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241.101 Definitions.

As used in this part -

Independent regulatory body means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a state-wide agency, or an agency with less than state-wide jurisdiction when operating pursuant to state authority. The body has the power to fix, establish, or control the rates and services of utility suppliers.

Nonindependent regulatory body means a body that regulates a utility supplier which is owned or operated by the same entity that created the regulatory body, e.g., a municipal utility.

Regulated utility supplier means a utility supplier regulated by an independent regulatory body.

Service power procurement officer means for the -

(1) Army, the Chief of Engineers;

(2) Navy, the Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command;

(3) Air Force, the head of a contracting activity; and

(4) Defense Logistics Agency, the head of a contracting activity.

[63 FR 11539, Mar. 9, 1998, as amended at 71 FR 3417, Jan. 23, 2006]

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