Classes of emission.

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§ 80.207 Classes of emission.

(a) Authorization to use radiotelephone and radiotelegraph emissions by ship and coast stations includes the use of digital selective calling and selective calling techniques in accordance with § 80.225.

(b) In radiotelegraphy communications employing a modulated carrier the carrier must be keyed and modulated by an audio frequency.

(c) Authorization to use single sideband emission is limited to emitting a carrier;

(1) For full carrier transmitters at a power level between 3 and 6 dB below peak envelope power;

(2) For suppressed carrier transmitters at a power level at least 40 dB below peak envelope power; and

(3) For reduced or variable level carrier:

(i) In the 1600-4000 kHz band:

(A) For coast station transmitters 18±2 dB below peak envelope power;

(B) For ship station transmitters installed before January 2, 1982, 16±2 dB below peak envelope power; and

(C) For ship station transmitters installed after January 1, 1982, 18±2 dB below peak envelope power.

(ii) In the 4000-27500 kHz band:

(A) For coast station transmitters 18±2 dB below peak envelope power;

(B) For ship station transmitters installed before January 2, 1978, 16±2 dB below peak envelope power; and

(C) For ship station transmitters installed after January 1, 1978, 18±2 dB below peak envelope power.

(d) The authorized classes of emission are as follows:

Expand Table
Types of stations Classes of emission
Ship Stations1
100-160 kHz A1A.
405-525 kHz A1A, J2A.
1615-27500 kHz:
Manual15 16 17 A1A, J2A, J2B, J2D.
DSC6 F1B, J2B.
NB-DP14 16 F1B, J2B, J2D.
Facsimile F1C, F3C, J2C, J3C.
156-162 MHz2 F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C, F1D, F2D.
216-220 MHz3 F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C.
1626.5-1646.5 MHz (4).
1615-27500 kHz16 H3E, J2D, J3E, R3E.
27.5-470 MHz6 G3D, G3E.
1626.5-1646.5 MHz (4).
285-325 kHz7 A1A, A2A.
405-525 kHz (Direction Finding)8 A3N, H3N, J3N, NON.
154-459 MHz:12 A1D, A2D, F1D, F2D, G1D, G2D.
2.4-9.5 GHz PON.
Land Stations1
100-160 kHz A1A.
405-525 kHz A1A, J2A.
1605-2850 kHz:
Manual A1A, J2A.
Facsimile F1C, F3C, J2C, J3C.
Alaska-Fixed A1A, J2A.
4000-27500 kHz:
Manual16 A1A, J2A, J2B, J2D.
DSC18 F1B, J2B.
NB-DP14 18 F1,B J2B, J2D.
Facsimile F1C, F3C, J2C, J3C.
Alaska-Fixed17 18 A1A, A2A, F1B, F2B, J2B, J2D.
72-76 MHz A1A, A2A, F1B, F2B.
156-162 MHz2 20 F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C, F1D, F2D.
216-220 MHz3 F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C.
1615-27500 kHz18 19 H3E, J3E, R3E.
72-76 MHz A3E, F3E, G3E.
156-470 MHz G3E.
2.4-9.6 GHz PON.
Distress, Urgency and Safety8 9
2182 kHz10 11 A2B, A3B, H2B, H3E, J2B, J3E.
121.500 MHz A3E, AEX, N0N.
123.100 MHz A3E.
156.750 and 156.800 MHz13 G3E, G3N.
243.000 MHz A3E, A3X, N0N.
406.0-406.1 MHz G1D.

[51 FR 31213, Sept. 2, 1986]

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