Where is other information on the role of STTs and BATs found in this regulation?

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§ 40.217 Where is other information on the role of STTs and BATs found in this regulation?

You can find other information on the role and functions of STTs and BATs in the following sections of this part:

§ 40.3 - Definitions.

§ 40.223 - Responsibility for supervising employees being tested.

§§ 40.225-40.227 - Use of the alcohol testing form.

§§ 40.241-40.245 - Screening test procedures with ASDs and EBTs.

§§ 40.251-40.255 - Confirmation test procedures.

§ 40.261 - Refusals to test.

§§ 40.263-40.265 - Insufficient saliva or breath.

§ 40.267 - Problems requiring cancellation of tests.

§§ 40.269-40.271 - Correcting problems in tests.

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