The definitions of terms used in part 13 are:
(a) COLEM. Commercial operator license examination manager.
(b) Commercial radio operator. A person holding a license or licenses specified in § 13.7(b).
(c) GMDSS. Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
(d) FCC. Federal Communications Commission.
(e) International Morse Code. A dot-dash code as defined in International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT) Recommendation F.1 (1984), Division B, I. Morse code.
(f) ITU. International Telecommunication Union.
(g) PPC. Proof-of-Passing Certificate.
(h) Question pool. All current examination questions for a designated written examination element.
(i) Question set. A series of examination questions on a given examination selected from the current question pool.
(j) Radio Regulations. The latest ITU Radio Regulations to which the United States is a party.