(a) Engine design. All installations shall be of marine type engines suitable for the intended service, designed and constructed in conformance with the requirements of this subchapter.
(b) Carburetors.
(1) Drip collectors shall be fitted under all carburetors, except the down-draft type, to prevent fuel leakage from reaching the bilges and so arranged as to permit ready removal of such fuel leakage. Drip collectors shall be covered with flame screens.
It is recommended that drip collectors be drained by a device for automatic return of all drip to engine air intakes.
(2) All gasoline engines must be equipped with an acceptable means of backfire flame control. Installations of backfire flame arresters bearing basic Approval Nos. 162.015 or 162.041 or engine air and fuel induction systems bearing basic Approval Nos. 162.015 or 162.042 may be continued in use as long as they are serviceable and in good condition. New installations or replacements must meet the applicable requirements of this section.
(3) The following are acceptable means of backfire flame control for gasoline engines:
(i) A backfire flame arrester complying with SAE J-1928 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 58.03-1) or UL 1111 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 58.03-1) and marked accordingly. The flame arrester must be suitably secured to the air intake with a flametight connection.
(ii) An engine air and fuel induction system which provides adequate protection from propagation of backfire flame to the atmosphere equivalent to that provided by an acceptable backfire flame arrester. A gasoline engine utilizing an air and fuel induction system, and operated without an approved backfire flame arrester, must either include a reed valve assembly or be installed in accordance with SAE J-1928.
(iii) An arrangement of the carburetor or engine air induction system that will disperse any flames caused by engine backfire. The flames must be dispersed to the atmosphere outside the vessel in such a manner that the flames will not endanger the vessel, persons, on board, or nearby vessels and structures. Flame dispersion may be achieved by attachments to the carburetor or location of the engine air induction system. All attachments must be of metallic construction with flametight connections and firmly secured to withstand vibration, shock, and engine backfire. Such installations do not require formal approval and labeling but must comply with this subpart.
(c) Exhaust manifold. The exhaust manifold shall either be water-jacketed and cooled by discharge from a pump which operates whenever the engine is running, or woodwork within nine inches shall be protected by 1⁄4-inch asbestos board covered with not less than No. 22 USSG (U.S. standard gage) galvanized sheet iron or nonferrous metal. A dead air space of 1⁄4-inch shall be left between the protecting asbestos and the wood, and a clearance of not less than two inches maintained between the manifold and the surface of such protection.
(d) Exhaust pipe.
(1) Exhaust pipe installations must conform to the requirements of ABYC P-1 and part 1, section 23 of NFPA 302 (both incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 58.03-1) and the following additional requirements:
(i) All exhaust installations with pressures in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gage or employing runs passing through living or working spaces shall meet the material requirements of part 56 of this subchapter.
(ii) Horizontal dry exhaust pipes are permitted only if they do not pass through living or berthing spaces, they terminate above the deepest load waterline and are so arranged as to prevent entry of cold water from rough or boarding seas, and they are constructed of corrosion resisting material “at the hull penetration.”
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGD 88-032, 56 FR 35824, July 29, 1991; USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65187, Oct. 31, 2008]