(a) Filing. A railroad shall submit one copy of its RRP plan to the FRA Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety and Chief Safety Officer, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
(b) Filing timeline.
(1) A Class I railroad shall submit its RRP plan no later than August 16, 2021.
(2) A railroad with inadequate safety performance shall submit its RRP plan no later than 180 days after receiving final written notification from FRA that it shall comply with this part, pursuant to § 271.13(d), or no later than August 16, 2021, whichever is later.
(3) A railroad that the STB reclassifies or newly classifies as a Class I railroad shall submit its RRP plan no later than 90 days following the effective date of the classification or reclassification or no later than August 16, 2021, whichever is later.
(i) Before submitting an RRP plan for FRA's review and approval, a voluntarily-compliant railroad shall notify FRA of its intent to submit an RRP plan by providing written notice to the FRA Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety and Chief Safety Officer, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
(ii) The date that FRA receives a voluntarily-compliant railroad's written notice or February 18, 2021, whichever is later, serves as the date on which the voluntarily-compliant railroad may start compiling or collecting information solely for the purpose of planning, implementing, or evaluating a risk reduction program, as described by § 271.11.
(iii) A voluntarily-compliant railroad shall submit its RRP plan no later than 180 days after FRA receives written notice that the voluntarily-compliant railroad intends to submit an RRP plan for review and approval.
(c) RRP plan requirements. An RRP plan submitted by a railroad shall include:
(1) The signature, name, title, address, and telephone number of the chief official responsible for safety and who bears the primary managerial authority for implementing the submitting railroad's safety policy. By signing, this chief official is certifying that the contents of the RRP plan are accurate and that the railroad will implement the contents of the program as approved by FRA;
(2) The contact information for the primary person responsible for managing the RRP;
(3) The contact information for the senior representatives of any person that the railroad has determined has entered into a contractual relationship with the railroad to either perform significant safety-related services on the railroad's behalf or to utilize significant safety-related services provided by the railroad for railroad operations purposes (including host railroads, contract operators, shared track/corridor operators, and other contractors); and
(4) As required by § 271.207(d), a statement describing how it consulted with its directly affected employees on the contents of its RRP plan. Directly affected employees have 30 days following the railroad's submission of its proposed RRP plan to file a statement under § 271.207(e)(2).
(d) Approval.
(1) Within 90 days of receipt of an RRP plan, or within 90 days of receipt of each RRP plan submitted before the start of railroad operations, FRA will review the proposed RRP plan to determine if it sufficiently addresses the required elements. This review will also consider any statement submitted by directly affected employees pursuant to § 271.207(e).
(2) FRA will notify the primary contact person of the submitting railroad in writing whether FRA has approved the proposed plan and, if not approved, the specific points in which the RRP plan is deficient. FRA will also provide this notification to each individual identified in the service list accompanying the consultation statement required under § 271.207(d).
(3) If FRA does not approve an RRP plan, the submitting railroad shall amend the proposed plan to correct all identified deficiencies and shall provide FRA a corrected copy no later than 90 days following receipt of FRA's written notice that the submitted plan was not approved. If FRA determines that the necessary corrections are substantively significant, it will direct the railroad to consult further with its directly affected employees regarding the corrections. If the corrections are substantively significant, a railroad will also be required to include an updated consultation statement, along with its resubmitted plan, pursuant to § 271.207(d). Directly affected employees will also have 30 days following the railroad's resubmission of its proposed RRP plan to file a statement addressing the substantively significant changes under § 271.207(e). Within 60 days of receipt of a corrected RRP plan, FRA will review the corrected RRP plan to determine if it sufficiently addresses the identified deficiencies.
(4) Approval of a railroad's RRP plan under this part does not constitute approval of the specific actions the railroad will implement under its RRP plan and shall not be construed as establishing a Federal standard regarding those specific actions.
(e) Electronic submission. All documents required to be submitted to FRA under this part may be submitted electronically pursuant to the procedures in appendix B to this part.