You can find other information on the responsibilities of employers in the following sections of this part:
§ 40.3 - Definition.
§ 40.35 - Information about DERs that employers must provide collectors.
§ 40.45 - Modifying CCFs, Use of foreign-language CCFs.
§ 40.47 - Use of non-Federal forms for DOT tests or Federal CCFs for non-DOT tests.
§ 40.67 - Requirements for direct observation.
§ 40.173 - Responsibility to ensure test of split specimen.
§ 40.193 - Action in “shy bladder” situations.
§ 40.197 - Actions following report of a dilute specimen.
§ 40.207 - Actions following a report of a cancelled drug test.
§ 40.209 - Actions following and consequences of non-fatal flaws in drug tests.
§ 40.215 - Information about DERs that employers must provide BATs and STTs.
§ 40.225 - Modifying ATFs; use of foreign-language ATFs.
§ 40.227 - Use of non-DOT forms for DOT tests or DOT ATFs for non-DOT tests.
§ 40.235 (c) and (d) - responsibility to follow instructions for ASDs.
§ 40.255 (b) - receipt and storage of alcohol test information.
§ 40.265 (c)-(e) - actions in “shy lung” situations.
§ 40.267 - Cancellation of alcohol tests.
§ 40.271 - Actions in “correctable flaw” situations in alcohol tests.
§ 40.273 - Actions following cancelled tests in alcohol tests.
§ 40.275 - Actions in “non-fatal flaw” situations in alcohol tests.
§§ 40.287-40.289 - Responsibilities concerning SAP services.
§§ 40.295-40.297 - Prohibition on seeking second SAP evaluation or changing SAP recommendation.
§ 40.303 - Responsibilities concerning aftercare recommendations.
§ 40.305 - Responsibilities concerning return-to-duty decision.
§ 40.309 - Responsibilities concerning follow-up tests.
§ 40.321 - General confidentiality requirement.
§ 40.323 - Release of confidential information in litigation.
§ 40.331 - Other circumstances for the release of confidential information.
§ 40.333 - Record retention requirements.
§ 40.345 - Choice of who reports drug testing information to employers.
[65 FR 79526, Dec. 19, 2000. Redesignated at 66 FR 41950, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 82 FR 52244, Nov. 13, 2017]