Determining the amounts of penalties and assessments to be imposed on a provider.

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§ 890.1064 Determining the amounts of penalties and assessments to be imposed on a provider.

(a) Authority of debarring official. The debarring official has discretionary authority to set the amounts of penalties and assessments in accordance with law and this subpart.

(b) Factors considered in determining amounts of penalties and assessments. In determining the amounts of penalties and assessments to impose on a provider, the debarring official must consider:

(1) The Government's interests in being fully compensated for all damages, losses, and costs associated with the provider's violations, including:

(i) Amounts wrongfully paid from FEHBP funds as the result of the provider's violations and interest on those amounts, at rates determined by the Department of the Treasury;

(ii) All costs incurred by OPM in investigating a provider's sanctionable misconduct; and

(iii) All costs incurred in OPM's administrative review of the case, including every phase of the administrative sanctions processes described by this subpart;

(2) The Government's interests in deterring future misconduct by health care providers;

(3) The provider's personal financial situation, or, in the case of an entity, the entity's financial situation;

(4) All of the factors set forth in § 890.1062(b) and (c); and

(5) The presence of aggravating or less serious circumstances, as described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(7) of this section.

(c) Aggravated and less serious circumstances. The presence of aggravating circumstances may cause OPM to impose penalties and assessments at a higher level within the authorized range, while less serious violations may warrant sanctions of relatively lower amounts. Paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(7) of this section provide examples of aggravated and less serious violations. These examples are illustrative only, and are not intended to represent an exhaustive list of all possible types of violations.

(1) The existence of many separate violations, or of violations committed over an extended period of time, constitutes an aggravating circumstance. OPM may consider conduct involving a small number of violations, committed either infrequently or within a brief period of time, to be less serious.

(2) Violations for which a provider had direct knowledge of the material facts (for example, submitting claims that the provider knew to contain false, inaccurate, or misleading information), or for which the provider did not cooperate with OPM's or an FEHBP carrier's investigations, constitute aggravating circumstances. OPM may consider violations where the provider did not have direct knowledge of the material facts, or in which the provider cooperated with post-violation investigative efforts, to be less serious.

(3) Violations resulting in substantial damages, losses, and costs to OPM, the FEHBP, or FEHBP-covered persons constitute aggravating circumstances. Violations producing a small or negligible overall financial impact may be considered to be less serious.

(4) A pattern of conduct reflecting numerous improper claims, high-dollar false claims, or improper claims involving several types of items or services constitutes aggravating circumstances. OPM may consider a small number of improper claims for relatively low dollar amounts to be less serious.

(5) Every violation involving any harm, or the risk of harm, to the health and safety of an FEHBP enrollee, must be considered an aggravating circumstance.

(6) Any prior violation described in § 890.1062(b)(5) constitutes an aggravating circumstance. OPM may consider repeated or multiple prior violations to represent an especially serious form of aggravating circumstances.

(7) OPM may consider other circumstances or actions to be aggravating or less serious within the context of an individual case, as the interests of justice require.

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