(a) Authorization to use radiotelephone and radiotelegraph emissions by ship and coast stations includes the use of digital selective calling and selective calling techniques in accordance with § 80.225.
(b) In radiotelegraphy communications employing a modulated carrier the carrier must be keyed and modulated by an audio frequency.
(c) Authorization to use single sideband emission is limited to emitting a carrier;
(1) For full carrier transmitters at a power level between 3 and 6 dB below peak envelope power;
(2) For suppressed carrier transmitters at a power level at least 40 dB below peak envelope power; and
(3) For reduced or variable level carrier:
(i) In the 1600-4000 kHz band:
(A) For coast station transmitters 18±2 dB below peak envelope power;
(B) For ship station transmitters installed before January 2, 1982, 16±2 dB below peak envelope power; and
(C) For ship station transmitters installed after January 1, 1982, 18±2 dB below peak envelope power.
(ii) In the 4000-27500 kHz band:
(A) For coast station transmitters 18±2 dB below peak envelope power;
(B) For ship station transmitters installed before January 2, 1978, 16±2 dB below peak envelope power; and
(C) For ship station transmitters installed after January 1, 1978, 18±2 dB below peak envelope power.
(d) The authorized classes of emission are as follows:
Types of stations | Classes of emission |
Ship Stations1 | |
Radiotelegraphy: | |
100-160 kHz | A1A. |
405-525 kHz | A1A, J2A. |
1615-27500 kHz: | |
Manual15 16 17 | A1A, J2A, J2B, J2D. |
DSC6 | F1B, J2B. |
NB-DP14 16 | F1B, J2B, J2D. |
Facsimile | F1C, F3C, J2C, J3C. |
156-162 MHz2 | F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C, F1D, F2D. |
DSC | G2B. |
216-220 MHz3 | F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C. |
1626.5-1646.5 MHz | (4). |
Radiotelephony: | |
1615-27500 kHz16 | H3E, J2D, J3E, R3E. |
27.5-470 MHz6 | G3D, G3E. |
1626.5-1646.5 MHz | (4). |
Radiodetermination: | |
285-325 kHz7 | A1A, A2A. |
405-525 kHz (Direction Finding)8 | A3N, H3N, J3N, NON. |
154-459 MHz:12 | A1D, A2D, F1D, F2D, G1D, G2D. |
2.4-9.5 GHz | PON. |
Land Stations1 | |
Radiotelegraphy: | |
100-160 kHz | A1A. |
405-525 kHz | A1A, J2A. |
1605-2850 kHz: | |
Manual | A1A, J2A. |
Facsimile | F1C, F3C, J2C, J3C. |
Alaska-Fixed | A1A, J2A. |
4000-27500 kHz: | |
Manual16 | A1A, J2A, J2B, J2D. |
DSC18 | F1B, J2B. |
NB-DP14 18 | F1,B J2B, J2D. |
Facsimile | F1C, F3C, J2C, J3C. |
Alaska-Fixed17 18 | A1A, A2A, F1B, F2B, J2B, J2D. |
72-76 MHz | A1A, A2A, F1B, F2B. |
156-162 MHz2 20 | F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C, F1D, F2D. |
DSC | G2B. |
216-220 MHz3 | F1B, F2B, F2C, F3C. |
Radiotelephony: | |
1615-27500 kHz18 19 | H3E, J3E, R3E. |
72-76 MHz | A3E, F3E, G3E. |
156-470 MHz | G3E. |
Radiodetermination: | |
2.4-9.6 GHz | PON. |
Distress, Urgency and Safety8 9 | |
2182 kHz10 11 | A2B, A3B, H2B, H3E, J2B, J3E. |
121.500 MHz | A3E, AEX, N0N. |
123.100 MHz | A3E. |
156.750 and 156.800 MHz13 | G3E, G3N. |
243.000 MHz | A3E, A3X, N0N. |
406.0-406.1 MHz | G1D. |
[51 FR 31213, Sept. 2, 1986]