As prescribed in 728.307-70, for use in all contracts requiring performance overseas:
(a) The contractor must provide MEDEVAC service coverage to all U.S. citizen, U.S. resident alien, and Third Country National employees and their authorized dependents (hereinafter “individual”) while overseas under a USAID-financed direct contract. USAID will reimburse reasonable, allowable, and allocable costs for MEDEVAC service coverage incurred under the contract. The contracting officer will determine the reasonableness, allowability, and allocability of the costs based on the applicable cost principles and in accordance with cost accounting standards.
(b) Exceptions. (i) The Contractor is not required to provide MEDEVAC insurance to eligible employees and their dependents with a health program that includes sufficient MEDEVAC coverage as approved by the contracting officer.
(ii) The Mission Director may make a written determination to waive the requirement for such coverage. The determination must be based on findings that the quality of local medical services or other circumstances obviate the need for such coverage for eligible employees and their dependents located at post.
(c) Contractor must insert a clause similar to this clause in all subcontracts that require performance by contractor employees overseas.
[59 FR 33447, June 29, 1994, as amended at 72 FR 19669, Apr. 19, 2007; 79 FR 74988, 74999, Dec. 16, 2014]