Additional requirements; construction within one-third mile (1,760 feet) (536 meters) of certain switching.

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§ 228.105 Additional requirements; construction within one-third mile (1,760 feet) (536 meters) of certain switching.

(a) In addition to providing the information specified by § 228.103, a carrier seeking approval of a site located within one-third mile (1,760 feet) (536 meters) of any area where railroad switching or humping operations are performed involving any cars required to be placarded “EXPLOSIVES A” or “POISON GAS” or any DOT Specification 112A or 114A tank cars transporting flammable gas subject to FRA emergency order No. 5 shall establish by a supplementary statement certified by a corporate officer possessing authority over the subject matter that -

(1) No feasible alternate site located at or beyond one-third mile from switching or humping operations is either presently available to the railroad or is obtainable within 3 miles (15,840 feet) (4,827 meters) of the reporting point for the employees who are to be housed in the sleeping quarters;

(2) Natural or other barriers exist or will be created prior to occupancy of the proposed facility between the proposed site and any areas in which switching or humping operations are performed which will be adequate to shield the facility from the direct and severe effects of a hazardous materials accident/incident arising in an area of switching or humping operations;

(3) The topography of the property is such as most likely to cause any hazardous materials unintentionally released during switching or humping to flow away from the proposed site; and

(4) Precautions for ensuring employee safety from toxic gases or explosions such as employee training and evacuation plans, availability of appropriate respiratory protection, and measures for fire protection, have been considered.

(b) In the absence of reliable records concerning traffic handled on trackage within the one-third mile area, it shall be presumed that the types of cars enumerated in paragraph (a) of this section are switched on that trackage; and the additional requirements of this section shall be met by the petitioning carrier, unless the carrier establishes that the switching of the enumerated cars will be effectively barred from the trackage if the petition is approved.

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