, 3698566; 481683, 3698536; 481653, 3698536; 481653, 3698506; 481518, 3698506; 481519, 3698558; 481476, 3698579; 481418, 3698570; 481299, 3698509; 481259, 3698468; 481232, 3698394; 481172, 3698298; 481108, 3698204; 481085, 3698135; 481233, 3698076; 481233, 3698056; 481173, 3698056; 481173, 3698026; 481083, 3698026; 481083, 3697996; 481053, 3697996; 481053, 3697936; 480993, 3697936; 480993, 3697876; 480963, 3697876; 480963, 3697816; 480933, 3697816; 480933, 3697786; 480903, 3697786; 480903, 3697756; 480873, 3697756; 480873, 3697726; 480843, 3697726; 480843, 3697666; 480783, 3697666; 480783, 3697636; 480753, 3697636; 480753, 3697606; 480693, 3697606; 480693, 3697576; 480663, 3697576; 480663, 3697546; 480633, 3697546; 480633, 3697456; 480543, 3697456; 480543, 3697486; 480483, 3697486; 480483, 3697456; 480453, 3697456; 480453, 3697336; 480483, 3697336; 480483, 3697306; 480453, 3697306; 480453, 3697276; 480393, 3697276; 480393, 3697246; 480363, 3697246; 480363, 3697276; 480303, 3697276; 480303, 3697246; 480273, 3697246; 480273, 3697186; 480243, 3697186; 480243, 3697156; 480273, 3697156; 480273, 3697066; 480213, 3697066; 480213, 3697036; 480183, 3697036; 480183, 3697006; 480153, 3697006; 480153, 3696976; 480123, 3696976; 480123, 3696946; 480093, 3696946; 480093, 3696916; 480063, 3696916; 480063, 3696886; 480093, 3696886; 480093, 3696856; 480123, 3696856; 480123, 3696796; 480153, 3696796; 480153, 3696766; 480213, 3696766; 480213, 3696736; 480183, 3696736; 480183, 3696706; 480153, 3696706; 480153, 3696676; 480093, 3696676; 480093, 3696706; 480063, 3696706; 480063, 3696736; 479883, 3696736; 479883, 3696676; 479733, 3696676; 479733, 3696646; 479673, 3696646; 479673, 3696616; 479643, 3696616; 479643, 3696586; 479613, 3696586; 479613, 3696556; 479583, 3696556; 479583, 3696496; 479553, 3696496; 479553, 3696466; 479493, 3696466; 479493, 3696436; 479463, 3696436; 479463, 3696406; 479373, 3696406; 479373, 3696376; 479343, 3696376; 479343, 3696346; 479283, 3696346; 479283, 3696316; 479253, 3696316; 479253, 3696286; 479223, 3696286; 479223, 3696226; 479193, 3696226; 479193, 3696196; 479163, 3696196; 479163, 3696226; 479043, 3696226; 479043, 3696196; 479013, 3696196; 479013, 3696166; 478953, 3696166; 478953, 3696196; 478923, 3696196; 478923, 3696226; 478953, 3696226; 478953, 3696316; 478923, 3696316; 478923, 3696376; 478863, 3696376; 478863, 3696346; 478833, 3696346; 478833, 3696286; 478563, 3696286; 478563, 3696316; 478473, 3696316; 478473, 3696346; 478443, 3696346; 478443, 3696376; 478473, 3696376; 478473, 3696436; 478443, 3696436; 478443, 3696496; 478413, 3696496; 478413, 3696556; 478383, 3696556; 478383, 3696586; 478293, 3696586; 478293, 3696556; 478173, 3696556; 478173, 3696526; 478143, 3696526; 478143, 3696496; 478083, 3696496; 478083, 3696436; 478053, 3696436; 478053, 3696406; 478023, 3696406; 478023, 3696376; 477993, 3696376; 477993, 3696406; 477963, 3696406; 477963, 3696466; 477903, 3696466; 477903, 3696496; 477813, 3696496; 477813, 3696466; 477753, 3696466; 477753, 3696526; 477723, 3696526; 477723, 3696556; 477693, 3696556; 477693, 3696586; 477663, 3696586; 477663, 3696796; 477633, 3696796; 477633, 3696856; 477663, 3696856; 477663, 3696976; 477633, 3696976; 477633, 3697006; 477573, 3697006; 477573, 3697036; 477333, 3697036; 477333, 3697006; 477273, 3697006; 477273, 3696976; 477243, 3696976; 477243, 3696946; 477213, 3696946; 477213, 3696916; 477183, 3696916; 477183, 3696886; 477153, 3696886; 477153, 3696856; 477123, 3696856; 477123, 3696826; 477093, 3696826; 477093, 3696796; 477063, 3696796; 477063, 3696766; 477033, 3696766; 477033, 3696706; 476973, 3696706; 476973, 3696616; 477003, 3696616; 477003, 3696586; 476943, 3696586; 476943, 3696556; 476913, 3696556; 476913, 3696526; 476883, 3696526; 476883, 3696346; 476913, 3696346; 476913, 3696316; 476883, 3696316; 476883, 3696196; 476853, 3696196; 476853, 3695926; 476823, 3695926; 476823, 3695836; 476793, 3695836; 476793, 3695776; 476763, 3695776; 476763, 3695746; 476733, 3695746; 476733, 3695686; 476673, 3695686; 476673, 3695716; 476643, 3695716; 476643, 3695776; 476613, 3695776; 476613, 3695806; 476553, 3695806; 476553, 3695836; 476493, 3695836; 476493, 3695866; 476196, 3695866; 476213, 3696016; 476253, 3696016; 476253, 3696046; 476463, 3696046; 476463, 3696076; 476553, 3696076; 476553, 3696136; 476583, 3696136; 476583, 3696196; 476613, 3696196; 476613, 3696226; 476643, 3696226; 476643, 3696376; 476673, 3696376; 476673, 3696496; 476643, 3696496; 476643, 3696526; 476613, 3696526; 476613, 3696586; 476643, 3696586; 476643, 3696616; 476673, 3696616; 476673, 3696736; 476703, 3696736; 476703, 3696796; 476733, 3696796; 476733, 3696826; 476763, 3696826; 476763, 3696856; 476793, 3696856; 476793, 3696946; 476883, 3696946; 476883, 3696976; 477003, 3696976; 477003, 3697006; 477033, 3697006; 477033, 3697036; 477093, 3697036; 477093, 3697066; 477153, 3697066; 477153, 3697156; 477123, 3697156; 477123, 3697216; 477093, 3697216; 477093, 3697246; 477063, 3697246; 477063, 3697306; 477003, 3697306; 477003, 3697336; 476973, 3697336; 476973, 3697396; 476943, 3697396; 476943, 3697486; 476973, 3697486; 476973, 3697546; 476943, 3697546; 476943, 3697576; 476973, 3697576; 476973, 3697666; 477003, 3697666; 477003, 3697636; 477033, 3697636; 477033, 3697576; 477063, 3697576; 477063, 3697456; 477093, 3697456; 477093, 3697426; 477123, 3697426; 477123, 3697396; 477183, 3697396; 477183, 3697426; 477273, 3697426; 477273, 3697456; 477363, 3697456; 477363, 3697486; 477483, 3697486; 477483, 3697546; 477573, 3697546; 477573, 3697516; 477603, 3697516; 477603, 3697486; 477633, 3697486; 477633, 3697456; 477663, 3697456; 477663, 3697426; 477693, 3697426; 477693, 3697366; 477663, 3697366; 477663, 3697306; 477693, 3697306; 477693, 3697246; 477723, 3697246; 477723, 3697216; 477753, 3697216; 477753, 3697186; 477783, 3697186; 477783, 3697156; 477813, 3697156; 477813, 3697126; 477843, 3697126; 477843, 3697156; 477873, 3697156; 477873, 3697216; 477903, 3697216; 477903, 3697276; 477963, 3697276; 477963, 3697246; 477933, 3697246; 477933, 3697156; 477963, 3697156; 477963, 3697066; 478053, 3697066; 478053, 3697006; 477993, 3697006; 477993, 3696976; 477963, 3696976; 477963, 3696916; 477993, 3696916; 477993, 3696826; 478023, 3696826; 478023, 3696796; 477993, 3696796; 477993, 3696676; 478053, 3696676; 478053, 3696706; 478143, 3696706; 478143, 3696736; 478173, 3696736; 478173, 3696796; 478203, 3696796; 478203, 3696826; 478233, 3696826; 478233, 3696856; 478263, 3696856; 478263, 3696886; 478323, 3696886; 478323, 3696916; 478443, 3696916; 478443, 3696826; 478473, 3696826; 478473, 3696796; 478623, 3696796; 478623, 3696826; 478653, 3696826; 478653, 3696856; 478683, 3696856; 478683, 3696826; 478713, 3696826; 478713, 3696736; 478683, 3696736; 478683, 3696676; 478653, 3696676; 478653, 3696646; 478623, 3696646; 478623, 3696466; 478743, 3696466; 478743, 3696526; 478863, 3696526; 478863, 3696556; 478923, 3696556; 478923, 3696586; 478953, 3696586; 478953, 3696616; 479013, 3696616; 479013, 3696586; 479043, 3696586; 479043, 3696556; 479163, 3696556; 479163, 3696586; 479223, 3696586; 479223, 3696616; 479283, 3696616; 479283, 3696646; 479313, 3696646; 479313, 3696616; 479343, 3696616; 479343, 3696646; 479373, 3696646; 479373, 3696706; 479403, 3696706; 479403, 3696736; 479523, 3696736; 479523, 3696796; 479553, 3696796; 479553, 3696856; 479613, 3696856; 479613, 3696886; 479733, 3696886; 479733, 3696916; 479763, 3696916; 479763, 3696946; 479793, 3696946; 479793, 3697006; 479823, 3697006; 479823, 3697126; 479853, 3697126; 479853, 3697156; 479883, 3697156; 479883, 3697186; 479913, 3697186; 479913, 3697216; 479943, 3697216; 479943, 3697306; 479973, 3697306; 479973, 3697366; 479943, 3697366; 479943, 3697486; 479973, 3697486; 479973, 3697516; 480003, 3697516; 480003, 3697546; 480093, 3697546; 480093, 3697516; 480183, 3697516; 480183, 3697546; 480213, 3697546; 480213, 3697666; 480303, 3697666; 480303, 3697636; 480363, 3697636; 480363, 3697666; 480423, 3697666; 480423, 3697696; 480453, 3697696; 480453, 3697756; 480483, 3697756; 480483, 3697786; 480513, 3697786; 480513, 3697906; 480603, 3697906; 480603, 3697936; 480663, 3697936; 480663, 3697966; 480723, 3697966; 480723, 3697996; 480753, 3697996; 480753, 3698026; 480783, 3698026; 480783, 3698056; 480813, 3698056; 480813, 3698086; 480783, 3698086; 480783, 3698146; 480843, 3698146; 480843, 3698296; 480873, 3698296; 480873, 3698326; 480903, 3698326; 480903, 3698386; 480933, 3698386; 480933, 3698416; 480963, 3698416; 480963, 3698476; 480993, 3698476; 480993, 3698506; 481023, 3698506; 481023, 3698566; 481053, 3698566; 481053, 3698596; 481083, 3698596; 481083, 3698626; 481113, 3698626; 481113, 3698656; 481143, 3698656; 481143, 3698686; 481203, 3698686; 481203, 3698716; 481233, 3698716; 481233, 3698746; 481323, 3698746; 481323, 3698776; 481353, 3698776; 481353, 3698806; 481623, 3698806; 481623, 3698836; 481653, 3698836; 481653, 3698956; 481683, 3698956; 481683, 3699106; 481653, 3699106; 481653, 3699166; returning to 481713, 3699166.

(v) Note: Map of Units 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 follows.

(18) Unit 13: Upper Santa Margarita Basin, Riverside and San Diego Counties, California.

(i) Subunit 13a: from USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Vail Lake, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 505506, 3698564; 505506, 3698534; 505536, 3698534; 505536, 3698564; 505506, 3698564; 505506, 3698599; 505506, 3698624; 505536, 3698624; 505536, 3698654; 505566, 3698654; 505566, 3698624; 505626, 3698624; 505626, 3698594; 505656, 3698594; 505656, 3698624; 505686, 3698624; 505686, 3698654; 505716, 3698654; 505716, 3698684; 505686, 3698684; 505686, 3698714; 505656, 3698714; 505656, 3698744; 505626, 3698744; 505626, 3698774; 505596, 3698774; 505596, 3698804; 505446, 3698804; 505446, 3698834; 505386, 3698834; 505386, 3698924; 505446, 3698924; 505446, 3698954; 505476, 3698954; 505476, 3698984; 505506, 3698984; 505506, 3699044; 505536, 3699044; 505536, 3699134; 505566, 3699134; 505566, 3699194; 505656, 3699194; 505656, 3699224; 505746, 3699224; 505746, 3699254; 505776, 3699254; 505776, 3699314; 505806, 3699314; 505806, 3699494; 505836, 3699494; 505836, 3699554; 505866, 3699554; 505866, 3699584; 505896, 3699584; 505896, 3699614; 505926, 3699614; 505926, 3699734; 505896, 3699734; 505896, 3699824; 505866, 3699824; 505866, 3699854; 505806, 3699854; 505806, 3699884; 505656, 3699884; 505656, 3699944; 505626, 3699944; 505626, 3699974; 505596, 3699974; 505596, 3700034; 505626, 3700034; 505626, 3700064; 505626, 3700154; 505596, 3700154; 505596, 3700274; 505566, 3700274; 505566, 3700304; 505476, 3700304; 505476, 3700274; 505446, 3700274; 505446, 3700214; 505416, 3700214; 505416, 3700184; 505386, 3700184; 505386, 3700214; 505326, 3700214; 505326, 3700244; 505296, 3700244; 505296, 3700274; 505266, 3700274; 505266, 3700364; 505236, 3700364; 505236, 3700634; 505206, 3700634; 505206, 3700694; 505176, 3700694; 505176, 3700724; 505146, 3700724; 505146, 3700754; 505116, 3700754; 505116, 3700784; 505086, 3700784; 505086, 3700814; 505026, 3700814; 505026, 3700844; 504876, 3700844; 504876, 3700874; 504816, 3700874; 504816, 3700904; 504516, 3700904; 504516, 3700934; 504456, 3700934; 504456, 3700964; 504426, 3700964; 504426, 3700994; 504366, 3700994; 504366, 3701084; 504336, 3701084; 504336, 3701144; 504306, 3701144; 504306, 3701174; 504276, 3701174; 504276, 3701204; 504246, 3701204; 504246, 3701234; 504216, 3701234; 504216, 3701294; 504186, 3701294; 504186, 3701384; 504156, 3701384; 504156, 3701474; 504126, 3701474; 504126, 3701504; 504066, 3701504; 504066, 3701534; 503886, 3701534; 503886, 3701504; 503856, 3701504; 503856, 3701474; 503826, 3701474; 503826, 3701444; 503796, 3701444; 503796, 3701384; 503646, 3701384; 503646, 3701354; 503526, 3701354; 503526, 3701384; 503466, 3701384; 503466, 3701414; 503406, 3701414; 503406, 3701384; 503346, 3701384; 503346, 3701354; 503316, 3701354; 503316, 3701324; 503256, 3701324; 503256, 3701294; 503226, 3701294; 503226, 3701234; 503166, 3701234; 503166, 3701264; 503046, 3701264; 503046, 3701204; 503016, 3701204; 503016, 3701174; 502956, 3701174; 502956, 3701204; 502836, 3701204; 502836, 3701234; 502806, 3701234; 502806, 3701264; 502776, 3701264; 502776, 3701294; 502746, 3701294; 502746, 3701414; 502716, 3701414; 502716, 3701474; 502686, 3701474; 502686, 3701504; 502656, 3701504; 502656, 3701594; 502686, 3701594; 502686, 3701654; 502716, 3701654; 502716, 3701684; 502686, 3701684; 502686, 3701714; 502656, 3701714; 502656, 3701774; 502626, 3701774; 502626, 3701804; 502536, 3701804; 502536, 3701954; 502506, 3701954; 502506, 3701984; 502386, 3701984; 502386, 3702104; 502416, 3702104; 502416, 3702194; 502386, 3702194; 502386, 3702344; 502416, 3702344; 502416, 3702524; 502386, 3702524; 502386, 3702584; 502356, 3702584; 502356, 3702554; 502296, 3702554; 502296, 3702524; 502266, 3702524; 502266, 3702494; 502206, 3702494; 502206, 3702584; 502236, 3702584; 502236, 3702644; 502266, 3702644; 502266, 3702764; 502296, 3702764; 502296, 3702794; 502206, 3702794; 502206, 3702824; 502176, 3702824; 502176, 3702854; 502116, 3702854; 502116, 3702884; 502086, 3702884; 502086, 3702914; 502056, 3702914; 502056, 3702974; 502026, 3702974; 502026, 3703004; 501996, 3703004; 501996, 3703034; 501966, 3703034; 501966, 3703124; 501936, 3703124; 501936, 3703154; 501876, 3703154; 501876, 3703184; 501846, 3703184; 501846, 3703334; 501816, 3703334; 501816, 3703364; 501726, 3703364; 501726, 3703394; 501666, 3703394; 501666, 3703424; 501636, 3703424; 501636, 3703454; 501606, 3703454; 501606, 3703484; 501576, 3703484; 501576, 3703514; 501546, 3703514; 501546, 3703544; 501516, 3703544; 501516, 3703574; 501456, 3703574; 501456, 3703544; 501426, 3703544; 501426, 3703514; 501396, 3703514; 501396, 3703484; 501366, 3703484; 501366, 3703454; 501336, 3703454; 501336, 3703484; 501306, 3703484; 501306, 3703544; 501336, 3703544; 501336, 3703634; 501306, 3703634; 501306, 3703664; 501276, 3703664; 501276, 3703754; 501216, 3703754; 501216, 3703724; 501186, 3703724; 501186, 3703694; 501126, 3703694; 501126, 3703664; 501036, 3703664; 501036, 3703634; 501006, 3703634; 501006, 3703604; 500976, 3703604; 500976, 3703574; 500916, 3703574; 500916, 3703544; 500886, 3703544; 500886, 3703574; 500856, 3703574; 500856, 3703634; 500886, 3703634; 500886, 3703664; 500916, 3703664; 500916, 3703694; 500946, 3703694; 500946, 3703754; 500976, 3703754; 500976, 3703874; 500916, 3703874; 500916, 3703994; 500946, 3703994; 500946, 3704054; 501006, 3704054; 501006, 3704084; 501036, 3704084; 501036, 3704114; 501066, 3704114; 501066, 3704144; 501126, 3704144; 501126, 3704174; 501156, 3704174; 501156, 3704234; 501186, 3704234; 501186, 3704324; 501156, 3704324; 501156, 3704354; 501126, 3704354; 501126, 3704414; 501246, 3704414; 501246, 3704444; 501336, 3704444; 501336, 3704594; 501486, 3704594; 501486, 3704624; 501516, 3704624; 501516, 3704654; 501546, 3704654; 501546, 3704684; 501576, 3704684; 501576, 3704744; 501606, 3704744; 501606, 3704804; 501636, 3704804; 501636, 3704834; 501666, 3704834; 501666, 3704894; 501696, 3704894; 501696, 3704924; 501726, 3704924; 501726, 3704954; 501696, 3704954; 501696, 3705044; 501666, 3705044; 501666, 3705074; 501606, 3705074; 501606, 3705164; 501666, 3705164; 501713, 3705144; 501832, 3704997; 501956, 3704780; 502043, 3704659; 502101, 3704534; 501996, 3704534; 501996, 3704564; 501966, 3704564; 501966, 3704594; 501906, 3704594; 501906, 3704624; 501816, 3704624; 501816, 3704504; 501846, 3704504; 501846, 3704444; 501876, 3704444; 501876, 3704384; 501846, 3704384; 501846, 3704354; 501756, 3704354; 501756, 3704384; 501696, 3704384; 501696, 3704414; 501636, 3704414; 501636, 3704384; 501606, 3704384; 501606, 3704264; 501576, 3704264; 501576, 3704234; 501606, 3704234; 501606, 3704174; 501636, 3704174; 501636, 3704144; 501666, 3704144; 501666, 3704084; 501606, 3704084; 501606, 3704054; 501636, 3704054; 501636, 3704024; 501666, 3704024; 501666, 3703994; 501786, 3703994; 501786, 3703964; 501846, 3703964; 501846, 3703934; 501906, 3703934; 501906, 3703904; 501936, 3703904; 501936, 3703814; 502026, 3703814; 502026, 3703784; 502086, 3703784; 502086, 3703754; 502146, 3703754; 502146, 3703784; 502236, 3703784; 502236, 3703754; 502266, 3703754; 502266, 3703694; 502296, 3703694; 502296, 3703664; 502326, 3703664; 502326, 3703634; 502356, 3703634; 502356, 3703604; 502296, 3703604; 502296, 3703574; 502236, 3703574; 502236, 3703394; 502266, 3703394; 502266, 3703424; 502296, 3703424; 502296, 3703454; 502356, 3703454; 502356, 3703424; 502386, 3703424; 502386, 3703394; 502416, 3703394; 502416, 3703364; 502446, 3703364; 502446, 3703274; 502416, 3703274; 502416, 3703244; 502386, 3703244; 502386, 3703184; 502416, 3703184; 502416, 3703154; 502446, 3703154; 502446, 3703124; 502476, 3703124; 502476, 3703094; 502506, 3703094; 502506, 3703064; 502566, 3703064; 502566, 3703034; 502626, 3703034; 502626, 3703094; 502656, 3703094; 502656, 3703124; 502626, 3703124; 502626, 3703184; 502656, 3703184; 502656, 3703214; 502686, 3703214; 502686, 3703184; 502746, 3703184; 502746, 3703214; 502776, 3703214; 502776, 3703244; 502806, 3703244; 502806, 3703214; 502836, 3703214; 502836, 3703184; 502896, 3703184; 502896, 3703154; 502926, 3703154; 502926, 3703094; 502896, 3703094; 502896, 3702974; 502926, 3702974; 502926, 3702824; 502896, 3702824; 502896, 3702764; 502926, 3702764; 502926, 3702734; 502986, 3702734; 502986, 3702644; 502806, 3702644; 502806, 3702614; 502746, 3702614; 502746, 3702584; 502716, 3702584; 502716, 3702464; 502746, 3702464; 502746, 3702434; 502776, 3702434; 502776, 3702404; 502806, 3702404; 502806, 3702344; 502776, 3702344; 502776, 3702314; 502746, 3702314; 502746, 3702254; 502776, 3702254; 502776, 3702104; 502806, 3702104; 502806, 3702074; 502956, 3702074; 502956, 3701894; 502986, 3701894; 502986, 3701864; 502956, 3701864; 502956, 3701774; 502926, 3701774; 502926, 3701594; 502896, 3701594; 502896, 3701534; 502866, 3701534; 502866, 3701444; 502896, 3701444; 502896, 3701354; 502986, 3701354; 502986, 3701384; 503106, 3701384; 503106, 3701414; 503166, 3701414; 503166, 3701474; 503226, 3701474; 503226, 3701504; 503256, 3701504; 503256, 3701534; 503316, 3701534; 503316, 3701564; 503346, 3701564; 503346, 3701594; 503526, 3701594; 503526, 3701534; 503556, 3701534; 503556, 3701474; 503646, 3701474; 503646, 3701504; 503706, 3701504; 503706, 3701564; 503736, 3701564; 503736, 3701594; 503766, 3701594; 503766, 3701624; 503826, 3701624; 503826, 3701654; 503946, 3701654; 503946, 3701684; 503976, 3701684; 503976, 3701714; 504036, 3701714; 504036, 3701744; 504066, 3701744; 504066, 3701714; 504096, 3701714; 504096, 3701684; 504126, 3701684; 504126, 3701654; 504186, 3701654; 504186, 3701624; 504276, 3701624; 504276, 3701594; 504306, 3701594; 504306, 3701564; 504336, 3701564; 504336, 3701534; 504366, 3701534; 504366, 3701474; 504336, 3701474; 504336, 3701414; 504306, 3701414; 504306, 3701384; 504336, 3701384; 504336, 3701324; 504366, 3701324; 504366, 3701294; 504396, 3701294; 504396, 3701234; 504426, 3701234; 504426, 3701204; 504486, 3701204; 504486, 3701174; 504516, 3701174; 504516, 3701144; 504546, 3701144; 504546, 3701114; 504576, 3701114; 504576, 3701084; 504606, 3701084; 504606, 3701114; 504636, 3701114; 504636, 3701084; 504666, 3701084; 504666, 3701114; 504696, 3701114; 504696, 3701084; 504756, 3701084; 504756, 3701054; 504846, 3701054; 504846, 3701024; 505026, 3701024; 505026, 3700994; 505086, 3700994; 505086, 3700964; 505116, 3700964; 505116, 3700934; 505176, 3700934; 505176, 3700904; 505206, 3700904; 505206, 3700874; 505236, 3700874; 505236, 3700844; 505296, 3700844; 505296, 3700814; 505356, 3700814; 505356, 3700784; 505386, 3700784; 505386, 3700754; 505416, 3700754; 505416, 3700814; 505476, 3700814; 505476, 3700784; 505506, 3700784; 505506, 3700724; 505656, 3700724; 505656, 3700754; 505686, 3700754; 505686, 3700784; 505716, 3700784; 505716, 3700814; 505746, 3700814; 505746, 3700844; 505776, 3700844; 505776, 3700874; 505836, 3700874; 505836, 3700904; 505866, 3700904; 505866, 3700934; 505986, 3700934; 505986, 3700904; 506046, 3700904; 506046, 3700844; 506106, 3700844; 506106, 3700814; 506136, 3700814; 506136, 3700844; 506166, 3700844; 506166, 3700874; 506196, 3700874; 506196, 3700904; 506226, 3700904; 506226, 3700934; 506406, 3700934; 506406, 3700964; 506466, 3700964; 506466, 3700904; 506436, 3700904; 506436, 3700874; 506406, 3700874; 506406, 3700814; 506376, 3700814; 506376, 3700784; 506346, 3700784; 506346, 3700634; 506316, 3700634; 506316, 3700574; 506286, 3700574; 506286, 3700514; 506316, 3700514; 506316, 3700454; 506346, 3700454; 506346, 3700394; 506376, 3700394; 506376, 3700034; 506406, 3700034; 506406, 3700004; 506466, 3700004; 506466, 3699914; 506436, 3699914; 506436, 3699704; 506466, 3699704; 506466, 3699674; 506496, 3699674; 506496, 3699644; 506526, 3699644; 506526, 3699554; 506496, 3699554; 506496, 3699524; 506466, 3699524; 506466, 3699434; 506436, 3699434; 506436, 3699404; 506136, 3699404; 506136, 3699344; 506106, 3699344; 506106, 3699284; 506046, 3699284; 506046, 3699224; 506016, 3699224; 506016, 3699194; 506046, 3699194; 506046, 3699164; 506016, 3699164; 506016, 3699134; 505956, 3699134; 505956, 3699104; 505926, 3699104; 505926, 3699074; 505896, 3699074; 505896, 3699044; 505866, 3699044; 505866, 3699014; 505836, 3699014; 505836, 3698924; 505806, 3698924; 505806, 3698894; 505836, 3698894; 505836, 3698864; 505866, 3698864; 505866, 3698834; 505896, 3698834; 505896, 3698774; 505866, 3698774; 505866, 3698714; 505836, 3698714; 505836, 3698534; 505866, 3698534; 505866, 3698564; 505956, 3698564; 505956, 3698534; 505986, 3698534; 505986, 3698414; 505956, 3698414; 505956, 3698324; 505926, 3698324; 505926, 3698264; 505896, 3698264; 505896, 3698204; 505866, 3698204; 505866, 3698174; 505776, 3698174; 505776, 3698144; 505596, 3698144; 505596, 3698024; 505566, 3698024; 505566, 3697964; 505536, 3697964; 505536, 3697934; 505506, 3697934; 505506, 3697904; 505476, 3697904; 505476, 3697874; 505296, 3697874; 505296, 3697844; 505266, 3697844; 505266, 3697814; 505236, 3697814; 505236, 3697784; 505206, 3697784; 505206, 3697724; 505176, 3697724; 505176, 3697694; 505116, 3697694; 505116, 3697724; 505026, 3697724; 505026, 3697694; 504996, 3697694; 504996, 3697664; 504966, 3697664; 504966, 3697634; 504846, 3697634; 504846, 3697664; 504816, 3697664; 504816, 3697694; 504846, 3697694; 504846, 3697754; 504876, 3697754; 504876, 3697844; 504846, 3697844; 504846, 3697934; 504816, 3697934; 504816, 3697964; 504846, 3697964; 504846, 3698114; 504876, 3698114; 504876, 3698174; 504906, 3698174; 504906, 3698204; 504966, 3698204; 504966, 3698234; 504996, 3698234; 504996, 3698264; 505086, 3698264; 505086, 3698324; 505116, 3698324; 505116, 3698354; 505146, 3698354; 505146, 3698414; 505206, 3698414; 505206, 3698444; 505236, 3698444; 505236, 3698414; 505266, 3698414; 505266, 3698444; 505296, 3698444; 505296, 3698474; 505326, 3698474; 505326, 3698504; 505356, 3698504; 505356, 3698534; 505386, 3698534; 505386, 3698564; returning to 505506, 3698564.

(ii) Subunit 13b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Vail Lake, Aguanga, and Palomar Observatory, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 520626, 3692624; 520656, 3692624; 520656, 3692654; 520626, 3692654; 520626, 3692624; 520596, 3692624; 520596, 3692594; 520476, 3692594; 520476, 3692624; 520356, 3692624; 520356, 3692594; 520326, 3692594; 520326, 3692564; 520266, 3692564; 520266, 3692594; 520206, 3692594; 520206, 3692654; 520176, 3692654; 520176, 3692684; 520146, 3692684; 520146, 3692744; 520116, 3692744; 520116, 3692864; 519936, 3692864; 519936, 3692894; 519906, 3692894; 519906, 3692924; 519876, 3692924; 519876, 3692984; 519846, 3692984; 519846, 3693014; 519816, 3693014; 519816, 3693044; 519786, 3693044; 519786, 3693074; 519756, 3693074; 519756, 3693104; 519726, 3693104; 519726, 3693134; 519606, 3693134; 519606, 3693164; 519576, 3693164; 519576, 3693224; 519546, 3693224; 519546, 3693284; 519456, 3693284; 519456, 3693314; 519336, 3693314; 519336, 3693344; 519306, 3693344; 519306, 3693374; 519276, 3693374; 519276, 3693434; 519246, 3693434; 519246, 3693524; 519216, 3693524; 519216, 3693554; 519156, 3693554; 519156, 3693584; 519126, 3693584; 519126, 3693614; 519036, 3693614; 519036, 3693644; 518976, 3693644; 518976, 3693704; 518946, 3693704; 518946, 3693764; 518916, 3693764; 518916, 3693794; 518886, 3693794; 518886, 3693824; 518826, 3693824; 518826, 3693854; 518796, 3693854; 518796, 3693884; 518766, 3693884; 518766, 3693914; 518736, 3693914; 518736, 3693944; 518706, 3693944; 518706, 3694064; 518676, 3694064; 518676, 3694094; 518646, 3694094; 518646, 3694124; 518616, 3694124; 518616, 3694154; 518586, 3694154; 518586, 3694184; 518556, 3694184; 518556, 3694214; 518526, 3694214; 518526, 3694364; 518496, 3694364; 518496, 3694394; 518466, 3694394; 518466, 3694424; 518346, 3694424; 518346, 3694484; 518316, 3694484; 518316, 3694514; 518286, 3694514; 518286, 3694544; 518196, 3694544; 518196, 3694574; 518166, 3694574; 518166, 3694604; 518136, 3694604; 518136, 3694634; 518106, 3694634; 518106, 3694664; 518076, 3694664; 518076, 3694754; 518046, 3694754; 518046, 3694784; 517986, 3694784; 517986, 3694814; 517956, 3694814; 517956, 3694844; 517896, 3694844; 517896, 3694874; 517866, 3694874; 517866, 3694934; 517836, 3694934; 517836, 3695024; 517806, 3695024; 517806, 3695084; 517776, 3695084; 517776, 3695114; 517746, 3695114; 517746, 3695144; 517716, 3695144; 517716, 3695114; 517656, 3695114; 517656, 3695084; 517626, 3695084; 517626, 3695114; 517596, 3695114; 517596, 3695174; 517536, 3695174; 517536, 3695234; 517506, 3695234; 517506, 3695324; 517476, 3695324; 517476, 3695354; 517446, 3695354; 517446, 3695384; 517386, 3695384; 517386, 3695414; 517356, 3695414; 517356, 3695444; 517146, 3695444; 517146, 3695474; 517176, 3695474; 517176, 3695564; 517146, 3695564; 517146, 3695654; 517116, 3695654; 517116, 3695684; 517086, 3695684; 517086, 3695774; 517056, 3695774; 517056, 3695864; 517026, 3695864; 517026, 3695924; 516996, 3695924; 516996, 3695954; 516966, 3695954; 516966, 3696014; 516936, 3696014; 516936, 3696044; 516876, 3696044; 516876, 3696074; 516846, 3696074; 516846, 3696104; 516816, 3696104; 516816, 3696164; 516756, 3696164; 516756, 3696194; 516696, 3696194; 516696, 3696224; 516666, 3696224; 516666, 3696254; 516576, 3696254; 516576, 3696284; 516516, 3696284; 516516, 3696314; 516396, 3696314; 516396, 3696374; 516366, 3696374; 516366, 3696404; 516276, 3696404; 516276, 3696314; 516246, 3696314; 516246, 3696284; 516216, 3696284; 516216, 3696254; 516186, 3696254; 516186, 3696224; 516096, 3696224; 516096, 3696254; 516066, 3696254; 516066, 3696284; 516036, 3696284; 516036, 3696314; 516006, 3696314; 516006, 3696344; 515976, 3696344; 515976, 3696404; 515946, 3696404; 515946, 3696434; 515916, 3696434; 515916, 3696494; 515886, 3696494; 515886, 3696524; 515856, 3696524; 515856, 3696584; 515826, 3696584; 515826, 3696644; 515796, 3696644; 515796, 3696734; 515766, 3696734; 515766, 3696764; 515796, 3696764; 515796, 3696794; 515766, 3696794; 515766, 3696824; 515646, 3696824; 515646, 3696854; 515586, 3696854; 515586, 3696884; 515436, 3696884; 515436, 3697004; 515406, 3697004; 515406, 3697064; 515436, 3697064; 515436, 3697094; 515376, 3697094; 515376, 3697124; 515316, 3697124; 515316, 3697154; 515286, 3697154; 515286, 3697184; 515256, 3697184; 515256, 3697214; 515226, 3697214; 515226, 3697244; 515076, 3697244; 515076, 3697364; 515046, 3697364; 515046, 3697424; 515016, 3697424; 515016, 3697484; 514986, 3697484; 514986, 3697514; 514926, 3697514; 514926, 3697544; 514896, 3697544; 514896, 3697574; 514866, 3697574; 514866, 3697604; 514836, 3697604; 514836, 3697694; 514806, 3697694; 514806, 3697724; 514746, 3697724; 514746, 3697754; 514716, 3697754; 514716, 3697784; 514686, 3697784; 514686, 3697814; 514626, 3697814; 514626, 3697844; 514566, 3697844; 514566, 3697874; 514476, 3697874; 514476, 3697904; 514446, 3697904; 514446, 3697964; 514416, 3697964; 514416, 3698084; 514386, 3698084; 514386, 3698114; 514326, 3698114; 514326, 3698144; 514266, 3698144; 514266, 3698204; 514236, 3698204; 514236, 3698384; 514206, 3698384; 514206, 3698444; 514176, 3698444; 514176, 3698474; 514146, 3698474; 514146, 3698504; 514086, 3698504; 514086, 3698564; 514056, 3698564; 514056, 3698594; 514026, 3698594; 514026, 3698624; 513996, 3698624; 513996, 3698654; 513966, 3698654; 513966, 3698684; 513876, 3698684; 513876, 3698714; 513846, 3698714; 513846, 3698744; 513816, 3698744; 513816, 3698774; 513786, 3698774; 513786, 3698834; 513816, 3698834; 513816, 3698924; 513846, 3698924; 513846, 3698954; 513816, 3698954; 513816, 3698984; 513756, 3698984; 513756, 3698954; 513606, 3698954; 513606, 3698984; 513576, 3698984; 513576, 3698954; 513396, 3698954; 513396, 3698984; 513336, 3698984; 513336, 3699014; 513306, 3699014; 513306, 3699044; 513276, 3699044; 513276, 3699074; 513246, 3699074; 513246, 3699104; 513156, 3699104; 513156, 3699074; 513006, 3699074; 513006, 3699104; 512976, 3699104; 512976, 3699134; 512946, 3699134; 512946, 3699104; 512904, 3699104; 512911, 3699417; 512914, 3699474; 512962, 3699538; 513016, 3699538; 512962, 3699681; 512898, 3699769; 512660, 3699925; 512460, 3700001; 512238, 3700055; 512190, 3700049; 512092, 3700001; 512101, 3699433; 512155, 3699433; 512171, 3699395; 512232, 3699347; 512436, 3699302; 512436, 3699284; 512406, 3699284; 512406, 3699254; 512376, 3699254; 512376, 3699164; 512346, 3699164; 512346, 3699134; 512316, 3699134; 512316, 3699104; 512286, 3699104; 512286, 3699044; 512256, 3699044; 512256, 3699014; 512226, 3699014; 512226, 3698864; 512196, 3698864; 512196, 3698834; 512136, 3698834; 512136, 3698804; 512016, 3698804; 512016, 3698834; 511986, 3698834; 511986, 3698864; 511956, 3698864; 511956, 3698894; 511926, 3698894; 511926, 3698954; 511896, 3698954; 511896, 3698984; 511866, 3698984; 511866, 3699014; 511806, 3699014; 511806, 3699044; 511776, 3699044; 511776, 3699074; 511716, 3699074; 511716, 3699044; 511656, 3699044; 511656, 3699014; 511596, 3699014; 511596, 3699044; 511506, 3699044; 511506, 3699074; 511446, 3699074; 511446, 3699104; 511356, 3699104; 511356, 3699134; 511326, 3699134; 511326, 3699164; 511236, 3699164; 511236, 3699194; 511206, 3699194; 511206, 3699254; 511176, 3699254; 511176, 3699284; 511146, 3699284; 511146, 3699314; 511176, 3699314; 511176, 3699344; 511146, 3699344; 511146, 3699374; 511026, 3699374; 511026, 3699344; 510936, 3699344; 510936, 3699374; 510906, 3699374; 510906, 3699404; 510816, 3699404; 510816, 3699434; 510786, 3699434; 510786, 3699494; 510666, 3699494; 510666, 3699524; 510606, 3699524; 510606, 3699644; 510546, 3699644; 510546, 3699674; 510516, 3699674; 510516, 3699704; 510486, 3699704; 510486, 3699734; 510366, 3699734; 510366, 3699794; 510336, 3699794; 510336, 3699854; 510306, 3699854; 510306, 3699884; 510276, 3699884; 510276, 3699914; 510246, 3699914; 510246, 3699944; 510216, 3699944; 510216, 3699974; 510186, 3699974; 510186, 3699944; 510156, 3699944; 510156, 3699974; 510126, 3699974; 510126, 3700064; 510096, 3700064; 510096, 3700124; 510066, 3700124; 510066, 3700154; 510036, 3700154; 510036, 3700184; 509976, 3700184; 509976, 3700214; 509916, 3700214; 509916, 3700304; 509886, 3700304; 509886, 3700364; 509856, 3700364; 509856, 3700424; 509826, 3700424; 509826, 3700454; 509796, 3700454; 509796, 3700484; 509676, 3700484; 509676, 3700424; 509646, 3700424; 509646, 3700394; 509616, 3700394; 509616, 3700364; 509586, 3700364; 509586, 3700394; 509406, 3700394; 509406, 3700454; 509376, 3700454; 509376, 3700544; 509346, 3700544; 509346, 3700604; 509226, 3700604; 509226, 3700634; 509166, 3700634; 509166, 3700664; 509106, 3700664; 509106, 3700694; 508986, 3700694; 508986, 3700664; 508926, 3700664; 508926, 3700544; 508866, 3700544; 508866, 3700574; 508776, 3700574; 508746, 3700574; 508746, 3700544; 508596, 3700544; 508596, 3700574; 508566, 3700574; 508566, 3700604; 508536, 3700604; 508536, 3700664; 508476, 3700664; 508476, 3700634; 508446, 3700634; 508446, 3700544; 508416, 3700544; 508416, 3700634; 508386, 3700634; 508386, 3700664; 508416, 3700664; 508416, 3700724; 508446, 3700724; 508446, 3700844; 508416, 3700844; 508416, 3700874; 508386, 3700874; 508386, 3700904; 508356, 3700904; 508356, 3700934; 508326, 3700934; 508326, 3701024; 508296, 3701024; 508296, 3701054; 508266, 3701054; 508266, 3701084; 508206, 3701084; 508206, 3701114; 508146, 3701114; 508146, 3701144; 508176, 3701144; 508176, 3701234; 508146, 3701234; 508146, 3701294; 508116, 3701294; 508116, 3701384; 508056, 3701384; 508056, 3701414; 507996, 3701414; 507996, 3701444; 507906, 3701444; 507906, 3701474; 507876, 3701474; 507876, 3701534; 507846, 3701534; 507846, 3701684; 507816, 3701684; 507816, 3701714; 507786, 3701714; 507786, 3701744; 507696, 3701744; 507696, 3701834; 507666, 3701834; 507666, 3702014; 507636, 3702014; 507636, 3702134; 507606, 3702134; 507606, 3702194; 507576, 3702194; 507576, 3702224; 507516, 3702224; 507516, 3702194; 507486, 3702194; 507486, 3702164; 507456, 3702164; 507456, 3702104; 507426, 3702104; 507426, 3702044; 507396, 3702044; 507396, 3701954; 507306, 3701954; 507306, 3701924; 507216, 3701924; 507216, 3701954; 507186, 3701954; 507186, 3701984; 507156, 3701984; 507156, 3702014; 507126, 3702014; 507126, 3702044; 507096, 3702044; 507096, 3702074; 507066, 3702074; 507066, 3702104; 507036, 3702104; 507036, 3702134; 506976, 3702134; 506976, 3702164; 506946, 3702164; 506946, 3702194; 506916, 3702194; 506916, 3702224; 506886, 3702224; 506886, 3702254; 506856, 3702254; 506856, 3702284; 506826, 3702284; 506826, 3702344; 506796, 3702344; 506796, 3702374; 506766, 3702374; 506766, 3702404; 506736, 3702404; 506736, 3702434; 506706, 3702434; 506706, 3702464; 506676, 3702464; 506676, 3702494; 506646, 3702494; 506646, 3702524; 506616, 3702524; 506616, 3702554; 506586, 3702554; 506586, 3702584; 506556, 3702584; 506556, 3702614; 506496, 3702614; 506496, 3702644; 506466, 3702644; 506466, 3702674; 506376, 3702674; 506376, 3702704; 506346, 3702704; 506346, 3702734; 506286, 3702734; 506286, 3702764; 506256, 3702764; 506256, 3702734; 506076, 3702734; 506076, 3702704; 506016, 3702704; 506016, 3702674; 505986, 3702674; 505986, 3702644; 505956, 3702644; 505956, 3702614; 505866, 3702614; 505866, 3702644; 505836, 3702644; 505836, 3702704; 505806, 3702704; 505806, 3702764; 505896, 3702764; 505896, 3702794; 505926, 3702794; 505926, 3702824; 505956, 3702824; 505956, 3702854; 505986, 3702854; 505986, 3702974; 505956, 3702974; 505956, 3703034; 505776, 3703034; 505776, 3703124; 505746, 3703124; 505746, 3703154; 505686, 3703154; 505686, 3703184; 505596, 3703184; 505596, 3703154; 505476, 3703154; 505476, 3703094; 505446, 3703094; 505446, 3703064; 505416, 3703064; 505416, 3703034; 505326, 3703034; 505326, 3703064; 505236, 3703064; 505236, 3703094; 505176, 3703094; 505176, 3703064; 505146, 3703064; 505146, 3703094; 505086, 3703094; 505086, 3703124; 504996, 3703124; 504996, 3703154; 504906, 3703154; 504906, 3703184; 504846, 3703184; 504846, 3703154; 504816, 3703154; 504816, 3703184; 504696, 3703184; 504696, 3703214; 504576, 3703214; 504576, 3703244; 504516, 3703244; 504516, 3703274; 504306, 3703274; 504306, 3703304; 504276, 3703304; 504276, 3703274; 504186, 3703274; 504186, 3703334; 504096, 3703334; 504096, 3703424; 504126, 3703424; 504126, 3703454; 504096, 3703454; 504096, 3703484; 503796, 3703484; 503796, 3703514; 503736, 3703514; 503736, 3703604; 503706, 3703604; 503706, 3703724; 503556, 3703724; 503556, 3703844; 503526, 3703844; 503526, 3703904; 503556, 3703904; 503556, 3703934; 503586, 3703934; 503586, 3704192; 503591, 3704196; 503652, 3704385; 503788, 3704551; 503959, 3704548; 504076, 3704590; 504156, 3704662; 504165, 3704684; 504216, 3704684; 504216, 3704654; 504276, 3704654; 504276, 3704624; 504246, 3704624; 504246, 3704564; 504216, 3704564; 504216, 3704534; 504246, 3704534; 504246, 3704504; 504276, 3704504; 504276, 3704474; 504306, 3704474; 504306, 3704414; 504336, 3704414; 504336, 3704384; 504366, 3704384; 504366, 3704294; 504336, 3704294; 504336, 3704264; 504306, 3704264; 504306, 3704084; 504456, 3704084; 504456, 3704024; 504546, 3704024; 504546, 3704054; 504576, 3704054; 504576, 3704084; 504606, 3704084; 504606, 3704114; 504636, 3704114; 504636, 3704144; 504666, 3704144; 504666, 3704174; 504756, 3704174; 504756, 3704114; 504726, 3704114; 504726, 3703994; 504786, 3703994; 504786, 3704024; 504816, 3704024; 504816, 3704054; 504876, 3704054; 504876, 3704084; 504996, 3704084; 504996, 3704114; 505086, 3704114; 505086, 3704054; 505056, 3704054; 505056, 3703994; 505026, 3703994; 505026, 3703964; 504996, 3703964; 504996, 3703904; 504966, 3703904; 504966, 3703874; 505056, 3703874; 505056, 3703904; 505206, 3703904; 505206, 3703934; 505356, 3703934; 505356, 3703994; 505386, 3703994; 505386, 3704024; 505536, 3704024; 505536, 3703994; 505626, 3703994; 505626, 3704024; 505656, 3704024; 505656, 3703994; 505746, 3703994; 505746, 3704024; 505806, 3704024; 505806, 3703994; 505836, 3703994; 505836, 3703934; 505896, 3703934; 505896, 3703904; 505926, 3703904; 505926, 3703874; 506076, 3703874; 506076, 3703934; 506166, 3703934; 506166, 3703904; 506196, 3703904; 506196, 3703844; 506286, 3703844; 506286, 3703874; 506346, 3703874; 506346, 3703904; 506376, 3703904; 506376, 3703874; 506436, 3703874; 506436, 3703844; 506406, 3703844; 506406, 3703784; 506376, 3703784; 506376, 3703694; 506406, 3703694; 506406, 3703664; 506436, 3703664; 506436, 3703574; 506406, 3703574; 506406, 3703544; 506346, 3703544; 506346, 3703514; 506256, 3703514; 506256, 3703454; 506286, 3703454; 506286, 3703424; 506316, 3703424; 506346, 3703424; 506346, 3703454; 506406, 3703454; 506406, 3703484; 506526, 3703484; 506526, 3703454; 506556, 3703454; 506556, 3703424; 506526, 3703424; 506526, 3703364; 506496, 3703364; 506496, 3703274; 506526, 3703274; 506526, 3703244; 506586, 3703244; 506586, 3703214; 506616, 3703214; 506616, 3703184; 506586, 3703184; 506586, 3703124; 506616, 3703124; 506616, 3703094; 506646, 3703094; 506646, 3703064; 506676, 3703064; 506676, 3703034; 506706, 3703034; 506706, 3703004; 506586, 3703004; 506586, 3702974; 506616, 3702974; 506616, 3702914; 506646, 3702914; 506646, 3702734; 506676, 3702734; 506676, 3702704; 506706, 3702704; 506706, 3702644; 506736, 3702644; 506736, 3702614; 506766, 3702614; 506766, 3702584; 506796, 3702584; 506796, 3702554; 506856, 3702554; 506856, 3702524; 506916, 3702524; 506916, 3702494; 506946, 3702494; 506946, 3702524; 506976, 3702524; 506976, 3702554; 507006, 3702554; 507006, 3702584; 507126, 3702584; 507126, 3702614; 507156, 3702614; 507156, 3702764; 507246, 3702764; 507246, 3702734; 507276, 3702734; 507276, 3702704; 507336, 3702704; 507336, 3702734; 507366, 3702734; 507366, 3702764; 507396, 3702764; 507396, 3702794; 507426, 3702794; 507426, 3702764; 507546, 3702764; 507546, 3702794; 507576, 3702794; 507576, 3702824; 507696, 3702824; 507696, 3702794; 507966, 3702794; 507966, 3702704; 507996, 3702704; 507996, 3702614; 508026, 3702614; 508026, 3702554; 508056, 3702554; 508056, 3702464; 508086, 3702464; 508086, 3702344; 508116, 3702344; 508116, 3702194; 508146, 3702194; 508146, 3702104; 508176, 3702104; 508176, 3701984; 508146, 3701984; 508146, 3701954; 508086, 3701954; 508086, 3701924; 508206, 3701924; 508206, 3701894; 508236, 3701894; 508236, 3701864; 508266, 3701864; 508266, 3701834; 508296, 3701834; 508296, 3701804; 508446, 3701804; 508446, 3701774; 508476, 3701774; 508476, 3701804; 508506, 3701804; 508506, 3701774; 508536, 3701774; 508536, 3701714; 508506, 3701714; 508506, 3701624; 508416, 3701624; 508416, 3701594; 508296, 3701594; 508296, 3701564; 508266, 3701564; 508266, 3701534; 508296, 3701534; 508296, 3701504; 508326, 3701504; 508326, 3701474; 508386, 3701474; 508386, 3701414; 508356, 3701414; 508356, 3701384; 508326, 3701384; 508326, 3701324; 508296, 3701324; 508296, 3701234; 508326, 3701234; 508326, 3701174; 508356, 3701174; 508356, 3701144; 508386, 3701144; 508386, 3701114; 508416, 3701114; 508416, 3701084; 508446, 3701084; 508446, 3701024; 508476, 3701024; 508476, 3700964; 508506, 3700964; 508506, 3700934; 508536, 3700934; 508536, 3700874; 508566, 3700874; 508566, 3700844; 508596, 3700844; 508596, 3700784; 508626, 3700784; 508626, 3700724; 508656, 3700724; 508656, 3700694; 508746, 3700694; 508746, 3700724; 508776, 3700724; 508776, 3700754; 508836, 3700754; 508836, 3700784; 508866, 3700784; 508866, 3700814; 508896, 3700814; 508896, 3700874; 508986, 3700874; 508986, 3700934; 509136, 3700934; 509136, 3700904; 509166, 3700904; 509166, 3700874; 509196, 3700874; 509196, 3700754; 509316, 3700754; 509316, 3700814; 509286, 3700814; 509286, 3700904; 509316, 3700904; 509316, 3700874; 509346, 3700874; 509346, 3700844; 509466, 3700844; 509466, 3700934; 509496, 3700934; 509496, 3700964; 509586, 3700964; 509586, 3700934; 509646, 3700934; 509646, 3700964; 509706, 3700964; 509706, 3701024; 509736, 3701024; 509736, 3701084; 509766, 3701084; 509766, 3701144; 509796, 3701144; 509796, 3701174; 509856, 3701174; 509856, 3701204; 509916, 3701204; 509916, 3701234; 509976, 3701234; 509976, 3701264; 510186, 3701264; 510186, 3701234; 510246, 3701234; 510246, 3701174; 510306, 3701174; 510306, 3701144; 510366, 3701144; 510366, 3701114; 510396, 3701114; 510396, 3700934; 510426, 3700934; 510426, 3700904; 510456, 3700904; 510456, 3700994; 510486, 3700994; 510486, 3700964; 510516, 3700964; 510516, 3700934; 510576, 3700934; 510576, 3700904; 510606, 3700904; 510606, 3700874; 510666, 3700874; 510666, 3700844; 510696, 3700844; 510696, 3700784; 510666, 3700784; 510666, 3700754; 510636, 3700754; 510636, 3700694; 510666, 3700694; 510666, 3700664; 510696, 3700664; 510696, 3700634; 510816, 3700634; 510816, 3700604; 510876, 3700604; 510876, 3700574; 510906, 3700574; 510906, 3700634; 510966, 3700634; 510966, 3700724; 510996, 3700724; 510996, 3700754; 511056, 3700754; 511056, 3700784; 511086, 3700784; 511086, 3700814; 511116, 3700814; 511116, 3700874; 511206, 3700874; 511206, 3700844; 511236, 3700844; 511236, 3700814; 511326, 3700814; 511326, 3700754; 511356, 3700754; 511356, 3700724; 511386, 3700724; 511386, 3700694; 511536, 3700694; 511536, 3700664; 511596, 3700664; 511596, 3700694; 511716, 3700694; 511716, 3700664; 511746, 3700664; 511746, 3700634; 511776, 3700634; 511776, 3700604; 511806, 3700604; 511806, 3700634; 511836, 3700634; 511836, 3700724; 511866, 3700724; 511866, 3700754; 511896, 3700754; 511896, 3700724; 512046, 3700724; 512046, 3700754; 512136, 3700754; 512136, 3700724; 512166, 3700724; 512166, 3700754; 512316, 3700754; 512316, 3700724; 512346, 3700724; 512346, 3700694; 512466, 3700694; 512466, 3700664; 512556, 3700664; 512556, 3700634; 512676, 3700634; 512676, 3700604; 512736, 3700604; 512736, 3700574; 512796, 3700574; 512796, 3700544; 512856, 3700544; 512856, 3700514; 512946, 3700514; 512946, 3700484; 513156, 3700484; 513156, 3700454; 513306, 3700454; 513306, 3700484; 513486, 3700484; 513486, 3700454; 513516, 3700454; 513516, 3700424; 513546, 3700424; 513546, 3700334; 513576, 3700334; 513576, 3700124; 513546, 3700124; 513546, 3700094; 513516, 3700094; 513516, 3700034; 513456, 3700034; 513456, 3700064; 513396, 3700064; 513396, 3700034; 513336, 3700034; 513336, 3699914; 513366, 3699914; 513366, 3699884; 513456, 3699884; 513456, 3699824; 513486, 3699824; 513486, 3699794; 513456, 3699794; 513456, 3699764; 513486, 3699764; 513486, 3699734; 513516, 3699734; 513516, 3699704; 513546, 3699704; 513546, 3699584; 513576, 3699584; 513576, 3699464; 513486, 3699464; 513486, 3699494; 513396, 3699494; 513396, 3699524; 513336, 3699524; 513336, 3699404; 513426, 3699404; 513426, 3699284; 513396, 3699284; 513396, 3699134; 513426, 3699134; 513426, 3699104; 513486, 3699104; 513486, 3699074; 513696, 3699074; 513696, 3699104; 513906, 3699104; 513906, 3699044; 513936, 3699044; 513936, 3699014; 513966, 3699014; 513966, 3698804; 514056, 3698804; 514056, 3698774; 514086, 3698774; 514086, 3698744; 514116, 3698744; 514116, 3698714; 514146, 3698714; 514146, 3698684; 514176, 3698684; 514176, 3698654; 514236, 3698654; 514236, 3698624; 514266, 3698624; 514266, 3698594; 514296, 3698594; 514296, 3698534; 514326, 3698534; 514326, 3698504; 514356, 3698504; 514356, 3698294; 514386, 3698294; 514386, 3698264; 514476, 3698264; 514476, 3698234; 514506, 3698234; 514506, 3698204; 514536, 3698204; 514536, 3698054; 514566, 3698054; 514566, 3698024; 514626, 3698024; 514626, 3697994; 514716, 3697994; 514716, 3697964; 514746, 3697964; 514746, 3697934; 514776, 3697934; 514776, 3697904; 514836, 3697904; 514836, 3697874; 514986, 3697874; 514986, 3697814; 515016, 3697814; 515016, 3697754; 515046, 3697754; 515046, 3697724; 515076, 3697724; 515076, 3697694; 515136, 3697694; 515136, 3697664; 515166, 3697664; 515166, 3697634; 515256, 3697634; 515256, 3697664; 515346, 3697664; 515346, 3697574; 515436, 3697574; 515436, 3697514; 515496, 3697514; 515496, 3697484; 515646, 3697484; 515646, 3697424; 515736, 3697424; 515736, 3697394; 515766, 3697394; 515766, 3697364; 515856, 3697364; 515856, 3697394; 515886, 3697394; 515886, 3697514; 515856, 3697514; 515856, 3697544; 515826, 3697544; 515826, 3697574; 515796, 3697574; 515796, 3697694; 515976, 3697694; 515976, 3697664; 516006, 3697664; 516006, 3697604; 516096, 3697604; 516096, 3697634; 516126, 3697634; 516126, 3697664; 516156, 3697664; 516156, 3697694; 516186, 3697694; 516186, 3697724; 516216, 3697724; 516216, 3697754; 516276, 3697754; 516276, 3697784; 516366, 3697784; 516366, 3697754; 516546, 3697754; 516546, 3697724; 516576, 3697724; 516576, 3697664; 516606, 3697664; 516606, 3697634; 516666, 3697634; 516666, 3697604; 516696, 3697604; 516696, 3697574; 516726, 3697574; 516726, 3697544; 516816, 3697544; 516816, 3697514; 516846, 3697514; 516846, 3697484; 516876, 3697484; 516876, 3697454; 516906, 3697454; 516906, 3697394; 516936, 3697394; 516936, 3697214; 516906, 3697214; 516906, 3697034; 516876, 3697034; 516876, 3697004; 516906, 3697004; 516906, 3696884; 516936, 3696884; 516936, 3696794; 516906, 3696794; 516906, 3696734; 516876, 3696734; 516876, 3696704; 516816, 3696704; 516816, 3696674; 516786, 3696674; 516786, 3696644; 516846, 3696644; 516846, 3696554; 516786, 3696554; 516786, 3696524; 516756, 3696524; 516756, 3696494; 516696, 3696494; 516696, 3696464; 516756, 3696464; 516756, 3696434; 516846, 3696434; 516846, 3696404; 516876, 3696404; 516876, 3696374; 516846, 3696374; 516846, 3696344; 516876, 3696344; 516876, 3696314; 516906, 3696314; 516906, 3696284; 516936, 3696284; 516936, 3696254; 516966, 3696254; 516966, 3696224; 517026, 3696224; 517026, 3696194; 517056, 3696194; 517056, 3696134; 517086, 3696134; 517086, 3696104; 517116, 3696104; 517116, 3696074; 517206, 3696074; 517206, 3696104; 517236, 3696104; 517236, 3696074; 517266, 3696074; 517266, 3696044; 517326, 3696044; 517326, 3696074; 517386, 3696074; 517386, 3696014; 517416, 3696014; 517416, 3695924; 517386, 3695924; 517386, 3695864; 517476, 3695864; 517476, 3695834; 517506, 3695834; 517506, 3695774; 517536, 3695774; 517536, 3695714; 517566, 3695714; 517566, 3695744; 517626, 3695744; 517626, 3695684; 517686, 3695684; 517686, 3695624; 517716, 3695624; 517716, 3695564; 517746, 3695564; 517746, 3695504; 517776, 3695504; 517776, 3695474; 517806, 3695474; 517806, 3695414; 517836, 3695414; 517836, 3695354; 517896, 3695354; 517896, 3695324; 518166, 3695324; 518166, 3695354; 518196, 3695354; 518196, 3695414; 518226, 3695414; 518226, 3695444; 518256, 3695444; 518256, 3695474; 518256, 3695504; 518226, 3695504; 518226, 3695534; 518196, 3695534; 518196, 3695594; 518166, 3695594; 518166, 3695714; 518196, 3695714; 518196, 3695744; 518256, 3695744; 518256, 3695714; 518316, 3695714; 518316, 3695684; 518346, 3695684; 518346, 3695654; 518376, 3695654; 518376, 3695624; 518436, 3695624; 518436, 3695594; 518466, 3695594; 518466, 3695564; 518496, 3695564; 518496, 3695534; 518526, 3695534; 518526, 3695474; 518556, 3695474; 518556, 3695444; 518586, 3695444; 518586, 3695474; 518646, 3695474; 518646, 3695444; 518766, 3695444; 518766, 3695474; 518796, 3695474; 518796, 3695504; 518826, 3695504; 518826, 3695534; 518856, 3695534; 518856, 3695624; 518886, 3695624; 518886, 3695654; 518976, 3695654; 518976, 3695624; 519156, 3695624; 519156, 3695654; 519246, 3695654; 519246, 3695684; 519276, 3695684; 519276, 3695714; 519306, 3695714; 519306, 3695744; 519336, 3695744; 519336, 3695774; 519366, 3695774; 519366, 3695804; 519426, 3695804; 519426, 3695834; 519486, 3695834; 519486, 3695804; 519546, 3695804; 519546, 3695774; 519576, 3695774; 519576, 3695744; 519636, 3695744; 519636, 3695684; 519666, 3695684; 519666, 3695594; 519696, 3695594; 519696, 3695564; 519726, 3695564; 519726, 3695534; 519756, 3695534; 519756, 3695504; 519846, 3695504; 519846, 3695474; 519876, 3695474; 519876, 3695444; 519906, 3695444; 519906, 3695414; 519936, 3695414; 519936, 3695384; 519996, 3695384; 519996, 3695354; 520026, 3695354; 520026, 3695294; 520056, 3695294; 520056, 3695234; 520116, 3695234; 520116, 3695204; 520146, 3695204; 520146, 3695174; 520176, 3695174; 520176, 3695144; 520206, 3695144; 520206, 3695084; 520236, 3695084; 520236, 3694964; 520266, 3694964; 520266, 3694724; 520296, 3694724; 520296, 3694694; 520356, 3694694; 520356, 3694634; 520386, 3694634; 520386, 3694424; 520356, 3694424; 520356, 3694304; 520386, 3694304; 520386, 3694274; 520416, 3694274; 520416, 3694214; 520446, 3694214; 520446, 3694184; 520476, 3694184; 520476, 3694094; 520536, 3694094; 520536, 3694064; 520566, 3694064; 520566, 3694034; 520776, 3694034; 520776, 3694004; 520836, 3694004; 520836, 3693974; 520866, 3693974; 520866, 3693704; 520836, 3693704; 520836, 3693644; 520746, 3693644; 520746, 3693614; 520656, 3693614; 520656, 3693644; 520536, 3693644; 520536, 3693674; 520296, 3693674; 520296, 3693644; 520206, 3693644; 520206, 3693614; 520116, 3693614; 520116, 3693644; 520086, 3693644; 520086, 3693614; 520056, 3693614; 520056, 3693524; 519996, 3693524; 519996, 3693464; 519966, 3693464; 519966, 3693404; 519996, 3693404; 519996, 3693374; 520026, 3693374; 520026, 3693344; 520056, 3693344; 520056, 3693314; 520086, 3693314; 520086, 3693344; 520116, 3693344; 520116, 3693374; 520146, 3693374; 520146, 3693344; 520206, 3693344; 520206, 3693314; 520236, 3693314; 520236, 3693254; 520266, 3693254; 520266, 3693224; 520296, 3693224; 520296, 3693164; 520326, 3693164; 520326, 3693104; 520386, 3693104; 520386, 3693074; 520416, 3693074; 520416, 3693044; 520506, 3693044; 520506, 3693014; 520626, 3693014; 520626, 3692984; 520746, 3692984; 520746, 3692954; 520806, 3692954; 520806, 3692924; 520866, 3692924; 520866, 3692954; 520986, 3692954; 520986, 3692924; 521016, 3692924; 521016, 3692954; 521046, 3692954; 521046, 3692924; 521166, 3692924; 521166, 3692894; 521226, 3692894; 521226, 3692864; 521346, 3692864; 521346, 3692834; 521376, 3692834; 521376, 3692864; 521406, 3692864; 521406, 3692834; 521496, 3692834; 521496, 3692864; 521556, 3692864; 521556, 3692834; 521586, 3692834; 521586, 3692774; 521616, 3692774; 521616, 3692744; 521676, 3692744; 521676, 3692774; 521826, 3692774; 521826, 3692744; 521856, 3692744; 521856, 3692714; 521886, 3692714; 521886, 3692684; 521916, 3692684; 521916, 3692714; 521976, 3692714; 521976, 3692744; 522006, 3692744; 522006, 3692774; 522036, 3692774; 522036, 3692834; 522066, 3692834; 522066, 3692774; 522096, 3692774; 522096, 3692714; 522126, 3692714; 522126, 3692744; 522186, 3692744; 522186, 3692774; 522246, 3692774; 522246, 3692744; 522276, 3692744; 522276, 3692654; 522306, 3692654; 522306, 3692624; 522456, 3692624; 522456, 3692534; 522576, 3692534; 522576, 3692504; 522606, 3692504; 522606, 3692414; 522576, 3692414; 522576, 3692324; 522516, 3692324; 522516, 3692264; 522576, 3692264; 522576, 3692204; 522606, 3692204; 522606, 3692114; 522636, 3692114; 522636, 3692054; 522666, 3692054; 522666, 3692024; 522726, 3692024; 522726, 3691994; 522846, 3691994; 522846, 3691964; 522936, 3691964; 522936, 3691934; 523056, 3691934; 523056, 3691904; 523146, 3691904; 523146, 3691874; 523176, 3691874; 523176, 3691814; 523206, 3691814; 523206, 3691754; 523176, 3691754; 523176, 3691694; 523146, 3691694; 523146, 3691664; 523116, 3691664; 523116, 3691634; 523056, 3691634; 523056, 3691544; 523026, 3691544; 523026, 3691514; 522996, 3691514; 522996, 3691454; 522966, 3691454; 522966, 3691424; 522936, 3691424; 522936, 3691394; 522906, 3691394; 522906, 3691364; 522816, 3691364; 522816, 3691334; 522756, 3691334; 522756, 3691244; 522696, 3691244; 522696, 3691214; 522486, 3691214; 522486, 3691244; 522306, 3691244; 522306, 3691274; 522246, 3691274; 522246, 3691304; 522216, 3691304; 522216, 3691334; 522006, 3691334; 522006, 3691304; 521916, 3691304; 521916, 3691334; 521796, 3691334; 521796, 3691304; 521766, 3691304; 521766, 3691274; 521646, 3691274; 521646, 3691304; 521586, 3691304; 521586, 3691334; 521556, 3691334; 521556, 3691394; 521526, 3691394; 521526, 3691484; 521496, 3691484; 521496, 3691724; 521526, 3691724; 521526, 3691934; 521496, 3691934; 521496, 3691964; 521466, 3691964; 521466, 3691994; 521436, 3691994; 521436, 3692024; 521406, 3692024; 521406, 3692054; 521316, 3692054; 521316, 3692084; 521286, 3692084; 521286, 3692114; 521256, 3692114; 521256, 3692144; 521166, 3692144; 521166, 3692174; 521136, 3692174; 521136, 3692264; 521106, 3692264; 521106, 3692234; 521046, 3692234; 521046, 3692264; 521016, 3692264; 521016, 3692294; 520896, 3692294; 520896, 3692324; 520806, 3692324; 520806, 3692354; 520776, 3692354; 520776, 3692384; 520746, 3692384; 520746, 3692414; 520716, 3692414; 520716, 3692444; 520656, 3692444; 520656, 3692504; 520626, 3692504; returning to 520626, 3692624. Excluding land bounded by 518706, 3695084; 518706, 3695144; 518646, 3695144; 518646, 3695174; 518616, 3695174; 518616, 3695204; 518586, 3695204; 518586, 3695264; 518526, 3695264; 518526, 3695234; 518556, 3695234; 518556, 3695174; 518526, 3695174; 518526, 3695144; 518496, 3695144; 518496, 3695084; 518466, 3695084; 518466, 3695024; 518496, 3695024; 518496, 3694994; 518616, 3694994; 518616, 3695024; 518676, 3695024; 518676, 3695054; 518706, 3695054; returning to 518706, 3695084. Excluding land bounded by 511632, 3699846; 511649, 3700252; 511658, 3700476; 511603, 3700464; 511599, 3700463; 511595, 3700462; 511591, 3700461; 511587, 3700460; 511583, 3700459; 511579, 3700458; 511575, 3700456; 511572, 3700455; 511568, 3700454; 511564, 3700452; 511560, 3700451; 511557, 3700449; 511553, 3700447; 511549, 3700446; 511546, 3700444; 511542, 3700442; 511539, 3700440; 511535, 3700438; 511532, 3700436; 511528, 3700434; 511525, 3700432; 511521, 3700429; 511518, 3700427; 511515, 3700425; 511512, 3700422; 511508, 3700420; 511505, 3700417; 511502, 3700415; 511497, 3700410; 511476, 3700391; 511464, 3700454; 511444, 3700451; 511413, 3700446; 511371, 3700441; 511325, 3700438; 511318, 3700256; 511545, 3700253; 511537, 3699847; returning to 511632, 3699846. Excluding land bounded by 509586, 3700604; 509586, 3700634; 509616, 3700634; 509616, 3700664; 509646, 3700664; 509646, 3700694; 509616, 3700694; 509616, 3700724; 509586, 3700724; 509586, 3700754; 509526, 3700754; 509526, 3700724; 509496, 3700724; 509496, 3700604; returning to 509586, 3700604. Excluding land bounded by 506076, 3703064; 506076, 3703094; 506046, 3703094; 506046, 3703064; returning to 506076, 3703064.

(iii) Subunit 13c: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Vail Lake, Sage, Cahuilla Mtn., and Aguanga, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 508295, 3705827; 508285, 3705827; 508285, 3705874; 508289, 3705912; 508352, 3705912; 508352, 3705827; returning to 508295, 3705827.

(iv) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 506990, 3704380; 506962, 3704380; 506962, 3704408; 506990, 3704408; returning to 506990, 3704380.

(v) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 505004, 3706809; 505004, 3706791; 505033, 3706791; 505033, 3706735; 505203, 3706735; 505203, 3706763; 505260, 3706763; 505260, 3706678; 505231, 3706678; 505231, 3706649; 505260, 3706649; 505260, 3706621; 505373, 3706621; 505373, 3706649; 505401, 3706649; 505401, 3706621; 505628, 3706621; 505628, 3706649; 505714, 3706649; 505714, 3706678; 505770, 3706678; 505770, 3706593; 505742, 3706593; 505742, 3706564; 505770, 3706564; 505770, 3706451; 505799, 3706451; 505799, 3706423; 505855, 3706423; 505855, 3706394; 505997, 3706394; 505997, 3706423; 506026, 3706423; 506026, 3706252; 506054, 3706252; 506054, 3706224; 506082, 3706224; 506082, 3706139; 506224, 3706139; 506224, 3706110; 506253, 3706110; 506253, 3706082; 506281, 3706082; 506281, 3705940; 506309, 3705940; 506309, 3706025; 506338, 3706025; 506338, 3706054; 506394, 3706054; 506394, 3706082; 506451, 3706082; 506451, 3706054; 506479, 3706054; 506479, 3705997; 506536, 3705997; 506536, 3705969; 506678, 3705969; 506678, 3705940; 506877, 3705940; 506877, 3705855; 506905, 3705855; 506905, 3705827; 506933, 3705827; 506933, 3705855; 506990, 3705855; 506990, 3705827; 506962, 3705827; 506962, 3705742; 506990, 3705742; 506990, 3705657; 507018, 3705657; 507018, 3705600; 507047, 3705600; 507047, 3705571; 507081, 3705571; 507080, 3705462; 507387, 3705460; 507387, 3705458; 507416, 3705458; 507416, 3705430; 507557, 3705430; 507557, 3705458; 507586, 3705458; 507586, 3705459; 508287, 3705456; 508286, 3705713; 508295, 3705713; 508295, 3705628; 508409, 3705628; 508409, 3705657; 508465, 3705657; 508465, 3705458; 508494, 3705458; 508494, 3705486; 508607, 3705486; 508607, 3705373; 508636, 3705373; 508636, 3705458; 508664, 3705458; 508664, 3705486; 508749, 3705486; 508749, 3705515; 509118, 3705515; 509118, 3705486; 509260, 3705486; 509260, 3705515; 509316, 3705515; 509316, 3705543; 509345, 3705543; 509345, 3705628; 509487, 3705628; 509487, 3705600; 509572, 3705600; 509572, 3705571; 509600, 3705571; 509600, 3705401; 509628, 3705401; 509628, 3705373; 509685, 3705373; 509685, 3705401; 509799, 3705401; 509799, 3705373; 509855, 3705373; 509855, 3705345; 509884, 3705345; 509884, 3705316; 509912, 3705316; 509912, 3705288; 509920, 3705288; 509899, 3705048; 510763, 3705036; 510763, 3705032; 510735, 3705032; 510735, 3705004; 510678, 3705004; 510678, 3704976; 510621, 3704976; 510621, 3704947; 510593, 3704947; 510593, 3704919; 510565, 3704919; 510565, 3704891; 510536, 3704891; 510536, 3704720; 510593, 3704720; 510593, 3704607; 510536, 3704607; 510536, 3704579; 510508, 3704579; 510508, 3704465; 510394, 3704465; 510394, 3704493; 510366, 3704493; 510366, 3704522; 510281, 3704522; 510281, 3704493; 510224, 3704493; 510224, 3704465; 510196, 3704465; 510196, 3704380; 510224, 3704380; 510224, 3704352; 510281, 3704352; 510281, 3704323; 510366, 3704323; 510366, 3704295; 510394, 3704295; 510394, 3704238; 510423, 3704238; 510423, 3704153; 510394, 3704153; 510394, 3704068; 510366, 3704068; 510366, 3704040; 510281, 3704040; 510281, 3704125; 510224, 3704125; 510224, 3704153; 510196, 3704153; 510196, 3704125; 510139, 3704125; 510139, 3704068; 510111, 3704068; 510111, 3704040; 510082, 3704040; 510082, 3703926; 509969, 3703926; 509969, 3703954; 509940, 3703954; 509940, 3703983; 509884, 3703983; 509884, 3704011; 509827, 3704011; 509827, 3704040; 509799, 3704040; 509799, 3704068; 509742, 3704068; 509742, 3704096; 509714, 3704096; 509714, 3704153; 509685, 3704153; 509685, 3704210; 509628, 3704210; 509628, 3704181; 509600, 3704181; 509600, 3704153; 509572, 3704153; 509572, 3704096; 509543, 3704096; 509543, 3704068; 509487, 3704068; 509487, 3704096; 509401, 3704096; 509401, 3704153; 509373, 3704153; 509373, 3704181; 509345, 3704181; 509345, 3704238; 509316, 3704238; 509316, 3704096; 509345, 3704096; 509345, 3704011; 509175, 3704011; 509175, 3703983; 509089, 3703983; 509089, 3704096; 509061, 3704096; 509061, 3704266; 509004, 3704266; 509004, 3704323; 508976, 3704323; 508976, 3704493; 508948, 3704493; 508948, 3704522; 508919, 3704522; 508919, 3704550; 508891, 3704550; 508891, 3704579; 508862, 3704579; 508862, 3704522; 508834, 3704522; 508834, 3704493; 508777, 3704493; 508777, 3704408; 508749, 3704408; 508749, 3704380; 508721, 3704380; 508721, 3704323; 508692, 3704323; 508692, 3704295; 508664, 3704295; 508664, 3704323; 508636, 3704323; 508636, 3704352; 508607, 3704352; 508607, 3704380; 508579, 3704380; 508579, 3704408; 508503, 3704408; 508503, 3704670; 508299, 3704685; 508284, 3704713; 508213, 3704720; 508180, 3704674; 508188, 3704581; 508188, 3704466; 508180, 3704409; 508125, 3704284; 508125, 3704437; 508097, 3704437; 508097, 3704465; 508068, 3704465; 508068, 3704579; 508040, 3704579; 508040, 3704720; 508011, 3704720; 508011, 3704777; 507983, 3704777; 507983, 3704947; 508011, 3704947; 508011, 3704976; 507983, 3704976; 507983, 3705061; 508040, 3705061; 508040, 3705089; 508068, 3705089; 508068, 3705118; 508097, 3705118; 508097, 3705174; 508068, 3705174; 508068, 3705203; 508011, 3705203; 508011, 3705231; 507955, 3705231; 507955, 3705259; 507926, 3705259; 507926, 3705231; 507699, 3705231; 507699, 3705174; 507728, 3705174; 507728, 3705146; 507756, 3705146; 507756, 3705118; 507784, 3705118; 507784, 3705089; 507841, 3705089; 507841, 3705061; 507870, 3705061; 507870, 3705004; 507841, 3705004; 507841, 3704692; 507784, 3704692; 507784, 3704720; 507728, 3704720; 507728, 3704692; 507699, 3704692; 507699, 3704635; 507671, 3704635; 507671, 3704579; 507614, 3704579; 507614, 3704607; 507586, 3704607; 507586, 3704749; 507557, 3704749; 507557, 3704777; 507529, 3704777; 507529, 3704834; 507501, 3704834; 507501, 3704862; 507472, 3704862; 507472, 3704891; 507444, 3704891; 507444, 3704862; 507416, 3704862; 507416, 3704720; 507444, 3704720; 507444, 3704692; 507416, 3704692; 507416, 3704635; 507359, 3704635; 507359, 3704664; 507302, 3704664; 507302, 3704692; 507274, 3704692; 507274, 3704720; 507245, 3704720; 507245, 3704550; 507217, 3704550; 507217, 3704607; 507104, 3704607; 507104, 3704579; 507075, 3704579; 507075, 3704408; 506990, 3704408; 506990, 3704493; 506962, 3704493; 506962, 3704664; 506990, 3704664; 506990, 3704692; 506962, 3704692; 506962, 3704720; 506990, 3704720; 506990, 3704749; 506933, 3704749; 506933, 3704777; 506905, 3704777; 506905, 3704805; 506820, 3704805; 506820, 3704777; 506792, 3704777; 506792, 3704720; 506763, 3704720; 506763, 3704777; 506735, 3704777; 506735, 3704834; 506706, 3704834; 506706, 3704919; 506678, 3704919; 506678, 3704947; 506565, 3704947; 506565, 3705004; 506593, 3705004; 506593, 3705118; 506565, 3705118; 506565, 3705146; 506536, 3705146; 506536, 3705174; 506508, 3705174; 506508, 3705203; 506479, 3705203; 506479, 3705231; 506451, 3705231; 506451, 3705345; 506479, 3705345; 506479, 3705430; 506451, 3705430; 506451, 3705458; 506423, 3705458; 506423, 3705430; 506394, 3705430; 506394, 3705259; 506281, 3705259; 506281, 3705231; 506253, 3705231; 506253, 3705203; 506281, 3705203; 506281, 3705118; 506253, 3705118; 506253, 3705061; 506224, 3705061; 506224, 3705089; 506167, 3705089; 506167, 3705174; 506139, 3705174; 506139, 3705203; 506082, 3705203; 506082, 3705231; 506026, 3705231; 506026, 3705203; 505969, 3705203; 505969, 3705174; 505940, 3705174; 505940, 3705203; 505827, 3705203; 505827, 3705231; 505799, 3705231; 505799, 3705259; 505770, 3705259; 505770, 3705316; 505742, 3705316; 505742, 3705345; 505714, 3705345; 505714, 3705373; 505685, 3705373; 505685, 3705543; 505657, 3705543; 505657, 3705600; 505628, 3705600; 505628, 3705628; 505600, 3705628; 505600, 3705685; 505628, 3705685; 505628, 3705713; 505657, 3705713; 505657, 3705798; 505543, 3705798; 505543, 3705940; 505487, 3705940; 505487, 3705912; 505316, 3705912; 505316, 3705884; 505288, 3705884; 505288, 3705855; 505260, 3705855; 505260, 3705827; 505231, 3705827; 505231, 3705798; 505174, 3705798; 505174, 3705770; 505146, 3705770; 505146, 3705742; 505118, 3705742; 505118, 3705713; 505089, 3705713; 505089, 3705628; 505118, 3705628; 505118, 3705600; 505203, 3705600; 505203, 3705486; 505174, 3705486; 505174, 3705458; 505146, 3705458; 505146, 3705401; 505061, 3705401; 505061, 3705373; 505033, 3705373; 505033, 3705430; 505004, 3705430; 505004, 3705458; 504976, 3705458; 504976, 3705515; 504948, 3705515; 504948, 3705543; 504891, 3705543; 504891, 3705515; 504862, 3705515; 504862, 3705486; 504834, 3705486; 504834, 3705430; 504806, 3705430; 504806, 3705458; 504749, 3705458; 504749, 3705486; 504721, 3705486; 504721, 3705515; 504692, 3705515; 504692, 3705543; 504550, 3705543; 504550, 3705373; 504522, 3705373; 504522, 3705345; 504465, 3705345; 504465, 3705288; 504437, 3705288; 504437, 3705284; 504424, 3705291; 504400, 3705371; 504335, 3705756; 504255, 3706069; 504123, 3706197; 504096, 3706220; 504096, 3706224; 504125, 3706224; 504125, 3706252; 504153, 3706252; 504153, 3706281; 504182, 3706281; 504182, 3706337; 504153, 3706337; 504153, 3706366; 504182, 3706366; 504182, 3706564; 504210, 3706564; 504210, 3706593; 504238, 3706593; 504238, 3706564; 504267, 3706564; 504267, 3706536; 504295, 3706536; 504295, 3706564; 504352, 3706564; 504352, 3706536; 504380, 3706536; 504380, 3706508; 504409, 3706508; 504409, 3706479; 504465, 3706479; 504465, 3706508; 504494, 3706508; 504494, 3706536; 504550, 3706536; 504550, 3706564; 504692, 3706564; 504692, 3706536; 504721, 3706536; 504721, 3706706; 504777, 3706706; 504777, 3706763; 504834, 3706763; 504834, 3706791; 504891, 3706791; 504891, 3706820; 504919, 3706820; 504919, 3706848; 505004, 3706848; returning to 505004, 3706809. Excluding land bounded by 505004, 3706621; 505004, 3706593; 505033, 3706593; 505033, 3706536; 505089, 3706536; 505089, 3706593; 505061, 3706593; 505061, 3706649; 505033, 3706649; 505033, 3706621; returning to 505004, 3706621.

(vi) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 512834, 3706987; 512834, 3706962; 512891, 3706962; 512891, 3706980; 513089, 3706957; 513089, 3706933; 513061, 3706933; 513061, 3706820; 513089, 3706820; 513089, 3706848; 513146, 3706848; 513146, 3706791; 513203, 3706791; 513203, 3706763; 513288, 3706763; 513288, 3706791; 513345, 3706791; 513345, 3706763; 513373, 3706763; 513373, 3706706; 513345, 3706706; 513345, 3706678; 513146, 3706678; 513146, 3706649; 513089, 3706649; 513089, 3706621; 513061, 3706621; 513061, 3706479; 513089, 3706479; 513089, 3706423; 513146, 3706423; 513146, 3706394; 513175, 3706394; 513175, 3706337; 513203, 3706337; 513203, 3706281; 513231, 3706281; 513231, 3706252; 513260, 3706252; 513260, 3706224; 513288, 3706224; 513288, 3706196; 513316, 3706196; 513316, 3706054; 513288, 3706054; 513288, 3705912; 513260, 3705912; 513260, 3705827; 513231, 3705827; 513231, 3705770; 513203, 3705770; 513203, 3705657; 513175, 3705657; 513175, 3705628; 513146, 3705628; 513146, 3705600; 513118, 3705600; 513118, 3705543; 513089, 3705543; 513089, 3705515; 512862, 3705515; 512862, 3705486; 512636, 3705486; 512636, 3705458; 512579, 3705458; 512579, 3705430; 512323, 3705430; 512323, 3705401; 512295, 3705401; 512295, 3705373; 512238, 3705373; 512238, 3705316; 512210, 3705316; 512210, 3705288; 511955, 3705288; 511955, 3705259; 511813, 3705259; 511813, 3705231; 511671, 3705231; 511671, 3705203; 511586, 3705203; 511586, 3705174; 511535, 3705174; 511525, 3706082; 511699, 3706082; 511699, 3706110; 511728, 3706110; 511728, 3706139; 511756, 3706139; 511756, 3706167; 511784, 3706167; 511784, 3706196; 511813, 3706196; 511813, 3706224; 511898, 3706224; 511898, 3706196; 511911, 3706196; 511916, 3705800; 512341, 3705773; 512337, 3706082; 512522, 3706082; 512522, 3706110; 512579, 3706110; 512579, 3706139; 512550, 3706139; 512550, 3706196; 512437, 3706196; 512437, 3706309; 512409, 3706309; 512409, 3706366; 512437, 3706366; 512437, 3706564; 512465, 3706564; 512465, 3706630; 512761, 3706595; 512751, 3706990; 512808, 3706990; returning to 512834, 3706987.

(vii) Note: Map of Unit 13 is provided at paragraph (17)(v) of this entry.

(19) Unit 14: Lower and Middle San Luis Rey Basin, San Diego County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Pechanga, San Luis Rey, Morro Hill, Bonsall, Pala, and Boucher Hill, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 505206, 3681404; 505206, 3681374; 505266, 3681374; 505266, 3681344; 505326, 3681344; 505326, 3681224; 505356, 3681224; 505356, 3681164; 505386, 3681164; 505386, 3681014; 505356, 3681014; 505356, 3680984; 505326, 3680984; 505326, 3680864; 505356, 3680864; 505356, 3680744; 505326, 3680744; 505326, 3680654; 505356, 3680654; 505356, 3680624; 505326, 3680624; 505326, 3680594; 505296, 3680594; 505296, 3680564; 505266, 3680564; 505266, 3680474; 505236, 3680474; 505236, 3680429; 505066, 3680430; 505061, 3680430; 505061, 3680553; 505061, 3680603; 505061, 3680603; 505061, 3680604; 505061, 3680604; 505061, 3680604; 505061, 3680605; 505061, 3680605; 505061, 3680605; 505061, 3680606; 505061, 3680606; 505061, 3680606; 505061, 3680606; 505062, 3680607; 505062, 3680607; 505062, 3680607; 505062, 3680607; 505062, 3680607; 505062, 3680608; 505062, 3680608; 505062, 3680608; 505062, 3680608; 505062, 3680609; 505062, 3680609; 505062, 3680609; 505062, 3680609; 505062, 3680610; 505062, 3680610; 505062, 3680610; 505062, 3680610; 505062, 3680610; 505062, 3680611; 505062, 3680611; 505062, 3680611; 505062, 3680612; 505062, 3680612; 505062, 3680612; 505062, 3680612; 505062, 3680612; 505062, 3680612; 505062, 3680613; 505062, 3680613; 505062, 3680613; 505062, 3680614; 505062, 3680614; 505062, 3680614; 505062, 3680614; 505062, 3680615; 505062, 3680615; 505062, 3680616; 505062, 3680616; 505062, 3680617; 505062, 3680617; 505062, 3680617; 505062, 3680617; 505062, 3680617; 505062, 3680617; 505062, 3680618; 505062, 3680618; 505062, 3680619; 505062, 3680620; 505062, 3680620; 505062, 3680621; 505062, 3680621; 505062, 3680622; 505062, 3680622; 505062, 3680623; 505062, 3680623; 505062, 3680623; 505061, 3680624; 505061, 3680624; 505061, 3680625; 505061, 3680625; 505061, 3680625; 505061, 3680625; 505061, 3680625; 505065, 3680625; 505065, 3680726; 505066, 3680827; 505066, 3680927; 505066, 3681113; 505066, 3681123; 505066, 3681123; 505066, 3681232; 505066, 3681273; 505066, 3681344; 505146, 3681344; 505146, 3681374; 505176, 3681374; 505176, 3681404; returning to 505206, 3681404.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 496083, 3690984; 496081, 3690778; 496186, 3690777; 496188, 3690982; 496083, 3690984; 496085, 3691184; 496086, 3691184; 496086, 3691124; 496116, 3691124; 496116, 3691094; 496146, 3691094; 496146, 3691034; 496176, 3691034; 496176, 3691004; 496236, 3691004; 496236, 3690944; 496266, 3690944; 496266, 3690884; 496296, 3690884; 496296, 3690854; 496326, 3690854; 496326, 3690824; 496356, 3690824; 496356, 3690794; 496386, 3690794; 496386, 3690764; 496416, 3690764; 496416, 3690734; 496446, 3690734; 496446, 3690704; 496476, 3690704; 496476, 3690674; 496506, 3690674; 496506, 3690644; 496536, 3690644; 496536, 3690614; 496596, 3690614; 496596, 3690584; 496656, 3690584; 496656, 3690554; 496716, 3690554; 496716, 3690524; 496806, 3690524; 496806, 3690494; 497106, 3690494; 497106, 3690464; 497166, 3690464; 497166, 3690434; 497256, 3690434; 497256, 3690404; 497298, 3690404; 497300, 3690146; 497496, 3690141; 497496, 3690134; 497526, 3690134; 497526, 3689984; 497556, 3689984; 497556, 3689924; 497526, 3689924; 497526, 3689804; 497556, 3689804; 497556, 3689744; 497586, 3689744; 497586, 3689684; 497616, 3689684; 497616, 3689654; 497676, 3689654; 497676, 3689624; 497747, 3689624; 497758, 3689276; 497954, 3689277; 497951, 3689383; 498148, 3689383; 498145, 3689534; 498186, 3689534; 498186, 3689504; 498216, 3689504; 498216, 3689444; 498246, 3689444; 498246, 3689414; 498216, 3689414; 498216, 3689264; 498246, 3689264; 498246, 3689234; 498216, 3689234; 498216, 3689204; 498366, 3689204; 498366, 3689174; 498546, 3689174; 498546, 3689144; 498576, 3689144; 498576, 3689054; 498546, 3689054; 498546, 3689024; 498636, 3689024; 498636, 3688994; 498756, 3688994; 498756, 3688964; 498786, 3688964; 498786, 3688934; 498876, 3688934; 498876, 3688904; 498936, 3688904; 498936, 3688874; 499056, 3688874; 499056, 3688844; 499266, 3688844; 499266, 3688814; 499326, 3688814; 499326, 3688544; 499356, 3688544; 499356, 3688514; 499386, 3688514; 499386, 3688454; 499416, 3688454; 499416, 3688364; 499446, 3688364; 499446, 3688274; 499476, 3688274; 499476, 3688214; 499506, 3688214; 499506, 3688124; 499536, 3688124; 499536, 3687884; 499566, 3687884; 499566, 3687674; 499596, 3687674; 499596, 3687644; 499656, 3687644; 499656, 3687614; 499686, 3687614; 499686, 3687584; 499746, 3687584; 499746, 3687554; 499776, 3687554; 499776, 3687494; 499746, 3687494; 499746, 3687464; 499716, 3687464; 499716, 3687374; 499746, 3687374; 499746, 3687314; 499836, 3687314; 499836, 3687284; 499986, 3687284; 499986, 3687314; 500046, 3687314; 500046, 3687284; 500076, 3687284; 500076, 3687194; 500106, 3687194; 500106, 3687104; 500136, 3687104; 500136, 3687074; 500166, 3687074; 500166, 3687014; 500196, 3687014; 500196, 3686984; 500226, 3686984; 500226, 3686714; 500256, 3686714; 500256, 3686684; 500256, 3686534; 500226, 3686534; 500226, 3686444; 500286, 3686444; 500286, 3686384; 500316, 3686384; 500316, 3686324; 500346, 3686324; 500346, 3686234; 500376, 3686234; 500376, 3686174; 500406, 3686174; 500406, 3686084; 500436, 3686084; 500436, 3685994; 500466, 3685994; 500466, 3685934; 500496, 3685934; 500496, 3685904; 500556, 3685904; 500556, 3685874; 500586, 3685874; 500586, 3685844; 500616, 3685844; 500616, 3685814; 500736, 3685814; 500736, 3685844; 500796, 3685844; 500796, 3685814; 500826, 3685814; 500826, 3685844; 500886, 3685844; 500886, 3685814; 500946, 3685814; 500946, 3685784; 501006, 3685784; 501006, 3685754; 501066, 3685754; 501066, 3685724; 501126, 3685724; 501126, 3685694; 501186, 3685694; 501186, 3685664; 501216, 3685664; 501216, 3685574; 501246, 3685574; 501246, 3685544; 501276, 3685544; 501276, 3685514; 501306, 3685514; 501306, 3685484; 501366, 3685484; 501366, 3685424; 501396, 3685424; 501396, 3685394; 501426, 3685394; 501426, 3685334; 501456, 3685334; 501456, 3685304; 501486, 3685304; 501486, 3685274; 501546, 3685274; 501546, 3685244; 501576, 3685244; 501576, 3685214; 501606, 3685214; 501606, 3685184; 501666, 3685184; 501666, 3685154; 501756, 3685154; 501756, 3685124; 501816, 3685124; 501816, 3685094; 501876, 3685094; 501876, 3685064; 501996, 3685064; 501996, 3685034; 502116, 3685034; 502116, 3685004; 502176, 3685004; 502176, 3684974; 502236, 3684974; 502236, 3684944; 502266, 3684944; 502266, 3684974; 502326, 3684974; 502326, 3685004; 502446, 3685004; 502446, 3684974; 502536, 3684974; 502536, 3685004; 502566, 3685004; 502566, 3684974; 502626, 3684974; 502626, 3684944; 502656, 3684944; 502656, 3684914; 502686, 3684914; 502686, 3684854; 502716, 3684854; 502716, 3684764; 502746, 3684764; 502746, 3684734; 502776, 3684734; 502776, 3684704; 502746, 3684704; 502746, 3684644; 502716, 3684644; 502716, 3684554; 502746, 3684554; 502746, 3684374; 502776, 3684374; 502776, 3684344; 502806, 3684344; 502806, 3684314; 502836, 3684314; 502836, 3684284; 502866, 3684284; 502866, 3684254; 502896, 3684254; 502896, 3684224; 502956, 3684224; 502956, 3684014; 502986, 3684014; 502986, 3683834; 503016, 3683834; 503016, 3683804; 502986, 3683804; 502986, 3683744; 502956, 3683744; 502956, 3683594; 502986, 3683594; 502986, 3683474; 503016, 3683474; 503016, 3683324; 503046, 3683324; 503046, 3683234; 503076, 3683234; 503076, 3683174; 503106, 3683174; 503106, 3683084; 503166, 3683084; 503166, 3683024; 503196, 3683024; 503196, 3682964; 503226, 3682964; 503226, 3682934; 503256, 3682934; 503256, 3682844; 503286, 3682844; 503286, 3682814; 503316, 3682814; 503316, 3682784; 503346, 3682784; 503346, 3682754; 503406, 3682754; 503406, 3682724; 503436, 3682724; 503436, 3682694; 503454, 3682694; 503452, 3682414; 503449, 3681953; 503449, 3681950; 503446, 3681434; 503436, 3681434; 503436, 3681464; 503406, 3681464; 503406, 3681494; 503286, 3681494; 503286, 3681524; 503226, 3681524; 503226, 3681554; 503196, 3681554; 503196, 3681584; 503136, 3681584; 503136, 3681614; 503106, 3681614; 503106, 3681644; 503076, 3681644; 503076, 3681674; 503046, 3681674; 503046, 3681704; 502986, 3681704; 502986, 3681734; 502866, 3681734; 502866, 3681764; 502746, 3681764; 502686, 3681764; 502686, 3681734; 502626, 3681734; 502626, 3681824; 502656, 3681824; 502656, 3681884; 502686, 3681884; 502686, 3681914; 502716, 3681914; 502716, 3681944; 502746, 3681944; 502746, 3681974; 502776, 3681974; 502776, 3682094; 502746, 3682094; 502746, 3682214; 502716, 3682214; 502716, 3682244; 502536, 3682244; 502536, 3682274; 502476, 3682274; 502476, 3682304; 502416, 3682304; 502416, 3682334; 502356, 3682334; 502356, 3682364; 502326, 3682364; 502326, 3682394; 502296, 3682394; 502296, 3682424; 502236, 3682424; 502236, 3682394; 502176, 3682394; 502176, 3682424; 502116, 3682424; 502116, 3682454; 502026, 3682454; 502026, 3682514; 502056, 3682514; 502056, 3682544; 502086, 3682544; 502086, 3682574; 502116, 3682574; 502116, 3682604; 502146, 3682604; 502146, 3682634; 502176, 3682634; 502176, 3682694; 502206, 3682694; 502206, 3682754; 502236, 3682754; 502236, 3682844; 502266, 3682844; 502266, 3682934; 502236, 3682934; 502236, 3683084; 502206, 3683084; 502206, 3683114; 502176, 3683114; 502176, 3683144; 502146, 3683144; 502146, 3683174; 502116, 3683174; 502116, 3683234; 502086, 3683234; 502086, 3683264; 502056, 3683264; 502056, 3683354; 502086, 3683354; 502086, 3683414; 502116, 3683414; 502116, 3683504; 502086, 3683504; 502086, 3683624; 502056, 3683624; 502056, 3683684; 502026, 3683684; 502026, 3683714; 501966, 3683714; 501966, 3683744; 501936, 3683744; 501936, 3683804; 501906, 3683804; 501906, 3683834; 501876, 3683834; 501876, 3683894; 501846, 3683894; 501846, 3683984; 501816, 3683984; 501816, 3684044; 501786, 3684044; 501786, 3684074; 501756, 3684074; 501756, 3684104; 501696, 3684104; 501696, 3684074; 501666, 3684074; 501666, 3684044; 501606, 3684044; 501606, 3684074; 501576, 3684074; 501576, 3684104; 501546, 3684104; 501546, 3684134; 501456, 3684134; 501456, 3684164; 501336, 3684164; 501336, 3684524; 501096, 3684524; 501096, 3684494; 501066, 3684494; 501066, 3684464; 501036, 3684464; 501036, 3684434; 501006, 3684434; 501006, 3684404; 500946, 3684404; 500946, 3684374; 500916, 3684374; 500916, 3684404; 500886, 3684404; 500886, 3684464; 500856, 3684464; 500856, 3684554; 500826, 3684554; 500826, 3684614; 500766, 3684614; 500766, 3684674; 500736, 3684674; 500736, 3684704; 500766, 3684704; 500766, 3684884; 500736, 3684884; 500736, 3684914; 500706, 3684914; 500706, 3684974; 500676, 3684974; 500676, 3685004; 500646, 3685004; 500646, 3684974; 500496, 3684974; 500496, 3684944; 500406, 3684944; 500406, 3684914; 500376, 3684914; 500376, 3684944; 500316, 3684944; 500316, 3684914; 500286, 3684914; 500286, 3684854; 500316, 3684854; 500316, 3684704; 500286, 3684704; 500286, 3684674; 500256, 3684674; 500256, 3684644; 500226, 3684644; 500226, 3684614; 500166, 3684614; 500166, 3684584; 500136, 3684584; 500136, 3684554; 500046, 3684554; 500046, 3684524; 499986, 3684524; 499986, 3684554; 499926, 3684554; 499926, 3684584; 499896, 3684584; 499896, 3684614; 499866, 3684614; 499866, 3685184; 499836, 3685184; 499836, 3685214; 499806, 3685214; 499806, 3685244; 499566, 3685244; 499566, 3685274; 499536, 3685274; 499536, 3685304; 499506, 3685304; 499506, 3685364; 499476, 3685364; 499476, 3685394; 499416, 3685394; 499416, 3685424; 499356, 3685424; 499356, 3685394; 499296, 3685394; 499296, 3685364; 499236, 3685364; 499236, 3685334; 499176, 3685334; 499176, 3685364; 499146, 3685364; 499146, 3685394; 499056, 3685394; 499056, 3685424; 499026, 3685424; 499026, 3685454; 498966, 3685454; 498966, 3685484; 498756, 3685484; 498756, 3685514; 498726, 3685514; 498726, 3685484; 498606, 3685484; 498606, 3685514; 498396, 3685514; 498396, 3685544; 498366, 3685544; 498366, 3685604; 498336, 3685604; 498336, 3685634; 498306, 3685634; 498306, 3685694; 498336, 3685694; 498336, 3685724; 498366, 3685724; 498366, 3685754; 498396, 3685754; 498396, 3685874; 498366, 3685874; 498366, 3685964; 498396, 3685964; 498396, 3686114; 498426, 3686114; 498426, 3686174; 498456, 3686174; 498456, 3686234; 498486, 3686234; 498486, 3686264; 498576, 3686264; 498576, 3686234; 498696, 3686234; 498696, 3686204; 498726, 3686204; 498726, 3686234; 498846, 3686234; 498846, 3686264; 498906, 3686264; 498906, 3686294; 498936, 3686294; 498936, 3686324; 498966, 3686324; 498966, 3686444; 498936, 3686444; 498936, 3686474; 498876, 3686474; 498876, 3686504; 498786, 3686504; 498786, 3686534; 498756, 3686534; 498756, 3686564; 498636, 3686564; 498636, 3686594; 498576, 3686594; 498426, 3686594; 498426, 3686564; 498276, 3686564; 498276, 3686654; 498306, 3686654; 498306, 3686774; 498276, 3686774; 498276, 3686804; 498246, 3686804; 498246, 3686834; 498216, 3686834; 498216, 3686864; 498186, 3686864; 498186, 3686894; 498156, 3686894; 498156, 3686924; 498096, 3686924; 498096, 3686954; 498066, 3686954; 498066, 3686984; 498036, 3686984; 498036, 3687014; 497976, 3687014; 497976, 3687044; 497946, 3687044; 497946, 3687104; 497916, 3687104; 497916, 3687164; 497946, 3687164; 497946, 3687224; 498186, 3687224; 498186, 3687254; 498216, 3687254; 498216, 3687284; 498246, 3687284; 498246, 3687314; 498276, 3687314; 498276, 3687344; 498306, 3687344; 498306, 3687374; 498336, 3687374; 498336, 3687404; 498366, 3687404; 498366, 3687434; 498396, 3687434; 498396, 3687464; 498426, 3687464; 498426, 3687494; 498396, 3687494; 498396, 3687554; 498366, 3687554; 498366, 3687584; 498336, 3687584; 498336, 3687614; 498276, 3687614; 498276, 3687644; 498216, 3687644; 498216, 3687704; 498246, 3687704; 498246, 3687734; 498276, 3687734; 498276, 3687794; 498306, 3687794; 498306, 3687824; 498336, 3687824; 498336, 3687914; 498366, 3687914; 498366, 3687944; 498396, 3687944; 498396, 3688004; 498426, 3688004; 498426, 3688034; 498456, 3688034; 498456, 3688064; 498486, 3688064; 498486, 3688094; 498516, 3688094; 498516, 3688154; 498546, 3688154; 498546, 3688274; 498576, 3688274; 498576, 3688304; 498546, 3688304; 498546, 3688484; 498516, 3688484; 498516, 3688544; 498486, 3688544; 498486, 3688574; 498456, 3688574; 498456, 3688604; 498426, 3688604; 498426, 3688694; 498396, 3688694; 498396, 3688724; 498366, 3688724; 498366, 3688754; 498336, 3688754; 498336, 3688784; 498306, 3688784; 498306, 3688814; 498216, 3688814; 498216, 3688874; 498186, 3688874; 498186, 3688904; 498156, 3688904; 498156, 3688934; 498066, 3688934; 498066, 3688964; 498006, 3688964; 498006, 3688994; 497976, 3688994; 497976, 3689024; 497946, 3689024; 497946, 3689144; 497916, 3689144; 497916, 3689174; 497886, 3689174; 497886, 3689204; 497556, 3689204; 497556, 3689234; 497526, 3689234; 497526, 3689264; 497466, 3689264; 497466, 3689294; 497436, 3689294; 497436, 3689324; 497406, 3689324; 497406, 3689354; 497376, 3689354; 497376, 3689384; 497357, 3689384; 497333, 3689706; 497256, 3689706; 497256, 3689804; 497226, 3689804; 497226, 3689864; 497196, 3689864; 497196, 3689894; 497166, 3689894; 497166, 3689954; 497136, 3689954; 497136, 3689984; 497106, 3689984; 497106, 3690014; 497076, 3690014; 497076, 3690044; 497046, 3690044; 497046, 3690074; 497016, 3690074; 497016, 3690104; 496986, 3690104; 496986, 3690134; 496836, 3690134; 496836, 3690104; 496686, 3690104; 496686, 3690074; 496596, 3690074; 496596, 3690104; 496506, 3690104; 496506, 3690164; 496446, 3690164; 496446, 3690194; 496386, 3690194; 496386, 3690224; 496326, 3690224; 496326, 3690254; 496266, 3690254; 496266, 3690284; 496206, 3690284; 496206, 3690314; 496176, 3690314; 496176, 3690374; 496146, 3690374; 496146, 3690404; 496116, 3690404; 496116, 3690434; 496086, 3690434; 496086, 3690464; 496056, 3690464; 496056, 3690524; 496026, 3690524; 496026, 3690554; 495996, 3690554; 495996, 3690584; 495966, 3690584; 495966, 3690644; 495936, 3690644; 495936, 3690674; 495906, 3690674; 495906, 3690734; 495876, 3690734; 495876, 3690794; 495846, 3690794; 495846, 3690824; 495816, 3690824; 495816, 3690854; 495666, 3690854; 495666, 3690884; 495636, 3690884; 495636, 3690914; 495606, 3690914; 495606, 3690944; 495456, 3690944; 495456, 3690974; 495366, 3690974; 495366, 3691004; 495276, 3691004; 495276, 3691010; returning to 496083, 3690984.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 496086, 3691274; 496085, 3691274; 496085, 3691304; 496086, 3691304; returning to 496086, 3691274.

(iv) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 494886, 3691724; 494886, 3691694; 494946, 3691694; 494946, 3691664; 494916, 3691664; 494916, 3691574; 494976, 3691574; 494976, 3691604; 495006, 3691604; 495006, 3691634; 495036, 3691634; 495036, 3691664; 495126, 3691664; 495126, 3691574; 495096, 3691574; 495096, 3691544; 495126, 3691544; 495126, 3691514; 495186, 3691514; 495186, 3691484; 495265, 3691484; 495265, 3691426; 495265, 3691426; 495266, 3691034; 495216, 3691034; 495216, 3691064; 495186, 3691064; 495186, 3691094; 494946, 3691094; 494946, 3691064; 494847, 3691064; 494847, 3691104; 494848, 3691249; 494850, 3691724; returning to 494886, 3691724.

(v) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 490926, 3692474; 490926, 3692444; 490956, 3692444; 490956, 3692414; 490986, 3692414; 490986, 3692384; 491016, 3692384; 491016, 3692324; 491076, 3692324; 491076, 3692174; 491106, 3692174; 491106, 3692144; 491136, 3692144; 491136, 3692114; 491196, 3692114; 491196, 3692144; 491256, 3692144; 491256, 3692174; 491346, 3692174; 491346, 3692204; 491406, 3692204; 491406, 3692234; 491436, 3692234; 491436, 3692264; 491466, 3692264; 491466, 3692267; 491596, 3692267; 491595, 3692414; 491646, 3692414; 491646, 3692324; 491676, 3692324; 491676, 3692144; 491646, 3692144; 491646, 3692114; 491616, 3692114; 491616, 3691964; 491646, 3691964; 491646, 3691858; 491596, 3691858; 491596, 3691849; 491596, 3691822; 491596, 3691803; 491596, 3691803; 491596, 3691584; 491596, 3691442; 491998, 3691441; 492404, 3691435; 492405, 3691020; 492304, 3691021; 492101, 3691024; 491999, 3691026; 491996, 3690621; 491797, 3690620; 491736, 3690620; 491736, 3690644; 491706, 3690644; 491706, 3690674; 491676, 3690674; 491676, 3690704; 491646, 3690704; 491646, 3690734; 491526, 3690734; 491526, 3690794; 491406, 3690794; 491406, 3690824; 491286, 3690824; 491286, 3690854; 491196, 3690854; 491196, 3690884; 491166, 3690884; 491166, 3690914; 491076, 3690914; 491076, 3690884; 490986, 3690884; 490986, 3690854; 490806, 3690854; 490806, 3690824; 490776, 3690824; 490776, 3690794; 490746, 3690794; 490746, 3690764; 490716, 3690764; 490716, 3690704; 490686, 3690704; 490686, 3690644; 490656, 3690644; 490656, 3690614; 490626, 3690614; 490626, 3690584; 490536, 3690584; 490536, 3690554; 490506, 3690554; 490506, 3690524; 490476, 3690524; 490476, 3690494; 490446, 3690494; 490446, 3690464; 490416, 3690464; 490416, 3690434; 490386, 3690434; 490386, 3690374; 490356, 3690374; 490356, 3690344; 490326, 3690344; 490326, 3690284; 490266, 3690284; 490266, 3690254; 490206, 3690254; 490206, 3690224; 490176, 3690224; 490176, 3690194; 490146, 3690194; 490146, 3690134; 490116, 3690134; 490116, 3690014; 490086, 3690014; 490086, 3689924; 490056, 3689924; 490056, 3689894; 490026, 3689894; 490026, 3689834; 489996, 3689834; 489996, 3689804; 489966, 3689804; 489966, 3689774; 489936, 3689774; 489936, 3689624; 489906, 3689624; 489906, 3689564; 489876, 3689564; 489876, 3689534; 489846, 3689534; 489846, 3689444; 489816, 3689444; 489816, 3689414; 489756, 3689414; 489756, 3689444; 489696, 3689444; 489696, 3689474; 489636, 3689474; 489636, 3689624; 489606, 3689624; 489606, 3689654; 489576, 3689654; 489576, 3689624; 489546, 3689624; 489546, 3689564; 489576, 3689564; 489576, 3689534; 489606, 3689534; 489606, 3689474; 489576, 3689474; 489576, 3689414; 489546, 3689414; 489546, 3689354; 489516, 3689354; 489516, 3689324; 489486, 3689324; 489486, 3689234; 489456, 3689234; 489456, 3689114; 489426, 3689114; 489426, 3689024; 489396, 3689024; 489396, 3688994; 489366, 3688994; 489366, 3688964; 489306, 3688964; 489306, 3688934; 489276, 3688934; 489276, 3688904; 489246, 3688904; 489246, 3688874; 489216, 3688874; 489216, 3688844; 489156, 3688844; 489156, 3688814; 489066, 3688814; 489066, 3688784; 489036, 3688784; 489036, 3688814; 488946, 3688814; 488946, 3688844; 488916, 3688844; 488916, 3688874; 488856, 3688874; 488856, 3688904; 488826, 3688904; 488826, 3688934; 488736, 3688934; 488736, 3688964; 488676, 3688964; 488676, 3688874; 488706, 3688874; 488706, 3688784; 488676, 3688784; 488676, 3688754; 488616, 3688754; 488616, 3688724; 488556, 3688724; 488556, 3688634; 488526, 3688634; 488526, 3688604; 488496, 3688604; 488496, 3688574; 488406, 3688574; 488406, 3688544; 488376, 3688544; 488376, 3688454; 488466, 3688454; 488466, 3688274; 488496, 3688274; 488496, 3688244; 488526, 3688244; 488526, 3688154; 488586, 3688154; 488586, 3688124; 488676, 3688124; 488676, 3688034; 488706, 3688034; 488706, 3688004; 488736, 3688004; 488736, 3687974; 488856, 3687974; 488856, 3687884; 488886, 3687884; 488886, 3687794; 488856, 3687794; 488856, 3687824; 488796, 3687824; 488796, 3687854; 488676, 3687854; 488676, 3687884; 488556, 3687884; 488556, 3687824; 488526, 3687824; 488526, 3687794; 488496, 3687794; 488496, 3687764; 488466, 3687764; 488466, 3687794; 488436, 3687794; 488436, 3687764; 488346, 3687764; 488346, 3687854; 488316, 3687854; 488316, 3687914; 488286, 3687914; 488286, 3687974; 488136, 3687974; 488136, 3687944; 488106, 3687944; 488106, 3687974; 488076, 3687974; 488076, 3688004; 488016, 3688004; 488016, 3688064; 487986, 3688064; 487986, 3688094; 487956, 3688094; 487956, 3688124; 487926, 3688124; 487926, 3688184; 487896, 3688184; 487896, 3688214; 487836, 3688214; 487836, 3688244; 487806, 3688244; 487806, 3688274; 487776, 3688274; 487776, 3688304; 487746, 3688304; 487746, 3688334; 487656, 3688334; 487656, 3688364; 487566, 3688364; 487566, 3688394; 487536, 3688394; 487536, 3688424; 487506, 3688424; 487506, 3688454; 487536, 3688454; 487536, 3688484; 487536, 3688514; 487506, 3688514; 487506, 3688544; 487326, 3688544; 487326, 3688574; 487266, 3688574; 487266, 3688604; 487236, 3688604; 487236, 3688634; 487206, 3688634; 487206, 3688664; 487026, 3688664; 487026, 3688634; 486966, 3688634; 486966, 3688604; 486936, 3688604; 486936, 3688574; 486906, 3688574; 486906, 3688454; 486876, 3688454; 486876, 3688334; 486846, 3688334; 486846, 3688244; 486816, 3688244; 486816, 3688154; 486786, 3688154; 486786, 3688124; 486756, 3688124; 486756, 3688094; 486726, 3688094; 486726, 3688064; 486696, 3688064; 486696, 3688034; 486666, 3688034; 486666, 3687944; 486636, 3687944; 486636, 3687914; 486486, 3687914; 486486, 3687884; 486366, 3687884; 486366, 3687914; 486306, 3687914; 486306, 3687944; 486276, 3687944; 486276, 3687974; 486246, 3687974; 486246, 3688004; 486216, 3688004; 486216, 3688034; 486156, 3688034; 486156, 3688004; 486130, 3688004; 486107, 3688037; 485992, 3687967; 485960, 3687920; 485802, 3687621; 485377, 3687264; 485730, 3686693; 485950, 3686677; 486081, 3686729; 486189, 3686891; 486203, 3686645; 486287, 3686645; 486246, 3686864; 486276, 3686864; 486276, 3686804; 486306, 3686804; 486306, 3686774; 486366, 3686774; 486366, 3686714; 486396, 3686714; 486396, 3686624; 486426, 3686624; 486426, 3686564; 486456, 3686564; 486456, 3686504; 486486, 3686504; 486486, 3686444; 486636, 3686444; 486636, 3686414; 486666, 3686414; 486666, 3686384; 486696, 3686384; 486696, 3686354; 486726, 3686354; 486726, 3686324; 486756, 3686324; 486756, 3686294; 486786, 3686294; 486786, 3686234; 486816, 3686234; 486816, 3686204; 486846, 3686204; 486846, 3686144; 486876, 3686144; 486876, 3686114; 486906, 3686114; 486906, 3686054; 486966, 3686054; 486966, 3686024; 486996, 3686024; 486996, 3685994; 487056, 3685994; 487056, 3685964; 487086, 3685964; 487086, 3685934; 487146, 3685934; 487146, 3685904; 487176, 3685904; 487176, 3685874; 487206, 3685874; 487206, 3685844; 487236, 3685844; 487236, 3685814; 487266, 3685814; 487266, 3685754; 487296, 3685754; 487296, 3685544; 487326, 3685544; 487326, 3685484; 487176, 3685484; 487176, 3685514; 487086, 3685514; 487086, 3685544; 487056, 3685544; 487056, 3685574; 486996, 3685574; 486996, 3685604; 486966, 3685604; 486966, 3685634; 486936, 3685634; 486936, 3685664; 486906, 3685664; 486906, 3685694; 486876, 3685694; 486876, 3685724; 486846, 3685724; 486846, 3685754; 486816, 3685754; 486816, 3685784; 486786, 3685784; 486786, 3685814; 486696, 3685814; 486696, 3685844; 486666, 3685844; 486666, 3685874; 486636, 3685874; 486636, 3685904; 486576, 3685904; 486576, 3685934; 486546, 3685934; 486546, 3686024; 486516, 3686024; 486516, 3686054; 486486, 3686054; 486486, 3686084; 486396, 3686084; 486396, 3686054; 486366, 3686054; 486366, 3686024; 486336, 3686024; 486336, 3685934; 486306, 3685934; 486306, 3685904; 486216, 3685904; 486216, 3685874; 486156, 3685874; 486156, 3685844; 486126, 3685844; 486126, 3685814; 486096, 3685814; 486096, 3685784; 486066, 3685784; 486066, 3685754; 486036, 3685754; 486036, 3685784; 486006, 3685784; 486006, 3685904; 485976, 3685904; 485976, 3685934; 485946, 3685934; 485946, 3685994; 485916, 3685994; 485916, 3686054; 485856, 3686054; 485856, 3686084; 485796, 3686084; 485796, 3686114; 485706, 3686114; 485706, 3686144; 485676, 3686144; 485676, 3686174; 485616, 3686174; 485616, 3686204; 485586, 3686204; 485586, 3686234; 485526, 3686234; 485526, 3686264; 485466, 3686264; 485466, 3686294; 485436, 3686294; 485436, 3686324; 485406, 3686324; 485406, 3686384; 485283, 3686384; 485159, 3686533; 485070, 3686702; 484924, 3686747; 484800, 3686772; 484575, 3686540; 484587, 3686207; 484596, 3686198; 484596, 3686174; 484566, 3686174; 484566, 3686114; 484536, 3686114; 484536, 3686084; 484506, 3686084; 484506, 3686054; 484476, 3686054; 484476, 3686024; 484446, 3686024; 484446, 3685994; 484326, 3685994; 484326, 3685964; 484296, 3685964; 484296, 3685934; 484266, 3685934; 484266, 3685904; 484236, 3685904; 484236, 3685874; 484176, 3685874; 484176, 3685844; 484116, 3685844; 484116, 3685814; 484026, 3685814; 484026, 3685844; 483876, 3685844; 483876, 3685814; 483816, 3685814; 483816, 3685784; 483786, 3685784; 483786, 3685754; 483756, 3685754; 483756, 3685574; 483726, 3685574; 483726, 3685544; 483696, 3685544; 483696, 3685514; 483726, 3685514; 483726, 3685484; 483876, 3685484; 483876, 3685274; 483906, 3685274; 483906, 3685214; 483936, 3685214; 483936, 3685064; 483786, 3685064; 483786, 3685124; 483756, 3685124; 483756, 3685154; 483636, 3685154; 483636, 3685124; 483606, 3685124; 483606, 3685094; 483576, 3685094; 483576, 3685124; 483456, 3685124; 483456, 3685094; 483426, 3685094; 483426, 3685064; 483396, 3685064; 483396, 3685004; 483366, 3685004; 483366, 3684914; 483336, 3684914; 483336, 3684884; 483156, 3684884; 483156, 3684854; 483096, 3684854; 483096, 3684824; 482946, 3684824; 482946, 3684794; 482886, 3684794; 482886, 3684764; 482856, 3684764; 482856, 3684734; 482526, 3684734; 482526, 3684704; 482436, 3684704; 482436, 3684734; 482316, 3684734; 482316, 3684764; 482256, 3684764; 482256, 3684794; 482196, 3684794; 482196, 3684824; 482166, 3684824; 482166, 3684854; 482106, 3684854; 482106, 3684884; 482046, 3684884; 482046, 3684914; 481986, 3684914; 481986, 3684944; 481896, 3684944; 481896, 3684914; 481866, 3684914; 481866, 3684884; 481836, 3684884; 481836, 3684854; 481746, 3684854; 481746, 3684824; 481716, 3684824; 481716, 3684764; 481776, 3684764; 481776, 3684734; 481806, 3684734; 481806, 3684704; 481866, 3684704; 481866, 3684674; 481926, 3684674; 481926, 3684584; 481896, 3684584; 481896, 3684554; 481866, 3684554; 481866, 3684464; 481656, 3684464; 481656, 3684434; 481596, 3684434; 481596, 3684374; 481536, 3684374; 481536, 3684404; 481566, 3684404; 481566, 3684434; 481536, 3684434; 481536, 3684524; 481506, 3684524; 481506, 3684554; 481476, 3684554; 481476, 3684584; 481416, 3684584; 481416, 3684614; 481236, 3684614; 481236, 3684584; 481146, 3684584; 481146, 3684554; 481056, 3684554; 481056, 3684524; 480966, 3684524; 480966, 3684494; 480936, 3684494; 480936, 3684464; 480876, 3684464; 480876, 3684434; 480816, 3684434; 480816, 3684494; 480666, 3684494; 480666, 3684434; 480636, 3684434; 480636, 3684404; 480606, 3684404; 480606, 3684314; 480636, 3684314; 480636, 3684254; 480666, 3684254; 480666, 3684194; 480606, 3684194; 480606, 3684224; 480546, 3684224; 480546, 3684254; 480516, 3684254; 480516, 3684224; 480456, 3684224; 480456, 3684254; 480396, 3684254; 480396, 3684284; 480306, 3684284; 480306, 3684254; 480276, 3684254; 480276, 3684224; 480246, 3684224; 480246, 3684194; 480186, 3684194; 480186, 3684164; 480156, 3684164; 480156, 3684104; 480126, 3684104; 480126, 3684074; 480066, 3684074; 480066, 3684044; 480036, 3684044; 480036, 3683984; 480006, 3683984; 480006, 3683954; 480036, 3683954; 480036, 3683894; 480126, 3683894; 480126, 3683864; 480142, 3683864; 480138, 3683713; 479842, 3683713; 479821, 3683751; 479803, 3683778; 479425, 3683781; 479392, 3683647; 479349, 3683471; 479330, 3683394; 479244, 3683232; 479207, 3683050; 479187, 3682919; 479174, 3682724; 479172, 3682420; 479155, 3682295; 479337, 3682250; 479436, 3682094; 479406, 3682094; 479406, 3682064; 479346, 3682064; 479346, 3682034; 479316, 3682034; 479316, 3682004; 479286, 3682004; 479286, 3681974; 479316, 3681974; 479316, 3681914; 479346, 3681914; 479346, 3681884; 479376, 3681884; 479376, 3681854; 479346, 3681854; 479346, 3681824; 479196, 3681824; 479196, 3681854; 479106, 3681854; 479106, 3681884; 478986, 3681884; 478986, 3681854; 478926, 3681854; 478926, 3681704; 478956, 3681704; 478956, 3681614; 478596, 3681614; 478596, 3681584; 478536, 3681584; 478536, 3681554; 478476, 3681554; 478476, 3681524; 478446, 3681524; 478446, 3681494; 478416, 3681494; 478416, 3681404; 478446, 3681404; 478446, 3681374; 478506, 3681374; 478506, 3681314; 478476, 3681314; 478476, 3681254; 478446, 3681254; 478446, 3681224; 478416, 3681224; 478416, 3681194; 478386, 3681194; 478386, 3681164; 478416, 3681164; 478416, 3681074; 478446, 3681074; 478446, 3681044; 478476, 3681044; 478476, 3681014; 478536, 3681014; 478536, 3681044; 478596, 3681044; 478596, 3681074; 478626, 3681074; 478626, 3681104; 478656, 3681104; 478656, 3681134; 478746, 3681134; 478746, 3681074; 478716, 3681074; 478716, 3680984; 478686, 3680984; 478686, 3680954; 478716, 3680954; 478716, 3680864; 478746, 3680864; 478746, 3680834; 478776, 3680834; 478776, 3680804; 478806, 3680804; 478806, 3680744; 478866, 3680744; 478866, 3680714; 478926, 3680714; 478926, 3680684; 478956, 3680684; 478956, 3680624; 478986, 3680624; 478986, 3680594; 479046, 3680594; 479046, 3680564; 479076, 3680564; 479076, 3680534; 479106, 3680534; 479106, 3680474; 479136, 3680474; 479136, 3680444; 479196, 3680444; 479196, 3680414; 479046, 3680414; 479046, 3680444; 478956, 3680444; 478956, 3680474; 478926, 3680474; 478926, 3680504; 478896, 3680504; 478896, 3680534; 478866, 3680534; 478866, 3680564; 478746, 3680564; 478746, 3680534; 478656, 3680534; 478656, 3680564; 478626, 3680564; 478626, 3680594; 478566, 3680594; 478566, 3680684; 478536, 3680684; 478536, 3680714; 478476, 3680714; 478476, 3680744; 478386, 3680744; 478386, 3680714; 478326, 3680714; 478326, 3680474; 478296, 3680474; 478296, 3680444; 478266, 3680444; 478266, 3680414; 478206, 3680414; 478206, 3680384; 478176, 3680384; 478176, 3680324; 478146, 3680324; 478146, 3680294; 478116, 3680294; 478116, 3680204; 478146, 3680204; 478146, 3680144; 478176, 3680144; 478176, 3680084; 478146, 3680084; 478146, 3680054; 478086, 3680054; 478086, 3680024; 478056, 3680024; 478056, 3679994; 477996, 3679994; 477996, 3680024; 477906, 3680024; 477906, 3679994; 477876, 3679994; 477876, 3679964; 477846, 3679964; 477846, 3679814; 477786, 3679814; 477786, 3679784; 477756, 3679784; 477756, 3679664; 477666, 3679664; 477666, 3679634; 477636, 3679634; 477636, 3679604; 477606, 3679604; 477606, 3679574; 477576, 3679574; 477576, 3679544; 477546, 3679544; 477546, 3679514; 477486, 3679514; 477486, 3679484; 477456, 3679484; 477456, 3679454; 477426, 3679454; 477426, 3679424; 477396, 3679424; 477396, 3679394; 477366, 3679394; 477366, 3679364; 477336, 3679364; 477336, 3679274; 477366, 3679274; 477366, 3679214; 477306, 3679214; 477306, 3679244; 477246, 3679244; 477246, 3679274; 477216, 3679274; 477216, 3679304; 477156, 3679304; 477156, 3679274; 477126, 3679274; 477126, 3679214; 477066, 3679214; 477066, 3679244; 477036, 3679244; 477036, 3679274; 476856, 3679274; 476856, 3679304; 476826, 3679304; 476826, 3679274; 476796, 3679274; 476796, 3679214; 476768, 3679214; 476783, 3679429; 476396, 3679439; 476196, 3679437; 476083, 3679419; 475983, 3679409; 475896, 3679375; 475866, 3679361; 475866, 3679364; 475806, 3679364; 475806, 3679394; 475731, 3679394; 475796, 3679447; 476014, 3679526; 475973, 3679644; 475870, 3679624; 475771, 3679611; 475738, 3679706; 475602, 3679726; 475582, 3679860; 475466, 3679871; 475390, 3679907; 475222, 3679909; 475171, 3679892; 474883, 3679930; 474740, 3679934; 474719, 3679609; 474718, 3679610; 474661, 3679517; 474476, 3679411; 474344, 3679284; 474164, 3679173; 474053, 3679041; 474053, 3678908; 474107, 3678799; 474011, 3678761; 473771, 3678623; 473746, 3678654; 473529, 3678575; 473386, 3678623; 473249, 3678559; 473074, 3678802; 473053, 3678964; 472964, 3679205; 473085, 3679419; 472967, 3679535; 472894, 3679564; 472672, 3679522; 472540, 3679437; 472386, 3679226; 472280, 3679041; 472291, 3678903; 472291, 3678792; 472259, 3678691; 472148, 3678527; 472127, 3678416; 472079, 3678173; 472037, 3678167; 472035, 3678164; 472026, 3678164; 472026, 3678194; 471996, 3678194; 471996, 3678224; 471966, 3678224; 471966, 3678254; 471936, 3678254; 471936, 3678284; 471906, 3678284; 471906, 3678314; 471876, 3678314; 471876, 3678374; 471846, 3678374; 471846, 3678404; 471816, 3678404; 471816, 3678464; 471786, 3678464; 471786, 3678474; 471841, 3678570; 471968, 3678855; 472074, 3679104; 472047, 3679152; 472069, 3679300; 472127, 3679570; 472370, 3679559; 472487, 3679570; 472651, 3679670; 472815, 3679697; 472961, 3679693; 473026, 3679685; 473042, 3680104; 473196, 3680104; 473196, 3680168; 473199, 3680174; 473286, 3680174; 473286, 3680144; 473406, 3680144; 473406, 3680174; 473436, 3680174; 473436, 3680234; 473466, 3680234; 473466, 3680264; 473436, 3680264; 473436, 3680324; 473466, 3680324; 473466, 3680444; 473526, 3680444; 473526, 3680474; 473556, 3680474; 473556, 3680444; 473586, 3680444; 473586, 3680414; 473616, 3680414; 473616, 3680354; 473646, 3680354; 473646, 3680264; 473676, 3680264; 473676, 3680204; 473706, 3680204; 473706, 3680234; 473736, 3680234; 473736, 3680264; 473976, 3680264; 473976, 3680294; 474006, 3680294; 474006, 3680354; 474036, 3680354; 474036, 3680384; 474066, 3680384; 474066, 3680444; 474126, 3680444; 474126, 3680474; 474186, 3680474; 474186, 3680534; 474156, 3680534; 474156, 3680624; 474276, 3680624; 474276, 3680654; 474306, 3680654; 474306, 3680624; 474366, 3680624; 474366, 3680654; 474486, 3680654; 474486, 3680684; 474546, 3680684; 474546, 3680864; 474576, 3680864; 474576, 3680894; 474636, 3680894; 474636, 3680834; 474666, 3680834; 474666, 3680804; 474756, 3680804; 474756, 3680834; 474786, 3680834; 474786, 3680774; 474816, 3680774; 474816, 3680624; 474846, 3680624; 474846, 3680564; 474906, 3680564; 474906, 3680534; 474996, 3680534; 474996, 3680504; 475026, 3680504; 475026, 3680474; 474996, 3680474; 474996, 3680414; 474966, 3680414; 474966, 3680354; 474966, 3680294; 475026, 3680294; 475026, 3680264; 475086, 3680264; 475086, 3680294; 475116, 3680294; 475116, 3680264; 475146, 3680264; 475146, 3680324; 475176, 3680324; 475176, 3680384; 475206, 3680384; 475206, 3680444; 475386, 3680444; 475386, 3680474; 475416, 3680474; 475416, 3680444; 475446, 3680444; 475446, 3680354; 475476, 3680354; 475476, 3680234; 475596, 3680234; 475596, 3680264; 475626, 3680264; 475626, 3680324; 475656, 3680324; 475656, 3680354; 475686, 3680354; 475686, 3680324; 475746, 3680324; 475746, 3680294; 475866, 3680294; 475866, 3680324; 476076, 3680324; 476076, 3680354; 476136, 3680354; 476136, 3680384; 476226, 3680384; 476226, 3680444; 476256, 3680444; 476256, 3680504; 476346, 3680504; 476346, 3680474; 476376, 3680474; 476376, 3680504; 476436, 3680504; 476436, 3680534; 476586, 3680534; 476586, 3680504; 476646, 3680504; 476646, 3680474; 476616, 3680474; 476616, 3680444; 476586, 3680444; 476586, 3680414; 476646, 3680414; 476646, 3680384; 476676, 3680384; 476676, 3680444; 476706, 3680444; 476706, 3680474; 476736, 3680474; 476736, 3680504; 476766, 3680504; 476766, 3680534; 476856, 3680534; 476856, 3680564; 476886, 3680564; 476886, 3680474; 476856, 3680474; 476856, 3680444; 476886, 3680444; 476886, 3680384; 476856, 3680384; 476856, 3680324; 476886, 3680324; 476886, 3680294; 476916, 3680294; 476916, 3680264; 476856, 3680264; 476856, 3680234; 476796, 3680234; 476796, 3680144; 476766, 3680144; 476766, 3680114; 476796, 3680114; 476796, 3680084; 476826, 3680084; 476826, 3680054; 476856, 3680054; 476856, 3679934; 476916, 3679934; 476916, 3679904; 476946, 3679904; 476946, 3679934; 476976, 3679934; 476976, 3679904; 477066, 3679904; 477066, 3679874; 477126, 3679874; 477126, 3679844; 477156, 3679844; 477156, 3679814; 477186, 3679814; 477186, 3679784; 477216, 3679784; 477216, 3679814; 477276, 3679814; 477276, 3679844; 477336, 3679844; 477336, 3679904; 477366, 3679904; 477366, 3679934; 477516, 3679934; 477516, 3679964; 477546, 3679964; 477546, 3679994; 477576, 3679994; 477576, 3680024; 477606, 3680024; 477606, 3680054; 477636, 3680054; 477636, 3680174; 477606, 3680174; 477606, 3680204; 477636, 3680204; 477636, 3680234; 477696, 3680234; 477696, 3680264; 477726, 3680264; 477726, 3680324; 477756, 3680324; 477756, 3680354; 477786, 3680354; 477786, 3680384; 477816, 3680384; 477816, 3680444; 477786, 3680444; 477786, 3680474; 477756, 3680474; 477756, 3680504; 477756, 3680534; 477786, 3680534; 477786, 3680564; 477816, 3680564; 477816, 3680684; 477786, 3680684; 477786, 3680714; 477756, 3680714; 477756, 3680744; 477666, 3680744; 477666, 3680774; 477636, 3680774; 477636, 3680954; 477606, 3680954; 477606, 3681014; 477636, 3681014; 477636, 3681044; 477696, 3681044; 477696, 3681014; 477726, 3681014; 477726, 3680984; 477756, 3680984; 477756, 3680954; 477786, 3680954; 477786, 3680984; 477876, 3680984; 477876, 3681014; 477906, 3681014; 477906, 3681134; 477936, 3681134; 477936, 3681374; 477966, 3681374; 477966, 3681584; 477936, 3681584; 477936, 3681794; 477906, 3681794; 477906, 3682004; 477876, 3682004; 477876, 3682034; 478056, 3682034; 478056, 3682064; 478086, 3682064; 478086, 3682094; 478116, 3682094; 478116, 3682124; 478206, 3682124; 478206, 3682094; 478266, 3682094; 478266, 3682124; 478326, 3682124; 478326, 3682154; 478356, 3682154; 478356, 3682184; 478386, 3682184; 478386, 3682214; 478416, 3682214; 478416, 3682244; 478446, 3682244; 478446, 3682304; 478476, 3682304; 478476, 3682334; 478506, 3682334; 478506, 3682364; 478656, 3682364; 478656, 3682394; 478686, 3682394; 478686, 3682424; 478716, 3682424; 478716, 3682454; 478746, 3682454; 478746, 3682634; 478776, 3682634; 478776, 3682664; 478806, 3682664; 478806, 3682694; 478836, 3682694; 478836, 3682634; 478866, 3682634; 478866, 3682604; 478896, 3682604; 478896, 3682634; 478926, 3682634; 478926, 3682754; 478956, 3682754; 478956, 3683114; 478986, 3683114; 478986, 3683174; 478956, 3683174; 478956, 3683204; 478896, 3683204; 478896, 3683174; 478866, 3683174; 478866, 3683144; 478836, 3683144; 478836, 3683174; 478806, 3683174; 478806, 3683204; 478776, 3683204; 478776, 3683234; 478746, 3683234; 478746, 3683264; 478716, 3683264; 478716, 3683294; 478686, 3683294; 478686, 3683324; 478656, 3683324; 478656, 3683354; 478566, 3683354; 478566, 3683384; 478506, 3683384; 478506, 3683414; 478476, 3683414; 478476, 3683444; 478296, 3683444; 478296, 3683504; 478326, 3683504; 478326, 3683534; 478356, 3683534; 478356, 3683564; 478416, 3683564; 478416, 3683594; 478476, 3683594; 478476, 3683624; 478506, 3683624; 478506, 3683654; 478536, 3683654; 478536, 3683684; 478566, 3683684; 478566, 3683774; 478626, 3683774; 478626, 3683804; 478686, 3683804; 478686, 3684104; 478656, 3684104; 478656, 3684164; 478626, 3684164; 478626, 3684254; 478746, 3684254; 478746, 3684404; 478656, 3684404; 478656, 3684434; 478626, 3684434; 478626, 3684404; 478596, 3684404; 478596, 3684434; 478536, 3684434; 478536, 3684464; 478596, 3684464; 478596, 3684494; 478656, 3684494; 478656, 3684524; 478626, 3684524; 478626, 3684674; 478596, 3684674; 478596, 3684764; 478566, 3684764; 478566, 3684854; 478566, 3684884; 478596, 3684884; 478596, 3684974; 478626, 3684974; 478626, 3685034; 478596, 3685034; 478596, 3685094; 478626, 3685094; 478626, 3685124; 478656, 3685124; 478656, 3685274; 478626, 3685274; 478626, 3685364; 478596, 3685364; 478596, 3685394; 478596, 3685544; 478626, 3685544; 478626, 3685574; 478656, 3685574; 478656, 3685604; 478716, 3685604; 478716, 3685574; 478746, 3685574; 478746, 3685544; 478776, 3685544; 478776, 3685514; 478806, 3685514; 478806, 3685424; 478836, 3685424; 478836, 3685364; 478866, 3685364; 478866, 3685274; 478896, 3685274; 478896, 3685244; 478866, 3685244; 478866, 3685124; 478896, 3685124; 478896, 3685094; 478956, 3685094; 478956, 3685034; 478926, 3685034; 478926, 3684944; 478896, 3684944; 478896, 3684884; 478926, 3684884; 478926, 3684824; 479046, 3684824; 479046, 3684734; 479016, 3684734; 479016, 3684704; 479016, 3684584; 479046, 3684584; 479046, 3684434; 479106, 3684434; 479106, 3684404; 479136, 3684404; 479136, 3684314; 479166, 3684314; 479166, 3684254; 479196, 3684254; 479196, 3684224; 479226, 3684224; 479226, 3684194; 479196, 3684194; 479196, 3684134; 479256, 3684134; 479256, 3684194; 479316, 3684194; 479316, 3684224; 479346, 3684224; 479346, 3684254; 479406, 3684254; 479406, 3684284; 479436, 3684284; 479436, 3684374; 479406, 3684374; 479406, 3684404; 479376, 3684404; 479376, 3684464; 479346, 3684464; 479346, 3684644; 479316, 3684644; 479316, 3684674; 479346, 3684674; 479346, 3684854; 479316, 3684854; 479316, 3684944; 479286, 3684944; 479286, 3685154; 479316, 3685154; 479316, 3685214; 479346, 3685214; 479346, 3685244; 479376, 3685244; 479376, 3685304; 479406, 3685304; 479406, 3685364; 479436, 3685364; 479436, 3685334; 479466, 3685334; 479466, 3685304; 479496, 3685304; 479496, 3685274; 479526, 3685274; 479526, 3685214; 479556, 3685214; 479556, 3685184; 479586, 3685184; 479586, 3685154; 479616, 3685154; 479616, 3685124; 479646, 3685124; 479646, 3685034; 479676, 3685034; 479676, 3684914; 479736, 3684914; 479736, 3684944; 479766, 3684944; 479766, 3685034; 479796, 3685034; 479796, 3685154; 479826, 3685154; 479826, 3685214; 479856, 3685214; 479856, 3685184; 479886, 3685184; 479886, 3685124; 479916, 3685124; 479916, 3685064; 479946, 3685064; 479946, 3685034; 480006, 3685034; 480006, 3685064; 480036, 3685064; 480036, 3685094; 480066, 3685094; 480066, 3685124; 480126, 3685124; 480126, 3685154; 480156, 3685154; 480156, 3685424; 480276, 3685424; 480276, 3685574; 480306, 3685574; 480306, 3685604; 480396, 3685604; 480396, 3685634; 480426, 3685634; 480426, 3685724; 480486, 3685724; 480486, 3685694; 480516, 3685694; 480516, 3685634; 480546, 3685634; 480546, 3685574; 480576, 3685574; 480576, 3685544; 480666, 3685544; 480666, 3685574; 480696, 3685574; 480696, 3685604; 480726, 3685604; 480726, 3685694; 480696, 3685694; 480696, 3685874; 480666, 3685874; 480666, 3685904; 480606, 3685904; 480606, 3686024; 480666, 3686024; 480666, 3686054; 480696, 3686054; 480696, 3686084; 480726, 3686084; 480726, 3686144; 480756, 3686144; 480756, 3686174; 480786, 3686174; 480786, 3686144; 480816, 3686144; 480816, 3686114; 480936, 3686114; 480936, 3686024; 481056, 3686024; 481056, 3685994; 481116, 3685994; 481116, 3685964; 481176, 3685964; 481176, 3685994; 481206, 3685994; 481206, 3686054; 481236, 3686054; 481236, 3686174; 481266, 3686174; 481266, 3686234; 481296, 3686234; 481296, 3686264; 481326, 3686264; 481326, 3686414; 481296, 3686414; 481296, 3686444; 481266, 3686444; 481266, 3686474; 481236, 3686474; 481236, 3686504; 481206, 3686504; 481206, 3686714; 481176, 3686714; 481176, 3686774; 481206, 3686774; 481206, 3686804; 481266, 3686804; 481266, 3686774; 481296, 3686774; 481326, 3686774; 481326, 3686804; 481386, 3686804; 481386, 3686774; 481416, 3686774; 481416, 3686894; 481446, 3686894; 481446, 3686924; 481506, 3686924; 481506, 3686864; 481536, 3686864; 481536, 3686714; 481566, 3686714; 481566, 3686624; 481596, 3686624; 481596, 3686684; 481626, 3686684; 481626, 3686744; 481656, 3686744; 481656, 3686774; 481686, 3686774; 481686, 3686804; 481746, 3686804; 481746, 3686834; 481866, 3686834; 481866, 3686924; 481836, 3686924; 481836, 3686984; 481806, 3686984; 481806, 3687044; 481926, 3687044; 481926, 3687134; 481896, 3687134; 481896, 3687164; 481866, 3687164; 481866, 3687194; 481896, 3687194; 481896, 3687224; 481986, 3687224; 481986, 3687254; 482106, 3687254; 482106, 3687284; 482196, 3687284; 482196, 3687254; 482166, 3687254; 482166, 3687224; 482166, 3687014; 482196, 3687014; 482196, 3686984; 482166, 3686984; 482166, 3686894; 482196, 3686894; 482196, 3686864; 482166, 3686864; 482166, 3686834; 482136, 3686834; 482136, 3686804; 482106, 3686804; 482106, 3686714; 482076, 3686714; 482076, 3686684; 482106, 3686684; 482106, 3686624; 482076, 3686624; 482076, 3686564; 482106, 3686564; 482106, 3686474; 482076, 3686474; 482076, 3686444; 482106, 3686444; 482106, 3686354; 482166, 3686354; 482166, 3686324; 482226, 3686324; 482226, 3686294; 482256, 3686294; 482256, 3686264; 482466, 3686264; 482466, 3686234; 482496, 3686234; 482496, 3686264; 482556, 3686264; 482556, 3686294; 482796, 3686294; 482796, 3686264; 482886, 3686264; 482886, 3686294; 482976, 3686294; 482976, 3686324; 483006, 3686324; 483006, 3686354; 483036, 3686354; 483036, 3686384; 483066, 3686384; 483066, 3686414; 483096, 3686414; 483096, 3686474; 483156, 3686474; 483156, 3686504; 483186, 3686504; 483186, 3686294; 483306, 3686294; 483306, 3686324; 483396, 3686324; 483396, 3686354; 483486, 3686354; 483486, 3686474; 483456, 3686474; 483456, 3686534; 483486, 3686534; 483486, 3686594; 483546, 3686594; 483546, 3686624; 483576, 3686624; 483576, 3686654; 483606, 3686654; 483606, 3686684; 483636, 3686684; 483636, 3686744; 483696, 3686744; 483696, 3686864; 483726, 3686864; 483726, 3686894; 483846, 3686894; 483846, 3686924; 483876, 3686924; 483876, 3687044; 483846, 3687044; 483846, 3687074; 483876, 3687074; 483876, 3687104; 483906, 3687104; 483906, 3687074; 484026, 3687074; 484026, 3687104; 484146, 3687104; 484146, 3687134; 484236, 3687134; 484236, 3687104; 484296, 3687104; 484296, 3687074; 484326, 3687074; 484326, 3687104; 484356, 3687104; 484356, 3687134; 484416, 3687134; 484416, 3687164; 484446, 3687164; 484446, 3687224; 484476, 3687224; 484476, 3687254; 484506, 3687254; 484506, 3687344; 484536, 3687344; 484536, 3687494; 484506, 3687494; 484506, 3687584; 484626, 3687584; 484626, 3687614; 484806, 3687614; 484806, 3687584; 484836, 3687584; 484836, 3687554; 484866, 3687554; 484866, 3687494; 484896, 3687494; 484896, 3687464; 484986, 3687464; 484986, 3687494; 485016, 3687494; 485016, 3687564; 485087, 3687596; 485061, 3687747; 484954, 3687867; 484866, 3687915; 484866, 3687974; 484896, 3687974; 484896, 3688094; 484926, 3688094; 484926, 3688214; 484956, 3688214; 484956, 3688304; 484986, 3688304; 484986, 3688334; 485016, 3688334; 485016, 3688364; 485046, 3688364; 485046, 3688394; 485106, 3688394; 485106, 3688514; 485136, 3688514; 485136, 3688544; 485106, 3688544; 485106, 3688574; 485136, 3688574; 485136, 3688604; 485166, 3688604; 485166, 3688634; 485196, 3688634; 485196, 3688664; 485226, 3688664; 485226, 3688724; 485196, 3688724; 485196, 3688784; 485166, 3688784; 485166, 3688814; 485136, 3688814; 485136, 3688844; 485106, 3688844; 485106, 3688934; 485166, 3688934; 485166, 3689054; 485256, 3689054; 485256, 3689084; 485196, 3689084; 485196, 3689114; 485166, 3689114; 485166, 3689144; 485106, 3689144; 485106, 3689234; 485286, 3689234; 485286, 3689264; 485256, 3689264; 485256, 3689384; 485226, 3689384; 485226, 3689354; 485166, 3689354; 485166, 3689384; 485196, 3689384; 485196, 3689414; 485226, 3689414; 485226, 3689444; 485256, 3689444; 485256, 3689474; 485286, 3689474; 485286, 3689534; 485316, 3689534; 485316, 3689564; 485346, 3689564; 485346, 3689594; 485376, 3689594; 485376, 3689624; 485406, 3689624; 485406, 3689684; 485436, 3689684; 485436, 3689714; 485466, 3689714; 485466, 3689744; 485496, 3689744; 485496, 3689774; 485526, 3689774; 485526, 3689804; 485556, 3689804; 485556, 3689834; 485586, 3689834; 485586, 3689864; 485616, 3689864; 485616, 3689894; 485646, 3689894; 485646, 3689924; 485676, 3689924; 485676, 3689954; 485706, 3689954; 485706, 3689984; 485736, 3689984; 485736, 3689894; 485793, 3689894; 485794, 3689807; 485850, 3689697; 485856, 3689686; 485856, 3689624; 485886, 3689624; 485886, 3689564; 485916, 3689564; 485916, 3689504; 485946, 3689504; 485946, 3689474; 485964, 3689474; 486004, 3689396; 486011, 3689301; 486011, 3689301; 486011, 3689301; 486013, 3689279; 486013, 3689279; 486061, 3688610; 486062, 3688604; 486069, 3688607; 486100, 3688622; 486230, 3688694; 486276, 3688714; 486313, 3688725; 486366, 3688736; 486395, 3688740; 486432, 3688738; 486459, 3688733; 486490, 3688731; 486500, 3688732; 486511, 3688735; 486519, 3688738; 486526, 3688742; 486545, 3688758; 486586, 3688800; 486610, 3688832; 486653, 3688901; 486661, 3688912; 486670, 3688923; 486681, 3688937; 486845, 3689124; 486866, 3689139; 486884, 3689143; 486902, 3689139; 486906, 3689137; 486906, 3689114; 486942, 3689114; 486947, 3689109; 486966, 3689095; 486966, 3689084; 487116, 3689084; 487116, 3689114; 487266, 3689114; 487266, 3689084; 487296, 3689084; 487296, 3689054; 487356, 3689054; 487356, 3689024; 487386, 3689024; 487386, 3688994; 487416, 3688994; 487416, 3688964; 487446, 3688964; 487446, 3688934; 487506, 3688934; 487506, 3689024; 487536, 3689024; 487536, 3689084; 487566, 3689084; 487566, 3689234; 487536, 3689234; 487536, 3689264; 487506, 3689264; 487506, 3689294; 487476, 3689294; 487476, 3689354; 487446, 3689354; 487446, 3689384; 487416, 3689384; 487416, 3689414; 487386, 3689414; 487386, 3689474; 487356, 3689474; 487356, 3689564; 487326, 3689564; 487326, 3689624; 487266, 3689624; 487266, 3689654; 487236, 3689654; 487236, 3689714; 487266, 3689714; 487266, 3689804; 487236, 3689804; 487236, 3689834; 487266, 3689834; 487266, 3689894; 487326, 3689894; 487326, 3689924; 487356, 3689924; 487356, 3690074; 487326, 3690074; 487326, 3690254; 487356, 3690254; 487356, 3690374; 487446, 3690374; 487446, 3690344; 487476, 3690344; 487476, 3690314; 487566, 3690314; 487566, 3690344; 487596, 3690344; 487596, 3690404; 487626, 3690404; 487626, 3690374; 487656, 3690374; 487656, 3690344; 487686, 3690344; 487686, 3690284; 487716, 3690284; 487716, 3690194; 487746, 3690194; 487746, 3690134; 487776, 3690134; 487776, 3690044; 487806, 3690044; 487806, 3689984; 487896, 3689984; 487896, 3689804; 487926, 3689804; 487926, 3689684; 487986, 3689684; 487986, 3689654; 488016, 3689654; 488016, 3689594; 488046, 3689594; 488046, 3689564; 488106, 3689564; 488106, 3689534; 488136, 3689534; 488136, 3689504; 488166, 3689504; 488166, 3689474; 488286, 3689474; 488286, 3689444; 488346, 3689444; 488436, 3689444; 488436, 3689474; 488736, 3689474; 488736, 3689444; 488826, 3689444; 488826, 3689564; 488856, 3689564; 488856, 3689594; 488886, 3689594; 488886, 3689624; 488916, 3689624; 488916, 3689684; 488886, 3689684; 488886, 3689774; 488916, 3689774; 488916, 3689924; 488946, 3689924; 488946, 3690074; 488976, 3690074; 488976, 3690104; 489186, 3690104; 489186, 3690134; 489216, 3690134; 489216, 3690164; 489456, 3690164; 489456, 3690194; 489486, 3690194; 489486, 3690284; 489456, 3690284; 489456, 3690314; 489426, 3690314; 489426, 3690374; 489396, 3690374; 489396, 3690464; 489426, 3690464; 489426, 3690524; 489456, 3690524; 489456, 3690554; 489486, 3690554; 489486, 3690614; 489456, 3690614; 489456, 3690644; 489426, 3690644; 489426, 3690674; 489456, 3690674; 489456, 3690824; 489486, 3690824; 489486, 3690914; 489456, 3690914; 489456, 3691004; 489576, 3691004; 489576, 3691034; 489636, 3691034; 489636, 3691064; 489666, 3691064; 489666, 3691094; 489726, 3691094; 489726, 3691124; 489756, 3691124; 489756, 3691154; 489786, 3691154; 489786, 3691184; 489906, 3691184; 489906, 3691214; 489936, 3691214; 489936, 3691244; 489966, 3691244; 489966, 3691184; 489996, 3691184; 489996, 3691154; 490086, 3691154; 490086, 3691184; 490116, 3691184; 490116, 3691214; 490146, 3691214; 490146, 3691244; 490176, 3691244; 490176, 3691304; 490206, 3691304; 490206, 3691424; 490266, 3691424; 490266, 3691454; 490356, 3691454; 490356, 3691484; 490476, 3691484; 490476, 3691514; 490506, 3691514; 490506, 3691544; 490536, 3691544; 490536, 3691574; 490566, 3691574; 490566, 3691664; 490536, 3691664; 490536, 3691694; 490566, 3691694; 490566, 3691754; 490596, 3691754; 490596, 3691784; 490626, 3691784; 490626, 3691904; 490656, 3691904; 490656, 3691964; 490686, 3691964; 490686, 3692024; 490716, 3692024; 490716, 3692144; 490746, 3692144; 490746, 3692234; 490776, 3692234; 490776, 3692294; 490746, 3692294; 490746, 3692354; 490776, 3692354; 490776, 3692444; 490806, 3692444; 490806, 3692474; 490866, 3692474; 490866, 3692504; 490896, 3692504; 490896, 3692594; 490926, 3692594; returning to 490926, 3692474. Excluding land bounded by 491046, 3691844; 491046, 3691814; 491136, 3691814; 491136, 3691874; 491076, 3691874; 491076, 3691844; returning to 491046, 3691844. Excluding land bounded by 487380, 3688941; 487317, 3688978; 487260, 3688914; 487274, 3688884; 487264, 3688870; 487293, 3688841; 487294, 3688813; 487286, 3688797; 487295, 3688785; 487355, 3688728; 487434, 3688667; 487470, 3688716; 487409, 3688798; 487418, 3688806; 487447, 3688814; 487485, 3688852; returning to 487380, 3688941. Excluding land bounded by 487275, 3688977; 487311, 3689038; 487290, 3689056; 487153, 3689064; 487024, 3689055; 487023, 3689052; 487028, 3689051; 487034, 3689049; 487040, 3689047; 487046, 3689045; 487052, 3689042; 487057, 3689039; 487063, 3689037; 487068, 3689033; 487074, 3689030; 487079, 3689027; 487084, 3689023; 487089, 3689019; 487093, 3689015; 487097, 3689011; 487133, 3688976; 487223, 3688904; 487236, 3688934; returning to 487275, 3688977. Excluding land bounded by 485376, 3688154; 485376, 3688124; 485406, 3688124; 485406, 3688094; 485436, 3688094; 485436, 3688034; 485466, 3688034; 485466, 3687974; 485496, 3687974; 485496, 3687914; 485526, 3687914; 485526, 3687884; 485556, 3687884; 485556, 3687854; 485646, 3687854; 485646, 3687884; 485676, 3687884; 485676, 3687914; 485706, 3687914; 485706, 3688034; 485736, 3688034; 485736, 3688124; 485706, 3688124; 485706, 3688154; 485646, 3688154; 485646, 3688184; 485586, 3688184; 485586, 3688214; 485556, 3688214; 485376, 3688214; returning to 485376, 3688154. Excluding land bounded by 477756, 3680924; 477756, 3680894; 477786, 3680894; 477786, 3680924; returning to 477756, 3680924. Excluding land bounded by 475573, 3679947; 475582, 3680096; 475504, 3680120; 475495, 3680123; 475485, 3680125; 475474, 3680128; 475464, 3680130; 475454, 3680132; 475452, 3680132; 475452, 3680131; 475452, 3680131; 475441, 3680133; 475431, 3680134; 475421, 3680136; 475410, 3680137; 475400, 3680137; 475389, 3680138; 475379, 3680138; 475369, 3680138; 475358, 3680138; 475348, 3680137; 475337, 3680136; 475327, 3680135; 475317, 3680134; 475306, 3680133; 475296, 3680131; 475286, 3680129; 475276, 3680127; 475265, 3680124; 475255, 3680122; 475245, 3680119; 475235, 3680116; 475226, 3680112; 475218, 3680109; 475218, 3680111; 475209, 3680107; 475200, 3680104; 475197, 3680102; 475198, 3679944; returning to 475573, 3679947. Excluding land bounded by 476556, 3680384; 476556, 3680414; 476526, 3680414; 476526, 3680384; returning to 476556, 3680384.

(vi) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 492402, 3693080; 492402, 3693012; 492400, 3692673; 492366, 3692673; 492366, 3692714; 492336, 3692714; 492336, 3692744; 492276, 3692744; 492276, 3692774; 492246, 3692774; 492246, 3692924; 492216, 3692924; 492216, 3692984; 492186, 3692984; 492186, 3693074; 492156, 3693074; 492156, 3693085; 492366, 3693082; 492402, 3693082; returning to 492402, 3693080.

(vii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 492606, 3696884; 492606, 3696854; 492636, 3696854; 492636, 3696794; 492666, 3696794; 492666, 3696584; 492696, 3696584; 492696, 3696404; 492726, 3696404; 492726, 3696314; 492756, 3696314; 492756, 3696284; 492786, 3696284; 492786, 3696194; 492726, 3696194; 492726, 3696164; 492696, 3696164; 492696, 3696134; 492666, 3696134; 492666, 3696104; 492636, 3696104; 492636, 3696074; 492606, 3696074; 492606, 3696014; 492636, 3696014; 492636, 3695984; 492606, 3695984; 492606, 3695954; 492576, 3695954; 492576, 3695924; 492546, 3695924; 492546, 3695864; 492516, 3695864; 492516, 3695804; 492486, 3695804; 492486, 3695564; 492456, 3695564; 492456, 3695504; 492426, 3695504; 492426, 3695444; 492396, 3695444; 492396, 3695384; 492426, 3695384; 492426, 3695354; 492396, 3695354; 492396, 3695264; 492366, 3695264; 492366, 3695144; 492336, 3695144; 492336, 3695114; 492306, 3695114; 492306, 3695054; 492276, 3695054; 492276, 3694994; 492246, 3694994; 492246, 3694664; 492216, 3694664; 492216, 3694574; 492186, 3694574; 492186, 3694514; 492156, 3694514; 492156, 3694334; 492126, 3694334; 492126, 3694317; 492019, 3694320; 491976, 3694320; 491976, 3694514; 492006, 3694514; 492006, 3694574; 492036, 3694574; 492036, 3694604; 492066, 3694604; 492066, 3694664; 492096, 3694664; 492096, 3694694; 492126, 3694694; 492126, 3694994; 492096, 3694994; 492096, 3695114; 492126, 3695114; 492126, 3695294; 492156, 3695294; 492156, 3695414; 492186, 3695414; 492186, 3695594; 492216, 3695594; 492216, 3695654; 492246, 3695654; 492246, 3695804; 492216, 3695804; 492216, 3695864; 492246, 3695864; 492246, 3695954; 492306, 3695954; 492306, 3695984; 492336, 3695984; 492336, 3696014; 492396, 3696014; 492396, 3696044; 492426, 3696044; 492426, 3696104; 492456, 3696104; 492456, 3696164; 492486, 3696164; 492486, 3696194; 492516, 3696194; 492516, 3696254; 492546, 3696254; 492546, 3696344; 492516, 3696344; 492516, 3696374; 492546, 3696374; 492546, 3696434; 492516, 3696434; 492516, 3696734; 492546, 3696734; 492546, 3696824; 492576, 3696824; 492576, 3696884; returning to 492606, 3696884.

(viii) Note: Map of Unit 14 is provided at paragraph (17)(iii) of this entry.

(20) Unit 15: Upper San Luis Rey Basin, San Diego County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Palomar Observatory, and Warner Springs, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 529742, 3680834; 529742, 3680862; 529770, 3680862; 529770, 3680834; returning to 529742, 3680834.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 533799, 3683983;533827, 3683983; 533827, 3683954; 533799, 3683954; 533799, 3683983; thence from land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 521912, 3684068; 522111, 3683784; 522082, 3683784; 522082, 3683813; 522054, 3683813; 522054, 3683841; 522026, 3683841; 522026, 3683898; 521997, 3683898; 521997, 3683926; 521969, 3683926; 521969, 3683983; 521941, 3683983; 521941, 3684011; 521912, 3684011; returning to 521912, 3684068; thence from land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 521912, 3684068; 521884, 3684068; 521884, 3684096; 521855, 3684096; 521855, 3684149; returning to 521912, 3684068; thence from land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 528806, 3684664; 528806, 3684644; 528796, 3684664; returning to 528806, 3684664; thence from land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 533799, 3683983; 533685, 3683983; 533685, 3683954; 533657, 3683954; 533657, 3683926; 533600, 3683926; 533600, 3683869; 533629, 3683869; 533629, 3683813; 533487, 3683813; 533487, 3683784; 533458, 3683784; 533458, 3683756; 533203, 3683756; 533203, 3683727; 533175, 3683727; 533175, 3683699; 533118, 3683699; 533118, 3683671; 533090, 3683671; 533090, 3683614; 533061, 3683614; 533061, 3683586; 533033, 3683586; 533033, 3683529; 533004, 3683529; 533004, 3683501; 533033, 3683501; 533033, 3683472; 533061, 3683472; 533061, 3683444; 533004, 3683444; 533004, 3683387; 532976, 3683387; 532976, 3683330; 532948, 3683330; 532948, 3683302; 532976, 3683302; 532976, 3683245; 533004, 3683245; 533004, 3683217; 533033, 3683217; 533033, 3683188; 533090, 3683188; 533090, 3683160; 533118, 3683160; 533118, 3683132; 533146, 3683132; 533146, 3683047; 533175, 3683047; 533175, 3682962; 533203, 3682962; 533203, 3682820; 533175, 3682820; 533175, 3682763; 533146, 3682763; 533146, 3682735; 533118, 3682735; 533118, 3682706; 533090, 3682706; 533090, 3682649; 533061, 3682649; 533061, 3682621; 532891, 3682621; 532891, 3682649; 532834, 3682649; 532834, 3682791; 532806, 3682791; 532806, 3682848; 532778, 3682848; 532778, 3682876; 532721, 3682876; 532721, 3682933; 532692, 3682933; 532692, 3682962; 532664, 3682962; 532664, 3682990; 532636, 3682990; 532636, 3683018; 532607, 3683018; 532607, 3683047; 532579, 3683047; 532579, 3683075; 532551, 3683075; 532551, 3683103; 532522, 3683103; 532522, 3683132; 532494, 3683132; 532494, 3683160; 532437, 3683160; 532437, 3683103; 532409, 3683103; 532409, 3683075; 532380, 3683075; 532380, 3683047; 532352, 3683047; 532352, 3683018; 532324, 3683018; 532324, 3682990; 532295, 3682990; 532295, 3682933; 532324, 3682933; 532324, 3682876; 532352, 3682876; 532352, 3682848; 532380, 3682848; 532380, 3682791; 532352, 3682791; 532352, 3682820; 532295, 3682820; 532295, 3682848; 532239, 3682848; 532239, 3682876; 532153, 3682876; 532153, 3682848; 532125, 3682848; 532125, 3682791; 532153, 3682791; 532153, 3682735; 532182, 3682735; 532182, 3682678; 532210, 3682678; 532210, 3682649; 532182, 3682649; 532182, 3682593; 532210, 3682593; 532210, 3682536; 532239, 3682536; 532239, 3682508; 532267, 3682508; 532267, 3682451; 532465, 3682451; 532465, 3682422; 532494, 3682422; 532494, 3682451; 532551, 3682451; 532551, 3682337; 532522, 3682337; 532522, 3682252; 532551, 3682252; 532551, 3682224; 532579, 3682224; 532579, 3682167; 532465, 3682167; 532465, 3682196; 532380, 3682196; 532380, 3682139; 532352, 3682139; 532352, 3682110; 532295, 3682110; 532295, 3682082; 532267, 3682082; 532267, 3682025; 532239, 3682025; 532239, 3681997; 532210, 3681997; 532210, 3681969; 532182, 3681969; 532182, 3681940; 532153, 3681940; 532153, 3681855; 532182, 3681855; 532182, 3681827; 532210, 3681827; 532210, 3681798; 532239, 3681798; 532239, 3681770; 532210, 3681770; 532210, 3681742; 532182, 3681742; 532182, 3681713; 532153, 3681713; 532153, 3681657; 532125, 3681657; 532125, 3681628; 532097, 3681628; 532097, 3681600; 532068, 3681600; 532068, 3681628; 532012, 3681628; 532012, 3681657; 531955, 3681657; 531955, 3681600; 531926, 3681600; 531926, 3681571; 531898, 3681571; 531898, 3681543; 531813, 3681543; 531813, 3681515; 531700, 3681515; 531700, 3681486; 531529, 3681486; 531529, 3681458; 531473, 3681458; 531473, 3681515; 531444, 3681515; 531444, 3681571; 531416, 3681571; 531416, 3681628; 531387, 3681628; 531387, 3681685; 531359, 3681685; 531359, 3681657; 531217, 3681657; 531217, 3681628; 531189, 3681628; 531189, 3681657; 531104, 3681657; 531104, 3681685; 531047, 3681685; 531047, 3681742; 531019, 3681742; 531019, 3681770; 530990, 3681770; 530990, 3681798; 530934, 3681798; 530934, 3681827; 530848, 3681827; 530848, 3681685; 530820, 3681685; 530820, 3681657; 530735, 3681657; 530735, 3681685; 530707, 3681685; 530707, 3681713; 530678, 3681713; 530678, 3681742; 530593, 3681742; 530593, 3681685; 530536, 3681685; 530536, 3681571; 530508, 3681571; 530508, 3681543; 530480, 3681543; 530480, 3681515; 530451, 3681515; 530451, 3681458; 530423, 3681458; 530423, 3681401; 530366, 3681401; 530366, 3681344; 530423, 3681344; 530423, 3681316; 530565, 3681316; 530565, 3681259; 530423, 3681259; 530423, 3681288; 530338, 3681288; 530338, 3681316; 530309, 3681316; 530309, 3681373; 530281, 3681373; 530281, 3681401; 530253, 3681401; 530253, 3681430; 530224, 3681430; 530224, 3681486; 530196, 3681486; 530196, 3681543; 530168, 3681543; 530168, 3681571; 530139, 3681571; 530139, 3681628; 530111, 3681628; 530111, 3681770; 530082, 3681770; 530082, 3681798; 530054, 3681798; 530054, 3681827; 530026, 3681827; 530026, 3681798; 530054, 3681798; 530054, 3681742; 530082, 3681742; 530082, 3681571; 530054, 3681571; 530054, 3681515; 530026, 3681515; 530026, 3681373; 529969, 3681373; 529969, 3681344; 529941, 3681344; 529941, 3681288; 529884, 3681288; 529884, 3681259; 529827, 3681259; 529827, 3681288; 529770, 3681288; 529770, 3681316; 529742, 3681316; 529742, 3681344; 529770, 3681344; 529770, 3681373; 529799, 3681373; 529799, 3681401; 529770, 3681401; 529770, 3681373; 529657, 3681373; 529657, 3681288; 529600, 3681288; 529600, 3681259; 529572, 3681259; 529572, 3681288; 529430, 3681288; 529430, 3681231; 529458, 3681231; 529458, 3681203; 529600, 3681203; 529600, 3681231; 529657, 3681231; 529657, 3681259; 529685, 3681259; 529685, 3681231; 529770, 3681231; 529770, 3681118; 529799, 3681118; 529799, 3681061; 529827, 3681061; 529827, 3681032; 529799, 3681032; 529799, 3680976; 529714, 3680976; 529714, 3680947; 529657, 3680947; 529657, 3680891; 529685, 3680891; 529685, 3680834; 529742, 3680834; 529742, 3680805; 529685, 3680805; 529685, 3680777; 529600, 3680777; 529600, 3680749; 529515, 3680749; 529515, 3680720; 529430, 3680720; 529430, 3680692; 529288, 3680692; 529288, 3680664; 529118, 3680664; 529118, 3680635; 528721, 3680635; 528721, 3680664; 528579, 3680664; 528579, 3680692; 528437, 3680692; 528437, 3680720; 528352, 3680720; 528352, 3680749; 528295, 3680749; 528295, 3680777; 528097, 3680777; 528097, 3680749; 528012, 3680749; 527416, 3680749; 527416, 3680777; 527132, 3680777; 527132, 3680749; 526990, 3680749; 526990, 3680720; 526962, 3680720; 526962, 3680692; 526934, 3680692; 526934, 3680664; 526905, 3680664; 526905, 3680635; 526877, 3680635; 526877, 3680607; 526848, 3680607; 526848, 3680579; 526820, 3680579; 526820, 3680550; 526792, 3680550; 526792, 3680522; 526735, 3680522; 526735, 3680493; 526707, 3680493; 526707, 3680465; 526678, 3680465; 526678, 3680437; 526650, 3680437; 526650, 3680408; 526621, 3680408; 526621, 3680380; 526565, 3680380; 526565, 3680352; 526536, 3680352; 526536, 3680323; 526480, 3680323; 526480, 3680295; 526395, 3680295; 526395, 3680266; 526366, 3680266; 526366, 3680238; 526338, 3680238; 526338, 3680210; 526281, 3680210; 526281, 3680181; 526224, 3680181; 526224, 3680153; 526196, 3680153; 526196, 3680125; 526168, 3680125; 526168, 3680096; 526139, 3680096; 526139, 3680068; 526082, 3680068; 526082, 3680039; 526026, 3680039; 526026, 3680011; 525969, 3680011; 525969, 3679983; 525912, 3679983; 525912, 3679954; 525856, 3679954; 525856, 3679926; 525799, 3679926; 525799, 3679898; 525742, 3679898; 525742, 3679869; 525685, 3679869; 525685, 3679841; 525629, 3679841; 525629, 3679813; 525572, 3679813; 525572, 3679784; 525515, 3679784; 525515, 3679756; 525458, 3679756; 525458, 3679727; 525402, 3679727; 525402, 3679699; 525316, 3679699; 525316, 3679671; 525260, 3679671; 525260, 3679642; 525175, 3679642; 525175, 3679614; 525118, 3679614; 525118, 3679586; 525061, 3679586; 525061, 3679557; 524976, 3679557; 524976, 3679529; 524891, 3679529; 524891, 3679500; 524834, 3679500; 524834, 3679472; 524749, 3679472; 524749, 3679444; 524636, 3679444; 524636, 3679415; 524607, 3679415; 524607, 3679387; 524579, 3679387; 524579, 3679359; 524522, 3679359; 524522, 3679330; 524494, 3679330; 524494, 3679302; 524465, 3679302; 524465, 3679274; 524437, 3679274; 524437, 3679245; 524380, 3679245; 524380, 3679217; 524352, 3679217; 524352, 3679188; 524324, 3679188; 524324, 3679160; 524267, 3679160; 524267, 3679132; 524210, 3679132; 524210, 3679103; 524153, 3679103; 524153, 3679075; 524068, 3679075; 524068, 3679047; 524012, 3679047; 524012, 3679018; 523926, 3679018; 523926, 3678990; 523785, 3678990; 523785, 3678961; 523274, 3678961; 523274, 3678990; 523160, 3678990; 523160, 3679018; 523047, 3679018; 523047, 3679047; 522990, 3679047; 522990, 3679075; 522905, 3679075; 522905, 3679103; 522848, 3679103; 522848, 3679132; 522792, 3679132; 522792, 3679188; 522877, 3679188; 522877, 3679217; 522905, 3679217; 522905, 3679330; 522934, 3679330; 522934, 3679415; 522962, 3679415; 522962, 3679500; 522934, 3679500; 522934, 3679557; 522905, 3679557; 522905, 3679586; 522877, 3679586; 522877, 3679699; 522848, 3679699; 522848, 3679926; 522877, 3679926; 522877, 3680011; 522848, 3680011; 522848, 3680068; 522820, 3680068; 522820, 3680096; 522792, 3680096; 522792, 3680181; 522763, 3680181; 522763, 3680266; 522820, 3680266; 522820, 3680238; 522848, 3680238; 522848, 3680210; 522905, 3680210; 522905, 3680238; 522877, 3680238; 522877, 3680295; 522934, 3680295; 522934, 3680323; 522962, 3680323; 522962, 3680352; 523019, 3680352; 523019, 3680380; 523104, 3680380; 523104, 3680437; 523075, 3680437; 523075, 3680493; 523104, 3680493; 523104, 3680522; 523160, 3680522; 523160, 3680692; 523189, 3680692; 523189, 3680749; 523217, 3680749; 523217, 3681032; 523246, 3681032; 523246, 3681089; 523302, 3681089; 523302, 3681118; 523274, 3681118; 523274, 3681174; 523302, 3681174; 523302, 3681259; 523274, 3681259; 523274, 3681288; 523274, 3681316; 523302, 3681316; 523302, 3681458; 523331, 3681458; 523331, 3681486; 523359, 3681486; 523359, 3681515; 523387, 3681515; 523387, 3681543; 523416, 3681543; 523416, 3681628; 523387, 3681628; 523387, 3681685; 523416, 3681685; 523416, 3681827; 523444, 3681827; 523444, 3681855; 523416, 3681855; 523416, 3681969; 523387, 3681969; 523387, 3682025; 523359, 3682025; 523359, 3682082; 523331, 3682082; 523331, 3682196; 523302, 3682196; 523302, 3682224; 523274, 3682224; 523274, 3682252; 523246, 3682252; 523246, 3682309; 523217, 3682309; 523217, 3682337; 523189, 3682337; 523189, 3682366; 523160, 3682366; 523160, 3682394; 523132, 3682394; 523132, 3682422; 523104, 3682422; 523104, 3682451; 523047, 3682451; 523047, 3682479; 522990, 3682479; 522990, 3682508; 522962, 3682508; 522962, 3682536; 522934, 3682536; 522934, 3682593; 522905, 3682593; 522905, 3682678; 522877, 3682678; 522877, 3682735; 522848, 3682735; 522848, 3682791; 522820, 3682791; 522820, 3682820; 522792, 3682820; 522792, 3682848; 522763, 3682848; 522763, 3682876; 522735, 3682876; 522735, 3682905; 522678, 3682905; 522678, 3682933; 522650, 3682933; 522650, 3682962; 522593, 3682962; 522593, 3682990; 522565, 3682990; 522565, 3683018; 522536, 3683018; 522536, 3683075; 522508, 3683075; 522508, 3683103; 522480, 3683103; 522480, 3683132; 522423, 3683132; 522423, 3683160; 522394, 3683160; 522394, 3683188; 522338, 3683188; 522338, 3683217; 522309, 3683217; 522309, 3683274; 522338, 3683274; 522338, 3683302; 522394, 3683302; 522394, 3683359; 522423, 3683359; 522423, 3683388; 525125, 3682875; 527107, 3683110; 528942, 3684375; 528915, 3684427; 528810, 3684635; 528863, 3684635; 528863, 3684579; 528891, 3684579; 528891, 3684550; 528919, 3684550; 528919, 3684522; 528948, 3684522; 528948, 3684493; 528976, 3684493; 528976, 3684408; 528948, 3684408; 528948, 3684295; 528919, 3684295; 528919, 3684210; 528948, 3684210; 528948, 3684068; 528976, 3684068; 528976, 3684011; 529004, 3684011; 529004, 3683983; 529061, 3683983; 529061, 3683954; 529090, 3683954; 529090, 3683983; 529175, 3683983; 529175, 3683954; 529203, 3683954; 529203, 3683926; 529260, 3683926; 529260, 3683898; 529317, 3683898; 529317, 3683869; 529345, 3683869; 529345, 3683813; 529430, 3683813; 529430, 3683784; 529487, 3683784; 529487, 3683756; 529515, 3683756; 529515, 3683727; 529543, 3683727; 529543, 3683671; 529600, 3683671; 529600, 3683642; 529685, 3683642; 529685, 3683699; 529714, 3683699; 529714, 3683727; 529742, 3683727; 529742, 3683756; 529799, 3683756; 529799, 3683727; 529827, 3683727; 529827, 3683756; 529884, 3683756; 529884, 3683784; 529969, 3683784; 529969, 3683813; 529997, 3683813; 529997, 3683841; 530026, 3683841; 530026, 3683869; 530054, 3683869; 530054, 3683898; 530082, 3683898; 530082, 3683954; 530139, 3683954; 530139, 3683926; 530253, 3683926; 530395, 3683926; 530395, 3683954; 530621, 3683954; 530621, 3683926; 530593, 3683926; 530593, 3683898; 530565, 3683898; 530565, 3683841; 530536, 3683841; 530536, 3683756; 530508, 3683756; 530508, 3683699; 530480, 3683699; 530480, 3683671; 530451, 3683671; 530451, 3683529; 530480, 3683529; 530480, 3683586; 530565, 3683586; 530565, 3683557; 530593, 3683557; 530593, 3683529; 530650, 3683529; 530650, 3683501; 530678, 3683501; 530678, 3683444; 530707, 3683444; 530707, 3683415; 530735, 3683415; 530735, 3683387; 530820, 3683387; 530820, 3683415; 530848, 3683415; 530848, 3683444; 530934, 3683444; 530934, 3683302; 530962, 3683302; 530962, 3683274; 530990, 3683274; 530990, 3683217; 531132, 3683217; 531132, 3683245; 531161, 3683245; 531161, 3683274; 531217, 3683274; 531217, 3683302; 531246, 3683302; 531246, 3683359; 531274, 3683359; 531274, 3683330; 531302, 3683330; 531302, 3683245; 531331, 3683245; 531331, 3683188; 531473, 3683188; 531473, 3683103; 531529, 3683103; 531529, 3683132; 531558, 3683132; 531558, 3683217; 531586, 3683217; 531586, 3683274; 531614, 3683274; 531614, 3683302; 531643, 3683302; 531643, 3683330; 531700, 3683330; 531700, 3683359; 531728, 3683359; 531728, 3683415; 531813, 3683415; 531813, 3683387; 531870, 3683387; 531870, 3683359; 531841, 3683359; 531841, 3683330; 531870, 3683330; 531870, 3683359; 531898, 3683359; 531898, 3683444; 531926, 3683444; 531926, 3683472; 531955, 3683472; 531955, 3683501; 532068, 3683501; 532068, 3683557; 532125, 3683557; 532125, 3683586; 532153, 3683586; 532153, 3683557; 532239, 3683557; 532239, 3683586; 532267, 3683586; 532267, 3683642; 532295, 3683642; 532295, 3683699; 532324, 3683699; 532324, 3683671; 532380, 3683671; 532380, 3683642; 532409, 3683642; 532409, 3683671; 532437, 3683671; 532437, 3683699; 532465, 3683699; 532465, 3683727; 532494, 3683727; 532494, 3683784; 532551, 3683784; 532551, 3683813; 532579, 3683813; 532579, 3683841; 532607, 3683841; 532607, 3683869; 532636, 3683869; 532636, 3684068; 532664, 3684068; 532664, 3684096; 532692, 3684096; 532692, 3684153; 532721, 3684153; 532721, 3684181; 532749, 3684181; 532749, 3684210; 532778, 3684210; 532778, 3683983; 532891, 3683983; 532891, 3684011; 533033, 3684011; 533033, 3684040; 533061, 3684040; 533061, 3684068; 533090, 3684068; 533090, 3684181; 533061, 3684181; 533061, 3684210; 533033, 3684210; 533033, 3684295; 533175, 3684295; 533175, 3684266; 533203, 3684266; 533203, 3684238; 533231, 3684238; 533231, 3684295; 533430, 3684295; 533430, 3684266; 533458, 3684266; 533458, 3684238; 533487, 3684238; 533487, 3684210; 533515, 3684210; 533515, 3684181; 533544, 3684181; 533544, 3684210; 533515, 3684210; 533515, 3684238; 533544, 3684238; 533544, 3684266; 533572, 3684266; 533572, 3684295; 533600, 3684295; 533600, 3684323; 533629, 3684323; 533629, 3684352; 533657, 3684352; 533657, 3684380; 533685, 3684380; 533685, 3684522; 533714, 3684522; 533714, 3684607; 533685, 3684607; 533685, 3684777; 533714, 3684777; 533714, 3684805; 533742, 3684805; 533742, 3684834; 533799, 3684834; 533799, 3685004; 533827, 3685004; 533827, 3685089; 533856, 3685089; 533856, 3685146; 533884, 3685146; 533884, 3685203; 533912, 3685203; 533912, 3685231; 533941, 3685231; 533941, 3685259; 534054, 3685259; 534054, 3685430; 534083, 3685430; 534083, 3685458; 534139, 3685458; 534139, 3685486; 534196, 3685486; 534196, 3685515; 534224, 3685515; 534224, 3685571; 534253, 3685571; 534253, 3685600; 534281, 3685600; 534281, 3685571; 534309, 3685571; 534309, 3685600; 534338, 3685600; 534338, 3685628; 534366, 3685628; 534366, 3685657; 534395, 3685657; 534395, 3685685; 534423, 3685685; 534423, 3685571; 534395, 3685571; 534395, 3685486; 534423, 3685486; 534423, 3685430; 534451, 3685430; 534451, 3685401; 534423, 3685401; 534423, 3685344; 534253, 3685344; 534253, 3685373; 534196, 3685373; 534196, 3685344; 534168, 3685344; 534168, 3685174; 534139, 3685174; 534139, 3685146; 534111, 3685146; 534111, 3685118; 534083, 3685118; 534083, 3685032; 534054, 3685032; 534054, 3685004; 533997, 3685004; 533997, 3684976; 533969, 3684976; 533969, 3684947; 533941, 3684947; 533941, 3684891; 533912, 3684891; 533912, 3684777; 533884, 3684777; 533884, 3684749; 533856, 3684749; 533856, 3684720; 533827, 3684720; 533827, 3684692; 533799, 3684692; 533799, 3684635; 533827, 3684635; 533827, 3684408; 533856, 3684408; 533856, 3684380; 533827, 3684380; 533827, 3684352; 533799, 3684352; 533799, 3684266; 533770, 3684266; 533770, 3684210; 533742, 3684210; 533742, 3684125; 533770, 3684125; 533770, 3684040; 533799, 3684040; returning to 533799, 3683983. Excluding land bounded by 532125, 3682422; 532125, 3682394; 532097, 3682394; 532097, 3682309; 532182, 3682309; 532182, 3682337; 532210, 3682337; 532210, 3682422; returning to 532125, 3682422. Excluding land bounded by 531841, 3682082; 531841, 3682025; 531898, 3682025; 531898, 3681997; 531983, 3681997; 531983, 3682025; 532012, 3682025; 532012, 3682054; 532040, 3682054; 532040, 3682110; 532012, 3682110; 532012, 3682139; 531983, 3682139; 531983, 3682167; 531870, 3682167; 531870, 3682139; 531841, 3682139; returning to 531841, 3682082. Excluding land bounded by 527728, 3680947; 527728, 3680919; 527785, 3680919; 527785, 3680947; returning to 527728, 3680947.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 529657, 3687727; 529657, 3687699; 529685, 3687699; 529685, 3687501; 529714, 3687501; 529714, 3687472; 529742, 3687472; 529742, 3687415; 529770, 3687415; 529770, 3687387; 529827, 3687387; 529827, 3687330; 529856, 3687330; 529856, 3687274; 529884, 3687274; 529884, 3687245; 529856, 3687245; 529856, 3687188; 529827, 3687188; 529827, 3687160; 529856, 3687160; 529856, 3687103; 529884, 3687103; 529884, 3687018; 529912, 3687018; 529912, 3686990; 529969, 3686990; 529969, 3686962; 529997, 3686962; 529997, 3686933; 530026, 3686933; 530026, 3686735; 530054, 3686735; 530054, 3686678; 530111, 3686678; 530111, 3686649; 530139, 3686649; 530139, 3686621; 530168, 3686621; 530168, 3686593; 530196, 3686593; 530196, 3686564; 530224, 3686564; 530224, 3686536; 530253, 3686536; 530253, 3686479; 530281, 3686479; 530281, 3686423; 530338, 3686423; 530338, 3686394; 530366, 3686394; 530366, 3686337; 530395, 3686337; 530395, 3686309; 530366, 3686309; 530366, 3686167; 530338, 3686167; 530338, 3686139; 530253, 3686139; 530253, 3686167; 530224, 3686167; 530224, 3686139; 530139, 3686139; 530139, 3686167; 530082, 3686167; 530082, 3686139; 530054, 3686139; 530054, 3686082; 530026, 3686082; 530026, 3686054; 529997, 3686054; 529997, 3686025; 529969, 3686025; 529969, 3685997; 529997, 3685997; 529997, 3685940; 529969, 3685940; 529969, 3685912; 529912, 3685912; 529912, 3685884; 529856, 3685884; 529856, 3685855; 529827, 3685855; 529827, 3685827; 529799, 3685827; 529799, 3685770; 529827, 3685770; 529827, 3685742; 529856, 3685742; 529856, 3685713; 529941, 3685713; 529941, 3685685; 530026, 3685685; 530026, 3685713; 530111, 3685713; 530111, 3685685; 530139, 3685685; 530139, 3685657; 530082, 3685657; 530082, 3685628; 530054, 3685628; 530054, 3685600; 529997, 3685600; 529997, 3685571; 529884, 3685571; 529884, 3685543; 529742, 3685543; 529742, 3685486; 529714, 3685486; 529714, 3685430; 529515, 3685430; 529515, 3685401; 529487, 3685401; 529487, 3685373; 529458, 3685373; 529458, 3685259; 529487, 3685259; 529487, 3685231; 529515, 3685231; 529515, 3685174; 529543, 3685174; 529543, 3685146; 529430, 3685146; 529430, 3685174; 529402, 3685174; 529402, 3685203; 529345, 3685203; 529345, 3685231; 529317, 3685231; 529317, 3685259; 529260, 3685259; 529260, 3685288; 529231, 3685288; 529231, 3685316; 529118, 3685316; 529118, 3685259; 529090, 3685259; 529090, 3685231; 529061, 3685231; 529061, 3685203; 528976, 3685203; 528976, 3685118; 528919, 3685118; 528919, 3685032; 528948, 3685032; 528948, 3685004; 528806, 3685004; 528806, 3684947; 528778, 3684947; 528778, 3684919; 528741, 3684919; 528743, 3684972; 528746, 3685031; 528745, 3685079; 528736, 3685131; 528719, 3685194; 528693, 3685250; 528678, 3685279; 528704, 3685288; 528753, 3685300; 528784, 3685315; 528802, 3685332; 528886, 3685441; 528991, 3685577; 529304, 3685967; 529323, 3686005; 529338, 3686042; 529348, 3686088; 529373, 3686234; 529437, 3686647; 529485, 3686938; 529491, 3686988; 529486, 3687025; 529464, 3687132; 529289, 3687131; 529274, 3687345; 529457, 3687589; 529620, 3687563; 529544, 3687770; 529657, 3687771; returning to 529657, 3687727, Excluding land bounded by 529856, 3686167; 529827, 3686167; 529827, 3686139; 529856, 3686139; 529856, 3686167; 529884, 3686167; 529884, 3686196; 529856, 3686196; returning to 529856, 3686167. Excluding land bounded by 529770, 3686054; 529742, 3686054; 529742, 3686025; 529770, 3686025; 529770, 3686054; 529799, 3686054; 529799, 3686082; 529770, 3686082; returning to 529770, 3686054. Excluding land bounded by 529317, 3685713; 529260, 3685713; 529260, 3685685; 529317, 3685685; 529317, 3685713; 529458, 3685713; 529458, 3685742; 529515, 3685742; 529515, 3685770; 529572, 3685770; 529572, 3685798; 529600, 3685798; 529600, 3685827; 529629, 3685827; 529629, 3685855; 529657, 3685855; 529657, 3685912; 529685, 3685912; 529685, 3685940; 529629, 3685940; 529629, 3685912; 529600, 3685912; 529600, 3685884; 529572, 3685884; 529572, 3685855; 529487, 3685855; 529487, 3685827; 529458, 3685827; 529458, 3685798; 529373, 3685798; 529373, 3685770; 529317, 3685770; returning to 529317, 3685713.

(iv) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 527100, 3688218; 527189, 3688133; 527274, 3688045; 527260, 3687961; 527240, 3687969; 527188, 3687979; 527132, 3687990; 527094, 3688001; 527049, 3688024; 526996, 3688057; 526979, 3688074; 526981, 3688142; 527035, 3688139; returning to 527100, 3688218.

(v) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 527302, 3688720; 527302, 3688715; 527295, 3688720; returning to 527302, 3688720.

(vi) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 527274, 3688749; 527274, 3688735; 527254, 3688749; returning to 527274, 3688749.

(vii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 527217, 3688806; 527217, 3688777; 527246, 3688777; 527246, 3688754; 527171, 3688806; returning to 527217, 3688806.

(viii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 516777, 3689146; 516777, 3689118; 516806, 3689118; 516806, 3689032; 516834, 3689032; 516834, 3689061; 516891, 3689061; 516891, 3689032; 516919, 3689032; 516919, 3688976; 516948, 3688976; 516948, 3688919; 516976, 3688919; 516976, 3688891; 516948, 3688891; 516948, 3688834; 516976, 3688834; 516976, 3688806; 517004, 3688806; 517004, 3688777; 517033, 3688777; 517033, 3688749; 517061, 3688749; 517061, 3688579; 517033, 3688579; 517033, 3688550; 516948, 3688550; 516948, 3688522; 516976, 3688522; 516976, 3688493; 517004, 3688493; 517004, 3688465; 517033, 3688465; 517033, 3688408; 517004, 3688408; 517004, 3688380; 517033, 3688380; 517033, 3688238; 517004, 3688238; 517004, 3688210; 517089, 3688210; 517089, 3688096; 517118, 3688096; 517118, 3688040; 517175, 3688040; 517175, 3688011; 517288, 3688011; 517288, 3687954; 517345, 3687954; 517345, 3687926; 517373, 3687926; 517373, 3687898; 517402, 3687898; 517402, 3687869; 517430, 3687869; 517430, 3687841; 517600, 3687841; 517600, 3687869; 517685, 3687869; 517685, 3687841; 517714, 3687841; 517714, 3687784; 517742, 3687784; 517742, 3687727; 517770, 3687727; 517770, 3687699; 517827, 3687699; 517827, 3687671; 517884, 3687671; 517884, 3687699; 517912, 3687699; 517912, 3687727; 517969, 3687727; 517969, 3687699; 517997, 3687699; 517997, 3687614; 517969, 3687614; 517969, 3687557; 517941, 3687557; 517941, 3687501; 517969, 3687501; 517969, 3687529; 517997, 3687529; 517997, 3687557; 518026, 3687557; 518026, 3687529; 518054, 3687529; 518054, 3687557; 518082, 3687557; 518082, 3687586; 518111, 3687586; 518111, 3687642; 518139, 3687642; 518139, 3687699; 518168, 3687699; 518168, 3687727; 518338, 3687727; 518338, 3687756; 518366, 3687756; 518366, 3687784; 518451, 3687784; 518451, 3687813; 518650, 3687813; 518650, 3687784; 518707, 3687784; 518707, 3687614; 518735, 3687614; 518735, 3687642; 518763, 3687642; 518763, 3687671; 518792, 3687671; 518792, 3687614; 518820, 3687614; 518820, 3687557; 518848, 3687557; 518848, 3687529; 518877, 3687529; 518877, 3687501; 518933, 3687501; 518933, 3687472; 518962, 3687472; 518962, 3687188; 518990, 3687188; 518990, 3687132; 519019, 3687132; 519019, 3687047; 519047, 3687047; 519047, 3686990; 519075, 3686990; 519075, 3686933; 519104, 3686933; 519104, 3686905; 519160, 3686905; 519160, 3686876; 519331, 3686876; 519331, 3686933; 519359, 3686933; 519359, 3686848; 519387, 3686848; 519387, 3686791; 519444, 3686791; 519444, 3686763; 519614, 3686763; 519614, 3686735; 519671, 3686735; 519671, 3686706; 519699, 3686706; 519699, 3686678; 519728, 3686678; 519728, 3686649; 519756, 3686649; 519756, 3686621; 519728, 3686621; 519728, 3686593; 519785, 3686593; 519785, 3686536; 519813, 3686536; 519813, 3686451; 519841, 3686451; 519841, 3686423; 519898, 3686423; 519898, 3686394; 519955, 3686394; 519955, 3686366; 519983, 3686366; 519983, 3686337; 520011, 3686337; 520011, 3686309; 520068, 3686309; 520068, 3686281; 520097, 3686281; 520097, 3686252; 520153, 3686252; 520153, 3686224; 520182, 3686224; 520182, 3686196; 520210, 3686196; 520210, 3686167; 520238, 3686167; 520238, 3686139; 520267, 3686139; 520267, 3686110; 520295, 3686110; 520295, 3686082; 520324, 3686082; 520324, 3686054; 520352, 3686054; 520352, 3686025; 520380, 3686025; 520380, 3685997; 520437, 3685997; 520437, 3685969; 520465, 3685969; 520465, 3685940; 520494, 3685940; 520494, 3685912; 520522, 3685912; 520522, 3685884; 520551, 3685884; 520551, 3685855; 520607, 3685855; 520607, 3685827; 520636, 3685827; 520636, 3685798; 520664, 3685798; 520664, 3685770; 520692, 3685770; 520692, 3685742; 520749, 3685742; 520749, 3685713; 520806, 3685713; 520806, 3685742; 520881, 3685742; 520882, 3685736; 520890, 3685720; 520891, 3685718; 520891, 3685685; 520863, 3685685; 520863, 3685657; 520834, 3685657; 520834, 3685628; 520891, 3685628; 520891, 3685600; 520919, 3685600; 520919, 3685486; 521004, 3685486; 521004, 3685458; 521118, 3685458; 521118, 3685430; 521175, 3685430; 521175, 3685401; 521231, 3685401; 521231, 3685430; 521260, 3685430; 521260, 3685458; 521314, 3685458; 521318, 3685322; 521072, 3685269; 521833, 3684181; 521770, 3684181; 521770, 3684210; 521714, 3684210; 521714, 3684238; 521515, 3684238; 521515, 3684266; 521373, 3684266; 521373, 3684295; 521288, 3684295; 521288, 3684323; 521260, 3684323; 521260, 3684352; 521231, 3684352; 521231, 3684380; 521146, 3684380; 521146, 3684408; 521090, 3684408; 521090, 3684493; 521033, 3684493; 521033, 3684380; 520948, 3684380; 520948, 3684408; 520919, 3684408; 520919, 3684437; 520891, 3684437; 520891, 3684522; 520919, 3684522; 520919, 3684635; 520863, 3684635; 520863, 3684692; 520806, 3684692; 520806, 3684749; 520777, 3684749; 520777, 3684834; 520749, 3684834; 520749, 3684891; 520721, 3684891; 520721, 3684947; 520692, 3684947; 520692, 3685032; 520664, 3685032; 520664, 3685089; 520692, 3685089; 520692, 3685373; 520664, 3685373; 520664, 3685401; 520636, 3685401; 520636, 3685458; 520607, 3685458; 520607, 3685571; 520579, 3685571; 520579, 3685628; 520551, 3685628; 520551, 3685657; 520494, 3685657; 520494, 3685685; 520465, 3685685; 520465, 3685713; 520437, 3685713; 520437, 3685742; 520409, 3685742; 520409, 3685770; 520352, 3685770; 520352, 3685798; 520324, 3685798; 520324, 3685827; 520295, 3685827; 520295, 3685855; 520267, 3685855; 520267, 3685884; 520238, 3685884; 520238, 3685912; 520210, 3685912; 520210, 3685940; 520182, 3685940; 520182, 3685997; 520153, 3685997; 520153, 3686054; 520125, 3686054; 520125, 3686110; 520097, 3686110; 520097, 3686139; 520040, 3686139; 520040, 3686167; 519983, 3686167; 519983, 3686196; 519955, 3686196; 519955, 3686224; 519926, 3686224; 519926, 3686252; 519841, 3686252; 519841, 3686281; 519813, 3686281; 519813, 3686309; 519756, 3686309; 519756, 3686337; 519728, 3686337; 519728, 3686366; 519699, 3686366; 519699, 3686423; 519671, 3686423; 519671, 3686508; 519643, 3686508; 519643, 3686593; 519586, 3686593; 519586, 3686621; 519472, 3686621; 519472, 3686649; 519359, 3686649; 519359, 3686678; 519302, 3686678; 519302, 3686706; 519274, 3686706; 519274, 3686735; 519246, 3686735; 519246, 3686763; 519104, 3686763; 519104, 3686791; 519019, 3686791; 519019, 3686848; 518990, 3686848; 518990, 3686933; 518962, 3686933; 518962, 3687018; 518933, 3687018; 518933, 3687075; 518877, 3687075; 518877, 3687132; 518848, 3687132; 518848, 3687387; 518820, 3687387; 518820, 3687444; 518735, 3687444; 518735, 3687472; 518678, 3687472; 518678, 3687444; 518593, 3687444; 518593, 3687472; 518565, 3687472; 518565, 3687557; 518593, 3687557; 518593, 3687614; 518565, 3687614; 518565, 3687699; 518508, 3687699; 518508, 3687671; 518394, 3687671; 518394, 3687642; 518338, 3687642; 518338, 3687614; 518224, 3687614; 518224, 3687557; 518196, 3687557; 518196, 3687501; 518168, 3687501; 518168, 3687444; 518139, 3687444; 518139, 3687415; 518026, 3687415; 518026, 3687359; 517969, 3687359; 517969, 3687330; 517941, 3687330; 517941, 3687359; 517884, 3687359; 517884, 3687387; 517827, 3687387; 517827, 3687415; 517799, 3687415; 517799, 3687387; 517770, 3687387; 517770, 3687330; 517742, 3687330; 517742, 3687274; 517629, 3687274; 517629, 3687302; 517543, 3687302; 517543, 3687330; 517515, 3687330; 517515, 3687359; 517487, 3687359; 517487, 3687387; 517458, 3687387; 517458, 3687444; 517430, 3687444; 517430, 3687472; 517402, 3687472; 517402, 3687501; 517316, 3687501; 517316, 3687529; 517288, 3687529; 517288, 3687557; 517231, 3687557; 517231, 3687586; 517203, 3687586; 517203, 3687614; 517175, 3687614; 517175, 3687642; 517146, 3687642; 517146, 3687671; 517118, 3687671; 517118, 3687699; 517061, 3687699; 517061, 3687727; 517033, 3687727; 517033, 3687756; 517004, 3687756; 517004, 3687784; 516976, 3687784; 516976, 3687841; 516948, 3687841; 516948, 3687869; 516919, 3687869; 516919, 3687898; 516891, 3687898; 516891, 3687926; 516834, 3687926; 516834, 3687954; 516806, 3687954; 516806, 3687983; 516749, 3687983; 516749, 3688011; 516664, 3688011; 516664, 3688040; 516636, 3688040; 516636, 3688068; 516607, 3688068; 516607, 3688096; 516579, 3688096; 516579, 3688125; 516522, 3688125; 516522, 3688153; 516465, 3688153; 516465, 3688181; 516380, 3688181; 516380, 3688210; 516352, 3688210; 516352, 3688238; 516324, 3688238; 516324, 3688267; 516238, 3688267; 516238, 3688295; 516182, 3688295; 516182, 3688323; 516125, 3688323; 516125, 3688352; 516068, 3688352; 516068, 3688323; 515983, 3688323; 515983, 3688352; 515955, 3688352; 515955, 3688408; 515898, 3688408; 515898, 3688437; 515870, 3688437; 515870, 3688465; 515841, 3688465; 515841, 3688493; 515785, 3688493; 515785, 3688522; 515728, 3688522; 515728, 3688550; 515671, 3688550; 515671, 3688607; 515728, 3688607; 515728, 3688635; 515785, 3688635; 515785, 3688720; 515813, 3688720; 515813, 3688834; 515841, 3688834; 515841, 3688862; 515870, 3688862; 515870, 3688834; 515955, 3688834; 515955, 3688862; 515983, 3688862; 515983, 3688834; 516068, 3688834; 516068, 3688862; 516097, 3688862; 516097, 3688891; 516125, 3688891; 516125, 3688862; 516295, 3688862; 516295, 3688834; 516352, 3688834; 516352, 3688806; 516409, 3688806; 516409, 3688749; 516437, 3688749; 516437, 3688579; 516465, 3688579; 516465, 3688664; 516494, 3688664; 516494, 3688919; 516522, 3688919; 516522, 3689032; 516550, 3689032; 516550, 3689089; 516721, 3689089; 516721, 3689118; 516749, 3689118; 516749, 3689146; returning to 516777, 3689146.

(ix) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 530905, 3689118; 530905, 3689089; 530763, 3689089; 530763, 3689118; 530735, 3689118; 530735, 3689089; 530707, 3689089; 530707, 3688891; 530735, 3688891; 530735, 3688834; 530763, 3688834; 530763, 3688806; 530792, 3688806; 530792, 3688749; 530820, 3688749; 530820, 3688720; 530848, 3688720; 530848, 3688692; 530877, 3688692; 530877, 3688635; 530820, 3688635; 530820, 3688664; 530792, 3688664; 530792, 3688692; 530763, 3688692; 530763, 3688720; 530707, 3688720; 530707, 3688749; 530678, 3688749; 530678, 3688777; 530593, 3688777; 530593, 3688806; 530508, 3688806; 530508, 3688862; 530480, 3688862; 530480, 3688891; 530451, 3688891; 530451, 3688947; 530423, 3688947; 530423, 3688976; 530366, 3688976; 530366, 3689004; 530312, 3689004; 530717, 3689283; 530990, 3689238; 530990, 3689231; 530962, 3689231; 530962, 3689203; 530934, 3689203; 530934, 3689118; returning to 530905, 3689118.

(x) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 533203, 3689884; 533203, 3689855; 533288, 3689855; 533288, 3689827; 533317, 3689827; 533317, 3689798; 533288, 3689798; 533288, 3689770; 533231, 3689770; 533231, 3689713; 533203, 3689713; 533203, 3689515; 533231, 3689515; 533231, 3689430; 533203, 3689430; 533203, 3689231; 533231, 3689231; 533231, 3689032; 533203, 3689032; 533203, 3688982; 533200, 3688985; 533115, 3689037; 533039, 3689061; 532931, 3689099; 532888, 3689136; 532855, 3689184; 532827, 3689250; 532827, 3689325; 532808, 3689382; 532789, 3689448; 532742, 3689486; 532624, 3689542; 532553, 3689566; 532506, 3689575; 532440, 3689613; 532416, 3689628; 532465, 3689628; 532465, 3689657; 532636, 3689657; 532636, 3689685; 532749, 3689685; 532749, 3689657; 532834, 3689657; 532834, 3689685; 532806, 3689685; 532806, 3689742; 532834, 3689742; 532834, 3689770; 532863, 3689770; 532863, 3689798; 533033, 3689798; 533033, 3689827; 533118, 3689827; 533118, 3689855; 533175, 3689855; 533175, 3689884; returning to 533203, 3689884.

(xi) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 525004, 3689940; 525004, 3689912; 525061, 3689912; 525061, 3689884; 525175, 3689884; 525175, 3689912; 525231, 3689912; 525231, 3689855; 525288, 3689855; 525288, 3689827; 525430, 3689827; 525430, 3689657; 525458, 3689657; 525458, 3689628; 525487, 3689628; 525487, 3689600; 525770, 3689600; 525770, 3689628; 525790, 3689628; 525775, 3689579; 525757, 3689503; 525768, 3689445; 525945, 3689372; 525854, 3689406; 525765, 3689436; 525641, 3689482; 525630, 3689473; 525526, 3689521; 525524, 3689317; 525483, 3689320; 525478, 3688981; 525862, 3688727; 526129, 3688570; 526141, 3688573; 526141, 3688571; 526139, 3688295; 526139, 3688295; 526139, 3688352; 526111, 3688352; 526111, 3688408; 526082, 3688408; 526082, 3688465; 525997, 3688465; 525997, 3688493; 525912, 3688493; 525912, 3688465; 525884, 3688465; 525884, 3688493; 525856, 3688493; 525856, 3688522; 525827, 3688522; 525827, 3688550; 525799, 3688550; 525799, 3688579; 525770, 3688579; 525770, 3688607; 525714, 3688607; 525714, 3688635; 525657, 3688635; 525657, 3688664; 525629, 3688664; 525629, 3688692; 525515, 3688692; 525515, 3688720; 525487, 3688720; 525487, 3688749; 525458, 3688749; 525458, 3688777; 525430, 3688777; 525430, 3688749; 525345, 3688749; 525345, 3688777; 525316, 3688777; 525316, 3688806; 525146, 3688806; 525146, 3688834; 525118, 3688834; 525118, 3688862; 525061, 3688862; 525061, 3688919; 525033, 3688919; 525033, 3689004; 525061, 3689004; 525061, 3689061; 525090, 3689061; 525090, 3689118; 525061, 3689118; 525061, 3689174; 525033, 3689174; 525033, 3689203; 525118, 3689203; 525118, 3689231; 525175, 3689231; 525175, 3689259; 525146, 3689259; 525146, 3689288; 525118, 3689288; 525118, 3689345; 525090, 3689345; 525090, 3689401; 525061, 3689401; 525061, 3689458; 525033, 3689458; 525033, 3689486; 524976, 3689486; 524976, 3689515; 524948, 3689515; 524948, 3689543; 524976, 3689543; 524976, 3689571; 525004, 3689571; 525004, 3689628; 524834, 3689628; 524834, 3689685; 524863, 3689685; 524863, 3689713; 524834, 3689713; 524834, 3689742; 524863, 3689742; 524863, 3689827; 524891, 3689827; 524891, 3689912; 524976, 3689912; 524976, 3689940; returning to 525004, 3689940.

(xii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 530792, 3691018; 530792, 3691011; 530791, 3691012; 530786, 3691018; returning to 530792, 3691018.

(xiii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 531331, 3691160; 531331, 3691132; 531359, 3691132; 531359, 3691075; 531387, 3691075; 531387, 3690990; 531359, 3690990; 531359, 3690961; 531317, 3690970; 531271, 3690976; 531225, 3690973; 531199, 3690980; 531176, 3691003; 531130, 3691019; 531110, 3691026; 531080, 3691022; 531064, 3691016; 531047, 3691013; 531039, 3691012; 531039, 3691013; 531029, 3691029; 531007, 3691022; 530983, 3691008; 530962, 3690999; 530941, 3690991; 530908, 3690976; 530874, 3690968; 530847, 3690968; 530818, 3690981; 530810, 3690990; 530934, 3690990; 530934, 3691018; 530962, 3691018; 530962, 3691047; 531019, 3691047; 531019, 3691075; 531047, 3691075; 531047, 3691132; 531075, 3691132; 531075, 3691160; 531132, 3691160; 531132, 3691189; 531189, 3691189; 531189, 3691217; 531331, 3691217; returning to 531331, 3691160.

(xiv) Note: Map of Unit 15 is provided at paragraph (17)(v) of this entry.

(21) Unit 16: Santa Ysabel Creek, San Diego County, California.

(i) Subunit 16a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Rodriquez Mtn., Mesa Grande, Ramona, San Pasqual, and Escondido. Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 508579, 3674706; 508579, 3674678; 508607, 3674678; 508607, 3674649; 508692, 3674649; 508692, 3674621; 508721, 3674621; 508721, 3674649; 508806, 3674649; 508806, 3674621; 508834, 3674621; 508834, 3674593; 508862, 3674593; 508862, 3674536; 508891, 3674536; 508891, 3674451; 508919, 3674451; 508919, 3674366; 508976, 3674366; 508976, 3674337; 509004, 3674337; 509004, 3674394; 509033, 3674394; 509033, 3674422; 509061, 3674422; 509061, 3674479; 509033, 3674479; 509033, 3674508; 509004, 3674508; 509004, 3674536; 509033, 3674536; 509033, 3674593; 509089, 3674593; 509089, 3674621; 509146, 3674621; 509146, 3674649; 509175, 3674649; 509203, 3674649; 509203, 3674621; 509231, 3674621; 509231, 3674649; 509316, 3674649; 509316, 3674593; 509345, 3674593; 509345, 3674564; 509316, 3674564; 509316, 3674508; 509288, 3674508; 509288, 3674479; 509260, 3674479; 509260, 3674422; 509231, 3674422; 509231, 3674337; 509203, 3674337; 509203, 3674281; 509175, 3674281; 509175, 3674224; 509146, 3674224; 509146, 3674195; 509118, 3674195; 509118, 3674139; 509089, 3674139; 509089, 3673912; 509118, 3673912; 509118, 3673770; 509089, 3673770; 509089, 3673685; 509061, 3673685; 509061, 3673486; 509089, 3673486; 509089, 3673401; 509118, 3673401; 509118, 3673373; 509146, 3673373; 509146, 3673344; 509175, 3673344; 509175, 3673316; 509203, 3673316; 509203, 3673288; 509260, 3673288; 509260, 3673316; 509288, 3673316; 509288, 3673344; 509316, 3673344; 509316, 3673373; 509430, 3673373; 509430, 3673401; 509515, 3673401; 509515, 3673146;

509487, 3673146; 509487, 3673089; 509458, 3673089; 509458, 3672891; 509401, 3672891; 509401, 3672862; 509373, 3672862; 509373, 3672834; 509345, 3672834; 509345, 3672749; 509373, 3672749; 509373, 3672692; 509345, 3672692; 509345, 3672664; 509260, 3672664; 509260, 3672720; 509175, 3672720; 509175, 3672692; 509118, 3672692; 509118, 3672607; 509146, 3672607; 509146, 3672578; 509203, 3672578; 509203, 3672522; 509175, 3672522; 509175, 3672493; 509146, 3672493; 509146, 3672408; 509089, 3672408; 509089, 3672437; 508692, 3672437; 508692, 3672408; 508522, 3672408; 508522, 3672380; 508267, 3672380; 508267, 3672408; 508182, 3672408; 508182, 3672437; 508097, 3672437; 508097, 3672408; 508040, 3672408; 508040, 3672380; 508011, 3672380; 508011, 3672351; 507983, 3672351; 507983, 3672266; 507955, 3672266; 507955, 3672238; 507870, 3672238; 507870, 3672210; 507841, 3672210; 507841, 3672153; 507813, 3672153; 507813, 3672125; 507841, 3672125; 507841, 3672068; 507756, 3672068; 507756, 3672039; 507671, 3672039; 507671, 3672011; 507643, 3672011; 507643, 3672039; 507558, 3672039; 507558, 3672068; 507416, 3672068; 507416, 3672039; 507387, 3672039; 507387, 3672011; 507359, 3672011; 507359, 3671926; 507387, 3671926; 507387, 3671898; 507416, 3671898; 507416, 3671869; 507472, 3671869; 507472, 3671841; 507529, 3671841; 507529, 3671812; 507699, 3671812; 507699, 3671841; 507756, 3671841; 507756, 3671812; 507841, 3671812; 507841, 3671784; 507870, 3671784; 507870, 3671756; 507926, 3671756; 507926, 3671727; 508153, 3671727; 508153, 3671699; 508295, 3671699; 508295, 3671671; 508380, 3671671; 508380, 3671642; 508437, 3671642; 508437, 3671614; 508352, 3671614; 508352, 3671586; 508323, 3671586; 508323, 3671557; 508295, 3671557; 508295, 3671529; 508267, 3671529; 508267, 3671500; 508210, 3671500; 508210, 3671472; 508153, 3671472; 508153, 3671444; 507983, 3671444; 507983, 3671472; 507926, 3671472; 507926, 3671415; 507955, 3671415; 507955, 3671387; 507983, 3671387; 507983, 3671330; 508011, 3671330; 508011, 3671302; 508040, 3671302; 508040, 3671273; 508097, 3671273; 508097, 3671245; 508153, 3671245; 508153, 3671217; 508210, 3671217; 508210, 3671188; 508267, 3671188; 508267, 3671132; 508238, 3671132; 508238, 3671103; 508182, 3671103; 508182, 3671075; 508097, 3671075; 508097, 3671047; 507955, 3671047; 507955, 3671075; 507841, 3671075; 507841, 3671047; 507784, 3671047; 507784, 3671018; 507728, 3671018; 507728, 3670990; 507614, 3670990; 507614, 3670961; 507558, 3670961; 507558, 3670876; 507529, 3670876; 507529, 3670820; 507558, 3670820; 507558, 3670678; 507586, 3670678; 507586, 3670649; 507558, 3670649; 507558, 3670621; 507444, 3670621; 507444, 3670508; 507331, 3670508; 507331, 3670536; 507302, 3670536; 507302, 3670593; 507274, 3670593; 507274, 3670621; 507245, 3670621; 507245, 3670649; 507189, 3670649; 507189, 3670621; 507160, 3670621; 507160, 3670536; 507189, 3670536; 507189, 3670451; 507075, 3670451; 507075, 3670422; 507047, 3670422; 507047, 3670394; 506990, 3670394; 506990, 3670366; 506962, 3670366; 506962, 3670337; 506848, 3670337; 506848, 3670309; 506820, 3670309; 506820, 3670167; 506792, 3670167; 506792, 3670054; 506763, 3670054; 506763, 3669997; 506735, 3669997; 506735, 3669855; 506706, 3669855; 506706, 3669798; 506678, 3669798; 506678, 3669742; 506650, 3669742; 506650, 3669656; 506678, 3669656; 506678, 3669628; 506650, 3669628; 506650, 3669600; 506621, 3669600; 506621, 3669571; 506593, 3669571; 506593, 3669543; 506565, 3669543; 506565, 3669486; 506536, 3669486; 506536, 3669373; 506508, 3669373; 506508, 3669288; 506479, 3669288; 506479, 3669259; 506508, 3669259; 506508, 3669174; 506479, 3669174; 506479, 3669146; 506451, 3669146; 506451, 3669174; 506338, 3669174; 506338, 3669146; 506309, 3669146; 506309, 3669117; 506281, 3669117; 506281, 3669032; 506224, 3669032; 506224, 3669004; 506196, 3669004; 506196, 3668976; 506167, 3668976; 506167, 3668919; 506139, 3668919; 506139, 3668890;

505997, 3668890; 505997, 3668919; 505912, 3668919; 505912, 3668890; 505855, 3668890; 505855, 3668805; 505884, 3668805; 505884, 3668749; 505912, 3668749; 505912, 3668692; 505827, 3668692; 505827, 3668664; 505742, 3668664; 505742, 3668692; 505714, 3668692; 505714, 3668720; 505600, 3668720; 505600, 3668692; 505572, 3668692; 505572, 3668550; 505487, 3668550; 505487, 3668522; 505458, 3668522; 505458, 3668493; 505430, 3668493; 505430, 3668465; 505316, 3668465; 505316, 3668437; 505288, 3668437; 505288, 3668295; 505316, 3668295; 505316, 3668266; 505373, 3668266; 505373, 3668181; 505401, 3668181; 505401, 3668125; 505373, 3668125; 505373, 3668068; 505345, 3668068; 505345, 3668011; 505373, 3668011; 505373, 3667983; 505401, 3667983; 505401, 3667869; 505430, 3667869; 505430, 3667784; 505401, 3667784; 505401, 3667671; 505430, 3667671; 505430, 3667642; 505458, 3667642; 505458, 3667614; 505487, 3667614; 505487, 3667586; 505515, 3667586; 505515, 3667557; 505543, 3667557; 505543, 3667500; 505628, 3667500; 505628, 3667415; 505657, 3667415; 505657, 3667188; 505628, 3667188; 505628, 3667160; 505657, 3667160; 505657, 3667132; 505600, 3667132; 505600, 3667103; 505628, 3667103; 505628, 3667075; 505657, 3667075; 505657, 3667046; 505685, 3667046; 505685, 3666961; 505714, 3666961; 505714, 3666791; 505884, 3666791; 505884, 3666621; 505912, 3666621; 505912, 3666479; 505940, 3666479; 505940, 3666451; 505997, 3666451; 505997, 3666479; 506082, 3666479; 506082, 3666422; 506054, 3666422; 506054, 3666337; 506026, 3666337; 506026, 3666309; 505997, 3666309; 505997, 3666252; 505969, 3666252; 505969, 3666139; 506167, 3666139; 506167, 3666110; 506224, 3666110; 506224, 3666025; 506196, 3666025; 506196, 3665997; 506167, 3665997; 506167, 3665968; 506139, 3665968; 506139, 3665940; 506082, 3665940; 506082, 3665912; 506054, 3665912; 506054, 3665883; 505912, 3665883; 505912, 3665855; 505884, 3665855; 505884, 3665827; 505855, 3665827; 505855, 3665770; 505827, 3665770; 505827, 3665685; 505799, 3665685; 505799, 3665628; 505770, 3665628; 505770, 3665543; 505742, 3665543; 505742, 3665486; 505714, 3665486; 505714, 3665458; 505742, 3665458; 505742, 3665429; 505770, 3665429; 505770, 3665373; 505799, 3665373; 505799, 3665288; 505770, 3665288; 505770, 3665174; 505714, 3665174; 505714, 3665203; 505657, 3665203; 505657, 3665231; 505628, 3665231; 505628, 3665203; 505572, 3665203; 505572, 3665061; 505543, 3665061; 505543, 3665032; 505515, 3665032; 505515, 3664976; 505487, 3664976; 505487, 3664947; 505458, 3664947; 505458, 3664919; 505373, 3664919; 505373, 3664862; 505345, 3664862; 505345, 3664692; 505260, 3664692; 505260, 3664720; 505231, 3664720; 505203, 3664720; 505203, 3664692; 505146, 3664692; 505146, 3664607; 505118, 3664607; 505118, 3664522; 505061, 3664522; 505061, 3664550; 504891, 3664550; 504891, 3664493; 504862, 3664493; 504862, 3664465; 504834, 3664465; 504834, 3664437; 504806, 3664437; 504806, 3664408; 504777, 3664408; 504777, 3664351; 504749, 3664351; 504749, 3664323; 504692, 3664323; 504692, 3664238; 504664, 3664238; 504664, 3664210; 504636, 3664210; 504636, 3664096; 504579, 3664096; 504579, 3664068; 504409, 3664068; 504409, 3664039; 504323, 3664039; 504323, 3664011; 504267, 3664011; 504267, 3663954; 504238, 3663954; 504238, 3663869; 504267, 3663869; 504267, 3663841; 504295, 3663841; 504295, 3663784; 504267, 3663784; 504267, 3663756; 504238, 3663756; 504238, 3663727; 504210, 3663727; 504210, 3663642; 504238, 3663642; 504238, 3663500; 504210, 3663500; 504210, 3663387; 504182, 3663387; 504182, 3663359; 504210, 3663359; 504210, 3663302; 504267, 3663302; 504267, 3663330; 504352, 3663330; 504352, 3663273; 504323, 3663273; 504323, 3663217; 504295, 3663217; 504295, 3663188; 504267, 3663188; 504267, 3663160; 504238, 3663160; 504238, 3663075; 504210, 3663075; 504210, 3662990; 504238, 3662990; 504238, 3662933; 504267, 3662933; 504267, 3662820; 504238, 3662820; 504238, 3662763; 504210, 3662763; 504210, 3662734;

504182, 3662734; 504182, 3662621; 504153, 3662621; 504153, 3662507; 504125, 3662507; 504125, 3662422; 504096, 3662422; 504096, 3662366; 504068, 3662366; 504068, 3662337; 504040, 3662337; 504040, 3662167; 504068, 3662167; 504068, 3662139; 504096, 3662139; 504096, 3662082; 504125, 3662082; 504125, 3661940; 504153, 3661940; 504153, 3661883; 504210, 3661883; 504210, 3661855; 504295, 3661855; 504295, 3661883; 504352, 3661883; 504352, 3661912; 504380, 3661912; 504380, 3661940; 504522, 3661940; 504522, 3661968; 504579, 3661968; 504579, 3661940; 504607, 3661940; 504607, 3661883; 504692, 3661883; 504692, 3661912; 504721, 3661912; 504721, 3661940; 504834, 3661940; 504834, 3661912; 504919, 3661912; 504976, 3661912; 504976, 3661940; 505260, 3661940; 505260, 3661912; 505316, 3661912; 505316, 3661883; 505345, 3661883; 505345, 3661827; 505401, 3661827; 505401, 3661798; 505458, 3661798; 505458, 3661770; 505543, 3661770; 505543, 3661798; 505572, 3661798; 505572, 3661770; 505628, 3661770; 505628, 3661741; 505685, 3661741; 505685, 3661713; 505714, 3661713; 505714, 3661685; 505770, 3661685; 505770, 3661656; 505855, 3661656; 505855, 3661628; 505912, 3661628; 505912, 3661571; 505940, 3661571; 505940, 3661543; 505969, 3661543; 505969, 3661458; 505997, 3661458; 505997, 3661429; 506054, 3661429; 506054, 3661401; 506111, 3661401; 506111, 3661316; 506139, 3661316; 506139, 3661259; 506167, 3661259; 506167, 3661231; 506196, 3661231; 506196, 3661202; 506253, 3661202; 506253, 3661174; 506479, 3661174; 506479, 3661202; 506565, 3661202; 506565, 3661231; 506621, 3661231; 506621, 3661259; 506706, 3661259; 506706, 3661288; 506763, 3661288; 506763, 3661259; 506792, 3661259; 506792, 3661231; 506820, 3661231; 506820, 3661259; 506877, 3661259; 506877, 3661288; 506962, 3661288; 506962, 3661259; 507018, 3661259; 507018, 3661202; 507047, 3661202; 507047, 3661174; 507075, 3661174; 507075, 3661146; 507132, 3661146; 507132, 3661174; 507160, 3661174; 507359, 3661174; 507359, 3661146; 507416, 3661146; 507416, 3661117; 507444, 3661117; 507444, 3661089; 507472, 3661089; 507472, 3661061; 507501, 3661061; 507501, 3661004; 507529, 3661004; 507529, 3660947; 507558, 3660947; 507558, 3660834; 507529, 3660834; 507529, 3660805; 507558, 3660805; 507558, 3660777; 507643, 3660777; 507643, 3660805; 507699, 3660805; 507699, 3660862; 507728, 3660862; 507728, 3660919; 507756, 3660919; 507756, 3660976; 507813, 3660976; 507813, 3661004; 507870, 3661004; 507870, 3661032; 507898, 3661032; 507898, 3661061; 507926, 3661061; 507926, 3661032; 507955, 3661032; 507955, 3661004; 508040, 3661004; 508040, 3660976; 508097, 3660976; 508097, 3660947; 508125, 3660947; 508125, 3660919; 508238, 3660919; 508238, 3661089; 508267, 3661089; 508267, 3661146; 508295, 3661146; 508295, 3661174; 508323, 3661174; 508323, 3661202; 508380, 3661202; 508380, 3661231; 508437, 3661231; 508437, 3661202; 508465, 3661202; 508465, 3661174; 508494, 3661174; 508494, 3661202; 508522, 3661202; 508522, 3661231; 508579, 3661231; 508579, 3661259; 508636, 3661259; 508636, 3661288; 508692, 3661288; 508692, 3661316; 508806, 3661316; 508806, 3661288; 508891, 3661288; 508891, 3661259; 508919, 3661259; 508919, 3661231; 508976, 3661231; 508976, 3661259; 509004, 3661259; 509004, 3661288; 509061, 3661288; 509061, 3661316; 509203, 3661316; 509203, 3661288; 509231, 3661288; 509231, 3661231; 509260, 3661231; 509260, 3661202; 509288, 3661202; 509288, 3661174; 509316, 3661174; 509316, 3661146; 509345, 3661146; 509345, 3661117; 509458, 3661117; 509458, 3661089; 509487, 3661089; 509487, 3661458; 509515, 3661458; 509515, 3661628; 509487, 3661628; 509487, 3661656; 509458, 3661656; 509458, 3661713; 509430, 3661713; 509430, 3661770; 509458, 3661770; 509458, 3661883; 509600, 3661883; 509600, 3661912; 509628, 3661912; 509628, 3661968; 509600, 3661968; 509600, 3662025; 509572, 3662025; 509572, 3662082; 509543, 3662082; 509543, 3662110; 509600, 3662110; 509600, 3662139;

509628, 3662139; 509628, 3662281; 509657, 3662281; 509657, 3662394; 509685, 3662394; 509685, 3662451; 509714, 3662451; 509714, 3662507; 509742, 3662507; 509742, 3662621; 509770, 3662621; 509770, 3662678; 509799, 3662678; 509799, 3662734; 509855, 3662734; 509855, 3662763; 509884, 3662763; 509884, 3662848; 509855, 3662848; 509855, 3662876; 509827, 3662876; 509827, 3662905; 509799, 3662905; 509799, 3662933; 509770, 3662933; 509770, 3662990; 509742, 3662990; 509742, 3663132; 509770, 3663132; 509770, 3663188; 509799, 3663188; 509799, 3663359; 509770, 3663359; 509770, 3663415; 509742, 3663415; 509742, 3663444; 509770, 3663444; 509770, 3663500; 509742, 3663500; 509742, 3663529; 509714, 3663529; 509714, 3663557; 509742, 3663557; 509742, 3663614; 509714, 3663614; 509714, 3663642; 509657, 3663642; 509657, 3663727; 509628, 3663727; 509628, 3663756; 509657, 3663756; 509657, 3663784; 509742, 3663784; 509742, 3663841; 509714, 3663841; 509714, 3663898; 509742, 3663898; 509742, 3663954; 509685, 3663954; 509685, 3663983; 509657, 3663983; 509657, 3664011; 509685, 3664011; 509685, 3664039; 509657, 3664039; 509657, 3664096; 509628, 3664096; 509628, 3664153; 509600, 3664153; 509600, 3664181; 509628, 3664181; 509628, 3664323; 509600, 3664323; 509600, 3664408; 509628, 3664408; 509628, 3664465; 509657, 3664465; 509657, 3664493; 509628, 3664493; 509628, 3664607; 509600, 3664607; 509600, 3664749; 509572, 3664749; 509572, 3664862; 509543, 3664862; 509543, 3664919; 509572, 3664919; 509572, 3664976; 509600, 3664976; 509600, 3665032; 509628, 3665032; 509628, 3665089; 509657, 3665089; 509657, 3665146; 509685, 3665146; 509685, 3665174; 509742, 3665174; 509742, 3665146; 509770, 3665146; 509770, 3665061; 509799, 3665061; 509799, 3665004; 509827, 3665004; 509827, 3664976; 509855, 3664976; 509855, 3664919; 509912, 3664919; 509912, 3664834; 509941, 3664834; 509941, 3664749; 509969, 3664749; 509969, 3664664; 509997, 3664664; 509997, 3664635; 510026, 3664635; 510026, 3664607; 510054, 3664607; 510054, 3664550; 510082, 3664550; 510082, 3664522; 510111, 3664522; 510111, 3664493; 510139, 3664493; 510139, 3664351; 510111, 3664351; 510111, 3664295; 510082, 3664295; 510082, 3664266; 510054, 3664266; 510054, 3664210; 510026, 3664210; 510026, 3664096; 510054, 3664096; 510054, 3663869; 510082, 3663869; 510082, 3663756; 510111, 3663756; 510111, 3663727; 510139, 3663727; 510139, 3663756; 510196, 3663756; 510196, 3663585; 510224, 3663585; 510224, 3663557; 510111, 3663557; 510111, 3663585; 510054, 3663585; 510054, 3663529; 510026, 3663529; 510026, 3663500; 510054, 3663500; 510054, 3663415; 510026, 3663415; 510026, 3663387; 509997, 3663387; 509997, 3663330; 509969, 3663330; 509969, 3663302; 509941, 3663302; 509941, 3663188; 509912, 3663188; 509912, 3663075; 509941, 3663075; 509941, 3663018; 509969, 3663018; 509969, 3663046; 510054, 3663046; 510054, 3663075; 510082, 3663075; 510082, 3663103; 510111, 3663103; 510111, 3663132; 510196, 3663132; 510196, 3662990; 510167, 3662990; 510167, 3662876; 510139, 3662876; 510139, 3662820; 510111, 3662820; 510111, 3662734; 510082, 3662734; 510082, 3662621; 510054, 3662621; 510054, 3662507; 510026, 3662507; 510026, 3662479; 509997, 3662479; 509997, 3662451; 509969, 3662451; 509969, 3662422; 509941, 3662422; 509941, 3662394; 509855, 3662394; 509855, 3662337; 509827, 3662337; 509827, 3662309; 509799, 3662309; 509799, 3662281; 509827, 3662281; 509827, 3662252; 509855, 3662252; 509855, 3662224; 509884, 3662224; 509884, 3662167; 509912, 3662167; 509912, 3662110; 509884, 3662110; 509884, 3661940; 509855, 3661940; 509855, 3661912; 509827, 3661912; 509827, 3661855; 509799, 3661855; 509799, 3661770; 509770, 3661770; 509770, 3661685; 509742, 3661685; 509742, 3661628; 509714, 3661628; 509714, 3661600; 509742, 3661600; 509742, 3661515; 509799, 3661515; 509799, 3661486; 509827, 3661486; 509827, 3661429; 509855, 3661429; 509855, 3661373; 509912, 3661373; 509912, 3661344;

509941, 3661344; 509941, 3661515; 509969, 3661515; 509969, 3661600; 509997, 3661600; 509997, 3661656; 510026, 3661656; 510026, 3661685; 510054, 3661685; 510054, 3661713; 510082, 3661713; 510082, 3661685; 510167, 3661685; 510167, 3661713; 510394, 3661713; 510394, 3661741; 510423, 3661741; 510423, 3661798; 510451, 3661798; 510451, 3661827; 510480, 3661827; 510480, 3661855; 510508, 3661855; 510508, 3661827; 510565, 3661827; 510565, 3661855; 510621, 3661855; 510621, 3661883; 510650, 3661883; 510650, 3661912; 510706, 3661912; 510706, 3661855; 510763, 3661855; 510763, 3661827; 510848, 3661827; 510848, 3661855; 510877, 3661855; 510877, 3661912; 510905, 3661912; 510905, 3661940; 510962, 3661940; 510962, 3661968; 510990, 3661968; 510990, 3662110; 511019, 3662110; 511019, 3662139; 511047, 3662139; 511047, 3662167; 511104, 3662167; 511104, 3662195; 511132, 3662195; 511132, 3662224; 511160, 3662224; 511160, 3662281; 511189, 3662281; 511189, 3662366; 511217, 3662366; 511217, 3662422; 511245, 3662422; 511245, 3662451; 511274, 3662451; 511274, 3662507; 511302, 3662507; 511302, 3662536; 511359, 3662536; 511359, 3662621; 511331, 3662621; 511331, 3662649; 511387, 3662649; 511387, 3662678; 511501, 3662678; 511501, 3662593; 511558, 3662593; 511558, 3662621; 511643, 3662621; 511643, 3662649; 511699, 3662649; 511699, 3662678; 511728, 3662678; 511728, 3662734; 511898, 3662734; 511898, 3662763; 511955, 3662763; 511955, 3662791; 511983, 3662791; 511983, 3662820; 512011, 3662820; 512011, 3662848; 512040, 3662848; 512040, 3662933; 512068, 3662933; 512068, 3662961; 512125, 3662961; 512125, 3663018; 512153, 3663018; 512153, 3663132; 512182, 3663132; 512182, 3663188; 512210, 3663188; 512210, 3663217; 512238, 3663217; 512238, 3663273; 512352, 3663273; 512352, 3663245; 512465, 3663245; 512465, 3663273; 512550, 3663273; 512550, 3663302; 512607, 3663302; 512607, 3663330; 512806, 3663330; 512806, 3663359; 512891, 3663359; 512891, 3663330; 512948, 3663330; 512948, 3663302; 512976, 3663302; 512976, 3663273; 513033, 3663273; 513033, 3663217; 513061, 3663217; 513061, 3663188; 513089, 3663188; 513089, 3663160; 513203, 3663160; 513203, 3663245; 513231, 3663245; 513231, 3663273; 513203, 3663273; 513203, 3663614; 513288, 3663614; 513288, 3663841; 513345, 3663841; 513345, 3663898; 513373, 3663898; 513373, 3663954; 513345, 3663954; 513345, 3664011; 513288, 3664011; 513288, 3664124; 513316, 3664124; 513316, 3664210; 513345, 3664210; 513345, 3664238; 513316, 3664238; 513316, 3664351; 513288, 3664351; 513288, 3664380; 513316, 3664380; 513316, 3664408; 513345, 3664408; 513345, 3664493; 513316, 3664493; 513316, 3664522; 513373, 3664522; 513373, 3664550; 513402, 3664550; 513402, 3664635; 513430, 3664635; 513430, 3664805; 513402, 3664805; 513402, 3664834; 513430, 3664834; 513430, 3664862; 513487, 3664862; 513487, 3664834; 513515, 3664834; 513515, 3664862; 513543, 3664862; 513543, 3664947; 513515, 3664947; 513515, 3665004; 513543, 3665004; 513543, 3665032; 513572, 3665032; 513572, 3665117; 513543, 3665117; 513543, 3665146; 513487, 3665146; 513487, 3665174; 513430, 3665174; 513430, 3665231; 513373, 3665231; 513373, 3665259; 513345, 3665259; 513345, 3665316; 513316, 3665316; 513316, 3665344; 513288, 3665344; 513288, 3665401; 513345, 3665401; 513345, 3665458; 513373, 3665458; 513373, 3665486; 513345, 3665486; 513345, 3665515; 513316, 3665515; 513316, 3665543; 513260, 3665543; 513260, 3665600; 513288, 3665600; 513288, 3665628; 513316, 3665628; 513316, 3665656; 513345, 3665656; 513345, 3665742; 513316, 3665742; 513316, 3665883; 513288, 3665883; 513288, 3665912; 513260, 3665912; 513260, 3665968; 513231, 3665968; 513231, 3665997; 513260, 3665997; 513260, 3666110; 513288, 3666110; 513288, 3666167; 513316, 3666167; 513316, 3666224; 513316, 3666309; 513288, 3666309; 513288, 3666366; 513260, 3666366; 513260, 3666422; 513231, 3666422; 513231, 3666507; 513345, 3666507; 513345, 3666536;

513373, 3666536; 513373, 3666564; 513402, 3666564; 513402, 3666621; 513430, 3666621; 513430, 3666706; 513458, 3666706; 513458, 3666848; 513430, 3666848; 513430, 3666905; 513458, 3666905; 513458, 3666961; 513487, 3666961; 513487, 3666990; 513458, 3666990; 513458, 3667018; 513430, 3667018; 513430, 3667103; 513402, 3667103; 513402, 3667132; 513373, 3667132; 513373, 3667160; 513402, 3667160; 513402, 3667188; 513430, 3667188; 513430, 3667217; 513458, 3667217; 513458, 3667359; 513430, 3667359; 513430, 3667387; 513402, 3667387; 513402, 3667415; 513345, 3667415; 513345, 3667444; 513316, 3667444; 513316, 3667472; 513288, 3667472; 513288, 3667500; 513316, 3667500; 513316, 3667529; 513345, 3667529; 513345, 3667557; 513430, 3667557; 513430, 3667586; 513487, 3667586; 513487, 3667614; 513515, 3667614; 513515, 3667699; 513628, 3667699; 513628, 3667784; 513657, 3667784; 513657, 3667812; 513742, 3667812; 513742, 3667841; 513714, 3667841; 513714, 3667869; 513742, 3667869; 513742, 3667898; 513714, 3667898; 513714, 3667926; 513657, 3667926; 513657, 3667983; 513628, 3667983; 513628, 3668011; 513600, 3668011; 513600, 3668039; 513600, 3668096; 513714, 3668096; 513714, 3668125; 513742, 3668125; 513742, 3668210; 513714, 3668210; 513714, 3668295; 513685, 3668295; 513685, 3668323; 513628, 3668323; 513628, 3668380; 513600, 3668380; 513600, 3668408; 513572, 3668408; 513572, 3668437; 513543, 3668437; 513543, 3668465; 513458, 3668465; 513458, 3668493; 513430, 3668493; 513430, 3668522; 513402, 3668522; 513402, 3668550; 513373, 3668550; 513373, 3668578; 513345, 3668578; 513345, 3668607; 513316, 3668607; 513316, 3668635; 513345, 3668635; 513345, 3668692; 513316, 3668692; 513316, 3668720; 513231, 3668720; 513231, 3668749; 513203, 3668749; 513203, 3668777; 513033, 3668777; 513033, 3668890; 513004, 3668890; 513004, 3668919; 512976, 3668919; 512976, 3668947; 512948, 3668947; 512948, 3669146; 512976, 3669146; 512976, 3669203; 512948, 3669203; 512948, 3669373; 512976, 3669373; 512976, 3669429; 513004, 3669429; 513004, 3669543; 512976, 3669543; 512976, 3669571; 512919, 3669571; 512919, 3669543; 512891, 3669543; 512891, 3669600; 512863, 3669600; 512863, 3669628; 512834, 3669628; 512834, 3669656; 512749, 3669656; 512749, 3669685; 512664, 3669685; 512664, 3669713; 512692, 3669713; 512692, 3669742; 512721, 3669742; 512721, 3669770; 512777, 3669770; 512777, 3669798; 512834, 3669798; 512834, 3669883; 512863, 3669883; 512863, 3669912; 512891, 3669912; 512891, 3669940; 512948, 3669940; 512948, 3669997; 513033, 3669997; 513033, 3670110; 513061, 3670110; 513061, 3670139; 513118, 3670139; 513118, 3670167; 513146, 3670167; 513146, 3670252; 513175, 3670252; 513175, 3670309; 513146, 3670309; 513146, 3670394; 513231, 3670394; 513231, 3670422; 513260, 3670422; 513260, 3670479; 513316, 3670479; 513316, 3670508; 513345, 3670508; 513345, 3670536; 513373, 3670536; 513373, 3670564; 513402, 3670564; 513402, 3670593; 513430, 3670593; 513430, 3670621; 513458, 3670621; 513458, 3670649; 513487, 3670649; 513487, 3670678; 513515, 3670678; 513515, 3670706; 513572, 3670706; 513572, 3670734; 513600, 3670734; 513600, 3670763; 513628, 3670763; 513628, 3670820; 513714, 3670820; 513714, 3670848; 513742, 3670848; 513742, 3670876; 513799, 3670876; 513799, 3670905; 513855, 3670905; 513855, 3670933; 513884, 3670933; 513884, 3670961; 513941, 3670961; 513941, 3670990; 514026, 3670990; 514026, 3671018; 514111, 3671018; 514111, 3670990; 514139, 3670990; 514139, 3670876; 514167, 3670876; 514167, 3670763; 514139, 3670763; 514139, 3670706; 514111, 3670706; 514111, 3670649; 514082, 3670649; 514082, 3670593; 514054, 3670593; 514054, 3670479; 514026, 3670479; 514026, 3670394; 513997, 3670394; 513997, 3670224; 513969, 3670224; 513969, 3670110; 513997, 3670110; 513997, 3669969; 513969, 3669969; 513969, 3669770; 513941, 3669770; 513941, 3669713; 513912, 3669713; 513912, 3669685; 513941, 3669685; 513941, 3669628; 513941, 3669600;

513912, 3669600; 513912, 3669486; 513941, 3669486; 513941, 3669401; 513969, 3669401; 513969, 3669231; 513941, 3669231; 513941, 3669203; 513969, 3669203; 513969, 3669061; 513997, 3669061; 513997, 3669032; 513969, 3669032; 513969, 3668947; 513941, 3668947; 513941, 3668919; 513969, 3668919; 513969, 3668890; 513997, 3668890; 513997, 3668862; 514026, 3668862; 514026, 3668720; 514054, 3668720; 514054, 3668692; 514111, 3668692; 514111, 3668664; 514139, 3668664; 514139, 3668635; 514167, 3668635; 514167, 3668607; 514196, 3668607; 514196, 3668550; 514224, 3668550; 514224, 3668522; 514253, 3668522; 514253, 3668493; 514281, 3668493; 514281, 3668465; 514338, 3668465; 514338, 3668493; 514508, 3668493; 514508, 3668522; 514678, 3668522; 514678, 3668437; 514650, 3668437; 514650, 3668380; 514621, 3668380; 514621, 3668125; 514593, 3668125; 514593, 3667983; 514394, 3667983; 514394, 3667954; 514366, 3667954; 514366, 3667926; 514338, 3667926; 514338, 3667699; 514366, 3667699; 514366, 3667671; 514394, 3667671; 514394, 3667642; 514423, 3667642; 514423, 3667614; 514451, 3667614; 514451, 3667557; 514480, 3667557; 514480, 3667387; 514451, 3667387; 514451, 3667302; 514423, 3667302; 514423, 3667273; 514366, 3667273; 514366, 3667217; 514338, 3667217; 514338, 3667188; 514281, 3667188; 514281, 3667160; 514167, 3667160; 514167, 3667132; 514139, 3667132; 514139, 3667075; 514167, 3667075; 514167, 3666905; 514196, 3666905; 514196, 3666791; 514167, 3666791; 514167, 3666734; 514196, 3666734; 514196, 3666678; 514111, 3666678; 514111, 3666649; 514082, 3666649; 514082, 3666621; 514054, 3666621; 514054, 3666536; 513884, 3666536; 513884, 3666507; 513855, 3666507; 513855, 3666451; 513827, 3666451; 513827, 3666337; 513855, 3666337; 513855, 3666309; 513912, 3666309; 513912, 3666337; 513969, 3666337; 513969, 3666366; 514054, 3666366; 514054, 3666252; 514026, 3666252; 514026, 3666195; 514054, 3666195; 514054, 3666167; 514082, 3666167; 514082, 3666110; 514054, 3666110; 514054, 3666082; 514026, 3666082; 514026, 3666054; 513969, 3666054; 513969, 3666025; 513912, 3666025; 513912, 3665997; 513884, 3665997; 513884, 3665940; 513912, 3665940; 513912, 3665855; 513855, 3665855; 513855, 3665827; 513827, 3665827; 513827, 3665742; 513855, 3665742; 513855, 3665713; 513884, 3665713; 513884, 3665685; 513912, 3665685; 513912, 3665656; 513941, 3665656; 513941, 3665515; 513997, 3665515; 513997, 3665486; 514111, 3665486; 514111, 3665458; 514139, 3665458; 514139, 3665373; 514111, 3665373; 514111, 3665316; 514082, 3665316; 514082, 3665089; 514054, 3665089; 514054, 3664976; 514082, 3664976; 514082, 3664947; 514054, 3664947; 514054, 3664862; 514082, 3664862; 514082, 3664805; 514111, 3664805; 514111, 3664749; 514139, 3664749; 514139, 3664720; 514167, 3664720; 514167, 3664692; 514196, 3664692; 514196, 3664607; 514253, 3664607; 514253, 3664578; 514309, 3664578; 514309, 3664607; 514423, 3664607; 514423, 3664578; 514480, 3664578; 514480, 3664522; 514536, 3664522; 514536, 3664493; 514593, 3664493; 514593, 3664522; 514650, 3664522; 514650, 3664550; 514678, 3664550; 514678, 3664607; 514706, 3664607; 514706, 3664635; 514735, 3664635; 514735, 3664664; 514792, 3664664; 514792, 3664692; 514820, 3664692; 514820, 3664749; 514848, 3664749; 514848, 3664777; 514877, 3664777; 514877, 3664805; 514905, 3664805; 514905, 3664834; 514933, 3664834; 514933, 3664862; 514990, 3664862; 514990, 3664890; 515019, 3664890; 515019, 3664919; 515047, 3664919; 515047, 3664947; 515075, 3664947; 515075, 3665004; 515104, 3665004; 515104, 3665117; 515189, 3665117; 515189, 3665146; 515217, 3665146; 515217, 3665174; 515274, 3665174; 515274, 3665203; 515302, 3665203; 515302, 3665231; 515387, 3665231; 515387, 3665203; 515444, 3665203; 515444, 3665174; 515501, 3665174; 515501, 3665146; 515558, 3665146; 515558, 3665117; 515586, 3665117; 515586, 3665089; 515643, 3665089; 515643, 3665061; 515699, 3665061; 515699, 3665032; 515671, 3665032; 515671, 3665004; 515529, 3665004;

515529, 3664976; 515416, 3664976; 515416, 3664947; 515359, 3664947; 515359, 3664919; 515302, 3664919; 515302, 3664890; 515246, 3664890; 515246, 3664862; 515189, 3664862; 515189, 3664834; 515132, 3664834; 515132, 3664805; 515104, 3664805; 515104, 3664777; 515075, 3664777; 515075, 3664749; 515047, 3664749; 515047, 3664720; 515019, 3664720; 515019, 3664692; 514962, 3664692; 514962, 3664664; 514933, 3664664; 514933, 3664578; 514877, 3664578; 514877, 3664550; 514848, 3664550; 514848, 3664522; 514820, 3664522; 514820, 3664493; 514792, 3664493; 514792, 3664437; 514763, 3664437; 514763, 3664408; 514706, 3664408; 514706, 3664380; 514678, 3664380; 514678, 3664351; 514650, 3664351; 514650, 3664323; 514621, 3664323; 514621, 3664295; 514593, 3664295; 514593, 3664266; 514536, 3664266; 514536, 3664238; 514423, 3664238; 514423, 3664266; 514366, 3664266; 514366, 3664295; 514224, 3664295; 514224, 3664323; 514054, 3664323; 514054, 3664266; 514026, 3664266; 514026, 3664238; 513997, 3664238; 513997, 3664210; 513941, 3664210; 513941, 3664238; 513912, 3664238; 513912, 3664210; 513799, 3664210; 513799, 3664181; 513770, 3664181; 513770, 3664039; 513742, 3664039; 513742, 3663869; 513714, 3663869; 513714, 3663699; 513685, 3663699; 513685, 3663614; 513714, 3663614; 513714, 3663529; 513742, 3663529; 513742, 3663472; 513714, 3663472; 513714, 3663415; 513685, 3663415; 513685, 3663359; 513657, 3663359; 513657, 3663330; 513685, 3663330; 513685, 3663273; 513657, 3663273; 513657, 3663245; 513714, 3663245; 513714, 3663217; 513742, 3663217; 513855, 3663217; 513855, 3663245; 513884, 3663245; 513884, 3663217; 513912, 3663217; 513912, 3663188; 513969, 3663188; 513969, 3663132; 513941, 3663132; 513941, 3663103; 513912, 3663103; 513912, 3663075; 513855, 3663075; 513855, 3663046; 513827, 3663046; 513827, 3663018; 513770, 3663018; 513770, 3662990; 513714, 3662990; 513714, 3662961; 513685, 3662961; 513685, 3662933; 513657, 3662933; 513657, 3662905; 513600, 3662905; 513600, 3662876; 513572, 3662876; 513572, 3662848; 513543, 3662848; 513543, 3662820; 513515, 3662820; 513515, 3662791; 513458, 3662791; 513458, 3662706; 513316, 3662706; 513316, 3662649; 513288, 3662649; 513288, 3662621; 513260, 3662621; 513260, 3662593; 513231, 3662593; 513231, 3662649; 513203, 3662649; 513203, 3662734; 513175, 3662734; 513175, 3662791; 513146, 3662791; 513146, 3662848; 513118, 3662848; 513118, 3662876; 513089, 3662876; 513089, 3662905; 513033, 3662905; 513033, 3662933; 513004, 3662933; 513004, 3662961; 512976, 3662961; 512976, 3662990; 512919, 3662990; 512919, 3663018; 512863, 3663018; 512863, 3663046; 512806, 3663046; 512806, 3663075; 512721, 3663075; 512721, 3663018; 512579, 3663018; 512579, 3663046; 512409, 3663046; 512409, 3663018; 512323, 3663018; 512323, 3662933; 512295, 3662933; 512295, 3662820; 512267, 3662820; 512267, 3662791; 512238, 3662791; 512238, 3662763; 512182, 3662763; 512182, 3662649; 512097, 3662649; 512097, 3662621; 512068, 3662621; 512068, 3662593; 512040, 3662593; 512040, 3662564; 511983, 3662564; 511983, 3662536; 511926, 3662536; 511926, 3662564; 511813, 3662564; 511813, 3662536; 511756, 3662536; 511756, 3662507; 511699, 3662507; 511699, 3662479; 511671, 3662479; 511671, 3662451; 511643, 3662451; 511643, 3662422; 511614, 3662422; 511614, 3662394; 511586, 3662394; 511586, 3662366; 511501, 3662366; 511501, 3662337; 511444, 3662337; 511444, 3662281; 511416, 3662281; 511416, 3662224; 511387, 3662224; 511387, 3662195; 511359, 3662195; 511359, 3662139; 511331, 3662139; 511331, 3662110; 511302, 3662110; 511302, 3662082; 511245, 3662082; 511245, 3662054; 511217, 3662054; 511217, 3662025; 511189, 3662025; 511189, 3661997; 511160, 3661997; 511160, 3661968; 511132, 3661968; 511132, 3661912; 511104, 3661912; 511104, 3661855; 511075, 3661855; 511075, 3661827; 511047, 3661827; 511047, 3661770; 510990, 3661770; 510990, 3661741; 510962, 3661741; 510962, 3661713; 510848, 3661713; 510848, 3661685; 510792, 3661685; 510792, 3661656; 510735, 3661656; 510735, 3661628; 510706, 3661628; 510706, 3661656; 510536, 3661656; 510536, 3661628; 510480, 3661628; 510480, 3661600; 510451, 3661600; 510451, 3661571; 510394, 3661571; 510394, 3661543; 510253, 3661543; 510253, 3661515; 510111, 3661515; 510111, 3661486; 510082, 3661486; 510082, 3661429; 510111, 3661429; 510111, 3661373; 510139, 3661373; 510139, 3661316; 510111, 3661316; 510111, 3661259; 510082, 3661259; 510082, 3661231; 510054, 3661231; 510054, 3661202; 509969, 3661202; 509969, 3661174; 509855, 3661174; 509855, 3661202; 509799, 3661202; 509799, 3661231; 509770, 3661231; 509770, 3661259; 509742, 3661259; 509742, 3661288; 509657, 3661288; 509657, 3661282; 509657, 3661259; 509657, 3661202; 509685, 3661202; 509685, 3661117; 509657, 3661117; 509657, 3661032; 509628, 3661032; 509628, 3660947; 509401, 3660947; 509401, 3660976; 509260, 3660976; 509260, 3661004; 509175, 3661004; 509175, 3661032; 509118, 3661032; 509118, 3661004; 509089, 3661004; 509089, 3661032; 509061, 3661032; 509061, 3661089; 509033, 3661089; 509033, 3661117; 509004, 3661117; 509004, 3661089; 508919, 3661089; 508919, 3661117; 508834, 3661117; 508834, 3661146; 508806, 3661146; 508806, 3661174; 508749, 3661174; 508749, 3661146; 508692, 3661146; 508692, 3661117; 508636, 3661117; 508636, 3661061; 508607, 3661061; 508607, 3661032; 508550, 3661032; 508550, 3661004; 508437, 3661004; 508437, 3660976; 508409, 3660976; 508409, 3660947; 508380, 3660947; 508380, 3660890; 508352, 3660890; 508352, 3660862; 508323, 3660862; 508323, 3660805; 508295, 3660805; 508295, 3660777; 508097, 3660777; 508097, 3660805; 508011, 3660805; 508011, 3660834; 507926, 3660834; 507926, 3660805; 507841, 3660805; 507841, 3660777; 507813, 3660777; 507813, 3660749; 507784, 3660749; 507784, 3660720; 507756, 3660720; 507756, 3660692; 507728, 3660692; 507728, 3660663; 507699, 3660663; 507699, 3660635; 507671, 3660635; 507671, 3660607; 507643, 3660607; 507643, 3660578; 507586, 3660578; 507586, 3660550; 507472, 3660550; 507472, 3660578; 507444, 3660578; 507444, 3660607; 507416, 3660607; 507416, 3660635; 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506111, 3657146; 506139, 3657146; 506139, 3657117; 506167, 3657117; 506167, 3657089; 506451, 3657089; 506451, 3657061; 506479, 3657061; 506479, 3657032; 506508, 3657032; 506508, 3657004; 506536, 3657004; 506536, 3656947; 506593, 3656947; 506593, 3656862; 506565, 3656862; 506565, 3656607; 506536, 3656607; 506536, 3656465; 506565, 3656465; 506565, 3656436; 506621, 3656436; 506621, 3656408; 506650, 3656408; 506650, 3656380; 506706, 3656380; 506706, 3656351; 506735, 3656351; 506735, 3656323; 506763, 3656323; 506763, 3656295; 506792, 3656295; 506792, 3656266; 506820, 3656266; 506820, 3656238; 506877, 3656238; 506877, 3656210; 506905, 3656210; 506905, 3656181; 506933, 3656181; 506933, 3656153; 506990, 3656153; 506990, 3656124; 507018, 3656124; 507018, 3656096; 507047, 3656096; 507047, 3656068; 507075, 3656068; 507075, 3656039; 507104, 3656039; 507104, 3656011; 507132, 3656011; 507132, 3655983; 507189, 3655983; 507189, 3656011; 507699, 3656011; 507699, 3656039; 507784, 3656039; 507784, 3656068; 507841, 3656068; 507841, 3656096; 507898, 3656096; 507898, 3656124; 508011, 3656124; 508011, 3656153; 508153, 3656153; 508153, 3656181; 508380, 3656181; 508380, 3656210; 508494, 3656210; 508494, 3656238; 508579, 3656238; 508579, 3656266; 508749, 3656266; 508749, 3656295; 509458, 3656295; 509458, 3656266; 509572, 3656266; 509572, 3656238; 509589, 3656238; 509589, 3656234; 509593, 3655775; 510336, 3655774; 510338, 3655774; 510338, 3655756; 510366, 3655756; 510366, 3655727; 510394, 3655727; 510394, 3655671; 510423, 3655671; 510423, 3655642; 510451, 3655642; 510451, 3655614; 510480, 3655614; 510480, 3655557; 510508, 3655557; 510508, 3655500; 510536, 3655500; 510536, 3655452; 510494, 3655449; 510368, 3655428; 510281, 3655417; 510208, 3655382; 510156, 3655340; 510121, 3655299; 510086, 3655243; 510013, 3655177; 509901, 3655103; 509786, 3655068; 509716, 3655030; 509632, 3654974; 509549, 3654939; 509483, 3654887; 509210, 3654688; 509235, 3653886; 509305, 3653813; 509367, 3653778; 509448, 3653785; 509514, 3653813; 509580, 3653806; 509657, 3653781; 509776, 3653767; 509929, 3653774; 510041, 3653760; 510048, 3653571; 510026, 3653571; 510026, 3653543; 509969, 3653543; 509969, 3653514; 509941, 3653514; 509941, 3653486; 509884, 3653486; 509884, 3653458; 509799, 3653458; 509799, 3653429; 509742, 3653429; 509742, 3653401; 509685, 3653401; 509685, 3653373; 509572, 3653373; 509572, 3653344; 509458, 3653344; 509458, 3653316; 509288, 3653316; 509288, 3653288; 509203, 3653288; 509203, 3653259; 509146, 3653259; 509146, 3653231; 509061, 3653231; 509061, 3653202; 509033, 3653202; 509033, 3653174; 509004, 3653174; 509004, 3653146; 508976, 3653146; 508976, 3653117; 508919, 3653117; 508919, 3653174; 508948, 3653174; 508948, 3653231; 508976, 3653231; 508976, 3653259; 509004, 3653259; 509004, 3653401; 508976, 3653401; 508976, 3653429; 508891, 3653429; 508891, 3653401; 508834, 3653401; 508834, 3653373; 508607, 3653373; 508607, 3653316; 508579, 3653316; 508579, 3653288; 508465, 3653288; 508465, 3653259; 508437, 3653259; 508437, 3653146; 508465, 3653146; 508465, 3653117; 508494, 3653117; 508494, 3653089; 508550, 3653089; 508550, 3653061; 508607, 3653061; 508607, 3653032; 508636, 3653032; 508636, 3653004; 508664, 3653004; 508664, 3652975; 508636, 3652975; 508636, 3652947; 508579, 3652947; 508579, 3652919; 508494, 3652919; 508494, 3652890; 508409, 3652890; 508409, 3652862; 508323, 3652862; 508323, 3652834; 508210, 3652834; 508210, 3652947; 508182, 3652947; 508182, 3652975; 508153, 3652975; 508153, 3653004; 508125, 3653004; 508125, 3653032; 508068, 3653032; 508068, 3653061; 507983, 3653061; 507983, 3653089; 507756, 3653089; 507756, 3653061; 507699, 3653061; 507699, 3653032; 507614, 3653032; 507614, 3653004; 507558, 3653004; 507558, 3653061; 507586, 3653061; 507586, 3653089; 507529, 3653089; 507529, 3653061; 507501, 3653061; 507501, 3653032; 507444, 3653032; 507444, 3653089; 507416, 3653089;

507416, 3653117; 507387, 3653117; 507387, 3653174; 507331, 3653174; 507331, 3653202; 507274, 3653202; 507274, 3653231; 507189, 3653231; 507189, 3653259; 507160, 3653259; 507160, 3653288; 507104, 3653288; 507104, 3653344; 507075, 3653344; 507075, 3653373; 506933, 3653373; 506933, 3653344; 506848, 3653344; 506848, 3653316; 506792, 3653316; 506792, 3653486; 506763, 3653486; 506763, 3653514; 506593, 3653514; 506593, 3653458; 506565, 3653458; 506565, 3653316; 506536, 3653316; 506536, 3653288; 506451, 3653288; 506451, 3653344; 506423, 3653344; 506423, 3653373; 506366, 3653373; 506366, 3653429; 506338, 3653429; 506338, 3653486; 506309, 3653486; 506309, 3653514; 506253, 3653514; 506253, 3653543; 506196, 3653543; 506196, 3653628; 506139, 3653628; 506139, 3653656; 506111, 3653656; 506111, 3653628; 506082, 3653628; 506082, 3653600; 506054, 3653600; 506054, 3653514; 506026, 3653514; 506026, 3653543; 505969, 3653543; 505969, 3653571; 505940, 3653571; 505940, 3653600; 505912, 3653600; 505912, 3653628; 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502820, 3658649; 502792, 3658649; 502792, 3658678; 502735, 3658678; 502735, 3658649; 502565, 3658649; 502565, 3658621; 502536, 3658621; 502536, 3658649; 502508, 3658649; 502508, 3658678; 502479, 3658678; 502479, 3658706; 502451, 3658706; 502451, 3658734; 502423, 3658734; 502423, 3658791; 502394, 3658791; 502394, 3658819; 502338, 3658819; 502338, 3658791; 502167, 3658791; 502167, 3658933; 502196, 3658933; 502196, 3659075; 502139, 3659075; 502139, 3659132; 502111, 3659132; 502111, 3659217; 502082, 3659217; 502082, 3659245; 502054, 3659245; 502054, 3659273; 501940, 3659273; 501940, 3659330; 501912, 3659330; 501912, 3659359; 501884, 3659359; 501884, 3659387; 501855, 3659387; 501855, 3659388; 501855, 3659415; 501827, 3659415; 501827, 3659444; 501799, 3659444; 501799, 3659472; 501770, 3659472; 501770, 3659500; 501742, 3659500; 501742, 3659529; 501685, 3659529; 501685, 3659557; 501657, 3659557; 501657, 3659585; 501572, 3659585; 501572, 3659614; 501515, 3659614; 501515, 3659642; 501458, 3659642; 501458, 3659671; 501401, 3659671; 501401, 3659699; 501345, 3659699; 501345, 3659727; 501316, 3659727; 501316, 3659756; 501260, 3659756; 501260, 3659784; 501089, 3659784; 501089, 3659756; 500749, 3659756; 500749, 3659727; 500635, 3659727; 500635, 3659699; 500522, 3659699; 500522, 3659671; 500437, 3659671; 500437, 3659642; 500238, 3659642; 500238, 3659614; 500040, 3659614; 500040, 3659642; 499983, 3659642; 499983, 3659614; 499870, 3659614; 499870, 3659585; 499841, 3659585; 499841, 3659614; 499813, 3659614; 499813, 3659585; 499529, 3659585; 499529, 3659557; 499472, 3659557; 499472, 3659585; 499444, 3659585; 499444, 3659614; 499387, 3659614; 499387, 3659642; 499359, 3659642; 499359, 3659671; 499274, 3659671; 499274, 3659699; 499217, 3659699; 499217, 3659727; 499132, 3659727; 499132, 3659756;

499104, 3659756; 499104, 3659784; 499047, 3659784; 499047, 3659812; 499018, 3659812; 499018, 3659841; 498962, 3659841; 498962, 3659869; 498877, 3659869; 498877, 3659898; 498848, 3659898; 498848, 3659926; 498820, 3659926; 498820, 3659954; 498791, 3659954; 498791, 3660011; 498763, 3660011; 498763, 3660068; 498735, 3660068; 498735, 3660124; 498706, 3660124; 498706, 3660153; 498678, 3660153; 498678, 3660210; 498650, 3660210; 498650, 3660238; 498621, 3660238; 498621, 3660266; 498565, 3660266; 498565, 3660323; 498536, 3660323; 498536, 3660380; 498508, 3660380; 498508, 3660408; 498451, 3660408; 498451, 3660437; 498423, 3660437; 498423, 3660465; 498366, 3660465; 498366, 3660493; 498338, 3660493; 498338, 3660522; 498224, 3660522; 498224, 3660493; 498196, 3660493; 498196, 3660380; 498167, 3660380; 498167, 3660351; 498111, 3660351; 498111, 3660323; 498054, 3660323; 498054, 3660295; 498026, 3660295; 498026, 3660210; 497997, 3660210; 497997, 3660153; 497940, 3660153; 497940, 3660124; 497884, 3660124; 497884, 3660096; 497827, 3660096; 497827, 3660068; 497770, 3660068; 497770, 3660039; 497685, 3660039; 497685, 3660011; 497572, 3660011; 497572, 3659983; 497515, 3659983; 497515, 3659954; 497487, 3659954; 497487, 3659898; 497458, 3659898; 497458, 3659841; 497430, 3659841; 497430, 3659784; 497401, 3659784; 497401, 3659557; 497430, 3659557; 497430, 3659529; 497458, 3659529; 497458, 3659472; 497430, 3659472; 497430, 3659330; 497458, 3659330; 497458, 3659245; 497430, 3659245; 497430, 3659217; 497373, 3659217; 497373, 3659188; 497288, 3659188; 497288, 3659160; 497231, 3659160; 497231, 3659132; 497203, 3659132; 497203, 3659075; 497174, 3659075; 497174, 3659018; 497146, 3659018; 497146, 3658933; 497174, 3658933; 497174, 3658678; 497203, 3658678; 497203, 3658593; 497231, 3658593; 497231, 3658479; 497203, 3658479; 497203, 3658422; 497231, 3658422; 497231, 3658366; 497288, 3658366; 497288, 3658309; 497316, 3658309; 497316, 3658252; 497430, 3658252; 497430, 3658280; 497515, 3658280; 497515, 3658252; 497600, 3658252; 497600, 3658224; 497657, 3658224; 497657, 3658195; 497685, 3658195; 497685, 3658167; 497713, 3658167; 497713, 3658139; 497742, 3658139; 497742, 3658110; 497747, 3658110; 497770, 3658110; 497827, 3658110; 497827, 3658139; 497940, 3658139; 497940, 3658110; 497969, 3658110; 497969, 3658025; 497997, 3658025; 497997, 3657997; 497969, 3657997; 497969, 3657968; 497912, 3657968; 497912, 3657912; 497855, 3657912; 497855, 3657883; 497838, 3657883; 497838, 3657921; 497822, 3657905; 497790, 3657927; 497719, 3657924; 497707, 3657911; 497713, 3657882; 497722, 3657829; 497739, 3657803; 497742, 3657799; 497714, 3657779; 497696, 3657777; 497650, 3657771; 497602, 3657734; 497573, 3657685; 497572, 3657685; 497572, 3657683; 497569, 3657678; 497571, 3657661; 497554, 3657666; 497538, 3657656; 497525, 3657649; 497540, 3657637; 497541, 3657637; 497516, 3657626; 497493, 3657652; 497440, 3657615; 497421, 3657592; 497414, 3657583; 497381, 3657575; 497371, 3657575; 497342, 3657575; 497235, 3657445; 497235, 3657429; 497231, 3657429; 497231, 3657411; 497209, 3657388; 497191, 3657370; 497192, 3657335; 497203, 3657323; 497203, 3657316; 497174, 3657316; 497174, 3657274; 497174, 3657273; 497174, 3657273; 497174, 3657242; 497174, 3657242; 497174, 3657242; 497174, 3657089; 497146, 3657089; 497146, 3657068; 497128, 3657061; 497089, 3657061; 497089, 3657089; 497062, 3657089; 497061, 3657090; 497061, 3657117; 497049, 3657117; 497046, 3657125; 497037, 3657129; 497038, 3657150; 497033, 3657162; 497033, 3657174; 497028, 3657174; 497017, 3657199; 496997, 3657229; 496964, 3657236; 496958, 3657235; 496924, 3657231; 496897, 3657231; 496895, 3657235; 496874, 3657266; 496855, 3657278; 496824, 3657273; 496810, 3657266; 496796, 3657259; 496777, 3657259; 496777, 3657247; 496771, 3657243; 496756, 3657231; 496749, 3657231; 496721, 3657231; 496721, 3657214; 496711, 3657212; 496695, 3657202; 496692, 3657202;

496692, 3657201; 496690, 3657199; 496680, 3657174; 496664, 3657174; 496664, 3657061; 496692, 3657061; 496692, 3657032; 496664, 3657032; 496664, 3657004; 496635, 3657004; 496635, 3656976; 496607, 3656976; 496607, 3656933; 496597, 3656922; 496596, 3656919; 496579, 3656919; 496579, 3656890; 496550, 3656890; 496550, 3656840; 496537, 3656840; 496476, 3656837; 496470, 3656834; 496437, 3656834; 496437, 3656806; 496436, 3656805; 496408, 3656805; 496408, 3656465; 496380, 3656465; 496380, 3656351; 496352, 3656351; 496352, 3656266; 496323, 3656266; 496323, 3656238; 496295, 3656238; 496295, 3656181; 496267, 3656181; 496267, 3656167; 496168, 3656167; 496167, 3656167; 496163, 3656158; 496146, 3656123; 496139, 3656126; 496092, 3656081; 496080, 3656067; 496072, 3656021; 496067, 3656011; 495898, 3656011; 495898, 3656068; 495869, 3656068; 495869, 3656124; 495841, 3656124; 495841, 3656181; 495813, 3656181; 495813, 3656295; 495841, 3656295; 495841, 3656323; 495869, 3656323; 495869, 3656295; 495926, 3656295; 495926, 3656323; 495955, 3656323; 495955, 3656351; 495983, 3656351; 495983, 3656436; 495955, 3656436; 495955, 3656465; 495955, 3656550; 495983, 3656550; 495983, 3656607; 495926, 3656607; 495926, 3656663; 495898, 3656663; 495898, 3656692; 495869, 3656692; 495869, 3656777; 495841, 3656777; 495841, 3656805; 495813, 3656805; 495813, 3656834; 495756, 3656834; 495756, 3656862; 495728, 3656862; 495728, 3656890; 495671, 3656890; 495671, 3656919; 495586, 3656919; 495586, 3656947; 495472, 3656947; 495472, 3656919; 495274, 3656919; 495274, 3656890; 495189, 3656890; 495189, 3656919; 495104, 3656919; 495104, 3656947; 495075, 3656947; 495075, 3656976; 494990, 3656976; 494990, 3657004; 494933, 3657004; 494933, 3657032; 494848, 3657032; 494848, 3657061; 494706, 3657061; 494706, 3657089; 494678, 3657089; 494678, 3657117; 494650, 3657117; 494650, 3657146; 494536, 3657146; 494536, 3657061; 494508, 3657061; 494508, 3657032; 494479, 3657032; 494479, 3657004; 494451, 3657004; 494451, 3656947; 494394, 3656947; 494394, 3657202; 494366, 3657202; 494366, 3657288; 494394, 3657288; 494394, 3657543; 494423, 3657543; 494423, 3657656; 494451, 3657656; 494451, 3657741; 494479, 3657741; 494479, 3657827; 494508, 3657827; 494508, 3657883; 494536, 3657883; 494536, 3657940; 494565, 3657940; 494565, 3657997; 494593, 3657997; 494593, 3658054; 494621, 3658054; 494621, 3658082; 494650, 3658082; 494650, 3658110; 494678, 3658110; 494678, 3658139; 494706, 3658139; 494706, 3658082; 494877, 3658082; 494877, 3658054; 494905, 3658054; 494905, 3658025; 494877, 3658025; 494877, 3657912; 494848, 3657912; 494848, 3657883; 494877, 3657883; 494877, 3657827; 494905, 3657827; 494905, 3657798; 494962, 3657798; 494962, 3657770; 495104, 3657770; 495104, 3657798; 495132, 3657798; 495132, 3657827; 495160, 3657827; 495160, 3657883; 495217, 3657883; 495217, 3657855; 495245, 3657855; 495245, 3657827; 495444, 3657827; 495444, 3657855; 495643, 3657855; 495643, 3657883; 495699, 3657883; 495699, 3657855; 495841, 3657855; 495841, 3657883; 495869, 3657883; 495869, 3657912; 495926, 3657912; 495926, 3657940; 495983, 3657940; 495983, 3657997; 496011, 3657997; 496011, 3658082; 496210, 3658082; 496210, 3658110; 496238, 3658110; 496238, 3658167; 496267, 3658167; 496267, 3658195; 496295, 3658195; 496295, 3658224; 496323, 3658224; 496323, 3658252; 496352, 3658252; 496352, 3658280; 496380, 3658280; 496380, 3658337; 496408, 3658337; 496408, 3658422; 496437, 3658422; 496437, 3658507; 496408, 3658507; 496408, 3658536; 496323, 3658536; 496323, 3658564; 496295, 3658564; 496295, 3658593; 496323, 3658593; 496323, 3658678; 496267, 3658678; 496267, 3658706; 496238, 3658706; 496238, 3658734; 496210, 3658734; 496210, 3658819; 496295, 3658819; 496295, 3658791; 496437, 3658791; 496437, 3658819; 496465, 3658819; 496465, 3658848; 496550, 3658848; 496550, 3658876; 496635, 3658876; 496635, 3658905; 496721, 3658905; 496721, 3658933; 496749, 3658933;

496749, 3659075; 496721, 3659075; 496721, 3659103; 496635, 3659103; 496635, 3659132; 496522, 3659132; 496522, 3659103; 496437, 3659103; 496437, 3659075; 496380, 3659075; 496380, 3659188; 496352, 3659188; 496352, 3659217; 496295, 3659217; 496295, 3659245; 496210, 3659245; 496210, 3659273; 496153, 3659273; 496153, 3659302; 496182, 3659302; 496182, 3659330; 496210, 3659330; 496210, 3659359; 496267, 3659359; 496267, 3659387; 496295, 3659387; 496295, 3659415; 496323, 3659415; 496323, 3659444; 496380, 3659444; 496380, 3659472; 496408, 3659472; 496408, 3659529; 496437, 3659529; 496437, 3659585; 496465, 3659585; 496465, 3659614; 496494, 3659614; 496494, 3659671; 496522, 3659671; 496522, 3659727; 496607, 3659727; 496607, 3659756; 496635, 3659756; 496635, 3659841; 496664, 3659841; 496664, 3659898; 496692, 3659898; 496692, 3660068; 496635, 3660068; 496635, 3660096; 496579, 3660096; 496579, 3660153; 496607, 3660153; 496607, 3660238; 496635, 3660238; 496635, 3660295; 496607, 3660295; 496607, 3660380; 496635, 3660380; 496635, 3660408; 496664, 3660408; 496664, 3660522; 496692, 3660522; 496692, 3660550; 496749, 3660550; 496749, 3660522; 496806, 3660522; 496806, 3660493; 496834, 3660493; 496891, 3660493; 496891, 3660522; 496948, 3660522; 496948, 3660550; 496976, 3660550; 496976, 3660607; 497004, 3660607; 497004, 3660663; 497033, 3660663; 497033, 3660777; 497061, 3660777; 497061, 3660919; 497089, 3660919; 497089, 3660976; 497118, 3660976; 497118, 3661032; 497146, 3661032; 497146, 3661061; 497174, 3661061; 497174, 3661089; 497260, 3661089; 497260, 3660976; 497288, 3660976; 497288, 3660919; 497316, 3660919; 497316, 3660890; 497345, 3660890; 497345, 3660862; 497572, 3660862; 497572, 3660890; 497600, 3660890; 497600, 3660919; 497713, 3660919; 497713, 3660947; 497770, 3660947; 497770, 3660976; 497799, 3660976; 497799, 3661004; 497827, 3661004; 497827, 3661032; 497855, 3661032; 497855, 3661061; 497884, 3661061; 497884, 3661117; 497912, 3661117; 497912, 3661202; 497940, 3661202; 497940, 3661231; 497969, 3661231; 497969, 3661259; 497997, 3661259; 497997, 3661316; 497969, 3661316; 497969, 3661344; 497940, 3661344; 497940, 3661373; 497912, 3661373; 497912, 3661429; 497884, 3661429; 497884, 3661458; 497855, 3661458; 497855, 3661600; 497827, 3661600; 497827, 3661628; 497799, 3661628; 497799, 3661656; 497827, 3661656; 497827, 3661741; 497770, 3661741; 497770, 3661770; 497713, 3661770; 497713, 3661883; 497685, 3661883; 497685, 3661912; 497713, 3661912; 497713, 3661940; 497770, 3661940; 497770, 3662025; 497799, 3662025; 497799, 3662054; 497855, 3662054; 497855, 3662082; 497884, 3662082; 497884, 3662139; 497912, 3662139; 497912, 3662167; 498167, 3662167; 498167, 3662082; 498196, 3662082; 498196, 3661968; 498224, 3661968; 498224, 3661940; 498252, 3661940; 498252, 3661968; 498281, 3661968; 498281, 3661997; 498281, 3662082; 498252, 3662082; 498252, 3662139; 498224, 3662139; 498224, 3662167; 498423, 3662167; 498423, 3662139; 498536, 3662139; 498536, 3662110; 498650, 3662110; 498650, 3662082; 498735, 3662082; 498735, 3662054; 498820, 3662054; 498820, 3662025; 498848, 3662025; 498848, 3661968; 498905, 3661968; 498905, 3661940; 498962, 3661940; 498962, 3661912; 499018, 3661912; 499018, 3661940; 499047, 3661940; 499047, 3661912; 499104, 3661912; 499104, 3661935; 499220, 3661914; 499321, 3661904; 499359, 3661898; 499359, 3661855; 499331, 3661855; 499331, 3661827; 499302, 3661827; 499302, 3661685; 499387, 3661685; 499387, 3661713; 499416, 3661713; 499416, 3661770; 499444, 3661770; 499444, 3661827; 499472, 3661827; 499472, 3661855; 499501, 3661855; 499501, 3661861; 499571, 3661831; 499806, 3661742; 500019, 3661645; 500300, 3661526; 500441, 3661465; 500572, 3661393; 500673, 3661308; 500722, 3661264; 500761, 3661264; 500789, 3661288; 500834, 3661288; 500834, 3661146; 500862, 3661146; 500862, 3661032; 500834, 3661032; 500834, 3660947; 500862, 3660947; 500862, 3660919; 500891, 3660919;

500891, 3660907; 500878, 3660902; 500861, 3660865; 500864, 3660860; 500883, 3660843; 500884, 3660843; 500885, 3660842; 500887, 3660841; 500888, 3660840; 500889, 3660839; 500890, 3660839; 500892, 3660838; 500893, 3660837; 500894, 3660836; 500896, 3660835; 500897, 3660835; 500898, 3660834; 500900, 3660833; 500901, 3660832; 500902, 3660832; 500904, 3660831; 500905, 3660830; 500906, 3660830; 500908, 3660829; 500909, 3660828; 500910, 3660828; 500912, 3660827; 500912, 3660827; 500914, 3660826; 500915, 3660826; 500917, 3660825; 500918, 3660825; 500919, 3660824; 500921, 3660824; 500922, 3660824; 500924, 3660823; 500925, 3660823; 500927, 3660822; 500928, 3660822; 500930, 3660821; 500931, 3660821; 500933, 3660821; 500934, 3660820; 500936, 3660820; 500937, 3660820; 500939, 3660819; 500940, 3660819; 500941, 3660819; 500943, 3660818; 500944, 3660818; 500946, 3660818; 500947, 3660817; 500949, 3660817; 500950, 3660817; 500952, 3660817; 500953, 3660816; 500955, 3660816; 500956, 3660816; 500958, 3660816; 500959, 3660815; 500960, 3660815; 500960, 3660862; 501004, 3660862; 501004, 3660834; 501061, 3660834; 501061, 3660862; 501089, 3660862; 501089, 3660890; 501146, 3660890; 501146, 3660919; 501203, 3660919; 501203, 3660947; 501260, 3660947; 501260, 3660976; 501288, 3660976; 501288, 3661004; 501316, 3661004; 501316, 3661032; 501345, 3661032; 501345, 3661061; 501373, 3661061; 501373, 3661089; 501458, 3661089; 501458, 3661117; 501515, 3661117; 501515, 3661174; 501543, 3661174; 501543, 3661231; 501657, 3661231; 501657, 3661259; 501685, 3661259; 501685, 3661288; 501713, 3661288; 501713, 3661316; 501742, 3661316; 501742, 3661344; 501912, 3661344; 501912, 3661373; 501997, 3661373; 501997, 3661401; 502196, 3661401; 502196, 3661429; 502253, 3661429; 502253, 3661458; 502423, 3661458; 502423, 3661486; 502621, 3661486; 502621, 3661458; 502706, 3661458; 502706, 3661486; 502820, 3661486; 502820, 3661458; 502905, 3661458; 502905, 3661486; 502933, 3661486; 502933, 3661515; 502962, 3661515; 502962, 3661571; 502990, 3661571; 502990, 3661600; 503018, 3661600; 503018, 3661628; 503160, 3661628; 503160, 3661600; 503245, 3661600; 503245, 3661628; 503302, 3661628; 503302, 3661656; 503331, 3661656; 503331, 3661685; 503359, 3661685; 503359, 3661713; 503387, 3661713; 503387, 3661741; 503416, 3661741; 503416, 3661770; 503444, 3661770; 503444, 3661798; 503472, 3661798; 503472, 3661855; 503501, 3661855; 503501, 3661940; 503529, 3661940; 503529, 3662082; 503501, 3662082; 503501, 3662167; 503529, 3662167; 503529, 3662224; 503557, 3662224; 503557, 3662337; 503529, 3662337; 503529, 3662366; 503501, 3662366; 503501, 3662394; 503529, 3662394; 503529, 3662451; 503557, 3662451; 503557, 3662536; 503586, 3662536; 503586, 3662678; 503614, 3662678; 503614, 3662706; 503643, 3662706; 503643, 3662763; 503671, 3662763; 503671, 3662820; 503699, 3662820; 503699, 3663103; 503728, 3663103; 503728, 3663160; 503756, 3663160; 503756, 3663217; 503784, 3663217; 503784, 3663273; 503813, 3663273; 503813, 3663330; 503841, 3663330; 503841, 3663415; 503870, 3663415; 503870, 3663444; 503926, 3663444; 503926, 3663500; 503955, 3663500; 503955, 3663585; 503983, 3663585; 503983, 3663671; 504011, 3663671; 504011, 3663869; 504040, 3663869; 504040, 3664096; 504068, 3664096; 504068, 3664181; 504096, 3664181; 504096, 3664266; 504125, 3664266; 504125, 3664323; 504153, 3664323; 504153, 3664266; 504182, 3664266; 504182, 3664210; 504210, 3664210; 504210, 3664153; 504267, 3664153; 504267, 3664181; 504409, 3664181; 504409, 3664153; 504437, 3664153; 504465, 3664153; 504465, 3664181; 504522, 3664181; 504522, 3664238; 504550, 3664238; 504550, 3664295; 504579, 3664295; 504579, 3664380; 504607, 3664380; 504607, 3664408; 504692, 3664408; 504692, 3664437; 504721, 3664437; 504721, 3664493; 504749, 3664493; 504749, 3664522; 504777, 3664522; 504777, 3664578; 504806, 3664578; 504806, 3664607; 504834, 3664607; 504834, 3664635; 504862, 3664635; 504862, 3664664; 504919, 3664664; 504919, 3664692; 504948, 3664692; 504948, 3664720; 505004, 3664720; 505004, 3664777; 505033, 3664777; 505033, 3664805; 505061, 3664805; 505061, 3664834; 505118, 3664834; 505118, 3664862; 505203, 3664862; 505203, 3664890; 505231, 3664890; 505231, 3664947; 505260, 3664947; 505260, 3665032; 505288, 3665032; 505288, 3665117; 505316, 3665117; 505316, 3665146; 505345, 3665146; 505345, 3665231; 505316, 3665231; 505316, 3665344; 505345, 3665344; 505345, 3665429; 505373, 3665429; 505373, 3665486; 505401, 3665486; 505401, 3665628; 505430, 3665628; 505430, 3665827; 505458, 3665827; 505458, 3665855; 505430, 3665855; 505430, 3665912; 505458, 3665912; 505458, 3666167; 505487, 3666167; 505487, 3666281; 505515, 3666281; 505515, 3666366; 505543, 3666366; 505543, 3666394; 505572, 3666394; 505572, 3666422; 505600, 3666422; 505600, 3666451; 505628, 3666451; 505628, 3666479; 505657, 3666479; 505657, 3666536; 505685, 3666536; 505685, 3666649; 505600, 3666649; 505600, 3666678; 505543, 3666678; 505543, 3666706; 505515, 3666706; 505515, 3666734; 505487, 3666734; 505487, 3666763; 505458, 3666763; 505458, 3666791; 505487, 3666791; 505487, 3666820; 505458, 3666820; 505458, 3666848; 505430, 3666848; 505430, 3666876; 505345, 3666876; 505345, 3667018; 505316, 3667018; 505316, 3667046; 505288, 3667046; 505288, 3667132; 505316, 3667132; 505316, 3667160; 505345, 3667160; 505345, 3667302; 505316, 3667302; 505316, 3667387; 505288, 3667387; 505288, 3667444; 505146, 3667444; 505146, 3667472; 505118, 3667472; 505118, 3667557; 505146, 3667557; 505146, 3667699; 505118, 3667699; 505118, 3667784; 505089, 3667784; 505089, 3667954; 505033, 3667954; 505033, 3667983; 505004, 3667983; 505004, 3668125; 504919, 3668125; 504919, 3668323; 504891, 3668323; 504891, 3668380; 504948, 3668380; 504948, 3668408; 504976, 3668408; 504976, 3668437; 505004, 3668437; 505004, 3668550; 505033, 3668550; 505033, 3668664; 505004, 3668664; 505004, 3668720; 505033, 3668720; 505033, 3668862; 505061, 3668862; 505061, 3668947; 505089, 3668947; 505089, 3668976; 505146, 3668976; 505146, 3669032; 505175, 3669032; 505175, 3669117; 505203, 3669117; 505203, 3669174; 505231, 3669174; 505231, 3669117; 505288, 3669117; 505288, 3669089; 505316, 3669089; 505316, 3669061; 505401, 3669061; 505401, 3669089; 505487, 3669089; 505487, 3669117; 505515, 3669117; 505515, 3669203; 505543, 3669203; 505543, 3669259; 505572, 3669259; 505572, 3669401; 505600, 3669401; 505600, 3669429; 505628, 3669429; 505628, 3669401; 505742, 3669401; 505742, 3669429; 505770, 3669429; 505770, 3669486; 505799, 3669486; 505799, 3669515; 505827, 3669515; 505827, 3669486; 505912, 3669486; 505912, 3669515; 505969, 3669515; 505969, 3669543; 505997, 3669543; 505997, 3669571; 506026, 3669571; 506026, 3669742; 505997, 3669742; 505997, 3669770; 506026, 3669770; 506026, 3669912; 506054, 3669912; 506054, 3670082; 506082, 3670082; 506082, 3670110; 506111, 3670110; 506111, 3670139; 506082, 3670139; 506082, 3670167; 506054, 3670167; 506054, 3670224; 506026, 3670224; 506026, 3670281; 505997, 3670281; 505997, 3670309; 505969, 3670309; 505969, 3670337; 505912, 3670337; 505912, 3670366; 505884, 3670366; 505884, 3670451; 505855, 3670451; 505855, 3670508; 505799, 3670508; 505799, 3670536; 505770, 3670536; 505770, 3670564; 505799, 3670564; 505799, 3670593; 505827, 3670593; 505827, 3670791; 505912, 3670791; 505912, 3670763; 505940, 3670763; 505940, 3670734; 505969, 3670734; 505969, 3670706; 506139, 3670706; 506139, 3670734; 506196, 3670734; 506196, 3670763; 506253, 3670763; 506253, 3670791; 506309, 3670791; 506309, 3670876; 506281, 3670876; 506281, 3670905; 506253, 3670905; 506253, 3670933; 506281, 3670933; 506281, 3670990; 506309, 3670990; 506309, 3671047; 506338, 3671047; 506338, 3671075; 506366, 3671075; 506366, 3671132; 506394, 3671132; 506394, 3671302; 506451, 3671302; 506451, 3671330; 506508, 3671330; 506508, 3671387; 506536, 3671387;

506536, 3671415; 506593, 3671415; 506593, 3671444; 506621, 3671444; 506621, 3671472; 506678, 3671472; 506678, 3671500; 506735, 3671500; 506735, 3671557; 506763, 3671557; 506763, 3671586; 506820, 3671586; 506820, 3671614; 506848, 3671614; 506848, 3671642; 506877, 3671642; 506877, 3671699; 506905, 3671699; 506905, 3671812; 506877, 3671812; 506877, 3671841; 506848, 3671841; 506848, 3671869; 506877, 3671869; 506877, 3671898; 506905, 3671898; 506905, 3671954; 506933, 3671954; 506933, 3671983; 507018, 3671983; 507018, 3671954; 507047, 3671954; 507047, 3671926; 507132, 3671926; 507132, 3672125; 507104, 3672125; 507104, 3672181; 507075, 3672181; 507075, 3672210; 507047, 3672210; 507047, 3672238; 507018, 3672238; 507018, 3672266; 506990, 3672266; 506990, 3672408; 506933, 3672408; 506933, 3672437; 506905, 3672437; 506905, 3672522; 506933, 3672522; 506933, 3672550; 506905, 3672550; 506905, 3672578; 506933, 3672578; 506933, 3672607; 507104, 3672607; 507104, 3672692; 507132, 3672692; 507132, 3672720; 507160, 3672720; 507160, 3672862; 507302, 3672862; 507302, 3672834; 507331, 3672834; 507331, 3672805; 507387, 3672805; 507387, 3672777; 507472, 3672777; 507472, 3672805; 507558, 3672805; 507558, 3672834; 507586, 3672834; 507586, 3672891; 507643, 3672891; 507643, 3672919; 507671, 3672919; 507671, 3672947; 507728, 3672947; 507728, 3673004; 507699, 3673004; 507699, 3673089; 507671, 3673089; 507671, 3673146; 507643, 3673146; 507643, 3673203; 507614, 3673203; 507614, 3673231; 507643, 3673231; 507643, 3673316; 507614, 3673316; 507614, 3673401; 507643, 3673401; 507643, 3673628; 507614, 3673628; 507614, 3673685; 507643, 3673685; 507643, 3673713; 507671, 3673713; 507671, 3673742; 507756, 3673742; 507756, 3673770; 507784, 3673770; 507784, 3673798; 507813, 3673798; 507813, 3673827; 507784, 3673827; 507784, 3673883; 507756, 3673883; 507756, 3673997; 507728, 3673997; 507728, 3674110; 507756, 3674110; 507756, 3674224; 507841, 3674224; 507841, 3674252; 507870, 3674252; 507870, 3674281; 507926, 3674281; 507926, 3674309; 507955, 3674309; 507955, 3674394; 507983, 3674394; 507983, 3674422; 508097, 3674422; 508097, 3674451; 508153, 3674451; 508153, 3674479; 508182, 3674479; 508182, 3674564; 508238, 3674564; 508238, 3674593; 508323, 3674593; 508323, 3674621; 508409, 3674621; 508409, 3674649; 508465, 3674649; 508465, 3674706; returning to 508579, 3674706. Excluding land bounded by 496806, 3657458; 496806, 3657429; 496862, 3657429; 496862, 3657458; 496834, 3657458; 496834, 3657486; 496806, 3657486; returning to 496806, 3657458. Excluding land bounded by 505770, 3654110; 505770, 3654082; 505827, 3654082; 505827, 3654110; returning to 505770, 3654110. Excluding land bounded by 507756, 3653912; 507756, 3653883; 507728, 3653883; 507671, 3653883; 507671, 3653912; 507586, 3653912; 507586, 3653883; 507558, 3653883; 507558, 3653855; 507586, 3653855; 507586, 3653827; 507614, 3653827; 507614, 3653798; 507643, 3653798; 507643, 3653770; 507614, 3653770; 507614, 3653741; 507586, 3653741; 507586, 3653713; 507558, 3653713; 507558, 3653685; 507472, 3653685; 507472, 3653656; 507444, 3653656; 507444, 3653628; 507359, 3653628; 507359, 3653600; 507331, 3653600; 507331, 3653373; 507359, 3653373; 507359, 3653344; 507444, 3653344; 507444, 3653316; 507643, 3653316; 507643, 3653344; 507671, 3653344; 507671, 3653429; 507699, 3653429; 507699, 3653486; 507756, 3653486; 507756, 3653514; 507870, 3653514; 507870, 3653543; 507898, 3653543; 507898, 3653600; 508153, 3653600; 508153, 3653571; 508267, 3653571; 508267, 3653543; 508323, 3653543; 508323, 3653628; 508295, 3653628; 508295, 3653685; 508267, 3653685; 508267, 3653713; 508238, 3653713; 508238, 3653741; 508210, 3653741; 508210, 3653770; 508153, 3653770; 508153, 3653798; 508125, 3653798; 508125, 3653827; 508097, 3653827; 508097, 3653883; 508040, 3653883; 508040, 3653912; 507955, 3653912; 507955, 3653940; 507784, 3653940; 507784, 3653912; returning to 507756, 3653912.

(ii) Subunit 16d: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Warners Ranch, Santa Ysabel, and Ramona. Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 522905, 3664181; 522905, 3664153; 522962, 3664153; 522962, 3664124; 522990, 3664124; 522990, 3664096; 523217, 3664096; 523217, 3664068; 523274, 3664068; 523274, 3664039; 523302, 3664039; 523302, 3664011; 523359, 3664011; 523359, 3663954; 523387, 3663954; 523387, 3663926; 523416, 3663926; 523416, 3663898; 523444, 3663898; 523444, 3663869; 523614, 3663869; 523614, 3663841; 523671, 3663841; 523671, 3663812; 523699, 3663812; 523699, 3663784; 523756, 3663784; 523756, 3663756; 523841, 3663756; 523841, 3663727; 524012, 3663727; 524012, 3663699; 524068, 3663699; 524068, 3663671; 524153, 3663671; 524153, 3663642; 524238, 3663642; 524238, 3663614; 524256, 3663614; 524256, 3663584; 524286, 3663584; 524286, 3663494; 524316, 3663494; 524316, 3663464; 524346, 3663464; 524346, 3663434; 524376, 3663434; 524376, 3663374; 524406, 3663374; 524406, 3663344; 524436, 3663344; 524436, 3663314; 524526, 3663314; 524526, 3663284; 524556, 3663284; 524556, 3663314; 524706, 3663314; 524706, 3663344; 524796, 3663344; 524796, 3663374; 524826, 3663374; 524826, 3663404; 524856, 3663404; 524856, 3663421; 524948, 3663421; 524950, 3663314; 524946, 3663314; 524946, 3663284; 524916, 3663284; 524916, 3663254; 524886, 3663254; 524886, 3663194; 524826, 3663194; 524826, 3663164; 524676, 3663164; 524676, 3663194; 524616, 3663194; 524616, 3663164; 524586, 3663164; 524586, 3663074; 524526, 3663074; 524526, 3663044; 524466, 3663044; 524466, 3663014; 524496, 3663014; 524496, 3662984; 524526, 3662984; 524526, 3662954; 524586, 3662954; 524586, 3662924; 524616, 3662924; 524616, 3662834; 524646, 3662834; 524646, 3662804; 524676, 3662804; 524676, 3662774; 524706, 3662774; 524706, 3662744; 524736, 3662744; 524736, 3662714; 524796, 3662714; 524796, 3662684; 524856, 3662684; 524856, 3662624; 524916, 3662624; 524916, 3662594; 524946, 3662594; 524946, 3662564; 524976, 3662564; 524976, 3662534; 524946, 3662534; 524946, 3662504; 524976, 3662504; 524976, 3662384; 524946, 3662384; 524946, 3662294; 524916, 3662294; 524916, 3662324; 524886, 3662324; 524886, 3662354; 524826, 3662354; 524826, 3662384; 524766, 3662384; 524766, 3662354; 524736, 3662354; 524736, 3662294; 524676, 3662294; 524676, 3662354; 524646, 3662354; 524646, 3662384; 524616, 3662384; 524616, 3662414; 524586, 3662414; 524586, 3662444; 524496, 3662444; 524496, 3662474; 524466, 3662474; 524466, 3662564; 524436, 3662564; 524436, 3662594; 524376, 3662594; 524376, 3662624; 524316, 3662624; 524316, 3662654; 524286, 3662654; 524286, 3662684; 524256, 3662684; 524256, 3662714; 524196, 3662714; 524196, 3662744; 524166, 3662744; 524166, 3662804; 524136, 3662804; 524136, 3662834; 524106, 3662834; 524106, 3662894; 524136, 3662894; 524136, 3662924; 524166, 3662924; 524166, 3662984; 524196, 3662984; 524196, 3663014; 524166, 3663014; 524166, 3663104; 524136, 3663104; 524136, 3663314; 524106, 3663314; 524106, 3663374; 524076, 3663374; 524076, 3663404; 524046, 3663404; 524046, 3663464; 524016, 3663464; 524016, 3663494; 523986, 3663494; 523986, 3663500; 523898, 3663500; 523898, 3663529; 523841, 3663529; 523841, 3663557; 523785, 3663557; 523785, 3663585; 523699, 3663585; 523699, 3663614; 523643, 3663614; 523643, 3663642; 523586, 3663642; 523586, 3663671; 523529, 3663671; 523529, 3663699; 523444, 3663699; 523444, 3663727; 523359, 3663727; 523359, 3663756; 523302, 3663756; 523302, 3663784; 523217, 3663784; 523217, 3663812; 523019, 3663812; 523019, 3663756; 522990, 3663756; 522990, 3663699; 522962, 3663699; 522962, 3663671; 522934, 3663671; 522934, 3663642; 522877, 3663642; 522877, 3663614; 522820, 3663614; 522820, 3663585; 522792, 3663585; 522792, 3663557; 522735, 3663557; 522735, 3663529; 522621, 3663529; 522621, 3663500; 522537, 3663500; 522525, 3663557; 522536, 3663557; 522536, 3663585; 522593, 3663585; 522593, 3663614; 522621, 3663614; 522621, 3663699; 522650, 3663699; 522650, 3663727; 522678, 3663727; 522678, 3663784; 522707, 3663784; 522707, 3663812; 522735, 3663812; 522735, 3663926; 522763, 3663926; 522763, 3663954; 522792, 3663954; 522792, 3663983; 522820, 3663983; 522820, 3664011; 522848, 3664011; 522848, 3664039; 522877, 3664039; 522877, 3664124; 522848, 3664124; 522848, 3664153; 522877, 3664153; 522877, 3664181; returning to 522905, 3664181.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 530226, 3665264; 530226, 3665294; 530196, 3665294; 530196, 3665264; 530226, 3665264; 530226, 3665234; 530256, 3665234; 530256, 3665054; 530286, 3665054; 530286, 3665024; 530316, 3665024; 530316, 3664994; 530346, 3664994; 530346, 3664784; 530376, 3664784; 530376, 3664724; 530406, 3664724; 530406, 3664634; 530316, 3664634; 530316, 3664604; 530286, 3664604; 530286, 3664574; 530256, 3664574; 530256, 3664544; 530226, 3664544; 530226, 3664514; 530196, 3664514; 530196, 3664454; 530226, 3664454; 530226, 3664394; 530196, 3664394; 530196, 3664274; 530166, 3664274; 530166, 3664214; 530136, 3664214; 530136, 3664184; 530106, 3664184; 530106, 3664154; 530046, 3664154; 530046, 3664124; 530016, 3664124; 530016, 3664094; 529986, 3664094; 529986, 3664064; 529956, 3664064; 529956, 3664004; 529926, 3664004; 529926, 3663914; 529896, 3663914; 529896, 3663884; 529866, 3663884; 529866, 3663854; 529836, 3663854; 529836, 3663884; 529806, 3663884; 529806, 3663914; 529746, 3663914; 529746, 3663974; 529716, 3663974; 529716, 3664124; 529686, 3664124; 529686, 3664154; 529656, 3664154; 529656, 3664184; 529596, 3664184; 529596, 3663944; 529566, 3663944; 529566, 3663884; 529506, 3663884; 529506, 3663854; 529476, 3663854; 529476, 3663824; 529326, 3663824; 529326, 3663794; 529296, 3663794; 529296, 3663734; 529266, 3663734; 529266, 3663704; 529206, 3663704; 529206, 3663644; 529176, 3663644; 529176, 3663584; 529146, 3663584; 529146, 3663494; 529116, 3663494; 529116, 3663434; 529086, 3663434; 529086, 3663494; 529056, 3663494; 529056, 3663614; 529026, 3663614; 529026, 3663704; 528996, 3663704; 528996, 3663884; 528966, 3663884; 528966, 3663914; 528906, 3663914; 528906, 3663884; 528696, 3663884; 528696, 3663914; 528666, 3663914; 528666, 3663944; 528636, 3663944; 528636, 3663974; 528606, 3663974; 528606, 3664004; 528576, 3664004; 528576, 3664034; 528516, 3664034; 528516, 3664064; 528276, 3664064; 528276, 3664094; 528216, 3664094; 528216, 3664124; 528156, 3664124; 528156, 3664154; 528126, 3664154; 528126, 3664184; 528066, 3664184; 528066, 3664154; 527976, 3664154; 527976, 3664124; 527916, 3664124; 527916, 3664094; 527796, 3664094; 527796, 3664124; 527766, 3664124; 527766, 3664154; 527676, 3664154; 527676, 3664034; 527646, 3664034; 527646, 3664004; 527616, 3664004; 527616, 3663944; 527556, 3663944; 527556, 3663914; 527526, 3663914; 527526, 3663854; 527436, 3663854; 527436, 3663884; 527376, 3663884; 527376, 3663854; 527316, 3663854; 527316, 3663824; 527286, 3663824; 527286, 3663794; 527226, 3663794; 527226, 3663764; 527136, 3663764; 527136, 3663734; 527016, 3663734; 527016, 3663704; 526806, 3663704; 526806, 3663734; 526746, 3663734; 526746, 3663764; 526656, 3663764; 526656, 3663734; 526596, 3663734; 526596, 3663674; 526566, 3663674; 526566, 3663524; 526536, 3663524; 526536, 3663434; 526476, 3663434; 526476, 3663404; 526446, 3663404; 526446, 3663434; 526416, 3663434; 526416, 3663464; 526266, 3663464; 526266, 3663494; 526206, 3663494; 526206, 3663524; 526086, 3663524; 526086, 3663554; 526026, 3663554; 526026, 3663524; 525996, 3663524; 525996, 3663494; 525876, 3663494; 525876, 3663524; 525636, 3663524; 525636, 3663554; 525426, 3663554; 525426, 3663524; 525340, 3663524; 525338, 3663734; 525366, 3663734; 525366, 3663704; 525426, 3663704; 525426, 3663674; 525456, 3663674; 525456, 3663704; 525696, 3663704; 525696, 3663734; 525726, 3663734; 525726, 3663764; 525756, 3663764; 525756, 3663824; 525786, 3663824; 525786, 3663884; 525816, 3663884; 525816, 3663824; 525846, 3663824; 525846, 3663734; 525876, 3663734; 525876, 3663704; 525906, 3663704; 525906, 3663674; 525996, 3663674; 525996, 3663644; 526116, 3663644; 526116, 3663674; 526206, 3663674; 526206, 3663734; 526236, 3663734; 526236, 3663764; 526356, 3663764; 526356, 3663854; 526386, 3663854; 526386, 3663944; 526416, 3663944; 526416, 3664034; 526476, 3664034; 526476, 3664064; 526506, 3664064; 526506, 3664094; 526536, 3664094; 526536, 3664154; 526566, 3664154; 526566, 3664124; 526596, 3664124; 526596, 3664034; 526626, 3664034; 526626, 3664004; 526686, 3664004; 526686, 3663974; 526836, 3663974; 526836, 3664034; 526896, 3664034; 526896, 3664004; 526926, 3664004; 526926, 3663974; 527106, 3663974; 527106, 3664004; 527166, 3664004; 527166, 3664034; 527196, 3664034; 527196, 3664064; 527226, 3664064; 527226, 3664094; 527286, 3664094; 527286, 3664124; 527316, 3664124; 527316, 3664424; 527346, 3664424; 527346, 3664484; 527376, 3664484; 527376, 3664514; 527466, 3664514; 527466, 3664544; 527526, 3664544; 527526, 3664604; 527556, 3664604; 527556, 3664754; 527646, 3664754; 527646, 3664724; 527736, 3664724; 527736, 3664754; 527766, 3664754; 527766, 3664784; 527796, 3664784; 527796, 3664814; 527826, 3664814; 527826, 3664844; 527856, 3664844; 527856, 3664814; 527886, 3664814; 527886, 3664694; 527856, 3664694; 527856, 3664634; 527826, 3664634; 527826, 3664604; 527856, 3664604; 527856, 3664634; 527886, 3664634; 527886, 3664604; 527916, 3664604; 527916, 3664634; 527976, 3664634; 527976, 3664694; 528066, 3664694; 528066, 3664724; 528126, 3664724; 528126, 3664694; 528156, 3664694; 528156, 3664664; 528216, 3664664; 528216, 3664634; 528246, 3664634; 528246, 3664574; 528306, 3664574; 528306, 3664544; 528336, 3664544; 528336, 3664514; 528366, 3664514; 528366, 3664484; 528396, 3664484; 528396, 3664454; 528456, 3664454; 528456, 3664424; 528546, 3664424; 528546, 3664394; 528576, 3664394; 528576, 3664424; 528606, 3664424; 528606, 3664484; 528636, 3664484; 528636, 3664514; 528636, 3664544; 528606, 3664544; 528606, 3664574; 528576, 3664574; 528576, 3664634; 528546, 3664634; 528546, 3664694; 528576, 3664694; 528576, 3664784; 528606, 3664784; 528606, 3664874; 528576, 3664874; 528576, 3664904; 528606, 3664904; 528606, 3664994; 528636, 3664994; 528636, 3665054; 528696, 3665054; 528696, 3665084; 528726, 3665084; 528726, 3665114; 528756, 3665114; 528756, 3665144; 528816, 3665144; 528816, 3665174; 528876, 3665174; 528876, 3665204; 528906, 3665204; 528906, 3665264; 528936, 3665264; 528936, 3665294; 528966, 3665294; 528966, 3665384; 528996, 3665384; 528996, 3665534; 528966, 3665534; 528966, 3665564; 528936, 3665564; 528936, 3665654; 528966, 3665654; 528966, 3665744; 528996, 3665744; 528996, 3665834; 529026, 3665834; 529026, 3666044; 529056, 3666044; 529056, 3666134; 529086, 3666134; 529086, 3666224; 529056, 3666224; 529056, 3666284; 529026, 3666284; 529026, 3666314; 528996, 3666314; 528996, 3666344; 528966, 3666344; 528966, 3666434; 528996, 3666434; 528996, 3666494; 529026, 3666494; 529026, 3666554; 529056, 3666554; 529056, 3666584; 529026, 3666584; 529026, 3666644; 528996, 3666644; 528996, 3666674; 529026, 3666674; 529026, 3666704; 529116, 3666704; 529116, 3666674; 529176, 3666674; 529176, 3666644; 529266, 3666644; 529266, 3666674; 529356, 3666674; 529356, 3666704; 529416, 3666704; 529416, 3666674; 529446, 3666674; 529446, 3666644; 529506, 3666644; 529506, 3666614; 529536, 3666614; 529536, 3666584; 529566, 3666584; 529566, 3666554; 529626, 3666554; 529626, 3666524; 529656, 3666524; 529656, 3666494; 529716, 3666494; 529716, 3666464; 529806, 3666464; 529806, 3666434; 529836, 3666434; 529836, 3666344; 529716, 3666344; 529716, 3666314; 529686, 3666314; 529686, 3666194; 529716, 3666194; 529716, 3666164; 529806, 3666164; 529806, 3666134; 529836, 3666134; 529836, 3666074; 529956, 3666074; 529956, 3666044; 530016, 3666044; 530016, 3666014; 530076, 3666014; 530076, 3665954; 530106, 3665954; 530106, 3665894; 530136, 3665894; 530136, 3665834; 530166, 3665834; 530166, 3665744; 530376, 3665744; 530376, 3665774; 530496, 3665774; 530496, 3665744; 530526, 3665744; 530526, 3665714; 530676, 3665714; 530676, 3665744; 530796, 3665744; 530796, 3665774; 530916, 3665774; 530916, 3665804; 531036, 3665804; 531036, 3665834; 531066, 3665834; 531066, 3665804; 531096, 3665804; 531096, 3665774; 531126, 3665774; 531126, 3665744; 531186, 3665744; 531186, 3665774; 531246, 3665774; 531246, 3665804; 531276, 3665804; 531276, 3665714; 531246, 3665714; 531246, 3665684; 531216, 3665684; 531216, 3665654; 531186, 3665654; 531186, 3665624; 531006, 3665624; 531006, 3665594; 530916, 3665594; 530916, 3665564; 530886, 3665564; 530886, 3665504; 530856, 3665504; 530856, 3665324; 530826, 3665324; 530826, 3665294; 530706, 3665294; 530706, 3665324; 530556, 3665324; 530556, 3665354; 530526, 3665354; 530526, 3665384; 530466, 3665384; 530466, 3665414; 530436, 3665414; 530436, 3665444; 530346, 3665444; 530346, 3665414; 530316, 3665414; 530316, 3665264; returning to 530226, 3665264. Excluding land bounded by 530100, 3665675; 530099, 3665819; 530072, 3665782; 530036, 3665732; 530017, 3665705; 530016, 3665770; 530016, 3665851; 530003, 3665874; 529983, 3665911; 529945, 3665994; 529926, 3665986; 529910, 3665980; 529888, 3665980; 529888, 3665980; 529898, 3665876; 529907, 3665824; 529911, 3665795; 529932, 3665662; 529949, 3665551; 529954, 3665554; 529958, 3665557; 530003, 3665558; 530102, 3665559; returning to 530100, 3665675. Excluding land bounded by 529176, 3664124; 529176, 3664004; 529236, 3664004; 529236, 3663974; 529266, 3663974; 529266, 3664004; 529296, 3664004; 529296, 3664034; 529206, 3664034; 529206, 3664124; returning to 529176, 3664124.

(iv) Note: Map of Unit 16 is provided at paragraph (17)(v) of this entry.

(22) Unit 17: San Diego River Basin, San Diego County, California.

(i) Subunit 17a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps El Cajon Mtn., Tule Springs and Santa Ysabel, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 524451, 3648049; 524450, 3647699; 524437, 3647699; 524437, 3647670; 524409, 3647670; 524409, 3647653; 524248, 3647653; 524104, 3647654; 524040, 3647654; 524040, 3647670; 523926, 3647670; 523926, 3647654; 523844, 3647655; 523846, 3647557; 523841, 3647557; 523841, 3647500; 523813, 3647500; 523813, 3647415; 523785, 3647415; 523785, 3647358; 523756, 3647358; 523756, 3647302; 523728, 3647302; 523728, 3647273; 523699, 3647273; 523699, 3647245; 523671, 3647245; 523671, 3647188; 523643, 3647188; 523643, 3647103; 523614, 3647103; 523614, 3647075; 523586, 3647075; 523586, 3647046; 523558, 3647046; 523558, 3647018; 523501, 3647018; 523501, 3646990; 523473, 3646990; 523473, 3646961; 523444, 3646961; 523444, 3646876; 523387, 3646876; 523387, 3646875; 523367, 3646875; 523362, 3646848; 523359, 3646848; 523359, 3646831; 523352, 3646791; 523274, 3646791; 523274, 3646763; 523217, 3646763; 523217, 3646734; 523189, 3646734; 523189, 3646678; 523047, 3646678; 523047, 3646649; 522990, 3646649; 522990, 3646621; 522962, 3646621; 522962, 3646564; 522990, 3646564; 522990, 3646536; 523019, 3646536; 523019, 3646507; 522962, 3646507; 522962, 3646500; 522934, 3646500; 522934, 3646507; 522848, 3646507; 522848, 3646479; 522820, 3646479; 522820, 3646451; 522848, 3646451; 522848, 3646286; 522837, 3646224; 522820, 3646224; 522820, 3646195; 522763, 3646195; 522763, 3646139; 522735, 3646139; 522735, 3646110; 522763, 3646110; 522763, 3646082; 522735, 3646082; 522735, 3646025; 522650, 3646025; 522650, 3645997; 522621, 3645997; 522621, 3645968; 522593, 3645968; 522593, 3645912; 522565, 3645912; 522565, 3645883; 522480, 3645883; 522480, 3645770; 522508, 3645770; 522508, 3645741; 522536, 3645741; 522536, 3645656; 522557, 3645656; 522555, 3645458; 522451, 3645458; 522451, 3645486; 522366, 3645486; 522366, 3645514; 522309, 3645514; 522309, 3645543; 522253, 3645543; 522253, 3645571; 522196, 3645571; 522196, 3645600; 522139, 3645600; 522139, 3645628; 522082, 3645628; 522082, 3645656; 522054, 3645656; 522054, 3645685; 522026, 3645685; 522026, 3645713; 521969, 3645713; 521969, 3645741; 521941, 3645741; 521941, 3645770; 521912, 3645770; 521912, 3645798; 521884, 3645798; 521884, 3645826; 521855, 3645826; 521855, 3645855; 521827, 3645855; 521827, 3645883; 521799, 3645883; 521799, 3645912; 521770, 3645912; 521770, 3645940; 521742, 3645940; 521742, 3645968; 521714, 3645968; 521714, 3646025; 521685, 3646025; 521685, 3646053; 521657, 3646053; 521657, 3646110; 521629, 3646110; 521629, 3646125; 521641, 3646125; 521652, 3646195; 521657, 3646195; 521657, 3646226; 521666, 3646280; 521685, 3646280; 521685, 3646337; 521742, 3646337; 521742, 3646309; 521799, 3646309; 521799, 3646280; 521855, 3646280; 521855, 3646309; 521884, 3646309; 521884, 3646422; 521912, 3646422; 521912, 3646451; 521941, 3646451; 521941, 3646536; 521912, 3646536; 521912, 3646564; 521905, 3646564; 521932, 3646734; 521941, 3646734; 521941, 3646788; 521950, 3646848; 521969, 3646848; 521969, 3646876; 521997, 3646876; 521997, 3646848; 522026, 3646848; 522026, 3647018; 522139, 3647018; 522139, 3647046; 522196, 3647046; 522196, 3647075; 522253, 3647075; 522253, 3647046; 522281, 3647046; 522281, 3647103; 522338, 3647103; 522338, 3647131; 522366, 3647131; 522366, 3647217; 522394, 3647217; 522394, 3647245; 522451, 3647245; 522451, 3647249; 522613, 3647249; 522954, 3647249; 523019, 3647250; 523019, 3647245; 523217, 3647245; 523217, 3647273; 523246, 3647273; 523246, 3647302; 523302, 3647302; 523302, 3647330; 523331, 3647330; 523331, 3647358; 523359, 3647358; 523359, 3647387; 523387, 3647387; 523387, 3647415; 523416, 3647415; 523416, 3647529; 523444, 3647529; 523444, 3647557; 523473, 3647557; 523473, 3647585; 523501, 3647585; 523501, 3647614; 523529, 3647614; 523529, 3647670; 523558, 3647670; 523558, 3647699; 523586, 3647699; 523586, 3647756; 523614, 3647756; 523614, 3647812; 523643, 3647812; 523643, 3647841; 523671, 3647841; 523671, 3647869; 523699, 3647869; 523699, 3647897; 523728, 3647897; 523728, 3647926; 523785, 3647926; 523785, 3647954; 523955, 3647954; 523955, 3647926; 524012, 3647926; 524012, 3647897; 524097, 3647897; 524097, 3647869; 524153, 3647869; 524153, 3647897; 524182, 3647897; 524182, 3647983; 524153, 3647983; 524153, 3648053; 524246, 3648052; returning to 524451, 3648049.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 524664, 3648748; 524664, 3648720; 524721, 3648720; 524721, 3648692; 524749, 3648692; 524749, 3648663; 524806, 3648663; 524806, 3648635; 524863, 3648635; 524863, 3648607; 524834, 3648607; 524834, 3648578; 524777, 3648578; 524777, 3648550; 524721, 3648550; 524721, 3648522; 524692, 3648522; 524692, 3648493; 524664, 3648493; 524664, 3648465; 524646, 3648465; 524641, 3648748; returning to 524664, 3648748.

(iii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 528778, 3657741; 528778, 3657713; 528863, 3657713; 528863, 3657685; 528891, 3657685; 528891, 3657628; 528919, 3657628; 528919, 3657543; 528948, 3657543; 528948, 3657515; 528976, 3657515; 528976, 3657486; 528948, 3657486; 528948, 3657458; 528863, 3657458; 528863, 3657429; 528778, 3657429; 528778, 3657373; 528749, 3657373; 528749, 3657316; 528721, 3657316; 528721, 3657231; 528692, 3657231; 528692, 3657174; 528664, 3657174; 528664, 3657146; 528636, 3657146; 528636, 3657117; 528607, 3657117; 528607, 3657089; 528579, 3657089; 528579, 3657061; 528522, 3657061; 528522, 3657004; 528494, 3657004; 528494, 3656976; 528465, 3656976; 528465, 3656947; 528437, 3656947; 528437, 3656862; 528324, 3656862; 528324, 3656834; 528295, 3656834; 528295, 3656805; 528239, 3656805; 528239, 3656777; 528210, 3656777; 528210, 3656749; 528182, 3656749; 528182, 3656720; 528153, 3656720; 528153, 3656663; 528125, 3656663; 528125, 3656635; 528097, 3656635; 528097, 3656578; 528068, 3656578; 528068, 3656408; 528040, 3656408; 528040, 3656380; 527983, 3656380; 527983, 3656351; 527955, 3656351; 527955, 3656323; 527926, 3656323; 527926, 3656295; 527898, 3656295; 527898, 3656266; 527870, 3656266; 527870, 3656210; 527841, 3656210; 527841, 3656153; 527813, 3656153; 527813, 3656124; 527785, 3656124; 527785, 3656096; 527756, 3656096; 527756, 3656068; 527728, 3656068; 527728, 3656011; 527699, 3656011; 527699, 3655983; 527671, 3655983; 527671, 3655954; 527643, 3655954; 527643, 3655926; 527614, 3655926; 527614, 3655897; 527586, 3655897; 527586, 3655841; 527558, 3655841; 527558, 3655784; 527529, 3655784; 527529, 3655727; 527501, 3655727; 527501, 3655699; 527473, 3655699; 527473, 3655642; 527444, 3655642; 527444, 3655614; 527416, 3655614; 527416, 3655585; 527387, 3655585; 527387, 3655557; 527359, 3655557; 527359, 3655500; 527302, 3655500; 527302, 3655444; 527274, 3655444; 527274, 3655387; 527246, 3655387; 527246, 3655330; 527217, 3655330; 527217, 3655302; 527189, 3655302; 527189, 3655273; 527160, 3655273; 527160, 3655245; 527132, 3655245; 527132, 3655217; 527104, 3655217; 527104, 3655160; 527075, 3655160; 527075, 3655103; 527047, 3655103; 527047, 3655075; 527019, 3655075; 527019, 3655018; 526990, 3655018; 526990, 3654961; 526962, 3654961; 526962, 3654933; 526934, 3654933; 526934, 3654876; 526905, 3654876; 526905, 3654791; 526877, 3654791; 526877, 3654678; 526848, 3654678; 526848, 3654649; 526792, 3654649; 526792, 3654621; 526763, 3654621; 526763, 3654593; 526735, 3654593; 526735, 3654564; 526707, 3654564; 526707, 3654536; 526678, 3654536; 526678, 3654479; 526650, 3654479; 526650, 3654280; 526621, 3654280; 526621, 3654224; 526593, 3654224; 526593, 3654167; 526536, 3654167; 526536, 3654139; 526480, 3654139; 526480, 3654110; 526451, 3654110; 526451, 3654082; 526423, 3654082; 526423, 3654025; 526395, 3654025; 526395, 3653968; 526366, 3653968; 526366, 3653883; 526338, 3653883; 526338, 3653798; 526281, 3653798; 526281, 3653770; 526253, 3653770; 526253, 3653741; 526224, 3653741; 526224, 3653713; 526196, 3653713; 526196, 3653486; 526168, 3653486; 526168, 3653458; 525912, 3653458; 525912, 3653429; 525884, 3653429; 525884, 3653288; 525856, 3653288; 525856, 3653231; 525827, 3653231; 525827, 3653202; 525799, 3653202; 525799, 3653174; 525770, 3653174; 525770, 3653146; 525742, 3653146; 525742, 3653117; 525714, 3653117; 525714, 3653061; 525685, 3653061; 525685, 3653032; 525657, 3653032; 525657, 3652919; 525629, 3652919; 525629, 3652862; 525600, 3652862; 525600, 3652805; 525657, 3652805; 525657, 3652777; 525714, 3652777; 525714, 3652720; 525742, 3652720; 525742, 3652578; 525714, 3652578; 525714, 3652522; 525685, 3652522; 525685, 3652465; 525657, 3652465; 525657, 3652323; 525685, 3652323; 525685, 3652238; 525657, 3652238; 525657, 3652181; 525629, 3652181; 525629, 3652153; 525600, 3652153; 525600, 3652124; 525572, 3652124; 525572, 3652096; 525543, 3652096; 525543, 3652068; 525515, 3652068; 525515, 3651954; 525572, 3651954; 525572, 3651897; 525543, 3651897; 525543, 3651869; 525515, 3651869; 525515, 3651812; 525487, 3651812; 525487, 3651699; 525458, 3651699; 525458, 3651671; 525430, 3651671; 525430, 3651642; 525402, 3651642; 525402, 3651614; 525373, 3651614; 525373, 3651585; 525345, 3651585; 525345, 3651529; 525316, 3651529; 525316, 3651500; 525288, 3651500; 525288, 3651415; 525260, 3651415; 525260, 3651358; 525231, 3651358; 525231, 3651302; 525203, 3651302; 525203, 3651188; 525175, 3651188; 525175, 3651131; 525146, 3651131; 525146, 3651046; 525118, 3651046; 525118, 3650961; 525090, 3650961; 525090, 3650706; 525061, 3650706; 525061, 3650678; 525033, 3650678; 525033, 3650649; 525004, 3650649; 525004, 3650621; 524976, 3650621; 524976, 3650592; 524948, 3650592; 524948, 3650564; 524919, 3650564; 524919, 3650536; 524863, 3650536; 524863, 3650479; 524834, 3650479; 524834, 3650451; 524806, 3650451; 524806, 3650422; 524777, 3650422; 524777, 3650394; 524749, 3650394; 524749, 3650337; 524721, 3650337; 524721, 3650252; 524777, 3650252; 524777, 3650224; 524806, 3650224; 524806, 3650252; 524891, 3650252; 524891, 3650224; 524976, 3650224; 524976, 3650195; 525033, 3650195; 525033, 3650167; 525090, 3650167; 525090, 3650195; 525118, 3650195; 525118, 3650224; 525203, 3650224; 525203, 3650252; 525260, 3650252; 525260, 3650280; 525288, 3650280; 525288, 3650309; 525316, 3650309; 525316, 3650366; 525345, 3650366; 525345, 3650394; 525402, 3650394; 525402, 3650422; 525458, 3650422; 525458, 3650451; 525572, 3650451; 525572, 3650422; 525685, 3650422; 525685, 3650394; 525742, 3650394; 525742, 3650422; 525799, 3650422; 525799, 3650451; 525912, 3650451; 525912, 3650422; 525884, 3650422; 525884, 3650337; 525856, 3650337; 525856, 3650309; 525799, 3650309; 525799, 3650280; 525742, 3650280; 525742, 3650252; 525685, 3650252; 525685, 3650224; 525487, 3650224; 525487, 3650195; 525402, 3650195; 525402, 3650167; 525288, 3650167; 525288, 3650139; 525260, 3650139; 525260, 3650167; 525231, 3650167; 525231, 3650139; 525203, 3650139; 525203, 3650053; 525175, 3650053; 525175, 3650025; 525118, 3650025; 525118, 3649997; 525033, 3649997; 525033, 3650025; 524976, 3650025; 524976, 3650053; 524834, 3650053; 524834, 3650025; 524806, 3650025; 524806, 3650053; 524777, 3650053; 524777, 3650025; 524721, 3650025; 524721, 3649997; 524692, 3649997; 524692, 3650025; 524664, 3650025; 524664, 3650053; 524607, 3650053; 524607, 3650082; 524465, 3650082; 524465, 3649940; 524494, 3649940; 524494, 3649912; 524465, 3649912; 524465, 3649883; 524409, 3649883; 524409, 3649855; 524380, 3649855; 524380, 3649827; 524352, 3649827; 524352, 3649798; 524324, 3649798; 524324, 3649741; 524295, 3649741; 524295, 3649713; 524267, 3649713; 524267, 3649656; 524238, 3649656; 524238, 3649600; 524210, 3649600; 524210, 3649543; 524182, 3649543; 524182, 3649514; 524153, 3649514; 524153, 3649458; 524125, 3649458; 524125, 3649429; 524097, 3649429; 524097, 3649401; 524068, 3649401; 524068, 3649344; 524040, 3649344; 524040, 3649231; 524068, 3649231; 524068, 3649202; 524097, 3649202; 524097, 3649174; 524125, 3649174; 524125, 3649146; 524182, 3649146; 524182, 3649061; 524210, 3649061; 524210, 3649032; 524238, 3649032; 524238, 3649004; 524352, 3649004; 524352, 3648975; 524409, 3648975; 524409, 3648947; 524437, 3648947; 524437, 3648919; 524465, 3648919; 524465, 3648862; 524494, 3648862; 524494, 3648855; 524231, 3648849; 524040, 3648846; 524040, 3648862; 524012, 3648862; 524012, 3648890; 523983, 3648890; 523983, 3648919; 523926, 3648919; 523926, 3648947; 523898, 3648947; 523898, 3648975; 523841, 3648975; 523841, 3649004; 523785, 3649004; 523785, 3649032; 523699, 3649032; 523699, 3649089; 523728, 3649089; 523728, 3649146; 523756, 3649146; 523756, 3649288; 523785, 3649288; 523785, 3649429; 523841, 3649429; 523841, 3649486; 523870, 3649486; 523870, 3649543; 523841, 3649543; 523841, 3649571; 523813, 3649571; 523813, 3649600; 523841, 3649600; 523841, 3649628; 523870, 3649628; 523870, 3649656; 523898, 3649656; 523898, 3649685; 523926, 3649685; 523926, 3649770; 523955, 3649770; 523955, 3649798; 523983, 3649798; 523983, 3649827; 524012, 3649827; 524012, 3649883; 524040, 3649883; 524040, 3650025; 524012, 3650025; 524012, 3650082; 523983, 3650082; 523983, 3650167; 524040, 3650167; 524040, 3650224; 524068, 3650224; 524068, 3650280; 524125, 3650280; 524125, 3650337; 524153, 3650337; 524153, 3650366; 524210, 3650366; 524210, 3650394; 524238, 3650394; 524238, 3650422; 524267, 3650422; 524267, 3650479; 524295, 3650479; 524295, 3650592; 524465, 3650592; 524465, 3650621; 524551, 3650621; 524551, 3650649; 524579, 3650649; 524579, 3650678; 524607, 3650678; 524607, 3650706; 524636, 3650706; 524636, 3650734; 524749, 3650734; 524749, 3650763; 524806, 3650763; 524806, 3650791; 524834, 3650791; 524834, 3650819; 524863, 3650819; 524863, 3650961; 524891, 3650961; 524891, 3650990; 524919, 3650990; 524919, 3651018; 524948, 3651018; 524948, 3651103; 524976, 3651103; 524976, 3651188; 525004, 3651188; 525004, 3651245; 525033, 3651245; 525033, 3651330; 525061, 3651330; 525061, 3651358; 525090, 3651358; 525090, 3651444; 525118, 3651444; 525118, 3651500; 525146, 3651500; 525146, 3651557; 525175, 3651557; 525175, 3651614; 525203, 3651614; 525203, 3651642; 525231, 3651642; 525231, 3651699; 525260, 3651699; 525260, 3651727; 525316, 3651727; 525316, 3651756; 525345, 3651756; 525345, 3651812; 525373, 3651812; 525373, 3651983; 525402, 3651983; 525402, 3652096; 525430, 3652096; 525430, 3652181; 525458, 3652181; 525458, 3652210; 525487, 3652210; 525487, 3652266; 525515, 3652266; 525515, 3652323; 525487, 3652323; 525487, 3652408; 525515, 3652408; 525515, 3652493; 525543, 3652493; 525543, 3652550; 525572, 3652550; 525572, 3652635; 525543, 3652635; 525543, 3652663; 525515, 3652663; 525515, 3652692; 525487, 3652692; 525487, 3652749; 525458, 3652749; 525458, 3652777; 525487, 3652777; 525487, 3653061; 525458, 3653061; 525458, 3653117; 525430, 3653117; 525430, 3653174; 525543, 3653174; 525543, 3653146; 525600, 3653146; 525600, 3653174; 525657, 3653174; 525657, 3653231; 525685, 3653231; 525685, 3653259; 525742, 3653259; 525742, 3653288; 525770, 3653288; 525770, 3653401; 525799, 3653401; 525799, 3653429; 525770, 3653429; 525770, 3653486; 525799, 3653486; 525799, 3653543; 525827, 3653543; 525827, 3653571; 526082, 3653571; 526082, 3653600; 526111, 3653600; 526111, 3653798; 526139, 3653798; 526139, 3653827; 526168, 3653827; 526168, 3653855; 526196, 3653855; 526196, 3653883; 526224, 3653883; 526224, 3653912; 526253, 3653912; 526253, 3653968; 526281, 3653968; 526281, 3654054; 526309, 3654054; 526309, 3654139; 526338, 3654139; 526338, 3654195; 526366, 3654195; 526366, 3654280; 526395, 3654280; 526395, 3654337; 526423, 3654337; 526423, 3654366; 526451, 3654366; 526451, 3654394; 526480, 3654394; 526480, 3654479; 526508, 3654479; 526508, 3654536; 526536, 3654536; 526536, 3654593; 526565, 3654593; 526565, 3654621; 526593, 3654621; 526593, 3654649; 526621, 3654649; 526621, 3654678; 526650, 3654678; 526650, 3654734; 526678, 3654734; 526678, 3654791; 526707, 3654791; 526707, 3654905; 526735, 3654905; 526735, 3654990; 526763, 3654990; 526763, 3655018; 526792, 3655018; 526792, 3655046; 526820, 3655046; 526820, 3655075; 526848, 3655075; 526848, 3655103; 526877, 3655103; 526877, 3655160; 526905, 3655160; 526905, 3655217; 526934, 3655217; 526934, 3655273; 526962, 3655273; 526962, 3655302; 526990, 3655302; 526990, 3655358; 527047, 3655358; 527047, 3655387; 527075, 3655387; 527075, 3655415; 527132, 3655415; 527132, 3655444; 527160, 3655444; 527160, 3655500; 527189, 3655500; 527189, 3655585; 527217, 3655585; 527217, 3655671; 527274, 3655671; 527274, 3655699; 527302, 3655699; 527302, 3655727; 527331, 3655727; 527331, 3655756; 527359, 3655756; 527359, 3655784; 527387, 3655784; 527387, 3655841; 527416, 3655841; 527416, 3655869; 527444, 3655869; 527444, 3655954; 527473, 3655954; 527473, 3656011; 527501, 3656011; 527501, 3656039; 527558, 3656039; 527558, 3656068; 527586, 3656068; 527586, 3656096; 527614, 3656096; 527614, 3656153; 527671, 3656153; 527671, 3656210; 527699, 3656210; 527699, 3656238; 527728, 3656238; 527728, 3656266; 527756, 3656266; 527756, 3656323; 527785, 3656323; 527785, 3656380; 527813, 3656380; 527813, 3656408; 527841, 3656408; 527841, 3656436; 527870, 3656436; 527870, 3656465; 527898, 3656465; 527898, 3656493; 527926, 3656493; 527926, 3656550; 527955, 3656550; 527955, 3656663; 527983, 3656663; 527983, 3656720; 528040, 3656720; 528040, 3656749; 528068, 3656749; 528068, 3656777; 528097, 3656777; 528097, 3656890; 528125, 3656890; 528125, 3656919; 528182, 3656919; 528182, 3656947; 528239, 3656947; 528239, 3656976; 528267, 3656976; 528267, 3657032; 528295, 3657032; 528295, 3657089; 528352, 3657089; 528352, 3657146; 528380, 3657146; 528380, 3657174; 528437, 3657174; 528437, 3657202; 528465, 3657202; 528465, 3657231; 528494, 3657231; 528494, 3657259; 528522, 3657259; 528522, 3657316; 528551, 3657316; 528551, 3657458; 528579, 3657458; 528579, 3657515; 528607, 3657515; 528607, 3657571; 528636, 3657571; 528636, 3657600; 528721, 3657600; 528721, 3657628; 528749, 3657628; 528749, 3657656; 528778, 3657656; 528778, 3657685; 528749, 3657685; 528749, 3657741; returning to 528778, 3657741.

(iv) Subunit 17b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map El Cajon Mtn. San Vicente Reservoir, and El Cajon, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 514386, 3639704; 514386, 3639674; 514446, 3639674; 514446, 3639644; 514536, 3639644; 514536, 3639614; 514566, 3639614; 514566, 3639584; 514596, 3639584; 514596, 3639614; 514866, 3639614; 514866, 3639584; 514926, 3639584; 514926, 3639554; 514956, 3639554; 514956, 3639524; 514986, 3639524; 514986, 3639494; 515016, 3639494; 515016, 3639404; 515046, 3639404; 515046, 3639374; 515076, 3639374; 515076, 3639344; 515226, 3639344; 515226, 3639314; 515235, 3639314; 515286, 3639314; 515286, 3639344; 515376, 3639344; 515376, 3639314; 515406, 3639314; 515406, 3639254; 515436, 3639254; 515436, 3639224; 515496, 3639224; 515496, 3639164; 515526, 3639164; 515526, 3639134; 515586, 3639134; 515586, 3639104; 515646, 3639104; 515646, 3639134; 515796, 3639134; 515796, 3639104; 515856, 3639104; 515856, 3639074; 515916, 3639074; 515916, 3639044; 516006, 3639044; 516006, 3639014; 516066, 3639014; 516066, 3638984; 516126, 3638984; 516126, 3638924; 516156, 3638924; 516156, 3638894; 516186, 3638894; 516186, 3638834; 516216, 3638834; 516216, 3638804; 516336, 3638804; 516336, 3638774; 516426, 3638774; 516426, 3638744; 516516, 3638744; 516516, 3638714; 516606, 3638714; 516606, 3638684; 516726, 3638684; 516726, 3638654; 517176, 3638654; 517176, 3638684; 517206, 3638684; 517206, 3638714; 517266, 3638714; 517266, 3638744; 517296, 3638744; 517296, 3638774; 517326, 3638774; 517326, 3638834; 517386, 3638834; 517386, 3638864; 517446, 3638864; 517446, 3638834; 517506, 3638834; 517506, 3638804; 517536, 3638804; 517536, 3638744; 517566, 3638744; 517566, 3638714; 517626, 3638714; 517626, 3638684; 517926, 3638684; 517926, 3638666; 517746, 3638558; 517746, 3638564; 517716, 3638564; 517716, 3638354; 517686, 3638354; 517686, 3638324; 517446, 3638324; 517446, 3638294; 517176, 3638294; 517176, 3638264; 517116, 3638264; 517116, 3638294; 517026, 3638294; 517026, 3638324; 516906, 3638324; 516906, 3638294; 516756, 3638294; 516756, 3638324; 516726, 3638324; 516726, 3638354; 516606, 3638354; 516606, 3638384; 516546, 3638384; 516546, 3638414; 516486, 3638414; 516486, 3638444; 516426, 3638444; 516426, 3638474; 516276, 3638474; 516276, 3638504; 516126, 3638504; 516126, 3638534; 516096, 3638534; 516096, 3638564; 516036, 3638564; 516036, 3638594; 516006, 3638594; 516006, 3638624; 515976, 3638624; 515976, 3638654; 515946, 3638654; 515946, 3638684; 515766, 3638684; 515766, 3638714; 515646, 3638714; 515646, 3638744; 515436, 3638744; 515436, 3638774; 515406, 3638774; 515406, 3638804; 515376, 3638804; 515376, 3638834; 515316, 3638834; 515316, 3638864; 515256, 3638864; 515256, 3638894; 515226, 3638894; 515226, 3638924; 515166, 3638924; 515166, 3638954; 515106, 3638954; 515106, 3638984; 515046, 3638984; 515046, 3639014; 514926, 3639014; 514926, 3638984; 514866, 3638984; 514866, 3639014; 514836, 3639014; 514836, 3639044; 514806, 3639044; 514806, 3639074; 514746, 3639074; 514746, 3639104; 514686, 3639104; 514686, 3639134; 514626, 3639134; 514626, 3639194; 514596, 3639194; 514596, 3639224; 514566, 3639224; 514566, 3639194; 514536, 3639194; 514536, 3639164; 514446, 3639164; 514446, 3639134; 514356, 3639134; 514356, 3639104; 514296, 3639104; 514296, 3639074; 514236, 3639074; 514236, 3639044; 514176, 3639044; 514176, 3639014; 514146, 3639014; 514146, 3638984; 514116, 3638984; 514116, 3638954; 514086, 3638954; 514086, 3638894; 514116, 3638894; 514116, 3638864; 514146, 3638864; 514146, 3638834; 514176, 3638834; 514176, 3638804; 514206, 3638804; 514206, 3638714; 514176, 3638714; 514176, 3638684; 514146, 3638684; 514146, 3638654; 514086, 3638654; 514086, 3638624; 514026, 3638624; 514026, 3638594; 513966, 3638594; 513966, 3638564; 513876, 3638564; 513876, 3638534; 513846, 3638534; 513846, 3638504; 513786, 3638504; 513786, 3638474; 513756, 3638474; 513756, 3638444; 513726, 3638444; 513726, 3638414; 513696, 3638414; 513696, 3638384; 513666, 3638384; 513666, 3638234; 513576, 3638234; 513576, 3638204; 513516, 3638204; 513516, 3638174; 513486, 3638174; 513486, 3638204; 513456, 3638204; 513456, 3638234; 513366, 3638234; 513366, 3638204; 513336, 3638204; 513336, 3638144; 513306, 3638144; 513306, 3637964; 513276, 3637964; 513276, 3637934; 513216, 3637934; 513216, 3637904; 513186, 3637904; 513186, 3637874; 513156, 3637874; 513156, 3637844; 513126, 3637844; 513126, 3637814; 513096, 3637814; 513096, 3637784; 513066, 3637784; 513066, 3637754; 513036, 3637754; 513036, 3637544; 512766, 3637544; 512766, 3637514; 512646, 3637514; 512646, 3637484; 512556, 3637484; 512556, 3637454; 512466, 3637454; 512466, 3637484; 512376, 3637484; 512376, 3637514; 512346, 3637514; 512346, 3637544; 512226, 3637544; 512226, 3637514; 512196, 3637514; 512196, 3637544; 512136, 3637544; 512136, 3637574; 512046, 3637574; 512046, 3637544; 512016, 3637544; 512016, 3637484; 511986, 3637484; 511986, 3637394; 511956, 3637394; 511956, 3637334; 511926, 3637334; 511926, 3637274; 511896, 3637274; 511896, 3637244; 511836, 3637244; 511836, 3637214; 511476, 3637214; 511476, 3637184; 511386, 3637184; 511386, 3637214; 511356, 3637214; 511356, 3637244; 511296, 3637244; 511296, 3637214; 511236, 3637214; 511236, 3637184; 511146, 3637184; 511146, 3637154; 511086, 3637154; 511086, 3637124; 511056, 3637124; 511056, 3637034; 511026, 3637034; 511026, 3637004; 510876, 3637004; 510876, 3636974; 510846, 3636974; 510846, 3636884; 510816, 3636884; 510816, 3636854; 510756, 3636854; 510756, 3636824; 510726, 3636824; 510726, 3636794; 510696, 3636794; 510696, 3636764; 510666, 3636764; 510666, 3636734; 510636, 3636734; 510636, 3636704; 510606, 3636704; 510606, 3636674; 510576, 3636674; 510576, 3636644; 510486, 3636644; 510486, 3636614; 510186, 3636614; 510186, 3636584; 510036, 3636584; 510036, 3636554; 510006, 3636554; 510006, 3636494; 510036, 3636494; 510036, 3636434; 510066, 3636434; 510066, 3636374; 509886, 3636374; 509886, 3636344; 509856, 3636344; 509856, 3636314; 509826, 3636314; 509826, 3636284; 509796, 3636284; 509796, 3636254; 509736, 3636254; 509736, 3636224; 509706, 3636224; 509706, 3636194; 509676, 3636194; 509676, 3636164; 509586, 3636164; 509586, 3636134; 509556, 3636134; 509556, 3636104; 509526, 3636104; 509526, 3636074; 509496, 3636074; 509496, 3636044; 509466, 3636044; 509466, 3636014; 509406, 3636014; 509406, 3636134; 509256, 3636134; 509256, 3636164; 509226, 3636164; 509226, 3636194; 509166, 3636194; 509166, 3636224; 509106, 3636224; 509106, 3636254; 509076, 3636254; 509076, 3636284; 509046, 3636284; 509046, 3636314; 509016, 3636314; 509016, 3636344; 508986, 3636344; 508986, 3636404; 508956, 3636404; 508956, 3636464; 508986, 3636464; 508986, 3636494; 509046, 3636494; 509046, 3636614; 509016, 3636614; 509016, 3636644; 508986, 3636644; 508986, 3636764; 508896, 3636764; 508896, 3636734; 508836, 3636734; 508836, 3636764; 508806, 3636764; 508806, 3636794; 508566, 3636794; 508566, 3636824; 508506, 3636824; 508506, 3636794; 508446, 3636794; 508446, 3636764; 508326, 3636764; 508326, 3636734; 508176, 3636734; 508176, 3636764; 508116, 3636764; 508116, 3636824; 508086, 3636824; 508086, 3636854; 508026, 3636854; 508026, 3636824; 507996, 3636824; 507996, 3636764; 507966, 3636764; 507965, 3636955; 508024, 3637077; 507850, 3637102; 508032, 3637367; 508070, 3637532; 508385, 3637457; 508865, 3637342; 508896, 3637424; 508896, 3637454; 508926, 3637454; 508926, 3637424; 508986, 3637424; 508986, 3637394; 509106, 3637394; 509106, 3637424; 509166, 3637424; 509166, 3637454; 509196, 3637454; 509196, 3637484; 509256, 3637484; 509256, 3637514; 509316, 3637514; 509316, 3637484; 509346, 3637484; 509346, 3637454; 509406, 3637454; 509406, 3637424; 509466, 3637424; 509466, 3637394; 509496, 3637394; 509496, 3637364; 509526, 3637364; 509526, 3637334; 509586, 3637334; 509586, 3637244; 509616, 3637244; 509616, 3637214; 509706, 3637214; 509706, 3637244; 509736, 3637244; 509736, 3637274; 509766, 3637274; 509766, 3637304; 509796, 3637304; 509796, 3637334; 509826, 3637334; 509826, 3637304; 509856, 3637304; 509856, 3637274; 509886, 3637274; 509886, 3637214; 509916, 3637214; 509916, 3637184; 509946, 3637184; 509946, 3637154; 509976, 3637154; 509976, 3637124; 510186, 3637124; 510186, 3637094; 510306, 3637094; 510306, 3637124; 510336, 3637124; 510336, 3637214; 510366, 3637214; 510366, 3637244; 510396, 3637244; 510396, 3637304; 510426, 3637304; 510426, 3637334; 510456, 3637334; 510456, 3637364; 510486, 3637364; 510486, 3637424; 510516, 3637424; 510516, 3637454; 510546, 3637454; 510546, 3637484; 510576, 3637484; 510576, 3637514; 510606, 3637514; 510606, 3637544; 510636, 3637544; 510636, 3637604; 510657, 3637604; 510666, 3637604; 510666, 3637634; 510696, 3637634; 510696, 3637664; 510726, 3637664; 510726, 3637694; 510756, 3637694; 510756, 3637754; 510786, 3637754; 510786, 3637784; 510846, 3637784; 510846, 3637814; 510876, 3637814; 510876, 3637874; 510906, 3637874; 510906, 3637904; 510966, 3637904; 510966, 3637874; 510996, 3637874; 510996, 3637844; 511176, 3637844; 511176, 3637874; 511206, 3637874; 511206, 3637904; 511266, 3637904; 511266, 3637934; 511296, 3637934; 511296, 3638114; 511476, 3638114; 511476, 3638174; 511506, 3638174; 511506, 3638324; 511566, 3638324; 511566, 3638354; 511716, 3638354; 511716, 3638384; 511746, 3638384; 511746, 3638414; 511776, 3638414; 511776, 3638444; 511836, 3638444; 511836, 3638474; 511926, 3638474; 511926, 3638504; 511956, 3638504; 511956, 3638534; 511986, 3638534; 511986, 3638564; 512016, 3638564; 512016, 3638594; 512076, 3638594; 512076, 3638654; 512106, 3638654; 512106, 3638684; 512136, 3638684; 512136, 3638714; 512166, 3638714; 512166, 3638684; 512196, 3638684; 512196, 3638654; 512226, 3638654; 512226, 3638594; 512286, 3638594; 512286, 3638564; 512316, 3638564; 512316, 3638534; 512436, 3638534; 512436, 3638564; 512496, 3638564; 512496, 3638534; 512736, 3638534; 512736, 3638504; 512856, 3638504; 512856, 3638534; 512886, 3638534; 512886, 3638654; 512856, 3638654; 512856, 3638684; 512886, 3638684; 512886, 3638774; 512916, 3638774; 512916, 3638804; 512946, 3638804; 512946, 3638834; 513036, 3638834; 513036, 3638864; 513096, 3638864; 513096, 3638894; 513156, 3638894; 513156, 3638954; 513186, 3638954; 513186, 3639044; 513216, 3639044; 513216, 3639134; 513246, 3639134; 513246, 3639194; 513276, 3639194; 513276, 3639254; 513306, 3639254; 513306, 3639344; 513276, 3639344; 513276, 3639374; 513246, 3639374; 513246, 3639404; 513276, 3639404; 513276, 3639494; 513306, 3639494; 513306, 3639554; 513336, 3639554; 513336, 3639614; 513366, 3639614; 513366, 3639644; 513516, 3639644; 513516, 3639674; 513666, 3639674; 513666, 3639644; 513756, 3639644; 513756, 3639584; 513816, 3639584; 513816, 3639554; 513876, 3639554; 513876, 3639524; 513906, 3639524; 513906, 3639554; 513936, 3639554; 513936, 3639584; 513966, 3639584; 513966, 3639614; 513996, 3639614; 513996, 3639644; 514026, 3639644; 514026, 3639674; 514266, 3639674; 514266, 3639704; returning to 514386, 3639704.

(v) Subunit 17d: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps El Cajon Mtn., Ramona, and San Vicente Reservoir. Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 516538, 3651895; 516538, 3651738; 516595, 3651747; 516826, 3651690; 516843, 3651620; 516850, 3651614; 516846, 3651614; 516846, 3651524; 516876, 3651524; 516876, 3651434; 516726, 3651434; 516726, 3651404; 516666, 3651404; 516666, 3651374; 516606, 3651374; 516606, 3651344; 516456, 3651344; 516456, 3651314; 516396, 3651314; 516396, 3651284; 516216, 3651284; 516216, 3651254; 516186, 3651254; 516186, 3651224; 516156, 3651224; 516156, 3651194; 516126, 3651194; 516126, 3651164; 516036, 3651164; 516036, 3651104; 515976, 3651104; 515976, 3651074; 515905, 3651074; 515905, 3651177; 515844, 3651227; 515651, 3651214; 515498, 3651180; 515417, 3651156; 515395, 3651211; 515168, 3651025; 514977, 3650964; 514856, 3650913; 514642, 3650849; 514659, 3650833; 514685, 3650804; 514698, 3650791; 514722, 3650758; 514801, 3650601; 514823, 3650568; 514605, 3650564; 514608, 3650502; 514656, 3650454; 514722, 3650376; 514781, 3650355; 514826, 3650360; 514826, 3650264; 514707, 3650264; 514698, 3650285; 514615, 3650380; 514557, 3650470; 514524, 3650489; 514410, 3650476; 514339, 3650501; 514204, 3650496; 514149, 3650502; 514098, 3650460; 514061, 3650426; 514092, 3650289; 514108, 3650234; 514086, 3650234; 514086, 3650204; 514056, 3650204; 514056, 3650144; 513996, 3650144; 513996, 3650114; 513906, 3650114; 513906, 3650144; 513786, 3650144; 513786, 3650114; 513696, 3650114; 513696, 3650144; 513636, 3650144; 513636, 3650174; 513546, 3650174; 513546, 3650114; 513516, 3650114; 513516, 3650084; 513306, 3650084; 513306, 3650054; 513186, 3650054; 513186, 3650084; 513156, 3650084; 513156, 3650054; 513096, 3650054; 513096, 3650024; 513066, 3650024; 513066, 3649994; 513036, 3649994; 513036, 3649964; 513006, 3649964; 513006, 3649724; 512976, 3649724; 512976, 3649664; 512946, 3649664; 512946, 3649604; 512976, 3649604; 512976, 3649484; 512946, 3649484; 512946, 3649454; 512916, 3649454; 512916, 3649424; 512886, 3649424; 512886, 3649394; 512766, 3649394; 512766, 3649364; 512706, 3649364; 512706, 3649334; 512526, 3649334; 512526, 3649304; 512496, 3649304; 512496, 3649244; 512436, 3649244; 512436, 3649214; 512376, 3649214; 512376, 3649184; 512346, 3649184; 512346, 3649154; 512316, 3649154; 512316, 3649064; 512226, 3649064; 512226, 3649034; 512196, 3649034; 512196, 3649004; 512166, 3649004; 512166, 3648944; 512136, 3648944; 512136, 3648914; 512076, 3648914; 512076, 3648884; 512046, 3648884; 512046, 3648854; 512016, 3648854; 512016, 3648794; 511986, 3648794; 511986, 3648764; 511956, 3648764; 511956, 3648734; 511896, 3648734; 511896, 3648704; 511866, 3648704; 511866, 3648644; 511836, 3648644; 511836, 3648614; 511866, 3648614; 511866, 3648524; 511896, 3648524; 511896, 3648494; 511926, 3648494; 511926, 3648464; 511956, 3648464; 511956, 3648434; 511986, 3648434; 511986, 3648374; 511926, 3648374; 511926, 3648404; 511836, 3648404; 511836, 3648434; 511776, 3648434; 511776, 3648464; 511746, 3648464; 511746, 3648494; 511686, 3648494; 511686, 3648524; 511296, 3648524; 511296, 3648494; 511236, 3648494; 511236, 3648464; 511206, 3648464; 511206, 3648434; 511176, 3648434; 511176, 3648404; 511146, 3648404; 511146, 3648374; 511116, 3648374; 511116, 3648344; 511086, 3648344; 511086, 3648314; 510996, 3648314; 510996, 3648284; 510786, 3648284; 510786, 3648254; 510756, 3648254; 510756, 3648224; 510726, 3648224; 510726, 3648194; 510696, 3648194; 510696, 3648164; 510426, 3648164; 510426, 3648194; 510336, 3648194; 510336, 3648164; 510306, 3648164; 510306, 3648134; 510246, 3648134; 510246, 3648104; 510216, 3648104; 510216, 3648074; 510186, 3648074; 510186, 3647864; 510216, 3647864; 510216, 3647624; 510426, 3647624; 510426, 3647564; 510456, 3647564; 510456, 3647504; 510486, 3647504; 510486, 3647474; 510546, 3647474; 510546, 3647384; 510516, 3647384; 510516, 3647354; 510396, 3647354; 510396, 3647384; 510336, 3647384; 510336, 3647414; 510036, 3647414; 510036, 3647354; 510006, 3647354; 510006, 3647324; 509976, 3647324; 509976, 3647294; 509946, 3647294; 509946, 3647264; 509916, 3647264; 509916, 3647204; 509886, 3647204; 509886, 3647174; 509916, 3647174; 509916, 3647144; 509946, 3647144; 509946, 3647114; 509976, 3647114; 509976, 3647084; 510006, 3647084; 510006, 3647054; 509886, 3647054; 509886, 3647024; 509796, 3647024; 509796, 3646994; 509766, 3646994; 509766, 3646964; 509706, 3646964; 509706, 3646934; 509556, 3646934; 509556, 3646904; 509586, 3646904; 509586, 3646874; 509676, 3646874; 509676, 3646814; 509646, 3646814; 509646, 3646754; 509616, 3646754; 509616, 3646724; 509586, 3646724; 509586, 3646634; 509556, 3646634; 509556, 3646604; 509436, 3646604; 509436, 3646574; 509346, 3646574; 509346, 3646544; 509286, 3646544; 509286, 3646514; 509256, 3646514; 509256, 3646484; 509196, 3646484; 509196, 3646424; 509166, 3646424; 509166, 3646394; 509136, 3646394; 509136, 3646364; 509106, 3646364; 509106, 3646334; 509076, 3646334; 509076, 3646304; 509046, 3646304; 509046, 3646274; 508986, 3646274; 508986, 3646244; 508956, 3646244; 508956, 3646214; 508926, 3646214; 508926, 3646154; 508896, 3646154; 508896, 3645884; 508866, 3645884; 508866, 3645824; 508836, 3645824; 508836, 3645764; 508866, 3645764; 508866, 3645674; 508896, 3645674; 508896, 3645614; 508926, 3645614; 508926, 3645554; 508956, 3645554; 508956, 3645494; 508986, 3645494; 508986, 3645264; 508806, 3645259; 508806, 3645404; 508776, 3645404; 508776, 3645494; 508746, 3645494; 508746, 3645614; 508716, 3645614; 508716, 3645734; 508686, 3645734; 508686, 3645884; 508656, 3645884; 508656, 3645914; 508626, 3645914; 508626, 3645944; 508596, 3645944; 508596, 3645974; 508566, 3645974; 508566, 3646184; 508596, 3646184; 508596, 3646214; 508686, 3646214; 508686, 3646244; 508746, 3646244; 508746, 3646274; 508776, 3646274; 508776, 3646304; 508806, 3646304; 508806, 3646364; 508866, 3646364; 508866, 3646454; 508896, 3646454; 508896, 3646514; 508926, 3646514; 508926, 3646574; 508956, 3646574; 508956, 3646724; 508986, 3646724; 508986, 3646754; 509016, 3646754; 509016, 3646784; 509046, 3646784; 509046, 3646904; 509016, 3646904; 509016, 3646964; 508986, 3646964; 508986, 3647024; 509136, 3647024; 509136, 3646994; 509286, 3646994; 509286, 3647024; 509316, 3647024; 509316, 3647084; 509346, 3647084; 509346, 3647144; 509316, 3647144; 509316, 3647204; 509286, 3647204; 509286, 3647234; 509316, 3647234; 509316, 3647264; 509346, 3647264; 509346, 3647294; 509406, 3647294; 509406, 3647324; 509436, 3647324; 509436, 3647474; 509496, 3647474; 509496, 3647504; 509526, 3647504; 509526, 3647534; 509556, 3647534; 509556, 3647594; 509586, 3647594; 509586, 3647624; 509616, 3647624; 509616, 3647654; 509646, 3647654; 509646, 3647684; 509676, 3647684; 509676, 3647714; 509706, 3647714; 509706, 3647744; 509736, 3647744; 509736, 3647774; 509766, 3647774; 509766, 3647894; 509796, 3647894; 509796, 3647954; 509826, 3647954; 509826, 3648014; 509856, 3648014; 509856, 3648044; 509886, 3648044; 509886, 3648074; 509916, 3648074; 509916, 3648134; 509946, 3648134; 509946, 3648164; 510006, 3648164; 510006, 3648194; 510096, 3648194; 510096, 3648224; 510156, 3648224; 510156, 3648254; 510216, 3648254; 510216, 3648284; 510276, 3648284; 510276, 3648314; 510336, 3648314; 510336, 3648344; 510456, 3648344; 510456, 3648374; 510486, 3648374; 510486, 3648404; 510546, 3648404; 510546, 3648434; 510576, 3648434; 510576, 3648464; 510606, 3648464; 510606, 3648884; 510576, 3648884; 510576, 3648944; 510546, 3648944; 510546, 3649034; 510546, 3649061; 510546, 3649064; 510546, 3649124; 510606, 3649124; 510606, 3649064; 510636, 3649064; 510636, 3649004; 510666, 3649004; 510666, 3648974; 510696, 3648974; 510696, 3648944; 510726, 3648944; 510726, 3648914; 510786, 3648914; 510786, 3648854; 510816, 3648854; 510816, 3648794; 510876, 3648794; 510876, 3648824; 511026, 3648824; 511026, 3648854; 511146, 3648854; 511146, 3648884; 511176, 3648884; 511176, 3648914; 511236, 3648914; 511236, 3648944; 511386, 3648944; 511386, 3648974; 511416, 3648974; 511416, 3649094; 511446, 3649094; 511446, 3649124; 511416, 3649124; 511416, 3649154; 511446, 3649154; 511446, 3649214; 511476, 3649214; 511476, 3649274; 511536, 3649274; 511536, 3649304; 511566, 3649304; 511566, 3649334; 511626, 3649334; 511626, 3649304; 511686, 3649304; 511686, 3649274; 511716, 3649274; 511716, 3649244; 511746, 3649244; 511746, 3649214; 511776, 3649214; 511776, 3649154; 511836, 3649154; 511836, 3649184; 511866, 3649184; 511866, 3649214; 511836, 3649214; 511836, 3649304; 511896, 3649304; 511896, 3649334; 511926, 3649334; 511926, 3649304; 512016, 3649304; 512016, 3649334; 512076, 3649334; 512076, 3649364; 512106, 3649364; 512106, 3649454; 512136, 3649454; 512136, 3649544; 512166, 3649544; 512166, 3649574; 512196, 3649574; 512196, 3649634; 512226, 3649634; 512226, 3649664; 512256, 3649664; 512256, 3649724; 512286, 3649724; 512286, 3649754; 512346, 3649754; 512346, 3649784; 512496, 3649784; 512496, 3649814; 512526, 3649814; 512526, 3649844; 512556, 3649844; 512556, 3649904; 512586, 3649904; 512586, 3649934; 512676, 3649934; 512676, 3649964; 512736, 3649964; 512736, 3649994; 512766, 3649994; 512766, 3650024; 512796, 3650024; 512796, 3650084; 512826, 3650084; 512826, 3650294; 512856, 3650294; 512856, 3650384; 513036, 3650384; 513036, 3650414; 513246, 3650414; 513246, 3650444; 513306, 3650444; 513306, 3650474; 513366, 3650474; 513366, 3650504; 513456, 3650504; 513456, 3650474; 513516, 3650474; 513516, 3650444; 513576, 3650444; 513576, 3650414; 513696, 3650414; 513696, 3650564; 513726, 3650564; 513726, 3650594; 513846, 3650594; 513846, 3650624; 513876, 3650624; 513876, 3650744; 513906, 3650744; 513906, 3650864; 513936, 3650864; 513936, 3650924; 513906, 3650924; 513906, 3650954; 513846, 3650954; 513846, 3651014; 513816, 3651014; 513816, 3651104; 513906, 3651104; 513906, 3651134; 513936, 3651134; 513936, 3651164; 513966, 3651164; 513966, 3651224; 513996, 3651224; 513996, 3651194; 514026, 3651194; 514026, 3651164; 514116, 3651164; 514116, 3651194; 514146, 3651194; 514146, 3651224; 514296, 3651224; 514296, 3651254; 514356, 3651254; 514356, 3651284; 514416, 3651284; 514416, 3651314; 514446, 3651314; 514446, 3651344; 514476, 3651344; 514476, 3651374; 514506, 3651374; 514506, 3651426; 514609, 3651361; 514590, 3651257; 514673, 3651243; 514676, 3651076; 515008, 3651103; 515126, 3651146; 515201, 3651206; 515231, 3651282; 515232, 3651344; 515316, 3651344; 515316, 3651374; 515346, 3651374; 515346, 3651404; 515376, 3651404; 515376, 3651434; 515496, 3651434; 515496, 3651464; 515586, 3651464; 515586, 3651494; 515646, 3651494; 515646, 3651524; 515706, 3651524; 515706, 3651554; 515796, 3651554; 515796, 3651584; 515856, 3651584; 515856, 3651614; 515886, 3651614; 515886, 3651644; 515916, 3651644; 515916, 3651794; 515946, 3651794; 515946, 3651854; 515976, 3651854; 515976, 3651856; 515980, 3651851; 515988, 3651751; 516102, 3651808; 516151, 3651733; 516426, 3651859; returning to 516538, 3651895. Excluding land bounded by 514026, 3650954; 514026, 3650924; 513966, 3650924; 513966, 3650894; 513996, 3650894; 513996, 3650864; 514026, 3650864; 514026, 3650894; 514056, 3650894; 514056, 3650954; returning to 514026, 3650954. Excluding land bounded by 510816, 3648437; 510816, 3648434; 510906, 3648434; 510906, 3648524; 510876, 3648524; 510876, 3648554; 510846, 3648554; 510846, 3648464; 510816, 3648464; returning to 510816, 3648437.

(vi) Note: Map of Unit 17 is provided at paragraph (17)(v) of this entry.

(23) Unit 18: Sweetwater River Basin, San Diego County, California.

(i) Subunit 18a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Alpine, Viejas Mountain, Descanso, and Cuyamaca Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 523206, 3628484; 523206, 3628454; 523236, 3628454; 523236, 3628484; 523206, 3628484; 523206, 3628574; 523176, 3628574; 523176, 3628604; 523146, 3628604; 523146, 3628634; 523116, 3628634; 523116, 3628664; 523086, 3628664; 523086, 3628724; 523056, 3628724; 523056, 3628754; 523026, 3628754; 523026, 3628784; 522996, 3628784; 522996, 3628844; 522966, 3628844; 522966, 3628874; 522936, 3628874; 522936, 3628904; 522966, 3628904; 522966, 3628934; 523056, 3628934; 523056, 3628964; 523086, 3628964; 523086, 3629024; 523116, 3629024; 523116, 3629084; 523266, 3629084; 523266, 3629114; 523356, 3629114; 523356, 3629144; 523416, 3629144; 523416, 3629174; 523446, 3629174; 523446, 3629204; 523506, 3629204; 523506, 3629234; 523566, 3629234; 523566, 3629264; 523626, 3629264; 523626, 3629294; 523656, 3629294; 523656, 3629354; 523686, 3629354; 523686, 3629624; 523656, 3629624; 523656, 3629774; 523686, 3629774; 523686, 3629834; 523716, 3629834; 523716, 3629864; 523776, 3629864; 523776, 3629894; 523926, 3629894; 523926, 3629864; 523986, 3629864; 523986, 3629954; 523956, 3629954; 523956, 3630074; 523926, 3630074; 523926, 3630404; 523836, 3630404; 523836, 3630374; 523596, 3630374; 523596, 3630464; 523566, 3630464; 523566, 3630494; 523536, 3630494; 523536, 3630554; 523476, 3630554; 523476, 3630584; 523386, 3630584; 523386, 3630614; 523146, 3630614; 523146, 3630644; 523116, 3630644; 523116, 3630764; 523086, 3630764; 523086, 3630794; 523056, 3630794; 523056, 3630854; 522996, 3630854; 522996, 3630944; 522966, 3630944; 522966, 3631154; 522936, 3631154; 522936, 3631184; 522906, 3631184; 522906, 3631244; 522876, 3631244; 522876, 3631274; 522846, 3631274; 522846, 3631304; 522786, 3631304; 522786, 3631364; 522756, 3631364; 522756, 3631394; 522786, 3631394; 522786, 3631424; 522816, 3631424; 522816, 3631454; 522876, 3631454; 522876, 3631484; 522906, 3631484; 522906, 3631514; 522936, 3631514; 522936, 3631574; 522966, 3631574; 522966, 3631634; 522996, 3631634; 522996, 3631694; 523026, 3631694; 523026, 3631724; 523086, 3631724; 523086, 3631694; 523236, 3631694; 523236, 3631784; 523206, 3631784; 523206, 3631874; 523266, 3631874; 523266, 3631844; 523416, 3631844; 523416, 3631874; 523471, 3631874; 523482, 3631836; 523543, 3631812; 523666, 3631897; 523781, 3631955; 523778, 3632054; 523836, 3632054; 523836, 3632114; 523866, 3632114; 523866, 3632294; 523836, 3632294; 523836, 3632354; 523806, 3632354; 523806, 3632444; 523776, 3632444; 523776, 3632474; 523746, 3632474; 523746, 3632504; 523716, 3632504; 523716, 3632521; 523846, 3632524; 523844, 3632718; 523746, 3632717; 523746, 3632774; 523776, 3632774; 523776, 3632834; 523836, 3632834; 523836, 3632864; 523926, 3632864; 523926, 3632882; 524324, 3632835; 524324, 3632662; 524365, 3632665; 524470, 3632717; 524533, 3632707; 524570, 3632752; 524570, 3632806; 524672, 3632795; 524734, 3632795; 524790, 3632798; 524886, 3632823; 524886, 3632804; 524856, 3632804; 524856, 3632774; 524796, 3632774; 524796, 3632744; 524766, 3632744; 524766, 3632684; 524736, 3632684; 524736, 3632654; 524706, 3632654; 524706, 3632534; 524766, 3632534; 524766, 3632504; 524826, 3632504; 524826, 3632534; 524856, 3632534; 524856, 3632564; 524886, 3632564; 524886, 3632714; 524916, 3632714; 524916, 3632744; 524946, 3632744; 524946, 3632774; 524976, 3632774; 524976, 3632804; 525036, 3632804; 525036, 3632841; 525080, 3632802; 525120, 3632775; 525184, 3632775; 525229, 3632788; 525275, 3632806; 525339, 3632840; 525417, 3632859; 525557, 3632876; 525714, 3632864; 525829, 3632968; 526147, 3633170; 526126, 3633229; 526094, 3633314; 526236, 3633314; 526236, 3633344; 526266, 3633344; 526266, 3633404; 526296, 3633404; 526296, 3633434; 526326, 3633434; 526326, 3633464; 526356, 3633464; 526356, 3633494; 526386, 3633494; 526386, 3633554; 526416, 3633554; 526416, 3633584; 526446, 3633584; 526446, 3633614; 526596, 3633614; 526596, 3633644; 526656, 3633644; 526656, 3633674; 526806, 3633674; 526806, 3633704; 526866, 3633704; 526866, 3633734; 526896, 3633734; 526896, 3633764; 526926, 3633764; 526926, 3633794; 526956, 3633794; 526956, 3633914; 526986, 3633914; 526986, 3633944; 527030, 3633944; 527039, 3633791; 527039, 3633783; 527039, 3633675; 527041, 3633574; 527047, 3633401; 527049, 3633344; 526986, 3633344; 526986, 3633314; 526806, 3633314; 526806, 3633284; 526686, 3633284; 526686, 3633224; 526656, 3633224; 526656, 3633194; 526566, 3633194; 526566, 3633164; 526536, 3633164; 526536, 3633134; 526506, 3633134; 526506, 3633104; 526476, 3633104; 526476, 3633044; 526446, 3633044; 526446, 3633014; 526416, 3633014; 526416, 3632924; 526386, 3632924; 526386, 3632864; 526356, 3632864; 526356, 3632774; 526266, 3632774; 526266, 3632744; 526236, 3632744; 526236, 3632714; 526116, 3632714; 526116, 3632684; 526086, 3632684; 526086, 3632654; 526056, 3632654; 526056, 3632594; 525996, 3632594; 525996, 3632564; 526026, 3632564; 526026, 3632354; 526056, 3632354; 526056, 3632324; 526026, 3632324; 526026, 3632264; 525786, 3632264; 525786, 3632294; 525726, 3632294; 525726, 3632324; 525636, 3632324; 525636, 3632264; 525606, 3632264; 525606, 3632174; 525576, 3632174; 525576, 3632144; 525546, 3632144; 525546, 3632114; 525456, 3632114; 525456, 3632084; 525426, 3632084; 525426, 3632114; 525396, 3632114; 525396, 3632144; 525366, 3632144; 525366, 3632204; 525336, 3632204; 525336, 3632234; 525306, 3632234; 525306, 3632294; 525276, 3632294; 525276, 3632324; 525246, 3632324; 525246, 3632504; 525126, 3632504; 525126, 3632474; 525036, 3632474; 525036, 3632444; 524976, 3632444; 524976, 3632414; 524916, 3632414; 524916, 3632384; 524886, 3632384; 524886, 3632354; 524856, 3632354; 524856, 3632324; 524796, 3632324; 524796, 3632354; 524706, 3632354; 524706, 3632384; 524646, 3632384; 524646, 3632414; 524526, 3632414; 524526, 3632444; 524256, 3632444; 524256, 3632414; 524226, 3632414; 524226, 3632384; 524196, 3632384; 524196, 3632354; 524166, 3632354; 524166, 3632294; 524136, 3632294; 524136, 3632234; 524106, 3632234; 524106, 3632174; 524046, 3632174; 524046, 3632144; 523986, 3632144; 523986, 3631874; 523956, 3631874; 523956, 3631664; 523896, 3631664; 523896, 3631634; 523746, 3631634; 523746, 3631544; 523686, 3631544; 523686, 3631514; 523596, 3631514; 523596, 3631484; 523566, 3631484; 523566, 3631424; 523536, 3631424; 523536, 3631304; 523566, 3631304; 523566, 3631214; 523506, 3631214; 523506, 3631184; 523386, 3631184; 523386, 3631124; 523356, 3631124; 523356, 3631094; 523326, 3631094; 523326, 3631034; 523266, 3631034; 523266, 3631004; 523296, 3631004; 523296, 3630974; 523326, 3630974; 523326, 3630944; 523296, 3630944; 523296, 3630914; 523266, 3630914; 523266, 3630884; 523296, 3630884; 523296, 3630854; 523326, 3630854; 523326, 3630824; 523412, 3630824; 523432, 3630793; 523456, 3630765; 523539, 3630752; 523634, 3630720; 523692, 3630665; 523749, 3630655; 523796, 3630603; 523848, 3630572; 523942, 3630572; 523979, 3630605; 524000, 3630663; 524106, 3630748; 524301, 3630830; 524386, 3630821; 524468, 3630802; 524536, 3630778; 524557, 3630722; 524611, 3630681; 524715, 3630624; 524796, 3630603; 524796, 3630554; 524826, 3630554; 524826, 3630524; 524856, 3630524; 524856, 3630494; 524886, 3630494; 524886, 3630404; 524916, 3630404; 524916, 3630374; 524976, 3630374; 524976, 3630344; 525066, 3630344; 525066, 3630374; 525096, 3630374; 525096, 3630404; 525066, 3630404; 525066, 3630434; 525036, 3630434; 525036, 3630494; 525006, 3630494; 525006, 3630554; 524976, 3630554; 524976, 3630674; 525126, 3630674; 525126, 3630704; 525186, 3630704; 525186, 3630734; 525216, 3630734; 525216, 3630764; 525246, 3630764; 525246, 3630734; 525306, 3630734; 525306, 3630704; 525336, 3630704; 525336, 3630674; 525366, 3630674; 525366, 3630644; 525396, 3630644; 525396, 3630614; 525426, 3630614; 525426, 3630584; 525666, 3630584; 525666, 3630614; 525696, 3630614; 525696, 3630644; 525846, 3630644; 525846, 3630674; 525906, 3630674; 525906, 3630734; 526116, 3630734; 526116, 3630704; 526146, 3630704; 526146, 3630674; 526176, 3630674; 526176, 3630644; 526206, 3630644; 526206, 3630614; 526236, 3630614; 526236, 3630584; 526296, 3630584; 526296, 3630554; 526476, 3630554; 526476, 3630584; 526506, 3630584; 526506, 3630614; 526536, 3630614; 526536, 3630644; 526566, 3630644; 526566, 3630674; 526626, 3630674; 526626, 3630704; 526656, 3630704; 526656, 3630674; 526686, 3630674; 526686, 3630764; 526716, 3630764; 526716, 3630794; 526746, 3630794; 526746, 3630824; 526776, 3630824; 526776, 3630884; 526806, 3630884; 526806, 3630914; 526836, 3630914; 526836, 3630944; 526866, 3630944; 526866, 3631004; 526896, 3631004; 526896, 3631034; 526926, 3631034; 526926, 3631064; 526956, 3631064; 526956, 3631094; 526986, 3631094; 526986, 3631154; 527016, 3631154; 527016, 3631184; 527046, 3631184; 527046, 3631214; 527076, 3631214; 527076, 3631244; 527166, 3631244; 527166, 3631274; 527226, 3631274; 527226, 3631304; 527286, 3631304; 527286, 3631334; 527346, 3631334; 527346, 3631364; 527406, 3631364; 527406, 3631394; 527436, 3631394; 527436, 3631424; 527466, 3631424; 527466, 3631454; 527526, 3631454; 527526, 3631514; 527556, 3631514; 527556, 3631544; 527586, 3631544; 527586, 3631574; 527616, 3631574; 527616, 3631604; 527646, 3631604; 527646, 3631664; 527706, 3631664; 527706, 3631694; 527856, 3631694; 527856, 3631664; 527976, 3631664; 527976, 3631634; 528036, 3631634; 528036, 3631664; 528156, 3631664; 528156, 3631634; 528246, 3631634; 528246, 3631604; 528396, 3631604; 528396, 3631634; 528486, 3631634; 528486, 3631664; 528606, 3631664; 528606, 3631634; 528756, 3631634; 528756, 3631664; 528816, 3631664; 528816, 3631694; 528906, 3631694; 528906, 3631634; 528876, 3631634; 528876, 3631544; 528906, 3631544; 528906, 3631514; 528936, 3631514; 528936, 3631544; 529056, 3631544; 529056, 3631574; 529116, 3631574; 529116, 3631604; 529146, 3631604; 529146, 3631664; 529176, 3631664; 529176, 3631694; 529266, 3631694; 529266, 3631724; 529296, 3631724; 529296, 3631754; 529356, 3631754; 529356, 3631724; 529386, 3631724; 529386, 3631694; 529446, 3631694; 529446, 3631664; 529476, 3631664; 529476, 3631634; 529506, 3631634; 529506, 3631604; 529656, 3631604; 529656, 3631634; 529686, 3631634; 529686, 3631694; 529716, 3631694; 529716, 3631724; 529746, 3631724; 529746, 3631754; 529776, 3631754; 529776, 3631784; 529806, 3631784; 529806, 3631814; 529836, 3631814; 529836, 3631844; 529926, 3631844; 529926, 3631874; 529986, 3631874; 529986, 3631934; 530046, 3631934; 530046, 3631904; 530106, 3631904; 530106, 3631964; 530136, 3631964; 530136, 3632024; 530166, 3632024; 530166, 3632054; 530196, 3632054; 530196, 3632084; 530226, 3632084; 530226, 3632144; 530406, 3632144; 530406, 3632174; 530466, 3632174; 530466, 3632204; 530496, 3632204; 530496, 3632234; 530586, 3632234; 530586, 3632324; 530556, 3632324; 530556, 3632384; 530526, 3632384; 530526, 3632414; 530496, 3632414; 530496, 3632444; 530466, 3632444; 530466, 3632504; 530436, 3632504; 530436, 3632714; 530466, 3632714; 530466, 3632744; 530526, 3632744; 530526, 3632714; 530586, 3632714; 530586, 3632684; 530616, 3632684; 530616, 3632654; 530646, 3632654; 530646, 3632624; 530736, 3632624; 530736, 3632654; 530766, 3632654; 530766, 3632714; 530826, 3632714; 530826, 3632744; 530886, 3632744; 530886, 3632774; 530916, 3632774; 530916, 3632744; 530946, 3632744; 531066, 3632744; 531066, 3632774; 531156, 3632774; 531156, 3632744; 531186, 3632744; 531186, 3632714; 531336, 3632714; 531336, 3632774; 531366, 3632774; 531366, 3632834; 531396, 3632834; 531396, 3632864; 531426, 3632864; 531426, 3632834; 531516, 3632834; 531516, 3632864; 531576, 3632864; 531576, 3632894; 531606, 3632894; 531606, 3632924; 531636, 3632924; 531636, 3632954; 531666, 3632954; 531666, 3632984; 531726, 3632984; 531726, 3632954; 531816, 3632954; 531816, 3632984; 531906, 3632984; 531906, 3633014; 531936, 3633014; 531936, 3633044; 531996, 3633044; 531996, 3633074; 532056, 3633074; 532056, 3633104; 532086, 3633104; 532086, 3633134; 532176, 3633134; 532176, 3633164; 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535956, 3634454; 535926, 3634454; 535926, 3634484; 535896, 3634484; 535896, 3634514; 535866, 3634514; 535866, 3634574; 535776, 3634574; 535776, 3634544; 535626, 3634544; 535626, 3634604; 535596, 3634604; 535596, 3634664; 535566, 3634664; 535566, 3634784; 535536, 3634784; 535536, 3634814; 535506, 3634814; 535506, 3634844; 535446, 3634844; 535446, 3634874; 535416, 3634874; 535416, 3634904; 535386, 3634904; 535386, 3634934; 535356, 3634934; 535356, 3634964; 535326, 3634964; 535326, 3635024; 535296, 3635024; 535296, 3635114; 535326, 3635114; 535326, 3635144; 535356, 3635144; 535356, 3635114; 535446, 3635114; 535446, 3635084; 535506, 3635084; 535506, 3635054; 535596, 3635054; 535596, 3635024; 535712, 3635024; 535732, 3634993; 535817, 3634951; 535894, 3634948; 535944, 3634977; 535983, 3634993; 535986, 3635053; 535989, 3635126; 536056, 3635285; 536068, 3635402; 536014, 3635437; 535989, 3635529; 535986, 3635602; 535929, 3635643; 535906, 3635720; 535821, 3635720; 535719, 3635701; 535686, 3635705; 535686, 3635774; 535656, 3635774; 535656, 3635804; 535626, 3635804; 535626, 3635834; 535596, 3635834; 535596, 3635864; 535536, 3635864; 535536, 3635924; 535506, 3635924; 535506, 3635954; 535446, 3635954; 535446, 3635984; 535356, 3635984; 535356, 3636014; 535266, 3636014; 535266, 3635984; 535236, 3635984; 535236, 3636014; 535206, 3636014; 535206, 3636044; 535176, 3636044; 535176, 3636074; 535116, 3636074; 535116, 3636104; 535086, 3636104; 535086, 3636134; 535056, 3636134; 535056, 3636164; 535026, 3636164; 535026, 3636194; 534966, 3636194; 534966, 3636224; 534936, 3636224; 534936, 3636284; 534906, 3636284; 534906, 3636314; 534876, 3636314; 534876, 3636344; 534846, 3636344; 534846, 3636374; 534816, 3636374; 534816, 3636404; 534846, 3636404; 534846, 3636434; 534906, 3636434; 534906, 3636494; 534936, 3636494; 534936, 3636524; 534906, 3636524; 534906, 3636554; 534876, 3636554; 534876, 3636584; 534846, 3636584; 534846, 3636644; 534996, 3636644; 534996, 3636674; 535026, 3636674; 535026, 3636734; 535056, 3636734; 535056, 3636824; 535086, 3636824; 535086, 3636854; 535116, 3636854; 535116, 3636884; 535146, 3636884; 535146, 3636914; 535176, 3636914; 535176, 3637184; 535146, 3637184; 535146, 3637304; 535176, 3637304; 535176, 3637334; 535206, 3637334; 535206, 3637454; 535236, 3637454; 535236, 3637634; 535206, 3637634; 535206, 3637694; 535176, 3637694; 535176, 3637724; 535146, 3637724; 535146, 3637814; 535176, 3637814; 535176, 3637844; 535266, 3637844; 535266, 3637814; 535356, 3637814; 535356, 3637784; 535386, 3637784; 535386, 3637754; 535416, 3637754; 535416, 3637724; 535446, 3637724; 535446, 3637694; 535476, 3637694; 535476, 3637664; 535536, 3637664; 535536, 3637634; 535626, 3637634; 535626, 3637604; 535776, 3637604; 535776, 3637574; 535806, 3637574; 535806, 3637544; 535866, 3637544; 535866, 3637514; 535896, 3637514; 535896, 3637484; 535926, 3637484; 535926, 3637454; 535986, 3637454; 535986, 3637424; 536046, 3637424; 536046, 3637394; 536076, 3637394; 536076, 3637364; 536106, 3637364; 536106, 3637334; 536136, 3637334; 536136, 3637304; 536166, 3637304; 536166, 3637244; 536196, 3637244; 536196, 3637214; 536256, 3637214; 536256, 3637154; 536226, 3637154; 536226, 3637124; 536256, 3637124; 536256, 3637064; 536316, 3637064; 536316, 3637094; 536406, 3637094; 536406, 3637064; 536466, 3637064; 536466, 3637034; 536496, 3637034; 536496, 3637004; 536526, 3637004; 536526, 3637064; 536556, 3637064; 536556, 3637094; 536586, 3637094; 536586, 3637274; 536616, 3637274; 536616, 3637364; 536646, 3637364; 536646, 3637394; 536676, 3637394; 536676, 3637454; 536706, 3637454; 536706, 3637484; 536676, 3637484; 536676, 3637574; 536706, 3637574; 536706, 3637604; 536736, 3637604; 536736, 3637664; 536766, 3637664; 536766, 3637694; 536796, 3637694; 536796, 3637724; 536826, 3637724; 536826, 3637754; 536856, 3637754; 536856, 3637784; 536886, 3637784; 536886, 3637814; 536916, 3637814; 536916, 3637874; 536946, 3637874; 536946, 3637934; 536976, 3637934; 536976, 3637964; 537006, 3637964; 537006, 3638054; 537036, 3638054; 537036, 3638084; 537066, 3638084; 537066, 3638234; 537036, 3638234; 537036, 3638264; 537006, 3638264; 537006, 3638294; 536976, 3638294; 536976, 3638324; 537006, 3638324; 537006, 3638354; 537066, 3638354; 537066, 3638414; 537096, 3638414; 537096, 3638474; 537126, 3638474; 537126, 3638534; 537156, 3638534; 537156, 3638594; 537186, 3638594; 537186, 3638624; 537276, 3638624; 537276, 3638654; 537306, 3638654; 537306, 3638864; 537276, 3638864; 537276, 3638924; 537246, 3638924; 537246, 3638954; 537216, 3638954; 537216, 3639014; 537246, 3639014; 537246, 3639044; 537276, 3639044; 537276, 3639074; 537396, 3639074; 537396, 3639104; 537456, 3639104; 537456, 3639134; 537486, 3639134; 537486, 3639164; 537516, 3639164; 537516, 3639224; 537546, 3639224; 537546, 3639254; 537576, 3639254; 537576, 3639344; 537606, 3639344; 537606, 3639374; 537576, 3639374; 537576, 3639464; 537546, 3639464; 537546, 3639524; 537576, 3639524; 537576, 3639674; 537606, 3639674; 537606, 3639704; 537636, 3639704; 537636, 3639764; 537666, 3639764; 537666, 3639824; 537696, 3639824; 537696, 3639884; 537726, 3639884; 537726, 3639974; 537756, 3639974; 537756, 3640034; 537816, 3640034; 537816, 3640064; 537846, 3640064; 537846, 3640184; 537816, 3640184; 537816, 3640214; 537846, 3640214; 537846, 3640244; 537876, 3640244; 537876, 3640304; 537906, 3640304; 537906, 3640334; 537936, 3640334; 537936, 3640364; 538056, 3640364; 538056, 3640394; 538116, 3640394; 538116, 3640424; 538176, 3640424; 538176, 3640454; 538266, 3640454; 538266, 3640424; 538296, 3640424; 538296, 3640394; 538326, 3640394; 538326, 3640364; 538416, 3640364; 538416, 3640334; 538476, 3640334; 538476, 3640304; 538626, 3640304; 538626, 3640274; 538746, 3640274; 538746, 3640364; 538776, 3640364; 538776, 3640394; 538806, 3640394; 538806, 3640424; 538866, 3640424; 538866, 3640544; 538836, 3640544; 538836, 3640514; 538806, 3640514; 538806, 3640544; 538776, 3640544; 538776, 3640574; 538746, 3640574; 538746, 3640604; 538716, 3640604; 538716, 3640694; 538686, 3640694; 538686, 3640844; 538656, 3640844; 538656, 3640934; 538626, 3640934; 538626, 3640994; 538596, 3640994; 538596, 3641024; 538566, 3641024; 538566, 3641054; 538536, 3641054; 538536, 3641084; 538506, 3641084; 538506, 3641144; 538476, 3641144; 538476, 3641204; 538446, 3641204; 538446, 3641264; 538506, 3641264; 538506, 3641234; 538596, 3641234; 538596, 3641204; 538716, 3641204; 538716, 3641174; 538776, 3641174; 538776, 3641144; 538806, 3641144; 538806, 3641114; 538866, 3641114; 538866, 3641084; 538896, 3641084; 538896, 3641174; 538926, 3641174; 538926, 3641204; 539106, 3641204; 539106, 3641234; 539166, 3641234; 539166, 3641264; 539196, 3641264; 539196, 3641324; 539286, 3641324; 539286, 3641354; 539406, 3641354; 539406, 3641384; 539526, 3641384; 539526, 3641504; 539556, 3641504; 539556, 3641564; 539616, 3641564; 539616, 3641594; 539646, 3641594; 539646, 3641624; 539706, 3641624; 539706, 3641744; 539676, 3641744; 539676, 3641804; 539736, 3641804; 539736, 3641834; 539796, 3641834; 539796, 3641864; 539856, 3641864; 539856, 3641894; 539886, 3641894; 539886, 3641954; 539916, 3641954; 539916, 3642014; 539946, 3642014; 539946, 3642044; 539976, 3642044; 539976, 3642224; 539946, 3642224; 539946, 3642284; 539916, 3642284; 539916, 3642464; 539976, 3642464; 539976, 3642434; 540006, 3642434; 540006, 3642404; 540036, 3642404; 540036, 3642374; 540126, 3642374; 540126, 3642404; 540156, 3642404; 540156, 3642464; 540186, 3642464; 540186, 3642524; 540246, 3642524; 540246, 3642584; 540306, 3642584; 540306, 3642614; 540366, 3642614; 540366, 3642674; 540396, 3642674; 540396, 3642704; 540426, 3642704; 540426, 3642764; 540516, 3642764; 540516, 3642824; 540546, 3642824; 540546, 3642854; 540576, 3642854; 540576, 3642944; 540606, 3642944; 540606, 3642974; 540636, 3642974; 540636, 3643034; 540666, 3643034; 540666, 3643094; 540726, 3643094; 540726, 3643154; 540756, 3643154; 540756, 3643214; 540786, 3643214; 540786, 3643274; 540816, 3643274; 540816, 3643424; 540846, 3643424; 540846, 3643514; 540876, 3643514; 540876, 3643574; 540906, 3643574; 540906, 3643604; 540936, 3643604; 540936, 3643664; 540966, 3643664; 540966, 3643694; 540996, 3643694; 540996, 3643724; 541026, 3643724; 541026, 3643784; 541056, 3643784; 541056, 3643724; 541086, 3643724; 541086, 3643664; 541116, 3643664; 541116, 3643544; 541146, 3643544; 541146, 3643514; 541206, 3643514; 541206, 3643544; 541266, 3643544; 541266, 3643574; 541296, 3643574; 541296, 3643604; 541326, 3643604; 541326, 3643634; 541356, 3643634; 541356, 3643664; 541386, 3643664; 541386, 3643754; 541416, 3643754; 541416, 3643964; 541446, 3643964; 541446, 3643994; 541476, 3643994; 541476, 3644024; 541506, 3644024; 541506, 3644054; 541536, 3644054; 541536, 3644084; 541566, 3644084; 541566, 3644144; 541536, 3644144; 541536, 3644174; 541506, 3644174; 541506, 3644294; 541536, 3644294; 541536, 3644354; 541566, 3644354; 541566, 3644444; 541596, 3644444; 541596, 3644594; 541626, 3644594; 541626, 3644714; 541656, 3644714; 541656, 3644774; 541626, 3644774; 541626, 3644864; 541596, 3644864; 541596, 3645014; 541656, 3645014; 541656, 3644984; 541716, 3644984; 541716, 3644954; 541866, 3644954; 541866, 3644984; 541926, 3644984; 541926, 3645134; 541956, 3645134; 541956, 3645194; 541986, 3645194; 541986, 3645224; 542016, 3645224; 542016, 3645254; 542046, 3645254; 542046, 3645314; 542076, 3645314; 542076, 3645374; 542106, 3645374; 542106, 3645434; 542076, 3645434; 542076, 3645494; 542106, 3645494; 542106, 3645584; 542136, 3645584; 542136, 3645644; 542166, 3645644; 542166, 3645674; 542196, 3645674; 542196, 3645644; 542256, 3645644; 542256, 3645674; 542286, 3645674; 542286, 3645704; 542316, 3645704; 542316, 3645734; 542346, 3645734; 542346, 3645764; 542376, 3645764; 542376, 3645854; 542436, 3645854; 542436, 3645974; 542466, 3645974; 542466, 3646064; 542436, 3646064; 542436, 3646124; 542496, 3646124; 542496, 3646094; 542586, 3646094; 542586, 3646124; 542616, 3646124; 542616, 3646304; 542646, 3646304; 542646, 3646364; 542706, 3646364; 542706, 3646484; 542736, 3646484; 542736, 3646664; 542766, 3646664; 542766, 3646754; 542796, 3646754; 542796, 3646874; 542826, 3646874; 542826, 3646964; 542796, 3646964; 542796, 3647084; 542826, 3647084; 542826, 3647114; 542856, 3647114; 542856, 3647264; 542886, 3647264; 542886, 3647384; 542916, 3647384; 542916, 3647474; 542946, 3647474; 542946, 3647564; 542976, 3647564; 542976, 3647654; 543006, 3647654; 543006, 3647744; 543036, 3647744; 543036, 3648104; 543066, 3648104; 543066, 3648284; 543036, 3648284; 543036, 3648374; 543066, 3648374; 543066, 3648434; 543096, 3648434; 543096, 3648494; 543126, 3648494; 543126, 3648554; 543156, 3648554; 543156, 3648584; 543186, 3648584; 543186, 3648614; 543216, 3648614; 543216, 3648644; 543246, 3648644; 543246, 3648704; 543276, 3648704; 543276, 3648734; 543306, 3648734; 543306, 3648674; 543336, 3648674; 543336, 3648584; 543366, 3648584; 543366, 3648554; 543486, 3648554; 543486, 3648464; 543366, 3648464; 543366, 3648434; 543306, 3648434; 543306, 3648374; 543276, 3648374; 543276, 3648314; 543246, 3648314; 543246, 3648194; 543276, 3648194; 543276, 3647864; 543306, 3647864; 543306, 3647804; 543276, 3647804; 543276, 3647774; 543246, 3647774; 543246, 3647534; 543216, 3647534; 543216, 3647504; 543186, 3647504; 543186, 3647204; 543156, 3647204; 543156, 3647084; 543126, 3647084; 543126, 3646934; 543096, 3646934; 543096, 3646874; 543126, 3646874; 543126, 3646844; 543096, 3646844; 543096, 3646784; 543066, 3646784; 543066, 3646694; 543036, 3646694; 543036, 3646634; 543006, 3646634; 543006, 3646604; 542976, 3646604; 542976, 3646484; 543006, 3646484; 543006, 3646454; 543066, 3646454; 543066, 3646394; 543036, 3646394; 543036, 3646364; 543006, 3646364; 543006, 3646304; 542976, 3646304; 542976, 3646274; 542946, 3646274; 542946, 3646154; 542916, 3646154; 542916, 3646094; 542886, 3646094; 542886, 3646064; 542856, 3646064; 542856, 3646004; 542826, 3646004; 542826, 3645974; 542796, 3645974; 542796, 3645764; 542766, 3645764; 542766, 3645734; 542736, 3645734; 542736, 3645674; 542676, 3645674; 542676, 3645584; 542646, 3645584; 542646, 3645494; 542616, 3645494; 542616, 3645374; 542586, 3645374; 542586, 3645314; 542556, 3645314; 542556, 3645284; 542526, 3645284; 542526, 3645254; 542556, 3645254; 542556, 3645224; 542526, 3645224; 542526, 3645164; 542496, 3645164; 542496, 3645104; 542466, 3645104; 542466, 3645074; 542436, 3645074; 542436, 3645044; 542406, 3645044; 542406, 3644984; 542376, 3644984; 542376, 3644954; 542346, 3644954; 542346, 3644834; 542316, 3644834; 542316, 3644774; 542286, 3644774; 542286, 3644714; 542256, 3644714; 542256, 3644684; 542226, 3644684; 542226, 3644444; 542256, 3644444; 542256, 3644354; 542226, 3644354; 542226, 3644294; 542196, 3644294; 542196, 3644234; 542226, 3644234; 542226, 3644114; 542256, 3644114; 542256, 3644054; 542316, 3644054; 542316, 3644024; 542346, 3644024; 542346, 3643964; 542376, 3643964; 542376, 3643934; 542406, 3643934; 542406, 3643874; 542256, 3643874; 542256, 3643904; 542136, 3643904; 542136, 3643934; 542046, 3643934; 542046, 3643874; 542016, 3643874; 542016, 3643844; 541986, 3643844; 541986, 3643814; 541956, 3643814; 541956, 3643784; 541926, 3643784; 541926, 3643724; 541896, 3643724; 541896, 3643694; 541866, 3643694; 541866, 3643634; 541836, 3643634; 541836, 3643544; 541806, 3643544; 541806, 3643454; 541776, 3643454; 541776, 3643364; 541746, 3643364; 541746, 3643334; 541716, 3643334; 541716, 3643304; 541686, 3643304; 541686, 3643274; 541506, 3643274; 541506, 3643244; 541476, 3643244; 541476, 3643214; 541446, 3643214; 541446, 3643184; 541416, 3643184; 541416, 3643154; 541386, 3643154; 541386, 3643124; 541356, 3643124; 541356, 3643094; 541326, 3643094; 541326, 3643004; 541296, 3643004; 541296, 3642794; 541266, 3642794; 541266, 3642614; 541236, 3642614; 541236, 3642554; 541206, 3642554; 541206, 3642464; 541176, 3642464; 541176, 3642434; 541146, 3642434; 541146, 3642404; 541056, 3642404; 541056, 3642374; 540996, 3642374; 540996, 3642344; 540966, 3642344; 540966, 3642374; 540936, 3642374; 540936, 3642404; 540906, 3642404; 540906, 3642434; 540816, 3642434; 540816, 3642404; 540786, 3642404; 540786, 3642374; 540756, 3642374; 540756, 3642344; 540726, 3642344; 540726, 3642254; 540696, 3642254; 540696, 3642194; 540666, 3642194; 540666, 3642134; 540636, 3642134; 540636, 3642104; 540606, 3642104; 540606, 3642074; 540576, 3642074; 540576, 3642014; 540546, 3642014; 540546, 3641984; 540576, 3641984; 540576, 3641924; 540666, 3641924; 540666, 3641894; 540726, 3641894; 540726, 3641864; 540666, 3641864; 540666, 3641834; 540606, 3641834; 540606, 3641804; 540426, 3641804; 540426, 3641774; 540366, 3641774; 540366, 3641714; 540336, 3641714; 540336, 3641684; 540306, 3641684; 540306, 3641654; 540276, 3641654; 540276, 3641624; 540246, 3641624; 540246, 3641594; 540186, 3641594; 540186, 3641534; 540156, 3641534; 540156, 3641504; 540126, 3641504; 540126, 3641444; 540096, 3641444; 540096, 3641414; 540066, 3641414; 540066, 3641384; 539916, 3641384; 539916, 3641354; 539856, 3641354; 539856, 3641294; 539826, 3641294; 539826, 3641204; 539796, 3641204; 539796, 3641144; 539766, 3641144; 539766, 3641114; 539736, 3641114; 539736, 3641084; 539676, 3641084; 539676, 3641114; 539586, 3641114; 539586, 3641174; 539556, 3641174; 539556, 3641204; 539526, 3641204; 539526, 3641174; 539466, 3641174; 539466, 3641144; 539406, 3641144; 539406, 3641114; 539376, 3641114; 539376, 3641084; 539346, 3641084; 539346, 3641024; 539316, 3641024; 539316, 3640874; 539256, 3640874; 539256, 3640844; 539226, 3640844; 539226, 3640814; 539196, 3640814; 539196, 3640784; 539226, 3640784; 539226, 3640724; 539256, 3640724; 539256, 3640694; 539316, 3640694; 539316, 3640634; 539346, 3640634; 539346, 3640574; 539316, 3640574; 539316, 3640514; 539286, 3640514; 539286, 3640364; 539256, 3640364; 539256, 3640064; 539226, 3640064; 539226, 3640094; 539196, 3640094; 539196, 3640124; 539166, 3640124; 539166, 3640154; 539136, 3640154; 539136, 3640184; 539106, 3640184; 539106, 3640214; 539076, 3640214; 539076, 3640244; 538926, 3640244; 538926, 3640214; 538896, 3640214; 538896, 3640094; 538836, 3640094; 538836, 3640064; 538806, 3640064; 538806, 3640034; 538716, 3640034; 538716, 3640064; 538626, 3640064; 538626, 3640094; 538506, 3640094; 538506, 3640124; 538416, 3640124; 538416, 3640094; 538386, 3640094; 538386, 3640064; 538296, 3640064; 538296, 3640094; 538236, 3640094; 538236, 3640124; 538206, 3640124; 538206, 3640094; 538176, 3640094; 538176, 3640064; 538086, 3640064; 538086, 3640034; 538116, 3640034; 538116, 3639944; 538146, 3639944; 538146, 3639884; 538176, 3639884; 538176, 3639794; 538146, 3639794; 538146, 3639764; 538116, 3639764; 538116, 3639734; 538056, 3639734; 538056, 3639704; 537996, 3639704; 537996, 3639734; 537906, 3639734; 537906, 3639704; 537876, 3639704; 537876, 3639674; 537846, 3639674; 537846, 3639644; 537816, 3639644; 537816, 3639434; 537786, 3639434; 537786, 3639344; 537816, 3639344; 537816, 3639224; 537786, 3639224; 537786, 3639194; 537816, 3639194; 537816, 3639104; 537786, 3639104; 537786, 3639074; 537606, 3639074; 537606, 3639044; 537576, 3639044; 537576, 3639014; 537546, 3639014; 537546, 3638984; 537486, 3638984; 537486, 3638774; 537516, 3638774; 537516, 3638684; 537546, 3638684; 537546, 3638624; 537576, 3638624; 537576, 3638324; 537606, 3638324; 537606, 3638174; 537576, 3638174; 537576, 3638114; 537516, 3638114; 537516, 3638144; 537426, 3638144; 537426, 3638174; 537336, 3638174; 537336, 3638144; 537276, 3638144; 537276, 3638114; 537246, 3638114; 537246, 3638054; 537216, 3638054; 537216, 3637994; 537186, 3637994; 537186, 3637934; 537156, 3637934; 537156, 3637844; 537126, 3637844; 537126, 3637784; 537096, 3637784; 537096, 3637754; 537066, 3637754; 537066, 3637694; 537036, 3637694; 537036, 3637634; 537006, 3637634; 537006, 3637604; 536976, 3637604; 536976, 3637574; 536946, 3637574; 536946, 3637544; 536916, 3637544; 536916, 3637484; 536886, 3637484; 536886, 3637454; 536856, 3637454; 536856, 3637424; 536796, 3637424; 536796, 3637364; 536766, 3637364; 536766, 3637274; 536736, 3637274; 536736, 3637244; 536706, 3637244; 536706, 3637004; 536676, 3637004; 536676, 3636974; 536646, 3636974; 536646, 3636914; 536616, 3636914; 536616, 3636854; 536556, 3636854; 536556, 3636824; 536526, 3636824; 536526, 3636794; 536406, 3636794; 536406, 3636824; 536316, 3636824; 536316, 3636854; 536226, 3636854; 536226, 3636884; 536196, 3636884; 536196, 3636914; 536136, 3636914; 536136, 3636944; 536076, 3636944; 536076, 3637004; 536046, 3637004; 536046, 3637094; 536016, 3637094; 536016, 3637124; 535956, 3637124; 535956, 3637154; 535926, 3637154; 535926, 3637184; 535896, 3637184; 535896, 3637214; 535836, 3637214; 535836, 3637244; 535806, 3637244; 535806, 3637274; 535746, 3637274; 535746, 3637304; 535656, 3637304; 535656, 3637334; 535536, 3637334; 535536, 3636974; 535506, 3636974; 535506, 3636854; 535416, 3636854; 535416, 3636524; 535386, 3636524; 535386, 3636494; 535326, 3636494; 535326, 3636464; 535296, 3636464; 535296, 3636374; 535326, 3636374; 535326, 3636344; 535356, 3636344; 535356, 3636314; 535386, 3636314; 535386, 3636284; 535416, 3636284; 535416, 3636254; 535566, 3636254; 535566, 3636284; 535596, 3636284; 535596, 3636344; 535626, 3636344; 535626, 3636374; 535806, 3636374; 535806, 3636404; 535836, 3636404; 535836, 3636434; 535986, 3636434; 535986, 3636404; 536046, 3636404; 536046, 3636374; 536136, 3636374; 536136, 3636344; 536166, 3636344; 536166, 3636314; 536226, 3636314; 536226, 3636284; 536286, 3636284; 536286, 3636314; 536376, 3636314; 536376, 3636134; 536406, 3636134; 536406, 3636104; 536376, 3636104; 536376, 3635984; 536406, 3635984; 536406, 3635924; 536436, 3635924; 536436, 3635894; 536466, 3635894; 536466, 3635864; 536496, 3635864; 536496, 3635774; 536526, 3635774; 536526, 3635744; 536556, 3635744; 536556, 3635714; 536586, 3635714; 536586, 3635684; 536616, 3635684; 536616, 3635654; 536676, 3635654; 536676, 3635624; 536826, 3635624; 536826, 3635594; 536856, 3635594; 536856, 3635564; 536886, 3635564; 536886, 3635534; 536856, 3635534; 536856, 3635504; 536826, 3635504; 536826, 3635474; 536796, 3635474; 536796, 3635414; 536736, 3635414; 536736, 3635384; 536676, 3635384; 536676, 3635324; 536616, 3635324; 536616, 3635234; 536646, 3635234; 536646, 3635204; 536676, 3635204; 536676, 3635174; 536706, 3635174; 536706, 3635144; 536736, 3635144; 536736, 3635114; 536766, 3635114; 536766, 3634994; 536646, 3634994; 536646, 3635024; 536586, 3635024; 536586, 3635054; 536526, 3635054; 536526, 3635084; 536466, 3635084; 536466, 3635114; 536436, 3635114; 536436, 3635144; 536316, 3635144; 536316, 3635114; 536286, 3635114; 536286, 3635084; 536316, 3635084; 536316, 3635054; 536346, 3635054; 536346, 3634874; 536316, 3634874; 536316, 3634724; 536346, 3634724; 536346, 3634664; 536406, 3634664; 536406, 3634634; 536436, 3634634; 536436, 3634604; 536466, 3634604; 536466, 3634544; 536436, 3634544; 536436, 3634514; 536406, 3634514; 536406, 3634454; 536376, 3634454; 536376, 3634424; 536346, 3634424; 536346, 3634364; 536316, 3634364; 536316, 3634244; 536286, 3634244; 536286, 3634124; 536256, 3634124; 536256, 3634094; 536286, 3634094; 536286, 3634034; 536316, 3634034; 536316, 3634004; 536346, 3634004; 536346, 3633974; 536406, 3633974; 536406, 3633914; 536436, 3633914; 536436, 3633884; 536466, 3633884; 536466, 3633854; 536556, 3633854; 536556, 3633884; 536586, 3633884; 536586, 3633794; 536556, 3633794; 536556, 3633764; 536526, 3633764; 536526, 3633734; 536436, 3633734; 536436, 3633764; 536316, 3633764; 536316, 3633734; 536286, 3633734; 536286, 3633704; 536256, 3633704; 536256, 3633674; 536226, 3633674; 536226, 3633644; 536196, 3633644; 536196, 3633614; 536166, 3633614; 536166, 3633554; 536136, 3633554; 536136, 3633524; 536106, 3633524; 536106, 3633494; 536076, 3633494; 536076, 3633464; 536016, 3633464; 536016, 3633434; 535986, 3633434; 535986, 3633404; 535956, 3633404; 535956, 3633374; 535896, 3633374; 535896, 3633344; 535836, 3633344; 535836, 3633314; 535776, 3633314; 535776, 3633284; 535746, 3633284; 535746, 3633254; 535686, 3633254; 535686, 3633224; 535656, 3633224; 535656, 3633164; 535626, 3633164; 535626, 3633134; 535596, 3633134; 535596, 3633104; 535536, 3633104; 535536, 3632984; 535476, 3632984; 535476, 3632954; 535446, 3632954; 535446, 3632894; 535476, 3632894; 535476, 3632774; 535446, 3632774; 535446, 3632714; 535416, 3632714; 535416, 3632684; 535386, 3632684; 535386, 3632654; 535356, 3632654; 535356, 3632564; 535326, 3632564; 535326, 3632504; 535296, 3632504; 535296, 3632474; 535236, 3632474; 535236, 3632504; 535176, 3632504; 535176, 3632534; 535146, 3632534; 535146, 3632714; 535086, 3632714; 535086, 3632744; 535026, 3632744; 535026, 3632714; 534966, 3632714; 534966, 3632744; 534936, 3632744; 534936, 3632834; 534996, 3632834; 534996, 3632864; 534876, 3632864; 534876, 3633014; 534846, 3633014; 534846, 3633074; 534816, 3633074; 534816, 3633104; 534786, 3633104; 534786, 3633134; 534756, 3633134; 534756, 3633224; 534726, 3633224; 534726, 3633164; 534696, 3633164; 534696, 3633134; 534666, 3633134; 534666, 3633074; 534636, 3633074; 534636, 3633014; 534606, 3633014; 534606, 3632984; 534546, 3632984; 534546, 3632954; 534456, 3632954; 534456, 3632924; 534306, 3632924; 534306, 3632954; 534276, 3632954; 534276, 3632984; 534246, 3632984; 534246, 3633044; 534216, 3633044; 534216, 3633074; 534186, 3633074; 534186, 3633194; 534156, 3633194; 534156, 3633224; 534126, 3633224; 534126, 3633254; 534066, 3633254; 534066, 3633284; 534036, 3633284; 534036, 3633314; 533976, 3633314; 533976, 3633284; 533946, 3633284; 533946, 3633254; 533766, 3633254; 533766, 3633134; 533736, 3633134; 533736, 3633074; 533706, 3633074; 533706, 3633104; 533646, 3633104; 533646, 3633164; 533586, 3633164; 533586, 3633134; 533466, 3633134; 533466, 3633194; 533436, 3633194; 533436, 3633164; 533406, 3633164; 533406, 3633074; 533436, 3633074; 533436, 3633044; 533466, 3633044; 533466, 3632744; 533406, 3632744; 533406, 3632714; 533376, 3632714; 533376, 3632594; 533346, 3632594; 533346, 3632564; 533316, 3632564; 533316, 3632534; 533286, 3632534; 533286, 3632504; 533226, 3632504; 533226, 3632474; 533196, 3632474; 533196, 3632444; 533136, 3632444; 533136, 3632414; 532986, 3632414; 532986, 3632444; 532926, 3632444; 532926, 3632474; 532896, 3632474; 532896, 3632504; 532746, 3632504; 532746, 3632534; 532656, 3632534; 532656, 3632564; 532536, 3632564; 532536, 3632594; 532476, 3632594; 532476, 3632624; 532446, 3632624; 532446, 3632714; 532416, 3632714; 532416, 3632744; 532356, 3632744; 532356, 3632774; 532326, 3632774; 532326, 3632804; 532266, 3632804; 532266, 3632864; 532236, 3632864; 532236, 3632954; 532176, 3632954; 532176, 3632924; 532116, 3632924; 532116, 3632834; 532086, 3632834; 532086, 3632804; 531816, 3632804; 531816, 3632774; 531726, 3632774; 531726, 3632744; 531666, 3632744; 531666, 3632714; 531636, 3632714; 531636, 3632684; 531606, 3632684; 531606, 3632654; 531576, 3632654; 531576, 3632624; 531546, 3632624; 531546, 3632504; 531516, 3632504; 531516, 3632474; 531486, 3632474; 531486, 3632504; 531396, 3632504; 531396, 3632474; 531306, 3632474; 531306, 3632444; 531246, 3632444; 531246, 3632414; 531126, 3632414; 531126, 3632444; 531066, 3632444; 531066, 3632474; 531036, 3632474; 531036, 3632504; 530976, 3632504; 530976, 3632534; 530946, 3632534; 530946, 3632564; 530856, 3632564; 530856, 3632534; 530826, 3632534; 530826, 3632504; 530796, 3632504; 530796, 3632474; 530736, 3632474; 530736, 3632354; 530766, 3632354; 530766, 3632294; 530796, 3632294; 530796, 3632114; 530766, 3632114; 530766, 3632084; 530706, 3632084; 530706, 3632054; 530586, 3632054; 530586, 3632084; 530526, 3632084; 530526, 3632054; 530436, 3632054; 530436, 3632024; 530346, 3632024; 530346, 3631994; 530286, 3631994; 530286, 3631934; 530256, 3631934; 530256, 3631874; 530226, 3631874; 530226, 3631784; 530196, 3631784; 530196, 3631724; 530136, 3631724; 530136, 3631694; 529986, 3631694; 529986, 3631664; 529896, 3631664; 529896, 3631634; 529866, 3631634; 529866, 3631574; 529836, 3631574; 529836, 3631544; 529866, 3631544; 529866, 3631484; 529656, 3631484; 529656, 3631424; 529626, 3631424; 529626, 3631394; 529566, 3631394; 529566, 3631364; 529536, 3631364; 529536, 3631394; 529506, 3631394; 529506, 3631364; 529326, 3631364; 529326, 3631334; 529266, 3631334; 529266, 3631304; 529206, 3631304; 529206, 3631274; 529146, 3631274; 529146, 3631244; 529086, 3631244; 529086, 3631214; 529056, 3631214; 529056, 3631244; 528996, 3631244; 528996, 3631274; 528966, 3631274; 528966, 3631304; 528666, 3631304; 528666, 3631334; 528636, 3631334; 528636, 3631364; 528606, 3631364; 528606, 3631394; 528576, 3631394; 528576, 3631454; 528546, 3631454; 528546, 3631484; 528396, 3631484; 528396, 3631454; 527976, 3631454; 527976, 3631484; 527886, 3631484; 527886, 3631514; 527706, 3631514; 527706, 3631484; 527676, 3631484; 527676, 3631454; 527646, 3631454; 527646, 3631424; 527616, 3631424; 527616, 3631394; 527586, 3631394; 527586, 3631364; 527556, 3631364; 527556, 3631334; 527526, 3631334; 527526, 3631304; 527496, 3631304; 527496, 3631274; 527466, 3631274; 527466, 3631244; 527406, 3631244; 527406, 3631214; 527346, 3631214; 527346, 3631184; 527256, 3631184; 527256, 3631154; 527196, 3631154; 527196, 3631124; 527136, 3631124; 527136, 3631094; 527106, 3631094; 527106, 3631064; 527076, 3631064; 527076, 3631004; 527046, 3631004; 527046, 3630944; 527016, 3630944; 527016, 3630914; 526986, 3630914; 526986, 3630884; 526956, 3630884; 526956, 3630824; 526926, 3630824; 526926, 3630584; 526866, 3630584; 526866, 3630554; 526836, 3630554; 526836, 3630524; 526776, 3630524; 526776, 3630494; 526746, 3630494; 526746, 3630464; 526686, 3630464; 526686, 3630434; 526656, 3630434; 526656, 3630404; 526626, 3630404; 526626, 3630374; 526596, 3630374; 526596, 3630344; 526536, 3630344; 526536, 3630314; 526506, 3630314; 526506, 3630284; 526356, 3630284; 526356, 3630314; 526176, 3630314; 526176, 3630344; 525936, 3630344; 525936, 3630374; 525786, 3630374; 525786, 3630344; 525486, 3630344; 525486, 3630314; 525456, 3630314; 525456, 3630284; 525336, 3630284; 525336, 3630314; 525216, 3630314; 525216, 3630254; 525186, 3630254; 525186, 3630224; 525126, 3630224; 525126, 3630194; 525006, 3630194; 525006, 3630164; 524976, 3630164; 524976, 3630134; 524946, 3630134; 524946, 3630164; 524916, 3630164; 524916, 3630194; 524886, 3630194; 524886, 3630224; 524856, 3630224; 524856, 3630254; 524826, 3630254; 524826, 3630284; 524796, 3630284; 524796, 3630314; 524736, 3630314; 524736, 3630344; 524646, 3630344; 524646, 3630374; 524586, 3630374; 524586, 3630404; 524406, 3630404; 524406, 3630434; 524346, 3630434; 524346, 3630464; 524256, 3630464; 524256, 3630494; 524196, 3630494; 524196, 3630464; 524136, 3630464; 524136, 3630344; 524106, 3630344; 524106, 3630254; 524136, 3630254; 524136, 3630224; 524166, 3630224; 524166, 3630194; 524196, 3630194; 524196, 3630134; 524226, 3630134; 524226, 3630104; 524196, 3630104; 524196, 3630074; 524166, 3630074; 524166, 3630014; 524136, 3630014; 524136, 3629984; 524106, 3629984; 524106, 3629774; 524046, 3629774; 524046, 3629744; 523836, 3629744; 523836, 3629714; 523806, 3629714; 523806, 3629414; 523836, 3629414; 523836, 3629324; 523806, 3629324; 523806, 3629264; 523776, 3629264; 523776, 3629234; 523746, 3629234; 523746, 3629204; 523716, 3629204; 523716, 3629174; 523656, 3629174; 523656, 3629144; 523626, 3629144; 523626, 3629114; 523596, 3629114; 523596, 3628964; 523626, 3628964; 523626, 3628874; 523656, 3628874; 523656, 3628784; 523686, 3628784; 523686, 3628724; 523836, 3628724; 523836, 3628694; 523896, 3628694; 523896, 3628664; 524226, 3628664; 524226, 3628694; 524436, 3628694; 524436, 3628664; 524466, 3628664; 524466, 3628634; 524496, 3628634; 524496, 3628604; 524556, 3628604; 524556, 3628634; 524586, 3628634; 524586, 3628604; 524616, 3628604; 524616, 3628634; 524736, 3628634; 524736, 3628604; 524796, 3628604; 524796, 3628634; 524886, 3628634; 524886, 3628664; 524976, 3628664; 524976, 3628694; 525066, 3628694; 525066, 3628724; 525156, 3628724; 525156, 3628754; 525186, 3628754; 525186, 3628724; 525246, 3628724; 525246, 3628694; 525336, 3628694; 525336, 3628664; 525426, 3628664; 525426, 3628634; 525546, 3628634; 525546, 3628664; 525636, 3628664; 525636, 3628634; 525666, 3628634; 525666, 3628604; 525876, 3628604; 525876, 3628574; 526086, 3628574; 526086, 3628604; 526116, 3628604; 526116, 3628634; 526176, 3628634; 526176, 3628664; 526206, 3628664; 526206, 3628694; 526266, 3628694; 526266, 3628724; 526386, 3628724; 526386, 3628694; 526416, 3628694; 526416, 3628664; 526476, 3628664; 526476, 3628634; 526506, 3628634; 526506, 3628604; 526536, 3628604; 526536, 3628574; 526446, 3628574; 526446, 3628544; 526236, 3628544; 526236, 3628514; 526176, 3628514; 526176, 3628454; 526146, 3628454; 526146, 3628394; 526176, 3628394; 526176, 3628364; 526206, 3628364; 526206, 3628334; 526236, 3628334; 526236, 3628274; 526266, 3628274; 526266, 3628244; 526176, 3628244; 526176, 3628274; 526056, 3628274; 526056, 3628304; 525966, 3628304; 525966, 3628334; 525936, 3628334; 525936, 3628364; 525606, 3628364; 525606, 3628394; 525546, 3628394; 525546, 3628364; 525306, 3628364; 525306, 3628394; 525246, 3628394; 525246, 3628424; 525186, 3628424; 525186, 3628514; 525156, 3628514; 525156, 3628544; 525126, 3628544; 525126, 3628574; 525066, 3628574; 525066, 3628544; 524976, 3628544; 524976, 3628514; 524916, 3628514; 524916, 3628454; 524886, 3628454; 524886, 3628394; 524856, 3628394; 524856, 3628334; 524826, 3628334; 524826, 3628304; 524616, 3628304; 524616, 3628334; 524436, 3628334; 524436, 3628364; 524346, 3628364; 524346, 3628394; 524316, 3628394; 524316, 3628364; 524286, 3628364; 524286, 3628394; 524256, 3628394; 524256, 3628304; 524196, 3628304; 524196, 3628274; 524046, 3628274; 524046, 3628214; 524076, 3628214; 524076, 3628184; 524166, 3628184; 524166, 3628154; 524196, 3628154; 524196, 3628094; 524166, 3628094; 524166, 3628034; 524196, 3628034; 524196, 3628004; 524226, 3628004; 524226, 3627974; 524286, 3627974; 524286, 3627944; 524316, 3627944; 524316, 3627914; 524346, 3627914; 524346, 3627884; 524376, 3627884; 524376, 3627794; 524286, 3627794; 524286, 3627824; 524046, 3627824; 524046, 3627854; 524016, 3627854; 524016, 3627884; 523986, 3627884; 523986, 3627914; 523956, 3627914; 523956, 3627944; 523926, 3627944; 523926, 3627974; 523866, 3627974; 523866, 3628004; 523836, 3628004; 523836, 3628034; 523806, 3628034; 523806, 3628064; 523776, 3628064; 523776, 3628094; 523716, 3628094; 523716, 3628124; 523686, 3628124; 523686, 3628154; 523626, 3628154; 523626, 3628184; 523536, 3628184; 523536, 3628154; 523326, 3628154; 523326, 3628124; 523176, 3628124; 523176, 3628154; 523168, 3628154; 523171, 3628394; 523176, 3628394; 523176, 3628424; 523146, 3628424; 523146, 3628454; 523176, 3628454; 523176, 3628484; returning to 523206, 3628484.

(ii) Subunit 18c: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Alpine, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 513673, 3626397; 513674, 3626074; 514075, 3626046; 514077, 3625994; 514026, 3625994; 514026, 3625964; 513966, 3625964; 513966, 3625934; 513816, 3625934; 513816, 3625964; 513696, 3625964; 513696, 3626054; 513666, 3626054; 513666, 3626354; 513636, 3626354; 513636, 3626450; 513673, 3626447; returning to 513673, 3626397.

(iiii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 518196, 3626114; 518226, 3626114; 518226, 3626144; 518196, 3626144; 518196, 3626174; 518166, 3626174; 518166, 3626144; 518196, 3626144; 518196, 3626114; 518166, 3626114; 518166, 3626054; 518136, 3626054; 518136, 3625994; 518076, 3625994; 518076, 3625964; 517986, 3625964; 517986, 3625934; 517836, 3625934; 517836, 3625904; 517806, 3625904; 517806, 3625874; 517776, 3625874; 517776, 3625844; 517716, 3625844; 517716, 3625814; 517656, 3625814; 517656, 3625754; 517536, 3625754; 517536, 3625724; 517476, 3625724; 517476, 3625694; 517386, 3625694; 517386, 3625724; 517176, 3625724; 517176, 3625754; 517116, 3625754; 517116, 3625784; 517056, 3625784; 517056, 3625814; 517026, 3625814; 517026, 3625844; 516996, 3625844; 516996, 3625874; 516936, 3625874; 516936, 3625904; 516786, 3625904; 516786, 3625874; 516666, 3625874; 516666, 3625904; 516606, 3625904; 516606, 3625934; 516456, 3625934; 516456, 3625964; 516186, 3625964; 516186, 3625934; 516066, 3625934; 516066, 3625904; 516006, 3625904; 516006, 3625874; 515976, 3625874; 515976, 3625814; 515946, 3625814; 515946, 3625784; 515916, 3625784; 515916, 3625754; 515886, 3625754; 515886, 3625694; 515916, 3625694; 515916, 3625664; 515946, 3625664; 515946, 3625634; 515916, 3625634; 515916, 3625364; 515856, 3625364; 515856, 3625334; 515826, 3625334; 515826, 3625304; 515766, 3625304; 515766, 3625274; 515736, 3625274; 515736, 3625184; 515556, 3625184; 515556, 3625154; 515406, 3625154; 515406, 3625124; 515346, 3625124; 515346, 3625094; 515316, 3625094; 515316, 3625124; 515226, 3625124; 515226, 3625154; 515076, 3625154; 515076, 3625124; 514956, 3625124; 514956, 3625094; 514866, 3625094; 514866, 3625064; 514836, 3625064; 514836, 3625034; 514806, 3625034; 514806, 3625004; 514686, 3625004; 514686, 3624974; 514626, 3624974; 514626, 3624944; 514506, 3624944; 514506, 3624914; 514476, 3624914; 514476, 3624884; 514416, 3624884; 514416, 3624854; 514296, 3624854; 514296, 3624884; 514266, 3624884; 514266, 3624944; 514236, 3624944; 514236, 3624974; 514176, 3624974; 514176, 3625004; 514146, 3625004; 514146, 3625034; 514116, 3625034; 514116, 3625124; 514086, 3625124; 514086, 3625184; 514056, 3625184; 514056, 3625244; 513996, 3625244; 513996, 3625274; 513966, 3625274; 513966, 3625304; 513936, 3625304; 513936, 3625334; 513966, 3625334; 513966, 3625364; 514056, 3625364; 514056, 3625394; 514116, 3625394; 514116, 3625424; 514146, 3625424; 514146, 3625454; 514176, 3625454; 514176, 3625544; 514206, 3625544; 514206, 3625574; 514236, 3625574; 514236, 3625667; 514276, 3625667; 514296, 3625665; 514466, 3625663; 514459, 3626042; 514626, 3626041; 514626, 3626024; 514596, 3626024; 514596, 3625934; 514626, 3625934; 514626, 3625904; 514656, 3625904; 514656, 3625844; 514596, 3625844; 514596, 3625814; 514566, 3625814; 514566, 3625754; 514536, 3625754; 514536, 3625664; 514506, 3625664; 514506, 3625574; 514536, 3625574; 514536, 3625544; 514506, 3625544; 514506, 3625424; 514536, 3625424; 514536, 3625394; 514506, 3625394; 514506, 3625364; 514446, 3625364; 514446, 3625334; 514416, 3625334; 514416, 3625304; 514386, 3625304; 514386, 3625274; 514446, 3625274; 514446, 3625244; 514626, 3625244; 514626, 3625274; 514746, 3625274; 514746, 3625304; 514806, 3625304; 514806, 3625334; 514836, 3625334; 514836, 3625364; 514866, 3625364; 514866, 3625394; 514896, 3625394; 514896, 3625424; 514926, 3625424; 514926, 3625454; 515076, 3625454; 515076, 3625424; 515136, 3625424; 515136, 3625394; 515226, 3625394; 515226, 3625364; 515316, 3625364; 515316, 3625394; 515406, 3625394; 515406, 3625424; 515436, 3625424; 515436, 3625454; 515466, 3625454; 515466, 3625484; 515496, 3625484; 515496, 3625514; 515526, 3625514; 515526, 3625544; 515556, 3625544; 515556, 3625574; 515616, 3625574; 515616, 3625604; 515676, 3625604; 515676, 3625694; 515646, 3625694; 515646, 3625724; 515616, 3625724; 515616, 3625784; 515586, 3625784; 515586, 3625844; 515616, 3625844; 515616, 3625874; 515646, 3625874; 515646, 3625904; 515676, 3625904; 515676, 3625934; 515736, 3625934; 515736, 3625964; 515766, 3625964; 515766, 3625994; 515826, 3625994; 515826, 3626054; 515886, 3626054; 515886, 3626072; 516106, 3626077; 516507, 3626087; 516505, 3626144; 516516, 3626144; 516516, 3626114; 516576, 3626114; 516576, 3626084; 516696, 3626084; 516696, 3626114; 516876, 3626114; 516876, 3626084; 516966, 3626084; 516966, 3626054; 517026, 3626054; 517026, 3626024; 517056, 3626024; 517056, 3625994; 517086, 3625994; 517086, 3625964; 517116, 3625964; 517116, 3625934; 517206, 3625934; 517206, 3625904; 517326, 3625904; 517326, 3625934; 517506, 3625934; 517506, 3625964; 517566, 3625964; 517566, 3625994; 517626, 3625994; 517626, 3626024; 517656, 3626024; 517656, 3626084; 517716, 3626084; 517716, 3626114; 517746, 3626114; 517746, 3626174; 517776, 3626174; 517776, 3626204; 517806, 3626204; 517806, 3626234; 517836, 3626234; 517836, 3626294; 517896, 3626294; 517896, 3626324; 517926, 3626324; 517926, 3626354; 517956, 3626354; 517956, 3626384; 518226, 3626384; 518226, 3626414; 518286, 3626414; 518286, 3626384; 518346, 3626384; 518346, 3626414; 518376, 3626414; 518376, 3626444; 518466, 3626444; 518466, 3626384; 518496, 3626384; 518496, 3626324; 518526, 3626324; 518526, 3626294; 518556, 3626294; 518556, 3626234; 518586, 3626234; 518586, 3626204; 518616, 3626204; 518616, 3626174; 518676, 3626174; 518676, 3626144; 518736, 3626144; 518736, 3626114; 518796, 3626114; 518796, 3626144; 518856, 3626144; 518856, 3626174; 519006, 3626174; 519006, 3626204; 519096, 3626204; 519096, 3626234; 519156, 3626234; 519156, 3626264; 519186, 3626264; 519186, 3626294; 519246, 3626294; 519246, 3626384; 519276, 3626384; 519276, 3626474; 519246, 3626474; 519246, 3626504; 519276, 3626504; 519276, 3626594; 519306, 3626594; 519306, 3626624; 519336, 3626624; 519336, 3626654; 519366, 3626654; 519366, 3626684; 519396, 3626684; 519396, 3626714; 519426, 3626714; 519426, 3626774; 519456, 3626774; 519456, 3626894; 519516, 3626894; 519516, 3626864; 519546, 3626864; 519546, 3626834; 519576, 3626834; 519576, 3626684; 519546, 3626684; 519546, 3626654; 519516, 3626654; 519516, 3626624; 519486, 3626624; 519486, 3626534; 519456, 3626534; 519456, 3626324; 519426, 3626324; 519426, 3626204; 519396, 3626204; 519396, 3626144; 519306, 3626144; 519306, 3626114; 519276, 3626114; 519276, 3626084; 519246, 3626084; 519246, 3626054; 519186, 3626054; 519186, 3626024; 519126, 3626024; 519126, 3625994; 519096, 3625994; 519096, 3625964; 519006, 3625964; 519006, 3625934; 518976, 3625934; 518976, 3625844; 518946, 3625844; 518946, 3625754; 518916, 3625754; 518916, 3625784; 518856, 3625784; 518856, 3625814; 518826, 3625814; 518826, 3625844; 518796, 3625844; 518796, 3625874; 518736, 3625874; 518736, 3625904; 518586, 3625904; 518586, 3625934; 518556, 3625934; 518556, 3625964; 518496, 3625964; 518496, 3625994; 518316, 3625994; 518316, 3626024; 518286, 3626024; 518286, 3626054; 518226, 3626054; 518226, 3626084; 518196, 3626084; 518196, 3626114

(iv) Note: Map of Units 18 and 19 follows.

(24) Unit 19: Cottonwood Creek Basin, San Diego County, California.

(i) Subunit 19a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Morena Reservoir, Cameron Corners and Mount Laguna, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E,N): 544887, 3619754; 544891, 3619395; 544918, 3619372; 544919, 3619283; 545309, 3618949; 545299, 3619235; 545332, 3619274; 545346, 3619274; 545346, 3619244; 545376, 3619244; 545376, 3619214; 545436, 3619214; 545436, 3619184; 545496, 3619184; 545496, 3619124; 545526, 3619124; 545526, 3619094; 545616, 3619094; 545616, 3619064; 545826, 3619064; 545826, 3619094; 545856, 3619094; 545856, 3619124; 545886, 3619124; 545886, 3619154; 546036, 3619154; 546036, 3619124; 546156, 3619124; 546156, 3619154; 546186, 3619154; 546186, 3619184; 546276, 3619184; 546276, 3619214; 546306, 3619214; 546306, 3619514; 546276, 3619514; 546276, 3619604; 546306, 3619604; 546306, 3619694; 546336, 3619694; 546336, 3619724; 546366, 3619724; 546366, 3619754; 546396, 3619754; 546396, 3619784; 546456, 3619784; 546456, 3619814; 546486, 3619814; 546486, 3619904; 546516, 3619904; 546516, 3619994; 546486, 3619994; 546486, 3620054; 546456, 3620054; 546456, 3620114; 546426, 3620114; 546426, 3620144; 546396, 3620144; 546396, 3620234; 546456, 3620234; 546456, 3620264; 546486, 3620264; 546486, 3620294; 546576, 3620294; 546576, 3620264; 546636, 3620264; 546636, 3620234; 546666, 3620234; 546666, 3620204; 546756, 3620204; 546756, 3620234; 546906, 3620234; 546906, 3620264; 546936, 3620264; 546936, 3620324; 546966, 3620324; 546966, 3620354; 546996, 3620354; 546996, 3620414; 546966, 3620414; 546966, 3620444; 546936, 3620444; 546936, 3620504; 546966, 3620504; 546966, 3620594; 547026, 3620594; 547026, 3620654; 547056, 3620654; 547056, 3620804; 547026, 3620804; 547026, 3620984; 547056, 3620984; 547056, 3621014; 547086, 3621014; 547086, 3621044; 547116, 3621044; 547116, 3621074; 547146, 3621074; 547146, 3621164; 547176, 3621164; 547176, 3621314; 547146, 3621314; 547146, 3621584; 547116, 3621584; 547116, 3621704; 547146, 3621704; 547146, 3621734; 547176, 3621734; 547176, 3621794; 547206, 3621794; 547206, 3621854; 547176, 3621854; 547176, 3621884; 547206, 3621884; 547206, 3621914; 547176, 3621914; 547176, 3621974; 547206, 3621974; 547206, 3622034; 547176, 3622034; 547176, 3622094; 547146, 3622094; 547146, 3622154; 547116, 3622154; 547116, 3622244; 547146, 3622244; 547146, 3622334; 547176, 3622334; 547176, 3622394; 547206, 3622394; 547206, 3622454; 547236, 3622454; 547236, 3622514; 547206, 3622514; 547206, 3622574; 547176, 3622574; 547176, 3622604; 547146, 3622604; 547146, 3622664; 547116, 3622664; 547116, 3622724; 547086, 3622724; 547086, 3622784; 547056, 3622784; 547056, 3622814; 547026, 3622814; 547026, 3622844; 546996, 3622844; 546996, 3622904; 546966, 3622904; 546966, 3622994; 546936, 3622994; 546936, 3623084; 546906, 3623084; 546906, 3623114; 546936, 3623114; 546936, 3623294; 546966, 3623294; 546966, 3623324; 546996, 3623324; 546996, 3623414; 547026, 3623414; 547026, 3623564; 547056, 3623564; 547056, 3623774; 547026, 3623774; 547026, 3623804; 547056, 3623804; 547056, 3623864; 547086, 3623864; 547086, 3623924; 547116, 3623924; 547116, 3624194; 547146, 3624194; 547146, 3624254; 547176, 3624254; 547176, 3624314; 547206, 3624314; 547206, 3624344; 547176, 3624344; 547176, 3624404; 547146, 3624404; 547146, 3624464; 547176, 3624464; 547176, 3624554; 547206, 3624554; 547206, 3624644; 547236, 3624644; 547236, 3624944; 547266, 3624944; 547266, 3625004; 547296, 3625004; 547296, 3625214; 547266, 3625214; 547266, 3625244; 547236, 3625244; 547236, 3625274; 547206, 3625274; 547206, 3625334; 547176, 3625334; 547176, 3625424; 547206, 3625424; 547206, 3625454; 547236, 3625454; 547236, 3625484; 547266, 3625484; 547266, 3626084; 547296, 3626084; 547296, 3626174; 547236, 3626174; 547236, 3626354; 547206, 3626354; 547206, 3626474; 547176, 3626474; 547176, 3626564; 547146, 3626564; 547146, 3626624; 547116, 3626624; 547116, 3626714; 547086, 3626714; 547086, 3626804; 547056, 3626804; 547056, 3626894; 547086, 3626894; 547086, 3626924; 547116, 3626924; 547116, 3626954; 547146, 3626954; 547146, 3626984; 547266, 3626984; 547266, 3627014; 547296, 3627014; 547296, 3627134; 547356, 3627134; 547356, 3627104; 547386, 3627104; 547386, 3627044; 547416, 3627044; 547416, 3627014; 547446, 3627014; 547446, 3626894; 547476, 3626894; 547476, 3626774; 547446, 3626774; 547446, 3626564; 547476, 3626564; 547476, 3626504; 547506, 3626504; 547506, 3626474; 547536, 3626474; 547536, 3626414; 547566, 3626414; 547566, 3626384; 547596, 3626384; 547596, 3626354; 547626, 3626354; 547626, 3626234; 547656, 3626234; 547656, 3626114; 547716, 3626114; 547716, 3626084; 547746, 3626084; 547746, 3625964; 547776, 3625964; 547776, 3625934; 547806, 3625934; 547806, 3625904; 547836, 3625904; 547836, 3625814; 547866, 3625814; 547866, 3625784; 547926, 3625784; 547926, 3625754; 547956, 3625754; 547956, 3625724; 547986, 3625724; 547986, 3625694; 548046, 3625694; 548046, 3625664; 548076, 3625664; 548076, 3625634; 548136, 3625634; 548136, 3625544; 548196, 3625544; 548196, 3625484; 548226, 3625484; 548226, 3625454; 548256, 3625454; 548256, 3625424; 548286, 3625424; 548286, 3625394; 548316, 3625394; 548316, 3625364; 548346, 3625364; 548346, 3625184; 548376, 3625184; 548376, 3625004; 548346, 3625004; 548346, 3624974; 548376, 3624974; 548376, 3624884; 548406, 3624884; 548406, 3624854; 548436, 3624854; 548436, 3624794; 548466, 3624794; 548466, 3624704; 548496, 3624704; 548496, 3624644; 548526, 3624644; 548526, 3624554; 548556, 3624554; 548556, 3624344; 548526, 3624344; 548526, 3624314; 548496, 3624314; 548496, 3624284; 548526, 3624284; 548526, 3624134; 548556, 3624134; 548556, 3624104; 548526, 3624104; 548526, 3624074; 548556, 3624074; 548556, 3623834; 548586, 3623834; 548586, 3623684; 548616, 3623684; 548616, 3623624; 548646, 3623624; 548646, 3623534; 548676, 3623534; 548676, 3623474; 548706, 3623474; 548706, 3623414; 548736, 3623414; 548736, 3623354; 548766, 3623354; 548766, 3623294; 548796, 3623294; 548796, 3623204; 548826, 3623204; 548826, 3622994; 548856, 3622994; 548856, 3622964; 548886, 3622964; 548886, 3622904; 548916, 3622904; 548916, 3622844; 548946, 3622844; 548946, 3622784; 548976, 3622784; 548976, 3622724; 549066, 3622724; 549066, 3622694; 549096, 3622694; 549096, 3622634; 549156, 3622634; 549156, 3622604; 549186, 3622604; 549186, 3622574; 549246, 3622574; 549246, 3622544; 549276, 3622544; 549276, 3622604; 549306, 3622604; 549306, 3622664; 549276, 3622664; 549276, 3622724; 549306, 3622724; 549306, 3622754; 549486, 3622754; 549486, 3622784; 549516, 3622784; 549516, 3622814; 549576, 3622814; 549576, 3622844; 549636, 3622844; 549636, 3622814; 549696, 3622814; 549696, 3622754; 549756, 3622754; 549756, 3622784; 549786, 3622784; 549786, 3622904; 549816, 3622904; 549816, 3622994; 549936, 3622994; 549936, 3623024; 549966, 3623024; 549966, 3623054; 549996, 3623054; 549996, 3623084; 550026, 3623084; 550026, 3623114; 550116, 3623114; 550116, 3623144; 550146, 3623144; 550146, 3623204; 550176, 3623204; 550176, 3623324; 550146, 3623324; 550146, 3623594; 550176, 3623594; 550176, 3623654; 550236, 3623654; 550236, 3623834; 550296, 3623834; 550296, 3623864; 550356, 3623864; 550356, 3623894; 550386, 3623894; 550386, 3623924; 550356, 3623924; 550356, 3623984; 550386, 3623984; 550386, 3624014; 550446, 3624014; 550446, 3624044; 550476, 3624044; 550476, 3623834; 550446, 3623834; 550446, 3623804; 550476, 3623804; 550476, 3623834; 550506, 3623834; 550506, 3623864; 550536, 3623864; 550536, 3623834; 550566, 3623834; 550566, 3623864; 550596, 3623864; 550596, 3623894; 550866, 3623894; 550866, 3623924; 550896, 3623924; 550896, 3623894; 550926, 3623894; 550926, 3623864; 551046, 3623864; 551046, 3623834; 551106, 3623834; 551106, 3623804; 551136, 3623804; 551136, 3623834; 551166, 3623834; 551166, 3623894; 551196, 3623894; 551196, 3624014; 551226, 3624014; 551226, 3624104; 551256, 3624104; 551256, 3624194; 551286, 3624194; 551286, 3624374; 551316, 3624374; 551316, 3624494; 551286, 3624494; 551286, 3624614; 551316, 3624614; 551316, 3624824; 551286, 3624824; 551286, 3625004; 551256, 3625004; 551256, 3625064; 551226, 3625064; 551226, 3625124; 551196, 3625124; 551196, 3625184; 551226, 3625184; 551226, 3625274; 551256, 3625274; 551256, 3625394; 551286, 3625394; 551286, 3625484; 551316, 3625484; 551316, 3625544; 551346, 3625544; 551346, 3625694; 551376, 3625694; 551376, 3625964; 551346, 3625964; 551346, 3626054; 551376, 3626054; 551376, 3626264; 551406, 3626264; 551406, 3626564; 551436, 3626564; 551436, 3626684; 551466, 3626684; 551466, 3626864; 551496, 3626864; 551496, 3626954; 551526, 3626954; 551526, 3627104; 551556, 3627104; 551556, 3627164; 551646, 3627164; 551646, 3627134; 551676, 3627134; 551676, 3627044; 551706, 3627044; 551706, 3626984; 551736, 3626984; 551736, 3626954; 551766, 3626954; 551766, 3626924; 551796, 3626924; 551796, 3626894; 551856, 3626894; 551856, 3626864; 551916, 3626864; 551916, 3626894; 551976, 3626894; 551976, 3626864; 552036, 3626864; 552036, 3626714; 552006, 3626714; 552006, 3626684; 551976, 3626684; 551976, 3626654; 551946, 3626654; 551946, 3626624; 551886, 3626624; 551886, 3626594; 551856, 3626594; 551856, 3626564; 551796, 3626564; 551796, 3626534; 551736, 3626534; 551736, 3626564; 551616, 3626564; 551616, 3626474; 551586, 3626474; 551586, 3626324; 551556, 3626324; 551556, 3625574; 551526, 3625574; 551526, 3625544; 551496, 3625544; 551496, 3625454; 551466, 3625454; 551466, 3625334; 551436, 3625334; 551436, 3625184; 551406, 3625184; 551406, 3625154; 551436, 3625154; 551436, 3625094; 551406, 3625094; 551406, 3625064; 551436, 3625064; 551436, 3625034; 551466, 3625034; 551466, 3624944; 551586, 3624944; 551586, 3624974; 551616, 3624974; 551616, 3624914; 551586, 3624914; 551586, 3624764; 551556, 3624764; 551556, 3624674; 551526, 3624674; 551526, 3624614; 551496, 3624614; 551496, 3624494; 551466, 3624494; 551466, 3624404; 551496, 3624404; 551496, 3624104; 551466, 3624104; 551466, 3623954; 551436, 3623954; 551436, 3623864; 551406, 3623864; 551406, 3623564; 551376, 3623564; 551376, 3623534; 551346, 3623534; 551346, 3623564; 551316, 3623564; 551316, 3623534; 551256, 3623534; 551256, 3623504; 551196, 3623504; 551196, 3623444; 551166, 3623444; 551166, 3623384; 551106, 3623384; 551106, 3623324; 551016, 3623324; 551016, 3623564; 550986, 3623564; 550986, 3623594; 550956, 3623594; 550956, 3623624; 550836, 3623624; 550836, 3623654; 550746, 3623654; 550746, 3623624; 550686, 3623624; 550686, 3623594; 550596, 3623594; 550596, 3623564; 550536, 3623564; 550536, 3623534; 550416, 3623534; 550416, 3623504; 550386, 3623504; 550386, 3623474; 550356, 3623474; 550356, 3623444; 550326, 3623444; 550326, 3623384; 550296, 3623384; 550296, 3623354; 550326, 3623354; 550326, 3623174; 550296, 3623174; 550296, 3623054; 550266, 3623054; 550266, 3622994; 550236, 3622994; 550236, 3622904; 550206, 3622904; 550206, 3622874; 550176, 3622874; 550176, 3622784; 550146, 3622784; 550146, 3622754; 550086, 3622754; 550086, 3622784; 550056, 3622784; 550056, 3622814; 549996, 3622814; 549996, 3622844; 549966, 3622844; 549966, 3622874; 549936, 3622874; 549936, 3622844; 549906, 3622844; 549906, 3622724; 549876, 3622724; 549876, 3622664; 549846, 3622664; 549846, 3622634; 549786, 3622634; 549786, 3622604; 549756, 3622604; 549756, 3622574; 549726, 3622574; 549726, 3622604; 549666, 3622604; 549666, 3622634; 549636, 3622634; 549636, 3622664; 549546, 3622664; 549546, 3622604; 549516, 3622604; 549516, 3622334; 549486, 3622334; 549486, 3622214; 549456, 3622214; 549456, 3622154; 549426, 3622154; 549426, 3622064; 549396, 3622064; 549396, 3621944; 549366, 3621944; 549366, 3621884; 549336, 3621884; 549336, 3621854; 549306, 3621854; 549306, 3621824; 549276, 3621824; 549276, 3621794; 549246, 3621794; 549246, 3621734; 549216, 3621734; 549216, 3621704; 549186, 3621704; 549186, 3621644; 549156, 3621644; 549156, 3621614; 549096, 3621614; 549096, 3621644; 549066, 3621644; 549066, 3621674; 549036, 3621674; 549036, 3621704; 548946, 3621704; 548946, 3621734; 548856, 3621734; 548856, 3621764; 548706, 3621764; 548706, 3621734; 548586, 3621734; 548586, 3621704; 548526, 3621704; 548526, 3621674; 548496, 3621674; 548496, 3621644; 548466, 3621644; 548466, 3621494; 548496, 3621494; 548496, 3621434; 548526, 3621434; 548526, 3621404; 548556, 3621404; 548556, 3621284; 548526, 3621284; 548526, 3621224; 548466, 3621224; 548466, 3621194; 548406, 3621194; 548406, 3621164; 548286, 3621164; 548286, 3621194; 548166, 3621194; 548166, 3621254; 548136, 3621254; 548136, 3621194; 548106, 3621194; 548106, 3621134; 548076, 3621134; 548076, 3621104; 548016, 3621104; 548016, 3621074; 547956, 3621074; 547956, 3621044; 547926, 3621044; 547926, 3621014; 547896, 3621014; 547896, 3620654; 547866, 3620654; 547866, 3620594; 547836, 3620594; 547836, 3620474; 547806, 3620474; 547806, 3620414; 547836, 3620414; 547836, 3620354; 547866, 3620354; 547866, 3620324; 547926, 3620324; 547926, 3620294; 547986, 3620294; 547986, 3620144; 547956, 3620144; 547956, 3619994; 547986, 3619994; 547986, 3619754; 547956, 3619754; 547956, 3619724; 547926, 3619724; 547926, 3619574; 547956, 3619574; 547956, 3619544; 547956, 3619304; 547926, 3619304; 547926, 3619154; 547956, 3619154; 547956, 3619004; 547986, 3619004; 547986, 3618944; 548016, 3618944; 548016, 3618914; 548106, 3618914; 548106, 3618854; 548076, 3618854; 548076, 3618764; 548046, 3618764; 548046, 3618674; 548076, 3618674; 548076, 3618644; 548106, 3618644; 548106, 3618524; 548136, 3618524; 548136, 3618494; 548166, 3618494; 548166, 3618464; 548196, 3618464; 548196, 3618554; 548286, 3618554; 548286, 3618524; 548376, 3618524; 548376, 3618494; 548436, 3618494; 548436, 3618434; 548496, 3618434; 548496, 3618404; 548526, 3618404; 548526, 3618374; 548556, 3618374; 548556, 3618344; 548586, 3618344; 548586, 3618314; 548616, 3618314; 548616, 3618224; 548796, 3618224; 548796, 3618254; 548826, 3618254; 548826, 3618284; 548856, 3618284; 548856, 3618344; 548886, 3618344; 548886, 3618404; 548916, 3618404; 548916, 3618494; 548946, 3618494; 548946, 3618674; 548976, 3618674; 548976, 3618854; 549006, 3618854; 549006, 3618944; 549036, 3618944; 549036, 3619064; 549066, 3619064; 549066, 3619544; 549096, 3619544; 549096, 3619694; 549126, 3619694; 549126, 3619874; 549186, 3619874; 549186, 3619904; 549156, 3619904; 549156, 3619994; 549126, 3619994; 549126, 3620024; 549156, 3620024; 549156, 3620084; 549186, 3620084; 549186, 3620264; 549230, 3620264; 549274, 3620200; 549475, 3620068; 549647, 3620014; 549946, 3620048; 550371, 3620106; 550743, 3620154; 550868, 3620166; 550902, 3620230; 551166, 3620375; 551166, 3620354; 551256, 3620354; 551256, 3620384; 551286, 3620384; 551286, 3620441; 551433, 3620565; 551596, 3620663; 551832, 3620775; 552006, 3620833; 552006, 3620744; 552036, 3620744; 552036, 3620714; 551976, 3620714; 551976, 3620684; 551916, 3620684; 551916, 3620654; 551886, 3620654; 551886, 3620624; 551856, 3620624; 551856, 3620594; 551826, 3620594; 551826, 3620564; 551796, 3620564; 551796, 3620504; 551766, 3620504; 551766, 3620234; 551796, 3620234; 551796, 3620084; 551766, 3620084; 551766, 3620024; 551736, 3620024; 551736, 3619934; 551706, 3619934; 551706, 3619874; 551676, 3619874; 551676, 3619814; 551646, 3619814; 551646, 3619754; 551586, 3619754; 551586, 3619724; 551556, 3619724; 551556, 3619694; 551496, 3619694; 551496, 3619664; 551346, 3619664; 551346, 3619694; 551316, 3619694; 551316, 3619724; 551256, 3619724; 551256, 3619754; 551136, 3619754; 551136, 3619724; 551016, 3619724; 551016, 3619754; 550746, 3619754; 550746, 3619724; 550656, 3619724; 550656, 3619754; 550536, 3619754; 550536, 3619784; 550476, 3619784; 550476, 3619814; 550416, 3619814; 550416, 3619844; 550356, 3619844; 550356, 3619814; 550266, 3619814; 550266, 3619784; 550236, 3619784; 550236, 3619724; 550206, 3619724; 550206, 3619634; 550176, 3619634; 550176, 3619604; 550146, 3619604; 550146, 3619544; 550116, 3619544; 550116, 3619484; 550086, 3619484; 550086, 3619394; 550056, 3619394; 550056, 3619304; 550026, 3619304; 550026, 3619244; 549996, 3619244; 549996, 3619154; 549966, 3619154; 549966, 3619094; 549936, 3619094; 549936, 3618944; 549906, 3618944; 549906, 3618794; 549936, 3618794; 549936, 3618734; 549906, 3618734; 549906, 3618614; 549876, 3618614; 549876, 3618554; 549846, 3618554; 549846, 3618524; 549816, 3618524; 549816, 3618494; 549696, 3618494; 549696, 3618464; 549636, 3618464; 549636, 3618224; 549606, 3618224; 549606, 3618104; 549576, 3618104; 549576, 3618014; 549546, 3618014; 549546, 3617924; 549516, 3617924; 549516, 3617894; 549486, 3617894; 549486, 3617864; 549456, 3617864; 549456, 3617804; 549426, 3617804; 549426, 3617744; 549456, 3617744; 549456, 3617714; 549426, 3617714; 549426, 3617654; 549366, 3617654; 549366, 3617624; 549336, 3617624; 549336, 3617594; 549306, 3617594; 549306, 3617564; 549276, 3617564; 549276, 3617534; 549246, 3617534; 549246, 3617504; 549216, 3617504; 549216, 3617444; 549186, 3617444; 549186, 3617414; 549156, 3617414; 549156, 3617384; 549126, 3617384; 549126, 3617354; 549096, 3617354; 549096, 3617384; 549066, 3617384; 549066, 3617444; 549036, 3617444; 549036, 3617534; 549006, 3617534; 549006, 3617594; 548976, 3617594; 548976, 3617654; 548946, 3617654; 548946, 3617684; 548916, 3617684; 548916, 3617714; 548886, 3617714; 548886, 3617774; 548856, 3617774; 548856, 3617894; 548796, 3617894; 548796, 3617924; 548736, 3617924; 548736, 3618044; 548706, 3618044; 548706, 3618074; 548646, 3618074; 548646, 3618044; 548556, 3618044; 548556, 3618074; 548496, 3618074; 548496, 3618104; 548436, 3618104; 548436, 3618134; 548406, 3618134; 548406, 3618164; 548376, 3618164; 548376, 3618194; 548286, 3618194; 548286, 3618164; 548256, 3618164; 548256, 3618074; 548226, 3618074; 548226, 3618014; 548136, 3618014; 548136, 3617984; 548076, 3617984; 548076, 3617954; 548046, 3617954; 548046, 3617894; 548016, 3617894; 548016, 3617804; 547986, 3617804; 547986, 3617774; 547956, 3617774; 547956, 3617744; 547926, 3617744; 547926, 3617774; 547896, 3617774; 547896, 3617804; 547806, 3617804; 547806, 3617834; 547776, 3617834; 547776, 3618074; 547746, 3618074; 547746, 3618104; 547716, 3618104; 547716, 3618134; 547686, 3618134; 547686, 3618194; 547656, 3618194; 547656, 3618254; 547686, 3618254; 547686, 3618284; 547716, 3618284; 547716, 3618554; 547686, 3618554; 547686, 3618584; 547656, 3618584; 547656, 3618614; 547626, 3618614; 547626, 3618674; 547596, 3618674; 547596, 3618704; 547566, 3618704; 547566, 3618734; 547536, 3618734; 547536, 3618824; 547566, 3618824; 547566, 3618974; 547536, 3618974; 547536, 3619034; 547506, 3619034; 547506, 3619064; 547476, 3619064; 547476, 3619094; 547446, 3619094; 547446, 3619124; 547416, 3619124; 547416, 3619154; 547386, 3619154; 547386, 3619304; 547356, 3619304; 547356, 3619364; 547326, 3619364; 547326, 3619394; 547296, 3619394; 547296, 3619424; 547266, 3619424; 547266, 3619454; 547236, 3619454; 547236, 3619484; 547146, 3619484; 547146, 3619514; 547086, 3619514; 547086, 3619544; 546996, 3619544; 546996, 3619514; 546966, 3619514; 546966, 3619484; 546936, 3619484; 546936, 3619454; 546906, 3619454; 546906, 3619424; 546876, 3619424; 546876, 3619394; 546846, 3619394; 546846, 3619334; 546816, 3619334; 546816, 3618974; 546786, 3618974; 546786, 3618944; 546726, 3618944; 546726, 3618854; 546696, 3618854; 546696, 3618614; 546726, 3618614; 546726, 3618464; 546756, 3618464; 546756, 3618404; 546726, 3618404; 546726, 3618164; 546756, 3618164; 546756, 3617954; 546726, 3617954; 546726, 3617924; 546696, 3617924; 546696, 3617894; 546576, 3617894; 546576, 3617954; 546546, 3617954; 546546, 3617984; 546486, 3617984; 546486, 3618014; 546396, 3618014; 546396, 3617984; 546366, 3617984; 546366, 3617954; 546336, 3617954; 546336, 3617924; 546306, 3617924; 546306, 3617894; 546276, 3617894; 546276, 3617864; 546246, 3617864; 546246, 3617834; 546216, 3617834; 546216, 3617864; 546186, 3617864; 546186, 3617834; 546156, 3617834; 546156, 3617774; 546126, 3617774; 546126, 3617744; 546096, 3617744; 546096, 3617714; 546066, 3617714; 546066, 3617654; 546036, 3617654; 546036, 3617564; 546006, 3617564; 546006, 3617534; 545976, 3617534; 545976, 3617444; 545946, 3617444; 545946, 3617384; 545916, 3617384; 545916, 3617324; 545886, 3617324; 545886, 3617264; 545856, 3617264; 545856, 3617234; 545796, 3617234; 545796, 3617204; 545736, 3617204; 545736, 3617174; 545676, 3617174; 545676, 3617114; 545616, 3617114; 545616, 3616994; 545586, 3616994; 545586, 3616934; 545556, 3616934; 545556, 3616874; 545526, 3616874; 545526, 3616844; 545496, 3616844; 545496, 3616784; 545466, 3616784; 545466, 3616724; 545436, 3616724; 545436, 3616574; 545286, 3616574; 545286, 3616604; 545166, 3616604; 545166, 3616634; 545076, 3616634; 545076, 3616694; 545046, 3616694; 545046, 3616784; 545076, 3616784; 545076, 3616814; 545106, 3616814; 545106, 3617024; 545076, 3617024; 545076, 3617054; 545046, 3617054; 545046, 3617114; 544986, 3617114; 544986, 3617144; 544956, 3617144; 544956, 3617264; 544986, 3617264; 544986, 3617354; 544956, 3617354; 544956, 3617384; 544926, 3617384; 544926, 3617474; 544896, 3617474; 544896, 3617594; 544819, 3617594; 544908, 3617848; 544866, 3617885; 544866, 3617894; 544896, 3617894; 544896, 3617924; 544926, 3617924; 544926, 3617954; 544956, 3617954; 544956, 3618134; 544926, 3618134; 544926, 3618164; 544896, 3618164; 544896, 3618194; 544836, 3618194; 544836, 3618224; 544776, 3618224; 544776, 3618254; 544746, 3618254; 544746, 3618284; 544716, 3618284; 544716, 3618374; 544746, 3618374; 544746, 3618404; 544836, 3618404; 544836, 3618434; 544866, 3618434; 544866, 3618464; 544776, 3618464; 544776, 3618494; 544716, 3618494; 544716, 3618524; 544566, 3618524; 544566, 3618494; 544536, 3618494; 544536, 3618404; 544506, 3618404; 544506, 3618284; 544505, 3618284; 544423, 3618642; 544308, 3618612; 544278, 3618673; 544199, 3618776; 544102, 3618879; 544023, 3618885; 544090, 3618806; 544084, 3618703; 543999, 3618642; 543859, 3618303; 543865, 3618085; 543822, 3617924; 543816, 3617924; 543816, 3617984; 543786, 3617984; 543786, 3618014; 543756, 3618014; 543756, 3618074; 543726, 3618074; 543726, 3618134; 543696, 3618134; 543696, 3618194; 543666, 3618194; 543666, 3618224; 543636, 3618224; 543636, 3618314; 543606, 3618314; 543606, 3618374; 543576, 3618374; 543576, 3618404; 543546, 3618404; 543546, 3618434; 543396, 3618434; 543396, 3618494; 543366, 3618494; 543366, 3618524; 543246, 3618524; 543246, 3618584; 543216, 3618584; 543216, 3618644; 543336, 3618644; 543336, 3618674; 543366, 3618674; 543366, 3618704; 543396, 3618704; 543396, 3618734; 543426, 3618734; 543426, 3618824; 543456, 3618824; 543456, 3618884; 543486, 3618884; 543486, 3618914; 543456, 3618914; 543456, 3619034; 543486, 3619034; 543486, 3619184; 543456, 3619184; 543456, 3619244; 543486, 3619244; 543486, 3619304; 543516, 3619304; 543516, 3619334; 543606, 3619334; 543606, 3619364; 543636, 3619364; 543636, 3619394; 543666, 3619394; 543666, 3619424; 543696, 3619424; 543696, 3619484; 543726, 3619484; 543726, 3619514; 543756, 3619514; 543756, 3619664; 543726, 3619664; 543726, 3619724; 543696, 3619724; 543696, 3619814; 543666, 3619814; 543666, 3619844; 543606, 3619844; 543606, 3619904; 543576, 3619904; 543576, 3619934; 543546, 3619934; 543546, 3619964; 543516, 3619964; 543516, 3619994; 543486, 3619994; 543486, 3620174; 543456, 3620174; 543456, 3620294; 543516, 3620294; 543516, 3620324; 543546, 3620324; 543546, 3620354; 543516, 3620354; 543516, 3620384; 543486, 3620384; 543486, 3620414; 543456, 3620414; 543456, 3620564; 543426, 3620564; 543426, 3620594; 543246, 3620594; 543246, 3620534; 543186, 3620534; 543186, 3620504; 543126, 3620504; 543126, 3620474; 543036, 3620474; 543036, 3620594; 543066, 3620594; 543066, 3620684; 543036, 3620684; 543036, 3620714; 542976, 3620714; 542976, 3620804; 542946, 3620804; 542946, 3620864; 542916, 3620864; 542916, 3620894; 542886, 3620894; 542886, 3620954; 542826, 3620954; 542826, 3620984; 542796, 3620984; 542796, 3621014; 542766, 3621014; 542766, 3621044; 542736, 3621044; 542736, 3621074; 542646, 3621074; 542646, 3621044; 542586, 3621044; 542586, 3621014; 542466, 3621014; 542466, 3621074; 542436, 3621074; 542436, 3621104; 542406, 3621104; 542406, 3621194; 542436, 3621194; 542436, 3621254; 542466, 3621254; 542466, 3621284; 542496, 3621284; 542496, 3621314; 542436, 3621314; 542436, 3621344; 542406, 3621344; 542406, 3621374; 542376, 3621374; 542376, 3621404; 542346, 3621404; 542346, 3621434; 542316, 3621434; 542316, 3621464; 542256, 3621464; 542256, 3621494; 542196, 3621494; 542196, 3621524; 542016, 3621524; 542016, 3621554; 541896, 3621554; 541896, 3621584; 541866, 3621584; 541866, 3621614; 541806, 3621614; 541806, 3621644; 541716, 3621644; 541716, 3621674; 541656, 3621674; 541656, 3621704; 541596, 3621704; 541596, 3621764; 541566, 3621764; 541566, 3621824; 541536, 3621824; 541536, 3621884; 541506, 3621884; 541506, 3621944; 541476, 3621944; 541476, 3622064; 541506, 3622064; 541506, 3622094; 541536, 3622094; 541536, 3622124; 541626, 3622124; 541626, 3622094; 541746, 3622094; 541746, 3622124; 541776, 3622124; 541776, 3622154; 541806, 3622154; 541806, 3622184; 541926, 3622184; 541926, 3622154; 541956, 3622154; 541956, 3622124; 542016, 3622124; 542016, 3622094; 542076, 3622094; 542076, 3622064; 542106, 3622064; 542106, 3622034; 542136, 3622034; 542136, 3621974; 542166, 3621974; 542166, 3621914; 542226, 3621914; 542226, 3621884; 542256, 3621884; 542256, 3621854; 542316, 3621854; 542316, 3621824; 542676, 3621824; 542676, 3621854; 542766, 3621854; 542766, 3621884; 542796, 3621884; 542796, 3621914; 542826, 3621914; 542826, 3621944; 542856, 3621944; 542856, 3621974; 542826, 3621974; 542826, 3622124; 542796, 3622124; 542796, 3622094; 542766, 3622094; 542766, 3622064; 542736, 3622064; 542736, 3622094; 542706, 3622094; 542706, 3622124; 542676, 3622124; 542676, 3622394; 542706, 3622394; 542706, 3622484; 542766, 3622484; 542766, 3622424; 542796, 3622424; 542796, 3622394; 542826, 3622394; 542826, 3622334; 542856, 3622334; 542856, 3622364; 543006, 3622364; 543006, 3622244; 542946, 3622244; 542946, 3622214; 542976, 3622214; 542976, 3622184; 543006, 3622184; 543006, 3622094; 543036, 3622094; 543036, 3622064; 543066, 3622064; 543066, 3622034; 543096, 3622034; 543096, 3622004; 543186, 3622004; 543186, 3621974; 543216, 3621974; 543216, 3621944; 543246, 3621944; 543246, 3621914; 543216, 3621914; 543216, 3621884; 543186, 3621884; 543186, 3621854; 543126, 3621854; 543126, 3621824; 543096, 3621824; 543096, 3621584; 543126, 3621584; 543126, 3621524; 543216, 3621524; 543216, 3621494; 543426, 3621494; 543426, 3621464; 543486, 3621464; 543486, 3621434; 543546, 3621434; 543546, 3621404; 543636, 3621404; 543636, 3621374; 543666, 3621374; 543666, 3621314; 543726, 3621314; 543726, 3621284; 543756, 3621284; 543756, 3621254; 543816, 3621254; 543816, 3621224; 543906, 3621224; 543906, 3621194; 543966, 3621194; 543966, 3621164; 543996, 3621164; 543996, 3621104; 544026, 3621104; 544026, 3621044; 544056, 3621044; 544056, 3620924; 544086, 3620924; 544086, 3620894; 544116, 3620894; 544116, 3620864; 544146, 3620864; 544146, 3620834; 544176, 3620834; 544176, 3620804; 544206, 3620804; 544206, 3620774; 544236, 3620774; 544236, 3620744; 544266, 3620744; 544266, 3620684; 544326, 3620684; 544326, 3620654; 544356, 3620654; 544356, 3620624; 544386, 3620624; 544386, 3620474; 544416, 3620474; 544416, 3620414; 544446, 3620414; 544446, 3620384; 544476, 3620384; 544476, 3620354; 544506, 3620354; 544506, 3620294; 544536, 3620294; 544536, 3620264; 544506, 3620264; 544506, 3620204; 544416, 3620204; 544416, 3620144; 544386, 3620144; 544386, 3620084; 544416, 3620084; 544416, 3620024; 544476, 3620024; 544476, 3619994; 544536, 3619994; 544536, 3619964; 544566, 3619964; 544566, 3619904; 544686, 3619904; 544686, 3619874; 544716, 3619874; 544716, 3619844; 544776, 3619844; 544776, 3619814; 544836, 3619814; 544836, 3619784; 544866, 3619784; 544866, 3619754; returning to 544887, 3619754. Excluding land bounded by 543246, 3620804; 543246, 3620834; 543186, 3620834; 543186, 3620804; returning to 543246, 3620804. Excluding land bounded by 544266, 3618914; 544266, 3618884; 544296, 3618884; 544296, 3618914; returning to 544266, 3618914.

(ii) Subunit 19b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Barrett Lake, Tecate, Potrero and Morena Reservoir, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 529986, 3613334; 529986, 3613304; 530016, 3613304; 530016, 3613274; 530046, 3613274; 530046, 3613244; 530076, 3613244; 530076, 3613184; 530106, 3613184; 530106, 3613154; 530136, 3613154; 530136, 3613124; 530166, 3613124; 530166, 3613034; 530196, 3613034; 530196, 3612794; 530166, 3612794; 530166, 3612644; 530196, 3612644; 530196, 3612584; 530406, 3612584; 530406, 3612554; 530466, 3612554; 530466, 3612524; 530406, 3612524; 530406, 3612494; 530376, 3612494; 530376, 3612434; 530346, 3612434; 530346, 3612404; 530316, 3612404; 530316, 3612374; 530286, 3612374; 530286, 3612344; 530256, 3612344; 530256, 3612314; 530226, 3612314; 530226, 3612284; 530136, 3612284; 530136, 3612224; 530106, 3612224; 530106, 3612164; 530136, 3612164; 530136, 3612104; 530106, 3612104; 530106, 3611864; 530136, 3611864; 530136, 3611834; 530106, 3611834; 530106, 3611774; 530076, 3611774; 530076, 3611744; 530046, 3611744; 530046, 3611714; 530016, 3611714; 530016, 3611594; 530046, 3611594; 530046, 3611564; 530016, 3611564; 530016, 3611534; 529956, 3611534; 529956, 3611504; 529926, 3611504; 529926, 3611474; 529836, 3611474; 529836, 3611444; 529656, 3611444; 529656, 3611414; 529476, 3611414; 529476, 3611384; 529446, 3611384; 529446, 3611264; 529476, 3611264; 529476, 3611234; 529506, 3611234; 529506, 3611204; 529596, 3611204; 529596, 3611174; 529686, 3611174; 529686, 3611144; 529716, 3611144; 529716, 3611114; 529746, 3611114; 529746, 3611084; 529776, 3611084; 529776, 3611024; 529806, 3611024; 529806, 3610904; 529836, 3610904; 529836, 3610604; 529866, 3610604; 529866, 3610574; 529896, 3610574; 529896, 3610544; 529866, 3610544; 529866, 3610484; 529806, 3610484; 529806, 3610454; 529776, 3610454; 529776, 3610484; 529746, 3610484; 529746, 3610424; 529926, 3610424; 529926, 3610394; 529956, 3610394; 529956, 3610364; 529986, 3610364; 529986, 3610334; 530016, 3610334; 530016, 3610304; 530046, 3610304; 530046, 3610274; 530016, 3610274; 530016, 3610244; 529986, 3610244; 529986, 3610184; 529956, 3610184; 529956, 3610154; 529926, 3610154; 529926, 3610094; 529896, 3610094; 529896, 3610064; 529866, 3610064; 529866, 3610034; 529836, 3610034; 529836, 3609944; 529746, 3609944; 529746, 3609914; 529686, 3609914; 529686, 3609884; 529656, 3609884; 529656, 3609824; 529626, 3609824; 529626, 3609794; 529596, 3609794; 529596, 3609734; 529536, 3609734; 529536, 3609704; 529476, 3609704; 529476, 3609674; 529446, 3609674; 529446, 3609644; 529416, 3609644; 529416, 3609614; 529386, 3609614; 529386, 3609584; 529326, 3609584; 529326, 3609554; 529266, 3609554; 529266, 3609524; 529236, 3609524; 529236, 3609494; 529206, 3609494; 529206, 3609464; 529176, 3609464; 529176, 3609434; 529146, 3609434; 529146, 3609404; 529116, 3609404; 529116, 3609374; 529086, 3609374; 529086, 3609344; 529056, 3609344; 529056, 3609314; 529026, 3609314; 529026, 3609254; 528996, 3609254; 528996, 3609194; 528966, 3609194; 528966, 3609134; 528936, 3609134; 528936, 3609104; 528906, 3609104; 528906, 3609044; 528876, 3609044; 528876, 3608984; 528846, 3608984; 528846, 3608746; 528679, 3608752; 528618, 3608690; 528561, 3608612; 528500, 3608530; 528467, 3608433; 528425, 3608358; 528816, 3608383; 528816, 3608354; 528846, 3608354; 528846, 3608324; 528816, 3608324; 528816, 3608294; 528786, 3608294; 528786, 3608264; 528816, 3608264; 528816, 3608234; 528816, 3608174; 528786, 3608174; 528786, 3608084; 528816, 3608084; 528816, 3608024; 528846, 3608024; 528846, 3607994; 528876, 3607994; 528876, 3607964; 528906, 3607964; 528906, 3607874; 528936, 3607874; 528936, 3607814; 528996, 3607814; 528996, 3607784; 529026, 3607784; 529026, 3607754; 529056, 3607754; 529056, 3607724; 529116, 3607724; 529116, 3607694; 529146, 3607694; 529146, 3607664; 529176, 3607664; 529176, 3607694; 529266, 3607694; 529266, 3607724; 529296, 3607724; 529296, 3607694; 529356, 3607694; 529356, 3607664; 529536, 3607664; 529536, 3607694; 529596, 3607694; 529596, 3607664; 529626, 3607664; 529626, 3607634; 529806, 3607634; 529806, 3607664; 529836, 3607664; 529836, 3607634; 529956, 3607634; 529956, 3607574; 529986, 3607574; 529986, 3607484; 530016, 3607484; 530016, 3607454; 530046, 3607454; 530046, 3607424; 530076, 3607424; 530076, 3607394; 530196, 3607394; 530196, 3607364; 530226, 3607364; 530226, 3607304; 530196, 3607304; 530196, 3607274; 530166, 3607274; 530166, 3607184; 530136, 3607184; 530136, 3607154; 530166, 3607154; 530166, 3607124; 530136, 3607124; 530136, 3606974; 530106, 3606974; 530106, 3606914; 530076, 3606914; 530076, 3606884; 530106, 3606884; 530106, 3606854; 530166, 3606854; 530166, 3606824; 530196, 3606824; 530196, 3606794; 530256, 3606794; 530256, 3606764; 530316, 3606764; 530316, 3606734; 530466, 3606734; 530466, 3606704; 530526, 3606704; 530526, 3606674; 530616, 3606674; 530616, 3606644; 530706, 3606644; 530706, 3606614; 530946, 3606614; 530946, 3606584; 530976, 3606584; 530976, 3606554; 531006, 3606554; 531006, 3606584; 531066, 3606584; 531066, 3606554; 531126, 3606554; 531126, 3606584; 531246, 3606584; 531246, 3606554; 531336, 3606554; 531336, 3606524; 531366, 3606524; 531366, 3606464; 531456, 3606464; 531456, 3606494; 531486, 3606494; 531486, 3606524; 531516, 3606524; 531516, 3606554; 531576, 3606554; 531576, 3606584; 531606, 3606584; 531606, 3606614; 531636, 3606614; 531636, 3606644; 531666, 3606644; 531666, 3606674; 531696, 3606674; 531696, 3606704; 531726, 3606704; 531726, 3606734; 531756, 3606734; 531756, 3606764; 531816, 3606764; 531816, 3606794; 532086, 3606794; 532086, 3606824; 532206, 3606824; 532206, 3606854; 532236, 3606854; 532236, 3606944; 532296, 3606944; 532296, 3606914; 532416, 3606914; 532416, 3606884; 532566, 3606884; 532566, 3606914; 532626, 3606914; 532626, 3606944; 532656, 3606944; 532656, 3607004; 532686, 3607004; 532686, 3607034; 532926, 3607034; 532926, 3606974; 532956, 3606974; 532956, 3606944; 532986, 3606944; 532986, 3606914; 533136, 3606914; 533136, 3606944; 533166, 3606944; 533166, 3606974; 533226, 3606974; 533226, 3607034; 533256, 3607034; 533256, 3607064; 533286, 3607064; 533286, 3607124; 533256, 3607124; 533256, 3607154; 533286, 3607154; 533286, 3607184; 533316, 3607184; 533316, 3607244; 533346, 3607244; 533346, 3607334; 533376, 3607334; 533376, 3607394; 533406, 3607394; 533406, 3607484; 533496, 3607484; 533496, 3607424; 533586, 3607424; 533586, 3607394; 533766, 3607394; 533766, 3607424; 534066, 3607424; 534066, 3607454; 534126, 3607454; 534126, 3607574; 534186, 3607574; 534186, 3607604; 534216, 3607604; 534216, 3607634; 534186, 3607634; 534186, 3607754; 534156, 3607754; 534156, 3607784; 534156, 3607844; 534186, 3607844; 534186, 3607934; 534156, 3607934; 534156, 3607994; 534186, 3607994; 534186, 3608084; 534216, 3608084; 534216, 3608114; 534276, 3608114; 534276, 3608144; 534336, 3608144; 534336, 3608174; 534456, 3608174; 534456, 3608204; 534516, 3608204; 534516, 3608234; 534606, 3608234; 534606, 3608264; 534636, 3608264; 534636, 3608294; 534756, 3608294; 534756, 3608324; 534846, 3608324; 534846, 3608354; 534876, 3608354; 534876, 3608384; 534906, 3608384; 534906, 3608414; 534936, 3608414; 534936, 3608594; 534966, 3608594; 534966, 3608624; 534996, 3608624; 534996, 3608654; 535056, 3608654; 535056, 3608684; 535086, 3608684; 535086, 3608714; 535146, 3608714; 535146, 3608744; 535236, 3608744; 535236, 3608774; 535266, 3608774; 535266, 3608804; 535296, 3608804; 535296, 3608834; 535356, 3608834; 535356, 3608864; 535446, 3608864; 535446, 3608894; 535506, 3608894; 535506, 3608924; 535566, 3608924; 535566, 3608954; 535596, 3608954; 535596, 3608984; 535626, 3608984; 535626, 3609014; 535686, 3609014; 535686, 3609044; 535716, 3609044; 535716, 3609344; 535686, 3609344; 535686, 3609374; 535656, 3609374; 535656, 3609404; 535626, 3609404; 535626, 3609434; 535596, 3609434; 535596, 3609464; 535566, 3609464; 535566, 3609524; 535536, 3609524; 535536, 3609584; 535506, 3609584; 535506, 3609644; 535476, 3609644; 535476, 3609734; 535446, 3609734; 535446, 3609764; 535476, 3609764; 535476, 3609884; 535806, 3609884; 535806, 3609914; 535836, 3609914; 535836, 3609884; 535896, 3609884; 535896, 3609914; 535956, 3609914; 535956, 3609944; 536016, 3609944; 536016, 3609974; 536076, 3609974; 536076, 3610004; 536166, 3610004; 536166, 3610034; 536226, 3610034; 536226, 3610064; 536256, 3610064; 536256, 3610094; 536286, 3610094; 536286, 3610124; 536316, 3610124; 536316, 3610154; 536346, 3610154; 536346, 3610244; 536466, 3610244; 536466, 3610214; 536586, 3610214; 536586, 3610244; 536616, 3610244; 536616, 3610304; 536646, 3610304; 536646, 3610334; 536676, 3610334; 536676, 3610424; 536706, 3610424; 536706, 3610514; 536736, 3610514; 536736, 3610544; 536856, 3610544; 536856, 3610574; 536886, 3610574; 536886, 3610544; 536916, 3610544; 536916, 3610574; 536946, 3610574; 536946, 3610604; 537006, 3610604; 537006, 3610634; 537066, 3610634; 537066, 3610604; 537276, 3610604; 537276, 3610634; 537336, 3610634; 537336, 3610664; 537366, 3610664; 537366, 3610694; 537426, 3610694; 537426, 3610724; 537546, 3610724; 537546, 3610694; 537576, 3610694; 537576, 3610784; 537636, 3610784; 537636, 3610844; 537606, 3610844; 537606, 3610904; 537576, 3610904; 537576, 3610964; 537516, 3610964; 537516, 3610994; 537306, 3610994; 537306, 3611054; 537336, 3611054; 537336, 3611084; 537366, 3611084; 537366, 3611114; 537456, 3611114; 537456, 3611144; 537516, 3611144; 537516, 3611174; 537546, 3611174; 537546, 3611204; 537576, 3611204; 537576, 3611234; 537696, 3611234; 537696, 3611204; 537726, 3611204; 537726, 3611174; 537786, 3611174; 537786, 3611264; 537816, 3611264; 537816, 3611294; 537876, 3611294; 537876, 3611324; 537906, 3611324; 537906, 3611354; 537936, 3611354; 537936, 3611384; 537906, 3611384; 537906, 3611504; 537936, 3611504; 537936, 3611564; 537996, 3611564; 537996, 3611594; 538206, 3611594; 538206, 3611624; 538296, 3611624; 538296, 3611654; 538326, 3611654; 538326, 3611774; 538356, 3611774; 538356, 3611804; 538416, 3611804; 538416, 3611834; 538446, 3611834; 538446, 3611864; 538476, 3611864; 538476, 3612074; 538506, 3612074; 538506, 3612314; 538476, 3612314; 538476, 3612434; 538446, 3612434; 538446, 3612494; 538416, 3612494; 538416, 3612584; 538476, 3612584; 538476, 3612614; 538836, 3612614; 538836, 3612644; 538896, 3612644; 538896, 3612674; 538926, 3612674; 538926, 3612794; 539106, 3612794; 539106, 3612824; 539136, 3612824; 539136, 3612914; 539166, 3612914; 539166, 3612974; 539196, 3612974; 539196, 3613004; 539226, 3613004; 539226, 3613064; 539256, 3613064; 539256, 3613094; 539226, 3613094; 539226, 3613184; 539196, 3613184; 539196, 3613304; 539226, 3613304; 539226, 3613334; 539256, 3613334; 539256, 3613364; 539286, 3613364; 539286, 3613394; 539316, 3613394; 539316, 3613424; 539346, 3613424; 539346, 3613484; 539376, 3613484; 539376, 3613514; 539466, 3613514; 539466, 3613544; 539526, 3613544; 539526, 3613574; 539556, 3613574; 539556, 3613844; 539646, 3613844; 539646, 3613814; 539706, 3613814; 539706, 3613784; 539766, 3613784; 539766, 3613754; 539856, 3613754; 539856, 3613724; 539976, 3613724; 539976, 3613604; 539946, 3613604; 539946, 3613544; 539916, 3613544; 539916, 3613454; 539946, 3613454; 539946, 3613394; 540006, 3613394; 540006, 3613424; 540246, 3613424; 540246, 3613334; 540276, 3613334; 540276, 3613304; 540246, 3613304; 540246, 3613244; 540216, 3613244; 540216, 3613154; 540186, 3613154; 540186, 3613124; 540156, 3613124; 540156, 3613004; 540186, 3613004; 540186, 3612974; 540246, 3612974; 540246, 3612944; 540306, 3612944; 540306, 3612914; 540336, 3612914; 540336, 3612884; 540366, 3612884; 540366, 3612854; 540396, 3612854; 540396, 3612824; 540426, 3612824; 540426, 3612764; 540456, 3612764; 540456, 3612734; 540486, 3612734; 540486, 3612704; 540516, 3612704; 540516, 3612674; 540546, 3612674; 540546, 3612644; 540516, 3612644; 540516, 3612614; 540456, 3612614; 540456, 3612584; 540426, 3612584; 540426, 3612524; 540366, 3612524; 540366, 3612494; 540276, 3612494; 540276, 3612464; 540126, 3612464; 540126, 3612224; 540096, 3612224; 540096, 3612194; 540066, 3612194; 540066, 3612164; 540036, 3612164; 540036, 3612104; 540006, 3612104; 540006, 3611954; 540036, 3611954; 540036, 3611894; 540066, 3611894; 540066, 3611864; 540096, 3611864; 540096, 3611744; 540276, 3611744; 540276, 3611654; 540246, 3611654; 540246, 3611624; 540216, 3611624; 540216, 3611594; 540186, 3611594; 540186, 3611564; 540126, 3611564; 540126, 3611534; 540096, 3611534; 540096, 3611504; 540066, 3611504; 540066, 3611474; 540036, 3611474; 540036, 3611414; 540066, 3611414; 540066, 3611354; 540036, 3611354; 540036, 3611324; 539976, 3611324; 539976, 3611294; 539946, 3611294; 539946, 3611264; 539916, 3611264; 539916, 3611234; 539886, 3611234; 539886, 3611204; 539856, 3611204; 539856, 3611144; 539796, 3611144; 539796, 3611114; 539766, 3611114; 539766, 3611144; 539496, 3611144; 539496, 3611024; 539466, 3611024; 539466, 3610904; 539496, 3610904; 539496, 3610814; 539526, 3610814; 539526, 3610724; 539556, 3610724; 539556, 3610664; 539616, 3610664; 539616, 3610574; 539226, 3610574; 539226, 3610604; 539166, 3610604; 539166, 3610634; 538986, 3610634; 538986, 3610604; 538926, 3610604; 538926, 3610634; 538806, 3610634; 538806, 3610604; 538656, 3610604; 538656, 3610574; 538566, 3610574; 538566, 3610544; 538536, 3610544; 538536, 3610514; 538506, 3610514; 538506, 3610454; 538476, 3610454; 538476, 3610424; 538416, 3610424; 538416, 3610394; 538356, 3610394; 538356, 3610364; 538296, 3610364; 538296, 3610334; 538236, 3610334; 538236, 3610304; 538206, 3610304; 538206, 3610274; 538176, 3610274; 538176, 3610244; 538146, 3610244; 538146, 3610184; 538116, 3610184; 538116, 3610124; 538146, 3610124; 538146, 3610004; 538176, 3610004; 538176, 3609914; 538056, 3609914; 538056, 3609884; 538086, 3609884; 538086, 3609824; 538146, 3609824; 538146, 3609764; 538116, 3609764; 538116, 3609704; 538086, 3609704; 538086, 3609614; 537906, 3609614; 537906, 3609584; 537846, 3609584; 537846, 3609524; 537786, 3609524; 537786, 3609494; 537756, 3609494; 537756, 3609374; 537726, 3609374; 537726, 3609344; 537606, 3609344; 537606, 3609374; 537576, 3609374; 537576, 3609434; 537546, 3609434; 537546, 3609494; 537576, 3609494; 537576, 3609524; 537516, 3609524; 537516, 3609494; 537486, 3609494; 537426, 3609494; 537426, 3609524; 537396, 3609524; 537396, 3609554; 537306, 3609554; 537306, 3609524; 537246, 3609524; 537246, 3609554; 537216, 3609554; 537216, 3609584; 537186, 3609584; 537186, 3609644; 537096, 3609644; 537096, 3609614; 537066, 3609614; 537066, 3609644; 537036, 3609644; 537036, 3609734; 537006, 3609734; 537006, 3609764; 536976, 3609764; 536976, 3609734; 536946, 3609734; 536946, 3609674; 536886, 3609674; 536886, 3609644; 536946, 3609644; 536946, 3609614; 536976, 3609614; 536976, 3609584; 537036, 3609584; 537036, 3609524; 537126, 3609524; 537126, 3609494; 537156, 3609494; 537156, 3609464; 537186, 3609464; 537186, 3609434; 537306, 3609434; 537306, 3609404; 537366, 3609404; 537366, 3609374; 537396, 3609374; 537396, 3609344; 537516, 3609344; 537516, 3609374; 537546, 3609374; 537546, 3609344; 537576, 3609344; 537576, 3609284; 537606, 3609284; 537606, 3609194; 537636, 3609194; 537636, 3609104; 537666, 3609104; 537666, 3608894; 537636, 3608894; 537636, 3608834; 537606, 3608834; 537606, 3608774; 537576, 3608774; 537576, 3608744; 537516, 3608744; 537516, 3608714; 537456, 3608714; 537456, 3608684; 537396, 3608684; 537396, 3608654; 537246, 3608654; 537246, 3608684; 537126, 3608684; 537126, 3608714; 536826, 3608714; 536826, 3608684; 536736, 3608684; 536736, 3608654; 536706, 3608654; 536706, 3608624; 536676, 3608624; 536676, 3608594; 536616, 3608594; 536616, 3608534; 536586, 3608534; 536586, 3608474; 536556, 3608474; 536556, 3608324; 536526, 3608324; 536526, 3608204; 536496, 3608204; 536496, 3607964; 536466, 3607964; 536466, 3607904; 536496, 3607904; 536496, 3607814; 536526, 3607814; 536526, 3607604; 536496, 3607604; 536496, 3607574; 536466, 3607574; 536466, 3607544; 536406, 3607544; 536406, 3607514; 536076, 3607514; 536076, 3607544; 535926, 3607544; 535896, 3607544; 535896, 3607514; 535716, 3607514; 535716, 3607544; 535686, 3607544; 535686, 3607574; 535656, 3607574; 535656, 3607604; 535566, 3607604; 535566, 3607634; 535476, 3607634; 535476, 3607664; 535416, 3607664; 535416, 3607694; 535206, 3607694; 535206, 3607664; 535146, 3607664; 535146, 3607634; 535086, 3607634; 535086, 3607604; 534996, 3607604; 534996, 3607574; 534966, 3607574; 534966, 3607604; 534936, 3607604; 534936, 3607634; 534966, 3607634; 534966, 3607664; 534996, 3607664; 534996, 3607694; 535026, 3607694; 535026, 3607814; 534936, 3607814; 534936, 3607844; 534906, 3607844; 534906, 3607874; 534666, 3607874; 534666, 3607844; 534636, 3607844; 534636, 3607814; 534606, 3607814; 534606, 3607754; 534576, 3607754; 534576, 3607664; 534546, 3607664; 534546, 3607634; 534516, 3607634; 534516, 3607604; 534456, 3607604; 534456, 3607574; 534426, 3607574; 534426, 3607544; 534396, 3607544; 534396, 3607514; 534366, 3607514; 534366, 3607484; 534336, 3607484; 534336, 3607454; 534306, 3607454; 534306, 3607424; 534276, 3607424; 534276, 3607394; 534246, 3607394; 534246, 3607364; 534216, 3607364; 534216, 3607274; 534246, 3607274; 534246, 3607184; 534186, 3607184; 534186, 3607154; 534066, 3607154; 534066, 3607184; 533946, 3607184; 533886, 3607184; 533886, 3607154; 533856, 3607154; 533856, 3607184; 533796, 3607184; 533796, 3607124; 533766, 3607124; 533766, 3607064; 533736, 3607064; 533736, 3607034; 533676, 3607034; 533676, 3607064; 533616, 3607064; 533616, 3607094; 533526, 3607094; 533526, 3607064; 533496, 3607064; 533496, 3607034; 533466, 3607034; 533466, 3607004; 533406, 3607004; 533406, 3606974; 533376, 3606974; 533376, 3606914; 533346, 3606914; 533346, 3606854; 533316, 3606854; 533316, 3606824; 533286, 3606824; 533286, 3606764; 533316, 3606764; 533316, 3606734; 533286, 3606734; 533286, 3606704; 533226, 3606704; 533226, 3606674; 533106, 3606674; 532986, 3606674; 532986, 3606704; 532746, 3606704; 532746, 3606824; 532686, 3606824; 532686, 3606674; 532626, 3606674; 532626, 3606644; 532506, 3606644; 532506, 3606674; 532416, 3606674; 532416, 3606704; 532356, 3606704; 532356, 3606674; 532266, 3606674; 532266, 3606644; 532206, 3606644; 532206, 3606614; 531966, 3606614; 531966, 3606584; 531936, 3606584; 531936, 3606554; 531876, 3606554; 531876, 3606524; 531846, 3606524; 531846, 3606494; 531816, 3606494; 531816, 3606464; 531786, 3606464; 531786, 3606434; 531756, 3606434; 531756, 3606404; 531726, 3606404; 531726, 3606374; 531696, 3606374; 531696, 3606284; 531726, 3606284; 531726, 3606254; 531756, 3606254; 531756, 3606194; 531666, 3606194; 531666, 3606224; 531576, 3606224; 531576, 3606254; 531486, 3606254; 531486, 3606224; 531366, 3606224; 531366, 3606194; 531306, 3606194; 531306, 3606224; 531246, 3606224; 531246, 3606254; 531216, 3606254; 531216, 3606314; 531186, 3606314; 531186, 3606344; 531156, 3606344; 531156, 3606374; 531066, 3606374; 531066, 3606344; 530916, 3606344; 530916, 3606374; 530886, 3606374; 530886, 3606404; 530856, 3606404; 530856, 3606434; 530766, 3606434; 530766, 3606464; 530676, 3606464; 530676, 3606494; 530616, 3606494; 530616, 3606524; 530556, 3606524; 530556, 3606554; 530466, 3606554; 530466, 3606584; 530406, 3606584; 530406, 3606614; 530226, 3606614; 530226, 3606644; 530136, 3606644; 530136, 3606674; 530076, 3606674; 530076, 3606704; 529986, 3606704; 529986, 3606764; 529956, 3606764; 529956, 3606794; 529926, 3606794; 529926, 3606854; 529896, 3606854; 529896, 3606884; 529926, 3606884; 529926, 3606944; 529956, 3606944; 529956, 3607004; 529986, 3607004; 529986, 3607094; 529956, 3607094; 529956, 3607124; 529926, 3607124; 529926, 3607184; 529896, 3607184; 529896, 3607214; 529866, 3607214; 529866, 3607244; 529716, 3607244; 529716, 3607214; 529686, 3607214; 529686, 3607184; 529656, 3607184; 529656, 3607244; 529626, 3607244; 529626, 3607274; 529596, 3607274; 529596, 3607304; 529536, 3607304; 529536, 3607334; 529476, 3607334; 529476, 3607364; 529416, 3607364; 529416, 3607424; 529386, 3607424; 529386, 3607454; 529326, 3607454; 529326, 3607424; 529236, 3607424; 529236, 3607394; 529176, 3607394; 529176, 3607364; 529146, 3607364; 529146, 3607334; 529056, 3607334; 529056, 3607364; 528996, 3607364; 528996, 3607394; 528936, 3607394; 528936, 3607424; 528906, 3607424; 528906, 3607454; 528606, 3607454; 528606, 3607484; 528546, 3607484; 528546, 3607514; 528336, 3607514; 528336, 3607574; 528306, 3607574; 528306, 3607604; 528246, 3607604; 528246, 3607634; 528216, 3607634; 528216, 3607664; 528186, 3607664; 528186, 3607694; 528036, 3607694; 528036, 3607664; 527886, 3607664; 527886, 3607694; 527826, 3607694; 527826, 3607724; 527796, 3607724; 527796, 3607754; 527766, 3607754; 527766, 3607784; 527346, 3607784; 527346, 3607754; 527256, 3607754; 527256, 3607724; 527136, 3607724; 527136, 3607694; 527106, 3607694; 527106, 3607664; 527076, 3607664; 527076, 3607634; 527016, 3607634; 527016, 3607604; 526956, 3607604; 526956, 3607574; 526926, 3607574; 526926, 3607544; 526896, 3607544; 526896, 3607484; 526866, 3607484; 526866, 3607454; 526716, 3607454; 526716, 3607424; 526686, 3607424; 526686, 3607364; 526656, 3607364; 526656, 3607304; 526626, 3607304; 526626, 3607244; 526596, 3607244; 526596, 3607214; 526536, 3607214; 526536, 3607184; 526506, 3607184; 526506, 3607094; 526476, 3607094; 526476, 3607034; 526416, 3607034; 526416, 3607004; 526386, 3607004; 526386, 3606974; 526356, 3606974; 526356, 3606944; 526326, 3606944; 526326, 3606914; 526356, 3606914; 526356, 3606854; 526326, 3606854; 526326, 3606794; 526266, 3606794; 526266, 3606764; 526236, 3606764; 526236, 3606734; 526206, 3606734; 526206, 3606644; 526176, 3606644; 526176, 3606554; 526146, 3606554; 526146, 3606434; 526116, 3606434; 526116, 3606374; 526086, 3606374; 526086, 3606344; 526056, 3606344; 526056, 3606314; 526026, 3606314; 526026, 3606284; 525996, 3606284; 525996, 3606254; 525936, 3606254; 525936, 3606224; 525906, 3606224; 525906, 3606194; 525876, 3606194; 525876, 3606134; 525846, 3606134; 525846, 3606074; 525786, 3606074; 525786, 3606044; 525726, 3606044; 525726, 3606014; 525696, 3606014; 525696, 3605984; 525606, 3605984; 525606, 3605954; 525576, 3605954; 525576, 3605924; 525516, 3605924; 525516, 3605894; 525456, 3605894; 525456, 3605864; 525336, 3605864; 525336, 3605834; 525186, 3605834; 525186, 3605804; 524946, 3605804; 524946, 3605774; 524886, 3605774; 524886, 3605744; 524826, 3605744; 524826, 3605714; 524796, 3605714; 524796, 3605684; 524736, 3605684; 524736, 3605654; 524676, 3605654; 524676, 3605624; 524616, 3605624; 524616, 3605594; 524466, 3605594; 524466, 3605564; 524076, 3605564; 524076, 3605504; 524046, 3605504; 524046, 3605294; 524076, 3605294; 524076, 3605054; 524106, 3605054; 524106, 3604904; 524136, 3604904; 524136, 3604844; 524106, 3604844; 524106, 3604694; 524076, 3604694; 524076, 3604574; 524046, 3604574; 524046, 3604364; 523836, 3604364; 523836, 3604334; 523806, 3604334; 523806, 3604304; 523746, 3604304; 523746, 3604274; 523716, 3604274; 523716, 3604244; 523686, 3604244; 523686, 3604124; 523626, 3604124; 523626, 3604094; 523566, 3604094; 523566, 3604034; 523536, 3604034; 523536, 3603854; 523506, 3603854; 523506, 3603824; 523416, 3603824; 523416, 3603794; 523326, 3603794; 523326, 3603824; 523176, 3603824; 523176, 3603854; 522966, 3603854; 522966, 3603884; 522846, 3603884; 522846, 3603854; 522816, 3603854; 522816, 3603794; 522786, 3603794; 522786, 3603494; 522756, 3603494; 522756, 3603374; 522726, 3603374; 522726, 3603284; 522696, 3603284; 522696, 3603224; 522846, 3603224; 522846, 3603254; 522876, 3603254; 522876, 3603284; 522996, 3603284; 522996, 3603254; 523116, 3603254; 523116, 3603224; 523146, 3603224; 523146, 3603202; 523089, 3603196; 523059, 3603192; 522777, 3603163; 522739, 3603156; 522535, 3603133; 522468, 3603126; 522199, 3603096; 521787, 3603049; 521526, 3603020; 521526, 3603044; 521466, 3603044; 521466, 3603074; 521406, 3603074; 521406, 3603104; 521376, 3603104; 521376, 3603134; 521316, 3603134; 521316, 3603164; 521196, 3603164; 521196, 3603194; 521166, 3603194; 521166, 3603134; 521076, 3603134; 521076, 3603104; 521016, 3603104; 521016, 3603074; 520956, 3603074; 520956, 3603044; 520836, 3603044; 520836, 3603014; 520806, 3603014; 520806, 3602984; 520746, 3602984; 520746, 3602954; 520686, 3602954; 520686, 3602936; 520570, 3602924; 520566, 3602924; 520566, 3602924; 520487, 3602916; 520291, 3602896; 520086, 3602876; 520086, 3602894; 520056, 3602894; 520056, 3602924; 520086, 3602924; 520086, 3602954; 520116, 3602954; 520116, 3602984; 520236, 3602984; 520236, 3603014; 520326, 3603014; 520326, 3603044; 520356, 3603044; 520356, 3603464; 520386, 3603464; 520386, 3603584; 520416, 3603584; 520416, 3603614; 520446, 3603614; 520446, 3603674; 520476, 3603674; 520476, 3603734; 520506, 3603734; 520506, 3603794; 520536, 3603794; 520536, 3603974; 520506, 3603974; 520506, 3604064; 520476, 3604064; 520476, 3604154; 520566, 3604154; 520566, 3604124; 520596, 3604124; 520596, 3604094; 520626, 3604094; 520626, 3604064; 520686, 3604064; 520686, 3604034; 520716, 3604034; 520716, 3604004; 520776, 3604004; 520776, 3603974; 520896, 3603974; 520896, 3603944; 521076, 3603944; 521076, 3603974; 521346, 3603974; 521346, 3604004; 521406, 3604004; 521406, 3603974; 521466, 3603974; 521466, 3603944; 521556, 3603944; 521556, 3603914; 521856, 3603914; 521856, 3603884; 521916, 3603884; 521916, 3603854; 521976, 3603854; 521976, 3603824; 522066, 3603824; 522066, 3603794; 522126, 3603794; 522126, 3603734; 522096, 3603734; 522096, 3603614; 522186, 3603614; 522186, 3603644; 522216, 3603644; 522216, 3603674; 522246, 3603674; 522246, 3603734; 522276, 3603734; 522276, 3603764; 522306, 3603764; 522306, 3603794; 522336, 3603794; 522336, 3603854; 522366, 3603854; 522366, 3603914; 522396, 3603914; 522396, 3603944; 522426, 3603944; 522426, 3604004; 522456, 3604004; 522456, 3604034; 522486, 3604034; 522486, 3604094; 522516, 3604094; 522516, 3604124; 522546, 3604124; 522546, 3604214; 522576, 3604214; 522576, 3604304; 522606, 3604304; 522606, 3604364; 522636, 3604364; 522636, 3604334; 522666, 3604334; 522666, 3604304; 522816, 3604304; 522816, 3604274; 523086, 3604274; 523086, 3604304; 523146, 3604304; 523146, 3604334; 523296, 3604334; 523296, 3604364; 523356, 3604364; 523356, 3604394; 523386, 3604394; 523386, 3604424; 523416, 3604424; 523416, 3604454; 523446, 3604454; 523446, 3604484; 523506, 3604484; 523506, 3604514; 523536, 3604514; 523536, 3604544; 523566, 3604544; 523566, 3604574; 523596, 3604574; 523596, 3604604; 523656, 3604604; 523656, 3604634; 523686, 3604634; 523686, 3604664; 523716, 3604664; 523716, 3604694; 523746, 3604694; 523746, 3604814; 523776, 3604814; 523776, 3604874; 523806, 3604874; 523806, 3604964; 523836, 3604964; 523836, 3605054; 523806, 3605054; 523806, 3605084; 523776, 3605084; 523776, 3605144; 523746, 3605144; 523746, 3605174; 523716, 3605174; 523716, 3605234; 523686, 3605234; 523686, 3605264; 523656, 3605264; 523656, 3605294; 523626, 3605294; 523626, 3605354; 523596, 3605354; 523596, 3605414; 523566, 3605414; 523566, 3605444; 523536, 3605444; 523536, 3605504; 523506, 3605504; 523506, 3605564; 523476, 3605564; 523476, 3605624; 523506, 3605624; 523506, 3605684; 523536, 3605684; 523536, 3605744; 523506, 3605744; 523506, 3605834; 523476, 3605834; 523476, 3605864; 523506, 3605864; 523506, 3605924; 523566, 3605924; 523566, 3605894; 523656, 3605894; 523656, 3605864; 523806, 3605864; 523806, 3605804; 523836, 3605804; 523836, 3605774; 523866, 3605774; 523866, 3605744; 523956, 3605744; 523956, 3605714; 524046, 3605714; 524046, 3605744; 524136, 3605744; 524136, 3605714; 524166, 3605714; 524166, 3605744; 524196, 3605744; 524196, 3605714; 524226, 3605714; 524226, 3605744; 524376, 3605744; 524376, 3605774; 524466, 3605774; 524466, 3605744; 524496, 3605744; 524496, 3605774; 524586, 3605774; 524586, 3605804; 524676, 3605804; 524676, 3605834; 524736, 3605834; 524736, 3605864; 524766, 3605864; 524766, 3605894; 524856, 3605894; 524856, 3605924; 524946, 3605924; 524946, 3605954; 525036, 3605954; 525036, 3605984; 525096, 3605984; 525096, 3606014; 525156, 3606014; 525156, 3606044; 525246, 3606044; 525246, 3606074; 525306, 3606074; 525306, 3606104; 525366, 3606104; 525366, 3606134; 525456, 3606134; 525456, 3606164; 525486, 3606164; 525486, 3606194; 525546, 3606194; 525546, 3606224; 525576, 3606224; 525576, 3606254; 525606, 3606254; 525606, 3606284; 525666, 3606284; 525666, 3606314; 525696, 3606314; 525696, 3606344; 525726, 3606344; 525726, 3606374; 525756, 3606374; 525756, 3606404; 525816, 3606404; 525816, 3606434; 525846, 3606434; 525846, 3606464; 525876, 3606464; 525876, 3606494; 525906, 3606494; 525906, 3606524; 525936, 3606524; 525936, 3606614; 525966, 3606614; 525966, 3606734; 525996, 3606734; 525996, 3606854; 526026, 3606854; 526026, 3606914; 526056, 3606914; 526056, 3606944; 526086, 3606944; 526086, 3607004; 526116, 3607004; 526116, 3607034; 526146, 3607034; 526146, 3607094; 526176, 3607094; 526176, 3607214; 526206, 3607214; 526206, 3607394; 526236, 3607394; 526236, 3607454; 526326, 3607454; 526326, 3607484; 526356, 3607484; 526356, 3607514; 526386, 3607514; 526386, 3607544; 526416, 3607544; 526416, 3607664; 526446, 3607664; 526446, 3607754; 526476, 3607754; 526476, 3608144; 526446, 3608144; 526446, 3608204; 526416, 3608204; 526416, 3608234; 526356, 3608234; 526356, 3608264; 526326, 3608264; 526326, 3608294; 526296, 3608294; 526296, 3608324; 526356, 3608324; 526356, 3608354; 526435, 3608354; 526481, 3608298; 526566, 3608209; 526627, 3608091; 526674, 3608060; 526805, 3608139; 526938, 3608199; 527049, 3608228; 527116, 3608253; 527205, 3608282; 527271, 3608247; 527357, 3608209; 527459, 3608180; 527541, 3608165; 527589, 3608187; 527589, 3608374; 527476, 3608414; 527556, 3608414; 527556, 3608444; 527766, 3608444; 527766, 3608414; 527796, 3608414; 527796, 3608324; 527826, 3608324; 527826, 3608294; 527856, 3608294; 527856, 3608264; 527886, 3608264; 527886, 3608234; 527916, 3608234; 527916, 3608204; 527976, 3608204; 527976, 3608174; 528036, 3608174; 528036, 3608354; 528006, 3608354; 528006, 3608474; 527976, 3608474; 527976, 3608504; 527916, 3608504; 527916, 3608534; 527886, 3608534; 527886, 3608594; 527916, 3608594; 527916, 3608624; 527976, 3608624; 527976, 3608654; 528036, 3608654; 528036, 3608684; 528096, 3608684; 528096, 3608714; 528156, 3608714; 528156, 3608744; 528216, 3608744; 528216, 3608774; 528246, 3608774; 528246, 3608804; 528276, 3608804; 528276, 3608864; 528306, 3608864; 528306, 3608894; 528336, 3608894; 528336, 3608924; 528396, 3608924; 528396, 3608954; 528456, 3608954; 528456, 3608984; 528486, 3608984; 528486, 3609014; 528516, 3609014; 528516, 3609134; 528546, 3609134; 528546, 3609194; 528606, 3609194; 528606, 3609224; 528636, 3609224; 528636, 3609254; 528666, 3609254; 528666, 3609284; 528696, 3609284; 528696, 3609374; 528726, 3609374; 528726, 3609404; 528748, 3609404; 528803, 3609328; 528921, 3609344; 528981, 3609497; 529030, 3609575; 529013, 3609644; 529026, 3609644; 529026, 3609674; 529056, 3609674; 529056, 3609704; 529086, 3609704; 529086, 3609734; 529116, 3609734; 529116, 3609764; 529146, 3609764; 529146, 3609794; 529176, 3609794; 529176, 3609824; 529206, 3609824; 529206, 3609854; 529236, 3609854; 529236, 3609884; 529266, 3609884; 529266, 3609914; 529296, 3609914; 529296, 3610034; 529326, 3610034; 529326, 3610064; 529266, 3610064; 529266, 3610094; 529236, 3610094; 529236, 3610124; 529206, 3610124; 529206, 3610154; 529176, 3610154; 529176, 3610184; 529206, 3610184; 529206, 3610214; 529266, 3610214; 529266, 3610244; 529296, 3610244; 529296, 3610334; 529266, 3610334; 529266, 3610364; 529236, 3610364; 529236, 3610394; 529206, 3610394; 529206, 3610454; 529176, 3610454; 529176, 3610634; 529206, 3610634; 529206, 3610724; 529236, 3610724; 529236, 3610754; 529296, 3610754; 529296, 3610784; 529536, 3610784; 529536, 3610814; 529566, 3610814; 529566, 3610964; 529536, 3610964; 529536, 3610994; 529476, 3610994; 529476, 3611024; 529386, 3611024; 529386, 3611054; 529326, 3611054; 529326, 3611084; 529266, 3611084; 529266, 3611114; 529236, 3611114; 529236, 3611144; 529206, 3611144; 529206, 3611174; 529176, 3611174; 529176, 3611294; 529206, 3611294; 529206, 3611414; 529236, 3611414; 529236, 3611474; 529266, 3611474; 529266, 3611534; 529296, 3611534; 529296, 3611564; 529326, 3611564; 529326, 3611624; 529356, 3611624; 529356, 3611654; 529386, 3611654; 529386, 3611684; 529446, 3611684; 529446, 3611714; 529506, 3611714; 529506, 3611744; 529566, 3611744; 529566, 3611774; 529626, 3611774; 529626, 3611804; 529656, 3611804; 529656, 3611834; 529686, 3611834; 529686, 3611864; 529746, 3611864; 529746, 3611924; 529776, 3611924; 529776, 3611984; 529746, 3611984; 529746, 3612044; 529716, 3612044; 529716, 3612104; 529746, 3612104; 529746, 3612134; 529806, 3612134; 529806, 3612164; 529836, 3612164; 529836, 3612254; 529866, 3612254; 529866, 3612464; 529896, 3612464; 529896, 3612584; 529926, 3612584; 529926, 3612674; 529956, 3612674; 529956, 3612764; 529986, 3612764; 529986, 3612854; 530016, 3612854; 530016, 3612974; 529986, 3612974; 529986, 3613004; 529956, 3613004; 529956, 3613064; 529926, 3613064; 529926, 3613094; 529896, 3613094; 529896, 3613124; 529866, 3613124; 529866, 3613184; 529836, 3613184; 529836, 3613394; 529866, 3613394; 529866, 3613544; 529896, 3613544; 529896, 3613604; 529926, 3613604; 529926, 3613724; 529956, 3613724; 529956, 3613844; 529986, 3613844; 529986, 3613904; 530046, 3613904; 530046, 3613934; 530076, 3613934; 530076, 3613964; 530106, 3613964; 530106, 3613994; 530136, 3613994; 530136, 3614024; 530166, 3614024; 530166, 3614054; 530196, 3614054; 530196, 3614114; 530226, 3614114; 530226, 3614144; 530256, 3614144; 530256, 3614204; 530286, 3614204; 530286, 3614294; 530316, 3614294; 530316, 3614384; 530346, 3614384; 530346, 3614504; 530376, 3614504; 530376, 3614624; 530406, 3614624; 530406, 3614684; 530436, 3614684; 530436, 3614744; 530466, 3614744; 530466, 3614774; 530496, 3614774; 530496, 3614804; 530526, 3614804; 530526, 3614864; 530556, 3614864; 530556, 3614984; 530586, 3614984; 530586, 3615074; 530616, 3615074; 530616, 3615224; 530646, 3615224; 530646, 3615374; 530676, 3615374; 530676, 3615584; 530706, 3615584; 530706, 3615674; 530736, 3615674; 530736, 3615734; 530766, 3615734; 530766, 3615764; 530796, 3615764; 530796, 3615780; 530848, 3615755; 530890, 3615719; 530909, 3615701; 530933, 3615674; 530916, 3615674; 530916, 3615644; 530856, 3615644; 530856, 3615524; 530826, 3615524; 530826, 3615434; 530796, 3615434; 530796, 3615284; 530766, 3615284; 530766, 3615194; 530736, 3615194; 530736, 3615044; 530706, 3615044; 530706, 3614894; 530676, 3614894; 530676, 3614834; 530646, 3614834; 530646, 3614774; 530616, 3614774; 530616, 3614714; 530586, 3614714; 530586, 3614684; 530556, 3614684; 530556, 3614624; 530526, 3614624; 530526, 3614594; 530496, 3614594; 530496, 3614474; 530466, 3614474; 530466, 3614354; 530436, 3614354; 530436, 3614234; 530406, 3614234; 530406, 3614174; 530376, 3614174; 530376, 3614084; 530346, 3614084; 530346, 3614054; 530316, 3614054; 530316, 3613994; 530286, 3613994; 530286, 3613934; 530256, 3613934; 530256, 3613904; 530226, 3613904; 530226, 3613874; 530196, 3613874; 530196, 3613844; 530166, 3613844; 530166, 3613784; 530136, 3613784; 530136, 3613694; 530106, 3613694; 530106, 3613664; 530076, 3613664; 530076, 3613574; 530046, 3613574; 530046, 3613514; 530016, 3613514; 530016, 3613424; 529986, 3613424; returning to 529986, 3613334.

(iii) Subunit 19c: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Descanso, and Cuyamaca Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 544040, 3639046; 544040, 3639018; 544068, 3639018; 544068, 3638990; 544097, 3638990; 544097, 3638961; 544125, 3638961; 544125, 3638876; 544324, 3638876; 544324, 3638905; 544380, 3638905; 544380, 3638848; 544409, 3638848; 544409, 3638678; 544437, 3638678; 544437, 3638649; 544494, 3638649; 544494, 3638593; 544579, 3638593; 544579, 3638422; 544607, 3638422; 544607, 3638337; 544636, 3638337; 544636, 3638309; 544664, 3638309; 544664, 3638280; 544693, 3638280; 544693, 3638252; 544721, 3638252; 544721, 3638224; 544749, 3638224; 544749, 3638195; 544778, 3638195; 544778, 3638054; 544806, 3638054; 544806, 3637997; 544834, 3637997; 544834, 3637912; 544863, 3637912; 544863, 3637883; 544834, 3637883; 544834, 3637827; 544948, 3637827; 544948, 3637798; 544976, 3637798; 544976, 3637741; 545005, 3637741; 545005, 3637685; 545033, 3637685; 545033, 3637656; 545090, 3637656; 545090, 3637628; 545118, 3637628; 545118, 3637571; 545146, 3637571; 545146, 3637543; 545175, 3637543; 545175, 3637486; 545232, 3637486; 545232, 3637344; 545260, 3637344; 545260, 3637259; 545288, 3637259; 545288, 3637231; 545317, 3637231; 545317, 3637146; 545288, 3637146; 545288, 3637061; 545317, 3637061; 545317, 3636947; 545345, 3636947; 545345, 3636890; 545373, 3636890; 545373, 3636749; 545402, 3636749; 545402, 3636692; 545430, 3636692; 545430, 3636663; 545515, 3636663; 545515, 3636578; 545572, 3636578; 545572, 3636522; 545600, 3636522; 545600, 3636493; 545657, 3636493; 545657, 3636465; 545714, 3636465; 545714, 3636436; 545742, 3636436; 545742, 3636408; 545799, 3636408; 545799, 3636380; 545856, 3636380; 545856, 3636408; 545998, 3636408; 545998, 3636436; 546054, 3636436; 546054, 3636493; 546083, 3636493; 546083, 3636550; 546111, 3636550; 546111, 3636522; 546139, 3636522; 546139, 3636493; 546168, 3636493; 546168, 3636295; 546196, 3636295; 546196, 3636238; 546253, 3636238; 546253, 3636210; 546139, 3636210; 546111, 3636210; 546111, 3636238; 545998, 3636238; 545998, 3636210; 545969, 3636210; 545969, 3636181; 545941, 3636181; 545941, 3636153; 545912, 3636153; 545912, 3635983; 545884, 3635983; 545884, 3635897; 545856, 3635897; 545856, 3635841; 545827, 3635841; 545827, 3635869; 545799, 3635869; 545799, 3635897; 545771, 3635897; 545771, 3636039; 545742, 3636039; 545742, 3636096; 545714, 3636096; 545714, 3636124; 545629, 3636124; 545629, 3636238; 545600, 3636238; 545600, 3636295; 545572, 3636295; 545572, 3636323; 545515, 3636323; 545515, 3636351; 545487, 3636351; 545487, 3636380; 545459, 3636380; 545459, 3636351; 545430, 3636351; 545430, 3636323; 545402, 3636323; 545402, 3636295; 545373, 3636295; 545373, 3636266; 545345, 3636266; 545345, 3636210; 545317, 3636210; 545317, 3636181; 545288, 3636181; 545288, 3636096; 545260, 3636096; 545260, 3636068; 545232, 3636068; 545232, 3636011; 545203, 3636011; 545203, 3635983; 545175, 3635983; 545175, 3635954; 545146, 3635954; 545146, 3635926; 545118, 3635926; 545118, 3635869; 545090, 3635869; 545090, 3635841; 545061, 3635841; 545061, 3635699; 545033, 3635699; 545033, 3635671; 545005, 3635671; 545005, 3635642; 544976, 3635642; 544976, 3635614; 544948, 3635614; 544948, 3635585; 544920, 3635585; 544920, 3635529; 544891, 3635529; 544891, 3635472; 544863, 3635472; 544863, 3635415; 544834, 3635415; 544834, 3635245; 544806, 3635245; 544806, 3635188; 544778, 3635188; 544778, 3635103; 544806, 3635103; 544806, 3634990; 544778, 3634990; 544778, 3634905; 544749, 3634905; 544749, 3634876; 544721, 3634876; 544721, 3634848; 544749, 3634848; 544749, 3634706; 544721, 3634706; 544721, 3634621; 544693, 3634621; 544693, 3634592; 544664, 3634592; 544664, 3634564; 544636, 3634564; 544636, 3634536; 544579, 3634536; 544579, 3634507; 544522, 3634507; 544522, 3634479; 544494, 3634479; 544494, 3634422; 544466, 3634422; 544466, 3634224; 544437, 3634224; 544437, 3634167; 544466, 3634167; 544466, 3634110; 544437, 3634110; 544437, 3634056; 544428, 3634057; 544391, 3634054; 544388, 3634002; 544376, 3633884; 544381, 3633826; 544361, 3633716; 544363, 3633616; 544336, 3633484; 544296, 3633349; 544211, 3633208; 544146, 3633181; 544136, 3632811; 544081, 3632813; 544078, 3632716; 544043, 3632716; 544056, 3632643; 544088, 3632628; 544133, 3632566; 544193, 3632553; 544273, 3632558; 544321, 3632558; 544446, 3632523; 544524, 3632478; 544611, 3632463; 544613, 3632465; 544721, 3632465; 544721, 3632493; 544749, 3632493; 544749, 3632550; 544778, 3632550; 544778, 3632635; 544749, 3632635; 544749, 3632692; 544778, 3632692; 544778, 3632805; 544806, 3632805; 544806, 3632890; 544834, 3632890; 544834, 3633061; 544863, 3633061; 544863, 3633117; 544834, 3633117; 544834, 3633174; 544806, 3633174; 544806, 3633231; 544834, 3633231; 544834, 3633316; 544863, 3633316; 544863, 3633344; 544891, 3633344; 544891, 3633373; 544948, 3633373; 544948, 3633429; 544976, 3633429; 544976, 3633486; 545005, 3633486; 545005, 3633543; 545033, 3633543; 545033, 3633600; 545061, 3633600; 545061, 3633656; 545090, 3633656; 545090, 3633685; 545118, 3633685; 545118, 3633656; 545203, 3633656; 545203, 3633628; 545232, 3633628; 545232, 3633600; 545373, 3633600; 545373, 3633571; 545459, 3633571; 545459, 3633543; 545487, 3633543; 545487, 3633514; 545459, 3633514; 545459, 3633401; 545430, 3633401; 545430, 3633202; 545373, 3633202; 545373, 3633231; 545232, 3633231; 545232, 3633089; 545203, 3633089; 545203, 3632975; 545175, 3632975; 545175, 3632890; 545146, 3632890; 545146, 3632834; 545118, 3632834; 545118, 3632777; 545090, 3632777; 545090, 3632522; 545061, 3632522; 545061, 3632493; 545005, 3632493; 545005, 3632522; 544920, 3632522; 544920, 3632493; 544891, 3632493; 544891, 3632408; 544834, 3632408; 544834, 3632351; 544806, 3632351; 544806, 3632274; 544756, 3632255; 544681, 3632208; 544649, 3632155; 544661, 3632105; 544731, 3632085; 544814, 3632070; 544829, 3632030; 544836, 3632015; 545374, 3632033; 545372, 3632238; 545572, 3632238; 545572, 3632210; 545600, 3632210; 545600, 3632238; 545629, 3632238; 545629, 3632210; 545685, 3632210; 545685, 3632124; 545657, 3632124; 545657, 3632011; 545742, 3632011; 545742, 3632039; 545827, 3632039; 545827, 3632068; 545969, 3632068; 545969, 3632096; 545941, 3632096; 545941, 3632181; 545969, 3632181; 545969, 3632210; 546083, 3632210; 546083, 3632238; 546139, 3632238; 546139, 3632266; 546168, 3632266; 546168, 3632323; 546224, 3632323; 546224, 3632351; 546253, 3632351; 546253, 3632380; 546338, 3632380; 546338, 3632408; 546366, 3632408; 546366, 3632465; 546338, 3632465; 546338, 3632578; 546395, 3632578; 546395, 3632607; 546423, 3632607; 546423, 3632550; 546451, 3632550; 546451, 3632465; 546480, 3632465; 546480, 3632436; 546508, 3632436; 546508, 3632408; 546593, 3632408; 546593, 3632380; 546650, 3632380; 546650, 3632351; 546678, 3632351; 546678, 3632323; 546650, 3632323; 546650, 3632295; 546622, 3632295; 546622, 3632266; 546593, 3632266; 546593, 3632210; 546480, 3632210; 546480, 3632181; 546451, 3632181; 546451, 3632210; 546338, 3632210; 546338, 3632153; 546281, 3632153; 546281, 3632124; 546253, 3632124; 546253, 3632096; 546224, 3632096; 546224, 3632039; 546196, 3632039; 546196, 3632011; 546168, 3632011; 546168, 3631983; 546139, 3631983; 546139, 3631869; 546054, 3631869; 546054, 3631897; 545969, 3631897; 545969, 3631869; 545912, 3631869; 545912, 3631841; 545856, 3631841; 545856, 3631869; 545827, 3631869; 545827, 3631841; 545799, 3631841; 545799, 3631670; 545771, 3631670; 545771, 3631642; 545685, 3631642; 545685, 3631614; 545657, 3631614; 545657, 3631585; 545629, 3631585; 545629, 3631557; 545600, 3631557; 545600, 3631500; 545572, 3631500; 545572, 3631444; 545544, 3631444; 545544, 3631415; 545515, 3631415; 545515, 3631387; 545459, 3631387; 545459, 3631358; 545430, 3631358; 545430, 3631302; 545402, 3631302; 545402, 3631273; 545345, 3631273; 545345, 3631302; 545317, 3631302; 545317, 3631330; 545288, 3631330; 545288, 3631358; 545260, 3631358; 545260, 3631387; 545118, 3631387; 545118, 3631415; 545005, 3631415; 545005, 3631444; 544920, 3631444; 544920, 3631585; 544948, 3631585; 544948, 3631608; 544991, 3631632; 545091, 3631665; 545194, 3631627; 545216, 3631657; 545154, 3631727; 545081, 3631762; 544986, 3631800; 544924, 3631837; 544874, 3631780; 544856, 3631750; 544834, 3631740; 544654, 3631868; 544594, 3631963; 544566, 3632015; 544519, 3632078; 544463, 3632140; 544408, 3632178; 544358, 3632200; 544323, 3632208; 544278, 3632175; 544251, 3632130; 544291, 3631837; 544288, 3631752; 544316, 3631705; 544333, 3631637; 544361, 3631532; 544313, 3631535; 544231, 3631592; 544163, 3631640; 544091, 3631762; 543976, 3632063; 543978, 3632175; 543951, 3632238; 543720, 3632235; 543723, 3632315; 543738, 3632408; 543748, 3632488; 543748, 3632543; 543735, 3632608; 543728, 3632623; 543586, 3632566; 543586, 3632720; 543558, 3632720; 543558, 3632890; 543529, 3632890; 543529, 3632919; 543501, 3632919; 543501, 3632947; 543473, 3632947; 543473, 3632975; 543416, 3632975; 543416, 3633061; 543388, 3633061; 543388, 3633174; 543359, 3633174; 543359, 3633202; 543331, 3633202; 543331, 3633231; 543302, 3633231; 543302, 3633259; 543274, 3633259; 543274, 3633288; 543246, 3633288; 543246, 3633316; 543189, 3633316; 543189, 3633344; 543132, 3633344; 543132, 3633373; 543047, 3633373; 543047, 3633344; 543019, 3633344; 543019, 3633288; 542962, 3633288; 542962, 3633259; 542934, 3633259; 542934, 3633231; 542905, 3633231; 542905, 3633202; 542849, 3633202; 542849, 3633174; 542820, 3633174; 542820, 3633146; 542792, 3633146; 542792, 3633117; 542763, 3633117; 542763, 3633061; 542735, 3633061; 542735, 3633032; 542707, 3633032; 542707, 3633004; 542678, 3633004; 542678, 3632975; 542650, 3632975; 542650, 3632947; 542622, 3632947; 542622, 3632919; 542593, 3632919; 542593, 3632890; 542537, 3632890; 542537, 3632862; 542508, 3632862; 542508, 3632834; 542480, 3632834; 542480, 3632805; 542451, 3632805; 542451, 3632777; 542423, 3632777; 542423, 3632749; 542139, 3632749; 542139, 3632720; 542111, 3632720; 542111, 3632635; 542083, 3632635; 542083, 3632578; 542054, 3632578; 542054, 3632522; 542026, 3632522; 542026, 3632493; 541997, 3632493; 541997, 3632380; 541969, 3632380; 541969, 3632323; 541941, 3632323; 541941, 3632238; 541912, 3632238; 541912, 3632181; 541884, 3632181; 541884, 3632153; 541856, 3632153; 541856, 3632124; 541799, 3632124; 541799, 3632096; 541714, 3632096; 541714, 3632124; 541629, 3632124; 541629, 3632096; 541600, 3632096; 541600, 3632039; 541572, 3632039; 541572, 3632011; 541458, 3632011; 541458, 3631983; 541373, 3631983; 541373, 3631954; 541317, 3631954; 541317, 3631926; 541288, 3631926; 541288, 3631897; 541260, 3631897; 541260, 3631869; 541232, 3631869; 541232, 3631727; 541203, 3631727; 541203, 3631642; 541175, 3631642; 541175, 3631557; 541146, 3631557; 541146, 3631500; 541118, 3631500; 541118, 3631444; 541090, 3631444; 541090, 3631387; 541061, 3631387; 541061, 3631330; 541033, 3631330; 541033, 3631273; 541005, 3631273; 541005, 3631217; 540976, 3631217; 540976, 3631188; 540948, 3631188; 540948, 3631160; 540919, 3631160; 540919, 3631131; 540721, 3631131; 540721, 3631103; 540693, 3631103; 540693, 3630876; 540664, 3630876; 540664, 3630905; 540636, 3630905; 540636, 3630961; 540607, 3630961; 540607, 3631018; 540579, 3631018; 540579, 3631075; 540551, 3631075; 540551, 3631160; 540579, 3631160; 540579, 3631217; 540607, 3631217; 540607, 3631245; 540636, 3631245; 540636, 3631273; 540834, 3631273; 540834, 3631358; 540863, 3631358; 540863, 3631387; 540919, 3631387; 540919, 3631415; 540948, 3631415; 540948, 3631472; 540976, 3631472; 540976, 3631529; 541005, 3631529; 541005, 3631585; 541033, 3631585; 541033, 3631642; 541061, 3631642; 541061, 3631727; 541090, 3631727; 541090, 3631812; 541118, 3631812; 541118, 3631926; 541146, 3631926; 541146, 3631983; 541175, 3631983; 541175, 3632011; 541203, 3632011; 541203, 3632068; 541288, 3632068; 541288, 3632096; 541373, 3632096; 541373, 3632124; 541402, 3632124; 541402, 3632153; 541430, 3632153; 541430, 3632210; 541458, 3632210; 541458, 3632238; 541487, 3632238; 541487, 3632266; 541600, 3632266; 541600, 3632295; 541629, 3632295; 541629, 3632351; 541600, 3632351; 541600, 3632380; 541572, 3632380; 541572, 3632436; 541544, 3632436; 541544, 3632465; 541515, 3632465; 541515, 3632578; 541544, 3632578; 541544, 3632720; 541572, 3632720; 541572, 3632749; 541685, 3632749; 541685, 3632777; 541771, 3632777; 541771, 3632720; 541856, 3632720; 541856, 3632692; 541912, 3632692; 541912, 3632720; 541941, 3632720; 541941, 3632749; 541969, 3632749; 541969, 3632805; 541997, 3632805; 541997, 3632834; 542026, 3632834; 542026, 3632890; 542054, 3632890; 542054, 3632919; 542338, 3632919; 542338, 3632947; 542395, 3632947; 542395, 3632975; 542423, 3632975; 542423, 3633004; 542451, 3633004; 542451, 3633032; 542480, 3633032; 542480, 3633061; 542508, 3633061; 542508, 3633089; 542537, 3633089; 542537, 3633117; 542565, 3633117; 542565, 3633146; 542593, 3633146; 542593, 3633174; 542622, 3633174; 542622, 3633231; 542650, 3633231; 542650, 3633259; 542678, 3633259; 542678, 3633316; 542735, 3633316; 542735, 3633344; 542763, 3633344; 542763, 3633373; 542820, 3633373; 542820, 3633401; 542849, 3633401; 542849, 3633429; 542820, 3633429; 542820, 3633486; 542792, 3633486; 542792, 3633543; 542763, 3633543; 542763, 3633600; 542735, 3633600; 542735, 3633628; 542763, 3633628; 542763, 3633656; 542849, 3633656; 542849, 3633685; 542877, 3633685; 542877, 3633713; 542934, 3633713; 542934, 3633741; 542962, 3633741; 542962, 3633713; 542965, 3633713; 542977, 3633489; 543243, 3633486; 543246, 3633489; 543246, 3633486; 543331, 3633486; 543331, 3633458; 543473, 3633458; 543473, 3633486; 543501, 3633486; 543501, 3633628; 543529, 3633628; 543529, 3633685; 543615, 3633685; 543615, 3633713; 543643, 3633713; 543643, 3633770; 543671, 3633770; 543671, 3633855; 543643, 3633855; 543643, 3633912; 543615, 3633912; 543615, 3634053; 543586, 3634053; 543586, 3634224; 543615, 3634224; 543615, 3634252; 543643, 3634252; 543643, 3634280; 543671, 3634280; 543671, 3634592; 543728, 3634592; 543728, 3634536; 543756, 3634536; 543756, 3634451; 543785, 3634451; 543785, 3634394; 543813, 3634394; 543813, 3634366; 543870, 3634366; 543870, 3634394; 543898, 3634394; 543898, 3634422; 543927, 3634422; 543927, 3634451; 543983, 3634451; 543983, 3634479; 544125, 3634479; 544125, 3634451; 544154, 3634451; 544154, 3634507; 544210, 3634507; 544210, 3634564; 544125, 3634564; 544125, 3634649; 544154, 3634649; 544154, 3634706; 544210, 3634706; 544210, 3634734; 544239, 3634734; 544239, 3634763; 544267, 3634763; 544267, 3634791; 544324, 3634791; 544324, 3634819; 544352, 3634819; 544352, 3634990; 544380, 3634990; 544380, 3635075; 544409, 3635075; 544409, 3635188; 544380, 3635188; 544380, 3635245; 544409, 3635245; 544409, 3635472; 544437, 3635472; 544437, 3635500; 544466, 3635500; 544466, 3635529; 544494, 3635529; 544494, 3635557; 544522, 3635557; 544522, 3635585; 544551, 3635585; 544551, 3635614; 544579, 3635614; 544579, 3635727; 544607, 3635727; 544607, 3635812; 544636, 3635812; 544636, 3635869; 544664, 3635869; 544664, 3635983; 544693, 3635983; 544693, 3636068; 544664, 3636068; 544664, 3636096; 544693, 3636096; 544693, 3636153; 544721, 3636153; 544721, 3636210; 544749, 3636210; 544749, 3636238; 544778, 3636238; 544778, 3636351; 544806, 3636351; 544806, 3636380; 544834, 3636380; 544834, 3636408; 544863, 3636408; 544863, 3636436; 544891, 3636436; 544891, 3636465; 544920, 3636465; 544920, 3636522; 544948, 3636522; 544948, 3636550; 544976, 3636550; 544976, 3636635; 545005, 3636635; 545005, 3636663; 544976, 3636663; 544976, 3636692; 544948, 3636692; 544948, 3636777; 544976, 3636777; 544976, 3636862; 545005, 3636862; 545005, 3636975; 544976, 3636975; 544976, 3637117; 545005, 3637117; 545005, 3637202; 545033, 3637202; 545033, 3637316; 544948, 3637316; 544948, 3637344; 544920, 3637344; 544920, 3637373; 544891, 3637373; 544891, 3637401; 544863, 3637401; 544863, 3637429; 544834, 3637429; 544834, 3637486; 544806, 3637486; 544806, 3637515; 544749, 3637515; 544749, 3637543; 544721, 3637543; 544721, 3637600; 544693, 3637600; 544693, 3637628; 544664, 3637628; 544664, 3637685; 544636, 3637685; 544636, 3637827; 544607, 3637827; 544607, 3637855; 544579, 3637855; 544579, 3637997; 544551, 3637997; 544551, 3638110; 544494, 3638110; 544494, 3638139; 544466, 3638139; 544466, 3638167; 544437, 3638167; 544437, 3638224; 544409, 3638224; 544409, 3638422; 544380, 3638422; 544380, 3638507; 544324, 3638507; 544324, 3638536; 544295, 3638536; 544295, 3638593; 544267, 3638593; 544267, 3638649; 544239, 3638649; 544239, 3638706; 544210, 3638706; 544210, 3638734; 544097, 3638734; 544097, 3638763; 544068, 3638763; 544068, 3638791; 544012, 3638791; 544012, 3638819; 543983, 3638819; 543983, 3638848; 543955, 3638848; 543955, 3638876; 543927, 3638876; 543927, 3638905; 543955, 3638905; 543955, 3638961; 543983, 3638961; 543983, 3639132; 544012, 3639132; 544012, 3639160; 544040, 3639160; 544040, 3639188; 544068, 3639188; 544068, 3639132; 544040, 3639132; returning to 544040, 3639046.

(iv) Subunit 19d: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Barrett Lake, Viejas Mtn., and Descanso, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 536796, 3629174; 536796, 3629144; 536826, 3629144; 536826, 3629054; 536856, 3629054; 536856, 3629024; 536886, 3629024; 536886, 3628994; 536916, 3628994; 536916, 3628964; 536946, 3628964; 536946, 3628934; 536976, 3628934; 536976, 3628904; 537036, 3628904; 537036, 3628874; 537066, 3628874; 537066, 3628844; 537246, 3628844; 537246, 3628814; 537036, 3628814; 537036, 3628784; 537006, 3628784; 537006, 3628814; 536886, 3628814; 536886, 3628844; 536736, 3628844; 536736, 3628814; 536706, 3628814; 536706, 3628784; 536676, 3628784; 536676, 3628754; 536646, 3628754; 536646, 3628724; 536616, 3628724; 536616, 3628694; 536586, 3628694; 536586, 3628574; 536556, 3628574; 536556, 3628544; 536526, 3628544; 536526, 3628514; 536466, 3628514; 536466, 3628484; 536406, 3628484; 536406, 3628454; 536346, 3628454; 536346, 3628394; 536316, 3628394; 536316, 3628334; 536286, 3628334; 536286, 3628304; 536226, 3628304; 536226, 3628244; 536136, 3628244; 536136, 3628214; 536076, 3628214; 536076, 3628244; 535986, 3628244; 535986, 3628214; 535956, 3628214; 535956, 3628154; 535926, 3628154; 535926, 3628094; 535896, 3628094; 535896, 3628064; 535866, 3628064; 535866, 3627944; 535836, 3627944; 535836, 3627914; 535806, 3627914; 535806, 3627884; 535776, 3627884; 535776, 3627854; 535746, 3627854; 535746, 3627794; 535716, 3627794; 535716, 3627764; 535656, 3627764; 535656, 3627734; 535506, 3627734; 535506, 3627704; 535476, 3627704; 535476, 3627734; 535446, 3627734; 535446, 3627704; 535386, 3627704; 535386, 3627674; 535356, 3627674; 535356, 3627644; 535326, 3627644; 535326, 3627614; 535266, 3627614; 535266, 3627554; 535206, 3627554; 535206, 3627524; 535266, 3627524; 535266, 3627404; 535236, 3627404; 535236, 3627314; 535146, 3627314; 535146, 3627284; 535116, 3627284; 535116, 3627254; 535056, 3627254; 535056, 3627224; 534726, 3627224; 534726, 3627164; 534756, 3627164; 534756, 3627104; 534726, 3627104; 534726, 3627074; 534696, 3627074; 534696, 3627044; 534666, 3627044; 534666, 3627014; 534636, 3627014; 534636, 3626984; 534576, 3626984; 534576, 3626954; 534546, 3626954; 534546, 3626924; 534516, 3626924; 534516, 3626864; 534486, 3626864; 534486, 3626624; 534456, 3626624; 534456, 3626564; 534426, 3626564; 534426, 3626534; 534366, 3626534; 534366, 3626504; 534246, 3626504; 534246, 3626414; 534216, 3626414; 534216, 3626384; 534186, 3626384; 534186, 3626324; 534156, 3626324; 534156, 3626294; 534096, 3626294; 534096, 3626264; 534036, 3626264; 534036, 3626144; 534006, 3626144; 534006, 3626084; 533946, 3626084; 533946, 3626054; 533766, 3626054; 533766, 3626024; 533706, 3626024; 533706, 3625994; 533676, 3625994; 533676, 3625934; 533706, 3625934; 533706, 3625904; 533736, 3625904; 533736, 3625844; 533766, 3625844; 533766, 3625784; 533796, 3625784; 533796, 3625604; 533766, 3625604; 533766, 3625574; 533736, 3625574; 533736, 3625544; 533706, 3625544; 533706, 3625514; 533676, 3625514; 533676, 3625454; 533646, 3625454; 533646, 3625394; 533616, 3625394; 533616, 3625334; 533586, 3625334; 533586, 3625274; 533556, 3625274; 533556, 3625244; 533526, 3625244; 533526, 3625184; 533586, 3625184; 533586, 3625154; 533616, 3625154; 533616, 3625064; 533646, 3625064; 533646, 3625034; 533706, 3625034; 533706, 3625004; 533736, 3625004; 533736, 3624974; 533766, 3624974; 533766, 3624944; 533796, 3624944; 533796, 3624914; 533676, 3624914; 533676, 3624944; 533616, 3624944; 533616, 3624914; 533586, 3624914; 533586, 3624884; 533556, 3624884; 533556, 3624824; 533526, 3624824; 533526, 3624794; 533496, 3624794; 533496, 3624734; 533466, 3624734; 533466, 3624674; 533436, 3624674; 533436, 3624644; 533406, 3624644; 533406, 3624614; 533316, 3624614; 533316, 3624584; 533226, 3624584; 533226, 3624554; 533166, 3624554; 533166, 3624524; 533106, 3624524; 533106, 3624494; 533076, 3624494; 533076, 3624464; 533016, 3624464; 533016, 3624314; 533046, 3624314; 533046, 3624104; 533076, 3624104; 533076, 3624044; 533106, 3624044; 533106, 3624014; 533136, 3624014; 533136, 3623984; 533166, 3623984; 533166, 3623924; 533136, 3623924; 533136, 3623894; 533076, 3623894; 533076, 3623864; 533046, 3623864; 533046, 3623804; 533016, 3623804; 533016, 3623744; 532986, 3623744; 532986, 3623714; 532956, 3623714; 532956, 3623624; 532986, 3623624; 532986, 3623504; 532956, 3623504; 532956, 3623474; 532926, 3623474; 532926, 3623384; 532896, 3623384; 532896, 3623324; 532866, 3623324; 532866, 3623144; 532896, 3623144; 532896, 3623114; 532926, 3623114; 532926, 3623054; 532956, 3623054; 532956, 3622994; 532986, 3622994; 532986, 3622964; 533016, 3622964; 533016, 3622934; 532986, 3622934; 532986, 3622904; 532896, 3622904; 532896, 3622874; 532956, 3622874; 532956, 3622814; 532926, 3622814; 532926, 3622784; 532896, 3622784; 532896, 3622754; 532866, 3622754; 532866, 3622724; 532836, 3622724; 532836, 3622634; 532806, 3622634; 532806, 3622544; 532836, 3622544; 532836, 3622514; 532806, 3622514; 532806, 3622424; 532776, 3622424; 532776, 3622304; 532746, 3622304; 532746, 3622274; 532686, 3622274; 532686, 3622244; 532536, 3622244; 532536, 3622274; 532506, 3622274; 532506, 3622214; 532476, 3622214; 532476, 3622184; 532506, 3622184; 532506, 3622124; 532536, 3622124; 532536, 3622094; 532566, 3622094; 532566, 3622064; 532596, 3622064; 532596, 3622034; 532656, 3622034; 532656, 3622004; 532686, 3622004; 532686, 3621974; 532716, 3621974; 532716, 3621914; 532776, 3621914; 532776, 3621884; 532806, 3621884; 532806, 3621824; 532776, 3621824; 532776, 3621794; 532746, 3621794; 532746, 3621764; 532716, 3621764; 532716, 3621734; 532686, 3621734; 532686, 3621704; 532656, 3621704; 532656, 3621674; 532626, 3621674; 532626, 3621644; 532596, 3621644; 532596, 3621614; 532566, 3621614; 532566, 3621554; 532536, 3621554; 532536, 3621464; 532506, 3621464; 532506, 3621404; 532476, 3621404; 532476, 3621254; 532446, 3621254; 532446, 3621194; 532416, 3621194; 532416, 3621164; 532386, 3621164; 532386, 3621104; 532356, 3621104; 532356, 3621044; 532326, 3621044; 532326, 3620984; 532296, 3620984; 532296, 3620924; 532266, 3620924; 532266, 3620894; 532236, 3620894; 532236, 3620834; 532206, 3620834; 532206, 3620774; 532176, 3620774; 532176, 3620654; 532146, 3620654; 532146, 3620534; 532116, 3620534; 532116, 3620444; 532086, 3620444; 532086, 3620384; 532056, 3620384; 532056, 3620354; 532026, 3620354; 532026, 3620324; 531996, 3620324; 531996, 3620294; 531966, 3620294; 531966, 3620264; 531936, 3620264; 531936, 3620234; 531876, 3620234; 531876, 3620264; 531846, 3620264; 531846, 3620324; 531816, 3620324; 531816, 3620354; 531786, 3620354; 531786, 3620384; 531756, 3620384; 531756, 3620414; 531726, 3620414; 531726, 3620444; 531576, 3620444; 531576, 3620474; 531546, 3620474; 531546, 3620444; 531516, 3620444; 531516, 3620414; 531486, 3620414; 531486, 3620354; 531456, 3620354; 531456, 3620204; 531486, 3620204; 531486, 3620084; 531456, 3620084; 531456, 3619814; 531426, 3619814; 531426, 3619724; 531396, 3619724; 531396, 3619544; 531366, 3619544; 531366, 3619244; 531396, 3619244; 531396, 3619169; 531338, 3619145; 531252, 3619130; 531199, 3619135; 531152, 3619176; 531102, 3619261; 531090, 3619295; 531086, 3619304; 531126, 3619304; 531126, 3619364; 531156, 3619364; 531156, 3619484; 531186, 3619484; 531186, 3619634; 531216, 3619634; 531216, 3619724; 531246, 3619724; 531246, 3619784; 531276, 3619784; 531276, 3619874; 531306, 3619874; 531306, 3620024; 531336, 3620024; 531336, 3620324; 531366, 3620324; 531366, 3620414; 531396, 3620414; 531396, 3620504; 531426, 3620504; 531426, 3620534; 531396, 3620534; 531396, 3620594; 531426, 3620594; 531426, 3620654; 531456, 3620654; 531456, 3620684; 531576, 3620684; 531576, 3620654; 531636, 3620654; 531636, 3620594; 531846, 3620594; 531846, 3620564; 531906, 3620564; 531906, 3620534; 531966, 3620534; 531966, 3620774; 531996, 3620774; 531996, 3620864; 532026, 3620864; 532026, 3620924; 532056, 3620924; 532056, 3620954; 532086, 3620954; 532086, 3620984; 532116, 3620984; 532116, 3621044; 532146, 3621044; 532146, 3621134; 532236, 3621134; 532236, 3621164; 532266, 3621164; 532266, 3621194; 532296, 3621194; 532296, 3621254; 532326, 3621254; 532326, 3621284; 532356, 3621284; 532356, 3621434; 532386, 3621434; 532386, 3621524; 532416, 3621524; 532416, 3621614; 532446, 3621614; 532446, 3621674; 532476, 3621674; 532476, 3621734; 532506, 3621734; 532506, 3621794; 532536, 3621794; 532536, 3621884; 532506, 3621884; 532506, 3621914; 532476, 3621914; 532476, 3621944; 532446, 3621944; 532446, 3621974; 532356, 3621974; 532356, 3622244; 532326, 3622244; 532326, 3622304; 532296, 3622304; 532296, 3622394; 532326, 3622394; 532326, 3622454; 532386, 3622454; 532386, 3622484; 532416, 3622484; 532416, 3622514; 532446, 3622514; 532446, 3622544; 532416, 3622544; 532416, 3622664; 532446, 3622664; 532446, 3622724; 532506, 3622724; 532506, 3622754; 532536, 3622754; 532536, 3622784; 532566, 3622784; 532566, 3622814; 532596, 3622814; 532596, 3622844; 532626, 3622844; 532626, 3622874; 532566, 3622874; 532566, 3622904; 532536, 3622904; 532536, 3622934; 532506, 3622934; 532506, 3622964; 532476, 3622964; 532476, 3622994; 532506, 3622994; 532506, 3623024; 532536, 3623024; 532536, 3623084; 532566, 3623084; 532566, 3623114; 532596, 3623114; 532596, 3623144; 532626, 3623144; 532626, 3623204; 532656, 3623204; 532656, 3623294; 532686, 3623294; 532686, 3623414; 532716, 3623414; 532716, 3623474; 532686, 3623474; 532686, 3623564; 532656, 3623564; 532656, 3623804; 532626, 3623804; 532626, 3623834; 532596, 3623834; 532596, 3623864; 532566, 3623864; 532566, 3623894; 532536, 3623894; 532536, 3623924; 532326, 3623924; 532326, 3623954; 532266, 3623954; 532206, 3623954; 532206, 3623924; 531936, 3623924; 531936, 3623894; 531816, 3623894; 531816, 3623864; 531576, 3623864; 531576, 3623834; 531516, 3623834; 531516, 3623804; 531486, 3623804; 531486, 3623774; 531426, 3623774; 531426, 3623864; 531396, 3623864; 531396, 3623894; 531366, 3623894; 531366, 3623924; 531336, 3623924; 531336, 3623954; 531306, 3623954; 531306, 3623984; 531336, 3623984; 531336, 3624014; 531366, 3624014; 531366, 3624044; 531396, 3624044; 531396, 3624134; 531426, 3624134; 531426, 3624164; 531456, 3624164; 531456, 3624194; 531516, 3624194; 531516, 3624224; 531546, 3624224; 531546, 3624254; 531576, 3624254; 531576, 3624314; 531606, 3624314; 531606, 3624374; 531636, 3624374; 531636, 3624464; 531666, 3624464; 531666, 3624494; 531696, 3624494; 531696, 3624524; 531756, 3624524; 531756, 3624554; 531786, 3624554; 531786, 3624584; 531846, 3624584; 531846, 3624614; 531876, 3624614; 531876, 3624674; 531906, 3624674; 531906, 3624704; 531936, 3624704; 531936, 3624734; 531966, 3624734; 531966, 3624764; 531996, 3624764; 531996, 3624794; 532056, 3624794; 532056, 3624824; 532086, 3624824; 532086, 3624944; 532116, 3624944; 532116, 3625034; 532146, 3625034; 532146, 3625064; 532206, 3625064; 532206, 3625094; 532236, 3625094; 532236, 3625124; 532296, 3625124; 532296, 3625154; 532356, 3625154; 532356, 3625184; 532416, 3625184; 532416, 3625124; 532386, 3625124; 532386, 3625064; 532356, 3625064; 532356, 3625034; 532326, 3625034; 532326, 3625004; 532296, 3625004; 532296, 3624914; 532266, 3624914; 532266, 3624824; 532236, 3624824; 532236, 3624734; 532206, 3624734; 532206, 3624704; 532176, 3624704; 532176, 3624674; 532146, 3624674; 532146, 3624644; 532086, 3624644; 532086, 3624614; 532056, 3624614; 532056, 3624584; 532026, 3624584; 532026, 3624554; 531996, 3624554; 531996, 3624524; 531966, 3624524; 531966, 3624494; 531936, 3624494; 531936, 3624464; 531906, 3624464; 531906, 3624434; 531876, 3624434; 531876, 3624404; 531846, 3624404; 531846, 3624344; 531816, 3624344; 531816, 3624284; 531786, 3624284; 531786, 3624104; 531846, 3624104; 531846, 3624074; 532026, 3624074; 532026, 3624104; 532086, 3624104; 532086, 3624134; 532116, 3624134; 532116, 3624104; 532176, 3624104; 532176, 3624134; 532206, 3624134; 532206, 3624164; 532236, 3624164; 532236, 3624194; 532296, 3624194; 532296, 3624224; 532326, 3624224; 532326, 3624194; 532356, 3624194; 532356, 3624164; 532416, 3624164; 532416, 3624134; 532536, 3624134; 532536, 3624104; 532656, 3624104; 532656, 3624134; 532836, 3624134; 532836, 3624164; 532866, 3624164; 532866, 3624194; 532896, 3624194; 532896, 3624374; 532866, 3624374; 532866, 3624464; 532836, 3624464; 532836, 3624494; 532866, 3624494; 532866, 3624554; 532896, 3624554; 532896, 3624614; 532986, 3624614; 532986, 3624644; 533046, 3624644; 533046, 3624674; 533136, 3624674; 533136, 3624704; 533256, 3624704; 533256, 3624734; 533316, 3624734; 533316, 3624764; 533346, 3624764; 533346, 3624824; 533376, 3624824; 533376, 3624854; 533406, 3624854; 533406, 3624914; 533436, 3624914; 533436, 3624974; 533466, 3624974; 533466, 3625034; 533406, 3625034; 533406, 3625064; 533376, 3625064; 533376, 3625124; 533346, 3625124; 533346, 3625214; 533316, 3625214; 533316, 3625274; 533346, 3625274; 533346, 3625334; 533376, 3625334; 533376, 3625424; 533466, 3625424; 533466, 3625454; 533496, 3625454; 533496, 3625484; 533526, 3625484; 533526, 3625514; 533556, 3625514; 533556, 3625604; 533586, 3625604; 533586, 3625694; 533616, 3625694; 533616, 3625784; 533586, 3625784; 533586, 3625844; 533556, 3625844; 533556, 3625874; 533526, 3625874; 533526, 3625934; 533496, 3625934; 533496, 3626054; 533526, 3626054; 533526, 3626114; 533556, 3626114; 533556, 3626144; 533616, 3626144; 533616, 3626174; 533736, 3626174; 533736, 3626204; 533766, 3626204; 533766, 3626294; 533736, 3626294; 533736, 3626474; 533766, 3626474; 533766, 3626504; 533826, 3626504; 533826, 3626534; 533946, 3626534; 533946, 3626504; 533976, 3626504; 533976, 3626564; 534006, 3626564; 534006, 3626654; 534036, 3626654; 534036, 3626684; 534066, 3626684; 534066, 3626714; 534096, 3626714; 534096, 3626744; 534276, 3626744; 534276, 3626774; 534246, 3626774; 534246, 3626864; 534216, 3626864; 534216, 3626924; 534186, 3626924; 534186, 3626984; 534216, 3626984; 534216, 3627014; 534246, 3627014; 534246, 3627074; 534276, 3627074; 534276, 3627104; 534306, 3627104; 534306, 3627134; 534336, 3627134; 534336, 3627194; 534396, 3627194; 534396, 3627224; 534426, 3627224; 534426, 3627284; 534456, 3627284; 534456, 3627314; 534486, 3627314; 534486, 3627374; 534546, 3627374; 534546, 3627404; 534606, 3627404; 534606, 3627434; 534636, 3627434; 534636, 3627464; 534726, 3627464; 534726, 3627494; 534756, 3627494; 534756, 3627464; 534876, 3627464; 534876, 3627584; 534846, 3627584; 534846, 3627644; 534816, 3627644; 534816, 3627734; 534846, 3627734; 534846, 3627824; 534906, 3627824; 534906, 3627884; 534936, 3627884; 534936, 3627944; 534966, 3627944; 534966, 3627974; 535056, 3627974; 535056, 3627944; 535086, 3627944; 535086, 3627914; 535116, 3627914; 535116, 3627884; 535206, 3627884; 535206, 3627854; 535266, 3627854; 535266, 3627884; 535296, 3627884; 535296, 3627914; 535326, 3627914; 535326, 3627944; 535356, 3627944; 535356, 3628004; 535386, 3628004; 535386, 3628034; 535566, 3628034; 535566, 3628094; 535596, 3628094; 535596, 3628124; 535626, 3628124; 535626, 3628154; 535686, 3628154; 535686, 3628184; 535716, 3628184; 535716, 3628244; 535776, 3628244; 535776, 3628274; 535806, 3628274; 535806, 3628304; 535836, 3628304; 535836, 3628334; 535896, 3628334; 535896, 3628364; 535956, 3628364; 535956, 3628394; 536046, 3628394; 536046, 3628514; 536076, 3628514; 536076, 3628544; 536106, 3628544; 536106, 3628574; 536136, 3628574; 536136, 3628694; 536166, 3628694; 536166, 3628754; 536196, 3628754; 536196, 3628784; 536256, 3628784; 536256, 3628814; 536316, 3628814; 536316, 3628844; 536346, 3628844; 536346, 3628874; 536376, 3628874; 536376, 3628934; 536406, 3628934; 536406, 3628964; 536466, 3628964; 536466, 3628994; 536496, 3628994; 536496, 3629024; 536526, 3629024; 536526, 3629054; 536556, 3629054; 536556, 3629114; 536586, 3629114; 536586, 3629144; 536676, 3629144; 536676, 3629204; 536706, 3629204; 536706, 3629234; 536796, 3629234; returning to 536796, 3629174.

(v) Subunit 19e: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Potrero and Campo, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 544664, 3605968; 544693, 3605968; 544693, 3605997; 544664, 3605997; 544664, 3605968; 544551, 3605968; 544551, 3605940; 544494, 3605940; 544494, 3605968; 544466, 3605968; 544466, 3605940; 544380, 3605940; 544380, 3605911; 544352, 3605911; 544352, 3605883; 544295, 3605883; 544295, 3605911; 544267, 3605911; 544267, 3605940; 544239, 3605940; 544239, 3605968; 544012, 3605968; 544012, 3605997; 543785, 3605997; 543785, 3605940; 543756, 3605940; 543756, 3605826; 543785, 3605826; 543785, 3605770; 543813, 3605770; 543813, 3605684; 543785, 3605684; 543785, 3605628; 543756, 3605628; 543756, 3605599; 543728, 3605599; 543728, 3605571; 543700, 3605571; 543700, 3605514; 543643, 3605514; 543643, 3605486; 543615, 3605486; 543615, 3605458; 543586, 3605458; 543586, 3605429; 543558, 3605429; 543558, 3605401; 543501, 3605401; 543501, 3605372; 543473, 3605372; 543473, 3605344; 543444, 3605344; 543444, 3605316; 543274, 3605316; 543274, 3605287; 543302, 3605287; 543302, 3605261; 543273, 3605258; 543003, 3605233; 542990, 3605228; 542990, 3605287; 543019, 3605287; 543019, 3605316; 543047, 3605316; 543047, 3605344; 543076, 3605344; 543076, 3605372; 543104, 3605372; 543104, 3605401; 543161, 3605401; 543161, 3605429; 543189, 3605429; 543189, 3605458; 543246, 3605458; 543246, 3605486; 543388, 3605486; 543388, 3605514; 543416, 3605514; 543416, 3605543; 543444, 3605543; 543444, 3605571; 543473, 3605571; 543473, 3605599; 543501, 3605599; 543501, 3605628; 543529, 3605628; 543529, 3605741; 543558, 3605741; 543558, 3605855; 543529, 3605855; 543529, 3605883; 543558, 3605883; 543558, 3605911; 543586, 3605911; 543586, 3606082; 543558, 3606082; 543558, 3606138; 543529, 3606138; 543529, 3606224; 543558, 3606224; 543558, 3606252; 543586, 3606252; 543586, 3606280; 543615, 3606280; 543615, 3606309; 543671, 3606309; 543671, 3606337; 543728, 3606337; 543728, 3606365; 543785, 3606365; 543785, 3606252; 544012, 3606252; 544012, 3606280; 544097, 3606280; 544097, 3606337; 544125, 3606337; 544125, 3606365; 544182, 3606365; 544182, 3606337; 544210, 3606337; 544210, 3606280; 544267, 3606280; 544267, 3606365; 544239, 3606365; 544239, 3606422; 544210, 3606422; 544210, 3606536; 544267, 3606536; 544267, 3606564; 544352, 3606564; 544352, 3606536; 544409, 3606536; 544409, 3606507; 544466, 3606507; 544466, 3606592; 544749, 3606592; 544749, 3606536; 544721, 3606536; 544721, 3606507; 544778, 3606507; 544778, 3606536; 544863, 3606536; 544863, 3606564; 544891, 3606564; 544891, 3606536; 544976, 3606536; 544976, 3606507; 545005, 3606507; 545005, 3606337; 545033, 3606337; 545033, 3606224; 545090, 3606224; 545090, 3606167; 545118, 3606167; 545118, 3606138; 545146, 3606138; 545146, 3606053; 545175, 3606053; 545175, 3606025; 545288, 3606025; 545288, 3606053; 545317, 3606053; 545317, 3606082; 545373, 3606082; 545373, 3606110; 545402, 3606110; 545402, 3606138; 545430, 3606138; 545430, 3606167; 545459, 3606167; 545459, 3606195; 545487, 3606195; 545487, 3606280; 545515, 3606280; 545515, 3606309; 545544, 3606309; 545544, 3606337; 545572, 3606337; 545572, 3606479; 545600, 3606479; 545600, 3606536; 545657, 3606536; 545657, 3606564; 545685, 3606564; 545685, 3606592; 545714, 3606592; 545714, 3606621; 545742, 3606621; 545742, 3606677; 545771, 3606677; 545771, 3606763; 545742, 3606763; 545742, 3606819; 545685, 3606819; 545685, 3606848; 545572, 3606848; 545572, 3606933; 545544, 3606933; 545544, 3606989; 545685, 3606989; 545685, 3607018; 545742, 3607018; 545742, 3607046; 545799, 3607046; 545799, 3607075; 545827, 3607075; 545827, 3607103; 545856, 3607103; 545856, 3607160; 545884, 3607160; 545884, 3607216; 546026, 3607216; 546026, 3607245; 546083, 3607245; 546083, 3607302; 546111, 3607302; 546111, 3607358; 546253, 3607358; 546253, 3607387; 546281, 3607387; 546281, 3607415; 546310, 3607415; 546310, 3607443; 546338, 3607443; 546338, 3607472; 546366, 3607472; 546366, 3607500; 546451, 3607500; 546451, 3607528; 546480, 3607528; 546480, 3607557; 546516, 3607557; 546527, 3607516; 546570, 3607380; 546671, 3607416; 546680, 3607367; 546783, 3607397; 546756, 3607636; 546737, 3607699; 546763, 3607699; 546763, 3607755; 546792, 3607755; 546792, 3607784; 546849, 3607784; 546849, 3607812; 546905, 3607812; 546905, 3607784; 546877, 3607784; 546877, 3607670; 546905, 3607670; 546905, 3607642; 546962, 3607642; 546962, 3607614; 546990, 3607614; 546990, 3607557; 546962, 3607557; 546962, 3607472; 546990, 3607472; 546990, 3607387; 547019, 3607387; 547019, 3607302; 547076, 3607302; 547076, 3607273; 547104, 3607273; 547104, 3607245; 547132, 3607245; 547132, 3607216; 547161, 3607216; 547161, 3607188; 547189, 3607188; 547189, 3607160; 547217, 3607160; 547217, 3607188; 547246, 3607188; 547246, 3607160; 547302, 3607160; 547302, 3607131; 547331, 3607131; 547331, 3607160; 547444, 3607160; 547444, 3607188; 547501, 3607188; 547501, 3607216; 547558, 3607216; 547558, 3607273; 547529, 3607273; 547529, 3607358; 547558, 3607358; 547558, 3607387; 547586, 3607387; 547586, 3607443; 547615, 3607443; 547615, 3607557; 547643, 3607557; 547643, 3607585; 547728, 3607585; 547728, 3607614; 547756, 3607614; 547756, 3607699; 547785, 3607699; 547785, 3607727; 547813, 3607727; 547813, 3607755; 547842, 3607755; 547842, 3607869; 547955, 3607869; 547955, 3607926; 547927, 3607926; 547927, 3608181; 547955, 3608181; 547955, 3608209; 547983, 3608209; 547983, 3608323; 548012, 3608323; 548012, 3608351; 548040, 3608351; 548040, 3608550; 548097, 3608550; 548097, 3608578; 548125, 3608578; 548125, 3608550; 548154, 3608550; 548154, 3608521; 548210, 3608521; 548210, 3608465; 548239, 3608465; 548239, 3608408; 548267, 3608408; 548267, 3608351; 548295, 3608351; 548295, 3608323; 548324, 3608323; 548324, 3608294; 548352, 3608294; 548352, 3608266; 548381, 3608266; 548381, 3608238; 548437, 3608238; 548437, 3608209; 548466, 3608209; 548466, 3608181; 548494, 3608181; 548494, 3608153; 548551, 3608153; 548551, 3608124; 548579, 3608124; 548579, 3608096; 548607, 3608096; 548607, 3608039; 548636, 3608039; 548636, 3607982; 548721, 3607982; 548721, 3607954; 548749, 3607954; 548749, 3607869; 548721, 3607869; 548721, 3607841; 548693, 3607841; 548693, 3607812; 548664, 3607812; 548664, 3607784; 548636, 3607784; 548636, 3607755; 548607, 3607755; 548607, 3607727; 548579, 3607727; 548579, 3607670; 548551, 3607670; 548551, 3607642; 548522, 3607642; 548522, 3607614; 548494, 3607614; 548494, 3607557; 548466, 3607557; 548466, 3607500; 548437, 3607500; 548437, 3607472; 548210, 3607472; 548210, 3607443; 548182, 3607443; 548182, 3607415; 548154, 3607415; 548154, 3607387; 548125, 3607387; 548125, 3607358; 548097, 3607358; 548097, 3607330; 548068, 3607330; 548068, 3607302; 548040, 3607302; 548040, 3607273; 548012, 3607273; 548012, 3607245; 547983, 3607245; 547983, 3607216; 547955, 3607216; 547955, 3607188; 547898, 3607188; 547898, 3607160; 547870, 3607160; 547870, 3607103; 547842, 3607103; 547842, 3607075; 547813, 3607075; 547813, 3607046; 547785, 3607046; 547785, 3606989; 547756, 3606989; 547756, 3606961; 547728, 3606961; 547728, 3606933; 547700, 3606933; 547700, 3606904; 547643, 3606904; 547643, 3606876; 547558, 3606876; 547558, 3606819; 547529, 3606819; 547529, 3606734; 547558, 3606734; 547558, 3606677; 547501, 3606677; 547501, 3606649; 547444, 3606649; 547444, 3606592; 547416, 3606592; 547416, 3606564; 547331, 3606564; 547331, 3606592; 547274, 3606592; 547274, 3606621; 547189, 3606621; 547189, 3606649; 547132, 3606649; 547132, 3606706; 547047, 3606706; 547047, 3606677; 547019, 3606677; 547019, 3606649; 546962, 3606649; 546962, 3606621; 546934, 3606621; 546934, 3606564; 546877, 3606564; 546877, 3606536; 546707, 3606536; 546707, 3606564; 546678, 3606564; 546678, 3606592; 546650, 3606592; 546650, 3606621; 546622, 3606621; 546622, 3606706; 546565, 3606706; 546565, 3606677; 546508, 3606677; 546508, 3606621; 546480, 3606621; 546480, 3606536; 546451, 3606536; 546451, 3606507; 546423, 3606507; 546423, 3606536; 546338, 3606536; 546338, 3606479; 546366, 3606479; 546366, 3606394; 546338, 3606394; 546338, 3606365; 546281, 3606365; 546281, 3606337; 546168, 3606337; 546168, 3606309; 546139, 3606309; 546139, 3606252; 546111, 3606252; 546111, 3606224; 546083, 3606224; 546083, 3606195; 546054, 3606195; 546054, 3606167; 546026, 3606167; 546026, 3606138; 545998, 3606138; 545998, 3606110; 545969, 3606110; 545969, 3606082; 545941, 3606082; 545941, 3606025; 545912, 3606025; 545912, 3605997; 545884, 3605997; 545884, 3605940; 545856, 3605940; 545856, 3605883; 545799, 3605883; 545799, 3605826; 545714, 3605826; 545714, 3605798; 545657, 3605798; 545657, 3605826; 545629, 3605826; 545629, 3605883; 545600, 3605883; 545600, 3605911; 545544, 3605911; 545544, 3605883; 545515, 3605883; 545515, 3605855; 545459, 3605855; 545459, 3605826; 545430, 3605826; 545430, 3605656; 545402, 3605656; 545402, 3605628; 545345, 3605628; 545345, 3605656; 545288, 3605656; 545288, 3605684; 545203, 3605684; 545203, 3605713; 545118, 3605713; 545118, 3605684; 545090, 3605684; 545090, 3605656; 545033, 3605656; 545033, 3605628; 544948, 3605628; 544948, 3605599; 544920, 3605599; 544920, 3605628; 544891, 3605628; 544891, 3605713; 544863, 3605713; 544863, 3605741; 544806, 3605741; 544806, 3605770; 544721, 3605770; 544721, 3605798; 544664, 3605798; 544664, 3605826; 544636, 3605826; 544636, 3605855; 544607, 3605855; 544607, 3605911; 544636, 3605911; 544636, 3605940; 544664, 3605940; returning to 544664, 3605968. Excluding land bounded by 548466, 3607727; 548466, 3607755; 548409, 3607755; 548409, 3607784; 548381, 3607784; 548381, 3607727; 548409, 3607727; 548409, 3607699; 548437, 3607699; 548437, 3607670; 548466, 3607670; returning to 548466, 3607727.

(vi) Note: Map of Unit 19 is provided at paragraph (24)(v) of this entry.

(25) Unit 20: Upper Santa Ana River Basin, San Bernardino County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Cajon and Devore, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 457095, 3792110; 457067, 3792110; 457067, 3792138; 457095, 3792138; returning to 457095, 3792110.

(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 457208, 3796209; 457208, 3796237; 457236, 3796237; 457236, 3796209; returning to 457208, 3796209; thence from land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 457208, 3796209; 457208, 3796153; 457180, 3796153; 457180, 3796069; 457208, 3796069; 457208, 3796040; 457236, 3796040; 457236, 3796012; 457264, 3796012; 457264, 3795984; 457320, 3795984; 457320, 3795956; 457404, 3795956; 457404, 3795928; 457517, 3795928; 457517, 3795872; 457545, 3795872; 457545, 3795816; 457573, 3795816; 457573, 3795760; 457601, 3795760; 457601, 3795704; 457629, 3795704; 457629, 3795676; 457657, 3795676; 457657, 3795647; 457685, 3795647; 457685, 3795619; 457713, 3795619; 457713, 3795591; 457741, 3795591; 457741, 3795563; 457769, 3795563; 457769, 3795535; 457797, 3795535; 457797, 3795507; 457825, 3795507; 457825, 3795451; 457853, 3795451; 457853, 3795395; 457910, 3795395; 457910, 3795339; 457994, 3795339; 457994, 3795254; 458022, 3795254; 458022, 3795086; 458050, 3795086; 458050, 3794974; 458078, 3794974; 458078, 3794946; 458106, 3794946; 458106, 3794889; 458134, 3794889; 458134, 3794777; 458162, 3794777; 458162, 3794749; 458190, 3794749; 458190, 3794693; 458218, 3794693; 458218, 3794637; 458246, 3794637; 458246, 3794553; 458275, 3794553; 458275, 3794244; 458303, 3794244; 458303, 3794131; 458331, 3794131; 458331, 3793823; 458359, 3793823; 458359, 3793738; 458387, 3793738; 458387, 3793710; 458359, 3793710; 458359, 3793654; 458331, 3793654; 458331, 3793486; 458303, 3793486; 458303, 3793402; 458275, 3793402; 458275, 3793205; 458303, 3793205; 458303, 3793149; 458331, 3793149; 458331, 3793121; 458415, 3793121; 458415, 3793037; 458387, 3793037; 458387, 3792980; 458359, 3792980; 458359, 3792868; 458387, 3792868; 458387, 3792812; 458415, 3792812; 458415, 3792784; 458471, 3792784; 458471, 3792756; 458527, 3792756; 458527, 3792700; 458499, 3792700; 458499, 3792616; 458527, 3792616; 458527, 3792503; 458555, 3792503; 458555, 3792447; 458527, 3792447; 458527, 3792363; 458499, 3792363; 458499, 3792335; 458471, 3792335; 458471, 3792138; 458443, 3792138; 458443, 3792054; 458415, 3792054; 458415, 3791998; 458387, 3791998; 458387, 3791970; 458359, 3791970; 458359, 3791914; 458331, 3791914; 458331, 3791858; 458359, 3791858; 458359, 3791801; 458331, 3791801; 458331, 3791829; 458275, 3791829; 458275, 3791858; 458190, 3791858; 458190, 3791829; 458078, 3791829; 458078, 3791858; 457966, 3791858; 457966, 3791829; 457910, 3791829; 457910, 3791801; 457881, 3791801; 457881, 3791773; 457853, 3791773; 457853, 3791745; 457825, 3791745; 457825, 3791717; 457769, 3791717; 457769, 3791689; 457601, 3791689; 457601, 3791661; 457404, 3791661; 457404, 3791689; 457320, 3791689; 457320, 3791661; 457264, 3791661; 457264, 3791633; 457236, 3791633; 457236, 3791577; 457208, 3791577; 457208, 3791549; 457152, 3791549; 457152, 3791521; 457095, 3791521; 457095, 3791493; 457067, 3791493; 457067, 3791465; 457039, 3791465; 457039, 3791408; 457011, 3791408; 457011, 3791212; 456983, 3791212; 456983, 3791100; 457011, 3791100; 457011, 3790959; 457039, 3790959; 457039, 3790903; 457067, 3790903; 457067, 3790875; 457095, 3790875; 457095, 3790819; 457124, 3790819; 457124, 3790678; 457152, 3790678; 457152, 3790650; 457180, 3790650; 457180, 3790622; 457264, 3790622; 457264, 3790594; 457320, 3790594; 457320, 3790566; 457348, 3790566; 457348, 3790510; 457376, 3790510; 457376, 3790482; 457404, 3790482; 457404, 3790454; 457573, 3790454; 457573, 3790426; 457601, 3790426; 457601, 3790454; 457629, 3790454; 457629, 3790482; 457657, 3790482; 457657, 3790454; 457685, 3790454; 457685, 3790426; 457713, 3790426; 457713, 3790398; 457769, 3790398; 457769, 3790426; 457797, 3790426; 457797, 3790482; 457825, 3790482; 457825, 3790454; 457853, 3790454; 457853, 3790426; 457881, 3790426; 457881, 3790370; 457910, 3790370; 457910, 3790342; 457938, 3790342; 457938, 3790314; 457966, 3790314; 457966, 3790342; 458106, 3790342; 458106, 3790314; 458162, 3790314; 458162, 3790285; 458190, 3790285; 458190, 3790257; 458246, 3790257; 458246, 3790229; 458275, 3790229; 458275, 3790257; 458387, 3790257; 458387, 3790229; 458443, 3790229; 458443, 3790201; 458527, 3790201; 458527, 3790173; 458555, 3790173; 458555, 3790117; 458583, 3790117; 458583, 3790061; 458611, 3790061; 458611, 3790033; 458668, 3790033; 458668, 3790005; 458696, 3790005; 458696, 3789977; 458724, 3789977; 458724, 3789949; 458780, 3789949; 458780, 3789892; 458808, 3789892; 458808, 3789864; 458836, 3789864; 458836, 3789808; 458864, 3789808; 458864, 3789752; 458892, 3789752; 458892, 3789724; 458948, 3789724; 458948, 3789668; 458976, 3789668; 458976, 3789640; 459004, 3789640; 459004, 3789584; 459032, 3789584; 459032, 3789527; 459117, 3789527; 459117, 3789584; 459229, 3789584; 459229, 3789556; 459257, 3789556; 459257, 3789527; 459285, 3789527; 459285, 3789499; 459313, 3789499; 459313, 3789443; 459341, 3789443; 459341, 3789387; 459397, 3789387; 459397, 3789303; 459426, 3789303; 459426, 3789275; 459482, 3789275; 459482, 3789219; 459510, 3789219; 459510, 3789134; 459538, 3789134; 459538, 3789106; 459566, 3789106; 459566, 3789078; 459594, 3789078; 459594, 3789022; 459622, 3789022; 459622, 3788994; 459678, 3788994; 459678, 3788966; 459706, 3788966; 459706, 3788938; 459762, 3788938; 459762, 3788910; 459790, 3788910; 459790, 3788882; 459819, 3788882; 459819, 3788854; 459847, 3788854; 459847, 3788826; 459875, 3788826; 459875, 3788798; 459903, 3788798; 459903, 3788770; 459931, 3788770; 459931, 3788713; 459987, 3788713; 459987, 3788685; 460015, 3788685; 460015, 3788657; 460127, 3788657; 460127, 3788629; 460212, 3788629; 460212, 3788601; 460268, 3788601; 460268, 3788573; 460324, 3788573; 460324, 3788545; 460408, 3788545; 460408, 3788517; 460464, 3788517; 460464, 3788489; 460520, 3788489; 460520, 3788433; 460548, 3788433; 460548, 3788405; 460577, 3788405; 460577, 3788376; 460605, 3788376; 460605, 3788320; 460661, 3788320; 460661, 3788292; 460689, 3788292; 460689, 3788264; 460745, 3788264; 460745, 3788236; 460801, 3788236; 460801, 3788208; 460829, 3788208; 460829, 3788180; 460885, 3788180; 460885, 3788152; 460913, 3788152; 460913, 3788124; 460941, 3788124; 460941, 3788096; 460998, 3788096; 460998, 3788068; 461026, 3788068; 461026, 3788040; 461054, 3788040; 461054, 3788012; 461082, 3788012; 461082, 3787983; 461110, 3787983; 461110, 3787927; 461138, 3787927; 461138, 3787899; 461166, 3787899; 461166, 3787871; 461222, 3787871; 461222, 3787843; 461250, 3787843; 461250, 3787759; 461278, 3787759; 461278, 3787703; 461306, 3787703; 461306, 3787619; 461334, 3787619; 461334, 3787562; 461363, 3787562; 461363, 3787534; 461391, 3787534; 461391, 3787506; 461419, 3787506; 461419, 3787478; 461447, 3787478; 461447, 3787450; 461503, 3787450; 461503, 3787422; 461615, 3787422; 461615, 3787394; 461671, 3787394; 461671, 3787310; 461699, 3787310; 461699, 3787282; 461728, 3787282; 461728, 3787197; 461699, 3787197; 461699, 3787169; 461728, 3787169; 461728, 3787029; 461699, 3787029; 461699, 3787001; 461559, 3787001; 461559, 3786973; 461475, 3786973; 461475, 3786945; 461447, 3786945; 461447, 3786917; 461419, 3786917; 461419, 3786861; 461391, 3786861; 461391, 3786832; 461363, 3786832; 461363, 3786804; 461306, 3786804; 461306, 3786776; 461278, 3786776; 461278, 3786804; 461222, 3786804; 461222, 3786832; 461194, 3786832; 461194, 3786861; 461166, 3786861; 461166, 3786889; 461138, 3786889; 461138, 3787029; 461110, 3787029; 461110, 3787057; 461082, 3787057; 461082, 3787085; 461054, 3787085; 461054, 3787141; 461026, 3787141; 461026, 3787169; 460998, 3787169; 460998, 3787141; 460913, 3787141; 460913, 3787169; 460773, 3787169; 460773, 3787197; 460745, 3787197; 460745, 3787225; 460689, 3787225; 460689, 3787282; 460661, 3787282; 460661, 3787310; 460633, 3787310; 460633, 3787338; 460605, 3787338; 460605, 3787422; 460577, 3787422; 460577, 3787450; 460520, 3787450; 460520, 3787478; 460492, 3787478; 460492, 3787506; 460436, 3787506; 460436, 3787562; 460408, 3787562; 460408, 3787590; 460380, 3787590; 460380, 3787619; 460324, 3787619; 460324, 3787647; 460296, 3787647; 460296, 3787675; 460268, 3787675; 460268, 3787731; 460240, 3787731; 460240, 3787759; 460212, 3787759; 460212, 3787815; 460155, 3787815; 460155, 3787843; 460127, 3787843; 460127, 3787871; 460099, 3787871; 460099, 3787899; 460071, 3787899; 460071, 3787927; 460015, 3787927; 460015, 3787955; 459987, 3787955; 459987, 3787983; 459959, 3787983; 459959, 3788012; 459903, 3788012; 459903, 3788040; 459847, 3788040; 459847, 3788068; 459819, 3788068; 459819, 3788096; 459790, 3788096; 459790, 3788124; 459734, 3788124; 459734, 3788152; 459706, 3788152; 459706, 3788180; 459650, 3788180; 459650, 3788208; 459622, 3788208; 459622, 3788236; 459594, 3788236; 459594, 3788264; 459538, 3788264; 459538, 3788292; 459510, 3788292; 459510, 3788320; 459482, 3788320; 459482, 3788348; 459454, 3788348; 459454, 3788376; 459426, 3788376; 459426, 3788405; 459369, 3788405; 459369, 3788433; 459341, 3788433; 459341, 3788461; 459313, 3788461; 459313, 3788489; 459285, 3788489; 459285, 3788517; 459257, 3788517; 459257, 3788545; 459229, 3788545; 459229, 3788573; 459201, 3788573; 459201, 3788629; 459173, 3788629; 459173, 3788657; 459145, 3788657; 459145, 3788713; 459117, 3788713; 459117, 3788798; 459089, 3788798; 459089, 3788854; 459061, 3788854; 459061, 3788882; 459004, 3788882; 459004, 3788910; 458976, 3788910; 458976, 3788938; 458920, 3788938; 458920, 3788966; 458948, 3788966; 458948, 3788994; 458976, 3788994; 458976, 3789022; 458948, 3789022; 458948, 3789078; 458892, 3789078; 458892, 3789106; 458864, 3789106; 458864, 3789134; 458808, 3789134; 458808, 3789163; 458752, 3789163; 458752, 3789191; 458639, 3789191; 458639, 3789219; 458583, 3789219; 458583, 3789247; 458527, 3789247; 458527, 3789275; 458471, 3789275; 458471, 3789303; 458415, 3789303; 458415, 3789331; 458359, 3789331; 458359, 3789359; 458303, 3789359; 458303, 3789387; 458275, 3789387; 458275, 3789415; 458246, 3789415; 458246, 3789471; 458218, 3789471; 458218, 3789499; 458162, 3789499; 458162, 3789527; 458134, 3789527; 458134, 3789556; 458106, 3789556; 458106, 3789584; 458078, 3789584; 458078, 3789612; 458050, 3789612; 458050, 3789640; 458022, 3789640; 458022, 3789668; 457966, 3789668; 457966, 3789696; 457938, 3789696; 457938, 3789724; 457910, 3789724; 457910, 3789752; 457881, 3789752; 457881, 3789780; 457853, 3789780; 457853, 3789808; 457797, 3789808; 457797, 3789836; 457769, 3789836; 457769, 3789892; 457741, 3789892; 457741, 3789921; 457713, 3789921; 457713, 3789949; 457685, 3789949; 457685, 3789977; 457629, 3789977; 457629, 3790005; 457488, 3790005; 457488, 3789977; 457460, 3789977; 457460, 3790005; 457404, 3790005; 457404, 3790033; 457348, 3790033; 457348, 3790061; 457292, 3790061; 457292, 3790089; 457180, 3790089; 457180, 3790117; 457124, 3790117; 457124, 3790145; 457067, 3790145; 457067, 3790173; 456955, 3790173; 456955, 3790314; 456927, 3790314; 456927, 3790370; 456899, 3790370; 456899, 3790398; 456871, 3790398; 456871, 3790454; 456843, 3790454; 456843, 3790482; 456815, 3790482; 456815, 3790510; 456787, 3790510; 456787, 3790566; 456759, 3790566; 456759, 3790650; 456730, 3790650; 456730, 3790735; 456702, 3790735; 456702, 3790819; 456674, 3790819; 456674, 3790987; 456646, 3790987; 456646, 3791072; 456618, 3791072; 456618, 3791268; 456590, 3791268; 456590, 3791296; 456618, 3791296; 456618, 3791380; 456646, 3791380; 456646, 3791436; 456674, 3791436; 456674, 3791465; 456702, 3791465; 456702, 3791493; 456759, 3791493; 456759, 3791521; 456843, 3791521; 456843, 3791549; 456871, 3791549; 456871, 3791577; 456899, 3791577; 456899, 3791661; 456983, 3791661; 456983, 3791689; 457039, 3791689; 457039, 3791717; 457095, 3791717; 457095, 3791801; 457124, 3791801; 457124, 3791829; 457152, 3791829; 457152, 3791914; 457152, 3791942; 457124, 3791942; 457124, 3791998; 457095, 3791998; 457095, 3792110; 457152, 3792110; 457152, 3792082; 457180, 3792082; 457180, 3792054; 457292, 3792054; 457292, 3792082; 457348, 3792082; 457348, 3792138; 457404, 3792138; 457404, 3792110; 457432, 3792110; 457432, 3792026; 457517, 3792026; 457517, 3792054; 457545, 3792054; 457545, 3792082; 457629, 3792082; 457629, 3792110; 457769, 3792110; 457769, 3792138; 457797, 3792138; 457797, 3792166; 457825, 3792166; 457825, 3792194; 457853, 3792194; 457853, 3792223; 457881, 3792223; 457881, 3792251; 457966, 3792251; 457966, 3792279; 457994, 3792279; 457994, 3792307; 458022, 3792307; 458022, 3792335; 458078, 3792335; 458078, 3792363; 458134, 3792363; 458134, 3792391; 458162, 3792391; 458162, 3792419; 458190, 3792419; 458190, 3792531; 458218, 3792531; 458218, 3792672; 458190, 3792672; 458190, 3792700; 458162, 3792700; 458162, 3792756; 458134, 3792756; 458134, 3792784; 458106, 3792784; 458106, 3792812; 458078, 3792812; 458078, 3792840; 458050, 3792840; 458050, 3792868; 458022, 3792868; 458022, 3793009; 457994, 3793009; 457994, 3793065; 457966, 3793065; 457966, 3793121; 457938, 3793121; 457938, 3793205; 457910, 3793205; 457910, 3793289; 457938, 3793289; 457938, 3793345; 457966, 3793345; 457966, 3793458; 457938, 3793458; 457938, 3793514; 457910, 3793514; 457910, 3793626; 457881, 3793626; 457881, 3793682; 457853, 3793682; 457853, 3793710; 457825, 3793710; 457825, 3793767; 457966, 3793767; 457966, 3793935; 457938, 3793935; 457938, 3794047; 457910, 3794047; 457910, 3794075; 457881, 3794075; 457881, 3794131; 457910, 3794131; 457910, 3794244; 457881, 3794244; 457881, 3794328; 457938, 3794328; 457938, 3794300; 457966, 3794300; 457966, 3794328; 457994, 3794328; 457994, 3794384; 457966, 3794384; 457966, 3794440; 457938, 3794440; 457938, 3794468; 457910, 3794468; 457910, 3794496; 457881, 3794496; 457881, 3794525; 457853, 3794525; 457853, 3794581; 457825, 3794581; 457825, 3794609; 457769, 3794609; 457769, 3794637; 457713, 3794637; 457713, 3794609; 457657, 3794609; 457657, 3794581; 457601, 3794581; 457601, 3794665; 457629, 3794665; 457629, 3794693; 457657, 3794693; 457657, 3794721; 457685, 3794721; 457685, 3794918; 457657, 3794918; 457657, 3794946; 457601, 3794946; 457601, 3794974; 457545, 3794974; 457545, 3795002; 457488, 3795002; 457488, 3795030; 457460, 3795030; 457460, 3795058; 457432, 3795058; 457432, 3795086; 457404, 3795086; 457404, 3795058; 457320, 3795058; 457320, 3795086; 457292, 3795086; 457292, 3795114; 457320, 3795114; 457320, 3795142; 457348, 3795142; 457348, 3795198; 457320, 3795198; 457320, 3795226; 457292, 3795226; 457292, 3795282; 457264, 3795282; 457264, 3795311; 457152, 3795311; 457152, 3795395; 457124, 3795395; 457124, 3795451; 457011, 3795451; 457011, 3795479; 456983, 3795479; 456983, 3795535; 457011, 3795535; 457011, 3795591; 457039, 3795591; 457039, 3795676; 457011, 3795676; 457011, 3795704; 456983, 3795704; 456983, 3795732; 456955, 3795732; 456955, 3795760; 456927, 3795760; 456927, 3795816; 456899, 3795816; 456899, 3795844; 456843, 3795844; 456843, 3795872; 456815, 3795872; 456815, 3795928; 456759, 3795928; 456759, 3795956; 456730, 3795956; 456730, 3795984; 456702, 3795984; 456702, 3796012; 456534, 3796012; 456534, 3796040; 456450, 3796040; 456450, 3796097; 456394, 3796097; 456394, 3796125; 456366, 3796125; 456366, 3796153; 456337, 3796153; 456337, 3796181; 456309, 3796181; 456309, 3796209; 456281, 3796209; 456281, 3796237; 456225, 3796237; 456225, 3796293; 456197, 3796293; 456197, 3796321; 456225, 3796321; 456225, 3796377; 456253, 3796377; 456253, 3796405; 456225, 3796405; 456225, 3796433; 456085, 3796433; 456085, 3796405; 456029, 3796405; 456029, 3796433; 456001, 3796433; 456001, 3796462; 455944, 3796462; 455944, 3796490; 455860, 3796490; 455860, 3796518; 455776, 3796518; 455776, 3796546; 455720, 3796546; 455720, 3796602; 455692, 3796602; 455692, 3796658; 455664, 3796658; 455664, 3796714; 455636, 3796714; 455636, 3796770; 455608, 3796770; 455608, 3796855; 455579, 3796855; 455579, 3796883; 455608, 3796883; 455608, 3796911; 455579, 3796911; 455579, 3796995; 455608, 3796995; 455608, 3797023; 455664, 3797023; 455664, 3797051; 455720, 3797051; 455720, 3797079; 455776, 3797079; 455776, 3797107; 455804, 3797107; 455804, 3797023; 455832, 3797023; 455832, 3796967; 455860, 3796967; 455860, 3796939; 455917, 3796939; 455919, 3796888; 455947, 3796829; 456030, 3796759; 456087, 3796733; 456061, 3797051; 456085, 3797051; 456085, 3797079; 456169, 3797079; 456169, 3797051; 456197, 3797051; 456197, 3796995; 456225, 3796995; 456225, 3796967; 456253, 3796967; 456253, 3796939; 456281, 3796939; 456281, 3796911; 456309, 3796911; 456309, 3796883; 456366, 3796883; 456366, 3796855; 456422, 3796855; 456422, 3796827; 456478, 3796827; 456478, 3796798; 456674, 3796798; 456674, 3796742; 456646, 3796742; 456646, 3796726; 456555, 3796722; 456581, 3796626; 456629, 3796561; 456738, 3796438; 456793, 3796546; 456815, 3796546; 456815, 3796574; 456871, 3796574; 456871, 3796602; 456899, 3796602; 456899, 3796574; 456927, 3796574; 456927, 3796433; 456955, 3796433; 456955, 3796377; 456983, 3796377; 456983, 3796321; 457011, 3796321; 457011, 3796293; 457039, 3796293; 457039, 3796237; 457067, 3796237; 457067, 3796209; returning to 457208, 3796209.

(iii) Note: Map of Units 20 and 22 follows.

(26) Unit 21: Little Rock Creek Basin, Los Angeles County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Juniper Hills and Pacifico Mtn., land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 406323, 3814876; 406323, 3814756; 406353, 3814756; 406353, 3814726; 406383, 3814726; 406383, 3814696; 406413, 3814696; 406413, 3814426; 406383, 3814426; 406383, 3814396; 406413, 3814396; 406413, 3814216; 406443, 3814216; 406443, 3814186; 406473, 3814186; 406473, 3814156; 406503, 3814156; 406503, 3813796; 406533, 3813796; 406533, 3813766; 406563, 3813766; 406563, 3813736; 406593, 3813736; 406593, 3813706; 406623, 3813706; 406623, 3813676; 406593, 3813676; 406593, 3813646; 406563, 3813646; 406563, 3813616; 406533, 3813616; 406533, 3813556; 406563, 3813556; 406563, 3813496; 406593, 3813496; 406593, 3813436; 406623, 3813436; 406623, 3813376; 406653, 3813376; 406653, 3813316; 406683, 3813316; 406683, 3813196; 406713, 3813196; 406713, 3813166; 406683, 3813166; 406683, 3813136; 406653, 3813136; 406653, 3813076; 406623, 3813076; 406623, 3813046; 406653, 3813046; 406653, 3812926; 406683, 3812926; 406683, 3812896; 406743, 3812896; 406743, 3812746; 406713, 3812746; 406713, 3812626; 406743, 3812626; 406743, 3812566; 406773, 3812566; 406773, 3812506; 406803, 3812506; 406803, 3812416; 406863, 3812416; 406863, 3812386; 407043, 3812386; 407043, 3812266; 407073, 3812266; 407073, 3812206; 407103, 3812206; 407103, 3812086; 407133, 3812086; 407133, 3812056; 407163, 3812056; 407163, 3812026; 407193, 3812026; 407193, 3811966; 407223, 3811966; 407223, 3811936; 407253, 3811936; 407253, 3811876; 407313, 3811876; 407313, 3811846; 407343, 3811846; 407343, 3811816; 407403, 3811816; 407403, 3811726; 407433, 3811726; 407433, 3811606; 407463, 3811606; 407463, 3811576; 407553, 3811576; 407553, 3811546; 407673, 3811546; 407673, 3811486; 407703, 3811486; 407703, 3811396; 407733, 3811396; 407733, 3811366; 407853, 3811366; 407853, 3811396; 408033, 3811396; 408033, 3811366; 408063, 3811366; 408063, 3811336; 408093, 3811336; 408093, 3811276; 408123, 3811276; 408123, 3811246; 408153, 3811246; 408153, 3811276; 408393, 3811276; 408393, 3811186; 408543, 3811186; 408543, 3811126; 408573, 3811126; 408573, 3811036; 408603, 3811036; 408603, 3811006; 408753, 3811006; 408753, 3811036; 408813, 3811036; 408813, 3811066; 408873, 3811066; 408873, 3810946; 408903, 3810946; 408903, 3810916; 408933, 3810916; 408933, 3810886; 408963, 3810886; 408963, 3810796; 408993, 3810796; 408993, 3810736; 409023, 3810736; 409023, 3810676; 409083, 3810676; 409083, 3810646; 409113, 3810646; 409113, 3810556; 409143, 3810556; 409143, 3810466; 409173, 3810466; 409173, 3810436; 409203, 3810436; 409203, 3810406; 409263, 3810406; 409263, 3810286; 409293, 3810286; 409293, 3810256; 409323, 3810256; 409323, 3810166; 409443, 3810166; 409443, 3810136; 409473, 3810136; 409473, 3810106; 409623, 3810106; 409623, 3810076; 409683, 3810076; 409683, 3810046; 409713, 3810046; 409713, 3810016; 409743, 3810016; 409743, 3809986; 409773, 3809986; 409773, 3809956; 409743, 3809956; 409743, 3809926; 409773, 3809926; 409773, 3809896; 409803, 3809896; 409803, 3809836; 409983, 3809836; 409983, 3809746; 410013, 3809746; 410013, 3809656; 410043, 3809656; 410043, 3809626; 410073, 3809626; 410073, 3809596; 410163, 3809596; 410163, 3809476; 410193, 3809476; 410193, 3809386; 410253, 3809386; 410253, 3809356; 410283, 3809356; 410283, 3809326; 410313, 3809326; 410313, 3809266; 410343, 3809266; 410343, 3809236; 410373, 3809236; 410373, 3809206; 410403, 3809206; 410403, 3809176; 410433, 3809176; 410433, 3809146; 410523, 3809146; 410523, 3809176; 410553, 3809176; 410553, 3809146; 410583, 3809146; 410583, 3809086; 410613, 3809086; 410613, 3809056; 410643, 3809056; 410643, 3809026; 410673, 3809026; 410673, 3808966; 410703, 3808966; 410703, 3808876; 410733, 3808876; 410733, 3808846; 410703, 3808846; 410703, 3808786; 410733, 3808786; 410733, 3808726; 410763, 3808726; 410763, 3808696; 410793, 3808696; 410793, 3808636; 410823, 3808636; 410823, 3808486; 410853, 3808486; 410853, 3808456; 410913, 3808456; 410913, 3808426; 410943, 3808426; 410943, 3808396; 410973, 3808396; 410973, 3808306; 411003, 3808306; 411003, 3808276; 411033, 3808276; 411033, 3808246; 411063, 3808246; 411063, 3808126; 411093, 3808126; 411093, 3808096; 411123, 3808096; 411123, 3808066; 411153, 3808066; 411153, 3808006; 411183, 3808006; 411183, 3807916; 411213, 3807916; 411213, 3807736; 411243, 3807736; 411243, 3807706; 411273, 3807706; 411273, 3807676; 411243, 3807676; 411243, 3807646; 411213, 3807646; 411213, 3807676; 411153, 3807676; 411153, 3807706; 411123, 3807706; 411123, 3807736; 411033, 3807736; 411033, 3807766; 411003, 3807766; 411003, 3807796; 410973, 3807796; 410973, 3807826; 410943, 3807826; 410943, 3807976; 410913, 3807976; 410913, 3808036; 410883, 3808036; 410883, 3808216; 410853, 3808216; 410853, 3808276; 410823, 3808276; 410823, 3808306; 410793, 3808306; 410793, 3808336; 410763, 3808336; 410763, 3808366; 410733, 3808366; 410733, 3808426; 410703, 3808426; 410703, 3808456; 410673, 3808456; 410673, 3808546; 410643, 3808546; 410643, 3808576; 410553, 3808576; 410553, 3808726; 410523, 3808726; 410523, 3808846; 410463, 3808846; 410463, 3808876; 410403, 3808876; 410403, 3808906; 410373, 3808906; 410373, 3808996; 410343, 3808996; 410343, 3809056; 410313, 3809056; 410313, 3809086; 410253, 3809086; 410253, 3809146; 410223, 3809146; 410223, 3809206; 410163, 3809206; 410163, 3809236; 410103, 3809236; 410103, 3809266; 410043, 3809266; 410043, 3809296; 410013, 3809296; 410013, 3809356; 409983, 3809356; 409983, 3809416; 409923, 3809416; 409923, 3809476; 409863, 3809476; 409863, 3809506; 409833, 3809506; 409833, 3809536; 409803, 3809536; 409803, 3809596; 409773, 3809596; 409773, 3809686; 409743, 3809686; 409743, 3809716; 409713, 3809716; 409713, 3809746; 409623, 3809746; 409623, 3809776; 409593, 3809776; 409593, 3809806; 409563, 3809806; 409563, 3809866; 409533, 3809866; 409533, 3809896; 409503, 3809896; 409503, 3809926; 409533, 3809926; 409533, 3809986; 409473, 3809986; 409473, 3809956; 409413, 3809956; 409413, 3809986; 409263, 3809986; 409263, 3810046; 409233, 3810046; 409233, 3810076; 409203, 3810076; 409203, 3810106; 409173, 3810106; 409173, 3810166; 409143, 3810166; 409143, 3810226; 409083, 3810226; 409083, 3810256; 409053, 3810256; 409053, 3810286; 409023, 3810286; 409023, 3810346; 408993, 3810346; 408993, 3810406; 408963, 3810406; 408963, 3810526; 408933, 3810526; 408933, 3810556; 408903, 3810556; 408903, 3810616; 408873, 3810616; 408873, 3810646; 408843, 3810646; 408843, 3810676; 408813, 3810676; 408813, 3810706; 408783, 3810706; 408783, 3810736; 408633, 3810736; 408633, 3810766; 408573, 3810766; 408573, 3810796; 408543, 3810796; 408543, 3810826; 408483, 3810826; 408483, 3810856; 408363, 3810856; 408363, 3810886; 408243, 3810886; 408243, 3810856; 408213, 3810856; 408213, 3810886; 408183, 3810886; 408183, 3810976; 408153, 3810976; 408153, 3811036; 407853, 3811036; 407853, 3811066; 407823, 3811066; 407823, 3811126; 407793, 3811126; 407793, 3811186; 407703, 3811186; 407703, 3811216; 407673, 3811216; 407673, 3811246; 407613, 3811246; 407613, 3811276; 407553, 3811276; 407553, 3811306; 407523, 3811306; 407523, 3811336; 407493, 3811336; 407493, 3811366; 407463, 3811366; 407463, 3811396; 407433, 3811396; 407433, 3811456; 407373, 3811456; 407373, 3811486; 407343, 3811486; 407343, 3811516; 407313, 3811516; 407313, 3811546; 407253, 3811546; 407253, 3811576; 407223, 3811576; 407223, 3811636; 407193, 3811636; 407193, 3811696; 407133, 3811696; 407133, 3811666; 407163, 3811666; 407163, 3811606; 407103, 3811606; 407103, 3811636; 407043, 3811636; 407043, 3811696; 407013, 3811696; 407013, 3811786; 406983, 3811786; 406983, 3811816; 406953, 3811816; 406953, 3811846; 406923, 3811846; 406923, 3811876; 406893, 3811876; 406893, 3811906; 406863, 3811906; 406863, 3811966; 406803, 3811966; 406803, 3812026; 406773, 3812026; 406773, 3812086; 406623, 3812086; 406623, 3812146; 406593, 3812146; 406593, 3812236; 406563, 3812236; 406563, 3812536; 406533, 3812536; 406533, 3812746; 406563, 3812746; 406563, 3812806; 406533, 3812806; 406533, 3812836; 406503, 3812836; 406503, 3812926; 406473, 3812926; 406473, 3813016; 406503, 3813016; 406503, 3813046; 406473, 3813046; 406473, 3813286; 406503, 3813286; 406503, 3813316; 406473, 3813316; 406473, 3813346; 406443, 3813346; 406443, 3813316; 406353, 3813316; 406353, 3813346; 406323, 3813346; 406323, 3813406; 406293, 3813406; 406293, 3813466; 406263, 3813466; 406263, 3813556; 406293, 3813556; 406293, 3813616; 406323, 3813616; 406323, 3813706; 406353, 3813706; 406353, 3813946; 406323, 3813946; 406323, 3814066; 406293, 3814066; 406293, 3814156; 406263, 3814156; 406263, 3814186; 406233, 3814186; 406233, 3814246; 406203, 3814246; 406203, 3814306; 406173, 3814306; 406173, 3814396; 406143, 3814396; 406143, 3814366; 406083, 3814366; 406083, 3814336; 406053, 3814336; 406053, 3814306; 406023, 3814306; 406023, 3814276; 405993, 3814276; 405993, 3814246; 405963, 3814246; 405963, 3814216; 405993, 3814216; 405993, 3814156; 406023, 3814156; 406023, 3814096; 405993, 3814096; 405993, 3814036; 405933, 3814036; 405933, 3814006; 405873, 3814006; 405873, 3813946; 405843, 3813946; 405843, 3813916; 405723, 3813916; 405723, 3813886; 405663, 3813886; 405663, 3813856; 405633, 3813856; 405633, 3813826; 405603, 3813826; 405603, 3813766; 405543, 3813766; 405543, 3813736; 405513, 3813736; 405513, 3813706; 405483, 3813706; 405483, 3813676; 405453, 3813676; 405453, 3813646; 405423, 3813646; 405423, 3813616; 405393, 3813616; 405393, 3813586; 405363, 3813586; 405363, 3813556; 405333, 3813556; 405333, 3813526; 405303, 3813526; 405303, 3813376; 405273, 3813376; 405273, 3813346; 405243, 3813346; 405243, 3813376; 405213, 3813376; 405213, 3813406; 405183, 3813406; 405183, 3813436; 405153, 3813436; 405153, 3813406; 405123, 3813406; 405123, 3813376; 405093, 3813376; 405093, 3813316; 405063, 3813316; 405063, 3813286; 405033, 3813286; 405033, 3813256; 404913, 3813256; 404913, 3813226; 404883, 3813226; 404883, 3813166; 404853, 3813166; 404853, 3813106; 404793, 3813106; 404793, 3813166; 404823, 3813166; 404823, 3813196; 404793, 3813196; 404793, 3813286; 404823, 3813286; 404823, 3813316; 404853, 3813316; 404853, 3813346; 404883, 3813346; 404883, 3813406; 404913, 3813406; 404913, 3813436; 404943, 3813436; 404943, 3813496; 404973, 3813496; 404973, 3813526; 405033, 3813526; 405033, 3813556; 405063, 3813556; 405063, 3813616; 405183, 3813616; 405183, 3813676; 405213, 3813676; 405213, 3813766; 405363, 3813766; 405363, 3813796; 405393, 3813796; 405393, 3813826; 405423, 3813826; 405423, 3813856; 405453, 3813856; 405453, 3813886; 405483, 3813886; 405483, 3813916; 405543, 3813916; 405543, 3813946; 405573, 3813946; 405573, 3813976; 405603, 3813976; 405603, 3814006; 405573, 3814006; 405573, 3814066; 405633, 3814066; 405633, 3814036; 405783, 3814036; 405783, 3814096; 405813, 3814096; 405813, 3814126; 405843, 3814126; 405843, 3814306; 405873, 3814306; 405873, 3814336; 405903, 3814336; 405903, 3814366; 405933, 3814366; 405933, 3814396; 405963, 3814396; 405963, 3814426; 406023, 3814426; 406023, 3814456; 406053, 3814456; 406053, 3814516; 406083, 3814516; 406083, 3814546; 406233, 3814546; 406233, 3814666; 406173, 3814666; 406173, 3814696; 406143, 3814696; 406143, 3814726; 406083, 3814726; 406083, 3814786; 406053, 3814786; 406053, 3814816; 406023, 3814816; 406023, 3814846; 405993, 3814846; 405993, 3814876; 405963, 3814876; 405963, 3814977; 406183, 3814937; 406323, 3814927; returning to 406323, 3814876.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 21 is provided at paragraph (12)(iii) of this entry

(27) Unit 22: Upper Mojave River Basin, San Bernardino County, California.

(i) Subunit 22a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Cajon, Silverwood Lake, Lake Arrowhead and Butler Peak, land bounded by the following UTM coordinates (E, N): 478323, 3800176; 478263, 3800176; 478263, 3800146; 478323, 3800146; 478323, 3800176; 478383, 3800176; 478383, 3800206; 478473, 3800206; 478473, 3800236; 478503, 3800236; 478503, 3800266; 478563, 3800266; 478563, 3800296; 478623, 3800296; 478623, 3800326; 478743, 3800326; 478743, 3800356; 478773, 3800356; 478773, 3800386; 478803, 3800386; 478803, 3800416; 478833, 3800416; 478833, 3800446; 478863, 3800446; 478863, 3800476; 478923, 3800476; 478923, 3800506; 479073, 3800506; 479073, 3800476; 479103, 3800476; 479103, 3800446; 479133, 3800446; 479133, 3800416; 479163, 3800416; 479163, 3800386; 479193, 3800386; 479193, 3800326; 479223, 3800326; 479223, 3800146; 479253, 3800146; 479253, 3800056; 479283, 3800056; 479283, 3800026; 479313, 3800026; 479313, 3799996; 479373, 3799996; 479373, 3800056; 479403, 3800056; 479403, 3800116; 479433, 3800116; 479433, 3800206; 479463, 3800206; 479463, 3800236; 479523, 3800236; 479523, 3800266; 479583, 3800266; 479583, 3800296; 479763, 3800296; 479763, 3800266; 479793, 3800266; 479793, 3800236; 479823, 3800236; 479823, 3800176; 479853, 3800176; 479853, 3800146; 479883, 3800146; 479883, 3800116; 479973, 3800116; 479973, 3800146; 480003, 3800146; 480003, 3800176; 480093, 3800176; 480093, 3800206; 480423, 3800206; 480423, 3800176; 480513, 3800176; 480513, 3800146; 480543, 3800146; 480543, 3800116; 480603, 3800116; 480603, 3800086; 480633, 3800086; 480633, 3800056; 480663, 3800056; 480663, 3800026; 480783, 3800026; 480783, 3800056; 480843, 3800056; 480843, 3800086; 480903, 3800086; 480903, 3800116; 480933, 3800116; 480933, 3800146; 480993, 3800146; 480993, 3800176; 481113, 3800176; 481113, 3800206; 481323, 3800206; 481323, 3800236; 481383, 3800236; 481383, 3800266; 481413, 3800266; 481413, 3800296; 481443, 3800296; 481443, 3800266; 481533, 3800266; 481533, 3800296; 481593, 3800296; 481593, 3800326; 481803, 3800326; 481803, 3800296; 481863, 3800296; 481863, 3800266; 481893, 3800266; 481893, 3800296; 481923, 3800296; 481923, 3800326; 481953, 3800326; 481953, 3800446; 481983, 3800446; 481983, 3800476; 482013, 3800476; 482013, 3800506; 482163, 3800506; 482163, 3800476; 482223, 3800476; 482223, 3800416; 482283, 3800416; 482283, 3800356; 482313, 3800356; 482313, 3800326; 482373, 3800326; 482373, 3800296; 482403, 3800296; 482403, 3800266; 482433, 3800266; 482433, 3800236; 482463, 3800236; 482463, 3800206; 482493, 3800206; 482493, 3800236; 482583, 3800236; 482583, 3800266; 482643, 3800266; 482643, 3800296; 482733, 3800296; 482733, 3800266; 482793, 3800266; 482793, 3800236; 482823, 3800236; 482823, 3800206; 482853, 3800206; 482853, 3800176; 482883, 3800176; 482883, 3800146; 482913, 3800146; 482913, 3800116; 483063, 3800116; 483063, 3800146; 483123, 3800146; 483123, 3800176; 483153, 3800176; 483153, 3800296; 483183, 3800296; 483183, 3800326; 483333, 3800326; 483333, 3800296; 483363, 3800296; 483363, 3800266; 483393, 3800266; 483393, 3800236; 483423, 3800236; 483423, 3800206; 483453, 3800206; 483453, 3800026; 483483, 3800026; 483483, 3799906; 483573, 3799906; 483573, 3799966; 483603, 3799966; 483603, 3800176; 483633, 3800176; 483633, 3800236; 483693, 3800236; 483693, 3800266; 483753, 3800266; 483753, 3800296; 483813, 3800296; 483813, 3800326; 483903, 3800326; 483903, 3800296; 483933, 3800296; 483933, 3800266; 483963, 3800266; 483963, 3800236; 483993, 3800236; 483993, 3800146; 484053, 3800146; 484053, 3800116; 484263, 3800116; 484263, 3800146; 484323, 3800146; 484323, 3800116; 484443, 3800116; 484443, 3800086; 484473, 3800086; 484473, 3800056; 484443, 3800056; 484443, 3800026; 484473, 3800026; 484473, 3799816; 484533, 3799816; 484533, 3799786; 484653, 3799786; 484653, 3799816; 484773, 3799816; 484773, 3799786; 484803, 3799786; 484803, 3799726; 484833, 3799726; 484833, 3799696; 484863, 3799696; 484863, 3799666; 484893, 3799666; 484893, 3799636; 484983, 3799636; 484983, 3799606; 485193, 3799606; 485193, 3799546; 485163, 3799546; 485163, 3799516; 485193, 3799516; 485193, 3799486; 485223, 3799486; 485223, 3799456; 485253, 3799456; 485253, 3799426; 485313, 3799426; 485313, 3799396; 485343, 3799396; 485343, 3799366; 485373, 3799366; 485373, 3799336; 485403, 3799336; 485403, 3799246; 485433, 3799246; 485433, 3799126; 485403, 3799126; 485403, 3799096; 485373, 3799096; 485373, 3799066; 485343, 3799066; 485343, 3799036; 485313, 3799036; 485313, 3799006; 485283, 3799006; 485283, 3798946; 485253, 3798946; 485253, 3798886; 485283, 3798886; 485283, 3798796; 485313, 3798796; 485313, 3798766; 485343, 3798766; 485343, 3798736; 485373, 3798736; 485373, 3798706; 485433, 3798706; 485433, 3798646; 485463, 3798646; 485463, 3798586; 485493, 3798586; 485493, 3798556; 485523, 3798556; 485523, 3798526; 485583, 3798526; 485583, 3798496; 485733, 3798496; 485733, 3798466; 485943, 3798466; 485943, 3798436; 486003, 3798436; 486003, 3798406; 486033, 3798406; 486033, 3798316; 486063, 3798316; 486063, 3798256; 486123, 3798256; 486123, 3798286; 486153, 3798286; 486153, 3798316; 486183, 3798316; 486183, 3798376; 486213, 3798376; 486213, 3798406; 486273, 3798406; 486273, 3798436; 486303, 3798436; 486303, 3798466; 486363, 3798466; 486363, 3798496; 486543, 3798496; 486543, 3798466; 486573, 3798466; 486573, 3798436; 486633, 3798436; 486633, 3798376; 486663, 3798376; 486663, 3798316; 486693, 3798316; 486693, 3798286; 486723, 3798286; 486723, 3798256; 486783, 3798256; 486783, 3798226; 486813, 3798226; 486813, 3798166; 486843, 3798166; 486843, 3798106; 486873, 3798106; 486873, 3797986; 486843, 3797986; 486843, 3797956; 486813, 3797956; 486813, 3797926; 486783, 3797926; 486783, 3797716; 486813, 3797716; 486813, 3797656; 486843, 3797656; 486843, 3797626; 486873, 3797626; 486873, 3797596; 486903, 3797596; 486903, 3797566; 486963, 3797566; 486963, 3797536; 487023, 3797536; 487023, 3797506; 487083, 3797506; 487083, 3797476; 487143, 3797476; 487143, 3797446; 487263, 3797446; 487263, 3797416; 487323, 3797416; 487323, 3797386; 487353, 3797386; 487353, 3797326; 487383, 3797326; 487383, 3797296; 487413, 3797296; 487413, 3797266; 487473, 3797266; 487473, 3797236; 487443, 3797236; 487443, 3797206; 487353, 3797206; 487353, 3797176; 487323, 3797176; 487323, 3797146; 487293, 3797146; 487293, 3797116; 487263, 3797116; 487263, 3797026; 487293, 3797026; 487293, 3796996; 487323, 3796996; 487323, 3796906; 487353, 3796906; 487353, 3796816; 487383, 3796816; 487383, 3796756; 487413, 3796756; 487413, 3796546; 487383, 3796546; 487383, 3796516; 487353, 3796516; 487353, 3796486; 487293, 3796486; 487293, 3796426; 487263, 3796426; 487263, 3796396; 487293, 3796396; 487293, 3796366; 487383, 3796366; 487383, 3796336; 487533, 3796336; 487533, 3796306; 487593, 3796306; 487593, 3796276; 487623, 3796276; 487623, 3796246; 487653, 3796246; 487653, 3796216; 487863, 3796216; 487863, 3796186; 487893, 3796186; 487893, 3796156; 487953, 3796156; 487953, 3796126; 487983, 3796126; 487983, 3796096; 488013, 3796096; 488013, 3796066; 488043, 3796066; 488043, 3795916; 488073, 3795916; 488073, 3795886; 488193, 3795886; 488193, 3795796; 488223, 3795796; 488223, 3795706; 488253, 3795706; 488253, 3795676; 488283, 3795676; 488283, 3795646; 488343, 3795646; 488343, 3795616; 488373, 3795616; 488373, 3795646; 488433, 3795646; 488433, 3795616; 488553, 3795616; 488553, 3795586; 488583, 3795586; 488583, 3795556; 488613, 3795556; 488613, 3795526; 488643, 3795526; 488643, 3795406; 488673, 3795406; 488673, 3795196; 488643, 3795196; 488643, 3795016; 488583, 3795016; 488583, 3794986; 488553, 3794986; 488553, 3794956; 488523, 3794956; 488523, 3794866; 488493, 3794866; 488493, 3794836; 488463, 3794836; 488463, 3794746; 488493, 3794746; 488493, 3794686; 488463, 3794686; 488463, 3794596; 488433, 3794596; 488433, 3794506; 488403, 3794506; 488403, 3794476; 488373, 3794476; 488373, 3794446; 488343, 3794446; 488343, 3794416; 488283, 3794416; 488283, 3794386; 488253, 3794386; 488253, 3794356; 488283, 3794356; 488283, 3794326; 488313, 3794326; 488313, 3794296; 488343, 3794296; 488343, 3794236; 488373, 3794236; 488373, 3794206; 488403, 3794206; 488403, 3794086; 488433, 3794086; 488433, 3794056; 488403, 3794056; 488403, 3794026; 488343, 3794026; 488343, 3793996; 488313, 3793996; 488313, 3794086; 488283, 3794086; 488283, 3794146; 488253, 3794146; 488253, 3794176; 488223, 3794176; 488223, 3794206; 488193, 3794206; 488193, 3794236; 488133, 3794236; 488133, 3794356; 488103, 3794356; 488103, 3794386; 488133, 3794386; 488133, 3794476; 488163, 3794476; 488163, 3794506; 488223, 3794506; 488223, 3794536; 488253, 3794536; 488253, 3794566; 488283, 3794566; 488283, 3794656; 488313, 3794656; 488313, 3794686; 488343, 3794686; 488343, 3794896; 488373, 3794896; 488373, 3794956; 488403, 3794956; 488403, 3794986; 488433, 3794986; 488433, 3795016; 488463, 3795016; 488463, 3795076; 488493, 3795076; 488493, 3795226; 488463, 3795226; 488463, 3795256; 488433, 3795256; 488433, 3795286; 488403, 3795286; 488403, 3795316; 488373, 3795316; 488373, 3795346; 488403, 3795346; 488403, 3795376; 488433, 3795376; 488433, 3795436; 488463, 3795436; 488463, 3795496; 488313, 3795496; 488313, 3795466; 488223, 3795466; 488223, 3795496; 488163, 3795496; 488163, 3795526; 488133, 3795526; 488133, 3795556; 488103, 3795556; 488103, 3795616; 488073, 3795616; 488073, 3795736; 488043, 3795736; 488043, 3795796; 487983, 3795796; 487983, 3795826; 487953, 3795826; 487953, 3795976; 487923, 3795976; 487923, 3796036; 487893, 3796036; 487893, 3796066; 487833, 3796066; 487833, 3796036; 487623, 3796036; 487623, 3796066; 487593, 3796066; 487593, 3796096; 487563, 3796096; 487563, 3796156; 487533, 3796156; 487533, 3796186; 487503, 3796186; 487503, 3796216; 487353, 3796216; 487353, 3796246; 487293, 3796246; 487293, 3796276; 487173, 3796276; 487173, 3796336; 487143, 3796336; 487143, 3796456; 487173, 3796456; 487173, 3796516; 487203, 3796516; 487203, 3796576; 487293, 3796576; 487293, 3796636; 487323, 3796636; 487323, 3796696; 487293, 3796696; 487293, 3796756; 487263, 3796756; 487263, 3796816; 487233, 3796816; 487233, 3796936; 487203, 3796936; 487203, 3796966; 487173, 3796966; 487173, 3796996; 487143, 3796996; 487143, 3797176; 487173, 3797176; 487173, 3797236; 487203, 3797236; 487203, 3797296; 487173, 3797296; 487173, 3797326; 487053, 3797326; 487053, 3797386; 486963, 3797386; 486963, 3797416; 486903, 3797416; 486903, 3797446; 486843, 3797446; 486843, 3797476; 486813, 3797476; 486813, 3797506; 486753, 3797506; 486753, 3797536; 486693, 3797536; 486693, 3797596; 486663, 3797596; 486663, 3797626; 486633, 3797626; 486633, 3797656; 486603, 3797656; 486603, 3797686; 486573, 3797686; 486573, 3797716; 486543, 3797716; 486543, 3797836; 486513, 3797836; 486513, 3797956; 486543, 3797956; 486543, 3798016; 486603, 3798016; 486603, 3798046; 486663, 3798046; 486663, 3798076; 486723, 3798076; 486723, 3798106; 486693, 3798106; 486693, 3798136; 486663, 3798136; 486663, 3798166; 486633, 3798166; 486633, 3798196; 486603, 3798196; 486603, 3798226; 486573, 3798226; 486573, 3798256; 486543, 3798256; 486543, 3798286; 486513, 3798286; 486513, 3798316; 486483, 3798316; 486483, 3798346; 486363, 3798346; 486363, 3798316; 486333, 3798316; 486333, 3798286; 486303, 3798286; 486303, 3798256; 486273, 3798256; 486273, 3798226; 486243, 3798226; 486243, 3798196; 486213, 3798196; 486213, 3798166; 486183, 3798166; 486183, 3798106; 486153, 3798106; 486153, 3798076; 486123, 3798076; 486123, 3798046; 486063, 3798046; 486063, 3798016; 486003, 3798016; 486003, 3798106; 485973, 3798106; 485973, 3798166; 485943, 3798166; 485943, 3798256; 485913, 3798256; 485913, 3798316; 485523, 3798316; 485523, 3798346; 485493, 3798346; 485493, 3798376; 485463, 3798376; 485463, 3798406; 485433, 3798406; 485433, 3798436; 485373, 3798436; 485373, 3798466; 485343, 3798466; 485343, 3798496; 485313, 3798496; 485313, 3798526; 485283, 3798526; 485283, 3798556; 485253, 3798556; 485253, 3798586; 485223, 3798586; 485223, 3798646; 485193, 3798646; 485193, 3798676; 485163, 3798676; 485163, 3798736; 485133, 3798736; 485133, 3798766; 485103, 3798766; 485103, 3798796; 485043, 3798796; 485043, 3798826; 484953, 3798826; 484953, 3798856; 484983, 3798856; 484983, 3798886; 485013, 3798886; 485013, 3798916; 485043, 3798916; 485043, 3798946; 485073, 3798946; 485073, 3799096; 485103, 3799096; 485103, 3799126; 485133, 3799126; 485133, 3799156; 485193, 3799156; 485193, 3799186; 485223, 3799186; 485223, 3799216; 485253, 3799216; 485253, 3799276; 485223, 3799276; 485223, 3799306; 485193, 3799306; 485193, 3799336; 485103, 3799336; 485103, 3799396; 485073, 3799396; 485073, 3799426; 485043, 3799426; 485043, 3799456; 485013, 3799456; 485013, 3799486; 484923, 3799486; 484923, 3799516; 484863, 3799516; 484863, 3799546; 484773, 3799546; 484773, 3799576; 484743, 3799576; 484743, 3799636; 484713, 3799636; 484713, 3799666; 484473, 3799666; 484473, 3799696; 484413, 3799696; 484413, 3799726; 484383, 3799726; 484383, 3799756; 484353, 3799756; 484353, 3799786; 484323, 3799786; 484323, 3799846; 484293, 3799846; 484293, 3799876; 484263, 3799876; 484263, 3799936; 484233, 3799936; 484233, 3799966; 484143, 3799966; 484143, 3799936; 484113, 3799936; 484113, 3799966; 484083, 3799966; 484083, 3799936; 484053, 3799936; 484053, 3799966; 483993, 3799966; 483993, 3799996; 483963, 3799996; 483963, 3800026; 483933, 3800026; 483933, 3800056; 483903, 3800056; 483903, 3800116; 483873, 3800116; 483873, 3800176; 483813, 3800176; 483813, 3800146; 483723, 3800146; 483723, 3800026; 483753, 3800026; 483753, 3799936; 483783, 3799936; 483783, 3799876; 483813, 3799876; 483813, 3799816; 483783, 3799816; 483783, 3799786; 483753, 3799786; 483753, 3799756; 483693, 3799756; 483693, 3799726; 483543, 3799726; 483543, 3799756; 483423, 3799756; 483423, 3799816; 483393, 3799816; 483393, 3799876; 483363, 3799876; 483363, 3800086; 483333, 3800086; 483333, 3800146; 483303, 3800146; 483303, 3800176; 483243, 3800176; 483243, 3800086; 483183, 3800086; 483183, 3800056; 483123, 3800056; 483123, 3800026; 483063, 3800026; 483063, 3799996; 482913, 3799996; 482913, 3799966; 482883, 3799966; 482883, 3799996; 482823, 3799996; 482823, 3800026; 482793, 3800026; 482793, 3800056; 482733, 3800056; 482733, 3800086; 482703, 3800086; 482703, 3800116; 482673, 3800116; 482673, 3800146; 482613, 3800146; 482613, 3800116; 482583, 3800116; 482583, 3800086; 482553, 3800086; 482553, 3799936; 482583, 3799936; 482583, 3799876; 482553, 3799876; 482553, 3799846; 482523, 3799846; 482523, 3799816; 482493, 3799816; 482493, 3799786; 482433, 3799786; 482433, 3799606; 482403, 3799606; 482403, 3799576; 482433, 3799576; 482433, 3799516; 482463, 3799516; 482463, 3799426; 482493, 3799426; 482493, 3799156; 482523, 3799156; 482523, 3799066; 482493, 3799066; 482493, 3799006; 482523, 3799006; 482523, 3798976; 482553, 3798976; 482553, 3798826; 482583, 3798826; 482583, 3798796; 482553, 3798796; 482553, 3798676; 482583, 3798676; 482583, 3798646; 482553, 3798646; 482553, 3798466; 482463, 3798466; 482463, 3798346; 482493, 3798346; 482493, 3798316; 482463, 3798316; 482463, 3798256; 482433, 3798256; 482433, 3798046; 482403, 3798046; 482403, 3797986; 482373, 3797986; 482373, 3797926; 482313, 3797926; 482313, 3797896; 482283, 3797896; 482283, 3797776; 482253, 3797776; 482253, 3797686; 482223, 3797686; 482223, 3797656; 482193, 3797656; 482193, 3797626; 482223, 3797626; 482223, 3797566; 482163, 3797566; 482163, 3797596; 482103, 3797596; 482103, 3797536; 482163, 3797536; 482163, 3797506; 482193, 3797506; 482193, 3797446; 482163, 3797446; 482163, 3797266; 482133, 3797266; 482133, 3797206; 481983, 3797206; 481983, 3797176; 481953, 3797176; 481953, 3797146; 481923, 3797146; 481923, 3797116; 481833, 3797116; 481833, 3797056; 481803, 3797056; 481803, 3797026; 481773, 3797026; 481773, 3796936; 481743, 3796936; 481743, 3796846; 481713, 3796846; 481713, 3796786; 481683, 3796786; 481683, 3796726; 481653, 3796726; 481653, 3796666; 481623, 3796666; 481623, 3796546; 481593, 3796546; 481593, 3796516; 481563, 3796516; 481563, 3796456; 481533, 3796456; 481533, 3796396; 481503, 3796396; 481503, 3796366; 481473, 3796366; 481473, 3796396; 481413, 3796396; 481413, 3796456; 481383, 3796456; 481383, 3796546; 481353, 3796546; 481353, 3796666; 481323, 3796666; 481323, 3796726; 481293, 3796726; 481293, 3796786; 481323, 3796786; 481323, 3796846; 481293, 3796846; 481293, 3796876; 481233, 3796876; 481233, 3796906; 481173, 3796906; 481173, 3796936; 481143, 3796936; 481143, 3796966; 481083, 3796966; 481083, 3796996; 480963, 3796996; 480963, 3797026; 480933, 3797026; 480933, 3797056; 480963, 3797056; 480963, 3797086; 481053, 3797086; 481053, 3797116; 481083, 3797116; 481083, 3797086; 481113, 3797086; 481113, 3797056; 481203, 3797056; 481203, 3797026; 481293, 3797026; 481293, 3797056; 481323, 3797056; 481323, 3797086; 481353, 3797086; 481353, 3797326; 481383, 3797326; 481383, 3797386; 481323, 3797386; 481323, 3797506; 481353, 3797506; 481353, 3797536; 481383, 3797536; 481383, 3797596; 481473, 3797596; 481473, 3797566; 481533, 3797566; 481533, 3797596; 481563, 3797596; 481563, 3797626; 481593, 3797626; 481593, 3797686; 481623, 3797686; 481623, 3797716; 481683, 3797716; 481683, 3797836; 481653, 3797836; 481653, 3797956; 481683, 3797956; 481683, 3797986; 481713, 3797986; 481713, 3797956; 481773, 3797956; 481773, 3797926; 481863, 3797926; 481863, 3797956; 481923, 3797956; 481923, 3798016; 481953, 3798016; 481953, 3797926; 482043, 3797926; 482043, 3797896; 482073, 3797896; 482073, 3797776; 482103, 3797776; 482103, 3797806; 482133, 3797806; 482133, 3797896; 482163, 3797896; 482163, 3797986; 482193, 3797986; 482193, 3798016; 482223, 3798016; 482223, 3798046; 482283, 3798046; 482283, 3798106; 482313, 3798106; 482313, 3798226; 482283, 3798226; 482283, 3798466; 482313, 3798466; 482313, 3798526; 482343, 3798526; 482343, 3798556; 482373, 3798556; 482373, 3798736; 482403, 3798736; 482403, 3798796; 482433, 3798796; 482433, 3798886; 482403, 3798886; 482403, 3798946; 482373, 3798946; 482373, 3799006; 482403, 3799006; 482403, 3799036; 482373, 3799036; 482373, 3799216; 482403, 3799216; 482403, 3799306; 482373, 3799306; 482373, 3799426; 482343, 3799426; 482343, 3799546; 482313, 3799546; 482313, 3799726; 482343, 3799726; 482343, 3799756; 482313, 3799756; 482313, 3799786; 482343, 3799786; 482343, 3799846; 482373, 3799846; 482373, 3799876; 482433, 3799876; 482433, 3799966; 482403, 3799966; 482403, 3800056; 482373, 3800056; 482373, 3800086; 482343, 3800086; 482343, 3800176; 482313, 3800176; 482313, 3800206; 482283, 3800206; 482283, 3800236; 482223, 3800236; 482223, 3800266; 482193, 3800266; 482193, 3800296; 482163, 3800296; 482163, 3800326; 482133, 3800326; 482133, 3800386; 482073, 3800386; 482073, 3800296; 482043, 3800296; 482043, 3800206; 482013, 3800206; 482013, 3800176; 481983, 3800176; 481983, 3800146; 481923, 3800146; 481923, 3800116; 481833, 3800116; 481833, 3800146; 481803, 3800146; 481803, 3800176; 481743, 3800176; 481743, 3800206; 481683, 3800206; 481683, 3800176; 481593, 3800176; 481593, 3800146; 481533, 3800146; 481533, 3800116; 481233, 3800116; 481233, 3800086; 481203, 3800086; 481203, 3800056; 481173, 3800056; 481173, 3800026; 481143, 3800026; 481143, 3799996; 481113, 3799996; 481113, 3800026; 481023, 3800026; 481023, 3799996; 480963, 3799996; 480963, 3799966; 480903, 3799966; 480903, 3799936; 480873, 3799936; 480873, 3799906; 480813, 3799906; 480813, 3799876; 480753, 3799876; 480753, 3799906; 480603, 3799906; 480603, 3799936; 480573, 3799936; 480573, 3799966; 480543, 3799966; 480543, 3799996; 480513, 3799996; 480513, 3800026; 480483, 3800026; 480483, 3800056; 480363, 3800056; 480363, 3800086; 480333, 3800086; 480333, 3800056; 480273, 3800056; 480273, 3800026; 480153, 3800026; 480153, 3799996; 480123, 3799996; 480123, 3799966; 480063, 3799966; 480063, 3799936; 479853, 3799936; 479853, 3799966; 479823, 3799966; 479823, 3799996; 479763, 3799996; 479763, 3800056; 479733, 3800056; 479733, 3800116; 479703, 3800116; 479703, 3800146; 479553, 3800146; 479553, 3800086; 479523, 3800086; 479523, 3799996; 479493, 3799996; 479493, 3799936; 479523, 3799936; 479523, 3799906; 479553, 3799906; 479553, 3799846; 479463, 3799846; 479463, 3799816; 479433, 3799816; 479433, 3799786; 479403, 3799786; 479403, 3799756; 479373, 3799756; 479373, 3799726; 479343, 3799726; 479343, 3799696; 479313, 3799696; 479313, 3799726; 479253, 3799726; 479253, 3799786; 479223, 3799786; 479223, 3799816; 479193, 3799816; 479193, 3799846; 479163, 3799846; 479163, 3799906; 479133, 3799906; 479133, 3800086; 479103, 3800086; 479103, 3800236; 479073, 3800236; 479073, 3800266; 479043, 3800266; 479043, 3800296; 478983, 3800296; 478983, 3800236; 478953, 3800236; 478953, 3800206; 478923, 3800206; 478923, 3800086; 478893, 3800086; 478893, 3800056; 478683, 3800056; 478683, 3800086; 478653, 3800086; 478653, 3800056; 478593, 3800056; 478593, 3800026; 478503, 3800026; 478503, 3799996; 478443, 3799996; 478443, 3799966; 478413, 3799966; 478413, 3799936; 478353, 3799936; 478353, 3799966; 478113, 3799966; 478113, 3799936; 477933, 3799936; 477933, 3799906; 477903, 3799906; 477903, 3799876; 477723, 3799876; 477723, 3799906; 477693, 3799906; 477693, 3799876; 477633, 3799876; 477633, 3799846; 477603, 3799846; 477603, 3799816; 477573, 3799816; 477573, 3799786; 477543, 3799786; 477543, 3799756; 477513, 3799756; 477513, 3799696; 477483, 3799696; 477483, 3799666; 477423, 3799666; 477423, 3799636; 477363, 3799636; 477363, 3799606; 477273, 3799606; 477273, 3799576; 477243, 3799576; 477243, 3799456; 477213, 3799456; 477213, 3799396; 477183, 3799396; 477183, 3799336; 477123, 3799336; 477123, 3799306; 477093, 3799306; 477093, 3799216; 477063, 3799216; 477063, 3799156; 477003, 3799156; 477003, 3799186; 476973, 3799186; 476973, 3799216; 476913, 3799216; 476913, 3799246; 476823, 3799246; 476823, 3799216; 476793, 3799216; 476793, 3799186; 476763, 3799186; 476763, 3799156; 476733, 3799156; 476733, 3799216; 476703, 3799216; 476703, 3799306; 476673, 3799306; 476673, 3799366; 476643, 3799366; 476643, 3799396; 476523, 3799396; 476523, 3799366; 476463, 3799366; 476463, 3799396; 476433, 3799396; 476433, 3799336; 476403, 3799336; 476403, 3799276; 476373, 3799276; 476373, 3799216; 476343, 3799216; 476343, 3799156; 476313, 3799156; 476313, 3799126; 476253, 3799126; 476253, 3799276; 476133, 3799276; 476133, 3799306; 476103, 3799306; 476103, 3799276; 476043, 3799276; 476043, 3799306; 476013, 3799306; 476013, 3799336; 475983, 3799336; 475983, 3799366; 475893, 3799366; 475893, 3799336; 475863, 3799336; 475863, 3799306; 475412, 3799303; 475384, 3799122; 475392, 3798424; 475393, 3798365; 475395, 3798344; 475565, 3797970; 475611, 3797843; 475886, 3797689; 475892, 3797686; 475923, 3797686; 475923, 3797656; 475953, 3797656; 475953, 3797626; 475983, 3797626; 475983, 3797506; 475953, 3797506; 475953, 3797476; 475923, 3797476; 475923, 3797446; 475803, 3797446; 475803, 3797401; 475803, 3797386; 475773, 3797386; 475773, 3797356; 475743, 3797356; 475743, 3797386; 475653, 3797386; 475653, 3797401; 475653, 3797446; 475623, 3797446; 475623, 3797476; 475593, 3797476; 475593, 3797506; 475443, 3797506; 475443, 3797476; 475413, 3797476; 475413, 3797416; 475383, 3797416; 475383, 3797236; 475413, 3797236; 475413, 3797206; 475443, 3797206; 475443, 3797116; 475473, 3797116; 475473, 3797086; 475443, 3797086; 475443, 3797056; 475353, 3797056; 475353, 3797086; 475323, 3797086; 475323, 3797146; 475233, 3797146; 475233, 3797176; 475203, 3797176; 475203, 3797206; 475173, 3797206; 475173, 3797296; 475143, 3797296; 475143, 3797326; 475113, 3797326; 475113, 3797236; 475143, 3797236; 475143, 3797206; 475113, 3797206; 475113, 3797176; 475053, 3797176; 475053, 3797146; 474993, 3797146; 474993, 3797086; 474963, 3797086; 474963, 3797056; 474933, 3797056; 474933, 3797026; 474843, 3797026; 474843, 3797086; 474873, 3797086; 474873, 3797146; 474903, 3797146; 474903, 3797236; 474723, 3797236; 474723, 3797266; 474717, 3797266; 474693, 3797266; 474693, 3797386; 474663, 3797386; 474663, 3797416; 474633, 3797416; 474633, 3797446; 474603, 3797446; 474603, 3797476; 474590, 3797476; 474573, 3797476; 474573, 3797506; 474543, 3797506; 474543, 3797596; 474573, 3797596; 474573, 3797626; 474590, 3797626; 474603, 3797626; 474603, 3797656; 474633, 3797656; 474633, 3797686; 474693, 3797686; 474693, 3797746; 474723, 3797746; 474723, 3797806; 474693, 3797806; 474693, 3797836; 474663, 3797836; 474663, 3797866; 474633, 3797866; 474633, 3797896; 474603, 3797896; 474603, 3797986; 474591, 3797986; 474573, 3797986; 474573, 3798016; 474543, 3798016; 474543, 3798046; 474513, 3798046; 474513, 3798076; 474483, 3798076; 474483, 3798106; 474393, 3798106; 474393, 3798136; 474333, 3798136; 474333, 3798166; 474183, 3798166; 474183, 3798196; 474153, 3798196; 474153, 3798226; 474123, 3798226; 474123, 3798256; 474093, 3798256; 474093, 3798226; 474063, 3798226; 474063, 3798046; 474093, 3798046; 474093, 3797986; 474123, 3797986; 474123, 3797896; 474153, 3797896; 474153, 3797836; 474213, 3797836; 474213, 3797746; 474243, 3797746; 474243, 3797686; 474273, 3797686; 474273, 3797656; 474303, 3797656; 474303, 3797596; 474333, 3797596; 474333, 3797536; 474363, 3797536; 474363, 3797476; 474333, 3797476; 474333, 3797416; 474213, 3797416; 474213, 3797446; 474033, 3797446; 474033, 3797416; 473913, 3797416; 473913, 3797476; 473823, 3797476; 473823, 3797386; 473793, 3797386; 473793, 3797356; 473733, 3797356; 473733, 3797326; 473703, 3797326; 473703, 3797356; 473673, 3797356; 473673, 3797446; 473673, 3797506; 473696, 3797506; 473703, 3797506; 473703, 3797570; 473703, 3797596; 473553, 3797596; 473553, 3797566; 473433, 3797566; 473433, 3797536; 473403, 3797536; 473403, 3797506; 473373, 3797506; 473373, 3797386; 473403, 3797386; 473403, 3797356; 473433, 3797356; 473433, 3797176; 473403, 3797176; 473403, 3797116; 473373, 3797116; 473373, 3797086; 473343, 3797086; 473343, 3797056; 473313, 3797056; 473313, 3797026; 473253, 3797026; 473253, 3796999; 473253, 3796996; 473245, 3796996; 473223, 3796996; 473223, 3796987; 473223, 3796966; 473193, 3796966; 473193, 3796936; 473163, 3796936; 473163, 3796906; 473103, 3796906; 473103, 3796876; 473073, 3796876; 473073, 3796846; 473043, 3796846; 473043, 3796816; 473019, 3796816; 472983, 3796816; 472983, 3796786; 472953, 3796786; 472953, 3796756; 472893, 3796756; 472893, 3796726; 472833, 3796726; 472833, 3796700; 472833, 3796696; 472773, 3796696; 472773, 3796666; 472683, 3796666; 472683, 3796636; 472623, 3796636; 472623, 3796606; 472533, 3796606; 472533, 3796576; 472443, 3796576; 472443, 3796546; 472293, 3796546; 472293, 3796516; 471753, 3796516; 471753, 3796486; 471723, 3796486; 471723, 3796456; 471693, 3796456; 471693, 3796426; 471662, 3796426; 471578, 3796412; 471549, 3796410; 471408, 3796402; 471265, 3796402; 471095, 3796423; 470867, 3796470; 470769, 3796494; 470768, 3796498; 470812, 3796631; 470759, 3796733; 470407, 3796733; 470399, 3796877; 470311, 3796874; 470135, 3796812; 470115, 3796781; 470021, 3796771; 469959, 3796694; 470059, 3796592; 470348, 3796592; 470251, 3796410; 470185, 3796374; 470059, 3796332; 469938, 3796317; 469814, 3796319; 469740, 3796312; 469474, 3796314; 469422, 3796251; 469145, 3796156; 468633, 3796156; 468633, 3796186; 468543, 3796186; 468543, 3796216; 468513, 3796216; 468513, 3796246; 468483, 3796246; 468483, 3796276; 468423, 3796276; 468423, 3796306; 468363, 3796306; 468363, 3796336; 468303, 3796336; 468303, 3796366; 468243, 3796366; 468243, 3796396; 468183, 3796396; 468183, 3796426; 468153, 3796426; 468153, 3796456; 468033, 3796456; 468033, 3796486; 467943, 3796486; 467943, 3796456; 467913, 3796456; 467913, 3796396; 467883, 3796396; 467883, 3796366; 467763, 3796366; 467763, 3796396; 467643, 3796396; 467643, 3796426; 467613, 3796426; 467613, 3796456; 467583, 3796456; 467583, 3796486; 467553, 3796486; 467553, 3796516; 467523, 3796516; 467523, 3796546; 467493, 3796546; 467493, 3796576; 467433, 3796576; 467433, 3796606; 467373, 3796606; 467373, 3796636; 467313, 3796636; 467313, 3796666; 467253, 3796666; 467253, 3796696; 467163, 3796696; 467163, 3796666; 467073, 3796666; 467073, 3796636; 466983, 3796636; 466983, 3796606; 466953, 3796606; 466953, 3796576; 466803, 3796576; 466803, 3796546; 466743, 3796546; 466743, 3796516; 466653, 3796516; 466653, 3796486; 466413, 3796486; 466413, 3796456; 466383, 3796456; 466383, 3796426; 466263, 3796426; 466263, 3796396; 466233, 3796396; 466233, 3796366; 466203, 3796366; 466203, 3796306; 466143, 3796306; 466143, 3796276; 465993, 3796276; 465993, 3796246; 465933, 3796246; 465933, 3796216; 465843, 3796216; 465843, 3796186; 465753, 3796186; 465753, 3796156; 465723, 3796156; 465723, 3796126; 465633, 3796126; 465633, 3796096; 465603, 3796096; 465603, 3796066; 465543, 3796066; 465543, 3796036; 465483, 3796036; 465483, 3795976; 465423, 3795976; 465423, 3795946; 465333, 3795946; 465333, 3796006; 465363, 3796006; 465363, 3796036; 465273, 3796036; 465273, 3796006; 465243, 3796006; 465243, 3795946; 465183, 3795946; 465183, 3795976; 465153, 3795976; 465153, 3796006; 465123, 3796006; 465123, 3795976; 465093, 3795976; 465093, 3796006; 465003, 3796006; 465003, 3796036; 464823, 3796036; 464823, 3796066; 464793, 3796066; 464793, 3796156; 464763, 3796156; 464763, 3796186; 464673, 3796186; 464673, 3796156; 464613, 3796156; 464613, 3796186; 464553, 3796186; 464553, 3796216; 464523, 3796216; 464523, 3796246; 464433, 3796246; 464433, 3796276; 464403, 3796276; 464403, 3796306; 464343, 3796306; 464343, 3796336; 464313, 3796336; 464313, 3796396; 464283, 3796396; 464283, 3796426; 464223, 3796426; 464223, 3796456; 464103, 3796456; 464103, 3796486; 464013, 3796486; 464013, 3796516; 463953, 3796516; 463953, 3796546; 463893, 3796546; 463893, 3796576; 463863, 3796576; 463863, 3796606; 463833, 3796606; 463833, 3796636; 463743, 3796636; 463743, 3796726; 463623, 3796726; 463623, 3796696; 463533, 3796696; 463533, 3796726; 463353, 3796726; 463353, 3796756; 463203, 3796756; 463203, 3796786; 463143, 3796786; 463143, 3796816; 463083, 3796816; 463083, 3796846; 462993, 3796846; 462993, 3796876; 462933, 3796876; 462933, 3796846; 462873, 3796846; 462873, 3796876; 462753, 3796876; 462753, 3796846; 462573, 3796846; 462573, 3796816; 462483, 3796816; 462483, 3796846; 462423, 3796846; 462423, 3796876; 462513, 3796876; 462513, 3796906; 462573, 3796906; 462573, 3796966; 462603, 3796966; 462603, 3796996; 462633, 3796996; 462633, 3797026; 462663, 3797026; 462663, 3797116; 462633, 3797116; 462633, 3797146; 462483, 3797146; 462483, 3797176; 462393, 3797176; 462393, 3797206; 462303, 3797206; 462303, 3797236; 462153, 3797236; 462153, 3797296; 462033, 3797296; 462033, 3797386; 462063, 3797386; 462063, 3797446; 462093, 3797446; 462093, 3797506; 462063, 3797506; 462063, 3797536; 461943, 3797536; 461943, 3797506; 461883, 3797506; 461883, 3797536; 461853, 3797536; 461853, 3797566; 461793, 3797566; 461793, 3797536; 461673, 3797536; 461673, 3797566; 461433, 3797566; 461433, 3797596; 461373, 3797596; 461373, 3797656; 461403, 3797656; 461403, 3797686; 461493, 3797686; 461493, 3797716; 461553, 3797716; 461553, 3797746; 461583, 3797746; 461583, 3797716; 461793, 3797716; 461793, 3797746; 461943, 3797746; 461943, 3797716; 462003, 3797716; 462003, 3797746; 462153, 3797746; 462153, 3797716; 462183, 3797716; 462183, 3797686; 462213, 3797686; 462213, 3797596; 462243, 3797596; 462243, 3797566; 462273, 3797566; 462273, 3797536; 462363, 3797536; 462363, 3797476; 462423, 3797476; 462423, 3797446; 462453, 3797446; 462453, 3797476; 462483, 3797476; 462483, 3797446; 462513, 3797446; 462513, 3797416; 462633, 3797416; 462633, 3797386; 462693, 3797386; 462693, 3797416; 462753, 3797416; 462753, 3797356; 462783, 3797356; 462783, 3797326; 462813, 3797326; 462813, 3797266; 462843, 3797266; 462843, 3797236; 462873, 3797236; 462873, 3797206; 462903, 3797206; 462903, 3797176; 462933, 3797176; 462933, 3797146; 462993, 3797146; 462993, 3797176; 463023, 3797176; 463023, 3797206; 463053, 3797206; 463053, 3797176; 463083, 3797176; 463083, 3797146; 463113, 3797146; 463113, 3797116; 463143, 3797116; 463143, 3797086; 463173, 3797086; 463173, 3797026; 463203, 3797026; 463203, 3796996; 463353, 3796996; 463353, 3796966; 463413, 3796966; 463413, 3796936; 463533, 3796936; 463533, 3796966; 463593, 3796966; 463593, 3796936; 463743, 3796936; 463743, 3796966; 463773, 3796966; 463773, 3796936; 463803, 3796936; 463803, 3796906; 463863, 3796906; 463863, 3796876; 463953, 3796876; 463953, 3796846; 464013, 3796846; 464013, 3796816; 464133, 3796816; 464133, 3796786; 464193, 3796786; 464193, 3796756; 464313, 3796756; 464313, 3796726; 464433, 3796726; 464433, 3796696; 464463, 3796696; 464463, 3796666; 464523, 3796666; 464523, 3796636; 464643, 3796636; 464643, 3796606; 464733, 3796606; 464733, 3796576; 464823, 3796576; 464823, 3796546; 464853, 3796546; 464853, 3796516; 464973, 3796516; 464973, 3796546; 465033, 3796546; 465033, 3796516; 465063, 3796516; 465063, 3796486; 465153, 3796486; 465153, 3796456; 465183, 3796456; 465183, 3796426; 465273, 3796426; 465273, 3796396; 465333, 3796396; 465333, 3796366; 465363, 3796366; 465363, 3796306; 465423, 3796306; 465423, 3796276; 465483, 3796276; 465483, 3796246; 465543, 3796246; 465543, 3796216; 465573, 3796216; 465573, 3796336; 465543, 3796336; 465543, 3796426; 465603, 3796426; 465603, 3796456; 465663, 3796456; 465663, 3796486; 465693, 3796486; 465693, 3796516; 465813, 3796516; 465813, 3796546; 465843, 3796546; 465843, 3796576; 465873, 3796576; 465873, 3796606; 465903, 3796606; 465903, 3796636; 465993, 3796636; 465993, 3796666; 465903, 3796666; 465903, 3796696; 465843, 3796696; 465843, 3796726; 465753, 3796726; 465753, 3796756; 465723, 3796756; 465723, 3796786; 465753, 3796786; 465753, 3796816; 465783, 3796816; 465783, 3796846; 465813, 3796846; 465813, 3796876; 465873, 3796876; 465873, 3796906; 465933, 3796906; 465933, 3796876; 466113, 3796876; 466113, 3796846; 466173, 3796846; 466173, 3796816; 466233, 3796816; 466233, 3796846; 466323, 3796846; 466323, 3796876; 466293, 3796876; 466293, 3796906; 466263, 3796906; 466263, 3796936; 466113, 3796936; 466113, 3796966; 465903, 3796966; 465903, 3796996; 465753, 3796996; 465753, 3797026; 465723, 3797026; 465723, 3797086; 465663, 3797086; 465663, 3797116; 465603, 3797116; 465603, 3797146; 465513, 3797146; 465513, 3797206; 465483, 3797206; 465483, 3797236; 465453, 3797236; 465453, 3797266; 465363, 3797266; 465363, 3797356; 465393, 3797356; 465393, 3797416; 465423, 3797416; 465423, 3797446; 465483, 3797446; 465483, 3797476; 465543, 3797476; 465543, 3797506; 465573, 3797506; 465573, 3797535; 465883, 3797470; 466092, 3797420; 466293, 3797383; 466569, 3797325; 466760, 3797279; 466967, 3797234; 467146, 3797193; 467227, 3797175; 467352, 3797146; 467350, 3796851; 467675, 3796756; 467662, 3797070; 467662, 3797078; 467773, 3797057; 467818, 3797048; 467966, 3797011; 468106, 3796899; 468130, 3796869; 468236, 3796862; 468310, 3796824; 468345, 3796798; 468454, 3796716; 468553, 3796713; 468553, 3796698; 468548, 3796431; 468665, 3796406; 468948, 3796562; 469047, 3796627; 469047, 3796696; 469047, 3796698; 469153, 3796760; 469155, 3796761; 469164, 3796766; 469342, 3796758; 469383, 3796846; 469623, 3796846; 469623, 3796876; 469683, 3796876; 469683, 3796906; 469743, 3796906; 469743, 3796966; 469776, 3796966; 469803, 3796966; 469803, 3796996; 469863, 3796996; 469863, 3797086; 469775, 3797086; 469773, 3797086; 469773, 3797116; 469743, 3797116; 469743, 3797146; 469653, 3797146; 469653, 3797176; 469713, 3797176; 469713, 3797206; 469653, 3797206; 469653, 3797236; 469623, 3797236; 469623, 3797296; 469563, 3797296; 469563, 3797326; 469533, 3797326; 469533, 3797356; 469473, 3797356; 469473, 3797386; 469443, 3797386; 469443, 3797416; 469383, 3797416; 469383, 3797446; 469323, 3797446; 469323, 3797476; 469383, 3797476; 469383, 3797506; 469413, 3797506; 469413, 3797536; 469443, 3797536; 469443, 3797566; 469503, 3797566; 469503, 3797626; 469533, 3797626; 469533, 3797716; 469593, 3797716; 469593, 3797686; 469623, 3797686; 469623, 3797656; 469713, 3797656; 469713, 3797686; 469770, 3797686; 469893, 3797686; 469893, 3797716; 469983, 3797716; 469983, 3797806; 469953, 3797806; 469953, 3797836; 469923, 3797836; 469923, 3797866; 469893, 3797866; 469893, 3797895; 469893, 3797896; 469923, 3797896; 469923, 3797926; 470013, 3797926; 470013, 3797956; 469953, 3797956; 469953, 3797986; 469893, 3797986; 469893, 3798016; 469803, 3798016; 469803, 3798046; 469773, 3798046; 469773, 3798076; 469767, 3798076; 469743, 3798076; 469743, 3798106; 469767, 3798106; 469893, 3798106; 469893, 3798136; 469923, 3798136; 469923, 3798226; 470043, 3798226; 470043, 3798196; 470163, 3798196; 470163, 3798226; 470223, 3798226; 470223, 3798297; 470223, 3798436; 470193, 3798436; 470193, 3798496; 470163, 3798496; 470163, 3798616; 470253, 3798616; 470253, 3798586; 470283, 3798586; 470283, 3798526; 470313, 3798526; 470313, 3798496; 470343, 3798496; 470343, 3798466; 470403, 3798466; 470403, 3798406; 470433, 3798406; 470433, 3798376; 470463, 3798376; 470463, 3798346; 470493, 3798346; 470493, 3798298; 470493, 3798286; 470523, 3798286; 470523, 3798226; 470553, 3798226; 470553, 3798196; 470583, 3798196; 470583, 3798226; 470613, 3798226; 470613, 3798196; 470645, 3798196; 470963, 3798300; 471034, 3798323; 471365, 3798318; 471468, 3798316; 471584, 3798495; 471873, 3799006; 472053, 3799006; 472053, 3799036; 472143, 3799036; 472143, 3799006; 472173, 3799006; 472173, 3798976; 472203, 3798976; 472203, 3798946; 472263, 3798946; 472263, 3798916; 472323, 3798916; 472323, 3798886; 472353, 3798886; 472353, 3798856; 472383, 3798856; 472383, 3798826; 472443, 3798826; 472443, 3798856; 472451, 3798856; 472473, 3798856; 472473, 3798886; 472503, 3798886; 472503, 3798916; 472743, 3798916; 472743, 3798946; 472893, 3798946; 472893, 3798976; 472923, 3798976; 472923, 3799006; 472953, 3799006; 472953, 3798976; 473073, 3798976; 473073, 3799006; 473193, 3799006; 473193, 3799036; 473264, 3799036; 473283, 3799036; 473283, 3799049; 473283, 3799066; 473308, 3799066; 473343, 3799066; 473343, 3799090; 473343, 3799096; 473352, 3799096; 473373, 3799096; 473373, 3799110; 473373, 3799126; 473403, 3799126; 473403, 3799156; 473433, 3799156; 473433, 3799186; 473493, 3799186; 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478023, 3800236; 478053, 3800236; 478053, 3800296; 478023, 3800296; 478023, 3800326; 477993, 3800326; 477993, 3800386; 477963, 3800386; 477963, 3800416; 477956, 3800423; 477607, 3800735; 477395, 3801178; 477400, 3801749; 477789, 3801753; 477948, 3801309; 478062, 3800926; 478164, 3800353; 478203, 3800297; 478203, 3800266; 478383, 3800266; 478383, 3800236; 478353, 3800236; 478353, 3800206; 478323, 3800206; returning to 478323, 3800176.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 22 is provided at paragraph (25)(iii) of this entry.

Houston Toad (Bufo houstonensis)

Texas: Areas of land, water, and airspace as follows:

(1) Bastrop County. From the junction of a line corresponding to 30°12′00″ N. and Texas State Highway 95 east along a line corresponding to 30°12′00″ N. to where it intersects a line corresponding to 97°7′30″ W. and south along a line corresponding to 97°7′30″ W. to where it intersects the Colorado River, west and northwest along the north bank of the Colorado River to the due southward extension of Texas State Highway 95, and north along that extension and Texas State Highway 95 to where it intersects a line corresponding to 30°12′00″ N.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

(2) Burleson County. A circular area with a 1-mile radius, the center being the north entrance to Lake Woodrow from Texas FM 2000.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Yosemite Toad (Anaxyrus canorus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alpine, Tuolumne, Mono, Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, and Inyo Counties, California, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Yosemite toad consist of two components:

(i) Aquatic breeding habitat.

(A) This habitat consists of bodies of fresh water, including wet meadows, slow-moving streams, shallow ponds, spring systems, and shallow areas of lakes, that:

(1) Are typically (or become) inundated during snowmelt;

(2) Hold water for a minimum of 5 weeks, but more typically 7 to 8 weeks; and

(3) Contain sufficient food for tadpole development.

(B) During periods of drought or less than average rainfall, these breeding sites may not hold surface water long enough for individual Yosemite toads to complete metamorphosis, but they are still considered essential breeding habitat because they provide habitat in most years.

(ii) Upland areas.

(A) This habitat consists of areas adjacent to or surrounding breeding habitat up to a distance of 1.25 kilometers (0.78 miles) in most cases (that is, depending on surrounding landscape and dispersal barriers), including seeps, springheads, talus and boulders, and areas that provide:

(1) Sufficient cover (including rodent burrows, logs, rocks, and other surface objects) to provide summer refugia,

(2) Foraging habitat,

(3) Adequate prey resources,

(4) Physical structure for predator avoidance,

(5) Overwintering refugia for juvenile and adult Yosemite toads,

(6) Dispersal corridors between aquatic breeding habitats,

(7) Dispersal corridors between breeding habitats and areas of suitable summer and winter refugia and foraging habitat, and/or

(8) The natural hydrologic regime of aquatic habitats (the catchment).

(B) These upland areas should also maintain sufficient water quality to provide for the various life stages of the Yosemite toad and its prey base.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries of designated critical habitat on September 26, 2016.

(4) Critical habitat map units. The critical habitat subunit maps were originally created using ESRI's ArcGIS Desktop 10 software and then exported as .emf files. All maps are in the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 10N. The California County Boundaries dataset (Teale Data Center), and the USA Minor Highways, USA Major Roads, and USA Rivers and Streams layers (ESRI's 2010 StreetMap Data) were incorporated as base layers to assist in the geographic location of the critical habitat subunits. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2012-0074, on our Internet site (, and at the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way Room W-2605, Sacramento, CA 95825.

(5) Index map for Yosemite toad critical habitat follows:

(6) Unit 1: Blue Lakes/Mokelumne, Alpine County, California. Map follows:

(7) Unit 2: Leavitt Lake/Emigrant, Alpine, Mono, and Tuolumne Counties, California. Map follows:

(8) Unit 3: Rogers Meadow, Mono and Tuolumne Counties, California. Map follows:

(9) Unit 4: Hoover Lakes, Mono and Tuolumne Counties, California. Map follows:

(10) Unit 5: Tuolumne Meadows/Cathedral, Madera, Mariposa, Mono, and Tuolumne Counties, California. Map follows:

(11) Unit 6: McSwain Meadows, Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties, California. Map follows:

(12) Unit 7: Porcupine Flat, Mariposa County, California. Map follows:

(13) Unit 8: Westfall Meadows, Mariposa County, California. Map follows:

(14) Unit 9: Triple Peak, Madera County, California. Map follows:

(15) Unit 10: Chilnualna, Madera and Mariposa Counties, California. Map follows:

(16) Unit 11: Iron Mountain, Madera County, California. Map follows:

(17) Unit 12: Silver Divide, Fresno, Inyo, Madera, and Mono Counties, California. Map follows:

(18) Unit 13: Humphrys Basin/Seven Gables, Fresno and Inyo Counties, California. Map follows:

(19) Unit 14: Kaiser/Dusy, Fresno County, California. Map follows:

(20) Unit 15: Upper Goddard Canyon, Fresno and Inyo Counties, California. Map follows:

(21) Unit 16: Round Corral Meadow, Fresno County, California. Map follows:

Black Warrior Waterdog (Necturus alabamensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Blount, Etowah, Jefferson, Lawrence, Marshall, Tuscaloosa, Walker, and Winston Counties, Alabama, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Black Warrior waterdog, which describe a riverine system with habitat to support all life-history stages of the Black Warrior waterdog, consists of the following components:

(i) Geomorphically stable, medium to large streams (typically 4 meters (m) (13 feet (ft)) wide or greater) with:

(A) Substrate consisting of clay or bedrock with little sand, and containing abundant rock crevices, rock slabs, and leaf packs;

(B) Moderate water velocity; and

(C) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates.

(ii) Water that lacks harmful levels of pollutants, including inorganic contaminants such as copper, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium; organic contaminants such as human and animal waste products; endocrine-disrupting chemicals; pesticides; nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus fertilizers; and petroleum distillates.

(iii) Appropriate water quality parameters to support Black Warrior waterdog and primary prey base, including:

(A) Water temperature not exceeding 85° F;

(B) Dissolved oxygen 5.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or greater;

(C) Turbidity of an average monthly reading of 15 nephelometric turbidity units above background readings;

(D) 115 mg/L of total suspended solids or less; and

(E) A specific conductance of no greater than 225 microsiemens (µS) per centimeter at 80 °F.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on February 2, 2018.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created from the USGS National Hydrography Datasets High Resolution Flowline layer using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16N coordinates. Segments were mapped using 1983 UTM Zone 16 projection. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2016-0031, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Yellow Creek; Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.

(i) General description: Unit 1 is approximately 30 rkm (19 rmi) of stream and river habitat from the headwaters of Yellow Creek to Holt Lake.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Locust Fork; Blount, Etowah, Jefferson, and Marshall Counties, Alabama.

(i) General description: Unit 2 is approximately 391 rkm (243 rmi) of stream and river habitat from the headwaters of Locust Fork to Bankhead Lake, from the headwaters of Slab Creek to the confluence of Locust Fork, from the headwaters of Blackburn Fork to the confluence of Locust Fork, and from the headwaters of Gurley Creek to the confluence of Locust Fork.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(9) Unit 3: Blackwater Creek; Walker and Winston Counties, Alabama.

(i) General description: Unit 3 consists of approximately 128 rkm (80 rmi) of stream and river habitat from the headwaters of Blackwater Creek to the confluence of Mulberry Fork, from the headwaters of Brown Creek to the confluence of Blackwater Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(10) Unit 4: Sipsey Fork; Lawrence and Winston Counties, Alabama.

(i) General description: Unit 4 consists of approximately 124 rkm (78 rmi) of stream and river habitat from the headwaters of Sipsey Fork to Lewis Smith Lake, from the headwaters of Brushy Creek to Lewis Smith Lake, from the headwaters of Rush Creek to the confluence of Brushy Creek, and from the headwaters of Capsey Creek to the confluence of Brushy Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Neuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Craven, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Greene, Halifax, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Nash, Orange, Person, Pitt, Wake, Warren, Wayne, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Neuse River waterdog consist of the following components:

(i) Suitable substrates and connected instream habitats, characterized by geomorphically stable stream channels and banks (i.e., channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with habitats that support a diversity of native aquatic fauna (such as stable riffle-run-pool habitats that provide flow refuges consisting of silt-free gravel, small cobble, coarse sand, and leaf litter substrates) as well as abundant cover and burrows used for nesting.

(ii) Adequate flows, or a hydrologic flow regime (which includes the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time), necessary to maintain instream habitats where the species is found and to maintain connectivity of streams with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the waterdog's habitat, food availability, and ample oxygenated flow for spawning and nesting habitat.

(iii) Water quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity, hardness, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia, heavy metals, and chemical constituents) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) Invertebrate and fish prey items, which are typically hellgrammites, crayfish, mayflies, earthworms, snails, beetles, centipedes, slugs, and small fish.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 9, 2021.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created by overlaying Natural Heritage Element Occurrence data and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic data for stream reaches. The hydrologic data used in the critical habitat maps were extracted from the USGS 1:1M scale nationwide hydrologic layer ( with a projection of EPSG:4269-NAD83 Geographic. The North Carolina Natural Heritage program's species presence data were used to select specific stream segments for inclusion in the critical habitat layer. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0092 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: TAR1-Upper Tar River, Granville County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 12.3 river miles (19.8 river kilometers) of the Upper Tar River from approximately SR1004 (Old NC 75) downstream to SR1622 (Cannady's Mill Road). Unit 1 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: TAR2-Upper Fishing Creek, Warren County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 10.5 miles (17 kilometers) of Upper Fishing Creek from SR1118 (No Bottom Drive) downstream to NC58. Unit 2 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: TAR3-Bens Creek, Warren County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 2 miles (3.2 km) of Bens Creek beginning approximately one mile upstream and ending approximately one mile downstream of SR1509 (Odell-Littleton Road). Unit 3 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: TAR4a-Fishing Creek Subbasin, Edgecombe, Halifax, Nash, and Warren Counties, North Carolina; Unit 5: TAR4b-Sandy/Swift Creek, Edgecombe, Franklin, Nash, and Warren Counties, North Carolina; Unit 6: TAR4c-Middle Tar River Subbasin, Edgecombe, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina; and Unit 7: TAR4d-Lower Tar River Subbasin, Edgecombe and Pitt Counties, North Carolina.

(i) Units 4, 5, 6, and 7 include stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Unit 4 consists of 82.8 miles (133.3 km) of lower Little Fishing Creek approximately 1.6 miles (2.6 km) upstream of SR1214 (Silvertown Rd) downstream to the confluence with Fishing Creek, and including the mainstem of Fishing Creek from the Warren/Halifax County line to the confluence with the Tar River in Edgecombe County.

(iii) Unit 5 consists of 72.5 miles (116.8 kilometers) of Sandy Creek downstream of SR 1451 (Leonard Road) to the confluence with the Tar River, including Red Bud Creek downstream of the Franklin/Nash county line to the confluence with Swift Creek.

(iv) Unit 6 consists of 111 miles (179 kilometers) of the Middle Tar River from upstream of Highway 401 downstream to the confluence with Fishing Creek, including Stony Creek below SR1300 (Boddies' Millpond Rd), downstream to the confluence with the Tar River.

(v) Unit 7 consists of 59.9 miles (96.3 kilometers) in the Lower Tar River Subbasin from the confluence with Fishing Creek downstream to the confluence with Barber Creek near SR1533 (Port Terminal Road). This unit includes portions of Town Creek below NC111 to the confluence with the Tar River, Otter Creek below SR1251 to the confluence with the Tar River, and Tyson Creek below SR1258 to the confluence with the Tar River.

(vi) Map of Units 4, 5, 6, and 7 follows:

(10) Unit 8: NR1-Eno River, Durham and Orange Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 43.9 miles (70.6 kilometers) of the Eno River from NC86 downstream to the inundated portion of Falls Lake. Unit 8 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

(11) Unit 9: NR2-Flat River, Durham and Person Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 15.2 miles (24.5 kilometers) of the Flat River from SR1739 (Harris Mill Road) downstream to the inundated portion of Falls Lake. Unit 9 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

(12) Unit 10: NR3-Middle Creek, Johnston and Wake Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 30.8 miles (49.6 km) of Middle Creek from Southeast Regional Park downstream to the confluence with Swift Creek. Unit 10 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 follows:

(13) Unit 11: NR4-Swift Creek, Johnston County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 24 miles (38.6 kilometers) of Swift Creek from NC42 downstream to the confluence with the Neuse River. Unit 11 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 11 follows:

(14) Unit 12: NR5a-Little River, Franklin, Johnston, Wake, and Wayne Counties, North Carolina; Unit 13: NR5b-Mill Creek, Johnston and Wayne Counties, North Carolina; and Unit 14: NR5c-Middle Neuse River, Wayne County, North Carolina.

(i) Units 12, 13, and 14 include stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Unit 12 consists of 90.8 miles (146.1 kilometers) of the Little River from near NC96 in Wake County downstream to the confluence with the Neuse River, including Buffalo Creek from NC39 to the confluence with the Little River.

(iii) Unit 13 consists of 20.8 miles (33.5 kilometers) of Mill Creek from upstream of US701 downstream to the confluence with the Neuse River.

(iv) Unit 14 consists of 43.2 miles (69.5 kilometers) of the Middle Neuse River from the confluence with Mill Creek downstream to the Wayne/Lenoir County line.

(v) Map of Units 12, 13, and 14 follows:

(15) Unit 15: NR6-Contentnea Creek/Lower Neuse River Subbasin, Craven, Greene, Lenoir, Pitt, Wayne, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 114.8 miles (184.8 kilometers) of Contentnea Creek from NC581 downstream to its confluence with the Neuse River, Nahunta Swamp from the Wayne/Greene County line to the confluence with Contentnea Creek, and the Neuse River from the confluence with Contentnea Creek to the confluence with Pinetree Creek. Unit 15 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 15 follows:

(16) Unit 16: NR7-Swift Creek (Lower Neuse), Craven County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 10.3 miles (16.5 rier kilometers) of Swift Creek from SR1931 (Beaver Camp Rd) downstream to SR1440 (Streets Ferry Rd). Unit 16 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 16 follows:

(17) Unit 17: TR1-Trent River, Jones County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 32.5 miles (52.4 kilometers) of Beaver Creek from SR1316 (McDaniel Fork Rd) to the confluence with the Trent River, and Trent River from the confluence with Poplar Branch downstream to SR1121 (Oak Grove Rd) crossing at the Marine Corps Cherry Point property. Unit 17 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 17 follows:

(18) Unit 18: TR2-Tuckahoe Swamp, Jones County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 2 miles (3.2 km) of Tuckahoe Swamp in Jones County, North Carolina. Unit 18 begins upstream of SR1142 (Weyerhaeuser Road) to the confluence with the Trent River. Unit 18 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 18 follows:

(e) Fishes.

Yaqui Catfish (Ictalurus pricei)

Arizona, Cochise County. All aquatic habitats of San Bernardino NWR in S 12 Sec. 11; Sec. 14; S 12 and NE 14 Sec. 15; T24S, R30E.

Known constituent elements include clean unpolluted permanent water in streams with medium current with clear pools in the Rio Yaqui drainage. These waters should be without introduced exotic fishes.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Alabama Cavefish (Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni)

Alabama. Lauderdale County. More Specific locality data for Federal agencies fulfilling their obligations under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 can be obtained from the Office of Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC 20240.


No map.

Bonytail Chub (Gila elegans)

Description of areas taken from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 1:100,000 scale maps (available from BLM State Offices): Rangely, CO 1989; Canyon of Lodore, CO 1990; Seep Ridge, UT/CO 1982; La Sal, UT/CO 1985; Hite Crossing, UT 1982; Parker, AZ/CA 1980; Davis Dam, AZ/NV/CA 1982; Boulder City, NV/AZ 1978; Needles, CA 1986.

Colorado: Moffat County. The Yampa River from the boundary of Dinosaur National Monument in T.6N., R.99W., sec. 27 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian).

Utah: Uintah County; and Colorado: Moffat County. The Green River from the confluence with the Yampa River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian) to the boundary of Dinosaur National Monument in T.6N., R.24E., sec. 30 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Uintah and Grand Counties. The Green River (Desolation and Gray Canyons) from Sumner's Amphitheater in T.12S., R.18E., sec. 5 (Salt Lake Meridian) to Swasey's Rapid in T.20S., R.16E., sec. 3 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Grand County; and Colorado: Mesa County. The Colorado River from Black Rocks in T.10S., R.104W., sec. 25 (6th Principal Meridian) to Fish Ford in T.21S., R.24E., sec. 35 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Garfield and San Juan Counties. The Colorado River from Brown Betty Rapid in T.30S., R.18E., sec. 34 (Salt Lake Meridian) to Imperial Canyon in T.31S., R.17E., sec. 28 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Arizona: Mohave County; Nevada: Clark County; and California: San Bernardino County. The Colorado River from Hoover Dam in T.30N., R.23W., sec. 3 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) to Davis Dam in T.21N., R.21W., sec. 18 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) including Lake Mohave up to its full pool elevation.

Arizona: Mohave County; and California: San Bernardino County. The Colorado River from the northern boundary of Havasu National Wildlife Refuge in R.22W., T.16N., sec. 1 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) to Parker Dam in T.11N., R.18W., sec. 16 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) including Lake Havasu up to its full pool elevation.

Known constituent elements include water, physical habitat, and biological environment as required for each particular life stage for each species.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Gila Chub (Gila intermedia)

(1) Critical habitat for the Gila chub in Grant County, New Mexico, and Yavapai, Gila, Greenlee, Graham, Cochise, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Pinal Counties in Arizona is described in detail and depicted on the following maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements are the following:

(i) Perennial pools, areas of higher velocity between pool areas, and areas of shallow water among plants or eddies all found in small segments of headwaters, springs, or cienegas of smaller tributaries;

(ii) Water temperatures for spawning ranging from 17 to 24 °C (62.6 to 75.2 °F), and seasonally appropriate temperatures for all life stages (e.g., varying from approximately 10 °C to 30 °C);

(iii) Water quality with reduced levels of contaminants, including excessive levels of sediments adverse to Gila chub health, and adequate levels of pH (e.g., ranging from 6.5 to 9.5), dissolved oxygen (e.g., ranging from 3.0 to 10.0) and conductivity (e.g., 100 to 1000 mmhos);

(iv) Food base consisting of invertebrates (e.g., aquatic and terrestrial insects) and aquatic plants (e.g., diatoms and filamentous green algae);

(v) Sufficient cover consisting of downed logs in the water channel, submerged aquatic vegetation, submerged large tree root wads, undercut banks with sufficient overhanging vegetation, large rocks and boulders with overhangs, and a high degree of streambank stability and healthy, intact riparian vegetative community;

(vi) Habitat devoid of nonnative aquatic species detrimental to Gila chub or habitat in which detrimental nonnatives are kept at a level that allows Gila chub to continue to survive and reproduce; and

(vii) Streams that maintain a natural flow pattern including periodic flooding.

(3) Each stream segment includes a lateral component that consists of 300 feet on either side of the stream channel measured from the stream edge at bank full discharge. This lateral component of critical habitat is intended as a surrogate for the 100-year floodplain.

(4) Lands located within the boundaries of the critical habitat designation, but are excluded by definition include: Existing paved roads; bridges; parking lots; dikes; levees; diversion structures; railroad tracks; railroad trestles; water diversion canals outside of natural stream channels; active gravel pits; cultivated agricultural land; and residential, commercial, and industrial developments. These developed areas do not contain any of the primary constituent elements, do not provide habitat or biological features essential to the conservation of the Gila chub, and generally will not contribute to the species' recovery.

(5) Critical Habitat Map Areas. Data layers defining map areas, and mapping of critical habitat areas, was done using Arc GIS and verifying with USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Legal descriptions for New Mexico and Arizona are based on the Public Lands Survey System (PLSS). Within this system, all coordinates reported for New Mexico are in the New Mexico Principal Meridian (NMPM), while those in Arizona are in the Gila and Salt River Meridian (GSRM). Township has been abbreviated as “T”, Range as “R”, and section as “sec.” Where possible, the ending or starting points have been described to the nearest quarter-section, abbreviated as “ 14”. Cardinal directions are also abbreviated (N = North, S = South, W = West, and E = East). All mileage calculations were performed using GIS.

(6) Note: Map 1 (index map) follows:

(7) Area 1: Upper Gila River - Grant County, New Mexico, and Greenlee County, Arizona.

(i) Turkey Creek: 22.3 km (13.8 mi) of creek extending from the edge of the Gila Wilderness boundary at T14S, R16W, sec. 15 NW 14 and continuing upstream to T13S, R15W, sec. 30 NE 14. Land ownership: Gila National Forest and private.

(ii) Eagle Creek and East Eagle Creek: 39.2 km (24.4 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with an unnamed tributary at T1N, R28E, sec. 31 SW 14 upstream to the headwaters of East Eagle Creek just south of Highway 191 in T3N, R29E, sec. 28 SE 14. Land ownership: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest and private.

(iii) Harden Cienega Creek: 22.6 km (14.0 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with the San Francisco River in GSRM T3S, R31E, sec. 3 SE 14 upstream to the headwaters in NMPM T14S, R21W, sec. 6 NE 14. Land ownership: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Gila National Forest, and private.

(iv) Dix Creek: Portions of the Creek beginning 1.0 mile upstream from its confluence with the San Francisco River at a natural rock barrier in T3S, R31E, sec. 9 NE 14 continuing upstream for 0.9 km (0.6 mi.) to the confluence of the right and left prongs of Dix Creek in T3S, R31E, sec. 9 center. Includes Left Prong of Dix Creek upstream of its confluence with Dix Creek 2.0 km (1.2 mi) to T3S, R31E, section 15 NW 14. Land ownership: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest. Includes the Right Prong of Dix Creek continuing upstream of its confluence with Dix Creek 4.8 km (3.0 mi) to T3S, R31E, section 20 SE 14. Land ownership: Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest.

(v) Map of Area 1, Gila River, (Map 2) follows:

(8) Area 2: Middle Gila River - Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona.

(i) Mineral Creek: 14.4 km (9.0 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Devil's Canyon in T2S, R13E, section 35 NW 14 continuing upstream to its headwaters in T2S, R14E, sec. 15 center at the confluence of Mineral Creek and an unknown drainage. Land ownership: Tonto National Forest, State, and private.

(ii) Map of Area Upper Gila River, (Map 3) follows:

(9) Area 3: Babocomari River - Santa Cruz County, Arizona.

(i) O'Donnell Canyon: 10.0 km (6.2 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Turkey Creek at T21S, R18E, sec. 22 SE 14 upstream to the confluences of Western, Middle, and Pauline Canyons in T22S, R18E, sec. 17 NE 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management, Coronado National Forest, and private.

(ii) Turkey Creek: 6.3 km (3.9 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with O'Donnell Canyon in T21S, R18E, sec. 22 SE 14 upstream to where Turkey Creek crosses AZ Highway 83 in T22S, R18E, sec. 9 NE 14. Land ownership: Coronado National Forest, and private.

(iii) Map of Area 3, Babocomari River, (Map 4) follows:

(10) Area 4: Lower San Pedro River - Cochise and Graham Counties, Arizona.

(i) Bass Canyon: 5.5 km (3.4 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Hot Springs Canyon in T12S, R20E, sec. 36 NE 14 upstream to the confluence with Pine Canyon in T12S, R21E, sec. 20 SW 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management and private.

(ii) Hot Springs Canyon: 10.5 km (6.5 mi) of creek extending from T13S R20E, sec. 5 NW 14 continuing upstream to its confluence with Bass Canyon in T12S, R20E, sec. 36 NE 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management, State, and private (The Nature Conservancy).

(iii) Redfield Canyon: 9.8 km (6.1 mi) of creek extending from the western boundary of T11S, R19E, section 35 upstream to its confluence with Sycamore Canyon in T11S, R20E, sec. 28 NE 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management, State, and private.

(iv) Map of Area 4, Lower San Pedro River, (Map 5) follows:

(11) Area 5: Lower Santa Cruz River - Pima County, Arizona.

(i) Cienega Creek: (Two Segments). First segment includes 14.2 km (8.8 mi) of creek extending from where Cienega Creek becomes Pantano Wash T16S, R16E, at the boundary of sec. 14 and sec. 23 to where it crosses Interstate 10 at T17S, R17E, sec. 1 NW 14. Land ownership: County and State Trust. Second segment includes 13.6 km (8.4 mi) of creek extending from T18S, R18E, sec. 6 S 12 to its confluence with Empire Gulch at T19S, R17E, sec. 3 SE 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management and State.

(ii) Mattie Canyon: 4.0 km (2.5 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Cienega Creek in T18S, R17E, sec. 23 NE 14 upstream to the Bureau of Land Management Boundary in T18S, R17E, sec. 25 SW 14. Land Ownership: Bureau of Land Management.

(iii) Empire Gulch: 5.2 km (3.2 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Cienega Creek in T19S, R17E, sec. 3 SE 14 continuing upstream to T19S, R17E, sec. 16 NW 14 on the western boundary of section 16. Land Ownership: Bureau of Land Management and State.

(iv) Sabino Canyon: 11.1 km (6.9 mi) of creek extending from the southern boundary of the Coronado National Forest in T13S, R15E, sec. 9 SE 14 upstream to its confluence with the West Fork of Sabino Canyonin T12S, R15E, sec. 22 NE 14. Land ownership: Coronado National Forest.

(v) Map of Area 5, Lower Santa Cruz River, (Map 6) follows:

(12) Area 6: Upper Verde River - Yavapai County, Arizona.

(i) Walker Creek: 7.6 km (4.7 mi) of creek extending from Prescott National Forest Road 618 in T15N, R6E, sec. 33 SW 14 upstream to its confluence with Spring Creek in T14N, R6E, sec. 1, SE 14. Land ownership: Coconino National Forest and private.

(ii) Red Tank Draw: 11.1 km (6.9 mi) of creek extending from the National Park Service boundary just upstream of its confluence with Wet Beaver Creek in T15N, R6E, sec. 31 NE 14 upstream to the confluence of Mullican and Rarick canyons in T15N, R6E, sec. 2 NW 14. Land ownership: Coconino National Forest and private.

(iii) Spring Creek: 2.7 km (1.7 mi) of creek including all non-private land extending from T16N, R4E, sec. 27 SE 14 at the boundary of Forest Service land and continuing upstream to the Arizona Highway 89A crossing in T16N, R4E, sec. 16 SE 14. Land ownership: Coconino National Forest, and State.

(iv) Williamson Valley Wash: 7.2 km (4.4 mi) of creek extending from the gauging station in T17N, R3W, sec. 7 SE 14 upstream to the crossing of the Williamson Valley Road in T17N, R4W, sec. 36 NE 14. Land ownership: private.

(v) Map of Area 6, Upper Verde River, (Map 7) follows:

(13) Area 7: Agua Fria River - Yavapai County, Arizona.

(i) Little Sycamore Creek: 4.7 km (2.9 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Sycamore Creek in T11N, R4E, sec. 6 SW 14 upstream to T11N, R4E, sec. 4 NE 14. Land ownership: Prescott National Forest and private.

(ii) Sycamore Creek: 18.3 km (11.4 mi) of creek extending from its confluence with Little Sycamore Creek at T11N, R4E, sec. 6 SW 14 upstream to Nelson Place Spring in T11N, R5E, sec. 21 NE 14. Land ownership: Prescott National Forest and private.

(iii) Indian Creek: 8.4 km (5.2 mi) of creek extending from T11N, R3E, sec. 35 NE 14 to Upper Water Springs in T11N, R4E, sec. 16 SE 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management, Prescott National Forest, and private.

(iv) Silver Creek: 8.5 km (5.3 mi) of creek extending from T10N, R3E, sec. 10 SE 14 continuing upstream to the spring in T10N, R4E, Sec. 4 SW 14. Land ownership: Tonto National Forest and Bureau of Land Management.

(v) Lousy Canyon: Portions of the creek from the confluence of an unnamed tributary upstream to the fork with an unnamed tributary approximately 0.6 km (0.4 mi) upstream, all entirely T9N, R3E, sec. 5 NW 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management.

(vi) Larry Creek: Portions of the creek from an unnamed tributary and continuing upstream 0.7 km (0.4 mi) to the confluence of two adjoining unnamed tributaries, entirely within T9N, R3E, sec. 9 NW 14. Land ownership: Bureau of Land Management.

(vii) Map of Area 7, Aqua Fria River, (Map 8) follows:

Humpback Chub (Gila cypha)

Description of areas taken from BLM 1:100,000 scale maps (available from BLM State Offices): Rangely, CO 1989; Canyon of Lodore, CO 1990; Seep Ridge, UT/CO 1982; Vernal, UT/CO 1982; Grand Junction, CO 1990; Moab, UT/CO 1985; La Sal, UT/CO 1985; Tuba City, AZ 1983; Peach Springs, AZ 1980; Grand Canyon, AZ 1980; Mt. Trumbull, AZ 1979.

Colorado: Moffat County. The Yampa River from the boundary of Dinosaur National Monument in T.6N., R.99W., sec. 27 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian).

Utah: Uintah County; and Colorado: Moffat County. The Green River from the confluence with the Yampa River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian) to the southern boundary of Dinosaur National Monument in T.6N., R.24E., sec. 30 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Uintah and Grand Counties. The Green River (Desolation and Gray Canyons) from Sumner's Amphitheater in T.12S., R.18E., sec. 5 (Salt Lake Meridian) to Swasey's Rapid in T.20S., R.16E., sec. 3 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Grand County; and Colorado: Mesa County. The Colorado River from Black Rocks in T.10S., R.104W., sec. 25 (6th Principal Meridian) to Fish Ford River in T.21S., R.24E., sec. 35 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Garfield and San Juan Counties. The Colorado River from Brown Betty Rapid River in T.30S., R.18E., sec. 34 (Salt Lake Meridian) to Imperial Canyon in T.31S., R.17E., sec. 28 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Arizona: Coconino County. The Little Colorado River from river mile 8 in T.32N., R.6E., sec. 12 (Salt and Gila River Meridian) to the confluence with the Colorado River in T.32N., R.5E., sec. 1 (Salt and Gila River Meridian).

Arizona: Coconino County. The Colorado River from Nautiloid Canyon in T.36N., R.5E., sec. 35 (Salt and Gila River Meridian) to Granite Park in T.30N., R.10W., sec. 25 (Salt and Gila River Meridian).

Known constituent elements include water, physical habitat, and biological environment as required for each particular life stage for each species.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Owens Tui Chub (Gila bicolor snyderi)

California, Mono County.

1. Hot Creek, adjacent springs and their outflows in the vicinity of Hot Creek Hatchery, and 50 feet of riparian habitat on all sides of the creek and springs in T3S, R28E, SW 14 Section 35.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

2. Owens River, and 50 feet on both sides of the river, from Long Valley Dam downstream for 8 stream miles in T4S, R30E, Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 36.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements include high quality, cool water with adequate cover in the form of rocks, undercut banks, or aquatic vegetation and a sufficient insect food base.

Peppered Chub (Macrhybopsis tetranema)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Quay County, New Mexico; Hemphill, Moore, Oldham, and Potter Counties, Texas; and Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Cleveland, Creek, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Grady, Harper, Hughes, Kingfisher, Logan, Major, McClain, Payne, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Roger Mills, Seminole, Woods, and Woodward Counties, Oklahoma, on the maps in this entry. The critical habitat units include Units 1, 2, and 4 as Unit 3 was excluded during the rulemaking process.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of peppered chub consist of the following components:

(i) Unobstructed river segments greater than 127 river miles (205 river kilometers) in length that are characterized by a complex braided channel and substrates of predominantly sand, with some patches of silt, gravel, and cobble.

(ii) Flowing water with adequate depths to support all life stages and episodes of elevated discharge to facilitate successful reproduction, channel and floodplain maintenance, and sediment transportation.

(iii) Water of sufficient quality to support survival and reproduction, which includes, but is not limited to, the following conditions:

(A) Water temperatures generally less than 98.2 °F (36.8 °C);

(B) Dissolved oxygen concentrations generally greater than 3.7 parts per million (ppm);

(C) Conductivity generally less than 16.2 millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm);

(D) pH generally ranging from 5.6 to 9.0; and

(E) Sufficiently low petroleum and other pollutant concentrations such that reproduction and/or growth is not impaired.

(iv) Native riparian vegetation capable of maintaining river water quality, providing a terrestrial prey base, and maintaining a healthy riparian ecosystem.

(v) A level of predatory or competitive, native or nonnative fish present such that any peppered chub population's resiliency is not affected.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on March 30, 2022.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using fish distribution data provided by State agencies and sourced on the FishNet2 online database. Hydrologic data for stream reaches were sourced from the U.S. Geological Survey online database. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at and at under Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2019-0019 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Upper South Canadian River, New Mexico and Texas.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 197.2 river miles (317.3 river kilometers) of habitat in the South Canadian River from Revuelto Creek at Interstate 40 in New Mexico downstream to the inundated portion of Lake Meredith in Texas. Unit 1 includes river habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Lower South Canadian River, Texas and Oklahoma.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 399.9 river miles (643.6 river kilometers) of unoccupied habitat in the lower portion of the South Canadian River from the U.S. 83 bridge north of Canadian, Texas, downstream to the U.S. 75 bridge northwest of Calvin, Oklahoma. Unit 2 includes river habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 4: Cimarron River, Oklahoma.

(i) Unit 4 consists of approximately 275.3 river miles (443.1 river kilometers) of unoccupied habitat in portions of the Ninnescah River and the Arkansas River, originating at the border of Kansas and Oklahoma, and extending downstream to OK 51 bridge northeast of Oilton, Oklahoma. Unit 4 includes river habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Slender Chub (Erimystax=(Hybopsis) cahni)

Tennessee. Claiborne and Hancock Counties. Powell River, main channel from backwaters of Norris Lake upstream to the Tennessee-Virginia State line. Clinch River, main channel from backwaters of Norris Lake upstream to the Tennessee-Virginia State line.

Virginia. Lee and Scott Counties. Powell River, main channel from the Tennessee-Virginia State line upstream through Lee County, Va. Clinch River, main channel from the Tennessee-Virginia State line upstream through Scott County, Va.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Sonora Chub (Gila ditaenia)

Arizona, Santa Cruz County. An area of land and water in the Coronado National Forest, consisting of the following:

1. Sycamore Creek, and a riparian zone 25 feet wide along each side of the creek, from Yank's Spring downstream approximately 5 stream miles to the International Border with Mexico within sections 14, 22, 23, 27, 33, and 34, T. 23 S.; R. 11 E.

2. Yank's Spring in the SE 14 of the NW 14 of sec. 14, T. 23 S.; R. 11 E.

3. Penasco Creek, including a riparian zone 25 feet wide along each side of the creek, from its confluence with Sycamore Creek (SW 14 of the SW 14 of sec. 23, T. 23 S.; R. 11 E.) upstream approximately 114 miles to the east boundary of sec. 26, T. 23 S. R. 11 E.;

4. An unnamed tributary to Sycamore Creek, from its confluence with Sycamore Creek (SW 14 of the NW 14 of sec. 23, T. 23 S.; R. 11 E.) upstream approximately 14 mile to the west boundary of the NE 14 of the SE 14 of the NE 14 sec. 22, T. 23 S.; R. 11 E.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known primary constituent elements include clean permanent water with pools and intermediate riffle areas and/or intermittent pools maintained by bedrock or by subsurface flow in areas shaded by canyon walls.

Spotfin Chub (Erimonax monachus)

North Carolina. Macon and Swain Counties. Little Tennessee River, main channel from the backwaters of Fontana Lake upstream to the North Carolina-Georgia State line.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Tennessee. Cumberland, Fentress, and Morgan Counties. Emory and Obed Rivers and Clear and Daddys Creek in Morgan County. Clear Creek in Fentress County. Obed River upstream to U.S. Interstate Highway 40, Clear Creek upstream to U.S. Interstate Highway 40 and Daddys Creek upstream to U.S. Highway 127 in Cumberland County.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Tennessee. Hawkins and Sullivan Counties. North Fork Holston, main channel upstream from junction with South Fork Holston River to the Tennessee-Virginia State line.

Virginia. Scott and Washington Counties. North Fork Holston River, main channel from the Virginia-Tennessee State line upstream through Scott and Washington Counties.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Virgin River Chub (Gila seminuda)

Legal descriptions for St. George (Utah-Arizona) and Littlefield (Arizona) were obtained from the 1987 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) maps (Surface Management Status 30 × 60 Minute Quadrangle). Legal descriptions for Overton (Nevada-Arizona) were obtained from the 1989 BLM maps (Surface Management Status 30 × 60 Minute Quadrangle). The 100-year floodplain for many areas is detailed in Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) published by and available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In areas where a FIRM is not available, the presence of alluvium soils or known high water marks can be used to determine the extent of the floodplain. Only areas of floodplain containing at least one of the constituent elements are considered critical habitat. Critical habitat designated for the Virgin River chub is as follows:

Utah, Washington County; Arizona, Mohave County; Nevada, Clark County. The Virgin River and its 100-year floodplain from its confluence with La Verkin Creek, Utah in T.41S., R.13W., sec.23 (Salt Lake Base and Meridian) to Halfway Wash, Nevada T.15S., R.69E., sec.6 (Salt Lake Base and Meridian).

The primary constituent elements of critical habitat determined necessary for the survival and recovery of these Virgin River fishes are water, physical habitat, and biological environment. The desired conditions for each of these elements are further discussed below.

Water - A sufficient quantity and quality of water (i.e., temperature, dissolved oxygen, contaminants, nutrients, turbidity, etc.) that is delivered to a specific location in accordance with a hydrologic regime that is identified for the particular life stage for each species. This includes the following:

1. Water quality characterized by natural seasonally variable temperature, turbidity, and conductivity;

2. hydrologic regime characterized by the duration, magnitude, and frequency of flow events capable of forming and maintaining channel and instream habitat necessary for particular life stages at certain times of the year; and

3. flood events inundating the floodplain necessary to provide the organic matter that provides or supports the nutrient and food sources for the listed fishes.

Physical Habitat - Areas of the Virgin River that are inhabited or potentially habitable by a particular life stage for each species, for use in spawning, nursing, feeding, and rearing, or corridors between such areas:

1. River channels, side channels, secondary channels, backwaters, and springs, and other areas which provide access to these habitats; and

2. areas with slow to moderate velocities, within deep runs or pools, with predominately sand substrates, particularly habitats which contain boulders or other instream cover.

Biological Environment - Food supply, predation, and competition are important elements of the biological environment and are considered components of this constituent element. Food supply is a function of nutrient supply, productivity, and availability to each life stage of the species. Predation and competition, although considered normal components of this environment, are out of balance due to nonnative fish species in many areas. Fourteen introduced species, including red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis), black bullhead (Ameiurus melas), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), compete with or prey upon the listed fishes. Of these, the red shiner is the most numerous and has been the most problematic for the listed fishes. Red shiners compete for food and available habitats and are known to prey on the eggs and early life stages of the listed fishes. Components of this constituent element include the following:

1. Seasonally flooded areas that contribute to the biological productivity of the river system by producing allochthonous (humus, silt, organic detritus, colloidal matter, and plants and animals produced outside the river and brought into the river) organic matter which provides and supports much of the food base of the listed fishes; and

2. few or no predatory or competitive nonnative species in occupied Virgin River fishes' habitats or potential reestablishment sites.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Yaqui Chub (Gila purpurea)

Arizona, Cochise County. All aquatic habitats of San Bernardino NWR in S 12 Sec. 11; Sec. 14; S 12 and NE 14 Sec. 15; T24S, R30E. Known constituent elements include clean permanent water with deep pools and intermediate areas with riffles, areas of detritus or heavily overgrown cut banks in the Rio Yaqui drainage, and the absence of introduced exotic fishes.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Ash Meadows Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis)

Nevada, Nye County: Each of the following springs and outflows plus surrounding land areas for a distance of 50 meters (164 feet) from these springs and outflows:

Bradford Springs in Section 11, T18S, R50E, and their outflows for a distance of 300 meters (984 feet) from the springs.

Jack Rabbit Spring and its outflow flowing southwest to the boundary between Section 24 in T18S, R50E and Section 19, T18S, R51E.

Big Spring and its outflow to the boundary between Section 19, T18S, R51E and Section 24, T18S, R50E.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements include warm-water springs and their outflows and surrounding land areas that provide vegetation for cover and habitat for insects and other invertebrates on which the species feeds.

Desert Dace (Eremichthys acros)

Nevada, Humboldt County. Thermal springs and their outflows plus surrounding riparian areas for a distance of 50 feet from these springs and outflows in T40N, R25E, SW 14 Section 5, NW 14NW 14 Section 8, W 12 Section 18, W 12SW 14 Section 19; T40N, R24E, Section 23, N 12SE 14 and S 12NE 14 Section 24, SE 14 Section 25, N 12 Section 25, and N 12 Section 26.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Primary constituent elements of the habitat are considered to be quantity, and thermal and chemical quality of water in headpools and spring outflow streams; presence of a stable, natural substrate supporting food plants for the fish; and length of outflow streams; adequate for seasonal movements in response to changes of water temperature.

Laurel Dace (Chrosomus saylori)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bledsoe, Rhea, and Sequatchie Counties, Tennessee, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the laurel dace consist of five components:

(i) Pool and run habitats of geomorphically stable, first- to second-order streams with riparian vegetation; cool, clean, flowing water; shallow depths; and connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites to promote gene flow throughout the species' range.

(ii) Stable bottom substrates composed of relatively silt-free gravel, cobble, and slab-rock boulder substrates with undercut banks and canopy cover. Relatively silt-free is defined for the purpose of this rule as silt or fine sand within interstitial spaces of substrates in amounts low enough to have minimal impact to the species.

(iii) An instream flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) sufficient to provide permanent surface flows, as measured during years with average rainfall, and to maintain benthic habitats utilized by the species.

(iv) Adequate water quality characterized by moderate stream temperatures, acceptable dissolved oxygen concentrations, moderate pH, and low levels of pollutants. Adequate water quality is defined for the purpose of this rule as the quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the laurel dace.

(v) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including midge larvae, caddisfly larvae, and stonefly larvae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 15, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Tennessee State Plane, Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, units feet. Upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and projected in WGS 1984. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2011-0074, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) Units 1, 2, and 3: Bumbee Creek and Youngs Creek, Bledsoe and Rhea Counties, Tennessee; and Moccasin Creek, Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

(i) Unit 1 includes 7.8 river kilometers (rkm) (4.8 river miles (rmi)) of Bumbee Creek from its headwaters in Bledsoe County, downstream to its confluence with Mapleslush Branch in Rhea County, Tennessee.

(ii) Unit 2 includes 7.9 rkm (4.9 rmi) of Youngs Creek from its headwaters in Bledsoe County, downstream to its confluence with Moccasin Creek in Rhea County, Tennessee.

(iii) Unit 3 includes 9.0 rkm (5.6 rmi) of Moccasin Creek from its headwaters downstream to 0.1 rkm (0.6 rmi) below its confluence with Lick Creek in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

(iv) Map of Units 1, 2, and 3 of critical habitat for the laurel dace follows:

(7) Unit 4: Cupp Creek, Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

(i) Unit 4 includes 5.0 rkm (3.1 rmi) of Cupp Creek from its headwaters downstream to its confluence with an unnamed tributary in Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 of critical habitat for the laurel dace follows:

(8) Unit 5: Horn Branch, Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

(i) Unit 5 includes 4.0 rkm (2.5 rmi) of Horn Branch from its headwaters downstream to its confluence with Rock Creek, Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 of critical habitat for the laurel dace follows:

(9) Unit 6: Soddy Creek, Sequatchie and Bledsoe Counties, Tennessee.

(i) Unit 6 includes 8.4 rkm (5.2 rmi) of Soddy Creek from its headwaters in Sequatchie County, downstream to its confluence with Harvey Creek in Sequatchie County, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 of critical habitat for the laurel dace follows:

Amber Darter (Percina antesella)

Tennessee and Georgia: Conasauga River from the U.S. Route 411 bridge in Polk County, Tennesee, downstream approximately 33.5 miles through Bradley County, Tennessee and Murray and Whitfield Counties, Georgia, to the Tibbs Bridge Road bridge (Murray County Road 109 and Whitfield County Road 100).

Constituent elements include high quality water, riffle areas (free of silt) composed of sand, gravel, and cobble, which becomes vegetated primarily with Podostemum during the summer.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Candy Darter (Etheostoma Osburni)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bland, Giles, and Wythe Counties, Virginia, and Greenbrier, Nicholas, Pocahontas, and Webster Counties, West Virginia, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the candy darter consist of the following components:

(i) Ratios or densities of nonnative species that allow for maintaining populations of candy darters.

(ii) A blend of unembedded gravel and cobble that allows for normal breeding, feeding, and sheltering behavior.

(iii) Adequate water quality characterized by seasonally moderated temperatures and physical and chemical parameters (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen levels, turbidity) that support normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the candy darter.

(iv) An abundant, diverse benthic macroinvertebrate community (e.g., mayfly nymphs, midge larvae, caddisfly larvae) that allows for normal feeding behavior.

(v) Sufficient water quantity and velocities that support normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the candy darter.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 7, 2021.

(4) Critical habitat map units. The provided maps were made using the geographic projection GCS_North_American_1983 coordinate system. Four spatial layers are included as background layers. We used two political boundary layers indicating the State and county boundaries within the United States available through ArcMap Version 10.5 software by ESRI. The roads layer displays major interstates, U.S. highways, State highways, and county roads in the Census 2000/TIGER/Line dataset provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, and available through ArcMap Version 10.5 software. Lastly, the hydrologic data used to indicate river and stream location are a spatial layer of rivers, streams, and small tributaries from the National Hydrology Database (NHD) Plus Version 2 database. This database divides the United States into a number of zones, and the zones that include the area where candy darter critical habitat is indicated are the Ohio-05 hydrologic zone and the Mid Atlantic-02 hydrologic zone. The maps provided display the critical habitat in relation to State and county boundaries, major roads and highways, and connections to certain rivers and streams within the larger river network. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at, at at Docket No. FWS-R5-ES-2018-0050, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map of candy darter critical habitat units follows:

(6) Index map of Unit 1-Greenbrier follows:

(7) Unit 1a: East Fork of Greenbrier River, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 1a consists of approximately 29.7 stream kilometers (skm) (18.5 stream miles (smi)) of the East Fork of the Greenbrier River from the confluence of an unnamed tributary located 1.8 skm (1.1 smi) upstream of the Bennett Run confluence, downstream to the confluence of the East Fork and West Fork of the Greenbrier River at Durbin, West Virginia; and approximately 6.8 skm (4.2 smi) of the Little River from the U.S. Highway 250 crossing, downstream to the confluence of the Little River and the East Fork of the Greenbrier River; and approximately 1.9 skm (1.2 smi) of Buffalo Fork from the Buffalo Lake dam downstream to the confluence of Buffalo Fork and the Little River. Approximately 21.2 skm (13.2 smi) of Unit 1a is within the Monongahela National Forest with the remainder adjacent to almost entirely private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 1a, East Fork of Greenbrier River, follows:

(8) Unit 1b: West Fork of Greenbrier River, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 1b consists of approximately 29.9 skm (18.6 smi) of the West Fork of the Greenbrier River from the confluence with Snorting Lick Run, downstream to the confluence of the East Fork and West Fork of the Greenbrier River at Durbin, West Virginia; approximately 13.3 skm (8.3 smi) of the Little River from the confluence with Hansford Run, downstream to the confluence of the Little River and the West Fork of the Greenbrier River; and approximately 4.8 skm (3.0 smi) of Mountain Lick Creek from the confluence with an unnamed tributary (located 1.5 skm (0.9 smi) downstream of the Upper Mountain Lick Forest Service Road crossing), downstream to the confluence of Mountain Lick Creek and the West Fork of the Greenbrier River. Approximately 47.1 skm (29.3 smi) of Unit 1b is within the Monongahela National Forest with the remainder adjacent to almost entirely private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 1b, West Fork of Greenbrier River, follows:

(9) Unit 1c: Upper Greenbrier River, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 1c consists of approximately 69.3 skm (43.1 smi) of the Greenbrier River from the confluence of the East Fork and West Fork of the Greenbrier River at Durbin, West Virginia, downstream to the confluence of Knapp Creek at Marlinton, West Virginia. Approximately 47.5 skm (29.5 smi) of Unit 1c is within the Monongahela National Forest and the Seneca State Forest, with the remainder adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 1c, Upper Greenbrier River, follows:

(10) Unit 1d: Deer Creek, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 1d consists of approximately 21.2 skm (13.2 smi) of Deer Creek from the confluence of Deer Creek and Saulsbury Run, downstream to the confluence with the Greenbrier River; and approximately 16.3 skm (10.1 smi) of North Fork from a point approximately 1.6 skm (1.0 smi) upstream of the Elleber Run confluence, downstream to the confluence of North Fork and Deer Creek. Approximately 10.0 skm (6.2 smi) of Unit 1d is within the Monongahela National Forest, with the remainder adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 1d, Deer Creek, follows:

(11) Unit 1e: Sitlington Creek, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 1e consists of approximately 10.1 skm (6.3 smi) of Sitlington Creek from the confluence of Galford Run and Thorny Branch, downstream to the confluence with the Greenbrier River. Approximately 1.2 skm (0.7 smi) of Unit 1e is within the Monongahela National Forest, with the remainder adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 1e, Sitlington Creek, follows:

(12) Unit 1f: Knapp Creek, Pocahontas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 1f consists of approximately 43.9 skm (27.3 smi) of Knapp Creek from a point approximately (0.1 smi) west of the WV Route 84 and Public Road 55 intersection, downstream to the confluence with the Greenbrier River at Marlinton, West Virginia. Approximately 7.2 skm (4.5 smi) of Unit 1f is within the Monongahela National Forest, with the remainder adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 1f, Knapp Creek, follows:

(13) Index map of Unit 2-Middle New follows:

(14) Unit 2a: Dismal Creek, Bland and Giles Counties, Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 2a consists of approximately 4.2 skm (2.6 smi) of Dismal Creek from the confluence with Standrock Branch, downstream to the confluence of Dismal Creek and Kimberling Creek. Approximately 3.2 skm (2.0 smi) of Unit 2a is within the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, with the remainder adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 2a, Dismal Creek, follows:

(15) Unit 2b: Stony Creek, Giles County, Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 2b consists of approximately 31.1 skm (19.3 smi) of Stony Creek from the confluence with White Rock Branch, downstream to the confluence with the New River. Approximately 16.1 skm (10.0 smi) of Unit 2b is within the George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, with the remainder adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 2b, Stony Creek, follows:

(16) Unit 2c: Laurel Creek, Bland County, Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 2c consists of approximately 5.1 skm (3.2 smi) of Laurel Creek from a point approximately 0.8 skm (0.5 smi) upstream of the unnamed pond, downstream to the confluence of Laurel Creek and Wolf Creek and approximately 1.4 skm (0.8 smi) of Wolf Creek from the Laurel Creek confluence downstream to the stream riffle adjacent to the intersection of Wolf Creek Highway and Alder Lane. Unit 2c is adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 2c, Laurel Creek, follows:

(17) Unit 3: Lower Gauley, “Lower” Gauley River, Nicholas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 3 consists of approximately 2.9 skm (1.8 smi) of the Gauley River from the base of the Summersville Dam, downstream to the confluence of Collison Creek. The entirety of Unit 3 is within the National Park Service's Gauley River National Recreation Area and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's Summersville Recreation Area.

(ii) Map of Unit 3-Lower Gauley follows:

(18) Unit 4: Upper New, Cripple Creek, Wythe County, Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 4 consists of approximately 7.9 skm (4.9 smi) of Cripple Creek from a point approximately (2.0 smi) upstream of the State Road 94 bridge, downstream to the confluence of Cripple Creek and the New River. The stream in Unit 4 is adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 4-Upper New follows:

(19) Index map of Unit 5-Upper Gauley follows:

(20) Unit 5a: Gauley Headwaters, Webster County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 5a consists of approximately 37.3 skm (23.2 smi) of the Gauley River from the North and South Forks of the Gauley River, downstream to the confluence of the Gauley River and the Williams River at Donaldson, West Virginia; and 2.9 skm (1.8 smi) of Straight Creek from its confluence with the Gauley River to a point approximately 2.9 skm (1.8 smi) upstream of the confluence. Approximately 9.0 skm (5.6 smi) of Unit 5a is within the Monongahela National Forest. The remainder of the unit is adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 5a, Gauley Headwaters, follows:

(21) Unit 5b: Upper Gauley River, Nicholas and Webster Counties, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 5b consists of approximately 43.8 skm (27.2 smi) of the Gauley River from the confluence of the Gauley and Williams Rivers at Donaldson, West Virginia, downstream to a point approximately 1.6 skm (1.0 smi) upstream of the Big Beaver Creek confluence. Approximately 14.6 skm (9.2 smi) of Unit 5b is within the Monongahela National Forest and/or adjacent to land owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The streams in the remainder of the unit are adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 5b, Upper Gauley River, follows:

(22) Unit 5c: Panther Creek, Nicholas County, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 5c consists of approximately 16.3 skm (10.1 smi) of Panther Creek from a point approximately 1.1 skm (0.7 smi) upstream of the Grassy Creek Road crossing, downstream to the confluence with the Gauley River. The streams in Unit 5c are adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 5c, Panther Creek, follows:

(23) Unit 5d: Williams River, Pocahontas and Webster Counties, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 5d consists of approximately 52.4 skm (32.6 smi) of the Williams River from the confluence with Beaverdam Run, downstream to the confluence of the Williams River and the Gauley River at Donaldson, West Virginia; and 5.1 skm (3.2 smi) of Tea Creek from a point on Lick Creek approximately 2.7 skm (1.7 smi) upstream of the Lick Creek confluence, downstream to the Tea Creek confluence with the Williams River. The streams in Unit 5d are entirely within the Monongahela National Forest.

(ii) Map of Unit 5d, Williams River, follows:

(24) Unit 5e: Cranberry River, Nicholas and Webster Counties, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 5e consists of approximately 39.3 skm (24.4 smi) of the Cranberry River from the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Cranberry River, downstream to the confluence of the Cranberry River and the Gauley River. This stream is entirely within the Monongahela National Forest.

(ii) Map of Unit 5e, Cranberry River, follows:

(25) Unit 5f: Cherry River, Greenbrier and Nicholas Counties, West Virginia.

(i) General description: Unit 5f consists of approximately 16.7 skm (10.4 smi) of Cherry River from the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Cherry River, downstream to the confluence of the Cherry River and the Gauley River; approximately 28.0 skm (17.4 smi) of the North Fork Cherry River from the Pocahontas Trail crossing, downstream to the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Cherry River; approximately 26.2 skm (16.3 smi) of the South Fork Cherry River from a point approximately 0.5 skm (0.3 smi) south of County Road 29/4 in Virginia, downstream to the confluence of the North and South Forks of the Cherry River; and approximately 24.9 skm (15.5 smi) of Laurel Creek from a point approximately 0.3 skm (0.2 smi) west of Cold Knob Road, downstream to the confluence of Laurel Creek and the Cherry River. Approximately 29.1 skm (18.1 smi) of Unit 5f is within the Monongahela National Forest. The remainder is adjacent to private land, except for a small amount that is publicly owned in the form of bridge crossings, road easements, and the like.

(ii) Map of Unit 5f, Cherry River, follows:

Cumberland Darter (Etheostoma susanae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for McCreary and Whitley Counties, Kentucky, and Campbell and Scott Counties, Tennessee, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the Cumberland darter consist of five components:

(i) Shallow pools and gently flowing runs of geomorphically stable, second- to fourth-order streams with connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites to promote gene flow throughout the species' range.

(ii) Stable bottom substrates composed of relatively silt-free sand and sand-covered bedrock, boulders, large cobble, woody debris, or other cover.

(iii) An instream flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) sufficient to provide permanent surface flows, as measured during years with average rainfall, and to maintain benthic habitats utilized by the species.

(iv) Adequate water quality characterized by moderate stream temperatures, acceptable dissolved oxygen concentrations, moderate pH, and low levels of pollutants. Adequate water quality is defined for the purpose of this rule as the quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the Cumberland darter.

(v) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including midge larvae, mayfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, and microcrustaceans.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, bridges, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 15, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Tennessee State Plane, Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, units feet. Upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and projected in WGS 1984. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2011-0074, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) Units 1 and 2: Bunches Creek and Calf Pen Fork, Whitley County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 1 includes 5.8 river kilometers (rkm) (3.6 river miles (rmi)) of Bunches Creek from the Seminary Branch and Amos Falls Branch confluence downstream to its confluence with the Cumberland River.

(ii) Unit 2 includes 2.9 rkm (1.8 rmi) of Calf Pen Fork from its confluence with Polly Branch downstream to its confluence with Bunches Creek.

(iii) Map of Units 1 and 2 of critical habitat for the Cumberland darter follows:

(7) Unit 3: Youngs Creek, Whitley County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 3 includes 7.4 rkm (4.6 rmi) of Youngs Creek from Brays Chapel Road downstream to its confluence with the Cumberland River.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 of critical habitat for the Cumberland darter follows:

(8) Units 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8: Barren Fork, Indian Creek, Cogur Fork, Kilburn Fork, and Laurel Fork, McCreary County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 4 includes 6.3 rkm (3.9 rmi) of Barren Fork from its confluence with an unnamed tributary downstream to its confluence with Indian Creek.

(ii) Unit 5 includes 4.0 rkm (2.5 rmi) of Indian Creek from its confluence with an unnamed tributary downstream to its confluence with Barren Fork.

(iii) Unit 6 includes 8.6 rkm (5.4 rmi) of Cogur Fork from its confluence with Strunk Branch downstream to its confluence with Indian Creek.

(iv) Unit 7 includes 4.6 rkm (2.9 rmi) of Kilburn Fork from its confluence with an unnamed tributary downstream to its confluence with Laurel Fork.

(v) Unit 8 includes 3.5 rkm (2.2 rmi) of Laurel Fork from its confluence with Toms Fork downstream to its confluence with Indian Creek.

(vi) Map of Units 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of critical habitat for the Cumberland darter follows:

(9) Units 9, 10, and 11: Laurel Creek, Elisha Branch, and Jenneys Branch, McCreary County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 9 includes 9.4 rkm (5.9 rmi) of Laurel Creek from Laurel Creek Reservoir downstream to its confluence with Jenneys Branch.

(ii) Unit 10 includes 2.1 rkm (1.3 rmi) of Elisha Branch from its confluence with an unnamed tributary downstream to its confluence with Laurel Creek.

(iii) Unit 11 includes 3.1 rkm (1.9 rmi) of Jenneys Branch from its confluence with an unnamed tributary downstream to its confluence with Laurel Creek.

(iv) Map of Units 9, 10, and 11 of critical habitat for the Cumberland darter follows:

(10) Unit 12: Wolf Creek, Whitley County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 12 includes 6.3 rkm (3.9 rmi) of Wolf Creek from its confluence with Sheep Creek downstream to its intersection with Wolf Creek River Road.

(ii) Map of Unit 12 of critical habitat for the Cumberland darter follows:

(11) Units 13, 14, and 15: Jellico Creek, Rock Creek, and Capuchin Creek, McCreary and Whitley Counties, Kentucky, and Campbell and Scott Counties, Tennessee.

(i) Unit 13 includes 11.5 rkm (7.2 rmi) of Jellico Creek from its confluence with Scott Branch, Scott County, Tennessee, downstream to its confluence with Capuchin Creek, McCreary County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 14 includes 6.1 rkm (3.8 rmi) of Rock Creek from its confluence with Sid Anderson Branch downstream to its confluence with Jellico Creek.

(iii) Unit 15 includes 4.2 rkm (2.6 rmi) of Capuchin Creek from its confluence with Hatfield Creek downstream to its confluence with Jellico Creek.

(iv) Map of Units 13, 14, and 15 of critical habitat for the Cumberland darter follows:

Diamond Darter (Crystallaria cincotta)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Kanawha and Clay Counties, West Virginia, and Edmonson, Hart, and Green Counties, Kentucky, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of diamond darter consist of five components:

(i) A series of connected riffle-pool complexes with moderate velocities in moderate- to large-sized (fourth- to eighth-order), geomorphically stable streams within the Ohio River watershed.

(ii) Stable, undisturbed sand and gravel stream substrates that are relatively free of and not embedded with silts and clays.

(iii) An instream flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) that is relatively unimpeded by impoundment or diversions such that there is minimal departure from a natural hydrograph.

(iv) Adequate water quality characterized by seasonally moderated temperatures, high dissolved oxygen levels, and moderate pH, and low levels of pollutants and siltation. Adequate water quality is defined as the quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the diamond darter.

(v) A prey base of other fish larvae and benthic invertebrates including midge, caddisfly, and mayfly larvae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as bridges, docks, aqueducts and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created with U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset Geographic Information System data. Esri's ArcGIS 10.1 software was used to determine longitude and latitude in decimal degrees for the river reaches. The projection used in mapping was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), NAD 83, Zone 16 North for the Green River, Kentucky, unit; and UTM, NAD 83, Zone 17 North for the Elk River, West Virginia, unit. The following data sources were referenced to identify features used to delineate the upstream and downstream reaches of critical habitat units: USGS 7.5′ quadrangles and topographic maps, NHD data, 2005 National Inventory of Dams, Kentucky Land Stewardship data, pool and shoal data on the Elk River, Esri's Bing Maps Road. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R5-ES-2013-0019, and at the Service's West Virginia Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat locations for the diamond darter in West Virginia and Kentucky follows:

(6) Unit 1: Lower Elk River, Kanawha and Clay Counties, West Virginia.

(i) Unit 1 includes 45.0 km (28.0 mi) of the Elk River from the confluence with King Shoals Run near Wallback Wildlife Management Area downstream to the confluence with an unnamed tributary entering the Elk River on the right descending bank adjacent to Knollwood Drive in Charleston, West Virginia.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (lower Elk River) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Green River, Edmonson, Hart, and Green Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 2 includes 152.1 km (94.5 mi) of the Green River from Roachville Ford near Greensburg (River Mile 294.8) downstream to the downstream end of Cave Island in Mammoth Cave National Park (River Mile 200.3).

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Green River) follows:

Fountain Darter (Etheostoma fonticola)

Texas, Hays County; Spring Lake and its outflow, the San Marcos River, downstream approximately 0.5 miles below Interstate Highway 35 bridge.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Kentucky Arrow Darter (Etheostoma Spilotum)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted on the maps below for Breathitt, Clay, Harlan, Jackson, Knott, Lee, Leslie, Owsley, Perry, and Wolfe Counties, Kentucky.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Kentucky arrow darter consist of five components:

(i) Primary Constituent Element 1 - Riffle-pool complexes and transitional areas (glides and runs) of geomorphically stable, first- to third-order streams of the upper Kentucky River drainage with connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites to promote gene flow throughout the species' range.

(ii) Primary Constituent Element 2 - Stable bottom substrates composed of gravel, cobble, boulders, bedrock ledges, and woody debris piles with low levels of siltation.

(iii) Primary Constituent Element 3 - An instream flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) sufficient to provide permanent surface flows, as measured during years with average rainfall, and to maintain benthic habitats utilized by the species.

(iv) Primary Constituent Element 4 - Adequate water quality characterized by seasonally moderate stream temperatures (generally ≤ 24 °C or 75 °F), high dissolved oxygen concentrations (generally ≥ 6.0 mg/L), moderate pH (generally 6.0 to 8.5), low stream conductivity (species' abundance decreases sharply as conductivities exceed 261 µS/cm and species is typically absent above 350 µS)/cm, and low levels of pollutants. Adequate water quality is the quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the Kentucky arrow darter.

(v) Primary Constituent Element 5 - A prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including mayfly nymphs, midge larvae, blackfly larvae, caddisfly larvae, stonefly nymphs, and small crayfishes.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 4, 2016.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Hydrography Dataset (NHD+) GIS data. The 1:100,000 river reach (route) files were used to calculate river kilometers and miles. ESRIs ArcGIS 10.0 software was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping all units was USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS version, NAD 83, meters. The following data sources were referenced to identify features (like roads and streams) used to delineate the upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units: NHD+ flowline and waterbody data, 2011 Navteq roads data, USA Topo ESRI online basemap service, DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteers, and USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates, plot points, or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site, (, at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2015-0133, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Buckhorn Creek and Prince Fork, and Unit 2: Eli Fork, Knott County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 1 includes 0.7 skm (0.4 smi) of Prince Fork from Mart Branch (37.41291, −83.07000) downstream to its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (37.41825, −83.07341), and 0.4 skm (0.3 smi) of Buckhorn Creek from its headwaters at (37.41825, −83.07341) downstream to its confluence with Emory Branch (37.42006, −83.07738) in Knott County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 2 includes 1.0 skm (0.6 smi) of Eli Fork from its headwaters at (37.44078, −83.05884), downstream to its confluence with Boughcamp Branch (37.43259, −83.05591) in Knott County, Kentucky.

(iii) Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

(7) Unit 3: Coles Fork and Snag Ridge Fork, Breathitt and Knott Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 3 includes 2.1 skm (1.3 smi) of Snag Ridge Fork from its headwaters at (37.47746, −83.11139), downstream to its confluence with Coles Fork (37.46391, −83.13468) in Knott County; and 8.9 skm (5.5 smi) of Coles Fork from its headwaters at (37.45096, −83.07124), downstream to its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (37.45720, −83.13468) in Knott County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(8) Unit 4: Clemons Fork, Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 4 includes 7.0 skm (4.4 smi) of Clemons Fork from its headwaters at (37.49772, −83.13390), downstream to its confluence with Buckhorn Creek (37.45511, −83.16582) in Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(9) Unit 5: Laurel Fork Quicksand Creek and Tributaries, Knott County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 5 includes 1.2 skm (0.8 smi) of Fitch Branch from its headwaters at (37.46745, −82.95373), downstream to its confluence with Laurel Fork Quicksand Creek (37.45855, −82.96089); 2.7 skm (1.7 smi) of Newman Branch from its headwaters at (37.44120, −82.95810), downstream to its confluence with Laurel Fork Quicksand Creek (37.45893, −82.97417); 2.1 skm (1.3 smi) of Combs Branch from its headwaters at (37.43848, −82.97731), downstream to its confluence with Laurel Fork Quicksand Creek (37.44758, −82.99476); and 13.8 skm (8.6 smi) of Laurel Fork Quicksand Creek from its headwaters at (37.43001, −82.93016), downstream to its confluence with Quicksand Creek (37.45100, −83.02303) in Knott County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(10) Unit 6: Middle Fork Quicksand Creek and Tributaries, Knott County, and Unit 7: Spring Fork Quicksand Creek, Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 6 includes 0.8 skm (0.5 smi) of Big Firecoal Branch from its headwaters at (37.49363, −82.96426), downstream to its confluence with Middle Fork Quicksand Creek (37.48990, −82.97148); 2.1 skm (1.3 smi) of Bradley Branch from its headwaters at (37.47180, −82.99819), downstream to its confluence with Middle Fork Quicksand Creek (37.47899, −83.01823); 2.0 skm (1.2 smi) of Lynn Log Branch from its headwaters at (37.50190, −83.01921), downstream to its confluence with Middle Fork Quicksand Creek (37.49286. −83.03524); and 20.3 skm (12.6 smi) of Middle Fork Quicksand Creek from its headwaters at (37.48562, −82.93667), downstream to its confluence with Quicksand Creek (37.498281, −83.092946) in Knott County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 7 includes 2.2 skm (1.4 smi) of Spring Fork Quicksand Creek from its headwaters at (37.50746, −82.96647), downstream to its confluence with Laurel Fork (37.51597, −82.98436) in Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(iii) Map of Units 6 and 7 follows:

(11) Unit 8: Hunting Creek and Tributaries, Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 8 includes 0.9 skm (0.5 smi) of Wolf Pen Branch from its headwaters at (37.64580, −83.23885), downstream to its confluence with Hunting Creek (37.64023, −83.24424); 1.6 skm (1.0 smi) of Negro Fork from its headwaters at (37.62992, −83.25760), downstream to its confluence with Hunting Creek (37.62121, −83.24433); 2.3 skm (1.4 smi) of Fletcher Fork from its headwaters at (37.61315, −83.26521), downstream to its confluence with Hunting Creek (37.61956, −83.24370); 3.1 skm (1.9 smi) of Licking Fork from its headwaters at (37.63553, −83.21754, −83.21754), downstream to its confluence with Hunting Creek (37.61794, −83.23938); and 7.7 skm (4.8 smi) of Hunting Creek from its confluence with Wells Fork (37.64629, −83.24708), downstream to its confluence with Quicksand Creek (37.59235, −83.22803) in Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

(12) Unit 9: Frozen Creek and Tributaries, Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 9 includes 4.7 skm (2.9 smi) of Clear Fork from its headwaters at (37.63899, −83.27706), downstream to its confluence with Frozen Creek (37.64109, −83.31969); 3.6 skm (2.3 smi) of Negro Branch from its headwaters at (37.67146, −83.31971), downstream to its confluence with Frozen Creek (37.64319, −83.33068); 4.2 skm (2.6 smi) of Davis Creek from its headwaters at (37.66644, −83.34599), downstream to its confluence with Frozen Creek (37.63402, −83.34953); and 13.9 skm (8.6 smi) of Frozen Creek from its headwaters at (37.66115, −83.26945), downstream to its confluence with Morgue Fork (37.62761, −83.37622) in Breathitt County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

(13) Unit 10: Holly Creek and Tributaries, Wolfe County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 10 includes 2.8 skm (1.8 smi) of Spring Branch from its headwaters at (37.67110, −83.44406), downstream to its confluence with Holly Creek (37.66384, −83.46780) in Wolfe County; 2.0 skm (1.3 smi) of Pence Branch from its headwaters at (37.64048, −83.45703), downstream to its confluence with Holly Creek (37.63413, −83.47608) in Wolfe County; 4.0 skm (2.5 mi) of Cave Branch from its headwaters at (37.66023, −83.49916), downstream to its confluence with Holly Creek (37.63149, −83.48725) in Wolfe County; 9.5 skm (5.9 smi) of Holly Creek from KY 1261 (37.67758, −83.46792) in Wolfe County, downstream to its confluence with the North Fork Kentucky River (37.62289, −83.49948) in Wolfe County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 follows:

(14) Unit 11: Little Fork, Lee and Wolfe Counties; Unit 12: Walker Creek and Tributaries, Lee and Wolfe Counties; and Unit 13: Hell Creek and Tributaries, Lee County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 11 includes 3.8 skm (2.3 smi) of Little Fork from its headwaters at (37.68456, −83.62465) in Wolfe County, downstream to its confluence with Lower Devil Creek (37.66148, −83.59961) in Lee County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 12 includes 3.9 skm (2.4 smi) of an unnamed tributary of Walker Creek from its headwaters at (37.71373, −83.64553) in Wolfe County, downstream to its confluence with Walker Creek (37.68567, −83.65045) in Lee County; 2.4 skm (1.5 smi) of Cowan Fork from its headwaters at (37.69624, −83.66366) in Wolfe County, downstream to its confluence with Hell for Certain Creek (37.67718, −83.65931) in Lee County; 2.0 skm (1.2 smi) of Hell for Certain Creek from an unnamed reservoir at (37.68377, −83.66804), downstream to its confluence with Walker Creek (37.67340, −83.65449) in Lee County; 0.8 skm (0.5 smi) of Boonesboro Fork from its headwaters at (37.66706, −83.66053), downstream to its confluence with Walker Creek (37.66377, −83.65408) in Lee County; 2.2 skm (1.4 smi) of Peddler Creek from its headwaters at (37.67054, −83.63456), downstream to its confluence with Walker Creek (37.65696, −83.64879) in Lee County; 1.1 skm (0.7 smi) of Huff Cave Branch from its headwaters at (37.65664, −83.66033), downstream to its confluence with Walker Creek (37.65138, −83.65034) in Lee County; and 12.6 skm (7.8 smi) of Walker Creek from an unnamed reservoir (37.70502, −83.65490) in Wolfe County, downstream to its confluence with North Fork Kentucky River (37.60678, −83.64652) in Lee County, Kentucky.

(iii) Unit 13 includes 2.3 skm (1.4 smi) of Miller Fork from its headwaters at (37.66074, −83.68005), downstream to its confluence with Hell Creek (37.64261, −83.67912); 0.7 skm (0.4 smi) of Bowman Fork from its headwaters at (37.64142, −83.68594), downstream to its confluence with Hell Creek (37.64070, −83.67848); 1.9 skm (1.2 smi) of an unnamed tributary of Hell Creek from its headwaters at (37.63199, −83.83.68064), downstream to its confluence with Hell Creek (37.62516, −83.66246); and 7.1 skm (4.4 smi) of Hell Creek from an unnamed reservoir (37.64941, −83.68907), downstream to its confluence with North Fork Kentucky River (37.60480. −83.65440) in Lee County, Kentucky.

(iv) Map of Units 11, 12, and 13 follows:

(15) Unit 14: Big Laurel Creek, Harlan County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 14 includes 9.1 skm (5.7 smi) of Big Laurel Creek from its confluence with Combs Fork (36.99520, −83.14086), downstream to its confluence with Greasy Creek (36.97893, −83.21907) in Harlan County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 14 follows:

(16) Unit 15: Laurel Creek, Leslie County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 15 includes 4.1 skm (2.6 smi) of Laurel Creek from its confluence with Sandlick Branch (37.10825, −83.45036), downstream to its confluence with Left Fork Rockhouse Creek (37.13085, −83.43699) in Leslie County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 15 follows:

(17) Unit 16: Hell For Certain Creek and Tributaries, Leslie County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 16 includes 1.3 skm (0.8 smi) of Cucumber Branch from its headwaters at (37.20839, −83.44644), downstream to its confluence with Hell For Certain Creek (37.21929, −83.44355); 3.1 skm (1.9 smi) of Big Fork from its headwaters at (37.20930, −83.42356), downstream to its confluence with Hell For Certain Creek (37.23082, −83.40720); and 11.4 skm (7.1 smi) of Hell For Certain Creek from its headwaters at (37.20904, −83.47489), downstream to its confluence with the Middle Fork Kentucky River (37.24611, −83.38192) in Leslie County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 16 follows:

(18) Unit 17: Squabble Creek, Perry County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 17 includes 12.0 skm (7.5 smi) of Squabble Creek from its confluence with Long Fork (37.29162, −83.54202), downstream to its confluence with the Middle Fork Kentucky River (37.34597, −83.46883) in Perry County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 17 follows:

(19) Unit 18: Blue Hole Creek and Left Fork Blue Hole Creek, Unit 19: Upper Bear Creek and Tributaries, Unit 20: Katies Creek, and Unit 21: Spring Creek and Little Spring Creek, Clay County; and Unit 22: Bowen Creek and Tributaries, Leslie County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 18 includes 1.8 skm (1.1 smi) of Left Fork from its headwaters at (36.97278, −83.56898), downstream to its confluence with Blue Hole Creek (36.98297, −83.55687); and 3.9 skm (2.4 smi) of Blue Hole Creek from its headwaters at (36.98254, −83.57376), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (36.99288, −83.53672) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 19 includes 1.5 skm (1.0 smi) of Left Fork Upper Bear Creek from its headwaters at (36.99519, −83.58446), downstream to its confluence with Upper Bear Creek (37.00448, −83.57354); 0.8 skm (0.5 smi) of Right Fork Upper Bear Creek from its headwaters at (37.00858, −83.58013), downstream to its confluence with Upper Bear Creek (37.00448, −83.57354); and 4.5 skm (2.8 smi) of Upper Bear Creek from its confluence with Left Fork and Right Fork Upper Bear Creek (37.02109, −83.53423), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.00448, −83.57354) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(iii) Unit 20 includes 5.7 skm (3.5 smi) of Katies Creek from its confluence with Cave Branch (37.01837, −83.58848), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.03527, −83.53999) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(iv) Unit 21 includes 1.0 skm (0.6 smi) of Little Spring Creek from its headwaters at (37.05452, −83.57483), downstream to its confluence with Spring Creek (37.05555, −83.56339); and 8.2 skm (5.1 smi) of Spring Creek from its headwaters at (37.02874, −83.59815), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.06189, −83.54134) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(v) Unit 22 includes 2.2 skm (1.4 smi) of Laurel Fork from its headwaters at (37.05536, −83.47452), downstream to its confluence with Bowen Creek (37.04702, −83.49641); 1.8 skm (1.1 smi) of Amy Branch from its headwaters at (37.05979, −83.50083), downstream to its confluence with Bowen Creek (37.05031, −83.51498); and 9.6 skm (6.0 smi) of Bowen Creek from its headwaters at (37.03183, −83.46124), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.06777, −83.53840) in Leslie County, Kentucky.

(vi) Map of Units 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 follows:

(20) Unit 23: Elisha Creek and Tributaries, Leslie County; and Unit 24: Gilberts Big Creek, and Unit 25: Sugar Creek, Clay and Leslie Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 23 includes 4.4 skm (2.7 smi) of Right Fork Elisha Creek from its headwaters at (37.07255, −83.47839), downstream to its confluence with Elisha Creek (37.08165, −83.51802); 2.3 skm (1.4 smi) of Left Fork Elisha Creek from its headwaters at (37.09632, −83.51108), downstream to its confluence with Elisha Creek (37.08528, −83.52645); and 2.9 skm (1.8 smi) of Elisha Creek from its confluence with Right Fork Elisha Creek (37.08165, −83.51802), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.08794, −83.54676) in Leslie County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 24 includes 7.2 skm (4.5 smi) of Gilberts Big Creek from its headwaters at (37.10825, −83.49164) in Leslie County, downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.10784, −83.55590) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(iii) Unit 25 includes 7.2 skm (4.5 smi) of Sugar Creek from its headwaters at (37.12446, −83.49420) in Leslie County, downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.11804, −83.55952) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(iv) Map of Units 23, 24, and 25 follows:

(21) Unit 26: Big Double Creek and Tributaries, and Unit 27: Little Double Creek, Clay County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 26 includes 1.4 skm (0.9 smi) of Left Fork Big Double Creek from its headwaters at (37.07967, −83.60719), downstream to its confluence with Big Double Creek (37.09053, −83.60245); 1.8 skm (1.1 smi) of Right Fork Big Double Creek from its headwaters at (37.09021, −83.62010), downstream to its confluence with Big Double Creek (37.09053, −83.60245); and 7.1 skm (4.4 smi) of Big Double Creek from its confluence with the Left and Right Forks (37.09053, −83.60245), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.14045, −83.58768) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 27 includes 3.4 skm (2.1 smi) of Little Double Creek from its headwaters at (37.11816, −83.61251), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.14025, −83.59197) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(iii) Map of Units 26 and 27 follows:

(22) Unit 28: Jacks Creek, and Unit 29: Long Fork, Clay County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 28 includes 5.9 skm (3.7 smi) of Jacks Creek from its headwaters at (37.21472, −83.54108), downstream to its confluence with the Red Bird River (37.19113, −83.59185) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 29 includes 2.2 skm (1.4 smi) of Long Fork from its headwaters at (37.16889, −83.65490), downstream to its confluence with Hector Branch (37.17752, −83.63464) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(iii) Map of Units 28 and 29 follows:

(23) Unit 30: Horse Creek, Clay County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 30 includes 5.0 skm (3.1 smi) of Horse Creek from its headwaters at (37.07370, −83.87756), downstream to its confluence with Pigeon Roost Branch (37.09926, −83.84582) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 30 follows:

(24) Unit 31: Bullskin Creek, Clay and Leslie Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 31 includes 21.7 skm (13.5 smi) of Bullskin Creek from its confluence with Old House Branch (37.21218, −83.48798) in Leslie County, downstream to its confluence with the South Fork Kentucky River (37.27322, −83.64441) in Clay County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 31 follows:

(25) Unit 32: Buffalo Creek and Tributaries, Owsley County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 32 includes 2.0 skm (1.2 smi) of Cortland Fork from its headwaters at (37.35052, −83.54570), downstream to its confluence with Laurel Fork (37.34758, −83.56466); 6.4 skm (4.0 smi) of Laurel Fork from its headwaters at (37.32708, −83.56450), downstream to its confluence with Left Fork Buffalo Creek (37.347758, −83.56466); 4.6 skm (2.9 smi) of Lucky Fork from its headwaters at (37.37682, −83.55711), downstream to its confluence with Left Fork Buffalo Creek (37.35713, −83.59367); 5.1 skm (3.2 smi) of Left Fork Buffalo Creek from its confluence with Lucky Fork and Left Fork (37.35713, −83.59367), downstream to its confluence with Buffalo Creek (37.35197, −83.63583); 17.3 skm (10.8 smi) of Right Fork Buffalo Creek from its headwaters at (37.26972, −83.53646), downstream to its confluence with Buffalo Creek (37.35197, −83.63583); and 2.7 skm (1.7 smi) of Buffalo Creek from its confluence with the Left and Right Forks (37.35197, −83.63583), downstream to its confluence with the South Fork Kentucky River (37.35051, −83.65233) in Owsley County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 32 follows:

(26) Unit 33: Lower Buffalo Creek, Lee and Owsley Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 33 includes 2.2 skm (1.4 smi) of Straight Fork from its headwaters at (37.49993, −83.62996), downstream to its confluence with Lower Buffalo Creek (37.50980, −83.65015) in Owsley County; and 5.1 skm (3.2 smi) of Lower Buffalo Creek from its confluence with Straight Fork (37.50980, −83.65015) in Owsley County, downstream to its confluence with the South Fork Kentucky River (37.53164, −83.68732) in Lee County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 33 follows:

(27) Unit 34: Silver Creek, Lee County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 34 includes 6.2 skm (3.9 smi) of Silver Creek from its headwaters at (37.61857, −83.72442), downstream to its confluence with the Kentucky River (37.57251, −83.71264) in Lee County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 34 follows:

(28) Unit 35: Travis Creek, Jackson County; Unit 36: Wild Dog Creek, Jackson and Owsley Counties; and Unit 37: Granny Dismal Creek, Owsley and Lee Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 35 includes 4.1 skm (2.5 smi) of Travis Creek from its headwaters at (37.43039, −83.88516), downstream to its confluence with Sturgeon Creek (37.43600, −83.84609) in Jackson County, Kentucky.

(ii) Unit 36 includes 8.1 skm (5.1 smi) of Wild Dog Creek from its headwaters at (37.47081, −83.89329) in Jackson County, downstream to its confluence with Sturgeon Creek (37.48730, −83.82319) in Owsley County, Kentucky.

(iii) Unit 37 includes 6.9 skm (4.3 smi) of Granny Dismal Creek from its headwaters at (37.49862, −83.88435) in Owsley County, downstream to its confluence with Sturgeon Creek (37.49586, −83.81629) in Lee County, Kentucky.

(iv) Map of Units 35, 36, and 37 follows:

(29) Unit 38: Rockbridge Fork, Wolfe County, Kentucky.

(i) Unit 38 includes 4.5 skm (2.8 smi) of Rockbridge Fork from its headwaters at (37.76228, −83.59553), downstream to its confluence with Swift Camp Creek (37.76941, −83.56134) in Wolfe County, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit 38 follows:

Leopard Darter (Percina pantherina)

Oklahoma. McCurtain and Pushmataha Counties. Little River, main channel in Pushmataha County from mouth of Cloudy Creek (T. 3 S.; R. 20 E.; Section 3) upstream to the Pushmataha-Le Flore County line. Black Fork Creek in McCurtain County from its junction with Little River (T. 1 S.; R. 20 E.; Section 22) upstream to Oklahoma Highway 144 crossing (T. 1 S.; R. 19 E.; Section 12). Glover Creek, main channel in McCurtain County from Oklahoma Highway 7 crossing (T. 5 S.; R. 23 E.; Section 28) upstream to the junction of the East Fork and West Fork of Glover Creek. East Fork and West Fork of Glover Creek. East Fork of Glover Creek, main channel in Pushmataha County from its junction with the West Fork Glover Creek (T. 3 S.; R. 23 E.; Section 7) upstream to 4 air miles north-northeast of the community of Bethel (T. 2 S.; R. 24 E.; Section 5). West Fork Glover Creek, main channel in McCurtain County from its junction with the East Fork Glover Creek upstream to the community of Battiest (T. 2 S.; R. 23 E.; Section 7). Mountain Fork Creek, main channel in McCurtain County, from mouth of Boktukola Creek (T. 2 S.; R. 25 E.; Section 9), 6 air miles south-southwest of Smithville, upstream to the Oklahoma-Arkansas State line.

Arkansas. Polk County. Mountain Fork Creek, main channel from the Arkansas-Oklahoma State line upstream to the community of Mountain Fork (T. 1 S.; R. 32 W.; Section 29).


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Maryland Darter (Etheostoma sellare)

Maryland (Harford County): (1) Deer Creek main channel from the junction with Elbow Branch thence downstream to the junction with the Susquehanna River. (2) Gasheys Run (also known as Gasheys Creek) main channels of east and west forks from their overcrossing by old Penn Central Railroad (presently titled to National Railroad Passenger Corporation, Amtrak) south to their confluence, thence south to the confluence with Swan Creek.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent elements of this habitat are considered to be quality and permanence of streamflow in shallow areas of the streams (riffles), and presence of unsilted rocky crevices for shelter and production of aquatic insects and snails for food.

Niangua Darter (Etheostoma nianguae)

Missouri. Big Tavern Creek, Miller County. Big Tavern Creek and 50 feet along each side of the creek from Highway 52 upstream to Highway 17.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Missouri. Niangua River, Dallas County. Niangua River and 50 feet on each side of the river from county road K upstream to 1 mile beyond county road M to the Webster County line.

Missouri. Pomme de Terre River, Greene County. Pomme de Terre River and 50 feet on each side of the river from Highway 65 upstream to the Webster County line.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Missouri. Brush Creek, Cedar, and St. Clair Counties. Brush Creek and 50 feet on each side of the creek from 1000 feet upstream of county road J to the boundary of Sections 34 and 35, Township 36 N, Range 25 W.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Missouri. Little Niangua River, Camden, Dallas, and Hickory Counties. Little Niangua River and 50 feet on each side of the river from 1 mile below (downstream of) Highway 54, Camden County, to county road E, Dallas County.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent elements, for all areas designated as critical habitat, consist of medium-sized creeks with silt-free pools and riffles and moderately clear water draining hilly areas underlain by chert and dolomite. Water ranges from 8 to 46 inches in depth over gravel with scattered rubble.

Rush Darter (Etheostoma phytophilum)

(1) The critical habitat units are depicted for Jefferson, Winston, and Etowah Counties in Alabama, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the rush darter consist of five components:

(i) Springs and spring-fed reaches of geomorphically stable, relatively low-gradient, headwater streams with appropriate habitat (bottom substrates) to maintain essential riffles, runs, and pools; emergent vegetation in shallow water and on the margins of small streams and spring runs; cool, clean, flowing water; and connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites to promote gene flow throughout the species' range.

(ii) Stable bottom substrates consisting of a combination of sand with silt, muck, gravel, or bedrock and adequate emergent vegetation in shallow water on the margins of small permanent and ephemeral streams and spring runs.

(iii) Instream flow with moderate velocity and a continuous daily discharge that allows for a longitudinal connectivity regime inclusive of both surface runoff and groundwater sources (springs and seepages) and exclusive of flushing flows caused by stormwater runoff.

(iv) Water quality with temperature not exceeding 26.7 °C (80 °F), dissolved oxygen 6.0 milligrams or greater per liter (mg/L), turbidity of an average monthly reading of 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU; units used to measure sediment discharge) and 15 mg/L total suspended solids (TSS; measured as mg/L of sediment in water) or less; and a specific conductance (ability of water to conduct an electric current, based on dissolved solids in the water) of no greater than 225 micro Siemens per centimeter at 26.7 °C (80 °F).

(v) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including midge larvae, mayfly nymphs, blackfly larvae, beetles, and microcrustaceans.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 15, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16N, NAD1983, coordinates. Upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and projected in WGS 1984. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2011-0074, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) Units 1, 2, and 3: Beaver Creek, Unnamed Tributary to Beaver Creek and Highway 79 Spring Site, and Tapawingo or Penny Spring and Spring Run, Jefferson County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 1 includes 1.0 river kilometers (rkm) (0.6 river miles (rmi)) of Beaver Creek from the confluence with an unnamed tributary to Beaver Creek, downstream to the confluence with Turkey Creek.

(ii) Unit 2 includes 4.4 rkm (2.7 rmi) of an unnamed tributary of Beaver Creek and two spring runs. The site begins at the section 1 and 2 (T16S, R2W) line, as taken from the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 topographical map (Pinson quadrangle), downstream to its confluence with Dry Creek, and includes a spring run beginning at the springhead just northwest of Old Pinson Road and intersecting with an unnamed tributary to Beaver Creek on the west side of Highway 79, and a spring associated wetland (0.13 ha, 0.33 ac) within the headwaters, south of Pinson Heights Road, flowing 0.9 km (0.05 mi) from the northwest (33.668173, −86.708577) and adjoining to the Unnamed Tributary (33.667344, −86.707429).

(iii) Unit 3 includes 0.6 rkm (0.4 rmi) of spring run, historically called Tapawingo Plunge, along with 6.7 ha (16.5 ac) of flooded spring basin making up Penny Springs, located south of Turkey Creek, north of Bud Holmes Road, east of Tapawingo Trail Road. The east boundary is at latitude 33° 41′ 56.50″ N and longitude 86° 39′ 55.01″ W: 1.0 km (0.6 mi) west of section line 28 and 29 (T15S, R1W) (U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 topographical map (Pinson quadrangle)).

(iv) Map of Units 1, 2, and 3 of critical habitat for the rush darter follows:

(7) Units 4, 5, and 6: Wildcat Branch, Mill Creek, and Doe Branch, Winston County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 4 includes 6.6 rkm (4.1 rmi) of Wildcat Branch from the streams headwaters just east of Winston County Road 29 to the confluence with Clear Creek.

(ii) Unit 5 includes 5.9 rkm (3.7 rmi) of Mill Creek from the streams headwaters just east of Winston County Road 195 to the confluence with Clear Creek.

(iii) Unit 6 includes 4.3 rkm (2.7 rmi) of Doe Branch from the streams headwaters north and west of section line 23 and 14 (R9W, T11S; Popular Springs Quadrangle) to the confluence with Wildcat Branch.

(iv) Map of Units 4, 5, and 6 of critical habitat for the rush darter follows:

(8) Units 7 and 8: Little Cove Creek, Cove Spring and Spring Run; and Bristow Creek, Etowah County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 7 includes 11.2 rkm (6.1 rmi) of Little Cove Creek and the Cove Spring run system along with 5.1 ha (12.7 ac) of the spring run floodplain. Specifically, the Little Cove Creek section (11.0 rkm (6.0 rmi)) is from the intersection of Etowah County Road 179 near the creek headwaters, downstream to its confluence with the Locust Fork River. The Cove Spring and spring run section includes 0.2 rkm (0.1 rmi) of the spring run from the springhead at the West Etowah Water and Fire Authority pumping station on Cove Spring Road to the confluence with Little Cove Creek and includes 5.1 ha (12.7 acres) of the spring run floodplain due south of the pumping facility.

(ii) Unit 8 includes 10.2 rkm (6.3 rmi) of Bristow Creek beginning from the bridge at Fairview Cove Road, downstream to the confluence with the Locust Fork River.

(iii) Map of Units 7 and 8 of critical habitat for the rush darter follows:

Slackwater Darter (Etheostoma boschungi)

Alabama. Lauderdale County. All permanent and intermittent streams with flowing water from December to June tributary to Cypress Creek and its tributaries upstream from the junction of Burcham Creek, including Burcham Creek, excluding Threet Creek and its tributaries.

Tennessee. Wayne County. All permanent and intermittent streams with flowing water from December to June tributary to Cypress and Middle Cypress Creek drainage.


The maps provided are for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Tennessee. Lawrence County, Buffalo River and its tributaries in Lawrence County, Tenn.

Trispot Darter (Etheostoma Trisella)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for St. Clair, Etowah, Cherokee, and Calhoun Counties, Alabama; Bradley and Polk Counties, Tennessee; and Whitfield, Murray, and Gordon Counties, Georgia, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the trispot darter consist of the following components:

(i) Geomorphically stable, small to medium streams with detritus, woody debris, and stands of water willow (Justicia americana) over stream substrate that consists of small cobble, pebbles, gravel, and fine layers of silt; and intact riparian cover to maintain stream morphology and reduce erosion and sediment inputs.

(ii) Adequate seasonal water flows, or a hydrologic flow regime (which includes the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain appropriate benthic habitats and to maintain and create connectivity between permanently flowing streams with associated streams that hold water from November through April, providing connectivity between the darter's spawning and summer areas.

(iii) Water and sediment quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity; hardness; turbidity; temperature; pH; ammonia; heavy metals; pesticides; animal waste products; and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 30, 2020. In addition, any lands that are perennially dry areas that are located within the critical habitat boundaries shown on the maps in this entry are not designated as critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16N coordinates and species' occurrence data. The hydrologic data used in the maps were extracted from U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset High Resolution (1:24,000 scale) using Geographic Coordinate System North American 1983 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0073.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Big Canoe Creek, St. Clair County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit 1 consists of 41 stream miles (mi) (66 kilometers (km)) in St. Clair County, Alabama, from approximately 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream of Pinedale Road, west of Ashville, Alabama, to approximately U.S. Highway (Hwy.) 11. In addition to Big Canoe Creek, Unit 1 includes the westernmost portion of Little Canoe Creek to State Hwy. 174 and all of its associated tributaries. Unit 1 also includes all low-elevation areas (5,286 acres (ac) (2,139 hectares (ha))) containing channels that hold water from November through April beginning 0.5 mi (0.8 km) upstream of County Road 31 upstream to the U.S. Hwy. 11 crossing with Big Canoe Creek, approximately 0.70 mi (1.1 km) downstream of the Interstate 59 (I-59) crossing with the Left Hand Prong Little Canoe Creek, and the State Hwy. 174 crossing with Little Canoe Creek and Stovall Branch.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Ballplay Creek, Etowah, Cherokee, and Calhoun Counties, Alabama.

(i) Unit 2 consists of 17 stream mi (27 km) of Ballplay Creek in Etowah, Cherokee, and Calhoun Counties, Alabama, and 2,527 ac (1,023 ha) of ephemeral spawning habitat. Unit 2 begins upstream of a wetland complex located at the border between Etowah and Cherokee Counties approximately at County Road 32, and continues upstream approximately to the U.S. Hwy. 278 crossing over Ballplay Creek in Calhoun County, Alabama. Unit 2 includes all low-elevation areas containing channels that hold water from November through April beginning upstream of the wetland complex located at the border between Etowah and Cherokee Counties approximately 0.60 mi (1 km) southwest of County Road 32, extending upstream to the confluence of Ballplay and Little Ballplay Creeks and to the west along Rocky Ford Road and Alford Road.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Conasauga River, Bradley and Polk Counties, Tennessee, and Whitfield and Murray Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit 3 consists of 57 stream mi (92 km) and 1,400 ac (567 ha) of ephemeral wetland spawning habitat in Whitfield and Murray Counties, Georgia, and Polk and Bradley Counties, Tennessee. Unit 3 begins in the Conasauga River upstream of the mouth of Coahulla Creek and continues upstream to the mouth of Minneawauga Creek. Unit 3 also includes Mill Creek, from its confluence with the Conasauga River in Bradley County, Tennessee, upstream to the first impoundment on Mill Creek approximately at Green Shadow Road SE; Old Fort Creek, from Ladd Springs Road SE in Polk County, Tennessee, to its confluence with Mill Creek in Bradley County, Tennessee; and Perry Creek, from its headwaters (approximately 0.35 mi (0.6 km) upstream of Tennga Gregory Road) to its confluence with the Conasauga River in Murray County, Georgia, and both of its tributaries. Unit 3 includes all low-elevation areas containing channels that hold water from November through April, beginning from the confluence of the Conasauga River and Shears Branch (west of U.S. Hwy. 411 in Polk County, Tennessee) to approximately 0.30 mi (0.5 km) downstream of the confluence of the Conasauga River and Perry Creek; Mill Creek from Hicks Tanyard Road downstream to its confluence with the Conasauga River; Old Fort Creek from Hicks Tanyard Road to its confluence with Mill Creek; and Perry Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: Mill Creek, Whitfield County, Georgia.

(i) Unit 4 consists of 9.4 stream mi (15.1 km) of Mill Creek in Whitfield County, Georgia. Unit 4 begins at the confluence of Mill Creek with Coahulla Creek and continues upstream along Mill Creek for approximately 9.4 mi (15.1 km) to the U.S. Hwy. 41 crossing.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(10) Unit 5: Coahulla Creek, Whitfield County, Georgia, and Bradley County, Tennessee.

(i) Unit 5 consists of 26 stream mi (42 km) of Coahulla Creek and 716 ac (290 ha) of ephemeral spawning habitat in Whitfield County, Georgia, and Bradley County, Tennessee. Unit 5 begins immediately upstream of the Prater Mill dam upstream of State Hwy. 2 in Georgia. The unit continues upstream for approximately 26 mi (42 km) to Ramsey Bridge Road SE and includes ephemeral wetland habitat from 0.5 mi (0.8 km) downstream of Hopewell Road to approximately 0.5 mi (0.8 km) upstream of McGaughey Chapel Road.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(11) Unit 6: Coosawattee River, Gordon and Murray Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit 6 consists of 25 stream mi (40.2 km) of the Coosawattee River beginning at the confluence with the Conasauga River in Gordon County, Georgia. The unit continues upstream to Old Highway 411 downstream of Carters Lake Reregulation Dam in Murray County, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Vermilion Darter (Etheostoma chermocki)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Jefferson County, Alabama, on the map below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the vermilion darter consist of four components:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream bottoms and banks (stable horizontal dimension and vertical profile) in order to maintain bottom features (riffles, runs, and pools) and transition zones between bottom features, to promote connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites, and to maintain gene flow throughout the species range.

(ii) Instream flow regime with an average daily discharge over 50 cubic feet per second, inclusive of both surface runoff and groundwater sources (springs and seepages) and exclusive of flushing flows.

(iii) Water quality with temperature not exceeding 26.7 °C (80 °F), dissolved oxygen 6.0 milligrams or greater per liter, turbidity of an average monthly reading of 10 NTU and 15mg/l TSS (Nephelometric Turbidity Units; units used to measure sediment discharge; Total Suspended Solids measured as mg/l of sediment in water) or less; and a specific conductance (ability of water to conduct an electric current, based on dissolved solids in the water) of no greater than 225 micro Siemens per centimeter at 26.7 °C (80 °F).

(iv) Stable bottom substrates consisting of fine gravel with coarse gravel or cobble, or bedrock with sand and gravel, with low amounts of fine sand and sediments within the interstitial spaces of the substrates along with adequate aquatic vegetation.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, bridges, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat unit map. The map was developed from USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the vermilion darter follows:

(6) Unit 1: Turkey Creek, Jefferson County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 1 includes the channel in Turkey Creek from Shadow Lake Dam (086°38′22.50″ W long., 033°40′44.78″ N lat.) downstream to the Section 13/14 (T15S, R2W) line (086°42′31.81″ W long., 033°43′23.61″ N lat.).

(ii) Map of Unit 1 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(7) Unit 2: Dry Branch, Jefferson County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 2 includes the channel in Dry Branch from the bridge at Glenbrook Road (086°41′6.05″ W long., 033°41′10.65″ N lat) downstream to the confluence with Beaver Creek (86°41′17.39″ W long., 033°41′26.94″ N lat.).

(ii) Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(8) Unit 3: Beaver Creek, Jefferson County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 3 includes the channel of Beaver Creek from the confluence with the unnamed tributary to Beaver Creek and Dry Branch (086°41′17.54″ W long., 033°41′26.94″ N lat.) downstream to its confluence with Turkey Creek (086°41′9.16″ W long., 033°41′55.86 N lat.).

(ii) Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(9) Unit 4: Dry Creek, Jefferson County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 4 includes the channel of Dry Creek, from Innsbrook Road (086°39′53.78″ W long., 033°42′19.11″ N lat) downstream to the confluence with Turkey Creek (086°40′3.72″ W long., 033°42′1.39″ N lat).

(ii) Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(10) Unit 5: Unnamed Tributary to Beaver Creek, Jefferson County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 5 includes the channel of the Unnamed Tributary from its confluence with Beaver Creek (086°41′17.54″ W long., 033°41′26.94″ N lat.), upstream to the 1/2(T16S, R2W) section line (086°42′31.70″ W long., 033°39′54.15″ N lat.)

(ii) Map of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Map 2) follows:

Yellowcheek Darter (Etheostoma moorei)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cleburne, Searcy, Stone, and Van Buren Counties, Arkansas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the yellowcheek darter consist of five components:

(i) Geomorphically stable, second- to fifth-order streams with riffle habitats, and connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites to promote gene flow within the species' range where possible.

(ii) Stable bottom composed of relatively silt-free, moderate to strong velocity riffles with gravel, cobble, and boulder substrates.

(iii) An instream flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) sufficient to provide permanent surface flows, as measured during years with average rainfall, and to maintain benthic habitats utilized by the species.

(iv) Adequate water quality characterized by moderate stream temperatures, acceptable dissolved oxygen concentrations, moderate pH, and low levels of pollutants. Adequate water quality is defined for the purpose of this rule as the quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the yellowcheek darter.

(v) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including blackfly larvae, stonefly larvae, mayfly nymphs, and caddisfly larvae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 15, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15N, NAD1983, coordinates. Upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and projected in WGS 1984. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2011-0074, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Middle Fork Little Red River; Searcy, Stone and Van Buren Counties, Arkansas.

(i) Unit 1 includes 73.2 river kilometers (rkm) (45.5 river miles (rmi)) of the Middle Fork of the Little Red River from Searcy County Road 167 approximately 3.4 rkm (2.1 rmi) southwest of Leslie, Arkansas, to a point on the stream 7.7 rkm (4.8 rmi) downstream of the Arkansas Highway 9 crossing of the Middle Fork near Shirley, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 of critical habitat for the yellowcheek darter follows:

(7) Unit 2: South Fork Little Red River; Van Buren County, Arkansas.

(i) Unit 2 includes 33.8 rkm (21.0 rmi) of the South Fork of the Little Red River from Van Buren County Road 9 three miles north of Scotland, Arkansas, to a point on the stream approximately 5.5 rkm (3.4 rmi) downstream of U.S. Highway 65 in Clinton, Arkansas, where it becomes inundated by Greers Ferry Lake.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 of critical habitat for the yellowcheek darter follows:

(8) Unit 3: Archey Fork Little Red River; Van Buren County, Arkansas.

(i) Unit 3 includes 28.5 rkm (17.7 rmi) of the Archey Fork of the Little Red River from its confluence with South Castleberry Creek to its confluence with the South Fork of the Little Red River near Clinton, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 of critical habitat for the yellowcheek darter follows:

(9) Unit 4: Devil's Fork Little Red River (including Turkey Creek and Beech Fork); Cleburne and Stone Counties, Arkansas.

(i) Unit 4 includes 28.0 rkm (17.4 rmi) of stream from Stone County Road 21 approximately 3 miles north of Prim, Arkansas, to a point on the Devil's Fork approximately 5.1 km (3.2 mi) southeast of Woodrow, Arkansas, at the point of inundation by Greers Ferry Lake.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 of critical habitat for the yellowcheek darter follows:

San Marcos Gambusia (Gambusia georgei)

Texas, Hays County; San Marcos River from Highway 12 bridge downstream to approximately 0.5 miles below Interstate Highway 35 bridge.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Tidewater Goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Sonoma, Marin, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent element of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of tidewater goby consist of persistent, shallow (in the range of approximately 0.3 to 6.6 ft (0.1 to 2 m)), still-to-slow-moving lagoons, estuaries, and coastal streams with salinity up to 12 parts per thousand (ppt), which provides adequate space for normal behavior and individual and population growth that contain:

(i) Substrates (e.g., sand, silt, mud) suitable for the construction of burrows for reproduction;

(ii) Submerged and emergent aquatic vegetation, such as Potamogeton pectinatus, Ruppia maritima, Typha latifolia, and Scirpus spp., that provides protection from predators and high flow events; or

(iii) Presence of a sandbar(s) across the mouth of a lagoon or estuary during the late spring, summer, and fall that closes or partially closes the lagoon or estuary, thereby providing relatively stable water levels and salinity.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as bridges, docks, aqueducts, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on March 8, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created for most units using National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data (both published data available over the Internet and in publication provisional data). Where NWI data was lacking, unit boundaries were digitized directly on imagery from the Department of Agriculture's National Aerial Imagery Program data (NAIP) acquired in 2005. Critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zones 10 and 11. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,, at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2011-0085, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) in Northern California follows:

(6) Unit DN 1: Tillas Slough, Del Norte County California. Map of Units DN 1 and DN 2 follows:

(7) Unit DN 2: Lake Talawa/Lake Earl, Del Norte County, California. Map of Unit DN 1 and DN 2 is provided at paragraph (6) of this entry.

(8) Unit HUM 1: Stone Lagoon, Humboldt County California. Map of Units HUM 1 and HUM 2 follows:

(9) Unit HUM 2: Big Lagoon, Humboldt County, California. Map of Units HUM 1 and HUM 2 is provided at paragraph (8) of this entry.

(10) Unit HUM 3: Humboldt Bay, Humboldt County, California. Map follows:

(11) Subunit HUM 4a: Eel River North Area. Map of Subunits HUM 4a and HUM 4b follows:

(12) Subunit HUM 4b: Eel River South Area. Map of Subunits HUM 4a and HUM 4b is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.

(13) Unit MEN 1: Tenmile River, Mendocino County, California. Map of Units MEN 1, MEN 2, and MEN 3 follows:

(14) Unit MEN 2: Virgin Creek, Mendocino County, California. Map of Units MEN 1, MEN 2, and MEN 3 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(15) Unit MEN 3: Pudding Creek, Mendocino County, California. Map of Units MEN 1, MEN 2, and MEN 3 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(16) Unit MEN 4: Davis Lake and Manchester Sate Park Ponds, Mendocino

County, California. Map follows:

(17) Unit SON 1: Salmon Creek, Sonoma County California. Map of Units SON 1, MAR 1, MAR 2, MAR 3, and MAR 4 follows:

(18) Unit MAR 1: Estero Anericano, Marin County, California. Map of Units SON 1, MAR 1, MAR 2,MAR 3 and MAR 4 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(19) Unit MAR 2: Estero de San Antonio, Marin County, California. Map of Units SON 1, MAR 1, MAR 2, MAR 3, and MAR 4 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(20) Unit MAR 3: Walker Creek, Marin County, California. Map of Units SON 1, MAR 1, MAR 2, MAR 3, and MAR 4 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(21) Unit MAR 4: Lagunitas (Pepermill) Creek, Marin County, California. Map of Units SON 1, MAR 1, MAR 2, MAR 3, and MAR 4 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.

(22) Unit MAR 5: Bolinas Lagoon, Marin County, California. Map of Units MAR 5 and MAR 6 follows:

(23) Unit MAR 6: Rodeo Lagoon, Marin County, California. Map of Units MAR 5 and MAR 6 is provided at paragraph (21) of this entry.

(24) Unit SM 1: San Gregorio Creek, San Mateo County, California. Map of Units SM 1, SM 2, SM 3, and SM 4 follows:

(25) Unit SM 2: Pomponio Creek, San Mateo County, California. Map of Units SM 1, SM 2, SM 3, and SM 4 is provided at paragraph (24) of this entry.

(26) Unit SM 3: Pescadero-Butano Creeks, San Mateo County, California. Map of Units SM 1, SM 2, SM 3, and SM 4 is provided at paragraph (24) of this entry.

(27) Unit SM 4: Bean Hollow Creek, San Mateo County, California. Map of Units SM 1, SM 2, SM 3, and SM 4 is provided at paragraph (24) of this entry.

(28) Index map of critical habitat units for the tidewater goby (Eucyclogobius newberryi) in Southern California follows:

(29) Unit SC 1: Waddell Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Unit SC 1, SC 2, SC 3, and SC 4 follows:

(30) Unit SC 2: Scott Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 1, SC 2, SC 3, and SC 4 is provided at paragraph (29) of this entry.

(31) Unit SC 3: Laguna Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 1, SC 2, SC 3, and SC 4 is provided at paragraph (29) of this entry.

(32) Unit SC 4: Baldwin Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 1, SC 2, SC 3, and SC 4 is provided at paragraph (29) of this entry.

(33) Unit SC 5: Moore Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 5, SC 6, and SC 7 follows:

(34) Unit SC 6: Corcoran Lagoon, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 5, SC 6, and SC 7 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(35) Unit SC 7: Aptos Creek, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 5, SC 6, and SC 7 is provided at paragraph (33) of this entry.

(36) Unit SC 8: Pajaro River, Santa Cruz County, California. Map of Units SC 8, MN 1, and MN 2 follows:

(37) Unit MN 1: Bennett Slough, Monterey County, California. Map of Units SC 8, MN 1, and MN 2 is provided at paragraph (36) of this entry.

(38) Unit MN 2: Salinas River, Monterey County, California. Map of Units SC 8, MN 1, and MN 2 is provided at paragraph (36) of this entry.

(39) Unit SLO 1: Arroyo de la Cruz, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Unit SLO 1, SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4, and SLO 5 follows:

(40) Unit SLO 2: Arroyo del Corral, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 1, SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4 and SLO 5 is provided at paragraph (39) of this entry.

(41) Unit SLO 3: Oak Knoll Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 1, SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4 and SLO 5 is provided at paragraph (39) of this entry.

(42) Unit SLO 4: Little Pico Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 1, SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4 and SLO 5 is provided at paragraph (39) of this entry.

(43) Unit SLO 5: San Simeon Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 1, SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4 and SLO 5 is provided at paragraph (39) of this entry.

(44) Unit SLO 6: Villa Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 6, SLO 7, SLO 8 and SLO 9 follows:

(45) Unit SLO 7: San Geronimo Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 6, SLO 7, SLO 8, and SLO 9 is provided at paragraph (44) of this entry.

(46) Unit SLO 8: Toro Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 6, SLO 7, SLO 8, and SLO 9 is provided at paragraph (44) of this entry.

(47) Unit SLO 9: Los Osos Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 6, SLO 7, SLO 8, and SLO 9 is provided at paragraph (44) of this entry.

(48) Unit SLO 10: San Luis Obispo Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 10, SLO 11, SLO 12, and SB 1 follows:

(49) Unit SLO 11: Pismo Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 10, SLO 11, SLO 12, and SB 1 is provided at paragraph (48) of this entry.

(50) Unit SLO 12: Oso Flaco Lake, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 10, SLO 11, SLO 12, and SB 1 is provided at paragraph (48) of this entry.

(51) Unit SB 1: Santa Maria River, San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Units SLO 10, SLO 11, SLO 12, and SB 1 is provided at paragraph (48) of this entry.

(52) Unit SB 2: Cañada de las Agujas, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 2, SB 3, SB 4, SB 5, SB 6, and SB 7 follows:

(53) Unit SB 3: Cañada de Santa Anita, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 2, SB 3, SB 4, SB 5, SB 6, and SB 7 is provided at paragraph (52) of this entry.

(54) Unit SB 4: Cañada de Alegria, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 2, SB 3, SB 4, SB 5, SB 6, and SB 7 is provided at paragraph (52) of this entry.

(55) Unit SB 5: Cañada del Agua Caliente, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 2, SB 3, SB 4, SB 5, SB 6, and SB 7 is provided at paragraph (52) of this entry.

(56) Unit SB 6: Gaviota Creek, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 2, SB 3, SB 4, SB 5, SB 6, and SB 7 is provided at paragraph (52) of this entry.

(57) Unit SB 7: Arroyo Hondo, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 2, SB 3, SB 4, SB 5, SB 6, and SB 7 is provided at paragraph (52) of this entry.

(58) Unit SB 8: Winchester-Bell Canyon, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of SB 8, SB 9, and SB 10 follows:

(59) Unit SB 9: Goleta Slough, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 8, SB 9, and SB 10 is provided at paragraph (58) of this entry.

(60) Unit SB 10: Arroyo Burro, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 8, SB 9, and SB 10 is provided at paragraph (58) of this entry.

(61) Unit SB 11: Mission Creek - Laguna Channel, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 11 and SB 12 follows:

(62) Unit SB 12: Arroyo Paredon, Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Units SB 11 and SB 12 is provided at paragraph (61) of this entry.

(63) Unit VEN 1: Ventura River, Ventura County, California. Map of VEN 1, VEN 2, and VEN 3 follows:

(64) Unit VEN 2: Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California. Map of Units VEN 1, VEN 2, and VEN 3 is provided at paragraph (63) of this entry.

(65) Unit VEN 3: J Street Drain - Ormond Lagoon, Ventura County, California. Map of Units VEN 1, VEN 2, and VEN 3 is provided at paragraph (63) of this entry.

(66) Unit VEN 4: Big Sycamore Canyon, Ventura County, California. Map of Units VEN 1, LA 1, and LA 2 follows:

(67) Unit LA 1: Arroyo Sequit, Los Angeles County, California. Map of Units VEN 4, LA 1, and LA 2 is provided at paragraph (66) of this entry.

(68) Unit LA 2: Zuma Canyon, Los Angeles County, California. Map of Units VEN 4, LA 1, and LA 2 is provided at paragraph (66) of this entry.

(69) Unit LA 3: Malibu Creek, Los Angeles County, California. Map of Units LA 3, and LA 4 follows:

(70) Unit LA 4: Topanga Creek, Los Angeles County, California. Map of Units LA 3, and LA 4 is provided at paragraph (69) of this entry.

(71) Unit OR 1: Aliso Creek, Orange County, California. Map of Unit OR 1 follows:

(72) Unit SAN 1: San Luis Rey River, San Diego County, California. Map of Unit SAN 1 follows:

Conasauga Logperch (Percina jenkinsi)

Tennessee and Georgia: Conasauga River from the confluence of Halfway Branch with the Conasauga River in Polk County, Tennessee, downstream approximately 11 miles to the Georgia State Highway 2 Bridge, Murray County, Georgia.

Constituent elements include high quality water, pool areas with flowing water and silt free riffles with gravel and rubble substrate, and fast riffle areas and deeper chutes with gravel and small rubble.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Carolina Madtom ((Noturus Furiosus))

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Jones, Nash, Orange, Vance, Warren, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Carolina madtom consist of the following components:

(i) Suitable substrates and connected instream habitats, characterized by geomorphically stable stream channels and banks (i.e., channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with habitats that support a diversity of freshwater native fish (such as stable riffle-run-pool habitats that provide flow refuges consisting of silt-free gravel, small cobble, coarse sand, and leaf litter substrates) as well as abundant cover used for nesting.

(ii) Adequate flows, or a hydrologic flow regime (which includes the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time), necessary to maintain instream habitats where the species is found and to maintain connectivity of streams with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the fish's habitat, food availability, and ample oxygenated flow for spawning and nesting habitat.

(iii) Water quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity, hardness, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia, heavy metals, and chemical constituents) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) Aquatic macroinvertebrate prey items, which are typically dominated by larval midges, mayflies, caddisflies, dragonflies, and beetle larvae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 9, 2021.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created by overlaying Natural Heritage Element Occurrence data and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic data for stream reaches. The hydrologic data used in the critical habitat maps were extracted from the USGS 1:1M scale nationwide hydrologic layer ( with a projection of EPSG:4269-NAD83 Geographic. The North Carolina Natural Heritage program's species presence data were used to select specific stream segments for inclusion in the critical habitat layer. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0092 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: TAR1-Upper Tar River, Franklin, Granville, and Vance Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 26 river miles (42 river kilometers) of the Upper Tar River from the confluence with Sand Creek to the confluence with Sycamore Creek. Unit 1 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: TAR2-Sandy/Swift Creek, Edgecombe, Franklin, Halifax, Nash, Vance, and Warren Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 66 river miles (106 river kilometers) of Sandy and Swift Creeks, located downstream from NC561 to the confluence with the Tar River. Unit 2 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: TAR3-Fishing Creek Subbasin, Edgecombe, Franklin, Halifax, Nash, and Warren Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 86 river miles (138 river kilometers) of Fishing Creek from the confluence with Hogpen Branch to the confluence with the Tar River, and Little Fishing Creek from Medoc Mountain Road (SR1002) to the confluence with Fishing Creek. Unit 3 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: NR1-Upper Neuse River Subbasin (Eno River), Durham and Orange Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 20 river miles (32 river kilometers) of the Upper Neuse River extending from Eno River State Park downstream of NC70 to the confluence with Cabin Creek near Falls Lake impoundment. Unit 4 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(10) Unit 5: NR2-Little River, Johnston County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 28 river miles (45 river kilometers) of the Upper and Lower Little River from NC42 to the Johnston/Wayne County line. Unit 5 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(11) Unit 6: NR3-Contentnea Creek, Wilson County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 15 river miles (24 river kilometers) of Contentnea Creek from Buckhorn Reservoir to Wiggins Mill Reservoir. Unit 6 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(12) Unit 7: TR1-Trent River, Jones County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 15 river miles (24 river kilometers) of the Trent River between the confluence with Cypress Creek and Beaver Creek. Unit 7 includes stream habitat up to bankfull height.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Chucky Madtom (Noturus crypticus)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Greene County, Tennessee, on the maps below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the Chucky madtom consist of five components:

(i) Gently flowing run and pool reaches of geomorphically stable streams with cool, clean, flowing water; shallow depths; and connectivity between spawning, foraging, and resting sites to promote gene flow throughout the species' range.

(ii) Stable bottom substrates composed of relatively silt-free, flat gravel, cobble, and slab-rock boulders.

(iii) An instream flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) sufficient to provide permanent surface flows, as measured during years with average rainfall, and to maintain benthic habitats utilized by the species.

(iv) Adequate water quality characterized by moderate stream temperatures, acceptable dissolved oxygen concentrations, moderate pH, and low levels of pollutants. Adequate water quality is defined for the purpose of this rule as the quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages of the Chucky madtom.

(v) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including midge larvae, mayfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, and stonefly larvae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 15, 2012.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Tennessee State Plane, Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, units feet. Upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and projected in WGS 1984. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2011-0074, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) Little Chucky Creek Unit, Greene County, Tennessee.

(i) Little Chucky Creek Unit includes 31.9 river kilometers (19.8 river miles) of Little Chucky Creek from its confluence with an unnamed tributary, downstream to its confluence with the Nolichucky River, at the Greene and Cocke County line, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Little Chucky Creek Unit of critical habitat for the Chucky madtom follows:

Smoky Madtom (Noturus baileyi)

Tennessee, Monroe County, Citico Creek, Cherokee National Forest. Citico Creek from the Cherokee National Forest boundary at upper Citico Bridge on Mountain Settlement Road (approximately creek mile 4.3) upstream to the confluence of Citico Creek with Barkcamp Branch (approximately creek mile 10.8).

Constituent elements of the critical habitat include the present good water quality in Citico Creek and run/pool areas with relatively silt-free pea-size gravel substrate containing scattered large flat rocks for breeding habitat. The species utilizes palm-size slab rocks for cover and relatively silt-free riffle areas during other times of the year. The area designated as critical habitat provides the smoky madtom with all of the necessary constituent elements for completion of its life cycle.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Yellowfin Madtom (Noturus flavipinnis)

Tennessee. Claiborne and Hancock Counties. Powell River, main channel from backwaters of Norris Lake upstream to the Tennessee-Virginia State line.

Virginia. Lee, Scott, and Russell Counties. Powell River, main channel from the Virginia-Tennessee State line upstream through Lee County. Copper Creek, main channel from its junction with Clinch River upstream through Scott County and upstream in Russell County to Dickensonville.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Val Verde County and Kinney County, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Devils River minnow are the following habitat components:

(i) Streams characterized by:

(A) Areas with slow to moderate water velocities between 10 and 40 cm/second (4 and 16 in/second) in shallow to moderate water depths between approximately 10 cm (4 in) and 1.5 m (4.9 ft), near vegetative structure, such as emergent or submerged vegetation or stream bank riparian vegetation that overhangs into the water column;

(B) Gravel and cobble substrates ranging in diameter between 2 and 10 cm (0.8 and 4 in) with low or moderate amounts of fine sediment (less than 65 percent stream bottom coverage) and low or moderate amounts of substrate embeddedness; and

(C) Pool, riffle, run, and backwater components free of artificial instream structures that would prevent movement of fish upstream or downstream.

(ii) High-quality water provided by permanent, natural flows from groundwater spring and seeps characterized by:

(A) Temperature ranging between 17 °C and 29 °C (63 °F and 84 °F);

(B) Dissolved oxygen levels greater than 5.0 mg/l;

(C) Neutral pH ranging between 7.0 and 8.2;

(D) Conductivity less than 0.7 mS/cm and salinity less than 1 ppt;

(E) Ammonia levels less than 0.4 mg/l; and

(F) No or minimal pollutant levels for copper, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium; human and animal waste products; pesticides; fertilizers; suspended sediments; and petroleum compounds and gasoline or diesel fuels.

(iii) An abundant aquatic food base consisting of algae attached to stream substrates and other microorganisms associated with stream substrates.

(iv) Aquatic stream habitat either devoid of nonnative aquatic species (including fish, plants, and invertebrates) or in which such nonnative aquatic species are at levels that allow for healthy populations of Devils River minnows.

(v) Areas within stream courses that may be periodically dewatered for short time periods, during seasonal droughts, but otherwise serve as connective corridors between occupied or seasonally occupied areas through which the species moves when the area is wetted.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created in ArcGIS using the National Hydrography Dataset and 7.5' topographic quadrangle maps obtained from U.S. Geological Survey to approximate stream channels and calculate distances (stream km and stream mi). We made some minor adjustments to stream channels using the 2004 National Agriculture Imagery Program digital orthophotos obtained from the Texas Natural Resources Information System. For each critical habitat unit, the upstream and downstream boundaries are described as paired geographic coordinates X, Y (meters E, meters N, UTM Zone 14, referenced to North American Horizontal Datum 1983). Additionally, critical habitat areas include the stream channels within the identified stream reaches and areas within these reaches up to the bankfull width.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the Devils River minnow follows:

(6) Unit 2: San Felipe Creek, Val Verde County, Texas.

(i) Unit 2 consists of approximately 7.9 stream km (4.9 stream mi) on San Felipe Creek, 0.8 stream km (0.5 stream mi) of the outflow of San Felipe Springs West, and 0.3 stream km (0.2 stream mi) of the outflow of San Felipe Springs East. The upstream boundary on San Felipe Creek is the Head Springs (UTM 318813E, 3253702N) located about 1.1 stream km (0.7 stream mi) upstream of the Jap Lowe Bridge crossing. The downstream boundary on San Felipe Creek is in the City of Del Rio 0.8 stream km (0.5 stream mi) downstream of the Academy Street Bridge crossing (UTM 316317E, 3248147N). This unit includes the outflow channels from the origin of the two springs, San Felipe Springs West (UTM 317039E, 3250850N) and San Felipe Springs East (UTM 317212E, 250825N), downstream to the confluence with San Felipe Creek. Including all three streams, the total distance in Unit 2 is approximately 9.0 stream km (5.6 stream mi).

(ii) Map of Unit 2, San Felipe Creek Unit, follows:

(7) Unit 3: Pinto Creek, Kinney County, Texas.

(i) Unit 3 consists of approximately 17.5 stream km (10.9 stream mi) on Pinto Creek. The upstream boundary is Pinto Springs (UTM 359372E, 3254422N). The downstream boundary is 100 m (330 ft) upstream of the Highway 90 Bridge crossing of Pinto Creek (UTM 351163E, 3246179N).

(ii) Map of Unit 3, Pinto Creek Unit, follows:

Loach Minnow (Tiaroga cobitis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Pinal, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona, and for Catron, Grant, and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements (PCE) of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of loach minnow consist of six components:

(i) Habitat to support all egg, larval, juvenile, and adult loach minnow. This habitat includes perennial flows with a stream depth of generally less than 1 m (3.3 ft), and with slow to swift flow velocities between 0 and 80 cm per second (0.0 and 31.5 in. per second). Appropriate microhabitat types include pools, runs, riffles, and rapids over sand, gravel, cobble, and rubble substrates with low or moderate amounts of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness. Appropriate habitats have a low stream gradient of less than 2.5 percent and are at elevations below 2,500 m (8,202 ft). Water temperatures should be in the general range of 8.0 to 25.0 °C (46.4 to 77 °F).

(ii) An abundant aquatic insect food base consisting of mayflies, true flies, black flies, caddis flies, stoneflies, and dragonflies.

(iii) Streams with no or no more than low levels of pollutants.

(iv) Perennial flows or interrupted stream courses that are periodically dewatered but that serve as connective corridors between occupied or seasonally occupied habitat and through which the species may move when the habitat is wetted.

(v) No nonnative aquatic species, or levels of nonnative aquatic species that are sufficiently low to allow persistence of loach minnow.

(vi) Streams with a natural, unregulated flow regime that allows for periodic flooding or, if flows are modified or regulated, a flow regime that allows for adequate river functions, such as flows capable of transporting sediments.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule. We have determined that all designated areas contain at least one PCE for loach minnow.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles along with shapefiles generated by the Arizona Land Resource Information Service for land ownership, streams, counties, and the Public Land Survey System. Information on species locations was derived from databases developed by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, and Arizona State University.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Verde River Subbasin, Yavapai County, Arizona.

(i) Verde River for approximately 118.5 km (73.6 mi), extending from the confluence with Beaver and Wet Beaver Creek in Township 14 North, Range 5 East, southeast quarter of section 30 upstream to Sullivan Dam in Township 17 North, Range 2 West, northwest quarter of section 15. This mileage does not include the 1.2 km (0.8 mi) belonging to the Yavapai-Apache Nation, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) Granite Creek for approximately 3.2 km (2.0 mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 17 North, Range 2 West, northeast quarter of section 14 upstream to a spring in Township 17 North, Range 2 West, southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13.

(iii) Oak Creek for approximately 54.3 km (33.7 mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 15 North, Range 4 East, southeast quarter of section 20 upstream to the confluence with an unnamed tributary from the south in Township 17 North, Range 5 East, southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 24.

(iv) Beaver Creek and Wet Beaver Creek for approximately 33.3 km (20.7 mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 14 North, Range 5 East, southeast quarter of section 30 upstream to the confluence with Casner Canyon in Township 15 North, Range 6 East, northwest quarter of section 23. This mileage does not include the 0.2 km (0.1 mi) belonging to the Yavapai-Apache Nation, which is excluded from this designation.

(v) Fossil Creek for approximately 22.2 km (13.8 mi) from its confluence with the Verde River at Township 11 North, Range 6 East, northeast quarter of section 25 upstream to the old Fossil Diversion Dam site at Township 12 North, Range 7 East, southeast quarter of section 14.

(vi) Map of Unit 1, Verde River Subbasin follows.

(7) Unit 2: Salt River Subbasin, Apache and Gila Counties, Arizona.

(i) East Fork Black River for approximately 19.1 km (11.9 mi) from the confluence with the West Fork Black River at Township 4 North, Range 28 East, southeast quarter of section 11 upstream to the confluence with an unnamed tributary approximately 0.82 km (0.51 mi) downstream of the Boneyard Creek confluence at Township 5 North, Range 29 East, northwest quarter of Section 5.

(ii) North Fork East Fork Black River for approximately 7.1 km (4.4 mi) of the North Fork East Fork Black River extending from the confluence with East Fork Black River at Township 5 North, Range 29 East, northwest quarter of section 5 upstream to the confluence with an unnamed tributary at Township 6 North, Range 29 East, center of Section 30.

(iii) Boneyard Creek for approximately 2.3 km (1.4 mi) extending from the confluence with the East Fork Black River at Township 5 North, Range 29 East, SW quarter of section 5 upstream to the confluence with an unnamed tributary at Township 6 North, Range 29 East, southeast quarter of section 32.

(iv) Coyote Creek for approximately 3.4 km (2.1 mi) from the confluence with East Fork Black River at Township 5 North, Range 29 East, northeast quarter of section 8 upstream to an unnamed confluence at Township 5 North, Range 29 East, northwest quarter of section 10.

(v) Map of Unit 2, Salt River Subbasin follows.

(8) Unit 3: San Pedro River Subbasin, Cochise, Pinal, and Graham Counties, Arizona.

(i) Aravaipa Creek for approximately 44.9 km (27.9 mi) extending from the confluence with the San Pedro River in Township 7 South, Range 16 East, center of section 9 upstream to the confluence with Stowe Gulch in Township 6 South, Range 19 East, southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 35.

(ii) Deer Creek - 3.7 km (2.3 mi) of the creek extending from the confluence with Aravaipa Creek at Township 6 South, Range 18 East, section 14 upstream to the boundary of the Aravaipa Wilderness at Township 6 South, range 19 East, section 18.

(iii) Turkey Creek - 4.3 km (2.7 mi) of the creek extending from the confluence with Aravaipa Creek at Township 6 South, Range 19 East, section 19 upstream to the confluence with Oak Grove Canyon at Township 6 South, Range 19 east, section 32.

(iv) Hot Springs Canyon for approximately 9.3 km (5.8 mi) extending from the confluence with Bass Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 20 East, northeast quarter of section 36 downstream to Township 12 South, Range 20 East, southeast quarter of section 32.

(v) Redfield Canyon for approximately 6.5 km (4.0 mi) extending from Township 11 South, Range 19 East, northeast quarter of section 36 upstream to the confluence with Sycamore Canyon in Township 11 South, Range 20 East, northwest quarter of section 28.

(vi) Bass Canyon for approximately 5.5 km (3.4 mi) from the confluence with Hot Springs Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 20 East, northeast quarter of section 36 upstream to the confluence with Pine Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 21 East, center of section 20.

(vii) Map of Unit 3, San Pedro River Subbasin follows.

(9) Unit 4: Bonita Creek Subbasin, Graham County, Arizona.

(i) Bonita Creek for approximately 23.8 km (14.8 mi) from the confluence with the Gila River in Township 6 South, Range 28 East, southeast quarter of section 21 upstream to the confluence with Martinez Wash in Township 4 South, Range 27 East, southeast quarter of section 27.

(ii) Map of Unit 4, Bonita Creek Subbasin follows.

(10) Unit 5: Eagle Creek Subbasin, Graham and Greenlee Counties, Arizona.

(i) Eagle Creek for approximately 26.5 km (16.5 mi) from the Freeport-McMoRan diversion dam at Township 4 South, Range 28 East, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 23 upstream to the confluence of East Eagle Creek in Township 2 North, Range 28 East, southwest quarter of section 20.

This mileage does not include approximately 21.4 km (13.3 mi) of Eagle Creek on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) Map of Unit 5, Eagle Creek Subbasin follows.

(11) Unit 6: San Francisco River Subbasin, Greenlee County, Arizona and Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) San Francisco River for approximately 189.5 km (117.7 mi) of the San Francisco River extending from the confluence with the Gila River in Township 5 South, Range 29 East, southeast quarter of section 21 upstream to the northern boundary of Township 6 South, Range 19 West, section 2. This mileage includes approximately 14.1 km (8.8 mi) of the San Francisco River on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) Tularosa River for approximately 30.0 km (18.6 mi) from the confluence with the San Francisco River at Township 7 South, Range 19 West, southwest quarter of section 23 upstream to the town of Cruzville at Township 6 South, Range 18 West, southern boundary of section 1.

(iii) Negrito Creek for approximately 6.8 km (4.2 mi) extending from the confluence with the Tularosa River at Township 7 South, Range 18 West, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 19 upstream to the confluence with Cerco Canyon at Township 7 South, Range 18 West, west boundary of section 22.

(iv) Whitewater Creek for approximately 1.9 km (1.2 mi) from the confluence with the San Francisco River at Township 11 South, Range 20 West, Section 27 upstream to the confluence with Little Whitewater Creek at Township 11 South, Range 20 West, southeast quarter of section 23.

(v) Map of Unit 6, San Francisco River Subbasin follows.

(12) Unit 7: Blue River Subbasin, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Blue River for approximately 81.4 km (50.6 mi) from the confluence with the San Francisco River at Township 2 South, Range 31 East, southeast quarter of section 31 upstream to the confluence of Campbell Blue and Dry Blue creeks at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of section 6.

(ii) Campbell Blue Creek for approximately 12.4 km (7.7 mi) from the confluence of Dry Blue and Campbell Blue Creeks at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of section 6 to the confluence with Coleman Canyon in Township 4.5 North, Range 31 East, southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 32.

(iii) Little Blue Creek for approximately 5.1 km (3.1 mi) from the confluence with the Blue River at Township 1 South, Range 31 East, center of section 5 upstream to the mouth of a canyon at Township 1 North, Range 31 East, northeast quarter of section 29.

(iv) Pace Creek for approximately 1.2 km (0.8 mi) from the confluence with Dry Blue Creek at Township 6 South, Range 21 West, southwest quarter of section 28 upstream to a barrier falls at Township 6 South, Range 21 West, northeast quarter of section 29.

(v) Frieborn Creek for approximately 1.8 km (1.1 mi) from the confluence with Dry Blue Creek at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 5 upstream to an unnamed tributary flowing from the south in Township 7 South, Range 21 West, northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 8.

(vi) Dry Blue Creek for approximately 4.7 km (3.0 mi) from the confluence with Campbell Blue Creek at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of Section 6 upstream to the confluence with Pace Creek in Township 6 South, Range 21 West, southwest quarter of section 28.

(vii) Map of Unit 7, Blue River Subbasin follows.

(13) Unit 8: Gila River Subbasin, Catron, Grant, and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico.

(i) Gila River for approximately 153.5 km (95.4 mi) from the confluence with Moore Canyon at Township 18 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 32 upstream to the confluence of the East and West Forks of the Gila River at Township 13 South, Range 13 West, center of section 8. This mileage does not include approximately 11.5 km (7.2 mi) of the Gila River on lands owned by Freeport-McMoRan, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) West Fork Gila River for approximately 13.0 km (8.1 mi) from the confluence with the East Fork Gila River at Township 13 South, Range 13 West, center of Section 8 upstream to the confluence with EE Canyon at Township 12 South, Range 14 West, east boundary of Section 21.

(iii) Middle Fork Gila River for approximately 19.1 km (11.9 mi) of the Middle Fork Gila River extending from the confluence with West Fork Gila River at Township 12 South, Range 14 West, southwest quarter of section 25 upstream to the confluence of Brothers West Canyon in Township 11 South, Range 14 West, northeast quarter of section 33.

(iv) East Fork Gila River for approximately 42.1 km (26.2 mi) extending from the confluence with West Fork Gila River at Township 13 South, Range 13 West, center of section 8 upstream to the confluence of Beaver and Taylor Creeks in Township 11 South, Range 12 West, northeast quarter of section 17.

(v) Mangas Creek for approximately 1.2 km (0.8 mi) extending from Township 17 South, Range 17 West, at the eastern boundary of section 3 upstream to the confluence with Blacksmith Canyon at Township 17 South, Range 17 West, northwest quarter of section 3. This mileage does not include approximately 7.9 km (4.9 mi) of Mangas Creek on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which are excluded from the designation.

(vi) Bear Creek for approximately 29.5 km (18.4 mi) extending from Township 15 South, Range 17 West, eastern boundary of section 33 upstream to the confluence with Sycamore and North Fork Walnut Creek at Township 16 South, Range 15 West, eastern boundary of section 15. This designation does not include approximately 1.9 km (1.2 mi) of Bear Creek on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which are excluded from this designation.

(vii) Map of Unit 8, Gila River Subbasin follows.

Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus)

(1) Designated critical habitat is depicted for Socorro, Valencia, Bernalillo, and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, on the map and as described below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.

(2) For each river reach, the upstream and downstream boundaries are described below. Critical habitat includes the stream channels within the identified river reaches and areas within these reaches included within the existing levees, or if no levees are present, then within a lateral distance of 300 ft (91.4 m) on each side of the river width at bankfull stage. Bankfull stage is the flow at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain. The bankfull stage is not defined by water, and can be determined by visual or physical indicators, including: The top of the highest depositional features (e.g., point bars), staining of rocks, exposed root hairs, and other features.

(3) Within these areas the primary constituent elements include, but are not limited to, those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of foraging, sheltering, and reproduction. These elements include the following:

(i) A hydrologic regime that provides sufficient flowing water with low to moderate currents capable of forming and maintaining a diversity of aquatic habitats, such as, but not limited to the following: Backwaters (a body of water connected to the main channel, but with no appreciable flow), shallow side channels, pools (that portion of the river that is deep with relatively little velocity compared to the rest of the channel), eddies (a pool with water moving opposite to that in the river channel), and runs (flowing water in the river channel without obstructions) of varying depth and velocity - all of which are necessary for each of the particular silvery minnow life-history stages in appropriate seasons (e.g., the silvery minnow requires habitat with sufficient flows from early spring (March) to early summer (June) to trigger spawning, flows in the summer (June) and fall (October) that do not increase prolonged periods of low or no flow, and a relatively constant winter flow (November through February));

(ii) The presence of eddies created by debris piles, pools, or backwaters, or other refuge habitat (e.g., connected oxbows or braided channels) within unimpounded stretches of flowing water of sufficient length (i.e., river miles) that provide a variation of habitats with a wide range of depth and velocities;

(iii) Substrates of predominantly sand or silt; and

(iv) Water of sufficient quality to maintain natural, daily, and seasonally variable water temperatures in the approximate range of greater than 1 °C (35 °F) and less than 30 °C (85 °F) and reduce degraded conditions (e.g., decreased dissolved oxygen, increased pH).

(4) The Pueblo lands of Santo Domingo, Santa Ana, Sandia, and Isleta are not designated.

(5) Designated critical habitat is depicted on the following map for the middle Rio Grande, which includes the area from Cochiti Reservoir downstream to the utility line crossing the Rio Grande just east of the Bosque Well as demarcated on USGS Paraje Well 7.5 minute quadrangle (1980), with the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates of UTM Zone 13: 311474 E, 3719722 N (as referenced with the 1927 North American Datum (NAD27)), Sandoval, Bernalillo, Valencia, and Socorro Counties, New Mexico. The designation also includes the upper section of the tributary Jemez River from Jemez Canyon Dam to the upstream boundary of Santa Ana Pueblo, Sandoval County. The river reaches in the middle Rio Grande include:

(i) Jemez Canyon Reach - 1 mi (1.6 km) of the Jemez River immediately downstream of Jemez Canyon Dam to the upstream boundary Santa Ana Pueblo;

(ii) Cochiti Diversion Dam to Angostura Diversion Dam (Cochiti Reach) - 21 mi (34 km) of river immediately downstream of Cochiti Reservoir to the Angostura Diversion Dam;

(iii) Angostura Diversion Dam to Isleta Diversion Dam (Angostura Reach) - 38 mi (61 km) of river immediately downstream of the Angostura Diversion Dam to the Isleta Diversion Dam;

(iv) Isleta Diversion Dam to San Acacia Diversion Dam (Isleta Reach) - 56 mi (90 km) of river immediately downstream of the Isleta Diversion Dam to the San Acacia Diversion Dam; and

(v) San Acacia Diversion Dam to the Elephant Butte Dam (San Acacia Reach) - 92 mi (147 km) of river immediately downstream of the San Acacia Diversion Dam to the utility line crossing the Rio Grande just east of the Bosque Well demarcated on USGS Paraje Well 7.5 minute quadrangle (1980) with UTM coordinates of UTM Zone 13: 311474 E, 3719722 N.

(vi) Map Follows:

(6) This designation does not include the ephemeral or perennial irrigation canals and ditches outside of natural stream channels, including the low flow conveyance channel that is adjacent to a portion of the river reach within the middle Rio Grande (i.e., downstream of the southern boundary of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge to the Elephant Butte Dam).

(7) Lands located within the exterior boundaries of the critical habitat designation (i.e., within the existing levees, or if no levees are present, then within a lateral distance of 300 ft (91.4 m) on each side of the stream width at bankfull discharge) that are not considered critical habitat and are therefore excluded by definition, include: Developed flood control facilities; existing paved roads; bridges; parking lots; dikes; levees; diversion structures; railroad tracks; railroad trestles; water diversion and irrigation canals outside of natural stream channels; the low flow conveyance channel; active gravel pits; cultivated agricultural land; and residential, commercial, and industrial developments.

Ash Meadows Amargosa Pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes)

Nevada, Nye County: Each of the following springs and outflows plus surrounding land areas for a distance of 50 meters (164 feet) from these springs and ouflows:

Fairbanks Spring and its outflow to the boundary between Sections 9 and 10, T17S, R50E.

Rogers Spring and its outflows to the boundary between Sections 15 and 16, T17S, R50E.

Longstreet Spring and its outflow to the boundary between Sections 15 and 22, T17S, R50E.

Three unnamed springs in the northwest corner of Section 23, T17S, R50E, and each of their outflows for a distance of 75 meters (246 feet) from the spring.

Crystal Pool and its outflow for a distance of 400 meters (1,312 feet) from the pool.

Bradford Springs in Section 11, T18S, R50E, and their outflows for a distance of 300 meters (984 feet) from the springs.

Jack Rabbit Spring and its outflow flowing southwest to the boundary between Section 24, T18S, R50E and Section 19, T18S, R51E.

Big Spring and its outflow to the boundary between Section 19, T18S, R51E and Section 24, T18S, R50E.

Point of Rocks Springs and their entire outflows within Section 7, T18S, R51E.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements include warm-water springs and their outflows and surrounding land areas that provide vegetation for cover and habitat for insects and other invertebrates on which this species feeds.

Desert Pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius)

Arizona: Pima County. 1. Quitobaquito Spring, approximately 25 miles WNW Lukeville, Arizona in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, in T17S R8N; and a 100-foot riparian buffer zone around the spring.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

California: Imperial County.

1. San Felipe Creek. Approximately 812 stream miles and 100 feet on either side of San Felipe Creek or the stream channel commencing at the State Highway 86 bridge crossing (approximately 14 mile south of intersection of Hwy. 78 and Hwy. 86) upstream to the eastern boundary of Section 31, T12S; R10E; including those areas of the stream channel in: T12S; R11E; Section 17, 18, and 19; T12S; R10E; Section 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 32.

2. Carrizo Wash. Approximately 134 stream miles and 100 feet on either side of or the stream channel commencing at the confluence of Carrizo Wash with San Felipe Creek upstream to the southern boundary of N 12 Section 33; T12S; R10E; including those areas of the stream channel in T12S; R10E; Section 27, 28, and N 12 Section 33.

3. Fish Creek Wash. Approximately three-fourths of one stream mile and 100 feet on either side of the stream channel from the confluence of Fish Creek Wash with San Felipe Creek upstream to the southern boundary of N 12 Section 32; T12S; R10E; including those areas of the stream channel in T12S; R10E; Section 29 and N 12 Section 32.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent elements for all four areas designated as critical habitat include clean unpolluted water that is relatively free of exotic organisms, especially exotic fishes, in small slow-moving desert streams and spring pools with marshy backwater areas.

Leon Springs Pupfish (Cyprinodon bovinus)

Texas, Pecos County. Diamond Y Spring and its outflow stream, Loen Creek; from the head of Diamond Y Spring downstream in Leon Creek to a point 1 mile northeast of the Texas Highway 18 crossing, approximately 10 miles north of Fort Stockton.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Grotto Sculpin (Cottus specus)

Pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act, we have excluded all areas determined to meet the definition of critical habitat under section 3(5)(a) of the Act for the grotto sculpin. Therefore, no specific areas are designated as critical habitat for this species.

Arkansas River Shiner (Notropis girardi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Clark, Comanche, Meade, and Seward Counties, Kansas; and Beaver, Blaine, Caddo, Canadian, Cleveland, Custer, Grady, Harper, Hughes, Kingfisher, Logan, Major, McClain, McIntosh, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Woods and Woodward Counties, Oklahoma, on the maps and as described below.

(2) Critical habitat includes the stream channels within the identified stream reaches indicated on the map below, and includes a lateral distance of 91.4 m (300 ft) on each side of the stream width at bankfull discharge. Bankfull discharge is the flow at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and generally occurs with a frequency of every 1 to 2 years.

(3) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include, but are not limited to, those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of foraging, sheltering, and reproduction. These elements include the following - (i) a natural, unregulated hydrologic regime complete with episodes of flood and drought or, if flows are modified or regulated, a hydrologic regime characterized by the duration, magnitude, and frequency of flow events capable of forming and maintaining channel and instream habitat necessary for particular Arkansas River shiner life-stages in appropriate seasons; (ii) a complex, braided channel with pool, riffle (shallow area in a streambed causing ripples), run, and backwater components that provide a suitable variety of depths and current velocities in appropriate seasons; (iii) a suitable unimpounded stretch of flowing water of sufficient length to allow hatching and development of the larvae; (iv) a river bed of predominantly sand, with some patches of gravel and cobble; (v) water quality characterized by low concentrations of contaminants and natural, daily and seasonally variable temperature, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and pH; (vi) suitable reaches of aquatic habitat, as defined by primary constituent elements (i) through (v) above, and adjacent riparian habitat sufficient to support an abundant terrestrial, semiaquatic, and aquatic invertebrate food base; and (vii) few or no predatory or competitive non-native fish species present.

(4) Developed areas, such as buildings, roads, bridges, parking lots, railroad tracks, other paved areas, and the lands that support these features are excluded from this designation. They are not designated as critical habitat and Federal actions limited to these areas would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they affect protected or restricted habitat and one or more of the primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

(5) Kansas (Sixth Principal Meridian (SPM)) and Oklahoma (Indian Meridian (IM)): Areas of land and water as follows (physical features were identified using USGS 7.5′ quadrangle maps; river reach distances were derived from digital data obtained from USGS National Atlas data set for river reaches, roads, and county boundaries.

(6) Critical habitat units for the Arkansas River shiner are described below.

(i) Unit 1b. Canadian River - approximately 396 km (246 mi), extending from the State Highway 33 bridge near Thomas, Oklahoma (IM T.15 N., R. 14 W., SW 14 SE 14 Sec. 15) downstream to Indian Nation Turnpike bridge northwest of McAlester, Oklahoma (IM T.8N., R.13E., SE 14 SW 14 SE 14 Sec. 23).

(ii) Unit 3. Cimarron River - approximately 460 km (286 mi), extending from U.S. Highway 54 bridge in Seward County, Kansas (SPM, T. 33 S., R. 32 W., Sec. 25) downstream to U.S. Highway 77 bridge in Logan County, Oklahoma (IM, T. 17 N., R. 2 W., Sec. 29).

(iii) Map of critical habitat units follows:

Beautiful Shiner (Notropis formosus)

Arizona, Cochise County. All aquatic habitats of San Bernardino NWR in S 12 Sec. 11; Sec. 14; S 12 and NE 14 Sec. 15; T24S, R30E. Known constituent elements include small permanent streams with riffles, or intermittent creeks with pools and riffles in the Rio Yaqui drainage with clean unpolluted water. These waters should be free of introduced exotic fishes.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Cape Fear Shiner (Notropis mekistocholas)

(1) North Carolina. Chatham County. Approximately 4.1 river miles of the Rocky River from North Carolina State Highway 902 Bridge downstream to Chatham County Road 1010 Bridge;

(2) North Carolina. Chatham and Lee Counties. Approximately 0.5 river mile of Bear Creek, from Chatham County Road 2156 Bridge downstream to the Rocky River, then downstream in the Rocky River (approximately 4.2 river miles) to the Deep River, then downstream in the Deep River (approximately 2.6 river miles) to a point 0.3 river mile below the Moncure, North Carolina, U.S. Geological Survey Gaging Station; and

(3) North Carolina. Randolph and Moore Counties. Approximately 1.5 river miles of Fork Creek, from a point 0.1 river mile upstream of Randolph County Road 2873 Bridge downstream to the Deep River then downstream approximately 4.1 river miles of the Deep River in Randolph and Moore Counties, North Carolina, to a point 2.5 river miles below Moore County Road 1456 Bridge.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Pecos Bluntnose Shiner (Notropis simus pecosensis).

1. New Mexico: De Baca and Chaves Counties. Pecos River from point at the north boundary of NE 14 Sec. 2; T1N; R26E (approximately 10 mi. (16 km.) south of Fort Sumner) extending downstream approximately 64 mi. (103 km.) to a point at the south boundary SW 14 Sec. 35; T5S; R25E.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

2. New Mexico. Chaves and Eddy Counties. Pecos River from the west boundary NW 14 Sec. 7; T14S; R27E, extending downstream approximately 37 mi. (60 km.) to the NW 14 Sec. 18; T17S; R27E (to the U.S. highway 82 bridge near Artesia).


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent elements include clean, permanent water; a main river channel habitat with sandy substrate; and a low velocity flow.

Sharpnose Shiner (Notropis oxyrhynchus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Baylor, Crosby, Fisher, Garza, Haskell, Kent, King, Knox, Stonewall, Throckmorton, and Young Counties, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Critical habitat includes the bankfull width of the river channel within the identified river segments indicated on the maps below, and includes a lateral distance of 30 meters (98 feet) on each side of the stream width at bankfull discharge. Bankfull discharge is the flow at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain, and generally occurs every 1 to 2 years.

(3) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the sharpnose shiner consist of a riverine system with habitat to support all life-history stages of the sharpnose shiner, which includes:

(i) Unobstructed, sandy-bottomed river segments greater than 275 kilometers (171 miles) in length.

(ii) Flowing water of greater than 2.61 cubic meters per second (m3s−1) (92 cubic feet per second (cfs)) averaged over the shiner spawning season (April through September).

(iii) Water of sufficient quality to support survival and reproduction, characterized by:

(A) Temperatures generally less than 39.2 °C (102.6 °F);

(B) Dissolved oxygen concentrations generally greater than 2.66 milligrams per liter (mg/L);

(C) Salinities generally less than 15 parts per thousand (ppt) (25 millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm)); and

(D) Sufficiently low petroleum and other pollutant concentrations such that mortality does not occur.

(iv) Native riparian vegetation capable of maintaining river water quality, providing a terrestrial prey base, and maintaining a healthy riparian ecosystem.

(4) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, railroads, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 3, 2014.

(5) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using the U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset's flowline data in ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system program. The 30-meter (98-feet) lateral extent adjacent to each segment's active channel is not displayed in the included figures because it is not appropriate at these map scales. Segments were mapped using the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14 projection. Endpoints of stream segments for each critical habitat subunit are reported as latitude, longitude in decimal degrees. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0008, and at the Arlington, Texas, Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(6) Index map of critical habitat for the sharpnose shiner and smalleye shiner follows:

(7) Subunit 1: Brazos River Main Stem; Baylor, King, Knox, Stonewall, Throckmorton, and Young Counties, Texas.

(i) Brazos River Main Stem from approximately 15 river km (9.3 miles) upstream of the eastern border of Young County where it intersects the upper portion of Possum Kingdom Lake (32.974302, −98.509880) upstream to the confluence of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River and the Salt Fork of the Brazos River where they form the Brazos River main stem (33.268404, −100.010209)

(ii) Map of Subunit 1, Brazos River Main Stem, follows:

(8) Subunit 2: Salt Fork of the Brazos River; Garza, Kent, and Stonewall Counties, Texas.

(i) Salt Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.268404, −100.010209) upstream to the McDonald Road crossing (33.356258, −101.345890).

(ii) Map of Subunit 2, Salt Fork of the Brazos River, follows:

(9) Subunit 3: White River; Crosby, Garza, and Kent Counties, Texas.

(i) White River from its confluence with the Salt Fork of the Brazos River (33.241172, −100.936181) upstream to the White River Lake impoundment (33.457240, −101.084546).

(ii) Map of Subunit 3, White River, follows:

(10) Subunit 4: Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River; Fisher, Haskell, Kent, and Stonewall Counties, Texas.

(i) Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the Salt Fork of the Brazos River (33.268404, −100.010209) upstream to the confluence of the South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River and the North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River where they form the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.100269, −100.999803).

(ii) Map of Subunit 4, Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River, follows:

(11) Subunit 5: North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River; Crosby, Garza, and Kent Counties, Texas.

(i) North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.100269, −100.999803) upstream to the earthen impoundment near Janes-Prentice Lake (33.431515, −101.479610).

(ii) Map of Subunit 5, North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River, follows:

(12) Subunit 6: South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River; Garza and Kent Counties, Texas.

(i) South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.100269, −100.999803) upstream to the John T. Montford Dam of Lake Alan Henry (33.065008, −101.039780).

(ii) Map of Subunit 6, South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River, follows:

Smalleye Shiner (Notropis buccula)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Baylor, Crosby, Fisher, Garza, Haskell, Kent, King, Knox, Stonewall, Throckmorton, and Young Counties, Texas, on the maps.

(2) Critical habitat includes the bankfull width of the river channel within the identified river segments indicated on the maps, and includes a lateral distance of 30 meters (98 feet) on each side of the stream width at bankfull discharge. Bankfull discharge is the flow at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and generally occurs every 1 to 2 years.

(3) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the smalleye shiner consist of a riverine system with habitat to support all life-history stages of the smalleye shiner, which includes:

(i) Unobstructed, sandy-bottomed river segments greater than 275 kilometers (171 miles) in length.

(ii) Flowing water of greater than 6.43 cubic meters per second (m3s−1) (227 cubic feet per second (cfs)) averaged over the shiner spawning season (April through September).

(iii) Water of sufficient quality to support survival and reproduction, characterized by:

(A) Temperatures generally less than 40.6 °C (105.1 °F);

(B) Dissolved oxygen concentrations generally greater than 2.11 milligrams per liter (mg/L);

(C) Salinities generally less than 18 parts per thousand (ppt) (30 millisiemens per centimeter (mS/cm)); and

(D) Sufficiently low petroleum and other pollutant concentrations such that mortality does not occur.

(iv) Native riparian vegetation capable of maintaining river water quality, providing a terrestrial prey base, and maintaining a healthy riparian ecosystem.

(4) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, railroads, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(5) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using the USGS National Hydrography Dataset's flowline data in ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system program. The 30-m (98-ft) lateral extent adjacent to each segment's active channel is not displayed in the figures because it is not appropriate at these map scales. Segments were mapped using the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14 projection. Endpoints of stream segments for each critical habitat subunit are reported as latitude, longitude in decimal degrees. The maps, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0008, and at the Arlington, Texas, Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(6) Index map of critical habitat units for the smalleye shiner is provided at paragraph (6) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

(7) Subunit 1: Brazos River Main Stem from approximately 15 river km (9.3 miles) upstream of the eastern border of Young County where it intersects the upper portion of Possum Kingdom Lake (32.974302, −98.509880) upstream to the confluence of the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River and the Salt Fork of the Brazos River where they form the Brazos River main stem (33.268404, −100.010209); Baylor, King, Knox, Stonewall, Throckmorton, and Young Counties, Texas. Map of Upper Brazos River Main Stem Subunit is provided at paragraph (7) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

(8) Subunit 2: Salt Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.268404, −100.010209) upstream to the McDonald Road crossing (33.356258, −101.345890); Garza, Kent, and Stonewall Counties, Texas. Map of Salt Fork of the Brazos River Subunit is provided at paragraph (8) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

(9) Subunit 3: White River from its confluence with the Salt Fork of the Brazos River (33.241172, −100.936181) upstream to the White River Lake impoundment (33.457240, −101.084546); Crosby, Garza, and Kent Counties, Texas. Map of White River Subunit is provided at paragraph (9) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

(10) Subunit 4: Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the Salt Fork of the Brazos River (33.268404, −100.010209) upstream to the confluence of the South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River and the North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River where they form the Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.100269, −100.999803); Fisher, Haskell, Kent, and Stonewall Counties, Texas. Map of Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River Subunit is provided at paragraph (10) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

(11) Subunit 5: North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.100269, −100.999803) upstream to the earthen impoundment near Janes-Prentice Lake (33.431515, −101.479610); Crosby, Garza, and Kent Counties, Texas. Map of North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River Subunit is provided at paragraph (11) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

(12) Subunit 6: South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River from its confluence with the North Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River (33.100269, −100.999803) upstream to the John T. Montford Dam of Lake Alan Henry (33.065008, −101.039780); Garza and Kent Counties, Texas. Map of South Fork Double Mountain Fork of the Brazos River Subunit is provided at paragraph (12) of the entry for the sharpnose shiner in this paragraph (e).

Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka)

(1) Critical habitat is depicted for Calhoun, Carroll, Dallas, Greene, Hamilton, Lyon, Osceola, Sac, Webster, and Wright Counties, Iowa; Lincoln, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, and Rock Counties, Minnesota; and Madison County, Nebraska, on the maps and as described below.

(2) Critical habitat includes all stream channels up to the bankfull discharge elevation. Additionally, in Iowa and Minnesota, the off-channel, side-channel, and oxbow pools at elevations at or below the bankfull discharge elevation. Bankfull discharge is the flow at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and generally occurs with a frequency of every 1 to 2 years.

(3) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Topeka shiner consist of:

(i) Streams most often with permanent flow, but that can become intermittent during dry periods;

(ii) Side-channel pools and oxbows either seasonally connected to a stream or maintained by groundwater inputs, at a surface elevation equal to or lower than the bank-full discharge stream elevation. The bankfull discharge is the flow at which water begins leaving the channel and flowing into the floodplain; this level is generally attained every 1 to 2 years. Bankfull discharge, while a function of the size of the stream, is a fairly constant feature related to the formation, maintenance, and dimensions of the stream channel;

(iii) Streams and side-channel pools with water quality necessary for unimpaired behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages. (The water quality components include - temperature, turbidity, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chemical contaminants, and other chemical characteristics.);

(iv) Living and spawning areas for adult Topeka shiner with pools or runs with water velocities less than 0.5 meters/second (approx. 20 inches/second) and depths ranging from 0.1-2.0 meters (approx. 4-80 inches);

(v) Living areas for juvenile Topeka shiner with water velocities less than 0.5 meters/second (approx. 20 inches/second) with depths less than 0.25 meters (approx. 10 inches) and moderate amounts of instream aquatic cover, such as woody debris, overhanging terrestrial vegetation, and aquatic plants;

(vi) Sand, gravel, cobble, and silt substrates with amounts of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness that allow for nest building and maintenance of nests and eggs by native Lepomis sunfishes (green sunfish, orangespotted sunfish, longear sunfish) and Topeka shiner as necessary for reproduction, unimpaired behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages;

(vii) An adequate terrestrial, semiaquatic, and aquatic invertebrate food base that allows for unimpaired growth, reproduction, and survival of all life stages;

(viii) A hydrologic regime capable of forming, maintaining, or restoring the flow periodicity, channel morphology, fish community composition, off-channel habitats, and habitat components described in the other primary constituent elements; and

(ix) Few or no nonnative predatory or nonnative competitive species present.

Critical Habitat Map Units

(4) Critical habitat was identified using the Fifth Principal Meridian in Iowa and Minnesota; the Sixth Principal Meridian in Nebraska; U.S. Geological Survey 30- × 60-minute (1:100,000) quadrangle maps; the National Hydrography Dataset (1:100,000) for hydrology; and Digital Line Graph (1:2,000,000) for county and State boundaries.

(5) Unit 1: North Raccoon River Watershed - Calhoun, Carroll, Dallas, Greene, Sac and Webster Counties, Iowa.

(i) Reach 1a. Indian Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T87N, R36W, Sec. 24), upstream through T87N, R36W, Sec. 29.

(ii) Reach 1b. Tributary to Indian Creek (Ditch 57), from their confluence (T87N, R36W, Sec. 23), upstream to the confluence with the outlet creek from Black Hawk Lake (T86N, R36W, Sec. 1).

(iii) Reach 1c. Outlet Creek from Black Hawk Lake from its confluence with Ditch 57 (T86N, R36W, Sec. 1), upstream to lake outlet (T87N, R35W, Sec. 35).

(iv) Reach 2a. Camp Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T86N, R34W, Sec. 7), upstream through T87N, R34W, Sec. 8.

(v) Reach 2b. West Fork Camp Creek from its confluence with Camp Creek (T87N, R34W, Sec. 8), upstream through T88N, R34W, Sec. 32.

(vi) Reach 3. Prairie Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T86N, R34W, Sec. 16), upstream through T87N, R34W, Sec. 35.

(vii) Reach 4. Lake Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T86N, R34W, Sec. 23), upstream through T87N, R33W, Sec. 25.

(viii) Reach 5. Purgatory Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T84N, R33W, Sec. 11), upstream through T86N, R32W, Sec. 17.

(ix) Reach 6a. Cedar Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T85N, R32W, Sec. 33), upstream to the confluence of West Cedar Creek and East Cedar Creek (T87N, R31W, Sec. 31).

(x) Reach 6b. West Cedar Creek from its confluence with East Cedar Creek (T87N, R31W, Sec. 31), upstream to a point 2,000 feet west of the east section line of T87N, R31W, Sec. 18.

(xi) Reach 6c. East Cedar Creek from its confluence with West Cedar Creek (T87N, R31W, Sec. 31), upstream through T87N, R31W, Sec. 9.

(xii) Reach 7. Short Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T84N, R31W, Sec. 33), upstream through T84N, R31W, Sec. 28.

(xiii) Reach 8. Hardin Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T83N, R30W, Sec. 23), upstream through T85N, R31W, Sec. 27.

(xiv) Reach 9a. Buttrick Creek from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T83N, R30W, Sec. 26), upstream to the confluence of West Buttrick Creek and East Buttrick Creek (T84N, R30W, Sec. 25).

(xv) Reach 9b. West Buttrick Creek, from its confluence with East Buttrick Creek (T84N, R30W, Sec. 25), upstream through T86N, R30W, Sec. 3.

(xvi) Reach 9c. East Buttrick Creek, from its confluence with West Buttrick Creek (T84N, R30W, Sec. 25), upstream through T85N, R29W, Sec. 20.

(xvii) Reach 10a. Elm Branch from its confluence with the North Raccoon River (T81N, R28W, Sec. 28), upstream to its confluence with Swan Lake Branch T81N, R28W, Sec. 28.

(xviii) Reach 10b. Swan Lake Branch from its confluence with Elm Branch (T81N, R28W, Sec. 28), upstream through T80N, R28W, Sec. 4.

(xix) Reach 11. Off-channel and side-channel pools (that meet the previously described criteria) adjacent to the North Raccoon River from U.S. Highway 6 (T79N, R27W, Sec. 32), upstream to U.S. Highway 20 (T88N, R36W, Sec. 24).

(6) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows.

(7) Unit 2: Boone River Watershed - Wright and Hamilton Counties, Iowa.

(i) Reach 12. Eagle Creek from its confluence with the Boone River (T89N, R25W, Sec. 6), upstream through T91N, R25W, Sec. 30.

Ditch 3 and Ditch 19 Complex

(ii) Reach 13a. Ditch 3 from its confluence with the Boone River (T91N, R26W, Sec. 32), upstream through T91N, R26W, Sec. 30.

(iii) Reach 13b. Ditch 19 from its confluence with Ditch 3 (T91N, R26W, Sec. 31), upstream through T91N, R26W, Sec. 31.

(8) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows.

(9) Unit 3: Rock River Watershed - Lyon and Osceola Counties, Iowa.

Rock River Complex

(i) Reach 14. Rock River from its confluence with Kanaranzi Creek (T100N, R45W, Sec. 28), upstream to the Iowa/Minnesota State border (T100N, R45W, Sec. 8).

(ii) Reach 15. Kanaranzi Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T100N, R45W, Sec. 28), upstream to the Iowa/Minnesota State border (T100N, R45W, Sec. 11).

Little Rock River Complex

(iii) Reach 16. Little Rock River from State Highway 9 (T100N, R43W, Sec. 34), upstream to the Iowa/Minnesota State border (T100N, R42W, Sec. 7).

(10) Unit 3 (Map 3) follows.

(11) Unit 4: Big Sioux River Watershed - Lincoln, Pipestone and Rock, Counties, Minnesota; and Rock River Watershed - Murray, Nobles, Pipestone and Rock Counties, Minnesota.

Medary Creek Complex

(i) Reach 1a. Medary Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T109N, R47W, Sec. 13), upstream through T110N, R46W, Sec. 21.

(ii) Reach 1b. Unnamed tributary to Medary Creek, from their confluence (T109N, R46W, Sec. 18), upstream through T110N, R46W, Sec. 30.

Flandreau Creek Complex

(iii) Reach 2a. Flandreau Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T107N, R47W, Sec. 14), upstream through T109N, R45W, Sec. 31.

(iv) Reach 2b. Unnamed tributary to Flandreau Creek, from their confluence (T108N, R46W, Sec. 11), upstream through T108N, R45W, Sec. 6.

(v) Reach 2c. East Branch Flandreau Creek from its confluence with Flandreau Creek (T108N, R46W, Sec. 14), upstream through T108N, R45W, Sec. 4.

(vi) Reach 2d. Willow Creek from its confluence with Flandreau Creek (T107N, R46W, Sec. 6), upstream through T108N, R46W, Sec. 3.

Split Rock/Pipestone/Beaver Creek Complex

(vii) Reach 3a. Pipestone Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T106N, R47W, Sec. 23), upstream through T106N, R46W, Sec. 1.

(viii) Reach 3b. Unnamed tributary to Pipestone Creek, from their confluence (T106N, R47W, Sec. 24), upstream through T106N, R46W, Sec. 19.

(ix) Reach 3c. Unnamed tributary to Pipestone Creek, from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T105N, R47W, Sec. 2), upstream through T105N, R46W, Sec. 1.

(x) Reach 3d. North Branch Pipestone Creek from its confluence with Pipestone Creek (T106N, R46W, Sec. 5), upstream through T107N, R45W, Sec. 4.

(xi) Reach 3e. Unnamed tributary to North Branch Pipestone Creek, from their confluence (T107N, R45W, Sec. 4), upstream through T108N, R45W, Sec. 23.

(xii) Reach 3f. Split Rock Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T103N, R47W, Sec. 2), upstream to Split Rock Lake Outlet (T105N, R46W, Sec. 22).

(xiii) Reach 3g. Unnamed tributary to Split Rock Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T103N, R47W, Sec. 23), upstream through T103N, R46W, Sec. 29.

(xiv) Reach 3h. Unnamed tributary to Split Rock Creek, from their confluence (T103N, R47W, Sec. 2), upstream through T103N, R46W, Sec. 8.

(xv) Reach 3i. Unnamed tributary to Split Rock Creek, from their confluence (T104N, R47W, Sec. 25), upstream through T104N, R46W, Sec. 19.

(xvi) Reach 3j. Pipestone Creek from its confluence with Split Rock Creek (T104N, R47W, Sec. 23), upstream to the Minnesota/South Dakota State border T104N, R47W, Sec. 22.

(xvii) Reach 3k. Unnamed tributary to Split Rock Creek, from their confluence (T104N, R46W, Sec. 6), upstream through T105N, R46W, Sec. 36.

(xviii) Reach 3l. Split Rock Creek from the headwater of Split Rock Lake (T105N, R46W, Sec. 15), upstream through T106N, R46W, Sec. 35.

(xix) Reach 3m. Unnamed tributary to Split Rock Creek, from their confluence (T105N, R46W, Sec. 3), upstream through T105N, R46W, Sec. 2.

(xx) Reach 3n. Beaver Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota State border (T102N, R47W, Sec. 34), upstream through T104N, R45W, Sec. 20.

(xxi) Reach 3o. Springwater Creek from the Minnesota/South Dakota border (T102N, R47W, Sec. 34), upstream through T102N, R46W, Sec. 6.

(xxii) Reach 3p. Little Beaver Creek from its confluence with Beaver Creek (T102N, R46W, Sec. 12), upstream through T103N, R45W, Sec. 9.

(xxiii) Reach 3q. Unnamed tributary to Beaver Creek, from their confluence (T102N, R46W, Sec. 1), upstream through T103N, R46W, Sec. 35.

(xxiv) Reach 3r. Unnamed tributary to Beaver Creek, from their confluence (T103N, R45W, Sec. 18), upstream through T104N, R46W, Sec. 36.

Rock River Complex

(xxv) Reach 4a. Rock River from the Minnesota/Iowa State border (T101N, R45W, Sec. 36), upstream through T107N, R44W, Sec. 7.

(xxvi) Reach 4b. Kanaranzi Creek from the Minnesota/Iowa State border (T101N, R44W, Sec. 33), upstream through T103N, R42W, Sec. 7).

(xxvii) Reach 4c. Norwegian Creek from its confluence with Kanaranzi Creek (T101N, R44W, Sec. 25), upstream through T101N, R43W, Sec. 21.

(xxviii) Reach 4d. Unnamed tributary to Norwegian Creek, from their confluence (T101N, R44W, Sec. 20), upstream through T101N, R44W, Sec. 16.

(xxix) Reach 4e. East Branch Kanaranzi Creek from its confluence with Kanaranzi Creek (T102N, R42W, Sec. 5), upstream through T102N, R41W, Sec. 5.

(xxx) Reach 4f. Unnamed tributary to East Branch Kanaranzi Creek, from their confluence (T102N, R42W, Sec. 9), upstream through T102N, R42W, Sec. 22.

(xxxi) Reach 4g. Unnamed tributary to East Branch Kanaranzi Creek, from their confluence (T102N, R42W, Sec. 5), upstream through T102N, R42W, Sec. 5.

(xxxii) Reach 4h. Unnamed tributary to Kanaranzi Creek, from their confluence (T102N, R43W, Sec. 31), upstream through T102N, R43W, Sec. 27.

(xxxiii) Reach 4i. Ash Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T101N, R45W, Sec. 24), upstream through T101N, R45W, Sec. 14.

(xxxiv) Reach 4j. Elk Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T102N, R45W, Sec. 36), upstream through T103N, R43W, Sec. 22.

(xxxv) Reach 4k. Unnamed tributary to Elk Creek, from their confluence (T102N, R44W, Sec. 16), upstream through T102N, R44W, Sec. 9.

(xxxvi) Reach 4l. Champepadan Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T103N, R44W, Sec. 29), upstream through T104N, R43W, Sec. 14.

(xxxvii) Reach 4m. Unnamed tributary to Champepadan Creek, from their confluence (T104N, R43W, Sec. 14), upstream through T104N, R43W, Sec. 13.

(xxxviii) Reach 4n. Unnamed tributary to Champepadan Creek, from their confluence (T103N, R44W, Sec. 23), upstream through T103N, R44W, Sec. 24.

(xxxix) Reach 4o. Unnamed tributary to Champepadan Creek, from their confluence (T103N, R44W, Sec. 23), upstream through T103N, R44W, Sec. 12.

(xl) Reach 4p. Unnamed tributary to the Rock River, from their confluence (T103N, R44W, Sec. 17), upstream through T104N, R44W, Sec. 26.

(xli) Reach 4q. Mound Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T103N, R44W, Sec. 30), upstream through T104N, R45W, Sec. 35.

(xlii) Reach 4r. Unnamed tributary to the Rock River, from their confluence (T103N, R44W, Sec. 8), upstream through T104N, R45W, Sec. 13.

(xliii) Reach 4s. Unnamed tributary to the Rock River, from their confluence (T104N, R44W, Sec. 28), upstream through T104N, R44W, Sec. 11.

(xliv) Reach 4t. Unnamed tributary to the Rock River, from their confluence (T104N, R44W, Sec. 16), upstream through T104N, R44W, Sec. 10.

(xlv) Reach 4u. Poplar Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T104N, R44W, Sec. 5), upstream through T105N, R45W, Sec. 32.

(xlvi) Reach 4v. Unnamed tributary to Poplar Creek, from their confluence (T105N, R45W, Sec. 27), upstream through T105N, R45W, Sec. 9.

(xlvii) Reach 4w. Chanarambie Creek from its confluence with the Rock River (T105N, R44W, Sec. 33), upstream through T105N, R43W, Sec. 8.

(xlviii) Reach 4x. North Branch Chanarambie Creek from its confluence with Chanarambie Creek (T105N, R43W, Sec. 8), upstream through T106N, R43W, Sec. 18.

(xlix) Reach 4y. Unnamed tributary to the Rock River, from their confluence (T105N, R44W, Sec. 8), upstream through T106N, R45W, Sec. 36.

(l) Reach 4z. Unnamed tributary to the Rock River, from their confluence (T106N, R44W, Sec. 33), upstream through T106N, R44W, Sec. 23.

(li) Reach 4aa. East Branch Rock River from its confluence with the Rock River (T106N, R44W, Sec. 18), upstream through T107N, R44W, Sec. 27.

(lii) Reach 4bb. Unnamed tributary to East Branch Rock River, from their confluence (T107N, R44W, Sec. 34), upstream through T107N, R44W, Sec. 35.

Little Rock River Complex

(liii) Reach 5a. Little Rock River from the Minnesota/Iowa State border (T101N, R42W, Sec. 35), upstream through T102N, R41W, Sec. 34.

(liv) Reach 5b. Little Rock Creek from its confluence with the Little Rock River (T101N, R42W, Sec. 26), upstream through T102N, R42W, Sec. 34.

Mud Creek Complex

(lv) Reach 6a. Mud Creek from the Minnesota/Iowa State border (T101N, R46W, Sec. 34), upstream thru T101N, R46W, Sec. 11.

(lvi) Reach 6b. Unnamed tributary to Mud Creek, from their confluence (T101N, R46W, Sec. 22), upstream through T101N, R46W, Sec. 24.

(lvii) Reach 6c. Unnamed tributary to Mud Creek, from their confluence (T101N, R46W, Sec. 11), upstream through T101N, R46W, Sec. 1.

(12) Unit 4 (Map 4) follows.

(13) Unit 5: Elkhorn River Watershed - Madison County, Nebraska.

Taylor Creek from its confluence with Union Creek (T22N, R1W, Sec. 32), upstream through T22N, R2W, Sec. 22.

(14) Unit 5 (Map 5) follows.

Waccamaw Silverside (Menidia extensa)

North Carolina, Columbus County. Lake Waccamaw in its entirety to mean high water level, and Big Creek from its mouth at Lake Waccamaw upstream approximately 0.6 kilometer (0.4 mile) to where the creek is crossed by County Road 1947.

Constituent elements include high quality clear open water, with a neutral pH and clean substrate.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus)

California - Areas of all water and all submerged lands below ordinary high water and the entire water column bounded by and contained in Suisun Bay (including the contiguous Grizzly and Honker Bays); the length of Montezuma Slough; and the existing contiguous waters contained within the Delta, as defined by section 12220, of the State of California's Water Code of 1969 (a complex of bays, dead-end sloughs, channels typically less than 4 meters deep, marshlands, etc.) as follows:

Bounded by a line beginning at the Carquinez Bridge which crosses the Carquinez Strait; thence, northeasterly along the western and northern shoreline of Suisun Bay, including Goodyear, Suisun, Cutoff, First Mallard (Spring Branch), and Montezuma Sloughs; thence, upstream to the intersection of Montezuma Slough with the western boundary of the Delta as delineated in section 12220 of the State of California's Water Code of 1969; thence, following the boundary and including all contiguous water bodies contained within the statutory definition of the Delta, to its intersection with the San Joaquin River at its confluence with Suisun Bay; thence, westerly along the south shore of Suisun Bay to the Carquinez Bridge.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Primary Constituent Elements - physical habitat, water, river flow, and salinity concentrations required to maintain delta smelt habitat for spawning, larval and juvenile transport, rearing, and adult migration.

Spikedace (Meda fulgida)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, Pinal, and Yavapai Counties, Arizona, and for Catron, Grant, and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements (PCE) of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of spikedace consist of six components:

(i) Habitat to support all egg, larval, juvenile, and adult spikedace. This habitat includes perennial flows with a stream depth generally less than 1 m (3.3 ft), and with slow to swift flow velocities between 5 and 80 cm per second (1.9 and 31.5 in. per second). Appropriate stream microhabitat types include glides, runs, riffles, the margins of pools and eddies, and backwater components over sand, gravel, and cobble substrates with low or moderate amounts of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness. Appropriate habitat will have a low gradient of less than approximately 1.0 percent, at elevations below 2,100 m (6,890 ft). Water temperatures should be in the general range of 8.0 to 28.0 °C (46.4 to 82.4 °F).

(ii) An abundant aquatic insect food base consisting of mayflies, true flies, black flies, caddis flies, stoneflies, and dragonflies.

(iii) Streams with no or no more than low levels of pollutants.

(iv) Perennial flows, or interrupted stream courses that are periodically dewatered but that serve as connective corridors between occupied or seasonally occupied habitat and through which the species may move when the habitat is wetted.

(v) No nonnative aquatic species, or levels of nonnative aquatic species that are sufficiently low as to allow persistence of spikedace.

(vi) Streams with a natural, unregulated flow regime that allows for periodic flooding or, if flows are modified or regulated, a flow regime that allows for adequate river functions, such as flows capable of transporting sediments.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule. We have determined that all designated areas contain at least one PCE for spikedace.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles along with shapefiles generated by the Arizona Land Resource Information Service for land ownership, streams, counties, and the Public Land Survey System. Information on species locations was derived from databases developed by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, and Arizona State University.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Verde River Subbasin, Yavapai County, Arizona.

(i) Verde River for approximately 170.6 km (105.9 mi), extending from the confluence with Fossil Creek in Township 11 North, Range 6 East, northeast quarter of section 25 upstream to Sullivan Dam in Township 17 North, Range 2 West, northwest quarter of section 15. This mileage does not include the 1.2 km (0.8 mi) belonging to the Yavapai-Apache Nation, which is excluded from this designation. Granite Creek for approximately 3.2 km (2.0 mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 17 North, Range 2 West, northeast quarter section 14 upstream to a spring in Township 17 North, Range 2 West, southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13.

(ii) Oak Creek for approximately 54.3 km (33.7 mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 15 North, Range 4 East, southeast quarter section 20 upstream to the confluence with an unnamed tributary from the south in Township 17 North, Range 5 East, southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 24.

(iii) Beaver Creek/Wet Beaver Creek for approximately 33.3 km (20.7 mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 14 North, Range 5 East, southeast quarter of section 30 upstream to the confluence with Casner Canyon in Township 15 North, Range 6 East, northwest quarter of section 23. This mileage does not include the 0.2 km (0.1 mi) belonging to the Yavapai-Apache Nation and excluded from these designations.

(iv) West Clear Creek for approximately 10.9 km (6.8. mi), extending from the confluence with the Verde River in Township 13 North, Range 5 East, center section 21, upstream to the confluence with Black Mountain Canyon in Township 13 North, Range 6 East, southeast quarter of section 17.

(v) Fossil Creek for approximately 22.2 km (13.8 mi) from its confluence with the Verde River at Township 11 North, Range 6 East, northeast quarter of section 25 upstream to the old Fossil Diversion Dam site at Township 12 North, Range 7 East, southeast quarter of section 14.

(vi) Note: Map of Unit 1, Verde River Subbasin follows.

(7) Unit 2: Salt River Subbasin, Gila County, Arizona.

(i) Tonto Creek for approximately 47.8 km (29.7 mi) extending from the confluence with Greenback Creek in Township 5 North, Range 11 East, northwest quarter of section 8 upstream to the confluence with Houston Creek in Township 9 North, Range 11 East, northeast quarter of section 18.

(ii) Greenback Creek for approximately 15.1 km (9.4 mi) from the confluence with Tonto Creek in Township 5 North, Range 11 East, northwest quarter of section 8 upstream to Lime Springs in Township 6 North, Range 12 East, southwest quarter of section 20.

(iii) Rye Creek for approximately 2.8 km (1.8 mi) extending from the confluence with Tonto Creek in Township 8 North, Range 10 East, northeast quarter of section 24 upstream to the confluence with Brady Canyon in Township 8 North, Range 10 East, northwest quarter of section 14.

(iv) Spring Creek for approximately 27.2 km (16.9 mi) extending from the confluence with the Tonto River at Township 10 North, Range 11 East, southeast quarter of section 36 upstream to the confluence with Sevenmile Canyon at Township 8 North, Range 13 East, northern boundary of section 20.

(v) Rock Creek for approximately 5.8 km (3.6 mi) extending from the confluence with Spring Creek at Township 8 North, Range 12 East, southeast quarter of section 1 upstream to the confluence with Buzzard Roost Canyon at Township 8 North, 12 East, center of section 24.

(vi) Note: Map of Unit 2, Salt River Subbasin follows.

(8) Unit 3: San Pedro River Subbasin, Cochise, Graham, and Pinal Counties, Arizona.

(i) Aravaipa Creek for approximately 44.9 km (27.9 mi) extending from the confluence with the San Pedro River in Township 7 South, Range 16 East, center of section 9 upstream to the confluence with Stowe Gulch in Township 6 South, Range 19 East, southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 35. Deer Creek - 3.7 km (2.3 mi) of the creek extending from the confluence with Aravaipa Creek at Township 6 South, Range 18 East, section 14 upstream to the boundary of the Aravaipa Wilderness at Township 6 South, Range 19 East, section 18.

(ii) Turkey Creek - 4.3 km (2.7 mi) of the creek extending from the confluence with Aravaipa Creek at Township 6 South, Range 19 East, section 19 upstream to the confluence with Oak Grove Canyon at Township 6 South, Range 19 east, section 32.

(iii) Hot Springs Canyon for approximately 9.3 km (5.8 mi) extending from the confluence with Bass Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 20 East, northeast quarter of section 36 downstream to Township 12 South, Range 20 East, southeast quarter of section 32.

(iv) Redfield Canyon for approximately 6.5 km (4.0 mi) extending from Township 11 South, Range 19 East, northeast quarter of section 36 upstream to the confluence with Sycamore Canyon in Township 11 South, Range 20 East, northwest quarter of section 28.

(v) Bass Canyon for approximately 5.5 km (3.4 mi) from the confluence with Hot Springs Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 20 East, northeast quarter of section 36 upstream to the confluence with Pine Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 21 East, center of section 20.

(vi) Note: Map of Unit 3, San Pedro River Subbasin follows.

(9) Unit 4: Bonita Creek Subbasin, Graham County, Arizona.

(i) Bonita Creek for approximately 23.8 km (14.8 mi) from the confluence with the Gila River in Township 6 South, Range 28 East, southeast quarter of section 21 upstream to the confluence with Martinez Wash in Township 4 South, Range 27 East, southeast quarter of Section 27.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 4, Bonita Creek Subbasin follows.

(10) Unit 5: Eagle Creek Subbasin, Graham and Greenlee Counties, Arizona.

(i) Eagle Creek for approximately 26.5 km (16.5 mi) from the Freeport-McMoRan diversion dam at Township 4 South, Range 28 East, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 23 upstream to the confluence of East Eagle Creek in Township 2 North, Range 28 East, southwest quarter of section 20. This mileage does not include approximately 21.4 km (13.3 mi) of Eagle Creek on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 5, Eagle Creek Subbasin follows.

(11) Unit 6: San Francisco River Subbasin, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) San Francisco River for approximately 166.7 km (103.5 mi) of the San Francisco River extending from the confluence with the Gila River in Arizona in Township 5 South, Range 29 East, southeast quarter of section 21 upstream to Township 6 South, Range 19 West, section 2 in New Mexico. This mileage does include approximately 14.1 km (8.8 mi) of the San Francisco River on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) Note: Map of Unit 6, San Francisco River Subbasin follows.

(12) Unit 7: Blue River Subbasin, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico.

(i) Blue River for approximately 81.4 km (50.6 mi) from the confluence with the San Francisco River at Township 2S., Range 31 East, southeast quarter of section 31 upstream to the confluence of Campbell Blue and Dry Blue Creeks at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of section 6.

(ii) Campbell Blue Creek for approximately 12.4 km (7.7 mi) from the confluence of Dry Blue and Campbell Blue Creeks at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of section 6 to the confluence with Coleman Canyon in Township 4.5 North, Range 31 East, southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 32.

(iii) Little Blue Creek for approximately 5.1 km (3.1 mi) from the confluence with the Blue River at Township 1 South, Range 31 East, center Section 5 upstream to the mouth of a canyon at Township 1 North, Range 31 East, northeast quarter of section 29.

(iv) Pace Creek for approximately 1.2 km (0.8 mi) from the confluence with Dry Blue Creek at Township 6 South, Range 21 West, southwest quarter of Section 28 upstream to a barrier falls at Township 6 South, Range 21 West, northeast quarter of section 29.

(v) Frieborn Creek for approximately 1.8 km (1.1 mi) from the confluence with Dry Blue Creek at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 5 upstream to an unnamed tributary flowing from the south in Township 7 South, Range 21 West, northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 8.

(vi) Dry Blue Creek for approximately 4.7 km (3.0 mi) from the confluence with Campbell Blue Creek at Township 7 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of Section 6 upstream to the confluence with Pace Creek in Township 6 South, Range 21 West, southwest quarter of section 28.

(vii) Note: Map of Unit 7, Blue River Subbasin follows.

(13) Unit 8: Gila River Subbasin, Catron, Grant, and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico.

(i) Gila River for approximately 153.5 km (95.4 mi) from the confluence with Moore Canyon at Township 18 South, Range 21 West, southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 32 upstream to the confluence of the East and West Forks of the Gila River at Township 13 South, Range 13 West, center of section 8. This mileage does not include approximately 11.5 km (7.2 mi) of the Gila River on lands owned by Freeport-McMoRan, which is excluded from this designation.

(ii) West Fork Gila River for approximately 13.0 km (8.1 mi) from the confluence with the East Fork Gila River at Township 13 South, Range 13 West, center of section 8 upstream to the confluence with EE Canyon at Township 12 South, Range 14 West, east boundary of Section 21.

(iii) Middle Fork Gila River for approximately 12.5 km (7.7 mi) of the Middle Fork Gila River extending from the confluence with West Fork Gila River at Township 12 South, Range 14 West, southwest quarter of section 25 upstream to the confluence of Big Bear Canyon in Township 12 South, Range 14 West, southwest quarter of section 2.

(iv) East Fork Gila River for approximately 42.1 km (26.2 mi) extending from the confluence with West Fork Gila River at Township 13 South, Range 13 West, center of section 8 upstream to the confluence of Beaver and Taylor Creeks in Township 11 South, Range 12 West, northeast quarter of section 17.

(v) Mangas Creek for approximately 1.2 km (0.8 mi) extending from Township 17 South, Range 17 West, at the eastern boundary of section 3 upstream to the confluence with Blacksmith Canyon at Township 17 South, Range 17 West, northwest quarter of section 3. This mileage does not include approximately 7.9 km (4.9 mi) of Mangas Creek on lands belonging to Freeport-McMoRan, which are excluded from the designation.

(vi) Note: Map of Unit 8, Gila River Subbasin follows.

Big Spring Spinedace (Lepidomeda mollispinis pratensis)

Nevada. Condor Canyon, Lincoln County. Four stream miles of Meadow Valley Wash and 50 feet on either side of the stream as it flows through the following sections: T. 1 S., R. 68 E., Sections 13, 23, 24, 26, 27, and 28.

Known constituent elements include clean permanent flowing spring-fed stream with deep pool areas and shallow marshy areas along the shore and the absence of exotic fishes.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Little Colorado Spinedace (Lepidomeda vittata)


1. Coconino County. East Clear Creek; approximately 18 miles of stream extending from the confluence with Leonard Canyon (NE 14 Sec. 11 T14N R12E) upstream to the Blue Ridge Reservoir dam (SE 14 Sec. 33 T14N R11E), and approximately 13 miles of stream extending from the upper end of Blue Ridge Reservoir (east boundary SE 14 Sec. 36 T14N R10E) upstream to Potato Lake (NE 14 Sec. 1 T12N R9E).


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

2. Navajo County. Chevelon Creek; approximately 8 miles of stream extending from the confluence with the Little Colorado River (NW 14 Sec. 23 T18N R17E) upstream to Bell Cow Canyon (SE 14 of the SW 14 Sec. 11 T17N R17E).


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

3. Apache County. Nutrioso Creek; approximately 5 miles of stream extending from the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest boundary (north boundary Sec. 5 T8N R30E) upstream to the Nelson Reservoir dam (NE 14 Sec. 29 T8N R30E).


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent elements, for all areas of critical habitat, include clean, permanent flowing water, with pools and a fine gravel or silt-mud substrate.

White River Spinedace (Lepidomeda albivallis)

Nevada, White Pine County. Each of the following springs and outflows plus surrounding land areas for a distance of 50 feet from these springs and outflows:

Preston Big Spring and associated outflows within T12N, R61E, NE 14 Sec. 2.

Lund Spring and associated outflows within T11N, R62E, NE 14 of NE 14 of Sec. 4; T12N, R62E, S 12 of SE 14 Sec. 33.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Nevada, Nye County. Flag Springs and associated outflows plus surrounding land areas for a distance of 50 feet from the springs and outflows within the following areas: T7N, R62E, E 12 of NE 14 Sec. 32, SW 14 of NW 14 Sec. 33.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements for all areas of critical habitat include consistently high quality and quantity of cool springs and their outflows, and surrounding land area that provide vegetation for cover and habitat for insects and other invertebrates on which the species feeds.

Hiko White River Springfish (Crenichthys baileyi grandis)

Nevada, Lincoln County. Each of the following springs and outflows plus surrounding land areas for a distance of 50 feet from these springs and outflows:

Hiko Spring and associated outflows within T4S, R60E, SW 14 of NE 14 Sec. 14 and NW 14 of SE 14 Sec. 14.

Crystal Springs and associated outflows within T5S, R60E, all of NE 14 of Sec. 10 and NE 14 of SE 14 Sec. 10, SW 14 of NW 14 Sec. 11 and NW 14 of SW 14 Sec. 11.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements include warmwater springs and their outflows and surrounding land areas that provide vegetation for cover and habitat for insects and other invertebrates on which the species feeds.

Railroad Valley Springfish (Crenichthys nevadae)

1. Nevada, Nye County, Duckwater area. Big Warm Spring and its outflow pools, streams, and marshes and a 50 foot riparian zone around the spring, outflow pools, streams, and marshes in T13N, R56E, NE 14 Sec. 31, SE 14 Sec. 31, NW 14 Sec. 32. Little Warm Spring and its outflow pools, streams, and marshes, and a 50-foot riparian zone around the spring, outflow pools, streams, and marshes in T12N, R56E, Sec. 5.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

2. Nevada, Nye County, Lockes Area. North, Hay Corral, Big, and Reynolds Springs and their outflow pools, streams, and marshes, and a 50-foot riparian zone around the springs, outflow pools, streams, and marshes in T8N, R55E, SW 14 Sec. 11, NW 14 Sec. 14, SW 14 Sec. 14, SE 14 Sec. 15, NE 14 Sec. 15, SW 14 Sec. 15.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements for all areas of critical habitat of the Railroad Valley springfish include clear, unpolluted thermal spring waters ranging in temperature from 29° to 36 °C in pools; flowing channels; marshy areas with aquatic plants, insects, and mollusks.

White River Springfish (Crenichthys baileyi baileyi)

Nevada, Lincoln County. Ash Springs and associated outflows plus surrounding land areas for a distance of 50 feet from the springs and outflows within the following areas: T6S, R60E, E 12 of E 12 Sec. 1 and T6S, R61E, NW 14 of NW 14 Sec. 6.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements include warmwater springs and their outflows and surrounding land areas that provide vegetation for cover and habitat or insects and other invertebrates on which the species feeds.

Colorado Squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius)

Description of areas taken from BLM 1:100,000 maps (available from BLM State Offices): Canyon of Lodore, CO 1990; La Sal, UT/CO 1985; Rangely, CO 1989; Delta, CO 1989; Grand Junction, CO 1990; Hite Crossing, UT 1982; Vernal, UT/CO 1990; Craig, CO 1990; Bluff, UT/CO 1985; Moab, UT/CO 1985; Hanksville, UT 1982; San Rafael Desert, UT 1985; Huntington, UT 1982; Price, UT 1989; Farmington, NM 1991; Navajo Mountain, UT/AZ 1982. The 100-year flood plain for many areas is detailed in Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) published by and available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In areas where a FIRM is not available, the presence of alluvium soils or known high water marks can be used to determine the extent of the flood plain. Only areas of flood plain containing constituent elements are considered critical habitat.

Colorado: Moffat County. The Yampa River and its 100-year flood plain from the State Highway 394 bridge in T.6N., R.91W., sec. 1 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian).

Utah: Uintah, Carbon, Grand, Emery, Wayne, and San Juan Counties; and Colorado: Moffat County. The Green River and its 100-year flood plain from the confluence with the Yampa River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Colorado River in T.30S., R.19E., sec. 7 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Colorado: Rio Blanco County; and Utah: Uintah County. The White River and its 100-year flood plain from Rio Blanco Lake Dam in T.1N., R.96W., sec. 6 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.9S., R.20E., sec. 4 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Colorado: Delta and Mesa Counties. The Gunnison River and its 100-year flood plain from the confluence with the Uncompahgre River in T.15S., R.96W., sec. 11 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Colorado River in T.1S., R.1W., sec. 22 (Ute Meridian).

Colorado: Mesa and Garfield Counties; and Utah: Grand, San Juan, Wayne, and Garfield Counties. The Colorado River and its 100-year flood plain from the Colorado River Bridge at exit 90 north off Interstate 70 in T.6S., R.93W., sec. 16 (6th Principal Meridian) to North Wash including the Dirty Devil arm of Lake Powell up to the full pool elevation in T.33S., R.14E., sec. 29 (Salt Lake Meridian).

New Mexico: San Juan County; and Utah: San Juan County. The San Juan River and its 100-year flood plain from the State Route 371 Bridge in T.29N., R.13W., sec. 17 (New Mexico Meridian) to Neskahai Canyon in the San Juan arm of Lake Powell in T.41S., R.11E., sec. 26 (Salt Lake Meridian) up to the full pool elevation.

Known constituent elements include water, physical habitat, and biological environment as required for each particular life stage for each species.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Alabama Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus suttkusi)

(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Baldwin, Monroe, Wilcox, Clarke, Dallas, Lowndes, Autauga, Bibb, and Perry Counties, Alabama, on the map below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Alabama sturgeon are:

(i) A flow regime (i.e., the magnitude, frequency, duration, seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain all life stages of the species in the riverine environment, including migration, breeding site selection, resting, larval development, and protection of cool water refuges (i.e., tributaries).

(ii) River channel with stable sand and gravel river bottoms, and bedrock walls, including associated mussel beds.

(iii) Limestone outcrops and cut limestone banks, large gravel or cobble such as that found around channel training devices, and bedrock channel walls that provide riverine spawning sites with substrates suitable for embryo deposition and development.

(iv) Long sections of free-flowing water to allow spawning migrations and development of embryos and larvae.

(v) Water temperature not exceeding 32 °Celsius (90 °Fahrenheit); dissolved oxygen levels not less than 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) (5 parts per million (ppm)), except under extreme conditions due to natural causes or downstream of existing hydroelectric impoundments, where it can range from 5 mg/L to 4 mg/L (5 ppm to 4 ppm); and pH within the range of 6.0 to 8.5.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, docks, dams, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land or waterway on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and the critical habitat unit was then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Unit: Alabama and Cahaba Rivers; Baldwin, Monroe, Wilcox, Clarke, Dallas, Lowndes, Autauga, Perry, and Bibb Counties, Alabama.

(i) The unit encompasses 524 km (326 mi) of river channel. The portion of river channel in the Alabama River extends 394 km (245 mi) from its confluence with the Tombigbee River, Baldwin and Clarke Counties, Alabama, upstream to R.F. Henry Lock and Dam, Autauga and Lowndes Counties, Alabama; and the portion of river channel in the Cahaba River extends 130 km (81 mi) from its confluence with the Alabama River, Dallas County, Alabama, upstream to U.S. Highway 82, Bibb County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit, Critical Habitat for Alabama Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus suttkusi): Alabama and Cahaba Rivers, follows:

Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements essential for the conservation of Gulf sturgeon are those habitat components that support feeding, resting, and sheltering, reproduction, migration, and physical features necessary for maintaining the natural processes that support these habitat components. The primary constituent elements include:

(i) Abundant prey items within riverine habitats for larval and juvenile life stages, and within estuarine and marine habitats and substrates for juvenile, subadult, and adult life stages;

(ii) Riverine spawning sites with substrates suitable for egg deposition and development, such as limestone outcrops and cut limestone banks, bedrock, large gravel or cobble beds, marl, soapstone or hard clay;

(iii) Riverine aggregation areas, also referred to as resting, holding, and staging areas, used by adult, subadult, and/or juveniles, generally, but not always, located in holes below normal riverbed depths, believed necessary for minimizing energy expenditures during fresh water residency and possibly for osmoregulatory functions;

(iv) A flow regime (i.e,. the magnitude, frequency, duration, seasonality, and rate-of-change of fresh water discharge over time) necessary for normal behavior, growth, and survival of all life stages in the riverine environment, including migration, breeding site selection, courtship, egg fertilization, resting, and staging; and necessary for maintaining spawning sites in suitable condition for egg attachment, egg sheltering, resting, and larvae staging;

(v) Water quality, including temperature, salinity, pH, hardness, turbidity, oxygen content, and other chemical characteristics, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages;

(vi) Sediment quality, including texture and other chemical characteristics, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages; and

(vii) Safe and unobstructed migratory pathways necessary for passage within and between riverine, estuarine, and marine habitats (e.g., a river unobstructed by any permanent structure, or a dammed river that still allows for passage).

(3) Gulf sturgeon is under the joint jurisdiction of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The FWS will maintain primary responsibility for recovery actions and NMFS will assist in and continue to fund recovery actions pertaining to estuarine and marine habitats. In riverine units, the FWS will be responsible for all consultations regarding Gulf sturgeon and critical habitat. In estuarine units, we will divide responsibility based on the action agency involved. The FWS will consult with the Department of Transportation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. NMFS will consult with the Department of Defense, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Minerals Management Service and any other Federal agencies not mentioned here explicitly. In marine units, NMFS will be responsible for all consultations regarding Gulf sturgeon and critical habitat. Any Federal projects that extend into the jurisdiction of both the Services will be consulted on by the FWS with internal coordination with NMFS. Each agency will conduct its own intra-agency consultations as necessary.

(4) The textual unit descriptions below are the definitive source for determining the critical habitat boundaries. General location maps by unit are provided at the end of each unit description and are provided for general guidance purposes only, and not as a definitive source for determining critical habitat boundaries.

(5) Unit 1: Pearl River System in St. Tammany and Washington Parishes in Louisiana and Walthall, Hancock, Pearl River, Marion, Lawrence, Simpson, Copiah, Hinds, Rankin, and Pike Counties in Mississippi.

(i) Unit 1 includes the Pearl River main stem from the spillway of the Ross Barnett Dam, Hinds and Rankin Counties, Mississippi, downstream to where the main stem river drainage discharges at its mouth joining Lake Borgne, Little Lake, or The Rigolets in Hancock County, Mississippi, and St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. It includes the main stems of the East Pearl River, West Pearl River, West Middle River, Holmes Bayou, Wilson Slough, downstream to where these main stem river drainages discharge at the mouths of Lake Borgne, Little Lake, or The Rigolets. Unit 1 also includes the Bogue Chitto River main stem, a tributary of the Pearl River, from Mississippi State Highway 570, Pike County, Mississippi, downstream to its confluence with the West Pearl River, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana. The lateral extent of Unit 1 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated rivers and shorelines.

(ii) Maps of Unit 1 follow:

(6) Unit 2: Pascagoula River System in Forrest, Perry, Greene, George, Jackson, Clarke, Jones, and Wayne Counties, Mississippi.

(i) Unit 2 includes all of the Pascagoula River main stem and its distributaries, portions of the Bouie, Leaf, and Chickasawhay tributaries, and all of the Big Black Creek tributary. It includes the Bouie River main stem beginning on the southern-most road crossing of Interstate 59, Forrest County, Mississippi, downstream to its confluence with the Leaf River, Forrest County, Mississippi. The Leaf River main stem beginning from Mississippi State Highway 588, Jones County, Mississippi, downstream to its confluence with the Chickasawhay River, George County, Mississippi is included. The main stem of the Chickasawhay River from the mouth of Oaky Creek, Clarke County, Mississippi, downstream to its confluence with the Leaf River, George County, Mississippi is included. Unit 2 also includes Big Black Creek main stem from its confluence with Black and Red Creeks, Jackson County, Mississippi, to its confluence with the Pascagoula River, Jackson County, Mississippi. All of the main stem of the Pascagoula River from its confluence with the Leaf and Chickasawhay Rivers, George County, Mississippi, to the discharge of the East and West Pascagoula Rivers into Pascagoula Bay, Jackson County, Mississippi, is included. The lateral extent of Unit 2 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated rivers and shorelines.

(ii) Major shipping channels in this unit are excluded under section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(iii) Maps of Unit 2 follow:

(7) Unit 3: Escambia River System in Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties, Florida and Escambia, Conecuh, and Covington Counties, Alabama.

(i) Unit 3 includes the Conecuh River main stem beginning just downstream of the spillway of Point A Dam, Covington County, Alabama, downstream to the Florida State line, where its name changes to the Escambia River, Escambia County, Alabama, and Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida. It includes the entire main stem of the Escambia River downstream to its discharge into Escambia Bay and Macky Bay, Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida. All of the distributaries of the Escambia River including White River, Little White River, Simpson River, and Dead River, Santa Rosa County, Florida are included. The Sepulga River main stem from Alabama County Road 42, Conecuh and Escambia Counties, Alabama, downstream to its confluence with the Conecuh River, Escambia County, Alabama, is also included. The lateral extent of Unit 3 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated lakes, rivers, and shorelines.

(ii) Maps of Unit 3 follow:

(8) Unit 4: Yellow River System in Santa Rosa and Okaloosa Counties, Florida and Covington County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 4 includes the Yellow River main stem from Alabama State Highway 55, Covington County, Alabama, downstream to its discharge at Blackwater Bay, Santa Rosa County, Florida. All Yellow River distributaries (including Weaver River and Skim Lake) discharging into Blackwater Bay are included. The Shoal River main stem, a Yellow River tributary, from Florida Highway 85, Okaloosa County, Florida, to its confluence with the Yellow River, is included. The Blackwater River from its confluence with Big Coldwater Creek, Santa Rosa County, Florida, downstream to its discharge into Blackwater Bay is included. Wright Basin and Cooper Basin, Santa Rosa County, on the Blackwater River are included. The lateral extent of Unit 4 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated lakes, rivers, and shorelines.

(ii) Maps of Unit 4 follow:

(9) Unit 5: Choctawhatchee River System in Holmes, Washington, and Walton Counties, Florida and Dale, Coffee, Geneva, and Houston Counties, Alabama.

(i) Unit 5 includes the Choctawhatchee River main stem from its confluence with the west and east fork of the Choctawhatchee River, Dale County, Alabama, downstream to its discharge at Choctawhatchee Bay, Walton County, Florida. The distributaries discharging into Choctawhatchee Bay known as Mitchell River, Indian River, Cypress River, and Bells Leg are included. The Boynton Cutoff, Washington County, Florida, which joins the Choctawhatchee River main stem, and Holmes Creek, Washington County, Florida, are included. The section of Holmes Creek from Boynton Cutoff to the mouth of Holmes Creek, Washington County, Florida, is included. The Pea River main stem, a Choctawhatchee River tributary, from the Elba Dam, Coffee County, Alabama, to its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Geneva County, Alabama, is included. The lateral extent of Unit 5 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated rivers and shorelines.

(ii) Maps of Unit 5 follow:

(10) Unit 6: Apalachicola River System in Franklin, Gulf, Liberty, Calhoun, Jackson, and Gadsen Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 6 includes the Apalachicola River mainstem, beginning from the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam, Gadsden and Jackson Counties, Florida, downstream to its discharge at East Bay or Apalachicola Bay, Franklin County, Florida. All Apalachicola River distributaries, including the East River, Little St. Marks River, St. Marks River, Franklin County, Florida, to their discharge into East Bay and/or Apalachicola Bay are included. The entire main stem of the Brothers River, Franklin and Gulf Counties, Florida, a tributary of the Apalachicola River, is included. The lateral extent of Unit 6 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated rivers and shorelines.

(ii) Maps of Unit 6 follow:

(11) Unit 7: Suwannee River System in Hamilton, Suwannee, Madison, Lafayette, Gilchrist, Levy, Dixie, and Columbia Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 7 includes the Suwannee River main stem, beginning from its confluence with Long Branch Creek, Hamilton County, Florida, downstream to the mouth of the Suwannee River. It includes all the Suwannee River distributaries, including the East Pass, West Pass, Wadley Pass, and Alligator Pass, Dixie and Levy Counties, Florida, to their discharge into the Suwannee Sound or the Gulf of Mexico. The Withlacoochee River main stem from Florida State Road 6, Madison and Hamilton Counties, Florida, to its confluence with the Suwannee River is included. The lateral extent of Unit 7 is the ordinary high water line on each bank of the associated rivers and shorelines.

(ii) Maps of Unit 7 follow:

(12) Unit 8: Lake Pontchartrain, Lake St. Catherine, The Rigolets, Little Lake, Lake Borgne, and Mississippi Sound in Jefferson, Orleans, St. Tammany, and St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, Hancock, Jackson, and Harrison Counties in Mississippi, and in Mobile County, Alabama.

(i) Unit 8 encompasses Lake Pontchartrain east of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, all of Little Lake, The Rigolets, Lake St. Catherine, Lake Borgne, including Heron Bay, and the Mississippi Sound. Critical habitat follows the shorelines around the perimeters of each included lake. The Mississippi Sound includes adjacent open bays including Pascagoula Bay, Point aux Chenes Bay, Grand Bay, Sandy Bay, and barrier island passes, including Ship Island Pass, Dog Keys Pass, Horn Island Pass, and Petit Bois Pass. The northern boundary of the Mississippi Sound is the shorelines of the mainland between Heron Bay Point, Mississippi and Point aux Pins, Alabama. Critical habitat excludes St. Louis Bay, north of the railroad bridge across its mouth; Biloxi Bay, north of the U.S. Highway 90 bridge; and Back Bay of Biloxi. The southern boundary follows along the broken shoreline of Lake Borgne created by low swampy islands from Malheureux Point to Isle au Pitre. From the northeast point of Isle au Pitre, the boundary continues in a straight north-northeast line to the point 1 nautical mile (nm) (1.9 kilometers (km)) seaward of the western most extremity of Cat Island (30°13′ N, 89°10′ W). The southern boundary continues 1 nm (1.9 km) offshore of the barrier islands and offshore of the 72 COLREGS lines at barrier island passes (defined at 33 CFR 80.815 (c), (d) and (e)) to the eastern boundary. Between Cat Island and Ship Island there is no 72 COLREGS line. We therefore, have defined that section of the southern boundary as 1 nm (1.9 km) offshore of a straight line drawn from the southern tip of Cat Island to the western tip of Ship Island. The eastern boundary is the line of longitude 88°18.8′ W from its intersection with the shore (Point aux Pins) to its intersection with the southern boundary. The lateral extent of Unit 8 is the mean (average) high water (MHW) line on each shoreline of the included water bodies or the entrance to rivers, bayous, and creeks.

(ii) Major shipping channels in this unit, as identified on standard navigation charts and marked by buoys, are excluded under section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(iii) Maps of Unit 8 follow:

(13) Unit 9: Pensacola Bay System in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 9 includes Pensacola Bay and its adjacent main bays and coves. These include Big Lagoon, Escambia Bay, East Bay, Blackwater Bay, Bayou Grande, Macky Bay, Saultsmar Cove, Bass Hole Cove, and Catfish Basin. All other bays, bayous, creeks, and rivers are excluded at their mouths. The western boundary is the Florida State Highway 292 Bridge crossing Big Lagoon to Perdido Key. The southern boundary is the 72 COLREGS line between Perdido Key and Santa Rosa Island (defined at 33 CFR 80.810 (g)). The eastern boundary is the Florida State Highway 399 Bridge at Gulf Breeze, Florida. The lateral extent of Unit 9 is the MHW line on each included bay's shoreline.

(ii) Major shipping channels in this unit, as identified on standard navigation charts and marked by buoys, are excluded under section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(iii) A Map of Unit 9 follows:

(14) Unit 10: Santa Rosa Sound in Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 10 includes the Santa Rosa Sound, bounded on the west by the Florida State Highway 399 bridge in Gulf Breeze, Florida. The eastern boundary is the U.S. Highway 98 bridge in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The northern and southern boundaries of Unit 10 are formed by the shorelines to the MHW line or by the entrance to rivers, bayous, and creeks.

(ii) A Map of Unit 10 follows:

(15) Unit 11: Florida Nearshore Gulf of Mexico Unit in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Bay, and Gulf Counties in Florida.

(i) Unit 11 includes a portion of the Gulf of Mexico as defined by the following boundaries. The western boundary is the line of longitude 87°20.0′ W (approximately 1 nm (1.9 km) west of Pensacola Pass) from its intersection with the shore to its intersection with the southern boundary. The northern boundary is the MHW of the mainland shoreline and the 72 COLREGS lines at passes as defined at 30 CFR 80.810 (a-g). The southern boundary is 1 nm (1.9 km) offshore of the northern boundary. The eastern boundary is the line of longitude 85°17.0′ W from its intersection with the shore (near Money Bayou between Cape San Blas and Indian Peninsula) to its intersection with the southern boundary.

(ii) A Map of Unit 11 follows:

(16) Unit 12: Choctawhatchee Bay in Okaloosa and Walton Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 12 includes the main body of Choctawhatchee Bay, Hogtown Bayou, Jolly Bay, Bunker Cove, and Grassy Cove. All other bayous, creeks, rivers are excluded at their mouths/entrances. The western boundary is the U.S. Highway 98 bridge at Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The southern boundary is the 72 COLREGS line across East (Destin) Pass as defined at 33 CFR 80.810 (f). The lateral extent of Unit 12 is the MHW line on each shoreline of the included water bodies.

(ii) A Map of Unit 12 follows:

(17) Unit 13: Apalachicola Bay in Gulf and Franklin County, Florida.

(i) Unit 13 includes the main body of Apalachicola Bay and its adjacent sounds, bays, and the nearshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. These consist of St. Vincent Sound, including Indian Lagoon; Apalachicola Bay including Horseshoe Cove and All Tides Cove; East Bay including Little Bay and Big Bay; and St George Sound, including Rattlesnake Cove and East Cove. Barrier Island passes (Indian Pass, West Pass, and East Pass) are also included. Sike's cut is excluded from the lighted buoys on the Gulf of Mexico side to the day boards on the bay side. The southern boundary includes water extending into the Gulf of Mexico 1 nm (1.9 km) from the MHW line of the barrier islands and from 72 COLREGS lines between the barrier islands (defined at 33 CFR 80.805 (e)-(h)). The western boundary is the line of longitude 85°17.0′ W from its intersection with the shore (near Money Bayou between Cape San Blas and Indian Peninsula) to its intersection with the southern boundary. The eastern boundary is formed by a straight line drawn from the shoreline of Lanark Village at 29°53.1′ N, 84°35.0′ W to a point that is 1 nm (1.9 km) offshore from the northeastern extremity of Dog Island at 29°49.6′ N, 84°33.2′ W. The lateral extent of Unit 13 is the MHW line on each shoreline of the included water bodies or the entrance of excluded rivers, bayous, and creeks.

(ii) A Map of Unit 13 follows:

(18) Unit 14: Suwannee Sound in Dixie and Levy Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 14 includes Suwannee Sound and a portion of adjacent Gulf of Mexico waters extending 9 nm from shore (16.7 km) out to the State territorial water boundary. Its northern boundary is formed by a straight line from the northern tip of Big Pine Island (at approximately 29°23′ N, 83°12′ W) to the Federal-State boundary at 29°17′ N, 83°21′ W. The southern boundary is formed by a straight line from the southern tip of Richards Island (at approximately 83°04′ W, 29°11′ N) to the Federal-State boundary at 83°15′ W, 29°04′ N. The lateral extent of Unit 14 is the MHW line along the shorelines and the mouths of the Suwannee River (East and West Pass), its distributaries, and other rivers, creeks, or water bodies.

(ii) A Map of Unit 14 follows:

(19)(i) The river reaches within Units 1 to 7 as critical habitat lie within the ordinary high water line. As defined in 33 CFR 32.911, the ordinary high water line on non-tidal rivers is the line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as a clear, natural line impressed on the bank; shelving; changes in the character of soil; destruction of terrestrial vegetation; the presence of litter and debris; or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas.

(ii) The downstream limit of the riverine units is the mouth of each river. The mouth is defined as rkm 0 (rmi 0). Although the interface of fresh and saltwater, referred to as the saltwater wedge, occurs within the lower-most reach of a river, for ease in delineating critical habitat units, we are defining the boundary between the riverine and estuarine units as rkm 0 (rmi 0).

(iii) Regulatory jurisdiction in coastal areas extends to the line on the shore reached by the plane of the mean (average) high water (MHW) (33 CFR 329.12(a)(2)). All bays and estuaries within Units 8 to 14 therefore, lie below the MHW lines. Where precise determination of the actual location becomes necessary, it must be established by survey with reference to the available tidal datum, preferably averaged over a period of 18.6 years. Less precise methods, such as observation of the “apparent shoreline” which is determined by reference to physical markings, lines of vegetation, may be used only where an estimate is needed of the line reached by the mean high water.

(iv) The term 72 COLREGS is defined as demarcation lines which delineate those waters upon which mariners shall comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and those waters upon which mariners shall comply with the Inland Navigation Rules (33 CFR 80.01). The waters inside of these lines are Inland Rules waters and the waters outside the lines are COLREGS waters. These lines are defined in 33 CFR 80, and have been used for identification purposes to delineate boundary lines of the estuarine and marine habitat Units 8, 9, 11, and 12.

(20) Critical habitat does not include existing developed sites such as dams, piers, marinas, bridges, boat ramps, exposed oil and gas pipelines, oil rigs, and similar structures or designated public swimming areas.

White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus); Kootenai River Population

(1) Critical habitat is designated in Idaho, Boundary County, on the Kootenai River from river mile (RM) 141.4 (river kilometer (RKM) 228) to RM 159.7 (RKM 257), as indicated on the map in paragraph (3) of this entry, from ordinary high-water mark to opposite bank ordinary high-water mark as defined in 33 CFR 329.11.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Kootenai River population of the white sturgeon are:

(i) A flow regime, during the spawning season of May through June, that approximates natural variable conditions and is capable of producing depths of 23 feet (ft) (7 meters (m)) or greater when natural conditions (for example, weather patterns, water year) allow. The depths must occur at multiple sites throughout, but not uniformly within, the Kootenai River designated critical habitat.

(ii) A flow regime, during the spawning season of May through June, that approximates natural variable conditions and is capable of producing mean water column velocities of 3.3 feet per second (ft/s) (1.0 meters per second (m/s)) or greater when natural conditions (for example, weather patterns, water year) allow. The velocities must occur at multiple sites throughout, but not uniformly within, the Kootenai River designated critical habitat.

(iii) During the spawning season of May through June, water temperatures between 47.3 and 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (8.5 and 12 degrees Celsius (°C)), with no more than a 3.6 °F (2.1 °C) fluctuation in temperature within a 24-hour period, as measured at Bonners Ferry.

(iv) Submerged rocky substrates in approximately 5 continuous river miles (8 river kilometers) to provide for natural free embryo redistribution behavior and downstream movement.

(v) A flow regime that limits sediment deposition and maintains appropriate rocky substrate and inter-gravel spaces for sturgeon egg adhesion, incubation, escape cover, and free embryo development.

(3) Map of critical habitat follows:

June Sucker (Chasmistes liorus)

Utah, Utah County. Provo River, Sec. 5, T7S, R2E; to Sec. 36, T6S, R2E, the lower 7.8 kilometers (4.9 miles) of the main channel of the river as measured from it confluence with Utah Lake, upstream to the Tanner Race diversion.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements of the critical habitat include one to three feet of high quality water constantly flowing over a clean, unsilted gravel substrate. Larval June suckers require shallow areas with low velocities connected to the main channel of the river.

Lost River Sucker (Deltistes luxatus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Klamath and Lake Counties, Oregon, and Modoc County, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Lost River sucker consist of three components:

(i) Water. Areas with sufficient water quantity and depth within lakes, reservoirs, streams, marshes, springs, groundwater sources, and refugia habitats with minimal physical, biological, or chemical impediments to connectivity. Water must have varied depths to accommodate each life stage: Shallow water (up to 3.28 ft (1.0 m)) for larval life stage, and deeper water (up to 14.8 ft (4.5 m)) for older life stages. The water quality characteristics should include water temperatures of less than 82.4 °Fahrenheit (28.0 °Celsius); pH less than 9.75; dissolved oxygen levels greater than 4.0 mg per L; low levels of microcystin; and un-ionized ammonia (less than 0.5 mg per L). Elements also include natural flow regimes that provide flows during the appropriate time of year or, if flows are controlled, minimal flow departure from a natural hydrograph.

(ii) Spawning and rearing habitat. Streams and shoreline springs with gravel and cobble substrate at depths typically less than 4.3 ft (1.3 m) with adequate stream velocity to allow spawning to occur. Areas containing emergent vegetation adjacent to open water, provides habitat for rearing and facilitates growth and survival of suckers, as well as protection from predation and protection from currents and turbulence.

(iii) Food. Areas that contain an abundant forage base, including a broad array of chironomidae, crustacea, and other aquatic macroinvertebrates.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as docks and bridges) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 10, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of the U.S. Geological Survey 2009 National Hydrography Dataset, and critical habitat was then mapped using North American Datum (NAD) 83, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 10N coordinates. The maps in this entry establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site,, at at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2011-0097, and at the field office responsible for the designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: An index map for designated critical habitat units for the Lost River sucker follows:

(6) Unit 1: Upper Klamath Lake Unit, Klamath County, Oregon. Note: Map of Unit 1, Upper Klamath Lake Unit, of critical habitat for Lost River sucker follows:

(7) Unit 2: Lost River Basin Unit, Klamath County, Oregon. Note: Map of Unit 2, Lost River Basin Unit, of critical habitat for Lost River sucker follows:

Razorback Sucker (Xyrauchen texanus)

Description of areas taken from BLM 1:100,000 scale maps (available from BLM State Offices): Rangely, CO 1989; Canyon of Lodore, CO 1990; Seep Ridge, UT/CO 1982; La Sal, UT/CO 1985; Westwater, UT/CO 1981; Hite Crossing, UT 1982; Glenwood Springs, CO 1988; Grand Junction, CO 1990; Delta, CO 1989; Navajo Mountain, UT/AZ 1982; Vernal, UT/CO 1990; Craig, CO 1990; Bluff, UT/CO 1985; Moab, UT/CO 1985; Hanksville, UT 1982; San Rafael Desert, UT 1985; Huntington, UT 1982; Price, UT 1989; Tuba City, AZ 1983; Lake Mead, NV/AZ 1981; Davis Dam, AZ/NV/CA 1982; Parker, AZ/CA 1980; Yuma, AZ/CA 1988; Safford, AZ 1991; Globe, AZ 1980; Clifton, AZ/NM 1975; Prescott, AZ 1982; Theodore Roosevelt Lake, AZ 1982; Grand Canyon, AZ 1980; Mt. Trumbull, AZ 1979; Boulder City, NV/AZ 1978; Blythe, CA/AZ 1976; Trigo Mountains, AZ/CA 1988; Sedona, AZ 1982; Payson, AZ 1988; and U.S. Forest Service map: Tonto National Forest, Phoenix, AZ. The 100-year flood plain for many areas is detailed in Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) published by and available through the FEMA. In areas where a FIRM is not available, the presence of alluvium soils or known high water marks can be used to determine the extent of the flood plain. Only areas of flood plain containing constituent elements are considered critical habitat.

Colorado: Moffat County. The Yampa River and its 100-year flood plain from the mouth of Cross Mountain Canyon in T.6N., R.98W., sec. 23 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian).

Utah: Uintah County; and Colorado: Moffat County. The Green River and its 100-year flood plain from the confluence with the Yampa River in T.7N., R.103W., sec. 28 (6th Principal Meridian) to Sand Wash in T.11S., R.18E., sec. 20 (6th Principal Meridian).

Utah: Uintah, Carbon, Grand, Emery, Wayne, and San Juan Counties. The Green River and its 100-year flood plain from Sand Wash at T.11S., R.18E., sec. 20 (6th Principal Meridian) to the confluence with the Colorado River in T.30S., R.19E., sec. 7 (6th Principal Meridian).

Utah: Uintah County. The White River and its 100-year flood plain from the boundary of the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation at river mile 18 in T.9S., R.22E., sec. 21 (Salt Lake Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.9S., R.20E., sec. 4 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Utah: Uintah County. The Duchesne River and its 100-year flood plain from river mile 2.5 in T.4S., R.3E., sec. 30 (Salt Lake Meridian) to the confluence with the Green River in T.5S., R.3E., sec. 5 (Uintah Meridian).

Colorado: Delta and Mesa Counties. The Gunnison River and its 100-year flood plain from the confluence with the Uncompahgre River in T.15S., R.96W., sec. 11 (6th Principal Meridian) to Redlands Diversion Dam in T.1S., R.1W., sec. 27 (Ute Meridian).

Colorado: Mesa and Garfield Counties. The Colorado River and its 100-year flood plain from Colorado River Bridge at exit 90 north off Interstate 70 in T.6S., R.93W., sec. 16 (6th Principal Meridian) to Westwater Canyon in T.20S., R.25E., sec. 12 (Salt Lake Meridian) including the Gunnison River and its 100-year flood plain from the Redlands Diversion Dam in T.1S., R.1W., sec. 27 (Ute Meridian) to the confluence with the Colorado River in T.1S., R.1W., sec. 22 (Ute Meridian).

Utah: Grand, San Juan, Wayne, and Garfield Counties. The Colorado River and its 100-year flood plain from Westwater Canyon in T.20S., R.25E., sec. 12 (Salt Lake Meridian) to full pool elevation, upstream of North Wash and including the Dirty Devil arm of Lake Powell in T.33S., R.14E., sec. 29 (Salt Lake Meridian).

New Mexico: San Juan County; and Utah: San Juan County. The San Juan River and its 100-year flood plain from the Hogback Diversion in T.29N., R.16W., sec. 9 (New Mexico Meridian) to the full pool elevation at the mouth of Neskahai Canyon on the San Juan arm of Lake Powell in T.41S., R.11E., sec. 26 (Salt Lake Meridian).

Arizona: Coconino and Mohave Counties; and Nevada: Clark County. The Colorado River and its 100-year flood plain from the confluence with the Paria River in T.40N., R.7E., sec. 24 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) to Hoover Dam in T.30N., R.23W., sec. 3 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) including Lake Mead to the full pool elevation.

Arizona: Mohave County; and Nevada: Clark County. The Colorado River and its 100-year flood plain from Hoover Dam in T.30N., R.23W., sec. 1 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) to Davis Dam in T.21N., R.21W., sec. 18 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) including Lake Mohave to the full pool elevation.

Arizona: La Paz and Yuma Counties; and California: San Bernardino, Riverside, and Imperial Counties. The Colorado River and its 100-year flood plain from Parker Dam in T.11N., R.18W., sec. 16 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) to Imperial Dam in T.6S., R.22W., sec. 25 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) including Imperial Reservoir to the full pool elevation or 100-year flood plain, whichever is greater.

Arizona: Graham, Greenlee, Gila, and Pinal Counties. The Gila River and its 100-year flood plain from the Arizona-New Mexico border in T.8S., R.32E., sec. 34 (Gila and Salt River Meridian) to Coolidge Dam in T.3S., R.18E., sec. 17 (Gila and Salt River Meridian), including San Carlos Reservoir to the full pool elevation.

Arizona: Gila County. The Salt River and its 100-year flood plain from the old U.S. Highway 60/State Route 77 bridge (unsurveyed) to Roosevelt Diversion Dam in T.3N., R.14E., sec. 4 (Gila and Salt River Meridian).

Arizona: Yavapai County. The Verde River and its 100-year flood plain from the U.S. Forest Service boundary (Prescott National Forest) in T.18N., R.2E., sec. 31 to Horseshoe Dam in T.7N., R.6E., sec. 2 (Gila and Salt River Meridian), including Horseshoe Lake to the full pool elevation.

Known constituent elements include water, physical habitat, and biological environment as required for each particular life stage for each species.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Santa Ana Sucker (Catostomus santaanae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the physical and biological features for the Santa Ana sucker are as follows:

(i) A functioning hydrological system within the historical geographic range of Santa Ana sucker that experiences peaks and ebbs in the water volume (either naturally or regulated) that encompasses areas that provide or contain sources of water and coarse sediment necessary to maintain all life stages of the species, including adults, juveniles, larva, and eggs, in the riverine environment;

(ii) Stream channel substrate consisting of a mosaic of loose sand, gravel, cobble, and boulder substrates in a series of riffles, runs, pools, and shallow sandy stream margins necessary to maintain various life stages of the species, including adults, juveniles, larva, and eggs, in the riverine environment;

(iii) Water depths greater than 1.2 in (3 cm) and bottom water velocities greater than 0.01 ft per second (0.03 m per second);

(iv) Clear or only occasionally turbid water;

(v) Water temperatures less than 86 °F (30 °C);

(vi) In-stream habitat that includes food sources (such as zooplankton, phytoplankton, and aquatic invertebrates), and associated vegetation such as aquatic emergent vegetation and adjacent riparian vegetation to provide: (a) Shading to reduce water temperature when ambient temperatures are high, (b) shelter during periods of high water velocity, and (c) protective cover from predators; and

(vii) Areas within perennial stream courses that may be periodically dewatered, but that serve as connective corridors between occupied or seasonally occupied habitat and through which the species may move when the habitat is wetted.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one of more of the physical and biological features, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5′ quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.

(5) NOTE: Index map of critical habitat units for Santa Ana sucker (Catostomus santaanae) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Santa Ana River, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California. Subunit 1A: Upper Santa Ana River and Wash, San Bernardino County.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Subunit 1A (Upper Santa Ana River and Wash) follows:

(7) Unit 1: Santa Ana River, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California. Subunit 1B: Santa Ana River, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Subunit 1B: (Santa Ana River) follows:

(8) Unit 1: Santa Ana River, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, California. Subunit 1C: Lower Santa Ana River, Orange and Riverside Counties.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Subunit 1C (Lower Santa Ana River) follows:

(9) Unit 2: San Gabriel River, Los Angeles County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (San Gabriel River) follows:

(10) Unit 3: Big Tujunga Wash, Los Angeles County, California. Subunit 3A: Big Tujunga Wash.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Subunit 3A (Big Tujunga Wash) appears in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.

(11) Subunit 3B: Gold Canyon, Delta Canyon, and Stone Canyon Creeks.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Big Tujunga Wash) follows:

Shortnose Sucker (Chasmistes brevirostris)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Klamath and Lake Counties, Oregon, and Modoc County, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of shortnose sucker consist of three components:

(i) Water. Areas with sufficient water quantity and depth within lakes, reservoirs, streams, marshes, springs, groundwater sources, and refugia habitats with minimal physical, biological, or chemical impediments to connectivity. Water must have varied depths to accommodate each life stage: Shallow water (up to 3.28 ft (1.0 m)) for juveniles, and deeper water (up to 14.8 ft (4.5 m)) for adults. The water quality characteristics should include water temperatures of less than 82.4 °F (28.0 °Celsius); pH less than 9.75; dissolved oxygen levels greater than 4.0 mg per L; low levels of microcystin; and un-ionized ammonia (less than 0.5 mg per L). Elements also include natural flow regimes that provide flows during the appropriate time of year or, if flows are controlled, minimal flow departure from a natural hydrograph.

(ii) Spawning and rearing habitat. Streams and shoreline springs with gravel and cobble substrate at depths typically less than 4.3 ft (1.3 m) with adequate stream velocity to allow spawning to occur. Areas containing emergent vegetation adjacent to open water provides habitat for rearing and facilitates growth and survival of suckers, as well as protection from predation and protection from currents and turbulence.

(iii) Food. Areas that contain an abundant forage base, including a broad array of chironomidae, crustacea, and other aquatic macroinvertebrates.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as docks and bridges) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 10, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of the U.S. Geological Survey 2009 National Hydrography Dataset, and critical habitat was then mapped using North American Datum (NAD) 83, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 10N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,, at at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2011-0097, and at the field office responsible for the designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: An index map for designated critical habitat units for the Lost River sucker follows:

(6) Unit 1: Upper Klamath Lake Unit, Klamath County, Oregon. Map of Unit 1, Upper Klamath Lake Unit, of critical habitat for shortnose sucker follows:

(7) Unit 2: Lost River Basin Unit, Klamath County, Oregon. Map of Unit 2, Lost River Basin Unit, of critical habitat for shortnose sucker follows:

Warner Sucker (Catostomus warnerensis)

Oregon: Lake County.

1. Twelvemile Creek - Approximately 4 stream miles and 50 feet on either side of the stream commencing at the confluence of Twelvemile Creek and Twentymile Creek and extending upstream, and including those portions of Twelvemile Creek in T40S, R23E, Section 35; and T41S, R23E, Sections 1, 2, 12, 13, 23, and 24.

2. Twentymile Creek - Approximately 18 stream miles and 50 feet on either side of the stream commencing about 9 miles upstream of the junction of Twelvemile and Twentymile Creeks and extending to a point about 9 miles downstream of the junction, and including those portions of Twentymile Creek in T40S, R22E, Sections 25, 35, and 36; T40S, R23E, Sections 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35 and 36; T40S, R24E, Sections 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30; and T41S, R23E, Sections 2 and 3.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

3. Spillway Canal north of Hart Lake - Approximately 2 stream miles and 50 feet on either side of the waterway commencing at its confluence with Hart Lake and extending to a point about 2 miles downstream, and including those portions of the waterway in T36S, R24E, Sections 7, 18, and 19.

4. Snyder Creek - Approximately 3 stream miles and 50 feet on either side of the stream commencing at the confluence of Snyder Creek and Honey Creek and extending to a point about 3 miles upstream on Snyder Creek, and including those portions of Snyder Creek in T36S, R22E, Sections 1 and 12; and T36S, R23E, Sections 7, 17, and 18.

5. Honey Creek - Approximately 16 stream miles and 50 feet on either side of the stream commencing at the confluence of Honey Creek with Hart Lake and extending to a point about 16 miles upstream on Honey Creek, and including those portions of Honey Creek in T36S, R24E, Sections 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, and 35; T36S, R23E, Sections 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, and 28; and T36S, R22E, Sections 13, 14, 22, and 23.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent elements of all areas proposed as critical habitat include streams 15 feet to 60 feet wide with gravel-bottom shoal and riffle areas with intervening pools. Streams should have clean, unpolluted flowing water and a stable riparian zone. The streams should support a variety of aquatic insects, crustaceans, and other small invertebrates for food.

Zuni bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus yarrowi)

(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico, on the map below.

(2) Critical habitat includes the adjacent floodplains within 91.4 lateral meters (m) (300 lateral feet (ft)) on either side of bankfull discharge, except where bounded by canyon walls. Bankfull discharge is the flow at which water begins to leave the channel and disperse into the floodplain, and generally occurs every 1 to 2 years.

(3) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Zuni bluehead sucker consist of three components:

(i) A riverine system with habitat to support all life stages of the Zuni bluehead sucker, which includes:

(A) Dynamic flows that allow for periodic changes in channel morphology and adequate river functions, such as channel reshaping and delivery of coarse sediments.

(B) Stream courses with perennial flows or intermittent flows that serve as connective corridors between occupied or seasonally occupied habitat through which the subspecies may disperse when the habitat is wetted.

(C) Stream mesohabitat types including runs, riffles, and pools with substrate ranging from gravel, cobble, and bedrock substrates with low or moderate amounts of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness.

(D) Streams with depths generally less than 2 meters (3.3 feet), and with slow to swift flow velocities less than 0.35 meters per second (1.15 feet per second).

(E) Clear, cool water with low turbidity and temperatures in the general range of 2.0 to 23.0 °C (35.6 to 73.4 °F).

(F) No harmful levels of pollutants.

(G) Adequate riparian shading to reduce water temperatures when ambient temperatures are high and provide protective cover from predators.

(ii) An abundant aquatic insect food base consisting of fine particulate organic material, filamentous algae, midge larvae, caddisfly larvae, mayfly larvae, flatworms, and small terrestrial insects.

(iii) Areas devoid of nonnative aquatic species or areas that are maintained to keep nonnatives at a level that allows the Zuni bluehead sucker to continue to survive and reproduce.

(4) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 7, 2016.

(5) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map unit were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial layers. Data layers defining map units were created with U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Medium Flowline data. ArcGIS was also used to calculate river kilometers and river miles from the NHD dataset, and it was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees. Critical habitat upstream limits were delineated based on the upper limits identified in the NHD dataset for each stream. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the unit was North American Equidistant Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0002, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(6) Unit 1: Zuni River Unit, McKinley and Cibola Counties, New Mexico.

(i) General description: Unit 1 consists of approximately 55.7 kilometers (km) (34.6 miles (mi)) of the Zuni River watershed and the adjacent floodplains within 91.4 lateral meters (300 lateral feet) on either side of bankfull discharge, except where bounded by canyon walls in McKinley and Cibola Counties, and is composed of land ownership by the State (2.1 km (1.3 mi)), Forest Service (19.5 km (12.1 mi)) and private landowners (34.0 km (21.1 mi)).

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

Spring Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma alabamae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Limestone and Madison Counties, Alabama, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the spring pygmy sunfish consist of the following components:

(i) Spring system. Springs, and connecting spring-fed reaches and wetlands, that are geomorphically stable and relatively low-gradient. This includes headwater springs with spring heads (water source), spring runs, and spring pools that filter into shallow, vegetated wetlands.

(ii) Water quality. Yearly averages of water quality with optimal temperatures of 57.2 to 68 °F (14 to 20 °C); pH of 6.0 to 7.7; dissolved oxygen of 6.0 parts per million (ppm) or greater; low concentrations of free or suspended solids with turbidity measuring less than 15 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) and 20 milligrams per liter (mg/l) total suspended solids (TSS).

(iii) Hydrology. A hydrologic flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain spring habitats. The instream flow from groundwater sources (springs and seeps) maintains an adequate velocity and a continuous daily discharge from the aquifer that allows for connectivity between habitats. Instream flow is stable and does not vary during water extraction, and the aquifer recharge maintains adequate levels to supply water flow to the spring head. The flow regime does not significantly change during storm events.

(iv) Prey base, or food. Macroinvertebrates including Daphnia spp., amphipods, chironomids (non-biting midges), or small snails.

(v) Vegetation. Aquatic, emergent and semi-emergent vegetation along the margins of spring runs and submergent vegetation that is adequate for breeding, reproducing, and rearing young; providing cover and shelter from predators; and supporting the macroinvertebrate prey base. Important species include submergent filamentous vegetation such as Ceratophyllum echinatum (spineless hornwort), Myriophyllum heterophyllum (two-leaf water milfoil), and Hydrilla verticillata (native hydrilla); emergent vegetation such as Sparganium spp. (bur reed), Polygonum spp. (smartweed), Nasturtium officinale (watercress), Juncus spp. (rush), and Carex spp. (sedges); and semi-emergent vegetation such as Nuphar luteum (yellow pond lily), Utricularia spp. (bladderwort), and Callitriche spp. (water starwort).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 1, 2019.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of U.S. Geological Survey digital topographic map quadrangle (Greenbrier and Mason Ridge) and a U.S. Department of Agriculture 2007 digital ortho-photo mosaic, in addition to National Wetland Inventory maps. The resulting critical habitat unit was then mapped using State Plane North American Datum (NAD) 83 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0010, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Beaverdam Spring/Creek, Limestone County, Alabama.

(i) General description. Unit 1 consists of 342 hectares (845 acres) and includes a total of 5.2 kilometers (3.2 miles) of spring/stream complex in Limestone County, Alabama, northeast of Greenbrier. Unit 1 includes three subunits. Subunit A is a privately owned wetland, with an area of approximately 7.2 hectares (17.9 acres), located 0.38 kilometers (0.23 miles) west of Chestnut Heath Drive. Subunit B consists of 69 hectares (170.4 acres) and is located partly in Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge (36.7 hectares (90.6 acres)), north of the edge of I-565. The private portion of Subunit B (32.3 hectares (79.8 acres)) extends northward, from the northeast refuge boundary along the east side of the Beaverdam Spring complex, to 0.2 kilometers (0.12 miles) south of Old Highway 20. Subunit C is approximately 265.7 hectares (656.6 acres) and is located in Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, extending 3.9 kilometers (2.4 miles) south from I-565. All of Subunit C is on refuge land except Thorsen Spring Pool (1.2 hectares (3.0 acres)), which is privately held. In total, the privately owned portion of Unit 1 consists of 0.8 kilometers (0.5 miles) of stream in an area of 41 hectares (101 acres).

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Pryor Spring/Branch, Limestone County, Alabama.

(i) General description. Unit 2 includes 3.4 kilometers (2.1 miles) of Pryor Spring and Pryor Branch from the spring head (water source), about 3.7 miles (5.9 kilometers) south of Tanner, Alabama, and just east of Highway 31, downstream to the bridge where it intersects with Harris Station/Thomas L. Hammons Road. This includes a total of 73.6 hectares (182 acres) in area, mostly owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority and managed by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources as the Swan Creek Wildlife Management Area. The privately held portion of Unit 2 contains 0.24 kilometers (0.15 miles) of stream in an area of 8.1 hectares (20 acres).

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: Blackwell Swamp/Run, Madison County, Alabama.

(i) General description. Unit 3 includes a total of 123 hectares (303 acres) of land and 2.3 stream kilometers (1.4 stream miles), all which is federally owned within the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. Unit 3 is located approximately 4.3 kilometers (2.7 miles) due west of Triana. This unit is 0.96 kilometers (0.6 miles) north of Blackwell Run's confluence with the Tennessee River; approximately 1 kilometer (0.5 miles) south of Swancott Road SW; about 1 kilometer (0.5 miles) west of Landess Circle; and just to the east of B Road/County Line Road SW.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus)

(1) Locations of critical habitat. Critical habitat units are depicted in the following States and counties on the maps and as described below:

Expand Table
State Counties
(i) Idaho Adams, Benewah, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Custer, Elmore, Gem, Idaho, Kootenai, Lemhi, Lewis, Nez Perce, Owyhee, Shoshone, Valley, Washington
(ii) Montana Deer Lodge, Flathead, Glacier, Granite, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Mineral, Missoula, Powell, Ravalli, Sanders
(iii) Nevada Elko
(iv) Oregon Baker, Clatsop, Columbia, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Wheeler
(v) Washington Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, Island,
Jefferson, King, Kittitas, Klickitat, Mason, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Pierce, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, Whatcom, Whitman, Yakima

(2) Topographic features included in the critical habitat designation. Critical habitat includes the stream channels within the designated stream reaches; designated lakes and reservoirs; and inshore portions of marine nearshore areas, including tidally influenced freshwater heads of estuaries indicated on the maps beginning with paragraph (e)(7) of this entry.

(i) Critical habitat includes the stream channels within the designated stream reaches and a lateral extent as defined by the bankfull elevation on one bank to the bankfull elevation on the opposite bank. Bankfull elevation is the level at which water begins to leave the channel and move into the floodplain and is reached at a discharge that generally has a recurrence interval of 1 to 2 years on the annual flood series. If bankfull elevation is not evident on either bank, the ordinary high-water line must be used to determine the lateral extent of critical habitat. The lateral extent of designated lakes is defined by the perimeter of the waterbody as mapped on standard 1:24,000 scale topographic maps.

(ii) Critical habitat includes the inshore extent of critical habitat for marine nearshore areas (the mean higher high-water (MHHW) line), including the uppermost reach of the saltwater wedge within tidally influenced freshwater heads of estuaries. The MHHW line refers to the average of all the higher high-water heights of the two daily tidal levels. Adjacent shoreline riparian areas, bluffs, and uplands are not designated as critical habitat. However, it should be recognized that the quality of marine habitat along shorelines is intrinsically related to the character of these adjacent features, and human activities that occur outside of the MHHW line can have major effects on the physical and biological features of the marine environment. The offshore extent of critical habitat for marine nearshore areas is based on the extent of the photic zone, which is the layer of water in which organisms are exposed to light. Critical habitat extends offshore to the depth of 10 meters (m) (33 feet (ft)) relative to the mean low low-water (MLLW) line (average of all the lower low-water heights of the two daily tidal levels). This equates to the average depth of the photic zone and is consistent with the offshore extent of the nearshore habitat identified by the national Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the National Tidal Datum 1983 through 2001. This area between the MHHW line and minus 10 m MLLW line is considered the habitat most consistently used by bull trout in marine waters based on known use, forage fish availability, and ongoing migration studies and captures geological and ecological processes important to maintaining these habitats. This area contains essential foraging habitat and migration corridors such as estuaries, bays, inlets, shallow subtidal areas, and intertidal flats.

(3) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat. Within the critical habitat, the PCEs for bull trout are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of foraging, reproducing, rearing of young, dispersal, genetic exchange, or sheltering. The PCEs are as follows:

(i) Springs, seeps, groundwater sources, and subsurface water connectivity (hyporheic flows) to contribute to water quality and quantity and provide thermal refugia.

(ii) Migration habitats with minimal physical, biological, or water quality impediments between spawning, rearing, overwintering, and freshwater and marine foraging habitats, including but not limited to permanent, partial, intermittent, or seasonal barriers.

(iii) An abundant food base, including terrestrial organisms of riparian origin, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and forage fish.

(iv) Complex river, stream, lake, reservoir, and marine shoreline aquatic environments, and processes that establish and maintain these aquatic environments, with features such as large wood, side channels, pools, undercut banks and unembedded substrates, to provide a variety of depths, gradients, velocities, and structure.

(v) Water temperatures ranging from 2 to 15 degrees Celsius (°C) (36 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit (°F)), with adequate thermal refugia available for temperatures that exceed the upper end of this range. Specific temperatures within this range will depend on bull trout life-history stage and form; geography; elevation; diurnal and seasonal variation; shading, such as that provided by riparian habitat; streamflow; and local groundwater influence.

(vi) In spawning and rearing areas, substrate of sufficient amount, size, and composition to ensure success of egg and embryo overwinter survival, fry emergence, and young-of-the-year and juvenile survival. A minimal amount of fine sediment, generally ranging in size from silt to coarse sand, embedded in larger substrates, is characteristic of these conditions. The size and amounts of fine sediment suitable to bull trout will likely vary from system to system.

(vii) A natural hydrograph, including peak, high, low, and base flows within historic and seasonal ranges or, if flows are controlled, minimal flow departure from a natural hydrograph.

(viii) Sufficient water quality and quantity such that normal reproduction, growth, and survival are not inhibited.

(ix) Sufficiently low levels of occurrence of nonnative predatory (e.g., lake trout, walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass); interbreeding (e.g., brook trout); or competing (e.g., brown trout) species that, if present, are adequately temporally and spatially isolated from bull trout.

(4) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (including, but not limited to, buildings, aqueducts, docks, seawalls, pipelines, roads, runways, or other structures or paved areas) and the land or waterway on which they are located that exist within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(5) Exclusions. Each excluded area is identified in the relevant Critical Habitat Unit text below, as identified in paragraphs (e)(8) through (e)(41) of this entry. Critical habitat does not include:

(i) Waters adjacent to non-Federal lands covered by the following legally operative incidental take permits for habitat conservation plans (HCPs) issued under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), in which bull trout is a covered species on or before the publication of this final rule: Cedar River Watershed HCP, Green Diamond HCP, Washington Department of Natural Resources HCP, Washington Forest Practices HCP, Plum Creek Central Cascades HCP, Plum Creek Native Fish HCP, and Stimpson Native Fish HCP;

(ii) Waters within or adjacent to lands subject to certain tribal management plans; or

(iii) Waters where impacts to national security have been identified.

(6) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code map (HUCs) at a scale of 1:250,000 down to the 4th level cataloging unit. In some cases, 5th and 6th level HUCs were also used and some finer scale watersheds developed using USGS 10-meter Digital Elevation Model and 1:24,000 scale hydrography layers. The marine boundaries for the Puget Sound and Olympic Peninsula critical habitat unit were based on Washington Department of Natural Resources 1:24,000 scale county boundaries and HUCs.

(7) Note: Index map for critical habitat units for the bull trout follows:

(8) Unit 1: Olympic Peninsula

(i) This unit consists of 748.7 km (465.2 mi) of streams, 529.2 km (328.8 mi) of marine shoreline, and 3,064 ha (7,572 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northwestern Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Alta Creek 47.685 −123.737 47.698 −123.756
Big Creek 47.566 −123.681 47.518 −123.774
Bob Creek 47.696 −123.853 47.689 −123.856
Boulder Creek 47.979 −123.613 47.983 −123.601
Brown Creek 47.455 −123.260 47.411 −123.319
Buckinghorse Creek 47.739 −123.485 47.746 −123.483
Cameron Creek 47.916 −123.243 47.912 −123.255
Canyon Creek 47.954 −123.247 48.025 −123.137
Cat Creek 47.946 −123.644 47.973 −123.593
Cedar Creek 47.440 −123.405 47.443 −123.403
Cedar Creek 47.717 −124.336 47.712 −124.416
Chehalis River 46.819 −123.253 46.966 −123.547
Church Creek 47.460 −123.457 47.461 −123.451
Clearwater River 47.628 −124.276 47.628 −124.276
Clide Creek 47.888 −123.799 47.871 −123.798
Cook Creek 47.358 −123.997 47.368 −124.032
Copalis River 47.137 −124.159 47.138 −124.154
Cougar Creek 47.862 −123.860 47.867 −123.854
Delabarre Creek 47.726 −123.529 47.735 −123.527
Dungeness River 47.941 −123.093 48.152 −123.128
East Twin Creek 47.841 −123.988 47.833 −123.991
Elk Creek 47.510 −123.345 47.515 −123.331
Elwha River 47.771 −123.582 48.147 −123.566
Ennis Creek 48.053 −123.412 48.117 −123.405
Fire Creek 47.601 −123.523 47.598 −123.526
Fitzhenry Creek 47.964 −123.589 47.967 −123.589
Godkin Creek 47.752 −123.452 47.760 −123.465
Gold Creek 47.941 −123.083 47.941 −123.093
Goldie River 47.760 −123.522 47.840 −123.470
Goodman Creek 47.834 −124.339 47.825 −124.513
Graves Creek 47.569 −123.563 47.574 −123.572
Gray Wolf River 47.916 −123.243 47.977 −123.112
Grays Harbor Marine 46.926 −124.180 46.906 −124.139
Griff Creek 48.016 −123.593 48.023 −123.595
Haggerty Creek 47.952 −123.575 47.956 −123.576
Harlow Creek 47.700 −123.877 47.685 −123.889
Hayes River 47.803 −123.430 47.808 −123.454
Hee Haw Creek 47.701 −123.663 47.737 −123.691
Hee Hee Creek 47.709 −123.734 47.712 −123.739
Hoh Creek 47.883 −123.751 47.877 −123.754
Hoh River 47.737 −124.366 47.880 −123.729
Hood Canal Marine 47.434 −122.842 47.684 −122.802
Hughes Creek 48.026 −123.599 48.025 −123.595
Humptulips River 47.048 −124.046 47.231 −123.977
Hurd Creek 48.124 −123.144 48.118 −123.143
Hurricane Creek 47.976 −123.587 47.975 −123.594
Idaho Creek 47.947 −123.538 47.945 −123.544
Ignar Creek 47.637 −123.430 47.639 −123.433
Irely Creek 47.565 −123.677 47.565 −123.680
Irely Lake 47.565 −123.674
Joe Creek 47.217 −124.154 47.206 −124.204
Kalaloch Creek 47.637 −124.361 47.607 −124.375
Lake Cushman 47.470 −123.255
Lebar Creek 47.427 −123.320 47.417 −123.330
Leitha Creek 47.762 −123.452 47.769 −123.460
Lillian River 47.944 −123.500 47.931 −123.528
Little River 48.061 −123.519 48.063 −123.578
Long Creek 47.926 −123.558 47.951 −123.561
Lost River 47.859 −123.458 47.862 −123.468
Madison Creek 48.044 −123.580 48.042 −123.591
Matheny Creek 47.543 −123.837 47.576 −124.115
Matriotti Creek 48.133 −123.161 48.136 −123.141
McCartney Creek 47.879 −123.466 47.878 −123.471
McTaggert Creek 47.409 −123.240 47.363 −123.235
Moclips River 47.260 −124.124 47.248 −124.220
Morse Creek 48.063 −123.347 48.117 −123.351
Mosquito Creek 47.786 −124.383 47.798 −124.482
Mount Tom Creek 47.819 −123.821 47.868 −123.888
Nalley Slough 47.334 −123.132 47.328 −123.131
Nolan Creek 47.743 −124.202 47.751 −124.344
Noname Creek 47.629 −123.456 47.626 −123.452
North Fork Quinault River 47.582 −123.645 47.638 −123.646
North Fork Skokomish River 47.355 −123.235 47.506 −123.318
OGS Creek 47.879 −123.768 47.878 −123.769
O'Neil Creek 47.610 −123.464 47.616 −123.472
Owl Creek 47.780 −124.039 47.805 −124.079
Pacific Coast Marine 48.003 −124.680 46.926 −124.180
Paradise Creek 47.699 −123.801 47.694 −123.813
Pine Creek 47.442 −123.430 47.446 −123.417
Prescott Creek 47.904 −123.487 47.903 −123.491
Purdy Creek 47.302 −123.182 47.307 −123.161
Pyrites Creek 47.644 −123.436 47.639 −123.433
Queets River 47.541 −124.335 47.735 −123.696
Quinault Lake 47.475 −123.869
Quinault River 47.391 −124.045 47.533 −123.744
Raft River 47.449 −124.220 47.458 −124.326
Richert Spring 47.321 −123.219 47.320 −123.225
Rustler Creek 47.629 −123.569 47.617 −123.617
Salmon River 47.524 −124.041 47.556 −124.220
Sams River 47.604 −123.853 47.624 −124.013
Satsop River 47.015 −123.510 47.023 −123.509
Sege Creek 47.988 −123.597 47.987 −123.604
Siebert Creek 48.049 −123.293 48.121 −123.290
Skobob Creek 47.327 −123.175 47.328 −123.132
Skokomish River 47.315 −123.238 47.315 −123.229
Slate Creek 47.529 −123.320 47.521 −123.336
Slate Creek 47.749 −123.498 47.744 −123.491
Slide Creek 47.883 −123.736 47.875 −123.748
Snider Creek 47.846 −123.971 47.842 −123.968
South Fork Hoh River 47.764 −123.786 47.777 −123.908
South Fork Skokomish River 47.315 −123.247 47.425 −123.354
Steamboat Creek 47.688 −124.350 47.678 −124.404
Stony Creek 47.871 −123.464 47.871 −123.469
Strait of Juan de Fuca Marine 48.103 −122.885 48.217 −124.102
Taft Creek 47.866 −123.967 47.858 −123.942
Tshletshy Creek 47.606 −123.741 47.666 −123.925
Twin Creek 47.832 −123.995 47.831 −123.988
Unnamed trib. (#0100) 47.340 −123.246 47.335 −123.242
Unnamed trib. (#0509) 47.844 −123.939 47.830 −123.982
Unnamed trib. (#0527) 47.874 −123.821 47.868 −123.817
Unnamed trib. (#0542) 47.887 −123.719 47.883 −123.719
Valley Creek 48.123 −123.438 48.107 −123.452
Vance Creek 47.327 −123.299 47.327 −123.299
Vance Creek Remenant Channel 47.315 −123.257 47.315 −123.238
West Fork Satsop River 47.360 −123.566 47.035 −123.526
Windfall Creek 47.914 −123.492 47.912 −123.495
Winfield Creek 47.783 −124.144 47.810 −124.233
Wishkah River 47.257 −123.715 47.257 −123.715
Wolf Creek 47.974 −123.586 47.974 −123.593
Wynoochee River 47.160 −123.650 47.360 −123.637

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands, habitat conservation plans (HCPs), or U.S. Navy training areas totaling 553.9 km (343.9 mi) of streams and 144.6 km (89.9 mi) of marine shoreline have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit:

(A) Waterbodies within or adjacent to the open water training and testing areas of the Dabob Bay Military Operating Area and areas within the Connecting Waters of the Dabob Bay Range Complex, including marine habitats associated with the Hood Canal Critical Habitat Subunit (CHSU);

(B) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), including portions of the Chehalis River/Grays Harbor, Dungeness River, Elwha River, Hoh River, Queets River, Quinualt River, Skokomish River Pacific Coast, Strait of Juan De Fuca, and Hood Canal Marine CHSUs;

(C) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Green Diamond HCP, including portions of the Chehalis River/Grays Harbor and Skokomish CHSUs;

(D) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington Department of Natural Resources HCP, including portions of Chehalis River/Grays Harbor, Dungeness River, Elwha River, Hoh River, Queets River, Skokomish River, Pacific Coast, Strait of Juan De Fuca, and Hood Canal Marine CHSUs; and

(E) Waterbodies within the areas under management by the Hoh Tribe, including portions of Hoh River and Pacific Coast CHSUs; Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, including portions of Dungeness River CHSU; Lower Elwha Tribe, including portions of Elwha River and Strait of Juan de Fuca CHSUs; Quileute Tribe, including portions of Pacific Coast CHSU; Quinault Tribe, including portions of Quinault River, Queets River, and Pacific Coast CHSUs; and Skokomish Tribe, including portions of Skokomish River and Hood Canal Marine CHSUs, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(1) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(2) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(3) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(4) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 1, Olympic Peninsula follows:

(9) Unit 2: Puget Sound

(i) This unit consists of 1,840.2 km (1,143.5 mi) of streams, 684.0 km (425.0 mi) of marine shoreline, and 16,260.9 ha (40,181.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northwestern Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Alder Creek 48.549 −121.955 48.519 −121.956
Aldrich Creek (#0423) 48.916 −122.042 48.921 −122.051
Alma Creek 48.590 −121.356 48.600 −121.363
Anderson Creek 48.797 −122.325 48.869 −122.318
Arrow Creek 48.407 −121.390 48.423 −121.396
Bacon Creek 48.681 −121.464 48.585 −121.395
Baker Lake 48.708 −121.642
Baker River 48.548 −121.741 48.741 −121.563
Bald Eagle Creek 48.796 −121.449 48.800 −121.465
Bear Creek 48.966 −121.383 48.965 −121.388
Bear Creek 48.898 −122.105 48.893 −122.145
Bear Creek (#0353) 48.788 −122.123 48.783 −122.140
Bear Lake Outlet (#0317) 48.610 −121.912 48.607 −121.912
Beaver Creek 48.086 −121.516 48.077 −121.527
Beckler River 47.865 −121.311 47.715 −121.340
Bedal Creek 48.047 −121.351 48.080 −121.395
Bell Creek 48.684 −121.899 48.681 −121.900
Bender Creek 48.063 −121.591 48.071 −121.590
Bertrand Creek 48.999 −122.521 48.912 −122.535
Big Beaver Creek 48.841 −121.211 48.775 −121.066
Big Creek 48.343 −121.440 48.345 −121.451
Big Four Creek 48.071 −121.524 48.070 −121.512
Bitter Creek 47.841 −121.503 47.840 −121.508
Black Creek 48.247 −121.414 48.259 −121.402
Black Oak Creek 48.185 −121.454 48.177 −121.450
Blackjack Creek 48.051 −121.626 48.062 −121.631
Boardman Creek 48.040 −121.675 48.070 −121.681
Boulder Creek 48.512 −121.364 48.518 −121.364
Boulder Creek 47.354 −121.707 47.371 −121.688
Boulder Creek 48.937 −122.021 48.925 −122.037
Boulder River 48.245 −121.828 48.282 −121.787
Boyd Creek 48.903 −121.863 48.897 −121.866
Brooks Creek 48.289 −121.908 48.277 −121.911
Brush Creek 48.909 −121.423 48.913 −121.424
Buck Creek 48.353 −121.268 48.265 −121.340
Buck Creek 48.047 −121.472 48.045 −121.481
Buck Creek 47.023 −121.557 47.029 −121.555
Cabin Creek 47.363 −121.695 47.367 −121.684
Camp Creek 48.150 −121.280 48.159 −121.292
Canyon Creek 48.775 −120.778 48.707 −120.918
Canyon Creek 48.220 −121.081 48.211 −121.088
Canyon Creek 48.158 −121.817 48.097 −121.970
Canyon Creek 48.932 −121.951 48.906 −121.989
Canyon Creek (Canyon Lake Creek) 48.840 −122.111 48.832 −122.144
Carbon River 46.960 −121.793 47.130 −122.233
Cascade Creek 48.903 −121.839 48.904 −121.839
Cascade River 48.463 −121.164 48.524 −121.430
Cavanaugh Creek 48.645 −122.110 48.647 −122.121
Cedar River 47.313 −121.521 47.409 −121.723
Chainup Creek 48.905 −121.843 48.908 −121.840
Chenuis Creek 46.994 −121.842 46.992 −121.843
Chester Morse Lake 47.389 −121.694
Chilliwack River 48.878 −121.487 49.000 −121.411
Chocwick Creek 48.055 −121.384 48.074 −121.400
Cinnamon Creek 48.867 −120.887 48.891 −120.916
Clearwater Creek 48.805 −121.989 48.771 −122.047
Clearwater River 47.079 −121.782 47.146 −121.834
Coal Creek 48.096 −121.535 48.085 −121.541
Coal Creek 48.892 −122.164 48.881 −122.153
Coal Creek (Upper) 48.838 −121.903 48.838 −121.906
Cook Slough 48.198 −122.218 48.198 −122.234
Corkindale Creek 48.518 −121.483 48.505 −121.486
Cornell Creek 48.886 −121.960 48.899 −121.969
Cripple Creek 47.048 −121.693 47.040 −121.701
Crystal Creek 48.183 −121.361 48.181 −121.364
Crystal Creek 48.791 −121.510 48.787 −121.503
Crystal Creek 46.925 −121.540 46.928 −121.538
Cumberland Creek 48.505 −121.985 48.518 −121.994
Dan Creek 48.265 −121.540 48.298 −121.551
Davis Creek 48.879 −121.931 48.882 −121.931
Day Creek 48.444 −122.007 48.519 −122.067
Deadhorse Creek 48.900 −121.836 48.904 −121.838
Deep Creek 48.868 −121.911 48.869 −121.908
Deer Creek 48.718 −121.116 48.721 −121.105
Deer Creek 48.096 −121.558 48.084 −121.556
Deer Creek 48.365 −121.795 48.268 −121.933
Deer Creek 46.836 −121.965 46.873 −121.974
Deer Creek 48.602 −122.093 48.610 −122.095
Deerhorn Creek 48.906 −121.857 48.903 −121.858
Depot Creek 48.986 −121.293 48.997 −121.324
Devils Creek 48.819 −121.002 48.824 −121.032
Diablo Lake 48.708 −121.105
Diobsud Creek 48.576 −121.433 48.559 −121.412
Discovery Creek 46.900 −121.571 46.896 −121.580
Ditch Creek 48.903 −121.851 48.902 −121.849
Doe Creek 47.011 −121.547 47.028 −121.553
Downey Creek 48.330 −121.149 48.258 −121.225
Dusty Creek 48.139 −121.040 48.177 −121.019
Duwamish River 47.474 −122.252 47.514 −122.304
Duwamish Waterway 47.514 −122.304 47.585 −122.360
East Duwamish Waterway 47.590 −122.344 47.567 −122.347
East Fork Bacon Creek 48.713 −121.417 48.661 −121.434
East Fork Foss River 47.649 −121.277 47.653 −121.294
Eastern Shoreline Guemes Island 48.529 −122.573 48.589 −122.646
Eastern Shoreline Puget Sound (North) 48.511 −122.606 48.561 −122.493
Eastern Shoreline Puget Sound (South) 47.970 −122.232 48.449 −122.551
Eastern Shoreline Whidbey Island 47.905 −122.388 48.369 −122.666
Eastern Shorline Lummi Island 48.717 −122.719 48.640 −122.609
Easy Creek 48.881 −121.456 48.889 −121.459
Ebey Slough 47.941 −122.170 48.042 −122.215
Edfro Creek 48.663 −122.117 48.661 −122.127
Elbow Creek / Lake Doreen Outlet (#0331) 48.707 −121.915 48.685 −121.911
Elliott Creek 48.027 −121.367 48.057 −121.416
Elwell Creek 47.809 −121.849 47.838 −121.853
Excelsior Creek 47.870 −121.487 47.864 −121.492
Falls Creek 48.137 −121.432 48.148 −121.437
Falls Creek 46.992 −121.874 46.999 −121.889
Falls Creek 48.824 −121.906 48.834 −121.902
Finney Creek 48.465 −121.688 48.524 −121.847
Fire Creek 48.154 −121.232 48.153 −121.245
Fisher Creek 48.563 −120.912 48.603 −121.050
Fishtrap Creek 48.999 −122.411 48.912 −122.523
Fobes Creek 48.622 −122.119 48.622 −122.112
Foss River 47.653 −121.294 47.705 −121.307
Fossil Creek 48.904 −121.850 48.908 −121.850
Fourteenmile Creek 48.126 −121.229 48.140 −121.222
Freezeout Creek 48.950 −120.932 48.956 −120.970
French Creek 48.255 −121.783 48.282 −121.757
Fryingpan Creek 46.873 −121.623 46.895 −121.592
Galbraith Creek 48.755 −122.021 48.759 −122.019
Gallop Creek 48.882 −121.947 48.894 −121.944
Gedney Island 48.005 −122.305 48.005 −122.305
Gilligan Creek 48.473 −122.126 48.488 −122.140
Glacier Creek 48.131 −121.168 48.130 −121.204
Glacier Creek 47.987 −121.369 47.986 −121.393
Glacier Creek 48.812 −121.890 48.892 −121.939
Goat Creek 48.334 −121.161 48.328 −121.157
Goat Island 48.360 −122.531 48.360 −122.531
Goblin Creek 47.923 −121.312 47.919 −121.309
Goodell Creek 48.711 −121.291 48.726 −121.305
Gordon Creek 48.088 −121.657 48.071 −121.673
Gorge Lake 48.706 −121.175
Grandy Creek 48.562 −121.811 48.518 −121.881
Granite Creek 48.648 −120.857 48.707 −120.918
Green Creek 48.732 −121.936 48.738 −121.938
Green River 47.275 −122.108 47.474 −122.252
Greenwater River 47.093 −121.458 47.158 −121.660
Hat Slough 48.197 −122.362 48.208 −122.323
Hazzard Creek 47.081 −121.690 47.078 −121.681
Hedrick Creek 48.890 −121.981 48.899 −121.971
Higgins Creek 48.318 −121.755 48.362 −121.807
Hope Island 48.399 −122.561 48.399 −122.561
Horse Creek 48.322 −121.258 48.313 −121.286
Howard Creek 48.619 −121.966 48.609 −121.966
Huckleberry Creek 46.989 −121.624 47.079 −121.586
Hutchinson Creek 48.732 −122.103 48.707 −122.179
Ika Island 48.363 −122.499 48.363 −122.499
Illabot Creek 48.389 −121.319 48.496 −121.531
Index Creek 47.760 −121.497 47.766 −121.481
Indian Creek 48.935 −121.395 48.947 −121.398
Ipsut Creek 46.972 −121.831 46.979 −121.833
Jackman Creek 48.529 −121.697 48.523 −121.722
Jim Creek 48.223 −121.950 48.185 −122.078
Jones Creek 48.542 −122.051 48.524 −122.053
Jordan Creek 48.515 −121.419 48.522 −121.422
June Creek 46.995 −121.905 46.995 −121.917
Kapowsin Creek 46.991 −122.195 47.032 −122.205
Kendall Creek 48.922 −122.145 48.887 −122.149
Kindy Creek 48.432 −121.208 48.463 −121.208
Klickitat Creek 46.906 −121.551 46.908 −121.550
Lake Creek 48.769 −121.550 48.762 −121.546
Lake Shannon 48.587 −121.723
Lake Union 47.642 −122.331
Lake Washington 47.619 −122.245
Lewis Creek 47.820 −121.509 47.824 −121.525
Lightning Creek 48.907 −120.983 48.933 −120.986
Lime Creek 48.218 −121.278 48.252 −121.293
Lindsay Creek 47.347 −121.660 47.351 −121.661
Little Beaver Creek 48.878 −121.323 48.914 −121.075
Little Chilliwack River 48.962 −121.478 48.992 −121.409
Little Creek 48.876 −121.937 48.884 −121.934
Little Deer Creek 48.439 −121.950 48.387 −121.870
Little Fork Little Chilliwack River 48.954 −121.442 48.980 −121.428
Lodi Creek 46.948 −121.699 46.960 −121.706
Long Creek 48.080 −121.686 48.074 −121.691
Loomis Creek 48.670 −121.827 48.661 −121.814
Mallardy Creek 48.055 −121.656 48.070 −121.655
Maple Creek 48.926 −122.077 48.912 −122.079
Marble Creek 48.542 −121.252 48.531 −121.282
Martin Creek 48.092 −121.403 48.101 −121.396
Masonry Pool 47.410 −121.737
McAllister Creek 48.587 −121.156 48.623 −121.057
McCoy Creek 47.831 −121.827 47.848 −121.825
McDonald Creek (#0435) 48.911 −122.019 48.921 −122.016
McGinnis Creek 48.613 −121.961 48.610 −121.960
McMillan Creek 48.810 −121.212 48.815 −121.193
Merry Brook Creek 48.087 −121.388 48.089 −121.392
Middle Fork Nooksack River 48.725 −121.899 48.834 −122.155
Milk Creek 48.178 −121.152 48.221 −121.163
Mill Creek 48.496 −121.870 48.512 −121.888
Miller River 47.675 −121.389 47.719 −121.394
Miners Creek 48.190 −121.023 48.187 −121.031
Money Creek 47.707 −121.443 47.729 −121.426
Monument Creek (#0324) 48.647 −121.828 48.652 −121.835
Moose Creek 48.255 −121.710 48.277 −121.700
Mowich River 46.911 −121.996 46.925 −121.950
Newhalem Creek 48.663 −121.253 48.671 −121.255
Niesson Creek 46.884 −122.031 46.912 −122.046
Nisqually River 46.834 −122.324 47.101 −122.692
Nookachamps Creek 48.348 −122.203 48.471 −122.297
Nooksack River 48.778 −122.583 48.939 −122.420
Nooksack River (Slater Slough) 48.784 −122.588 48.789 −122.604
North Fork Canyon Creek 48.774 −120.798 48.768 −120.793
North Fork Canyon Creek 48.165 −121.818 48.158 −121.817
North Fork Cedar River 47.316 −121.507 47.313 −121.521
North Fork Nooksack River 48.835 −122.154 48.920 −122.055
North Fork Sauk River 48.096 −121.370 48.097 −121.389
North Fork Skagit River 48.387 −122.367 48.364 −122.473
North Fork Skykomish River 47.823 −121.530 47.887 −121.448
North Fork Stillaguamish River 48.279 −121.817 48.283 −121.770
North Fork Tolt River 47.718 −121.779 47.696 −121.821
North Mowich River 46.916 −121.878 46.915 −121.895
North Puyallup River 46.845 −121.878 46.864 −121.951
O'Toole Creek 48.498 −121.915 48.514 −121.917
Otter Creek 48.424 −121.374 48.420 −121.374
Owl Creek 48.161 −121.288 48.163 −121.301
Palmer Creek 48.043 −121.469 48.045 −121.483
Panther Creek 48.631 −120.978 48.708 −120.976
Parallel Creek 46.911 −121.549 46.909 −121.560
Park Creek 48.740 −121.682 48.727 −121.659
Pass Creek 48.815 −121.463 48.811 −121.458
Peat Bog Creek (#0352) 48.780 −122.118 48.790 −122.122
Perry Creek 48.075 −121.488 48.063 −121.515
Pierce Creek 48.766 −121.073 48.772 −121.066
Pilchuck Creek 48.303 −122.158 48.208 −122.226
Pilchuck River 47.995 −121.746 47.904 −122.091
Plumbago Creek 48.606 −122.101 48.612 −122.097
Poch Creek 46.987 −121.955 46.991 −121.954
Portage Island 48.694 −122.614 48.694 −122.614
Porter Creek 48.795 −122.115 48.799 −122.127
Powerhouse Creek 48.908 −121.815 48.911 −121.818
Pressentin Creek 48.504 −121.844 48.518 −121.852
Proctor Creek 47.821 −121.648 47.835 −121.646
Pugh Creek 48.165 −121.333 48.172 −121.339
Pumice Creek 48.141 −121.150 48.148 −121.236
Puyallup River 46.864 −121.951 47.268 −122.426
Racehorse Creek 48.884 −122.130 48.888 −122.146
Rack Creek 47.388 −121.731 47.392 −121.722
Ranger Creek 46.988 −121.849 46.995 −121.854
Rankin Creek 48.733 −121.908 48.733 −121.920
Rapid River 47.821 −121.233 47.803 −121.293
Rex River 47.347 −121.645 47.371 −121.688
Ridley Creek 48.720 −121.865 48.725 −121.899
Rocky Creek 48.510 −121.502 48.500 −121.495
Rocky Creek 48.819 −121.996 48.809 −121.997
Roland Creek 48.770 −120.998 48.769 −121.024
Rollins Creek 48.293 −121.852 48.281 −121.836
Ross Lake 48.869 −121.054
Ruby Creek 48.718 −121.001 48.707 −120.918
Salmon Creek 47.911 −121.482 47.888 −121.453
Samish River 48.548 −122.457 48.548 −122.457
Sauk River 48.095 −121.390 48.482 −121.605
Saxson Creek 48.689 −122.156 48.689 −122.163
Schweitzer Creek 48.065 −121.688 48.074 −121.699
Segelsen Creek 48.299 −121.707 48.280 −121.715
Seventysix Gulch 47.974 −121.384 47.986 −121.393
Seymour Creek 48.755 −122.009 48.758 −122.010
Shaw Creek 46.901 −121.568 46.893 −121.580
Ship Canal (Chittendon Locks) 47.660 −122.379
Shotgun Creek 47.380 −121.708 47.384 −121.706
Sibley Creek 48.511 −121.255 48.511 −121.262
Silesia Creek 48.910 −121.485 48.999 −121.613
Silver Creek 48.981 −121.190 48.970 −121.104
Silver Creek 47.938 −121.439 47.897 −121.436
Silver Creek 47.000 −121.530 46.997 −121.524
Silver Gulch 48.075 −121.564 48.078 −121.570
Silver Springs 46.994 −121.533 46.997 −121.533
Sister Creek 48.746 −121.974 48.755 −121.988
Skagit River 48.471 −121.608 48.712 −121.138
Skookum Creek 48.686 −122.106 48.670 −122.142
Skykomish River 47.813 −121.579 47.855 −121.954
Slate Creek 48.752 −120.786 48.756 −120.796
Small Creek 48.158 −120.978 48.162 −121.006
Smith Creek 48.841 −122.262 48.859 −122.309
Snohomish River 47.830 −122.046 48.016 −122.151
Snoqualmie River 47.541 −121.837 47.830 −122.046
Snowslide Gulch 47.858 −121.509 47.858 −121.503
Son of Gallop 48.889 −121.943 48.884 −121.940
Sonny Boy Creek 48.427 −121.172 48.462 −121.197
South Fork Canyon Creek 48.154 −121.785 48.158 −121.817
South Fork Cascade River 48.391 −121.109 48.463 −121.164
South Fork Cedar River 47.305 −121.513 47.313 −121.521
South Fork Nooksack River 48.616 −122.103 48.809 −122.203
South Fork Salmon Creek 47.903 −121.486 47.906 −121.476
South Fork Sauk River 47.986 −121.393 48.097 −121.389
South Fork Skagit River 48.296 −122.364 48.367 −122.358
South Fork Skagit River (Brandstedt Slough) 48.311 −122.357 48.311 −122.357
South Fork Skagit River (Crooked Slough) 48.306 −122.369 48.307 −122.373
South Fork Skagit River (Deepwater Slough) 48.327 −122.355 48.306 −122.383
South Fork Skagit River (Freshwater Slough) 48.338 −122.349 48.321 −122.377
South Fork Skagit River (Old River) 48.308 −122.365 48.308 −122.365
South Fork Skagit River (Steamboat Slough) 48.324 −122.348 48.296 −122.364
South Fork Skagit River (Tom Moore Slough) 48.296 −122.364 48.324 −122.348
South Fork Skagit River (Unnamed off Deepwater Slough) 48.317 −122.369 48.307 −122.389
South Fork Skykomish River 47.705 −121.307 47.813 −121.579
South Fork Stillaguamish River 48.030 −121.483 48.204 −122.127
South Fork Tolt River 47.693 −121.694 47.696 −121.821
South Mowich River 46.877 −121.855 46.915 −121.895
South Pass 48.225 −122.386 48.238 −122.378
South Prairie Creek 47.093 −121.952 47.098 −122.156
South Puyallup River 46.808 −121.892 46.864 −121.951
South Slough 48.193 −122.256 48.194 −122.254
Southeastern Shoreline Vashon Island 47.331 −122.493 47.348 −122.451
Squire Creek 48.194 −121.638 48.279 −121.685
St.Andrews Creek 46.834 −121.918 46.837 −121.921
Steamboat Slough 47.984 −122.169 48.033 −122.204
Stetattle Creek 48.727 −121.155 48.717 −121.150
Stillaguamish River 48.193 −122.167 48.238 −122.378
Straight Creek 48.254 −121.398 48.272 −121.398
Suiattle River 48.162 −121.006 48.306 −121.428
Sulphide Creek 48.789 −121.553 48.777 −121.533
Sulphur Creek 48.279 −121.086 48.247 −121.193
Sulphur Creek 48.659 −121.711 48.648 −121.699
Sultan River 47.870 −121.829 47.872 −121.826
Sunrise Creek 46.967 −121.540 46.971 −121.540
Swift Creek 48.747 −121.659 48.734 −121.659
Swift Creek 46.873 −121.954 46.870 −121.964
Swinomish Channel 48.440 −122.499 48.441 −122.504
Tenas Creek 48.335 −121.422 48.324 −121.440
Thompson Creek 48.891 −121.880 48.879 −121.915
Three Fools Creek 48.897 −120.849 48.890 −120.974
Three Lakes Outlet (#0319) 48.626 −121.888 48.625 −121.884
Thunder Creek 48.563 −121.027 48.678 −121.078
Tolmie Creek 46.984 −121.944 46.990 −121.944
Tolt River 47.696 −121.821 47.640 −121.927
Troublesome Creek 47.925 −121.363 47.897 −121.404
Trout Creek 47.833 −121.434 47.864 −121.488
Tye River 47.717 −121.229 47.705 −121.307
Union Slough 47.984 −122.167 48.034 −122.191
Unnamed trib. (#0194) 47.073 −121.693 47.072 −121.683
Unnamed trib. (#0217) 46.992 −121.705 46.992 −121.708
Unnamed trib. (#0219) 46.990 −121.706 46.987 −121.704
Unnamed trib. (#0226) 46.962 −121.711 46.961 −121.713
Unnamed trib. (#0234) 46.961 −121.711 46.965 −121.714
Unnamed trib. (#0241) 48.293 −121.785 48.284 −121.781
Unnamed trib. (#0242) 48.294 −121.772 48.286 −121.772
Unnamed trib. (#0243) 48.295 −121.759 48.286 −121.772
Unnamed trib. (#0265) 48.746 −122.094 48.743 −122.109
Unnamed trib. (#0284) 48.650 −122.116 48.649 −122.121
Unnamed trib. (#0290) 48.633 −122.121 48.635 −122.117
Unnamed trib. (#0291) 48.630 −122.121 48.636 −122.116
Unnamed trib. (#0315) 48.606 −121.953 48.608 −121.954
Unnamed trib. (#0316) 48.608 −121.930 48.605 −121.930
Unnamed trib. (#0320) 48.620 −121.861 48.625 −121.882
Unnamed trib. (#0321) 48.632 −121.872 48.629 −121.880
Unnamed trib. (#0323) 48.656 −121.862 48.655 −121.862
Unnamed trib. (#0332) 48.684 −121.921 48.690 −121.927
Unnamed trib. (#0336) 46.976 −121.547 46.976 −121.542
Unnamed trib. (#0347) 48.821 −122.121 48.828 −122.141
Unnamed trib. (#0349) 48.812 −122.125 48.815 −122.129
Unnamed trib. (#0364) 46.904 −121.567 46.904 −121.561
Unnamed trib. (#0364) 48.131 −121.909 48.123 −121.903
Unnamed trib. (#0365) 48.133 −121.884 48.124 −121.889
Unnamed trib. (#0367) 48.763 −122.040 48.765 −122.036
Unnamed trib. (#0371) 48.755 −122.017 48.757 −122.016
Unnamed trib. (#0374) 48.761 −121.986 48.756 −121.994
Unnamed trib. (#0425) 48.934 −122.036 48.927 −122.031
Unnamed trib. (#0439) 47.325 −121.535 47.325 −121.532
Unnamed trib. (#0476) 48.845 −121.896 48.844 −121.902
Unnamed trib. (#0565) 46.960 −121.793 46.959 −121.792
Unnamed trib. (#1119) 48.185 −121.433 48.181 −121.430
Unnamed trib. (LB1) upstream of Crystal Ck 46.925 −121.544 46.923 −121.546
Unnamed trib. (LB2) upstream of Crystal Ck 46.923 −121.543 46.921 −121.546
Unnamed trib. (RB) upstream of Crystal Creek 46.920 −121.543 46.918 −121.542
Unnamed trib. downstream Boulder Ck 48.929 −122.040 48.926 −122.046
Unnamed trib. downstream Wanlick Ck 48.641 −121.878 48.640 −121.883
Unnamed trib. upstream Chenius Ck 46.992 −121.843 46.990 −121.839
Unnamed trib. upstream of (#0214) 46.997 −121.700 46.991 −121.704
Unnamed trib. upstream Wallace Ck 48.742 −121.947 48.739 −121.936
Van Horn Creek 46.977 −121.718 46.976 −121.719
Viola Creek 47.043 −121.712 47.052 −121.695
Vista Creek 48.180 −121.057 48.194 −121.047
Wallace Creek 48.748 −121.943 48.745 −121.951
Wallace River 47.874 −121.649 47.859 −121.795
Wanlick Creek 48.644 −121.877 48.663 −121.799
Warm Creek 48.761 −121.972 48.755 −121.979
Weden Creek 47.986 −121.444 48.003 −121.439
Wells Creek 48.890 −121.791 48.905 −121.809
West Cady Creek 47.898 −121.307 47.899 −121.319
West Cornell Creek 48.878 −121.969 48.888 −121.961
West Fork Foss River 47.627 −121.311 47.653 −121.294
West Fork White River 46.941 −121.708 47.125 −121.619
West Pass 48.238 −122.378 48.246 −122.394
West Slide Creek (#0422) 48.912 −122.063 48.917 −122.067
White Chuck River 48.070 −121.151 48.181 −121.424
White Creek 48.403 −121.538 48.397 −121.553
White River 46.893 −121.601 47.274 −122.217
Wildcat Creek 48.895 −122.006 48.909 −122.001
Wiseman Creek 48.516 −122.130 48.506 −122.135
Wright Creek 46.878 −121.615 46.877 −121.615
Wrong Creek 47.024 −121.710 47.049 −121.694

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands or habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 876.9 km (544.9 mi) of streams, 203.4 km (126.4 mi) of marine shoreline, and 1,629.5 ha (4,026.6 ac) of lakes and reservoirs have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit:

(A) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) , including portions of Lower Green River, Lower Nisqually, Lower Skagit River, Nooksack River, Puyallup River, Samish River, Snohomish & Skykomish Rivers, Stillaguamish River, and Puget Sound Marine CHSUs;

(B) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington Department of Natural Resources HCP, including portions of Lower Green River, Lower Skagit River, Nooksack River, Puyallup River, Samish River, Snohomish and Skykomish Rivers, Stillaguamish River, and Puget Sound Marine CHSUs; and

(C) Waterbodies within the areas under management by the Muckleshoot Tribe, including portions of the Puyallup River CHSU; Swinomish Tribe, including portions of the Puget Sound Marine CHSU; Lummi Nation, including portions of Nooksack River and Puget Sound Marine CHSUs; Nooksack Tribe, including portions of Nooksack River CHSU; Tulalip Tribes, including portions of Puget Sound Marine CHSU; Puyallup Tribe, including portions of Puyallup River and Puget Sound Marine CHSUs; and Stillaguamish Tribe, including portions of Stillaguamish River CHSU, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(1) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(2) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(3) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(4) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 2, Puget Sound follows:

(10) Unit 3: Lower Columbia River Basins

(i) This unit consists of 119.3 km (74.2 mi) of streams. The unit is located in southwestern Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Buck Creek 45.865 −121.579 45.781 −121.515
Clearwater Creek 46.278 −121.331 46.276 −121.328
Cougar Creek 46.071 −122.268 46.055 −122.293
Drift Creek 46.023 −122.090 46.008 −122.078
Fish Lake Stream 46.341 −121.370 46.275 −121.313
Klickitat River 46.255 −121.240 45.691 −121.295
Lake Merwin 45.977 −122.466
Lewis River 45.957 −122.556 46.066 −122.020
Little Muddy Creek 46.278 −121.353 46.276 −121.328
Muddy River 46.069 −122.007 46.168 −122.034
Phelps Creek 45.892 −121.566 45.881 −121.518
Pine Creek 46.142 −122.096 46.071 −122.017
Rush Creek 46.055 −121.916 46.075 −121.938
Swift Creek 46.084 −122.200 46.086 −122.204
Swift Reservoir 46.056 −122.114
Trappers Creek 46.289 −121.363 46.276 −121.336
Two Lakes Stream 46.340 −121.385 46.341 −121.370
Unnamed trib. - off Fish Lake Stream 46.323 −121.438 46.331 −121.360
Unnamed trib. ('P10') 46.123 −122.088 46.120 −122.077
Unnamed trib. ('P7') 46.099 −122.069 46.092 −122.059
Unnamed trib. ('P8') 46.104 −122.064 46.140 −122.082
West Fork Klickitat River 46.276 −121.328 46.242 −121.247
White Salmon River 45.897 −121.504 45.722 −121.523
Yale Lake 46.012 −122.312

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands and habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 155.6 km (96.7 mi) of streams and 4,856.1 ha (11,999.7 ac) of lakes and reservoirs have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit:

(A) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) , including portions of Klickitat River, Lewis River, and White Salmon River CHSUs;

(B) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington Department of Natural Resources HCP, including portions of Klickitat River, Lewis River, and White Salmon River CHSUs; and

(C) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the PacifiCorp Lewis River Hydropower Project Conservation Easement, including portions of Lewis River CHSU.

(D) Waterbodies within the areas under management by the Yakama Nation including the Klickitat River CHSU, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(1) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(2) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(3) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(4) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 3, Lower Columbia River Basins follows:

(11) Unit 4: Upper Willamette River

(i) This unit consists of 312.4 km (194.1 mi) of streams and 3,601.5 ha (8,899.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northwestern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Anderson Creek 44.258 −122.043 44.278 −122.022
Bear Creek 43.554 −122.209 43.544 −122.244
Blue River 44.172 −122.329 44.153 −122.344
Carmen-Smith Spawning Channel 44.273 −122.051 44.271 −122.052
Cougar Reservoir 44.100 −122.230
Deer Creek 44.259 −122.063 44.241 −122.058
Dexter Reservoir 43.915 −122.789
East Fork Horse Creek 44.170 −122.175 44.176 −122.179
East Fork South Fork McKenzie River 44.117 −122.204 44.116 −122.195
Hills Creek Lake 43.671 −122.427
Horse Creek 44.125 −122.037 44.170 −122.175
Indigo Creek 43.497 −122.262 43.495 −122.268
Lookout Point Lake 43.872 −122.682
Lost Creek 44.161 −122.018 44.189 −122.067
McKenzie River 44.190 −122.079 44.285 −122.042
Middle Fork Willamette River 43.481 −122.255 44.022 −123.018
Olallie Creek 44.257 −122.042 44.269 −122.025
Roaring River 43.928 −122.066 43.955 −122.092
Smith River 44.279 −122.051 44.287 −122.049
South Fork McKenzie River 43.955 −122.092 44.159 −122.296
Sweetwater Creek 44.283 −122.035 44.279 −122.046
Swift Creek 43.560 −122.163 43.502 −122.300
Trail Bridge Reservoir 44.277 −122.048
West Fork Horse Creek 44.170 −122.175 44.172 −122.207
White Branch 44.160 −122.019 44.167 −122.030
Willamette River 44.022 −123.018 44.125 −123.107

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 4, Upper Willamette River follows:

(12) Unit 5: Hood River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 128.1 km (79.6 mi) of streams and 36.9 ha (91.1 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northcentral Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Bear Creek 45.499 −121.630 45.486 −121.668
Clear Branch 45.444 −121.711 45.463 −121.646
Coe Branch 45.413 −121.685 45.463 −121.646
Compass Creek 45.401 −121.683 45.434 −121.668
East Fork Hood River 45.575 −121.627 45.605 −121.633
Elk Creek 45.405 −121.773 45.456 −121.782
Elliot Branch 45.464 −121.640 45.453 −121.638
Hood River 45.605 −121.633 45.720 −121.507
Jones Creek 45.462 −121.782 45.468 −121.806
Lake Branch 45.539 −121.743 45.549 −121.700
Laurance Lake 45.460 −121.665
Laurel Creek 45.513 −121.789 45.539 −121.743
McGee Creek 45.456 −121.782 45.411 −121.760
Middle Fork Hood River 45.463 −121.646 45.575 −121.627
Pinnacle Creek 45.433 −121.687 45.458 −121.661
Red Hill Creek 45.453 −121.735 45.483 −121.770
Tony Creek 45.553 −121.639 45.472 −121.712
Unnamed - Off Clear Branch 45.448 −121.701 45.447 −121.702
West Fork Hood River 45.456 −121.782 45.605 −121.633

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 5, Hood River Basin follows:

(13) Unit 6: Lower Deschutes River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 232.8 km (139.7 mi) of streams and 1,224.9 ha (3,026.8 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northcentral Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Abbot Creek 44.544 −121.671 44.570 −121.621
Blue Lake 44.413 −121.769
Brush Creek 44.543 −121.707 44.504 −121.659
Bunch Grass Creek 44.993 −121.647 44.987 −121.644
Candle Creek 44.583 −121.678 44.576 −121.619
Canyon Creek 44.502 −121.742 44.501 −121.643
Crooked River 44.393 −121.193 44.501 −121.286
Deschutes River 44.373 −121.292 45.639 −120.915
Heising Spring 44.491 −121.652 44.493 −121.649
Jack Creek 44.472 −121.727 44.493 −121.648
Jefferson Creek 44.625 −121.691 44.577 −121.620
Lake Billy Chinook 44.568 −121.308
Lake Billy Chinook 44.593 −121.370
Lake Creek 44.426 −121.727 44.436 −121.703
Link Creek 44.415 −121.766 44.419 −121.756
Metolius River 44.434 −121.638 44.619 −121.469
Middle Fork Lake Creek 44.436 −121.703 44.453 −121.643
Roaring Creek 44.527 −121.709 44.508 −121.687
Shitike Creek 44.748 −121.682 44.762 −121.228
South Fork Lake Creek 44.435 −121.705 44.442 −121.662
Spring Creek 44.457 −121.644 44.451 −121.651
Street Creek 44.590 −121.506 44.599 −121.454
Suttle Lake 44.422 −121.741
Trout Creek 44.803 −121.069 44.821 −121.089
Unnamed - Off Canyon Creek 44.527 −121.679 44.504 −121.658
Unnamed - Off Jack Creek 44.476 −121.725 44.476 −121.723
Unnamed - Off Jack Creek 44.477 −121.724 44.476 −121.723
Unnamed - Off Jack Creek 44.477 −121.724 44.477 −121.724
Unnamed - Off Jefferson Creek 44.634 −121.699 44.625 −121.691
Unnamed - Off Roaring Creek 44.522 −121.700 44.516 −121.700
Unnamed - Off Roaring Creek 44.522 −121.700 44.521 −121.700
Unnamed - Off Roaring Creek 44.516 −121.712 44.516 −121.700
Warm Springs River 1 44.941 −121.431 44.941 −121.431
Warm Springs River 2 44.969 −121.585 44.969 −121.585
Whitewater River 44.704 −121.728 44.670 −121.546
Whychus Creek 44.460 −121.336 44.417 −121.389

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands totaling 230.4 km (143.2 mi) of streams and 445.3 ha (1,100.4 ac) of lakes and reservoirs have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the areas under management by the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(A) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(B) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(C) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(D) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 6, Lower Deschutes River Basin follows:

(14) Unit 7: Odell Lake

(i) This unit consists of 27.4 km (17.0 mi) of streams and 1,387.1 ha (3,427.6 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northcentral Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Crystal Creek 43.566 −122.052 43.572 −122.022
Maklaks Creek 43.566 −121.945 43.564 −121.915
Odell Creek 43.550 −121.964 43.591 −121.855
Odell Lake 43.572 −122.001
Trapper Creek 43.548 −122.076 43.585 −122.048
Unnamed - Off Odell Creek 43.557 −121.919 43.561 −121.943

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 7, Odell Lake follows:

(15) Unit 8: Mainstem Lower Columbia River

(i) This unit consists of 340.4 km (211.5 mi) of streams. The unit is located along the border between Oregon and Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Columbia River 45.645 −121.933 45.800 −122.787

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plan (HCP) totaling 1.7 km (1.1 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP).

(iv) Map of Unit 8, Mainstem Lower Columbia River follows:

(16) Unit 9: Klamath River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 445.2 km (276.6 mi) of streams and 3,775.5 ha (9,329.4 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in southwestern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Agency Lake 42.541 −121.964
Annie Creek 42.721 −121.990 42.817 −122.113
Boulder Creek 42.660 −120.784 42.673 −120.762
Boulder Creek 42.517 −120.952 42.494 −120.885
Brownsworth Creek 42.392 −120.914 42.469 −120.855
Calahan Creek 42.838 −121.267 42.924 −121.292
Camp Creek 42.445 −120.795 42.471 −120.838
Cherry Creek 42.615 −122.201 42.631 −122.074
Corral Creek 42.455 −120.783 42.480 −120.819
Coyote Creek 42.862 −121.109 42.893 −121.247
Crane Creek 42.638 −122.052 42.642 −122.065
Crooked Creek 42.598 −121.946 42.686 −121.965
Dead Cow Creek 42.590 −120.837 42.562 −120.781
Deming Creek 42.448 −120.954 42.486 −120.886
Dixon Creek 42.518 −120.938 42.532 −120.925
Fort Creek 42.695 −121.968 42.672 −121.980
Fourmile Creek 42.612 −122.051 42.633 −122.077
Gearhart Creek 42.566 −120.887 42.510 −120.872
Gold Creek 42.590 −120.819 42.606 −120.795
Hole Creek 42.567 −120.870 42.541 −120.861
Leonard Creek 42.413 −120.868 42.465 −120.865
Long Creek 42.726 −121.160 42.831 −121.200
North Fork Sprague River 42.497 −121.009 42.557 −120.840
Nottin Creek 42.570 −120.871 42.532 −120.851
Rifle Creek 42.694 −120.881 42.682 −120.846
School Creek 42.604 −120.847 42.618 −120.808
Sevenmile Canal 42.582 −121.971 42.646 −122.052
Sevenmile Creek 42.646 −122.052 42.690 −122.151
South Fork Sprague River 42.392 −120.914 42.481 −120.785
South Fork Sycan River 42.663 −120.794 42.633 −120.796
Sun Creek 42.734 −122.009 42.876 −122.100
Sycan River 42.647 −120.735 42.784 −121.095
Threemile Creek 42.642 −122.065 42.640 −122.139
Unnamed - Off Dixon Creek 42.523 −120.931 42.521 −120.922
Unnamed - Off Long Creek 42.873 −121.299 42.870 −121.296
West Canal 42.646 −122.052 42.531 −122.005
Wood River 42.577 −121.941 42.747 −121.985

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 9, Klamath River Basin follows:

(17) Unit 10: Upper Columbia River Basins

(i) This unit consists of 931.8 km (579.0 mi) of streams and 1,033.2 ha (2,553.1 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northcentral Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Alder Creek 47.845 −120.666 47.919 −120.647
Alpine Creek 48.084 −120.864 48.083 −120.866
Andrews Creek 48.782 −120.108 48.787 −120.113
Beaver Creek 48.327 −120.066 48.492 −119.993
Black Lake 48.829 −120.208
Blue Buck Creek 48.486 −120.005 48.553 −119.963
Buck Creek 48.104 −120.878 48.106 −120.886
Buttermilk Creek 48.363 −120.339 48.340 −120.303
Canyon Creek 47.907 −120.895 47.891 −120.965
Cedar Creek 48.589 −120.471 48.566 −120.475
Chelan River 47.803 −119.980 47.812 −119.985
Chewuch River 48.476 −120.183 48.844 −120.023
Chikamin Creek 47.904 −120.731 47.985 −120.718
Chiwaukum Creek 47.679 −120.728 47.715 −120.839
Chiwawa River 47.788 −120.660 48.104 −120.878
Cougar Lake 48.881 −120.466
Crater Creek 48.214 −120.209 48.215 −120.270
Diamond Creek 48.849 −120.422 48.855 −120.416
Drake Creek 48.781 −120.396 48.787 −120.389
Early Winters Creek 48.601 −120.438 48.503 −120.625
East Fork Buttermilk Creek 48.340 −120.303 48.296 −120.308
Eightmile Creek 48.604 −120.163 48.804 −120.338
Entiat River 47.660 −120.218 47.920 −120.507
Eureka Creek 48.700 −120.492 48.709 −120.506
First Hidden Lake 48.899 −120.487
Foggy Dew Creek 48.204 −120.190 48.161 −120.297
French Creek 47.628 −120.963 47.593 −121.042
Goat Creek 48.574 −120.379 48.730 −120.360
Gold Creek 48.188 −120.095 48.185 −120.116
Henry Creek 47.768 −120.991 47.754 −120.996
Huckleberry Creek 48.569 −120.473 48.511 −120.450
Icicle Creek 47.550 −120.679 47.558 −120.672
Ingalls Creek 47.463 −120.661 47.448 −120.859
Jack Creek 47.608 −120.900 47.529 −120.952
James Creek 48.077 −120.858 48.075 −120.861
Lake Creek 48.750 −120.137 48.848 −120.239
Lake Wenatchee 47.823 −120.778
Leland Creek 47.662 −121.041 47.612 −121.089
Lightning Creek 48.451 −119.999 48.453 −119.996
Little Bridge Creek 48.379 −120.286 48.449 −120.432
Little Wenatchee River 47.827 −120.819 47.913 −121.094
Lost River 48.650 −120.512 48.896 −120.486
Mad River 47.736 −120.363 47.864 −120.608
Methow River 48.050 −119.894 48.651 −120.513
Middle Hidden Lake 48.908 −120.489
Mill Creek 47.777 −121.011 47.772 −121.021
Monument Creek 48.732 −120.449 48.803 −120.495
Napeequa River 47.921 −120.897 47.931 −120.879
Nason Creek 47.809 −120.716 47.784 −121.028
Negro Creek 47.444 −120.662 47.418 −120.797
North Creek 48.454 −120.563 48.462 −120.559
North Fork Gold Creek 48.185 −120.116 48.238 −120.283
North Fork Wolf Creek 48.485 −120.347 48.530 −120.424
Panther Creek 47.941 −120.929 47.938 −120.943
Peshastin Creek 47.558 −120.574 47.444 −120.662
Phelps Creek 48.070 −120.853 48.080 −120.839
Ptarmigan Creek 48.891 −120.482 48.885 −120.483
Rainy Creek 47.852 −120.955 47.816 −121.075
Rattlesnake Creek 48.648 −120.566 48.651 −120.571
Reynolds Creek 48.406 −120.479 48.404 −120.490
Robinson Creek 48.659 −120.538 48.673 −120.539
Rock Creek 47.963 −120.796 48.037 −120.763
South Creek 48.438 −120.529 48.428 −120.568
Stormy Creek 47.822 −120.422 47.867 −120.360
Tillicum Creek 47.747 −120.394 47.723 −120.439
Trout Creek 48.640 −120.599 48.664 −120.711
Twisp River 48.369 −120.119 48.464 −120.606
Unnamed stream 47.592 −120.661 47.590 −120.663
Unnamed stream 47.578 −120.666 47.575 −120.670
Unnamed stream 47.834 −120.875 47.838 −120.900
Unnamed stream 47.837 −120.878 47.835 −120.885
W. Fork Buttermilk Creek 48.340 −120.303 48.259 −120.437
War Creek 48.361 −120.396 48.362 −120.411
Wenatchee River 47.456 −120.317 47.808 −120.728
West Fork Methow River 48.648 −120.512 48.641 −120.609
White River 47.834 −120.816 47.953 −120.940
Wolf Creek 48.491 −120.232 48.476 −120.441

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plan (HCP) totaling 119.7 km (74.4 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) , including portions of Entiat River, Methow River, and Wenatchee River CHSUs.

(iv) Map of Unit 10, Upper Columbia River Basins follows:

(18) Unit 11: Yakima River

(i) This unit consists of 896.9 km (557.3 mi) of streams and 6,285.2 ha (15,530.9 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in central Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Ahtanum Creek 46.529 −120.473 46.523 −120.855
American River 46.976 −121.158 46.901 −121.416
Bear Creek 46.538 −121.261 46.540 −121.282
Box Canyon Creek 47.360 −121.244 47.377 −121.259
Bumping Lake 46.851 −121.328
Bumping River 46.831 −121.378 46.868 −121.300
Camp Creek 46.571 −121.243 46.579 −121.266
Cle Elum Lake 47.290 −121.103
Cle Elum River 47.177 −120.991 47.589 −121.162
Clear Lake 46.629 −121.281
Cold Creek 47.368 −121.394 47.352 −121.455
Cooper Lake 47.426 −121.176
Cooper River 47.390 −121.099 47.455 −121.214
Cowiche Creek 46.628 −120.569 46.647 −120.682
Crow Creek 47.015 −121.134 47.017 −121.318
Deep Creek 46.844 −121.317 46.804 −121.322
DeRoux Creek 47.419 −120.941 47.442 −120.980
Dog Creek 46.787 −121.169 46.793 −121.178
Easton Lake 47.248 −121.195
Fall Creek 46.586 −121.038 46.595 −121.060
Fortune Creek 47.477 −121.047 47.469 −120.965
Gold Creek 47.475 −121.318 47.390 −121.384
Grey Creek 46.591 −121.223 46.594 −121.226
Hindoo Creek 46.785 −121.164 46.781 −121.183
Hyas Lake 47.567 −121.121
Indian Creek 46.696 −121.301 46.641 −121.250
Jack Creek 47.319 −120.856 47.334 −120.744
Jungle Creek 47.333 −120.856 47.333 −120.925
Kachess Lake 47.316 −121.228
Kachess River 47.251 −121.201 47.429 −121.223
Keechelus Lake 47.349 −121.368
Kettle Creek 46.941 −121.328 46.916 −121.342
Little Naches River 46.989 −121.095 47.089 −121.282
Little Rattlesnake Creek 46.814 −120.949 46.801 −120.948
Little Wildcat Creek 46.731 −121.236 46.687 −121.267
Middle Fork Ahtanum Creek 46.518 −121.015 46.506 −121.180
Middle Fork Teanaway River 47.257 −120.898 47.419 −120.994
Mineral Creek 47.420 −121.241 47.422 −121.246
Naches River 46.630 −120.515 46.989 −121.095
North Fork Ahtanum Creek 46.523 −120.855 46.538 −121.212
North Fork Little Naches River 47.089 −121.282 47.094 −121.392
North Fork Rattlesnake Creek 46.810 −121.068 46.841 −121.170
North Fork Taneaum Creek 47.112 −120.933 47.109 −121.145
North Fork Teanaway River 47.251 −120.878 47.454 −120.966
North Fork Tieton River 46.508 −121.436 46.628 −121.271
Oak Creek 46.724 −120.813 46.735 −120.924
Pileup Creek 47.045 −121.183 47.090 −121.124
Quartz Creek 47.017 −121.135 47.082 −121.109
Rattlesnake Creek 46.820 −120.930 46.759 −121.316
Reynolds Creek 46.619 −120.882 46.601 −121.068
Rimrock Lake 46.639 −121.180
Rock Creek 46.585 −121.025 46.588 −121.079
Shellneck Creek 46.531 −121.159 46.515 −121.188
Short And Dirty Creek 46.617 −121.150 46.616 −121.149
South Fork Ahtanum Creek 46.523 −120.855 46.454 −121.119
South Fork Cowiche Creek 46.647 −120.682 46.566 −121.124
South Fork Little Naches River 47.066 −121.227 47.020 −121.392
South Fork Taneaum Creek 47.112 −120.933 47.091 −121.030
South Fork Tieton River 46.627 −121.133 46.496 −121.315
Spruce Creek 46.590 −121.219 46.586 −121.212
Stafford Creek 47.347 −120.849 47.398 −120.802
Swauk Creek 47.123 −120.738 47.158 −120.739
Taneaum Creek 47.092 −120.709 47.112 −120.933
Teanaway River 47.167 −120.835 47.257 −120.898
Tieton River 46.746 −120.787 46.656 −121.130
Timber Creek 46.913 −121.386 46.907 −121.382
Union Creek 46.932 −121.358 46.937 −121.362
Unnamed stream 46.545 −121.388 46.550 −121.403
Waptus Lake 47.503 −121.178
Waptus River 47.419 −121.088 47.540 −121.241
Yakima River 46.254 −119.228 47.322 −121.340

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands or habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 288.7 km (179.4 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit:

(A) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) , including portions of the Yakima River Critical Habitat Unit (CHU);

(B) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Plum Creek Central Cascades HCP, including portions of the Yakima River CHU; and

(C) Waterbodies within the areas under management by the Yakama Tribe, including portions of Yakama River CHU and Klickitat River CHSU, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(1) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(2) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(3) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(4) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 11, Yakima River follows:

(19) Unit 12: John Day River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 1,089.6 km (677.0 mi) of streams. The unit is located in northcentral Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Baldy Creek 44.850 −118.305 44.910 −118.318
Big Creek 44.976 −118.651 44.960 −118.683
Big Creek 44.765 −118.686 44.766 −118.874
Boulder Creek 44.840 −118.333 44.819 −118.415
Boundary Creek 44.811 −118.343 44.787 −118.375
Bull Run Creek 44.768 −118.291 44.808 −118.425
Butte Creek 44.585 −118.644 44.642 −118.652
Call Creek 44.286 −118.507 44.320 −118.557
Clear Creek 44.749 −118.546 44.821 −118.450
Clear Creek 44.447 −118.431 44.593 −118.508
Crane Creek 44.868 −118.330 44.894 −118.478
Crawfish Creek 44.931 −118.234 44.915 −118.298
Cunningham Creek 44.911 −118.267 44.920 −118.235
Deadwood Creek 44.750 −118.719 44.768 −118.793
Deardorff Creek 44.383 −118.423 44.395 −118.577
Deep Creek 44.815 −118.306 44.780 −118.348
Desolation Creek 44.820 −118.689 44.998 −118.936
Dry Creek 44.729 −118.531 44.750 −118.500
Granite Boulder Creek 44.726 −118.611 44.647 −118.665
Granite Creek 44.857 −118.343 44.866 −118.562
Indian Creek 44.295 −118.736 44.443 −118.800
John Day River 44.250 −118.527 45.737 −120.652
Lightning Creek 44.718 −118.494 44.765 −118.497
Middle Fork John Day River 44.593 −118.508 44.917 −119.301
North Fork John Day River 44.866 −118.239 44.755 −119.639
North Reynolds Creek 44.430 −118.425 44.423 −118.517
Onion Creek 44.889 −118.339 44.913 −118.401
Rail Creek 44.297 −118.490 44.349 −118.575
Reynolds Creek 44.405 −118.440 44.414 −118.596
Roberts Creek 44.276 −118.575 44.348 −118.575
Salmon Creek 44.717 −118.542 44.725 −118.503
South Fork Desolation Creek 44.719 −118.623 44.820 −118.689
South Trail Creek 44.953 −118.274 44.937 −118.390
Trail Creek 44.937 −118.390 44.915 −118.406
Vinegar Creek 44.707 −118.550 44.601 −118.536
West Fork Clear Creek 44.733 −118.584 44.749 −118.546
West Fork Meadow Brook 44.969 −118.966 44.997 −118.945
Winom Creek 45.050 −118.611 44.976 −118.671

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands totaling 28.5 km (17.7 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the areas under management by the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(A) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(B) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(C) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(D) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 12, John Day River Basin follows:

(20) Unit 13: Umatilla River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 163.0 km (101.3 mi) of streams. The unit is located in northeastern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Coyote Creek 45.745 −118.137 45.732 −118.139
Meacham Creek 45.486 −118.275 45.702 −118.360
North Fork Meacham Creek 45.584 −118.164 45.527 −118.291
North Fork Umatilla River 45.705 −118.034 45.726 −118.189
Pot Creek 45.523 −118.163 45.554 −118.201
Ryan Creek 45.694 −118.309 45.723 −118.315
Umatilla River 45.726 −118.189 45.923 −119.357
Woodward Creek 45.750 −118.076 45.736 −118.080

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands totaling 48.7 km (30.3 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the areas under management by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(A) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(B) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(C) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(D) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 13, Umatilla River Basin follows:

(21) Unit 14: Walla Walla River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 383.7 km (238.4 mi) of streams. The unit is located in southwestern Washington and northeastern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Blue Creek 46.061 −118.155 46.063 −118.108
Bull Creek 46.027 −117.939 46.028 −117.948
Burnt Fork 46.087 −117.942 46.105 −117.986
Burnt Fork Creek 46.040 −117.946 46.032 −117.953
Corral Creek 46.093 −117.847 46.090 −117.844
Couse Creek 45.910 −118.371 45.848 −118.327
Deadman Creek 46.032 −117.956 46.049 −117.951
Green Fly Canyon 46.142 −117.876 46.142 −117.872
Green Fork Creek 46.033 −117.940 46.029 −117.949
Griffin Fork 46.117 −117.965 46.121 −117.975
Henry Canyon 45.988 −118.091 45.931 −118.078
Husky Spring Creek 45.889 −117.952 45.884 −117.978
Lewis Creek 46.156 −117.772 46.191 −117.825
Low Creek 45.973 −118.010 45.993 −118.036
Mill Creek 46.021 −117.945 46.039 −118.479
North Fork Mill Creek 46.035 −117.994 46.021 −117.997
North Fork Touchet River 46.093 −117.865 46.301 −117.960
North Fork Walla Walla River 45.889 −118.087 45.898 −118.308
Paradise Creek 46.000 −117.991 46.004 −118.018
Reser Creek 45.887 −118.001 45.876 −117.986
Skiphorton Creek 45.874 −118.027 45.852 −118.025
South Fork Touchet River 46.105 −117.986 46.301 −117.960
South Fork Walla Walla River 45.938 −117.969 45.898 −118.308
Spangler Creek 46.099 −117.803 46.149 −117.807
Touchet River 46.301 −117.960 46.034 −118.683
Walla Walla River 45.898 −118.308 46.062 −118.940
Wolf Fork Touchet River 46.075 −117.904 46.274 −117.896
Yellowhawk Creek 46.076 −118.273 46.017 −118.401

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands or habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 69.0 km (42.0 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit:

(A) Waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) , including portions of Touchet River and Walla Walla River CHSUs; and

(B) Waterbodies within the areas under management by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla, including portions of the Touchet River CHSU, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(1) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(2) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(3) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(4) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 14, Walla Walla River Basin follows:

(22) Unit 15: Lower Snake River Basins

(i) This unit consists of 270.8 km (168.3 mi) of streams. The unit is located in southeastern Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Asotin Creek 46.345 −117.054 46.272 −117.292
Bear Creek 46.168 −117.560 46.122 −117.546
Charley Creek 46.289 −117.279 46.279 −117.414
Cold Creek 46.191 −117.631 46.178 −117.647
Cougar Creek 46.205 −117.509 46.180 −117.519
Cummings Creek 46.333 −117.675 46.234 −117.594
George Creek 46.326 −117.106 46.117 −117.361
Hixon Creek 46.246 −117.684 46.239 −117.690
Little Tucannon River 46.228 −117.722 46.218 −117.759
Little Turkey Creek 46.155 −117.737 46.116 −117.750
Meadow Creek 46.176 −117.719 46.102 −117.786
North Fork Asotin Creek 46.272 −117.292 46.196 −117.569
Panjab Creek 46.205 −117.706 46.115 −117.683
Sheep Creek 46.188 −117.625 46.195 −117.624
South Fork Asotin Creek 46.272 −117.292 46.145 −117.431
Tucannon River 46.557 −118.175 46.139 −117.521
Turkey Creek 46.161 −117.703 46.113 −117.739

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 13.4 km (8.3 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), including portions of Asotin Creek and Tucannon River CHSUs.

(iv) Map of Unit 15, Lower Snake River Basins follows:

(23) Unit 16: Grande Ronde River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 1,057.9 km (657.4 mi) of streams and 605.2 ha (1,495.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northeastern Oregon and southwestern Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Bear Creek 45.322 −117.481 45.584 −117.541
Beaver Creek 45.968 −117.808 45.955 −117.786
Boulder Creek 45.310 −117.625 45.312 −117.633
Butte Creek 46.064 −117.723 45.982 −117.679
Camp Creek 45.387 −117.745 45.387 −117.758
Catherine Creek 45.120 −117.647 45.408 −117.931
Chicken Creek 45.024 −118.386 45.095 −118.395
Clear Creek 44.976 −118.327 45.063 −118.310
Collins Creek 45.097 −117.514 45.105 −117.543
Crooked Creek 46.046 −117.625 45.977 −117.552
Deer Creek 45.423 −117.588 45.620 −117.700
Dobbin Creek 45.221 −117.640 45.259 −117.654
East Fork Butte Creek 46.064 −117.723 46.074 −117.710
East Fork Elk Creek 45.161 −117.469 45.166 −117.470
East Fork Indian Creek 45.353 −117.725 45.368 −117.749
East Fork Wallowa River 45.265 −117.210 45.274 −117.212
East Sheep Creek 45.003 −118.435 45.026 −118.475
Elk Creek 45.160 −117.476 45.178 −117.460
Fiddlers Hell Creek 45.431 −118.144 45.428 −118.160
First Creek 46.043 −117.547 46.035 −117.571
Five Points Creek 45.481 −118.144 45.346 −118.222
Fly Creek 45.121 −118.466 45.210 −118.395
Goat Creek 45.413 −117.518 45.418 −117.538
Grande Ronde River 44.967 −118.255 46.080 −116.979
Hurricane Creek 45.274 −117.312 45.420 −117.302
Indian Creek 45.337 −117.722 45.534 −117.920
Indiana Creek 45.000 −118.362 45.024 −118.386
Lake Creek 45.331 −117.398 45.332 −117.410
Limber Jim Creek 45.085 −118.230 45.089 −118.344
Little Bear Creek 45.428 −117.480 45.485 −117.555
Little Fly Creek 45.109 −118.476 45.121 −118.466
Little Lookingglass Creek 45.817 −117.902 45.750 −117.875
Little Minam River 45.246 −117.600 45.401 −117.672
Lookingglass Creek 45.779 −118.079 45.707 −117.842
Lookout Creek 45.078 −118.541 45.109 −118.476
Lostine River 45.245 −117.375 45.552 −117.490
Marion Creek 45.097 −118.229 45.105 −118.267
Menatchee Creek 46.110 −117.439 46.007 −117.365
Middle Fork Catherine Creek 45.154 −117.565 45.152 −117.617
Middle Fork Five Points Creek 45.492 −118.116 45.481 −118.144
Milk Creek 45.948 −117.913 45.913 −117.883
Minam River 45.147 −117.372 45.621 −117.721
Mt Emily Creek 45.465 −118.125 45.473 −118.147
North Fork Catherine Creek 45.225 −117.605 45.120 −117.647
North Fork Indian Creek 45.402 −117.769 45.433 −117.820
North Fork Wenaha River 46.066 −117.878 46.066 −117.878
North Minam River 45.276 −117.512 45.273 −117.537
Pole Creek 45.131 −117.531 45.107 −117.560
Sage Creek 45.481 −117.594 45.500 −117.607
Sand Pass Creek 45.120 −117.526 45.108 −117.552
Sheep Creek 45.019 −118.485 45.105 −118.382
Silver Creek 45.394 −117.422 45.396 −117.428
South Fork Catherine Creek 45.110 −117.533 45.120 −117.647
South Fork Wenaha River 45.890 −117.906 45.951 −117.795
Summer Creek 45.771 −117.983 45.766 −117.983
Third Creek 46.089 −117.628 46.046 −117.625
Tie Creek 45.421 −118.149 45.423 −118.159
Trout Creek 46.089 −117.628 46.116 −117.641
Unnamed - Off Clear Creek 44.977 −118.314 45.013 −118.330
Wallowa Lake 45.310 −117.210
Wallowa River 45.274 −117.212 45.726 −117.785
Wenaha River 45.951 −117.795 45.945 −117.451
West Fork Butte Creek 46.063 −117.772 46.063 −117.723
West Fork Wallowa River 45.267 −117.216 45.274 −117.212

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 1.0 km (0.6 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), including portions of the Grand Ronde River CHSU.

(iv) Map of Unit 16, Grand Ronde River Basin follows:

(24) Unit 17: Imnaha River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 285.7 km (177.5 mi) of streams. The unit is located in northeastern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Bear Creek 45.100 −117.173 45.104 −117.172
Big Sheep Creek 45.178 −117.120 45.557 −116.835
Blue Creek 45.097 −117.194 45.101 −117.195
Cabin Creek 45.229 −117.090 45.232 −117.089
Cliff Creek 45.063 −117.269 45.102 −117.215
Imnaha River 45.113 −117.126 45.817 −116.765
Lick Creek 45.147 −117.124 45.198 −117.025
Little Sheep Creek 45.232 −117.094 45.520 −116.860
McCully Creek 45.211 −117.141 45.293 −117.116
Middle Fork Big Sheep Creek 45.181 −117.158 45.178 −117.120
Middle Fork Imnaha River 45.139 −117.167 45.133 −117.152
North Fork Imnaha River 45.171 −117.201 45.113 −117.126
Redmont Creek 45.245 −117.104 45.256 −117.089
Salt Creek 45.202 −117.083 45.188 −117.044
Soldier Creek 45.107 −117.155 45.109 −117.152
South Fork Imnaha River 45.111 −117.231 45.113 −117.126
Unnamed - Off Lick Creek 45.141 −117.065 45.133 −117.057

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 17, Imnaha River Basin follows:

(25) Unit 18: Sheep / Granite Creeks

(i) This unit consists of 47.9 km (29.7 mi) of streams. The unit is located in west-central Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Clarks Fork 45.458 −116.533 45.471 −116.447
Granite Creek 45.192 −116.580 45.349 −116.655
Sheep Creek 45.405 −116.524 45.468 −116.555

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 18, Sheep/Granite Creeks follows:

(26) Unit 19: Hell's Canyon Complex

(i) This unit consists of 377.5 km (234.6 mi) of streams. The unit is located in northeastern Oregon and west-central Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Aspen Creek 45.057 −117.012 45.049 −117.038
Bear Creek 44.959 −116.725 45.136 −116.525
Big Elk Creek 45.063 −117.024 45.061 −117.065
Cabin Creek 45.061 −117.021 45.077 −117.025
Camp Creek 45.132 −116.623 45.157 −116.621
Clear Creek 44.866 −117.030 45.043 −117.144
Crooked River 44.959 −116.725 44.817 −116.743
Duck Creek 45.069 −116.906 45.091 −117.004
East Fork Of East Pine Creek 45.021 −117.107 45.042 −117.104
East Fork Pine Creek 45.022 −117.201 45.071 −117.177
East Pine Creek 44.872 −117.021 45.046 −117.120
Elk Creek 45.009 −116.910 45.074 −117.046
Fall Creek 44.970 −116.949 45.012 −116.986
Fish Creek 44.908 −116.953 45.036 −117.082
Indian Creek 44.984 −116.829 45.150 −116.591
Lake Fork 45.020 −116.942 45.067 −117.105
Little Elk Creek 44.954 −116.962 45.009 −117.029
Meadow Creek 44.990 −117.143 45.017 −117.172
Mickey Creek 45.109 −116.565 45.109 −116.535
Middle Fork Pine Creek 45.039 −117.216 45.057 −117.238
North Pine Creek 44.910 −116.949 45.079 −116.898
Okanogan Creek 44.987 −117.065 45.017 −117.063
Pine Creek 44.973 −116.854 45.039 −117.216
Trail Creek 44.991 −117.143 45.046 −117.163
Trinity Creek 44.988 −117.072 45.026 −117.084
Unnamed - Off East Pine Creek 44.993 −117.102 45.006 −117.122
Unnamed - trib To Bear Creek 45.124 −116.545 45.137 −116.536
Unnamed - Trib To Bear Creek 45.124 −116.554 45.136 −116.569
Wesley Creek 45.112 −116.562 45.116 −116.527
West Fork Pine Creek 45.039 −117.216 45.025 −117.247
Wildhorse River 44.851 −116.897 44.959 −116.725

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 19, Hell's Canyon Complex follows:

(27) Unit 20: Powder River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 296.5 km (184.2 mi) of streams and 897.0 ha (2,216.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northeastern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Anthony Creek 45.013 −118.060 44.953 −118.221
Cracker Creek 44.741 −118.206 44.846 −118.205
Deer Creek 44.684 −118.060 44.749 −118.108
Eagle Creek 44.746 −117.170 45.132 −117.339
East Fork Eagle Creek 44.983 −117.371 45.170 −117.325
Fruit Creek 44.809 −118.212 44.858 −118.248
Indian Creek 45.019 −118.155 44.975 −118.205
Lake Creek 44.749 −118.108 44.810 −118.092
Little Cracker Creek 44.826 −118.197 44.840 −118.167
North Fork Anthony Creek 45.045 −118.131 45.042 −118.232
North Powder River 44.878 −118.204 45.038 −117.896
Phillips Reservoir 44.681 −118.052
Powder River (Lower) 44.743 −117.047 44.746 −117.170
Powder River (Middle) 45.044 −117.894 45.038 −117.896
Powder River (Upper) 44.684 −118.060 44.741 −118.206
Silver Creek 44.809 −118.208 44.857 −118.292
West Eagle Creek 45.019 −117.454 45.121 −117.437
Wolf Creek 45.044 −117.894 45.067 −118.194

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 20, Powder River Basin follows:

(28) Unit 21: Clearwater River

(i) This unit consists of 2,702.1 km (1,679.0 mi) of streams and 6,721.9 ha (16,610.1 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northcentral Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Adair Creek 47.097 −115.853 47.083 −115.806
American River 45.808 −115.475 45.945 −115.450
Baldy Creek 45.908 −115.630 45.961 −115.721
Baston Creek 45.760 −115.235 45.731 −115.223
Bear Creek 46.019 −114.845 46.108 −114.509
Bear Creek 46.711 −114.963 46.750 −114.922
Bear Creek 45.863 −115.618 45.878 −115.595
Beaver Creek 46.506 −114.627 46.553 −114.504
Beaver Creek 46.842 −115.621 46.758 −115.678
Beaver Creek 45.896 −115.631 45.943 −115.569
Big Flat Creek 46.402 −114.494 46.313 −114.441
Bill Creek 46.631 −115.271 46.637 −115.187
Bostonian Creek 46.962 −115.114 46.996 −115.137
Boulder Creek 46.615 −114.671 46.678 −114.749
Boundary Creek 46.972 −115.108 46.981 −115.077
Breakfast Creek 46.883 −115.940 46.875 −115.995
Bridge Creek 45.779 −115.210 45.814 −115.164
Brushy Fork 46.578 −114.612 46.616 −114.455
Brushy Fork Creek 46.002 −114.699 45.988 −114.583
Buck Creek 47.021 −115.555 47.049 −115.543
Burnt Knob Creek 45.715 −114.899 45.697 −114.946
Burnt Strip Creek 45.826 −114.618 45.817 −114.626
Butte Creek (North Fork Clearwater) 47.045 −115.720 47.031 −115.751
Canyon Creek 45.888 −114.614 45.882 −114.409
Canyon Creek 47.000 −115.651 47.017 −115.499
Cayuse Creek 45.705 −114.615 45.740 −114.608
Cayuse Creek 46.712 −115.021 46.612 −114.793
Cedar Creek 46.249 −114.709 46.330 −114.706
Chamberlain Creek 46.929 −115.143 46.924 −115.171
Clearwater River 46.428 −117.040 46.146 −115.981
Collins Creek 46.862 −115.434 46.982 −115.453
Colt Creek 46.433 −114.540 46.419 −114.636
Colt Killed Creek 46.508 −114.682 46.428 −114.415
Cooperation Creek 46.452 −114.870 46.440 −114.817
Corral Creek 46.483 −115.241 46.534 −115.207
Crooked Fork 46.508 −114.682 46.704 −114.709
Crooked River 45.824 −115.530 45.695 −115.549
Cub Creek 46.034 −114.757 46.031 −114.618
Dawson Creek 45.730 −115.391 45.743 −115.426
Deep Creek 45.707 −114.719 45.708 −114.516
Ditch Creek 45.747 −115.298 45.794 −115.293
Doe Creek 46.499 −114.863 46.554 −114.921
Dworshak Reservoir 46.660 −116.120
Eagle Creek 45.908 −114.854 45.794 −114.891
East Fork American River 45.864 −115.425 45.919 −115.363
East Fork Crooked River 45.695 −115.549 45.656 −115.564
East Fork Fishing Creek 46.556 −114.855 46.561 −114.837
East Fork Legendary Bear Creek 46.562 −114.736 46.535 −114.766
East Fork Meadow Creek 45.880 −115.104 45.829 −115.028
East Fork Moose Creek 46.165 −114.898 46.270 −114.680
East Fork O'Hara Creek 45.998 −115.524 45.939 −115.541
Elk Creek 45.818 −115.459 45.841 −115.435
Fish Creek 46.333 −115.346 46.373 −115.597
Fish Lake 46.817 −114.912
Fish Lake (Lochsa) 46.333 −115.052
Fish Lake Creek 46.331 −115.057 46.407 −115.001
Fishing Creek 46.492 −114.858 46.571 −114.860
Flat Creek 45.722 −114.858 45.651 −114.848
Flint Creek 45.891 −115.428 45.913 −115.424
Floodwood Creek 46.888 −115.954 46.974 −115.913
Foehl Creek 46.970 −115.676 46.990 −115.743
Fourth of July Creek 46.665 −115.377 46.564 −115.260
Fox Creek 46.605 −114.755 46.630 −114.696
French Creek 45.597 −114.592 45.603 −114.572
Fro Creek 46.479 −115.222 46.467 −115.209
Frost Creek 46.918 −115.349 46.926 −115.380
Gabe Creek 45.697 −114.671 45.710 −114.666
Gedney Creek 46.056 −115.314 46.135 −115.249
Glover Creek 46.916 −116.013 46.980 −116.095
Gold Pan Creek 45.667 −114.722 45.665 −114.737
Goose Creek 46.852 −115.013 46.906 −114.953
Gospel Creek 45.703 −115.891 45.677 −115.891
Graves Creek 46.986 −115.101 47.006 −115.079
Hagen Creek 45.649 −115.818 45.630 −115.809
Haskell Creek 46.596 −114.604 46.632 −114.583
Hells Half Acre Creek 45.692 −114.718 45.689 −114.705
Hopeful Creek 46.671 −114.681 46.724 −114.654
Hungery Creek 46.356 −115.398 46.400 −115.569
Indian Creek 45.792 −114.765 45.792 −114.575
Indian Grave Creek 46.452 −115.077 46.490 −115.143
Isabella Creek 46.849 −115.631 46.913 −115.539
Jack Creek 45.778 −114.692 45.788 −114.683
Johnagan Creek 46.510 −115.367 46.543 −115.354
Johnny Creek 46.613 −115.435 46.614 −115.372
Johns Creek 45.824 −115.890 45.683 −115.755
Jungle Creek 47.076 −115.804 47.110 −115.796
Kelly Creek 46.716 −115.258 46.730 −114.861
Kid Lake Creek 46.747 −114.806 46.768 −114.805
Kim Creek 45.679 −114.720 45.682 −114.734
Kirks Fork American River 45.822 −115.411 45.829 −115.390
Lake Creek 46.869 −115.079 46.819 −114.905
Lazy Creek 45.679 −114.546 45.668 −114.555
Legendary Bear Creek 46.511 −114.762 46.535 −114.766
Lick Creek 45.923 −115.469 45.969 −115.487
Little Clearwater River 45.754 −114.776 45.738 −114.946
Little Elk Creek 45.841 −115.435 45.868 −115.449
Little Lost Lake Creek 47.089 −115.893 47.073 −115.936
Little Moose Creek 46.733 −115.078 46.783 −114.906
Little Moose Creek 45.716 −115.368 45.709 −115.400
Little North Fork Clearwater River 46.887 −115.878 47.101 −115.963
Little Weitas Creek 46.506 −115.392 46.479 −115.389
Liz Creek 46.482 −115.290 46.436 −115.306
Lochsa River 46.140 −115.600 46.508 −114.682
Long Creek 46.872 −115.076 46.950 −115.025
Lost Lake Creek 47.095 −115.901 47.087 −115.937
Lund Creek 47.068 −115.884 47.050 −115.913
Lynx Creek 45.849 −114.938 45.817 −114.952
Magruder Creek 45.745 −114.761 45.717 −114.780
Marten Creek 46.099 −115.053 45.963 −115.046
Maud Creek 46.497 −114.515 46.474 −114.411
Meadow Creek 46.910 −115.233 46.905 −115.117
Meadow Creek 46.046 −115.296 45.698 −115.218
Melton Creek 45.725 −115.996 45.724 −115.979
Middle Fork Clearwater River 46.146 −115.981 46.140 −115.600
Middle Fork Kelly Creek 46.730 −114.861 46.747 −114.806
Middle Fork Red River 45.659 −115.413 45.631 −115.472
Mill Creek 45.830 −115.932 45.725 −115.996
Mink Creek 46.601 −114.895 46.628 −114.894
Mist Creek 45.567 −114.629 45.555 −114.626
Montana Creek 47.045 −115.701 47.089 −115.676
Moores Creek 45.676 −115.838 45.614 −115.880
Moores Lake Creek 45.677 −115.891 45.659 −115.870
Moose Butte Creek 45.710 −115.353 45.692 −115.417
Moose Creek 46.122 −114.935 46.165 −114.898
Moose Creek 46.721 −115.087 46.752 −115.185
Mule Creek 45.925 −115.635 45.932 −115.631
Newsome Creek 45.828 −115.616 46.004 −115.679
Niagra Gulch 46.967 −115.137 46.973 −115.159
North Fork Clearwater River 46.503 −116.332 46.999 −115.113
North Fork Kelly Creek 46.730 −114.861 46.801 −114.874
North Fork Moose Creek 46.165 −114.898 46.274 −114.924
North Fork Spruce Creek 46.606 −114.393 46.616 −114.352
O'Hara Creek 46.086 −115.518 45.998 −115.524
Open Creek 45.676 −115.838 45.683 −115.823
Orogrande Creek 46.631 −115.507 46.564 −115.623
Osier Creek 46.744 −115.074 46.837 −115.065
Otterson Creek 45.776 −115.220 45.820 −115.234
Parachute Creek 46.528 −114.762 46.530 −114.757
Paradise Creek 46.022 −114.729 46.039 −114.527
Pete Creek 45.703 −114.580 45.715 −114.564
Pilot Creek 45.907 −115.630 45.944 −115.732
Placer Creek 46.938 −115.168 46.959 −115.179
Pollock Creek 46.780 −115.023 46.780 −114.990
Postoffice Creek 46.466 −114.986 46.529 −114.950
Quartz Creek 46.806 −115.456 46.846 −115.259
Rawhide Creek 46.898 −115.047 46.938 −115.056
Red Horse Creek 45.794 −115.401 45.827 −115.327
Red River 45.808 −115.475 45.803 −115.155
Relief Creek 45.748 −115.520 45.754 −115.498
Rhoda Creek 46.234 −114.961 46.239 −115.009
Roaring Creek 46.886 −115.356 46.918 −115.349
Rock Creek 46.598 −114.609 46.612 −114.620
Rocky Run 47.069 −115.819 47.035 −115.848
Ruby Creek 46.733 −115.079 46.745 −115.105
Running Creek 45.919 −114.832 45.916 −115.033
Rutledge Creek 47.073 −115.755 47.108 −115.723
Saddle Gulch 45.770 −114.654 45.766 −114.641
Salamander Creek 45.711 −114.866 45.648 −114.879
Sawmill Creek 45.908 −115.635 45.904 −115.647
Schofield Creek 45.777 −114.646 45.819 −114.586
Schwar Creek 45.882 −115.117 45.905 −115.109
Selway River 46.140 −115.600 45.500 −114.698
Shoot Creek 46.606 −114.415 46.580 −114.426
Short Creek 46.886 −115.058 46.898 −115.014
Shot Creek 46.639 −115.281 46.666 −115.207
Shotgun Creek 46.601 −114.665 46.600 −114.738
Siegel Creek 45.773 −115.388 45.787 −115.368
Silver Creek 46.607 −114.831 46.653 −114.814
Silver Creek 45.716 −115.540 45.703 −115.501
Sixmile Creek 45.764 −115.660 45.763 −115.646
Skull Creek 46.827 −115.486 46.888 −115.321
Slate Creek 46.928 −115.009 46.927 −115.019
Slow Gulch Creek 45.694 −114.561 45.679 −114.546
Soda Creek 45.756 −115.257 45.746 −115.252
South Fork Clearwater River 46.146 −115.981 45.808 −115.475
South Fork Kelly Creek 46.712 −114.863 46.707 −114.818
South Fork Red River 45.711 −115.345 45.623 −115.480
South Fork Running Creek 45.845 −114.945 45.823 −114.966
South Fork Spruce Creek 46.606 −114.393 46.565 −114.353
South Fork Surprise Creek 45.527 −114.680 45.503 −114.655
Spring Creek 46.546 −114.886 46.552 −114.903
Spruce Creek 46.616 −114.455 46.606 −114.393
Stoney Creek 46.884 −115.970 46.915 −116.033
Storm Creek 46.463 −114.549 46.541 −114.403
Storm Creek 45.578 −114.641 45.611 −114.591
Stripe Creek 45.523 −114.704 45.513 −114.736
Sugar Creek 46.771 −115.035 46.820 −115.006
Surprise Creek 45.521 −114.702 45.532 −114.667
Swamp Creek 46.745 −115.068 46.799 −115.002
Swet Creek 45.580 −114.720 45.537 −114.795
Taylor Creek 45.659 −115.783 45.637 −115.774
Tenmile Creek 45.806 −115.684 45.639 −115.713
Three Lakes Creek 45.623 −114.709 45.618 −114.724
Tom Creek 45.862 −114.987 45.912 −114.985
Trapper Creek 45.674 −115.345 45.705 −115.248
Twin Creek 46.582 −114.528 46.570 −114.475
Twin Lakes Creek 45.664 −115.828 45.649 −115.818
Unnamed - Off Hopeful Creek 46.708 −114.625 46.699 −114.669
Unnamed - Off Long Creek 46.947 −115.036 46.939 −115.024
Unnamed - Off West Fork Crooked River 45.695 −115.574 45.690 −115.563
Unnamed 1 - Off Pilot Creek 45.923 −115.688 45.930 −115.677
Unnamed 2 - Off Pilot Creek 45.938 −115.717 45.927 −115.723
Vance Creek 45.703 −114.580 45.683 −114.593
Vanderbilt Gulch 46.916 −115.120 46.940 −115.191
W.Fk. American River 45.913 −115.466 45.935 −115.545
W.Fk. Fishing Creek 46.537 −114.868 46.567 −114.885
W.Fk. Gedney Creek 46.094 −115.294 46.110 −115.295
W.Fk. O'Hara Creek 45.998 −115.524 45.949 −115.570
Walton Creek 46.508 −114.682 46.472 −114.681
Warm Springs Creek 46.473 −114.888 46.430 −114.864
Weasel Creek 46.601 −114.905 46.623 −114.906
Weir Creek 46.457 −115.035 46.534 −115.018
Weitas Creek 46.636 −115.434 46.508 −115.174
West Fork Crooked River 45.695 −115.549 45.666 −115.597
West Fork Floodwood Creek 46.957 −115.928 46.973 −115.964
West Fork Legendary Bear Creek 46.535 −114.766 46.580 −114.752
West Fork Newsome Creek 45.865 −115.618 45.892 −115.695
West Fork Red River 45.653 −115.402 45.667 −115.453
White Cap Creek 45.860 −114.745 45.919 −114.431
Wilkerson Creek 45.612 −114.707 45.563 −114.615
Williams Creek 45.731 −115.656 45.667 −115.658
Williams Lake Creek 46.644 −114.717 46.647 −114.768
Windy Creek 46.494 −115.328 46.570 −115.236
Wiseboy Creek 45.642 −115.712 45.637 −115.704
Wounded Doe Creek 46.239 −115.009 46.300 −115.080

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 21, Clearwater River follows:

(29) Unit 22: Mainstem Upper Columbia River

(i) This unit consists of 520.1 km (323.2 mi) of streams. The unit is located in central Washington.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Columbia River 45.715 −120.693 47.997 −119.633

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plans (HCPs) totaling 2.5 km (1.6 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Washington State Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP).

(iv) Map of Unit 22, Mainstem Upper Columbia River follows:

(30) Unit 23: Mainstem Snake River

(i) This unit consists of 451.7 km (280.6 mi) of streams. The unit is located in southeastern Washington, northeastern Oregon, and west-central Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Snake River 46.188 −119.031 44.836 −116.901

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 23, Mainstem Snake River follows:

(31) Unit 24: Malheur River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 272.3 km (169.2 mi) of streams and 715.9 ha (1,768.9 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in eastern Oregon.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Beulah Reservoir 43.931 −118.154
Big Creek 44.259 −118.604 44.145 −118.625
Bosonberg Creek 44.224 −118.553 44.135 −118.619
Corral Basin Creek 44.236 −118.562 44.214 −118.618
Crane Creek 44.151 −118.387 44.162 −118.371
Crooked Creek 44.125 −118.666 44.151 −118.635
Elk Creek 44.245 −118.409 44.250 −118.392
Flat Creek 44.305 −118.390 44.304 −118.403
Horseshoe Creek 44.320 −118.448 44.323 −118.416
Lake Creek 44.265 −118.679 44.145 −118.625
Little Crane Creek 44.219 −118.423 44.151 −118.387
Malheur River 44.145 −118.625 43.797 −118.350
McCoy Creek 44.248 −118.674 44.169 −118.654
Meadow Fork Big Creek 44.268 −118.644 44.227 −118.622
North Fork Elk Creek 44.266 −118.446 44.245 −118.409
North Fork Malheur River 44.360 −118.425 43.945 −118.168
Sheep Creek 44.281 −118.476 44.281 −118.397
Snowshoe Creek 44.259 −118.581 44.242 −118.612
South Fork Elk Creek 44.241 −118.423 44.245 −118.409
Summit Creek 44.261 −118.502 44.099 −118.588
Swamp Creek 44.299 −118.471 44.291 −118.401

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 24, Malheur River Basin follows:

(32) Unit 25: Jarbidge River

(i) This unit consists of 245.2 km (152.4 mi) of streams. The unit is located in northeastern Nevada and southwestern Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Bruneau River 42.780 −115.715 42.329 −115.652
Cougar Creek 41.840 −115.320 41.818 −115.335
Dave Creek 41.882 −115.356 41.995 −115.353
Deer Creek 41.848 −115.455 41.933 −115.420
East Fork Jarbidge River 41.778 −115.330 42.049 −115.391
Fall Creek 41.856 −115.315 41.835 −115.342
Fox Creek 41.827 −115.420 41.815 −115.422
Gods Pocket Creek 41.847 −115.293 41.838 −115.298
Jack Creek 41.887 −115.383 41.912 −115.425
Jarbidge River 42.049 −115.391 42.329 −115.652
Jenny Creek 41.901 −115.410 41.900 −115.410
Pine Creek 41.779 −115.464 41.833 −115.425
Sawmill Creek 41.794 −115.399 41.792 −115.404
Slide Creek 41.867 −115.312 41.850 −115.254
Unnamed E Trib Off Pine Creek 41.779 −115.429 41.786 −115.455
Unnamed Headwater Trib Off E Fk Jarbidge River 41.767 −115.352 41.782 −115.330
Unnamed Lower Trib Off Fall Creek 41.849 −115.327 41.850 −115.331
Unnamed Lower Trib Off Slide Creek 41.839 −115.277 41.834 −115.278
Unnamed Upper Trib Off Fall Creek 41.843 −115.335 41.840 −115.340
Unnamed Upper Trib Off Slide Creek 41.838 −115.264 41.834 −115.263
Unnamed W Trib Off Pine Creek 41.802 −115.465 41.803 −115.447
Unnamed W Trib Off West Fork Jarbidge River 41.781 −115.393 41.792 −115.397
West Fork Jarbidge River 41.792 −115.395 42.049 −115.391

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 25, Jarbidge River follows:

(33) Unit 26: Southwest Idaho Basins - East Half

(i) The entire Southwest Idaho Basins unit consists of 2,150 km (1,335.9 mi) of streams and 4,310.5 ha (10,651.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in southwestern Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Alta Creek 43.701 −115.248 43.701 −115.243
Anderson Creek 44.605 −116.187 44.527 −116.243
Anderson Ranch Reservoir 43.415 −115.348
Antelope Creek 44.400 −116.169 44.375 −116.198
Arrowrock Reservoir 43.599 −115.840
Bald Mountain Creek 43.756 −115.277 43.818 −115.267
Ballentyne Creek 43.983 −115.143 44.011 −115.233
Banner Creek 43.998 −115.543 44.037 −115.522
Baron Creek 44.093 −115.028 44.137 −115.149
Basin Creek 44.377 −115.702 44.341 −115.659
Bass Creek 43.741 −115.003 43.791 −114.975
Bear Creek 43.702 −115.007 43.727 −114.901
Bear Creek 44.017 −115.406 43.938 −115.457
Bear River 43.987 −115.341 43.892 −115.489
Beaver Creek 44.318 −115.692 44.317 −115.685
Big Peak Creek 43.658 −114.795 43.628 −114.730
Big Silver Creek 43.989 −115.328 43.989 −115.256
Big Smoky Creek 43.792 −114.756 43.604 −114.916
Big Water Gulch 43.665 −115.043 43.604 −115.108
Bitter Creek 44.421 −115.678 44.406 −115.618
Black Warrior Creek 43.945 −115.190 43.818 −115.291
Blind Canyon 43.768 −114.724 43.769 −114.720
Bluff Creek 43.697 −114.686 43.700 −114.755
Boardman Creek 43.525 −115.019 43.612 −114.940
Boiler Grade Creek 43.720 −115.262 43.730 −115.263
Boise River 43.713 −115.636 43.645 −115.749
Buck Creek 43.747 −115.326 43.803 −115.397
Bull Creek 44.491 −115.615 44.422 −115.813
Burnt Log Creek 43.646 −115.017 43.643 −114.970
Canyon Creek 44.303 −115.231 44.172 −115.244
Carrie Creek 43.590 −114.691 43.552 −114.759
Chapman Creek 44.097 −115.290 44.136 −115.314
Clear Creek 44.228 −115.409 44.248 −115.395
Corbus Creek 43.737 −115.165 43.747 −115.190
Cow Creek 44.021 −115.296 43.991 −115.255
Crooked River 44.027 −115.338 43.853 −115.537
Cub Creek 43.979 −115.353 43.980 −115.402
Daisy Creek 44.269 −115.748 44.260 −115.694
Deadwood Creek 43.532 −115.015 43.585 −115.008
Deadwood Reservoir 44.309 −115.663
Deadwood River 44.547 −115.561 44.342 −115.658
Deadwood River 44.293 −115.646 44.079 −115.658
Decker Creek 43.718 −115.047 43.769 −115.145
Deer Creek 44.347 −115.549 44.396 −115.616
Devils Creek 43.642 −115.564 43.685 −115.592
Dewey Creek 44.772 −116.276 44.807 −116.278
Disappointment Creek 44.830 −116.707 44.825 −116.658
Dog Creek 43.529 −115.302 43.529 −115.302
East Fork Big Peak Creek 43.628 −114.730 43.630 −114.699
East Fork Deadwood River 44.494 −115.571 44.492 −115.575
East Fork Eightmile Creek 44.200 −115.355 44.133 −115.407
East Fork Elk Creek 43.742 −115.231 43.709 −115.254
East Fork Roaring River 43.687 −115.438 43.694 −115.465
East Fork Sheep Creek 43.674 −115.486 43.684 −115.548
East Fork Skeleton Creek 43.685 −115.019 43.658 −114.999
East Fork Warm Springs Creek 44.317 −115.538 44.294 −115.622
East Fork Weiser River 44.729 −116.279 44.846 −116.380
East Fork Yuba River 43.747 −115.155 43.723 −115.153
Eightmile Creek 44.251 −115.400 44.118 −115.413
Elk Creek 43.751 −115.307 43.678 −115.265
Emma Creek 43.791 −114.835 43.735 −114.906
Feather River 43.678 −115.265 43.687 −115.286
Flytrip Creek 43.928 −115.019 43.939 −114.974
French Creek 43.741 −115.627 43.741 −115.638
Garney Creek 44.091 −115.609 44.094 −115.611
Gates Creek 44.348 −115.328 44.292 −115.306
Goat Creek 43.729 −115.007 43.715 −114.980
Goat Creek 44.393 −115.680 44.398 −115.619
Grouse Creek 43.731 −115.079 43.710 −115.077
Grouse Creek 44.835 −116.708 44.826 −116.657
Habit Creek 44.349 −115.713 44.330 −115.673
Hornet Creek 44.797 −116.733 44.838 −116.635
Horseshoe Creek 44.062 −115.317 44.053 −115.317
Hungarian Creek 43.818 −115.539 43.841 −115.603
Johnson Creek 43.844 −114.971 43.774 −114.929
Johnson Creek 43.947 −115.130 43.940 −115.285
Lightning Creek 44.233 −115.766 44.193 −115.937
Little Bear Creek 43.746 −114.975 43.779 −114.936
Little Queens River 43.930 −115.144 43.843 −115.185
Little Rattlesnake Creek 43.589 −115.700 43.617 −115.607
Little Silver Creek 44.001 −115.326 43.997 −115.289
Little Smoky Creek 43.585 −114.680 43.608 −114.872
Little Weiser River 44.637 −116.175 44.506 −116.308
Lodgepole Creek 43.888 −115.295 43.930 −115.315
Loggy Creek 43.763 −114.788 43.800 −114.790
Long Creek 44.153 −115.533 44.129 −115.579
Long Fork Silver Creek 44.411 −115.680 44.382 −115.761
Louise Creek 43.964 −115.392 43.968 −115.425
Mattingly Creek 43.853 −115.036 43.846 −115.049
McLeod Creek 44.022 −115.163 44.057 −115.208
McPhearson Creek 44.038 −115.159 44.066 −115.199
Meadow Creek 43.764 −115.617 43.765 −115.622
Middle Fork Boise River 43.946 −115.033 43.713 −115.636
Middle Fork Payette River 44.551 −115.765 44.103 −116.000
Middle Fork Roaring River 43.624 −115.466 43.688 −115.452
Middle Fork Warm Springs Creek 44.351 −115.565 44.326 −115.599
No Man Creek 44.247 −115.591 44.247 −115.630
North Creek 44.818 −116.721 44.814 −116.693
North Fork Baron Creek 44.145 −115.078 44.131 −115.102
North Fork Big Smoky Creek 43.723 −114.789 43.748 −114.802
North Fork Boise River 44.094 −115.225 43.713 −115.636
North Fork Canyon Creek 44.260 −115.199 44.250 −115.215
North Fork Deer Creek 44.452 −115.545 44.408 −115.554
North Fork Gold Fork River 44.756 −115.801 44.674 −115.897
North Fork Ross Fork 43.852 −114.976 43.796 −114.989
North Fork Whitehawk Creek 44.291 −115.539 44.277 −115.585
Olive Creek 44.787 −116.694 44.836 −116.628
Onion Creek 44.234 −115.776 44.214 −115.825
Oxtail Creek 44.439 −115.639 44.459 −115.668
Packsaddle Creek 44.223 −115.698 44.224 −115.744
Parks Creek 43.629 −115.337 43.582 −115.342
Peace Creek 44.356 −115.734 44.341 −115.792
Pikes Fork 44.048 −115.441 43.971 −115.562
Placer Creek 44.806 −116.738 44.808 −116.680
Poison Creek 44.491 −116.163 44.478 −116.186
Pole Creek 44.494 −116.203 44.471 −116.219
Queens River 43.959 −115.119 43.821 −115.208
Rabbit Creek 43.797 −115.613 43.821 −115.690
Rainbow Creek 43.630 −115.341 43.630 −115.361
Rattlesnake Creek 43.622 −115.526 43.561 −115.740
Renwick Creek 44.397 −116.140 44.367 −116.196
Right Creek 43.855 −115.187 43.867 −115.194
Roaring River 43.647 −115.480 43.790 −115.440
Rock Creek 43.894 −115.045 43.939 −115.081
Rockey Creek 43.969 −115.424 44.011 −115.397
Ross Fork 43.796 −114.989 43.774 −114.929
Royal Gorge 43.751 −114.725 43.750 −114.723
Russel Gulch 43.577 −115.559 43.591 −115.596
Salt Creek 43.607 −114.872 43.539 −114.860
Sawmill Creek 43.709 −115.095 43.761 −115.121
Scenic Creek 43.901 −115.145 43.921 −115.179
Scotch Creek 43.687 −115.438 43.690 −115.432
Scott Creek 43.891 −115.153 43.883 −115.181
Scott Creek 44.191 −115.762 44.223 −115.648
Second Fork Squaw Creek 44.404 −116.192 44.367 −116.196
Sheep Creek 43.617 −115.511 43.697 −115.662
Sheep Creek 44.504 −116.175 44.542 −116.222
Silver Creek 44.408 −115.750 44.304 −115.865
Sixteen-to-one Creek 44.467 −115.755 44.470 −115.718
Skeleton Creek 43.694 −114.987 43.589 −115.022
Smith Creek 44.200 −115.758 44.214 −115.710
Smokey Dome Canyon 43.503 −114.938 43.547 −114.956
Snowslide Creek 43.738 −114.830 43.723 −114.789
South Fork Beaver Creek 44.297 −115.733 44.295 −115.686
South Fork Boise River 43.358 −115.449 43.481 −115.307
South Fork Boise River 43.335 −115.537 43.550 −115.722
South Fork Canyon Creek 44.226 −115.192 44.210 −115.170
South Fork Clear Creek 44.183 −115.484 44.232 −115.440
South Fork Cub Creek 43.968 −115.356 43.977 −115.389
South Fork Gold Fork River 44.653 −115.840 44.674 −115.897
South Fork Payette River 43.999 −115.040 44.103 −116.000
South Fork Ross Fork 43.735 −115.022 43.796 −114.989
South Fork Scott Creek 44.187 −115.703 44.222 −115.661
Squaw Creek 44.436 −116.153 44.437 −116.279
Stratton Creek 44.446 −115.631 44.470 −115.587
Tenmile Creek 44.086 −115.237 44.119 −115.386
Third Fork Squaw Creek 44.453 −116.157 44.424 −116.211
Trail Creek 44.164 −115.093 44.158 −115.084
Trail Creek 43.912 −115.407 43.871 −115.409
Trail Creek 44.239 −115.759 44.279 −115.667
Trail Creek-Yuba 43.707 −115.118 43.763 −115.146
Trinity Creek 43.600 −115.270 43.630 −115.341
Tripod Creek 43.896 −115.155 43.895 −115.189
Ucon Creek 44.379 −115.721 44.371 −115.767
Unnamed 43.867 −115.194 43.877 −115.194
Unnamed 43.781 −115.252 43.766 −115.273
Unnamed 43.861 −115.271 43.872 −115.295
Unnamed 43.751 −115.361 43.722 −115.368
Unnamed 43.987 −115.418 44.005 −115.416
Unnamed 44.201 −115.717 44.182 −115.721
Unnamed 43.625 −115.556 43.628 −115.556
Unnamed 43.664 −115.527 43.657 −115.526
Unnamed 43.657 −115.526 43.653 −115.528
Unnamed 44.026 −115.275 44.035 −115.272
Unnamed 44.029 −115.368 44.026 −115.365
Unnamed - Off Olive Creek 44.801 −116.661 44.787 −116.666
Unnamed - Off Beaver Creek 44.336 −115.718 44.318 −115.687
Unnamed - Off Black Warrior Creek 43.896 −115.263 43.878 −115.245
Unnamed - Off East Fork Warm Springs Creek 44.324 −115.564 44.312 −115.578
Unnamed - Off Long Creek 44.136 −115.535 44.148 −115.547
Unnamed - Off Middle Fork Warm Springs Creek 44.324 −115.541 44.332 −115.580
Unnamed - Off North Fork Canyon Creek 44.241 −115.166 44.260 −115.199
Unnamed - Off South Fork Beaver Creek 44.283 −115.722 44.294 −115.687
Unnamed 1 - Off Deer Creek 44.425 −115.587 44.407 −115.586
Unnamed 1 - Off Middle Fork Payette River 44.552 −115.835 44.524 −115.775
Unnamed 1 - Off Olive Creek 44.812 −116.644 44.791 −116.649
Unnamed 1 - Off Third Fork Squaw Creek 44.420 −116.148 44.424 −116.211
Unnamed 1- Off Emma Creek 43.772 −114.884 43.759 −114.872
Unnamed 2 - Off Deer Creek 44.388 −115.554 44.401 −115.560
Unnamed 2 - Off Eightmile Creek 44.198 −115.419 44.174 −115.398
Unnamed 2 - Off Of Unnamed 1 Off Of Third Fork Squaw Creek 44.421 −116.172 44.415 −116.191
Unnamed 3 - Off Deer Creek 44.422 −115.534 44.407 −115.542
Unnamed 3 - Off Middle Fork Payette River 44.540 −115.739 44.539 −115.771
Unnamed 3 - Off Of Unnamed 1 Off Of Third Fork Squaw Creek 44.426 −116.161 44.416 −116.202
Unnamed 3 - Off Third Fork Squaw Creek 44.433 −116.168 44.434 −116.204
Unnamed 4 - Off Squaw Creek 44.455 −116.200 44.470 −116.220
Unnamed 5 - Off Squaw Creek 44.460 −116.166 44.479 −116.194
Unnamed 6 - Off Unamed 5 Off Of Squaw Creek 44.456 −116.175 44.476 −116.191
Unnamed Trib 3 - Off North Fork Gold Fork River 44.747 −115.812 44.708 −115.817
Unnamed Trib 4 - Off North Fork Gold Fork River 44.679 −115.812 44.706 −115.820
Valley Creek 44.280 −115.743 44.333 −115.777
Vienna Creek 43.802 −114.906 43.802 −114.910
Wagontown Creek 43.565 −115.277 43.607 −115.324
Wapiti Creek 44.117 −115.202 44.094 −115.186
Warm Spring Creek 44.292 −115.306 44.144 −115.304
Warm Springs Creek 44.367 −115.580 44.279 −115.631
West Fork Big Peak Creek 43.628 −114.730 43.646 −114.719
West Fork Big Smoky Creek 43.788 −114.821 43.744 −114.727
West Fork Creek 44.048 −115.247 44.055 −115.210
West Fork Skeleton Creek 43.672 −115.027 43.651 −114.974
West Parks Creek 43.623 −115.341 43.612 −115.366
West Warrior Creek 43.882 −115.298 43.840 −115.257
Whitehawk Creek 44.261 −115.556 44.235 −115.524
Wild Buck Creek 44.389 −115.650 44.342 −115.658
Willow Creek 43.725 −115.023 43.605 −115.144
Willow Creek 43.959 −115.531 43.944 −115.484
Wilson Creek 44.366 −115.565 44.292 −115.641
Yuba River 43.707 −115.202 43.803 −115.160

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 26, Southwest Idaho Basins - East Half follows:

(34) Unit 26: Southwest Idaho Basins - West Half

(i) The entire Southwest Idaho Basins unit consists of 2,150 km (1,335.9 mi) of streams and 4,310.5 ha (10,651.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in southwestern Idaho.

(ii) See paragraph (e)(33)(ii) of this entry for a list of individual waterbodies in this unit.

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 26, Southwest Idaho Basins - West Half follows:

(35) Unit 27: Salmon River - East Half

(i) The entire Salmon River unit consists of 7,376.5 km (4,583.5 mi) of streams and 1,683.8 ha (4,160.6 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in central Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
(Mill Creek (Tributary to Big Creek) 44.467 −113.685 44.507 −113.619
Airplane Lake 45.156 −114.599
Alpine Creek 45.032 −114.655 45.080 −114.619
Alpine Creek 43.930 −114.970 43.896 −114.907
Alpine Creek Lake #5 45.078 −114.617
Alturas Lake 43.914 −114.861
Alturas Lake Creek 43.893 −114.919 44.004 −114.837
Arctic Creek 45.498 −114.998 45.479 −115.031
Arnett Creek 45.265 −114.201 45.205 −114.134
Arrastra Creek 44.841 −114.351 44.868 −114.426
Back Creek 44.511 −115.707 44.512 −115.739
Baldwin Creek 44.500 −115.106 44.541 −115.068
Banner Creek 44.291 −115.188 44.356 −115.209
Bargamin Creek 45.770 −114.935 45.567 −115.192
Basin Creek 44.368 −114.943 44.263 −114.818
Basin Creek 45.657 −114.960 45.674 −114.991
Bayhorse Creek 44.378 −114.257 44.411 −114.402
Beagle Creek 44.996 −114.480 44.991 −114.462
Bear Creek 44.597 −114.463 44.569 −114.362
Bear Creek 44.834 −115.514 44.826 −115.483
Bear Creek 45.106 −115.618 45.117 −115.638
Bear Creek 44.606 −115.601 44.623 −115.691
Bear Creek-Loon 44.735 −114.862 44.742 −114.818
Bear Creek-Marsh 44.490 −115.099 44.439 −115.101
Bear Valley Creek 44.804 −113.867 44.772 −113.708
Bear Valley Creek 44.236 −115.500 44.449 −115.231
Bearskin Creek 44.330 −115.529 44.415 −115.467
Beaver Creek 45.272 −114.186 45.274 −114.335
Beaver Creek 43.836 −114.907 43.925 −114.810
Beaver Creek 44.472 −114.954 44.406 −115.171
Beaver Creek 45.242 −115.315 45.250 −115.340
Belvidere Creek 45.041 −115.387 45.069 −115.365
Bernard Creek 44.975 −114.735 44.982 −114.760
Big Bear Creek 45.472 −114.963 45.457 −115.093
Big Boulder Creek 44.113 −114.551 44.118 −114.429
Big Buck Creek 45.252 −115.540 45.263 −115.586
Big Chief Creek 44.817 −115.369 44.838 −115.298
Big Cottonwood Creek 44.879 −115.207 44.912 −115.083
Big Creek 44.442 −113.601 44.495 −113.819
Big Creek 45.060 −115.452 45.094 −114.733
Big Creek Marsh 45.091 −115.333
Big Eightmile Creek 44.560 −113.563 44.739 −113.460
Big Flat Creek 45.227 −115.545 45.235 −115.590
Big Harrington Creek 45.518 −114.824 45.473 −114.964
Big Mallard Creek 45.537 −115.270 45.544 −115.280
Big Ramey Creek 45.279 −115.244 45.177 −115.160
Big Timber Creek 44.509 −113.539 44.699 −113.375
Birdseye Creek 44.938 −114.457 44.927 −114.385
Blackeagle Creek 44.992 −114.568 45.006 −114.547
Blackmare Creek 44.809 −115.796 44.822 −115.704
Blue Fork Silver Creek 44.854 −114.359 44.883 −114.355
Blue Lake Creek 45.132 −115.781 45.133 −115.717
Bohannon Creek 45.229 −113.668 45.112 −113.747
Boulder Creek 45.277 −115.341 45.242 −115.315
Boulder Creek 45.129 −116.476 45.204 −116.311
Bowery Creek 44.011 −114.390 44.032 −114.461
Bray Creek 44.675 −113.814 44.706 −113.769
Browning Creek 44.759 −115.364 44.738 −115.407
Bruin Creek 45.517 −115.076 45.492 −115.113
Brush Creek 44.965 −114.860 44.955 −114.734
Buck Creek 44.929 −115.003 44.896 −115.065
Buck Creek 44.751 −115.480 44.792 −115.519
Buckhorn Creek 44.853 −115.887 44.922 −115.737
Bum Creek 45.036 −115.287 44.995 −115.319
Burgdorf Creek 45.268 −115.911 45.255 −115.963
Burn Creek 45.500 −116.105 45.505 −116.125
Burnt Creek 44.149 −113.633 44.284 −113.653
Burntlog Creek 44.718 −115.420 44.803 −115.519
Cabin Creek 44.419 −114.902 44.397 −114.828
Cabin Creek 43.929 −114.880 43.928 −114.843
Cabin Creek 45.195 −114.838 45.126 −114.936
Cabin Creek 44.703 −115.648 44.666 −115.686
Cabin Creek-Loon 44.760 −114.693 44.691 −114.754
Cache Creek 45.636 −115.118 45.691 −115.181
Cache Creek 44.262 −115.403 44.346 −115.420
Cache Creek-Loon 44.776 −114.688 44.801 −114.806
California Creek 45.341 −115.851 45.448 −115.760
Camas Creek 44.708 −114.388 44.892 −114.723
Camp Creek 45.222 −114.115 45.279 −114.159
Camp Creek 44.945 −114.595 44.955 −114.611
Camp Creek 45.643 −114.961 45.657 −115.001
Camp Creek 44.985 −115.414 44.990 −115.444
Camp Creek 44.607 −115.680 44.605 −115.634
Camp Creek 44.898 −115.717 44.891 −115.618
Cane Creek 44.978 −115.262 44.953 −115.292
Canyon Creek 44.575 −114.914 44.568 −114.847
Cape Horn Creek 44.333 −115.288 44.395 −115.169
Carlson Creek 45.345 −115.517 45.339 −115.560
Casner Creek 44.281 −115.452 44.295 −115.485
Castle Creek 44.826 −114.313 44.801 −114.472
Cat Creek 44.619 −114.653 44.652 −114.628
Cave-Big Creek 45.240 −114.847 45.132 −114.956
Cayuse Creek 45.500 −114.603 45.474 −114.569
Challis Creek 44.552 −114.512 44.570 −114.187
Chamberlain Creek 45.336 −115.330 45.454 −114.933
Champion Creek 44.026 −114.839 43.988 −114.691
Chicken Creek 45.287 −115.474 45.319 −115.412
Chip Creek 44.443 −115.359 44.429 −115.341
Cinnabar Creek 44.912 −115.267 44.952 −115.294
Clear Creek 45.146 −114.579 45.295 −114.352
Cliff Creek 44.790 −115.697 44.769 −115.744
Club Creek 45.291 −115.037 45.266 −115.084
Cold Creek 45.488 −115.071 45.465 −115.077
Cold Creek 44.371 −115.318 44.425 −115.311
Cold Spring Creek-Loon 44.682 −114.841 44.718 −114.799
Colson Creek 45.299 −114.532 45.379 −114.552
Cook Creek 44.373 −115.445 44.408 −115.378
Cooper Creek 44.675 −113.703 44.726 −113.726
Corn Creek 45.368 −114.685 45.385 −114.559
Corral Creek 45.545 −114.111 45.498 −114.147
Corral Creek 44.876 −114.220 44.779 −114.248
Cottonwood Creek 44.623 −114.761 44.593 −114.680
Cougar Creek 44.810 −115.805 44.889 −115.717
Crooked Creek 45.195 −115.032 45.163 −115.129
Crooked Creek 45.612 −115.439 45.434 −115.667
Cub Creek 44.319 −115.518 44.324 −115.474
Cultus Creek 44.781 −115.211 44.813 −115.176
Curtis Creek 44.562 −115.760 44.652 −115.704
Dagger Creek 44.456 −115.374 44.523 −115.282
Dahlonega Creek 45.524 −113.836 45.541 −113.929
Dairy Creek 44.620 −113.594 44.637 −113.553
Deadhorse Creek 45.574 −116.145 45.613 −116.067
Deadwood Creek 44.349 −114.836 44.376 −114.777
Deep Creek 45.018 −114.098 45.126 −114.216
Deep Creek 45.051 −115.754 45.071 −115.743
Deer Creek 44.776 −113.810 44.793 −113.778
Deer Creek 44.571 −114.907 44.548 −114.855
Deer Creek 45.382 −115.092 45.453 −115.130
Devils Toe Creek 45.436 −114.893 45.419 −114.935
Dillinger Creek 45.530 −115.108 45.480 −115.215
Disappointment Creek 45.422 −114.880 45.300 −114.945
Dismal Creek 45.351 −114.950 45.306 −114.958
Ditch Creek 45.506 −114.004 45.597 −114.041
Dog Creek 45.380 −115.151 45.448 −115.163
Dollar Creek 44.722 −115.696 44.759 −115.752
Duffield Creek 44.570 −114.931 44.551 −115.008
Dump Creek 45.329 −114.041 45.318 −114.039
Dutch Creek 44.799 −115.520 44.798 −115.523
Dynamite Creek 44.871 −115.208 44.876 −115.058
East Basin Creek 44.343 −114.791 44.277 −114.850
East Fork Big Ramey Creek 45.245 −115.137 45.214 −115.188
East Fork Burntlog Creek 44.730 −115.427 44.737 −115.502
East Fork Cache Creek 44.306 −115.390 44.314 −115.424
East Fork Elk Creek 44.481 −115.360 44.485 −115.453
East Fork Fall Creek 45.360 −115.964 45.415 −115.976
East Fork Hayden Creek 44.664 −113.684 44.760 −113.712
East Fork Herd Creek 43.984 −114.204 44.058 −114.234
East Fork John Day Creek 45.577 −116.154 45.573 −116.230
East Fork Mayfield Creek 44.480 −114.714 44.539 −114.798
East Fork Morgan Creek 44.670 −113.829 44.675 −113.900
East Fork Owl Creek 45.340 −114.463 45.345 −114.458
East Fork Pahsimeroi River 44.081 −113.721 44.157 −113.704
East Fork Salmon River 43.929 −114.555 44.268 −114.327
East Fork South Fork Salmon River 44.886 −115.257 45.015 −115.714
East Fork Thomas Creek 44.668 −115.043 44.705 −115.028
East Fork Valley Creek 44.327 −114.988 44.357 −115.049
East Fork Whimstick Creek 45.300 −115.029 45.288 −114.962
East Pass Creek 44.050 −114.277 44.076 −114.244
Eightmile Creek 44.471 −114.716 44.426 −114.620
Elevenmile Creek 44.436 −114.545 44.467 −114.579
Elk Creek 44.196 −115.134 44.293 −115.024
Elk Creek 44.485 −115.453 44.410 −115.373
Elk Creek 45.157 −115.432 45.156 −115.585
Elkhorn Creek 44.582 −115.370 44.615 −115.257
Elkhorn Creek 45.270 −116.122 45.404 −116.095
Enos Creek 45.148 −115.795 45.102 −115.851
Fall Creek 45.331 −115.996 45.432 −115.984
Falls Creek 44.611 −113.685 44.565 −113.879
Falls Creek 44.881 −115.508 44.885 −115.536
Fernan Creek 45.238 −115.813 45.235 −115.850
Fir Creek 44.618 −114.671 44.655 −114.698
Fir Creek 44.344 −115.299 44.428 −115.291
Fish Creek 45.352 −115.304 45.384 −115.335
Fishhook Creek 44.133 −114.982 44.143 −114.920
Fitsum Creek 45.000 −115.763 44.999 −115.723
Fivemile Creek 44.355 −114.616 44.405 −114.655
Fivemile Creek 45.412 −115.470 45.392 −115.456
Flat Creek 45.302 −115.880 45.271 −115.837
Float Creek 44.523 −115.179 44.571 −115.072
Flossie Creek 45.372 −115.207 45.389 −115.295
Fly Creek 44.670 −114.551 44.705 −114.497
Forty-Five Creek 44.665 −115.309 44.718 −115.233
Fourmile Creek 44.798 −115.622 44.857 −115.696
Fourth of July Creek 45.427 −113.774 45.364 −113.944
Fourth of July Creek 44.986 −114.347 44.991 −114.414
Fourth of July Creek 44.044 −114.621 44.032 −114.837
French Creek 45.370 −116.042 45.425 −116.031
Fritser Creek 45.091 −115.627 45.103 −115.684
Furnace Creek 44.789 −114.344 44.766 −114.487
Game Creek 45.404 −115.275 45.398 −115.193
Garden Creek 45.314 −114.404 45.239 −114.517
Germania Creek 43.968 −114.704 44.039 −114.462
Goat Creek 44.179 −115.009 44.219 −114.942
Goodman Creek 45.636 −114.965 45.647 −115.017
Granite Fork Lake Fork Rapid River 45.151 −116.553 45.187 −116.518
Green Creek 45.739 −115.023 45.771 −115.033
Greyhound Creek 44.588 −115.155 44.648 −115.168
Grimmet Creek 45.156 −115.800 45.184 −115.782
Grouse Creek 45.226 −115.545 45.186 −115.482
Grouse Creek 45.317 −115.817 45.265 −115.831
Guard Creek 45.308 −115.659 45.293 −115.696
Half Moon Creek 44.557 −115.412 44.558 −115.410
Hand Creek 45.287 −115.246 45.228 −115.301
Hanson Creek 44.869 −115.508 44.865 −115.475
Hard Creek 45.125 −116.240 45.183 −116.284
Hartan Creek 45.519 −115.258 45.477 −115.229
Hayden Creek 44.722 −113.820 44.869 −113.627
Hazard Creek 45.201 −116.255 45.184 −116.301
Hell Roaring Creek 44.023 −114.842 44.027 −114.929
Hell Roaring Lake 44.024 −114.935
Herd Creek 44.058 −114.234 44.154 −114.301
Hida Creek 45.556 −115.167 45.515 −115.204
Holdover Creek 44.845 −115.698 44.840 −115.726
Honeymoon Creek 44.553 −115.414 44.560 −115.411
Hoodoo Creek 45.060 −114.553 44.953 −114.582
Horse Creek 45.475 −114.402 45.395 −114.733
Hot Springs Creek 45.729 −115.032 45.721 −114.977
Hot Springs Creek 45.511 −115.042 45.468 −115.131
Hotzel Creek 45.373 −115.188 45.349 −115.204
Hughes Creek 45.582 −114.121 45.476 −113.989
Hull Creek 45.468 −113.993 45.491 −114.094
Hungry Creek 45.392 −114.916 45.352 −114.870
Ibex Creek 43.908 −114.493 43.953 −114.526
Indian Creek 45.552 −114.145 45.400 −114.168
Indian Creek 44.799 −115.390 44.770 −115.090
Indian Creek 44.970 −115.732 44.958 −115.691
Indian Creek-Loon 44.672 −114.840 44.692 −114.755
Inyo Creek 44.532 −113.628 44.535 −113.684
Iron Creek 44.189 −115.047 44.223 −114.948
J Fell Creek 44.614 −114.462 44.684 −114.459
Jack Creek 44.678 −114.836 44.696 −114.761
Jeanette Creek 45.276 −115.919 45.294 −115.899
Jefferson Creek 45.220 −114.120 45.242 −114.149
Job Creek 44.243 −115.003 44.243 −115.002
John Day Creek 45.521 −116.196 45.586 −116.296
Johnson Creek 44.632 −115.526 44.962 −115.502
Jordan Creek 44.469 −114.771 44.379 −114.721
Josephine Creek 45.225 −115.971 45.224 −115.930
Jungle Creek 45.147 −115.799 45.108 −115.826
Kadletz Creek 44.740 −113.820 44.775 −113.743
Kenney Creek 45.110 −113.514 45.032 −113.663
Kinnikinic Creek 44.258 −114.402 44.260 −114.403
Knapp Creek 44.424 −114.916 44.365 −115.132
Knee Creek 44.676 −115.662 44.695 −115.624
Krassel Creek 44.979 −115.727 44.987 −115.704
Lake Creek 44.985 −114.081 45.017 −113.989
Lake Creek 44.981 −114.646 44.947 −114.592
Lake Creek 44.720 −115.142 44.714 −115.097
Lake Creek 44.643 −115.181 44.662 −115.231
Lake Creek 45.616 −115.687 45.514 −115.575
Lake Creek 45.374 −115.899 45.372 −115.895
Lake Creek 45.294 −116.220 45.400 −116.213
Lake Creek Lake 45.373 −115.897
Lake Fork Rapid River 45.190 −116.558 45.187 −116.483
Landmark Creek 44.657 −115.543 44.626 −115.583
Lee Creek 44.740 −113.482 44.659 −113.616
Lemhi River 44.682 −113.355 45.188 −113.890
Liberty Creek 44.783 −114.618 44.759 −114.650
Lick Creek 44.775 −114.348 44.722 −114.272
Lick Creek 45.049 −115.915 45.062 −115.762
Lightning Creek 44.466 −114.788 44.388 −114.796
Little Beaver Creek 44.445 −115.528 44.409 −115.492
Little Boulder Creek 44.065 −114.543 44.099 −114.443
Little Buck Creek 45.252 −115.551 45.247 −115.588
Little Cottonwood Creek 44.942 −115.020 44.907 −115.074
Little Creek 44.695 −114.981 44.724 −114.998
Little Deep Creek 45.001 −114.163 45.108 −114.180
Little East Fork Elk Creek 44.480 −115.398 44.464 −115.446
Little Eightmile Creek 44.823 −113.366 44.739 −113.460
Little Horse Creek 45.440 −114.585 45.477 −114.450
Little Indian Creek 44.871 −115.219 44.841 −115.257
Little Indian Creek 44.967 −115.727 44.951 −115.702
Little Jacket Creek 44.926 −114.479 44.953 −114.566
Little Lodgepole Creek 45.351 −115.155 45.328 −115.218
Little Loon Creek 44.615 −114.964 44.731 −114.941
Little Mallard Creek 45.530 −115.306 45.529 −115.304
Little Pistol Creek 44.721 −115.405 44.721 −115.204
Little Redfish Lake 44.161 −114.909
Little Salmon River 45.181 −116.302 45.417 −116.314
Little Slate Creek 45.620 −116.067 45.463 −116.122
Little Timber Creek 44.605 −113.445 44.642 −113.384
Livingston Creek 44.144 −114.609 44.194 −114.604
Lodgepole Creek 44.554 −114.475 44.540 −114.409
Lodgepole Creek 45.372 −115.126 45.305 −115.255
Lodgepole Creek 44.576 −115.611 44.593 −115.687
Logan Creek 45.072 −115.456 45.118 −115.320
Lola Creek 44.391 −115.240 44.408 −115.175
Long Tom Creek 43.978 −114.402 44.027 −114.430
Loon Creek 44.444 −114.941 44.553 −114.850
Loon Creek 45.167 −115.837 45.170 −115.809
Loon Lake 45.163 −115.840
Lucky Creek 44.625 −115.277 44.664 −115.299
Luger Creek 44.618 −115.396 44.686 −115.358
Magpie Creek 45.548 −115.153 45.506 −115.201
Mahogany Creek 44.159 −113.768 44.208 −113.702
Marble Creek 44.983 −115.080 44.743 −115.017
Marsh Creek 44.329 −115.092 44.449 −115.231
Martin Creek 44.426 −114.564 44.387 −114.495
Martin Creek 44.117 −114.798 44.137 −114.725
Martindale Creek 44.813 −114.545 44.825 −114.577
Mayfield Creek 44.552 −114.850 44.539 −114.798
Mayflower Creek 45.259 −115.602 45.248 −115.654
McCalla Creek 45.255 −115.128 45.414 −114.982
McConn Creek 45.527 −114.243 45.504 −114.153
McHoney Creek 44.638 −114.610 44.670 −114.555
McKay Creek 44.475 −114.492 44.489 −114.551
McKee Creek 44.567 −114.672 44.577 −114.649
Meadow Creek 44.990 −114.487 44.977 −114.471
Meadow Creek 44.863 −115.373 44.902 −115.328
Meadow Creek - mouth to Trap 44.316 −115.089 44.306 −115.053
Meridian Creek 43.988 −114.257 44.011 −114.252
Middle Fork Elkhorn Creek 44.628 −115.369 44.620 −115.291
Middle Fork Indian Creek 44.856 −115.104 44.796 −115.133
Middle Fork Salmon River 44.449 −115.231 45.296 −114.594
Middle Fork Smith Creek 45.157 −115.413 45.170 −115.381
Mill Creek 44.656 −113.657 44.766 −113.519
Mill Creek 44.470 −114.492 44.561 −114.275
Mill Creek 45.356 −115.520 45.331 −115.581
Mink Creek 44.865 −114.298 44.842 −114.331
Missouri Creek 45.028 −115.352 45.007 −115.395
Moccasin Creek 45.088 −114.090 45.153 −114.172
Monumental Creek 44.903 −115.263 45.160 −115.130
Moose Creek 45.691 −113.945 45.654 −113.971
Moose Creek 45.318 −114.039 45.328 −114.042
Moose Creek 45.283 −115.293 45.356 −115.250
Moose Creek 44.853 −115.510 44.838 −115.484
Moose Jaw Creek 45.312 −115.118 45.278 −115.172
Morgan Creek 44.675 −113.900 44.618 −113.964
Morgan Creek 44.846 −114.262 44.612 −114.169
Mormon Creek 44.499 −115.655 44.524 −115.696
Morse Creek 44.653 −113.709 44.569 −113.886
Moyer Creek 45.024 −114.312 44.900 −114.223
Musgrove Creek 45.096 −114.471 45.022 −114.313
My Creek 45.357 −115.004 45.338 −114.982
Mystery Creek 44.519 −114.775 44.490 −114.793
Napias Creek 45.244 −114.024 45.137 −114.218
Nasty Creek 44.877 −115.697 44.879 −115.630
Nelson Creek 44.499 −114.805 44.540 −114.804
Nethker Creek 45.249 −115.972 45.265 −115.906
Nick Creek 44.927 −115.795 44.926 −115.855
Ninemile Creek 44.414 −114.583 44.445 −114.605
No Name Creek 45.361 −115.225 45.322 −115.234
North Fork Bear Creek 44.826 −115.483 44.824 −115.437
North Fork Big Creek 44.552 −113.593 44.442 −113.601
North Fork Bowery Creek 44.049 −114.366 44.032 −114.401
North Fork Buckhorn Creek 44.928 −115.775 44.941 −115.868
North Fork Camp Creek 44.888 −115.691 44.924 −115.629
North Fork Dollar Creek 44.715 −115.707 44.718 −115.710
North Fork Elk Creek 44.527 −115.459 44.485 −115.453
North Fork Elkhorn Creek 44.638 −115.363 44.625 −115.277
North Fork Fitsum Creek 44.985 −115.884 44.999 −115.760
North Fork Lick Creek 45.072 −115.784 45.075 −115.885
North Fork Little Timber Creek 44.605 −113.445 44.583 −113.513
North Fork Morgan Creek 44.710 −113.830 44.675 −113.900
North Fork Riordan Creek 44.867 −115.447 44.862 −115.389
North Fork Salmon River 45.702 −113.990 45.405 −113.994
North Fork Sand Creek 44.642 −115.497 44.656 −115.451
North Fork Sheep Creek 45.483 −113.774 45.482 −113.837
North Fork Sheep Creek 44.648 −114.964 44.649 −115.018
North Fork Sheep Creek 45.039 −115.584 45.059 −115.557
North Fork Six-bit Creek 44.670 −115.763 44.711 −115.782
North Fork Smith Creek 45.188 −115.346 45.197 −115.352
North Fork Sulphur Creek 44.597 −115.466 44.554 −115.440
North Fork Wolf Fang Creek 45.216 −115.444 45.212 −115.393
Norton Creek 44.890 −114.902 44.827 −114.794
Oompaul Creek 45.034 −115.736 45.054 −115.717
Opal Creek 44.898 −114.278 44.896 −114.315
Opal Lake 44.899 −114.281
Otter Creek 44.869 −114.249 44.860 −114.291
Our Creek 45.364 −115.000 45.354 −114.976
Owl Creek 45.474 −114.383 45.318 −114.448
Pahsimeroi River 44.157 −113.704 44.692 −114.049
Panther Creek 44.829 −114.295 45.316 −114.406
Papoose Creek 45.174 −114.721 45.273 −114.821
Papoose Creek 44.796 −115.278 44.837 −115.246
Paradise Creek 45.121 −115.765 45.123 −115.727
Park Creek 44.734 −115.551 44.724 −115.593
Parker Creek 44.622 −114.597 44.608 −114.540
Parks Creek 44.955 −115.536 44.970 −115.531
Partridge Creek 45.287 −116.218 45.408 −116.127
Patterson Creek 44.635 −113.653 44.614 −113.966
Peanut Creek 44.688 −115.486 44.663 −115.454
Pepper Creek 44.949 −115.351 44.916 −115.384
Perkins Lake 43.929 −114.841
Pete Creek 45.298 −115.926 45.285 −115.979
Petit Lake 43.980 −114.879
Pettit Lake Creek 43.976 −114.902 43.988 −114.841
Phelan Creek 45.146 −114.042 45.167 −114.161
Pierce Creek 45.670 −113.933 45.621 −113.964
Pigtail Creek 44.122 −114.736 44.129 −114.727
Pine Creek 45.282 −114.168 45.364 −114.300
Pioneer Creek - Loon 44.521 −114.865 44.441 −114.895
Pistol Creek 44.644 −115.443 44.724 −115.150
Poet Creek 45.722 −115.034 45.754 −115.073
Poker Creek 44.445 −115.367 44.429 −115.335
Pole Creek 43.964 −114.691 43.926 −114.810
Pole Creek 45.335 −115.160 45.308 −115.182
Pole Creek 44.361 −115.367 44.386 −115.380
Pole Creek-Camas 44.763 −114.675 44.794 −114.595
Pony Creek 45.194 −114.138 45.187 −114.059
Pony Creek 45.179 −115.704 45.187 −115.563
Porcupine Creek 44.890 −115.499 44.902 −115.538
Porphyry Creek 45.069 −114.434 45.004 −114.334
Porter Creek 44.470 −115.540 44.457 −115.451
Profile Creek 45.053 −115.417 44.957 −115.429
Prospect Creek 44.357 −114.985 44.394 −114.986
Pruvan Creek 45.498 −113.821 45.467 −113.790
Pup Creek 45.378 −115.147 45.413 −115.139
Quartz Creek 45.048 −115.497 44.970 −115.478
Queen Creek 45.400 −115.049 45.458 −115.110
Raines Creek 45.332 −115.501 45.308 −115.591
Rams Creek 44.861 −114.453 44.871 −114.456
Ranch Creek 45.374 −115.186 45.404 −115.234
Rapid River 44.551 −115.008 44.680 −115.153
Rapid River 45.114 −116.507 45.374 −116.356
Rapps Creek 45.268 −114.172 45.213 −114.164
Rat Creek 44.566 −114.785 44.588 −114.826
Rattlesnake Creek 45.249 −115.518 45.221 −115.492
Raven Creek 45.550 −115.161 45.517 −115.195
Red Top Creek 45.362 −115.266 45.384 −115.292
Redfish Lake 44.117 −114.932
Redfish Lake Creek 44.099 −114.954 44.169 −114.899
Reeves Creek 44.686 −115.619 44.667 −115.667
Rhett Creek 45.476 −115.408 45.472 −115.394
Rice Creek 44.510 −115.645 44.575 −115.686
Richardson Creek 45.539 −115.261 45.474 −115.240
Rim Creek 45.281 −115.383 45.336 −115.330
Riordan Creek 44.808 −115.392 44.907 −115.486
Riordan Lake 44.850 −115.439
Roaring Creek 45.259 −114.646 45.241 −114.615
Rock Creek 44.639 −115.543 44.600 −115.593
Rock Creek-Loon 44.754 −114.671 44.674 −114.741
Rocky Creek 44.521 −113.434 44.535 −113.505
Rooster Creek 45.309 −115.490 45.328 −115.437
Root Creek 45.382 −114.993 45.362 −114.964
Royal Creek 45.525 −116.098 45.525 −116.134
Rubie Creek 45.546 −116.079 45.543 −116.026
Ruby Creek 45.190 −115.915 45.258 −115.879
Rush Creek 44.536 −114.652 44.578 −114.614
Rush Creek 44.933 −114.991 45.105 −114.861
Ryan Creek 45.019 −115.395 45.033 −115.380
Sabe Creek 45.681 −114.949 45.507 −115.025
Sack Creek 44.320 −115.352 44.359 −115.408
Salmon River 43.797 −114.775 45.856 −116.795
Salt Creek 44.984 −114.297 44.979 −114.223
Salt Creek 44.973 −115.325 44.949 −115.353
Sand Creek 44.632 −115.526 44.609 −115.414
Sand Creek 45.327 −115.863 45.307 −115.821
Schissler Creek 45.320 −115.780 45.328 −115.708
Seafoam Creek 44.518 −115.119 44.542 −115.065
Secesh River 45.256 −115.897 45.025 −115.707
Sharkey Creek 45.222 −114.109 45.212 −114.048
Sheep Creek 45.482 −113.837 45.504 −113.954
Sheep Creek 44.770 −114.483 44.769 −114.516
Sheep Creek 44.649 −115.018 44.647 −115.058
Sheep Creek 44.708 −115.561 44.698 −115.613
Sheep Creek 45.049 −115.637 45.049 −115.515
Sheep Creek 45.614 −115.697 45.468 −115.811
Sheep Creek-Lmf 44.915 −114.904 44.943 −114.727
Sheep Trail Creek 44.360 −115.452 44.337 −115.448
Shell Creek 44.632 −114.834 44.613 −114.789
Ship Island Creek 45.152 −114.603 45.174 −114.633
Ship Island Lake #1 45.166 −114.625
Shoban Lake 45.153 −114.602
Short Creek 44.773 −113.797 44.788 −113.768
Short Creek 44.313 −114.856 44.291 −114.872
Shovel Creek 45.034 −114.444 45.000 −114.479
Silge Creek 45.545 −115.248 45.517 −115.225
Silver Creek 44.852 −114.344 44.830 −114.502
Silver Rule Creek 44.146 −114.582 44.207 −114.597
Six-Bit Creek 44.645 −115.809 44.686 −115.707
Sixmile Creek 44.385 −114.596 44.413 −114.638
Slate Creek 44.154 −114.630 44.256 −114.564
Slate Creek 45.625 −116.055 45.626 −116.046
Slaughter Creek 45.297 −115.610 45.261 −115.673
Smith Creek 45.170 −115.381 45.152 −115.298
Smith Creek 45.241 −115.528 45.280 −115.583
Snowslide Creek 45.045 −115.282 45.098 −115.157
Soldier Creek 45.007 −114.882 45.029 −114.727
Soldier Creek 44.528 −115.202 44.626 −115.213
South Fork Bear Creek 44.826 −115.483 44.817 −115.458
South Fork Big Creek 44.385 −113.476 44.442 −113.601
South Fork Blackmare Creek 44.770 −115.804 44.809 −115.748
South Fork Buckhorn Creek 44.840 −115.824 44.890 −115.824
South Fork Camas Creek 44.730 −114.641 44.721 −114.499
South Fork Chamberlain Creek 45.336 −115.330 45.278 −115.353
South Fork Cottonwood Creek 44.563 −114.781 44.621 −114.760
South Fork Dillinger Creek 45.495 −115.156 45.455 −115.169
South Fork East Fork Salmon River 43.848 −114.567 43.929 −114.555
South Fork Elk Creek 45.136 −115.509 45.079 −115.467
South Fork Fitsum Creek 45.000 −115.763 44.970 −115.775
South Fork Fourmile Creek 44.860 −115.680 44.814 −115.665
South Fork John Day Creek 45.571 −116.229 45.555 −116.226
South Fork Moyer Creek 44.958 −114.294 44.879 −114.227
South Fork Rush Creek 44.965 −114.929 45.014 −114.979
South Fork Salmon River 44.493 −115.714 45.378 −115.513
South Fork Sheep Creek 45.449 −113.801 45.482 −113.837
South Fork Sheep Creek 44.603 −115.007 44.649 −115.018
South Fork Sheep Creek 45.036 −115.623 44.984 −115.604
South Fork Smith Creek 45.149 −115.420 45.170 −115.381
South Fork Threemile Creek 45.307 −115.929 45.315 −115.886
South Fork Warm Spring Creek 44.568 −114.543 44.578 −114.552
South Fork Whimstick Creek 45.284 −115.031 45.243 −115.045
Spider Creek 44.697 −114.484 44.676 −114.512
Springfield Creek 44.789 −115.298 44.764 −115.313
Squaw Creek 45.504 −114.258 45.399 −114.169
Squaw Creek 44.249 −114.455 44.456 −114.504
Starvation Creek 45.358 −114.934 45.323 −114.980
Station Creek 45.352 −115.521 45.355 −115.473
Stoddard Creek 45.235 −114.668 45.243 −114.687
Sugar Creek 44.936 −115.337 44.975 −115.246
Sulphur Creek 44.510 −115.519 44.555 −115.298
Sulphur Creek-Rapid 44.562 −115.162 44.586 −115.073
Summit Creek 45.172 −115.916 45.256 −115.897
Sunday Creek 44.341 −114.970 44.349 −114.906
Tamarack Creek 44.984 −115.270 44.959 −115.390
Tater Creek 44.661 −113.840 44.632 −113.903
Tenmile Creek 44.484 −114.647 44.465 −114.582
Thirty-Eight Creek 44.713 −115.413 44.673 −115.396
Thomas Creek 44.705 −115.028 44.715 −115.012
Thompson Creek 44.284 −114.523 44.284 −114.523
Threemile Creek 45.334 −115.891 45.299 −115.930
Tie Creek 45.017 −115.770 45.037 −115.762
Trail Creek 45.215 −114.234 45.250 −114.320
Trail Creek 44.976 −114.532 44.964 −114.490
Trail Creek 44.628 −115.791 44.635 −115.718
Trail Creek-Loon 44.506 −114.960 44.543 −114.859
Trail Creek-Marble 44.952 −114.935 44.841 −115.009
Trapper Creek 44.504 −114.618 44.597 −114.603
Trapper Creek 44.774 −115.405 44.831 −115.514
Tumbull Creek 45.523 −116.093 45.533 −116.136
Twelvemile Creek 44.497 −114.615 44.478 −114.565
Twin Creek 45.591 −114.082 45.608 −113.965
Twist Creek 45.633 −114.961 45.628 −114.926
Tyndall Creek 44.562 −115.749 44.580 −115.685
Unnamed 44.618 −113.964 44.670 −114.018
Unnamed 44.670 −114.018 44.667 −114.025
Unnamed 44.632 −113.903 44.618 −113.964
Unnamed 44.565 −113.881 44.562 −113.877
Unnamed 44.565 −113.881 44.569 −113.886
Unnamed - didgitized 44.766 −113.519 44.769 −113.515
Unnamed - digitized 44.562 −113.877 44.557 −113.881
Unnamed - digitized 44.565 −113.879 44.565 −113.881
Unnamed - digitized 44.667 −114.025 44.665 −114.030
Unnamed - Diversion between Geertson Creek and Kirtley Creek 45.175 −113.816 45.132 −113.770
Unnamed - North Fork Lake Creek 45.015 −114.068 45.009 −114.017
Unnamed - North Fork Mayflower Creek 45.245 −115.647 45.254 −115.635
Unnamed - Off Buck Creek 44.767 −115.485 44.761 −115.477
Unnamed - Off Burntlog Creek 44.686 −115.468 44.680 −115.455
Unnamed - Off Corral Creek 44.840 −114.199 44.804 −114.225
Unnamed - Off Deep Creek 45.080 −114.092 45.064 −114.122
Unnamed - Off Mckay Creek 44.445 −114.526 44.477 −114.526
Unnamed - Off Mormon Creek 44.509 −115.676 44.498 −115.674
Unnamed - Off Rice Creek 44.561 −115.644 44.551 −115.656
Unnamed - Off South Fork Salmon River 44.556 −115.683 44.552 −115.707
Unnamed - Off Trail Creek 44.599 −115.803 44.626 −115.746
Unnamed - Off Unnamed to Buck Creek 44.767 −115.484 44.769 −115.479
Unnamed - Off Unnamed to Burntlog Creek 44.730 −115.482 44.720 −115.463
Unnamed - to Knapp Creek 44.421 −115.036 44.433 −115.004
Unnamed 1 - Off Curtis Creek 44.586 −115.804 44.609 −115.746
Unnamed 2 - Off Curtis Creek 44.568 −115.794 44.594 −115.753
Unnamed Lake on Meadow Creek 44.890 −115.351
Unnamed to Bearskin Creek 44.374 −115.500 44.358 −115.523
Unnamed Trib 1-Off Trapper Creek 44.794 −115.462 44.800 −115.452
Unnamed Trib 2-Off Trapper Creek 44.795 −115.441 44.781 −115.427
Unnamed Trib 3- Off Trapper Creek 44.772 −115.434 44.793 −115.465
Unnamed Tributary to Pete Creek 45.281 −115.955 45.272 −115.967
Unnamed Tributary to Threemile Creek 45.323 −115.912 45.317 −115.894
Unnamed Tributary to West Fork Elk Creek 45.069 −115.483 45.095 −115.514
Valley Creek 44.377 −114.961 44.225 −114.928
Van Buren Creek 45.536 −116.169 45.532 −116.083
Van Horn Creek 44.785 −114.338 44.757 −114.257
Vanity Creek 44.481 −115.077 44.553 −115.062
Vein Creek 45.008 −115.472 45.056 −115.455
Victor Creek 45.147 −115.937 45.182 −115.822
Victor Creek 45.510 −116.101 45.515 −116.127
Vine Creek 45.638 −114.001 45.611 −113.967
Wapiti Creek 45.335 −115.022 45.309 −115.074
Wardenhoff Creek 44.822 −115.518 44.832 −115.568
Warm Lake 44.645 −115.670
Warm Lake Creek 44.653 −115.662 44.666 −115.699
Warm Spring Creek 44.609 −114.482 44.653 −114.737
Warm Springs Creek 44.059 −114.614 44.254 −114.676
Warren Creek 45.237 −115.676 45.397 −115.593
Weasel Creek 44.888 −114.273 44.887 −114.306
Webfoot Creek 45.217 −115.696 45.237 −115.676
West Fork Buckhorn Creek 44.917 −115.743 44.900 −115.858
West Fork Camas Creek 44.819 −114.655 44.831 −114.504
West Fork Chamberlain Creek 45.463 −115.185 45.383 −115.167
West Fork East Fork Salmon River 43.918 −114.656 43.929 −114.555
West Fork Elk Creek 44.480 −115.521 44.479 −115.458
West Fork Elk Creek 45.061 −115.520 45.147 −115.512
West Fork Enos Creek 45.148 −115.804 45.143 −115.837
West Fork Hayden Creek 44.697 −113.823 44.705 −113.757
West Fork Herd Creek 43.990 −114.225 44.058 −114.234
West Fork Indian Creek 45.489 −114.199 45.475 −114.139
West Fork Little Loon Creek 44.666 −114.977 44.710 −114.935
West Fork Mayfield Creek 44.539 −114.798 44.465 −114.732
West Fork Monumental Creek 45.034 −115.276 45.005 −115.140
West Fork Morgan Creek 44.734 −114.394 44.681 −114.244
West Fork North Fork Salmon River 45.667 −114.003 45.654 −113.971
West Fork Pahsimeroi River 44.092 −113.750 44.157 −113.704
West Fork Rapid River 45.230 −116.538 45.307 −116.420
West Fork Springfield Creek 44.780 −115.383 44.786 −115.321
West Fork Thomas Creek 44.682 −115.055 44.705 −115.028
West Fork Whimstick Creek 45.294 −115.031 45.291 −115.037
West Fork Yankee Fork 44.388 −114.933 44.351 −114.727
West Pass Creek 43.893 −114.419 43.988 −114.491
Whangdoodle Creek 45.150 −115.797 45.181 −115.738
Whimstick Creek 45.241 −115.054 45.378 −115.000
White Goat Creek 44.726 −114.416 44.741 −114.489
Wickiup Creek-Loon 44.598 −114.659 44.606 −114.597
Willey Creek 45.043 −115.628 45.061 −115.604
Williams Lake 45.016 −113.976
Willow Basket Creek 45.192 −115.895 45.186 −115.832
Willow Creek 44.447 −114.446 44.428 −114.490
Willow Creek 45.356 −115.858 45.331 −115.950
Wilson Creek 45.143 −114.589 45.033 −114.724
Wimpey Creek 45.098 −113.721 45.176 −113.598
Wind River 45.605 −115.918 45.455 −115.942
Winnemucca Creek 44.485 −114.963 44.436 −115.059
Woods Creek 45.535 −114.443 45.505 −114.460
Woodtick Creek 44.973 −114.192 45.046 −114.283
Woodtick Creek 44.808 −114.680 44.884 −114.626
Wright Creek 44.746 −113.836 44.783 −113.755
Wyoming Creek 44.355 −115.342 44.425 −115.321
Yankee Fork 44.510 −114.589 44.270 −114.735
Yellow Jacket Creek 45.145 −116.445 45.137 −116.413
Yellowbelly Creek 43.981 −114.928 44.000 −114.869
Yellowbelly Lake 44.001 −114.876
Yellowjacket Creek 45.103 −114.536 44.892 −114.645
Zena Creek 45.041 −115.748 45.057 −115.732

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 27, Salmon River - East Half follows:

(36) Unit 27: Salmon River - West Half

(i) The entire Salmon River unit consists of 7,376.5 km (4,583.5 mi) of streams and 1,683.8 ha (4,160.6 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in central Idaho.

(ii) See paragraph (e)(35)(ii) of this entry for a complete list of individual waterbodies in this unit.

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 27, Salmon River - West Half follows:

(37) Unit 28: Little Lost River

(i) This unit consists of 89.2 km (55.4 mi) of streams. The unit is located in eastern Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Camp Creek 44.408 −113.433 44.411 −113.418
Firebox Creek 44.434 −113.363 44.443 −113.380
Hawley Creek 44.361 −113.430 44.379 −113.404
Iron Creek 44.387 −113.435 44.390 −113.461
Iron Creek 44.389 −113.437 44.387 −113.435
Jackson Creek 44.372 −113.454 44.380 −113.413
Left Fork Iron Creek 44.384 −113.447 44.387 −113.435
Mill Creek 44.387 −113.345 44.357 −113.375
North Fork Squaw Creek 44.379 −113.330 44.356 −113.330
Redrock Creek 44.417 −113.433 44.414 −113.419
Right Fork Little Lost River 44.449 −113.370 44.446 −113.378
Sawmill Creek 44.452 −113.376 44.204 −113.299
Slide Creek 44.433 −113.442 44.432 −113.437
Smithie Fork 44.430 −113.394 44.467 −113.385
Squaw Creek 44.375 −113.306 44.375 −113.306
Timber Creek 44.394 −113.409 44.453 −113.450
Unnamed - Off Squaw Creek 44.360 −113.315 44.359 −113.326
Warm Creek 44.310 −113.302 44.306 −113.338

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 28, Little Lost River follows:

(38) Unit 29: Coeur d'Alene River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 821.5 km (510.5 mi) of streams and 12,606.9 ha (31,152.1 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northern Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Bad Bear Creek 47.045 −115.460 47.045 −115.460
Bean Creek 47.005 −115.271 46.993 −115.193
Beaver Creek 47.083 −115.356 47.064 −115.481
Big Elk Creek 47.804 −116.276 47.775 −116.374
Bluebells Creek 47.041 −115.157 47.050 −115.149
Boulder Creek 47.227 −116.020 47.149 −115.963
Buckskin Creek 47.987 −116.226 48.034 −116.200
California Creek 47.041 −115.160 47.004 −115.178
Cascade Creek (St. Joe trib) 47.044 −115.171 47.057 −115.162
Coeur d'Alene Lake 47.525 −116.794
Coeur d'Alene River 47.460 −116.799 47.557 −116.258
Cougar Creek 47.640 −116.192 47.732 −116.306
Delaney Creek 47.062 −115.998 47.059 −115.987
Dolly Creek 47.126 −115.255 47.140 −115.223
Downey Creek 47.778 −116.037 47.746 −116.075
Eagle Creek 47.644 −115.922 47.652 −115.904
East Fork Downey Creek 47.746 −116.075 47.723 −116.079
East Fork Steamboat Creek 47.716 −116.200 47.787 −116.205
Entente Creek 47.231 −115.494 47.271 −115.478
Falls Creek 47.787 −115.955 47.811 −115.878
Fly Creek 47.113 −115.386 47.081 −115.490
Freezeout Creek 47.071 −116.009 47.027 −116.036
Gold Creek 47.151 −115.409 47.224 −115.354
Heller Creek 47.061 −115.221 47.091 −115.177
Homestead Creek 47.109 −116.058 47.123 −116.038
Independence Creek 47.877 −116.209 47.862 −116.428
Little Lost Fork 47.862 −116.002 47.862 −116.046
Marble Creek 47.251 −116.022 47.021 −116.026
Medicine Creek 47.028 −115.150 47.060 −115.132
Mill Creek 46.997 −115.227 46.971 −115.214
Mosquito Creek 48.018 −116.245 48.055 −116.229
My Creek 46.971 −115.377 46.946 −115.375
North Fork Bean Creek 47.005 −115.235 47.014 −115.199
North Fork Coeur d'Alene River 47.557 −116.258 48.005 −116.322
North Grizzly Creek 47.753 −116.054 47.717 −116.061
Prichard Creek 47.658 −115.977 47.644 −115.922
Quartz Creek 47.201 −115.517 47.231 −115.494
Red Ives Creek 47.056 −115.352 47.043 −115.279
Ruby Creek 46.983 −115.368 46.961 −115.431
Sentinel Creek 47.861 −116.001 47.842 −116.032
Sherlock Creek 47.064 −115.219 47.064 −115.138
Shoshone Creek 47.703 −115.972 47.922 −115.995
Simmons Creek 47.137 −115.401 47.090 −115.232
Spruce Creek 47.982 −116.226 47.993 −116.333
St. Joe River 47.354 −116.726 47.005 −115.119
Steamboat Creek 47.662 −116.155 47.716 −116.200
Tepee Creek 47.881 −116.133 47.739 −116.300
Timber Creek 47.018 −115.369 46.991 −115.463
Tinear Creek 47.002 −115.231 46.961 −115.256
Ulm Creek 47.861 −116.001 47.886 −115.974
West Fork Downey Creek 47.746 −116.075 47.727 −116.107
West Fork Eagle Creek 47.652 −115.904 47.750 −115.804
West Fork Steamboat Creek 47.716 −116.200 47.736 −116.278
Wisdom Creek 47.009 −115.134 47.027 −115.088
Yankee Bar Creek 47.049 −115.192 47.021 −115.195
Yellow Dog Creek 47.776 −116.050 47.736 −116.114

(iii) No waterbodies are excluded from critical habitat designation in this unit.

(iv) Map of Unit 29, Coeur d'Alene River Basin follows:

(39) Unit 30: Kootenai River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 522.5 km (324.7 mi) of streams and 12,089.2 ha (29,873.0 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northern Idaho and northwestern Montana.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Ball Creek 48.787 −116.410 48.794 −116.420
Bear Creek 48.162 −115.654 48.184 −115.508
Blue Sky Creek 48.895 −114.776 48.887 −114.752
Boulder Creek 48.625 −116.052 48.613 −116.070
Bull Lake 48.247 −115.852
Callahan Creek 48.457 −115.882 48.435 −116.013
Caribou Creek 48.664 −116.400 48.659 −116.402
Clarence Creek 48.889 −114.799 48.930 −114.825
Deep Creek 48.708 −116.384 48.664 −116.400
East Fork Pipe Creek 48.616 −115.619 48.692 −115.594
Fisher River 48.069 −115.375 48.366 −115.324
Grave Creek 48.798 −114.953 48.927 −114.751
Keeler Creek 48.360 −115.852 48.335 −115.961
Kootenai River 48.617 −116.048 48.617 −116.048
Lake Creek 48.360 −115.852 48.282 −115.859
Lake Koocanusa 48.727 −115.244
Libby Creek 48.121 −115.544 48.121 −115.544
Long Canyon Creek 48.961 −116.527 48.784 −116.652
Moyie River 48.715 −116.186 48.732 −116.176
Myrtle Creek 48.739 −116.412 48.707 −116.430
North Callahan Creek 48.435 −116.013 48.506 −116.192
North Fork Keeler Creek 48.342 −115.897 48.362 −115.934
O'Brien Creek 48.448 −115.867 48.531 −115.763
Pipe Creek 48.424 −115.607 48.616 −115.619
Quartz Creek 48.438 −115.639 48.573 −115.690
Snow Creek 48.664 −116.403 48.665 −116.409
South Callahan Creek 48.414 −116.049 48.435 −116.013
South Fork Keeler Creek 48.320 −115.927 48.333 −115.919
Tobacco River 48.897 −115.127 48.798 −114.953
Trout Creek 48.840 −116.411 48.835 −116.420
West Fisher Creek 48.069 −115.375 48.052 −115.555
West Fork Quartz Creek 48.479 −115.654 48.523 −115.750
Wigwam River 49.000 −114.801 48.965 −114.856

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plan (HCP) totaling 66.2 km (41.1 mi) of streams have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Plum Creek Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), including portions of the Kootenai River and Lake Koocanusa CHSUs.

(iv) Map of Unit 30, Kootenai River Basin follows:

(40) Unit 31: Clark Fork River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 5,356.0 km (3,328.1 mi) of streams and 119,620.1 ha (295,586.6 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northwestern Montana and northern Idaho.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Akokala Creek 48.881 −114.199 48.920 −114.167
Akokala Lake 48.879 −114.199
Albert Creek 46.972 −114.311 46.972 −114.311
Alder Creek 46.442 −113.826 46.471 −113.777
Arrow Lake 48.706 −113.885
Babcock Creek 47.366 −113.270 47.359 −113.353
Barker Creek 46.100 −113.116 46.163 −113.116
Basin Creek 47.966 −112.996 47.935 −113.075
Bear Creek 48.234 −113.567 48.296 −113.384
Beatrice Creek 47.794 −115.103 47.775 −115.153
Belmont Creek 46.954 −113.570 47.054 −113.642
Bench Creek 48.869 −117.003 48.876 −117.014
Big Creek 48.604 −114.164 48.515 −114.327
Big Salmon Creek 47.586 −113.420 47.567 −113.495
Big Salmon Lake 47.602 −113.387
Bitterroot River 46.861 −114.118 45.944 −114.129
Blackfoot River 46.870 −113.891 47.043 −112.409
Blodgett Creek 46.304 −114.154 46.304 −114.154
Blue Joint Creek 45.695 −114.314 45.600 −114.519
Boles Creek 47.119 −113.547 47.099 −113.731
Boulder Creek 46.343 −113.077 46.478 −113.238
Boulder Creek 45.817 −114.239 45.842 −114.272
Bowl Creek 47.996 −113.058 47.966 −112.996
Bowles Creek 46.192 −113.748 46.207 −113.813
Bowman Creek 48.906 −114.118 48.974 −114.064
Bowman Lake 48.864 −114.161
Bull River 48.024 −115.845 48.193 −115.816
Bunker Creek 47.830 −113.416 47.829 −113.582
Burnt Fork Bitterroot River 46.542 −114.100 46.304 −113.838
Butte Cabin Creek 46.482 −113.684 46.520 −113.768
Cabinet Gorge Reservoir 48.036 −115.873
Cache Creek 46.813 −114.640 46.725 −114.759
Calispell Creek 48.321 −117.308 48.321 −117.308
Calispell Lake 48.274 −117.333
Camas Creek 48.664 −113.935 48.737 −113.883
Caribou Creek 48.748 −116.865 48.798 −116.815
Carpp Creek 46.025 −113.428 46.032 −113.525
Cedar Creek 47.048 −115.044 47.178 −114.863
Cedar Creek 48.893 −116.916 48.880 −116.960
Cedar Creek 48.742 −117.412 48.845 −117.522
Cerulean Lake 48.872 −114.057
Char Creek 48.291 −116.074 48.262 −116.068
Clack Creek 48.012 −113.090 47.988 −113.106
Clark Fork River 46.601 −113.037 47.961 −115.734
Clearwater Lake 47.385 −113.560
Clearwater River 47.067 −113.391 47.395 −113.531
Clearwater River, E Fk 47.342 −113.496 47.352 −113.581
Coal Creek 48.690 −114.194 48.698 −114.540
Cold Creek 47.547 −113.920 47.584 −113.757
Cooper Gulch 47.544 −115.592 47.513 −115.648
Copper Creek 47.009 −112.558 47.060 −112.753
Copper Creek 46.068 −113.539 45.948 −113.570
Cottonwood Creek 47.025 −113.282 47.161 −113.346
Crow Creek 47.539 −115.547 47.525 −115.558
Crow Creek 47.525 −115.558 47.539 −115.547
Cyclone Creek 48.665 −114.239 48.712 −114.392
Cyclone Lake 48.705 −114.301
Daly Creek 46.168 −113.911 46.250 −113.807
Danaher Creek 47.445 −113.183 47.275 −113.014
Dead Horse Creek 48.663 −114.279 48.659 −114.296
Deer Creek 45.595 −114.322 45.570 −114.510
Divide Creek 46.043 −113.819 46.064 −113.968
Doctor Creek 47.402 −113.485 47.407 −113.480
Doctor Lake 47.404 −113.481
Dolly Varden Creek 48.066 −113.245 47.995 −113.185
Dry Lake Creek 47.259 −113.904 47.308 −113.894
Dunham Creek 47.103 −113.156 47.238 −113.317
East Branch LeClerc Creek 48.534 −117.283 48.673 −117.189
East Fork Bitterroot River 45.944 −114.129 45.911 −113.596
East Fork Bull River 48.109 −115.783 48.091 −115.645
East Fork Creek 48.241 −116.113 48.262 −116.040
East Fork Crow Creek 47.525 −115.558 47.519 −115.556
East Fork Reservoir 46.118 −113.375
East Fork Rock Creek 46.103 −113.369 46.200 −113.500
East Fork Small Creek 48.328 −117.355 48.371 −117.399
East Fork Strawberry Creek 48.064 −113.031 48.092 −112.992
East Fork Swift Creek 48.687 −114.583 48.757 −114.585
East River 48.371 −116.820 48.353 −116.853
Elk Creek 47.544 −113.742 47.480 −113.857
Fish Creek 47.003 −114.699 46.927 −114.697
Fishtrap Creek 47.713 −115.059 47.817 −115.152
Fitzsimmons Creek 48.735 −114.734 48.751 −114.618
Flathead Lake 47.885 −114.134
Flathead River 47.365 −114.777 48.467 −114.070
Flint Creek 46.528 −113.227 46.528 −113.227
Foster Creek 46.164 −113.120 46.284 −113.110
Fourth of July Creek 48.556 −117.273 48.557 −117.264
Fred Burr Creek 46.348 −114.152 46.357 −114.316
Frozen Creek 49.000 −114.678 48.990 −114.738
Frozen Lake 48.999 −114.681
Gateway Creek 48.030 −113.022 48.046 −112.959
Goat Creek 47.749 −113.829 47.760 −113.657
Gold Creek 46.919 −113.677 47.058 −113.745
Gold Creek 46.398 −113.904 46.363 −113.931
Gold Creek 47.971 −116.455 47.953 −116.452
Gold Creek 48.811 −117.032 48.821 −116.974
Gordon Creek 47.423 −113.439 47.434 −113.474
Granite Creek 48.145 −113.377 48.227 −113.333
Granite Creek 48.087 −116.428 48.060 −116.330
Granite Creek 48.639 −116.864 48.700 −117.030
Grant Creek 46.868 −114.104 47.036 −113.955
Graves Creek 47.682 −115.410 47.718 −115.381
Grouse Creek 48.403 −116.478 48.483 −116.229
Hallowat Creek 48.574 −114.317 48.625 −114.425
Harrison Creek 48.529 −113.751 48.574 −113.702
Harrison Lake 48.516 −113.771
Harvey Creek 46.581 −113.574 46.707 −113.373
Hogback Creek 46.410 −113.703 46.440 −113.626
Holland Creek 47.451 −113.582 47.451 −113.572
Holland Lake 47.448 −113.598
Hughes Creek 45.621 −114.304 45.657 −114.044
Hughes Fork 48.805 −116.924 48.893 −117.001
Hungry Horse Reservoir 48.201 −113.798
Indian Creek 48.610 −116.837 48.634 −116.790
Indian Creek 48.242 −117.153 48.299 −117.152
Jackson Creek 48.856 −117.002 48.854 −117.024
Jim Creek 47.648 −113.793 47.587 −113.898
Jocko River 47.195 −113.853 47.201 −113.924
Johnson Creek 48.131 −116.226 48.139 −116.230
Keokee Creek 48.389 −116.698 48.407 −116.685
Kintla Creek 48.975 −114.250 48.986 −114.064
Kintla Lake 48.959 −114.307
Kishenehn Creek 48.950 −114.412 49.000 −114.365
Lake Alva 47.313 −113.582
Lake Inez 47.282 −113.567
Lake Isabel 48.422 −113.494
Lake Marshall 47.288 −113.650
Lake McDonald 48.583 −113.926
Lake Pend Oreille 48.152 −116.410
Landers Fork 46.965 −112.563 47.099 −112.569
LeClerc Creek 48.518 −117.284 48.534 −117.283
Lick Creek 45.939 −113.679 45.938 −113.718
Lightning Creek 48.140 −116.192 48.353 −116.176
Lime Creek 48.907 −116.957 48.894 −116.965
Lincoln Creek 48.592 −113.767 48.596 −113.759
Lincoln Lake 48.591 −113.771
Lindbergh Lake 47.381 −113.734
Lion Creek 47.681 −113.816 47.670 −113.711
Lion Creek 48.736 −116.832 48.725 −116.673
Little Boulder Creek 45.716 −114.278 45.726 −114.228
Little Joe Creek 47.269 −115.141 47.297 −115.121
Little Salmon Creek 47.587 −113.611 47.654 −113.361
Little Stony Creek 46.293 −113.683 46.286 −113.775
Lodgepole Creek 47.182 −113.203 47.229 −113.271
Lodgepole Creek 48.115 −113.264 48.141 −113.133
Logging Creek 48.776 −114.020 48.784 −114.002
Logging Lake 48.758 −114.075
Lolo Creek 46.712 −114.533 46.743 −114.061
Long Creek 48.157 −113.530 48.094 −113.497
Lost Creek 47.870 −113.849 47.873 −113.825
Lost Creek 47.118 −115.109 47.118 −115.109
Lost Horse Creek 46.120 −114.306 46.120 −114.306
Lower Quartz Lake 48.807 −114.172
Lunch Creek 48.825 −117.399 48.820 −117.389
Malcom Creek 48.982 −116.940 48.980 −116.931
Marshall Creek 47.279 −113.598 47.276 −113.727
Martin Creek 45.930 −113.724 46.009 −113.812
Mathias Creek 48.669 −114.423 48.647 −114.472
McDonald Creek 48.506 −114.006 48.646 −113.848
McDonald Lake 47.421 −113.977
Meadow Creek 46.128 −113.429 46.097 −113.441
Meadow Creek 45.908 −113.781 45.813 −113.791
Middle Branch Le Clerc Creek 48.585 −117.262 48.654 −117.218
Middle Fork East River 48.371 −116.820 48.386 −116.678
Middle Fork Flathead River 48.468 −114.070 47.996 −113.058
Middle Fork Rock Creek 46.001 −113.526 46.223 −113.522
Middle Quartz Lake 48.822 −114.142
Mill Creek 48.489 −117.266 48.447 −117.139
Mission Creek 47.320 −113.990 47.324 −113.974
Mission Reservoir 47.319 −114.008
Monture Creek 47.020 −113.236 47.268 −113.181
Moose Creek 45.922 −113.728 46.009 −113.708
Mormon Creek 46.756 −114.115 46.697 −114.205
Morrell Creek 47.141 −113.461 47.342 −113.472
Morris Creek 48.208 −116.081 48.224 −116.118
Morrison Creek 48.110 −113.311 48.237 −113.261
Nez Perce Fork 45.802 −114.268 45.734 −114.473
North Fork Blackfoot River 46.985 −113.130 47.196 −112.887
North Fork Cold Creek 47.562 −113.812 47.555 −113.906
North Fork East River 48.371 −116.820 48.449 −116.735
North Fork Fish Creek 46.907 −114.806 46.932 −114.924
North Fork Flathead River 48.469 −114.073 49.000 −114.475
North Fork Granite Creek 48.700 −117.030 48.771 −117.067
North Fork Indian Creek 48.658 −116.719 48.634 −116.790
North Fork Jocko River 47.201 −113.924 47.226 −113.816
North Fork Little Joe Creek 47.203 −115.275 47.269 −115.141
North Fork Lost Creek 47.873 −113.825 47.896 −113.738
North Fork Of South Fork Tacoma Creek 48.399 −117.362 48.435 −117.483
North Fork Rock Creek 46.212 −113.697 46.232 −113.756
North Gold Creek 47.973 −116.453 47.975 −116.427
Noxon Rapids Reservoir 47.892 −115.675
Nyack Creek 48.452 −113.797 48.490 −113.701
O'Brien Creek 46.837 −114.299 46.850 −114.103
Ole Creek 48.283 −113.599 48.316 −113.464
Oregon Gulch 47.143 −114.968 47.122 −115.021
Overwhich Creek 45.674 −114.308 45.717 −114.081
Pack River 48.320 −116.383 48.603 −116.637
Painted Rocks Reservoir 45.701 −114.294
Park Creek 48.310 −113.614 48.420 −113.509
Pend Oreille River 48.989 −117.349 48.251 −116.538
Petty Creek 46.992 −114.447 46.849 −114.439
Piper Creek 47.675 −113.816 47.622 −113.956
Placid Creek 47.116 −113.542 47.178 −113.675
Placid Lake 47.119 −113.525
Pocket Creek 48.934 −114.079 48.955 −114.104
Poorman Creek 46.897 −112.653 46.897 −112.653
Porcupine Creek 48.267 −116.124 48.253 −116.157
Post Creek 47.416 −113.961 47.399 −113.893
Priest Lake 48.588 −116.865
Priest River 48.173 −116.893 48.490 −116.905
Prospect Creek 47.592 −115.358 47.568 −115.677
Quartz Creek 48.815 −114.166 48.839 −114.004
Quartz Lake 48.829 −114.102
Quintonkon Creek 48.013 −113.768 48.026 −113.708
Railroad Creek 46.158 −113.886 46.167 −113.816
Rainbow Creek 48.855 −114.054 48.869 −114.054
Rainy Lake 47.339 −113.595
Ranch Creek 46.468 −113.578 46.583 −113.679
Rapid Creek 47.372 −113.055 47.382 −113.026
Rattle Creek 48.326 −116.173 48.314 −116.101
Rattlesnake Creek 46.867 −113.986 47.098 −113.910
Red Meadow Creek 48.805 −114.325 48.773 −114.543
Reynolds Creek 45.947 −113.718 45.957 −113.682
Rock Creek 46.725 −113.683 46.223 −113.522
Rock Creek 47.975 −115.744 48.044 −115.654
Rock Creek 48.923 −116.966 48.906 −116.971
Ross Fork 46.184 −113.526 46.184 −113.526
Ruby Creek 48.556 −117.343 48.568 −117.510
Saint Mary's Lake 47.261 −113.923
Saint Regis River 47.297 −115.090 47.349 −115.292
Salmon Lake 47.093 −113.404
Sand Basin Creek 46.197 −113.704 46.153 −113.688
Savage Creek 48.226 −116.029 48.248 −116.097
Scalp Creek 47.982 −113.042 47.957 −113.082
Schafer Creek 48.038 −113.270 48.071 −113.251
Seeley Lake 47.194 −113.510
Shorty Creek 48.851 −114.594 48.818 −114.614
Skalkaho Creek 46.220 −114.163 46.071 −113.818
Slate Creek 45.698 −114.287 45.712 −114.166
Slate Creek 48.923 −117.333 48.927 −117.318
Sleeping Child Creek 46.161 −114.160 46.033 −113.815
Small Creek 48.321 −117.308 48.337 −117.410
Soup Creek 47.837 −113.844 47.812 −113.751
South Boulder Creek 46.415 −113.201 46.415 −113.201
South Fork Bull River 48.170 −115.789 48.193 −115.816
South Fork Coal Creek 48.680 −114.346 48.674 −114.472
South Fork Fish Creek 46.927 −114.697 46.813 −114.640
South Fork Flathead River 47.830 −113.416 47.833 −113.417
South Fork Granite Creek 48.700 −117.030 48.691 −117.134
South Fork Indian Creek 48.624 −116.717 48.634 −116.790
South Fork Jocko River 47.103 −113.768 47.195 −113.853
South Fork Little Joe Creek 47.172 −115.224 47.269 −115.141
South Fork Lolo Creek 46.762 −114.266 46.605 −114.309
South Fork Lost Creek 47.868 −113.738 47.873 −113.825
South Fork Tacoma Creek 48.394 −117.324 48.432 −117.507
South Woodward Creek 47.754 −113.858 47.717 −113.858
Spotted Bear River 47.924 −113.526 47.877 −113.212
Squeezer Creek 47.750 −113.816 47.717 −113.729
Stillwater River 48.604 −114.657 48.789 −114.686
Stony Creek 46.274 −113.731 46.274 −113.731
Storm Lake Creek 46.169 −113.154 46.075 −113.268
Strawberry Creek 47.996 −113.058 48.111 −113.028
Strong Creek 48.243 −116.303 48.264 −116.279
Sullivan Creek 48.050 −113.689 47.879 −113.657
Sullivan Creek 48.865 −117.371 48.955 −117.069
Sullivan Springs 48.088 −116.412 48.084 −116.388
Swamp Creek 47.920 −115.689 47.994 −115.565
Swan Lake 47.955 −113.895
Swan River 47.346 −113.742 47.404 −113.718
Swift Creek 48.481 −114.425 48.654 −114.551
Tacoma Creek 48.391 −117.289 48.445 −117.508
The Thorofare 48.740 −116.843 48.766 −116.865
Thompson River 47.576 −115.241 47.713 −115.059
Tillicum Creek 48.725 −117.071 48.729 −117.083
Tin Cup Creek 45.973 −114.349 46.016 −114.168
Tolan Creek 45.777 −113.827 45.856 −113.913
Trail Creek 48.013 −113.020 48.012 −112.946
Trail Creek 48.924 −114.386 48.933 −114.536
Trapper Creek 48.796 −116.897 48.851 −116.879
Trestle Creek 48.351 −116.235 48.283 −116.353
Trout Creek 47.030 −114.966 47.106 −114.897
Trout Lake 48.680 −113.910
Twelvemile Creek 47.349 −115.292 47.465 −115.325
Twin Lakes Creek 46.070 −113.221 46.169 −113.153
Two Bear Creek 46.111 −114.010 46.094 −113.897
Two Mouth Creek 48.674 −116.677 48.687 −116.837
Uleda Creek 48.388 −116.708 48.362 −116.696
Upper Kintla Lake 48.976 −114.176
Upper Priest Lake 48.785 −116.889
Upper Priest River 48.799 −116.912 48.995 −116.942
Upper Stillwater Lake 48.588 −114.637
Upper Whitefish Lake 48.687 −114.579
Vermilion River 47.832 −115.535 47.879 −115.355
Ward Creek 47.274 −115.355 47.312 −115.234
Warm Springs Creek 46.210 −112.768 46.261 −113.137
Warm Springs Creek 45.860 −114.026 45.742 −114.070
Welcome Creek 46.566 −113.701 46.603 −113.768
Wellington Creek 48.295 −116.174 48.290 −116.163
West Branch LeClerc Creek 48.534 −117.283 48.701 −117.212
West Fork Bitterroot River 45.621 −114.304 45.718 −114.281
West Fork Clearwater River 47.256 −113.551 47.287 −113.745
West Fork Fish Creek 46.927 −114.697 46.812 −114.891
West Fork Fishtrap Creek 47.793 −115.224 47.816 −115.145
West Fork Gold Creek 46.996 −113.686 47.032 −113.828
West Fork Rock Creek 46.170 −113.762 46.171 −113.762
West Fork Swift Creek 48.654 −114.551 48.726 −114.653
West Fork Thompson River 47.650 −115.174 47.714 −115.207
West Gold Creek 47.953 −116.452 47.930 −116.504
Whale Creek 48.849 −114.353 48.851 −114.594
Wheeler Creek 48.097 −113.730 48.066 −113.776
White River 47.588 −113.299 47.611 −113.204
Whitefish Lake 48.451 −114.381
Winchester Creek 48.271 −117.343 48.329 −117.476
Woodward Creek 47.767 −113.880 47.777 −113.846
Wounded Buck Creek 48.280 −113.936 48.234 −113.963
Youngs Creek 47.445 −113.183 47.282 −113.314

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following habitat conservation plan (HCP) totaling 209.0 km (129.9 mi) of streams and 32.2 ha (79.7 ac) of lakes and reservoirs have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the geographic area covered by the Plum Creek Native Fish Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), including portions of Lower Clark Fork River, Middle Clark Fork River, Upper Clark Fork River, Bitterroot River, Rock Creek, Blackfoot, Clearwater, Flathead, Swan, and South Fork CHSUs.

(iv) Map of Unit 31, Clark Fork River Basin follows:

(41) Unit 32: St. Mary River Basin

(i) This unit consists of 34.7 km (21.6 mi) of streams and 1,669.3 ha (4,125.0 ac) of lakes and reservoirs. The unit is located in northwestern Montana.

(ii) Individual waterbodies in the unit are bounded by the following coordinates:

Expand Table
Waterbody Name Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream Begin Point or Lake Center
Stream End Point
Stream End Point
Boulder Creek 48.776 −113.550 48.839 −113.460
Canyon Creek 48.740 −113.647 48.730 −113.657
Cracker Lake 48.744 −113.644
Divide Creek 48.694 −113.421 48.751 −113.438
Kennedy Creek 48.851 −113.604 48.905 −113.409
Lee Creek 48.998 −113.601 48.919 −113.638
Lower St. Mary Lake 48.796 −113.423
Middle Fork Lee Creek 48.998 −113.550 48.978 −113.585
Otatso Creek 48.894 −113.638 48.904 −113.621
Otatso Lake 48.892 −113.677
Red Eagle Creek 48.648 −113.510 48.630 −113.541
Red Eagle Lake 48.652 −113.507
Saint Mary River 48.756 −113.425 48.844 −113.418
Slide Lakes - lower pool 48.905 −113.616
Slide Lakes - upper pool 48.902 −113.625
St. Mary Lake 48.699 −113.509
Swiftcurrent Creek 48.836 −113.429 48.839 −113.460

(iii) Waterbodies associated with the following tribal lands totaling 82.1 km (51.0 mi) of streams and 886.1 ha (2,189.5 ac) of lakes and reservoirs have been excluded from critical habitat designation under section 4(b)(2) of the Act in this unit. These are waterbodies within the areas under management by the Blackfeet Tribe, within reservation boundaries, and waterbodies that are adjacent to:

(A) Lands held in trust by the United States for their benefit;

(B) Lands held in trust by the United States for any Indian Tribe or individual subject to restrictions by the United States against alienation;

(C) Fee lands, either within or outside the reservation boundaries, owned by the tribal government; and

(D) Fee lands within the reservation boundaries owned by individual Indians.

(iv) Map of Unit 32, St. Mary River Basin follows:

Little Kern Golden Trout (Salmo aguabonita whitei)

California, Tulare County. Little Kern River, main channel and all streams tributary to the Little Kern River above barrier falls located on the Little Kern River one mile below the mouth of Trout Meadows Creek.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Woundfin (Plagopterus argentissimus)

Legal descriptions for St. George (Utah-Arizona) and Littlefield (Arizona) were obtained from the 1987 BLM maps (Surface Management Status 30 × 60 Minute Quadrangles). Legal descriptions for Overton (Nevada-Arizona) were obtained from the 1989 BLM maps (Surface Management Status 30 × 60 Minute Quadrangles). The 100-year floodplain for many areas is detailed in Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) published by and available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In areas where a FIRM is not available, the presence of alluvium soils or known high water marks can be used to determine the extent of the floodplain. Only areas of floodplain containing at least one of the constituent elements are considered critical habitat. Critical habitat designated for the woundfin is as follows:

Utah, Washington County; Arizona, Mohave County; Nevada, Clark County. The Virgin River and its 100-year floodplain from its confluence with La Verkin Creek, Utah in T.41S., R.13W., sec.23 (Salt Lake Base and Meridian) to Halfway Wash, Nevada T.15S., R.69E., sec.6 (Salt Lake Base and Meridian).

The primary constituent elements of critical habitat determined necessary for the survival and recovery of these Virgin River fishes are water, physical habitat, and biological environment. The desired conditions for each of these elements are further discussed below.

Water - A sufficient quantity and quality of water (i.e., temperature, dissolved oxygen, contaminants, nutrients, turbidity, etc.) that is delivered to a specific location in accordance with a hydrologic regime that is identified for the particular life stage for each species. This includes the following:

1. Water quality characterized by natural seasonally variable temperature, turbidity, and conductivity;

2. Hydrologic regime characterized by the duration, magnitude, and frequency of flow events capable of forming and maintaining channel and instream habitat necessary for particular life stages at certain times of the year; and

3. Flood events inundating the floodplain necessary to provide the organic matter that provides or supports the nutrient and food sources for the listed fishes.

Physical Habitat - Areas of the Virgin River that are inhabited or potentially habitable by a particular life stage for each species, for use in spawning, nursing, feeding, and rearing, or corridors between such areas:

1. River channels, side channels, secondary channels, backwaters, and springs, and other areas which provide access to these habitats;

2. Areas inhabited by adult and juvenile woundfin include runs and pools adjacent to riffles that have sand and sand/gravel substrates;

3. Areas inhabited by juvenile woundfin are generally deeper and slower. When turbidity is low, adults also tend to occupy deeper and slower habitats;

4. Areas inhabited by woundfin larvae include shoreline margins and backwater habitats associated with growths of filamentous algae.

Biological Environment - Food supply, predation, and competition are important elements of the biological environment and are considered components of this constituent element. Food supply is a function of nutrient supply, productivity, and availability to each life stage of the species. Predation and competition, although considered normal components of this environment, are out of balance due to nonnative fish species in many areas. Fourteen introduced species, including red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis), black bullhead (Ameiurus melas), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), and largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), compete with or prey upon the listed fishes. Of these, the red shiner is the most numerous and has been the most problematic for the listed fishes. Red shiners compete for food and available habitats and are known to prey on the eggs and early life stages of the listed fishes. Components of this constituent element include the following:

1. Seasonally flooded areas that contribute to the biological productivity of the river system by producing allochthonous (humus, silt, organic detritus, colloidal matter, and plants and animals produced outside the river and brought into the river) organic matter which provides and supports much of the food base of the listed fishes; and

2. Few or no predatory or competitive nonnative species in occupied Virgin River fishes' habitats or potential reestablishment sites.


The map provided is for informational purposes only.

(f) Clams and Snails.

Appalachian Elktoe (Alasmidonta raveneliana)

(1) Critical habitat units are described below and depicted in the maps that follow, with the lateral extent of each designated unit bounded by the ordinary high-water line. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(i) Index map follows:

(2) Unit 1.

(i) Macon County and Swain County, NC - the main stem of the Little Tennessee River (Tennessee River system), from the Lake Emory Dam at Franklin, Macon County, NC, downstream to the backwaters of Fontana Reservoir in Swain County, NC.

(3) Unit 2.

(i) Jackson County and Swain County, NC - the main stem of the Tuckasegee River (Little Tennessee River system), from the N.C. State Route 1002 Bridge in Cullowhee, Jackson County, NC, downstream to the N.C. Highway 19 Bridge, north of Bryson City, Swain County, NC.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 and Unit 2 follows:

(4) Unit 3.

(i) Graham County, NC - the main stem of the Cheoah River (Little Tennessee River system), from the Santeetlah Dam, downstream to its confluence with the Little Tennessee River.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(5) Unit 4.

(i) Transylvania County, NC - the main stem of the Little River (French Broad River system), from the Cascade Lake Power Plant, downstream to its confluence with the French Broad River.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(6) Unit 5.

(i) Haywood County, NC - the main stem of the West Fork Pigeon River (French Broad River system), from the confluence of the Little East Fork Pigeon River, downstream to the confluence of the East Fork Pigeon River, and the main stem of the Pigeon River, from the confluence of the West Fork Pigeon River and the East Fork Pigeon River, downstream to the N.C. Highway 215 Bridge crossing, south of Canton, NC.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(7) Unit 6.

(i) Yancey County and Mitchell County, NC, and Unicoi County, TN - the main stem of the North Toe River, Yancey and Mitchell Counties, NC, from the confluence of Big Crabtree Creek, downstream to the confluence of the South Toe River; the main stem of the South Toe River, Yancey County, NC, from the N.C. State Route 1152 Bridge, downstream to its confluence with the North Toe River; the main stem of the Toe River, Yancey and Mitchell Counties, NC, from the confluence of the North Toe River and the South Toe River, downstream to the confluence of the Cane River; the main stem of the Cane River, Yancey County, NC, from the N.C. State Route 1381 Bridge, downstream to its confluence with the Toe River; and the main stem of the Nolichucky River from the confluence of the Toe River and the Cane River in Yancey County and Mitchell County, NC, downstream to the U.S. Highway 23/19W Bridge southwest of Erwin, Unicoi County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(8) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include:

(i) Permanent, flowing, cool, clean water;

(ii) Geomorphically stable stream channels and banks;

(iii) Pool, riffle, and run sequences within the channel;

(iv) Stable sand, gravel, cobble, boulder, and bedrock substrates with no more than low amounts of fine sediment;

(v) Moderate to high stream gradient;

(vi) Periodic natural flooding; and

(vii) Fish hosts, with adequate living, foraging, and spawning areas for them.

Carolina Heelsplitter (Lasmigona decorata)

(1) Critical habitat units are described below and depicted in the maps that follow, with the lateral extent of each designated unit bounded by the ordinary high-water line. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Unit 1.

(i) Union County, NC - main stem of Goose Creek (Pee Dee River system) from the N.C. Highway 218 Bridge, downstream to its confluence with the Rocky River, and the main stem of Duck Creek, from the Mecklenburg/Union County line, downstream to its confluence with Goose Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(3) Unit 2.

(i) Union County, NC - main stem of Waxhaw Creek (Catawba River system) from the N.C. Highway 200 Bridge, downstream to the North Carolina/South Carolina State line.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(4) Unit 3.

(i) Lancaster County, SC - main stem of Gills Creek (Catawba River system) from the County Route S-29-875, downstream to the S.C. Route 51 Bridge, east of the city of Lancaster.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(5) Unit 4.

(i) Lancaster, Chesterfield, and Kershaw Counties, SC - main stem of Flat Creek (Pee Dee River system), Lancaster County, from the S.C. Route 204 Bridge, downstream to its confluence with Lynches River, and the main stem of the Lynches River, Lancaster and Chesterfield Counties, from the confluence of Belk Branch, Lancaster County, northeast (upstream) of the U.S. Highway 601 Bridge, downstream to the S.C. Highway 903 Bridge in Kershaw County.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(6) Unit 5.

(i) Edgefield and McCormick Counties, SC - main stem of Mountain Creek (Savannah River system), Edgefield County, SC, from the S.C. Route 36 Bridge, downstream to its confluence with Turkey Creek; Beaverdam Creek, Edgefield County, from the S.C. Route 51 Bridge, downstream to its confluence with Turkey Creek; and Turkey Creek, from the S.C. Route 36 Bridge, Edgefield County, downstream to the S.C. Route 68 Bridge, Edgefield and McCormick Counties.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(7) Unit 6.

(i) Greenwood and McCormick Counties, SC - main stem of Cuffytown Creek (Savannah River system), from the confluence of Horsepen Creek, northeast (upstream) of the S.C. Route 62 Bridge in Greenwood County, downstream to the U.S. Highway 378 Bridge in McCormick County.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(8) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include:

(i) Permanent, flowing, cool, clean water;

(ii) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks;

(iii) Pool, riffle, and run sequences within the channel;

(iv) Stable substrates with no more than low amounts of fine sediment;

(v) Moderate stream gradient;

(vi) Periodic natural flooding; and

(vii) Fish hosts, with adequate living, foraging, and spawning areas for them.

Eleven Mobile River Basin Mussel Species: Southern acornshell (Epioblasma othcaloogensis), ovate clubshell (Pleurobema perovatum), southern clubshell (Pleurobema decisum), upland combshell (Epioblasma metastriata), triangular kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus greenii), Alabama moccasinshell (Medionidus acutissimus), Coosa moccasinshell (Medionidus parvulus), orange-nacre mucket (Lampsilis perovalis), dark pigtoe (Pleurobema furvum), southern pigtoe (Pleurobema georgianum), and fine-lined pocketbook (Lampsilis altilis)

(1) The primary constituent elements essential for the conservation of the southern acornshell (Epioblasma othcaloogensis), ovate clubshell (Pleurobema perovatum), southern clubshell (Pleurobema decisum), upland combshell (Epioblasma metastriata); triangular kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus greenii), Alabama moccasinshell (Medionidus acutissimus), Coosa moccasinshell (Medionidus parvulus), orange-nacre mucket (Lampsilis perovalis), dark pigtoe (Pleurobema furvum), southern pigtoe (Pleurobema georgianum), and fine-lined pocketbook (Lampsilis altilis) are those habitat components that support feeding, sheltering, reproduction, and physical features for maintaining the natural processes that support these habitat components. The primary constituent elements include:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks;

(ii) A flow regime (i.e., the magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary for normal behavior, growth, and survival of all life stages of mussels and their fish hosts in the river environment;

(iii) Water quality, including temperature, pH, hardness, turbidity, oxygen content, and other chemical characteristics, necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages;

(iv) Sand, gravel, and/or cobble substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment, low amounts of attached filamentous algae, and other physical and chemical characteristics necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages;

(v) Fish hosts, with adequate living, foraging, and spawning areas for them; and

(vi) Few or no competitive nonnative species present.

(2) Critical habitat unit descriptions and maps. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(i) Index map. The index map showing critical habitat units in the States of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee for the 11 Mobile River Basin mussel species follows:

(ii) Protected species and critical habitat units. A table listing the protected species, their respective critical habitat units, and the States that contain those habitat units follows. Detailed critical habitat unit descriptions and maps appear below the table.

Expand Table
Species Critical habitat units States
Southern acornshell (Epioblasma othcaloogensis) Units 13, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, TN
Ovate clubshell (Pleurobema perovatum) Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, MS, TN
Southern clubshell (Pleurobema decisum) Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, MS, TN
Upland combshell (Epioblasma metastriata) Units 12, 13, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, TN
Triangular kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus greenii) Units 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, TN
Alabama moccasinshell (Medionidus acutissimus) Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 25, 26 AL, GA, MS, TN
Coosa moccasinshell (Medionidus parvulus) Units 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, TN
Orange-nacre mucket (Lampsilis perovalis) Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 AL, MS
Dark pigtoe (Pleurobema furvum) Units 10, 11, 12 AL
Southern pigtoe (Pleurobema georgianum) Units 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, TN
Fine-lined pocketbook (Lampsilis altilis) Units 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 AL, GA, TN

(iii) Unit 1. East Fork Tombigbee River, Monroe, Itawamba County, Mississippi. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 1 includes the East Fork Tombigbee River main stem from Mississippi Highway 278 (T13S R7E S3), Monroe County, upstream to the confluence of Mill Creek (T11S R8E S24), Itawamba County, Mississippi.

(B) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(iv) Unit 2. Bull Mountain Creek, Itawamba County, Mississippi. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 2 includes the main stem of Bull Mountain Creek from Mississippi Highway 25 (T11S R9E S30), upstream to U.S. Highway 78 (T10S R10E S6), Itawamba County, Mississippi.

(B) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(v) Unit 3. Buttahatchee River and Sipsey Creek, Lowndes/Monroe County, Mississippi; Lamar County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 3 includes the Buttahatchee River main stem from its confluence with the impounded waters of Columbus Lake (Tombigbee River, T16S R19W S23), Lowndes/Monroe County, Mississippi, upstream to the confluence of Beaver Creek (T13S R15W S17), Lamar County, Alabama; and Sipsey Creek, from its confluence with the Buttahatchee River (T14S R17W S2), upstream to the Mississippi/Alabama State Line (T12S R10E S21), Monroe County, Mississippi.

(B) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(vi) Unit 4. Luxapalila Creek and Yellow Creek, Lowndes County, Mississippi; Lamar County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 4 includes the Luxapalila Creek main stem from Waterworks Road (T18S R18W S11), Columbus, Mississippi, upstream to approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi) above Steens Road (T17S R17W S27), Lowndes County, Mississippi; and the Yellow Creek main stem from its confluence with Luxapalila Creek (T17S R17W S21), Lowndes County, Mississippi, upstream to the confluence of Cut Bank Creek (T16S R16W S30), Lamar County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(vii) Unit 5. Coalfire Creek, Pickens County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 5 includes the Coalfire Creek main stem from its confluence with the impounded waters of Aliceville Lake (Tombigbee River, T20S R17W S26), upstream to U.S. Highway 82 (T19S R15W S15), Pickens County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(viii) Unit 6. Lubbub Creek, Pickens County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 6 includes the main stem of Lubbub Creek from its confluence with the impounded waters of Gainesville Lake (Tombigbee River, T24N R2W S11), upstream to the confluence of Little Lubbub Creek (T21S R1W S34), Pickens County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(ix) Unit 7. Sipsey River, Greene/Pickens, Tuscaloosa Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 7 includes the Sipsey River main stem from its confluence with impounded waters of Gainesville Lake (Tombigbee River, T24N R1W S30), Greene/Pickens County, upstream to Alabama Highway 171 crossing (T18S R12W S34), Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 7 follows:

(x) Unit 8. Trussels Creek, Greene County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 8 includes the Trussels Creek main stem from its confluence with the impounded waters of Demopolis Lake (Tombigbee River, T21N R2W S15), upstream to Alabama Highway 14 (T22N R1E S4), Greene County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 8 follows:

(xi) Unit 9. Sucarnoochee River, Sumter County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 9 includes the Sucarnoochee River main stem from its confluence with the Tombigbee River (T17N R1W S26), upstream to the Mississippi/Alabama State Line (T19N R4W S15), Sumter County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 9 follows:

(xii) Unit 10. Sipsey Fork and tributaries, Winston, Lawrence Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, triangular kidneyshell, Alabama moccasinshell, orange-nacre mucket, and dark pigtoe.

(A) Unit 10 includes the Sipsey Fork main stem from the section 11/12 line (T10S R8W), Winston County, Alabama, upstream to the confluence of Hubbard Creek (T8S R9W S27), Lawrence County, Alabama; Thompson Creek, from its confluence with Hubbard Creek (T8S R9W S27), upstream to section 2 line (T8S R9W) Lawrence County; Brushy Creek, from the confluence of Glover Creek (T10S R7W S11), Winston County, upstream to section 9 (T8S R7W), Lawrence County; Capsey Creek, from confluence with Brushy Creek (T9S R7W S23), Winston County, upstream to the confluence of Turkey Creek (T8S R6W S33), Lawrence County; Rush Creek, from confluence with Brushy Creek (T9S R7W S15), upstream to Winston/Lawrence County Line (T9S R7W S1), Winston County; Brown Creek, from confluence with Rush Creek (T9S R7W S2), Winston County, upstream to section 24 line (T8S R7W), Lawrence County; Beech Creek, from confluence with Brushy Creek (T9S R7W S8), to confluence of East and West Forks (T9S R7W S6), Winston County; Caney Creek and North Fork Caney Creek, from confluence with Sipsey Fork (T9S R8W S28), upstream to section 14 line (T9S R9W), Winston County; Borden Creek, from confluence with Sipsey Fork (T8S R8W S5), Winston County, upstream to the confluence of Montgomery Creek (T8S R8W S10), Lawrence County; and Flannagin Creek, from confluence with Borden Creek (T8S R8W S28), upstream to confluence of Dry Creek (T8S R8W S4), Lawrence County.

(xiii) Unit 11. North River and Clear Creek, Tuscaloosa, Fayette Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, triangular kidneyshell, Alabama moccasinshell, orange-nacre mucket, and dark pigtoe.

(A) Unit 11 includes the main stem of the North River from Tuscaloosa County Road 38 (T18S R10W S16), Tuscaloosa County, upstream to confluence of Ellis Creek (T16S R10W S6), Fayette County, Alabama; and Clear Creek from its confluence with North River (T16S R11W S13) to Bays Lake Dam (T16S R11W S2), Fayette County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 11 follows:

(xiv) Unit 12. Locust Fork and Little Warrior Rivers, Jefferson, Blount Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Alabama moccasinshell, orange-nacre mucket, and dark pigtoe.

(A) Unit 12 includes the Locust Fork main stem from U.S. Highway 78 (T15S R4W S30), Jefferson County, upstream to the confluence of Little Warrior River (T13S R1W S3), Blount County, Alabama; and Little Warrior River from its confluence with the Locust Fork (T13S R1W S3), upstream to the confluence of Calvert Prong and Blackburn Fork (T13S R1W S12), Blount County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 12 follows:

(xv) Unit 13. Cahaba River and Little Cahaba River, Jefferson, Shelby, Bibb Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Alabama moccasinshell, orange-nacre mucket, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 13 includes the Cahaba River from U.S. Highway 82 (T23N R9E S26), Centerville, Bibb County, upstream to Jefferson County Road 143 (T18S R1E S33), Jefferson County, Alabama; and the Little Cahaba River from its confluence with the Cahaba River (T24N R10E S21), upstream to the confluence of Mahan and Shoal Creeks (T24N R11E S14), Bibb County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 13 follows:

(xvi) Unit 14. Alabama River, Autauga, Lowndes, Dallas Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern clubshell and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 14 includes the Alabama River from the confluence of the Cahaba River (T16N R10E S32), Dallas County, upstream to the confluence of Big Swamp Creek (T15N R12E S1), Lowndes County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 14 follows:

(xvii) Unit 15. Bogue Chitto Creek, Dallas County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern clubshell, Alabama moccasinshell, and orange-nacre mucket.

(A) Unit 15 includes the Bogue Chitto Creek main stem from its confluence with the Alabama River (T14N R8E S24), Dallas County, upstream to U.S. Highway 80 (T17N R7E S24), Dallas County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 15 follows:

(xviii) Unit 16. Tallapoosa River, Cleburne County, Alabama, and Paulding, Haralson Counties, Georgia; Cane Creek, Cleburne County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 16 includes the main stem Tallapoosa River from U.S. Highway 431 (T17S R10E S31), Cleburne County, Alabama, upstream to the confluence of McClendon and Mud Creeks (33°50′43″ N 85°00′45″ W), Paulding County, Georgia; and Cane Creek from its confluence with Tallapoosa River (T16S R10E S24), upstream to section 33/4 Line (T15S, R11E), Cleburne County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 16 follows:

(xix) Unit 17. Uphapee, Choctafaula, and Chewacla Creeks, Macon, Lee Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 17 includes the mainstem of Uphapee Creek from Alabama Highway 199 (T17N R23E S3), upstream to the confluence of Opintlocco and Chewacla Creeks (T17N R24E S26), Macon County, Alabama; Choctafaula Creek, from confluence with Uphapee Creek (T17N R24E S8), upstream to Macon County Road 54 (T18N R 25E S31), Macon County, Alabama; Chewacla Creek, from confluence with Opintlocco Creek (T17N R24E S26), Macon County, Alabama, upstream to Lee County Road 159 (T18N R26E S18), Lee County, Alabama; Opintlocco Creek, from confluence with Chewacla Creek (T17N R24E S26), upstream to Macon County Road 79 (T16N R25E S25) Macon County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 17 follows:

(xx) Unit 18. Coosa River (Old River Channel) and Terrapin Creek, Cherokee, Calhoun, Cleburne Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 18 includes the Coosa River main stem from the power line crossing southeast of Maple Grove, Alabama (T10S R8E S35), upstream to Weiss Dam (T10S R8E S13), Cherokee County, Alabama; Terrapin Creek, 53 km (33 mi) extending from its confluence with the Old Coosa River channel (T10S R9E S28), Cherokee County, upstream to Cleburne County Road 49 (T13S R11E S15), Cleburne County, Alabama; South Fork Terrapin Creek, 7 km (4 mi), from its confluence with Terrapin Creek (T13S R11E S18), upstream to Cleburne County Road 55 (T13S R11E S30), Cleburne County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 18 follows:

(xxi) Unit 19. Hatchet Creek, Coosa, Clay Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 19 includes the main stem of Hatchet Creek from the confluence of Swamp Creek at Coosa County Road 29 (T22N R17E S26), Coosa County, Alabama, upstream to Clay County Road 4 (T22S R6E S17) Clay County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 19 follows:

(xxii) Unit 20. Shoal Creek, Calhoun, Cleburne Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 20 includes the main stem of Shoal Creek from the headwater of Whitesides Mill Lake (T15S R9E S12), Calhoun County, Alabama, upstream to the tailwater of Coleman Lake Dam (T14S R10E S26), Cleburne County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 20 follows:

(xxiii) Unit 21. Kelly Creek and Shoal Creek, Shelby, St. Clair Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 21 includes the Kelly Creek main stem extending from the confluence with the Coosa River (T19S R3E S5), upstream to the confluence of Shoal Creek (T17S R2E S28), St. Clair County, Alabama; and the main stem of Shoal Creek from the confluence with Kelly Creek (T17S R2E S28), St. Clair County, Alabama, upstream to the St. Clair/Shelby County Line (T17S R2E S30), St. Clair County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 21 follows:

(xxiv) Unit 22. Cheaha Creek, Talladega, Clay Counties, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 22 includes the main stem of Cheaha Creek from its confluence with Choccolocco Creek (T17S R6E S19), Talladega County, Alabama, upstream to the tailwater of Chinnabee Lake Dam (T18S R7E S14), Clay County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 22 follows:

(xxv) Unit 23. Yellowleaf Creek and Mud Creek, Shelby County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 23 includes the Yellowleaf Creek main stem from Alabama Highway 25 (T20S R2E S29), upstream to Shelby County Road 49 (T20S R1W S13); and the Muddy Prong main stem extending from its confluence with Yellowleaf Creek (T20S R1E S1), upstream to U.S. Highway 280 (T19S R1E S28), Shelby County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 23 follows:

(xxvi) Unit 24. Big Canoe Creek, St. Clair County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 24 includes the main stem of Big Canoe Creek from its confluence with Little Canoe Creek at the St. Clair/Etowah County line (T13S R5E S17), St. Clair County, upstream to the confluence of Fall Branch (T14S R1E S28) St. Clair County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 24 follows:

(xxvii) Unit 25. Oostanaula, Coosawattee, and Conasauga Rivers, and Holly Creek, Floyd, Gordon, Whitfield, Murray Counties, Georgia; Bradley, Polk Counties, Tennessee. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Alabama moccasinshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 25 includes the Oostanaula River main stem from its confluence with the Etowah River, Floyd County, Georgia (34°15′13″ N, 85°10′35″ W), upstream to the confluence of the Conasauga and Coosawattee River, Gordon County, Georgia (34°32′32″ N, 84°54′12″ W); the Coosawattee River main stem from its confluence with the Conasauga River (34°32′32″ N, 84°54′12″ W), upstream to Georgia State Highway 136, Gordon County, Georgia (34°36′49″ N, 84°46′43″ W); the Conasauga River main stem from confluence with the Coosawattee River (34°32′32″ N, 84°54′13″ W), Gordon County, Georgia, upstream through Bradley and Polk Counties, Tennessee, to Murray County Road 2 (34°58′27″ N, 84°38′43″ W), Murray County, Georgia; and the mainstem of Holly Creek from its confluence with the Conasauga River (34°42′12″ N, 84°53′29″ W), upstream to its confluence with Rock Creek, Murray County, Georgia (34°46′59″ N, 84°45′25″ W).

(B) Map of Unit 25 follows:

(xxviii) Unit 26. Lower Coosa River, Elmore County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the southern acornshell, ovate clubshell, southern clubshell, upland combshell, triangular kidneyshell, Alabama moccasinshell, Coosa moccasinshell, southern pigtoe, and fine-lined pocketbook.

(A) Unit 26 includes the Coosa River main stem from Alabama State Highway 111 bridge (T18N R18/19E S24/19), upstream to Jordan Dam (T19N R18E S22), Elmore County, Alabama.

(B) Map of Unit 26 follows:

Five Tennessee and Cumberland River Basin Mussels Species: Purple bean (Villosa perpurpurea), Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens), Cumberland elktoe (Alasmidonta atropurpurea), oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis), and rough rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica strigillata).

(1) The primary constituent elements essential for the conservation of the purple bean (Villosa perpurpurea), Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens), Cumberland elktoe (Alasmidonta atropurpurea), oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis), and rough rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica strigillata) are those habitat components that support feeding, sheltering, reproduction, and physical features for maintaining the natural processes that support these habitat components. The primary constituent elements include:

(i) Permanent, flowing stream reaches with a flow regime (i.e, the magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary for normal behavior, growth, and survival of all life stages of the five mussels and their host fish;

(ii) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks;

(iii) Stable substrates consisting of mud, sand, gravel, and/or cobble/boulder, with low amounts of fine sediments or attached filamentous algae;

(iv) Water quality (including temperature, turbidity, oxygen content, and other characteristics) necessary for the normal behavior, growth, and survival of all life stages of the five mussels and their host fish; and

(v) Fish hosts with adequate living, foraging, and spawning areas for them.

(2) Critical habitat unit descriptions and maps. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(i) Index map. The index map showing critical habitat units in the States of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia for the five Tennessee and Cumberland River Basin mussels follows:

(ii) Table of protected species and critical habitat units. A table listing the protected species, their respective critical habitat units, and the States that contain those habitat units follows. Detailed critical habitat unit descriptions and maps appear below the table.

Expand Table

Table of Five Tennessee and Cumberland River Basin Mussels, Their Critical Habitat Units, and States Containing Those Critical Habitat Units

Species Critical habitat units States
purple bean (Villosa perpurpurea) Units 3, 4, 5, 7 TN, VA
Cumberlandian combshell (Epioblasma brevidens) Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 AL, KY, MS, TN, VA
Cumberland elktoe (Alasmidonta atropurpurea) Units 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 KY, TN
oyster mussel (Epioblasma capsaeformis) Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9,10 AL, KY, MS, TN, VA
rough rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica strigillata) Units 4, 5 TN, VA

(iii) Unit 1. Duck River, Marshall and Maury Counties, Tennessee. This is a critical habitat unit for the oyster mussel and Cumberlandian combshell.

(A) Unit 1 includes the main stem of the Duck River from rkm 214 (rmi 133) (0.3 rkm (0.2 rmi) upstream of the First Street Bridge) (−87.03 longitude, 35.63 latitude) in the City of Columbia, Maury County, Tennessee, upstream to Lillard Mill Dam at rkm 288 (rmi 179) (−86.78 longitude, 35.58 latitude), Marshall County, Tennessee.

(B) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(iv) Unit 2. Bear Creek, Colbert County, Alabama, and Tishomingo County, Mississippi. This is a critical habitat unit for the oyster mussel and Cumberlandian combshell.

(A) Unit 2 consists of the main stem of Bear Creek from the backwaters of Pickwick Lake at rkm 37 (rmi 23) (-88.09 longitude, 34.81 latitude), Colbert County, Alabama, upstream through Tishomingo County, Mississippi, ending at the Mississippi/Alabama State line.

(B) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(v) Unit 3. Obed River, Cumberland and Morgan Counties, Tennessee. This is a critical habitat unit for the purple bean.

(A) Unit 3 includes the Obed River main stem from its confluence with the Emory River (-84.69 longitude, 36.09 latitude), Morgan County, Tennessee, upstream to Adams Bridge, Cumberland County, Tennessee (-84.95 longitude, 36.07 latitude).

(B) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(vi) Unit 4. Powell River, Claiborne and Hancock Counties, Tennessee, and Lee County, Virginia. This is a critical habitat unit for the purple bean, Cumberlandian combshell, oyster mussel, and rough rabbitsfoot.

(A) Unit 4 includes the main stem of the Powell River from the U.S. 25E bridge in Claiborne County, Tennessee (-83.63 longitude, 36.53 latitude), upstream to river mile 159 (upstream of Rock Island in the vicinity of Pughs) Lee County, Virginia.

(B) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(vii) Unit 5. Clinch River, Hancock County, Tennessee, and Scott, Russell, and Tazewell Counties, Virginia; Copper Creek, Scott County, Virginia; and Indian Creek, Tazewell County, Virginia. This is a critical habitat unit for the purple bean, Cumberlandian combshell, oyster mussel, and rough rabbitsfoot.

(A) Unit 5 includes the Clinch River main stem from rkm 255 (rmi 159) (−83.36 longitude, 36.43 latitude) immediately below Grissom Island, Hancock County, Tennessee, upstream to its confluence with Indian Creek in Cedar Bluff, Tazewell County, Virginia (−81.80 longitude, 37.10 latitude); Copper Creek in Scott County, Virginia, from its confluence with the Clinch River (−82.74 longitude, 36.67 latitude) upstream to Virginia State Route 72 (−82.56 longitude, 36.68 latitude); and Indian Creek from its confluence with the Clinch River upstream to the fourth Norfolk Southern Railroad crossing at Van Dyke, Tazewell County, Virginia (−81.77 longitude, 37.14 latitude).

(B) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(viii) Unit 6. Nolichucky River, Hamblen and Cocke Counties, Tennessee. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberlandian combshell and oyster mussel.

(A) Unit 6 consists of the main stem of the Nolichucky River from rkm 14 (rmi 9) (−83.18 longitude, 36.18 latitude) (approximately 0.6 rkm (0.4 rmi) upstream of Enka Dam) upstream to Susong Bridge (−83.20 longitude, 36.14 latitude) in Hamblen and Cocke Counties, Tennessee.

(B) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(ix) Unit 7. Beech Creek, Hawkins County, Tennessee. This is a critical habitat unit for the purple bean.

(A) Unit 7 includes the Beech Creek main stem from rkm 4 (rmi 2) (−82.92 longitude, 36.40 latitude) of Beech Creek (in the vicinity of Slide, Tennessee) upstream to the dismantled railroad bridge at rkm 27 (rmi 16) (−82.77 longitude, 36.40 latitude).

(B) Map of Unit 7 follows:

(x) Unit 8. Rock Creek, McCreary County, Kentucky. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberland elktoe.

(A) Unit 8 includes the main stem of Rock Creek from its confluence with White Oak Creek (−84.59 longitude, 36.71 latitude), upstream to the low-water crossing at rkm 25.6 (rmi 15.9) approximately 2.6 km (1.6 mi) southwest of Bell Farm (−84.69 longitude, 36.65 latitude), McCreary County, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Unit 8 follows:

(xi) Unit 9. Big South Fork of the Cumberland River and its tributaries, Fentress, Morgan, and Scott Counties, Tennessee, and McCreary County, Kentucky. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberlandian combshell, Cumberland elktoe, and oyster mussel.

(A) Unit 9 consists of the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River main stem from its confluence with Laurel Crossing Branch (−84.54 longitude, 36.64 latitude), McCreary County, Kentucky, upstream to its confluence with the New River and Clear Fork, Scott County, Tennessee; North White Oak Creek from its confluence with the Big South Fork upstream to Panther Branch (−84.75 longitude, 36.42 latitude), Fentress County, Tennessee; New River from its confluence with Clear Fork upstream to U.S. Highway 27 (−84.55 longitude, 36.38 latitude), Scott County, Tennessee; Clear Fork from its confluence with the New River upstream to its confluence with North Prong Clear Fork, Morgan and Fentress Counties, Tennessee; White Oak Creek from its confluence with Clear Fork upstream to its confluence with Bone Camp Creek, Morgan County, Tennessee; Bone Camp Creek from its confluence with White Oak Creek upstream to Massengale Branch (−84.71 longitude, 36.28 latitude), Morgan County, Tennessee; Crooked Creek from its confluence with Clear Fork upstream to Buttermilk Branch (−84.92 longitude, 36.36 latitude), Fentress County, Tennessee; and North Prong Clear Fork from its confluence with Clear Fork upstream to Shoal Creek (−84.97 longitude, 36.26 latitude), Fentress County, Tennessee.

(B) Maps of Unit 9 follow:

(xii) Unit 10. Buck Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberlandian combshell and oyster mussel.

(A) Unit 10 includes the Buck Creek main stem from the State Road 192 Bridge (−84.43 longitude, 37.06 latitude) upstream to the State Road 328 Bridge (−84.56 longitude, 37.32 latitude) in Pulaski County, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Unit 10 follows:

(xiii) Unit 11. Sinking Creek, Laurel County, Kentucky. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberland elktoe.

(A) Unit 11 includes the main stem of Sinking Creek from its confluence with the Rockcastle River (−84.28 longitude, 37.10 latitude) upstream to its confluence with Laurel Branch (−84.17 longitude, 37.09 latitude) in Laurel County, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Unit 11 follows:

(xiv) Unit 12. Marsh Creek, McCreary County, Kentucky. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberland elktoe.

(A) Unit 12 includes the Marsh Creek main stem from its confluence with the Cumberland River (−84.35 longitude, 36.78 latitude) upstream to State Road 92 Bridge (−84.35 longitude, 36.66 latitude) in McCreary County, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Unit 12 follows:

(xv) Unit 13. Laurel Fork, Claiborne County, Tennessee, and Whitley County, Kentucky. This is a critical habitat unit for the Cumberland elktoe.

(A) Unit 13 includes the main stem of the Laurel Fork of the Cumberland River from the boundary between Claiborne and Campbell Counties (−84.00 longitude, 36.58 latitude) upstream to rkm 11 (rmi 6.85) in Whitley County, Kentucky. The upstream terminus is 3 rkm (2 rmi) upstream of the Kentucky/Tennessee State line (−84.00 longitude, 36.60 latitude).

(B) Map of Unit 13 follows:

Seven mussel species (in four northeast Gulf of Mexico drainages): Purple bankclimber (Elliptoideus sloatianus), Gulf moccasinshell (Medionidus penicillatus), Ochlockonee moccasinshell (Medionidus simpsonianus), oval pigtoe (Pleurobema pyriforme), shinyrayed pocketbook (Lampsilis subangulata), Chipola slabshell (Elliptio chipolaensis), and fat threeridge (Amblema neislerii).

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted on the maps below for the following counties:

(i) Alabama: Houston and Russell;

(ii) Florida: Alachua, Bay, Bradford, Calhoun, Columbia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Jackson, Leon, Liberty, Union, Wakulla, and Washington; and

(iii) Georgia: Baker, Calhoun, Coweta, Crawford, Crisp, Decatur, Dooly, Dougherty, Early, Fayette, Grady, Lee, Macon, Marion, Meriwether, Miller, Mitchell, Peach, Pike, Schley, Spalding, Sumter, Talbot, Taylor, Terrell, Thomas, Upson, Webster, and Worth.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the purple bankclimber (Elliptoideus sloatianus), Gulf moccasinshell (Medionidus penicillatus), Ochlockonee moccasinshell (Medionidus simpsonianus), oval pigtoe (Pleurobema pyriforme), shinyrayed pocketbook (Lampsilis subangulata), Chipola slabshell (Elliptio chipolaensis), and fat threeridge (Amblema neislerii) are:

(i) A geomorphically stable stream channel (a channel that maintains its lateral dimensions, longitudinal profile, and spatial pattern over time without a consistent aggrading or degrading bed elevation);

(ii) A predominantly sand, gravel, and/or cobble stream substrate with low to moderate amounts of silt and clay;

(iii) Permanently flowing water;

(iv) Water quality (including temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and chemical constituents) that meets or exceeds the current aquatic life criteria established under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387); and

(v) Fish hosts (such as largemouth bass, sailfin shiner, brown darter) that support the larval life stages of the seven mussels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Data layers defining map units were created with USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) GIS data. The 1:100,000 river reach (route) files were used to calculate river kilometers and miles. The following data sources were referenced to identify upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units: USGS 7.5' quadrangles; Georgia Department of Transportation county highway maps; U.S. Census Bureau 1:100,000 TIGER line road data; 1993 Georgia digital orthographic quarter quads (DOQQs); 2004 Florida DOQQs; and DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteers for Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. The projection used in mapping all units was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), NAD 83, Zone 16 North.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the States of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia for the seven mussels follows:

(6) Table of listed species and critical habitat units. A table showing the listed species, their respective critical habitat units, and the States that contain those habitat units follows. Detailed critical habitat unit descriptions and maps appear below in paragraphs (7) through (17).

Expand Table
Species Critical habitat units States
Purple bankclimber (Elliptoideus sloatianus) Units 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 AL, FL, GA
Gulf moccasinshell (Medionidus penicillatus) Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 AL, FL, GA
Ochlockonee moccasinshell (Medionidus simpsonianus) Unit 9 FL, GA
Oval pigtoe (Pleurobema pyriforme) Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 AL, FL, GA
Shinyrayed pocketbook (Lampsilis subangulata) Units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 AL, FL, GA
Chipola slabshell (Elliptio chipolaensis) Unit 2 AL, FL
Fat threeridge (mussel) (Amblema neislerii) Units 2, 7, 8 AL, FL, GA

(7) Unit 1. Econfina and Moccasin creeks, Bay and Washington Counties, Florida. This is a critical habitat unit for the Gulf moccasinshell and oval pigtoe.

(i) General Description: Unit 1 includes the main stem of Econfina Creek and one of its tributaries, Moccasin Creek, encompassing a total stream length of 31.4 kilometers (km) (19.5 miles (mi)). The main stem of Econfina Creek extends from its confluence with Deer Point Lake at the powerline crossing located 3.8 km (2.3 mi) downstream of Bay County Highway 388 (−85.56 longitude, 30.36 latitude), Bay County, Florida, upstream 28.6 km (17.8 mi) to Tenmile Creek (−85.50 longitude, 30.51 latitude), Washington County, Florida; and Moccasin Creek from its confluence with Econfina Creek upstream 2.8 km (1.7 mi) to Ellis Branch (−85.53 longitude, 30.41 latitude), Bay County, Florida.

(ii) Unit 1 map follows:

(8) Unit 2. Chipola River and Dry, Rocky, Waddells Mill, Baker, Marshall, Big, and Cowarts Creeks in Houston County, Alabama, and in Calhoun, Gulf, and Jackson counties, Florida. This is a critical habitat unit for the fat threeridge, shinyrayed pocketbook, Gulf moccasinshell, oval pigtoe, and Chipola slabshell.

(i) General Description: Unit 2 includes the main stem of the Chipola River and seven of its tributaries, encompassing a total stream length of 228.7 km (142.1 mi). The main stem of the Chipola River extends from its confluence with the Apalachicola River (−85.09 longitude, 30.01 latitude) in Gulf County, Florida, upstream 144.9 river km (90.0 river mi), including the reach known as Dead Lake, to the confluence of Marshall and Cowarts creeks (−85.27 longitude, 30.91 latitude) in Jackson County, Florida; Dry Creek from the Chipola River upstream 7.6 river km (4.7 river mi) to Ditch Branch (−85.24 longitude, 30.69 latitude), Jackson County, Florida; Rocky Creek from the Chipola River upstream 7.1 river km (4.4 river mi) to Little Rocky Creek (−85.13 longitude, 30.68 latitude), Jackson County, Florida; Waddells Mill Creek from the Chipola River upstream 3.7 river km (2.3 river mi) to Russ Mill Creek (−85.29 longitude, 30.87 latitude), Jackson County, Florida; Baker Creek from Waddells Mill Creek upstream 5.3 river km (3.3 river mi) to Tanner Springs (−85.32 longitude, 30.83 latitude), Jackson County, Florida; Marshall Creek from the Chipola River upstream 13.7 river km (8.5 river mi) to the Alabama-Florida State line (−85.33 longitude, 31.00 latitude), Jackson County, Florida; Cowarts Creek from the Chipola River in Jackson County, Florida, upstream 33.5 river km (20.8 river mi) to the Edgar Smith Road bridge (−85.29 longitude, 31.13 latitude), Houston County, Alabama; and Big Creek from the Alabama-Florida State line upstream 13.0 river km (8.1 river mi) to Limestone Creek (−85.42 longitude, 31.08 latitude), Houston County, Alabama. The short segment of the Chipola River that flows underground within the boundaries of Florida Caverns State Park is not included within this unit.

(ii) Unit 2 map follows:

(9) Unit 3. Uchee Creek, Russell County, Alabama. This is a critical habitat unit for the shinyrayed pocketbook.

(i) General Description: Unit 3 includes the main stem of Uchee Creek from its confluence with the Chattahoochee River upstream 34.2 km (21.2 mi) to Island Creek (−85.18 longitude, 32.38 latitude), Russell County, Alabama, encompassing a total stream length of 34.2 km (21.2 mi).

(ii) Unit 3 map follows:

(10) Unit 4. Sawhatchee, Sheffield Mill, and Kirkland creeks, Early County, Georgia. This is a critical habitat unit for the shinyrayed pocketbook, Gulf moccasinshell, and oval pigtoe.

(i) General Description: Unit 4 includes the main stems of Sawhatchee and Kirkland creeks, and one tributary, encompassing a total stream length of 37.8 km (23.5 mi). Unit 4 includes Sawhatchee Creek from its confluence with the Chattahoochee River upstream 28.6 km (17.8 mi) to the powerline crossing located 1.4 km (0.87 mi) upstream of Early County Road 15 (−84.99 longitude, 31.32 latitude); Sheffield Mill Creek, the tributary, from its confluence with Sawhatchee Creek upstream 3.1 km (1.9 mi) to the powerline crossing located 2.3 km (1.4 mi) upstream of Sowhatchee Road (−85.01 longitude, 31.23 latitude); Kirkland Creek from its confluence with the Chattahoochee River upstream 6.1 km (3.8 mi) to Dry Creek (−85.00 longitude, 31.13 latitude).

(ii) Unit 4 map follows:

(11) Unit 5. Upper Flint River and Swift, Limestone, Turkey, Pennahatchee, Little Pennahatchee, Hogcrawl, Red Oak, Line, and Whitewater creeks in Coweta, Crawford, Crisp, Dooly, Fayette, Macon, Meriwether, Peach, Pike, Spalding, Sumter, Talbot, Taylor, Upson, and Worth counties, Georgia. This is a critical habitat unit for the shinyrayed pocketbook, Gulf moccasinshell, oval pigtoe, and purple bankclimber.

(i) General Description: Unit 5 encompasses a total stream length of 380.4 km (236.4 mi) and includes the Flint River from the State Highway 27 bridge (Vienna Road) (−83.98 longitude, 32.06 latitude) in Dooly and Sumter counties, Georgia (the river is the county boundary), upstream 247.4 km (153.7 mi) through Macon, Peach, Taylor, Crawford, Talbot, Upson, Pike, Meriwether, and Coweta counties, to Horton Creek (−84.42 longitude, 33.29 latitude) in Fayette and Spalding counties, Georgia (the river is the county boundary); Swift Creek from Lake Blackshear upstream 11.3 km (7 mi) to Rattlesnake Branch (−83.84 longitude, 31.82 latitude), Crisp and Worth counties, Georgia (the creek is the county boundary); Limestone Creek from Lake Blackshear, Crisp County, Georgia, upstream 8.8 km (5.5 mi) to County Road 89 (−83.88 longitude, 32.04 latitude), Dooly County, Georgia; Turkey Creek from the Flint River upstream 21.7 km (13.5 mi) to Rogers Branch (−83.89 longitude, 32.20 latitude), in Dooly County, Georgia; Pennahatchee Creek from Turkey Creek upstream 4.8 km (3 mi) to Little Pennahatchee Creek (−83.89 longitude, 32.10 latitude), Dooly County, Georgia; Little Pennahatchee Creek from Pennahatchee Creek upstream 5.8 km (3.6 mi) to Rock Hill Creek (−83.85 longitude, 32.13 latitude), Dooly County, Georgia; Hogcrawl Creek from the Flint River upstream 21.6 km (13.4 mi) to Little Creek (−83.90 longitude, 32.28 latitude), Dooly and Macon counties, Georgia (the creek is the county boundary); Red Oak Creek from the Flint River upstream 21.7 km (13.5 mi) to Brittens Creek (−84.68 longitude, 33.11 latitude), Meriwether County, Georgia; Line Creek from the Flint River upstream 15.8 km (9.8 mi) to Whitewater Creek (−84.51 longitude, 33.28 latitude), Coweta and Fayette counties, Georgia (the creek is the county boundary); and Whitewater Creek from Line Creek upstream 21.5 km (13.4 mi) to Ginger Cake Creek (−84.49 longitude, 33.42 latitude), Fayette County, Georgia.

(ii) Two maps of unit 5 - northern part of unit 5 and - southern part of unit 5 follow:

(12) Unit 6. Middle Flint River and Kinchafoonee, Lanahassee, Muckalee, Little Muckalee, Mill, Mercer Mill Pond, Abrams, Jones, and Chokee creeks in Dougherty, Lee, Marion, Schley, Sumter, Terrell, Webster, and Worth counties, Georgia. This is a critical habitat unit for the shinyrayed pocketbook, Gulf moccasinshell, oval pigtoe, and purple bankclimber.

(i) General Description: Unit 6 encompasses a total stream length of 302.3 km (187.8 mi) and includes the Flint River from Piney Woods Creek (−84.06 longitude, 31.61 latitude) in Dougherty County, Georgia (the upstream extent of Lake Worth), upstream 39.9 km (24.8 mi) to the Warwick Dam (−83.94 longitude, 31.85 latitude), Lee and Worth counties, Georgia; Kinchafoonee Creek from its confluence with Lake Worth at the Lee - Dougherty county line (−84.17 longitude, 31.62 latitude), upstream 107.6 km (66.8 mi) through Terrell and Sumter Counties, Georgia, to Dry Creek (−84.58 longitude, 32.17 latitude), Webster County, Georgia; Lanahassee Creek from Kinchafoonee Creek upstream 9.3 km (5.8 mi) to West Fork Lanahassee Creek (−84.50 longitude, 32.11 latitude), Webster County, Georgia; Muckalee Creek, from its confluence with Lake Worth at the Lee - Dougherty county line (−84.14 longitude, 31.62 latitude), upstream 104.5 km (64.9 mi) to County Road 114 (−84.44 longitude, 32.23 latitude), Marion County, Georgia; Little Muckalee Creek, from Muckalee Creek in Sumter County, Georgia, upstream 7.2 km (4.5 mi) to Galey Creek (−84.29 longitude, 32.17 latitude), Schley County, Georgia; Mill Creek from the Flint River upstream 3.2 km (2 mi) to Mercer Millpond Creek (−83.99 longitude, 31.67 latitude), Worth County, Georgia; Mercer Millpond Creek from Mill Creek upstream 0.45 km (0.28 mi) to Mercer Mill Pond (−83.99 longitude, 31.68 latitude), Worth County, Georgia; Abrams Creek from the Flint River upstream 15.9 km (9.9 mi) to County Road 123 (−83.93 longitude, 31.68 latitude), Worth County, Georgia; Jones Creek from the Flint River upstream 3.8 km (2.4 mi) to County Road 123 (−83.96 longitude, 31.76 latitude), Worth County, Georgia; and Chokee Creek, from the Flint River upstream 10.5 km (6.5 mi) to Dry Branch Creek (−84.02 longitude, 31.89 latitude), Lee County, Georgia.

(ii) Two maps of unit 6 - western part of unit 6 and - eastern part of unit 6 follow:

(13) Unit 7. Lower Flint River and Spring, Aycocks, Dry, Ichawaynochaway, Mill, Pachitla, Little Pachitla, Chickasawhatchee, and Cooleewahee creeks in Baker, Calhoun, Decatur, Dougherty, Early, Miller, Mitchell, and Terrell counties, Georgia. This is a critical habitat unit for the fat threeridge, shinyrayed pocketbook, Gulf moccasinshell, oval pigtoe, and purple bankclimber.

(i) General Description: Unit 7 encompasses a total stream length of 396.7 km (246.5 mi) and includes the Flint River from its confluence with Big Slough (−84.56 longitude, 30.93 latitude), Decatur County, Georgia, upstream 116.4 km (72.3 mi) through Baker and Mitchell Counties, Georgia, to the Flint River Dam (which impounds Lake Worth) (−84.14 longitude, 31.60 latitude), Dougherty County, Georgia; Spring Creek, from its confluence with Lake Seminole at Smith Landing (−84.75 longitude, 30.89 latitude), Decatur County, Georgia, upstream 74.2 km (46.1 mi) to County Road 35 (−84.78 longitude, 31.34 latitude), Early County, Georgia; Aycocks Creek from Spring Creek upstream 15.9 km (9.9 mi) to Cypress Creek (−84.79 longitude, 31.15 latitude), Miller County, Georgia; Dry Creek from Spring Creek upstream 9.9 km (6.1 mi) to Wamble Creek (−84.84 longitude, 31.31 latitude), Early County, Georgia; Ichawaynochaway Creek from the Flint River, Baker County, Georgia, upstream 68.6 km (42.6 mi) to Merrett Creek (−84.58 longitude, 31.54 latitude), Calhoun County, Georgia; Mill Creek from Ichawaynochaway Creek upstream 7.4 km (4.6 mi) to County Road 163 (−84.63 longitude, 31.40 latitude), Baker County, Georgia; Pachitla Creek, from Ichawaynochaway Creek upstream 18.9 km (11.8 mi) to Little Pachitla Creek (−84.68 longitude, 31.56 latitude), Calhoun County, Georgia; Little Pachitla Creek from Pachitla Creek upstream 5.8 km (3.6 mi) to Bear Branch (−84.72 longitude, 31.58 latitude), Calhoun County, Georgia; Chickasawhatchee Creek from Ichawaynochaway Creek, Baker County, Georgia, upstream 64.5 km (40.1 mi) to U.S. Highway 82 (−84.38 longitude, 31.74 latitude), Terrell County, Georgia; and Cooleewahee Creek from the Flint River upstream 15.1 km (9.4 mi) to Piney Woods Branch (−84.31 longitude, 31.42 latitude), Baker County, Georgia.

(ii) Two maps of unit 7 - western part of unit 7 and - eastern part of unit 7 follow:

(14) Unit 8. Apalachicola River, Chipola Cutoff, Swift Slough, River Styx, Kennedy Slough, and Kennedy Creek in Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Jackson, and Liberty Counties, Florida. This is a critical habitat unit for the fat threeridge and purple bankclimber.

(i) General Description: Unit 8 includes the main stem of the Apalachicola River, two of its distributaries, Chipola Cutoff and Swift Slough, and three of its tributaries, River Styx, Kennedy Slough, and Kennedy Creek, encompassing a total length of 161.2 river km (100.2 river mi). The main stem of the Apalachicola River extends from the downstream end of Bloody Bluff Island (river mile 15.3 on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Navigation Charts) (−85.01 longitude, 29.88 latitude), Franklin County, Florida, through Calhoun and Liberty Counties, Florida, upstream to the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam (which impounds Lake Seminole) (−84.86 longitude, 30.71 latitude), Gadsden and Jackson Counties, Florida; Chipola Cutoff from the Apalachicola River in Gulf County, Florida, downstream 4.5 river km (2.8 river mi) to its confluence with the Chipola River; Swift Slough from the Apalachicola River in Liberty County, Florida, downstream 3.6 river km (2.2 river mi) to its confluence with the River Styx (−85.12 longitude, 30.10 latitude); River Styx from the mouth of Swift Slough (−85.12 longitude, 30.10 latitude) in Liberty County, Florida, downstream 3.8 river km (2.4 river mi) to its confluence with the Apalachicola River; Kennedy Slough from −85.07 longitude, 30.01 latitude in Liberty County, Florida, downstream 0.9 river km (0.5 river mi) to its confluence with Kennedy Creek; and Kennedy Creek from Brushy Creek Feeder (−85.06 longitude, 30.01 latitude) in Liberty County, Florida, downstream 1.1 river km (0.7 river mi) to its confluence with the Apalachicola River.

(ii) Unit 8 map follows:

(15) Unit 9. Upper Ochlockonee River and Barnetts and West Barnetts creeks, and the Little Ochlockonee River in Gadsden and Leon counties, Florida, and in Grady and Thomas counties, Georgia. This is a critical habitat unit for the shinyrayed pocketbook, Ochlockonee moccasinshell, oval pigtoe, and purple bankclimber.

(i) General Description: Unit 9 includes the main stem of the Ochlockonee River upstream of Lake Talquin and three tributaries encompassing a total stream length of 177.3 km (110.2 mi). The main stem of the Ochlockonee River extends from its confluence with Gulley Branch (the approximate upstream extent of Lake Talquin) (−84.44 longitude, 30.46 latitude), Gadsden and Leon counties, Florida, upstream 134.0 km (83.3 mi) to Bee Line Road/County Road 306 (−83.94 longitude, 31.03 latitude), Thomas County, Georgia; Barnetts Creek from the Ochlockonee River upstream 20 km (12.4 mi) to Grady County Road 170/Thomas County Road 74 (−84.12 longitude, 30.98 latitude), Grady and Thomas counties, Georgia; West Barnetts Creek from Barnetts Creek upstream 10 km (6.2 mi) to Georgia Highway 111 (−84.17 longitude, 30.98 latitude), Grady County, Georgia; and the Little Ochlockonee River from the Ochlockonee River upstream 13.3 km (8.3 mi) to Roup Road/County Road 33 (−84.02 longitude, 31.02 latitude), Thomas County, Georgia.

(ii) Unit 9 map follows:

(16) Unit 10. Lower Ochlockonee River in Leon, Liberty, and Wakulla counties, Florida. This is a critical habitat unit for the purple bankclimber.

(i) General Description: Unit 10 encompasses a total stream length of 75.4 km (46.9 mi) and includes the main stem of the Ochlockonee River from its confluence with Syfrett Creek (−84.56 longitude, 30.02 latitude), Wakulla County, Florida, upstream 75.4 km (46.9 mi) to the Jackson Bluff Dam (which impounds Lake Talquin) (−84.65 longitude, 30.39 latitude), Leon and Liberty counties, Florida.

(ii) Unit 10 map follows:

(17) Unit 11. Santa Fe River and New River in Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, and Union counties, Florida. This is a critical habitat unit for the oval pigtoe.

(i) General Description: Unit 11 includes the main stem of the Santa Fe River and its tributary the New River encompassing a total stream length of 83.1 km (51.6 mi). The main channel of the Santa Fe River extends from where the river goes underground in O'Leno State Park (−82.57 longitude, 29.91 latitude), Alachua and Columbia counties, Florida, upstream 60.2 km (37.4 mi) to the powerline crossing located 1.9 km (1.2 mi) downstream from the U.S. Highway 301 bridge (−82.18 longitude, 29.84 latitude) in Alachua and Bradford counties, Florida; and the New River from its confluence with the Santa Fe River at the junction of Alachua, Bradford, and Union counties, Florida, upstream 22.9 km (14.2 mi) to McKinney Branch (−82.27 longitude, 30.01 latitude) in Bradford and Union counties, Florida.

(ii) Unit 11 map follows:

Eight mussel species in four northeast Gulf of Mexico drainages: the Choctaw bean (Villosa choctawensis), round ebonyshell (Fusconaia rotulata), southern kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus jonesi), Alabama pearlshell (Margaritifera marrianae), fuzzy pigtoe (Pleurobema strodeanum), narrow pigtoe (Fusconaia escambia), tapered pigtoe (Fusconaia burkei), and southern sandshell (Hamiota australis).

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the following counties:

(i) Alabama. Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Coffee, Conecuh, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Escambia, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Monroe, and Pike Counties.

(ii) Florida. Bay, Escambia, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and Washington Counties.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Alabama pearlshell, round ebonyshell, southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, tapered pigtoe, narrow pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe consist of five components:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) Stable substrates of sand or mixtures of sand with clay or gravel with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae.

(iii) A hydrologic flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species are found, and to maintain connectivity of rivers with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for habitat maintenance, food availability, and spawning habitat for native fishes.

(iv) Water quality, including temperature (not greater than 32 °C), pH (between 6.0 to 8.5), oxygen content (not less than 5.0 milligrams per liter), hardness, turbidity, and other chemical characteristics necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(v) The presence of fish hosts. Diverse assemblages of native fish species will serve as a potential indication of host fish presence until appropriate host fishes can be identified. For the fuzzy pigtoe and tapered pigtoe, the presence of blacktail shiner (Cyprinella venusta) will serve as a potential indication of fish host presence.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, dams, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 9, 2012, with the exception of the impoundments created by Point A and Gantt Lake dams (impounded water, not the actual dam structures).

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created with USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) GIS data. The 1:100,000 river reach (route) files were used to calculate river kilometers and miles. ESRIs ArcGIS 9.3.1 software was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping all units was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), NAD 83, Zone 16 North. The following data sources were referenced to identify features (like roads and streams) used to delineate the upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units: NHD data, Washington County USFWS National Wetlands Inventory, 1999 Florida Department of Transportation Roads Characteristics Inventory (RCI) dataset, U.S. Census Bureau 2000 TIGER line waterbody data, ESRIs World Street Map Service, Florida Department of Transportation General Highway Maps, DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteers, and USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,, at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2011-0050, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index maps follow (Map 1 for the Alabama pearlshell, and Map 2 for the round ebonyshell, southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, tapered pigtoe, narrow pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe):

(6) Unit AP1: Big Flat Creek Drainage, Monroe and Wilcox Counties, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the Alabama pearlshell.

(i) The unit includes the mainstem of Big Flat Creek from State Route 41 upstream 56 kilometers (km) (35 miles (mi)), Monroe County, AL; Flat Creek from its confluence with Big Flat Creek upstream 20 km (12 mi), Monroe County, AL; and Dailey Creek from its confluence Flat Creek upstream 17 km (11 mi), Monroe and Wilcox Counties, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit AP1, Big Flat Creek Drainage, and Unit AP2, Burnt Corn Creek, Murder Creek, and Sepulga River drainages, follows:

(7) Unit AP2: Burnt Corn Creek, Murder Creek, and Sepulga River. Drainages, Escambia and Conecuh Counties, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the Alabama pearlshell.

(i) The unit includes the mainstem of Burnt Corn Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek upstream 66 km (41 mi), Conecuh County, AL; the mainstem of Murder Creek from its confluence with Jordan Creek upstream 17 km (11 mi) to the confluence of Otter Creek, Conecuh County, AL; Jordan Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek upstream 12 km (7 mi), Conecuh County, AL; Otter Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek, upstream 9 km (5.5 mi), Conecuh County, AL; Hunter Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek upstream 4.4 km (2.7 mi) to the Navy Outlying Field (NOLF) Evergreen northern boundary, Conecuh County, AL; Hunter Creek from the NOLF Evergreen southern boundary upstream 3.0 km (1.9 mi), Conecuh County, AL; Sandy Creek from County Road 29 upstream 5 km (3.5 mi), Conecuh County, AL; two unnamed tributaries to Sandy Creek - one from its confluence with Sandy Creek upstream 8.5 km (5.0 mi) to just above Hagood Road, and the other from it confluence with the previous unnamed tributary upstream 2.5 km (1.5 mi) to just above Hagood Road; Little Cedar Creek from County Road 6 upstream 8 km (5 mi), Conecuh County, AL; Amos Mill Creek from its confluence with the Sepulga River upstream 12 km (8 mi), Escambia and Conecuh Counties, AL; Polly Creek from its confluence with Amos Mill Creek upstream 3 km (2 mi), Conecuh County, AL; and Bottle Creek from its confluence with the Sepulga River upstream 5.5 km (3.5 mi) to County Road 42, Conecuh County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit AP1, Big Flat Creek Drainage, and Unit AP2, Burnt Corn Creek, Murder Creek, and Sepulga River Drainages is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.

(8) Unit GCM1: Lower Escambia River Drainage in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, FL, and Escambia, Covington, Conecuh, and Butler Counties, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the round ebonyshell, southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, narrow pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe.

(i) The unit includes the Escambia-Conecuh River mainstem from the confluence of Spanish Mill Creek Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, FL, upstream 204 km (127 mi) to the Point A Lake dam, Covington County, AL; Murder Creek from its confluence with the Conecuh River, Escambia County, AL, upstream 62 km (38 mi) to the confluence of Cane Creek, Conecuh County, AL; Burnt Corn Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek, Escambia County, AL, upstream 59 km (37 mi) to County Road 20, Conecuh County, AL; Jordan Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek, upstream 5.5 km (3.5 mi) to Interstate 65, Conecuh County, AL; Mill Creek from its confluence with Murder Creek upstream 2.5 km (1.5 mi) to the confluence of Sandy Creek, Conecuh County, AL; Sandy Creek from its confluence with Mill Creek upstream 5.5 km (3.5 mi) to County Road 29, Conecuh County, AL; Sepulga River from its confluence with the Conecuh River upstream 69 km (43 mi) to the confluence of Persimmon Creek, Conecuh County, AL; Bottle Creek from its confluence with the Sepulga River upstream 5.5 km (3.5 mi) to County Road 42, Conecuh County, AL; Persimmon Creek from its confluence with the Sepulga River, Conecuh County, upstream 36 km (22 mi) to the confluence of Mashy Creek, Butler County, AL; Panther Creek from its confluence with Persimmon Creek upstream 11 km (7 mi) to State Route 106, Butler County, AL; Pigeon Creek from its confluence with the Sepulga River, Conecuh and Covington Counties, upstream 89 km (55 mi) to the confluence of Three Run Creek, Butler County, AL; and Three Run Creek from its confluence with Pigeon Creek upstream 9 km (5.5 mi) to the confluence of Spring Creek, Butler County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM1, Lower Escambia River, follows (to preserve detail, the map is divided into south and north sections):

(9) Unit GCM2: Point A Lake and Gantt Lake Reservoirs in Covington County, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the narrow pigtoe.

(i) The unit extends from Point A Dam, Covington County, upstream 21 km (13 mi) to the Covington-Crenshaw County line, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM2, Point A Lake and Gantt Lake Reservoirs, follows:

(10) Unit GCM3: Patsaliga Creek Drainage in Covington, Crenshaw, and Pike Counties, AL. The Patsaliga Creek drainage is within the Escambia River basin. This unit is critical habitat for the southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, narrow pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe.

(i) The unit includes Patsaliga Creek from its confluence with Point A Lake at County Road 59, Covington County, AL, upstream 108 km (67 mi) to Crenshaw County Road 66-Pike County Road 1, AL; Little Patsaliga Creek from its confluence with Patsaliga Creek upstream 28 km (17 mi) to Mary Daniel Road, Crenshaw County, AL; and Olustee Creek from its confluence with Patsaliga Creek upstream 12 km (8 mi) to County Road 5, Pike County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM3, Patsaliga Creek Drainage follows:

(11) Unit GCM4: Upper Escambia River Drainage in Covington, Crenshaw, Pike, and Bullock Counties, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, narrow pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe.

(i) The unit includes the Conecuh River from its confluence with Gantt Lake reservoir at the Covington-Crenshaw County line upstream 126 km (78 mi) to County Road 8, Bullock County, AL; Beeman Creek from its confluence with the Conecuh River upstream 6.5 km (4 mi) to the confluence of Mill Creek, Pike County, AL; and Mill Creek from its confluence with Beeman Creek, upstream 4.5 km (3 mi) to County Road 13, Pike County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM 4, Upper Escambia River Drainage, follows:

(12) Unit GCM5: Yellow River Drainage in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton Counties, FL, and Covington County, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the Choctaw bean, narrow pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe.

(i) The unit includes the Yellow River mainstem from the confluence of Weaver River (a distributary located 0.9 km (0.6 mi), downstream of State Route 87), Santa Rosa County, FL, upstream 157 km (97 mi) to County Road 42, Covington County, AL; the Shoal River mainstem from its confluence with the Yellow River upstream 51 km (32 mi) to the confluence of Mossy Head Branch, Walton County, FL; Pond Creek from its confluence with the Shoal River upstream 24 km (15 mi) to the confluence of Fleming Creek, Walton County, FL; and Five Runs Creek from its confluence with the Yellow River upstream 15 km (9.5 mi) to County Road 31, Covington County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM5, Yellow River Drainage, follows:

(13) Unit GCM6: Choctawhatchee River and Lower Pea River Drainages in Walton, Washington, Bay, Holmes, and Jackson Counties, FL, and Geneva, Coffee, Dale, Houston, Henry, Pike, and Barbour Counties, AL. This unit is critical habitat for the southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, tapered pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe.

(i) The unit includes the Choctawhatchee River mainstem from the confluence of Pine Log Creek, Walton County, FL, upstream 200 km (125 mi) to the point the river splits into the West Fork Choctawhatchee and East Fork Choctawhatchee rivers, Barbour County, AL; Pine Log Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Walton County, upstream 19 km (12 mi) to Ditch Branch, Washington and Bay Counties, FL; an unnamed channel forming Cowford Island from its downstream confluence with the Choctawhatchee River upstream 3 km (2 mi) to its upstream confluence with the river, Washington County, FL; Crews Lake from its western terminus 1.5 km (1 mi) to its eastern terminus, Washington County, FL (Crews Lake is a relic channel southwest of Cowford Island, and is disconnected from the Cowford Island channel, except during high flows); Holmes Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Washington County, FL, upstream 98 km (61 mi) to County Road 4, Geneva County, AL; Alligator Creek from its confluence with Holmes Creek upstream 6.5 km (4 mi) to County Road 166, Washington County, FL; Bruce Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River upstream 25 km (16 mi) to the confluence of an unnamed tributary, Walton County, FL; Sandy Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, upstream 30 km (18 mi) to the confluence of West Sandy Creek, Holmes and Walton Counties, FL; Blue Creek from its confluence with Sandy Creek, upstream 7 km (4.5 mi) to the confluence of Goose Branch, Holmes County, FL; West Sandy Creek from its confluence with Sandy Creek, upstream 5.5 km (3.5 mi) to the confluence of an unnamed tributary, Walton County, FL; Wrights Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Holmes County, FL, upstream 43 km (27 mi) to County Road 4, Geneva County, AL; Tenmile Creek from its confluence with Wrights Creek upstream 6 km (3.5 mi) to the confluence of Rice Machine Branch, Holmes County, FL; West Pittman Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, upstream 6.5 km (4 mi) to Fowler Branch, Holmes County, FL; East Pittman Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River upstream 4.5 km (3 mi) to County Road 179, Holmes County, FL; Parrot Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River upstream 6 km (4 mi) to Tommy Lane, Holmes County, FL; the Pea River from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Geneva County, AL, upstream 91 km (57 mi) to the Elba Dam, Coffee County, AL; Limestone Creek from its confluence with the Pea River upstream 8.5 km (5 mi) to Woods Road, Walton County, FL; Flat Creek from the Pea River upstream 17 km (10 mi) to the confluence of Panther Creek, Geneva County, AL; Eightmile Creek from its confluence with Flat Creek, Geneva County, AL, upstream 15 km (9 mi) to the confluence of Dry Branch (first tributary upstream of County Road 181), Walton County, FL; Corner Creek from its confluence with Eightmile Creek, upstream 5 km (3 mi) to State Route 54, Geneva County, AL; Natural Bridge Creek from its confluence with Eightmile Creek, Geneva County, AL, upstream 4 km (2.5 mi) to the Covington-Geneva County line, AL; Double Bridges Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Geneva County, AL, upstream 46 km (29 mi) to the confluence of Blanket Creek, Coffee County, AL; Claybank Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Geneva County, AL, upstream 22 km (14 mi) to the Fort Rucker military reservation southern boundary, Dale County, AL; Claybank Creek from the Fort Rucker military reservation northern boundary, upstream 6 km (4 mi) to County Road 36, Dale County, AL; Steep Head Creek from the Fort Rucker military reservation western boundary, upstream 4 km (2.5 mi) to County Road 156, Coffee County, AL; Hurricane Creek from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River upstream 14 km (8.5 mi) to State Route 52, Geneva County, AL; Little Choctawhatchee River from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Dale and Houston Counties, upstream 20 km (13 mi) to the confluence of Newton Creek, Houston County, AL; Panther Creek from its confluence with Little Choctawhatchee River, upstream 4.5 km (2.5 mi) to the confluence of Gilley Mill Branch, Houston County, AL; Bear Creek from its confluence with the Little Choctawhatchee River, upstream 5.5 km (3.5 mi) to County Road 40 (Fortner Street), Houston County, AL; West Fork Choctawhatchee River from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Dale County, AL, upstream 54 km (33 mi) to the fork of Pauls Creek and Lindsey Creek, Barbour County, AL; Judy Creek from its confluence with West Fork Choctawhatchee River upstream 17 km (11 mi) to County Road 13, Dale County, AL; Sikes Creek from its confluence with West Fork Choctawhatchee River Dale County, AL, upstream 8.5 km (5.5 mi) to State Route 10, Barbour County, AL; Pauls Creek from its confluence with West Fork Choctawhatchee River upstream 7 km (4.5 mi) to one mile upstream of County Road 20, Barbour County, AL; Lindsey Creek from its confluence with West Fork Choctawhatchee River upstream 14 km (8.5 mi) to the confluence of an unnamed tributary, Barbour County, AL; an unnamed tributary to Lindsey Creek from its confluence with Lindsey Creek upstream 2.5 km (1.5 mi) to 1.0 mile upstream of County Road 53, Barbour County, AL; and East Fork Choctawhatchee River from its confluence with the Choctawhatchee River, Dale County, AL, upstream 71 km (44 mi) to County Road 71, Barbour County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM6, Choctawhatchee River and Lower Pea River Drainages, follows (to preserve detail, the map is divided into south, central, and north sections):

(14) Unit GCM7: Upper Pea River Drainage in Coffee, Dale, Pike, Barbour, and Bullock Counties, AL. The Pea River drainage is within the Choctawhatchee River Basin. This unit is critical habitat for the southern kidneyshell, Choctaw bean, tapered pigtoe, southern sandshell, and fuzzy pigtoe.

(i) The unit includes the Pea River mainstem from the Elba Dam, Coffee County, upstream 123 km (76 mi) to State Route 239, Bullock and Barbour Counties, AL; Whitewater Creek from its confluence with the Pea River, Coffee County, upstream 45 km (28 mi) to the confluence of Walnut Creek, Pike County, AL; Walnut Creek from its confluence with Whitewater Creek upstream 14 km (9 mi) to County Road 26, Pike County, AL; Big Creek (Coffee County) from its confluence with Whitewater Creek, Coffee County, upstream 30 km (18 mi) to the confluence of Smart Branch, Pike County, AL; Big Creek (Barbour County) from its confluence with the Pea River upstream 10 km (6 mi) to the confluence of Sand Creek, Barbour County, AL; Pea Creek from its confluence with the Pea River upstream 6 km (4 mi) to the confluence of Hurricane Creek, Barbour County, AL; and Big Sandy Creek from its confluence with the Pea River upstream 6.5 km (4 mi) to County Road 14, Bullock County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit GCM7, Upper Pea River Drainage, follows:

Georgia Pigtoe (Pleurobema hanleyianum)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cherokee, Coosa, and Clay Counties, Alabama; Murray and Whitfield Counties, Georgia; and Bradley and Polk Counties, Tennessee, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the Georgia pigtoe are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) A hydrologic flow regime (the magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found. Unless other information becomes available, existing conditions at locations where the species occurs will be considered as minimal flow requirements for survival.

(iii) Water quality (including temperature, pH, hardness, turbidity, oxygen content, and chemical constituents) that meets or exceeds the current aquatic life criteria established under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387).

(iv) Sand, gravel, cobble, boulder, or bedrock substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae.

(v) The presence of fish host(s) for the Georgia pigtoe (species currently unknown). Diverse assemblages of native fish will serve as a potential indication of presence of host fish.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs, such as buildings, bridges, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Maps were developed from USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and converted to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 16, coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the Georgia pigtoe follows:

(6) Unit 1 for Georgia pigtoe (GP 1): Conasauga River, Bradley and Polk Counties, Tennessee; Murray and Whitfield Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit GP 1 includes the channel of the Conasauga River from the confluence of Minnewaga Creek (710752.23E, 3875891.03N), Polk County, Tennessee, downstream to U.S. Highway 76 (694611.06E, 3851057.36N), Murray/Whitfield County, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (GP 1) for Georgia pigtoe (Conasauga River) follows:

(7) Unit 2 for Georgia pigtoe (GP 2), Terrapin Creek and Coosa River, Cherokee County, Alabama.

(i) Unit GP 2 includes the channel of Terrapin Creek from Alabama Highway 9 (628065.76E, 3770007.078N), downstream to the confluence with the Coosa River (621001.27E, 3777441.03N), Cherokee County, Alabama; and the Coosa River channel from Weiss Dam (614866.54E, 3781969.16N), downstream to a point 1.6 km (1 mi) below the confluence of Terrapin Creek (619751.69E, 3776654.79N), Cherokee County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (GP 2) for Georgia pigtoe (Terrapin Creek, Coosa River) follows:

(8) Unit 3 for Georgia pigtoe (GP 3): Hatchet Creek, Coosa and Clay Counties, Alabama.

(i) Unit GP 3 includes the channel of Hatchet Creek from Clay County Road 4 (588215.16E, 3666038.46N), Clay County, downstream to the confluence of Swamp Creek at Coosa County Road 29 (561904.90E, 3636065.37N), Coosa County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (GP 3) for Georgia pigtoe (Hatchet Creek) follows:

Altamaha spinymussel (Elliptio spinosa).

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Appling, Ben Hill, Coffee, Jeff Davis, Long, Montgomery, Tattnall, Telfair, Toombs, Wayne, and Wheeler Counties, Georgia, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the Altamaha spinymussel are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Geomorphically stable river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with stable sandbar, slough, and mid-channel-island habitats of coarse-to-fine sand substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae.

(ii) A hydrologic flow regime (the magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species are found and to maintain connectivity of rivers with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for sand bar maintenance, food availability, and spawning habitat for native fishes.

(iii) Water quality necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages, including specifically temperature (less than 32.6 °C (90.68 °) with less than 2 °C (3.6 °F) daily fluctuation), pH (6.1 to 7.7), oxygen content (daily average DO concentration of 5.0 mg/l and a minimum of 4.0 mg/l), an ammonia level not exceeding 1.5 mg N/L, 0.22 mg N/L (normalized to pH 8 and 25 °C (77 °F)), and other chemical characteristics.

(iv) The presence of fish hosts (currently unknown) necessary for recruitment of the Altamaha spinymussel. The continued occurrence of diverse native fish assemblages currently occurring in the basin will serve as an indication of host fish presence until appropriate host fishes can be identified for the Altamaha spinymussel.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs, such as buildings, bridges, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Maps were developed from USGS 7.5 minute quadrangles, and critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the Altamaha spinymussel follows:

(6) Unit 1: Ocmulgee River, Ben Hill, Telfair, Coffee, and Jeff Davis Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit 1 includes the channel of the Ocmulgee River from the confluence of House Creek with the Ocmulgee at Red Bluff Landing (longitude −83.18, latitude 31.85), Ben Hill and Telfair Counties, Georgia, downstream to Altamaha River (longitude −82.54, latitude 31.96), at the confluence of the Oconee and Ocmulgee Rivers, Jeff Davis and Telfair Counties, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (Ocmulgee River) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Upper Altamaha River, Wheeler, Toombs, Montgomery, Jeff Davis, Appling, and Tattnall Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit 2 includes the channel of the Altamaha River from the confluence of the Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers (longitude −82.54, latitude 31.96), Wheeler and Jeff Davis Counties, Georgia, downstream to the US 1 crossing (longitude −82.36, latitude 31.94), and from the western edge of Moody Forest (longitude −82.33, latitude 31.93) downstream to the confluence of the Altamaha and Ohoopee Rivers (longitude −82.11, latitude 31.90), Appling and Tattnall Counties, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Upper Altamaha River) follows:

(8) Unit 3: Middle Altamaha River, Tattnall, Appling, Wayne, and Long Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit 3 includes the channel of Altamaha River, extending from the confluence with the Ohoopee (longitude −82.11, latitude 31.90), Tattnall and Appling Counties, Georgia, downstream to U.S. Route 301 (longitude −81.84, latitude 31.67), Wayne and Long Counties, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Middle Altamaha River) follows:

(9) Unit 4: Lower Ohoopee River, Tattnall County, Georgia.

(i) Unit 4 includes the channel of the Ohoopee River, starting 2.2 km (1.3 mi) upstream of Tattnall County Road 191 (longitude −82.14, latitude 31.98), Tattnall County, Georgia, downstream to the confluence of the Ohoopee River with the Altamaha River (longitude −82.11, latitude 31.90), Tattnall County, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 (Lower Ohoopee River) follows:

Fluted Kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus subtentum)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted on the maps below for Limestone County, Alabama; Jackson, Laurel, McCreary, Pulaski, Rockcastle, and Wayne Counties, Kentucky; Bedford, Claiborne, Cocke, Fentress, Franklin, Giles, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hickman, Humphreys, Jefferson, Knox, Lincoln, Marshall, Maury, Moore, Morgan, Overton, Perry, Pickett, Polk, Scott, and Sevier Counties, Tennessee; and Bland, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, and Wythe Counties, Virginia.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of fluted kidneyshell consist of five components:

(i) Riffle habitats within large, geomorphically stable stream channels (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) Stable substrates of sand, gravel, and cobble with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and containing flow refugia with low shear stress.

(iii) A natural hydrologic flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found, and connectivity of rivers with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for habitat maintenance, food availability for all life stages, and spawning habitat for native fishes.

(iv) Water quality with low levels of pollutants and including a natural temperature regime, pH (between 6.0 to 8.5), oxygen content (not less than 5.0 milligrams/liter), hardness, and turbidity necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(v) The presence of abundant fish hosts, which may include the barcheek darter, fantail darter, rainbow darter, redline darter, bluebreast darter, dusky darter and banded sculpin, necessary for recruitment of the fluted kidneyshell.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, dams, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 28, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created with USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD+) GIS data. The 1:100,000 river reach (route) files were used to calculate river kilometers and miles. ESRIs ArcGIS 10.0 software was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping all units was USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS version, NAD 83, meters. The following data sources were referenced to identify features (like roads and streams) used to delineate the upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units: NHD+ flowline and waterbody data, 2011 Navteq roads data, USA Topo ESRI online basemap service, DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteers, and USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0026, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) An overview of critical habitat locations for the fluted kidneyshell in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia follows:

(6) Unit FK1: Horse Lick Creek, Rockcastle and Jackson Counties, Kentucky.

(i) The unit includes approximately 19 river kilometers (rkm) (12 river miles (rmi)) of Horse Lick Creek, in Rockcastle and Jackson Counties, KY. It includes the mainstem of Horse Lick Creek from its confluence with the Rockcastle River (−84.13780, 37.31991) upstream to Clover Bottom Creek (−84.12200, 37.40879).

(ii) Map of Units FK1 and FK2 follows:

(7) Unit FK2: Middle Fork Rockcastle River, Jackson County, Kentucky.

(i) The unit includes 12.5 rkm (7.7 rmi) of the Middle Fork Rockcastle River from its confluence with the Rockcastle River (−84.11895, 37.33581) upstream to its confluence with Indian Creek and Laurel Fork (−84.04897, 37.36765) in Jackson County, KY.

(ii) Map of Units FK1 and FK2 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.

(8) Unit FK3: Rockcastle River, Pulaski, Laurel, and Rockcastle Counties, Kentucky.

(i) The unit includes approximately 70 rkm (43 rmi) of the Rockcastle River from the backwaters of Lake Cumberland near its confluence with Cane Creek along the Laurel and Pulaski County line, KY (−84.30594, 37.03423), upstream to its confluence with Horse Lick Creek along the Laurel and Rockcastle County line, KY (−84.13766, 37.31944).

(ii) Map of Unit FK3 follows:

(9) Unit FK4: Buck Creek, Pulaski County, Kentucky.

(i) This unit includes 61 rkm (38 rmi) of Buck Creek from State Route 192 (−84.42681, 37.05977) upstream to Route 328 (−84.55492, 37.32430), Pulaski County, KY.

(ii) Map of Unit FK4 follows:

(10) Unit FK5: Rock Creek, McCreary County, Kentucky.

(i) The unit includes approximately 19 rkm (12 rmi) of Rock Creek from its confluence with White Oak Creek (−84.69103, 36.65145) upstream to the low water crossing at rkm 25.6 (rmi 15.9) (−84.58888, 36.70800) in McCreary County, KY.

(ii) Map of Units FK5 and FK6 follows:

(11) Unit FK6: Little South Fork Cumberland River, McCreary and Wayne Counties, Kentucky.

(i) The unit includes 65.5 rkm (40.7 rmi) of the Little South Fork Cumberland River from its confluence with the Big South Fork Cumberland River (−84.58269, 36.82690), where it is the dividing line between Wayne and McCreary Counties, upstream to its confluence with Dobbs Creek (−84.85344, 36.62588) in Wayne County, KY.

(ii) Map of Units FK5 and FK6 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit FK7: Big South Fork Cumberland River, Fentress, Morgan, and Scott Counties, Tennessee, and McCreary County, Kentucky.

(i) The unit includes approximately 45 rkm (28 rmi) of the Big South Fork of the Cumberland River from its confluence with Laurel Crossing Branch downstream of Big Shoals (−84.53642, 36.64114), McCreary County, KY, upstream to its confluence with Clear Fork and New River (−84.62394, 36.42475), Scott County, TN. This unit also includes 32.3 rkm (20.0 rmi) of Clear Fork from its confluence with the Big South Fork and New River (−84.62394, 36.42475) in Scott County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Crooked Creek (−84.78637, 36.32533) along the Fentress and Morgan County line, TN. This unit also includes 14.7 rkm (9.1 rmi) of the New River from its confluence with the Big South Fork (−84.62394, 36.42475) upstream to the Highway 27 Bridge crossing (−84.55290, 36.38279) in Scott County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK7 follows:

(13) Unit FK8: Wolf River and Town Branch, Pickett and Fentress Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes 41.0 rkm (25.5 rmi) of the Wolf River from its inundation at Dale Hollow Lake (−85.14414, 36.60670) in Pickett County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Delk Creek (−84.91064, 36.52784) in Fentress County, TN. This unit also includes 3.4 rkm (2.0 rmi) of Town Branch from its confluence with Wolf River (−85.11787, 36.58321) upstream to its headwaters (−85.12136, 36.55947) in Pickett County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK8 follows:

(14) Unit FK9: West Fork Obey River, Overton County, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 19 rkm (12 rmi) of the West Fork Obey River from the Highway 52 Bridge crossing (−85.17410, 36.39731) upstream to its confluence with Dry Hollow Creek (−85.20747, 36.25989) in Overton County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK9 follows:

(15) Unit FK10: Indian Creek, Tazewell County, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes 6.7 rkm (4.2 rmi) of Indian Creek from its confluence with the Clinch River (−81.76608, 37.08893) upstream to the fourth Norfolk Southern Railroad crossing at Van Dyke (−81.71975, 37.11206) in Tazewell County, VA.

(ii) Map of Units FK10 and FK11 follows:

(16) Unit FK11: Little River, Russell and Tazewell Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 50 rkm (31 rmi) of Little River from its confluence with the Clinch River (−81.92582, 37.00223) in Russell County, VA, upstream to its confluence with Liberty and Maiden Spring Creeks (−81.67240, 37.03760) in Tazewell County, VA.

(ii) Map of Units FK10 and FK11 is provided at paragraph (15)(ii) of this entry.

(17) Unit FK12: North Fork Holston River, Smyth and Bland Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 67 rkm (42 rmi) of the North Fork Holston River from its confluence with Beaver Creek (−81.70277, 36.90825), upstream of Saltville, in Smyth County, VA, upstream to Ceres (−81.33775, 37.01035), Bland County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit FK12 follows:

(18) Unit FK13: Middle Fork Holston River, Washington, Smyth, and Wythe Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 89 rkm (55 rmi) of the Middle Fork Holston River from its inundation at South Holston Lake (−81.90427, 36.66338) in Washington County, VA, upstream to its headwaters (−81.31345, 36.88666) in Wythe County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit FK13 follows:

(19) Unit FK14: Big Moccasin Creek, Scott and Russell Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 33 rkm (21 rmi) of Big Moccasin Creek from the Highway 71 Bridge crossing (−82.48361, 36.69109) in Scott County, VA, upstream to the Route 612 Bridge crossing (−82.32348, 36.73740) near Collinwood in Russell County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit FK14 follows:

(20) Unit FK15: Copper Creek, Scott County, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes 55.5 rkm (34.5 rmi) of Copper Creek from its confluence with the Clinch River (−82.74538, 36.65544) upstream to the Highway 71 Bridge crossing (−82.43514, 36.73473) in Scott County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit FK15 follows:

(21) Unit FK16: Clinch River, Hancock County, Tennessee, and Scott, Russell, and Tazewell Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 263 rkm (163 rmi) of the Clinch River from rkm 255 (rmi 159) immediately below Grissom Island (−83.40106, 36.43081) in Hancock County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Indian Creek near Cedar Bluff (−81.74999, 37.07995), Tazewell County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit FK16 follows:

(22) Unit FK17: Powell River, Claiborne and Hancock Counties, Tennessee, and Lee County, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 153 rkm (95 rmi) of the Powell River from the U.S. 25E Bridge (−83.63102, 36.54143) in Claiborne County, TN, upstream to rkm 256 (rmi 159) (−82.98111, 36.75730, upstream of Rock Island in the vicinity of Pughs) in Lee County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit FK17 follows:

(23) Unit FK18: Nolichucky River, Cocke, Hamblen, and Greene Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 52 rkm (32 rmi) of the Nolichucky River from rkm 14 (rmi 9), approximately 0.6 rkm (0.4 rmi) upstream of Enka Dam (−83.19630, 36.12970), where it divides Hamblen and Cocke Counties, TN, upstream to its confluence with Pigeon Creek, just upstream of the Highway 321 Bridge crossing (−82.92926, 36.07545), in Greene County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK18 follows:

(24) Unit FK19: Holston River, Knox, Grainger, and Jefferson Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 85 rkm (53 rmi) of the Holston River from its confluence with the French Broad River (−83.84967, 35.95903) in Knox County, TN, upstream to the base of Cherokee Dam at rkm 83.7 (rmi 52.3) (−83.49855, 36.16666) along the Grainger and Jefferson County, TN, line.

(ii) Map of Units FK19 and FK20 follows:

(25) Unit FK20: French Broad River, Knox and Sevier Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 56 rkm (35 rmi) of the French Broad River from its confluence with the Holston River (−83.84967, 35.95903) in Knox County, TN, upstream to the base of Douglas Dam at rkm 51.7 (rmi 32.3) (−83.53821, 35.96073) in Sevier County, TN.

(ii) Map of Units FK19 and FK20 is provided at paragraph (24)(ii) of this entry.

(26) Unit FK21: Hiwassee River, Polk County, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 24 rkm (15 rmi) of the Hiwassee River from the Highway 315 Bridge crossing (−84.50234, 35.18875) upstream to the Highway 68 Bridge crossing (−84.31728, 35.16811) in Polk County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK21 follows:

(27) Unit FK22: Elk River, Limestone County, Alabama, and Giles, Lincoln, Franklin, and Moore Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 164 rkm (102 rmi) of the Elk River from its inundation at Wheeler Lake (−87.06503, 34.89788) in Limestone County, AL, upstream to its confluence with Farris Creek (−86.31996, 35.16288) at the dividing line between Franklin and Moore Counties, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK22 follows:

(28) Unit FK23: Duck River, Humphreys, Perry, Hickman, Maury, Marshall, and Bedford Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 348 rkm (216 rmi) of the Duck River from its inundation at Kentucky Lake (−87.88011, 36.00244) in Humphreys County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Flat Creek (−86.48778, 35.47209) near Shelbyville in Bedford County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK23 follows:

(29) Unit FK24: Buffalo River, Humphreys and Perry Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes 50 rkm (31 rmi) of the Buffalo River from its confluence with the Duck River (−87.84261, 35.99477) in Humphreys County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Cane Creek (−87.78718, 35.72298) in Perry County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit FK24 follows:

Suwannee Moccasinshell (Medionidus walkeri)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted on the maps in this entry for Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Madison, Suwannee, and Union Counties, Florida; and Brooks and Lowndes Counties, Georgia.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Suwannee moccasinshell consist of the following components:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream channels (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) Stable substrates of muddy sand or mixtures of sand and gravel, and with little to no accumulation of unconsolidated sediments and low amounts of filamentous algae.

(iii) A natural hydrologic flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found, and connectivity of stream channels with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for habitat maintenance, food availability, and spawning habitat for native fishes.

(iv) Water quality conditions needed to sustain healthy Suwannee moccasinshell populations, including low pollutant levels (not less than State criteria), a natural temperature regime, pH (between 6.0 to 8.5), adequate oxygen content (not less than State criteria), hardness, turbidity, and other chemical characteristics necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(v) The presence of fish hosts necessary for recruitment of the Suwannee moccasinshell. The presence of blackbanded darters (Percina nigrofasciata) and brown darters (Etheostoma edwini) will serve as an indication of fish host presence.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, dams, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on August 2, 2021.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created with U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset GIS data. The high-resolution 1:24,000 flowlines were used to calculate river kilometers and miles. ESRIs ArcGIS 10.2.2 software was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping all units was Universal Transverse Mercator, NAD 83, Zone 16 North. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates on which each map is based are available at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2019-0059, the Service's internet site (, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the Suwannee moccasinshell in Florida and Georgia follows:

(6) Unit 1: Suwannee River in Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette, Madison, and Suwannee Counties, Florida.

(i) Unit 1 consists of approximately 187 kilometers (km) (116 miles (mi)) of the Suwannee River and lower Santa Fe River in Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette, Madison, and Suwannee Counties, Florida. The unit includes the Suwannee River mainstem from the confluence of Hart Springs in Dixie and Gilchrist Counties, upstream 137 km (85 mi) to the confluence of the Withlacoochee River in Madison and Suwannee Counties; and the Santa Fe River from its confluence with the Suwannee River in Suwannee and Gilchrist Counties, upstream 50 km (31 mi) to the river's rise (the Santa Fe River runs underground for more than 3 miles, emerging at River Rise Preserve State Park) in Alachua County.

(ii) Map of Unit 1, Suwannee River, follows:

(7) Unit 2: Upper Santa Fe River in Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, and Union, Counties, Florida.

(i) The Upper Santa Fe River Unit consists of approximately 43 km (27 mi) of the Santa Fe River and New River in Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, and Union Counties, Florida. The unit includes the Santa Fe River from the river's sink in Alachua County, upstream 36.5 km (23 mi) to the confluence of Rocky Creek in Bradford and Alachua Counties; and the New River from its confluence with the Santa Fe River, upstream 6.5 km (4 mi) to the confluence of Five Mile Creek in Union and Bradford Counties.

(ii) Map of Unit 2, Upper Santa Fe River, follows:

(8) Unit 3: Withlacoochee River in Hamilton and Madison Counties, Florida; Brooks and Lowndes Counties, Georgia.

(i) The Withlacoochee River Unit consists of approximately 75.5 km (47 mi) of the Withlacoochee River in Hamilton and Madison Counties, Florida, and Brooks and Lowndes Counties, Georgia. The unit includes the Withlacoochee River from its confluence with the Suwannee River in Madison and Hamilton Counties, FL, upstream 75.5 km (47 mi) to the confluence of Okapilco Creek in Brooks and Lowndes Counties, GA.

(ii) Map of Unit 3, Withlacoochee River, follows:

Slabside Pearlymussel (Pleuronaia dolabelloides)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted on the maps below for Colbert, Jackson, Limestone, Madison, and Marshall Counties, Alabama; Tishomingo County, Mississippi; Bedford, Bledsoe, Claiborne, Cocke, Franklin, Giles, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hickman, Humphreys, Lincoln, Marion, Marshall, Maury, Moore, Perry, Polk, and Sequatchie Counties, Tennessee; and Bland, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, and Wythe Counties, Virginia.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of slabside pearlymussel consist of five components:

(i) Riffle habitats within large, geomorphically stable stream channels (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) Stable substrates of sand, gravel, and cobble with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and containing flow refugia with low shear stress.

(iii) A natural hydrologic flow regime (magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found, and connectivity of rivers with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for habitat maintenance, food availability for all life stages, and spawning habitat for native fishes.

(iv) Water quality with low levels of pollutants and including a natural temperature regime, pH (between 6.0 to 8.5), oxygen content (not less than 5.0 milligrams/liter), hardness, and turbidity necessary for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(v) The presence of abundant fish hosts, which may include the popeye shiner, rosyface shiner, saffron shiner, silver shiner, telescope shiner, Tennessee shiner, whitetail shiner, white shiner, and eastern blacknose dace, necessary for recruitment of the slabside pearlymussel.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, dams, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 28, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created with USGS National Hydrography Dataset (NHD+) GIS data. The 1:100,000 river reach (route) files were used to calculate river kilometers and miles. ESRIs ArcGIS 10.0 software was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping all units was USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic USGS version, NAD 83, meters. The following data sources were referenced to identify features (like roads and streams) used to delineate the upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units: NHD+ flowline and waterbody data, 2011 Navteq roads data, USA Topo ESRI online basemap service, DeLorme Atlas and Gazetteers, and USGS 7.5 minute topographic maps. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0026, and at the Service's Tennessee Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) An overview of critical habitat locations for the slabside pearlymussel in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia follows:

(6) Unit SP1: North Fork Holston River, Smyth and Bland Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 67 river kilometers (rkm) (42 river miles (rmi)) of the North Fork Holston River from its confluence with Beaver Creek (−81.70277, 36.90825), upstream of Saltville, in Smyth County, VA, upstream to Ceres (−81.33775, 37.01035), Bland County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit SP1 follows:

(7) Unit SP2: Middle Fork Holston River, Washington, Smyth, and Wythe Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 89 rkm (55 rmi) of the Middle Fork Holston River from its inundation at South Holston Lake (−81.90427, 36.66338) in Washington County, VA, upstream to its headwaters (−81.31345, 36.88666) in Wythe County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit SP2 follows:

(8) Unit SP3: Big Moccasin Creek, Scott and Russell Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 33 rkm (21 rmi) of Big Moccasin Creek from the Highway 71 Bridge crossing (−82.48361, 36.69109) in Scott County, VA, upstream to the Route 612 Bridge crossing (−82.32348, 36.73740) near Collinwood in Russell County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit SP3 follows:

(9) Unit SP4: Clinch River, Hancock County, Tennessee, and Scott, Russell, and Tazewell Counties, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 263 rkm (163 rmi) of the Clinch River from rkm 255 (rmi 159) immediately below Grissom Island (−83.40106, 36.43081) in Hancock County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Indian Creek near Cedar Bluff (−81.74999, 37.07995), Tazewell County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit SP4 follows:

(10) Unit SP5: Powell River, Claiborne and Hancock Counties, Tennessee, and Lee County, Virginia.

(i) The unit includes approximately 153 rkm (95 rmi) of the Powell River from the U.S. 25E Bridge (−83.63102, 36.54143) in Claiborne County, TN, upstream to rkm 256 (rmi 159) (−82.98111, 36.75730, upstream of Rock Island in the vicinity of Pughs) in Lee County, VA.

(ii) Map of Unit SP5 follows:

(11) Unit SP6: Nolichucky River, Cocke, Hamblen, and Greene Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 52 rkm (32 rmi) of the Nolichucky River from rkm 14 (rmi 9), approximately 0.6 rkm (0.4 rmi) upstream of Enka Dam (−83.19630, 36.12970), where it divides Hamblen and Cocke Counties, TN, upstream to its confluence with Pigeon Creek, just upstream of the Highway 321 Bridge crossing (−82.92926, 36.07545), in Greene County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit SP6 follows:

(12) Unit SP7: Hiwassee River, Polk County, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 24 rkm (15 rmi) of the Hiwassee River from the Highway 315 Bridge crossing (−84.50234, 35.18875) upstream to the Highway 68 Bridge crossing (−84.31728, 35.16811) in Polk County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit SP7 follows:

(13) Unit SP8: Sequatchie River, Marion, Sequatchie, and Bledsoe Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 151 rkm (94 rmi) of the Sequatchie River from the Highway 41, 64, 72, 2 Bridge crossing (−85.60583, 35.06576) in Marion County, TN, upstream to the Ninemile Cross Road Bridge crossing (−85.08304, 35.69162) in Bledsoe County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit SP8 follows:

(14) Unit SP9: Paint Rock River, Madison, Marshall, and Jackson Counties, Alabama.

(i) The unit includes approximately 86 rkm (53 rmi) of the Paint Rock River from the Highway 431 Bridge crossing (−86.39109, 34.49926) along the Madison and Marshall County line, AL, upstream to the confluence of Estill Fork and Hurricane Creek in Jackson County, AL (−86.17048, 34.89813). The unit includes approximately 11 rkm (7 rmi) of Larkin Fork from its confluence with the Paint Rock River (−86.20833, 34.86218) upstream to its confluence with Bear Creek (−86.22512, 34.94205) in Jackson County, AL; approximately 13 rkm (8 rmi) of Estill Fork from its confluence with the Paint Rock River (−86.17048, 34.89813) upstream to its confluence with Bull Run (−86.15283, 34.99118) in Jackson County, AL; and approximately 16 rkm (10 rmi) of Hurricane Creek from its confluence with the Paint Rock River (−86.17048, 34.89813) upstream to its confluence with Turkey Creek (−86.09441, 34.98370) in Jackson County, AL.

(ii) Map of Unit SP9 follows:

(15) Unit SP10: Elk River, Limestone County, Alabama, and Giles, Lincoln, Franklin, and Moore Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 164 rkm (102 rmi) of the Elk River from its inundation at Wheeler Lake (−87.06503, 34.89788) in Limestone County, AL, upstream to its confluence with Farris Creek (−86.31996, 35.16288) at the dividing line between Franklin and Moore Counties, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit SP10 follows:

(16) Unit SP11: Bear Creek, Colbert County, Alabama, and Tishomingo County, Mississippi.

(i) The unit includes approximately 42 rkm (26 rmi) of Bear Creek from its inundation at Pickwick Lake at rkm 37 (rmi 23) (−88.08373, 34.68909) in Colbert County, AL, upstream through Tishomingo County, MS, and ending at the Mississippi-Alabama State line (−88.15388, 34. 49139).

(ii) Map of Unit SP11 follows:

(17) Unit SP12: Duck River, Humphreys, Perry, Hickman, Maury, Marshall, and Bedford Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes approximately 348 rkm (216 rmi) of the Duck River from its inundation at Kentucky Lake (−87.88011, 36.00244) in Humphreys County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Flat Creek (−86.48778, 35.47209) near Shelbyville in Bedford County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit SP12 follows:

(18) Unit SP13: Buffalo River, Humphreys and Perry Counties, Tennessee.

(i) The unit includes 50 rkm (31 rmi) of the Buffalo River from its confluence with the Duck River (−87.84261, 35.99477) in Humphreys County, TN, upstream to its confluence with Cane Creek (−87.78718, 35.72298) in Perry County, TN.

(ii) Map of Unit SP13 follows:

Neosho Mucket (Lampsilis rafinesqueana)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the Neosho mucket on the maps below in the following Counties:

(i) Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas;

(ii) Allen, Cherokee, Coffey, Elk, Greenwood, Labette, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, and Woodson Counties, Kansas;

(iii) Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, and Newton Counties, Missouri; and

(iv) Adair, Cherokee, and Delaware Counties, Oklahoma.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Neosho mucket consist of five components:

(i) Geomorphically stable river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with habitats that support a diversity of freshwater mussel and native fish (such as stable riffles, sometimes with runs, and mid-channel island habitats that provide flow refuges consisting of gravel and sand substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae).

(ii) A hydrologic flow regime (the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species are found and to maintain connectivity of rivers with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the mussel's and fish host's habitat, food availability, spawning habitat for native fishes, and the ability for newly transformed juveniles to settle and become established in their habitats.

(iii) Water and sediment quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity, hardness, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia, heavy metals, and chemical constituents) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) The occurrence of natural fish assemblages, reflected by fish species richness, relative abundance, and community composition, for each inhabited river or creek that will serve as an indication of appropriate presence and abundance of fish hosts necessary for recruitment of the Neosho mucket. Suitable fish hosts for Neosho mucket glochidia include smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), and spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus).

(v) Competitive or predaceous invasive (nonnative) species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on survival of freshwater mussels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as dams, piers and docks, bridges, or other similar structures) within the legal boundaries on June 1, 2015.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. Critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were delineated at the nearest road crossing or stream confluence of each occupied reach. Data layers defining map units were created with U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Medium Flowline data. ArcGIS was also used to calculate river kilometers (rkm) and river miles (rmi) from the NHD dataset, and it was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates, plot points, or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, the Federal eRulemaking Portal ( at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0007), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map of all critical habitat units for the Neosho mucket follows:

(6) Unit NM1: Illinois River - Benton and Washington Counties, Arkansas; and Adair, Cherokee, and Delaware Counties, Oklahoma.

(i) General Description: Unit NM1 includes 146.1 rkm (90.8 rmi) of the Illinois River from the Muddy Fork Illinois River confluence south of Savoy, Washington County, Arkansas, downstream to the Baron Creek confluence southeast of Tahlequah, Cherokee County, Oklahoma.

(ii) Map of Unit NM1 follows:

(7) Unit NM2: Elk River - McDonald County, Missouri; and Delaware County, Oklahoma.

(i) General Description: Unit NM2 includes 20.3 rkm (12.6 rmi) of the Elk River from Missouri Highway 59 at Noel, McDonald County, Missouri, to the confluence of Buffalo Creek immediately downstream of the Oklahoma and Missouri State line, Delaware County, Oklahoma.

(ii) Map of Unit NM2 follows:

(8) Unit NM3: Shoal Creek - Cherokee County, Kansas; and Newton County, Missouri.

(i) General Description: Unit NM3 includes 75.8 rkm (47.1 rmi) of Shoal Creek from Missouri Highway W near Ritchey, Newton County, Missouri, to Empire Lake where inundation begins in Cherokee County, Kansas.

(ii) Map of Unit NM3 follows:

(9) Unit NM4: Spring River - Jasper and Lawrence Counties, Missouri; and Cherokee County, Kansas.

(i) General Description: Unit NM4 includes 102.3 rkm (63.6 rmi) of the Spring River from Missouri Highway 97 north of Stotts City, Lawrence County, Missouri, downstream to the confluence of Turkey Creek north of Empire, Cherokee County, Kansas.

(ii) Map of Unit NM4 follows:

(10) Unit NM5: North Fork Spring River - Jasper County, Missouri.

(i) General Description: Unit NM5 includes 16.4 rkm (10.2 rmi) of the North Fork Spring River from the confluence of Buck Branch southwest of Jasper, Missouri, downstream to its confluence with the Spring River near Purcell, Jasper County, Missouri.

(ii) Map of Unit NM5 follows:

(11) Unit NM6: Fall River - Elk, Greenwood, and Wilson Counties, Kansas; Verdigris River - Montgomery and Wilson Counties, Kansas.

(i) General Description: Unit NM6 includes a total of 171.1 rkm (106.3 rmi) including 90.4 rkm (56.2 rmi) of the Fall River from Fall River Lake dam northwest of Fall River, Greenwood County, Kansas, downstream to its confluence with the Verdigris River near Neodesha, Wilson County, Kansas. Unit NM6 also includes 80.6 rkm (50.1 rmi) of the Verdigris River from Kansas Highway 39 near Benedict, Wilson County, Kansas, downstream to the Elk River confluence near Independence, Montgomery County, Kansas.

(ii) Map of Unit NM6 follows:

(12) Unit NM7: Neosho River - Allen, Cherokee, Coffey, Labette, Neosho, and Woodson Counties, Kansas.

(i) General Description: Unit NM7 includes 244.5 rkm (151.9 rmi) of the Neosho River from Kansas Highway 58 west of LeRoy, Coffey County, Kansas, downstream to the Kansas and Oklahoma State line, Cherokee County, Kansas.

(ii) Map of Unit NM7 follows:

Rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for rabbitsfoot on the maps below in the following Counties:

(i) Colbert, Jackson, Madison, and Marshall Counties, Alabama;

(ii) Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Clark, Cleburne, Cleveland, Drew, Hot Spring, Independence, Izard, Jackson, Lawrence, Little River, Marion, Monroe, Newton, Ouachita, Randolph, Searcy, Sevier, Sharp, Van Buren, White, and Woodruff Counties, Arkansas;

(iii) Massac, Pulaski, and Vermilion Counties, Illinois;

(iv) Carroll, Pulaski, Tippecanoe, and White Counties, Indiana;

(v) Allen and Cherokee Counties, Kansas;

(vi) Ballard, Edmonson, Green, Hart, Livingston, Logan, Marshall, McCracken, and Taylor Counties, Kentucky;

(vii) Hinds, Sunflower, Tishomingo, and Warren Counties, Mississippi;

(viii) Jasper, Madison, and Wayne Counties, Missouri;

(ix) Coshocton, Madison, Union, and Williams Counties, Ohio;

(x) McCurtain and Rogers Counties, Oklahoma;

(xi) Crawford, Erie, Mercer, and Venango Counties, Pennsylvania; and

(xii) Hardin, Hickman, Humphreys, Marshall, Maury, Montgomery, Perry, and Robertson Counties, Tennessee.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the rabbitsfoot consist of five components:

(i) Geomorphically stable river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with habitats that support a diversity of freshwater mussel and native fish (such as stable riffles, sometimes with runs, and mid-channel island habitats that provide flow refuges consisting of gravel and sand substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae).

(ii) A hydrologic flow regime (the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species are found and to maintain connectivity of rivers with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the mussel's and fish host's habitat, food availability, spawning habitat for native fishes, and the ability for newly transformed juveniles to settle and become established in their habitats.

(iii) Water and sediment quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity, hardness, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia, heavy metals, and chemical constituents) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) The occurrence of natural fish assemblages, reflected by fish species richness, relative abundance, and community composition, for each inhabited river or creek that will serve as an indication of appropriate presence and abundance of fish hosts necessary for recruitment of the rabbitsfoot. Suitable fish hosts for rabbitsfoot may include, but are not limited to, blacktail shiner (Cyprinella venusta) from the Black and Little River and cardinal shiner (Luxilus cardinalis), red shiner (C. lutrensis), spotfin shiner (C. spiloptera), bluntface shiner (C. camura), rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum), rosyface shiner (Notropis rubellus), striped shiner (L. chrysocephalus), and emerald shiner (N. atherinoides).

(v) Competitive or predaceous invasive (nonnative) species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on survival of freshwater mussels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as dams, piers and docks, bridges, or other similar structures) within the legal boundaries on June 1, 2015.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. Critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were delineated at the nearest road crossing or stream confluence of each occupied reach. Data layers defining map units were created with U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Medium Flowline data. ArcGIS was also used to calculate river kilometers (rkm) and river miles (rmi) from the NHD dataset, and it was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates, plot points, or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, the Federal eRulemaking Portal ( at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0007), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map of all critical habitat units for the rabbitsfoot follows:

(6) Unit RF1: Spring River - Jasper County, Missouri; and Cherokee County, Kansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF1 includes 56.5 rkm (35.1 rmi) of the Spring River from Missouri Highway 96 at Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri, downstream to the confluence of Turkey Creek north of Empire, Cherokee County, Kansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF1 follows:

(7) Unit RF2: Verdigris River - Rogers County, Oklahoma.

(i) General Description: Unit RF2 includes 38.0 rkm (23.6 rmi) of the Verdigris River from Oologah Lake dam north of Claremore, Oklahoma, downstream to Oklahoma Highway 266 northwest of Catoosa, Rogers County, Oklahoma.

(ii) Map of Unit RF2 follows:

(8) Unit RF3: Neosho River - Allen County, Kansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF3 includes 26.6 rkm (16.5 rmi) of the Neosho River from the Deer Creek confluence northwest of Iola, Kansas, downstream to the confluence of Owl Creek southwest of Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF3 follows:

(9) Unit RF4a: Ouachita River - Clark and Hot Spring Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF4a includes 22.7 rkm (14.1 rmi) of the Ouachita River from the Tenmile Creek confluence north of Donaldson downstream to the Caddo River confluence near Caddo Valley, Hot Spring and Clark Counties, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF4a follows:

(10) Unit RF4b: Ouachita River - Ouachita County, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF4b includes 43.0 rkm (26.7 rmi) of the Ouachita River from the Little Missouri River confluence downstream to U.S. Highway 79 at Camden, Ouachita County, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF4b follows:

(11) Unit RF5: Saline River - Ashley, Bradley, Cleveland, and Drew Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF5 includes 119.4 rkm (74.2 rmi) of the Saline River from the Frazier Creek confluence near Mount Elba, Cleveland County, Arkansas, to the Mill Creek confluence near Stillions, Ashley and Bradley Counties, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF5 follows:

(12) Unit RF6: Little River - McCurtain County, Oklahoma; and Little River and Sevier Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF6 includes 139.7 rkm (86.8 rmi) of the Little River from the Glover River confluence northwest of Idabel, McCurtain County, Oklahoma, downstream to U.S. Highway 71 north of Wilton, Little River and Sevier Counties, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF6 follows:

(13) Unit RF7: Middle Fork Little Red River - Cleburne and Van Buren Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF7 includes 24.8 rkm (15.4 rmi) of the Middle Fork Little Red River from the confluence of Little Tick Creek north of Shirley, Arkansas, downstream to Greers Ferry Reservoir (where inundation begins), Van Buren County, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF7 follows:

(14) Unit RF8a: White River - Independence, Jackson, White, and Woodruff Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF8a includes 188.3 rkm (117.0 rmi) of the White River from the Batesville Dam at Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas, downstream to the Little Red River confluence north of Georgetown, White, and Woodruff Counties, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF8a follows:

(15) Unit RF8b: White River - Arkansas and Monroe Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF8b includes 68.9 rkm (42.8 rmi) of the White River from U.S. Highway 79 at Clarendon, Monroe County, Arkansas, downstream to Arkansas Highway 1 near St. Charles, Arkansas County, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF8b follows:

(16) Unit RF9: Black River - Lawrence and Randolph Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF9 includes 51.2 rkm (31.8 rmi) of the Black River from U.S. Highway 67 at Pocahontas, Randolph County, Arkansas, downstream to the Flat Creek confluence southeast of Powhatan, Lawrence County, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF9 follows:

(17) Unit RF10: Spring River - Lawrence, Randolph, and Sharp Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF10 includes 51.5 rkm (32.0 rmi) of the Spring River from the Ott Creek confluence southwest of Hardy in Sharp County, Arkansas, downstream to its confluence with the Black River east of Black Rock, Lawrence and Randolph Counties, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF10 follows:

(18) Unit RF11: Strawberry River - Independence, Izard, Lawrence, and Sharp Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF11 includes 123.8 rkm (76.9 rmi) of the Strawberry River from Arkansas Highway 56 south of Horseshoe Bend, Izard County, Arkansas, downstream to its confluence with the Black River southeast of Strawberry, Lawrence County, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF11 follows:

(19) Unit RF12: Buffalo River - Marion, Newton, and Searcy Counties, Arkansas.

(i) General Description: Unit RF12 includes 113.6 rkm (70.6 rmi) of the Buffalo River from the Cove Creek confluence southeast of Erbie, Newton County, Arkansas, downstream to U.S. Highway 65 west of Gilbert, Searcy County, Arkansas, and Arkansas Highway 14 southeast of Mull, Arkansas, downstream to the Leatherwood Creek confluence in the Lower Buffalo Wilderness Area, Arkansas.

(ii) Map of Unit RF12 follows:

(20) Unit RF13: St. Francis River - Madison and Wayne Counties, Missouri.

(i) General Description: Unit RF13 includes 64.3 rkm (40.0 rmi) of the St. Francis River from the Twelvemile Creek confluence west of Saco, Madison County, Missouri, downstream to Lake Wappepello (where inundation begins), Wayne County, Missouri.

(ii) Map of Unit RF13 follows:

(21) Unit RF14: Big Sunflower River - Sunflower County, Mississippi.

(i) General Description: Unit RF14 includes 51.5 rkm (32.0 rmi) of the Big Sunflower River from Mississippi Highway 442 west of Doddsville, Mississippi, downstream to the Quiver River confluence east of Indianola, Sunflower County, Mississippi.

(ii) Map of Unit RF14 follows:

(22) Unit RF15: Bear Creek - Tishomingo County, Mississippi; and Colbert County, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit RF15 includes 49.7 rkm (30.9 rmi) of Bear Creek from the Alabama and Mississippi State line east of Golden, Tishomingo County, Mississippi, downstream to Alabama County Road 4 southwest of Sutton Hill, Colbert County, Alabama (just upstream of Pickwick Lake).

(ii) Map of Unit RF15 follows:

(23) Unit RF16: Big Black River - Hinds and Warren Counties, Mississippi.

(i) General Description: Unit RF16 includes 43.3 rkm (26.9 rmi) of the Big Black River from Porter Creek confluence west of Lynchburg, Hinds County, Mississippi, downstream to Mississippi Highway 27 west of Newman, Warren County, Mississippi.

(ii) Map of Unit RF16 follows:

(24) Unit RF17: Paint Rock River - Jackson, Madison, and Marshall Counties, Alabama.

(i) General Description: Unit RF17 includes 81.0 rkm (50.3 rmi) of the Paint Rock River from the convergence of Estill Fork and Hurricane Creek north of Skyline, Jackson County, Alabama, downstream to U.S. Highway 431 south of New Hope, Madison and Marshall Counties, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit RF17 follows:

(25) Unit RF18: Duck River - Hickman, Humphreys, Marshall, Maury, and Perry Counties, Tennessee.

(i) General Description: Unit RF18 includes 235.3 rkm (146.2 rmi) of the Duck River from Lillard Mill (rkm 288.1; rmi 179) west of Tennessee Highway 272, Marshall County, Tennessee, downstream to Interstate 40 near Bucksnort, Hickman County, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Unit RF18 follows:

(26) Unit RF19a: Tennessee River - Hardin County, Tennessee.

(i) General Description: Unit RF19a includes 26.7 rkm (16.6 rmi) of the Tennessee River from Pickwick Lake Dam downstream to U.S. Highway 64 near Adamsville, Hardin County, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Unit RF19a follows:

(27) Unit RF19b: Tennessee River - Livingston, Marshall, and McCracken Counties, Kentucky.

(i) General Description: Unit RF19b includes 35.6 rkm (22.1 rmi) of the Tennessee River from Kentucky Lake Dam, downstream to its confluence with the Ohio River, McCracken and Livingston Counties, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit RF19b follows:

(28) Unit RF20: Ohio River - Ballard, and McCracken Counties, Kentucky; Massac and Pulaski Counties, Illinois.

(i) General Description: Unit RF20 includes 45.9 rkm (28.5 rmi) of the Ohio River from the Tennessee River confluence at the downstream extent of Owens Island downstream to Lock and Dam 53 near Olmstead, Illinois.

(ii) Map of Unit RF20 follows:

(29) Unit RF21: Green River - Edmonson, Green, Hart, and Taylor Counties, Kentucky.

(i) General Description: Unit RF21 includes 175.6 rkm (109.1 rmi) of the Green River from Green River Lake Dam south of Campbellsville, Taylor County, Kentucky, downstream to Mammoth Cave National Park North Entrance Road in Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky.

(ii) Map of Unit RF21 follows:

(30) Unit RF22: French Creek - Crawford, Erie, Mercer, and Venango Counties, Pennsylvania.

(i) General Description: Unit RF22 includes 120.4 rkm (74.8 rmi) of French Creek from Union City Reservoir Dam northeast of Union City, Erie County, Pennsylvania, downstream to its confluence with the Allegheny River near Franklin, Venango County, Pennsylvania.

(ii) Map of Unit RF22 follows:

(31) Unit RF23: Allegheny River - Venango County, Pennsylvania.

(i) General Description: Unit RF23 includes 57.3 rkm (35.6 rmi) of the Allegheny River from the French Creek confluence near Franklin, Venango County, Pennsylvania, downstream to Interstate 80 near Emlenton, Venango County, Pennsylvania.

(ii) Map of Unit RF23 follows:

(32) Unit RF24: Muddy Creek - Crawford County, Pennsylvania.

(i) General Description: Unit RF24 includes 20.1 rkm (12.5 rmi) of Muddy Creek from Pennsylvania Highway 77 near Little Cooley, Crawford County, Pennsylvania, downstream to its confluence with French Creek east of Cambridge Springs, Crawford County, Pennsylvania.

(ii) Map of Unit RF24 follows:

(33) Unit RF25: Tippecanoe River - Carroll, Pulaski, Tippecanoe, and White Counties, Indiana.

(i) General Description: Unit RF25 includes 75.6 rkm (47.0 rmi) of the Tippecanoe River from Indiana Highway 14 near Winamac, Pulaski County, Indiana, downstream to its confluence with the Wabash River northeast of Battle Ground, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, excluding Lakes Shafer and Freeman and the stream reach between the two lakes.

(ii) Map of Unit RF25 follows:

(34) Unit RF26: Walhonding River - Coshocton County, Ohio.

(i) General Description: Unit RF26 includes 17.5 rkm (10.9 rmi) of the Walhonding River from the convergence of the Kokosing and Mohican Rivers downstream to Ohio Highway 60 near Warsaw, Coshocton County, Ohio.

(ii) Map of Unit RF26 follows:

(35) Unit RF27: Little Darby Creek - Madison and Union Counties, Ohio.

(i) General Description: Unit RF27 includes 33.3 rkm (20.7 rmi) of Little Darby Creek from Ohio Highway 161 near Chuckery, Union County, Ohio, downstream to U.S. Highway 40 near West Jefferson, Madison County, Ohio.

(ii) Map of Unit RF27 follows:

(36) Unit RF28: North Fork Vermilion River and Middle Branch North Fork Vermilion River, respectively - Vermilion County, Illinois.

(i) General Description: Unit RF28 includes a total of 28.5 rkm (17.7 rmi). Unit RF28 includes 21.2 rkm (13.2 rmi) of the North Fork Vermilion River from the confluence of Middle Branch North Fork Vermilion River downstream to Illinois Highway 1 and U.S. Highway 136 upstream of Lake Vermilion, Vermilion County, Illinois. Unit RF28 also includes 7.2 rkm (4.5 rmi) of the Middle Branch North Fork Vermilion River from the Jordan Creek confluence northwest of Alvin, Illinois, downstream to its confluence with North Fork Vermilion River west of Alvin, Vermilion County, Illinois.

(ii) Map of Unit RF28 follows:

(37) Unit RF29: Fish Creek - Williams County, Ohio.

(i) General Description: Unit RF29 includes 7.7 rkm (4.8 rmi) of Fish Creek from Indiana and Ohio State line northwest of Edgerton, Ohio, downstream to its confluence with the St. Joseph's River north of Edgerton, Williams County, Ohio.

(ii) Map of Unit RF29 follows:

(38) Unit RF30: Red River - Logan County, Kentucky; and Montgomery and Robertson Counties, Tennessee.

(i) General Description: Unit RF30 includes 50.2 rkm (31.2 rmi) of the Red River from the South Fork Red River confluence west of Adairville, Kentucky, downstream to the Sulphur Fork confluence southwest of Adams, Tennessee.

(ii) Map of Unit RF30 follows:

(39) Unit RF31: Shenango River - Mercer County, Pennsylvania.

(i) General Description: Unit RF31 includes 24.8 rkm (15.4 rmi) of the Shenango River from Porter Road near Greenville, Pennsylvania, downstream to the point of inundation by Shenango River Lake near Big Bend, Mercer County, Pennsylvania.

(ii) Map of Unit RF31 follows:

Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bath, Botetourt, Brunswick, Craig, Dinwiddie, Greensville, Halifax, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nottoway, Pittsylvania, and Sussex Counties in Virginia, and Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Montgomery, Nash, Orange, Person, Pitt, Randolph, Rockingham, Vance, Wake, Warren, and Wilson Counties in North Carolina, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Atlantic pigtoe consist of the following components:

(i) Suitable substrates and connected instream habitats, characterized by geomorphically stable stream channels and banks (i.e., channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with habitats that support a diversity of freshwater mussel and native fish (such as stable riffle-run-pool habitats that provide flow refuges consisting of silt-free gravel and coarse sand substrates).

(ii) Adequate flows, or a hydrologic flow regime (which includes the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time), necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found and to maintain connectivity of streams with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the mussel's and fish hosts' habitat, food availability, spawning habitat for native fishes, and the ability for newly transformed juveniles to settle and become established in their habitats.

(iii) Water and sediment quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity, hardness, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia, heavy metals, and chemical constituents) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) The presence and abundance of fish hosts necessary for recruitment of the Atlantic pigtoe.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on December 16, 2021.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created by overlaying Natural Heritage Element Occurrence data and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic data for stream reaches. The hydrologic data used in the critical habitat maps were extracted from the USGS 1:1M scale nationwide hydrologic layer ( with a projection of EPSG:4269-North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) Geographic. The North Carolina and Virginia Natural Heritage program species presence data and the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources species data were used to select specific stream segments for inclusion in the critical habitat layer. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points on which each map is based are available to the public at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0046 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: JR1 - Craig Creek, Craig and Botetourt Counties, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of 29 river miles (46.7 river kilometers (km)) of Craig Creek near VA Route 616 northeast of New Castle downstream to just below VA Route 817 crossing.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (Craig Creek) follows:

(7) Unit 2: JR2 - Mill Creek, Bath County, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of a 1-mile (1.6-km) segment of Mill Creek at the VA39 (Mountain Valley Road) crossing.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Mill Creek) follows:

(8) Unit 3: CR1 - Sappony Creek, Dinwiddie County, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of 4 river miles (6.6 river km) of Sappony Creek beginning just upstream of the Seaboard Railroad crossing and ending just downstream of the Shippings Road (SR709) crossing.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Sappony Creek) follows:

(9) Unit 4: CR2 - Nottoway River Subbasin, Nottoway, Lunenburg, Brunswick, Dinwiddie, Greensville, and Sussex Counties, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of 64 river miles (103 river km) of the Nottoway River, and a portion of Sturgeon Creek, beginning downstream of the Nottoway River's confluence with Dickerson Creek and ending just downstream of Little Mill Road, and includes Sturgeon Creek upstream of Old Stage Road. Land bordering the river is primarily privately owned, although some of the land along the river is part of the Fort Pickett National Guard Installation.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 (Nottoway River Subbasin) follows:

(10) Unit 5: CR3 - Meherrin River, Brunswick County, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of 5 river miles (8 river km) of the Meherrin River from approximately 1.5 miles below the confluence with Saddletree Creek under VA Highway 46 (Christana Highway) to VA715 (Iron Bridge Road).

(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Meherrin River) follows:

(11) Unit 6: RR1 - Dan River, Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and Rockingham County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 14 river miles (22.5 river km) of the Dan River along the border of Virginia and North Carolina from just upstream of NC Highway 700 near Eden, North Carolina, into Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and downstream to the confluence with Williamson Creek in Rockingham County, North Carolina.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 (Dan River) follows:

(12) Unit 7: RR2 - Aarons Creek, Granville County, North Carolina, and Mecklenburg and Halifax Counties, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of 12 river miles (19.3 river km) of Aarons Creek, from NC96 in Granville County, North Carolina, downstream across the North Carolina-Virginia border to just upstream of VA602 (White House Road) along the Mecklenburg County-Halifax County line in Virginia.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 (Aarons Creek) follows:

(13) Unit 8: RR3 - Little Grassy Creek, Granville County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 3 river miles (4.8 river km) of Little Grassy Creek in Granville County, North Carolina, beginning at the Crawford Currin Road crossing and ending at the confluence with Grassy Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 (Little Grassy Creek) follows:

(14) Unit 9: TR1 - Upper/Middle Tar River Subbasin, Granville, Vance, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 91 river miles (146.5 river km) of the mainstem of the upper and middle Tar River as well as several tributaries (Bear Swamp Creek, Fox Creek, Crooked Creek, Cub Creek, and Shelton Creek), all in North Carolina. The portion of Cub Creek starts near Hobgood Road and continues to the confluence with the Tar River; the Tar River portion starts just upstream of the NC158 bridge and goes downstream to the NC581 crossing; the Shelton Creek portion starts upstream of NC158 and goes downstream to the confluence with the Tar River; the Bear Swamp Creek portion begins upstream of Dyking Road and goes downstream to the confluence with the Tar River (and includes an unnamed tributary upstream of Beasley Road); the Fox Creek portion begins downstream of NC561 and goes to the confluence with the Tar River; and the Crooked Creek portion begins upstream of NC98 crossing and goes downstream to confluence with Tar River.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 (Upper/Middle Tar River Subbasin) follows:

(15) Unit 10: TR2 - Sandy/Swift Creek, Warren, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of a 50-mile (80.5-km) segment of Sandy/Swift Creek beginning at Southerland Mill Road and continuing downstream to NC301.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 (Sandy/Swift Creek) follows:

(16) Unit 11: TR3 - Fishing Creek Subbasin, Warren, Halifax, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 85 river miles (136.8 river km) in Fishing Creek, Little Fishing Creek, Shocco Creek, and Maple Branch. The Shocco Creek portion begins downstream of the NC58 bridge and continues to the confluence with Fishing Creek; the entirety of Maple Branch is included, down to the confluence with Fishing Creek; Fishing Creek begins at Axtell Ridgeway Road (SR1112) and goes downstream to I-95; and Little Fishing Creek begins upstream of Briston Brown Road (SR1532) and goes downstream to the confluence with Fishing Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 11 (Fishing Creek Subbasin) follows:

(17) Unit 12: TR4 - Lower Tar River, Edgecombe and Pitt Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 30 river miles (48.3 river km) of the Lower Tar River, lower Swift Creek, and Fishing Creek in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, from NC97 near Leggett, North Carolina, to the Edgecombe County-Pitt County line near NC33.

(ii) Map of Unit 12 (Lower Tar River) follows:

(18) Unit 13: NR1 - Upper Neuse River Subbasin, Person, Durham, and Orange Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 60 river miles (95 river km) in four reaches including Flat River, Little River, Eno River, and the Upper Eno River. The Flat River reach consists of 19 river miles (30.6 river km) in the Flat River Subbasin in Person and Durham Counties, North Carolina, including the South Flat River downstream of Dick Coleman Road, the North Flat River near Parsonage Road, and Deep Creek near Helena-Moriah Road downstream where each river converges into the Flat River downstream of State Forest Road. The Little River Subbasin includes 18 river miles (29 river km) of the North Fork and South Fork Little Rivers in Orange and Durham Counties, North Carolina. The Upper Eno River reach consists of 4 river miles (6.4 river km) in Orange County, North Carolina, including the West Fork Eno River upstream of Cedar Grove Road to the confluence with McGowan Creek. The Eno River reach consists of 18 river miles (29 river km) in Orange and Durham Counties, North Carolina, from below Eno Mountain Road to NC15-501.

(ii) Map of Unit 13 (Upper Neuse River Subbasin) follows:

(19) Unit 14: NR2 - Middle Neuse River Subbasin, Wake, Johnston, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 61 river miles (98.2 river km) in five reaches including Swift Creek, Middle Creek, Upper Little River, Middle Little River, and Contentnea Creek, all in North Carolina. The Middle Creek reach is 19 river miles (30.6 river km) below Old Stage Road downstream to below Crantock Road, and the Swift Creek reach is 25 river miles (40.2 river km) from Lake Benson downstream to its confluence with the Neuse, both in Wake and Johnston Counties. The Upper Little River reach includes 4 river miles (6.4 river km) of the Upper Little River from the confluence with Perry Creek to Fowler Road in Wake County, North Carolina. The Middle Little River reach includes 11 river miles (17.7 river km) from Atkinsons Mill downstream to NC301 in Johnston County, North Carolina. The Contentnea Creek reach consists of 2 river miles (3.2 river km) below Buckhorn Reservoir to just below Sadie Road near NC581 in Wilson County, North Carolina.

(ii) Map of Unit 14 (Middle Neuse River Subbasin) follows:

(20) Unit 15: CF1 - New Hope Creek, Orange County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 4 river miles (6.4 river km) of habitat in the New Hope Creek from NC86 to Mimosa Road.

(ii) Map of Unit 15 (New Hope Creek) follows:

(21) Unit 16: CF2 - Deep River Subbasin, Randolph County, North Carolina.

(i) The Deep River Subbasin unit consists of 10 river miles (16.1 river km), including the mainstem between Richland and Brush Creeks as well as Richland Creek from Little Beane Store Road to the confluence with the Deep River and Brush Creek from Brush Creek Road to the confluence with the Deep River.

(ii) Map of Unit 16 (Deep River Subbasin) follows:

(22) Unit 17: YR1 - Little River, Randolph and Montgomery Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 40 river miles (64.4 river km) of Little River from SR1114 downstream to Okeewemee Star Road, including the West Fork Little River from NC134 to the confluence with the Little River.

(ii) Map of Unit 17 (Little River) follows:

Yellow Lance (Elliptio lanceolata)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Nash, Vance, Wake, and Warren Counties, North Carolina; Brunswick, Craig, Culpeper, Dinwiddie, Fauquier, Louisa, Lunenburg, Madison, Nottoway, Orange, and Rappahannock Counties, Virginia; and Howard and Montgomery Counties, Maryland, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to yellow lance conservation consist of the following components:

(i) Suitable substrates and connected instream habitats, characterized by geomorphically stable stream channels and banks (i.e., channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation) with habitats that support a diversity of freshwater mussel and native fish (such as stable riffle-run-pool habitats that provide flow refuges consisting of silt-free gravel and coarse sand substrates).

(ii) Adequate flows, or a hydrologic flow regime (which includes the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time), necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found and to maintain connectivity of streams with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the mussel's and fish host's habitat, food availability, spawning habitat for native fishes, and the ability for newly transformed juveniles to settle and become established in their habitats.

(iii) Water and sediment quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity, hardness, turbidity, temperature, pH, ammonia, heavy metals, and chemical constituents) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) The presence and abundance of fish hosts necessary for yellow lance recruitment.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 10, 2021.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created by overlaying Natural Heritage Element Occurrence data and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) hydrologic data for stream reaches. The hydrologic data used in the critical habitat maps were extracted from the USGS 1:1M scale nationwide hydrologic layer ( with a projection of EPSG:4269-NAD83 Geographic. The North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland Natural Heritage program species presence data were used to select specific stream segments for inclusion in the critical habitat layer. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0094 and at the Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: PR1 - Patuxent River, Montgomery and Howard Counties, Maryland.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 10 river miles (16.1 kilometers (km)) of occupied habitat, including 3 miles (4.8 km) of the Patuxent River and 7 miles (11.3 km) of the Hawlings River. Unit 1 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: RR1 - Rappahannock Subbasin, Rappahannock, Fauquier, and Culpeper Counties, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 44 river miles (70.8 km) of occupied habitat in the Rappahannock Subbasin, including 1.7 miles (2.7 km) in Hungry Run, 7.9 miles (12.7 km) in Thumb Run, 5.9 miles (9.5 km) in South Run/Carter Run, 2.7 miles (4.3 km) in Great Run, and 25.8 miles (41.6 km) in Rappahannock River. Unit 2 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

(8) Unit 3: RR2 - Rapidan Subbasin, Madison and Orange Counties, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of 9 river miles (14.5 km) of occupied habitat in the Rapidan Subbasin, including 1.2 miles (1.9 km) in Marsh Run, 3.1 miles (5.0 km) in Blue Run, and 4.7 miles (7.6 km) in the Rapidan River. Unit 3 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

(9) Unit 4: YR1 - South Anna River, Louisa County, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 8 river miles (12.9 km) of occupied habitat in the South Anna River. Unit 4 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

(10) Unit 5: JR1 - Johns Creek, Craig County, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 14 river miles (22.5 km) of occupied habitat in the Johns Creek. Unit 5 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

(11) Unit 6: CR1 - Nottoway Subbasin, Nottoway, Lunenburg, Brunswick, and Dinwiddie Counties, Virginia.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 41 river miles (66 km) of occupied habitat in the Nottoway Subbasin, including 1.4 miles (2.3 km) in Crooked Creek, 3.3 miles (5.3 km) in Sturgeon Creek, and 36.3 miles (58.4 km) in the Nottoway River. Unit 6 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

(12) Unit 7: TR1 - Tar River, Granville, Vance, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 91 river miles (146.5 km) of occupied habitat in the Tar River, including 4.4 miles (7.1 km) in Ruin Creek, 11.9 miles (19.2 km) in Tabbs Creek, 6.8 miles (10.9 km) in Crooked Creek, and 67.9 miles (109.3 km) in the Tar River. Unit 7 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

(13) Unit 8: TR2 - Sandy/Swift Creek, Vance, Warren, Halifax, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of 31 river miles (50 km) of occupied habitat in the Sandy and Swift Creeks. Unit 8 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

(14) Unit 9: TR3 - Fishing Creek Subbasin, Vance, Warren, Halifax, Franklin, and Nash Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 37 river miles (59.5 km) of occupied habitat in the Fishing Creek Subbasin, including 1.6 miles (2.6 km) in Richneck Creek, 8.0 miles (12.9 km) in Shocco Creek, and 27.4 miles (44 km) in Fishing Creek. Unit 9 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

(15) Unit 10: NR1 - Swift Creek, Wake and Johnston Counties, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 24 river miles (38.6 km) of occupied habitat in the Swift Creek. Unit 10 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 10 follows:

(16) Unit 11: NR2 - Little River, Johnston County, North Carolina.

(i) This unit consists of approximately 10 river miles (16.1 km) of occupied habitat in the Little River. Unit 11 includes stream habitat up to bank full height.

(ii) Map of Unit 11 follows:

Tumbling Creek Cavesnail (Antrobia culveri)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Taney County, Missouri, on the map at paragraph (f)(5)(ii) of this section. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the Tumbling Creek cavesnail consist of five components:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream bottoms and banks (stable horizontal dimension and vertical profile) in order to:

(A) Maintain bottom features (riffles, runs, and pools) and transition zones between bottom features;

(B) Continue appropriate habitat to maintain essential riffles, runs, and pools; and

(C) Promote connectivity between Tumbling Creek and its tributaries and associated springs to maintain gene flow throughout the population.

(ii) Instream flow regime with an average daily discharge between 0.07 and 150 cubic feet per second (cfs), inclusive of both surface runoff and groundwater sources (springs and seepages).

(iii) Water quality with temperature 55-62 °F (12.78-16.67 °C), dissolved oxygen 4.5 milligrams or greater per liter, and turbidity of an average monthly reading of no more than 200 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU; units used to measure sediment discharge) for a duration not to exceed 4 hours.

(iv) Bottom substrates consisting of fine gravel with coarse gravel or cobble, or bedrock with sand and gravel, with low amounts of fine sand and sediments within the interstitial spaces of the substrates.

(v) Energy input from guano that originates mainly from gray bats (Myotis grisescens) that roost in the cave; guano is essential in the development of biofilm (the organic coating and bacterial layer that covers rocks in the cave stream) that cavesnails use for food.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created using 7.5′ topographic quadrangle maps and ArcGIS (version 9.3.1) mapping software.

(5) Tumbling Creek Cavesnail Critical Habitat Unit.

(i) U.S. Geological Survey 7.5′ Topographic Protem Quad. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 15N, North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates (W, N): from the emergence of Tumbling Creek within Tumbling Creek Cave at Lat. 36°33′37.41″ N, Long. 92°48′27.23″ W to its confluence with Bear Cave Hollow and Owens Spring upstream of Big Creek at at Lat. 36°33′15.2″ N, Long. 92°47′51.74″ W.

(ii) Note: Map of Tumbling Creek Cavesnail Critical Habitat Unit follows:

Rough Hornsnail (Pleurocera foremani)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Elmore and Shelby Counties, Alabama, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the rough hornsnail are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) A hydrologic flow regime (the magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found. Unless other information becomes available, existing conditions at locations where the species occurs will be considered as minimal flow requirements for survival.

(iii) Water quality (including temperature, pH, hardness, turbidity, oxygen content, and chemical constituents) that meets or exceeds the current aquatic life criteria established under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387).

(iv) Sand, gravel, cobble, boulder, bedrock, or mud substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, bridges, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Maps were developed from USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and converted to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 16, coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the rough hornsnail follows:

(6) Unit 1 for rough hornsnail (RH 1): Lower Coosa River, Elmore County, Alabama.

(i) Unit RH 1 includes the Coosa River channel from Jordan Dam (569930.28E, 3609212.67N), downstream to the confluence of the Tallapoosa River (568995.14E, 3597805.93N), Elmore County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (RH 1) for rough hornsnail (Coosa River) follows:

(7) Unit 2 for rough hornsnail (RH 2): Yellowleaf Creek, Shelby County, Alabama.

(i) Unit RH 2 includes the channel of Yellowleaf Creek from the confluence of Morgan Creek (550285.41E, 3682865.13N), downstream to 1.6 km (1 mi) below Alabama Highway 25 (552296.38E, 3679287.87N), Shelby County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (RH 2) for rough hornsnail (Yellowleaf Creek) follows:

Morro Shoulderband Snail (Helminthoglypta walkeriana)

1. Critical habitat units are depicted for San Luis Obispo County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.

Map Units 1 to 3: All located in San Luis Obispo County, California. Coastline boundaries are based upon the U.S. Geological Survey Morro Bay South 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle. Other boundaries are based upon the Public Land Survey System. Within the historical boundaries of the Canada De Los Osos Y Pecho Y Islay Mexican Land Grant, boundaries are based upon section lines that are extensions to the Public Land Survey System developed by the California Department of Forestry and obtained by us from the State of California's Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Township and Range numbering is derived from the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian.

Map Unit 1: T. 29 S., R. 10 E., all of section 35 above mean sea level (MSL); T. 30 S., R. 10 E. All portions of sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 14, 22, and 27 above MSL, SW 14NW 14 section 13 above MSL, W 12NW 14 section 24, all of section 23 above MSL except S 12SE 14, NW 14NW 14 section 26, N 12N 12 section 34.

Map Unit 2: T. 30 S., R. 10 E., E 12NE 14 section 24; T. 30 S., R, 11 E., E 34N 12 section 19.

Map Unit 3: T. 30 S., R. 11 E., All of NE 14 section 7 above MSL; in section 8, NW 14NW 14, S 12NW 14, SW 14, and NW 14SE 14.

2. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include, but are not limited to, those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of foraging, sheltering, reproduction, and dispersal. The primary constituent elements for the Morro shoulderband snail are the following: sand or sandy soils; a slope not greater than 10 percent; and the presence of, or the capacity to develop, coastal dune scrub vegetation.

3. Critical habitat does not include existing developed sites consisting of buildings, roads, aqueducts, railroads, airports, paved areas, and similar features and structures.

Newcomb's Snail (Erinna newcombi)

(1) Critical Habitat Units are depicted for the County of Kauai, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements required by the Newcomb's snail are those habitat components that are essential for the biological needs of foraging, sheltering, reproduction, and dispersal. The primary constituent elements are: cool, clean, moderate-to fast-flowing water in streams, springs, and seeps; their adjacent riparian areas and hydrogeologic features that capture and direct water flow to these spring and stream systems; a perennial flow of water throughout even the most severe drought conditions; and stream channel morphology that provides protection from channel scour by having overhanging waterfalls, protected tributaries, or similar refugia.

(3) Existing human-made features and structures within the boundaries of the mapped units, such as dams, ditches, tunnels, flumes, and other human-made features that do not contain the primary constituent elements, are not included as critical habitat.

(4) Critical Habitat Unit I - Na Pali Coast Streams - (i) Unit I(a): Kalalau Stream (149 ha; 368 ac). The Kalalau Stream Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 63 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 435010, 2450871; 434991, 2450828; 435008, 2450782; 435112, 2450715; 435107, 2450681; 435044, 2450591; 435058, 2450537; 435120, 2450441; 435078, 2450308; 435048, 2450279; 435017, 2450341; 434968, 2450375; 434678, 2450406; 434682, 2450441; 434678, 2450551; 434618, 2450603; 434578, 2450602; 434518, 2450564; 434418, 2450540; 434444, 2450711; 434428, 2450733; 434388, 2450657; 434338, 2450612; 434278, 2450596; 434228, 2450621; 434188, 2450596; 434166, 2450621; 434159, 2450691; 434148, 2450691; 434058, 2450599; 433995, 2450571; 433968, 2450540; 433878, 2450559; 433825, 2450544; 433767, 2450451; 433738, 2450478; 433700, 2450581; 433670, 2450611; 433670, 2450671; 433633, 2450738; 433715, 2450996; 433732, 2451168; 433740, 2451380; 433642, 2451551; 433633, 2451598; 433688, 2451664; 433842, 2451694; 434206, 2451592; 434680, 2451547; 435053, 2451609; 435129, 2451611; 435147, 2451590; 435114, 2451460; 435048, 2451400; 434973, 2451360; 435041, 2451320; 435043, 2451250; 435134, 2451170; 435126, 2451120; 435089, 2451069; 435075, 2451013; 435018, 2450933; 435010, 2450871;

(ii) Unit I(b): Hanakoa Stream (63 ha; 156 ac). The Hanakoa Stream Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 24 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 435729, 2453628; 435717, 2453789; 436111, 2454127; 436637, 2454087; 436700, 2454008; 436719, 2453907; 436658, 2453889; 436654, 2453857; 436735, 2453697; 436744, 2453577; 436558, 2453527; 436518, 2453555; 436478, 2453559; 436250, 2453496; 436152, 2453358; 436123, 2453263; 436068, 2453238; 435998, 2453171; 435918, 2453168; 435869, 2453229; 435799, 2453248; 435780, 2453320; 435770, 2453490; 435729, 2453628.

(iii) Unit I(c): Hanakapiai Stream (35 ha; 86 ac). The Hanakapiai Stream Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 25 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 438438, 2453772; 438785, 2453827; 438899, 2453794; 438961, 2453796; 439113, 2453829; 439216, 2453871; 439257, 2453846; 439234, 2453666; 439263, 2453606; 439310, 2453377; 439299, 2453306; 439258, 2453253; 439158, 2453265; 439098, 2453290; 438949, 2453407; 438769, 2453508; 438692, 2453457; 438674, 2453387; 438618, 2453307; 438591, 2453347; 438578, 2453417; 438525, 2453507; 438443, 2453622; 438429, 2453677; 438438, 2453772.

(iv) Map 1 - Unit I - Na Pali Coast Streams follows:

(5) Critical Habitat Unit II - Central Rivers - (i) Unit II(a): Lumahai River (492 ha; 1,216 ac). The Lumahai River Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 89 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 447598, 2445954; 447344, 2446136; 447298, 2446352; 447248, 2446290; 447178, 2446384; 447088, 2446327; 446972, 2446364; 446950, 2446572; 446787, 2446678; 446648, 2446627; 446648, 2446739; 446445, 2446836; 446409, 2447000; 446278, 2447034; 446208, 2447169; 446097, 2447178; 446141, 2447349; 446024, 2447449; 446014, 2447649; 445808, 2447618; 445809, 2447680; 445839, 2447840; 445616, 2447859; 445773, 2448009; 445589, 2448069; 445728, 2448189; 445531, 2448299; 445685, 2448359; 445605, 2448469; 445728, 2448478; 445854, 2448578; 445858, 2448680; 445728, 2448778; 445759, 2448939; 445618, 2448896; 445548, 2448954; 445318, 2448932; 445338, 2449080; 445164, 2449034; 445171, 2449211; 444998, 2449168; 444932, 2449348; 445008, 2449493; 445936, 2450417; 446309, 2450498; 446262, 2450317; 446309, 2450238; 446476, 2450245; 446385, 2450007; 446688, 2450060; 446714, 2449913; 446811, 2449890; 446799, 2449758; 446998, 2449747; 447028, 2449643; 447101, 2449690; 447098, 2449525; 447228, 2449509; 447343, 2449387; 447229, 2449247; 447298, 2449117; 447128, 2449116; 446901, 2448918; 447174, 2448778; 447144, 2448668; 447066, 2448628; 447190, 2448478; 446898, 2448400; 446778, 2448451; 446649, 2448198; 446831, 2448108; 446782, 2447899; 447064, 2447862; 446986, 2447707; 447038, 2447583; 447225, 2447529; 447162, 2447395; 446973, 2447289; 447008, 2446969; 447288, 2446719; 447234, 2446659; 447268, 2446571; 447448, 2446499; 447548, 2446559; 447484, 2446393; 447518, 2446304; 447739, 2446259; 447507, 2446131; 447598, 2445954;

(ii) Unit II(b): Hanalei River (876 ha; 2,165 ac). The Hanalei River Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 91 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 450038, 2447210; 451786, 2447529; 453099, 2446469; 453648, 2446167; 453691, 2445925; 453614, 2445904; 453508, 2446074; 453044, 2445908; 452961, 2445785; 452974, 2445578; 453125, 2445605; 453267, 2445468; 453258, 2445377; 453550, 2445238; 453508, 2445111; 453318, 2445096; 453238, 2444991; 453098, 2445064; 453010, 2444769; 452768, 2444606; 452680, 2444349; 452760, 2444169; 452581, 2444039; 452723, 2443844; 452429, 2443810; 452486, 2443680; 452419, 2443309; 452280, 2443240; 452198, 2443073; 452088, 2443185; 451948, 2442960; 451678, 2442885; 451549, 2442979; 451471, 2442787; 450955, 2442448; 451082, 2442651; 450916, 2442988; 450337, 2443081; 450718, 2443188; 450968, 2443197; 451068, 2443077; 451255, 2443133; 451414, 2443330; 451612, 2443370; 451552, 2443666; 451549, 2444330; 451107, 2443911; 450988, 2444210; 450894, 2443874; 450638, 2443920; 450431, 2443773; 450492, 2444026; 450614, 2444100; 450468, 2444134; 450592, 2444250; 450389, 2444360; 450621, 2444363; 450698, 2444275; 450967, 2444669; 450939, 2444770; 450803, 2444769; 450978, 2444899; 450611, 2445032; 450698, 2445101; 450573, 2445219; 450969, 2445168; 450768, 2445479; 451068, 2445422; 451226, 2445489; 451158, 2445584; 451251, 2445606; 451216, 2445692; 451335, 2445819; 451188, 2445824; 451124, 2445925; 450928, 2445983; 450904, 2446088; 451017, 2446148; 450940, 2446208; 451031, 2446325; 451208, 2446428; 450928, 2446552; 450788, 2446490; 450688, 2446603; 450538, 2446560; 450668, 2446774; 450418, 2446700; 450199, 2446739; 450133, 2446913; 449784, 2447034; 450038, 2447210.

(iii) Map 2 - Unit II - Central Rivers - follows:

(6) Critical Habitat Unit III - Eastside Mountain Streams - (i) Unit III(a): Waipahee Stream (66 ha; 163 ac). The Waipahee Stream Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 78 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 458921, 2447414; 458943, 2447424; 458998, 2447420; 459102, 2447444; 459044, 2447534; 459104, 2447563; 459108, 2447613; 459085, 2447643; 459100, 2447671; 459118, 2447693; 459108, 2447714; 459078, 2447703; 459048, 2447661; 459028, 2447663; 459017, 2447694; 459045, 2447696; 459054, 2447727; 459118, 2447770; 459164, 2447749; 459191, 2447646; 459231, 2447596; 459309, 2447603; 459321, 2447623; 459306, 2447685; 459351, 2447663; 459398, 2447531; 459478, 2447584; 459518, 2447553; 459568, 2447656; 459586, 2447613; 459648, 2447556; 459738, 2447649; 459918, 2447569; 459998, 2447569; 460018, 2447584; 460048, 2447572; 460055, 2447576; 460261, 2447303; 460229, 2447182; 460178, 2446882; 460172, 2446875; 460058, 2446836; 459978, 2446834; 459906, 2446782; 459887, 2446803; 459902, 2446878; 459848, 2446946; 459818, 2446933; 459778, 2446940; 459694, 2446904; 459702, 2447004; 459648, 2447020; 459638, 2447098; 459608, 2447104; 459508, 2447031; 459502, 2447068; 459448, 2447061; 459500, 2447134; 459467, 2447203; 459445, 2447214; 459408, 2447183; 459388, 2447194; 459318, 2447163; 459268, 2447169; 459248, 2447139; 459218, 2447136; 459182, 2447074; 459148, 2447057; 459078, 2447076; 459083, 2447094; 459148, 2447124; 459185, 2447224; 459166, 2447274; 459178, 2447334; 459118, 2447345; 458948, 2447313; 459001, 2447384; 458928, 2447407.

(ii) Unit III(b): Makaleha Stream (95 ha; 235 ac). The Makaleha Stream Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 68 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 459368, 2444730; 459372, 2444732; 459414, 2444830; 459438, 2444851; 459498, 2444854; 459528, 2444873; 459588, 2444828; 459601, 2444832; 459689, 2444388; 459662, 2444260; 459604, 2444112; 459455, 2444044; 459279, 2444030; 459064, 2444037; 459008, 2444069; 459002, 2444101; 458968, 2444099; 458944, 2444123; 458878, 2444096; 458808, 2444142; 458803, 2444197; 458748, 2444245; 458658, 2444279; 458633, 2444322; 458576, 2444325; 458582, 2444377; 458552, 2444407; 458568, 2444467; 458478, 2444527; 458474, 2444587; 458537, 2444607; 458492, 2444667; 458608, 2444684; 458633, 2444746; 458545, 2444763; 458495, 2444803; 458485, 2444833; 458418, 2444844; 458347, 2444897; 458418, 2444925; 458411, 2444963; 458504, 2444960; 458503, 2444991; 458458, 2445046; 458458, 2445076; 458528, 2445084; 458582, 2445036; 458678, 2444990; 458718, 2445049; 458798, 2444992; 458818, 2444992; 458868, 2445050; 458908, 2445056; 458933, 2445106; 458927, 2445176; 458854, 2445276; 458808, 2445463; 458960, 2445258; 459033, 2445116; 459033, 2445066; 458978, 2444969; 458983, 2444831; 459038, 2444842; 459088, 2444900; 459158, 2444877; 459218, 2444913; 459331, 2444816; 459368, 2444730.

(iii) Unit III(c): North Fork Wailua River (36 ha; 90 ac). The North Fork Wailua River Newcomb's snail critical habitat location consists of all flowing surface waters within 23 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): 450656, 2440137; 450861, 2440154; 450920, 2440206; 450968, 2440196; 451045, 2440217; 451079, 2440286; 451145, 2440241; 451197, 2440262; 451211, 2440324; 451291, 2440314; 451291, 2440244; 451426, 2440217; 451589, 2440237; 451616, 2440286; 451811, 2440230; 451801, 2440139; 451748, 2440049; 451717, 2439976; 451701, 2439841; 451455, 2439688; 451343, 2439745; 450968, 2440043; 450840, 2440040.

(iv) Map 3 - Unit III - Eastside Mountain Streams follows:

Pecos Assiminea (Assiminea Pecos)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Chaves County, New Mexico, and Pecos and Reeves Counties, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent element of critical habitat for the Pecos assiminea is moist or saturated soil at stream or spring run margins:

(i) That consists of wet mud or occurs beneath mats of vegetation;

(ii) That is within 1 inch (2 to 3 centimeters) of flowing water;

(iii) That has native wetland plant species, such as salt grass or sedges, that provide leaf litter, shade, cover, and appropriate microhabitat;

(iv) That contains wetland vegetation adjacent to spring complexes that supports the algae, detritus, and bacteria needed for foraging; and

(v) That has adjacent spring complexes with:

(A) Permanent, flowing, fresh to moderately saline water with no or no more than low levels of pollutants; and

(B) Stable water levels with natural diurnal and seasonal variations.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Unit 1: Sago/Bitter Creek Complex, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Pecos Assiminea Critical Habitat Units 1 and 2b follows:

(6) Unit 2b: Assiminea Impoundment Complex, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2b for Pecos assiminea is provided at paragraph (5)(ii) of this entry.

(7) Unit 4: Diamond Y Springs Complex, Pecos County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Pecos Assiminea Critical Habitat Units 4 and 5 follows:

(8) Unit 5: East Sandia Spring, Reeves County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 5 for Pecos assiminea is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

Interrupted Rocksnail (Leptoxis foremani)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cherokee and Elmore Counties, Alabama, and Gordon and Floyd Counties, Georgia, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the interrupted rocksnail are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Geomorphically stable stream and river channels and banks (channels that maintain lateral dimensions, longitudinal profiles, and sinuosity patterns over time without an aggrading or degrading bed elevation).

(ii) A hydrologic flow regime (the magnitude, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time) necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found. Unless other information becomes available, existing conditions at locations where the species occurs will be considered as minimal flow requirements for survival.

(iii) Water quality (including temperature, pH, hardness, turbidity, oxygen content, and chemical constituents) that meets or exceeds the current aquatic life criteria established under the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387).

(iv) Sand, gravel, cobble, boulder, or bedrock substrates with low to moderate amounts of fine sediment and attached filamentous algae.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs, such as buildings, bridges, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Critical habitat unit maps. Maps were developed from USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Critical habitat unit upstream and downstream limits were then identified by longitude and latitude using decimal degrees and converted to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 16, coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for the interrupted rocksnail follows:

(6) Unit 1 for interrupted rocksnail (IR 1): Coosa River, Cherokee County, Alabama.

(i) Unit IR 1 includes the Coosa River channel from Weiss Dam (614866.53E, 3781969.15N), downstream to a point 1.6 km (1 mi) below the confluence of Terrapin Creek (619751.694E, 3776654.79N), Cherokee County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 (IR 1) for interrupted rocksnail (Coosa River) follows:

(7) Unit 2 for interrupted rocksnail (IR 2): Oostanaula River, Gordon and Floyd Counties, Georgia.

(i) Unit IR 2 includes the primary channel of the Oostanaula River from the confluence of the Conasauga and Coosawattee Rivers (692275.90E, 3824562.96N), Gordon County, downstream to Georgia Highway 1 Loop (668358.62E, 3792574.63N), Floyd County, Georgia.

(ii) Map of Unit 2 (IR 2) for interrupted rocksnail (Oostanaula River) follows:

(8) Unit 3 for interrupted rocksnail (IR 3): Lower Coosa River, Elmore County, Alabama.

(i) Unit IR 3 includes the Coosa River channel from Jordan Dam (569930.28E, 3609212.67N), downstream to Alabama Highway 111 Bridge (574324.83E, 3600042.81N), Elmore County, Alabama.

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (IR 3) for interrupted rocksnail (Lower Coosa River) follows:

Chupadera Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis chupaderae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Socorro County, New Mexico, on the map below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of the Chupadera springsnail consist of springheads, springbrooks, seeps, ponds, and seasonally wetted meadows containing:

(i) Unpolluted spring water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Periphyton (an assemblage of algae, bacteria, and microbes) and decaying organic material for food;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for egg laying, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators; and

(iv) Nonnative species either absent or present at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, roads, and other paved areas, and the land on which they are located) existing on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units were plotted on 2007 USGS Digital Ortho Quarter UTM coordinates in ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer GIS program

(5) Unit 1: Willow Spring, Socorro County, New Mexico.

(i) The critical habitat area includes the springhead, springbrook, small seeps and ponds, seasonally wetted meadow, and all of the associated spring features. This area is approximately 0.5 ha (1.4 ac) around the following coordinates: Easting 316889, northing 3743013 (Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 13 using North American Datum of 1983).

(ii) Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

(6) Unit 2: Unnamed Spring, Socorro County, New Mexico.

(i) The critical habitat area includes the springhead, springbrook, small seeps and ponds, seasonally wetted meadow, and all of the associated spring features. This area is approximately 0.2 ha (0.5 ac) around the following coordinates: Easting 317048, northing 3743418 (Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 13 using North American Datum of 1983).

(ii) Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (5)(ii) of this entry.

Koster's Springsnail (Juturnia Kosteri) and Roswell Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis Roswellensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Chaves County, New Mexico, on the map below.

(2) The primary constituent element of critical habitat for the Koster's springsnail and Roswell springsnail is springs and spring-fed wetland systems that:

(i) Have permanent, flowing water with no or no more than low levels of pollutants;

(ii) Have slow to moderate water velocities;

(iii) Have substrates ranging from deep organic silts to limestone cobble and gypsum;

(iv) Have stable water levels with natural diurnal (daily) and seasonal variations;

(v) Consist of fresh to moderately saline water;

(vi) Vary in temperature between 50-68 °F (10-20 °C) with natural seasonal and diurnal variations slightly above and below that range; and

(vii) Provide abundant food, consisting of:

(A) Algae, bacteria, and decaying organic material; and

(B) Submergent vegetation that contributes the necessary nutrients, detritus, and bacteria on which these species forage.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Unit 1: Sago/Bitter Creek Complex, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Koster's Springsnail and Roswell Springsnail Critical Habitat Units 1 and 2a follows:

(6) Unit 2a: Springsnail/Amphipod Impoundment Complex, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2a for Koster's springsnail and Roswell springsnail is provided at paragraph (5)(ii) of this entry.

San Bernardino Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bernardina)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cochise County, Arizona, on the map in paragraph (5) of this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the San Bernardino springsnail consist of four components:

(i) Adequately clean spring water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Periphyton (attached algae), bacteria, and decaying organic material for food;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for egg laying, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators; and

(iv) Either an absence of nonnative predators (crayfish) and competitors (snails) or their presence at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures other than the road culvert and concrete spring-boxes, which are included to protect the water flowing within them.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were plotted on 2007 USGS Digital Ortho Quarter Quad maps using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates in ArcMap. Because of the small size of the springs, spring runs and ditches, for mapping purposes we created a circle that encompasses them.

(5) Map of critical habitat units for the San Bernardino springsnail follows:

(6) Snail Spring Unit contains approximately 0.457 ha (1.129 ac) in Cochise County, Arizona. This critical habitat unit is a spring approximately 5 m (16 ft) in diameter and has a spring run that goes south from the spring approximately 23.5 m (77 ft) to a manmade ditch, which runs 10.2 m (33.5 ft) to a dirt road. It passes under the road in a 3.5 m (11.5 ft) culvert, then flows approximately 17 m (56 ft) below the road. The culvert beneath the road is included in critical habitat, but not the road itself. We include a 1-m (3.3-ft) upland area on each side of the spring, spring run, and ditch. The critical habitat unit is the spring, spring run, ditch, and buffer within the 76-m (249-ft) diameter circle centered on UTM coordinate 663858, 3468182 in Zone 12 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(7) Goat Tank Spring Unit contains approximately 0.002 ha (0.005 ac) in Cochise County, Arizona. The unit is a spring contained entirely within a square concrete box approximately 0.61 by 0.91 m (2 by 3 ft) and spring seepage emanating from the base of a cottonwood tree about 2 m (7 ft) from the spring-box. This unit includes a 1-m (3.3-ft) upland area on each side of the spring box and spring. The critical habitat is the spring-box, spring seepage, and buffer within the 5-m (16.4-ft) diameter circle centered on UTM coordinate 663725, 3468162 in Zone 12 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(8) Horse Spring Unit contains approximately 0.032 ha (0.078 ac) in Cochise County, Arizona. The unit is a spring and springrun approximately 0.5 m (1.6 ft) wide and 15.5 m (50.9 ft) in length. We include a 1-m (3.3-ft) upland area on each side of the springhead and spring-run. The designated critical habitat unit is the spring-box, spring seepage, and buffer within the 20-m (66-ft) diameter circle centered on UTM coordinate 663772, 3468091 in Zone 12 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(9) Tule Spring Unit contains approximately 0.324 ha (0.801 ac) in Cochise County, Arizona. The unit is a spring, which forms a pond approximately 23 m (75 ft) north-south and 13 m (43 ft) east-west, and it has a spring run that is approximately 22 m (71 ft) in length. The spring run emerges from the southeastern side of the spring pond, runs northeast for approximately 12.5 m (41 ft) to a manmade ditch, which runs southeast 9.2 m (30 ft). This unit includes a 1-m (3.3-ft) upland area on each side of the spring, spring run, and ditch. The designated critical habitat unit is the spring, spring-run, ditch, and buffer within the 64-m (210-ft) diameter circle centered on UTM coordinate 664259, 3468499 in Zone 12 with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

Three Forks Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis trivialis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Apache County, Arizona, on the map at paragraph (5) of this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Three Forks springsnail consist of four components:

(i) Adequately clean spring water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Periphyton (attached algae), bacteria, and decaying organic material for food;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for egglaying, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators; and

(iv) Either an absence of nonnative predators (crayfish) and competitors (snails) or their presence at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures other than concrete spring-boxes, which are included to protect the flowing water within them.

(4) Critical habitat map units were plotted on 2007 USGS Digital Ortho Quarter Quad maps using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates in ArcMap.

(5) Map of critical habitat units for the Three Forks springsnail follows:

Phantom springsnail (Pyrgulopsis texana) and Phantom tryonia (Tryonia cheatumi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Jeff Davis County and Reeves County, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Phantom springsnail and Phantom tryonia are springs and spring-fed aquatic systems that contain:

(i) Permanent, flowing, unpolluted water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Water temperatures that vary between 11 and 27 °C (52 to 81 °F) with natural seasonal and diurnal variations slightly above and below that range;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for breeding, egg laying, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators;

(iv) Abundant food, consisting of algae, bacteria, decaying organic material, and submergent vegetation that contributes the necessary nutrients, detritus, and bacteria on which these species forage; and

(v) Either an absence of nonnative predators and competitors or nonnative predators and competitors at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, well pads, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on August 8, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available on the internet at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0004 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) San Solomon Spring Unit, Reeves County, Texas. Map of San Solomon Spring Unit follows:

(6) Giffin Spring Unit, Reeves County, Texas. Map of Giffin Spring Unit is provided at paragraph (5) of this entry.

(7) East Sandia Spring Unit, Reeves County, Texas. Map of East Sandia Spring Unit follows:

(8) Phantom Lake Spring Unit, Jeff Davis County, Texas. Map of Phantom Lake Spring Unit follows:

Diamond tryonia (Pseudotryonia adamantina) and Gonzales tryonia (Tryonia circumstriata)

(1) A critical habitat unit is depicted for Pecos County, Texas, on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Diamond tryonia and Gonzales tryonia are springs and spring-fed aquatic systems that contain:

(i) Permanent, flowing, unpolluted water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Water temperatures that vary between 11 and 27 °C (52 to 81 °F) with natural seasonal and diurnal variations slightly above and below that range;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for breeding, egg laying, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators;

(iv) Abundant food, consisting of algae, bacteria, decaying organic material, and submergent vegetation that contributes the necessary nutrients, detritus, and bacteria on which these species forage; and

(v) Either an absence of nonnative predators and competitors or nonnative predators and competitors at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, roads, oil and gas well pads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on August 8, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on the internet at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0004 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Diamond Y Spring Unit, Pecos County, Texas. Map of Diamond Y Spring Unit follows:

Newcomb's tree snail (Newcombia cumingi)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Maui County, Hawaii, on the map below.

(2) Primary constituent elements. In unit 1, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Newcomb's tree snail are:

(i) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(ii) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(iii) Substrate: Clays; ashbeds; deep, well-drained soils; lowland bogs.

(iv) Canopy: Antidesma, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pisonia, Psychotria.

(v) Subcanopy: Cibotium, Claoxylon, Kadua, Melicope.

(vi) Understory: Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Machaerina, Microlepia.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the physical or biological features. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species or physical or biological features in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat map. Map was created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(5) Newcombia cumingi - Unit 1 - Lowland Wet-Maui, Maui County, Hawaii (65 ac, 26 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the Newcomb's tree snail, Newcombia cumingi. Map of Newcombia cumingi - Unit 1 - Lowland Wet-Maui follows:

(g) Arachnids.

Cokendolpher Cave Harvestman (Texella cokendolpheri)

(1) Critical habitat for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Unit 20 as described in this entry and depicted on Map 1 (index map) and Map 2 in this entry.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman are:

(i) Karst-forming rock containing subterranean spaces (caves and connected mesocaverns) with stable temperatures, high humidities (near saturation), and suitable substrates (for example, spaces between and underneath rocks for foraging and sheltering) that are free of contaminants; and

(ii) Surface and subsurface sources (such as plants and their roots, fruits, and leaves, and animal (e.g., cave cricket) eggs, feces, and carcasses) that provide nutrient input into the karst ecosystem.

(3) Developed lands that do not contain the subsurface primary constituent elements (see paragraph (2)(i) of this entry) and that existed on the effective date of this rule are not considered to be critical habitat.

(4) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(5) Index map of Bexar County invertebrates critical habitat units, Bexar County, Texas, follows:

(6) Unit 20: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 20 follows:

Braken Bat Cave Meshweaver (Cicurina venii)

(1) Critical habitat for the Braken Bat Cave meshweaver in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Unit 15, as described in this entry and depicted on Map 2 in this entry. Unit 15 is also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided at paragraph (5) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(2) The primary constituent elements of, and the statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for the Braken Bat Cave meshweaver are identical to those set forth at paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(3) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(4) Unit 15: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 15 follows:

Government Canyon Bat Cave Meshweaver (Cicurina vespera)

(1) Critical habitat for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Unit 1b, as described in this entry and depicted on Map 2 in this entry. Unit 1b is also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided at paragraph (5) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(2) The primary constituent elements of, and the statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver are identical to those set forth at paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(3) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(4) Unit 1b: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Units 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f follows:

Madla Cave Meshweaver (Cicurina madla)

(1) Critical habitat for the Madla Cave meshweaver in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Units 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 17, and 22, as described in this entry and depicted on Maps 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in this entry. Units 1a, 1c, 1d, and 1e are depicted on Map 2, which is provided at paragraph (4)(ii) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g). Units 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 17, and 22 are also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided at paragraph (5) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(2) Eight caves and their associated karst management areas established under the La Cantera Habitat Conservation Plan section 10(a)(1)(B) permit are adjacent to or within the boundaries of Units 1e, 3, 6, 8, and 17, but are not designated as critical habitat. These caves are Canyon Ranch Pit, Fat Man's Nightmare Cave, Scenic Overlook Cave and the surrounding approximately 75 ac (30 ha) adjacent to Unit 1e; Helotes Blowhole and Helotes Hilltop Caves and the surrounding approximately 25 ac (10 ha) adjacent to Unit 3; John Wagner Cave No. 3 and the surrounding approximately 4 ac (1.6 ha) adjacent to Unit 6; Hills and Dales Pit and the surrounding approximately 70 ac (28 ha) adjacent to Unit 8; and Madla's Cave and the surrounding approximately 5 ac (2 ha) within Unit 17.

(3) The primary constituent elements of, and the statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for the Madla Cave meshweaver are identical to those set forth at paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(4) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(5) Unit 1a: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1a is depicted on Map 2, provided at paragraph (4)(ii) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g).

(6) Unit 1c: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1c is depicted on Map 2, provided at paragraph (4)(ii) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g).

(7) Unit 1d: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1d is depicted on Map 2, provided at paragraph (4)(ii) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g).

(8) Unit 1e: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1e is depicted on Map 2, provided at paragraph (4)(ii) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g).

(9) Unit 2: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 3 of Unit 2 follows:

(10) Unit 3: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 4 of Units 3 and 4 follows:

(11) Unit 5: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 5 of Units 5, 6, and 17 follows:

(12) Unit 6: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 6 is depicted on Map 5, provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(13) Unit 8: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 6 of Unit 8 follows:

(14) Unit 9: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 7 of Unit 9 follows:

(15) Unit 17: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 17 is depicted on Map 5, provided at paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.

(16) Unit 22: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 8 of Unit 22 follows:

Robber Baron Cave Meshweaver (Cicurina baronia)

(1) Critical habitat for the Robber Baron Cave meshweaver in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Units 20 and 25. Unit 20 is described as set forth, and depicted on Map 2 provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g). Unit 25 is described in this entry and depicted on Map 3 in this entry. Units 20 and 25 are also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided in paragraph (5) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(2) The primary constituent elements of, and the statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for the Robber Baron Cave meshweaver are identical to those set forth in paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(3) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(4) Unit 20: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 20 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(5) Unit 25: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 3 of Unit 25 follows:

Government Canyon Bat Cave Spider (Tayshaneta microps)

(1) Critical habitat for the Government Canyon Bat Cave spider in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Unit 1b, as described at paragraph (4)(i) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g). Unit 1b is also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided at paragraph (5) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g), and on Map 2 (Unit 1b) provided at paragraph (4)(ii) of the entry for the Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g).

(2) The primary constituent elements of, and statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for the Government Canyon Bat Cave spider are identical to those set forth at paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Cokendolpher Cave harvestman in this paragraph (g).

(3) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(4) Unit 1b: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1b is provided at paragraph (4)(ii) in the entry for the Government Canyon Cave meshweaver in this paragraph (g).

Kauai Cave Wolf Spider (Adelocosa anops).

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the island of Kauai, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements for the Kauai cave wolf spider are:

(i) The presence of subterranean spaces from 5 mm to 25 cm (0.2 in to 10 in) at their narrowest point (collectively termed “mesocaverns”) and/or cave passages greater than 25 cm (>10 in);

(ii) Dark and/or stagnant air zones that maintain relative humidity at saturation levels (≥100 percent); and

(iii) The presence in these types of mesocaverns or caves of roots from living, nontoxic plants such as, but not limited to, ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha), maiapilo (Capparis sandwichiana), and aalii (Dodonea viscosa).

(3) All critical habitat areas contain one or more of the primary constituent elements for the Kauai cave wolf spider.

(4)(i) Existing human-constructed features and structures within the boundaries of mapped units that involved trenching, filling, or excavation resulting in below-surface modification or alteration would not contain either of the primary constituent elements and are excluded from critical habitat designation. Such features and structures include but are not limited to: Homes and buildings for which the underlying bedrock has been altered for their construction or through incorporation of or connection to buried structural foundations, septic tanks, city sewage and drainage systems, or water or underground electrical supply corridors; paved roads; and areas previously or currently used as a quarry.

(ii) Areas that have been modified on the surface but without trenching, filling, or excavation resulting in below-surface modification or alteration are included in the critical habitat designation, even if they are adjacent to areas that have undergone below-surface modification.

(5) Critical habitat units are described below. Coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The following map shows the general locations of the 14 critical habitat units designated on the island of Kauai.

(i) Note: Map 1 - Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1 - (<1 ha (1 ac)):

(i) Unit 1 consists of the following 10 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters, using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 450554, 2420457; 450546, 2420468; 450576, 2420510; 450586, 2420518; 450607, 2420516; 450624, 2420502; 450625, 2420480; 450618, 2420452; 450600, 2420437; 450574, 2420434; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 1 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - below.

(7) Unit 2 - (7 ha (16 ac)):

(i) Unit 2 consists of the following 16 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters, using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 451483, 2420974; 451539, 2420991; 451583, 2421015; 451622, 2421014; 451667, 2420984; 451677, 2420926; 451680, 2420869; 451705, 2420799; 451622, 2420769; 451650, 2420664; 451488, 2420620; 451468, 2420624; 451433, 2420642; 451470, 2420758; 451501, 2420801; 451510, 2420870; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 2 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - below.

(8) Unit 3 - (6 ha (16 ac)):

(i) Unit 3 consists of the following 14 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 450881, 2419947; 450879, 2419981; 450855, 2420053; 450859, 2420089; 450903, 2420089; 451012, 2420125; 451058, 2420191; 451138, 2420180; 451184, 2420119; 451159, 2420048; 451194, 2420014; 451183, 2419982; 451136, 2419987; 451114, 2419892; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 3 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - below.

(9) Unit 4 - (2 ha (6 ac)):

(i) Unit 4 consists of the following 33 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452087, 2419809; 452063, 2419804; 452053, 2419805; 452040, 2419807; 452027, 2419811; 452007, 2419824; 451994, 2419844; 451989, 2419867; 451994, 2419890; 452007, 2419910; 452027, 2419923; 452045, 2419927; 452053, 2419932; 452076, 2419936; 452082, 2419936; 452084, 2419936; 452090, 2419939; 452095, 2419942; 452096, 2419943; 452118, 2419954; 452145, 2419960; 452168, 2419955; 452188, 2419942; 452201, 2419922; 452206, 2419899; 452201, 2419876; 452188, 2419856; 452172, 2419844; 452153, 2419835; 452132, 2419822; 452123, 2419817; 452099, 2419812; 452093, 2419812; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 4 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - which follows:

(10) Unit 5 - (1 ha (2 ac)):

(i) Unit 5 consists of the following 35 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452493, 2420608; 452493, 2420613; 452493, 2420616; 452496, 2420639; 452492, 2420652; 452491, 2420660; 452492, 2420669; 452497, 2420683; 452498, 2420686; 452502, 2420694; 452516, 2420711; 452518, 2420713; 452528, 2420720; 452540, 2420722; 452552, 2420720; 452561, 2420713; 452568, 2420704; 452570, 2420692; 452568, 2420680; 452564, 2420673; 452553, 2420660; 452556, 2420649; 452557, 2420641; 452557, 2420637; 452554, 2420613; 452555, 2420611; 452555, 2420607; 452553, 2420595; 452546, 2420585; 452536, 2420579; 452525, 2420576; 452513, 2420579; 452503, 2420585; 452496, 2420595; 452494, 2420602; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 5 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - below.

(11) Unit 6 - (2 ha (4 ac)):

(i) Unit 6 consists of the following 21 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 453052, 2420607; 453065, 2420616; 453078, 2420622; 453101, 2420626; 453126, 2420621; 453139, 2420616; 453154, 2420606; 453164, 2420591; 453167, 2420579; 453169, 2420551; 453165, 2420533; 453156, 2420517; 453141, 2420500; 453127, 2420490; 453109, 2420486; 453078, 2420490; 453053, 2420505; 453042, 2420522; 453034, 2420543; 453032, 2420559; 453036, 2420585; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 6 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - below.

(12) Unit 7 - (3 ha (9 ac)):

(i) Unit 7 consists of the following 7 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452623, 2421100; 452812, 2421077; 452831, 2421041; 452816, 2421016; 452786, 2420896; 452590, 2420946; 452608, 2421015; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 7 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - below.

(13) Unit 8 - (2 ha (7 ac)):

(i) Unit 8 consists of the following 33 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452763, 2421383; 452759, 2421402; 452760, 2421421; 452767, 2421462; 452766, 2421477; 452768, 2421497; 452771, 2421510; 452780, 2421523; 452812, 2421556; 452824, 2421564; 452831, 2421567; 452848, 2421571; 452857, 2421571; 452875, 2421567; 452890, 2421557; 452899, 2421542; 452904, 2421531; 452907, 2421514; 452908, 2421497; 452904, 2421480; 452899, 2421471; 452902, 2421454; 452900, 2421439; 452894, 2421422; 452891, 2421412; 452891, 2421402; 452888, 2421385; 452880, 2421368; 452871, 2421355; 452844, 2421338; 452822, 2421335; 452799, 2421339; 452778, 2421357; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 8 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - which follows:

(14) Unit 9 - (1 ha (4 ac)):

(i) Unit 9 consists of the following 5 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452568, 2422604; 452577, 2422610; 452696, 2422521; 452580, 2422429; 452537, 2422471; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 9 is depicted on Map 4 - Units 9 and 10 - below.

(15) Unit 10 - (14 ha (35 ac)):

(i) Unit 10 consists of the following 14 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452688, 2421988; 452834, 2422427; 453145, 2422210; 453061, 2422147; 453053, 2422133; 453053, 2422102; 453061, 2422078; 453074, 2422029; 453002, 2421944; 453015, 2421922; 453022, 2421892; 452896, 2421910; 452733, 2421917; 452705, 2421959; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 10 is depicted on Map 4 - Units 9 and 10 - which follows:

(16) Unit 11 - (4 ha (10 ac)):

(i) Unit 11 consists of the following 17 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 453958, 2419773; 453976, 2419766; 453999, 2419741; 454054, 2419702; 454068, 2419667; 454060, 2419596; 454042, 2419553; 454005, 2419528; 453962, 2419521; 453894, 2419545; 453872, 2419573; 453862, 2419600; 453852, 2419642; 453862, 2419676; 453887, 2419718; 453912, 2419742; 453936, 2419768; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 11 is depicted on Map 5 - Units 11 and 12 - below.

(17) Unit 12 (6 ha (16 ac)):

(i) Unit 12 consists of the following 21 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 454185, 2420229; 454242, 2420243; 454326, 2420241; 454387, 2420207; 454420, 2420147; 454475, 2420133; 454502, 2420080; 454474, 2420055; 454366, 2419954; 454341, 2419944; 454321, 2419921; 454311, 2419895; 454286, 2419903; 454264, 2419927; 454229, 2419962; 454208, 2419993; 454186, 2420038; 454169, 2420058; 454145, 2420086; 454112, 2420103; 454120, 2420133; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 12 is depicted on Map 5 - Units 11 and 12 - which follows:

(18) Unit 13 - (21 ha (52 ac)):

(i) Unit 13 consists of the following 43 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 457108, 2420666; 457027, 2420606; 456763, 2420391; 456727, 2419912; 456456, 2419772; 455868, 2419764; 455633, 2419645; 455601, 2419531; 455389, 2419219; 455225, 2419029; 455014, 2418947; 455014, 2419015; 454926, 2419043; 455027, 2419064; 455102, 2419103; 455202, 2419192; 455255, 2419258; 455300, 2419334; 455508, 2419515; 455586, 2419614; 455664, 2419674; 455767, 2419730; 455859, 2419764; 455969, 2419780; 456212, 2419805; 456272, 2419811; 456376, 2419831; 456451, 2419859; 456531, 2419900; 456583, 2419935; 456627, 2419981; 456656, 2420036; 456682, 2420173; 456709, 2420316; 456718, 2420343; 456704, 2420433; 456723, 2420583; 456747, 2420580; 456771, 2420584; 456786, 2420569; 456848, 2420572; 456979, 2420634; 457022, 2420649; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 13 is depicted on Map 6 - Unit 13 - which follows:

(19) Unit 14 - (39 ha (96 ac)):

(i) Unit 14 consists of the following 47 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Coastline. 457575, 2420977; 457548, 2420981; 457598, 2421002; 457624, 2421039; 457624, 2421039; 457624, 2421039; 457664, 2421105; 457715, 2421146; 457755, 2421170; 457901, 2421204; 458025, 2421342; 458025, 2421367; 458078, 2421412; 458078, 2421413; 458078, 2421413; 458184, 2421510; 458226, 2421607; 458226, 2421607; 458226, 2421607; 458259, 2421727; 458308, 2421809; 458371, 2421876; 458405, 2421905; 458237, 2422080; 458301, 2422271; 458346, 2422339; 458686, 2422403; 458785, 2422371; 458932, 2422252; 458997, 2422153; Coastline. 458706, 2421920; 458670, 2421988; 458662, 2422059; 458688, 2422116; 458778, 2422112; 458809, 2422160; 458719, 2422266; 458630, 2422266; 458556, 2422191; 458563, 2422061; 458479, 2421989; 458500, 2421803.

(ii) Note: Unit 14 is depicted on Map 7 - Unit 14 - which follows:

Spruce-Fir Moss Spider (Microhexura montivaga)

1. Critical habitat units and their ownership are described below and depicted in the following maps. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

Unit 1: Swain County, North Carolina, and Sevier County, Tennessee - all portions of the GSMNP bounded to the north and to the south of the North Carolina/Tennessee State line (State line) by the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour, from the intersection of the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour with the State line, south of Mingus Lead, Tennessee, southwest and then west to the intersection of the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour with the State line, east of The Narrows and west of Jenkins Knob, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Unit 2: Sevier County, Tennessee - all portions of the GSMNP at and above the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour, bounded on the southwest side by the North Carolina/Tennessee State line from the intersection of the State line with the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour near Dry Sluice Gap, southeast to the intersection of the State line with the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour at the head of Minnie Ball Branch, North Carolina, northwest of Newfound Gap, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Unit 3: Avery and Mitchell Counties, North Carolina, and Carter County, Tennessee - all portions of the Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina and the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee, bounded to the north and to the south of the North Carolina/Tennessee State line by the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour, from the intersection of the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour with the State line north of Elk Hollow Branch, Avery County, North Carolina, and southwest of Yellow Mountain, Carter County, Tennessee, west to the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour at Eagle Cliff, Mitchell County, North Carolina.

Unit 4: Avery, Caldwell, and Watauga Counties, North Carolina - all areas of Grandfather Mountain at and above the 1,646-m (5,400-ft) contour.

2. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include:

(i) Fraser fir or fir-dominated spruce-fir forests at and above 1,646 m (5,400 ft) in elevation; and

(ii) Moderately thick and humid, but not wet, moss (species in the genus Dicranodontium, and possibly Polytrichum) and/or liverwort mats on rock surfaces that are adequately sheltered from the sun and rain (by overhang and aspect) and include a thin layer of humid soil and/or humus between the moss and rock surface.

3. Existing human structures and other features not containing all of the primary constituent elements are not considered critical habitat.

(h) Crustaceans.

Diminutive amphipod (Gammarus hyalleloides)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Jeff Davis County and Reeves County, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of diminutive amphipod are springs and spring-fed aquatic systems that contain:

(i) Permanent, flowing, unpolluted water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Water temperatures that vary between 11 and 27 °C (52 to 81 °F) with natural seasonal and diurnal variations slightly above and below that range;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for breeding, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators;

(iv) Abundant food, consisting of algae, bacteria, decaying organic material, and submergent vegetation that contributes the necessary nutrients, detritus, and bacteria on which these species forage; and

(v) Either an absence of nonnative predators and competitors or nonnative predators and competitors at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, well pads, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on August 8, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the on the internet at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0004 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) San Solomon Spring Unit, Reeves County, Texas. Map of San Solomon Spring Unit follows:

(6) Giffin Spring Unit, Reeves County, Texas. Map of Giffin Spring Unit is provided at paragraph (5) of this entry.

(7) East Sandia Spring Unit, Reeves County, Texas. Map of East Sandia Spring Unit follows:

(8) Phantom Lake Spring Unit, Jeff Davis County, Texas. Map of Phantom Lake Spring Unit follows:

Kauai Cave Amphipod (Spelaeorchestia koloana)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the island of Kauai, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements for the Kauai cave amphipod are:

(i) The presence of subterranean spaces from 5 mm to 25 cm (0.2 in to 10 in) at their narrowest point (collectively termed “mesocaverns”) and/or cave passages greater than 25 cm (>10 in);

(ii) Dark and/or stagnant air zones that maintain relative humidity at saturation levels (≥100 percent); and

(iii) The presence in these types of mesocaverns or caves of roots from living, nontoxic plants such as, but not limited to, ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha), maiapilo (Capparis sandwichiana), and aalii (Dodonea viscosa).

(3) All critical habitat areas contain one or more of the primary constituent elements for the Kauai cave amphipod.

(4)(i) Existing human-constructed features and structures within the boundaries of mapped units that involved trenching, filling, or excavation resulting in below-surface modification or alteration would not contain either of the primary constituent elements and are excluded from critical habitat designation. Such features and structures include but are not limited to: Homes and buildings for which the underlying bedrock has been altered for their construction or through incorporation of or connection to buried structural foundations, septic tanks, city sewage and drainage systems, or water or underground electrical supply corridors; paved roads; and areas previously or currently used as a quarry.

(ii) Areas that have been modified on the surface but without trenching, filling, or excavation resulting in below-surface modification or alteration are included in the critical habitat designation, even if they are adjacent to areas that have undergone below-surface modification.

(5) Critical habitat units are described below. Coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The following map shows the general locations of the 14 critical habitat units designated on the island of Kauai.

(i) Note: Map 1 - Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1 - (<1 ha (1 ac)):

(i) Unit 1 consists of the following 10 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters, using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 450554, 2420457; 450546, 2420468; 450576, 2420510; 450586, 2420518; 450607, 2420516; 450624, 2420502; 450625, 2420480; 450618, 2420452; 450600, 2420437; 450574, 2420434; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 1 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - below.

(7) Unit 2 - (7 ha (16 ac)):

(i) Unit 2 consists of the following 16 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters, using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 451483, 2420974; 451539, 2420991; 451583, 2421015; 451622, 2421014; 451667, 2420984; 451677, 2420926; 451680, 2420869; 451705, 2420799; 451622, 2420769; 451650, 2420664; 451488, 2420620; 451468, 2420624; 451433, 2420642; 451470, 2420758; 451501, 2420801; 451510, 2420870; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 2 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - below.

(8) Unit 3 - (6 ha (16 ac)):

(i) Unit 3 consists of the following 14 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 450881, 2419947; 450879, 2419981; 450855, 2420053; 450859, 2420089; 450903, 2420089; 451012, 2420125; 451058, 2420191; 451138, 2420180; 451184, 2420119; 451159, 2420048; 451194, 2420014; 451183, 2419982; 451136, 2419987; 451114, 2419892; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 3 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - below.

(9) Unit 4 - (2 ha (6 ac)):

(i) Unit 4 consists of the following 33 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452087, 2419809; 452063, 2419804; 452053, 2419805; 452040, 2419807; 452027, 2419811; 452007, 2419824; 451994, 2419844; 451989, 2419867; 451994, 2419890; 452007, 2419910; 452027, 2419923; 452045, 2419927; 452053, 2419932; 452076, 2419936; 452082, 2419936; 452084, 2419936; 452090, 2419939; 452095, 2419942; 452096, 2419943; 452118, 2419954; 452145, 2419960; 452168, 2419955; 452188, 2419942; 452201, 2419922; 452206, 2419899; 452201, 2419876; 452188, 2419856; 452172, 2419844; 452153, 2419835; 452132, 2419822; 452123, 2419817; 452099, 2419812; 452093, 2419812; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 4 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - which follows:

(10) Unit 5 - (1 ha (2 ac)):

(i) Unit 5 consists of the following 35 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452493, 2420608; 452493, 2420613; 452493, 2420616; 452496, 2420639; 452492, 2420652; 452491, 2420660; 452492, 2420669; 452497, 2420683; 452498, 2420686; 452502, 2420694; 452516, 2420711; 452518, 2420713; 452528, 2420720; 452540, 2420722; 452552, 2420720; 452561, 2420713; 452568, 2420704; 452570, 2420692; 452568, 2420680; 452564, 2420673; 452553, 2420660; 452556, 2420649; 452557, 2420641; 452557, 2420637; 452554, 2420613; 452555, 2420611; 452555, 2420607; 452553, 2420595; 452546, 2420585; 452536, 2420579; 452525, 2420576; 452513, 2420579; 452503, 2420585; 452496, 2420595; 452494, 2420602; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 5 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - below.

(11) Unit 6 - (2 ha (4 ac)):

(i) Unit 6 consists of the following 21 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 453052, 2420607; 453065, 2420616; 453078, 2420622; 453101, 2420626; 453126, 2420621; 453139, 2420616; 453154, 2420606; 453164, 2420591; 453167, 2420579; 453169, 2420551; 453165, 2420533; 453156, 2420517; 453141, 2420500; 453127, 2420490; 453109, 2420486; 453078, 2420490; 453053, 2420505; 453042, 2420522; 453034, 2420543; 453032, 2420559; 453036, 2420585; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 6 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - below.

(12) Unit 7 - (3 ha (9 ac)):

(i) Unit 7 consists of the following 7 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452623, 2421100; 452812, 2421077; 452831, 2421041; 452816, 2421016; 452786, 2420896; 452590, 2420946; 452608, 2421015; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 7 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - below.

(13) Unit 8 - (2 ha (7 ac)):

(i) Unit 8 consists of the following 33 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452763, 2421383; 452759, 2421402; 452760, 2421421; 452767, 2421462; 452766, 2421477; 452768, 2421497; 452771, 2421510; 452780, 2421523; 452812, 2421556; 452824, 2421564; 452831, 2421567; 452848, 2421571; 452857, 2421571; 452875, 2421567; 452890, 2421557; 452899, 2421542; 452904, 2421531; 452907, 2421514; 452908, 2421497; 452904, 2421480; 452899, 2421471; 452902, 2421454; 452900, 2421439; 452894, 2421422; 452891, 2421412; 452891, 2421402; 452888, 2421385; 452880, 2421368; 452871, 2421355; 452844, 2421338; 452822, 2421335; 452799, 2421339; 452778, 2421357; return to starting point.

(ii) Unit 8 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5, 6, 7, and 8 - which follows:

(14) Unit 9 - (1 ha (4 ac)):

(i) Unit 9 consists of the following 5 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452568, 2422604; 452577, 2422610; 452696, 2422521; 452580, 2422429; 452537, 2422471; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 9 is depicted on Map 4 - Units 9 and 10 - below.

(15) Unit 10 - (14 ha (35 ac)):

(i) Unit 10 consists of the following 14 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 452688, 2421988; 452834, 2422427; 453145, 2422210; 453061, 2422147; 453053, 2422133; 453053, 2422102; 453061, 2422078; 453074, 2422029; 453002, 2421944; 453015, 2421922; 453022, 2421892; 452896, 2421910; 452733, 2421917; 452705, 2421959; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 10 is depicted on Map 4 - Units 9 and 10 - which follows:

(16) Unit 11 - (4 ha (10 ac)):

(i) Unit 11 consists of the following 17 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 453958, 2419773; 453976, 2419766; 453999, 2419741; 454054, 2419702; 454068, 2419667; 454060, 2419596; 454042, 2419553; 454005, 2419528; 453962, 2419521; 453894, 2419545; 453872, 2419573; 453862, 2419600; 453852, 2419642; 453862, 2419676; 453887, 2419718; 453912, 2419742; 453936, 2419768; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 11 is depicted on Map 5 - Units 11 and 12 - below.

(17) Unit 12 (6 ha (16 ac)):

(i) Unit 12 consists of the following 21 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 454185, 2420229; 454242, 2420243; 454326, 2420241; 454387, 2420207; 454420, 2420147; 454475, 2420133; 454502, 2420080; 454474, 2420055; 454366, 2419954; 454341, 2419944; 454321, 2419921; 454311, 2419895; 454286, 2419903; 454264, 2419927; 454229, 2419962; 454208, 2419993; 454186, 2420038; 454169, 2420058; 454145, 2420086; 454112, 2420103; 454120, 2420133; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 12 is depicted on Map 5 - Units 11 and 12 - which follows:

(18) Unit 13 - (21 ha (52 ac)):

(i) Unit 13 consists of the following 43 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Start at 457108, 2420666; 457027, 2420606; 456763, 2420391; 456727, 2419912; 456456, 2419772; 455868, 2419764; 455633, 2419645; 455601, 2419531; 455389, 2419219; 455225, 2419029; 455014, 2418947; 455014, 2419015; 454926, 2419043; 455027, 2419064; 455102, 2419103; 455202, 2419192; 455255, 2419258; 455300, 2419334; 455508, 2419515; 455586, 2419614; 455664, 2419674; 455767, 2419730; 455859, 2419764; 455969, 2419780; 456212, 2419805; 456272, 2419811; 456376, 2419831; 456451, 2419859; 456531, 2419900; 456583, 2419935; 456627, 2419981; 456656, 2420036; 456682, 2420173; 456709, 2420316; 456718, 2420343; 456704, 2420433; 456723, 2420583; 456747, 2420580; 456771, 2420584; 456786, 2420569; 456848, 2420572; 456979, 2420634; 457022, 2420649; return to starting point.

(ii) Note: Unit 13 is depicted on Map 6 - Unit 13 - which follows:

(19) Unit 14 - (39 ha (96 ac)):

(i) Unit 14 consists of the following 47 boundary points with the following coordinates in UTM Zone 4, with the units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83): Coastline. 457575, 2420977; 457548, 2420981; 457598, 2421002; 457624, 2421039; 457624, 2421039; 457624, 2421039; 457664, 2421105; 457715, 2421146; 457755, 2421170; 457901, 2421204; 458025, 2421342; 458025, 2421367; 458078, 2421412; 458078, 2421413; 458078, 2421413; 458184, 2421510; 458226, 2421607; 458226, 2421607; 458226, 2421607; 458259, 2421727; 458308, 2421809; 458371, 2421876; 458405, 2421905; 458237, 2422080; 458301, 2422271; 458346, 2422339; 458686, 2422403; 458785, 2422371; 458932, 2422252; 458997, 2422153; Coastline. 458706, 2421920; 458670, 2421988; 458662, 2422059; 458688, 2422116; 458778, 2422112; 458809, 2422160; 458719, 2422266; 458630, 2422266; 458556, 2422191; 458563, 2422061; 458479, 2421989; 458500, 2421803.

(ii) Note: Unit 14 is depicted on Map 7 - Unit 14 - which follows:

Noel's amphipod (Gammarus desperatus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Chaves County, New Mexico, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent element of critical habitat for Noel's amphipod is springs and spring-fed wetland systems that:

(i) Have permanent, flowing water with no or no more than low levels of pollutants;

(ii) Have slow to moderate water velocities;

(iii) Have substrates including limestone cobble and aquatic vegetation;

(iv) Have stable water levels with natural diurnal (daily) and seasonal variations;

(v) Consist of fresh to moderately saline water;

(vi) Have minimal sedimentation;

(vii) Vary in temperature between 50-68 °F (10-20 °C) with natural seasonal and diurnal variations slightly above and below that range; and

(viii) Provide abundant food, consisting of:

(A) Submergent vegetation and decaying organic matter;

(B) A surface film of algae, diatoms, bacteria, and fungi; and

(C) Microbial foods, such as algae and bacteria, associated with aquatic plants, algae, bacteria, and decaying organic material.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Unit 1: Sago/Bitter Creek Complex, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Noel's Amphipod Critical Habitat Units 1 and 2a follows:

(6) Unit 2a: Springsnail/Amphipod Impoundment Complex, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2a for Noel's amphipod is provided at paragraph (5)(ii) of this entry.

(7) Unit 3: Rio Hondo, Chaves County, New Mexico.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Noel's Amphipod Critical Habitat Unit 3 follows:

Peck's Cave Amphipod (Stygobromus pecki)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for this species in Comal County, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Peck's cave amphipod consist of these components:

(i) Springs, associated streams, and underground spaces immediately inside of or adjacent to springs, seeps, and upwellings that include:

(A) High-quality water with no or minimal pollutant levels of soaps, detergents, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizer nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, and semivolatile compounds such as industrial cleaning agents; and

(B) Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites, with continuous surface flow from the spring sites and in the subterranean aquifer;

(ii) Spring system water temperatures that range from approximately 68 to 75 °F (20 to 24 °C); and

(iii) Food supply that includes, but is not limited to, detritus (decomposed materials), leaf litter, living plant material, algae, fungi, bacteria, other microorganisms, and decaying roots.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the surface within the legal boundaries on November 22, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using geographic information systems (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed in the GIS. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2012-0082, and at the field office responsible for this critical habitat designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) The index map of the critical habitat units for the Peck's cave amphipod follows:

(6) Unit 1: Comal Springs Unit, Comal County, Texas. Map of the Comal Springs Unit follows:

(7) Unit 2: Hueco Springs Unit, Comal County, Texas. Map of the Hueco Springs Unit follows:

Pecos amphipod (Gammarus pecos)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Pecos County, Texas, on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Pecos amphipod are springs and spring-fed aquatic systems that contain:

(i) Permanent, flowing, unpolluted water (free from contamination) emerging from the ground and flowing on the surface;

(ii) Water temperatures that vary between 11 and 27 °C (52 to 81 °F) with natural seasonal and diurnal variations slightly above and below that range;

(iii) Substrates that include cobble, gravel, pebble, sand, silt, and aquatic vegetation, for breeding, maturing, feeding, and escape from predators;

(iv) Abundant food, consisting of algae, bacteria, decaying organic material, and submergent vegetation that contributes the necessary nutrients, detritus, and bacteria on which these species forage; and

(v) Either an absence of nonnative predators and competitors or nonnative predators and competitors at low population levels.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, oil and gas well pads, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on the internet at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0004 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Diamond Y Spring Unit, Pecos County, Texas. Map of Diamond Y Spring Unit follows:

Big Sandy Crayfish (Cambarus callainus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Martin, Pike, Johnson, and Floyd Counties, Kentucky; Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise Counties, Virginia; and McDowell, Mingo, and Wayne Counties, West Virginia, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Big Sandy crayfish consist of the following components:

(i) Fast-flowing stream reaches with unembedded slab boulders, cobbles, or isolated boulder clusters within an unobstructed stream continuum (i.e., riffle, run, pool complexes) of permanent, moderate- to large-sized (generally third order and larger) streams and rivers (up to the ordinary high water mark as defined at 33 CFR 329.11).

(ii) Streams and rivers with natural variations in flow and seasonal flooding sufficient to effectively transport sediment and prevent substrate embeddedness.

(iii) Water quality characterized by seasonally moderated temperatures and physical and chemical parameters (e.g., pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen) sufficient for the normal behavior, growth, reproduction, and viability of all life stages of the species.

(iv) An adequate food base, indicated by a healthy aquatic community structure including native benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes, and plant matter (e.g., leaf litter, algae, detritus).

(v) Aquatic habitats protected from riparian and instream activities that degrade the physical and biological features described in paragraphs (2)(i) through (iv) of this entry or cause physical (e.g., crushing) injury or death to individual Big Sandy crayfish.

(vi) An interconnected network of streams and rivers that have the physical and biological features described in paragraphs (2)(i) through (iv) of this entry and that allow for the movement of individual crayfish in response to environmental, physiological, or behavioral drivers. The scale of the interconnected stream network should be sufficient to allow for gene flow within and among watersheds.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on April 14, 2022.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of U.S. Geological Survey digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15N coordinates. ESRI's ArcGIS 10.0 software was used to determine latitude and longitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The USA Topo ESRI online basemap service was referenced to identify features (like roads and streams) used to delineate the upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R5-ES-2019-0098, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat Units 1 and 2 for the Big Sandy crayfish follows:

(6) Unit 1: Upper Levisa Fork - Dismal Creek, Buchanan County, Virginia.

(i) Unit 1 includes approximately 29.2 stream kilometers (skm) (18.1 smi) of Dismal Creek from its confluence with Laurel Fork downstream to its confluence with Levisa Fork in Buchanan County, Virginia.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Russell Fork - Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise Counties, Virginia, and Pike County, Kentucky.

(i) Subunit 2a: Russell Fork, Buchanan and Dickenson Counties, Virginia, and Pike County, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 2a consists of approximately 83.8 skm (52.1 smi) of Russell Fork from its confluence with Ball Creek at Council, Virginia, downstream to its confluence with Levisa Fork at Levisa Junction, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Subunit 2a follows:

(ii) Subunit 2b: Hurricane Creek, Buchanan County, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2b consists of approximately 5.9 skm (3.7 smi) of Hurricane Creek from its confluence with Gilbert Fork downstream to its confluence with Russell Fork at Davenport, Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 2b follows:

(iii) Subunit 2c: Indian Creek, Buchanan and Dickenson Counties, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2c consists of approximately 7.4 skm (4.6 smi) of Indian Creek from its confluence with Three Forks in Buchanan County, Virginia, downstream to its confluence with Russell Fork in Buchanan and Dickenson Counties, Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 2c follows:

(iv) Subunit 2d: Fryingpan Creek, Dickenson County, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2d consists of approximately 4.6 skm (2.9 smi) of Fryingpan Creek from its confluence with Priest Fork downstream to its confluence with Russell Fork.

(B) Map of Subunit 2d follows:

(v) Subunit 2e: Lick Creek, Dickenson County, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2e consists of approximately 16.2 skm (10.1 smi) of Lick Creek from its confluence with Cabin Fork near Aily, Virginia, downstream to its confluence with Russell Fork at Birchfield, Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 2e follows:

(vi) Subunit 2f: Russell Prater Creek, Dickenson County, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2f consists of approximately 8.4 skm (5.2 smi) of Russell Prater Creek from its confluence with Greenbrier Creek downstream to its confluence with Russell Fork at Haysi, Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 2f follows:

(vii) Subunit 2g: McClure River, Open Fork and McClure Creek, Dickenson County, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2g consists of approximately 35.6 skm (22.1 smi) of the McClure River and McClure Creek from the confluence of McClure Creek and Honey Branch downstream to the confluence of McClure River and Russell Fork; and approximately 4.9 km (3.0 mi) of Open Fork from the confluence of Middle Fork Open Fork and Coon Branch downstream to the confluence of Open Fork and McClure Creek at Nora, Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 2g follows:

(viii) Subunit 2h: Elkhorn Creek, Pike County, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 2h consists of approximately 8.5 skm (5.3 smi) of Elkhorn Creek from its confluence with Mountain Branch downstream to its confluence with Russell Fork at Elkhorn City, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Subunit 2h follows:

(ix) Subunit 2i: Cranes Nest River and Birchfield Creek, Dickenson and Wise Counties, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2i consists of approximately 24.6 skm (19.0 smi) of the Cranes Nest River from its confluence with Birchfield Creek downstream to its confluence with Lick Branch and approximately 6.9 skm (4.3 smi) of Birchfield Creek from its confluence with Dotson Creek downstream to its confluence with Cranes Nest River.

(B) Map of Subunit 2i follows:

(x) Subunit 2j: Pound River, Dickenson and Wise Counties, Virginia.

(A) Subunit 2j consists of approximately 28.5 skm (17.7 smi) of the Pound River from its confluence with Bad Creek downstream to the confluence of the Pound River and Jerry Branch.

(B) Map of Subunit 2j follows:

(8) Index map of critical habitat Unit 3 for the Big Sandy crayfish follows:

(9) Unit 3: Lower Levisa Fork - Floyd, Johnson, and Pike Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Subunit 3a: Levisa Fork, Floyd, Johnson, and Pike Counties, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 3a consists of approximately 15.9 km (9.9 mi) of Levisa Fork from its confluence with Russell Fork at Levisa Junction, Kentucky, downstream to its confluence with Island Creek at Pikeville, Kentucky; and 17.5 skm (10.9 smi) of Levisa Fork from its confluence with Abbott Creek downstream to its confluence with Miller Creek at Auxier, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Subunit 3a follows:

(ii) Subunit 3b: Shelby Creek and Long Fork, Pike County, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 3b consists of approximately 32.2 skm (20.0 smi) of Shelby Creek from its confluence with Burk Branch downstream to its confluence with Levisa Fork at Shelbiana, Kentucky; and approximately 12.9 skm (8.0 smi) of Long Fork from the confluence of Right Fork Long Fork and Left Fork Long Fork downstream to the confluence of Long Fork and Shelby Creek at Virgie, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Subunit 3b follows:

(10) Index map of critical habitat Unit 4 for the Big Sandy crayfish follows:

(11) Unit 4: Tug Fork - McDowell, Mingo, and Wayne Counties, West Virginia; Buchanan County, Virginia; and Pike and Martin Counties, Kentucky.

(i) Subunit 4a: Tug Fork, McDowell, Mingo, and Wayne Counties, West Virginia; Buchanan County, Virginia; and Pike and Martin Counties, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 4a consists of approximately 106.1 skm (65.9 smi) of the Tug Fork from its confluence with Elkhorn Creek at Welch, West Virginia, downstream to its confluence with Blackberry Creek in Pike County, Kentucky; and 11.7 skm (7.3 smi) of the Tug Fork from its confluence with Little Elk Creek downstream to its confluence with Bull Creek at Crum, West Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 4a follows:

(ii) Subunit 4b: Dry Fork and Bradshaw Creek, McDowell County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 4b consists of approximately 45.2 skm (28.1 smi) of Dry Fork from its confluence with Jacobs Fork downstream to its confluence with Tug Fork at Iaeger, West Virginia; and approximately 4.6 skm (2.9 smi) of Bradshaw Creek from its confluence with Hite Fork at Jolo, West Virginia, downstream to its confluence with Dry Fork at Bradshaw, West Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 4b follows:

(iii) Subunit 4c: Panther Creek, McDowell County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 4c consists of approximately 10.7 skm (6.6 smi) of Panther Creek from its confluence with George Branch downstream to its confluence with Tug Fork at Panther, West Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 4c follows:

(iv) Subunit 4d: Knox Creek, Buchanan County, Virginia, and Pike County, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 4d consists of approximately 16.6 skm (10.3 smi) of Knox Creek from its confluence with Cedar Branch downstream to its confluence with Tug Fork in Pike County, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Subunit 4d follows:

(v) Subunit 4e: Peter Creek, Pike County, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 4e consists of approximately 10.1 skm (6.3 smi) of Peter Creek from the confluence of Left Fork Peter Creek and Right Fork Peter Creek at Phelps, Kentucky, downstream to the confluence of Peter Creek and Tug Fork at Freeburn, Kentucky.

(B) Map of Subunit 4e follows:

(vi) Subunit 4f: Blackberry Creek, Pike County, Kentucky.

(A) Subunit 4f consists of approximately 9.1 skm (5.7 smi) of Blackberry Creek its confluence with Bluespring Branch downstream to the confluence of Blackberry Creek and Tug Fork.

(B) Map of Subunit 4f follows:

(vii) Subunit 4g: Pigeon Creek and Laurel Fork, Mingo County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 4g consists of approximately 14.0 skm (8.7 smi) of Pigeon Creek from its confluence with Trace Fork downstream to its confluence with Tug Fork; and approximately 11.1 skm (6.9 smi) of Laurel Fork from its confluence with Lick Branch downstream to its confluence with Pigeon Creek at Lenore, West Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 4g follows:

Guyandotte River Crayfish (Cambarus veteranus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Logan and Wyoming Counties, West Virginia, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Guyandotte River crayfish consist of the following components:

(i) Fast-flowing stream reaches with unembedded slab boulders, cobbles, or isolated boulder clusters within an unobstructed stream continuum (i.e.. riffle, run, pool complexes) of permanent, moderate- to large-sized (generally third order and larger) streams and rivers (up to the ordinary high water mark as defined at 33 CFR 329.11).

(ii) Streams and rivers with natural variations in flow and seasonal flooding sufficient to effectively transport sediment and prevent substrate embeddedness.

(iii) Water quality characterized by seasonally moderated temperatures and physical and chemical parameters (e.g., pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen) sufficient for the normal behavior, growth, reproduction, and viability of all life stages of the species.

(iv) An adequate food base, indicated by a healthy aquatic community structure including native benthic macroinvertebrates, fishes, and plant matter (e.g., leaf litter, algae, detritus).

(v) Aquatic habitats protected from riparian and instream activities that degrade the physical and biological features described in paragraphs (2)(i) through (iv) of this entry or cause physical (e.g., crushing) injury or death to individual Guyandotte River crayfish.

(vi) An interconnected network of streams and rivers that have the physical and biological features described in paragraphs (2)(i) through (iv) of this entry and that allow for the movement of individual crayfish in response to environmental, physiological, or behavioral drivers. The scale of the interconnected stream network should be sufficient to allow for gene flow within and among watersheds.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on April 14, 2022.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of U.S. Geological Survey digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15N coordinates. ESRI's ArcGIS 10.0 software was used to determine latitude and longitude coordinates using decimal degrees. The USA Topo ESRI online basemap service was referenced to identify features (like roads and streams) used to delineate the upstream and downstream extents of critical habitat units. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R5-ES-2019-0098, and at the North Atlantic-Appalachian Regional Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat for the Guyandotte River crayfish follows:

(6) Unit 1: Upper Guyandotte - Logan and Wyoming Counties, West Virginia.

(i) Subunit 1a: Pinnacle Creek, Wyoming County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 1a consists of approximately 28.6 skm (17.8 smi) of Pinnacle Creek from its confluence with Beartown Fork downstream to its confluence with the Guyandotte River at Pineville, West Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 1a follows:

(ii) Subunit 1b: Clear Fork and Laurel Fork, Wyoming County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 1b consists of approximately 38.0 skm (23.6 smi) of Clear Fork and its primary tributary Laurel Fork from the confluence of Laurel Creek and Acord Branch downstream to the confluence of Clear Fork and the Guyandotte River.

(B) Map of Subunit 1b follows:

(iii) Subunit 1c: Guyandotte River, Wyoming County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 1c consists of approximately 35.8 skm (22.2 smi) of the Guyandotte River from its confluence with Pinnacle Creek at Pineville, West Virginia, downstream to its confluence with Clear Fork.

(B) Map of Subunit 1c follows:

(iv) Subunit 1d: Indian Creek, Wyoming County, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 1d consists of approximately 4.2 skm (2.6 smi) of Indian Creek from the confluence of Indian Creek and Brier Creek at Fanrock, West Virginia, to the confluence of Indian Creek and the Guyandotte River.

(B) Map of Subunit 1d follows:

(v) Subunit 1e: Huff Creek, Wyoming and Logan Counties, West Virginia.

(A) Subunit 1e consists of approximately 28.0 skm (17.4 smi) of Huff Creek from its confluence with Straight Fork downstream to its confluence with the Guyandotte River at Huff, West Virginia.

(B) Map of Subunit 1e follows:

Panama City Crayfish (Procambarus econfinae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bay County, Florida, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Panama City crayfish consist of the following components:

(i) Undeveloped lands, including cropland, utilities rights-of-way, timberlands, and grazing lands, that support open wet pine flatwoods and wet prairie habitats that contain the following:

(A) Appropriate herbaceous ground cover vegetation;

(B) Permanent or temporary pools of shallow (usually less than 1 foot) freshwater locations; and

(C) Gently sloped ground-level swales with a 3:1 or shallower slope ratio along ecotonal or transitional areas.

(ii) Soil types within undeveloped lands that provide sediment structure needed for burrow construction and that support mostly native herbaceous vegetation needed for additional food and shelter, and where the ground water is always within 3 feet of the ground surface and surface waters occur on occasion. These soil types include:

(A) Core soils for Panama City crayfish, including Pamlico-Dorovan Complex, Rutlege Sand, Plummer Sand, Pelham Sand, Pantego Sandy Loam, and Rutledge-Pamlico Complex;

(B) Secondary soils within 50 feet (15 meters) of core soils: Albany Sand, Leefield Sand, Leon Fine Sand, Osier Fine Sand, and Alapaha Loamy Sand; and

(C) Soils that currently, or can eventually, support native herbaceous vegetation such as, but not limited to, wiregrass (Aristida beyrichiana), redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana), beakrushes (Rhynchospora spp.), pitcher plants (Sarracenia spp.), sundews (Drosera spp.), butterworts (Pinguicula spp.), and lilies (Hymenocallis spp.).

(iii) Undeveloped lands that contain surface and groundwater of sufficient quality to support all life stages of the Panama City crayfish and the herbaceous vegetation on which they rely, specifically surface waters with:

(A) Oxygen levels that range between 2 and 9 milligrams per liter;

(B) pH levels between 4.1 and 9.2; and

(C) Temperatures between 42 and 94 degrees Fahrenheit ( °F) (5 and 34.4 degrees Celsius ( °C)), although optimum temperatures are thought to be in the range of 68 to 79 °F (20 to 26 °C).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on February 4, 2022.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created based on known occurrences and habitat requirements. Critical habitat units were mapped in ArcMap (ESRI, Inc.) using the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Geographic Database dataset. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2020-0137 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: 19th Street, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 1 consists of 23.2 acres (9.4 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (3.7 ac (1.5 ha)), and private ownership (19.5 ac (7.9 ha)).

(ii) Map of Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Talkington, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 2 consists of 37.2 acres (15.1 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (4.09 ac (1.7 ha)), and private ownership (33.08 ac (13.4 ha)).

(ii) Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.

(8) Unit 3: Minnesota, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 3 consists of 49.0 acres (19.8 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (30.0 ac (12.1 ha)), and private ownership (19.1 ac (7.7 ha)).

(ii) Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.

(9) Unit 4: Transmitter West, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 4 consists of 181.8 acres (73.6 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (2.2 ac (0.9 ha)), and private ownership (179.6 ac (72.7 ha)).

(ii) Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.

(10) Unit 5: Deer Point, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 5 consists of 278.8 ac (112.8 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (4.5 ac (1.8 ha)), and private ownership (274.3 ac (111.0 ha)).

(ii) Map of Units 5 and 6 follows:

(11) Unit 6: High Point, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 6 consists of 36.8 ac (14.9 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (0.5 ac (0.2 ha)), and private ownership (36.3 ac (14.7 ha)).

(ii) Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 7: Star, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 7 consists of 1,424.3 ac (576.4 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (6.5 ac (2.6 ha)), and private ownership (1,417.8 ac (573.8 ha)).

(ii) Map of Units 7 and 8 follows:

(13) Unit 8: Transmitter East, Bay County, Florida.

(i) Unit 8 consists of 2,107.4 ac (852.8 ha) and is composed of lands in State, county, or city ownership (49.9 ac (20.2 ha)), and private ownership (2,057.5 ac (832.6 ha)).

(ii) Map of Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (12)(ii) of this entry.

Slenderclaw Crayfish (Cambarus cracens)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for DeKalb and Marshall Counties, Alabama, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the slenderclaw crayfish consist of the following components:

(i) Geomorphically stable, small to medium, flowing streams:

(A) That are typically 19.8 feet (ft) (6 meters (m)) wide or smaller;

(B) With attributes ranging from:

(1) Streams with predominantly large boulders and fractured bedrock, with widths from 16.4 to 19.7 ft (5 to 6 m), low to no turbidity, and depths up to 2.3 ft (0.7 m); to

(2) Streams dominated by small substrate types with a mix of cobble, gravel, and sand, with widths of approximately 9.8 feet (3 m), low to no turbidity, and depths up to 0.5 feet (0.15 m);

(C) With substrate consisting of boulder and cobble containing abundant interstitial spaces for sheltering and breeding; and

(D) With intact riparian cover to maintain stream morphology and to reduce erosion and sediment inputs.

(ii) Seasonal water flows, or a hydrologic flow regime (which includes the severity, frequency, duration, and seasonality of discharge over time), necessary to maintain benthic habitats where the species is found and to maintain connectivity of streams with the floodplain, allowing the exchange of nutrients and sediment for maintenance of the crayfish's habitat and food availability.

(iii) Appropriate water and sediment quality (including, but not limited to, conductivity; hardness; turbidity; temperature; pH; and minimal levels of ammonia, heavy metals, pesticides, animal waste products, and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers) necessary to sustain natural physiological processes for normal behavior, growth, and viability of all life stages.

(iv) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates and detritus. Prey items may include, but are not limited to, insect larvae, snails and their eggs, fish and their eggs, and plant and animal detritus.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 8, 2021.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16N coordinates and species' occurrence data. The hydrologic data used in the maps were extracted from U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrography Dataset High Resolution (1:24,000 scale) using Geographic Coordinate System North American 1983 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2018-0069 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Town Creek, DeKalb County, Alabama.

(i) This unit consists of 41.8 river miles (67.2 river kilometers) of occupied habitat in Bengis and Town Creeks. Unit 1 includes stream habitat up to bank full height consisting of the headwaters of Bengis Creek to its confluence with Town Creek and upstream to the headwaters of Town Creek.

(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

(7) Unit 2: Short Creek, DeKalb and Marshall Counties, Alabama.

(i) Subunit 2a: Shoal Creek and Short Creek, DeKalb and Marshall Counties, Alabama.

(A) This subunit consists of 10.3 river miles (16.6 river kilometers) of occupied habitat in Scarham, Shoal, Short, and Whippoorwill Creeks. Subunit 2a includes stream habitat up to bank full height consisting of the headwaters of Shoal Creek to its confluence with Whippoorwill Creek, Whippoorwill Creek to its confluence with Scarham Creek, Scarham Creek to its confluence with Short Creek, and Short Creek to its downstream extent to the Guntersville Lake Tennessee Valley Authority project boundary.

(B) Map of Subunit 2a follows:

(ii) Subunit 2b: Scarham-Laurel Creek, DeKalb and Marshall Counties, Alabama.

(A) This subunit consists of 25.9 river miles (41.7 river kilometers) of unoccupied habitat in Scarham-Laurel Creek. Subunit 2b includes stream habitat up to bank full height consisting of the headwaters of Scarham-Laurel Creek to its confluence with Whippoorwill Creek. This subunit is a small to medium, flowing stream with substrate consisting of boulder and cobble containing interstitial spaces for sheltering and breeding and connected to the occupied subunit 2a.

(B) Map of Subunit 2b follows:

Conservancy Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio).

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Butte, Colusa, Mariposa, Merced, Solano, Stanislaus, Tehama, and Ventura Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Conservancy fairy shrimp (Branchinecta conservatio) are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Topographic features characterized by mounds and swales and depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in complexes of continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the swales connecting the pools described below in paragraph (2)(ii), providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools;

(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water for a minimum of 19 days, in all but the driest years; thereby providing adequate water for incubation, maturation, and reproduction. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands;

(iii) Sources of food, expected to be detritus occurring in the pools, contributed by overland flow from the pools' watershed, or the results of biological processes within the pools themselves, such as single-celled bacteria, algae, and dead organic matter, to provide for feeding; and

(iv) Structure within the pools described above in paragraph (2)(ii), consisting of organic and inorganic materials, such as living and dead plants from plant species adapted to seasonally inundated environments, rocks, and other inorganic debris that may be washed, blown, or otherwise transported into the pools, that provide shelter.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Unit 1 Tehama County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

(5) Unit 3: Solano County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Elmira, and Denverton.

(6) Unit 3 (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 5: Stanislaus County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Ripon.

(8) Unit 5 (Map 3) follows:

(9) Unit 6: Merced County, and Mariposa County, California.

(10) Unit 6 (Map 4) follows:

(11) Unit 7: Merced County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 7 (Map 5) follows:

(12) Unit 8: Ventura County, California.

(13) Unit 8 (Map 6) follows:

Longhorn Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alameda, Contra Costa, Merced, and San Luis Obispo Counties, California, on the map below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for longhorn fairy shrimp (Branchinecta longiantenna) are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Topographic features characterized by mounds and swales and depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in complexes of continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the swales connecting the pools described below in paragraph (2)(ii), providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools;

(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water for a minimum of 23 days, in all but the driest years; thereby providing adequate water for incubation, maturation, and reproduction. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands;

(iii) Sources of food, expected to be detritus occurring in the pools, contributed by overland flow from the pools' watershed, or the results of biological processes within the pools themselves, such as single-celled bacteria, algae, and dead organic matter, to provide for feeding; and

(iv) Structure within the pools described above in paragraph (2)(ii), consisting of organic and inorganic materials, such as living and dead plants from plant species adapted to seasonally inundated environments, rocks, and other inorganic debris that may be washed, blown, or otherwise transported into the pools, that provide shelter.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Unit 1: Contra Costa County.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

(5) Unit 2: Merced County.

(6) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 3: San Luis Obispo County.

(8) Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

Riverside Fairy Shrimp (Streptocephalus woottoni)

(1) Unit descriptions are depicted for Ventura, Orange, and San Diego Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Riverside fairy shrimp consist of three components:

(i) Ephemeral wetland habitat consisting of vernal pools and ephemeral habitat that have wet and dry periods appropriate for the incubation, maturation, and reproduction of the Riverside fairy shrimp in all but the driest of years, such that the pools:

(A) Are inundated (pond) approximately 2 to 8 months during winter and spring, typically filled by rain, surface, and subsurface flow;

(B) Generally dry down in the late spring to summer months;

(C) May not pond every year; and

(D) Provide the suitable water chemistry characteristics to support the Riverside fairy shrimp. These characteristics include physiochemical factors such as alkalinity, pH, temperature, dissolved solutes, dissolved oxygen, which can vary depending on the amount of recent precipitation, evaporation, or oxygen saturation; time of day; season; and type and depth of soil and subsurface layers. Vernal pool habitat typically exhibits a range of conditions but remains within the physiological tolerance of the species. The general ranges of conditions include, but are not limited to:

(1) Dilute, freshwater pools with low levels of total dissolved solids (low ion levels (sodium ion concentrations generally below 70 millimoles per liter));

(2) Low alkalinity levels (lower than 80 to 1,000 milligrams per liter (mg/l)); and

(3) A range of pH levels from slightly acidic to neutral (typically in range of 6.4-7.1).

(ii) Intermixed wetland and upland habitats that function as the local watershed, including topographic features characterized by mounds, swales, and low-lying depressions within a matrix of upland habitat that result in intermittently flowing surface and subsurface water in swales, drainages, and pools described in paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this entry. Associated watersheds provide water to fill the vernal or ephemeral pools in the winter and spring months. Associated watersheds vary in size and therefore cannot be generalized, and they are affected by factors including surface and underground hydrology, the topography of the area surrounding the pool or pools, the vegetative coverage, and the soil substrates in the area. The size of associated watersheds likely varies from a few acres to greater than 100 ac (40 ha).

(iii) Soils that support ponding during winter and spring which are found in areas characterized in paragraphs (h)(2)(i) and (h)(2)(ii), respectively, of this entry, that have a clay component or other property that creates an impermeable surface or subsurface layer. Soil series with a clay component or an impermeable surface or subsurface layer typically slow percolation, increase water run-off (at least initially), and contribute to the filling and persistence of ponding of ephemeral wetland habitat where the Riverside fairy shrimp occurs. Soils and soil series known to support vernal pool habitat include, but are not limited to:

(A) The Azule, Calleguas, Cropley, and Linne soils series in Ventura County;

(B) The Alo, Balcom, Bosanko, Calleguas, Cieneba, and Myford soils series in Orange County;

(C) The Cajalco, Claypit, Murrieta, Porterville, Ramona, Traver, and Willows soils series in Riverside County; and

(D) The Diablo, Huerhuero, Linne, Placentia, Olivenhain, Redding, Salinas, and Stockpen soils series in San Diego County.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 3, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5′ quadrangle maps. Unit descriptions were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2011-0013, on our Internet site (, and at the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, 6010 Hidden Valley Road, Suite 101, Carlsbad, CA 92011.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Ventura County, California. Map of Subunit 1a, Tierra Rejada Preserve, and Subunit 1b, South of Tierra Rejada Valley, follows:

(7) Unit 2: Los Angeles Basin-Orange County Foothills, Orange County, California.

(i) Map of Subunit 2dA, Saddleback Meadows, and Subunit 2dB, O'Neill Regional Park (near Trabuco Canyon), follows:

(ii) Map of Subunit 2e, O'Neill Regional Park (near Cañada Gobernadora), follows:

(iii) Map of Subunit 2h, San Onofre State Beach, State Park-leased land (near Christianitos Creek foothills) (near Camp Pendleton), follows:

(8) Unit 5: San Diego Southern Coastal Mesas, San Diego County, California.

(i) Map of Subunit 5a, Sweetwater (J33); Subunit 5e, J2 N, J4, J5 (Robinhood Ridge); Subunit 5f, J2 W and J2 S (Hidden Trails, Cal Terraces, Otay Mesa Road); Subunit 5g, J14; and Subunit 5h, J11 E and J11 W, J12, J16-18 (Goat Mesa), follows:

(ii) Map of Subunit 5c, East Otay Mesa, follows:

(iii) Map of Subunit 5d, J29-31, follows:

San Diego Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta sandiegonensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Orange and San Diego counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the San Diego fairy shrimp are:

(i) Vernal pools with shallow to moderate depths (2 in (5 cm) to 12 in (30 cm)) that hold water for sufficient lengths of time (7 to 60 days) necessary for incubation, maturation, and reproduction of the San Diego fairy shrimp, in all but the driest years;

(ii) Topographic features characterized by mounds and swales and depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in complexes of continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools (i.e., the vernal pool watershed); and

(iii) Flat to gently sloping topography, and any soil type with a clay component and/or an impermeable surface or subsurface layer known to support vernal pool habitat (including Carlsbad, Chesterton, Diablo, Huerhuero, Linne, Olivenhain, Placentia, Redding, and Stockpen soils).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5′ quadrangle maps, and the critical habitat units were then mapped using UTM coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map (Map 1) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Orange County, California. From USGS 1:24, 000 quadrangle map Newport Beach.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 1, Subunit 1C (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 2: San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24, 000 quadrangle map Encinitas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2, Subunit 2G (Map 3) follows:

(8) Unit 3: San Diego County, California.

(i) Map of Unit 3, Subunits 3A, 3C, and 3D (Map 4) follows:

(ii) Map of Unit 3, Subunits 3E.1, 3E.2, 3E.3, and 3E.4 (Map 5) follows:

(9) Unit 4: San Diego County, California.

(i) Map of Unit 4, Subunits 4A/B, 4G, 4H, 4I, and 4J (Map 6) follows:

(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunits 4C, 4K, 4L and 4M (Map 7) follows:

(iii) Map of Unit 4, Subunit 4D (Map 8) follows:

(iv) Map of Unit 4, Subunits 4E and 4F (Map 9) follows:

(10) Unit 5: San Diego County, California.

(i) Map of Unit 5, Subunits 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, and 5H (Map 10) follows:

(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunits 5F and 5G (Map 11) follows:

(iii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5I (Map 12) follows:

Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Jackson County, Oregon, and Alameda, Amador, Butte, Contra Costa, Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Monterey, Napa, Placer, Sacramento, San Benito, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Tehama, Tulare, Ventura, and Yuba Counties, California on the map below:

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for vernal pool fairy shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi) are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Topographic features characterized by mounds and swales and depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in complexes of continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the swales connecting the pools described below in paragraph (2)(ii), providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools;

(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water for a minimum of 18 days, in all but the driest years; thereby providing adequate water for incubation, maturation, and reproduction. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands;

(iii) Sources of food, expected to be detritus occurring in the pools, contributed by overland flow from the pools' watershed, or the results of biological processes within the pools themselves, such as single-celled bacteria, algae, and dead organic matter, to provide for feeding; and

(iv) Structure within the pools described above in paragraph (3)(ii), consisting of organic and inorganic materials, such as living and dead plants from plant species adapted to seasonally inundated environments, rocks, and other inorganic debris that may be washed, blown, or otherwise transported into the pools, that provide shelter.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Unit 1: Jackson County, Oregon. Map of Unit 1 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(5) Unit 2: Jackson County, Oregon. Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(6) Unit 3: Jackson County, Oregon. Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(7) Unit 4: Jackson County, Oregon

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 1-4 (Map 1) follow:

(8) Unit 5: Shasta County, California. Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(9) Unit 6: Tehama County, California. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(10) Unit 7: Tehama County, California. Map of Unit 7 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(11) Unit 8: Tehama and Glenn Counties, California. Map of Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(12) Unit 9: Butte County, California. Map of Unit 9 is provided at paragraph (13) of this entry.

(13) Units 5-9 (Map 2) follow:

(14) Unit 10: Glenn and Colusa Counties, California. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to Section 4(b)(2) of the Act.

(15) Unit 11: Yuba County, California. Map of Unit 11 is provided at paragraph (16)(ii) of this entry.

(16) Unit 12: Placer County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 11-12 (Map 3) follow:

(17) Unit 13: Sacramento County, California. Map of Unit 13 is provided at paragraph (18)(ii) of this entry.

(18) Unit 14: Sacramento and Amador County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 13-14 (Map 4) follow:

(19) Unit 16: Solano County, California. Map of Unit 16 is provided at paragraph (21) of this entry.

(20) Unit 17: Napa County, California. Map of Unit 17 is provided at paragraph (21) of this entry.

(21) Units 16-17 (Map 5) follow:

(22) Unit 18: San Joaquin County, California. Map of Unit 18 is provided at paragraph (25) of this entry.

(23) Unit 19: Contra Costa County, California. Map of Unit 19 is provided at paragraph (25) of this entry.

(24) Unit 20: Stanislaus County, California. Map of Unit 20 is provided at paragraph (25) of this entry.

(25) Maps of Units 18, 19, and 20 (Maps 6 and 7) follow:

(26) Unit 21: Stanislaus County, California. Map of Unit 21 is provided at paragraph (28) of this entry.

(27) Unit 22: Merced County, California. Map of Unit 22 is provided at paragraph (28) of this entry.

(28) Units 21-22 (Map 8) follow:

(29) Unit 23: Merced County, California

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 23 (Map 9) follows:

(30) Unit 24: Madera County, California. Map of Unit 24 is provided at paragraph (32) of this entry.

(31) Unit 25: Madera County, California. Map of Unit 25 is provided at paragraph (32) of this entry.

(32) Units 24-25 (Map 10) follow:

(33) Unit 26: Tulare and Kings Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 26 (Map 11) follows:

(34) Unit 27: Tulare County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 27 (Map 12) follows:

(35) Unit 28: San Benito and Monterey Counties, California. Map of Unit 28 is provided at paragraph (36) of this entry.

(36) Unit 28 (Map 13) follows:

(37) Unit 29: Monterey County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 29 (Map 14) follows:

(38) Unit 30: San Luis Obispo County, California. Map of Unit 30 is provided at paragraph (39) of this entry.

(39) Unit 30 (Map 15) follows:

(40) Unit 31: Santa Barbara County, California. Map of Unit 31 is provided at paragraph (41) of this entry.

(41) Unit 31 (Map 16) follows:

(42) Unit 32: Ventura County, California. Map of Unit 32 is provided at paragraph (43) of this entry.

(43) Unit 32 (Map 17) follows:

Kentucky Cave Shrimp (Palaemonias ganteri)

Kentucky, Edmonson County: The Roaring River passage of the Flint-Mammoth Cave System in Mammoth Cave National Park.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Known constituent elements include a stream in a base level cave passage with abundant organic material and sediments consisting of coarse silt and very coarse to very fine sand.

Vernal Pool Tadpole Shrimp (Lepidurus packardi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alameda, Amador, Butte, Colusa, Fresno, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Sacramento, Shasta, Solano, Stanislaus, Tehama, Tulare, Yolo, and Yuba counties, California, on the map below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for vernal pool tadpole shrimp (Lepidurus packardi) are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Topographic features characterized by mounds and swales and depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in complexes of continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the swales connecting the pools described below in paragraph (2)(ii), providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools;

(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water for a minimum of 41 days, in all but the driest years; thereby providing adequate water for incubation, maturation, and reproduction. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands;

(iii) Sources of food, expected to be detritus occurring in the pools, contributed by overland flow from the pools' watershed, or the results of biological processes within the pools themselves, such as single-celled bacteria, algae, and dead organic matter, to provide for feeding; and

(iv) Structure within the pools described above in paragraph (2)(ii), consisting of organic and inorganic materials, such as living and dead plants from plant species adapted to seasonally inundated environments, rocks, and other inorganic debris that may be washed, blown, or otherwise transported into the pools, that provide shelter.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Unit 1: Shasta County, California. Map of Unit 1 is provided at paragraph (5)(ii) of this entry.

(5) Unit 2: Shasta County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 1 and 2 (Map 1) follow:

(6) Unit 3: Tehama County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 3 (Map 2) follows:

(7) Unit 4: Butte County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 4 (Map 3) follows:

(8) Unit 6: Colusa County, California. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (10) of this entry.

(9) Unit 7: Yuba County, California. Map of Unit 7 is provided at paragraph (10) of this entry.

(10) Units 6 and 7 (Map 4) follow:

(11) Unit 8: Sacramento County, California. Map of Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (12)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 9: Sacramento County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 8 and 9 (Map 5) follow:

(13) Unit 10: Yolo County, California. Map of Unit 10 is provided at paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.

(14) Unit 11: Solano County, California

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 10 and 11 (Map 6) follow:

(15) Unit 13: Stanislaus County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 13 (Map 7) follows:

(16) Unit 14: Alameda County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 14 (Map 8) follows:

(17) Unit 15: Merced, Madera, and Mariposa Counties, California. Unit 15 excludes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 757175, 4117475; 757117, 4117435; 757138, 4117438; 757146, 4117439; 757245, 4117516; 757255, 4117530; returning to 757175, 4117475. Map of Unit 15 is provided at paragraph (18) of this entry.

(18) Unit 15 (Map 9) follows:

(19) Unit 16: Merced County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 16 (Map 10) follows:

(20) Unit 17: Fresno County, California. Map of Unit 17 is provided at paragraph (21) of this entry.

(21) Unit 17 (Map 11) follows:

(22) Unit 18: Tulare and Kings Counties, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 18 (Map 12) follows:

(i) Insects.

Casey's June Beetle (Dinacoma caseyi)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Riverside County in California on the map below.

(2) Within this area, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Casey's June beetle are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Soils of the Carsitas (CdC) gravelly sand and Riverwash (RA) series, or inclusions of Carsitas cobbly sand (ChC) series soils, or inclusions of Myoma fine sands (MaB) or Coachella fine sands (CpA) within CdC soils, at or below 620 ft (189 m) in elevation, associated with washes and alluvial fans deposited on 0 to 9 percent slopes to provide space for population growth and reproduction, moisture, and food sources; and

(ii) Predominantly native desert vegetation, to provide shelter from traffic-related mortality and food for the species.

(3) Critical habitat does not include lands covered by manmade structures, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map unit were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles, and the critical habitat unit was then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.

(5) Map of critical habitat for Casey's June beetle follows:

Comal Springs dryopid beetle (Stygoparnus comalensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for this species in Comal and Hays Counties, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the Comal Springs dryopid beetle consist of these components:

(i) Springs, associated streams, and underground spaces immediately inside of or adjacent to springs, seeps, and upwellings that include:

(A) High-quality water with no or minimal pollutant levels of soaps, detergents, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizer nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, and semivolatile compounds such as industrial cleaning agents; and

(B) Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites, with continuous surface flow from the spring sites and in the subterranean aquifer;

(ii) Spring system water temperatures that range from approximately 68 to 75 °F (20 to 24 °C); and

(iii) Food supply that includes, but is not limited to, detritus (decomposed materials), leaf litter, living plant material, algae, fungi, bacteria, other microorganisms, and decaying roots.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the surface within the legal boundaries on November 22, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using geographic information systems (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed in the GIS. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2012-0082, and at the field office responsible for this critical habitat designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) The index map of the critical habitat units for the Comal Springs dryopid beetle follows:

(6) Unit 1: Comal Springs Unit, Comal County, Texas. Map of the Comal Springs Unit follows:

(7) Unit 2: Fern Bank Springs Unit, Hays County, Texas. Map of the Fern Bank Springs Unit follows:

Comal Springs riffle beetle (Heterelmis comalensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for this species in Comal and Hays Counties, Texas, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the Comal Springs riffle beetle consist of these components:

(i) Springs, associated streams, and underground spaces immediately inside of or adjacent to springs, seeps, and upwellings that include:

(A) High-quality water with no or minimal pollutant levels of soaps, detergents, heavy metals, pesticides, fertilizer nutrients, petroleum hydrocarbons, and semivolatile compounds such as industrial cleaning agents; and

(B) Hydrologic regimes similar to the historical pattern of the specific sites, with continuous surface flow from the spring sites and in the subterranean aquifer;

(ii) Spring system water temperatures that range from approximately 68 to 75 °F (20 to 24 °C); and

(iii) Food supply that includes, but is not limited to, detritus (decomposed materials), leaf litter, living plant material, algae, fungi, bacteria, other microorganisms, and decaying roots.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the surface within the legal boundaries on November 22, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using geographic information systems (GIS), which included species locations, roads, property boundaries, 2011 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2012-0082, and at the field office responsible for this critical habitat designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) The index map of critical habitat units for the Comal Springs riffle beetle follows:

(6) Unit 1: Comal Springs Unit, Comal County, Texas. Map of the Comal Springs Unit follows:

(7) Unit 2: San Marcos Springs Unit, Hays County, Texas. Map of the San Marcos Springs Unit follows:

Delta Green Ground Beetle (Elaphrus viridis)

California. Solano County. T.5N. R.1E. West 12 Sec. 12, southwest 14 Sec. 13, southeast 14 Sec. 14, northeast 14 Sec. 23, northwest 14 Sec. 24.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Helotes Mold Beetle (Batrisodes venyivi)

(1) Critical habitat for the Helotes mold beetle in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Units 1e, 3, and 5 as described in this entry and depicted on Maps 1 (index map), 2, 4, and 5 of this entry.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Batrisodes venyivi are:

(i) Karst-forming rock containing subterranean spaces (caves and connected mesocaverns) with stable temperatures, high humidities (near saturation), and suitable substrates (for example, spaces between and underneath rocks for foraging and sheltering) that are free of contaminants; and

(ii) Surface and subsurface sources (such as plants and their roots, fruits, and leaves, and animal (e.g., cave cricket) eggs, feces, and carcasses) that provide nutrient input into the karst ecosystem.

(3) Developed lands that do not contain the subsurface primary constituent elements (see paragraph (2)(i) of this entry) and that existed on the effective date of this rule are not considered to be critical habitat.

(4) Data layers defining this map unit were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(5) Index map of Bexar County invertebrates critical habitat units, Bexar County, Texas, follows:

(6) Unit 1e: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Units 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, and 1f follows:

(7) Unit 3: Bexar County, Texas.


(ii) Map 4 of Units 3 and 4 follows:

(8) Unit 5: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 5 of Units 5, 6, and 17 follows:

Beetle (No Common Name) (Rhadine exilis)

(1) Critical habitat for the beetle (Rhadine exilis) in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Units 1b, 1d, 1e, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11e, 12, 13, and 21, and is depicted on Maps 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 18 in this entry, and on Maps 2, 4, and 5, provided at paragraphs (6), (7), and (8) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i). The units are also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided in paragraph (5) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(2) Eight caves and their associated karst management areas established under the La Cantera Habitat Conservation Plan section 10(a)(1)(B) permit are adjacent to or within the boundaries of Units 1e, 3, 6, 8, and 17, but are not designated as critical habitat. These caves are Canyon Ranch Pit, Fat Man's Nightmare Cave, Scenic Overlook Cave and the surrounding approximately 75 ac (30 ha) adjacent to Unit 1e; Helotes Blowhole and Helotes Hilltop Caves and the surrounding approximately 25 ac (10 ha) adjacent to Unit 3; John Wagner Cave No. 3 and the surrounding approximately 4 ac (1.6 ha) adjacent to Unit 6; Hills and Dales Pit and the surrounding approximately 70 ac (28 ha) adjacent to Unit 8; and Madla's Cave and the surrounding approximately 5 ac (2 ha) within Unit 17.

(3) The primary constituent elements of, and the statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for Rhadine exilis are identical to those set forth at paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5′ quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(5) Unit 1b: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1b is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(6) Unit 1d: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1d is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(7) Unit 1e: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1e is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(8) Unit 2: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 3 of Unit 2 follows:

(9) Unit 3: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 3 and 4 are depicted on Map 4, which is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(10) Unit 4: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 3 and 4 are depicted on Map 4, which is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(11) Unit 5: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 5, 6, and 17 are depicted on Map 5, which is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(12) Unit 6: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Units 5 and 6 are depicted on Map 5, which is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(13) Unit 7: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 6 of Unit 7 follows:

(14) Unit 8: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 7 of Unit 8 follows:

(15) Unit 9: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 8 of Unit 9 follows:

(16) Unit 11e: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 10 of Unit 11e follows:

(17) Unit 12: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 11 of Unit 12 follows:

(18) Unit 13: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 12 of Unit 13 follows:

(19) Unit 21: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 18 of Unit 21 follows:

Beetle (No Common Name) (Rhadine infernalis)

(1) Critical habitat for the beetle (Rhadine infernalis) in Bexar County, Texas, occurs in Units 1a, 1b, 1d, 1e, 1f, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10a, 10b, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 23, and 26. These units are depicted on Maps 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, and 22 in this entry; on Maps 2, 4, and 5 provided at paragraphs (6)(ii), (7)(ii), and (8)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i); and on Maps 3 and 7 provided at paragraphs (8)(ii) and (14)(ii) of the entry for the beetle (Rhadine exilis) in this paragraph (i). The units are also depicted on Map 1 (index map) provided in paragraph (5) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(2) Eight caves and their associated karst management areas established under the La Cantera Habitat Conservation Plan section 10(a)(1)(B) permit are adjacent to or within the boundaries of Units 1e, 3, 6, 8, and 17, but are not designated as critical habitat. These caves are Canyon Ranch Pit, Fat Man's Nightmare Cave, Scenic Overlook Cave and the surrounding approximately 75 ac (30 ha) adjacent to Unit 1e; Helotes Blowhole and Helotes Hilltop Caves and the surrounding approximately 25 ac (10 ha) adjacent to Unit 3; John Wagner Cave No. 3 and the surrounding approximately 4 ac (1.6 ha) adjacent to Unit 6; Hills and Dales Pit and the surrounding approximately 70 ac (28 ha) adjacent to Unit 8; and Madla's Cave and the surrounding approximately 5 ac (2 ha) within Unit 17.

(3) The primary constituent elements of, and the statements regarding developed lands in, critical habitat for the Rhadine exilis are identical to those set forth at paragraphs (2) and (3) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(4) Data layers defining map units were created using a geographic information system (GIS), which included cave locations, karst zone maps, roads, property boundaries, 2010 aerial photography, and USGS 7.5' quadrangles. Points were placed on the GIS.

(5) Unit 1a: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1a is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(6) Unit 1b: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1b is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(7) Unit 1d: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1d is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(8) Unit 1e: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1e is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(9) Unit 1f: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 of Unit 1f is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(10) Unit 2: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 3 of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of the entry for the beetle (Rhadine exilis) in this paragraph (i).

(11) Unit 3: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 4 of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(12) Unit 4: Bexar County, Texas

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 4 of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(13) Unit 5: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 5 of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(14) Unit 6: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 5 of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(15) Unit 8: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 7 of Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (14)(ii) of the entry for the beetle (Rhadine exilis) in this paragraph (i).

(16) Unit 10a: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 9 of Units 10a and 10b follows:

(17) Unit 10b: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 9 of Unit 10b is provided at paragraph (16)(ii) of this entry.

(18) Unit 14: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 13 of Unit 14 follows:

(19) Unit 15: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 14 of Unit 15 follows:

(20) Unit 16: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 15 of Unit 16 follows:

(21) Unit 17: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 5 of Unit 17 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of the entry for the Helotes mold beetle in this paragraph (i).

(22) Unit 19: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 16 of Unit 19 follows:

(23) Unit 23: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 20 of Unit 23 follows:

(24) Unit 26: Bexar County, Texas.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 21 of Unit 26 follows:

Salt Creek Tiger Beetle (Cicindela nevadica lincolniana)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Lancaster and Saunders Counties, Nebraska, on the map below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Salt Creek tiger beetle consist of saline barrens and seeps found within saline wetland habitat in Little Salt, Rock, Oak and Haines Branch Creeks. For our evaluation, we determined that two habitat types within suitable wetlands are required by the Salt Creek tiger beetle:

(i) Exposed mudflats associated with saline wetlands or the exposed banks and islands of streams and seeps that contain adequate soil moisture and soil salinity are essential core habitats. These habitats support egg-laying and foraging requirements. The “Salmo” soil series is the only soil type that currently supports occupied habitat; however, “Saltillo” is the other soil series that has adequate soil moisture and salinity and can also provide suitable habitat.

(ii) Vegetated wetlands adjacent to core habitats that provide shade for subspecies thermoregulation, support a source of prey for adults and larval forms of Salt Creek tiger beetles, and protect core habitats.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on June 5, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using National Wetlands Inventory polygons, habitat categorization classes, and an image object analysis. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R6-ES-2013-0068, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Map showing critical habitat units for the Salt Creek tiger beetle follows:

Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle (Desmocerus californicus dimorphus) California. Sacramento County.

(1) Sacramento Zone. An area in the city of Sacramento enclosed on the north by the Route 160 Freeway, on the west and southwest by the Western Pacific railroad tracks, and on the east by Commerce Circle and its extension southward to the railroad tracks.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

(2) American River Parkway Zone. An area of the American River Parkway on the south bank of the American River, bounded on the north by latitude 30°37′30″ N, on the west and southwest by Elmanto Drive from its junction with Ambassador Drive to its extension to latitute 38°37′30″ N, and on the south and east by Ambassador Drive and its extension north to latitude 38°37′30″ N. Goethe Park, and that portion of the American River Parkway northeast of Goethe Park, west of the Jedediah Smith Memorial Bicycle Trail, and north to a line extended eastward from Palm Drive.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Bartram's Scrub-Hairstreak Butterfly (Strymon Acis Bartrami)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Bartram's scrub-hairstreak butterfly are:

(i) Areas of pine rockland habitat, and in some locations, associated rockland hammocks and hydric pine flatwoods.

(A) Pine rockland habitat contains:

(1) Open canopy, semi-open subcanopy, and understory.

(2) Substrate of oolitic limestone rock.

(3) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.

(B) Rockland hammock habitat associated with the pine rocklands contains:

(1) Canopy gaps and edges with an open semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory.

(2) Substrate with a thin layer of highly organic soil covering limestone or organic matter that accumulates on top of the underlying limestone rock.

(3) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.

(C) Hydric pine flatwood habitat associated with the pine rocklands contains:

(1) Open canopy with a sparse or absent subcanopy, and dense understory.

(2) Substrate with a thin layer of poorly drained sands and organic materials that accumulates on top of the underlying limestone or calcareous rock.

(3) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.

(ii) Competitive nonnative plant species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on survival of Bartram's scrub-hairstreak butterfly.

(iii) The presence of the butterfly's hostplant, pineland croton, in sufficient abundance for larval recruitment, development, and food resources, and for adult butterfly nectar source and reproduction;

(iv) A dynamic natural disturbance regime or one that artificially duplicates natural ecological processes (e.g. fire, hurricanes or other weather events, at appropriate intervals) that maintains the pine rockland habitat and associated rockland hammock and hydric pine flatwood plant communities.

(v) Pine rockland habitat and associated rockland hammock and hydric pine flatwood plant communities that allow for connectivity and are sufficient in size to sustain viable populations of Bartram's scrub hairstreak butterfly.

(vi) Pine rockland habitat and associated rockland hammock and hydric pine flatwood plant communities with levels of pesticide low enough to have minimal effect on the survival of the butterfly or its ability to occupy the habitat.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 11, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate the size of habitat areas. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates, plot points, or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, the Federal eRulemaking Portal ( at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0031), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of all critical habitat units for the Bartram's scrub-hairstreak butterfly follows:

(6) Unit BSHB1: Everglades National Park, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB1 consists of 3,235 ha (7,994 ac) in Miami-Dade County and is composed entirely of lands in Federal ownership, 100 percent of which are located within the Long Pine Key region of Everglades National Park.

(ii) Map of Unit BSHB1 follows:

(7) Unit BSHB2: Navy Wells Pineland Preserve, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB2 consists of 203 ha (502 ac) in Miami-Dade County and is composed of lands in State (62 ha (153 ac)), and private or other ownership (141 ha (349 ac)), including the County and State-owned Navy Wells Pineland Preserve.

(ii) Map of Unit BSHB2 follows:

(8) Unit BSHB3: Camp Owaissa Bauer, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB3 consists of 146 ha (359 ac) in Miami-Dade County and is comprised of lands in State (29 ha (71 ac)) and private or other ownership (117 ha (288 ac)), including 40 ha (99 ac) of Miami-Dade County-owned Camp Owaissa Bauer.

(ii) Map of Unit BSHB3 follows:

(9) Unit BSHB4: Richmond Pine Rocklands, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB4 consists of 438 ha (1,082 ac) in Miami-Dade County and is composed of lands in Federal (U. S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (50 ha (122 ac)), State (32 ha (79 ac)) and private or other (356 ha (881 ac)) ownership.

(ii) Index map of Unit BSHB4 follows:

(A) Map A of Unit BSHB4 follows:

(B) Map B of Unit BSHB4 follows:

(10) Unit BSHB5: Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB5 consists of 559 ha (1,382 ac) in Monroe County and is composed of lands in National Key Deer Refuge (NKDR) (365 ha (901 ac)), State ownership (90 ha (223 ac)), and private or other ownership (104 ha (258 ac)). State lands are interspersed within NKDR lands and managed as part of the Refuge.

(ii) Index map of Unit BSHB5 follows:

(A) Map A of Unit BSHB5 follows:

(B) Map B of Unit BSHB5 follows:

(11) Unit BSHB6: No Name Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB6 consists of 50 ha (123 ac) in Monroe County and is composed of lands in National Key Deer Refuge (NKDR) (30 ha (75 ac)), State ownership (9 ha (22 ac)), and private or other ownership (11 ha (26 ac)). State lands are interspersed within NKDR lands and managed as part of the Refuge.

(ii) Map of Unit BSHB6 follows:

(12) Unit BSHB 7: Little Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit BSHB7 consists of 39 ha (97 ac) in Monroe County. This unit is composed entirely of lands in Federal ownership, 100 percent of which are located within National Key Deer Refuge.

(ii) Map of Unit BSHB7 follows:

Bay Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Bay checkerspot butterfly are the habitat components that provide:

(i) The presence of annual or perennial grasslands with little to no overstory that provide north-south and east-west slopes with a tilt of more than 7 degrees for larval host plant survival during periods of atypical weather (for example, drought). Common grassland species include wild oats (Avena fatua), soft chess (Bromus hordeaceus), California oatgrass (Danthonia californica), purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra), and Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis); less abundant in these grasslands are annual and perennial forbs such as filaree (Erodium botrys), true clovers (Trifolium sp.), dwarf plantain (Plantago erecta), and turkey mullein (Croton setigerus). These species, with the exception of dwarf plantain, are not required by the Bay checkerspot butterfly, but merely are provided here as an example of species commonly found in California grasslands.

(ii) The presence of the primary larval host plant, dwarf plantain (Plantago erecta), and at least one of the secondary host plants, purple owl's-clover (Castilleja densiflora) or exserted paintbrush (Castilleja exserta), are required for reproduction, feeding, and larval development.

(iii) The presence of adult nectar sources for feeding. Common nectar sources include desertparsley (Lomatium spp.), California goldfields (Lasthenia californica), tidy-tips (Layia platyglossa), sea muilla (Muilla maritima), scytheleaf onion (Allium falcifolium), false babystars (Linanthus androsaceus), and intermediate fiddleneck (Amsinckia intermedia).

(iv) Soils derived from serpentinite ultramafic rock (Montara, Climara, Henneke, Hentine, and Obispo soil series) or similar soils (Inks, Candlestick, Los Gatos, Fagan, and Barnabe soil series) that provide areas with fewer aggressive, nonnative plant species for larval host plant and adult nectar plant survival and reproduction.

(v) The presence of stable holes and cracks in the soil, and surface rock outcrops that provide shelter for the larval stage of the Bay checkerspot butterfly during summer diapause.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5′ quadrangles using USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) county-wide MrSID compressed mosaics of 1 meter resolution and natural color aerial photography from summer 2005. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.

(5) Note: Index map for Bay checkerspot butterfly critical habitat units follows:

(6) Unit 1: San Bruno Mountain, San Mateo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle San Francisco South.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 1 for Bay checkerspot butterfly follows:

(7) Unit 2: Pulgas Ridge, San Mateo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle San Mateo.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 2 for Bay checkerspot butterfly follows:

(8) Unit 3: Edgewood Park, San Mateo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Woodside.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 3 for Bay checkerspot butterfly follows:

(9) Unit 4: Jasper Ridge, San Mateo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Palo Alto.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 4 for Bay checkerspot butterfly follows:

(10) Unit 5: Metcalf, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 5 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(11) Unit 6: Tulare Hill, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 6 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 7: Santa Teresa Hills, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 7 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(13) Unit 8: Calero Reservoir, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 8 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(14) Unit 9: Kalana Hills, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 9 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(15) Unit 10: Hale, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 10 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(16) Unit 11: Bear Ranch, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Gilroy.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 11 for Bay checkerspot butterfly follows:

(17) Unit 12: San Martin, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Mt. Madonna and Gilroy.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 12 for Bay checkerspot butterfly follows:

(18) Unit 13: Kirby, Santa Clara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles San Jose East, Lick Observatory, Santa Teresa Hills, and Morgan Hill.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 13 for Bay checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

Fender's Blue butterfly (Icaricia icarioides fenderi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Benton, Lane, Polk, and Yamhill Counties, Oregon, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Fender's blue butterfly are the habitat components that provide:

(i) Early seral upland prairie, wet prairie, or oak savanna habitat with a mosaic of low-growing grasses and forbs, an absence of dense canopy vegetation, and undisturbed subsoils;

(ii) Larval host-plants Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii, L. arbustus, or L. albicaulis;

(iii) Adult nectar sources, such as: Allium acuminatum (tapertip onion), Allium amplectens (narrowleaf onion), Calochortus tolmiei (Tolmie's mariposa lilly), Camassia quamash (small camas), Cryptantha intermedia (clearwater cryptantha), Eriophyllum lanatum (wooly sunflower), Geranium oreganum (Oregon geranium), Iris tenax (toughleaf iris), Linum angustifolium (pale flax), Linum perenne (blue flax), Sidalcea campestris (Meadow checkermallow), Sidalcea virgata (rose checker-mallow), Vicia cracca (bird vetch), V. sativa (common vetch), and V. hirsute (tiny vetch);

(iv) Stepping-stone habitat consisting of undeveloped open areas with the physical characteristics appropriate for supporting the short-stature prairie oak savanna plant community (well-drained soils), within ∼1.2 miles (∼2 km) of natal lupine patches.

(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas, and the land on which such structures are located) existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created using USGS 24,000 scale Digital Ortho Quads captured in 2000. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.

(5) Note: Map 1 (Index map for Fender's blue butterfly) follows:

(6) Unit 1 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-1), Yamhill County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 2 (Unit 1 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-1)) follows:

(7) Unit 2 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-2), Yamhill County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 3 (Unit 2 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-2)) follows:

(8) Unit 3 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-3), Polk County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 4 (Unit 3 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-3)) follows:

(9) Unit 4 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-4), Polk County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 5 (Unit 4 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-4)) follows:

(10) Unit 5 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-5), Polk County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 6 (Unit 5 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-5)) follows:

(11) Unit 6 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-6), Polk County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 7 (Unit 6 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-6)) follows:

(12) Units 7, 8, and 9 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-7, FBB-8, and FBB-9), Benton County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 8 (Units 7, 8, and 9 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-7, FBB-8, and FBB-9)) follows:

(13) Units 10, 11, and 12 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-10, FBB-11, and FBB-12) in Lane County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 9 (Units 10, 11, and 12 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-10, FBB-11, and FBB-12)) follows:

(14) Unit 13 for Fender's blue butterfly, Lane County, Oregon.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map 10 (Unit 13 for Fender's blue butterfly (FBB-13)) follows:

Florida Leafwing Butterfly (Anaea troglodyta floridalis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Florida leafwing butterfly consist of six components:

(i) Areas of pine rockland habitat, and in some locations, associated rockland hammocks and hydric pine flatwoods.

(A) Pine rockland habitat contains:

(1) Open canopy, semi-open subcanopy, and understory.

(2) Substrate of oolitic limestone rock.

(3) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.

(B) Rockland hammock habitat associated with pine rocklands contains:

(1) Canopy gaps and edges with an open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory.

(2) Substrate with a thin layer of highly organic soil covering limestone or organic matter that accumulates on top of the underlying limestone rock.

(3) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.

(C) Hydric pine flatwood habitat associated with pine rocklands contains:

(1) Open canopy with a sparse or absent subcanopy, and dense understory.

(2) Substrate with a thin layer of poorly drained sands and organic materials that accumulates on top of the underlying limestone or calcareous rock.

(3) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.

(ii) Competitive nonnative plant species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on survival of the Florida leafwing butterfly.

(iii) The presence of the butterfly's hostplant, pineland croton, in sufficient abundance for larval recruitment, development, and food resources, and for adult butterfly roosting habitat and reproduction.

(iv) A dynamic natural disturbance regime or one that artificially duplicates natural ecological processes (e.g., fire, hurricanes or other weather events, at appropriate intervals) that maintains the pine rockland habitat and associated rockland hammock and hydric pine flatwood plant communities.

(v) Pine rockland habitat and associated rockland hammock and hydric pine flatwood plant communities sufficient in size to sustain viable Florida leafwing populations.

(vi) Pine rockland habitat and associated rockland hammock and hydric pine flatwood plant communities with levels of pesticide low enough to have minimal effect on the survival of the butterfly or its ability to occupy the habitat.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 11, 2014.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate the size of habitat areas. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates, plot points, or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, the Federal eRulemaking Portal ( at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0031), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of all critical habitat units for the Florida leafwing butterfly follows:

(6) Unit FLB1: Everglades National Park, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit FLB1 consists of 3,235 ha (7,994 ac) composed entirely of lands in Federal ownership, 100 percent of which are located within the Long Pine Key region of Everglades National Park.

(ii) Map of Unit FLB1 follows:

(7) Unit FLB2: Navy Wells Pineland Preserve, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit FLB2 consists of 120 ha (296 ac) in Miami-Dade County and is composed of lands in State (35 ha (85 ac)), and private or other ownership (85 ha (211 ac)).

(ii) Map of Unit FLB2 follows:

(8) Unit FLB3: Richmond Pine Rocklands, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit FLB3 consists of 359 ha (889 ac) in Miami-Dade County composed of lands in Federal (U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Bureau of Prisons, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) (50 ha (122 ac)) and private or other (309 ha (767 ac)) ownership.

(ii) Map of Unit FLB3 follows:

(9) Unit FLB4: Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida.

(i) General description: Unit FLB4 consists of 559 ha (1,382 ac) in Monroe County composed of National Key Deer Refuge (NKDR) (365 ha (901 ac)), State lands (90 ha (223 ac)), and property in private or other ownership (104 ha (258 ac)). State lands are interspersed within NKDR lands and managed as part of the Refuge.

(ii) Index map of Unit FLB4 follows:

(A) Map A of Unit FLB4 follows:

(B) Map B of Unit FLB4 follows:

Hermes Copper Butterfly (Lycaena hermes)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Diego County, California, on the maps in this entry.

(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Hermes copper butterfly consist of the following components when found between 30 m and 1,341 m above sea level, and located in habitat providing an appropriate quality, quantity, and spatial and temporal arrangement of these habitat characteristics in the context of the life-history needs, condition, and status of the species:

(i) Spiny redberry host plants (Rhamnus crocea).

(ii) Nectar sources for adult butterflies.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 20, 2022.

(4) Critical habitat was mapped using GIS analysis tools and refined using 2016 NAIP imagery and/or the World Imagery layer from ArcGIS Online. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2017-0053, on our internet site, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Note: Index map follows:

(6) Unit 1: Lopez Canyon, San Diego County, California.

(i) Unit 1 consists of 166 hectares (ha) (410 acres (ac)) in San Diego County and is composed of lands jointly owned and managed by the City and County of San Diego (88 ha (218 ac)) and private or other ownership (77 ha (191 ac)).

(ii) Map of Unit 1, Lopez Canyon, follows:

(7) Unit 2: Miramar/Santee, San Diego County, California.

(i) Unit 2 consists of 2,870 ha (7,092 ac) in San Diego County and is composed of lands owned and managed by the State of California (111 ha (275 ac)), local jurisdictions (primarily the County of San Diego; 1,113 ha (2,750 ac)), and private or other ownership (1,646 ha (4,068 ac)).

(ii) Map of Unit 2, Miramar/Santee, follows:

(8) Unit 3: Southeast San Diego, San Diego County, California.

(i) Unit 3 consists of 11,213 ha (27,709 ac) in San Diego County and is composed of lands owned by the Federal Government (4,213 ha (10,411 ac)), the State of California (2,000 ha (4,940 ac)), local jurisdictions (primarily the City and County of San Diego; 1,162 ha (2,871 ac)), and private or other ownership (3,765 ha (9,303 ac)).

(ii) Map of Unit 3, Southeast San Diego, follows:

Island Marble Butterfly (Euchloe ausonides insulanus)

(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for San Juan County, Washington, on the map below.

(2) Within the critical habitat area on San Juan Island, Washington, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the island marble butterfly consist of the following components:

(i) Open, primarily treeless areas with short-statured forb- and grass-dominated vegetation that include diverse topographic features such as ridgelines, hills, and bluffs for patrolling, dispersal corridors between habitat patches, and some south-facing terrain. Areas must be large enough to allow for the development of patchy-population dynamics, allowing for multiple small populations to establish within the area.

(ii) Low- to medium-density larval host plants, with both flower buds and blooms on them between the months of May through July, for egg-laying and larval development. Larval host plants may be any of the following: Brassica rapa, Sisymbrium altissimum, or Lepidium virginicum.

(iii) Adult nectar resources in flower and short-statured, white-flowering plants in bloom used for mate-finding, which may include, but are not limited to, Abronia latifolia (yellow sand verbena), Achillea millefolium (yarrow), Amsinckia menziesii (small-flowered fiddleneck), Cakile edentula (American sea rocket), Cerastium arvense (field chickweed), Erodium cicutarium (common stork's bill), Geranium molle (dovefoot geranium), Hypochaeris radicata (hairy cat's ear), Lomatium utriculatum (common lomatium), Lupinus littoralis (seashore lupine), Myosotis discolor (common forget-me-not), Ranunculus californicus (California buttercup), Rubus ursinus (trailing blackberry), Taraxacum officinale (dandelion), Toxicoscordion venenosum (death camas, formerly known as Zigadenus venenosus), and Triteleia grandiflora (Howell's brodiaea, formerly Brodiaea howellii).

(iv) Areas of undisturbed vegetation surrounding larval host plants sufficient to provide secure sites for diapause and pupation. The vegetation surrounding larval host plants must be left standing for a sufficient period of time for the island marble butterfly to complete its life cycle.

(3) Critical habitat includes road shoulders and road margins, but does not include other manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, paved portions of roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on June 4, 2020.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Data layers defining the map were created using 2015 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) digital imagery in ArcGIS, version 10.4 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system program. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2016-0145, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Island marble butterfly critical habitat, San Juan County, Washington.

(i) Island marble butterfly critical habitat consists of 812 acres (ac) (329 hectares (ha)) on San Juan Island in San Juan County, Washington, and is composed of lands in Federal (742 ac (301 ha)), State (37 ac (15 ha)), State/County joint (1 ac (0.4 ha)), County (30 ac (12 ha)), and private (2 ac (0.8 ha)) ownership. The critical habitat designated on private parcels along Eagle Cove only includes the area of steep coastal bluff between the marine shoreline and the upland edge at the top of the bluff; it does not include areas landward of the top of the bluff, which are typically mowed and maintained as yard.

(ii) Map of island marble butterfly critical habitat follows:

Mount Charleston Blue Butterfly (Icaricia (Plebejus) shasta charlestonensis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Clark County, Nevada, on the map below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Mount Charleston blue butterfly consist of three components:

(i) Areas of dynamic habitat between 2,500 meters (m) (8,200 feet (ft)) and 3,500 m (11,500 ft) elevation with openings or where disturbance provides openings in the canopy that have no more than 50 percent tree cover (allowing sunlight to reach the ground); widely spaced, low (less than 15 centimeters (cm) (0.5 ft) in height) forbs and grasses; and exposed soil and rock substrates. When taller grass and forb plants greater than or equal to 15 cm (0.5 ft) in height are present, the density is less than five per square meter (m2) (50 per square foot (ft2)).

(ii) The presence of one or more species of host plants required by larvae of the Mount Charleston blue butterfly for feeding and growth. Known larval host plants are Astragalus calycosus var. calycosus, Oxytropis oreophila var. oreophila, and Astragalus platytropis. Densities of host plants must be greater than two per m2 (0.2 per ft2).

(iii) The presence of one or more species of nectar plants required by adult Mount Charleston blue butterflies for reproduction, feeding, and growth. Common nectar plants include Erigeron clokeyi, Hymenoxys lemmonii, Hymenoxys cooperi, and Eriogonum umbellatum var. versicolor. Densities of nectar plants must occur at more than two per m2 (0.2 per ft2) for smaller plants, such as E. clokeyi, and more than 0.1 per m2 (0.01 per ft2) for larger and taller plants, such as Hymenoxys sp. and E. umbellatum. Nectar plants typically occur within 10 m (33 ft) of larval host plants and, in combination, provide nectar during the adult flight period between mid-July and early August. Additional nectar sources that could be present in combination with the common nectar plants include Antennaria rosea, Cryptantha sp., Ericameria nauseosa ssp., Erigeron flagellaris, Guitierrezia sarothrae, Monardella odoratissima, Petradoria pumila var. pumila, and Potentilla concinna var. concinna.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 30, 2015.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of Bureau of Land Management Public Land Survey System quarter-quarter sections. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 11 North, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at, at at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2013-0105, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Map of critical habitat units for the Mount Charleston blue butterfly follows:

Oregon Silverspot Butterfly (Speyeria zerene hippolyta)

Oregon. Lane County T. 16 S., R. 12 W. Those portions of section 15 and of the south half of section 10 which are west of a line parallel to, and 1500 feet west of, the eastern section boundaries of sections 10 and 15.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Constituent biological elements essential to the continued existence of the Oregon silverspot butterfly within the Critical Habitat include the larval foodplant (Viola adunca), grasses and forbs in which the larvae find shelter, the composite plants from which the adults obtain nectar, and the spruce woods in which the adults find shelter.

Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly (Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis)

California. Los Angeles County. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

1. Agua Amarga Canyon Zone. Palos Verdes Estates. A square area of land 0.4 × 0.4 kilometers located at the southeast corner of the southernmost corporate boundary of Palos Verdes Estates.

2. Frank Hesse Park Zone. Rancho Palos Verdes. An area enclosed by Hawthorne Boulevard, Locklenna Lane, and Verde Drive.


Map follows:

3. Palos Verdes Drive Zone. Rancho Palos Verdes. The Switchback area of Palos Verdes Drive East, bounded by a line connecting the two eastern curves, a line parallel to and 0.3 kilometers southwest of this line, and the upper and lower portions of Palos Verdes Drive East.


Map follows:

Within these Critical Habitat areas, the known biological constituent elements essential to the conservation of this species are colonies of the larval foodplant, Astragalus trichopodus leucopsis.

Quino Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha quino)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Riverside and San Diego Counties, California, on the maps below.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Quino checkerspot butterfly are:

(i) Open areas within scrublands at least 21.5 square feet (ft2) (2 square meters (m)) in size that:

(A) Contain no woody canopy cover; and

(B) Contain one or more of the host plants Plantago erecta, Plantago patagonica, Antirrhinum coulterianum, or Collinsia concolor used for Quino checkerspot butterfly growth, reproduction, and feeding; or

(C) Contain one or more of the host plants Cordylanthus rigidus or Castilleja exserta that are within 328 ft (100 m) of the host plants listed in paragraph (2)(i)(B) above; or

(D) Contain flowering plants with a corolla tube less than or equal to 0.43 in (11 mm) used for Quino checkerspot butterfly feeding;

(ii) Open scrubland areas and vegetation within 656 ft (200 m) of the open canopy areas (described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry) used for movement and basking; and

(iii) Hilltops or ridges within scrublands, containing an open, woody-canopy area at least 21.5 ft2 (2 m2) in size used for Quino checkerspot butterfly mating (hilltopping behavior) and are contiguous with (but not otherwise included in) open areas and natural vegetation described in paragraphs (2)(i) and (ii) above.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the Quino checkerspot butterfly follows:

(6) Unit 2: Skinner/Johnson, Riverside County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles Murrieta, Bachelor Mountain, Winchester, Sage, and Hemet. Unit 2 excludes land bounded by the following Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates (E, N): 499546, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499545, 3716748; 499544, 3716748; 499544, 3716748; 499544, 3716748; 499544, 3716748; 499544, 3716748; 499544, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499543, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499542, 3716748; 499541, 3716748; 499541, 3716748; 499541, 3716748; 499541, 3716748; 499541, 3716748; 499541, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499540, 3716748; 499539, 3716748; 499539, 3716748; 499539, 3716748; 499539, 3716749; 499539, 3716749; 499539, 3716749; 499538, 3716749; 499538, 3716749; 499538, 3716749; 499538, 3716749; 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(ii) Map of Unit 2, Skinner/Johnson follows:

(7) Unit 3: Sage Unit, Riverside County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Sage Unit), Unit 4 (Wilson Valley Unit), and Unit 5 (Vail Lake/Oak Mountain Unit) follows:

(8) Unit 4: Wilson Valley Unit, Riverside County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 4 (Wilson Valley) for the Quino checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(9) Unit 5: Vail Lake/Oak Mountain Unit, Riverside County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 5 (Vail Lake/Oak Mountain) for the Quino checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.

(10) Unit 6: Tule Peak Unit, Riverside County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 6 (Tule Peak) and Unit 7 (Bautista) follows:

(11) Unit 7: Bautista Unit, Riverside County, California.

(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles Anza, Butterfly Peak, Blackburn Canyon, and Idyllwild. Unit 7 excludes land bounded by the following Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates (E, N):

(A) 525336, 3717346; 525538, 3717338; 525526, 3717651; 525245, 3717656; 525259, 3717478; 525275, 3717451; and

(B) 525483, 3717132; 525482, 3717132; 525478, 3717134; 525478, 3717134; 525473, 3717137; 525473, 3717137; 525468, 3717139; 525468, 3717139; 525463, 3717142; 525463, 3717142; 525459, 3717145; 525458, 3717145; 525454, 3717148; 525454, 3717148; 525449, 3717151; 525449, 3717151; 525445, 3717154; 525445, 3717154; 525440, 3717157; 525440, 3717157; 525436, 3717160; 525436, 3717160; 525431, 3717164; 525431, 3717164; 525427, 3717167; 525427, 3717167; 525423, 3717170; 525423, 3717171; 525419, 3717174; 525418, 3717174; 525414, 3717178; 525414, 3717178; 525410, 3717181; 525410, 3717181; 525406, 3717185; 525406, 3717185; 525402, 3717189; 525402, 3717189; 525398, 3717193; 525398, 3717193; 525395, 3717197; 525394, 3717197; 525391, 3717201; 525391, 3717201; 525387, 3717205; 525387, 3717205; 525384, 3717209; 525383, 3717209; 525380, 3717213; 525380, 3717213; 525377, 3717217; 525376, 3717218; 525373, 3717222; 525373, 3717222; 525370, 3717226; 525370, 3717226; 525367, 3717231; 525366, 3717231; 525363, 3717235; 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(C) 525380, 3716871; 525388, 3716870; 525389, 3716878; 525375, 3716878; 525372, 3716871; and

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(E) 526091, 3716237; 526123, 3716234; 526132, 3716233; 526136, 3716233; 526136, 3716292; 526136, 3716423; 526136, 3716548; 526166, 3716550; 526362, 3716559; 526366, 3716559; 526374, 3716741; 526380, 3716866; 526386, 3716992; 526278, 3716986; 526183, 3717080; 526131, 3717037; 526131, 3717037; 526125, 3717031; 526122, 3716959; 526119, 3716866; 526118, 3716843; 526104, 3716453; 525716, 3716463; 525596, 3716466; 525300, 3716473; 525291, 3716474; 525289, 3716474; 525223, 3716474; 525115, 3716474; 525115, 3716382; 525115, 3716378; 525076, 3716378; 525084, 3716279; 524986, 3716282; 524885, 3716286; 524875, 3716286; 524875, 3716101; 524875, 3716084; 524875, 3716082; 525714, 3716048; 525704, 3716201; 525927, 3716254; and

(F) 525777, 3717434; 526121, 3717419; 526120, 3717641; 525770, 3717647.

(ii) Unit 7 (Bautista) for the Quino checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.

(12) Unit 8: Otay Unit, San Diego County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 8 (Otay) follows:

(13) Unit 9: La Posta/Campo Unit, San Diego County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Map of Unit 9 (La Posta/Campo) follows:

(14) Unit 10: Jacumba Unit, San Diego County, California.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) Unit 10 (Jacumba) for the Quino checkerspot butterfly is depicted on the map in paragraph (13)(ii) of this entry.

Taylor's Checkerspot Butterfly (Euphydryas editha taylori)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Island, Clallam, and Thurston Counties in Washington, and in Benton County in Oregon, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Taylor's checkerspot butterfly consist of four components:

(i) Patches of early seral, short-statured, perennial bunchgrass plant communities composed of native grass and forb species in a diverse topographic landscape ranging in size from less than 1 ac up to 100 ac (0.4 to 40 ha) with little or no overstory forest vegetation that have areas of bare soil for basking that contain:

(A) In Washington and Oregon, common bunchgrass species found on northwest grasslands include Festuca roemeri (Roemer's fescue), Danthonia californica (California oat grass), Koeleria cristata (prairie Junegrass), Elymus glaucus (blue wild rye), Agrostis scabra (rough bentgrass), and on cooler, high-elevation sites typical of coastal bluffs and balds, Festuca rubra (red fescue).

(B) On moist grasslands found near the coast and in the Willamette Valley, there may be Bromus sitchensis (Sitka brome) and Deschampsia cespitosa (tufted hairgrass) in the mix of prairie grasses. Less abundant forbs found on the grasslands include, but are not limited to, Trifolium spp. (true clovers), narrow-leaved plantain (Plantago lanceolata), harsh paintbrush (Castilleja hispida), Puget balsamroot (Balsamorhiza deltoidea), woolly sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum), nine-leaved desert parsley (Lomatium triternatum), fine-leaved desert parsley (Lomatium utriculatum), common camas (Camassia quamash), showy fleabane (Erigeron speciosus), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), common yarrow (Achillea millefolium), prairie lupine (Lupinus lepidus), and sickle-keeled lupine (Lupinus albicaulis).

(ii) Primary larval host plants (narrow-leaved plantain and harsh paintbrush) and at least one of the secondary annual larval host plants (blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora), sea blush (Plectritis congesta), or dwarf owl-clover (Triphysaria pusilla) or one of several species of speedwell (marsh speedwell (Veronica scutella), American speedwell (V. beccabunga var. americana), or thymeleaf speedwell (V. serpyllifolia).

(iii) Adult nectar sources for feeding that include several species found as part of the native (and one nonnative) species mix on northwest grasslands, including: narrow-leaved plantain; harsh paintbrush; Puget balsam root; woolly sunshine; nine-leaved desert parsley; fine-leaved desert parsley or spring gold; common camas; showy fleabane; Canada thistle; common yarrow; prairie lupine; sickle-keeled lupine; and wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana).

(iv) Aquatic features such as wetlands, springs, seeps, streams, ponds, lakes, and puddles that provide moisture during periods of drought, particularly late in the spring and early summer. These features can be permanent, seasonal, or ephemeral.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, railroad tracks, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 4, 2013.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining the map unit were created on 2010 aerial photography from U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agriculture Imagery Program base maps using ArcMap (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a computer geographic information system (GIS) program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0009), and by appointment at the Service's Washington Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the Taylor's checkerspot butterfly follows:

(6) Unit 1: South Sound, Washington.

(i) Subunit 1-A: Rocky Prairie, Washington. Map of Subunit 1-A follows:

(ii) Subunit 1-B: Tenalquot Prairie, Washington. Map of Subunit 1-B follows:

(iii) Subunit 1-C: Glacial Heritage, Washington. Map of Subunit 1-C follows:

(iv) Subunit 1-D: Rock Prairie, Washington. Map of Subunit 1-D follows:

(v) Subunit 1-E: Bald Hill, Washington. Map of Subunit 1-E follows:

(7) Unit 2: Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington.

(i) Subunit 2-A: Deception Pass, Washington. Map of Subunit 2-A follows:

(ii) Subunit 2-B: Central Whidbey, Washington. Map of Subunit 2-B follows:

(iii) Subunit 2-C: Elwha, Washington. Map of Subunit 2-C follows:

(iv) Subunit 2-D: Sequim, Washington. Map of Subunit 2-D follows:

(v) Subunit 2-E: Dungeness, Washington. Map of Subunit 2-E follows:

(8) Unit 4: Willamette Valley, Oregon.

(i) Subunit 4-D: Fitton Green-Cardwell Hill, Oregon.

(ii) Map of Subunit 4-D follows:

Blackline Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Honolulu County, Hawaii, on the maps below.

(2) Primary constituent elements. The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the blackline Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum) are:

(i) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(ii) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(iii) Substrate: Clays; ashbeds; deep, well-drained soils; lowland bogs.

(iv) Canopy: Antidesma, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pisonia, Psychotria.

(v) Subcanopy: Cibotium, Claoxylon, Kadua, Melicope.

(vi) Understory: Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Machaerina, Microlepia.

(vii) Perennial streams.

(viii) Slow reaches of streams.

(ix) Pools.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, existing trails, campgrounds and their immediate surrounding landscaped area, scenic lookouts, remote helicopter landing sites, and existing fences are not included in the critical habitat designation. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species or adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,; at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2010-0043: and at the field office responsible for the designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the blackline Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum) follows:

(6) Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 1 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (790 ac; 320 ha); Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (1,787 ac; 723 ha); and Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (3,041 ac; 1,231 ha). These units are critical habitat for the blackline Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum. Map of Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 1 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet follows:

(7) Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (15,728 ac; 6,365 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the blackline Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum. Map of Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet follows:

(8) Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (124 ac; 50 ha); Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (123 ac; 50 ha); and Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (53 ac; 21 ha). These units are critical habitat for the blackline Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum. Map of Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet follows:

(9) Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (75 ac; 30 ha); Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (478 ac; 193 ha); Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 10 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (407 ac; 165 ha); and Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 11 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (2,507 ac; 1,014 ha). These units are critical habitat for the blackline Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum. Map of Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 10 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum - Unit 11 - Lowland Wet follows:

Crimson Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion leptodemas)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Honolulu County, Hawaii, on the maps below.

(2) Primary constituent elements.

(i) In units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Clays; ashbeds; deep, well-drained soils; lowland bogs.

(D) Canopy: Antidesma, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pisonia, Psychotria.

(E) Subcanopy: Cibotium, Claoxylon, Kadua, Melicope.

(F) Understory: Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Machaerina, Microlepia.

(G) Perennial streams.

(H) Slow reaches of streams or ponds.

(ii) In units 12, 13, and 14, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly are:

(A) Elevation: Unrestricted.

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Greater than 65 degree slope, shallow soils, weathered lava.

(D) Canopy: None.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cheirodendron, Leptecophylla, Metrosideros.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Bryophytes, Coprosma, Dubautia, Kadua, Peperomia.

(G) Perennial streams.

(H) Slow reaches of streams or ponds.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, existing trails, campgrounds and their immediate surrounding landscaped area, scenic lookouts, remote helicopter landing sites, and existing fences are not included in the critical habitat designation. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species or physical or biological features in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,; at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2010-0043; and at the field office responsible for the designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion leptodemas) follows:

(6) Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 1 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (790 ac; 320 ha); Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (1,787ac; 723 ha); and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (3,041 ac; 1,231 ha). These units are critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion leptodemas. Map of Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 1 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet follows:

(7) Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (15,728 ac; 6,365 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion leptodemas. Map of Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet follows:

(8) Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (124 ac; 50 ha); Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (123 ac; 50 ha); and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (53 ac; 21 ha). These units are critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion leptodemas. Map of Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet follows:

(9) Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (75 ac; 30 ha); Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (478 ac; 193 ha); Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 10 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (407 ac; 165 ha); and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 11 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (2,507 ac; 1,014 ha). These units are critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion leptodemas. Map of Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 10 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 11 - Lowland Wet follows:

(10) Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 12 - Wet Cliff, Honolulu County, Hawaii (151 ac; 61 ha) and Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 13 - Wet Cliff, Honolulu County, Hawaii (144 ac; 58 ha). These units are critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion leptodemas. Map of Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 12 - Wet Cliff and Megalagrion - Unit 13 - Wet Cliff follows:

(11) Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 14 - Wet Cliff, Honolulu County, Hawaii (4,649 ac; 1,881 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion leptodemas. Map of Megalagrion leptodemas - Unit 14 - Wet Cliff follows:

Oceanic Hawaiian Damselfly (Megalagrion oceanicum)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Honolulu County, Hawaii, on the maps below.

(2) Primary constituent elements.

(i) In unit 1, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion oceanicum) are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: 50 to 75 in (130 to 190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Shallow soils, little to no herbaceous layer.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Diospyros, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pouteria, Santalum.

(E) Subcanopy: Dodonaea, Freycinetia, Leptecophylla, Melanthera, Osteomeles, Pleomele, Psydrax.

(F) Understory: Carex, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Elaphoglossum, Peperomia.

(G) Perennial streams.

(H) Swift-flowing sections and riffles of streams.

(ii) In units 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion oceanicum) are:

(A) Elevation: Less than 3,300 ft (1,000 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Clays; ashbeds; deep, well-drained soils; lowland bogs.

(D) Canopy: Antidesma, Metrosideros, Myrsine, Pisonia, Psychotria.

(E) Subcanopy: Cibotium, Claoxylon, Kadua, Melicope.

(F) Understory: Alyxia, Cyrtandra, Dicranopteris, Diplazium, Machaerina, Microlepia.

(G) Perennial streams.

(H) Swift-flowing sections and riffles of streams.

(iii) In units 13, 14, and 15, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion oceanicum) are:

(A) Elevation: Unrestricted.

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 in (190 cm).

(C) Substrate: Greater than 65 degree slope, shallow soils, weathered lava.

(D) Canopy: None.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cheirodendron, Leptecophylla, Metrosideros.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Bryophytes, Coprosma, Dubautia, Kadua, Peperomia.

(G) Perennial streams.

(H) Swift-flowing sections and riffles of streams.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, existing trails, campgrounds and their immediate surrounding landscaped area, scenic lookouts, remote helicopter landing sites, and existing fences are not included in the critical habitat designation. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species or physical and biological features in adjacent critical habitat.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4, units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site,; at at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2010-0043; and at the field office responsible for the designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion oceanicum) follows:

(6) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 1 - Lowland Mesic, Honolulu County, Hawaii (247 ac; 100 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 1 - Lowland Mesic (Map 2) follows:

(7) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (790 ac; 320 ha); Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (1,787 ac; 723 ha); and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (3,041 ac; 1,231 ha). These units are critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 2 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 3 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 4 - Lowland Wet follows:

(8) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (15,728 ac; 6,365 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 5 - Lowland Wet follows:

(9) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (124 ac; 50 ha); Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (123 ac; 50 ha); and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (53 ac; 21 ha). These units are critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 6 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 7 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 8 - Lowland Wet follows:

(10) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (75 ac; 30 ha); Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 10 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (478 ac; 193 ha); Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 11 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (407 ac; 165 ha); and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 12 - Lowland Wet, Honolulu County, Hawaii (2,507 ac; 1,014 ha). These units are critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 9 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 10 - Lowland Wet, Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 11 - Lowland Wet, and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 12 - Lowland Wet follows:

(11) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 13 - Wet Cliff, Honolulu County, Hawaii (151 ac; 61 ha) and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 14 - Wet Cliff, Honolulu County, Hawaii (144 ac; 58 ha). These units are critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 13 - Wet Cliff and Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 14 - Wet Cliff follows:

(12) Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 15 - Wet Cliff, Honolulu County, Hawaii (4,649 ac; 1,881 ha). This unit is critical habitat for the oceanic Hawaiian damselfly, Megalagrion oceanicum. Map of Megalagrion oceanicum - Unit 15 - Wet Cliff follows:

Hine's Emerald Dragonfly (Somatochlora hineana)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cook, DuPage, and Will Counties in Illinois; Alpena, Mackinac, and Presque Isle Counties in Michigan; Crawford, Dent, Iron, Phelps, Reynolds, Ripley, Washington, and Wayne Counties in Missouri; and Door and Ozaukee Counties in Wisconsin, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Hine's emerald dragonfly are:

(i) For egg deposition and larval growth and development:

(A) Organic soils (histosols, or with organic surface horizon) overlying calcareous substrate (predominantly dolomite and limestone bedrock);

(B) Calcareous water from intermittent seeps and springs and associated shallow, small, slow-flowing streamlet channels, rivulets, and/or sheet flow within fens;

(C) Emergent herbaceous and woody vegetation for emergence facilitation and refugia;

(D) Occupied burrows maintained by crayfish for refugia; and

(E) Prey base of aquatic macroinvertebrates, including mayflies, aquatic isopods, caddisflies, midge larvae, and aquatic worms.

(ii) For adult foraging, reproduction, dispersal, and refugia necessary for roosting, for resting, for adult females to escape from male harassment, and for predator avoidance (especially during the vulnerable teneral stage):

(A) Natural plant communities near the breeding/larval habitat which may include fen, marsh, sedge meadow, dolomite prairie, and the fringe (up to 328 ft (100 m)) of bordering shrubby and forested areas with open corridors for movement and dispersal; and

(B) Prey base of small, flying insect species (e.g., dipterans).

(3) Critical habitat does not include human-made structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, lawns, old fields, hay meadows, fallow crop fields, manicured lawns, pastures, piers and docks, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located. We define “old field” here as cleared areas that were formerly forested and may have been used as crop or pasture land that currently support a mixture of native and nonnative herbs and low shrubs. “Fallow field” is defined as a formerly plowed field that has been left unseeded for a season or more and is presently uncultivated. In addition, critical habitat does not include open-water areas (i.e., areas beyond the zone of emergent vegetation) of lakes and ponds.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Geographical Information Systems, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates. Critical habitat units are described using the public land survey system (township (T), range (R) and section (Sec.)).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units (Index map) follows:

(6) Illinois Units 1 through 7, Cook, DuPage, and Will Counties, Illinois.

(i) Illinois Unit 1: Will County. Located in T36N, R10E, Sec. 22, Sec. 27, SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 28, NE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 28, NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 34 of the Joliet 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Land south of Illinois State Route 7, east of Illinois State Route 53, and west of the Des Plaines River.

(ii) Illinois Unit 2: Will County. Located in T36N, R10E, Sec. 3, NW1/4 E1/2 Sec. 10, E1/2 Sec. 15 of the Romeoville and Joliet 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. Land east of Illinois State Route 53, and west of the Des Plaines River.

(iii) Illinois Unit 3: Will County. Located in T37N, R10E, SW1/4 Sec. 26, NW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 26, E1/2 Sec. 34, W1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 35 of the Romeoville 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Land west and north of the Des Plaines River and north of East Romeoville Road.

(iv) Illinois Unit 4: Will and Cook Counties. Located in T37N, R10E, S1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 24, W1/2 SW1/4 Sec. 24, SE1/4 Sec. 24 and T37N, R11E, SW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 17, Sec. 19, NW1/4 Sec. 20 of the Romeoville 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Land to the south of Bluff Road, west of Lemont Road, and north of the Des Plaines River.

(v) Illinois Unit 5: DuPage County. Located in T37N, R11E, NW1/4 Sec. 15, NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 15, S1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 16, SW1/4 Sec. 16, N1/2 SE1/4 Sec. 16, SE1/4 Sec. 17 of the Sag Bridge 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Land to the north of the Des Plaines River.

(vi) Illinois Unit 6: Cook County. Located in T37N, R12E, S1/2 Sec. 16, S1/2 NE1/4 Sec. 17, N1/2 SE1/4 Sec. 17, N1/2 Sec. 21 of the Sag Bridge and Palos Park 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. Land to the north of the Calumet Sag Channel, south of 107th Street, and east of U.S. Route 45.

(vii) Illinois Unit 7: Will County. Located in T36N, R10E, W1/2 Sec. 1, Sec. 2, N1/2 Sec. 11 of the Romeoville and Joliet 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. Land east of the Illinois and Michigan Canal.

(viii) Note: Map of Illinois Units 1 through 7 (Illinois Map 1) follows:

(7) Michigan Units 1 and 2, Mackinac County, Michigan.

(i) Michigan Unit 1: Mackinac County. The unit is located approximately 2 miles north of the village of St. Ignace. The unit contains all of T41N, R4W, Secs. 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23; portions of T41N, R4W, Secs. 4, 7, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27; and T41N, R5W, Secs. 1 and 12 of the Moran and Evergreen Shores 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. The unit is west of I-75, east of Brevort Lake, and north of Castle Rock Road.

(ii) Michigan Unit 2: Mackinac County. The unit is located approximately 2 miles north of the village of St. Ignace. The unit contains all of T41N, R3W, Sec. 6; portions of T41N, R4W, Secs. 1, 12, 13, 24; portions of T41N, R3W, Secs. 4, 5, 7; and portions of T42N, R3W, Sec. 31 of the Evergreen Shores 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. The unit is west of Lake Huron and east of I-75.

(iii) Note: Map of Michigan Units 1 and 2 (Michigan Map 1) follows:

(8) Michigan Unit 3, Mackinac County, Michigan.

(i) Michigan Unit 3: Mackinac County. Located on the east end of Bois Blanc Island. Bois Blanc Island has not adopted an addressing system using the public land survey system. The unit is located in Government Lots 25 and 26 of the Cheboygan and McRae Bay 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. The unit extends from approximately Walker's Point south to Rosie Point on the west side of Bob-Lo Drive. It extends from the road approximately 328 ft (100 m) to the west.

(ii) Note: Map of Michigan Unit 3 (Michigan Map 2) follows:

(9) Michigan Unit 4, Presque Isle County, Michigan.

(i) Michigan Unit 4: Presque Isle County. Located approximately 12 miles southeast of the village of Rogers City. The unit contains all of T34N, R7E, SW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 14, SW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 15, NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 15, NW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 15, NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 15, SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 15, NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 16, NE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 16, SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 16, and NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 23. It also contains portions of T34N, R7E, all 1/4 sections in Secs. 15, all 1/4 sections in Sec. 16, SE1/4 and SW1/4 Sec. 9, SW1/4 Sec. 10, SW1/4 Sec. 14, NE1/4 Sec. 22, NW1/4 and NE1/4 Sec. 23 of the Thompson's Harbor 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. The northern boundary of the unit is Lake Huron and the southern boundary is north of M-23.

(ii) Note: Map of Michigan Unit 4 (Michigan Map 3) follows:

(10) Michigan Unit 5, Alpena County, Michigan.

(i) Michigan Unit 5: Alpena County. Located approximately 9 miles northeast of the village of Alpena. The unit contains all of T31N, R9E, SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec 9. It also contains portions of T31N, R9E, NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 9, NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 9, SW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 9, SW1/4 SE1/4 Sec 9; and portions of T31N, R9E, NE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 16, NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 16, NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 16 of the 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle North Point 7.5′ USGS topographic quadrangle. North Point Road is east of the area.

(ii) Note: Map of Michigan Unit 5 (Michigan Map 4) follows:

(11) Michigan Unit 6, Alpena County, Michigan.

(i) Michigan Unit 6: Alpena County. Located approximately 5 miles east of the village of Alpena. The unit contains all of T31N, R9E, SW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 27. It also contains portions of T31N, R9E, NW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 27, NE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 27, SE1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 27, SE1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 27; portions of T31N, R9E, NE1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 34, NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 34, NE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 34; and portions of T31N, R9E, NW1/4 NW1/4 Sec. 35, NE1/4 NW1/4, NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 35 of the North Point 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lake Huron is the east boundary of the unit.

(ii) Note: Map of Michigan Unit 6 (Michigan Map 5) follows:

(12) Missouri Unit 1, Crawford County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 1: Crawford County. Located in T35N, R3W, Secs. 22 and 23 of the Viburnum West 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 1 is associated with James Creek and is located approximately 1.5 miles west of Billard, Missouri.

(ii) Note: Map of Missouri Unit 1 (Missouri Map 1) follows:

(13) Missouri Units 2a and 4, Dent County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 2a: Dent County. Located in T34N, R3W, Secs. 3 and 4 of the Howes Mill Spring 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 2a is associated with an unnamed tributary to West Fork Huzzah Creek and is located approximately 2.5 air miles north of the village of Howes Mill, Missouri adjacent to county road 438.

(ii) Missouri Unit 4: Dent County. Located in T34N, R4W, Secs. 15 and 22 of the Howes Mill Spring 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 4 is associated with a tributary of Hutchins Creek in Fortune Hollow and is located approximately 1 mile east of the juncture of Highway 72 and Route MM.

(iii) Note: Map of Missouri Units 2a and 4 (Missouri Map 2) follows:

(14) Missouri Unit 5, Iron County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 5: Iron County. Located in T34N, R1W, Sec. 17of the Viburnum East 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 5 is located adjacent to Neals Creek and Neals Creek Road, approximately 2.5 miles southeast of Bixby.

(ii) Note: Map of Missouri Unit 5 (Missouri Map 3) follows:

(15) Missouri Unit 7, Phelps County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 7: Phelps County. Located in T36N, R9W, Sec. 9 of the Kaintuck Hollow 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 7 is associated with Kaintuck Hollow and a tributary of Mill Creek, and is located approximately 4 miles south southwest of the town of Newburg.

(ii) Note: Map of Missouri Unit 7 (Missouri Map 4) follows:

(16) Missouri Units 8and 11a, Reynolds County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 8: Reynolds County. Located in T32N, R2W, Sec. 22, southeast 1/4, southwest 1/4 of the Bunker 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 8 is adjacent to Bee Fork Creek and is located approximately 3 miles east of Bunker.

(ii) Missouri Unit 11a: Reynolds County. Located in T32N, R1W, Sec. 30 of the Corridon 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 11 is located approximately 1 mile east of the intersection of Route TT and Highway 72, extending north to the Bee Fork Church on County Road 854.

(iii) Note: Map of Missouri Units 8 and 11a (Missouri Map 5) follows:

(17) Missouri Unit 21, Ripley County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 21: Ripley County. Located in T23N, R1W, Sec. 23 of the Bardley 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 21 is associated with an unnamed tributary of Fourche Creek and is located approximately 12 miles west of Doniphan.

(ii) Note: Map of Missouri Unit 21 (Missouri Map 6) follows:

(18) Missouri Units 23 through 25, Washington County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Units 23 and 24: Washington County. Located in T36N, R1W, Sec. 13 of the Palmer 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Units 23 and 24 comprise the Towns Branch and Welker Fen complex and are located near the town of Palmer.

(ii) Missouri Unit 25: Washington County. Located in T36N, R1W, Secs. 2 and 11 of the Courtois 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 25 is associated with a tributary of Hazel Creek and is located approximately 1.5 miles northwest of the town of Palmer.

(iii) Note: Map of Missouri Units 23 through 25 (Missouri Map 7) follows:

(19) Missouri Unit 26, Wayne County, Missouri

(i) Missouri Unit 26: Wayne County. Located in T27N, R4E, Sec. 33 of the Ellsinore 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Missouri Unit 26 is located near Williamsville and is associated with Brushy Creek.

(ii) Note: Map of Missouri Unit 26 (Missouri Map 8) follows:

(20) Missouri Unit 27, Crawford County, Missouri.

(i) Missouri Unit 27: Crawford County. Located on the Courtois quadrangle in Township 36 north, Range 2 west, section 14, northeast 1/4, southwest 1/4, northwest 1/4.

(ii) Note: Map of Missouri Unit 27 (Missouri Map 9) follows:

(21) Wisconsin Unit 1, Door County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 1: Washington Island, Door County. Located in T33N, R30E, W1/2 and NE1/4 Sec. 4, SE1/4 Sec. 5 of Washington Island SE and Washington Island NE 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. Lands included are located adjacent to and west of Wickman Road, south of Town Line Road, East of Deer Lane and East Side Roads, north of Lake View Road and include Big Marsh and Little Marsh.

(ii) Note: Map of Wisconsin Unit 1 (Wisconsin Map 1) follows

(22) Wisconsin Unit 2, Door County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 2: Door County. Located in T32N, R28E, SE 1/4 Sec. 11, NW 1/4 Sec. 13, NE1/4 Sec. 14 of the Ellison Bay 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle, and in T32N, R28E, W1/2 Sec. 13, E 1/2 Sec. 14, NE1/4 Sec. 23, portions of each 1/4 of Sec. 24, N1/2 Sec. 25, and T32N, R29E, S1/2 Sec. 19, W1/2 Sec. 29, NE1/4 Sec. 30 of Sister Bay 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands included are located east of the Village of Ellison Bay, south of Garrett Bay Road and Mink River Roads, North of County Road ZZ, west of Badger Road, County Road NP and Juice Mill Road, and includes the Mink River.

(ii) Note: Map of Wisconsin Unit 2 (Wisconsin Map 2) follows:

(23) Wisconsin Units 3 through 7, Door County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 3: Door County. Located in T31N R28E, S 1/2 S10, NE 1/4 S15 of Sister Bay 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands included are located south of County Road ZZ, north of North Bay (Lake Michigan), west of North Bay Road, east of Old Stage Road and about two miles east of the Village of Sister Bay and include a portion of Three-Springs Creek.

(ii) Wisconsin Unit 4: Door County. Located in T31N, R28E, SW1/4 and S1/2 Sec. 15, portions of each 1/4 of Sec. 22, and N1/2 of Sec. 23 of the Sister Bay 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands are located along the north and northwest sides of North Bay (Lake Michigan).

(iii) Wisconsin Unit 5: Door County. Located in T31N, R28E, S1/2 Sec. 20, E1/2 Sec. 29, NW1/4 and S1/2 Sec. 28, N1/2 and SE1/4 Sec. 33, and W1/2 Sec. 34. It also is located in T30N, R28E, W1/2 Sec. 3, E1/2 and SW1/4 Sec. 4, SE1/4 Sec. 8, Sec. 9, N1/2 Sec. 10, W1/2 and SE 1/4 Sec.15, Sec. 16, and Sec. 17 of the Baileys Harbor East, and Sister Bay 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. Lands located south of German Road, east of State Highway 57, west of North Bay Drive, Sunset Drive and Moonlight Bay (Lake Michigan), north of Ridges Road and Point Drive and include Mud Lake and Reiboldt Creek.

(iv) Wisconsin Unit 6: Door County. Located in T30N, R28E, portions of each 1/4 of Sec. 5 of the Baileys Harbor East 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle and Baileys Harbor West 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands are located about 2 1/4 miles north of the Town of Baileys Harbor, east of State Highway 57, south of Meadow Road and are associated with an unnamed stream.

(v) Wisconsin Unit 7: Door County. Located in T30N, R27E, Sec. 11, SW1/4 Sec. 13, and N1/2 and SE 1/4 Sec. 14 of the Baileys Harbor West 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands are located north of County Road EE, east of County Road A and west of South Highland and High Plateau Roads, about two miles northeast of Town of Baileys Harbor and are associated with the headwaters of Piel Creek.

(vi) Note: Map of Wisconsin Units 3 through 7 (Wisconsin Map 3) follows:

(24) Wisconsin Unit 8, Door County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 8: Door County. Located in T28N, R27E, S1/2 Sec. 16, N1/2 Sec. 21 of the Jacksonport 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands are located east of Bechtel Road, South of Whitefish Bay Road, west of Glidden Drive and include Arbter Lake.

(ii) Note: Map of Wisconsin Unit 8 (Wisconsin Map 4) follows:

(25) Wisconsin Unit 9, Door County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 9: Door County, Wisconsin. Located in T27N, R24E, SE1/4 Sec.16, E1/2 Sec. 20, portions of each 1/4 of Secs. 21, 28 and 33, NW1/4 and S1/2 Sec. 34. Also located in T26N, R24E, NW1/4 Sec. 3 of the Little Sturgeon 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands are located west of Pickeral Road and Cedar Lane, north of State Highway 57, east of Hilly Ridge Road and County Road C, south of Fox Lane Road, about 1.5 miles southwest of Little Sturgeon Bay (Lake Michigan) and include portions of Keyes Creek and associated wetlands.

(ii) Note: Map of Wisconsin Unit 9 (Wisconsin Map 5) follows:

(26) Wisconsin Unit 10, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 10: Ozaukee County. Located in T11N, R21E, E1/2 of Sec. 20, portions of each 1/4 of Sec. 21, W1/2 Sec. 28, Sec. 29, E1/2 Sec. 30, E1/2 and portions of NW1/4 and SW1/4 Sec. 31, Sec. 32, and W1/2 Sec. 33 of the Cedarburg, Five Corners, Newburg, and Port Washington West 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangles. Lands are located south of State Highway 33, east of County Road Y and Birchwood Road, north of Cedar Sauk Road about 2 miles west of Saukville, and includes the majority of Cedarburg Bog.

(ii) Note: Map of Wisconsin Unit 10 (Wisconsin Map 6) follows:

(27) Wisconsin Unit 11, Door County, Wisconsin.

(i) Wisconsin Unit 11: Door County. Located in T27N, R26E, SE 1/4 Sec. 11, Sec. 12, NW 1/4 Sec. 13, and NE 1/4 Sec. 14 of the Sturgeon Bay East 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle. Lands are located south of County Road TT, east of Mathey Road, north of Buffalo Ridge Trail, west of Lake Forest Park Road (also County Road TT), about 11/2 miles west of the City of Sturgeon Bay, and include portions of Kellner's Fen.

(ii) Note: Map of Wisconsin Unit 11 (Wisconsin Map 7) follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila aglaia)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila aglaia are:

(i) Dry to mesic, lowland, Diospyros sp., ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 1,865-2,985 ft (568-910 m); and

(ii) The larval host plant Urera glabra, which exhibits one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila aglaia follows:

(6) Drosophila aglaia - Unit 1 - Palikea, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593529, 2367854; 593448, 2367801; 593302, 2367874; 593242, 2367927; 593193, 2367967; 593165, 2368065; 593217, 2368150; 593314, 2368283; 593399, 2368425; 593448, 2368578; 593505, 2368716; 593622, 2368833; 593703, 2368906; 593764, 2368963; 593832, 2369044; 593901, 2369145; 594002, 2369262; 594079, 2369331; 594104, 2369396; 594120, 2369485; 594124, 2369521; 594148, 2369525; 594213, 2369525; 594310, 2369497; 594395, 2369473; 594399, 2369392; 594396, 2369356; 594417, 2369313; 594461, 2369290; 594551, 2369278; 594579, 2369250; 594559, 2369197; 594472, 2369183; 594391, 2369179; 594354, 2369153; 594302, 2369072; 594257, 2369015; 594213, 2368914; 594136, 2368809; 594083, 2368672; 594035, 2368550; 593966, 2368417; 593966, 2368324; 593909, 2368259; 593792, 2368105; 593675, 2368000.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila aglaia - Unit 1 - Palikea follows:

(7) Drosophila aglaia - Unit 2 - Puu Kaua, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 594166, 2370854; 594166, 2370853; 594164, 2370854; 594122, 2370843; 594090, 2370815; 594040, 2370789; 593996, 2370789; 593930, 2370827; 593852, 2370875; 593778, 2370907; 593716, 2370947; 593642, 2370999; 593602, 2371041; 593574, 2371067; 593558, 2371095; 593539, 2371118; 593531, 2371121; 593534, 2371173; 593519, 2371375; 593533, 2371375; 593552, 2371390; 593628, 2371404; 593716, 2371426; 593794, 2371431; 593876, 2371437; 593974, 2371435; 594036, 2371431; 594138, 2371415; 594190, 2371399; 594232, 2371385; 594246, 2371359; 594239, 2371354; 594170, 2370879; 594172, 2370877; 594170, 2370855.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila aglaia - Unit 2 - Puu Kaua follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila differens)

(1) Critical habitat is depicted for County of Maui, island of Molokai, Hawaii, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila differens are:

(i) Wet, montane, ohia forest between the elevations of 3,645-4,495 ft (1,111-1,370 m); and

(ii) The larval host plants Clermontia arborescens ssp. waihiae, C. granidiflora ssp. munroi, C. oblongifolia ssp. brevipes, C. kakeana, and C. pallida, which exhibit one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Drosophila differens - Unit 1 - Puu Kolekole, Maui County, island of Molokai, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 718527, 2337536; 718533, 2337451; 718538, 2337370; 718543, 2337298; 718547, 2337236; 718551, 2337182; 718555, 2337138; 718560, 2337098; 718571, 2337055; 718586, 2337010; 718607, 2336962; 718632, 2336912; 718662, 2336860; 718698, 2336807; 718739, 2336754; 718784, 2336700; 718835, 2336646; 718892, 2336593; 718958, 2336551; 719034, 2336520; 719119, 2336502; 719215, 2336497; 719320, 2336503; 719420, 2336509; 719506, 2336508; 719579, 2336500; 719639, 2336484; 719685, 2336462; 719675, 2336394; 719613, 2336327; 718980, 2335781; 718332, 2335236; 718002, 2334953; 717930, 2334932; 717877, 2334988; 717855, 2335060; 717846, 2335123; 717848, 2335175; 717862, 2335217; 717888, 2335249; 717921, 2335272; 717946, 2335291; 717961, 2335308; 717965, 2335322; 717958, 2335333; 717942, 2335342; 717928, 2335356; 717919, 2335377; 717915, 2335404; 717916, 2335438; 717923, 2335478; 717935, 2335515; 717952, 2335542; 717974, 2335558; 718001, 2335564; 718034, 2335559; 718070, 2335550; 718107, 2335553; 718144, 2335567; 718182, 2335593; 718221, 2335630; 718257, 2335675; 718280, 2335710; 718286, 2335733; 718277, 2335745; 718253, 2335744; 718213, 2335731; 718166, 2335721; 718115, 2335717; 718060, 2335719; 718001, 2335728; 717937, 2335742; 717873, 2335764; 717812, 2335793; 717753, 2335829; 717697, 2335873; 717643, 2335924; 717591, 2335977; 717543, 2336020; 717499, 2336052; 717458, 2336073; 717420, 2336083; 717385, 2336085; 717351, 2336089; 717319, 2336098; 717288, 2336110; 717258, 2336127; 717230, 2336148; 717204, 2336180; 717183, 2336223; 717165, 2336280; 717151, 2336348; 717140, 2336429; 717130, 2336510; 717118, 2336579; 717103, 2336636; 717085, 2336680; 717065, 2336713; 717041, 2336739; 717009, 2336769; 716968, 2336806; 716919, 2336847; 716862, 2336894; 716800, 2336946; 716745, 2337000; 716702, 2337055; 716669, 2337112; 716647, 2337171; 716635, 2337231; 716632, 2337289; 716634, 2337341; 716644, 2337388; 716660, 2337430; 716683, 2337468; 716713, 2337497; 716751, 2337516; 716797, 2337523; 716850, 2337520; 716912, 2337507; 716976, 2337488; 717031, 2337481; 717077, 2337486; 717126, 2337542; 717183, 2337585; 718403, 2337817; 718484, 2337833; 718487, 2337824; 718499, 2337760; 718510, 2337691; 718519, 2337616.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila differens - Unit 1 - Puu Kolekole follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila hemipeza)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila hemipeza are:

(i) Dry to mesic, lowland, ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 1,720-3,005 ft (524-916 m); and

(ii) The larval host plants Cyanea angustifolia, C. calycina, C. grimesiana ssp. grimesiana, C. grimesiana ssp. obatae, C. membranacea, C. pinnatifida, C. superba ssp. superba, Lobelia hypoleuca, L. niihauensis, L. yuccoides, and Urera kaalae, which exhibit one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila hemipeza follows:

(6) Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 1 - Kaluaa Gulch, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593240, 2374436; 593231, 2374371; 593281, 2374410; 593315, 2374385; 593612, 2374173; 593656, 2374138; 593621, 2374096; 593641, 2374077; 593676, 2374072; 593703, 2374057; 593734, 2374039; 593758, 2374058; 593793, 2374029; 593779, 2373964; 593731, 2373894; 593660, 2373784; 593609, 2373702; 593592, 2373648; 593592, 2373594; 593598, 2373553; 593657, 2373561; 593770, 2373549; 593792, 2373496; 593797, 2373417; 593842, 2373411; 593842, 2373326; 593905, 2373404; 594053, 2373383; 594103, 2373292; 594134, 2373228; 594156, 2373250; 594194, 2373256; 594178, 2373323; 594196, 2373386; 594229, 2373390; 594312, 2373340; 594341, 2373350; 594339, 2373421; 594383, 2373487; 594381, 2373513; 594460, 2373552; 594496, 2373553; 594497, 2373518; 594526, 2373509; 594572, 2373460; 594632, 2373519; 594649, 2373523; 594699, 2373475; 594728, 2373476; 594762, 2373532; 594791, 2373529; 594828, 2373501; 594852, 2373465; 594903, 2373501; 594933, 2373500; 594952, 2373489; 594974, 2373334; 594800, 2373150; 594718, 2373120; 594718, 2373102; 594744, 2373091; 594710, 2372721; 594720, 2372686; 594716, 2372633; 594678, 2372623; 594566, 2372651; 594536, 2372666; 594506, 2372663; 594467, 2372672; 594395, 2372663; 594406, 2372650; 594546, 2372567; 594558, 2372553; 594551, 2372535; 594389, 2372452; 594395, 2372434; 594415, 2372428; 594511, 2372449; 594603, 2372437; 594614, 2372421; 594607, 2372385; 594593, 2372353; 594591, 2372317; 594618, 2372322; 594661, 2372357; 594700, 2372384; 594696, 2372334; 594697, 2372333; 594697, 2372283; 594652, 2372257; 594541, 2372266; 594454, 2372294; 594400, 2372294; 594293, 2372267; 594231, 2372261; 594168, 2372241; 594126, 2372258; 594075, 2372267; 594030, 2372303; 593999, 2372354; 593948, 2372388; 593889, 2372397; 593812, 2372413; 593781, 2372425; 593756, 2372442; 593742, 2372467; 593742, 2372490; 593736, 2372521; 593736, 2372560; 593757, 2372587; 593790, 2372662; 593663, 2372772; 593543, 2372859; 593558, 2372894; 593555, 2372910; 593526, 2372928; 593476, 2372912; 593422, 2372953; 593420, 2372976; 593403, 2372997; 593400, 2373025; 593373, 2373016; 593352, 2373044; 593328, 2373025; 593215, 2373118; 593230, 2373171; 593214, 2373176; 593163, 2373154; 593095, 2373213; 593091, 2373238; 593064, 2373243; 593019, 2373295; 592937, 2373388; 592889, 2373462; 592897, 2373535; 592908, 2373597; 592923, 2373668; 592914, 2373772; 592889, 2373866; 592868, 2373941; 592867, 2373950; 592894, 2374029; 592908, 2374120; 592894, 2374162; 592860, 2374213; 592854, 2374216; 593151, 2374494.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 1 - Kaluaa Gulch follows:

(7) Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 2 - Makaha Valley, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 586712, 2378108; 586877, 2378091; 587049, 2378091; 587173, 2378087; 587333, 2378079; 587506, 2378079; 587592, 2378075; 587641, 2378046; 587641, 2378038; 587666, 2377980; 587543, 2377935; 587399, 2377931; 587243, 2377919; 587090, 2377906; 586794, 2377943; 586696, 2377943; 586597, 2377869; 586507, 2377767; 586449, 2377684; 586449, 2377458; 586408, 2377397; 586305, 2377368; 586206, 2377405; 586054, 2377643; 585968, 2377726; 585869, 2377775; 585803, 2377849; 585803, 2377915; 585869, 2377952; 585894, 2377956; 585956, 2377952; 586050, 2377923; 586120, 2377869; 586194, 2377824; 586317, 2377828; 586383, 2377878; 586391, 2377956; 586420, 2378034; 586461, 2378116; 586482, 2378174; 586552, 2378190; 586630, 2378149; 586655, 2378128.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 2 - Makaha Valley follows:

(8) Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 3 - Palikea, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593529, 2367854; 593448, 2367801; 593302, 2367874; 593242, 2367927; 593193, 2367967; 593165, 2368065; 593217, 2368150; 593314, 2368283; 593399, 2368425; 593448, 2368578; 593505, 2368716; 593622, 2368833; 593703, 2368906; 593764, 2368963; 593832, 2369044; 593901, 2369145; 594002, 2369262; 594079, 2369331; 594104, 2369396; 594120, 2369485; 594124, 2369521; 594148, 2369525; 594213, 2369525; 594310, 2369497; 594395, 2369473; 594399, 2369392; 594396, 2369356; 594417, 2369313; 594461, 2369290; 594551, 2369278; 594579, 2369250; 594559, 2369197; 594472, 2369183; 594391, 2369179; 594354, 2369153; 594302, 2369072; 594257, 2369015; 594213, 2368914; 594136, 2368809; 594083, 2368672; 594035, 2368550; 593966, 2368417; 593966, 2368324; 593909, 2368259; 593792, 2368105; 593675, 2368000.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 3 - Palikea follows:

(9) Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 4 - Puu Kaua, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 594166, 2370854; 594166, 2370853; 594164, 2370854; 594122, 2370843; 594090, 2370815; 594040, 2370789; 593996, 2370789; 593930, 2370827; 593852, 2370875; 593778, 2370907; 593716, 2370947; 593642, 2370999; 593602, 2371041; 593574, 2371067; 593558, 2371095; 593539, 2371118; 593531, 2371121; 593534, 2371173; 593519, 2371375; 593533, 2371375; 593552, 2371390; 593628, 2371404; 593716, 2371426; 593794, 2371431; 593876, 2371437; 593974, 2371435; 594036, 2371431; 594138, 2371415; 594190, 2371399; 594232, 2371385; 594246, 2371359; 594239, 2371354; 594170, 2370879; 594172, 2370877; 594170, 2370855.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila hemipeza - Unit 4 - Puu Kaua follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila heteroneura)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Hawaii, island of Hawaii, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila heteroneura are:

(i) Mesic to wet, montane, ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 2,908-5,755 ft (908-1,754 m); and

(ii) The larval host plants Cheirodendron trigynum ssp. trigynum, Clermontia clermontioides, C. clermontioides ssp. rockiana, C. hawaiiensis, C. kohalae, C. lindseyana, C. montis-loa, C. parviflora, C. peleana, C. pyrularia, and Delissea parviflora, which exhibit one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila heteroneura follows:

(6) Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 1 - Kau Forest, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 859357, 2130685; 859117, 2130401; 858810, 2130412; 858577, 2130667; 858596, 2130918; 858800, 2131167; 858976, 2131240; 859117, 2131196; 859416, 2130970.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 1 - Kau Forest follows:

(7) Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 2 - Kona Refuge, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 836880, 2145492; 836927, 2144316; 836473, 2144373; 835378, 2144516; 831663, 2144980; 31685, 2145029; 831718, 2145184; 831669, 2145289; 831669, 2145387; 831694, 2145557; 31685, 2145727; 831685, 2145882; 831677, 2146020; 831710, 2146149; 831767, 2146247; 31685, 2146482; 831572, 2146766; 831572, 2146953; 831515, 2147156; 831442, 2147391; 31438, 2147486; 837419, 2147183.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 2 - Kona Refuge follows:

(8) Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 3 - Lower Kahuku, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 849578, 2119874; 849925, 2117860; 849842, 2117726; 849716, 2117636; 849492, 2117618; 49240, 2117726; 849114, 2118058; 848962, 2118723; 848953, 2119065; 848845, 2119720; 48728, 2120187; 848701, 2120646; 848638, 2120870; 848620, 2121095; 848692, 2121194; 48782, 2121292; 849007, 2121310; 849177, 2121319; 849350, 2121233; 849475, 2120505; 49474, 2120484; 849447, 2120250; 849528, 2120044.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 3 - Lower Kahuku follows:

(9) Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 4 - Pit Crater, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 821660, 2184453; 821670, 2184348; 821617, 2184279; 821490, 2184191; 821428, 2184164; 821304, 2184150; 821131, 2184187; 821052, 2184187; 821012, 2184150; 820889, 2184086; 820850, 2184076; 820824, 2184102; 820778, 2184164; 820705, 2184193; 820626, 2184233; 820610, 2184289; 820657, 2184318; 820673, 2184316; 820707, 2184310; 820723, 2184306; 820747, 2184293; 820790, 2184269; 820818, 2184247; 820832, 2184215; 820861, 2184180; 820905, 2184168; 820929, 2184191; 820939, 2184221; 820974, 2184255; 821024, 2184261; 821109, 2184261; 821206, 2184261; 821264, 2184269; 821282, 2184285; 821292, 2184322; 821254, 2184360; 821232, 2184396; 821276, 2184404; 821341, 2184400; 821369, 2184431; 821363, 2184463; 821333, 2184499; 821345, 2184528; 821426, 2184550; 821531, 2184554; 821619, 2184513.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 4 - Pit Crater follows:

(10) Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 5 - Waihaka Gulch, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 868924, 2138585; 868686, 2138463; 868564, 2138464; 868434, 2138482; 868325, 2138598; 868350, 2138841; 868378, 2138886; 868503, 2139088; 868720, 2139220; 868946, 2139193; 869076, 2139167; 869160, 2139055; 869238, 2139018; 869248, 2138892.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila heteroneura - Unit 5 - Waihaka Gulch follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila montgomeryi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila montgomeryi are:

(i) Mesic, lowland, diverse ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 1,720-2,985 ft (524-910 m); and

(ii) The larval host plant Urera kaalae, which exhibits one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila montgomeryi follows:

(6) Drosophila montgomeryi - Unit 1 - Kaluaa Gulch, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593240, 2374436; 593231, 2374371; 593281, 2374410; 593315, 2374385; 593612, 2374173; 593656, 2374138; 593621, 2374096; 593641, 2374077; 593676, 2374072; 593703, 2374057; 593734, 2374039; 593758, 2374058; 593793, 2374029; 593779, 2373964; 593731, 2373894; 593660, 2373784; 593609, 2373702; 593592, 2373648; 593592, 2373594; 593598, 2373553; 593657, 2373561; 593770, 2373549; 593792, 2373496; 593797, 2373417; 593842, 2373411; 593842, 2373326; 593905, 2373404; 594053, 2373383; 594103, 2373292; 594134, 2373228; 594156, 2373250; 594194, 2373256; 594178, 2373323; 594196, 2373386; 594229, 2373390; 594312, 2373340; 594341, 2373350; 594339, 2373421; 594383, 2373487; 594381, 2373513; 594460, 2373552; 594496, 2373553; 594497, 2373518; 594526, 2373509; 594572, 2373460; 594632, 2373519; 594649, 2373523; 594699, 2373475; 594728, 2373476; 594762, 2373532; 594791, 2373529; 594828, 2373501; 594852, 2373465; 594903, 2373501; 594933, 2373500; 594952, 2373489; 594974, 2373334; 594800, 2373150; 594718, 2373120; 594718, 2373102; 594744, 2373091; 594710, 2372721; 594720, 2372686; 594716, 2372633; 594678, 2372623; 594566, 2372651; 594536, 2372666; 594506, 2372663; 594467, 2372672; 594395, 2372663; 594406, 2372650; 594546, 2372567; 594558, 2372553; 594551, 2372535; 594389, 2372452; 594395, 2372434; 594415, 2372428; 594511, 2372449; 594603, 2372437; 594614, 2372421; 594607, 2372385; 594593, 2372353; 594591, 2372317; 594618, 2372322; 594661, 2372357; 594700, 2372384; 594696, 2372334; 594697, 2372333; 594697, 2372283; 594652, 2372257; 594541, 2372266; 594454, 2372294; 594400, 2372294; 594293, 2372267; 594231, 2372261; 594168, 2372241; 594126, 2372258; 594075, 2372267; 594030, 2372303; 593999, 2372354; 593948, 2372388; 593889, 2372397; 593812, 2372413; 593781, 2372425; 593756, 2372442; 593742, 2372467; 593742, 2372490; 593736, 2372521; 593736, 2372560; 593757, 2372587; 593790, 2372662; 593663, 2372772; 593543, 2372859; 593558, 2372894; 593555, 2372910; 593526, 2372928; 593476, 2372912; 593422, 2372953; 593420, 2372976; 593403, 2372997; 593400, 2373025; 593373, 2373016; 593352, 2373044; 593328, 2373025; 593215, 2373118; 593230, 2373171; 593214, 2373176; 593163, 2373154; 593095, 2373213; 593091, 2373238; 593064, 2373243; 593019, 2373295; 592937, 2373388; 592889, 2373462; 592897, 2373535; 592908, 2373597; 592923, 2373668; 592914, 2373772; 592889, 2373866; 592868, 2373941; 592867, 2373950; 592894, 2374029; 592908, 2374120; 592894, 2374162; 592860, 2374213; 592854, 2374216; 593151, 2374494.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila montgomery - Unit 1 - Kaluaa Gulch follows:

(7) Drosophila montgomeryi - Unit 2 - Palikea, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593529, 2367854; 593448, 2367801; 593302, 2367874; 593242, 2367927; 593193, 2367967; 593165, 2368065; 593217, 2368150; 593314, 2368283; 593399, 2368425; 593448, 2368578; 593505, 2368716; 593622, 2368833; 593703, 2368906; 593764, 2368963; 593832, 2369044; 593901, 2369145; 594002, 2369262; 594079, 2369331; 594104, 2369396; 594120, 2369485; 594124, 2369521; 594148, 2369525; 594213, 2369525; 594310, 2369497; 594395, 2369473; 594399, 2369392; 594396, 2369356; 594417, 2369313; 594461, 2369290; 594551, 2369278; 594579, 2369250; 594559, 2369197; 594472, 2369183; 594391, 2369179; 594354, 2369153; 594302, 2369072; 594257, 2369015; 594213, 2368914; 594136, 2368809; 594083, 2368672; 594035, 2368550; 593966, 2368417; 593966, 2368324; 593909, 2368259; 593792, 2368105; 593675, 2368000.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila montgomeryi - Unit 2 - Palikea follows:

(8) Drosophila montgomeryi - Unit 3 - Puu Kaua, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 594166, 2370854; 594166, 2370853; 594164, 2370854; 594122, 2370843; 594090, 2370815; 594040, 2370789; 593996, 2370789; 593930, 2370827; 593852, 2370875; 593778, 2370907; 593716, 2370947; 593642, 2370999; 593602, 2371041; 593574, 2371067; 593558, 2371095; 593539, 2371118; 593531, 2371121; 593534, 2371173; 593519, 2371375; 593533, 2371375; 593552, 2371390; 593628, 2371404; 593716, 2371426; 593794, 2371431; 593876, 2371437; 593974, 2371435; 594036, 2371431; 594138, 2371415; 594190, 2371399; 594232, 2371385; 594246, 2371359; 594239, 2371354; 594170, 2370879; 594172, 2370877; 594170, 2370855.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila montgomeryi - Unit 3 - Puu Kaua follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila mulli)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Hawaii, island of Hawaii, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila mulli are:

(i) Wet, montane, ohia forest between the elevations of 1,955-3,250 ft (596-1,093 m); and

(ii) The larval host plant Pritchardia beccariana, which exhibits one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila mulli follows:

(6) Drosophila mulli - Unit 1 - Olaa Forest, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 898754, 2154890; 898225, 2154740; 898030, 2154878; 897846, 2155268; 897927, 2155578; 898328, 2155910; 898508, 2155922; 899064, 2155498; 899064, 2155268.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila mulli - Unit 1 - Olaa Forest follows:

(7) Drosophila mulli - Unit 2 - Stainback Forest, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 903259, 2169945; 903159, 2169907; 903080, 2169965; 902974, 2170089; 902953, 2170247; 903012, 2170346; 903101, 2170415; 903166, 2170439; 903245, 2170490; 903324, 2170521; 903420, 2170603; 903509, 2170651; 903636, 2170699; 903732, 2170771; 903849, 2170799; 903914, 2170789; 903955, 2170730; 903869, 2170662; 903866, 2170658; 903718, 2170579; 903653, 2170521; 903622, 2170487; 903441, 2170394; 903386, 2170322; 903399, 2170250; 903451, 2170133; 903403, 2170058.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila mulli - Unit 2 - Stainback Forest follows:

(8) Drosophila mulli - Unit 3 - Waiakea Forest, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 897021, 2168026; 896225, 2167587; 895745, 2167704; 895687, 2167996; 895745, 2168207; 896014, 2168335; 896480, 2168668; 896841, 2169108; 897302, 2169068; 897522, 2168908; 897482, 2168607.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila mulli - Unit 3 - Waiakea Forest follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila musaphilia)

(1) Critical habitat is depicted for County of Kauai, island of Kauai, Hawaii, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila musaphilia are:

(i) Mesic, montane, ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 3,310-3,740 ft (1,009-1,128 m); and

(ii) The larval host plant Acacia koa, which exhibits one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Drosophila musaphilia - Unit 1 - Kokee, Kauai County, island of Kauai, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 432035, 2448683; 432126, 2448510; 432111, 2448312; 432111, 2448119; 432106, 2447977; 432010, 2447906; 432025, 2447779; 431992, 2447749; 431962, 2447768; 431938, 2447766; 431926, 2447752; 431895, 2447719; 431861, 2447686; 431825, 2447651; 431786, 2447616; 431745, 2447581; 431701, 2447544; 431658, 2447505; 431616, 2447462; 431575, 2447417; 431535, 2447368; 431496, 2447318; 431457, 2447271; 431418, 2447231; 431379, 2447198; 431339, 2447172; 431299, 2447153; 431267, 2447131; 431247, 2447103; 431239, 2447068; 431244, 2447027; 431260, 2446979; 431278, 2446930; 431292, 2446881; 431300, 2446834; 431303, 2446788; 431302, 2446743; 431300, 2446700; 431301, 2446659; 431306, 2446621; 431252, 2446466; 431186, 2446345; 431181, 2446332; 430955, 2445963; 430860, 2445709; 430831, 2445664; 430760, 2445497; 430648, 2445441; 430416, 2445421; 430405, 2445422; 430396, 2445420; 430159, 2445358; 430153, 2445371; 430148, 2445402; 430150, 2445437; 430157, 2445475; 430170, 2445517; 430188, 2445562; 430212, 2445610; 430240, 2445660; 430270, 2445707; 430302, 2445754; 430335, 2445799; 430371, 2445842; 430407, 2445883; 430441, 2445921; 430474, 2445956; 430506, 2445988; 430535, 2446017; 430559, 2446044; 430567, 2446070; 430558, 2446095; 430533, 2446120; 430492, 2446144; 430441, 2446167; 430398, 2446193; 430363, 2446221; 430337, 2446252; 430320, 2446284; 430311, 2446319; 430309, 2446353; 430315, 2446388; 430327, 2446423; 430347, 2446457; 430373, 2446492; 430401, 2446525; 430430, 2446558; 430459, 2446589; 430489, 2446619; 430518, 2446649; 430531, 2446681; 430524, 2446716; 430497, 2446755; 430451, 2446797; 430387, 2446842; 430330, 2446887; 430288, 2446930; 430262, 2446971; 430250, 2447010; 430253, 2447047; 430263, 2447083; 430274, 2447118; 430288, 2447153; 430304, 2447187; 430323, 2447220; 430339, 2447254; 430350, 2447291; 430356, 2447331; 430358, 2447373; 430354, 2447418; 430351, 2447461; 430354, 2447496; 430361, 2447524; 430374, 2447545; 430392, 2447558; 430416, 2447567; 430445, 2447573; 430479, 2447576; 430518, 2447577; 430563, 2447574; 430609, 2447572; 430649, 2447573; 430684, 2447578; 430714, 2447587; 430737, 2447599; 430755, 2447616; 430767, 2447639; 430772, 2447667; 430772, 2447701; 430766, 2447740; 430756, 2447783; 430755, 2447821; 430762, 2447853; 430778, 2447879; 430802, 2447900; 430834, 2447916; 430864, 2447928; 430893, 2447937; 430920, 2447943; 430945, 2447947; 430968, 2447947; 430989, 2447952; 431007, 2447961; 431022, 2447974; 431035, 2447992; 431045, 2448014; 431049, 2448036; 431046, 2448057; 431036, 2448077; 431019, 2448096; 430996, 2448113; 430971, 2448128; 430946, 2448140; 430921, 2448149; 430896, 2448155; 430871, 2448158; 430849, 2448165; 430830, 2448179; 430815, 2448200; 430804, 2448228; 430796, 2448263; 430799, 2448299; 430816, 2448330; 430848, 2448356; 430894, 2448377; 430956, 2448393; 431018, 2448407; 431064, 2448423; 431094, 2448440; 431109, 2448459; 431107, 2448479; 431094, 2448502; 431076, 2448530; 431054, 2448563; 431027, 2448601; 430996, 2448643; 430967, 2448687; 430957, 2448722; 430966, 2448749; 430994, 2448766; 431042, 2448775; 431103, 2448778; 431162, 2448779; 431218, 2448779; 431269, 2448779; 431317, 2448777; 431361, 2448775; 431403, 2448767; 431443, 2448754; 431480, 2448736; 431515, 2448712; 431548, 2448685; 431579, 2448661; 431607, 2448643; 431633, 2448630; 431657, 2448622; 431678, 2448620; 431692, 2448631; 431697, 2448656; 431694, 2448695; 431683, 2448749; 431665, 2448816; 431657, 2448878; 431666, 2448928; 431692, 2448967; 431735, 2448994; 431795, 2449009; 431857, 2449019; 431913, 2449024; 431963, 2449027; 432008, 2449026; 432046, 2449022; 432076, 2449012; 432094, 2448996; 432100, 2448974; 432095, 2448945; 432078, 2448910; 432060, 2448872; 432053, 2448837; 432063, 2448834; 432035, 2448784.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila musaphilia - Unit 1 - Kokee follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila neoclavisetae)

(1) Critical habitat is depicted for County of Maui, island of Maui, Hawaii, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila neoclavisetae are:

(i) Wet, montane, ohia forest between the elevations of 3,405-4,590 ft (1,036-1,399 m); and

(ii) The larval host plants Cyanea kunthiana and C. macrostegia ssp. macrostegia, which exhibit one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map unit. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Drosophila neoclavisetae - Unit 1 - Puu Kukui, Maui County, island of Maui, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 749957, 2315007; 750017, 2314927; 750054, 2314874; 750054, 2314874; 750070, 2314854; 750070, 2314854; 750070, 2314853; 750070, 2314853; 750095, 2314828; 750095, 2314828; 750095, 2314828; 750118, 2314807; 750118, 2314807; 750118, 2314806; 750119, 2314806; 750119, 2314806; 750137, 2314795; 750137, 2314795; 750137, 2314795; 750137, 2314795; 750138, 2314795; 750138, 2314795; 750172, 2314783; 750197, 2314770; 750214, 2314760; 750222, 2314756; 750222, 2314756; 750222, 2314756; 750231, 2314751; 750244, 2314735; 750244, 2314735; 750244, 2314735; 750245, 2314735; 750263, 2314718; 750263, 2314718; 750263, 2314718; 750283, 2314702; 750381, 2314361; 750381, 2314360; 750421, 2314232; 750421, 2314232; 750421, 2314232; 750421, 2314231; 750421, 2314231; 750421, 2314231; 750422, 2314231; 750422, 2314230; 750422, 2314230; 750402, 2314210; 750397, 2314126; 750357, 2314098; 750329, 2314098; 750312, 2314143; 750290, 2314227; 750239, 2314244; 750194, 2314227; 750133, 2314238; 750076, 2314255; 750009, 2314238; 749958, 2314259; 749885, 2314289; 749773, 2314435; 749721, 2314492; 749520, 2314710; 749515, 2314969; 749509, 2315036; 749509, 2315093; 749565, 2315087; 749649, 2315036; 749739, 2314991; 749756, 2315031; 749655, 2315132; 749599, 2315244; 749554, 2315340; 749458, 2315407; 749368, 2315480; 749254, 2315543; 749183, 2315602; 749145, 2315636; 749117, 2315676; 749125, 2315679; 749125, 2315679; 749125, 2315679; 749125, 2315679; 749125, 2315678; 749125, 2315678; 749126, 2315678; 749126, 2315678; 749126, 2315677; 749138, 2315668; 749138, 2315668; 749172, 2315644; 749172, 2315644; 749172, 2315644; 749172, 2315644; 749172, 2315644; 749186, 2315637; 749203, 2315624; 749221, 2315611; 749221, 2315611; 749221, 2315611; 749222, 2315611; 749222, 2315611; 749222, 2315611; 749243, 2315602; 749331, 2315566; 749351, 2315553; 749351, 2315553; 749383, 2315533; 749383, 2315533; 749383, 2315533; 749403, 2315522; 749419, 2315511; 749468, 2315475; 749476, 2315462; 749483, 2315449; 749483, 2315449; 749484, 2315449; 749484, 2315449; 749498, 2315429; 749498, 2315429; 749498, 2315428; 749522, 2315400; 749522, 2315400; 749522, 2315400; 749522, 2315400; 749523, 2315399; 749523, 2315399; 749523, 2315399; 749548, 2315382; 749548, 2315382; 749548, 2315382; 749570, 2315370; 749570, 2315370; 749570, 2315370; 749616, 2315349; 749626, 2315340; 749626, 2315340; 749627, 2315340; 749650, 2315324; 749664, 2315305; 749675, 2315287; 749679, 2315278; 749679, 2315278; 749679, 2315278; 749679, 2315278; 749680, 2315278; 749698, 2315255; 749698, 2315254; 749698, 2315254; 749718, 2315234; 749718, 2315234; 749718, 2315234; 749718, 2315233; 749718, 2315233; 749734, 2315222; 749779, 2315184; 749779, 2315184; 749780, 2315183; 749780, 2315183; 749780, 2315183; 749802, 2315170; 749831, 2315145; 749872, 2315096; 749872, 2315096; 749872, 2315096; 749872, 2315096; 749873, 2315095; 749873, 2315095; 749886, 2315085; 749931, 2315044; 749957, 2315008.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila neoclavisetae - Unit 1 - Puu Kukui follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila obatai)

(1) Critical habitat is depicted for County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila obatai are:

(i) Dry to mesic, lowland, ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 1,475-2,535 ft (450-773 m); and

(ii) The larval host plant Pleomele forbesii, which exhibits one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of the critical habitat units for Drosophila obatai follows:

(6) Drosophila obatai - Unit 1 - Puu Pane, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 591489, 2379704; 591662, 2379690; 591807, 2379704; 591822, 2379699; 591901, 2379571; 591871, 2379579; 591830, 2379596; 591830, 2379596; 591830, 2379596; 591830, 2379596; 591830, 2379596; 591830, 2379596; 591830, 2379596; 591791, 2379600; 591791, 2379600; 591791, 2379601; 591791, 2379600; 591791, 2379600; 591791, 2379600; 591766, 2379597; 591766, 2379597; 591766, 2379597; 591766, 2379597; 591766, 2379597; 591766, 2379597; 591766, 2379597; 591741, 2379583; 591741, 2379583; 591710, 2379565; 591672, 2379554; 591672, 2379554; 591635, 2379542; 591614, 2379537; 591614, 2379537; 591614, 2379537; 591582, 2379526; 591582, 2379526; 591582, 2379526; 591582, 2379526; 591582, 2379526; 591545, 2379500; 591523, 2379495; 591496, 2379495; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591461, 2379505; 591444, 2379502; 591444, 2379502; 591444, 2379502; 591444, 2379502; 591444, 2379502; 591432, 2379498; 591421, 2379497; 591421, 2379497; 591421, 2379497; 591421, 2379497; 591421, 2379497; 591420, 2379497; 591420, 2379497; 591420, 2379497; 591420, 2379497; 591420, 2379497; 591405, 2379487; 591405, 2379487; 591405, 2379487; 591405, 2379486; 591405, 2379486; 591405, 2379486; 591403, 2379483; 591354, 2379454; 591283, 2379460; 591240, 2379449; 591113, 2379474; 591116, 2379531; 591169, 2379618; 591284, 2379716; 591345, 2379723.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila obatai - Unit 1 - Puu Pane follows:

(7) Drosophila obatai - Unit 2 - Wailupe, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 629222, 2358352; 629208, 2358307; 629199, 2358225; 629147, 2358205; 629100, 2358307; 629048, 2358343; 629028, 2358316; 629023, 2358250; 629005, 2358174; 628908, 2358169; 628890, 2358110; 628922, 2358034; 628883, 2358011; 628795, 2358007; 628791, 2357939; 628753, 2357885; 628759, 2357799; 628705, 2357743; 628676, 2357619; 628606, 2357592; 628536, 2357607; 628552, 2357673; 628610, 2357731; 628574, 2357806; 628559, 2357874; 628619, 2357932; 628637, 2357973; 628635, 2358074; 628660, 2358185; 628735, 2358298; 628775, 2358411; 628936, 2358634; 629070, 2358711; 629243, 2358647; 629307, 2358506.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila obatai - Unit 2 - Wailupe follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila ochrobasis)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Hawaii, island of Hawaii, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila ochrobasis are:

(i) Mesic to wet, montane, ohia, koa, and Cheirodendron sp. forest between the elevations of 3,850-5,390 ft (1,173-1,643 m); and

(ii) The larval host plants Clermontia calophylla, C. clermontioides, C. clermontioides ssp. rockiana, C. drepanomorpha, C. hawaiiensis, C. kohalae, C. lindseyana, C. montis-loa, C. parviflora, C. peleana, C. pyrularia, C. waimeae, Marattia douglasii, Myrsine lanaiensis, M. lessertiana, and M. sandwicensis, which exhibit one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila ochrobasis follows:

(6) Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 1 - Kipuka 9, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 884112, 2179392; 884090, 2179333; 884069, 2179303; 884023, 2179281; 883971, 2179292; 883936, 2179295; 883896, 2179273; 883855, 2179287; 883825, 2179319; 883828, 2179335; 883861, 2179349; 883869, 2179346; 883885, 2179346; 883888, 2179373; 883893, 2179409; 883896, 2179441; 883934, 2179473; 883985, 2179484; 884036, 2179444; 884112, 2179409.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 1 - Kipuka 9 follows:

(7) Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 2 - Kipuka 14, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 884379, 2179103; 884375, 2179051; 884351, 2178992; 884320, 2178889; 884264, 2178832; 884236, 2178818; 884211, 2178834; 884141, 2178891; 884099, 2178924; 884064, 2178929; 884026, 2178959; 884026, 2178976; 884052, 2178983; 884071, 2179008; 884101, 2179013; 884137, 2179021; 884160, 2179035; 884148, 2179051; 884151, 2179065; 884210, 2179063; 884208, 2179084; 884242, 2179101; 884280, 2179131; 884323, 2179146; 884365, 2179146.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 2 - Kipuka 14 follows:

(8) Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 3 - Kohala Mountains East, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 848091, 2222077; 847912, 2222077; 847578, 2222142; 847461, 2222323; 847396, 2222654; 847508, 2222900; 847620, 2223146; 847773, 2223179; 848104, 2223079; 848172, 2222934; 848235, 2222798; 848327, 2222764; 848361, 2222693; 848350, 2222595; 848317, 2222476; 848177, 2222184.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 3 - Kohala Mountains East follows:

(9) Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 4 - Kohala Mountains West, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 841990, 2224000; 842156, 2223966; 842268, 2223966; 842486, 2223897; 842666, 2223757; 842803, 2223586; 842840, 2223426; 842812, 2223314; 842758, 2223157; 842584, 2223047; 842430, 2223096; 842355, 2223157; 842260, 2223278; 842154, 2223345; 842020, 2223634; 841988, 2223746; 841967, 2223882.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 4 - Kohala Mountains West follows:

(10) Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 5 - Upper Kahuku, Hawaii County, island of Hawaii, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 850211, 2124185; 849989, 2124179; 849874, 2124347; 849874, 2124516; 849975, 2124603; 850177, 2124724; 850332, 2124866; 850474, 2124900; 850589, 2124832; 850669, 2124785; 850690, 2124684; 850669, 2124549; 850508, 2124448; 850339, 2124320.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila ochrobasis - Unit 5 - Upper Kahuku follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Kauai County, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) Primary constituent elements.

(i) In units 1, 2, and 3, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) are:

(A) Elevation: 3,000 to 5,243 ft (914 to 1,598 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: 50 to 75 inches (127 to 190 centimeters).

(C) Substrate: Weathered aa lava flows, rocky mucks, thin silty loams, deep volcanic ash soils.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Metrosideros, Psychotria, Tetraplasandra, Zanthoxylum.

(E) Subcanopy: Cheirodendron, Coprosma, Kadua, Ilex, Myoporum, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Bidens, Dryopteris, Leptecophylla, Poa, Scaevola, Sophora.

(G) Larval host plants (Cheirodendron sp., Tetraplasandra sp.).

(ii) In units 4, 5, and 6, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) are:

(A) Elevation: 3,000 to 5,243 ft (914 to 1,598 m).

(B) Annual precipitation: Greater than 75 inches (190 centimeters).

(C) Substrate: Well-developed soils, montane bogs.

(D) Canopy: Acacia, Charpentiera, Cheirodendron, Metrosideros.

(E) Subcanopy: Broussaisia, Cibotium, Eurya, Ilex, Myrsine.

(F) Understory: Ferns, Carex, Coprosma, Leptecophylla, Oreobolus, Rhynchospora, Vaccinium.

(G) Larval host plants (Cheirodendron sp., Tetraplasandra sp.).

(3) Manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, existing on the effective date of this rule do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements.

(4) Critical habitat maps. Maps were created in GIS, with coordinates in UTM Zone 4 with units in meters using North American datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

(5) Index map of critical habitat units for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

(6) Unit 1-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 1-Montane Mesic consists of 2,422.6 ac (980.4 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 430107, 2447429; 430242, 2447664; 430073, 2447126; 430793, 2448310; 430124, 2446907; 430393, 2447748; 430690, 2447765; 430671, 2447997; 430764, 2448188; 430886, 2448507; 430903, 2448664; 430985, 2448705; 431560, 2448675; 431414, 2448890; 430291, 2446570; 431058, 2446300; 431200, 2449070; 431362, 2449169; 431171, 2448699; 430854, 2445930; 432530, 2450196; 431391, 2449273; 431323, 2447013; 431211, 2446394; 431101, 2446447; 431112, 2446394; 431069, 2446331; 431007, 2446203; 430944, 2446145; 430902, 2445976; 430191, 2446386; 430826, 2445805; 430857, 2445727; 430824, 2445631; 430442, 2445640; 430323, 2445779; 430204, 2445809; 430191, 2445898; 429898, 2446100; 429871, 2446234; 430939, 2446061; 432796, 2450365; 432504, 2449961; 432579, 2450036; 432552, 2450080; 432551, 2450083; 432001, 2447726; 432534, 2450174; 431629, 2448739; 432565, 2450262; 432531, 2450116; 432740, 2450249; 432441, 2449848; 432808, 2450383; 432882, 2450351; 432904, 2450341; 432827, 2447751; 432932, 2447668; 433014, 2447717; 433109, 2447775; 433094, 2447922; 432560, 2450267; 431875, 2449780; 431322, 2449418; 431403, 2449436; 431727, 2449372; 431769, 2449447; 431705, 2449569; 431720, 2449620; 431805, 2449591; 431919, 2449578; 432498, 2449952; 431904, 2449665; 432486, 2449909; 432046, 2449781; 432052, 2449783; 432113, 2449740; 432217, 2449712; 432251, 2449685; 432259, 2449679; 432344, 2449744; 432419, 2449806; 431322, 2449372; 431905, 2449660; 434486, 2447126; 434073, 2448685; 434228, 2448620; 434292, 2448479; 434318, 2448298; 434279, 2447951; 434163, 2447783; 434086, 2447693; 434073, 2447500; 434623, 2446526; 434357, 2447229; 433545, 2449136; 434627, 2447088; 434686, 2447020; 434682, 2447017; 434657, 2446977; 434652, 2446933; 434612, 2446807; 434641, 2446663; 434631, 2446528; 434202, 2447345; 433399, 2449709; 431205, 2448983; 432073, 2447674; 433046, 2450280; 433196, 2450196; 433287, 2450063; 433353, 2449880; 433467, 2449787; 433429, 2449741; 433880, 2448827; 433407, 2449708; 433725, 2448994; 433401, 2449697; 433339, 2449600; 433313, 2449484; 433339, 2449381; 433368, 2449293; 433368, 2449292; 433369, 2449255; 433389, 2449256; 434254, 2447886; 433408, 2449708; 433527, 2447856; 434086, 2446095; 433862, 2446165; 433606, 2446193; 433449, 2446235; 433397, 2446440; 433257, 2446958; 433577, 2447086; 433706, 2447138; 434090, 2446098; 433562, 2447841; 432639, 2447624; 432918, 2447407; 432672, 2447598; 434620, 2446512; 432609, 2447647; 434318, 2448182; 432195, 2447587; 432136, 2447629; 432133, 2447631; 432081, 2447668; 433746, 2447766; 434500, 2446448; 432320, 2447497; 434103, 2446297; 434618, 2446459; 434582, 2446443; 434558, 2446439; 434514, 2446449; 434471, 2446422; 434457, 2446416; 434447, 2446420; 434392, 2446421; 434423, 2446441; 434416, 2446441; 434625, 2446467; 434201, 2446573; 434403, 2446435; 434628, 2446479; 434400, 2446429; 434434, 2446428; 434386, 2446429; 434533, 2446441.

(ii) Map of Unit 1-Montane Mesic for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

(7) Unit 2-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 2-Montane Mesic consists of 375.6 ac (152.0 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 431975, 2446280; 432559, 2446255; 432659, 2446240; 432948, 2446150; 433067, 2445928; 432758, 2445304; 432001, 2445941; 431873, 2444849; 432912, 2445580; 432674, 2444970; 431626, 2445435; 431730, 2445114; 431950, 2444792; 432135, 2444807; 432377, 2444722; 432548, 2444752; 431645, 2445326; 431736, 2445617.

(ii) Map of Unit 2-Montane Mesic for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

(8) Unit 3-Montane Mesic, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 3-Montane Mesic consists of 138.5 ac (56.0 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 438012, 2440389; 438014, 2440437; 438023, 2440484; 438111, 2440652; 438112, 2440588; 437817, 2440071; 438028, 2440577; 437922, 2440355; 437336, 2440335; 437912, 2440201; 437827, 2440132; 437785, 2440013; 437687, 2439960; 437636, 2439819; 437870, 2440140; 437545, 2439761; 438149, 2440714; 437529, 2439721; 437987, 2441027; 437450, 2440047; 437335, 2440180; 437335, 2440329; 438159, 2440914; 438249, 2440857; 438253, 2440854; 438243, 2440830; 438287, 2440738; 437602, 2440771; 438227, 2440730; 437586, 2439743.

(ii) Map of Unit 3-Montane Mesic for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

(9) Unit 4-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 4-Montane Wet consists of 13,055.0 ac (5,283.2 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 448638, 2440764; 448601, 2440679; 448606, 2440704; 448612, 2440722; 448615, 2440731; 448619, 2440740; 448630, 2440759; 448650, 2440769; 448600, 2440668; 448622, 2440749; 448599, 2440647; 448601, 2440652; 448678, 2440741; 448777, 2440842; 448663, 2440773; 449006, 2441012; 448764, 2440857; 449068, 2441051; 449121, 2441114; 449121, 2441114; 448887, 2440934; 448811, 2440896; 448954, 2441097; 448943, 2441063; 448943, 2441053; 448943, 2441044; 448941, 2441024; 448940, 2441006; 448918, 2440982; 448877, 2440939; 448861, 2440927; 448735, 2440829; 448837, 2440912; 448678, 2440780; 448802, 2440889; 448788, 2440878; 449115, 2442038; 448745, 2440841; 449111, 2441196; 448727, 2440820; 448720, 2440813; 448711, 2440806; 448691, 2440790; 448841, 2440914; 447374, 2443275; 449244, 2441819; 447623, 2443445; 447616, 2443588; 447603, 2443646; 447556, 2443686; 447325, 2443651; 447295, 2443639; 447247, 2443586; 448634, 2443800; 447287, 2443339; 448657, 2443629; 447481, 2443262; 447636, 2443160; 447645, 2443143; 447645, 2443146; 447894, 2443371; 447865, 2443358; 447712, 2443351; 447631, 2443389; 448948, 2441084; 447249, 2443451; 448917, 2442504; 449106, 2441435; 449173, 2441529; 449201, 2441638; 449249, 2441697; 449275, 2441773; 449148, 2441893; 449090, 2442135; 449064, 2442221; 448614, 2443950; 448983, 2442384; 449078, 2441297; 448880, 2442563; 448861, 2442593; 448805, 2442677; 448765, 2442787; 448696, 2442955; 448653, 2443075; 448651, 2443187; 448674, 2443301; 448669, 2443477; 449024, 2442290; 444824, 2443350; 444161, 2444181; 445808, 2442898; 445681, 2442977; 445559, 2443010; 445437, 2443077; 446100, 2442628; 445045, 2443240; 446256, 2442602; 444659, 2443447; 444532, 2443516; 444456, 2443572; 444423, 2443638; 444334, 2443811; 446499, 2441271; 445254, 2443156; 446686, 2441764; 441856, 2446328; 446673, 2441408; 446651, 2441424; 446641, 2441436; 446587, 2441501; 445966, 2442725; 446640, 2441627; 444075, 2444349; 446694, 2442007; 446591, 2442195; 446650, 2442430; 446675, 2442432; 446482, 2442513; 446373, 2442574; 446587, 2441543; 443497, 2444548; 444237, 2444013; 443579, 2444514; 443571, 2444521; 443557, 2444532; 443553, 2444537; 443610, 2444483; 443516, 2444546; 443617, 2444477; 443483, 2444551; 443478, 2444555; 443464, 2444570; 443459, 2444579; 443452, 2444591; 443447, 2444608; 443534, 2444543; 443722, 2444464; 444016, 2444444; 443984, 2444419; 443985, 2444416; 443769, 2444440; 443760, 2444446; 443598, 2444493; 443732, 2444458; 446375, 2441172; 443703, 2444469; 443685, 2444463; 443677, 2444459; 443666, 2444456; 443647, 2444460; 443628, 2444469; 443740, 2444454; 441656, 2441573; 442568, 2441274; 440114, 2440528; 440464, 2440832; 440528, 2440844; 440586, 2440905; 440110, 2440524; 441650, 2441573; 440014, 2440441; 441659, 2441579; 441727, 2441586; 441774, 2441575; 441900, 2441576; 441968, 2441515; 446610, 2441349; 441637, 2441552; 439096, 2441847; 438866, 2442347; 438934, 2442351; 438960, 2442270; 438967, 2442246; 438976, 2442220; 440113, 2440527; 439088, 2441871; 442723, 2441295; 439491, 2440617; 439551, 2440431; 439556, 2440414; 439832, 2440430; 439931, 2440426; 440002, 2440430; 439037, 2442031; 445551, 2441162; 442287, 2441225; 445235, 2441328; 445344, 2441376; 445380, 2441414; 445392, 2441392; 444560, 2441032; 445510, 2441194; 444480, 2440997; 445886, 2441308; 446122, 2441415; 446214, 2441291; 448944, 2441075; 446300, 2441227; 446357, 2441185; 445395, 2441389; 443889, 2441172; 442843, 2441314; 442924, 2441340; 442982, 2441350; 442977, 2441356; 443016, 2441342; 445124, 2441205; 443707, 2441132; 443440, 2444655; 444062, 2441230; 444083, 2441215; 444109, 2441224; 444113, 2441221; 444124, 2441223; 444455, 2440990; 443023, 2441344; 442711, 2445664; 442430, 2445827; 442668, 2445560; 442666, 2445576; 442668, 2445590; 442674, 2445604; 442672, 2445510; 442713, 2445661; 442668, 2445494; 442501, 2445803; 442492, 2445803; 442467, 2445799; 442448, 2445805; 442444, 2445807; 443444, 2444627; 442710, 2445647; 442709, 2445399; 442804, 2445357; 442798, 2445359; 442785, 2445364; 442765, 2445370; 442747, 2445377; 442673, 2445515; 442727, 2445386; 442430, 2445830; 442694, 2445414; 442689, 2445419; 442682, 2445433; 442675, 2445453; 442671, 2445471; 442667, 2445490; 442743, 2445378; 441897, 2446273; 442435, 2445813; 442019, 2446165; 442005, 2446171; 441982, 2446194; 441963, 2446219; 442059, 2446159; 441929, 2446268; 442071, 2446146; 441879, 2446263; 441852, 2446219; 441838, 2446221; 441834, 2446230; 441848, 2446265; 441855, 2446295; 441943, 2446256; 442202, 2445986; 442428, 2445851; 442381, 2445882; 442372, 2445885; 442317, 2445917; 442301, 2445924; 442039, 2446165; 442261, 2445949; 442858, 2445342; 442175, 2445995; 442100, 2446007; 442082, 2446029; 442072, 2446052; 442067, 2446082; 442073, 2446121; 442273, 2445945; 443240, 2444927; 442821, 2445353; 443294, 2444870; 443290, 2444876; 443281, 2444890; 443271, 2444898; 443307, 2444833; 443252, 2444914; 443309, 2444829; 443234, 2444932; 443215, 2444938; 443196, 2444944; 443193, 2444946; 443177, 2444962; 443175, 2444965; 443260, 2444907; 443352, 2444721; 438757, 2442331; 443435, 2444664; 443423, 2444686; 443403, 2444695; 443385, 2444699; 443301, 2444851; 443366, 2444706; 443156, 2445003; 443346, 2444728; 443341, 2444740; 443333, 2444758; 443327, 2444778; 443320, 2444796; 443313, 2444815; 443373, 2444702; 442952, 2445303; 443029, 2445263; 443009, 2445266; 443006, 2445268; 442990, 2445276; 442981, 2445284; 443163, 2444984; 442956, 2445301; 443068, 2445227; 442934, 2445314; 442915, 2445323; 442898, 2445330; 442877, 2445336; 442862, 2445341; 443443, 2444647; 442972, 2445292; 443122, 2445132; 442842, 2445347; 443153, 2445020; 443153, 2445040; 443152, 2445059; 443150, 2445078; 443144, 2445096; 443047, 2445260; 443135, 2445115; 443065, 2445247; 443103, 2445152; 443083, 2445171; 443066, 2445190; 443066, 2445209; 443067, 2445215; 443158, 2444995; 443140, 2445105; 440025, 2445056; 439668, 2444981; 440214, 2445151; 440216, 2445150; 440347, 2445106; 440289, 2445097; 440078, 2445204; 440124, 2445056; 439994, 2445245; 439910, 2445087; 439796, 2445123; 439719, 2445133; 439696, 2445110; 439681, 2445072; 439364, 2444192; 440216, 2445076; 439480, 2445095; 438927, 2444790; 438982, 2444746; 439037, 2444786; 439157, 2444829; 439238, 2444846; 440165, 2445166; 439434, 2444999; 439643, 2444902; 439484, 2445120; 439501, 2445220; 439598, 2445317; 439699, 2445360; 439794, 2445352; 439883, 2445309; 439360, 2444907; 439945, 2444540; 439673, 2445011; 439890, 2444912; 439948, 2444922; 439994, 2444883; 440052, 2444784; 439859, 2444782; 439996, 2444642; 439859, 2444723; 439876, 2444423; 439825, 2444344; 439759, 2444342; 439685, 2444334; 439583, 2444266; 438838, 2442340; 440032, 2444731; 439254, 2444472; 439571, 2444823; 439485, 2444800; 439386, 2444762; 439258, 2444658; 439172, 2444564; 439864, 2444845; 439156, 2444527; 438580, 2444854; 439413, 2444371; 439522, 2444418; 439617, 2444459; 439747, 2444522; 439800, 2444594; 439843, 2444655; 439145, 2444538; 435698, 2452376; 438807, 2444845; 436003, 2452334; 435955, 2452326; 435902, 2452378; 435838, 2452443; 436579, 2452559; 435719, 2452378; 436804, 2452559; 435477, 2452358; 435478, 2452345; 435479, 2452304; 435517, 2452192; 435519, 2452190; 435540, 2452168; 435810, 2452427; 438006, 2453313; 438476, 2452702; 438465, 2452788; 438430, 2452817; 438386, 2452854; 438269, 2452930; 436189, 2452365; 438110, 2453148; 435895, 2451700; 437935, 2453510; 437933, 2453512; 437797, 2453318; 437592, 2453026; 437202, 2452948; 437201, 2452932; 438116, 2453088; 438263, 2444805; 436811, 2449026; 437237, 2447714; 437230, 2447713; 437248, 2447657; 437232, 2447645; 435631, 2452072; 438179, 2444732; 436566, 2449559; 438343, 2444896; 438406, 2444952; 438475, 2444955; 438523, 2444886; 438536, 2444858; 439298, 2444154; 438168, 2444734; 436235, 2450550; 438677, 2444833; 435961, 2451591; 436027, 2451466; 436103, 2451262; 436162, 2451016; 436212, 2450766; 436739, 2449180; 436234, 2450558; 436706, 2449252; 436250, 2450410; 436234, 2450237; 436386, 2449952; 436472, 2449769; 436566, 2449560; 435779, 2451881; 436230, 2450590; 438030, 2442243; 438130, 2442234; 437996, 2442188; 437998, 2442202; 437998, 2442205; 437999, 2442211; 437973, 2442147; 438012, 2442229; 437954, 2442136; 438049, 2442246; 438065, 2442246; 438088, 2442240; 438095, 2442238; 438098, 2442237; 439456, 2444205; 438000, 2442216; 437826, 2442106; 437754, 2441991; 437758, 2441998; 437766, 2442017; 437777, 2442052; 437791, 2442074; 437984, 2442167; 437806, 2442092; 438157, 2442234; 437839, 2442110; 437873, 2442121; 437887, 2442121; 437912, 2442123; 437926, 2442125; 437939, 2442128; 437799, 2442084; 438656, 2442321; 438114, 2442232; 438535, 2442314; 438536, 2442314; 438561, 2442316; 438577, 2442315; 438517, 2442310; 438626, 2442315; 438496, 2442310; 438668, 2442322; 438679, 2442324; 438694, 2442327; 438704, 2442326; 438721, 2442329; 446348, 2441177; 438609, 2442314; 438392, 2442294; 438219, 2442244; 438238, 2442248; 438254, 2442248; 438305, 2442256; 438355, 2442265; 438523, 2442310; 438376, 2442278; 437745, 2441950; 438418, 2442311; 438433, 2442319; 438436, 2442321; 438453, 2442321; 438453, 2442321; 438460, 2442320; 438373, 2442277; 437363, 2443282; 437751, 2441981; 437981, 2443476; 437808, 2443397; 437928, 2443310; 437950, 2443233; 438143, 2443587; 437364, 2443298; 438183, 2443628; 437277, 2443228; 437144, 2443208; 437065, 2443211; 437060, 2443212; 436974, 2443182; 436997, 2443061; 437657, 2443231; 438835, 2443883; 439282, 2444110; 439268, 2444068; 439181, 2444032; 439094, 2444009; 439048, 2443913; 438208, 2443477; 438964, 2443837; 437226, 2442709; 438723, 2443923; 438608, 2443916; 438453, 2443825; 438438, 2443814; 438318, 2443723; 438201, 2443629; 439043, 2443859; 437697, 2441878; 437601, 2441867; 437602, 2441867; 437617, 2441866; 437635, 2441866; 437647, 2441866; 437052, 2442940; 437689, 2441877; 437522, 2441879; 437705, 2441878; 437711, 2441887; 437717, 2441899; 437736, 2441928; 437740, 2441938; 438821, 2442339; 437674, 2441875; 437294, 2442356; 437747, 2441961; 437088, 2442647; 437103, 2442643; 437156, 2442615; 437159, 2442579; 437120, 2442503; 437566, 2441876; 437174, 2442422; 437532, 2441880; 437425, 2442191; 437307, 2442101; 437476, 2442051; 437493, 2441868; 437495, 2441869; 437182, 2442830; 437105, 2442445; 448431, 2442766; 448447, 2442675; 448469, 2442871; 448462, 2442858; 448442, 2442821; 448437, 2442805; 448481, 2442894; 448432, 2442775; 448486, 2442910; 448428, 2442750; 448428, 2442738; 448432, 2442727; 448437, 2442711; 448443, 2442699; 448671, 2442369; 448435, 2442791; 448579, 2443112; 448582, 2443190; 448582, 2443172; 448582, 2443162; 448583, 2443151; 448585, 2443140; 448477, 2442887; 448585, 2443122; 448447, 2442663; 448562, 2443086; 448545, 2443051; 448529, 2443019; 448507, 2442976; 448498, 2442952; 448490, 2442930; 448586, 2443129; 448642, 2442440; 448447, 2442688; 448602, 2442477; 448615, 2442472; 448623, 2442466; 448634, 2442459; 448566, 2442503; 448640, 2442451; 448550, 2442513; 448642, 2442430; 448642, 2442419; 448643, 2442410; 448648, 2442399; 448657, 2442387; 447996, 2444312; 448637, 2442455; 448464, 2442531; 448443, 2442636; 448443, 2442627; 448440, 2442604; 448438, 2442565; 448441, 2442549; 448587, 2442486; 448455, 2442534; 448589, 2443224; 448474, 2442530; 448488, 2442531; 448505, 2442534; 448515, 2442533; 448530, 2442527; 448536, 2442523; 448449, 2442536; 448502, 2443743; 448586, 2443203; 448512, 2443792; 448512, 2443783; 448513, 2443779; 448513, 2443769; 448473, 2443878; 448504, 2443752; 448470, 2443888; 448504, 2443735; 448507, 2443727; 448522, 2443706; 448538, 2443682; 448546, 2443665; 448552, 2443643; 448509, 2443760; 447932, 2443750; 447925, 2444320; 447843, 2444325; 447864, 2444277; 447942, 2444178; 448003, 2444015; 448500, 2443823; 447967, 2443867; 448549, 2443613; 447904, 2443646; 447921, 2443582; 447949, 2443460; 447939, 2443412; 448458, 2443882; 448470, 2443889; 448008, 2443903; 448590, 2443306; 448578, 2443441; 448572, 2443417; 448576, 2443405; 448584, 2443388; 448590, 2443369; 448552, 2443630; 448593, 2443325; 448591, 2443484; 448591, 2443291; 448592, 2443277; 448592, 2443261; 448592, 2443254; 448591, 2443241; 448673, 2442365; 448595, 2443352; 448553, 2443539; 448587, 2443214; 448544, 2443601; 448533, 2443587; 448527, 2443576; 448523, 2443570; 448518, 2443559; 448585, 2443461; 448528, 2443546; 448588, 2443466; 448560, 2443535; 448569, 2443527; 448577, 2443516; 448582, 2443508; 448589, 2443493; 448551, 2443621; 448518, 2443552; 449003, 2441449; 448936, 2441403; 449064, 2441492; 449060, 2441481; 449053, 2441472; 449049, 2441471; 449066, 2441511; 449032, 2441461; 449061, 2441528; 448971, 2441443; 448964, 2441441; 448952, 2441427; 448948, 2441420; 448945, 2441411; 448665, 2442379; 449040, 2441466; 449012, 2441616; 448972, 2441689; 446228, 2441279; 448995, 2441668; 449000, 2441660; 449004, 2441650; 449065, 2441502; 449009, 2441625; 448930, 2441400; 449017, 2441611; 449030, 2441595; 449037, 2441588; 449043, 2441578; 449046, 2441569; 449050, 2441561; 449006, 2441639; 448967, 2441159; 448940, 2441404; 448926, 2441212; 448930, 2441194; 448933, 2441184; 448941, 2441177; 448940, 2441238; 448961, 2441163; 448944, 2441250; 448972, 2441150; 448973, 2441143; 448972, 2441136; 448971, 2441119; 448969, 2441116; 448964, 2441109; 448949, 2441170; 448928, 2441313; 448922, 2441392; 448918, 2441381; 448916, 2441369; 448917, 2441357; 448919, 2441341; 448934, 2441230; 448925, 2441322; 448933, 2441715; 448935, 2441302; 448944, 2441291; 448948, 2441281; 448948, 2441273; 448948, 2441264; 448946, 2441259; 448920, 2441333; 448677, 2442140; 441868, 2446401; 448673, 2442209; 448671, 2442202; 448674, 2442187; 448680, 2442169; 448684, 2442226; 448682, 2442148; 448692, 2442233; 448675, 2442123; 448677, 2442115; 448683, 2442101; 448694, 2442089; 448710, 2442077; 448718, 2442069; 448684, 2442157; 448722, 2442303; 448677, 2442356; 448682, 2442350; 448697, 2442342; 448711, 2442341; 448721, 2442331; 448678, 2442221; 448723, 2442309; 448736, 2442055; 448718, 2442295; 448712, 2442283; 448707, 2442267; 448706, 2442257; 448705, 2442250; 448699, 2442238; 448724, 2442320; 448915, 2441796; 448850, 2441844; 448877, 2441825; 448884, 2441820; 448890, 2441818; 448892, 2441817; 448723, 2442061; 448910, 2441807; 448820, 2441871; 448913, 2441774; 448914, 2441760; 448913, 2441753; 448915, 2441738; 448925, 2441722; 448957, 2441700; 448900, 2441814; 448787, 2441967; 448939, 2441710; 448746, 2442051; 448755, 2442041; 448764, 2442029; 448768, 2442019; 448773, 2442013; 448840, 2441852; 448781, 2441990; 448831, 2441859; 448789, 2441938; 448803, 2441914; 448813, 2441900; 448814, 2441894; 448817, 2441884; 448728, 2442058; 448777, 2442002; 440375, 2448361; 440198, 2448467; 440421, 2448239; 440415, 2448290; 440416, 2448314; 440411, 2448336; 440401, 2448191; 440391, 2448353; 440384, 2448138; 440350, 2448395; 440331, 2448411; 440307, 2448418; 440254, 2448428; 440237, 2448434; 439526, 2448944; 440402, 2448352; 440409, 2447991; 440377, 2447819; 440378, 2447845; 440384, 2447871; 440395, 2447896; 440436, 2447941; 440413, 2448216; 440426, 2447974; 440190, 2448485; 440343, 2448005; 440329, 2448016; 440325, 2448033; 440331, 2448061; 440341, 2448084; 440374, 2448123; 440435, 2447959; 439678, 2448950; 440218, 2448446; 439853, 2448941; 439830, 2448945; 439788, 2448929; 439761, 2448926; 439900, 2448928; 439697, 2448941; 439922, 2448928; 439656, 2448949; 439633, 2448940; 439611, 2448928; 439578, 2448906; 439553, 2448909; 439539, 2448922; 439733, 2448930; 440089, 2448747; 440179, 2448496; 440157, 2448511; 440136, 2448537; 440120, 2448633; 440125, 2448690; 439875, 2448932; 440112, 2448732; 440451, 2447620; 440073, 2448762; 440036, 2448815; 440000, 2448878; 439982, 2448899; 439961, 2448915; 439941, 2448924; 440121, 2448718; 441363, 2447030; 440383, 2447794; 441405, 2446869; 441402, 2446899; 441403, 2446972; 441399, 2446995; 441455, 2446804; 441373, 2447026; 441476, 2446797; 441317, 2447043; 441283, 2447083; 441268, 2447104; 441240, 2447171; 441231, 2447186; 441219, 2447195; 441398, 2446997; 441674, 2446682; 448141, 2444294; 448986, 2441677; 441864, 2446424; 441847, 2446451; 441836, 2446475; 441434, 2446820; 441829, 2446505; 441148, 2447188; 441648, 2446705; 441620, 2446723; 441584, 2446741; 441549, 2446752; 441532, 2446763; 441521, 2446777; 441829, 2446501; 440674, 2447485; 440710, 2447368; 440699, 2447389; 440693, 2447407; 440695, 2447430; 440703, 2447452; 441201, 2447195; 440693, 2447475; 440800, 2447339; 440599, 2447501; 440579, 2447511; 440540, 2447539; 440487, 2447571; 440468, 2447593; 440124, 2448663; 440703, 2447461; 440941, 2447230; 440413, 2447711; 441133, 2447183; 441113, 2447170; 441095, 2447154; 441083, 2447147; 441058, 2447153; 440722, 2447354; 440969, 2447210; 440740, 2447346; 440888, 2447250; 440873, 2447265; 440865, 2447286; 440858, 2447311; 440842, 2447328; 441172, 2447190; 441039, 2447168; 438599, 2451708; 438434, 2451069; 438440, 2451600; 438425, 2451652; 438429, 2451670; 438442, 2451682; 438419, 2451509; 438529, 2451692; 438410, 2451464; 438657, 2451738; 439516, 2448971; 438675, 2451766; 440125, 2448578; 438680, 2451858; 438715, 2451908; 438484, 2451690; 438467, 2451228; 438455, 2451089; 438463, 2451098; 438475, 2451113; 438484, 2451141; 438486, 2451163; 438435, 2451571; 438472, 2451209; 438888, 2452163; 438472, 2451261; 438481, 2451287; 438485, 2451346; 438478, 2451359; 438454, 2451380; 438422, 2451414; 438481, 2451188; 448609, 2443974; 438669, 2452384; 438605, 2452379; 438540, 2452374; 438510, 2452340; 438449, 2452330; 438761, 2452013; 438490, 2452605; 438816, 2452396; 448591, 2444072; 448566, 2444172; 448548, 2444233; 448510, 2444279; 448464, 2444284; 448299, 2444289; 438431, 2452414; 439138, 2452428; 438670, 2451754; 438936, 2452213; 438977, 2452232; 438979, 2452233; 439031, 2452285; 439037, 2452297; 438716, 2452393; 439083, 2452342; 438779, 2452391; 439171, 2452514; 439201, 2452565; 439114, 2452513; 438954, 2452430; 438851, 2452395; 438833, 2452090; 439061, 2452327; 439044, 2449631; 438944, 2449813; 439167, 2449414; 439146, 2449435; 439114, 2449463; 439102, 2449480; 439220, 2449318; 439065, 2449586; 439230, 2449287; 439037, 2449642; 439025, 2449671; 439016, 2449687; 438999, 2449702; 438974, 2449738; 438965, 2449767; 439076, 2449548; 439382, 2449107; 439508, 2448984; 439451, 2449000; 439437, 2449023; 438680, 2451783; 439433, 2449078; 439200, 2449362; 439399, 2449097; 439421, 2449088; 439361, 2449126; 439330, 2449145; 439307, 2449169; 439277, 2449220; 439260, 2449242; 439244, 2449261; 438425, 2451047; 438554, 2450559; 438737, 2450311; 438736, 2450325; 438731, 2450342; 438715, 2450373; 438690, 2450392; 438621, 2450415; 438732, 2450286; 438578, 2450438; 438501, 2450796; 438488, 2450686; 438472, 2450910; 438435, 2450985; 438427, 2450964; 438919, 2449853; 439437, 2449066; 438581, 2450423; 438816, 2450028; 438717, 2450241; 438894, 2449879; 438884, 2449918; 438904, 2449863; 438831, 2450010; 438850, 2449982; 438791, 2450036; 438765, 2450051; 438744, 2450081; 438730, 2450109; 438717, 2450158; 438716, 2450162; 438713, 2450206.

(ii) Map of Unit 4-Montane Wet for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

(10) Unit 5-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 5-Montane Wet consists of 789.9 ac (319.7 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 433436, 2449707; 433445, 2449707; 433444, 2449707; 433443, 2449707; 433458, 2449707; 433436, 2449707; 433426, 2449707; 433408, 2449708; 433429, 2449741; 433493, 2449765; 433633, 2449724; 433742, 2449724; 433467, 2449787; 433460, 2449707; 433468, 2449706; 433484, 2449694; 433414, 2449628; 433461, 2449623; 433457, 2449622; 433339, 2449600; 433440, 2449604; 433437, 2449592; 433426, 2449556; 433419, 2449599; 433831, 2449767; 434991, 2449344; 433401, 2449697; 433480, 2449629; 434938, 2449321; 433313, 2449484; 433455, 2449620; 434842, 2449253; 434839, 2449258; 434834, 2449277; 434833, 2449278; 434833, 2449278; 434833, 2449280; 434833, 2449281; 434872, 2449294; 434881, 2449297; 434884, 2449298; 435010, 2449343; 434899, 2449305; 433903, 2449882; 435011, 2449352; 435010, 2449343; 435005, 2449310; 434948, 2449300; 434908, 2449290; 434908, 2449290; 434890, 2449251; 434872, 2449246; 434848, 2449239; 434844, 2449248; 434034, 2449950; 434026, 2449951; 433969, 2449958; 434898, 2449304; 435183, 2449401; 434713, 2447038; 434738, 2447045; 434738, 2447030; 434795, 2447069; 434994, 2447085; 435093, 2447245; 435290, 2447449; 435295, 2447440; 435360, 2447538; 435282, 2448685; 435266, 2448909; 435236, 2449351; 434686, 2447020; 435232, 2449399; 435272, 2448835; 435080, 2449407; 434920, 2449394; 434752, 2449405; 434498, 2449522; 434338, 2449660; 434208, 2449767; 434141, 2449863; 434137, 2449869; 434124, 2449948; 434074, 2449972; 433461, 2449623; 433339, 2449381; 435234, 2449384; 433589, 2449323; 433725, 2448994; 433545, 2449136; 433389, 2449256; 433567, 2449260; 433588, 2449244; 433880, 2448827; 433612, 2449262; 433525, 2449415; 433567, 2449398; 433546, 2449412; 434627, 2447088; 433448, 2449426; 435236, 2449347; 433368, 2449293; 433599, 2449252; 434202, 2447345; 433367, 2449352; 434073, 2448685; 434357, 2447229; 434073, 2447500; 434086, 2447693; 434163, 2447783; 434254, 2447886; 434318, 2448182; 434318, 2448298; 434292, 2448479; 434279, 2447951; 434486, 2447126; 434228, 2448620.

(ii) Map of Unit 5-Montane Wet for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

(11) Unit 6-Montane Wet, Kauai County, Hawaii.

(i) Unit 6-Montane Wet consists of 413.5 ac (167.3 ha) and includes land bounded by the following UTM Zone 4, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 448516, 2447525; 447976, 2448470; 448042, 2448338; 448133, 2448200; 448235, 2448042; 448834, 2447273; 448288, 2447915; 448412, 2447653; 448669, 2447406; 447943, 2448562; 448763, 2447342; 448059, 2449434; 448321, 2447795; 447961, 2448628; 448037, 2448780; 448088, 2448897; 448122, 2449037; 448119, 2449134; 448056, 2449368; 448099, 2449454; 448242, 2449457; 448328, 2449449; 448440, 2449296; 448382, 2449406; 448887, 2447191; 448091, 2449266; 448610, 2449255; 448931, 2447092; 448511, 2449199; 448623, 2449141; 448641, 2449184; 448593, 2449298; 448613, 2449357; 448702, 2449395; 448812, 2449420; 448906, 2449440; 448959, 2449443; 448964, 2449425; 448952, 2449316; 448954, 2449143; 448881, 2447609; 448987, 2448959; 448980, 2446980; 448979, 2446983; 448577, 2449143; 448980, 2446982; 448981, 2446981; 449105, 2447827; 449087, 2447916; 449044, 2448132; 449032, 2448326; 449045, 2448506; 449040, 2448659; 449012, 2448822.

(ii) Map of Unit 6-Montane Wet for Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila sharpi) follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila substenoptera)

(1) Critical habitat is depicted for County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila substenoptera are:

(i) Mesic to wet, lowland to montane, ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 1,920-4,030 ft (585-1,228 m); and

(ii) The larval host plants Cheirodendron platyphyllum ssp. platyphyllum, C. trigynum ssp. trigynum, Tetraplasandra kavaiensis, and T. oahuensis, which exhibit one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila substenoptera follows:

(6) Drosophila substenoptera - Unit 1 - Mt. Kaala, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 588692, 2378661; 588740, 2378622; 588806, 2378595; 588799, 2378573; 588790, 2378564; 588785, 2378562; 588776, 2378565; 588776, 2378565; 588776, 2378565; 588776, 2378565; 588776, 2378565; 588776, 2378565; 588776, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588766, 2378566; 588765, 2378566; 588765, 2378566; 588765, 2378566; 588753, 2378551; 588731, 2378529; 588722, 2378520; 588722, 2378520; 588722, 2378520; 588714, 2378509; 588660, 2378470; 588660, 2378470; 588660, 2378470; 588660, 2378470; 588617, 2378429; 588584, 2378412; 588563, 2378405; 588530, 2378398; 588530, 2378398; 588484, 2378387; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588466, 2378384; 588459, 2378380; 588459, 2378380; 588459, 2378380; 588459, 2378380; 588459, 2378379; 588459, 2378379; 588459, 2378379; 588459, 2378379; 588395, 2378293; 588361, 2378254; 588361, 2378254; 588361, 2378254; 588361, 2378254; 588361, 2378254; 588349, 2378234; 588349, 2378234; 588349, 2378234; 588349, 2378234; 588349, 2378234; 588349, 2378234; 588344, 2378210; 588344, 2378210; 588344, 2378210; 588344, 2378210; 588344, 2378210; 588344, 2378210; 588344, 2378186; 588344, 2378186; 588344, 2378186; 588344, 2378186; 588349, 2378161; 588349, 2378161; 588349, 2378161; 588349, 2378161; 588373, 2378097; 588385, 2378041; 588384, 2378026; 588380, 2378003; 588364, 2377972; 588364, 2377972; 588364, 2377972; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588351, 2377941; 588354, 2377924; 588354, 2377924; 588354, 2377923; 588354, 2377923; 588354, 2377923; 588362, 2377904; 588362, 2377904; 588362, 2377904; 588362, 2377904; 588362, 2377904; 588369, 2377893; 588369, 2377893; 588369, 2377893; 588369, 2377893; 588369, 2377893; 588369, 2377893; 588376, 2377888; 588308, 2377906; 588255, 2377885; 588156, 2377924; 588103, 2377905; 588064, 2377903; 587879, 2378062; 587792, 2378228; 587806, 2378342; 587939, 2378515; 588067, 2378659; 588232, 2378655; 588363, 2378748; 588503, 2378737; 588614, 2378668.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila substenoptera - Unit 1 - Mt. Kaala follows:

(7) Drosophila substenoptera - Unit 2 - Palikea, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593529, 2367854; 593448, 2367801; 593302, 2367874; 593242, 2367927; 593193, 2367967; 593165, 2368065; 593217, 2368150; 593314, 2368283; 593399, 2368425; 593448, 2368578; 593505, 2368716; 593622, 2368833; 593703, 2368906; 593764, 2368963; 593832, 2369044; 593901, 2369145; 594002, 2369262; 594079, 2369331; 594104, 2369396; 594120, 2369485; 594124, 2369521; 594148, 2369525; 594213, 2369525; 594310, 2369497; 594395, 2369473; 594399, 2369392; 594396, 2369356; 594417, 2369313; 594461, 2369290; 594551, 2369278; 594579, 2369250; 594559, 2369197; 594472, 2369183; 594391, 2369179; 594354, 2369153; 594302, 2369072; 594257, 2369015; 594213, 2368914; 594136, 2368809; 594083, 2368672; 594035, 2368550; 593966, 2368417; 593966, 2368324; 593909, 2368259; 593792, 2368105; 593675, 2368000.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila substenoptera - Unit 2 - Palikea follows:

Hawaiian picture-wing fly (Drosophila tarphytrichia)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Drosophila tarphytrichia are:

(i) Dry to mesic, lowland, ohia and koa forest between the elevations of 1,720-2,985 ft (524-910 m); and

(ii) The larval host plant Charpentiera obovata, which exhibits one or more life stages (from seedlings to senescent individuals).

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Coordinates are in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83).

(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Drosophila tarphytrichia follows:

(6) Drosophila tarphytrichia - Unit 1 - Kaluaa Gulch, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593240, 2374436; 593231, 2374371; 593281, 2374410; 593315, 2374385; 593612, 2374173; 593656, 2374138; 593621, 2374096; 593641, 2374077; 593676, 2374072; 593703, 2374057; 593734, 2374039; 593758, 2374058; 593793, 2374029; 593779, 2373964; 593731, 2373894; 593660, 2373784; 593609, 2373702; 593592, 2373648; 593592, 2373594; 593598, 2373553; 593657, 2373561; 593770, 2373549; 593792, 2373496; 593797, 2373417; 593842, 2373411; 593842, 2373326; 593905, 2373404; 594053, 2373383; 594103, 2373292; 594134, 2373228; 594156, 2373250; 594194, 2373256; 594178, 2373323; 594196, 2373386; 594229, 2373390; 594312, 2373340; 594341, 2373350; 594339, 2373421; 594383, 2373487; 594381, 2373513; 594460, 2373552; 594496, 2373553; 594497, 2373518; 594526, 2373509; 594572, 2373460; 594632, 2373519; 594649, 2373523; 594699, 2373475; 594728, 2373476; 594762, 2373532; 594791, 2373529; 594828, 2373501; 594852, 2373465; 594903, 2373501; 594933, 2373500; 594952, 2373489; 594974, 2373334; 594800, 2373150; 594718, 2373120; 594718, 2373102; 594744, 2373091; 594710, 2372721; 594720, 2372686; 594716, 2372633; 594678, 2372623; 594566, 2372651; 594536, 2372666; 594506, 2372663; 594467, 2372672; 594395, 2372663; 594406, 2372650; 594546, 2372567; 594558, 2372553; 594551, 2372535; 594389, 2372452; 594395, 2372434; 594415, 2372428; 594511, 2372449; 594603, 2372437; 594614, 2372421; 594607, 2372385; 594593, 2372353; 594591, 2372317; 594618, 2372322; 594661, 2372357; 594700, 2372384; 594696, 2372334; 594697, 2372333; 594697, 2372283; 594652, 2372257; 594541, 2372266; 594454, 2372294; 594400, 2372294; 594293, 2372267; 594231, 2372261; 594168, 2372241; 594126, 2372258; 594075, 2372267; 594030, 2372303; 593999, 2372354; 593948, 2372388; 593889, 2372397; 593812, 2372413; 593781, 2372425; 593756, 2372442; 593742, 2372467; 593742, 2372490; 593736, 2372521; 593736, 2372560; 593757, 2372587; 593790, 2372662; 593663, 2372772; 593543, 2372859; 593558, 2372894; 593555, 2372910; 593526, 2372928; 593476, 2372912; 593422, 2372953; 593420, 2372976; 593403, 2372997; 593400, 2373025; 593373, 2373016; 593352, 2373044; 593328, 2373025; 593215, 2373118; 593230, 2373171; 593214, 2373176; 593163, 2373154; 593095, 2373213; 593091, 2373238; 593064, 2373243; 593019, 2373295; 592937, 2373388; 592889, 2373462; 592897, 2373535; 592908, 2373597; 592923, 2373668; 592914, 2373772; 592889, 2373866; 592868, 2373941; 592867, 2373950; 592894, 2374029; 592908, 2374120; 592894, 2374162; 592860, 2374213; 592854, 2374216; 593151, 2374494.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila tarphytrichia - Unit 1 - Kaluaa Gulch follows:

(7) Drosophila tarphytrichia - Unit 2 - Palikea, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 593529, 2367854; 593448, 2367801; 593302, 2367874; 593242, 2367927; 593193, 2367967; 593165, 2368065; 593217, 2368150; 593314, 2368283; 593399, 2368425; 593448, 2368578; 593505, 2368716; 593622, 2368833; 593703, 2368906; 593764, 2368963; 593832, 2369044; 593901, 2369145; 594002, 2369262; 594079, 2369331; 594104, 2369396; 594120, 2369485; 594124, 2369521; 594148, 2369525; 594213, 2369525; 594310, 2369497; 594395, 2369473; 594399, 2369392; 594396, 2369356; 594417, 2369313; 594461, 2369290; 594551, 2369278; 594579, 2369250; 594559, 2369197; 594472, 2369183; 594391, 2369179; 594354, 2369153; 594302, 2369072; 594257, 2369015; 594213, 2368914; 594136, 2368809; 594083, 2368672; 594035, 2368550; 593966, 2368417; 593966, 2368324; 593909, 2368259; 593792, 2368105; 593675, 2368000.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila tarphytrichia - Unit 2 - Palikea follows:

(8) Drosophila tarphytrichia - Unit 3 - Puu Kaua, City and County of Honolulu, island of Oahu, Hawaii.

(i) Land bounded by the following coordinates: 594166, 2370854; 594166, 2370853; 594164, 2370854; 594122, 2370843; 594090, 2370815; 594040, 2370789; 593996, 2370789; 593930, 2370827; 593852, 2370875; 593778, 2370907; 593716, 2370947; 593642, 2370999; 593602, 2371041; 593574, 2371067; 593558, 2371095; 593539, 2371118; 593531, 2371121; 593534, 2371173; 593519, 2371375; 593533, 2371375; 593552, 2371390; 593628, 2371404; 593716, 2371426; 593794, 2371431; 593876, 2371437; 593974, 2371435; 594036, 2371431; 594138, 2371415; 594190, 2371399; 594232, 2371385; 594246, 2371359; 594239, 2371354; 594170, 2370879; 594172, 2370877; 594170, 2370855.

(ii) Note: Map of Drosophila tarphytrichia - Unit 3 - Puu Kaua follows:

Zayante Band-Winged Grasshopper (Trimerotropis infantilis)

1. The unit of critical habitat is depicted for Santa Cruz County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.

2. Within this area, the primary constituent elements for the Zayante band-winged grasshopper are those physical and biological elements that provide conditions that are essential for the primary biological needs of thermoregulation, foraging, sheltering, reproduction, and dispersal. The primary constituent elements are - (a) the presence of Zayante soils, (b) the occurrence of Zayante sand hills habitat and the associated plant species, and (c) certain microhabitat conditions, including areas that receive large amounts of sunlight, widely scattered tree and shrub cover, bare or sparsely vegetated ground, and loose sand. Zayante sand hills habitat is characterized by plant species associated with ponderosa pine sand parkland and/or silverleaf manzanita mixed chaparral. Plant species that may occur within the boundaries include, but are not limited to - ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), silver-leafed manzanita (Arctostaphylos silvicola), California lilac (Ceonothus sp.), Adenostoma sp., yerba santa (Eriodictyon sp.), sandwort (Minuartia sp.), pussypaws (Calyptridium umbellatum), Ben Lomond spineflower (Erysimum teretifolium), monkeyflower (Mimulus rattanii), miniature lupine (Lupinis bicolor), gilia (Gilia tenuiflora), California aster (Lessingia filaginifolia), Ben Lomond buckwheat (Eriogonum nudum ssp. decurrens), and Ben Lomond spineflower (Chorizanthe pungens var. hartwegiana).

3. Critical habitat does not include existing developed sites consisting of buildings, roads, aquaducts, railroads, airports, paved areas, and similar features and structures.

Santa Cruz County, California. Boundaries are based upon the Public Land Survey System. Within the historical boundaries of the Land Grants of Zayanta, San Augustin, La Carbonera, and Canada Del Rincon En El Rio San Lorenzo De Santa Cruz, boundaries are based upon section lines that are extensions to the Public Land Survey System developed by the California Department of Forestry and obtained by the Service from the State of California's Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Township and Range numbering is derived from the Mount Diablo Base and Meridian. The following lands located within Santa Cruz County are being proposed for critical habitat: T.9 S., R.1 W., SE 14 sec. 31; T.9 S., R.2 W., SE 14 sec. 33, E 12 sec. 34, SW 14 sec. 35, S 12 sec. 3; T.10 S., R1 W., W 12 sec. 6; T.10 S., R.2 W., sec. 1, S 12 NW 14 sec. 2, sec. 3, W 12 sec. 4, W 12 sec. 9, sec. 10, sec. 11, sec. 13, sec. 14, N 12 SE 14 sec. 15, NE 14 sec. 22, secs. 23-26, N 12 sec. 35, sec. 36, excluding all lands covered under the Revised Habitat Conservation Plan for the Quail Hollow Quarry and the Habitat Conservation Plan for the Hanson Aggregates' Felton Plant.

Blackburn's Sphinx Moth (Manduca blackburni)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the Hawaiian islands of Maui, Kahoolawe, Hawaii, and Molokai on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Blackburn's sphinx moth include specific habitat components identified as essential for the primary biological needs of foraging, sheltering, maturation, dispersal, breeding, and egg-laying.

(i) Based on our current knowledge of the species, the primary constituent elements required by Blackburn's sphinx moth larvae for foraging and maturation are two larval host plant species in the endemic genus Nothocestrum (N. breviflorum and N. latifolium) and the habitats that support these plants, i.e., dry and mesic habitats between the elevations of sea level and 1,525 m (5,000 ft) that receive between 25 and 250 cm (10 and 100 in) of annual precipitation.

(ii) Based on our current knowledge of the species, the primary constituent elements required by Blackburn's sphinx moth adults for foraging, sheltering, dispersal, breeding, and egg production are native nectar-supplying plants, including, but not limited to, Ipomoea spp., Capparis sandwichiana, and Plumbago zeylanica, and the habitats that support these plants, i.e., dry and mesic habitats between the elevations of sea level and 1,525 m (5,000 ft) that receive between 25 and 250 cm (10 and 100 in) of annual precipitation.

(3) Existing manmade features and structures within the boundaries of the mapped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements described for the species in paragraph (2) of this section, and therefore, are not included in the critical habitat designations. These features include, but are not limited to: buildings; roads; aqueducts and other water system features such as pumping stations, irrigation ditches, pipelines, siphons, tunnels, water tanks, gauging stations (section in a stream channel equipped with facilities for obtaining streamflow data), intakes, and wells; telecommunications towers and associated structures and equipment; electrical power transmission lines and associated rights-of-way; radars; telemetry antennas; missile launch sites; arboreta and gardens; heiau (indigenous places of worship or shrines); airports; other paved areas; lawns; and other rural residential landscaped areas.

(4) Critical habitat units are described below. Coordinates are in UTM Zone 4 with units in meters using North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The following index map shows the general locations of the 9 critical habitat units designated on the islands of Hawaii, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Molokai.

(i) Note: Map 1 - State of Hawaii General Locations of Units for Blackburn's Sphinx Moth on Molokai, Maui, Kahoolawe, and Hawaii follows:

(ii) Unit 1: Island of Maui, Puu O Kali (1,604 ha; 3,965 ac):

(A) Unit 1 consists of the following 38 boundary points: Start at 770230, 2293671; 769969, 2293640; 769876, 2293794; 769523, 2293779; 769444, 2293784; 769146, 2293904; 769358, 2294451; 769492, 2294471; 769569, 2294563; 770123, 2294379; 770384, 2294317; 770707, 2294517; 770169, 2294794; 769629, 2295149; 769732, 2295410; 770032, 2295219; 769985, 2295371; 770360, 2295328; 769892, 2295671; 770362, 2295705; 770578, 2295954; 771492, 2296086; 772138, 2296102; 772522, 2296179; 772876, 2295933; 773384, 2295733; 773324, 2296764; 775265, 2296040; 775041, 2295484; 774484, 2295757; 774033, 2294844; 774654, 2294538; 774448, 2294006; 774392, 2292779; 773825, 2291760; 772032, 2292639; 770772, 2293255; 770524, 2293353; return to starting point.

(B) Note: Unit 1 is depicted below on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Island of Maui.

(iii) Unit 2: Island of Maui, Cape Kinau (603 ha; 1,490 ac):

(A) Unit 2 consists of the following 36 boundary points: 769419, 2281688; 769716, 2281856; 769854, 2281648; 769726, 2281351; 769548, 2281173; 769433, 2280683; 769312, 2280406; 769251, 2280342; 769175, 2280353; 769073, 2280442; 768954, 2280466; 768791, 2280406; 768658, 2280329; 768621, 2280282; 768645, 2279874; 768737, 2279820; 767046, 2281800; 767136, 2281768; 767208, 2281837; 767139, 2281940; 767151, 2281994; 767136, 2282020; 767607, 2282308; 767710, 2282266; 767837, 2282318; 767857, 2282291; 768160, 2282410; 769380, 2282944; 769746, 2282588; 769429, 2282400; 769103, 2282123; 768598, 2281510; 768687, 2281391; 768737, 2281399; 768836, 2281460. 768738, 2279820. Coast.

(B) Note: Unit 2 is depicted below on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Island of Maui.

(iv) Unit 3: Island of Maui, Kanaio (2,420 ha; 5,981 ac):

(A) Unit 3 consists of the following 45 boundary points: 777366, 2282219; 777421, 2281595; 777453, 2281235; 777531, 2280334; 777588, 2279661; 777719, 2278166; 770402, 2278173; 770445, 2278268; 770936, 2279194; 771208, 2279714; 771289, 2279691; 771211, 2279314; 771211, 2278906; 771368, 2278922; 771525, 2279173; 771854, 2279424; 772011, 2279707; 772231, 2279974; 772357, 2280335; 772451, 2280445; 772514, 2280351; 772561, 2280068; 772687, 2279848; 772938, 2279801; 773221, 2279817; 773425, 2280021; 773676, 2280335; 773676, 2280665; 773888, 2280993; 773606, 2281355; 774253, 2281430; 774897, 2280433; 775340, 2281119; 774662, 2281499; 775105, 2281701; 775435, 2282376; 775590, 2284264; 776004, 2284678; 776020, 2285055; 776484, 2284998; 776553, 2285169; 776691, 2285141; 776878, 2283402; 777021, 2282206; 777227, 2278017. Coast.

(B) Unit excludes an area (1 ha; 2 ac) consisting of the following 6 boundary points: 771887, 2277914; 771944, 2277910; 771986, 2277995; 771948, 2277989; 771909, 2277980; 771870, 2277975.

(C) Note: Unit 3 is depicted below on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Island of Maui.

(v) Unit 4: Island of Maui, Kahikinui (4,799 ha; 11,859 ac):

(A) Unit 4 consists of the following 79 boundary points: 786068, 2283893; 786089, 2283760; 782956, 2282353; 783312, 2282399; 784167, 2282606; 784764, 2282682; 785521, 2282878; 786198, 2283068; 786227, 2282882; 786706, 2282953; 786657, 2283206; 787388, 2283424; 787555, 2283500; 788907, 2284087; 789388, 2283321; 789534, 2283053; 788185, 2282559; 786399, 2281761; 785563, 2281400; 785715, 2281039; 786057, 2280754; 786112, 2280548; 779950, 2278500; 779720, 2280135; 779703, 2280237; 779617, 2280887; 779412, 2282307; 779402, 2282377; 779372, 2282585; 779368, 2282602; 779376, 2282933; 779427, 2285142; 779549, 2285133; 779550, 2285007; 780604, 2285092; 781898, 2285373; 781956, 2285061; 781923, 2284848; 781966, 2284607; 781902, 2284320; 782032, 2283672; 782491, 2282783; 782731, 2282340; 783230, 2282514; 783112, 2282850; 782587, 2283565; 782996, 2283744; 783721, 2283912; 784941, 2284106; 784823, 2284611; 785088, 2284724; 785012, 2285109; 784719, 2285271; 784639, 2285526; 784482, 2285613; 784385, 2285910; 786498, 2286367; 787288, 2286710; 787415, 2286765; 787506, 2286804; 787311, 2286772; 782285, 2285909; 782162, 2286366; 781651, 2286291; 781569, 2286457; 782827, 2286695; 786589, 2287817; 787091, 2287913; 787800, 2286248; 787893, 2286297; 787957, 2285636; 788105, 2285388; 788261, 2285257; 788481, 2284803; 788363, 2284742; 786517, 2283943; 786510, 2283966; 786068, 2283893; 779965, 2278394. Coast.

(B) Note: Unit 4 is depicted on Map 2 - Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 - Island of Maui, which follows:

(vi) Unit 5: Island of Maui, Kanaha Pond (56 ha; 139 ac):

(A) Unit 5 consists of the following 35 boundary points: Start at 764695, 2312624; 764849, 2312615; 765062, 2312636; 765174, 2312639; 765226, 2312636; 765201, 2312573; 765221, 2312534; 765223, 2312502; 765259, 2312452; 765291, 2312304; 765287, 2312260; 765291, 2312223; 765281, 2312190; 765356, 2312144; 765352, 2312121; 765325, 2312090; 765284, 2312093; 765213, 2312118; 765183, 2312109; 765157, 2312091; 765106, 2312075; 765069, 2312044; 765036, 2312036; 764954, 2311971; 764872, 2311927; 764845, 2311912; 764588, 2311880; 764530, 2311946; 764474, 2311988; 764424, 2312038; 764390, 2312140; 764336, 2312293; 764397, 2312539; 764542, 2312565; 764615, 2312613; return to starting point.

(B) Note: Unit 5 is depicted below on Map 3 - Units 5 and 6 - Island of Maui.

(vii) Unit 6: Island of Maui, Kanaha Park (25 ha; 62 ac):

(A) Unit 6 consists of the following 7 boundary points: 766783, 2313583; 766781, 2313351; 766330, 2313141; 765776, 2312874; 765717, 2312838; 765689, 2312823; 765557, 2313073. Coast.

(B) Note: Unit 6 is depicted on Map 3 - Units 5 and 6 - Island of Maui, which follows:

(viii) Unit 7: Island of Kahoolawe, Upper Kahoolawe (1,721 ha; 4,252 ac):

(A) Unit 7 consists of the following 39 boundary points: Start at 751848, 2276600; 751944, 2276801; 752021, 2277051; 752708, 2277402; 752817, 2277444; 752922, 2277482; 753039, 2277468; 754266, 2276996; 754390, 2276868; 754486, 2276715; 754758, 2275711; 754871, 2275319; 754880, 2275141; 754868, 2275021; 754822, 2274844; 754523, 2273789; 754438, 2273635; 754364, 2273546; 754213, 2273418; 753057, 2272446; 752825, 2272362; 750995, 2272184; 750869, 2272206; 750787, 2272247; 749069, 2273302; 749575, 2273659; 750287, 2273729; 750943, 2273970; 751205, 2274403; 751431, 2274927; 751475, 2275037; 751531, 2275180; 751447, 2275330; 751428, 2275366; 751291, 2275543; 751032, 2275938; 751109, 2276062; 751570, 2276254; 751752, 2276408; return to starting point.

(B) Note: Unit 7 is depicted on Map 4 - Unit 7 - Island of Kahoolawe, which follows:

(ix) Unit 8: Island of Hawaii, Puuwaawaa - Hualalai (9,954 ha; 24,598 ac):

(A) Unit 8 consists of the following 449 boundary points: Start at 193748, 2193379; 193979, 2193518; 194022, 2193428; 194091, 2193386; 194109, 2193303; 194145, 2193281; 194185, 2193225; 194212, 2193188; 194225, 2193213; 194201, 2193260; 194232, 2193325; 194227, 2193356; 194266, 2193381; 194290, 2193366; 194306, 2193379; 194301, 2193431; 194281, 2193478; 194292, 2193504; 194286, 2193538; 194291, 2193598; 194328, 2193648; 194331, 2193666; 194320, 2193710; 194969, 2194077; 195027, 2194069; 195065, 2194098; 195121, 2194107; 195172, 2194152; 195231, 2194087; 195235, 2194013; 195256, 2193957; 195324, 2193909; 195378, 2193840; 195441, 2193804; 195564, 2193455; 195558, 2193407; 195590, 2193322; 195588, 2193245; 195641, 2193182; 195659, 2193134; 195645, 2193064; 195682, 2192983; 195722, 2192963; 195793, 2192836; 195838, 2192773; 195829, 2192664; 195844, 2192499; 195907, 2192445; 196009, 2192213; 196079, 2192144; 196061, 2192063; 196077, 2191999; 196121, 2191888; 196184, 2191891; 196196, 2191837; 196250, 2191837; 196287, 2191749; 196280, 2191681; 196331, 2191672; 196361, 2191560; 196379, 2191428; 196414, 2191446; 196473, 2191524; 196497, 2191624; 196494, 2191708; 196593, 2191768; 196656, 2191837; 196644, 2191885; 196593, 2192093; 196576, 2192195; 196596, 2192288; 196581, 2192409; 196566, 2192451; 196506, 2192484; 196397, 2192655; 196367, 2192770; 196427, 2192764; 196452, 2192703; 196581, 2192577; 196614, 2192547; 196623, 2192577; 196605, 2192634; 196608, 2192685; 196679, 2192667; 196749, 2192610; 196804, 2192476; 196831, 2192436; 196879, 2192403; 196885, 2192466; 196815, 2192586; 196717, 2192687; 196614, 2192809; 196241, 2193037; 196094, 2193227; 196003, 2193494; 195985, 2193759; 196088, 2193858; 195949, 2194099; 195958, 2194379; 195865, 2194469; 195811, 2194559; 196050, 2194687; 196076, 2194653; 196055, 2194610; 196109, 2194511; 196184, 2194505; 196223, 2194361; 196256, 2194337; 196322, 2194285; 196334, 2194171; 196370, 2194174; 196348, 2194291; 196379, 2194331; 196367, 2194427; 196363, 2194508; 196372, 2194578; 196427, 2194610; 196385, 2194670; 196314, 2194718; 196304, 2194841; 196831, 2195161; 196944, 2195021; 196930, 2194959; 197092, 2194830; 197104, 2194773; 197179, 2194752; 197273, 2194622; 197279, 2194550; 197361, 2194467; 197477, 2194325; 197573, 2194252; 197613, 2194177; 197654, 2194115; 197640, 2194033; 197654, 2193943; 197697, 2193753; 197750, 2193692; 197778, 2193488; 197871, 2193374; 197922, 2193401; 197995, 2193392; 198304, 2193109; 198362, 2193103; 198518, 2192944; 198584, 2192854; 198620, 2192761; 198680, 2192715; 198716, 2192658; 198731, 2192586; 198801, 2192589; 198879, 2192547; 198921, 2192493; 199051, 2192352; 199101, 2192412; 199177, 2192324; 199171, 2192201; 199246, 2192141; 199252, 2192243; 199294, 2192252; 199303, 2192291; 199225, 2192348; 199243, 2192397; 199186, 2192439; 199156, 2192529; 199084, 2192566; 199047, 2192643; 198948, 2192736; 198956, 2192786; 198949, 2192835; 198931, 2192888; 198913, 2192924; 198819, 2192954; 198760, 2192979; 198741, 2193028; 198777, 2193070; 198746, 2193098; 198718, 2193126; 198730, 2193180; 198683, 2193290; 198609, 2193325; 198679, 2193472; 198648, 2193542; 198669, 2193598; 198623, 2193633; 198602, 2193685; 198553, 2193675; 198480, 2193748; 198442, 2193839; 198494, 2193857; 198550, 2193860; 198819, 2193594; 198819, 2193514; 198882, 2193479; 198872, 2193388; 198872, 2193252; 198861, 2193199; 198844, 2193143; 198935, 2193063; 198981, 2193027; 199010, 2192968; 199103, 2193492; 199103, 2193552; 199015, 2193608; 198931, 2193619; 198910, 2193717; 198753, 2193867; 198735, 2193951; 198805, 2193972; 198889, 2193941; 198942, 2193853; 199005, 2193794; 199050, 2193829; 199001, 2193880; 199029, 2193930; 199092, 2193962; 199110, 2194004; 199025, 2194133; 199012, 2194241; 198896, 2194308; 198861, 2194399; 198799, 2194485; 198862, 2194479; 198938, 2194378; 199015, 2194329; 198987, 2194392; 198934, 2194434; 198931, 2194472; 198798, 2194560; 198795, 2194672; 198749, 2194749; 198623, 2194860; 198553, 2194937; 198550, 2195004; 198637, 2195060; 198683, 2195074; 198746, 2195175; 198714, 2195256; 198707, 2195340; 198588, 2195399; 198497, 2195417; 198402, 2195429; 198344, 2195490; 198302, 2195511; 198274, 2195563; 198179, 2195584; 198172, 2195658; 198127, 2195703; 198641, 2195878; 198662, 2195829; 198714, 2195780; 198732, 2195665; 198809, 2195633; 198970, 2195626; 199047, 2195549; 199075, 2195469; 199141, 2195427; 199087, 2195235; 199101, 2195127; 199124, 2194955; 199208, 2194840; 199267, 2194675; 199270, 2194567; 199260, 2194504; 199263, 2194437; 199310, 2194460; 199347, 2194479; 199306, 2194541; 199326, 2194591; 199424, 2194595; 199508, 2194525; 199522, 2194441; 199582, 2194392; 199598, 2194329; 199643, 2194295; 199662, 2194406; 199599, 2194462; 199596, 2194588; 199515, 2194853; 199368, 2195011; 199260, 2195319; 199312, 2195434; 199235, 2195476; 199274, 2195696; 199169, 2195847; 199138, 2195938; 199071, 2196039; 199663, 2196234; 199977, 2195921; 200985, 2194989; 201320, 2194454; 201268, 2194305; 201289, 2194176; 201150, 2193708; 201809, 2193212; 202487, 2192751; 202713, 2192557; 202794, 2192559; 203007, 2192869; 203088, 2192979; 203136, 2192967; 203139, 2192921; 203197, 2192911; 203224, 2192943; 203218, 2192991; 203264, 2193014; 203275, 2193130; 203278, 2193165; 203253, 2193224; 203277, 2193250; 203296, 2193248; 203321, 2193200; 203355, 2193261; 203340, 2193353; 203398, 2193434; 203487, 2193372; 203534, 2193296; 203580, 2193267; 203611, 2193247; 203631, 2193197; 203661, 2193126; 203650, 2193032; 203644, 2192994; 203649, 2192943; 203665, 2192930; 203692, 2192935; 203681, 2193005; 203695, 2193038; 203743, 2193045; 203751, 2193024; 203738, 2192991; 203747, 2192970; 203800, 2192948; 203810, 2192905; 203819, 2192867; 203833, 2192838; 203878, 2192830; 203916, 2192790; 203944, 2192724; 203935, 2192680; 203951, 2192655; 203968, 2192628; 203952, 2192587; 203978, 2192535; 203975, 2192477; 203992, 2192466; 204025, 2192444; 204044, 2192404; 204086, 2192392; 204133, 2192395; 204170, 2192417; 204186, 2192474; 204162, 2192528; 204130, 2192602; 204129, 2192641; 204081, 2192714; 204046, 2192717; 204022, 2192755; 204021, 2192835; 204057, 2192840; 204076, 2192827; 204105, 2192829; 204151, 2192846; 204218, 2192835; 204283, 2192808; 204311, 2192754; 204327, 2192655; 204350, 2192684; 204434, 2192709; 204459, 2192700; 204478, 2192684; 204469, 2192614; 204482, 2192593; 204485, 2192570; 204478, 2192547; 204485, 2192512; 204523, 2192529; 204540, 2192511; 204553, 2192479; 204294, 2191977; 203325, 2189871; 203670, 2189403; 203884, 2188867; 203876, 2188804; 204461, 2186966; 204241, 2186814; 203491, 2186573; 202905, 2186615; 201914, 2186332; 201935, 2186229; 201876, 2186192; 201969, 2186029; 201914, 2185947; 201962, 2185871; 201921, 2185754; 201866, 2185830; 201776, 2185816; 201838, 2185534; 201270, 2183971; 200424, 2183478; 194641, 2182859; 194391, 2182952; 194378, 2183030; 194326, 2183157; 194456, 2183246; 194375, 2183319; 194389, 2183392; 194641, 2183400; 195006, 2183522; 195441, 2183574; 195719, 2183591; 196066, 2183591; 196362, 2183670; 196372, 2183812; 195923, 2185051; 195805, 2185370; 195527, 2186175; 195324, 2186794; 195333, 2187189; 195544, 2187388; 195515, 2187690; 195450, 2187775; 193517, 2187814; 192035, 2187735; 191436, 2188145; 191395, 2188201; 191330, 2188228; 191183, 2188413; 191053, 2188549; 192020, 2188888; 192202, 2189030; 192137, 2189101; 192046, 2189432; 191945, 2189652; 191926, 2189817; 192000, 2189918; 191994, 2190055; 192009, 2190194; 191926, 2190322; 191954, 2190387; 191972, 2190616; 191961, 2190800; 191953, 2190938; 191917, 2191094; 191981, 2191296; 191943, 2191461; 191923, 2191548; 191871, 2191672; 191850, 2191864; 191834, 2192269; return to starting point.

(B) This unit excludes three areas:

(1) Unit excludes an area (292 ha; 723 ac) consisting of the following 53 boundary points: Start at 194866, 2189663; 194567, 2189462; 194355, 2189326; 194325, 2189306; 194187, 2189261; 193786, 2189183; 193790, 2189211; 193677, 2189413; 193430, 2189605; 193325, 2189528; 192941, 2190012; 192773, 2190361; 192668, 2190673; 192763, 2190854; 192807, 2191149; 192721, 2191436; 192600, 2191671; 192527, 2191928; 192513, 2192089; 192642, 2191999; 192658, 2191915; 192697, 2191881; 192913, 2191886; 193004, 2191923; 193133, 2191855; 193180, 2191784; 193280, 2191621; 193278, 2191563; 193175, 2191653; 193109, 2191763; 193075, 2191789; 192949, 2191779; 192960, 2191622; 193028, 2191556; 193012, 2191490; 193102, 2191393; 193291, 2191346; 193364, 2191272; 193540, 2191230; 193782, 2191099; 193918, 2190994; 193958, 2190933; 193989, 2190799; 193984, 2190718; 194048, 2190643; 194008, 2190547; 194039, 2190466; 194149, 2190358; 194304, 2190298; 194449, 2190177; 194695, 2189967; 194808, 2189833; 194848, 2189683; return to starting point.

(2) Unit excludes an area (15 ha; 38 ac) consisting of the following 12 boundary points: Start at 202034, 2189562; 202141, 2189566; 202153, 2189649; 202308, 2189645; 202298, 2189564; 202339, 2189548; 202329, 2189219; 202193, 2189187; 202230, 2189088; 202042, 2189024; 202020, 2189151; 202024, 2189554; return to starting point.

(3) Unit excludes an area (11 ha; 28 ac) consisting of the following 23 boundary points: Start at 199447, 2195793; 199533, 2195796; 199635, 2195736; 199639, 2195696; 199701, 2195643; 199708, 2195591; 199713, 2195537; 199743, 2195499; 199737, 2195444; 199746, 2195368; 199725, 2195312; 199732, 2195273; 199753, 2195207; 199772, 2195162; 199732, 2195181; 199706, 2195245; 199646, 2195283; 199615, 2195345; 199573, 2195368; 199509, 2195416; 199449, 2195478; 199437, 2195611; 199430, 2195734; return to starting point.

(C) Note: Unit 8 is depicted on Map 5-Unit 8 - Island of Hawaii, which follows:

(x) Unit 9: Island of Molokai, Kamoko Flats - Puukolekole (1,256 ha; 3,105 ac):

(A) Unit 9 consists of the following 170 boundary points: Start at 713960, 2337883; 713787, 2337815; 713641, 2337737; 713587, 2337686; 713542, 2337635; 713525, 2337608; 713514, 2337604; 713488, 2337574; 713275, 2337497; 713260, 2337442; 713302, 2337415; 713444, 2337400; 713651, 2337482; 713677, 2337507; 713828, 2337580; 713834, 2337585; 713841, 2337587; 713989, 2337659; 714006, 2337664; 714030, 2337681; 714036, 2337674; 714090, 2337691; 714150, 2337601; 714065, 2337490; 714169, 2337531; 714182, 2337553; 714217, 2337500; 714313, 2337356; 714267, 2337327; 713658, 2336950; 713641, 2336937; 713639, 2336938; 713638, 2336937; 713592, 2336909; 713171, 2337020; 713128, 2337025; 713101, 2337039; 712948, 2337083; 712768, 2337134; 712739, 2337127; 712714, 2337150; 712707, 2337152; 712647, 2337156; 711929, 2337023; 712115, 2336844; 712527, 2336930; 712811, 2336772; 712314, 2336653; 712783, 2336203; 712700, 2336108; 712785, 2336093; 712927, 2336085; 713147, 2336184; 713257, 2336224; 713265, 2336238; 712778, 2336365; 712783, 2336372; 712923, 2336457; 713217, 2336633; 714333, 2337309; 714341, 2337313; 715056, 2336242; 715073, 2336232; 716805, 2335668; 717490, 2335146; 717565, 2335112; 718350, 2334490; 718276, 2333666; 717554, 2332806; 717447, 2332851; 717080, 2333001; 716796, 2333195; 715114, 2334345; 715139, 2334491; 715684, 2334688; 716000, 2334857; 715980, 2334880; 715849, 2335177; 715914, 2335254; 715842, 2335306; 715274, 2335635; 715213, 2335636; 715076, 2335749; 715046, 2335773; 714377, 2335948; 714372, 2335938; 714373, 2335938; 714280, 2335711; 714494, 2335653; 714617, 2335594; 714901, 2335519; 715544, 2335359; 715547, 2335358; 715174, 2335053; 715005, 2334932; 714716, 2334982; 714205, 2335078; 714040, 2335127; 714024, 2335088; 711244, 2336986; 711354, 2337009; 711401, 2337037; 711322, 2337112; 711727, 2337380; 711733, 2337403; 711948, 2337483; 712220, 2337776; 712433, 2338103; 712602, 2338152; 712517, 2338265; 712284, 2338486; 711968, 2338683; 711759, 2338845; 711681, 2338900; 711900, 2338941; 711710, 2339118; 711642, 2339123; 711579, 2339096; 711465, 2339097; 711625, 2339356; 711763, 2339365; 711777, 2339323; 711817, 2339308; 711969, 2339303; 712089, 2339324; 712130, 2339297; 712272, 2339304; 712447, 2339115; 712346, 2339007; 712231, 2338953; 712098, 2338911; 712002, 2338805; 712132, 2338664; 712392, 2338783; 712579, 2338783; 712421, 2338675; 712279, 2338579; 712353, 2338489; 712568, 2338528; 712635, 2338591; 712780, 2338508; 712777, 2338472; 712895, 2338488; 713001, 2338534; 713003, 2338502; 713072, 2338512; 713177, 2338629; 713424, 2338561; 713452, 2338533; 712978, 2338207; 712867, 2337997; 712845, 2337873; 713121, 2337952; 713150, 2337771; 713181, 2337784; 713184, 2337801; 713189, 2337803; 713196, 2337826; 713191, 2337829; 713197, 2337831; 713204, 2337853; 713303, 2337864; 713482, 2338023; 713503, 2338044; 713520, 2338067; 713525, 2338081; 713557, 2338108; 713664, 2338205; 713713, 2338254; 713731, 2338228; return to starting point.

(B) This unit excludes two areas:

(1) Unit excludes an area (2 ha; 4 ac) consisting of the following 5 boundary points: Start at 712804, 2337632; 712923, 2337724; 712990, 2337608; 712917, 2337600; 712748, 2337553; return to starting point.

(2) Unit excludes an area (5 ha; 13 ac) consisting of the following 10 boundary points: Start at 712742, 2337968; 712839, 2337857; 712748, 2337850; 712646, 2337870; 712632, 2337823; 712481, 2337590; 712425, 2337550; 712313, 2337564; 712299, 2337574; 712360, 2337661; return to starting point.

(C) Note: Unit 9 is depicted on Map 6-Unit 9-Island of Molokai, which follows:

Ash Meadows Naucorid (Ambrysus amargosus)

Nevada, Nye County, Point of Rocks Springs and their immediate outflows in SE 14 sec. 7, T18S, R51E.

Known primary constituent elements include flowing warm water over rock and gravel substrate.


The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

Dakota Skipper (Hesperia dacotae)

(1) Critical habitat units are designated in Chippewa, Clay, Kittson, Lincoln, Murray, Norman, Pipestone, Polk, Pope, and Swift Counties in Minnesota; McHenry, McKenzie, Ransom, Richland, and Rolette Counties in North Dakota; and Brookings, Day, Deuel, Grant, Marshall, and Roberts Counties in South Dakota, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Dakota skipper consist of three components:

(i) Primary Constituent Element 1 - Wet-mesic tallgrass or mixed-grass remnant untilled prairie that occurs on near-shore glacial lake soil deposits or high-quality dry-mesic remnant untilled prairie on rolling terrain consisting of gravelly glacial moraine soil deposits, containing:

(A) A predominance of native grasses and native flowering forbs;

(B) Glacial soils that provide the soil surface or near surface (between soil surface and 2 cm depth) micro-climate conditions conducive to Dakota skipper larval survival and native-prairie vegetation;

(C) If present, trees or large shrub cover of less than 5 percent of area in dry prairies and less than 25 percent in wet-mesic prairies; and

(D) If present, nonnative invasive plant species occurring in less than 5 percent of area.

(ii) Primary Constituent Element 2 - Native grasses and native flowering forbs for larval and adult food and shelter, specifically:

(A) At least one of the following native grasses to provide food and shelter sources during Dakota skipper larval stages: prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis) or little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium); and

(B) One or more of the following forbs in bloom to provide nectar and water sources during the Dakota skipper flight period: purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia), bluebell bellflower (Campanula rotundifolia), white prairie clover (Dalea candida), upright prairie coneflower (Ratibida columnifera), fleabane (Erigeron spp.), blanketflower (Gaillardia spp.), black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), yellow sundrops (Calylophus serrulatus), prairie milkvetch (Astragalus adsurgens), or common gaillardia (Gaillardia aristata) .

(iii) Primary Constituent Element 3 - Dispersal grassland habitat that is within 1 km (0.6 mi) of native high-quality remnant prairie (as defined in Primary Constituent Element 1) that connects high-quality wet-mesic to dry tallgrass prairies or moist meadow habitats. Dispersal grassland habitat consists of undeveloped open areas dominated by perennial grassland with limited or no barriers to dispersal including tree or shrub cover less than 25 percent of the area and no row crops such as corn, beans, potatoes, or sunflowers.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 2, 2015.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created and digitized using ESRI's ArcMap (version 10.0) and comparing USGS NAIP/FSA high-resolution orthophotography from 2010 or later and previously mapped skipper habitat polygons submitted by contracted researchers or prairie habitat polygons made available from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' County Biological Survey. Critical habitat units then were mapped in Geographic Coordinate System WGS84. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R3-ES-2013-0017, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Index map follows:

(6) DS Minnesota Unit 1, Pope County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 1 follows:

(7) DS Minnesota Units 2 and 3, Murray County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Units 2 and 3 follows:

(8) DS Minnesota Unit 4, Clay County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 4 follows:

(9) DS Minnesota Unit 5, Clay County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 5 follows:

(10) DS Minnesota Unit 6, Norman County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 6 follows:

(11) DS Minnesota Unit 7, Lincoln and Pipestone Counties, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 7 follows:

(12) DS Minnesota Units 8 and 11, Pipestone County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Units 8 and 11 follows:

(13) DS Minnesota Unit 9, Pipestone County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 9 follows:

(14) DS Minnesota Unit 10, Swift and Chippewa Counties, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 10 follows:

(15) DS Minnesota Unit 12, Lincoln County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 12 follows:

(16) DS Minnesota Unit 13, Kittson County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 13 follows:

(17) DS Minnesota Unit 14, Polk County, Minnesota. Map of DS Minnesota Unit 14 follows:

(18) DS North Dakota Unit 1, Richland County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Unit 1 follows:

(19) DS North Dakota Units 2 and 13, Ransom County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Units 2 and 13 follows:

(20) DS North Dakota Units 3 and 5, McHenry County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Units 3 and 5 follows:

(21) DS North Dakota Unit 6, McHenry County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Unit 6 follows:

(22) DS North Dakota Units 7 and 8, McHenry County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Units 7 and 8 follows:

(23) DS North Dakota Unit 9, Rolette County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Unit 9 follows:

(24) DS North Dakota Unit 11, McKenzie County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Unit 11 follows:

(25) DS North Dakota Unit 12, McKenzie County, North Dakota. Map of DS North Dakota Unit 12 follows:

(26) DS South Dakota Unit 1, Marshall County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 1 follows:

(27) DS South Dakota Unit 2, Brookings County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 2 follows:

(28) DS South Dakota Unit 3, Deuel County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 3 follows:

(29) DS South Dakota Unit 4, Grant County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 4 follows:

(30) DS South Dakota Unit 5, Deuel County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 5 follows:

(31) DS South Dakota Unit 6, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 6 follows:

(32) DS South Dakota Units 7 and 18, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Units 7 and 18 follows:

(33) DS South Dakota Unit 8, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 8 follows:

(34) DS South Dakota Units 15 and 16, Day County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Units 15 and 16 follows:

(35) DS South Dakota Unit 17, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 17 follows:

(36) DS South Dakota Unit 22, Brookings County, South Dakota. Map of DS South Dakota Unit 22 follows:

Laguna Mountains Skipper (Pyrgus ruralis lagunae)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Diego County, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.

(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Laguna Mountains skipper are the habitat components that provide:

(i) The hostplants, Horkelia clevelandii or Potentilla glandulosa, which are needed for reproduction, in meadows or forest openings.

(ii) Nectar sources suitable for feeding by adult Laguna Mountains skipper, including Lasthenia spp., Pentachaeta aurea, Ranunculus spp., and Sidalcea spp., found in woodlands or meadows.

(iii) Wet soil or standing water associated with features such as seeps, springs, or creeks where water and minerals are obtained during the adult flight season.

(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.

(5) Note: Map 1 (index map) follows:

(6) Unit 1: Laguna Mountain, San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Monument Peak and Mount Laguna.

(i) Subunit 1A: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 551900, 3635400; 551900, 3635600; 551800, 3635600; 551800, 3635300; 552000, 3635300; 552000, 3634900; 551800, 3634900; 551800, 3635000; 551600, 3635000; 551600, 3634900; 551400, 3634900; 551400, 3635300; 551300, 3635300; 551300, 3635600; 551200, 3635600; 551200, 3635700; 551100, 3635700; 551100, 3636000; 551000, 3636000; 551000, 3636100; 550900, 3636100; 550900, 3636200; 550800, 3636200; 550800, 3636100; 550700, 3636100; 550700, 3636000; 550800, 3636000; 550800, 3635800; 550600, 3635800; 550600, 3635700; 550500, 3635700; 550500, 3635500; 550400, 3635500; 550400, 3635400; 550300, 3635400; 550300, 3635300; 550100, 3635300; 550100, 3635500; 550000, 3635500; 550000, 3636200; 549800, 3636200; 549800, 3636500; 549900, 3636500; 549900, 3636600; 549800, 3636600; 549800, 3636700; 549700, 3636700; 549700, 3637000; 549800, 3637000; 549800, 3637100; 549900, 3637100; 549900, 3637600; 550200, 3637600; 550200, 3637900; 550100, 3637900; 550100, 3638500; 550000, 3638500; 550000, 3638600; 549900, 3638600; 549900, 3638500; 549800, 3638500; 549800, 3638000; 549700, 3638000; 549700, 3637700; 549500, 3637700; 549500, 3638000; 549600, 3638000; 549600, 3638100; 549500, 3638100; 549500, 3638200; 549100, 3638200; 549100, 3638400; 549200, 3638400; 549200, 3638500; 549300, 3638500; 549300, 3638800; 549400, 3638800; 549400, 3638900; 549300, 3638900; 549300, 3639000; 549600, 3639000; 549600, 3638600; 549700, 3638600; 549700, 3638700; 549800, 3638700; 549800, 3638900; 549900, 3638900; 549900, 3639000; 549700, 3639000; 549700, 3639200; 549600, 3639200; 549600, 3639300; 549500, 3639300; 549500, 3639500; 549400, 3639500; 549400, 3639600; 549300, 3639600; 549300, 3640000; 549400, 3640000; 549400, 3640100; 549700, 3640100; 549700, 3640000; 549800, 3640000; 549800, 3640100; 549900, 3640100; 549900, 3640200; 549700, 3640200; 549700, 3640300; 549600, 3640300; 549600, 3640500; 549800, 3640500; 549800, 3640600; 550100, 3640600; 550100, 3640500; 550200, 3640500; 550200, 3640400; 550300, 3640400; 550300, 3640000; 551000, 3640000; 551000, 3639900; 551100, 3639900; 551100, 3639700; 550500, 3639700; 550500, 3639400; 550400, 3639400; 550400, 3639300; 550500, 3639300; 550500, 3639200; 550600, 3639200; 550600, 3639100; 550700, 3639100; 550700, 3639000; 550800, 3639000; 550800, 3638900; 551000, 3638900; 551000, 3639300; 551100, 3639300; 551100, 3639500; 551300, 3639500; 551300, 3639700; 551700, 3639700; 551700, 3639400; 551800, 3639400; 551800, 3639300; 551900, 3639300; 551900, 3639100; 551800, 3639100; 551800, 3639000; 551900, 3639000; 551900, 3638900; 551800, 3638900; 551800, 3638800; 551900, 3638800; 551900, 3638700; 552100, 3638700; 552100, 3638800; 552200, 3638800; 552200, 3638700; 552500, 3638700; 552500, 3638300; 552300, 3638300; 552300, 3638400; 552200, 3638400; 552200, 3638300; 551900, 3638300; 551900, 3638100; 551500, 3638100; 551500, 3637900; 551700, 3637900; 551700, 3637800; 551800, 3637800; 551800, 3637700; 552100, 3637700; 552100, 3637600; 552200, 3637600; 552200, 3637500; 552500, 3637500; 552500, 3637700; 552600, 3637700; 552600, 3637800; 553000, 3637800; 553000, 3638000; 553100, 3638000; 553100, 3638100; 553600, 3638100; 553600, 3638000; 553800, 3638000; 553800, 3637900; 553700, 3637900; 553700, 3637600; 553800, 3637600; 553800, 3637400; 553700, 3637400; 553700, 3637500; 553500, 3637500; 553500, 3637200; 553100, 3637200; 553100, 3637100; 553200, 3637100; 553200, 3636900; 552900, 3636900; 552900, 3637000; 552800, 3637000; 552800, 3637100; 552700, 3637100; 552700, 3637000; 552600, 3637000; 552600, 3637100; 552400, 3637100; 552400, 3637200; 552300, 3637200; 552300, 3637100; 552200, 3637100; 552200, 3637000; 552000, 3637000; 552000, 3637100; 551900, 3637100; 551900, 3637300; 551500, 3637300; 551500, 3637200; 551400, 3637200; 551400, 3637100; 551200, 3637100; 551200, 3636700; 551300, 3636700; 551300, 3636600; 551400, 3636600; 551400, 3636500; 551600, 3636500; 551600, 3636400; 551700, 3636400; 551700, 3636300; 551800, 3636300; 551800, 3636200; 552000, 3636200; 552000, 3636100; 552100, 3636100; 552100, 3636000; 552200, 3636000; 552200, 3635900; 552300, 3635900; 552300, 3635500; 552200, 3635500; 552200, 3635400; 551900, 3635400.

(ii) Subunit 1B: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 549300, 3642300; 549400, 3642300; 549400, 3642400; 549600, 3642400; 549600, 3642300; 549800, 3642300; 549800, 3642200; 549900, 3642200; 549900, 3641900; 550000, 3641900; 550000, 3641400; 550100, 3641400; 550100, 3640900; 549600, 3640900; 549600, 3641000; 549300, 3641000; 549300, 3642300.

(iii) Subunit 1C: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 553000, 3634400; 553000, 3634500; 552900, 3634500; 552900, 3634900; 552800, 3634900; 552800, 3635600; 553100, 3635600; 553100, 3635400; 553300, 3635400; 553300, 3635300; 553400, 3635300; 553400, 3635200; 553300, 3635200; 553300, 3635100; 553200, 3635100; 553200, 3635000; 553300, 3635000; 553300, 3634900; 553400, 3634900; 553400, 3634800; 553600, 3634800; 553600, 3634600; 553700, 3634600; 553700, 3634200; 553600, 3634200; 553600, 3634100; 553500, 3634100; 553500, 3634000; 553400, 3634000; 553400, 3633800; 553300, 3633800; 553300, 3633600; 553200, 3633600; 553200, 3633300; 553300, 3633300; 553300, 3633200; 553500, 3633200; 553500, 3633300; 553600, 3633300; 553600, 3633000; 553700, 3633000; 553700, 3632300; 553600, 3632300; 553600, 3632200; 553300, 3632200; 553300, 3632300; 553200, 3632300; 553200, 3633000; 553100, 3633000; 553100, 3633200; 553000, 3633200; 553000, 3633300; 552900, 3633300; 552900, 3632800; 552600, 3632800; 552600, 3633000; 552700, 3633000; 552700, 3633400; 552800, 3633400; 552800, 3633800; 552700, 3633800; 552700, 3634300; 552800, 3634300; 552800, 3634400; 553000, 3634400.

(iv) Note: Map of Unit 1 (Map 2, Subunits 1A, 1B, and 1C) follows:

(7) Unit 2: Palomar Mountain, San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Boucher Hill and Palomar Observatory.

(i) Subunit 2A: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511300, 3689300; 511400, 3689300; 511400, 3689200; 511600, 3689200; 511600, 3689100; 511700, 3689100; 511700, 3689000; 511800, 3689000; 511800, 3688900; 512300, 3688900; 512300, 3688800; 512400, 3688800; 512400, 3689000; 512900, 3689000; 512900, 3688900; 513200, 3688900; 513200, 3688800; 513400, 3688800; 513400, 3688700; 513700, 3688700; 513700, 3688600; 513900, 3688600; 513900, 3688500; 514000, 3688500; 514000, 3688400; 514100, 3688400; 514100, 3688300; 514400, 3688300; 514400, 3688200; 514500, 3688200; 514500, 3688100; 515300, 3688100; 515300, 3688000; 515400, 3688000; 515400, 3687900; 515500, 3687900; 515500, 3687800; 515700, 3687800; 515700, 3687600; 515900, 3687600; 515900, 3687300; 515800, 3687300; 515800, 3687200; 515900, 3687200; 515900, 3687100; 516000, 3687100; 516000, 3687000; 516300, 3687000; 516300, 3686900; 516400, 3686900; 516400, 3686800; 516500, 3686800; 516500, 3686700; 516600, 3686700; 516600, 3686600; 517000, 3686600; 517000, 3686300; 517200, 3686300; 517200, 3686200; 517300, 3686200; 517300, 3686000; 517100, 3686000; 517100, 3685800; 517200, 3685800; 517200, 3685700; 516700, 3685700; 516700, 3685800; 516600, 3685800; 516600, 3686000; 516500, 3686000; 516500, 3686100; 516400, 3686100; 516400, 3686200; 516300, 3686200; 516300, 3686300; 516200, 3686300; 516200, 3686400; 516000, 3686400; 516000, 3686600; 515900, 3686600; 515900, 3686700; 515800, 3686700; 515800, 3686800; 515700, 3686800; 515700, 3686900; 515500, 3686900; 515500, 3687000; 515200, 3687000; 515200, 3687100; 514900, 3687100; 514900, 3687200; 514800, 3687200; 514800, 3687300; 514500, 3687300; 514500, 3687500; 514400, 3687500; 514400, 3687600; 514300, 3687600; 514300, 3687700; 514200, 3687700; 514200, 3687800; 514100, 3687800; 514100, 3687900; 514000, 3687900; 514000, 3688000; 513700, 3688000; 513700, 3688100; 513500, 3688100; 513500, 3688000; 513400, 3688000; 513400, 3687700; 513300, 3687700; 513300, 3687400; 513200, 3687400; 513200, 3687300; 513000, 3687300; 513000, 3687600; 512900, 3687600; 512900, 3688000; 512800, 3688000; 512800, 3688100; 512500, 3688100; 512500, 3688200; 512400, 3688200; 512400, 3688400; 512300, 3688400; 512300, 3688500; 512000, 3688500; 512000, 3688600; 511900, 3688600; 511900, 3688500; 511700, 3688500; 511700, 3688800; 511500, 3688800; 511500, 3688900; 511400, 3688900; 511400, 3689000; 511300, 3689000; 511300, 3689100; 511200, 3689100; 511200, 3689200; 511300, 3689200; 511300, 3689300.

(ii) Subunit 2B: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 513000, 3690900; 513000, 3690800; 513200, 3690800; 513200, 3690600; 513100, 3690600; 513100, 3690400; 513200, 3690400; 513200, 3690300; 513300, 3690300; 513300, 3690000; 513200, 3690000; 513200, 3689900; 513300, 3689900; 513300, 3689600; 512900, 3689600; 512900, 3689400; 512700, 3689400; 512700, 3689500; 512600, 3689500; 512600, 3689300; 512300, 3689300; 512300, 3689400; 512200, 3689400; 512200, 3689500; 512000, 3689500; 512000, 3689700; 511900, 3689700; 511900, 3689900; 511800, 3689900; 511800, 3690200; 511700, 3690200; 511700, 3690300; 511600, 3690300; 511600, 3690500; 511500, 3690500; 511500, 3690600; 511200, 3690600; 511200, 3690700; 511100, 3690700; 511100, 3690800; 510800, 3690800; 510800, 3690900; 510700, 3690900; 510700, 3690800; 510600, 3690800; 510600, 3690900; 510500, 3690900; 510500, 3691000; 510200, 3691000; 510200, 3690900; 510300, 3690900; 510300, 3690600; 510400, 3690600; 510400, 3690300; 510200, 3690300; 510200, 3690400; 509800, 3690400; 509800, 3690500; 509700, 3690500; 509700, 3690600; 509500, 3690600; 509500, 3690700; 509400, 3690700; 509400, 3690800; 509300, 3690800; 509300, 3690900; 509100, 3690900; 509100, 3691000; 509000, 3691000; 509000, 3691200; 509200, 3691200; 509200, 3691100; 509400, 3691100; 509400, 3691300; 509300, 3691300; 509300, 3691500; 509500, 3691500; 509500, 3691400; 510000, 3691400; 510000, 3691500; 510100, 3691500; 510100, 3691600; 510200, 3691600; 510200, 3691700; 510700, 3691700; 510700, 3691600; 511000, 3691600; 511000, 3691500; 511100, 3691500; 511100, 3691400; 511400, 3691400; 511400, 3691200; 511600, 3691200; 511600, 3691100; 511700, 3691100; 511700, 3691000; 511900, 3691000; 511900, 3690900; 512000, 3690900; 512000, 3690700; 511800, 3690700; 511800, 3690600; 511900, 3690600; 511900, 3690500; 512000, 3690500; 512000, 3690400; 512100, 3690400; 512100, 3690300; 512200, 3690300; 512200, 3690200; 512500, 3690200; 512500, 3690300; 512700, 3690300; 512700, 3690400; 512600, 3690400; 512600, 3690600; 512500, 3690600; 512500, 3690700; 512400, 3690700; 512400, 3690800; 512300, 3690800; 512300, 3691100; 512500, 3691100; 512500, 3691200; 513100, 3691200; 513100, 3691300; 513200, 3691300; 513200, 3691200; 513300, 3691200; 513300, 3690900; 513000, 3690900; excluding lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 509900, 3691000; 510100, 3691000; 510100, 3690900; 510000, 3690900; 510000, 3690800; 509900, 3690800; 509900, 3691000; and 512800, 3691000; 513000, 3691000; 513000, 3690900; 512800, 3690900; 512800, 3691000.

(iii) Subunit 2C: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 509200, 3689100; 509400, 3689100; 509400, 3689000; 509700, 3689000; 509700, 3688700; 509800, 3688700; 509800, 3688600; 510200, 3688600; 510200, 3688900; 510800, 3688900; 510800, 3688800; 511100, 3688800; 511100, 3688600; 511200, 3688600; 511200, 3688500; 511300, 3688500; 511300, 3688400; 511200, 3688400; 511200, 3688300; 511500, 3688300; 511500, 3688200; 511600, 3688200; 511600, 3687900; 511300, 3687900; 511300, 3687600; 511200, 3687600; 511200, 3687500; 511100, 3687500; 511100, 3687400; 511200, 3687400; 511200, 3687100; 511000, 3687100; 511000, 3687200; 510900, 3687200; 510900, 3687300; 510600, 3687300; 510600, 3687500; 510500, 3687500; 510500, 3687400; 510400, 3687400; 510400, 3687500; 510300, 3687500; 510300, 3687600; 510400, 3687600; 510400, 3687700; 510500, 3687700; 510500, 3687800; 510400, 3687800; 510400, 3687900; 510300, 3687900; 510300, 3687800; 510100, 3687800; 510100, 3687900; 509900, 3687900; 509900, 3688200; 509800, 3688200; 509800, 3688300; 509700, 3688300; 509700, 3688400; 509500, 3688400; 509500, 3688500; 509300, 3688500; 509300, 3688600; 509200, 3688600; 509200, 3689100.

(iv) Subunit 2D: lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 507700, 3690800; 508000, 3690800; 508000, 3690700; 508100, 3690700; 508100, 3690800; 508300, 3690800; 508300, 3690600; 508400, 3690600; 508400, 3690500; 508500, 3690500; 508500, 3690300; 508400, 3690300; 508400, 3690100; 508500, 3690100; 508500, 3690000; 508600, 3690000; 508600, 3689900; 508700, 3689900; 508700, 3689700; 508800, 3689700; 508800, 3689600; 508900, 3689600; 508900, 3689100; 508700, 3689100; 508700, 3689200; 508600, 3689200; 508600, 3689300; 508400, 3689300; 508400, 3689400; 508200, 3689400; 508200, 3689800; 508000, 3689800; 508000, 3690000; 507900, 3690000; 507900, 3690200; 507800, 3690200; 507800, 3690400; 507500, 3690400; 507500, 3690300; 507400, 3690300; 507400, 3690500; 507500, 3690500; 507500, 3690700; 507700, 3690700; 507700, 3690800.

(v) Note: Map of Unit 2 (Map 3, Subunits 2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D) follows:

Poweshiek Skipperling (Oarisma Poweshiek)

(1) Critical habitat units are designated for Cerro Gordo, Dickinson, Emmet, Howard, Kossuth, and Osceola Counties in Iowa; in Hilsdale, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Oakland, and Washtenaw Counties in Michigan; Chippewa, Clay, Cottonwood, Douglas, Kittson, Lac Qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, Mahnomen, Murray, Norman, Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Swift, and Wilkin Counties in Minnesota; Richland County in North Dakota; Brookings, Day, Deuel, Grant, Marshall, Moody, and Roberts Counties in South Dakota; and Green Lake and Waukesha Counties in Wisconsin, on the maps below.

(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Poweshiek skipperling consist of four components:

(i) Primary Constituent Element 1 - Wet-mesic to dry tallgrass remnant untilled prairies or remnant moist meadows containing:

(A) A predominance of native grasses and native flowering forbs;

(B) Undisturbed (untilled) glacial soil types including, but not limited to, loam, sandy loam, loamy sand, gravel, organic soils (peat), or marl that provide the edaphic features conducive to Poweshiek skipperling larval survival and native-prairie vegetation;

(C) If present, depressional wetlands or low wet areas, within or adjacent to prairies that provide shelter from high summer temperatures and fire;

(D) If present, trees or large shrub cover less than 5 percent of area in dry prairies and less than 25 percent in wet-mesic prairies and prairie fens; and

(E) If present, nonnative invasive plant species occurring in less than 5 percent of area.

(ii) Primary Constituent Element 2 - Prairie fen habitats containing:

(A) A predominance of native grasses and native flowering forbs;

(B) Undisturbed (untilled) glacial soil types including, but not limited to, organic soils (peat), or marl that provide the edaphic features conducive to Poweshiek skipperling larval survival and native-prairie vegetation;

(C) Depressional wetlands or low wet areas, within or adjacent to prairies that provide shelter from high summer temperatures and fire;

(D) Hydraulic features necessary to maintain prairie fen groundwater flow and prairie fen plant communities;

(E) If present, trees or large shrub cover less than 25 percent of the unit; and

(F) If present, nonnative invasive plant species occurring in less than 5 percent of area.

(iii) Primary Constituent Element 3 - Native grasses and native flowering forbs for larval and adult food and shelter, specifically:

(A) At least one of the following native grasses available to provide larval food and shelter sources during Poweshiek skipperling larval stages: Prairie dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), or mat muhly (Muhlenbergia richardsonis); and

(B) At least one of the following forbs in bloom to provide nectar and water sources during the Poweshiek skipperling flight period: Purple coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia), black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), smooth ox-eye (Heliopsis helianthoides), stiff tickseed (Coreopsis palmata), palespike lobelia (Lobelia spicata), sticky tofieldia (Triantha glutinosa), or shrubby cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda).

(iv) Primary Constituent Element 4 - Dispersal grassland habitat that is within 1 km (0.6 mi) of native high-quality remnant prairie (as defined in Primary Constituent Element 1) that connects high-quality wet-mesic to dry tallgrass prairies, moist meadows, or prairie fen habitats. Dispersal grassland habitat consists of the following physical characteristics appropriate for supporting Poweshiek skipperling dispersal: Undeveloped open areas dominated by perennial grassland with limited or no barriers to dispersal including tree or shrub cover less than 25 percent of the area and no row crops such as corn, beans, potatoes, or sunflowers.

(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 2, 2015.

(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created and digitized using ESRI's ArcMap (version 10.0) and comparing USGS NAIP/FSA high-resolution orthophotography from 2010 or later and previously mapped skipper habitat polygons submitted by contracted researchers or prairie habitat polygons made available from Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' County Biological Survey. Critical habitat units then were mapped in Geographic Coordinate System WGS84. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site (, at at Docket No. FWS-R3-ES-2013-0017, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2.

(5) Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota index map follows:

(6) Michigan and Wisconsin index map follows:

(7) PS Iowa Unit 1, Howard County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 1 follows:

(8) PS Iowa Unit 2, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 2 follows:

(9) PS Iowa Units 3, 4, and 7, Dickinson County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Units 3, 4, and 7 follows:

(10) PS Iowa Unit 5, Osceola County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 5 follows:

(11) PS Iowa Unit 6, Dickinson County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 6 follows:

(12) PS Iowa Unit 8, Osceola County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 8 follows:

(13) PS Iowa Unit 9, Dickinson County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 9 follows:

(14) PS Iowa Unit 10, Kossuth County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 10 follows:

(15) PS Iowa Unit 11, Emmet County, Iowa. Map of PS Iowa Unit 11 follows:

(16) PS Michigan Unit 1, Oakland County, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Unit 1 follows:

(17) PS Michigan Units 2 and 3, Oakland County, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Units 2 and 3 follows:

(18) PS Michigan Unit 4, Oakland County, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Unit 4 follows:

(19) PS Michigan Unit 5, Livingston County, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Unit 5 follows:

(20) PS Michigan Unit 6, Washtenah County, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Unit 6 follows:

(21) PS Michigan Unit 7, Lenawee County, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Unit 7 follows:

(22) PS Michigan Units 8 and 9, Jackson and Hillsdale Counties, Michigan. Map of PS Michigan Units 8 and 9 follows:

(23) PS Minnesota Unit 1, Pope County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 1 follows:

(24) PS Minnesota Units 2 and 3, Murray County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Units 2 and 3 follows:

(25) PS Minnesota Units 4 and 18, Clay County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Units 4 and 18 follows:

(26) PS Minnesota Unit 5, Clay County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 5 follows:

(27) PS Minnesota Unit 6, Norman County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 6 follows:

(28) PS Minnesota Unit 7, Lincoln and Pipestone Counties, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 7 follows:

(29) PS Minnesota Units 8 and 9, Pipestone County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Units 8 and 9 follows:

(30) PS Minnesota Unit 10, Swift and Chippewa Counties, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 10 follows:

(31) PS Minnesota Unit 11, Wilkin County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 11 follows:

(32) PS Minnesota Unit 12, Lyon County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 12 follows:

(33) PS Minnesota Unit 13, Lac Qui Parle County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 13 follows:

(34) PS Minnesota Unit 14, Douglas County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 14 follows:

(35) PS Minnesota Unit 15, Mahnomen County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 15 follows:

(36) PS Minnesota Unit 16, Cottonwood County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 16 follows:

(37) PS Minnesota Unit 17, Pope County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 17 follows:

(38) PS Minnesota Unit 19, Kittson County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 19 follows:

(39) PS Minnesota Unit 20, Polk County, Minnesota. Map of PS Minnesota Unit 20 follows:

(40) PS North Dakota Units 1 and 2, Richland County, North Dakota. Map of PS North Dakota Units 1 and 2 follows:

(41) PS South Dakota Unit 1, Marshall County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 1 follows:

(42) PS South Dakota Unit 2, Brookings County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 2 follows:

(43) PS South Dakota Units 3 and 5, Deuel County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Units 3 and 5 follows:

(44) PS South Dakota Unit 4, Grant County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 4 follows:

(45) PS South Dakota Unit 6, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 6 follows:

(46) PS South Dakota Unit 7, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 7 follows:

(47) PS South Dakota Unit 8, Roberts County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 8 follows:

(48) PS South Dakota Units 15 and 16, Day County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Units 15 and 16 follows:

(49) PS South Dakota Unit 17, Moody County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 17 follows:

(50) PS South Dakota Unit 18, Marshall County, South Dakota. Map of PS South Dakota Unit 18 follows:

(51) PS Wisconsin Unit 1, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. Map of PS Wisconsin Unit 1 follows:

(52) PS Wisconsin Unit 2, Green Lake County, Wisconsin. Map of PS Wisconsin Unit 2 follows:

[42 FR 47840, Sept. 22, 1977]

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