Unless otherwise stated in the instrument of authorization, devices operating in accordance with a Spectrum Horizons experimental radio license may be marketed subject to the following conditions:
(a) Marketing of devices (as defined in § 2.803 of this chapter) and provision of services for hire is permitted before the radio frequency device has been authorized by the Commission.
(b) Licensees are required to ensure that experimental devices are either rendered inoperable or retrieved by them from trial participants at the conclusion of the trial. Licensees are required to notify experiment participants in advance of the trial that operation of the experimental device is subject to this condition. Each device sold under this program must be labeled as “Authorized Under An Experimental License and May be Subject to Further Conditions Including Termination of Operation” and carry a licensee assigned equipment ID number.
(c) The size and scope of operations under a Spectrum Horizons experimental license are subject to limitations as the Commission shall establish on a case-by-case basis.