(a) [Reserved]
(b) Applicants with an application for one NGSO-like satellite system license on file with the Commission in a particular frequency band, or one licensed-but-unbuilt NGSO-like satellite system in a particular frequency band, other than those filed or licensed under the procedures in § 25.122 or § 25.123, will not be permitted to apply for another NGSO-like satellite system license in that frequency band. This paragraph (b) shall not apply to applicants filing under § 25.122 or § 25.123.
(c) If an applicant has an attributable interest in one or more other entities seeking one or more space station licenses, the pending applications and licensed-but-unbuilt satellite systems filed by those other entities will be counted as filed by the applicant for purposes of the limits on the number of pending space station applications and licensed-but-unbuilt satellite systems in this paragraph. For purposes of this paragraph, an applicant has an “attributable interest” in another entity if:
(1) It holds equity (including all stockholdings, whether voting or nonvoting, common or preferred) and debt interest or interests, in the aggregate, exceed thirty-three (33) percent of the total asset value (defined as the aggregate of all equity plus all debt) of that entity, or
(2) It holds a controlling interest in that entity, or is the subsidiary of a party holding a controlling interest in that entity, within the meaning of 47 CFR 1.2110(b)(2).
(3) For purposes of paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section, ownership interests shall be calculated on a fully diluted basis, i.e., all agreements, such as warrants, stock options, and convertible debentures, will generally be treated as if the rights thereunder already have been fully exercised.
(d) In the event that a licensee misses three or more milestones within any three-year period, the Commission will presume that the licensee obtained one or more of those licenses for speculative purposes. Unless the licensee rebuts this presumption, it will not be permitted to apply for a GSO-like satellite or an NGSO-like satellite system in any frequency band if it has two or more satellite applications pending, or two licensed-but-unbuilt satellite systems of any kind. This limit will remain in effect until the licensee provides adequate information to demonstrate that it is very likely to construct its licensed facilities if it were allowed to file more applications.
(e) For purposes of this section, “frequency band” means one of the paired frequency bands available for satellite service listed in § 25.202.
[68 FR 51506, Aug. 27, 2003, as amended at 81 FR 55334, Aug. 18, 2016; 85 FR 43735, July 20, 2020]