Seasonal application of load lines.

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§ 45.5 Seasonal application of load lines.

For the purposes of the law and regulations prohibiting submergence of load lines (46 U.S.C. 88c; 46 CFR 42.07-10), the fresh water and salt water load lines marked under this part apply during the following seasons:

(a) Summer load lines apply April 16 through April 30 and September 16 through September 30.

(b) Except for hopper dredges operating at working freeboards in accordance with subpart C of part 44 of this chapter, the Assigning Authority may not allow for lesser freeboards.

(c) Intermediate load lines apply October 1 through October 31 and April 1 through April 15.

(d) Winter load lines apply November 1 through March 31.

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