(a) Once a requirement has been accepted by SBA into the 8(a) program, any follow-on requirements shall remain in the 8(a) program unless there is a mandatory source (see 8.002 or 8.003) or SBA agrees to release the requirement from the 8(a) program in accordance with 13 CFR 124.504(d).
(b) To obtain release of a requirement for a non-8(a) procurement (other than a mandatory source listed at 8.002 or 8.003), the contracting officer shall make a written request to, and receive concurrence from, the SBA Associate Administrator for Business Development.
(1) The written request to the SBA Associate Administrator for Business Development shall indicate -
(i) Whether the agency has achieved its small disadvantaged business goal;
(ii) Whether the agency has achieved its HUBZone, SDVOSB, WOSB, or small business goal(s); and
(iii) Whether the requirement is critical to the business development of the 8(a) contractor that is currently performing the requirement.
(2) Generally, a requirement that was previously accepted into the 8(a) program will only be released for procurements outside the 8(a) program when the contracting activity agency agrees to set aside the requirement under the small business, HUBZone, SDVOSB, or WOSB programs.
(3) The requirement that a follow-on procurement must be released from the 8(a) program in order for it to be fulfilled outside the 8(a) program does not apply to task or delivery orders offered to and accepted into the 8(a) program, where the basic contract was not accepted into the 8(a) program.
[82 FR 4730, Jan. 13, 2017]