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434.003 Responsibilities.

(a) The Secretary of Agriculture or other designated USDA key executive is responsible for making four key decisions in each major system acquisition process. These are listed in paragraph 9 of A-109 and elaborated on in paragraphs 10 through 13. The key executives of USDA (Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries) individually or as a group will participate in this decision making process.

(b) The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is the Major Information Technology Systems Executive. For acquisitions of information technology, the CIO will ensure that A-109 is implemented in USDA and that the management objectives of the Circular are realized. The CIO is responsible for designating the program manager for each major information technology system acquisition, designating an acquisition to be a major information technology system acquisition, and approving the written charter and project control system for each major information technology system acquisition.

(c) The Assistant Secretary for Administration (ASA) is the USDA Acquisition Executive for major system acquisitions other than acquisitions of information technology. The ASA will ensure that A-109 is implemented in USDA and that the management objectives of the Circular are realized. The ASA is responsible for designating the program manager for each major system acquisition, designating an acquisition to be a major system acquisition, and approving the written charter and project control system for each major system acquisition.

(d) Heads of contracting activities must:

(1) Ensure compliance with the requirements of A-109, FAR Part 34 and AGAR Part 434.

(2) Ensure that potential major system acquisitions are brought to the attention of the USDA Acquisition Executive or the Major Information Technology Systems Executive, as appropriate.

(3) Recommend qualified candidates for designation as program managers for each major system acquisition within their jurisdiction.

(4) Ensure that program managers fulfill their responsibilities and discharge their duties.

(5) Cooperate with the ASA and Major Information.

Technology Systems Executive in implementing the requirements of A-109.

(e) The program manager is responsible for planning and executing the major system acquisition, ensuring appropriate coordination with the USDA Acquisition Executive and Major Information Technology Systems Executive and other key USDA executives.

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