Digital television table of allotments.

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§ 73.622 Digital television table of allotments.

(a) General. The following table of allotments contains the digital television (DTV) channel allotments designated for the listed communities in the United States, its Territories, and possessions. Requests for addition of new DTV allotments, or requests to change the channels allotted to a community must be made in a petition for rule making to amend the DTV Table of Allotments. A request to amend the DTV table to change the channel of an allotment in the DTV table will be evaluated for technical acceptability using engineering criteria set forth in § 73.623(c). A request to amend the DTV table to add a new allotment will be evaluated for technical acceptability using the geographic spacing criteria set forth in § 73.623(d). DTV allotments designated with an asterisk are assigned for use by non-commercial educational broadcast stations only. Rules governing noncommercial educational TV stations are contained in § 73.621. Where there is only one technically available channel available in a community, an entity that would be eligible to operate a noncommercial educational broadcast station may, prior to application, initiate a rulemaking proceeding requesting that an unoccupied or new channel in the community be changed or added as reserved only for noncommercial educational broadcasting upon demonstrating that the noncommercial educational proponent would provide a first or second noncommercial educational TV service to 2,000 or more people who constitute 10% of the population within the proposed allocation's noise limited contour.

(1) Petitions requesting the addition of a new allotment must specify a channel in the range of channels 2-36.

(2) Petitions requesting a change in the channel of an initial allotment must specify a channel in the range of channels 2-58.

(b) [Reserved]


(1) Availability of channels. Applications may be filed to construct DTV broadcast stations only on the channels designated in the DTV Table of Allotments set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, and only in the communities listed therein. Applications that fail to comply with this requirement, whether or not accompanied by a petition to amend the DTV Table, will not be accepted for filing. However, applications specifying channels that accord with publicly announced FCC Orders changing the DTV Table of Allotments will be accepted for filing even if such applications are tendered before the effective dates of such channel change. An application for authority to construct a DTV station on an allotment in the initial DTV table may only be filed by the licensee or permittee of the analog TV station with which that initial allotment is paired, as set forth in Appendix B of the Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration of the Sixth Report and Order in MM Docket 87-268, FCC 98-24 (Memorandum Opinion and Order) adopted January 29, 1998. Copies of the Memorandum Opinion and Order may be inspected during normal business hours at the Federal Communications Commission's Reference Information Center, located at the address of the FCC's main office indicated in 47 CFR 0.401(a). This document is also available through the Internet on the FCC Home Page at Applications may also be filed to implement an exchange of channel allotments between two or more licensees or permittees of analog TV stations in the same community, the same market, or in adjacent markets provided, however, that the other requirements of this section and § 73.623 are met with respect to each such application.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(1) of this section, an application may be filed for a channel or community not listed in the DTV Table of Allotments if it is consistent with the rules and policies established in the Third Report and Order in WT Docket 99-168 (FCC 01-25), adopted January 18, 2001. Where such a request is approved, the Media Bureau will change the DTV Table of Allotments to reflect that approval.

(d) Reference points and distance computations.

(1) The reference coordinates of a DTV allotment included in the initial DTV Table of Allotments are the coordinates of the authorized transmitting antenna site of the associated analog TV station, as set forth in Appendix B of the Memorandum Opinion and Order (referenced above). An application for authority to construct or modify DTV facilities on such an allotment may specify an alternate location for the DTV transmitting antenna that is within 5 kilometers of the DTV allotment reference coordinates without consideration of electromagnetic interference to other DTV or analog TV broadcast stations, allotments or applications, provided the application complies with paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Location of the transmitting antenna of such a station at a site more than 5 kilometers from the DTV allotment reference coordinates must comply with the provisions of section 73.623(c). In the case where a DTV station has been granted authority to construct more than 5 kilometers from its reference coordinates pursuant to section 73.623(c), and its authorized coverage area extends in any azimuthal direction beyond the DTV coverage area determined for the DTV allotment reference facilities, then the coordinates of such authorized site are to be used in addition to the coordinates of the DTV allotment to determine protection from new DTV allotments pursuant to § 73.623(d) and from subsequent DTV applications filed pursuant to § 73.623(c).

(2) The reference coordinates of a DTV allotment not included in the initial DTV Table of Allotments shall be the authorized transmitter site, or, where such a transmitter site is not available for use as a reference point, the coordinates as designated in the FCC order modifying the DTV Table of Allotments.

(e) DTV Service Areas.

(1) The service area of a DTV station is the geographic area within the station's noise-limited F(50,90) contour where its signal strength is predicted to exceed the noise-limited service level. The noise-limited contour is the area in which the predicted F(50,90) field strength of the station's signal, in dB above 1 microvolt per meter (dBu) as determined using the method in § 73.625(b) exceeds the following levels (these are the levels at which reception of DTV service is limited by noise):

Expand Table
Channels 2-6 28
Channels 7-13 36
Channels 14-36 41

(2) Within this contour, service is considered available at locations where the station's signal strength, as predicted using the terrain dependent Longley-Rice point-to-point propagation model, exceeds the levels above. Guidance for evaluating coverage areas using the Longley-Rice methodology is provided in OET Bulletin No. 69. Copies of this document are available on the FCC's website. See

Note to paragraph (e)(2):

During the transition, in cases where the assigned power of a UHF DTV station in the initial DTV Table is 1000 kW, the Grade B contour of the associated analog television station, as authorized on April 3, 1997, shall be used instead of the noise-limited contour of the DTV station in determining the DTV station's service area. In such cases, the DTV service area is the geographic area within the station's analog Grade B contour where its DTV signal strength is predicted to exceed the noise-limited service level, i.e., 41 dB, as determined using the Longley-Rice methodology.

(3) For purposes of determining whether interference is caused to a DTV station's service area, the maximum technical facilities, i.e., antenna height above average terrain (antenna HAAT) and effective radiated power (ERP), specified for the station's allotment are to be used in determining its service area.


(1) [Reserved]

(2) An application for authority to construct or modify DTV facilities will not be subject to further consideration of electromagnetic interference to other DTV or analog TV broadcast stations, allotments or applications, provided that:

(i) The proposed ERP in each azimuthal direction is equal to or less than the reference ERP in that direction; and

(ii) The proposed antenna HAAT is equal to or less than the reference antenna HAAT or the proposed antenna HAAT exceeds the reference antenna HAAT by 10 meters or less and the reference ERP in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section is adjusted in accordance with paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and

(iii) The application complies with the location provisions in paragraph (d)(1) of this section.


(i) A DTV station may increase its antenna HAAT by up to 10 meters from that specified in Appendix B if it reduces its DTV power to a level at or below the level of adjusted DTV power computed in the following formula:

ERP adjustment in dB = 20log(H1/H2)

Where H1 = Reference antenna HAAT specified in the DTV Table, and H2 = Actual antenna HAAT

(ii) Alternatively, a DTV application that specifies an antenna HAAT within 25 meters below that specified in Appendix B may adjust its power upward to a level at or below the adjusted DTV power in accordance with the formula in paragraph (f)(3)(i) of this section without an interference showing. For a proposed antenna more than 25 meters below the reference antenna HAAT, the DTV station may increase its ERP up to the level permitted for operation with an antenna that is 25 meters below the station's reference antenna HAAT.

(4) UHF DTV stations may request an increase in power, up to a maximum of 1000 kW ERP, to enhance service within their authorized service area.

(5) Licensees and permittees assigned a DTV channel in the initial DTV Table of Allotments may request an increase in either ERP in some azimuthal direction or antenna HAAT, or both, that exceed the initial technical facilities specified for the allotment in Appendix B of the Memorandum Opinion and Order (referenced in paragraph (c) of this section), up to the maximum permissible limits on DTV power and antenna height set forth in paragraph (f)(6), (f)(7), or (f)(8) of this section, as appropriate, or up to that needed to provide the same geographic coverage area as the largest station within their market, whichever would allow the largest service area. Such requests must be accompanied by a technical showing that the increase complies with the technical criteria in § 73.623(c), and thereby will not result in new interference exceeding the de minimis standard set forth in that section, or statements agreeing to the change from any co-channel or adjacent channel stations that might be affected by potential new interference, in accordance with § 73.623(f). In the case where a DTV station has been granted authority to construct pursuant to § 73.623(c), and its authorized coverage area extends in any azimuthal direction beyond the DTV coverage area determined for the DTV allotment reference facilities, then the authorized DTV facilities are to be used in addition to the assumed facilities of the initial DTV allotment to determine protection from new DTV allotments pursuant to § 73.623(d) and from subsequent DTV applications filed pursuant to § 73.623(c). The provisions of this paragraph regarding increases in the ERP or antenna height of DTV stations on channels in the initial DTV Table of Allotments shall also apply in cases where the licensee or permittee seeks to change the station's channel as well as alter its ERP and antenna HAAT. Licensees and permittees are advised that where a channel change is requested, it may, in fact, be necessary in specific cases for the station to operate with reduced power, a lower antenna, or a directional antenna to avoid causing new interference to another station.

(6) A DTV station that operates on a channel 2-6 allotment created subsequent to the initial DTV Table will be allowed a maximum ERP of 10 kW if its antenna HAAT is at or below 305 meters and it is located in Zone I or a maximum ERP of 45 kW if its antenna HAAT is at or below 305 meters and it is located in Zone II or Zone III. A DTV station that operates on a channel 2-6 allotment included in the initial DTV Table of Allotments may request an increase in power and/or antenna HAAT up to these maximum levels, provided the increase also complies with the provisions of paragraph (f)(5) of this section.

(i) At higher HAAT levels, such DTV stations will be allowed to operate with lower maximum ERP levels in accordance with the following table and formulas (the allowable maximum ERP for intermediate values of HAAT is determined using linear interpolation based on the units employed in the table):

Expand Table

Maximum Allowable ERP and Antenna Height for DTV Stations In Zones II or III on Channels 2-6

Antenna HAAT (meters) ERP (kW)
610 10
580 11
550 12
520 14
490 16
460 19
425 22
395 26
365 31
335 37
305 45

(ii) For DTV stations located in Zone I that operate on channels 2-6 with an HAAT that exceeds 305 meters, the allowable maximum ERP expressed in decibels above 1 kW (dBk) is determined using the following formula, with HAAT expressed in meters:

ERPmax = 92.57-33.24*log10(HAAT)

(iii) For DTV stations located in Zone II or III that operate on channels 2-6 with an HAAT that exceeds 610 meters, the allowable maximum ERP expressed in decibels above 1 kW (dBk) is determined using the following formula, with HAAT expressed in meters:

ERPmax = 57.57-17.08*log10(HAAT)

(7) A DTV station that operates on a channel 7-13 allotment created subsequent to the initial DTV Table will be allowed a maximum ERP of 30 kW if its antenna HAAT is at or below 305 meters and it is located in Zone I or a maximum ERP of 160 kW if its antenna HAAT is at or below 305 meters and it is located in Zone II or Zone III. A DTV station that operates on a channel 7-13 allotment included in the initial DTV Table of Allotments may request an increase in power and/or antenna HAAT up to these maximum levels, provided the increase also complies with the provisions of paragraph (f)(5) of this section.

(i) At higher HAAT levels, such DTV stations will be allowed to operate with lower maximum ERP levels in accordance with the following table and formulas (the allowable maximum ERP for intermediate values of HAAT is determined using linear interpolation based on the units employed in the table):

Expand Table

Maximum Allowable ERP and Antenna Height for DTV Stations In Zones II or III on Channels 7-13

Antenna HAAT (meters) ERP (kW)
610 30
580 34
550 40
520 47
490 54
460 64
425 76
395 92
365 110
335 132
305 160

(ii) For DTV stations located in Zone I that operate on channels 7-13 with an HAAT that exceeds 305 meters, the allowable maximum ERP expressed in decibels above 1 kW (dBk) is determined using the following formula, with HAAT expressed in meters:

ERPmax = 97.35-33.24*log10(HAAT)

(iii) For DTV stations located in Zone II or III that operate on channels 7-13 with an HAAT that exceeds 610 meters, the allowable maximum ERP expressed in decibels above 1 kW (dBk) is determined using the following formula, with HAAT expressed in meters:

ERPmax = 62.34-17.08*log10(HAAT)

(8) A DTV station that operates on a channel 14-59 allotment created subsequent to the initial DTV Table will be allowed a maximum ERP of 1000 kW if their antenna HAAT is at or below 365 meters. A DTV station that operates on a channel 14-59 allotment included in the initial DTV Table of Allotments may request an increase in power and/or antenna HAAT up to these maximum levels, provided the increase also complies with the provisions of paragraph (f)(5) of this section.

(i) At higher HAAT levels, such DTV stations will be allowed to operates with lower maximum ERP levels in accordance with the following table and formulas (the allowable maximum ERP for intermediate values of HAAT is determined using linear interpolation based on the units employed in the table):

Expand Table

Maximum Allowable ERP and Antenna Height for DTV Stations on Channels 14-59, All Zones

Antenna HAAT (meters) ERP (kW)
610 316
580 350
550 400
520 460
490 540
460 630
425 750
395 900
365 1000

(ii) For DTV stations located in Zone I, II or III that operate on channels 14-59 with an HAAT that exceeds 610 meters, the allowable maximum ERP expressed in decibels above 1 kW (dBk) is determined using the following formula, with HAAT expressed in meters:

ERPmax = 72.57-17.08*log10(HAAT)

(g) [Reserved]

(2) Unless it conflicts with operation complying with paragraph (g)(1) of this section, where a low power television station or TV translator station is operating on the lower adjacent channel within 32 km of the DTV station and notifies the DTV station that it intends to minimize interference by precisely maintaining its carrier frequencies, the DTV station shall cooperate in locking its carrier frequency to a common reference frequency and shall be responsible for any costs relating to its own transmission system in complying with this provision.


(1) The power level of emissions on frequencies outside the authorized channel of operation must be attenuated no less than the following amounts below the average transmitted power within the authorized channel. In the first 500 kHz from the channel edge the emissions must be attenuated no less than 47 dB. More than 6 MHz from the channel edge, emissions must be attenuated no less than 110 dB. At any frequency between 0.5 and 6 MHz from the channel edge, emissions must be attenuated no less than the value determined by the following formula:

Attenuation in dB = −11.5(Δf + 3.6);

Where: Δf = frequency difference in MHz from the edge of the channel.

(2) This attenuation is based on a measurement bandwidth of 500 kHz. Other measurement bandwidths may be used as long as appropriate correction factors are applied. Measurements need not be made any closer to the band edge than one half of the resolution bandwidth of the measuring instrument. Emissions include sidebands, spurious emissions and radio frequency harmonics. Attenuation is to be measured at the outp ut terminals of the transmitter (including any filters that may be employed). In the event of interference caused to any service, greater attenuation may be required.

(i) [Reserved]

(j) Table of TV Allotments.

Expand Table
Community Channel No.
Anniston 9
Bessemer 14
Birmingham 7, *10, 20, 29, 30
Demopolis *19
Dothan 21, 36
Dozier *10
Florence 2, *22
Gadsden 26
Gulf Shores 27
Homewood 21
Hoover 33
Huntsville 15, 17, 18, 19, *24
Louisville *30
Mobile 9, 15, 18, 20, 23, *30
Montgomery 8, 22, *27, 28, 31
Mount Cheaha *12
Opelika 17
Ozark 33
Selma 25, 34
Troy 19
Tuscaloosa 6, 36
Tuskegee 18
Anchorage 7, *8, 10, 12, 20, *26, 28, 33
Bethel *3
Fairbanks 7, *9, 18, 26
Juneau *10, 11
Ketchikan 13
North Pole 20
Sitka 7
Douglas 36
Flagstaff 13, 22, 32
Green Valley 34
Holbrook *11
Kingman 19
Mesa 18
Phoenix *8, 10, 15, 17, 20, 24, 26, 27, 29, 33
Prescott 7
Sierra Vista 21
Tolleson 31
Tucson 9, 16, 19, 23, 25, *28, *30, 32
Yuma 11, 13
Arkadelphia *13
Camden 18
El Dorado *10, 27
Eureka Springs 25
Fayetteville *9, 15
Fort Smith 18, 21, 27
Harrison 31
Hot Springs 16
Jonesboro 18, *20, 27
Little Rock *7, 12, 22, 28, 30, 32, *36
Mountain View *13
Pine Bluff 24, 34
Rogers 33
Springdale 29
Anaheim 12
Arcata 22
Avalon S
Bakersfield 10, 25, 26, 33
Bishop 20
Calipatria 36
Ceres *15
Chico 20, 36
Clovis 27
Concord S
Corona 25
Cotati *5
El Centro 9, 22
Eureka 3, *11, 17, 28
Fort Bragg * 4, 8
Fremont S
Fresno 7, 20, 30, *32, 34
Garden Grove S
Hanford 21
Huntington Beach *S
Inglewood S
Long Beach 18
Los Angeles 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, *28, 31, 34, 35, 36, *S
Merced 11
Modesto 18
Monterey 32, S
Oakland 31
Ontario 29
Palm Springs 26, 28
Palo Alto S
Paradise 30
Porterville 23
Rancho Palos Verdes 30
Redding *9, 15
Riverside S
Sacramento *9, 10, 21, 22, 24, 35
Salinas 8, 11
San Bernardino *5, 24
San Diego 8, 10, 17, 18, *19, 26
San Francisco 7, 12, 20, 28, 29, *30, 32, S, S, *S
San Jose 13, 19, 33, 36, *S
San Luis Obispo 15, 34
San Mateo *27
Sanger 36
Santa Ana 33
Santa Barbara 21, 27
Santa Maria 19
Stockton 23, 25, 26
Twentynine Palms 23
Vallejo 34
Ventura S
Visalia *22, 28
Watsonville *25
Boulder 32
Broomfield *13
Castle Rock 15
Colorado Springs 22, 24, 26
Denver 7, 9, 18, *20, 28, 31, *33, 34, 35, 36
Durango 15, *20, 33
Fort Collins 21
Glenwood Springs 23
Grand Junction 2, 7, 12, 15, *18
Greeley 17
Longmont 29
Montrose 13
Pueblo *8, 25, 27
Steamboat Springs 10
Sterling 23
Bridgeport S
Hartford *30, 34, 36, S
New Britain 31
New Haven 10, S, *S
New London 28
Norwich *9
Stamford *21
Waterbury 33
Dover 5
Seaford *24
Wilmington 2, *13, 34
District of Columbia
Washington 7, 9, *31, *33, 34, 36, S, S
Boca Raton *25
Boynton Beach *S
Bradenton 29
Cape Coral 34
Clearwater 21
Clermont 23
Cocoa *30, 32
Daytona Beach 11, 15
Destin 29
Fort Lauderdale 30
Fort Myers 15, *22, 31
Fort Pierce *18, 20
Fort Walton Beach 14, 21, 25
Gainesville 8, 16, *36
High Springs 29
Hollywood 24
Jacksonville *9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, *21
Key West 3, 8
Lake Worth 36
Lakeland 18
Leesburg 7, *S
Live Oak 17
Marianna 26
Melbourne 14, 22
Miami 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, *26, 27, 28, *29, 31, 32
Naples 28, 32
New Smyrna Beach *24
Ocala 31
Orange Park 10
Orlando 26, 27, 28, 33, *34, 35
Palm Beach 7
Panama City 9, 13, 16, *28
Panama City Beach 33
Pensacola 17, *24, 34, 35
Sarasota 24
St. Petersburg 10, 19, S
Stuart 34
Tallahassee 22, 24, 27, *32
Tampa 9, 12, *13, 17, 20, *S
Tequesta 16
Tice 33
Venice 25
West Palm Beach 12, 13, 35
Albany 10, 29
Athens *7, 18
Atlanta 10, 19, *21, 25, 27, 31, 32, *34, 36
Augusta 27, 28, 36
Bainbridge 19
Baxley 35
Brunswick 24
Chatsworth *4
Cochran *9
Columbus *5, 11, 15, 24, 35
Cordele 34
Dalton 28
Dawson *7
Macon 13, 26, 30, 33
Monroe 22
Pelham *6
Perry 23
Rome 16
Savannah *8, 16, 22, 23
Thomasville 20
Toccoa 24
Valdosta 31
Waycross *7
Wrens *6
Hilo 9, 11, 13, 22, 23
Honolulu 8, *11, *18, 19, 20, 22, 23, *26, 27, 31, 33, 35
Kailua 29
Kailua-Kona 25
Kaneohe 32
Wailuku 7, *10, 12, 16, 21, 24
Waimanalo 15
Boise 7, 15, 20, *21
Caldwell 10
Coeur d'Alene *18
Filer *18
Idaho Falls 8, 20, 36
Lewiston 32
Moscow *12
Nampa 13, 24
Pocatello *17, 23, 31
Sun Valley 5
Twin Falls 11, *22, 34
Aurora S
Bloomington 28
Carbondale *8
Champaign 32, 34
Charleston *30
Chicago 12, 19, 22, 23, 24, *25, 33, 34, S, *S
Decatur 20, 22
East St. Louis 28
Freeport 9
Galesburg 8
Harrisburg 34
Jacksonville *18
Joliet 35
Macomb *36
Marion 30
Moline *23, 31
Mount Vernon 13
Naperville S
Olney *23
Oswego 10
Peoria 24, 25, 26, *35
Quincy 22, 32, *34
Rock Island 4
Rockford 13, 16, 36
Springfield 11, 15, 16
Urbana *9, 36
Angola 12
Bloomington 27, 28, *33, S
Elkhart 30
Evansville *9, 12, 22, 26, 28
Fort Wayne *18, 20, 24, 32, 34
Gary *17, S
Hammond 21
Indianapolis 7, 9, 13, *21, 22, *23, 25
Kokomo 15
Lafayette 11
Marion S
Muncie 19
Richmond S
Salem 16
South Bend 27, 29, *31, 36
Terre Haute 10, 18, 35
Vincennes *31
Ames 5, 23, *34
Burlington 21
Cedar Rapids 22, 27, 29, 32
Council Bluffs *33
Davenport 17, 30, *34
Des Moines 8, *11, 13, 16, 19
Dubuque 14
Fort Dodge *25
Iowa City *12, 25
Mason City *18, 24
Newton 36
Ottumwa 15
Red Oak *35
Sioux City 9, 14, *28, 30, 32
Waterloo 7, *35
Colby 17, *19
Derby 31
Dodge City *21
Ensign 6
Garden City 11, 13
Goodland 10
Great Bend 22
Hays 7, *16
Hoisington 14
Hutchinson *8, 19, 35
Lakin *8
Lawrence 25
Pittsburg 7, 13
Salina 17
Topeka *11, 12, 13, 16, 27
Wichita 10, 12, 15, 26
Ashland 13, *36
Beattyville 7
Bowling Green 13, *18, 24, *29
Covington *22
Danville 19
Elizabethtown *23
Harlan S
Hazard 20, *33
Lexington 21, 27, 28, *35
Louisville 8, 11, 14, *30, 32, *34, 36
Madisonville *31
Morehead *30
Murray *17
Newport 15
Owensboro 17
Owenton *24
Paducah 19, *23, 25
Pikeville *23
Richmond 25
Somerset *17
Alexandria 26, 31, *33, 35
Baton Rouge 9, 13, 24, *25, 34
Columbia 11
Hammond 35
Lafayette 10, 16, *23, 28
Lake Charles 7, 18, *20
Minden 32
Monroe *13, 24
New Iberia 17
New Orleans 15, 19, 21, *23, 26, 27, *28, 29, 33
Shreveport 16, *17, 23, 28, 34
Slidell 17
West Monroe 19, 22
Augusta *10
Bangor 2, 7, 13
Biddeford *36
Calais *10
Lewiston 24
Orono *9
Poland Spring 8
Portland 15, 31, 34
Presque Isle 8, *10
Waterville 17
Annapolis *21
Baltimore 11, 12, *22, 25, 26, 27, S
Frederick *28
Hagerstown 23, *29
Oakland *26
Salisbury *16, 29, 32
Silver Spring S
Boston *5, 20, 21, 22, *32, 33, 34, 35
Cambridge S
Foxborough S
Lowell *S
Marlborough 27
New Bedford 24, S
Norwell 10
Pittsfield 7
Springfield 11, *13, 26
Woburn S
Worcester 19
Alpena 11, *24
Ann Arbor 24
Bad Axe *15
Battle Creek 17, 21
Bay City 23, 30
Cadillac 9, 32, *34
Calumet 5
Cheboygan 16
Detroit 7, *20, 21, 25, 31, 32, 34
East Lansing *33
Escanaba 32
Flint 12, 16
Grand Rapids 7, *11, 13, 19
Ishpeming 10
Kalamazoo *5, 8, 22
Lansing 14, 28, S
Manistee *20
Marquette *8, 19, 35
Mount Clemens 27
Mount Pleasant *26
Muskegon 24
Onondaga 10
Saginaw 18, 36
Sault Ste. Marie 8, 10
Traverse City 29, 35
Vanderbilt 21
Alexandria 7, 24
Appleton *10
Austin *20, 36
Bemidji *9, 26
Brainerd *28
Chisholm 11
Crookston *16
Duluth *8, 10, 18, 27, 33
Hibbing 13, *31
Mankato 12
Minneapolis 9, 22, 29, 30, 31, 32
Redwood Falls 27
Rochester 10, 26
St. Cloud 16
St. Paul *23, *34, 35
Thief River Falls 10
Walker 12
Worthington *15
Biloxi *16, 32
Booneville *9
Bude *18
Columbus 27
Greenville 15
Greenwood *25, 32
Gulfport 25
Hattiesburg 22
Holly Springs 26
Jackson 12, 14, *20, 21, 23, 30
Laurel 7
Magee 34
Meridian 13, 24, *28, 31
Mississippi State *8
Natchez 15
Oxford *36
Senatobia *S
Tupelo 11, 17
Vicksburg 36
West Point 16
Cape Girardeau 32, 36
Columbia 17, 27
Hannibal 22
Jefferson City 20, 29
Joplin 17, 23, *35
Kansas City *18, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36
Kirksville 33
Osage Beach 22
Poplar Bluff 15
Sedalia 15
Springfield 10, *16, 19, 28
St. Joseph 7, 21
St. Louis 14, *23, 24, 26, 31, 33, 35
Billings 11, *16, 18, 20
Bozeman *8, 13
Butte 5, 19, 20, 24
Glendive 5
Great Falls 7, 8, 17, *21, 26
Hardin 22
Havre 9
Helena 12, 29
Kalispell 9, *15
Miles City 3
Missoula 7, *11, 20, 23
Alliance *13
Bassett *7
Grand Island 11
Hastings 5, *28
Hayes Center 6
Kearney 18
Lexington *26
Lincoln 8, 10, *12, 15
McCook 12
Merriman *12
Norfolk *19
North Platte 2, *9
Omaha *17, 20, 22, 26, 29, 31
Scottsbluff 29
Sidney 7
York 24
Elko 10
Ely 27
Henderson 24
Las Vegas 2, 7, *11, 13, 16, 22, 29
Laughlin 32
Paradise 20
Reno 8, 11, 12, *15, 20, 23, 26
Tonopah 9
Winnemucca 7
New Hampshire
Concord 23
Derry S
Durham *11
Keene *18
Littleton *23
Manchester 9
Merrimack 29
New Jersey
Atlantic City 4
Camden *23
Jersey City S
Linden 35
Middletown Township 3
Millville S
Montclair *S
Mount Laurel S
New Brunswick *8
Newark 12, 26
Newton 18
Paterson S
Princeton S
Secaucus 25
Trenton *S
Vineland S
Wildwood 36
New Mexico
Albuquerque 7, 13, 16, *17, 22, 24, 26, *35, 36
Carlsbad 19, 25
Clovis 12
Farmington 12
Hobbs 29
Las Cruces *23, 26
Portales *32
Roswell 8, 10, 21, 27
Santa Fe *8, 10, 27, 29
Silver City 10, 12
New York
Albany 8, 21, 24
Amsterdam 19
Batavia 24
Binghamton 7, 8, 27, *31
Buffalo 16, *31, 32, 33, 34, 36, S
Carthage 8
Corning *25, 30
Elmira 23, 35
Garden City *32
Ithaca 13
Jamestown 5
New Rochelle S
New York 7, 11, *24, 27, 34, 36, S
Norwood *23
Plattsburgh 14, *36
Riverhead 29
Rochester 9, 10, 21, *22, 28
Saranac Lake 34
Schenectady 22, *25, 35
Smithtown 23
Springville 7
Syracuse 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, *20, 36
Utica 29, 30, 34
Watertown *26, 31
North Carolina
Archer Lodge S
Asheville 13, *20, S
Belmont 25
Burlington 26
Chapel Hill *20
Charlotte *9, 18, 19, 23, 24
Concord *21
Durham 9, 14
Edenton *29
Fayetteville 22
Goldsboro 8
Greensboro 28, 35, S
Greenville 12, 19, *25, 36
Hickory 14
High Point 31
Jacksonville 16, *28
Kannapolis 32
Lexington S
Linville *36
Lumberton *30
Manteo 13
New Bern 10
Raleigh 15, 17, 18
Roanoke Rapids *27
Rocky Mount 32
Wake Forest S
Washington 34
Wilmington *21, 23, 24, 29
Winston-Salem 16, 29, *33
North Dakota
Bismarck 12, 17, *22, 26, 31
Devils Lake 8, *25
Dickinson 7, *9, 19
Ellendale *20
Fargo *13, 19, 21, 36
Grand Forks *15, 27
Jamestown 7
Minot 10, 13, 14, *15, 24
Pembina 12
Valley City 24
Williston 8, *11, 14
Akron 17, 22, *24
Alliance *29
Athens *32
Bowling Green *22
Cambridge *6
Canton S, S
Chillicothe 23
Cincinnati 12, *17, 18, 20, 26
Cleveland 8, 15, 19, *35, 36
Columbus 14, *16, 21, 27, 28
Dayton 31, 33, 34, *35, 36
Lima 4, 8
London S
Lorain S
Mansfield 12
Oxford *29
Portsmouth 15
Sandusky 3
Shaker Heights 10
Springfield S
Steubenville 9
Toledo 11, 13, 23, 26, *29, 35
Youngstown 31, 33, S
Zanesville 30
Ada 17
Bartlesville 36
Cheyenne *8
Claremore *32
Eufaula *31
Lawton 11
Muskogee 20
Norman 16
Oklahoma City 7, *13, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 33
Okmulgee 28
Shawnee 29
Tulsa 8, 10, *11, 12, 16, 22, 26, 34
Woodward 35
Bend *11, 18, 21
Coos Bay 11, 22
Corvallis *7
Eugene 9, 17, 28, *29, 31
Grants Pass 30
Klamath Falls 13, 29, *33
La Grande *13, 16
Medford 5, *8, 10, 12, 26
Pendleton 11
Portland *10, 21, 24, 25, 26, 32
Roseburg 18, 19, 36
Salem 22, 33
Allentown S, *S
Altoona 6, 24, 31
Bethlehem 9
Clearfield *15
Erie 12, 21, 26, *27, 28
Greensburg 28
Harrisburg 10, 32, *36
Hazleton 22
Jeannette 11
Johnstown 8, 35
Lancaster 8, S
Philadelphia 6, 17, 28, 30, 31, 33, *S
Pittsburgh *4, 16, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27
Red Lion S
Scranton 12, 21, 33, 34, *S
Wilkes-Barre 11
Williamsport 29
Willow Grove S
York S
Rhode Island
Newport 17
Providence *2, 7, 12, 25
South Carolina
Allendale *21
Anderson 35
Beaufort *32
Charleston 17, 19, 20, *24, 25, 34
Columbia 7, 10, 15, 22, 25, *33
Conway *28
Florence 13, *16, 26, 27
Greenville 2, *8, 17, 30
Greenwood *26
Hardeeville 26
Myrtle Beach 32, 36
Rock Hill 34, S
Spartanburg 11, *S
Sumter *29, 31
South Dakota
Aberdeen 9, *17
Brookings *8
Eagle Butte *13
Florence 3
Huron 12
Lead 5, 10
Lowry *11
Martin *8
Mitchell 26
Pierre *10, 19
Rapid City 2, 7, 16, 21, *26
Reliance 13
Sioux Falls 7, 11, 13, 21, *24, 36
Vermillion *34
Chattanooga 8, 9, 13, 14, *35
Cleveland 23
Cookeville *22
Crossville 31
Franklin 32
Greeneville 28
Hendersonville 33
Jackson 21, 35
Jellico 18
Johnson City 9
Kingsport 32
Knoxville 7, 10, 15, 26, *29, 34
Lebanon 25
Lexington *27
Memphis 5, 13, 23, 25, 28, *29, 31, 33
Murfreesboro 16
Nashville *7, 10, 20, 21, 27, 30, 36
Sneedville *24
Tazewell 36
Abilene 15, 29, 30
Alvin 36
Amarillo *9, 10, 15, 19, 20
Arlington 25
Austin 7, 21, *22, 23, 33, 34
Baytown 31
Beaumont 12, 15, *29
Belton 17
Big Spring 33
Blanco 18
Borger 31
Bryan 24
College Station 16, 29
Conroe *12
Corpus Christi 8, 10, 19, *23, 26, 27
Dallas 8, *14, 21, 27, 32, 35, 36
Decatur 30
Del Rio 28
Denton *29
Eagle Pass 18
El Paso *13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, *21, 25
Farwell 18
Fort Worth 9, 18, 19, 24
Fredericksburg 8
Galveston 22, *23
Garland 33
Greenville 23
Harlingen 16, 18, *21
Houston *8, 11, 13, 19, 21, *24, 26, 34, 35
Irving 34
Jacksonville 22
Katy 25
Kerrville 32
Killeen 13
Lake Dallas 31
Laredo 8, 19
Llano 27
Longview 20, S
Lubbock 16, *25, 27, 31, 35, 36
Lufkin 9
McAllen 17
Midland 18, 26
Nacogdoches 15
Odessa 7, 9, 15, 23, *28, 30
Port Arthur 27
Rio Grande 14
Rosenberg 30
San Angelo 11, 16, 19
San Antonio *9, 12, 15, *16, 24, 28, 29, 30
Sherman 12
Snyder 17
Sweetwater 20
Temple 9
Texarkana 26
Tyler 7
Uvalde 26
Victoria 11, 20
Waco 10, *20, 26, 28
Weslaco 13
Wichita Falls 15, 22, 28
Wolfforth 23
Cedar City 14
Logan 12
Ogden 24, 35, *36
Price 11
Provo *17, 29, 32
Richfield *19
Salt Lake City 19, 20, 23, *27, 28, 30, 34
St. George *18, 21
Vernal 16
Burlington 7, 16, 20, *32
Montpelier S
Rutland *10
St. Johnsbury *28
Windsor *S
Arlington 15
Ashland 8
Bristol 35
Charlottesville 2, *26, 32
Culpeper *S
Danville S
Grundy 14
Hampton 11
Hampton-Norfolk *31
Harrisonburg 20
Lynchburg 7, 21
Manassas 35
New Market *S
Norfolk 16, 32, 33
Petersburg 28
Portsmouth 19, 20
Richmond 10, *22, 23, 24, *29
Roanoke *3, 27, 30, 34, 36
Spotsylvania *S
Staunton *12
Virginia Beach 7, 21
Bellevue 24, 33
Bellingham 14, 19
Centralia *19
Everett 31
Kennewick 27
Pasco 18
Pullman *10, 24
Richland *22, 26
Seattle *9, 16, 23, 25, 30, 36
Spokane *7, 13, 15, 20, 28, 34, 36
Tacoma 11, 13, 21, *27, *34
Vancouver 30
Walla Walla 9
Yakima 14, 16, *21, 33
West Virginia
Bluefield 17, 25
Charleston 18, 24, 29
Clarksburg 12, 13
Grandview *8
Huntington *9, 10, 22
Lewisburg 11
Martinsburg 13
Morgantown *34
Oak Hill 31
Parkersburg 35
Weston 5
Wheeling 7
Antigo 19
Appleton 36
Chippewa Falls 21
Crandon 13
Eagle River 26, 28
Eau Claire 17, 25
Fond du Lac 5
Green Bay 14, 18, 22, 23, *25
Janesville 21
Kenosha 30
La Crosse 8, *15, 28, 33
Madison 11, 18, 19, *20, 26
Mayville 34
Menomonie *27
Milwaukee *8, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, S, *S
Park Falls *36
Racine S
Rhinelander 16
Superior 19
Suring 15
Wausau 7, 9, *24
Wittenberg 31
Casper *8, 12, 14, 17, 20
Cheyenne 11, 27, 30
Jackson 11
Lander 7, *8
Laramie *8
Rawlins 9
Riverton 10
Rock Springs 13
Sheridan 7, 13
Hagåtña 8, 12
Tamuning 14
Puerto Rico
Aguada 25
Aguadilla 12, 17
Arecibo 35
Bayamón S
Caguas 11, *24
Carolina 30
Fajardo 13, *15, 16
Guayama 34
Humacao 23
Mayagüez 20, 29, 31, 32
Naranjito 18
Ponce 7, 9, 14, *19, 36, S
San Juan 21, *26, 27, 28, S
San Sebastián 33
Toa Baja *S
Yauco S
US Virgin Islands
Charlotte Amalie 17, 21, *36
Christiansted 20, 23

[62 FR 26712, May 14, 1997]

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