(a) Federal agencies shall advance sustainable acquisition by ensuring that 95 percent of new contract actions for the supply of products and for the acquisition of services (including construction) require that the products are -
(1) Energy-efficient (ENERGY STAR ® or Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)-designated);
(2) Water-efficient;
(3) Biobased;
(4) Environmentally preferable (e.g., EPEAT®-registered, or non-toxic or less toxic alternatives);
(5) Non-ozone depleting; or
(6) Made with recovered materials.
(b) The required products in the contract actions for services include products that are -
(1) Delivered to the Government during performance;
(2) Acquired by the contractor for use in performing services at a Federally-controlled facility; or
(3) Furnished by the contractor for use by the Government.
(c) The required products in the contract actions must meet agency performance requirements.
(d) For purposes of meeting the 95 percent sustainable acquisition requirement, the term “contract actions” includes new contracts (and task and delivery orders placed against them) and new task and delivery orders on existing contracts.
[76 FR 31399, May 31, 2011, as amended at 79 FR 35861, June 24, 2014]