Worker's compensation insurance (Defense Base Act).

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752.228-3 Worker's compensation insurance (Defense Base Act).

As prescribed in 728.309, the following supplemental coverage must be added to the clause specified in (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-3 by the USAID contracting officer.

Worker's Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act) (DEC 1991)

In addition to the requirements specified in (48 CFR) FAR 52.228-3, the contractor agrees to the following:

(a) The Contractor agrees to procure Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance pursuant to the terms of the contract between USAID and USAID's DBA insurance carrier unless the Contractor has a DBA self insurance program approved by the Department of Labor or has an approved retrospective rating agreement for DBA.

(b) If USAID or the contractor has secured a waiver of DBA coverage (see (48 CFR) AIDAR 728.305-70(a)) for contractor's employees who are not citizens of, residents of, or hired in the United States, the contractor agrees to provide such employees with worker's compensation benefits as required by the laws of the country in which the employees are working, or by the laws of the employee's native country, whichever offers greater benefits.

(c) The Contractor further agrees to insert in all subcontracts hereunder to which the DBA is applicable, a clause similar to this clause, including this sentence, imposing on all subcontractors a like requirement to provide overseas workmen's compensation insurance coverage and obtain DBA coverage under the USAID requirements contract.

[53 FR 50631, Dec. 16, 1988, as amended at 54 FR 16122, Apr. 21, 1989; 56 FR 67226, Dec. 30, 1991; 79 FR 74988, 74999, Dec. 16, 2014]

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