As prescribed in 843.205-70, the Contracting Officer shall insert this clause in solicitations and contracts for construction that are expected to exceed the micro-purchase threshold. The Contracting Officer shall fill in the number of days in which a Contractor must assert its right to an equitable adjustment; however, such amount shall not exceed 60 calendar days.
The FAR clauses 52.236-2, Differing Site Conditions; 52.243-4, Changes; and 52.243-5, Changes and Changed Conditions, are supplemented as follows:
(a) Submission of request for equitable adjustment proposals. When directed by the Contracting Officer or requested by the Contractor, the Contractor shall, in accordance with FAR 15.403-5, submit proposals for changes in the work exceeding $500,000 in writing to the Contracting Officer or Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO), and to the resident engineer.
(1) The Contractor must provide an itemized breakdown for changes exceeding the micro-purchase threshold (see FAR 2.101).
(2) The itemized breakdown shall include materials, quantities, unit prices, labor costs (separated into trades), construction equipment, etc. Labor costs shall be identified with specific material placed or operation performed.
(3) Proposals shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer or ACO and the resident engineer as expeditiously as possible, but not later than [fill-in] calendar days, after receipt of a written change order by the Contracting Officer.
(4) Proposals shall be signed by each subcontractor participating in the change.
(5) The Contracting Officer will consider issuing a settlement by determination to the contract if the Contractor's proposal required by paragraph (a)(3) of this clause is not received within the time period specified in paragraph (a)(3), or if agreement has not been reached.
(b) Paragraphs (a)(1) through (5) of this clause and the following paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) apply to proposals for changes in the work $500,000 or less:
(1) As a basis for negotiation, allowances not to exceed 10 percent each for overhead and profit for the party performing the work will be based on the value of labor, material, and equipment required to accomplish the change. As the value of the change increases, a declining scale will be used in negotiating the percentage of overhead and profit. This declining scale will also be used to negotiate the prime Contractor's or upper-tier subcontractor's fee when work is performed by lower-tier subcontractors (to a maximum of three tiers) and will be based on the net increased cost to the prime or upper-tier subcontractor, as applicable. Profit (fee) shall be computed by multiplying the profit percentage by the sum of the direct costs and computed overhead costs. Allowable percentages on changes will not exceed the following:
(i) 10 percent overhead and/or 10 percent profit (fee) on the first $20,000.
(ii) 7.5 percent overhead and/or 7.5 percent profit (fee) on the next $30,000.
(iii) 5 percent overhead and/or 5 percent profit (fee) on a balance over $50,000.
(2) The Contracting Officer will consider issuing a settlement by determination to the contract if the Contractor's proposal required by paragraph (3) is not received within 30 calendar days, or if agreement has not been reached.
(c)(1) Overhead and Contractor's fee percentages shall be considered to include insurance other than mentioned herein, field and office supervisors and assistants, security police, use of small tools, incidental job burdens, and general home office expenses and no separate allowance will be made. Assistants to office supervisors include all clerical, stenographic and general office help. Incidental job burdens include, but are not necessarily limited to, office equipment and supplies, temporary toilets, telephone and conformance to OSHA requirements. Items such as, but not necessarily limited to, review and coordination, estimating and expediting relative to contract changes are associated with field and office supervision and are considered to be included in the Contractor's overhead and/or fee percentage.
(2) Where the Contractor's or subcontractor's portion of a change involves credit items, such items must be deducted prior to adding overhead and profit for the party performing the work. The Contractor's fee is limited to the net increase to Contractor or subcontractors' portions of cost computed in accordance with this clause.
(3) Where a change involves credit items only, a proper measure of the amount of downward adjustment in the contract price is the reasonable cost to the Contractor if it had performed the deleted work. A reasonable allowance for overhead and profit are properly includable as part of the downward adjustment for a deductive change. The amount of such allowance is subject to negotiation.
(End of clause)
[84 FR 45683, Aug. 30, 2019]