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§ 533.5 Requirements.

(a) Each manufacturer of light trucks shall comply with the following fleet average fuel economy standards, expressed in miles per gallon, in the model year specified as applicable:

Expand Table

Table I

Model year 2-wheel drive light trucks 4-wheel drive light trucks Limited product line light trucks
Other Captive
1979 17.2 15.8
1980 16.0 16.0 14.0 14.0 14.0
1981 16.7 16.7 15.0 15.0 14.5
Expand Table

Table II

Model year Combined standard 2-wheel drive light trucks 4-wheel drive light trucks
Others Captive
Others Captive
1982 17.5 17.5 18.0 18.0 16.0 16.0
1983 19.0 19.0 19.5 19.5 17.5 17.5
1984 20.0 20.0 20.3 20.3 18.5 18.5
1985 19.5 19.5 19.7 19.7 18.9 18.9
1986 20.0 20.0 20.5 20.5 19.5 19.5
1987 20.5 20.5 21.0 21.0 19.5 19.5
1988 20.5 20.5 21.0 21.0 19.5 19.5
1989 20.5 20.5 21.5 21.5 19.0 19.0
1990 20.0 20.0 20.5 20.5 19.0 19.0
1991 20.2 20.2 20.7 20.7 19.1 19.1
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Table III

Model year Combined standard
1992 20.2 20.2
1993 20.4 20.4
1994 20.5 20.5
1995 20.6 20.6
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Table IV

Model year Standard
2001 20.7
2002 20.7
2003 20.7
2004 20.7
2005 21.0
2006 21.6
2007 22.2
2008 22.5
2009 23.1
2010 23.5

Figure 1:


N is the total number (sum) of light trucks produced by a manufacturer;

Ni is the number (sum) of the ith light truck model type produced by a manufacturer; and

Ti is the fuel economy target of the ith light truck model type, which is determined according to the following formula, rounded to the nearest hundredth:


Parameters a, b, c, and d are defined in Table V;

e = 2.718; and

x = footprint (in square feet, rounded to the nearest tenth) of the model type.

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Table V - Parameters for the Light Truck Fuel Economy Targets for MYs 2008-2011

Model year Parameters
a (mpg) b (mpg) c (gal/mi/ft2) d (gal/mi)
2008 28.56 19.99 49.30 5.58
2009 30.07 20.87 48.00 5.81
2010 29.96 21.20 48.49 5.50
2011 27.10 21.10 56.41 4.28

Figure 2:


CAFErequired is the fleet average fuel economy standard for a given light truck fleet;

Subscript i is a designation of multiple groups of light trucks, where each group's designation, i.e., i = 1, 2, 3, etc., represents light trucks that share a unique model type and footprint within the applicable fleet.

Productioni is the number of light trucks produced for sale in the United States within eachith designation, i.e., which share the same model type and footprint;

TARGETi is the fuel economy target in miles per gallon (mpg) applicable to the footprint of light trucks within each ith designation, i.e., which share the same model type and footprint, calculated according to either Figure 3 or Figure 4, as appropriate, and rounded to the nearest hundredth of a mpg, i.e., 35.455 = 35.46 mpg, and the summations in the numerator and denominator are both performed over all models in the fleet in question.

Figure 3:


TARGET is the fuel economy target (in mpg) applicable to vehicles of a given footprint (FOOTPRINT, in square feet);

Parameters a, b, c, and d are defined in Table VI; and

The MIN and MAX functions take the minimum and maximum, respectively, of the included values.

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Table VI - Parameters for the Light Truck Fuel Economy Targets for MYs 2012-2016

Model year Parameters
a (mpg) b (mpg) c (gal/mi/ft2) d (gal/mi)
2012 29.82 22.27 0.0004546 0.014900
2013 30.67 22.74 0.0004546 0.013968
2014 31.38 23.13 0.0004546 0.013225
2015 32.72 23.85 0.0004546 0.011920
2016 34.42 24.74 0.0004546 0.010413

Figure 4:


TARGET is the fuel economy target (in mpg) applicable to vehicles of a given footprint (FOOTPRINT, in square feet);

Parameters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h are defined in Table VII; and

The MIN and MAX functions take the minimum and maximum, respectively, of the included values.

Expand Table

Table VII - Parameters for the Light Truck Fuel Economy Targets for MYs 2017-2026

Model year Parameters
2017 36.26 25.09 0.0005484 0.005097 35.10 25.09 0.0004546 0.009851
2018 37.36 25.20 0.0005358 0.004797 35.31 25.20 0.0004546 0.009682
2019 38.16 25.25 0.0005265 0.004623 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2020 39.11 25.25 0.0005140 0.004494 35.41 25.25 0.0004546 0.009603
2021 39.71 25.63 0.000506 0.00443 NA NA NA NA
2022 40.31 26.02 0.000499 0.00436 NA NA NA NA
2023 40.93 26.42 0.000491 0.00429 NA NA NA NA
2024 41.55 26.82 0.000484 0.00423 NA NA NA NA
2025 42.18 27.23 0.000477 0.00417 NA NA NA NA
2026 42.82 27.64 0.000469 0.00410 NA NA NA NA


(1) For model year 1979, each manufacturer may:

(i) Combine its 2- and 4-wheel drive light trucks and comply with the average fuel economy standard in paragraph (a) of this section for 2-wheel drive light trucks; or

(ii) Comply separately with the two standards specified in paragraph (a) of this section.

(2) For model year 1979, the standard specified in paragraph (a) of this section for 4-wheel drive light trucks applies only to 4-wheel drive general utility vehicles. All other 4-wheel drive light trucks in that model year shall be included in the 2-wheel drive category for compliance purposes.

(c) For model years 1980 and 1981, manufacturers of limited product line light trucks may:

(1) Comply with the separate standard for limited product line light trucks, or

(2) Comply with the other standards specified in § 533.5(a), as applicable.

(d) For model years 1982-91, each manufacture may:

(1) Combine its 2- and 4-wheel drive light trucks (segregating captive import and other light trucks) and comply with the combined average fuel economy standard specified in paragraph (a) of this section; or

(2) Comply separately with the 2-wheel drive standards and the 4-wheel drive standards (segregating captive import and other light trucks) specified in paragraph (a) of this section.

(e) For model year 1992, each manufacturer shall comply with the average fuel economy standard specified in paragraph (a) of this section (segregating captive import and other light trucks).

(f) For each model year 1996 and thereafter, each manufacturer shall combine its captive imports with its other light trucks and comply with the fleet average fuel economy standard in paragraph (a) of this section.

(g) For model years 2008-2010, at a manufacturer's option, a manufacturer's light truck fleet may comply with the fuel economy standard calculated for each model year according to Figure 1 and the appropriate values in Table V, with said option being irrevocably chosen for that model year and reported as specified in § 537.8.

(h) For model year 2011, a manufacturer's light truck fleet shall comply with the fleet average fuel economy standard calculated for that model year according to Figure 1 and the appropriate values in Table V.

(i) For model years 2012-2016, a manufacturer's light truck fleet shall comply with the fleet average fuel economy standard calculated for that model year according to Figures 2 and 3 and the appropriate values in Table VI.

(j) For model years 2017-2025, a manufacturer's light truck fleet shall comply with the fleet average fuel economy standard calculated for that model year according to Figures 2 and 4 and the appropriate values in Table VII.

[43 FR 12014, Mar. 23, 1978]

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