(1) A covered provider may qualify as a safe harbor provider under this subpart if it files, in WC Docket No. 13-39, one of the following certifications, signed under penalty of perjury by an officer or director of the covered provider regarding the accuracy and completeness of the information provided:
“I __(name), __(title), an officer of __(entity), certify that __(entity) uses no intermediate providers;” or
“I __(name), __(title), an officer of __(entity), certify that __(entity) restricts by contract any intermediate provider to which a call is directed by __(entity) from permitting more than one additional intermediate provider in the call path before the call reaches the terminating provider or terminating tandem. I certify that any nondisclosure agreement with an intermediate provider permits __(entity) to reveal the identity of the intermediate provider and any additional intermediate provider to the Commission and to the rural incumbent local exchange carrier(s) whose incoming long-distance calls are affected by the intermediate provider's performance. I certify that __(entity) has a process in place to monitor the performance of its intermediate providers.”
(2) The certification in paragraph (a)(1) of this section must be submitted:
(i) For the first time on or before February 26, 2019; and
(ii) Annually thereafter.
(b) The requirements of § 64.2119 shall not apply to intermediate provider traffic transmitted by safe harbor qualifying covered providers functioning as intermediate providers.
[84 FR 25706, June 4, 2019]