(a) Temporary repairs. Each operator must take immediate temporary measures to protect the public whenever:
(1) A leak, imperfection, or damage that impairs its serviceability is found in a segment of steel transmission line operating at or above 40 percent of the SMYS; and
(2) It is not feasible to make a permanent repair at the time of discovery.
(b) Permanent repairs. An operator must make permanent repairs on its pipeline system according to the following:
(1) Non integrity management repairs: The operator must make permanent repairs as soon as feasible.
(2) Integrity management repairs: When an operator discovers a condition on a pipeline covered under Subpart O-Gas Transmission Pipeline Integrity Management, the operator must remediate the condition as prescribed by § 192.933(d).
(c) Welded patch. Except as provided in § 192.717(b)(3), no operator may use a welded patch as a means of repair.
[Amdt. 192-114, 75 FR 48604, Aug. 11, 2010]