As prescribed in HHSAR 326.701, the Contracting Officer shall insert the following clause:
(a) Public Law 101-601, dated November 16, 1990, also known as the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, imposes certain responsibilities on individuals and organizations when they discover Native American cultural items (including human remains) on Federal or tribal lands.
(b) In the event the Contractor discovers Native American cultural items (including human remains, associated funerary objects, unassociated funerary objects, sacred objects and cultural patrimony), as defined in the Act during contract performance, the Contractor shall -
(1) Immediately cease activity in the area of the discovery;
(2) Notify the Contracting Officer of the discovery; and
(3) Make a reasonable effort to protect the items discovered before resuming such activity. Upon receipt of the Contractor's discovery notice, the Contracting Officer will notify the appropriate authorities as required by the Act.
(c) Unless otherwise specified by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may resume activity in the area on the 31st calendar day following the date that the appropriate authorities certify receipt of the discovery notice. The Contracting Officer shall provide to the Contractor the date that the appropriate authorities certify receipt of the discovery notice and the date on which the Contractor may resume activities.