Government property - USAID reporting requirements.

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752.245-70 Government property - USAID reporting requirements.

USAID contracts, except those for commercial items, must contain the following preface and reporting requirement as additions to the appropriate Government Property clause prescribed by (48 CFR) FAR 45.107, per a GAO audit recommendation.

Preface: To be inserted preceding the text of the FAR clause.

Government Property - USAID Reporting Requirements (OCT 2017)

(a)(1) The term Government-furnished property, wherever it appears in the following clause, shall mean (i) non-expendable personal property owned by or leased to the U.S. Government and furnished to the contractor, and (ii) personal property furnished either prior to or during the performance of this contract by any U.S. Government accountable officer to the contractor for use in connection with performance of this contract and identified by such officer as accountable. All mobile Information Technology (IT) equipment, including but not limited to, mobile phones (e.g. smartphones), laptops, tablets, and encrypted devices provided as government furnished property, title to which vests in the U.S. Government, are considered accountable personal property.

(2) The term Government property, wherever it appears in the following clause, shall mean Government-furnished property, Contractor acquired mobile IT equipment and non-expendable personal property title to which vests in the U.S. Government under this contract.

(3) Non-expendable personal property, for purposes of this contract, is defined as personal property that is complete in itself, does not lose its identity or become a component part of another article when put into use; is durable, with an expected service life of two years or more; and that has a unit cost of more than $500.

(b) Reporting Requirement: To be inserted following the text of the (48 CFR) FAR clause.

Reporting Requirements: The Contractor will submit an annual report on all Government property in a form and manner acceptable to USAID substantially as follows:

Annual Report of Government Property in Contractor's Custody

[Name of Contractor as of (end of contract year), 20XX]

Expand Table
Motor vehicles Furniture and furnishings - Other
Office Living quarters
A. Value of property as of last report
B. Transactions during this reporting period
1. Acquisitions (add):
a. Contractor acquired property1
b. Government furnished2
c. Transferred from others, without reimbursement3
2. Disposals (deduct):
a. Returned to USAID
b. Transferred to USAID - Contractor purchased
c. Transferred to other Government agencies3
d. Other disposals3
C. Value of property as of reporting date
D. Estimated average age of contractor held property
Years Years Years Years

Property Inventory Verification

I attest that (1) physical inventories of Government property are taken not less frequently than annually; (2) the accountability records maintained for Government property in our possession are in agreement with such inventories; and (3) the total of the detailed accountability records maintained agrees with the property value shown opposite line C above, and the estimated average age of each category of property is as cited opposite line D above.

Authorized Signature




(End of clause)

[83 FR 9713, Mar. 7, 2018]

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