(a) Pressure vessels (replaces UG-116, except paragraph (k), and UG-118). Pressure vessels that are required by § 54.10-3 to be stamped with the Coast Guard Symbol must also be stamped with the following information:
(1) Manufacturer's name and serial number.
(2) Coast Guard number, see § 50.10-30 of this subchapter.
(3) Coast Guard Symbol, which is affixed only by the marine inspector.
(4) Maximum allowable working pressure __ kPa (__ psig) at __ °C (__ °F).
(5) Class.
(6) Minimum design metal temperature, if below −18 °C (0 °F).
(7) Water capacity in liters (U.S. gallons), if a cargo carrying pressure vessel.
(b) Multichambered pressure vessels (replaces UG-116(k)). In cases where more than one pressure vessel is involved in an integral construction, as with a heat exchanger, the manufacturer may elect to class the component pressure vessels differently. In such cases he shall stamp the combined structures as required in paragraph (a) of this section with information for each pressure vessel. Where an item for stamping is identical for both vessels, as with name and address of manufacturer, it need not be duplicated. However, where differences exist, each value and the vessel to which it applies shall be clearly indicated.
(c) Stamping data (replaces UG-117). Except as noted in paragraph (d) of this section, the data shall be stamped directly on the pressure vessel. The data shall be legibly stamped and shall not be obliterated during the service life of the pressure vessel. In the event that the portion of the pressure vessel upon which the data is stamped is to be insulated or otherwise covered, the data shall be reproduced on a metal nameplate. This plate shall be securely attached to the pressure vessel. The nameplate shall be maintained in a legible condition such that it may be easily read.
(1) Those parts of pressure vessels requiring Coast Guard shop inspection under this part which are furnished by other than the shop of the manufacturer responsible for the completed vessel shall be stamped with the Coast Guard Symbol, the Marine Inspection Office identification letters (see § 50.10-30 of this subchapter) and the word “Part”, the manufacturer's name and serial number, and the design pressure.
(d) Thin walled vessels (Modifies UG-119). In lieu of direct stamping on the pressure vessel, the information required by paragraph (a) of this section shall be stamped on a nameplate permanently attached to the pressure vessel when the pressure vessel is constructed of -
(1) Steel plate less than one-fourth inch thick; or
(2) Nonferrous plate less than one-half inch thick.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18828, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 69-127, 35 FR 9977, June 17, 1970; CGD 72-206R, 38 FR 17226, June 29, 1973; CGD 77-147, 47 FR 21810, May 20, 1982; USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65170, Oct. 31, 2008]