(a) A married employee or Member retiring under CSRS will receive a fully reduced annuity to provide a current spouse annuity unless -
(1) The employee or Member, with the consent of the current spouse, elects a self-only annuity, a partially reduced annuity, or a fully reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity, in accordance with § 831.612(b) or § 831.614; or
(2) The employee or Member elects a self-only annuity, a partially reduced annuity or a fully reduced annuity to provide a former spouse annuity, and current spousal consent is waived in accordance with § 831.608.
(b) Qualifying court orders that award former spouse annuities prevent payment of current spouse annuities to the extent necessary to comply with the court order and § 831.614.
(c) The maximum rate of a current spouse annuity is 55 percent of the rate of the retiring employee's or Member's self-only annuity if the employee or Member is retiring based on a separation from a position under CSRS on or after October 11, 1962. The maximum rate of a current spouse annuity is 50 percent of the rate of the retiring employee's or Member's self-only annuity if the employee or Member is retiring based on a separation from a position covered under CSRS between September 30, 1956, and October 11, 1962.
(1) The amount of the reduction to provide a current spouse annuity equals 21⁄2 percent of the first $3600 of the designated survivor base plus 10 percent of the portion of the designated survivor base which exceeds $3600, if -
(i) The employee's or Member's separation on which the retirement is based was on or after October 11, 1962; or
(ii) The reduction is to provide a current spouse annuity (under § 831.631) for a spouse acquired after retirement.
(2) The amount of the reduction to provide a current spouse annuity under this section for former employees or Members whose retirement is based on separations before October 11, 1962, equals 21⁄2 percent of the first $2400 of the designated survivor base plus 10 percent of the portion of the designated survivor base which exceeds $2400.
[50 FR 20070, May 13, 1985, as amended at 51 FR 31931, Sept. 8, 1986; 58 FR 52880, Oct. 13, 1993. Redesignated at 58 FR 52882, Oct. 13, 1993]