What certification standards and procedures do recipients use to certify ACDBEs?

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§ 23.31 What certification standards and procedures do recipients use to certify ACDBEs?

(a) As a recipient, you must use, except as provided in this subpart, the procedures and standards of part 26, §§ 26.61-91 for certification of ACDBEs to participate in your concessions program. Your ACDBE program must incorporate the use of these standards and procedures and must provide that certification decisions for ACDBEs will be made by the Unified Certification Program (UCP) in your state (see part 26, § 26.81).

(b) The UCP's directory of eligible DBEs must specify whether a firm is certified as a DBE for purposes of part 26, an ACDBE for purposes of part 23, or both.

(c) As an airport or UCP, you must review the eligibility of currently certified ACDBE firms to make sure that they meet the eligibility standards of this part.

(1) You must complete these reviews as soon as possible, but in no case later than April 21, 2006 or three years from the anniversary date of each firm's most recent certification, whichever is later.

(2) You must direct all currently certified ACDBEs to submit to you by April 21, 2006, a personal net worth statement, a certification of disadvantage, and an affidavit of no change.

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